'-w-m r1 ''^v /kuERi$K/i Domovi^/i AM6RICAN IN SPIRIT PORCIGN EN LANGUAGG ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING N€WSPAP€R CLEVELAND 3. O., FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1954 ŠTEV. LIV —VOL. LIV Sovjelija, ki je označila organizacijo NATO za sovražno in napadalno, hoče zdaj vanjo Združene države so nemudoma gladko odklonile ta predlog z motivacijo, da je zgolj manever, s katerim se hoče Sovjetija dokopati v notranjost obzidja skupne varnosti ter ga odznotraj na izven podkopati. Kongres in svet ostrmela nad silo H-bomb MOSKVA. — Sovjetska zveza stal v francoskem parlamentu je v sredo izjavila, da je priprav,zastoj v potezah za odobritev Ijena vstopiti v Severnoatlant- pakta Evropske obrambne skup-sko obrambno organizacijo —'nosti in ko se je v svetu zvedelo (North Atlantic Treaty Organization — kratko: NATO), če za-padne sile pristanejo, in vstopijo v po Sovjetiji sponzoriran Evropski varnostni sistem, v katerega pa bi bil Nemčiji zabranjen vstop. Istočasno je Sovjetija pozvala zapadne sile, naj prekličejo in zavržejo svoj načrt za Evropsko obrambno skupnost, kateri bi tudi Zapadina Nemčija prispevala svoje čete. To so glavne točke v deset strani obsegaj oči sovjetski noti o Evropski varnosti, ki jo je iz- za strahote vsake morebitne bodoče vojne. Strahote hidrogenske bombe je nedavno' naglašal sovjetski premier Malenkov v svojem govoru pred volitvami v Sovjetski zvezi. Sedanja Molotova ponudba je precej drugačna od njegovega stališča na berlinski konferenci, kjer je predlagal ustanovitev evropskega varnostnega sistema, v katerega pa naj bi bil zabranjen vstop Združenim državam. Nemčija pa bi bila pod istim načrtom nevtralizirana. Na ročil sovjetski zunanji minister j podlagi novega načrta bi bila Molotov ambasadorjem Združe-j Nemčija tudi nevtralizirana, — nih držav, Velike Britanije in toda Združenim državam bi bil Francije. (Francosko poročilo naznanja, da se nota tudi na širciko ba-vi z grozotami bodoče vojne v dovoljen pristop v to varnostno organizacijo. Nato je Sovjetska zveza poslala svoje note Holandski, Gr- sedanji dobi atomskih in vodi- čiji, Turčiji in Pakistanu, s kakavih. bomb in po neobhodni po- terimi je protestirala proti njih trebi tesnega sodelovanja vele- sodelovanju v ameriških obram-sil, da se prepreči vojna). bnih načrtih in zlasti proti do- Kremeij je izročil ambasador- volitvam oporišč Združenim dr-jem te note ob času, ko je na- žavam. Razgled po Euclidu MICHAEL 3. BOICH councilman 3. varde poročevalec EUCLID, O. — Na E. 222. cesti bo postavljen konkretni “o-tok” z varnostnimi rdečimi lučmi — na Lake Shore Blvd. in-tiarsekciji. Tako je povedal župan Sims. Prav tako bodo instalirani signali za pešce. Dalje je pcivedal, da bo policijski department kmalu prodal tri avtomobile in dve motorni •kolesi, nakar bo kupil tri nove “station” vozove in pet sedanov. beg DVEHJUGOSLO-VANSKiIH VOJAKOV PARIZ. — Tukajšnji list “Figaro” je sporočil: “Dva jugoslo-yanska vojaka sta prišla preko Jug. -italijanske meje, nekako 20 kilometrov daleč od Udin. Na italijansko ozemlje sta se pripeljala na vojaškem avtomobilu Prosila sta za pravico političnega zavetja. Beg v svobodo BERLIN. — Zapadnonemški Uradniki naznanjajo, da je v me Secu marcu pribežalo iz vzhod-ne zone v Zapadno Nemčijo — 12,500 Nemcev. fAML Vremenski prerok pravi: Banes deloma oblačno in to- Pl°. Ponoči oblačno in bolj mrzlo. ■ Požar v šoli v N. Y 10 šolarjev zgorelo, 23 je bilo ranjenih Ob pisanju poročila še niso ugotovili vzrokov požara, ki je vpepelil šolo. PODPIS PREDLOGA 0 DAVKIH Predsednik Eisenhower je podpisal zakonski predlog za znižanje sedanjih davkov v sredo ob 3:15 popoldne. WASHINGTON. — Predsednik Eisenhower je v sredo podpisal v obeh zbornicah kongresa sprejeti predlog, na čigar osnovi bodo okrnjeni davki skoraj za bilijon dolarjev. Mr. Eisenhower je dejal, da z veseljem in z vsem srcem podpiše to! kompromisno davčno na-redbo, ki poimeni takojšnje nižje cene za celo vrsto predmetov in stvari, potrebnih za gospodarstvo in gospodinjstvo, za kr-znino, zlatninoi, telefon, telegraf in še mnogo drugih stvari. Ta okrnitev je postala polno-močna včeraj, takoj prvi dan po podpisu. Ostali pa bodo še nadalje sedanji davki na žganje, pivo, vino, gasolin, avtomobile, na cigarete in druge predmete, kateri davki znašajo v skupni vsoti okoli $1,077,000,000. Predsednik, ki je preje predlogu za znižanje davkov nasprotoval, je podpisal listino brez vsalkih ceremonij ob 3:15 popoldne. Razni komentarji senatorjev in kongresnikov WASHINGTON. — Kapitol- mokrat iz Georgije, je rekel, da ski grič se je v sredo zaprepaš-1 te preizkušnj e pomenij o, da ver-čen zgrozil nad strahovito raz- jetno sploh ne bo nobene tretje svetovne vojne. Senator Francis Case, repub- Policijskl pogon na avtomobile CLEVELAND. — Policiji je bilo ukazano', da mora odstraniti s cest in ulic vse avtomobile, ki bi voizili še s starimi licen- 0DSL0VITEV 12 POLICISTOV CLEVELAND. — John javno varnost, je vSerai’0d-:kra:la'I0“ flto'k‘blbsPr““-slovil iz službe 12 policistov, "a Pretekh “•«* ta V’ nadaljnih pet pa je suspen- k)er “ h-*ogenSko dira!. Vsi omenjeni so bili jbomb<>- Z^onodwlcem je bi-zapleteni v škandalozno za-li0 namreč povedano, da je ena devo “Papa Žova" - (Papa !ama taka b™ba sposobna um-i \ citi mesto, kakršno je n. pr. Vseh 17 policistov je bilo York’ spoznanih zanemarjanja dol-l. pod™b™ tozTad™ Porocdo žnosti, ker so trpeli in niso le podal Lewis L. Strauss, pred- povzročili zatvoritve hiše ,sedmk koAmlslJe, za atomfko e;' sramote na 3821 Prospect :ner^°- Amerika m ostali svet ^ve Ista spnejela to poročilo z meša-1 To jc V Zgodovini clcvc- ob čut j om. strahu se nam- landskega policijskega de-ireč Pridruzuie upravičena na-partmenta največja sumarič- jda’ da bo to strahovito orožje na disciplinarna kazen. Arabski legionarji se zlivajo v sveto mesto Jeruzalem Legionarji se zakopavajo v zakope ob črti, ki deli sveto mesto v dva dela. JERUZALEM. —Dne 31. marca je pripeljalo' več tovornih av1-tov v Jeruzalemsko staro mesto1 mnogo arabskih legionarjev, ki so bili opravljeni v popolni bojni opremi in temu primerno o-boroženi. Legionarji so- pričeli nemudoma kopati jarke in utrdbe ob razmejitveni črti, ki jo j’e začrtala komisija za premirje in katera deli mesto v dva dela. Tuji diplomati, ki so prispeli v izraelski sektor skozi zgodovinska Mandelbaumska vrata, so povedali, da prebivalci be,že iz svojih hiš in vasi, ki so razkropljene ob razmejitveni črti. Kakor znano, je mešana komisija za premirje komaj dan poprej obsodila ‘ postopek Izra- CHEEKTOWAGA, N. Y. — V iz lesa zgrajeni Cleveland Hill šoli je nastal v sredo ogenj, v katerem je izgubilo življenje deset šolaijev šestega razreda. i§čamj svojih avtomobilih, se halin pobili 11 Arabcev, devetnajst nadaljnih šolarjev in'bodo morale legitimirati in do„ trije učitelji pa so dobili opek-_kazati; da so 0;ni res njihovi lastniki, če tega ne bodo mogli, jih bo policija zaprla. enimi tablicami. Vse osebe, ki i bodo zdaj zalotene s starimi plo- olcev, ki so: v jordanski vasi Na- _,* „ , • • i _ 1 _ _ i • i • i _ klQilfn rvrLhili 11 A line, nekateri med njimi nevarne. Stotine drugih šolarjev in učiteljev High School je srečno iz-begnilo ognju, dasi so se nahajali v poslopju tik goreče stavbe, ki pa je zgrajeno iz opeke. Trupla smrtno ponesrečenih so našli stisnjena ob zidu oziroma kar je ostalo od zidu sobe, ki je služila kot muzikalni razred. Vse na okoli je ležalo polno razbitih in napol zgorelih gramofonskih plošč. Vzrdka ognja niso takoj dognali, toda neki gasilec je rekel, 62 justifikacij v Zdr. državah WASHINGTON. — Preteklo leto je bilo v Združenih državah 62 justifikacij ali zakonitih usmrčen j, kar je naj nižje število, odkar so pričeli voditi tozadevno statistiko leta 1930. da je ogenj morda buknil iz ‘fur-neza’. Šolski odbor je obljubil naglo in temeljito preiskavo. zelo oslabilo možnost tretje svetovne vojne. Odgovori na vprašanja Po podanem poročilu je Mr. Strauss dejal, da je razpoložljiv za vprašanja. — V odgovor na stavljena vprašanja je dejal, da se hidrogensko bombo lahko izdela v vsaki velikosti, ki jo zahtevajo vojaške okoliščine; — lahko ■ tako veliko in silno, da uniči celo mesto. “Vsako mesto? Na primer New York?” “Da, vsako mesto.” Pozneje je v Beli hiši dejal, da s tem ni mislil, da bi bilo mesto izbrisano, z zemeljske površine. Naglašena dejstva V svoji izjavi je Strauss naglašal zlasti sledeča dejstva: REZULTATI, ki so jih upali dobiti znanstveniki ob priliki teh zadnjih eksplozij, so bili v polni meri realizirani in “naši vojaški sili je bila dodeljena og-gromna potencialnost (moč) s tem, kar smo se naučili. DOBRO SE ZAVEDAMO, da nimamo monopola na možnosti na tem polju. PREIZKUŠNJA detonacije teh bomb ni v nobenem trenut- legija pod poveljstvom gen. J. 1 Glubba. Napetost je privrela do vrha, ,ku spolzela iz naše kontrole in ko je prispela v mesto Arabska 1 njeni učinki so silnejši kakor se je pričakovalo. DOSEŽEN je bil tudi važen zaključek, da bomo kmalu bolj svobodni pri uporabi te strahotne moči v miroljubne svrhe doma. in v inozemstvu. Radioaktivnost v državi Massachusetts CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — V državi Massachusetts pada že 21 dni radioaktiven dež, kar je posledica hidrogenskih detonacij na Pacifiku. Instrumenti na -strehi Državnega tehnološkega instituta so pričeli zaznamovati radiacijo radioaktivnosti dne 10. marca ter jo še vedno beležijo. likanec iz South Dakote, je kel, da se moramo potruditi, da dosežemo sporazum in prijateljstvo) z vsemi ljudstvi sveta. AMERIKA NE NASEDE UKANAM Ameriška vlada je gladko odklonila sovjetske manevre za podminira-nje skupne varnosti. WASHINGTON. — Združene države so odklonile sovjetski predlog za evropski “varnostni” sistem, katerega so označile za manever, da -se izpodkoplje varnost svobodnih zapadnih narodov. Neki uradnik državnega de-partmenta je prebral časnikarjem izjavo, o kateri je dejal, da je formalna odklonitev predloga, ki ga je predložil v sredo sovjetski zunanji minister Molotov. “Ta predlog Sovjetske zveze nie predstavlja zaupanja v oči-gled nenehanega železnega oprijema, ki ga izvaja Sovjetska zveza na podložne narode”, je rečeno v ameriški izjavi. “To je samo manever za izposlovani e vhoda v notranjost obrambnega obzidja Zapada, kakor pa, če bolnik B vitamh1 ali živčni vitamin uživa v tekočini ali v obliki pilul med hra' no. (Dalje sledi.) SLOVENSKA ŠOLA PRI SV. VIDU Cleveland, Ohio prireja V SOBOTO 3. APRILA ob 7. uri zvečer V ŠOLSKI DVORANI PRI SV. VIDU SLOVENSKO ŠOLSKO PREDSTAVO s sledečim sporedom: 1. Pesem “Kdor ima srce”...........Zbor slovenskih otrok 2. Pesem “Sem deklica mlada” ..............Katica Sršen 3. Recitacija “Slovenska zemlja” ........Ameriški dečki 4. Simbolična vaja “Navzgor se širi rožmarin”....... Deklice višjega razreda 5. Prizor “Mačka, miš in miška” .................... Joan Oberstar, Barbara Opaskar, Dianne Matjašič 6. Harmonika.................Tonček Sršen, Franci Rihtar 7. Deklamacija “Rateško jezero” .........Eileen Brodnik 8. Prizor “Mamica”....................Deklice 2. razreda 9. Pesmi: “Kdo te ptiček mali” “Sijaj, sijaj sončece” “Kje so tiste roz’ce moje“...Zbor ameriških otrok ODMOR 10. Pesmi: “Izidor ovčice pasel” “Moj očka ima konjička dva’” ................. Zbor slov. in amer. otrok 11. Prizor “Hi konjiček hi”.............Dečki 1. razreda 12. Pesem “Slišala sem ptičko pet”.Zupan Marija in Zalka 13. Rajanje “Smo slovenske deklice” ....Ameriške deklice 14. Prizorček “Peričice” ..............Deklicei 1. razreda 15. Prizorček “Jurček”..............Tonček Sršen in zbor 16. Harmonika .............................Tonček Sršen 17. Igrica “ČAŠICA KAVE” ....Igrajo deklice višjega razreda Gospa Marta pl. Rebula.............Breda Ovsenar Lizika, hišna gospe Marte.......Eleonora Grasselli Gospa Roza pl. čebula............Marija Zanoškar Antonija, prijateljica gospe Marte....Marjetka Švajger Nabiralka darov za ponesrečence..Marica Urbanija čevljarjeva žena......................Silva Meglič Krošnjar............................Tonček Srlšen Njegov pomočnik...............Andrej Hirschegger Gospa ...............................Erika Zupan Dva otroka.............Marjanca Sršen, Barbi lerar ® Vljudno vabimo, da se v čim večjem številu udeležite te predstave in tako moralno in materijalno podprete slovensko šolo. Preskrbite si pravočasno vstopnice. Dobijo se v Oraž-movi slaščičarni in stanejo 50 centov. t>i Josip Gruden: Zgodovina slovenskega naroda II. Doba državnega absolutizma in cenlralizadje Od Ferdinanda II. do Leopolda II. (1619-1792) 4. Kruci na Štajerskem. Jo žef I. in Karel VI. Za vlade Karola VI. je bila habsburška oblast na vrhuncu. Na Ogrskem so se nje mfsje razširile do Save in Donave, v Italiji in na Nizozemskem so se ji pridružile nove pokrajine, in po naj oddaljenejših morjih je vihrala avstrijska zastava- Tembolj je moral Karol skrbeti za to, da združi te raznolike dela svoje monarhije v stalno, neraz-družljivo celoto in zagotovi svojim potomcem nemoteno nasledstvo v vseh kraljestvih, kro-novinah in deželah, ki niso i-meli doslej nič skupnega, kakor le vladarsko hišo. To. se je zgodilo s pragmatično sankcijo. Že cesar Leopold je 1- 1703., ko je odhajal njegov sin na Špansko, sklenil z obema bodočima vladarjema, Jožefom m Karolom, rodbinsko pogodbo, Po kateri sta imela oba brata s tri hčere, Marija Terezija, Marija Ana in Marija Amalija, je bilo treba misliti na to, komu naj pripade velika dediščina in kako ppeprečiti, da ne razpade po smrti cesarjevi obsežna avstrijska monarhija. Značilno je, da so storili prvi korak za uresničenje cesarjevih teženj — Hrvatjte. V saboru je zagrebški škof Esterhazi 9. marca 1712 stavil predlog, naj hrvatski narod pomaga habsburški vladarski hiši, da ji bodo vsa kraljestva dedna tudi v ženskem kolenu- Po tridnevni razpravi je sabor sklenil, “da Hrvatje sprejmejo za vladarja ono avstrijsko pricezinjo ali njeno potomstvo, ki bi vladala Avstriji, Štajerski, Koroški Kranjski in stolovala v Avstriji.” Dalje razlagajo saborski poslanci, zakaj hočejo imeti ded- svojimi potomci po zakonu pr-!110 kraljestvo, rekoč. “Brez dvo-Vorojenstva pravico nasledva za'ma bi postalo volilno kraljstvo vso habsburško monarhijo in pozorišče krvavih in groznih ^sfotako njune hčere, ako bi ne bojev, ognjišče prevratov, ki bi bilo potomcev. V tej pogodbi uničili blagostanje meščanov so uveljavljena vsa tista nače- iu tiralo domovino v neizogibno la> ki jih je pozneje proglasila pogubo.” Pragmatična sankcija. Zato upajo rešitve, ako sprej- Za Karola je bilo nasledstvo- mejo vladarico prostranih av-Uo vprašanje tem važnejše, ker strijskih dežel za svojo kralji-ta bil zadnji moški Habsbur-1 co. Pri tej samostojni odločitvi žan. v prvih letih njegove via- 'jih ne ovira, da so z Ogrsko v b-e potreba še ni postala nujna,1 državni zvezi. “Nič nas ne ovi-tem manj, ker je cesar 1. 1716. j ra zveza z Ogrsko,” tako pra-b&bil sina Leopolda, čigar roj- vij o. “Pač smo njihovi za-stvo so avstrijski narodi z ve- vezniki, a ne pokorni sluge . .. Seijem pozdravili. Ko je cesar-j svobodne volje samo se uklo-tavič čez nekaj mesecev umrl in nili njihovim kraljem- In nji-s° se mu pozneje rodile le šejkovega kralja le priznamo, do- kler bode hkrati tudi avstrijski.” Hrvatska pragmatična sank cija torej poudarja tesno zvezo hrvatske kraljevine z avstrijskimi deželami ne glede na svoje zaveznike Ogre. S tem saborskim ukrepom se je nasledstveno vprašanje sprožilo tudi za druge dežele, dasiravno je preteklo še precej časa, preden se je končno rešilo- Treba je bilo dolgotrajnih pogajanj s stanovi posameznih dežel. L. 1720. je predložila osrednja vlada deželnim zborom besedilo pragmatične sankcije z zahtevo, do jo sprejmejo kot neizpremen-Ijivo, za vso bodočnost veljavno' pravilo, po katerem se je treba ravnati v vseh okoliščinah. Hkrati je bil označen njen glavni namen, namreč stalna in ne-fazdružljiva zveza vseh kra-jestev in kronovrn. Stanovi Notranje Avstrije so* se meseca junija zbrali v svo-jh deželnih zborih in soglasno sprejeli predloženi jim zakon. Kranjci so izjavili, da se jim zdi “nerazdružljiva zveza monarhiji od božje previdnosti dana, odredba”. Korošci so izrazili nado, da pragmatična sankcija ne bode v kvar njihovim deželnim svoboščinam. Isto so poudarjali Štajerci, ki so še predlagali, naj bi se zakonitim potom proglasila tudi katoliška religija za edino priznano veroizpoved. (Dalje prihodnjič.) ------o------- MALI OGLASI Pohištvo naprodaj Proda se* divan, kuhinjska, peč na plin, stoli, postelja, mo-droc in vzmet, vse v dobrem stanju, posamezno ali vse skupaj. Na 7540 Starr Ave. UT-1-7960. (69) Avto naprodaj 1948 Chrysler “Windsor” De Luxe, 4 vrata, radio, gorkota, prvovrstnem stanju. Kličite EX 1-5344. (67) Naprodaj Poceni naprodaj je: 1 postelja samica, 1 plimska peč za gretje sobe in 1 električni hladilnik. Za ogled se zglasite na 1373 E. 52 St. —(65) Hiša naprodaj Hiša 7 sob za 1 družino, 1 spalnica in stranišče zdolej. Sončna soba, posebna soba, plinska kurjava, mreže in zimska okna, suha klet, dvojna garaža, nova barva. Na E. 124 St., blizu St. Clair. Kličite PO 1-1447. (65) SVEŽA JAJCA Vrste A VELIKE 55c due. Vrste A SREDNJE 49c due. POČENA jajca 45c due. 6402 SUPERIOR AVE. odprto samo v soboto (65) Naprodaj Na Fuller Ave., blizu E; 222 &t., lepa 6-sobna Colonial hiša, je karpetirana, ima zimska okna in mreže, plinska kurjava, garaža im dovoz, zadnji del dvorišča je ograjen. Se Mhko takoj vselite. Zamenjava je možna. Naplačilo samo $2000. Za podrobnosti vprašajte Kovač Realty 960 E. 185 St. ,KE 1-5030 (65) Hiša naprodaj Hiša za 2 družini, 5 in 5, plinski furnez, v dobrem stanju, blizu E. 140 St. Kličite astnika PO 1-1962. —(65) Hiša naprodaj Lepa hiša 7 sob za 1 družino, plinski furnez. Blizu E. 74 in Superior Ave. Kličite. HE 1-1518. (65) | Bi rad kupil Rad bi kupil 3- ali 4-vrstno Mervar ali Mikus harmoniko, najnovejšega izdelka. Pišite na Frank Adamcik, 3121 W. 26th St., Chicago, 111. (65) Čistilnica naprodaj čistilnica (dry cleaner) popolnoma opremljena, dobroido-ča, se proda radi smrti. Kličite GL 1-0300. (67) Stanovanje se odda Neopremljeno 4-sobno stanovanje s kopalnico se odda na E. 61 St. v bližini St. Clair Ave. Samo odrasli! Kličite po 10. dop. BR 1-0655. (67) Hiša naprodaj 9 sobna hiša za 1 družino prenarejena za 2 družini, klet pod celo hišo, plinska, kurjava, 2 kopalnici, vse na novo barvano. Na 1246 E. 58 St., blizu Superior. Na ogled po 7. uri in v nedeljo cel dan. Lepo dvorišče. Garaža. (Fx) Trgovina naprodaj Beverage store z C-2 licenco, dobroidoča trgovina, se mora prodati radi bolezni, zaloga, oprema, hladilnica, delivery truck. V collinwoodski slovenski naselbini. Nizka najemnina. Cena $1800. Broker, SU 1-4121. (26.29,31 mar.2,apr.) Nove hiše naprodaj 2 hiši za 1 družino, 41/2 sob vsaka, na 9803 in 9809 Way Ave., v slovenski naselbini. Zelo zmerno. Blizu transporta-cije. Odprto v nedeljo. M. J. Oisar, Broker 3456 E. 104 St. BR 1-2494 ((26.mar.2.apr.) PREIŠČEMO OČI Or. J. S. Waidman OPTOMETRIST Pomerimo očala 922 E. 79 St. pri St. Claar Ave. HE 1-6160 Izvrstno pivo - vino - žganje in okusen prigrizek Se priporočamo Three Gornars Cafe 1144 EAST 71 st ST. Frank Baraga, lastnik VRTNA SEMENA IZ CALIFORNIJE SVEŽA - RODOVITNA - NAJBOLJŠE VRSTE [ Pišite po cenik ali naročite iz | SLEDEČE ZBIRKE: SOLATA, listnata zgodnja .....13c SOLATA, nova, visoka rudeča...25c SOLATA, znana velika “hrastovka” 20c SOLATA, ledenka, poletna glava....15c SOLATA, glavnata “Veliki čudež”..25c SOLATA, poletna glava | “Napredek” ..................25c ENDIVJA, velika kravžljanka...Vic ENDIVJA, gladka širokolistna ..15c RADIČ, pristen goriški rudečkast....25c MOTOV1LC ((repincelj) veliki..loc ZELJE, srednje zgodnjo ........15c ZELJE, veliko, kasno, za kisanje..,.15c ZELJE, fina rudeča vrsta ......15c KORENJE, oranžno namizno ......15c KORENJE, dolgo rumeno .........10c PETRŠILJ, gladki s korenom ....15c i PESA, rudeča okrogla namizna..15c REDKVICA, fina rudeča sočnata....l0c REDKVICA, dolga “bela sveča”....10c REDKEV, velika črna zimska....15c KOLERABCA, nadzemeljska fina..l5c i KOLERABA, velika podzemeljska..10c REPA, pozna, fina za kisanje..15c ŠPINAČA, zelena širokolistna ..10c FIŽOL, nizek zelen brez niti....15c FIŽOL, visok brez niti zelen ..15c FIŽOL, nizek rumen brez niti..15c | FIŽOL, visok brez niti rumen..loc : MAJERON, sladki dišeči ........20c1 DROBNJAK (šnitloh) ............20c VRTNE ROŽE, krasna mešanica....25c PLANINSKE ROŽE, slavni zdravilni čaj za čiščenje želodca, ledvic, črev in mehurja 1 šk. $1.70, 3 šk. $5.00. ŠPANSKI ŽEFRAN, pristen iz Španije. 1 šk. 75c, 3 šk. $2.10. KNAJPOV ZDRAVNIK, novo ponatisnjena knjiga o domačem zdravljenju. Cena $2.00. Lahko kar izrežete ta oglas, pazno podčrtate semena ali blago, katerega želite, ga nam vrnete z Money ordrom za naročilo in bomo točno odposlali. Ako ste voljni plačati Vi poštnino in poštne stroške pošljemo tudi C.O.D., samo v U.S.A. Naročilom iz Canade je treba kupnemu znesku pridjati tudi za poštnino, 45c za prvi funt in 22c za vsak nadaljni funt. STEVE MOHORKO GO. 8810 Nuevo Street Fontana, California ANTON HIBLER iz starega kraja izučen URAR se priporoča za v to stroko ' spadajoča dela 6530 St. Clair Avenue CLOVER DAIRY JOSEPH MEGLICH in SINOVI Sfofisiska mlekarna VSI MLEČNI IZDELKI Dovažamo na dom Točna postrežba Se priporočamo 1003 E. 64 St. EN 1-4228 HIGHLAND HEIGHTS 2 HIŠI 5792 in 5S99 Highland Road LEPO PROČELJE Približno pol akra zemlje Lesena in zidana zgradba Prostorne sobe Klet Prizidana dvojna garaža Plinska gorkota Vse moderne udobnosti Se lahko takoj vselite ZA SESTANEK KLIČITE STAVBENIKA FRANK i. STRUMBLY 5719 Highland Rtf. KI 2-4479 ttitttmixznttzxttizxtxtnzzmttitzitniitv* CERTIFIED TYPEWRITER SERVICE 1127 East 66th St. Pisalni stroji in šeštevalni stroji naprodaj v najem in v popravo Trakovi in carbon papir J. MERHAR „ Pokličite HEnderson 1-9009 p SLOVENSKA BRIVNICA (BARBERSHOP) 761 East 185th St. GEO. KOVAČIČ in JOHN PETRIČ lastnika—se priporočata ZA VELIKO N0C 1 Kakor druga leta, tako imamo tudi letos polno zalogo doma soljenega in prekajenega mesa, kot šunke, želodce, klobase in plečeta. Dovažamo na dom. Naročila sprejemamo in pošiljamo po pošti tudi izven mesta. Imamo: moko, sladkor, maslo, orehe (cele in jedrca), bele rozine, med, jajca in vse vrste zelenjave. POLNA ZALOGA SVEŽEGA MESA IN GROCERIJE PO ZMERNIH CENAH HOLMES AVE. MARKET 15638 Holmes Avenue Cleveland 10, Ohio Liberty 1-8139 BUKOVNIK STUDIO MOJSTER ZA FOTOGRAFIJE POROKE - DRUŽINE - PORTRETI - OTROCI 762 E. 185 Street IVanhoe 1-1797 Odprto vsak dan od 9 do 8 zvečer Ob nedeljah od 10 do 3 popoldne _______Slike za identifikacijo — Kopije starih fotografij PREKO 25 LET ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL KOME CO 6016 St. Clair Ave. Tel ENdicott 1-3113 ČE IMATE KURJA OČESA _ “Mandel Corn Plasters,” najboljši odstranjevalec kurjih očes. Pokličite KE 1-0034 in vam pošljemo po pošti. Cena 35 centov. MANDEL DRUG 15702 Waterloo Rd. Čistimo v vaše zavodoljstvo Tudi barvamo - likamo in popravljamo ACME DRY CLEANING & DYEING CO. 672 E. 152 St. GL 1-5374 ZA DOBRO PLUMBINGO IN GRETJE POKLIČITE A. J. Budnick & Go. 6631 St. Clair Ave. PLUMBING and HEATING Business Phone: UT 1-4412 Residence: PO 1-0641 Že več kot četrt stoletja si prizadevamo, da si ustvarimo spoštovanje v zvezi s pozornostjo, pazljivostjo in poštenim poslovanjem z zadovoljno in vljudno postrežbo. Svečano dostojna postrežba! Najsi bo vaš proračun $150.00 ali več. Vi izberete — Vi sami določate ceno ali koliko hočete izdati. Mi uživamo ugled in priznanje — javnost šteje naš pogrebni zavod, naše podjetje med najodličnejše in najboljše opremljene v Clevelandu. OBRNITE SE Z ZAUPANJEM IN PONOSOM NA NAS TER IZBERITE NAJBOLJŠE. KAJTI VAŠI STROSKI NE BODO VEČJI. Louis Fer folia Funeral Home LOUIS L. FERFOLIA DONALD L. FERFOLIA MRS. L. L. FERFOLIA, Licensed Lady Ass’t. _ 9116 Union Ave. at E. 93 St. ^ Tel.: MI 1-7420 INSURANCE Fire — Windstorm Automobile Za zanesljivo postrežbo se priporoča Daniel SSakich Agentura 815 E. 185 St. KE 1-1934 (Fri.-x) Ustanovljeno 1908 Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam točno preskrbi IMFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 6106 ST. CLAIR AVENUE BOLJŠI stavbeni pogodbeniki INŠTALIRAJO iHCRIEF • HLADI poleti • GREJE pozimi T 8 E HENRY F (J R N ACE < O . MEDINA. O AIR CONDITIONING • SEMENA • UMETNA GNOJILA • PLUMBING SUPPLIES • TOOLS • HARDWARE • LOCK KEYS • PAINTS • ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Pripeljemo SI. @ialr tiarfeare 7314 St. Clair Ave. UT 1-0926 LADDIE PUJZDAR JOE VERTOCNIK Shafer & Hribar WALLPAPER & PAINT CO. 16603 Waterloo Rd. KE 1-2146 Kadar želite prenoviti stene v vašem domu, obrnite se do nas. Imamo novo SPOMLADANSKO zalogo vseh najbolj-Sših MODERNIH barv in divne i MODERNE vzorce stenskega: pa-/-’’a. Naše delo je PRVO-VPATNO in SIGURNO. Pokličite ali pridite sami v trgovino. Postrežba točna in sigurna. PRORAČUN ZASTONJ! 111 '<■ ' '■ — ^1'I M I ■ I I - ------ . .. . | V najem Odda ge 5 sob in garaža v fari sv. Jeronima- Samo odraslim. $75. Kličite KE 1-0095. 23, 26 mar. 2 apr.) J Day MI-1-2469 Nite EX-1-5078 Slovenska ovelličarna STARC’S PARK VIEW FLORISTS CVETLICE ZA VSE PRILIKE Naročila po telegrafu, po celem svetu J. J. STARC 9,320 Kinsman Rd. Cleveland 4, O. PETER STARIN BARVAMO ZNOTRAJ in ZUNAJ Točno in zanesljivo delo Proračun zastonj. Se priporočamc 17814 Dillewood Road IVanhoe 1-6248 Cleveland, Ohio Pomladanski koncert Glasbene Matice . Cleveland, O. — Kot že oznanjeno bo Glasbena Matica podala svoj pomladanski .koncert 11. aprila ob 4. pop. v Slovenskem nar. domu na St. Clair Ave. Danes naj se seznanimo z enim naj lepših delov sporeda tega res odličnega koncerta. Višek sporeda bo brezdvomno kantata “Jeftejeva prisega,” delo priljubljenih pesnika Simona Gre-gcrčiea in skladatelja Hugolina Sattnerja. “Jeftejeva prisega” nam govori o zgodovinskem, dogodku iz 12. stoletja pred Kristusom, bitki med Izraelci in Amoniti. Junaka Jefteja epična hrabrost in očetovo žrtvovanje nista mogli biti bolj realistično opisani ko ju je vpisal naš pesnik Simon Gregorčič. Poglejmo si jo: Jeftejeva prisega Na boj, na divje Amonite, sovražnike rodu srdite, je Jejte hrabdo četo zbral; ... na meji, glej, sovražnih tal kleči glavar na travi rosni, da zmago bi mu Večni dal, v usodni vojski smrtonosni..... Molitev O čuj me. bojnih trum Gospod, usliši mojo ti molitev, otmi svoj sveti rod! Ti vodi ga v zmagalno bitev, dodeli srečno mu vrnitev.■ In to prisezam! Prvo stvar, ki po dobljeni slavni zmagi m,e sreča na domačem pragi, zakoljem tebi v žgalni dar, usode vojskne gospodar! Tako priseza vodja trum, Glavarja čuje hrabro, četa in srca že popre je vneta, navdihne nevkročen pogum. Boj • Kadar se v gori vtrgo, plaz kedoli mu zastavi gaz? Ko tenke bilke trdni hrasti se morajo vkloniti, pasti! A stokrat huje od plazov se Jejte s četo zadrvi na vrste, Amonskih sinov. Kako so tam kovala jekla,, je kri v potoeih tekla, na črna tla junaška kri. Kot za žanjico snopi leže vojakov tropi požela, jih je srepa smrt sovražnik je pobit in strt. In zmagovit na tla domača se Jejte s hrabro četo vrača, Oj to ti je ponosen god za te, o Jejte in tvoj rod. Proslava Jefteja Slavi te Izrael vesel, ker sveti dom si mu otel. Do meje ti naproti vreje, nastilja palmove ti veje. In vrsta venčanih devic na cesto trosi, ti cvetic in poti polja in vasi povsodi, mrgole ljudi: visoki, nizki, stari, mladi, zmagalca videli bi radi, ki trume je sovražne zmel. Izw,ej ljudi na mlado rame tu m,ati malo dete vzame: Glej, on je Izrael otel! hi starček od veselja plaka, gledaje slavnega junaka in sto glasov grmi: Rešitelj Jejte naj živi! Vse sveti se domači krov, zidovje se beli naproti in zdaj v mogočni prelepoti pred njim stoji ves dom njegov. In glej mladenek zbor, slavilno pesem prepevajo, srebrne strune prebiraje, privre čez prag na beli dvor. Pred njimi pa v obleki snežni v naročaj 'Jejteju hiti kot na. perutih angelj nežni, otrok njegov, edina hči. Jejte, glej, je mrtvobled, iz lic je preč življenja sled! Ne kroži se očetu roka v objem prisrčnega otroka. Junak, ki groze ne pozna, kaj zdaj kot Ustje trepeta? “OH, NE PREMIŠLJENA PRISEGA!” Obupno oča zaječi, da grozno se okrog razlega, da mraz pretresa vsem kosti. Jefte Joj, ti nesrečni otrok moj, še bolj nesrečen oča tvoj, ki kriv brezmejnega je zlega! Umreti moraš, hči, umreti v življenja polnem cveti: prisegel sem, da prva stvar, ki po dobljeni slavni zmagi, me sreča na domačem pragi, Bogu bo dana na oltar; in tebe, oj otrok predragi, nebo izbralo si je v dar! Veliko terjaš o nebo, veliko od očeta! Odpusti dete mi ljubo, zgoditi mora se tako: Prisega grozna je, pa sveta! In izvrši prisego oče, in pade dekelce mlado a oče in ves narod joče. Ali ni res mično besedilo? Prav tako lepa je glasba! Toliko za danes, še več o programu prihodnjič! Ne pozabite na vstopnice. Dobe se kot navadno pri članih Matice, v Oraž-movi slaščičarni in pri pevovodju Anton šublju v SND na St. Clair Ave. E. Safred. Oglašajte v “Amer. Domovini” Tito podpira kitajske komuniste Jugoslavija je nedavno otvo-rila pomorsko zvezo med Reko in Hongkongom na Kitajskem. Titovci so menda napravili tajni dogovor z Madžarsko in Češkoslovaško1, da bodo prevažali njihovo' blago na Kitajsko. Vest sta prinesla časnikarski družbi AFP in “United Press.” Ker je vzbudila na zahodu precej pozornosti, so se titovci začeli izgovarjati, da trgujejo s komunistično Kitajsko tudi druge zahodne dežele. — Targhee narodni gozd, ki leži na meji držav Wyoming in Idaho, obsega skupino nad en milijon a k rov površine. Pl 1888 Naznanilo in Zahvala Z globoko žalostjo v naših srcih naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom in prijateljem tužno vest, da je kruta smrt nenadoma iztrgala iz nase srede našega nadvse ljubljenega soproga, očeta ih brata VINCENT PRPROVICH Blagopokojni.k je nepričakovano umrl, zadet od srčne kapi, dne 19. marca 1S54. Dotični dan je še delal in domov prišedsi se je vsedel, da bi čital časopise, ko je nenadoma omahnil in izdihnil svojo dušo. Pogreb se je vršil dne 23. marca iz pogrebnega zavoda Frank Zakrajšek in Sinovi, kjer so se vršili pogrebni obredi, in nato smo položili njegovo truplo v naročje materi zemlji k večnemu počitku na pokopališču Calvary. Pokojnik je bi! star 66 let. Doma je bil iz sela Karlovac, okraj Krizovlan, odkoder je prišel v Ameriko pred 47 leti. Bil je član društva sv. Josip št. 99 H.B.Z., kluba Ljubljana v Euclidu, in podr. št. 5 Slov. moške zveze, ter dramskega društva “Naša zvezda” in delničar Slov. nar. doma na St. Clair Ave. ter Ameriško jugoslovanskega centra na Recher Ave. Zelo se je zanimal za društveno in kulturno delo ter je rad sodeloval in pomagal za dobrobit naroda. V dolžnost si štejemo, da se tem potom iskreno zahvalimo vsem onim, ki so položili krasne vence cvetja b krsti blagopokojnika njemu v zadnje slovo, nam pa je bilo v dokaz, da ste ga ljubili in spoštovali ter v tolažbo v naši tugi. Iskrena zahvala bodi izrečena vsem, ki so darovali za sv. maše, ki se bodo brale za mir in pokoj njegove duše. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste prišli pokojnika pokropit, ko je ležal na mrtvaškem odru. bivala vsem, ki. so dali svoje avtomobile brezplačno v poslugo pri pogrebu. Lepa hvala pogrebcem, ki so nosili krsto, kakor tudi vsem onim, ki so pokojnika spremili k večnemu počitku na pokopališče. Zahvalo naj sprejmejo vsi oni, ki so darovali v gotovini za razne dobrodelne namene. Dalje bodi zahvala, izrečena članom društev za vso naklonjenost in izraze sožalja ter za spremstvo pokojnega na pokopališče. Enako najlepša zahvala tudi Rev. Varga za opravljene pogrebne obrede v pogrebnem zavodu. Bodi vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in sosedom, ki so nam bili v pomoč in tolažbo, ko nas je zadela kruta smrt, izrečena naša iskrena zahvala. Hvala vsem onim, ki so izrazili svoje sočutje, pismeno ali osebno, kakor tudi vsem, ki so izkazali svoje prijateljstvo na en ali drugi način. Hvala vsem stotero za vse, kar ste nam dobrega storili. Posebno zahvalo tudi izrekamo Mr. Victor Chase iz New Yorka, Mr. John Savarin in Mrs, Borak Sčurič iz Pittsburgha, Pa., ki so prišli na pogreb. Tebi, preljubi jeni soprog in oče ter brat, pa kličemo: počivaj v miru v svobodni ameriški grudi. Tako naglo si se moral posloviti od svojih dragih, ki si jih ljubil in ki so Tebe ljubili. Zaman se oziramo, da bi Te zagledale naše oči, a dragega pokojnika ni od nikoder. Žalostna so naša srca, a tolažimo se, da enkrat se vsi skupaj zopet snidemo tam gori nad zvezdami' za vekomaj. Počivaj v miru — snivaj sladko večni sen! Žalujoči, ostali: ROSE, soproga ROSE CHASE in FRANK, hči in sin JOSEPHINE CUKOR, sestra ROSE SEFCIK, MARY ARCH in HELEN BASICK, nečakinje ter več drugih sorodnikov Cleveland, Ohio, dne 2. aprila 1954. if §t n # ■ j Pi oznanilo in JZah-Vala Žalostnega srca naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da je po kratki bolezni preminul naš ljubljeni oče, stari oče in tast ip? 1 V' rrank Zupančič Previden s sv. zakramenti je zatisnil svoje oči na dan 2. marca 1954. leta. Rojen je bil 19. marca 1876. leta v Žužemberku na Dolenjskem, odkoder je prišel v Ameriko leta 1903. Pogreb se je vršil 6. marca 1954 iz pogrebnega zavoda Mary A. Svetek v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave., kjer je za p.'okoj duše pokojnikt bila darovana sv. maša zadušnica. Po opravljenih verskih in cerkvenih obredih je bilo njegovo truplo prepeljano na pokopališče Kalvarija in tam položeno k zemeljskemu počitku. V dolžnost si štejemo, da se s tem iskreno zahvalimo Father Ruparju za obiske pokojnika na domu, za podelitev sv. zakramentov in za darovano sv. mašo ter za spremstvo na pokopališče. Father Matija Jager pa naj sprejme našo toplo zahvalo za molitve ob krsti pokojnega, ko je ležal na mrtvaškem odru. Srčna hvala vsem, ki so ob krsto pokojnika položili tako lepe vence cvetja in mu s tem izkazali, svojo ljubezen, spoštovanje in zadnjo čast. Našo zahvalo naj sprejmejo sledeči: družina John Zupančič (Geneva, O.), Buddy in Jimmy Zupančič, Mrs. Antonia Zupančič in sinovi, Tony Zupančič in družina (Independence, O.), Joseph Miklich in družina (Pueblo, Colo.), Martin Miklich in družina (Pueblo, Colo.), Frank in Mary Sašo, Paul Krasoc, Jack in Ann Krasoc, Edward in Mary Krasoc, Frank Oražem, družina Matt Hribar, družina Frank Žnidaršič, Stanley in Alice Intihar, društva Carniola Tent št. 1288 T.M.. društva Dvor Baraga št. 1317 C.O.F., The White Motor €o., Local 32 - UAW-CIO, Local Union No. 527 UAW-CIO of the Marquette Metal Products, Local Union 988 of Lake City Malleable, Employees of Lake City Malleable. Našo toplo zahvalo naj sprejmejo vsi, ki so darovali za sv. maše, ki se bodo brale za mir in pokoj duše našega dragega pokojnika in to: Frank Oražem, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Sašo, Frank Sašo Jr., Marian Struna, Mr. in Mrs. John Marn, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Laurich, Mary Stražišar, Mr. in Mrs. A. Može, Mrs. Antonia Zupančič in sinovi, Mr. in Mrs. Tony Krall, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Tomažič, Marian Sašo, Mr. in Mrs. Andrew Lesko, Mr. in Mrs. Edward Krall, Paul Krasoc, Mr. in Mrs. Louis Gliha, Mike J. Anzlin, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kuhi ((iz Californije), družina Ambrožič, družina Matt Hribar, Mr. in Mrs. John Novosel, Mr. in Mrs. John Urankar, Mr. John Kozel in družina, družini Adamitch in Krall iz Mentor, O., Mr. in Mrs. John Avsec in družina iz Geneva, O., Mr. in Mrs. Henry Laurich Mr. in ,Mrs. Chas. Starman Mr. Anton Yerick, Mr. in Mrs. John Krzmanc, Mr. Anton Rud-man, Mrs. Frances' Malovrh, Ann Gr-zybowski in Mary Gornik, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Krall Sr., Mr. in Mrs. John Sašo. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki so prišli pokojnika kropit in molit ob njegovi krsti, ko je ležal na mrtvaškem odru, kakor tudi vsem, ki so ga spremili na njegovi zadnji poti na pokopališče. Posebej se zahvalimo članom društev, ki jim je pokojnik pripadal in to: Car-nicla Tent št. 1288 T. M., Dvor Baraga št. 1317 C. O. F. in društva Srca Marije, za lepo slovo od svojega sobrata. Toplo se zahvalimo pogrebcem, ki so nosili krsto našega dragega pokojnega, in to: John Tavčar, Frank Smole, Paul Sever, John Adamitch, Joseph Jaklič in Eddie Krall. Iskrena zahvala vsem, ki so na dan pogreba dali brezplačno na razpolago svoje avtomobile za spremstvo na pokopališče in to: Christ Cer-mely, Frank P. Sašo, Edward Krasoc, Victor H. Jerick, Tony Zupančič in ostalim, katerih imena nismo mogli dohiti. Hvala Mr. Martin Rakarju za lepe žalostinke med pogrebno sv. mašo. Lepo se zahvalimo vsem, ki so nam pismeno ali ustmeno izrekli svoje sožalje, kakor tudi vsem, ki so nam ob uri smrti in v toku bolezni našega dragega pokojnika bili v pomoč. Vsem njim naj dragi Bg to obilno poplača! Hvala pogrebnemu zavodu Mary A. Svetek za lepo urejen pogreb in za vsestransko izvrstno postrežbo. Ako smo slučajno izpustili ime katerega, ki je poslal cvetje, daroval za sv. maše, nam pomagal ali z nami sožaloval, prosimo oproščenja in naj taisti s tem sprejme našo globoko zahvalo. Dragi naš oče, stari oče in tast, počivaj v miru v blagoslovljeni ameriški zemlji in lahka naj Ti bo gruda te Tvoje druge domovine! Končana je Tvoja zemeljska pot, ljubljeni naš. Veliko si delal in skrbel za nas vse, ko si nas skupaj z našo drago umrlo materjo odgajal m pripravljal za trdo pot življenja. Sedaj si odšel v kraj večnega veselja, kjer Te je že pričakala naša draga mati in skupaj z njo presita dragega Boga, da nam, ki smo ostali na tem svetu, da svoj blagoslov v nasern delu in našem življenju. I^i pa se Vaju bomo spominjali z ljubeznijo in hvaležnostjo v naših mislih in molitvah ! Žalujoči ostali; FRANK in STANLEY, sinova MARY por. OKICKI, hčerka TONY, zet DOROTHY in ANTONIJA, snahe JOHN, STANLEY, LOUIS in JIMMY, vnuki MARY ELLEN, pravnukinja , OSTALO SORODSTVO i m. i fl Ifi f - Cleveland, Ohio, 2. aprila 1954. * Emil Ludwig: MPiLICil! ZGODOVINSKI ROMAN DRUGA KNJIGA HUDOURNIK Lansko leto le ni dobila otroka.! Ko se vrne v Schoenbrunn,: gi ni, zakaj suženj je “narave, fje nazadnje lahko prezro, kaj In pošlje ponjo. , najde Poljakinjo. Koliko lepih stvari.” Tedaj pride iz Rima čudna | žensk jie že tu huškalo skozi taj-] Tudi jie drugi, nego je Zdaj zasede Dunaj drugič brez boja, nastani se v Schoen-brunnu v istih sobah kakor pred leti. Ali vojna še ni končana. Kajti, kar se med tem dogaja v njegovih prostranih državah, El3 obrača zoper njega in daje sovražniku pogum. Iz Španije prihajajo neprijetne vesti, v Gornji Italiji se Eugene bojuje nesrečno in ker mora hkra-tu Murat udariti iz Neapolja, opravi rimski cesar z Rimom tako na kratko kakor rekoč Ho-henstaufovec. Pred štirimi leti je prav pri tej pisalni mizi z eno* potezo uničil neapoljs'ko kraljevsko hišo. Zdaj stori s papežem prav tako. Ker mora njegov meč sekati na vse strani, se; cesar ne vprašuje več po mo-ralno-političnih posledicah in tvega ta nevarni edikt skoraj samo zaradi tega, da lahko združi svoji italijanski armadi. A tudi iz jeze. V početku leta se je sredi Španije domislil, kako ga je Rim užalil: “Vatikan je bil lansko leto tako nesramen, da nam ni poslal blagoslovljenih sveč, ki jih pošiljo^ drugim vladarjiem. Pišite v Rim, da jih poslej ne želimo več ne zase ne za ostale tri kralje naše hiše.. Zaupajte sveti stolici, da TICKETS NOW ON SALE leiropofllan Opera April IS Thru 24 in Public Auditorium MONDAY, APRlU 19 LUCIA Dl LAMMERMOOR TUESDAY, APRIL 20 TANNHAEUSER WEDNESDAY MAT., APRIL 21 CARMEN WEDNESDAY EVE., APRIL 21 FAUST THURSDAY, APRIL 22 AIDA FRIDAY, APRIL 23 LA BOHEME SATURDAY MAT., APRIL 24 BARBER OF SEVILLE SATURDAY EVE., APRIL 24 IL TROVATORE SINGLE PERFORMANCE PRICES |Tax Exempt) $8.50, $7, $6 50, $5, $4,_$3, $2,.: $1.20 UNION BANK OF COMMERCE Main Banking Lobby — E. Ninth St. at Euclid — MAin 1-8300 Box Office Open 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P-M. Daily, jExcept Sunday) Knabe Piano Used Exclusively rJy~ projemam ob svečnici blagoslovljene sveče od svojega duhovnika in da škrlat in oblast ne dajeta vrednosti tem stvarem. V deželi senc bodo prebivali prav tako župniki kakor papeži! In sveča, ki jo je posvetil moj duhovnik, bo prav taken sveta stvar kakor papeževa! Ne maram njegovih sveč in vsi princi moje hiše jih morajo odklanjati!” Tako pribija kakor kak protestant, fkakor kak revolucionar. To je bil Napoleon sredi močvirja španskih poti in bojev. V Schcenbrunnu zdaj kratko malo odstavi svetega očeta kot posvetnega kneza, ga omeji na Vatikan in mu določi dva milijona rente. Marsikdo v cesarjevi okolici se prestraši; med njimi je mnogo pobožnih katoličanov in čez pet dni je sveti binkoštni praznik. Ali ni to izzivanje Boga? Kdor vero stopnjuje v praznoverje, lahko kmalu najde takim čuvstvom potrdila: čez pet dni, na binkoštno nedeljo je Napoleon prvič premagan. Bitko pri Aspernu in Esslin-gu je moči smotrati za neodločeno, nikakor pa je ni mogoče šteti med uspehe. Če se je tu med bojem podrl veliki donavski most, se je podrl prav tako .slučajno in prav tako neslučaj-no, kakor so se vršile vse tiste božje improvizacije, s katerimi je zmagal pri Lodiju, Rivoliju in Marengu.. Eden izmed njegovih mladostnih prijateljev, maršal Lannes, pade. Cesar hiti k umirajočemu in pripoveduje se, da so pogledi in besede starega tovariša sovražno merili nanj. Tisti večer sedi dolgo sam in mam pred svojo večerjo, nikogar noče videti. “Premagan? Premagljiv?” si misli in strmi predse. Ali je strel ranil Ahilu samo peto? Strelec je bolje mieril nego Talleyrand. Ne, sam sem kriv. Prekoračiti reko vpričo sovražnika: preveč tvegano! Lannes je imel prav, bil ji3 že napol onkraj. Kaj pravi Pariz? Kako; poročati o bitki v Pariz? Nemiren se vrne: v Schoenbrunn. Ogromni, samotni grad sredi sovražne dežele. Poljakinja! Če bi imel pri sebi lepo Walewsko! Ona sledi tam daleč, globoko na Poljskem, v gradu in je v mislih pri njem. ^ ........ ^ bojišču medvedji kožuh; Napo-: izmed njegovih dveh jezikov leon mu ukaže, naj ga čez dvaj- ’ pravilno in ki sploh lepše govo-set minut prebudi, in vstane os-1 ri z očmi nego z glasovi. More-vežen točno ob uri. Zdaj je voj- biti premišlja, kako je natanko na končana, premirje sklenje-! pred desetimi leti odrinil iz no. Prihodnji dan sporoča ženi Egipta in vso svojo usodo izro-novi zmagi in pristavlja: “Či- čil igri valov, v kateri ga ni mesto sem ogorek” Znova okrep- gla zajeti angleška mreža. Da-Ijeno, pomlajeno razpoloženje. nes Je drugi človek, ali srečnej- BRAZIS je najcenejši! VELIKA IZBIRI VSEH VRST OBLEK VOLNENIH RAZNIH BARV in VZORCEV DACRON ORLON ' MOHAIR Izgotovljene obleke fi«akS ‘29- navzgor BRAZIS BROS. CLOTHES 15802 Waterloo Road 6905-07 Superior Ave. vest.. Ko je moral papež izro-jna vrata in skozi molčeče sobe s pred dvema letomo v Fincken-čiti svojo posvetno oblast, je takoj odgovoril s tem, da je Napoleona preklel. Ali se cesar tega. ustraši? Smeje se. Smeje se temu katoliškemu srednjemu veku. Kot vojak in kot mož, ki se je ustvaril sam, si misli: “Maščevanje za to, ker sem v Notre-Dame sam posegel pot kroni, dočim je sveti mož upal, da jo bom vzel iz njegovih rok? In kaj je sveto? Dvomljivo je, ali je Kristus kedaj živel; gotovo je samo to, da se da izkoristiti. Prekletstva pa se v teh vse preveč prosvitljenih časih boje samo otroci in dojilje Ali me niso proglasili za brezpravnega že 18 Brumairja in tudi že na Korziki? Take komedije prinašajo srečo!” V vidno posvečenem razpoloženju pripravlja sovražniku u-clarec na Moravskem polju in premaga vnovič, kakor že v tridesetih bitkah, pobožmega nadvojvoda Karla s svojim prekletim orožjem. Proti koncu te dvodnevne bitke, ko vse poteka v lepem redu in ko čuti, da njegovo prenapete moči pojemajo, mu razgrne Mameluk na tega neskončnega gradu, da SO' poživljale Habsburžane! Zdaj zove pustolovec od sredozemskega morja grofico, ki stanuje v bližini, vsak večer k sebi in, vsak večer zabičuje svojemu komornemu slugi, naj gleda, da se ji ne bo na, slabi poti kaj primeril. Tako prebije ž njo drugič tri mesece.. To je obljubil sebi in nji v Finteckensteinu, le kje in kdaj, je bilo odvisno od svetovne zgodovine, ta pa ni vedno odvisna od njega. Čez nekaj tednov začuti Wa-lewska, da bo mati. Ali mu bo storila uslugo, ki jo že dvanajst let prosi od žensk in ki jo je prejel samo enkrat? Tako dobi' idila noVo vsebino. O polnoči j 15. avgusta pričakuje svoj šti-! rideseti rojstni dan v njenem objemu in premišlja, kako bodo jutri v Parizu in v vseh deželah njegove oblasti topovi in zvonovi slavili ta dan, na katerega je nekoč uslužni papež prestavil god svetega Napoleona. In zdaj ise morda vendarle nekoliko čudi, da je danes njegov prvi gratulant dvajsetletna lepotica, ki ne govori nobemega, steinu. Zdaj ni več graditelj svetovnega cesarstva, kateremu od zahoda in iztoka pošiljajo' kralji svoje sle; zdaj ga mora braniti in celo zmago srnje izkoristiti le zelo previdno. Na wagramski dan je doživel, v Rimu zaradi nespameti svojih, ljudi poraz, za katerega izve šele zdaj: “Zelo sem nejevoljen, da ste aretirali papeža, to je bilo res neumno! Morali bi bili prijeti . . . kardinala, papeža pa mirno pustiti v Rimu.” Zasmehoval je simbolično moč prekletstva, ker je neotipljiva prazna beseda, ki jo francoski ško- po pomenita ta zapor in ujetništvo, pa politik začuti takoj; varno se ponavlja na vedno širšem območju! Te brzojavke iz Rima in Pariza so stare osem zdaj je v krivici on, kajti pre-j dni, španske celo šestnajst dni, gnani papež, je moralno mogoč-j preden prispo nova povelja iz nejši nego papež, ki izobčuje.” ! Schojenbrunna v Valladolid, bo Poleg teh vesti leže pisma iz ! že vse spremenjeno. Če bi imel Španije, kjer so si Angleži med j na razpolago sredstvo, da bi tem opomogli. Vidno nevidni; 3 voj o voijo lahko pošiljal v svet narod pa se jie zvezal ž njimii na svetlobnih valovih, bi iz tein se v gozdovih krepko postav- ga kabineta lahko vladal ves Ija Francozom po robu. Hkra- svet! Zdaj je tneba pospešiti tu javlja Pariz, da je Fuche prekoračil povelje, ki mu je bilo dano, in da je povsod mobiliziral narodno gardo: očitno zato, da bi deželi vcepil strah pred Angleži in da bi razdražil mobilizirano moštvo, ki pričenja mrmrati. Kakšen položaj!. In kako ne- pogajanja, ki jih Avstrija zavlačuje, kajti Anglija in Ogrska ji obljubljata pomoč. Kuje zadnjič zmagovalec zahteval tretjino monarhije z devetimi milijoni prebivalcev, je bil zavrnjen; zato prične drugače. (Dalje prihodnjič) POZOR! POZOR! VODILNA TVRDKA VAŠEGA ZAUPANJA ZA POŠILJANJE DARILNIH POŠILJK PO VSEJ EVROPI DOSTAVA V ROKU 15 dni Citrus Najboljše, vedno sveže blago. Odlično pakiranje. Najhitrejša dostava. 24 Kf. 5 PIECE GOLD PLATED Cosmetic Sef Yes, this exquisite gift - a $29.95 value - is yoius. Beautifully styled jeweled compact, perfume bottle, lipstick and jeweled case, rouge box with rouge, and 3” tall atomizer. Lovely jeweled filigree pattern designed by Hollywood’s leading craftsmen. Yes, it’s yours for adding to your present account, re-opening your old account, or opening a new account with any purchase of ^ @0 °r more Pri nakupu za več, dobite zgoraj omenjeno zlatnino vredno brezplačno! You’ve read about it! Now see for yourself how easy fine sewing ... the kind that makes your home creations look like expensive originals . . . has become. Let us show you how the amazing new Domestic can make perfect buttonholes, zigzags, shirrs, embroiders, binds, mends-darns (in fact no machine regardless of price ST can do more). \ You’ll find a beautifully styled “double duty” cabinet for any room in your home. Only Domestic has. received the FASHION ACADEMY AWARD for highest style in sewing machine cabinet design! ONIY SEWING MACHINE TO RECEIVE THE /itMAd 1951 IMPORT-EXPORT Lastnik Aleksander Trst, Via Torrebianca 27 Goljevšček Trieste, Post Box 522 tt I H H a i ♦♦ »♦ H I tx a S H I «* H H •i :: ♦w tx H XX I: ri H Lastno skladišče v Tržaški Prosti luki —. Punto Franco Vecchio 4/II/31. | UŽIVA SVETOVEN SLOVES zaradi REKORDNE HITROSTI V EKSPEDICIJI n POŠILJK, zaradi DOBAVE KAKOVOSTNEGA PRVOVRSTNEGA BLAGA in NAJ-| SOLIDNEJŠE POSTREŽBE. || Razen živil po naročilu in v skrbno sestavljenih brezcarinskih standardnih pake- tih dobavljamo zdravila, očala, tekstil, obutev, radio, šivalne stroje, bicikle (moške, H ženske in otroške), motocikle, lambrette, vespe, štedilnike, likalnike, pralnike, harmonike | in sploh vse tehnične predmete za gospodarstvo in gospodinjstvo. H PREPRIČAJTE SE TUDI VI O TEM IN ZAHTEVAJTE TAKOJ POJASNILA IN H CENIKE TER NAROČAJTE VAŠE DARILN E POŠILJKE PRI NAŠIH SPODAJ NAVE-S DENIH ZASTOPNIKIH STEVE F. PIRNAT CO. Phone HE 1-3500 6516 St. Clair Avenue CLEVELAND 3, OHIO JOHN BRIŠČEK Phone EN 1-8230 6202 St. Clair Avenue CLEVELAND 3, OHIO TRANSMUNDIAL Gift Parcel Service Phone MI 4868 258 College Street TORONTO, ONT. S. KOSER 46 Hudson Bay Avenue KIRKLAND LAKE, ONT. TRANSMUNDIAL Gift Parcel Service 80 John St. South HAMILTON, ONT. v U. S. A, TOM ŠARAR Phone E. V. 6869 5412 Partridge Avenue ST. LOUIS 20, MO. P. N. MARDESICH & CO. Phone TUcker 1650 683 S. Santa Fe Avenue LOS ANGELES 21, CALIF. ¥ KANADI J. KOROŠEC Phone 5-6765 1524 Hickory Road WINDSOR, ONT. CHARLES ILINIČ Phone 44-707 44 Machar Avenue PORT ARTHUR, ONT. TONY ŠPEHAR 355 Pine St. South TIMMINS, ONT. JOSEPHINE POGAČNIK Phone 74419 1957 E. 34th Street LORAIN, OHIO MICHAEL STAVDOHAR 1850 W. Cermak Road CHICAGO 8, ILL. CIRIL GERMEK North Ridge W., R. D. 2 Phone 5382 GENEVA, OHIO GEORGE PETERMANEC Phone: Ured. EM 6-4323 Phone: Stan. RE 1451 58 Stewart Street TORONTO, ONT. TRANSMUNDIAL Gift Parcel Service MONTREAL 2098 St. Catherine St. W. v bližini Foruma Phone FI 5306 OBRAČAJTE SE S POPOLNIM ZAUPANJEM NA NAŠE ZASTOPNIKE, ki so H pooblaščeni za prevzem naročil in inkaso denarja ter so Vam vedno zelo radi na razil polago za vsa pojasnila. PREVZEMAMO VSO ODGOVORNOST ZA PREVZETA NAROČILA IN VPLAČILA NAŠIM ZASTOPNIKOM. NAŠA ORGANIZACIJA JE NA VIŠKU! — GARANTIRAMO ZA VSAKO PO ŠILJKO! 1 S H ti H I H 6131 H Električni šivalni stroj, kabinetni model, preje $184.95, sedaj samo $ | 20"95 Norwood Appliance & Furnilure 6202 ST. CLAIR AVE. EN-1-3634 Odprto zvečer JOHN SUŠNIK Vplačila ,se lahko izvršujejo tudi pri THE NORTH AMERICAN BANK CO ST. CLAIR AVE., CLEVELAND 3, OHIO, v korist računa Aleksander Goljevšček. Pošljite čimprej Vaša naročila in bančne Money Orders našim zastopnikom ali pa direktrfo na naslov: CITRUS, Trieste, Post Box 522. Za najsolidnejšo in najhitrejšo postrežbo jamči, se Vam priporoča in Vas pozdravlja .« i J.'k Aleksander Goljevšček POZO!?! POZOR! Ameriška Domovina l/l* m/l' E R I v/l m— HO /W1E AMCRICAN IN SPIRIT POR6IGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVCNIAN MORNING NSWSPAP6R Lack of (iviiian Volunteer Plane Spoilers Leaves Vital Observation Posts Vacant \ The United States is faced with the ever-present danger that in the event of World War III, Soviet Russia will strike our top cities with atomic weapons. At this very moment the Kremlin has nearly 1,000 long range bombers capable of striking almost any place in our country. Our Air Force and Army Anti-Aircraft personnel are working ’round the clock to prepare themselves for their share of the Air Defense job, and they grow stronger every day.. Our radar network is in constant operation to warn us of approaching danger, but our present radar is most effective only against high flying aircraft. Planes flying low could sneak under our radar and deal us a shocking blow. As a volunteer plane spotter in the Ground Observer Corps, your eyes and ears are needed to detect and report these low-flying aircraft. Attacking planes must be detected and tracked to be destroyed. Join the more than 300,000 of your fellow Americans who are now serving in the' Ground Observer Corps. Won’t you serve your country for twro hours a w'eek? Call your Civil Defense Director at TO 1-4600. M Amerišk/i Domovina CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Cleveland, Ohio A card form Lauderdale, Florida, tells us that Mr. and Mrs. Mike Telieh are enjoying the sunshine although it’s too cold for bathing. > • • mam Joseph Janzevich thanks all his friends for their visits and cards during his long stay at the hospital. He is now at home and friends can visit him at 551 E. 266 St. Greetings arrived from Mr. and Mrs. Be-ros of the well known photo studio. They were visiting in New Orleans and were traveling on to Florida. • a • Mrs. Rose Arh has returned from Euclid-Glenville Hospital to her home at 387 E. 161 St. She wishes-to thank all her friends for their visits, cards and flowers. stove were installed... The front seats were put on a swivel so they can be turned to face the hearse “living room.” a a a mm Chicago, 111. —When police picked up Or-vall Schlater for shoplifting and found $3,-083 hidden on him, he made a request: “Don’t let my wife know about this money. I want to buy a car.” • a • wnm Denver, Colo. — State Institutions Di rector J. Price Briscoe admitted that Canon City prison inmates, who make jewelry and leather goods for sale in the prison store, were losing about 20 per cent of their production to shoplifters, a a a mm Newark, N. J. — The News carried this an: “A group of citizens in Northern New Jersey-seek a young man in-Blase Hace of 1153 terested in govern-Norwood Rd., who is ment whom they can a school guard at Norwood Rd., has been ill at home under the doctor’s care. We wish him a speedy recovery! • • • «Wf*n Recently the Rich-man Bros. Co., opened two new stores, one at the Westgate Shopping Center and the other at 22400 Lake Shore Blvd. Fronk J. Matjašič, 1162 Addison Rd., will manage the Lake Shore store. He has been a Rich-mon employee for 27 years. Good luck- * « » AM*.* Muskegon, Mich. — The soft drinks purchased by Mrs. Vina Hodges weren’t as soft as she thought they were. Mrs. Hodges dropped a carton of pop bottles on her foot, fracturing a toe. Hotchkiss, Colo. — A sports - loving Colorado couple claims one of America’s most livable hearses. Dee and Lottie McCabe of H9tchkiss, in western C o lorado’s rugged mountain c o u ntry, couldn’t afford a cabin near their fishing spot. McCabe bought a second-hand hearse for $125, painted it in flashy green and yellow and converted it support as a candidate for the Congress of the United States; must be interested in good government, ab'e to speak effectively and willing to campaign agressively . • » » aw* Columbus, Miss. — Jas. C. Pidgeon got a divorce after he testified that his bride drank excessively and threatened him with a knife during the one day they lived together. • • a ana Las Cruces, N. Mex. — A deputy sheriff was looking for the thief who stole 12 doz. eggs from a farmer, left the cartons and pile of empty shells in a nearby field. Moundsville, W. Va. — Five prisoners es- spicious police, ex-■plained that the dress was ‘the only decent thing I had to wear.” • • a noa' Oklahoma City, Okla. — Willie LaGrand, 49, was arrested and charged with drunken driving and leaving the scene of an accident after he ran over his mother and broke her leg. a • • MOM Toledo, O. — The public library got back a copy of “David Crockett: His Life and Adventures” borrowed in 1882, decided that the best thing to do was just forget about the fine of $788. • • a amm Augurn, Ind. — Carl Wilder, charged with drunken driving after his truck went thru a farmyard, caromed, off an automobile and demolished 100 yards of fence, told police: “I always take this shortcut.” - » « mm Edinburg, Texas. Pedro Martine was excused from jury duty after he told the assistant district attorney why he would not be willing to vote for the death penalty: “Joseph (the defendant) is my cousin.” a • • KM* San Mateo, Cal— Raymond Dockery explained to police why he had thrown a chunk of concrete thru the station house door: “I just had to, officer, it’s been building up in me for 40 years.’’ Frankie Yankovic, the polka king, underwent an operation at Huron Rd. Hospital, 13951 Terrace Rd. We wish him a speedy recovery! week of operation. Nashville, Tenn. — Algie King, picked up for attempted auto theft 6 hours after he finished a two - year prison sentence for auto theft, protested that he was merely ‘listening to the motor run.” Pensacola, Fla. — Daisy , Weatherington hitchhiking in a strap-into a camp on wheels J less evening gown, A bed and an Army was picked up by su- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paulin (former opera-caped from Camp Fair tor of the E. 61 St. gas Chance during its first i station) send greetings from Hot Springs, Arkansas, where they are enjoying the baths. St. Mary Magdalen Society Easter Duty / % Members of St. Mary Magdalene Society No. 162, KSKJ are hereby notified that we will perform our Easter Duty in a body on Sun., April 4th at the 8 o’lock Mass at St. Vitus. We will gather in room. No. 4, St. Vitus School at 7:30 a. m. As members of the Catholic Church and of a Catholic Organization it behooves each one of us to perform our Easter Duty, — so let’s do it together. A cordial invitation is tendered to every member to make an effort to come on Sun., April 4th. By doing this, special graces will be showered upon us, as it is on the day of the beginning of the Holy Mission. Testimonial tickets can be obtained at the gathering place. On Mon., April 5th, our regular monthly meeting will be held after the Mission church services. As-sesments will be collected from 6 o’clock on. Hoping to see you on Sun., April 4th and also on Mon., April 5th, is the sincere wish of your secretary, Mary Hochevar -------o------- Slovenia Gomes to You BY JOSEPHINE MISIC Natural, historic, religious and traditional life of beautiful Slovenia will be combined in Glasbena Matica’s spring concert on Sunday, April 11, 1954 at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. The two and one half hour program will take you to the Adriatic waters which inspired Franc Vilhar to write his immortal “Mor nar.” The happy “drinking song” sung in the vineyards of Belo-krajina near the Slovenia-Croatia border will contain the dialect of its natives. Expressions of love by shouting carters who drive their ox-drawn wagons over Styria’s dirt roads will be interpreted by the Glasbena Matica chorus. From underneath the snow-capped mountains of Slovenia’s highlands comes a medley describing the heroic battles against the invading Turks of medevial times. Glasbena Matica will sing of Slovenia’s countryside.* The happiness of courtship and marriage and the sadness of death found inside a peasant home will reflect itself in folklore. The soloists and chorus will sing of the linden trees, the pink carnation, flower of Slovenia: and the rosemary flower, symbol of maidenhood. Ljubljana’s pli|sh opera house continues to sell out its yearly performances of Slovenia’s only opera “The Nightingale of Carniola.” The “Ave Maria” from this heartwarming opera will appear in the concert program. The penetrating poetry of clergy Simon Gregorčič which was set to stirring music by clergy-composer P. Hugolin Sattner identifies it' self as Jeftejeva Prisega.” This bib-licial contata makes its first appearance on the American-Slovena stage. All of the careful planning and untiring work of director Anton Schubel will again reproduce itself m this rich concert. Accompanied by a string ensemble, the forty-voice chorus will give to him and SHORTS on SWfisTi By JIM DEBEVEC Army Invited to Play Irish Here: Washington. — Senator Thomas A. Burke proposed recently that when Army and Notre Dame renew their football series the first game be played in Cleveland, Burke said in a letter to Army Head Coach Earl Blaik that Cleveland has a stadium seating 80,000. He said he already had discussed the proposal with Notre Dame officials. Lopez to Use Naragon: That’s the recent attitude of A1 Lopez. ... It is another clew to how valuable the Rookie Hal Naragon may be. Lopez’ plan is to alternate Jim Began and Naragon, or maybe Joe Ginsberg, against left and right handed pitching. “I think Naragon has looked good enuogh so we don’t have to worry about another man,” saia Lopez. One-And One Free Throw Rule changed: Kansas City —- Basketball’s controversial one-and-one free throw rule was re-written recently to place a premium on good shooting and at the same time make it tougher on the offender. The new free throw rule, gives a second free throw after each successful free shot on all common personal fouls for the first 37 min-utes of the game. If the first toss is missed. the ball is in play. Two free throws in the last 3 minutes, same as last season, still go. A common foul is one committed while the player fouled is not in the act of shooting. Brissie Guides Legion Baseball: Indianapolis — Lou Brissie, former Cleveland Indian pitcher, was named recently as commissioner of the American Legion Junior baseball program. Brissie said that as junior baseball commissioner he hopes to repay part of the debt he owes the sport for what it did for him.. He will supervise a program in which one million boys participate.. Fight Tickets Going Fast: Although the window sale of tickets for the Rocky Marciano-Ez-zard Charles world heavyweight fight at Yankee Stadium, June 17, does not oppn until May 10, mail orders now are being filled. Tickets are pegged at $5, $10, $20', $30 and $40. Motley Signs- ’54 Contract: Marion Motley has signed again with the Browns for 1954. Motley, one of the five 1946 originals still with the club, no longer has the jet pick-up and speed that made him the running terror of the gridiron, but Paul Brown still considers him as a mighty useful man. For two seasons, big Marion had knee Father Andrey Celebrates Silver Jubilee Father Andrew A. Andrey1 is cel-, ebrating his Silver Jubilee of his ordination this Sunday, April 4. Father Andrey had been an assistant at St. Vitus for 17 years before being named pastor of Our Sorrowful Mother Church in Peninsula, Ohio. Now he is pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Wickliffe, Ohio. He will offer up a Solemn High Mass of Thanksgiving for reaching his Silver Jubilee at 12:00 o'clock noon. All his friends are invited to attend the reception between 5:00 and 8:00 p..m. in tha church hall. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is located at Rt. 20 (Euclid Ave.) at E. 296 St. Our hearty congratulations. 5T. VUGS HOLS WMlZl HOLY NAME MEMBERSHIP DRIVE In the past week, our Spiritual Director sent the following letter recently-contacted to our prospective members: Dear New Holy Name Men: Congratulations! I am very happy that you have made the decision to join our Holy Name Society. I would like you to feel welcome and that you really belong. Next Sunday, April 11th, I ask that you receive Holy Communion with the Society at the 8 a.m. Mass and also be officially enrolled as a Holy Name man at the meeting aft-ter Mass. The Holy Name Society has a fine program in which you are invited to participate. However, always remember that your first obligation as a Holy Name Man is to receive Holy Communion on the second Sunday of each month at the 8 ajn. Mass. Remember, too:, pray each day for the success of the Holy Name. Looking forward to receiving you into the Holy Name Society next Sunday, I am, Yours sincerely in the Holy Name, REV. VICTOR N. TOMC Spiritual Director If you wish to join our Society, to receive all its spiritual benefits, please join us at corporate communion on Sunday,^ April 11th, which will be followed by breakfast and a meeting in the school gram for April 3rd, 1954, at 6.30' hall. We’re anxious to enroll each p.m. on “Inside the Catholic and every man in the parish, in “Testing Program in the Elementary Paroohial Schools” Sister M. Ambrose, C.S.J., principal of St. Vincent De Paul School, 13422 Lorain Ave., Cleveland 11, Ohio, has taken upon herself a, challenging but enlightening pro- Schools,” seen over WEWS, channel 5. It will be the testing program in the elementory schools of the Diocese of Cleveland, Sister will use third grade students and show them taking a standardized achievement test. This will be followed by a discussion of the types of tests given in the Diocesan elementary schools and the diognostic use of them (their interpretation and application.) A conference with the parents of one of the pupils will bring out part of the acceleration program whereby a pupil is advanced a grade to work at a higher level | according to his ability. Appearing on the program will be the following teachers from St. Vincent De Paul School: Sisters Augustine, Frances Joseph, Gre gory, Frances Regis, Malachi, Ro-sarie, and Aloise. -------[j------ Slovenian Scli@§l Pregram American children, who attend the Slovenian Saturday School at St. Vitus, will present a program, Saturday, April 3, at 7 p.m. in the school hall. The program should, prove very interesting with the children showing how much they have learned in a few months. Tickets may be bought at Orazem’s. April Fool—lo Santa? Yesterday was April Fool’s Day. But Friday, April 30th will be “Dollars in Value Galore Day”, the day when the St. Clair Businessmen’s Ass’n. presents its “GOOD WILL” DANCE” with the spirit of Santa Claus in the welcome hand of every merchant at the: trouble, buti in”l953 he was' again. Slovene Auditorium, E. 65th and in top shape. Race Motorboats Need Bow Numbers Coast Guard Says: The United Coast Guard reports that many racing motorboats are violating the numbering act of June 7, 1918, as amended, in that to their audience an appreciative they do not display the numbers response. \ Curtain time is 4:00. Tickets may be secured at the box-office prior to the performance.. Price of tickets is $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. All seats reserved. Invitation The Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation, hereby extends a most cordial invitation to their many friends, to attend the Third Annual Card Party Saturday, April 3 at 8 p.m. at Hotel Cleveland. The committee is dilligently working in preparation with the many lovely prizes. The variety of pastries to be The well known Mrs. served> typical of each Federated Jennie Pugely, 10724 Nationality, always presents a most interesting and delightful feature. Mr. Anton Grdina, President of the Yugoslav - Slovene Garden group, will be strolling with his movie camera, in his usual unassuming surprises throughout the evening. A real social has been carefully planned for the pleasure: of the guests. We are expecting you. The Committee. assigned to them by the coast guard, on each bow of the boat. The law contains no exemptions in favor of racing craft other than that afforded every undocumented vessel not exceeding 16 feet in length and temporarily equipped with a detachable motor. , Owners of motorboats subject to the act, who have not already done so, should make immediate application for certificate of award of number at the local coast guard office. St. Clair. Music by Johnny Pecon and Lou Trebar’s Orchestra. Admission is $1.00. You can save 50c by visiting a merchant displaying a “Good Will” Dance sign on St. Clair between E. 55th and E. 68th. You don’t have to buy any merchandise either! Just tell the merchant you, would like to be his guest at the dance and pay 50c for a ticket. The merchant will pay the other half. Death this fine spiritual organization! but Plymouth Ave.., Garfield Hts. 25, O., secretary of SWU No. 47 SDZ No. 50, was suddenly taken ill and was taken to Mary-mount Hospital on McCracken Blvd.. We wish her a speedy recovery! • • • HMI THE EUCLID SCENE By MICHAEL BOICH Councilman of Ward 3 Concrete islands with warning lights will be installed at the busy E. 222nd St. - Lake Shore Blvd. intersection, Mayor Kenneth J. Sims said. The permanent installation will replace temporary guide cones now in use. Pedestrian signals also will be installed and boulevard lights synchronized, he said. He said the police department soon will sell three cruisers and 2 motorcycles and buy three new station wagons and five sedans. Jancigar, John — Father of Mrs. Herbert Fitzgerald, Dorothy, Rudolph, Frank, brother of Mary Jeric. Jurman, Peter — Husband of Rose (nee Ropert), father of Theresa Markuz, Mary Zupančič. Re-I sidence at 1379 E. 43 St. | Lustig, Frank J Father of Mary j Ladiha, Rose Mandel, Alice Pyle. 'John, brother of Anna Raushel. Residence at Modison, O. Papesh, Edward — Husband of Antoinette (nee Zorko), father of Ronald, Dennis, Donald, son of John and Jennie, brother of Jennie-Smolinsky, Alice Dixon, Pauline Gibbons, Dorothy, Theresa. Residence at 19681 Tyronne Ave. Rauch, Katherine — Mother of Joseph, Frank, Jennie Hokes, Katherine Zorko, sister of Agnes Mo-chan. Residence at 1592 E. 41 St. Troha, Jacob — Husband of Theresa, father of Jack Jr., Tony, Frank, John, Mary Gibbons. Residence at 14316 Thames Ave. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Not only our younger set, also our adult parishioners are looking forward to a busy, active Post-Easter social whirl, which will extend into the Picnic season. Before Lent, we busied ourselves procuring funds by sponsoring various projects and socials. Now, after Easter, we should show the same zeal and unified spirit in performing our duties. Just take note of our. future events! Rather numerous, eh? But they will be real fun, if we really unite our efforts in promoting these affairs. Remember — “In unity there is strength!” Our calendar reads as follows . April 19th — Easter Monday Ball for our CYO teen-agers. April 25th to 27th — Forty Hours Devotion — prayer time for all. May 2nd — First Holy Communion. May 9th — Mother’s Day: CYO members honor “Mom” at a social. May 16th — Movie on Our Blessed Mother, since May is HER month. Isn’t this a nice way to instill greater love for Her, who is Mother of our God? May 23rd — Dads and Moms jointly sponsor a Card Party to benefit our Youth Program. Our goal — 500 card players in attendance. Let’s “jam” the church hall for this occasion. May 30th — Initiation of the St. Vitus School Graduates into th© CYO group. June 6th — Graduation Day — “It won’t be long now, boys and girls!” Whew! — what a line-up! No chance for a “breather” until the second week in June. Then we can start planning out outdoor events. last call for WOMEN RETREATANTS . . . If you are hesitant about turning in your reservation for the parish retreat for women, which will be> held at the Diocesan Retreat House, 18485 Lake Shore Blvd.., the weekend of April 9th to 11th (over Palm, Sunday), please decide at once! There are only a few more reservations available. Those interested, are asked to call the Rectory office (EN 1-2624) anytime during the day. We have always had a fine representation from our parish, and hope to maintain this record this year, also. Think it over, ladies —- don’t you think you could manage to spend just Two Whole Days with Our Lord in peace, in prayer, in soli tude? If you have never made a retreat in your life, you can’t possibly imagine what a golden opportunity is yours for the asking. Those who have attended retreats previously KNOW the value and worth of spending such a week-end away from the cares and anxieties of the world. who came down to the Roast Beef Dinner. Needless to s'ay it was a success. You know, when you prepare for an event such as the Roast Beef Dinner, there is quite a bit of work connected with it, but after all is done and you see the friendliness and cooperation given by everjmne, its most inspirational. We would like to thank all the girls who served for the dinner and a Special Thank You to the Juniors who did such a wonderful job in serving. I’m sure they will make good Senior Sodalists. Just a reminder to keep the fol • lowing dates in mind::-The Annual Retreat from April 9 to 11, at the Retreat House, ond the' Day of Recollection on April 11, at the Holy Family Parish. Monthly Mass and Communion is this Sunday at the 9 o’clock Mass, PUB. CHAIR. ST. VITUS MOTHERS CLUB Gains Sight After Years of Total Blindness How does it feel to live in a world of darkness for 18 years and then receive the gift of sight? This question will be answered by Mr. George Campbell who will relate an autobiography of his experiences of life in two worlds. He will speak at the St. Vitus Churh Hall on April 7th at 9:30 p. m. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. A reminder for our members. Annual group Communion on Passion Sunday at the 7 o’clock Mass, the Mass is fir the living and deceased members of our club. This is an appropriate time to make your Easter Duty. We hope to see all the members at this Mass. No excuse, because you will get home in time to send your children to their Mass. Regular monthly meeting on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Mr. Campbell will be our guest speaker. We assure you that you will be glad you came. Invite your friends. St. Vitus len’s Bowling League March 25, 1953 A pat on the back to all our bowlers who responded 100% to the Charity Tournament. Several of the men had 600 series which may bring them some prize money. With only four more sessions to go, only 7% points separate first and sixth places. Hottest bowler of the evening was Don Szymanski, 204-201-233—638, followed closely by Joe Kogoy 256-204-]75—635 whose big 256 game takes third place on the board. Norwood Men’s Shop took all team honors of the night with 972-2793. Brodnick Bros, took 3y2 points from Clover Dairy.. Marion Rebol’s 519 paced the winners. Brodnick Bros. 896 864 873 2633 Clover Dairy 819 864 726 2409 Hecker Tavern took 3 points from Catholic War Vets No. 2. W-Kowall 212-545 topped the winners. Hecker Tav. 716 831 833 2380 CWV No. 2 777 791 784 2363 Norwood Men’s Shop put the race into closer competition by taking 3 points from C. and O. Slap nik Florists. Ed Koporc 563 paced the winners. (Continued on Page 7) Sedalify News On behalf of all the officers and sodalists, we wish, at this time,, to thank all of our many friends, DEB Ginger Beers also took 3 points from Mezic Insurince. Frank Bizjak was the big noise for the winners with 201-574. Double Eagle 786 852 899 2537 Mezic Ins. 783 780 921 2484 This and That irom Wasliingtcn 1 By Congressman Frances P. Bolton-—— TTOUR TAXES. I am writing this A during the seven-hour debate on the new income tax bill. This bill represents an absolutely fantastic job of work by the Ways and Means Coaumit-tee and its staff. It gives us a long overdue revamping of our whole tax structure, removing endless injustices which have been piled one on top of the other for generations. Every taxpayer in the land will benefit by these revisions. There is one item in the bill in which we women can take particular pride, for it was through a woman’s effort that it was included. I told you sometime ago that Mrs. Anna Coleman, widowed herself, came to Capitol Hill and personally saw the important Ways and Means Committee members to urge passage of my bill, H. R. 379, to remove the income tax from widow’s pensions. So potent was her smile and her good common sense presentation that the idea was incorporated in the big tax bill. Some 700 police Mrs. Bolton and fire widows in Greater Cleveland will benefit. In addition, retired teachers and other receiving retirement income will have the first $1,200 exempted from tax. This is typical of a great many items in the bill. Next week I shall tell you more about this legislation. AHIO NAVY NURSE. A disting-V/ uished Ohioan and a woman known to Clevelanders is soon to become Director of the Navy Nurse Corps. Commander Wilma Leona Jackson, of Union, Montgomery County, will take over that post on May 1st. Clevelanders will remember her for the dramatic speech she gave at the Opera House shortly after the war. She had just been repatriated after seven months as a Japanese prisoner of war. We shall never forget her story about how she stood in the doorway of the Naval Hospital on Guam in December, 1941, as the Japanese lowered the American flag and victoriously hoisted the banner of the Rising Sun. In her quiet voice she portrayed to every member of tjjat audience the crushing depression of that awful moment. The Navy Nurse Corps, one of the nation’s great services, can be justly proud of its new Director. fssorrf rebar IMesfra In lew T¥ Series Upri! 3; legalist Barbara Paige is MM Mraetien LOU TREBAR (left) and JOHNNY PECON impersonate “Lojze in Janez,” the lively Old Country musicians, which is a regular feature of their show. Polka fans will be pleased to hear that their old favorites, the popular: Pecon-Trebar Orchestra is scheduled to start a new series of Polka Music on the TV screen tomorrow, Saturday, April 3, on WXEL Channel 8 from 1 to 1:30 p.m. The band, whose syncopations include “Janez in Lojze” with their old-country style of music, as well as the more modern kind, are hap-, py to announce a new addition to their format-*-lovely TV and Radio songstress Barbara Paige — who will give the show a favorable, feminine touch. East Shore Lions Ready For iig Sweep SALE OF BROOMS TO AID CLUB’S WELFARE WORK Spring is here!!! There’s no doubt about it now especially since the East Shore: Lions Club announced their first annual Broom Sale which is due for a sweeping weekend, Saturday and Sunday, April 3rd and 4th. “Brooms are a sure sign of spring, even though some dislike the work signified,” said Gerald Lerbison, president of the Lions Club, “but we want all residents .to know that their cooperation will 1each a most worthy cause.” Proceeds from the Broom Salt will go into the Lions Special Service Fund which in the past has helped purchase Braille writers, visual aids, glasses, helped finance eye operations and other community services. Chairman of “Operation Big ‘=>Weep” is Howard Haire with Michael Son as co-chairman.. Cap-ains of the touring teams who will 6° house to house next week-end are Lodi Mandel, John Wolf and Cr. Prank Jarm. House to house canvassing will ^ just a part of the Broom Sale. nlephone orders can be placed by nailing ly 1-2400 or you can picit np brooms at any of these Sale stations: North American Bank, 15619 Wa-terloo Rd. Cook & Sons Heating Co., 536 E. ro2nd St. Son Cleaners, 406 E.. 156 St. kebe & Sons Plumbing, 15611 Waterloo Rd. Stakich Insurance, 815 E. 185 St, ! .^ngfehow Meat Market, 6C9 E MO st. ^Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 Collinwood Motors, 15225 Water-Mo Rd. Leach Bakery, 276 E. 156 St. atrumbel & Radell Market, 17001 Along with John Saunders as Master of Ceremonies and the lively old-country musicians “Janez in, Lojze” impersonated by Johnny Pecon and Lou T^bar, long recognized as two of the best accordionists hereabouts, the band includes the following: Paul Yanchar, Mish Yama, James Medved and Al Markič—all true-blue Slovenians who play Polka music as it should be played. Tune in WXEL Channel 8 every Saturday afternoon at 1:00 p..m. for your old polka favorites, Pecon and Trebar. Grovewood Ave. Tower Auto Parts, 15601 Waterloo Rd. Joe Barta Tailoring, 15809 Waterloo Rd. Mandel Drugs, 15702 Waterloo Rd. Krizman’s Restaurant, 300 E. 156 St. East Appliances Sales, 18724 St. Clair Ave. The Scoop (Frank Beck), 814 E. 152 St. Meyers Cleaners, 274 E. 156 St. Wolf Rubber. Co., 14724 Lake Shore Blvd. Marinko’s Market, 416 E. 156 St. As mentioned previously, pro ceeds will go to the Lions in their Help the Blind program and an added note is that all brooms in this sale come from the Euclid Broom Co. which is headed by Howard Payne, a blind man. -------o------- •GOOD WILLY* KEEP GOOD WILLY’S WHEELS SPINNING “Good Willy,” the merry mascot of Goodwill Industries’ handicapped employees asks you to join “Operation Pickup” April 5th-30th. You can support it by gathering no - longer - needed clothing, furniture, toys and other materials—and calling for a Goodwill collection truck — HEnderson 1-8300. Modern Slovenian Literature:'Ivan Pregelj By E. A. KOVACIC Ivan Pregelj, born in 1883 in the village of Most near Tolmin in the Soča River North of the City of Gorica, became the outstanding Slovenian writer during the first decade after World War I. The author received his secondary education in Gorica (at present in Ita-aly) and his academic education in, Vienna, where he graduated with a Ph.D. in Slavic studies from the university. As a professor he served at different Slovenian secondary schools, at last in Ljubljana, where he is still living as a retired professor. As a student in Gorica and Vienna, Pregelj started to write Slovenian poetry, but his first published book was German — “Adria-Kla-enge” (Adriatic Tunes), a translation of Gregorcic’s poetry into German. In 1910, the author published a collection of his own poetry “Romantika,” full of religious motives and medieval legends. Although Pregelj never ceased to write poetry, his artistic nature found a more convenient expression in the epic and lyrical prose. Shortly before World War I, he, published a novel “Mlada Breda” (The Young Breda) and prepared an outstanding historical trilogy dedicated to his native Tolmin. The novels bearing in the final form published after World War I the titles “Tolminci” (People From Tolmin), “Štefan Golja in njegovi” (Štefan Golja and His Adherents), and “Plebanus Joannes” (Priest John) had the peasants’ revolt of 1713 as background of the story. The heroes of the first two parts were the people of Tolmin suffering under feudal lords, while the story of the third novel took place a few centuries earlier, but represents the artistical point of view a logical conclusion of the first two. Pregeljs native Tolmin was the place of a number of different short stories- as well as the biographical novel “Anton Muznik”, describing the famous native of Tolmin who was a surgeon in the time of Empress Maria Theresa. With his later biographical novels ‘Šmonca iz Praš” (Simon from the1 Village Praše), describing the poet Simon Jenko, “Peter Pavel Glavar” etc., Pregelj became the greatest Slovenian writer of fictional biography based on a careful historical study. As a biographer, he accepted even obsolete words and phrases that had been actually used in the described period. As a master of the Slovenian, language and an expert on its historical development, he created a certain historical style pertaining to the period. Pregelj’s novels “Bogovec Jernej” (Theologian Jernej) and “Magister Anton” (Teacher Anton) took place during the time of the Reformation in Slovenia, while his two realistic novels full of color and sunshine “Otroci sonca” (Children of the Sun) and “Gloriosa” described the life in the more recent period in Slovenia. His much disputed novel “Usehli vrelci” (Arid Fountains) gave an account of the author’s autobiography and, the Slovenian cultural life in the period after World War I. “Umreti nočejo” (They Refuse to Die), another Pregelj’s novel in a more: popular style, was the writer’s dedication to the problem of the Slovenians in Carinthia who refused to be germanized, although being under an enormous German pre-sure in Austria. An outstanding Pregelj’s personal poetry became his “Balade v prozi” (Ballads in Prose) full of darkness and mystery with an accent on the cultural life in the past. As a dramatist, Pregelj created a wonderful biblical drama “Aza-zel” (angel of evil in the Old Testament) from the life of Our Lord with an interesting pure fictitious psychological explanation of Judas’ treason. Pregelj was also the author of shorter plays “Berači” (Beggars), ’ Emavs” (To Emaus), a dra matic description of poet Preseren’s funeral, and “Ave virgo Catharina ali Ljubljanski študentje” (Hail Virgin Catherine or Students from Ljubljana), an interesting approach to the life of students in Ljubljana in the 17th century. In addition, Pregelj translated a great number of poems, wrote critiques, as well as books and article dealing with literary theory proving to be not only a great artist, but also a scholar in the field of literary theory with an excellent background of the world literature. ' ^ After Cankar’ death and during the first decade after World War I, Pregelj became the leading Slovenian novelist. His language was extraordinary rich and colorful. In the history of the Slovenian literature his literary works will prove * of the climax of the Slovenian ex- j pressionism in prose. (Clip and save for your scrapbook i of the history of your ancestors.) I Oleveland To Rear Mar« gars! Harshaw, Wagnerian Soprano ST. VITUS MRS (Continued from Page 6) Nor. Men’s Shop 961 972 860 2793 G. - O. Slapnik 865 865 913 2643 Al and Ann’s Tavern scored a shutout over CWV No. 1 as Joe Kogoys big 635 boomed the team to victory. A1 and Ann’s 910 934 945 2789 CWV No. 1 868 880 936 2684 In a great fight to regain the lead, Cimperman Market whitewashed Deutsch’s Tavern. Don Szy-manski’s big 638 led the winners. Cimpermon Mart 885 920 963 2763 Deutsch’s Tav. C-O Slapnik Cimperman Mkt. Mezic Ins. DEB Bottlg. Nor. Men’s Shop Clover Dairy j Deutsch Tav. Hecker Tav. Al-Ann Tav.. CWV No. 2 CWV No. 1 Brodnick Bros. IH! folillillsii MARqA7ZE.T HARSH AM Cleveland — Margaret Harshaw, who has won widespread fame as a Wagnerian soprano, will be among the outstanding artists who will return the great German composer’s music to the Cleveland season when the Metropolitan Opera comes to Public Auditorium April 19 to 24. Miss Harshaw will be Elisabeth in ‘Tannhaeuser” on Tuesday evening, April 20. This will be the first of Richard Wagner’s works presented in Cleveland by the Metropolitan since 1951. “Tannhaeuser” was last presented here in 1946. In the cast with Miss Harshav/ will be George Landon in the title role, Jerome Hines as Dand-graf Hermann, George Landon as Wolfram, Brian Sullivan as Wal-ther, Astrid Varnay as Venus. Other operas to be presented in the Cleveland season ire Gaetano Donizetti’s ‘Lucia di Lammermoor,” Monday evening, April 19; Georges ... ... , .. . Bizet’s “Carmen,” Wednesday ait- Wf1 ernoon, April 21; Charles Gounod’s “Faust,” Wednesday evening, April 21; Giuseppe Verdi’s “Aida,’ Thursday evening, April 22; Giacoipo Puccini’s “La Boheme,” Friday eve- 809 802 843 2504 March 25th V/ L Pts. 51 36 68 . 51 36 67 48 39 64 49 38 63 46 41 61 451/2 41 y2 60 G 42 45 57 40 y2 46 y2 55% 40 47 54 37 50 53 38 49 50 32 55 46 April 8, 1954 mrance VS. Chas. Alleys: I- 2—Mezic and Olga Slapnik Florists. 3-4—Cimperman Market vs. Brodnick Bros. 5-6—Norwood Men’s Shop vs. Deutsch’s Tavern. 7-8—Clover Dairy vs. Hecker’s Tavern. 9-10—Catholic War Vets No. 1 vs. Double Eagle Bottling Co. II- 12—Catholic War Vets No. 2 vs. A1 and Ann Tavern.. Schedule for April 10, 1954 Alleys: 1-2—Hecker Tavern vs. Norwood Mens Shop. 3-4—Clover Dairy vs. A1 and Ann’s Tavern. 5-6—Brodnick Bros. vs. Catholic 7-8—Double Eagle Bottiing Co. vs. Deutsch’s Tavern. 9-10—Catholic War Vets No. 2 vs. Chas and Olga Slapnik Florists.. 11-12—Mezic Insurance vs. Cim- ning, April 23; Gioacchino Rossini’s, Perman Market “The Barber of Seville,” Saturday, afternoon, April 24, and Verdi’s “II Trovatore,” Saturday evening, Apr. 24th. Mail orders are now being received at the Northern Ohio Opera Association’s box office in the Union Bank of Commerce, Euclid Avenue and E. 9th Street, Cleveland 14, O. Prices are $1.20, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6.50, $7 and $8.50. Since seats at some prices may not be aviilable. for all performances, second and third choices should be included with each order. la You Wish h Reeeive This English Edition Regular!!? .If any cf our young readers are interested in receiving our Friday English page edition by mail or if you want to order same for someone in military service, just send in $2.25 for (he year with the name and rddress. iBarbecue the Easy Way ' ^ Modern Electric Rang* Like the flavor of outdoor cooking? You don’t have to wait for the next sunny Sunday morning if you’ve got one of the new electric ranges that bring the appeal of outdoor cooking right into your own kitchen. Some models, for example, feature a built-in rptisserie that ignores bad weather when you feel like putting on a good old-fashioned barbecue. Besides being the last word in convenience, smokeless infra-red broiling turns out roasts, seafood and fowl at their juicy best—every time. For griddle enthusiasts, new ranges feature thermostatically controlled griddles that plug in over surface cooking units, give you perfectly prepared ham ’n’ eggs in a matter of minutes. They clean up in a jiffy, occupy a minimum of storage space when not: in use. . Space saving 30-inch ranges— many of them push button models —feature ovens that roast the largest turkey you’ll buy, bake ten loaves of bread at a time. New high-speed surface units cook bacon to a tempting texture in two minutes, soup in three minutes. There’s a range that “remembers” with an electronic device to prevent burning on surface units and many models with improvements on electric cooking’s greatest gift to modern women—automatic oven timers. As for beauty—the new pastel shades in acid-resistant porcelain are a decorator’s delight. If you’ve got that redecorating gleam in your eye, see the cool colors available in ranges for a shade to keynote your new kitchen decor. For precision cooks there’s even a thermostatically controlled plugin heat element for the well cooker to give you deep fat frying with professional results. When not in use, the unit stores away while the well cooker converts to an extra surface cooking unit ....... What happened to that pint of Blood You were aoina to Give? AEME9 roe Cl* 11009 DONOR PE OGRAJI! CROSS TODAY! .J Let us show you the (zJlotecr Qji/eJJtng ©l?»ne • • • created by / ^ATURAllY. they’r* Important to you! That'l why w» want you to see these Invitation* for yoorieif And plea*« don't l«t that cosily look mislead you .. . th# magic i* in tb® malting el the*« invitation*! Feel that fine, sharp ralssd Wttpring. If* don* by a very special process! Feel the ereemy quality of th* papers! Check th* perfect form of the** invitation* wtth peopW who really know! Com* Ini W* will b* happy to »how you th* "Rower Wedding Una.* Priced at lew at SO /or f7M 100 for $10S0 with dUmblo *n*»fnp«e orni tissues Seieel from 45 dlttincrivo poporo »»d 1? •tyfes oj lettering. FINE PRINTING . . PROMPT SERVICE American Heme Publishing £9. 6117 St. Clair Avenue HE 1-0628 The New Revised Edition «« Ou* '-faoo’iite RECIPES ! compiled by -£[c mzzLcan- ^Locrsns, <2U The Cook Book is divided into the following divisions; TORTES TOAST, OMELETTES and PANCAKES BREADS, YEAST, and QUICK BREADS COOKIES PUDDINGS, DESSERTS, etc. CAKES VEGETABLES MEATLESS DISHES NOODLES, DUMPLINGS STRUDELS, PASTRIES BEVERAGES SANDWICHES SALADS RELISHES, PICKLES, DRESSINGS JAMS, PRESERVES CANDIES PIES MEAT DISHES FROSTINGS, TOPPINGS, FILLINGS SOUPS FISH MISCELLANEOUS This book may be purchased thru mail for $1.50 plus a handling charge of 15c—total $1.65 at the Frank Cerne Jewelry Company 6412 St. Clair Avenue HEnderson 1-0465 Cleveland 3, Ohio This and That from Washington "By Congressman Frances P. Bolton- Here are a few more details about the important tax bill just passed by the House, which I was able to mention only briefly last week. /''1HILD CARE. The new bill will V- permit a single parent (widow, widower, divorced or married to ' personr^de- duct up to $600 | for the care of 11 their children while they are working. That is Wii a great improve- ment for which many of us have been fighting for many years. Only last June, I wrote to the Ways and Means Committee urging that there be a provision to encourage the proper day care of children. Mrs. Bolton “l/fEDICAL EXPENSES. Medical ifl expenses will be deductible when they exceed 3 per cent (instead of the present 5 per cent) of your income. My son, Congressman Oliver P. Bolton, had introduced legislation to allow deduction of all medical expenses. The bill passed by the House is a step in the right direction. For example. under the present law a family that has an income of $3,000 and spends $150 on doctor bills cannot deduct anything. Under the new bill, they can deduct $60. Also, pay checks you receive for sickness or accidents will be tax-free up to $100 weekly. income-splitting benefits now accorded married couples. It will also permit parents to claim a $600 exemption for children regardless of the child’s income. A full exemption may also be claimed by one of the joint supporters of an aged person or other dependent, and this exemption may be rotated each year among the joint supporters. OTIMULANTS TO OCR ECON-O OMT, To encourage the replacement of vital machinery (as lathes and generators) more of the cost of new machines can be written off in their earlier years. Double taxation on dividends was reduced by a modest amount to encourage people to save and invest their savings. Other provisions would stimulate foreign trade by Americans, close many tax loopholes and bring tax laws up to modern accounting-standards. All of these provisions are designed to further the growth and expansion of business and industry to create jobs and to produce more products at lower cost for the consumer. It should be noted that we did not permit the 52% income tax rate on corporation income to drop to 47% as the law provided. The higher corporation tax rate will pay for many benefits gained by individuals. rjlAMILY BENEFITS. Widows will be granted relief under riFFECTS OF THE BILL. You JCi can see that this bill attempts to aid both the worker and the employer, both the consumer and the producer. It is yet another step in the Eisenhower Program to help the nation approach a productive, peacetime economy geared to the needs of all Americans. a * The Bells of SI. Mary's ■« SI. Mary’s FTU Bake Sale For this reason and with this in mind, we are having a Catholic A Bake Sale will be held by the Investiture service in our church te’s ‘Divina Commedia” into Slovenian in the original terzians verse and contributed numerous articles on philosophy, literature, and critique to the periodical magazines. The numerous novels and short-stories by the parish priest Pavei Perko gave a clear picture of the life in the country not neglecting the psychological background, ai-thiugh written with the intention to develop idealistic literature. writing of scientific research works in the field of history of art in Western Europe. In the United States, Izidor Cankar became known thru his contribution of the article on his cousin, novelist Ivan Cankar, in the “Columbia Distionary of Modern European Literature.” Ivan Lah (1881-1938), professor of Slovenian in Ljubljana, born in the village of Trnovo near Ilirska Bistrica in the Slovenian Coast-land, was the author of a number ing love for the Redeemer bios-[ ducing a mark similar to the som almost spontaneously in, present dollar sign. It was in their innocent hearts, while,! usie before the adoption of our Izidor Cankar, born in 1886 and ! of historical novels. His most unliving at present in Slovenia ,be- ' portant work was the novel “Bram came a priest, but abandoned that profession. Due to his study of history of art in Belgium and Vienna, he became a professor at the university and joined later the Yugoslav diplomatic service as an ambassador to Argentina. In the literature, he tended to follow an “expressive realism” demanding from the writer to create a literary work as objective as a. sculptor with technical means. His most important contributions to the literature were his two books Obiski” (Visits), portraits and interviews with the contemporary leading personalities of the Slovenian culture, and “S poti” (From the Travel), a reminiscence of his travels in Italy with discussions in art and history of art. After World War I, when he became professor of the history of art, he devoted his work to thci -------------------------------------O bovci” (Defenders) and the drama “Noč na Hmeljniku” (Night on Hmeljnik) showing the political, military, and cultural life during the French occupation of the Illy rian provinces. His novel “Angelin Hidar” was an approach to the early history of Carinthia, while the novel “Sigmovo maščevanje” (Sigma’s Revenge) dealt with the period of Turkish invasions.. The author devoted his activity also to the cultural cooperation between the Slovenians and other Slavic nations, especially the Czechs. With his anthology of Czech poetry, Lah proved to be a good translator of Czech poetry into Slovenian. (To be continued next week) (Clip and save for your scrapbook of the history of your ancestors.) Pope Pius XII iHxceprts from the encyclical letter “INGRUENTIUM MA-LORIUM” Sept. 15, 1951 St. Mary’s Parent Teacher Unit on Sun., April 4th after the 7 o’clock Mass in the Study Club Room. All members are urged to donate some baked goods. Chairlady of the Bake Sale is Mrs. Fred Strniša Anyone wanting to donate, may contact her by calling MU 1-4519. ST. MARY’S INVESTITURE SERVICE .... Scouting enriches the life of a boy. Religion complements the program of scouting. In an effort to bring the boy to a realization of his full potential, America must learn that religion is an absolute necessity if it is to exist in the form that we cherish. Every true American institution must be based on this belief. We the leaders of the scouting program of St. Mary’s have always realized that the scouting activity is not merely an instrument to develop natural talents, but spiritual is well. It has been our obligation to bring all our efforts into play so that the spiritual development of the boy supersedes the natural. . . . and your savings will earn from the 1st of April. Earnings start the 1st of April on money added by the 12th of April. It pays to save now! A convenient amount opens your account and your savings are automatically insured to $10,000. The worthwhile return we pay on savings helps your account to GROW! ivi%mv2% ST. CLAIR tm fctftm HE i-56To\ for the scouts and the lay leaders of Troop 285 on April 8th at 7 p. m. Father Thomas Corrigan, the CYO director of the diocese of Cleveland, will be present to address the boys and their parents. The Scout Troops from St. Vitus, Holy Redeemer, St. Joseph’s and St. Jerome, have also been invited to attend. The program will include the presentation of the Charter, the Installation of Officers, the. blessing fo the Badges and the Investiture of the Boy Scouts. The boys will be invested with the following words, “You have received badges and insignia which have been blessed that they may serve as constant reminders of the Scout’s duty to God. May they also help you to put into practice in your daily lives, the scout Oath and Law: to do your daily Good turn in the true spirit of Christian charity and may they help you to be ever prepared to do God’s calling. A bouquet of flowers will be presented by the scouts to the Blessed Mother to honor her Marian Year. Frank Zallar, one of the scouts will sing, “Mother at your feet is kneeling,” during the presentation. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will conclude the Service Mr. Robert Young is the Scout Master, assisted by Edward Zagorc. Mr. Joseph Muzic heads the Committee, assisted by Fred Strniša. Modern Slovenian Prose By E. A. KOVACIC Beside the outstanding contribution to the modern Slovenian prose given by I. Cankar, F. S. Finžgar, K. Meško, and I. Pregelj there were a great number of authors contributing to the Slovenian literature. Matija Prelesnik (1872 - 1905), writing under the pseudonyn Bogdan Vened would have probably ci eated Slovenian historical novels in Sienkiewicz’s style, if he would have lived longer. He wrote an epic poetical fiction “Ingov pir” (Duke Ingo’s Entertainment) and a novel “ženitev Ferdulfa vojvode” (The Wedding of Duke Ferdulf) describing the early history of the Slovenians and their fight against the Langobards and Friulians. Due to the early death of the author, his trilogy on the history of the Western Slavs at the Elbe River remained unfinished. ■ Jože Debevec (1867-1938), a, priest and doctor of theology, born in Begunje near Cerknica, was the brother of James Debevec, the deceased popular editor of the “Ameriška domovina”. At the end of the last century, he published a novel in letters, “Vzori in boji” (Ideals and Struggles), giving the most intimate picture of the life of Slovenian students at the end of the 19th century, interested chiefly in literature and linguistics. After World War I, he translated Dan- Since we were raised to the supreme Chair of St. Peter, by design of Divine Providence, seeing the advancing evils, we have never ceased to entrust to the most powerful protection of the Mother of God the fate of the human family, and for this aim, as you know several times we have written letters of exhortation . . . Yet, everywhere we see souls upset by hatred and rivalry, while threats of new bloody conflicts still hover over the peoples. To this, one must add the violent foppi pf persecution, which, for a long time, has been unleased against the Church, saddening it very cm elly with calumnies and miseries of all kinds, making the blood of martyrs flow again. Nor can We pass over in silence a new crime to which, with utmost sorrow, We want earnestly to draw not only your attention, but the attention of the clergy, of parents, and even of public authorities. We refer to the iniquitous campaign that the impious lead everywhere to harm the shining souls of the children. Not even the innocent age has been spared. On the contrary, audacious efforts are unfortunately made to snatch, with a gesture, from the mystical garden of the Church even the most beautiful flowers, which constitute the hope of religion and society. Considering this, one cannot be surprised if peoples groan under the v/eight of the Divine punishment, and live under the nightmare of even grater calamities. i We well know the Rosary’s powerful efficacy to obtain the maternal aid of the Virgin. By no means is there only one way to pray to obtain this aid. We consider the Holy Rosary the most convenient and ade- the soul draws and imperceptibly absorbs the virtues they contain, and lights up with extraordinary hope of the immortal virtues, and become strong-1 Early manuscrips show iy and easily impelled to follow | ® gradually came tO‘ seeing their parents . kneeling before the majesty of God, they will learn from their very early years how great is the value of prayers said in common. We do not hesitate to affirm again publicly that We put great confidence in the Holy Rosary for the healing of evils which afflict our times. Not with force, not with arms, not with human power, but with Divine help obtained through the means of this prayer, strong like David with his sling, the Church undaunted shall be able to confront the infernal enemy If the evils and the assults' of the wicked increase, so likewise must the zeal of all good people increase and become ever more vigorous. Let them strive to obtain from our most loving Mother, especially thru the means of the Holy Rosary, that better time may quickly return for the Church and society. ------o------ The Origin of our Dollar Sign Most authorities believe the symbol evolved from the Mexican or Spanish “Ps” for pesos, piasters, or pieces of the path which Christ Himself and His Mother have follojwed. The recitation of identical formulas, repeated so many times rather than rendering the prayer sterile and boring, has on the contrary the admirable quality of infusing confidence in him wiio prays and makes a sweet compulsion toward the maternal heart of Mary. But it is above all in the bosom of the family that We desire the custom of the Holy Rosary to be everywhere adopted, religiously preserved and ever more intensely practised. In vain is a remedy sought for the wavering fate of civil life, if the family, the principle and foundation of the human community, is not brought back to the norms of the Gospel. To undertake such a difficult duty, We affirm that the recitation of the Holy Rosary is a most efficacious means. What a sweet sight — most pleasing to God — when, at eventide, the Christian home resounds with the frequent repetition of the praises to honor the Queen of Heaven! Then the Rosary, recited in common, assembles before the image of the Virgin in an admirable union of hearts, the parents and their children, who come back from their daily work. It unites them piously with those absent and those dead. It links them more tightly in a sweet bond of love, with the most Holy Virgin, who, like a loving mother, will come among her children bestowing upon them an abundance of the gifts of concord and family peace. Then the home of the Christian family, like that of Nazareth, will become an earthly-abode of sanctity, and a temple, where the Holy Rosary will be written over the “P”, pro- MAT ION AW •AI'KTV CRUNCH, An Opprartunity for a Young Woman TELLER POSITION OPEN Experienced or will train for full time work Pleasant working conditions ST. CLAIR SAVINGS & LOAN CO. 6235 St. Clair Avenue HE 1-5670 Want to Rent House Young couple with a 21-mo. old daughter, would like to rent a house with 5 or 6 rooms in St. Vitus parish. Willing to pay $55 to $65. Call CE 1-1169. Charles & Olga Slapnik FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 6026 St. Clair Ave.—EX 1-2134 Rich's Aufo Body Shop COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE Painting - Motor Service Ignition - Brake Service 1078-80 East 64th Street Tel. HE 1-9231 — HE 1-4947 quate means, as is clearly sug-1 not only be the particular pray-gested by the very origin of this pratice and of its nature . What prayers are more adopted and more beautiful than the Lord’s prayer and the mgelic salutation, which are the flowers with which this mystical crown is formed? Adding to the vocal prayers the meditation on the Sacred Mysteries, there emerges another very great advantage, that all, even the most simple and least educated, have in this a prompt and easy way to feed and keep their own faith. And truly, from the frequent meditation on the Mysteries, er which every day rises to Heaven in an odor of sweetness, but will also form the most efficacious school of Christian life. This meditation on the Divine Mysteries of the Redemption will teach the adults to live, admiring daily the shining examples of Jesus1 and Mary, and to draw from these examples comfort in adversity, striving towards those heavenly treasures “where neither thief draws near, nor moth destroys” (Luke 12, 33). This meditation will bring to the knowledge of the little ones the main truths of the Faith, mak- MATTERS OF DOLLARS & SENSE... OUR BUSIEST HOURS ARE SPENT IRONING OUT FINRNCmL PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTING THE RIGHT LOANS TO MEET THEM F.D.I.C. NORTH AMERICAN BANK 15619 WATERLOO ROAD ■. 6131 • 3496 IT. CLAIR AVE. EAST 93rd ST. doilar in 1785. The U.S. monetary unit was derived from the Spanish piaster, or milled dollar, which had made up a large part of the coin in circulation in the colonies- BUY YOUR ***** <; »EXTRASAVINGS; ftfONDSNOW: JsStj*..*-* *:****<• ON YOUR SAVINGS WE WELCOME YOUR SAKS I % t MBUa FEDERAL DEPOSIT WSURASCE COKPORATttt LADIES! GIRLS! JOIN r r Spring Tonic'' League (Handicap) MAY and JUNE 8 SESSIONS Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Air-Conditioned Phone EN 1-9398 GRDINA RECREATION E. 60th and St. Clair (Beautiful Powder Room) ADVERTED IN I I r r LI K t , . ■■ COMPLETE LINE OF FOR GIRLS BIG SELECTION OF CLOTHES FOR ALL! • MEN’S OSH-KOSH OVERALLS • LADIES’ DRESSES • CHILDREN’S DRESSES • GIFT CARDS HEMSTITCHING Sisttsus Dept. Store 694 E. 200th St. IV 1-6446 NOTICE You can pay Gas, Water, Electric and Telephone bills every day at tb® office of MIHALJEVICH BROS. GO. 6424 ST. CLAIR AYE. With our Special Money Orders y°u can pay all other bills, such as doctors) hospitals, rents, stores, etc. Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Body and Fender Repairs on Your Automobile SUPERIOR BODY S PAINT GO. 6605 St. Clair Ave. EN 1-1633 FRANK CVELBAR Owner A. GRDINA & SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS and FURNITURE DEALERS 1053 East 62 St. HEnderson 1-2088 COLLINWOOD OFFICES: KEnmore 1-5890 KEnmore 1-1235 17002-10 Lakeshore Blvd. 15301 Waterloo Road MUSIC FOR ML OCCASIONS POLKAS - WALTZES - POPS POLKA BUDDIES Have Played for Weddings, Picnics, Modern Dances CALL BOB PLANISEK HI 2-4481 -bruanHi Convenient J terms — call us ft for perfect winter comfort get the furnace with M*MonVate (it assures ideal comfort regardless of pressure conditions) and "FINGER-TIP" IGNITER (It lights the furnace at the touch of a button).. .and “SAFETY SENTINEL" PILOT (U never lets your furnace go out) 8" GAS-FIRED, FORCED Ail for an estimate FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL JOE AHLIN SHEET METU t FURNACE ROOFING — GUTTERS — SPOUTING iS37 Dumbarton Blvd. KE 1-4393 Richmond Heights —36 MONTHS TO PAY— ‘ Make Your Payments With Your Gas Bill