191 Acrocephalus 33 (154/155): 191−201, 2012 10.2478/v10100-012-0006-8 A preliminary overview of monitoring for raptors in Croatia Predhodni pregled monitoringa populacij ptic roparic na Hrvaškem Vlatka Dumbović Mazal1, Krešimir Mikulić2 1 State Institute for Nature Protection, Trg Mažuranića 5, HR–10000 Zagreb, e−mail: vlatka.dumbovic@dzzp.hr 2 Association BIOM, Preradovićeva 34, HR–10000 Zagreb, e−mail: kresimir.mikulic@biom.hr There are 40 regularly occurring raptor species in Croatia (diurnal raptors and owls), but only for two species (Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus and Eleonora’s Falcon F. eleonorae) long-term monitoring (more than 10 years) of significant parts (i.e. > 80%) of their national population has been implemented. For 23 species (58%), the coverage of monitoring is limited to several locations (often within borders of given protected area), involving small percentage of national population or/and has started recently. Therefore, they do not satisfy the main purpose of national monitoring programmes, i.e. to draw conclusions about the trend of the species’ national population and to support the decision-making process about conservation measures to be applied. Besides the Institute of Ornithology and several ornithological NGOs, which are recognized as main actors for the implementation of raptors monitoring, the State Institute for Nature Protection (SINP) is setting up a framework for the nationwide bird monitoring complying with the legal provisions of the EU Birds Directive and the Natura 2000 network. The highest priority is to improve the coordination between state institutions, scientific and non-governmental organizations involved in raptor conservation with the final aim to develop a national raptor conservation strategy that sets priority target species and standardized monitoring systems. Key words: diurnal raptors, owls, monitoring, Croatia Ključne besede: ujede, sove, monitoring, Hrvaška 1. Introduction The Croatian ornithofauna (399 species) comprises 46 bird species belonging to the orders of Falconi- formes (9 species), Accipitriformes (27 species) and Strigiformes (10 species), of which 40 species are regularly occurring (Tutiš et al. in print). For the purpose of this overview we define monitoring as a systematic, repeated, well-organized collecting of specific, parameterized field data on species aimed at getting data sets enabling to make conclusions about the trend of species population and supporting the decision-making processes about the conservation measures to be applied. Therefore, the set of monitoring parameters should describe not only the status of the object of monitoring (population size, breeding success) but also provide evidence on its trends, as well as pressures and impacts acting towards it. 2. Main players The Croatian Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection is the competent authority for nature protection, performing primarily administrative tasks in the field of nature protection. The State Institute for Nature Protection (SINP) is a governmental organization responsible to carry out expert tasks of nature protection such as organizing and implementing monitoring schemes and preparation of monitoring reports (Narodne novine 2005, 2008 & 2011). Results of monitoring programmes are essential for several SINP tasks: drafting the Croatian Red Data Book of Birds (Tutiš et al. in print), defining priorities for drafting Species Action Plans (Sušić 2010, Grlica 2011) and future Natura 2000 reporting. Protected areas (PA) in Croatia are managed by V. Dumbović Mazal & K. Mikulić: Preliminary overview of monitoring for raptors in Croatia 192 public institutions (PI). There are 19 PIs responsible for the management of national and nature parks. In addition, 20 PIs on the county level are responsible for the management of other protected areas categories. Several PIs (e.g. Lonjsko polje Nature Park and Paklenica National Park) have recognized raptor monitoring as a measure of efficiency of their management activities (Lukač & Hršak 2005, V. Hima pers. comm.). The Institute of Ornithology – Croatian Academy of Science and Arts (IOO) in Zagreb is a national scientific institution dedicated to bird research and conservation. During last decade, the IOO has conducted researches and surveys on several diurnal raptor and owl populations and is also running the long-lasting continuous monitoring on Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in cooperation with the Eco- Center Caput Insulae – Beli (ECCIB). However, recent raptor field research and survey is also done by ornithologist form several national nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and to some extent by PI employees. The most active NGOs are the Association BIOM (Udruga BIOM), Croatian Ornithological Society (COS, Hrvatsko ornitološko društvo), Croatian Society for Birds and Nature Protection (CSPBN, Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu ptica i prirode), ECCIB and the Natural History Society “Drava” (NHSD, Prirodoslovno društvo Drava). Parts of the monitoring data are published in scientific journals (Mikuška 2009, Radović & Mikuška 2009a & 2009b). Transboundary cooperation for raptor monitoring and protection is being realized on several levels. Formal collaboration for the protection of the White- tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla was recently realized within the “DANUBEPARKS” project (http:// danubeparks.org). The Action plan and the joint data base for Danube White-tailed Eagle populations are being prepared with the cooperation of Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovakian, Austrian and German PA managers and their White- tailed Eagle experts (Probst & Gaborik 2012). There is an informal cooperation of Croatian ornithologists with the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME) for monitoring of the Saker Falcon Falco cherrug. Planning of transboundary protection for the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos started with DOPPS - BirdLife Slovenia. There is a strong communication between Croatian researchers and conservationists with colleagues from other southeastern European countries, especially between NGOs (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina). 3. National coverage SINP is responsible for the national coordination of monitoring and closely cooperates with main monitoring actors. However, there is no special national network for raptor monitoring in Croatia. Diurnal raptor species that have small national populations and are breeding colonially on few locations are comprehensively monitored (Appendix 1). The species that have been monitored for a long period (more than 10 years) are the Griffon Vulture (Sušić & Radek 2010) and Eleonora’s Falcon F. eleonorae (Šćetarić Legan & Piasevoli 2005). National population of the Saker Falcon has been monitored since 2007 (Grlica & Grlica 2011a), while the Lesser Kestrel F. naumanni has been monitored since the discovery of its breeding site in 2010 (Mikulić et al. 2012). An exception is the White-tailed Eagle that is comprehensively monitored even though being numerous and widespread in floodplains of continental Croatia. In two Nature Parks, Kopački rit and Lonjsko polje, monitoring of this species started in 1999 and 2003, respectively. Monitoring of all 13 breeding raptor species has been performed in Paklenica National Park since 1996 (Lukač 2011) (Appendix 1). Wintering raptors (13 species) are being monitored in continental part of Croatia through simultaneous counts of individuals on several wetland sites, within International Waterbird Census (IWC) scheme (Wetlands International 2013, T. Mikuška pers. comm.). The Golden Eagle was patchily surveyed in several PAs, but in 2012 a comprehensive national monitoring of Golden Eagle has started (Mikulić et. al. 2012) (Appendix 1). Several NGOs are monitoring some species due their own scientific interest or specific commitment. For example, members of the BIOM are monitoring Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus in the continental part of Croatia and on the island of Mljet; COS monitors Peregrine Falcon on offshore islands and Eagle Owl Bubo bubo in the Neretva River valley. NHSD monitors the abundance indices of several raptor species on the Mura, Drava and Danube rivers (Grlica & Grlica 2011b) (Appendix 1). For owl species, a monitoring protocol for the Ural Strix uralensis, Tawny S. aluco and Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus in two mountain PAs was prepared by the IOO, with surveys being implemented by PA employees (V. Tutiš pers. comm.). In addition, the IOO started Ural Owl monitoring in one proposed Natura 2000 mountain area (Gorski kotar) (V. Tutiš pers. comm.). Generally, we can conclude that monitoring does 193 not exist for very rare species such as the Booted Eagle A. pennata, for which we are even lacking data on its distribution. Furthermore, comprehensive national monitoring does not exist for common species like the Buzzard Buteo buteo, Kestrel F. tinnunculus, Tawny Owl and Long-eared Owl Asio otus, while some local breeding populations are being long-term monitored only in Paklenica National Park (Lukač 2011) and patchily in eastern Croatia (Grlica & Grlica 2010 & 2011b). 4. Key species and key issues Endangered raptor species should be recognized as key species considering the need for their conservation. 24 breeding raptors species are listed on the new Croatian Red List (Tutiš et al. in print) (Table 1) and their monitoring is recognized as one of the conservation measures. To date, populations of only seven threatened species have been monitored at the national level, while for other eight species monitoring has been implemented only on one or few sites covering small portion (less than 5%) of its national population (Table 1). Among the non-breeding raptor species, the passage population of Osprey Pandion haliaetus is classified as Near Threatened (NT), wintering population of Greater Spotted Eagle A. clanga as Critically Endangered (CR) and wintering population of Merlin F. columbarius Vulnerable (VU). Only wintering population of the Greater Spotted Eagle is monitored within IWC. For the Griffon Vulture, a variety of threats are monitored like habitat degradation due to land abandonment, number of sheep in the breeding area and the disturbance of breeding pairs by tourist activities. For the White-tailed Eagle, a habitat analysis was executed including data on forest management and forest structures (Radović & Mikuska 2009a). Other kind of threats affecting raptor species are not quantified due to the lack of reliable data (i.e. poaching, poisoning, and succession of grasslands towards forests). There is no monitoring about the impacts of recently constructed wind farms on birds, as there was no legal obligation for the investors to conduct and finance such kind of Before-After Control-Impacts (BACI). In general, Croatia would benefit from international projects for long distance migrants in order to identify the wintering grounds and migration routes of its raptor populations. For the Saker Falcon and Golden Eagle, transboundary cooperation would improve the level of monitoring of shared populations. The exchange of knowledge about the establishment Acrocephalus 33 (154/155): 191−201, 2012 Ta bl e 1: R ed L is t of b re ed in g ra pt or s pe ci es o f C ro at ia (t ut i{ e t al . i n pr in t); b ol d – m on ito rin g of s ig ni fic an t pa rt o f p op ul at io n is in p la ce , * – m on ito rin g of s m al l a nd lo ca liz ed po pu la tio ns , n on -s ig ni fic an t at t he n at io na l l ev el Ta be la 1 : Rd e~ i s ez na m g ne zd e~ ih p tic r op ar ic H rv a� ke (t ut i{ e t al . i n pr in t); m as tn i t is k – m on ito rin g vk lju ~u je p om em be n de l p op ul ac ije , * – m on ito rin g m aj hn ih in lo ka liz ira ni h po pu la ci j, ne po m em bn ih n a na ci on al ne m n iv oj u C rit ic al ly E nd an ge re d (C R ) / K rit ič no o gr ož en a vr sta En da ng er ed (E N ) / O gr ož en a vr sta Vu ln er ab le (V U ) / R an lji va v rs ta N ea r T hr ea te ne d (N T )/ Vr sta b liz u og ro že no sti Le va nt S pa rr ow ha w k Ac cip ite r b re vi pe s Im pe ria l E ag le A qu ila h eli ac a G ol de n Ea gl e Aq ui la c hr ys ae to s Bo ot ed E ag le A qu ila p en na ta Bo ne lli ’s Ea gl e Aq ui la fa sci at a Le ss er K es tr el F al co n au m an ni La nn er F al co n Fa lco b ia rm icu s Sa ke r Fa lc on F al co c he rr ug Bl ac k K ite * M ilv us m ig ra ns * G ri ff on V ul tu re G yp s f ul vu s Sh or t-t oe d Ea gl e* C irc ae tu s g al lic us * M ar sh H ar rie r* C irc us a er ug in os us * M on ta gu ’s H ar rie r* C irc us p yg ar gu s* Le ss er S po tte d Ea gl e Aq ui la p om ar in a El eo no ra ’s Fa lc on F al co e le on or ae W hi te -t ai le d Ea gl e H al ia ee tu s a lb ic ill a Pe re gr in e Fa lc on F al co p er eg ri nu s Py gm y O w l G la uc id iu m p as ser in um H on ey B uz za rd * Pe rn is ap iv or us * H ob by * Fa lco su bb ut eo * Ba rn O w l T yt o al ba Ea gl e O w l* B ub o bu bo * Li ttl e O w l A th en e n oc tu a U ra l O w l* S tri x ur al en sis * Te ng m al m ’s O w l A eg ol iu s f un er eu s V. Dumbović Mazal & K. Mikulić: Preliminary overview of monitoring for raptors in Croatia 194 of efficient volunteer networks would improve the weak volunteer network in Croatia. The transfer of established monitoring protocols from other countries could facilitate the monitoring of species that are not included in any kind of monitoring yet, but are key species like the Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina. 5. Strengths and weaknesses Although there is more than a century long continuum of ornithology in Croatia, it has been restricted to a small community of scientists and there has not been any development of amateur ornithological organizations until the mid-1980s. However, since Croatia’s independence in 1991 and during the EU accession period, several ornithological NGOs have been founded and the community of amateur ornithologists is growing. Bird field guides and other ornithological literature in Croatian language were published. Since its establishment in 2003, the SINP has been developing a national monitoring system, including the drafting of monitoring protocols and building database system for monitoring data management. Today, there is a network of ornithologists engaged in bird conservation that encompasses three sectors: (1) scientific, (2) public institutions managing protected areas, and (3) civil society organizations. PIs have their own conservation management structures and at least some basic capacities (employees, facilities, equipment). The existent nature conservation legal framework (adjusted to EU legal framework, i.e. Birds Directive) makes bird monitoring obligatory for the Republic of Croatia. A formal national network for raptor monitoring, which would include all three above mentioned sectors, could prepare comprehensive strategy of raptor monitoring in Croatia, identify priorities (species, areas) and agree on monitoring system. Most PIs at the county level and PAs were recently established and they are lacking trained staff and experts that would work out conservation strategies or execute monitoring programmes. Funds for raptor monitoring are very restricted both on the county and state levels. Most of the raptor species have never been mapped and basic information regarding nesting sites (position of long-term used eyries), home ranges and migration routes are lacking, what makes it more difficult to integrate amateurs and volunteers into monitoring schemes. Moreover, there is no tradition of volunteer work in Croatia and the current socio-economic situation does not favour actions that rely on pro bono work. Parts of Croatia are inaccessible due to landmines and several hundreds of small island/islets cannot be mapped or monitored due to high transportation costs. A serious gap is the lack of data for migrating raptor birds. There are no identified bottlenecks in Croatia, despite indications that the Croatian coast could be an important flyway for the Red-footed Falcon F. vespertinus (Rucner 1998) and Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus that cross the Adriatic Sea (Schneider-Jacoby 2001, Premuda et al. 2008). The absence of exact data on distribution and migration routes for most raptor species contributes to poor environmental impact assessments, especially for wind farms that pose a serious threat to raptor species along the coast. In addition, it is nearly impossible to assess the Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) of existing wind farms. International sharing of good practice for solving all the above mentioned issues would improve raptor monitoring and conservation efforts in Croatia. 6. Priorities, capacity-building The highest priority is to improve the coordination between all sectors and stakeholders involved in raptor conservation with the aim to work out a national raptor conservation strategy that agrees on priority target species and on monitoring systems with standardized protocols. In the second step, all PAs and PIs, including those at the county level, should be trained and involved in order to contribute with their resources to raptor monitoring. In addition, the present volunteer network needs to be expanded and improved. The establishment of species specific working groups would bring forward the monitoring system for raptors. 7. Povzetek Čeprav se na Hrvaškem redno pojavlja 40 ptic roparic (ujede in sove), se dolgoročni monitoring (več kot 10 let) pomembnih delov (> 80 %) njihove nacionalne populacije izvaja le za dve vrsti (beloglavi jastreb Gyps fulvus and sredozemski sokol F. eleonorae). Poleg tega je monitoring za 23 vrst (58 %) omejen na nekaj lokacij (pogosto znotraj meja danega zavarovanega območja) in pokriva le majhen odstotek nacionalne populacije in/ali se je začel nedavno. To pa seveda ni dovolj za doseganje glavnega cilja nacionalnih programov monitoringa, se pravi ugotavljanja trenda nacionalnih populacij ptic in podpiranja postopka odločanja glede nujno potrebnih naravovarstvenih ukrepov. Poleg Inštituta za ornitologijo in več ornitoloških nevladnih 195 Acrocephalus 33 (154/155): 191−201, 2012 organizacij, ki jih priznavajo kot glavne protagoniste za uresničevanje monitoringa ptic roparic, Državni zavod za varstvo narave pripravlja okvir za vsedržavni monitoring ptic v skladu s pravnimi določili EU Direktive o pticah in omrežja Natura 2000. Najvišja prioriteta je izboljšati sodelovanje med državnimi institucijami, znanstvenimi in nevladnimi organizacijami, ki so vključene v varovanje ptic roparic, s končnim ciljem razvijanja nacionalne strategije za ohranjanje teh ptic, ki določa prednostne ciljne vrste in standardizirane sisteme monitoringa. 8. References Grlica, I.D. & Grlica, J. (2010): [Monitoring and protection of Saker Falcon. Project Report.] – Natural History Society Drava for Nature Protection Directorate of Croatian Ministry of Culture, Virovitica. (in Croatian) Grlica, I.D. & Grlica, J. (2011a): [Expert analysis for drafting of Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) Action Plan in Croatia in Period 2012–2016.] – Natural History Society Drava for State Institute for Nature Protection, Virovitica. (in Croatian) Grlica, I.D. & Grlica, J. (2011b): [Monitoring of Sand Martins, Wetland Birds and Raptors on Drava River from Donja Dubrava Accumulation to Drava River mouth into Dunav River. 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Arrived / Prispelo: 27. 3. 2013 Accepted / Sprejeto: 1. 7. 2013 197 Acrocephalus 33 (154/155): 191−201, 2012 APPENDIX 1 / DODATEK 1 An overview of raptor monitoring programmes in Croatia Pregled programov monitoringa za ptice roparice na Hrva{kem Duration − start year of the programme (all species are monitored on annual basis) Geographical scale − national (N), regional (R), local (L) Season − breeding (B), migration (M), wintering (W) Population parameters − wintering population size (individuals) (WP), breeding population size (pairs) (BP), Abundance index (indices) (AI), breeding success (BS), nest monitoring (NM), causes of death (CD), dispersal monitoring (DM) Monitoring methods − simultaneous counts of individuals on several sites within IWC scheme (IWC), territory mapping (TM), nest search (NS), counts of individuals (CI), counting of flying individuals from boat (CFI), nest surveillance (NSUR) * Since 2000 extinct from Paklenica NP ** Initial stage of preparation *** Mapping of hydrological changes in Drava River / water management works Sources: (1) Grlica & Grlica (2010), (2) Grlica & Grlica (2011a), (3) Grlica & Grlica (2011b), (4) Leskovar et. al. (2011), (5) Lukač (2011), (6) Lukač et. al. (2003), (7) Mellone et al. (in press), (8) Mikulić et. al. (2012a), (9) Mikulić et. al. (2012b), (10) Mikulić et. al. (2012c), (11) Mikuska (2009), (12) Mikuska (2010), (13) Mikuška & Livak (2010), (14) Mikuška et. al. (2010), (15) Mikuška et. al. (2012), (16) Radović (2010), (17) Radović & Ilić (2011), (18) Radović & Lolić (2011a & 2011b), (19) Radović & Crnković (2012), (20) Šćetarić Legan & Piasevolli (2005), (21) Sušić & Radek (2010), (22) T. Mikuška (pers. comm.), (23) V. Tutiš (pers. comm.) Abbreviations: BIOM − Association BIOM (Udruga BIOM); CSPBN − Croatian Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature (Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu ptica i prirode); COS − Croatian Ornithological Society (Hrvatsko ornitološko društvo); NHSD − Natural History Society “Drava” (Prirodoslovno društvo Drava); IOO − Institute of Ornithology – Croatian Academy of Science and Arts; ECCIB − Eco-Center Caput Insulae – Beli; PI − Public Institution V. Dumbović Mazal & K. Mikulić: Preliminary overview of monitoring for raptors in Croatia 198 Sp ec ie s/ Vr sta D ur at io n/ Tr aj an je G eo gr ap hi ca l s ca le / G eo gr af sk i o bs eg Re se ar ch er a nd O rg an isa tio n/ R az isk ov al ec in or ga ni za ci ja Se as on / O bd ob je Po pu la tio n pa ra m et er s/ Po pu la ci jsk i pa ra m et ri En vi ro nm en ta l pa ra m et er s/ O ko ljs ki pa ra m et ri M on ito rin g m et ho ds / M et od e m on ito rin ga In di vi du al m ar ki ng / O zn ač ev an je os eb ko v So ur ce s/ V iri H on ey B uz za rd Pe rn is ap iv or us 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M N o 5 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI ** * T M 3 Bl ac k K ite M ilv us m ig ra ns 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B, M AI ** * T M 3 Re d K ite M ilv us m ilv us 20 04 R (B ar an ya re gi on ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 W hi te -ta ile d Ea gl e H al ia ee tu s a lb ici lla 19 93 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 19 98 L (K op ač ki ri t N at ur e pa rk ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN ; K op ač ki ri t M an ag em en t of fic e B BP , B S ye s N SU R ye s 22 20 03 L (L on jsk o po lje N at ur e pa rk ) Lo nj sk o po lje M an ag em en t of fic e B BP , B S ye s N SU R no 22 20 09 L (V uk ov ar - Sr ije m C ou nt y) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN ; Vu ko va r- Sr ije m C ou nt y m an ag em en t o ffi ce B BP , B S ye s N SU R ye s 11 , 1 2 20 10 L (B ro d- Po sa vi na C ou nt y) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN ; Br od -P os av in a C ou nt y m an ag em en t o ffi ce B BP , B S ye s N SU R ye s 14 , 1 5, 2 2 20 10 L (P ož eg a- Sl av on ia C ou nt y) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN ; Po že ga -S la vo ni a C ou nt y m an ag em en t o ffi ce B BP , B S ye s N SU R no 13 , 1 5 20 04 L (P ok up sk o de pr es sio n) K . L es ko va r, D . R ad ov ić / C O S B BP , B S no T M , N SU R ye s 4 20 05 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI no T M no 3 C on tin ua tio n of A pp en di x 1 / N ad al je va nj e do da tk a 1 199 Acrocephalus 33 (154/155): 191−201, 2012 Sp ec ie s/ Vr sta D ur at io n/ Tr aj an je G eo gr ap hi ca l s ca le / G eo gr af sk i o bs eg Re se ar ch er a nd O rg an isa tio n/ R az isk ov al ec in or ga ni za ci ja Se as on / O bd ob je Po pu la tio n pa ra m et er s/ Po pu la ci jsk i pa ra m et ri En vi ro nm en ta l pa ra m et er s/ O ko ljs ki pa ra m et ri M on ito rin g m et ho ds / M et od e m on ito rin ga In di vi du al m ar ki ng / O zn ač ev an je os eb ko v So ur ce s/ V iri G rif fo n Vu ltu re G yp s f ul vu s 19 96 –9 9* L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP ne st he ig ht , or ie nt at io n T M , N S no 5, 6 19 90 N G . S uš ić / IO O a nd E C C IB B BP , B S, C D , D M ye s N S m et al- rin gs , co lo ur -ri ng s, w in gt ag s, sa te lli te tra ck in g 21 Sh or t-t oe d Ea gl e C irc ae tu s g al lic us 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M , N S no 5 M ar sh H ar rie r C irc us a er ug in os us 20 07 L (V ra ns ko je ze ro or ni th ol og ic al re se rv e) I. Lo lić / C O S B, W W P, BP no T M no 18 19 93 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B, M , W AI ** * C I 3 H en H ar rie r C irc us cy an eu s 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD M , W AI ** * C I 3 M on ta gu ’s H ar rie r C irc us p yg ar gu s 20 05 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M (c ou rt sh ip fly gh ts) no 5 G os ha w k Ac cip ite r g en til is 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M no 5 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI ** * T M no 3 C on tin ua tio n of A pp en di x 1 / N ad al je va nj e do da tk a 1 V. Dumbović Mazal & K. Mikulić: Preliminary overview of monitoring for raptors in Croatia 200 Sp ec ie s/ Vr sta D ur at io n/ Tr aj an je G eo gr ap hi ca l s ca le / G eo gr af sk i o bs eg Re se ar ch er a nd O rg an isa tio n/ R az isk ov al ec in or ga ni za ci ja Se as on / O bd ob je Po pu la tio n pa ra m et er s/ Po pu la ci jsk i pa ra m et ri En vi ro nm en ta l pa ra m et er s/ O ko ljs ki pa ra m et ri M on ito rin g m et ho ds / M et od e m on ito rin ga In di vi du al m ar ki ng / O zn ač ev an je os eb ko v So ur ce s/ V iri Sp ar ro w ha w k Ac cip ite r n isu s 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M , N S no 5 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI ** * T M 3 Bu zz ar d Bu te o bu te o 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va an d D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI ** * T M 3 20 07 L (B ar an ja a nd Sr ije m ) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI no N S (e le ct ric ity py lo ns ) 1 19 96 L (P ak len ica N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M no 5 Ro ug h- le gg ed B uz za rd Bu te o la go pu s 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l p ar t of C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 G re at er S po tte d Ea gl e Aq ui la cl an ga 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l p ar t of C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 G ol de n Ea gl e Aq ui la ch ry sa et os 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M , N S no 5 20 12 N K . M ik ul ić , V . L uc ić , I . Bu di ns ki / BI O M B BP , B S ye s T M , N S no 8 Le ss er K es tre l Fa lco n au m an ni 20 10 N K . M ik ul ić ., V. L uc ić , I . Bu di ns ki / BI O M B, M BP , N M ye s C FI , N S no 9 K es tre l Fa lco ti nn un cu lu s 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l p ar t of C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M , N S no 5 20 08 L (M ur a, D ra va a nd D an ub e R iv er s) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B, M , W AI ** * T M 3 20 07 L (B ar an ja a nd Sr ije m ) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI no N S (e le ct ric ity py lo ns ) 1 C on tin ua tio n of A pp en di x 1 / N ad al je va nj e do da tk a 1 201 Acrocephalus 33 (154/155): 191−201, 2012 Sp ec ie s/ Vr sta D ur at io n/ Tr aj an je G eo gr ap hi ca l s ca le / G eo gr af sk i o bs eg Re se ar ch er a nd O rg an isa tio n/ R az isk ov al ec in or ga ni za ci ja Se as on / O bd ob je Po pu la tio n pa ra m et er s/ Po pu la ci jsk i pa ra m et ri En vi ro nm en ta l pa ra m et er s/ O ko ljs ki pa ra m et ri M on ito rin g m et ho ds / M et od e m on ito rin ga In di vi du al m ar ki ng / O zn ač ev an je os eb ko v So ur ce s/ V iri M er lin Fa lco co lu m ba riu s 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 H ob by Fa lco su bb ut eo 20 07 L (B ar an ja a nd Sr ije m ) I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B AI no N S (e le ct ric ity py lo ns ) 1 El eo no ra 's Fa lc on Fa lco el eo no ra e 19 98 N G vi do P ia se vo lli P I/ N G O Fa lc o & D al m at ia n N at ur e PI ; V la tk a Šć et ar ić / N G O El eo no ra ; I vi ca L ol ić , R .C rn ko vi ć / C O S; N at ur e Pa rk L as to vs ko o to čj e m an ag em en t o ffi ce B BP , N M ye s C FI , N S, ne st ca m er a sy ste m (s in ce 20 12 ) o n on e sit e m et al ri ng s, sa te lli te tr ac ki ng 7, 1 6, 1 9, 20 Sa ke r F al co n Fa lco ch er ru g 20 07 N I.D . G rli ca / N H SD B BP , B S no N S (e le ct ric ity py lo ns ) m et al -r in gs 2 Pe re gr in e Fa lc on Fa lco p er eg rin us 19 99 R (C on tin en ta l pa rt o f C ro at ia ) T. M ik us ka / C SP BN W W P no IW C no 22 20 09 R (N W C ro at ia - Z ag or je a nd Žu m be ra k) K . M ik ul ić , I . S ev er , T . K la nf ar , V . L uc ić / BI O M B BP , B S no N S co lo ur -r in gs 10 Sc op s O w l O tu s s co ps 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M no 5 Ea gl e O w l Bu bo b ub o 20 10 L (N er et va R iv er va lle y) B. Il ić / C O S B BP no T M no 17 19 96 L (P ak le ni ca N P) G . L uk ač / PI P ak le ni ca N P B BP no T M no 5 U ra l O w l St rix u ra len sis ** L (N P Sj ev er ni Ve le bi t a nd N P Pl itv ič ka je ze ra PI N P Sj ev er ni V el eb it; P I N P Pl itv ič ka je ze ra ; I O O B AI no T M (p la yb ac k su rv ey ) no 23 20 10 L (C en tr al p ar t o f th e V el ik a K ap el a M t - G or sk i k ot ar ) V. T ut iš/ IO O B AI , B S no ne st- bo x sc he m e (1 00 nb /1 50 k m 2 ) m et al -r in gs 23 C on tin ua tio n of A pp en di x 1 / N ad al je va nj e do da tk a 1