Umek T: Celostno gospodarjenje z vodami na obalnem območju - Comprehensive Water Management in the Coastal Region © Acta hydrotechnica 17/24 (1999), 59 p., Ljubljana 2 UVODNIK V tokratni številki Acta hydrotechnica je objavljen razširjeni povzetek magistrskega dela mag. Tomaža Umeka, mladega raziskovalca na Katedri za mehaniko tekočin z laboratorijem Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani, zaposlenega v Uradu za gospodarske javne službe občine Izola. Mag. Tomaž Umek je končal gimnazijo v Ljubljani. Študij je nadaljeval na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Oddelku za gradbeništvo, kjer je leta 1994 diplomiral na hidrotehnični smeri. Po opravljeni diplomi se je zaposlil v podjetju Hidro Koper, kjer je opravljal strokovne naloge v javni vodnogospodarski službi. Istega leta se je vpisal na podiplomski študij gradbeništva - hidrotehnična smer. Novembra 1998 je končal študij z magistrsko nalogo s področja gospodarjenja z vodami. Kot mladi raziskovalec je bil med študijem vključen v raziskovalno delo Katedre za mehaniko tekočin z laboratorijem. V okviru podiplomskega študija je sodeloval pri strokovnih nalogah s področja gospodarjenja z vodami. V okviru programa Tempus je bil na krajšem strokovnem usposabljanju pri prof. Bendoricchiu v Padovi. Magistrsko delo mag. Tomaža Umeka je nastajalo kot povzetek študija, naravnanega v spoznavanje sistema gospodarjenja z vodami. Republika Slovenija, kot ena od držav, ki se pripravljajo na vstop v EZ, bo morala v procesu usklajevanja zakonodaje v celoti prevzeti veljavni pravni red EZ, gospodarjenje z vodami pa urediti tako, da bo lahko izpolnjevala obveznosti, ki jih prinaša tudi skupna politika do voda. Zato je bil temeljni namen naloge pripraviti osnutek Vertikalnega poročila za RS, struktura naloge pa v celoti sledi strukturi poročila v projektu EUROWATER. Projekt podpira tudi Evropska komisija, ukvarja pa se z institucionalnimi mehanizmi in strukturami gospodarjenja z vodami v evropskih državah in primerja njihovo učinkovitost glede na zakonodajo Evropske zveze. Omenjena magistrska naloga podaja pregled trenutnega položaja na področju gospodarjenja z vodami na obalnem območju in v celotni Sloveniji. V prvem delu naloge je obravnavana problematika gospodarjenja z vodami na obalnem območju. Avtor ugotavlja, da je za postavitev ustreznega sistema celostnega gospodarjenja z vodami na obalnem območju nujna zakonodajna ureditev, ki bo uveljavila organiziranost in financiranje sistema gospodarjenja z vodami v celotni Republiki Sloveniji. Ugotovljena je predvsem velika kriza zaradi neurejenosti razmer na področju gospodarjenja z vodami, ki se odraža v neurejenih vprašanjih pri programiranju, načrtovanju, financiranju, organiziranosti, izvajanju in nadzorovanju vodnogospodarske dejavnosti. Posledica takšnih razmer je tudi odliv usposobljenih strokovnjakov v druge dejavnosti. Vsaka nova zakonska ali podzakonska ureditev bo povzročila dinamično spreminjanje vsebine izdelanega poročila, to pa pomeni, da je izdelana naloga podlaga za nadaljnje neprekinjeno delo pri spremljanju stanja na področju gospodarjenja z vodami. Zavedati se moramo, da izdelava Vertikalnega poročila ni enkratno dejanje. Vertikalno poročilo podaja trenutni položaj in ključne elemente gospodarjenja z vodami, ki pa se z usklajevanjem in spremembami zakonodaje lahko spremenijo. Sprotno dopolnjevanje (predvsem glede na izboljšanje kakovosti poročila) mora postati obvezna naloga ministrstva, pristojnega za področje voda. Ljubljana, junij 1999 Glavni urednik Umek T: Celostno gospodarjenje z vodami na obalnem območju - Comprehensive Water Management in the Coastal Region © Acta hydrotechnica 17/24 (1999), 59 p., Ljubljana 3 EDITORIAL This issue of Acta hydrotechnica is publishing an extended summary of a Master's Thesis by Tomaž Umek, a junior researcher in the laboratory of Chair of Fluid Mechanics, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (University of Ljubljana), who is now employed in the Office for Public Company Services, Municipality of Izola. M.Sc. Tomaž Umek completed high school in Ljubljana. After that he studied at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, where he graduated in 1994 from the Hydraulic Division. After his studies he was employed at the water management company Hidro Koper, as a hydraulic engineer in the public water management service. In the same year he enrolled in the Master's Program of the Hydraulic Division. In November, 1998 he completed his study with a Master's Thesis in the field of Water Management. As a junior researcher he was included in the faculty's research team. He participated in expert and professional projects in the field of water management. Within the framework of the Tempus Program, he took short postgraduate courses in Padua (Italy). This Master's Thesis by Tomaž Umek developed as a complete summary of his studies, which he choose to focus into an understanding of water management. In the process of legislation harmonization, the Republic of Slovenia, as one of the EU Candidate States, will have to adopt the entire Acquis Communitair and organize water management in such a way that it can fulfill the obligations resulting from the common water policy. The basic purpose of this thesis was, therefore, to prepare a draft of the Vertical Report for the Republic of Slovenia and the structure of the thesis fully follows the structure of the EUROWATER Project Report. The project is also supported by the European Commission and it deals with the institutional mechanisms and structures of water management in European countries, comparing their efficiency with regard to European Union legislation. The thesis offers a temporary overview of the current situation in the water management field in the whole country, with the first part dealing with the issues of water management in the coastal area. It has been noted that the establishment of an adequate integrated system of water management in the coastal area necessarily requires a legislative regulation that would establish an organisation, and the financing of the system of water management in the whole Republic of Slovenia. A great crisis was ascertained, springing from the disorderly conditions in the water management field and reflected in the unsolved issues in the programming, planning, financing, organisation, execution and supervision of water management activities. One of the consequences of such a situation is the loss of experts to other activities and fields. Each new legal and executive regulation will cause a dynamic change in the content of the created report, meaning that the report is the basis for further ongoing work in the development of conditions in the water management field. We must be aware that writing the Vertical Report is not a unique act. The Vertical Report presents the current situation and the key elements in water management which can change with the harmonization and adoption of legislation. A parallel and complementary work (especially concerning the quality of the report) has to become an obligatory task of the ministry responsible for waters. Ljubljana, June, 1999 Editor-in-Chief