02/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 09.01.2011 JEZUSOV KRST BAPTISM OFTHE LORD Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca http://www.carantha.net/ st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Hall rentals 905-518-6159 rrsiMi; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Večina od nas je ne spominja svojega krsta, smo pa bili večkrat priča krsta drugih. Krst o katerem danes govorimo ni bil kot naši običajni krsti. Bila so navzoča posebna znamenja: Sveti Duh v podobi goloba in božji glas. Pa vendar je bil ob našem krstu navzoč prav ist Sveti Duh in Bog je tudi vsakemu izmed nas izrekel besede: »Ti si moj ljubljeni otrok nad katerim imam veselje«. Tudi mi smo ustvarjeni po božji podobi in pri krstu se nam izbriše izvirni greh. Vendar pa to ne pomeni, da bomo v življenju obvarovani pred trpljenjem. Imamo pa zagotovilo, da bo božja milost z nami v vseh preizkušnjah. Staršem je bila pri krsta zaupana sveča, ki sojo prejeli z| besedami: Ta luč je zaupana vam, da bi otrok, ki ga je razsvetlila Kristusova luč, vedno hodil v tej luči in da bo ta luč vedno svetla v njegovem srcu. Drugi dar, ki nam je bil podarjen ob krstu pa je moč svetega Duha, ki je bila razlita na nas, da nas ozdravlja in napravlja svobodne, da bi tako spoznavali Resnico Jezusa Kristusa. Vprašajmo se, kako jaz v svojem življenju odgovarjam na milost, prejeto pri krstu. Krst ni samo enkraten dogodek, ampak ga je potrebno iz dneva v dan obnavljati v svojem srcu in življenju. Kako naj živim, da ga bom ljubil z vsem srcem, z vso dušo in z vsem mišljenjem in ljubil tudi blišnjega vse dni svojega življenja. NOVOLETNO PRAZNOVANJE V HAMILTONU_ Župnijski svet je organiziral in izpeljal silvestrovanje. Res da je bila udeleža manjša od lanskega leta, pa je ob dobri organizaciji, okusni hrani in glasbi ansambla Golden Keys, praznovanje v zadovoljstvu vseh prisotnih lepo uspelo. Vsakdo, ki je želel, si je našel dovolj prostora na plesišču, da se je zavrtel ob prijetnih melodijah ansambla. Kar nekaj sponzorjev je prispevalo za dobitke, mladi so postregli na mize, tudi pijače ni mankalo in ob polnoči so tudi pokajoči baloni naznanili začetek novega leta. Dobiček pri novoletnem praznovanju je bil: $2682.97. Hvala še enkrat članom župnijskega sveta in vsem, ki ste pomagali in se VELEPOSLANIŠTVO OTTAWA THE CATHOLIC GIRLS CLUB Vsako leto se duhovniki slovenkih župnij v Kanadi srečamo okrog božičnih praznkov z Veleposlanikom Tomažem Kunsltejm. Najprej smo se dogovorili za december 2010, a je bilo srečanje zaradi slabega vremena prestavljeno, tako smo se zbrali v ponedeljek 3. januarja 2011. Pridružili so se še: Pavle Novak / vizitator Lzaristov/, Jože Slobodnik, častni generalni konzul z ženo in Jože Kastelic. Ob prijateljskem pogovru in dobremu kosilu, ki sta ga pripravila gostitelja, smo si izmenjali izkušnje iz preteklega leta in podali priporočila in predloge za delo naprej. Srečanje smo zaključili z obhajanjem evharistije in se Bogu zahvalili za blagoslov pri delu za Slovensko skupnost v Kanadi. The Catholic Girls Club is excited to announce that we will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday January 29th here at our parish in the upper Hall. Dinner will be served continuously between 6:30pm and 8:30pm. Tickets will be available before and after each mass beginning next weekend. Dinner Tickets will cost $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under, kids 2 and under are free. Our Girls Club is looking forward to organizing and preparing this spaghetti dinner and we will appreciate all the support we can get. We look forward to seeing you at our spaghetti dinner where we can have dinner with family and friends and help raise some money for children's charities. Girls ... Remember ... we have a meeting this Friday January 14th at 7:30pm to organize our Spaghetti Dinner details. All Catholic Girls Club members welcome - and this week - bring your moms, we're going to need their help! New Members between the ages of 10-16 Always Welcome! Sunday's Readings Baptism of the Lord First Reading Isaiah 42:1-4. 6-7 God's chosen one reveals a character of gentleness, courage and justice. Second Reading Acts 10:34-38 God has no favourites. The Good News of Christ is for everyone. Gospel Matthew 3:13-17 By his baptism Jesus begins his public ministry, identifies himself with people's need for God, and receives the Father's approval. Illustration For once in his life John the Baptist found himself at a loss for words. He stared in amazement at the figure of Jesus standing calmly before him and asking to be baptised. When he recovered sufficiently to speak, he said, "It is I who need baptism from you, and yet you come to me!" Jesus' reply, "Leave it like this for the time being," was reassuring. John overcame his hesitation and gave way. The two men walked with purpose into the waters of the Jordan. Behind the sight of the desert prophet baptising Jesus lay the incredible fact that John was baptising his Lord. The incident took place in the midst of a religious revival. Once again a prophet appeared in Israel proclaiming in the coming of the Messiah and tance. a voice of thunder the need for repen- Gospel Teaching John, for all his courage and virtue, did not have the fullness of the Gospel. His teaching focused on God as a God of justice, and just before the verses we read today he had warned against an attempt to "fly from the retribution that is coming". John's teaching appears to contrast with Jesus' view of God as the loving heavenly Father who cares for each individual, someone to be trusted rather than feared. Why, then, did Jesus go to John? More importantly, why did he ask for baptism since he was sinless and had no need to repent? The answer is that Jesus wanted to identify himself with sinful humanity and its need for God. He would later be accused of being "the friend of sinners" and eventually die for them on a cross between two criminals. At his baptism, as the water trickled down his face, Jesus experienced two mysterious signs that were to change his life. They were the divine call to begin his life's mission as saviour of the world. He would be equipped for this task with the power of the Holy Spirit. He saw the heavens opened and the Spirit descending in the form of a dove and coming down on him. The dove was a symbol of God's creative power, and a sign of God's new creation after the flood in the time of Noah. Sarjaš Pascal - zahvala There was also the voice of the heavenly Father, which spoke the words: "This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on him." They recall words of the prophet Isaiah, who centuries earlier had written of the mysterious figure known as the Suffering Servant: "Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom my soul delights. I have endowed him with my spirit that he may bring true justice to the nations." It was a great and decisive moment for Jesus. He was identified by God as God's Son and consecrated for his mission to save the world. He accepted the mission and would one day be ready to offer himself as a living sacrifice for the sins of humanity. But death would not have the final say. He would be victorious through his resurrection and would become the giver of new life to those who accept him by faith. Application Each one of us is called to share the new life of the risen Christ. Baptism gives us this new life; it also gives us a share in Christ's priesthood. Jesus, by offering the gift of himself on behalf of others, became the high priest of humanity, bringing people to God and God to people. By our baptism we share in his priestly mission to bring others to God. How can we do this? It is clear that today parish priests and ministers cannot manage alone. They cannot reach out to everyone in their area. Each and every one of us is called to witness to Christ by our words and actions. Why are there so few converts to Christianity in our affluent Western society? Some blame today's materialism, others say it is because of confusion caused by suffering and scandals. Perhaps part of the truth is that often Christians do not try hard enough. We may have good suggestions for spreading the faith; but all too often we neglect to think about how we ourselves can do just that. Today let us rediscover the meaning and value of our own baptism. The Gospel calls us to try to see Christ in others. But do we sometimes forget to see him in ourselves, as the source of our strength? V teh dneh smo imeli izrednega gosta in pomočnika, gospoda Pascala Sarjaša iz Francije, brata našega farana Alojza Sarjaša. Hvala za njegovo pomoč lepo besedo pri angleških mašah. Včasih je tudi kakša nepričakovana pomoč zelo dobrodošla. Srečno pot domov. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Pevske vaje za zbor bomo zopet začeli v četrtek 13. januarja po večerni maši. Naslednjič pojemo pri maši 30. januarja. FOLKLORNI SKUPINI_ Folklorna skupina VENEC will hold the next practices of the new year on Sundays, January 9th and 30th at 2pm. Otroška folklorna skupina SOČA will begin practices on Wednesday, January 12th at 7pm. Practice dates will change to Saturdays immediately after Slovenska šola. New members are welcome! Both folklore groups would like to thank our Slovenian community for their support and contributions to the groups. SREČNO V NOVEM LETU 2011 - HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011! CWL - KŽZ_ Important Notice: St.Gregory the Great Catholic Women's League Annual Parish Bazaar will be held on Sunday Feb.27. A date change had to be made to accommadate and maintain our Slovenian tradition of Pustovanje. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year where we depend on all of our membership to contribute to its success to the best of their abilities. It is our responsibility as league sisters to help one another reach our goal of hosting a successful bazaar. Also and equally important we could not be successfull without the support of our parish members, their families and friends. We will be working hard over the next few months to create a fun afternoon for all to share and enjoy eachothers company. At this time we would also kindly ask for your consideration to donating new Penny Sale and Raffle table items that you may have purchased or crafted. Lottery Tickets: Our lottery tickets are ready for purchase at all Sunday masses from Pamela Gognach and Angela Kobe. We kindly ask for your support by purchasing our lottery tickets. All monies raised from the sales are directly donated to our parish. Membership Fees are due and collection envelopes have been distributed. Please return these with the $14 fee at your earliest convenience in our Sunday collection basket or to Teresa Sarjas. New membership is always welcomed!! Please speak with Teresa, Sidonia Poppa or any league member for information or come and attend any monthy general meeting held the first Wednesday of the month. OGNJIŠČE - NAROČNINA_ Prosimo če čimprej obnovite naročnino za Ognjišče. Letna naročnina za leto 2011je $70. KIPI SV. DRUŽINE_ Tisti, ki ste naročili kipce sv. Družine, pa jih še niste dvignili, so sedaj prišli in jih lahko dobite v zakristiji. POKOJNI_ V nedeljo, 2. januarja je v Sloveniji v Ljubljani v starostnem domu, v 97. letu starosti umrla MIHELA ŠUŠTARŠIČ, polsestra naše faranke Monike Gašpar. Pokojno Mihelo so pokopali 9. januarja v Velikih Laščah. Zanjo smo v četrtek zvečer opravili mašo zadušnico. Iskreno sožalje Moniki in tudi vsem sorodnikom Pokojna Mihela pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. KRST Zakrament svetega krsta je prejel ETHAN JAMES PARRY. Iskrene čestitke očetu Jamesu in materi Christine ob krstu njunega otroka. Naj mu bosta vedno dober zgled in vzgojitelja v veri in ljubezni. KOLEDAR ZA JANUAR - FEBRUAR_ ❖ 9. januar 2011- nedelja: JEZUSOV KRST ❖ 16. januar 2011- nedelja: 2. Nedelja med letom. Sv. Maša v klubu SAVA - Breslav ob 12:00 in v Londonu, cerkev St. John the Divine ob 4:00 p.m. ❖ 29. januar - sobota: Spaghetti Dinner at our parish in the upper Hall - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Pripravlja in organizira Catholic Girls Club ❖ 30. januar 2011- nedelja: 4. Nedelja med letom ; praznik SV. JANEZA BOSKA, ustanovitelja Salezijanske družbe. Obenem je to tudi tik pred Svečnico.—Jezusovo darovanje v templju. Pri maši poje cerkveni zbor. ❖ 5. februar 2011- sobota: PREŠERNOV VEČER - kulturni dan. V naši dvorani bo praznovanje kulturnega dneva za Toronto-Hamilton. Nastopa skupina glasbenih umetnikov /trije tenoristi/ iz Slovenije imenovana EROIKA. Sodelovali bodo tudi umetniki iz Kanade. URAD ZA SLOVENCE PO SVETU_ Dragi Slovenci po svetu, dragi prijatelji, v letu 2011 bo Republika Slovenija praznovala 20 let samostojnosti. Slovenske organizacije, društva, vse Slovence in prijatelje Slovenije vabimo na skupno srečanje Slovencev »DOBRODOŠLI DOMA«, ki bo potekalo 1. julija 2011 v Ljubljani. V centru mesta se bodo predstavila slovenska društva, slovenski mediji in druge organizacije Slovencev, nastopale vv^sv 20 LET SAMOSTOJNOSTI REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA bodo glasbene, plesne, in odrske skupine, potekale bodo tudi kulturne delav-nice, izobraževalne predstavitve in športne igre. Vabljeni torej na ogled projektov in vizij, ki jih imajo Slovenci iz vsega sveta. Skupno praznovanje in druženje Slovencev vseh generacij je obenem odličen razlog, da pobližje spoznate Slovenijo. V ta namen je Slovenska turistična organizacija pripravila turistične aranžmaje za vse štiri letne čase po posebno ugodnih cenah. Podrobnejše informacije o paketih najdete na spletni povezavi http://www.slovenia.info/homecoming. Vse informacije o prireditvi bodo objavljene na spletnih straneh Urada Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu http://www.uszs.gov.si, portalu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu http:// www.slovenci.si ter na spletnemu mestu ob 20. obletnici samostojnosti Republike Slovenije http:// www.dvajset.si, kjer bodo objavljeni tudi vsi drugi dogodki, ki bodo potekali v okviru obeležitve te okrogle obletnice tekom celega leta. V petek, 1. julija 2011, se bomo videli, spoznali, nasmejali, zaplesali in poklepetali na ulicah in trgih v centru Ljubljanelraš Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu KONZULARNE URE_ V Hamiltonu bodo konzularne ure 5. februarja 2011 popoldne, če ne bo kakšne spremembe, od 4:00 do 6:00 p.m. Za to priložnost bo med nami Luka Kovačec, ki pride tudi na Prešernov kulturni večer, ki bo tisto sobot v naši dvorani. Od 09. 01. 2011 svete mase - masses Do 16. 01. 2011 Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 09.Januar Jezusov Krst Julijan, mučenec za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. f Ivan Dobršek Toni in Marija Franc ff iz družine Kovač 11:00 a.m. Jožef in Verona Tompa Ponedeljek - Monday 10. Januar Gregor Niški, šk. ff f f f pokojni farani Stane Kanc Alojz Kornhauzer Marija Čop 7:00 p.m. Frank in Betty Gimpelj Družina Franc Kapušin Gizela Hauzar Manja Erzetič f Verona Smodiš 7:00 p.m. Matilda in Štefan Ritlop Torek - Tuesday f Pavla Horvat Prijatelji Barbara in Luke Diklie 11. Januar f Jožef Ftičar Jr. Družina Hull Pavlin Oglejski, šk. f Dragica Bolko, 30. dan Matila Prša f Alojzija Novak, 30. dan Frank Novak z družino Sreda - Wednesday 12. Januar Tatjana, mučenka f Marjan Tkalec ff Družina Codognatto f Janez Elijaš f Dragica Bolko Mass only at 8:15 A.M. Mirko Zorko Družina Kastelic Margareta Pergar John Žunič Četrtek - Thursday 13. Januar Veronika, devica ff oče Franc in brat Franc ff Anton in Antonia Vinčec f Franc Kregar f Alojzija Novak 7:00 p.m. Karel Volčanšek Toni Vinčec Francka Cestnik Manja Erzetič Petek - Friday 14. Januar Oton, red. f Pavla Horvat f Lojze Pozderec, obl. f Jože Kovač f Franc Antolin 7:00 p.m. Marija Košir Julija Sagadin z družino Sestra Ljudmila Zadravec z druž. Brat Štefan z družino Sobota - Saturday 15. Januar Mihej in Habakuk f Ivan Dobršek 8:15 a.m. Ivan in Veronika Obal f Florian Miklavčič 5:30 p.m. Dragica f Zofija Vinčec, 3. obl. Mož Toni Vinčec ff starši Marija Košir NEDELJA - SUNDAY 16.Januar 2. Nedelja med letom Marcel, pp. za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Renata, Ivan in Angela Zorko Marija in Ignac Korošec f Annie Rainer 11:00 a.m. Veronika Curič Po namenih društva Sava 12:00 noon Sava - Breslav Po namenih društva Triglav 4:00 p.m. St. John the Divine - London svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.