49 Članek prispel / Received 8. 1. 2021 Članek sprejet / Accepted 10. 10. 2022 Abstract Purpose: This study aimed to re- port the diagnosis and management of a permanent maxillary first molar (PMFM) with unusually complex root canal morphology. Case report: A 30-year-old male pa- tient was referred to the endodontic department to continue endodontic treatment of the left PMFM. The referring dentist could not establish the patency of the canals in the me- siobuccal and distobuccal roots. Ra- diographically, the tooth had three almost straight roots associated with periapical radiolucencies, indicating periapical periodontitis. The exami- nation of the pulp chamber floor, using a dental operating microscope, revealed the presence of six root canal Izvleček Namen: Namen prispevka je pred- staviti diagnostiko in zdravljenje prvega zgornjega stalnega kočnika (PZSK) z nenavadno zapleteno mor- fologijo kanalskega sistema. Poro~ilo o primeru: V primeru predstavljamo 30-letnega pacienta, ki je bil v specialistično ambulanto napoten zaradi nadaljevanja endo- dontskega zdravljenja levega PZSK. Zobozdravniku ni uspelo vzpostaviti prehodnosti kanalov v meziobukalni in distobukalni korenini. Na rentgen- skem posnetku so bile vidne tri sko- raj ravne korenine s periapikalnimi radiolucencami, značilnimi za peria- pikalni parodontitis. Med pregledom dna pulpine komore z zobozdravni- škim mikroskopom smo ugotovili šest Ključne besede: anatomija zob, morfologija koreninskih kanalov, zobozdravniški mikroskop, strojni endodontski instrumenti Key words: dental anatomy, root canal morphology, dental operating microscope, rotary endodontic instruments Opis primera: Endodontsko zdravljenje prvega zgornjega stalnega kočnika s tremi koreninami in šestimi koreninskimi kanali Case report: Endodontic treatment of a permanent maxillary first molar with three roots and six root canals Avtor / Author Marko Novak1, Iztok Štamfelj2, 3 Ustanova / Institute 1Lotus dentalni center, Ljubljana, Slovenija; 2Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za zobne bolezni in normalno morfologijo zobnega organa, Ljubljana, Slovenija; 3Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Center za zobne bolezni in endodontijo, Ljubljana, Slovenija; 1Lotus Dental Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dental Diseases and Dental Morphology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 3University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Ljubljana, Slovenia; ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2022; 15 (2): 49–53 Poročilo o primeru / Case report https://doi.org/10.18690/actabiomed.242, CC BY 4.0 © 2022 Avtor(ji) / The Author(s) 50 INTRODUCTION The detection and management of variations in root canal morphology, especially in permanent maxillary first molars (PMFMs), present a constant challenge for a clinician (1, 2). Although PMFMs have three roots, four root canals have been found in more than half of the cases, in which the mesiobuccal (MB) root has two canals (3). Variants with more than four root canals are uncommon; however, a maximum of eight root canals have been detected clinically: three in the MB root, three in the distobuccal (DB) root, and two in the palatal (P) root (4). The present study provided insight into the internal anatomy of the PMFM with six root canals and suggestions for detecting and man- aging multiple root canals. CASE PRESENTATION A 30-year-old male patient presented for the continu- ation of the endodontic treatment of the left PMFM. The referring dentist was not able to establish paten- cy of the canals in the MB and DB roots. After sev- eral sessions, the tooth was left open for more than a year. The patient did not report any other health problems. The tooth was asymptomatic, physiologi- cally mobile, and not sensitive to percussion. Radio- graphically, the tooth had three apparently straight roots associated with periapical radiolucencies, indi- cating periapical periodontitis (Fig. 1). The tooth was anesthetized using 2% mepivacaine with epinephrine and isolated using a rubber dam. Under a dental operating microscope (OPMI Pico, vhodov v koreninske kanale – tri v meziobukalni, dva v distobukalni in enega v palatinalni korenini. Z ele- ktronskim določevalnikom apikalne odprtine in K-iglami nismo ugotovili medsebojnega združevanja multiplih kanalov. Med endodontskim zdravlje- njem smo koreninske kanale razširili in očistili z reciprocirajočimi nikelj-ti- tanovimi instrumenti ter zapolnili z gutaperčnimi poeni in biokeramično polnilno pasto. Po dveh letih je pa- cient na ponovnem pregledu bil brez simptomov ter brez kliničnih in rent- genskih znakov prisotnosti vnetja ob zdravljenem zobu. Zaklju~ek: Povečava in ustrezna osvetlitev omogočata natančen pre- gled dna pulpine komore, kar je ključnega pomena pri obravnavi zob z zapleteno morfologijo kanalskega sistema. Med endodontskim zdravlje- njem je treba upoštevati, da ima v nekaterih primerih PZSK več kot štiri koreninske kanale. orifices, three in the mesiobuccal root, two in the distobuccal root, and one in the palatal root. No confluence of multiple canals was detected using the electronic apex locator and K-fi- les. The canals were shaped and cle- aned with reciprocating nickel-titani- um instruments and obturated using gutta-percha cones and a bioceramic sealer. After 2 years, the patient was asymptomatic and the tooth was cli- nically and radiographically without pathological findings. Conclusion: Careful examinati- on of the pulp chamber floor using magnification and illumination is important for successfully managing complex canal morphologies. During endodontic treatment, dentists must consider that the PMFM may have more than four root canals. Poročilo o primeru / Case report ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2022; 15 (2):49–53 Naslov za dopisovanje / Correspondence Doc. dr. Iztok Štamfelj, dr. dent. med., spec. za zobne bolezni in endodontijo, Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za zobne bolezni in normalno morfologijo zobnega organa, Hrvatski trg 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Telefon: +386 15224372 E-pošta: iztok.stamfelj@mf.uni-lj.si 51ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2022; 15 (2): 49–53 Poročilo o primeru / Case report Figure 1. Preoperative periapical radiograph of the left maxillary first molar showing severe calcification of the root canals and periapical radiolucencies (ar- rows). M, mesial side; D, distal side. Zeiss, Zaventem, Belgium), the access cavity was re- shaped. The inspection and probing of the pulp chamber floor with an endodontic explorer revealed the pres- ence of one palatal (P), two DB, and three MB root canal orifices (Fig. 2). The patency of the canals was established manually using K-files of sizes 8 and 10. No confluence of multiple canals was detected us- ing an electronic apex locator and K-files. The ca- nals were shaped and cleaned using Reciproc nickel- titanium rotary instruments (VDW Dental, Munich, Germany). The R50 was suitable in size for the P canal and the R25 for all other root canals. Through- out the treatment, 2.5% NaOCl was used as an irrig- ant. After shaping, the canals were rinsed with 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and 2.5% NaOCl according to the protocol of manual dynamic activa- tion described by Machtou (5). Finally, the canals were dried with sterile paper points and obturated using Reciproc gutta-percha cones and TotalFill BC Figure 2. Access cavity during treatment. Ar- rows show one palatal (P), two distobuccal (DB1 and DB2), and three mesiobuccal root canal ori- fices (MB1, MB2, and MB3). Figure 3. Ac- cess cavity af- ter completed o b t u r a t i o n . Arrows show endodontic fil- ings in all six root canals. Sealer (FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzer- land) (Figs. 3 and 4). A composite restoration was placed (Fig. 5). After 2 years, the patient was asymptomatic and the tooth was clinically and radiographically without patholog- ical finding (Fig. 6). 52 Poročilo o primeru / Case report Figure 5. Restored crown after the endodontic treat- ment. M, mesial; D, distal; B, buccal; P, palatal. Figure 6. A 24-month recall radiograph. DISCUSSION The prevalence of PMFMs with six root canals is rela- tively small. A retrospective assessment of 338 end- odontically treated PMFMs in Spanish patients identi- fied three teeth (0.89%) with a root canal anatomy that matched the case in this study (6). In a similar Brazilian study of 291 PMFMs, one tooth (0.35%) had six root canals; however, contrary to the case discussed in this study, two canals were present in each of the three roots (7). A microcomputed tomography study of MB roots of 153 extracted PMFMs revealed three separate canals in one tooth (0.65%) (8). The external crown morphology presents no clues to the presence of unusually complex canal anatomy when the number of roots is normal. In the patient discussed in this study, the size and external morphol- ogy of the crown and images of the roots on the preop- erative radiograph were unremarkable. It is reasonable to take a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan when suspecting a complex morphology because 2D imaging is relatively inaccurate for the detection of additional canals (9). However, even in these cases, CBCT should not be used routinely, but only after Figure 4. Postoperative r a d i o g r a p h . Canals MB2 and MB3 in the mesiobuc- cal root and canals DB1 and DB2 in the distobuccal root appear su- perimposed. ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2022; 15 (2):49–53 53 Poročilo o primeru / Case report REFERENCES 1. Cleghorn BM, Christie WH, Dong CC. Root and root canal morphology of the human permanent maxillary first molar: a literature review. J Endod. 2006;32(9):813–21. 2. Calişkan MK, Pehlivan Y, Sepetçioğlu F, Türkün M, Tuncer SS. Root canal morphology of human permanent teeth in a Turkish population. J Endod. 1995;21(4):200–4. 3. Vertucci FJ. Root canal anatomy of the human per- manent teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1984;58(5):589–99. 4. Kottoor J, Velmurugan N, Surendran S. Endodon- tic management of a maxillary first molar with eight root canal systems evaluated using cone-beam computed tomography scanning: a case report. J Endod. 2011;37(5):715–9. 5. Machtou P. Manual Dynamic Activation (MDA) Technique. In: Basrani B, editor. 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As Trope and Debelian (12) emphasized, a clinician will never find more root canals than he or she is look- ing for. CONCLUSION During endodontic treatment, dentists must consider that PMFM may have more than four root canals. ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2022; 15 (2): 49–53