CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE ON DISTRIBUTION OF OWL-FLY LIBELLOIDES MACARONIUS (SCOPOLI, 1763) IN SLOVENIA, NEW RECORDS FROM THE ŠENTVID PLATEAU, NW SLOVENIA Gregor To r k a r Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta, k ardeljeva ploščad 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail: Abstract – Two new records of the owl-fly Libelloides macaronius are presented. The specimens were found on the Šentvid plateau, NW Slovenia. k e y Wo r d S: Libelloides macaronius, owl-fly, distribution, Slovenia Izvleček - Pr ISPe Ve k k Po ZNa Va NJU r a ZŠIr Je No STI Me TULJČNICe LI- BELLOIDES MACARONIUS (SCo Po LI, 1763) V SLo Ve NIJI, No Va Po d a Tk a S Še NTVIŠk e PLa No Te , SZ SLo Ve NIJa Predstavljena sta dva nova podatka o metuljčnici Libelloides macaronius. o sebka sta bila najdena na Šentviški planoti, SZ Slovenija. k LJUČNe b e Se d e : Libelloides macaronius, metuljčnica, razširjenost, Slovenija The known distribution of owl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) in Slovenia is in the submediterranean region and the continental part of Slovenia (d e- vetak, 2007; d evetak et al., 2002; k lokočovnik et al., 2010; Popov, 2004). The species is endangered in the r epublic of Slovenia due to natural succession of mead- ows, pastures and other grassland ecosystems. In the IUCN classification is estimated as vulnerable (V). Two morphs are recognized in e urope and were found in Slovenia. In the morph macaronius veins in dark spots in forewings are yellow and, in the morph kolyvanensis veins in dark spots in forewings are dark. The continental part of Slovenia and particularly areas at higher altitudes are inhabited by the morph maca- ronius, and the submediterranean region by kolyvanensis (d evetak, 2007). 113 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2021 Vol. 29, øt. 1: 113–116 Two new records of the owl-fly L. macaronius, morph macaronius, from the Šentvid plateau, NW Slovenia, are reported here. o n 11. 6. 2011 at 13.10 one L. macaronius female was discovered on the meadow with sparsely distributed small bushes, WGS84 coordinates: 46,109100 o N, 13,880181 o e (Šentviška Gora, Municipality of Tolmin), at approximately 680 m a.s.l. (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). a ccording to the locals, the meadow is mowed at least twice a year. o n 26. 7. 2020 at 15.30 one owl-fly was discovered on pavement of the road near dry meadow, WGS84 coordinates: 46,132241 o N, 13,886701 o N (Police, Mu- nicipality of Idrija), at approximately 790 m a.s.l. Natural succession is seen on the edges of the meadow and nearby is a water spring which is very rare on this karst plateau. b ecause the specimen flew away quickly, photo documentation was not possible. Two records nine years apart testify to the species' continual presence in the Šentvid plateau. The sites are closest to Idrija - Scopoli (1763) described the species from the Idrija area. a s these are the first data on the species in NW Slovenia, there is a need for further systematic research. Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 114 Fig. 1. Photograph of the specimen found on 11. 6. 2011 (photo: G. Torkar) Sl. 1. Fotografija osebka najdenega dne 11. 6. 2011 (foto: G. Torkar). Acknowledgments I would like to thank d r. d ušan d evetak for comments on the manuscript. References Devetak, D., 2007: a review of the owlflies of Slovenia (Neuroptera: a scalaphidae). Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2): 105–112. Devetak, D., Pirš, P., Janžekovič, F., 2002: o wl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) in Slovenia and in the northwestern part of Croatia (Neuroptera: a scalap- hidae). Annales, Ser. Hist. Nat., 12(2): 219–226. Klokočovnik, V., Devetak, D., Gomboc, S., 2010: Neuropterida (Megaloptera, r ap- hidioptera, Neuroptera) of k ozjanski r egional Park, Slovenia. In d evetak, d ., S. Lipovšek a .e . a rnett (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium Gregor Torkar: Contribution to the knowledge on distribution of owl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) in Slovenia, 115 Fig. 2. Meadow near village Šentviška Gora where the specimen was found (photo: G. Torkar). Sl. 2. Travnik blizu vasi Šentviška Gora, kjer je bil osebek najden (foto: G. Tor- kar). on Neuropterology. University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mat- hematics, Maribor, pp. 171–174. Popov, A., 2004: The a scalaphidae (Neuroptera) of the b alkan Peninsula. Denisia, 13: 229–237. Scopoli, I.A., 1763. e ntomologia carniolica exhibens insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates. Methodo Linnaeana. J. Th. Trattner, Vindobonae. 415 pp. Received / Prejeto: 13. 4. 2021 Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 116