648 PUBLIC HEALTH (OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE) Zdrav Vestn | November – December 2020 | Volume 89 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3071 National Medical Ethics Committee, Ministry of Health, Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence/ Korespondenca: Božidar Voljč, e: bozidar. voljc@gmail.com Key words: health status; terminal illness; respiratory support; protocolary notes; patient’s will; protection of health personnel Ključne besede: zdravstveno stanje; terminalna bolezen; respiratorna pomoč; protokolarno beleženje; bolnikova volja; zaščita zdravstvenega osebja Received: 28. 4. 2020 Accepted: 6. 5. 2020 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3071 doi 28.4.2020 date-received 6.5.2020 date-accepted Public Health (Occupational medicine) Javno zdravstvo (varstvo pri delu) discipline Professional article Strokovni članek article-type The position of the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee about doctors’ decisions on respirators usage in the treatment of patients heavily affected with COVID-19 Stališče Komisije za medicinsko etiko Republike Slovenije o odločanju zdravnikov glede vkl- jučevanja respiratorjev v zdravljenje hudo priza- detih bolnikov zaradi covid-19 article-title NMEC RS about doctors’ decisions on respira- tors usage in the treatment of patients heavily affected with COVID-19 KME RS o odločanju zdravnikov glede vključevanja respiratorjev v zdravljenje hudo prizadetih bol- nikov zaradi covid-19 alt-title health status, terminal illness, respiratory support, protocolary notes, patient’s will, protection of health personnel zdravstveno stanje, terminalna bolezen, respira- torna pomoč, protokolarno beleženje, bolnikova volja, zaščita zdravstvenega osebja kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2020 89 11 12 648 649 name surname aff email Božidar Voljč 1 bozidar.voljc@gmail.com name surname aff eng slo aff-id National Medical Ethics Committee, Ministry of Health, Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia Komisija za medicinsko etiko, Ministrstvo za zdravje, Republika Slovenija, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 The position of the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee about doctors’ decisions on respirators usage in the treatment of patients heavily affected with COVID-19 Stališče Komisije za medicinsko etiko Republike Slovenije o odločanju zdravnikov glede vključevanja respiratorjev v zdravljenje hudo prizadetih bolnikov zaradi covid-19 Božidar Voljč Abstract The prognosis of the patient’s condition and their will should be taken into account when includ- ing respirators in the treatment of COVID-19. Health personnel should be adequately protected. Izvleček Napoved izida bolnikovega stanja naj se ob spoštovanju njegove volje upošteva pri odločitvah o vključevanju respiratorjev v zdravljenje bolezni covid-19. Zdravstveno osebje naj bo ustrezno zaščiteno. Cite as/Citirajte kot: Voljč B. The position of the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee about doctors’ decisions on respirators usage in the treatment of patients heavily affected with COVID-19. Zdrav Vestn. 2020;89(11–12):648–9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3071 Copyright (c) 2020 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Slovenian Medical Journal With the escalation of the COVID-19 epidemic, the increasing number of severe- ly aggravated patients who require inten- sive care therapy and respirator ventilation support poses major ethical and emotional challenges on the medical staff, especially physicians, patients, and their families. With regard to including respirators into the treatment of severely aggravated pa- tients, the National Medical Ethics Com- mittee of the Republic of Slovenia (NMEC RS) has formed the following principal ethical position, which is also published on its website.NMEC RS does not have the authority to provide guidelines that im- pact on direct organisational, triage and expert decisions of individual medical es- tablishments or the physicians responsible 649 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE NMEC RS about doctors’ decisions on respirators usage in the treatment of patients heavily affected with COVID-19 for providing healthcare. Therefore, it may only provide the response to the question of which patients are more entitled to ven- tilation support with a respirator at a prin- cipal ethical level. While doing so, it wants to inform healthcare establishments, their ethics commissions, and other employees in healthcare who care for patients at in- tensive care units of Slovenian hospitals, about its position. While adhering to ensured healthcare rights and the ethically fair position to- wards all patients, it is the belief of NMEC RS that when including respirators into medical procedures, it is ethically inappro- priate to set an upper age limit, or a limit of any kind, that would divide healthcare fairness to several categories by assigning rights to individual patient groups. With age, the differences in the medical and functional conditions of individuals grow, and it is right to include them when decid- ing on the type and intensity of treatment. However, when Covid-19 develops, the chances of survival of severely ill patients, who have several critically expressed co- morbidities or are in a terminal state of any disease, become so much worse that it is not possible to significantly improve them even with respirators. It is the deci- sion of every individual physician, or even better a multidisciplinary team, to make the decision after the daily check of the patient’s medical condition, whether the patient connected to the respirator will benefit from this or not, namely for which of the patients in intensive care respirator use is still sensible. A patient who is con- nected to a respirator, and whose condi- tion has developed to the point that any further medical measures would be in- effective, and their life is only sustained with the use of a respirator, may be also disconnected with a decision from the multidisciplinary team. In such cases during the epidemic, the patient or their relatives cannot demand continued fruit- less measures or connection to a respi- rator, but they are given all the required explanations. NMEC RS recommends all intensive care units that if they are faced with an insufficient number of respirators, they should include them into treatment responsibly and ensure the best possible transparency over their decision, and to verify the patients’ medical conditions and the suitability of using a respirator on indi- vidual patients on a daily basis. According to the Patients’ Rights Act, every citizen has the right to refuse the proposed treatment after being given an understandable explanation. If a patient with developed COVID-19 or any oth- er disease persists in their refusal, then connecting them to a respirator, even if it would be sensible, is not required; howev- er, they must first obtain a decision from the multidisciplinary team, inform the pa- tient’s family, diligently note all the activi- ties, and ensure the patient with appropri- ate palliative care in an environment that supports it. NMEC RS would also like to alert all key representatives of the healthcare pol- icies and the management of healthcare establishments at all levels of the medi- cal establishment that it is irresponsible to permit physician, nurses, and other medical professionals to perform their professional duty without proper protec- tion. Only sufficient supply with personal protective equipment allows them to fulfil their tasks as safe as possible. Healthcare workers who are in contact with patients are exposed to potential infection. If they fall ill, it is not only their health that is af- fected, as their absence from work also im- pacts the scope and quality of healthcare and medical security of the citizens who rightly expect the most from their health- care establishment during this epidemic.