Informatica 45 (2021) 625–632 625 A Practical Framework for Real Life Webshop Sales Promotion Targeting Gábor K˝ orösi and Tamás Vinkó University of Szeged, Institute of Informatics, Hungary E-mail:, Technical paper Keywords: promotion targeting, behavior analysis, hybrid recommendation system Received: February 28, 2020 In recent years, online marketing has become increasingly extensive and effective. Product recommender systems are often deployed by e-commerce websites to improve user experience and increase sales. To address this, more and more e-commerce started to use machine learning models to predict customers’ purchase behaviors. In the scientific literature there are only few real-life studies to date which give solu- tions for recommendation systems for online advertising. The demand from the owners of such websites is given, however, it is hard for them to choose a method or model to predict from an endless number of options for some specific circumstances. The aim of this paper is to propose a practical guideline as a hybrid approach that predicts customers’ purchase behaviors and helps to target advertisement, sales form in user level. To this end, we have designed a robust hybrid model to predict interested sales form based on user behavior within a large e-commerce website. The paper details a real-life practical solution and build a structure that can be used in a large variety of e-commerce systems. Povzetek: Opisan je razvoj modela nakupovanja po spletu z namenom ciljnega oglaševanja. 1 Introduction One of the most important and dynamically developing ar- eas today is e-commerce and related services. While in a traditional shop tracking customer is difficult (e.g.,loyalty card program), a webshop’s back-end offers countless so- lutions to solve this problem. For example, we could use cookies, spent checking, newsletter and product tracking [4, 15, 1]. The main driving force behind this fast evolu- tion is the fact that we can understand and anticipate user behavior better, and we can answer the related questions in real-time. The key goal is to get the highest response from users by spending as little money and time on it as possible, and create customer-oriented services [2]. That is named personalization and targeting [13], where the objective is to find the best matching ads or form of sales promotion to be displayed for each user. The solution is not new, as we could see similar solutions at the first generation webshops, but nowadays the amount of data is much higher than be- fore. When the task is to efficiently process huge amount of data, it is useful to try and find a solution in those research papers written based on similar task. For example, [26] an- alyzing clickstream, [15] uses email sending history, while [1] collects user activity to predict user’s future behavior. At first glance, the task does not seem to be a difficult one, as using data mining and data science in e-commerce is not new, and there is a huge amount of papers published with the same purpose. These papers refer to a waste amount of machine learning (ML) tools and solutions which are able to help with this optimization. For instance, classification can predict the occurrence of an event, or regression tech- niques that can help us to predict the time or amount of money the user will spend on the website. More sophis- ticated solutions are offered by collaborative filtering or content-based approaches. The repository of toolkits may seem endless, but solving a problem is never the same, and it is seldom enough to use just one tool to solve a problem. Many recent publications have introduced some kind of hy- brid solution for this complex problem in which one has to combine and embed simple methods to find a proper model. For example, in [5] we could see a typical hybrid recom- mendation model that integrates user-based and item-based collaborative filtering, content-based filtering together with contextual information to get rid of the disadvantages of each approach. Thorough literature review on these subjects can lead to an impression that most of the scientific papers are theo- retical model descriptions instead of accurate and practical model descriptions. One could find vague model formula- tions that make it difficult or impossible to rebuild a pre- sented solution in real life. Along this line of thought, we have concluded that, besides theoretical models, there is a huge demand for publications that document a case study and provide the opportunity for anyone to reproduce it the results on their database. Our goal is to make and docu- ment a case study that demonstrates an ML-based recom- mendation system, which classifies users and provides an individual-level approach for ads form. Based on our litera- ture review we found that a hybrid recommendation system 626 Informatica 45 (2021) 625–632 G. K˝ orösi et al. provides the most accurate solution for that. We combined and embedded various classification and regression mod- els, including Logistic Regression, Random Forest, GBM, and XGBoost to get the most accurate solution. The rest of the paper describes our approach as follows. Sections 2 and 3 describe the background of the problem. In Section 4 the dataset and the generated features are de- tailed. The model ensemble is briefly described in Section 5. In Section 7, the importance of features is studied, top features are listed, and our solution is given. Finally, Sec- tion 8 concludes the results of the study. 2 Background As data is increasing, more and more companies are de- manding high quality solutions from their data scientists. The use of recommendation systems has become a daily concept in product suggestion, product group selection, promotional message content generation which is sup- ported by machine learning techniques. Common exam- ples of applications include the recommendation of movies (e.g., Netflix, Amazon Prime Video), music (e.g., Pandora), videos (e.g., YouTube), news content (e.g., Outbrain) or ad- vertisement (e.g., Google) [25]. In this paper we give a detailed description of a rec- ommendation system which can make user-level marketing letter or offer sales promotion. Note that recommendation system is a quite general concept. It could be based on the collaborative filter solution, the content-based method, the classification or regression, and their embedding in differ- ent depths and widths. What follows is an outline of what a recommendation system might consist of. Collaborative filtering (CF) is probably one of the most used and well-known technologies. Behind the basic idea, the solution is that based on users’ historical data, the users are put into an n-th dimensional space which makes pos- sible to then measure the distance between them. In light of this, we could make recommendations based on the data of the users closest to each other [7]. This CF technique proved its power, but on the other hand, a huge amount of work pointed out the disadvantages of it. These are the fol- lowings: cold start problem, data sparsity, and scalability [29]. Besides collaborative filtering, the second most popu- lar solution is the content-based method. It is a tech- nique which operates with unique characteristics and be- haviors of each customer, and in turn, delivering personal- ized content for each user, based on their content consump- tion history across channels. Another interesting way is the community-based method. This approach assumes that the content coming from a user’s friends or authoritative users is more likely to be interesting for a user than the rest. While collaborative filtering and content-based models, used only a static ’user states’ we could find many papers which are using uni- or multivariate user event sequences, time-series to build a predictive model. Koehn et al. [20] divided the user event sequence prediction problem into four groups, namely the ’predict the product group’, ’clas- sify a sequence’, ’predict the outcome of an incomplete ses- sion’, and ’click-through rate prediction’. In our work we are focusing to predicting the users’ interest, which was created based on some initial observations on the users’ purchase behavior during the shopping process, meaning that our task is rather similar to the ‘predict the product group’ task of the recommender systems. Koehn et al. [20] summarized the methods of event sequence data prepro- cessing, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. One of the most often implemented methods is to create ag- gregated, cumulated data, which, however, results in data loss and requires manual feature engineering by the do- main experts. Another common method is to create se- quence segments or sliding a window, where we use only a chunk/fixed-length part of the data. Lastly, there are neural networks and embedding layers, where we can work with partially or completely raw data. In the field of sequence prediction approach, we could find many papers. Perhaps one of the most promising paper which related to our work is created by Yu et al. [28]. They used re- current neural network on sequenced data to identify web shop users habits and made the next basket recommenda- tion. They applied recurrent layers in the temporal do- main and proved their effectiveness for handling the tem- poral dimension for time series classification. Deep learn- ing based (DLL) solution with time series have proven ef- ficiency in many areas, however, web-shop log data often includes variables that contain mixed continuous and dis- crete variables. Even these kinds of data can be easily han- dled by a decision tree-based solution, in neural network this is not so easy. In deep learning based approaches, the discrete-valued sequences must be transformed into the nu- meric space. Using one-hot encoding might not prove to be overly useful, as it explores the dimensionality of the input feature vector and dramatically increases its sparsity. Inspired by Natural Language Processing, we managed to transform our categorical data into a dense space utilizing embeddings. These methods encode categories as vectors based on contextual similarities and then feed them into the recurrent or convolutional neural network. The em- bedded vectors are usually trained together with the time- series/sequence model training process [21]. The embed- ding of discrete-valued sequences was successfully applied in user behavior analysis. For instance, An et al. [3] pre- sented their neural user embedding approach which was capable of learning informative user embeddings by us- ing the unlabeled browsing-behavior. Koehn et al. [20] proposed their impressive clickstream classification results where they applied RNN architectures and embedding lay- ers. Cheng et al. [9] introduced the Wide and Deep fea- ture representation method. In their terminology, Wide rep- resentations were one-hot encoded features which could memorize sparse feature coincidences, while Deep repre- sentations consisted of dense embeddings which gave gen- eralization power to deep learning systems. A Practical Framework for Real Life Webshop Sales. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 625–632 627 Although content-based and community-based methods have proven their worth in many case studies, in our case it was almost impossible to apply these methods due to the lack of data. Another approach could be the deep learning based solution, but as many paper shows (e.g. [8, 17]) when the dataset is based only short sequences (as our dataset), a traditional ML model can outperform a DLL based model. Based on these paper even a XGboost based classifica- tion model or regression would provide a good solution in an optimum prediction system, but unlike simple patterns, things are always more complicated in real life. To solve the backward of the traditional and DLL based methods, the concept of hybrid or combined systems are becoming more popular in many papers. Bozanta and Kutlu [5] summarized that while each filtering approach has different drawbacks, a hybrid approaches combines the existing approaches and aim to minimize or remove the drawbacks of existing approaches, which may occur when they are used individually. The exact description does not exist for a hybrid solution, but we could certainly use the aforementioned tools at different depths and widths. There are quite many papers proving that a hybrid approach pro- vides a better solution than the single method, see, e.g., in [5, 7, 12]. Thus, we have chosen this solution for our work- flow, and we decided to use use such a hybrid model for our system which used both regression and classification method. Our goal was to solve the problem of predicting the user behaviors about the sales promotion. Similar goals is solved by Martínez et al. [23] and Liu et al. [22]. They created a model that can predict future customer behavior which based on the set of customer-relevant features that derives from times and values of previous purchases. As our solution, they apply machine learning algorithms in- cluding logistic Lasso regression, the extreme learning ma- chine and gradient tree boosting for predicting whether the customer makes a purchase in the upcoming month. Al- though these two cited papers are very similar to the so- lution we used, however, unlike them, we tried to create a prediction algorithm not just by using one method but by a (hybrid) combination of them. 3 Problem statement The main objective of this paper is to solve the problem of predicting the purchase behaviors of users who have known the history on an e-commerce website. More closely, we aim at forecasting which ads group or form of sales pro- motion user will most likely to use based on purchase his- tory and profile information. This form of sales promotion could be: buy two, get one free; price deal; sampling, etc. Although we did not directly use others’ work to design our system, the solution we came up with is strikingly sim- ilar to the description of [29]. That is, a predictive system would help in several practical scenarios such as – build a cold start recommender system, by providing high-level recommendations to users who connect for the first time to an e-commerce website; – improve existing product recommendation engines, by providing category-level priors that can guide the recommender system to and domains of interest for the user; – provide e-commerce companies with tools for tar- geted email/social media campaigns. Our paper has two main goals. The first is to explore which information is correlated with the form of sales pro- motion which the users most likely to use (see in Table 1 for an illustrative example.) Based on this we have built and tested a hybrid model which optimizes a user-level ta- ble, in order to propose the form of sales promotion to users that fit the best to their interests and preferences, see Table 2. The second goal is to back-test and document well each critical point of hybrid machine learning algorithms which could be used as a base structure for those who want to replicate our model or build a similar system. 4 Datasets We have used data which has been recorded from a health and beauty webshop. The data has contained near millions of users, from different markets (countries), however, in order to obtain the richest data possible, we have filtered it by the oldest market which includes 230; 000 user-profiles and their purchase history. Data consists of seven years of user interaction logs with the webshop. Each event has a user identifier, a timestamp, and an event type. The pur- chase data contains 5 categories of events: pageview of a product, basket view, buy, ordered timestamp, and deliv- ered timestamp. There are around 240 different types of products. In the case of a buy or a basket view, we have information about the price and extra details. An average customer has been used the shop two or three times yearly, which leads to very sparse and high dimensional dataset. This is not surprising as it is extremely common in recommender systems [25]. As a solution, there are two obvious ways to reduce the di- mensionality of the data: either by marginalizing the time (aggregate pageviews per user over the period) or the prod- uct pageviews (aggregate products viewed per time frame) [26]. In this work, we follow both approaches. As a first step, our solution connected unique events with sessions. We used homogeneous like purchase history only and heterogeneous example clicks, profile data in nature. These events are then cleansed and ordered by their times- tamps to form the action chain. As a next step, we transformed unique events into a fea- ture list (e.g., number of purchases, the distance between two logins, etc.). Beside of the evident data (number of, sum of, mean of purchases), the script accumulated other data such as: 628 Informatica 45 (2021) 625–632 G. K˝ orösi et al. Table 1: Illustration: problem statement as a binary classification. 1st 2nd 3rd nth purchase purchase purchase purchase Likely to buy with time of sales promotion prediction ) (user who use more than 50% promotion for buying something) Table 2: Illustration: problem statement as a recursion; the distribution of sales promotion types. 1st 2nd 3rd nth purchase purchase purchase purchase SPType1 35% Time of ) SPType2 25% prediction . . . . . . SPTypen 50% – distance (in time) between first and second, third, etc. actions; – number of purchases in first, second, etc. months; – increase or decrease in purchases compared to the pre- vious month by month; – the reaction times between advertising letters and a purchase. 4.1 Feature engineering One of the most important steps for better performance of a classifier is to preprocess the data correctly. Besides the regular data cleaning process, we transformed features by scaling each feature to a given range with min-max scaling. As a last preprocessing step, we calculated fea- ture importance with tree-based ensemble method namely ExtraTreesClassifier [14]. Based on the obtained results by this method, our model uses only the top 20 fea- tures, which significantly increased the accuracy of the re- sults. 5 Methodology In order to handle the popularity-bias, we divided the prob- lem into two subtasks: i) predict if a user is sensitive for the sales promotion or not, and ii) predict which kind of form of sales promotion is more interested in it. As a solution, we have created a hybrid model which used both regression and classification method, see Figure 1. The recommendation model returns two lists. The first list gives information about the users, if they are likely to use or not any of the forms of sales (the sensitivity for sales promotion). The second list provides us with the data to calculate the probability for every sale (which form of sales likely to use). For the results we propose a novel hybrid recommenda- tion algorithm where similarity measurement is performed between a user and form of sales on features derived from their profile and history information. As a result, we obtain a table where every single user gets his/her predicted value, as we can see in Table 3. 6 Experimental setup As we want to use raw log data to make a prediction for recommendation, we have to handle the data sparsity prob- lem. As already mentioned, our dataset contains 230; 000. However, only 33; 000 of them have data of sufficient qual- ity. So, in our experiment, we used only this reduced and filtered dataset. To conduct experiments, we split the entire dataset into test (20%) and training (80%) sets. In the first step, we have trained various classification models, including Logistic Regression [11], Random For- est [6], LightGBM [19], and XGBoost [8], where grid search was used to select the optimal parameters. As the fi- nal results proved, XGBoost classifier and XGBRegressor performed the best. Additionally, the majority of classifier (MC) [18] is used as a baseline for comparison with the above learning algorithms. For the regression problem, we used the central ten- dency measure as the baseline for all predictions. Based on these, we inspected the hybrid models using the train- ing set and adjusted the predictive algorithms’ parameters achieving the best performance on the validation set. Pre- dictions were made for each instance in the test set and the forecasted results were compared with the true values by computing corresponding performance metrics. To obtain the best evaluations we have usedK-fold validation where A Practical Framework for Real Life Webshop Sales. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 625–632 629 Figure 1: State diagram of our hybrid solution. Table 3: Example of model outcome. user id likely to use likely to use sales promotion type sales promotions type1 type2 type3 type4 type5 1000 YES 35% 50% 5% 3% 7% 1001 NO 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% both training and validation sets were also used for predic- tion. Handling problem with an ensemble classification and regression tree The first goal is to predict if a user is likely to use or not a sales promotion, which is a binary classification problem. To find the best solution we have trained and tested classi- fication models as many times as we could. In the end, we have found that the XGBoost ensemble classifier [8] gives the best results. It is not surprising, because tree boost- ing is a highly effective and widely used machine learning method. Another important feature is that the algorithm has a good performance as it includes an efficient linear model solver and can also exploit parallel computing capabilities [8]. Ensemble learning to provide a systematic solution to merge the power of multiple learners. The prediction value of XGB can have different interpretations, depending on the task, i.e., regression or classification. XGB is a tree ensemble model which set of classification and regression trees. It could classify our data into one of a finite number of values, that while called a regression (nonlinear model). Besides XGB, we compared our results with Linear regres- sion [10], Lasso [24] and Ridge regression [16]. 7 Results Classification. It is well known that the main problem of the recommendation system is the cold start problem. It could appear when the user has started his/her initial steps, or in our case when a shop owner started a new sales pro- motion type, which makes very sparse data. To solve this problem, we filtered (dropped out) those users and promo- tions from the training dataset which has too sparse or no data. Based on our model, we made a binary classification with XGBoost to predict user likely to use a sales promo- tion or not. The parameters of the estimator used to apply optimization by cross-validated grid-search over a parame- ter grid. To find the most accurate model, we have tried more models and settings. The results are reported in Table 4, where the window size (number of purchase) was 3 for all 630 Informatica 45 (2021) 625–632 G. K˝ orösi et al. Table 4: Results of classifications. model ACC F1 precision recall Baseline 0.587 0.342 0.351 0.337 Logreg_all 0.676 0.409 0.620 0.306 Logreg_top10 0.685 0.404 0.661 0.291 XGBoost_all 0.706 0.527 0.652 0.436 XGBoost_top10 0.703 0.518 0.657 0.419 XGBoost_all_HPT 0.768 0.519 0.666 0.423 XGBoost_top10_HPT 0.771 0.509 0.658 0.417 XGBoost_top10_HPT(4) 0.790 0.624 0.713 0.554 Table 5: Error rates of regression models. model Sales promotion Type1 Sales promotion Type2 Sales promotion Type3 MAE MSE RMSE MAE MSE RMSE MAE MSE RMSE Baseline_CV 5.840 53.568 7.313 9.970 161.948 12.723 12.679 256.261 16.001 DNN 5.906 53.275 7.298 9.870 158.492 12.589 12.600 259.132 16.097 LR_all_CV 5.039 46.029 6.779 8.927 131.045 11.442 11.368 206.408 14.365 LGBMReg_CV 4.715 42.469 6.551 8.446 118.202 10.869 10.946 191.677 13.843 StackReg_CV_TOP 4.778 43.153 6.564 8.720 125.506 11.200 11.092 196.392 14.013 LR_CV_TOP 4.986 44.844 6.691 8.829 127.842 11.301 11.234 203.471 14.284 LGBMReg_CV_TOP 4.700 42.349 6.501 8.602 112.589 11.067 10.895 191.120 13.824 the methods, except in the last configuration. During the first phase, we have used XGboost with all, and with only the top-10 features, which achieved 70% ac- curacy. To improve this, we have applied hyperparameter tuning, namely cross-validated grid-search over a parame- ter grid which gains better accuracy. We wanted to make further improvements, but the spar- sity of the data did not allow it. The main problem is that we want to predict user feature habits as soon as possible. For that reason, we used the user’s first 3 purchase history to train the model, but this was (as expected) not enough to improve the results. To get better results, we need more data, such as we expected it. The solution to this problem is simple: we have to wait for more information, or encour- age clients to fill the profile table. To prove this concept, we have trained our model with the user’s first 4 purchases, which achieves 0:79 accuracy (last row in Table 4). To find another way for this challenge, we changed our method like many researchers suggest: if we don’t have ac- curate enough classification model, we have to change our point of view. To use this idea, we retested our solution as a regression with XGBRegression (as a regression problem). As a result, it affordsRMSE = 16:77, which is not offer- ing better outcome, because if we transform this result into a classification result, we got accuracy: 0:686, precision: 0:578, recall: 0:546, and F1: 0:562. Regression. In our second phase, we were looking for- ward to determining which type of sales promotion will prefer most of our users (see in Figure 1). It is a regres- sion problem, where we have to predict every SP type for every user. To make a measurable result, we did not test all the types of SP, instead of that, we chose only 3 types of promotion: – Type1 is an SP type which has a long history in our webshop; – Type2, which has only a year background, and – Type3 is the youngest SP type (less than 6 months is using). Based on this idea we obtained the results reported in Table 5. To get the best outcome, we tested more models with different settings, like linear regression (LR), LightGBM (LGBMReg), and a simple deep neural network (DNN). In the initial step, our model used all (n = 129) normal- ized, scaled and skewed feature sets. Based on this method LGMBReg made the most accurate solution. As a second step, we wanted to increase our model’s ac- curacy. To solve this, we wanted to find the most impor- tant features. For this purpose, we used wrapper method, namely backward elimination. As the name suggests, we gave all the possible data to the model at first. We track the performance of the model and then repetitively remove the worst performing features one by one until the over- all performance of the model comes in a suitable range. To calculate feature importance, we are using the ordinary least squares (OLS) model [27]. After many attempts and settings, the best solution is made by LGMBReg which is a tree-based regression model, which made a much more accurate model than the random choice. A Practical Framework for Real Life Webshop Sales. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 625–632 631 Discussion. Our problem and its solution to predict ac- ceptance of the sales promotion is unique, since we do not predict a repeat purchase but a reaction to advertising let- ters. Regardless, we wanted to somehow compare the per- formance of our model with other models as well. The re- sults, and methodology of our paper is similar to the results obtained by Martínez et al. [23], so we compared our re- sults with theirs. Our goal was to predict if a user is likely to use or not a sales promotion, which was same as their bi- nary classification problem. While our model reaches 79% accuracy, their solution reached 86.68%. The difference in accuracy between the two models is not surprising, since we used only the first 4 purchases, they used 24 months for the same task. As they noted, it is difficult to make an ac- curate prediction model from short data and few purchases, however, over time, as data is collected, we could produce more accurate results. 8 Conclusions In this work, the goal was to build and share a structure of the model for predicting user habits about using sales pro- motions. As we saw in the literature review it is not a trivial case. There is a lot of gaps that we have to handle, for ex- ample, feature with different types (time, numeric, categor- ical, etc.) or scale. Based on human habits, the webshop’s data is often log scaled, and sparse which makes it difficult for the model to find optimal parameters. There are now countless solutions to deal with this problem, like scaling, normalizing, skewing data, or find the most relevant fea- tures. Based on these methods, finally we identified a solu- tion for our problem with relatively good accuracy results. For the classification problem we have found that XGBoost gives the best model, while the second solution is not that clear. Based on our results as at first glance LightGBM (LGBM) could be the right choice. Before making our decision, we need to know the struc- ture of the model. LGBM is a very popular solution, be- cause of its speed and accuracy. It has happened because LGMB grows tree vertically while other algorithms like Xgboost, Gboost grow trees horizontally. Put it differently, LGBM grows tree leaf-wise while another algorithm grows level-wise. 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