© Strojni{ki vestnik 48(2002)9,491-500 © Journal of Mechanical Engineering 48(2002)9,491-500 ISSN 0039-2480 ISSN 0039-2480 UDK 621.311.21:621.224.1 UDC 621.311.21:621.224.1 Strokovni ~lanek (1.04) Speciality paper (1.04) Nekateri vidiki terenskih preskusov peltonovih turbin v HE “Peru}ica” Some Aspects of the Research Carried out on the Power Generation Units at the Peru}ica Hydroelectric Power Plant Milo Mrki} - Zoran Culafi} V delu so predstavljeni osnovni delovni parametri HE “Peručica”, prikazana je analiza delovnega procesa v Peltonovi turbini in eksperimentalno-analitična metoda za določitev pretočne karakteristike sob vgrajenih v HE “Peručica” pri obratovalnih pogojih. © 2002 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. (Ključne besede: turbine Peltonove, parametri energetski, karakteristike procesov, metode eksperimentalne) This paper describes the basic power parameters of the “Peručica” HEPP Also included is an analysis of the work process in the Pelton turbine and an experimental-analytical method for determining the nozzle-flow characteristics under real working conditions. © 2002 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. (Keywords: Pelton turbines, power parameters, process characteristics, experimental methods) 0 UVOD Hidroelektrarna “Peručica” ima moč 307 MW. Zgrajena je bila v treh fazah, prva faza se je začela leta 1960. Hidroelektrarna je derivacijskega tipa in ima skupaj sedem agregatov vodoravne izvedbe s Peltonovimi turbinami. Prvi avtor prispevka je delo začel kot hidroinženir v tej elektrarni leta 1964, zaposlen z reševanjem obratovalnih problemov. V dolgem času delovanja elektrarne so bila opravljena raziskovanja mnogih pojavov v dejanskih razmerah, da bi zagotovili pogonske stabilnosti. Pri neposrednem učenju pogonskega osebja so bila v raziskovanja vključene domače strokovne institucije. Avtor je pri vseh raziskovanjih sodeloval neposredno ali kot svetovalec. Glede na bogato znanje in izkušnje, pridobljene v času delovanja hidroelektrarne, je avtor v svojem delu podal vidike, pridobljene pri eksperimentalnih raziskovanjih v dejanskih razmerah in iz tega izhajajoče metode analitičnega določanja pretočnih karakteristik Peltonovih turbin, vgrajenih v obravnavani hidroelektrarni. 0 INTRODUCTION The Peručica hydroelectric power plant (HEPP) has an installation power of 307 MW. It was built in three phases, and the first phase began operating in 1960. It was built as a derivative type, and it has seven power-generation units of the horizontal type with Pelton turbines. One of the authors of this paper started work as a hydro engineer at this HEPP in 1964, when he was working on some problems concerning exploitation. During the long exploitation period of this HEPP a lot of research was conducted on many occurrences in stationary and non-stationary regimes under real conditions. In order to acquire operational staff, other qualified domestic and scientific institutions were engaged. In all this research the author participated directly or as a consultant. Having gained much experience during the exploitation period of this HEPP, from the very beginning to the present day, the author presents some aspects of the completed experimental research under real conditions, and the method of analytically determining the flowing exploitation characteristic of the Pelton turbines mounted in this HEPP. gfin^OtJJIMISCSD 02-9 stran 491 |^BSSITIMIGC Mrki} M. - Culafi} Z.: Nekateri vidiki terenskih preskusov - Some Aspects of Research 1 OSNOVNI ENERGETSKI PARAMETRI TURBIN V PRIMERU HE PERUČICA Za vsak hidroenergetski sistem so karakteristični osnovni delovni parametri bruto in čisti padec ter instalirani pretok. V že zgrajenih hidroelektrarnah obratujejo turbine pod določenimi energetskimi parametri, od katerih so nekateri lahko stalni, večina pa se jih spreminja glede na funkcijo delovnega režima. Med osnovne parametre vodnih turbin spadajo: moč (P), pretok (Q), specifična energija (Y), izkoristek (h) in število vrtljajev turbine (n). Specifični energiji vodnega toka (Y, Y) na gladini vode zgornje akumulacije V GNV (indeks g) in na gladini vode spodnje akumulacije VDNV (indeks d) sta za splošni primer hidroenergetskega sistema izraženi z enačbama: 1 BASIC POWER PARAMETERS OF THE PELTON TURBINES ON THE PERUČICA HEPP The basic characteristic working parameters of any hydroelectric power plant are the gross and the net fall and the installed flow On the hydroelectric power plants that are already built the turbines operate with certain power parameters, some of which can be permanent, whereas most of them change depending on the function of the working mode. The basic parameters of water turbines include the following: power (P), flow (Q), specific energy (Y), degree of efficiency (h) and the number of revolutions (n). The specific energies of the water flow (Yg, Yd) on the surface of the upstream reservoir V GNV (index g) and on the surface of the downstream reservoir V DNV (index d) on the Peručica hydroelectric power plant with Pelton turbine are: p c g r g g 2 2 r (1), (2). Razlika energij Y in Yd pomeni bruto specifično energijo hidroelektrarne (Ybr). The difference between the specific energies Yg and Yd represents the gross specific fall in the flow of the electrical power plant (Ybr). Sl. 1. Razporeditev hidroagregata s Peltonovo turbino, vgrajenega v HE “Peručica” Fig. 1. General arrangement of power generation unit with Pelton turbine in the Peručica HEPP VH^tTPsDDIK stran 492 Mrki} M. - Culafi} Z.: Nekateri vidiki terenskih preskusov - Some Aspects of Research V (1) in (2) so: pg in pd tlaka na nivojih (g - g) in (d - d), c in cd srednji hitrosti v prerezih, z in zd koti zgornjega in spodnjega nivoja vode hidroelektrarne, g je zemeljski pospešek. Za Peltonove (akcijske) turbine z eno šobo (agregati I do V v HE “Peručica”) je razpoložljiva specifična energija: The designations in (1) and (2) are as follows: pg and pd - absolute pressure at levels (g- g) and (d -d), cg and cd - mean velocities in the cross-sections, zg and zd - elevations of upstream and downstream water surface, g - acceleration due to gravity. For the Pelton (action) turbines with one nozzle (power generation units I–V) the available specific energy: pm c1 Y = g.H = r + 2 + g-(z1 + a-z2) (3), kjer so: z1 - kota vstopnega prereza turbine, a -oddaljenost kote težišča vstopnega prereza do kote vgradnje manometra, z2 - kota točke, kjer os šobe tangira osnovni krog turbinskega kolesa, p -manometrični tlak, H - neto padec. Hitrost c2 na izstopnem prerezu turbine (izhodni rob Peltonove turbine) je zanemarljiva (c << c1). V primeru, ko ima turbina dve šobi z enakim pretokom (agregati VI in VII v HE “Peručica”), se kota z2 določa kot srednja vrednost kot točk A in B (sl. 1). Vse hitrosti, podane v prejšnjih enačbah, so srednje hitrosti, ki se določajo s pretokom Q in pretočnim prerezom A, tj. po enačbi C= Q /Ai. i i Moč vodnega toka se določa z enačbo: where: z1 - the elevation of the turbine inlet cross section, a - the distance between the elevation of the centre of gravity of the inlet cross section and the elevation of the installation of the pressure gauge, z2 - the elevation of the point where the nozzle axis touches the basic circle of the turbine wheel, pm - the overpressure indicated by the pressure gauge, H - the net turbine fall. The velocity c2 at the turbine outlet cross section (outlet edge of the Pelton turbine) is low (c2 <