solska kronika 2018 3 splosna.indd

165 UDK 37.016:069(497.4Ljubljana):303.425 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek Prejeto: 6. 8. 2018 Monika Govekar-Okoliš* Educational role and activities of the Slovenian School Museum – Views, experiences and suggestions of university students concerning school lessons from the past in the study years from 2014 to 2018 Izobraževalna vloga in dejavnosti Slovenskega šolskega muzeja – Pogledi, izkušnje in predlogi univerzitetnih študentov o učnih urah iz preteklosti v študijskih letih od 2014 do 2018 Abstract The educational role and activities of muse- ums have a great and unique significance. Museums are open to the public, community, and in particular to individuals, to their needs and interests. They implement new activities in relation to education, not only through exhibi- tions and lectures, but also through museum simulated school lessons from the past and other activities. The article uses the Slovenian School Museum as an example, and describes the educational activities it offers. The purpose of this study is to determine the views, experi- ences and suggestions of university students concerning school lessons from the past they had chosen and visited. Diverse museum les- sons were evaluated with a questionnaire for university students visiting from four different Faculties at the University of Ljubljana in study years from 2014 to 2018. The survey showed that museum school lessons are effective edu- cational activities since they enable students to be actively involved and to experience the past. The findings are important for improving the quality of museum education in the future. Izvleček Izobraževalna vloga in dejavnosti mu- zejev imajo velik in edinstven pomen. Muzeji so odprti za javnost, skupnost in zlasti za posameznike, njihove potrebe in interese. Izvajajo nove dejavnosti izobraževanja, ne samo z razstavami, predavanji itd., temveč tudi z muzejsko simuliranimi učnimi urami iz preteklosti. Kot primer smo v članku upora- bili Slovenski šolski muzej in opisali njegove izobraževalne dejavnosti. Namen raziskave je določiti poglede, izkušnje in predloge univer- zitetnih študentov o učnih urah iz preteklosti, ki so jih izbrali in obiskali. Študenti s štirih različnih fakultet z Univerze v Ljubljani so različne učne ure ocenjevali po vprašalniku za obiskovalce v študijskih letih od 2014 do 2018. Raziskava je pokazala, da so učne ure v mu- zeju učinkovite izobraževalne dejavnosti, saj študentom omogočajo, da se vanje aktivno vključijo in doživijo preteklost. Ugotovitve so pomembne za izboljšanje kakovosti muzej- skega izobraževanja v prihodnosti. * Izr. prof. dr. Monika Govekar-Okoliš, PhD, Associate Professor, Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko/ Department of Educational Sciences, Univerza v Ljubljani/ University of Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta/ Faculty of arts, e- mail: