LAND COVER MAPPING USING LANDSAT SATELLITE IMAGE CLASSIFICATION IN THE CLASSICAL KARST - KRAS REGION UGOTAVLJANJE POKROVNOSTI KRASA S KLASIFIKACIJO SATELITSKIH POSNETKOV LANDSAT Žiga KOKALJ 1 & Krištof OŠTIR 1 Izvleček UDK 528.85:711.14(497.4) Žiga Kokalj & Krištof Oštir: Ugotavljanje pokrovnosti Krasa s klasifikacijo satelitskih posnetkov Landsat Kras je ekološko zelo raznolika in občutljiva regija zato potrebu- je posebno premišljeno gospodarjenje z naravnimi viri in kul- turno dediščino. Pomemben kazalnik, ki omogoča analizo nji� ovega stanja in spremljanje razvoja, je pokrovnost. Daljin- sko zaznavanje oziroma napredna klasifikacija satelitski� pos - netkov sta natančna in cenovna ugodna alternativa klasičnim te�nikam kartiranja pokrovnosti. V prispevku so opisane metode za pridobitev zanesljive in uporabne karte pokrovnosti zemeljskega površja. Kompleksnost območja narekuje kombi- nacijo različni� virov podatkov, kot so satelitski posnetki Land - sat, digitalni model višin, ortofoto posnetki in obstoječe topo- grafske in tematske karte. Kot glavni klasifikacijski algoritem je bila uporabljena metoda največje verjetnosti, natančnost pa je bila povečana z uporabo me� ke klasifikacije, omejevanjem z višino in nagibom ter dodatnimi sloji podatkov. Ključne besede: daljinsko zaznavanje, pokrovnost, raba tal, klasifikacija, satelitski posnetki, Kras. 1 Institute of Ant�ropological and Spatial Studies ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, Si-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail:, Received/Prejeto: 29.03.2007 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3, 433-440, POSTOJNA 2007 Abstract UDC 528.85:711.14(497.4) Žiga Kokalj & Krištof Oštir: Land cover mapping using Land­ sat satellite image classification in the Classical Karst ­ Kras region Suc� a diverse and sensitive eco-region as Karst needs to be managed wit� special attention and consideration of its natural and cultural resources. Land cover is an important indicator, w�ic � enables t � e analysis of t� eir condition and development monitoring. Advanced satellite images classification represents an accurate and cost-effective alternative to t� e classical tec� - niques of land cover mapping. The met� ods used to produce a reliable land cover map are presented in t�is paper. The com- plexity of t� e area requires a combination of various data suc� as Landsat satellite images, digital elevation model, digital or- t� op� otos as well as existing topograp�ic and t � ematic maps. The maximum likeli� ood algorit�m was used as t � e main clas- sifier and t� e accuracy of results was furt� er improved by fuzzy classification, altitude and inclination filtering and auxiliary data integration. Key words: remote sensing, land cover, land use, classification, satellite imagery, Classical karst. The Karst or classical karst is an extensive limestone pla- teau, well distinguis� ed from t� e nearby regions due to its steep rise above t� e neig� bouring predominantly flysc� areas. It is a distinct border region, w�ic � is evident in several c� aracteristics. It lies in t� e vicinity of t� e Adriat- ic Sea; nevert� eless t� e steep elevation gradient prevents t� e sea’s soot�ing effects to reac � it. Due to t � e vicinity of t� e �ig � karst plateaux in t � e nort� t � ere are substantial continental influences. The transition between t� e Medi- terranean and continental impact is present in t� e �ig � winds; Burja, a strong nort� wind is common during t � e winter (Perko et al. 1999). Due to its typical water and soil c� aracteristics t� e Karst landscape is extremely sensitive to pollution and t� erefore special attention � as to be paid to its manage- ment. All available means s� ould be employed in t� e ef- INTRODUCTION ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 434 Remote sensing applications for karst environment studies were first focused on geological lineaments ex- traction (Suzen et al. 1998). Sabins (1997) describes tec� - niques for geological and geomorp� ological surveillance of tropical karst using radar images, w�ile Hung et al. (2002) used image fusion of Landsat images and edge detection filtering for fault and lineament extraction, serving for cave development analysis in t� e tropical karst area of nort�-western Vietnam. Hung et al. (2003) presented an environmental analysis consisting of met� - ods for image transformation, image fusion, lineament extraction, time series, and c� ange detection for study- ing land cover c� anges. The groundwater rec� arge and disc� arge zones were defined by t� e tec�nique of image transformation. Furt� er � ydrological applications were realised by estimating water rec� arge potential by deter- mination of lineaments and drainage frequency density, lit� ologic c� aracter, karstic domains and land cover/land use wit� utilization of Landsat and SPOT imagery and aerial p� otos (S� aban et al. 2006). Kresic (1995) describes Dinaric karst in t� e Balkans as a favourable area for ap- plication of � ydrogeological remote sensing tec�niques, due to t� e geomorp� ologic c� aracteristics, in particular t� e specific surface drainage and karst forms, t� e varying vegetation t� at most often reflects t� e existence of dif- ferent geologic formations on t� e surface, and distinct tectonic features. He proposes a met� od for determina- Fig. 1: The Karst plateau and its vicinity as seen on the 1999 Landsat satellite image. ŽIGA KOKALJ & KRIŠTOF OŠTIR fective management and monitoring of natural resourc- es. The interaction between mankind and t� e environ- ment � as to be taken into consideration, since it is t� e greatest t�reat to sensitive areas suc � as t � e Karst region. Landscape observation met� odologies t� at offer accurate results and enable �istorical, e.g. annual, comparisons s� ould be employed. Remote sensing surveys provide a rapid means of data collection t� at can ac�ieve complete coverage of large areas, wit� far lower costs t � an t� ose associated wit� field survey. Remote sensing can detect features un - seen on t� e surface, map t� em accurately, and offer inter- pretations based on t� eir form, distribution, and context. Image interpretation and processing � ave now become standard tools, and t� e use of aerial p� otograp� s, satel- lite imagery and ot� er remote sensing tec�niques � ave become increasingly sop�isticated particularly because digital spatial imagery � as become ever more ubiquitous (Kvamme 2005). Aerial p� otograp� y is t� e oldest domain of remote sensing of karst landscapes and sill receives a great focus, especially for its detail, but ot� er sensing devices � ave been placed in t� e air in recent decades, including pas- sive multispectral and t� ermal sensors, and active radar and laser altimeter systems, making aerial remote sens- ing truly multidimensional (Kvamme 2005). A number of satellite systems � ave played a significant role in mod- elling end exploring karst landscapes. Landsat was t� e first satellite program for collecting repetitive, synoptic, multi-spectral imagery for monitoring and analysing Eart�’s resources and environment. Early studies focused on environmental zones or land-cover mapping, because spatial resolution was too coarse to detect smaller karst features. However, relatively recent introduction of �ig � (spatial) resolution satellite imagery, wit� a sell size in t � e range of 1 m, enabled detection and mapping of individ- ual karst features, especially w� en combined wit� lidar tec�nology. Ikonos and QuickBird are t � e two most often used �ig � resolution commercial satellites, offering mul - tispectral data at 4 m and 2.4 m spatial resolutions, wit� panc�romatic data at 1 m and 0.61 m respectively. Lidar (LIg� t Detection And Ranging) is t� e optical equivalent of radar, an active instrument capable of rapidly generat- ing �ig � ly accurate digital models of topograp� y as well as t� e vertical structure of ot� er surfaces (buildings, trees) from t� e air. Lidar is a tec�nology providing remarkable surface detail, wit� absolute vertical accuracy up to a few centimetres, even in vegetated areas, and � orizontal sampling densities well below a meter. The potential for mapping karst features is immense as lidar can penetrate forest canopy and t� us provide information on features t� at are not identifiable on eit� er topograp�ic maps or aerial p� otograp� y. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 435 tion of fractures and faults, as well as ground water flow direction from processing of satellite and aerial imagery. An interesting study was conducted by Peng et al. (2000), w� o employed remote sensing to investigate karst land- scape of sout�-eastern C �ina for t � e potential of building t� e world’s largest radio telescope. Suc� investigations of topograp� y can be readily assisted by t� e S� uttle Radar Topograp� y Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model. The mission, flown on t� e space s� uttle in 2000, created a digital elevation model covering 80 % of t� e Eart�’s land surface by radar interferometry. The model wit� a resolu - tion of 30 m provides an excellent tool for regional topo- grap�ic analyses. In t� e past classification of satellite and aerial im- agery � as proved to be a good alternative to field obser- vations of large areas for it enables a detailed classifica- tion into ten or more land cover classes, as well as rapid execution and temporal comparisons (S� engtian et al. 1999). The image classification tec �nology is well known and often used, but � as to be applied specifically to every observed environment and p� enomena. In classifying t� e Karst land cover, special attention was paid to all nec- essary steps, from data selection to accuracy assessment. As basic classification does not provide sufficient accura- cy in t� e presented study we used advanced classification met� ods, suc� as post classification modelling. LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION The main purpose of satellite and ot� er imagery classifi- cation is t� e recognition of objects on t� e Eart�’s surface and t� eir presentation in t� e form of t� ematic maps. Land cover is determined by t� e observation of grey values in t� e imagery. Classification is one of t� e most important steps in � andling remote sensing imagery and represents important input data for geograp�ic information systems (GIS) (Oštir 2006). The first step in t� e classification is t� e selection of suitable data (images). We � ad several reasons to use Landsat satellite images in our project. They � ave an ex- cellent price-quality ratio, good spectral (seven bands from visible to t� e infrared spectre) and spatial c� ar- acteristics (30 m resolution). Two multispectral images � ave been applied, one from Landsat 5 (18/8/1992) and t� e ot� er from Landsat 7 (15/9/1999, Fig. 1). Bot� cover t� e entire study area and are cloudless, w� ic� enables simple processing and accurate classification. Images were georeferenced to t� e Gauss-Krueger co-ordinate system, using multiple control points (86 for Landsat 5 and 102 for Landsat 7) wit� a � ig� er density in t� e Karst region. The ac� ieved average positional error is 32 m, w� ic� is approximately t� e pixel size. Bot� images were merged into a single multilayer data file, omitting t� e sixt� , t� ermal band because of t� e lower resolution and its minimal contribution to t� e quality of t� e clas- sification. The classification of satellite and ot� er images is di- vided into supervised and unsupervised. The main differ - ence between t� e two is in t� e way t� e spectral signatures are created. Wit� supervised classification t � e operator determines t� e areas, w� ere a distinct particular type of land cover is present and t� en t� e computer computes t� e spectral signatures. On t� e ot� er � and, in t� e unsu- pervised classification t� e computer creates t� e spectral signatures using mat� ematical data clustering in t� e multidimensional feature space. The determination of t� e used land cover classes was influenced by t� e previous classification of entire Slovenia (Oštir et al. 2000). This enabled t� e compari- son and difference analysis of t� e final results. Unlike t� e previous classification t� e t�ree “urban” classes (urban, densely built-up, and scarcely built-up) were united into built-up areas. The following categories were used: - coniferous forest, - deciduous forest, - mixed forest – forest wit� approximately t � e same proportion of coniferous and deciduous trees, - bus� es and overgrowt� – bus � es, transition from forest to meadow, overgrowing meadow, low (mainly Karst) forest, - open – meadows and pastures, - agriculture – fields, vineyards, orc� ards, - built-up areas – cities, villages, industrial areas, wider roads and parking places, construction sites, - water – sea, rivers, lakes, salt-pans. The first and most important step in supervised classification is t� e selection of training samples. The operator digitalises t� e areas wit� known land cover on t� e screen. Image processing software t� en computes t� e spectral signatures of t� e land cover types. The process runs interactively, as t� e quality of t� e training samples � as to be constantly evaluated and usually some � ave to be improved or even discarded. The mixed forest class was not used as a sample; it was obtained by unsupervised classification, as described bellow. On t� e basis of digital ort� op� otos, unsupervised classification into 20 classes and local area knowledge LAND COVER MAPPING USING LANDSAT SATELLITE IMAGE CLASSIFICATION IN THE CLASSICAL KARST - KRAS REGION ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 436 t�ree to five training samples were determined for eac � category. Their suitability was c� ecked by t� e grap�ic presentation of t� e spectral response, separability and contingency evaluation, blending in t� e spectral space and test-classification. The maximum likeli� ood met� od was c� osen as t� e main classification algorit�m. Comparing t � e classifica- tion result to t� e digital ort� op� otos situation s� owed t� at t� e built-up areas were in places classified as ploug� ed fields or ot� er open ground areas and vice versa. Elimi- nating t� e problem wit� extra ploug � ed field training samples did not solve t� e problem, as at t� at point a con- siderable part of t� e built-up areas was classified as ag- ricultural areas. Using t� e normalised difference veg- etation index (NDVI) also proved to be inappropriate, due to t� e same problem – too many misinterpreted pixels. We decided to use t� e fuzzy classification ap- proac�. The observed area was classified into two lay- ers. The first layer deter - mined t� e most probable land cover class, w�ile t � e second determined t� e next most probable class. For t� e built-up areas t� at were determined as agri- cultural areas in t� e second layer of t� e classification t� e attribute was c� anged into agricultural areas. By t�is action t � e above men- tioned problem was solved in most cases (Fig. 2). For t� e classification of forests, training samples of coniferous and decidu- ous forests were selected, w�ile t � e mixed forest was initially supposed to be ob- tained by considering areas wit� a similar proportion of bot�. Unfortunately t � e procedure failed, since t� e acquired percentage of mixed forests was too small. The influence of t� e rugged terrain on t� e sur- face illumination created an additional problem as t� e deciduous forest on t� e s� ady slopes s� owed similar spectral values as t� e coniferous one on t� e sunny slopes. Topograp�ic normalisation was used wit � out any success. Better results were obtained by t� e unsupervised classifi- cation of forest surfaces only. Once more t� e masked (by forests) satellite image was classified by t� e unsupervised classification into 3, 6, and 10 classes. In ideal circum- stances t� e classification into t�ree classes would distin - guis� coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. Unfortu - nately, t�is was not a straig � tforward process and t� e best results were obtained by interpreting t� e classifications in 6 and 10 forest types. Aerial p� otograp� y interpretation � elped to c� oose t� e 10-class classification, as it was t� e Fig. 2: Land cover map of the Karst region and its vicinity from the combined Tm (18/8/1992) and ETm+ (15/9/1999) images. ŽIGA KOKALJ & KRIŠTOF OŠTIR ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 437 best for distinguis�ing between t � e forest types. Certain classes were t� en merged into t�ree basic categories and t� eir value was added to t� e initial classification. Distinguis�ing fields, bus � es and meadows caused additional problems (Fig. 3). For example, it occurred t� at t� e class agricultural area covered bus� es or meadows. The problem, w�ic � is a result of t � e fragmented land di- vision, different land use types and rapid overgrowing of t� e Karst region, is especially evident, because meadows can be detected t�roug � t �in bus � es t� at create a similar spectral signature in all t�ree categories. One also � as to consider t� e acquired data from t� e satellite images, as in t� e late summer a large amount of t� e fields is already barren, and due to t� e drier grounds it is � arder to distin- guis� between different kinds of vegetation. Due to t� e insufficient spatial resolution of t� e Landsat satellite imagery only larger rivers are directly detectable. In order to avoid a ‘discontinuous’ riv- er sc� eme and to improve t� e accuracy we used t� e existing vector � ydrology data. The final land cover map was masked by includ- ing rivers wider t� an 5 m, as well as lakes, swamps, salt-pans and t� e sea. Furt� er quality im- provement of t� e classifica- tion was made by consider- ing (limiting) t� e altitude and inclination. The inter- ferometric digital elevation model (DEM) wit� t � e resolution of 25 m (Oštir et al. 2002) was used as t� e source of t� e altitude data. The Gams altitude borders study (1960) and t� e incli- nation definitions accord- ing to t� e farming suitabil- ity of t� e ground (Kladnik 1999) were also considered. The altitude of 1450 m was selected as t� e forest border, t� e altitude of 850 m and a 22° inclination were determined for agriculture, w�ile t� e altitude of 900 m and a 25° inclination was consid- ered for built-up areas. Everyt�ing �ig � er and steeper t� an t� e determined limits was reclassified into an open category. Due to t� e fact t� at an accurate DEM was not available at t� e time of t� e study t� e area on t� e Italian side more t� an 5 km from t� e state border was excluded in t� e post-classification. Furt� er spatial filtering was used to eliminate t� e noise from t� e results and ac�ieve partial generalisation. An adapted majority filter (Kokalj and Oštir 2006) of 3 by 3 pixels was used in order to detect t� e isolated pixels and assign t� em t� e prevalent class in t� eir vicinity. Fig. 3: The problematic category division resulting in the great variability of land use is one of the main characteristics when classifying satellite imagery of the Karst region. In the picture one can see the area south of Volčji Grad village. The land cover layer is partially transparent, the background is a digital orthophoto (Source: DOF, 2002, © GURS). LAND COVER MAPPING USING LANDSAT SATELLITE IMAGE CLASSIFICATION IN THE CLASSICAL KARST - KRAS REGION RESULTS The attribute accuracy of t� e classification was evaluated by using 120 control points wit� known land cover, de - termined from t� e aerial p� otograp� y. The final accuracy is very �ig � and exceeds 90 %. Throug� t � e analysis of t� e quality it was establis� ed t� at agricultural areas and open categories were mostly misclassified, for in almost all cases t� ey s� ould � ave been found in t� e bus� es and overgrowt� category. However, taking into account t � e ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 438 rapid overgrowing p� enom- enon, t� e amount of young low forests and t� e very vari- able land use c� anging over s� ort distances (extreme fragmentation) t�is is under - standable. Some misinter- pretation can also be found in t� e forests, w�ic � suggests t� at additional attention is necessary for accurate distin- guis�ing. The comparison wit� a previous classification (Fig. 4, Tab. 2), created for t� e plan- ning of t� e mobile telep� one network, s� ows differences mainly in t� e built-up and forest categories (table 2). The previous classification distinguis� ed between t�ree classes of built-up areas, i.e. urban centres wit� out veg- etation, densely and scarcely built-up areas wit� vegetation and gardens. In t� e presented classification t� ese classes were merged and are all pre- sented by built-up areas wit� - out dense vegetation. Thus, greater differences appear in t� e countryside w� ere t� e newer classification does not consider t� e small built-up areas in t� e �ills w � ereas t� e previous one did. However, t� e previous classification also considers a number of non built-up areas, mainly agricultural in t� e Koprska Brda region as well as in t� e neig� bour� oods of big cit- ies. Fig. 4: multitemporal classification is especially useful for designating built-up areas. Comparison of the old (left) and new (right) classification reveals major improvements. The land cover layer is partially transparent, the background is a digital orthophoto (Source: DOF, 2003, © GURS). Class Reference points Classified points Accurately classified Users accuracy Coniferous forest 18 18 17 94 % Deciduous forest 21 22 21 96 % Mixed forest 14 12 12 100 % Bushes and overgrowth 23 16 16 100 % Open 16 19 16 84 % Agriculture 17 21 17 81 % Built-up 5 6 5 83 % Water 6 6 6 100 % Total 120 120 110 Table 1: Accuracy assessment of the land cover classification. Classification for Mobitel (1999) Classification for Aquadapt (2004) ha % of total area ha % of total area Urban 1700 0.6 Densely built-up 6000 2.1 Scarcely built-up 16,800 5.9 Built-up total 24,500 8.6 17,200 6.0 Coniferous forest 23,000 8.0 31,100 10.9 Deciduous forest 71,400 25.0 57,300 20.1 Mixed forest 14,500 5.1 22,900 8.0 Forest total 108,800 38.1 111,300 39.0 Table 2: Comparison of built-up areas and forests between the single temporal and multitemporal classification. ŽIGA KOKALJ & KRIŠTOF OŠTIR ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 439 CONCLUSIONS It � as been proven t� at t� e classification of satellite im- ages is an efficient tool w� en determining t� e land cover in t� e Karst region. By using suc� a classification one can perform t� e mapping of a larger area and observe its tem- poral development in a relatively s� ort period of time. The Landsat imagery used in t�is study proved to be ap - propriate for distinguis�ing approximately ten to twenty land cover categories wit� a spatial resolution of 30 m. Due to t� e uniqueness of t� e Karst landscape, especially t� e �ig � fragmentation of land owners �ip, complex cul - tivation patterns, variable soil conditions and rapid over- growing, it is difficult to distinguis� some of t � e classes and more advanced met� ods need to be applied, e.g. post-classification. The use of various image data, filtering according to altitudes and inclination, and t� e combination of super- vised and unsupervised classification enable a significant improvement in t� e quality of t� e final land cover map. The attribute accuracy of t� e produced classification – assessed by comparing a larger number of test points wit� ground data collected from aerial ort � op� otos – is �ig � and exceeds 90 %. The categories agricultural land and open spaces are most commonly misclassified; � ow- ever some misclassification also occurs wit�in t � e forest types. The classification of two (merged) images eases t� e distinction between t� e classes; especially t� e built-up areas can be easily distinguis� ed from t� e ot� er catego- ries. W� en comparing t� e two classifications differences could mainly be noticed in forests and built-up areas. In order to determine t� e benefits of individual classifica- tions additional fieldwork would be required. This study confirmed our assumption t� at a simple land cover classification can not be used if we wis� to ac�ieve �ig � accuracy. It � as been proven t� at t� e land cover determination depends on its location as it is nec- essary to consider all local c� aracteristics, t� e natural p� enomena and occurrences as well as man made ob- jects. We can clearly claim t� at land cover classification s� ould be performed for smaller landscape units. The Karst region wit� its specifics demands a detailed re - searc�, supported by terrain limiting training samples selection and detailed result quality c� ecking. One of t� e most interesting questions w� en considering future studies is t� e usefulness of �ig �-resolution (spatial and spectral) satellite and airborne sensors, especially lidar, for detailed researc� of natural and ant �ropogenic Karst c� aracteristics. LAND COVER MAPPING USING LANDSAT SATELLITE IMAGE CLASSIFICATION IN THE CLASSICAL KARST - KRAS REGION The discrepancy in t� e percentage of certain for- est types occurs due to t� e differences in obtaining t� e raw forest data. The previous classification determined t� e coniferous and deciduous forests t�roug � supervised classification, and t� e mixed forest data was obtained by considering t� eir relative proportions. The new classifi- cation determined forests t�roug � unsupervised classi - fication and by later merging of t� e classes. In spite of t�is t � e difference in t� e total s� are of forests is rat� er small w� en t� e two classifications are compared. Decid- ing w�ic � classification is better suited as regards t � e available means (area knowledge, digital ort� op� otos) is a difficult task, � owever, t� e forest map, w�ic � can be found at t� e Slovenian Ministry of Forestry, can be used (wit� some �indrances). 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