Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
4.–8. oktober 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenija
4–8 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
I Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
S Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci
Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Kognitivna znanost
Cognitive Science
Odkrivanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča • SiKDD
S Data Mining and Data Warehouses • SiKDD
Delavnica projekta Insieme
Insieme Project Workshop
14. mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij
14th International Technology Transfer Conference
0 Ljudje in okolje
People and Environment
Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi
Education in Information Society
Delavnica URBANITE 2021
URBANITE Workshop 2021
S 50-letnica poučevanja računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah
50th Anniversary of Teaching Computer Science in Slovenian
Secondary Schools
Delavnica projekta BATMAN
BATMAN Project Workshop
I Uredniki • Editors:Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver, Toma Strle, Borut Trpin, Maša Rebernik, Olga Markič, Dunja Mladenić, Marko Grobelnik, Primož Kocuvan, Flavio Rizzolio, Špela Stres, Robert Blatnik,
Janez Malačič, Tomaž Ogrin, Uroš Rajkovič, Borut Batagelj, Sergio Campos, Shabnam Farahmand,
Nathalie van Loon, Erik Dovgan, Saša Divjak, Alenka Krapež, Sergio Crovella, Anton Gradišek
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci
Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Kognitivna znanost
Cognitive Science
Odkrivanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča - SiKDD
Data Mining and Data Warehouses – SiKDD
Delavnica projekta Insieme
Insieme Project Workshop
14. mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij
14th International Technology Transfer Conference
Ljudje in okolje
People and Environment
Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi
Education in Information Society
Delavnica URBANITE 2021
URBANITE Workshop 2021
50-letnica poučevanja računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah
50th Anniversary of Teaching Computer Science in Slovenian Secondary Schools
Delavnica projekta BATMAN
BATMAN Project Workshop
Uredniki / Editors
Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver, Toma Strle, Borut Trpin, Maša Rebernik, Olga Markič,
Dunja Mladenić, Marko Grobelnik, Primož Kocuvan, Flavio Rizzolio, Špela Stres, Robert Blatnik,
Janez Malačič, Tomaž Ogrin, Uroš Rajkovič, Borut Batagelj, Sergio Campos, Shabnam Farahmand,
Nathalie van Loon, Erik Dovgan, Saša Divjak, Alenka Krapež, Sergio Crovella, Anton Gradišek
4.–8. oktober 2021 / 4–8 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mitja Luštrek, Odsek za inteligentne sisteme, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Matjaž Gams, Odsek za inteligentne sisteme, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Rok Piltaver, Outfit7 in Odsek za inteligentne sisteme, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Toma Strle, Center za Kognitivno znanost, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Borut Trpin, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Maša Rebernik, Center za Kognitivno znanost, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Olga Markič, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Dunja Mladenić, Department for Artificial Intelligence, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Marko Grobelnik, Department for Artificial Intelligence, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Primož Kocuvan, Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Flavio Rizzolio, Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi, Cà Foscari University, Italy
Špela Stres, Center za prenos tehnologij in inovacij, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Robert Blatnik, Center za prenos tehnologij in inovacij, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Janez Malačič, Ekonomska fakulteta, Ljubljana
Tomaž Ogrin, Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Uroš Rajkovič, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Univerza v Mariboru
Borut Batagelj, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani
Sergio Campos, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Spain
Shabnam Farahmand, Forum Virium Helsinki, Finland
Nathalie van Loon, City of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Erik Dovgan, Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Saša Divjak, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana
Alenka Krapež, Gimnazija Vič, Ljubljana
Sergio Crovella, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Italy
Anton Gradišek, Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Založnik: Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Priprava zbornika: Mitja Lasič, Vesna Lasič, Lana Zemljak
Oblikovanje naslovnice: Vesna Lasič
Dostop do e-publikacije:
Ljubljana, oktober 2021
Informacijska družba
ISSN 2630-371X
Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani
COBISS.SI-ID 86412803
ISBN 978-961-264-225-9 (PDF)
Štiriindvajseta multikonferenca Informacijska družba je preživela probleme zaradi korone v 2020. Odziv se povečuje, v 2021 imamo enajst konferenc, a pravo upanje je za 2022, ko naj bi dovolj velika precepljenost končno omogočila normalno delovanje. Tudi v 2021 gre zahvala za skoraj normalno delovanje konference tistim predsednikom konferenc, ki so kljub prvi pandemiji modernega sveta pogumno obdržali visok strokovni nivo.
Stagnacija določenih aktivnosti v 2020 in 2021 pa skoraj v ničemer ni omejila neverjetne rasti IKTja, informacijske družbe, umetne inteligence in znanosti nasploh, ampak nasprotno – rast znanja, računalništva in umetne inteligence se nadaljuje z že kar običajno nesluteno hitrostjo. Po drugi strani se je pospešil razpad družbenih vrednot, zaupanje v znanost in razvoj. Se pa zavedanje večine ljudi, da je potrebno podpreti stroko, čedalje bolj krepi, kar je bistvena sprememba glede na 2020.
Letos smo v multikonferenco povezali enajst odličnih neodvisnih konferenc. Zajema okoli 170 večinoma spletnih predstavitev, povzetkov in referatov v okviru samostojnih konferenc in delavnic ter 400 obiskovalcev. Prireditev so spremljale okrogle mize in razprave ter posebni dogodki, kot je svečana podelitev nagrad – seveda večinoma preko spleta. Izbrani prispevki bodo izšli tudi v posebni številki revije Informatica (http://www.informatica.si/), ki se ponaša s 45-letno tradicijo odlične znanstvene revije.
Multikonferenco Informacijska družba 2021 sestavljajo naslednje samostojne konference:
• Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci
• Odkrivanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča
• Kognitivna znanost
• Ljudje in okolje
• 50-letnica poučevanja računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah
• Delavnica projekta Batman
• Delavnica projekta Insieme Interreg
• Delavnica projekta Urbanite
• Študentska konferenca o računalniškem raziskovanju 2021
• Mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij
• Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi
Soorganizatorji in podporniki multikonference so različne raziskovalne institucije in združenja, med njimi ACM
Slovenija, SLAIS, DKZ in druga slovenska nacionalna akademija, Inženirska akademija Slovenije (IAS). V imenu organizatorjev konference se zahvaljujemo združenjem in institucijam, še posebej pa udeležencem za njihove dragocene prispevke in priložnost, da z nami delijo svoje izkušnje o informacijski družbi. Zahvaljujemo se tudi recenzentom za njihovo pomoč pri recenziranju.
S podelitvijo nagrad, še posebej z nagrado Michie-Turing, se avtonomna stroka s področja opredeli do najbolj izstopajočih dosežkov. Nagrado Michie-Turing za izjemen življenjski prispevek k razvoju in promociji informacijske družbe je prejel prof. dr. Jernej Kozak. Priznanje za dosežek leta pripada ekipi Odseka za inteligentne sisteme Instituta ''Jožef Stefan'' za osvojeno drugo mesto na tekmovanju XPrize Pandemic Response Challenge za iskanje najboljših ukrepov proti koroni. »Informacijsko limono« za najmanj primerno informacijsko potezo je prejela trditev, da je aplikacija za sledenje stikom problematična za zasebnost, »informacijsko jagodo« kot najboljšo potezo pa COVID-19 Sledilnik, tj. sistem za zbiranje podatkov o koroni. Čestitke nagrajencem!
Mojca Ciglarič, predsednik programskega odbora
Matjaž Gams, predsednik organizacijskega odbora
The 24th Information Society Multiconference survived the COVID-19 problems. In 2021, there are eleven conferences with a growing trend and real hopes that 2022 will be better due to successful vaccination. The multiconference survived due to the conference chairs who bravely decided to continue with their conferences despite the first pandemic in the modern era.
The COVID-19 pandemic did not decrease the growth of ICT, information society, artificial intelligence and science overall, quite on the contrary – the progress of computers, knowledge and artificial intelligence continued with the fascinating growth rate. However, COVID-19 did increase the downfall of societal norms, trust in science and progress. On the other hand, the awareness of the majority, that science and development are the only perspectives for a prosperous future, substantially grows.
The Multiconference is running parallel sessions with 170 presentations of scientific papers at eleven conferences, many round tables, workshops and award ceremonies, and 400 attendees. Selected papers will be published in the Informatica journal with its 45-years tradition of excellent research publishing.
The Information Society 2021 Multiconference consists of the following conferences:
• Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
• Data Mining and Data Warehouses
• Cognitive Science
• People and Environment
• 50-years of High-school Computer Education in Slovenia
• Batman Project Workshop
• Insieme Interreg Project Workshop
• URBANITE Project Workshop
• Student Computer Science Research Conference 2021
• International Conference of Transfer of Technologies
• Education in Information Society
The multiconference is co-organized and supported by several major research institutions and societies, among them ACM Slovenia, i.e. the Slovenian chapter of the ACM, SLAIS, DKZ and the second national academy, the Slovenian Engineering Academy. In the name of the conference organizers, we thank all the societies and institutions, and particularly all the participants for their valuable contribution and their interest in this event, and the reviewers for their thorough reviews.
The award for lifelong outstanding contributions is presented in memory of Donald Michie and Alan Turing. The Michie-Turing award was given to Prof. Dr. Jernej Kozak for his lifelong outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of the information society in our country. In addition, the yearly recognition for current achievements was awarded to the team from the Department of Intelligent systems, Jožef Stefan Institute for the second place at the XPrize Pandemic Response Challenge for proposing best counter-measures against COVID-19. The information lemon goes to the claim that the mobile application for tracking COVID-19 contacts will harm information privacy.
The information strawberry as the best information service last year went to COVID-19 Sledilnik, a program to regularly report all data related to COVID-19 in Slovenia. Congratulations!
Mojca Ciglarič, Programme Committee Chair
Matjaž Gams, Organizing Committee Chair
International Programme Committee
Organizing Committee
Vladimir Bajic, South Africa
Matjaž Gams, chair
Heiner Benking, Germany
Mitja Luštrek
Se Woo Cheon, South Korea
Lana Zemljak
Howie Firth, UK
Vesna Koricki
Olga Fomichova, Russia
Mitja Lasič
Vladimir Fomichov, Russia
Blaž Mahnič
Vesna Hljuz Dobric, Croatia
Klara Vulikić
Alfred Inselberg, Israel
Jay Liebowitz, USA
Huan Liu, Singapore
Henz Martin, Germany
Marcin Paprzycki, USA
Claude Sammut, Australia
Jiri Wiedermann, Czech Republic
Xindong Wu, USA
Yiming Ye, USA
Ning Zhong, USA
Wray Buntine, Australia
Bezalel Gavish, USA
Gal A. Kaminka, Israel
Mike Bain, Australia
Michela Milano, Italy
Derong Liu, Chicago, USA
Toby Walsh, Australia
Sergio Campos-Cordobes, Spain
Shabnam Farahmand, Finland
Sergio Crovella, Italy
Programme Committee
Mojca Ciglarič, chair
Bogdan Filipič
Dunja Mladenič
Niko Zimic
Bojan Orel,
Andrej Gams
Franc Novak
Rok Piltaver
Franc Solina,
Matjaž Gams
Vladislav Rajkovič
Toma Strle
Viljan Mahnič,
Mitja Luštrek
Grega Repovš
Tine Kolenik
Cene Bavec,
Marko Grobelnik
Ivan Rozman
Franci Pivec
Tomaž Kalin,
Nikola Guid
Niko Schlamberger
Uroš Rajkovič
Jozsef Györkös,
Marjan Heričko
Stanko Strmčnik
Borut Batagelj
Tadej Bajd
Borka Jerman Blažič Džonova
Jurij Šilc
Tomaž Ogrin
Jaroslav Berce
Gorazd Kandus
Jurij Tasič
Aleš Ude
Mojca Bernik
Urban Kordeš
Denis Trček
Bojan Blažica
Marko Bohanec
Marjan Krisper
Andrej Ule
Matjaž Kljun
Ivan Bratko
Andrej Kuščer
Boštjan Vilfan
Robert Blatnik
Andrej Brodnik
Jadran Lenarčič
Baldomir Zajc
Erik Dovgan
Dušan Caf
Borut Likar
Blaž Zupan
Špela Stres
Saša Divjak
Janez Malačič
Boris Žemva
Anton Gradišek
Tomaž Erjavec
Olga Markič
Leon Žlajpah
Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci / Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence .......................... 1
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................. 3
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ..................................................................................... 5
Estimating Client's Job-search Process Duration / Andonovic Viktor, Boškoski Pavle, Boshkoska Biljana Mileva
............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Some Experimental Results in Evolutionary Multitasking / Andova Andrejaana, Filipič Bogdan ......................... 11
Intent Recognition and Drinking Detection For Assisting kitchen-based Activities / De Masi Carlo M., Stankoski
Simon, Cergolj Vincent, Luštrek Mitja .............................................................................................................. 15
Anomaly Detection in Magnetic Resonance-based Electrical Properties Tomography of in silico Brains / Golob
Ožbej, Arduino Alessandro, Bottauscio Oriano, Zilberti Luca, Sadikov Aleksander ........................................ 19
Library for Feature Calculation in the Context-Recognition Domain / Janko Vito, Boštic Matjaž, Lukan Junoš,
Slapničar Gašper .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Določanje slikovnega prostora na umetniških slikah / Komarova Nadezhda, Anželj Gregor, Batagelj Borut,
Bovcon Narvika, Solina Franc .......................................................................................................................... 27
Automated Hate Speech Target Identification / Pelicon Andraž, Škrlj Blaž, Kralj Novak Petra ........................... 31
SiDeGame: An Online Benchmark Environment for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning / Puc Jernej, Sadikov
Aleksander ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Question Ranking for Food Frequency Questionnaires / Reščič Nina, Luštrek Mitja .......................................... 39
Daily Covid-19 Deaths Prediction in Slovenija / Susič David ............................................................................... 43
Iris recognition based on SIFT and SURF feature detection / Trpin Alenka, Ženko Bernard .............................. 47
Analyzing the Diversity of Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Test Suites / Vodopija Aljoša, Tušar Tea,
Filipič Bogdan ................................................................................................................................................... 51
Corpus KAS 2.0: Cleaner and with New Datasets / Žagar Aleš, Kavaš Matic, Robnik-Šikonja Marko ............... 55
Kognitivna znanost / Cognitive Science ................................................................................................................ 59
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................... 61
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................... 62
Nevrofenomenološka študija skupinskih dinamik v spletnem učnem okolju: Preliminarni rezultati / Černe Jaša,
Berbić Selma, Kalan Mateja, Mihić Zidar Lucija, Slivšek Uršek, Kordeš Urban............................................... 63
The ONE-ness of change: an explorative neurophenomenological single case study on change in mood /
Kolenik Tine, Caporusso Jaya .......................................................................................................................... 68
Sensitivity of expected civilization longevity models / Marinko Anže, Žaucer Maša, Susič David, Gams Matjaž 80
Change ahead! Questioning and changing beliefs in online discussions / Motnikar Lenart, Garcia David, Metzler
Hannah ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
Kaj se lahko naučimo od Jacques Mehlerja, klasičnega kognitivnega znanstvenika / Saksida Amanda ............ 89
Vpliv informacije o ceni na subjektivno oceno zvoka violin / Šerbec Anja ........................................................... 93
AI art: Merely a possibility or already a reality? / Todorović Tadej, Bregant Janez ............................................. 99
Compliance with COVID-19 preventive behaviors and proneness to cognitive biases / Toporišič Gašperšič
Manca, Grof Nataša ....................................................................................................................................... 103
The ecological rationality of probabilistic learning rules in unreliable circumstances / Trpin Borut, Plementaš
Ana Marija ...................................................................................................................................................... 109
Odkrivanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča - SiKDD / Data Mining and Data Warehouses - SiKDD ............. 115
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 117
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 118
Observing odor-related information in academic domain / Novalija Inna, Massri M.Besher, Mladenić Dunja,
Grobelnik Marko, Schwabe Daniel, Brank Janez ........................................................................................... 119
Understanding Text Using Agent Based Models / Mladenic Grobelnik Adrian, Grobelnik Marko, Mladenić Dunja
........................................................................................................................................................................ 123
News Stream Clustering using Multilingual Language Models / Novak Erik ...................................................... 127
SloBERTa: Slovene monolingual foundation model / Ulčar Matej, Robnik-Šikonja Marko ................................ 131
Understanding the Impact of Geographical Bias on News Sentiment: A Case Study on London and Rio
Olympics / Swati, Mladenić Dunja ................................................................................................................. 135
An evaluation of BERT and Doc2Vec model on the IPTC Subject Codes prediction dataset / Pranjić Marko,
Robnik-Šikonja Marko, PI3 ............................................................................................................................. 139
Classification of Cross-cultural News Events / Sittar Abdul, Mladenić Dunja .................................................... 143
Zotero to Elexifinder: Collection, curation, and migration of bibliographical data / Lindemann David ............... 147
Simple discovery of COVID ISWAR Metaphors Using Word Embeddings / Brglez Mojca, Pollak Senja, Vintar
Špela............................................................................................................................................................... 151
Topic modelling and sentiment analysis of COVID-19 related news on Croatian Internet portal / Buhin Pandur
Maja, Dobša Jasminka, Beliga Slobodan, Meštrović Ana .............................................................................. 155
Tackling Class Imbalance in Radiomics: the COVID-19 Use Case / Rožanec Jože M., Poštuvan Tim, Fortuna
Blaž, Mladenić Dunja ...................................................................................................................................... 159
Observing Water-Related Events for Evidence-Based Decision-Making / Pita Costa Joao, Massri M.Besher,
Novalija Inna, Casals del Busto Ignacio, Mocanu Iulian, Rossi Maurizio, Šturm Jan, Eržin Eva, Guček
Alenka, Posinković Matej, Grobelnik Marko ................................................................................................... 163
Anomaly Detection on Live Water Pressure Data Stream / Petkovšek Gal, Erznožnik Matic, Kenda Klemen .. 167
Entropy for Time Series Forecasting / Costa Joao, Kenda Klemen, Pita Costa Joao ....................................... 171
Modeling stochastic processes by simultaneous optimization of latent representation and target variable /
Jelenčič Jakob, Mladenić Dunja ..................................................................................................................... 175
Causal relationships among global indicators / Neumann Matej ....................................................................... 179
Active Learning for Automated Visual Inspection of Manufactured Products / Trajkova Elena, Rožanec Jože M.,
Dam Paulien, Fortuna Blaž, Mladenić Dunja ................................................................................................. 183
Learning to Automatically Identify Home Appliances / Lorbek Ivančič Dan, Bertalanič Blaž, Cerar Gregor,
Fortuna Carolina ............................................................................................................................................. 187
Delavnica projekta Insieme / Insieme Project Workshop ................................................................................... 191
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 193
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 194
Platform for Multi-Omics Integration (PlatOMICs) applied to skin diseases with alterations in Notch signaling
pathway / Brandão Lucas, Tricarico Paola Maura, Gratton Rossella, Moura Ronald, Crovella Sergio ........ 195
Implementing the INSIEME portal according to the patients and caregivers’ point of view / Truccolo Ivana,
Gerlero Virginia, Rizzolio Flavio, Canzonieri Vincenzo .................................................................................. 199
An Analytical and Empirical Comparison of Electronic and Mobile Health Platforms / Kocuvan Primož, Dovgan
Erik, Gams Matjaž .......................................................................................................................................... 202
Android Application for Distance Monitoring of Elderly Parameters / Kocuvan Primož, Gams Matjaž, Valič Jakob
........................................................................................................................................................................ 206
Development and structural design of the frontend for unifying electronic and mobile health platform / Eržen
Samo, Ilijaš Tomi ............................................................................................................................................ 210
Description of Health Service Selection and Structure of ISE-EMH Platform / Bele Klemen, Kocuvan Primož,
Dovgan Erik, Gams Matjaž ............................................................................................................................. 213
Usability of smart home and home automation data / Palčič Devid, Ražman Simon, Strnad Marjan .............. 217
Intelligent cognitive assistant technology for (mental) health in the ISE-EMH project / Kolenik Tine, Klun Urša,
Kocuvan Primož, Gams Matjaž ...................................................................................................................... 221
Analysis of a recommendation system used for predicting medical services / Noveski Gjorgji, Valič Jakob .... 225
PlatformUptake Methodology for AHA Solution Assessment / Kolar Žiga, Gams Matjaž, Dovgan Erik, Vuk
Zdenko ............................................................................................................................................................ 228
What-If Analysis of Countermeasures Against COVID-19 in November 2020 in Slovenia / Janko Vito, Reščič
Nina, Tušar Tea, Luštrek Mitja, Gams Matjaž ................................................................................................ 232
Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in handling the COVID-19 pandemic: review of related
studies / Tomšič Janez, Susič David, Gams Matjaž ..................................................................................... 236
Napovedovanje trendov in optimiziranje ukrepov v boju proti pandemiji COVID-19: Tekmovanje XPRIZE in
naslednji koraki / Luštrek Mitja, Reščič Nina, Janko Vito, Susič David, De Masi Carlo M., Vodopija Aljoša,
Marinko Matej, Tušar Tea, Dovgan Erik, Gradišek Anton, Cigale Matej, Gams Matjaž ................................ 242
14. mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij / 14th International Technology Transfer Conference .. 247
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 249
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 250
ZAHVALE / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 258
Technology Transfer Fund - Central Eastern European Technology Transfer (CEETT) platform / Leban Marijan,
Stres Špela ..................................................................................................................................................... 259
Software Protection and Licensing Challenges in Europe: An Overview / Fric Urška, Stres Špela, Blatnik Robert
........................................................................................................................................................................ 265
European Guiding principles for knowledge valorisation: An assessment of essential topics to be addressed /
Stres Špela, Pal Levin, Trobec Marjeta .......................................................................................................... 269
Digital Innovation Hubs and Regional Development: Empirical Evidence from the Western Balkan countries /
Ćudić Bojan, Stres Špela ............................................................................................................................... 276
Technology Transfer as a Unifying Element in EU Projects of the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
/ Odić Duško, Stres Špela ............................................................................................................................. 277
Proof of Concept cases at the Jožef Stefan Institute in 2020 and 2021 / Trobec Marjeta, Stres Špela ............ 282
European Industrial Strategy - a great opportunity to strengthen the role of technology transfer offices / Pal
Levin, Podobnik France, Stres Špela ............................................................................................................. 287
Knowledge generation in citizen science project using on-line tools: CitieS-Health Ljubljana Pilot / Ftičar Jure,
Pratneker Miha, Kocman David ...................................................................................................................... 291
Overview of National Sources of Finance and Supports Available to Spin-Out Companies from Public Research
Organizations / Žunič Vojka, Klanjšek Gunde Marta ..................................................................................... 295
Application of 3D printing, reverse engineering and metrology / Dedić Remzo, Stojkič Željko, Bošnjak Igor ... 299
Towards the Market: Novel Antimicrobial Material / Lutman Tomaž, Vukomanović Marija ............................... 303
Technology Transfer in Belarus / Uspenskiy Alexander, Uspenski Aliaksei, Prybylski Maxim .......................... 308
DODATEK / APPENDIKS .................................................................................................................................... 311
INTRODUCTION AND AIM OF THE CONFERENCE ................................................................................... 312
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 316
INTRODUCTION TO THE ITTC CONFERENCE AS A WHOLE ................................................................... 317
OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAMME ............................................................................................................. 319
WELCOME ADDRESSES .............................................................................................................................. 322
Course of the competition ......................................................................................................................... 339
Abstracts of the competing teams and their technologies ........................................................................ 343
Award announcement Best innovation with commercial potential ............................................................ 356
Award announcement: WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy.................................................................................. 357
Keynote speech: PoC funding of research spin-offs ................................................................................. 359
Keynote speech: CEETT Platform – Central Eastern European Technology Transfer Platform .............. 361
Paper presentations: scientific papers on technology transfer and intellectual property .......................... 363
Opportunities arising from publicly funded research projects / presentations of successful scientific projects
.............................................................................................................................................................. 365
Award announcement: WIPO Medal For Inventors................................................................................... 367
Research2Business meetings (R2B meetings) ......................................................................................... 369
Connecting high-school education system with academia: Presentations of selected research topics from
Jožef Stefan Institute and proposals for cooperation ........................................................................... 370
The Conference closing ............................................................................................................................ 372
CONFERENCE CEREMONY ................................................................................................................... 374
Ljudje in okolje / People and Environment .......................................................................................................... 377
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 379
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 381
Demographic processes and their role in fulfilment of the objectives of Agenda 2030 / Behrmani Sami,
Bajraktari Fadil ................................................................................................................................................ 383
Za mlajše prebivalstvo v boljšem okolju / Čepar Drago ..................................................................................... 387
Plačna vrzel po starosti in spolu pri inovativni in neinovativni vrsti dela / Farčnik Daša, Istenič Tanja, Sambt
Jože, Redek Tjaša .......................................................................................................................................... 390
Vpliv pandemije covid-19 na razlike med spoloma v plačanem in neplačanem delu / Istenič Tanja, Sambt Jože,
Farčnik Daša .................................................................................................................................................. 394
Staranje prebivalstva in več vidikov zdravljenja z zdravili / Kasesnik Karin ....................................................... 397
Prebivalstvena politika Kitajske po letu 1950: Od začetnih iskanj in socialistične vere v neomejeno rast
prebivalstva do politike enega in zatem treh otrok na družino / Malačič Janez ............................................ 400
Precenjenost presežne umrljivosti za Slovenijo v letu 2020 / Sambt Jože, Istenič Tanja, Farčnik Daša, Viršček
Andrej ............................................................................................................................................................. 405
Zaznavanje stresa pri srednješolcih v prvem valu epidemije COVID-19 / Stepišnik Perdih Tjaša, Macur Mirna
........................................................................................................................................................................ 408
»Podivjajmo Slovenijo« kot nov koncept varovanja okolja / Gams Matjaž ......................................................... 412
Involvement of Citizens in Environmental Epidemiology Studies: Some Experience from the CitieS-Health
Ljubljana Pilot / Kocman David, Pratneker Miha, Ftičar Jure, Vrabec Tina, Robinson Johanna A., Novak Rok
........................................................................................................................................................................ 416
(Eko)golf igrišča in Natura 2000: Golf in varovanje okolja / Lipič Karel .............................................................. 421
Gospodarska in podnebna negotovost v Združenih državah Amerike / Romih Dejan ....................................... 424
Ponovna raba vode v urbanih okoljih kot pristop odgovornega življenja / Vovk Ana ......................................... 429
Uporaba programske opreme v zanki za izdelavo digitalnega dvojčka proizvodnega procesa / Belšak Rok,
Gotlih Janez, Karner Timi ............................................................................................................................... 432
Ocena tveganja in ukrepi za varno delo v sodelovalni robotiki / Jovanović Marko, Rečnik Ivan ....................... 435
Detection of Scratches on the Surface of Metal ic Objects / Kalabakov Stefan, Marinko Anže, Ravničan Jože,
PI3 .................................................................................................................................................................. 440
Infodemija: etični vidik informiranja o COVID-19 / Pivec Franci, Šercar M. Tvrtko ........................................... 444
Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi / Education in Information Society ........................................ 449
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 451
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 452
Poučevanje elektronike z uporabo spletnega programskega okolja Tinkercad / Albreht Jaka .......................... 455
Izzivi izvedbe praktičnega izobraževanja na višjih strokovnih šolah v pogojih COVID-19 / Balantič Branka,
Balantič Zvone ................................................................................................................................................ 460
Skupinske oblike svetovanja na daljavo v času epidemije covid-19 – ugotovitve raziskav in praktične izkušnje /
Batagelj Tadeja ............................................................................................................................................... 464
Karierna orientacija na daljavo / Berce Jelka ..................................................................................................... 468
Z orodjem Nearpod do interaktivne obravnave domačega branja / Blatnik Živa ............................................... 472
Liveworksheets - ko učni listi oživijo / Delovec Urška ........................................................................................ 476
Poučevanje loma in odboja svetlobe na daljavo / Hudi Primož .......................................................................... 479
Usvajanje črk v prvem razredu na daljavo / Jerina Tamara ............................................................................... 483
Uporaba spletnega orodja BookWidgets za preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja pri pouku nemščine / Jerman
Urša ................................................................................................................................................................ 486
Vpliv uporabe digitalnih sredstev na motivacijo in uspešnost učenja / Kapun Žan, Perša Tomi, Sajko Klemen,
Kožuh Ines ...................................................................................................................................................... 491
Primeri dobre prakse poučevanja tujega jezika na daljavo / Karanjac Blanka ................................................... 497
Poučevanje na daljavo v prvem razredu / Klemen Sonja ................................................................................... 502
Učiteljevi izzivi med šolanjem na daljavo pri pouku geometrije / Knez Jožica ................................................... 506
Učenci v vlogi učiteljev / Kokelj Martina.............................................................................................................. 509
Enotna digitalna identiteta ArnesAAI / Kušar Luka ............................................................................................. 513
Analiza podatkov orodja za pomoč pri izbiri poklica »KamBi« / Leskovar Robert, Baggia Alenka .................... 516
Priprava in uporaba kvizov v različnih programih za preverjanje usvojenega znanja pri predmetu fizika na
gimnaziji / Leskovar Kristina .......................................................................................................................... 523
Spletni jezikovni priročniki pri pouku slovenščine / Miljković Mateja .................................................................. 526
Delo na daljavo in preverjanje znanja pri matematiki / Mlinar Biček Polona ...................................................... 530
Matematični učbenik Franca Močnika / Močnik Alenka ...................................................................................... 534
Uporaba aplikacije Genial y v 2. razredu osnovne šole / Nediževec Martina .................................................... 538
Varna raba spleta za učence z učnimi težavami / Ozvatič Jure ........................................................................ 542
Storitve šolske knjižnice v času učenja na daljavo / Pajnik Tina ........................................................................ 546
Preliminarna anketa kot didaktični pripomoček / Planinc Luka .......................................................................... 550
Učenci s posebnimi potrebami in šolanje na daljavo / Posedel Golob Karmen ................................................. 555
Težave pri izobraževanju odraslih na daljavo / Prašnikar Andrej ....................................................................... 559
Digitalizacija doma / Rehberger Roman ............................................................................................................. 562
Primerjava simetričnih algoritmov / Rehberger Roman ...................................................................................... 566
E-učenje in e-poučevanje naravoslovnih vsebin / Simčič Petra ......................................................................... 574
Zaznavanje stresa pri srednješolcih v prvem valu epidemije COVID-19 / Stepišnik Perdih Tjaša, Macur Mirna
........................................................................................................................................................................ 579
Uporaba spletnega socialnega omrežja Facebook pri učenju na daljavo / Strgar Sonja ................................... 583
Discord kot platforma za izvedbo pouka na daljavo / Strniša Gašper, Strniša Iva, Rogelj Aljaž........................ 587
Obogatitev predopismenjevanja v predšolskem obdobju / Šebenik Tina ........................................................... 590
Izdelava laboratorijskih vaj s PWS / Šifrer Robert .............................................................................................. 592
Funkcionalnosti spletnih učilnic pri izobraževanju knjižničarjev med epidemijo / Škrlj Gregor .......................... 597
Primerjava pouka angleščine od 1. do 5. razreda na daljavo / Urankar Patricija ............................................... 601
Virtualna izvedba študije primera na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru / Urh Marko, Jereb
Eva.................................................................................................................................................................. 606
Uporaba sodobnih tehnologij in metod strojnega učenja v mladinskem nogometu / Vrban Rok, Kel y Seamus,
Kljajić Borštnar Mirjana ................................................................................................................................... 611
Spremljanje napredka in dajanje povratne informacije v času dela na daljavo / Vučko Tadeja......................... 614
Priprava na obštudijsko dejavnost »Organizacija in usposabljanje v potapljanju« / Werber Borut, Rajkovič Uroš
........................................................................................................................................................................ 618
Šolanje na daljavo v digitalnem okolju / Žerjal Samo ......................................................................................... 624
Delavnica URBANITE 2021 / URBANITE Workshop 2021 ................................................................................... 627
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 629
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 630
How Disruptive Technologies can Strengthen Urban Mobility Transformation. The Experience of URBANITE
H2020 Project / Ciulla Giuseppe, Di Bernardo Roberto, Matranga Isabel, Martella Francesco, Parrino
Giovanni, Farahmand Shabnam .................................................................................................................... 631
An Overview of Transport Modelling Approaches – A Use Case Study of Helsinki / Farahmand Shabnam ..... 635
URBANITE: Messina Use Case in Smart Mobility Scenario / Martella Francesco, Parrino Giovanni, Colosi
Mario, Ciulla Giuseppe, Di Bernardo Roberto, Martorana Marco, Callari Roberto, Fazio Maria, Celesti
Antonio, Villari Massimo ................................................................................................................................. 638
Data commons in smart mobility – the road ahead? / van Loon Nathalie, Snijders Rosalie.............................. 642
Urbanite Mobility Data Analysis Tools / Olabarrieta Ignacio, Campos Sergio, Laña Ibai, Gil Raquel, Larrañaga
Urrotz, Farahmand Shabnam ......................................................................................................................... 646
Applicable European Regulations for Data-driven Policy-making / Bilbao Sonia, López Maria José, Campos
Sergio ............................................................................................................................................................. 650
Supporting Decision-Making in the Urban Mobility Policy Making / Dovgan Erik, Smerkol Maj, Sulajkovska
Miljana, Gams Matjaž ..................................................................................................................................... 654
URBANITE Data Management Platform / Meiners Fritz, Bilbao Sonia, Ciulla Giuseppe, Lazaro Gonzalo ....... 658
Traffic Simulation for Mobility Policy Analysis / Smerkol Maj, Sulajkovska Miljana, Dovgan Erik, Gams Matjaž
........................................................................................................................................................................ 662
Machine Learning-Based Approach for Estimating the Quality of Mobility Policies / Sulajkovska Miljana,
Smerkol Maj, Dovgan Erik, Gams Matjaž....................................................................................................... 666
Visualizations for Mobility Policy Design / Smerkol Maj, Sulajkovska Miljana, Dovgan Erik, Gams Matjaž ...... 670
URBANITE Ecosystem: Integration and DevOps / López Maria José, Etxaniz Iñaki, Ciulla Giuseppe ............. 674
50-letnica poučevanja računalništva v slovenskihsrednjih šolah / 50th Anniversary of Teaching Computer
Science in Slovenian Secondary Schools ...................................................................................................... 679
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 681
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 682
Matematiki in računalniško izobraževanje, do 1980 / Batagelj Vladimir ............................................................. 683
Komisija za uvajanje računalništva v srednje šole / Hafner Izidor ..................................................................... 688
50 let od uvedbe predmeta računalništvo v srednje šole: poskusni pouk in učbenik / Bratko Ivan, Lajovic Iztok,
Rajkovič Vladislav ........................................................................................................................................... 692
Začetki pouka programiranja na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko UL / Divjak Saša .................................................. 696
Začetki mariborskega računalništva (do ustanovitve univerze 1975) / Pivec Franci ......................................... 699
Slovensko računalništvo skozi pogled dijaka l. 1971 / Gams Matjaž ................................................................. 702
Od prve do enajste šole računalništva / Dolenc Tomi ........................................................................................ 706
50 let računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah - pogled dijakinje in učiteljice z Gimnazije Vič / Krapež Alenka
........................................................................................................................................................................ 710
Moje računalniško izobraževanje / Solina Franc ................................................................................................ 712
Delavnica projekta BATMAN / BATMAN Project Workshop ............................................................................... 717
PREDGOVOR / FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 719
PROGRAMSKI ODBORI / PROGRAMME COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 720
Identification Of Novel Genetic Variants In Hidradenitis Suppurativa Patients Through The Investigation Of
Familial Cases / Tricarico Paola Maura, Moura Ronald, Gratton Rossella, dos Santos Silva Carlos André,
Brandão Lucas, Crovel a Sergio ..................................................................................................................... 721
Generation Of Animal And Human 3D Models Of Acne Inversa / Boufenghour Wacym, Flacher Vincent ........ 725
Development Of New Cellular Models To Identify Molecular Mechanisms In Hidradenitis Suppurativa / Nait-
Meddour Cecile, Matar Rola, Boniotto Michele .............................................................................................. 727
Hidradenitis Suppurativa: From Clinic To Bench And Back / Marzano Angelo, Moltrasio Chiara, Genovese
Giovanni ......................................................................................................................................................... 730
Disease Burden Of Hidradenitis Suppurativa And Assessment Of A Non-Invasive Treatment Option / von
Stebut Esther .................................................................................................................................................. 733
An Overview of the BATMAN Platform / Vuk Zdenko, Bizjak Jani, Dovgan Erik, Gams Matjaž, Gradišek Anton
........................................................................................................................................................................ 735
Indeks avtorjev / Author index .............................................................................................................................. 739
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek A
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume A
Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci
Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Uredniki / Editors
Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver
8. oktober 2021 / 8 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Po zaslugi pandemije COVID-19 še vedno živimo v bolj zanimivih časih, kot bi si želeli,
vendar umetne inteligence to ne moti in napreduje s podobnim tempom kot pretekla leta.
Računalniški vid in obdelava naravnega jezika sta še vedno vroči področji, pred nedavnim pa
nam je OpenAI postregel s parom navdušujočih kombinacij obojega. Prva je DALL-E,
globoka nevronska mreža, izpeljana iz OpenAIjeve slavne mreže za generiranje besedila
GPT-3, ki je sposobna »razumeti« opis slike in nato takšno sliko generirati. Pri tem je kos
slikam, na kakršne prej ni naletela – generirati zna denimo prav čedno sliko redkve daikon v
baletnem krilcu, ki sprehaja psa. Druga, CLIP, deluje obratno in generira besedilne opise slik.
Še en viden dosežek zadnjega časa prihaja s področje biologije in medicine, ki sta zelo plodni
področji za uporabo umetne inteligence. Algoritem AlphaFold 2, ki – podobno kot večina
pomembnih dosežkov umetne inteligence zadnjih let – temelji na globokih nevronskih
mrežah, je dosegel dramatičen napredek pri določanju strukture beljakovin, kar je težaven
problem, pomemben za razvoj zdravil.
Posebej odmeven nedaven dosežek umetne inteligence iz domačih logov je metoda za
priporočanje optimalnih ukrepov zoper COVID-19, ki jo je razvila ekipa Odseka za
inteligentne sisteme na Institutu Jožef Stefan. Pri tej sodbi avtorji predgovora sicer nismo
povsem nepristranski, saj sva k dosežku dva prispevala, a drugo mesto ne tekmovanju XPrize
Pandemic Response Challenge s polmilijonskim nagradnim skladom našo trditev potrjuje. Za
uspeh tokrat ni bila potrebna globoka nevronska mreža – metoda kombinira epidemiološki
model SEIR, klasično strojno učenje in večkriterijsko optimizacijo z evolucijskim
algoritmom. Na Slovenski konferenci o umetni inteligenci je predstavljen le delček tega dela,
več o njem pa je moč izvedeti na Delavnici projekta Insieme Interreg, ki prav tako poteka v
okviru Informacijske družbe.
Posebej veliko število drugih delavnic in konferenc na Informacijski družbi letos je sicer
dobro za multikonferenco kot celoto, našo konferenco pa je bržkone prikrajšalo za kak
prispevek. K tej težavi moramo dodati še naveličanost raziskovalne srenje nezmožnosti žive
udeležbe na konferencah, tako da smo se morali na koncu zadovoljiti s 13 prispevki. Večino
je kot po navadi prispeval Institut Jožef Stefan, dobro je zastopana tudi Fakulteta za
računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani, druge ustanove pa žal ne. Kljub temu smo
poskrbeli, da so prispevki kakovostni, in smo jih zavrnili več kot pretekla leta. Bomo pa
prihodnje leta napeli moči, da privabimo več prispevkov iz širšega nabora ustanov.
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic we still live in more interesting time than we would like,
but artificial intelligence is not much bothered by this and is progressing as rapidly as in the
recent years. Computer vision and natural language processing are still hot topics, and
OpenAI recently provided a pair of exciting combinations of the two. The first is DALL-E, a
deep neural network derived from OpenAI's famous language generation network GPT-3. It
can »understand« a description of an image and then generate such an image. It can handle
images never encountered before – for instance, it can generate a nice image of a daikon
radish in a tutu walking a dog. The second is CLIP, which works in reverse and generates
descriptions of images. Another prominent recent achievement comes from biology and
medicine, which is fruitful ground for applications of artificial intelligence. The AlphaGo 2
algorithm, which – like most main achievements of artificial intelligence in the recent years –
is based on deep neural networks, achieved a breakthrough in protein folding. This is a hard
problem important for drug discovery.
A prominent recent Slovenian achievement of artificial intelligence is a method for
recommending optimal interventions against COVID-19, which was developed by a team
from the Department of Intelligence Systems at Jožef Stefan Institute. The authors of this
foreword are not entirely unbiased when we say this, because two of us contributed to the
achievement, but second placed at the XPrize Pandemic Response Challenge with a prize
purse of half a million lends credence to our claim. This success did not require a deep neural
network – the method combines a SEIR epidemiological model, classical machine learning
and multi-objective optimisation with an evolutionary algorithm. The Slovenian Conference
of Artificial Intelligence presents only a small part of this work, while more can be learned in
the Insieme Interreg project workshop.
A particularly large number of other workshops and conference at Information Society this
year are good for the multi-conference as a whole, but probably deprived our conference for a
few papers. Another problem is that the research community is getting tired of the inability to
attend conferences live, which is why we ended up with only 13 papers. Most of them, as
usual, come from Jožef Stefan Institute. The Faculty of Computer and Information Science of
the University of Ljubljana is also well represented, while other institutions less so. Despite
this we made sure that the papers are high-quality, and we turned away more than usual. But
our goal for the following years is of course to secure more papers from a wider range or
Mitja Luštrek
Matjaž Gams
Rok Piltaver
Cene Bavec
Jaro Berce
Marko Bohanec
Marko Bonač
Ivan Bratko
Bojan Cestnik
Aleš Dobnikar
Bogdan Filipič
Borka Jerman Blažič
Marjan Krisper
Marjan Mernik
Biljana Mileva Boshkoska
Vladislav Rajkovič
Niko Schlamberger
Tomaž Seljak
Miha Smolnikar
Peter Stanovnik
Damjan Strnad
Vasja Vehovar
Martin Žnidaršič
Estimating Client’s Job-search Process Duration
Viktor Andonovic1
Pavle Boškoski2
Biljana Mileva Boshkoska2,3
Knowledge Technologies
Knowledge Technologies
Knowledge Technologies
1Jožef Stefan International
2Institute Jožef Stefan
2Institute Jožef Stefan
Postgraduate School
Ljubljana, Slovenia
3 Faculty of information studies
Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Ljubljana, Slovenia
3Novo Mesto, Slovenia
are built on top of statistical surveys [2]. These data sets comprise
a series of snapshots of an individual labour force status observed
Modelling the labour market, analysing ways to reduce
at discrete time points. Such discrete sampling might be with low
unemployment, and creating decision support tools are
frequency in order to truly capture the changing dynamics.
becoming more popular topics with the rise in digital data and
Several methods for approaching similar labour market
computational power. The paper aims to analyse a Machine
modelling problems have been implemented in other countries.
Learning (ML) approach for estimating the time duration until
Finland’s Statistical profiling tool, introduced in 2007, consists
a job-seeker finds a job, i.e. leaves the Public Employment
of a simple logit model [3]. It predicts the probability of long-
Service (PES), after the initial entering. The dataset that we use
term unemployment and categorises job seekers into two groups,
from PES is complex, and there is almost no correlation between
risk or high-risk of long-term unemployment. In 2012 Ireland
most of the features in it, which makes it challenging for
implemented a PEX (probability of exit) model using data
modelling. We used statistical analysis and visualisations to
collected on job-seekers who entered the PES as unemployed
understand the problem better and form a basis for further
during 13 weeks [4]. The PEX tool is a probit model for
modelling. As a result, we developed several ML models,
measuring the job-seeker's probability of exiting unemployment
including basic multivariate linear regression used for
in one year.
performance comparison with other more specifically designed
As a result of our work, we have developed an ML model
that can be used in a PES as a part of their decision toolbox,
which can serve as a filtering method that prioritises job-seekers
and recognises ones who do not necessarily need PES resources
and services, as they will get employed soon regardless of the
The research field of creating tools for supporting the decision-
interventions by the organisation.
making process for employment services has attracted significant
interest lately. One can track such efforts for more than 20 years
[1]. Different variants of tools and systems have been developed
and implemented with varying success in different countries.
The data used for the paper is provided by a public organisation
PES is willing to move away from the traditional role of servicing
engaged in the HECAT project [4], which aims at investigation,
the job-seekers and take a more systematic approach by
demonstration and pilotting a profiling tool to support labour
implementing data-driven solutions in their toolbox. Here, the
market decision making by unemployed citizens and case
goal is to create a model that uses available data that describes
workers in PES.
the job-seekers that have entered the PES and outputs the
approximate time (in days) needed for the individual to leave the
2.1 Data description
PES as an employed person.
These factors can be assessed either by introducing experts’
The dataset consists of 74086 instances, each representing a
knowledge or by extracting the corresponding dynamics directly
client enrolled in the PES, described with 16 sociological,
from the available data. What was (or is) available determines
demographic and time-related characteristics, known as features
how the models are built and their effectiveness.
or attributes. The data were obtained during one year. The dataset
The biggest issue when dealing with any modelling, for that
is complex in a way that its attributes come in a different form
matter, is the quality of data. Typically models of the labour flow
(categorical, numerical, date and time), and most of them need to
undergo some transformation for the aim of input suitability for
different ML models. The general structure of the client's
attributes is described by dividing the attributes into several
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
prominent groups: socioeconomic variables (gender, age,
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
nationality), information on job readiness (education, health
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
limitations, care responsibilities), and opportunities (regional
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
labour market development), and all available labour market
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
history information, such as prior work experience. Most of the
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
V. Andonovic et al.
categorical features are given with numbers, where each number
represents a unique category, described in a separate CSV file.
The target variable is in numeric form, and it is a counter of days
that a person stays in the process before exiting the PES. Some
of the features in the dataset contain weird values (such as the
negative number for clients age), which are a mistake or a result
of noise in the data. This indicates the necessity of performing
data cleaning and preprocessing before using the dataset to input
various ML models. Figure 1 gives an overview of the attributes
of the dataset.
Figure 3: Grid of distributions of the dataset features
2.3 Data preprocessing
It is estimated that in most data mining and knowledge discovery
pipelines, 75 to 85% of the time is dedicated to preprocessing the
data [5]. Cleaning and transforming samples are the cornerstone
Figure 1: General information on the dataset features
of a reliable and robust pattern recognition system. The first step
of the data preprocessing part was data cleaning. The dataset
2.2 Data understanding
included values for some of the attributes, which were an obvious
result of a noise or a mistake. For example, some of the instances
The target variable, 'duration', is a numerical count variable. In
had negative values for the target variable, which is impossible
order to gain a better understanding of the target variable, the
because of the nature of that attribute, which is a count-based
probability distribution was plotted on a graph. Figure 2 shows
the probability distribution of 'duration’.
Most of the classical ML algorithms require the input data to
be in numerical form. We used one-hot-encoding for the
categorical features with at most 20 different categories. High-
cardinality features were encoded using the Binary Encoding
technique. Frequently used techniques like label-encoding do not
work in high-cardinality because of the inclusion of artificial
numerical relative distance between the instances or overfitting
in the case of one-hot-encoding [6].
The ‘Entry Date’ feature was used to extract the day and
month of entry separately. As those are cyclical features, we
performed a transformation in order to better represent the
cyclical phenomenon, for instance to avoid the artificial large
difference between month 1 and month 12. The best way to
Figure 2: Probability distribution of the target variable
handle this is to calculate the sin() and cos() component so that
this cyclical feature is represented as (𝑥, 𝑦) coordinates of a
The information for the probability distribution of the target
variable directly influences the predictive model selection. By
The normalisation of the attributes' values was applied to scale
looking at Figure 2, it can be assumed that that the target variable
the attributes in a way that their mean value is zero, and their
is following the Poisson distribution. We also plotted the
variance is retained with the use of their own standard deviation.
distributions of the features. Figure 3 illustrates a grid of
It allows equality of opportunity for each attribute. By this, no
distributions of each feature of the dataset.
attribute gives more value to itself regarding the range of values
it has. Several normalisation techniques are commonly used, but
the most popular one is the standard scaler, defined as:
𝑧 = !"# (2.1)
where 𝑥 is the actual value, 𝜇 is the mean, and 𝑠 is the standard
Estimating client’s job-search process duration
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
All the calculations and transformations were performed in
where 𝑃(𝑘) is the probability of seeing 𝑘 events during time unit
Python programming language, by making use of modules like
given event rate 𝜆 . Let X, y be our dataset for the Poisson
pandas, NumPy and sci-kit learn.
regression task. The log-likelihood function that needs to be
maximised is:
∑0 𝑙𝑜𝑔
<*!"$%&'2,(3&)4(&= (3.4)
Since the target variable is numerical, the task should be treated
!(𝑦): = ∑
as a regression problem. Regression analysis describes methods
whose goal is to estimate the relationship between a dependent
After the expression is simplified, the final equation for the
(target) variable and one or more independent variables. In
Poisson loss has the following form:
formal terms, the goal is to specify the following general model
67%$$78 = ∑
%) − 𝑦%𝑙𝑜𝑔 9𝜆(𝑋%):A (3.5)
𝑌% = 𝑓(𝑋%, 𝛽) + 𝑒%
CatBoost Regressor is optimised with regard to this objective
where 𝑖 denotes the 𝑖&' observed input-output data set, the vector
𝑋 represents the input (independent) variables, 𝛽 is the set of
model parameters, 𝑓(∙) is the function, and 𝑒% is the modelling
error. The goal is to find the proper function 𝑓 and its parameters
𝛽 so the error term is as close to zero as possible.
The model performance on the test set is evaluated with Root
In its simplest form, the function 𝑓(∙) can represent a linear
Mean Squared Error (RMSE) as a metric. RMSE is frequently
model. For example, the univariate linear model of (3.1) would
used in regression problems, and it is a measure of the difference
between the values predicted by a model or an estimator and the
𝑌% = 𝛽( + 𝛽)𝑋% + 𝑒%
actual values of the instances. RMSE is given with the following
Generally, the function 𝑓 can describe much more complex
dynamics. The multivariate linear regression model is used as a
𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸 = F∑ (5
base model and will be used to help with the assessment of the
performance of other more specific and complex models simply
where 𝑦% is the original value of the instance, and 𝑝𝑣% is the
by comparing them to the base model. The aim is to develop such
predicted value by the model. The hyper-parameters of the
models that will significantly outperform the base model. In
models were tuned using RandomizedSearchCV. This method
order to construct a model that generalises well to the data, a
optimises the hyper-parameters by cross-validated search over
decision tree is used as a base learning algorithm for the
given parameter settings. A fixed number of parameter settings
was sampled from the specified distributions.
3.1 Ensemble learning
The idea of ensemble learning is based on the theoretical
foundations that the generalization ability of an ensemble is
usually much stronger than the one of a single learner. Ensemble
learning is mainly implemented as two subprocedures: training
weak component learners and selectively combine the member
learners into a stronger learner [7]. Two ensemble models based
on different techniques were developed, Random Forest
ean Squared Error (days)
Regressor [8] and boosting algorithm - CatBoost Regressor.
Random Forest
Bagging is used to reduce the variance of a decision tree
oth M
classifier. The objective is to create several subsets of data from
the training sample chosen randomly with replacement. Each
collection of subset data is used to train their corresponding
decision trees. The result is the average of all the predictions
from different trees, which is more robust than a single decision
Figure 4: Comparison of the model performance
tree classifier.
Based on the shape of the probability distribution given in
Figure 4 shows the diagram for comparison of the models'
Figure 2, we assume that the target variable comes from Poisson
performances. The results show that both Random Forest and
distribution. Therefore, we design our model to maximise the
CatBoost significantly outperform the base linear regression
log-likelihood for Poisson distribution [9]. The probability mass
model. Also, optimising the mean Poisson deviance as a loss
function of the Poisson distribution is given with the following
function results in significant improvement in the performance
of the boosting model. The final score that the CatBoost
Regressor optimised with regards to mean Poisson deviance
𝑃(𝑘) = *!"(,)#
evaluated on RMSE is 44.13 days.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
V. Andonovic et al.
Achieving desirable results using machine learning models
requires a significant amount of quality data and a deep
understanding of the problem. Feature engineering is one of the
key concepts here, which, if it is appropriately done, enables the
generation of new features that give helpful, previously unknown
insights about the data. The paper proposes an approach that
emphasises the engineering of optimisation function concerning
the probability distribution of the target variable, which results in
developing a specific model for approaching the problem.
Including the Poisson objective function in the boosting model
resulted in significant improvement in its performance. There is
still space for improvement in the results. Using modern end-to-
end deep learning architectures have the potential to provide
better results than the proposed models, which leaves space for
future work on this topic. Having a tool that can roughly estimate
the time a new client stays in the job-search process by having
the standard data formation about himself is beneficial for the
PES. The creation of decision-making tools for organisations
dealing with employment services supports the process of
reducing unemployment in the countries, which is a massive
benefit for the global economy.
First author acknowledges Ad Futura, Public Scholarship,
Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic
of Slovenia. The second author acknowledges funding from the
Slovenian Research Agency via program Complex Networks P1-
0383. The last two authors acknowledge the funding received
from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme project HECAT under grant agreement
No. 870702.
[1] P. Boshkoski and B. Mileva - Boshkoska, "Report on commonly
used algorithms and their performance," Horizon 2020,
Deliverable number: D3.1., 2020.
[2] J. Grundy, "Statistical profiling of the unemployed," Studies in
Political Economy, 2015.
[3] T. Riipinen, "Risk profiling of long-term unemployment in
finland," Dialogue Con- ference Brussels., 2011.
[4] P. J. O'Connel, E. Kelly and J. Walsh, "National profiling of the
unemployed in Ireland," ESRI Research Series, vol. 10, 2009.
[5] "HECAT - Disruptive Technologies Supporting Labour Market
Decision Making," 2020. [Online]. Available: http://hecat.eu.
[6] F. Johannes, D. Gamberger and N. Lavrac, "Machine Learning and
Data Mining," Cognitive Technologies, 2012.
[7] M. Brammer, Principles of Data Mining, 2007.
[8] F. Huang, G. Xie and R. Xiao, "Research on Ensemble Learning,"
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Computational Intelligence, 2009.
[9] A. Saha, S. Basu and A. Datta, "Random Forest for Dependent
Data," arXiv, 2020.
[10] A. Zakariya Y, "Diagnostic in Poisson Regression Models,"
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 2012.
Some Experimental Results in Evolutionary Multitasking
Andrejaana Andova
Bogdan Filipič
Jožef Stefan Institute and
Jožef Stefan Institute and
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
that change with generations and to which techniques resem-
Transfer learning and multitask learning have shown that, in
bling natural selection and genetic variation are applied. These
machine learning, common information in two problems can
techniques ensure that the fittest individuals (solutions) from
be used to build more effective models. Inspired by this finding,
the population are passed to the next generation. The algorithm
attempts in evolutionary computation have also been made to
begins by initializing a population of solutions. Then, a selection
solve multiple optimization problems simultaneously. This new
operator is used to select the fittest individuals as parents. After
approach is called evolutionary multitasking (EMT).
that, a reproduction operator is utilized to create offspring from
In this work, we show how EMT extends ordinary evolution-
the parents. The next step is to select a subset of individuals from
ary algorithms and present the results that we obtained in solving
the combined set of parents and children and replace the old pop-
multiple optimization problems simultaneously. We also compare
ulation with the selected subset. The new population is then used
them with the results of algorithms that solve one optimization
for the next generation. The cycle of selection, reproduction, and
problem at a time. Finally, we provide visualizations and expla-
replacement is repeated until a stopping criterion is satisfied. The
nations of why and when EMT is beneficial.
stopping criterion can be defined in various ways, for example,
by the maximum number of generations.
Until recently, most EAs focused on solving only one optimiza-
evolutionary algorithms, numerical optimization, multifactorial
tion problem at a time. To exploit the parallelism of population-
optimization, evolutionary multitasking
based search, Gupta et al. introduced a new category of optimiza-
tion approach called multifactorial optimization or evolutionary
multitasking (EMT) [8]. The goal of EMT is to develop EAs that
are able to simultaneously solve multiple optimization problems
In optimization the task is to find one or more solutions that
without sacrificing the quality of the obtained solutions and the
best solve a given problem. To determine which of the possible
algorithm efficiency.
solutions gives the best result, we use the objective function.
A practical motivation for the development of EMT algorithms
This can be the cost of fabrication, the efficiency of a process, the
is the rapidly growing cloud computing. In cloud computing, mul-
quality of a product, etc. The mathematical formulation of such
tiple users can simultaneously send optimization problems to the
problems is given as follows:
server. These problems may either have similar characteristics
or they may belong to completely different domains. Previously,
𝑓 (𝑥 )
the servers solved these problems sequentially, but with the in-
subject to
(𝑥 ) ≥ 0,
𝑗 = 1, 2, .., 𝐽 ;
troduction of EMT, they can solve the problems in parallel.
(𝑥 ) = 0,
𝑘 = 1, 2, .., 𝐾 ;
After the introduction of EMT by Gupta et al., many other
(𝑈 )
works followed that also introduced methodologies specialized
≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑥
𝑖 = 1, 2, .., 𝑛.
in solving multiple optimization problems simultaneously [1, 4,
Here, a solution 𝑥 = [𝑥1, 𝑥2, .., 𝑥 ]T is a vector of 𝑛 decision
5, 6, 9, 10].
variables. The objective 𝑓 (𝑥) can be either maximized or mini-
In this paper, we present our experimental results in solving
mized, but since many optimization algorithms are designed to
multiple optimization problems simultaneously and discuss the
solve minimization problems, we usually convert maximization
results from the point of view of EMT performance. We do this
objectives to minimization ones by multiplying the objective
by applying the EMT methodology as proposed by Gupta et al.
functions by −1. ℎ (𝑥) are equality constraints, 𝑔 (𝑥) inequality
to test optimization problems and analyzing the results.
constraints, and (𝐿)
(𝑈 )
The paper is further organized as follows. In Section 2, we in-
and 𝑥
are boundary constraints [3]. In
this paper, we consider problems that include only boundary
troduce the basic concepts of EMT. In Section 3, we first present
our results in EMT with visualizations that explain why and
When the optimization problem can not be solved using math-
when EMT performs well, and then report the results in evolu-
ematical methods, the usual alternative is to use randomized
tionary many-task optimization. Finally, in Section 4, we give a
optimization algorithms such as evolutionary algorithms (EAs).
conclusion and present the ideas for future work.
These algorithms are characterized by a population of solutions
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
Evolutionary multitasking is characterized by the simultaneous
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
existence of multiple decision spaces corresponding to different
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
problems, which may or may not be independent, each with a
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
unique decision space landscape. In order for EMT to have cross-
domain optimization properties, Gupta et al. proposed to use a
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Andrejaana Andova and Bogdan Filipič
uniform genetic code in which each decision variable is encoded
performance. In particular, it is important to develop a measure
with a random number from [0, 1]. Decoding such a represen-
of the inter-task complementarity used during the process of
tation in continuous problems is done by using the following
multitasking. To this end, a synergy metric that captures and
equation for each decision variable:
quantifies how similar two problems are has been proposed [7].
The main idea behind the synergy metric is to use the dot product
(𝑈 )
= 𝑢
+ (𝑢
− 𝑢
) · 𝑣 ,
between the gradient of a given solution in one problem, and the
where 𝑢 is the decision variable in the original space, and 𝑣 is
vector pointing to the global optimum of another problem. If the
the decision variable in the encoded space. The dimensionality of
dot product of a given solution is larger than 0, the solution of the
the solution vector is equal to max {𝐷 }, where 𝐷 represents
first problem is pushing the candidate solution in the direction of
the dimensionality of a single optimization problem. This type
the global optimum of the second problem. If the dot product is
of encoding allows problems to share decision variables at the
smaller than 0, the solution is pushed in the opposite direction.
beginning of the genetic code, which contributes to the transfer
of useful genetic material from one problem to another.
Since EMT attempts to solve multiple problems simultaneously
EMT is a novel concept in evolutionary optimization, and thus,
using a single population, it is necessary to formulate a new
a limited number of experiments were carried out so far. We
technique for comparing population members. To this end, a set
present some experiments performed and results obtained using
of additional properties is defined for each individual 𝑥 in the
EMT in both multi- and many-task optimization.
population as follows.
• Skill factor: The skill factor 𝜏 of 𝑥 is the one problem,
Multitask Optimization
among all problems in EMT, for which the individual is
In the multitask optimization experiments, we took two fre-
specialized. This skill factor can be assigned in a complex
quently used optimization problems, i.e., 50-dimensional (50D)
way by selecting the best individuals for each task or by
Sphere and Ackley. We solved them using EMT and a genetic
randomly assigning each individual one task for which it
algorithm (GA). To be able to compare the results, we used the
is specialized. In our case, we will use the later, simpler
same population size and the same number of function evalua-
method for assigning the skill factor.
tions per problem. The 𝑟𝑚𝑝 parameter in EMT was set to 0.3, and
• Scalar fitness: The scalar fitness is the fitness of an indi-
for GA we used the default parameter values as defined in pymoo
vidual for the problem it is specialized.
[2]. We monitored the difference between EMT and GA over
To compare two solutions, we use the scalar fitness and the skill
time. If the difference is positive, EMT performs better than GA,
factor. The scalar fitness shows how good a solution is for a
while if it is negative, GA performs better than EMT. Because the
given problem, and the skill factor shows for which problem the
fitness values vary between different problems, we normalized
solution performs best. A solution 𝑥 is better than 𝑥 if and
the difference between EMT and GA in each problem by dividing
only if both have the same skill factor and 𝑥 has a higher scalar
the values with the highest absolute difference.
fitness than 𝑥 . If the solutions have different skill factors, they
In the first experiment, the optima of the two problems were
are incomparable.
placed at the opposite ends of the search space. Because of this,
the problems have very little common information, and the syn-
Assortative Mating
ergy function mostly takes negative values. This is visualized for
To produce offspring, the authors of EMT [8] used assortative
a 2D Sphere function in Figure 1 and for a 2D Ackley function
mating as a reproduction mechanism. In assortative mating, two
in Figure 2. The normalized difference between EMT and GA
randomly selected parents can undergo crossover if they have
in optimizing 50D Sphere and Ackley functions is presented in
the same skill factor. If, on the other hand, their skill factors differ,
Figure 3. From the results, we can see that GA performs better
crossover occurs only with a given random mating probability
on these problems.
𝑟 𝑚𝑝 , otherwise, mutation takes place. A value of 𝑟𝑚𝑝 close to 0
means that only culturally identical individuals are allowed to
perform crossover, while a value close to 1 allows completely
random mating.
Selective Imitation
Evaluating each individual for each problem is computationally
expensive. For this reason, each child is evaluated only on one
problem, which is the skill factor that one of its parents has. In
this way, the total number of function evaluations is reduced,
while the solution is still evaluated on the problem on which
it most likely performs well. The procedure is called selective
Figure 1: Synergy metric on the Sphere function solved to-
gether with the Ackley function when the optima are far
Landscape Analysis
In multitask machine learning, it is well known that useful infor-
mation cannot always be found for two problems. Therefore, to
In Figure 4, we present the results from the second experiment
enable further success in the field of evolutionary multitasking,
where the optima of 50D Sphere and Ackley functions were
it is important to develop a meaningful theoretical explanation
placed closer together. Here, we can see that the optimization
of when and why implicit genetic transfer can lead to improved
of the Sphere function does not show significant improvement
Some Experimental Results in Evolutionary Multitasking
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 2: Synergy metric on the Ackley function solved
together with the Sphere function when the optima are
Figure 4: Normalized difference between multitask and
far away.
single-task optimization on 50D Sphere and Ackley func-
tions when the optima are close.
Figure 3: Normalized difference between multitask and
Figure 5: Synergy metric on the Sphere function solved
single-task optimization on 50D Sphere and Ackley func-
together with the Ackley function when the optima are
tions when the optima are far away.
when being performed together with the optimization of the
Ackley function, but on the Ackley function EMT converges
to the optimal solution much faster. An explanation for this is
illustrated in 2D in Figures 5 and 6. Here we can see that the
synergy in the Sphere space is mostly equal to 0, except for
some small parts where it rises to +10 and falls to −10. Because
both the positive and the negative parts of the synergy values
of the Sphere problem are small, we can notice no difference in
convergence on the Sphere problem.
In contrast, more than half of the space of the Ackley function
has a positive synergy metric, indicating that this part of the
space appoints the solutions in the right direction toward the
global optimum. On the other hand, most of the decision space
Figure 6: Synergy metric on the Ackley function solved
of the Ackley function has constant fitness values, which compli-
together with the Sphere function when the optima are
cates the GA search for the global optimum. For this reason, the
information transferred from the Sphere problem to the Ackley
problem is useful, and thus we can see faster convergence when
solving the two problems together using EMT.
number of problems we are trying to solve does not cause diffi-
culties to EMT. If the problems are similar, we can solve many
Many-Task Optimization
problems simultaneously without losing efficiency.
When solving more than three tasks simultaneously, we are deal-
Figure 8 shows the results obtained when solving six well-
ing with a many-task optimization. In Figure 7, we present the
known optimization problems at the same time: Ackley, Sphere,
results obtained by randomly shifting (within a small, 10% range
Rastrigin, Rosenbrock, Schwefel, and Griewank, all 50D. From the
of the total space) the global optimum of both the Ackley and
results, we can notice that although the optimization procedure
the Sphere function 25 times, resulting in 50 different 50D opti-
converges faster for most of the functions, for the Sphere and
mization problems. During the optimization process, we used the
the Schwefel function the convergence speed of the optimization
same algorithm parameter values for EMT and GA as reported
process drops. The same pattern can be noticed in Figure 9 where
in Section 3.1. In the results, we can notice similar patterns as
the optimum of each function is shifted 8 times, resulting in
when solving just two problems. This proves that increasing the
6 ∗ 8 = 48 problems altogether.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Andrejaana Andova and Bogdan Filipič
However, if the problems are too different, the performance of
the optimization drops. To explain why EMT works well on some
problem pairs and why on some others it does not, we provided
visualizations of the synergy metric.
We so far tested EMT on simple benchmark functions that are
usually used for single-objective optimization. However, in future
work, we plan to test it also on real-world scenarios with more
complex functions and constraints. Furthermore, so far we have
used the synergy metric to explain why some problems are solved
Unfortunately, with this metric we can not strictly determine
when solving two problems will be successful. Thus, one possible
future direction is to develop machine learning methods that
predict when multitasking a set of problems would be successful.
Figure 7: Normalized difference between multitask and
This may be useful for cloud systems that could form several
single-task optimization on 50 problems originating from
groups of similar problems and then solve them in a multitask
50D Sphere and Ackley functions whose optima are
shifted close to each other.
We acknowledge financial support from the Slovenian Research
Agency (young researcher program and research core funding
no. P2-0209).
[1] Kavitesh Kumar Bali, Abhishek Gupta, Liang Feng, Yew
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adaptation in evolutionary multitasking. In 2017 IEEE Con-
gress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 1295–1302.
[2] Julian Blank and Kalyanmoy Deb. 2020. Pymoo: Multi-
objective optimization in Python. IEEE Access, 8, 89497–
Figure 8: Normalized difference between multitask and
[3] Kalyanmoy Deb. 2001. Multi-Objective Optimization using
single-task optimization on six well-known 50D optimiza-
Evolutionary Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
tion problems when the optima are shifted close to each
[4] Liang Feng, Lei Zhou, Jinghui Zhong, Abhishek Gupta,
Yew-Soon Ong, Kay-Chen Tan, and Alex Kai Qin. 2018.
Evolutionary multitasking via explicit autoencoding. IEEE
Transactions on Cybernetics, 49, 9, 3457–3470.
[5] Maoguo Gong, Zedong Tang, Hao Li, and Jun Zhang. 2019.
Evolutionary multitasking with dynamic resource allocat-
ing strategy. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computa-
tion, 23, 5, 858–869.
[6] Abhishek Gupta, Jacek Mańdziuk, and Yew-Soon Ong.
2015. Evolutionary multitasking in bi-level optimization.
Complex & Intelligent Systems, 1, 1-4, 83–95.
[7] Abhishek Gupta, Yew-Soon Ong, Bingshui Da, Liang Feng,
and Stephanus Daniel Handoko. 2016. Landscape synergy
in evolutionary multitasking. In 2016 IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 3076–3083.
[8] Abhishek Gupta, Yew-Soon Ong, and Liang Feng. 2015.
Figure 9: Normalized difference between multitask and
Multifactorial evolution: Toward evolutionary multitask-
single-task optimization on 48 problems originating from
ing. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20, 3,
six well-known 50D optimization problems whose optima
are shifted close to each other.
[9] Abhishek Gupta, Yew-Soon Ong, Liang Feng, and Kay
Chen Tan. 2016. Multiobjective multifactorial optimiza-
tion in evolutionary multitasking. IEEE Transactions on
Cybernetics, 47, 7, 1652–1665.
We presented our experimental results on solving multiple opti-
[10] Yu-Wei Wen and Chuan-Kang Ting. 2017. Parting ways
mization problems simultaneously using a novel method called
and reallocating resources in evolutionary multitasking.
evolutionary multitasking. We were solving just two optimiza-
In 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC).
tion problems, but also as many as 50 optimization problems
IEEE, 2404–2411.
at the same time. From the experimental results, we can con-
clude that there are some groups of problems for which EMT can
improve the speed of convergence of the optimization process.
Intent Recognition and Drinking Detection For Assisting
Kitchen-based Activities
Carlo M. De Masi
Simon Stankoski
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vincent Cergolj
Mitja Luštrek
vc2756@student.uni- lj.si
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the
related work. Section 3 presents the system architectures. Section
We combine different computer-vision (pose estimation, object
4 describes the recognition modules of the system. Section 5
detection, image classification) and wearable based activity recog-
shows the results of the recognition modules. Finally, Section 6
nition methods to analyze the user’s behaviour, and produce a
concludes the paper.
series of context-based detections (detect locations, recognize
activities) in order to provide real-time assistance to people with
mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in the accomplishment of every
day, kitchen-related activities.
Drinking Detection From Wearables
Recent advances in the accuracy and accessibility of wearable
sensing technology (e.g., commercial inertial sensors, fitness
computer vision, activity recognition, object detection, pose esti-
bands, and smartwatches) has allowed researchers and practi-
tioners to utilize different types of wearable sensors to assess
fluid intake in both laboratory and free-living conditions.
The necessity for fluid intake monitoring emerges as a result of
people’s lack of awareness of their hydration levels. Dehydration
Smart home technologies have been extensively adopted for mea-
can lead to many severe health problems like organ and cognitive
suring and decreasing the impact of Mild Cognitive Impairment
impairments. Therefore, a system that can continuously track
(MCI) on everyday life [9]. In the scope of the CoachMyLife (CML)
the fluid intake and provide feedback to the user if useful.
project we have been developing a system employing different
In [1], the authors explored the possibility of recognizing drink-
machine learning techniques with the aim of assisting persons
ing moments from wrist-mounted inertial sensors. They used
affected by MCI in performing activities in their apartments, with
adaptive segmentation to overcome the problem with variable
a particular focus on tasks related to the kitchen.
length of the drinking gestures. They used random forest algo-
In a previous work, we presented one of the first components
rithm, trained with 45 features, and obtained an average precision
of this system, i.e. a computer vision pipeline which allows to
of 90.3% and an average recall of 91.0%. In [5], the authors em-
detect the activity of drinking, by analyzing the video collected
ployed a two-step detection procedure, enabling them to detect
by an RGB camera through a 3D Convolutional Neural Network
drinking moments and estimate the fluid intake. They extracted
(3D-CNN) [12].
28 statistical features, from which only six were selected using
In the present paper, we present our work on extending said
backward feature selection. Finally, they trained a Conditional
pipeline, by discussing (i) a drinking-detection algorithm based
Random Field model, resulting in a precision of 81.7% and re-
on motion data from a wristband, which can be used to further
call of 77.5%. In [4], the authors used a machine-learning based
validate the one based on computer vision, and to replace it in
model to detect hand-to-mouth gestures. Similarly as the previ-
situations where the activity is not performed in front of the
ous methods, they extracted 10 time-domain features and trained
camera; (ii) a method based on pose detection to identify inter-
a random forest classifier. They validated their method in a free-
actions of the user with their environment, in order to perform
living scenario and obtained precision of 84% and recall of 85%.
intent recognition, and (iii) a possible new implementation of our
Although remarkable results were achieved, the evaluation of the
previous computer-vision pipeline for drinking detection that
studies is limited and it is not showing the real-life performance.
can be deployed on edge devices.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
Activity Recognition From Videos
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
In recent years, the problem of computer-based Human Activity
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
Recognition (HAR) of daily living has been tackled by different
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
computer-vision methods.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
HAR can be performed directly on RGB images and videos by
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
analyzing: (i) the spatial features in each frame, thus obtaining
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trovato and Tobin, et al.
predictions for each frame that can then be extended to the whole
video by pooling or by a recurrent-based neural networks [2], (ii)
One of the main goals of the CML project is to provide users with
the temporal features related to motions and variations between
real-time, context-based notifications to assist them in perform-
frames [6], or (iii) some combination of the two [10].
ing activities.
The most recent approaches aimed at simultaneous evaluation
This is achieved in two steps. First, by combining computer-
of both spatial and temporal features involve the usage of 3D-
vision and the wearable device, the system detects real-time
CNN, i.e., convolutional models characterized by an additional
events, such as the position of the user, their interaction with
third temporal dimension [12].
the environment, the displacement of a mug the user is expected
An alternative approach, not involving the direct analysis of
to drink from, the opening/closing of cabinet and fridge door,
the whole frames, consists in exploiting the information provided
drinking and eating.
by human pose estimation, so that body keypoints coordinates,
Then, these events are passed to the intent recognition module,
reconstructed in a 2D or 3D space, can be fed to deep-learning
which uses them to predict which activity the user is performing,
models to provide predictions [3].
and provide assistance if needed.
We adopted a Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) [8] model,
pre-trained on the 80 classes of the COCO dataset [7] for the
detection of the user, and fine-tuned on a custom dataset we
collected to locate the position of the mug. Pose estimation, which
The drinking-detection procedure is implemented on a wrist-
is used to track the movement of the user’s hands and detect
band which is equipped with a nRF52840 System On Chip (SoC)
interactions with domestic appliances, is achieved by a SimpleNet
module. The SoC offers a large amount of Flash and RAM, 1MB
model with a ResNet backbone [13].
and 256 kB, respectively. Additionally, it has protocol support
for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The architecture of nRF52840
is based on 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4 CP U with floating point
Regions of Interest
unit running at 64 MHz. The wristbands power supply source
During the initial setup, the user is asked to identify some regions
is a battery with a capacity of 500 mAh. The measurements of
of interest (ROIs) in the camera image, which can be either single
accelerations and angular velocities are performed by the system-
or double-zoned.
in-package LSM6DSL, manufactured by STM. It is equipped with
In the first case, the ROI is "activated" when the user’s feet are
a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope based on
within the selected region (Fig. 1a), whereas double-zone ROIs
MEMS technology that operates at 0.65 mA in high-performance
are used to detect if the user is in the desired area and/or if their
mode and allows low power consumption with constant opera-
hands are in the selected upper area (Fig. 1b).
tion. The most prominent feature of the Inertial Measurement
Unit (IMU) is a 4 kB FIFO (First In First Out) buffer, which stores
the data of the accelerometer and gyroscope. This allows for very
Intent Recognition
low power operation, as the SoC wakes up only when triggered
The events detected by the computer vision pipeline are passed
by an "FIFO full" interrupt event.
to the intent recognition module, which predicts the activity the
user is currently engaged on.
Local Deployment of The Computer
Currently, this prediction is based on a set of pre-determined
Vision System
rules. A number of possible activities is manually inserted, each
The computer vision pipeline for drinking detection we previ-
formed by different steps, corresponding to possible events that
ously developed for the project worked by retrieving the video
can be detected by the computer vision system (Fig. 2a). Different
stream collected by an IP camera in the user’s apartment, and
activities can share one or more steps, and as the system detects
analyzing it on a remote server. This approach, however, pre-
the completion of the various steps, the list of possible ongoing
sented issues related to the remote access to the camera, which
activities gets reduced (Fig. 2b, 2c), until only one activity is
can sometimes be blocked by the router’s firewall functionalities,
identified and followed until its completion (Fig. 2d).
and raised safety and privacy concerns with the users.
If too long of a time interval passes between the completion
For these reasons, we have been working on deploying the
of two steps, the activity is classified as "interrupted", and the
CML system on a local device. After some unsuccessful attempts
system can show a notification to the user, asking if they require
to implement the system on Android devices by using frame-
works such as Apache TVM
or Deep Java Library (DJL) , we
opted for deployment on a Jetson NANO device .
Drinking Detection From Computer
Direct deployment of our system on the device was possible,
Vision on the Jetson NANO
although not immediate, but the resulting performance was sub-
optimal in terms of the FPS reached by the various detection
The model we previously adopted to perform activity recognition
algorithms (≈2 FPS for the object detection). To overcome this,
from videos is particularly computationally expensive and so,
we optimized said algorithms by TensorRT, a library built on
although it proved to be very effective in the detection of drinking
NVIDIA’s CUDA library for parallel programming, thus improv-
events, it was not possible to implement it on the Jetson NANO.
ing inference performance for deep learning models (≈22 FPS for
For this reason, we are currently collecting a dataset of short
the object detection).
video clips, passing them through a pose estimation model, in
order to obtain the 2D position of 18 body parts across a time
1 https://tvm.apache.org/
series of frames, with an associated class label for the frame series.
2 https://djl.ai/
Then, this will be analyzed through an LSTM-based model to
perform HAR.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 1: Triggers based on user’s location and their interaction with the environment.
Interact: cabinet
Interact: cabinet
Interact: table
Interact: cabinet
Interact: cabinet
Interact: table
Next to: sink
Next to: fridge
Interact: counter
Next to: sink
Next to: fridge
Interact: counter
Interact: stoves
Interact: coffee machine
Interact: table
Interact: stoves
Interact: coffee machine
Interact: table
Interact: cabinet
Interact: cabinet
Interact: table
Interact: cabinet
Interact: cabinet
Interact: table
Next to: sink
Next to: fridge
Interact: counter
Next to: sink
Next to: fridge
Interact: counter
Interact: stoves
Interact: coffee machine
Interact: table
Interact: stoves
Interact: coffee machine
Interact: table
Figure 2: As the computer vision system detects the completion of various steps, the list of possible ongoing activities gets reduced, until one of them is completed or interrupted.
Drinking Detection Using a Wearable
wait for the next AWT event. Otherwise, if at least one prediction
is positive, the machine-learning procedure continues to work
for another three new batches of data.
Due to the desired minimum power consumption, the drinking
The machine-learning method for detection of drinking ges-
detection was implemented directly on the wristband. This is
tures is based on time- and frequency-domain features. The raw
preferable as it eliminates the need to transfer all the raw sensor
data is segmented into 5-second windows and 216 features are
data to a smartphone or some sort of central device. Raw sen-
extracted in total. We used a relatively simple approach due to
sor data transmission is clearly undesirable due to high power
the memory limitation of the wristband. The deployed model
consumption and it is not possible if the central device is not
was trained using the drinking dataset described in Section 4.4.1
and additional non-drinking data collected in real-life scenario
The first step of drinking detection using the wristband is
to enable the IMU in activity/inactivity recognition mode. This
allows the IMU to be in a low power state for the most part of
Drinking Dataset. For the aim of this study, we recruited
the day.
19 subjects (11 males and 8 females). Each subject was equipped
When activity is recognized the IMU enables absolute wrist
with the wristband described in Section 3.1. We developed a
detection (AWT) which checks if the angle between the horizontal
custom application that ran on the wristband and collected three-
plane and the Y axis of the IMU is larger than 30 degrees. If the
axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope data at a sampling
condition is met the IMU is enabled in batching mode, storing
frequency of 50 Hz. The dataset
is publicly available and we
accelerometer and gyroscope data in the FIFO buffer. Every time
hope that it will serve researchers in future studies.
the FIFO buffer is full, data is transferred to the SoC, where we
We developed a general procedure for the participants to fol-
directly start the machine learning pipeline. This procedure is
low during the data collection process. The ground truth was
repeated for three batches of IMU readings. If all three predictions
registered manually by participants pressing a button on the
from the machine learning model are non drinking, we disable
wristband before performing the gesture and after finishing the
the gyroscope, we stop the machine learning procedure and we
4 https://github.com/simon2706/DrinkingDetectionIJS
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trovato and Tobin, et al.
gesture. The data collection procedure included drinking from
six different container types—namely, bottle, coffee cup, coffee
Keum San Chun, Ashley B Sanders, Rebecca Adaimi, Necole
mug, glass, shot glass and wine glass.
Streeper, David E Conroy, and Edison Thomaz. 2019. To-
For each participant we collected 36 drinking episodes (3 fluid
wards a generalizable method for detecting fluid intake
level x 6 containers x 2 positions). The idea of the different fluid
with wrist-mounted sensors and adaptive segmentation.
level was to obtain drinking episodes with a short, medium and
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intel-
long duration. We also considered different body positions. The
ligent User Interfaces, 80–85.
participants first performed the drinking gestures while being
Jeffrey Donahue, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Sergio Guadar-
seated and afterwards they repeated the same gestures while
rama, et al. 2015. Long-term recurrent convolutional net-
works for visual recognition and description. In Proceed-
ings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern
recognition, 2625–2634.
Intent Recognition and Local
Giovanni Ercolano and Silvia Rossi. 2021. Combining cnn
Implementation of Drinking Detection
and lstm for activity of daily living recognition with a 3d
matrix skeleton representation. Intelligent Service Robotics,
A pilot phase will begin shortly, during which the intent recogni-
14, 2, 175–185.
tion module will be evaluated.
Diana Gomes and Inês Sousa. 2019. Real-time drink trigger
Regarding the new model for drinking detection, a prelimi-
detection in free-living conditions using inertial sensors.
nary test of our new approach, ran on a subset of the Berkeley
Sensors, 19, 9, 2145.
Multimodal Human Action Database (MHAD) dataset
, reached
Takashi Hamatani, Moustafa Elhamshary, Akira Uchiyama,
an accuracy of over 90%, and we’ll extend the analysis to our case
and Teruo Higashino. 2018. Fluidmeter: gauging the hu-
once the dataset collection will be over.
man daily fluid intake using smartwatches. Proceedings of
Wearable Sensing Results
the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous
Technologies, 2, 3, 1–25.
For evaluation, the leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) cross-validation
Ammar Ladjailia, Imed Bouchrika, Hayet Farida Merouani,
technique was used. In other words, the models were trained on
Nouzha Harrati, and Zohra Mahfouf. 2020. Human activ-
the whole dataset except for one subject on which we later tested
ity recognition via optical flow. Neural Computing and
the performance.
Applications, 32, 21, 16387–16400.
For the drinking detection model, we considered several clas-
Tsung-Yi Lin, Michael Maire, Serge Belongie, et al. 2014.
sifiers including logistic regression (LR), linear discriminant anal-
Microsoft coco: common objects in context. (2014). arXiv:
ysis (LDA), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), naive Bayes (NB) and
1405.0312 [cs.CV].
Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, et al. 2016.
The obtained results are shown in Table 1. It can be clearly
Ssd: single shot multibox detector. Lecture Notes in Com-
seen that XGBoost outperforms all other classifiers. However, due
puter Science, 21–37. issn: 1611-3349. doi: 10.1007/978-
to the technical limitations described in Section 3.1 the trained
3- 319- 46448- 0_2. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978- 3- 319-
model is unable to fit below 100 KB. The size of the LR model
46448- 0_2.
is only 2 KB, which is optimal for our device. Furthermore, the
Maxime Lussier, Stéphane Adam, Belkacem Chikhaoui,
results obtained with LR are only 0.03 lower compared to those
Charles Consel, Mathieu Gagnon, Brigitte Gilbert, Sylvain
from XGBoost. Therefore, we deployed the model trained with
Giroux, Manon Guay, Carol Hudon, Hélène Imbeault, et al.
the LR classifier.
2019. Smart home technology: a new approach for per-
formance measurements of activities of daily living and
prediction of mild cognitive impairment in older adults.
We presented our work on drinking detection using wearables
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 68, 1, 85–96.
and intent recognition/drinking detection using computer vision.
Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman. 2014. Two-stream
A pilot phase, beginning in October 2021, will provide thor-
convolutional networks for action recognition in videos.
ough testing of the functionalities described in the paper. Nonethe-
In Advances in neural information processing systems, 568–
less, the results obtained from the internal testing for each module
of the system show promising results for both drinking (with
Simon Stankoski, Marko Jordan, Hristijan Gjoreski, and
both wearables and computer vision) and intent recognition.
Mitja Luštrek. 2021. Smartwatch-based eating detection:
data selection for machine learning from imbalanced data
5 http://tele-immersion.citris-uc.org/berkeley_mhad
with imperfect labels. Sensors, 21, 5. issn: 1424-8220. doi:
10.3390/s21051902. https://www.mdpi.com/1424- 8220/21/
Table 1: Comparison of different classifiers for detection
of drinking activity.
Gül Varol, Ivan Laptev, and Cordelia Schmid. 2017. Long-
term temporal convolutions for action recognition. IEEE
F1 score
transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence,
Logistic regression
40, 6, 1510–1517.
Linear discriminant analysis
Bin Xiao, Haiping Wu, and Yichen Wei. 2018. Simple base-
K-nearest neighbors
lines for human pose estimation and tracking. In Proceed-
Naive Bayes
ings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV),
Anomaly Detection in Magnetic Resonance-based Electrical
Properties Tomography of in silico Brains
Ožbej Golob
Alessandro Arduino
Oriano Bottauscio
University of Ljubljana
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca
Faculty of Computer and
Information Science
Torino, Italy
Torino, Italy
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Luca Zilberti
Aleksander Sadikov
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Computer and
Torino, Italy
Information Science
Ljubljana, Slovenia
aleksander.sadikov@fri.uni- lj.si
fields can easily penetrate into most biological tissues, making
EPT suitable for imaging of the whole body. The MRI scans for
Magnetic resonance-based electrical properties tomography (EPT)
EPT are performed using a standard MRI scanner, and its spa-
is one of the novel quantitative magnetic resonance imaging
cial resolution is determined by MRI images and quality of used
techniques being tested for use in clinical practice. This paper
-mapping technique [9].
presents preliminary research and results of automated detection
The objective of this research was to develop and evaluate
of anomalies from EPT images. We used in silico data based on
algorithms to automatically detect anomalies of different sizes
anatomical human brains in this experiments and developed two
in the EPT images. The data consisted of in silico simulated
algorithms for anomaly detection. The first algorithm employs a
brain scans of phantoms that either contained an anomaly or
standard approach with edge detection and segmentation while
not. The evaluation was aimed towards answering whether an
the second algorithm exploits the quantitative nature of EPT and
anomaly can be detected or not, and how large an anomaly can
works directly with the measured electrical properties (electrical
be (reasonably) reliably detected. This represents an initial step
conductivity and permittivity). The two algorithms were com-
towards the potential clinical use of EPT.
pared on – as of yet – noiseless data. The algorithm using the
standard approach was able to quite reliably detect anomalies
roughly the size of a cube with a 14 mm edge while the EPT-based
algorithm was able to detect anomalies roughly the size of a cube
Data Acquisition
with a 12 mm long edge.
The MRI acquisition of the EPT inputs has been simulated in a
noiseless case. Thus, the result of the electromagnetic simulation
at RF has been directly converted in the acquired data, with no
electrical properties tomography (EPT), magnetic resonance imag-
further post-processing. Precisely, the 𝐵
field generated by a
ing (MRI), automatic anomaly detection, artificial intelligence
current-driven 16-leg birdcage body-coil (radius 35, height 45)
operated both in transmission and in reception with a polarisation
switch has been computed in presence of anatomical human
heads with a homemade FEM–BEM code [2]. The simulations
The frequency-dependent electrical properties (EPs), including
have been conducted at 64 (i.e. the Larmor frequency of a 1.5
electrical conductivity and permittivity, of biological tissues pro-
vide important diagnostic information, e.g. for tumour charac-
The acquisitions of 19 human head models from the XCAT
terisation [9]. EPs can potentially be used as biomarkers of the
library [6] have been simulated. The considered population is
healthiness of various tissues. Previous studies, not based on
statistically representative of different genders and ages. For each
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have shown that various
head model, 10 different variants are considered:
diseases cause changes of EPs in the tissue [3].
Electrical properties tomography (EPT) is used for quantita-
(1) Two physiological variants with the original distribution
tive reconstruction of EPs distribution at radiofrequency (RF)
of the biological tissues. In one case, the nominal electrical
with spatial resolution of a few millimetres. EPT requires no elec-
conductivity provided by the IT’IS Foundation database [5]
trode mounting and, during MRI scanning, no external energy
is assigned to each tissue. In the other case, the electrical
is introduced into the body other than the 𝐵
fields. Applied
conductivity of white and grey matter is sampled from a
uniform distribution that admits a variation up to 10 with
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
respect to the nominal value. This will be referred to as
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
the physiological variability of the electrical conductivity.
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
(2) Eight pathological variants, in which a spherical patho-
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
logical inclusion is inserted in the white matter tissue.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The radius of the inclusion ranges from 5 to 45 and its
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
electrical conductivity is set equal to that of the white
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Golob et al.
matter increased by a factor uniformly sampled from 10
to 50 of the nominal value, because previous experimental
results have shown that pathological tissues have higher
EP values than healthy tissue [7, 8]. The location of the
inclusion within the head is selected with a random proce-
dure and only its intersection with the white matter tissue
is kept in the final model (see Fig. 1 panels a and d). All
the pathological variants take into account the physiolog-
ical variability in the determination of the white and grey
matter electrical conductivity.
Reconstruction Techniques
In order to retrieve the distribution of the electrical conductiv-
ity, the phase-based implementations of Helmholtz-EPT (H-EPT)
Figure 1: Median electrical conductivity distribution by re-
and convection-reaction–EPT (CR-EPT) provided by the open-
gions. (a) Segmented healthy MRI image. (b) Median elec-
source library EPTlib [1] have been used. For each head model,
trical conductivity distribution. (c) Detected regions (bor-
the distribution of the transceive phase [3] (input of phase-based
dered red). (d) Segmented pathological MRI image (anom-
EPT) is obtained by linearly combining the phases of the rotat-
aly is yellow). (e) Median electrical conductivity distribu-
ing components of 𝐵
simulated both in transmission and in
tion. (f) Detected regions (bordered red). Please note that
reception [1].
not all of the regions are visible as only a 2D slice is shown
Since noiseless inputs are considered, the smallest filter has
while the data is 3D.
been used both in H-EPT and in CR-EPT. Moreover, CR-EPT
has been applied for a volume tomography, with an electrical
conductivity of 0.1 forced at the boundaries and an artificial
diffusion coefficient equal to 10
biomarker of healthy brain. Mandija et al. [4] presented mean
Currently, the proposed anomaly detection algorithms have
electrical conductivity and standard deviation of white and grey
been tested only on the H-EPT results.
matter as a reliable measure of whether the brain contains patho-
logical tissue.
Anomaly Detection
In input data for our experiments, electrical conductivity is
We developed two anomaly detection algorithms: (i) a more clas-
distributed from 90% to 110% of nominal value for white mat-
sical approach for anomaly detection in MR images and (ii) an
ter, and from 110% to 150% for anomalies. However, it must be
EPT-based approach working with direct quantitative properties
noted that these are the values used for setting up the phantoms,
estimated by the MRI-based EPT.
and that these values are then only approximated when EPT re-
construction is performed. These reconstructed properties have
Classical Approach. The classical approach uses standard
been used as input for anomaly detection. The algorithm detects
techniques used for anomaly detection in MR images. This ap-
anomalies based on the difference between white matter and
proach could be applied (also) on standard MR images as it is
anomalies. The algorithm uses noiseless EPT images, produced
independent of the MRI technique. The algorithm uses noiseless
with H-EPT, as input data.
EPT images, produced with Helmholtz reconstruction technique,
The algorithm, as the classical one, receives as input previ-
as input data.
ously segmented white matter from the whole EPT image. It
The algorithm receives previously segmented (this segmenta-
then detects all voxels that have electrical conductivity between
tion was not of interest in this research) white matter from the
110% and 150% of median electrical conductivity of white matter
EPT image and detects the edges in it. The edges are detected
and marks them as a potential anomaly. These voxels, marked
using a simple gradient edge detection technique. The gradient
as potentially being an anomaly, are then grouped into regions
is calculated for each voxel based on the directional change of
based by their location. The algorithm ignores all smaller regions
electrical conductivity of neighbouring voxels. The edges are
(below a set size threshold) that likely represent noise and recon-
represented as borders between white matter and other brain
struction errors. All the remaining regions are classified as the
tissues as well as borders between white matter and anomalies.
Edge voxels are ignored in order to avoid H-EPT reconstruction
errors, which occur at borders between tissues [4].
The algorithm then calculates median electrical conductivity
Figure 2 shows the predictions of whether an image contains an
of all regions as separated by the detected edges. Figure 1 shows
anomaly or not for both algorithms – classical on the left (a) and
median electrical conductivity distribution by regions in a sample
EPT approach on the right (b). Each EPT image corresponds to
one bar on the chart and they are arranged with the increasing
The k-means algorithm is then employed for the classifica-
size of the anomaly; the size of the bar represents the size of
tion of regions into healthy and anomaly-containing ones. The
the anomaly in voxels. The bars are cut off at 2,000 voxels for
algorithm classifies an MR image based on median electrical con-
easier viewing. Only images actually containing the anomaly are
ductivity of each region. The anomaly location is associated with
shown; for the others the false positives (FP) rate describes the
the regions detected as containing the anomaly.
performance of the two algorithms. The green colour represents
EPT Approach. EPT differs from standard MRI techniques
correct predictions and the red colour the incorrect ones. The
by representing EPs as quantitative values. EPs are a reliable
yellow colour means that the algorithm correctly predicted the
Anomaly Detection in MR-based EPT of in silico Brains
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 1: Classification evaluation of the classical ap-
Table 3: Classification evaluation of the EPT approach.
Training data
Test data
Training data
Test data
F1 score
F1 score
Table 4: Localisation evaluation of the EPT approach.
Table 2: Localisation evaluation of the classical approach.
Training data
Test data
Training data
Test data
0.381 ± 0.140
0.435 ± 0.125
0.197 ± 0.116
0.244 ± 0.110
0.874 ± 0.208
0.900 ± 0.177
0.932 ± 0.202
0.988 ± 0.050
0.396 ± 0.142
0.450 ± 0.126
0.204 ± 0.123
0.245 ± 0.110
F1 score
0.535 ± 0.166
0.594 ± 0.142
F1 score
0.313 ± 0.163
0.379 ± 0.143
Analogously, Table 3 shows the results of classification eval-
uation of the EPT approach and Table 4 shows the results of
presence of the anomaly, but for the wrong reasons (hence Inter-
localisation evaluation of the EPT approach. Again, IoU and F1
section over Union (IoU) is zero) – these cannot be counted as
score values are reduced as the result of ignoring anomaly edge
correct performance. Some misclassifications are labeled with the
most likely cause: either that the anomaly is scattered in several
An example of anomaly localisation is shown in Figure 3. As
smaller regions (each below the detection threshold size) or, in
shown in the image, the EPT approach is generally better at
case of the EPT approach, that the anomaly is too close to the top
anomaly localisation than the classical approach.
border and is ”overshadowed” by the cranium. For the unlabelled
misclassifications the most likely reason is the small size of the
Figure 2 captures rather well the minimal anomaly size where
The results indicate potential for future use of the EPT technique
each algorithm starts performing quite reliably. The classical
for the anomaly detection in clinical practice. The results in terms
approach detects anomalies larger than 350 voxels and the EPT
of the anomaly size are on par with what a trained radiologist is
approach detects anomalies larger than 170 voxels. Since each
able to detect manually.
voxel represents a cube with a 2 mm edge, these volumes trans-
EPT, being a quantitative technique, offers the advantage of
late roughly to a cube with the edge of 14 mm for the classical
comparability of the images (e.g. in longitudinal monitoring of the
approach and a cube with the edge of slightly less than 12 mm
patient) compared to the standard qualitative MRI. Furthermore,
for the EPT approach.
the direct EPT approach performed better than the classical one
Tables 1-4 further clarify the results. The images were split
via edge detection. It is also less complex and this can often be a
into a training set, used to optimise several internal parameters
bonus in practical applications.
and a test set for independent evaluation. Internal parameters of
However, this is a pilot study and further research is required
the classical approach specify: (i) minimum gradient value for
to put these approaches into actual practice. The biggest limita-
a voxel to be recognized as an edge; (ii) electrical conductivity
tion of the presented study and results is that the images, while
difference between anomaly and healthy tissue; (iii) minimum
being an actual EPT reconstruction, were deliberately noiseless.
region size. Internal parameters of the EPT approach specify: (i)
With the introduction of noise the data would very much resem-
how many initial slices of white matter are ignored (to avoid
ble the actual in vivo cases, however the obtained results will
reconstruction errors); (ii) minimum region size. The split, while
likely be worse. A lot of further work, mostly on noise reduction
random in nature, was made based on individual phantom heads
and detection in presence of noise is likely still required.
– the same head with different anomalies simulated could not be
Moreover, currently only the data captured using H-EPT is
both in the test and training set. The training set consisted of 130
used. This technique causes (large) reconstruction errors which
images (including 26 not containing an anomaly), and the test set
occur at the borders between tissues. The results could poten-
consisted of 60 images (including 12 not containing an anomaly).
tially be improved by combining H-EPT and CR-EPT [1], as the
Table 1 shows the results of classification evaluation of the
latter technique does not cause reconstruction errors at borders
classical approach and Table 2 shows the results of localisation
between tissues.
evaluation using the classical approach. The localisation results
The anomaly localisation could also be improved by not ignor-
are reported as mean ± standard deviation of electrical conduc-
ing edges. The edges would still be removed when anomalies are
tivity. The values of IoU and F1 score for localisation are lower as
detected, however, once an anomaly is detected, the edges around
a result of ignoring anomaly edge voxels. Anomaly edge voxels
the anomaly could be classified as anomaly, thus improving the
are ignored because of H-EPT reconstruction errors. This is not
IoU and the F1 score.
an issue for anomaly detection as values of precision are still
In addition to the mean value of electrical conductivity, the
high. Values of IoU and F1 score of localisation will be improved
standard deviation of the electrical conductivity could also be
by acknowledging edges of anomaly after it is already detected.
taken into account when detecting edges and anomalies.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Golob et al.
Figure 2: Predictions of anomaly detection algorithms. (a) Classical approach. (b) EPT approach.
Kuster. 2018. IT’IS database for thermal and electromag-
netic parameters of biological tissues. Version 4.0. (2018).
doi: 10.13099/VIP21000- 04- 0.
W.P. Segars, B.M.W. Tsui, J. Cai, F.-F. Yin, G.S.K. Fung, and
E. Samei. 2018. Application of the 4-D XCAT phantoms
in biomedical imaging and beyond. IEEE Transactions on
Medical Imaging, 37, 3, 680–692.
Andrzej J. Surowiec, Stanislaw S. Stuchly, J. Robin Barr,
and Arvind Swarup. 1988. Dielectric properties of breast
Figure 3: Anomaly localization. (a) Segmented pathologi-
carcinoma and the surrounding tissues. IEEE Transactions
cal MRI image. (b) Localization of classical approach (de-
on Biomedical Engineering, 35, 4, 257–263.
tected anomaly is red). (c) Localization of EPT approach
B.A. Wilkinson, Rod Smallwood, A. Keshtar, J. A. Lee, and
(detected anomaly is red).
F.C. Hamdy. 2002. Electrical impedance spectroscopy and
the diagnosis of bladder pathology: a pilot study. The Jour-
nal of urology, 168, 4, 1563–1567.
Finally, once results achieved on EPT images of phantom brain
Xiaotong Zhang, Jiaen Liu, and Bin He. 2014. Magnetic-
are satisfactory, implemented approaches could be tested on in
resonance-based electrical properties tomography: a review.
vivo data.
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 7, 87–96. doi: 10.
The results presented here have been developed in the frame-
work of the EMPIR Project 18HLT05 QUIERO. This project has
received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by
the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme.
A. Arduino. 2021. EPTlib: an open-source extensible collec-
tion of electric properties tomography techniques. Applied
Science, 11, 7, 3237.
O. Bottauscio, M. Chiampi, and L. Zilberti. 2014. Massively
parallelized boundary element simulation of voxel-based
human models exposed to MRI fields. IEEE Transactions on
Magnetics, 50, 2, 7025504.
Jiaen Liu, Yicun Wang, Ulrich Katscher, and Bin He. 2017.
Electrical properties tomography based on 𝐵
maps in MRI:
principles, applications, and challenges. IEEE Transactions
on Biomedical Engineering, 64, 11, 2515–2530. doi: 10.1109/
Stefano Mandija, Petar I. Petrov, Jord J. T. Vink, Sebastian
F. W. Neggers, and Cornelis A. T. van den Berg. 2021. Brain
tissue conductivity measurements with MR-electrical prop-
erties tomography: an in vivo study. Brain topography, 34,
1, 56–63.
Hasgall P.A., Di Gennaro F., C. Baumgartner, E. Neufeld,
B. Lloyd, M.C. Gosselin, D. Payne, A. Klingenböck, and N.
Library for Feature Calculation in the Context-Recognition
Vito Janko
Matjaž Boštic
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Junoš Lukan
Gašper Slapničar
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
of a new context recognition system can be tedious and time-
consuming. It usually consists of collecting relevant sensor data,
Context recognition is a mature artificial intelligence domain
parsing it to a suitable format, calculating features based on this
with established methods for a variety of tasks. A typical machine
data and finally training the model.
learning pipeline in this domain includes data preprocessing, fea-
In this work we present a Python library focused on streamlin-
ture extraction and model training. The second of these steps is
ing this process. Its main functionality is calculating the features
typically the most challenging, as sufficient expert knowledge
from sensor data. It can generate over a hundred different fea-
is required to design good features for a particular problem. We
tures that have proven themselves in various context-recognition
present a Python library which offers a simple interface for fea-
projects we tackled in the past [4, 3, 5]. Loosely, the features can
ture calculation useful in a myriad of different tasks, from activity
be divided in two categories: those suitable for motion data (e.g.
recognition to physiological signal analysis. It also offers addi-
generated by accelerometer or gyroscope) and those specialized
tional useful tools for data preprocessing and machine learning,
for physiological signals.
such as a custom wrapper feature selection method and predic-
Furthermore, the library implements some other functionalit-
tion smoothing using Hidden Markov Models. The usefulness
ies that are often used in context recognition pipelines: reshaping
and usage is demonstrated on the 2018 SHL locomotion challenge
data into windows, re-sampling the data, selecting the best fea-
where a few simple lines of code allow us to achieve solid predict-
tures after generating them and a method for smoothing the
ive performance with F1 score of up to 93.1, notably surpassing
final predictions of the classifier using a Hidden Markov Model
the baseline performance and nearing the results of the winning
To demonstrate the usefulness of the library we used its func-
tionalities exclusively (with the exception of a generic Random
Forest classifier [11]) on the SHL Challenge dataset [16]. We
feature calculation, python library, context recognition, machine
demonstrate the whole pipeline, from reading in the raw data
to the finished context-recognition system that is comparable to
the best-performing submissions in the SHL Challenge.
Context recognition is a vague term encompassing a variety of
tasks where sensors are put on (or around) a person and are
then used to determine something about them. For example,
The library is implemented in Python as this has been the most
sensors in a smartphone can determine if a user is standing,
popular data science language in recent years [6]. It is available in
walking, running or even falling. A wristband sensor can read
a public repository with pip install cr-features command.
physiological signals like heart-rate or sweating to determine
Its main and most valuable functionality lies in feature gener-
stress or blood pressure. These kinds of applications are usually
ation. The ‘motion features’ are listed in Section 2.1, while the
used for self monitoring in sport activities or for helping the
‘physiological features’ are described in Section 2.2. Remaining
users manage various medical conditions.
non-feature related functionalities are explained in Section 2.3.
The context-recognition field is quite mature and its applic-
ations often come pre-installed in many commercial devices
Motion Sensors Features
like wristbands and smartphones. Nonetheless, the development
Features listed in the first two subsections are general and can be
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
applied on any sensor data time-series. The last subsection (2.1.3),
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
on the other hand, lists features that have an additional semantic
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
interpretation for acceleration and require data from three (x,y,z)
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
axes. The library defines similar sensor subsets for some other
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
sensors (e.g. gyroscope). Only a subset of features is listed for
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
brevity, while the full list can be found in the documentation [1].
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vito Janko, Matjaž Boštic, Junoš Lukan, and Gašper Slapničar
General Statistical Features.
between sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation of heart
beat [10] and is thus an especially useful physiological indicator.
Basic statistical measures: maximum, minimum, standard
Calculation of features related to cardiovascular activity fol-
deviation, median, mean difference between samples.
lows recommendations by Malik, Bigger, Camm, Kleiger, Malli-
Number of peaks – useful for detecting and counting steps,
ani, Moss and Schwartz [8]. To describe heart rate variability, the
estimating the energy expenditure and determining the
Fourier transform of inter-beat intervals is calculated and then
frequency of motion: peak count, number of times data
several frequency features are derived from the spectrum [5].
crossed its mean value, longest time data was above or
below its mean value.
Skin Conductivity. Electrical conductivity of the skin var-
• Different data aggregations that can indicate the intensity
ies due to physiological changes in sweat glands, which are con-
of the activity: (squared) sum of values, sum of absolute
trolled by the autonomic nervous system. In a simple model of
resistive properties of skin and sweat glands, whenever the level
• Autocorrelations (i.e. how similar the data is to a shifted
of sweat in the glands is increased, its conductivity also increases
version of itself ) which indicate periodicity: autocorrela-
[2]. Sweat glands thus act as variable resistors and actual sweat-
tion for raw data, for peak positions, for mean crossings.
ing, that is sweat secretion from the glands, is not needed for this
• Data shape: skewness (a measure of symmetry, or more
change to be measurable.
precisely, the lack of symmetry), kurtosis (a measure of
Changes in skin conductivity are not only triggered by other
whether the data is heavy-tailed or light-tailed relative to
physiological changes, such as the ones in (skin) temperature,
a normal distribution), interquartile range.
but also reflect psychological processes. Skin conductivity can
indicate cognitive activity or emotional responses and can do so
Frequency Features. They are calculated by first comput-
with good sensitivity [see 7, for an exhaustive review].
ing an estimate of the power spectral density of the signal via a
Sweat glands continuously adapt to their environment and
periodogram. We used the Welch’s method which is an improve-
their reactions can be slow or fast. Two main modes of fluctu-
ment over the traditional methods in that it reduces noise in the
ations are therefore distinguished: skin conductance level changes,
estimated power spectra.
which are slow variations of the general trend, also called tonic
Once the periodogram is obtained, the following features are
electrodermal measures, and skin conductance responses, quick
computed: the magnitude value of the three highest peaks in
reactions, also called phasic electrodermal measures [13].
periodogram, the three highest frequencies corresponding to
To calculate skin conductivity features the two components
the highest peaks, energy of the signal calculated as the sum
are first separated. This is done using the EDA Explorer library
of squared FFT component magnitudes, entropy of the signal
[14] which enables searching for peaks (SCRs) in the signal by
computed as the information entropy of the normalized FFT com-
specifying their desired characteristics.
ponent magnitudes, and the distribution of the FFT magnitudes
The signal is first filtered using a Butterworth low-pass filter
into 10 equal sized bins ranging from 0 Hz to 𝐹 /2, where 𝐹
from SciPy [15]. Next, the peaks are detected by considering their
the sampling frequency. Finally, we also computed the previously
amplitude, onset, and offset time.
described skewness and kurtosis for the periodogram.
Once the SCRs are found, their characteristics are calculated
Most of the described features are useful for finding different
which can be used as features. These include their number and
periodic patterns, how often they occur and how intense they
rate (relative frequency in time) as well as the means and maxima
of various characteristics, such as their maximum amplitude, their
Accelerometer Features.
duration, increase time etc.
The tonic component is calculated using peakutils [9]. It
• Phone rotation estimation. First, roll and pitch are calcu-
is detected as the signal baseline, fitting a 10-th degree polyno-
lated, then we calculate their characteristics: mean, stand-
mial to the signal. Similarly to the phasic component, statistical
ard deviation, peaks, autocorrelations.
features are calculated, such as the difference between this com-
• Physical interpretations: velocity, kinetic energy.
ponent and the raw signal, and the sum of its derivative.
• Comparing data axis; useful for determining the sensor
orientation relative to the direction of motion: correlation
Skin Temperature. Skin temperature is a fairly simple phy-
between axis data, comparing their means, mean direction
siological parameter, both from the point of view of measurement
of the vector they form.
as well as feature calculation. It can still serve as an indicator of
affect [7]. Unlike the other physiological parameters which make
Physiological Features
use of expert features only some generic statistical features are
Physiological features are useful for obtaining information about
calculated for this indicator.
a person’s physiological state, typically reflected in their cardi-
Other Functionalities
ovascular response. We computed several features from signals
obtainable from many modern wristbands as described in the
The following functionalities are not directly related to the fea-
sections below.
ture generation but are nonetheless often used in conjunction
with it – and can thus make the workflow more straightforward.
Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability. Cardiovascular meas-
ures are widely used to predict both medical problems as well as
Resize, Resample. The presented library works with raw
psychological processes [7]. They range from simple heart rate
data in matrix form: each row representing one window of data,
calculations to more complex heart rate variability indicators.
i.e. one instance. If the original data is in the form of 1D time-
Heart rate variability is a measure of how quickly heart rate it-
series, the convertInputInto2d function can reformat it in the
self changes and it is usually calculated on a beat-by-beat basis,
required format. It can work both with windows of fixed number
considering the inter-beat interval (IBI). It reflects the interaction
of data samples as well as windows representing a fixed time
Feature library
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
interval. Another frequent pre-processing step is down-sampling
In the actual challenge, the subset used was the data recor-
the data and it can be done with the resample function.
ded by one of the three participants, which included 82 days
of recording, split into the training set (271 hours) and testing
Wrapper Feature Selection. While many feature selection
set (95 hours). Raw data from 7 sensors was provided: acceler-
libraries already exist (e.g. scikit-learn [11]), we implemented
ometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, linear acceleration, gravity,
another one in this library as it was frequently used in our pre-
orientation and air pressure. All were sampled at 100 Hz [16].
vious work [4, 3]. It combines the relatively common ‘wrapper’
Data was split into 1-minute segments using a sliding window
approach with reducing the feature count using correlations. It
without overlap and then randomly shuffled, providing consistent
works in three steps:
instances. Finally, the training data had 16 310 such instances and
(1) Calculate the information gain for every feature and rank
test data had 5698, where each instance contained 6000 samples.
them based on it.
This highlights the sheer size of the data and the challenges in
(2) Calculate the correlation between each feature pair. If the
processing it in full.
correlation exceeds the given threshold, discard the one
with lower information gain.
(3) Create the classifier using only the highest ranking feature
and measure the accuracy using a validation set. Then add
We used a traditional ML pipeline for this task: first preprocessing
the second feature and measure the accuracy again. If it
the data, then computing informative features, selecting the best
was the same or higher, keep the feature, otherwise discard
of them and finally using them to train and evaluate a classifica-
it. Repeat for all other remaining features.
tion model. We added another not so traditional step: smoothing
the predictions using HMM.
Hidden Markov Model Smoothing. The final functionality
All steps except training and evaluation were done in few lines
is a tool to post-process the predictions of the context-recognition
using the presented library; the Python code (with some missing
system – taking into account the temporal dependencies between
steps in comments) is given below. All classification was done
the instances.
using scikit-learn implementation of Random Forest with default
Take an example in which the classifier predicts the following
minute-by-minute sequence: ‘subway’, ‘subway’, ‘bus’, ‘subway’,
‘subway’. It is far more likely that the ‘bus’ prediction is a mis-
from CalculatingFeatures import resample,
classification than switching vehicles for just a minute.
calculateFeatures, selectFeatures, hmm_smoothing
Such a sequence can be corrected using a Hidden Markov
Model (HMM). This model assumes that there are hidden states
# Data was already windowed
# Data was resampled from 100 Hz to 20 Hz
corresponding to real activities which emit visible signals – clas-
acc_x = pd.read_csv(path, sep=" ")
sifications. The parameters of this models can be inferred from
acc_x = resample(acc_x, 6000, 1200)
the matrix of transitions probabilities and confusion matrix of
# Repeat for all data types (and axes)
the predictor.
features_train = calculateFeatures(
Once the parameters are estimated, the Viterbi algorithm is
used in the background to determine the most likely sequence
of hidden states (activities) given visible emissions (predictions).
In many domains [4, 12] this method significantly improves the
final prediction accuracy.
While this method is least connected to the feature generation,
# Repeat for all data types and train/test/valid sets
we have not seen it implemented in a different library and have
# Merge in one dataframe
found it greatly useful.
selected = selectFeatures(
features_train, features_validation
We illustrate the usage of our library with an example: The Sussex-
f1, cf, predictions = evaluate(
Huawei Locomotion Challenge 2018 [16]. This was a worldwide
open activity recognition challenge with monetary incentives,
organized as part of the HASCA workshop within UbiComp
conference. 17 teams participated with 19 submissions. The goal
was to train a recognition pipeline on the provided training data
smoothed = hmm_smoothing(labels_train, cf, predictions)
and then use it to classify the withheld test data as well as possible
# smoothed is an array representing final output
in terms of the 𝐹
score metric.
SHL Dataset
The challenge used a subset of the full dataset which was recorded
over a period of 7 months by 3 participants engaging in 8 different
We compared the results – in terms of 𝐹
score – of different
modes of transportation (still, walk, run, bike, car, bus, train and
stages in the machine learning pipeline against the top three
subway). The phones were worn on 4 body positions, namely the
submissions in the competition.
hand, torso, hip pocket and in a backpack and recorded 16 sensor
In the first stage we used just the mean and standard devi-
modalities simultaneously. This totalled to 2812 hours of labelled
ation as features (and calculated them for each data modality) to
data and this is considered one of the largest such datasets openly
provide a baseline solution. Next, we calculated some features us-
available [16].
ing the presented library. We then selected only a subset of them
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vito Janko, Matjaž Boštic, Junoš Lukan, and Gašper Slapničar
Table 1: A comparison of different versions of the pipeline,
Mlakar, Mitja Luštrek et al. 2020. Classical and deep learn-
against the best submissions in the SHL Challenge. The
ing methods for recognizing human activities and modes
number of features used in our methods is also listed.
of transportation with smartphone sensors. Information
Fusion, 62, 47–62.
# features
Martin Gjoreski, Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams and Hristijan
Gjoreski. 2017. Monitoring stress with a wrist device using
context. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 73, 159–170.
All features
doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2017.08.006.
Feature selection
Harshil. 2021. Tools of the trade: a short history. https :
/ / www . kaggle . com / haakakak / tools - of - the - trade - a -
Third place
short- history/. Accessed: 2021-09-20. (2021).
Second place
Sylvia D. Kreibig. 2010. Autonomic nervous system activ-
First place
ity in emotion: a review. Biological Psychology, 84, 3, 394–
421. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.03.010.
M. Malik, J. T. Bigger, A. J. Camm, R. E. Kleiger, A. Malliani,
and again measured the performance. Finally, we used the HMM
A. J. Moss and P. J. Schwartz. 1996. Heart rate variability:
smoothing; a post-processing step described in Section 2.3.3.
standards of measurement, physiological interpretation,
Results are shown in Table 1. It shows that the features gener-
and clinical use. European Heart Journal, 17, 3, 354–381.
ated by the library substantially improve the performance. The
doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.eurheartj.a014868.
feature selection, on the other hand – while significantly reducing
Lucas Hermann Negri and Christophe Vestri. 2017. Lucash-
the number of features required – did not increase performance.
n/peakutils: v1.1.0. (2017). doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.887917.
Of note, the performance did increase in the internal validation
M Pagani, F Lombardi, S Guzzetti, O Rimoldi, R Furlan,
set, but this gain did not translate to the test set. The final jump
P Pizzinelli, G Sandrone, G Malfatto, S Dell'Orto and E
in performance was achieved using the HMM smoothing and we
Piccaluga. 1986. Power spectral analysis of heart rate and
highly recommend this method in this and similar domains.
arterial pressure variabilities as a marker of sympatho-
Using just the methods in the presented library and no para-
vagal interaction in man and conscious dog. Circulation
meter or method tuning we achieved the results comparable with
Research, 59, 2, 178–193. doi: 10.1161/01.res.59.2.178.
the first placed submission to the challenge.
F. Pedregosa, G. Varoquaux, A. Gramfort, V. Michel, B.
Thirion, O. Grisel, M. Blondel, P. Prettenhofer, R. Weiss,
V. Dubourg, J. Vanderplas, A. Passos, D. Cournapeau, M.
In this paper we demonstrated the base usage of a Python library
Brucher, M. Perrot and E. Duchesnay. 2011. Scikit-learn:
capable of calculating features suitable for the context recognition
machine learning in Python. Journal of Machine Learning
domain. The most important features that can be calculated are
Research, 12, 2825–2830.
listed in this paper with specialized ones thoroughly described.
Clément Picard, Vito Janko, Nina Reščič, Martin Gjoreski
We also showed on a topical example (SHL Challenge dataset)
and Mitja Luštrek. 2021. Identification of cooking pre-
how only a few lines of code can generate a very capable context-
paration using motion capture data: a submission to the
recognition system that can compete with the best entries submit-
cooking activity recognition challenge. In Human Activity
ted to this challenge. Such system can be improved with extensive
Recognition Challenge. Springer, 103–113.
tuning but we provide a solid starting point.
Society for Psychophysiological Research Ad Hoc Com-
It is our hope that by making this library publicly available
mittee on Electrodermal Measures. 2012. Publication re-
we can help the workflow of many future context-recognition
commendations for electrodermal measurements. Psycho-
physiology, 49, 8, 1017–1034. doi: 10.1111/j.1469- 8986.
Sara Taylor, Natasha Jaques, Weixuan Chen, Szymon Fedor,
We acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Re-
Akane Sano and Rosalind Picard. 2015. Automatic identi-
search Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209).
fication of artifacts in electrodermal activity data. In 2015
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engin-
eering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE. doi:
Matjaž Boštic, Vito Janko, Gašper Slapničar, Jakob Valič
Pauli Virtanen, Ralf Gommers, Travis E. Oliphant, Matt
and Junoš Lukan. 2021. cr-features. A library for feature
Haberland, Tyler Reddy, David Cournapeau, ..., Paul van
calculation in the context-recognition domain. https : / /
Mulbregt and SciPy 1.0 Contributors. 2020. SciPy 1.0: Fun-
repo . ijs . si / matjazbostic / calculatingfeatures. Accessed: damental Algorithms for Scientific Computing in Python.
2021-09-20. (2021).
Nature Methods, 17, 261–272. doi: 10.1038/s41592- 019-
Wolfram Boucsein. 2012. Electrodermal activity. Springer
0686- 2.
Science & Business Media.
Lin Wang, Hristijan Gjoreski, Kazuya Murao, Tsuyoshi
Božidara Cvetković, Robert Szeklicki, Vito Janko, Przemyslaw
Okita and Daniel Roggen. 2018. Summary of the sussex-
Lutomski and Mitja Luštrek. 2018. Real-time activity mon-
huawei locomotion-transportation recognition challenge.
itoring with a wristband and a smartphone. Information
In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Con-
, 43, 77–93.
ference and 2018 International Symposium on Pervasive
Martin Gjoreski, Vito Janko, Gašper Slapničar, Miha Mlakar,
and Ubiquitous Computing and Wearable Computers. ACM,
Nina Reščič, Jani Bizjak, Vid Drobnič, Matej Marinko, Nejc
1521–1530. doi: 10.1145/3267305.3267519.
Določanje slikovnega prostora na umetniških slikah
Reconstruction of image space depicted on artistic paintings
Nadezhda Komarova
Borut Batagelj
Gregor Anželj
Narvika Bovcon
Franc Solina
borut.batagelj@f ri.uni- lj.si
Gimnazija Bežigrad
narvika.bovcon@f ri.uni- lj.si
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
franc.solina@f ri.uni- lj.si
Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Univerza v Ljubljani
dostopne na medmrežju, na primer Google Arts and Culture, Wi-
kimedia Commons, Getty Open Content Program, ADA (Archive
V članku poročamo o analizi slikovnega prostora na umetniških
of Digital Art) in druge [4]. Z analizo in vizualizacijo velikih ume-
slikah s pomočjo metod računalniškega vida. Naš cilj je bil, da
tniških zbirk se je prvi začel ukvarjati Lev Manovich [8]. Leta
ugotovimo, ali je možno zgolj na osnovi zaznave obrazov na sli-
2012 je preučeval vizualizacijske metode za družboslovne vede
kah določiti prostorsko organizacijo slike. Analiza je potekala
in medijske raziskave. Ukvarjal se je z informativno, uporabno
na izbranem vzorcu 3356 slik. Najprej smo določili tridimenzi-
in estetsko vrednostjo vizualizacij [9].
onalne koordinate zaznanih obrazov na posamezni sliki. Nato
Analiza razlik med predstavitvijo prostora s fotografijo in ume-
smo tem točkam priredili ravnino. Slikovni prostor smo tako do-
tniško sliko je bila narejena leta 2014 [11]. S statistično analizo
ločili z enačbo prirejene ravnine oziroma kotom med to ravnino
slik tihožitij, ki so jih ustvarili udeleženci eksperimenta, so ugoto-
in slikovno ravnino. Bolj kot je ravnina, ki jo določajo obrazi,
vili, da so predmeti, na katere so udeleženci usmerjali pozornost,
nagnjena od navpične smeri, globlji je prikazani slikovni prostor.
naslikani večji kot so na fotografijah. Zato je vprašanje, ali je
dosledna uporaba linearne perspektive najbolj primerna metoda
za posnemanje sveta [1]. Umetnostna zgodovina nam nazorno
računalniški vid, slikovni prostor, zaznava obrazov, umetnostna
prikaže, da so umetniki za posnemanje sveta uporabljali zelo
različne pristope.
Pri naši analizi slikovnega prostora smo izhajali iz dveh pred-
In the article, we report on the analysis of the image space de-
(1) v raziskavi želimo analizirati veliko število umetniških slik
picted on artistic paintings utilizing methods of computer vision.
v smislu današnjega trenda Big Data,
Our aim was to find out whether one can recover the spatial
(2) uporabiti želimo take metode računalniškega vida, ki de-
organization of a picture based on detection of faces. The anal-
lujejo hitro in čimbolj zanesljivo.
ysis was conducted on the sample of 3356 paintings. First, 3D
coordinates of faces were determined. Then, a plane was fitted to
Med hitre in zanesljive metode računalniškega vida zagotovo
the faces on every painting. Images were therefore described in
sodi zaznava in identifikacija oseb na osnovi njihovih obrazov.
terms of the angle between the fitted plane and the picture plane.
Zaradi varnostnih razlogov se je teh problemov na področju bio-
The bigger the angle between both planes, the deeper the picture
metrije lotilo že zelo veliko znanstvenikov. Danes obstajajo hitre
space depicted.
in zanesljive metode za zaznavo in analizo obrazov na slikah [10].
Za navdih nam je služil članek Irvinga Zupnicka iz leta 1959
[14], objavljen še veliko pred uporabo računalnikov v likovni
computer vision, image space, face detection, art history
umetnosti, ki opisuje kako je na slikah iz različnih umetnostnih
obdobjih organiziran slikovni prostor. Zato smo si zastavili vpra-
šanje, ali je mogoče s pomočjo metod računalniškega vida rekon-
struirati slikovni prostor na umetniških slikah? Bolj konkretno,
Odločili smo se povezati dve raziskovalni področji, ki sta si na-
ali ga je mogoče rekonstruirati na osnovi zaznave obrazov na
videz zelo vsaksebi, to je umetnostna zgodovina in umetna in-
slikah? Določitve 3D razsežnosti prostora, upodobljenega na sliki,
teligenca. Metode računalniškega vida se že redno uporabljajo
smo se lotili na osnovi pozicije obrazov na sliki (𝑥 in 𝑦 koordi-
tudi za analizo umetniških slik [12]. Večina teh raziskav je osre-
nate) in njihove velikosti, kar nam daje grobo informacijo o tretji
dotočena na analizo posameznih ali manjšega števila umetniških
dimenziji 𝑧 — to je oddaljenosti obraza od opazovalca. Ta pristop
slik. Po drugi strani smo danes v dobi velepodatkov (angl. Big
seveda temelji na predpostavki, da so na slikah ljudje oziroma
), saj je vedno več informacij dostopnih v digitalni obliki.
da so upodobljeni njihovi dovolj veliki obrazi. Resda v zgodovini
Tudi velike zbirke reprodukcij umetniških slik so danes prosto
likovne umetnosti poznamo veliko tihožitij ali pokrajinskih slik,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
na katerih ni obrazov. Toda velika večina umetniških slik iz obdo-
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
bja pred izumom fotografije dejansko upodablja ljudi oz. njihove
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
Iz javno dostopnih baz umetniških slik smo za našo študijo
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
izbrali testno množico 3356 slik iz različnih umetnostnozgodo-
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
vinskih obdobij in žanrov.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nadezhda Komarova, Gregor Anželj, Borut Batagelj, Narvika Bovcon, and Franc Solina
Slika 3: Vijoličasta ravnina, ki se prilega 3D pozicijam
obrazov na Renoirjevem Plesu v Le Moulin de la Galette
in in rdeča ravnina 𝑧 = 0 – ploskev slikarskega platna, na
kateri smo zaznali obraze.
upodabljanje prostora: velikosti oseb niso določene s prostorskim
oddaljevanjem, temveč npr. z družbenim statusom.
Slika 1: Auguste Renoir, Ples v Le Moulin de la Galette; vi-
dijo se zaznani obrazi. Velikost obrazov jasno odraža glo-
bino slikarskega prostora.
Predpostavili smo, da so resnični obrazi pri vseh osebah pribli-
žno enako veliki. Zato so bili večji obrazi obravnavani kot bližji
površini slike in manjši kot bolj oddaljeni od površine slike oz.
od opazovalca.
Zaznani so bili z orodjem RetinaFace, ki izvede dvodimenzio-
nalno poravnavo in tridimenzionalno rekonstrukcijo obraza [2].
Zasnovan je na osnovi globoke nevronske mreže.
Detektor vrne podatke o obrazih v dvodimenzionalnem pro-
storu površine slike, torej imajo središča obraznih okvirjev in
točke oči, nosu ter ust samo 𝑥 in 𝑦 koordinate. Toda za rekonstruk-
cijo tridimenzionalnega prostora slike potrebujemo tudi globine
obrazov oz. koordinato 𝑧 . Tridimenzionalni prostor, kot ga prika-
zuje umetniška slika, se razlikuje od fotografskega predvsem zato,
ker slikarji redko dosledno upoštevajo linearno perspektivo. Na
fotografijah je perspektiva po drugi strani bolj konsistentno dolo-
čena. Zato je na njih mogoče z enačbo (1) [6] določiti oddaljenost
predmeta od kamere:
𝑓 · ℎ
· ℎ
Slika 2: Poslikava v grobnici Unsu. Vsi obrazi se enake
𝑑 =
· ℎ
velikosti, ves slikarski prostor je zgoščen kar v ravnini po-
Z enačbo (1) izračunamo oddaljenost 𝑑 objekta v milimetrih, če
je 𝑓 goriščna razdalja fotoaparata, ℎ
resnična višina objekta v
Vsakemu obrazu na slikah smo priredili tridimenzionalne koor-
milimetrih, ℎ višina slike v pikslih, ℎ
višina objekta na sliki v
dinate, ki pa niso bile zanesljive v absolutnih vrednostih, temveč
pikslih in ℎ
višina senzorja fotoaparata v milimetrih. Z njo so
odražajo zgolj relativne razdalje. Nato smo tem obraznim točkam
bile določene tudi oddaljenosti obrazov na slikah v vzorcu, pri
priredili ravnine s smislu vsote najmanjših kvadratov razdalj med
čemer so bile uporabljene vrednosti goriščne razdalje in višine
točkami in iskano ravnino. Pri tistih slikah, ki prikazujejo obraze,
senzorja, kvocient katerih opiše, kako vidijo človeške oči. Četudi
ki so v spodnjem delu slike opazovalcu blizu, in se višje na sliki
je bilo po tem postopku nemogoče določiti natančne tridimen-
postopno oddaljujejo (Slika 1), so dobljene ravnine bolj nagnjene
zionalne koordinate obrazov na sliki, so bile določene relativne
v globino kot pri tistih, kjer so vsi obrazi približno na enaki razda-
oddaljenosti med obrazi in površino slike. Za namen te raziskave
lji od opazovalca (Slika 2). V takih primerih je dobljena ravnina
tudi niti ni pomembno, če zaznamo vse obraze na sliki.
skorajda vzporedna s površino slike. Rafaelova Atenska šola in
staroegipčanska poslikava v grobnici Unsu imata zelo različni
prostorski ureditvi. Na prvi sliki se obrazi zmanjšujejo z odda-
ljevanjem ljudi. Ravnina, prirejena točkam na tej sliki, je zato
nagnjena v globino (Slika 3).
𝐴, 𝐵 in 𝐶 enačbe ravnine 𝑧 = 𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐶 smo določili
z minimizacijo funkcije
Po drugi strani tudi poslikava na Sliki 2 prikazuje množico
ljudi, vendar so vsi enake višine in njihovi obrazi so enako veliki.
Ravnina, prirejena obrazom na egipčanski sliki, je zato vzporedna
𝐸 (𝐴, 𝐵, 𝐶 ) =
(𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐶 − 𝑧 )2,
ravnini 𝑧 = 0. Za egipčansko slikarstvo je značilno konceptualno
𝑖 =1
Določanje slikovnega prostora na umetniških slikah
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
kjer 𝑚 pomeni število točk in 𝑥 , 𝑦
ter 𝑧
koordinate točk.
Funkcija (2) doseže minimum, ko je ∇𝐸 = (0, 0, 0) [3]. Za gradi-
ent te funkcije velja ∇𝐸 = ( 𝜕𝐸 ,
), kjer so
𝑥 (𝐴𝑥
+ 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐶 − 𝑧 )
𝑖 =1
𝑦 (𝐴𝑥
+ 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐶 − 𝑧 )
𝑖 =1
(𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐶 − 𝑧 )
𝑖 =1
Slika 4: Razporeditev razredov pri gručenju na osnovi rav-
Tako množici 3D točk priredimo ravnino z minimizacijo razdalj
nin. Gruče so razpršene in izrazite razmejitve med njimi
med temi točkami in njihovimi slikami na ploskvi v smeri 𝑧 .
Koeficienti A, B in C so zato rešitve sistema linearnih enačb (6),
(7) in (8).
+ 𝐵
𝑥 𝑦
+ 𝐶
𝑥 𝑧
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
𝑥 𝑦
+ 𝐵
+ 𝐶
𝑦 𝑧
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
+ 𝐵
+ 𝐶
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
𝑖 =1
Slika 5: Zastopanost posameznih kotov za slike v testni
Slike smo izbrali iz prostodostopne zbirke WikiArt (https://www.
wikiart.org), kjer so umetnine med drugim razdeljene po žanrih.
ustrezajo slikam, kjer se upodobljene osebe enotno oddaljujejo
Izbrana so bila slikarska dela (potrebno je bilo izločiti npr. kipar-
oz. približujejo. Če je bil kot med ravnino, ki je bila prirejena
ska), kjer je bilo upodobljenih več ljudi. Iz zbirke WikiArt so bila
obrazom na sliki, in ravnino 𝑧
= 0 izračunan kot natančno 0
zato izbrana dela iz žanrov pastorale (77 slik), allegorical painting
stopinj, je to pomenilo, da na sliki ni bilo zaznanega nobenega
(1225 slik), history painting (1377 slik) in literary painting (667
obraza, samo en obraz ali pa so imeli vsi obrazi enake globine. Na
slik), in sicer skupaj 3356 slik. Poleg žanra smo imeli tudi podatke
intervalu od 0 do 5 stopinj (Slika 5) je bil najpogostejši barok, na
o umetnostno zgodovinskem obdobju v katero sodi posamezna
preostalih intervalih po romantika. Ni pa na nobenem intervalu
slika. Zanimalo nas je, kako lahko le na osnovi teh podatkov
močno prevladoval le en slog, saj je odstotek slik, ki je pripadal
smiselno razdelimo testno množico slik z metodo gručenja in ali
najpogostejšemu slogu v posameznem intervalu med 20 in 30%.
je ta delitev relevantna z vidika umetnostno zgodovine.
Za določitev korelacije med časom nastanka posamezne slike
Kot kriterij pri gručenju so bile uporabljene enačbe ravnin ter
in kotom med ravninama za to sliko je bil uporabljen Spearma-
kot med prirejeno ravnino in slikovno ravnino 𝑧 = 0. Detektor
nov koeficient korelacije. Ta predstavlja neparametersko stopnjo
opiše slednje s tremi parametri – rotacijami okoli
povezanosti med spremenljivkama oz. kako dobro je mogoče
osi 𝑥 , 𝑦 in 𝑧 (v pozitivni in negativni smeri). Pri posamezni sliki
opisati njun odnos z monotono funkcijo [13]. Koeficient je bil
so bile izbrane rotacije v vsaki smeri z največjimi absolutnimi
0.183, kar predstavlja šibko pozitivno korelacijo. p vrednost je
bila v tem primeru blizu 0, kar pomeni, da korelacija med letom
Gručenje je bilo opravljeno z algoritmom BIRCH, implemen-
nastanka slike in kotom, ki odraža slikarsko globino ni linearna.
tiranim s knjižnico scikit-learn. BIRCH (angl. Balanced Iterative
Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies
Na prikazu na Sliki 6 je razvidno, da če opazujemo obdobje od
) je algoritem gručenja,
približno leta 1700 in vse do danes, povprečen kot med ravninama
ki je posebej prilagojen delu z večjimi podatkovnimi vzorci [7].
za posamezna desetletja blago narašča.
Na Sliki 4 so ekstremne vrednosti izločene. Prikazana je raz-
poreditev slik po gručenju na osnovi ravnin. Bila je izvedena
primerjava tega, katerim umetnostnim slogom pripadajo slike v
posameznih razredih. To je bilo mogoče, saj je bila vsaka slika
Glavna hipoteza naše raziskave je bila, ali lahko na nek enostaven
v zbirki označena poleg žanra tudi z letom nastanka in ume-
način ugotovimo kakšen je slikarski prostor, to je, kako izrazita
tnostnim slogom (barok, romantika ipd.). Število razredov smo
je globinska dimenzija na dani umetniški sliki. Slikarski prostor
omejili na deset. Zaradi izrazite drugačnosti prostorske razpore-
pa je povezan tako z umetnostno zgodovinskim obdobjem v ka-
ditve na nekaterih slikah so bile slednje izločene v posamezne
terega sodi slika, kot tudi z žanrom slike. Na ta način se nam
razrede (2, 5, 6, 7 in 8). Ti razredi vsebujejo le po eno sliko in niso
odpira možnost avtomatske klasifikacije velikega števila slik, bo-
vidni na Sliki 4.
disi s statističnimi metodami, še bolj pa bi prišle v poštev metode
Histogram na Sliki 5 prikazuje zastopanost različnih intervalov
strojnega učenja.
kotov v proučevanem vzorcu. Vidi se, da je bil največji delež
Odločili smo se, da bomo slikovni prostor določali posredno s
slik takih, kjer je bil kot med ravninama med 15 in 20 stopinj,
pomočjo zaznave obrazov. Ko je bil posamezen obraz zaznan z
kar se zdi relativno malo. Večji koti med ravninama večinoma
orodjem RetinaFace, je bil s tem določen obrazni okvir na določeni
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nadezhda Komarova, Gregor Anželj, Borut Batagelj, Narvika Bovcon, and Franc Solina
na vprašanja, ki si jih umetnostni zgodovinarji do sedaj sploh še
niso upali zastaviti.
Katarina Bebar. “Upodabljanje prostora po načelih line-
arne perspektive s pomočjo obogatene resničnosti”. V:
Likovne besede 114 (2020), str. 14–21.
Jiankang Deng in sod. “RetinaFace: Single-Shot Multi-
Level Face Localisation in the Wild”. V: 2020 IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR). 2020, str. 5202–5211. doi: 10.1109/CVPR42600.202
Slika 6: Koti med ravninama v odvisnosti od časa nastanka
David Eberly. “Least Squares Fitting of Data”. V: Magic
slike. Rdeče točke predstavljajo povprečen kot za posame-
Software, Inc. (sep. 2001). url: http://www.sci.utah.edu/~b
zno desetletje.
alling/FEtools/doc_f iles/LeastSquaresFitting.pdf .
Image resources: Free image resources. Sotheby’s Institute
koordinati 𝑥 in 𝑦 na ravnini slike. Velikost obraznega okvirja pa
of Art. url: https://sia.libguides.com/images/f reeimagere
nam je dal še informacijo o relativni oddaljenosti obraza 𝑧 od
sources (pridobljeno 1. 3. 2021).
ravnine slike. Zanesljivost zaznave obrazov na umetniških slikah
Jure Kovač, Peter Peer in Franc Solina. “Automatic natural
je bil verjetno nekoliko slabši, saj je bil RetinaFace naučen na fo-
and man-made scene differentiation using perspective
tografijah obrazov in ne na umetniških upodobitvah [2]. V kakšni
geometrical properties of the scenes”. V: Proceedings 15th
prihodnji raziskavi bi lahko uporabili še dodatne informacije, ki
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image
jih daje orodje RetinaFace za zaznavo obrazov: orientacija obraza,
Processing. Bratislava, 2008, 507–510.
lega oči, nosu in ust, spol ter starost osebe, določeno na osnovi
Yun Liang. How to measure the real size of an object from
obraza. Poleg tega bi lahko v prihodnjih raziskavah pri analizi slik
an unknown picture? Jan. 2015. url: https://www.researc
upoštevali tudi barvno sestavo in druge slikovne značilke, ki jih
hgate.net/post/How- to- measure- the- real- size- of - an- obj
lahko robustno določimo z metodami računalniškega vida [12].
ect- f rom- an- unknown- picture.
Sami smo se ukvarjali npr. z detekcijo črt perspektivne projekcije
Cory Maklin. “BIRCH Clustering Algorithm Example In
na fotografijah [5, 1].
Python”. V: towards data science (jul. 2019). url: https://to
Četudi smo v našem preizkusu metode likovna dela združevali
wardsdatascience.com/machine- learning- birch- clusterin
v razrede po podobnosti prostorske ureditve, se niso pokazale
g- algorithm- clearly- explained- f b9838cbeed9.
stroge meje med umetnostnimi slogi slik. Informativna pa je bila
Lev Manovich. “Data Science and Digital Art History”. V:
korelacija med časom nastanka dela in kotom med ravninama.
International Journal for Digital Art History 1 (jun. 2015).
V izbranem vzorcu slik različni umetnostnozgodovinski slogi
doi: 10.11588/dah.2015.1.21631.
niso bili povsem enakomerno zastopani in je bilo npr. veliko del
Lev Manovich. Museum without walls, art history without
iz romantike. Za vsako zgodovinsko obdobje so najverjetneje
names: visualization methods for Humanities and Media
izrazite določene medsebojne povezanosti teh značilnosti. Usta-
Studies. Oxford Handbook Online, 2013. doi: 10.1093/oxf
ljen umetnostnozgodovinski pristop pri analizi slik je sočasno
opazovanje dveh ali več del, pri katerih raziskovalec na osnovi
Mohd Nayeem. “Exploring Other Face Detection Approa-
svojega predhodnega znanja izloči značilne poteze, razlike ipd.
ches(Part 1) — RetinaFace”. V: Analytics Vidhya (jul. 2020).
[8]. Strojno učenje bi na tej točki postalo učinkovito, saj po eni
url: https://medium.com/analytics- vidhya/exploring- oth
strani nudi možnost analize velike količine podatkov, odkrivanje
er- f ace- detection- approaches- part- 1- retinaf ace- 9b00f 4
sočasnih povezav med različnimi značilkami, po drugi strani pa
53f d15.
zagotavlja objektivnost matematičnih pristopov. Zato bi bilo v
Robert Pepperell in Manuela Braunagel. “Do Artists Use
nadaljevanju koristno uporabiti poleg obrazov tudi druge infor-
Linear Perspective to Depict Visual Space?” V: Perception
macije na slikah. Potrebno pa je upoštevati, da delitev umetniških
43 (avg. 2014), 395 – 416. doi: 10.1068/p7692.
del ne more biti absolutna, saj umetnostno zgodovino sestavljajo
David G. Stork. “Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
posamezni umetniki, vsak od njih ustvarja v svojem lastnem
Analysis of Paintings and Drawings: An Introduction to
slogu, ki lahko do neke mere sledi splošnim trendom obdobja,
the Literature”. V: Computer Analysis of Images and Pat-
vendar nikoli popolnoma. Tudi posamezni likovni umetniki v
terns. Ur. Xiaoyi Jiang in Nicolai Petkov. Berlin, Heidelberg:
času svoje kariere lahko spremenijo svoj umetniški slog.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, str. 9–24. doi: 10.1007/9
78- 3- 642- 03767- 2_2.
Eric W. Weisstein. “Spearman Rank Correlation Coeffici-
V članku smo pokazali nov pristop k avtomatski analizi umetni-
ent”. V: MathWorld, a Wolfram Web Resource (brez datuma).
ških slik z uporabo metod računalniškega vida. Demonstrirali
url: https://mathworld.wolf ram.com/SpearmanRankCorr
smo, da je z metodo zaznave obrazov na slikah možno nasloviti
elationCoef f icient.html.
tudi bolj kompleksna vprašanja, kot v našem primeru organiza-
Irving L. Zupnick. “Concept of Space and Spatial Organiza-
cija prostora na slikah. Čeprav rezultati te raziskave morda niso
tion in Art”. V: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
tako jasno izraženi in niso reproducirali rezultatov umetnostnih
(dec. 1959), str. 215–221. doi: 10.2307/427268.
zgodovinarjev, se uporaba računalnikov na področju umetnostne
zgodovine kot na sploh v humanistiki šele zares začenja. Raču-
nalniško zasnovane analitične metode bodo omogočile odgovore
Automated Hate Speech Target Identification
Andraž Pelicon
Blaž Škrlj
Petra Kralj Novak
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
POS tag, keyword-based, knowledge graph-based and relational
features) and two types of document embeddings (non-sparse rep-
We present a new human-labelled Slovenian Twitter dataset an-
resentations). To our knowledge, this is one of the first attempts
notated for hate speech targets and attempts to automated hate
to solve a Slovene-based text classification task with an autoML
speech target classification via different machine learning ap-
approach. Finally, we trained a model based on the SloBERTa
proaches. This work represents, to our knowledge, one of the
pre-trained language model [11], a state-of-the-art transformer-
first attempts to solve a Slovene-based text classification task with
based language model pre-trained on a Slovenian corpus and a
an autoML approach. Our results show that the classification task
set of baselines.
is a difficult one, both in terms of annotator agreement and in
Our results show that the context-aware SloBERTa model
terms of classifier performance. The best performing classifier is
significantly outperforms all the other models. This result, to-
SloBERTa-based, followed by AutoBOT-neurosymbolic-full.
gether with the lower inter-annotator scores, confirms our initial
assumption that hate speech target identification is a complex
semantic task that requires a complex understanding of the text
hate speech targets, autoML, text features spaces
that goes beyond simple pattern matching. The SloBERTa model
reaches annotator agreement in terms of classification accuracy,
indicating a fair performance of the model.
Hate speech and offensive content has become pervasive in social
media and has become a serious concern for government orga-
nizations, online communities, and social media platforms [13].
We collected almost three years worth of all Slovenian Twitter
Due to the amount of user-generated content steadily increasing,
data in the period from December 1, 2017, to October 1, 2020, in
the research community has been focusing on developing com-
total 11,135,654 tweets. The period includes several government
putational methods to moderate hate speech on online platforms
changes, elections and the first Covid-19-related lockdown. We
[6, 1, 8]. While several of the proposed methods achieve good
used the TweetCat tool [5], which is developed for harvesting
performance on distinguishing hateful and respectful content,
Twitter data of less frequent languages.
several important challenges remain, some of them related to
the data itself. Several studies report both low amounts of hate
Annotation Schema
speech instances in the labelled datasets, as well as relatively low
agreement scores between annotators [9]. The low agreement
Our annotation schema is adapted from OLID [13] and FRENK [4].
score between annotators indicates that recognizing hate speech
It is a two-step annotation procedure. After reading a tweet,
is a hard task even for humans suggesting that this task requires
without any context, the annotator first selects the type of speech.
a more broad semantic interpretation of the text and its context
We differentiate between the following speech types:
beyond simple pattern matching of linguistic features.
0 acceptable - non hate speech type: speech that does not
To test this assumption, we have gathered a new Slovenian
contain uncivil language;
dataset containing tweets annotated for hate speech targets
1 inappropriate - hate speech type: contains terms that are
This dataset builds on the dataset used for detecting hate speech
obscene, vulgar but the text is not directed at any person
communities [3] and topics [2] on Slovenian Twitter. The dataset
is available in the clarin.si dataset repository with the handle:
2 offensive - hate speech type: including offensive gener-
alization, contempt, dehumanization, indirect offensive
Next, we addressed the hate speech target classification task
by the autoML approach autoBOT [10]. The key idea of autoBOT
3 violent - hate speech type: author threatens, indulges,
is that, instead of evolving at the learner level, evolution is con-
desires or calls for physical violence against a target; it
ducted at the representation level. The proposed approach con-
also includes calling for, denying or glorifying war crimes
sists of an evolutionary algorithm that jointly optimizes various
and crimes against humanity.
sparse representations of a given text (including word, subword,
If the annotator chooses either the offensive or violent hate
∗ All authors contributed equally to this research.
speech type, they also include one of the twelve possible targets
1 Slovenian Twitter dataset 2018-2020 1.0: http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1423
of hate speech:
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
• Racism (intolerance based on nationality, ethnicity, lan-
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
guage, towards foreigners; and based on race, skin color)
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
• Migrants (intolerance of refugees or migrants, offensive
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
generalization, call for their exclusion, restriction of rights,
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
non-acceptance, denial of assistance . . . )
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
• Islamophobia (intolerance towards Muslims)
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pelicon et al.
• Antisemitism (intolerance of Jews; also includes conspir-
acy theories, Holocaust denial or glorification, offensive
stereotypes . . . )
• Religion (other than above)
• Homophobia (intolerance based on sexual orientation and/or
identity, calls for restrictions on the rights of LGBTQ per-
• Sexism (offensive gender-based generalization, misogynis-
tic insults, unjustified gender discrimination)
• Ideology (intolerance based on political affiliation, politi-
cal belief, ideology. . . e.g. “communists”, “leftists”, “home
defenders”, “socialists”, “activists for. . . ”)
• Media (journalists and media, also includes allegations of
unprofessional reporting, false news, bias)
• Politics (intolerance towards individual politicians, author-
Figure 1: Number of annotated examples for hate speech
ities, system, political parties)
type and target. The class distribution is severely unbal-
• Individual (intolerance towards any other individual due
to individual characteristics; like commentator, neighbor,
acquaintance )
either individuals or groups), 4% as inappropriate (mostly con-
• Other (intolerance towards members of other groups due
taining swear words), and the remaining 61% as acceptable. In the
to belonging to this group; write in the blank column on
evaluation set, which is a random selection of 10.000 Slovenian
the right which group it is)
tweets, only 69 tweets were labelled as violent by at least one
Sampling for Training and Evaluation
annotator, which is about 0.3%.
The training dataset for hate speech type includes 34,204 ex-
The training set is sampled from data collected before February
amples and the evaluation dataset includes 6,430 examples. Many
2020. The sampling was intentionally biased to contain as much
of the examples are repeated (by two annotations for the same
hate speech as possible in order to obtain enough organic exam-
tweet), yet conflicting (due to annotator disagreement). The train-
ples to train the model successfully. A simple model was used to
ing and evaluation sets for hate speech type and target are sum-
flag potential hate speech content, and additionally, filtering by
marized in Table 1.
users and by tweet length (number of characters) was applied.
The overall annotator agreement for hate speech target on the
tweets were selected for annotation.
training set is 63.1%, and Nominal Krippendorf Alpha is 0.537.
The evaluation set is sampled from data collected between
The annotator agreement for hate speech target on the evalua-
February 2020 and August 2020. Contrary to the training set, the
tion set is 62.8%, and Nominal Krippendorf Alpha is 0.503. These
evaluation set is an unbiased random sample. Since the evaluation
scores indicate that the dataset is of high quality compared to
set is from a later period compared to the training set, the possi-
other datasets annotated for hate speech, yet the relatively low
bility of data linkage is minimized. Furthermore, the estimates
agreement indicates that the annotation task is difficult and am-
of model performance made on the evaluation set are realistic,
biguous even for humans.
or even pessimistic, since the model is tested on a real-world
distribution of data where hate speech is less prevalent than in
the biased training set. The evaluation set is also characterized
We compare different machine learning algorithms on the hate
by a new topic, COVID-19; this ensures that our model is robust
speech target identification task. They belong to one of the fol-
to small contextual shifts that may be present in the test data. For
lowing three categories: classical, representation optimization
the evaluation set, 10,000 tweets were selected to be annotated.
and deep learning. The results are presented in Table 1.
Annotation Procedure
autoBOT - an autoML for texts
Each tweet was annotated twice: In 90% of the cases by two dif-
With the increasing amounts of available computing power, au-
ferent annotators (to estimate inter-annotator agreement) and
tomation of machine learning has become an active research
in 10% of the cases by the same annotator (to assess the self-
endeavor. Commonly, this branch of research focuses on auto-
agreement). Special attention was devoted to an evening out
matic model selection and configuration. However, it has recently
the overlap between annotators to get agreement estimates on
also been focused on the task of obtaining a suitable representa-
equally sized sets. Ten annotators were engaged for our annota-
tion when less-structured inputs are considered (e.g. texts). This
tion campaign. They were given annotation guidelines, a training
work represents, to our knowledge, one of the first attempts to
session and a test on a small set to evaluate their understanding
solve a Slovene-based text classification task with an existing
of the task and their commitment before starting the annota-
autoML approach. The in-house developed method, called au-
tion procedure. The annotation process lasted four months, and
toBOT [10], has already shown promising results on multiple
it required about 1,200 person-hours for the ten annotators to
shared tasks (and in extensive empirical evaluation). Albeit it
complete the task.
commonly scores on average worse than large, multi million-
In the training set, intentionally biased in favour of hate speech,
parameter neural networks, it remains interpretable and does
about 1% of tweets were labelled as violent, 34% as offensive (to
not need any specialized hardware. Thus, this system serves
as an easy-to-obtain baseline which commonly performs better
2 Some annotators skipped some examples.
than ad hoc approaches such as, e.g. word-based features coupled
Hate speech targets
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
with, e.g. a Support Vector Machine (SVM). The tool has mul-
The SloBERTa-based predictor performed the best, however, is
tiple configurations which determine the feature space that is
also the one which includes the highest number of tunable pa-
being evolved during the search for an optimal configuration of
rameters (more than 100m). The next series of learners are based
both the representation of a given document, but also the most
on autoBOT’s evolution and perform reasonably well. Interest-
suitable learner. We left all settings to default, varying only the
ingly, autoBOT variants which exploit only symbolic features
representation type, which was either symbolic, neuro-symbolic-
perform better than the second neural network-based baseline
lite, neuro-symbolic-full or neural. Detailed descriptions of these
which was not pre-trained specifically for Slovene – the mpnet.
feature spaces are available online . The main difference between
The remaining baselines perform worse, albeit having a similar
these variants is that the neuro-symbolic ones simultaneously
number of final parameters to the final autoBOT-based models
consider both symbolic and sub-symbolic feature spaces (e.g.
(tens of thousands at most). The autoBOT-neural, which imple-
tokens and embeddings of the documents), whilst symbolic or
ments the two main doc2vec variants, performs better than the
neural-only consider only one type. The neural variant is based
naïve doc2vec implementation, however not notably better.
on the two non-contextual doc2vec variants and commonly does
To better understand the key properties of the data set which
not perform particularly well on its own.
carry information relevant for the addressed predictive task, we
Deep Learning
additionally explored autoBOT-symbolic’s ‘report’ functionality,
which offers insight into the importance of individual feature
We trained a modelbased on the SloBERTa pre-trained language
subspaces. Each subspace and each feature in the subspace has a
model [11]. SloBERTa is a transformer-based language model
weight associated with it: the larger the weights, the more rel-
that shares the same architecture and training regime as the
evant a given feature type was for the learner. Visualization of
Camembert model [7] and is pre-trained on Slovenian corpora.
these importances is shown in Table 2. It can be observed that
For fine-tuning of the SloBERTa language model, we first split
character-based features were the most relevant for this task.
the original training set into training and validation folds in the
This result is in alignment with many previous results on tweet
90%:10% ratio. We used the suggested hyperparameters for this
classification, where e.g. punctuation-level features can be sur-
model. We used the Adam optimizer with the learning rate of
prisingly effective. Furthermore, relational token features were
2𝑒 − 5 and learning rate warmup over the first 10% of the training
also relevant. This feature type can be understood as skip-grams
instances. We used a weight decay set to 0.01 for regularization.
with dynamic distances between the two tokens. This feature
The model was trained for maximum 3 epochs with a batch size of
type indicates that short phrases might have been of relevance.
32. The best model was selected based on the validation set score.
Interestingly, keyword-based features were not relevant for the
We performed the training of the models using the HuggingFace
learner. Further, autoBOT, being effectively a fine-tuned linear
Transformers library [12].
learner, also offers direct insight into fine-grained performances.
We tokenized the textual input for the neural models with the
Examples for the top five features per type are shown in Table 2.
language model’s tokenizer. For performing matrix operations
efficiently, all inputs were adjusted to the same length. After tok-
enizing all inputs, their maximum length was set to 256 tokens.
In this work we present a new dataset of Slovenian tweets anno-
Longer sequences were truncated, while shorter sequences were
tated for hate speech targets. To develop effective computational
zero-padded. The fine-tuned model is available at the Hugging-
models to solve this task we use two approaches: the autoML
Face repository .
approach combining symbolic and neural representations and a
Other Baseline Approaches
contextually-aware language model SloBERTa.
The two mentioned approaches have demonstrated state-of-the-
The results show that the context-aware SloBERTa model
art performance; however, to establish their performance on this
significantly outperforms all the other trained models. This result,
new task, we also implemented the following baselines. First,
together with the lower inter-annotator scores, confirm our initial
a simple majority classifier to establish the worst-case perfor-
assumption that hate speech target identification is a complex
mance. Next, a doc2vec-based representation learner was coupled
semantic task that requires a more complex understanding of
with a linear SVM (doc2vec). The svm-word is a sparse TF-IDF
the text that goes beyond simple pattern matching. However,
representation of the documents coupled with a linear SVM. Sim-
the seemingly simpler models may still offer distinct advantages
ilarly, the svm-char, however, the representations are based on
over the more complex neural models. First, the auto-ML models
characters in this variant. The two alternatives use logistic re-
tested in this work are easily interpretable, offering insights into
gression (lr-word, lr-char ). As another strong baseline, we used a
textual features which contribute to the classification. On the
multilingual language model called MPNet to obtain contextual
other hand, the neural language models generally work as black-
representations, coupled with an SVM classifier. The baseline
boxes, and the extent of their interpretability is still an open
doc2vec model was trained for 32 epochs with eight threads. The
research question. Second, the auto-ML models are significantly
min_count parameter was set to 2, window size to 5 and vector
more straightforward to deploy as they tend to be much less
size to 512. For SVM and logistic regression (LR)-based learners,
computationally demanding both in terms of RAM and CP U
a grid search including the following regularization values was
usage. Neural language models are able to solve harder tasks
traversed: {0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500}.
but their increased number of parameters usually makes them a
considerable challenge to deploy in a scalable fashion.
The classification results for the discussed learning algorithms
are given in Table 1. The results are sorted by learner complexity.
We would like to thank the Slovenian Research Agency for the
3 autoBOT feature spaces: https://skblaz.github.io/autobot/features.html
financing of the second researcher (young researcher grant) and
Hate speech target classification model: https://huggingface.co/IMSyPP/hate_
the financial support from research core funding no. P2-103. The
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pelicon et al.
Table 1: Overview of the classification results. The SloBERTa model significantly outperforms all the other models and reaches inter-annotator agreement.
Classification model
Macro Rec
Macro Prec
Macro F1
AutoBOT-neural (9h)
AutoBOT-neurosymbolic-lite (4h)
Paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 + Linear SVM
AutoBOT-symbolic (9h)
AutoBOT-neurosymbolic-full (4h)
Table 2: Most relevant features per feature subspace. Feature subspaces are ordered relative to their importance. Individual numeric values next to each feature represent that feature’s importance for the final learner. The features are sorted per-type. Note the word_features and their alignment with what a human would associate with hate speech.
ta s : 3.56
ni d : 2.73
lič : 2.69
ola : 2.58
ne m : 2.5
pa–3–je : 2.23
pa–2–se : 2.12
v–2–pa : 1.78
ne–1–pa : 1.75
v–2–se : 1.71
nnp nn nnp : 1.77
nnp jj nn : 1.75
nnp jj : 1.57
cc : 1.46
nn nn rb : 1.45
idioti : 1.09
riti : 0.95
tole : 0.95
sem : 0.94
fdv : 0.93
e–3–d : 1.74
i–3–s : 1.56
n–3–z : 1.48
h–5–v : 1.43
z–4–t : 1.4
topic_12 : 0.14
topic_2 : 0.02
topic_0 : 0.0
topic_1 : 0.0
topic_3 : 0.0
007amnesia : 0.0
15sto : 0.0
24kitchen : 0.0
2pira : 0.0
2sto7 : 0.0
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Offensive Posts in Social Media. In Proceedings of NAACL.
SiDeGame: An Online Benchmark Environment for
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Jernej Puc
Aleksander Sadikov
jernej.puc@fs.uni- lj.si
aleksander.sadikov@fri.uni- lj.si
University of Ljubljana
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
“capture the flag” in first-person view, while using similar input
and output schemes to those of human players. However, the
Modern video games present a challenging benchmark for ar-
project is based on an inaccessible implementation of a funda-
tificial intelligence research. Various technical limitations can
mentally shallow game mode, which makes it untenable as a
often lead to playing interfaces that are heavily biased in terms
benchmark for reinforcement learning. Nonetheless, it shows a
of ease of learning for either humans or computers, and it is dif-
type of game that can suit the given requirements.
ficult to strike the right balance. In this paper, a new benchmark
The first-person shooter (FPS) genre has many interesting
environment is presented, which emphasises the role of strategic
representatives, some of which have already been repurposed
elements by enabling more equivalent interfaces, is suitable for
as reinforcement learning environments [4, 5]. Unsuitably, they
reinforcement learning experiments on widely distributed sys-
tend to revolve around simpler content, such as single-player
tems, and supports imitation learning, as is demonstrated. The
or deathmatch scenarios, and are not straight-forward for re-
environment is realised as a team-based competitive game and
searchers to customise. Indeed, accessibility and modifications
its source code is openly available at a public repository.
generally require developer support and cooperation [6].
Confronted with this barrier, recent work on Counter-Strike:
Global Offensive (CSGO) [6] resigned itself to the limits of imita-
simulation environment, multi-agent system, deep neural net-
tion learning, which could be facilitated by external recording of
works, imitation learning, reinforcement learning
public matches. Although CSGO’s standard competitive mode is
fittingly strategic, it, instead, focused on the mentioned death-
match, and withheld information from agents by ignoring sound
Reinforcement learning is a powerful concept that can be used
and having them use cropped and downscaled image inputs with
to take on highly complex challenges. In its advancement, video
common information omitted or rendered unrecognisable.
games have emerged as suitable benchmarks: they define clear
This paper also considers imitation learning, in attempt of
goals, allow agents to be compared between themselves and with
establishing a baseline and starting point for eventual reinforce-
humans, and, in comparison to preceding milestones [7], they
ment learning, akin to the approach of AlphaGo [7] and AlphaS-
begin to incorporate complexities of the real world.
tar [8]. The deep neural network architecture that was used
Success has been achieved even in notably difficult tasks, such
in these experiments accepts audio inputs similarly to instances
as the modern games of StarCraft II [8] and Dota 2 [1]. However,
from the literature [3], which convert sounds into their frequency
being modern games, the authors were forced to compromise:
domain representations using the discrete Fourier transform.
the intricate and graphically intensive input spaces had to be sim-
plified and transformed, while combinatorically overwhelming
action spaces were functionally changed until superhuman per-
SiDeGame relies on the game rules of CSGO to provide a founda-
formances could, as well, be attributed to advantages of different
tion of notable depth. Crucially, the observation space is simpli-
playing conditions.
fied by viewing the environment from a top-down perspective
Search for examples that could compare in strategic depth and
in low resolution to allow modern deep neural networks to pro-
cultivate a competitive player base, while enabling consistent
cess it directly. Consequently, not all aspects of the game could
interfaces and being open to researchers leaves few options but
be reasonably adapted and the action space could not be fully
to create one anew. This has led us to create SiDeGame, the
preserved, yet the playing experience remains egocentric and is
“simplified defusal game” (abbrev. SDG), which incorporates key
largely consistent with true first-person control schemes.
rules of an established video game title in a computationally
and perceptively simpler simulation environment, accessible at:
By the rules carried over from CSGO, two teams of 5 players each
asymmetrically compete in attack and defence: the goal of one
team is to detonate a bomb at one of two preset locations, while
Importance of an even playing field has been emphasised by
the goal of the other is to prevent them from doing so. After a
authors of the For The Win (FTW) agents [4], playing a form of
certain number of rounds, the teams switch sides, and the first
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
to pass a threshold of rounds won is declared the winner.
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
In the course of a round, players must navigate a map, an
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
artificial environment with carefully placed tactical elements of
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
various degrees of passage and cover. Besides weaponry, a player
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
can utilise auxiliary equipment, the availability of both of which
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
depends on prior survival and economic rewards.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jernej Puc and Aleksander Sadikov
Figure 1: Screenshots of various views encountered in SiDeGame.
Additionally interesting for AI research are aspects of the
be eventually expressed, causing unintended consequences and
game that encourage or demand active coordination, such as
leading to practically unplayable conditions. Training regimes
shared economy, unassigned roles, and imperfect information on
should, for example, reduce the regularity of sampling, bound
teammates’ status and surroundings.
sampling within acceptable thresholds, or use more sophisticated
contextual rules to confirm the agent’s intent.
The majority of information is provided through the image dis-
play, several screenshots of which can be seen in Figure 1. Images
Multi-agent interaction is built upon separate server and client
are generated at a low base resolution of 256×144 pixels, con-
processes regularly exchanging state and event information via
straining the visual elements to be small and carefully placed,
packet communication using the UDP protocol. Simulations are
while remaining easily distinguishable. The human interface sim-
intended to run in real-time, but can have their tick rate and time
ply upscales the display with nearest neighbour interpolation,
scale adjusted on both authoritative and local ends.
ensuring equivalence of available information.
With the exception of pixel-wise iteration for tracing lines of
The main view is based on projection of the radar image of a
sight and disregarding the dependencies of imported extensions,
classic CSGO map, Cache, which has only minor vertically over-
the environment is fully implemented in the Python program-
lapping components and thus proved easiest to adapt. Alternative
ming language. Despite clear inefficiencies, this development
views include the inventory wheel, map plan, and communica-
choice streamlines integration with machine learning solutions,
tion wheels. The latter are used to construct short messages of
which predominantly relate to the Python ecosystem, and eases
grounded signs that are appended to the chat log in the sidebar
code readability and customisation. Server and client processes
and allow explicit coordination within the team.
are spawned as single Python processes that are restricted to the
Since projection is egocentric, the prominent role of sound
CP U, enabling mass parallelisation and preserving GP U resources
is retained: other agents out of line of sight may still give off
for learning processes.
some information regarding their relative position, equipment,
For AI agents, development targeted 30 updates per second,
and preparedness. To support the advantages of awareness of
which had been deemed acceptable to human opponents, al-
sound, spatial audio is implemented by convolving sound signals
though higher tick rates can be achieved at both the original
with HRIR filters [2], while amplitude and frequency attenuation
(144p) and reasonably upscaled (e. g. 720p) resolutions. This could
characteristics were empirically formulated. SiDeGame supports
also be used to speed up the simulation, subject to the computa-
conversion of sounds into spectral vectors, which were used in
tional stability and potential overhead of a specific configuration.
the experiments of this work directly, but can also be accumulated
and later processed in the form of a spectrogram.
Online Play
If there is a delay between action inference and its effect in the
In the context of agent evaluation and comparison, capability of
environment, an input analogous to proprioception can also be
online play, where actors, both human and artificial, can com-
considered. It can be trivially simulated by tracking the effective
pete remotely and without having to share their program, is an
mouse and keyboard states, i. e. which keys are pressed and how
essential component, as outcomes of adversarial games cannot
the cursor is moving at a given time.
be compared in isolation.
Feasible physical distance between actors in a match is expe-
rientially limited by temporal delays that arise from communi-
The game expects 19 binary inputs, corresponding to distinct key
cation steps in the client loop. Inclusion of select networking
presses, one ternary value for scrolling the chat log, and two real
concepts, such as client-side state prediction and reconciliation,
values for controlling cursor movement. In general, combinations
foreign entity interpolation, and server-side lag compensation,
of these can legitimately be executed simultaneously, providing
should maintain playable conditions to a large extent even among
no benefit to the use of compound actions.
international participants.
It should be noted that some of the keys, pertaining to al-
In extrapolation, online play could also support widely dis-
ternative views or otherwise functional when kept held down,
tributed multi-agent reinforcement learning experiments in the
expect unperturbed presses lasting several seconds. For stochastic
form of large-scale population-based training [4, 8]. These are
policies, where actions during training are sampled, this dura-
subject to training and inference data transfer constraints, which
tion could be long enough to cause even minute probabilities to
can be alleviated by slowing down the simulation and having the
An Online Benchmark Environment for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mouse/kbd. state
data pass fewer bottlenecks. In a general configuration, multiple
process groups each reserve a subset of agents (unique model
parameters) from the global pool and train them with locally
distributed processes, while their instances participate in shared
matches, as depicted in Figure 2.
Cutout coords.
Cutout coords.
Figure 3: The deep neural network architecture used
in our experiments: The visual (red), audio (blue), and
mouse/keyboard state (yellow) encoding pathways con-
Auth. srv.
verge in the recurrent core (green). Moreover, visual encod-
ing splits off into focused encoding by cropping the input
image as specified by the cutout coordinates (orange).
Figure 2: Online multiplayer reinforcement learning: a)
The global controller process oversees all of the models
many of them and is relatively dense, hinting at the inevitability
in a population of agents, ensuring they are not simultane-
that not all bits of visual information can be equally accounted
ously being updated by any two process groups. b) Process
for at any given time. Generally, this could be addressed with
groups consist of a local controller and locally distributed
sufficiently high model capacity and appropriate use of attention-
inference, optimisation, and actor processes. c) All actor
based layers. In this work, however, the visual pathway was
instances may interact through remote environments sim-
explicitly split into primary and focused visual encoding, based
ulated by authoritative servers.
on the intuition of human visual perception, where only a small
part of our field of view is perceived in sharp detail.
Instead of ingesting full-scale image data, focused visual en-
Replay System
coding processes cutouts of much smaller size, so that singular
entities can be unambiguously observed. The cutout coordinates
The packets of information that a client exchanges with the
are obtained from a spatial probability distribution along with fu-
server in the course of a session are made to be sufficient to
ture mouse and key states as outputs of the network. If they were,
faithfully reproduce the player’s perspective. Byte strings can be
instead, determined internally, the cropping operation would
gathered, annotated, and saved as binary files, which can then be
need to be differentiable, which could prove hard to satisfy.
replayed in real-time or manually stepped to inspect and extract
the player’s observations and actions, statistics, or other aspects
Imitation Learning
of the underlying game state. Replays are an important resource
Imitation learning aims to align the agent’s behaviour to that of
for review and analysis of competitive games, but were primarily
a number of demonstrators, e. g. experienced humans. Among its
included in SiDeGame for the purposes of imitation learning.
basic methods is behavioural cloning, which relies on a dataset
𝐷 = {{𝑜
}} of pairs of observations
1, 𝑎1
, . . . , {𝑜
, 𝑎
𝑜 and target
actions 𝑎. The agent with parameterisation 𝜃 is tasked to predict
Within the limits of available computational resources and in
for each observation 𝑜
such an action ˆ
to satisfy the following
view of the scale of exemplary projects [1, 8], the estimated level
optimisation problem:
of parallelisation, required for meaningful results of reinforce-
ment learning experiments in an acceptable time frame, could
= arg min
𝐿 (𝑎 , ˆ
𝑎 ),
not be reached. Instead, a baseline and a starting point for rein-
𝑖 = 1
forcement learning was attempted to be achieved with imitation
learning, a form of supervised learning from demonstrations.
where the loss function 𝐿, evaluating similarity between predicted
and imitated actions, is dependant on the form of the action space.
Agent Model Architecture
In this experiment, all outputs of the model were made discrete
and the loss function formulated as an average of cross-entropy
The agent’s policy was modelled as a parameterised deep neural
terms for 𝑇 sub-actions of 𝐶 categories:
network according to the architecture depicted in Figure 3.
The model is composed of common elements: residual convolu-
𝑡 ,𝑐
𝑡 ,𝑐
tional blocks, recurrent cells, and fully-connected layers, forming
𝐿 (𝑎 , ˆ
𝑎 ) = −
log ˆ
recognisable sub-networks, such as the recurrent core, which
𝑡 = 1
𝑐 = 1
provides the agent with memory and delay compensation, input
After the gradients are numerically computed with regards to
encoding pathways, and distinct output heads.
the depth of truncated backpropagation through time, parame-
The irregularity of visual encoding stems from the considera-
ter updates are applied using one of the standard optimisation
tion that, while visual elements are simple, the display includes
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jernej Puc and Aleksander Sadikov
It seemed to respond to the presence and movement of other
entities in its vicinity, was able to navigate across the map towards
A collection of replays was recorded from a short session between
a tactical objective without hindering collisions and seemingly
10 demonstrators of negligible experience with SiDeGame, but
hide behind cover, but failed to demonstrate offensive behaviour.
with varying degrees of familiarity with related video games.
Seven hours or 770,000 samples of total play were obtained at
30 frames per second, which is unideally low, especially since
samples and episodes are highly correlated.
Attributing the shortcomings of recent works in deep reinforce-
Main sub-actions were extracted from mouse and keyboard
ment learning to inconsistencies between human and AI inter-
states, while focused cutout coordinates would require logistical
faces, a new benchmark environment has been created in the
and sensory measures that were infeasible to procure. Instead,
form of a lightweight multi-agent game with various tools for
the coordinates were manually labelled by viewing replays at 75%
training and evaluation of agents. In addition to addressing these
speed and tracing paths between estimated points of contextual
concerns, the simulation environment is based on a renowned tac-
interest. These labels, while not ideal, fared noticeably better
tical video game, providing interesting challenges for AI research,
than synthetically generated pseudo-labels.
particularly in domains of sound and explicit communication.
Amid data extraction, observation-action pairs had actions
In approaching the game with imitation learning, the trained
shifted by 6 steps, conditioning the model to predict actions after
agent failed to develop practically meaningful behaviours when
a temporal delay close to the human response time.
trained on arguably few demonstrations and was found lack-
ing as a starting point for reinforcement learning experiments.
Nevertheless, the presented agent model architecture is general
enough to be applicable to other common tasks with standard
The neural network, consisting of approx. 2.9M parameters, and
computer peripherals and lends itself to further experimentation.
training procedure were implemented using the PyTorch package.
Online characteristics of the created environment hint at its po-
For training, a machine with 4 Nvidia 1080Ti GP Us was avail-
tential for large-scale reinforcement learning experiments, with
able. Each GP U corresponded to an optimisation process, which
its accessibility and adaptability allowing the AI community to
received an approximately equal share of training sequences and
explore this and other directions. At the same time, certain com-
progressed them chronologically in batches of 12 sequences and
ponents of the environment that are not specific to AI research
epochs of 30 steps. After every epoch, the gradients with regard to
could also prove useful to a wider community, outside of the
the loss were computed with truncated backpropagation through
scope of its primary intent.
time separately on each GP U, synchronously averaged between
them, and used to separately update their copy of the model pa-
rameters using the AdamW optimisation algorithm with a cosine
1-cycle learning rate schedule.
Christopher Berner et al. 2019. Dota 2 with large scale
The main training process ran for 300,000 steps over 6 days.
deep reinforcement learning. CoRR, abs/1912.06680. arXiv:
The large variance in the loss in Figure 4 can be attributed to
1912.06680. http://arxiv.org/abs/1912.06680.
differences between game phases and subtler characteristics of
Fabian Brinkmann et al. 2017. A high resolution and full-
demonstrators, which were found to be distinct from degrees of
spherical head-related transfer function database for differ-
capability and activity.
ent head-above-torso orientations. J. Audio Eng. Soc, 65, 10,
841–848. doi: 10.17743/jaes.2017.0033. http://www.aes.org/
Loss value
Cross entropy terms
e- lib/browse.cfm?elib=19357.
Focal coords.
Shashank Hegde, Anssi Kanervisto, and Aleksei Petrenko.
Keys (sum)
Keys (average)
2021. Agents that listen: high-throughput reinforcement
Ver. mouse mvmt.
learning with multiple sensory systems. CoRR, abs/2107.02195.
Hor. mouse mvmt.
arXiv: 2107.02195. https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.02195.
Max Jaderberg et al. 2018. Human-level performance in
first-person multiplayer games with population-based deep
reinforcement learning. CoRR, abs/1807.01281. arXiv: 1807.
75000 150000 225000 300000
75000 150000 225000 300000
Update step
Update step
01281. http://arxiv.org/abs/1807.01281.
Michal Kempka et al. 2016. ViZDoom: A Doom-based AI
research platform for visual reinforcement learning. CoRR,
Figure 4: Loss progression over the course of training. Left:
abs/1605.02097. arXiv: 1605 . 02097. http : / / arxiv. org / abs /
Average loss value enveloped by minimum and maximum
evaluations. Right: Averages of constituent terms.
Tim Pearce and Jun Zhu. 2021. Counter-Strike deathmatch
with large-scale behavioural cloning. CoRR, abs/2104.04258.
Figure 4 shows that, by the end of the training schedule, only
arXiv: 2104.04258. https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.04258.
imitation of focal coordinates leaves room for improvement,
David Silver et al. 2016. Mastering the game of go with
while other terms in the loss function have already overfitted.
deep neural networks and tree search. Nature, 529, 7587,
Due to the relatively small size of the network, overfitting had
484–489. issn: 1476-4687. doi: 10.1038/nature16961. https:
been underestimated, although the outcome could have been
inevitable with the given amount of data.
Oriol Vinyals et al. 2019. Grandmaster level in StarCraft II
In practice, the trained agent’s behaviour was greatly sensitive
using multi-agent reinforcement learning. Nature, 575, 7782,
to even imperceptibly slight changes in starting conditions. Its
350–354. issn: 1476-4687. doi: 10.1038/s41586- 019- 1724- z.
switching between alternative views was debilitatingly chaotic
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586- 019- 1724- z.
and had to be suppressed to allow expression of other behaviours.
Question Ranking for Food Frequency Questionnaires
Nina Reščič
Mitja Luštrek
Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute
Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
This paper explores the ranking of questions and is the next
step from our previous work. With ranking the questions by im-
Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQs) are probably the most
portance and asking them in the ranked order, it can be expected
commonly used dietary assessment tools. In the WellCo project,
that quality of predictions will improve with each additional
we developed the Extended Short Form Food Frequency Question-
answer and we are not limited with the constraint that certain
naire (ESFFFQ), integrated into a mobile application, in order to
number of questions should be answered. We addressed the prob-
monitor the quality of users’ nutrition. The developed question-
lem as a single-target problem for classification and regression.
naire returns diet quality scores for eight targets — fruit intake,
vegetable intake
Additionally, we tested the algorithms on different representa-
, fish intake, salt intake, sugar intake, fat intake, fi-
bre intake
tions of features for both type of problem. The findings of this
and protein intake. This paper explores the single-target
paper could be used for setting the baseline for our future re-
problem of question ranking. We compared the question ranking
of the machine learning algorithms on three different types of
features for classification and regression problems. Our findings
showed that the addressing problem as a regression problem
performs better than treating it as a classification problem and
Problem outline
the best performance was achieved by using a Linear Regression
In our previous research [6, 7] we tried to find subsets of questions
on features, where answers were transformed to frequencies of
that would allow us to ask the users about their dietary habits
consumption of certain food groups.
with as few questions as possible and still get sufficient informa-
tion to evaluate their nutrition. For this we used the Extended
Short Form Food Frequency Questionnaire (ESFFFQ) [5]. The
nutrition monitoring, FFQs, question ranking
questionnaire returns diet quality scores scores for fruit intake,
vegetable intake, fish intake, salt intake, sugar intake,fat intake,
fibre intake and protein intake. We calculate the nutrient intake
amounts and from there we further calculate the diet quality
Adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become ex-
tremely important and healthy nutrition habits represent a major
The questionnaire was included in a mobile application, where
part in achieving this goal. Self-assessment tools are playing a big
the system asked the users about their diet with one or two
role in nutrition monitoring and many applications are including
questions per day. The answers were saved into a database and
Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQs) as a monitoring tool, due
every fortnight the quality scores were recalculated. As it could
to they in-expensiveness, simplicity and reasonably good assess-
happen that the users did not answer all the questions by the
ment [8, 3]. An FFQ is a questionnaire that asks the respondents
time the recalculation was done, it was of great importance to ask
about the frequency of consumption of different food items (e.g.,
the questions in the right order. In the terminology of machine
"How many times a week do you eat fish?"). In the EU-funded
learning this would be a feature ranking problem. We explored
project WellCo we developed and validated an Extended Short
the problem as a set of single-target problems — separately for
Form Frequency questionnaire (ESFFFQ) [5] that was included
individual outcome scores. As three of the diet quality scores
in a health coaching application for seniors.
(fruit, vegetable and fish intake) are only dependent on one or two
Cade et al. [2] suggest that for assessment of dietary data short
questions, the problem of feature ranking is trivial. Therefore we
FFQs could be sufficient and that marginal gain in information is
explored the problem for the remaining five targets — fat intake,
decreasing with extensive FFQs. Block et al. [1] concluded that
sugar intake, fibre intake, protein intake and salt intake.
longer and reduced return comparable values of micronutrients
intake. Taking this idea a step forward, we explored the possi-
bilities to get the most information even if one does not answer
We got the answers to ESFFFQ from 92 adults as a part of the
the whole questionnaire. In our previous work we explored how
WellCo project and additionally from 1039 adults included in
to find the smallest set of questions that still provides enough
SIMenu, the Slovenian EUMenu research project [4]. The ques-
information by applying different feature selection techniques
tions included in the ESFFFQ were a subset of the questions in the
[6, 7].
FFQ in SIMenu. Furthermore, the answers (consumption frequen-
cies) were equivalent in both questionnaires, and consequently
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
extracting the answers from SIMenu and adding them to the
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
answers from the ESFFFQ was a very straightforward task.
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
Feature ranking
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
To do the experiments, we first randomly split the data into
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
validation and training sets in ratio 1:3. To train the models and
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Reščič et al.
rank the features we then used 4-fold cross-validation on the
frequencies or amounts, we get better results on the validations
training set and used the average feature importance from all 4
set than with RF.
folds as the final feature ranking.
The ranked features were used to predict quality scores (clas-
sification problem) and nutrient amount (regression problem),
by adding the question as they were ranked. In this paper we
present the results for two commonly used machine learning
algorithms — Logistic/Linear Regression and Random Forest
Classifier/Regressor. To rank the features we used the absolute
value of the coefficients in the Linear/Logistic Regression and the
feature_importance attribute as implemented in the Random
Forest Classifier/Regressor in the sklearn library.
Additionally we compared different feature representations —
Figure 1: Results on validation set for fat intake
features where answers are represented with nominal discrete
equidistant values (once per week is represented as integer 2),
Sugar. For sugar intake the story is very similar. RF performed
features where answers were transformed into frequencies of
fairly well for the first few questions and then the accuracy began
consumption (once per week is represented as approx. 0.14 per
to fall. The best performing algorithm was the LR on the features
day) and features where answers were transformed into amounts
(Figure 2, where the answers were transformed into frequencies.
of nutrients (once per week is represented as grams/day). In the
last represenation, the features differed between the targets sugar,
fat, salt, fibre and protein. We ran the experiments for five diet
categories (fat intake, sugar intake, fibre intake, protein intake
and salt intake) for both classification and regression problem. In
both cases we started with the best ranked question, trained the
model and compared results on train and validation sets. Then
we added the second best ranked question, trained the models
and compared the results. We added the questions one by one
until the last one.
Figure 2: Results on validation set for sugar intake
Classification problem
Fibre. For fibre intake the RF algorithms performed better for a
very long time (Figure 3) and it reached the best accuracy after
For classification we tried to predict the quality scores for each of
6 questions. The LR performed worse, and it did similarly badly
the five nutrition categories. There were three scores - 2 (good),
on the training set as well.
1 (medium) and 0 (bad). The distribution of the scores for all the
categories is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Distribution of target values for classification
Figure 3: Results on validation set for fibre intake
We compared Random Forest Classifier and Logistic Regres-
sion for three different types of features - discrete equidistant
Protein. For protein intake (Figure 4) the results are similar to
answers, answers transformed to frequencies and answers trans-
those for fibre intake. However, in case of protein intake the
formed to amounts.
majority class is 79% and most of the algorithms almost never
exceeded this value.
For Random Forest (RF) there was not a big difference be-
tween the three representations of the features. With all three,
the highest accuracy on the validation set (79%) is achieved with
5 questions and afterwards the accuracy starts falling and stays
on the interval between 75% and 79%. This clearly indicates over-
fitting, which is confirmed by the fact that the accuracy for RF
on the training set was 100% from the fifth question. A similar
situation happened for all the remaining targets and will not be
repeated in the following subsections. On the training set Lo-
gistic Regression (LR) had worse results than the RF and it also
performed the worst from all algorithms when run on the dis-
Figure 4: Results on validation set for protein intake
crete features. However, when the features are transformed into
Question Ranking for Food Frequency Questionnaires
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Salt. For salt intake the best model is the LR on the answers
transformed to amounts. As seen in Figure 5, it exceeded the RF
algorithms for almost 20% from eleventh added question on and
predicted the quality scores with more than 90% accuracy with
only 14 questions, which is half of the questionnaire.
Figure 7: Results on validation set for sugar intake
Fibre. Classification for fibre intake was very bad, however, when
considering it as a regression problem, the LR on ’frequency’
Figure 5: Results on validation set for salt intake
features’ predicted the amounts with error smaller than 2 grams
when more than eleven questions were used 8. Considering Table
2 this means that predicting how bad/good the fibre intake was
Regression problem
done better then predicting if it is bad or good.
While knowing the quality score is a valid first information
whether one’s diet is good or not, generally more interesting
information is how good (or how bad) it really is. Therefore it is
reasonable to look at the same problem as a regression problem
, where we try to predict the actual amount (in grams) of con-
sumed nutrients. Again we explored the performance of Random
Forest Regressor (RF) and Linear Regression (LR) on the three
previously described feature sets.
Table 2: Nutrient intake in grams/day to quality scores
Figure 8: Results on validation set for fibre intake
≤ 74
≤ 55
≥ 30
≥ 55
≤ 6
≥ 111
≥ 82
≤ 25
≤ 45
≥ 9
Protein. For protein intake all algorithms had a similar perfor-
mance up to ten included questions, however, the LR on the
The best performing algorithm for fat intake was the LR on
’frequency features’ started to perform better and better with
the answers transformed to frequencies. The overfitting of the RF
each added questions and predicted the amount of protein con-
is even more visible than with the classification problem as the
sumption with error of 5 grams (Figure 9).
errors for these models did not fall under 20 grams even if all the
questions were used, while the error of the LR on the feature sets
where the answers are transformed to frequencies or amounts
was smaller than 5 grams from eleven included questions (Figure
Figure 9: Results on validation set for protein intake
Figure 6: Results on validation set for fat intake
Salt. Similarly to the protein intake all algorithms performed
Sugar. Similarly to fat intake, LR with the ’frequency features’
with a comparable error up to nine included questions, and after
performed best (Figure 7). However the LR on the ’amounts fea-
that LR using the features transformed to frequencies started to
tures’ performed well for more than 15 questions, but predicted
perform way better and predicted salt intake with error smaller
the worst for the first eleven included questions.
than 1 gram with eleven included questions (Figure 10).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Reščič et al.
several nutrition quality scores but still would want to avoid
answering too many questions. Next, probably more important
and interesting research problem, is how to use the answers
already provided to our advantage — so instead of statically
ranking the questions we would rather explore how we could
improve the prediction performance by dynamically ranking and
asking the questions.
Figure 10: Results on validation set for salt intake
WellCo Project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 769765.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slove-
nian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209).
We compared performance of feature ranking for two different
The WideHealth project has received funding from the Euro-
machine learning algorithms on three different types of features
pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
for both classification and regression problems. While the classi-
under grant agreement No 95227.
fication problem might give the general idea about one’s dietary
habits, it is inclined towards overfitting even for very simple mod-
els, such as Logistic Regression, while more complex algorithms,
Block G, Hartman AM, and Naughton D. 1990. A reduced
Random Forest Classifier in our case, are even more subject to
dietary questionnaire: development and validation. Epi-
this deficiency. By predicting amounts instead of quality scores,
demiology, 1, 58–64. doi: 10 . 1097 / 00001648 - 199001000 -
one gets information about how good/bad the dietary habits are
instead of just if they are good or bad.
Cade J., Thompson R., Burley V., and Warm D. 2002. Devel-
Transforming features from discrete equidistant values to fre-
opment, validation and utilisation of food-frequency ques-
quencies or amounts of nutrients proved to be a very good ap-
tionnaires – a review. Public Health Nutrition, 5, 4, 567–587.
proach. The transformation gave better results for both classifi-
doi: 10.1079/PHN2001318.
cation and regression problem for both Random Forest Regres-
Shim JS, Oh K, and Kim HC. 2014. Dietary assessment meth-
sor/Classifier and Logistic/Linear Regression. While the perfor-
ods in epidemiologic studies. Epidemiol Health, 36. doi:
mance of both algorithms on features transformed to frequencies
and features transformed to amounts for the classification prob-
Gregorič M, Blaznik U., Delfar N., Zaletel M., Lavtar D.,
lem was comparable, and Linear Regression on features trans-
Koroušić-Seljak B., Golja P., Zdešar Kotnik K., Pravst I.,
formed to amounts gave markedly better results for salt intake,
Fidler Mis N., Kostanjevec S., Pajnkihar M., Poklar Vatovec
the Linear Regression on features transformed to frequencies
T., and Hočevar-Grom A. 2019. Slovenian national food
outperformed all other combinations of features and algorithms
consumption survey in adolescents, adults and elderly :
for the regression problem for all of the targets. The reason for
external scientific report. EFSA Supporting Publications, 16,
this is that linear regression on amounts is a very good match in
11, 1729E. doi: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2019.EN- 1729.
the sense that the target variable (total amount) is the sum of all
Reščič N., Valenčič E., Mlinarič E., Seljak Koroušić B., and
features (partial amounts).
Luštrek M. 2019. Mobile nutrition monitoring for well-
Transforming the features to frequencies instead to amounts
being. In (UbiComp/ISWC ’19 Adjunct). Association for
has another advantage — frequencies transformed to amounts are
Computing Machinery, London, United Kingdom, 1194–1197.
specific to each target, while features transformed to frequencies
doi: 10.1145/3341162.3347076.
are equal for all targets. This is an important finding for possible
Reščič N., Eftimov T., Koroušić Seljak B., and Luštrek M.
future research where one would address ranking of questions as
2020. Optimising an ffq using a machine learning pipeline
a multi-target problem. Additionally, regression problem using
to teach an efficient nutrient intake predictive model. Nu-
Linear Regression on features transformed to frequencies could
trients, 12, 12. doi: 10.3390/nu12123789.
solve as a baseline for future experiments.
Reščič N., Eftimov T., and Seljak Koroušić B. 2020. Com-
parison of feature selection algorithms for minimization of
target specific ffqs. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on
Ranking the questions of FFQs when it could be expected that not
Big Data (Big Data), 3592–3595. doi: 10.1109/BigData50022.
all of the questions will be answered is an important step when
building models for predicting quality of one’s diet. In this paper
Thompson T. and Byers T. 1994. Dietary assessment re-
we compared two feature ranking algorithms on three different
source manual. The Journal of nutrition, 124, (December
types of features for classification and regression problem for
1994), 2245S–2317S. doi: 10.1093/jn/124.suppl_11.2245s.
five targets. The findings of this paper show that considering
the problem as a regression problem on features transformed
to frequencies and using a simple machine learning algorithms
(Linear Regression) gives the best results for all five targets and
provides baseline for future experiments.
There are several possibilities for future work. As hinted in the
previous section, the question of multi-target question ranking
is one of the first that appears — one might want to monitor
Daily Covid-19 Deaths Prediction For Slovenia
David Susič
"Jožef Stefan" Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
related government interventions (school closing, workplace clos-
ing, cancel public events, restrictions on gatherings, close pub-
In this paper, models for predicting daily Covid-19 deaths for
lic transport, stay at home requirements, restrictions on inter-
Slovenia are analysed. Two different approaches are considered.
nal movement, international travel controls, public information
In the first approach, the models were trained on the fist wave
campaigns, testing policy, contact tracing, and facial coverings),
dataset of state intervention plans, cases and country-specific
Covid-19 related cases and deaths, and some static data, in par-
static data for 11 other European countries. The models with the
ticular the country’s population, population density, median age,
best performance in this case were the k-Nearest Neighbors re-
percentage of people over 65, percentage of people over 70, gdp
gressor and the Random Forest regressor. In the second approach,
per capita, cardiovascular death rate, diabetes prevalence, per-
a time-series analysis was performed. The models used in this
centage of female and male smokers, hospital beds per thousand
case were Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
people, and life expectancy. To suppress anomalies in registered
Exogenous and Feed forward Neural Network. For comparison,
cases on Sundays and holidays, a 7-day moving average was
all 4 models were tested on the second wave for Slovenia and
used for both cases and deaths. The dataset covers the European
the model with the best performance was Feed forward Neural
countries of Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, France,
Network, with a mean absolute error of 1.34 deaths.
Germany, Poland, Slovak Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
the Netherlands from January 22, 2020 to December 11, 2020. All
of the countries chosen for this study are geographically next to
Covid-19, deaths, predictions, machine learning
one another and are thus expected to have similar course of epi-
demic. The data on government interventions, cases and deaths
are derived from the "COVID-19 Government response tracker"
database, collected by Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford
The aim of this analysis is to find out whether we can predict
University [4]. The intervention values range between 0-4 and
Covid-19 deaths for Slovenia based on the characteristics of the
represent their strictness, for example, if only some or all schools
epidemic in other European countries, and whether we can pre-
are closed. The static data are collected from a variety of sources
dict deaths based on a time series analysis of historical data (e.g.
(United Nations, World Bank, Global Burden of Disease, Blavat-
predicting for the second wave based on the first wave infor-
nik School of Government, etc.) [3]. The original data are publicly
mation). The main advantage of the first approach is that we
available online. The processed data used for the purpose of this
do not need historical case and death data for the country for
study can be found online at https://repo.ijs.si/davidsusic/covid-
which we are making a prediction (in this case Slovenia), while
the second approach is generally more accurate but relies on
historical death data. The aim is also to find out which of the two
approaches provides more accurate predictions. It is important
Two different approaches were considered for the analysis. For
to note that although this is a study for Slovenia, the results can
the first part of the analysis, referred to as the country-specific
be interpreted as a general assessment of the effectiveness of the
approach, the models were trained on the data of government
methods described for predicting Covid-19 deaths and can be
intervention plans, cases, deaths and country-specific static data
applied to any country for which the data are available.
for the 10 other European countries, with the aim of predicting
The data used in this analysis are described in Section 2. Sec-
deaths for Slovenia. In this case, the predictions were made for
tion 3 provides a description of the approaches and the models.
each day, disregarding the time order. For the second part of the
Section 4 contains a discussion of the determination of the opti-
analysis, a time series prediction was performed, using only the
mal parameters of the selected models. The results are given in
daily deaths for Slovenia as data.
Section 5. The conclusion, along with ideas for possible improve-
ments, is given in Section 6.
Country-Specific Approach
In the country-specific approach, the selection of the base model
was very important, as models that perform worse than the base
The data used in this paper consist of daily Covid-19 related
model are not worthy of interpretation. The baseline was defined
features at the country level. It contains 12 different Covid-19
(𝑡 ) = 𝑁
(𝑡 − 14) · 𝑀,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
where 𝑀 = 0.023 is the mortality rate factor of those infected,
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
calculated as a weighted average of the mortality rates of the
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
countries included in this study [2], and 𝑡 denotes a specific
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
day. This simple model implies, that the number of deaths on
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
a given day 𝑡 is equal to the number of new infections on the
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
David Susič
day 𝑡 − 14, multiplied by the mortality rate factor. The regres-
sor model that were tested are: Random Forest (RF), k-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN), Stochastic Gradient Descent, Ridge, Lasso, and
Epsilon-Support Vector. Description of all of the models can be
found in the Python scikit-learn documentation [5]. The two that
MAE 0.05
performed significantly better than the baseline were the KNN
regressor and RF regressor. Other regression models performed
the same or worse than the baseline model and were thus not
used in the further analysis. All models were tested in the 10-fold
−28 −24 −20 −16 −12 −8
cross-validation with the performance measures mean absolute
Lookback [days]
error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE) and 𝑅
score on the data
subset that does not include Slovenia. The measures are defined
1 Õ
MAE (𝑦, ˆ
𝑦 ) =
|𝑦 − ˆ
𝑦 |,
𝑖 =0
MSE 0.02
1 Õ
MSE (𝑦, ˆ
𝑦 ) =
(𝑦 − ˆ
𝑦 )2 ,
𝑖 =0
(𝑦 − ˆ
𝑦 )2
𝑖 =1
(𝑦, ˆ
𝑦 ) = 1 −
−28 −24 −20 −16 −12 −8
(𝑦 − ¯
𝑦 )2
𝑖 =1
Lookback [days]
𝑦 is the predicted value of the 𝑖 -th sample, 𝑦
is the
corresponding true value, n is the sample size and ¯
𝑦 is the average
true value ¯
𝑦 = 1
𝑖 =1
For each sample, additional features of the government inter-
ventions and cases were added for the previous days. The number
of previous days was defined using the lookback parameter. Mod-
els were tested for lookback values between −28 and 0 days. The
comparison is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that the perfor-
2 R
mance decreases in the range where the lookback is shorter than
14 days, but does not increase in the range where the lookback
exceeds this value. The main reason for this is probably the fact
−28 −24 −20 −16 −12 −8
that most deaths occur within the first 14 days of infection. A
Lookback [days]
lookback of 14 days was used for further analysis as it was found
to be the most appropriate.
Time-Series Approach
Figure 1: 10-fold cross validation performance measure
In the second approach, a time series analysis was performed. In
of the models for different lookback parameter. The mea-
this case, only daily deaths for Slovenia were used as data. The
sures and its units are are: MAE [deaths/100k] (top), MSE
models used in this case were Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated
[deaths2/100k2] (middle) and 2
score (bottom)
Moving Average Exogenous (SARIMAX(p,d,q)(P,D,Q,m) [6] and
Feed forward Neural Network (FFNN) [1].
The former is a combination of several different algorithms.
Table 1: 10-fold cross-validation performance measures of
The first is the autoregressive AR (p) model, which is a linear
the predictions for 21 days for SARIMAX and FFNN algo-
model that relies only on past p values to predict current values.
The next is the moving average MA (q) model, which uses the
residuals of the past q values to fit the model accordingly. The I(d)
represents the order of integration. It represents the number of
[deaths ]
times we need to integrate the time series to ensure stationarity.
The X stands for exogenous variable, i.e., it suggests adding a
separate other external variable to measure the target variable.
Finally, the S stands for seasonal, meaning that we expect our
data to have a seasonal aspect. The parameters P, D, and Q are the
seasonal versions of the parameters p, d, and q, and the parameter
m represents the length of the cycle.
n-fold cross validation. This means, that there is no random
The FFNN structure included 10 input perceptrons - one for
shuffling of the data. The test set must always be the final portion
each death value in the last 10 days, a hidden layer of 64 percep-
of the data - the final part of the date range. The concept of
trons, and 1 output perceptron.
forward chaining is shown in Figure 2. The results of the 10-fold
Since the future data of the time series contain the information
cross-validation of the predictions for 21 days are shown in Table
about the past, a forward chaining approach was performed for
Daily Covid-19 Deaths Prediction For Slovenia
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
each splitting decision, the results and hence the performance
measures are also somewhat random. However, they do follow a
certain trend that becomes apparent when a polyfit is applied. To
reduce the randomness of the results, the average of 3 separate
predictions was calculated for each number of trees.
To determine the best parameters of the SARIMAX model, the
auto_arima algorithm from the Python pmdarima library was
used [7]. The algorithm analyzes the given data and determines
the best model and its parameters for that data. In this case, the
selected model was SARIMAX(2, 1, 4)(4, 1, 1, 12).
Figure 2: Forward chaining approach to time-series n-fold
In the case of FFNN, the parameter selection was omitted - the
same model structure was always used.
With the optimal parameters selected, the graphs of the pre-
The next step was to determine the optimal parameters of the
dictions can be plotted. The predictions of the country-specific
selected models. For this purpose, the regressor models were
approach are shown in Figure 5.
trained on the same dataset used in the 10-fold cross-validation
and tested on the data for Slovenia. For this particular case, differ-
ent model parameters were tested to see which performed best.
The MAE [deaths/100k] as a function of parameters K for the
Random Forrest Regressor
KNN and as a function of the number of trees for RF are shown
K Nearest Neighbours Regressor
in the Figures 3 and 4, respectively.
Deaths 20
K = 55
Figure 5: Deaths for Slovenia from 22.1.2020 to 11.12.2020.
Figure 3: MAE of the KNN regressor as function of K.
Models’ predictions, compared to true values.
All models predicted the number of deaths for the first epi-
demic wave fairly accurately. As a result of the unrepresentative
reporting of Covid-19 cases for the second wave, the base model
predicts a much lower number of daily deaths. We can also see
that the KNN regressor predicts the same value from a certain day
forward. The reason for this is most probably that the algorithm
always finds the same k=55 neighbors, thus always predicts the
same value. To avoid this, a larger dataset would be required.
MAE for RF, KNN and baseline are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: MAE comparison of the country-specific models
Number of trees
for the interval from 22.1.2020 to 11.12.2020.
Figure 4: MAE of the RF regressor as a function of the num-
ber of trees.
MAE [deaths]
For the KNN regressor, MAE has a minimum at 𝐾 = 55, while
The predictions for the time interval between 21.11.2020 and
for RF the fitting function shows that the appropriate number of
11.12.2020 for the time-series approach are shown in Figure 6.
trees is 100, since the model does not improve with additional
MAE for FFNN and SARIMAX, shown in Table 3, are substantion-
trees at this point. It is important to note that since RF is ran-
ally lower than MAE of the country-specific models. However,
dom in the sense that it randomly selects a subset of features at
the accuracy decreases as the prediction time interval increases.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
David Susič
Table 3: MAE comparison of the time-series models for the
Table 4: MAE comparison of the models for the interval
interval from 21.11.2020 to 11.12.2020.
from 1.11.2020 to 11.12.2020.
RF Reg.
KNN Reg.
MAE [deaths]
MAE [deaths]
It can be seen that in this case the time-series approach is
more accurate than the country-specific one. However, for longer
time intervals, the country-specific approach is better because
it does not rely on past data. It is important to note that the
country-specific models’ error are actually lower when making
predictions from the start of the epidemic. The reason for this is
that for the first 6 months, the numbers of deaths were very low
as can be seen in the Figure 5.
The best performing model overall is the FFNN with the MAE
of 1.34 deaths. The reason for the best performance of this model
is probably that it had a relatively high number of input pa-
rameters. The input layer consisted of 10 perceptrons, i.e. each
prediction was based on the values of the last 10 days.
In this paper, two different approaches to predicting Covid-19
deaths for Slovenia were tested. Both approaches turned out to
be reliable. The main implications of the presented study are that
for short time intervals the time series approach is much more
accurate than the country-specific approach. The advantage of
the country-specific approach is that it can predict the number of
Figure 6: Slovenia deaths from 21.11.2020 to 11.12.2020.
deaths for a given day, based on the number of cases, countermea-
Time-series models’ predictions, compared to true values.
sures and country-specific static data, without necessarily having
information about the past. On the other hand, for the prediction
of the second wave, where we already know the course of the
epidemic in the first wave, the time series approach is better
To determine the overall best model for such predictions, all 4
- at least for the prediction for Slovenia. In the future studies,
models were tested on the second epidemic wave. The predictions
predictions for the third and fourth waves will be analysed.
are visualized in the Figure and the MAEs [deaths] are listed in
the Table 4.
Francois Chollet et al. 2015. Keras. https : / / github . com /
Ensheng Dong et al. 2020. An interactive web-based dash-
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Diseases, 20, 5. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30120-1. http:
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19 testing. Scientific Data, 7, 345. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-
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Thomas Hale et al. 2021. A global panel database of pan-
demic policies (oxford covid-19 government response tracker).
Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 3529–538. doi: 10.1038/s41562-
RF Reg.
021- 01079- 8. http://doi.acm.org/10.1038/s41562- 021- 01079-
KNN Reg.
Fabian Pedregosa et al. 2012. Scikit-learn: machine learn-
ing in python. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12,
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Skipper Seabold and Josef Perktold. 2010. Statsmodels: econo-
metric and statistical modeling with python. Proceedings of
the 9th Python in Science Conference, 2010, (January 2010).
Taylor G. Smith et al. 2017. pmdarima: arima estimators for
Python. [Online; accessed 9.1.2021]. (2017). http : / / www.
Figure 7: Slovenia deaths from 1.11.2020 to 11.12.2020.
alkaline- ml.com/pmdarima.
Models’ predictions, compared to true values.
Iris Recognition Based on SIFT and SURF Feature
Alenka Trpin
Bernard Ženko
Faculty of Information Studies
Department of Knowledge Technologies
Ljubljanska cesta 31A
Jožef Stefan Institute
8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
(3) Feature extraction, where a feature vector is generated using
different filters, and (4) comparison, based on different distances
Human iris recognition is generally considered to be one of the
(Hamming distance in specific cases) between pairs of
most effective approaches for biometric identification.
transformed iris images and the corresponding masks [10]. The
Identification is required in numerous areas such as security (e.g.,
comparison step nowadays frequently implemented with a
airports and other buildings, airports), identity verification (e.g.,
machine learned classification model.
banking, electoral registration), criminal justice system. This
This work firs uses Scale Invariant Feature Transform
paper presents an approach for iris image classification that is
(SUFT) and Speed Up Robust Features (SURF) algorithms to
based on two popular algorithms for image feature construction
extract image keypoints or descriptors and then the bag of visual
Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Speed Up Robust
words to generate image features that can be used by standard
Features (SURF). Both algorithms were used in combination
supervised machine learning methods. We evaluate our method
with the bag of visual words approach to create descriptive image
on a publicly available iris image dataset.
features that can be used by supervised machine learning
methods and a set of standard machine learning methods (k-
Nearest Neighbor, random forest, support vector machines and
neural networks) were evaluated on publicly available iris data
Iris recognition is frequently used for gender recognition and
personal biometric authentication [6, 8, 9]. Ali et. al. applied
contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization to the
normalized image. They used SURF and investigated the
Iris recognition, image classification, SIFT features, SURF
necessity of iris image enhancement based on the CASIA-Iris-
Interval dataset [1]. Păvăloi and Ignat present experiments
carried out with a new approach for iris image classification
based on matching SIFT on iris occlusion images. They used the
UPOL iris dataset to test their methods [6]. Bansal and Sharma
Biometrics is the science of determining a person's identity and
use a statistical feature extraction technique based on the
is an important approach for forensic and security identity
correlation between adjacent pixels, which was combined with a
management. Face, fingerprints, voice and iris are the most
2-D Wavelet Tree feature extraction technique to extract
commonly used biometrics identifiers for personal identification.
significant features from iris images. support vector machines
They provide characteristics in terms of personal appearance.
(SVM) were used to classify iris images into male or female
The biometric system first scans the biometric characteristic, and
classes [2]. Salve et. al. used an artificial neural network and
then, typically based on a library of scans or classification model
SVM as a classifier for iris patterns. Before applying the
identifies the person [5].
classifier, the region of interest, i.e., the iris region, is segmented
Typical iris recognition system consists of four key modules:
using a Canny edge detector and a Hough transform. The eyelid
(1) image pre-processing, where the system detects the boundary
and eyelash effect are kept to a minimum. A Daugman rubber-
of the pupil and the outer iris, (2) normalization, where the inner
plate model is used to normalise the iris to improve
and outer circle parameters obtained from iris localization are
computational efficiency and appropriate dimensionality.
given as input. Then, a transformation from polar to Cartesian
Furthermore, the discriminative feature sequence is obtained by
coordinates is applied which maps the circle (iris) into a rectangle.
feature extraction from the segmented iris image using 1D Log
Gabor wavelet [14]. Adamović et. al. applied an approach that
classifies biometric templates as numerical features in the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
CASIA iris image collection. These templates are generated by
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
converting a normalised iris image into a one-dimensional fixed-
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
length code set, which is then subjected to stylometric feature
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
extraction. The extracted features are further used in combination
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
with SVM and random forest (RF) classifiers [15].
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trpin and Ženko
vocabulary (generate a vector of visual word frequencies) [15].
It is worth mentioning that a specific BoVW model is based on a
Our iris recognition approach combines image feature generation
given training dataset and it only includes visual words that
algorithms SIFT, SURF, bags of visual words model and
appear in the training images.
standard supervised machine learning classification methods. In
the following subsections we briefly describe each of these
3.4 Classification Methods
components, and then explain how these components are
combined together.
The image classification phase of image analysis can be in
principle performed with any machine learning method for
3.1 SIFT
classification. We have decided to evaluate a diverse set of
standard methods, which we briefly describe in the following
The SIFT algorithm detects a set of local features in an image.
These features represent local areas of the image, and the
The kNN is a supervised method that can be used for
algorithm also computes their description in a form of a vector.
classification and regression. It is a simple algorithm where the
The algorithm proceeds in several stages. The first stage of
classification of new instances is based on the majority class of
computation is scale-space extrema detection which searches
the k closest training examples. The closeness is measured with
over all scales and image locations. It employs the so-called
a distance measure, which is usually Euclidean, Minkowski or
difference of Gaussian function to identify potential interest
Manhattan distance [9].
points that are invariant to scale and orientation. The second
RF is a supervised learning algorithm based on the ensemble
stage localizes each candidate at a location. Keypoints are
principle of using decision trees as the basic classifier and
extracted by detecting scale space extrema. The main idea behind
creating a learning model by combining multiple decision trees.
the scale space extrema detection is to identify stable features
The main idea of the RF classifier is to create multiple decision
which are invariant to changes in scale and viewpoint. At this
trees using a bootstrapped sampling method and introduce
point the keypoint descriptors are extracted [4, 6]. In essence,
randomness in the individual tree building process. The class
SIFT describes each image with a set of keypoints, and each
label of a new example is determined by majority voting of all
keypoint is described with a vector of dimension 128. It is worth
trees in the ensemble [11].
mentioning that SIFT can detect different numbers of keypoints
The neural networks (NN) consist of several layers of simple
in different images.
units (neurons), which are simple functions with weight and bias
parameters. Each neuron in one layer is connected to all neurons
3.2 SURF
in the next layer by a process called back-propagation, and uses
The SURF algorithm is based on similar ideas as SIFT, but their
gradient descent to measure the rate of change of the loss
implementation is different. It can be used for similar tasks as
function (e.g. Cross-Entropy loss). NN can have different
SIFT, but it is faster, and produces highly accurate results when
structures, but typically have an input layer, one or more hidden
provided appropriate reference images. Instead of difference of
layers and an output layer. Each of these layers contain one or
Gaussian function, SURF uses approximate Laplacian of
more neurons [9, 12, 13]. In this work, we used the adam solver
Gaussian images and a box filter. Determinants of the Hessian
function because it is fast and gives good results. It is an
matrix are then used to detect the keypoints. A neighbourhood
optimisation algorithm that uses running averages of the two
around the key point is selected and divided into sub-regions and
gradients and other moments of the gradients [13].
then for each sub-region the wavelet responses are taken and
For the activation function, we use the logistic or sigmoid
represented to get SURF feature descriptor [1, 4]. In the end, each
activation function. This determines how nodes in the network
image is again represented with a set of keypoints, which are
layer convert a weighted sum of input data into output data. The
described with vectors.
logistic or sigmoid activation function accepts any real value as
input and the output values are from 0 to 1 [12].
3.3 Bag of Visual Words
Support vector machines (SVM) is a discriminant technique
The bag of visual words (BoVW) approach can be used for
which means that the classification function takes a data point
transforming or tokenizing keypoint-based image features, such
and assigns it to one of the different classes of the classification
as SIFT or SURF, into a fixed number of features, which is
task. SVM transform the original data with a kernel function in a
typically required by supervised machine learning methods. At
hyperspace, and then tries to find a hyperplane that distinguishes
first generates a visual word vocabulary from a (training) set of
the two classes optimally. This hyperplane is defined with
images, and then describes each image with these visual words.
support vectors and distances between support vectors are
The visual word vector of an image contains the presence or
maximised. SVM is very effective method for high dimensional
absence information of each visual word in the image. In case of
problems [2, 14].
SIFT or SURF keypoints, for example, the visual word vector
contains numbers of keypoints in an image that are similar to a
3.5 Our Method
given visual word. The process for extracting BoVW features
Our approach for iris image classification is a based on the bag
from images involves the following steps: automatically detect
of visual words model, and we use either SIFT or SURF
regions or points of interest, compute local descriptors over those
algorithm for image keypoint detection. In the training phase we
points (in our case, this means employing SIFT or SURF
perform the following steps.
algorithm), quantize the descriptors into words to form the visual
vocabulary, for example with a clustering algorithm, and find the
occurrences in the image of each specific visual word in the
Iris recognition based on SIFT and SURF feature detection
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1. For each image 𝑖, the SIFT or SURF algorithm is run,
In our experiments we have used available Python
which detects 𝐾𝑖 keypoints (each keypoint has 𝐷 =
implementations of included algorithms (scikit-learn for machine
128 dimensions).
learning) with their default parameters, except the following:
2. We collect keypoints from all training images, that is,
k-means: k=500,
∑𝑛 𝐾
𝑖 keypoints.
kNN: k=15, Euclidean metric,
3. We cluster the above set of keypoints with the k-means
RF: number of estimators = 100,
clustering algorithm. Based on preliminary experimets
we decided to use k = 500. The clusters, or their
SVM: linear kernel function,
centroids, represent the visual words for our problem
NN: "adam" solver function, 8 hidden layers and 8
of iris recognition.
neurons, "logistic" activation function.
The classification accuracy was evaluated with 5-fold
4. Now, we use the clustering model to assign each
stratified cross validation. The results are presented separately
keypoint in an image to its nearest centroid (visual
for the small and big Ubiris.v1 datasets in Table 1 and 2,
word) and sum up the occurrences of these visual
words for each image. We end up with image
descriptions, where each image is described with a
vector of length k.
Table 1: Classification accuracy on the small dataset with
5. The dataset derived in the previous step can now be
standard deviation
used to train a classification model with an arbitrary
machine learning method. In our experiments, we have
classifier/keypoint method
used four methods: k-Nearest Neighbor, Random
Forest, Support Vector Machines and Neural
0,37 ± 0,0
0,46 ± 0,0
0,43 ± 0,06
0,63 ± 0,0
In the classification phase, when we need to classify a new
image, we need to perform three steps.
0,67 ± 0,0
0,86 ± 0,0
1. Run the SIFT or SURF algorithm on the new image to
0,63 ± 0,0
0,77 ± 0,0
detect keypoints (analogous to step 1 in training).
2. Use the clustering model to assign each keypoint to its
The baseline accuracy for the small data set is 0.14 (i.e.,
nearest centroid and sum up their occurrences to derive
1/number of classes=1/7), and in Table 1 we can see that all
visual words vector (analogous to step 4 in training).
instantiations of our method give better results than chance. The
3. Classify the image with the trained classification
NN and SVM classifiers perform much better than RF and
especially kNN. Comparing the keypoint detectors, we can see
We have performed experiments with two keypoint detection
that SURF gives consistently better results than SIFT, although
algorithms (SIFT and SURF) and four classification algorithms
the difference is not very large. The results on the big dataset are,
(kNN, RF, SVM and NN), and the results are presented in the
as expected, worse. The default accuracy in this case is 0.0079
next section.
(i.e., 1/127), and again all instantiations of our method give better
results than chance. Again, SVM and NN perform best, but for
some reason, NN performs very poorly in combination with
SURF keypoints. RF in this case performs only slightly worse
For evaluating our approach, we have used the Ubiris.v1 dataset
than SVM, while kNN is much worse. Also, on this data we can
(http://iris.di.ubi.pt/ubiris1.html). It contains 1865 images of 200
see that SURF keypoints give somewhat better results than SIFT,
x 150 resolution in 24-bit colours. They are grouped in two
the only exception is NN, where SURF fails.
subsets: the first contains 1205 images in 241 classes and the
In summary we can conclude that for iris recognition the more
second one contains 660 images in 132 classes. Images in the
complex learning algorithms (SVM, NN) outperform simpler
first subset have minimal noise factors, especially those related
ones (kNN and even RF), and that the SURF algorithm slightly
to reflections, luminosity, and contrast, because they were
outperforms SIFT. However, we can also conclude that iris
captured inside a dark room. The second subset of images was
recognition is a hard problem, which would probably benefit
collected in a less controlled setting to introduce natural
from application of state-of-the-art deep learning approaches.
luminosity variation. This resulted in more heterogeneous
images with included reflections, contrast, luminosity and focus
Table 2: Classification accuracy on the big dataset with
problems. Images collected at this stage simulate the ones
standard deviation
captured by a vision system without or with minimal active
participation from the subjects [7].
These two subsets of images do not have the same classes.
classifier/keypoint method
For our experiments we used the examples belonging to a subset
0,02 ± 0,025 0,06 ± 0,039
of all classes: for the small subset we have selected 7 (the first
seven classes) and for the big subset we have selected 127 classes
0,1 ± 0,018
0,11 ± 0,014
(the first 127 classes). In the resulting datasets the examples were
0,08 ± 0,039 0,13 ± 0,014
evenly distributed among the selected classes.
0,17 ± 0,01
0,25 ± 0,005
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trpin and Ženko
To investigate whether any of the observed differences is
additional feature extractors, like Oriented FAST and Rotated
statistically significant, we applied Friedman and Nemenyi tests
BRIEF (ORB) or Local Binary Pattern (LBP), and, given their
as recommended in [8]. The results in the form of an average
success in image recognition in general, also convolutional
rank diagram with the estimated critical distance is presented in
neural networks approaches. With the latter, we will be
Figure 1 for big dataset and Figure 2 for small dataset.
especially interested in evaluating and comparing the
performance vs. computational cost trade off.
Ali, H.S., Ismail, A.I., Farag, F.A. 2016. Speeded up robust features for
efficient iris recognition. SIViP 10, 1385–1391 (2016).
Atul Bansal, Ravinder Agarwal and R. K. Sharma, "SVM Based Gender
Classification Using Iris Images," 2012 Fourth International Conference
on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, 2012, pp.
Figure 1: Average rank diagram with the estimated critical
David G. Lowe. 2004. Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant
distance for the evaluated methods (small dataset)
keypoints. International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2, pp. 91-110.
Ebrahim Karami, Siva Prasad, Mohamed Shehata. 2017. Image Matching
Using SIFT, SURF, BRIEF and ORB: Performance Comparison for
Distorted Images. Newfoundland Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hájek J., Drahanský M. 2019. Recognition-Based on Eye Biometrics: Iris
and Retina. In: Obaidat M., Traore I., Woungang I. (eds) Biometric-Based
Physical and Cybersecurity Systems. Springer, Cham.
Ioan Păvăloi and Anca Ignat. 2019. Iris Image Classification Using SIFT
Features. 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Systems
and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Elsevier. 159 (2019)
Figure 2: Average rank diagram with the estimated critical
distance for the evaluated methods (big dataset)
Hugo Pedro Proença and Luís A. Alexandre. 2005. UBIRIS: A noisy iris
image database. 13th International Conference on Image Analysis and
Processing - ICIAP 2005, Springer, (Sept, 2005) 970-977.
The critical value for the eight classifiers and a confidence
Janez Demšar. 2006. Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers over Multiple
level of 0.05 is 3.031, the critical distance is CD = 4.695605.
Data Sets. J. Mach. Learn. Res., 7, 1-30.
Based on the size of CD we can only claim that the top of
Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei. 2012. Data Mining: Concepts
and Techniques. (3rd ed.). The Morgan Kaufmann.
ranked methods and significantly better than the low ranked ones.
John Daugman. 2004. How iris recognition works. IEEE Trans Cir-cuits
For example, NN-SURF, NN-SIFT and SVM-SURF are better
Syst Video Technol 14(1): 21–30.
Leo Breiman. 2001. Random forests. Machine Learning, 45(1), 5-32.
than KNN-SIFT. On the other hand, the differences among
Saša Adamović, Vladislav Miškovic, Nemanja Maček, Milan
neighboring methods on the diagram are not significant.
Milosavljević, Marko Šarac, Muzafer Saračević, Milan Gnjatović. 2020.
An efficient novel approach for iris recognition based on stylometric
features and machine learning techniques, Future Generation Computer
Systems, 107 (2020), 144-157.
Shervin Minaee and Abdolrashidi Amirali. 2019. DeepIris: Iris
Recognition Using a Deep Learning Approach.
The paper presents an evaluation of a typical bag of visual words
Sushilkumar S. Salve and S. P. Narote. 2016. Iris recognition using SVM
approach on a specific dataset for human iris recognition. The
and ANN. 2016 International Conference on Wireless Communications,
Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 474-478.
results show that iris recognition is a relatively hard task and in
Wadhah Ayadi, Wajdi Elhamzi, Imen Charfi, Mohamed Atri. 2019. A
order to improve the accuracy we would need a dataset with more
hybrid feature extraction approach for brain MRI classification based on
Bag-of-words. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 48, 144-152.
examples of each class. In the future work we plan to evaluate
Analyzing the Diversity of Constrained Multiobjective
Optimization Test Suites
Aljoša Vodopija
Tea Tušar
Bogdan Filipič
Jožef Stefan Institute and
Jožef Stefan Institute and
Jožef Stefan Institute and
Jožef Stefan International
Jožef Stefan International
Jožef Stefan International
Postgraduate School
Postgraduate School
Postgraduate School
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
In this study, we employ the landscape features proposed
in [13] to express and discuss the diversity of frequently used test
A well-designed test suite for benchmarking novel optimizers
suites of CMOPs. This is achieved by firstly computing the land-
for constrained multiobjective optimization problems (CMOPs)
scape features and then employing the t-distributed Stochastic
should be diverse enough to detect both the optimizers’ strengths
Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), a dimensionality reduction tech-
and shortcomings. However, until recently there was a lack of
nique, to embed the 29-D CMOP feature space into the 2-D space.
methods for characterizing CMOPs, and measuring the diversity
Note that due to space limitations, only selected results are shown
of a suite of problems was virtually impossible. This study utilizes
in this paper. The complete results can be found online .
the landscape features proposed in our previous work to charac-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
terize frequently used test suites for benchmarking optimizers in
vides the theoretical background. In Section 3, we present the
solving CMOPs. In addition, we apply the t-distributed Stochastic
landscape features and the t-SNE algorithm. Section 4 is dedi-
Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) dimensionality reduction approach
cated to the experimental setup, while the results are discussed in
to reveal the diversity of these test suites. The experimental re-
Section 5. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the study and provides
sults indicate which ones express sufficient diversity.
an idea for future work.
constrained multiobjective optimization, benchmarking, land-
A CMOP can be formulated as:
scape feature, t-SNE
(𝑥 ),
𝑚 = 1, . . . , 𝑀
subject to
𝑔 (𝑥 ) ≤ 0,
𝑖 = 1, . . . , 𝐼
Real-world optimization problems frequently involve multiple
where 𝑥 = (𝑥
) is a search vector,
1, . . . , 𝑥
𝑆 →
R are objective
objectives and constraints. These problems are called constrained
functions, 𝑔 : 𝑆 →
is a search
R constraint functions, 𝑆 ⊆ R
multiobjective optimization problems (CMOPs) and have been
space of dimension 𝐷, and 𝑀 and 𝐼 are the numbers of objectives
gaining a lot of attention in the last years [13]. As with other
and constraints, respectively.
theoretically-oriented optimization studies, a crucial step in test-
If a solution 𝑥 satisfies all the constraints, 𝑔 (𝑥 ) ≤ 0 for 𝑖 =
ing novel algorithms in constrained multiobjective optimization
1, . . . , 𝐼 , then it is a feasible solution. For each of the constraints
is the preparation of a benchmark test.
we can define the constraint violation as 𝑣 (𝑥 ) = max(0, 𝑔 (𝑥 )).
One of the key elements of a benchmark test is the selection of
In addition, an overall constraint violation is defined as
suitable test CMOPs [1]. A well-designed benchmark suite should
include “a wide variety of problems with different characteris-
𝑣 (𝑥 ) =
𝑣 (𝑥 ) .
tics” [1]. This way the benchmark problems are diverse enough
to “highlight the strengths as well as weaknesses of different
A solution 𝑥 is feasible iff 𝑣 (𝑥 ) = 0.
algorithms” [1]. However, until recently there existed only few
A feasible solution 𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 is said to dominate a solution 𝑦 ∈ 𝑆 if
and limited techniques proposed to explore CMOPs [13]. For this
(𝑥 ) ≤ 𝑓 (𝑦) for all 1 ≤ 𝑚 ≤ 𝑀, and 𝑓 (𝑥 ) < 𝑓 (𝑦) for at least
reason, the test suites of CMOPs were insufficiently understood
one 1 ≤ 𝑚 ≤ 𝑀 . In addition, 𝑥
∈ 𝑆 is a Pareto-optimal solution
and measuring their diversity was virtually impossible.
if there exists no 𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 that dominates 𝑥 . All feasible solutions
To overcome this situation, in our previous work [13], we
represent a feasible region, 𝐹 = {𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 | 𝑣 (𝑥 ) = 0}. Besides,
experimented with various exploratory landscape analysis (ELA)
all nondominated feasible solutions form a Pareto-optimal set,
techniques and proposed 29 landscape features to characterize
. The image of the Pareto-optimal set is the Pareto front,
CMOPs, including their violation landscapes—a similar concept
{𝑓 (𝑥 ) | 𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 }. A connected component (a maximal connected
as the fitness landscape where fitness is replaced by the overall
subset with respect to the inclusion order) of the feasible region
constraint violation.
is called a feasible component, F ⊆ 𝐹 .
In [13], we introduced analogous terms from the perspective
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
of the overall constraint violation. A local minimum-violation
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
solution is thus a solution 𝑥 for which exists a 𝛿 > 0 such
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
that 𝑣 (𝑥 ) ≤ 𝑣 (𝑥 ) for all 𝑥 ∈ {𝑥
| 𝑑 (𝑥 , 𝑥 ) ≤ 𝛿 }. If there is
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
no other solution 𝑥
∈ 𝑆 for which 𝑣 (𝑥 ) > 𝑣 (𝑥 ), then 𝑥 is a
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
1 https://vodopijaaljosa.github.io/cmop-web/
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vodopija, et al.
(global) minimum-violation solution
Table 1: The ELA features used to characterize CMOPs cat-
. We denoted the set of all
egorized into four groups: space-filling design, informa-
local minimum-violation solutions by 𝐹
and called a connected
tion content, random walk, and adaptive walk [13].
component M ⊆ 𝐹 a local minimum-violation component.
In order to express the modality of a violation landscape, we
defined a local search procedure to be a mapping from the search
Space-filling design features
space to the set of local minimum-violation solutions, 𝜇 : 𝑆 → 𝐹 ,
Number of feasible components
such that 𝜇 (𝑥 ) = 𝑥 for all 𝑥 ∈ 𝐹 . A basin of attraction of a local
Smallest feasible component
minimum-violation component M and local search 𝜇 is then a
Median feasible component
subset of 𝑆 in which 𝜇 converges towards a solution from M ,
Largest feasible component
i.e., B (M ) = {𝑥 ∈ 𝑆 | 𝜇 (𝑥 ) ∈ M }. The violation landscape is
O (F
Proportion of Pareto-optimal solutions in F
unimodal if there is only one basin in 𝑆 and multimodal otherwise.
Size of the “optimal” feasible component
Feasibility ratio
Minimum correlation
ELA Features
Maximum correlation
Proportion of boundary Pareto-optimal solutions
The landscape features used in this study were introduced in our
Information content features
previous work [13] and can be categorized into four groups: space-
Maximum information content
filling design, information content, random walk and adaptive
Settling sensitivity
walk features. They are summarized in Table 1.
Initial partial information
The space-filling design features are used to quantify the fea-
Random walk features
sible components, the relationship between the objectives and
Minimal ratio of feasible boundary crossings
constraints, and measure the feasibility ratio and proportion of
Median ratio of feasible boundary crossings
boundary Pareto-optimal solutions. Next, the information con-
Maximal ratio of feasible boundary crossings
tent features are mainly used to express the smoothness and
Adaptive walk features
ruggedness of violation landscapes. They are derived by ana-
Number of basins
lyzing the entropy of sequences of overall violation values as
Smallest basin
obtained from a random sampling of the search space. Then, the
Median basin
random walk features considered in this study are used to quan-
Largest basin
tify the number of boundary crossings from feasible to infeasible
(B )
Smallest feasible basin
regions. They are used to categorize the degree of segmentation
(B )
Median feasible basin
of the feasible region. Finally, features from the last group are
(B )
Largest feasible basin
derived from adaptive walks through the search space. They are
Proportion of feasible basins
used to describe various aspects of basins of attraction in the
𝑣 (B)
Median constraint violation over all basins
violation landscapes.
𝑣 (B)
Maximum constraint violation of all basins
Dimensionality Reduction with t-SNE
𝑣 (B
Constraint violation of B
O (B
Proportion of Pareto-optimal solutions in B
The t-SNE algorithm is a popular nonlinear dimensionality re-
Size of the “optimal” basin
duction technique designed to represent high-dimensional data
in a low-dimensional space, typically the 2-D plane [12]. First, it
converts similarities between data points to distributions. Then,
MW [9]. In addition, we included also a novel suite named RCM [6].
it tries to find a low-dimensional embedding of the points that
In contrast to other suites which consist of artificial test prob-
minimizes the divergence between the two distributions that
lems, RCM contains 50 instances of real-world CMOPs based
measure neighbor similarity—one in the original space and the
on physical models. Note that we actually used only 11 RCM
other in the projected space. This means that t-SNE tries to pre-
problems, since only continuous and low-dimensional problems
serve the local relationships between neighboring points, while
were suitable for our analysis. We considered three dimensions of
the global structure is generally lost.
the search space: 2, 3, 5. It is to be noted that large-scale CMOPs
Finding the best embedding is an optimization problem with
were not taken into account since the methodology described
a non-convex fitness function. To solve it, t-SNE uses a gradient
in Section 3 is not sufficiently scalable. This limits our results to
descent method with a random starting point, which means that
low-dimensional CMOPs. Table 2 shows the basic characteristics
different runs can yield different results. The output of t-SNE
of the studied test suites.
depends also on other parameters, such as the perplexity (similar
For dimensionality reduction, we used the t-SNE implemen-
to the number of nearest neighbors in other graph-based dimen-
tation from the scikit-learn Python package [10] with default
sionality reduction techniques), early exaggeration (separation of
parameter values. That is, we used the Euclidean distance metric,
clusters in the embedded space) and learning rate (also called 𝜀).
random initialization of the embedding, perplexity of 30, early
The gradients can be computed exactly or estimated using the
exaggeration of 12, learning rate of 200, the maximum number of
Barnes-Hut approximation, which substantially accelerates the
iterations of 1000, and the maximum number of iterations with-
method without degrading its performance [11].
out progress before aborting of 300. The gradient was computed
by the Barnes-Hut approximation with the angular size of 0.5.
We studied eight suites of CMOPs which are most frequently
used in the literature. These are CTP [2], CF [14], C-DTLZ [5],
The results obtained by t-SNE are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
NCTP [7], DC-DTLZ [8], LIR-CMOP [3], DAS-CMOP [4], and Specifically, the figures show the 2-D embedding of the 29-D
Analyzing the Diversity of Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Test Suites
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 2: Characteristics of test suites: number of problems,
represent severe multimodality since it contains no problems
dimension of the search space 𝐷, number of objectives
from the green region (Figure 2d). On the other hand, DC-DTLZ,
𝑀 , and number of constraints 𝐼 . The characteristics of se-
LIR-CMOP, and MW are biased towards highly multimodal viola-
lected RCM problems are shown in parentheses.
tion landscapes or those with small basins of attraction (Figure 2e,
Figure 2g, and Figure 2h). Nevertheless, MW is one of the most
Test suite
diverse suites considering other characteristics (Figure 2h).
CTP [2]
2, 3
The C-DTLZ and DAS-CMOP suites are mainly located in the
CF [14]
2, 3
1, 2
green and orange regions and fail to sufficiently represent the
C-DTLZ [5]
1, *
characteristics of the red and blue regions.
NCTP [7]
1, 2
Finally, the results show that CF and RCM are well spread
1, *
through the whole embedded feature space (Figure 2b and Fig-
2, 3
7, 11
ure 2i). As we can see, they have at least one representative CMOP
2, 3
2, 3
instance in each region. Therefore, CF and RCM are the most
MW [9]
2, *
diverse test suites according to the employed landscape features.
RCM [6]
50 (11)
2–34 (2–5)
1–29 (1–8)
*Scalable parameter.
In this paper, we analyzed the diversity of the frequently used
test suites for benchmarking optimizers in solving CMOPs. For
this purpose, we considered 29 landscape features for CMOPs
that were proposed in our previous work. In addition, the t-SNE
algorithm was used to reduce the dimensionality of the feature
space and reveal the diversity of the considered test suites.
The experimental results show that the most diverse test suites
of CMOPs according to the applied landscape features are CF and
RCM. Indeed, they include the widest variety of CMOPs with
different characteristics. In addition, MW also proved to be a di-
verse suite except for unimodal CMOPs. Nevertheless, we suggest
to consider CMOPs from various test suites for benchmarking
optimizers in constrained multiobjective optimization.
One of the main limitations of our study is that only low-
dimensional CMOPs were used in the analysis. Therefore, we
Figure 1: Embedding of the feature space as obtained by t-
were unable to adequately address the issue of scalability. For this
SNE. The four regions are depicted in green, red, blue, and
reason, a crucial task that needs to be addressed in the feature is
orange. The points that are not contained in any region
the extension of this work to large-scale CMOPs.
are considered to be outliers.
We acknowledge financial support from the Slovenian Research
feature space consisting of the landscape features presented in
Agency (young researcher program and research core funding
Table 1. Each subfigure in Figure 2 corresponds to one of the
no. P2-0209). This work is also part of a project that has received
test suites. For example, Figure 2a exposes the embedding of the
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
CTP suite in blue, while the gray points correspond to the rest
innovation program under Grant Agreement no. 692286.
of the test suites. Points with a shape of a plus (+) correspond
to CMOPs with two variables, points with a shape of a triangle
(▲) to CMOPs with three variables, and points with a shape of a
T. Bartz-Beielstein, C. Doerr, J. Bossek, S. Chandrasekaran,
pentagon (
) to CMOPs with five variables.
T. Eftimov, A. Fischbach, P. Kerschke, M. López-Ibáñez, K.
An additional analysis shows that the embedding of the fea-
M. Malan, J. H. Moore, B. Naujoks, P. Orzechowski, V. Volz,
ture space can be, based on the corresponding characteristics,
M. Wagner, and T. Weise. Benchmarking in optimization:
split into four regions: green, red, blue and yellow (Figure 1).
Best practice and open issues. arXiv:2007.03488v2, (2020).
The green region corresponds to CMOPs with severe violation
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multimodality, small basins of attraction, and rugged violation
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landscapes. The red region corresponds to CMOPs with mod-
In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2001),
erate violation multimodality, rugged violation landscapes, and
small feasibility ratios. The blue region corresponds to relatively
Z. Fan, W. Li, X. Cai, H. Huang, Y. Fang, Y. You, J. Mo, C.
low violation multimodality, rugged violation landscapes, small
Wei, and E. Goodman. 2019. An improved epsilon constraint-
feasibility ratios, and positive correlations between objectives
handling method in MOEA/D for CMOPs with large in-
and constraints. Finally, the yellow region corresponds to uni-
feasible regions. Soft Comput., 23, 23, 12491–12510. doi:
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landscapes, and large feasible regions.
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As we can see from Figure 2a, almost all CTP problems are
E. Goodman. 2019. Difficulty adjustable and scalable con-
located in the orange region. Therefore, many relevant character-
strained multiobjective test problem toolkit. Evol. Comput.,
istics are poorly represented by CTP, e.g., violation multimodality,
28, 3, 339–378. doi: 10.1162/evco- a- 00259.
small feasibility ratios, etc. Similarly, NCTP fails to sufficiently
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vodopija, et al.
(a) CTP
(b) CF
(c) C-DTLZ
(d) NCTP
(h) MW
(i) RCM
Figure 2: Embedding of the feature space as obtained by t-SNE. Each subfigure exposes the embedding of a selected suite.
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Corpus KAS 2.0: Cleaner and with New Datasets
Aleš Žagar, Matic Kavaš, Marko Robnik-Šikonja
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Ljubljana, Slovenia
wrongly marked to contain both abstracts or switched Slovene
Corpus of Academic Slovene (KAS) contains Slovene BSc/BA,
and English abstracts. Several entries did not contain the abstract;
MSc/MA, and PhD theses from 2000 - 2018. We present a cleaner
instead, there was front or back matter like copyright statement,
version of the corpus with added text segmentation and updated
table of contents, list of abbreviations etc.
POS-tagging. The updated corpus of abstracts contains fewer
Our analysis has shown that the corpora can be improved in
artefacts. Using machine learning classifiers, we filled in miss-
many aspects. Besides addressing the above-mentioned weak-
ing research field information in the metadata. We used the full
nesses, the main improvements in the updated KAS 2.0 and KAS-
texts and corresponding abstracts to create several new datasets:
Abs 2.0 corpora are chapter segmentation and improved meta-
monolingual and cross-lingual datasets for long text summariza-
data with machine learning methods (described in Sections 2 and
tion of academic texts and a dataset of aligned sentences from
3). A further motivation for our work is the opportunity to ex-
abstracts in English and Slovene, suitable for machine transla-
tract valuable new datasets for text summarization (monolingual
tion. We release the corpora, datasets, and developed source code
and cross-lingual) and a sentence-aligned machine translation
under a permissible licence.
dataset created from matching Slovene and English abstracts
(see Section 4). We present conclusions and ideas for further
improvements in Section 5.
KAS corpus, academic writing, machine translation, text summa-
rization, CERIF classification
We first describe methods for extracting text and abstracts from
The Corpus of Academic Slovene (KAS 1.0)1 is a corpus of Slove-
PDF, followed by the differences between the versions 1.0 and
nian academic writing gathered from the digital libraries of Slove-
2.0 of corpora.
nian higher education institutions via the Slovenian Open Science
portal2 [3]. It consists of diploma, master, and doctoral theses
from Slovenian institutions of higher learning (mostly from the
Extraction of Text Body
University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor). It contains
82,308 texts with almost 1.7 billion tokens.
As many texts in corpora version 1.0 contained several hard to
The KAS texts were extracted from the PDF formatted files,
fix faults (like gibberish due to extracted tables and figures), we
which are not well-suited for the acquisition of high-quality raw
decided to extract texts once again from the PDFs. We used the
texts. For that reason, the KAS corpus is noisy. Our analysis
pdftotext tool, which is a part of the poppler-utils. The software
showed that most original texts contain tables, images, and other
proved to be accurate and reliable. Its important feature is keeping
kinds of figures which are transformed into gibberish when con-
the original text layout and excluding the areas where we detected
verted from the PDF format. The extracted figure captions also
figures, tables, and other graphical elements.
do not give any helpful information. Some texts contain front or
In the first step, we converted PDF files to images, one page
back matter (for example, a table of contents at the beginning
at a time and used the OpenCV computer vision library to detect
or references at the end), which shall not be present in the main
text and non-text areas. We marked the text areas on each page.
text body.
For each document, we also calibrated the size of the header and
The Corpus of KAS abstracts (KAS-Abs 1.0)3 contains 47,273
footer areas and removed them from the text areas together with
only Slovene, 49,261 only English, and 11,720 abstracts in both
the page numbers. In this process, we removed 2,467 out of the
languages. We observed several shortcomings of this corpus. A
original 91,019 documents due to the documents containing less
vast majority of abstracts contain keywords or the word "Ab-
than 15 pages or some unchecked exceptions in the code.
stract" somewhere in the abstract text. Many texts contain other
Next, we searched for the beginning and the end of the main
kinds of meta-information, e.g., the name of the author or super-
text body. We observed that practically all bodies start with some
visor and the title of the thesis. Several corpus entries contain
variation of the Slovene word "Uvod" (i.e. introduction). If we
English and Slovene abstracts in the same unit, only one of them
found the beginning, we searched for the ending in the same way
but with different keywords (viri, literatura, povzetek, etc). For
texts with found beginning and end, the areas were clipped and
the extracted texts were normalized. The normalization included
handling Slovene characters with the caret (č, š, ž), ligattures
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
(tt, ff, etc.), removal of remaining figure and table captions, and
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
empty lines. The obtained text was segmented into the structure
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
extracted from the table of contents. We matched headings in the
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
text with the entries in the table of contents and used page num-
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
bers as guidelines. We ended with 83,884 successfully extracted
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Žagar, Kavaš and Robnik-Šikonja
Extraction of Abstracts
are not mutually exclusive. Thus, we tackle a multi-label classifi-
We tried to improve the KAS-abstracts corpus by cleaning the
cation problem. In the corpus, there are 13,738 documents with
existing documents and extracting the abstracts directly from
high confidence levels of CERIF codes which we use in machine
the PDFs. An initial analysis of existing texts showed different
learning. Our dataset contains 64 labels out of 363 possible. We
formattings (71 different organizations publish the works in the
used 10% or 1374 samples as the test set and the remaining 90%
KAS corpus). We identified five major patterns of problems and
as the training set.
created scripts for resolving them. This produced approximately
As several studies have shown that recent neural embedding
40,000 cleaned texts while 20,000 were still problematic. The
approaches are not yet competitive with standard text repre-
direct extraction from the PDFs followed the same procedure as
sentations in document level tasks, we decided to use standard
for the main text body (described above). We considered figures,
Bag-of-Words representation with TF-IDF weighting. In the pre-
headers, footers, page numbers, keywords, meta-information,
processing step, we lemmatized texts using CLASSLA lemma-
abstract placement at the beginning and end of the documents,
tizer5 and removed stop-words6 and punctuation.
multiple abstracts of different lengths, etc. This resulted in 71,567
We compared four classifiers. For logistic regression (LR), k-
collected Slovene abstracts. A similar procedure was applied to
nearest neighbours (KNN), and support vector machines (SVM),
English abstracts and yielded 53,635 abstracts.
we used Scikit-learn [6], and for the multi-layer perceptron (MLP),
we tried Keras implementation. For the first three, we prelimi-
Differences from Version 1.0 to 2.0
nary tried several different parameter values but found that they
Besides cleaner texts, excluded gibberish from figures and ta-
perform the best with the default ones. The MLP neural network
bles, and excluded front- and back-matter, the most important
consists of one hidden layer with 256 units, sigmoid activation
difference between KAS versions 1.0 and 2.0 is that the texts are
function on hidden and output layers, Adam optimizer [5] with
segmented by structure, i.e. by headings. Unfortunately, some
an initial learning rate of 0.01, and binary cross-entropy as a loss
documents present in the original KAS were lost due to the dif-
function. We used the early stopping (5 consecutive epochs with
ferent extraction, and for some documents appearing only in
no improvement) and reduced the learning rate on the plateau
version 2.0, there is no metadata.
(halving learning rate for every 2 epochs with no improvement)
KAS-abstracts is greatly improved and no longer contains large
as callbacks during the learning process.
quantities of unusable text and different artefacts (e.g., metadata,
In Table 2, we report pattern accuracy and binary accuracy
keywords, or front- and back-matter). Again, for some abstracts
of the trained classifiers. A model predicts a correct pattern if
present only in version 2.0, there is no metadata. Still, they are
it assigned all true sub-CERIF codes to a document. For binary
usable for several tasks, including machine translation studies.
accuracy, a model predicts a sub-CERIF code correctly if it assigns
Table 1 gives the quantitative overview of the obtained body texts
a true single sub-CERIF code to the document. For example, let
and abstracts.
us assume that we have four sub-CERIF codes and an example
with a label sequence ’1010’. If a model predicts ’1010’, it receives
100% for both pattern and binary accuracy. If a model predicts
Table 1: Statistics of the obtained body texts and abstracts
’0010’, it gets 0% pattern accuracy and 75% binary accuracy since
in version 2.0 of the KAS corpora.
it misclassified only the first label.
Same as
in 1.0
from 1.0
Table 2: Results on the sub-CERIF multi-label classifica-
Slo abstracts
tion task. The best result for each metric is in bold.
Eng abstract
Body text
Binary accuracy
Pattern accuracy
CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) is the
standard that the EU recommends to member states for recording
information about the research activity4. The top level has only
Using the pattern accuracy metric, SVM and MLP are signifi-
five categories (humanities, social sciences, physical sciences,
cantly better than KNN and LR. LR is the worst performing model,
biomedical sciences, and technological sciences). In comparison,
and KNN is in the middle. SVM is the best, and MLP is behind for
the lower level distinguishes 363 categories. As Slovene libraries
1.24 points. We assume that we do not have enough data for MLP
use the UDC classification, in the KAS corpus 1.0, only 17% of the
to beat SVM. It is difficult to assess the models regarding binary
documents also contain the CERIF and sub-CERIF codes in their
accuracy. In the test set, we have 761 examples with 1 label, 466
metadata. These are mapped from UDC codes by the heuristics
with 2 labels, 107 with 3 labels, 26 with 4 labels, 10 with 5, and 4
produced by the Slovene Open Science Portal. Below, we describe
with 6. A dummy model that predicts all zeros achieves binary
how we automatically annotated documents with missing sub-
accuracy of 97.51. All our models are better than this baseline,
CERIF codes using a machine learning approach.
and their ranks correspond with the pattern accuracy.
We build a dataset for automatic annotation of sub-CERIF
We conclude that given 64 labels and 10k training instances,
codes from the body texts of the documents. A document may
our best model (SVM) correctly predicts almost half of them,
have more than one sub-CERIF code, which means that classes
which is a useful result.
6We used the list from https://github.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-sl
Corpus KAS 2.0
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
other sentence alignments in existing translation datatsets). How-
We created two types of new datasets, described below: summa-
ever, if one would prefer even more certain alignment, the value
rization datasets and machine translation datasets.
of the threshold can be further increased at the expense of less
sentences in the datatset. We released three such datasets that
Summarization Datasets
reflect a trade-off between quality and quantity of the data. The
We created two new datasets appropriate for
sizes of the obtained datasets are available in Table 3.
long-text summariza-
tion in the monolingual and cross-lingual settings. The monolin-
Table 3: Size of the machine translation datasets based on
gual slo2slo dataset contains 69,730 Slovene abstracts and Slovene
the margin-based quality threshold.
body texts and is suitable for training Slovene summarization
models for long texts. The cross-lingual slo2eng dataset contains
52,351 Slovene body texts and English abstracts. It is suitable for
Normal alignment
the cross-lingual summarization task.
Strict alignment
Very strict alignment
Machine Translation Datasets
For the creation of a sentence-aligned machine translation dataset,
we used the neural approach proposed by Artetxe & Schwenk
[1]. The main difference to other text alignment approaches is in
using margin-based scoring of candidates in contrast to a hard
In this work, we created version 2.0 of Corpus KAS and Corpus
threshold with cosine similarity. We improved the approach by
KAS-Abstracts. We cleaned the texts and abstracts, introduced the
replacing the underlying neural model. Instead of BiLSTM-based
text segmentation based on its structure, and improved the meta-
LASER [2] representation, we used the transformer-based LaBSE
data. We created two new long text summarization datasets and a
[4] sentence representation, which has significantly improved
dataset of aligned sentences for machine translations. The latest
average bitext retrieval accuracy. We used the implementation
versions of corpora and datasets are available on the CLARIN.SI.
from UKPLab7. This approach requires a threshold that omits
The corpora are annotated with the CLASSLA tool and released
candidate pairs below a certain value. This value represents a
in txt, JSON and TEI formats. The source code for producing
trade-off between the quantity and quality of aligned pairs. The
the new versions of the corpora8 and the created datasets are
higher the threshold, the better the quality of alignments, but
publicly available9 .
more samples are discarded.
In future work, the extraction of metadata for entries where
In text alignment, sentences do not always exhibit one-to-one
they are missing would be beneficial. There could be further im-
mapping: a source sentence can be split into two or more target
provements in cleaning the texts, and this would increase the
sentences and vice versa. To address the problem, we iteratively
number of available documents. When the corpora are extended
ran the alignment process until all sentences above the chosen
with data post-2018, the software might need further modifica-
threshold were assigned to each other. In cases of more than one
tions due to new formats and templates used in the academic
sentence assigned to a single sentence, we merged them and thus
works. Further experiments on the created MT datasets would
created a translation pair.
clarify the setting of parameters and show if current MT systems
We manually inspected the alignments consisting of more than
benefit more from better quality or larger quantity of data.
one sentence in either source or target text on a small subset of
abstracts. We observed that a merging process produces better
results than imposing a restriction allowing only the one-to-one
The research was supported by CLARIN.SI (2021 call), Slove-
mapping. In Table 4, we present an example of the alignment.
nian Research Agency (research core funding program P6-0411),
The first column represents a margin-based score. If an aligned
Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia through project Devel-
pair contains more than one sentence in the source or target,
opment of Slovene in Digital Environment (RSDO), and European
the score consists of the average margin-based score between
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
a single sentence and multiple sentences. The last column is an
grant agreement No 825153, project EMBEDDIA (Cross-Lingual
indicator of whether merging was applied.
Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News
We used the ratio variant of margin-based scoring and set the
Media). We thank Tomaž Erjavec (JSI, Department of Knowledge
default threshold to 1.1. We manually tested the alignment on our
Technologies) for providing data access and his assistance in
internal dataset. From 2015 examples, we successfully aligned
building TEI format of the corpus.
2002 of them (99.3%), misaligned 1 (0.1%), and omitted 12 of them
(0.6%). The analysis of 12 omitted cases showed that some pairs
do not match each other or are not accurate translations of each
[1] Mikel Artetxe and Holger Schwenk. 2019. Margin-based par-
other, e.g., a large part of the original sentence is omitted, phrases
allel corpus mining with multilingual sentence embeddings.
are only distantly related, etc. However, approximately half of
In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association
the 12 cases shall be aligned, which means that our model works
for Computational Linguistics, 3197–3203.
very well, but conservatively and may fail for free translation
9KAS 2.0: https://www.clarin.si/repository/xmlui/handle/11356/1448
With the default value of the threshold (1.1), we produced
KAS-Abs 2.0: https://www.clarin.si/repository/xmlui/handle/11356/1449
496.102 sentence pairs. We believe the threshold is strict enough
Summarization datasets: https://www.clarin.si/repository/xmlui/handle/11356/1446
to produce good-quality dataset (especially if compared to many
MT datasets: https://www.clarin.si/repository/xmlui/handle/11356/1447
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Žagar, Kavaš and Robnik-Šikonja
Table 4: Examples from sentence-aligned Slovene-English abstracts.
Slovene source sentence
English target sentence
Moški pa pogosteje opravljajo opravila, ki se tičejo mehanizacije na
Men, however, often perform tasks related to machinery on the farm.
Zanimala nas je tudi prisotnost tradicionalnih vzorcev pri delu.
Additionally, I have also focused on the presence of traditional work
Želeli smo izvedeti, ali se kmečke ženske počutijo preobremenjene, cenjene
I wanted to know whether rural women feel overwhelmed or valued, and
in kako preživljajo prosti čas (če ga imajo).
how they spend their free time (if they have it).
Dotaknili smo se tudi problemov, s katerimi se srečujejo kmečke ženske
Moreover, I have tackled the problems that rural women face when it
med javnim in zasebnim življenjem.
comes to their public and private life.
Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo opisali še predloge za izboljšanje položaja
At the end of the theoretical part, I have denoted further proposals for
kmečkih žensk v družbi.
improving the situation of rural women in today’s society.
V diplomskem delu obravnavamo položaj žensk v kmečkih gospodinjstvih
The thesis deals with the situation of women in rural households of
v Sloveniji.
V empiričnem delu pa smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, na katerega
In the empirical part, I have conducted a survey on peasant women to
so kot respondentke odgovarjale kmečke ženske, ugotavljali, kako je delo
determine the gender division of farm labour.
na kmetiji porazdeljeno med spoloma.
V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo pojme, kot so gospodinja, kmečko
In the theoretical part, I have presented the following concepts: Yes
gospodinjstvo ter kmečka družina, kjer smo opisali tudi tipologijo kmečkih
˝housewife˝, ˝rural household˝ and ˝rural family˝. In addition, I have
described the typology of rural families.
V nadaljevanju smo predstavili tradicionalno dojemanje kmečkih žensk,
I have explained the processes that have influenced the change in the
njihovo obravnavo skozi čas v slovenski literaturi, pojasnili smo procese,
situation of rural women through history and focused on their work
ki so vplivali na spremembo položaja kmečkih žensk skozi zgodovino ter se
(working day, divison of labour, work evaluation). Furthermore, I have
osredotočili na delo kmečkih žensk (delovni dan, delitev dela, vrednotenje
shed light on the traditional perception of peasant women and their
treatment over time in Slovene literature.
Ugotovili smo, da so tradicionalni vzorci delitve dela na kmetiji še vedno
Hence, the majority of work related to home and family (housework
prisotni, saj smo iz analize anket in literature ugotovili, da ženske opravl- and child-rearing) is performed by women. By analyzing the conducted jajo večino del vezanih na dom in družino, to pa so gospodinjska dela in
survey and examining the literature, I have come to the conclusion that
vzgoja otrok.
the division of farm labour more or less still follows traditional patterns.
[2] Mikel Artetxe and Holger Schwenk. 2019. Massively mul-
[5] Diederik P Kingma and Jimmy Ba. 2014. Adam: a method
tilingual sentence embeddings for zero-shot cross-lingual
for stochastic optimization. In Internationmal Conference
transfer and beyond. Transactions of the Association for
on Representation Learning.
Computational Linguistics, 7, 597–610.
[6] Fabian Pedregosa, Gaël Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort,
[3] Tomaž Erjavec, Darja Fišer, and Nikola Ljubešić. 2021. The
Vincent Michel, Bertrand Thirion, Olivier Grisel, Mathieu
KAS corpus of Slovenian academic writing. Language Re-
Blondel, Peter Prettenhofer, Ron Weiss, Vincent Dubourg,
sources and Evaluation, 55, 2, 551–583.
et al. 2011. Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python. Journal
[4] Fangxiaoyu Feng, Yinfei Yang, Daniel Cer, Naveen Ari-
of machine learning research, 12, 2825–2830.
vazhagan, and Wei Wang. 2020. Language-agnostic BERT
sentence embedding. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.01852.
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek B
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume B
Kognitivna znanost
Cognitive Science
Uredniki / Editors
Toma Strle, Borut Trpin, Maša Rebernik, Olga Markič
7. oktober 2021 / 7 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Na letošnji konferenci Kognitivna znanost sodelujejo avtorice in avtorji z različnih
disciplinarnih področij in predstavljajo tako empirične rezultate svojih raziskav kot tudi
teoretska raziskovanja z najrazličnejših področij – od psihologije in jezikoslovja do
nevrofenomenologije, filozofije in umetne inteligence.
Upamo, da bo letošnja disciplinarno in metodološko bogata konferenca odprla prostor za
izmenjavo zanimivih raziskovalnih idej ter povezala znanstvenice in znanstvenike z različnih
disciplinarnih področij, ki se ukvarjajo z vprašanji kognicije.
Toma Strle
Borut Trpin
Maša Rebernik
Olga Markič
At this year’s Cognitive Science conference, the authors present their empirical studies as
well as theoretical research from a diverse range of disciplinary backgrounds – from
psychology and linguistics to neurophenomenology, philosophy, and artificial intelligence.
We hope that this year's cognitive science conference – rich in disciplinary approaches and
methodologies – will open space for exchanging intriguing research ideas and will bring
together scientists from a diverse range of areas related to the exploration of the human mind.
Toma Strle
Borut Trpin
Maša Rebernik
Olga Markič
Toma Strle, Center za Kognitivno znanost, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Borut Trpin, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Maša Rebernik, Center za Kognitivno znanost, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Olga Markič, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Urban Kordeš, Center za kognitivno znanost, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Matjaž Gams, Odsek za inteligentne sisteme, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Ljubljana
Toma Strle, Center za kognitivno znanost, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Borut Trpin, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Maša Rebernik, Center za Kognitivno znanost, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Olga Markič, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Nevrofenomenološka študija skupinskih dinamik v
spletnem učnem okolju: Preliminarni rezultati
Neurophenomenological Study of Group Dynamics in the Online Learning
Environment: Preliminary results
Jaša Černe
Selma Berbić
Mateja Kalan
Center za kognitivno znanost
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Lucija Mihić Zidar
Uršek Slivšek
Urban Kordeš
Center za kognitivno znanost
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
existence of various group dynamics at the level of experience
and psychophysiology, which represents the basis for further
Učno okolje je prostor, v katerem se med udeleženimi v učnem
neurophenomenological analysis. We hope that the findings will
procesu ustvarjajo kompleksne skupinske dinamike. V prispevku
offer fresh insight into the increasingly common online teaching
and help shape better learning approaches.
nevrofenomenološke študije, v kateri smo preučevali takšne
dinamike v spletnem učnem okolju. Udeleženci so na štirih
merili elektrodermalno aktivnost in ob naključnih
trenutkih vzorčili doživljanje. Po vsakem srečanju so izvajali
Group dynamics, neurophenomenology, experience sampling,
fenomenološke intervjuje in se spoznavali s podatki. Rezultati so
electrodermal activity, physiological synchrony, online learning
pokazali obstoj različnih skupinskih dinamik na ravni doživljanja
in psihofiziologije, kar predstavlja osnovo za nadaljnjo
nevrofenomenološko analizo. Nadejamo se, da bodo ugotovitve
ponudile svež uvid v vedno pogostejše spletno poučevanje in
pomagale oblikovati boljše učne pristope.
Učno okolje sestavljajo učitelji in učenci, ki sodelujejo v
izmenjavi znanja. Čeprav gre v osnovi za delovanje avtonomnih
posameznikov, postane to delovanje včasih zelo usklajeno, tj.
tvorijo se skupinske dinamike [1]. V zadnjem času se je zvrstilo
doživljanja, elektrodermalna aktivnost, fiziološka sinhronizacija
več študij, ki skušajo raziskati naravo tovrstnih dinamik z
družnim raziskovanjem doživljanja (prvoosebni vidik) in
spletno učno okolje
nevrološke aktivnosti (tretjeosebni vidik) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Pokazale
so, da obstaja korelacija med kolektivnim doživljajskim stanjem
A learning environment is a space wherein complex group
učencev v razredu (npr. čustveno atmosfero) in pripadajočo
dynamics form between those who participate in the learning
nevrološko oziroma psihofiziološko sinhronizacijo [2, 3, 4].
process. In this paper, we present the preliminary results of an
Kljub temu, da se poučevanje vztrajno širi na splet [7], kar lahko
exploratory neurophenomenological study in which we
predrugači običajne skupinske dinamike [8], se nobena takšna
examined such dynamics in an online learning environment.
študija še ni ukvarjala s spletnim učnim okoljem. Z raziskavo, ki
Throughout four sessions, participants measured electrodermal
jo opišemo v tem prispevku, smo želeli zapolniti to vrzel.
activity and sampled their experience at random moments. After
Sodobni kognitivni znanosti povezovanje doživljajskega in
each session, they conducted phenomenological interviews and
nevrološkega nivoja ni tuje [9, 10]. Tretjeosebne opise, ki jih
familiarized themselves with the data. The results showed the
podaja npr. nevroznanost, je potrebno osmisliti skozi prizmo
pripadajočih prvoosebnih opisov [11]. Toda slednji so pogosto
pridobljeni s tehnikami, ki dajejo prednost posploševanju in
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
formalizaciji, zapostavljajo pa veljavnost in ločljivost [11, 12].
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
Zaradi tega lahko ostane ogromno nevroloških variabilnosti, kot
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
tudi morebitnih korelacij med prvoosebnim in tretjeosebnim
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
nivojem, spregledanih [13, 14]. Potencialno rešitev je v svojem
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
nevrofenomenološkem programu predlagal Francisco Varela
Nevrofenomenologija skupinskih dinamik
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
[11]. Poudaril je pomembnost poglobljenega, a sistematičnega
rening v or en a do ivl an a in i va an a
fenomenolo ih interv u ev
prvoosebnega in tretjeosebnega nivoja po principu vzajemnega
Pilotno sre an e in tri ra is ovalna sre an a
nevrofenomenološko raziskovanje ni samo izvedljivo, pač pa
Prvoose ni nivo
ret eose ni nivo
lahko ponudi svež uvid v pereče probleme kognitivnih znanosti
(za nedavni pregled glej [12]). Tehnika za pridobivanje
or en e
er en e ED
prvoosebnih podatkov, ki je bila že večkrat uspešno uporabljena
do ivl an a
v nevrofenomenološkem kontekstu [15, 17], je opisno vzorčenje
Sprotna do ivl a s a
Sprotna anali a
izkustva (OVI) [18, 19]. Sestavni del tehnike OVI sta naključno
anali a
vzorčenje doživljanja in kasnejši fenomenološki intervjuji, pri
enomenolo i
čemer sta tako spraševanje kot tudi poročanje o doživljanju
interv u i
smatrana za spretnosti, v katerih se je potrebno uriti [19].
Za razumevanje nevrološke podstati doživljajskih stanj se
Do ivl a s a anali a
nali a ED
pogosto uporabljajo mere delovanja avtonomnega živčnega
sistema (AŽS), kot je npr. elektrodermalna aktivnost (EDA) [20],
Nevrofenomenolo a anali a
[21, 22]. EDA je produkt interakcije lokalnih procesov v koži in
delovanja simpatičnega dela AŽS ter se navadno uporablja kot
Slika 1: Shema poteka raziskave
indikator vzburjenosti, čustev in stresa [24, 25]. Različne mere
sinhronizacije EDA med več udeleženci so se nedavno uveljavile
2.2 Udeleženci
kot učinkovit pokazatelj skupinskih dinamik, povezanih npr. z
empatijo [26], s povezanostjo med govorniki in občinstvom [27]
V raziskavi je sodelovalo petnajst udeležencev (enajst žensk;
ter s povečano slušno osredotočenostjo [28]; pa tudi skupinskih
povprečna starost = 27,0 let; SD = 7,4) od tega štirinajst
dinamik, ki se oblikujejo v učnem okolju, npr. nižja vključenost
študentov in en izvajalec. Izvajalec je imel večletne izkušnje z
v učni proces [29], mentalni napori skupine [30] in čustvena raziskovanjem doživljanja, študenti pa so pred raziskavo opravili
atmosfera [27]. Kljub obetavnim rezultatom pa doslej še ni bilo
trening vzorčenja doživljanja in izvajanja fenomenoloških
opravljene študije, ki bi mero EDA na nevrofenomenološki način
intervjujev. Po vzoru tehnike OVI [19] je vsak študent vzorčil
združila s sodobno metodo za pridobivanje prvoosebnih
doživljanje vsaj 9 dni, pridobil vsaj 39 vzorcev, bil intervjuvan o
podatkov, kot je npr. tehnika OVI.
vsaj 15 svojih vzorcih in opravil intervju o vsaj 15 vzorcih
V nadaljevanju predstavimo preliminarne rezultate
nekoga drugega. Pred prvim srečanjem so bili udeleženci
eksploratorne nevrofenomenološke raziskave, v kateri smo na
seznanjeni z raziskavo, pridobljeno pa je bilo tudi njihovo
ekološko veljaven način preučevali doživljanje in EDA
soglasje za sodelovanje. Udeleženci so lahko s sodelovanjem v
udeležencev v spletnem učnem okolju. Odgovoriti smo želeli na
raziskavi opravili del obveznosti pri študiju.
štiri raziskovalna vprašanja: (RV1) Kaj doživljajo študenti in
izvajalci tekom spletnih predavanj? (RV2) Ali lahko ob istih
2.3 Pripomočki in tehnike
časovnih trenutkih prepoznamo skupinske dinamike na
Za merjenje EDA je bil uporabljen brezžični nadlahtni merilnik
doživljajskem nivoju? (RV3) Ali se med udeleženimi v učnem
BodyMedia SenseWear. Merilnik je beležil EDA štirikrat na
procesu tekom spletnih predavanj pojavljajo skupinske dinamike
minuto in shranjeval podatke v interni spomin.
oziroma sinhronizacije na nivoju EDA? (RV4) Ali obstajajo
Prvoosebni podatki so bili pridobljeni s tehniko vzorčenja
povezave med doživljanjem in EDA udeleženih v učnem
doživljanja, osnovano na tehniki OVI [19]. Signal za vzorčenje
je sprožila aplikacija, naključno v intervalu od 5 do 15 minut. Za
vzorčenje je bil uporabljen vprašalnik, ki se je delno razlikoval
med pilotnim in ostalimi srečanji. Na pilotnem so udeleženci
poročali o kontekstu in doživljanju v zadnjem trenutku pred
signalom za vzorčenje, podali pa so lahko tudi komentar in
2.1 Oris raziskave
opazke o doživljanju pred tem. Na vseh ostalih srečanjih so
Raziskava je vključevala štiri spletna srečanja (pilotno in tri
udeleženci poročali o istih postavkah kot na pilotnem srečanju in
dodatno o doživljanju, ki je bilo v zadnjem trenutku pred
Interdisciplinarnem srednjeevropskem magistrskem študijskem
signalom za vzorčenje v ospredju, podali pa so tudi odgovor na
programu Kognitivna znanost (MEi:CogSci). Sodelovanje v
dve vprašanji z vnaprej predvidenimi odgovori. Pri prvem so
raziskavi je bilo izrazito aktivno oziroma participatorno. Med
označili stopnjo, do katere so bili v trenutku vzorčenja vpeti v
srečanjem so udeleženci vzorčili doživljanje in merili EDA, po
vsebino predavanja (označili so lahko: aktivna vpetost, vpetost,
srečanju pa so opravili fenomenološke intervjuje o izbranih
delna vpetost, delna odsotnost, odsotnost ali drugo), pri drugem
vzorcih in krajšo sprotno analizo. Fazi zbiranja podatkov je
pa vrsto socialnega doživljanja, ki je bila takrat prisotna (označili
sledila obširnejša analiza, v načrtu pa imamo opraviti še
so lahko: brez socialnega doživljanja, preverjanje doživljanja
nevrofenomenološko analizo, v kateri bo izveden poskus
drugih, občutek kolektivnega doživljanja, socialno uravnavanje
integracije prvoosebnih in tretjeosebnih podatkov. Splošno
ali drugo).
shemo poteka raziskave prikazuje Slika 1.
Doživljajski vzorci so bili razširjeni in preverjeni s tehniko
fenomenološkega intervjuja, osnovano delno na ekspozicijskem
[26] in delno na mikrofenomenološkem [31] intervjuju.
Nevrofenomenologija skupinskih dinamik
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2.4 Postopek
(dvominutni odsek) po eno meritev naprej, dokler nismo obdelali
vseh dvajsetih meritev (petminutni odsek).
Vsa srečanja so potekala na spletni platformi Zoom. Pilotno
srečanje je bilo namenjeno spoznavanju protokola raziskave in
raziskovanega pojava, testiranju uporabljene tehnologije ter
natančni specifikaciji raziskovalnih vprašanj. Na podlagi
podatkov, pridobljenih na pilotnem srečanju, je bil oblikovan
Cilj raziskave je bil opisati doživljajsko pokrajino udeležencev
vprašalnik za vzorčenje doživljanja.
med spletnimi predavanji (RV1) in preveriti, ali se na
Na začetku vsakega srečanja so si udeleženci namestili
doživljajskem (RV2) in psihofiziološkem (RV3) nivoju, ter na
merilnik za merjenje EDA, sledili sta dve minuti mirovanja, nato
obeh nivojih skupaj (RV4), porajajo skupinske dinamike. V
se je začelo predavanje. Tekom predavanja se je od pet do
nadaljevanju predstavimo preliminarne rezultate, ki se
šestkrat predvajal zvočni signal, po katerem so imeli udeleženci
navezujejo na RV1, RV2 in RV3.
na voljo eno do dve minuti za vzorčenje doživljanja. Po srečanju
so udeleženci zbrane podatke naložili na spletni repozitorij.
3.1 Doživljanje udeležencev (RV1)
Študenti so v času do tri dni po vsakem srečanju izvedli
Kot je razvidno iz Slike 2, je doživljajska analiza pokazala, da
sprotno analizo prvoosebnih in tretjeosebnih podatkov, med
lahko doživljanje udeležencev (izvajalca in študentov) tekom
tremi do šestimi dnevi po srečanju pa še fenomenološke
spletnih predavanj opišemo s štirimi krovnimi kategorijami,
intervjuje o izbranih doživljajskih vzorcih. O vsakem intervjuju
vezanimi na osredotočenost in socialno doživljanje.
so zapisali kratko poročilo.
topnja vpetosti v
ranzi ija med
vse ino predavanja stopnjami vpetosti
2.5 Analiza
tivna vpetost
Pos us
o usirana
smer enost
fo usiran a
po ornost
nav ven
Analizo podatkov smo izvajali med in po koncu zbiranja
a pr ena
smer enost
podatkov. Glavni cilj analize je bil prepoznavanje vzorcev, ki
Pasivna vpetost
o usiran e
po ornost
nav noter
namigujejo na obstoj skupinskih dinamik.
pad fo usa
Sprotna analiza. Sprotna analiza podatkov EDA je
vključevala vizualno identifikacijo sinhronizacij v signalih,
sprotna analiza doživljajskih podatkov pa primerjavo vzorcev in
Slika 2: Hierarhija izbranih doživljajskih kategorij
preliminarno kategorizacijo. Izsledki sprotnih analiz so
Stopnja vpetosti v vsebino predavanja. Nekateri študenti so
informirali nadaljnje faze raziskovanja in analize.
se v trenutku vzorčenja aktivno ukvarjali z relevantno vsebino ali
Doživljajska analiza. Primarne podatke za doživljajsko
pa so kako drugače izkazovali zanimanje zanjo; poročali so npr.
analizo so predstavljali odgovori na odprto vprašanje o
o vizualizaciji in interpretaciji relevantnih konceptov,
doživljanju v zadnjem trenutku pred signalom za vzorčenje,
povezovanju z obstoječim znanjem, pa tudi o pričakovanju
odgovori na ostale postavke vprašalnika in poročila o intervjujih
sledeče vsebine. Tako je zapisala Mara 3 : “Slušno zaznavam
pa so služili dodatnemu preverjanju. Analiza je potekala po vzoru
besede [izvajalca], subtilno si predstavljam nadaljnji potek
smernic za doživljajsko [32] in kvalitativno analizo [33, 34].
predavanja, kot ga opisuje, na način, da interpretiram pomen
Najprej smo označili »satelitske« [31] dimenzije doživljanja,
besed v nesimbolnih mislih.” Izvajalec je sicer zmeraj aktivno
nato pa z induktivnim pristopom odprtega kodiranja [33]
posredoval vsebino, a je včasih vseeno poročal o večjem
vsakemu vzorcu pripisali kategorije prvega reda. S primerjalno
zanimanju. Takšne primere smo imenovali aktivna vpetost ( n =
analizo smo prvotne kategorije po potrebi prilagodili, oblikovali
88). Včasih so študenti vsebino predavanja sicer zaznavali, a ne
višjenivojske kategorije in dobljene kategorije definirali. Na
tako pozorno in z njo niso ničesar aktivno počeli. Tudi izvajalec
koncu smo izbrali tiste kategorije, ki so bile najpogostejše in/ali
je včasih poročal o manjši zbranosti ali naveličanosti. Takšne
najbolj relevantne z vidika zastavljenih raziskovalnih vprašanj.
primere smo uvrstili v podkategorijo pasivna vpetost ( n = 50).
Analiza EDA. Analiza EDA je vključevala izračun
Nazadnje smo prepoznali tudi več primerov odsotnosti ( n = 30),
sinhronizacij med pari udeležencev (od tu naprej parnih
ko v doživljajskih pokrajinah študentov ni bilo mogoče zaznati
sinhronizacij) in izračun povprečnih parnih sinhronizacij (PPS)
vsebine predavanja, izvajalec pa je poročal npr. o zmedenosti.
različnih skupin: (1) skupin vsaj treh med seboj sinhroniziranih
Tranzicija med stopnjami vpetosti. Doživljanje udeležencev
udeležencev ( r ≥ 0,40)1 ; (2) vnaprej definiranih skupin (vsi
se je včasih nanašalo na prehodne faze med stopnjami vpetosti v
udeleženci; samo študenti; izvajalec z vsakim študentom).
vsebino predavanja. Nekateri udeleženci so v trenutku vzorčenja
Petminutne odseke signalov EDA2, ki so bili posneti v času
poročali o poskusu fokusiranja ( n = 19) oziroma prizadevanju za
pred vzorčenjem doživljanja, smo ročno pregledali in odstranili
aktivnejšo vpetost v vsebino predavanja. Mara je na primer
takšne, ki so vsebovali artefakte [24]. Pred nadaljnjo analizo smo
zapisala: “Doživljam težnjo po poglobitvi pozornosti na
dobljene signale standardizirali. Za izračun parnih sinhronizacij
predavanje.” Drugi so težnjo po fokusiranju že začeli udejanjati
smo uporabili prilagojen algoritem Marci in Orra [26].
– signal za vzorčenje jih je ujel v procesu fokusiranja ( n = 15),
Sinhronizacijo EDA enega para pri enem vzorčenju smo
ko so pozornost že preusmerjali na vsebino predavanja. Spet
izračunali kot povprečje dvanajstih Pearsonovih korelacij,
drugi so poročali o pravkaršnjemu upadu fokusa ( n =19), bodisi
pridobljenih s pomikanjem tekočega okna dolžine osmih meritev
zaradi utrujenosti, zaspanosti, lakote ali naveličanosti.
1 Kriterij r ≥ 0,40 razumemo kot spodnjo mejo srednje močne korelacije [23].
3 Izseki, ki jih podajamo ob opisih kategorij, so urejeni tako, da ne razkrivajo
2 Doživljajski podatki so bili omejeni izključno na zadnji trenutek pred signalom za
identitet udeležencev in so po potrebi osnovno lektorirani.
vzorčenje, zato v analizi EDA nismo upoštevali celih signalov, ampak zgolj
petminutne odseke, ki so bili posneti pred vzorčenjem doživljanja.
Nevrofenomenologija skupinskih dinamik
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Stopnja večopravilnosti. Doživljanje udeležencev je bilo
drugem (šest vzorčenj) deset in na tretjem (pet vzorčenj) devet.
mogoče razdeliti tudi glede na številčnost aktivnosti, na katere so
Sinhronizirane skupine se niso ohranjale prek več vzorčenj enega
bili pozorni. Včasih so bili osredotočeni le na vsebino predavanja
srečanja. Najvišja PPS je znašala 0,78 (tretje vzorčenje tretjega
– takšne primere smo imenovali fokusirana pozornost ( n = 15).
srečanja), povprečje PPS vseh skupin pa je bilo 0,62 ( SD = 0,08).
Med njimi najdemo zapis Mare: “Sem v stanju pričakovanja,
Pri vnaprej definiranih skupinah smo največjo skupinsko
občutim radovednost kot željo po razjasnitvi pojma
dinamiko opazili na prvem srečanju, kjer je bila PPS vseh
izomorfizem.” Občasno so bili udeleženci, npr. Zoja, poleg
udeležencev 0,20 ( SD = 0,54), vseh študentov 0,14 ( SD = 0,53),
predavanja osredotočeni še na kaj drugega: “Poslušam in zdi se
izvajalca s študenti pa 0,40 ( SD = 0,58). Pri drugem vzorčenju je
mi (čutim), da vem, o čem predavatelj govori [...]. Moja
bila PPS vseh udeležencev 0,19 ( SD = 0,29), vseh študentov 0,17
pozornost je sicer rahlo razpršena – misli mi tavajo na več
( SD = 0,30), izvajalca s študenti pa 0,29 ( SD = 0,22). Pri zadnjih
koncev, predvsem preverjam, kaj vse moram še danes narediti.”
treh vzorčenjih se je PPS gibala okrog 0. Na drugem srečanju
Takšne primere smo označili z razpršeno pozornostjo ( n = 16).
smo prepoznali manj očitne skupinske dinamike. Pri prvem
Usmerjenost pozornosti. Doživljanja udeležencev so včasih
vzorčenju je PPS izvajalca s študenti znašala 0,17 ( SD = 0,55),
zaznamovali občutki, vezani na druge (virtualno) prisotne na
pri drugem 0,15 ( SD = 0,38) in pri šestem prav tako 0,15 ( SD =
srečanju; udeleženci so se zavedali drugih, skušali so ugotoviti,
0,29). Pri četrtem vzorčenju je znašala PPS vseh udeležencev
kaj drugi doživljajo, ali pa so jih opazovali na Zoomu. Te primere
0,12 ( SD = 0,37), vseh študentov pa 0,16 ( SD = 0, 38). Sicer se
smo združili v podkategorijo usmerjenost navzven ( n = 44). Toda
je PPS gibala okrog 0. Na tretjem srečanju nismo prepoznali PPS
socialnega doživljanja ni bilo zmeraj zaznati; včasih so
večjih od 0. Za vsa tri srečanja je povprečje PPS vseh
udeleženci opazovali svoje doživljanje, izvajali samorefleksijo,
udeležencev znašalo 0,04 ( SD = 0,07), vseh študentov 0,03 ( SD
ali pa se samoopazovali na Zoomu . Takšne zapise smo označili
= 0,10) in izvajalca s študenti 0,05 ( SD = 0,15).
z usmerjenostjo navznoter ( n = 27).
3.2 Doživljajske skupinske dinamike (RV2)
Skupinsko dinamiko na doživljajskem nivoju smo definirali kot
V prispevku smo pokazali, da se tudi v spletnem učnem okolju,
skupino treh ali več udeležencev, katerih istočasno podane
kjer udeleženci niso fizično prisotni, tvorijo doživljajski in
vzorce doživljanja smo uvrstili v isto podkategorijo (glej Sliko
psihofiziološki vzorci koordiniranega delovanja tako med
2). Skupno smo prepoznali 56 primerov skupinskih dinamik, od
študenti kot med študenti in izvajalcem. Da bi videli, ali se
tega 19 za prvo, 19 za drugo in 18 za tretje srečanje. 40-krat so
prepoznane skupinske dinamike porajajo na obeh nivojih hkrati,
skupinske dinamike tvorili študenti, 16-krat pa študenti in
bomo v naslednjem koraku izvedli nevrofenomenološko analizo,
izvajalec. Najpogosteje so bile skupinske dinamike vezane na
v kateri bomo izsledke neodvisne doživljajske analize preverili z
podkategorijo aktivna vpetost ( n = 18). Najbolj opazno
dodatno analizo EDA in izsledke neodvisne analize EDA z
usklajenost smo prepoznali pri petem vzorčenju tretjega srečanja,
dodatno doživljajsko analizo. Upamo, da bodo končni rezultati
ko so tako izvajalec kot sedem študentov sočasno poročali o
poglobili razumevanje skupinskih dinamik, ki se tvorijo v
aktivni vpetosti. Izvajalec je takrat zapisal: “Stanje zaganjanja v
spletnem učnem okolju. Ker so določene skupinske dinamike
predavateljski tok – ne še čisto tam. Tokrat je nemir v ozadju
povezane z akademsko uspešnostjo [1, 35, 36], upamo, da bodo
močnejši, je pa tudi višja energija – bolj aktivno 'sodelujem' pri
naši rezultati pripomogli tudi k izboljšanju učnih pristopov.
oblikovanju predavanja.” Ena izmed študentk, Ajša, pa je
Določene pomanjkljivosti raziskave najdemo v načinu
poročala: “Zanimanje za to, kar [izvajalec] govori, kar sem čutila
izvedbe, uporabljeni tehnologiji in izbrani metodi. Prvič, dejstvo,
kot željo, da si o tem kaj napišem ter da slišim vse, kar izreče, da
da je bila raziskava izvedena v naravnem okolju je po eni strani
ne izgubim toka govora.”
povečalo njeno ekološko veljavnost, po drugi strani pa otežilo
Skupinske dinamike so se tekom vzorčenj posameznega
posploševanje zaradi nezmožnosti zagotavljanja univerzalnosti
srečanja sistematično spreminjale. Denimo na prvem srečanju
eksperimentalnega okolja. Drugič, merilnik, s katerim smo
smo pri četrtem vzorčenju zaznali splošen upad osredotočenosti
pridobivali podatke EDA, je namenjen za uporabo na nadlahti, ki
tako pri izvajalcu kot pri študentih. Do tretjega vzorčenja so
je optimalna lokacija z vidika nizke invazivnosti, ne pa tudi z
izvajalec in večina študentov ( M = 9,3; SD = 2,3) poročali o
vidika pridobivanja podrobnih podatkov o psihofiziološkem
aktivni vpetosti, manj študentov pa je poročalo o pasivni vpetosti
stanju uporabnika [24, 37]. Tretjič, podatke o psihofiziologiji
( M = 2,7; SD = 2,4) in odsotnosti ( n = 1). Zatem izvajalec ni več
smo pridobivali zgolj s pomočjo mere EDA, medtem ko bi lahko
poročal o aktivni vpetosti, prav tako je o njej poročalo bistveno
kombinirana uporaba več senzorjev psihofiziologije omogočila
manj študentov ( M = 5,0; SD = 0,0), število tistih, ki so bili
podrobnejši uvid v delovanje AŽS [38]. Četrtič, doživljajski
pasivno vpeti ( M = 5,0; SD = 2,0) v vsebino predavanja, ali so
vzorci so bili mestoma premalo natančni, fenomenološki
bili odsotni ( M = 3,0; SD = 0,0), pa se je dvignila. Izvajalec je
intervjuji, s katerimi smo reševali ta problem, pa so bili
takrat zapisal: “Čutim se odsotnega, avtomatično govorjenje –
opravljeni le o izbranih vzorcih in včasih šele tretji dan po
tema mi je dolgočasna, rad bi, da jo čim prej zrecitiram, da grem
srečanju, kar je otežilo priklic informacij iz spomina. Izvajanje
naprej na bolj zanimivo vsebino.”
intervjujev o vseh vzorcih v krajšem času od vzorčenja bi po
drugi strani bistveno povečalo že tako visoke zahteve, ki jih je
3.3 Psihofiziološke skupinske dinamike (RV3)
raziskava polagala na pleča udeležencev.
Analiza podatkov EDA je pokazala skupno 25 skupin s tremi ali
Metodološki izziv za prihodnje raziskave je torej najti način,
več medsebojno parno sinhroniziranimi člani. Na prvem srečanju
kako sočasno zagotoviti visoko ekološko veljavnost in
(pet vzorčenj) smo prepoznali šest sinhroniziranih skupin, na
univerzalnost okoljskih dejavnikov, kako sočasno zadovoljiti
potrebo po nizki invazivnosti in visoki odzivnosti merilnikov
Nevrofenomenologija skupinskih dinamik
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
psihofiziologije, ter kako uskladiti potrebe po pridobivanju
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The ONE-ness of change: An exploratory
neurophenomenological single case study on change in
Tine Kolenik†,*
Jaya Caporusso*
Department of Intelligent Systems
Jožef Stefan Institute
University of Vienna
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vienna, Austria
The process of change is universally referred to when explaining
the human psyche in the domain of attitude and behavior change.
Established research on the mind related to human change
However, change is either presumed to simply exist without
processes, also referred to as attitude and behavior change,
further elaboration, or it is reduced to neurobiological processes.
presumes change simply exists, without any further elaboration.
While there is a substantial effort to detect, forecast and induce
Implicitly, researchers treat change as dark matter: there is state
change, especially in the mental health-related fields, the results
of interest SA at a time t, state of interest SB at time t+1, and what
have been mixed so far. Understanding what change is is
happens in between is magic [1-4].1 When change is defined,
therefore crucial. Data on first-person experience has been thus
albeit rarely, it falls into reductionist pits, being reduced to
far absent from studying change, which may turn out to be a
neurobiological processes [5], or it is defined functionally, where
deciding oversight. This exploratory study employs the
change equals SB less SA, especially in quantitative research.
framework of neurophenomenology to explore the process of
Thus, research is mostly concerned with how to drive SA to SB,
change from multiple perspectives. In this circularly informing
tackling questions such as “What motivates change?”, “How is
research process, we used ecological momentary assessment to
change implemented?”, “How is change sustained?”, “When to
gather daily questionnaire and diary data on mood. Afterward,
induce change?”, and similar [1-4]. What surprisingly lacks from
we selected a single case, and determined the moment of change
this list is a bit more intimate and primary: What is change?
in mood through an inter-methodological agreement using
The question is neither trivial nor unimportant. Various
qualitative and computational methods. Lastly, we conducted
domains interested in change - from mental health [4] to green
phenomenological interviews to study change on the experiential
behavior [6] - are facing a considerable obstacle when trying to
level. We found that while there may be inter-methodological
detect, forecast and induce (desired) change [7]. Physiological
agreement on the moment of change, different levels of analysis
(e.g., sensors) and psychological (e.g., questionnaires) tools have
(operational, narrative, experiential - ONE) establish different
been used to this end, but have produced mixed results,
definitional aspects, whereas the existence of change on the
especially on longer scales [8]. What is more, it seems that
experiential level is unclear. It was ambiguous whether the same
cognitive science is still in its infancy when studying change.
phenomenon was studied even after inter-methodological
Analogies can be found in both extreme levels of analysis. In
agreement. Further intersubjective research is needed to explore
physics, classical thermodynamics ignored the process of change,
the phenomenon further.
and it was only non-equilibrium thermodynamics that started to
consider change as a fundamental process as opposed to only
studying substances [9]. In philosophy, process philosophy faced
ecological momentary assessment, empirical phenomenology,
Plato’s claim on change as illusionary, and stood against the
human change processes, idiographic computational dynamics,
classical philosophical view of ontology [10]. Post-cognitivist
paradigms in cognitive science provided a similar opposure,
especially dynamical systems theory (e.g., psychotherapy [7]). In
behavioral sciences, the study of persuasion is starting to brush
against the notion of what change might be [11].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
Another consequence of the prolificacy of post-cognitivist
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
paradigms was the introduction of first-person experience [12] as
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
an essential aspect of studying the mind. Expectedly, empirical
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
phenomenology [13, 14] has so far eluded inclusion into the
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
science of change, an oversight which might have hurt its efforts.
© 2021 Copyright held by the own
* The authors contributed equally to this work.
1 Please note that throughout the text we use “state A” and “state B” to delineate,
respectively, the state before change and the state after change. However, the
different instances of “state A” and “state B” do not necessarily correspond.
First-person experience reports might uncover experiential
RQ2: What are the properties of change that are discerned (or
patterns that may thus prove to be an invaluable tool for
constructed) by various methods and where do they diverge?
answering the questions on change. Phenomenological
Are they addressing and describing the same phenomenon?
interviews in particular are often focused on the “transitions
between different phases [in time of an experience]” [15, p. 6],
RQ1 is concerned with the level of methodological agreement
and could therefore elucidate the nature of the magic happening
that change occurred in a selected moment in time. RQ2 is
between two states. However, to our knowledge, no empirical
concerned with how change can be described when using specific
phenomenological study investigated the experience of change,
methods, how the latter influence the definition, and whether the
that is, no empirical phenomenological study aimed at an
phenomenon they ultimately research is the same.
accurate phenomenological description of how it is to experience
The research questions specific to the phenomenological
change per se (for a study on the experiential nature of the
investigation were informed by time series data.
transition between two sequential moments, see [16]).
This exploratory study therefore aimed to spur non-
pRQ1: Was change experienced at any point of the
reductionist research on the fundamental nature of what change
investigated episode?
is (see section Outline of the research framework for details). The
general domain of mental health offers an appropriate context to
pRQ2: What is the experiential difference between the state
study change, because it makes it salient. We focus on change in
before and the state after the change?
mood, which is not only ubiquitous, but also one of the primary
concerns in mental health. We followed neurophenomenology
These RQs cannot be addressed through the results only due
[17] on combining first-person and third-person methodologies
to the exploratory nature of the work. We thus partially address
with mutual constraints, and used ecological momentary
them in the Discussion section as well.
assessment (EMA) to collect daily quantitative and qualitative
data on mood as well as conducted phenomenological interviews
on selected data.
To pursue the research questions, we employed a mixed-methods
methodology, using quantitative data collected from daily
questionnaires, text data collected from daily diary entries, and
first-person experiential data collected with phenomenological
The highly exploratory nature of this research is two-fold: 1) its
interviews. Due to the circular informing that occurred between
object of inquiry is on the one hand ubiquitous and on the other
these data that guided the research, we have adopted the
hand definitionally very vacuous; and 2) the mutual-informing of
framework of neurophenomenology, where “‘neuro’ refers [...]
the methods used has been untested so far. Since our
to the entire array of scientific correlates which are relevant to
presupposition is that change is fundamentally a dynamical
cognitive science” [17, p. 330].
process, we rely on collecting time series and diachronic data.
To be able to study change ecologically, occurring in the wild
Due to the human idiography [18], this touches the framework of
as much as possible, we followed the EMA framework, which
small or personalized data [19], where inter-human variance and
involves "repeated sampling of subjects’ current behaviors and
noise are reinterpreted and feature as important data. Following
experiences in real time, in subjects’ natural environments",
this, our framework investigates a moment in time with
which aims to "minimize recall bias, maximize ecological
dynamics-sensitive methods on various levels of analysis. What
validity, and allow study of microprocesses that influence
is sought is inter-methodological agreement, and descriptions of
behavior in real-world contexts" [20, p. 1].
the phenomenon on various levels of analysis. Once the latter are
gathered, the unified definitional outlines can occur.
3.1 Materials
For this study, we are focusing on a single case, and within
We used the 10-item international Positive and Negative Affect
this single case, on a single identified unity of data. We believe
Schedule Short Form (I-PANAS-SF) in English [21] to collect
methodological pluralism is necessary to explore this
daily mood data. I-PANAS-SF evaluates the following moods in
phenomenon. Note that this research is not executed sequentially,
a desired time span (in our case, daily) on a 5-point Likert scale:
as various types of data inform one another and the direction of
Afraid (AF), Alert (AL), Determined (DE), Distressed (DI),
the research [17]. The decision on the context of mood was made
Enthusiastic (EN), Excited (EX), Inspired (IN), Nervous (NE),
due to the ubiquity of it, and the importance of change processes
Scared (SC), Upset (UP).
in mental health. We note that change may not be invariant in
To collect the diary entry data, guidelines suggested to the co-
every context.
researchers (see [22] for the use of the term co-researcher) to
focus on the descriptions of mood, the effects of mood on the
2.1 Research Questions
experiences of themselves and the world, the change of the latter
This work pursues the following research questions:
from the previous day to the present day, and on any salient
factual information about the day (for more, see Supplementary
RQ1: What is the inter-level agreement between various
materials, section Diary entry guidelines).
methods with which change can be detected?
3.2 Sample and Case
SD/ MAD bounds represent the baseline, which means that
The sample included seven people, largely acquaintances of the
between a data point falling outside of these bounds while the
authors, from which a single person was arbitrarily selected,
preceding data point was inside the bounds change occurred, and
codenamed as Quentin. Our co-researcher was 30 years old at the
vice versa. If inside the baseline, change can still occur, but it has
end of the data collection phase, biologically assigned at birth as
to be bigger than one SD/ MAD.
male and identifying as a man and as non-binary, with a master’s
To apply this calculation to the data, it has to be preprocessed,
degree. He was of somewhat good mental health, had never been
extracting the described values.
diagnosed with a mental disorder, did not have mental health-
This computational definition of change is independent of the
related therapy in the recent past, and was not taking any mental
context (in our case, mood).
health-related medications. He slept seven hours on average per
night and had bad sleep quality. He was generally a positive
3.5 Empirical Phenomenology
person who felt neutral about his emotional arousal or did not
identify with having positive or negative emotional arousal. His
We included empirical phenomenology as a method to obtain
experience with phenomenological reporting amounted to
data on experience. Empirical phenomenology, based on the
around 70 hours.
concept of epoché [26], allows to get descriptions of how the
investigated episodes and phenomena are actually lived. It
3.3 Data Collection
excludes the possible narratives, conceptualizations, and
judgements that might be constructed after the experience per se.
We used the Synergetic Navigation System (SNS), a web- and
In particular, we opted for an interviewing approach based on the
mobile-based technology for EMA [23], to collect questionnaire
and diary data, and conducted in-depth phenomenological
interviewer non-suggestively accompanies the interviewee in
interviews based on micro-phenomenology [24] to collect
providing accurate phenomenological descriptions of the
experiential data. The data was collected from June 24th to July
diachronic (temporal unfolding) and synchronic (non-temporal
14th 2021. The SNS data on a given day was collected from
dimension, associated with a specific moment or phase) structure
18:00 onwards on the same day or in the morning of the
of the experience. For these reasons, empirical phenomenology
following day. Quentin was notified at the starting hour of data
allowed us to investigate how it is to experience change. The
collection through email and mobile push notifications. The
interviewing was informed by our research questions, and the
interviews were recorded with a Samsung Galaxy A41.
interviews were conducted after change had already been
3.4 Computational Definition of Change
partially identified (see Results, Subsection Identifying the
moment of change).
To detect change in quantitative data, change had to first be
defined methodologically. Since quantitative data are generally
3.6 Collected Data
analyzed computationally, we present a computational definition
Quentin completed 16 questionnaires and provided 16 diary
of change which was applied to the data. We computationally
entries between June 24th and July 14th 2021. The mean of
defined (inspired from sudden gains literature [11] and anomaly
Quentin’s diary entries was 195 words. Furthermore, three in-
detection [25]) that change C between data point or state A ( SA)
depth phenomenological interviews were conducted on the
at time t and data point or state B ( SB) at time t+1 occurs if
selected moment within the time series data (see Results,
subsection Identifying the moment of change), clocking
(((SB > (M + SD/MAD)) || (SB < (M − SD/MAD))) & ((M −
00:43:33, 01:00:51, 1:09:41 in length, respectively. The
SD/MAD) < SA < (M + SD/MAD)))
interviews are being transcribed verbatim.
(((SA > (M + SD/MAD)) | (SA < (M − SD/MAD))) & ((M −
This section presents the analysis of the collected data. For
SD/MAD) < SB < (M + SD/MAD)))
computational analysis of the time series data, features were
extracted in order to calculate whether and when change had
occurred. Change was already defined computationally for the
time series in the previous section. Phenomenological results
present the effort to identify change experientially, without a
definition pre-given by the authors.
where M equals the mean value of the entire time series and
standard deviation ( SD) is used if the data is normally distributed,
4.1 Feature Extraction
and median and mean average deviation ( MAD) is used if the data
is not normally distributed. It denotes that change occurs:
Features extracted from the quantitative questionnaire scores
included: the mean and SD of a given mood category if the
a) if SB falls outside of bounds of SD/ MAD while SA falls
inside (Equation (1)); or
distribution was normal; and the median and MAD if the
b) if S
distribution was non-normal. We performed a normalcy test to
A falls outside of bounds of SD/ MAD while SB falls
inside (Equation (2)); or
discern that. Instances with missing questionnaire data were
c) if both are inside the SD/ MAD bounds, S
filled with last collected data scores.
B is more than one
SD/ MAD away from SA (Equation (3)).
Features extracted from the diaries included sentiment
graphs for mood graphs with detected change. Figure 1 presents
analysis features and statistical features of sentiment features.
one such graph, signifying the change in EN.
We used VADER, “a lexicon and rule-based
sentiment analysis tool,” [27, para. 1] to get negative
and positive sentiment scores for each daily diary
entry. Afterward, we extracted statistical features
following the same process as for the quantitative
questionnaire scores. Instances with missing diary
data and therefore missing sentiment scores were
linearly interpolated.
4.2 Identifying the Moment of Change
To identify the moment of change and address RQ1,
several steps were taken. Authors studied the data,
particularly reading the diary entries, and asked
Quentin to propose a data instance where he felt an
instance of change had occurred. Quentin suggested the data
Figure 1: Detected change in the Enthusiastic mood
instance from July 1st, 2021. This is the selected data instance:
category from 30. 06. 2021 to 01. 07. 2021.
Table 1: Quentin’s mood scores on July 1st 2021 (see full
Furthermore, change was detected in both the positive and
names in this subsection, para. 5).
negative sentiment scores from the diary entries. See
Supplementary material, section Sentiment graphs for sentiment
The results show maximum inter-methodological agreement.
For the selected diary entry (DiaryE0) and the data from the
Every part of the two data streams that could have possibly
previous day, see Supplementary material, section Diary entries
validated the initial identification of change had validated it. The
and quantitative questionnaire mood scores. The text part
next step was to see whether change occurred in the selected
(pDiaryE0) containing the description of change can be read
moment on the experiential level.
4.3 Phenomenological Results
I saw myself as important, I was very self-confident. This
To identify the moment of change to be investigated in the
brought about a certain feeling, a certain change in the air
interviews, we analyzed the fragment of the co-researcher’s diary
around me. [...] people listening to me [...] had this
entry in which the selected episode is described (pDiaryE0 below
directionality towards me which gave me some sort of power.
Table 1). We identified two possible instances of change: one in
Compared to yesterday, when I also felt inspired and
the third sentence, and the other in the last sentence. We decided
enthusiastic, today I had this huge undertone of confidence,
to focus on the first one, as it seemed to have had occurred at a
and this caused a difference especially in how I perceived
specific point in time, and it was therefore possible to investigate
it with phenomenological interviews.
We present the provisional results of the phenomenological
Quentin confirmed this is a good example of change
investigation. On the 1st July 2021, our co-researcher, Quentin,
occurring during the data collection. The authors had beforehand
was giving a lecture at a seminar. He was sitting at a desk in a
identified the same data instance as a potentially good candidate.
lecture hall, and he was talking to the people in front of him. He
The change specifically referred to the particular confidence
initially felt a self-confined confidence that later changed into a
(“Compared to yesterday, […] today I had this huge undertone
new confidence. We summarize the experiential categories that
of confidence” ). The state of the mood before the change (or State
were different from before (state A) to after the change (state B)
A) was therefore either no confidence or a different kind of
in Figure 2 (pRQ2).
confidence, coupled with inspiration and enthusiasm, and the
In between state A and state B, Quentin noticed a ray of
state of the mood after the change was the newly found
sunshine filtering through the air. He felt like his arms had the
confidence (or State B).
potentiality to move more freely in that direction, experienced as
For inter-methodological agreement on the moment of
a sense of brightness on their upper left part. This aspect was part
change, the computational method for detecting change (see
of the new confidence, which was not fully present yet. Quentin
Methodology, subsection Computational definition of change)
realized that this brightness was something new ((1) in Figure 2).
was applied to two data streams, the quantitative questionnaire
Quentin felt a ball-like entity in his chest, which expanded until
scores (all the 10 mood categories) and the diary entries.
it reached the audience. It is at this point that the experience
For the quantitative questionnaire scores, change was
reached state B, where Quentin felt the full new confidence.
detected in 7 out of 10 mood categories (AL, DE, DI, EN, EX,
Quentin had the knowledge that the way he was perceiving and
IN, UP). The three categories where change was not detected
could interact with people had changed ((2) in Figure 2).
(AF, NE, SC) were stationary, which means that there were no
changing curves. See Supplementary material, section Mood
Table 2: Models of experiential change.
1) Change is not present at all
at the level of experience.
2) Change is the experiential
nature of the experiential flow
in which state A and state B
succeed each other.
Figure 2: Experiential structure (diachronic and
synchronic) of the target episode.
3) Between state A and state B
there is a state C where change
is experienced.
5.1 The ONE-ness of Change
4) a) Change is an experiential
While discussing the data from the different methods, we
element present in both state A
specified incongruencies between the data and how it
and state B. b) Change is an
characterizes change (addressing RQ2). In quantitative analysis,
experiential element present
change was necessarily defined by the authors - the
either in state A or c) in state B.
computationally defined bounds were arbitrary wrt the
phenomenon itself. We labeled this kind of (definition of) change
Some representational aspects of the models above are due to
OPERATIONAL (definition of) change (oC). In diary data,
functional reasons. We envisioned further models but for the
change was defined by the co-researcher in two instances, one of
sake of brevity we only included some.
which includes the exact word “change” (see pDiaryE0). It is
Following, we discuss how we tried to address pRQ1. During
argued that we “organize [our] experiences and actions according
the first interview, Quentin said: “Not that I felt the change, the
to narrative structures thereby situating them in the context of a
change happened and I felt the consequences of the change”.
unifying story,” [28, p. 179] which we attest also happens while
This seems to suggest either model 1) or 4c). Later, we found two
writing a diary entry. Change was therefore narratively
different instances of experience that could represent experiential
constructed. Arguably, this construction occurred in the moment
change. The first refers to (1) in Figure 2. Quentin made it clear
of the writing of the diary, at a point in time successive to the
that the knowledge was about the brightness being something
original experience that the narrative was about. We labeled this
new, not something different from before, since “There was no
kind of change NARRATIVE change (nC). In the
trace of what was before or how this came to be”. This does not
phenomenological data, change was looked for in a collaboration
mean that this experience does not entail experiential change: as
between the co-researcher and the researcher conducting the
far as we know, experiential change might be precisely
interviews. Differently from the other levels of analysis, the
experienced as the knowledge, or perception, of the newness of
understanding of something as change was here not already
something. This would correspond to model 3). The other
given, but to be explored and discussed. In fact, our
instance that might delineate experiential change refers to (2) in
phenomenological inquiry was aimed precisely at investigating
Figure 2. This change would correspond to model 4c). However,
how change might present itself in experience, if it does at all.
we were specifically interested in the experience of change in
We labeled this kind of change EXPERIENTIAL change (eC).
mood, and we cannot claim that the change referred to in (2) in
There are two big problems that arise from this: a) the
Figure 2 complies with this. When asked towards the end of the
granularity problem, and b) the level problem. It is not clear how
third interview whether at any point of the investigated episode
the various time spans correspond to each other (a)), and whether
he realized that his confidence had changed, Quentin answered
the various levels of change (oC, nC, eC) refer to and describe
no (which hints at model 1)).
the same phenomenon, using different levels of analysis. It might
in fact be that oC, nC and eC refer to multiple phenomena. We
do sense there is a certain correspondence between the three
levels (and there was an agreement on the moment between the
This work represents an exploratory neurophenomenological
co-researcher’s suggestion and the authors’ suggestion), but
inquiry into the nature of change in the context of mood. We used
unraveling the complexity of that is out of scope of this paper.
ecological momentary assessment to collect daily questionnaire
5.2 Models of Experiential Change
and diary data, and after selecting a proper data instance, we
conducted phenomenological interviews on it. We discerned that
We hypothesize different models of how change might be
there was an inter-methodological agreement on the moment of
experienced in a simplified “state A to state B transition”.
change; however, it is not clear how it manifested, if at all, on the
experiential level. We observed various definitional aspects of
change, culminating in ONE-ness of change, describing
operational, narrative, and experiential change. Finally, we
presented some possible models of experiential change and
analyzed how our phenomenological data fit into them. We
Günter K. Schiepek, Kathrin Viol, Wolfgang Aichhorn, Marc-Thorsten
Hütt, Katharina Sungler, David Pincus and Helmut J. Schöller, 2017.
found two major problems to address in the future: the
Psychotherapy is chaotic — (not only) in a computational world. Frontiers
granularity and the levels problem.
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The study had many limitations, mostly due to its exploratory
Tine Kolenik, 2021. Methods in Digital Mental Health: Smartphone-based
Assessment and Intervention for Stress, Anxiety and Depression. In
nature. It was ultimately single case, where it analyzed only one
Integrating Artificial Intelligence and IoT for Advanced Health
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Informatics. Springer, Berlin. In print.
Howard Reiss, 1996. Methods of thermodynamics. Courier Corporation,
not gone in depth enough to really identify and specify the
Chelmsford, MA.
phenomenon of interest. Furthermore, interviews on the moment
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of writing might be necessary as well. When collecting
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Tony Z. Tang and Robert J. DeRubeis, 1999. Sudden gains and critical
quantitative data, not every day was sampled, and the amount of
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data may have produced biased baseline calculations, resulting
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in faulty change detections. Using a single method to detect
Joana Rigato, Scott M. Rennie, and Zachary F. Mainen, 2019. The
change may also not be enough, and a discussion is needed on
overlooked ubiquity of first-person experience in the cognitive sciences.
Synthese, (Feb 2019), 1-37.
how to proceed when two methods from the same or different
Patrik Aspers, 2009. Empirical phenomenology: A qualitative research
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assessment and quantitative and qualitative self-reports.
11, 2 (Mar 2016), 375-385.
In future work, apart from addressing the limitations, we plan
Jaya Caporusso and Ema Demšar, 2020. Phenomenology of dissolution
experiences: An exploratory study. In Proceedings of 23rd International
to continue with the general effort of this study. Future
Multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY (Vol. B). T. Strle, J. Černe, &
possibilities include: applying the same methodology
O. Markič (Eds.), Institut "Jožef Stefan”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 5-9.
transdiagnostically and for induced, volitional and spontaneous
change; conducting interviews on episodes reported as including
Julian Bass-Krueger, 2021. Consciousness and Time [Unpublished
experiential change, and with expert meditators observing
master’s thesis]. University of Vienna.
Francisco J. Varela, 1996. Neurophenomenology: A methodological
change; analyzing the inter-methodological and experiential
remedy for the hard problem. Journal of consciousness studies, 3, 4 (Apr
structure of change, where it seems to follow some aspects of the
1996), 330-349.
Peter CM. Molenaar, 2004. A manifesto on psychology as idiographic
science: Bringing the person back into scientific psychology, this time
frameworks, e.g., the dynamical systems theory framework;
addressing the granularity problem by expanding the
Rutvik V. Shah, Gillian Grennan, Mariam Zafar-Khan, Fahad Alim, Sujit
methodology by changing the EMA contingency (e.g., when
Dey, Dhakshin Ramanathan, and Jyoti Mishr, 2021. Personalized machine experiential change occurs, when a physiological signal occurs)
learning of depressed mood using wearables. Translational Psychiatry,
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and including descriptive experience sampling [30]; seeing
Saul Shiffman, Arthur A. Stone, and Michael R. Hufford, 2008. Ecological
whether change can be forecasted with machine learning and
momentary assessment. Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol., 4 (Apr 2008), 1-32.
what implications it brings; exploring what the possibilities in
Edmund R. Thompson, 2007. Development and validation of an
Internationally Reliable short-form of the positive and negative Affect
how oC, nC and eC relate to one another are; testing models of
Schedule (PANAS). Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38, 2 (Mar
experiential change with computational simulations; making the
2007), 227–242. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022106297301
Urban Kordeš and Florian Klauser, 2016. Second-person in-depth
dataset and codebook publicly available; interpreting our
phenomenological inquiry as an approach for studying enaction of beliefs.
findings in the contexts of different theories of change and time.
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Günter Schiepek, Heiko Eckert, Benjamin Aas, Sebastian Wallot, and
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The authors acknowledge the financial support from the
Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209;
Claire Petitmengin, 2006. Describing one’s subjective experience in the
second person: An interview method for the science of consciousness.
the Young researchers’ grant), and thank their wonderful co-
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11097-006-9024-0
Supplementary material
1 Diary entry guidelines
Please, answer the following questions in the form of a diary entry. Be mindful that your entry is approximately 150 words at minimum. There is no upper word limit. Questions:
1) Describe your mood.
2) Describe how your mood affected your experience:
of yourself;
b) towards the world and its elements.
3) Describe how these experiences have changed from yesterday to today.
Change of experience towards yourself from yesterday to today.
b) Change of experience towards the world and its elements from yesterday to today.
4) Factual information from the last day that you would like to highlight.
2 Diary entries and quantitative questionnaire mood scores
July 1st 2021
Today I mostly felt quite inspired, determined and enthusiastic. I saw myself as important, I was very self-confident. This brought about a certain feeling, a certain change in the air around me. The air was pointing up, and I could move throughout differently. Also, for example, people listening to me at a seminar about using a tool for daily assessment had this directionality towards me which gave me some sort of power. Compared to yesterday, when I also felt inspired and enthusiastic, today I had this huge undertone of confidence, and this caused a difference especially in how I perceived others. Otherwise it was a full day, I had a meeting about the future of my software, I worked on my study, I sorted out the details of my stay in another country which I was invited to visit, to see the psychiatric processes and to share knowledge at their clinic, I had the before mentioned seminar, my girlfriend Jaya and I went together to a wonderful classical concert with my parents, and finally, we ate homemade apple pie and drank champagne that was a gift from my mom's best friend. It was a great day.
Mood scores:
b) June 30th 2021:
The day was signified by three moods - uninterested, determined, and inspired. I saw myself too scattered, without a center to hold me or to hold onto, and this made me uninterested in the world around me and it was hard to do anything I wanted to, which I disliked. The narrative of where I am was quite dispersed, and it was hard to look at the things that hold me together. At first I was frustrated, so I spend some time just embracing that feeling, with knowledge that afterwards I will pull myself together. When this phase came, I became determined to set myself straight, and I made a sort of a plan or a diagram of what I want to do and is important to me, what makes me happy. This was quite successful and afterwards I was inspired to do the tasks I wanted to do. The world was consequently also different, it is like after being inspired I am seeing it, it has this brighter quality, but not visually, but the feeling of its atmosphere. Otherwise I was quite happy to have my weekly meet with two of my friends online.
Mood scores:
3 Graph of the mood over the entire time series
4 Mood graphs
5 Sentiment graphs
Sensitivity of expected civilization longevity models
Anže Marinko
Maša Žaucer
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
David Susič
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
hypothesis [12]. For both models we analysed the difference
In this paper, we analyse the parameter sensitivities of the Sand-
between using log-uniform and log-normal distributions of the
berg and Rare Earth civilization longevity models. The Sandberg
parameters. In addition, we analysed which parameters most
model relies on the Drake equation, while the Rare Earth model
affect the results in each model. All in all, we dove into the
assumes that the Earth is a very unique planet because of rare
structure of the models and tried to improve the accuracy of the
sequence of events causing its evolution. In addition to the sensi-
tivity of the parameters, we also analyse the importance of those
Some publications suggest there are 600 to 40 000 technological
civilizations in our galaxy [10], while others think there should
Human extinction, Drake equation, Civilization collapse, Rare
be about 36 of them, assuming an average lifespan of 100 years
Earth hypothesis, distributions
[13]. However, given our ability to detect intelligent life [3] and their radio signals [2], and the fact that we have not detected
anything yet, a large number of civilizations is unlikely.
After years of dealing with Fermi’s question: "Where is every-
In our previous paper [4], we analyzed 4 different models of
body?", we still do not seem to have a good answer. After scan-
the modified Drake equation to determine longevity of human
ning more than 10 million stars [11], we have not found a single
civilization. From the accessible data, we concluded that the hu-
extraterrestrial life.
man technological civilization will most likely survive at most 10
We know that it is inevitable that human civilization will one
000 years. Note that the analysis is not able to conclude anything
day die out, but what is the expected longevity and how is it
about biological aspects of humans. Another research induces
related to the absence of observed civilizations? One way is to
that the yearly probability for extinction is most likely less than
design human longevity models that use a variety of parameters
1 in 87 000 using four different models [9]. In [5] they explain
to answer this question. However, it is not clear which models
that humanity will eventually have to move to avoid the death
heavily rely on the values of parameters. In this paper we study
of our Sun.
the sensitivity of the models to the parameters and we also try
In this paper we focused on how the parameters of the Drake
to determine which parameters have the greatest impact.
equation and the choice of the various attributes in two mod-
In our previous papers [6, 14] we approached the topic of
els affect the probability of longevity of human technological
the extinction of human civilization and introduced the Drake
equation [1]. In the first paper [6] we presented Sandberg’s [8] interpretation of the Drake equation and analysed it. In the second
paper [14], we presented possible causes of human extinction and
used the Drake equation to estimate the longevity of human civi-
lization. In the last paper [4], we presented four different models
with some modifications of the Drake equation and considered
their prospects for the time we have left. We concluded that we
The Sandberg model [8] is based on Drake equation:
are most likely to survive at most 10 000 years.
𝑁 = 𝑅
𝑓 𝑓 𝑓 𝐿
In this paper, we focused mainly on two of the models from
∗ 𝑓𝑝 𝑒 𝑙 𝑖 𝑐
the previous paper [4]. The first model we analysed is based
• 𝑅∗ being the rate of star formation per year,
on Sandberg [8] and the second one represents the "rare Earth"
• 𝑓 the fraction of stars with planets,
• 𝑛 the number of Earth-like (or otherwise habitable) plan-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
ets per a star that has planets,
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
• 𝑓 the fraction of habitable planets with actual life,
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
• 𝑓 the fraction of life-bearing planets that develop intelli-
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
• 𝑓 the fraction of intelligent civilizations that are detectable,
• 𝐿 the average longevity of such civilizations.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Anže Marinko, Maša Žaucer, David Susič and Matjaž Gams
Table 1: Probability densities for the parameters in equa-
Table 2: Probability densities for the parameters in equa-
tion (1)
tion (4)
Parameter Distribution
Parameter Distribution
log-uniform from from 1 to 100
log-uniform from 10.7 to 12.7
log-uniform from 0.1 to 1
log-uniform from -1.3 to -0.8
log-uniform from 0.1 to 1
log-uniform from -3 to -0.7
log-normal rate, described in paper [9]
log-uniform from -2.5 to -1.5
log-uniform from 0.001 to 1
log-uniform from -1 to 0
log-uniform from 0.01 to 1
log-uniform from -2.5 to -1.5
point values: 1 to 10 000
From the equation we can compute
they appear to have the same weight on the logarithmic scale.
𝑁 , which is the number of
detectable civilizations, or longevity
The high values near zero therefore make it very sensitive to
changes in parameter ranges and can even cause numerical er-
rors when multiplications occur or at least strongly influence the
𝐿 =
final result.
𝑅∗ 𝑓 𝑛 𝑓 𝑓 𝑓
with parameters, i.e. probability densities and limits from Table 1.
For this reason, distributions whose values are close to zero
As Sandberg suggests, all distributions used in this model were
at the boundaries of the parameter range are more stable with
respect to changes in the parameters. We compared the stability
of the log-uniform distribution with the log-normal distribution
by slightly changing the lower bound of some parameters and
The Rare Earth model is based on the "rare Earth" theory that
observing the corresponding change in the distribution. The
assumes that Earth is a very unique planet evolved under rare
results in Figures 1 and 2, and later 3 and 4 indicate that the circumstances. This theory introduces equation:
change of log-uniform distribution is much larger than that of
log-normal distribution. Therefore, the log-normal distribution
𝑁 = 𝑁 𝑛 𝑓 𝑓
𝑓 𝑓
𝑓 𝑓
is much less dependent on the choice of the parameter range.
We combined equation (3) with Drake’s equation and used prob-
ability distributions from Tables 1 and 2. This instantly rules out the need of the 𝑓 (the fraction of stars with planets) parameter.
Furthermore, product 𝑓 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑓 from Drake is equal to 𝑓 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑓
from Rare Earth, which gives us the final equation:
𝐿 =
and some new parameters:
is the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy (be-
tween 250 and 500 billion),
• 𝑛𝑔
• 𝑓
is the fraction of planets that are metal-rich (between
1 and 10 percent),
Figure 1: Change of probability distribution with respect
• 𝑓
is the fraction of planets with a large moon (between
to change of lower range limit of parameter 𝑓 .
0.3 and 3 percent),
• 𝑓 is the fraction of solar systems with Jupiter-size planets
(between 5 and 10 percent),
• 𝑓
is the fraction of planets with a critically low number
of extinction events (between 1 and 10 percent).
In the Rare Earth model we also used log-uniform distribution,
in order to compare it to the Sandberg model results.
Issues with log-uniform distribution
In analysing the two models, we focused primarily on how dif-
ferent distributions affect the results. Due to the shape of log-
uniform distribution (see Figure 2), the part of the graph that
is very close to zero has a significant impact on the final result.
Since we have a logarithmic scale, the part from zero to one on
Figure 2: Change of probability distribution with respect
the logarithmic scale corresponds to the range from zero to one
to change of lower range limit of parameters 𝑅∗, 𝑛 and 𝑓 .
percent, while the part from one to two percents corresponds to
the range between one and one hundred percent, even though
Sensitivity of models
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 3: Difference between log-uniform and log-normal
Figure 5: Importance of parameters in Rare Earth model
distribution in the Sandberg model.
for estimating probability of surviving 1000 years.
Figure 4: Difference between log-uniform and log-normal
Figure 6: Importance of parameters in Sandberg model for
distribution in the Rare Earth model.
estimating probability of surviving 1000 years.
Parameter importance
In order to analyse the stability/sensitivity of the two models,
we studied which parameters have the greatest impact on the
final result. For this purpose, a dataset with different values and
distributions for the parameters was created for the two models.
Then, three subsets were taken, each containing only the subset
with rows for which the probability that we survive at least
L years is above 90%. The L options chosen were: 1000, 10 000,
100 000. The importance of the features in each of the subsets was
then calculated using the Gini importance method implemented
in the Python’s scikit-learn decision tree regressor algorithm [7].
Figure 7: Importance of parameters in Rare Earth model
The feature importance scores are shown in Figures 5 to 10.
for estimating probability of surviving 10 000 years.
We found that in the Sandberg model, parameters 2 and 9 play
the most important role, as you can see in Figures 6, 8 and 10,
which show the importance of the parameters in calculating the
probability that we survive 1000, 10 000 and 100 000 years.
In the model Rare Earth, on the other hand, parameters 5 and
7 are crucial for the prediction. This can be seen from Figures 5, 7
and 9, which show the importance scores of the parameters when
calculating the same probabilities with the model Rare Earth.
This research took two promising models from our earlier study
[4] and analysed stability and sensitivity of the models and param-
eters. We analysed the stability of the log-uniform distribution
compared to the log-normal distribution. To determine the differ-
Figure 8: Importance of parameters in Sandberg model for
ence between the two, Figures 1 and 2 are visually informative:
estimating probability of surviving 10 000 years.
changing the parameter range significantly affects the log-normal
distribution, while the log-normal distribution is insensitive to
cause some numerical curiosities. It seems reasonable to use dis-
these changes. Therefore, the log-normal distribution provides
tributions that rely mainly on the central values rather than the
more reliable results, while the log-uniform distribution may
marginal values.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Anže Marinko, Maša Žaucer, David Susič and Matjaž Gams
[1] Frank Drake. 2015. The Drake Equation: Estimating the
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Figure 9: Importance of parameters in Rare Earth model
Matjaž Gams. 2020. A new study of expected human longevity.
for estimating probability of surviving 100 000 years.
Informacijska družba, volume B.
[5] Jason G. Matheny. 2007. Reducing the risk of human ex-
tinction. Risk Analysis, 27, 5, 1337.
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2019. Sensitivity analysis of computational models that
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[8] Anders Sandberg, Eric Drexler, and Toby Ord. 2018. Dis-
Figure 10: Importance of parameters in Sandberg model
solving the Fermi paradox. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.02404.
for estimating probability of surviving 100 000 years.
[9] Andrew E. Snyder-Beattie, Toby Ord, and Michael B. Bon-
sall. 2018. An upper bound for the background rate of
human extinction.
From Figures 3 and 4 we can observe that the Rare Earth
Scientific Reports 9:11054. doi: 10.1038/
model is considerably more optimistic than the Sandberg model.
[10] Robert Strom G. 2015. We are not alone: extraterrestrial
If we assume that Earth is very unique in our galaxy, we have
technological life in our galaxy.
the highest probability of living around 1 000 000 years. On
Astrobiol Outreach 3: 144.
the other hand, universe observations do not support well the
doi: 10.4172/2332-2519.1000144.
[11] Chenoa Tremblay and Steven Tingay. 2020. A seti sur-
uniqueness of our planet in terms of the large amount of suns
vey of the vela region using the murchison widefield ar-
with their planets. Further galaxy observations should provide
ray: orders of magnitude expansion in search space.
more information which model fits the reality better.
From Figures 5 to 10, we can interpret that parameters 2, 5, 7,
[12] Peter Douglas Ward and Donald Eugene Brownlee. 2000.
and 9 play the most important role in predicting the extinction of
humanity. This seems novel compared to previous studies, and
Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe.
enables further discussion and studies regarding the causes and
[13] Tom Westby and Christopher J Conselice. 2020. The as-
consequences of it. Whatever the case, while parameters seem
trobiological copernican weak and strong limits for in-
to have numerically equal role and weight, studies of numerical
telligent life.
relevance of the parameters of the equations (2) or (4) indicate
The Astrophysical Journal 896(1):58. doi: 10.
significant differences.
[14] Beno Šircelj, Laura Guzelj Blatnik, Ajda Zavrtanik Drglin,
Parameter 9 represents the choice of the distribution of the
and Matjaž Gams. 2019. Expected human longevity.
parameters. This is consistent with the distribution studies in
this paper indicating that the probability curve for the longevity
macijska družba, volume B.
of human civilization strongly influences the obtained results.
Finally, while models do perform differently given different
values of parameters, some patterns seem to emerge quite con-
sistently if the parameters are set reasonably.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slove-
nian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209).
Change ahead!
Questioning and changing beliefs in online discussions
Lenart Motnikar†
David Garcia
Hannah Metzler
Complexity Science Hub
Complexity Science Hub Vienna
Complexity Science Hub Vienna
Graz University of Technology
Graz University of Technology
inspected the latter mainly focused on features of the
argument itself, measuring factors like linguistic, stylistic,
Recent studies of persuasion and persuasibility in online
and topical composition, as well as user interaction [3, 4, 5].
discussions have predominantly focused on argument-
These studies, however, all focused on features pertaining
specific features but not addressed extraneous factors that
directly to the arguments, neglecting a domain of potential
make someone question their beliefs in the first place. In this
explanatory significance – how users behave outside the
exploratory study, we sought to uncover factors underlying
users’ decisions to challenge their views in an online
Research in computational social science has indeed shown
discussion forum and subsequently change them. We
that the behavioral and linguistic traces of online activity can
discovered that the examined psycholinguistic factors play a
carry important information about the psychology of
greater role in the questioning than the changing of opinions
humans and the interactions between them [6].
and further discuss the findings.
Observing those would enable not only a deeper
understanding of susceptibilities to being persuaded once a
view has been questioned but also delving into the factors
persuasion, ChangeMyView, reddit, belief change
that influence the questioning of one’s view in the first place.
Reddit provides a unique opportunity for such investigation,
as each user’s history of activity is publicly available and,
because of the variety of discussion communities, less
Social media are becoming an increasingly dominant means
dependent on topic of discussion.
of exerting persuasive influence on people. However, if not
That being said, despite CMV’s credo stating that the forum is
done appropriately and targeted at individuals who are not
susceptible in the first place, attempts at persuasion can
“A place to post an opinion you accept may be flawed, in an effort
result in backfiring, pushing people further apart [1]. As
to understand other perspectives on the issue.”
these phenomena propagate through the population,
affecting and changing society at large, persuasion in online
only a small minority (13%) of the community’s members
social spaces has become an important topic of scientific
ever post submissions on their own opinions, while the
majority only participate in the discussions of others’ views.
Providing an open-access, natural discursive environment
While posting on CMV does not guarantee that a person is, in
with user-labeled data, the Change My View (CMV) Reddit
fact, open to view-change and the environment is not the only
forum has become a popular research subject, being
one where the process takes place, the relatively small share
investigated in at least 20 studies [2] from fields like
of submitting users implies that deliberately and openly
computational linguistics, behavioral design, and discourse
challenging one’s view is a relatively unique phenomenon,
even within a purposed community like CMV.
On the forum, users write about their views on various topics
To fill the identified gap in current research on persuasion,
with the purpose of having their views challenged. Users can
we set out to explore the factors associated with users’
then award the arguments of others with a “delta” if they
decisions to, first, challenge their opinions on CMV, and
succeed in changing their initial stance.
second, to end up changing them.
Studies of persuasion on the forum have mostly focused on
To answer these questions, we inspected the users’ activities
what makes an argument persuasive and, to a lesser extent,
on Reddit before they joined the CMV community. As this is
what makes the users persuadable. The studies that
an exploratory endeavor without much theoretical
foundation, we focused on surface-level parameters,
observing the user’s posting patterns, stylistic and linguistic
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
features, indicators of personality, and their community
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice
and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of
this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana,
L. Motnikar et al.
We then set to explore the data in two problems, comparing
two sets of users in each task.
We collected submissions and comments that were posted to
CMV between January 1st and December 31st, 2020, excluding
2.2 Task 1: Questioning one’s view
those that were removed by moderators, or made by bots
and deleted accounts. This left us with 31,419 submissions
In Task 1, we explored the characteristics of CMV users who
and 1,563,865 comments, authored by 158,724 unique users,
posted submissions questioning their views by comparing
21,168 of whom posted submissions.
them to those who only commented on others’ posts but
We studied users who made their first contribution to CMV
never submitted posts on their own views.
in the studied period and were active on the forum over a
After filtering by the previously mentioned criteria, the
span of at least seven days. While this threshold is somewhat
experimental group consisted of 4,639 users who posted at
arbitrary, it allowed us to exclude users who were mere
least one submission on CMV.
passersby of the community (who may be unfamiliar,
We compared those users to a control group of the same size,
unserious, or even purposefully disruptive), while retaining
randomly selected from the users that passed the criteria but
a representative sample accounting for a majority (69%) of
never posted their submission (although they may have done
newcomer-created content.
so after the studied period). From here on, we refer to these
We then downloaded the users’ post histories one year
groups as questioning (Q) and non-questioning (Non-Q).
before their first post (submission or comment) on CMV and
imposed additional filters, keeping the users who:
2.3 Task 2: Changing one’s view
a) made less than 10,000 submissions and comments, to
In the second part, we were interested in finding the
exclude potential bots and spammers, and
characteristics underpinning one’s susceptibility to view-
b) made at least 10 posts containing 100 analyzable tokens
change. For this, we divided questioning users into two
before joining CMV, to ensure enough data.
subgroups: those susceptible (S) and non-susceptible (Non-
For each user, we created two separate corpora, one of pre-
S) to view-change.
CMV submissions and one of pre-CMV comments. We then
We deemed a submission as ending in view-change if its
analyzed their posts across various domains, excluding
author has awarded a “delta” that has been confirmed by the
deleted and non-English (estimated automatically, using [7])
forum’s Delta-Bot, which checks for rule compliance.
posts from text analysis.
We selected CMV submissions that garnered at least 10
comments (indicating that some discussion took place) and
2.1 Investigated features
compare authors who changed their views in either 100%
Posting behavior. First, we collected data on the users’
(n=1,435) or 0% (n=1,204) of the submissions they posted.
posting behavior, including days of activity pre-CMV activity,
We opted for this distinction following [3], presupposing that
the number of communities they were involved with, the
the differences would be more notable between extremes.
average length of submissions and comments, and their daily
rates of posting.
Psycholinguistic characteristics. Second, we scored the
post histories on selected categories of the LIWC2015
In both tasks, we conducted a series of Bonferroni-Holm-
dictionary [8], a popular tool for psycholinguistic research,
corrected significance tests, comparing the features of the
containing common words and word stems categorized by
users’ pre-CMV submission and comment corpora
grammatical and semantic categories.
separately. We present results in Table 1 for Task 1 and Table
We selected features relating to grammar, as well as selected
2 for Task 2, showing only features that yielded significant
psychological categories. The latter included affective,
differences, due to spatial limitations.
cognitive, social, perceptual, and biological processes, drives,
In Task 1, we observed that questioning users, on average,
relativity, and time orientations.
posted submissions more often while having a shorter
Formatting and structure. Third, we looked at the outward
duration of pre-CMV activity.
appearance and structure of users’ posts by extracting
Regarding LIWC, users differed in most of the studied
Markdown formatting features, namely the use of bold,
categories. In most cases, the trend pointed in the same
italics, quotations, links, and un/ordered lists.
direction in both submissions and comments. In some cases,
Personality. Fourth, we built a predictor of BIG5 personality
the difference was significant only in one set, and in a few, the
traits by matching the top and bottom 100 n-grams that were
trends in submissions and comments opposed one another.
shown to be associated with each personality dimension in
Regarding formatting, questioning users used more ordered
[9] and summing their correlation-weighted scores.
lists in both sets of corpora, while they used fewer quotes in
Reddit communities. In addition, we also explored
the comments.
differences in the communities where the users were active,
The users’ posts exhibited quite inconsistent manifestations
to see if particular communities are more or less popular
of personality, expressing lower neuroticism in submissions,
within a certain population. We looked at the subreddits
while in the comments, they showed higher agreeableness,
where the users posted and calculated the percentages of
extraversion and conscientiousness, and lower openness.
affiliated users in the studied groups.
Change ahead!
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana,
Questioning and changing views in online discussions
Table 1. Significance testing results in Task 1. The numbers
Table 2. Significance testing results in Task 2. Arrow
represent effect sizes (Cohen’s d). Arrow direction represent how
directions represent feature expression in S users relative to Non-S.
the feature expresses in Q users relative to Non-Q. The number of
arrows denotes significance at p<.05, p<.01, p<.001, or p<.0001.
Characteristic of susceptibility?
Posting features
Characteristic of questioning?
Submissions per day
-.17 ↓↓
Posting features
Submissions per day
.32 ↑↑↑↑
Days of activity
-.39 ↓↓↓↓
Ordered list
.14 ↑
Function words
.14 ↑↑↑↑
.07 ↑
.15 ↑
.16 ↑↑↑↑
.21 ↑↑↑↑
.20 ↑↑↑↑
Personal pronouns
.10 ↑↑↑
.22 ↑↑↑↑
1st person singular
.31 ↑↑↑↑
In Task 1, for example, questioning users had a 2.37 times
1st person plural
-.10 ↓↓
higher likelihood to post on r/askphilosophy (a forum for
2nd person
.14 ↑↑↑↑
discussion of philosophical ideas) and a relative likelihood of
3rd person plural
-.11 ↓↓↓↓
0.3 to post on r/bestof (a forum where users share their
.15 ↑↑↑↑
.06 ↑
favorite comments across all Reddit). Similarly, in Task 2,
-.21 ↓↓↓↓
susceptible users were 2.7 times more likely to post on
-.16 ↓↓↓↓
r/getdisciplined (a support community for self-
Common adverbs
.11 ↑↑↑↑
.08 ↑↑
improvement) but had a likelihood of 0.58 to post on
.13 ↑↑↑↑
.11 ↑↑↑↑
Common adjectives
.10 ↑↑↑
-.08 ↓↓
.12 ↑↑↑↑
Table 3: Quotients of subreddit association rates
.26 ↑↑↑↑
.12 ↑↑↑↑
between Q and Non-Q users in Task 1 and S and Non-S
-.15 ↓↓↓↓
-.08 ↓↓
users in Task 2.
-.08 ↓↓
Positive emotion
.11 ↑↑↑↑
Task 1
Task 2
Negative emotion
.16 ↑↑↑↑
ratio subreddit
Social processes
.24 ↑↑↑↑
2.37 getdisciplined
Cognitive processes
.16 ↑↑↑↑
.12 ↑↑↑↑
2.08 woooosh
Perceptual processes
.09 ↑↑↑
1.96 confidentlyincorrect 2.31
-.08 ↓↓
1.95 ShitAmericansSay
Present focus
.08 ↑
.08 ↑↑
1.90 antimeme
-.20 ↓↓↓↓
-.17 ↓↓↓↓
0.36 AbruptChaos
-.08 ↓↓
0.35 sports
Ordered list
.07 ↑
.08 ↑↑
MaliciousCompliance 0.33 PoliticalDiscussion
0.33 PS4
-.16 ↓↓↓↓
0.30 socialism
.08 ↑↑
.16 ↑↑↑↑
.09 ↑↑↑
-.15 ↓↓↓↓
In this study, we sought to uncover parameters that might
In Task 2, there were fewer differences compared to Task 1.
carry explanatory information about a user’s tendency to
Regarding posting features, susceptible users exhibited a
openly question and then change their views. First, we
lower rate of posting submissions. There were no observable
compared users who posted submissions on CMV to those
differences in LIWC categories, while in formatting,
that only commented. Second, we compared the submitters
susceptible users exhibited a slightly higher use of ordered
who always ended up changing their views to those that
lists in the comments. Regarding personality, susceptible
never did.
users expressed higher agreeableness and neuroticism in the
We first observed that the users who posted submissions to
CMV also had a higher rate of posting submissions elsewhere,
We also inspected if the user groups in both tasks differ in the
before they joined the forum, indicating that the users who
communities they contribute to. Table 3 presents ratios
submit to CMV are in general more inclined to post
between the percentages of users who were affiliated with
submissions, which could be due to many factors. We
the community in each group, with a bottom threshold of 2%.
observe a similar albeit weaker discrepancy in Task 2, where
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana,
L. Motnikar et al.
a higher rate of posting submissions was characteristic of
questioning users tend to be more personal in their
non-susceptible users.
We then noticed that the time of the questioning users’
This considered, it is important to note that the effect sizes of
activity or Reddit before their first contribution to CMV was
observed differences are minimal, and without a deeper
shorter on average. One explanation could be that the
examination of context, nuanced interpretation is difficult.
submissions were posted from secondary accounts, perhaps
An interesting observation is that across all features, the
to anonymize one’s expression of a view they would not feel
groups differed a lot more in Task 1 than in Task 2. This
comfortable sharing otherwise. Despite our intentions to
shows that the psycholinguistic characteristics underpinning
limit such “throwaway” accounts by imposing a limit of
one’s tendency to challenge their view on CMV play greater
minimum activity, enough might have remained to have
importance compared to the ones behind their susceptibility
affected the data.
to award “deltas”. At the same time, they show that the users
We further observed that questioning users have a
who decide to submit to CMV might gravitate towards a
significantly different linguistic profile, as significant
certain type of user, begging the question of generalizability
differences appeared in several measured LIWC categories.
of studies of the forum.
Of those, function words and pronouns in particular have
The personality measures showed several differences in both
been studied the most and are known to bear psychological
tasks but were inconsistent when comparing expressions in
relevance, as they reveal the focus of the author’s attention
submissions and comments. Given that differences for each
and the relations between the entities discussed [10]. Higher
dimension were shown only in one set of corpora, this might
(personal) pronoun use, which was characteristic of
high indicate contextual dependency. Research has indeed
questioning users, generally points towards more personal
shown that word correlation-based measures of personality
and people-oriented language. However, when it comes to
depend on communication contexts [11], which could also
interpretation, it is important to also consider the different
apply to those of submitting and commenting. The second
contexts of submissions and comments, which differ in who
contextual consideration is that the tokens used for
they’re directed to. In submissions, where users address a
personality estimation were taken from a study of posts on
general audience, we observed that questioning users used
Facebook and might therefore not translate well to the social
more second person (“you”) and less first-person plural
environment on Reddit.
(“we”) pronouns. The role of second person has been
We also observed that certain subreddits were more or less
predominantly studied in close relationships, where it is
likely to be visited by the studied groups, indicating some
likely to entail confrontation [10]. However, in the context of
kind of community preferences, although it is not obvious
submissions, this is not likely to be the case. As they are
what underlies them. Going forward, it would be interesting
directed towards an unspecified reader, it is probably more
to examine if these differences are driven by topic or by
likely that the use of “you” is meant in a manner that is
specific social characteristics.
inquisitive or directing (e.g., “What do you guys think?”, “You
The main takeaway from this study is that the explored
should try this!”), showing initiative and an interest in others.
factors, particularly those regarding language, have a greater
This interpretation is also in line with the observation that
role in underlying questioning one’s views on CMV, than
questioning users used more interrogatives.
changing them. However, as noted in the beginning,
Next, the lesser use of first-person plural (“we”) in
questioning users posted more submissions overall. It is
submissions could indicate a lower degree of community
important to note that although we interpreted our findings
affiliation and belonging. It has previously been suggested
through the lens of questioning beliefs, this might not be the
that binding one’s view to a group disperses the feeling of
main explaining factor behind the observations. It could be
responsibility for it [5]. If questioning users hold beliefs as
that the differences we observed are driven more by this
their own rather than representing a group they identify
general propensity to post submissions than a wish to
with, they may be more likely to question their views.
challenge one’s views.
In the comments, we observed two further pronoun-related
In the future, it would therefore be necessary to explore this
trends. In particular, questioning users used more first-
question further. For example, one could investigate if
person singular (“I”), which entails greater self-focus,
similar differences exist between submitters and non-
perhaps as a means of explaining oneself, and less third-
submitters in other communities or if these effects scale with
person plural (“they”), indicating a lesser focus on an
the users’ rates of posting submissions. To better understand
outgroup or people in general.
the mechanisms behind challenging beliefs, we would have
Furthermore, we observed differences in several other
to control for such factors, as well as discern how
grammatic and semantic categories in both submissions and
motivations for submitting in general interact with those
comments. These point towards thematic and topical
specifically relating to questioning views.
discrepancy between the users’ use of language. As a general
observation, questioning users used fewer numbers, articles,
prepositions, and relativity, which indicates a lesser
D. G. and H. M. acknowledge funding from the Vienna Science
propensity for complex, analytic, and concrete language. This
and Technology Fund through the project “Emotional Well-
is contrasted by a higher use of words in the psychological
Being in the Digital Society” (Grant No. VRG16-005).
process categories, supporting the previous explanation that
Change ahead!
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana,
Questioning and changing views in online discussions
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Kaj se lahko naučimo od Jacques Mehlerja, klasičnega
kognitivnega znanstvenika
What can we Learn from Jacques Mehler, a Classical Cognitive Scientist
Amanda Saksida
Institute for Maternal and child health Burlo Garofolo – Trieste
classical cognitive science, modularity of mind, language
acquisition, Jacques Mehler
Prispevek prikazuje življenjsko delo Jacquesa Mehlerja, ki je
bil eden uspešnejših evropskih raziskovalcev razvoja človeške
kognicije, še posebej zgodnjega razvoja govora. Ob tem
1 Klasična kognitivna znanost in Mehlerjev doprinos
predstavi glavne predpostavke klasične kognitivne znanosti –
modularnost uma ter vlogo narave in vzgoje pri razvoju in
V letu 2020 je v Parizu v starosti 83 let po dolgi
delovanju miselnih procesov – in opiše, katere vpoglede je
nevrodegenerativni bolezni umrl Jacques Mehler, eden izmed
omogočilo empirično raziskovanje teh predpostavk v preteklih
pomembnih mladih akterjev tako imenovane kognitivne
desetletjih. Na kratko tudi oriše nova spoznanja, ki so
revolucije, ki se je zgodila v 60-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja in
je pomenila odmik od takrat prevladujočega behaviorizma k
kognitivno znanost v zadnjih dveh desetletjih dodobra
proučevanju vrojenih lastnosti kognicije. Od leta 1975 do
spremenila in ki so deloma vplivala tudi na njegovo delo.
Način, kako je Mehler ta nova spoznanja vedno znova
2001 je vodil psiholingvistični laboratorij v Parizu
integriral v svoje delo, lahko predstavlja enega od modelov
(Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique,
sinteze empiričnega in teoretskega raziskovanja.
EHESS-ENS). Zaradi po njegovem mnenju prezgodnje
upokojitve v francoskem CNRS se je leta 2001 lotil še
vzpostavitve laboratorija Language, Cognition and
Development Lab na SISSA-ISAS v Trstu, ki ga je vodil do
klasična kognitivna znanost, modularnost uma, razvoj govora,
končne upokojitve leta 2016.
Jacques Mehler
Mehler je kot direktor pariškega laboratorija veljal za
klasičnega kognitivnega znanstvenika, ki je človeško
kognicijo raziskoval v skladu z osnovnima predpostavkama,
The article shows the life work of Jacques Mehler, who was
da je um modularen ter da je večina miselnih procesov
one of the most successful European researchers in the field of
vrojenih. Ideja o modularnosti uma se je deloma napajala iz
the development of the human mind, especially early language
raziskav zgodnje nevrologije, vendar pa jo je v drugi polovici
acquisition. The article presents the main assumptions of
20. stoletja najbolje izpeljal Jerry Fodor. Fodorjeva različica
classical cognitive science – the modularity of the mind and
teorije o modularnosti uma, ki jo je povzel tudi Mehler, ne
the role of nature and nurture in the development and
nudi neposredne navezave na fiziološke procese,
functioning of the mind – and describes which insights have
predpostavlja pa, da na vsakem področju (modulu)
been enabled by Mehler’s empirical research of these
uma/kognicije veljajo drugačni načini učenja in zaznavanja
assumptions over the past decades. New findings are also
(angl. domain specificity), ki niso neposredno vezani na drug
briefly presented that have changed cognitive science over the
modul (angl. information encapsulation) in ki niso nujno
last two decades and that have partly influenced his work. The
vezani na eno samo čutilo [1]. Ideja o vrojenosti miselnih
way in which Mehler has repeatedly integrated these new
procesov je, podobno, izhajala iz spoznanja o visoki
insights into his work can represent one of the models of the
specializaciji nekaterih delov kognicije že zelo zgodaj v
synthesis of empirical and theoretical research.
razvoju, še najbolj izrazito v razvoju govora [2]. Skladno s to
idejo je učenje pravzaprav zgolj sprožanje nastavitev
parametrov, ki so sami po sebi vrojeni [3] Kognitivna znanost,
ki je predpostavljala modularnost uma in vrojenost miselnih
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
procesov je pomenila neposredno kritiko behaviorizma, ki je
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
predpostavljal splošne mehanizme učenja za vse miselne
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
procese in po katerem je učenje vedno neposredni odziv na
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
zunanje dražljaje [4]. Razprava o vlogi narave in vzgoje je
sicer stara tisočletja, in mnenja o tem, da so nekateri miselni
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author.
procesi vrojeni, saj jih lahko opazujemo takoj po rojstvu ali še
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Saksida, A.
pred njim, se še danes silovito krešejo z mnenji, da so ti
izvršilne funkcije že kmalu po rojstvu: dojenčki iz dvojezičnih
procesi posledica učinkovitih splošnih učnih mehanizmov.
družin že pri 7 mesecih izkazujejo boljšo kontrolo in
inhibicijo kot njihovi enojezični vrstniki [23], [24].
V teh teoretskih okvirih je Mehler izpeljal vrsto empiričnih
raziskav o tem, kako je človeško zaznavanje selektivno in
Mehlerjeva izhodiščna pozicija je bila torej jasna in večina
pogojeno z vrojenim znanjem tudi na področju prepoznavanja
objavljenih del se je ukvarjala z omejitvami splošnih učnih
in učenja maternega jezika. Ugotovil je, da je zlog osnovna
mehanizmov ter visoko specializiranimi mehanizmi, ki so po
zaznavna enota v govoru in da je prepoznava zloga kot
njegovem prepričanju najverjetneje vrojeni (specializirani
osnovne zaznavne enote pomembna pri učenju in segmentaciji
mehanizmi zaznavanja, stavčni ritem in prozodija, soglasniki-
besed [5], [6], in to že od rojstva naprej [7]. Vendar pa so že
samoglasniki). Vendar pa je pri svojem delu ostajal trdno
novorojenčki pozorni tudi na druge pomembne elemente
zavezan empiričnemu preverjanju glavnih teoretskih vprašanj
govora, kot so premori in spremembe v intonaciji [8], [9].
s pomočjo čim bolj objektivnega in nepristranskega
Skupaj s študenti je raziskoval zmožnost razločevanja
opazovanja človeških odzivov od rojstva naprej, pravzaprav
različnih jezikov ob rojstvu in ugotovil, da novorojenčki
podobno kot Piaget, čeprav so ju ločevala nesoglasja. Ker mu
prepoznajo materin glas ter ritem jezika, ki so ga poslušali že
je empirično raziskovanje omogočalo vsaj delno distanco od
pred rojstvom, ter ga ločijo od jezika z drugačnim ritmom,
teoretskega dela, ostaja odprto vprašanje, kako bi na razvoj
vendar pa ne ločijo dveh ritmično podobnih jezikov [10], [11].
kognitivne znanosti gledal danes.
Kljub določeni meri skepse glede neposredne povezave med
(vrojenimi) miselnimi procesi in njihovo fiziološko
3 Kognitivna znanost danes v odnosu do Mehlerjevega
(nevrološko) podlago je bil zavezan eksperimentalnemu delu
ter sodelovanju pri metodoloških inovacijah, potrebnih za
raziskave zgodnjega razvoja. To je kasneje omogočilo tudi
Predstavljena teoretska vprašanja kognitivne znanosti so bila v
nekatera dognanja s področja nevrologije kognitivnih
zadnjih letih soočena z novimi podatki, ki so kazali na to, da
procesov, ki jih je preučeval. Med drugim je prvi uporabil
lahko splošni kognitivni primanjkljaji zaradi spremenjenega
NIRS (angl. near-infrared spectroscopy) tehniko optične
vnosa podatkov pripeljejo do specifičnih razvojnih motenj. Na
topografije pri novorojenčkih ter tako prvi pokazal, da človek
primer, specifična jezikovna motnja bi bila lahko posledica
že ob rojstvu procesira govor v levi možganski polovici [12].
centralnega primanjkljaja v procesiranju hitrih zvočnih
dražljajev [25]. Podobno sosledje morda velja tudi za
2 Mehlerjeva integracija novih idej v klasično kognitivno
disleksijo [26], [27]. Vendar pa mnenja o izvoru učnih
razvojnih motenj ostajajo deljena in zato še vedno
prevladujejo kognitivni modeli, ki predvidevajo modularnost
Kognitivna znanost se je na prelomu tisočletja zopet začela
posameznih področij kognicije [28], [29].
korenito spreminjati. Bolj množično so se začele zbujati
kritike teorije o modularnosti uma ter selektivnih zaznavnih in
Ker so kognitivni procesi nujno posledica dejavnosti
učnih mehanizmov. Naraslo je tudi zanimanje za vlogo
možganov, ideja modularnosti uma tudi v svojih novejših
splošnih statističnih učnih mehanizmov pri učenju govora, na
različicah vselej predpostavlja, da so specializirani procesi
primer zaznavanja pogostosti pojavitve osnovnih gradnikov
tisti, ki zasedajo nek točno določen predel možganskega tkiva
jezika, fonemov, zlogov, besed, ter pogojnih verjetnosti
[30]. To idejo so nedavna spoznanja v nevroznanosti dodobra
sopojavljanja teh gradnikov v jeziku [13], [14]. To je po
načela z dokazi, da so posamezni možganski moduli, ki so bili
naključju sovpadlo tudi z Mehlerjevim premikom iz Pariza v
tradicionalno razumljeni kot osnovni kognitivni moduli, v
Trst leta 2001. Novi laboratorij v Trstu se je začel ukvarjati z
resnici deli nevronskih mrež, ki pa so v možganih pogosto
odnosom med statističnim učenjem in osnovnimi
uporabljene večkrat in za različne namene (angl. neural reuse,
predpostavkami klasične kognitivne znanosti. S skupino
neural redeployment) [31], [32]. Še več, bistvo specializacije
mladih sodelavcev je Mehler preučeval lastnosti in omejitve
nevronskih mrež verjetno ni v njenih osnovnih gradnikih,
statističnega učenja pri segmentaciji in učenju besed.
možganskih modulih, temveč v načinu, kako so ti gradniki
Statistično učenje recimo deluje drugače na samoglasnikih kot
povezani. Zato je mogoče za iste kognitivne funkcije
na soglasnikih [15], [16], kadar pa so si statistične in
opazovati dejavnost različnih nevronskih mrež, ali pa obratno,
prozodične informacije v nasprotju, se človeški um bolj
dejavnost istih (ali vsaj navidezno istih) nevronskih mrež za
zanaša na prozodične [17]–[19].
različne kognitivne funkcije [33]. Primer za slednje so
ekspertne veščine, ki jih eksperti lahko navidezno opravljajo
Opažanje, da je zaznavanje selektivno, je pripeljalo tudi do
avtomatizirano, vendar pa obenem ohranjajo centralni nadzor
študij bolj ali manj specializiranih mehanizmov zaznavanja,
nad dinamiko dogajanja, kar bi lahko nakazovalo, da je za dva
npr. zaznavanje identitete (ponavljanja, npr. ponavljanja
procesa odgovorno eno (ali vsaj na videz eno) nevronsko
zlogov) in zaznavanje robov (npr. boljše pomnjenje zlogov na
omrežje [34].
robovih besed), ki v veliki meri olajšajo zgodnje učenje jezika
[20]–[22]. Obenem pa so v laboratoriju potekale tudi
Čeprav so se kognitivni modeli delovanja kognicije v
raziskave o tem, kako razvoj govora, kot specializiranega
preteklosti lahko ogradili od modelov nevrološkega delovanja,
znanja, vpliva na druge dele človeške kognicije, na primer na
ker ti niso bili v neposrednem nasprotju s prvimi, ima
centralne nadzorne in izvršilne funkcije. Na primer,
ponujeni model organizacije nevronskih mrež neposredne
vsakodnevno poslušanje dveh ali več jezikov vpliva na
posledice tudi za kognitivne modele, saj predpostavlja, da so
vsa specializirana znanja modularna samo v zelo abstraktnem
Kaj se lahko naučimo od Jacques Mehlerja, klasičnega
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Vpliv informacije o ceni na subjektivno oceno zvoka violin
Influence of Price Information on the Subjective Evaluation of Violin Sound
Anja Šerbec
Gimnazija Bežigrad
Peričeva ulica 4
Ljubljana, Slovenija
more expensive was rated significantly better the second time.
The cheapest violin was rated significantly worse in the
V raziskavi sem analizirala, v kolikšni meri informacija o ceni
experiment in which the price information was given.
inštrumenta vpliva na posameznikovo subjektivno oceno zvoka.
Zanimalo me je tudi, ali so subjektivne ocene zvoka pri
glasbenikih bolj povezane s ceno violin v primerjavi z ocenami
poslušalcev, ki se z glasbo ne ukvarjajo. S poskusom sem
preverjala, če bo lažna informacija o ceni vplivala na subjektivno
placebo effect, marketing, effects on sound perception,
oceno zvoka. Pri poskusu, ko cena ni bila podana, sem zaznala
assessment of violins, price information
šibko do zmerno povezanost med ceno violine in subjektivno
oceno zvoka. Pri poskusu, ko je cena bila podana, sem zaznali
visoko povezanost med ceno in subjektivno oceno zvoka.
Posameznikovo vrednotenje zvoka je tako pri glasbenikih kot
Drage stvari so nam pogosto všeč. Mogoče višjo ceno
tudi pri udeležencih, ki se z glasbo ne ukvarjajo močno povezano
povezujemo z boljšo kakovostjo izdelka, za nekatere pa je
z informacijo o ceni. Violina, ki sem jo enkrat predstavila z njeno
posedovanje dragega izdelka statusni simbol. Zdi se, da že sama
realno prodajno ceno, drugič pa kot bistveno dražjo, je bila
cena vpliva na naše vrednotenje izdelkov. V raziskavi sem
drugič ocenjena zaznavno boljše. Najcenejša violina je bila v
opazovala, kako informacija o ceni vpliva na mnenje poslušalca
poskusu, v katerem je bila cena podana, ocenjena zaznavno
o zvoku violine. Zanimalo me je, če in v kolikšni meri je
poznavanje cene povezano s subjektivno oceno zvoka šestih
violin popolnoma različnih cenovnih razredov.
Osnovna predpostavka v ekonomiji je, da je stopnja ugodja
placebo efekt, marketing, vplivi na zaznavanje, ocenjevanje
pri uživanju nekega produkta odvisna le od lastnosti tega
violin, informacija o ceni
produkta in stanja posameznika. Tako naj bi na primer užitek, ki
izhaja iz uživanja pijače bil odvisen le od molekulske sestave
pijače in stopnje žeje posameznika [6]. Pretekle raziskave pa so
In this study, I investigated the extent to which an instrument's
pokazale, da informacije iz okolja vplivajo na naše pričakovanje
price information affects a person's attitude toward its sound. I
in zaznavanje na senzoričnih področjih: bolečina, vid, vonj in
was also interested in whether musicians' ratings of sound
tudi sluh. Kljub temu ni popolnoma znano, kako možgani
aesthetics were more strongly related to violin prices than were
spremembe pričakovane vrednosti pretvorijo v spremembe
the ratings of participants who were not involved with music. I
izkušene vrednosti [10].
experimented with whether misinformation about price would
V raziskavi na Stanfordski Univerzi leta 2007 so testirancem
influence ratings of sound. In the experiment in which price was
povedali, da bodo degustirali pet različnih vin in, da je namen
not mentioned, I found a low to moderate correlation between
poskusa preučiti vpliv časovnega trajanja degustacije na zaznan
violin price and sound ratings. In the experiment where price was
mentioned, I found a high correlation between price and sound
okus. Eno izmed vin je bilo degustirano dvakrat: enkrat z realno
informacijo o ceni in drugič z (lažno) nizko ceno. Testiranci so
bili pozvani, naj poročajo o všečnosti in intenzivnosti okusa vin.
Sound ratings correlated strongly with price information for
Rezultati so pokazali bistvene razlike v oceni všečnosti okusa
both musicians and non-musicians. The violin we presented once
dveh degustacij istega vina predstavljenega z dvema različnima
with its actual retail price and a second time as being significantly
cenama. Sklepamo, da informacija o ceni znatno vpliva na
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
všečnost okusa. Poskus so izvedli še enkrat, le da so tokrat
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
opazovali delovanje različnih možganskih centrov ob poskušanju
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
vina. Izkazalo se je, da je delovanje možganskih centrov
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
povezanih z sprejemanjem senzoričnih signalov in njihovo
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
predelavo različno pri dveh degustacijah istega vina, ko je
informacija o cenah podana [6]. Tudi raziskava z energijskimi
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
pijačami na Stanfordski univerzi iz leta 2005 je predhodno
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
A. Šerbec
pokazala, da imajo določene marketinške poteze, kot je
Kljub temu, da se zaznavanje zvoka razlikuje od posameznika
določanje in spreminjanje cen vpliv na naše zaznavanje, presojo
do posameznika raziskava na UWE Bristol iz leta 2005 kaže na
in vedenje [9]. Pojav je bil poimenovan »marketinški placebo
določeno stopnjo strinjanja pri kvalitativnih opisih lastnosti
efekt«, saj je zelo podoben znanemu fenomenu placebo efekta v
zvoka inštrumentov pri skupini glasbenikov [4]. Glasbeniki za
farmaciji [6], [9].
opis »barve« zvoka (tembre) določene violine pogosto uporabijo
»diferencialne pridevnike«. Primeri teh so: svetlost, trdost,
jasnost, tankost, polnost, nazalnost, odprtost, ostrina, celo
»kovinskost« in »lesenost« zvoka. Glasbenik bi zvok izbrane
V prispevku nas, podobno kot v prej opisanih poskusih, zanima
violine ocenil na dimenzijah: svetel – temen, trd – mehek, jasen
fenomen »placebo efekta«, le da se osredotočamo na zaznavanje
– nejasen (»umazan«), tanek – širok, poln – prazen (»na
prijetnosti zvoka.
površju«), nazalen – usten, zaprt – odprt. Umestitev zvoka
Placebo efekt je definiran kot »sprememba bolnikovega
violine na prej-naštetih dimenzijah omogoča glasbenikom bolj
stanja, ki jo je mogoče pripisati simboličnem vnosu zdravljenja
poenoteno oceno zvoka izbrane violine v primerjavi z laiki.
in ne farmakološkim ali fiziološkim lastnostim zdravljenja« [3,
Uporaba naštetih lasnosti pri ocenjevanju s strani glasbenikov je
pp.1]. Kljub temu, da je pojem placebo efekt ponavadi
v raziskavi nakazana pri odgovorih na vprašanje kombiniranega
uporabljen v povezavi z zdravili, je povezan z našim problemom,
tipa »Kaj je vplivalo na vašo odločitev?«. Na to vprašanje so
saj opisuje vpliv informacijskega nabora iz okolja na čutne
glasbeniki večkrat odgovorili s pridevniki »čistost«, »mehkoba«,
izkušnje. Opisala bom tudi katere lastnosti zvoka zaznavamo.
»jasnost«, »odprtost«. Pri posameznikovi oceni pomembno
vlogo igrajo osebne preference, a v splošnem velja, da ima dobra
2.1 Teorija pričakovanja
violina svetel, mehek, jasen, širok, poln, usten in odprt zvok [1].
Teorija pričakovanja pravi, da testirančeva pričakovanja in
prepričanost v dober rezultat sprožijo placebo efekt. V skladu s
to teorijo bi na primer testiranec iz skupine, ki pozna ceno
pričakoval boljši zvok violin, ki so bile predstavljene kot dražje.
Kot merski instrument sem uporabila spletni anketni vprašalnik,
S prepričanostjo v dober rezultat in pristranskostjo bi jih zato
ki je vseboval poseben tip vprašanja, ki je omogočilo testirancu
razvrščanje violin glede na
ocenil kot boljše [3].
njihovo subjektivno oceno zvoka.
Vprašalnik je vseboval tudi zvočni zapis narejen z visoko
2.2 Klasično pogojevanje
kakovostnim snemalnikom zvoka Zoom h1. Zvočni zapis je
predstavljal posnetke lestvice in melodij, zaigranih na 6 različnih
Teorija predvideva, da je placebo efekt pogojni refleks zaradi
ponavljajočih se povezav med pogojnim dražljajem (nevtralna
violin (Tabela 1). Vse violine so bile posnete v istem prostoru
(predavalnica 212, UL PeF), na njih pa sem igrala z istim lokom.
komponenta) in brezpogojnim dražljajem (aktivni element) [3].
Vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz dveh delov: v prvem delu
V našem primeru je pogojni dražljaj informacija o ceni in
(Poskus 1) so bili podani zgolj posnetki melodij: izseki iz skladb
brezpogojni dražljaj zvok, oziroma kakovost zvoka. Testiranci
Bacha, Paganinija, Glazunova ter Mozarta. Bach je skladatelj
bi lahko nezavedno prevzeli, da imajo dražje violine boljši zvok
baroka, Glazunov romantike, Mozart klasicizma, Paganini pa
in jih je posledično bolj prijetno poslušati (brezpogojni odziv).
sicer spada v romantiko, vendar igranje njegovih Cappricciov
Tako bi že sama informacija o višji ceni (pogojni dražljaj)
sprožila večjo všečnost do poslušane violine. Seveda velja tudi
ponazarja zmožnost inštrumenta, da se odzove na tehnično
obratno: če bo imel testiranec negativne izkušnje z cenejšimi
zahtevnih delih. Želela sem namreč predstaviti zvok vsake
violine v različnih glasbenih slogih. Med glasbeniki namreč velja
violinami, bo nižjo ceno podzavestno povezal z slabšim zvokom.
prepričanje, da nekatere violine bolje »ustrezajo« določenim
2.3 Socialni vplivi na zaznavanje in vedenje
slogom kot drugim.
Poslušalci so s funkcijo »povleci in spusti« razvrstili šest
Pomembno lahko vplivajo na zaznavanje tudi članstvo in procesi
različnih violin glede na njihovo subjektivno oceno zvoka
v skupini [6]. Kljub temu, da poskus ni bil izveden v skupinah,
posamezne violine. Udeleženci so violine med sabo primerjali in
ampak ga je vsak testiranec reševal sam, menim, da so socialni
jih razvrstili od najboljše do najslabše glede na njihovo oceno
dejavniki imeli močan vpliv na rezultate. Veliko ljudi je namreč
estetike zvoka (Slika 1). Povprečne ocene so bile izračunane po
prepričanih, da visoka cena violine kaže, da večina visoko
naslednjih formulah:
vrednoti to violino. Predvidevam, da bodo namesto, da bi se
odločili avtonomno prilagodili mnenje skupini, oziroma temu,
kar menijo da je mnenje večine.
∑𝑁𝑁𝑗𝑗= (
𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 − 𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑗𝑗(𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖)
2.4 Lastnosti zvoka violin
N – Število razvrstitev za 𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖
Kljub temu, da se v raziskavi ukvarjam z vplivom informacije o
𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 – pri Poskus 1 je enaka 6, pri Poskus 2 je enaka 7
ceni na všečnost zvoka violin in ne sámo kakovost zvoka, ne
𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑗𝑗(𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖) – razvrstitev violine i na določeno mesto
moremo zanemariti precejšnje verjetnosti, da imajo dražje
violine dejansko bolj kvaliteten zvok. Violine se ocenjuje po treh
Ker pa sta bili 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 pri Poskus 1 in Poskus 2 drugačni (pri
dimenzijah: odzivnost, enakomernost in »glas«. Slednji je
Poskus 1 je bila 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 6, ker so testiranci razvrščali 6
izrazito subjektiven, zato vrednosti violin in kakovost zvoka ni
posnetkov 6 različnih violin, pri Poskus 2 pa 7, saj so se posnetki
mogoče objektivno oceniti [1].
Vpliv informacije o ceni na oceno zvoka
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Violine 3 ponovili), je bilo ocene potrebno normirati. Povprečne
ceno violin v primerjavi z ocenami estetike zvoka v skupini ne-
ocene so bile normirane od 1 do 100 po naslednji formuli:
Vprašanje 3: Ali bo napačna informacija o ceni violine (lažna
𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛(𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛
informacija, da je cenejša violina draga) vplivala na subjektivno
𝑖𝑖) =
oceno zvoka pri tako glasbenikih kot tudi ne-glasbenikih?
𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛 − 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑁𝑁𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛
Da bi odgovorila na Vprašanje 1 sem primerjala rezultate
𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 − 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑁𝑁𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜
Poskusa 1 in Poskusa 2. Odgovor na Vprašanje 2 sem iskala v
∗ (𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛_𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛(𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖)
rezultatih Poskusa 1. Pri odgovarjanju na Vprašanje 3 sem
− 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜) + 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛)
uporabila rezultate Poskusa 2.
𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑁𝑁𝑅𝑅 – zaokroženo
𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑁𝑁𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛 = 1
Tabela 1: Maloprodajne cene violin
𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑛 = 100
𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑁𝑁𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 = 1
Cena (EUR)
V drugem delu (Poskus 2) so bili poleg posnetkov melodij
16 500
podani tudi posnetki lestvice a-mol in informacija o ceni. Pri tem
7 200
so bili enaki posnetki iste violine (VIOLINA 3) podani dvakrat:
3 000
enkrat z resnično informacijo oceni (3000 evrov) in enkrat z
13 500
lažno informacijo o ceni (30.000 evrov). Posnetki lestvice so bili
15 200
dodani zato, da preusmerijo testirančevo pozornost od dejstva, da
20 000
je v Poskusu 2 navidezno bila predstavljena ena violina več.
30 000 (3 000)
Na koncu obeh poskusov so bili testiranci vprašani o tem, kaj
je vplivalo na njihovo odločitev. Vprašanje je bilo
3.1 Opis vzorca
kombiniranega tipa, nanj pa so lahko odgovorili z več odgovori:
Poskus je v večini potekal preko spleta, delno pa tudi v živo na
Gimnaziji Bežigrad in Akademiji za glasbo. Vprašalnik je do
»jakost zvoka«
konca izpolnilo 100 ljudi, od tega 40 glasbenikov in 60 ne-
»barva zvoka (tembre)«
glasbenikov. Reševan je bil v Sloveniji, Makedoniji, Rusiji,
»dinamične razlike«
Nemčiji in Avstriji. Anketni vprašalnik je v celoti rešilo 4o žensk
in 31 moških. Anketni vprašalnik je bil objavljen na neuradni
»drugo« (odprtega tipa)
Facebook strani dijakov in bivših dijakov Gimnazije Bežigrad,
rešili pa so ga tudi dijaki Konzervatorija za glasbo in balet
Ljubljana, študenti in profesorji Akademije za glasbo Ljubljana
Testirance sem razdelila v dve osnovni skupini: glasbeniki in
in Univerze za umetnost Gradec ter člani simfoničnega orchestra
neglasbeniki. Kot glasbeniki so bili označeni vsi, ki so na
RTV Slovenija.
vprašanje »Kateri stavek vas opisuje?« odgovorili z enim izmed
»Sem profesionalen–i/-a glasben–ik/-ica in igram
inštrument – godalo.«
»Sem profesionalen–i/-a glasben–ik/-ica in ne igram
inštrumenta, ki je godalo.«
»Obiskujem akademijo za glasbo in igram inštrument
– godalo.«
»Obiskujem akademijo za glasbo in igram inštrument,
ki ni godalo.«
»Obiskujem glasbeno šolo in igram inštrument –
»Obiskujem glasbeno šolo in igram inštrument, ki ni
»Končal-a sem osnovno [in srednjo] glasbeno šolo.«
Kot ne-glasbeniki so bili označeni vsi, ki so na vprašanje »Kateri
stavek vas opisuje?« odgovorili z enim izmed stavkov:
»Obiskoval-a sem nekaj let osnovne glasbene šole.«
»Ljubiteljsko se ukvarjam z glasbo.«
»Z glasbo se ne ukvarjam.«
Zanimala so me naslednja raziskovalna vprašanja:
Vprašanje 1: Ali se zaznavanje estetike zvoka glede na
Slika 1: Razvrščanje violin po okusu od 1 do 6 (7). Zgornja
informiranost o ceni pri obeh skupinah (glasbeniki, ne-
slika kaže frekvence, oz. kako so udeleženci razvrščali
glasbeniki) razlikuje?
violine brez informacije o ceni. Spodnja slika kaže
Vprašanje 2: Ali so subjektivne ocene zvoka pri skupini
frekvence, oz. kako so udeleženci razvrščali violine z
glasbenikov v poskusu brez informacije o ceni bolj povezane s
informacijo o ceni.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
A. Šerbec
Uporabila sem Spearmanov koeficient korelacije za oceno
povezanosti med ceno violin in oceno zvoka violin v celotnem
Vpršanje 1: Ali se subjektivne ocene zvoka violin glede na
vzorcu. V Poskusu 1 ni bilo statistično značilne korelacije med
informiranost o ceni pri obeh skupinah (glasbeniki, ne-
glasbeniki) razlikujeje?
spremenljivkama cena violin in ocena zvoka violin, rs = 0,564; p
Graf, ki ga prikazuje Slika 1 prikazuje povprečne normirane
= 0,188; N = 6. Korelacija med spremenljivkama je bila v
ocene violin na lestvici od 1 do 100, ki so izračunane na podlagi
Poskusu 1 zmerna. V Poskusu 2 sem zaznala statistično značilno
ocen violin v celotnem vzorcu (torej glasbeniki in ne-glasbeniki).
korelacijo med spremenljivkama cena in subjektivna ocena
zvoka, rs = 0,964; p = 0,0004; N = 6. Korelacija med
spremenljivkama je bila v Poskusu 2 zelo močna.
Primerjava normiranih ocen violin za
To indicira, da je bila ocena zvoka v celotnem vzorcu pri
oba poskusa
Poskusu 2 povezana z informacijo o ceni violin.
Spearmanov koeficient korelacije za oceno povezanosti med
ceno violin in oceno zvoka violin sem izračunala za vsako
skupino posebaj. Pri skupini glasbenikov pri Poskusu 1 ni bilo
42 44
statistično pomembne korelacije med spremenljivkama cena in
37 38
subjektivna ocena zvoka, rs = 0,771; p = 0,072; N = 6. Korelacija
med spremenljivkama je bila v Poskusu 1 močna. V Poskusu 2
sem pri skupini glasbenikov zaznala statistično pomembno
korelacijo med spremenljivkama cena in subjektivna ocena
zvoka, rs = 0,886; p = 0,019; N = 6. Korelacija med
spremenljivkama je bila v Poskusu 2 zelo močna.
Pri skupini neglasbenikov pri Poskusu 1 ni bilo statistično
pomembne korelacije med spremenljivkama cena in subjektivna
ocena zvoka rs = 0,314; p = 0,544; N = 6. Korelacija med
Poskus 1
Poskus 2
spremenljivkama je bila v Poskusu 1 šibka. V Poskusu 2 sem pri
skupini glasbenikov zaznala statistično pomembno korelacijo
Slika 2: Povprečne ocene violin vseh testirancev za oba
med spremenljivkama cena in subjektivna ocena zvoka, rs =
poskusa (z in brez informacije o ceni
0,943; p = 0,005; N = 6. Korelacija med spremenljivkama je bila
v Poskusu 2 zelo močna.
Da bi ugotovila, če se ocene violin, ki so jih dali testiranci
To indicira, da je bila ocena zvoka v vsaki od skupin pri
pred in po informiranju o ceni (torej rezultati Poskusa 1 in
Poskusu 2 povezana z informacijo o ceni violin.
Poskusa 2) statistično značilno razlikujejo, sem uporabila
Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov. Ta je pokazal statistično
Tabela 3: Spearmanov koeficient korelacije za oceno
značilno razliko med rezultati Poskusa 1 in Poskusa 2 pri
povezanosti med ceno violin in oceno zvoka violin pri
violinah 1, 3, 4, 5 (p < 0,05). Test ni pokazal statistično značilne
skupinah glasbenikov in neglasbenikov. Statistično
razlike med rezultati Poskusa 1 in Poskusa 2 pri Violini 2 in
pomembne korelacije so označene krepko.
Violini 6 (p > 0,05). Teh izjem ne morem pojasniti.
Brez Informacije
Z informacijo
Rezultati Wilcoxonovega testa predznačenih rangov
o ceni
o ceni
nakazujejo, da se ocene večine violin glede na informiranost o
za 6 violin
ceni v celotnem vzorcu razlikujejo.
rs = 0,771,
rs = 0,886,
p = 0,072
p = 0,019
Tabela 2: Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov za pare
rs = 0,314 ,
rs = 0,943,
ocen violin, ki so jih dali testiranci pred in po informiranju
p = 0,544
p = 0,005
o ceni. Stat. pomembne vrednosti so označene krepko.
Brez informacije o
Na vprašanje »Kaj je vplivalo na vašo odločitev?« pri
Poskusu 2 so testiranci lahko odgovorili z več odgovori. Prikazan
Wilcoxonov test
Z informacijo o ceni
delež testirancev je izbral naslednje odgovore:
z = 2,119
»jakost zvoka« - 26,15%
p = 0, 034
»barva zvoka (tembre) – lestvica« - 44,25%
z = 1,678
»barva zvoka (tembre) – melodije« - 49,28%
p = 0,092
»dinamične razlike« - 24,14%
z = 3,910
»cena« 15,8%
p = 0,0001
»drugo« (odprtega tipa) -17,10%
z = 2,208
Dejavnik, ki je po mnenju testirancev najbolj vplival na
p = 0,027
njihovo razvrstitev je bila barva zvoka (tembre) pri posnetkih
z = 2,951
melodij (43 odgovorov). Veliko vlogo naj bi igrala tudi barva
p = 0,003
zvoka (tembre) pri lestvicah (38 odgovorov). Pod »drugo« so bili
z = 0,528
pogosti odgovori: »alikvoti«,
»izenačenost registrov«,
p = 0,597
»odzivnost« ter »intonacija«. Zanimivo je, da je cena med
Vpliv informacije o ceni na oceno zvoka
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
dejavniki, ki po mnenju testirancev vplivajo na njihovo
razvrstitev, po pogostosti na zadnjem mestu z le 14 odgovori..
Tabela 3: Wilcoxonov test za VIOLINO 3/7 celoten vzorec.
Stat. pomembne vrednosti so označene krepko.
Vprašanje 2 : Ali so subjektivne ocene zvoka violin pri skupini
Brez informacije o Brez informacije o
glasbenikov v poskusu brez informacije o ceni bolj povezane s
ceno violin v primerjavi z ocenami estetike zvoka v skupini ne-
Z informacijo o
Z lažno
ceni: 3000
informacijo o
Izračunan Spearmanov koeficient korelacije med ceno violin
ceni: 30.000
in oceno zvoka violin pri skupini glasbenikov je pri Poskusu 1
z = 3,886
z = 0,247
kazal močno korelacijo (Tabela 3).
3/7 p = 0,0001
p = 0,802
Spearmanov koeficient korelacije med ceno violin in oceno
zvoka violin je pri skupini neglasbenikov pri Poskusu 1 kazal
Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov za pare ocen violin, ki
zgolj zmerno korelacijo med spremenljivkama (Tabela 3).
so jih dali testiranci pred in po informiranju o ceni sem izračunala
Ker pa noben od omenjenih koeficientov ni statistično
tudi za vsako skupino posebej.
značilen, ne morem poročati o povezanosti med
Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov ni indiciral statistično
spremenljivkama pri obeh skupinah.
značilne razlike v ocenah zvoka pri skupini glasbenikov pred in
po informiranju o ceni, ko je bila podana resnična informacija o
Poskus 1
ceni. Ocena zvoka po informiranju o resnični ceni ni bila
zaznavno nižja, z = 0,809; p = 0,381.
Zanimivo je, da je Wilcoxonov test
predznačenih rangov
ral statistično značilno razliko v ocenah zvoka pri skupini
glasbenikov pred in po informiranju o ceni, ko je bila podana
lažna informacija o ceni. Ocena zvoka po informiranju o resnični
ceni je bila zaznavno višja, z = 2,505; p = 0,012.
Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov je indiciral statistično
značilno razliko v ocenah zvoka pri skupini neglasbenikov pred
in po informiranju o ceni, ko je bila podana resnična informacija
o ceni. Ocena zvoka po informiranju o resnični ceni je bila
zaznavno nižja, z = 4,139; p = 0,000003.
Presenetljivo je tudi, da Wilcoxonov test predznačenih
Slika 3: Primerjava povprečnih normiranih ocen violin
rangov ni indiciral statistično značilne razlike v ocenah zvoka pri
skupin glasbeniki in ne-glasbeniki pri Poskusu 1
skupini neglasbenikov pred in po informiranju o ceni, ko je bila
podana resnična informacija o ceni. Ocena zvoka po
Vprašanje 3: Ali bo napačna informacija o ceni violine (lažna
informiranju o resnični ceni ni bila zaznavno nižja, z = 1,267; p
informacija, da je cenejša violina draga) vplivala na oceno zvoka
= 0,205.
pri tako glasbenikih kot tudi ne-glasbenikih?
Rezultati nakazujejo, da je lažna informacija o ceni bolj
vplivala na glasbenike v primerjavi z neglasbeniki.
Da bi ugotovila, če je razlika v ocenah zvoka pri celotnem
vzorcu pred in po informiranju o ceni (enkrat z resnično
informacijo oceni in enkrat z lažno) statistično značilna sem
Tabela 4: Wilcoxonov test za VIOLINO 3/7 za glasbenike in
uporabila Wilcoxonov test test predznačenih rangov.
neglasbenike. Stat. pomembne vrednosti so označene
Wilcoxonov test predznač
enih rangov je nakazoval na
statistično značilno
Wilcoxonov test
Brez informacije
Brez informacije
razliko v ocenah zvoka pri celotnem vzorcu
o ceni /
o ceni /
pred in po informiranju o ceni, ko je bila podana resnična
informacija o ceni. Ocena zvoka po informiranju o resnični ceni
3/7 violino
Z informacijo o
Z lažno informacijo o
ceni 3.000 EUR
ceni 30.000 EUR
je bila zaznavno nižja, z = 3,886; p = 0,0001.
Presenetljivo pa je, da Wilcoxonov test predznačenih rangov
z = 0,809
z = 2,505
ni indiciral statistično značine razlike v ocenah zvoka pri
p = 0,381
p = 0,012
celotnem vzorcu pred in po informiranju o ceni, ko je bila podana
z = 4,139
z = 1,267
lažna informacija o ceni (zlagano visoka). Ocena zvoka po
p = 0,000003
p = 0,205
informiranju o lažni ceni ni bila zaznavno višja, z = 0,247; p =
Dejstvo, da je bil anketni vprašalnik večinoma reševan preko
spleta in ne v živo pa ima nekaj pomanjkljivosti. Testiranci so pri
poslušanju zvočnih posnetkov violin imeli različno kakovostno
opremo (zvočniki). Testiranci z boljšo opremo so tako lahko bolj
natančno slišali razlike v lastnostih zvoka med violinami. Nekaj
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
A. Šerbec
pomanjkljivosti pa je bilo tudi v pripravi samega vprašalnika:
razlike, idr. Veliko vlogo igrajo tudi osebne preference, zato je
izpolnjevanje vprašalnika je zaradi dolžine posnetkov vzelo vsaj
določanje vrednosti violine nekakšna »siva cona«. V poskusu
12 minut. Posledično del testirancev ni rešil vprašalnika v celoti,
sem opazovala vpliv faktorja, ki ni neposredno povezan z
kar je močno zmanjšalo obseg vzorca. Možna posledica je tudi
lastnostmi zvoka: informacija o ceni. Raziskava zato omogoča
to, da je udeleženim proti koncu poskusa zmanjkovalo
nekoliko provokativen pogled v svet prodaje in kupovanja violin,
pozornosti (in potrpljenja) in so zato violine ocenjevali naključno
ter je uporabna tako za izdelovalce in prodajalce kot za kupce
ali po informaciji o ceni. Razlog za daljše posnetke je bila želja,
da pri vsaki violini predstavim njen zven v različnih stilih preko
Uporabna je tudi na področju psihologije v marketingu, saj
melodij iz različnih obdobji glasbene umetnosti.
nakazuje, da informacije iz okolja vplivajo na naša pričakovanja
Kot moteča spremenljivka, bi lahko deloval tudi vpliv
povezana z vrednostjo in na to kako poročamo o izkušnjah na
izvajalca: ker sem bila sama izvajalka, nisem bila enako
senzoričnih področjih, natančneje na področju sluha.
»navajena« na vse igrane violine. Nekatere violine so bile redno
Predvidevam, da bi spoznanja raziskave lahko prenesli še na
servisirane, strune na njih so bile nove in bile so »igrane«, druge
druga senzorična področja, kot so okus, vid, vonj.
pa ne. Vsi našteti faktorji zaznavno vplivajo na kakovost zvoka
Da bi poskus izboljšala, bi ga izvedla še enkrat, z nekaj
Bissinger, G. (2008). Structural acoustics of good and bad violins. The
spremembami: vse violine bi servisirala in »uigrala«. Da izničim
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(3), 1764-1773.
vpliv lastne afinitete do določenih vi
Brody, H. (1981). The Lie That Heals: The Ethics of Giving Palcebos. Soc.
olin, bi tokrat posnela
Resp.: Journalism L. Med. , 7, 27.
igranje violinista, ki na vse violine igra prvič. Uporabila bi bolj
Cho, H. J., Hotopf, M., & Wessely, S. (2005). The placebo response in the
treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review and meta-
kakovosten snemalnik zvoka. Poskus bi najraje izvedla v živo in
analysis. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67(2), 301–313.
tako zagotovila, da vsi udeleženci poslušajo posnetke pod
Darke, G. (2005, March). Assessment of timbre using verbal attributes.
enakimi pogoji (enako kakovostne slušalke/zvočnik). Zanimivo
In Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology. Montreal, Quebec. sn.
bi bilo tudi razširiti poskus na področje nevro
Karmarkar, U. R., & Plassmann, H. (2019). Consumer neuroscience: Past,
-ergonomije in z
present, and future. Organizational Research Methods, 22(1), 174.
slikanjem možganov z metodo funkcijske magnetne resonance
Kompare, A., Stražišar, M., Dogša, I., Vec, T., & Curk, J.
(2019). Psihologija: spoznanja in dileme: učbenik za psihologijo v 4.
(fMRI) opazovati razlike v delovanju možganov testirancev pri
letniku gimnazijskega izobraževanja. DZS.
poslušanju violin in odločanju.
Plassmann, H., O'Doherty, J., Shiv, B., & Rangel, A. (2008). Marketing
actions can modulate neural representations of experienced
Ob ponovnem izvajanju poskusa bi v anketni vprašalnik
pleasantness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(3),
vključili več vprašanj o lastnostih testirancev. Tako bi vzorec
razdelili na več smiselnih podskupin, ki bi jih primerjali med
Schacter, D., Gilbert, D., Wegner, D., & Hood, B. M. (2011). Psychology:
European Edition. Macmillan International Higher Education.
seboj. (Npr. “Na testirance, mlajše od 25 let, je informacija o ceni
Shiv, B., Carmon, Z., & Ariely, D. (2005). Placebo effects of marketing
vplivala bolj/manj, kot na testirance starejše od 25 let.”)
actions: Consumers may get what they pay for. Journal of marketing
Research, 42(4), 383–393
Znano je, da je ocena kakovosti zvoka inštrumenta zelo
Smith, P. L., & Ratcliff, R. (2004). Psychology and neurobiology of
kompleksna tema: pri njej igrajo vlogo barva, jakost, dinamične
simple decisions. Trends in neurosciences, 27(3), 161–168
AI Art: Merely a Possibility or Already a Reality?
Tadej Todorović
Janez Bregant
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts
University of Maribor
University of Maribor
Maribor, Slovenia
Maribor, Slovenia
[1]. Nevertheless, the AI art debate is a debate about whether AI
can produce art, so it has to presuppose that there are in fact
The paper discusses the compatibility of AI art with various
works of art and that there is an intelligible way or definition that
definitions of art within the analytic tradition, namely functional,
can capture this phenomenon. Not presupposing this would
historical, and institutional ones. For every definition, we first
render the entire debate meaningless.
offer a general overview, discuss whether AI art could be
However, to remain as metaphysically non-committing as
compatible with it, detect possible problems, and finally offer
possible, we decided to analyse the compatibility of AI art with
real-life examples that could arguably serve as an example of AI
various most popular definitions. We excluded some more basic
that fits the given definition. In the final section, we address the
definitions, namely single property definitions, such as
issue of intentionality for AI art, which seems to be in one way
representational, expressive, and formal definitions; these seem
or another part of all discussed definitions and which seems to be
to have fallen out of fashion, undoubtedly because they are “not
the biggest challenge for AI art.
difficult to find fault with” [1].
Thus, we first analyse the compatibility of AI art with
functional definitions, followed by historical and institutional
Artificial intelligence,
art, functionalism, historicism,
definitions of art, and offering existing AI art examples along the
institutionalism, intentionalism.
way. Afterwards, we also offer a response to probably the biggest
obstacle to AI art, i.e. intentionality.
1 Introduction
Today, there are hardly any doubts that artificial intelligence (AI)
2 AI and functional definitions of art
can perform many tasks much better than us, all the way from
Functional definitions of art define art in terms of some function
playing chess, backgammon, or checkers to intelligent
or intended function. Usually, the function is connected with
scheduling and pricing systems in airline reservations, proving
some aesthetic properties, such as the aesthetic experience we
theorems, or solving equations. And as the AIs are getting better
undergo when admiring a work of art, e.g., catharsis or simply
and better at these domain-specific tasks, we, with more and
some aesthetic judgments or experiences. In this sense,
more uncertainty, diligently move the goalposts, stating that AI
functional definitions are more traditional, and have issues
will surely not be able to beat us at the next mark. No wonder
accommodating, e.g., modern art, like Duchamp’s ready-mades
then that one of the last bastions of human uniqueness, i.e.
(although some have argued that ready-mades have aesthetic
creativity, best shown through art and its creations, is fiercely
properties [2]). Despite their flaws, such definitions seem to be
defended against the possibility of AI art. What should
perfect for accommodating AI art. Beardsley’s definition can
philosophy say about that? Are there any definitional obstacles
serve as a good example of a functional aesthetic definition. It
to admitting AI art? Are there already existing examples of AI
states that an artwork is “either an arrangement of conditions
art that might fit various definitions of art?
intended to be capable of affording an experience with marked
Definitions of art remain a controversial subject in analytic
aesthetic character or (incidentally) an arrangement belonging to
philosophy. There has been much discussion about the value of
a class or type of arrangements that is typically intended to have
the definition of art and many sceptical concerns about its
this capacity” [3].
existence in the first place, starting all the way back in the 1950s
But which conditions evoke such feelings and experiences?
To our knowledge, a satisfactorily account of them has not been
given. Nevertheless, in the context of AI art, there seem to be no
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
formal obstacles against AI creating (art) works that meet such
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice
conditions. In fact, this is not only conceivable, but has arguably
and the ful citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of
already been done. A prime example is the “Creative Adversarial
this work must be honored. For al other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Network” (CAN) [4], the design of which was motivated by
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Berlyne’s theory [5] inspired by his most significant arousal-
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
T. Todorović and J. Bregant
raising properties for aesthetics: “novelty, surprisingness,
AI art in the final section. The question that we have to answer
complexity, ambiguity, and puzzlingness”.
is thus whether AI artworks could stand in an appropriate
The CAN project proved very successful. The authors ran a
relationship to established artworks and, more importantly,
series of experiments (Turing style tests with human subjects)
whether they already do. Similar to the problem in functional
with the created artworks to test how the AI measures up to
definitions, this should not present an insurmountable problem
human artists. The experiment III is the most relevant for
for AI art. It is not only conceivable that AIs could use a family-
functional definitions. In it, they asked human subjects to rate the
resemblance process to create artworks, AIs already utilize a
artworks by CAN and artworks by human artists (set of paintings
process that looks extremely similar. Alexander Mordvintsev,
from a display at Art Basel 2016). The paintings were rated on a
the software engineer behind DeepDream, Google’s neural
scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) on intentionality, visual structure,
network, writes as follows, “We train an artificial neural network
communication, and inspiration. Not only did the human subjects
by showing it millions of training examples and gradually
fail to notice that CAN paintings were not made by human artists,
adjusting the network parameters until it gives the classifications
they outperformed human artists in all metrics. Of course, the
we want” [10].
size of the experiment was rather small (21 participants), so the
The already mentioned CAN is an even better example: it
results are not statistically powerful; however, as the authors
uses a slightly different approach because its purpose is to create
state, “the fact that subjects found the images generated by the
artworks that would be indistinguishable from human artworks.
machine intentional, visually structured, communicative, and
The CAN is comprised of two adversary networks, a
inspiring, with similar levels to actual human art, indicates that
discriminator and a generator. A discriminator is “trained” on
subjects see these images as art!” [4]
human art samples, so it has a reference of art images,
Functional definitions do not require anything but the
accompanied with styles and labels. The generator then creates
realization of certain functional, i.e. aesthetic, properties, which
new works of art, trying to accomplish two things: the first is to
makes them tailor-made for AI art. We believe it is safe to claim
generate works that the discriminator would recognize as works
that if one subscribes to such a definition, they would be hard-
of art, i.e., it tries to create art that fits into the already-existing
pressed to find an argument against including the already-
styles. However, if it did only that, it would just emulate
existing AI artworks.
artworks, similar to an art forger. So, the second task of the CAN
generator is to confuse the discriminator regarding the style of
the work created. So, “on one hand it tries to fool the
3 AI and historical definitions of art
discriminator to think it is ‘art’, and on the other hand it tries to
Historical definitions are another popular way of understanding
confuse the discriminator about the style of the work generated”
art. The core message of historical definitions is that an artwork
[4]. In other words, the neural network has to navigate between
“is standing in some specified art-historical relation to some
the Scylla, which is getting recognized as art, and Charybdis,
specified earlier artworks” [1], which is similar to family-
which is generating works that are “style-ambiguous”, trying to
resemblance theories in certain aspects [6]. Moreover, and this is
find the sweet spot where the painting still resembles other works
what distinguishes historical definitions from functional or
of art but it is still original. And considering the experimental
institutional definitions: proponents of historical definitions do
results introduced in the previous section, CAN is apparently
not commit to a trans-historical concept of art, i.e. the concept
doing an extremely good job at it.
that would capture commonalities across various classes of
The idea of AI art being compatible with the historical
artworks in distinct historical periods, e.g. some stable core of
definitions is thus not only conceivable or possible; just like with
aesthetic properties that are present in all art movements
functional definitions of art, we could reasonably state that there
throughout the history. Thus, historical definitions present “an
are already examples of AI art that fit the criteria of historical
alternative to the definitional approach” [7]. One of the most
recognised historical definition of art is offered by Levinson,
who defines a work of art as “something that has been intended
by someone for regard or treatment in some overall way that
4 AI and institutional definitions of art
some earlier or pre-existing artwork or artworks are or were
The institutional definition of art is probably one of the most
correctly regarded or treated” [8].
influential and simultaneously one of the most criticized
There seem to be two common elements in historical
definitions of art of the 20th century. Many have argued that “the
definitions (even though proponents of historical definitions
definition’s obvious circularity is vicious” [1]; nevertheless, it
understand their reasoning as an alternative to the definitional
has remained fairly popular. The groundwork for institutionalism
approach, we will refer to historical “definitions” as definitions
was laid by Danto [11]; however, Dickie’s institutional definition
for the sake of simplicity and because our argument does not
is probably the most influential. The spirit of institutionalism can
hinge on this): let us call the first one the family-resemblance
be summed up by the following quote: “a work of art is an artifact
element, and the second one the intentional element, despite the
which has had conferred upon it the status of candidate for
fact that some historical definitions do not require the intentional
appreciation by the artworld” [12]. In other words, something is
element [9].
a work of art if people within the artworld grant it such a status.
In this section, we will focus on the family-resemblance
The definition is more elaborate, and has been expanded by
element; however, we will address intentionality as a problem for
Dickie in his more recent work, so it now consists of five
AI Art: Merely a Possibility or Already a Reality?
Information Society 2021, 7–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
interlocking conditions: “(1) An artist is a person who
almost as difficult as arguing that the path that was created
participates with understanding in the making of a work of art.
unintentionally somehow differs as an artifact from the
(2) A work of art is an artifact of a kind created to be presented
intentionally created path. In short, if humans recognize
to an artworld public. (3) A public is a set of persons the members
something as an artifact and behave as if it is an artifact, then
of which are prepared in some degree to understand an object
why should we not count it as one? The idea that something is an
which is presented to them. (4) The artworld is the totality of all
artifact if recognized as an artifact is also compatible with
artworld systems. (5) An artworld system is a framework for the
Dickie’s institutionalism since, according to him, “anything
presentation of a work of art by an artist to an artworld public”
brought into an art space as a candidate for appreciation becomes
thereby ‘artefactualized’” [17].
For brevity’s sake, we will only focus on the premises that
The only question that remains to answer is whether there are
seem problematic for AI art, i.e., premises (1) and (2). Premise
examples of AI art that pass fit the institutional definition. And,
(1) seems problematic, as AI is obviously not a person. However,
in fact, there are. Jeff Clune decided to test the level of artworks
the context has to be considered here; the authors of the 20th
produced by Evolving Artificial Intelligence Lab’s deep neural
century assumed that “the artist is always human, without
networks (DNN), submitting the artworks to the University of
exploring much whether non-humans can create art” [13]. This
Wyoming’s 40th Annual Juried Student Exhibition, “which
seems fairly anthropocentric in this day and age, and we are
accepted 35.5% of its submissions” [18]. Its artworks were not
confident that most theorists would agree that a being with the
only accepted, but also among the “21.3% of submissions to
same or greater understanding in the making of a work of art
receive an award” [18], and, what is perhaps most important for
(e.g., aliens) would still be considered artists. Therefore, the
an institutional definition of art, were displayed at the
problem does not seem to be not being human, but rather not
university’s art museum. So not only can we say that there does
possessing the capacity to understand and partake in the making
not seem to be a good reason against AI art in the framework of
of a work of art. This is closely (if not completely) related to
the institutional definition of art, we could arguably claim that AI
intentionality, which we address in the next section, so we will
art is already here.
put it aside for now.
The second premise might also pose some problems. There
seem to be two separate questions here: what counts as an artifact
5 AI and intentionality
and is an AI made object an artifact. So what is an artifact?
Some sort of intentionality component was present in almost all
Hilpien’s definition should serve our goals: “artifacts are
analysed definitions. The idea that something can only count as
physical objects which have been manufactured for a certain
art if it was produced intentionally could thus be compatible with
purpose or intentionally modified for a certain purpose” [14].
all analysed definitions. Intentionality is aboutness, it is “power
Notice that such a definition “does not rule out the possibility that
of minds and mental states to be about, to represent, or to stand
at least some things made by non-human animals are artifacts”
for, things, properties and states of affairs” [19]. It is hard to
[15]. E.g. “[b]eavers /…/ might be thought to intentionally
imagine that an organism or a system would possess such powers
construct dams in order to create ponds” [15]. On the other hand,
without consciousness. Even consciousness is not sufficient for
some more rigid behaviours of other animals, like webs woven
intentionality: we agree that animals (most animals) are
by spiders, might not count as artifacts. Paths can serve as an
conscious, but they (or babies) do not possess intentionality, as
even more ambiguous example. They are often created
intentionality belongs to higher order cognition. So, we cannot
unintentionally, when people take the same short-cut across the
possibly ascribe intentionality to AI, as we have no reason to
university lawn over and over again: but, as Preston argues, “/…/
think it is even conscious.
what is the point of saying that such a path is not an artifact,
Nevertheless, we believe intentionality is problematic as a
whereas an identical one that was created intentionally by exactly
condition for artworks. Here’s why. Definitions of art usually
the same process is? Moreover, what would it take to make the
include intentionality to exclude natural phenomena being art.
erstwhile non-artifactual path into an artifact? Would it be
However, intentionality can be understood in two ways. We can
enough to notice and approve it? Or would I have to intentionally
understand it in the narrower sense of producing and expressing
maintain it, by sweeping it clean of leaves, for instance?” [15]
a particular idea that the artist has, or we can understand it in a
The line has to be drawn somewhere, and it is hard to imagine
much broader, abstract sense of simply creating a work of art. If
that the line will not be, in some sense, arbitrary.
one stick to the former, this already excludes many art
So, are AI made objects artifacts? If we dismiss the artifacts
movements. Surrealism greatly emphasized automatism, which
debate because it seems arbitrary, then it does not matter. If one
is “perhaps the most famous of their [surrealists’s] techniques for
insists on the artifact/non-artifact distinction, a proponent of such
evading conscious control of the artistic process” [20]. Breton
distinction has to first offer a good reason in favour of it. Even if
defines Surrealism as “Psychic automatism in its pure state, by
such a reason could be provided, they have to answer the
which one proposes to express /…/ the actual functioning of
following question: how to classify AI object that are
thought /…/ in the absence of any control exercised by reason,
indistinguishable from human artifacts? If someone not familiar
exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern” [21]. So not only
with The Painting Fool [16] discovered a painting made by it,
did the surrealists want to create artworks in the absence of
they would, without a doubt, classify it as a (human) artifact. So
reason and intention, they saw “reason as a guard barring entry
why should we revoke that status once we discover that there was
to this storehouse” [20].
no intention involved in the production of the image? It would be
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
T. Todorović and J. Bregant
Defenders of intentionality can quickly offer the following
retort: even if one admits that surrealists’ process for creating art
Adajian, Thomas. 2018. “The Definition of Art”. In Edward N. Zalta (Ed.),
was not intentional in the narrow sense, they nevertheless had
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall 2018.
intention to produce art in the broader sense; they had the more
Lind, Richard. 1992. “The Aesthetic Essence of Art”. Journal of
abstract “impulse” or “urge” to create a work of art, which AI
Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 50, pp. 117–29. DOI:
lacks. However, not all artists throughout the history demanded
Beardsley, Monroe. 1982. The Aesthetic Point of View. Ithaca, New York:
or valued such broad intentionalism; in fact, some have been
Cornell University Press.
explicitly against it. Advocates of Primitivism, a widespread
Elgammal, Ahmed, Liu, Bingchen, Elhoseiny, Mohamed, Mazzone,
Marian. 2017. “CAN: Creative Adversarial Networks, Generating ‘Art’ by
trend in the modern art, celebrated “primitive works”, which
Learning About Styles and Deviating from Style Norms”. International
“came from an unconscious source of creativity rather than from
Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC).
Berlyne, Daniel Ellis. 1971. Aesthetics and psychobiology. Appleton-
artistic traditions, an idea which suited many modern artists /…/
Century-Crofts. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195304787.001.0001.
modern artists also praised the ‘primitivism’ of art produced by
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1953. Philosophical Investigation s. G.E.M.
children, the insane and untrained, ‘naïve’ adults.” [20]. Even
Anscombe and R. Rhees (Eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.), Oxford:
though one could argue that “primitive” art had a source of
Carroll, Noel. 1993. “Historical Narratives and the Philosophy of Art”.
inspiration, a sort of intentionality, it would be hard to argue that
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 51(3), pp. 313–26.
Levinson. 2007. “Artworks as Artifacts.”. In E. Margolis and S. Laurence
what they had in mind was this broader concept of creating art.
(Eds.), Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their
Such a broader claim would be even harder to defend in case of
Representation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 74–82.
children or the “insane”.
Stock, Kathleen and Thomson-Jones, Katherine. 2008. New Waves in
Aesthetics. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Two conclusions can be drawn from all this: if one demands
Mordvintsev, Alexander. 2015. “Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural
intention in the narrow sense then this would exclude movements
Google AI Blog. Available at:
like Surrealism, and therefore should not be a necessary
condition for artworks; and if one demands intentionality in the
Danto, Arthur. 1981. The Transfiguration of the Commonplace.
broader sense then such a concept will differ massively over
Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Dickie, George. 1974. Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis.
cultures and individuals, especially if we find value in
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
“primitive” art. If modern artists cherished and valued art
Hertzmann, Aaron. 2018. “Can Computers Create Art?”. Arts 7 (2): 18.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/arts7020018.
produced by children and the “insane”, which lack intentionality
Hilpinen, Risto. 1992. “Artifacts and Works of Art”. Theoria, 58(1), pp.
in the broader sense altogether, then this should also not be a
58–82. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-2567.1992.tb01155.x.
Preston, Beth. 2020. “Artifact”. In Edward N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford
necessary condition for artworks.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall 2020. URL =
Throughout this paper, we have shown examples of AI
artworks that were not only appreciated as art, but which also
Colton Simon. 2012. “The Painting Fool: Stories from Building an
Automated Painter”. In John McCormack and Mark d’Inverno (Eds.)
won prizes, and arguably outperformed human artists. Spectators
Computers and Creativity. Berlin: Springer. DOI:
recognized such works as intentional, inspiring, and
Slater, Barry Hartley. “Aesthetics”. In James Fieser and Bradley Dowden
communicative. Similar to “primitive” art, AI was able to
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available at:
achieve this without intentionality in the narrow or broader sense.
Understanding intentionality in the narrow sense excludes too
Shein, Esther. 2017. “Computing the Arts”. Communications of the ACM,
60(4), pp. 17–19. DOI: 10.1145/3048381.
much from the world of art, and understanding it in the broader
Jacob, Pierre. 2019. “Intentionality”. In Edward N. Zalta (Ed.), The
sense does not allow an objective definition of art: the concept of
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Winter 2019. URL =
this artistic impulse, as seen with Primitivism, just varies too
Little, Stephen. 2004. Isms: Understanding art. New York: Universe.
much across cultures and individuals to enable an unbiased
Breton, André. 1969. Manifestoes of Surrealism. Ann Arbor: The
University of Michigan Press
description of art. As such, it would seem more appropriate to
judge works of art on their external properties, not the intentions
of the artists.
We can confidently say that AI (art) works can already pass
some kind of the so-called Turing test in the world of art,
something that perhaps many post-modern or contemporary
human works of art would not. And whereas some people see AI
art as blasphemous, we see it as potentially offering us new
insight into our understanding of art. Nevertheless, it seems that
whatever objection AI defeats, the goal-post always moves
further away. Simon Colton wrote (about his creation, the
Painting Fool) that “it is our hope that one-day people will have
to admit that the Painting Fool is creative because they can no
longer think of a good reason why it is not” [16]. Similarly,
hopefully one-day people will have to admit that AI can produce
art, because they can no longer think of a good reason why it
could not.
Compliance with COVID-19 preventive behaviors and
proneness to cognitive biases
Manca Toporišič Gašperšič†
Nataša Grof
Undergraduate Psychology
Poljane grammar school
Strossmayerjeva 1
Faculty of Arts, University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Research so far has extensively focused on linking certain
personal traits to compliance with behavioral recommendations.
Due to common non-compliance with behavioral hygiene
Extraversion has therefore been negatively correlated to
recommendations to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the younger
compliance with COVID-19 social distancing measures, whereas
generation has often been regarded as a catalyst of the current
conscientiousness is believed to be positively correlated to
pandemic. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to determine
compliance [2]. At the same time, low levels of empathy and
the connection between proneness to specific cognitive biases
antisocial traits are linked to noncompliance with containment
and compliance with COVID-19 preventive recommendations in
measures [3, 4]. On the other hand, current literature has offered
high school students. Our results indicate that decision myopia is
inadequate understanding of the cognitive factors of behavioral
positively correlated to non-compliance with COVID-19
non-compliance. In this study, we try to theoretically and
containment measures. Surprisingly, no link has been found
empirically bridge this research gap. We therefore undertake to
between risk aversion and compliance to self-protective
examine certain cognitive biases we believe might be related to
recommendations, whilst individuals who are more prone to
engaging in self-protective behavior.
belief bias report greater compliance with COVID-19 preventive
behaviors. The results clearly indicate that proneness to cognitive
Cognitive biases and their possible correlation with
biases is somewhat important but not a decisive factor of
preventive behavior
adherence to preventive measures.
Framing is defined in the framework of prospect theory, which
predicts that people are inconsistent when evaluating losses and
gains. In particular, when faced with losses, people typically tend
to engage in more risk-seeking behavior than when faced with
COVID-19, preventive behavioral measures, compliance,
cognitive biases, high school students
gains [5, 6]. In consequence, more negative, loss-emphasizing
information may result in greater risk-taking decision making.
Adherence to even the most basic hygienic measures which aim
to limit the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is to a
certain extent a decision based on one’s risk attitude. In the
1.1 Theoretical background
current pandemic, the most recurrent example of framing losses
is enumerating the number of lives lost due to COVID-19.
Known psychological correlates to compliance with
Emphasizing saved lives, is on the other hand, an example of
behavioral interventions
framing gains.
With the rise of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 variants and
However, in addition to this typical framing context, some
related vaccine hesitancy trends, basic behavioral hygienic
authors have already pointed out other framing types. There have
measures (such as wearing masks, frequent hand washing, as
been indications that different countries framed the outbreak
well as physical distancing) have remained the fundamental tools
differently at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak in 2020.
to contain the spread of the virus. However, evidently certain
Whilst Western countries focused more on framing COVID-19
individuals do not comply to these behavioral recommendations
as a respiratory disease, similar to the seasonal flu, Asian
[1], thus probably contributing to the spread of the coronavirus.
countries compared the novel coronavirus to the SARS virus – a
Identifying factors that are linked to compliance with behavioral
difference in framing that supposedly contributed to the great
recommendations and restrictions is thus extremely important.
success of Asian countries in flattening the initial curves of new
infections [7].
Risk aversion is another important notion, defined in the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
framework of prospect theory. It is a cognitive bias, best
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
described as a constant inclination to select the most certain and
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice
and the ful citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of
reliable option, even when there are more profitable (but at the
this work must be honored. For al other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
same time riskier) options available [8]. Current theory stipulates
that people more prone to this bias, tend to be more compliant
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
with COVID-19 measures [9].
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Toporišič Gašperšič & Grof
On the other hand, not engaging in self-protective behavior
H2: Participants, prone to belief bias, report lower
may not only be connected to one’s risk attitudes, but also to their
compliance with COVID-19 containment behavioral
lack of reasoning and unwillingness to incorporate new evidence
into their thought processes. In syllogistic reasoning, belief bias
H3: There is a positive correlation between compliance with
is described as the tendency “to rely on prior beliefs rather than
behavioral guidelines and loss aversion.
to fully obey logical principles [10].” In other words, it means
H4: Decision myopia is negatively correlated with
being constrained by your own opinions and predispositions. In
compliance with behavioral recommendations to contain the
response, acquiring new, accurate, and unbiased information can
spread of COVID-19.
be extremely difficult for individuals who are especially prone to
this cognitive bias [11]. And since the COVID-19 pandemic has
often been referred to as a pandemic of misinformation [12],
possessing factual evidence that may be connected with our
health-related decisions is surely of utmost importance.
2.1 Participants and procedure
In contrast, decision myopia or the present bias “is the
To determine the cognitive factors of non-compliance with
nonlinear and inconstant tendency of many individuals to prefer
behavioral guidelines in the younger generation, the generation
a smaller sooner pay-off over a larger future pay-off [13].”
often proclaimed to be reluctant towards the epidemiological
Favoring smaller and sooner rewards over long-term ones has
restrictions [1], our study exclusively focused on this age group.
been a recurrent phenomenon of the pandemic. During the
The study thus included 83 participants – all students at Poljane
pandemic, we have witnessed how many people have
Grammar School, aged from 15 to 19 years old. However, as
disproportionately ignored social distancing guidelines in order
three participants failed to complete the study, their results were
to socially interact with others. However, since social gatherings
excluded from the final analysis. The majority (75%) of
are known to lead to a spike in coronavirus cases, this a very
participants identified themselves as female, 24% defined
short-sighted move on various levels since it is believed to
themselves as male, whilst the remaining 1% did not wish to
additionally contribute to lives lost. In addition, long-lasting
disclose their gender. Although this gender structure is not
draconian lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus limiting
typical of the general population, it is typical of Poljane Grammar
in-person contacts are often imposed to restrict such gatherings.
The empirical study was conducted on 18th and 19th February
1.2 Overall aim and hypotheses
2021 via the Slovenian survey tool 1ka. Since the study took
The key objective of the study is to shed light on the relationship
place during the national COVID-19 lockdown and in-person
between framing, belief bias, risk aversion, and decision myopia
learning restrictions, the subjects completed the study in the
to non-compliance with behavioral recommendations1 to contain
course of their class meetings that were held online, and were a
the spread of the coronavirus. According to the presented theory,
part of their distance-learning schedule. All participants were
we introduce several hypotheses. On account of framing effects
informed about and consented to the general purpose of the
and their role in risky decision making, we hypothesize:
study, and were acquainted with the fact that their participation
H1a: Participants who are exposed to the framing of losses,
in the research was entirely voluntary and anonymous.
will make riskier choices than participants who are exposed to
While completing the empirical questionnaire, they were
the framing of gains in the neutral condition.
supervised by the researcher via Zoom, the online video
H1b: Participants who are exposed to the framing of losses
conferencing platform used by their high school. Whilst the
when seasonal flu is mentioned, will make riskier choices than
research was being carried out, all participants were required to
participants who are exposed to the framing of gains when virus
turn on their camera. Moreover, all the participants were notified
SARS is mentioned.
that any communication among them was prohibited since it
H1c: Participants who are exposed to the framing of gains in
could adversely affect the results. To prevent interpersonal
the neutral condition, are less likely to opt for the riskier option
communication among the participants, we carefully set the
than participants who are exposed to the framing of gains when
Zoom chat settings so that they prevented participants from
the SARS virus is mentioned.
communicating with each other. At the same time, a direct online
H1d: Participants who are exposed to the framing of losses
chat communication channel between each participant and the
in the neutral condition, are less likely to opt for the riskier option
researcher was established. Thus, students participating in the
than participants who are exposed to the framing of losses when
study were able to point out certain technical issues or other
the SARS virus is mentioned.
concerns directly to the researcher without disrupting others.
Moreover, our other hypotheses are as follows:
Furthermore, students were not externally motivated in any way
1 In this paper, we distinguish between basic behavioral recommendations to
behavioral recommendations can be epidemiologically as successful as restrictive
contain the spread of the coronavirus (for instance, hand washing, mask wearing,
containment measures, provided that individuals adhere to these recommendations,
and maintaining physical distance from others) and restrictive measures (such as
we add. On the other hand, our decision to focus on behavioral interventions rather
lockdown, curfews, and regional restrictions). In our study, we overall address non-
than on restrictive measures was also largely based on the fact that an international
compliance to basic behavioral recommendations, but not non-compliance to
extension of the current study will probably be carried out. As epidemiological
restrictive measures. Partially our decision is based on the fact that restrictive
(restrictive) measures vary from country to country, a goal of the present study was
measures are of limited use when individuals are non-compliant with the basic
also to lay out the measurements for our later studies.
behavioral recommendations. A study [27] has, for instance, indicated that basic
COVID-19 preventive behaviors and cognitive biases
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
to participate in the study: they were not given a fee nor were
Belief Bias
their results classified or publicly disclosed in any way. We
To measure a participant’s proneness to belief bias and its
therefore believe that the current results are the best possible
connection to compliance with behavioral recommendations, we
representation of the participants’ proneness to cognitive biases.
used adapted tasks of Markovits and Nantel [15]. Although the
original toolkit to measure this cognitive bias was comprised of
2.2 Tasks and measures
eight tasks, we used only seven of them as we believed that
Compliance with COVID-19 behavioral recommendations
participants would generally not be acquainted with the
individual mentioned in one task3, and hence unable to respond
To measure reported compliance with the COVID-19 behavioral
to the question. All seven questions used were in fact syllogisms
containment recommendations, we used an adapted form of the
– combinations of three statements. The participants were
Compliance with COVID-19 prevention guidelines scale [14].
instructed to assume that the first two statements (premises) are
The adapted 4-point Likert scale includes 13 items, which
true; their task was to estimate whether or not the third statement
predominantly focus on determining the extent of compliance
is the right conclusion derived from the first two statements.
with basic hygiene guidelines (such as mask wearing or hand
In four tasks, the conclusion that is correctly derived from the
washing) rather than on compliance with more restrictive
two premises is contradictory to general knowledge. As such,
measures (for instance curfews or lockdown).
proneness to belief bias is in these tasks determined as the
willingness to estimate conclusions as inaccurate due to their
In the framing section of the questionnaire, participants were
dissimilarity to generalized facts. This can be illustrated by the
randomly assigned into two groups. We measured the impact of
following task used in the study:
framing with two similar tasks. The first task was the original
Premise 1: All things that are smoked are good for your
task used by Kahneman and Tversky [6]. In this paper, we often
refer to this task of framing as framing in the neutral condition.
Premise 2: Cigarettes are smoked.
The instructions of the task were identical in both experimental
Conclusion: Cigarettes are good for the health.
groups and are, as follows:
If we were to ignore the premises and read only the
Imagine that Slovenia 2 is preparing for the outbreak of an
conclusion, we would correctly proclaim it to be false. However,
unusual Asian disease, which is expected to kill 600 people. Two
the conclusion is in accordance with the premises, hence it is
alternative programs to combat the disease have been proposed.
correct in the context of the given task. A person, susceptible to
Participants of both tasks were then asked to peruse scientific
belief bias will, consequently, likely struggle to reflect on the
estimates of how many people would die / live if a certain
intuitively-suggested responses and in the particular case
program is accepted and make a decision on which program
incorrectly answer that the conclusion is false.
should be imposed. In both experimental groups, programs
On the other hand, the other three tasks we used had
actually predict the same number of lives lost / lives saved.
seemingly reasonable conclusions. However, these conclusions
However, as indicated below, gains (lives saved) were framed in
could not have been made on the basis of the given premises and
the 1st experimental group, whilst losses (lives lost) were framed
were, as a result, incorrect. Here, proneness to belief bias is
in the 2nd experimental group. That is:
regarded as the decision that the conclusion is right. This can be
Group 1: If Program A is adopted, 200 people will be saved.
exemplified by the following task:
If Program B is adopted, there is a one-third probability that
Premise 1: All flowers have petals.
600 people will be saved and a two-thirds probability that no
Premise 2: Roses have petals.
people will be saved.
Conclusion: Roses are flowers.
Group 2: If Program A is adopted, 400 people will die.
Risk aversion
If Program B is adopted, there is a one-third probability that
We used a truncated Holt-Laury Task [16] 4 to measure risk
nobody will die and a two-thirds probability that 600 people will
aversion. The task is formulated as a set of paired lottery choices
and was initially designed to measure financial risk aversion.
In addition to the task in the neutral condition, another task
However, it is applicable to non-financial fields as well, and as
was added to measure how specifying the disease impacts risk-
such useful for the purpose of our study, as people are consistent
seeking behavior. The text of the second task was slightly
in their preferences regarding risk-taking in all areas of life [17].
modified in comparison with the first task. Participants in the
The original task contains ten rounds of paired choices, whilst
experimental group 1 (the group with framing of gains) were
ours included only nine due to the complexity and length of the
given the information that the disease of the outbreak is similar
study. In every round, participants are required to opt for either
to diseases, caused by the SARS virus. In contrast, participants
option A or option B; both options are profitable. Nevertheless,
in the group with framing of losses were provided with the
their profitability and risk level differ. The potential profits of
comparison of the disease with the seasonal flu.
both options remain constant throughout all nine rounds (thus,
2 The original text of the task predicted that the U.S., and not Slovenia was
4 In comparison with the original task, the currency was also changed to familiarize
preparing for an outbreak. For the purpose of this study, this detail was changed.
the participants with the task.
3 This individual was John D. Rockefel er.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Toporišič Gašperšič & Grof
option A can potentially bring either €2.00 or €1.60, whereas the
If you choose option A, you will lose €1000 this year. If you
predicted payoff of option B is €3.85 or €0.10; [16]). Generally,
choose option B, you will lose €2000 next year.
option A is regarded as the “safe” option, meanwhile option B is
The 11th round was in fact not a lottery choice task – it was a
regarded as the “riskier” option as the potential profits in option
question, also used in the original intertemporal choice
B vary more than potential profits in option A [8]. The course of
measurement [18], which asked the participants to indicate
the task can be demonstrated by its first three rounds:
whether they would be prepared to pay more for overnight
shipping of a chosen product.
Table 1: First three rounds of Holt-Laury Task
Option A
Option B
All acquired data were statistically analyzed in Microsoft Excel
chance of chance of chance of chance of
3.1 Framing
chance of chance of chance of chance of
To measure the impact of framing gains/losses, we used a chi-
squared test. Our data indicate that there is no statistical
difference in risk taking behavior when losses are framed as
opposed to gains in the neutral condition, X2 (1, N = 80) = 0.03,
chance of chance of chance of chance of
p = 0.87. Moreover, no significant difference in risk attitude has
been found when comparing the framing of gains when SARS is
mentioned and the framing of losses when seasonal flu is
The average behavior of the majority of participants in initial
mentioned, X2 (1, N = 80) = 0.00, p = 0.99.
rounds is to opt for the safer option, option A. This trend is,
Nevertheless, the results demonstrate that participants who
however, expected to alter when the likelihood of receiving
were exposed to framing of gains in the neutral condition were
larger payments as a result of choosing option B substantially
more risk averse than participants who were exposed to framing
increases [16]. One’s willingness to engage in risk-taking
of gains when the SARS virus was mentioned, X2 (1, N = 80) =
behavior is measured by the number of “risky” decisions – the
26.53, p = 0.00. On the other hand, the difference in risk attitudes
selections of option B.
is statistically significant when comparing framing of losses in
Decision myopia
the neutral condition to framing of losses when the seasonal flu
An adapted 5 measurement of intertemporal choice by
was mentioned; when the flu is mentioned, participants tend to
Frederick [18] was used in this study in order to link decision
acquire select the risk-taking option more commonly, X2 (1, N
myopia to non-compliance with behavioral recommendations to
=80) = 4.82, p = 0.03.
contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2. In total the measurement
included eleven items. As with the risk aversion task, the
3.2 Cognitive biases and compliance
intertemporal choice measurement was structured as a
Correlations between belief bias, loss aversion, decision myopia,
combination of paired lottery choices.
and compliance with COVID-19 preventive recommendations
In the first eight rounds, participants had to choose between
are measured with the Pearson correlation coefficient. Data
two profitable options, option A and option B. Option B was
analysis showed that proneness to belief bias and compliance
always more lucrative than option A. However, the payoff of
with behavioral recommendations are positively correlated (r =
option A was always immediate or at least chronologically
0.35, p < 0,01). However, there is no statistically significant
sooner in comparison with the payoff of option B. For instance:
correlation between proneness to risk aversion and compliance (r
If you choose option A, you will receive €3000 this month. If
= 0.09, p = 0.42). Furthermore, a negative correlation has been
you choose option B, you will receive €3400 next month.
found between decision myopia and compliance to COVID-19
In such tasks, short-sighted individuals are therefore expected
preventive behavioral recommendations (r =-0.53, p < 0.01).
to select instant gratification by persistently choosing option A
[18]. In the 9th and 10th round, participants were asked to choose
between the two given options once again. This time both options
were loss-making: option A predicted a more immediate, but
Our study has offered a more profound understanding of
financially lower loss, whilst option B involved a greater, but
behavior during the ongoing pandemic. To provide an accurate
deferred loss. Decision myopic individuals are believed to prefer
insight, we exclusively focused on the correlation between
deferred losses even when it is not financially profitable for them
proneness to certain cognitive factors and compliance with
[18], as indicated in the following example:
preventive measures. However, we acknowledge the fact that our
5 In addition to the fact that the task was shortened (original task to measure
intertemporal choice included 17 items), we also changed the currency – as with
the risk aversion task.
COVID-19 preventive behaviors and cognitive biases
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
results might have been affected by other equally important
remain unaccounted for: it is not clear whether they can be
factors correlated to compliance, such as demographic
directly linked to the use of heuristics, mental shortcuts, as
characteristics, socioeconomic status, personality, individual
simply complying rather than questioning the measures often
differences in the perception of and emotional responses to the
requires less cognitive effort, or there is an indirect correlation
pandemic, resilience, political ideology, conspiracy mentality
between cognitive reflection and proneness to biases,
etc. Furthermore, our study has also shed light on some results
compliance, and other noteworthy psychological factors, such as
that differ from those in the current literature.
social norms [24].
Our results, for instance, did not confirm that in the neutral
Similarly unexpected was the finding that students prone to
condition, participants exposed to framing of losses were, in
risk aversion bias were not more inclined to comply with
consequence, more in favor of engaging in risk-taking behavior
behavioral recommendations. The current literature on
than their peers exposed to framing of gains. This is contrary to
preventive behaviors suggests that the perceived threat that
the pre-existing theory [5, 6]. Similarly, no significant results
COVID-19 presents to an individual is a significant factor of
were found when comparing framing of losses and framing of
compliance to preventive measures [25]. In other words, when
gains with regard to seasonal flu and the SARS virus. We were
feeling threatened, people typically engage in more risk-averse
thus not able to confirm our first two hypotheses. In our opinion,
behavior than when they feel there is no danger. According to the
there are several possible reasons for such results. Firstly,
national tracking data of the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-
participants in our study were high school students, who are not
2 in Slovenia, COVID-19 presents a relatively low threat to the
often represented in gain-loss framing research. It is therefore
population of high school students [26]. This may, in turn, impact
possible that the impact such framing has on high school students
their risk attitudes and compliance with preventive measures. At
is limited. At the same time, we must acknowledge that the
the same time, it is important to stress that the measuring tool
students, representatives of the younger generation, were perhaps
used to estimate the extent of participants’ risk aversion was
not so familiar with the SARS virus, which might impact their
designed to measure financial risk attitudes. Although inclination
uptake of risky / safe options. Secondly, the experiment took
towards risk-taking behavior has been found to be consistent in
place during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It is possible that
every behavioral aspect [17], there is a possibility that we would
participants were either very disturbed by reading the outbreak
have obtained significant results, if we had introduced a
scenario (which might have been, to a certain extent, reminiscent
measuring tool for health-related risk attitudes. This is certainly
of the current pandemic) or indifferent towards it, as people may
an important fact we need to consider before planning our future
become when unable to help others in need [19].
research in the field.
In contrast, it is very interesting that participants’ risk
Our finding that impulsive satisfaction of needs is linked to
attitudes noticeably change when a specific disease is mentioned.
non-compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures is in line
Analyzed data indicate that specifying the disease as very similar
with the current literature. It has been suggested that the
to either the SARS virus or the seasonal flu contributes to
proneness to this cognitive bias should be used to promote stay-
subjects engaging in risk-taking decision making, no matter
at-home restrictions and recommendations by providing free
whether losses or gains are framed. Since our study included only
internet access or benefit packages for vulnerable groups [13].
high school students, we cannot transpose these findings to the
Overall, our study offers an intriguing and thought-provoking
general population. However, it seems that in the risk-loss
insight into cognitive correlates of COVID-19 preventive
framework our subjects understood every specification of the
behaviors and is a valuable starting point for future research in
disease as a loss, which caused them to engage in more risk-
the field.
taking behavior.
Our results are unanticipated in terms of other hypotheses as
well. Contrary to our initial expectations, individuals who are
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The ecological rationality of probabilistic learning rules in
unreliable circumstances
Borut Trpin†
Ana Marija Plementaš
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
University of Ljubljana
Munich Germany
Ljubljana Slovenia
(represented by different learning rules as described above),
are some types of reasoning under uncertainty better than
In today’s �lood of information in many �ields we do not know
others and how may we even tell whether one type is better
which sources are reliable and which are not. On what basis
than another? That is, how can we compare the performance
can we draw conclusions? Whom to trust? We could say each
of various learning rules that guide our reasoning?
of us has a belief system that updates based on the arrival of
It is quite clear that in answering this question we need to
new relevant evidence. In our research we used a computer
consider what the goals of reasoning are. To name a few
model where we were investigating which learning rule is
possibilities: perhaps the goal of reasoning is to increase the
more reliable when we do not have a trustworthy source. The
understanding of the phenomenon that is the subject of
main goal is to discover the truth and to do so quickly. Our
reasoning, or the goal may be to uncover whether some
results show that different probabilistic learning rules may
statement holds. In fact, it seems that there are countless
be preferable in different situations and environments.
aspects that could be considered as valuable outcomes of
reasoning and that could as such be used in comparing which
rule that guides reasoning is better (or better in some
ecological rationality, belief updating, reasoning, learning
rules, uncertainty
In our investigation we focused on two valuable
outcomes: (i) uncovering the truth, and (ii) the speed of
reasoning. The former, (i), considers how certain one is of
true propositions due to reasoning according to a speci�ic
We cannot fully rely on our senses nor on other external
(learning) rule. If (i) is our guide, then we take a rule to be
sources of information (e.g., testimony provided by others).
better if it makes one more certain of true propositions. The
In addition, it seems that there are multiple types of
latter, (ii), considers how quickly one can reach conclusions
reasoning under uncertainty in the sense that we use
while reasoning. Similarly, if a rule is quicker in making an
different learning (or reasoning) rules that guide the process
agent more certain (it quickly lessens uncertainty), then it
of reasoning. For instance, in trying to reach a conclusion
performs better on this count.
about some question (e.g., a doctor is trying to diagnose a
Ideally, both (i) and (ii) would go hand in hand: a reasoner
patient) on the basis of some evidence/information (e.g.,
would reach true conclusions and would also reach them
diagnostic tests) an agent might follow a principle of
quickly. However, it seems that they do not usually go hand
inferring to the best explanation (e.g., of the tests and their
in hand: rules that are especially conducive of (i) seem to
sensitivity and speci�icity). Another agent might consider
typically not be so conducive of (ii), and vice-versa (see, e.g.,
other aspects of the situation and hence follow different
[1], [2]): more conservative learning rules (i.e., not jumping
learning rules like, e.g., how con�irmatory the evidence is of
to conclusions too quickly) are usually such that lead to more
some hypothesis that is being reasoned about (e.g., if a
accurate conclusions.
patient had a disease X, how likely it would be that the tests
For instance, one could excel on count (i) but fail on count
would be such and such given the objectively known
(ii): e.g., a learning rule could lead to mostly true conclusions
information about the reliability of the test). A question that
but only after a vast amount of evidence is considered. An
may be raised could then be put as follows: Given that there
example of this would be a medical doctor that identi�ies the
are multiple ways of reasoning under uncertainty
correct disease in her patient but needs to conduct a large
number of diagnostic tests before she is able to do so.
Similarly, one could underperform on (i) but excel on (ii):
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
such a case would be a doctor that makes a diagnosis on the
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice
basis of a single or few tests but her diagnosis is wrong. What
and the ful citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of
we aimed to answer in our research project was which
this work must be honored. For al other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
learning (or reasoning) rules are the most conducive of (i)
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
and (ii), and how the two valuable goals (truth and speed)
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
could be balanced when we compare different learning rules.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
B. Trpin and A. M. Plementaš
Additionally, we wanted to keep in mind that the sources of
As we can see from this brief explanation of the
information need not be fully reliable -- they could even be
background, they already considered both valuable
completely misleading.
outcomes of reasoning that we were also interested in: (i)
epistemic aspects: how close to truth we get due to
learning/reasoning under uncertainty, and (ii) pragmatic
aspects: how quickly we manage to form strong beliefs on the
Our research project actually starts from an investigation of
basis of learning. Moreover, they considered unreliable
learning on the basis of partial lying, i.e., learning in cases
sources similarly as we did.
where one asserts information that she believes to be likely
Another related research project was conducted by
but not necessarily false. Another agent then learns based on
Douven (see [4]). In that research, the focus was not so much
both (a) such statements and (b) observations of whether the
on unreliable sources of information but rather on how
statements are true or false. This provides the basis for
different probabilistic learning rules compare. In the �irst
estimating the reliability of the source: if statements are
part of his research, which was based on computer
(mostly) true, the source is more reliable and vice versa, if
simulations of learning, he found that the rules diverged on
statements are mostly false, the source is taken to be more
both aspects. In the second part, he devised an interesting
unreliable. We were interested in reliability/trustworthiness
method for balancing the two aspects (accuracy and speed)
of the source under uncertainty more generally (e.g.,
and to estimate natural selection of the best rules for a given
diagnostic tests in a medical setting might be unreliable too,
environment (viz. ecological rationality of different
not just our interlocutors who may want to mislead us
probabilistic learning rules). Speci�ically, he considered that
intentionally), but a previous research project of partial lying
we can simulate an intensive care unit (hereafter: ICU) in
(see [3]) turned out to be a good starting point because it
which doctors are trying to help a patient. There are three
provided a useful formal description of the mechanisms on
options: the doctor either intervenes correctly, wrongly, or -
how to estimate reliability/trustworthiness of a source and
in case she remains uncertain - does not intervene at all. The
how to incorporate this estimate in a learning rule (there:
probability of the patient's survival changes through time
Bayesian learning, although our research project also
and depends on the decision: as time passes, the survival
includes other learning rules). Before we can explain why
becomes less likely. Similarly, at any point, the correct
partial lying is very similar to the topic we were
intervention increases the probability of survival, the wrong
investigating, let us brie�ly explain the issue of what partial
intervention decreases it and not intervening at all puts the
lying even is.
probability of survival in between the two other options.
Philosophers de�ine lying with four conditions: (1) a
Douven demonstrated that using a method of natural
statement, (2) the belief that the statement is false, (3) the
optimization can provide another argument in favor of
addressee, and (4) the purpose of misleading the addressee
probabilistic inference to the best explanation: although it is
(see [3] and the references therein).
a bolder learning rule -- it leads to quicker conclusions and
If someone is constantly lying to us, this individual can be
may therefore suffer from inaccuracy -- it is still quick and
simply deemed unreliable and ignored or even taken as if
reliable enough, so that it will typically provide the best
they are telling us the opposite of truth (saying "A" could be
trade-off between the two valuable outcomes of reasoning:
taken as evidence for "not A"). If, however, truth and lies are
speed and accuracy. Speci�ically, in this case he was
mingled in varying proportions, choosing whether to trust
simulating 200 doctors, 50 learning from diagnostic tests
this individual, and if so to what degree, becomes
according to each of the 4 learning rules. Then each of them
increasingly dif�icult. This fact has been emphasized by Trpin
would get 100 simulated patients and would be able to
and colleagues [1], which pointed out that the de�inition for
conduct a number of tests on them (100 tests) to diagnose
lying misses out on many similar cases because the second
their disease. At the end of a run we can see what the
condition is too strict. They broadened the second condition
probability of survival was for each of the 200 simulated
– we usually also consider someone a liar when they believe
doctors and the top 100 doctors were duplicated and the
their statement to be more likely false than true. However, as
bottom 100 erased from the population. This then went on
they discovered through several computer simulations,
for 100 generations when mostly explanationist doctors
estimating the trustworthiness of the source then becomes
more dif�icult, hence such medium-strong lies (that is, those
Although his research project included reasoning under
where the liar is only somewhat certain that they are
uncertainty and an insightful way of balancing the valuable
asserting falsehoods) do us more epistemic harm. Following
speed and accuracy of reasoning, it did not consider the
Bayes’ learning rule to model lying, the research conducted
trustworthiness of information sources and it also did not
by Trpin and colleagues [1] sparked debates as to whether it
consider that information (here: diagnostic tests) might be
is sensible to consider partial lies at all, if one aims to reduce
false. Hence, a combination of the research on partial lying
epistemic harm. What they found is that this approach is only
(as described above and in [3]) and that of natural
useful when the goal is to quickly avoid believing false
optimization for comparing different probabilistic learning
The ecological rationality of probabilistic learning rules in
unreliable circumstances
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
rules (as just described, see also [4]) appeared to be an
The idea is that we can look at mean squared error of the
interesting topic that needed to be tackled.
probability distribution: effectively, if a forecast is perfect,
the score is 0, and the more off it is, the higher the score,
which is also the reason why the score is sometimes called
Brier's penalty.
A computer model was created on the basis of other projects
In our simulations, we used it to compare the accuracy of
described in the previous section. The model included a trust
ascribed coin biases. If the simulated coin has a .7 bias to land
system in which updating was simulated.
heads, then ideally our reasoner would assign probability 1
Speci�ically, in the �irst part we simulated a game of coin
to the hypothesis that the coin is .7 biased. As this is unlikely
bias detection. Agent A is observing the coin and reasoning
to happen, we then measure mean squared error of the
about its bias, i.e., A is trying to learn how biased the coin is.
discrete probability distribution from this ideal outcome. In
The simulations consisted of 500 throws of 11 different coins
turn, we can use this to compare the performance of different
- hypotheses. Each of the 11 coins had its own bias, with
learning rules.
probability from 0 to 1 in .1 increments for it to land on heads.
Similarly, for measuring speed we can simply compare
The experiment was repeated a thousand times. In
how long it took each reasoner to assign a probability above
addition to coin throws we also simulated another Agent B,
some threshold value (e.g., above .9) to the true hypothesis
who may be taken as an information source. Agent B was
about the coin's bias. Note that both the speed of
there to provide unreliable and potentially misleading
convergence and the accuracy (Brier's score) also depend on
information to A, viz. B is telling A which side the coin is
the coin that is used in simulations. This is because it is easier
supposedly going to land on, although B does not necessarily
to determine the bias of a fully biased coin than of a fair coin:
provide true information ("B lies to A"). There were also
if it always lands on the same side, it is easier to conclude it
three lists of lies according to the following principles: simple
is fully biased than when it is landing on various sides (note
lying (the player states the least probable outcome of the coin,
that a fair coin may also land on the same side many times in
i.e., if the coin is biased to land on heads, agent B will state
a row, although such a pattern is more expected from a fully
that it will land on tails), gambler's lying (the player turns the
biased coin).
coin secretly and states the opposite of the outcome) and
clairvoyant lying (the clairvoyant knows the exact outcome
and states the opposite). Bayes’s learning rule, Good’s
learning rule, Popper’s learning rule and Explanatory
Results mainly show differences in probabilistic learning
learning rule were used to learn from these data
rules in simple lying when the probability of lying is 1.0 -
(observations of coins and statements + dynamic trust) to
constant lying, which is also the only part that we are
see which belief system update is causing the least epistemic
including in this extended abstract. It was found that the best
damage. Learning rules offer a way to update the beliefs in
probabilistic learning rule, in this case, is Explanatory
the light of the arrival of new relevant evidence. Speci�ically:
learning rule with the lowest Brier penalties (i.e., the lowest
Bayes’ learning rule requires that the new probability
inaccuracy). This result has interesting implications: it shows
distribution (after learning) corresponds to the prior
that if the data is misleading, then it may make more sense to
conditional probability distribution (conditional on the
use non-Bayesian alternative probabilistic rules.
learned piece of evidence and the level of trust in the source).
Note, however, that the accuracy is even greater when we
The other three rules are all based on Bayes’ but deviate in
look at control runs, that is, the cases where the information
various ways: the explanatory learning rule adds extra
source was ignored, so that the learning agent was merely
weight to the hypothesis that provides the best explanation.
observing which side the coin landed on without considering
That is, if a coin lands heads 5 times in a row, the best
what the liar was asserting. This seems to suggest that when
explanation is that it is fully biased towards heads, so this
we are dealing with unreliable sources of information, it
hypothesis gets a probabilistic "push" compared to what
might be best to immediately ignore such sources, e.g., a
Bayes’ rule would require. Good's and Popper's rule are
doctor who notices that her diagnostic tests are unreliable
similar, except that instead of looking at the best explanation,
could stop conducting these tests. However, when we look at
they award those hypotheses that provide the most
the speed of convergence, we observe that it makes sense not
con�irmatory theories according to measures of con�irmation
to ignore such sources if we are also interested in quickly
developed by Good and Popper, respectively (see [4] for
recognizing true hypotheses: control runs were slower than
formal details about the updating rules).
others at least for some of the simulated coins.
After the simulations are conducted, we then look at the
Moreover, inference to the best explanation was, contrary
collected data. Speci�ically, we were interested in the
to previous research, the fastest but also the most accurate,
epistemic performance of the rules (how close to the truth
i.e., it was able to combine both accuracy and speed of
they bring an agent) and the speed of convergence towards
reasoning, the two values that previously appeared to be
true hypotheses. To measure how accurate the rules were,
mutually exclusive.
we used a measure called Brier's score (or Brier's penalty).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
B. Trpin and A. M. Plementaš
The second part of our research followed the approach used
by Douven (see [4] and the section on background above).
Particularly, we were interested in simulating an ICU with
doctors trying to diagnose their patients when the tests are
potentially unreliable/misleading. The situation is very
similar to part 1: instead of coin biases we deal with diseases
that may show some symptom with 0, .1, .2, ..., 1 probability
and tests that correspond to partial lying in various lying
styles: they are not fully reliable and our doctors estimate the
reliability of the tests. We can then look at what the survival
rates were for each of the doctor's patients and replicate the
top performing half doctors and repeat this for 100
generations. Hence, we combine the research from the �irst
part and the research described in the background section.
Figure 2: Average percentage of agents ("simple" lying)
The results are interesting: if we look at tests that are
constantly misleading (i.e., all of them are unreliable to some
degree that needs to be estimated) and if they correspond to
what would be akin to simple lying (if it is more likely that a
patient has a symptom X than not at the time of the testing,
the test will not show the presence of X), then the doctors
that infer to the best explanation prevail through generations
(see Figure 1 for an example of a simulation and Figure 2 for
average percentage of different doctors in our simulations).
However, if the tests correspond to being unreliable in what
is akin to gambler's or clairvoyant lying we get different
results: tests that are unreliable in the gambler's lying style
favor both Good's and explanationist reasoning (Figure 3),
while those that are like clairvoyant's (always the wrong
result) favor Bayes's rule: see Figure 4.
Figure 3: Average percentage of agents ("gambler's"
Figure 1: Example of different agents in a single
Figure 4: Average percentage ("clairvoyant" lying)
The ecological rationality of probabilistic learning rules in
unreliable circumstances
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The results, especially those of Part 2, are very interesting
because they suggest that different probabilistic learning
rules that have been addressed in literature may be
preferable in different situations and preferable in various
environments. Ecological rationality then suggests that if we
happen to be in an environment with speci�ic features, which
we plan to identify in our future research work, then Bayes'
rule might be the best way to proceed. Similarly,
explanationist learning or Good's or Popper's learning might
be preferable in other situations. It remains an open question
what features of the information environment determine the
choice of a learning rule, but our results suggest that a
pluralist approach to learning rules under uncertainty is
needed. Our results also provide one possible explanation
why we seem to have different reasoning patterns under
uncertainty in a descriptive sense, that is, because different
environments call for different reasoning strategies. Further
research could also provide some insights into pluralist
reasoning strategies, i.e., strategy-switching.
[1] Igor Douven, 2013. Inference to the Best Explanation, Dutch Books,
and Inaccuracy Minimisation. Philosophical Quarterly, 63. 428–444.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9213.12032
[2] Borut Trpin and Max Pellert. 2019. Inference to the Best Explanation
in Uncertain Evidential Situations. The British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 70, 4. 977-1001. DOI:
[3] Borut Trpin, Anna Dobrosovestnova, and Sebastian Jakob
Götzendorfer. 2020. Lying, more or less: a computer simulation study
of graded lies and trust dynamics. Synthese, 1-28. DOI:
[4] Igor Douven. 2020. The ecological rationality of explanatory
reasoning. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 1-14.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-020-02
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek C
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume C
Odkrivanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča - SiKDD
Data Mining and Data Warehouses - SiKDD
Urednika / Editors
Dunja Mladenić, Marko Grobelnik
4. oktober 2021 / 4 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tehnologije, ki se ukvarjajo s podatki so v devetdesetih letih močno napredovale. Iz prve
faze, kjer je šlo predvsem za shranjevanje podatkov in kako do njih učinkovito dostopati, se je
razvila industrija za izdelavo orodij za delo s podatkovnimi bazami, prišlo je do
standardizacije procesov, povpraševalnih jezikov itd. Ko shranjevanje podatkov ni bil več
poseben problem, se je pojavila potreba po bolj urejenih podatkovnih bazah, ki bi služile ne le
transakcijskem procesiranju ampak tudi analitskim vpogledom v podatke – pojavilo se je t.i.
skladiščenje podatkov (data warehousing), ki je postalo standarden del informacijskih
sistemov v podjetjih. Paradigma OLAP (On-Line-Analytical-Processing) zahteva od
uporabnika, da še vedno sam postavlja sistemu vprašanja in dobiva nanje odgovore in na
vizualen način preverja in išče izstopajoče situacije. Ker seveda to ni vedno mogoče, se je
pojavila potreba po avtomatski analizi podatkov oz. z drugimi besedami to, da sistem sam
pove, kaj bi utegnilo biti zanimivo za uporabnika – to prinašajo tehnike odkrivanja znanja v
podatkih (data mining), ki iz obstoječih podatkov skušajo pridobiti novo znanje in tako
uporabniku nudijo novo razumevanje dogajanj zajetih v podatkih. Slovenska KDD konferenca
pokriva vsebine, ki se ukvarjajo z analizo podatkov in odkrivanjem znanja v podatkih:
pristope, orodja, probleme in rešitve.
Data driven technologies have significantly progressed after mid 90’s. The first phases were
mainly focused on storing and efficiently accessing the data, resulted in the development of
industry tools for managing large databases, related standards, supporting querying languages,
etc. After the initial period, when the data storage was not a primary problem anymore, the
development progressed towards analytical functionalities on how to extract added value from
the data; i.e., databases started supporting not only transactions but also analytical processing
of the data. At this point, data warehousing with On-Line-Analytical-Processing entered as a
usual part of a company’s information system portfolio, requiring from the user to set well
defined questions about the aggregated views to the data. Data Mining is a technology
developed after year 2000, offering automatic data analysis trying to obtain new discoveries
from the existing data and enabling a user new insights in the data. In this respect, the
Slovenian KDD conference (SiKDD) covers a broad area including Statistical Data Analysis,
Data, Text and Multimedia Mining, Semantic Technologies, Link Detection and Link
Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Data Warehouses.
Jane Brank, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Marko Grobelnik, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Jakob Jelenčič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Branko Kavšek, University of Primorska, Koper
Aljaž Košmerlj, Qlector, Ljubljana
Dunja Mladenić, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Inna Novalija, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Jože Rožanec, Qlector, Ljubljana
Luka Stopar, Sportradar, Ljubljana
Inna Novalija
M. Besher Massri
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute and Jožef Stefan
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
International Postgraduate School
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dunja Mladenić
Jožef Stefan Institute and Jožef Stefan
Marko Grobelnik
International Postgraduate School
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Daniel Schwabe
Janez Brank
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
In this paper we present an approach for mining olfactory
information from scientific research collections, such as the
In this paper, we demonstrate an approach for observing olfactory
Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) [3].
related information in an academic publications environment (such
as Microsoft Academic Graph) based on semantic technologies.
The olfactory mining approach combines data processing,
We present an Odor Observatory tool that enables several usage
modelling and visualization methods in order to develop applicable
scenarios, such as observing odor-related papers and topics,
tools for data analysis.
viewing institutions conducting olfactory research, defining top
We present an Odor Observatory tool [4] targeted at several
journals and key countries in the olfactory domain.
visualization scenarios. In particular, the Odor Observatory allows
Validation of the proposed approach on a collection of academic
exploring olfactory related papers from the MAG over time, and
publications from 1800 until 1925 confirms applicability of the
along with current data, provides historical information starting
proposed approach on large data collections with a wide span of
with the early XIX century.
time. In usage scenarios we observed the odor-related publications
The data-driven functionalities of Odor Observatory are:
in Microsoft Academic Graph by topic, discovered the journals
with historical olfactory publications and found that the most
Possibility of exploring top ranked topics in the olfactory
popular terms in odor-related research content are: method,
academic domain;
olfactory, odor, device, invention, smell, preparation, utility model.
Possibility of exploring top ranked institutions
conducting olfactory research;
Possibility of exploring key countries and defining top
ranking journals in the olfactory academic domain;
Odor-related search functionalities;
Odor, Olfactory information, Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG),
Word cloud visualization for odor-related terms.
Data mining.
Olfactory science covers different aspects of research related to
Olfaction, or the sense of smell, is the sense through which smells
odors, therefore exploring odor related information and data can be
(or odors) are perceived [1]. Olfactory science involves studying
viewed as complex multidisciplinary area.
olfaction and odor-related topics, the sensory system, physiology,
Lötsch et al. [5] considered machine learning approaches for human
and pheromone signals.
olfactory research. The authors state that the complexity of the
The Odeuropa project [2] gathers and integrates expertise in
human sense of smell is reflected in complex and high-dimensional
sensory mining and olfactory heritage. The project partners are
data, which supports the applicability of machine learning and data
developing novel methods to collect information about smell from
mining techniques. The use of machine learning in human olfactory
(digital) text and image collections.
research includes the following aims:
The Odeuropa project partners apply state-of-the-art AI techniques
to text and image datasets in order to identify and trace how ‘smell’
The study of the physiology of pattern-based odor
was expressed in different languages, with what places it was
detection and recognition processes;
associated, what kinds of events and practices it characterized, and
Pattern recognition in olfactory phenotypes;
to what emotions it was linked.
The development of complex disease biomarkers
including olfactory features;
Odor prediction from physico-chemical properties of
Figure 2 illustrates an entry in MAG for a historical publication
volatile molecules, and
tagged with several odor-relevant topics.
Knowledge discovery in publicly available large
The authors provide review of key concepts of machine learning
and summarizes current applications on human olfactory data.
At the same time, linguistic and semantic communities focused on
studying the language of smell [6]. Iatropoulos et al. developed a
computational method to characterize the olfaction-related
semantic content of words in a large text corpus of internet sites in
English. They also introduced novel metrics, such as olfactory
association index (OAI) and olfactory specificity index (OSI).
Tonelli [7] describes olfactory information extraction and semantic
processing from a multilingual perspective. The author states that
in several studies it was found that languages seem to have a
smaller vocabulary to describe smells as compared to other senses.
In our work we apply data mining and machine learning, as well as
semantic approaches for enriching textual data. We use data from
Microsoft Academic Graph and our methodologies can be regarded
as being in the context of semantic and text processing research.
Our approaches can cover cross-lingual and multilingual data and
Figure 2: Publication in MAG
allow for tracking olfactory trends in time.
The Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) [3] is a heterogeneous
relationships between those publications, as well as authors,
institutions, journals, conferences, and fields of study.
Since this research is conducted in line with the Odeuropa project
(targeted at olfactory heritage), the time frame used for MAG data
is set to range from the early publications in the 19th century to the
present time. The Odeuropa project is interested in particular in the
data available up to 1925. Though the project is focused on the
historical datasets, the developed Odor Observatory tool allows
users to explore recent olfactory publications as well. The dataset
is updated on a monthly basis and new available data is uploaded
into the observatory.
Figure 3: Odor in the MAG Taxonomy
Figure 1: The Conceptual Schema for MAG
Figure 3 shows a representation of Odor in the MAG taxonomy,
The Microsoft Academic Graph data schema is based on the list of
with parent topics (Organic chemistry and Neuroscience) and child
following entity types: publication, author, author affiliation
topics (Olfactory learning, Geosmin etc.)
(institution), publication venue (journals and conferences), field of
study (topic). It contains information about publication dates, as
An important functionality while exploring the literature is the
well as citation pairs and co-authorship data (see Figure 1).
ability to expand searches by looking at related topics to a topic of
Figure 2 illustrates an entry in MAG for a historical publication
Olfaction/Odor/Smell in MAG taxonomy.
tagged with several odor-relevant topics.
Figure 5 shows the number of odor-related historical publications
in MAG over time. This scenario assumes observing trends in
different olfactory topics throughout a time interval.
It is possible to observe that the highest number of publications are
in the domains of biology and psychology.
Figure 4: Odor-related Topics in MAG
Figure 5: Odor-related Publications in MAG (from year
1800 until year 1925, cumulative) by topic
What are the most popular terms used in odor-related
The methodology for observing olfactory related information from
academic publication resources includes a number of steps:
This use case helps the user to visualize term usage by displaying a
Using the MAG taxonomy, obtain the list of research
word cloud with the most popular olfactory terms used in the
papers that corresponds to odor-related topics. Papers
publications in the period of interest (see Figure 6).
were filtered to those containing the topics: Olfaction,
Odor, Fragrance, Fragrance ingredient, as well as the
“smell” keyword;
Ingest the extracted corpus into the Elastic Search tool1;
Provide visualization functionalities, such as MAG time
series per term.
The key challenges of the development techniques include:
Interpretability and explainability of the results – the aim
is for the visualizations to be able easily interpretable by
Given the large scale of the incoming data streams, it is
essential that building visualizations are scalable. The
MAG contains more than 265 million records (August
2021), including several types of publication, such as
Figure 6: Odor Terms Word Cloud in MAG
journal articles, conference papers, books, book chapters,
and papers from other repositories. In addition, MAG
also indexes a large corpus of patents.
Which venues were mostly used when publishing odor-
related research articles?
This use case shows a number of journals that had historical
We present a couple of usage scenarios for the Odor Observatory
publications about smells (see Figure 7).
tool, cast as questions asked by scholars studying the field.
The figure shows that JAMA and Nature journals are the most
What are the historical trends in odor-related
popular journals regarding historical olfactory publications.
1 https://www.elastic.co
The figure shows a ranked list of relevant publications on the topic
of “smells”, in the period from 1900 to 1925. The list is modified
by changing the context on the right side - the focus is changed by
placing the cursor over a cluster, and publications associated with
this cluster are displayed.
In this paper we demonstrated an approach towards observing
olfactory related information in scientific publications, as recorded
in the MAG.
In addition, we present an Odor Observatory tool that enables
several usage scenarios for exploring historical and present
olfactory research.
Figure 7: Journals with Olfactory Publications in MAG
The future work will include the exploration of other textual
(from year 1800 until year 1925, cumulative)
datasets applicable for olfactory research, with an accent on
olfactory heritage information.
In line with the Odeuropa project, the relevant information
Which are the publications about smell (from a
extracted from textual sources will be, following semantic web
contextual point of view)?
standards, aligned with the ‘European Olfactory Knowledge
The Research Explorer tool is a search engine that enables
Graph’ (EOKG).
exploring the individual articles in the corpus of odor-related
This research is supported by the Slovenian research agency
and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program project
Odeuropa under grant agreement number 101004469.
[1] Wolfe, J. M., Kluender, K. R., Levi, D. M., Bartoshuk, L. M.,
Herz, R. S., Klatzky, R., Lederman, S. J., & Merfeld, D. M.
(2012). Sensation & perception (3rd ed.). Sinauer Associates.
[2] Odeuropa project, https://odeuropa.eu (accessed in August,
[3] Wang K. et al. A Review of Microsoft Academic Services for
Science of Science Studies, Frontiers in Big Data, 2019, doi:
[4] JSI
visualizations-MAG--top-topics# (accessed in August, 2021).
[5] Lötsch, J., Kringel, D., Hummel, T. Machine Learning in
Human Olfactory Research, Chemical Senses, Volume 44,
[6] Iatropoulos, G., Herman, P., Lansner, A., Karlgren, J.,
Figure 8: List of Olfactory Publications in MAG (from year
Larsson, M., Olofsson, JK. The language of smell: Connecting
1800 until year 1925) that contains the keyword "smell"
linguistic and psychophysical properties of odor descriptors.
The tool is built on Elastic Search and provides search by keyword
10.1016/j.cognition.2018.05.007. Epub 2018 May 12. PMID:
and by date. It also supports smart navigation through the results by
clustering the results and re-ranking the results by moving the focus
[7] Tonelli, S. A Smell is Worth a Thousand Words: Olfactory
of search through the cluster space (see Figure 8). The goal of the
Information Extraction and Semantic Processing in a
tool is to enhance a search engine by providing the users multiple
rankings of the results for each query. It is achieved by
generating topics for the given query and its result set, and
visualizing these topics on the “Ranking Space” panel. When
SIcs-LDK-2021-2.pdf (accessed in August, 2021).
the focus is set near a given topic, results that are on or closer to
that topic are ranked higher.
Understanding Text Using Agent Based Models
Adrian Mladenic Grobelnik
Marko Grobelnik
Dunja Mladenic
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana Slovenia
Ljubljana Slovenia
Ljubljana Slovenia
The main contributions of this paper are (1) a novel approach to
explainable story understanding, (2) a system generating stories
The paper proposes a novel approach to text understanding and
given a set of agents with attributes and goals, and (3)
text generation focusing on short stories. The proposed approach
implementation of the proposed approach, with publicly
attempts to understand and generate stories by creating an
available source code [7] allowing users to create and analyze
explainable, agent-based world model of the story. The world
their own stories.
model is defined through agents, their goals, actions, attributes
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides
and relationships between them. We demonstrate our approach
a problem description. Section 3 describes the approach used to
on the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, simulating it as a
tackle the problem. Section 4 demonstrates the functioning of our
sequence of 48 actions, involving 7 main agents and 14 goals.
approach. The paper concludes with discussion and directions for
future work in Section 5.
Text understanding, agent-based approach, world model, agent-
based model
2 Problem Description
The problem we are solving is, given the text of a short story,
convert it into a machine understandable and actionable
1 Introduction
description representing the dynamics of the story being told.
With recent advancements in deep learning and overall increases
Such an actionable description should encode the implicit
in computing power, artificial intelligence systems are now able
knowledge assumed by the text in the form of an agent-based
to make commonsense inferences from simple events, as
world model.
proposed in research such as COMET [1] and MultiCOMET [2].
The world model should include enough representational power
While the aforementioned commonsense inferences can be made
to fully represent the story. This includes agents, their
with a high degree of precision, they lack an explainable and
environment and the relationships between them. The world
comprehensive structure capable of storing and predicting future
model should be actionable enough to simulate the dynamics of
events with such inferences. Agent-based models (ABMs), while
an input story with all the key elements, and relevant details
capable of simulating complex interactions between agents,
mentioned in the input text.
rarely focus on understanding stories in greater depth. Moreover,
As the world model can represent a story given its text, it should
they cannot perform commonsense reasoning on agent’s goals,
also be able to represent and simulate other stories within the
actions or attributes. In our research, we draw from existing
world model’s constraints.
work on ABMs to create a system capable of understanding short
Some of the key operations the resulting system should support:
text-based stories, with the potential to incorporate
1. representation of the story
commonsense inferences in the future.
2. simulation of the story’s dynamics
Related work such as ‘Automated Storytelling via Causal,
3. question answering about explicit and implicit
Commonsense Plot Ordering’ [3] and ‘Modeling Protagonist
elements written or assumed within the story
Emotions for Emotion-Aware Storytelling’ [4] makes use of
4. creating alternative stories, given their context
COMET to tackle automated story plot generation. As the stories
are generated using COMET’s commonsense causal inferences,
they lack explainability. In our work, we focus on generating
3 Approach Description
explainable stories.
The general aim of our approach is to provide deep text
Other related work [5] focuses on story understanding using
understanding of the input story. Not all the steps are automatable
manually supplied commonsense rules, concept patterns and
at this stage. In particular, the biggest challenge is to
story text. Our system aims to understand and simulate a story,
automatically translate the story text into the knowledge based
given the story text, goals and initial attributes of its agents.
representation aligned with the world model. We are looking
forward to eventually automate all of the steps in the approach.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Figure 1: A partial representation of the Wolf agent’s goals, actions and attributes.
As a running example of the input story, we selected the popular
preconditions and effects. We show two example action
children’s story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ [6]. In the first stage,
representations in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The duration of each
we restructured the original story into 73 simplified sentences
action corresponds to the passing of one time unit.
where we identified 23 key events involving 7 main agents:
1. Mother
2. Riding Hood
3. Flower Field
4. Butterfly
5. Wolf
6. Grandma
7. Woodsman
Each agent is represented by its goals, actions and attributes (see
Figure 1 for an example involving the Wolf). All goals cause
actions and all actions change at least one agent’s attributes.
As depicted on Figure 2, an agent’s goal is defined by a goal state
(a set of agents with specific attribute values) and ‘pre-goals’
(goals that must be completed and act as preconditions for an
Figure 3: An example representation of an action
agent to start working towards the goal).
Figure 4: An example pseudocode representation of a
concrete action, taken from [9]
Figure 2: An example representation of a goal
An attribute is simply defined as any information relating to the
To define actions, we use an action schema proposed as part of
agent. For instance, the agent’s location, inventory of items and
‘UCPOP: A Sound, Complete, Partial Order Planner for ADL’
awareness of other agents.
[8] where each action consists of a set of parameters,
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
A.M. Grobelnik et al.
Figure 5: Hierarchy of agents for the Little Red Riding Hood story
The agents are defined through a hierarchy, ensuring consistency
We first initialize the world model to an initial setting similar to
across agent goals, actions, attributes and providing a clear
that of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, illustrated in Figure 7. For
overview of the agent types as observed in Figure 5.
instance, agents ‘forest4’ and ‘woodsman’ are in the same
Throughout the story simulation of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ 3
location, 1 unit above agent ‘forest3’. The model is initialized
key agents jointly had 14 goals, causing them to perform a total
with the agents, their initial attributes with values and their goals
of 48 actions composed of 12 unique action types.
in the story. Once initialized, we can run the model and see the
We propose a simple textual description of each performed
agents interact with each other within their environment. For an
action, stating why the agent executed the action and which other
example, see Figure 9.
agents were involved. See Figure 8 for an example.
One could divide the story into the following 5 main segments:
At the highest conceptual level, we randomly select an agent and
1. Riding Hood discusses visiting Grandma with Mother
simulate all of its possible next actions. We then select the action
(6 actions)
that brings the agent closest to all it’s currently active goals, and
2. Riding Hood meets Wolf and goes to Grandma (23
execute this action. We repeat this until there are no more agents
with active goals in our world model, as depicted in Figure 6.
3. Wolf eats Grandma and tries to impersonate her;
Riding Hood arrives at GrandmaHouse and cries for
help (6 actions)
4. Woodsman saves Grandma and takes Wolf away,
Riding Hood gifts Grandma (13 actions)
As an example, in the third story segment the actions occur in the
following order:
1. Wolf eats Grandma to satisfy hunger.
Figure 6: High level pseudocode of the simulation within the
2. Wolf took perfume from GrandmaHouse’s inventory
world model
to try impersonating Grandma.
3. Wolf took nightgown from GrandmaHouse’s
inventory to try impersonating Grandma.
4 Approach Demonstration
4. Wolf took sleeping cap from GrandmaHouse’s
inventory to try impersonating Grandma.
5. Riding Hood moved 1 unit up to visit Grandma.
6. Riding Hood cried for help to get help.
The system is able to automatically generate the textual
description of the story simulation over time, as depicted in
Figure 8.
Figure 7: Initial state of the agents’ locations within the
world model; each X, Y slot includes a list of agents at that
Understanding Text Using Agent Based Models
Information Society 2021, 4 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Adapting the system to another story using our source code is
relatively easy, provided the action and attribute types of the
agents in the story are similar to those in the ‘Little Red Riding
Hood’. If the story requires the implementation of new actions or
attributes, this can be done by extending the class structure in
C++ using already implemented actions and attributes as
Figure 8: A part of an example story, generated by the
In our future work we intend to integrate commonsense
inferences, such as those from MultiCOMET into our model to
further the system’s degree of textual understanding. Our system
could also benefit from the addition of dynamic and simultaneous
goals that change based on the agent’s environment. Another
possible future line of work is to use our approach in other
domains to describe more complex phenomena, such as real-
world events or geopolitics. Lastly, a user evaluation of our
system’s performance on a variety of stories and scenarios could
provide further insight into the efficacy of our approach.
The research described in this paper was supported by the
Slovenian research agency under the project J2-1736 Causalify
Figure 9: Screenshot of two subsequent agent location
and co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European
configurations on the map: (1) after Riding Hood gives
Union under the European Regional Development Fund. The
Grandma flowers and (2) after Woodsman carries away
operation is carried out under the Operational Programme for the
Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy 2014–2020.
One of the more conceptually complex parts of the story was
Riding Hood asking Mother for permission to visit Grandma.
This required the creation of a new attribute for human agents to
Bosselut, A.; Rashkin, H.; Sap, M.; Malaviya, C.; Celikyilmaz, A.; and
Choi, Y. 2019. COMET: Commonsense transformers for automatic
describe their opinions of other agents’ goals.
knowledge graph construction. In ACL, 4762–4779.
The most complex action implemented was “cry for help”. This
Adrian Mladenic Grobelnik, Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic. 2020.
involved the creation of a new goal “respond to cry for help” for
MultiCOMET – Multilingual Commonsense Description. In Proceedings
of the 23rd international multiconference information society, pages 37-
all human agents within a certain radius of the agent crying for
help, provided they were conscious and able to respond.
Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, Wesley Cheung, William Broniec, and Mark O
Riedl. 2021. Automated storytelling via causal, commonsense plot
The story ends when Riding Hood gives Grandma the flowers
ordering. In Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial
she picked and the basket Mother gave her, and Woodsman
Intelligence (AAAI).
Faeze Brahman and Snigdha Chaturvedi. 2020. Modeling protagonist
carries the Wolf “deep into the forest where he wouldn't bother
emotions for emotion-aware storytelling. In Proceedings of EMNLP,
people any longer” [6].
pages 5277– 5294.
The system was implemented in about 3,000 lines of C++ code,
Patrick Henry Winston. The genesis story understanding and story telling
system: A 21st century step toward artificial intelligence. 2014. Technical
available on GitHub [7].
report, Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM).
Little Red Riding Hood by Leanne Guenther. https://www.dltk-
teach.com/RHYMES/littlered/story.htm. Accessed 16.09.2021.
Understanding Text Using Agent Based Models GitHub.
5 Discussion
Based-Models . Accessed 16.09.2021.
In our research we expanded on and adapted existing work on
Penberthy, J., & Weld, D. 1992. UCPOP: a sound, complete, partial-order
agent-based models, providing an alternate approach to text
planner for ADL. In Proceedings of KR’92, pp. 103–114, Los Altos, CA.
understanding and generation involving short stories. As a proof
An Introduction to AI Story Generation. https://thegradient.pub/an-
of concept, we applied our approach on the children’s story of
introduction-to-ai-story-generation/. Accessed 16.09.2021.
‘Little Red Riding Hood’, describing it through a series of 48
highly explainable actions involving 7 main agents.
News Stream Clustering using Multilingual Language Models
Erik Novak
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
in Section 5. Finally, we conclude the paper and provide ideas for
In this paper, we propose a news stream clustering algorithm
future work in Section 6.
which directly outputs cross-lingual event clusters. It uses multi-
lingual language models to generate cross-lingual article repre-
sentations which enable a direct comparison of articles in differ-
ent languages. The algorithm is evaluated using a cross-lingual
News Stream Clustering. The objective of news stream cluster-
news article data set and compared against a strong baseline
ing is to group news articles that report about the same event
algorithm. The experiment results show the algorithm has great
that happened in the world. Grouping can be a difficult task,
promise, but requires additional modifications for improving its
especially if the articles are written in multiple languages. To
this end, various approaches were developed for cross-lingual
event clustering. A statistical approach called Generalization of
Canonical Correlation Analysis is used to compare news articles
in different languages [9]. Information extraction techniques,
online news, event detection, news events, multilingual language
such as named entity recognition and part-of-speech tagging, are
also used for event detection [6]. With the increasing popularity
of neural networks, more advanced approaches are used to link
event clusters. The work in [3] uses word embeddings to com-
pare and link monolingual event clusters into cross-lingual ones.
Online news is producing hundreds of thousands of articles per
Transformer-based language models are used for event sentence
day reporting about any significant event that happened in the
coreference identification [4], a task that links parts of articles to
world. The articles cover various domains (such as politics, sports,
multiple events. However, the algorithm is performed only on a
and culture) and are written in different languages. In order to
monolingual data set.
automatically identify these events, news stream clustering algo-
To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first that uses
rithms are used. These usually have the following steps: (1) they
multilingual language models for grouping articles directly into
group articles written in the same language into monolingual
cross-lingual events.
clusters, and (2) form cross-lingual clusters by linking monolin-
gual clusters that report on the same event. Both steps usually
employ monolingual text features such as TF-IDF vectors; these
Multilingual Language Models. Since the introduction of the
do not allow cross-lingual comparison without using advanced
transformers [11], language model development has gained trac-
statistical or machine learning methods.
tion in the research community. One of the most well known
In this paper, we propose a news stream clustering algorithm
language models, BERT [2], has improved the performance of
that directly generates cross-lingual event clusters. The algorithm
various NLP tasks. By training it using multilingual documents,
uses multilingual language models for generating cross-lingual
the multilingual BERT [5] enabled solving tasks that require
content embeddings and extracting named entities found in the
cross-lingual text representations. While these models improved
articles. These are used to measure if an article should be assigned
the performance of various NLP tasks, they do not provide good
to an event. The algorithm is evaluated using a cross-lingual data
document embeddings for tasks like clustering. This changed
set consisting of articles in English, Spanish, and German, and is
with the introduction of Sentence-BERT [8], which generates
compared against a strong baseline. While the experiment results
monolingual sentence embeddings appropriate for measuring
look promising, there is still room for improving the algorithms
sentence similarity. A year later, an approach for making mono-
lingual document representations cross-lingual [7] opened a way
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 contains an
for using sentence embeddings for cross-lingual clustering.
overview of the related work on cross-lingual news stream clus-
In this work, we employ the multilingual Sentence-BERT
tering and multilingual language models. Next, we present the
model to generate cross-lingual embeddings used to group arti-
proposed clustering algorithm in Section 3, and describe the ex-
cles into events.
periment setting in Section 4. The experiment results are found
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
We propose a news stream clustering algorithm that directly
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
outputs cross-lingual events. It uses cross-lingual embeddings,
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
named entities, and temporal features to measure if an article
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
should be assigned to an event cluster. If none of the events are
Information Society 2021, 4 - 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
appropriate, a new cluster is created and the article is assigned
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
to it. Figure 1 shows the algorithm’s workflow diagram.
Information Society 2021, 4 - 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Erik Novak
event clusters
content embedding:
a 6
c 1
c 2
® (0)
= ®
a 2
(𝑘 − 1) · ®
+ 𝑐 ®
® (𝑘)
where ®
is the centroid calculated using the first 𝑘 articles
assigned to the event 𝑒, and 𝑐 ® is the content embedding of the
𝑘 -th article 𝑎 .
Event Named Entities. Each event stores all of the unique
named entities that are found in any of its articles. The named
entities are used to identify if the incoming article mentions the
Figure 1: The algorithm’s workflow diagram. The algo-
event’s entities. The event’s named entities set is updated when
rithm maintains a set of event clusters which are used
a new article is assigned to the event:
when asessing if a new article (𝑎6) should be assigned to
= ∅,
an existing event. If the conditions are met, the article is
assigned to the most appropriate cluster (
𝑐 2). Otherwise, an
= 𝑟
∪ 𝑟
empty event cluster is created (𝑐3), the article is assigned to
it, and the newly created event is added to the cluster set.
where 𝑟
is the set of named entities generated using the first
𝑘 articles assigned to the event 𝑒 , and 𝑟
is the set of named
entities of the 𝑘-th article 𝑎 .
In this section we describe how the algorithm represents the
Time Statistics. The time statistics provide insights into the
articles and events, and how it decides when to assign an article
articles’ temporal distribution. These are calculated using the
to the event cluster.
articles’ time attribute. In this experiment we measured the fol-
lowing statistics: the minimum, average, and maximum article
Article Representation
timestamps. These are used to validate if an article was published
In this section we describe the different article representations
at a time when it could still report about an existing event.
used in the algorithm. Each article is assumed to have a title, body,
and time attributes, which are used to (1) generate the content
Assignment Condition
embedding and (2) extract its named entities.
The most crucial part of the proposed algorithm is how to mea-
sure to which event should an article be assigned to, if any. We
Content Embedding. Each article is assigned an embedding
propose a condition that combines (1) the cosine similarity be-
that represents the article’s content. Using multilingual Sentence-
tween the article’s content embedding and the event’s centroid,
BERT1, a language model designed for generating vectors used in
(2) the overlap between the article’s and event’s named entities,
cross-lingual clustering tasks, we get the content embedding by
and (3) the time difference between the article’s time and one of
concatenating the article’s title and body and inputing it into the
the event’s time statistics.
language model. The output is a single 768 dimensional vector
Let 𝐸 = {𝑒
} be the set of existing event clusters,
that captures the semantic meaning of the article.
1, 𝑒2, . . . , 𝑒 𝑗
where each event is represented with its centroid, named entities,
Article Named Entities. For each article we extract the named
and one of its time statistics
, 𝑟
, 𝑡
. Let the article
entities that are mentioned in the article’s body. To extract them,
be represented by its content embedding, named entities, and
we developed a multilingual NER model using XLM-RoBERTa
time attribute 𝑎 = ( ®
, 𝑟
, 𝑡
). We then check if the following
[1] and fine-tuned it using the CoNLL-2003 [10] data set.2 Af-conditions are met for each event:
terwards, we filter out the duplicates and store the remaining
⟨ ®
, ®
unique entities for later use.
≥ 𝛼,
∥ ®
2 ∥ ®
𝑐𝑎 2
= |𝑟
∩ 𝑟 | ≥ 𝛽,
Event Representations
= |𝑡
− 𝑡 | ≤ 𝜏,
An event is represented as an aggregate of its articles. This in-
cludes (1) the event centroid, (2) the named entities, and (3) the
where 𝛼, 𝛽 and 𝜏 are the thresholds corresponding to how similar
time statistics. In this section we describe how the aggregates
the article’s content must be to the event, the required amount
are calculated and updated.
of overlapping entities, and the time window in which an article
has to be to be assigned to the event, respectively. Thus, 𝛿 , 𝛿 , 𝛿
Event Centroid. The centroid represents the average content
correspond to the content similarity, entity overlap, and time
embedding of the articles assigned to the event. It is used to assess
window conditions, respectively.
if an incoming article’s content is similar enough to the event.
If an event meets the conditions described in Equation 1, the
Since the algorithm is intended to work on a news streams, we
article is assigned to it. If multiple events are appropriate, the
iteratively update the centroid with the newly assigned article’s
article is assigned to the event that has the greatest 𝛿 value.
If none are appropriate, a new empty event cluster is created,
1The model is available at https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/
the article is assigned to it, and the event representations are
2The code of the model is available at https://github.com/ErikNovak/named-entity-
To compare the impact of the conditions, we implement mul-
tiple versions of the algorithm that use a different combination
News Stream Clustering using Multilingual Language Models
Information Society 2021, 4 - 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
of 𝛿 , 𝛿 , and 𝛿 conditions. Table 1 shows all of the algorithm
Baseline Algorithm
versions compared in the experiment.
The baseline algorithm used in the experiment is presented in
[3]. It performs cross-lingual news stream clustering by first gen-
Table 1: The list of algorithm versions. Each algorithm uses
erating monolingual event clusters using TF-IDF subvectors of
a different combination of conditions.
words, word lemmas and named entities of the articles. After-
wards, it merges monolingual into cross-lingual clusters using
condition combination
cross-lingual word embeddings to represent the articles. The algo-
rithm compares two approaches when performing cross-lingual
and 𝛿
and 𝛿
• Global parameter. Using a global parameter for measuring
and 𝛿 and 𝛿
distances between all language articles for cross-lingual
clustering decisions.
• Pivot parameter. Using a pivot parameter, where the dis-
tances between every other language are only compared
to English, and cross-lingual clustering decisions are made
We now present the experiment setting. We introduce the data set
only based on this distance.
and how it is prepared for the experiment. Next, we present the
evaluation metrics. Finally, the baseline algorithm is described.
Since the baseline algorithm was already evaluated using the
cross-lingual data set we are using the the experiment, we only
Data Set
report their performances from the paper.
To compare the algorithm performances we use the news article
data sets acquired via Event Registry and prepared by [3] for the
purposes of news stream clustering. These data sets are in three
In this section we present the experiment results. For all exper-
different languages (English, German, and Spanish), and consist
iments we fix the values 𝛽 = 1 and 𝜏 = 3 days, and evaluate
of articles containing the following attributes:
the algorithms using different values of 𝛼. In addition, all experi-
ments use the event’s minimum time statistic when validating
• Title. The title of the article.
the time condition
• Text. The body of the article.
• Lang. The language of the article.
Baseline Comparison. Table 3 shows the experiment results
• Date. The datetime when the article was published.
of the best performing algorithm on the evaluation data set. We
• Event ID. The ID of the event the article is associated with.
report the best performing CONTENT + NE + TS algorithm
It is used to measure the performance of the algorithms.
which uses the content similarity threshold 𝛼 = 0.3.
For the experiment, we merge the three data sets together to
create a single cross-lingual news article data set. We extract
Table 3: The algorithm performances. The best reported
their content embeddings and named entities, and sort them in
algorithm uses all three asssignment conditions.
chronological order, i.e. from oldest to newest. Table 2 shows the
data set statistics.
Table 2: Data set statistics. For each language data set we
Baseline (global)
denote the number of documents in the data set (# docs), the
Baseline (pivot)
average length of the documents (avg. length), the number
of event clusters (# clusters) and the average number of
documents in the clusters (avg. size).
While the proposed algorithm does not perform better than
any of the baselines with respect to the 𝐹1 score, our algorithm
# docs
avg. length
# clusters
avg. size
still shows promising results. Its performance is comparable to
the baseline using the global parameter and also outperforms the
baseline (global) recall by 5%, showing it is better at grouping
Condition Analysis. We have analyzed the impact the con-
ditions have on the algorithm’s performance. For each algo-
rithm version we run the experiments using different values
Evaluation Metrics
of 𝛼 ∈ {0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7}, and measure the balanced F-score,
precision, and recall, as well as the number of clusters it gener-
For the evaluation we use the same metrics as [3]. Let tp be the
ated. Table 4 shows the condition analysis results. By analysing
number of correctly clustered-together article pairs, let fp be the
the results we come to two conclusions:
number of incorrectly clustered-together article pairs, and let fn
Increasing 𝛼 increases precision, decreases recall, and
be the number of incorrectly not-clustered-together article pairs.
generates a larger number of clusters. When 𝛼 is bigger, the
Then we report precision as 𝑃 =
, recall as 𝑅 =
, and
content condition 𝛿 requires the articles to be more similar to
the balanced F-score as 𝐹1 = 2 · 𝑃 ·𝑅 . While precision describes
the event. This condition is met when the article’s content em-
𝑃 +𝑅
how homogenous are clusters the, recall tells us the amount of
bedding is close to the event’s centroid. Since this has to hold for
articles that should be together but are actually found in different
all articles in the event, then the articles that have high similar-
ity are clustered together, increasing the algorithm’s precision.
Information Society 2021, 4 - 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Erik Novak
Table 4: The condition analysis results. The bold values
represent the best performances on the data set.
Alexis Conneau, Kartikay Khandelwal, Naman Goyal, Vish-
rav Chaudhary, Guillaume Wenzek, Francisco Guzmán,
# clusters
Edouard Grave, Myle Ott, Luke Zettlemoyer, and Veselin
Stoyanov. 2020. Unsupervised cross-lingual representa-
tion learning at scale. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina
Toutanova. 2019. BERT: pre-training of deep bidirectional
transformers for language understanding. In Proceedings
+ NE
of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of
the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Lan-
guage Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers). As-
sociation for Computational Linguistics, 4171–4186.
Sebastião Miranda, Art¯urs Znotin,š, Shay B Cohen, and
+ TS
Guntis Barzdins. 2018. Multilingual clustering of stream-
ing news. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing. Association for
Computational Linguistics, Brussels, Belgium.
Faik Kerem Örs, Süveyda Yeniterzi, and Reyyan Yeniterzi.
2020. Event clustering within news articles. In Proceedings
+ NE
of the Workshop on Automated Extraction of Socio-political
+ TS
Events from News 2020, 63–68.
Telmo Pires, Eva Schlinger, and Dan Garrette. 2019. How
multilingual is multilingual BERT? In Proceedings of the
57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
However, if the
Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics,
𝛼 is to large then the condition is too strong,
thus similar articles can be split into multiple clusters, conse-
quently decreasing recall and increasing the number of clusters
Xiaoting Qu, Juan Yang, Bin Wu, and Haiming Xin. 2016.
the algorithm generates.
A news event detection algorithm based on key elements
Algorithms with more conditions can achieve better per-
recognition. In 2016 IEEE First International Conference on
formance. The algorithm’s performance is increasing with added
Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). (June 2016), 394–399.
conditions. While the worst performance is achieved when only
Nils Reimers and Iryna Gurevych. 2020. Making monolin-
the content condition
gual sentence embeddings multilingual using knowledge
is used (CONTENT algorithm), the best
is reached when all three conditions are used (CONTENT + NE +
distillation. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Em-
TS algorithm). The most significant contribution is provided by
pirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).
the time condition
Association for Computational Linguistics, 4512–4525.
which drastically improves the 𝐹
1 score.
Nils Reimers and Iryna Gurevych. 2019. Sentence-BERT:
sentence embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks. In
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods
We propose a news stream clustering algorithm that directly
in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International
generates cross-lingual event clusters. It uses multilingual lan-
Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-
guage models to generate cross-lingual article representations
IJCNLP). Association for Computational Linguistics, 3982–
which are used to compare with and generate cross-lingual event
clusters. The algorithm was evaluated on a news article data set
Jan Rupnik, Andrej Muhic, Gregor Leban, Primoz Skraba,
and compared to a strong baseline. The experiment results look
Blaz Fortuna, and Marko Grobelnik. 2016. News across
promising, but there is still room for improvement.
languages - Cross-Lingual document similarity and event
In the future, we intend to modify the assignment condition
tracking. en. J. Artif. Intell. Res., 55, (January 2016), 283–
and learn the condition parameters instead of manually setting
them. Modifying the language models to accept longer inputs
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Fien De Meulder. 2003. In-
could better capture the articles semantic meaning. In addition,
troduction to the CoNLL-2003 shared task: language-in-
events from different domains are reported with different rates.
dependent named entity recognition. In Proceedings of
Learning these rates and including them in the algorithm could
the Seventh Conference on Natural Language Learning at
improve its performance.
HLT-NAACL 2003, 142–147.
Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszko-
reit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and
Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all you need. In Proceedings
the Humane AI Net European Unions Horizon 2020 project under
of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information
grant agreement No 952026.
Processing Systems. Curran Associates Inc., Red Hook, NY,
USA, 6000–6010.
SloBERTa: Slovene monolingual large pretrained masked
language model
Matej Ulčar and Marko Robnik-Šikonja
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Ljubljana, Slovenia
{matej.ulcar, marko.robnik}@fri.uni- lj.si
Successful transformer models typically contain more than
100 million parameters. To train, they require considerable com-
Large pretrained language models, based on the transformer
putational resources and large training corpora. Luckily, many of
architecture, show excellent results in solving many natural lan-
these models are publicly released. Their fine-tuning is much less
guage processing tasks. The research is mostly focused on Eng-
computationally demanding and is accessible to users with mod-
lish language; however, many monolingual models for other lan-
est computational resources. In this work, we present the training
guages have recently been trained. We trained first such mono-
of a Slovene transformer-based masked language model, named
lingual model for Slovene, based on the RoBERTa model. We
SloBERTa, based on a variant of BERT architecture. SloBERTa is
evaluated the newly trained SloBERTa model on several classi-
the first such publicly released model, trained exclusively on the
fication tasks. The results show an improvement over existing
Slovene language corpora.
multilingual and monolingual models and present current state-
of-the-art for Slovene.
Following the success of the BERT model [5], many transformer-
natural language processing, BERT, RoBERTa, transformers, lan-
based language models have been released, e.g., RoBERTa [14],
guage model
GPT-3 [3], and T5 [28]. The complexity of these models has
been constantly increasing. The size of newer generations of
the models has made training computationally prohibitive for all
research organizations and is only available to large corporations.
Solving natural language processing (NLP) tasks with neural
Training also requires huge amounts of training data, which do
networks requires presentation of text in a numerical vector
not exist for most languages. Thus, most of these large models
format, called word embeddings. Embeddings assign each word
have been trained only for a few very well-resourced languages,
its own vector in a vector space so that similar words have similar
chiefly English, or in a massively multilingual fashion.
vectors, and certain relationships between word meanings are
The BERT model was pre-trained on two tasks simultaneously,
expressed in the vector space as distances and directions. Typical
a masked token prediction and next sentence prediction. For the
static word embedding models are word2vec [19], GloVe [24], and
masked token prediction, 15% of tokens in the training corpus
fastText [1]. ELMo [25] embeddings are an example of dynamic,
were randomly masked before training. The training dataset was
contextual word embeddings. Unlike static word embeddings,
augmented by duplicating the training corpus a few times, with
where a word gets a fixed vector, contextual embeddings ascribe
each copy having different randomly selected tokens masked. The
a different word vector for each occurrence of a word, based on
next sentence prediction task attempts to predict if two given
its context.
sentences appear in a natural order.
State of-the-art text representations are currently based on the
The RoBERTa [14] model uses the same architecture as BERT,
transformer architecture [35]. GPT-2 [27] and BERT [5] models but drops the next sentence prediction task, as it was shown that it
are among the first and most influential transformer models. Due
does not contribute to the model performance. The masked token
to their ability to be successfully adapted to a wide range of
prediction task was changed so that the tokens are randomly
tasks, such models are, somewhat impetuously, called foundation
masked on the fly, i.e. a different subset of tokens is masked in
models [2, 17]. While GPT-2 uses the transformer’s decoder stack
each training epoch.
to model the next word based on previous words, BERT uses
Both BERT and RoBERTa were released in different sizes. Base
the encoder stack to encode word representations of a masked
models use 12 hidden transformer layers of size 768. Large models
word, based on the surrounding context before and after the
use 24 hidden transformer layers of size 1024. Smaller-sized BERT
word. Previous embedding models (e.g., ELMo and fastText) were
models exist using knowledge distillation from pre-trained larger
used to extract word representations which were then used to
models [11].
train a model on a specific task. In contrast to that, transformer
A few massively multilingual models were trained on 100
models are typically fine-tuned for each individual downstream
or more languages simultaneously. Notable released variants
task, without extracting word vectors.
are multilingual BERT (mBERT) [5] and XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-
R) [4]. While multilingual BERT models perform well for the
trained languages, they lag behind the monolingual models [36,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
33]. Examples of recently released monolingual BERT models for
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
various languages are Finnish [36], Swedish [16], Estonian [30], distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
Latvian [37], etc.
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
The Slovene language is supported by the aforementioned
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
massively multilingual models and by the trilingual CroSloEngual
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
BERT model [33], which has been trained on three languages,
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ulčar and Robnik-Šikonja
Croatian, Slovene, and English. No monolingual transformer
98 epochs) on the Slovene corpora, described in Section 3.1. The
model for Slovene has been previously released.
model supports the maximum input sequence length of 512 sub-
word tokens.
SloBERTa was trained as a masked language model, using
The presented SloBERTa model is closely related to the French
fairseq toolkit [22]. 15% of the input tokens were randomly
Camembert model [18], which uses the same architecture and
masked, and the task was to predict the masked tokens. We
training approach as the RoBERTa base model [14], but uses a
used the whole-word masking, meaning that if a word was split
different tokenization model. In this section, we describe the
into more subtokens and one of them was masked, all the other
training datasets, the architecture, and the training procedure of
subtokens pertaining to that word were masked as well. Tokens
were masked dynamically, i.e. in each epoch, a different subset
of tokens were randomly selected to be masked.
Training a successful transformer language model requires a large
dataset. We combined five large Slovene corpora in our training
We evaluated SloBERTa on five tasks: named-entity recognition
dataset. Gigafida 2.0 [13] is a general language corpus, composed
(NER), part-of-speech tagging (POS), dependency parsing (DP),
of fiction and non-fiction books, newspapers, school textbooks,
sentiment analysis (SA), and word analogy (WA). We used the
texts from the internet, etc. The Janes corpus [9] is composed of
labeled ssj500k corpus [12, 6] for fine-tuning SloBERTa on each
several subcorpora. Each subcorpus contains texts from a certain
of the NER, POS and DP tasks. For NER, we limited the scope to
social medium or a group of similar media, including Twitter,
three types of named entities (person, location, and organization).
blog posts, forum conversations, comments under articles on
We report the results as a macro-average 𝐹
score of these three
news sites, etc. We used all Janes subcorpora, except Janes-tweet,
classes. For POS-tagging, we used UPOS tags, the results are
since the contents of that subcorpus are encoded and need to be
reported as a micro-average 𝐹
score. For DP, we report the
individually downloaded from Twitter, which is a lengthy process,
results as a labeled attachement score (LAS). The SA classifier
as Twitter limits the access speed. KAS (Corpus of Academic
was fine-tuned on a dataset composed of Slovenian tweets [20,
Slovene) [8] consists of PhD, MSc, MA, Bsc, and BA theses written
21], labeled as either "positive", "negative", or "neutral". We report in Slovene between 2000 and 2018. SiParl [23] contains minutes
the results as a macro-average 𝐹
of Slovene national assembly between 1990 and 2018. SlWaC [15]
Traditional WA task measures the distance between word vec-
is a web corpus collected from the .si top-level web domain. All
tors in a given analogy (e.g., man : king ≈ woman : queen). For
corpora used are listed in Table 1 along with their sizes.
contextual embeddings such as BERT, the task has to be modified
Table 1: Corpora used in training of SloBERTa with their
to make sense. First, word embeddings from transformers are
sizes in billion of tokens and words. Janes* corpus does
generally not used on their own, rather the model is fine-tuned.
not include Janes-tweet subcorpus.
Four words from an analogy also do not provide enough con-
text for use with transformers. In our modification, we input the
four words of an analogy in a boilerplate sentence "If the word
[word1] corresponds to the word [word2], then the word [word3]
Gigafida 2.0
general language
corresponds to the word [word4]." We then masked [word2] and
social media
attempted to predict it using masked token prediction. We used
Slovene part of the multilingual culture-independent word anal-
siParl 2.0
ogy dataset [32]. We report the results as an average precision@5
slWaC 2.1
web crawl
(the proportion of the correct [word2] analogy words among the
5 most probable predictions).
Total after deduplication
We compared the performance of SloBERTa with three other
transformer models supporting Slovene, CroSloEngual BERT
(CSE-BERT) [33], multilingual BERT (mBERT) [5], and XLM-
Data preprocessing
RoBERTa (XLM-R) [4]. Where sensible, we also included the
results achieved with training a classifier model using Slovene
We deduplicated the corpora, using the Onion tool [26]. We split
ELMo [31] and fastText embeddings.
the deduplicated corpora into three sets, training (99%), validation
We fine-tuned the transformer models on each task by adding
(0.5%), and test (0.5%). Independently of the three splits, we pre-
a classification head on top of the model. The exception is the DP
pared a smaller dataset, one 15th of the size of the whole dataset,
task, where we used the modified dep2label-bert tool [29, 10]. For by randomly sampling the sentences. We used this smaller dataset
ELMo and fastText, we extracted embeddings from the training
to train a sentencepiece model , which is used to tokenize and
datasets and used them to train token-level and sentence-level
encode the text into subword byte-pair-encodings (BPE). The
classifiers for each task, except for the DP. The classifiers are
sentencepiece model trained for SloBERTa has a vocabulary con-
composed of a few LSTM layer neural networks. For the DP
taining 32,000 subword tokens.
task, we used the modified SuPar tool, based on the deep biaffine
Architecture and training
attention [7]. The details of the evaluation process are presented
in [34].
SloBERTa has 12 transformer layers, which is equivalent in size
The results are shown in Table 2. The results of ELMo and
to BERT-base and RoBERTa-base models. The size of each trans-
fastText, while comparable between each other, are not fully com-
former layer is 768. We trained the model for 200,000 steps (about
parable with the results of transformer models as the classifier
1 https://github.com/google/sentencepiece
training approach is different.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 2: Results of Slovene transformer models.
2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement
No 825153, project EMBEDDIA (Cross-Lingual Embeddings for
Less-Represented Languages in European News Media).
Piotr Bojanowski, Edouard Grave, Armand Joulin, and
Tomas Mikolov. 2017. Enriching word vectors with sub-
word information. Transactions of the Association for Com-
putational Linguistics, 5, 135–146.
Rishi Bommasani, Drew A Hudson, Ehsan Adeli, Russ Alt-
man, Simran Arora, Sydney von Arx, Michael S Bernstein,
Jeannette Bohg, Antoine Bosselut, Emma Brunskill, et al.
On the NER, POS, SA, and WA tasks, SloBERTa outperforms all
2021. On the opportunities and risks of foundation models.
other models/embeddings. For the POS-tagging, the differences
ArXiv preprint 2108.07258. (2021).
between the models are small, except for fastText, which performs
Tom Brown et al. 2020. Language models are few-shot
much worse. ELMo, surprisingly, outperforms all transformer
learners. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Sys-
models on the DP task. However, it performs worse on the other
tems. Volume 33, 1877–1901.
tasks. SloBERTa performs worse than CSE-BERT on the DP task,
Alexis Conneau, Kartikay Khandelwal, Naman Goyal, Vishrav
but beats other multilingual models.
Chaudhary, Guillaume Wenzek, Francisco Guzmán, Edouard
The success of ELMo on the DP task can be partially explained
Grave, Myle Ott, Luke Zettlemoyer, and Veselin Stoyanov.
by the different tools used for training the classifiers. Further
2019. Unsupervised cross-lingual representation learning
work needs to be done to fully evaluate the difference and success
at scale. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.02116.
of ELMo embeddings on this task.
Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina
The performance on the SA task is limited by the low inter-
Toutanova. 2019. BERT: pre-training of deep bidirectional
annotator agreement [20]. The reported average of 𝐹
scores for
transformers for language understanding. In Proceedings
positive and negative class is 0.542 for inter-annotator agreement
of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of
and 0.726 for self-agreement. Using the same measure (average of
the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Lan-
for positive and
for negative class), SloBERTa scores 0
guage Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), 4171–
and mBERT scores 0.593.
4186. doi: 10.18653/v1/N19- 1423.
On the WA task, most models perform poorly. This is expected
Kaja Dobrovoljc, Tomaž Erjavec, and Simon Krek. 2017.
because very little context was provided on the input, and the
The universal dependencies treebank for Slovenian. In
transformer models need a context to perform well. SloBERTa
Proceeding of the 6th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural
significantly outperforms other models, not only because it was
Language Processing (BSNLP 2017).
trained only on Slovene data, but largely because its tokenizer
Timothy Dozat and Christopher D. Manning. 2017. Deep
is adapted to only Slovene language and does not need to cover
biaffine attention for neural dependency parsing. In Pro-
other languages.
ceedings of 5th International Conference on Learning Repre-
sentations, ICLR.
Tomaž Erjavec, Darja Fišer, and Nikola Ljubešić. 2021.
We present SloBERTa, the first monolingual transformer-based
The KAS corpus of Slovenian academic writing. Language
masked language model trained on Slovene texts. We show that
Resources and Evaluation, 55, 2, 551–583.
SloBERTa large pretrained masked language model outperforms
Darja Fišer, Tomaž Erjavec, and Nikola Ljubešić. 2016.
existing comparable multilingual models supporting Slovene on
Janes v0. 4: korpus slovenskih spletnih uporabniških vse-
four tasks, NER, POS-tagging, sentiment analysis, and word anal-
bin. Slovenščina 2.0: empirical, applied and interdisciplinary
ogy. The performance on the DP task is competitive, but lags
research, 4, 2, 67–99.
behind some of the existing models.
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Michalina Strzyz, and David
In further work we intend to compare improvement of BERT-
Vilares. 2020. A unifying theory of transition-based and
like monolingual models over multilingual models for other lan-
sequence labeling parsing. In Proceedings of the 28th Inter-
national Conference on Computational Linguistics, 3776–
The pre-trained SloBERTa model is publicly available via CLA-
3793. doi: 10.18653/v1/2020.coling- main.336.
and Huggingface
repositories. We make the code, used
Xiaoqi Jiao, Yichun Yin, Lifeng Shang, Xin Jiang, Xiao
for preprocessing the corpora and training the SloBERTa, publicly
Chen, Linlin Li, Fang Wang, and Qun Liu. 2020. Tiny-
available .
BERT: Distilling BERT for natural language understanding.
(2020). arXiv: 1909.10351 [cs.CL].
Simon Krek, Kaja Dobrovoljc, Tomaž Erjavec, Sara Može,
The work was partially supported by the Slovenian Research
Nina Ledinek, Nanika Holz, Katja Zupan, Polona Gantar,
Agency (ARRS) core research programmes P6-0411 and project
Taja Kuzman, Jaka Čibej, Špela Arhar Holdt, Teja Kavčič,
J6-2581, as well as the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia
Iza Škrjanec, Dafne Marko, Lucija Jezeršek, and Anja Zajc.
through project Development of Slovene in Digital Environment
2019. Training corpus ssj500k 2.2. Slovenian language re-
(RSDO). This paper is supported by European Union’s Horizon
source repository CLARIN.SI. (2019).
2 http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1397
3 https://huggingface.co/EMBEDDIA/sloberta
4 https://github.com/clarinsi/Slovene-BERT-Tool
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ulčar and Robnik-Šikonja
Simon Krek, Tomaž Erjavec, Andraž Repar, Jaka Čibej,
Colin Raffel, Noam Shazeer, Adam Roberts, Katherine Lee,
Spela Arhar, Polona Gantar, Iztok Kosem, Marko Rob-
Sharan Narang, Michael Matena, Yanqi Zhou, Wei Li, and
nik, Nikola Ljubešić, Kaja Dobrovoljc, Cyprian Laskowski,
Peter J Liu. 2020. Exploring the limits of transfer learning
Miha Grčar, Peter Holozan, Simon Šuster, Vojko Gorjanc,
with a unified text-to-text transformer. Journal of Machine
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Understanding the Impact of Geographical Bias on News
Sentiment: A Case Study on London and Rio Olympics
Dunja Mladenić
Jožef Stefan Institute,
Jožef Stefan Institute,
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
News article on London
Olympic Legacy
News articles on Rio Olympic Legacy
Headline: Five Years On,
Headline: Rio 2016's
London's Olympic Real Estate
venues abandoned and
Headline: Rio 2016: An
Legacy Is A Clear Winner
vandalised in worrying legacy
Olympics legacy of despair
Category: Business
Category: Business
Headline: Rio de Janeiro
and wreckage
suffering painful post-Olympic
Category: Business
Summary: The Olympics have
Summary: Rio de Janeiro
become famously bad for real
pulled off last year's Olympics,
Category: Sports
Summary: When any country
keeping crime…
hosts a major sporting event,
Summary: The Brazilian
the organisers and those...
Sentiment: 0.067
Sentiment: -0.372
metropolis of Rio de Janeiro
was the epicenter of the…
Sentiment: -0.435
Article Similarity: 0.509, Sentiment Dissimilarity: 0.439
Sentiment: -0.388
Article Similarity: 0.632, Sentiment Dissimilarity: 0.502
Article Similarity: 0.503, Sentiment Dissimilarity: 0.455
Figure 1: An example to illustrate the impact of geographical location on the sentiment of similar news articles.
to induce a variety of political and social implications, both direct
There are various types of news bias, most of which play an
and indirect. For instance, any political controversy presented
important role in manipulating public perceptions of any event.
from a specific perspective may alter the voting pattern [4, 1, 6].
Researchers frequently question the role of geographical location
There are different forms of news bias, and geographical bias
in attributing such biases. To that end, we intend to investigate the
is one of them. It exists if the sentiment polarity of similar arti-
impact of geographical bias on news sentiments in related articles.
cles published in different geographical location is contradictory
As our case study, we use news articles collected from the Event
or varies significantly. Sentiment analysis methods, which are
Registry over two years about the Olympic legacy in London
commonly used to determine news bias [3, 14], can be used to
and Rio. Our experimental analysis reveals that geographical
examine the shift in sentiment polarity in similar news articles.
boundaries do have an impact on news sentiment.
Now, an intriguing question arises: Is geographical bias a factor
affecting news sentiment? This study seeks to answer the above
question by identifying and comparing sentiments of similar
news articles. In doing so, we demonstrate how geographical
Bias, News Bias, Geographical Bias, Olympics, Semantic Similar-
location impacts the sentiments of similar articles. We also inves-
ity, Sentiment Analysis, Dataset
tigate this impact in relation to several news categories such as
politics, business, sports, and so on.
The Olympic Games are a symbol of the greatest sports events
Claims of bias in news coverage raise questions about the role of
in the world. Every edition leaves a number of legacies for the
geography in shaping public perceptions of similar events. Based
Olympic Movement, as well as unforgettable memories for each
on the geographical location, multiple factors, such as political
host city, whether positive or negative. In this regard, we select
affiliation, editorial independence, etc., can influence the way
news articles about the Olympic legacy in London and Rio as a
news articles are generated. Although it is well known that biased
case study for our analysis.
news can have more influence on people’s thinking and decision-
We use Event Registry1 [10] to collect English news articles,
making processes [7, 9], it is nearly impossible to produce an
along with their sentiment and categories, published between
article without any bias. Biased news articles have the potential
January 2017 and December 2020. We use the popular Sentence-
BERT (SBERT) [12] embedding to represent the articles and then
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
compute the cosine similarity between them to identify similar
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
article pairs.
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
Our data and code can be found in the GitHub repository at
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
https:// github.com/ Swati17293/ geographical-bias.
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Swati and Dunja Mladenić
in London/Rio if the headline and/or summary of the article
The paper’s contributions are as follows:
contains the keywords ‘London’/‘Rio’, ‘Olympic’, and ‘Legacy’.
For each article, we then extract the summary, category, and
• We propose a task of analyzing the impact of geographical
sentiment. The article summaries vary in length from 290 to 6,553
bias on the sentiment of news articles with data on the
words. Sentiment scores ranges from −1 to 1. We select seven
Olympic legacies of Rio and London as a case study.
major news categories, namely business, politics, technology,
• We present a dataset of English news articles customized
environment, health, sports, and arts-and-entertainment, and
to the above-mentioned task.
remove the rest of the categories. After excluding the duplicate
• We present experimental results to demonstrate the afore-
articles we end up with 8,690 and 5,120 articles about the Olympic
mentioned impact of geographical bias.
legacy in London and Rio respectively.
The Majority of the sentiment analysis methods for news bias
analysis depend on the sentiment words that are explicitly stated.
SentiWordNet2, which is a publicly available lexical resource used
The primary task is to compute the average difference in senti-
by the researchers for opinion mining to identify the sentiment
ment scores between similar news articles about the Olympic
inducing words that classify them as positive, negative, or neutral.
legacies in Rio and London. The stated task can be subdivided
Melo et al. [5] collected and analyzed articles from Brazil’s
and mathematically formulated as follows:
news media and social media to understand the country’s re-
(1) Generate two distinct sets of news articles 𝐴1 and 𝐴2, one
sponse to the COVID-19 pandemic. They proposed using an
about the London Olympic legacy and the other about the
enhanced topic model and sentiment analysis method to tackle
Rio Olympic legacy. For each
∈ 𝐴
∈ 𝐴
1 find a list of 𝑎
this task. They identified and applied the main themes under con-
𝑡 ℎ
is the 𝑖
article in set 𝐴
, 𝑠
1 = {(𝑎1, 𝑠1), (𝑎2, 𝑠2)...(𝑎𝑛
sideration in order to comprehend how their sentiments changed
and ′
𝑡 ℎ
is the 𝑗
article in set 𝐴2 = {(𝑎 , 𝑠 ), (𝑎 , 𝑠 )...(𝑎 , 𝑠 )}
over time. They discovered that certain elements in both media
which is the closest match (c.f. Section 4.1.1) to 𝑎 . Here,
reflected negative attitudes toward political issues.
𝑛 = |𝐴
Quijote et al. [11] used SentiWordNet along with the Inverse
1 | and 𝑚 = |𝐴2 |.
(2) For each list, calculate 𝐷
to represents the difference
Reinforcement Model to analyze the bias present in the news ar-
𝑖 𝑗
between the sentiment scores
and 𝑠 of the articles 𝑎
ticle and to determine whether the outlets are biased or not. The
lexicons were first scored for the experiments using SentiWord-
and 𝑎 .
Net and then fed to the Inverse Reinforcement model as input.
(3) Calculate the average difference 𝐷 of sentiment scores.
To determine the news bias, the model measured the deviation
(4) Calculate the percentage of similar article pairs with re-
and controversy scores of the articles. The findings lead to the
versed polarity and those with unchanged polarity.
inference that articles from major news outlets in the Philippines
The secondary task is to assess the primary task with respect
are not biased, excluding those from the Manila Times.
to news categories, i.e. to calculate the average difference 𝐷 of
Bharathi and Geetha [3] classified the articles published by
sentiment scores for similar articles in each category.
the UK, US, and India median as positive, negative, or neutral
In the following subsections, we discuss the tasks mentioned
using the content sentiment algorithm [2]. The sentiment scores
above in greater detail.
of the opinion words and their polarities were used as input to
Article Similarity. We embed the articles in sets 𝐴1 and 𝐴2
the algorithm.
to construct sets
𝐹1 = {𝑓1, 𝑓2...𝑓 } and 𝐹
, 𝑓
... 𝑓
}. While
2 = {𝑓
Existing research investigates news bias using sentiment anal-
alternative embedding approaches can be utilized, in this study
ysis methods, but, unlike our work, it does not provide a suitable
we select the popular Sentence-BERT (SBERT) [12] embedding
automated method for analyzing the impact of geographical bias
to extract 768-dimensional feature vectors to represent the indi-
on news sentiment.
vidual articles in 𝐹1 and 𝐹2.
For each article
1, we compute the similarity score3
between 𝑎 and every article 𝑎 in 𝐴
2 using the cosine similarity
Raw Data Source
(𝑎 , 𝑎 ) (Eq 1). We consider articles 𝑎 and 𝑎 to be
We use Event Registry [10] as our raw data source which mon-
similar only if their similarity score is greater than 0.5.
itors, gathers, and delivers news articles from all around the
· 𝑓
world. It also annotates articles with numerous metadata such as
(𝑎 , 𝑎 ) =
a unique identifier for article identification, categories to which
𝑓 | | | | 𝑓
it may belong, geographical location, sentiment, and so on. Its
and 𝑓 represents the embedded feature vectors of article
large-scale coverage can therefore be used effectively to assess
and 𝑎 .
the impact of geographical bias on news sentiment.
The similarity score ranges from −1 to 1, where −1 indicates
that the articles are completely unrelated and 1 indicates that they
are identical, and in-between scores indicate partial similarity or
To generate our dataset, we use a similar data collection process
as described in [13]. Using the Event Registry API, we collect
all English-language news articles about the Olympic legacy in
Average Sentiment Dissimilarity. For every pair of similar
London and Rio published between January 2017 and December
articles 𝑎 and 𝑎 , we calculate the difference 𝐷
between their
𝑖 𝑗
2020. We consider an article to be about the Olympic Legacy
sentiment scores 𝑠 and 𝑠 . To calculate the average sentiment
Understanding the Impact of Geographical Bias on News Sentiment
Information Society 2021, 4 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 1: Category-wise confusion matrix to show the percentage of similar article pairs with respect to their sentiment polarity.
Arts & Entertainment
Table 2: Confusion matrix to show the percentage of sim-
ilar article pairs with respect to their sentiment polarity.
Table 3: Distribution of average sentiment difference
across news categories for similar article pairs with iden-
tical category.
Figure 2: Distribution of average sentiment differences
News category
Average Sentiment Difference
across categories for similar articles in the same category.
Arts and Entertainment
dissimilarity score 𝐷, we add all 𝐷
and divide it by the total
𝑖 𝑗
number of similar article pairs.
Figure 3: An illustration of the effect of category on senti-
In our experiments, we compare 44,492,800 possible article pairs
ment polarity.
for similarity and discover 375,008 similar pairs. The comparison
in terms of sentiment similarity reveals that if two articles from
different geographical regions are similar, in our case Rio and
The categorical distribution of the percentage of similar article
London, the average difference in their sentiment scores is 0.171.
pairs in terms of sentiment polarity is shown in Table 1. ‘Politics’
In addition, as defined in Table 2, we calculate the percentage of
has the highest percentage of articles with reversed polarity,
similar article pairs based on their sentiment polarity. It’s worth
while ‘technology’ has the lowest. Categories such as ‘business’
noting that the polarity of the article is completely reversed
and ‘entertainment’, though not as clearly as ‘politics’, exhibit the
27% of the time, indicating the impact of geographic region on
same bias.
This disparity arises from the fact that, in contrast to other cat-
It is because the success of mega-events such as the Olympics
egories, politics is most influenced by geographical boundaries,
in a particular host city is heavily influenced by its residents’ trust
whereas science and technology are typically location indepen-
and support for the government [8]. It can be viewed positively as
dent. Since politics has such a large influence on shaping beliefs
a national event with social and economic benefits, or negatively
and public perceptions, it is frequently twisted to fit a particu-
as a source of money waste. While the Olympics have left an
lar narrative of a story. It is inherently linked to geographical
economic and social legacy in London, a series of structural
borders, and it can be extremely polarizing depending on the
investment demands in Rio raise the question of whether or not
geographical region.
the Olympics was worthwhile for the entire country.
Impact of news categories
In this work, we use news articles about the Olympic Legacy in
The impact of news categories on the sentiments of similar arti-
London and Rio as a case study to understand how geographical
cles with identical categories from different geographical regions
boundaries interplay with news sentiments.
is shown in Table 3. It demonstrates that certain news categories
We begin by presenting a dataset of news articles collected
have a greater impact than others. Figure 2 depicts this distinction
over two years using the Event Registry API. We compute the
more clearly.
cosine similarity scores of all possible embedded article pairs, one
Information Society 2021, 4 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Swati and Dunja Mladenić
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in the case of news in technology, the difference is much smaller.
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This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and
Series: Materials Science and Engineering number 1. Vol-
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
ume 482. IOP Publishing, 012036.
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An evaluation of BERT and Doc2Vec model on the IPTC
Subject Codes prediction dataset
Marko Pranjić
Marko Robnik-Šikonja
Senja Pollak
marko.robnik@fri.uni- lj.si
Jožef Stefan International
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of
Jožef Stefan Institute
Postgraduate School
Computer and Information Science
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trikoder d.o.o.
Zagreb, Croatia
standardized set of topics would enable faster news production
and higher quality of the metadata for news content.
Large pretrained language models like BERT have shown excel-
In this paper, we use recently published ST T News[10] dataset
lent generalization properties and have advanced the state of the
in Finnish to evaluate the performance of the monolingual Fin-
art on various NLP tasks. In this paper we evaluate Finnish BERT
BERT model [13] on the IPTC Subject Codes prediction task,
(FinBERT) model on the IPTC Subject Codes prediction task. We
together with the Doc2Vec[3] model as a baseline. We attempt
compare it to a simpler Doc2Vec model used as a baseline. Due to
to encode the hierarchical nature of the prediction task in the
hierarchical nature of IPTC Subject Codes, we also evaluate the
prediction network topology by mimicking the structure of the
effect of encoding the hierarchy in the network layer topology.
labels. Finally, impact of using a different tokenizers with the
Contrary to our expectations, a simpler baseline Doc2Vec model
same model is evaluated.
clearly outperforms the more complex FinBERT model and our
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we describe
attempts to encode hierarchy in a prediction network do not
the dataset and the labels relevant for the prediction task. Section
yield systematic improvement.
3 describes the methods used to model the prediction task and
all variations of experiments. In Section 4, we provide results of
our experiments and, finally, in Section 5 we conclude this paper
news categorization, text representation, BERT, Doc2Vec, IPTC
and suggest ideas for further work.
Subject Codes
The ST T corpus [10] contains 2.8 million news articles from the
The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has greatly ben-
Finnish News Agency (ST T) published between 1992 and 2018.
efited from the advances in deep learning. New techniques and
The articles come with a rich metadata information including the
architectures are developed at a fast pace. The Transformer ar-
news article topics encoded as IPTC Subject Codes . The IPTC
chitecture [12] is the foundation for most new NLP models and
Subject Codes are a deprecated version of IPTC taxonomy of
it is especially successful with models for text representation,
news topics focused on text. The IPTC Subject Codes standard
such as BERT model [1] which dominates the text classification.
describes around 1400 topics structured in three hierarchical
The gains in performance promised by the large BERT models
levels. The first level consists of the most general topics. Topics
comes at the price of significant data resources and computa-
on the second level are subtopics of the ones at the first level and,
tional capabilities required in the model pretraining phase. The
likewise, topics on the third level are subtopics of the ones on
practitioners take one of the models pretrained in the language
second level. All topics on the third level are leaf topics - there
of the data and finetune it for the specific classification prob-
are no more subdivisions, but there are also some topics on the
lem. Multilingual BERT-like models have also shown remarkable
second level that are leaf topics and do not extend to the third
potential for cross-lingual transfer ([7], [8], [6]). A majority of
level. A set of IPTC topics at ST T is an extended version of IPTC
the research with BERT-like models is focused on English, while
Subject Codes as some codes used at ST T are not part of the IPTC
less-resourced languages tend to be neglected.
The IPTC Subject Codes originate in the journalistic setting.
Not all articles in the ST T corpus contain the IPTC Subject
The news articles are tagged with the IPTC topics to enable search
Codes, as can be seen in Figure 1, showing the ratio of articles
and classification of the news content, as well as to facilitate
containing this information through time. IPTC Subject Codes
content storage and digital asset management of news content
were introduced in ST T in May 2011 and around 10-15% of articles
at media houses. It provides a consistent and language agnostic
do not contain this information.
coding of topics across different news providers and across time.
If an article contains a specific sub-topic, it also contains its
Solving the automatic classification of the news content to the
upper-level topics. For example, if an article contains the third
level topic "poetry", it also contains the second level topic "litera-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
ture" that generalizes the "poetry", as well as the first level topic
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
"arts, culture and entertainment". In this way, article metadata
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
contains full path through the topic hierarchy.
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
1 https://iptc.org/standards/subject-codes/
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pranjić, et al.
experiments use the PV-DM variant of the algorithm available
in the Gensim
library with most of the hyperparameters set
to their default values. We set the context window width to 5
and train the network for 10 epochs on the news content from
the training data. The model produces a 256 dimensional output
vector. Once the model is trained, we do not finetune it further
during training of the prediction task.
Tokenization of the data was done using the SentencePiece[2]
tokenizer. It was trained to produce a vocabulary of 40,000 tokens
by using randomly selected 1 million sentences sampled from
the articles in the training set. Additionally, we ran experiments
using the same WordPiece[14] tokenizer that is used with the
FinBERT model.
Figure 1: The Ratio of news articles in STT corpus contain-
ing IPTC Subject Codes.
BERT is an deep neural-network architecture of bidirectional
text encoders introduced in [1]. The base model consists of 12
Transformer [12] layers. It is trained using the masked language
Most articles are assigned only a small number of leaf-level
modeling (MLM) and next sentence prediction (NSP) objectives
topics (and its higher-level topics), but they can contain up to 7, 19
on a large text corpora. Maximum length of the input sequence
and 30 topics from the first, second and third level, respectively.
for the model is 512 tokens and each token is represented with 768
We split the dataset to train, validation and test set such that
dimensions. Model inference produces a context dependent repre-
all articles published after 31-12-2017 belong to the test set and
sentations of the input tokens. The whole input sequence can be
discard articles without IPTC Subject Codes from it. The rest of
represented with a single vector by using the context dependent
the articles were randomly split such that 5% of articles contain-
representation of the [CLS] token. In [1], this representation is
ing IPTC Subject Codes represent the validation set and all other
used as an aggregate sequence representation for classification
articles belong to the train set.
tasks. Another way to represent the whole sequence, as used
After this step, there are around 30 thousand articles in the
in [9], is to take the average representation of all output tokens
validation set, around 100 thousand in test set and 2.7 million in
(AVG). In this paper, we use FinBERT, a BERT model introduced
training set - of which some 560 thousand contain IPTC Subject
in [13] that was pretrained on Finnish corpora.
We should note
Codes annotation.
that this model contains the ST T corpus as part of its training
The train set contains 17 different topics on the first level, 400
on the second level, and 972 on the third (the most specific) level.
Input to the model is restricted to 512 tokens
and longer news
In our experiments, we evaluate models only on topics found in
articles are trimmed such that only the first 512 tokens are used.
the training set.
In the dataset, there are less than 5% and 7% of documents in
the training and test data that are longer than 512 tokens. We
experiment with the CLS and the AVG representations and in
both cases the article representation is a 768 dimensional vector.
For our experiments, we used a network design consisting of two
The FinBERT model is finetuned during training of the IPTC
stacked neural networks (extractor and predictor). The extractor
Subject Codes prediction task.
processes the text and produces the text representation in the
format of a numeric vector. The predictor (the second part) is
Prediction network
a multi-label prediction network that maps the extracted text
representation vector to IPTC Subject Codes. For the extractor
For the predictor part, we experiment with two different archi-
part, we evaluate the Doc2Vec and BERT model and for the
tectures. The first is a single layer of the neural network that
predictor our models use one or three layer neural network.
maps the input vector to the predictions and can be seen in the
Figure 2. The IPTC Subject Codes on all levels are concatenated
together, thus producing a 1389 outputs in the final layer.
The second architecture utilizes the tree hierarchy of the IPTC
Before the contextual token embeddings became popular, this
Subject Codes. We assumed that a flat output (the previous ap-
model was regularly used to represent a text paragraph with
proach) requires the network to predict each label independently,
a fixed vector. It was introduced in [3] with two variants of
irrespective of the level of the target label. By introducing sepa-
the algorithm - PV-DM (Paragraph Vector-Distributed Memory)
rate layers for each target level, we expect that the model will
and PV-CBOW (Paragraph Vector-Continuous Bag-of-Words).
implicitly learn the hierarchy among labels. We designed this
In the PV-DM variant of the algorithm, a training context is
network in three layers and the architecture is shown in Figure 3.
defined as a sliding window over the text. The model is a shallow
The first layer of the network predicts labels from the third IPTC
neural network trained to predict the central word of this context
hierarchical level (the most fine-grained topics), the second layer
window given the embeddings of the rest of the context words
together with the embedding of the whole document. During
training, the network learns both the word embeddings and the
3 We also test the FinEst BERT[11] but since the better performance was achieved
embedding for the document. The simpler PV-CBOW variant
with the FinBERT[13], we do not include FinEst BERT it in the results.
does not employ a context window, the neural network is trained
4 The tokenizer used with the model is a predefined WordPiece tokenizer that came
to predict a randomly sampled word from the document. Our
with the FinBERT model.
STT IPTC Subject Codes evaluation
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
using a WordPiece (WP) tokenizer and either the CLS token or
the average (AVG) of all output tokens as a text representation.
The Doc2Vec model is using either the WordPiece (WP) tokenizer
or the SentencePiece (SP) tokenizer.
Evaluation metrics
We approach the article categorization problem through the in-
formation retrieval paradigm. Namely, we try to return the set
of the most probable IPTC Subject Codes assigned to each ar-
ticle in the ST T corpus. We use two performance metrics, the
mean average precision (mAP) and recall at 10 (R@10). The mean
average precision returns the expectation of the area under the
precision-recall curve for a random query. The recall at 10 com-
putes the ratio of correct topics found in the 10 tags with the
highest predicted probability. To measure the generalization of
our prediction models, we compute these metrics separately for
each level of the IPTC Subject Codes.
Figure 2: Predictor network architecture, flat variant. The
Results and discussion
image does not show a normalization layer before the out-
put layer.
In all experiments, the Doc2Vec model performed significantly
better than the FinBERT model, regardless of the specific extrac-
tor or predictor setup. This is surprising in the light of other
successful applications of BERT models. Nevertheless, as there
are less than 5% of articles in the training set and less than 7%
of articles in the test set that have more than 512 tokens (the
limitation of BERT but not Doc2Vec) we cannot assign the poor
performance of BERT to this limitation.
Some other relevant findings are as follows. While for some
tasks[9] the BERT average token representation performs better
than the representation based on the CLS token, in our experi-
ments the CLS and the AVG representations perform comparably.
The three-layer network mimicking the shape of the tree-like
IPTC Subject Codes hierarchy did not yield any systematic im-
provement over the single, flat layer of the neural network. Dif-
ference in tokenizers for Doc2Vec experiments shows small, but
consistent improvement when using the SentencePiece tokenizer.
Figure 3: Predictor network architecture, tree variant. The
In this work, we have compared a monolingual FinBERT and
image does not show a normalization layer before each
Doc2Vec model on the IPTC Subject Codes prediction task in
output layer.
Finnish language. We evaluated several variations of experiments
and achieved consistently better results with a Doc2Vec model.
In contrast to the Doc2Vec, the BERT model has a limitation in
predicts topics from the second level and the third layer predicts
the form of maximum number of input tokens. We believe the
only the toplevel IPTC Subject Codes.
results cannot be explained by this as the data used does not
contain a significant amount of documents exceeding this limit.
We plan to explore this topic further in hope of understanding
Each model was trained using the batch size of 128 articles and
and addressing this problem. Recent work in BERT finetuning
AdamW[4] optimizer with the learning rate of 1e-3. We compute
strategies[5] identifies a problem of vanishing gradients due to
the metrics on the validation set every 100 iterations. Once the
excessive learning rates and implementation details of the opti-
loss on the validation data starts increasing, we stop the training
and evaluate the best performing checkpoint on the test data.
Our attempt at encoding the hierarchical nature of the predic-
The loss function used in all experiments is the sum of binary
tion task did not yield systematic improvement and we believe
cross-entropy losses calculated at each topic level. The news
it is worthwhile to explore other strategies and improve on this
articles that do not have an annotation for certain topic level do
area, like encoding the hierarchy of the predictions in the loss
not contribute to the loss of that level.
function itself.
For Doc2Vec experiments, consistently better results were
achieved using the SentencePiece[2] tokenizer over the Word-
All experiments were repeated three times and we report the
Piece[14] tokenizer used in FinBERT model. Both of those tok-
median of those three runs in Table 1. The extraction network
enizers retain the whole information of the input as there are no
was evaluated with four configurations. The FinBERT model is
destructive operations on the text. We plan further experiments
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pranjić, et al.
Table 1: Results for different experimental configurations.
mAP (lvl 1)
mAP (lvl 2)
mAP (lvl 3)
R@10 (lvl 1)
R@10 (lvl 2)
R@10 (lvl 3)
Doc2Vec (WP)
Doc2Vec (WP)
Doc2Vec (SP)
Doc2Vec (SP)
to confirm and quantify these findings and understand what en-
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multilingual is multilingual BERT? In Proceedings of the
tokenizer level.
57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics, Flo-
rence, Italy, (July 2019), 4996–5001. doi: 10.18653/v1/P19-
The work was partially supported by the Slovenian Research
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Agency (ARRS) core research programmes P6-0411 and P2-0103,
Colin Raffel, Noam Shazeer, Adam Roberts, Katherine Lee,
as well as the research project J6-2581 (Computer-assisted mul-
Sharan Narang, Michael Matena, Yanqi Zhou, Wei Li, and
tilingual news discourse analysis with contextual embeddings).
Peter J. Liu. 2020. Exploring the limits of transfer learning
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Classification of Cross-cultural News Events
Abdul Sittar∗
Dunja Mladenić
Jožef Stefan Institute and Jožef Stefan International
Jožef Stefan Institute and Jožef Stefan International
Postgraduate School
Postgraduate School
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
meta data of an event is shown in the Table 1. The main scientific
We present a methodology to support the analysis of culture
contributions of this paper are the following:
from text such as news events and demonstrate its usefulness
(1) A novel perspective of aligning news events across dif-
on categorising news events from different categories (society,
ferent cultures through categorising countries and news
business, health, recreation, science, shopping, sports, arts, com-
puters, games and home) across different geographical locations
(2) A cross-cultural automatically annotated dataset in several
(different places in 117 countries). We group countries based on
different domains (Business, Science, Sports, Health etc.).
the culture that they follow and then filter the news events based
(3) Experimental comparison of several classification mod-
on their content category. The news events are automatically
els adopting different set of features (character ngrams,
labelled with the help of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. We
GLOVE embeddings and word ngrams).
present combinations of events across different categories and
check the performances of different classification methods. We
Table 1: The description of the meta data of an event.
also presents experimental comparison of different number of
features in order to find a suitable set to represent the culture.
title of the event
summary of the event
event reported by a news source
list of DMOZ categories
cultural barrier, news events, text classification
location of the event
Culture is defined as a collective programming of the mind which
distinguishes the members of one group or category of people
In this section, we review the related literature about the influ-
from another [9]. It has a huge impact on the lives of people and
ence of culture, its representation and classification in different
in result it influences events that involve cross-cultural stake-
holders. News spreading is one of the most effective mechanisms
Countries that share a common culture are expected to have
for spreading information across the borders. The news to be
heavier news flows between them when reporting on similar
spread wider cross multiple barriers such as linguistic, economic,
events [10]. There are many quantitative studies that found de-
geographical, political, time zone, and cultural barriers. Due to
mographic, psychological, socio-cultural, source, system, and
rapidly growing number of events with significant international
content-related aspects [2].
impact, cross-cultural analytics gain increased importance for
Cross-cultural research and understanding the cultural influences
professionals and researchers in many disciplines, including digi-
in different fields have competitive advantages. The goal of re-
tal humanities, media studies, and journalism. The most recent
searching the impact of culture might be to draw conclusions
examples of such events include COVID-19 and Brexit [1]. There
in which way the cultural factors influence a specific corporate
are few determinants that have significant influence on the pro-
action. There are many type of cultures such as societal, organi-
cess of information selection, analysis and propagation. These
zational, and business culture etc [8].
include cultural values and differences, economic conditions and
The hidden nature of cultural behavior causes some difficulties
association between countries. For instance, if two countries are
in measurement and defining these. To cope with difficulties,
culturally more similar, there are more chances that there will
researchers have developed measurements that measure culture
be a heavier news flow between them [10], [3]. In this paper,
on a general scale to compare differences among cultures and
we focus on classification of news events across different cul-
management styles. These results can be used to find similarities
tures. We select some of the most read daily newspapers and
within a region and differences to other regions. There are many
collect information using Event Registry about the news they
models that have tried to explain cultural differences between
have published. Event Registry is a system which analyzes news
societies. Hofstede’s national culture dimensions (HNCD) have
articles, identifies groups of articles that describe the same event
been widely used and cited in different disciplines [6, 5]. Hofst-
and represent them as a single event [7]. The description of the
ede’s dimensions are the result of a factor analysis at the level
of country means of comprehensive survey instrument, aimed
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
at identifying systematic differences in national cultural. Their
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
purpose is to measure culture in countries, societies, sub-groups,
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
and organizations; they are not meant to be regarded as psycho-
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
logical traits.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
There is a plethora of research studies that were conducted to un-
derstand the cultural influences such as cross-culture privacy and
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abdul and Dunja, et al.
attitude prediction, and cultural influences on today’s business.
provided by the Event Registry. This task can be formulated as:
[4] explores how culture affects the technological, organizational,
𝐶 = 𝑓 (𝑆, 𝐺 )
and environmental determinants of machine learning adoption
by conducting a comparative case study between Germany and
C donates the culture of the news event, f is the learning function,
US. Rather than looking at the influence of cultural differences
S donates summary of a news event and G donates category of a
within one domain, we intend to understand association between
news event (see Table 1).
news events belonging to different domains (society, business,
health, recreation, science, shopping, sports, arts, computers,
games and home) and different cultures (117 countries from all
the continents). We conduct this research to find an appropriate
representation and classification of culture across different do-
Clusters of Countries
Char Ngrams
News Events
Dataset Annotation
Glove Embeddings
Dataset Statistics
We choose the top 10 daily read newspapers in the world in 2020 1
and collect the events reported by these newspapers using Event
Category of Events
Word Ngrams
Registry [7] over the time period of 2016-2020. Approximately
8000 events belongs to each newspaper with exception of “Za-
man” that has only 900 events. Figure 1 shows the number of
events reported by the selected newspapers on a yearly basis.
Figure 2: Classification of cross-cultural news events.
This dataset can be found on the Zenodo repository (version
1.0.0) 2
Data labeling. Each news event has information about the
type of categories to which it belongs and the location where it
happened (see Table 1). Each event has many categories and each
category has a weight reflecting its relevance for the event. We
only keep the most relevant categories and group the news events
based on their categories. For each group of events, we estimate
the cultural characteristic of each event through the country of
the place where the event occurred. We cluster the countries
based on their culture. We utilize the Hofstede’s national culture
dimensions (HNCD) to represent the culture of a country. We take
average of cultural dimensions and call it average cultural score.
Based on this score, we find optimal number of clusters using
Figure 1: Each color in a bar represents the total number
popular clustering algorithm k-means (see Figure 4). Finally, we
of events per year by a daily newspaper and a complete
label each news event with one of the six cultural clusters.
bar shows the total number of events per year by all the
The attributes of an event with description are displayed in
Table 1. Few attributes are self-explanatory such as title, summary,
date, and source. DMOZ-categories are used to represent topics
of the content. The DMOZ project is a hierarchical collection of
web page links organized by subject matters 3. Event Registry use
top 3 levels of DMoz taxonomy which amount to about 50,000
categories 4.
Problem Definition
Figure 3: The pie chart depicts the percentage of the news
events that occurred in six different clusters (each cluster
There are two main parts of the problem that we are addressing.
consists of a list of countries with similar culture).
The first part is to label the examples by assigning a culture C to a
news event E using its location L. The second part is a multi-class
classification task where we predict the culture C of a news event
Data representation. Each news event in Event Registry
E using its summary description S and its content category G as
has associated categories with it along with a weight (see Table
1), we take the top categories based on their weight. In case of
multiple categories with equal weight, we sort them alphabeti-
cally and keep the first one. We represent each news event by a
short summary S and a set of content categories G.
Classification of Cross-cultural News Events
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 4: In word cloud, the color of each word shows cluster to whom it belongs (see Figure 3). Radial dendrograms illustrate the shared categories of news events between the pair of six clusters.
Data Modeling. For multi-class classification task, we use
word ngrams using 1 to 3 word ngrams (see Figure 5). Looking at
simple classification models (SVM, Decision Tree, KNN, Naive
the character ngrams, the highest F1-score is achieved when we
Bayes, Logistic Regression) as well as neural network. For sim-
select the top 15K characters for all the tested algorithms except
ple classification models, we input character and word ngrams
Naive Bayes which declines in performance with the growing
varying the number of ngrams and compare the results. We also
set of features. Based on these settings, we achieve the highest
use pre-trained Glove embeddings.
accuracy (0.85) using Logistic Regression. Using Glove embed-
dings, we experiment with and without using the category of
event. The highest F1-score with and without the category is 0.80
Evaluation Metric
and 0.79 respectively.
For multi-class classification task, we use following most com-
monly used evaluation measures: accuracy, precision, recall, and
F1 score.
For researchers and professionals, it is very important to anal-
Annotation Results
yse the cross-cultural differences in different disciplines. As the
The results of annotation are six clusters where almost 50% news
international impact is increasing and international events are
events belong to the two clusters (shown with red and blue colors)
becoming popular, the need to develop some automatic methods
and remaining 50% belong to the other four clusters 3. Looking
is significantly increasing and leaving a blank space. We con-
in each group, we find that clusters do not lies in a specific
ducted experiments on news events related to different fields
geographic area or a continent. Rather all the countries in a
to have a broader look on data and machine learning methods.
cluster belong to the different continents. Similarly, these clusters
Further research would be helpful in examining the impact of
do not have all the countries that are economically rich or poor.
specific socio-cultural factors on news events. In this research
There are more categories in green and red colors in the word
work, we estimate the culture of a specific place by its country,
cloud (see Figure 4) which represent to the cluster with that colors.
use basic features and simple classification models. To continue
Radial dendrograms in Figure 4 present the shared categories
this work further, we would like to improve feature set such as
between the clusters. In the figure, root of the tree is data and
by including part of speech tagging (POS) as well as other state
then there are ten pair of clusters that share the same categories.
of the art embeddings.
The objective of this whole process was to keep news events
according to the category to whom they belongs. Moreover, we
can only observe the cultural differences when we have same
type of news events from different places.
Classification Results
The research described in this paper was supported by the Slove-
Fro the experimental results we can see that the best performance
nian research agency under the project J2-1736 Causalify and
is achieved by Logistic Regression, kNN and Decision Tree. The
by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
performance of SVM varies depending on the number of selected
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
features: the highest F1-score is achieved with the top 10K or 20K
No 812997.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abdul and Dunja, et al.
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F1 score by simple classification models after varying the
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Zotero to Elexifinder: Collection, curation, and migration of
bibliographical data
David Lindemann
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 1: Zotero to Elexifinder workflow model
workshop connected to the 2019 eLex conference in Sintra (Por-
tugal), it was decided to combine the efforts, and the workflow
In this paper, we present ongoing work concerning a workflow
explained in this paper was designed, in order to merge existing
and software tool pipeline for collecting and curating bibliograph-
datasets, decide criteria for data curation, and make the results
ical data of the domain of Lexicography and Dictionary Research,
available to the lexicographic community. Two years later, at the
and data export in a custom JSON format as required by the
2021 Euralex conference, Elexifinder version 2 was introduced
Elexifinder application, a discovery portal for lexicographic lit-
[3]. Main shortcomings of Elexifinder version 1 have been sorted
erature. We present the employed software tools, which are all
out, namely the missing author disambiguation, and the coverage
freely available and open source. A Wikibase instance has been
of the domain’s literature has been significantly increased, also
chosen as central data repository. We also present requirements
regarding publication languages other than English. Moreover, a
for bibliographical data to be suitable for import into Elexifinder;
vocabulary of lexicographic terms has been developed, which is
these include disambiguation of entities like natural persons and
now used for content-describing indexation of article full texts.
natural languages, and a processing of article full texts. Beyond
Lexicography and Dictionary Research is a relatively small
the domain of Lexicography, the described workflow is applicable
discipline, having thematic intersections with Corpus Linguis-
in general to single-domain small scale digital bibliographies.
tics, Terminology, Natural Language Processing, and Philology.
In metalexicographic literature, all aspects of the lexicographic
process, dictionary structure and functions, dictionary use, and
bibliographical data, author disambiguation, e-science corpora
other relevant issues are discussed. The lexicographic commu-
nity communication is mainly taking place through a reduced
number of conference series and journals, being complemented
In 2019, version 1 of Elexifinder,
a discovery portal for lexico-
by handbooks and other edited volumes. The need for a dedicated
graphic literature, was launched in the framework of the ELEXIS
digital bibliography arises from the following observations:
project [2].
At the same time, at University of Hildesheim, a
domain ontology and bibliographical data collection for Lexicog-
• The vast majority of publications do not have Digital Ob-
raphy and Dictionary Research was planned [6, 5]. Both endeav-
ject Identifiers (DOI), and thus are not indexed in cross-
ours already had compiled significant datasets. At a dedicated
domain digital collections of publication metadata. This
applies to nearly all older publications, but also to many
1 Accessible at https://finder.elex.is.
newer contributions published in the last two decades.
See https://elex.is.
• When searching for metalexicographical publications in
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
cross-domain digital collections, search results are mixed
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
up with publications from other domains, which may dis-
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
turb a straightforward information retrieval.
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
• Author disambiguation in domain-independent digital col-
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
lections that can be considered the big players in the field
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
(such as Google Scholar) is not at all accurate, so that very
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Lindemann
often name variants are not resolved to a single person
Duplicate management has been done in batches (whole
entity, and different persons with the same name are not
journal issues or conference iterations), or one by one using
Zotero’s built-in duplicate detection functionality. Main criterion
• If articles are indexed with content-describing terms in
for the inclusion of metadata records has been the availability of
cross-domain digital collections, the vast majority of those
the corresponding full texts. This means a clear preference for
terms will be out of the scope of the domain we are looking
Open Access publications; but also other publications have been
included, wherever a suitable license agreement allowed access
Publication metadata found at big (i.e. automatically com-
to the text.
piled) repositories is often incomplete or noisy, so that
Zotero data can be accessed by API,
or exported locally using
using those, e.g. for citations, requires manual interven-
pre-set or custom export scripts. We use an adapted version of
tion in order to achieve a publishable quality.
the Zotero JSON-CSL exporter, which produces a list of JSON
objects containing all metadata fields and their values as literal
Therefore, it seems useful to provide the lexicographic commu-
strings, as well as the location of all local file attachment copies.
nity with a platform that makes publications and their metadata
For statements that cannot be expressed using standard Zotero
accessible in a way that the described shortcomings will be over-
, we have used Zotero tags as workaround, following a
come. Single-domain endeavours of this kind, which all involve
simple syntax of predicate and object. For example, for asserting
manual curation, are DBLP 3 for Computer Science, IxTheo4 for
that an article is a review article, the tag ":type Review", and so
Theology, or EconBiz5 for Economics. Inspired by features found
on. Tags in Zotero can be easily copied from one item to others
in these, we propose a workflow that involves the use of free
by manual drag-and-drop operations, set via API, and also be
software accessible to anybody, which makes it reproducible and
included in display styles, so that in the Zotero item listings,
for example, review article titles can be preceded by a coloured
symbol. With this workaround we can assert semantic triples
inside Zotero. That is, for instance, that for representing the
developed and maintained by the Corporation for Digital
statement that a certain item is contained in another item (e.g. a
Scholarship , a non-profit organisation, is the most widely used
book chapter item in an item of type book), we use a tag beginning
open source citation management software application. Zotero
with ":container", followed by an identifier for the containing
offers functionality for web-scraping publication metadata, im-
item; for a conference paper presented at a certain event, we use
porting metadata from different structured formats, and an online
a tag beginning with ":event", followed by an identifier for that
platform for collaborative curation of metadata, along with the
event. For both of these, corresponding Zotero fields do exist
possibility to attach full text PDF (and TXT versions) to metadata
("contained in", "presented at"), but these are filled by the web
records. The Zotero scraper functionality allows to download
scraping and importer translators with literal string values as
publication metadata and attached PDF files from all those sites
needed for citations, and not with unambiguous identifiers.
the Zotero community has provided a "translator"
for, includ-
For Elexifinder, a special metadatum is included in all publica-
ing the web platforms of major publishing houses, Open Journal
tion metadata sets: The location of the first author. This allows
Systems, etc. From the Zotero platform, users are able to obtain
the generation of location maps and search filters according to
metadata records as single items or as batches for import into
locations in the Elexifinder portal. For these locations, we insert
their own citation managers, or as export records in a range of
English Wikipedia page titles in the Zotero "extra" field.
citation styles or in structured formats such as bibtex. Members
of a Zotero group can view and download full text attachments.
Moreover, Zotero items can be annotated with custom tags, and
Wikibase as LOD infrastructure solution
additional information (such as excerpts or comments) can be
attached to them. Around Zotero, an active community is devel-
The decisive shift from a metadata set as in Zotero, which con-
oping plug-ins that add new functionalities to Zotero.
sists of certain fields and their literal values, towards unambigu-
In the first planning period of the LexBib project, funded by the
ous Linked Data lies in the reconciliation of those literal values
University of Hildesheim, conference publications of the Euralex
against existing or new unambiguous identifiers. For example,
and the eLex conference series, and publications from a range of
and this already refers to the hardest nut to crack in this context,
journals and edited volumes have been added to LexBib Zotero
an author may have several name variants appearing across the
Items collected for Elexifinder version 1, available as
publication metadata collection, and there may be other persons
tabular data, have then been merged to the Zotero group. For this
sharing the same name, or any of the name variants. But one
purpose, tabular csv data has been transformed to RIS format
author or editor (i.e., a "creator") should only have one identifier
and imported to Zotero. Additionally, metadata records from
(such as ORCID). Since we do not know Wikidata and/or ORCID
OBELEX-meta and EURALEX-Dykstra bibliographies have been
identifiers of all creators in our database, we need to create our
own (and map them later). Other Zotero fields that should be
3 Accessible at https://dblp.org/.
12 See references in [3].
4 Accessible at https://ixtheo.de/.
13 Article full text are stored and exclusively used for project-related text mining
5 Accessible at https://www.econbiz.de/.
tasks; they cannot be downloaded from Zotero. We instead provide download links
6 See https://zotero.org.
which lead to the download offered by the corresponding publisher, subject to
7 See https://digitalscholar.org/.
applicable restrictions.
See https://www.zotero.org/support/translators.
See https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/start.
For example, very recently the Cita plug-in has been developed, which allows to
See https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/item_types_and_fields.
add citation metadata to Zotero records, see https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/
16 Wikipedia page titles are unambiguous (see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Cambridge vs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge, _Massachusetts), and map 10 Last version accessible at https://www.zotero.org/groups/lexbib/library.
to only one Wikidata entity. This strategy has turned out effective, since manual
11 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIS_(file_format).
annotators are able to find the adequate Wikipedia page without hassle.
Zotero to Elexifinder
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
reconciled against unambiguous identifiers are those describing
wikibase properties, in this case with datatype "item", that
the containing item, the conference where the contribution was
is, to object properties.
presented, the journal, the publisher, the publication place, and
• Creator name and publisher name literals are mapped to
the publication language. For some of these, persistent identifiers
the properties corresponding to the creator role (author
are available in many cases (e.g. journals), or in all cases (lan-
or editor), or to the publisher. This is done in a way that
guages). In general, we create our own identifiers, and map them
the name literals appear as qualifiers to a wikibase "no-
to Wikidata; in some cases, immediately (languages, places, and,
value" statement, which is a placeholder for the creator or
by ISSN, also journals), and in other cases, we leave that mapping
publisher item, that will be defined in the disambiguation
to the (near) future, as it is the case for creators and publishers.
process explained below.
Other Zotero fields contain identifiers (ISSN, ISBN, DOI), which
• Zotero fields that contain external identifiers (ISSN, ISBN
after normalisation can be taken directly as external identifiers
and DOI), are mapped to the corresponding properties of
in a Linked Database.
datatype "external identifier". Wikibase properties of that
After experimenting with different RDF database solutions,
datatype allow to define a URL pattern, in order to make
which allow to represent data in the described way, we have
the identifier a valid hyperlink, which can be clicked on
decided for Wikibase,
which is the software infrastructure un-
in Wikibase entity data pages.
derlying main Wikidata.
Since 2019, "Wikibase as a Service"
• As mentioned, we use the Zotero "extra" field ("note" in
is offered to the community.
Wikibase entities are items (each
bibtex) for annotation of the item with a Wikipedia page
of which has its own identifier preceded by the letter Q), and
that corresponds to the first author’s location. Wikidata
properties (preceded by letter P), just as in Wikidata, but in a
API is queried for the corresponding Wikidata entity, an
different namespace. Properties may point to other items, other
equivalent of which is created in LexBib Wikibase, in order
properties, external identifiers, or values of a certain datatype,
to function as object to the property "first author location".
such as "monolingual text", "point in time", "string", "url", etc.
• The Zotero "language" field, in LexBib may contain a two-
Wikibase as central data repository solution has several ad-
letter ISO-639-1, or a three-letter ISO-639-3 code. This
vantages compared to other infrastructure solutions for Linked
is mapped to a property pointing to the language item
Open Data (LOD):
corresponding to that code.
The Zotero item URI is taken as external identifier in
Entity data is displayed on entity pages, where it can be
LexBib wikibase, with the Zotero storage location of PDF
viewed and edited. These pages always reflect the last
and TXT attachments as qualifiers to that statement. In
addition, we annotate this statement with a qualifier as-
A complete edit history is available, and changes can be
serting the presence of an abstract, and, if any, in what
Every entity page is linked to a dedicated discussion page.
The content of the remaining fields is mapped to Wikibase
User and user rights management allow a community-
properties of the corresponding datatype ("URL", "string",
driven editing process.
or "point in time").
In addition to query interface and SPARQL endpoint known
from other RDF database solutions, Wikibase data can be
The resulting dataset is then imported into LexBib Wikibase. It
uploaded and downloaded using an API, and as entity data
is worth mentioning that uploading data to a Wikibase triple
dump in several formats.
by triple using the mediawiki API of the Wikibase instance
takes about 0.5 seconds per triple, which is due to the need of
The backbone of LexBib Wikibase is an ontology of classes and
updating Wikibase search indices and edit histories for every
which can be aligned to Wikidata or other external
single uploaded triple.
ontologies. We have started to define these alignments. This en-
sures interoperability with other resources, such as Wikidata, so
Entity disambiguation using Open Refine
that data can be transferred from LexBib to Wikidata or vice versa,
The around 5,000 creator names appearing in LexBib Zotero by
or accessed in both at the same time, using federated SPARQL
spring 2021 have been mapped to around 4,000 unique person
items. This has been done testing different clustering algorithms
Zotero to Wikibase migration
available in the Open Refine application,
by Christiane Klaes
from the University of Hildesheim, in the framework of her MA
As mentioned before, Zotero item data is exported from a local
thesis [1]. These are the creator items present in LexBib Wikibase
Zotero instance, using an adapted version of the Zotero JSON-CSL
experimental version 2.
The resulting list of JSON objects is then processed
From that moment on, any new Zotero item that is exported
in the following way:
to Wikibase, which will contain, as explained above, one or more
• Zotero tags that contain semantic triple shortcodes (ex-
creator statements of type "novalue", is reconciled against existing
plained above) are mapped to the corresponding LexBib
LexBib Wikibase creator items, using the given and last name
literal qualifiers. For this purpose, a reconciliation service for
LexBib Wikibase is set up
, and then accessed by Open Refine,
17 See http://wikiba.se; our instance is accessible at http://lexbib.elex.is.
in order to match creator name literals to creator items.
Accessible at http://www.wikidata.org.
19 See https://www.wbstack.com. The service has been co-enabled by Adam Shore-23
land (https://addshore.com/), Rhizome (https://rhizome.org/), and WMDE (https:
The abstract language is assumed to be the same as the publicaton language, if
not stated different as tag shortcode ":abstractLang".
See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Data_type.
For LexBib Wikibase, see https://lexbib.elex.is/w/api.php.
For more information, see LexBib Wikibase main page at https://lexbib.elex.is.
Available at https://openrefine.org/.
Available at https://github.com/elexis- eu/elexifinder/blob/master/Zotero/LexBib_
Accessible at https://data.lexbib.org.
This is done using https://github.com/wetneb/openrefine- wikibase.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Lindemann
If a literal can not be matched to any existing item, a new
The full text body itself is also exported to Elexifinder, where
person item is created. The reconciliation also works with fuzzy
it is used for displaying the first bits of it in search result displays,
matches, and all name variants attached to existing items are
and for wikification, from which Elexifinder "concepts" are ob-
considered. Matches can also be manually chosen. Any additional
tained, as long as the system is able to associate named entities
name variant appearing in Zotero data is linked to the LexBib
occurring in the text with Wikipedia pages that describe them.
Wikibase person item as "alias" label, while the most frequent
name variant is chosen as "preferred" label. This allows for the
new name variants being available for subsequent reconciliation
The described workflow enables us to disambiguate entities found
in bibliographical datasets. For the time being, we are applying
LexBib persons have up to six name variants found in Zotero
this for feeding the Elexifinder app. Having chosen Wikibase
data. In some cases, we have chosen the preferred name variant
as central data repository also allows for aligning LexBib data
manually, according to the author’s own choice, or to conventions
with Wikidata in a straightforward way. In some cases, we have
in the community regarding the naming of commonly known
imported statements from Wikidata, in order to enrich LexBib
entities with additional information, but that can be done the
other way round as well. In other words: Wherever we find (or
Full text processing
create) a Wikidata entity to align with our own, we can export the
LexBib full text PDFs are stored in the local Zotero storage folder,
statements asserted on LexBib Wikibase to the main Wikidata.
which is automatically synchronised with Zotero cloud. When
We have done this using LexBib events (conferences) as test case,
processing Zotero JSON output, PDF files are sent to an installa-
and plan to align other entity types with Wikidata in the near
tion of the GROBID application
, which will propose a TEI rep-
future, namely articles, persons, and organisations.
resentation of the PDF content. This allows for isolating the full
text body from the other text components, such as title, running
titles, abstract, author list, and references section. The extracted
The research received funding from the European Union’s Hori-
full text body is manually validated, and, in case of any mistake,
zon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agree-
it is corrected, using a plain TXT version of the PDF, which is by
ment No. 731015.
default produced by Zotero.
GROBID turns out to structure PDF content as TEI very ef-
ficiently if the article resembles a typical structure as found in
Christiane Klaes. 2021. Linked Open Data-Strategien zum
journals and proceedings. Book chapters and review articles,
Identity Management in einer Fachontologie. Master’s thesis.
which normally do not feature an abstract, in turn, are usually
Universität Hildesheim, Hildesheim, (June 2021). http : / /
not parsed adequately. In those cases, we now use directly the
plain TXT version for producing a cleaned version manually.
Iztok Kosem and Simon Krek. 2019. ELEXIFINDER: A Tool
The article text is then lemmatised,
and lexicalisations of
for Searching Lexicographic Scientific Output. In Electronic
LexVoc lexicographic terms are looked up in the text.
Lexicography in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the eLex
is a resource still under development; for the term
2019 Conference. Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., Brno, 506–
discovery process, terms and lexicalisations (labels) are obtained
518. http://lexbib.elex.is/entity/Q9484.
from LexBib Wikibase by a SPARQL query, the result of which
Iztok Kosem and David Lindemann. 2021. New develop-
will reflect the state of LexVoc in that particular moment. The
ments in Elexifinder, a discovery portal for lexicographic
keyword processor returns counts of every term, so that relative
literature. In Lexicography for Inclusion: Proceedings of the
frequencies can be calculated for every term, according to the
19th EURALEX International Congress, 7-11 September 2021,
occurrences of its labels and the amount of tokens in the article
Alexandroupolis, Vol. 2. Democritus University of Thrace,
text body; this information can be uploaded to LexBib Wikibase
Alexandroupolis, 759–766. http : / / lexbib . elex . is / entity /
bibliographical items, so that term indexation becomes part of
their entity data.
Gregor Leban, Blaz Fortuna, Janez Brank, and Marko Gro-
belnik. 2014. Event registry: learning about world events
from news. In Proceedings of the 23rd International World
The described workflow is necessary for being able to export
Wide Web Conference, WWW14, Seoul, Korea, April 7-11,
bibliographical data in a custom JSON format, as needed for Elex-
2014, 107–110. doi: 10.1145/2567948.2577024.
ifinder, which is an application based on some of the elements of
David Lindemann, Christiane Klaes, and Philipp Zumstein.
the Event Registry system architecture [4]. In particular, authors
2019. Metalexicography as Knowledge Graph. OASICS, 70.
and content-describing terms (Elexifinder "categories") have to
be represented as objects containing an unambiguous URI and a
David Lindemann, Fritz Kliche, and Ulrich Heid. 2018. LexBib:
textual label; the containing item, the LexBib Zotero item URI,
A Corpus and Bibliography of Metalexicographical Publi-
and the link for accessing full text download are represented as
cations. In Lexicography in Global Contexts: Proceedings of
URL, publication date in ISO 8601 format, publication language
the 18th EURALEX International Congress, 17-21 July 2018,
in ISO 639-3 format, and the item title as simple string.
Ljubljana. Ljubljana University Press, Ljubljana, 699–712.
28 See an example at http://lexbib.elex.is/entity/Q1583.
29 See https://grobid.readthedocs.io.
30 For the time being, we are only processing English text. For lemmatisation, we
use spaCy (see https://spacy.io/).
31 This is done using https://pypi.org/project/flashtext/.
32 Described at http://lexbib.elex.is/wiki/LexVoc.
Simple Discovery of COVID IS WAR Metaphors
Using Word Embeddings
Mojca Brglez
Senja Pollak
Špela Vintar
University of Ljubljana
Jožef Stefan Institute
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
mojca.brglez@ff.uni- lj.si
spela.vintar@ff.uni- lj.si
an innovative methodological approach. We propose a top-down
method to search for expected conceptual metaphors through
In the past year, the discourse on the COVID-19 pandemic has
semi-automatic means employing word embeddings. While most
produced a great number of metaphors stemming from the more
previous corpus-based approaches to identify metaphors either
basic conceptual metaphor ILLNESS IS WAR. In this paper, we
use a small set of candidate words or require manual inspec-
present a semi-automatic method to detect linguistic manifes-
tions of large data samples, our approach reduces manual work
tations of the latter in Slovene media. The method consists of
on assembling linguistic data by combining existing annotated
assembling a seed vocabulary of war-related words from an ex-
resources and text mining methods.
isting Slovene metaphor corpus, extending the vocabulary using
word embeddings, and refining the extended vocabulary using
intersection filtering. Our method offers a quick compilation of
corpus data for further analysis, however, we also address is-
Our method aims to discover linguistic expressions of the con-
sues related to the method’s precision and the need for manual
ceptual metaphor COVID IS WAR in the corpus by targeting
a broader potentially metaphoric vocabulary. Previous related
works have relied on either a limited vocabulary set (e.g. [7]) or a
list of words laboriously compiled from various sources such as
dictionaries, thesauri and other studies on metaphor [19], or have
metaphors, covid, word embeddings, media discourse
used sophisticated but complex NLP methods and specialized
resources (e.g. [6]). In our experiment, we use a simple unsuper-
vised approach using existing resources and language processing
The COVID pandemic has been a ubiquitous topic in the dis-
course of the past year, featuring in medical, political, public
The main novelty of our approach is using pre-trained word
and personal discourse. The emergence of a new virus of yet
embeddings to extend the vocabulary, used also by e.g. [16] and
unknown origin, behaviour and effects has presented itself like a
[18] to extend terminology. As past research has shown [14], word complex and obscure topic. To make sense of it, we have once
embeddings used for training language models retain linguistic
more resorted to metaphorical language, much like we do when
regularities, including syntactic and semantic relationships be-
faced with other abstract, obscure concepts. According to Con-
tween words. This means that similar words have similar vectors,
ceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT, [11, 12]), metaphors “are among
and the closer vector representations (word embeddings) are,
our principal vehicles for understanding” and “play a central role
the higher the chance they share a certain semantic space. We
in the construction of social and political reality” ([12, p. 151]).
make use of this feature by trying to capture a semantic space that
In CMT, linguistic metaphors such as "food for thought" and
would resemble the conceptual domain of WAR, which represents
"half-baked idea" are considered manifestations of an established
the source domain of the metaphor.
conceptual mapping between a more concrete domain and a more
abstract domain, here for example IDEAS ARE FOOD. The do-
main of DISEASES, on the other hand, is often mapped to the
First, we start by collecting war-related lexical units from the
domain of WAR, a more common frame of reference which has
KOMET corpus [1], the only corpus of metaphors in Slovene
taken hold as a fairly conventional way to talk about illnesses
which was recently compiled and annotated similarly to the
and their treatments, as well as several other domains ([8]).
English corpus of metaphors, VUAMC [17]. KOMET contains ap-
As was already observed in various studies ([19, 2, 5, 7]), the dis-
proximately 200,000 words obtained from journalistic, fiction and
course on the current COVID pandemic has also repeatedly used
online texts and was hand-annotated for metaphoricity on the ba-
the WAR domain in its metaphors. At the time of our experiment,
sis of the MIPVU procedure ([17]). Additionally, the metaphoric
however, no study has yet addressed the use of such metaphors
expressions are tagged for one of 69 semantic frames, i.e. the
in Slovene, where they were also adopted for communicating
source concepts that semantically motivate them. One of these se-
various implications, preventive measures, recommendations and
mantic frames is #met.battle, which subsumes 105 metaphoric
laws to abide by. To investigate the use and pervasiveness of this
instances with 67 different lemmas, such as predati, ostrostrelec,
metaphorical domain in Slovene media, we have conducted a
orožje, napasti [surrender, sniper, weapon, attack]. These also
quick analysis of a corpus of COVID-related news articles using
form multi-word idioms such as železna pest [iron fist] and boriti
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
se z mlini na veter [to tilt at windmills] which we exclude from
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
our candidates list because the word embeddings we use only rep-
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
resent tokens, not whole phrases. Moreover, the lemmas within
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
do not themselves necessarily represent the desired domain. We
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
also filter out some words erroneously annotated with the frame
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
such as številen [numerous]. This gives a starting vocabulary of
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brglez et al.
51 unique seed words. Then, to extend the vocabulary further,
(2) true metaphorical expressions referring to disease as target
we employ Slovene word token embeddings ([13] pre-trained
with fastText ([4]) on various large corpora of Slovene (GigaFida,
For example, in the following sentence, the word brigade
Janes, KAS, slWaC etc.). For each seed word in the list of words
[brigades] only refers to a name of a street, which we mark
extracted from the KOMET corpus, we use the Gensim library
as literal usage.
([20]) to find the word’s N nearest neighbours in the fastText
embeddings’ space (using the most_similar function).
• /. . . / odvzem brisov pri pacientih s sumom na Covid-19: ob
To increase the robustness of the extended vocabulary, we try
Cesti proletarskih brigad 21 /. . . /
to automatically filter out lexis not related to war. To this end,
/. . . / taking swabs from patients with suspected Covid-19: at
we use the word embeddings intersection method ([18]). The
21, Proletarian Brigades Road /. . . /
method retains only the candidates that intersect between the
In the following example, the word napad [attack] is used to refer
sets, meaning they occur in the neighbourhood of at least k input
to another domain – INTERNET, COMP UTING, which we mark
seed words. For our main experiment, presented in this paper, we
as metaphor for another target domain.
select the parameters N =50 and k=3. We thus obtain a maximum
• Covid-19 je okrepil trend rasti kibernetskih napadov [Covid-
of 2550 (50 x 51) potential candidates. In the output, there are
19 reinforced the growing trend of cyber attacks]
2078 unique words, and, after lemmatization, 1539 unique lemmas.
After the intersection filtering, the vocabulary extended by word
The following three example sentences contain expression that
embeddings consists of 184 word lemmas: 44 of them are already
we mark as metaphor for the target domain of DISEASE.
included in our initial seed set and 140 are new lemmas. We join
• Čeprav v boju z virusom to nikakor ni hitro.
the new, extended set with the initial seed set, which yields a
[Although this is by no means fast in the fight against the
total of 191 lemmas to search for.
• Kako bo jeseni, ko bodo »udarili« še drugi virusi?
The experiment is carried out on a corpus of Slovene COVID-
[What will happen in autumn, when other viruses also
19-related news articles, automatically crawled from the web by
searching for the keyword “covid-19” in article titles (a subset of
the Slovene corpus used in the Slav-NER 2021 shared task ([15]).
• Prvi organski sistem v organizmu, ki ga virus napade,
The corpus consists of 233 texts spanning from February 2nd
povzroči pljučnico, . . .
to December 11th, 2020 . To prepare it for analysis, we remove
[The first system in the organism that the virus attacks
the header of each text (comprised of the article number, locale,
causes pneumonia . . . ]
date and URL), then parse the text into sentences and tokens
Results of this analysis are presented in Table 1, whereby
using the NLTK library ([3]). We also lemmatize the corpus using
we report only lemmas that were metaphorically used for the
the LemmaGen lemmatization module ([9]). The pre-processed
DISEASE target domain at least once.
corpus contains 7,273 sentences and 151,947 tokens.
As can be derived from Table 1, our proposed method correctly
Corpus search
identified 25 different lemmas with a total of 123 occurrences
that are used metaphorically to frame the topic of the pandemic.
In the next step, we extract all sentences from the corpus con-
Out of our 233 articles, 68 or 29,18% contained at least one mili-
taining any of the war-related terms from our expanded vocab-
taristic metaphorical expression. The ostensibly most frequent
ulary of 191 lemmas. The results yield 335 instances of poten-
expression used was boj [fight] with 46 metaphorical occurrences,
tially metaphorical expressions. Out of the 191 lemmas on the
followed by boriti [to fight] with 13 metaphorical occurrences
metaphorical candidate list, the COVID corpus contains 49, ap-
and soočati [to confront] with 7 metaphorical occurrences. They
pearing in 268 sentences. Due to the unsupervised approach these
account for 37.4%, 10.6% and 5.7% of all metaphorical expressions
are still only candidate words from the semantic domain of war.
found by our method, respectively, and together, they represent
A manual analysis shows that in addition to war metaphors, our
more than 50% of them. This points to the interpretation that the
extracted sentences include the following four cases:
news corpus contains mostly highly conventional and recurrent
(1) Some of the seed words found in the corpus are used
metaphors. A lot of the war-related vocabulary (potential can-
didates in our extended war-related lexis) is not used, meaning
(2) Some of the seed words found in the corpus are a result
the corpus does not, at this moment, exhibit very original, novel
of lemmatization errors
metaphorical expressions. Using a larger and a more recently
(3) Some of the seed words found in the corpus are used
compiled corpus would perhaps reveal a more innovative use of
metaphorically, but refer to other target domains, such
COVID IS WAR metaphors. The vocabulary extension method
as POLITICS or NATURE (e. g. boriti se proti podnebnim
using word embeddings has proven fruitful as it revealed some
spremembam [’fight against climate change’])
metaphorical expressions that were not in the initial 51-word
(4) Some of the seed words in our initial 191-candidate list
list extracted from the KOMET corpus. The 9 newly discovered
are not actually related to the topic of WAR but are more
lemmas are: soočiti, izbojevati, zmagati, obraniti, uiti, soočanje,
closely related to another topic (e.g. gol [‘goal’])
spopadati, zoperstaviti, podleči [to confront, to fight, to win, to
On this account we perform a manual analysis of the extracted
defend, to escape, confrontation, to combat, to oppose, to suc-
sentences and categorize them as follows:
(1) falsely extracted instances due to a lemmatization error
The analysis also revealed some additional lemmas that relate
or literal use, or true metaphorical expressions but with
the epidemic to the war frame. In the sentences containing the
other source or target domain, and
lemmas we searched for, there were other words from the WAR
Simple Discovery of COVID IS WAR Metaphors
Using Word Embeddings
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 1: Analysis of metaphoric lemmas from the ex-
(75, 100, 150 and 200). Our initial experiments were carried out
tended vocabulary
on a N of 50 and intersection k of 3. However, by changing the
parameters, the results of initial new lemmas could differ. In
Figure 1, we analyse how the seed list changes with different
as target
parameters: N of 50 and 75 neighbours, each combined with the
intersection count k of 2, 3 and 4. Note that these refer only to
the list of potentially metaphoric lemmas, and not to the analy-
sis of their use, which can only be analysed in context. We see
that the initially selected parameters (50 neighbours and 3 recur-
rences) are an acceptable middle-ground between precision and
size while still maintaining an unsupervised approach, however,
had we wanted more examples, we could increase the parameter
Boj [fight]
N or decrease the parameter k.
Boriti [to fight]
For the recall, we are not able to carry out a systematic eval-
Soočati [to confront]
uation. Nevertheless, based on metaphor clusters analysis men-
Spopad [to combat]
tioned above, we identified the set of additional words that belong
to the military vocabulary:
fronta, strategija, preboj, akcijski, vo-
jen, sovražnik [front, strategy, breakthrough, action [ADJ], war
[ADJ], enemy]. The words vojen [war[ADJ]] and sovražnik [en-
emy] would have been included if we lowered the intersection
Bitka [battle]
parameter to k = 2 at N = 50 neighbours or extended the vo-
Napad [attack]
cabulary by N = 75 neighbours while keeping the intersection
Podleči [succumb]
parameter k = 3. Other metaphorical expressions occurring in
Spopadati [to combat]
the corpus (fronta, preboj, strategija, akcijski) [front, strategy,
Bojen [combat [ADJ]]
breakthrough, action [ADJ]] are not found anywhere in the first
Borba [battle]
200 neighbours of any of the words, indicating perhaps that the
Braniti [to defend]
number of neighbours might be further increased. However, we
Napasti [to attack]
observe that increasing the number of neighbours leads to fuzzier
results. The added vocabulary using 75, 100, 150, and 200 near-
est neighbours of our initial seed words includes increasingly
Soočanje [confronting]
more words unrelated to the topic of war and some very common
Soočiti [to confront]
words, which would need additional filtering. We assume that
Žrtev [victim]
the reason for this is that words commonly used metaphorically
Borec [fighter]
(conventional or dead metaphors) are “displaced” in the vector
Izbojevati [to fight]
space of embeddings, moving away from the words in their orig-
Obraniti [to defend]
inal semantic domains and closer to words in other semantic
domains – target domains. For example, we observed a lot of
sports expressions in our extended vocabulary (e.g. “ball”, “goal”,
Udariti [to hit]
“goalpost”). This shows how entrenched metaphors are in our
Uiti [to escape]
language: in the vector space of word embeddings, the seman-
Zmagati [to win]
tic domains are already “muddled”. In the present example, this
could be a due to the frequent linguistic manifestations of the
conceptual metaphor COMPETITION IS WAR.
domain forming so called metaphor clusters ([10]). Thus, we man-
aged to capture some metaphorical expressions that appeared
in close vicinity (in the same sentence) of the found metaphor-
ical expressions: fronta, strategija, preboj, akcijski načrt, vojna
mentaliteta, sovražnik [front, strategy, breakthrough, action plan,
war mentality, enemy]. For instance, our method found the sen-
tence below which, in addition to the word bitka [battle] in our
candidate list, contains a metaphorical use of the word fronta
• Bitka proti virusu na več frontah
[Battle against the virus on multiple fronts]
Figure 1: Analysis of vocabulary extension parameters N
Some of the expressions mentioned above would have been cap-
and k
tured had we modified the parameters of vocabulary extension.
Namely, we experimented with using more nearest neighbours
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brglez et al.
Matjaž Juršič, Igor Mozetič, Tomaž Erjavec, and Nada
Lavrač. 2010. Lemmagen: multilingual lemmatisation with
We present an innovative approach using word embeddings as
induced ripple-down rules. Journal of Universal Computer
a tool for extending the vocabulary of potentially metaphoric
Science, 16, 9, 1190–1214. http://www.jucs.org/jucs_16_9/
expressions and identify them in corpora. Our approach shows
promise in that it correctly identifies numerous such expressions
Veronika Koller. 2003. Metaphor clusters, metaphor chains:
and confirms that intersections of semantic spaces of metaphor-
analyzing the multifunctionality of metaphor in text. In
ical seed words can be used to refine the quest for words per-
volume 5, 115–134.
taining to the military domain. Nevertheless, some metaphoric
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors we live
expressions are missed by our method and the experiment still
by. University of Chicago press.
needs manual analysis. Further research and experiments would
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. 2003. Metaphors we live
be needed for a larger expansion of vocabulary and a finer filter-
by. University of Chicago press.
ing approach as well as comparing different word embeddings,
Nikola Ljubešić and Tomaž Erjavec. 2018. Word embed-
possibly those trained on more literal language.
dings CLARIN.SI-embed.sl 1.0. Slovenian language resource
repository CLARIN.SI. (2018). http://hdl.handle.net/11356/
This work is supported by the Slovenian Research Agency by
Tomas Mikolov, Wen-tau Yih, and Geoffrey Zweig. 2013.
the research core funding P6-0215 and P2-0103, as well as by
Linguistic regularities in continuous space word represen-
the research project CANDAS ( J6-2581). The work has also been
tations. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North
supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and in-
American Chapter of the Association for Computational Lin-
novation programme under grant agreement No. 825153, project
guistics: Human Language Technologies. Association for
EMBEDDIA (Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented
Computational Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia, (June 2013),
Languages in European News Media). The results of this paper
746–751. https://aclanthology.org/N13- 1090.
reflect only the authors’ view and the Commission is not re-
Jakub Piskorski, Bogdan Babych, Zara Kancheva, Olga
sponsible for any use that may be made of the information it
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Nakov, Petya Osenova, Lidia Pivovarova, Senja Pollak,
Pavel Přibáň, Ivaylo Radev, Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Vasyl
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Slav-NER: the 3rd cross-lingual challenge on recognition,
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for Computational Linguistics, Kiyv, Ukraine, 122–133.
of Donald J. Trump’s rhetoric. Frontiers in Communication,
https://aclanthology.org/2021.bsnlp- 1.15.
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Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper. 2009. Natural
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Topic modelling and sentiment analysis of COVID-19
related news on Croatian Internet portal
Maja Buhin Pandur
Jasminka Dobša
Faculty of Organization and Informatics,
Faculty of Organization and Informatics,
University of Zagreb
University of Zagreb
Varaždin, Croatia
Varaždin, Croatia
Slobodan Beliga
Ana Meštrović
University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics &
University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics &
University of Rijeka, Center for Artificial
University of Rijeka, Center for Artificial
Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Rijeka, Croatia
Rijeka, Croatia
approach by using NRC word-emotion lexicon [13] for detection
of sentiments (positive or negative) and basic emotions,
The research aims to identify topics and sentiments related to the
according to Pluchik’s model of emotions [15], in extracted
COVID-19 pandemic in Croatian online news media. For
analysis, we used news related to the COVID-19 pandemic from
The main goal of this paper is to analyse sentiments and
the Croatian portal Tportal.hr published from 1st January 2020 to
emotions in crises communication in the news related to the
19th February 2021. Topic modelling was conducted by using the
COVID-19 pandemic published on the Croatian online portal.
LDA method, while dominant emotions and sentiments related
Our goal was aggravated in this research because articles belong
to extracted topics were identified by National Research Council
rather to objective than to subjective type of reporting. Another
Canada (NRC) word-emotion lexicon created originally for
problem is the lack of lexical resources for sentiment and
English and translated into Croatian, among other languages. We
emotions in the Croatian language. Glavaš and co-workers [10]
believe that the results of this research will enable a better
developed a Croatian sentiment lexicon called CroSentiLex,
understanding of the crisis communication in the Croatian media
which consists of positive and negative lists of words ranked with
related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
PageRank scores. Nevertheless, there is no available lexicon for
the analysis of emotions for the Croatian language. Our analysis
uses the NRC word-emotion lexicon, initially developed for
English and translated into 104 languages, including Croatian.
News media, sentiment, emotions, pandemic, lexicon approach,
Such an approach has disadvantages due to cultural differences,
Latent Dirichlet Allocation
but developing emotion lexicons for low-resource languages as
Croatian is very demanding. Sentiment analysis of COVID-19
related texts is conducted mainly for texts written in English,
such as research by Shofiya and Abidi [17], where the
There are three major approaches to sentiment and emotions
SentiStrength tool was used to detect the polarity of tweets, and
analysis in text: lexicon based, machine learning based approach
support vector machine (SVM) algorithm was employed for
[12] and the most recent deep-learning approach. In this research,
sentiment classification. In [14], tweets about COVID-19 in
we used a hybrid approach by applying the method of Latent
Brazil written in Brazilian Portuguese due to lack of language
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic modelling [6] and lexicon
resources are analysed by translating original text from
Portuguese to English and using available resources for English.
Regarding Croatian social media space, Twitter social
network communication was analysed through sentiment
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
analysis [2] and COVID-19 information spreading [3]. Crisis
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
communication of Croatian online portals was already explored
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
by topic modelling of COVID-19 related articles [7]. However,
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
in that research, it is not included further sentiment and emotional
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
analysis of topics. In [4], information monitoring and name entity
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana,
M. Buhin Pandur et al.
recognition were conducted on news portal texts related to
a COVID-19 article only if it contains at least one keyword
related to coronavirus thematic. We use COVID-19 thesaurus for
article filtering, which contains about thirty of the most important
words describing the SARS-CoV-2 virus epidemic together with
their corresponding morphological variations. From the total of
31,177 articles, according to defined filtering, the dataset used in
2.1 Latent Dirichlet Allocation
the experiment consists of 12,080 COVID-19 related articles.
LDA is a generative, probabilistic hierarchical Bayesian model
Articles on the portal are categorised into one of nine main
that induces topics from a document collection [5,6]. The
categories: Biznis ( Business), Sport ( Sport), Kultura ( Culture), intuition behind topic modelling using LDA is that documents
Tehno ( Techno), Showtime, Lifestyle, Autozona ( Autozone), exhibit multiple topics. The topic is formally defined as a
Funbox, and Vijesti ( News) (see Table 1).
distribution over fixed vocabulary. Induction of topics is done in
Documents of a collection are created using text from the
three steps:
article’s subcategory, introduction, main text, and tags. The
Each document in the collection is distributed over topics
collection is preprocessed by ejection of English and Croatian
that are sampled using Dirichlet distribution.
stop words and numbers and performing a lemmatisation. It is
Each word in the document is connected with one single
created a term-document matrix using tf-idf weighting scheme.
topic based on Dirichlet distribution.
The collection is indexed by terms contained in at least four
Each topic is defined as a multinomial distribution over
documents of the collection, and the final list of index terms
words that are assigned to the sampled topics.
contained 31,121 terms.
Topic modelling by LDA is conducted using stm package in
R [16].
Table 1: Number of articles from dataset categorised into
one of nine main categories
2.2 Number of topics estimation
Before performing the LDA topic modelling, it has to be
Number COVID-19 articles
estimated the number of topics. In this research we used four
metrics from the R package ldatuning: Arun2010 [1],
CaoJuan2009 [8], Deveaud2014 [9], and Griffiths2004 [11].
Measures Arun2010 and CaoJuan2009 have to be minimised,
while measures Deveaud2014 and Griffiths2004 have to be
maximised. However, as measures, Arun2010 and CaoJuan2009
generally decrease with the number of topics, and measures
Deveaud2014 and Griffiths2004 increase with the number of
topics, we will choose the number of topics as the value when
observed measures start to stagnate.
3.2 Results
2.3 Detection of sentiments and emotions
As a first step, the number of topics had to be estimated. Since
For the association of sentiments and emotions to extracted
articles on the portal are categorised into nine main categories,
topics it was used NRC word-emotion lexicon [13], which
we examined a number of topics from 5 to 15. We chose nine
consists of 14,182 words with scores of 0 or 1, according to the
topics since the metrics started to stagnate for a higher number
association to positive or negative sentiment or one of eight
of topics (see Figure 1).
emotions of Pluchick’s model ( anger, anticipation, disgust, fear,
joy, sadness, surprise, and trust) [15]. The lexicon was created
manually by crowdsourcing on Mechanical Turk.
For every sentiment and emotion, we created a vector with a
distribution of zeros and ones over the words of a controlled
dictionary created from the collection. Association of topics to
sentiments and emotions is calculated as the cosine similarity
between vectors of topics and corresponding vector of sentiment
or emotion.
3.1 Data set and preprocessing
The data set used for research consists of articles from the
Internet portal Tportal.hr related to the topics of COVID-19
Figure 1: Metrics for estimation of the best fitting number
pandemic crises and collected from 1st January 2020 to 19th
of topics for 5 to 15 topics
February 2021. Each article included in the dataset is defined as
Topic modelling and sentiment analysis of COVID-19
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana,
related news on Croatian Internet portal
Table 2: Top 10 words with the largest probabilities over
mali (small), trošak (expenditure), posljedica
topics and top 10 words with a negative sentiment with the
(consequence), epidemija (epidemic)
largest probabilities over topics, both sorted in descending
words by theme:
order of their probabilities. Topics are sorted by their
osoba (person), koronavirus (coronavirus), covid,
representation in documents in descending order.
slučaj (case), mjera (measure), broj (number),
županija (county), nov (new), sat (hour), bolnica
Topic 7 –
Top 10 words
words by negative sentiment:
bolest (disease), virus (virus), zaraziti (to infect),
words by theme:
zaraza (infection), epidemija (epidemic), umrijeti (to
koronavirus (coronavirus), liga (league), klub (club),
die), velik (big), infekcija (infection), zarazan
nogometni (football), igrač (player), godina (year),
(contagious), simptom (symptom)
words by theme:
Topic 1 –
(Croatian), nogomet (football)
godina (year), film (film), nov (new), festival
words by negative sentiment:
(festival), program (program), hrvatski (Croatian),
igrač (player), velik (big), problem (problem),
Zagreb, kultura (culture), kazalište (theater), knjiga
epidemija (epidemic), odgoditi (to delay), prekinuti
Topic 8 –
(to interrupt), čekati (to wait), borba (fight), napraviti
words by negative sentiment:
(to make), posljedica (consequence)
velik (big), mali (small), predstavljati (to present),
words by theme:
nastup (appearance), otkazati (to cancel), odgoditi (to
cijepljenje (vaccination), cjepivo (vaccine), zemlja
delay), smrt (death), rat (war), strana (side), kritika
Topic 2 –
(coronavirus), doza (dose), predsjednik (president),
words by theme:
vlada (government), mjera (measure), čovjek (man)
nov (new), proizvod (product), automobil (car), velik
words by negative sentiment:
(big), godina (year), hrvatska (Croatia), proizvodnja
(production), tvrtka (company), trgovina (market),
(epidemic), red (order), borba (fight), sud (court),
Topic 9 –
kupac (buyer)
granica (border), problem (problem), potreban
Business 2
words by negative sentiment:
(required), upozoriti (to warn)
velik (big), nafta (oil), epidemija (epidemic), lanac
words by theme:
(chain), smanjiti (decrease), kriza (crisis), mali
(small), zaraza (infection), problem (problem), utjecaj
Topic 3 –
(government), rad (labor), pomoć (help), potpora
(support), odluka (decision), potres (earthquake),
zaštita (protection), Zagreb
Topics were labelled based on words with the largest
words by negative sentiment:
probabilities in topics vectors (keywords) shown in Table 2.
potres (earthquake), velik (major), pogoditi (to hit),
potreban (required), posao (job), šteta (demage),
Some of the topics are directly connected to main categories on
prijava (report), republika (republic), poziv (call),
the portal: the first topic is labelled as Sport, the fourth topic as
posljedica (consequence)
Lifestyle, and the eighth topic as Culture, while the sixth and the
words by theme:
ninth topics are connected to the business world and are labelled
as Business 1 and Business 2. Business 1 is associated with the
(pandemic), nov (new), koronavirus (coronavirus),
capital market, while Business 2 is associated with production.
poznat (famous), moda (fashion), obitelj (family),
Topic 4 –
Topic 2 is associated with Vaccination and epidemic measures,
brend (brand), model (model)
while Topic 3 is associated with Earthquake and government
words by negative sentiment:
velik (big), nositi (to wear), izolacija (isolation), veza
measures. Topic 5 seems rather General on stories in a pandemic
(relationship), majka (mother), dug (debt), djevojka
world, while Topics 7 contains daily reports on the pandemic
(wench), znak (sign), mali (small), pun (full)
words by theme:
We found that all topics are mainly associated with negative
čovjek (man), vrijeme (time), znati (know), virus
sentiments. In Table 2 are listed words associated with negative
(virus), velik (big), život (life), dan (day), dijete
sentiment with the largest probabilities across topics, while
Topic 5 –
(child), koronavirus (coronavirus), dobro (good)
words associated with positive sentiment have coincided with the
words by negative sentiment:
words from topics theme. This list gives some insight into what
velik (big), virus (virus), problem (problem), posao
“bears” negative sentiment in the topics.
(job), napraviti (to make), bolest (disease), mali
(small), potreban (required), teško (hard), nositi (to
Figure 2 shows the association of topics to sentiments and
emotions. The ratio of positive and negative sentiments is the best
for categories of Sport and Culture. These categories and
words by theme:
Lifestyle are only categories associated with joy as one of the
posto (percentage), godina (year), pad (drop), velik
dominant emotions. Surprise and anticipation are dominant
(big), pandemija (pandemic), tržište (market), rast
emotions across all topics. Categories Vaccination and epidemic
(growth), kuna, gospodarstvo (economy), banka
Topic 6 –
measures, Earthquake and government support, Generally
Business 1
stories and Business 1 are associated with the emotion of sadness,
words by negative sentiment:
pad (drop), velik (big), kriza (crisis), vlada
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emotions in crises communication in the news related to the
Proceedings of the IEEE International Convention on Information and
COVID-19 pandemic. For that purpose, we have created our
Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO
2021), accepted for publication.
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connected to pandemic crises and analysed it utilising the LDA
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NRC word-emotion lexicon for detection of sentiments and
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Application of LDA resulted in relatively intuitive topics.
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reports. It is shown that all extracted topics are associated
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dominantly with negative sentiment, while prevalent emotions
in Action. Manning Publications, New York, NY.
are anticipation, surprise, sadness and fear.
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By this research, we have gained insight into how COVID-19
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Tackling Class Imbalance in Radiomics: the COVID-19 Use Case
Jože M. Rožanec∗
Tim Poštuvan∗
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lausanne, Switzerland
Blaž Fortuna
Dunja Mladenić
Qlector d.o.o.
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
dyspnea[5]. In addition, older people, or people with previous med-
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, much research has been
ical problems (e.g., diabetes, obesity, or hypertension), are more
published highlighting how artificial intelligence models can be
likely to develop a severe form of the disease[12, 42], which can used to diagnose a COVID-19 infection based on medical images.
derive into multiple organ failure, acute respiratory distress syn-
Given the scarcity of published images, heterogeneous sources, for-
drome, fulminant pneumonia, heart failure, arrhythmias, or renal
mats, and labels, generative models can be a promising solution
failure, among others[37, 40].
for data augmentation. We propose performing data augmentation
Expert radiologists have observed that the impact of the COVID-
on the embeddings space, saving computation power and stor-
19 infection on the respiratory system can be discriminated from
age. Moreover, we compare different class imbalance mitigation
other viral pneumonia in computed tomography (CT) scans[7, 39].
strategies and machine learning models. We find CTGAN data aug-
Most frequent radiological signs include irregular ground-glass
mentation shows promising results. The best overall performance
opacities and consolidations, observed mostly in the peripheral and
was obtained with a GBM model trained with focal loss.
basal sites[31]. While such opacities were observed up to a maxi-
mum of seven days before the symptoms onset[25], they progress
rapidly and remain a long time after the symptoms onset[35, 38].
While such opacities can be observed on chest radiography, they
Information systems → Data mining; • Computing method-
have low sensitivity, which can lead to misleading diagnoses in
ologies → Computer vision problems; • Applied computing;
early COVID-19 stages, and thus a CT scan is preferred[38].
Scientific studies have shown Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a
promising technology transforming healthcare and medical prac-
COVID-19, CT Scans, Imbalanced Dataset, Data Augmentation,
tice helping on some clinicians’ tasks (e.g., decision support, or
Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Radiomics, Artificial Intelligence, Ma-
providing disease diagnosis)[45]. In particular, the field of radiomics
chine Learning
studies how to mine medical imaging data to create models that
ACM Reference Format:
support or execute such tasks. Given that distinct patterns can
Jože M. Rožanec, Tim Poštuvan, Blaž Fortuna, and Dunja Mladenić. 2021.
be observed on chest radiographies and CT scans, clinicians and
Tackling Class Imbalance in Radiomics: the COVID-19 Use Case. In Ljubljana
researchers sought to use AI for COVID-19 diagnostics[31].
’21: Slovenian KDD Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehouses, October,
There are multiple challenges associated with radiomics, and
2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages.
in particular, with the COVID-19 diagnosis use case. Despite the
limitations that can exist regarding privacy concerns[26, 44], many
datasets have been made publicly available. From those datasets,
In December 2019, an outbreak of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
many are limited to a few cases[35]; were collected from different
infection (a.k.a COVID-19) began in Wuhan, China. The disease
sources and image protocols, and thus cannot be merged (e.g., the
rapidly spread across the world, and on January 30th 2020, the
gray-levels across images can have different meanings[7]); or were
World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emer-
labeled at different granularity levels (e.g., patient-level, or slice-
gency. The most common COVID-19 symptoms are dry cough,
level)[2]. Therefore, models developed from these datasets cannot
sore throat, fever, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, myalgia, and
always be ported to a specific environment. Finally, limitations can
exist regarding data collection, further limiting available data to
∗Both authors contributed equally to this research.
develop working models to diagnose the disease.
The main contributions of this research are (i) a comparative
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
study between four data-augmentation strategies used to deal with
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
class imbalance, (ii) across eight frequently cited machine learn-
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.
ing algorithms, based on a real-world dataset of chest CT scans
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
annotated with their COVID-19 diagnosis. We developed the ma-
SiKDD ’21, October, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
chine learning models with images provided by the Medical Physics
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
SiKDD ’21, October, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rožanec and Poštuvan
Research Group at the University of Ljubljana and made them avail-
data[8]. Due to these reasons, care must be taken to select met-
able as part of the RIS competition1.
rics not sensitive to such imbalance. Among common strategies
We report the models’ discrimination power in terms of the area
to deal with class imbalance, we find oversampling data methods,
under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC). The
which aim to increase the number of data instances of the minority
AUC ROC is a widely adopted classification metric that quantifies
class to balance the dataset. Oversampling methods can add data
the sensitivity and specificity of the model while is invariant to a
instances from existing ones by replicating them (e.g., using a näive
priori class probabilities.
random sampler that draws new samples by randomly sampling
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines related
with replacement from the available train samples), or by creating
scientific works, Section 3 provides an overview of the use case,
synthetic data instances (e.g., through SMOTE[9], ADASYN[19],
and Section 4 details the methodology. Finally, section 5 presents
or GANs). In addition to data oversampling, the Focal Loss[29]
and discusses the results obtained, while Section 6 concludes and
can be used on specific algorithms. The Focal Loss reshapes the
describes future work.
cross-entropy loss to down-weight well-classified examples while
focusing on the misclassified ones, achieving better discrimination.
Finally, while the techniques mentioned above are useful for clas-
The field of radiomics is concerned with extracting high-dimensional
sification, we can reframe the problem as an anomaly detection
data from medical images, which can be mined to provide diagnoses
problem, attempting to detect which data instances correspond to
and prognoses, assuming the image features reflect an underly-
the minority class (anomaly).
ing pathophysiology[16, 27, 28]. While the research on the field is
Through the research we reviewed, we found a paper describing
experiencing exponential growth, multiple authors have warned
the use of SMOTE[14], and two papers using GANs[1, 34] for data about common issues affecting the quality and reproducibility of
augmentation at the image level. We found no paper performing
radiomics research and proposed several criteria that should be met
a more extensive assessment of the class imbalance influence nor
to mitigate them (e.g., RQS, CLAIM, or TRIPOD)[10, 27, 32]. It has compared class imbalance strategies towards the COVID-19 detec-also been observed that the translation into clinical use has been
tion models’ outcomes. We propose utilizing data augmentation
techniques, generating new embeddings instead of full images. Such
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, much research has
an approach provides similar information in the embedding space
been published highlighting how AI models could be used to is-
as would be obtained from synthetic images while enabling widely
sue COVID-19 diagnoses based on medical images. While much
used techniques for tabular data oversampling. Furthermore, in
research was invested into transfer learning leveraging pre-trained
GANs, new data instances are cheaper to compute and store than
deep learning models, or the use of deep learning models as feature
would be if creating new images.
extractors[24], some authors also experimented with handcrafted
features[7]. Most common machine learning approaches involved
the use of deep learning (end-to-end models, or pre-trained models
The research reported in this paper is done with images provided by
for feature extraction)[14, 23, 34, 36, 43], Support Vector Machine the Medical Physics Research Group at the University of Ljubljana
(SVM)[4, 7, 14, 22, 23, 34, 36, 38, 43], k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)[14,
and made available as part of the RIS competition. The dataset
22, 23, 38, 43], Random Forest (RF)[22, 23, 36], CART[22, 23, 36],
was built from computed tomography (CT) scans obtained from
Näive Bayes[22, 23], and Gradient Boosted Machines (GBM)[6, 22].
three datasets reported in[18, 25, 33], that correspond to 289 healthy
Two commonly faced challenges regarding COVID-19 diagnoses
persons and 66 COVID-19 patients. Healthy persons are determined
based on medical images are images scarcity and class imbalance.
with a CT score between zero and five, while COVID-19 patients are
Given the heterogeneity of the datasets, it is not always possi-
considered those with a CT score equal to or higher than ten[15].
ble to merge them[2, 7, 35]. Thus, some researchers successfully
Each CT scan was segmented into twenty slices, resulting in 7.100
experimented using generative adversarial networks (GANs) to
images with an axial view of the lungs, and annotated into two
generate new images that comply with the existing patterns in
classes: COVID-19 and non-COVID-19. The visual inspection of
the dataset[1, 34]. GANs provide means to learn deep representa-
CT scans aims to determine if the person was infected with the
tions from labeled data and generate new data samples based on a
COVID-19 disease. Automating this task reduces manual work and
competition involving two models: a generator, learns to generate
speeds up the diagnosis.
new images only from its interaction with the discriminator; and
the discriminator, who has access to the real and synthetic data
instances, and tries to tell the difference between them[3, 11]. While
this method was first applied on images[17], new approaches were
We propose using artificial intelligence for an automated COVID-19
developed to adapt it for tabular data[41].
diagnosis based on images obtained from CT scan segmentation,
The fact that the classification categories are not approximately
posing it as a binary classification problem. The discrimination
equally represented in a dataset can affect how the machine learn-
capability of the models is measured with the AUC ROC metric
ing algorithms learn and their performance on unseen data, where
with a cut threshold of 0.5.
the distribution can be different from the one observed in training
We use the ResNet-18 model[20] for feature extraction, retrieving
the vector produced by the Average Pooling layer. Since the vector
consists of 512 features, we perform feature selection computing
the features’ mutual information and selecting the top K to avoid
Tackling Class Imbalance in Radiomics: the COVID-19 Use Case
SiKDD ’21, October, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
overfitting. To obtain K, we follow the equation 𝐾 = 𝑁 suggested
this approach leads to the best forecast outcomes with a GBM
by[21], where N is the number of data instances in the train set.
model trained with a Focal Loss on a dataset enriched with new
To evaluate the models’ performance across different data aug-
CTGAN generated instances. Moreover, we compare this approach
mentation strategies, we apply a stratified ten-fold cross-validation.
to other imbalanced data strategies, finding that Näive random
Data augmentation is performed by introducing additional minority
oversampling, SMOTE, and ADASYN degrade the resulting models’
class data samples on the train folds. We consider five imbalance mit-
performance compared to the original dataset. Future work will
igation strategies: NONE (without data augmentation), RANDOM
focus on further understanding the cases where the CTGAN data
(näive random sampler), SMOTE, ADASYN, and CTGAN (GAN that
augmentation leads to poor results and provide an integral explain-
enables the conditional generation of data instances based on a
ability model for machine learning classifiers that consume image
class label)[41]. No augmentation is performed on the test fold to
ensure measurements are comparable. The performance of the data
augmentation strategies is measured across eight machine learning
algorithms: SVM, kNN, RF, CART, Gaussian Näive Bayes, Multi-
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency. The
layer Perceptron (MLP), GBM, and Isolation Forest (IF)[30]. Finally,
authors acknowledge the Medical Physics Research Group at the
we compare the performance of the data augmentation scenarios
University of Ljubljana2 for providing the image segmentation data
computing the average AUC ROC across the test folds and assess
as part of the RIS competition3.
if the difference is statistically significant by using the Wilcoxon
signed-rank test, using a p-value of 0.05.
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0,6429 0,6802 0,8504 0,7879
0,6653 0,8601 0,8066
0,6402 0,5215 0,7846 0,7993
0,6691 0,6888 0,8150
0,6147 0,5607 0,6813 0,7663
0,6660 0,6817 0,7826
0,6020 0,5863 0,6660 0,7655
0,6435 0,6652 0,7787
0,7401 0,5340 0,8118 0,8419
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Observing Water-Related Events
for Evidence-Based Decision-Making
Joao Pita Costa * *****, M. Besher Massri *, Inna Novalija *, Ignacio Casals del Busto **, Iulian Mocanu ***, Maurizio Rossi
****, Jan Šturm *, Eva Erzin *, Alenka Guček *, Matej Posinković *, Marko Grobelnik * *****
* Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia, ** Aguas del Alicante, Spain, *** Apa Braila, Romania, **** Ville de Carouge, Switzerland, ***** Quintelligence, Slovenia ABSTRACT
propose a slightly different approach that integrates
heterogeneous data sources to try and solve common
With the awareness of a changing climate impacting our
research questions, as well as to support water management
sustainability, and in line with the European Green Deal
companies in their current problems. This solution is named
initiative or the Sustainable Development Goal 6 addressing
NAIADES Water Observatory (NWO), available at
water, the industry, society and local governments are
naiades.ijs.si, putting together: (i) real-time information from
requiring reliable and comprehensive technology that can
multilingual world news on water topics; (ii) data
provide them an overview to water events to anticipate
visualisation of water-related indicators through time,
problems and the tools to analyse best practices appropriate
sourced from the datasets associated with the Sustainable
to solve them. This paper presents the NAIADES Water
Development Goal 6 (water) and other UN data (see Figure
Observatory (NOW), a digital solution offering a series of
1); and (iii) scientific knowledge from published biomedical
analysis and visualisations of water-related topics, helping
research on water-related topics (e.g., water contamination).
users to extract important insights in relation to the water
Due to the rapidly growing awareness of the sustainability
sector. Taking advantage of heterogeneous data sources, from
challenges that we are facing in Europe and worldwide in the
the media and social media landscape, to published research
context of water resource management, there has been much
and global/local indicators. Through collaboration with local
work done to develop systems that are able to collect
water resource management institutions, the NWO was
information about the available water and even simulate and
configured to local priorities and ingests local datasets to
forecast that in the near future. But these are usually
better fit the needs of decision-makers.
geolocation-based systems ingesting water-related data to
enable real-time monitoring of resources and usage [x] [y] [z],
and thus much different than the water observatory that we
• Real-time systems • Data management systems • Life and
are proposing in this paper. The typical example is GoAigua
medical science
system [4], a digital twin technology allowing, e.g., the city of
Valencia to optimize its water management at the network
level, improving efficiency in daily operations, plan real-time
Water Resource Management, Smart Water, Observatory,
scenarios, and make some prediction on its future behaviour
Water Digital Twin, Elasticsearch, Streamstory
1 Introduction
The water sector is facing rapid development towards the
smart digitalisation of resources, much motivated and
supported by the UN’s global initiative for the Sustainable
Development Goal 6. In that context, the efforts to address the
specific challenges related to water management data and
priorities multiply globally. There are several “digital twin”
systems dedicated to water, each of which focuses on the
Figure 1: Visualisation of water-related indicators within
different aspects of the digitalisation of signals to support
Spain to complement the global indicators view ingesting
water management companies, as well as water
data from, e.g., U.N. and the World Bank.
“observatories”. These are usually meant as Geographical
Information Systems that showcase the different aspects of
water resources through time.
2 A data-driven solution for water events
Within the scope of the European Commission-funded project
The proposed Water Observatory enables extraction of
NAIADES [1] focusing on the automation of the water
insightful water-related information, configured to use case
resource management and environmental monitoring, we
priorities and needs from the data integration of
SIKDD’21, October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
J. Pita Costa et al.
heterogeneous sources. This includes information from social
● Media: each location has its own news and social media
media when the weather is favourable for floods and the
streams configured to priorities and aspects of the news
historical information from news and published research on
that stakeholders define as topics of interest (e.g. floods)
these weather-related events and how to make better
● Research: similarly to the media sources, the research
decisions to solve them.
topics allow for some customisation to fit the needs of
This is complemented by data ingested from global and local
the local user better
indicators (i.e., datasets at regional level), showcasing the
● Resources: the natural resources information provided
observation of water-related datasets linked to SDG 6 at
for exploration is geolocated to the regions of interest to
global and country levels that can help us observe changes
the user of the platform
and trends. The NAIADES Water Observatory enables the
It is relatively easy to include new use cases and
user to explore the information provided by published
corresponding workspaces after the discussions on user
science and the success stories that can be used in decision-
priorities that will allow us to configure the information
making and water education at the local level (i.e., showcasing
presented and making it meaningful.
the resources and problematics of the region).
In this approach, the water data sensing is done over dynamic
open data sources that serve as digital sensors (news, social
3 Addressing the challenges of tomorrow
media, indicators, publications, weather forecasts). This data
With the range of views provided at the observatory, the
is then integrated and visualised, each in its tab, addressing
problems addressed can be of complex nature and cover a
specific topics of interest. The observatory is thus composed
range of concerns and workflows. The different ICT
of all that heterogeneous data coming in at different
capabilities available across the water sector require intuitive
frequencies. The interactions between those data sources to
and meaningful technologies to ensure the usefulness of the
solve common problems make it a Water Digital Twin. The
contribution to the Community. The target users of the NWO
envisioned examples include the analysis of best practices in
seem to belong to three main scenarios with different
water events in, e.g. Braila, identified in the news and
workflows that can be supported by the developed
explored over the published research, or the alerts triggered
by weather conditions and observed over social media on a
1. Water resource management: using the provided
water event. The questions we are trying to solve with this
information in the resolution of problems related to
innovative technology are, e.g., if we can predict water
weather events to understand how their actions are
shortages in a certain region given the historical data; or if we
perceived by the consumers and to explore successful
can identify early signals of water-related problems from
scenarios in similar cases
social media (see Figure 2).
2. Local governments: to help evidence-based decision-
making using open data, better synchronise to SDG6
and other guidelines and evaluate commitments in time
3. General public: for water education with a local context,
in aspects that matter to the local population, based on
parts of the Water Observatory that can be open to
The priorities in the European Union are rapidly changing
towards sustainability and environmental efficiency,
transversally to most domains of action. The European
Commission’s Green Deal [3] aiming for a climate-neutral
Europe by 2050 and boosting the economy through green
Figure 2: Analysis of the sentiment in water-related posts
in Twitter and the relation to consumer satisfaction and
technology provides a new framework to understand and
water-related events
position water resource management in the context of the
challenges of tomorrow. The NAIADES Water Observatory
All of the views of this observatory, each of which represents
will not only contribute to the improvement of European
digital solutions on their own, are configured to the local
sustainability in water-related matters but will also assign the
priorities of the NAIADES users as a Proof of Concept,
local actors on the water resource management an active role
showing that each can address specific conditions.
in that. The NAIADES Water Observatory provides the user of
● Indicators: adding to the global UN indicators, we are
the NAIADES platform, as earlier extensively discussed, with
ingesting curated open datasets that have regional
the global and local insight that can be transformed into
information about water topics of interest to the
business intelligence, and help companies to steer their
strategies towards customer satisfaction. We will be
Observing Water-Related Events for Evidence-based Decision-
SIKDD’21, October 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia
describing selected views of this observatory through the
enabled sites across the world. From the data management
verticals (or views) News – Indicators – Biomedical, first at
module the real-time news data is accessed by the news
the level of the specific dashboards that constitute the tabs in
dashboard that can be configured by the NAIADES user to
the online instance, and then by the extended exploratory
tune the topics of interest in the configuration web app. To
instances, including public instances and APIs, for each of the
further explore a water-related topic, the NWO provides a
three verticals.
dashboard for the analysis of social media posts in Twitter
(see Figure 2), collected in a real-time frequency, where
sentiment is analysed, related concepts are extracted and it is
possible to access the raw tweets or apply several filters.
Finally, the biomedical module allows for the exhaustive
exploration of water contamination information from
scientific research articles published worldwide and available
through the MEDLINE biomedical open dataset [9] and the
Microsoft Academic Graph [8]. The MEDLINE dataset is
collected from the official FTP source made available by the
North American National Library of Medicine (NLM) over an
Figure 3: The global view of the pilot 1 over usage and data
XML dump and uploaded to the elasticSearch data
management system through a python script, the Microsoft
Academic Graph dataset is collected from an Azure container
These dashboards come together to provide the user with a
with the data biweekly updated by the Microsoft Research
global perspective in real-time, where five different tiers of
team. The data management is based on the elasticsearch
usability are made available (see Figure 3). The tiers allow for
technology [2, useful for both the interactive data
the extended usability of the Water Observatory,
visualisations and the Indicators Explorer view. The latter
Transversally to the data sources available.
allows the NAIADES user to explore the raw data through
template visualisations, use a Lucene-based query that can
4 System description and architecture
leverage the loaded metadata, and easily build visualisation
The NWO offers user exploratory dashboards for the further
modules that can define a new dashboard of data
investigation over news, to get deeper into the indicators
visualisation modules. The dataset is then called over and
ingested, and to explore the biomedical research on water
HTTP API by the SearchPoint technology [6] to load the
contamination in detail. Moreover, each of the three
dataset and respective metadata. thus allowing for powerful
dashboards have versions built to be exposed by, e.g., iframe
Lucene-based queries and further interaction over a movable
through a publicly available channel that can be used for
pointer. This will lead to the refinement of the search of
integration in high management KPI-monitoring dashboards.
information that can then be extended over the Biomedical
Furthermore, we also offer a part of the information in these
Explorer, which feeds over the same dataset through Kibana,
through APIs easily integrable with our own systems.
but also allows for the analysis of raw data, or the easy
The Indicators view provides the user with interactive data
construction of data visualisation modules from templates,
exploration tools that allow for the KPI-monitoring over
and for an interactive data visualisation dashboard. All the
several water-related topics that include the SDG 6, the World
mentioned dashboards can be made publicly available
Bank Open Data, the UN data, etc. In this module we also
through, e.g., iframe to be integrated in high-management KPI
ingest regional data sources that include local indicators,
addressing the user’s priorities. Considering their well-
established data types, the data integration is possible and,
whenever limitations appear due to lack or poor quality of the
data, the dataset is pre-processed to allow for data
completion (whenever possible), or at least the improvement
of data quality.
The Media view provides the user with the real-time news
monitoring over water-related topics (such as Water Scarcity
and Water Contamination), and the analysis of water-related
tweets based on data visualisation modules. Based on the
news engine Eventregistry [7] this view provides the system
Figure 4: System architecture of the NAIADES Water
Observatory showcasing the relation between used
with a continuous stream of news articles, sourced from RSS-
technologies and NOW views
SIKDD’21, October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
J. Pita Costa et al.
5. Conclusions and further work
In this paper we discussed the technological development and
research opportunities motivated by the emerging need to
support decision-makers with evidence from open data that
can retract best practices and answer questions from the
collected data, bringing the digitalisation of the water sector
to a new level.
The potential to ingest complementary local data and
configure global sources to parameters addressing local
priorities provides a local dimension that is being explored
Figure 6: The multi time-series analysis of the weather
close to the priorities of the NAIADES data providers within
parameters, using Markov chains in complex data
water resource management institutions. It will also be
visualisation through the Streamstory technology [9].
exploring the insights driven by the appropriate aspects of
chosen datasets, e.g., between news data and focused
interactions through Twitter for weather-related events
when the weather is likely to be favourable to their cause (see
We thank the support of the European Commission on the
Figure 5). There are many systems that can collect business
H2020 NAIADES project (GA nr. 820985).
intelligence data, but we believe that the “digital twin”-type of
insight is in the interaction between these data streams.
[1] CORDIS, "NAIADES Project". [Online]. Available:
https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/820985 [Accessed 1 9 2020].
[2] Elasticsearch, "Elasticsearch," 2020. [Online]. Available:
https://www.elastic.co/elasticsearch/. [Accessed 1 9 2020].
[3] European Commission, "European Green Deal," 2019. [Online]. Available:
green-deal_en. [Accessed 1 9 2020].
[4] Idrica, "GoAigua: Smart Water for a Better World," 2020. [Online].
Available: https://www.idrica.com/goaigua/. [Accessed 1 9 2020].
[5] Idrica, "Digital Twin: implementation and benefits for the water sector,"
19 2 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.idrica.com/blog/digital-
Figure 5: Preliminary data analysis of the relation
twin-implementation-benefits-water-sector/. [Accessed 1 9 2020].
between news and tweets on water-related events and
[6] Institute Jozef Stefan, "Streamstory". [Online]. Available:
their relations with other topics (e.g., weather).
http://streamstory.ijs.si/. [Accessed 26 8 2021]
[7] G. Leban, B. Fortuna, J. Brank and M. Grobelnik, "Event registry: learning
about world events from news," Proceedings of the 23rd International
Further development to the NAIADES Water Observatory,
Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 107-110, 2014.
will be providing the users with tools to explore the impact of
[8] Microsoft, "Microsoft Academic Graph". [Online]. Available:
natural resources as, e.g., the weather, as well as predictions
academic-graph/. [Accessed 26 8 2021]
on the levels of the available bodies of water, based on
[9] National Library of Medicine, "MEDLINE". [Online]. Available:
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medline/medline_overview.html. [Accessed 26
ingested weather data from the ECMWF (on humidity,
8 2021]
temperature and rainfall) and other open data sources. This
[10] L. Stopar, P. Škraba, M. Grobelnik, and D. Mladenić (2018). StreamStory:
Exploring Multivariate Time Series on Multiple Scales. IEEE transactions
will help the users to have some insight on the impact of the
on visualization and computer graphics 25.4: 1788-1802.
climate crisis in regions that directly relate to their water
resources. We will use a sophisticated engine - Streamstory
[6][10] - to explore the states of that weather-related data and
short/medium term predictions on aspects of that data (see
Figure 6).
Anomaly Detection on Live Water Pressure Data Stream
Gal Petkovšek
Matic Erznožnik
Klemen Kenda
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana,
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana,
Jožef Stefan International
Postgraduate School
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana,
The algorithms in this paper were already considered in the
We present the application of several anomaly detection
related work in different settings and for different time series.
algorithms to water pressure data streams.
We evaluate
their quality on unlabelled data sets using agreement rates.
Anomaly detection can be used by estimating the expected
The applied algorithms are the Generative Adversarial Net-
regular interval in the upcoming measurement. This can be
work (GAN), DBSCAN, Welford’s algorithm and Facebook
achieved in an incremental fashion with a simple short-term
Prophet. We found that GAN performed best.
prediction model, for example with Kalman filter [7], or with
a more advanced approach, based on time-series modeling
[11]. The latter can be used in several settings, for example
water management, machine learning, anomaly detection
in detecting air temperature anomalies in the sewer systems
DBSCAN [10] is a data clustering algorithm that can be ap-
In last decades, Internet of Things (IoT) has penetrated
plied in frequently changing data sets. Its incremental ver-
and shaped several fields such as energy management, traf-
sion [5] can be used in a streaming setting. The potential of
fic, health care and others. The water sector is, however,
the algorithm for anomaly detection has been demonstrated
still implementing IoT solutions that will improve the water
in several use cases, for example in detecting air temperature
management with features such as real-time consumption
anomalies [3].
prediction, leakage detection, water quality estimation and
The paper that demonstrated the use of Generative Ad-
versarial Networks for anomaly detection on data stream is
In the presented work, we focus on the anomaly detection on
fairly recent [6]. The authors have shown that this approach
the live water pressure data stream from the town of Braila
can outperform several other baselines on data sets obtained
(Romania). The overall goal of the research is to detect leak-
from NASA, Yahoo, Amazon etc. They introduced different
age points in the city’s water distribution network. To detect
measures of evaluating the reconstruction accuracy, which
the presence of a leakage in the system we apply an anomaly
we tried to improve upon in our paper.
detection algorithm to the water pressure data stream. We
considered several such algorithms, which were applied and
In this work, we use the already established anomaly detec-
evaluated on four data streams obtained from four pressure
tion approaches and compare their performance on an unla-
sensors. Our goal was to find the algorithm which returns
beled water pressure data stream from a water distribution
the best results. Since the data is not labeled (regular or
network. A more detailed description of the algorithms is
anomalous), the estimation of accuracy was done with a
given in the Methodology section. We argue that the rela-
method considering relative agreement among selected al-
tive agreement approach [1] improves the anomaly detection
gorithms [1]. The anomaly detection algorithms that were
performance, which we demonstrate by manual evaluation
tested were GAN (generative adversarial networks) [6], DB-
of the results.
SCAN [10], Welford’s algorithm [9] and anomaly detection
with Facebook Prophet [11]. It is important to note that
first three algorithms consider the data stream as an actual
live stream. This means that they consume one sample at
We demonstrate our anomaly detection methodology on four
a time (or a feature vector containing multiple past values,
data sets. Each of the data sets represents the pressure val-
enrichment values and contextual data) and declare it reg-
ues of one of the sensors, which are located at different points
ular or anomalous as the algorithms were intended to do in
in Braila’s water distribution network. The sensors are la-
production. In contrast, the Facebook Prophet consumes
beled as ‘5770’, ‘5771’, ‘5772’ and ‘5773’.
The data sets
the whole data stream as a batch and labels all the samples
contain between 10 and 11 thousand instances, which are
together. This makes it unusable in production (in this set-
spaced in 15 minute intervals, so about 100 days-worth of
ting), however it is included in the experiment since it can
data. The data was first pre-processed to remove any du-
help to estimate the accuracy of other algorithms.
plicated points and ‘holes’ in the data which were formed
as a consequence of sensor down-time. When working with
Anomaly detection on time series is a well researched field.
data streams, this process should be done automatically to
avoid any incorrect analysis when feeding the data into the
errors (4 standard deviations from the mean of the window).
anomaly detection algorithms. Each of the four data sets
We used a slightly different approach using the moving aver-
was split into a training and evaluation part. The training
age multiplied by a constant as the threshold. This proved
sets consisted of the first 2000 data points and the evalu-
to be easier to implement on our live data stream use-case.
ation sets contained all the rest. This is done so that the
algorithms which require training can be trained on one part
of the data and evaluated on the other (GAN, DBSCAN).
DBSCAN [4] is a well-known data clustering algorithm. It
groups together points, which are close together based on
Evaluation of algorithms
Euclidean distance. The group with the largest number of
points in our case are considered ‘normal’, and the lower-
Evaluation of the performance of algorithms on unlabelled
density groups are outliers which are then labeled as an
data always represents a challenge.
Since we are work-
anomaly. The parameter which measures how close the
ing with such data an actual calculation of accuracy scores
points should be for them to still be considered of the same
would require manual labelling of the data instances. To
group, can be adjusted based on the data set, and the de-
avoid this time-consuming process, we use a method for es-
sired sensitivity of the algorithm. For DBSCAN we also use
timating error rates (ratio of wrong classifications to the
an input vector composed of consecutive pressure values. In
total number of instances) from the agreement rates of mul-
this case, we discovered that a vector of 5-6 values works
tiple algorithms. Agreement rate of two classifiers fi and fj
is defined in the following way:
1 X
Welford’s algorithm
{i,j} =
I{fi(Xs) = fj (Xs)}
S s=1
Welford’s algorithm gets its name from the Welford’s method
for online estimation of mean and variance. A very simple
where X1, ..., XS are unlabeled samples.
The calculated
anomaly detection approach [9] can then be constructed by
agreement rates are then inserted into the following equa-
defining the upper and lower limits (UL and LL) of ”normal”
data as a function of mean and variance:
a{i, j} = 1 − e{i} − e{j} + 2e{i,j}
U L = mean + X ∗ variance
Here we assume that the functions make independent errors
we can substitute e{i, j} with e{i}e{j}. With such a system
of equations we can then calculate error rates using some
LL = mean − X ∗ variance
root-finding algorithm. Such an approach has been previ-
X is fixed and determines the threshold band. Any instance
ously used for the evaluation of classifiers on an unlabelled
which falls out of that band is labeled as an anomaly. In-
dataset [1]. Therefore we consider the anomaly detection
stances can then be input into the algorithm one by one to
algorithm as a binary classifier and use the aforementioned
be labeled and after each the mean and the variance (con-
method for the comparison of different algorithms. Addi-
sequently UL and LL also) are updated.
tionally, two important assumptions were made. Firstly, we
For this experiment the actual Welford’s method was not
assumed that the anomaly detection algorithms were inde-
used since the mean and variance were computed from the
pendent and secondly, that each of those algorithms per-
last 1500 samples so that they would better adapt to the
forms better than a random classifier.
new samples.
Note that the first 1500 samples therefore
Since the estimated performance of one algorithm depends
could not be labeled; however, this was not a problem since
on the output of the others it was important that the al-
most of the other approaches required 2000 samples for fit-
gorithms yield a similar percentage of anomalies. In other
ting the models and the evaluation was therefore done on
words, the algorithms are tuned to have similar predicted
the remaining stream. However, the upper and lower limits
positive condition rate (P P CR =
F P +T P
F P +T P +F N +T N
of the interval were still computed as shown above with the
most data streams this means that 1%-3% of the samples
value of X = 2.2.
are labelled as anomalous.
Facebook Prophet
The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)[6] is an unsu-
Facebook Prophet is an algorithm for time series forecast-
pervised machine learning approach to anomaly detection.
ing that works especially well on data streams with multiple
An encoder-decoder structure of the neural network is used
seasonalities [8]. Prophet also works well with missing data
to first encode the input data point and then decode the
which makes it a good candidate for the problem at hand.
encoded one.
The model learns to reconstruct the input
After fitting the model it can make predictions for a cho-
data point as closely as possible. The idea is that the re-
sen set of timestamps presented to it. Furthermore besides
construction should be better if the input data is ‘normal’
the prediction it also outputs upper and lower limits of the
and worse if it is abnormal/anomalous. We use an input
confidence interval for every sample. Ashrapov [2] demon-
vector, which is composed of 10 consecutive values of the
strates the implementation of an anomaly detection algo-
uni-variate data stream. We then compare the input vec-
rithm which uses this property to classify the samples inside
tor to the reconstructed one using the mean squared error
the confidence interval as regular and the rest as anoma-
(MSE) metric. We classify the data point as ‘normal’ if the
lies. The model is fitted on the entire data set and then
value of the MSE is below the defined threshold. [6] calcu-
makes predictions on the same data set, providing both the
lated the thresholds using sliding windows on reconstruction
anomaly detection and the confidence interval.
The results of the algorithms for data stream from sensor
5770 are presented in Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. The charts show
the raw values obtained from the pressure sensors, indicating
the points which are labeled as anomalies with red points.
Since the data sets are unlabelled it is hard to assess the
accuracy of each algorithm based on anomaly visualizations
alone, but we do notice some similarities and some differ-
ences. All of the algorithms are good at identifying obvious
outliers (points which fall far out of the ‘normal’ range).
The difference between the algorithms can be noticed when
Figure 4: Anomalies found using Facebook Prophet on datas-
classifying points closer to the normal range. For example
tream from sensor 5770.
Welford’s algorithm tends to label points as anomalies at
the peaks of daily pressure fluctuation, which might not be
ideal since we know that this behaviour can be considered
sets are unlabeled, it is hard to determine the optimal pa-
normal. More sophisticated algorithms such as GAN and
rameters. We decided to tune the algorithms to have similar
Prophet were also able to identify more ”subtle” anomalies.
recall of 1 - 3%, as we deemed that this would make the com-
parison of the algorithms the most fair. In Table 1 the shares
of anomalies are presented for each separate data stream.
Figure 1: Anomalies found using GAN on data stream from
sensor 5770.
Table 1: Shares of anomalies for all four data streams.
The error rates calculated from agreement rates are shown
in Table 1 for each of the data streams. Since we assumed
most of the samples in the data stream were normal these
error rates are not very informative out of context. We can
however, observe that Prophet performed best followed by
GAN, DBSCAN and Welford, respectively. The results are
consistent in all four scenarios. If we take into consideration
that Prophet worked on the whole data set at once when the
other three were limited to one sample at a time (as it is in
production) we can declare that GAN performed best out of
Figure 2: Anomalies found using DBSCAN on datastream
the algorithms that can detect anomalies on a live stream.
from sensor 5770
Table 2: Error rates estimated from agreement rates for all
Figure 3:
Anomalies found using Welford’s algorithm on
four data streams.
datastream from sensor 5770.
We also considered a state-of-the-art method Isolation For-
est, however it was too sensitive and therefore not usable in
The recall of each algorithm can be increased or decreased
the error rate calculation.
by modifying parameters and thresholds.
Since the data
[10] Schubert, E., Sander, J., Ester, M., Kriegel,
We have tested five anomaly detection algorithms (Gener-
H. P., and Xu, X. Dbscan revisited, revisited: why
ative Adversarial Network, DBSCAN, Facebook Prophet,
and how you should (still) use dbscan. ACM
Welford’s algorithm and Isolation Forest) on four separate
Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 42, 3
data streams of water pressure data. Out of those five the
(2017), 1–21.
Isolation Forest performed poorly since the share of anoma-
[11] Taylor, S. J., and Letham, B. Forecasting at scale.
lies found with this method was unreasonably high and was
The American Statistician 72, 1 (2018), 37–45.
therefore not included in the final error estimates calcula-
[12] Thiyagarajan, K., Kodagoda, S., Ulapane, N.,
and Prasad, M. A temporal forecasting driven
Other approaches had similar shares of anomalies and were
approach using facebook’s prophet method for
therefore used to calculate agreement rates and finally the
anomaly detection in sewer air temperature sensor
estimated error rates of each anomaly detection algorithm.
system. In 2020 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial
The results were consistent for all four data streams. Prophet
Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) (2020),
performed best in every setting, however it looked at a data
pp. 25–30.
stream as a batch and it therefore could not be used for
online anomaly detection. GAN performed second best fol-
lowed by DBSCAN and Welford’s algorithm which all work
on a live data stream. Therefore we can conclude that the
most fitting algorithm to be used for anomaly detection on
the live water pressure data from water distribution network
is GAN.
In future work, Facebook prophet could be adopted in such
a way that it would also work on a live data stream since it
has shown promising results in this experiment.
This paper is supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement
No. 820985, project NAIADES (A holistic water ecosystem
for digitisation of urban water sector).
[1] Antonios Platanios, E. Estimating accuracy from
unlabeled data.
[2] Ashrapov, I. Anomaly detection in time series with
prophet library, Jun 2020.
[3] Celik, M., Dadaser-Celik, F., and Dokuz, A. S.
Anomaly detection in temperature data using dbscan
algorithm. 2011 International Symposium on
INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications
[4] do Prado, K. S. How dbscan works and why should
we use it?, Apr 2017.
[5] Ester, M., and Wittmann, R. Incremental
generalization for mining in a data warehousing
environment. In International Conference on
Extending Database Technology (1998), Springer,
pp. 135–149.
[6] Geiger, A., Cuesta-Infante, A., and
Veeramachaneni, K. Adversarially learned anomaly
detection for time series data, 2020.
[7] Kenda, K., and Mladenić, D. Autonomous sensor
data cleaning in stream mining setting. Business
Systems Research: International journal of the Society
for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy 9,
2 (2018), 69–79.
[8] Krieger, M. Time series analysis with facebook
prophet: How it works and how to use it, Mar 2021.
[9] Lobo, J. L. Detecting real-time and unsupervised
anomalies in streaming data: a starting point, Feb
Entropy for Time Series Forecasting
João Costa
António Costa
Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko
ESN Paris
Klemen Kenda
João Pita Costa
Jožef Stefan Institut
Figure 1: Sample of the time series and projections of the embedding - This plot gives us a geometrical representation of the theory involved in section 3 and shows the reconstructed state space of the given time series. This can be obtained by using Takens’ embedding to reconstruct the time series 𝑦, given in figure a), as the markovian system 𝑌 with 𝐾 time delays and
then use Principal Component Analysis in order to perform the change of basis of the data. The obtained projections b), c) and d) attain the dynamics of the system, which gives us the possibility to predict the time series with higher efficiency.
for the H2020 NAIADES Project [2] with data collected from the
Municipality of Alicante (Spain). We will present this study for
In this paper, we present the exploitation of a method to extract
the Autobus Dataset, related to the Bus Station Areas in Alicante.
information from microscopic samples of time series data in order
to provide a representation of optimized stability to a chaotic sys-
tem [1]. The main goal of this approach is to predict the dynamics
of a time series and therefore develop optimized forecasting al-
gorithms. First, we study how to increase the predictability of
Dickey-Fuller Test for Stationarity
a system and second, we develop a Deep Learning Algorithm,
In order to proceed with the theory involved in the method,
namely an LSTM, that can recognize patterns in sequential data
it is necessary to understand the behaviour of the time series
and accurately predict the future behaviour of a time series.
and its sensitivity to initial conditions. For studying time series’
stationarity, one can use the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, which
is a type of statistical test called a unit root test, where generally
Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTM, Entropy, Markov Chain, Clus-
the null hypothesis is that the time series can be represented by
tering, Time Series
a unit root, which means that for 𝑦 = {𝑦 }𝑇
, the information
𝑡 =1
at point 𝑦
does not provide us the ability to predict 𝑦 . In
𝑡 −1
our case, we obtained that the p-value of the test was 0, so the
null hypothesis was rejected and the time series has no unit
Given its intrinsic nature, mathematics concerns with the con-
root. Therefore, it is stationary and the time delays will provide
struction of formal statements and proofs relating the different
important information for predicting the dynamics of the time
concepts within it. Its methods are used in countless ways and
effectively model the shape of our world. But how is it possible to
shape the unknown? Motivated by this question and the upmost
need for finding ways of optimizing water resources for future
Lyapunov exponents for understanding
generations, there has been a great development on the study of
chaotic nature
dynamical systems based on, for example, (Shannon) entropy [9]
and phase space reconstruction [4]. In this paper, we provide an
The Lyapunov Exponent is a quantifier for the sensitivity of the
approach to water resource management using Deep Learning
time series on initial conditions and therefore for its chaotic na-
and Chaos Theory, by studying the dynamics of a time series
ture. The main idea is to select an array of nearest neighbors, i.e,
using the 2 main ideas cited before. This study was developed
points at minimum distance, and calculate its trajectories in time.
By doing so, we can then obtain an average of this divergence
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
exponent which gives us the Lyapunov Exponent. Since the sys-
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
tem is bounded, the divergence is also bounded and will reach
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
a plateau after a certain number of timesteps. In our case, the
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
Lyapunov Exponent, given as the initial slope, is ≈ 518 and the
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
initial growth is exponential, as can be seen in figure 5. Therefore,
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
the time series is of a chaotic nature.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
João Costa, et al.
Given the high variability of any chaotic system, it is hard to
capture the whole set of variables that model the state space.
This is characteristic of a non-Markovian system which is highly
unpredictable. How do we surpass this issue?
Takens’ Embedding Theorem [8] tells us that, under certain con-
ditions, it is possible to use past data to reconstruct a Markovian
system, thus giving us the possibility to model the initial time
series with higher efficiency. We start by considering a set of
ODEs 𝑥
= ( ¤
) and the
1, ¤
𝑥 2, . . . , ¤
𝑑 -dimensional time series
𝑦 (𝑡 ) of duration 𝑇 which is a set of incomplete measurements
of 𝑥 given by a measure 𝑀 , i.e., 𝑦
= 𝑀 (𝑥 ). Then, in order to
Figure 2: An LSTM performs the following ordered compu-
calculate the number of 𝐾 time delays to feed the LSTM with,
tations: The first step is to forget their irrelevant history.
the 𝑑 -dimensional measurements are lifted into the state space
Then, LSTMs perform computation to decide on relevant
𝑑 ×𝐾
consisting of the previously referred 𝐾 time delays
parts of new information and based on the previous two
[3]. It is possible to quantify the chaotic measure of the system
steps, they selectively update the internal state. Finally, an
by calculating the entropy resulting from clustering. This
output is generated.
can be done by partitioning the 𝑑 × 𝐾 -dimensional space into
𝑁 Voronoi cells using 𝐾 -Means clustering. Having partitioned
shown in this figure can be mathematically represented as
the state space 𝑌
, the reconstructed dynamics are encoded as a
row-stochastic transition probability matrix 𝑃 = [𝑃
𝑖 𝑗
𝑖, 𝑗
𝑓 (𝑥 , ℎ
) = 𝜎 (𝑤
+ 𝑤
+ 𝑏 )
𝑡 −1
𝑡 −1
𝑓 ,𝑥
𝑓 ,ℎ
relates increments on the state-space density 𝑝 in the following
) =
𝑥 , ℎ
𝜎 (𝑤
𝑡 −1
𝑡 −1
(𝑥 , ℎ
) = 𝜎 (𝑤
+ 𝑤
+ 𝑏 ),
𝑡 −1
𝑜 ,𝑥
𝑜 ,ℎ
𝑡 −1
𝑝 (𝑡 + 𝛿𝑡 ) =
(𝑡 ).
𝑗 𝑖
where 𝑤
, 𝑤
, 𝑤
are weight parameters and 𝜎 is an
𝑓 ,𝑥
𝑜 ,𝑥
activation function.
The entropy rate of the initial time series 𝑦 (𝑡 ) is then approxi-
mated by estimating the entropy rate (Figure 3) of the associated
Our approach
Markov chain on the different time delays 𝐾 using Kolmogorov’s
The core idea is to take a list of 𝑘 training sets 𝑄 0, 𝑄1, . . . , 𝑄𝑘−1
and testing sets 𝑃
in order to generalize the model
0, 𝑃1, . . . , 𝑃𝑘 −1
and do the best estimation for the time series. This is based
(𝐾 ) = −
𝜋 𝑃
log 𝑃
𝑖 𝑗
𝑖 𝑗
on translating the testing sets’ partitions along the time series,
𝑖, 𝑗
where the first partition 𝑃
= {
} is taken from the
, . . . , 𝑝
where 𝜋 is the estimated stationary distribution of the Markov
zeroth point of the time series data and the last partition 𝑃
𝑘 −1
chain 𝑃 . This approximation gives an estimate for the conditional
, . . . , 𝑝
} until the last point of the time series data and
𝑘 −1
𝑘 −1
entropies (Figure 6), i.e., for a discrete state with delay vectors
|𝑦 |
= { ®
𝑦 , . . . , ®
}, the entropy of the Markov chain provides
| =
𝑖 +𝐾 −1
, ∀𝑖 ∈ {0, . . . , 𝑘 − 1}
an estimate for the conditional entropy,
where |𝑦 | stands for the cardinality of the time series 𝑦. This
procedure yields 𝑘 models which will use each of the training
(𝐾 ) ≈ ⟨− log[𝑝 (𝑦
|𝑦 , . . . , 𝑦
𝑖 +𝐾
𝑖 +𝐾 −1
sets to make predictions on the respective test sets. Given the
= 𝐻
(𝑁 ) − 𝐻 (𝑁 )
𝐾 +1
erratic nature of the data, which was taken in 15 and 30 minutes
= ℎ (𝑁 ),
samples, a resampling to 30 minute delays had to be done on the
15 minutes delay data points and a masking was added to the time
where 𝐻
is the Shannon Entropy of the sequence obtained by
series in order to neglect NaN values that could be created from
partitioning the ®
𝑦 space into 𝑁 partitions.
resampling. Therefore, a masking layer was added and the model
is composed by 3 other layers L
, L
and L
, where 𝑛
= 1 (we have a univariate timeseries) and
= 64, since it gave
the best results in cross validation. A dropout regularization of
0.1 was added for better approximation of training and validation
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Networks are a special type
errors and the batch size was set to 128. The mean squared error
of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) which rely on gated cells
for the predictions on the training set is ≈ 0.00115 and for the
that control the flow of information by choosing what elements
testing set is ≈ 0.00236. One can address the capacity of the model
of the sequence are passed on to the next module. This idea was
whose predictive results are shown in figure 4.
introduced in order to surpass the vanishing gradient problem
in conventional RNNs [7]. At each time 𝑡 , consider 𝑓
as the
forget gate, 𝑖
as the input gate and 𝑜
as the output gate, which
Forecasting Methods
are functions that depend on the output of the previous LSTM
Consider a time series 𝑇 = {𝑡
}. The forecasting process
module, given by ℎ
and on the input of the current timestep,
1, . . . , 𝑡 𝑁
𝑡 −1
can be done in 3 ways:
given by 𝑥 . Then, the next figure shows a representation of how
a single LSTM cell performs its computations. The computations
(1) iterated forecasting
Entropy for Time Series Forecasting
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
(2) direct forecasting
Data and Code Git Repository
(3) multi-neural network forecasting
The complete work can be found in:
Process number (1) is based on "many-to-one" forecast for which
≈ F (𝑡 , . . . , 𝑡
), 𝑖 ∈ {1, . . . , 𝑁 − 𝑛}.
𝑖 +𝑛−1
Then, a 𝐾 -step forecast can be iteratively obtained by
:= F ( ˆ
, . . . , ˆ
, ˆ
), 𝑗 ∈ 1, . . . , 𝐾 .
𝑁 + 𝑗
𝑁 + 𝑗 −𝑛+1
𝑁 + 𝑗 −2
𝑁 + 𝑗 −1
Process number (2) can be characterized by training a "many-to-
many" function F for which
, . . . , 𝑡
) ≈ F (𝑡 , . . . , 𝑡
𝑖 +𝑛
𝑖 +𝑛+𝐾 −1
𝑖 +𝑛−1
where 𝑖 ∈ {1, . . . , 𝑁 − 𝑛 − 𝐾 + 1}. We can obtain a 𝐾 -step forecast
( ˆ
, . . . , ˆ
) := F (𝑡
, . . . , 𝑡
𝑁 +1
𝑁 +𝐾
𝑁 −𝑛+1
Finally, process (3) is defined by 𝑘 "many-to-one" functions
which hold the following relationship
1, . . . , F𝑘
≈ F (𝑡 , . . . , 𝑡
𝑖 +𝑛
𝑖 +𝑛−1
Figure 3: Entropy Rate ℎ - The entropy rate ℎ is given as
the function of the number of partitions 𝑁 for increasing
number of delays 𝐾 (given by the different colors in a de-
≈ F (𝑡 , . . . , 𝑡
𝑖 +𝑛+𝐾 −1
𝑖 +𝑛−1
scendent mode). It is possible to observe that the entropy
rate is a non-decreasing function on the number of par-
where 𝑖 ranges from 1 to 𝑁 − 𝑛 − 𝐾 + 1. Process (1) does not
titions 𝑁 . The idea is to choose the value of 𝑁 for which
require 𝑘 a propri while both process (2) and (3) are dependent
the entropy is maximum so that we have the maximum
on the choice of 𝑘 .
possible information about the system’s dynamics.
Our Approach
We chose to do a Direct Forecasting for the next 7 days by taking
the last test set partition 𝑃
and did a prediction on this test
𝑘 −1
set. Although forecasting seems pretty motivating, by choosing
a partition that attains more characteristics of the time series,
one can achieve even better results. The achieved forecast can be
seen on Figure 8 and compared with a 7 days sample on Figure 7.
Time Series Reconstruction
Consider the time series 𝑦 with duration 𝑇 as given in section
2. The idea is to add 𝐾 time delays to 𝑦 in order to obtain a
𝑑 ×𝐾
𝑡 − 𝐾 ) × 𝐾𝑑 space 𝑌
and further partition 𝑌
Figure 4: Prediction on the last test set - This shows a sam-
𝑘 -means Clustering into 𝑁 Voronoi Cells.
ple of the last test set and its prediction. We can observe
the effectiveness of the LSTM in modelling the given time
Entropy Calculation
series by having a deep understanding of its inherent dy-
Consider the 𝑁 Voronoi Cells given as the number of partitions of
and consider the joint probability 𝑝 (𝑐
, . . . , 𝑐
), {𝑖
} ∈
1, . . . , 𝑖
{0, . . . , 𝑁 − 1}. Then, the Shannon Entropy [6] is given by
= −
𝑝 (𝑐
, . . . , 𝑐
) log 𝑝 (𝑐 , . . . , 𝑐 )
and the conditional probabilites are given by
𝑝 (𝑐
|𝑐 , . . . , 𝑐 ),
𝑙 +1
where 𝑐𝑖
is the next Voronoi Cell after 𝑐
. We can calculate the
𝑙 +1
entropy rate growth by considering the conditional probabilities
of the system given the previous 𝑙 cells, when visiting the (𝑙 +1)-th
cell, via
= ⟨− log[𝑝 (𝑐
|𝑐 , . . . , 𝑐 )]⟩ = 𝐻
− 𝐻
𝑙 +1
𝑙 +1
Figure 5: In this figure, we can understand the initial expo-
Taking the supremum limit over all possible partitions 𝑃 of 𝑌
nential growth on distance between points (given in blue),
we obtain the Kolmogorov-Sinai invariant of the system,
relative to a curve of slope 1 (given in orange).
= sup lim ℎ (𝑃 ).
𝑙 →∞
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
João Costa, et al.
building other algorithms, such as Transformer neural network,
that would provide even better results. Another idea is to use
weather data and build a multivariate LSTM that optimally gives
better results than the univariate one.
I greatly thank to António Carlos Costa for working in coopera-
tion and giving me the possibility to use the powerful machinery
he built in order to obtain the desired 𝐾 time delays and under-
stand the complex dynamics of the system. Also, to the NAIADES
team at Jožef Stefan Institute for all the knowledge exchange and,
in particular, to Klemen Kenda for giving me the possibility of
writing this paper and João Pita Costa for giving me insights on
Figure 6: Conditional Entropies - In this plot we can see
how to write and structure the paper.
the entropy rate for number of partitions
This paper is supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020
𝑁 = 200 which
maximizes this entropy. This function reaches a plateau
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.
820985, project NAIADES (A holistic water ecosystem for digiti-
≈ 24 timesteps, which gives us an idea about which is
the optimal
sation of urban water sector).
𝐾 to choose. Given that we have 30 minutes
timesteps, this plot shows that the optimized time delay is
of 12h which corresponds to the day and night cycles
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da Silva, Inajá F. de Sousa, and Romildo Morant de Holanda.
2017. Entropy theory for analysing water resources in north-
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Figure 7: 7 Days Sample
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Figure 8: Prediction for 7 days ahead - Actual forecast using
336 timesteps that gives a 7 day future forecast sample using
Floris Takens. 1981. Detecting strange attractors in tur-
the LSTM model and direct forecasting. It is possible to
bulence. In Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer Berlin
observe that, as in figure 6, the values vary between ≈ 2000
Heidelberg, 366–381. doi: 10.1007/bfb0091924.
to ≈ 14000 flow units and the essential dynamics of the
Peyman Yousefi, Gregory Courtice, Gholamreza Naser, and
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Hadi Mohammadi. 2020. Nonlinear dynamic modeling of
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10.3390/w12030753. https://www.mdpi.com/2073- 4441/12/
Having developed all the necessary machinery for constructing
a coherent forecasting engine, we come to the conclusion that
although the cardinality of the time series data was relatively
small, the obtained results are promising and the model will
certainly show satisfying results when applied in real time.
For the future, we want to continue developing the project by
Modeling stochastic processes by simultaneous
optimization of latent representation and target variable
Jakob Jelenčič
Dunja Mladenić
Jozef Stefan International
Jozef Stefan International
Postgraduate School
Postgraduate School
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
We have evaluated the proposed method on an equities
This paper proposes a novel method for modeling stochastic
dataset and a cryptocurrency dataset, in both cases achieving
processes, which are known to be notoriously hard to predict
extraordinary results on the test dataset. We have also shown
accurately. State of the art methods quickly overfit and
the importance of noise distribution and how the de-noising
create big differences between train and test datasets. We
fails if the distributions of the data and noise do not align.
present a method based on simultaneous optimization of la-
tent representation and the target variable that is capable of
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2
dealing with stochastic processes and to some extent reduces
describes the data we were using. In section 3 we introduce
the overfitting. We evaluate the method on equities and
the proposed method. In section 4 we present empirical
cryptocurrency datasets, specifically chosen for their chaotic
results. In section 5 we conclude by pointing out the main
and unpredictable nature. We show that with our method
results and defining guidance for the future work.
we significantly reduce overfitting and increase performance,
compared to several commonly used machine learning algo-
rithms: Random forest, General linear model and LSTM
The proposed method works well for stochastic processes.
deep learning model.
Equities are supposed to follow some form of stochastic pro-
cess [9], either the Black-Scholes one or some more complex
process with unknown formulation. In order to evaluate our
Time series prediction has always been an interesting chal-
method, we have collected daily data of more than 5000
lenge. Deep learning structures that are designed for time
equities listed on NASDAQ from 2007 on. The data is freely
series are prone to overfitting. Especially if the underlying
available on the Yahoo Finance website [2]. We transformed
time series is stochastic by nature. Every young researcher’s
the data using technical analysis [10] and for test set took
first attempt when dealing with time series, was trying to
every instance that happened after 2019. We calculated mov-
learn a time series model that will predict future prices;
ing average using 10 days closing price then tried to predict
whether in equities, commodities, forex or cryptocurrencies.
the direction of the change of this trendline.
Unfortunately it is not that simple. One can easily build
a near perfect model on the train dataset just to find it is
The equity data turned out to be a little bit timid, not
completely useless on the test dataset.
chaotic enough to demonstrate the full ability of the pro-
posed method. This is why we also collected minute data of
We propose a novel method that is capable of effectively
cryptocurrencies Ethereum and Bitcoin and used the method
combatting the overfitting, especially this proves to be a
on them as well. Data is available on the crypto exchange
difficult task when one is dealing with a problem directly
Kraken [1]. We used the same transformation as for the
applicable in practical situations. The main idea is to add
equities, but with a bit quicker trend. This time the target
noise from the same distribution as the training data and
variable was change in the trendline in the next 6 hours. For
then at the same time optimize the target variable and the
the test set we took every instance that has time stamp after
latent representation with the help of the autoencoder. The
December 2020.
longer the training goes, the lower is the amplitude of noise
and the less focus is on the optimization of the representation.
The reader should note that the end goal is not to accurately
predict future equity price, since that is next to impossible.
As soon there is a pattern, someone will profit from it and
then the pattern will change. By predicting the future trend
line, one can obtain a significant confidence interval and
estimates of where the price could be, and then design for
example a derivative strategy that searches for favourable
risk versus rewards trades.
We propose the method designed for prediction of stochastic
Algorithm 1 Noise definition
processes. The method achieves significant results improving
1: Inputs: X, α, β, epoch
the metrics and loss functions on unseen data, where standard
2: Y = [ts, ts, np]
. Array for holding Cholesky
deep learning is prone to over-fit. The main advantage is
decompositions of time correlation matrices.
reducing the gap between training data and testing data,
3: for t ∈ {1, . . . , np} do
sometimes to a degree where one sacrifices a little bit on the
Σt = cov(X[, , t])
train side to actually have the model outperforming it on
Y [, , t] = chol(Σt)
. In practice the
test data. This is very important in time series, where a
closest positive definite matrix of Σt is computed before
prediction model is usually just one part of a bigger strategy
the Cholesky decomposition.
and where the train over-fit is the biggest issue. For example,
6: end for
designing a trading strategy on over-fitted predictions, that
7: Z = [bs, ts, np]
. Array for holding noise samples.
kind of mistake can lead to huge capital losses.
8: for i ∈ {1, . . . , ts} do
Σi = cov(X[, i, ])
The proposed method can be broken down into 3 important
Z[, i, ] = mvn(bs, Σi)
parts: normalization, noise addition and additional opti-
11: end for
mization of latent representation. Each part can be easily
12: for j ∈ {1, . . . , np} do
integrated into an already existing pipeline.
Z[, , j] = matmul(Z[, , j], Y [, , j])
. Correcting
initially independent noise samples with respect to time.
14: end for
Empirical normalization
15: for w ∈ {1, . . . , ts} do
Normalization plays an important role in deep learning mod-
Z[, w, ] = Z[, w, ] ∗ ((βts−w · αepoch) · sd) . Decrease
els. It was shown that normalization significantly speeds up
the noise during the training procedure.
the gradient descent, almost independently of where normal-
17: end for
ization takes place. It can be weight normalization [11] during
18: R = X + Z
the actual optimization, or it can be the batch normalization
19: Return R.
[8], or just normalization of the whole input data [7]. In
the proposed method it is important that the 3 dimensional
input data comes from the same distribution as the gener-
Optimization of latent representation
ated noise. Since it is fairly straightforward to sample data
The most common issue with deep learning optimization is
from a 3 dimensional normal distribution, we normalize input
falling into a local optimum and being unable to move past
data using an empirical cumulative distribution function [12]
it [13]. We introduce autoencoder part into the optimization
and empirical copula [4] [5]. We align all central moments
procedure in order to force the model to shift from going
of the unknown distribution to the ones from centered and
directly to local optimum to learning the latent representation
standardised normal distribution. The normalization takes
first. We expect that this combined with the addition of
place before the data is reshaped to 3 dimensional tensor.
noise, will force the model first to learn how to ignore the
noise that we added and the noise that is already in the data
Noise addition
by nature of the stochastic process [15]. We optimized the
Introduction of the noise is not new in unsupervised learning
model using the Adam optimizer [6]. The loss function used
and it was shown that it has a positive effect [14]. Adding
in optimization is defined like:
noise to input data and then forcing the model to learn
how to ignore it has a lot of success in generative adversar-
ial networks [3], where convergence can be very tricky to
L = LY + Wae · decayepoch · Lae,
achieve. We transformed that idea and embedded it into su-
pervised learning procedure. The noise addition is described
in Algorithm 1.
where LY stands for the supervised loss function which will
depend on the problem while Lae stands for the loss between
In Algorithm 1 we will use the following abbreviations.
encoded output and input data. Decay weight is decreasing
the longer the training goes on.
• X = [bs, ts, np] stands for the input tensor with 3 di-
mensions; batch size, time steps and number of features
We have divided the results section into 2 parts: unsupervised
used for predictions.
and supervised. In the first we demonstrate why the noise
distribution is important. For the unsupervised part, due to
• α, β are parameters that control how fast noise will
hardware constraints, we have only used the cryptocurrency
decrease during the training procedure. They should
dataset since we deemed it more demanding than the equity
be between 0 and 1, where lower value correspond to a
one. In the second, we demonstrate how the our method
faster decrease in the amplitude of the added noise.
increases test metric on both datasets.
• mvn stands for function sampling from a two dimen-
sional correlated Gaussian distribution, where Σ is the
covariance. matmul stands for matrix multiplication.
Unsupervised learning results
one. This result is definitely worth further investigation and
In order to test the efficiency of distributed noise versus just
random noise, we created 3 models. The baseline model was
a deep learning model with 3 stacked LSTM layers, encoded
Supervised learning results
layer, then again 3 stacked LSTM for decoded output. We
In the previous section we have shown that the distribution
have used Adam as optimizer. As loss function we used
of the noise matters.
In this section we will show that
mean-squared error. We have stopped the learning after
noise combined with optimization of latent representation
there was no improvement for 25 epochs on the validation set.
significantly improves metrics on unseen data. Similarly as
The validation set was randomly taken out of the train set.
before, α and β were both set to 0.99 and sd was initially set
Parameters α and β were both set to 0.99 and sd was initially
to 1.25. From our experience this setting achieves the best
set to 1.25. The noise decreases with learning procedure.
results, but further exploration needs to be done. Wae was
Interestingly keeping noise constant did not achieve any
initially set to 5 and decay to 0.95.
Since we now operate in a supervised environment, we can
compare our models to the majority class. But to really
demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, we chose to
compare the following models:
• Majority class, which serves as a sanity check.
• Random Forest with 500 trees.
• Generalized linear model.
• Deep learning model with 3 stacked LSTM layers.
Figure 1: Test loss of autoencoder model with random noise
(green) versus no noise (blue).
• Deep learning model with 3 stacked LSTM layers and
optimization of latent representation.
Initially we have tested baseline model versus de-noising
• Deep learning model with 3 stacked LSTM layers and
model but with uncorrelated noise. In the Figure 1 is plotted
correlated noise addition.
the de-noising test loss function in green colour and the
baseline test loss function in blue. Training was stopped
• Finally, deep learning model with 3 stacked LSTM
relatively early compared to Figure 2 and it is also obvious
layers and correlated noise addition and optimization
that de-noising test loss is even worse than that of the classic
of latent representation.
In the second example we switched from uncorrelated noise
All 4 of the deep learning models are identical, all are opti-
to the noise with same distribution as input data. As is
mized with Adam and categorical cross entropy was used as a
apparent on Figure 2, where again we have de-noising test
loss function for the supervised part and mean squared error
loss plotted with green and classic test loss with blue, the de-
for the autoencoder part. Initially we have only tested the
noising autoencoder achieved lower test loss than the classic
models on equities data, but it turned out that the equities
were not chaotic enough. By that we mean that especially
with deep learning models the difference between train and
test loss was not so big that it would be problematic. From
previous work experience we know that overfit is a big issue
in cryptocurrency dataset, so then we decided to test that
dataset in a supervised setting as well. All models were
trained three times on each dataset and the results in Table
1 and Table 2 are the averages of the 3 runs.
In Table 1 we show the results from the equity dataset. Our
method managed to improve test accuracy (from 0.673 to
0.682) without decreasing train accuracy (0.681). Maintain-
ing test accuracy and keeping it comparable to test one is
important if one needs to build additional strategy upon
Figure 2: Test loss of autoencoder model with correlated noise
predictions. Just noise addition slightly improved the results
(green) versus no noise (blue).
(from 0.673 to 0.675), while just the optimization of the latent
distribution does not improve anything.
What we expected is that then the train and validation losses
will be worse than with the classic autoencoder. Surprisingly,
that was not the case. With the de-noising autoencoder
using noise with the same distribution as the input data,
both train and validation losses were better than with classic
Table 1: Supervised results on equity dataset.
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency.
Train Accuracy
Test Accuracy
We also wish to thank prof. dr. Ljupčo Todorovski for his
help, especially with unsupervised results.
Random Forest
latent LSTM
[1] Kraken exchange. https://www.kraken.com/.
noise LSTM
[2] Yahoo Finance. https://finance.yahoo.com/.
latent noise LSTM
[3] A. Creswell, T. White, V. Dumoulin, K. Arulkumaran,
B. Sengupta, and A. A. Bharath. Generative
adversarial networks: An overview. IEEE Signal
In Table 2 we show results from the cryptocurrency dataset.
Processing Magazine, 35(1):53–65, 2018.
Similar as on the equity dataset, our method behaves as
[4] P. Jaworski, F. Durante, W. K. Hardle, and T. Rychlik.
intended on the cryptocurrency dataset as well. We can see
Copula theory and its applications, volume 198.
reduced overfitting that is apparent in the normal LSTM
Springer, 2010.
model. With those results we can conclude that the proof of
[5] H. Joe. Dependence Modeling with Copulas. CRC Press,
concept works, but for additional claims we will need more
testing and deeper parameter analysis.
[6] D. Kingma and J. Ba. Adam: A Method for Stochastic
Optimization. 2014.
Table 2: Supervised results on cryptocurrency dataset.
[7] K. Y. Levy. The power of normalization: Faster evasion
Train Accuracy
Test Accuracy
of saddle points. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.04831,
Random Forest
[8] M. Liu, W. Wu, Z. Gu, Z. Yu, F. Qi, and Y. Li. Deep
learning based on batch normalization for p300 signal
detection. Neurocomputing, 275:288–297, 2018.
latent LSTM
[9] R. C. Merton. Option pricing when underlying stock
noise LSTM
returns are discontinuous. Journal of financial
latent noise LSTM
economics, 3(1-2):125–144, 1976.
[10] J. J. Murphy. Technical Analysis of the Financial
It is interesting to point out that with the proposed method
Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods
the test loss on cryptocurrency dataset was 0.552, while
and Applications. New York Institute of Finance Series.
train loss was 0.592. While 0.552 was the best loss any deep
New York Institute of Finance, 1999.
learning model achieved, that wide difference indicates that
[11] T. Salimans and D. P. Kingma. Weight normalization:
we could improve our model even further by fine tuning the
A simple reparameterization to accelerate training of
deep neural networks. Advances in neural information
processing systems, 29:901–909, 2016.
[12] B. W. Turnbull. The empirical distribution function
In this work we have introduced and demonstrated how the
with arbitrarily grouped, censored and truncated data.
addition of noise and simultaneous optimization of latent
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B
representation and target variable reduce overfitting on time
(Methodological), 38(3):290–295, 1976.
series data. In the unsupervised case we have shown that the
[13] R. Vidal, J. Bruna, R. Giryes, and S. Soatto.
distribution of the noise matters and the input data must
Mathematics of deep learning. arXiv preprint
align to achieve maximum effect from the noise addition.
arXiv:1712.04741, 2017.
[14] P. Vincent, H. Larochelle, Y. Bengio, and P.-A.
In the future work we have to estimate the effect of the
Manzagol. Extracting and composing robust features
newly introduced parameters on method’s convergence. At
with denoising autoencoders. In Proceedings of the 25th
the same time we need to explore how the method behaves
international conference on Machine learning, pages
when embedded into larger models, transformers for example.
1096–1103, 2008.
We also need to evaluate the method in datasets that are by
nature stochastic but do not come from the financial domain.
[15] N. Wax. Selected papers on noise and stochastic
Finally, we need to evaluate our method on a dataset that is
processes. Courier Dover Publications, 1954.
not stochastic.
Causal relationships among global indicators
Matej Neumann
Marko Grobelnik
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
This is the official source published by the United Nations it
It is important to know how changing one thing will affect
provides information on the development and implementation of
another. This becomes even more important when the thing we
an indicator framework for the follow up and review of the 2030
are changing will affect a lot of people. Therefore, we need a way
Agenda for Sustainable Development [4].
to visualize how all the things are connected. In this paper, we
will demonstrate an approach that uses Granger causality to find
2.2 The World Bank (WB)
causal relationships between global indicators. Our results show
As the data set provided by the UN itself often has missing
that global indicators are indeed highly interconnected however,
values, which results in unhealthy timeseries and unreliable
they still need to be looked at within each country individually.
results, we decided to add the dataset “World Development
We also comment how this approach can be used to help with
Indicators” from The World Bank [5]. Although the data set
policy making decisions.
might not be as official as the one provided by the UN, it does
contain 1440 unique indicators for 266 different countries and
groups, where each indicator contains a timeseries ranging from
Causality, Global indicators, Granger, Timeseries, SDGs
the year 1960 to the present time. This addition does not only
make the dataset healthier, it also introduces new indicators that
are not listed in the UN SDGs. Even so our new dataset still has
some limitations. From Figure 1 we can see that on average a
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched on
country or groups has no values for around 33% of its indicators.
January 1, 2016 include 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 unique
Therefore, from now on when talking about the indicators, we
indicators with the intent to help frame the policies of the United
will restrict ourselves to just those ones that have at least 20
Nations’ (UN) member states through 2030 [8]. Because the
nonmissing values in their timeseries. This restriction will insure
goals are highly interconnected, as the indicators are not
that we are always dealing with a healthy timeseries and it is
independent, it is important to understand synergies, conflicts
justified as on average those indicators make up about 50% of all
and causal relationships between them to support decisions.
of the ones available as seen in Figure 2.
Without such understanding a policy to help one goal could hurt
another. For example, a policy aiming to improve hunger could
conflict with climate-mitigation. This paper will focus on finding
such relationship with Granger causality.
Granger causality is a statistical concept of causality that is
based on prediction and was traditionally only used in the
financial domain however, over recent years there has been
growing interest in the use of Granger causality to identify causal
interactions in neural data [6].
Similar works such as [7] and [2] have already looked for
causal relationships between specific SDGs. This paper confirms
the previously done work and expands it by adding additional
indicators and looking for causal relationship between all the
indicators, not just the ones focused on SDGs.
In paper [2] the authors say that the analysis of all of
the indicators country by country is without doubt impractical.
Figure 1: Percentage of indicators having x nonmissing
Nevertheless, Table 2 shows that however impractical it may be,
values in its timeseries.
it is still required, as even neighboring countries have vastly
different causal relationships.
2.1 United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
future values of Y with both the past values of X and Y and not
just the past values of Y.
More formally, let x and y be stationary timeseries and let x(t)
and y(t) be the univariate autoregression of x and y respectfully:
𝑥(𝑡) = 𝑏
0 + ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑥(𝑡 − 𝑖) + 𝐸2(𝑡)
𝑦(𝑡) = 𝑎0 + ∑ 𝑎𝑖𝑦(𝑡 − 𝑖) + 𝐸1(𝑡)
where p is the number of chosen lagged values included in the
model, 𝑎𝑖 and 𝑏𝑖 are contributions of each lagged observation to
the predicted values of 𝑥(𝑡) and 𝑦(𝑡) and 𝐸
𝑖(𝑡) the difference
between the predicted value and the actual value. To test the null
hypothesis that x does not Granger-cause y, we augment 𝑦(𝑡) by
including the lagged values of 𝑥 to get:
Figure 2: percentage of indicators having at least x
nonmissing values in its timeseries.
𝑦(𝑡) = 𝑐0 + ∑ 𝑎𝑖𝑦(𝑡 − 𝑖) + 𝑏𝑖𝑥(𝑡) + 𝐸3(𝑡).
To better imagine what kind of indicators we are dealing with,
We then say that x Granger-causes y if the coefficients 𝑏𝑖 are
we can check Table 1 which shows the top 10 most common ones.
jointly significantly different from zero. This can be tested by
performing an F-test of the null hypothesis that 𝑏𝑖 = 0 for all i.
Indicator name
Renewable electricity output
3.2 Statistical significance and the p-value
(% of total electricity output)
In testing, a result has statistical significance if it is unlikely to
Population, total
occur assuming the null hypothesis. More precisely, a
Population growth (annual %)
significance level α, is the probability of the test rejecting the null
Nitrous oxide emissions in
hypothesis, given that the null hypothesis was assumed to be true
energy sector (thousand metric
and the p-value is the probability of getting result at least as
tons of CO2 equivalent)
extreme, given that the null hypothesis is true. Then we say that
Methane emissions in energy
the result is statistically significant when 𝑝 ≤ 𝛼.
sector (thousand metric tons of
CO2 equivalent)
3.3 Limitations of the Granger causality test
Agricultural nitrous oxide
As its name implies, Granger causality is not necessarily true
emissions (thousand metric tons
causality. Having said this, it has been argued that given a
of CO2 equivalent)
probabilistic view of causation, Granger causality can be
considered true causality in that sense, especially when
emissions (thousand metric tons
Reichenbach's "screening off" notion of probabilistic causation
of CO2 equivalent)
is considered [1].
Urban population growth
A problem may occur if both timeseries x and y are connected
(annual %)
via a third timeseries z. In that case our test can reject the null
Urban population (% of total
hypothesis even if manipulation of one of the timeseries would
not change the other. Other possible sources of problems can
Urban population
happen due to: (1) not frequent enough or too frequent sampling,
Table 1: Most common indicators and their frequency of 20
(2) time series nonstationarity, (3) nonlinear causal relationship.
nonmissing values
4.1 Setup
Due to time constraints and the limitations of my home system,
3.1 Granger causality
we decided to limit ourselves to taking just a few countries and
The causal relationships between indicators were determined by
groups and calculating the causality relationships for them. The
the Granger causality test. The Granger causality test is a
ones we decided on are: (1) United States, (2) China, (3)
statistical hypothesis test for determining whether one timeseries
Uruguay, (4) Slovenia, (5) Austria, (6) Croatia, (7) Italy, (8)
is useful in forecasting another. Informally we say that timeseries
European Union and (9) OECD. Our plan was to choose
X Granger-causes timeseries Y if predictions of the value of Y
based on its own past values and on the past values of X are better
than predictions of Y based only on Y's own past values. Or in
other words X Granger-causes Y if we can better explain the
Table 2: Percentage of same causal relationships.
That being said one can easily imagine why each population age
a few of the major world powers and compare the differences and
similarities between the causal relationships.
the next one. For example, if we know the percentage of people
4.2 Modeling the dataset
aged 4, we can pretty accurately predict what the percentage of
Once the data was collected from the UNSD and WB website it
people aged 5 is going to be in the next year.
first had to be put into a suitable form. We decided on a 3D
matrix where the first component represented the country or
group, the second component represented the time series and last
Zero Hunger
nourishment, food, stun, anemia,
one representing the indicator.
4.3 Parameters
Clean Water and water, sanitation, drinking, drink,
hygiene, freshwater
As mentioned before, when searching for causal relationships in
a certain country or group we limit ourselves only to those
and energy, electricity, fuel
indicators who have at least 20 nonmissing values. Furthermore,
Clean Energy
we chose a significance level of 0.05 or 5% and tested for lagged
Climate Action
disaster, disasters, climate, natural,
values from 1 to 4.
risk, Sendai, environment,
environmental, green, developed,
4.4 Determining causality
Good Health and mortality, birth, infection,
Once the modeling was done and the parameters were set we first
tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis,
needed to make sure that the timeseries were stationary. To do
disease, cancer, diabetes,
that we ran the ADF-test and differenced the times series
treatment, Alcohol, death, birth,
accordingly to make them stationary. Then we ran the Granger-
health, pollution, medicine
causality test 4 times, once for each lagged value, for each of the
Table 3: Some of the most common buzzwords found in
9 countries and groups listed in 4.1. The results for each lagged
value were then saved in a 1440x1440 weighted adjacency
matrix, where the (i,j) element was nonzero if and only if the i-th
indicator Granger-caused the j-th indicator for all lagged values
between 1 and 4 and had the weight of the average of the 4 p-
Once we had the weighed adjacency matrix we matched the
available indicators with the 17 SDGs by comparing the most
common buzzwords found in the description of the SDGs and the
name of the indicators. An example of some of the buzzwords
can be seen in Table 3.
With the weighted adjacency matrix in hand, it is sensible to ask
ourselves whether there exist any causal relationships that hold
true for each of the tested countries or groups. The answer is
positive as seen in Figure 3. We can however see that the only
causal relationships that survived were the ones that connected
Figure 3 Only causal relationships that are true for each of
different population ages to each other. This result seems
the 9 countries and groups (continuous down).
sensible as in general no two countries are exactly the same and
are therefore going to have a unique set of causal relationships.
On the other hand, one may assume that if we compare
countries which are close to each other or are historically
connected then the causal relationships should not differ by a lot.
Figure 4: Interconnectedness of SDGs.
That however is not the case as can be seen in Table 2. This
This work has been supported by the Slovenian research agency.
suggests, that when talking about causal relationships, one must
look at each country or group individually.
Therefore, let’s focus just on Slovenia. Due to Slovenia
having 10083 positive causal relationships we will limit
ourselves to just those that interact with SDGs. Figure 4 shows
that indeed SDGs are not independent and in fact are highly
M. Michael in S. L. Bressler, „Foundational
interconnected. The presence of self-loops also suggests that
perspectives on causality in large-scale brain networks,“
there exist causal relationships between indicators of an SDG
Physics of Life Reviews, pp. 107-123, 2015.
itself. This result has two consequences:
G. Dörgő, V. Sebestyén in J. Abonyi, „Evaluating the
When thinking about policies aiming to improve
Interconnectedness of the Sustainable Development
one goal we need to be careful to not harm another
Goals Based on the Causality Analysis of Sustainability
Instead of outright improving one goal, we can
Sustainability, 2018.
instead focus the ones that are in causal relationship
C. Stefano in S. Sangwon, „Cause-effect analysis for
with the one we wish to improve
sustainable development policy,“ NRC Research Press,
Let’s give an example. Suppose we would want to
implement a policy to help to help lower the suicide mortality
rate, but we are not how to do that directly. We can therefore
instead check which indicators Granger-cause the one we are
trying to improve. In our case the indicator “Unemployment,
youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24)” Granger-causes
B. Corrado in K. Peter, „On the directionality of cortical
the suicide mortality rate. Therefore, if we improved the % of
interactions studied,“ Biological Cybernetics, 1999.
unemployed young people we would be able to also reduce the
K. Irfan, H. Fujun in P. L. Hoang, „The impact of
suicide mortality rate which was our initial goal.
natural resources, energy consumption, and population
growth on environmental quality: Fresh evidence from
the United States of America,“ Science of The Total
Environment, 2020.
In this paper we demonstrated an approach for calculating
H. Tomáš, J. Svatava and M. Bedřich, “Sustainable
causality between depending global indicators and mentioned
Development Goals: A need for relevant indicators,”
how this can help with implementing policies. We also showed
Ecological Indicators, pp. 565-573, 2016.
that neighboring and similar countries in general don’t have the
same causal relationships, which makes it hard to group them
together. However, finding such a grouping, if it exists, could be
done in the future. The approach shown in this paper could also
be implemented to find causal relationship between certain
google searches and natural events. For example, we could check
if there is any correlation between the increase of users searching
the words “water”, “rain”, or “cloud” and the likelihood of a
flood happening.
Active Learning for Automated Visual Inspection of
Manufactured Products
Elena Trajkova∗
Jože M. Rožanec∗
Paulien Dam
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of
Jožef Stefan International
Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV
Electrical Engineering
Postgraduate School
Drachten, The Netherlands
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Blaž Fortuna
Dunja Mladenić
Qlector d.o.o.
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
regarding defective products, it provides insights into when and
Quality control is a key activity performed by manufacturing enter-
where such defects occur, which can be used to further dig into the
prises to ensure products meet quality standards and avoid potential
root causes of such defects and mitigation actions to improve the
damage to the brand’s reputation. The decreased cost of sensors and
quality of manufacturing products and processes.
connectivity enabled an increasing digitalization of manufacturing.
The decreased cost of sensors and connectivity enabled an in-
In addition, artificial intelligence enables higher degrees of automa-
creasing digitalization of manufacturing [3], which along with the
tion, reducing overall costs and time required for defect inspection.
adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) [12], represents an opportu-
In this research, we compare three active learning approaches and
nity towards enhancing the defect detection in industrial settings
five machine learning algorithms applied to visual defect inspection
[5]. While the quality of the manual inspection has low scalability
with real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV. Our
(requires time to train an inspector, the employees can work a lim-
results show that active learning reduces the data labeling effort
ited amount of time and are subject to fatigue, and the inspection
without detriment to the models’ performance.
itself is slow), its quality can be affected by the operator-to-operator
inconsistency, and it depends on the complexity of the task, the
employees (e.g., their intelligence, experience, well-being), the en-
vironment (e.g., noise and temperature), the management support
Information systems → Data mining; • Computing method-
and communication [23]; none of these factors affect the outcome
ologies → Computer vision problems; • Applied computing;
of automated quality inspection. Machine learning has been suc-
cessfully applied to defect detection in a wide range of scenarios
[1, 9, 11, 15, 21].
Smart Manufacturing, Machine Learning, Automated Visual Inspec-
An annotated dataset must be acquired to implement machine
tion, Defect Detection
learning models for defect detection successfully. The increasing
ACM Reference Format:
number of sensors provides large amounts of data. As the manufac-
Elena Trajkova, Jože M. Rožanec, Paulien Dam, Blaž Fortuna, and Dunja
turing process quality increases, the data obtained from the sensors
Mladenić. 2021. Active Learning for Automated Visual Inspection of Man-
is expected to be highly imbalanced: most of the data instances
ufactured Products. In Ljubljana ’21: Slovenian KDD Conference on Data
will correspond to non-defective products, and a small proportion
Mining and Data Warehouses, October, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 4 pages.
of them will correspond to different kinds of defects. Annotating
all the data is prone to similar limitations as manual inspection
described in the paragraph above. It is thus imperative to provide
strategies to select a limited subset of them that are most informa-
Quality control is one of the critical activities that must be per-
tive to the defect detection models.
formed by manufacturing enterprises [27, 28]. The main purpose of
We frame the defect detection problem as a supervised learning
such activity is to detect product defects meeting quality standards,
problem. Given a large amount of unlabeled data, and based on
avoid rework, supply chain disruptions, and avoid potential dam-
the premise that only a tiny fraction of the data provides new
age to the brand’s reputation [3, 27]. Along with the information information to the model and thus has the potential to enhance its
∗Both authors contributed equally to this research.
performance, we adopt an active learning approach. Active learning
is a subfield of machine learning that attempts to identify the most
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
informative unlabeled data instances, for which labels are requested
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
some oracle (e.g., a human expert) [24]. This research compares
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
three active learning strategies: pool-based sampling, stream-based
SiKDD ’21, October, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
sampling, and query by committee.
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
SiKDD ’21, October, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Trajkova and Rožanec
The main contributions of this research are (i) a comparative
instances are drawn one at a time, and a decision is made whether
study between the five most frequently cited machine learning
a label is requested, or the sample is discarded), and (iii) pool-based
algorithms for automated defect detection and (ii) three active
selective sampling (queries samples from a pool of unlabeled data).
learning approaches (iii) for a real-world multiclass classification
Among the frequently used querying strategies, we find (i) un-
problem. We develop the machine learning models with images
certainty sampling (select an unlabeled sample with the highest
provided by the Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV corporation. The
uncertainty, given a certain metric or machine-learning model[17]),
dataset comprises shaver images divided into three classes, based
or (ii) query-by-committee (retrieve the unlabeled sample with the
on the defects related to the printing of the logo of the Philips
highest disagreement between a set of forecasting models (com-
Consumer Lifestyle BV corporation: good shavers, shavers with
mittee)) [6, 24]. More recently, new scenarios have been proposed double printing, and shavers with interrupted printing.
leveraging reinforcement learning, where an agent learns to select
We evaluate the models using the area under the receiver oper-
images based on the similarity relationship between the instances
ating characteristic curve (AUC ROC, see [4]). AUC ROC is widely
and rewards obtained based on the oracle’s feedback [22]. In addi-
adopted as a classification metric, having many desirable properties
tion, it has been demonstrated that ensemble-based active learning
such as being threshold independent and invariant to a priori class
can effectively counteract class imbalance through new labeled
probabilities. We measure AUC ROC considering prediction scores
images acquisition [2].
cut at a threshold of 0.5.
Active learning was successfully applied in the manufacturing
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the current
domain, but scientific literature remains scarce on this domain [19].
state of the art and related works, Section 3 describes the use case,
Some use cases include the automatic optical inspection of printed
and Section 4 provides a detailed description of the methodology
circuit boards[8] and the identification of the local displacement
and experiments. Finally, section 5 outlines the results obtained,
between two layers on a chip in the semi-conductor industry[25].
while Section 6 concludes and describes future work.
The use of machine learning automates the defect detection, and
active learning enables an inspection by exception [5], only querying
for labels of the images that the model is most uncertain about.
While this considerably reduces the volume of required inspections,
Among the many techniques used for automated defect inspection,
it is also essential to consider that it can produce an incomplete
we find the automated visual inspection, which refers to image
ground truth by missing the annotations of defective parts classified
processing techniques for quality control, usually applied in the
as false negatives and not queried by the active learning strategy
production line of manufacturing industries [1]. Visual inspection
requires extracting features from the images, which are used to
train the machine learning model. This procedure is simplified when
using deep learning models, enabling end-to-end learning, where a
single architecture can perform feature extraction and classification
The use case provided for this research corresponds to visual in-
[10, 18], and have shown state-of-the-art performance for image
spection of shavers produced by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV. The
classification [20].
visual quality inspection aims to detect defective printing of a logo
The use of automated visual inspection for defect detection has
on the shavers. This use case focuses on four pad printing machines
been applied to multiple manufacturing use cases. [21] manually ex-
setup for a range of different products, and different logos. A lot
tracted features (e.g., histograms) from machine component images
of products are produced every day on these machines, which are
and compared the performance of the Näive Bayes and C4.5 models.
manually handled and inspected on their visual quality and re-
[9] extracted statistical features from the images and compared
moved from further processing if the prints on the products are
the performance of Support Vector Machines (SVM), Multilayer
not classified as good. Operators spend several seconds handling,
Perceptron (MLP), and k-nearest neighbors (kNN) models for visual
inspecting, and labeling the products. Given an automated visual
inspection of microdrill bits in printed circuit board production.
quality inspection system would strongly reduce the need to manu-
[11] used 3D convolutional filters applied on computed tomog-
ally inspect and label the images, it could speed up the process for
raphy images and an SVM classifier for defect detection during
more than 40%. Currently there are two types of defects classified
metallic powder bed fusion in additive manufacturing. [15] used
related to the printing quality of the logo on the shaver: double
some heuristics to detect regions of interest on slate slab images,
printing, and interrupted printing. Therefore, images are classified
on which they performed feature engineering to later train an SVM
into three classes: good printing (class zero), double printing (class
model on them. Finally, [1] reported using a custom neural network
one), and interrupted printing (class two). A labeled dataset with a
for feature extraction and an SVM model for classification when
total of 3.518 images was provided to train and test the models.
inspecting aerospace components.
While the authors cited above worked with fully labeled datasets,
a production line continually generates new data, exceeding the
labeling capacity. A possible solution to this issue is the use of active
We pose automated defect detection as a multiclass classification
learning, where the active learner identifies informative unlabeled
problem. We measure the model’s performance with the AUC ROC
instances and requests labels to some oracle. Typical scenarios in-
metric, using the "one-vs-rest" heuristic method, which involves
volve (i) membership query synthesis (a synthetic data instance
splitting the multiclass dataset into multiple binary classification
is generated), (ii) stream-based selective sampling (the unlabeled
problems. Furthermore, we calculate the metrics for each class and
Active Learning for Automated Visual Inspection of Manufactured Products
SiKDD ’21, October, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
compute their average, weighted by the number of true instances
When analyzing the results, we were interested in how the mod-
for each class.
els’ performance evolved through time and significant variations
To extract features from the images, we make use of the ResNet-
between the first and last results observed. To that end, we as-
18 model [13], extracting embeddings from the Average Pooling
sessed the statistical significance between the means of the first
layer. Since the embedding results in 512 features, which could
and last quartiles of the test fold for each active learning scenario.
cause overfitting, we use the mutual information to evaluate the
We assessed the statistical significance using the Wilcoxon signed-
most relevant ones and select the top K features, with 𝐾 = 𝑁 ,
rank test, with a p-value of 0.05. While such variations existed and
where N is the number of data instances in the train set, as suggested
were positive in most test folds (the models learned through time),
in [14].
the improvements were not statistically significant in none of the
To evaluate the models’ performance across different active learn-
ing strategies, we apply a stratified k-fold cross validation [29],
using one fold for testing, one fold as a pool of unlabeled data for
active learning, and the rest from training the model. We adopt
In this paper, we compared three active learning scenarios (pool-
k=10 based on recommendations by [16], and query all available
based, stream-based with classifier uncertainty sampling, and query-
unlabeled instances to evaluate the active learning approaches. We
by-committee) across five machine learning algorithms (Gaussian
compare three active learning scenarios: drawing queries through
Näive Bayes, CART, Linear SVM, MLP, and kNN). We found that
(i) stream-based classifier uncertainty sampling accepting instances
the best performance was achieved by the MLP model regardless
with an uncertainty threshold above the 75th percentile of observed
of the active learning strategy. The second-best performance was
instances, (ii) pool-based sampling selecting the instances a given
obtained through the query-by-committee strategy, while the fre-
model is most uncertain about, and pool-based sampling consider-
quently used SVM models ranked third. We found no significant
ing a query-by-committee strategy, where the committee is created
difference between using pool-based or stream-based active learn-
with models trained with the five algorithms we consider in this re-
ing approaches. Results from the query-by-committee approach
search: Gaussian Näive Bayes, CART (Classification and Regression
were statistically significant in all cases and better than all the
Trees, similar to C4.5, but it does not compute rule sets), Linear SVM,
models, except for the MLPs. Finally, we found no case where the
MLP, and kNN. Comparing deep learning models remains a subject
improvement between the first and last quartile of the test fold in
of future work. Finally, we compare the performance of the active
each active learning scenario would be significant. We believe that
learning scenarios computing the average AUC ROC of each fold
further investigation is required to determine if a larger pool of un-
and assess if the results differences obtained from each model are
labeled images would help us achieve such a significant difference.
statistically significant by using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test[26],
Future work will focus on data augmentation techniques that could
using a p-value of 0.05.
help achieve a statistically significant improvement over time when
applying active learning techniques.
The results obtained from the experiments we ran, and described
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and
in Section 4, are presented in Table 1, and Table 2. Table 1 describes the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program project STAR under
the average AUC ROC per each active learning scenario and model
grant agreement number H2020-956573. The authors acknowledge
for each cross-validation test fold. We observe that the best model
the valuable input and help of Jelle Keizer and Yvo van Vegten from
across strategies is the MLP, which achieved the best or second-best
Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV.
performance across almost every fold in pool-based and stream-
based active learning. Among those two scenarios, the best results
were obtained for stream-based active learning. We observed the
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Trajkova and Rožanec
Active Learning scenario
Fold 1
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Fold 3
Fold 4
Fold 5
Fold 6
Fold 7
Fold 8
Fold 9
Fold 10
Näive Bayes
0,9790 0,9803 0,9702 0,9723
Näive Bayes
Table 1: AUC ROC values were obtained across the ten cross-validation folds. Best results are bolded, second-best results are highlighted in italics.
Active Learning scenarios
stream-based vs. pool-based
stream-based vs. query-by-committee
pool-based vs. query-by-committee
Näive Bayes
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Learning to Automatically Identify Home Appliances
Dan Lorbek Ivančič1, Blaž Bertalanič1,2, Gregor Cerar1, Carolina Fortuna1
1Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: dl0586@student.uni-lj.si
Abstract. Appliance load monitoring (ALM) is a
The obtained data is then disaggregated and each individ-
technique that enables increasing the efficiency of domes-
ual appliance and its energy consumption are detected.
tic energy usage by obtaining appliance specific power
One promising approach to ILM for automatic iden-
consumption profiles. While machine learning have been
tification of home appliances is the use of machine learn-
shown to be suitable for ALM, the work on analyzing
ing (ML). For instance, in [4] they used ML to find pat-
design trade-offs during the feature and model selection
terns in the data and extract useful information such as
steps of the ML model development is limited. In this
type of load, electricity consumption detail and the run-
paper we show that 1) statistical features capturing the
ning conditions of appliances [4]. More recently, [5] fo-
shape of the time series, yield superior performance by
cused on the study of design trade-offs during the fea-
up to 20 percentage points and 2) our best deep neural
ture and model selection steps of the development of the
network-based model slightly outperforms our best gradi-
ML-based classifier for ILM. In their study they consid-
ent descent boosted decision trees by 2 percentage points
ered various statistical summaries for feature engineering
at the expense of increased training time.
and classical machine learning techniques for model se-
lection. We complement the work in [5] by extending
the feature set with additional shape capturing values and
considering deep learning (DNN) and gradient boosted
Household energy consumption accounts for a large pro-
trees (XGBoost) as promising modelling techniques. The
portion of the world’s total energy consumption. The first
contributions of this paper are as follows:
studies, conducted as early as the 1970s, showed that as
much as 25% of national energy was consumed by our
• We explore a variety of different statistical features and
domestic appliances alone. This figure rose to 30% in
show the ones capturing the shape of the time series,
2001 [1] and continues to increase with an exponential
such as longest strike above mean, longest strike be-
rate. Some researchers even predict that these numbers
low mean, absolute energy and kurtosis yield superior
will double by 2030 [2].
performance by up to 20 percentage points.
In support of rationalizing consumption, appliance load
monitoring (ALM) has been introduced. It aims to help
• We show that our best DNN based model slightly out-
solve domestic energy usage related issues by obtaining
performs our best XGBoost by 2 percentage points at
appliance specific power consumption profiles. Such data
the expense of increased training time. We also show
can help devise load scheduling strategies for optimal en-
that our models outperform the results from [5] by 5
ergy utilization [2]. Additionally, data about appliance
percentage points.
usage can provide useful insight into daily activities of
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summa-
residents which can be useful for long-distance monitor-
rizes related work, Section 3 formulates the problem and
ing of elderly people who prefer to stay at home rather
provides methodological details, Section 4 focuses on the
than going to retirement homes [2]. Other applications
study of feature selection trade-offs, while Section 5 dis-
include theft detection, building safety monitoring, etc.
cusses model selection. Concluding remarks are drawn
The two different ways of realizing ALM are intru-
in Section 6.
sive load monitoring (ILM) and non-intrusive load mon-
itoring (NILM). While ILM is known to be more accu-
Related Work
rate, it requires multiple sensors throughout the entire
building to be installed which incurs extra hardware cost
Existing work that uses machine learning for ALM, such
and installation complexity. NILM, however, is a cost-
as in [6] investigates the performance of deep learning
effective, easy to maintain process for analyzing changes
neural networks on NILM classification tasks and builds
in the voltage [3] and current going into a building with-
a model that is able to accurately detect activations of
out having to install any additional sensors on different
common electrical appliances using data from the smart
household devices, since it operates using only data ob-
meter. More complex DNNs for NILM classification tasks
tained from the single main smart meter in a building.
are presented by the authors in [3], where they introduce
a Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network
(LSTM-RNN) based model and show that it outperforms
the considered baselines. In [7] they approach a simi-
lar problem by proposing a convolutional neural network
based model that allows simultaneous detection and clas-
sification of events without having to perform double pro-
cessing. In [8] authors train a temporal convolutional
neural network to automatically extract high-level load
signatures for individual appliances while in [9] a fea-
ture extraction method is presented using multiple par-
allel convolutional layers as well as an LSTM recurrent
neural network based model is proposed.
Problem formulation
Our goal was to design a classifier that when given an
input time series T, it is able to accurately map this data
to the appropriate class C, as shown in equation 1.
C = Φ(T )
where Φ represents the mapping function from time
series to target classes and C is a set of these classes,
where each class corresponds to one of the following house-
hold appliances: computer monitor, laptop computer, tele-
vision, washer dryer, microwave, boiler, toaster, kettle
Figure 1: Selected appliances, showing power in relation to time
and fridge. The appliances and measured data illustrated
over a 1 hour interval.
in Figure 1 available in the public UK-Dale dataset are
used. The UK DALE (Domestic Appliance-level Elec-
tricity) contains the power demand from 5 different houses
are provided by dedicated time series feature engineering
in the United Kingdom. The dataset was build at a sample-
tools such as tsfresh 1.
rate of 16 Hz for the whole-house and 0.1667 Hz for each
Following an extensive evaluation of combinations of
individual appliance. Data is spread into 1 hour long seg-
time-series, we report the results for a representative se-
ments, each dataset sample contains a time series with
lection of three feature sets as follows:
600 datapoints as depicted in Figure 1.
FeatureSet1 - This feature set consists of the raw
For realizing Φ, we perform first a feature selection
time series, containing 2517 time series samples, each
task followed by a model selection one. For selecting the
with 600 datapoints. It is used as a baseline to see the
best feature set, we perform feature selection in Section
performance achieves with the available data.
4. For model selection, we go beyond the work in [5] and
FeatureSet2 - This feature set consists of: mean
consider deep learning architectures enabled by Tensor-
value, maximum, minimum, standard deviation,
flow and advanced decision trees that use on optimized
variance, peak − to − peak, count above mean, count
distributed gradient boosting technique available in the
below mean, mean change, absolute mean change,
XGBoost open source library as detailed in Section 5.
absolute energy. The count above and below mean counts
the numbers of values in each sample that are higher or
Feature selection
lower than the mean value of that same sample and helps
quantifying the width of a pulse such as the ones for the
As can be seen in Figure 1, the time-series corresponding
toaster and microwave from Figure 1. The mean absolute
to each device has unique shape and patterns, therefore an
change gives the mean over the absolute differences be-
intuitive approach to feature selection is to extract statis-
tween subsequent time series values. The absolute energy
tical properties of the time series that would capture the
represents the sum of squared values, calculated using
unique properties of the signals. For instance, a summary
formula shown in equation 2 and provides the informa-
such as the peak-to-peak value is able to capture the dif-
tion on whether a specific appliance has large consump-
ference between the maximum and minimum value in a
tion profile or not.
time series signal while one such as skewness is able to
describe the asymmetry in the distribution of datapoints
in a particular sample. A good combination of such fea-
E =
ture would be able to inform the model with relevant in-
formation about the power consumption of each appli-
FeatureSet3 - After taking a deeper look into the fea-
ance, making it easier to find patterns in the data and per-
tures from FeatureSet2, we noticed that minimum is re-
form classification task more accurately. Recently, stan-
dard tools for computing a large range of such summaries
https : //tsf resh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/text/list of
f eatures.html
dundant as it is usually zero in every sample and peak-to-
them. Nevertheless, the CNN classifies all three the best
peak is in most cases equal to maximum value due to the
due to its superior pattern recognition ability.
lowest value mostly being zero. This feature set consists
of: maximum, standard deviation, mean absolute
Table 2: Per class performance, FeatureSet3 vs best [5]
change, mean change, longest strike above mean,
CNN f1
XGB f1
[5] f1
longest strike below mean, absolute energy, kurtosis,
number of peaks in each signal. The longest strike
above and below mean returns the length of the the longest
consecutive subsequence that is higher or lower than the
mean value of that specific sample. The kurtosis is an-
other metric of describing the probability distribution and
measures how heavily the tails of a distribution differ
from the tails of a normal distribution.
Table 1: Feature comparison using the best models.
Feature set
Model selection
For analyzing the performance of DNN and XGBoost for
our problem we conducted extensive performance eval-
uations. We started by developing a deep learning se-
quential model, which at first consisted of three dense
layers, each with an arbitrarily chosen number of neu-
rons. By trying different combinations of hyperparame-
ters such as number of neurons, loss functions, optimiz-
ers, batch size, number of epochs, number of layers and
learning rate, we came closer to finding the best suited
model for our problem. For optimizing certain hyperpa-
rameters we took advantage of the automatic hyperpa-
rameter optimization framework Optuna 2. We then ap-
The results of the feature selection process are listed in
plied similar optimization techniques on the XGB model,
Table 1 for the two techniques considered in this paper.
although it’s default parameter configuration already gave
As can be seen from the second column of the table en-
good results. All the experiments were ran on Google
titles instances, the dataset is balanced. From columns
Colab using an instance with Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU and
3-5 it can be seen that for the baseline FeatureSet1, the
12.69 GB of RAM.
f1 score is 0.57 for the CNN and 0.77 for XGB. By using
In this section we present and analyze three represen-
features that better capture the shape of the time series
tative models from each class, DNN and XGboost respec-
such as in the case of FeatureSet2, an improvement of
up to 20% can be seen as follows: the f1 of the CNN
model increasing to 0.89, the precision 0.92 and recall to
Deep neural network
0.88. The XGBoost model also performed better with an
DNN1 - This model consisted of three fully con-
f1 of 0.87, precision of 0.87 and recall of 0.86. Finally, it
nected dense layers. The first two had 32 neurons each
can be seen from the table that FeatureSet3 performs the
as well as ReLU (rectified linear unit) activation function,
best with the f1 of 0.90, precision of 0.93 and recall of
while the output layer had nine neurons, each correspond-
0.90 for the CNN model and f1 of 0.89, precision of 0.89
ing to one of the nine possible appliances and Softmax
and recall of 0.89 for the XGB model. FeatureSet3 per-
activation function.
formed better than FeatureSet2 because its features had
DNN2 - For this model we took the DNN1 model and
much less correlation between each other as well as all of
added an additional dense layer with 64 neurons as well
the redundant features from FeatureSet2 were removed.
as changed the activation function to linear in the penulti-
For FeatureSet3, a variety of different feature orderings
mate layer. With this additional complexity we expected
were also tested but the results remained more within 1%
to see better results.
accuracy variance.
DNN3 - For this model we introduced two 1D con-
To gain insights into the per class performance of Fea-
volution layers, first with 128 filters and second with 64.
tureSet3 with the two techniques, we present per device
Then we used a flatten layer to reduce the dimensionality
f1 score breakdown in Table 2. It can be seen that com-
of the output space, and make the data compatible with
puter monitor, microwave and kettle are classified worst
the following dense layer, followed by another (output)
by all three models, as their similar consumption profiles
dense layer.
make it difficult for the models to distinguish between
2https : //optuna.org
XGB1 - This is the model with standard configura-
In this paper we investigated the design trade-offs during
tion, i.e. maximum depth of 3, 100 estimators and learn-
the feature and model selection steps of the development
ing rate of 0.1.
of the ML-based classifier for ILM. After formulating our
XGB2 - In this model we increased the maximum
problem, we first show that by extracting various statis-
depth to 4 as well as first reduced learning rate by 50%
tical features from raw time series data and then training
(to 0.05) and then increased the number of estimators by
our models with these features, we were able to improve
50% (to 200). Doing this gave slightly better results.
f1 score by up to 20 percentage points.
XGB3 - For this model we decreased the maximum
Second, we propose two different ML techniques and
depth to 2, increased number of estimators to 500 and
our process of developing the proposed models using these.
learning rate to 0.25.
We show that optimizing hyperparameters to better suit
our specific problem can improve their respective perfor-
Table 3: Model performance on FeatureSet3.
mance by around 4 percentage points. However, choos-
ing the right features that better capture the shape of the
Comp. time
data has a much greater impact on the end results than op-
timizing the models. We also show that classical machine
learning model does not perform significantly worse than
the deep neural network based one, while at the same time
being less computationally expensive.
[1] L. Shorrock, J. Utley et al., Domestic energy fact file 2003.
SVM [5]
Citeseer, 2003.
[2] A. Zoha, A. Gluhak, M. A. Imran, and S. Rajasegarar,
“Non-intrusive load monitoring approaches for disaggre-
gated energy sensing: A survey,” Sensors, vol. 12, no. 12,
pp. 16 838–16 866, 2012.
Classification performance
[3] J. Kim,
T.-T.-H. Le,
and H. Kim,
The classification performance of the models is provided
Load Monitoring Based on Advanced Deep Learn-
in Table 3. It can be seen that the best performing models
are DNN3 with an f1 score of 0.90 and XGB3 with an f1
gence and Neuroscience,
vol. 2017,
p. e4216281,
of 0.88. However, the computation time of XGB3 is only
Oct. 2017, publisher:
Hindawi. [Online]. Available:
3.23s while for DNN3 it is 21.12s. The XGB classifier
using classical machine learning performed only about
[4] E. Aladesanmi and K. Folly,
“Overview of non-
1 percentage point worse than the CNN model, while at
the same time being much less complex and able to com-
vol. 48,
no. 30,
plete the entire training process about 18 seconds faster
9th IFAC Symposium on Control
than the CNN. In addition, the XGB model is much eas-
of Power and Energy Systems CPES 2015. [Online].
ier to optimize since it has no hidden layers and a pre-
arranged hyperparameter configuration that usually re-
quires no further optimization at all. From the last line of
[5] L. Ogrizek, B. Bertalanic, G. Cerar, M. Meza, and C. For-
the table it can be seen that the SVM-based model from
tuna, “Designing a machine learning based non-intrusive
[5] performs 5 percentage points less than DNN3 on Fea-
load monitoring classifier,” in 2021 IEEE ERK, 2021, pp.
[6] M. Devlin and B. P. Hayes, “Non-intrusive load monitor-
Computation time
ing using electricity smart meter data: A deep learning
approach,” in 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society General
The superior performance of the DNN model comes at a
Meeting (PESGM), 2019, pp. 1–5.
cost of increased algorithm complexity and hence longer
computation time. As depicted in Table 3 the first DNN
[7] F. Ciancetta, G. Bucci, E. Fiorucci, S. Mari, and A. Fiora-
vanti, “A new convolutional neural network-based system
model took 10.97 seconds to complete the training pro-
for nilm applications,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumenta-
cess and the best (most complex one) took 21.12 seconds.
tion and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1–12, 2021.
XGBoost, on the other hand, was much faster with XGB1
[8] Y. Yang, J. Zhong, W. Li, T. A. Gulliver, and S. Li,
taking only 1.12 seconds. The added depth for the XGB2
“Semisupervised multilabel deep learning based nonintru-
caused a slight increase in computation time to 2.52 sec-
sive load monitoring in smart grids,” IEEE Transactions
onds, which further increased to 3.23 seconds due to the
on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 6892–6902,
high number of estimators used in XGB3. Finally, the
state of the art was the fastest to complete the training
[9] W. He and Y. Chai, “An empirical study on energy disaggre-
process taking only 0.3 seconds but scored the worst in
gation via deep learning,” Advances in Intelligent Systems
terms of performance.
Research, vol. 133, pp. 338–342, 2016.
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek D
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume D
Delavnica projekta Insieme
Insieme Project Workshop
Uredniki / Editors
Matjaž Gams, Primož Kocuvan, Flavio Rizzolio
5. oktober 2021 / 5 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The year 2021 is the first Insieme (ISE-EMH) Workshop since we have reached some
achievement to present in the second year of the Insieme Italian-Slovenian Interreg project.
Unfortunately, 2021 is also the second year of the Covid-19 pandemics, causing several
problems. For one thing, we received less papers for the workshop than expected, although
still quite a reasonable number. The second undesired Covid-19 problem is that the
participants will not be able to meet in person and discuss the presentations and also the
Insieme project progress. There is a certain difference when people meet alive and discuss
issues also in the free time after the conference compared to the virtual official-time only
events. However, that is the reality that we face these months.
Nevertheless, the Insieme Worksop was proclaimed open to the broader area of Electronic
and Mobile health (EMH). As a result, a couple of quite interesting papers were submitted,
while on general the quality was extraordinarily high for a workshop. Some of the Insieme
and EMH papers seem to bear a huge potential to progress towards decent SCI papers since
they indeed tackle important issues and present novel research ideas and methods.
Some of the additional papers deal with the research that yielded 2nd place in one of the top
worldwide Xprize competitions for non-pharmaceutical measures against Covid-19. This
research also resulted in some other awards, e.g. at the ETAI conference.
There are 13 accepted papers for this year's workshop. Nine of them are related to JSI and the
other four to the Insieme project partners. Each Insieme partner submitted at least one paper,
which demonstrates the successful cooperation on this project. The workshop consists of two
subsections. One is directly related to the Insieme project and the other is for general EMH
topics, mainly to the Covid-19, and Comparison between health platforms – another European
project Platform Uptake.
Flavio Rizzolio, Primož Kocuvan
Program Chairs
Flavio Rizzolio (Chair)
Rossella Gratton
Diego Santaliana
Matjaž Gams
Primož Kocuvan
Simon Ražman
Samo Eržen
Platform for Multi-Omics Integration (PlatOMICs) applied to skin diseases with
alterations in Notch signaling pathway.
Lucas Brandão
Paola Maura Tricarico
Rossella Gratton
Department of Medical Genetics,
Department of Medical Genetics,
Department of Medical Genetics,
IRCCS Burlo Garofolo,
IRCCS Burlo Garofolo,
IRCCS Burlo Garofolo,
Trieste, Italy
Trieste, Italy
Trieste, Italy
Ronald Moura
Sergio Crovella
Department of Medical Genetics,
Department of Biological and
IRCCS Burlo Garofolo,
Environmental Sciences, College of
Trieste, Italy
Arts and Sciences, University of
Doha, Qatar
Over the last years, a huge amount of information concerning
Omics data have been produced and are of crucial
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for
significance for the understanding of the molecular
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not
mechanisms and for the identification of potential molecular
made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear
this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party
targets associated to many diseases. Indeed, Omics
components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the
approaches allowed to initially decipher several biological
owner/author(s). Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana,
processes found to be critically involved in the context of
Slovenia © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
various pathologies. Despite these remarkable scientific
advances, the majority of obtained results are disconnected
We developed a Platform for Multi-Omics Integration
and divergent, making their use limited. Thus, our team
(PlatOMICs) that assembles a set of tools and bioinformatics
started the deployment of PlatOMICs, a new Platform for
applications that can allow the retrieval of scientific literature
multi-omics integration, carrying an user-friendly interface.
data (genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics
Currently, PlatOMICs is under deployment in an
and microbiomics) together with the analysis, deciphering,
international cooperation including Brazil, Qatar and Italy
interpretation and integration of all these set of information
and has been divided into three phases. In the present work
automatically, therefore building networks of molecular
interactions and Omics meta-analysis.
database/resource/repositories were interrogated to access
Our goal is to refine the data available in scientific literature
data from skin diseases presenting alterations in Notch
and in Omics databases/resource/repositories relative to skin
signaling pathway, as they constitute a cluster of disorders
diseases that are characterized by defects in Notch signaling
that were extensively studied during the Omics era, in order
route, seeking to describe networks of molecular interactions
to perform biological syntactical analysis to be implemented
in the epithelial tissue potentially involved in the loss of
in the next PlatOMICs phases.
homeostasis in this district, event that may lead to the onset
of different skin pathologies.
1.1 Multi-omics integration applied to skin diseases with
Notch signaling alterations
Omics, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, network
interaction, skin diseases.
An aberrant progression of Notch signaling, either due to
altered regulation or direct mutations, can induce skin
diseases [1,2]. To date, molecular alterations in Notch
signaling pathway have been reported for five human skin
diseases including: Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), Dowling
Degos Disease (DDD), Adams–Oliver Syndrome (AOS),
Psoriasis (PS) and Atopic Dermatitis (AD) [1,3]. Therefore, a
deep characterization of this cellular route seems to be of
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brandão, et al.
pivotal importance in order to clarify potential new
performed, hence securing a more reliable and homogeneous
pathogenic scenarios involved in these skin diseases. Indeed,
investigation. Therefore, PlatOMICs will contain the results
considering this critical aspect, in order to further restrict the
obtained from literature and their integration, databases and
search, we decided to consider in this study only skin
new Omics studies.
diseases possessing alterations in Notch pathway excluding
These skin disorders have been thoroughly studied in the last
five years; indeed, 1555 articles regarding these five diseases
As a validation model, phase I of PlatOMICs was executed
and OMICs (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and
on skin diseases presenting alterations in Notch signaling
microbiomics) studies are available in PubMed [4].
pathway by examining the literature, thus providing
Specifically, considering these five skin disorders possessing
molecular insights to multi-omics integration approaches.
alterations in Notch signaling, 821 articles about genome,
2.1 Results deriving from literature analysis: molecular
225 about transcriptome, 143 about proteome and 602 about
insights to multi-omics integration
microbiome, were published.
The literature scan was accomplished by assessing the
1.2 Perspectives on multi-omics integration for skin
following term "(Hidradenitis Suppurativa OR Dowling
diseases with alterations in Notch signaling pathway
Degos Disease OR Adams Oliver Syndrome OR Psoriasis
OR Atopic Dermatitis) AND (Genome OR transcriptome OR
Currently, PlatOMICs is under deployment in an
proteome OR epigenome OR microbiome OR metagenome
international cooperation including Brazil, Qatar and Italy.
OR metabolome OR omic OR multi-omic) AND 'Homo
PlatOMICs will be an online platform offering services to
sapiens'[orgn:__txid9606]" using the DaVinci tool.
access and analyze scientific literature and Omics data
A DaVinci literature database (DaVinci Lit) was created
automatically with great accuracy. The deployment was
with 1252 articles retrieved from PubMed, and amongst all
divided into three phases and in the present work, we report
recovered papers 82 were excluded due to the absence of
phase 1. Briefly, the various phases that constitute
abstract/summary. Next, the remaining 1170 articles were
PlatOMICs multi-omics analysis are given by: phase I, step
analyzed, classified and categorized. The most cited words
based on the interrogation and analysis of the whole available
were 'skin' and 'patient'. The words ‘immune’,
literature and Omics databases; phase II, stage regarding the
‘inflammatory’ and ‘inflammation’ were common. 742
analysis and questioning of previous and new Omics (or
(63.4%) of articles cited, at least once, one of the indicated
multi-omics) studies; phase III, part relative to the merge of
words. Next, we seeked the context of each of these terms,
findings deriving from phases I and II in order to finally
revealing that they were mainly used to explain the immune
compose the ultimate multi-omics integration in a meta-
and inflammatory conditions of each disorder. 'Expression'
multi-omics analysis (Figure 1).
was cited along 333 (28.4%) articles to demonstrate
molecular expression on experimental works of transcriptome
(48 articles), epigenome or methylome (36 articles) and
proteome (12 articles). The last word worth commenting is
'gut'. Gut was present in 158 articles and refers to the
existing relationship between gut dysbiosis and the onset of
allergic, the latter also represents a term included in the top
cited words, disbalance. The overview of word atomization
enabled us to understand what was the main focus of Omics
literature for skin diseases with alterations in Notch signaling
Next, we categorized the whole DaVinci Lit into five classes
of Omics. Most of the articles were included as a genome or
microbiome (metagenome) study, followed by transcriptome
and multi-omics approaches (Table 1). Moreover, in the
Figure 1. Workflow of OMICs Platform (PlatOMICs) for Omics
multi-omics category, the most commonly employed
integration. (1) The user informs the descriptors, categorical
approaches included the combination between genome and
terms and keywords in PlatOMICs. (2-3) Through DaVinci tool,
transcriptome and genome and microbiome.
the literature and the OMICs databases will be evaluated. (4)
Selected omics studies and new ones are (re)analyzed and
integrated by standard pipelines. (5) PlatOMICs produces the
final meta-analysis multi-omics integration results in a friendly
Number of article
The first analysis (phase I) outputted by PlatOMICs is
performed by the new tool called DaVinci Literature and
Database Analysis (under submission and not publicly
available) . Briefly, DaVinci is able to scan several databases,
such as PubMed, SRA, GEODatabase and GWAS Catalog,
extracting multiple information from summary, abstracts and
other meta-data information to report a syntax analysis and
molecular panels (genes, variants, tissues, cells and drugs).
Next, following the study and sample selection from the
Table 1. Omic categorization of literature from Omics studies
previous researches, raw data might be downloaded. The
concerning skin diseases with alterations in Notch signaling
analysis, including the new Omics (or multi-omics) studies,
will be carried out by the same standard pipeline when
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brandão, et al.
The next step in PlatOMICs is to extract genes and variants
networks, underlining both health and diseases states, using
from the literature. The goal is to unravel genes/variants
existing data. The presented platform for multi-omics
previously established as involved with skin disorders
integration constitutes a time-saving and cost-efficient
characterised by alterations in Notch signaling route. In this
approach that might surely guide researches in the
circumstance, the gene atomization process retrieved 546
advancement of more elaborate and articulated hypothesis.
genes. From obtained genes, we extracted each time the
Indeed, PlatOMICs is able to refine, assemble and integrate
context in which the gene was cited. In total, 465 articles and
thousands of information spread around multiple
1308 gene contexts were analysed. Subsequently, four
database/resource/repositories. In the future, PlatOMICs will
researchers classified, independently, the gene relations as
present an intuitive and automated friendly web-end interface
associated or not associated with the disease. Of these, 80
with accessible tables, graphs and images.
genes were excluded, and 426 genes were associated.
The accumulation of scientific texts and Omics data settled in
Next, PlatOMICs outputted the top 10 pathways and gene
various databases may have never been correlated and
ontology (GO) predicted by these genes (Table 2).
analysed in conjunction. In this perspective, it is presumable
Enrichment pathway and a GO analysis were conducted by
that significant scientific responses may have been generated
reactomePA, limma and topGO Bioconductor package. The
but are still uncovered. In this critical context, PlatOMICs
pathway reveals the role of interleukin (IL) signaling, mainly
was developed in order to promote the analysis and
driven by IL-4, IL-13 and IL-10. GO adds the defense
integration of the available Omics data, and in the present
response and interspecies interactions between organisms.
study we applied PlatOMICs for the analysis of skin diseases
Collectively, both descriptions point out that inflammation
as a validation model. Our approach allowed us to further
and skin microbial host defense are to be considered as key
emphasize that our integrated strategy seeks to identify a
outcomes from the global literature findings, suggesting that
common link between skin diseases and deregulations in
these pathways and GO should be included in future Omics
homeostatic processes in epithelial tissues.
PlatOMICs also performed a gene atomization on DaVinci
Omics. This analysis was assessed on 158 genes, most of
which were found to be similar to the DaVinci Lit output.
Equals enriched pathways and GO from Table 2 were found,
This work was supported by a grant from the Institute for
thereby ratifying the importance of these pathways and GO
Maternal and Child Health IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo/Italian
on multi-Omics integration.
Ministry of Health” (BioHub 03/20), by the grant Interreg
Italia-Slovenia, ISE-EMH 07/2019 and by CNPq
The scientific goal of PlatOMICs is to promote the
understanding of biological mechanisms and molecular
Reactome ID
Pathway Description
GO Description
Signaling by Interleukins
Response to cytokine
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling
Cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
Interleukin-10 signaling
Cellular response to cytokine stimulus
Interferon gamma signaling
Immune system process
Interleukin-12 family signaling
Defense response
Interleukin-20 family signaling
Response to external stimulus
Interferon Signaling
Interspecies interaction between organisms
Chemokine receptors bind chemokines
Cellular response to chemical stimulus
Interleukin-2 family signaling
Response to organic substance
Interleukin-6 signaling
Response to other organism
Table 2: Top 10 Enriched pathway and a gene ontology of 426 genes associated with skin diseases with alterations in the Notch signaling pathway.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brandão, et al.
[1] Gratton R., Tricarico P.M., Moltrasio C., Lima Estevão de
Oliveira A.S., Brandão L., Marzano A.V., Zupin L., Crovella
S. Pleiotropic Role of Notch Signaling in Human Skin
Diseases. Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2020), 21(12):4214.
doi: 10.3390/ijms21124214.
[2] Siebel C. and Lendahl U. Notch Signaling in
Development, Tissue Homeostaasis, and Disease. Physiol
[3] Massi D. and Panelos J. Notch Signaling and the
Developing Skin Epidermis. Adv Exp Med Biol. (2012),
727:131-41. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0899-4_10.
ort&filter=years.2016-2020, last accessed on November 18,
Implementing the INSIEME portal according to the
patients and caregivers’ point of view
Ivana Truccolo†
Virginia Gerlero
Flavio Rizzolio
ANGOLO OdV, Italian
Venetian Cluster
Department of Molecular Sciences
Association of Long-term Cancer
and Nanosystems, Ca’ Foscari
Survivors, President
University of Venice
Vincenzo Canzonieri
Anatomia Patologica, Centro di
Riferimento Oncologico di
Aviano (CRO) IRCCS,
Department of Medical, Surgical
and Health Sciences, University
of Trieste
Figure 1: Official logotype from the project
In the health sector as well, technology can help people tracking
and controlling their own health information and make informed
decisions about their health but only at two conditions2:
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights that
the spread of information and communications technology and
global interconnectedness has great potential to accelerate
human progress, to bridge the digital divide and to develop
Technology must be really accessible
knowledge societies1.
Health information must be really understandable,
scientifically correct and aligned with the reality
The project Interreg Italia Slovenia ISE-EMH aims to create a
†Corresponding name
health portal integrating useful information about health topics
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
and health facilities related to a specific interregional area both
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
in Slovenian and Italian languages. INSIEME is the name of the
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia© 2021 C
opyright held by the owner/author(s).
1 WHO, Draft Global strategy on Digital Health 2020-2025. Available at
2 Australia’s health 2018, available at http://bit.do/fLkoA
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ivana Truccolo et al.
- Social services: the individual municipalities of the province of
Oncology, health topics, health facilities, patients, caregivers,
Venice and the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia offer social
cancer survivors, digital health
services to citizenship
- Physiotherapy and rehabilitation services: as far as the province
of Venice is concerned, the two main departments of Physical
1 Introduction
Medicine and Rehabilitation of the San Giovanni e Paolo
The contribution of the Ca' Foscari University, partner of the
Hospital of Venice and the Angelo Hospital of Mestre have been
project, was to integrate into this portal INSIEME some
described. In addition, the local rehabilitation and physical
categories of useful resources related to the cancer topic. The
therapy services in the different health and social authorities have
selection of these categories was made with the contribution of a
been listed. About the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the two
cancer survivors and caregivers association. It is a fact that very
University & health agencies of Udine and Trieste have been
often a patient relies on the search engines algorithms to find out
described, in addition to health services of home rehabilitation
the information he/she needs. But it happens that resources
- Psychological services: the family counselors are available in
ranked as not important by the search engines are actually very
the metropolitan area of Venice and in the Friuli Venezia Giulia
useful to him/her. So, the point of view of some individuals, both
Region. In addition, the ANT Foundation 1978 Onlus has been
cancer patients and caregivers, was the main guide to identify the
described that offers psychological support at home to all
resources to be listed in the portal. Not only the management of
the cancer disease is important to a patient but also his/her mental
- Accommodation services: accommodation facilities near the
condition, his/her wellness and practical things such as
main hospitals have been described with the information of their
accommodation and work related issues
websites. Some of them are free, others offer low price
3 . There are good
examples of this integration
accommodation. In addition, the channels of Airbnb and
Booking.com have been reported;
2 Results
- Information and advocacy services for the protection of
patients' rights: for both areas were listed the main services
A preliminary search was made to find out informational
- Administrative services
resources about cancer to widen the spectrum of categories and
- Local health and social services - Screening: the cancer
services. Then we tried to categorize the cancer services related
prevention opportunities of the Friuli Region has been listed
both to the area of the metropolitan city of Venice and the Region
- Local social and health services - Palliative care: the Health
Friuli Venezia Giulia.
District of Mirano and Dolo has been reported with regard to
palliative care services;
In addition to basic services, the search has highlighted the
- Specialized voluntary associations through the useful webtool
following complementary categories:
of Oncoguida 5 , the large number of voluntary associations
operating in the area of Venice and Friuli can easily be identified.
- Hospital services
- websites with dealing with current information about cancer
- Social services
topics and tools to easily discover fake news were also described
- Physiotherapy services
- websites with patients stories or personal narrations were also
- Physical activities opportunities and related opportunities
indicated as they are very helpful to patients wellness.
- Psychological services
Last but not least the websites related to all the hospitals and
- Accommodation services for patients and/or family members
Health Comprehensive Centers of the Friuli Venezia Giulia
- Information and counselling services about health topics and
Region and Venice area were listed and described.
patients' rights
- Administrative services
- Local social and health services – screening
- Local social and health services - palliative care
- Voluntary associations
- Independent information on cancer
- Information on fake news
For each category, a minimum of 5 websites was listed if
Below a brief summary of the research carried out through the
consultation of a large number of websites.
- Hospital health services: no 15 facilities were found in the
province of Venice and no 24 in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
3 Truccolo I, Cipolat Mis, C, De Paoli P (eds), Insieme ai pazienti. Costruire la
Stakeholder Co-Design. J Med Internet Res. 2019 Feb 11;21(2):e11371. doi:
Patient Education nelle strutture sanitarie. Il Pensiero scientifico, 2016
4 Kildea J, Battista J, Cabral B, Hendren L, Herrera D, Hijal T, Joseph A. Design
5 Oncoguida, available at 5 http://www.oncoguida.it/html/home.asp
and Development of a Person-Centered Patient Portal Using Participatory
Insert Your Title Here
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3 Conclusions
The different categories of resources integrated into the
INSIEME portal are not exhaustive of course. They just give a
hint of the importance of taking into account both informational
and practical resources and involving patients and caregivers in
the building of digital health portals
The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project
funded by the program: Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia
2014-2020. We thank the patients and caregivers that
help to identify the resources listed in the portal.
[ 1 ] WHO, Draft Global strategy on Digital Health 2020-2025. Available at
[2] Australia’s health 2018, available at http://bit.do/fLkoA
[3] Truccolo I, Cipolat Mis, C, De Paoli P (eds), Insieme ai pazienti. Costruire la
Patient Education nelle strutture sanitarie. Il Pensiero scientifico, 2016
[4] Kildea J, Battista J, Cabral B, Hendren L, Herrera D, Hijal T, Joseph A. Design
and Development of a Person-Centered Patient Portal Using Participatory
Stakeholder Co-Design. J Med Internet Res. 2019 Feb 11;21(2):e11371. doi:
[5] Oncoguida, available at http://www.oncoguida.it/html/home.asp
Figure 2: View of the Oncology section in the INSIEME
An Analytical and Empirical Comparison of Electronic and
Mobile Health Platforms
Primož Kocuvan
Erik Dovgan
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
Electronic and mobile health (EMH) is a new way of deliver-
we describe existing platforms. Section 3 presents the ISE-EMH
ing health services to patients with the use of small portable
platform, The results of analytical and empirical comparison
devices like mobile phones or tablets. The term electronic indi-
of the platforms are given in Sections 4–5. Finally, Section 6
cates that doctors and medical personnel use electronic health
summarizes the paper with ideas for future work.
records or electronic prescribing of medicine for patients. Some
countries like Slovenia, use electronic prescriptions of medicine
for many years now. According to World Health Organization
(WHO), mHealth has the ability to transform the delivery of
health services all over the world and bring about a paradigm
shift in healthcare delivery processes [6]. By using technologi-
Genoa is a platform that offers telepsychiatry services [5]. It is,
cal innovations we can overall improve healthcare not only in
for now, available only in the United States. It connects people
developed countries but also in countries that are still in the
(patient-doctor) through a system of video-conference technol-
developing phase. In these countries, there is a lack of doctors, so
ogy. Telepsychiatry is a branch of telemedicine where they only
optimizing the process of delivering medicine and information
provide help for psychiatric and mental disorders.
to the patients is very desirable. In this paper, we describe some
of the EMH online available platforms and compare them with
the one which we developed within the ISE-EMH project.
DigiGone is a packet of services, including a medical one called
DigiMed [2]. Their philosophy is like that of Genoa. However,
they offer general medical services, not only for psychiatric prob-
mHealth, eHealth, electronic and mobile health, EMH, compari-
lems. For example, when applying as a patient, you get a technical
son of EMH platforms, ISE-EMH
kit. When you have an appointment with a doctor, your nurse or
caregiver comes to your home and examines you, and via video
conference tells the information to a doctor. In this kit, you have
From the early beginning of the web when there was only limited
also an ultrasound device, so it can stream the data to the doctor
information about key institutions, e.g., universities, libraries,
in real-time.
and organizations, available on the web and till this day where
we can find practically anything including illegal organizations
and activities, the public need platforms or portals which will
Doxy.me is a free telemedicine service, implemented as a web
aggregate all useful information on one central place. While
application, thus no installation is needed. It is also accessible
anything can be found on the web, it is often difficult to find
from various devices. All you need is a microphone and a web
proper and useful information [9].
camera. All the data is encrypted and also no account is needed,
To overcome the issues of disinformation especially in the
in contrast to many other platforms [3].
field of medicine and products for the elderly, as part of the ISE-
EMH project we implemented a unified EMH platform together
with an application for smart hardware devices. We described
the application for smart devices in [9]. The EMH platform is
eVisit is a telehealth service that is not free of charge. For the
a central entity where the user can find key information about
doctors and patients it offers virtual flexible scheduling [4]. For
health and elderly, and where he can converse with other patients
doctors it provides a list of medications for prescription to pa-
and doctors via text- or video-based call centers, or exchange
tients, which is a very convenient and helpful feature that saves
information, e.g., x-ray images or photographs of the patient
time. Other platform services are similar to the already described
skin. We analytically and empirically compare the existing EMH
ones in other telemedicine platforms.
platforms with each other to learn more about the pros and cons,
and to improve the ISE-EMH platform in the future.
iPath is the oldest telemedicine platform from the early begin-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
ning of the development of protocols for the internet. iPath is a
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
case-based collaboration platform that is used in telemedicine
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
applications to share information within a distributed group of
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
people. It is being used in the domains of consultation, teach-
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ing and research [8]. It is also multilingual like the ISE-EMH
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Primož Kocuvan et al.
the patients can converse with each other in the public chan-
The MedSymphony platform is build for telemedicine electronic
nels, where they can exchange thoughts / opinions about their
and mobile health, MedSymphony is directed to accelerate the
diagnosis, disease or condition. Also, the platform includes a
use of telemedicine as a key platform for providing health care.
virtual assistant (bot) and connects it with the Rocketchat sys-
The key feature is to provide better health care for millions of
tem. The purpose of bot is to answer questions about medicine,
patients anywhere and anytime. MedSymphony was created to
partners, waiting queues, and similar. This is helpful when no
qualify doctors, medical personnel, caretakers and health institu-
doctor is available. There is also an advanced search mechanism,
tions as well as patients with a complete electronic and mobile
implemented with the versatile, fast, and efficient Elasticsearch.
health technology platform. The platform includes everything
The ISE-EMH platform development will result in an EMH
you need to establish a video-based doctor’s office. – a completely
ecosystem that will include/provide [7]:
cloud-based compliant solution with integrated video conferenc-
• A platform that connects products and services, i.e., the
ing, online prescription ordering joined with SMS, MMS, and
backbone of the ecosystem;
email integration to facilitate the doctor-patient relationship, and
• Integration and connection of existing products, services,
automated billing for recurring and one-time fees [10].
and systems through the platform in a complete ecosys-
Bodi Zdrav
Bodi Zdrav (in English "Be Healthy") is a Slovenian health-related
platform [1] and it is only meant for patients in Slovenia. Its pur-
The described platforms were compared with respect to a set of
pose is to give information about the services and to connect
selected features (see Section 4.1). The comparison was performed
the patients and doctors. It only offers services that are not offi-
analytically and empirically, where the results of the former
cially recognized in medicine, e.g., homeopathy, bio-resonance,
evaluation are presented in Section 4.2 and the results of the
hypnotherapy, etc. Its main content is a search function through
latter one are given in Section 5.
regions in Slovenia and filtering of services from specific medical
Choosing the Features for Comparison
The set of features for the platform comparison consists of care-
fully selected features, selected based on the state-of-the-art re-
search in the EMH domain. Demographic and social character-
The EcoSmart project was a three-year project that included the
istics were also carefully taken into account, e.g., if it is free of
participation of 26 partners. It included smart cities as well as
charge for using it and if it is available in more than one lan-
eHealth and mHealth domains. Within the project, an electronic
guage. We also included some of the other key features which
and mobile health system was developed. The purpose of the
are important for user experience, e.g., if it has a GUI and if it is
system was to provide key information about the project partners
responsive or not. The selected features are the following:
and municipalities in Slovenia, as well as health domains and
prototypes. It also included a smart bot for which the main task
• Free: Is the EMH platform free of charge to use it?
was to answer questions to users.
• Graphical user interface: Does it have a GUI or is it just
• Dynamic data: Can we insert new data and update the
fields via a form?
Basic Information
• Responsive: Is the web platform responsive, which means,
The ISE-EMH platform is being developed within an Interreg
does it automatically resize the website when viewing on
Italy-Slovenia project, where the final goal is to develop a unified
the different devices?
telemedicine (EMH) platform for both Slovenian and Italian pub-
• Virtual assistant: Does the platform offer the chance to
lic and private institutions, with the aim of accelerating the coop-
talk with a bot, e.g., about medicine, diagnosis, partners,
eration between Italian and Slovenian stakeholders and transfer
knowledge from academic field into practice. The platform in-
• Use without registration: Can we use the EMH platform
cludes new diagnostic approaches, advanced sensors, including
without registration?
devices that monitor vital signs, and also methods of Artificial
• Multilingual: Is the EMH platform available in more than
Intelligence (AI) that will help patients overcome anxiety, depres-
one language?
sion and sedate stress. By connecting various stakeholders, the
• Official medicine: Does the EMH platform offer services
platform also aims at overcoming the main problem of EMH that
to the people from only official (recognized) medicine?
is the lack of transfer of innovative services from laboratories
• Call center: Does the EMH platform offer call centers (text-
into practice, due to the lack of support services in terms of both
based or video-based) for getting help?
ICT systems and human partners, and their integration [9].
• General medicine: Does it offer services from different
medicine practices or only one?
Detailed Description of the ISE-EMH
Results of the Analytical Comparison
The results of the analytical comparison of platforms are shown
The purpose of the ISE-EMH is to connect different partners,
in Table 1. Based on these results we constructed a histogram
medical personnel, doctors, patients, and end-users. This is done
of features, where each bar presents the percentage of included
through different logic and programmatic mechanisms. The plat-
features in a specific EMH platform (see Figure 1). This histogram
form uses the Rocketchat text-based communication system to
shows that the worst platforms with respect to the chosen fea-
enable users, e.g., patients to send questions to doctors. Also,
tures are Genoa and BodiZdrav.
An Analytical and Empirical Comparison of Electronic and Mobile Health Platforms
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
EcoSmart User Experience
The EcoSmart platform has a simple and sleek graphical user
interface design. When the user first visits the page it has ten
categories on the landing page. It does not provide a search tool,
but it has a link to the EcoSmart bot and other bots on the page
(see Figure 3).
Figure 1: A histogram of platform feature percentages,
where each bar represents the percentage of checkmarks
from Table 1.
For Genoa the cons are that it is not free, it does not have a
virtual assistant, e.g., a bot that can answer your question at any
Figure 3: EcoSmart Homepage.
time of the day, you cannot use it without registration, it is not
multilingual, and also the usage is limited to only psychiatric
conditions, since they are specialized only in telepsychiatry.
ISE-EMH User Experience
For BodiZdrav the cons are that it does not have a virtual as-
The ISE-EMH platform has an original graphical user interface
sistant, it is only available in the Slovenian language, the services
design. A user visiting the page for the first time has all the com-
which they offer are not from officially recognized medicine, it
ponents on the landing page (see Figure 4). These components
does not have call centers, and also they do not have services
are a virtual assistant, services, search tool, and button for chang-
from general medicine but only alternative medicine.
ing the language. This is very crucial when users need to find
The most versatile and useful system based on the selected
specific information fast. The user interface is constructed and
features is the ISE-EMH platform.
designed in such a way that every person no matter the age can
use the platform.
Among the evaluated platforms, the ones that are simply acces-
sible, i.e., they do not require to create an account to use them,
were further analysed. This analysis was empirical, from the user
perspective usage, and it also included side features such as user
story. Based on the simply accessible criterion, three systems
were empirically analysed: Bodi Zdrav, EcoSmart and ISE-EMH.
Bodi Zdrav User Experience
The Bodi Zdrav platform has a good graphical user interface
design. When the user visits the page, it has only one component
Figure 4: ISE-EMH Homepage.
on the landing page, i.e., a search. The user can select a category
and a region, which act as filters for search. As already mentioned,
it does not have a virtual assistant nor call centers (see Figure 2).
In this paper, we described and compared a set of most important
EMH platforms that are available on the web. Also, we presented
the developed ISE-EMH platform. We also analytically compared
these platforms based on a selected set of key features. In addition,
a subset of platforms was empirically compared by focusing on
a user’s point of view. This analysis shows that the best-rated
platform is the ISE-EMH platform.
In our future work, we will test our hypothesis stating that
a user can find specific information about health-related topics
on the ISE-EMH platform in under 30 seconds, instead of search-
ing for more than 30 minutes on other platforms or through the
search engine like Google or Bing. We will conduct the experi-
Figure 2: Bodi Zdrav Homepage.
ment with the help of volunteers, where they will try to find 10
randomly selected services on the ISE-EMH platform and also
using a general search engine.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Primož Kocuvan et al.
Genoa DigiGone Doxy.me eVisit iPath MedSymphony BodiZdrav EcoSmart Insieme
Graphical user interface
Dynamic data
Virtual assistant
Use without registration
Official medicine
Call center
General medicine
Table 1: Comparison between the analysed EMH platforms.
[5] Genoa Telepsychiatry. 2021. https://genoatelepsychiatry.
The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project funded by
the program Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020. We thank
[6] Varadraj P. Gurupur and Thomas T. H. Wan. 2017. Chal-
students Urša Klun, Lan Sovinc and Jan Urankar for helping at
lenges in implementing mhealth interventions: a technical
the implementation of the ISE-EMH platform.
perspective. mHealth, 3, 8.
[7] Insieme: Full General Electronic and Mobile Health Plat-
form. 2021. https://www.ita-slo.eu/en/ise-emh.
[1] BodiZdrav: Free eHealth Solution and Search Engine for
[8] iPath.me: Free EMH Solution. 2021. https://www.ipath-
Ehealth. 2021. https://bodizdrav.net/.
[2] DigiGone: Telemedicine and Other Services. 2021. https:
[9] Primož Kocuvan, Matjaž Gams, and Jakob Valič. 2021. An-
droid application for distance monitoring of elderly pa-
[3] Doxy.me: Free Telemedicine Solution. 2021. https://doxy.
rameters. In Proceedings of the Information Society 2021.
Submitted for publication.
[4] eVisit: Telemedicine Solution and Other Services. 2021.
[10] MedSymphony: Advanced Mobile Health Platform. 2021.
Android Application for Remote Monitoring of the Elderly’s
Primož Kocuvan
Jakob Valič
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
for smart devices. The platform includes new diagnostic ap-
proaches, advanced sensors, including wearable devices that
According to the latest predictions, the average age in Europe
monitor vital signs, and sophisticated computer algorithms and
in 2050 will be 49, whereas today it is only 39 years [3]. Europe,
artificial intelligence methods that gain new knowledge from
therefore, faces quite a significant population problem. With
data. The main problem regarding the introduction of EMH re-
insufficient numbers of young workers, we need technical, eco-
mains the transfer of innovative services from laboratories into
nomic, and political solutions to help the elderly maintain vitality
practice, as there is a lack of support services in terms of both
and independence. The aim of technical solutions is to delay the
ICT systems and human partners and their integration. As a rule,
departure of the elderly to a retirement home and to help main-
researchers can not find commercial partners for even the most
taining the economic stability of the country. In this paper, we
excellent academic prototypes, while the prototypes are rejected
describe an application that helps the elderly and relieves the
due to inertia, despite the indisputable advantages of both ICT
society and economy. We present the technical specifications and
and knowledge. It is difficult to implement novel ICT solutions
features of the Android application, which was developed as part
to the elderly. The key purpose of this project is to accelerate
of the project ISE-EMH (Insieme) with the collaboration of IPM
the cooperation of Italian and Slovenian stakeholders in the field
Digital within the project HoCare 2.0. The Android application
of EMH and the transfer of knowledge, systems, and services
is created and intended for usage for the pairs: one elder and one
of EMH from the academic sphere to actual use. The other pur-
caretaker (e.g relatives, nurses, paramedics).
pose is to enable better connections between users and providers.
While anything can be found on web, it is often difficult to find
proper information. Bearing these specifications in mind, sev-
Android application, care for the elderly, elder, caretaker, fall
eral applications are being included in the platform, one of them
detection, easy to use, ISE-EMH, Insieme, HoCare 2.0
being the Android application presented here.
Chosen Android OS and programming
Due to the development and introduction of so-called MEMS
(Microelectromechanical systems) technologies in mobile devices,
According to the global market share in Table 1, obtained in
these became smarter in terms of tracking and perceiving the
May 2021, the most used OS for smartphones is Android OS
environment [1]. This is achieved by using accelerometer, GPS,
with about 72% market share [2]. Therefore, Android OS was
gyroscope, proximity sensor, and many other sensors. These
chosen as the operating system for our application. Regarding
sensors allow us to monitor the movement of a person, location
the programming language, we were deciding between Kotlin
and brightness of the room in which a person is located. This
and Java. As Kotlin is a fairly new language, we had chosen Java.
comes in handy in the research field of ambient intelligence. In
Java is still a versatile and general programming language that
our case, we developed an application for the elderly and their
runs inside Java Virtual Machine environment .
caretakers which allows us to use these technologies. In this paper,
we will describe the application and its technical features. The
Table 1: Global market share for mobile phone’s OS
paper is thus divided into two central sections. The first describes
the functions that an elderly person can use and the second
Operating system
Market share in procent
describes the functions caretaker can use. Finally, we describe
the advantages and disadvantages of the developed application,
Android OS
which were highlighted by the elderly in the performed focus
Basic information about the project
Nokia Unknown
As part of the Insieme project, we implemented a unified EMH
(Electronic and Mobile Health) platform together with software
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
Overview of the functions
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
Here is a list of all functions implemented.
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
The elder has access to these functions:
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
• reminders,
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
1 The Kotlin also uses virtual environment
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Primož Kocuvan et al.
• contacts,
• SOS function,
• settings,
• fall detection,
• pedometer,
• alarm when searching for mobile phone,
• alarm as a reminder to charge the battery.
The caretaker has access to these functions:
• overview of elder’s parameters,
• history,
• exact location of the elder,
• sandbox settings,
• enable/disable the settings for the elder.
All functions for both the elder and the caretaker will be de-
scribed in more details in the following sections. The application
runs on two advanced mobile phones with Android OS. The
general idea is that the elder needs help, support and monitor-
ing of the caretaker, and the mobile phones enable the needed
First, user has to confirm and enable access to the services of the
phone. The user has to grant application permissions of:
• accessing the contacts,
• accessing the location of the device,
• accessing the multimedia and files,
• recording and taking photography,
• sending SMS messages,
• making telephone calls,
• audio recordings.
Figure 1 presents the initial screen of the Android application.
The elder and the caretaker enter their role. The selected role is
set once for the application, and to change it, the application has
to be installed again. On the initial screen, the user can select
the language. The application is available in Italian, English, and
Slovene. There is also a button on the bottom of the initial screen.
By pressing it, a user can start or stop a function of searching
the mobile phone by vocal call.
Sandbox is a term that denotes the area of elder’s home, residence
or a safe place defined by the elder during the initialization of
Figure 1: The initial screen, shown during the first use of
their profile. When the elder leaves the sandbox area, the care-
the application.
taker is notified via SMS message. The elder or caretaker can
arbitrarily set the radius of a sandbox area from minimum of 0
meters and a maximum of 500 meters. Changing the distance by
has no internet connection or GPS service turned on, the last
elder is only possible when the caretaker allows it in the settings.
location on the server is displayed to the caretaker.
The elder can also enable the search for mobile phone function.
If enabled, the mobile phone is constantly listening to its environ-
The elder is alerted when the battery charge drops to 20%. In
ment. In case the elder forgets the location of the mobile phone
case the elder does not connect their phone to the charger, the
and wants to find it, they should say the keyword "TSUNAMI"
application warns them about it every 5 minutes.
loudly and clearly. The mobile phone will start to vibrate and
ring in order to reveal its location.
Mobile phone location and vocal search
Alarms and reminders
The application is periodically sending the location of the mo-
bile phone to the central server. From there, the information is
The elder has an option of adding one-time or periodic alarms.
transferred to caretaker’s mobile phone. In case the elder’s phone
One-time alarms are designed for non-daily tasks such as visiting
Android Application for Remote Monitoring of the Elderly’s Parameters
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
response to the call of the first contact, it calls the second, and so
on. The elder can add a maximum of three contacts to the SOS
call list.
The application has an implemented algorithm that detects the
falls of the elder using the phone’s accelerometers. In order to do
that, the elder must have a phone that has a built-in accelerometer.
In case of false detection, the elder can press the "Cancel Fall"
button. A SMS message is sent to the caretaker that either a fall
or a false fall has occurred.
Phone book and pedometer
The elder has the option of storing existing or new contacts in
the app’s phone book. By arranging the contacts in the directory,
priorities are assigned to the individual contacts for the SOS
The app measures the number of steps that the elder has taken.
Depending on the refresh interval, the application sends the data
to the central server, from which the values can be read by the
The motivation for the caretaker’s application is that it enables
the caretaker to monitor and communicate with the elder. The
elder’s application, on the other hand, has two modes of work:
in case of elder’s inability to set technical functions, the elder
has access to limited set of functions, such as calls, SOS button
and similar. If the elder is still able to control the settings of the
application, then all options are enabled. The caretaker has full
control of all functions.
In case of the caretaker, the sandbox area is denoting the home,
residence, or safe place of each specific elder separately. The
caretaker can arbitrarily change the radius of sandbox area from
the minimum of 0 meters and the maximum of 500 meters. They
do this by entering the more options extension of settings and
using the slider to select the desired distance. In the menu, they
can also enable access to the settings of a particular elder.
At 15% charge of the elder’s battery, the application automatically
sends a SMS message to the caretaker. The message contains a
warning that the battery status of the elder’s mobile phone is
Figure 2: The elder’s home view, after they enter their per-
low. This gives the caretaker the chance to contact the elder and
sonal data
remind them about charging the phone.
Mobile phone location and vocal search
a doctor. Periodic alarms are designed for daily tasks such as
taking medications at a specific time. When the alarm goes off,
The caretaker can see the last known location of the elder by
the elder must confirm it. This sends a confirmation to the central
pressing the "Show exact location" button. A Google map opens,
server, from which the caretaker can check the status of alarms.
where a blue dot indicates the last known location of the elder. If
The elder’s access to the alarms can be seen on elder’s home page,
the elder has internet connection and GPS location turned on, the
depicted on Figure 2.
last known location is also the current location of elder’s phone.
The caretaker does not have the option to perform vocal search
SOS function and fall detection
for their mobile phone.
In the event of problems such as nausea or feeling unwell, the
Alarms and reminders
elder can press the "SOS" button, which triggers a call for help
by successively calling the contacts on the list. The application
The caretaker sees the confirmation of specific elderly person’s
calls contacts by the list order, i.e. priority. In case there is no
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Primož Kocuvan et al.
We developed the Android application for the elderly and their
caretakers. This article describes the features of the application.
Sensors integrated into today’s smartphones and special soft-
ware enable us to create applications which help the elderly live
more independently. The drawbacks of the software which is
now available on Google play market are: complicated usage,
high price, lack of features. We designed the application bearing
in mind ease of use for the elder and features that allow the care-
takers to monitor the elderly anywhere anytime. Also, after the
application is fully tested, it will be available for free.
The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project funded by the
program: Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020. We thank IPM
Digital, which organized the focus group as part of the HoCare
2.0 project. We also thank students: Lukas Kranjc, Urša Klun and
Jan Hrastnik for helping with implementation part of the project.
Abdullah Algamili, Mohd Haris, Md Khir, John Dennis,
Abdelaziz Ahmed, Sami Omar, Saeed Ba Hashwan, and
Muhammad Junaid. 2021. A review of actuation and sens-
ing mechanisms in mems-based sensor devices. Nanoscale
Research Letters, 16, (January 2021). doi: 10.1186/s11671-
021- 03481- 7.
2021. Market share android vs ios and others. https : / / gs .
statcounter . com / os - market - share / mobile / worldwide.
2021. The european demographic deficit. https : / / www .
europarl . europa . eu / sides / getDoc . do ? pubRef= - / / EP /
/TEXT+ IM - PRESS + 20080414FCS26499 + 0 + DOC + XML +
V0//EN. (2021).
Figure 3: The caretaker’s home view
SOS function and fall detection
The caretaker or elder’s relative or anyone on the elder’s SOS list
receives a call for help. In case of a fall, the caretaker receives an
SMS that there was a fall of the elderly.
Phone book and pedometer
The caretaker does not have a phone book, but a list of the elderly
they take care for. The caretaker has the option to call a specific
elder by pressing their contact. For the caretaker, the application
does not measure the number of steps made. However, the care-
taker has the ability to review the number of steps for each elder
they take care for. The caretaker can see all the key information
of each elder they take care of, e.g. Figure 3.
Development and structural design of the frontend for
unifying electronic and mobile health platform
Samo Eržen
Tomi Ilijaš
Arctur d.o.o.
Arctur d.o.o.
Industrijska cesta 1a
Industrijska cesta 1a
Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Eurostat on 27/03/2020 reported the survey on the use of ICT in
households and by individuals, one in two EU citizens (53%)
Anonymous visitors come to the site in order to find information
aged 16-74 reported that they sought online health information
about their disease or guidance on where to turn for advice. They
related to injury, disease, nutrition, improving health or similar
have different knowledge not only of disease causes, symptoms,
[1]. On the other hand, an estimated 7 percent of Google's daily
and health domain language, but also of various computer skills.
searches are health-related, according to Google Health Vice
Using user story mapping we isolate six stories:
President David Feinberg, MD and Google's total daily health-
related searches amount to 70,000 each minute, according to The
1. Browse – Visitor is knowledgeable and can navigate
Telegraph report [2].
through the structured content to find information.
2. Search – Visitor can describe the main symptoms to search
Nobody really enjoys going to a doctor, but there are many
for possible results.
reasons why you should avoid simply searching the internet for
3. Bot – Visitor can chat with the bot to narrow down the
medical advice. Essentially this can go in two bad ways: either
results and get the best information available.
you overestimate your symptoms and end up taking the wrong
4. Chat – Visitor is having difficulties finding useful results
medication or engaging in the wrong self-treatment, or you
via navigation and he would like to chat with real person to
underestimate your symptoms and let a condition worsen.
get proper help.
5. HelpDesk – Call-center operator or doctor wants to
In this paper, we describe a platform that helps an anonymous
supervise many chat channels and answer messages from
visitor to find verified health information or even chat with the
the visitors.
call-centre operator or health expert when available. We present
6. Administration – Administrator of platform wants to
the technical specifications and features of the Insieme platform,
manage the content and users (administrators, call-center
which was developed as part of the project ISE-EMH.
operators, and doctors).
The frontend is developed as a fully responsive webpage and is
Frontend design, the structure of the frontend, health, EMH,
also usable on mobile devices.
medical advice, health-related searches
At this point the platform supports content in three languages
(Slovene, Italian, English) as this was the objective of the ISE-
EMH project.
While Google certainly has a vast quantity of information, it
lacks selectivity. Although it’s easy to find lists that sound like
our symptoms, we don’t have the medical training to understand
Application features implement the user stories described in the
the other factors that go into making a medical diagnosis, like
previous section.
personal and family history. And neither does Google.
3.1 Browse
Insieme platform content is organized by professionals and
To assure to a site visitor effortless navigation through the
managed by medical experts. The aim of the platform is not only
platform content this was divided into two level services
to publish verified content but also to promote other proven
hierarchy. Visitor can select a hierarchy item on left vertical bar
platforms and online content. And if the site visitor doesn’t find
to get a list of all the services of the selected group each in few
appropriate content, he can choose to speak with the available
lines. By selecting a service from the list visitor gets detail page
trained operator or medical expert.
of that service.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Samo Eržen et al.
Figure 1: Platform content navigation
3.2 Search
On the middle of the home page a visitor can find a search box
to insert the search string. This is sent to the backend to execute
the search on the main entities (services hierarchy, companies,
user groups, experts) for presence of the search string in name or
description. The result is presented as a list of entities grouped
by type, each in few lines of description. By selecting a result
item from the list, the visitor gets the detailed page of that entity.
Using the Advanced search option, a visitor can filter the results
using various parameters.
Figure 3: Chat with an operator or expert
3.5 HelpDesk
Figure 2: Search panel on the home page
After logging in the user with the role of expert can select the
HelpDesk button to open the chat dashboard with the list of
3.3 Bot
active chat channels. When another visitor starts a new chat, a
Visitor can at any moment decide to invoke bot and start a chat.
channel is added to the list and the dashboard user is notified. He
Bot backend tries to understand the intent of the visitor and offer
can select the channel and chat with a visitor. There is also a
the platform content, or some implemented functionality (e.g.,
possibility to use a shortcut to add a link pointing to the selected
Waiting times and booking).
platform content to the message he is writing.
Adding more content and functionality to the bot backend, we
don’t need to change the frontend to enable visitor to use them.
3.4 Chat
On the home page an anonymous visitor sees active operators or
experts. By selecting one chat, a pop-up window opens and he
can write a message and chat with the selected person as we all
do using many chat applications (e.g., WhatsApp, Skype, …).
Figure 4: Operator chat dashboard
Development and structural design of the frontend for unifying
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
electronic and mobile health platform
3.6 Administration
harmful information, people are searching the internet for health
Administrators have to login to gain the possibility to manage
users and their properties as roles (call-center operator, expert,
In this first phase of the project, we’ve learned how to organize
…). Further he can define services, experts, companies, user
health information and make it accessible to everyone to find
groups and configure various parameters necessary for the
answers to their questions or advise them on the best way to
correct functioning of the platform. The content can be described
proceed. The information can also be accessed by asking the bot
in one or more languages to be visible to the visitors of platform
or go into detailed chatting with a qualified operator or a doctor
in a selected language.
if available.
During the next phases we will offer the visitors the possibility
to register, so the operator can see his/her name and conversation
history. We will improve the bot’s conversation recognition
capabilities. By saving navigation and search history we can use
Machine Learning to understand the visitor’s behaviour. With
this understanding and adding seasonal (e.g., winter) or
exceptional (e.g., Covid) health problems we can enrich search
results and bot behaviour.
The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project funded by the
program: Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020.
Figure 5: Platform content management
20200327-1: Accessed 31. August 2021.
»Dr Google will see you now: Search giant wants to crash in on your
medical queries«,
The quality and reliability of websites providing health
knowledge can vary greatly. Yet despite the chances of
billion-health-questions-day/: Accessed 31. August 2021.
unnecessary stress and finding incorrect, or even potentially
Human population is getting older and more prone to diseases.
In the information society, it is possible to find lots of helpful
information on the web; however, the overload of information
makes it hard to find information about a particular health issue.
The ISE-EMH platform aims at providing the needed medical
information faster and more context-specific than general search
engines. The goal is to enable finding relevant services in few
minutes instead of seeking for information with general search
engine in web browser spending on average half an hour for one
of common actions. To achieve such goal, the platform has to be
direct and transparent and well structured, and these issues were
studied as part of the project. The platform also includes an
Future work is described at the end of
the text, where future stakeholders are mentioned service
providers and medical doctors. Their role will be significant for
successful use of the platform, which can hopefully improve
access to relevant information about healthcare services.
Health service, patient, disease, improving healthcare system,
2.1 Concept Description
ICD, ISE-EMH platform, workflow diagram, medical doctor
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
21 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Klemen Bele et al.
20 minutes search
2 minutes search
Figure 1: Comparison between searching on ISE-EMH platform and web browser.
2.2 Concept Demonstration
To demonstrate how the platform works and to emphasize its
advantages, a simple demonstration is presented in Figure 1. We
3.1 Side Menu Layout
compared time spent for a user to find an application for skin
cancer detection. Firstly, the user visited ISE-EMH platform and
tried to find a link to the application. That took him around 2
minutes and can be seen on the left side of Figure 1. After that
we used Google search engine to find the same result. The first
search engine could not find the preferred application within first
cancer checking) in the search engine and preferred application
was found as 38th result. That can be seen on the right side of the
Figure 1. This demonstration shows the real added value of the
2.3 Other Health Platforms
Description of Health Service Selection and Structure of ISE-EMH
Information Society 2021, 4 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3.2 Disease Webpage Layout
Figure 4: Workflow Diagram.
International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD).
Inside the team we agreed to first include around 75 most
common diseases and add more of them later. That number
Information Society 2021, 4 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Klemen Bele et al.
comes from fact that they are 15 sets of diseases included at the
ISE-EMH platform and we agreed to include 5 diseases in each
The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project funded by the
set [9].
program Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020. We thank our
When all the diseases were selected the team started to write
project partners for great collaboration: ARCTUR., Institut
definitions of diseases. They were formulated in few sentences
, Robotina, Burlo Hospital Trieste, Polo,
and include information about the cause of the disease, common
University of Venezia [11].We thank
for help at the
symptoms, diagnostics and any special warnings about the
discussions and his contribution to project.
disease (whether it is contagious or needs immediate treatment).
Next step was searching for any kind of relevant services on
Web. For that purpose, we were mainly using Google as search
engine and spend around one hour to go through each relevant
service for patients. We arranged services in eight categories:
clinic services, mobile phone applications, world leading experts,
symptoms, diets and special products that helps diagnosing or
monitoring the disease.
The relevant and checked services were added to platform.
Main criteria in evaluating such services were very good reviews
different clinics. For example, University Clinical Centers in
Ljubljana and Maribor are part of tertiary healthcare system in
[4] zVEM. 2021. https://zvem.ezdrav.si/domov
Slovenia and as such have the best available equipment and also
[5] Mediately. 2021. https://mediately.co/si
medical staff in the state [11].
, Mediately. 2021.
[7] NHS App. 2021. https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-app
[8] Insieme: Full General Electronic and Mobile Health Plat-
form. 2021. https://www.ita-slo.eu/en/ise-emh
Usability of smart home and home automation data
Devid Palčič
Simon Ražman
Marjan Strnad
Ma rketing specia list
Product ma na ger for Sma rt
Robotina d.o.o.
Robotina d.o.o.
Spa ces
OIC - Hrpelje 38, 8333 Kozina ,
OIC - Hrpelje 38, 8333 Kozina,
Robotina d.o.o.
OIC - Hrpelje 38, 8333 Kozina,
devid.pa lcic@robotina .com
simon.ra zma n@robotina.com
ma rja n.strnad@robotina .com
enabling a variety of services and strategies for assisted living
and detection of behavior change. In this case HEMS and 4G
Technology and electrical energy are as a matter of fact closely
platform act as an enabler for third party assisted living services.
interconnected. The electric revolution and adopted technologies
that assure a better standard of living enabled a longer life span.
The demographic prediction is that by 2050, one in four persons
living in Europe and Northern America could be aged 65 or over.
HEMS (Home Energy Management System), Smart Home, care
In 2018, for the first time in history, persons aged 65 or above
for elderly, elderly, change behavior detection. ISE-EMH,
outnumbered children under five years of age globally. The
number of persons aged 80 years or over is projected to triple,
from 143 million in 2019 to 426 million in 2050. Growing at a
slower pace, world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion in
2050 and could peak at nearly 11 billion around 2100 | UN DESA
| United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs )
With the more user friendly and affordable technology, the
In harmony with sustainable energy use, interconnected
standard of living and the quality of life for the past 60 years was
devices and solutions for energy management in homes (HEMS),
rising, and it enabled to adopt many technologies from the
the possibilities of using the captured data for a variety of
simplest as lighting, heating to more complex as home
secondary use open up. Technology of connectable devices,
automation technologies and solutions. The use of this
sensors, cloud data technologies and energy monitoring and
technology, however, has become part of everyday life, which is
energy management technologies, such as Robotina's HEMS
reflected in the routine management or use of them.
solution, enable real-time monitoring of energy consumption and
The future demographic structure and longer life expectancy
based on this, generation of events and patterns of user behavior.
also bring challenges for society. With the increase in life
expectancy and the lack of young people who opt for nursing
professions, it will be necessary to find appropriate technological
solutions that will help maintain the quality of life and assistance
of the elderly.
To provide an adequate general care for the elderly, remotely
assist them, predict health issues and to alert the caregivers
appropriate technological solutions must be in place. In this
paper, we describe the way how through energy management we
enable to create events based on the behavior or use of devices in
homes, apartments, or spatialized caregiving rooms. These
events are the foundation for triggering actions for assistance or
prevention and safety in the relevant behavior change.
In this paper we describe the role of HEMS (Home Energy
Management System) solution and 4G cloud platform in
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
Figure 2: HEMS system operation and
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
functionalities scheme.
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third -party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
1.1 Basic information about the project
Robotina 2021, August 2021, Kozina, Slovenia
D. Palčič et al.
Data sets
As a part of Insieme project we developed the features for data
Time of the event
acquisition, safe data transfer, models of event generation and
event logging. For the purpose of third-party data use we
Duration of the event
developed a standardized Data API on 4S platform based on
Type of the device or system
SMIP cloud platform API service.
For a better understanding of the topic the paper describes the
Additional parameters to trigger actions are:
possibilities and the technology behind it.
Age of the person
1.2 Home energy management system as a source
Current health status
of data
The HEMS system monitors all energy production systems and
all energy consumers in an individual home and, in the case of a
Data collecting and data transfer to the cloud are crucial for the
hospital or nursing home, energy consumption at the level of an
interoperability and inter-usability of data by third-party
individual floor or individual room. The feature of the Energy
providers of ambient assisted living application information
Management System (HEMS) works locally, and at the same
solutions and home care assistance solutions. At the level of the
time the connection to the cloud allows it to take advantage of all
HEMS (Home Energy Management System) solution,
the benefits that cloud technologies allow. To comprehensively
connectivity is ensured through the edge technology of the
cover all business models and services of energy management
Robotinas IoT Linker product, which ensures that data is
solutions, Robotina has built the 4S cloud platform, which
securely transmitted to the cloud xEMS platform.
enables data capture and analytical data services. Event detection,
event generation and consequently as the main functionality
activity triggering. In case of assisted living as an example
triggering a warning to caregivers. Events once generated may
Events are generated out of available data sets and are time
be used for other purposes.
Event can be generated through result of a simple equation. Let’s
take temperature as an example. Equation, which would generate
variable high_temperature as (TRUE): if (t1)>38 then
More complex events may be result of an algorithm, like
counting number of bathroom light_ON events between 22 and
6’ o clock.
Finally, events may be result of a complex combination of
algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Events are defined/described by healthcare specialists and
translated into formulas or algorithms. Artificial Intelligence is
used, when patterns are not clearly known upfront or when
relations are too complex.
3.1 Lighting scenarios
Figure 3: Sankey diagram from HEMS energy management
Lighting and its use in rooms is the simplest, but on the other
hand the most used device or set of devices in daily life of every
person. The data of lighting usage provides us a variety of
information. Use at a certain time of the day, the frequency of its
1.3 Overview of available data sets
use, use in an individual, specific space provides us with valuable
data in generating events and patterns of behavior. the logical
consequence is that it also allows the detection of anomalies and
Energy monitoring and energy management provides us with
changes in behavior. A clear example is the non-extinguishing of
data on the use of various devices and systems. The collected
lights, which can serve as scenarios of causes such as insomnia,
data give us information on the use of an individual device or
dementia or even death. The frequency of lighting in a particular
system and the time frames for the use of the devices. Depending
room, such as the frequent use of lights in toilets at night, can
on the time period, the duration of an individual event and the
provide us with information about the disruption of water
type of device or system that was used at a given time, we can
drainage, ie the detection of the onset of incontinence or prostate
specifically build events and content interpretations of events
problems in the case of the male population. However, early
that trigger event-specific activities.
detection and early diagnosis of the disease can have a radical
Usability of smart home and home automation data
Robotina, August 2020, Kouina, Slovenia
impact on further prevention of disease development. In the case
reach key data that enable to build additional services in assisted
of homes for the elderly, however, caregivers have the option of
living and other remote care services. Data API configurations
comprehensive insight and prompt action.
enable devices to be accessible to third-party clients by calling
SMIP Data API Web Services. Content developers may define
3.2 Heating scenarios
which things and which variables may be accessible to which
third-party. Write access to variables is also defined in Data API
Heating and cooling are also the most common solutions in any
home or building. In this case, energy management and HEMS
also provide us with information on a person's health through
monitoring the operation of heating and cooling systems. There
are, of course, many scenarios. An example of excessive cooling
Through energy consumption and the use of various devices,
or heating may indicate a physiological change in a person or a
HEMS can define various events, which, of course, depend on
change in health.
the type of building or living environment and the age or health
condition of the person.
3.3 Energy consumption scenarios
5.1 Individual home
Comprehensive energy management and monitoring through
HEMS provides us with rich data to interpret the behavior of the
For an individual home as we have already mentioned in the
individual through monitoring energy consumption. An obvious
paper, the key goal is to monitor the routine through HEMS
example of such a scenario is the example of "morning coffee".
energy management. Through an appropriate, long enough
Hems can clearly identify patterns of behavior and deviations,
period to define individual events, the system obtains data to
changes, or anomalies in an individual’s routine actions or tasks
detect changes in routine tasks, define current health status,
through monitoring peak energy consumption. In this case,
detect deterioration in health status, or early detection of
“morning coffee,” which is routine for most people, can be an
potential new disease at an early stage. Notifications to relatives
indicator of a person’s condition. Perceived changes in the
or caregivers are generated when routines change. This way they
performance of routine tasks are systematically interpreted as an
have the ability to check the situation and the ability to act
event that triggers activities to inform relatives or caregivers.
quickly. The benefits of this type of solution are for the elderly
and their therapists or doctors, caregivers and, of course, relatives.
With the growth of the elderly population, solutions such as
HEMS and the Ambient Assisted Living service can indirectly
help extend the autonomy of the elderly and the independence of
The power of big data is in its usability. To assure 3rd party data
use it is necessary to assure the data availability in a standardized
the elderly, as everything takes place automatically and remotely.
This is especially important for seniors living in remote locations.
way through standard protocols. This ensures to other provider
All involved stakeholders who directly or indirectly care for a
to use the collected data and make them a part of an applicable
person thus have the opportunity to be informed and to act in a
solution, which provides stand-alone services based on this
timely manner for the benefit of the quality of life of the elderly
information or data.
person ore their beloved ones.
We have described the possibilities offered by the energy
management solution (HEMS) and the 4S cloud platform in the
direction of “Ambient Assisted Living” solutions. We have
prepared an environment for the capture, transfer and storage of
data and the creation of events that serve to implement other
applications of application solutions. We examined the
possibilities of using the obtained data to generate events and
trigger actions. We have identified scenarios that can provide
solutions to the well-being of older people and the early detection
of potentially pathological changes and diseases. These solutions
can be applied fast and with the least investment in the current
Figure 4: HEMS prosumers and consumers configurator.
4.1 Data API
The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project funded by the
program: Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020.
As mentioned above, Robotinas HEMS (Home Energy
Management System) enables to spatialized IT companies to
Robotina 2021, August 2021, Kozina, Slovenia
D. Palčič et al.
DESA | United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
2021. Growing at a slower pace, world population is expected to reach
2021. Robotina-WikiPage en:hems:hems [] (hiq-universe.com) (2021).
9.7 billion in 2050 and could peak at nearly 11 billion around 2100 | UN
Intelligent cognitive assistant technology for (mental)
health in the ISE-EMH project
Tine Kolenik†
Urša Klun
Primož Kocuvan
Department of Intelligent
Department of Intelligent
Department of Intelligent
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana,
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana,
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana,
Matjaž Gams
Department of Intelligent Systems
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Intelligent cognitive assistant technology (ICAs) has been
defined as a technology powered by complex information
The paper presents the inclusion of intelligent cognitive assistant
processing agents. These can acquire information, put it into
technology in an electronic and mobile health system under
action and transmit knowledge, bringing together perception,
development for the ISE-EMH project. After introducing the
intelligence, thinking, calculation, reasoning, imagining and, in
project and the intelligent cognitive assistant technology, the
the end, conscience [1]. ICAs aspire to: understand context; be
paper describes the included assistants in the developing
adaptive and flexible; learn and develop; be autonomous; be
electronic health system. The main focus of the paper is its
communicative, collaborative and social; be interactive and
emphasis on the current state of the design of an advanced
personalized; be anticipatory and predictive; perceive; act; have
adaptive and personalized assistant for mental health. The most
internal goals and motivation; interpret; and reason. Such agents
in-depth description focuses on the utilization of a generative
are usually deployed either as conversational agents – computer
pre-trained transformer (based on OpenAI’s GPT-3) to respond
systems that converse with humans in (usually written) natural
to users’ self-reports about their mood and mental health issues.
language – or robots. All these characteristics make them very
suitable for various functionalities inside an emHealth platform,
some of which will be presented in this paper, as they also play
Attitude and behavior change, digital mental health, electronic
a role in the ISE-EMH project.
and mobile health system, intelligent cognitive assistant
The ISE-EMH project encompasses a platform of emHealth
and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
As a result of a collaboration of multiple Slovenian and Italian
partners, it connects cross-border healthcare systems. The project
consists of three main components: a mobile application, a web
Electronic and mobile health system (emHealth) describes
page and a chat system. The mobile application, available for OS
healthcare services that are largely enriched by the use of
Android, is developed specifically for elderly persons and their
information and communication technology (ICT) for its
caretakers. The goal is to simplify and improve quality of
functionalities. This mostly includes computers and mobile
seniors’ lives. This is achieved through a design that provides
phones, which make healthcare more flexible and available at all
simple usage and implementation of multiple integrations, such
times, but can also extend to newer technologies, such as robots.
as alarms for taking medicines, fall detection and an SOS call
ICT is made useful in a wide range of services, from data keeping
option. The web page consists of several relevant information
to predictive modeling. One of the existing and still evolving
about health concerns, diseases, and fields of medicine, along
technologies that benefit emHealth the most is the intelligent
with useful links for booking certain services, for waiting queues
cognitive assistant technology.
for procedures, and of presentations of other helpful platforms.
Because all data are gathered in one place and easily available, it
allows better access to the healthcare itself, as searching for
information is intuitively designed. The chat system is
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
implemented in the web page, and is intended for all users that
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
have questions concerning health problems or are simply looking
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
for more information about certain services. Its main goal is to
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
provide answers, give advice to users, and present information
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
about waiting queues for certain procedures and services. This is
possible through the use of ICAs.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
T. Kolenik et al.
This paper presents the use of the ICA technology in the ISE-
analyzing large amounts of data [4]) on trigram words, it
EMH emHealth platform, and focuses on an adaptive and
allows fast and precise searching.
personalized ICA for attitude and behavior change in mental
health, which is planned to be implemented into the platform.
The ICA technology in the ISE-EMH project, similarly as other
chat possibilities, is integrated in Rocket.Chat [2], a widely used
open source communicating platform. The ICA technology is
mostly deployed when a professional is not available to chat with
the users. At that moment, the answers are provided by various
ICAs. Three assistants are implemented directly in the platform,
all of them with different domains they cover in terms of their
semantic understanding: the JSI assistant, an assistant for waiting
queues, and an assistant for service searching. They all provide
their answers, but users can alternatively select only one of them.
Others assistants (e.g., an assistant for information on hepatitis)
are also included, but are not integrated, and they can be accessed
through a link, suggested in the chat window. The three major
integrated assistants are described below:
Figure 1. Left: An assistant for waiting queues giving information
1. The JSI assistant [3]: An assistant developed in Bottle
on oncological procedures. Right: Various possibilities from
(Python). Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is a partner of the
different ICAs when more answers are possible.
project, and this ICA’s purpose is to give answers to any
question related to the JSI institute and its employees. It can
Another planned ICA integration is an intelligent cognitive
also provide answers to more general questions. It works by
assistant for attitude and behavior change in mental health. This
enacting the following pipeline: 1) all stop-words are
is going to be an advanced adaptive and personalized ICA,
removed in given text to obtain relevant keywords; and 2)
planned to be state of the art (SOTA) in the field of ICAs for
lemmatization, a procedure that returns the root of a word, is
mental health. Its design is described in the next section.
used on these keywords to provide more efficient searching
through the database.
2. An assistant for waiting queues: An assistant developed
in Django (Python), which provides information on waiting
queues in the Slovenian healthcare system of a given health
service. The data of all the possible procedures are obtained
To be able to understand how to design such an ICA, the mental
from the website https://cakalnedobe.ezdrav.si/, which makes health issues in the society have to be overviewed. Stress, anxiety
them non-obsolete. Based on the selected health service,
and depression (SAD) are on the rise in the entire world, with
urgency and the region of procedure, information on the
figures in certain groups reaching 71% for stress, 12% for
medical institutions that provide the service along with first
anxiety disorder and 48% for depression [5]. This opens the
available time slots are given. For avoiding any
doors for technological and scientific interventions to help
misunderstandings about what procedures the user wants,
mitigate the occurring mental health pandemic. One such
stop words are removed and a lemmatizator is used. The user
technology is persuasive technology (PT), which tries to change
then chooses among all the suggested services. If a procedure
attitudes or behaviors without coercion or deception. ICAs can
is not available, other solutions are suggested, such as
be effective vessels for such goals., as they can communicate in
searching in all the available regions. This makes searching
natural language. By employing ICAs in mental health, the
faster and more precise as well as easier to use, which is
benefits can be numerous: they can be free of charge, available
enabled through the button-based chat implementation.
24/7, and available in remote locations [6]. Furthermore, people
tend to be more comfortable talking to an ICA than to a person
3. An assistant for service searching: The assistant is
implemented as a service search; the services are available on
To discover what SOTA in this field was, three major ICAs
the ISE-EMH platform website as well. The ICA uses entered
for SAD were reviewed, also because only rare review articles
keywords to provide descriptions of services, including many
on this topic exist [8]. An ICA by Yorita, Egerton, Oakman, Chan
useful links. With the stop-words removal and the use of
and Kubota [9] is based on the Belief-Desire-Intention
Elasticsearch (a search engine that allows faster searching and
architecture with three models: “a conversation model for
acquiring state information about the individual, measuring their
Intelligent cognitive assistant technology in the ISE-EMH
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
stress level, a Sense of Coherence (SOC) model for evaluating
The module architecture represents the following pipeline:
the individuals state of stress, and Peer Support model, which
uses the SOC to select a suitable peer support type and action it”
1. Information input. Users answer quantitative
[Ibid., p. 3762]. The ICA teaches users how to improve their
questionnaires on their mental health, and provide a textual
mental resilience to stress, which it succeeds in in the reported
input on their mood, their experiences while in that mood, and
experiment. Another effective ICA is called Woebot [10]. It is
similar. If the user has already provided quantitative scores
based on a “decision tree with suggested responses that accepts
for enough time, only text is necessary.
natural language inputs” [Ibid., p. 3]. It intervenes by outputting
educational content, personalized messages, and scripted advice
2. The scores and text are automatically preprocessed to
by collecting data on users’ emotions and identifying their errors
extract the features.
in thinking. In one experiment, Woebot was more successful in
helping with SAD symptoms than the government-prescribed
3. A pre-trained model is used first to recognize moods,
material. The last reviewed ICA is called Tess, which “reduce[s]
emotions, sentiment, and other mental health markers in the
self-identified symptoms of depression and anxiety” [11]. It uses
text, and it uses this on conjunction with the quantitative
an extensive emotion ontology to identify the emotions of its
scores to forecast mental health trends of the user. This part
users from the text. It uses prepared scripts to help the users, and
determines various metrics: the severity of mental health
collects journal data and user feedback to improve its outputs. In
problems, the specificity of mental health problems, and the
one experiment, Tess significantly reduced depression and
short-term trend of mental health problems.
anxiety symptoms as opposed to the government-approved
eBook for self-help.
4. The three metrics are sent to the next part of the module.
Reviewed ICAs seem to already be at least partly successful,
but they do not fully exploit the possibilities PT offers (e.g.,
5. A pre-written text is selected according to the metrics,
attitude and behavior change theories, user modeling, adaptation,
determined in the previous part. The text serves to mitigate
personalization). The ICA we are designing takes that into
the user’s mental health problems, and, if the forecasted trend
account. In this paper, we focus on describing a module in the
is negative, to try to break that trend.
ICA that utilizes a generative pre-trained transformer (based on
GPT-3 [12]) to formulate outputs.
6. The text is sent to be augmented with the next part of the
Our ICA surpasses the SOTA by possessing a ‘theory of
mind’. This is achieved by the ICA a user model with the data on
users’ emotions, mental states, and personality, which relies on
7. The text from the previous part is enriched by a generative
behavioral and cognitive sciences advances; a reinforcement
pre-trained transformer based on GPT-3 with additional text.
learning algorithm to learn from historical interactions between
This makes responses more varied and alive for the user.
the ICA and the user, thus capturing which strategies work and
which do not; and ontologies on attitude and behavior change,
8. The enriched text is passed to the GPT humanizer.
stress, anxiety, and depression. The focus is however on the
9. GPT humanizer return the original text for enrichment if
deemed risky for the user.
Module architecture:
10. GPT humanizer decides whether the added text by
Generative pre-trained transformer based on GPT-3 is
acceptable in terms of risk for the user. It consists of a rule-
based model that rejects text with certain words, sentiment
analyzer that rejects text that fails to reach a certain positive
sentiment threshold, and a pre-trained model based on a
dataset of risky sentences that rejects text if it is detected as
11. The final text goes through some additional modifications
to check that everything is in order.
12. Output of the final text.
1. The user inserts text “Today I have felt very bad. I feel a
Figure 2. A module for detecting and forecasting mental health
lot of stress because I have a deadline at work coming, and I
issues, and responding to the detected and forecasted issues by utilizing
fought with my partner yesterday. I am anxious to talk to them
a generative pre-trained transformer, based on GPT-3.
tonight. The deadline is a bit scary because I did not do a good
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
T. Kolenik et al.
job last time, and if it happens again, it might trigger my
friends. They probably have some experience with them and
can offer advice as well as another perspective on the
situation. Don't ignore or repress the problem if you need
2. Features are extracted. This includes performing sentiment
to seek help. You are not a burden and you do have
analysis, creating n-grams, vectorizing, calculating basic
worth. ”
statistical features, and applying psychological and cognitive
lexicons on the text.
3. The features from the second step are used for detecting the
The paper presented an emHealth platform being developed in
user’s specific mental health problems, their severity and, if
the ISE-EMH project. First, the paper focused on the ICA
there is historical data of the user, the short-term trend. The
technology used in the project, and later it focused on one
model returns abnormal levels of stress and depression, and it
particular ICA, an advanced adaptive and personalized ICA for
forecasts a negative trend.
attitude and behavior change in mental health.
The field of emHealth is still developing as advancing
4. The information on the mental health of the user is sent to
technologies are being integrated into various domains of our
the sentence selector.
society. The project ISE-EMH represents one such use case of
integrating the domain of healthcare with the ICA technology.
5. Due to the abnormal levels of stress and depression as well
as a negative trend forecasting, the text, which also takes the
user’s personality, which is more easily persuaded when
The authors acknowledge the financial support from the
addressing their social circle, into account, selects the text
Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209
“Tackling stress and depression is hard, especially since
and the Young researchers’ grant) and the ISE-EMH project
many people have problems with them, but it is not
funded by the program Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia
impossible. Try to think outside of the current situations and
discuss them with your friends. They probably have some
experience with them and can offer advice as well as another
perspective on the situation. ”.
Oakley, J. 2018. Intelligent Cognitive Assistants (ICA). Workshop
Summary. IBM Almaden Research Center.
6. The module takes the selected text and sends it for
Rocket.Chat – The Ultimate Communication Platform. https://rocket.chat/
Asistent. http://www.projekt-asistent.si/ijs-en
Elasticsearch: The Official Distributed Search & Analytics Engine.
Twenge, J. M. 2014. Time Period and Birth Cohort Differences in
7. The text is enriched with the following two sentences:
Depressive Symptoms in the U.S., 1982–2013. Soc. Indic. Res. 121, 2
“Don't ignore or repress the problem if you need to seek
(2014), 437-454.
Kolenik, T. and Gams, M. 2021. Persuasive Technology for Mental
help. You are not a burden and you do have worth. ” (This
Health: One Step Closer to (Mental Health Care) Equality? IEEE
was an actual output of GPT-J [13]).
Technology and Society Magazine. 40, 1 (2021), 80-86.
Lucas, G. M., Gratch, J., King, A., and Morency, L. P. 2014. It’s only a
computer: virtual humans increase willingness to disclose. Comp. Human.
8. The enriched text is passed to the GPT humanizer.
Behav. 37 (2014), 94-100.
Kolenik, T. and Gams, M. 2021. Intelligent Cognitive Assistants for
Attitude and Behavior Change Support in Mental Health: State-of-the-Art
9. Does not occur.
Technical Review. Electronics. 10, 11 (2021), 1250.
Yorita, A., Egerton, S., Oakman, J., Chan, C., and Kubota, N. 2018. A
Robot Assisted Stress Management Framework. 2018 IEEE International
10. GPT humanizer extracts features from the added text. It
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki, Japan,
does not find any risky indicators.
Fitzpatrick, K. K., Darcy, A., and Vierhile, M. 2017. Delivering Cognitive
Behavior Therapy to Young Adults With Symptoms of Depression and
11. The final text is passed to the final stage without
Anxiety Using a Fully Automated Conversational Agent (Woebot): A
Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Ment. Health. 4, 2 (2017), e19.
Fulmer, R., Joerin, A., Gentile, B., Lakerink, L., and Rauws, M. 2018.
Using Psychological Artificial Intelligence (Tess) to Relieve Symptoms of
12. The user receives the full text output: “Tackling stress and
Depression and Anxiety. JMIR Ment. Health. 5, 4 (2018), e64.
Brown, Tom B. et al. Language Models are Few-Shot Learners. arXiv.
depression is hard, especially since many people have
2005.14165 (2020).
problems with them, but it is not impossible. Try to think
Wang, B. and Komatsuzaki, A. GPT-J-6B: A 6 Billion Parameter
Autoregressive Language Model. https://github.com/kingoflolz/mesh-
outside of the current situations and discuss them with your
Analysis of a recommendation system used for predicting
medical services
Gjorgji Noveski
Jakob Valič
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Collaborative filtering
Recommendation systems are widely used in prediction of user
Collaborative filtering is based on the idea that users who have
preferences given a set of data. More often these preferences
similar interest in the past, will be more likely to rate future items
are part of the domains of the entertainment or general goods
the same way. The recommendation is gathered from data from
industry, striving to improve recommendations for items such as
various users, but it is tailored just for the specific user that is
songs, movies, electronics, etc. In this work, we give an overview
doing the query.
of using a recommendation system in a electronic and mobile
health platform, showcasing the applicability of such a system
Item-item collaborative filtering
for recommending healthcare services and keywords relating to
Another form of collaborative filtering is the item-item collab-
user’s initial search query.
orative filtering. Instead of looking at users which are similar
based on their previous ratings, it looks at the items that are
rated by one user and it suggest a new item which has the high-
Electronic and mobile health, recommendation systems, Insieme
est similarity between the previously rated ones. This form of
filtering performs well when the number of users is higher than
the numbers of items, which is a good fit for our problem.
Recommendations systems have been proven to provide solid
recommendations in various tasks, such as movie recommenda-
tions, song recommendations, general goods recommendations
The environment where the recommendation system will be ana-
on online shopping platforms, etc. With their help, using online
lyzed is called ISE-EMH (Insieme). It represents an EMH platform
platforms and services has become more enjoyable since they
which connects various medical institutions and patients. The
tailor suggestions in respect to each individual user. Focusing on
platform provides information about services which are obtained
the healthcare domain, we can see that recommender systems
from medical institutions. An example use case is a patient that
are able to offer help in many aspect of a patient’s health [3]. Sim-
requires information about certain illnesses, queries information
ilarly, they are also used by the healthcare professionals, aiding
through keywords on the platform and the platform returns the
them in decision making scenarios in order to decrease the risk
relevant information.
of errors. An interesting approach is proposed by [2], where the
The users who are using Insieme are not required to have an
entirety of the recommendation system is build as a whole plat-
account to use its services. Because of that, a session based recom-
form. Their platform takes into consideration the user’s health
mendation system is used, meaning the user’s queries (searched
status and finds healthcare services which it considers would
keywords) are only relevant in only one session. The user may be
be of value to the user. Our work is interested in analyzing a
able to search for different illnesses in different sessions, but we
recommender system in conjunction with an electronic and mo-
can not assume their previous searches are related to the current
bile health (EMH) platform. We want to recommend relevant
healthcare services to the users based on their search queries.
Having good recommendations allows the user to find relevant
services in a faster and easier way.
In order to carry out the analysis of the recommendation model
Problems with recommendation systems
for project Insieme, we decided to simulate a small set of input
data due to lack of real data. First, we chose a subset of services
A recommendation system has the most difficult time achieving
and then we simulated some users’ choices. The simulation was
good results at the beginning of its work period. This is widely
done by generating use cases which simulate a typical user using
known as the "cold start" problem. This problem is due to the fact
the EMH platform and choosing appropriate services. This was
that a system can not infer any significant information about its
done because real user interaction data was unobtainable.
users or items because previous information is scarce. There are
several approaches one can take while designing a recommenda-
tion system, such as:
Input data
Insieme services are organized into medical categories. For the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
purpose of the experiment, we chose the following medical cate-
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
gories: dermatology, oncology and infections. From each of those
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
we chose 3 to 4 services, thus obtaining 10 various medical ser-
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
vices. Each service has keywords describing it. Since the services
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
refer to the diseases, the keywords refer to the affected part of
the body and describe some additional properties of the disease.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gjorgji Noveski and Jakob Valič
Table 1: A subset of services with corresponding keywords
Table 2: Users’ choices of services
When choosing the subset of services, we carefully selected those
filtering model. In addition, an implicit feedback model is used
with various keyword intersections. The services and keywords
that regards the absence of information in the interaction matrix
are shown in Table 1. The ’+’ sign denotes which keywords are
as negative feedback. The motive for this is that a user already
associated with a service.
made a conscious choice about what kind of services he needs
Next, we have simulated the interactions between users and
information for, so the keywords that the user didn’t search can
services. The ’+’ sign denotes that the user has chosen the service.
be regarded as negative interactions in the interaction matrix.
The users’ choices are in Table 2. When preparing the data, we
We built the recommendation model using the LightFM library
bore in mind the possible reasons to some users’ choices. E. g.,
[1]. We compared the outcome of two various models. The first
users 1, 7 and 10 might be concerned about some skin problems,
model is trained on the users’ choices of the services only. The
while user 11 might be concerned about the lung problems and
second model is additionally trained on keywords describing the
user 2 might be investigating all information about cancer avail-
service. Using these two models, we obtained the suggestions for
able. However, in order to make data more realistic, the majority
each user.
of users’ choices don’t have agenda.
Recommendation model
The top recommendations for all users are mostly the same. The
Our choice for a recommendation system is LightFM [1]. The
differences between the recommended services are minimal, e. g.
reason for using this implementation is the ability to create tag
for user 2:
embeddings by supplying user and item features. In our use case,
our item features represent tags that further explain the keywords
• pneumonia: 0.13
(items), for e.g. : "Acne" item has the corresponding "Dermatol-
• acne: 0.18
ogy" and "Skin" items associated with it. The benefit of using
• psoriasis: 0.13
embeddings is that they capture semantic similarities between
• dermatitis: 0.15
the keywords, which in turn will result in better inference of
• skin cancer: 0.18
the model and provide an option to choose top N most similar
• lung cancer: 0.18
• brain tumor: 0.13
With the help of the learned latent vectors improvement is
• Lyme disease: 0.17
achieved on "cold start" scenarios. If the item features were not
• tick-borne meningoencephalitis: 0.17
supplied, the model would default back to a pure collaborative
• COVID-19: 0.16
Recommendation system analysis - project Insieme
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
This data is produced by the model with only interactions. The
Digital, which organized the focus group as part of the HoCare
model with item features has the same recommendations, with
2.0 project.
slightly lower probability. For each user, the top 3 suggested
services are acne, skin cancer and lung cancer. These predictions
are not satisfactory, since we would like to obtain the suggestions
[1] Maciej Kula. 2015. Metadata embeddings for user and item
tailored to every user separately. We assume more data would be
cold-start recommendations. In Proceedings of the 2nd Work-
needed for training of recommendation models.
shop on New Trends on Content-Based Recommender Systems
co-located with 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Sys-
tems (RecSys 2015), Vienna, Austria, September 16-20, 2015.
In this work we analyzed a recommendation system that is used
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings). Toine Bogers and Marijn
with an EMH platform. The goal was to see if such a system is
Koolen, editors. Volume 1448. CEUR-WS.org, 14–21. http:
applicable on an EMH platform and offer medical service recom-
mendations to users. Because of limited amount of interaction
[2] Choon-oh Lee, Minkyu Lee, Dongsoo Han, Suntae Jung, and
data, the recommendation system faces difficulties in learning
Jaegeol Cho. 2008. A framework for personalized healthcare
meaningful representations. The system requires data which
service recommendation. In HealthCom 2008-10th Interna-
would be gathered during a longer period of time, in order to
tional Conference on e-health Networking, Applications and
give more accurate and meaningful suggestions.
Services. IEEE, 90–95.
[3] Thi Ngoc Trang Tran, Alexander Felfernig, Christoph Trat-
tner, and Andreas Holzinger. 2021. Recommender systems
The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project funded by the
in the healthcare domain: state-of-the-art and research is-
program: Interreg V-A Italy-Sovenia 2014-2020. We thank IPM
sues. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 57, 1, 171–
PlatformUptake Methodology for AHA Solution Assessment
Žiga Kolar
Zdenko Vuk
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Erik Dovgan
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Course for synergies, knowledge exchange and a common un-
The EU PlatformUptake project aims for AHA solution assess-
derstanding among all stakeholders in the Active and Healthy
ment. It assesses the societal impact of the existing platforms,
Ageing market [3].
creates monitoring and evaluation toolkits, collects successful
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
user stories and best practices, promotes interoperability, and
the main objectives of the project, project methodology and plat-
defines guidelines for a common evolution of such platforms
forms for elderly. Clustering and taxonomies are described in
within existing policy frameworks and initiatives. In this paper
section 3. Finally, section 4 concludes the paper with summary
we present (i) PlatformUptake methodology for AHA solution
and ideas for future work.
assessment and its main objectives, (ii) the results of two ways
of clustering, and (iii) the results of taxonomies generation of the
text descriptions of the EU PlatformUptake platforms for elderly.
After the data was prepared, we ran the K-means algorithm and
hierarchical clustering to get the number of clusters. We also
Main objectives
created a decision tree of platforms for elderly.
The main objectives of the EU PlatformUptake methodology for
AHA solution assessment are:
• To identify the critical success factors of the development,
uptake, clustering, artificial intelligence, health, elder people
deployment and spread of open platforms in the Active
And Healthy Ageing Domain, through a sophisticated
tailor-made monitoring methodology.
Ageing presents one of the greatest socio-economic challenges of
• To develop monitoring and self-evaluation tools to sup-
the twenty-first century. According to estimates more than 20%
port platform providers and users self-assess their success,
of Europeans will be 65 or older by 2025 [5]. Reacting to related
uptake, capability gaps and evolution potentials through
puzzlements of demographic shifts and ageing in general, and
smart assessment and visualization tools.
guaranteeing the availability of the required structure to help Eu-
• To analyse existing platforms based on the created method-
rope utilize the active and healthy ageing sector’s opportunities,
ology, by assessing the projects and initiatives hosted by
the EU has devoted a high level of resources to ICT projects in the
them, their further evolution, uptake, sustainability and
field of active and healthy ageing. As such a considerable num-
socioeconomic benefits.
ber of open source platforms for the development of innovative
• To involve end-user communities and related stakehold-
solutions in the AHA domain have been created [3].
ers to initiate a knowledge exchange cycle for collecting
The EU PlatformUptake methodology for AHA solution as-
insights on best practices and challenges of platforms’
sessment assesses the societal impact of these existing platforms,
uptake, evolution and costs, etc.
create monitoring and evaluation toolkits, collect successful user
• To leverage the platform uptake by their user communities
stories and best practices, promote interoperability and define
as well as their continuous improvement and expansion,
guidelines for a common evolution of such platforms within ex-
by elaborating and showcasing best-practice models and
isting policy frameworks and initiatives. Seeking to support the
evaluation guidelines.
large-scale uptake of the platforms, the project proposes the cre-
• To disseminate the acquired knowledge to end-users for
ating of an online information hub which provides descriptive
increasing their uptake of existing platforms, and promote
and support materials on all existing platforms, the organisation
best practice models and identified benefits to foster future
of several stakeholder events, as well as Massive Open Online
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
The EU PlatformUptake methodology for AHA solution assess-
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
ment seeks to deliver an inventory of the state of the art and anal-
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
yse the use of open service platforms in the Active and Healthy
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
domain, covering both open platforms – such as UnversAAL,
FIWARE and partly-open/proprietary platforms developed by
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Žiga Kolar, et al.
industry, and address the interactions between these platforms
The FIWARE Foundation is the legal independent body pro-
viding shared resources to help achieve the FIWARE mission by
To measure the impacts of such platform and enhance their up-
promoting, augmenting, protecting, and validating the FIWARE
take, the project proposal presents a methodology for monitoring
technologies as well as the activities of the FIWARE community,
open platform development, adoption and spread across Europe,
empowering its members including end users, developers and
by listing key factors that determine success or hinderance in
rest of stakeholders in the entire ecosystem.
their uptake by the end-user groups, and also the evolution of
REACH represents a solution that seeks to prevent elderly
their ecosystems and stakeholder networks.
citizens from loss of function and a decline of being able to per-
The proposed methodology shall be employed in the project
form Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently leading
to evaluate the use of open platforms by collecting and process-
ultimately to entering Long Term Care (LTC).
ing data from past and currently running European projects
VAALID (Accessibility and Usability Validation Framework
and other initiatives that are built upon such platforms. Follow-
for AAL Interaction Design Process) is a STREP project of the
ing the knowledge acquisition, the methodology will elaborate
7th Marco Program for Investigation and Development of the
evaluation guidelines and best practice models of integrating
European Commission, included within the Strategic Objective
multiple platforms, taking account of technical, organizational,
‘Accessible and Inclusive ICT’; Thematic Priority ICT-2007.7.2.
financial/business and legal aspects.
GIRAFF+ is a complex system which can monitor activities
Following the assessment of the ecosystem and output of an
in the home using a network of sensors, both in and around the
extended evidence on the ecosystem, the methodology will create
home as well as on the body.
support materials for all involved stakeholders to promote the
The purpose of the EkoSmart program is to develop a smart
large-scale uptake of existing platforms and also their contin-
city ecosystem with all the support mechanisms necessary for
uous improvement. In concrete terms this action includes the
efficient, optimized and gradual integration of individual areas
creation of toolkits for Monitoring and Self-Assessment for both
into a unified and coherent system of value chains.
platform providers and platform users, the creation of an Online
PERSONA aims at advancing the paradigm of Ambient Intel-
Information Hub which showcases all information through visu-
ligence through the harmonisation of Ambient Assisted Living
ally appealing smart tools, and the creation and implementation
(AAL) technologies and concepts for the development of sus-
of a Massive Open Online Course and final project activities to
tainable and affordable solutions for the social inclusion and
promote synergies and knowledge exchange between the com-
independent living of Senior Citizen, integrated in a common
munity members [3].
semantic framework.
OASIS introduces an innovative, Ontology-driven, Open Refer-
ence Architecture and Platform, which will enable and facilitate
interoperability, seamless connectivity and sharing of content be-
Within the development of the methodology 18 platforms for
tween different services and ontologies in all application domains
elderly were analysed. These platforms are:
relevant to applications for the elderly and beyond.
The general objective of the AmIVITAL project is the devel-
(2) universAAL
opment of a new generation of ICT technologies and tools for
the modelling, design, operation and implementation of Ambient
(4) ReAAL
Intelligence (AmI) devices and systems to be used for providing
services and personal support for independent living, wellbeing
and health.
(7) EkoSmart
REACH2020 represents a solution that seeks to prevent elderly
citizens from loss of function and a decline of being able to per-
form Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently leading
ultimately to entering Long Term Care (LTC).
(11) REACH2020
The Amigo project develops open, standardized, interoperable
(12) AMIGO
middleware and attractive user services for the networked home
MPOWER defines and implements an open platform to sim-
plify and speed up the task of developing and deploying services
(16) UNCAP
for persons with cognitive disabilities and elderly.
(17) BeyondSilos
SOPRANO designs and develops highly innovative, context-
aware, smart services with natural and comfortable interfaces for
older people at affordable cost, meeting requirements of users,
ACTIVAGE consists of a set of Techniques, Tools and Method-
family and care providers and significantly extending the time
ologies for interoperability between heterogeneous IoT Platforms
we can live independently in our homes when older.
and an Open Framework for providing Semantic Interoperabil-
In the absence of global IoT standards, the INTER-IoT results
ity of IoT Platforms for AHA while addressing trustworthiness,
will allow any company to design and develop new IoT devices
privacy, data protection and security.
or services, leveraging on the existing ecosystem, and bring get
universAAL enables seamless interoperability of devices, ser-
them to market quickly.
vices and applications for IoT enabled smart environments. The
UNCAP (“Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People “)
platform provides the framework for communication, connec-
makes use of solutions and technologies developed in previous
tivity and compatibility between otherwise disparate products,
research projects to develop an open, scalable and privacy-savvy
services and devices.
PlatformUptake Methodology for AHA Solution Assessment
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
ICT infrastructure designed to help aging people live indepen-
dently while maintaining and improving their lifestyle.
BeyondSilos aims at further spreading ICT-enabled, joined-up
health and social care for older people by developing, piloting and
evaluating integrated services based on two generic pathways
in a multicentric approach, making extensive use of knowledge
and experience gained among early adopters of integrated eCare
in Europe.
INLIFE aims to prolong and support independent living for
elderly with cognitive impairments, through interoperable, open,
personalised and seamless ICT services that support home activ-
ities, communication, health maintenance, travel, mobility and
socialization, with novel, scalable and viable business models,
based on feedback from large-scale, multi-country pilots.
Here we present the results of two ways of clustering and the
results of taxonomies generation of the text descriptions of the
Figure 1: Result of k-means with four clusters.
EU PlatformUptake platforms for elderly. There are 18 platforms,
each of which is described by 66 features.
First, the text description of the platforms was converted into
numeric values, e.g. “yes” gets converted to 10, “no” to 0, “par-
tial” to 5. A part of features couldn’t be directly converted into
numbers – mainly features with string-type unordered values,
e.g. “Any (web)”, “Windows, mobile, Symbian”, “Java”.
K-means clustering
K-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally
from signal processing, that aims to partition n observations into
k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with
the nearest mean (cluster centers or cluster centroid), serving as a
prototype of the cluster. This results in a partitioning of the data
space into Voronoi cells. k-means clustering minimizes within-
cluster variances (squared Euclidean distances), but not regular
Euclidean distances, which would be the more difficult Weber
problem: the mean optimizes squared errors, whereas only the
geometric median minimizes Euclidean distances. For instance,
Figure 2: Result of k-means with four clusters with labels.
better Euclidean solutions can be found using k-medians and
k-medoids [2].
The goal of clustering is to determine how many and which
cluster groups represent the platforms best, based on the descrip-
tions of EU platforms for elderly, created by the EU PlatformUp-
take project in Spring 2021.
In Figure 1 we can see the results of k-means with four clusters.
In Figure 2 we can see the results of k-means with four clusters
with labels. The platforms are divided into:
• cluster 1: VAALID.
• cluster 2: AmIVITAL, EKOSMART, INLIFE, OASIS, sensi-
• cluster 3: ActivAgeR, FIWARE, Giraff+, InterIoTL, REACH,
Figure 3: Result of hierarchical clustering.
• cluster 4: AMIGO, BeyondSilos, PERSONA, SOPRANO.
It should be noted that there are only 15 dots visible in Figure
is distinct from each other cluster, and the objects within each
1 although there are 18 platforms. The reason is that 4 dots are
cluster are broadly similar to each other [1].
overlapped one over another, and therefore are not seen in Figure
Hierarchical clustering starts by treating each observation as
1 separately.
a separate cluster. Then, it repeatedly executes the following two
steps: first, identify the two clusters that are closest together,
Hierarchical clustering
and second, merge the two most similar clusters. This iterative
Hierarchical clustering also known as hierarchical cluster analy-
process continues until all the clusters are merged together. The
sis, is an algorithm that groups similar objects into groups called
main output of hierarchical clustering is a dendrogram, which
clusters. The endpoint is a set of clusters, where each cluster
shows the hierarchical relationship between the clusters [1].
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Žiga Kolar, et al.
We got the best result using complete linkage (linkage deter-
• All the related web servers ensure... <= 1.875
mines which distance to use between sets of observation).
• Implemented data analytics analyze environmental . . . <=
Figure 3 shows the dendrogram for the hierarchical clustering.
In general, closer and shorter lines present greater similarity.
• Operating systems supported (including . . . <= 0.5
There are three clusters. One is green colored, one is orange
In a similar way, all descriptions of the platforms can be ob-
colored and the combined one is blue colored.
tained from the generated tree, best differentiating between them.
The only exception is the second node from the left where it is
not possible to distinguish between the three platforms. While
the previous features lead to all three of them, the algorithm is
not able to create further questions to differentiate between them,
i.e. using additional features.
We presented the EU PlatformUptake project for AHA solution
assessment, its main objectives and its 18 platforms for elderly
chosen because they allow elderly to live more healthy and more
independently. We studied similarities and differences between
the 18 platforms, and presented the results by two ways of clus-
Figure 4: A decision tree of platforms for elderly.
tering, and the taxonomies generated from the text descriptions
of the EU PlatformUptake platforms. We conclude that the plat-
forms can be clustered into similar categories and that an effective
According to Wikipedia [4], taxonomy is “the practice and
decision tree taxonomy can be created for the platforms. Cluster-
science of categorization or classification based on discrete sets.”
ing and structuring taxonomies for elderly in the proposed way
It is a hierarchical classification, in which things are organized
enables an integrated understanding of the field of EU platforms
into groups or types. Many taxonomies are hierarchies in the
for elderly.
form of a tree structure, but not all are. Creating taxonomies
In future work, deeper analysis of the clustering is required.
often corresponds to machine learning (ML) of a decision tree
With k-means it is possible to get better and more clear results
from input, where each leaf in a decision tree corresponds to a
with 6 or more clusters. It is feasible that hierarchical clustering
specific object, e.g. a specific plant species, or in our case – a
could also yield more clusters which would be better for deeper
taxonomy description. The input for the taxonomies generation
in this section is the same as for the all other approaches in this
text, e.g. clustering. There are Initially 61 features. Most of these
features have values that can be easily converted into numeric
values, e.g. “yes” gets converted to 10, “no” to 0, “partial” to 5.
This study received funding from the European Union’s Hori-
A part of features couldn’t be directly converted into numbers
zon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant
– mainly features with string-type unordered values, e.g. “Any
agreement number 875452. The authors acknowledge the finan-
(web)”, “Windows, mobile, Symbian”, “Java”. These features have
cial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core
been broken (hot encoding) into a bigger number of new features,
funding No. P2-0209).
e.g. “is web”, “is Windows”, “is mobile”, “is Symbian”, “is Java”.
After the transformations, there are 66 features.
Figure 4 represents the generated taxonomy on the platforms
[1] 2021. Hierarchical clustering. https://www.displayr.com/
analyzed in the EU PlatformUptake project. It is a decision tree
what-is-hierarchical-clustering/. (2021).
where most of the leafs correspond to only one platform. Starting
[2] 2021. K-means clustering. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-
from the root (the top of the decision tree), it contains all the
means_clustering. (2021).
platforms, hence all 1s in the “value” field. The set of all platform
[3] 2021. Platform uptake. https://project.platformuptake.eu/
descriptions gets split into the left and the right node based on the
about/. (2021).
feature/question “All the related web servers ensure maintenance
[4] 2021. Taxonomy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxonomy.
and corrections against the main known weaknesses <= 1.875?”.
According to the question that was found the most relevant for
[5] 2021. The european demographic deficit. https://www.
this decision tree / taxonomy, the set of all taxonomies splits into
europarl . europa . eu / sides / getDoc . do ? pubRef= - / / EP /
two: (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) in the left
subtree and (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1) in the
V0//EN. (2021).
right subtree. The procedure repeats until ideally there is just
one platform left, i.e. all the other platforms do not correspond to
the set of questions except the one. For example, the yellow leaf
corresponds/represents to the “AmIVITAL” platform. It’s parent
node splits platforms looking at the feature named “Operating
systems supported (including mobile) – Java OSGi”. If the value
is <= 5, it continues the graph over its left arrow; if the value is >
5, it continues the graph over its right arrow, in this case for a
leaf “AmIVITAL”. Therefore, the features (questions) leading to
the yellow node, i.e. the AmIVITAL platform, are:
What-If Analysis of Countermeasures Against COVID-19 in
November 2020 in Slovenia
Vito Janko
Nina Reščič
Tea Tušar
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mitja Luštrek
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
In the study reported here we used the improved version,
specialized for Slovenia, to objectively answer a few what-if
Choosing best sets of countermeasures against COVID-19 is a
questions, such as whether school closure and mask usage were
difficult task, and it is often not clear whether the the counter-
justified at a particular point in time, or were they an unnecessary
measures that were actually chosen were justified. In this paper
we studied if the introduction of masks and school opening in
These questions were posed to us by the Slovenian Ministry of
the times of exponential growth in November 2020 in Slovenia
Health. Namely, in August 2021 we sent the our XPRIZE system to
were justified or not.
all EU Ministries of Health with the motivation to help decision-
makers better select NPIs. No ministry was able or eager to use
the system itself so far, but we got some replies and requests for
COVID-19, epidemiological models, multi-objective optimization,
particular studies, such as the one tackled in this paper.
non-pharmaceutical interventions
Our system was trained on the data from 235 world regions
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease
between the dates of March 1, 2020 and April 14, 2021. While
that has rapidly spread across the world. Due to its high mor-
taking data from Slovenia only might result in a more localized
tality rate [4], most countries deemed it too disruptive to let it
model, this data does not provide the necessary range of imple-
run unchecked and have thus implemented countermeasures
mented NPIs and their combinations.
against it. The main type of countermeasures, in particular in
The main source of data was the "COVID-19 Government re-
the times when the vaccines were not yet available, were the
sponse tracker" database, collected by the Blavatnik School of
non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) that include lockdowns,
Government at Oxford University [2], that defines which (and
closure of schools and workplaces, and required mask usage.
in what time interval) NPIs were implemented in each country.
Due to the lack of precedent in the recent history, and several
The NPIs in this database are listed in Table 1. The database also
variables that influence the effect in a particular country, e.g.
provides the strictness of the implementations in the form of
weather and cultural circumstances, it was and still is hard for
numbers, e.g., "Workplace closing – 1" represents that govern-
decision-makers and domain experts to determine which NPIs to
ment only suggests closure, while "Workplace closing – 3" strictly
implement in a given epidemiological situation and what effect
demands it. The detailed description for each level of strictness
would a particular combination of NPIs have.
is provided by the database authors [2].
As we are now in the second year of the pandemic, large
Other key data needed for training the system are the numbers
databases of data regarding the spread of the virus and imple-
of infections and deaths, obtained from the same database. In
mented NPIs aimed at stopping it, became available. This in turn
addition we used data on weather, mobility, hospitalizations,
allows for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods to analyze
vaccination and 93 features based on country characteristics (e.g.,
the data, create predictive models, and consequently help the
culture, development) from our previous work [3].
decision-makers in their task. It also enables reevaluation of the
influence of particular NPIs at a particular time.
In our previous work [5] we built such an AI system, as part of
The results in this work were made using an upgraded version
the XPRIZE: Pandemic Response Challenge. At that competition,
of our XPRIZE system that can predict the number of infections
our system achieved second best results, and was significantly
given the active NPIs, and propose best NPIs to counter them.
upgraded since that time.
The whole system is thoroughly described in our previous
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
work [5]. Here, a quick overview is provided. The system first
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
uses historical data of all regions to create a model that predicts
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
COVID-19 infections given a set of NPIs. A SEIR epidemiological
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
model is used for this purpose, combined with a machine-learning
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
model that predicts the SEIR models’s parameters as a function
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
of NPIs. This model is used to predict the infections resulting
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vito Janko, Nina Reščič, Tea Tušar, Mitja Luštrek, and Matjaž Gams
Table 1: The NPIs used in our study, and the range of val-
ues representing their strictness.
Value range
C1: School closing
C2: Workplace closing
C3: Cancel public events
C4: Restrictions on gatherings
C5: Close public transport
C6: Stay at home requirements
C7: Restrictions on internal movement
C8: International travel controls
H1: Public information campaigns
H2: Testing policy
H3: Contact tracing
H6: Facial Coverings outside the home
Figure 1: A comparison of actual number of daily infec-
from a sequence of NPIs (referred to as "intervention plan") – its
tions, with predicted number of infections for the hypo-
thetical case where masks were not used.
The system also estimates the cost of each intervention plan.
Calculating costs of NPIs is a complex issue that will be dis-
cussed in a forthcoming paper. In brief, they consist of economic
costs (due to disruption of business and similar), for which some
sources are available in the literature [6, 1], and social costs
(due to isolation, restriction of freedom and similar). The cost
of each plan is traded off against its benefit, as stricter plans
results in fewer infections, but are costlier. Finally, the system
uses multi-objective optimization to find intervention plans with
good trade-off between benefits and costs.
The two major improvements of the system for the purpose of
this paper are: 1) the added possibility to set a constraint on the
maximal number of infections allowed – no plan exceeding this
constraint is generated and 2) the added possibility to limit the
strictness of any individual NPI. This two changes allowed us to
analyze the what-if scenarios of what would happen if a certain
NPI were not implemented, and what plans can we implement to
have a similar number of infections, but not the undesired NPI.
The plans presented in this paper were evaluated using only
Figure 2: A comparison of actual number of daily infec-
their economic component (estimated GDP loss [in %] for that
tions, with predicted number of infections for the hypo-
month), but not with the social one. While we repeated all the
thetical case where schools were re-opened.
experiments using social costs, the results were similar, and the
social costs we used are less objective than the economic ones.
greatly changes the reproduction rate and consequently leads to
the exponential growth.
All the predictions were made for the time interval 30. 10. 2020 –
Such fast growth as was predicted in these to experiments is
30. 11. 2020, for Slovenia. That time interval was chosen because
probably too pessimistic, as in reality in the case that the number
of the high number of infections observed and strict counter-
of infections were starting to grow so alarmingly, the population’s
measures imposed.
behavior would likely become more cautious – counterbalancing
In the first experiment, we tested what would have happened
the growth. Nonetheless, the model indicates that the school
if masks were not worn in closed spaces, and all other NPIs would
closure is a major contributor to regulating COVID-19, even
remain the same as the actually implemented. The results are
more important than the masks. Please note that scale of the 𝑦
shown in Figure 1. They indicate an increase of infections, which
axis differs between Figures 1 and 2.
was expected considering that we are simulating lowering the
The two described experiments show that removing an NPI
countermeasures during the epidemic peak, and no other NPI
from the implemented intervention plan will likely result in sub-
was simulated instead of masks.
stantial growth, which decision-makers would not allow. There-
A similar experiment was made for the hypothetical case
fore, we attempted to compensate for the missing NPIs with other
where schools fully re-opened for a month. The results (Figure
NPIs to prevent the exponential growth.
2) show that the number of infections would grow even faster.
We used multi-objective optimization to show the best plans
This happens due to the exponential nature of the epidemiolo-
one can make given the restriction that a certain NPI cannot be
gical model, encapsulating the actual nature of the virus infection
used, at least not with a strictness exceeding a given threshold.
in favorable conditions. Obviously, this reduction in strictness
These plans were compared based on the predicted infections
Feature library
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 2: The weekly strictness of selected intervention plans. The letters identify the plan on the Pareto front approximations in Figures 3 and 4. Strictness 0044 would indicate that the lowest strictness is used for the first two weeks, and highest for the last two ones.
C1: School closing
C2: Workplace closing
C3: Cancel public events
C4: Restrictions on gatherings
C5: Close public transport
C6: Stay at home requirements
C7: Restrictions on internal movement
C8: International travel controls
H1: Public information campaigns
H2: Testing policy
H3: Contact tracing
H6: Facial coverings outside the home
Figure 3: Proposed intervention plans using different re-
Figure 4: Proposed intervention plans generated using dif-
strictions on the value of "School closing". They were eval-
ferent restrictions on the value of "Facial covering". They
uated based on the predicted number of infections and
were evaluated based on the predicted number of infec-
estimated GDP loss. The marked plans are explained in
tions and estimated GDP loss. The marked plans are ex-
Table 2.
plained in Table 2.
"School closing" NPI, so it is easier to replace by increasing other
and predicted GDP loss for that month. The resulting Pareto-
front approximations for school closure with different levels of
strictness are shown in Figure 3.
In this study we analyzed what-if scenarios in regards to reduced
The blue line in Figure 3 represents the case with no limit-
wearing of masks and school re-openings for Slovenia at peak
ations when constructing an intervention plan, and obviously
infection time in November 2020. The study showed that both of
these solutions are substantially better than the intervention plan
these changes would worsen the epidemiological situation in the
actually implemented, and the plans with limitations. The orange
country if no other NPI was introduced instead. Furthermore, for
and green lines represent plans that have schools partially or fully
school closure the AI model could not find proper replacement in
open. These plans are visibly worse in terms of the two desired
that situation, suggesting that school closure was justified. The
objectives: this happens because the system is compensating for
closest viable solution was "Solution e" that proposes only partial
the lack of "School closing" NPI with "Workplace closing" NPI,
school closing, but compensates it with increased testing and
which is more expensive. A sample of the generated plans is
international travel control. On the other hand, the model indic-
given in Table 2.
ated that mask usage could be almost completely compensated
This experiment was repeated, this time restricting the strict-
with an increase of other NPIs. It cannot judge whether this is
ness of the "Facial Coverings" NPI. The results are shown in
desirable – that may depend on social costs.
Figure 4 and sample plans are given in Table 2.
The study has a number of limitations:
For the mask analysis, the system found comparable solutions
that compensate for the reduced "Facial Coverings" NPI. While
(1) The study was done using historic data for Slovenia, while
this NPI has a good ratio between benefit and economic cost,
the AI system was trained on data from all regions and
its benefit in absolute terms is nevertheless smaller than of the
was only somewhat tuned to Slovenia.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vito Janko, Nina Reščič, Tea Tušar, Mitja Luštrek, and Matjaž Gams
(2) The data and the resulting model do not contain the in-
formation on vaccination, as it was not available in the
First, we would like to acknowledge all other authors who con-
tested period.
tributed to the development of the presented AI system: Erik
(3) The data and the resulting model do not contain the in-
Dovgan, David Susič, Carlo De Masi, Tea Tušar, Matej Cigale,
formation on the Delta or newer variants, as it was not
Matej Marinko, Aljoša Vodopija, Anton Gradišek.
available in the tested period.
Second, we want to acknowledge XPRIZE, the organizer of
(4) The model does not predict what would happen with a
the $500K Pandemic Response Challenge competition and their
different implementation of the NPI (e.g., stricter testing
sponsor Cognizant, who made the development of the system
of students/teachers).
(5) The study uses costs available from the literature and
Finally, we acknowledge the financial support from the Slove-
might not fit best Slovenian specifics.
nian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209).
(6) The study does not use social costs, which are certainly
important but difficult to set in a justifiable manner.
Because of these limitations, it is not recommended that this
2021. Business closures and partial reopenings due to covid-
study be used as a basis for future policies. For such purpose, we
19 could cost the u.s. trillions. https://news.usc.edu/178979/
strongly recommend performing new experiments tailored to
business- closures- covid- 19- pandemic- united- states- gdp-
the problem we try to address.
Comparing best AI-proposed measures with the actual ones by
Thomas Hale, Sam Webster, Anna Petherick, Toby Phil-
humans reveals a well-known phenomenon that humans cannot
lips and Beatriz Kira. 2020. Oxford covid-19 government
on their own consider all possibilities and propose best actions.
response tracker, blavatnik school of government. (April
Although demonstrated only on a couple of cases here, in our
2020). https : / / www . bsg . ox . ac . uk / research / research -
opinion that is a fairly general conclusion valid not only for
projects/covid- 19- government- response- tracker.
COVID-19 NPIs. In most cases it should still be the human’s role
Vito Janko, Gašper Slapničar, Erik Dovgan, Nina Reščič,
to make final decisions, but humans should take advantage of AI
Tine Kolenik, Martin Gjoreski, Maj Smerkol, Matjaž Gams
assistance when possible.
and Mitja Luštrek. 2021. Machine learning for analyzing
In summary, school closing and masks in general represent
non-countermeasure factors affecting early spread of covid-
important NPIs, and the decision to use them in peak infection
19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Pub-
cases when vaccinations are not available or sufficient, seems
lic Health, 18, 13. issn: 1660-4601. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18136750.
reasonable. However, unlike the school closing, the masks can be
https://www.mdpi.com/1660- 4601/18/13/6750.
replaced with other NPIs. Furthermore, vaccinations in particular
Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz and Lea Merone. 2020. A system-
render NPIs less important – if no new variant of COVID-19
atic review and meta-analysis of published research data
on covid-19 infection-fatality rates. International Journal
of Infectious Disease, 101, (December 2020), 138–148. An
optional note.
Reščič Nina, Janko Vito, Susič David, De Masi Carlo, Vodop-
ija Aljoša, Marinko Matej, Tušar Tea, Dovgan Erik, Gradišek
Anton, Cigale Matej, Gams Matjaž and Luštrek Mitja. 2021.
Finding efficient intervention plans against covid-19. In
ETAI 2021 (exact name will be given for the camera ready
version). (September 2021).
Md Z Sadique, Elisabeth J Adams and William J Edmunds.
2008. Estimating the costs of school closure for mitigating
an influenza pandemic. BMC public health, 8, 1, 1–7.
Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in
handling the COVID-19 pandemic: review of related studies
Janez Tomšič
David Susič
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
restrictions on gatherings, public transport closure, stay at home
In this paper, we analyse 30 articles on studies that focus on
requirements, restrictions on internal movement, international
assessing the effectiveness of different non-pharmaceutical in-
travel controls, public information campaigns, testing policy,
terventions (NPIs) to flatten the pandemic curve. The articles
contact tracing and facial coverings. The 12 NPIs listed were
reviewed use different methods, data sources, and metrics for
chosen because they are independent of each other and cover all
NPI effectiveness. They also analyse different regions in different
radical government interventions used worldwide. For example,
time periods. Here, we rank the interventions from each article
curfew is included in the stay at home requirements.
using a consistent scoring system. This allows us to rank and
The articles included in this review, the corresponding NPI
compare the effectiveness of each NPI.
data sources, the countries included, and the time frame in which
We conclude that school closure, workplace closure and restric-
the effectiveness of the interventions was assessed can be seen
tions on gatherings are the most effective interventions. Public
in Table 1.
events cancellation and public information campaigns also ap-
pear to have a significant impact. Stay at home requirements,
Articles not based on OxCGRT data
facial coverings, restrictions on internal movement and interna-
In articles on studies that obtained NPI data from other sources,
tional travel controls have a moderate effect. The least effective
intervention policies were checked for compatibility with Ox-
NPIs across all studies were found to be public transport closure,
CGRT descriptions wherever possible, using documentation from
testing policy and contact tracing.
the individual NPI databases or descriptions provided by the au-
thors (in studies where data collection was conducted by the
authors themselves).
Non-pharmaceutical interventions, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
In this review, some interventions from the article by Haug
et al. [15] were merged into those specified by OxCGRT, with
the effectiveness of the merged NPI defined as the maximum
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced governments around the
effectiveness of the nonmerged ones. In this way, both small
globe to implement several non-pharmaceutical interventions
and mass gathering cancellations were merged into restrictions
(NPIs). Researchers have studied the effectiveness of such inter-
on gatherings. Border restriction, travel alert and warning were
ventions to help governments make more informed decisions in
merged into international travel controls.
dealing with the crisis.
Some interventions have been reassigned to the appropriate
The aim of this review is to summarize and compare the find-
OxCGRT definitions. Educate and actively communicate with
ings and methods of several articles on the impact of NPIs on
the public was transformed into public information campaigns,
COVID -19 and to determine which interventions are best suited
enhance detection system into testing policy, and national lock-
to improve the epidemiological situation.
down into stay at home requirements.
The study by Bo et al. [3] analysed the impacts of four inter-
vention categories, namely traffic restriction, social distancing,
mandatory wearing of a face mask in public, and isolation or
Selection of articles
quarantine. Most of these interventions are a combination of
For this review, we searched for articles that focused on assessing
several OxCGRT interventions, so their effectiveness score was
the effectiveness of NPIs in dealing with the ongoing COVID -19
assigned to all the NPIs that comprise them. The score of traffic
pandemic. To be included here, articles had to include compar-
restriction was assigned to restrictions on internal movement and
isons of at least two interventions so that each could be ranked
international travel controls, and the social distancing to school
from most to least effective. Important works on the spread of
closing, public events cancellation, and restriction on gatherings.
COVID -19 that do not include a comparison of different NPIs
Mandatory face masks in public was assigned to facial coverings
(e.g., Chang, S. et al. [5]) are therefore not included in this review.
and isolation or quarantine to stay at home orders.
Effectiveness of the following NPIs from the Oxford COVID-
Banholzer et al. [2] estimated the effectiveness of seven NPIs.
19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) [14] was assessed:
They treated bans on small and large gatherings as two seper-
school closure, workplace closure, public events cancellation,
ate interventions, so they were merged here into restrictions
on gatherings. Venue closure and work-from-home order were
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
merged into workplace closure based on the fact that the authors
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
described venue closure as "closure of some or all non-essential
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
businesses". Their border closure intervention was treated as
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
international travel controls in this review.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
In other articles that included the non-essential business clos-
ing intervention it was treated as OxCGRT’s workplace closure.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Janez Tomšič, David Susič, and Matjaž Gams
Table 1: Articles included in this review
Published in
NPI data source
Countries included
Askitas et al. [1]
175 countries
Banholzer et al. [2]
Plos One
Collected by the authors
USA, Canada, Australia and 17
EU countries
Bo et al. [3]
Collected by the authors
190 countries
Brauner et al. [4]
Collected by the authors
41 countries (of which 34 are
Chaudhry et al. [6]
The Lancet
Collected by the authors
50 countries
Chernozhukov et al. [7]
Covid Tracking Project
Courtemanche et al. [8]
Health Affairs
John Hopkins University
3138 US counties
Deb et al. [9]
129 countries
Dreher et al. [10]
Ebrahim et al. [11]
Hikma Health
1320 US counties
Esra et al. [12]
26 countries and 34 US states
Haug et al. [15]
56 countries, 79 territories
Hunter et al. [16]
30 European countries
Islam et al. [17]
149 countries
Jalali et al. [18]
Collected by the authors
30 most populous US counties
Jüni et al. [19]
Collected by the authors
144 worldwide geopolitical re-
Koh et al. [20]
170 countries
Leffler et al. [21]
200 countries
Li et al. (a) [22]
The Lancet
131 countries
Li et al. (b) [23]
NSF spatiotemporal center
Liu et al. [24]
BMC Medicine
130 countries and territories
Olney et al. [26]
American Journal of Epidemi- Collected by the authors
Papadopoulos et al. [27]
151 countries
Piovani et al. [28]
37 members of OECF
Pozo-Martin et al. [29]
Springer Link
37 members of OECD
Sharma et al. [30]
Collected by the authors
114 subnational areas in 7 Eu-
ropean countries
Stokes et al. [32]
130 countries
Wibbens et al. [33]
Plos One
40 countries and US states
Wong et al. [34]
Journal of Infection
139 countries
Zhang et al. [35]
NY Times and CNN
National lockdown was mapped to stay at home requirements.
graded its effectiveness as 2. International travel controls NPI
Some studies measured the effectiveness of bans on small and
was less effective. Restrictions on internal movement and public
mass gatherings separately. Their results were combined into a
transport closures had a negligible impact.
single intervention - restrictions on gatherings.
In the study by Liu et al. [24], the effectiveness of NPIs was
measured in two scenarios: maximum effort (i.e., the NPIs are at
Ranking effectiveness of NPIs
their maximum intensity) and any effort (i.e., the NPIs are active
at any intensity). They described interventions as either strong,
Different studies estimated the individual impacts of implement-
moderate, or weak in each of the scenarios. Their results were
ing interventions in different ways. We used a simplified ranking
adapted to the simplified ranking system by assigning a value of
system by assigning values between 1 and 4 to the NPIs, with 1
1 to NPIs strong in either both scenarios or in any effort scenario.
representing the most effective and 4 the least effective interven-
NPIs that are strong only at maximum effort were graded 2,
tions. Several interventions from individual studies could have
moderate NPIs were ranked as 3 regardless of the scenario and
been assigned the same value.
weak NPIs were ranked as 4.
In the articles where the authors have already quantitatively
In the article written by Li et al. (a) [22], the impact of NPIs was
estimated the impacts of individual NPIs, their results have simply
estimated 7 days, 14 days and 28 days after its implementation as
been converted to new values, as described above.
the ratio between the reproduction number (R) at a given time
Askitas et al. [1] graded interventions only descriptively. They
point (after 7, 14 or 28 days) and the initial R. We simplified this
found that the most effective interventions in reducing the spread
by calculating the average between all three ratios for each NPI
of COVID-19 were restrictions on gatherings, public events can-
and ranking them with values between 1 to 4.
cellation, school closure and workplace closure, so they were
Wibbens et al. [33] estimated the effectiveness of 11 NPIs at
assigned a value of 1. Stay at home requirements were estimated
different levels of intensity. They were first ranked at their highest
to have a smaller effect after a longer period of time and we
NPI effectiveness review
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
intensity and then at an intermediate intensity. Our metric with
by COVID-19 and 5 articles [7][9][18][23][27] analysed the im-
values between 1 and 4 was then applied based on the average of
pact on both cases and deaths.
high and intermediate intensity rankings.
NPI effectiveness estimations
Comparison with a similar article
Some intervention policies were included in more studies than
While looking for studies to include in this review we found a
others. The ones that were included in most of the studies re-
similar article by Mendez-Brito et al. [25]. Their review included
viewed are school closure (conclusively assessed in 22 studies),
34 articles on the subject of NPI effectiveness. Here, some of these
workplace closure (in 22 studies), restrictions on gatherings (in
articles were excluded, most of them because they only found
18 studies), and stay at home requirements (in 20 studies). The
conclusive evidence for the effectiveness of a single intervention
distribution of estimated effectiveness of these NPIs across in-
policy. Furthermore, the study conducted by Flaxman et al. [13] is
cluded articles is shown in Figure 1. Contact tracing was only
also not included in this review because Soltesz et al. [31] proved
analysed in two articles [33][24] and testing policy in four articles
that the model used was too sensitive to subtle and realistic
alterations in parameter values.
Two additional articles were included in this review [1][30].
However, all other studies included in our paper were already
reviewed in the review by Mendez-Brito et al. [25]. Despite that,
there are a few differences between our findings and theirs. Slight
differences occur in grading effectiveness of NPIs from different
studies, most likely because many studies did not present a rank-
ing system and so our interpretation of their results might be
different than that of Mendez-Brito et al.
There are some articles that do not compare impacts of dif-
ferent intervention policies, but rather only qualitatively mark
them as effective in reducing the COVID-19 incidence. The NPIs
assessed in those studies were all graded with the same grade
by Mendez-Brito et al. They treated those interventions as the
Figure 1: Distribution of effectiveness values for the most
least effective according to their scale. Since such NPIs were only
frequently represented NPIs (lower values stands for bet-
found to be effective but it was not determined how effective
ter effectiveness
they were, we could not confidently grade them as the most effec-
tive interventions, but their impact likewise could not be treated
The impacts of NPIs in the included studies are shown in Fig-
as negligible. That is why they are marked here as moderately
ure 3. Blank cells indicate that the intervention was either not
effective, i.e., they are graded with a 2.
included in the corresponding study or that the estimates of its
effectiveness were inconclusive. Cells are also color coded ac-
cording to the strength of the interventions in the corresponding
articles. A darker shade indicates that the NPI is more effective.
Assessed regions and time frames
The average effectiveness, median effectiveness and the most
The reviewed studies assessed the impact of COVID-19 inter-
frequent value were calculated for each NPI across all articles
vention policies in different time frames. Most studies only anal-
and are presented in Figure 2 along with inormation on how
ysed the first epidemiological wave. Only Sharma et al. [30]
many articles conclusively assessed each NPI and the standard
focused on estimating effectiveness of NPIs during the second
deviation for each NPI.
wave. Wibbens et al. [33] analysed a longer time frame - from
March to November 2020. Pozo-Martin et al. [29] analysed both
waves independently, but the estimates of NPI effectiveness dur-
Studies estimating the effectiveness of COVID-19 interventions
ing the second wave were not as statistically significant. Zhang
used different approaches. They analysed data from different
et al. [35] also analysed a longer period including both waves.
regions and in different time frames. They did not use the same
The majority of studies (19 out of 30) analysed only country-
models to analyse the data or the same metrics to determine the
level data. Two studies [29][28] used data only on countries that
effects different interventions had on the pandemic. Nonetheless,
are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
their findings were often agreed with each other.
Development (OECD). The works [11][26][8][23][18][35][7][10]
The most effective interventions across the reviewed studies
analysed impacts of NPIs in the United States, either state-level
were school closure, workplace closure and restrictions on gather-
or county-level. The only more detailed analysis for Europe was
ings. School closure was estimated to be among the most effective
done by Sharma et al. [30], who analysed 114 subnational areas
intervention policies in 9 studies (41% of studies in which it was
in 7 European countries.
assessed), workplace closure in 5 (23%) studies, and restrictions
on gatherings in 8 (44%) studies. Public events cancellation was
Metrics used in studies
also found to be one of the most effective measures in 3 (33%) out
The studies in this review used different metrics to evaluate the
of 9 studies. Interestingly, public information campaigns appear
impacts of the interventions. 10 studies analysed how individual
to be as effective as cancellation of public events.
NPIs affect the reproduction number [3][4][10][12][15][20][22]
Stay at home requirements was also estimated to have a con-
[24][26][30]. 8 studies estimated the effectiveness of NPIs based
siderable impact, but the interventions mentioned above were
on case incidence or case growth rates [1][2][8][11][19][29][33]
found to be even more effective. This could be because the stay
[35]. 4 articles [6][21][28][32] focused only on mortality caused at home requirements NPI was often implemented as a last resort
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Janez Tomšič, David Susič, and Matjaž Gams
Figure 2: Averaged effectiveness, median effectiveness and most frequent value (Mode) of each NPI across studies (lower value stands for better effectiveness) along with the number of studies that assessed each NPI (Counts) and standard deviations (Std dev).
in addition to many other interventions and its isolated effect
analysis measuring the impact of government actions,
might only be what it adds on top of those.
country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on covid-
Facial coverings, restrictions on internal movement and inter-
19 mortality and related health outcomes. EClinicalMedicine,
national travel controls were generally associated with having a
25, 100464.
moderate effect on flattening the epidemic curve. The least effec-
[7] Victor Chernozhukov, Hiroyuki Kasahara, and Paul Schrimpf.
tive NPIs were consistently found to be public transport closure,
2021. Causal impact of masks, policies, behavior on early
testing policy and contact tracing.
covid-19 pandemic in the us. Journal of econometrics, 220,
1, 23–62.
[8] Charles Courtemanche, Joseph Garuccio, Anh Le, Joshua
[1] Nikolaos Askitas, Konstantinos Tatsiramos, and Bertrand
Pinkston, and Aaron Yelowitz. 2020. Strong social distanc-
Verheyden. 2021. Estimating worldwide effects of non-
ing measures in the united states reduced the covid-19
pharmaceutical interventions on covid-19 incidence and
growth rate: study evaluates the impact of social distanc-
population mobility patterns using a multiple-event study.
ing measures on the growth rate of confirmed covid-19
Scientific reports, 11, 1, 1–13.
cases across the united states. Health Affairs, 39, 7, 1237–
[2] Nicolas Banholzer, Eva Van Weenen, Adrian Lison, Alberto
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[9] Pragyan Deb, Davide Furceri, Jonathan D Ostry, and Nour
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Tawk. 2020. The effect of containment measures on the
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NPI effectiveness review
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 3: Estimated effectiveness of each NPI in different studies (lower value stands for better effectiveness) 240
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[14] Thomas Hale, Noam Angrist, Rafael Goldszmidt, Beat-
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vic, Amélie Desvars-Larrive, Vittorio Loreto, Beate Pinior,
itopoulos, and Samuel Bishara. 2020. The impact of lock-
Stefan Thurner, and Peter Klimek. 2020. Ranking the effec-
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tiveness of worldwide covid-19 government interventions.
Nature human behaviour, 4, 12, 1303–1312.
[28] Daniele Piovani, Maria Nefeli Christodoulou, Andreas
[16] Paul Raymond Hunter, Felipe Colon-Gonzalez, Julii Suzanne
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[17] Nazrul Islam, Stephen J Sharp, Gerardo Chowell, Sharmin
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tries and territories. BMC medicine, 19, 1, 1–12.
Napovedovanje trendov in optimiziranje ukrepov v boju
proti pandemiji COVID-19: Tekmovanje XPRIZE in
naslednji koraki
Forecasting trends and optimizing the intervention plans against the COVID-19 pandemic:
The XPRIZE competition and beyond
Mitja Luštrek, Nina Reščič,
Matej Cigale, Anton
Odsek za inteligentne sisteme
Vito Janko, David Susič,
Gradišek, Matjaž Gams
Institut “Jožef Stefan”
Carlo De Masi, Aljoša
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Vodopija, Matej Marinko,
Tea Tušar, Erik Dovgan,
V tem preglednem prispevku predstavimo delo, ki smo ga
COVID-19, epidemiological models, nonpharmaceutical
sodelavci Odseka za inteligentne sisteme opravili v zadnjem letu
interventions, multi-objective optimization
v povezavi s pandemijo COVID-19. Raziskave modelov, ki
predvidevajo prenos okužb v lokalnem okolju in na podlagi tega
predlagajo ukrepe za boj proti epidemiji, so najprej potekale v
okviru mednarodnega tekmovanja $500k Pandemic Response
Ko se danes ozremo na prve mesece leta 2020, je jasno, da je
Challenge, v organizaciji fundacije XPRIZE in podjetja
pandemija COVID-19 zahodni svet ujela nepripravljen. Ker je
Cognizant. Na tekmovanju se je ekipa JSI vs COVID uvrstila na
šlo za nov virus, se najprej ni vedelo, kako kužen je, kako hitro
drugo mesto. V nadaljevanju so potekale raziskave v povezavi z
se širi, predvsem pa kako se pred njim zaščititi in kako preprečiti
Ministrstvom za zdravje RS, da bi ugotovitve in modele lahko v
obremenitev bolnišnic in visoka števila težko bolnih in mrtvih.
boju proti pandemiji uporabili tudi v praksi.
Zelo hitro se je namreč pokazalo, da v primerjavi z nekaterimi
drugimi respiratornimi obolenji več obolelih potrebuje
bolnišnično oskrbo, nekateri tudi obravnavo na intenzivni negi in
COVID-19, epidemiološki modeli, nefarmacevtski ukrepi,
pomoč medicinskega ventilatorja. Zdravniki so poleg tega
večkriterijska optimizacija
potrebovali več mesecev, da so ugotovili, kako najučinkoviteje
zdraviti paciente s COVID-19. Pomembno je bilo tudi
podcenjevanje nevarnosti, ker se je pričakovalo, da bo možno s
We present an overview of the work that was carried out by the
sledenjem okuženih, ki so npr. prileteli z avionom, zajeziti vdor
members of the Department of Intelligent Systems in the last year,
virusa v državo. Ker je virus sposoben prenašanja tudi preko na
related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We were studying the
videz zdravih ljudi, ta ukrep ni bil sposoben zajeziti vdora oz.
models that forecast the spread of infection in local environment
blokirati pri majhnem številu okuženih.
and tried to suggest the countermeasures based on the trends. The
Med različnimi pristopi v boju proti širjenju okužb se je zelo
research first took place within the $500k Pandemic Response
hitro uveljavil pristop »lockdowna«, praktično popolnega zaprtja
Challenge, organized by the XPRIZE fundation and the company
družbe. Ta pristop so najprej uporabili na Kitajskem, v mestu
Cognizant. The JSI vs COVID team won the second place in the
Wuhan, kjer so najprej zasledili virus, v Evropi so prvi začeli z
competition. In the following months, the research focused on
zapiranjem v Italiji, februarja, najprej v posameznih občinah na
the applicability of the results in practive, in collaboration with
severu države, kasneje po celotni državi. V Sloveniji so bili prvi
the Ministry of Health.
primeri virusa zaznani v začetku marca, sredi marca pa je prišlo
do zaprtja države. Časovni potek prvih mesecev pandemije je
opisan v [1].
Kmalu se je pokazalo, da popolno zaprtje družbe sicer precej
učinkovito omeji širjenje okužb, ni pa učinkovito na dolgi rok,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
saj je izredno drago za državo in prebivalce tako z ekonomskega
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
kot tudi z družbenega vidika. Raziskovalci so zato začeli
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
preučevati kombinacije ukrepov, ki bi po eni strani učinkovito
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
omejili širjenje okužb, po drugi strani pa bi čim manj prizadeli
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Luštrek et al.
gospodarstvo in državljane. Takih sistemskih rešitev, npr.
milijona dolarjev. Še osem ekip je prejelo posebna priznanja in
programov, ob pojavu virusa COVID-19 še ni bilo.
simbolične nagrade.
Iskanje učinkovitih kombinacij ukrepov, ki hkrati ne bi
prizadeli družbe, je bilo tudi vodilo tekmovanja $500k Pandemic
Response Challenge, v organizaciji fundacije XPRIZE in
podjetja Cognizant, ki je bilo organizirano konec leta 2020. Na
V okviru tekmovanja so ekipe dobile predpisan seznam NPI,
tekmovanje se je prijavila tudi ekipa JSI vs COVID, ki prihaja iz
ki so ga uporabile za gradnjo preskriptorja, hkrati pa so za vsak
Odseka za inteligentne sisteme IJS, in na koncu osvojila drugo
ukrep dobile tudi »ceno« uveljavljanja tega ukrepa. Seznam je
mesto. V pričujočem prispevku najprej predstavimo tekmovanje,
vseboval sledeče NPI:
nato skiciramo rešitev, ki jo je razvila ekipa JSI vs COVID, na
1. Zapiranje šol
koncu pa orišemo nadaljnje raziskave, ki so potekale v povezavi
2. Omejitev prihoda na delo
z Ministrstvom za zdravje Republike Slovenije. Opisana je tudi
3. Preklic javnih dogodkov
ponudba evropskim ministrstvom za zdravje za brezplačno
4. Omejitve zbiranja
uporabo sistema JSI vs COVID.
5. Omejitev javnega prometa
6. Omejitev izhodov od doma
7. Omejitve gibanja po državi
8. Omejitve gibanja med državami
9. Kampanja osveščanja javnosti
Tekmovanje $500k Pandemic Response Challenge [2] je
10. Strategija testiranja
potekalo med oktobrom 2020 (registracija udeležencev) in
11. Sledenje stikov
februarjem 2021 (razglasitev zmagovalcev). Naloga, ki so jo
12. Uporaba zaščitnih mask
dobili udeleženci, je bila razviti modele, ki bodo po eni strani čim
Ukrepi so se lahko izvajali v strožji ali v milejši obliki. Ukrep
natančneje predvideli lokalne izbruhe okužb (»prediktor«), po
»Omejitve gibanje po državi« v strožji različici tako prepove
drugi strani pa predlagati čim učinkovitejši načrt ukrepov, tako
gibanje izven določenega območja, v milejši pa ga samo
da se hkrati minimizira število okužb ter ekonomsko škodo
odsvetuje, »Omejitve zbiranja« pa z naraščanjem strogosti
(»preskriptor«). Beseda ukrepi se v tem primeru nanaša na
zmanjšuje število ljudi, ki se lahko zbira. Seveda se je pri ukrepih
potrebno zavedati, da se jih ljudje lahko držijo ali ne, in od
interventions, NPI), ki jih nekoliko podrobneje opišemo v
posamezne države je odvisno, kako strogo bo preverjala
nadaljevanju. Število sodelujočih ekip je bilo omejeno na 200.
spoštovanje ukrepov – pa tudi od tega, kako so ukrepi
V prvi fazi tekmovanja so se ekipe osredotočile na analizo
predstavljeni javnosti in kako jih ljudje sprejmejo.
obstoječih podatkov in strategij boja proti pandemiji v različnih
državah. Cilj je bil razviti in ovrednotiti napovedne modele za
razvoj pandemije. Pri tem so imele ekipe na razpolago zbirko
podatkov o pandemiji za vrsto držav z Univerze v Oxfordu
Modeli prediktorjev in preskriptorjev so oz. bodo podrobneje
(Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT)
opisani v konferenčnem prispevku [6] in v prihajajočih
[3]), vključno z ukrepi, ki so bili v državah veljavni v različnih
publikacijah, zato tu le skiciramo rešitve.
obdobjih, ter vzorce temeljnih prediktorjev in preskriptorjev
podjetja Cognizant, Evolutionary AI™.
4.1 Prediktor
Prediktorji, ki so jih ekipe razvile, so se nato uporabljali za
Cilj prediktorja je napovedati število okužb na določenem
napovedovanje, napovedi pa so se primerjale z razvojem
območju (v državi ali v regiji) za vsak dan, za obdobje več
pandemije v realnem svetu. Ta primerjava je bila osnova za
mesecev v prihodnost. Pri tem upoštevamo seznam NPI, ki so v
uvrstitev v prvi fazi. Pomembno je poudariti, da so vse ekipe
državi v danem trenutku v veljavi.
dobile na voljo natanko iste podatke in bile ocenjevane po enakih
Prediktor uporablja standardni epidemiološki model SEIR,
kjer upoštevamo dinamiko med skupinami posameznikov, ki so
Prva faza tekmovanja se je zaključila januarja 2021 z
Susceptible (dovzetni), Exposed (izpostavljeni), Infected
merjenjem dejanskih infekcij. V drugo fazo se je uvrstilo 48
(okuženi) in Removed (ozdraveli ali umrli, se pravi niso več
najbolje uvrščenih ekip, ki so prihajale iz 17 držav. V drugi fazi
dovzetni za okužbo). Model SEIR [7] je sestavljen iz sklopljenih
tekmovanja je bil cilj razvoj preskriptorjev. V tem delu seveda ni
diferencialnih enačb (1), kjer uporabljamo parametre, ki določajo
bilo mogoče testirati v praksi, zato je testiranje potekalo na
verjetnosti za prehode iz ene skupine v drugo: 𝑆 → 𝛽 → 𝐸 →
sledeči način: za predikcije se je uporabljal »standardni
𝜎 → 𝐼 → 𝛾 → 𝑅.
prediktor«, ki so ga razvili organizatorji [4]. Vsaka ekipa je
predlagala do deset strategij intervencije za vsako državo. Pri
ocenjevanju se je upoštevalo, da je ena strategija od druge boljša,
= −
če je boljša po enem kriteriju, ne pa hkrati tudi slabša po drugem
(kriterija sta tu omejevanje širjenja okužb in cena ukrepov).
− 𝜎𝐸
Druga faza se je končala marca 2021, ko so bili razglašeni
zmagovalci [5]. Prvo mesto je osvojila španska ekipa
VALENCIA IA4COVID19 iz Valencie, drugo mesto pa
= 𝜎𝐸 − 𝛾𝐼
slovenska ekipa JSI vs COVID z zelo podobnim numeričnim
rezultatom. Ekipi sta si enakovredno razdelili nagradni sklad pol
Napovedovanje trendov in optimiziranje ukrepov v boju proti
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
pandemiji COVID-19: Tekmovanje XPRIZE in naslednji koraki
posamezno oceno potreboval približno 2 s. Z uporabo slednjega
= 𝛾𝐼
bi tako lahko ocenili le približno 45 planov, kar ne zadostuje za
Pri tem velja zveza 𝑆 + 𝐸 + 𝐼 + 𝑅 = 𝑁 (vsi posamezniki).
algoritem tipa NSGA-II. Natančneje, uporabili smo dva
Parametre smo določili na sledeč način: 𝛽 (merilo za prenos) je
nadomestna modela, enega na osnovi SEIR prediktorja (Sekcija
bil določen s prilagajanjem modela na realne podatke o okužbah.
4.1) in enega na osnovi prekalkuliranih planov za različne poteke
Z metodami strojnega učenja smo zgradili modele, ki se naučijo
pandemije. Slednji deluje tako, da za dano regijo in čas najprej
napovedovati ta parameter glede na nabor ukrepov. Pri tem smo
ocenimo potek pandemije in nato predpišemo plane, ki se za dani
upoštevali dejstvo, da posamezne države/regije uporabljajo
potek najbolje odnesejo. Med vsemi kompromisnimi rešitvami,
različen nabor NPI in da v posameznih obdobjih število okužb
ki jih dobimo tako s prvim kot drugim nadomestnim modelom,
narašča ali pada. 𝛽 je bil zato prilagojen za posamezno situacijo.
izberemo 10 takih, ki najbolje pokrijejo množico vseh
»optimalnih« kompromisov. Tipičen primer kompromisnih
𝜎 (inkubacijska doba) in 𝛾 (merilo za okrevanje) smo
določili na podlagi podatkov iz literature.
rešitev v obliki fronte najdemo na Sliki 2.
Prediktor, ki smo ga zgradili z naborom različnih vrednosti 𝛽,
se tako lahko prilagaja ukrepom, ki jih posamezne države uvajajo
v različnih trenutkih. Prediktor deluje s časovno ločljivostjo
enega dneva. Slika 1 prikazuje primer napovedi prediktorja v
primerjavi z realnimi podatki.
Slika 2: Primer desetih kompromisnih rešitev v obliki
fronte, dobljenih z metodo iz tekmovanja.
Slika 1: Primer dnevnega števila novih okužb za Italijo
V okviru delovanja zadnjega avtorja kot državnega svetnika za
jeseni 2020. Modra črta predstavlja napoved, črtkana rdeča
črta pa število potrjenih primerov. S sivo je označen
raziskovalno dejavnost je bil dne 28. 6. 2021 izveden posvet v
Državnem svetu na temo uporabe programskih metod za krotenje
interval za vhodne podatke.
epidemije z naslovom: »Problemi COVID-19 in iskanje
optimalnih rešitev za naprej«. Na komisijah DS in na
4.2 Preskriptor
plenarnem zasedanju je bila pogosta debata na temo COVID-19,
Cilj preskriptorja je izdelati plane intervencij (NPI) za
kjer je avtor prispeval s strokovnimi analizami in napovedmi, dal
posamezno obdobje za posamezno državo ali regijo. Pri tem
je tudi nekaj pobud vladi v smeri najboljšega delovanja. Nekatere
želimo predpisati plane, ki predstavljajo dobre kompromise med
izmed teh zamisli so bile uresničene, druge ne.
omejevanjem širjenja okužb in ekonomsko in družbeno ceno teh
Ministrstvo za zdravje RS je poleg tega naročilo nekaj študij.
ukrepov. Dodatna zahteva pri tekmovanju je bila časovna
Del teh študij je prikazan v Vito Janko itd. »What-If Analysis of
omejitev za izdelavo načrta, namreč, v šestih urah je bilo treba
Countermeasures Against COVID-19 in November 2020 in
izdelati načrte za 235 regij, kar predstavlja v povprečju 90 s na
Slovenia« v zborniku konference Informacijska družba 2021.
Tam je pokazano, da je v fazi velike rasti smotrno vpeljati ukrepa
Preskripcijo planov lahko naravno predstavimo kot
tako zapiranja šol kot nošenja mask. Za november 2020 so
večkriterijski optimizacijski problem, kjer želimo minimizirati
analize celo pokazale, da se zapiranju šol ne da povsem izogniti,
dva konfliktna si kriterija: (1) povprečno število infekcij in (2)
pa četudi uporabimo vrsto drugih ukrepov, če želimo ustaviti
ekonomska in družbena cena ukrepov. Za potrebe optimizacije
rast. Ukrep nošenja mask se glede na naš model izkaže enako
smo uporabili dobro poznan genetski algoritem z nedominiranim
učinkovit kot kombinacija bolj restriktivnih ukrepov, vendar je
sortiranjem II (ang. nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II –
predvidoma do posameznikov bolj prijazen. Družbenih cen
NSGA-II) [11].
posameznih ukrepov v boju proti pandemiji v tej fazi nismo
Zaradi stroge časovne omejitve (90 s na regijo), smo za oceno
upoštevali, spada pa to med področja, ki jih bomo obravnavali v
nadomestnimi modeli. Standardni prediktor je namreč za
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Luštrek et al.
programov, kot na primer razvitih na tekmovanju XPRIZE,
omogočila bistveno boljše rezultate. Rezultate smo delili s
slovenskim in z evropskimi ministrstvi za zdravje.
Julija 2021 smo vsem ministrstvom EU poslali pismo, kjer jim
dajemo možnost neposredne uporabe programa XPRIZE JSI,
specializiranega za njihovo državo. Vsaka država torej lahko
uporablja z geslom zaščiteno verzijo programa. Poslali smo jim
Raziskave so bile financirane s strani ARRS, v sklopu
tudi navodila, kako uporabljati programe in na kakšen način jim
programske skupine P2-0209.
nudimo podporo. Razvite rešitve so bile evropski in svetovni
javnosti ponujene brezplačno.
Nimamo podatkov, koliko EU ministrstev je aktivno
Derrick Bryson Taylor, A Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic, New
uporabilo ali uporablja programe, a glede na odzive in glede na
York Times, 17. marec 2021, dostopano 10. septembra 2021,
to, da imamo kontakte le z nekaj ministrstvi, se zdi, da ne prav
Pandemic Response Challenge, dostopano 10. septembra 2021,
T. Hale, N. Angrist, R. Goldszmidt, B. Kira, A. Petherick, T. Phillips, S.
Webster, E. Cameron-Blake, L. Hallas, S. Majumdar and H. Tatlow, “A
global panel database of pandemic policies (Oxford COVID-19
Government Response Tracker),” Nature Human Behaviour, p. 529–538,
R. Miikkulainen, O. Francon, E. Meyerson, X. Qiu, D. Sargent, E. Canzani
V prispevku so pregledno opisane programske rešitve, ki jih je
and B. Hodjat, “From Prediction to Prescription: Evolutionary
Optimization of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions in the COVID-19
skupina Odseka za inteligentne sisteme razvila v okviru
Pandemic,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 25, no.
tekmovanja XPRIZE. Nekatere med njimi so bile v celoti izvirne
2, pp. 386-401, 2021.
in so prispevale k drugem mestu na svetovnem prvenstvu na to
Announcing the Grand Prize Winners, XPRIZE, 10. marec 2021,
Po tekmovanju smo razvili vrsto dodatnih rešitev. Eno smo
uporabili za iskanje ukrepov retroaktivno – ali in v kolikšni meri
Nina Reščič et al. Finding efficient intervention plans against Covid-19,
je bil kak ukrep upravičen. Ena taka študija je zajemala obdobje
presented at ETAI 2021.
novembra 2020 v Sloveniji. V večini študij se je pokazalo, da so
bili človeški ukrepi daleč od optimalnega in bi uporaba
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek E
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume E
14. mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij
14th International Technology Transfer Conference
Urednika / Editors
Špela Stres, Robert Blatnik
7. oktober 2021 / 7 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Spoštovani državni sekretar prof. dr. Mitja Slavinec, spoštovani državni sekretar gospod
Simon Zajc, spoštovani najvišji predstavniki javnih raziskovanih organizacij, spoštovani
udeleženci, lepo pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na 14. Mednarodni konferenci za prenos
Today we are gathered technology transfer experts, researchers, students and post-graduate
students with entrepreneurial ambitions, established and future entrepreneurs, innovators and
representatives from governmental institutions and policy-making organizations.
Najlepše se zahvaljujemo soorganizatorjem, spin-out partnerjem, programskim partnerjem,
promocijskim partnerjem, ter partnerjem, ki so podprli dvostranske sestanke med podjetji in
raziskovalci. Za podporo se zahvaljujemo tudi Ministrstvu za izobraževanje, znanost in šport
in Slovenskemu podjetniškemu skladu.
Začetni del konference, pozdravni nagovori in okrogla miza bodo potekali v slovenščini,
nadaljevali pa bomo v angleščini.
The event, except the pitching section, is being recorded and will be made public in the next
days. The welcome addresses and the round table will be held in Slovenian, later sections will
be in English.
Po pozdravnih nagovorih bomo začeli z okroglo mizo o prihodnosti prenosa tehnologij v
Sloveniji in Evropi s častnimi gosti. Spremljali bomo tekmovanje raziskovalno-podjetniških
ekip, ki se potegujejo za naziv najboljše inovacijo iz javnih raziskovanih organizacij, nato
razglasitev nagrade Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino WIPO IP Enterprise
Trophy. Vzporedno se bodo odvijali vnaprej dogovorjeni posamični sestanki med raziskovalci
in podjetji. Osrednjo temo konference, premagovanje izzivov financiranja v t.i. dolini smrti,
nam bosta predstavila spoštovana gosta: Matthias Keckl, managing partner sklada Fraunhofer
Technologie-Transfer in Natalija Stošicki, direktorica Oddelka za naložbe in evropske
programme, SID banka. Nato bodo uveljavljeni strokovnjaki iz Slovenije in tujine predstavili
znanstvene prispevke o prenosu tehnologij in intelektualni lastnini ter izbrane raziskovalne
projekte. Vzporedno bo izvedena še sekcija za šole, pred zaključkom konference pa bomo
razglasili tudi prejemnika nagrade WIPO Medal for Inventors.
Program je, kot vidite, res bogat, saj se dotika množice aktivnosti, pri katerih smo v pisarnah
za prenos tehnologij osrednjega pomena.
Organizacijski odbor 14.ITTC / Organizing Committee of the 14.ITTC
The main organizer of the 14th ITTC Conference is Jožef Stefan Institute.
The organizing committee:
Dr. Špela Stres, MBA, LLM, Jožef Stefan Institute
Robert Blatnik, M. Sc., Jožef Stefan Institute
Marjeta Trobec, M. Sc., Jožef Stefan Institute
The scientiffic programme committee:
Niko Schlamberger, President of Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA
Doc. Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto
Prof. Alexandru Marin, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
The 14th ITTC Conference is organized in collaboration with the International multiconference
Information Society (IS2021).
The 14th ITTC Co-organizers are:
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office
World Intellectual Property Organization
Faculty of Information Studies Novo mesto
The 14th ITTC Programme partners are:
Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds
transfer professionals (SI-TT)
The 14th ITTC Spin-out partners are:
Slovene Enterprise Fund
SID Bank (SID – Slovenska izvozna in
razvojna banka)
The 14th ITTC Research-to-Business meetings partners are:
SRIP - Smart Cities and Communities
The Research-to-business meetings at the 14th ITTC Conference were co-organized in
collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network partners:
Innovation Center of the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade
Fundació Universitat-Empresa de les Illes
Balears (FUEIB)
MIR Foundation
Development agency of the Republic of
Area Science Park
Business Incubator Novi Sad
The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce
KOSGEB Ankara Ostim (Small and
Organization EU and Foreign Relations
The 14th ITTC Associated partners are:
University of Ljubljana
National Institute of Biology
National Institute of Chemistry
University of Maribor
Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
University of Primorska
The 14th ITTC Promotion partners:
University of Belgrade
GIS – Transfer Center Foundation
Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj
Centre of Excellence for Integrated
Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of
Proteins (CIPKeBiP)
Development Centre Novo mesto
SAŠA inkubator
SRIP Health – Medicine
SRIP hrana
Podjetniški inkubator Vrelec
RDA Koroška - Regional Development
Agency for Koroška
University Industry Collaboration Centers
Platforms of Turkey
Razvojno informacijski center Bela krajina
The Conference is co-financed by:
Consortium for Technology
Enterprise Europe Network
R2B meetings are organized and co-financed in the frame of the Enterprise Europe Network
(contract number 880148).
Slovene Enterprise Fund
The event is co-financed by the Slovenian Enterprise Fund and the European Union, namely
from the European Regional Development Fund. It is implemented on the basis of the program
"Substantive support of recipients of funds (SMEs) in the period from 2018 to 2023", within
the Operational Program for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period
The editors and organizing committee of the Conference would like to express cordial thanks
to all who helped make the 14th International Technology Transfer Conference a success.
We would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions to the members of the SCIENTIFIC
Niko Schlamberger, President of Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA
Doc. Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto
Prof. Alexandru Marin, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
for their contribution to the scientific programme and review of the scientific contributions and
selection for publication in this Conference proceedings.
Our special thanks go to the EVALUATION COMMISSION MEMBERS:
Dr. Jon Wulff Petersen from Plougmann Vingtoft
Matthias Keckl from Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF)
Nina Urbanič from Slovene Enterprise Fund
Gregor Klemenčič from Deep Innovations
for their evaluation of written technology commercialization proposals and selection of winning
teams, authors of inventive technologies with the best potential for commercialization of the
technologies, developed at Public Research Organizations.
We are particularly grateful to the members of the EVALUATION COMMISSION:
Alojz Barlič from Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
Matthias Keckl from Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF)
Nina Urbanič from Slovene Enterprise Fund,
for their evaluation and selection of the awardees of the WIPO IP ENTERPRISE TROPHY and
Technology Transfer Fund - Central Eastern European
Technology Transfer (CEETT) platform
Marijan Leban
Špela Stres
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana
Venture Capital (VC) is usually available to start-ups or other
This article describes the importance of technology transfer
young companies that show potential for long-term growth.
funds in financing the transition of discoveries from the
laboratory to the market, which is called bridging the
commercialization gap or the “valley of death”. Presented is the
newly established Central Eastern European Technology
Transfer (CEETT) platform, the first multinational technology
transfer investment platform ever introduced in the European
Union, as well as its importance and expectations in the
protection of intellectual property and technology transfer from
public research organizations (PROs) to industry in Slovenia and
Technology transfer, venture capital, proof of concept,
technology transfer fund, commercialization gap, valley of death,
Central Eastern European Technology Transfer platform,
Figure 1: Commercialization gap [4].
On the other hand, there is a lack of funding to develop laboratory
Much of what is used today was born in a laboratory — but how
discoveries to prototypes suitable for the market because this step
did it develop from research to a product that can be bought?
is risky for investors. Between the laboratory and the market is a
Technology Transfer (TT) funds commercialise promising
commercialization gap (Figure 1) that has to be bridged to
research, allowing it make that crucial step from the prototype
successfully put the discovery on the market as a product or
world into the commercial space. Technology transfer (TT) can
be broadly defined as the process of converting scientific
findings from research organisations into useful products by the
commercial sector [1]. TT is also known as “knowledge transfer
or knowledge sharing” [1], the process whereby an enterprise
converts scientific findings from research laboratories and
universities into products and services in the marketplace [1].
This understanding is adopted for the purposes of the present
article. The transformation of scientific findings into products
can take place through a number of means, in particular through
the collaboration between research organisations and industry,
the licensing of intellectual property rights, the creation of start-
Although Technology Transfer seed investments in Europe are
in the radar of some investors, academic research is often
considered to be 'too new' or 'too high-risk' to be transferred out
Figure 2: Technology readiness levels and the “valley of
of the research laboratory and financed by the traditional
death” [5].
investors [2]. New discoveries and technologies may not realize
their potential unless they become attractive to industry or
downstream investors, so the aim of the European Investment
commercialization goes through a number of technology
Fund (EIF) [3] is to play an important role.
readiness levels (TRLs). The latest version of the scale from
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Leban et al.
NASA includes nine TRLs and has gained widespread
Investment Fund (EIF) [3] remains a crucial player, often taking
acceptance across governments, academia, and industry. The
the role as lead investor. The EIF is a specialist provider of risk
European Commission adopted this scale in its Horizon 2020
finance to benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
across Europe. It is part of the EIB Group. EIF’s shareholders are
the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Union,
Academia tends to focus on TRLs 1–4, whereas industry prefers
represented by the European Commission, and a wide range
to work with TRLs 7–9, rarely 6. Therefore, TRLs 4–6 represent
of public and private banks and financial institutions. EIF carries a
out its activities using either its own resources or those provided
commercialization. This gap, show in Figure 1 as the
commercialization gap, is colloquially referred to as the
by the European Investment Bank, the European Commission,
technological “valley of death” (Figure 2) to emphasize that
by EU Member States or other third parties. By developing and
many new technologies reach TRLs 4–6 and die there.
offering targeted financial products to EIF’s intermediaries, such
as banks, guarantee and leasing companies, micro-credit
providers and private equity funds, EIF enhances SMEs access
Venture capital (VC) funds are pooled investment funds that
to finance.
manage the money of investors who seek private equity stakes
EIF also seeks to support financially sustainable Technology
startups and small- to medium-sized enterprises with strong
growth potential. These investments are generally characterized
Transfer structures or funds. These intermediaries typically
invest into projects or start-up companies, at proof of concept
investments of VC funds in start-ups are risky, investments in
(PoC), pre-seed, seed, post-seed to A & B rounds, where the
development of technology between TRL4 and TRL 6 are even
companies can be financed further by the normal Venture capital
more risky. As a result, VC funds with private equity
/ Private equity investor. The EIF have become one of the main
participation do not typically invest in bridging the “valley of
European investors providing guidance and cornerstone funding
death”. So, special technology transfer funds are needed to
to players in this emerging market segment. Between 2006 and
financially support the development of discoveries from TRL 4
2018 the EIF alone invested an amount of about EUR 1.7 billion
to TRL6.
in 38 TT funds throughout Europe [6]. While the market is more
advanced in the Nordic countries and Western Europe, two TT
Technology transfer still remains a rather political investment
funds have recently been established in Germany in cooperation
field, but one that offers economic opportunities with a growing
with the Fraunhofer Society and the Max Planck Foundation,
potential for commercialization. Even though private investors
respectively. The number of TT funds funded by the EIF [3]
become more and more interested in this field, the European
between 2006 and 2020 is shown in Table 1. There are very few
other TT funds in Europe not funded by the EIF (if any).
Table 1: Technology Transfer (TT) Funds funded by the EIF by country and year of start of funding.
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 sum
United Kingdom
In terms of best practices, the most relevant somehow are IP
team/first time funds, and both good examples of how a fund
Venture [7] in UK and CD3 [8] in Belgium. Another very
should collaborate with the research institutes).
interesting is Innovation Industries [9] in Netherlands. Of the
Italian ones that the EIF funded through ITAtech [10], each is
quite interesting, especially because they have been funded
through a similar initiative (and the only one such initiative at the
moment). Particularly interesting would be Sofinnova Telethon
[11] (Sofinnova is one of the most important VC firm in Europe,
In July 2021, the European Investment Fund (EIF), part of the
and the strategy is focused on rare and genetic diseases), or
European Investment Bank Group, the Slovenia’s national
Progress Tech Transfer [12] and Eureka [13] (both first time promoter bank, SID Banka, and the Croatian Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) signed an agreement
Technology Transfer Fund - Central Eastern European
Information Society 2021, 7 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Technology Transfer (CEETT) platform
Coloured columns show countries’ performance in 2019, usin
g the most recent data for 27 indicators, relative to that of the EU
in 2012. The horizontal hyphens show performance in 2018, u sing the next most recent data, relative to that of the EU in 2012.
Grey columns show countries’ performance relative to that of the EU 2012. For al years, the same measurement methodology has been used. The dashed lines show the threshold values between the performance groups.
Figure 3: Slovenia's innovation performance fell in 2012/18 (source EIS [17]).
on establishing a regional technology transfer platform, Central
technology transfer office (TTO) in Slovenia at public research
Eastern European Technology Transfer - CEETT platform [14],
organizations (PRO or JRO in Slovene). In January 2015, Dr
from research institutions to the economy, amounting to at least
Špela Stres, the head of the CTT, was invited to an “ad-hoc
40 million euros. The scope of the EIF’s SEGIP (Slovene Equity
meeting on the design of the EC's pilot Technology Transfer
Growth Investment Programme) and CROGIP (Croatian Growth
Financial Facility (TTFF)". As the only representative from the
Investment Programme) mandates has been expanded to include
EU13 countries, together with 14 colleagues from more
the support for business applications of Slovene and Croatian
innovative and open environments in Western Europe, she
academic research via a commitment to a technology transfer
participated in the final stages of creating the Technology
fund operating in the two countries. The resulting joint initiative
Transfer Financial Facility pilot, from which Invest EU later
is the first investment programme under the Central and Eastern
grew and the participation of the European Investment Fund with
European Technology Transfer (CEETT) initiative, to which SID
various actors in Europe in the creation of the Proof of concept
Banka contributed an additional EUR 10 million to SEGIP,
(PoC) funds. They all shared the opinion that the European
HBOR contributed additional EUR 10m to CROGIP and the EIF
Commission's initiative to finance the technology transfer of
made further EUR 20 million available for investment. Thus, the
research results from universities and other public research
total available funding amount indicatively represents EUR 40
organizations to the economy and society is crucial for the
development of processes linking excellent and prioritized
science and knowledge transfer to the economy and society.
The CEETT will invest in venture capital funds and finance
innovative technological research projects and the protection of
3.1.1 Why is such a Proof of Concept (PoC) Fund measure
the intellectual property of universities and research institutes in
urgently needed?
Slovenia and Croatia. It will also fund the commercialisation of
The strong European, Slovenian and Croatian research success is
scientific achievements and research projects.
currently not translated into innovation due to the lack of
breakthrough innovations that create new markets. Two financial
This is the first multinational investment platform for technology
gaps (2 “valleys of death”) prevent innovations:
transfer ever launched in the European Union. The EIF estimates
1) The transition from laboratory to enterprise and
that the universities and research institutes in Slovenia and
2) Scale-up (growth) for high-risk innovative start-ups.
Croatia targeted by the platform will generate more than 350
patent applications and 100 spin-off companies in the next five
In addition, many national and local ecosystems have been
years [15].
established, but they are fragmented and unconnected. In
addition, not all PROs (JROs in Slovene) and all talents
Investment in innovation and technology transfer will be key to
(especially not women and young people) are systematically
the long-term sustainable green economy, job creation and global
involved in innovation processes. It is at least partly due to such
competitiveness of the European Union.
a situation that e.g. Slovenia's innovation performance decreased
in the period 2012–2018 (Figure 3). Slovenia fell 6 places (for an
3.1 Benefits of the platform from the point of
extra place in 2019) and went from strong innovators to moderate
view of the research organization
followers. The trend shows an even more worrying picture, as
Slovenia is only slightly below average in terms of results, but
The Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT) at the
with the most negative trend of all EU28 countries (Figure 4).
Jožef Stefan [16] is the largest and the most experienced
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Leban et al.
Figure 4: Performance and trend of EU members in the field of innovation – Slovenia is slightly below average with the most negative trend (source EIS [17]).
Meanwhile, Croatia is positioned slightly worse than Slovenia,
growing companies, European, Slovenian, Croatian gazelles, is
but its development innovation trend is average compared to the
absolutely necessary.
3.1.2 What are the benefits of the Proof of concept (PoC) fund
In the case of Slovenia, therefore, it is not so much a matter of
for a research organization?
deteriorating the absolute situation as of not improving it. The
The easiest way to answer is the Jožef Stefan Institute’s (JSI)
main issue of Slovenia lies in its diminishing innovation capacity
example. Today, there are over forty companies operating
from 2021-2019, where Slovenia’s position has dropped from
directly based on JSI technology and knowledge. As early as
Strong innovators to Moderate innovators (source: European
2010, the JSI adopted detailed procedures that prevent conflicts
Innovation Scoreboard [17]). Even though the public R&D
of interest and encourage researchers on their entrepreneurial
expenditure remains at the EU average, the Slovenian scientists
path. JSI has had an internal PoC fund for more than 20 years,
overproduce with 155 % in number and 105% in highly cited the
and the fund is not financed from the budget, but exclusively
EU average. On the other hand, the product/process innovation
from royalties. However, there are certainly many more
and the number of SMEs innovating in house is at 80% of the EU
examples that could / should be supported on their way to the
average, IPR, in particular patenting issues place Slovenia at 93
market than can be financially supported by public research
% of the EU average, which all results in the sales of new market
organizations themselves. At JSI alone, around 30 technology
and firm products at 84% of the EU average. The main solution
offers have been identified that are currently waiting for a clear
for this issue is to push for scientific knowledge, created and
interest from the economy, or to be internally developed with the
collected at the Public Research Organizations (PROs), to be
help of the PoC fund to the extent that they can be marketed
used in the national economy and increase its competitiveness. It
independently. There are even more such offers of research
is expected that the CEETT platform will play a very important
results at all four universities and public faculties, as well as 17
role in reversing the negative innovation trend into a positive one.
public research institutes in Slovenia and all public research
institutions in Croatia. Therefore, following the example of 48
However, the funding gap for scaling up highly innovative
similar European funds established in previous years, intended
startups and SMEs in significant, as US venture capital
specifically for cases from public research organizations, a multi-
investments in the period from 2016-2020 were 4-5 times higher
million PoC fund, which will be established by SID Bank
than in the EU (source: Invest EU, Pitchbook) and the number
together with HBOR and the European Investment Fund (EIF),
and market value of “unicorn” companies (those valued at over
is urgently needed.
1 EUR billion) in Europe (according to CB Insights [18] in
It is crucial that a significant share of funding will also go to the
January 2021) is 3-4 times smaller than in North America and
pre-incorporated phase, ie projects that are still within the PROs
Asia. And Slovenia lags behind Europe. There are not as many
and are preparing to spin off into new start-ups. And it is this risk,
spin-outs in Europe and in Slovenia as there are in the USA or
the investment in the pre-incorporated phase of bridging the
Asia, neither per capita nor per researcher, because there is no
valley of death, that is key to the successful transfer of
career path that would enable a return to the PRO, because there
knowledge from public research organizations into practice and
is no PoC fund and because in Slovenia failure is punished with
separates it from other instruments available.
ridicule and do not reward with a smile [19]. Therefore, the
establishment of interconnected, integrated instruments that
enable the growth of technology and researchers with it, in fast-
Technology Transfer Fund - Central Eastern European
Information Society 2021, 7 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Technology Transfer (CEETT) platform
3.1.3 What are the direct benefits of the new fund for research
time, development will raise the quality of life in the conditions
of a rapidly aging society based on digitalisation and in the face
The new platform will also offer funding in the early stages of
of intensified climate change.
TRL development, which will enable a smooth transition of
projects from the research environment to the market. Funding
will be open to all innovators in any priority area. The platform
will act as a path finder for advanced research into new
Establishment of a regional technology transfer platform,
technologies and enable the growth of TRL, which is essential
Central Eastern European Technology Transfer - CEETT
for the transition from the laboratory to the commercial
platform, the first multinational investment platform for
environment. The platform will also provide access to business
technology transfer ever launched in the European Union,
promotion services (coaches, mentors, companies, investors and
intended for Slovenia and Croatia, is a great opportunity for
knowledge partners). It will further enable the development of a
technology transfer from public research organization to
vision for breakthrough, portfolio management and integration
industry in both countries. The established technology transfer
with ecosystems, and crowd-sourcing of other investors. The
fund will enable the public research organizations to bridge the
PoC fund will give teams from public research organizations
commercialization gap or the “valley of death” and to improve
enough time to come up with technology according to market
the successful rate of technology transfer from the academia to
needs, to decide on their further research and business path, to
regulate intellectual property relationships, to establish
The successful operation of CEETT will require an appropriate
relationships that will reward both those who will remain
manager with experience in the field of venture capital
researchers at the parent organization and those who will also
investments and cooperation between research organizations
operate within new start-ups.
and companies. In addition, he will have to be aware of the
specifics of Central Europe region, especially Slovenia and
3.1.4 Could public research organizations cope without the
Croatia, as well as the specifics of public research
Proof of Concept (PoC) fund?
organizations in both countries.
In 2015 it was and still is the opinion that there is enough money.
That there is certainly no shortage of money to move from
research to the economy. This is partly true. It really isn’t just
money that is lacking and really the most proactive and skillful
Special thanks for the establishment of the CEETT platform go
can find money in any country, in any situation, despite all
to the entire team of SID Bank for perseverance and, above all,
obstacles, as long as they are persistent enough. This is called
tireless proactivity in establishing the fund. Thanks also go to
entrepreneurship. As Professor Howard Stevenson, the godfather
colleagues Dr Tony Raven of the University of Cambridge, Paul
of the study of entrepreneurship at Harward Business School, put
Van Dunn from the Catholic University of Leuven, colleagues
it, entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond
from the Technical University of Copenhagen, colleagues from
resources controlled. Entrepreneurs need to show significant
the Fraunhofer Institute in Frankfurt and many others, without
progress in raising funds, and time alone is consuming available
whom Slovenian investment in the establishment of the system
would not be possible.
But the goal of society that funds research and development
through gross domestic product is not just to fund excellent
inventions and then place them at the start of a mountain trail that
J. Darcy, H. Kraemer-Eis, O. Debande, D. Guellec, Financing
gets lost between rocks and impassable overhangs leading to the
technology transfer, Working Paper 2009/002, EIF Research & Market
market. The aim of society is by no means to place as high an
Analysis, Available from:
obstacle as possible to the transfer to the economy and
ng-tt_fv.pdf (visited August 27, 2021).
entrepreneurship, obstacles that can only be overcome by the
Technology Transfer : Converting Research
into Products for the Market, Available from:
naturally most talented and most stupidly persistent. The goal of
the society is sensible and proactive management of innovations
(visited August 27, 2021).
EIF – European Investment Fund, Available from:
arising from the research system in such a way that as many
https://www.eif.org/index.htm (visited August 25, 2021).
useful inventions find their way to the market (instead of just in
PRIs in Technology Transfer, Available from:
the drawers of public research organizations). The goal is for as
https://www.vennfoundation.org/tech-transfer (visited August 26, 2021).
Alessandro Rossini, Bridging the technological “valley of death”, many innovations as possible to find their niche in the market,
Available from: https://blogg.pwc.no/digital-transformasjon/bridging-
the goal is to establish a clear, transparent path, a motorway that
the-technological-valley-of-death (visited August 25, 2021).
Technology Transfer Funds – Bridging the Gap between Science and
is easily followed by those who want it, and others who would
Business, Available from: https://www.pe-magazin.com/technology-
like to remain in the safe haven of publicly funded research can
transfer-funds-bridging-the-gap-between-science-and-business/ (visited stay there. continue to contribute constructively. Smooth paths to
August 25, 2021).
IP Venture Fund, Available from: https://www.ipgroupplc.com/about-
the market are necessary for the renewal and progress of society
us/business-model/ip-capital/ip-venture-fund (visited August 25, 2021).
in a double transition and as a basis for a decisive breakthrough
Centre for Drug Design for Design and Discovery (CD3), Available
from: https://www.cd3.be/ (visited August 26, 2021).
of Slovenia and Croatia between competitive and research-based
Innovation Industries, Available from:
society with sustainable development, which will catch up with
https://www.innovationindustries.com/ (visited August 26, 2021).
the most productive and competitive countries in the world. life
The ITAtech Platform, Available from:
in the conditions of a rapidly aging society based on digitalisation
PRD4974 (visited August 26, 2021).
and in the conditions of aggravated climate change. At the same
Telethon, Available from: https://www.telethon.it/en/ (visited August 26, 2021).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Leban et al.
Progress Tech Transfer, Available from: https://www.progressttfund.it/
(visited August 25, 2021).
Eureka! Fund I – Technology Transfer, Available from:
croatia.htm (visited August 26, 2021).
https://www.eurekaventure.it/funds/eureka-fund-i (visited August 25,
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan,
Available from: http://tehnologije.ijs.si/en/ (visited August 26, 2021).
Central Eastern European Technology Transfer – CEETT platform,
EIS - European innovation scoreboard,
Available from:
https://www.eif.org/what_we_do/resources/ceett/index.htm (visited
CB Insights, https://www.cbinsights.com/.
August 26, 2021).
Špela Stres, Presentation of the benefits of the platform from the point of
EIF, SID Banka and HBOR launch a new €40 million investment
view of the research institution, speech at the signing of the joint
platform to support innovation, scientific research and the protection of
agreement between EIF, SID Bank and HBOR on the establishment of
intellectual property in Slovenia and Croatia, Available from:
Central Eastern European Technology Transfer (CEETT) platform,
Ljubljana 26 July 2021.
Software Protection and Licensing Challenges in Europe:
An Overview
Izzivi na področju zaščite in licenciranja programske opreme v Evropi: pregled stanja
Urška Fric
Špela Stres
Robert Blatnik
Knowledge and Technology
Center for Technology Transfer
Center for Technology Transfer
Transfer Office
and Innovation
and Innovation
Faculty of Information Studies in
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Novo mesto
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljanska cesta 31 A
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
With the transition of innovation to the digital sphere, software
Programska oprema, patenti, zaščita in izkoriščanje pravic
intelektualne lastnine, izzivi, Evropa.
has become an important part of contemporary inventions and
creations and it is also an extremely important part of intellectual
property – in Slovenia and in Europe. The software protection in
the European Union – that is, in Europe – not considered fully
arranged. Computer scientists face a number of challenges when
Computers are part of almost every area of contemporary life
it comes to exploiting intellectual property rights in software.
and they are becoming more advanced every day, with
The field therefore offers many opportunities for further work. In
increasingly small gadgets performing increasingly complicated
this paper, we discuss software and focus mainly on the
tasks. Consequently, the number of new inventions seeking
challenges computer scientists face in protecting and licensing
patent status in the field has been rising steadily. In fact, patent
software in the European innovation arena.
applications for computer-based inventions display one the
highest growth rates across all patent categories arriving at the
European Patent Office (EPO). A thorough examination process
Software, patents, protection and exploitation of intellectual
awaits all new applications in this field. The crucial aim is to
property rights, challenges, Europe.
distinguish between legitimate technological innovations which
contribute to the overall technological progress and
straightforwardness and inventiveness of computer-implemented
inventions. [1]
S prehodom inovacij na digitalno področje je programska
Over the last decade there has been an intense debate over
oprema postala pomemben del sodobnih izumov in stvaritev,
the extent to which software should be the subject to patent
hkrati pa predstavlja izjemno pomemben del intelektualne
protection as opposed to copyright protection for a program.
lastnine – tako v slovenskem kot evropskem prostoru. Stanja na
Different understanding applies to the US, Europe and the rest of
področju zaščite programske opreme v Evropski uniji oz. v
the world. Many companies in the software industry are
Evropi s pravnega vidika še vedno ne moremo obravnavati kot
apprehensive of the perceived difficulty of defining the scope for
povsem dorečenega, prav tako pa se znanstveniki na področju
software patent. Inappropriate scope definitions can result in
računalništva soočajo s številnimi izzivi, ko gre za izkoriščanje
legal proceedings involving large fees where plaintiffs have the
pravic intelektualne lastine iz programske opreme. Področje zato
advantage of patent ambiguity. Others feel equally strongly that
narekuje številne priložnosti za nadaljnje delo. V prispevku
the software industry needs strong software patents. [2]
obravnavamo programsko opremo, pretežno pa se posvečamo
Currently, software that does not demonstrate a technical
izzivom, s katerimi se znanstveniki na področju računalništva
contribution can only be protected by copyright, which does not
soočajo pri zaščiti in licenciranju programske opreme v
protect ideas. The appearance of a command line or graphical
evropskem inovacijskem prostoru.
interface can be protected as a registered design, whereas a patent
for computer or mobile application can be granted if a technical
∗Article Title Footnote needs to be captured as Title Note
contribution is demonstrated. Under EPO rules, if this criterium
†Author Footnote to be captured as Author Note
is fulfilled software must be connected to the hardware. [3] Part
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
of the reason for the lack of appropriate legal instrument is that
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
such inventions are very specific and proving their technical
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
contribution and industrial applicability can be challenging. [3]
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
In order for computer scientists to successfully market software,
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
the Public Research Organization (PRO) system needs to provide
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
U. Fric et al.
the motivation and reward computer scientists for it. The present
ownership of a newly developed technical solution or creation
state of European innovation arena contains nothing to motivate
that is autonomously created, enabled or co-created by a
computer scientists in this respect.
program. Methods of resolving the question without stifling
The current situation calls for a study to identify the most critical
innovation potential are subjects of intense debate and
points in order to update some of the legal bases, to address this
accelerated activity at the EPO [7].
area more clearly and to resolve the issue of rewarding computer
scientists (described in this document with the focus on
software), also in terms of Technology Transfer Office (TTOs)
3.1 Software Licensing Process
Intellectual property is an essential tool for protecting the
The European Patent Convention stipulates in Article 52(2)
value created by software. As a general rule, almost all software
(c) that programs for computers are not regarded as inventions
is protected, including the smallest libraries and subroutines.
[4]. European Patent Convention in this Article excludes
Intellectual property rights are divided into economic and moral
computer programs from patentability. It is important to
rights. [8]
emphasize the distinction between "software patents", which are
Economic rights give the holder the right to exploit the work
excluded according to the aforementioned Article, and
and prevent others from using it without consent, and are aimed
"computer-implemented inventions", which are accepted by EPO
at economic gain. The right to use can be granted by license.
Exclusive license allows the holder to exclude others from using
Software that does not demonstrate a technical contribution
the intellectual property in question and, if it is transferable, it
can only be protected by copyright which does not protect ideas.
allows the holder to grant third parties the rights to use it. A
The appearance of a command line or a graphical interface can
license is a permission granted by the licensor to the licensee to
be protected as a registered design, whereas a patent for computer
use an identified asset under certain conditions. In doing so, the
or mobile application can be granted if a technical contribution
licensor may determine at their discretion the extent of the
is demonstrated. Under EPO rules, if technical contribution is
exclusive intellectual property rights granted in respect to the
successfully demonstrated the software must be connected to the
asset (and, conversely, the rights it reserves for itself). Moral
hardware. [3]
rights include the right to authorship, the right to publish the
Although the European Patent Convention excludes
work anonymously or under a pseudonym, and the right to
"computer programs" from patentability to the extent that a
integrity of the work. In most countries (including all EU
patent application relates to a computer program "as such", this
countries), copyright protection lasts throughout the author's
is interpreted to mean that any invention that makes a non-
lifetime and extends 70 years after their death. [6]
obvious "technical contribution" or "solves" a "technical
As we have seen above, software is very specific as far as
problem" in a non-obvious way is patentable, even if the
intellectual property is concerned – it can be protected by several
technical problem can be solved by running a computer program.
types of intellectual property rights ranging from pure creations
of the mind to technical inventions. But a whole new level of
The problem of strictly classifying software similar to a
complexity arises from intangible nature of software, variety of
literary work arises when one considers that computer programs
uses and different means of creating value from software. As a
have other elements that are usually not protected by copyright.
consequence, the means of creating value from software can vary
Software is not just a literary expression – lines of code have a
considerably depending on the exploitation scheme chosen and
function that does not depend on their grammatical construction.
associated ecosystem to which the use of software in question is
Issues related to protection of additional elements of computer
directed. Nevertheless, licensing plays an essential role in
programs have created a perceived need for software
creating value through management of intellectual property
patentability. Today, the three largest patent offices in the world
associated with software development. Business models are
– in the EU, US and Japan – allow patenting of certain software,
formalized in a contract, usually in the form of licensing
although there are differences in the criteria they use when
agreements which impose specific rules of use on third parties
accepting applications. In the US, all new and non-obvious
who intend to exploit the software. Figure 1 shows some typical
software that produces a useful material and tangible result is
software licensing models. [6]
eligible for patent protection, whereas in Europe the technical
contribution of the invention must be defined as described above
(also applies to Slovenia). These discussions led to the widely
accepted principle that computer programs should be protected
by copyright, while apparatus using computer software or
software-related inventions should be protected by patent. [6]
Protecting and obtaining intellectual property rights in fast-
growing areas such as artificial intelligence is a particular
challenge. Artificial intelligence provides entirely new
Figure 1: Classification of typical software licenses
approaches to creation of intellectual property. Questions arise as
to the eligibility of patent protection, authorship and rights
Software Protection and Licensing Challenges in Europe: An
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Free and open-source software rights include use, inspection
Node licensing, where the license can be used by multiple
and modification, and distribution of modified and unmodified
users, but on the same device rather than at the same time.
copies. They typically allow it to be used for any purpose without
Site licensing (licensing for use on a dedicated website),
restriction. When the code is reviewed and modified, it requires
where the software may be used by multiple users on
that the modified code is made available again under the same
multiple devices in a specific area or company, but the
conditions. The rights also allow distributing modified and
number of users may be limited.
Network licensing (floating licensing), where the same
unmodified copies of the software. When free and open-source
software may be used by multiple users at the same time,
software is modified, derivative works are created, and when
but a central server authorizes access to the application. [6,
various components of the software are assembled, composite
9, 10, 11]
parts of the underlying components are created. When
Component A and Component B are assembled and Component
3.2 Management of Intellectual Property Rights
A is also modified, Component C is created, which is both a
for Software
derivative work of Component A and a composite work of
Managing intellectual property in software requires the
Component B. Different economic rights may arise from the use
strategic and complementary use of different types of intellectual
of open-source and free software. Free software derives from
property. Exploitation and licensing strategies need to be
licenses granted by the Free Software Foundation, while open-
carefully considered, taking into account all associated costs and
source software is defined by the Open Source Initiative, which
market opportunities. Two basic issues should be addressed in
has a more business-oriented approach. We consider the
the assessment and planning process [6, 12, 13]:
following types of such licenses [6, 9, 10, 11]:
1. Why was the software created: was it intended to generate
Academic licenses are extremely open, permissive licenses
income through licensing to end users or was it developed
which allow licensees to perform, modify, and distribute
as part of a scientific project without an exploitation
derivative works without restrictions, although licenses for
strategy in mind? Even if we focus only on the technical
derivative works may lead to new licensing terms, including
proprietary ones. Such licenses are generally accepted in
challenges of R&D, we should not neglect the long-term
benefits of protecting intellectual property not only from a
Contextual licenses allow licensees to use, modify, and
revenue perspective but also in light of reusing the
distribute derivative works, provided that the derivative or
developed software in future applications.
composite works are distributed under the same license.
2. How was the software developed: which are our own
Specific form of such license is called a "Copyleft license"
components, what have we obtained from elsewhere, and, if
which is the practice of granting the right to freely distribute
obtained from elsewhere, under which licenses?
and modify intellectual property with the requirement to
Developing from third-party components can result in legal
preserve the same rights in derivative works created from
challenges as the individual licenses of different third-party
that property. The main advantage of such license is to
ensure joint investment, as no derivative or major works can
software may not be compatible.
be licensed under another license. They allow the original
Derivative works based on academic license software
licensor to be granted the same rights in the derivatives as
components may be re-licensed under the same type of license or
those originally acquired by the original code licensees.
upgraded to contextual or reciprocal licenses which are
Reciprocal licenses are very complex as licenses of major
compatible. If necessary, contextual licensing code can be re-
works using an unmodified version of the original
licensed by reusing the same license, upgrading the license to a
component under a contextual license are not limited by the
newer version that remains in the same contextual field, or
original license and derivative product containing a
switching to reciprocal licenses. It is not allowed to embed free
modified component must be released under the same
and open-source software in proprietary software. However, it is
Many different types of contractual relationships or
possible to combine copyleft-licensed software without
contractual sets of rules can be derived from proprietary licenses,
copyright and some contextual rights (e.g., LGPL). [6]
all of which typically require a financial contribution from the
However, if the software is protected exclusively by
end user. Exceptions are:
copyright it is possible to easily circumvent all prior rights as
long as we have access to the source code: the same idea can
Freeware, where the software is available free of charge but
simply be implemented in another source code. As previously
any modification of the code is prohibited.
Shareware, where the user is free to use the software for a
explained: copyright does not protect the idea, only its expression.
limited period of time or with limited functionality, but in
A new implementation of the code is the only legal way to
order to gain access to the full unrestricted version an
convert academic or reciprocal software code into proprietary
additional license must be obtained.
code and sell and license it under the rights granted by copyright
All proprietary licenses prohibit modification of the
software, impose strict conditions of use and usually do not allow
access to the source code. Typical models for proprietary licenses
End-user licensing where the license can be used by a
The situation of software in the European innovation arena
specific user while sharing with other users is not allowed.
can still be considered as neither resolved nor uncertain in legal
However, the license can be used by the same user on
different devices.
terms, thus raising a number of open questions and opportunities
for further work.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
U. Fric et al.
TTOs are deeply involved in the work of organizations where
Stephen Jonson. 2015. Guide to Intellectual Property. What it is, how to
inventions and creations take place. Their expertise primarily
protect it, how to exploit it. The Economist in Association with Profile
Books Ltd. And PublicAffairs, New York.
helps computer scientists who create software evaluate which
Urška Fric and Nina Tomić Starc. 2021. Computer-Implemented
problem they are solving and based on that make an informed
Inventions and Computer Programs – Status Quo in Slovenia and EU.
decision on how to protect intellectual property using copyright
or patent. In view of the above, TTOs can contribute to a
European Patent Office. 2007. European Patent Convention (EPC 1973).
constructive decision-making process regarding the future of
European IP Helpdesk. 2020. Copyright or Patent – how to protect my
software protection and rewards for computer scientists by
participating in (open) public debates and presenting real-life
Urška Fric, Nina Tomić Starc, Špela Stres and Robert Blatnik. 2021.
examples of scientists developing software in PRO.
Programska oprema in vprašanje nagrajevanja raziskovalcev. In Modrosti
In order to ensure successful marketing of software, the PRO
iz inovacijskega podpornega okolja v JRO za upravljalce inovacijskega
system needs to provide the motivation and a rewarding
sistema, Špela Stres, Eds. Ljubljana: Institut 'Jožef Stefan' (IJS), Novo
mesto: Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu (FIŠ) Ljubljana:
mechanism for scientists for their enterprise.
Kemijski inštitut (KI), Ljubljana: Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije (KIS),
It is good to remember that any invention that implements a
Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (NIB), Koper: Univerza na
Primorskem (UP).
non-obvious "technical contribution" or "solves a technical
European Patent Office. 2020. Digital Conference. 17–18 December 2020.
problem" in a non-obvious way may be patentable, even if the
European IPR Helpdesk. 2014. Fact Sheet IPR Management in Software
same technical problem can be solved by running a computer
program. Consequently, program code in which technical effect
(even if in a non-obvious way) constitutes a technical
Andrew Morin, Jennifer Urban and Piotr Sliz. 2012. A Quick Guide to
improvement is patentable by its very nature. The trade secret
Software Licensing for the Scientist-Programmer. PLos Computational
segment is also important, since disclosure of program code
without a suitable proprietary license or any license at all may
Daniel Gull and Alexander Wehrmann. 2009. Optimized Software
result in commercial damage. By combining the technical effect
Licensing – Combining License Types in a License Portofolio. Business
of the software code with the trade secret effect, it is possible to
& Information Systems Engineering, 4, 2009 (Jan, 2009), 277–289, DOI:
register the software code example as an invention and,
Carlos Denner dos Santos Jr. 2017. Changes in Free and Open Source
consequently, ensure a reward for computer scientists.
Software Licenses: Managerial Interventions and Variations on Project
Attractiveness. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 8, 11, (Dec,
We therefore propose that regular reflection among computer
2017), DOI: 10.1186/s13174-017-0062-3
scientists within PRO is facilitated on new, marketable software
Goh Seow Hiong. 2005. Open Source and Commercial Software. An In-
code, that verification is introduced to any technical contribution,
and that invention based on software code is registered
accordingly. TTOs play a key role in this respect, as their specific
Carlo Daffara. 2011. Open Source License Selection in Relation to
Business Models. Open Source Business Resource (Dec, 2011),
expertise contributes to the proper assessment and registration of
service inventions as well as to the wider popularization of
software commercialization (also protected and registered in this
way). At the same time, the proposed method allows computer
scientists working in the field of software code development to
be rewarded for their work.
The operation is partially co-financed by the European Union
from the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry
of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. The
operation is implemented under the Operational Program for the
Implementation of European Cohesion Policy for the period
2014–2020, priority axis 1 Strengthening research, technological
development and innovation.
Operacijo delno sofinancirata Evropska unija iz Evropskega
sklada za regionalni razvoj in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje,
znanost in šport Republike Slovenije. Operacija se izvaja v
okviru Operativnega programa za izvajanje evropske kohezijske
politike v obdobju 2014–2020, prednostne osi 1 Krepitev
raziskav, tehnološkega razvoja in inovacij.
Daniel Closa, Alex Gardiner, Falk Giemsa and Jörg Machek. 2011. Patent
Law for Computer Scientists. Steps to Protect Computer Scientists.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heilderberg, Dordrecht, London, New York.
European Guiding principles for knowledge
valorisation: An assessment of essential topics to be
Špela Stres
Levin Pal
Marjeta Trobec
Center for technology transfer
Center for technology transfer
Center for technology transfer and
and innovation
and innovation
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana,
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana,
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana,
form. However, some new aspects have arisen and are further
Knowledge transfer is a complex mechanism of providing the
addressed in this paper - for example, state-aid issues connected
society with benefits arising from all segments of publicly
to the intellectual property right (IPR) issues.
financed research. Knowledge transfer is also an important
To conclude, the idea of further networking between innovation
mechanism to advance and improve technology transfer as its
support stakeholders needs to be put forward, particularly
part (as technology is only one of several research outputs [1],
regarding Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). In the coming
[8]), and a reason to analyse the current situation in the field.
years, EEN plans to pay more attention to the field of KT, as KT
This paper has three different parts. In the first part, models of
is essential for raising the competitiveness of the European
knowledge and technology transfer will be discussed, including
economy. In this context, the presented proposal of topics that
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
need to be addressed within new European Commission
model of operation, as it was the basis for the development of the
recommendations will be mutually beneficial in developing new
European Innovation Council (EIC) of Horizon Europe internal
strategies of EEN and KTOs as well. It would be of utmost
management operation in which the author of this paper was
importance to establish a fruitful collaboration between KTOs
involved. The model is essential also for the future development
and national EEN offices to assure full in-depth support to
of EU Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTOs). Given its high
researchers and SMEs alike in this TRL challenging exercise in
budget and added operational and substantive value related to
between the worlds of academia and industry, in particular given
Program Managers, the EIC in a way represents the largest - a
the EEN's core values (Fig.6).
kind of umbrella - KTO in Europe, which should integrate many
small, different and unique European KTOs into one whole.
Therefore, it is recommended in this paper that each European
Knowledge valorization, knowledge and technology transfer,
KTO reviews and understand the previous DARPA / ARPA-E
knowledge transfer office, innovation, public research
models and/or the European EIC model. They should use it as a
organization, industry, key performance indicator, licensing,
framework for adaptation of operations based on its legislation
collaborative research, funding, spin-out, spin-off, intellectual
and the specificities of the industrial and public sector so that
property, models, technology readiness level, networking.
each KTO becomes a comparable element of the whole at the
European landscape.
In the second part, a brief review of the knowledge transfer
(KT) literature of the past 15 years will be done, given the KT
profession's prevailing state of mind. A lot has been done during
The formal organizational models of KTOs in the EU are ranging
this time in KT development and attempts to evaluate the
from internal KTOs, through institutionally owned enterprises to
operation of KTOs. It turns out that there are different national
national, either network-based or private regional entities. This
environments, so the way KTOs operate may differ slightly from
contribution will focus on an internal model of operation of a
KTO to KTO. Nevertheless, there are common points in the
pipeline of all KTOs, namely the KPIs represented in this paper
The goal of any innovation intermediary should be to increase
(Table 1), which are not limited to KTO results only (e.g. patents
the deal flow, increase the number of deals, and increase the
filed, license and R&D agreements), but rather act as indicators
impact of those deals. The Defense Advanced Research Projects
of the quality of the KTO activities. The represented
Agency (DARPA) and the Advanced Research Projects Agency-
nomenclature of KPIs should help set up a uniform path that
Energy (ARPA-E) in the US became hands-on innovation
European KTOs are supposed to follow to achieve the results.
agencies to achieve such a goal. This required innovative internal
In the third part, specific segments of the Commission
procedures, a new risk-taking mindset and tailor-made
Recommendation on intellectual property management in
management. Its operating concept is to be hands-on, thus
knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for
involving the activities of a group of people in many segments,
universities and other public research organisations [1] will be
very similar to a proactive KTO. This concept is embedded in a
touched upon. These documents are still relevant in their present
set of questions known as the "Heilmeier Catechism", attributed
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Š. Stres et al.
to George H. Heilmeier, a former DARPA director (1975-1977), them to the market. To support breakthrough innovations, the EU
who crafted them to help Agency officials think through [2],
KTOs must themselves be an organizational breakthrough in
evaluate and manage proposed research programs for maximum
Europe. The main components for achieving this endeavour are
impact. By being proactive in managing the innovation side of
centred on the creation of challenge- and thematic-driven
the financed projects, DARPA and ARPA-E could successfully
pipelines in each of the KTOs, high rejection rate in the
operate their model for breakthrough innovation.
acceptance of the cases to the portfolio, active portfolio
The DARPA proactive model of operation is also present in the
management of cases, transition activities that bring new
work processes of the European Innovation Council (EIC), with
solutions to the market and KTO personnel who binds all of this
its important new feature, the Programme Managers. As Europe's
together into complementary practices (see Fig.2). It is crucial to
flagship innovation programme to identify, develop and scale up
understand that DARPAs results show that this is the right way,
breakthrough technologies and game-changing innovations, EIC
and it should be investigated how such a proactive system could
has a budget of €10.1 bil ion to support game-changing
be set up in an environment like ours.
innovations throughout the lifecycle from early-stage research to
Proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and
scale-up of start-ups and small to medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs). With its Programme managers and support staff, it can
be considered the largest KTO in Europe. The synergies and
similarities of KTOs with EIC should be looked into. The EIC
builds (and so should the EU KTOs) on active pipeline
management (see Fig.1), combined with Proof of concept
funding related to a well-defined pipeline of case management.
The management is done by highly skilled professionals,
combining technical and commercial acumen through a well-
defined interface, expanding far beyond the current average
Figure 2: The need for highly skilled personnel in the KTO
public relations activities of the European KTOs [3].
to active pipeline management, combined with Proof of
concept funding related to the pipeline [4]
2.1 A literature review
For almost 15 years now, the Knowledge transfer flow has been
discussed: on the operational and top policy levels. In this
section, a discussion about the essential works in this field is
given: »Communication (2007)« [5], »Recommendations
(2008)« [1], »A composite indicator (2011)« [6], »Knowledge
economy (2020)« [6], »Performance indicator system (2021)«
[8]. The KT topic was brought into the open by the
»Communication« [5], co-signed by the Slovenian commissioner
for research Janez Potočnik) in 2007, just before when Kevin
Cullen from Glasgow University designed his KT flow in 2008
Figure 1: From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe: Active
(Fig.3). Moreover, Kevin's KT flow has been used ever since: in
Portfolio Management of funded projects [3] A comparison
the »Recommendations« in 2008, later shown in the 2011 EC
between Future Emerging Technologies (FET) calls in
Report »A Composite Indicator« and also in the new 2020
Horizon 2020 as a predecessor of European Innovation
»Knowledge« report.
Council (EIC) calls in Horizon Europe
The view on the KTO role in connecting research to the economy
The goal of any KTO in Europe should not be to copy the
(and its vehicles) has not changed since 2007. To observe this, a
DARPA/ARPA-E or the EIC model. However, it should instead
comparison between Fig.3 [6] and Fig.4 [7]) can be made. The
be to translate a known useful model into their context
flow is divided into Research Outputs, KT Channels/Activities,
considering the Horizon Europe rules, the national legislation
Users/Economic Activity and Impact. The segments are not
and the current national/regional/local research, development
surprising because the division represents the flow-through of
and innovation culture. Only in this way can the innovation
knowledge in the KT system, as described already in 2008.
intermediaries, the KTOs, create their own unique identity in the
However, the perception of the KT community has changed for
European landscape for supporting breakthrough innovations –
the better in the meantime. It has at least changed in terms of the
create the EU KTO way.
involvement of a KTO in different KT vehicles. In 2013 the
Board members and Vice Presidents of the European Association
Developing the unique EU KTO way is challenging and
of Technology Transfer Professionals (ASTP) even at this
necessary. It will comprise novel practices supporting the
premier knowledge transfer organization's top-level, we could
development of breakthrough technologies and actively bringing
barely discuss the inclusion of Key Performance Indicators
European Guiding principles for knowledge valorization: What
has changed since 2008?
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
(KPIs) on software and contract or collaborative research and recognized profession. Scientific research, critically endeavours to the KT pipeline in the yearly Metrics report of
analyzing the processes within KTOs, their success and fail
European KTOs. Most of the time, negative comments regarding
factors, and a rigorous scientific approach to monitoring trial and
the importance of indicators other than licensing deals came from
error knowledge transfer practices within the KTOs is needed to
people working in biotech or medical technologies focused
improve the EU KTOs.
public research organization (PRO) environments connected to
university hospitals in Western Europe. As these had a prevailing
licensing deal flow at the time, primarily with the pharmaceutical
industry, their interest in widening the scope of the KT vehicles
was limited.
Figure 4: Knowledge Transfer: from research to impact [7]
2.2 The role of the missing KT KPIs
The goal of any innovation intermediary is to increase the deal
flow, increase the number of deals, and increase the impact of
those deals. To achieve such a goal, DARPA and ARPA-E in the
US became proactive, hands-on innovation agencies. In Europe,
given the Knowledge Transfer Metrics [7], in 2020, the authors
Figure 3: Model of knowledge transfer within the
focus on defining the KT indicators in four quadrants, including
innovation ecosystem [8]
Internal Context, Environment, Activity, Impact – trying to
assess the inputs and the outputs of the KT system (Fig.5). In
However, gradually through the years, an understanding has
effect, apart from the Activity indicators, the proposed metrics
arisen that as there are many different national environments,
observes the enabling factors - the success factors of the KTO's
there are many different economic situations, with diverse
pipeline from the outside of the KTOs (which they have little
technological absorption capacity from the industry, requesting
influence over). On the other hand, it observes the final impacts
and even demanding different vehicles to achieve actual KT.
of KTO's operations on society (which are very distant from
Thus, we recognized that there are indeed many different
today's perspective). However, it does not focus into great detail
vehicles, and as KTOs are the primary activity-focused linkage
on the internal procedures and pipelines directly under the KTO's
between the Public Research Organizations (PROs) and the
influence. Thus, such enabling indicators have a role in
industry, they should be appropriately put into the KTO practice.
evaluating the level of the KTOs possible maximum results, not
Many KTOs, in particular in the Eastern and Southern parts of
the quality of its operations.
Europe, but also such prominent ones as Cambridge Enterprise,
started to empower any one of the KT vehicles (including
The KT profession is clearly labelled as inefficient throughout
contract and collaborative research and services), which bring
Europe, which is also confirmed by the fact that the
results for the global/national/regional/local economy, society
Recommendations of 2008 are now being urgently reviewed by
and the PRO itself. In this way, the perception of the role of a
the European Commission, but seeking remedies outside the
KTO in the innovation flow system remained the same
community, not taking responsibility for its actions. In order to
throughout the last 15 years (if we compare the figures presented
improve the operation's quality, it is not enough to assess what is
in 2011 [6] and in 2020 [7], they are essentially the same), but
outside of the KTO's reach (internal PRO's context,
the understanding and the focus of KTOs rightly shifted from
environment). Moreover, it is not enough to claim that [7] the
patenting and licensing to other vehicles of KT as well. However,
KTO impact is long term, we cannot measure it right now, we
even though progress has been made, the KT community is still
shall see what happens long-term—neglecting evaluations of the
struggling to define the KPIs of the KT operations completely
internal KTO procedures and their efficiency results in the fact
[8]. This shortcoming is an echo of the under-developed research
that the profession is not advancing as fast as it should.
activity in the field of KT.
The results are indeed dependent on the enabling factors, but are
The level of research activity in and on KT is still relatively low
essentially determined by the actions taken by the KTOs [9].
in the EU. Primary sources as Joint Research Centre (JRC), TTO
Thus, to improve the quality of the KTO operation in Europe, it
Circle and ASTP mainly focus on producing success stories and
is necessary to set up process KPIs to monitor KTO processes
incomparable status reports, which lack the in-depth definition of
and evaluate their quality. The focus should be paid to measuring
KPIs to allow for fair and holistic assessment of the KT system
the efficiency of the KT process, using Detailed Activity or
in the EU. As important as success stories, networking and
Process KPIs, organized as a funnel, and, on this basis, address
workshops in the field of the KT profession are, these are not
the shortcomings in the effectiveness of KTOs. The focus should
enough to professionalize the activities and create a full-pledged
be given to KTO's internal operation, evaluating the KTO
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Š. Stres et al.
activity in detail: analyzing the deal pipelines, making them to researchers, Active marketing: number of offers prepared for professional, flow-through, and improving KTOs' performance
selected companies, Number of received expressions of interest-
by understanding the interdependence of the processes KTOs
based on active marketing, Spinout Business Plans prepared,
carry out.
Internal Proof of Concept projects approved, financed and
managed and others ...
Table 1: The proposed nomenclature of KT Key
Performance Indicators
Description of KPI/Result (al counted in Number of, unless where specified)
Cases accepted for processing in KT Number of patent applications filed
with full examination
First meetings with researchers -
Opinions on continuation of IP
Assessments of the state of the art
Passive Marketing: Preparation and
publication of Technology Offers
Market assessments/analysis
Submitted expressions of interest
First meetings with companies Active marketing: number of offers
Figure 5: Input and Output KT Indicators: the four
(company visits)
prepared for selected companies
quadrants [7]
Participations of licensing team Active marketing: number of offers sent
To monitor the activity within a KTO's pipeline is the only way
member in 1st meetings with to selected companies
to observe the points where the activity goes awry. In the
»Knowledge economy« report, the valuable parts of the
Second meetings with companies
Active marketing: no. of received
expressions of interest
indicators are shown under the Activity part in the quadrant,
focusing on the final KTO results only. However, it is not
Participations of licensing team Signing of Non-disclosure agreements
member at 2nd meetings with
analyzed how the results were obtained. The KTOs are stuck with
the KT indicators – they indicate the temperature in the KT
Third meetings with companies
Negotiations conducted
system. However, they do not analyze what is going on and how
the impactful factors are connected. The problem is similar to the
Participations of licensing team Cooperation agreements (R&D
member at 3rd meetings with contracts) signed
difference between measuring water temperature in a glass and
understanding the physical processes behind heating the water.
Identified topics at meetings with Licensing agreements (licensing
From the measured water temperature, it might be concluded that
companies for potential col aboration
Contracts) signed
the fact that we are based in tropical climate influences its heating
with PRO research teams
on the stove, but not how. Likewise, from observing the lower
Collaboration topics from meetings with
Amount covered by R&D Contracts
than desired KT results, it might be concluded that the only
companies identified by licensing team
reason for the unsatisfactory performance of the KT in Europe is
the too low percentage of the GDP spent for the KTO or the
Meeting minutes from the 1st, 2nd Amount covered by licensing Contracts
and/or 3rd meeting with the company
R&D. To support breakthrough innovations, the EU KTOs must
themselves be an organizational breakthrough in Europe.
Supplementations by licensing team New Companies in col aboration with
member, of minutes from the 1st, 2nd
the PRO (via R&D and licensing
Moreover, to achieve that, we should focus on the KT process
and / or 3rd meeting with the company
and understand it. We must focus on internal KTO operation,
Collaboration topics disseminated to Consultings on Access to financial
internal technology transfer
sources (Tenders, VCs, Commercial
evaluate the KTO activity in detail and set up KPIs to monitor it.
coordinators and published in the Loans)
We must analyze the deal pipelines, make them professional,
suitable PR publications (counting by
flow-through, and improve our performance by understanding
company visit)
our processes.
Col aboration topics disseminated by Spinout First meetings on spinout
licensing team member to PRO creation
How can we establish process focused KPIs to evaluate the
Researchers (counting by company visit)
efficiency of KTO operation? The efficiency of the innovation
Individual Advisory Supports delivered
Spinout Business Plans prepared
management system in a country can be evaluated through the
to companies
share of successful commercialization of patents and secret
Individual Advisory Supports delivered
Spinout documentations for the
know-how originating from PROs. The commercialization
to researchers
establishment of the spinout prepared
for consideration by PRO
involving KTOs occurs through new company creation, IPR
licensing and sales, and direct R&D collaboration. These are the
Invention disclosures at PRO / decision
Signed contracts for the establishment
to acquire the invention by PRO
of spinout companies
results of the KT process (but not the impact). Nevertheless, there
are many other processes KPIs, which enable us to monitor the
Author: Š. Stres in collaboration with selected members of
efficiency of the KTO process: for example, the number of
Center of Technology Transfer and Innovation, 2020 (M.
Market assessments/analyses, Identified topics at meetings with
Trobec, F. Podobnik, L. Pal)
companies for potential collaboration with PRO research teams,
Setting up and active monitoring of the entire funnel of KTO
Number of Individual Advisory Supports delivered to
KPIs may turn out especially advantageous for young KTOs that
companies, Number of Individual Advisory Supports delivered
have been just established. The "case-by-case" process from
European Guiding principles for knowledge valorization: What
has changed since 2008?
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
preparation to protection and marketing and hopefully should continuously be published before setting a contract with conclusion of license and R&D agreement can take a very long
a specific entity to distort the market's competition. Need to
time (on average at least 12 - 30 months), and much work has to
publish the TOs to assure state aid and fairness in terms of
be done before the final results are earned. During this time, well-
competition laws.
established and internationally recognized KPIs might become
extremely useful - justifying the existence of such young KTOs
Synergies: Look into possible synergies with European
to the management authorities and tracking/evaluating their
Innovation Council (EIC), Enterprise Europe Network .. from
operations. Verified and standardized international KPIs,
operational, not political or networking point of view. KTOs
therefore, illustrate whether the KTOs are on the right path to
should capitalize on the existing financing available and the
their goals or not.
existing support networks available.
With the process KPIs of KTO operations, we can set complete
Broader view on IPR: Registration of models, trademarks,
metrics for the Key KT Activities of KTOs. Such metrics are
printed circuits, new plant sorts, software should be encouraged.
presented in Table 1, The nomenclature of KT. These metrics
Copyright implications should be addressed, as software is part
allow for the intertwining of contract and collaborative research
of the Copyright legislation. Recommendations should be given
in countries where this is necessary, with actual licensing and
on how to award researchers for software commercialization and
sales of industrial property (nationally or internationally) and
define incentives in different countries (as the legislation in some
spinout creation. Every country has a specific distribution of
countries excludes copyright from the rules on awarding
particular KT Activities and results (final contribution measured
researchers in case of commercialization of copyright).
much later on by Economic Impact). The efficiency of these
Diversification of KT Activities: Wherever only licensing is
efforts measured by KPIs may differ throughout the countries,
mentioned as a vehicle; this should be remedied with other
but the KPIs themselves, the nomenclature, and the results
available KT vehicles. The difference between spinouts and
remain the same everywhere: Number of disclosures, Number of
spinoffs should be introduced. The specific knowledge and
licensing, contract, collaborative and service deals, Spinouts
capacity on capital share management by the KTOs should be
addressed. The positive impact of spinoffs vs spinouts and vice
versa? The need to develop internal PoCs which increase the
efficiency of the KTO, the InvestEU with EIF policy
introduction. Publishing the technology offers (TOs) and sending
them around - active and passive marketing, requiring different
knowledge and yielding different success rates, depending on the
In light of the above analysis of the field and the existing
"name" of the institution.
Recommendations, we suggest topics of concern to be
The use of EEN and its Thematic/Sector Groups for
addressed in the amending of the text of the 2008
technology marketing is also essential. There is a mutual need to
Recommendations – because these are topics of concern in
increase KTOs' awareness about EEN and its Sector Groups
the current KT endeavors in Europe and they are not
(mainly "technology-based") and Thematic Groups as a channel
covered within the existing Recommendations. The
for technology marketing, access to SMEs and obtaining the
suggestions areas are listed below.
latest expert information in the field of work, respectively. EEN
Operational Issues: Every KTO should have a set of operational
should continue its efforts to emphasize actively seeking
principles, an honour code and a code of conduct as a basis of its
Technology Requests at SMEs and linking them to Technology
operation. It could be based on the Code of Conduct of the
Offers of PROs. Moreover, KTOs should actively harvest
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) or built anew.
commercial databases for technology requests. Several services
offered by EEN serve as a prelude to the required (but not always
Accounting issues: Emphasize the importance of registering the
available) expert services of the KTO consultants. Providing a
intangible assets – in principle, one cannot sell something that
vibrant innovation ecosystem, in which the EEN and KTOs
has not been registered according to the European accounting
would work in view of signposting and the hub and spoke model,
principles for intangible assets (including its initial accounting
EEN serving as a liaison (account manager), but KTO as a final
expert service provider, could work effectively.
State Aid and Evaluation methods with competition law:
A wider approach to science disciplines: Collaboration with
Evaluation of IPR is also essential in state aid in collaborative
social sciences and humanities (for example, the connection with
projects (IPR transfer in the context of state aid). Even though
heritage science and alike should be investigated) should be
not in Horizon Europe, operating under the State-Aid
encouraged. In this regard, the »Outputs« as defined in the
Exemptions, but in all cohesion related funding and national
Research Excellence Framework (REF) of the UK research
funding for higher TRLs (which are not part of the State-Aid
evaluation system should be studied and possibly all 22
Exemptions). To assess the value, different valuation methods
categories, which also include patents) should be analyzed for
(not valutation) should be understood to set the first value in the
further usage. Citizen science and science with and for society
accounting books. For this purpose, intangible asset evaluation
issues should become more prominent within the work of KTOs.
methods should be analyzed and valuation principles accepted
for the KTO usage. Competition law – Technology Offers
A systematic research approach to KT content and
increasing the quality: Policymaking and lobbying for research
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Š. Stres et al.
projects in the KT – political impact of the EC and JRC is Network aims to help businesses innovate and grow required for this. The explicit notion of the need to upgrade the
KTO services from PR activities, and the importance of KT
activities to actual execution of such activities, measured by
unique KPIs, results should be normalized to research FTE
headcount. KPIs are the same in all KTOs regardless of the
enabling factors (these only define the maximum KTO output
and maximum impact in the economy). Build on the impact
factors from the pathway to impact of the EC (commercial,
research, societal).
Systemization on the Horizon Europe level: In the same way
as »Gender equality plans« need to be published as a prerequisite
to a Horizon Europe project approval, also »IP and
commercialization policy, including Open Science« should
Figure 6: Enterprise Europe Network Code of Conduct,
become such a required action for HE projects. The DARPA
Annex 2 to the Grant Agreement, 2014
model and EIC model (with PMs and the support team) are
development directions.
In the coming years, EEN plans to pay more attention to the field
Beneficiaries of the KT Activities: It should be emphasized in
of KT, as KT is essential for raising the competitiveness of the
the Recommendations that students as private persons are not the
European economy. In this context, we believe that the presented
target of the Recommendations nor the focus of KT activities of
proposal of topics that need to be addressed within new
the KTO, at least not under the legislation for IP ownership;
recommendations will be mutually beneficial in developing new
remedies to assist student-based inventions should be devised
strategies of EEN and KTOs and strengthening their relations.
under different measures than KTOs (e.g. university,
Organizational issues in different specific 4 CONCLUSIONS
situations: Recommendations on how to organize the system for
• European KTOs should review and fully understand
smaller institutions that do not have the capacity nor the need to
the current European EIC model connected to the
retain a full-pledged KTO are needed. Such recommendations
successful DARPA / ARPA-E models. They should
are required due to the diversity of personnel needed. Several
consider the model as the main framework while
employees are needed to have a successfully operating KTO.
adapting its operations to national legislation and the
Several models have been tried out: SATT (centralized),
specificities of the industrial and public sector – all
Knowledge Transfer Ireland & Slovenia (consortium
with the aim that each KTO becomes a comparable
element of the whole community of KTOs at the
distributed), Cambridge (University-owned), Leuven R&D
European landscape.
(independent internal office) .. It is true that everyone needs to
find their way, but there are specifics and criteria which can help
• There are some common critical points in the pipelines
find the suitable model. The emphasis on trust-building with the
of all KTOs irrespective of different national
research and economic community is of the utmost importance.
environments and specifics, namely the KPIs
represented in Table 1. Such KPIs are indicators of the
Pooling and open science: Requirements for pooling among
KTO activities rather than only general and final KTO
institutions on IPR offer should be upgraded in pooling of Open
results (e.g. patents filed, license and R&D
science access. The possible tension between IP protection and
agreements) or remote indicators of KTOs' maximum
Open science, particularly secret know-how, should be addressed
possible results (limited by the environment). The
in straightforward operational funnels.
represented nomenclature of KPIs should help set up a
uniform path that European KTOs are supposed to
Career progression in KT: The career progression of KTO
follow to achieve the results.
professionals should be addressed, agencies and ministries
should be invited to discuss this issue.
It would be of utmost importance to establish a fruitful
collaboration between KTOs and national EEN offices
Managing the financial return: Recommendation on how the
to assure full in-depth support to researchers and SMEs
PRO uses the income from commercial activities - should it be
alike in this TRL challenging exercise in between the
used for a PoC fund managed by the KTO for TRL increase of
worlds of academia and industry, in particular given
commercialization cases? Or for further IPR cost financing?
the EEN's core values (Fig.6), focusing on the
signposting and the hub and spoke model of operation.
Last but not least, an idea of further networking between
innovation support stakeholders needs to be put forward,
particularly in regards to Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
being active in more than 60 countries worldwide providing
[1] European Commission. 2008. Commission Recommendation on the
support to SMEs with international ambitions. Co-funded by the
management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities and
Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations.
European Union's COSME and Horizon 2020 programmes, the
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European
European Guiding principles for knowledge valorization: What
has changed since 2008?
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Communities. Retrieved August 3, 2021 from https://ec.europa.eu/invest-
[6] Finne H., Day A., Piccaluga A., Spithoven A., Walter P., Wellen D. 2011.
[2] Heilheimer H. George. The Heilheimer Catechism. Retrieved August 3,
A Composite Indicator for Knowledge Transfer Report, European
2021 from https://www.darpa.mil/work-with-us/heilmeier-catechism.
Commission’s Expert Group on Knowledge Transfer Indicators (page 10).
[3] European Commission. 2020. Implementing the pro-active management
Retrieved August 3, 2021 from
of the EIC pathfinder for breakthrough technologies & innovations.
Retrieved August 3, 2021 from
[7] Campbell A. et al. 2020. Knowledge economy and its impact. Retrieved
August 3, 2021 from
[4] Working Report on Technology 2 Market Support, WG on pro/active
management, EIC, January 2021.
[5] European Commission. 2007. Communication from the Commission:
[8] Holi et al., 2008 p. 2; attributed to Kevin Cullen of Glasgow University
Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry
[9] Alejandro M. Aragon, A measure for the impact of research, 2013.
across Europe. Annex: Voluntary guidelines for universities and other
Retrieved August 4, 2021 from
research institutions to improve their links with industry across Europe.
Digital Innovation Hubs and Regional Development:
Empirical Evidence from the Western Balkan
Bojan Ćudić
Špela Stres
University of Maribor
Center for Technology Transfer
Koroška cesta 160, Maribor, Slovenia
and Innovation
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in Europe are created to
support the digital transformation of small and medium
enterprises (SMEs). The network of DIHs is in the process of
establishing throughout Europe. However, the work of DIHs is
not sufficiently investigated neither in developed nor developing
countries. In the Western Balkan region (the WB-5), there are 24
registered DIHs, but only five of them are fully operational.
Throughout the survey, the authors investigated the WB-5 DIHs
and compared their performance with their EU-28 counterparts.
The survey results and interviews with the WB-5 DIHs indicate
a lower level of their specialization and suggest that they failed
to support the digital transformations of local businesses. They
also have a great potential to improve cooperation among
industry, academia, and governments in the WB-5 countries and
between the countries.
Digital Innovation Hubs, Business Support Organizations, Small
and Medium Enterprises, Quadruple Helix Model of
cooperation, developing countries.
Technology Transfer as a Unifying Element in EU Projects
of the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Prenos tehnologij kot povezujoči element EU projektov
na Centru za prenos tehnologij in inovacij
Duško Odić
Špela Stres
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
how our projects align to a technology transfer pipeline on an
SME’s path to innovation, and how different projects
Technology transfer supports the transfer of knowledge from
complement each other in creating a comprehensive innovation
research institutions to industry through various mechanisms,
support system for SMEs. Finally, we identify the type of project
including those enabled by international project schemes. We
most suited for bringing into practice collaborative research that
analysed how projects, carried out within our unit, the Center for
drives technology transfer’s ultimate goal, innovation.
technology transfer and innovation (CTT), based on the outputs
and processes developed, align to a technology transfer pipeline
on an SME’s path to innovation. We also investigated how
different projects complement each other in creating a
comprehensive innovation support system for SMEs. Projects
Ten EU projects analyzed in this work (out of a total of 24) have
involving voucher-based financial support of innovative
been selected with the criterion of being geared towards
collaboration and highest involvement of researchers emerge as
supporting SMEs in gaining new knowledge and/or finding
most engaging for future funding applications, with other types
research and/or industrial business partners with the goal of
of project nevertheless being recognized as important in focusing
innovation. CTT projects not included were those related to
on individual stages of innovation. Regardless of project,
popularizing science and introducing scientific courses into high
dedicated efforts are important for establishing strong research-
school programs. National projects were not surveyed due to
industry connections and enabling their continuous collaboration
their different selection process. Projects that ended before
after the project’s end.
December 2014, and more recent projects that didn’t entail
sufficient involvement and therefore familiarity by one of the
authors (D.O.) to enable analysis, were not included. The
Technology transfer, innovation, EU projects, H2020, Interreg
surveyed projects are listed in Table 1.
To identify projects’ alignment to individual stages of
innovation and evaluate the extent to which they incorporate
elements of technology transfer, we reviewed project
Technology transfer supports the transfer of knowledge from
deliverables, outputs, and processes developed most relevant to
research institutions to industry, enabling laboratory research to
progress to an industrial level, and in turn, enabling small-to-
To illustrate the range of support types that the projects have
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to innovate through
offered, and to identify the type of projects most in line with
collaboration with researchers. An SME can use various forms
technology transfer goals, we created a simplified project
of support offered by a technology transfer office, and the forms
landscape wherein we distributed the projects along two
of support are frequently part of a national or an international
dimensions: (1) level of involvement of research institutions, and
project scheme, such as European Commission’s Horizon 2020
(2) innovation stage reached by the project’s outcome, from basic
and EU’s Interreg programs. CTT at the Jožef Stefan Institute has
raising of awareness to concrete advanced innovative
been a partner in several such projects. In this work, we analyzed
collaboration. The analysis aims to identify type(s) of project
towards which most efforts should be directed in future funding
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citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Selected project deliverables, outputs, and processes relevant to
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
innovation, are listed in Table 2. All projects lead to raised
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Odić, Š. Stres
Table 1: EU projects surveyed.
Brief description
Supporting manufacturing SMEs with key enabling technologies
provided by research institutions, with the emphasis on
environmentally–friendly manufacturing
Supporting life-science-oriented SMEs and research institutions in
Central Europe
finding business partners through a platform
Supporting SMEs in involving creative sectors to define new products
and services according to social trends
Connecting SMEs to collaborative, circular and sharing economy
actors for increased efficiency of innovation
Supporting financing of innovation in green growth sectors through
improved delivery of policies and strategies
Supporting SMEs in defining the role of intellectual property (IP) in
Slovenia – Italy
creating regional value through interregional IP exchange
Cross Border
Supporting SMEs with access to key enabling technologies through
Interreg Central
research equipment and services provided by research institutions
Open I SME
Supporting SMEs in solving technical issues with the aid of researchers 2014-2016
via an online tool matching technology requests with research
Scale (up)
Supporting SMEs by setting up a hub enabling a single entry point to
Interreg Alpine
assistance in access to finance, access to talent, and access to market
opportunities in the EU
Supporting SMEs in finding potential innovation partners through
Interreg Central
platforms for submitting technology challenges and enabling
crowdfunding schemes
awareness and new knowledge gained by SMEs, as well as new
include mechanisms to sustain active collaboration, such as Open
processes developed at CTT to effectively support SMEs.
I SME and Central Community, are those that enable
However, individual projects lead to innovative collaboration to
matchmaking through platforms but in absence of further
varying degrees.
innovation support actions they do so with lower impact. In
Based on data from Table 2, we aligned the projects with a
effect, they start the process by introducing potential partners but
hypothetical innovation process in an SME. The relevance of
leave them to carry out setting up the collaboration by
selected projects at different stages of innovation (from problem
to innovative solution) is shown in Figure 1. While individual
Projects having the most impact in raising awareness rather
projects are relevant to different stages and support technology
than in producing actual collaborative development, such as
transfer to different extents, most have the goal of connecting
IP4SMEs, EU-GIVE, Co-Create, and Scale(up) Alps, enter the
SMEs to relevant stakeholders and lead to innovative
pipeline at the middle of the process (scouting and innovation
potential discovery) and are least relevant, as their impact on
Since technology transfer from research to industry ideally
technology transfer is most indirect. They make the potential
entails participation of researchers, we analyzed the projects not
partners aware of the fact that there is an opportunity for
only according to the stage of innovation but also according to
collaboration to be seized, but do least about creating an actual
researcher involvement. Distribution of projects in relation to
collaboration among potential partners.
involvement of researchers – from none to full - and to role in
Lastly, projects that only deal with a singular aspect of the
innovation based on project results and outputs – from indirect to
process can be influential in terms of that particular aspect (for
direct – is shown in Figure 2. Both dimensions are descriptive
example, finMED for financial support setup, IP4SMEs in IP
rather than quantitative, and the landscape has been created for
issues), but act out of context in terms of the innovation pipeline.
illustrative purposes.
From the analyses conducted, the KET4CP and KETGATE
The results show that projects such as KET4CP and
projects emerge as a type of project most closely in line with the
KETGATE, which include operational support steps from the
complete collaborative innovation pipeline, involving strong
beginning till the end of the innovation pipeline (Table 2), and
research participation, creating concrete connections and
have important roles in innovation as well as a high level of
following them through to realization of the opportunity, thus
researcher involvement, emerge as having the highest potential
most effective in increasing SME-research collaboration and
for technology transfer.
most attractive in subsequent funding opportunities.
Projects with lower relevance that enter the innovation
pipeline in the beginning of the innovation process but do not
Technology Transfer in EU Projects
IInformation Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 2: Project deliverables, outputs, and developed processes most relevant to innovation, distributed based on the benefit to SMEs participating in the project.
knowledge gained
Instruments / processes developed
registration on
successful joint
by SME
platforms, submission
research and
of challenges,
map of European
Cascade funding with evaluation and
KET4SME platform
yes (voucher-
technology centers
support process
list of Life Science
Process of scouting, matching, and
LifeScience Room
encouraging SMEs towards open
design thinking,
Design thinking process for inclusion of
Co-Create platform
different stakeholders in traditional SME
innovation process
map of collaborative Process of engaging researchers in
economy initiatives
creating innovative collaborative
economy approaches
list of financial
Process of including intangibles into
instruments and
financial intermediaries’ (as banks) loan
capability criteria evaluation
importance of IP
Process of auditing SMEs towards
discovery of innovation potential
available research
Process of scouting, matching and
KETGATE platform
yes (voucher-
equipment at JSI
financially supporting research and SME
partners with cascade funding
Open I SME
Process of scouting, motivating research
OpeniSME platform
experts to become available to SMEs for
industrial counseling
Scale (up)
list of Slovenian
Process of scouting for expertise,
Scale(up) Alps
startup ecosystem
supporting creation of SME (spinout),
support ecosystem
matching its needs to the support system
and allocating relevant support – it being
a part of a group of companies with
similar needs
list of crowd
Process of determining entities suitable
SYNERGY platform
for crowd sourcing, based on relevant
criteria, and of matching them with
suitable crowd innovation initiatives
innovation process. Consider a hypothetical Company that
agrees to participate in all listed projects. The Company benefits
from all aspects of innovation (Table 2), and ends up having a
In this work, we analyzed selected projects in terms of their
complete set of services that are in fact part of technology
contribution to technology transfer. It should be noted that there
transfer. It starts by attaining basic knowledge about intellectual
is a distinction in terms of relevance to individual stages (Figures
property and innovation management (IP4SMEs), its position
1, 2), however, the KET4CP and KETGATE projects emerge as
among other SMEs in a given sector (for example, life sciences;
a type of project most closely in line with the complete
Central Community) and familiarizes itself with the landscape of
collaborative innovation pipeline. On the other hand it should be
collaborative economy (EU-GIVE), available technology centers
emphasized that each project has its place in the overall
(KET4CP) and research equipment (KETGATE), startup support
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Odić, Š. Stres
(Scale(up) Alps) and crowd innovation initiatives (SYNERGY).
just a single innovation stage, can represent an added value for
The Company then proceeds to learn about the design thinking
an SME, through providing knowledge about a specific subject,
approach in innovation and the possibilities to connections with
thereby allowing other projects to offer support with the benefit
the creative sector (Co-Create), and gets an opportunity to
of that gained knowledge.
explore a host of national and international research and/or
Low-level- and mid-level-impact projects are thus important
business partners via various online platforms (KET4CP, Central
since they provide information and knowledge for companies
Community, Co-Create, KETGATE, Open I SME, SYNERGY)
that makes them suitable as target beneficiaries for further forms
or through attending matchmaking events (KETGATE). The
of support down the pipeline. For example, a highly relevant
Company receives a comprehensive informative guideline on the
project, such as KETGATE, may not itself include in-depth
possibilities of financing (finMED), and may enter into research
analysis of mechanisms for defining intellectual property
and development collaborations (Open I SME), with the
(otherwise provided by IP4SMEs) or in-depth analysis for setting
possibility of additional financial support by vouchers
up familiarity with available financial instruments (otherwise
(KETGATE, KET4CP). Thus, any given project, even if filling
provided by finMED). However, as both are useful traits in
signing cooperation agreements and looking for continued
financing of pilot projects established within KETGATE, their
execution provided grounds for setting up a fully-fledged
innovation pipeline support. An SME thus more efficiently
benefits from KETGATE services, having previously received
services from IP4SMEs and finMED. Ranking of the projects
(Figure 2) is therefore not a reflection of their quality or
relevance but of their position within the complete support to
technology transfer.
The processes developed within individual projects, from
discovering innovation potential (e.g. IP4SMEs) to cascade
funding of research and development projects (e.g. KET4CP),
culminated in the development of a comprehensive SME
innovation support system at the CTT that is flexible and
adaptable to a company’s level of innovation and particular
Figure 1: Relevance of selected projects at different stages
needs. The projects proved important in strengthening of the
of innovation (from problem to innovative solution) in an
technology transfer pipeline by developing ways of engaging
various stakeholders, their auditing, developing of matchmaking
platforms, and protocols for facilitating collaborative research,
including voucher-supported cascade financing schemes.
It is the long-term goal of EU projects to not only develop
processes for comprehensive SME support but also act as
stepping stones for achieving continuing innovation activities
between research / industry partners and building strong and
inspirational success stories after the projects’ closure. This is
particularly important in the light of the fact that mechanisms
established during a project, such as platforms, are often
inactivated once the project is finalized. Efforts are in principle
invested towards sustainability of platforms after the project’s
end, but platform maintenance is rarely guaranteed and/or
requires dedicated funding from other sources. It is therefore
important to enter into a project with a clear vision of its benefits
Figure 2: Distribution of projects in relation to involvement
and strong dedication to reaching relevant goals. Understanding
of researchers, and to role in innovation based on project
the role of a specific project in the innovation pipeline is crucial
results and outputs. Note that the numbers indicate a relative
to achieve this. Previous experience has shown that prudent
position of the project based on project design rather than any
attitude towards engagement with project target audience (from
quantitative measure, and are provided for illustration purposes
identifying relevant companies, identifying the right
only. Numbers on the y axis indicate no involvement (1),
correspondent individuals, to right type of motivation) can lead
potential involvement (2), or full involvement (3). Numbers on
not only to fruitful project collaboration but also to continued
the x axis indicate stages in innovation pipeline as follows: 1 –
research-industry collaboration outside of the project.
gaining knowledge about IP and innovation management, 2 –
Finally, we estimate that the culmination of the efforts
gaining knowledge about design thinking, collaborative
described in this article will be seen on one hand within the
economy, or financial instruments 3 – registration on platforms,
European Innovation Council of the Pillar 3 in Horizon Europe,
4 – matchmaking, 5 – access to equipment or services, 6 – joint
in particular in the creation of new high-tech-based companies
research and development projects. In this type of display, the
stemming from Public Research Organizations. But the
projects located in the upper right part are most suited for
contribution of this myriad of projects should also be seen as
supporting technology transfer between research and industry.
important within further financing of the European Commission
Technology Transfer in EU Projects
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
in the form of cascade funding, available to connect in massive
websites, wherever still active as of 30.9.2021, to individual
numbers SMEs and the academia. Such numerous collaboration
projects analyzed:
is required to build trust, to execute the contract / collaborative
research and to improve the technological absorption capacity
KET4CP - https://www.ket4sme.eu/
ever so needed to be improved in some parts of Europe, ours
Co-Create - https://co-create.interreg-med.eu/
EU-GIVE - https://www.eugiveproject.eu/
finMED - https://finmed.interreg-med.eu/
IP4SMEs - http://www.ip4smes.eu/
KETGATE - https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/KETGATE.html
Open I SME - https://www.openisme.eu/
Scale (up) Alps - https://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/scale-up-alps/en/home
This work is a result of experience- and output-based analysis
SYNERGY - https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/SYNERGY.html
and does not include references as such. Below are given links to
Proof of Concept cases at the Jožef Stefan Institute in
2020 and 2021
Marjeta Trobec
Špela Stres
Center for Technlogy Transfer and Innovation
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
improving reputation at all levels in its own tech-transfer process
[10]. Auerswald and Branscomb write that the most vital
The development of economy and society is inextricably linked
technology commercialization phase occurs between invention
to inventions and innovations from public research organisations.
and product development when commercial concepts are created
Technology transfer offices identify potentially suitable
and verified and the best appropriate markets are defined. The
technologies for commercialization and support researchers in
PoC phase has a funding gap, caused by information and
the field of intellectual property (IP), commercialization etc.
motivation asymmetries and institutional gaps between the
However, financial resources are necessary for the further
science, technology and enterprises [4].
development of the identified technologies in order to reach
Such a gap is primarily due to the “embryonic” nature of the
higher levels of technological maturity. In EU, UK, USA and
research organization-generated inventions, which tend to
elsewhere the so-called Proof of Concept (PoC) funds are
operate at the frontier of scientific advancements, thus involving
available on institutional, regional, national and international
considerable risks associated with their subsequent validation,
level. In Slovenia till 2021 we only had four PoC funds, all of
them were institutional / internal, one of them the Jožef Stefan
industrialization and commercialization [5]. The time required to
transform discoveries into products and the vast amount of
Institute PoC, created as the first one already in 1996. This paper
focuses on the eleven Proof of Concept cases from the Jožef
resources needed to pursue the required development constitute
a mix of high uncertainty and negative cash flows that decrease
Stefan Institute that were financially supported in 2020 and 2021.
investment incentives and limit opportunities to secure funding.
We have shown their individual characteristics and the expected
This pattern is especially pronounced in science-based sectors
benefits for the projects due to the received PoC funding based
like life sciences, biotechnology etc. [5]. The gap and PoC
on the project applications. The projects are dispersed across
positioning in regards to the stage of development and funding
Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) of the so-called Valley of
sources is also shown in Figure 1.
death (TRL 3-7). Further developments based on the received
funding are in line with their current and expected TRLs – the
most common are validation in the laboratory and / or in the
relevant environment, prototype demonstration and testing. We
have also made an overview of possible future scenarios for them
on the basis of the expected CEETT Proof of Concept fund.
Proof of Concept, Entrepreneurship, Innovative financing,
Technology Transfer
A Proof of Concept phase (PoC) is a research practice and
Figure 1: Representation of PoC in regards to Stage of
serves as an instrument of knowledge construction in an
development [5]
individual study and helps to build further understanding of
certain objects, data, metrics, apparatus, processes, materials. A
The lack of dedicated funding and support to help
PoC research is composed from a set of activities (i.e. actions,
inventions from public research institutions to mature to the stage
movements, analyses, simulations, techniques, tests, etc) for the
at which they are market and investor ready represents a major
assessment, understanding, validation and exploitation of, and
obstacle to effective knowledge transfer. Different support
the learning about particular research object [1]. A PoC is used
mechanisms address these gaps, at general policies level as well
“to prove a concept through a practical model” [2]. The PoC
as on the level of specific, local initiatives, including research
phase is in research institutions in terms of technology transfer
organizations funds [6, 7].
considered as critical for the success of both licensing and the
PoC funding programs are mechanisms that combine
creation of spin-off companies [3]. The POC therefore increases
money, expertise and training to help new inventions and
technology transfer office (TTO) chances of a larger percentage
discoveries emerge and to demonstrate their technical and
of the income stream from the commercialization of innovations
commercial feasibility. Such funds can appear under different
so that it can fulfil some main tech-transfer goals, that is, return
names like PoC funds, proof-of-principle funds, translational
on investment, job creation, start-up creation, IP licensing and
funding, pre-seed funding, verification funding, maturation
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Trobec et al.
programs, innovation grants, ignition grants [5]. No matter the
2.2 Jožef Stefan Institute PoC calls in 2020 and
name they all have common objectives and characteristic, shown
2021 [8]
also in Table 1: to evaluate the technical feasibility and
Calls for funding of projects are intended to help move
commercial potential of early-stage research ideas and
projects starting from at least the TRL 3 towards higher TRLs.
technologies and to demonstrate their value to potential industrial
The call is open for JSI researchers with a status of at least 50 %
employment at JSI.
researcher/research team gets capital and assistance across a
broad spectrum of areas, such as intellectual property rights,
business plan development, market studies, networking etc. The
Table 2: Approved Jožef Stefan Institute projects in 2020
ultimate goal is to advance the technology to a point at which it
and in 2021 [9]
can be licensed to an external industrial partner or a start-up to
be created to attract the interest of investors in later stages of
development [5].
project leader
Open Computer Systems
Nutrition (E7),
Table 1: Main characteristics of PoC funds [5]
Platform with a mobile Seljak
PoC Programs
Data gap analysis for Advanced
regulatory Materials
Evaluate and support the technical feasibility
of Vukomanović
and commercial potential of early stage
technologies generated by public research
novel antimicrobial agent
of Primarily projects by individual researchers or
Connecting with industry Nanostructured
research teams
partners to build an Materials
Typically grants, but other forms are possible
automated laboratory
(i.e., loan, repayment schemes)
Pre-seed stage (typically before company
Libra wireless pocket-size Computer Systems
kitchen scale
(E7), Blažica
As mentioned in the paragraph above, PoC funding schemes
Multifunctional coatings Physical
for the protection of metal Organic
can be created internationally and nationally. In Slovenia, we do
Chemistry (K3),
not have a national PoC funding jet. Some public research
organizations have therefore developed their internal schemes.
These schemes are available at the National Institute of
Apparatus for ultra-fast Experimental
Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, and
lifetime Particle
at the Jožef Stefan Institute.
(F9), Seljak
capacitive Electronic
with Ceramics
pressure Malič
2.1 Legal framework
Scaling of the synthetic Gaseous
method of electrochemical Electronics (F6),
The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) has in 1998 implemented
the Internal Employment-Relate Inventions Act. At the same
time, the innovation fund of the institute has been created.
Predicting exacerbation of Intelligent
The goal of the innovation fund is to enable the projects to
chronic heart failure based Systems,
increase their technology readiness level (TRL), increase their
on telemedicine date
maturity and attraction towards potential customers, increase
their suitability for external calls for proof of concept funds, and
Preparation of synthetic Electronic
establish partnerships with the industry.
blood substitute for testing Ceramics
The innovation fund of the Center for Technology Transfer
medical equipment
and Innovation (CTT) at the institute is filled only from the part
of the incomings from the commercialized intellectual property
– Artificial
the Intelligence (E3),
of the JSI. Funds are being distributed through internal JSI calls
dynamics of world events
prepared and managed by CTT based on a detailed internal act.
In this work, we will focus on the 2020 and 2021 cases.
Proof of Concept cases at the Jožef Stefan Institute in 2020 and Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2021
The purpose of the call is to:
- define the technology to the extent that it is suitable for the
official acceptance of the invention / technical improvement /
registration of the intangible asset at the JSI;
- help with application for a larger concept verification and
validation call;
- help projects to a higher TRL in order to increase the
attractiveness of technology for potential customers or to use
technology in a JSI spin-off;
- establish long-term partnerships with the industry.
Expected results for the approved / selected projects:
- upgrading their TRL and therefore increasing the value and
attractiveness of the technology;
- higher possibility of selling or licensing the innovation;
- creating links with industry partners;
Figure 2: Starting and expected TRL of the JSI PoC cases
- getting ready to apply to a bigger tender for testing and
validating the concept and
Based on the info from the applications, all the projects will
- participation in the selection of the best invention / innovation
be targeting world-wide market. Five of them will develop
from public research organization at the International
solutions for niche markets, other six are targeting wider
Technology Transfer Conference.
audience – numerous users. It is important that six of the projects
are trendsetters, the rest are developing solutions for current “hot”
In 2020 six projects were approved and in 2021 five projects.
topics like environmental legislative requirements, health issues
of the population, ageing population, solutions for non-animal
Each PoC project has its TT guardian in the Center for
tests in pharmacy, energy consumption. Six projects have little
Technology Transfer and Innovation. The allocated TT experts
competitors and their competitive advantages are high. It is
are guiding the research teams in terms of IP, further financial
extremely interesting to observe where the science has its
possibilities, connecting with industrial partners, project
expected effect. This is shown in Figure 3. The Technological
preparations, technology assessments etc.
areas are the ones of the four broader activities of the Institute
(Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Electronics and
Information Technologies, Reactor Engineering and Energy). A
particular Technological area has been defined based on the
research department of the applying team. The expected impacts
/ the targeted markets are listed as they were identified by the
We have looked at the approved projects from different
points, as a source taking project applications:
Current and expected TRL;
Time needed to reach the expected TRL;
Technological background of the projects and the
markets they are targeting;
The intellectual property protection of the projects;
The type of the market the researches are targeting,
trends on the market and the competition;
Spin-out vs licensing plans;
The benefits of the PoC financing for the project
Figure 3: The Jožef Stefan Institute PoC projects and their
As it can be seen from the Table 2, the projects are from three
expected effect on different markets
different areas of the Jožef Stefan Institute:
Physics (2 projects)
Chemistry and Biochemistry (5 projects)
Three out of eleven teams are seriously considering the
- Electronics and Information Technology (4 projects).
option of establishing a spin-out company. The rest wish to
license the technology.
The majority of projects has been at TRL 3 (6 projects) when
The main expected benefits for the projects due to the
applying for funds, 3 were at TRL 4, one at TRL 5 and one at
received financial resources are described below. To assure
TRL 7. In the next 12 months the TRL of all project will with the
anonymity, the order of the projects below is not the same as in
received financial help rise for at least one TRL. In two projects
Table 2:
the rise would be event from TRL 3 to TRL 7 as shown in the
P1: start test cooperation with industrial partners,
Figure 2. The expected TRL is not known yet in four cases.
construction of a prototype, testing a prototype, preparation of
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Trobec et al.
detailed plans for the manufacturing of critical components of the
The key market will be defined. All activities (research,
device, applications to EU projects.
development, financing, promotion) will follow the
P2: analysis for regulatory protocol.
defined key market needs.
P3: designing a mobile application, user interface design,
The research towards the markets that are not promising
user testing of the application.
will be abandoned.
P4: running a trial with early adopters, improving the user
Further financing will be acquired also from external
experience of the demo, preparation of promo material, lowering
sources (relevant for all the projects).
the production costs.
P5: experimental / test cooperation with an industrial partner,
pilot transfer of the solution to the industry, IP protection.
P6: developing industrial prototype and user interface,
Through the calls in 2020 and 2021 the main lessons learned
testing the prototype.
for the the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation team
P7: developing a prototype, testing the prototype with the
potential users.
It is necessary to have PoC funds available at
P8: scaling-up the existing prototype, testing it for one of the
institutional / JSI level as well as on national level.
possible applications, developing a method for simplifying the
operating procedure.
The funds are welcomed by JSI researchers since the
P9: pilot testing, improvements needed for clinical testing,
application is simple, the results are available soon and
the support regarding the project funding and reporting
P10: component validation in a laboratory environment, IP
is in-house.
protection, preparation for suitable project calls.
P11: developing protocols for scale-up in the laboratory
CTT gets through the application additional insights
environment, validation in the relevant environment.
into the research activities of research departments and
can offer its assistance to new research teams.
We have grouped the main expected benefits into four most
common areas: 1. Developing a prototype, 2. Testing a prototype
Besides the funds that the teams get, it is necessary that
in a lab, 3. Testing a prototype with industry / potential users, 4.
CTT supports the projects also with the guidance on IP,
Preparing a support documentation i.e. documentation to fulfil
further financial possibilities, connecting with industrial
the legislative requirements, IP protection documentation (patent
partners, project preparations, technology assessments
applications and similar), project applications, communication /
commercialization promo material etc). As it is shown in Figure
4 in seven projects researchers are developing a prototype, in four
Market assessments and defining the target market are
cases prototype will be tested in a lab, in nine projects prototype
crucial for further development. In this step feedbacks
will be tested with industry or other potential users, seven sets of
from business sphere are priceless.
needed support documentation will be prepared as well.
The teams are in most cases composed from natural
sciences and engineering experts. It is necessary to
connect them with experts from human- and economics
sphere as soon as possible in order to focus further
development based on market needs.
In July 2021 the Central Eastern European Technology
Transfer (CEETT) platform has been launched by the European
Figure 4: The Jožef Stefan Institute PoC projects and
Investment Fund (EIF) together with Slovenian SID bank and the
expected outcomes of project
Croatian bank for reconstruction and development (HBOR). The
€40 million will be invested in venture capital funds and finance
With the rise of TRLs it is expected that the projects will gain
innovative technological research projects and the protection of
also on the following areas:
the intellectual property of research organizations in Slovenia
The teams will get additional team members with the
and Croatia (other Central Eastern European countries are not
expertise in business plan development, marketing,
technology transfer, certification, etc (relevant for all
The eleven JSI PoC projects have gained with JSIs’ internal
the projects) or they will licence the technology to a
PoC funding in the past two years an excellent basis and will be
company that will take over the future product / service
ready for CEETT funding as soon as it is available.
and launch it on the market.
Intellectual property (IP) will be better defined, IP
management plan will be developed, relationships
between researchers themselves and with host
Antonio J. Rodrigez Neto, Maria M. Borges, Licinio Roque, 2018, A
Preliminary Study of Proof of Concept Practices and their Connection with
organizations will be arranged.
Iúri Batista Teles. 2017. Arcano: Um Sistema de Resposta Pessoal Mobile
para Ambientes sem Conexão com a Internet. UFS, 74.
Proof of Concept cases at the Jožef Stefan Institute in 2020 and Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2021
Catarina Maia, Joao Claro, 2012, The role of a proof of Concept Center in
a university ecosystem: an exploratory study. The Journal of Technology
Rasmussen E. and Soreheim R. (2012). How governments seek to bridge
Transfer 38(5), DOI:10.1007/s10961-012-9246-y
the financing gap for university spin-offs: Proof-of-concept, pre-seed, and
Philip E. Auerswald & Lewis M. Branscomb, 2003, Valleys of Death and
seed funding. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 24(7), pp.
Darwinian Seas: Financing the Invention to Innovation Transition in the
Jožef Stefan Institute internal acts and calls
Munari F, Sobrero M, and Toschi L. (2014b). Financing Technology
Transfer: An assessment of university-managed “proof-of-concept
Alunni Andrea (2019): Innovation Finance and Technology Transfer,
programmes” in Europe. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the
EPIP Association (European Policy for Intellectual Property), Bruxelles,
September 2014.
Miörner, J., Kalpaka, A., Sörvik, J., & Wernberg, J. 2019. Exploring
heterogeneous Digital Innovation Hubs in their context. Seville: Joint
Research Center.
European Industrial Strategy - a great opportunity to
strengthen the role of technology transfer offices
Levin Pal
France Podobnik
Špela Stres
Center for technology transfer and
Center for technology transfer and
Center for technology transfer and
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jozef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The latest European (EU) industrial strategy of the EU
European Industrial Strategy, Enterprise Europe Network,
Commission (EC) envisage increasing the innovation of small to
Technology Transfer, Industrial ecosystems, Sector groups,
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the emphasis on the
BioChemTech, biotechnology, chemistry
double transition to a green and digital economy. The Enterprise
Europe Network (EEN), which operates within the EC and its 17
sector groups will be involved in achieving these goals.
Optimized functioning of SMEs and PROs in the innovation
The EU Industrial Strategy of EC from March 2020 focuses
ecosystem is extremely important and technology transfer (TT)
mainly on the dual transition to a green and digital economy [1]
will play a key role here.
aiming to increase the competitiveness of EU industry and
This paper presents the interactions between sector groups and
enhancing the Europe’s open strategic autonomy.
industrial ecosystems on the example of the BioChemTech sector
The EU industrial strategy defines 14 industrial ecosystems
group as it is important to understand them in order to act in line
(Figure 1). The primary aim of the new industrial strategy is to
with the new EU strategy. A database of EEN profiles, namely
increase the innovativeness of SMEs within these industrial
all profiles marked for dissemination in the BioChemTech group
ecosystems. According to the Single Market Programme (SMP
were analysed and the technology, market and client outreach
COSME) the research and TT are considered as a core expertise
based on real business and technological offers and requests is
to ensure efficient support for SMEs by providing support to
thus presented in this paper. The BioChemTech sector group has
industry-academia cooperation including the provision of
the most direct applications in Health (30%), Digital Industries
technology expertise and technology infrastructure services to
(10%), Agri-Food (9%), and Renewables (4%) and many indirect
facilitate lab testing, validation and demonstration [2].
synergies with the same industrial systems in the areas of
Industrial Products, Genetic Engineering/Molecular Biology and
Consumer-Related Products. The sector group has already
established contacts with clients in the field of Digital industries
(5%) and Renewables (5%), which will need to be maintained,
reinforced and upgraded in cooperation with other sector groups
to ensure effective digitalization and sustainability of companies.
The results reveal a unique opportunity for TT offices (TTOs),
as the future demand for digital and environmental solutions
should increase in companies. TTOs should catch this wave and
thus overcome the usuall bottleneck of disproportionately large
share of technology supply compared to technology demand as
presented in this paper.
Figure 1: Industrial ecosystems according to European
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
Industrial Strategy [1].
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
EEN, which is operating under the EC has established 17
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sector Groups - the groups of network partners, who commit to
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
work together in order to meet the specific needs of their clients
operating in a particular sector [3]. The following sectors are
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
L. Pal et al.
covered by the groups: Aeronautics, Space and Defence,
Agrofood, BioChemTech, Creative Industries, Environment,
Healthcare, ICT Industries and Services, Intelligent Energy,
3.1 Technology outreach
Maritime Industry and Services, Materials, Mobility, Nano and
BioChemTech sector mainly covers the technological field of
micro technologies, Retail, Sustainable Construction, Textile and
biological sciences (39%) and industrial technologies (26%)
Fashion, Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Woman
mainly in the fields of biotechnology, chemistry and materials,
Entrepreneurship [3].
which is not surprising (Figure 2). Within biotechnology and
It is difficult to directly link the mentioned sectors to
chemistry, there are some cross-cutting areas with other sectors.
industrial ecosystems shown at Figure 1. For example,
The largest overlaps are in the areas of healthcare (19% of
biotechnology and chemistry and many others are not listed as
profiles), agri-food (10% of profiles), environmental protection
relevant industrial ecosystems. The reasons for the thematic
(8% of profiles) and ICT (8% of profiles). Smaller overlaps are
mismatches between industrial ecosystems and sector groups
also in the field of micro and nanotechnologies (2% of profiles)
vary. Some sector groups are based on the political agenda or are
and advanced materials (7%) including textile materials (Figure
covering different services. However, the majority of sector
groups is based on technology areas as defined by ATI -
Advanced Technologies for Industry (former KET - Key
Enabling Technologies) [3] meaning that the sector groups were
established to transfer the advanced technologies from relatively
narrow scientific fields to a relatively wide spectrum of industrial
Determination of how the technological sectors are related to
industrial ecosystems is important to ensure the optimal
functioning of SMEs and PROs in the innovation ecosystem
according to the EU industrial strategy [1]. The information
should benefit to Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) as a PRO and ATI
Technology Centre [3] as well as the partners of Slovenian EEN
consortium [2] and Consortium for Technology Transfer from
PROs to economy (KTT) [4] coordinated by JSI. The EEN and
KTT community is indeed acting on various relations: SME-
In this paper, we describe an example of solving the above
issue from the perspective of technology, market and client
coverage in case of BioChemTech sector. We further discuss the
opportunities for TTOs brought by the new EU industrial strategy
and how TTOs can use the given situation to consolidate their
role and importance in the innovation ecosystem.
(https://een.ec.europa.eu/partners) were exported using the following filters: profile date: “from 1 June 2020 to 20 May
2021”; partners: relevant sector groups: “BioChemTech”. The
obtained 199 results were exported into the Microsoft Excel
worksheet (registration and login to EEN intranet is required to
Figure 2: The incidence of EEN technology code
easily export the profiles). The technology, market and NACE
descriptions and the representation of other cross-cutting
codes with corresponding descriptions were further analysed
sectors covering the same technology areas.
(each profile has a maximum of five technology, market and
NACE codes). The incidences of different individual codes were
The field of Biotechnology is therefore interdisciplinary,
calculated. The most relevant sector groups or industrial
which partly answers the question of why biotechnology and
ecosystems were attributed to the sets of most frequent codes
chemistry are classified as individual industrial ecosystems in
occurring within 199 profiles and graphically displayed at Figure
new EU Industrial Strategy. Sectors such as biotechnology,
2, Figure 3, and Figure 4. The “Others” group within individual
nanomaterials, advanced materials etc. were established on the
sub-areas of Figures 1 – 4 represents the sum of various different
basis of ATIs, which are interdisciplinary by their nature and
codes that each individually covered less than 1% of the overall
applicable in multiple industrial ecosystems simultaneously.
BioChemTech area. The number of business and technology
profiles presented at Figure 5 is based on the same set of exported
data. Analyses were performed in May 2021.
3.2 Market outreach
This interdisciplinarity can also be observed in Figure 3
representing the main markets of BioChemTech sector. Medical
European Industrial Strategy - a great opportunity to strengthen
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
the role of technology transfer offices
and Healthcare and Industrial products account for more than one
Renewables (5% of clients from profiles), which only need to be
half of the market, while other applications belong to various
other industrial ecosystems, from Agri-food to Renewables and
Digital Industries. Interestingly, there are a number of products
3.3 Client outreach
in the ICT field intended for biotechnological applications and
Manufacturers of pharmaceutics, food and chemical products
their development takes place hand in hand together with the ICT
represent the largest share, 35% of clients of the BioChemTech
and BioChemTech experts as the knowledge has to be exchanged
sector group, while the representatives of Professional, scientific
between these distinct groups of experts in order to build
and technical activities represent only a slightly smaller share,
properly functioning medical/health/chemistry related computer
27% of clients (Figure 4). Almost equal representation of
applications. The said expert knowledge is intertwined in the
industrial partners and PROs should be considered as an unique
fields of bioinformatics, assisted living facilities, electronic
opportunity for TT linking the technology demand of companies
laboratory books, software for clinical study analyses, dietary
with technological supply of PROs, which is in line with the
needs, automation of laboratories, equipment management
expectations of the latest Single Market Programme [2].
software etc.
Figure 4: The incidence of NACE code descriptions and the
representation of corresponding industrial ecosystems.
3.4 Opportunities for Technology Transfer
Figure 5 shows that there is a disproportionately large number
of technology and business offers as compared to the number of
requests. It is precisely this disparity that represents a bottleneck
disabling the establishment of business and technological
cooperation through matchmaking of supply and demand in
commercial databases.
Figure 3: The incidence of EEN market code descriptions
and the representation of corresponding industrial
It makes sense to maintain the established synergies with
various industrial ecosystems, especially Healthcare and Agri-
food in the upcoming years. However, from a strategic point of
view, it is necessary to strengthen the integration with the
Renewables and Digital industries in line with the new EU
Industrial Strategy, which focuses most on digitalisation and
sustainability of all industrial ecosystems [1]. For the mentioned
integration, the BioChemTech sector group already seems to
Figure 5: Number of profiles based on the profile type,
have established connections with the clients of the industrial
organization type and number of employees in industry.
ecosystems Digital industries (5% of clients from profiles) and
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
L. Pal et al.
The technology offer of companies is higher as compared to
line with EU Industrial Strategy [1] and the latest EU Single
the PROs at least in the BioChemTech sector. However, 58% of
Market Programme [2].
industrial clients in the segment are Micro Companies having
less than 10 employees (Figure 5) and they are mostly start-ups
Low technological demand (Figure 5) represents a bottleneck for
and spin-offs (data not shown). Therefore, the knowledge
successful TT and this paper suggests two ways of approaching
included within the high number of technology profiles is coming
this problem for the TTOs in the upcoming years:
predominantly from PROs. Analogously, the high number of
(i) active seeking of the technological demand from companies
business offers is coming from companies due to their desire to
at both national and international level and matchmaking the
promote their products. The authors of this paper cannot find a
demand of companies with the offer of PROs;
good explanation for the low proportion of technology requests,
(ii) introducing the digitalisation and sustainability to every
except that they see it as a great window of opportunity for TTOs.
company, which should in itself increase the technological
TTOs should play a key role in solving this problem by
demand of companies lacking of appropriate skills in the field of
increasing the amount of technological requests gained from the
digitization and environmental protection.
companies. Direct marketing activities that lead to well identified
topics of research with the companies by TTOs should be
The current situation is therefore a unique opportunity for TTOs
considered as a tool to bridge the above described lack of
that should be more adequately trained for:
technological demand. For example, the direct marketing
(i) active searching and identifying the topics and research
activities of Center of Technology Transfer and Innovation
problems for further development and optimization of
(CTT) at JSI include direct contacting of companies, promotion
production processes and services in companies;
of technologies at brokerage events and other events, and
(ii) establishing research and development collaborations
physical visiting of companies: In the years 2017-2020 CTT
between the companies and PROs based on the interest of
visited 112 companies and identified 418 topics for cooperation
with JSI. As a result of direct marketing CTT contributed to 35
(iii) seeking for finance in the framework of national and EU
license and 67 research and development agreements in years
projects for digitalization and sustainability.
A relatively small proportion of the identified themes that
lead to concrete agreements is best explained by well-known
model of technology transfer funnel [6]. However, the TT funnel
Colleagues from BioChemTech sector group of the EEN and the
should not be taken as an excuse for not having successful
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency are
commercialization cases at TTOs, but rather as an incentive to
greatly acknowledged for a constructive discussion on the
increase the quantity as well as the quality of company visits and
industrial ecosystems and their relations to various sectors. The
identified topics [6].
colleagues from CTT are acknowledged for taking actions and
On the other hand, in the future, the need for digitalization
improving the overall CTT results.
and sustainability is likely to arise in companies, which should
have a positive impact on technology demand for digital and
environmental solutions and thus positively influence the
European industrial strategy. 2020. European Commission. [internet].
imbalance of technology supply and demand. TTOs, as experts
[cited on September 24th]
in industrial ecosystems and technology sectors, should be able
to help companies and PROs to establish collaboration and help
Single Market programme. 2021. Enterprise Europe network. [internet].
especially SMEs to obtain national and EU funding.
[cited on September 24th]
Enterprise Europe Network. 2021. European Commission. [internet].
[cited on September 24th]
Advanced Technologies for Industry (ATIs) areas are strongly
intertwined (Figure 2) and have applications in several different
Advanced Technologies for Industry. 2021. European Commission.
[internet]. [cited on September 24th]
markets (Figure 3) and consequently appear in several industrial
ecosystems simultaneously (Figure 4) as shown on the case of
KTT - Consortium for technology transfer from public research
organizations to economy in years 2017-2022. Republic of Slovenia,
BioChemTech sector.
Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, European Regional
Development Fund [internet]. [cited on September 24th]
The emphasis on digitalization, sustainability and environmental
Tan. S., 2021. The alternative view of scaling up regional knowledge
protection can only be established through active cross-sectoral
transfer output. ASTP – Association of Knowledge Transfer Professionals.
integration, with the transfer of technologies from Digital
[internet]. [cited on September 24th]
Industries and Renewables related areas to other industrial
ecosystems and the TTOs should play a crucial role, which is in
Knowledge generation in citizen science project using on-
line tools: CitieS-Health Ljubljana Pilot
Jure Ftičar
Miha Pratneker
David Kocman†
Department of Environmental
Department of Environmental
Department of Environmental
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
where citizens are invited to take part in all the phases of research
activities [4].
In this contribution, we describe the development of a tool for
Many potentials of environmental citizen science are
data visualization and treatment designed for the participants
recognised by scientific community, among others generation of
involved in the citizen science (CS) activities in Ljubljana,
new knowledge and facilitation of (in-depth) learning at the
Slovenia, as part of the CitieS-Health H2020 project dealing with
individual level [5]. However, it is necessary to take into account
environmental epidemiology. The tool, a web application that
that volunteers in CS projects have a very different prior
enables volunteers to autonomously collect, edit and analyse the
knowledge, as well as socio-economic background and education,
data, was designed to encourage their involvement in discovering
and are usually inexperienced in analysing and processing the
and generating new knowledge, together with professional
data gathered by themselves. Their motivation to participate can
researchers and according to the principles of co-creation. Some
also vary [6]. Thus, appropriate specific tools tailored to the
preliminary lessons about the tool applicability and usability,
capability of the individual user are needed to empower and
including potential intellectual property aspects, are discussed.
facilitate their integration into the process of knowledge
generation. In this paper, we present some preliminary results
and describe an example of creating a web application designed
Citizen science, co-creation, knowledge generation
for the volunteers to independently process their own data
gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, under the CitieS-Health H2020
project on noise exposure and health.
In recent years, CS is on the rise and there is a growing body of
literature on various aspects of CS, its role and increasing
importance in scientific research [1]. There is no single definition
of CS as taxonomy depends on the type and level of involvement
2.1 CitieS-Health Project and Ljubljana Pilot
of participants, but in general citizen science defines the practice
where non-professionals take part in the scientific research
Activities reported in this contribution were conducted within the
process. Such an approach brings many new opportunities, such
frame of the Cities-Health, EU Horizon 2020 programme funded
as generation of new knowledge and understanding, but it also
brings several challenges. Therefore, the European Citizen
(https://citieshealth.eu/). In Ljubljana pilot, citizens took part in Science Association (ECSA) prepared a common set of ten core
co-designing citizen science study that addressed noise pollution
principles to consider in the CS projects, one of them
and health. Altogether, 49 volunteers aged 10-67 participated in
emphasising the need to take into consideration legal and ethical
the study from November 2020 to June 2021. They were
issues surrounding copyright, intellectual property, data-sharing
recruited during meetings and various engagement and
agreements, confidentiality, attribution and the environmental
empowerment activities organised with local NGOs, schools,
impact of any activities [2].
private companies and based on contacts established in previous
Intellectually property (IP) rights of participants in CS
similar projects. Following the CitieS-Health methodological
projects depend on the type of their involvement and contribution.
framework [7] that is based on co-creation with citizens in four
To this end, Scassa and Chung [3] outlined typology of CS
phases of the project – initial identification of concerns and
projects based upon IP issues and classified participant's
interests of citizens, followed by co-design of data collection
contribution into following four broad categories: (i)
protocols, data collection and analysing, and action - the
classification or transcription of data; (ii) data gathering; (iii)
following overarching research question was formulated: How
participation as a research subject; and/or (iv) the solving of
do the quality of the living environment (with an emphasis on
problems, sharing of ideas, or manipulation of data. The fourth
noise) and living habits affect the (mental) health and well-being
category is of special interest from the IP point of view, as it
of individuals? To this end, volunteers performed measurements
demands bigger intellectual engagement from participants [3].
and gathered information on various aspects of their living
This is usually the case in the so-called co-created CS projects
environment (noise levels, characteristics and perception of their
surroundings, sleep quality and cognitive performance) using
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
J. Ftičar et al.
smartphone applications and physical activity trackers (Figure
participants, and thus their proactive involvement in discovering
1). Apart from the sleep questionnaire, they were prompted to do
and generating of new knowledge.
all the activities twice per day (morning and afternoon), and each
individual collected the data for a minimum of seven days.
2.3 Development of Web-based Application
Overall, 75 aggregated variables were collected, and over 1000
2.3.1 Technical details. The application was developed using
observations made, which resulted in over 50000
the R programming language, a free software environment for
records/observations all-together.
statistical computing and graphics, specifically the Shiny
package. This environment allowed development of the
application with relatively low effort and without using other
languages (as the package translates the R code into HTML, CSS
and JavaScript). Even though R applications are server side and
are typically slow, this was not an obstacle, as the user count was
sufficiently low. For reasons of data protection and privacy, the
application along with the underlying databases was installed on
internal institute’s server. The application cleans, prepares and
loads the data, and users only have access to their own data
through password authentication. In this way, no data pre-
treatment is needed from the participants’ side, and they can
proceed to immediate data processing.
2.3.2 Structure of the application. The application comprises
the following four general sections: (i) the intro page, containing
the overall instructions and overview of the application; (ii) data
overview page, containing the overall activity summary, data
tables, descriptions and graphs of individual variables, and their
sleep quality assessment; (iii) data with spatial context,
containing georeferenced information regarding movement
patterns of the individual and noise measurements, overlaid with
general maps of air and noise pollution; (iv) analysis tools,
containing interactive plots allowing visualization and analyses
of combinations of chosen variables. The latter comprises a
Figure 1: Schematic outline of the Ljubljana pilot
boxplot/violin plot section, a scatterplot section, a radar chart
section and a 3D plot section.
2.2 Challenges of Information Processing
Following the principles of user-centred design, application
As participants were collecting the data about themselves and
was tested by three participants with varying degrees of
their living environment, it was expected that they each get a
knowledge. Their feedback and suggested improvements along
personalized report on the data collected. On the other hand,
with a smaller test group trial (15) helped us improve the
participant’s proactive contribution in all phases of the project,
usability of the application.
including data analysis and processing, is one of the key aspects
of co-created CS projects such as CitieS-Health. However, the
scale and variability of the data collected can present a challenge
(60-75 variables depending on the user). Moreover, in discussion
with participants in the planning and execution phase, it became
3.1 Functionality of the Web-application
clear that participants have very different interests and unalike
In general, application enables three types of functionalities:
perception on data processing. Therefore, a uniform report
Access to the raw data along with basic descriptive statistics,
comprising all the topics and all the parameters might come
general data on the patterns of movement in space and sleeping
across as too excessive and incomprehensible, at the risk of
habits, pre-processed by researchers, and specific tools for
losing the desired information and consequently reducing the
independent data processing (Figure 2). In this way, step-by-step
interest of volunteers in active participation. Moreover, as known
approach is used, adding increased level of analytical complexity
form previous similar efforts [8], it has to be assumed that the
and dimensionality.
reader is a layperson, and therefore information provided must
The main idea was to make the app straightforward and
be brief enough and concise, as too much information can create
effortless for the users with no prior statistical knowledge. That’s
distraction. An alternative would be to send raw data to the
why it was designed with as few elements as possible to prevent
participants, who would have to learn to use different data
cluttering and burdening the participants with too complex
processing tools on their own, or the latter would have to be taken
functions. Hence, some functionalities only became visible when
care of by researchers, which can be time consuming and not
relevant (example: the button to switch the confidence intervals
necessarily effective.
on and off only becomes visible when the regression line is
To overcome the aforementioned challenges, a web-based
turned on). Moreover, the app was designed in a way that initial
application was created for volunteers in Ljubljana pilot, which
help sections are elementary and easily accessible (usually by
enables independent editing, visualization and analysis of data by
hovering over a question mark or a mini tab besides the plots),
Knowledge generation in citizen science project using on-line
tools: CitieS-Health Ljubljana Pilot
with the option of deeper explanations on external links. Similar,
skills and interests. Initial descriptive statistics, general
as there were many variables to choose from, the feature of
behavioural patterns and explanations are included to nudge the
choosing between the main pre-selected variables (5 variables
users in some directions, however the decision on which topics
per argument) or all of them (between 60 and 75) was added.
or variables they would focus is up to them. This approach offers
more user-friendly experience than traditional paper reports, as it
simplifies the experience and makes it more understandable for
laypeople while it is not losing the professional and educational
3.2 User-experience Feedback
The results presented in this paper are preliminary in nature, as a
more detailed analysis of the user experience will be evaluated in
detail in the final phase of the project. However, based on the
interactions with the volunteers involved so far, two general
observations can be made. Lay volunteers show interest
primarily in their own data and the level of their own exposure
to environmental stressors, and are mostly interested in exposure
to noise in the light of living habits, data on physical activity, and
especially the quality of sleep. On the other hand, volunteers who
have more experience with research, either within their
profession or in general, recognize the added value of such tools.
Among other things, it was proposed to expand the use of such
an application for the continuous collection of a wider set of data
in the living environment for the purposes of assessing the state
of the environment, also as an aid to the work of inspection
services and decision-makers.
The tool developed for the specific needs of the specific citizen
science project described in this paper proves to be a very
promising solution with the possibility of expanding its
applications. Namely, it enables the interactive inclusion of lay
people in data analysis, which gives them a personalized
experience, maintains their engagement, and at the same time, in
addition to creating new knowledge for the common good, users
gain insight into their own living habits and quality of life. Its full
potential however still needs to be explored. For this purpose, an
evaluation will take place in the final phase of the project, where
among others aspects of intellectual property, specifically if and
to what extent participants perceive these aspects, as well as the
possibilities of using newly acquired knowledge as a result of
cooperation between researchers and volunteers acquired in the
respective activities, will be analysed.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 824484, and the P1-0143 program “Cycling of
substances in the environment, mass balances, modelling of
Figure 2: Examples of three types of functionalities: a) basic
environmental processes and risk assessment”, funded by the
descriptive statistics b) general data pre-processed by
Slovenian Research Agency.
researchers on general patterns of sleeping habits, c) tools
for independent data processing
The primary advantage of this approach is that the users have
the freedom to explore their own data, tailored according to their
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
J. Ftičar et al.
Susanne Hecker, Muki Haklay, Anne Bowser, Zen Makuch, Johannes
Johanna Amalia Robinson, David Kocman, Orestis Speyer and Evangelos
Vogel and Aletta Bonn (Eds.), 2018. Citizen Science: Innovation in Open
Gerasopoulos, 2021. Meeting volunteer expectations — a review of
Science, Society and Policy. UCL Press, London, UK.
volunteer motivations in citizen science and best practices for their
Lucy Danielle Robinson, Jade Lauren Cawthray, Sarah Elizabeth West,
retention through implementation of functional features in CS tools. In
Aletta Bonn and Janice Ansine, 2018. Ten principles of citizen science. In
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64, 12 (2021),
Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. UCL
2089-2113. DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2020.1853507
Press, London, 27–40.
Raul Toran, Rodney Ortiz, Florence Gignac, Carolyn Daher, Mark
Teresa Scassa and Haewon Chung, 2015. Typology of Citizen Science
Nieuwenhuijsen, Gabrielle Donzelli, Giulia Malavasi, Antonella Ficorilli,
Projects from an Intellectual Property Perspective. Wilson Center –
Bruna De Marchi, Giulia Bastiani, Fabrizio Rufo, Annibale Biggeri,
Commons Lab, Washington, DC.
Sandra Andrušaitytė, Regina Gražulevičienė, Fleur Froeling, Gerard
Frederique Froeling, Florence Gignac, Gerard Hoek, Roel Vermeulen,
Hoek, David Kocman, Lucia Errandonea, et al., 2019. Documentation on
Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Antonella Ficorilli, Bruna De Marchi, Annibale
activities and outcomes in CS actions (first report). Retrieved
from: http://citieshealth.eu/download/435/?v=440
Grazuleviciene, Sandra Andrusaityte, Valetia Righi and Xavier Basagaña,
David Kocman, Tjaša Kadunč, Rok Novak, Johanna A. Robinson et al.,
2021. Narrative review of citizen science in environmental epidemiology:
2020. Multi-sensor data collection for personal exposure monitoring :
Setting the stage for co-created research projects in environmental
ICARUS experience. In 20th International Symposium on Environmental
epidemiology. In Environment International. 152, (Jul, 2021). DOI:
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Tabea Turrini, Daniel Dörler, Anett Richter, Florian Heigl and Aletta
Bonn, 2018. The threefold potential of environmental citizen science -
Generating knowledge, creating learning opportunities and enabling civic
Overview of National Sources of Finance and Supports
Available to Spin-Out Companies from Public Research
Organizations *
Vojka Žunič†
Marta Klanjšek Gunde
Knowledge Transfer Office
Department of Materials Chemistry
Mysteria Colorum – MyCol d.o.o.
National Institute of Chemistry
National Institute of Chemistry
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
po posebni opremi, dragih materialih in visokokvalificiranih
človeških virih, zato ne zadovoljujejo finančnih potreb
At Slovenian public research organizations numerous advanced
odcepljenih podjetij s področja globoke tehnologije.
technologies and know-how are generated, a lot of which have
great commercial potential. One of the possible ways to bring
V tem prispevku je podan pregled obstoječih finančnih virov,
these innovations to the market is by selling or licensing them to
uporabnih za podporo spin-out podjetjem. Predlagane so
spin-out* companies established by the researchers, employed
nekatere izboljšave, ki bi mladim spin-out podjetjem olajšale
within the parent public research organization. However, the path
zagon in tako omogočile učinkovitejši prenos izumov in znanja s
to commercialization for the spin-outs can take a long time,
področja globoke tehnologije v gospodarstvo.
mainly due to a lack of financial resources and the legal
impossibility for the public research organization to participate
in spin-off companies. Especially spin-out companies from the
Prenos IP, odcepljeno podjetje, komercializacija, finančna
deep-tech fields require not only specific technical and business
expertise, but also high capital investment. On the national level,
there are available public sources of funding that can help
companies in the initial phase. In general, these means are
adequate for start-ups with no needs for special equipment,
Knowledge and technology established at public research
expensive materials, and highly qualified human resources, and
organizations in Slovenia are commonly transferred to the
so don’t meet the financial needs of a deep-tech company.
economy through the sale of the intellectual property rights, by
In this paper, an overview of the existing financial initiatives,
licensing the technology to an existing company, or by setting up
helps and sources of funds, which can be used to support spin-
a new spin-out company. A spin-out is a new company
outs are given and some improvements are proposed that would
established specifically to further develop and commercialize
make it easier for young spin-out to get off the ground and thus
technology arising from the public research organization. The
enable more effective transfer of deep-tech inventions and
relationship between a spin-out company and its parent public
knowledge to the economy.
research organization is in most cases based on a licensing
relationship. The spin-out company is 100% owned by investors,
of which at least one is a researcher in a working relationship
with the parent public research organization.[1] Such an
IP transfer, spin-out company, commercialization, financial
organization ensures the best possible and successful transfer of
initiatives, help, funds.
knowledge and close cooperation in the future.
Like all of the young companies, i.e. start-ups, the initial
founding of a spin-out comes from the equity funding from
Na slovenskih javnih raziskovalnih organizacijah nastajajo
founders also known as the 3F model (family, friends, and
številne napredne tehnologije in znanje, ki imajo velik tržni
founders). A key difference between spin-outs and start-ups is
potencial. Eden od možnih načinov komercializacije
the path to commercialization, which is much longer for
potencialnih inovacij je prodaja ali licenciranje spin-
spin-outs. A deep-tech spin-out usually aims to commercialize a
out**podjetjem, ki jih ustanovijo raziskovalci, zaposleni v
complex product that acquires a long development and scale-up
matični javni raziskovalni organizaciji. Pot do komercializacije
to manufacturing. The more complex the product, the more
spin-out podjetja je dolga, predvsem zaradi pomanjkanja
resources and time are required to bring it to the market. Before
finančnih sredstev ter zakonsko onemogočenega sodelovanje
a young spin-out can generate sufficient revenues on the market
javnih raziskovalnih organizacij pri ustanavljanju odcepljenih
and become attractive to outside investors, it has to live on
podjetij. Zlasti spin-out podjetja s področij globoke tehnologije
various sources of funding, mainly public funding, which is
zahtevajo poleg posebnega tehničnega in poslovnega znanja tudi
commonly aligned with the needs of start-up companies and
visoke kapitalske naložbe. Na nacionalni ravni so na voljo javni
already established companies, but less suitable for deep-tech
viri financiranja, ki lahko pomagajo podjetjem v začetni fazi. Na
spin-outs. Commercialization of deep-tech technologies requires
splošno so ta sredstva primerna za zagonska podjetja brez potreb
* A company linked to the parent organization based on licensing relationships (the company is wholly owned by investors, at least one of whom is a researcher in an employment relationship at the parental organization).[1]Napaka! Vira sklicevanja ni bilo mogoče najti.
** Podjetje, povezano z matično organizacijo na podlagi licenčnih razmerij (podjetje je v celoti v lasti vlagateljev, od katerih je vsaj eden raziskovalec v delovnem razmerju v matični organizaciji).[1]
National Financial Instruments for Spin-Out Companies
V. Žunič and M. Klanjšek Gunde
besides highly skilled personnel, the resources for expensive
biggest gap in raising the technology level of their innovative
materials and specialized equipment. An excellent example of
product, especially above TRL5 where the technology needs to
financial support to commercialize deep-tech technologies are
be demonstrated and developed into the real product. Most deep
the calls supported by the European Innovation Council (EIC),
tech inventions require a long and costly development to raise
e.g. programmes Pathfinder, Transition, and Accelerator.[2]
the TRL and make all the necessary adjustments and scaling.
These calls allow the applicant, e.g. a spin-out company, to
Very few options are available to finance these needs and the
develop according to the innovative idea, to develop the
grants described are not very suitable although they are welcome.
appropriate marketing model, to elaborate and scale the new
product up to pilot production and to find first customers.
2.2 Subsidies, loans, guarantees, and equity
Coaching and specific meetings are organized to connect directly
These funds are derived from EU financial assistance to support
with the companies that are the potential end-users of the product
EU policies and programmes in form of all types of loans to
or service to be developed. In this way, the pilot product can be
companies to invest in research and innovation. It also provides
transferred to a suitable industrial environment at an early stage
guarantees to help recipients get loans from banks and other
of development, and based on the received feedback adapted and
lenders and on better terms. In Slovenia, these funds are mainly
optimized. It should be noted that EIC calls are overcrowded with
managed by Slovenian Enterprise Fund (SEF) and SID Banka.[3]
applicants and the success rate is very low, so very few spin-outs
get this chance. It is clear that most action should be taken at
2.2.1. SEF Programme »YOUNG ENTERPRISES«
national level first. A good national funding mechanism would
In the scope of a newly formed spin-out company, the Slovenian
be welcome to create a supportive environment also for spin-out
Enterprise Fund (SEF) offers the product Programme »YOUNG
companies in the deep-tech fields that bring particular innovation
ENTERPRISES« for companies younger than 5 years. The
and specialized knowledge.
purpose of the programme is to provide the initial financial
support for entrepreneurial ideas and/or for already established
young companies that have a guaranteed market and demonstrate
the potential increase in added value per employee. The
For newly establishes Slovenian companies there are few means
programme is primarily aimed at companies with a high share of
of funding especially through the Slovenian Enterprise Fund,
their own knowledge, innovation, and the potential of creating
which, together with SID Bank and with the support of the
products or services with high added value. It enables a
Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, offers a
comprehensive financial support adapted to development phases
wide range of financial incentives and assistance. In the
for young companies with initial support solely through public
following subchapters, we summarized and reviewed the
funds and subsequent public-private financing. There are few
available public funding’s in the terms of support for a spin-out
supports available in regard to the company's stage of
company. Only the support important for spin-out companies is
development among which the most adequate for new spin-out
discussed, although there is additional support available for
is the start-up Incentives for innovative start-ups "SEF TWIN".
established businesses.[3]
It purposes the support of start-up companies with a potential for
rapid growth and that develop innovative products, processes,
2.1 Grants
and services with high added value for a broader market.[9]
The "YOUNG ENTERPRISES" programme is highly welcomed
The aim of support of grants is primarily for research and
and appreciated by start-ups with innovative ideas that do not
development activities that are in line with the national and/or
require much effort to reach the required TRL. Such examples
EU programme and policy priorities. The grants enable some
include various IT -based services and interesting products that
coverage of costs for human resources and certain investment
are high risk but can be developed to the development stage with
activities. Support in form of grants can also be called by larger
relatively little funding. In contrast, cutting-edge technology
EU initiatives and independent bodies, such as EIT Climate KIC
areas typically require much larger investments in equipment,
[4], EIT Digital [5], EIT Food [6], EIT Raw Materials [7] other materials, and various human resources with specialized
EITs, Bio-based Industries (BBI) [8], etc.[3] The aim of the technical knowledge and skills. The time required for growth is
European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) is to
usually much longer. It is very likely that most of these
increase Europe's innovation capacity by nurturing
companies would not be able to sustain the financial incentives
entrepreneurial talent and supporting new ideas. To make this
of the programme because of the time and resources required to
possible, the EIT sets up various Knowledge and Innovation
grow rapidly to the stage where venture capital could be
Community, (KICs) specialized in different challenges, such as
climate, digitalization, food, raw materials, energy, etc. One of
In many cases, eligible costs serve almost exclusively IT -based
their activities is also grants for start-ups. They offer business-
start-ups and allow for the purchase of computers and related
oriented acceleration programmes and aim to prepare a company
equipment, but not materials, such as chemicals, or special
for greater growth in the region and make it investment-ready.
equipment needed to develop the new products. Nor can they
Usually, numerous entrepreneurial training courses are offered to
fund the rental of laboratory space, which is urgently needed for
boost the business. These services are highly appreciated and
the development of cutting-edge technology inventions. For this
help the new business to secure the best possible path. However,
reason, the programme mainly includes SMEs with interesting
a lean spin-out, especially from the cutting-edge technology
but technologically relatively simple products, but not many
sector, usually does not have free human resources that can be
spin-outs from research institutes and university operating in the
used only for these tasks. Most deep-tech spin-outs see the
deep-tech field of innovation. [10]
National Financial Instruments for Spin-Out Companies
V. Žunič and M. Klanjšek Gunde
Another instrument implemented by the SEF are the substantive
possible to claim corporate income tax (CIT) tax deductions for
support programmes in form of vouchers such as Small Value
100% investment in research and development, investment in in-
Incentives, Content support for young innovative companies, and
house R&D activities and for the purchase of R&D services,
Abroad training for high-tech companies.[9] The support enables
investment in equipment and intangible assets at 40 % of the
the financing of e.g. intellectual property protection, certificates
amount invested.[16] It should be noted that these benefits do not
of quality, internationalization costs, networking and
include the investments made with the help of the projects, not
information, fast-growth accelerator programmes. For example,
even the part in which the company has to participate. This part
the Patent, design, trademark vouchers are meant to cover the
ranges from 30% to 50% or even higher, depending on the
costs of preparing the application dossier and/or maintaining
financing arrangements of the instrument. This can be a large
and/or extending legal protection for the intellectual property at
amount, especially for large investments in specialized
national, European and international patent offices, including the
equipment likely required by the deep-tech.
costs of the patent attorney, official fees and translation costs.
The available means are between 500,00 and 5.000,00 € for
2.5 Non-financial forms of public aid
applications without substantive examination and between
Non-financial forms of state aid are available through support
500,00 and 9.999,99 € for applications with substantive
environments and networks across Slovenia. They offer
examination. Based on practical experience this amount is
assistance mainly as services for potential entrepreneurs, and
enough to cover the cost from application till grand at individual
SMEs, such as technical assistance, advice, mentoring, guidance,
national offices, such as the SIPO, UK IPO or at the European
workshops and training, competence building, opening up new
Patent Office (EPO).[10]
business opportunities and exchanges of good practice.[3]
2.2.2. SID Bank Fund of Funds
The SID Bank Fund of Funds was set up in 2017 by the Ministry
of Economic Development and Technology and SID Bank and is
intended for the use of European cohesion funds. These funds are
3.1 Venture capital fund along the lines of the
aimed at the financing of sustainable economic growth and,
development, investments in innovation and current operations
through debt financing in four areas: research, development and
Support should be developed along the lines of the European
innovation, small and medium-sized enterprises, energy
Innovation Council (EIC), which is an example of good practice
efficiency, and urban development. The Fund of Funds includes
that should be transferred to Slovenia.
many repayable forms of financing, which are extremely
The steps needed to set up such a support would first and
welcome at later stages of development, i.e. at higher TRLs,
foremost require an appropriate legal basis, which is currently
especially after reaching TRL9. At this stage, a deep-tech SME
lacking - this could change with the new Research and
is fully confident in its successful technology and knows exactly
Innovation Act, we are expecting soon. Furthermore, it is
what investment is required to develop pilot production into real
necessary to ensure coordinated action and support from funders
production and grow the business beyond early adopters and
- Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Public Agency for
byers. The instruments managed by the SID Bank which can be
Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and
of interest to spin-out companies are the (i) Loans to finance
Technology (SPIRIT), Slovenian Enterprise Fund (SEF), and
research, development, and innovation (RDI) (enable to cover
other existing or future funders of such projects. In this way,
the cost of development, improvement or launch of a new or
coordinated and continuous funding of successful projects on the
improved product, process, or service, etc.) and (ii) Micro loans
area of higher TRLs could be ensured, without interruptions in
for SMEs (SME micro) (applicable to cover the costs of business
the (co-)financing of the development of a specific technology.
process, investments in property, plant, and equipment). These
instruments draw funding from the European Cohesion Policy
3.2 Innovation projects at national research
funds and funds from financial intermediaries. However, for
agency – the new financial instrument to
earlier TRL stages, the Fund of Funds is most likely too risky,
balance the basic science funds
especially for deep tech.[11]
To develop innovation at the scale required, especially for deep-
edge technology, we need a new funding instrument. This
2.3 Awards
instrument is best located at ARRS, which currently with the new
Lower financial support is possible to be obtained through
law needs to upgrade its funding of science with innovation
innovation prizes such as the Rector's Award for the Best
Innovation at the University of Ljubljana [12], EIT Jumpstarter
Beneficiary projects should be funded at a realistic cost of
[13], EIT Awards [14], BASF Innovation Hub [15], etc. Such 100,000.00 € per year upwards (similar to the ERC Proof of
awards are important to raise awareness of the novelty and
Concept grants, which offer a lump sum of 150,000.00 € for a
publicize the spin-out company, but too early notes could also
period of 18 months) [17], comparable to the projects and
mean too much of a push in a particular direction that could
funding levels of typical basic research projects at ARRS. The
become a side track.
Agency also finances the so-called larger research projects with
higher funding. The allocation of funds for innovation projects
2.4 Benefits
should consider the real costs of the project and not a fixed
The national Corporate Income Tax Act (ZDDPO-2) enables
amount which is current praxis for research projects. In view of
spin-out companies benefits in form of tax deductions which are
the final added value that could be generated by the company
National Financial Instruments for Spin-Out Companies
V. Žunič and M. Klanjšek Gunde
with such support, the proposed sum is actually low. The number
of innovation projects selected should be in line with the number
Špela Stres (Ed.). 2021. Modrosti iz inovacijskega podpornega okolja v
of projects awarded for basic science at national level.
javno raziskovalnih organizacijah za upravljalce inovacijskega sistema.
The envisaged financial support should finance promising
Inštitut “Jožef Stefan” (IJS), Ljubljana.
European Innovation Council accessed on 10/08/2021
research that has already been funded as a basic research project
by the ARRS and as such should have priority for funding. This
Start:up Slovenija accessed on 10/08/2021
would achieve greater funding coherence and justify the
Climate-KIC accessed on 10/08/2021
rationality of funding basic research and ensure higher added
value of funding that if serving just excellent science.
EIT Digital accessed on 10/08/2021
Additionally, it would create systematic and continuous financial
EIT Food accessed on 10/08/2021
support in Slovenia from idea to market entry, especially in the
EIT Raw Materials accessed on 10/08/2021
field of deep-tech. This is a basic requirement for entering the
innovation-based community and could bridge the gap between
Bio-based Industries accessed on 10/08/2021
basic science and the start-up opportunities already available in
Slovenian Enterprise Fund accessed on 10/08/2021
Slovenian Enterprise Fund accessed on 10/08/2021
3.3 Other possibilities
In order to improve all opportunities to make our original deep-
Skladi skladov SID Banke accessed on 11/08/2021
tech knowledge available to the economy, especially that
generated by spin-out companies as a result of the pre-funding of
UL Pisarna za prenos znanja accessed on 11/08/2021
basic research, we recommend that the other financial initiatives
EIT JumpStarter accessed on 11/08/2021
adopt some changes. To this end, the SEF programme "YOUNG
EIT Awards accessed on 11/08/2021
ENTERPRISES" could make appropriate changes to support
SMEs with more complex needs. It should also be thoroughly
BASF Innovation Hub accessed on 11/08/2021
discussed whether the corporate tax deductions for investments
Pravno informacijski sistem accessed on 11/08/2021
in in-house R&D activities and for the purchase of R&D services
and equipment during an R&D project are also possible for the
ERC Proof of Concept Grant accessed on 23/09/2021
part that the company has to co-invest through its own
Note: Researcher who wish to establish a spin-out company can
acquire more information at the Technology Transfer Office of
the parental research organization.
Application of 3D printing, reverse engineering and
Remzo Dedić†
Željko Stojkić
Igor Bošnjak
Faculty of Mechanical
Faculty of Mechanical
Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Computing and
Engineering, Computing and
Engineering, Computing and
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
University of Mostar
University of Mostar
University of Mostar
Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina
metrology. Students, assistants, and engineers from local
companies are introduced to 3D printing, 3D scanners and 3D
Examples of transfer of knowledge in the field of 3D printing,
scanning through practical examples. Also, they can actively
reverse engineering, and metrology will be presented in this
participate in the development and adjustment of materials for
paper. The first chapter contains the description of the concept of
the implementation of training and laboratory exercises, as well
the Learning Factory, within which knowledge is created and
as in the organization of training, laboratory exercises and
transferred to the economic entities in the environment.
exercises on real examples. The practical work of printing and
Technologies of 3D printing, reverse engineering, and metrology
scanning objects is done in the premises of the Learning Factory.
are subsequently described and various examples of
development projects for the local industry are presented. A
conclusion regarding the realized activities is given at the end.
3D print, reverse engineering, metrology, Learning Factory,
2.1 Rapid prototyping - 3D print
transfer of knowledge
Several 3D printers were procured at FSRE through the project.
• Stratatys F 270 is an industrial type of F123 series printer with
FDM technology. It uses materials for model/support: PLA,
The Learning Factory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
• MakerBot Method X Carbon Fiber Edition uses carbon fiber
Computing and Electrical engineering (FSRE) has the basic goal
reinforced material, ABS, ASA, SR30, PLA, PVA.
of enabling students to experience many problems that will be
• Zortrax M200 Plus uses LPD/FFF printing technology. It uses
present in the production facilities where they will soon be
dedicated M series material.
operating. At the same time, the Factory also provides engineers
• Ultimaker 2+ is a small 3D printer that is programmed within
from local companies with the opportunity to get acquainted with
the Cura software package. The software is easy to use and
new technologies that were not present at the time they were
allows you to move objects, load multiple objects for printing,
and change resolutions and other settings.
The set goals are achieved through several projects:
“Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional
2.2 Reverse engineering in general
innovation and entrepreneurial activity” (Kno wHUB) and
Modern manufacturing companies that want to maintain and
“Increasing competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized
improve competitiveness in the global market are forced to
enterprises through digitalization” (IC SMED ). The main goal
systematically update existing and find new ways to reduce
of the KnowHUB project is to build HUBs as a link between
operating costs in all aspects of their operations.
higher education institutions, the business environment and the
The process of transforming an idea into a functional product
wider community. The main goal of the IC SMED project is to
consists of a series of steps that in some cases can be iterated
increase the competitiveness of micro, small and medium
several times. Such a setting implies a significant expenditure of
enterprises with the help of digitalization. Through these projects,
time and financial resources during the product development
conditions have been established to help and support local
process, without a guarantee of a positive outcome of the entire
businesses in the areas of 3D printing, reverse engineering, and
process. These reasons were sufficient to try to find ways and
∗Article Title Footnote needs to be captured as Title Note
methods of shortening the time of product development and
†Author Footnote to be captured as Author Note
spending financial resources related to the product development
process in everyday engineering practice. One of the ways of
reducing the time and cost of the new product development
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
process is reverse engineering.
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
In a narrower sense, reverse engineering can be defined as the
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice
and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of
process of duplicating an existing component, assembly, or
this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dedic, Stojkic, Bosnjak
product, without the aid of a drawing, technical documentation,
or computer model (Figure 1). In the context of the
aforementioned, the technique of reverse engineering can be
applied to analyze and study the internal working parts of the
machine, for example, to compare the current device with the
performed analyzes in order to obtain suggestions for
Figure 2. 3D scanner within the FSRE Learning Factory GOM Inspect Suite. GOM Inspect Suite is a
comprehensive software package for simple or complex
measured tasks during the entire quality control process - from
3D product scanning, polygon network editing, CAD model
import, GD&T analysis, statistical trend analysis, digital editing,
etc. (Figure 3)
Figure 1. Reverse engineering process [1]
Unlike "classical" engineering design that starts from the
abstract - the idea implies its elaboration through conceptual and
then detailed CAD design, design based on the principles of
reverse engineering begins with a physical object which is then
translated into a CAD model, possibly adapted or refined and in
the end manufactured by one of the CNC, that is, RP technologies
Figure 3. The appearance of the workspace inside the GOM
2.2.1 Reverse Engineering and Metrology at FSRE In the
scanning module
"Learning Factory" at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Computing and Electrical Engineering, within the KnowHUB
project, several tasks related to the topic of reverse engineering Geomagic for SolidWorks. Represents a set of
were performed. 3D digitization, for example, scanning of
software tools for reverse engineering that provides advanced
workpieces is performed using the scanner GOM ATOS
capabilities for point clouds and polygon networks to become
Compact Scan 8M. Processing is done within the GOM Inspect
usable in the product construction and redesign process. Data can
Suite 2020 software package, and CAD model generation is done
be imported or scanned directly into SolidWorks. Supports all
using the reverse engineering tool Geomagic for SolidWorks.
major scanners and portable CMMs as well as importing standard
point cloud and network formats. GOM ATOS Compact Scan. A new class of compact
2.3 Metrology in general
3D scanners for 3D metrology and control (Figure 2). Light,
compact construction of the trigger probe opens new areas of
Metrology is a scientific discipline that deals with measurement
application and provides adaptability for three-dimensional
in all its theoretical and practical forms. Basic metrology deals
measurement of components such as cast and injection molded
with the scientific assumptions of measurement, technical
parts, cores and models, interiors, prototypes, and similar.
metrology covers the procedures and methods of measurement,
Adopts blue light technology, combines scanning and
and legal metrology covers the applications prescribed by law.
measurement, adjustable measuring range, complete and
Metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects of
portable measuring system, compact trigger probe with
measurement, deals with methods of measuring physical
integrated control unit, etc.
quantities, realization, and maintenance of standards of physical
quantities, development and production of measuring
instruments, and analysis of measurement results. Metrology has
been developed to the level of applied science.
Application of 3D printing, reverse engineering and metrology
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
within the Learning factory at the University of Mostar
2.4 Integration of rapid prototyping and reverse
engineering processes
With the help of the characteristics of the process of rapid
prototyping and reverse engineering, the possibilities provided
by their combination and adequate application provide numerous
advantages that are primarily reflected in the ability to reduce
time and reduce costs of product development/redesign, and in
Figure 5. Reverse engineering on G-1S connector
certain conditions in the production of tools and ready-to-use
(polygonized mesh - scanned piece and CAD model - CAD
products. The integration of these approaches ensures the
model - deviation display)
transition of the problem of transformation, that is, the translation
of a virtual product from a digital form stored in the appropriate
CAD software into a real tangible form-object and vice versa
(Figure 4). Namely, reverse engineering ensures the generation
of 3D CAD models based on a real object, and the model is
transformed into a suitable real prototype/product relatively
quickly and without significant human involvement by applying
the process of rapid prototyping.
Figure 6. Scanned elements made with 3D printing
3.2 Reverse engineering on the example of a
pulley for the local company “ZEC”
This task aimed to use reverse engineering to obtain the geometry
of the pulley profile using a CAD model to make an equal part
since the original part is frayed (Figure 7).
Figure 4. Integration process [3]
Various examples of the application of 3D printing, reverse
engineering, and metrology will be presented in this chapter.
Figure 7. Scanned pulley, 3D model of the pulley and
deviation display
3.1 Reverse engineering applied on metal joints
for FSRE
3.3 Reverse engineering on the example of a
The task aims to generate a CAD model (original geometry or
part of a plastic injection tool for a local
redesign) of metal couplings with the intention of small series
company “Weltplast”
production (3D printing technology) for the needs of the
"Learning Factory" if the prototype satisfies during testing
The task aims to generate a 3D model of a part of a plastic
(Figure 5).
injection tool since the original part is frayed (Figure 8).
All aforementioned elements were made with 3D printing
technology after scanning and processing (Figure 6).
Figure 8. Reverse engineering on a part of a plastic injection
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dedic, Stojkic, Bosnjak
3.4 Reverse engineering on the example of
dental spoons for the local company “MA-
This task aims to create a CAD model (and technical
documentation) of dental spoons for taking dental impressions
(Figure 9).
Figure 11. Drawing of the shutter on the pool and a
prototype of the shutter made by 3D printing
3.7 Metrology applied on a milling cutter for the
company “Škutor”
In the FSRE Learning Factory, several tasks related to the topic
of metrology were performed.
The objects that have to be measured were first subjected to a
Figure 9. Scanned spoons U1 and U4 and redesign of the
scanning process performed using a GOM ATOS Compact Scan
8M scanner. The measurement process itself is performed within
the GOM Inspect Suite 2020 software package within the
3.5 Reverse engineering applied on a lever for
measurement module [4].
the company “SIK”
The task aims to determine the dimensions of cutters with a
The task aims to create a new lever with 3D printing technology
diameter of Ø20 and Ø12 and to prepare accompanying
using the process of reverse engineering (Figure 10).
documentation ((Figure 12).
Figure 10. Reverse engineering on a lever
3.6 Reverse engineering applied to the pool
Figure 12. Display of the measurement report page
The task aims to create documentation based on a damaged
shutter and then create a new part by reverse engineering and 3D
The technology of rapid prototyping with 3D printing in
In this specific case:
combination with a 3D scanner and appropriate software using
- No spare parts on the market
reverse engineering can significantly speed up the path to the
- No shutter drawing
finished product, which is extremely important for relevant
- No tools for making shutters
Shutter requirements:
- Must be made with 3D printing
- The material must be elastic due to the installation
- The material must be resistant to sunlight
4480021012.html, 28.09.2021.
A drawing of the shutter in SolidWorks and a prototype of the
I. Budak: Prezentacije s predavanja iz kolegija Reverzibilno inženjerstvo
i brza izrada prototipa u biomedicinskom inženjerstvu, Univerzitet u
shutter obtained by 3D printing are shown in Figure 11.
Novom Sadu - Fakultet tehničkih nauka
A. Topčić, Dž. Tufekčić, E. Cerjaković, A. Fajić, S. Lovrić: Brza izrada
prototipa i reverzibilno inženjerstvo kao alati za reinžejering proizvodnih
procesa, Mašinski fakultet u Tuzli, Tuzla, 2015.
gom-2020inspekcijskog-softvera/, 15.05.2021
Towards the Market: Novel Antimicrobial Material
Tomaž Lutman
Marija Vukomanović
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Advanced Materials Department
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Jožef Stefan Institute has developed novel antimicrobial
prenos tehnologije, antimikrobni material, zlato, študija
nanogold composite and patented it (EP2863751 B1). In
preverjanja koncepta, stopnja tehnološke zrelosti
comparison with widely used silver, the material is less toxic to
human and environment and has better antibacterial properties.
Good antiviral effect has also been shown. In the period 10/2020-
04/2021 the technology for applying this material on textile has
In year 2012 DDr. Marija Vukomanović published her second
been developed within KET4CleanProduction project. This was
an important step towards higher TRLs. Before entering the
PhD thesis with title ‘Sonochemical synthesis and
market, the novel material must be tested according to Biocidal
characterization of hydroxyapatite/metal-based composite
Product Regulation (EU No 528/2012). This includes toxicity
materials for biomedical applications’ which represented the
and efficacy testing and submission of the dossier to European
work performed at the Advanced Materials Department, Jožef
Chemical Agency. In order to successfully enter the market,
Stefan Institute [1]. Furthermore, the research group identified an
suitable industrial partner which will scale up the production of
invention that was made within this work – a novel antimicrobial
the material and commercialize it is needed. Horizon Europe
material and its production method. Together with the Institute’s
calls represent interesting financial tool to support this endeavour
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation technology and
to reach higher TRLs.
market potential was evaluated. In the same year, a Slovenian
patent application was filed. Due to high potential of the
technology a PCT application was filed next year and in the
technology transfer, antimicrobial material, gold, proof of
beginning of 2015 an entry in European phase was made. In the
concept study, technology readiness level
period 2015-2018 European patent office examined the patent
application and expressed their opinion about patentability.
Necessary modifications of the claims were made and the
Institut "Jožef Stefan" je razvil nov protimikrobni kompozit na
European patent EP2863751B1 was granted in 2018 and no
osnovi zlata in ga patentiral (EP2863751 B1). V primerjavi s
opposition has been filed afterwards [2].
široko uporabljenim srebrom je material manj strupen za ljudi in
okolje ter ima boljše protibakterijske lastnosti. Dokazan je bil
tudi dober protivirusni učinek. V obdobju 10/2020-04/2021 je
bila v okviru projekta KET4CleanProduction razvita tehnologija
Novel trends in developing antimicrobial technology are
za nanašanje tega materiala na tekstil. To je bil pomemben korak
associated with the use of multifunctional nanosystems. The
k višjim stopnjam TRL. Pred vstopom na trg je treba novi
material preskusiti v skladu z Uredbo o biocidnih proizvodih (EU
challenges for the use of nanotechnology are focused into: (i)
št. 528/2012). To vključuje testiranje toksičnosti in učinkovitosti
nanoparticles loaded with antimicrobial substance(s) able to
ter predložitev dokumentacije Evropski agenciji za kemikalije.
control their release and (ii) “nanoantibiotics” – nanoparticles
Za uspešen vstop na trg je potreben ustrezen industrijski partner,
with antimicrobial nature. The main drawback of the first
ki bo povečal proizvodnjo materiala in z njem vstopil na trg.
strategy is dependence of the released substance on the properties
Razpisi programa Horizon Europe predstavljajo zanimivo
of the carrier that provides conditions potentially favourable for
finančno orodje, ki podpirajo tako prizadevanje za doseganje
bacterial resistance. The second strategy is based on the
višjih stopenj TRL.
development of novel antibacterial nanoparticles and it has been
applied for many different materials including silver, copper-,
titanium-, zinc-, cerium- oxides, doped hydroxyapatite, carbon
nanotubes, NO-releasing nanoparticles, fullerenes and clay
nanoparticles. Among all of the listed materials, silver is the most
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
economic and most effective in action against various bacterial
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
stains. However, as for the silver, the majority of listed materials
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
are leaching and they release active component (particularly
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
reactive oxygen species) which provides action against bacteria.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The mechanism is highly non-selective and has the very similar
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
contribution to the death of bacterial cells as to the death of
mammalian cells. Even composites with bioactive component
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lutman et al.
(like apatite) do not mitigate toxic effect of silver and selectivity
have been enhanced by the Center for Technology Transfer and
indexes remain quite low [3].
Innovation (CTT) after the European patent was granted.
Contact- based antimicrobials, designed to perform
CTT has used several channels and media to promote
antimicrobial action without leaching any active substance, are
the invention and find suitable partners to reach higher TRLs.
exceptional solution for above described problem. Mainly
The initial step was to publish technology offer in Enterprise
Europe Network, which is the largest brokerage network for
antimicrobials usually contain high density of charged
companies (SMEs and others), research institutes and
functional groups (i.e. quaternary ammonium compounds, alkyl
universities. It brings together 3,000 experts from more than 600
pyridiniums, or quaternary phosphonium). They use multiple
member organizations from Europe and beyond [5]. The
charges to attach and interact with bacterial membranes
technology offer is published for maximum two years and has to
providing their disassembly. As observed in antimicrobial
include information about the technology, owner organization,
peptides and polymers, the main limitation of these systems is
advantages and innovation, information about partner sought,
low chemical stability, pronounced susceptibility to enzymatic
cooperation type and keywords. Enterprise Europe Network
degradation and conformational changes induced by
includes also topic specific groups, called Sector Groups. The
environmental stimuli. These are very good targets for potential
invention was presented and promoted in SG Materials in which
inactivation mechanism that will lead to losing their
we also have a member.
antimicrobial potential.
In 2018 the innovation was presented at the
Innovative contact-based antimicrobials, based on
International Exhibition of Inventions ARCA, Zagreb Croatia
functionalized gold, invented by our group at the Advanced
with the help of partners from the Slovenian Consortium of
Materials Department, Jozef Stefan Institute, is a step ahead in
Technology Transfer (Figure 2). A silver medal was awarded for
comparison to the common contact-based antimicrobials and
this innovation [6]. This contributed to general promotion of the
very promising alternative (Figure 1) [4]. They use surface-
associated guanidinium groups to physically disintegrate
bacterial cells. Bactericidal effect is enabled in a range of gram
+ and - bacterial strains and is associated to the surface potential
of bacterial membranes. Due to bioinert gold and natural-
sourced functionalizing agents, concentrations toxic to human
and animal cells are up to 20 times higher than biocidal,
confirming high selectivity. In addition, since they are
functionalized using direct bonding of charged, small molecules
to the surface on nanoparticles (rather than formation of long
polymeric chains) they keep their stability under different
environmental stimuli, including presence of enzymes. With
better stability and safety, the novel kind of contact-based
antimicrobials is overcoming general difficulties with common
contact-based antimicrobials and significantly decreases
possibility for inactivation.
Figure 2: Presentation of inventions at the International
Exhibition of Inventions ARCA, Zagreb, Croatia.
As antimicrobial materials can be applied in many
different fields (cosmetics, medical devices, plasters, filters,
paints, dentistry, textile etc.) it was hard to decide and look for a
partner from specific industry so we decided to make a broad
search of partners for different applications. We contacted
producers of implants and other medical devices, filters,
toothpastes, medical plasters, plastics, seats, which represented
the entities nearer to end user in the value chain of antimicrobial
materials. This resulted in scarce response. Additionally, we
Figure 1: Current state of the invention: gold powder its
contacted also companies that produce active antimicrobial
efficacy and cytotoxicity in direct comparison to nano-
component and companies that produce antimicrobial mixtures
– masterbatches. Sometimes these two activities are performed
by the same company. We received an important feedback from
UK masterbatch producer about the relevance of Regulation
(EU) No 528/2012 also named Biocidal Products Regulation –
BPR [7]. They told us that if we want to enter European market
3.1 Initial steps in finding R&D partners
with novel antimicrobial component, we have to perform the
After filing the priority Slovenian patent application for the novel
necessary toxicity and efficacy tests. They estimated costs for a
antimicrobial material first attempts to establish connections
new BPR product registration to > 1 million €.
with relevant industry partners have been made. These efforts
Towards the Market: Novel Antimicrobial Material
Information Society 2020, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3.2 EU Biocidal Product Regulation
120.000 €, whereas there are additional fees for registration of
biocidal products, which is additional procedure performed at
Although the regulations often limit the entry of new
ECHA and national agencies of countries, where the biocidal
technologies on the market due to its high costs it is important to
product is to be placed on market. Management, registration
confirm the safety and efficiency of the technologies in order to
procedure and communication with ECHA, which is done by
provide long term benefit for the society.
consultant companies costs 150.000-480.000 €. Due to high
Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 concerning the making
costs, companies that want to place novel biocidal products also
available on the market and use of biocidal products was
form a consortium and jointly finance this procedure. Only the
accepted by the European Parliament and Council on 22 May
applicant that submitted results of tests can make reference to
2012 and is successor of Directive 98/8/EC. BPR concerns
this data. If another company wishes to place such product on
biocidal products, which are used for protection of people,
the market and hasn’t performed any procedure at ECHA or
animals, materials or products against pathogen organisms like
national offices, they have to purchase a license to make
bacteria, viruses or fungi and comprise active component. The
reference to already submitted data. This creates a specific
aim of this regulation is to improve the market of biocidal
situation on the market, similar to patent system.
products in EU and provide high level of safety for humans and
3.3 Proof of Concept study on textile
For each biocidal product or its active component, it is
In the frame of Interreg project KETGATE CTT and partners
necessary to acquire permission, before it can be placed on
organized brokerage event for SMEs and research organizations
market. The active components can be available on the market
from Central Europe [8]. Due to COVID-19 pandemic it took
in some occasions also during the procedure of their registration.
place online in May 2020. 124 participants attended short 1:1
The regulation aims to simplify and unify the procedure for EU
meetings. We had a meeting with Hungarian textile producer,
member states. It also aims to maximize the sharing of available
which uses silver to prepare antimicrobial clothes. We
data and minimize the amount of tests on animals.
introduced them our invention and they were interested to
Novel biocidal active components and biocidal
investigate the possibility to apply our material on their textile
products are submitted to European Chemical Agency – ECHA
products. Due to relatively low TRL (at that time TRL4) and high
and national authorities (i.e. Chemicals Office in Slovenia). The
risk associated with the material, we had to find a financing
data is managed and available on the Register for Biocidal
program for this kind of cooperation. The call
Products (R4BP 3). Another IT tool, IUCLID, is used for
KET4CleanProduction offered Proof of Concept study for SMEs
preparing the applications.
which wanted to use Key Enabling Technologies, developed at
According to Annex II of BPR the tests performed for
the research organizations. The KET4CleanProduction was a
registration of any new active substance should comply with the
Horizon Europe project with its own fund of 2 million € for the
relevant requirements of protection of laboratory animals, set
call, that was open in period 2018-2020 and granted projects
out in Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and the
received 50.000 € of lump sum. In the KET4CleanProduction
Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used
network we also identified suitable partner for this Proof of
for scientific purposes and in the case of ecotoxicological and
Concept – a Portuguese textile institute – and the project was
toxicological tests, good laboratory practice, set out in Directive
granted [9].
2004/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
11 February 2004 on the harmonization of laws, regulations and
In the period 10/2020-04/2021 the project to apply the
administrative provisions relating to the application of the
Au/apatite nanoparticles on textile took place. The nanoparticles
principles of good laboratory practice and the verification of
were synthesized and sent for further application – deposition on
their application for tests on chemical substances or other
textile. For the functionalization of the cotton textile, one of the
international standards recognized as being equivalent by the EU
suitable method was found the most efficient one in terms of
Commission or the ECHA. Tests on physic-chemical properties
yield of the functionalization, leading to higher amounts of
and safety-relevant substance data should be performed at least
nanoparticles bonded to the textile substrate. Textiles (cotton)
according to international standards.
obtained after single washing were confirmed to have
bacteriostatic effect in P. aeruginosa, as Gram negative strain,
Due to high standards needed for the tests, these are
and strong bactericidal effect in Gram negative E. coli and Gram
very expensive. The tests are performed stepwise and in dialog
positive S. epidermidis and B. subtillis (Figure 3). Antimicrobial
with ECHA. Some tests are then performed only if the results of
effect was detected on contact with textiles; it followed contact-
first set of tests are not satisfactory or ECHA decided they are
based mechanism of Au/apatite nanoparticles and confirmed
necessary. The amount of tests also rises for nanomaterials,
their very stable bonding to the cotton textile. The gold-based
which might involve additional risk.
nanoparticles also showed high antiviral activity, even at low
As the procedure to prepare and submit the data,
needed for registration of novel active component is very
demanding and extensive, companies often employ consultants
to manage this procedure. For this reason, we also contacted
such consultant companies to see, how we can use their support.
They informed us is that the first step is to perform Data Gap
Analysis, where existing data is reviewed and a list of necessary
further tests to be performed is made. Preparation of this
document costs 10.000-30.000 €. We received different
information for the costs of toxicity and efficacy tests according
to suitable standards, which varied between 0,5 and 3 million €.
The ECHA fee for application of novel active substance is
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lutman et al.
The project is expected to have an important impact
on prevention of spreading of already known and novel
pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) by limiting their
transmission through different surfaces. In the first place, the
project will provide demonstrators on face masks, hospital linen,
protective clothes, textile handles for public transport, pull
handles for doors or textile sheath for pull handles, paper for
everyday use, banknotes, passport, plastic covers for door
handles, working surfaces in healthcare sector (i.e. hospitals)
and areas where food is prepared. Furthermore, it will explore
the opportunity to include it in the antimicrobial masterbatches,
which can be used for wide variety of end products. The
demonstrators will pave the way to other possible usage of novel
antibacterial material based on gold as the demonstrators of the
Figure 3. Antibacterial test on Au/apatite nanoparticles
project will include various materials like cotton; different
bound to textile.
polymers such as polyester, polypropylene, polyamide;
cellulose; mineral composite; metals etc. This will enable the
opportunity to relatively easily apply it also on other products in
the hospitals, long-term care facilities, public transport, public
3.4 Horizon Europe project
offices, restaurants and bars, sport facilities, shopping centres,
The KET4CleanProduction project represented strong support to
cinemas and theatres as well as other places frequently visited
reach higher TRLs. It proved that the novel antimicrobial can be
by general public. The efficiency of the novel material among
applied on end product and still keeps its excellent antimicrobial
wide range of pathogens including bacteria, fungi, viruses and
function. This project paved further way towards entry of the
yeast will be evaluated. Special emphasis will be given to virus
novel material on the market. We identified next three tasks that
SARS-CoV-2 including its latest variants.
needed to be performed in the following steps:
The longterm vision is that a French manufacturer of
Testing the toxicity and efficacy (antibacterial,
composite materials will sign license agreement with JSI, start
antiviral, etc.) of the composite nanogold material and
to produce the novel gold composite on industrial level, register
preparation of the documentation according to the
it at the ECHA and enter the market with it. Producers of
Biocidal Product Regulation (EU 528/2012)
different antimicrobial products, members of the consortium
shall be first clients and further promotion will be made to
Development and optimization the technology for
successfully increase the sales share.
textile application and for other relevant applications
Scaling up the nanogold composite production process
In order to reach planed goals, we had to (i) find
We acknowledge the funding from KET4CleanProduction,
suitable partners and (ii) get a funding on the scale of few million
Horizon 2020 Action No 777441.
€. When the end of previous period for EU financing was
approaching, new set of large R&D funding package for 2021-
2027 - Horizon Europe - was announced. We identified suitable
call for our plan: HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-20:
M. Vukomanovic. Sonochemical synthesis and characterization of
Antimicrobial, Antiviral, and Antifungal Nanocoatings (RIA)
[10]. Activities within the project are expected to start at TRL 3
applications : doctoral dissertation = Sonokemijska sinteza in
and achieve TRL 6 by the end of the project. The budget of the
biomedicinsko uporabo : doktorska disertacija. [Ljubljana: M.
call is 23 million € and it is expected to fund 4-5 projects. The
Vukomanović, 2012]. XIV, 179 str., ilustr., tabele.
deadline is in the end of September 2021. This call is directly
M. Vukomanovic, S. D. Skapin, D. Suvorov. Functionalized
related to the well-being of citizens in the context of COVID-19
hydroxyapatite/gold composites as "green" materials with antibacterial
virus pandemic. It aims to minimise the risk of spread of
activity and the process for preparing and use thereof : European patent
infections from harmful pathogens arising from everyday human
specification EP 2863751 (B1), 2018-07-25. München: European Patent
activities; and create a healthier living and working environment
and offer holistic solutions to people with health issues. The
M. Vukomanovic, U. Repnik, T. Zavasnik-Bergant, R. Kostanjsek, S.
research should focus on sustainable synthesis of
Skapin, D. Suvorov, Is nano-silver safe within bioactive hydroxyapatite
nanocoatings/nanocomposites with effectiveness against a range
composites?. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 1 (2015) 935-946.
of pathogens.
Hydroxyapatite/gold/arginine : designing the structure to create
We decided to keep the consortium created in
antibacterial activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry. B, Materials for
KET4CleanProduction and add new required partners. We
biology and medicine, 2014 (2014) 1557-1564.
contacted different antimicrobial active component producers
Enterprise Europe Network [cited 23th of August 2021]. Available from:
and received higher interest, presumably due to demonstrator on
International Exhibition of Inventions ARCA [cited 23th of August 2021].
textile and a plan regarding the Biocidal Product Regulation. We
also contacted different companies – producers of high traffic
objects, where antimicrobial materials need to be applied.
Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the
Currently 10 partners are forming consortium which is about to
Council of 22 May 2012 concerning the making available on the market
be finalized and project plan submitted.
and use of biocidal products [cited 24th of August 2021]. Available from:
Towards the Market: Novel Antimicrobial Material
Information Society 2020, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interreg Central Europe project KETGATE [cited 24th of August 2021].
KET4CleanProduction, Horizon 2020 Action No 777441 [cited 25th of
August 2021]. Available from: https://www.ket4sme.eu/
Antimicrobial, Antiviral, and Antifungal Nanocoatings [cited 25th of
Technology Transfer in Belarus
Alexander Uspenskiy
Aliaksei Uspenski
Maxim Prybylski
Republican Centre for
Republican Centre for
Republican Centre for
Technology Transfer
Technology Transfer
Technology Transfer
Center for System Analysis and
Center for System Analysis and
Center for System Analysis and
Strategic Research of the National
Strategic Research of the National
Strategic Research of the National
Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
in 2018. Belarus has demonstrated progress in a number of
indicators reflecting the practical results of innovations in the
The paper informs on current state and future prospects of
production sector. Belarus highest rankings were in Human
technology transfer in Belarus. It outlines legislation in the field
Capital and Research (37th place), Infrastructure (46th place),
of technology transfer; key features of the research and
and Knowledge and Technological Output (58th place). The
development system; system and instruments of technology
achieved results are due to the constant improvement of
transfer; structure and mission of the Republican Centre for
legislation in the field of technology transfer (TT).
Technology Transfer, the Business Cooperation Centre
“Enterprise Europe Network Belarus” and its services provided
to innovation activity agents. Finally, the recommendations are
The purpose of the legislation and policies of the Republic of
given to improve legislation in the field of technology transfer
Belarus in the field of TT is to facilitate the transfer of
in Belarus.
technologies developed with government funding in order to
ensure sustainable growth of national economy and to increase
competitiveness of local products [4].
Technology transfer (TT), legislation, public research
organizations, intellectual property rights (IPR), spin-off, R&D
Currently, Belarus has more than 50 regulatory legal acts
related to TT.
The analysis of Belarusian legislation shows that it regulates the
Belarus is a country with 9,5 million inhabitants, 451 public
following relationships in the field of TT:
R&D organizations (PROs) and 25600 research personnel. The
structure of research personnel remains practically unchanged:
Public funding of fundamental and applied research
researchers – 65,2%, technicians – 6,5%, support personnel –
Transfer of developed technologies to state enterprises and
28,3% [1, 2].
Transfer of developed technologies to enterprises and
Belarus is a small, open, upper-middle income economy. The
organizations with a mixed form of ownership, small
country is not well endowed with natural resources. It largely
business, and foreign firms
relies on imported energy and raw materials and has a historical
Dissemination of information in the field of TT
specialization in processing. The main activities of Belarusian
Establishment of organizations related to TT (technology
industrial sector are engineering (agricultural technology and
transfer centers, science and technology parks, venture
specialized heavy vehicles), potash fertilizers, and refining
capital organizations)
(which relies on oil supplies from Russia). These sectors
Ownership of inventions and remuneration for using the
depend heavily on external demand. Trade openness is among
highest in the region, with a ratio of merchandise exports to
GDP of 48% in 2020 (52% in 2019) [2].
In recent years the government expenditure on R&D in Belarus
was at 0,45% of GDP [2]. In the next five years Belarusian
Belarus is ranked 64th in the Global Innovation Index 2020 [3],
economy and science are faced with the task of reaching R&D
that is eight places up from the 2019 and 22 places higher than
financing of 1% of GDP.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
While allocating public funds for applied research to contactor
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
the state enterprise is simultaneously assigned to commercialize
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
anticipated research results. If, for some reason, the state
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
enterprise is not using the developed technology or product, the
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
contractor is obliged to pay back the allocated funds to the state
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
A. Uspenskiy et al.
Every year Belarusian PROs create over 400 new products and
technologies for commercialization at state enterprises [1, 2].
The dissemination of information in the field of TT is regulated
The plan for this year is to introduce about 470 new
by the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 250-Z “On scientific
technologies and products.
and technical information” dated 05.05.1999, and the Law of
the Republic of Belarus No. 170-Z “On state secrets” dated
After Belarus gained independence in 1991, the first normative
19.06.2010 [7, 8].
act regulating the acquisition of property rights on the results of
scientific and technical activities and the disposal of those
The establishment of organizations related to TT regulates the
rights was the Presidential Decree No. 432. According to it,
Presidential Decree No. 1 “On approval of the Regulations on
property rights resulted from research subsidized (in whole or
the procedure for creating subjects of innovation infrastructure
in part) by public funds were obtained by the state. The IP right
and amendments and additions to the Decree of the President of
holders could be a government customer and (or) a research
the Republic of Belarus dated September 30, 2002, No. 495”
contractor – PRO. Legal practice showed that de facto, the state
dated 03.01.2007 [9]. According to it, the center for technology
retained ownership of IP rights and consequently research
transfer (CTT) is an organization with an average number of
contractors were not interested to commercialize them.
employees up to 100 persons, tasked to ensure the transfer of
innovations from the sphere of their creation to the sphere of
In 2013, the Presidential Decree No. 59 approved new
practical use. A scientific organization with a separate TT
Regulation on the commercialization of the results of scientific
subdivision with at least 7 employees can also be recognized as
and technical activities created at the expense of state funds,
CTT, and use all privileges and advantages granted to CTT by
which expanded opportunities for research contractors to obtain
law. In Belarus CTTs are not funded from the state budget.
rights on results of R&D activities. Still, in spite of the
amendments made to Decree No. 59 in 2018, the legal
procedures to obtain IP rights remain overly complex and
unwieldy. Research contractors do not have “the right to risk”,
The Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (RCTT) was
due to the requirement to pay back funds in case of failure to
established in 2003, under the aegis of the State Committee on
commercialize the developed technology of product. Since the
Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, the
state retains the IP rights the transfer of technologies developed
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the United Nations
with government funding to private enterprises and foreign
Development Programme and the United Nations Industrial
companies is carried out not through the sale or licensing of
Development Organization [10].
IPR, but under commercial agreements with technical
assistance, research and technical cooperation agreements, and
RCTT’s primary goal is to facilitate transfer of technologies
joint venture agreements. For the same reason the Belarusian
developed in Belarus and abroad for sustained growth of the
PROs don’t create spin-offs.
country’s economy and increase the competitiveness of
Belarusian industry and agriculture, provide advice to CTTs in
The Belarusian law on patents for inventions, utility models and
the country.
industrial designs was amended several times [5]. This law
regulates the property and associated personal moral relations
Tasks set for RCTT:
arising in connection with the creation, legal protection and use
- create and maintain information databases meant for serving
of inventions, utility models, and industrial designs. The
clients in the technology transfer sector;
legislation is in harmony with international treaties and, in
- provide RCTT clients with access to foreign technology
principle, it enables the protection of intellectual property
transfer networks;
objects of domestic and foreign entities. In addition, some
- assist innovation activity agents in development and
government decrees have set the legal framework for the
promotion of their innovation and investment projects;
sharing of royalties and other IPR incomes between inventors
- train
and employers [1]. According to legislation, remuneration is
paid in the amount and on terms specified in agreements
- establish RCTT offices across the country, to create a unified
between the employee and the employer – the minimum level
national network of technology transfer centers;
of remuneration shall be determined by the Council of
- promote international technical and scientific cooperation and
Ministers of the Republic of Belarus [6].
exchange of experts.
Legislation doesn’t limit maximum remuneration to authors
RCTT is a consortium with the headquarters in Minsk. It’s
(co-authors) for the created objects of industrial property rights.
made up of:
If the employer decides to keep an invention as a secret know-
- 5 regional offices and 30 branch offices at research
how, then the reward for the creation of objects of industrial
organizations, institutes, universities, enterprises in Brest,
property rights to authors, co-authors and individuals should be
Vitsebsk, Homel, Hrodna, Lida, Minsk, Mahileu, Novapolatsk
paid as a lump sum within three months of employer’s decision.
and other cities and towns across Belarus;
Businesses may combine both options: keep some inventions
- 91 foreign partners in 23 countries: Armenia (3), Azerbaijan
secret and patent the other abroad (e.g. innovative export
(2), China (25), Denmark (1), Great Britain (2), Germany (4),
products). The inventor should be compensated equally
Georgia (1), India (1), Iran (1), Italy (1), Lithuania (1),
regardless of the option.
Technology Transfer in Belarus
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Moldova (1), the Republic of Korea (4), Poland (3), Kazakhstan
legislative acts requiring inclusion into job description of
(6), Russia (19), the USA (2), Sweden (1), the Republic of
employees of all state organizations engaged in R&D the
South Africa (1), Uzbekistan (2), the Czech Republic (2),
obligation to engage in TT, and the administration of
Ukraine (7), Vietnam (2).
organizations to take into account TT activities when
- 2 overseas field offices.
assessing the work of employees;
legislative acts stimulating the transfer of technologies
RCTT staff is a certified member of 12 technology transfer
developed with government funding to small businesses
networks, in particular, Russian Technology Transfer Network
(“gratuitous” transfer);
(since 2004), yet2.com (since 2005), AUTM (since 2012),
legislative acts stimulating the creation and funding of TT
Enterprise Europe Network (since 2015) and others.
organizations (departments); and
introduce the technology transfer course into the curricula
of higher educational institutions.
RCTT offers its services to innovation activity agents in
Belarus as well as foreign companies and investors.
RCTT has a web-portal (https://ictt.by), with several subject
This paper provides an overview of the current state of
sections and databases such as: “Virtual exhibition of the NAS
technology transfer in Belarus. It highlights several legal issues
of Belarus”; “Catalogue of innovation offers by organizations
that need to be addressed in the future to make technology
of the NAS of Belarus”; “New partnership opportunities”, to
transfer more efficient.
present in real-time offers and requests from RCTT, EEN, and
AUTM networks; “Catalogs”; “Manuals”; “Investment and
venture funds”; “Crowdfunding”; “IP auctions”; “IP insurance”;
We would like to thank the National Academy of Sciences of
“Legislation” covering the laws and regulations applicable to
Belarus and the State Committee on Science and Technology of
innovation activity in Belarus and foreign countries;
the Republic of Belarus for their constant support of RCTT
“Technoparks of Belarus”, and others.
activities and express gratitude to all our colleagues who work
in technology transfer for their help and advice.
RCTT provide services to more than 250 Belarusian state
organizations, private enterprises and individuals. The National
Academy of Sciences, Belarusian State University, Belarusian
Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Belarus. United
National Technical University are among the centre’s clients.
With the support from RCTT in 2003–2020 more than 6200
Belarusian specialists have been trained and instructed in
various fields of technology transfer at 510 local and
international workshops, seminars and exhibitions.
Политика и законодательство в сфере трансфера технологий:
RCTT was involved in implementation of more than 30
зарубежный и национальный опыт/ Д.М. Вильтовский, Е.П.
Машонская, А.А. Успенский; под общ. ред. А.А. Успенского. –
international projects related to improving the competencies of
researchers and representatives of small and medium-sized
businesses funded by UNDP, UNIDO, FP7, Baltic Sea Region
Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 160-Z of December 16, 2002, on
Programme, CEI, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus Cross Border
Patents for Inventions, Utility Models, and Industrial Designs (with
Cooperation Programme, The Swedish Institute, Chinese
amendments on 18.12.2019).
Decree of the Council of Ministers from 28.02.2002 No. 288 on
Government and others.
regulations of conditions for stimulation of creation and use of objects of
industrial property from 28.02.2002 No. 288 (with amendments on
19.06.2019 No. 402).
Since 2015 RCTT is a coordinator of the project “Creation of
Law of the Republic of Belarus of 05.05.1999 No. 250-З "On scientific
the Business Cooperation Centre “Enterprise Europe Network
and technical information".
Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 19, 2010 No. 170-З "On State
Belarus” (BCC “EEN Belarus”)”. The aim of the project is to
Secrets" (as amended on December 10, 2020).
encourage the provision of services to support cross-border
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 3, 2007
business cooperation, technology transfer, and research
No. 1 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for creating
subjects of innovation infrastructure and amendments and additions to
collaboration on the basis of mutual benefit via the Enterprise
the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated September
Europe Network.
30, 2002 No. 495”.
Республиканский центр трансфера технологий: 15 лет в
структура, методология, деятельность, перспективы) / А.Ал.
Успенский, В.В. Кузьмин, Ал.А. Успенский, М.С. Прибыльский,
The 18 years of RCTT work experience show that to improve
В.В. Земцов, А.И. Долгополова – Мн.: Центр системного анализа и
commercialization of technologies developed with government
стратегических исследований НАН Беларуси, 2018. – 78 с.:
funding in Belarus, it is necessary to develop and adopt:
a law similar to Bayh-Dole Act;
legislative acts that will allow the contractor to restrict
access to research results and inventions if public
disclosure could damage commercial interests;
Conference topic: how to survive the valley of death?
How to enable investors in early stage deep tech ventures: buying a lottery ticket vs building
the jackpot?
How to integrate the PoC funding in the national and regional innovation ecosystem?
What is the role of TTOs, PROs, governments and industry in the setting up a successful PoC
funding scheme?
Illustration: Dusko Odić. 2021.
Objectives of the Conference
The main aim of the Conference is to promote knowledge exchange between academia and
industry, in order to strengthen the cooperation and transfer of innovations from research labs
into industrial exploitation. The Conference goal is also further strengthening the knowledge
base and experiences of technology transfer professionals at public research organisations.
In the past events, we hosted more than 2600 participants, including investors, inventors,
researchers, students, technology commercialization and intellectual property experts, start-up
funders, industrial development experts etc. We have successfully organized twelve
competitions to award the teams with their technology and business proposition with the biggest
commercial potential, which led to successful start-ups and licensing contracts. Biannually we
organise Research2Business (R2B) pre-scheduled meetings in order to give the participants
additional opportunity to meet and discuss possible cooperation. Researchers presenting their
work being financed by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) is another channel for enterprises
to get familiar with recent discoveries and development opportunities.
Conference prize for the best innovations in 2021
The main objective of the special prize for innovation is to encourage commercialization of
inventive/innovative technologies developed at public research organizations and to promote
cooperation between research organizations and industry. One of the main objectives is also
promoting the entrepreneurship possibilities and good practices in the public research organizations. Researchers are preparing business models for their technologies and present
them to an international panel of experts in a pitch competition. They need support in many
aspects of their path from research to industrial application. The researchers and their team need
assistance, knowledge and tools to develop business models, find appropriate partners, form a
team, and secure financial resources to bridge the gap from publicly funded research to the market, either in their own start-up (spin-out) company or by licensing out their technology.
How shall they do it and how can we help them?
The Conference pitch competitions in the last eleven years resulted in spin-out company
creation or licensing case development in at least one case per competition each year. In many
cases, young researchers that participated in pitch competition in the past years, have been involved for the first time in an organized and structured process of development business
model around their technology and preparation of the targeted (pitch) presentation about their
planned venture to investors and technology commercialization experts.
WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy
The aim of the WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy is to stimulate Slovenian enterprises to intensify
their cooperation with public research organisations. We wish to expose as a good practice
those enterprises that are constantly and methodologically using the IP system in their business
WIPO Medal for Inventors
The goal of the WIPO Medal for Inventors is to award inventive and innovative activity of
Slovenian public researchers and to recognize their contribution to national wealth and
Research2Business meetings
In the course of the conference, pre-scheduled Research2Business (R2B) meetings will take
place, allowing the representatives of companies and research institutions to discuss possible
development solutions, inventions and commercially interesting technologies. Such meetings
present an excellent basis for possible future research cooperation and business synergies.
Opportunities arising from publicly funded research projects / presentations of successful
scientific projects
Researchers will be presenting their work that is being financed by Slovenian Research Agency.
Scientific papers on TT and IPR
Experts on TT, IPR, researchers that cooperate with industry and others have been invited to
submit their scientific papers. The accepted papers have been presented by the authors. This
year’s topics were: Key factors for successful technology transfer from different points of view
(researchers, knowledge transfer experts, enterprises); Key inventions and their protection for
the greater good; Market perspective through different TRL phases; Financing different TRL
phases; Setting-up internal Proof-of-Concept funds at public research organisations; Lowering
the Proof-of-Concept risks; Shortening the time-to-market for different technological fields;
Spin-out vs spin-off; Key trends in IP protection and TT for mid TRL phases; Examples of IP
protection in Artificial Intelligence; The role of patents in Artificial Intelligence; Activating the
IP protection and TT players in the SEE region; National IP protection: a profit or a hindrance;
Governmental support vs institutional support of IP protection and TT; IP and internal secret
know-how: who prefers what and why; Other, chosen by the contributor
School section
A parallel section “Connecting the education system with academia: Presentations of selected
research topics from the Jožef Stefan Institute and proposals for cooperation” took place. The
section was aimed at primary and high school teachers where selected research topics from the
Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) and proposals for cooperation were presented.
Key stakeholders
The conference involves different key stakeholders in the process, public research organizations
as knowledge providers, technology parks as infrastructure providers, business accelerators,
intellectual property offices, IP attorneys, agencies, consultants, capital (venture capital
companies, agencies, business angels, development banks), SMEs, international enterprises,
private innovators, and others.
Target audience and benefits
Target audience of the conference are researchers, students and post-graduate students with
entrepreneurial ambitions, representatives of industry, established and future entrepreneurs,
innovators and also representatives from governmental institutions and policy-making
Introduction to the International Technology Transfer Conference
The International Technology Transfer Conference (ITTC) is organized by the Jožef Stefan
Institute (Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation) for the 14th year in a row. The first
ITTC was organized in 2008. The ITTC has, through the years, been presented in different
formats and it is currently organized as part of the International multiconference Information
Society (IS2021), organized by the Jožef Stefan Institute.
The Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan Institute is the
coordinator of the project KTT (2017-2022), coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network
Slovenia, and is a financially independent unit. The CTT is presently involved in 4 projects,
having recently been involved in three additional ones. The Conference has been organized
with the support of partners from the KTT project (2017-2022).
The previous project KTT, from 2013 through 2014, was the first project within which
technology transfer in Slovenia was systematically funded from national funds. There were 6
partners involved, but the project only lasted for 17 months.
The current KTT project, 2017-2022, comprises 8 partners, all public research organizations
(PROs), represented by their respective technology transfer offices (TTOs), namely, 4 leading
institutes and 4 renowned universities.
The project's mission is twofold: the strengthening of links and increasing the cooperation of
PROs and industry and the strengthening the competences of TTOs, researchers and enterprises.
Most (80%+) of the finances go to human resource financing.
Support of Slovenian Industry
The goal of the KTT project is to support the industry in Slovenia, rather than an outflow of
knowledge abroad or great profit for PROs. Collaboration between PROs and SMEs in Slovenia
should be strengthened. However, Slovenian companies prefer contract and collaborative
cooperation to buying licenses and patent rights. Also, a relatively low added value per
employee and a low profit margin are not stimulating the research-industry collaboration.
Investing into Intellectual Property Rights
Despite the above stated it is important to invest in patents and other forms of intellectual property (IP). Investments in intellectual property increase licensing opportunities and the IP
position of the Slovenian knowledge worldwide.
Research2Business meetings
One-to-one research-to-business pre-scheduled (virtual) meetings allow the representatives of
companies and research institutions to discuss possible development solutions, inventions and
commercially interesting technologies. Such meetings present an excellent basis for possible
future research cooperation and business synergies. The meetings focus on applications,
solutions and expertise in natural sciences like electronics, IT, robotics, new materials,
environment, physics, chemistry and biochemistry. Companies and researchers book meetings
also with technology transfer experts from the Center of technology transfer and innovation.
The meetings are held virtually through b2match platform.
The Research-to-business meetings at the Conference were co-organized in collaboration with
the Enterprise Europe Network partners.
Strengthening the Competences of TTOs
The goal of the KTT project is to establish technology transfer centers in Slovenia as integral
parts of PROs, which shall, first and foremost, strive to serve the interests of the researcher and
the PRO. The TTOs shall assist the researcher throughout the entire procedure of the industry-
research cooperation, by raising competences and educating, taking care of legal and
administrative issues, and promote research achievements among the industry. Lastly, TTOs
shall support the cooperation already established by research groups.
The editors and organizing committee of the Conference would like to express cordial thanks
to all who helped make the 14th International Technology Transfer Conference a success.
We would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions to the members of the SCIENTIFIC
Niko Schlamberger, President of Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA
Doc. Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto
Prof. Alexandru Marin, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
for their contribution to the scientific programme and review of the scientific contributions and
selection for publication in this Conference proceedings.
Our special thanks go to the EVALUATION COMMISSION MEMBERS:
Dr. Jon Wulff Petersen from Plougmann Vingtoft
Matthias Keckl from Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF)
Nina Urbanič from Slovene Enterprise Fund
Gregor Klemenčič from Deep Innovations
for their evaluation of written technology commercialization proposals and selection of winning
teams, authors of inventive technologies with the best potential for commercialization of the
technologies, developed at Public Research Organizations.
We are particularly grateful to the members of the EVALUATION COMMISSION:
Alojz Barlič from Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
Matthias Keckl from Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF)
Nina Urbanič from Slovene Enterprise Fund,
for their evaluation and selection of the awardees of the WIPO IP ENTERPRISE TROPHY and
Value creation should be at the heart of valorization activities and denotes a process where stakeholders' benefits are articulated, created, and captured throughout the valorization process.
Value in this sense is, however, not static or absolute. Value is relative and usually changes
with the stakeholders addressed. Hence, value creation implies, wherever it is meaningful and
possible, that the benefits for a stakeholder must be higher than the efforts, risks and resources
needed to obtain the promised benefits.
Turning any publicly financed knowledge, i.e. intellectual property in its broadest sense to
socio-economic benefits calls for a much wider scope of activities than just industrial rights
management. The Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at Jožef Stefan, if anyone,
has always been very much aware of this. Thus, we have set in motion in the past ten years of
our existence, based on the dowry of additional 15 years of a Technology transfer office of Jožef Stefan Institute, many different changes. These changes have influenced the Institute and
the society around us. We have created processes that any Slovenian public research
organization would be able to use. We have created an internal ecosystem of activities and
interactions with essential innovation actors, allowing us to research, assess, understand, co-
create, offer, and fine-tune the academia-industry-society helix on the most bottom-up, most
influential level. We are proud of that.
Now we must go on. We created a proof of concept of activities – of what the ecosystem in our
environment could look like in a scalable way. Others should take the essential elements (codes
of practices we have so prudently developed through the past 10 years of our existence) and use
them to their liking and the capacities of their institutions. There are differences among actors
in the ecosystem. But once these differences have been understood, there are just similarities
that can be harvested in the quest for better valorization results.
We are all unique. And we are all very similar. Acknowledging this means not fighting better
from us but building on their experience. “Yeah, everybody wants change. Don’t nobody wanna
change though. (NF)” We need to creatively and constructively take part in knowledge valorization for a better future, even if it means it is our turn to change.
Day 1
7 October 2021 (hybrid teleconference, virtual and live)
08.30 – 09.00 Registration
Welcome address (in Slovene language)
Prof. Dr. Mitja Slavinec, State Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and
09.00 – 09.15
Simon Zajc, State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development and
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar, director, Jožef Stefan Institute
Round table: Future of Knowledge Transfer in Slovenia and EU (in
Slovene language)
Prof. Dr. Gregor Majdič, University of Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar, Jožef Stefan Institute
Prof. Dr. Maja Ravnikar, National Institute of Biology
09.15 – 10.30 Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, University of Primorska
Prof. Dr. Matej Makarovič, Faculty of information studies in Novo mesto
Prof. Dr. Urban Bren, University of Maribor
Prof. Dr. Robert Repnik, Slovenian Research Agency
Gregor Klemenčič, Deep Innovations
Gregor Umek, mag., Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
mag. Damjana Karlo, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
10.30 – 12.00 Pitch competition: Best innovation with commercial potential
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break
Award announcement: Best innovation with commercial potential
13.00 – 13.20 Award announcement: WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy
Keynote speech: PoC funding of research spin-offs
Matthias Keckl, Managing Partner, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds
Keynote speech: CEETT Platform – Central Eastern European
13.20 – 15.30 Technology Transfer Platform
Natalija Stošicki, Director, Investments and EU Programmes Department,
SID Bank / SID – Slovenska izvozna in razvojna banka
Paper presentations: scientific papers on technology transfer and
intellectual property
Opportunities arising from publicly funded research projects /
15:30 – 16.50 presentations of successful scientific projects
Award announcement: WIPO Medal for Inventors
10:00 – 13:20 Research2Business meetings (R2B meetings)
Connecting high-school education system with academia: Presentations
of selected research topics from Jožef Stefan Institute and proposals for
Povezovanje šolskega sistema z akademsko sfero: Predstavitve izbranih
raziskovalnih tem Instituta “Jožef Stefan” in predlogi za sodelovanje
Agenda (in Slovene language)
13:20-13:25 Uvodni pozdrav
13:25-13:40 Predstavitev možnosti sodelovanja Instituta »Jožef Stefan« z
šolstvom, CTT
- Obiski instituta »Jožef Stefan« med šolskim letom
- Dan odprtih vrat in Teden odprtih vrat na IJS
- Izobraževanja, usposabljanja in predavanja za učitelje in profesorje
- Mentorstva pri raziskovalnih nalogah dijakov
13:20 – 15:20
- Aktivnosti promocije znanosti in raziskovalnega dela - različne
- projekte in iniciative ter druge aktivnosti (Znanost z in za družbo /
- with and for society)
13:40-14:20 Predstavitev odsekov s področja kemije, biokemije, materialov
in okolja
- Odsek za znanosti o okolju, O2
- Odsek za biokemijo, molekularno in strukturno biologijo, B1
- Odsek za fizikalno in organsko kemijo, K3
- Odsek za Sintezo materialov, K8
14:20-14:30 Predstavitev odsekov s področja fizike
- Odsek za tehnologijo površin, F4
14:30-15:00 Predstavitev odsekov s področja elektronike in informacijske
- Odsek za umetno inteligenco, E3
- Laboratorij za odprte sisteme in mreže, E5
15:00-15:20 Morebitna dodatna vprašanja za raziskovalce
15:20 Zaključek
From 9:00 to 09:15
Honourable Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Mitja Slavinec, State Secretary
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Povzetek uvodnega pozdrava / Abstract of the Welcome address
Govorca veseli in se zahvaljuje organizatorju konference, Centru za prenos tehnologij in
inovacij na Institutu »Jožef Stefan«, da ima uvodni nagovor na zelo pomembnem srečanju.
Na izvedbeni ravni, kjer znanje nastaja, sodelovanje dobro poteka. Sodelovanje je odlično na
univerzah in institutih, prav tako je okrepljeno sodelovanje med izobraževanjem in
raziskovanjem na institucionalni osnovi, kar dokazuje tudi udeležba na današnjem dogodku, saj
so prisotni predstavniki univerz in raziskovalnih institutov.
Na drugi strani se zna gospodarstvo tudi relativno hitro povezati, ker jim to narekuje njihova
gospodarska pobuda. Največ lahko naredimo na tem, kako ta znanja in raziskave čimprej
prenesti v gospodarstvo.
Pri raziskovanju je možno zaznati najmanj dve ravni. Pri bazičnih raziskavah je Slovenija na
nekaterih področjih v svetovnem vrhu. Manj uspešni smo pri prenosu in implementaciji
aplikativnih raziskav v celotni družbi in gospodarstvu.
Država je od leta 2017 dalje s 6 mio EUR podprla pravo pot za prenos tehnologij, ki se odvija
s pomočjo pisarn za prenos tehnologij. MIZŠ namerava to podporo še okrepiti in okrepiti
sodelovanje z MGRT. Nujno je sodelovanje z MGRT, ker MIZŠ podpira nizke TRL-je in
MGRT višje. Vendar srednji TRL-ji še vedno »ostajajo v zraku«.
K sodelovanju je potrebno poleg MGRT povabiti še Gospodarsko zbornico Slovenije, ki ima
povezovalno vlogo in dostop do gospodarstva. S sodelovanjem vseh deležnikov bo Slovenija
postajala družba, kjer se bo več delalo z glavo in manj z rokami.
Simon Zajc, State Secretary,
Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Povzetek uvodnega pozdrava / Abstract of the Welcome address
Živimo v nenavadnih časih, ko je COVID-19 razkril pomanjkljivosti in šibke točke slovenskega
gospodarstva in nabavnih verig. Slovenski gospodarski model mora biti z uvedbo inovacij v
gospodarstvo odpornejši za prehod v zeleno družbo.
V Evropski skupnosti se vsi usmerjamo v zeleni, digitalni prehod. Prehod je mogoče narediti samo na krilih inovacij, ki so ključni dejavnik uspeha podjetij, konkurenčnosti nacionalnih
držav in Evropske skupnosti kot celote ter družbe, ki je usmerjena k okolju prijaznem načinu
Načrt za okrevanje in odpornost (NOO), ki bo podlaga za koriščenje razpoložljivih sredstev iz
Sklada za okrevanje in odpornost (RRF), nam ponuja veliko priložnosti za okrevanje.
V Slovenski industrijski strategiji 2021-2030, ki jo je pripravilo Ministrstvo za gospodarski
razvoj in tehnologijo, so začrtali zelen, digitalen in ustvarjalen razvoj industrije in gospodarstva
do leta 2030.
Na drugi strani je na evropski lestvici upadla slovenska inovacijska uspešnost v primerjavami
z drugimi državami EU. Slovenija ne sodi več med močne, ampak zmerne inovatorje, ker je
imela padec uspešnosti v obdobju 2018 – 2020. Velik izziv predstavlja zagotovitev stabilnih
vzpodbud države za znanost. Na drugi strani moramo v naslednjih desetih letih zagotoviti tako
podjetniške naložbe v raziskave in inovacije kot naložbe na raziskovalnem nivoju.
Pri tem ne moremo računati samo na evropska sredstva, ampak tudi na našo premišljenost pri
dodeljevanju nacionalnih sredstev za ključne finančne instrumente, ki bi jih morali izvajati
vsako leto brez vmesnih premorov.
Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo bo okrepilo vlogo SPIRIT-a na področju
inovacij in tehnologij ter pri podpori povezovanju med industrijo in javnimi raziskovalnimi
Ministrstvo bo še naprej spodbujalo prenos znanj in tehnologij na trg z vzpostavljenimi
strateškimi, razvojnimi in inovacijskimi partnerstvi, ki po začetnih težavah delujejo vedno bolje
prav zaradi vzpostavljenih povezav s številnimi podjetji, društvi in raziskovalnimi
Pomembno je, da se bodo vsi deležniki v Sloveniji prizadevali za prenos inovacij na trg – iz
bazičnega razvoja v tržne aplikacije.
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar, director,
Jožef Stefan Institute
Povzetek uvodnega pozdrava / Abstract of the Welcome address
Govorec je v uvodnem in pozdravnem nagovoru izpostavil Center za prenos tehnologij in
inovacij (CTT), vodjo centra dr. Špelo Stres, njene sodelavke in sodelavce, ki so organizirali že
14. Mednarodno konferenco o prenosu tehnologij. Na teh konferencah sodelavke in sodelavci
CTT z učinkovitim prenosom tehnologij v prakso še posebej krepijo sodelovanje med
znanstveno sceno in gospodarstvom.
Pisarne za prenos tehnologij naj bodo ključne v procesu prenosa tehnologi ter pri sodelovanju
z deležniki, ki so dobro vpeti v inovacijskem sistemu. Najpomembnejša vprašanja, ki bi jih bilo
potrebno nasloviti, so:
• Vzpostavljanje sklada za preverbo koncepta na nacionalni in na institucionalnih ravneh
• Problematika ustanavljanja odcepljenih podjetij
• Odnosi med raziskovalno in tehnološko infrastrukturo ter centri odličnosti
• Večji družbeni vpliv javnih raziskovalnih organizacij in univerz ter njihovo boljše
povezovanje z družbo
• Vloga odprte znanosti v povezavi z intelektualno lastnino
• Vpliv razdrobljenosti raziskovalnega sistema v Republiki Sloveniji ter ocenjevanja
učinkovitosti sistema in vpliva na kakovost delovanja pisarn za prenos tehnologij
• Sodelovanje med SRIP-i in pisarnami za prenos tehnologij
Na današnji konferenci so prisotni skupaj s pisarnami za prenos tehnologij vsi, ki soustvarjajo
inovacijski sitem v Sloveniji.
Na zaključku pozdravnega nagovora se je govorec zahvalil sodelavkam in sodelavcem Centra
za prenos tehnologij in inovacij za organizacijo današnje okrogle mize in za že 14. dogodek po
From 09:15 to 10:30 (in Slovene language)
Dr. Špela Stres, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
Dr. Vojka Žunič, National Institute of Chemistry, KnowledgeTransfer Office
Round table speakers:
Prof. Dr. Gregor Majdič, University of Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar, Jožef Stefan Institute
Prof. Dr. Maja Ravnikar, National Institute of Biology
Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, University of Primorska
Prof. Dr. Matej Makarovič, Faculty of information studies in Novo mesto
Prof. Dr. Urban Bren, University of Maribor
Prof. Dr. Robert Repnik, Slovenian Research Agency
Gregor Klemenčič, Deep Innovations
Gregor Umek, mag., Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Mag. Damjana Karlo, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Povzetek okrogle mize / Abstract of the Round table
Okroglo miza sta odprli moderatorki dr. Špela Stres, MBA, LLM, Vodja Centra za prenos
tehnologij in inovacij na Institutu ‘’Jožef Stefan’’, in dr. Vojka Žunič, Vodja pisarne za prenos
znanja na Kemijskem inštitutu.
Uvodni nagovor moderatorke dr. Špele Stres:
Podatki o inovacijah in internacionalizaciji kažejo, da je potrebno omogočiti skladno in na
mejnikih temelječe financiranje inovacij ter podpreti internacionalizacijo. Naš cilj je, da
izboljšamo politike za celostno nemoteno preoblikovanje rezultatov raziskav v ekonomsko in
družbeno vrednost.
Moderatorka dr. Vojka Žunič je predstavila udeležence okrogle mize:
• prof. dr. Gregor Majdič, rektor Univerze v Ljubljani
• prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar, direktor Instituta ‘’Jožef Stefan’’
• prof. dr. Maja Ravnikar, direktorica Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo
• prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar, rektorica Univerze na Primorskem
• prof. dr. Matej Makarovič, dekan Fakultete za informacijske študije v Novem mestu
• prof. dr. Urban Bren, prorektor za prenos znanja Univerze v Mariboru
• prof. dr. Robert Repnik, direktor Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike
• mag. Gregor Umek, vodja Sektorja za industrijo, spodbujanje inovativnosti in
tehnologije v Direktoratu za internacionalizacijo, podjetništvo in tehnologije
(Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo)
• mag. Damjana Karlo, vodja Sektorja za strukturne sklade na področju raziskovalno-
razvojne dejavnosti (Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport)
• Gregor Klemenčič, Deepinovations (Nizozemska)
1. Gregor Klemenčič, sr. principal innovation researcher for e-health data driven solutions za
Philips Research (Medical systems) na Nizozemskem in soustanovitelj ter solastnik
mednarodnega podjetja Deep Innovations B.V
Gospod Klemenčič je predstavil svoj pogled na inovacijski sistem v naslednjih točkah:
• Innovation to market – I2M
• Research to application – R2A
• Value proposition creation – VPC
• The game of rules – IPR
• Earning models
Curiosity is a personal characteristic of a researcher or entrepreneur. A researcher is looking for
an inspiration, learning from white papers and colleagues. Researcher combines different
sources of information. It looks like a child play for clever people.
Creation is also creation of products and services and how to apply. This is a game for elderly
Researchers have to understand the buyer and not try to sell unique selling points and not even
unique buying reasons. Researchers have to find out why buyers become hungry for new
innovation applications.
We have fundamental, applied and complementary research. Researchers have to try as fast as
they can to combine information from different sources domains. It’s a lot of hard work and
play as well. If you play, you may do a mistake. Researchers have to learn fast and make NOT
TO DO list to ignore or mitigate the risk.
Provocative design is another applied approach in the innovation system. Researchers design
new solution or concept and they test them with people without asking them what they want.
Mixed research teams with different skills from different research areas with non-standard
combination of knowledge will bring applications out of the box.
New school doesn’t believe much in IP as the old one. Also, how to make money with
innovations is different from the old school. New school prefers to organize focused micro
meetings, attract micro investors and apply IP stacking or block chain to trace effort input as
output values.
Iztočnica okrogle mize – dr. Špela Stres:
Winston Churchill je rekel, Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like
being taught. Del napredka v človeški zgodovini je povezan s posebno sposobnostjo ljudi, da
smo se sposobni učiti. Zato bomo danes uporabili svoje znanje in naslovili nekaj ključnih
tematik, ki bodo opredeljevale vsebino področja prenosa znanja in njegove valorizacije v
2. Prof. dr. Gregor Majdič, rektor Univerze v Ljubljani
Vprašanje: Problematika ovir z ustanavljanjem odcepljenih podjetij. Glede na vaše izkušnje
tudi iz podjetniškega sveta, če bomo z novim Zakonom o znanstveni razvojni in inovacijski
dejavnosti lahko JROji postajali solastniki odcepljenih podjetij, je to pametno, ker bodo
institucije v bolj zgodnjih fazah lahko upravljale z inovacijami v podjetniških vodah ali dodaten
zaplet, v katerem bodo JRO upočasnjevali razvoj mladih podjetij proti trgu?
Ali se vam zdi, da smo zreli za ta korak?
Prof. dr. Gregor Majdič:
Tak sistem je vzpostavljen v številnih zahodnih državah, dobro deluje ter prinaša velike koristi
za akademsko sfero in gospodarstvo, če ta proces pravilno izvajamo.
Če se bodo javne raziskovalne organizacije, ki so običajno velike in nekoliko bolj okorne kot
so majhna podjetja na trgu, preveč vmešavale v samo delovanje podjetij na trgu, ko bodo le-ta
naskakovala nove trge in se internacionalizirala, to zna biti ovira.
Če pa bodo raziskovalne organizacije preko pisarn za prenos tehnologij to upoštevale in pustile
malim podjetjem samostojnost, hkrati pa sodelovale pri potrebni pomoči, pa je to zagotovo
lahko velika prednost in nova dodana vrednost, ki bo omogočila takšnim podjetjem, da bodo
lažje prišla na trg in lažje izhajala iz akademskih institucij ter prenašala znanje v gospodarstvo
v Sloveniji in v mednarodnem prostoru.
3. Prof. dr. Maja Ravnikar, direktorica Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo
Vprašanje: Vzpostavljanje sklada Proof-of-Concept. Na NIB ste prav v letošnjem letu uspešno
ustanovili novo visokotehnološko podjetje. V letu 2021 so SID banka, HBOR in EIF podpisali
pogodbo za prvi PoC sklad v regiji. Na posamičnih institucijah, IJS (od leta 1998), UL (od leta
2020) in UM (od leta 2020) - PoC skladi delujejo že nekaj časa in podpirajo raziskovalce na
njihovi poti proti trgu. Kako se do tega opredeljuje NIB? Je 40 mio EUR v skladu PoC za dve
državi preveč za regijo, ki je šele na začetku svoje poti povezovanja z gospodarstvom ali pa
celo premajhen vložek za regijo, ki mora nujno ustvariti množico gazel, da se bo vrnila med
inovacijsko uspešne države?
Prof. dr. Maja Ravnikar:
Na NIB smo pred desetimi leti ustanovili prvi spin-out Biosistemika. Pri tem je podjetju zelo
pomagal mehanizem projektov VALOR. PoC skladi bodo omogočali javnim raziskovalnim
organizacijam, da pridejo v svojih raziskavah na srednje TRL-je, ker takšnega financiranja v
tem trenutku v Sloveniji ni.
V letošnjem letu smo na NIB za novoustanovljeno podjetje pridobili močne investitorje, ki so
lahko takoj investirali samo v opremo več kot milijon evrov in odkupili intelektualno lastnino,
vendar to ni običajno stanje pri ustanavljanju spin-out podjetij.
Če bodo sredstva PoC sklada primerno odrejena, bo to velik korak naprej, ker akademska sfera in javne raziskovalne organizacije nimajo dovolj potrebnih sredstev za premagovanje »doline
ARRS financira tako bazične kot aplikativne projekte, ki pa se ocenjujejo več ali manj kot
bazični. Projekti izkazujejo svojo aplikativnost z zainteresiranostjo podjetij za takšno vrsto
raziskav. Takih financiranih projektov je v Sloveniji bistveno premalo.
4. Mag. Damjana Karlo, vodja Sektorja za strukturne sklade na področju raziskovalno-
razvojne dejavnosti (Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport)
Vprašanje: Kako vidite problematiko ustanavljanja odcepljenih podjetij na MIZŠ? Kako vidite
možnosti pomoči zasebnim podjetjem v solastništvu JRO, v luči državnih pomoči? Vemo, da
bi na nekaterih področjih (biotehnologija, medicina, nanomateriali, itd) morali biti začetni
vložki v bodoče gazele precej veliki, tudi milijonski.
Mag. Damjana Karlo:
Z novim Zakonom o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski dejavnosti (ZZRID) je predvidena
možnost za ustanovitev odcepljenih podjetij. To in celotno področje inoviranja je tipično
medresorsko vprašanje predvsem med MIZŠ in MGRT.
Najprej so potrebne reforme institucij in obeh ministrstev ter kadrovske in vsebinske krepitve
tako ministrstev kot njihovih izvajalskih agencij – ARRS in SPIRIT, ki smo se jih lotili v okviru
Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost.
Prenizko javno financiranje je vplivalo tudi na padec uspešnosti Slovenije v kazalnikih
Evropskega inovacijskega indeksa. Slovenija mora priti do 1% javnega financiranja za
raziskovalno-razvojne dejavnosti iz različnih virov, ki so sedaj na razpolago v Načrtu za
okrevanje in odpornost ter v okviru evropskih kohezijskih sredstev za naslednjih 10 let, ki jim
morajo slediti tudi sredstva iz nacionalnega proračuna.
MIZŠ iz evropskih kohezijskih sredstev financira povezovanje gospodarstva z raziskovalno
sfero ter s tem razvojno-raziskovalne projekte na TRL lestvici od 3 do 6, ki se jim s
financiranjem priključi tudi MGRT na višjih ravneh tehnološke pripravljenosti.
Zagotovljeni so formalni pogoji za ustanovitev odcepljenih podjetij, za katera so potrebni tudi
veliki finančni vložki. MIZŠ teh vložkov v odcepljena podjetja ne more financirati iz
opravljanja javne službe. Prav tako je potrebno poleg vzpostavitve finančnih instrumentov
pritegniti tudi partnerje, ki imajo veliko raziskovalne opreme in znanja.
5. Prof. dr. Robert Repnik, direktor Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Vprašanje: ARRS določa v Pravilnikih (Pravila za oblikovanje cen za uporabo raziskovalne
opreme, obveščanje in poročanje o uporabi raziskovalne opreme) način določanja cen in
upravljanja z raziskovalno in tehnološko infrastrukturo v Sloveniji. Kakšne priložnosti še
vidimo med podjetji in JRO ter centri odličnosti, ki imajo infrastrukturo, ki bo jo lahko
potrebovala podjetja? Kako podjetjem dovolj na glas povedati, da imamo opremo, ki jo
potrebujejo, a je pri nas še niso našli?
Prof. dr. Robert Repnik:
Srednji del TRL-jev je v Sloveniji resen problem. Nižji TRL-ji (predvsem TRL 1-2, pogojno
TRL 3) spadajo v področje znanosti, ki jih pokrivata MIZŠ in ARRS v skladu s smernicami
resornega ministrstva.
Na drugi strani podporo pri premostitvi srednjih TRL-jev nudijo MGRT, SPIRIT, Slovenski
podjetniški sklad in tudi Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije.
Za rešitev problematike srednjih TRL-jev je ključno zavedanje deležnikov in njihovo soglasje,
da je problem srednjih TRL-jev v Sloveniji resen in je zato potrebno premostiti dolino smrti.
Za uspešno premostitev je potrebno sprejeti skupno odločitev, da je to nujno ter zagotoviti
institucionalno podprtost in pokritost premostitvenega procesa.
Prav tako morajo skupno nastopiti vsi, ki pokrivajo posamezne skupine TRL-jev. Nižje TRL-
je pokrivajo znanstveniki, višje pa gospodarstvo, medtem ko je »srednja množica« prazna.
Ljudje, ki delujejo na teh področjih in stojijo za temi skupinami TRL-jev, morajo začutiti svojo
osebno motivacijo, da uspešno izkazujejo svoje talente skozi rezultate.
Govorec je prepričan, da obstajajo še nekateri talenti, ki jih je potrebno aktivirati za vstop na
področje srednjih TRL-jev. Pri tem sta možna dva pristopa, in sicer, da ustvarimo skupino ljudi,
ki bi delala na področju srednjih TRL-jev, ali pa motiviramo obe skupini raziskovalcev, da
aktivirajo svoje lastne talente in začnejo delovati tudi na področju srednjih TRL-jev.
Raziskovalna oprema je drugi segment, ki odgovarja in naslavlja težavo srednjih TRL-jev. En
del je že vzpostavljen, ker se skozi ARRS plačujejo investicije v nakup raziskovalne opreme na
javnih raziskovalnih organizacijah. Taka oprema na javnih raziskovalnih organizacijah že
obstaja, vendar podjetja premalo poznajo možnosti, kako do nje dostopati.
V Evropi obstajajo primeri dobre prakse, ki pa jih ni mogoče enostavno preslikati v naše okolje,
da bi delovali. V Sloveniji bi morali najprej dobro pregledati seznam opreme, preveriti, če je
ustrezno vpisana in ažurirana. Potem bi lahko seznam opreme promovirali pri gospodarskih
družbah, da podjetja spoznajo, kakšne možnosti obstajajo.
6. Prof. dr. Urban Bren, prorektor za prenos znanja Univerze v Mariboru
Vprašanje: Kaj sploh je povezovanje z družbo? S stališča univerze, katere raziskovalno delo
obsega velik delež naravoslovno tehničnih vsebin? Gre bolj za članke in sodelovanje na
konferencah, za neformalne razgovore in občasno naključno pomoč tistim podjetjem, ki so bolje
informirana in se bolje znajdejo pri dostopanju do JRO, ali pa bi se morali potruditi vzpostaviti
enoten sistem, v katerem bi vsako, še tako majhno, če le dovolj aktivno in radovedno podjetje
prišlo v stik s pravim raziskovalcem, pa tudi dobilo dostop do ustrezne infrastrukture za izvedbo
meritev za potrebe podjetja?
Prof. dr. Urban Bren:
Univerza v Mariboru izhaja iz gospodarske pobude. Na dolgi tradiciji sodelovanja z
gospodarstvom gradimo naprej. Včasih je bilo tako sodelovanje naključno in stihijsko na
podlagi osebnih poznanstev. Danes pa projekta KTT1 in KTT2 vzpostavljata institucionalno in
formalizirano raven sodelovanja. Na ta način lahko univerze in javne raziskovalne organizacije delujejo kot enotna vstopna točka (one-stop-shop) za sodelovanje z industrijo.
V vzhodni kohezijski regiji smo zelo razpršeni. Tako ima Univerza v Mariboru svoje institucije
še v Krškem, Brežicah, Velenju, Celju, Hočah in pri Murski Soboti. Na ta način se znanje bliža
uporabnikom v regije, kar je pomembno za enakomeren razvoj države. Prav tak »one-stop-
shop« pristop preko kohezijskih regionalnih središč lahko opolnomoči Slovenijo in jo naredi
mnogo odpornejšo.
Pomembno pa se je zavedati, da prenos znanja ne vključuje zgolj tehnologij za gospodarstvo,
ampak tudi prenos v negospodarstvo, v javne institucije in občine.
7. Prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar, rektorica Univerze na Primorskem in prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar,
direktor Instituta ‘’Jožef Stefan’’
Vprašanje: Vloga Centrov odličnosti. Leta 2009 je bilo s strani MIZŠ ustanovljenih 7 Centrov odličnosti, ki so spremenili slovensko raziskovalno pokrajino in jo razgibali, predvsem tudi
glede ponujanja dostopa do raziskovalne infrastrukture.
IJS ima veliko izkušenj s centri odličnosti, saj je že ob ustanovitvi deloval kot ustanovitelj v
treh različnih, na različnih področjih, pomemben del sodelovanja z industrijo poteka tudi danes
z njihovo pomočjo.
Univerza na Primorskem, kot soustanovitelji zasebnega raziskovalnega zavoda Innorenew,
katerega soustanovitelj je tudi nemški Fraunhofer WKI, se dobro zaveda pomembnosti
povezave med temeljnim in uporabnim raziskovanjem, kot pravne oblike, ki omogoča tudi
sodelovanje slovenskih in mednarodnih deležnikov.
Kako vidite razvoj področja centrov odličnosti v Sloveniji v prihodnje? Si želimo nove CO in
zakaj ali zakaj ne? Kaj to pomeni za nadaljnje drobljenje raziskovalnega prostora v Sloveniji?
Kako skozi Centre odličnosti s pomočjo javnih raziskovalnih organizacij urediti odnos glede
raziskovalne in tehnološke infrastrukture ter ponujanje le-te podjetjem, saj vemo, da je vsaj del
opreme nepopolno izkoriščen, podjetja imajo potrebo po rabi, vendar do realizacije zaradi
zapletenosti sistema ne pride? Kako vidite centre odličnosti na lestvici nivoja tehnološke
pripravljenosti TRL? In kako so s centri odličnosti ter raziskovalno infrastrukturo, ki prehaja v
tehnološko infrastrukturo, povezane pisarne za prenos tehnologij kot most med njimi?
Prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar:
Univerza na Primorskem (UP) je nastala na drugačen način kot Univerza v Mariboru. UP je
imela predvsem družboslovno in humanistično usmeritev, hkrati pa izjemno željo za
sodelovanje z gospodarstvom v lokalnem okolju. Sodelovanje je bilo oteženo, ker ni bilo
razvoja na naravoslovno-tehničnem področju. V naslednjih osemnajstih letih so vzpostavili
odlična in tudi nekatera vrhunska nišna naravoslovna področja. Pri tehnologiji pa je bilo težje,
ker so v ozadju zelo veliki finančni stroški. Zato so iskali rešitve za okrepitev področja tehnike
in tehnologij.
V tem konceptu so s pomočjo evropskih sredstev s še osmimi drugimi institucijami ustanovili
Center odličnosti.
Center odličnosti Innorenew ne drobi raziskovalnega prostora, ampak krepi znanstveno
odličnost in povezovanje različnih institucij. Preko Centra odličnosti so združili različne
kompetence in znanja, da so naredili preboj v znanstveni odličnosti. Vsi partnerji so vstopili s strateško odločitvijo. Zato Center odličnosti ni konkurenca, ampak partner, ki so mu podelili
polno avtonomijo.
V UP želijo, da bi prišli do tako močnih pisarn za prenos tehnologij kot jih ima njihov odlični
partner Fraunhofer. Le-ta deluje na način, da zaposleni strokovni sodelavci najprej presodijo
vsak znanstveni članek, če ima potencial za preboj in prenos v industrijo. Potem se odločijo, ali
gredo v patentiranje in zaščito intelektualne lastnine, ali v odprto znanost.
V Sloveniji se razlikujejo cilji javnih raziskovalnih institucij, ki stremijo k odprti znanosti in
podjetij, ki zasledujejo druge cilje. Zato imajo pisarne za prenos tehnologij pomembno vlogo,
da povežejo gospodarstvo z raziskovalno sfero.
Raziskovalci UP, ki so najaktivnejši v povezovanju z gospodarstvom, imajo največ težav z
ohranitvijo svoje raziskovalne pozicije na univerzi, ker takšnega sodelovanja ne morejo
uveljavljati v habilitacijskih merilih. Zato si na UP prizadevajo, da bi dali več točk v
habilitacijskih postopkih dodani vrednosti prenosa znanja v gospodarstvo.
Komentar moderatorke dr. Špele Stres:
Profesionalizacija dela v pisarnah za prenos tehnologij bi bila pravi korak v smeri, da bi se tovrstno podporo lahko nudilo.
Prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar:
Govorec meni, da Centri odličnosti sodijo na tisti del lestvice nivoja tehnološke pripravljenosti
TRL, kjer govorimo o dolini smrti. Centri odličnosti bi lahko bili zelo učinkoviti na tem
Raziskovalci imajo dokaj deljena mnenja o uspešnosti Centrov odličnosti, ki so bili ustanovljeni
v drugem valu v letih 2008 in 2009 in so žal sovpadali s svetovno gospodarsko in finančno
krizo. Centri so bili mišljeni kot injekcija v raziskovalno opremo, ki bi bila na uporabo
podjetjem. Vendar se je prav v tem obdobju dogajalo podfinanciranje osnovne znanosti.
Namesto, da bi država za takšne iniciative našla dodaten denar, je del denarja prenesla iz enega
sektorja v drugega.
Centri odličnosti so potrebni, saj se lahko preko njih podpre in mednarodno uveljavi
prioritizirano področje znanosti, npr. digitalno transformacijo, kvantne tehnologije in umetno
inteligenco, kjer Slovenija kot majhna država naredi preboj v svetovnem merilu.
Pomembno vlogo pri tem ima na IJS pisarna za prenos tehnologij, ki je vez med akademijo in
gospodarstvom, predvsem s pravno in sistemsko podporo, z ovrednotenjem učinka in doprinosa
raziskovalčevega izuma k dodani vrednosti.
V Sloveniji bo potrebno na pisarne za prenos tehnologij gledati kot na nekaj nujnega, saj sploh
niso umeščene v današnjim sistem financiranja. Delo v pisarnah za prenos tehnologij je
specifično, ker potrebuje visoko izobražen kader. Od odločevalcev se pričakuje, da bodo na
boljši način uredili delo in financiranje pisarn za prenos tehnologij kot del javno raziskovalnih
8. Prof. dr. Matej Makarovič, dekan Fakultete za informacijske študije v Novem mestu Vprašanje: IKT. Glede na to, da je ena od temeljnih usmeritev dela Fakultete za informacijske
študije prav informatika kot področje raziskav in da je velik del na delo raziskovalcev vezanih
inovacij po svoji naravi software. Stanja na področju zaščite programske opreme v Evropski
Uniji oz. v Evropi še vedno ne moremo obravnavati kot povsem pravno urejenega, niti kot
pravno neurejenega. Področje zato narekuje številne priložnosti za nadaljnje delo. Kako vidite
smernice za obravnavo programske opreme, da bi izboljšali stanje s katerim se znanstveniki na
področju računalništva soočajo predvsem pa nagrajevanju iz izumov, povezanih s programsko
opremo v slovenskem inovacijskem prostoru?
Prof. dr. Matej Makarovič:
V času digitalne transformacije je paradoksalno, da je področje patentov in nagrajevanja
inovacij na področju programske opreme do neke mere nedorečeno.
Kadar je inovacija samo na področju programske opreme in ne vključuje strojne razsežnosti, ne
omogoča klasičnega polnega preskusa patenta oziroma njegovega tehničnega doprinosa. S tem
so raziskovalci, ki inovirajo samo na področju programske opreme, v neenakopravnem
položaju, saj se postavlja neka arbitrarna meja pri patentiranju.
To vprašanje bi morali reševati na nivoju Evropske unije. V Sloveniji bi lahko na nacionalnem
nivoju uredili npr. nagrajevanje, ki ni samo denarno. Raziskovalce - informatike pritegnejo tudi
dobri odnosi, priznanja in možnosti napredovanja.
Z razmislekom glede kriterijev habilitacije in točk, ki se izračunavajo na osnovi SICRIS baze,
je možno urediti nagrajevanje inovacij na programski opremi, ki nima strojne dimenzije.
Tehnični preskusi patentov namreč prinesejo veliko več točk. To bi lahko bilo priporočilo za
ARRS in NAKIS, da se ta dimenzija pri kriterijih za projekte in habilitacije bolj upošteva.
9. Prof. dr. Gregor Majdič, rektor Univerze v Ljubljani
Vprašanje: Eden od prijaviteljev European Digital Innovation Hub (e-DIH) je tudi Fakulteta za
elektrotehniko UL. S prehodom inovacij na digitalno področje je programska oprema postala
pomemben del sodobnih izumov in stvaritev, hkrati pa predstavlja izjemno pomemben del
intelektualne lastnine – tako v slovenskem kot evropskem prostoru. Obenem je prav to področje
v praksi najmanj urejeno tudi glede ustanavljanja odcepljenih podjetij, poleg tega pa podjetja v
Sloveniji ne dobijo dovolj podpore pri procesih digitalizacije. Kako vidite možnosti, da se to v
praksi izboljša in kako so v te napore vpeti vzporedno ali v sodelovanju tako TTO kot DIHi in
kje vidite sinergije med njimi?
Prof. dr. Gregor Majdič:
Vsekakor bi tu morale biti povezave in vzporednice. Nenazadnje gre za veliko vzporednic. Pri
digitalni transformaciji govorimo od dveh stvareh.
En del so podjetja, ki izvajajo in tržijo digitalne inovacije, na drugi strani pa so pomemben del
podjetja, ki proizvajajo druge produkte in pri svojem delovanju uporabljajo digitalna orodja.
Pri ustanavljanju novih podjetij, ki delajo na področju digitalizacije, imajo pisarne za prenos
tehnologij klasično vlogo. Pri pomoči pri digitalizaciji drugih podjetij bi pisarne za prenos znanja prav tako lahko imele podobno podporno vlogo kot jo imajo pri drugih vidikih
ustanavljanja nekega podjetja, npr. s pomočjo pri birokratskih in finančnih vprašanjih. Tudi
pisarne za prenos znanja bi se lahko posvetile digitalizaciji tako, da bi v svoje delovanje 332
vključile digitalizacijo, pomoč podjetjem, našle načine, kako tudi z digitalizacijo pomagati podjetjem, ko se ustanavljajo, prihajajo na trg ter iščejo nove poti za internacionalizacijo in
scale-up ter kako pri tem čimbolj izkoristiti digitalizacijo.
Govorec lahko na podlagi lastnega primera, kot znanstvenik na področju znanosti o življenju,
ki se ne spozna na digitalizacijo, vidi veliko pomoč pisarn za prenos znanja pri tem.
10. Prof. dr. Urban Bren, prorektor za prenos znanja Univerze v Mariboru
Vprašanje: Ob tem ne smemo pozabiti, da je eden od prijaviteljeDIH tudi UM. Naslednje
vprašanje pa je povezano z Open Science. Univerza v Mariboru se v okviru vzpostavljanja
odprte znanosti kot pomemben akter na slovenskem parketu glede naslavljanja vsebin Open
Science, še posebej v kontekstu Ustanovitve Slovenske skupnosti odprte znanosti. Kakšna je
vloga TTOjev v upravljanju z IL in hkratnemu spodbujanju raziskovalcev h konceptu
odprte znanosti. European Open Science Community že od leta 2013 vzpostavlja sistem za
hranjenje in ponovno uporabo podatkov iz raziskav, ki jih financira država. Če vemo, da je
skozi celoten H2020 OpenScience postajal pojem za dostopanje do podatkov, ali smo v večini
raziskovalnih skupin danes vsebinsko pripravljeni na dele projektov, kjer je potrebno opisati
pretekle data-sete, njihovo validacijo ter prakse open science? Open science sicer ni v nasprotju
z zaščito IL, vendar pa oboje sledi nekim pravilom, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati, da se doseže
maksimalen vpliv raziskav, kako so z zagotavljanjem vpliva povezani TTOji in če v Sloveniji
niso, zakaj ne? Kako vidimo razvoj vseh teh področij v Sloveniji in ali jih vidimo povezano?
Prof. dr. Urban Bren:
Univerza v Mariboru ima resnično številne repozitorije odprte znanosti, ki jih uporabljajo tudi
druge institucije.
Vsekakor se odprta znanost sliši odlično na papirju. Odprta znanost je financirana iz javnih
sredstev, zato so tudi izsledki javno dostopni. V tem mozaiku pa smo pozabili na založbe, ki
večinoma niso javne, zasledujejo tržni princip in zahtevajo plačilo za objavo prispevkov
Znanstveniki tako sami plačujemo za odprte članke. Na drugi strani pa mnogo založb zahteva
članarino ali direktno plačilo na spletni strani za prebiranje člankov.
Posledično se lahko zgodi, da znanstvenik ne bo mogel objavljati, ali pa bo zelo težko objavljal,
če ne bo imel raziskovalnega projekta, s katerim si bo kupil odprtost svojih člankov. ARRS
sicer najboljše članke v posamezni kategoriji naslavlja preko njenega razpisa.
Še večji strah in problem pa je v primerih, ko je s tem povezano podjetje, ki ga skrbi, da ne bi
izgubilo svoje intelektualne lastnine.
Javnost podatkov, ki jih moramo zasledovati v skladu s strategijo odprte znanosti, predstavlja
večji izziv od javnosti objav. Lahko se zgodi, da bo kdo drug na znanstvenikovih odprtih
podatkih napisal članek. Še večji izziv pa bi nastal za podjetje, ki sodeluje z javnim zavodom
in bi na ta način delilo svoje podatke s konkurenco.
11. Mag. Gregor Umek, vodja Sektorja za industrijo, spodbujanje inovativnosti in tehnologije v Direktoratu za internacionalizacijo, podjetništvo in tehnologije (Ministrstvo za gospodarski
razvoj in tehnologijo)
Vprašanje: Reforma inovacijskega sistema. V okviru Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost je
predvidena tudi reforma na področju RRI. Deležniki inovacijskega okolja v Sloveniji pogosto
med seboj niso dovolj povezani. Kako na MGRT razmišljate o možnostih izboljšanja povezav
in koherentnosti delovanja inovacijskega okolja?
Kako bi po vašem mnenju lahko dosegli boljše sodelovanje JROjev in gospodarstva ter politike
v Sloveniji, tudi z namenom izboljšanja procesov prenosa tehnologij iz JRO v gospodarstvo?
Mag. Gregor Umek:
Reforma RRI znotraj Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost je ključna in predvideva sprejem novega
Zakona o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski dejavnosti (ZZRID). Prav tako je ključna
vpeljava novega modela upravljanja in povezovanja deležnikov inovacijskega sistema
predvsem preko razvojnega sveta. MGRT je s strani ministrstva, ki naslavlja gospodarstvo,
predvidel vključitev direktorjev SPIRIT-a in Slovenskega podjetniškega sklada ter predstavnike
SRIP-ov v razvojni svet, ki naj bi na strateški ravni usklajeval politiko.
V programskem svetu sodelujejo MGRT, MIZŠ, Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in SVRK s svojimi
izvajalskimi agencijami, ki implementirajo ukrepe. Trenutno je v pripravi postopek za
evalviranje in standardizacijo ukrepov.
Zato sta ključni okrepitvi ARRS-ja in SPIRIT-a, v katerem je predvidena zaposlitev 15 novih
ljudi. Področje inovacij bi se upravljalo v okviru Agencije SPIRIT na trodelnem sloju na način,
da bi se vse finančne spodbude izvajale preko Agencije, kar je boljše z vidika upravljanja, prav
tako podjetja vse dobijo na enem mestu. Tudi vsa mednarodna dejavnost bi se izvajala v sklopu
Agencije SPIRIT, kar bi dalo slovenskim inovacijam prepoznavnost na mednarodni ravni. Prav
tako bi se v Agenciji upravljali in koordinirali vsi deležniki.
Pri reformi RRI je zelo pomembno, da MGRT v okviru obstoječih razpisov za spodbujanje
raziskav in razvoja ter demo pilotov, uvaja v skladu z Načrtom za okrevanje in odpornost
načelo, da vsi ukrepi, ki bodo znotraj teh razpisov, ne smejo škodovati okolju. Kar 40% meril
mora biti vezano na trajnost in zeleni prehod, kar je ključno tudi v naši industrijski strategiji, v
kateri moramo doseči zeleni prehod.
Prav inovacije lahko pripomorejo k zelenemu prehodu, kar je govorec ilustriral na primeru
Steklarne Hrastnik, ki je s pomočjo pilotov naredila inovacijo na steklarski peči s ciljem ničelne
Pri reformi RRI je ključno stabilno financiranje. Ker imamo pomanjkanje integralnih sredstev,
nastanejo vrzeli med več finančnimi kohezijskimi perspektivami, v katerih podjetja ne morejo
dve leti dostopati do sredstev.
Ključno je, da se tudi z novim Zakonom o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski dejavnosti
MGRT zavezuje k 1,25% javnemu financiranju, ker morajo imeti podjetja stalen dostop do teh
Prav tako je ključno povezovanje vseh ukrepov MGTR-ja in MIZŠ-a za podporo/ financiranje
lestvice nivojev tehnološke pripravljenosti, da lahko tudi podjetja na eni točki dostopajo do
vseh ukrepov.
MGRT konkretno sodeluje z Gospodarsko zbornice Slovenije pri Načrtu za okrevanje in
odpornost, ki lahko da odziv s terena, kaj dejansko podjetja potrebujejo in kje so izzivi, ki jih
mora nasloviti MGRT.
Če bomo v Sloveniji želeli financirati vse, kar je vključeno v Načrtu za okrevanje in odpornost,
so ključne sheme državnih pomoči. Brez ustreznih shem ni možno financirati investicij pri
demo pilotih in zelenega prehoda. Evropski komisiji je potrebno predlagati, da je nujna večja
prilagodljivost države članice, ki je omejena s shemami državnih pomoči.
Vloga strateško razvojno inovacijskih partnerstev (SRIP). Vzporedno z vzpostavitvijo
Konzorcija za prenos tehnologij s strani MIZŠ se je na MGRT vzpostavil sistem S4 in SRIPi.
Danes vidimo, da SRIPi in TTO opravljajo komplementarne storitve (SRIPi informiranje in
mreženje podjetij tudi za namen vzpostavljanja tematik za razpisne sheme), TTO pa pri
vzpostavljanju odnosov JRO-podjetja igrajo bolj operativno vlogo podpore posamičnim
primerom sodelovanja pri vzpostavljanju vsakodnevnih, mukotrpnih gradenj odnosov med
posamičnimi podjetji in JRO. SRIPi in TTO se torej prekrivajo v manjšem deležu svojih
aktivnosti. Kako naj se vzpostavi aktivna povezava in sinergije med obojimi?
Mag. Gregor Umek:
SRIP-i in pisarne za prenos tehnologij so deležniki inovacijskega sistema, ki z različnim
delovanjem povezujejo javne raziskovalne organizacije in gospodarstvo. Pisarne za prenos
tehnologij želijo prenesti znanje iz JRO-jev v gospodarstvo. SRIP-i delujejo širše in krepijo
razvojno-raziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost med gospodarstvom, JRO-ji in tudi drugimi
deležniki na področju razvoja. Predvsem pa je vloga SRIP-ov, da povezujejo vse te deležnike
v mednarodne verige vrednosti na področju internacionalizacije.
MGRT z MIZŠ in drugimi deležniki sodeluje pri projektu Evropske komisije z naslovom
»Strengthening the innovation eco-system in Slovenia«. Ključno sporočilo projekta je, da
morajo bolje povezati vse deležnike inovacijskega eko sistema, za kar bodo v Načrtu za
okrevanje in odpornost predvidena konkretna finančna sredstva (3 mio EUR) za mreženja,
organizacijo delavnic in opolnomočenje med vsemi deležniki. Na ta način lahko povežemo
SRIP-e, pisarne za prenos tehnologij in vse deležnike.
12. Mag. Damjana Karlo, vodja Sektorja za strukturne sklade na področju raziskovalno-
razvojne dejavnosti (Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport)
Vprašanje: Konzorciji za prenos tehnologij. Če pogledamo skozi zadnjih 15 let, Leta 2008 je le redkokdo poznal določbe v Zakonu o izumih iz delovnega razmerja, ki opredeljujejo obvezo
države, da financira TTOje za delo z raziskovalci, posebej. Leta 2013 je konzorcij za prenos
tehnologij financiral MGRT za slabi dve leti. Rezultati niso bili navdušujoči, čeprav so bili
zahtevani rezultati minimalni. Leta 2015 so najprej MGRT, nato pa še skupno SVRK in MIZŠ
zavrnili možnost financiranja novega konzorcija za prenos tehnologij, od leta 2017 pa pod
okriljem MIZŠ konzorcij uspešno deluje. Kako vidite razvoj področja v zadnjem desetletju na
MIZŠ in kako vnaprej, ne toliko glede financiranja, ki je sicer pomembno za trajnostni razvoj
področja. Temveč: kako vidite strateški razvoj področja prenosa znanja, njegovega pomena za
Slovenijo, možnost in načine profesionalizacije aktivnosti in predvsem povezave z drugimi
strateškimi instrumenti?
Mag. Damjana Karlo:
MIZŠ je ta izziv že naslovil iz preteklih izkušenj pri pripravi nove raziskovalne in inovacijske
strategije Slovenije do leta 2030. V strategiji namenjajo še večjo težo sistemskemu urejanju
področja prenosa znanja, da se okrepi sistemska podpora z integralnimi sredstvi, ki jih 20 JRO-
jev pridobi za delovanje. Znotraj teh sredstev bo vsak JRO v skladu s svojo avtonomijo
opredelil, koliko sredstev bo namenil področju prenosa tehnologij. MIZŠ želi, da se na vseh 20
JRO ustanovijo pisarne za prenos znanja.
MIZŠ namerava iz evropskih kohezijskih sredstev 2021-2027 nadgraditi obstoječi konzorcij
KTT v približno enakem obsegu, ker so praktično že letos doseženi ali preseženi vsi kazalniki
projekta, ki se zaključuje 30. junija naslednje leto.
MIZŠ si bo prizadeval, da ne bo prišlo do vrzeli v financiranju in načrtuje objavo javnega razpisa za nadgradnjo konzorcija KTT iz evropske kohezijske politike 2021-2027 takoj, ko
bodo izpolnjeni vsi formalni pogoji na ravni države, kar bi lahko bilo od druge polovice leta
2022 dalje.
Komentar moderatorke dr. Špele Stres:
Obe ministrstvi (MGRT in MZIŠ) sta usklajeni v svojem delovanju, da preprečita vrzel v
financiranju. Še posebej želi MIZŠ preprečiti vrzel pri financiranju konzorcija KTT. Vendar
se projekt KTT zaključuje 30.6. naslednje leto, kar pa pomeni operativno težavo in nastanek
vsaj minimalne vrzeli, če bodo razpisi objavljeni v drugi polovici leta 2022.
Kadri za prenos tehnologij, ki so se razvili in profesionalizirali v okviru konzorcija, so
izjemnega pomena in bi jih pisarne za prenos tehnologij želele obdržati. Zato bi bilo potrebno
vrzel v financiranju čimbolj skrajšati.
13. Prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar, direktor Instituta ‘’Jožef Stefan’’
Vprašanje: Razdrobljenost. Kako razdrobljenost raziskovalne sfere (slišali smo, da govorimo
o 20 JRO in nekaj desetih nejavnih, ki prav tako izvajajo raziskovalno dejavnost, predvsem iz
evropskih sredtsev) v Sloveniji vpliva na kvaliteto storitev TTOjev na posamičnih
organizacijah? Je smiselno in upravičeno pričakovati visokokvalitetne storitve za raziskovalce,
od vzpostavljanja raziskovalne strategije in pridobivanja financiranja za vse faze TRL (kot npr.
pri Fraunhoferju, kjer pregledujejo vse znanstvene članke raziskovalcev in se odločajo, ali
gredo v odprto znanost ali patentiranje), do kapitalizacije na trgu? So take storitve celostno sploh zaželene, saj deloma posegajo v raziskovalno svobodo?
Prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar:
V dvomilijonski naciji ne moremo preslikati učinkovitih rešitev iz velikih nacij, ki so svoje
sisteme že zgradile. Zato bomo vedno doživljali rahlo razdrobljenost raziskovalne sfere. Pri
reševanju določenega tehnološkega problema se je potrebno ozreti tudi v tujino, ker ni nujno,
da bomo v svojem ožjem okolju našli tehnološko rešitev.
Na drugi strani se dnevno postavlja vprašanje, od katere stopnje tehnološke pripravljenosti dalje
potrebujemo podporo pisarn za prenos tehnologij. Postavlja se tudi dilema, ali je vse, kar
delamo v znanosti (npr. merjenje mase črne snovi v vesolju), možno uvrstiti na lestvico TRL.
V znanosti je še vedno en del, kjer bi morala biti lestvica znanja – na kateri stopnji znanja smo
in ne na kateri stopnji tehnološke pripravljenosti.
V Sloveniji naj se zgledujemo po dobrih zgledih iz tujine. Evropa je ustanovila Evropski raziskovalni svet. V programu Obzorje Evropa imamo sedaj tudi novo institucijo - Evropski
inovacijski svet, ki se ukvarja z vprašanjem, koliko daleč naj posega na lestvici TRL – ali že v
osnovni znanosti, ali sploh ne.
Gregor Klemenčič, Deepinovations (Nizozemska)
Kot zunanji opazovalec in nekdo z ogromno izkušnjami iz obeh strani, JRO in gospodarstva v
inovacijskem sistemu, še posebej glede na to, da ste vanj umeščeni v bolj razvitem tujem okolju,
ki se mu želi Slovenija s svojo inovacijsko dejavnostjo približati. Kako v luči današnjega
pogovora gledate na vlogo in pomen različnih deležnikov v inovacijskem okolju? Kako
močno lahko politika, JRO in TTOji vplivajo na zagotavljanje inovativnega mišljenja,
internacionalizacije, prenosa znanja in izkoriščanja rezultatov? Prosim za zaključno misel.
Zaključna misel:
V njegovem raziskovalnem okolju razdrobljenost obstaja in ni problem, ker gre za
razdrobljenost po temah (npr. informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, biotehnologija). Tudi
pisarne za prenos tehnologij so praviloma uspešne, še posebej, če se povezane z gospodarskimi
zbornicami, drugimi raziskovalnimi organizacijami in komercialnimi firmami.
V pogledu od spodaj navzgor imajo znanstveniki s svojim zagonom, znanjem in interesi
možnost, da se srečujejo z drugimi znanstveniki in start-upi. Na zelo uspešnih mikro srečanjih
na določeno temo se znanstveniki povežejo in izmenjujejo znanje z drugimi raziskovalci, se
povezujejo z malimi, srednjimi podjetji ter pridobijo tudi mikro financiranje.
Komentar moderatorke dr. Špele Stres:
Mikro srečanja so v tej luči vzpostavila B2R sestanke, ki se dogajajo on-line vzporedno s
konferenco in iz katerih se lahko razvije dolgoročnejše sodelovanje.
Zaključne misli drugih udeležencev okrogle mize:
Mag. Damjana Karlo:
Znanje je potrebno ne samo ustvariti, ampak ga tudi prenesti v družbo - tako v gospodarstvo
kot v širši sistem, zaščititi in pripeljati do inovacij ter na ta način izboljšati našo mednarodno
konkurenčnost in izboljšati kakovost življenja.
Prof. dr. Robert Repnik:
Pristop, o katerem smo danes govorili, je pravilen. Vendar ga je potrebno kombinirati s
pristopom od spodaj navzgor. Pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, kateri motivacijski elementi bi
ljudi prepričali v to, da bi se začeli ukvarjati s srednjimi stopnjami tehnološke pripravljenosti.
Prav tako se je potrebno osrediniti na področja, kjer je največ možnosti, potencialov in
priložnosti in kjer ima Gospodarska zbornica pomembno vlogo.
Mag. Gregor Umek:
Najpomembnejše je povezovanje med vsemi deležniki, ki je tudi del reforme v Načrtu za
okrevanje in odpornost. Povezovanje od spodaj navzgor je zelo pomembno in MGRT že
sodeluje z Gospodarsko zbornico in drugimi deležniki. MGRT mora pridobiti informacije s terena, se primerno odzvati in temu primerno voditi politiko.
Prof. dr. Matej Makarovič:
Ko govorimo o javnem financiranju in javnem raziskovanju, je predvsem pomembno, da služi
tudi popravljanju »tržnih napak«, torej zagotavljanju tega, česar trg sam ne zagotavlja. Tipičen
primer tega je področje trajnostnega razvoja.
Prof. dr. Maja Ravnikar:
Biti moramo aktivni na promociji znanosti, saj s tem osveščamo družbo in gospodarstvo, kaj je
na voljo v Sloveniji. Poleg tega so zelo pomembne mehke veščine in izobraževanje
raziskovalcev, kako pravilno pristopiti in se pogovarjati z gospodarstvom ter kako jim ponuditi
tehnološke rešitve. Zato so nujno potrebne okrepitve pisarn za prenos tehnologij in znanja.
Prof. dr. Urban Bren:
V Sloveniji imamo dobro izdelan sistem financiranja temeljne znanosti. Aplikativna znanost
šepa - kot da potrebujemo samo katalizatorje, potem pa bo prenos znanja stekel sam od sebe.
Dejansko pa ta proces stalno potrebuje potisk energije in finančnih sredstev. Potem učinki
prelivanja naredijo tak prenos znanja vzdržen in v dobrobit celotne skupnosti. Nekatera odlična
orodja kot so mladi raziskovalci v gospodarstvu, mladi raziskovalci na začetku kariere in
projekti TRL 3-6 so že razvita in jih je potrebno zgolj kontinuirano uporabljati.
Prof. dr. Gregor Majdič:
V Sloveniji imamo ogromno odlične znanosti, tako bazične kot aplikativne, čeprav sam nikakor
nisem zagovornik takšne delitve na bazično in aplikativno znanost saj menim, da je znanost
ena. Šepa pa nam pa prenos znanja, premalo znamo izkoristiti to znanje in ga prenesti na trg,
da bi imelo tudi ekonomske učinke. Zato potrebujemo pisarne za prenos znanja, ki opravljajo
zelo dobro vlogo in je njihov pomen potrebno še okrepiti. So pa v Sloveniji problem tudi
kapitalske spodbude in pretakanje kapitala, saj nimamo pravih inštrumentov in vlagateljev v
mlada zagonska podjetja. To je posebno velik problem na področju naravoslovja in deloma
tehnike, saj so na teh področjih potrebni višji finančni vložki, ki se povrnejo v daljšem časovnem obdobju in zaradi tega je pogosto težko pridobiti zagonski kapital za podjetja s
takšnih področij.
Prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar:
Sporočilo današnje okrogle mize je, da je zelo pomembno povezovanje slovenskih
raziskovalnih institucij. Prav partnerji iz drugih institucij so pomagali Univerzi na Primorskem,
da so svojo dejavnost dvignili na višji nivo.
Prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar:
Prenehajmo se pogovarjati o temeljnosti in aplikativnosti, raznih lestvicah, saj linearne linije
vse med sabo prepletejo.
Zaključna beseda: dr. Špela Stres
Če smo začeli s citatom Winstona Churchila o tem, da se moramo učiti celo življenje, naj tudi
končamo na tak način. Vedno se bomo soočali z izzivi, in izzivi bodo vedno večji od nas. G.
Churchil je glede našega odziva na izzive rekel Fear is a reaction courage is a decision. Z
iskrenim upanjem, da bomo pri soočanju s prihodnostjo pogumni, se vam najlepše
zahvaljujemo za vaše sodelovanje na tej izredno zanimivi okrogli mizi.
From 10:30 to 12:00
Robert Blatnik, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
Evaluation commission:
Dr. Jon Wulff Petersen, Plougmann Vingtoft
Matthias Keckl, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF)
Nina Urbanič, Slovene Enterprise Fund
Gregor Klemenčič, Deep Innovations
Presentation of six (6) selected business model proposals from public research organizations to
the technology transfer experts.
Course of the competition
Robert Blatnik, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
The 14th annual competition for the best innovation in 2021 at public research organizations
(PROs) aims at stimulating the researchers from public research organizations to develop
business models for commercialization of their inventions. The competition was initiated with
a public call, which was open to authors of inventive technologies. Eligible authors are
individuals, employed at PROs, which are developing innovative technologies and their teams
into a viable business model. Possible business models are either licensing the technology to
industrial partners or commercialization in a spin-out company. The teams have prepared
description of their technology and the key discoveries that underpin the commercial activity
(licensing or spin-out creation). An important part of description is the proposed business model
and customer value proposition. The pitch presentations are following the guidelines, which
were introduced by the Organizer of the Conference at the dedicated preparatory webinar and
individual consultancy which was organized for the teams. At the webinar the researchers
learned the main guidelines on how to prepare their pitch presentation. In a series of individual
consultation and rehearsal of the pitch session we went through the process of preparing a pitch
of their invention and business model to a potential investor or a partner in a future venture;
either licensing the technology to an industrial partner or via commercializing of the technology
in their own spin-out company. We have discussed which are the stronger points in the specific
business model of participants and how to prepare an effective and appealing presentation for
the intended audience of their pitch. The guidelines for preparing a pitch included the following
elements: Cover / Introduction slide (name & compelling tagline); Deal (what you are selling,
to whom, for what price); Market & segmentation (target customer, market size, trends);
Customer value proposition and why now; Product (the solution); Financials; Impact;
Competitive advantage; Team & founder’s/inventor’s dream; Summary / three key points to
remember. The written description of the proposed invention/innovation included the following
chapters: Title of the idea with a brief commercial tagline; Summary; The Science; The
Opportunity (problem and solution); The Plan (Development stage and Business model); The
Team; Impact.
The teams and their applications with the proposed business models were evaluated by an
international panel of experts which constituted the evaluation commission. The members of
the evaluation commission are the following experts: Matthias Keckl, Managing Partner,
Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF) GmbH, Gregor Klemenčič, Founder and co-
owner, Deep Innovations B.V., Nina Urbanič, Adviser for equity investment monitoring,
Slovene Enterprise Fund, and Dr. Jon Wulff Petersen, Director, Technology Transfer,
Plougmann Vingtoft.
The experts evaluated the proposals in two phases. The 1st phase was the evaluation of written
descriptions and the 2nd phase was the evaluation of the five-minute pitch at the Conference.
The evaluation experts used the predetermined evaluation criteria which were already defined
in the public call. The Criteria for evaluation are Application with weight of 10 points, Value
Chain with weight of 3 points, Market size and development costs with weight of 2 points,
Competition with 1 point, the Team with 3 points, IPR and Regulatory with one point. All
criteria together bring at the most 20 points for written application. After the pitch the experts
exchanged their views and opinions and selected the winner(s). The Criteria is presented in the
Table 1.
The traditional pitch competition, which this year had its 13th anniversary, motivated six innovative and entrepreneurial research teams to prepare their pitch and apply for competition.
Members of the teams have participated in the preparatory workshop and rehearsal to develop
their pitch and receive comments for improvements of their proposed business model. The
workshop was organized by Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation as part of the KTT
project, financed by Slovenian Ministry of education, science and sport. Members of the teams
are entirely or partly employed or study at the PROs, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jožef Stefan
International Postgraduate School, University of Belgrade. Members of the teams are also the
founders or employed at industrial partners, which are already involved in the technology and
business model development.
Short description of the criteria
Which problem is the technology solving? Has this been verified
with end users? What is the Technology Readiness Level (TRL)?
How many different applications can the technology be used for?
Is there a well-defined end-user for this technology?
Is there any barrier to the end-user adopting this solution?
Is there a clear existing end user need for this solution?
How well does this solution match the users’ needs?
When will this solution be ready for market?
Will this solution have a social impact or bring other benefits to
Where does the technology fit in?
Value chain
How well does the technology fit the existing value chain?
How is the market size in relation to the development costs?
How large is the potential customer community for this product?
1000, 100K, 1M, 100M?
How strong is the competition in this market?
How receptive will the market be to your idea?
What total market share do you expect to get in 5 years?
How aligned are the market drivers to the proposed solution?
What Is the perceived value by the end user?
Market size What is the perceived Strength level overall?
What is the perceived Weakness level overall?
development What is the perceived Opportunity level overall?
What is the perceived Threat level in your overall?
Only limited development is required before an investor will commit.
Funds are available to complete the development investor or other
sources (e.g. PoC).
The time to market Is shorter or comparable to the time scale for any
For VC’s: The costs associated with taking the product to market is
at least 25 times smaller than the value of the market.
What do the end users use today? Any other technology underway?
Which is the expected competition level when you will hit the market
Competition How good is the present solution (not yours) in solving the problem? 1
How good will any expected future solutions (not yours) be in
solving the problem?
How good will your solution be in solving the problem?
How strong is your market differentiator?
Are the inventors, members of the team, dedicated to the idea?
The researchers have unique skills, have experience with tech
transfer, and are enthusiastic about following the project through
The team
The team has the technical, business, marketing, financing skills
needed to understand and develop the idea into a marketable
Can the intellectual property of the technology be protected?
How strong is the patent likely to be?
How dense is the IPR landscape in this technology area in terms of
& pending and granted patents?
How strong is the IPR competition?
How complex is the regulatory system in this area
Is the technology ready for investment?
Table 1: Criteria for evaluating the applications (source: Jon Wulff Petersen, TTO A/S, Denmark)
Abstracts of the competing teams and their technologies
Real-time fluorescence lifetime acquisition system – RfLAS
Authors/inventors: Andrej Seljak, Rok Dolenec, Rok Pestotnik, Matija Milanič, Peter
Križan, Samo Korpar
PRO: Jožef Stefan Institute
The present pandemic has shown us how vulnerable we are, and challenged the human
knowledge-based capacity to adapt very quickly. Biomedical engineering has produced one of
the most outstanding up to date solution to avoid severe consequences due to Covid
complications. One of the key tools used in biomedical engineering is measuring of the
fluorescence response. This method is non-invasive, sample non-destructive, provides
functional and structural information, biochemical parameters, oxygen concentration, pH, and
other vital parameters, that enable the study of the interaction of proteins, and is sensitive enough to monitor cellular environment and metabolic states. Moreover, fluorescence is used
in material sciences to characterize novel materials or screening drug production as examples.
This key tool is made using complex electronic and optical elements, which makes market
accessible devices very expensive.
We constructed a novel device, which compared to the current state of the art is about 10 times
faster, provides extended capabilities, can be made the size to fit into a portable suitcase, and
allows for very competitively pricing on the market, even considering initial small productions.
This lands it perfect for start-ups and tech giants in the field, to access tools for future discovery.
The technology is also scalable into a variety of different systems for different purposes. Our
primary target are therefore biomedical and bioengineering companies, research institutes,
universities, and companies requiring specific know how or OEM products.
We expect this technology to enter the biotech market, which alone is expected to hit 2.44T
USD in 2028 [*]. This estimate is 3 times higher compared to pre Covid times (about 2 years
ago). We present the newly developed device and its envisaged future.
Figure 1: Fluorescence samples. Rok Dolenec. 2020.
Figure 2: Cross view into sample space. Rok Dolenec. 2020.
Figure 3: Device in operation. Rok Dolenec. 2020.
Tomappo OptiGarden – healthy, sustainable and nutritious
vegetable garden planned in a few clicks
Authors/inventors: Bojan Blažica, Andrejaana Andova, Barbara Koroušić Seljak,
Bogdan Filipič.
PRO: Jožef Stefan Institute
Industrial partner: Proventus, d.o.o.
Vegetable gardening is gaining popularity among the younger generation as growing your own
local food and taking care of a healthy nutrition is increasingly trendy. Gardening is a rewarding
and relaxing hobby, but can also be daunting as there is much knowledge to be considered when
planning a healthy, nutritious garden. Considering gardening best practices such as crop-
rotation and companion planning, data about vegetables and climate, yield estimation,
nutritional contents and the needs and tastes of the gardener can be treated as an optimization
problem and thus solved automatically with an algorithm with little effort by the user.
Automatic garden planning can be used to develop solutions in the home and garden market.
From powering a mobile application for gardeners (B2C, approx. 5 million potential users in
main EU markets, 44 million in the US) to advanced lead generation and e-marketing solutions
addressing the need of garden centers and gardening brands to connect to a younger generation
of gardeners and digitalize their operations both online and in-store.
A team of researchers with backgrounds in AI, optimisation, meteorology and human-computer
interaction, who are keen gardeners themselves, is devoted to bring the benefits of gardening
just a click away to all expert and aspiring gardeners. Teaming up with Proventus, the start-up
developing the gardening platform Tomappo, ensures market uptake in both B2B and B2C
segments and much needed business development experience.
Figure 1: A segment of a vegetable garden illustrating the concepts to be considered in garden planning. Andrejaana Andova and Bogdan Filipič. 2021.
Figure 2: Testing the interactive kiosk in garden centre Kalia, Ljubljana. Bojan Blažica. 2021.
Figure 3: Automatic garden planning on interactive kiosk: input of basic parameters, selection of vegetables, display of different optimal layouts, info about vegetables. Bojan Blažica. 2021.
Novel surface finishing procedures for medical devices, especially
vascular stents
Authors/inventors: Ita Junkar, Metka Benčina, Rok Zaplotnik, Matic Resnik
PRO: Jožef Stefan Institute
Cardiovascular diseases cause millions of deaths all over the world and present a serious health
care burden. The minimally invasive way to treat diseased blood vessels is by insertion of
expandable tubular stent. Currently three types of stents are available on the market; the bare
metal stents (BMS), drug eluting stents (DES), and the bioabsorbable stents (BAS). According
to Market Data Forecast the European Coronary stents market is estimated to grow to reach
3.64 billion by 2026. Vascular stents have already saved countless lives, but unfortunately their
surface properties, which significantly affect biocompatibility, are still far from optimal and there is a huge demand to develop vascular stents with superior properties. The main issues are
the stent induced thrombosis (blot clotting) and restenosis (narrowing of blood vessel wall),
which are linked with health complications, high health care costs, high demand for medication,
and revision surgeries, which can be even fatal for the patient. Numerous approaches have been
proposed to improve coronary stent surface mainly by developing various types of coatings,
however so far improvements have been only incremental. Our interdisciplinary team (chemical
and mechanical engineers, plasma scientists, microbiologist) developed plasma-based
approaches for surface modification of biomaterials, especially vascular stents. The novel
approach is based on one step plasma treatment, which enables fabrication of multifunctional
surface that; prevents platelet adhesion and smooth muscle cell proliferation, promotes
proliferation of endothelial cells and reduces bacterial adhesion. By relatively fast and
environmentally friendly treatment at optimized plasma conditions it is possible to fabricate
nanostructured stent surface with specific surface chemistry, that are mechanically stable, anti-
corrosive and can prevent undesired release of toxic ions like Ni in case of NiTi implants.
Figure 1: On the left-hand side bare metal vascular stent from NiTi alloy (Kindly donated by Rontis AG) is shown, while stent surface after incubation with whole blood is presented on the right-hand side. Interaction of platelets with the surface of commercial and plasma-treated vascular stent (images obtained from scanning electron microscopy) is shown. Ita Junkar.
Superhydrophobic coatings with dual action: corrosion and
antibacterial/antiviral protection
Authors/inventors: Peter Rodič, Ana Kraš, Barbara Kapun, Chris Černe, Ingrid Milošev,
Veronika Bračič
PROs: Jožef Stefan Institute
The innovation is the synthesis and preparation of superhydrophobic coating, which can be
deposited on various metal surfaces. The superhydrophobic surface has two principal roles: (i)
it repels the solution droplets from the surface and thus acts as corrosion protection since it prevents a corrosive solution to reach the underlying metal substrate and initiate the corrosion
process, and (ii) it prevents, or diminishes, the attachment of pathogens (bacteria and viruses)
or biofilm (microorganisms) to the surface and thus acts as antimicrobial/antiviral protection.
The development of superhydrophobic coating as corrosion protection responds to the need to
extend the lifetime of devices/constructions made of metals. Superhydrophobic coating as
antimicrobial protection is required in various critical applications such as hospitals and health
care facilities, where microorganisms can be easily spread. Contaminated surfaces such as
doorknobs, tables, and utensils used in hospitals/restaurants/hotels/apartment blocks can
facilitate the viral transfer. Although surfaces can be sanitised with a variety of household cleaners, sterilising all the surfaces after each use is challenging to maintain. Further, by using
disinfectants, the corrosion protection of the metals can be reduced because disinfectants
solutions are usually chlorine- or alcohol-based and highly alkaline or acidic. Consequently,
they are harsh for many metals such as copper, zinc, steel and aluminium. Therefore, the metal
surfaces must be additionally protected against corrosion.
Our innovation can be applied in all the applications where the needs exist to preserve metal
surfaces from corrosion and to protect them from the action of microorganisms. Compared to
the competition, the main advantage of this coating synthesis is an easy and innovative
preparation with desirable superhydrophobic properties.
Figure 1: Water droplet on the superhydrophobic surface with contact angle above 150°
Cutting Tool Life Estimator
Authors/inventors: Anže Marinko, Jože Ravničan, Matjaž Gams
PRO: Jožef Stefan Institute, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Industrial partner: Unior, d.d.
In mechanical engineering, a lot of work is performed on lathes, where the cutting tools wear
out over time. Replacing cutting tools is expensive and time consuming so it should be delayed
if possible. On the other hand, costs and customer dissatisfaction may be caused by products
not performing well if cutting tools are worn out. To avoid non-quality products, replacement
of the cutting tool should be performed at optimal time.
Currently, most of cutting-tool replacement if performed by human operators using either
human or specialized sensors for inputs. With our Cutting Tool Life Estimator (CTLE), the
human operator relies on CTLE sensors detecting 3D accelerations, and the CTLE artificial
intelligence (AI) proposing replacement when needed. The role of the human operator changes
from the one getting input information and making subjective decision into a second-opinion
generator and supervisor since the CTLE system objectively proposes a decision on its own.
Compared to human-only decision making, the new approach enables use of more sensors and
combining human with artificial intelligence, which in recent years progressed substantially in
performing real-life problems based on complex input signals.
The use of CTLE therefore enables better timing of the replacement of the cutting tools. As a
consequence, the production is cheaper and of better quality, thus providing an important
advantage over competitors in the mature automotive, tool and other mechanical industries. In
the future, the CTLE could become more independent, as the program would eventually learn
more to predict the time of excessive tool wear and would propose changing the cutting tool at
the closer-to-optimal time. Machine learning models in general improve over time when more
data are provided.
Figure 1: Amplitudes of vibrations in time of one machining cycle. Anže Marinko. 2021.
Figure 2: Estimated cutting tool wear during cycles until the cutting tool replacement. Anže Marinko. 2021.
Figure 3: User interface of the program. Anže Marinko. 2021.
Figure 4: The CTLE systems runs on a PC connected to sensors on a lathe. Application in the UNIOR company. Anže Marinko.
Award announcement Best innovation with
commercial potential
13:00 to 13:10
Robert Blatnik, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
Evaluation commission members:
Dr. Jon Wulff Petersen, Plougmann Vingtoft
Matthias Keckl, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF)
Nina Urbanič, Slovene Enterprise Fund
Gregor Klemenčič, Deep Innovations
The evaluation commission weighed all the criteria in the evaluation process and selected two
equally ranked winning teams.
The award of 1250 Euro goes to the team members:
Andrej Seljak, Rok Dolenec, Rok Pestotnik, Matija Milanič, Peter Križan and Samo Korpar,
Jožef Stefan Institute for Real-time fluorescence lifetime acquisition system – RfLAS.
The award of 1250 Euro goes to the team members:
Ita Junkar, Metka Benčina, Rok Zaplotnik and Matic Resnik, Jožef Stefan Institute for Novel
surface finishing procedures for medical devices, especially vascular stents.
Award announcement: WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy
From 13:10 to 13:20
Marjeta Trobec, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
Evaluation commission members:
Alojz Barlič, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
Matthias Keckl, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF) GmbH
Nina Urbanič, Slovene Enterprise Fund
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
It’s a big honour for us to have the World Intellectual Property Organisation and Slovenian
Intellectual Property Office among the co-organisers of this conference.
By celebrating the achievements of inventors, creators and innovative companies around the
world, the WIPO Awards aim to foster a culture in which innovation and creativity are
encouraged and appreciated at every level of society.
Last year at the 13th International Technology Transfer Conference the WIPO awards were
given in Slovenia for the first time.
Today we will announce the recipients of two WIPO awards. The awards will be given
tomorrow at the conference ceremony between noon and one o’clock and will be accessible via
live streaming on the institutes’ TV channel.
The selection committee consisting of Mrs. Nina Urbanič, Slovene Enterprise Fund and Mr.
Matthias Keckl, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds who you already know, were joined
by Mr. Alojz Barlič from the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office.
The WIPO Medal for Inventors will be announced just before the end of the conference.
The WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy is awarding a Slovenian enterprise for its good practice in
constant and methodological use of the IP system in its business activities.
The main criteria for the selection were the following:
- the number of cooperations with public research organisations,
- no. of employments of your PhDs from public research organisations,
- new products or services launched to the market based on TT and IP protected,
- public campaigns to promote the appreciation of companies’ IP assets,
- encouragements for creative and inventive activity among staff,
- programs to use the IP-based business also for public goals and
- commercial/marketing strategies based on effective use of the IP system.
May I use the words from a member of the selection committee: I am very impressed with the applications, and I think there are a lot of passionate and great people behind the technologies
and companies.
Among the applications, the jury has decided to give the IP Enterprise Trophy to GEM Motors.
Short justification: GEM Motors is actively cooperating with several public-research
organisations. They have a clear IP strategy with patents in EU, India, USA, Russia, Japan,
China and S. Korea and that is essential for B2B business. Their in-wheel patented technology
has been presented at several fairs and conferences. Through the social responsibility programs
by promoting the urban e-mobility different project partners, other companies and schools are
included. And finally, they constantly and methodologically encourage the creativity and
innovativeness among their staff and encourage PhD employments.
Keynote speech: PoC funding of research spin-offs
From 13:20 to 13:40
Matthias Keckl, Managing Partner, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF)
Matthias Keckl is a Managing Partner of the FTTF - Fraunhofer Technologie Transfer Fonds
GmbH, an independent Venture Capital unit and financing partner for Deep Tech Start-Ups
using Fraunhofer technologies with an investing volume of € 60 million.
FTTF invests exclusively in starts-up using Fraunhofer technologies.
As a strong entrepreneurial partner with 30+ years of experiences in supporting Fraunhofer
start-ups, FTTF offers financing in their pre-seed phase with up to 250.000 euros, and in further
funding rounds with additional investments of up to five million euros.
FTTF provides fast investments process and on-site support. Moreover, the fund supports
entrepreneurs with comprehensive founding experience and a broad network of investors in
order to realize the full potential of their companies. FTTF is backed by Fraunhofer-
Gesellschaft and the European Investment Fund (EIF).
FTTF focuses on bridging the gap – from tech to market - in close collaboration with internal
Fraunhofer tech-transfer and incubation programs, like AHEAD and CoLab.
FTTF has access to German innovation hubs whilst bridging the gap between scientists as
founders and investors.
FTTF ensures optimal and efficient setup/ structure of the start-up right from the beginning and
provides runway 12 to 18 months.
FTTF begins investing in the very early PoC stage of the start-up (pre-seed) giving researchers
the opportunity to start the business.
FTTF invests in the VC start-ups with growth and exit potential as well as funding requirement.
FTTF doesn’t invest only in founded companies that are also in pre-revenue phase – start-ups
have already started pilot projects but usually do not yet have revenues.
FTTF requirements for a PoC (pre-seed) investment:
• Start-up has to have access to technology:
▪ Freedom to operate
▪ Acceptable license fees
▪ Call option to take over IP, or at least option to start negotiations
• Founding team is the core of any FTTF investment. Investor has to know and understand
the people behind the start-up, drivers of the team and their long-term entrepreneurship.
FTTF strictly insists that tech competence is part of start-up and the founders are 100%
committed to the start-up.
• Business Model characteristics are:
▪ Market entry in attractive niche
▪ Scalable products
▪ Deep understanding of the market environment and problem/ solution fit
FTTF standard investment approach focuses on investing 250k EUR as a convertible loan for
the 7,5% shares in the start-up equity. FTTF is usually the first investors whilst other investors
may also join PoC investments – excluding strategic investors or non-profit organizations.
Keynote speech: CEETT Platform – Central Eastern
European Technology Transfer Platform
From 13:40 to 14:00
Natalija Stošicki, Director, Investments and EU Programmes Department, SID Bank /
SID – Slovenska izvozna in razvojna banka
In 2017 and 2018 Slovene Equity Growth Investment Program (SEGIP) with EUR 100m and
Croatian Growth Investment Program (CROGIP) with EUR 80m were launched in cooperation
between European Investment Fund (EIF) and SID Banka and Croatian Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (HBOR), respectively, with the aim to support the growth
segment of the private equity market in the two countries.
All available funds were transferred to the private equity funds for further equity and quasi equity funding of Slovene and Croatian companies in growth stage. SEGIP and CROGIP
deployment exceeded initial expectations, prompting the parties to enhance the collaboration
by expanding the scope of the respective program to the next level - Central Eastern European
Technology Transfer (CEETT platform) that is based on the ITA Tech best practices.
The resulting joint initiative is the first investment program under the Central and Eastern European Technology Transfer (CEETT) initiative, to which SID Banka contributed an
additional EUR 10 million to SEGIP, HBOR contributed additional EUR 10m to CROGIP and
the EIF made further EUR 20 million available for investment. Thus, the total available funding
amount indicatively represents EUR 40 million.
CEETT platform will support the most promising technology transfer projects originated at
public research organizations in Slovenia and Croatia that would otherwise be considered not
mature enough for traditional Venture Capital funds and thus trapped in so called “Valley of
CEETT platform shall actually close two financial gaps (two Valleys of Death) in the TRL
ranges 4-9 that are: transition from laboratory to company and scale-up for high-risk innovative
Existing grants that are dedicated to fund the TRL phases 1-7 are not big enough and not
regularly available. Therefore, Tech Transfer Fund (VC TT Fund) that will address financing
to the projects at lower TRL, would be established.
The fund will be focused on technology transfer activities across various fields providing
financing primarily to university and research center spin-offs and to projects at the proof-of-
concept stage, also providing follow-on financing to these projects at a later stage.
It is expected that projects in the proof-of-concept phase (pre-seed), in terms of the number of
investments, will represent a majority focus of the Fund’s investments.
Beneficiaries, the enterprises, must be in the seed, start-up or later stage venture investment
phase and must originate from a university or research institute.
Fund Manager will be looking for investments in collaboration with public research
organizations, academia and industry partners on a contract and NDA basis. Fund manager will
be looking for private co-investors in projects and spin-outs, but also for private investors on the level of the Fund.
Investment program size is for both countries EUR 40m. SID Banka, Croatian Bank for
Reconstruction and Development and EIF can invest additional funds in the platform it has
promising pipe-line of projects and start-ups. We hope that Republic of Slovenia will
complement the CEETT support of technology transfer also with grants for the TRL phases 1-
7 taking part of the risk of closing two valleys of death gap, which will additionally incentivise
transfer of research achievements and innovations into economy.
Paper presentations: scientific papers on technology
transfer and intellectual property
From 14:00 to 15:30
Tomaž Lutman, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
Technology Transfer Fund - Central Eastern European Technology Marijan Leban
Transfer (CEETT) platform
Špela Stres
Software Protection and Licensing Challenges in Europe: An Urška Fric
Špela Stres
Robert Blatnik
European Guiding principles for knowledge valorisation: An Špela Stres
assessment of essential topics to be addressed
Levin Pal
Marjeta Trobec
Digital Innovation Hubs and Regional Development: Empirical Bojan Ćudić
Evidence from the Western Balkan countries
Špela Stres
Technology Transfer as a Unifying Element in EU Projects of the Duško Odić
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Špela Stres
Proof of Concept cases at the Jožef Stefan Institute in 2020 and 2021 Marjeta Trobec
Špela Stres
European Industrial Strategy - a great opportunity to strengthen the Levin Pal
role of technology transfer offices
France Podobnik
Špela Stres
Knowledge generation in citizen science project using on-line tools: Jure Ftičar
CitieS-Health Ljubljana Pilot
Miha Pratneker
David Kocman
Overview of National Sources of Finance and Supports Available to Vojka Žunič
Spin-Out Companies from Public Research Organizations
Marta Klanjšek Gunde
Application of 3D printing, reverse engineering and metrology
Remzo Dedić
Željko Stojkič
Igor Bošnjak
Towards the Market: Novel Antimicrobial Material
Tomaž Lutman
Marija Vukomanović
Technology Transfer in Belarus
Alexander Uspenskiy
Aliaksei Uspenski
Maxim Prybylski
Opportunities arising from publicly funded research
projects / presentations of successful scientific
From 15:30 to 16:40 (in Slovene and English languages)
dr. Vojka Žunič, National Institute of Chemistry, Knowledge Transfer Office, mag. Jure
Vindišar, National Institute of Biology, Technology Transfer Office, Tomaž Lutman, Jožef
Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
Vloga glukagonu podobnega peptida-1 Prof. Dr. Mojca University medical center
v reprodukciji / The role of GLP-1 in Jensterle Sever
Does relatedness matter for bacterial Prof.
Ines Biotechnical faculty, University
of Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Nataša Faculty of Medicine, University
Kanabinoidni receptorji in zdravljenje Debeljak,
Dr. of
hormonsko odvisnega raka dojke
Luka Dobovišek
Oncology Ljubljana
Slovenian Academy of Sciences
6600 years of human and climate
Research done in cooperation
Dr. Maja
impacts on the environment, recorded in Andrič
Prof. Andrej Šmuc,
the lacustrine sediments of Lake Bohinj
University of Ljubljana and
Prof. Nives Ogrinc, Jožef Stefan
za Dr.
testiranje zaščitnih mask
National Institute of Biology
How we developed a living coating
Jožef Stefan Institute
DNA technologies and seafood / DNA Doc. Dr. Andreja National Institute of Biology
tehnologije in hrana iz morja
Award announcement: WIPO Medal For Inventors
From 16:40 to 16:50
Marjeta Trobec, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
Evaluation commission members:
Alojz Barlič, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
Matthias Keckl, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds (FTTF) GmbH
Nina Urbanič, Slovene Enterprise Fund
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
With the World Intellectual Property Organisation and the Slovenian Intellectual Property
Office on-board as co-organisers we wish to announce the second WIPO award recipient today.
The WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy is awarding Slovenian enterprises for their good practice in
constant and methodological usage of the IP system in their business activities.
That award went to GEM Motors. GEM Motors is actively cooperating with several public-
research organisations. They have a clear IP strategy with patents in EU, India, USA, Russia,
Japan, China and S. Korea and that is essential for B2B business. Their in-wheel patented
technology has been presented at several fairs and conferences. Through the social
responsibility programs by promoting the urban e-mobility different project partners, other
companies and schools are included. And finally, they constantly and methodologically
encourage the creativity and innovativeness among their staff and encourage PhD
On the other hand, the WIPO Medal for Inventors is awarding a Slovenian public researcher
for her contribution to the national wealth and development.
The awards will be given tomorrow at the conference ceremony between noon and one o’clock
and will be accessible via live streaming on the institutes’ TV channel.
The selection committee members were Mrs. Nina Urbanič, Slovene Enterprise Fund, Mr
Matthias Keckl, Fraunhofer Technologie-Transfer Fonds and Mr. Alojz Barlič from the
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office.
The entry criteria for the selection were granted patents or utility models in the last 10 years.
Further the patented invention had to show a significant economic and technological impact in
Slovenia via:
- creation of a new company or
- creation of new jobs in the companies that cooperate with the researcher or
- the number of new products and services launched to the market.
May I use the words from a member of the selection committee: I am very impressed with the
applications, and I think there are a lot of passionate and great people behind the technologies
and companies.
They carefully ranked at all applications and decided that the "WIPO Medal for Inventors" goes to assoc. prof. Marta Klanjšek Gunde, researcher at the National Institute of Chemistry,
innovator and a co-founder of a start-up.
Short justification: based on a patented invention, prof. Gunde has established a start-up
company MyCol. In the company the licensed technology is a base for developing smart labels
with temperature-sensitive ink, which permanently color when heated above a predetermined
temperature. The invention resulted also in 5 new jobs created in the company.
Research2Business meetings (R2B meetings)
Parallel session from 10:00 – 13:20
France Podobnik, Robert Premk, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer
and Innovation (CTT)
One of parallel sessions of 14. International Technology Transfer Conference were bilateral
meetings between researchers and companies (Research-2-Business, R2B). They took place
once again in a virtual form due to COVID-19 restrictions, but also because of good experience
from 2020 and how well accepted they were last year.
Registration period started already in May 2021 and lasted until the event. In this time 63
participants from 9 countries registered to the event – Slovenia, Belarus, India, Italy,
Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Spain and Turkey. International component of the meetings was
also achieved with active support of Enterprise Europe Network members from Italy, Spain,
Serbia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Netherlands and Turkey.
Main aim of the meetings was to promote knowledge exchange between academia and
companies, especially in terms of cooperation between researchers and company
representatives to overcome technology challenges, to discuss available commercially
interesting technologies, to find options of cooperation in forthcoming European and other
international projects, to get acquainted with experts on specific fields of interest and with the
current trends, while also to get familiar with the topics, that might be relevant for
companies/researchers in the near future …
Participants were in advance informed about the format of the meetings and how the concept
of virtual meetings works in practice to avoid any technical issues at the time of the event.
During the meetings main organizer was also available for support to the participants via phone
and mail.
At the meetings participated 27 researchers, company representatives and other stakeholders.
Their fields of expertise were diverse and covered robotics, artificial intelligence, new
materials, (bio)chemistry, biotechnologies, environment, physics, etc. In total 31 meetings took
place between 10:00 and 13:00 (CEST).
Virtual concept of meetings allowed participants to attend the meetings from any place at the
pre-scheduled time. While the expected time for each conversation was set at 20 minutes, the
average length of 31 meeting was around 15 minutes. The shortest meeting lasted 7 minutes,
while the longest almost 26 minutes.
As results and feedback from the previous years show, we can expect in the following months
that established contacts between participants from the industry and research community will
lead to cooperation between them.
Connecting high-school education system with
academia: Presentations of selected research topics
from Jožef Stefan Institute and proposals for
Parallel session from 13:20 – 15:20
Urška Mrgole, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
In accordance with the Jožef Stefan Institute’s mission, the Center for Technology Transfer and
Innovation promotes scientific work and research accomplishments among young people and
the rest of the interested public.
The event
At the 14th International Technology Transfer Conference a parallel section “Connecting the
education system with academia: Presentations of selected research topics from the Jožef Stefan
Institute and proposals for cooperation” took place. The section was aimed at primary and high
school teachers where selected research topics from the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) and
proposals for cooperation were presented.
At the beginning, activities for the promotion of science and research work, which Center for
Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan Institute carries out independently or
in collaboration with the research departments at JSI, were presented. School visits: every
Thursday during the school year, the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation, with the
help of other JSI departments, organizes visits to the Institute that are intended for primary and
high schools, faculties and everyone else from the school sphere. Open day at JSI: each year at
the end of March, traditional Stefan’s Days take place at the Institute, marking the birthday (24
March) of the great Slovenian scientist, Jožef Stefan. In the scope of Stefan’s Days, the Center
for Technology Transfer and Innovation, in cooperation with the JSI research departments,
organizes the Open Day at JSI. Visitors can choose from a number of visit programmes and
look at the laboratories at Jamova cesta in Ljubljana and at the Reactor Center near Ljubljana.
Open Week at JSI: In the scope of Stefan’s Days an open week at JSI is organized, where every
day of the week one school is welcomed to JSI for a visit. Preparation and implementation of
lectures for teachers and principals: for closed groups of professors the Center for Technology
Transfer and Innovation can organize trainings and lectures from the Jožef Stefan Institute’s
field of work with the aim of implementing new in-depth knowledge in classrooms.
Mentorships for research assignments of high school students: The researchers from the Jožef
Stefan Institute offer mentorships for research assignments for high school students.
Participation in various European projects and initiatives such as “Science with and for
Society”: the Center for transfer technology and innovation at the Jožef Stefan Institute
enthusiastically participates in various European projects and initiatives with the aim of
promoting science and research work among Youth, e.g. the research festival Znanstival, the
European Researchers’ Night, and European projects such as STEM4Youth and SciChallenge.
Within the STEM4Youth project nine modules in the field of chemistry were prepared and
implemented in 19 Slovenian primary and secondary schools, with 20 mentors and over 500
elementary and high school students participating.
In the second part researchers from various research departments presented their work. Dr. Janja
Vidmar, Department of Environmental Sciences, O2: The multidisciplinary research of the
Department of Environmental Sciences focuses on the combination of physical, chemical and
biological processes that influence the environment, man and human activities. One of the
recent research projects was related to the investigation of drug abuse in educational institutions
using wastewater analysis. Matej Kolarič, mag. biochem., Department of Biochemistry,
Molecular and Structural Biology, B1: The mission of the department is related to enzyme
analysis, molecular mechanisms of programmed cell death, and the immune response. Areas of
research focus on proteolytic enzymes with the aim of treating and detecting diseases and
improving the quality of life of patients. At the department the identification and quantification
of different proteins, for example in human blood, is done via mass spectrometry. Assist. prof.
dr. Peter Rodič, Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry, K3: The department is focused
on the investigation of physicochemical processes on the surfaces of solids, such as corrosion
and heterogeneous catalysis, as well as the synthesis of new compounds. The goal is to gain
new insights and understanding of mechanisms of protection and degradation of materials in
different environments. The activities of the department are also related to a phenomenon we
all encounter every winter: what is the impact of road salting on corrosion. Sebastjan Nemec,
mag. pharm., Department for Materials Synthesis, K8: The research at the Department is
devoted to the development of advanced materials. Their main focus of the research are
nanoparticles, especially magnetic nanoparticles which can be easily influenced from a distance
with a magnet. Mark Zver, M. Sc., Department of Surface Engineering and Optoelectronics,
F4: the main activities are focused on plasma generation, sustenance and characterization of the
plasma which is later used for tailoring surface properties of various materials. Plasma is the
most common state of matter in the visible universe. Low-temperature plasmas are usable for
substance removal, surface cleaning, compound application, etc. Erik Novak, mag. prof. mat.,
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, E3: The Department for Artificial Intelligence is concerned
mainly with research and development in information technologies with an emphasis on
artificial intelligence. Their main focus is development of practical solutions useful in the public
and private sector. The department cooperates with videolectures.net which is an online
repository of lectures from prestigious conferences and events. Dr. Živa Stepančič, Laboratory
for Open Systems and Networks, E5: The focus of the laboratory is on research and
development of next generation networks, telecommunication technologies, components and
integrated systems, information society services and applications etc. The laboratory
participated in the SI-PASS project, where hub (network) was established and the national e-
services are integrated.
Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at Jožef Stefan Institute wishes to bring the
scientific work and accomplishments as close to the youth, teachers and other interested public
as possible, believing that nothing can beat the personal experience and direct contact with the
laboratories and top-level researchers. The event proved to be very useful and instructive for
teachers who gained new ideas for the implementation of lessons at schools and learned new
opportunities to cooperate with the Jožef Stefan Institute.
The Conference closing
From 16:50 to 17:00
Robert Blatnik, Jožef Stefan Institute, Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT)
It is time to close this year's conference. The topic of the conference was how to bridge the
valley of death – and we received some answers to that question today.
While listening to the presentations I will quote dr. Spela Stres from the last year Conference
closing: Water dripping day by day wears the hardest rock away (»Tiha voda bregove dere«).
Tech transfer is always going to be the silent water almost going unnoticed. But that is how you
maximise the impact of tech transfer: by being persistent and persistently professional.
But I would like to add also this, that many small springs of water coming together could bring
strong river which is irrigating the deserts.
From the perspective of the Conference organizing committee we can say that this year's
conference has been professional in every aspect. We are happy, though, that the conference is
behind us, because there is a lot of work put into it every year, and we would like to thank all
our colleagues here at the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan
Institute who worked tirelessly for the conference to take place in such a diverse format and
with such perfect execution.
But what actually mattered today was that everyone who followed this conference was able to
feel how far we can go with the collective spirit of the researchers from all public research organisations in Slovenia, and we have high hopes that all tech transfer offices are going to join
in to that spirit as well. This has been a lovely event, despite the covid-19 situation.
We now feel this has been again the best conference we have ever had. Thank you all and see
you soon!
Day 2
Overview of the Conference Ceremony
8 October 2021
Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Location: Main Lecture room at the Jožef Stefan Institute (A-building)
12:00 – 12:05 Musical performance / Glasbena točka
12:05 – 12:10 Welcome speech
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar
Director of Jožef Stefan Institute
12:10 – 12:20 Opening speech
Mark Boris Andrijanič
Minister za digitalno preobrazbo Republike Slovenije
Minister for Digital Transformation
11:20 – 12:25 Greetings
Prof. Dr. Mojca Ciglarič
Chair of the Programme Committee of IS2020
Dean of Faculty of Computer and Information Science
12:25 – 12:55 Awards of IS2021
prof. dr. Mojca Ciglarič, IS Programme Chair
prof. dr. Matjaž Gams, IS Organization Chair
prof. dr. Sašo Džeroski, SLAIS President
Niko Schlamberger, President of Slovenian Society Informatika
prof. dr. Andrej Brodnik, President of ACM Slovenia
dr. Mark Pleško, President of Slovenian Academy of Engineering
14. ITTC: Awards ceremony – competition for the best innovation with
commercial potential in the year 2021, WIPO Medal for Inventors and WIPO
IP Enterprise Trophy
14. ITTC Organising Committee
World Intellectual Property Organisation representative / Slovenian
Intellectual Property Office representative
Awards “Pioneers of computer education in high-schools”
12:55 – 13:00 Musical performance
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek F
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume F
Ljudje in okolje
People and Environment
Uredniki / Editors
Janez Malačič, Tomaž Ogrin, Matjaž Gams
6. oktober 2021 / 6 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Konferenca je sestavljena iz dveh:
demografske, predsednik prof. dr. Janez Malačič, letos štirinajstič
okoljske, predsednik mag. Tomaž Ogrin, letos tretjič.
Število umrlih za kovidom se približuje petim milijonom, število registriranih obolelih gre
proti 250 milijonov. V primerjavi s 130 milijoni rojenimi in 60 milijoni umrlimi letno se pet
milijonov ne zdi več zanemarljivih kljub uspešnim cepivom. Hkrati je razlika med rojenimi in
umrlimi vsako leto manjša, a se bo zaradi strukturnih vplivov rast svetovnega prebivalstva
nadaljevala še dolgo v prihodnost.
Za Slovenijo sta med najbolj perečimi tematikami staranje prebivalstva in skoraj pol stoletja
premajhna rodnost Slovenije, ki preti z dolgoročnimi uničujočimi posledicami. Demografske
odločitve bodo pomembno krojile kakovost življenja ljudi v prihodnjih desetletjih tako v
Sloveniji kot Evropi. Ekstrapolacija sedanje rodnosti pokaže uničujoče posledice že v nekaj
prihodnjih stoletjih celo za tako velika prebivalstva, kot je japonsko. Še veliko težje posledice
pa bi bile v Sloveniji in drugih majhnih evropskih prebivalstvih. Zato je za Slovenijo ključno,
da v prihodnjih desetletjih vodi politiko, ki bo dvignila rodnost na ravnovesno raven.
Podobno travmatične so napovedi glede okolja. Medtem ko zavedanje o pomenu okolja
narašča, mirno gradimo nova in nova veletrgovska središča na najboljši kmetijski zemlji, smo
prvi v Evropi po m2 veletrgovin na prebivalca v Evropi, po tem kriteriju in kilometrih
avtocest na prebivalca pa smo med prvimi na svetu. To je posledica kratkovidnosti, saj recimo
narašča spletno nakupovanje in vse veletrgovine enostavno ne bodo mogle obstati. V letih od
osamosvojitve smo izgubili 70.000 ha, tako da je ostalo še cca 180.000 ha obdelovalnih
(njivskih) zemljišč, v občinskih prostorskih načrtih je predvidenih za pozidavo še 57.000 ha.
Ni čudno, da imamo manj kot 50% samopreskrbo s hrano in podobno energetsko odvisnost.
Od leta 2000 smo izgubili 10 odstotkov obdelovalnih površin.
Slovenija je majhna država z malim vplivom na svet, a narava je naša prednost v Evropi in
mora biti prioriteta. Ima tudi gospodarski turistični pomen z delovnimi mesti za veliko
prebivalcev in generacij. Ena od prioritet so prosto tekoče reke in potoki, za nas in za
zanamce. Modrost je v izreku: ''Ne uničujmo narave, da bi reševali okolje. '' Poznan v tujini
kot ''Do Not Destroy the Nature to Save the Environment.''
Želimo podati usmeritev Slovenije v varno, prijazno, zdravo in kakovostno okolje za vse
državljane in državljanke Slovenije. Opozarjamo na prehitro uničevanje okolja, kmetijskih
površin, nepotrebno gradnjo novih in novih trgovskih centrov, avtocest in energijskih
objektov na najboljših zemljiških površinah, še posebej pa moti zaostalost v odnosu do okolja
in demografije, kar se vidi npr. v čedalje več reklamah ob avtocestah. Večinoma so
nezakonito postavljene na kmetijskih površinah, a ker je to v pristojnosti posameznih občin,
se reklame množijo še naprej. Za primerjavo – na Češkem so jih prepovedali pred kar nekaj
Je mogoče hkrati spodbujati tehnološki razvoj, uporabo obnovljivih virov in preprečevati
negativne vplive na okolje? Smo sposobni preusmeriti antropocentrični razvoj v
ekocentričnega, v trajnostnega? Potrebujemo strožji nadzor varstva na ožjih, širših in
vplivnih vodnih območjih za zaščito podtalnice in pitne vode, vključno z ekonomskimi in
lastniškimi načeli? Imajo mesta dovolj zelenih površin v mestih, ali bodo imela podjetja in
inštitucije vse pozidano, v asfaltu in betonu? Kdaj bomo sanirali degradirana območja, na primer Celjsko kotlino?
V letu 2020 smo pripravili Belo knjigo strokovnega varovanja okolja
in s tem postavili pomemben mejnik pri izboljševanju slovenskega okolja. Politično vodstvo
je sprejelo okoli 10 predlogov izmed zbranih 50, kar bi optimist ocenil kot dobro, pesimist pa
kot slabo. A najbrž je pot do trajnostnega razvoja še dolga, dolga!
Janez Malačič, Tomaž Ogrin in Matjaž Gams
Konferenca Ljudje / Conference People
Janez Malačič, predsednik
Matjaž Gams, organizator
Drago Čepar
Christian Gostečnik
Majda Černič Istenič
Boštjan Kerbler
Karin Kasesnik
Dušan Kidrič
Marko Krevs
Tomaž Merše
Mari Osredkar
Janja Pečar
Janja Povhe
Jože Ramovš
Jože Sambt
Milivoja Šircelj
Petronela Vertot
Božidar Voljč
Konferenca Okolje / Conference Environment
Tomaž Ogrin, predsednik
Dr.sc. Sami Behrami Msc. Fadil Bajraktari Kosovo Environment Protection Agency Kosovo Environment Protection Agency
Str. Luan Haradinaj (ex- media palace) Str. Luan Haradinaj (ex- media palace) 14th floor, 10000 Pristina 14th floor, 10000 Pristina Tel: +381 (0) 38 33 236, mob: +377 (0) 44 146 861 Tel: mob: +377 (0) 44 146 861
E-mail: samibehrami@gmail.com E-mail: fadilbajraktari@gmail.com
Demographic processes throughout the whole history of the
and comprehensive definition is the definition of the World
development of human society were an important factor of
Commission on Environment and Development which
development and survival whereas for many fields are also
defines the sustainable development as: "..... development
crucial. Demographic phenomena are one of the main
that meets the requirements of the current generation and at
challenges for sustainable development as they have an
the same time does not endanger the opportunities of future
impact on a wide range of issues including sustainable
generations to meet their own requirements” where special
importance is given to the third generation.
One of the most important elements of sustainable
development which is also expressed in the most important
document of the contemporary concept of sustainable
development which is Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21., are
demographic trends and factors, therefore, as such, they
should be incorporated in the general analyses by exploring
the interaction between demographic trends and sustainable
Demographic components are the basis for progress,
survival and development for all societies/humanity and
ignoring this basic truth sooner or later brings negative
results in other areas of life.
However, regardless of which socio-economic or
environmental sector is in question, the path to sustainable
development is the people so it is imperative that the
problems and demographic potential be taken into account
if we are to find answers to the demand for sustainability in
Figure 1 . Sustainable development scheme
economic, social, ecological, etc. development.
Thus for the sustainable development of countries, regions,
Sustainable development means qualitative growth and
municipalities, etc., it is necessary in the first place to ensure
socio-economic and cultural development which is in
demographic sustainability.
relation to the capacities of the living environment which
must be developed so that future generations are not
hampered (endangered) by the possibilities of existence.
sustainability, sustainable development, etc.
However, sustainable development can not be conceived
only as activity which is oriented towards environmental
protection and environmental problems (the first concepts
for sustainable development) but is a multidimensional
process of global character which includes social,
In the perspective of the development and progress of
economic, demographic, political issues, etc.
human society, the concept of sustainable development is
Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21 which have been transformed
given the main attention, transforming sustainability as the
into: "global partnership for sustainable development" and
most important part of development policies of all spheres
"work program for the 21st century", underline the weight of
of life whether those of global, regional or local levels.
demographic developments for sustainable development,
In the contemporary literature there are various definitions
therefore it is necessary: the incorporation of demographic
of sustainable development, however, the most widespread
factors and trends in the analysis of sustainable
However, the sustainable demographic development is also
often conceived in a very reduced way, only in population
Having regard to the role and importance of demographic
growth and the gender and age structure of the population.
processes for sustainable development and the fact that the
Based on this approach, different authors define sustainable
population is the biological structure of society and the
demographic development with the state of the population
economy of all geographical areas, it is necessary that for
which ensures at least simple reproduction of the population
the sustainable development of contries, regions or
or "optimal population growth" which corresponds to the
municipalities in the first place to ensure demographic
fertility level of 2.1 children per woman (reproduction with
sustainability thus transforming demographic sustainability
the same contingency as the previous generation). Other
as a subsystem into the sustainability system.
authors conceive of sustainable demographic development
Also the specialized research institutions of the United
as a ratio between active (productive) and inactive (non-
Nations (United Nations Institute for Social Development -
productive) population or even as a numerical balance in
UNRISD and the United Nations Development Program -
gender representation.
UNDP), demographic developments and their forecast rank
The most comprehensive and complete definition is the
(second) among the six main areas for completion of the
definition of the authors who emphasize that the definition
objectives of Agenda 2030. The most important
of sustainable demographic development should include the
demographic components for completing the Agenda 2030
socio-economic characteristics of the population (2).
are: population growth trends, population trends by age,
Based on this definition the SUSTENDEMO model consists
migration trends, urbanization trends and demographic
of two dimensions of equal importance which are the
quantitative and the qualitative dimensions.
The quantitative dimension consists of components of
natural growth and migration, overall population growth,
and population structure by age and gender.
The qualitative dimension consists of the socio-economic
characteristics of the population, including in the first place
At the center of sustainable development is undoubtedly the
the educational structure of the population, professional
human-the population expressed also in the most important
training and economic activity.
document of the contemporary concept of sustainable
development which is the Rio Declaration 1992,
respectively Agenda 21.
An important part (Chapter V) of Agenda 21 is devoted to
the role and importance of demographic dynamics and its
sustainability for sustainable development. For sustainable
development in the future it is necessary that: demographic
factors and trends be incorporated into the global analysis
of environment and development;
Having regard to the role and importance of demographic
movements for sustainable development and the fact that
population is the biological structure of society and the
economy of all geographical areas, demographic
Figure 3. Demographic sustainability subsystems (3)
sustainability should be considered as a subsystem in the
system of sustainability (2) - SUSTENDEMO.
For sustainable demographic development of a certain area
(corresponding to at least simple reproduction - stationary
type of population S.B) in quantitative and qualitative
terms, in order to endure economic and social
From the quantitative dimension a territory is considered
demographically stable when there is an optimal
correlation between: growth, size, migration and
population structure by age and gender, while in qualitative
terms a territory is considered demographically stable when
there is a balance in socio-economic structures of the
population (3).
Consequently, the United Nations forecasts of the end of the
last century for the trends of the global population at the
beginning of the 21st century have also been revised and
corrected in all scenarios, as Bricker and Ibbitson point out.
Figure 2 . Sustainable demographic development scheme -
"We are not facing the challenge of a population bomb, but
of reducing the human population." (4)
3.1 Are demographic changes the key to sustainable
People are the main concern of sustainable development
(Rio Declaration, 1992, Principle 1). In an effort to promote
sustainable development, demographic movements must
also be taken into account) - number, location, age structure,
other structures, especially education, living conditions,
ambitions and opportunities, etc. (IIASA and UNFPA,
The most comprehensive and complete definition is the
definition: sustainable demographic development should
also include the socio-economic characteristics of the
The World Bank defines sustainable development as:
development which involves the transfer of an equal reserve
Figure 4. Pyramid model of the population of stationary
or according to the greatest possibilities of human,
population type (6).
economic and social capital, to future generations(5).
Based on the above definitions, it can be concluded that for
A territory is considered demographically stable (in terms
sustainable development of countries or regions, sustainable
of population structure by age), when there is an optimal
demographic development is necessary, which at least
correlation in population structure by age and gender
requires that each country should achieve a stationary
(graph 5).
population model, which means that the next generation will
be the same as the existing one.
3.4 Demographic ageing
In order to achieve the necessary minimum and achieve
demographic development which will not be limiting
Agenda 2030 presents a universal action plan towards
factors for sustainable development and fulfillment of the
sustainable development in the protection and realization of
objectives of Agenda 2030, it is necessary to meet several
the rights of all people without ignoring anyone and any
objectives in demographic developments which are:
group of society, including all segments of society, all ages,
with a special focus on more vulnerable groups such as the
3.2 Total number of population
elderly people.
The fact that the 21st century will be a century of ageing, the
Total number of population - in order to achieve the
key to dealing with this process is the fact that the
stationary type of population where the next generation is
opportunities offered by these age groups will be used
the same as the existing one or the level of simple
(incomparable experience and skills, active participation of
population regeneration or the replacement of generations
older generations in the economy, labor market and society
means that at the individual level a woman in the period of
in general, etc.), to face the challenges posed by the process,
her fertility should be replaced by a female child - the net
to respond to the ageing of the population and to promote a
reproduction rate is equal to one, or the overall fertility rate
sustainable development of ageing.
is 2.1 children per woman (reproduction with the same
With the increase of the participation of the elderly in the
contingency as the previous generation).
general population of a country, the society should increase
the knowledge about the importance, needs, rights of the
3.3 Population structure by age
elderly, with the purpose of eliminating prejudices and
discrimination against the elderly.
It shows not only the past but also the present and the future
In this way the main goal of the Agenda 2030 will be
of demographic development and is the most important
fulfilled through comprehensiveness and not bypassing
demographic indicator which in addition to population
development also affects all other socio-economic spheres,
therefore the analysis of population structure by age is basic.
3.5 Population migrations
not only in demographic research but also for all other
socio-economic spheres turning the process into an
In the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development,
important factor for sustainable socio-economic and spatial
migrations attract special attention in fulfilling this agenda
development in general.
multidimensional and comprehensive commitment in
addressing the role and importance of migrations in order to
fulfil the objectives of Agenda 2030.
Population migrations present significant potential to lift
millions of people out of poverty by providing greater
employment and access to decent jobs thus affecting
[1] GLOBAL TRENDS, Challenges and Opportunities in
sustainable development.
the Implementation of the Sustainable Development
The close correlation that exists between development
Goals, © United Nations Development Programme and
migration (both in the country of origin and the country of
United Nations Research Institute for Social
destination) and the weight of migration to achieve the
Development, 2017.
SDOs make migrations an integral part of Agenda 2030 (7).
[2] Lutz W.et al (2002), Population and environment,
In reality, migration is important for 8 of the 17 SDOs that
Population Council, New York, fq 6.
show the role and importance of migration in fulfilment of
[3] Roca Z, Roca M.N.O. Roca Z, Roca M.N.O.
the objectives of Agenda 2030. The agenda, specifically in
Demographic sustainability and spatial development in
Objective 10.7, requires: facilitation of migration, safe,
Portugal. Acta geographica Bosniae et Herzegovinae,
orderly and accountable migration" implementation and
2014,2, p.25.fq.25.
good management of "migration policies"- sustainable
[4] Jadranka Polović: Demographic Challenges and the
migration model.
https://www.geopolitika.news/analize/dr-sc- jadranka-
3.6 Urbanization
covjecanstva /.
From the demographic point of view urbanism is
[5] World Bank, Albania: The road to sustainable
understood as the process of concentration of population in
cities (urban areas); from the urban point of view the issue
is about the concentration of functions in a settlement;
economists with urbanism imply the concentration of
[6] Behrami S. Bajraktari F, (2021) Demographic
productive power in industry and post-industrial activities,
Dimension of Agenda 2030, the case of Kosovo-
whereas from the sociological point of view urbanism is a
Perspectives and challenges. Institute for Development
process of the level of social development which is
Policy. Prishtin.
accompanied by changes in the way of life.
[7] Schraven, D. B., Keijzer, N., & Knoll, A. (2013). Post
The specialized organizations of the United Nations specify
2015: Making Migration Work for Sustainable
that the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and its
Development .( Proucavanje Migracije Stanovnistva u
17 objectives can only be successfully implemented and
Skladu sa Ciljevima Odrzivog Razvoja Ujedinjenih
achieved if countries begin a transition towards sustainable
urbanization. The necessity for sustainable urbanism
[8] Sustainable urbanization strategy UNDP ’s support to
derives from a demographic fact that until the end of the first
sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities in the
half of the 21st century , over 65% of the world population
developing world, UNDP, New York, 2016, fq 6..
will live in cities and towns.
Sustainable urban development is exclusively related to
Objective 11 of the Agenda 2030.
[9] Development, Co-operation Raport 2012. Lessons in
In fact, sustainable urban development is essential for 11 of
Linking Sustainability and Development. http://
the 17 objectives of Agenda 2030. (8)
3.7 Population projections
In the scope of the ways to promote sustainable development
[10] Population Dynamics in the Post-2015 Development
and fulfill the Agenda 2030, among the most important
Agenda: Report of the Global Thematic Consultation
elements, according to UNFPA experts, is the integration of
on Population Dynamics, UNFPA, UNDESA, UN-
population projections in development strategies and
policies (9), emphasizing once again the role, importance
and necessity of demographic developments for sustainable
demographic ageing - population ageing, migration and
urbanization represent the main opportunities and
challenges of countries towards the Objectives for
Sustainable Development and fulfillment of the Agenda
2030, with direct and indirect implications (10).
Za mlajše prebivalstvo v boljšem okolju
For younger population in better environment
Drago Čepar
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel.: 00 386 41 677 850
1.Neprijetna dejstva
Avtor s pomočjo statističnih podatkov o primanjkljaju rojstev in
starostni sestavi prebivalstva v Sloveniji prikaže grozljive
Število rojstev v Sloveniji je že dolgo bistveno premajhno za
razsežnosti primanjkljaja ljudi v delovni starosti v naslednjih
enostavno dolgoročno obnavljanje prebivalstva. Skupni
desetletjih. Državni razvojni dokumenti razsežnosti tega
primanjkljaj rojstev do števila, ki bi zagotavljalo dolgoročno
primanjkljaja podcenjujejo; ne uvrščajo ga med razvojno
obnavljanje, je od leta 1980 dalje že presegel 350 tisoč oseb in
pomembne makroekonomske spremenljivke in ne predlagajo
je vsako leto večji. Rastoči primanjkljaj ljudi v delovni starosti,
ukrepov družinske politike za povečanje rojstev, ki bi ga
kadrovska vrzel, ki izvira iz primanjkljaja rojstev in odseljevanja
dolgoročno zmanjšali.
državljanov RS, gospodarstvu že nekaj let povzroča velike
Vlada naj razkrije njegove razsežnosti za
naslednja desetletja, oceni gospodarske in družbene posledice,
predlaga ukrepe in oceni njihovo trajanje, stroške in doprinos. Ob
Grozljivo padanje števila ljudi v delovni starosti do leta 2045
prizadevanju za izboljšanje okolja je treba poskrbeti, da bo v tem
lahko prikažemo s pomočjo podatkov SURS za prebivalstvo 1.7.
boljšem okolju imel kdo živeti.
2020. Ker je povprečna starost iskalcev prve zaposlitve pri nas
višja od 25 let, in delamo okrog 40 let, smo za delovno starost
vzeli 40 let širok starostni interval od 25 do 64 let, čeprav
Using statistical data on birth deficit and population age structure
nekateri postavljajo spodnjo mejo na 20 ali celo na 15 let. Leta
in Slovenia, the author shows frightening dimensions of deficit
2020 jih je v starostni skupini 25 do 64 let bilo 1 156 498. Čez
of people in their working age in the following decades. The
25 let bodo v tej skupini tisti, ki so bili leta 2020 stari od 0 do 39
public development documents underestimate this deficit; they
let; bilo jih je 912 986. Od njih jih bo v teh 25 letih umrlo 28 272,
če bodo po starosti umirali
do not include it among important macroeconomic variables and
tako kot so po podatkih SURS leta
2019. Tako jih bo ob ničelnem priseljevanju in odseljevanju, dne
they do not try to diminish it on the long term by proposing
1. 7. 2045 v skupini 25 do 64 let 884 717, torej za 271 784 manj
family policy measures to increase the number of births.
kot 1. 7. 2020. Enako število ljudi v delovni starosti bi izgubili,
Government should unveil its dimensions for the next decades,
če bi pandemija COVID trajala do leta 2045 in bi zaradi nje
estimate its economic and social consequences, propose
dodatno umrlo vsak dan 30 ljudi iz te starostne skupine.
measures and estimate their duration, cost and benefit. While
Selitveni prirast je bil v 2020 najvišji po letu 2008: priselilo se je
striving for better climate, we have to make sure that somebody
18.365 prebivalcev več, kot se jih je odselilo.1
remains to live in the better climate.
2.Državni razvojni dokumenti ne predlagajo zdravil
Razvojni dokumenti - Strategija dolgožive družbe2 , Strategija Demografija, rodnost, obnavljanje prebivalstva, primanjkljaj
razvoja Slovenije 20303, Poročilo o razvoju 20194- temu ne
rojstev, selitveni prirast, delovna starost, vladni ukrepi, okolje,
posvečajo dovolj pozornosti. Prebivalstveni primanjkljaj
kadrovska vrzel.
omenjajo olepševalno, kot oviro za hitrejši razvoj, ne pa kot
hudo grožnjo sedanji ravni blaginje. V Poročilu o razvoju 2019
Demography, fertility, population regeneration , births deficit,
ki predstavlja spremljanje uresničevanja Strategije razvoja
migration surplus, working age, governmental measures,
Slovenije 2030, UMAR leta 2019 predstavi 70 kazalnikov
environment, human, resources gap.
uspešnosti, vendar se niti eden ne nanaša na število ljudi v
delovni starosti, ali na rodnost. Zapiše, da »tudi ob pozitivnih
∗Article Title Footnote needs to be captured as Title Note
neto migracijah… okoli štiri tisoč oseb na leto bo po
Author Footnote to be captured as Author Note
https://www.stat.si/StatWeb/News/Index/9650, 19.9. 2021
4 UMAR, april 2019,
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
F. Surname et al.
projekcijah do leta 2030 prišlo do zmanjševanja aktivnega
usposobljenosti in učinkovitosti upravljanja in njunih skupno 22
prebivalstva v povprečju za 10 tisoč oseb na leto.«, vendar ob
kazalnikih ne omenja kadrovske vrzeli. Med vsemi 70 kazalniki
tem ne vključi sirene. Odsoten je pogled za več kot 10 let
nobeden ne naslavlja primanjkljaja ljudi.
naprej. Bralec ne dobi občutka za ogromnost prebivalstvenega
primanjkljaja niti zavesti o nujnosti ukrepanja.
V Pomladanski napovedi gospodarskih gibanj 2021 7, UMAR
zapiše, da bo predvidena gospodarska rast tudi posledica
»nadaljnje ugodne dinamike pritoka tuje delovne sile, ki je tudi v
Poročilo o razvoju 20205 pogosteje in z večjim poudarkom
preteklem zaostrenem letu ostal na visoki ravni, in nadaljnjega
omenja demografske spremembe in pomanjkanje ustrezne
zviševanja stopnje aktivnosti. To bo tudi vidno blažilo postopno
delovne sile. Na strani 9 UMAR zapiše: » Vse to zahteva zelo
upadanje števila prebivalcev v starosti 20–
hitro in še precej korenitejše ukrepanje za
64 let, ki zadnjih deset
zagotavljanje ustrezno
usposobljenih človeških virov oziroma znanj in spretnosti.
let negativno vpliva na obseg razpoložljive delovne sile.«
» in
opredeli nekaj prednostnih nalog za zmanjševanje tega
pomanjkanja. Med njimi ni ukrepov za povečanje rodnosti. Slika
Načrt za okrevanje in odpornost (NOO) je Vlada sprejela 28.
28 na strani 53 pozornemu bralcu pove, da samo petina odstotka
aprila 20218 . Sloveniji prinaša 1,8 milijarde evrov nepovratnih
prebivalcev EU živi v državah, ki imajo neugodnejše Projekcije
sredstev. Države morajo vsaj 37 odstotkov sredstev nameniti
javnih izdatkov, povezanih s staranjem, 2016–2070. S Sliko 31
stebru Zeleni prehod, vsaj 20 odstotkov pa stebru Digitalne
na strani 56 pove o zmanjševanju števila ljudi v delovni starosti,
spremembe. Slovenija je prvemu namenila 42, drugemu pa 21
kar je povedal že leto dni prej, namreč, da jih bo do leta 2030
odstotkov vseh sredstev. V poglavju Politike za naslednjo
vsako leto za 14 do 15 tisoč manj; graf zelo nazorno prikaže
generacijo(str.17) , kjer bi pričakovali ukrepe za povečanje
večanje primanjkljaja. Škoda, da slike ne podaljša preko leta
števila rojstev in s tem števila mladih, je za mlade od vrtca do
univerze predvidenih mnogo koristnih ukrepov, vendar ni
ukrepa, ki bi zagotavljal ali prispeval k temu da mladi bodo in da
Poročilo o razvoju 2021 6 v glavnih ugotovitvah sicer omenja
jih bo več kot sedaj. V poglavju o Stanovanjski politiki (str. 454),
»povečanje javnih izdatkov, povezanih s staranjem
pri izzivih sicer zapiše, da »se mladi zaradi oteženega dostopa do
prebivalstva«, ne omenja pa vpliva epidemije na družine z otroki
stanovanj kasneje osamosvajajo in odločajo za oblikovanje
in na odločanje mladih za otroke. Med Priporočili razvojni
družine, kar se odraža na demografskih trendih«(str.455). Med
politiki navede pospešitev rasti produktivnost, vključujoči
ciljnimi skupinami stanovanjske politike, ki gotovo lahko
družbeni razvoj in medgeneracijsko solidarnost (med drugim z
bistveno prispeva k odločanju mladih za otroke, navaja tudi
zagotavljanjem zadostnega obsega delovne sile tudi z aktivnim
družine z več otroki (str. 462); vendar med cilji ukrepov ne
vključevanjem priseljencev v socialno in družbeno življenje),
navede večjega odločanja za otroke(str.457). Povišanje rodnosti
pospešeni prehod v nizkoogljično krožno gospodarstvo ter
ni omenjeno. Treba bi bilo omeniti vpliv pandemije na
krepitev razvojne vloge države in njenih institucij, ne omeni pa
zniževanje rojstev in na položaj družin v rodni dobi ter določiti
premajhnega števila rojstev, oziroma potrebe po povečanju. V
razumen del sredstev EU za odpravo posledic in za zvišanje
poglavju Visoko produktivno gospodarstvo, ki ustvarja dodano
rodnosti. Pohvaliti je treba poskus projekcije vpliva NOO na
vrednost za vse ugotovi, da »se obseg ponudbe delovno
ključne makroekonomske spremenljivke do leta 2040 na strani
sposobnega prebivalstva zmanjšuje«, in to pomeni težavo pri
502 in 505, žal pa med njimi ni tistih, ki odražajo primanjkljaj
»zapiranju razvojne vrzeli«, vendar zdravilo išče samo v
povečanju produktivnosti, potrebe po povečanju rodnosti pa ne
omeni. Med 19 kazalniki nobeden ne prikazuje primanjkljaja
3. Zakaj ne ukrepamo?
rojstev ali kadrov. V poglavju Vključujoča, zdrava, varna in
odgovorna družba omenja ranljive skupine, vendar med njimi na
Pred Slovenijo sta dve nujni nalogi. Prva je, zagotoviti dovolj
nademo družin z otroki. Omeni in oceni povečanje izdatkov
ljudi v delovni starosti za gospodarsko in narodno preživetje v
povezanih s staranjem z 20,7 % BDP v letu 2019 na 29,8 % v
naslednjih 25 letih. Iz razvojnih dokumentov je videti, da se te
letu 2070, oceni povečanje izdatkov za pokojnine in zapiše, da se
naloge vedno bolj zavedamo, in tudi razmišljamo, kako jo
bo leta 2050 število upokojencev izenačilo s številom zaposlenih,
reševati, ne najdemo pa ničesar o drugi dolgoročno ključni
vendar ne omeni možnosti, da bi vplivali na demografske
nalogi, to je predlogov za povečanje rodnosti.
spremembe. Od 21 kazalnikov, nobeden ni povezan s
pomanjkanjem ljudi.
Če je kaj vsakomur jasno, je jasno to, da če imamo danes premalo
V poglavju Učenje za in skozi vse življenje prikaže Sliko 26, ki
ljudi v delovni starosti, je to zato, ker se nam jih je pred desetletji
kaže, da je že konec leta 2018 kadrov primanjkovalo polovici
premalo rodilo. Zakaj ne zgrabimo bika za roge in odpravimo
vseh podjetij, med njimi 70 odstotkom velikih podjetij. Med 8
problema pri korenini? Kako, da v razvojnih dokumentih ne
kazalniki nobeden ne obravnava pomanjkanja ljudi.V poglavjih
najdemo prizadevanj za povečanje rojstev?
Ohranjeno zdravo naravno okolje in Visoka stopnja sodelovanja,
5 UMAR, junij 2020,
7 UMAR, Ljubljana, marec 2021
6( UMAR, junij 2021,
8 (https://www.eu-skladi.si/sl/dokumenti/rrf/01_si-rrp_23-7-
Insert Your Title Here
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Poročilo o spletnem dogodku Ekonomija pod žarometi9 navaja
delovni starosti ogroža ne le gospodarski razvoj in gospodarsko
ekonomista in bivšega finančnega ministra dr. Dušana
rast, ampak tudi sedanjo raven blaginje. Nemudoma je treba
Mramorja: » Vse meni znane napovedi ekonomskih gibanj za
prepoznati demografski primanjkljaj kot hudo grožnjo in v
prihodnjih približno 30 let vodijo do naslednjega sklepa.
povezavi s tem potrebo po takojšnjem ukrepanju s pogledom 30
Materialna blaginja srednjega in visoko razvitega sveta, tudi
in več let naprej. Titanic ni šel pod vodo, ker bi spregledali
Slovenije, je izjemno ogrožena. Pričakujemo lahko nižji
ledeno goro, ampak ker so jo ugledali prepozno in prepozno
življenjski standard, torej zmanjšanje dobrin, ki bodo na
zasukali krmilo.
razpolago posameznemu prebivalcu. Ključni problem, zaradi
katerega so napovedi tako črnoglede, so na eni strani vedno bolj
Pristojne ustanove naj priskrbijo podatke; vsi imamo pravico do
katastrofalne spremembe v okolju in na drugi strani staranje
njih. Tako kot pri osvetljevanju okoljske problematike, naj tudi
na področju starostne zgradbe ovrednotijo in prikažejo posledice
nesprejemanja ukrepov za povečevanje števila mladih. Če je
Naslov letošnje konference Ljudje in okolje torej zadene žebljico
Nemčija lahko ocenila svoj primanjkljaj delavcev, ga lahko zase
na glavico. Nočemo prezreti pomena COVIDA, vendar je ta, kar
tudi Slovenija. Če lahko predvidimo in ocenimo zaloge lesa in
se tiče preventivnih ukrepov na boljšem. Ko posledice virusa
pitne vode, samooskrbo z mlekom, mesom, elektriko,
vidim danes in tukaj na svojih najbližjih, meni pa grozijo že jutri,
premogom …, naj vlada s strokovnimi uradi in službami oceni in
se mi ni težko odločiti za najbolj zdravilen ukrep, čeprav ni
objavi zaloge in samooskrbo z delovnimi rokami in bistrimi
najbolj prijeten. Posledice današnje nizke rodnosti pa bomo čutili
glavami za nekaj desetletij naprej. Ukrepati je treba ne le v
šele čez 25 let. In kakšne bodo? Znanost že desetletja ponazarja,
Sloveniji, ampak tudi na mednarodni ravni: z dejavnim
slika in preračunava dolgoročne posledice podnebnih
sodelovanjem pri oblikovanju ukrepov EU, ki bodo pripomogli,
sprememb. Po desetletjih risanja in ponavljanja teh posledic v
da ne bomo del področij EU, kjer »nikogar več ni«; v drugih
medijih, šoli, politiki in drugod je vladam mogoče sprejeti
mednarodnih organizacijah in v dvostranskih odnosih s
ukrepe, ki za okolje namenjajo ogromne vsote. Pri nizki rodnosti
posameznimi državami. Pandemija dodatno ogroža življenja in
je drugače. Kratkoročno je blagodejna, težave in slabe posledice
povečuje potrebo po prizadevanju za razvoj in obstoj. Zato je
nastopijo čez desetletja. Nihče pa nam nazorno ne prikaže teh
poglobljena vsebinska javna razprava na osnovi dejstev in
posledic za pokojnine in proračun, za zdravstvo, šolstvo, znanost,
podatkov – tudi tistih, ki jih prinaša virus – v času virusa še
kulturo, kakovost življenja.
nujnejša kot prej. Na osnovi razprave pa so potrebni odločni
Pri virusu in pri podnebju vsi vemo, da bomo skupaj zmagali ali
skupaj poraženi, kajti ne virus ne podnebje ne spoštujeta
Z ukrepi družinske politike in drugimi spodbudami je treba pri
državnih meja. Ker pa vsaka država skrbi za svoje upokojence,
mladih spodbuditi odločanje za življenje in povečati število
za bolnike …, medtem ko mladi in zdravi lahko vanje vložena
rojstev, da ne bomo čez 25 let spet v istem položaju kot danes,
državna sredstva podarijo komurkoli, so finančne in druge
to je z ogromnim primanjkljajem ljudi, sposobnih in voljnih
posledice nizke rodnosti zaprte v meje posameznih držav. Vsaka
delati, za naslednjih 25 let. Evropske države z načrtno
sama sprejema odločitve in nosi odgovornost zanje.
družinsko politiko imajo zdaj skoraj dovolj rojstev za
dolgoročno obnavljanje prebivalstva. Desetletja so se zavedale,
Matjaž Gams je leta 2018 kot enega od vzrokov za neukrepanje
zdaj pa se je jasno pokazalo in potrdilo, da družinska politika
na ravni EU zapisal tudi dejstvo, da so voditelji 8 ključnih
spodbujanja odločanja za življenje ni le socialna politika
evropskih inštitucij takrat imeli skupno 2 otroka, leta 1951 pa so
pomoči potrebnim, ampak najbolj donosno vlaganje v
imeli ti voditelji 32 otrok.10 Ni pričakovati, da nas bo EU ljubeče
gospodarsko uspešnost in vsakršni razvoj. Prizadevanje za
opominjala, naj zvišamo rodnost, vendar je prav, da si kot njena
večjo rodnost je povezano in utemeljeno tudi z dejstvom, da
enakopravna članica z vplivom na oblikovanje njenih odločitev
smo si Slovenci v zadnjih stoletjih prizadevali za lastno državo
in razporejanje sredstev, za primerne politike prizadevamo tudi
tudi zato, da bi si z njo zagotovili dolgoročni razvoj in obstoj.
v okviru povezave.
Vzporedimo strah pred taljenjem arktičnega ledu s strahom pred
revščino in izumrtjem in v skladu s tem določimo razmerje med
Evropska ljudska stranka je na kongresu leta 2019 na predlog
sredstvi za okolje in sredstvi za nova življenja. Poskrbeti
HDZ sprejela resolucijo Demografski izziv na podeželskih
moramo. da bo v boljšem okolju imel kdo živeti.
območjih EU: nikogar več ni! (leaving nobody behind). V njej
opozarja na področja, ki se soočajo s krčenjem prebivalstva,
Preveč je pričakovati, da bo sedanja vlada ob boju z virusi in
izgubo mladih, slabšanjem življenjskih pogojev, in zapiše:
opozicijo ter predsedovanju EU v tem mandatu zmogla dosti
» Zaradi alarmantnih posledic demografskega razvoja
popraviti za nazaj in narediti velik korak naprej na tem področju.
zahtevamo nujno ukrepanje.« D ržave z boljšo starostno sestavo
Na naslednjih volitvah je treba dati možnost vladanja tistim
od Slovenije se zavedajo, da je skrajni čas za znak za preplah, in
strankam, ki bodo v svojih programih pokazale dolgoročen
zahtevajo ukrepe EU.
pogled, voljo do dejavne vloge v prebivalstvenem razvoju in
odločanju o lastni usodi ter zavedanje, da pri tako velikem
4. Sklep.
primanjkljaju ne gre le za razvoj, temveč za obstoj.
Velik primanjkljaj rojstev v preteklih štirih desetletjih že sam po
sebi ogroža obstoj Slovenije in slovenstva. Primanjkljaj ljudi v
Dr. Drago Čepar
9 Okoljski izzivi in staranje so ključni problem, Gospodarska
multikonference–IS 2018, Uredili Thomas Bartz-Beielstein in
redakcija, Delo 23. 4. 2021
drugi, IJS, Ljubljana, 2018, str.291,
10 Matjaž Gams, Demografski trendi v svetu in Sloveniji,
Kako preprečiti izumiranje slovenskega naroda?,
/IS2018_Zbornik_Komplet.pdf, 3.3.2019.
INFORMACIJSKA DRUŽBA, Zbornik 21. mednarodne
Plačna vrzel po starosti in spolu pri inovativni in
neinovativni vrsti dela
The age and gender wage gap in innovative and non-innovative type of work
Daša Farčnik
Tanja Istenič
Jože Sambt
Tjaša Redek
Ekonomska fakulteta
Ekonomska fakulteta
Ekonomska fakulteta
Ekonomska fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Zmanjšana produktivnost zaposlenih pa je v nasprotju s po
večini empirično ugotovljenimi višjimi plačami v starosti [2].
V prispevku ugotavljamo velikost plačne vrzeli po starosti in po
Ena najbolj znanih teorij, ki pojasnjuje razlike v starostni
spolu pri inovativni in neinovativni vrsti dela, pri čemer
porazdelitvi plač in produktivnosti je Lazear-jeva »alternativna
inovativno delo opredelimo s tremi vrstami neotipljivega
teorija«, ki zagovarja, da so mlajši posamezniki plačani pod
kapitala. Na podlagi Statističnega registra delovno aktivnega
svojo mejno produktivnostjo, medtem ko so starejši posamezniki
prebivalstva in dohodki iz dela za obdobje od leta 2009 do leta
plačani nad svojo mejno produktivnostjo [4]. Razlog za to so med
2017, ugotavljamo, da je plačna vrzel po starosti in spolu odvisna
drugim tudi plače, vezane na senioriteto [5]. Potrebno pa se je
od vrste dela in od vrste neotipljivega kapitala.
zavedati, da se bo produktivnost starejših delavcev v prihodnosti
verjetno zviševala, saj se bodo izboljševale njihove kognitivne
sposobnosti in njihovo zdravje. Prav tako razvoj zmanjšuje
Neotipljivi kapital, plačna vrzel med starostnimi skupinami,
potrebo po fizični moči delavcev [1].
plačna vrzel med spoloma
Na drugi strani, v skladu z modeli človeškega kapitala,
ženske zaradi svoje tradicionalne vloge v družini manj
kontinuirano sodelujejo na trgu dela, kar povzroča njihovo nižjo
In this paper, we identify the size of the wage gap by age and by
produktivnost in s tem tudi nižje plače v primerjavi z moškimi
gender for innovative and non-innovative types of work, where
[6] [7] [8]. Poleg tega ženske običajno izbirajo manj tvegane in s
innovative work is defined in terms of three types of intangible
capital. Based on the Statistical Register of the Working
tem slabše plačane poklice [7] [9], na trgu dela pa se soočajo tudi
z diskriminacijo [10]. Vendar pa se razlika v plačah med spoloma
Population and Labour Income for the period 2009 to 2017, we
skozi čas zmanjšuje [7], predvsem zaradi manj pogoste
find that the age and gender wage gap depends mainly on the
diskriminacije na delovnem mestu [11]. Poleg tega si moški in
types of intangible capital.
ženske skozi čas izbirajo vedno bolj podobna področja študija in
podobne poklice [12], kar dodatno znižuje plačno vrzel med
Intangible capital, age wage gap, gender wage gap
V tem članku analiziramo razlike v plačah po starosti in med
spoloma, in sicer ločeno za inovativne in neinovativne oz.
tradicionalne oblike dela. Konkretno nas zanima, kakšna je
povprečna plača posameznega tipa delavca in na drugi strani, pri
Produktivnost posameznika se skozi življenje spreminja iz več
katerih starostnih skupinah ter oblikah dela obstaja statistično
razlogov, npr. zaradi pridobljenih delovnih izkušenj, njegovih
značilna razlika med plačami moških in žensk.
kognitivnih in fizičnih sposobnosti, motivacije, usklajenosti med
delavcem in delavno nalogo [1]. Številne empirične študije
kažejo upad delovne uspešnosti posameznikov v starejših letih.
Upad je še posebej očiten pri posameznikih, starejših od 50 let
V raziskavi se osredotočamo na razlike v plači med različnimi
[2] ter pri delovnih nalogah, ki zahtevajo reševanje problemov,
skupinami zaposlenih. Zaposleni so razdeljeni v skupine na
dodatno učenje in hitrost. Nasprotno je upad produktivnosti pri
podlagi treh različnih spremenljivk: starosti (do 30 let, med 30 in
višji starosti manjši, ali pa ga sploh ni zaznati, pri tistih delovnih
49 let, od 50 let dalje), spola (moški, ženske) in vrste
nalogah, ki so povezane z izkušnjami in verbalnimi
neotipljivega kapitala.
sposobnostmi [1]. Ob tem pa je potrebno dodati, da lahko
Pri določanju vrste neotipljivega kapitala izhajamo iz
pridobljene izkušnje iz preteklosti tudi zmanjšujejo
definicije, ki se uporablja v projektu Globalinto [13] in določa tri
produktivnost starejših, še posebej v današnji informacijski dobi,
vrste neotipljivega kapitala: (i) organizacijski, (ii) raziskovalno-
kjer znanje in izkušnje delavcev postanejo zastarele [3].
razvojni in (iii) informacijski neotipljivi kapital. Vrsta
neotipljivega kapitala se določi glede na poklic zaposlenega ter
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Farčnik, Istenič, Sambt, Redek
njegovo stopnjo in vrsto izobrazbe. Zaposleni, ki imajo terciarno
(neotipljivega kapitala). V povprečju velja, da so starejši delavci,
izobrazbo družbenih ved, novinarstva in informacijskih znanosti
ne glede na vrsto neotipljivega kapitala in spol, prejeli višje plače.
ali poslovnih in upravnih ved ter prava in opravljajo poklice kot
Največje relativne razlike med starostnimi razredi so med
zaposlenimi starimi do 30 let in tistimi, ki so stari med 30 in 49
let. Na primer, moški v skupini organizacijskega kot tudi
strokovnjaki/strokovnjakinje za finančno poslovanje, upravljanje
raziskovalno-razvojnega neotipljivega kapitala, ki so stari do 30
procesov dela in ljudi, prodajo, trženje in odnose z javnostmi,
let, so v povprečju prejeli 49 odstotkov nižjo plačo kot tisti, stari
pravni strokovnjaki/pravne strokovnjakinje so tisti zaposleni, ki
med 30 in 49 let. Podobno visoke so tudi relativne razlike za obe
sodijo v skupino zaposlenih z organizacijskim neotipljivim
omenjeni skupini neotipljivega kapitala med ženskami v prvi in
kapitalom [13] [14] [15]. V skupino zaposlenih z raziskovalno-
drugi starostni skupini. Tako so ženske v skupini
razvojnim neotipljivim kapitalom sodijo posamezniki s terciarno
organizacijskega neotipljivega kapitala, ki so stare do 30 let, v
izobrazbo naravoslovja, matematike in statistike in opravljajo
povprečju prejele 45 odstotkov nižjo plačo od žensk v starostni
poklice kot na primer strokovnjaki/strokovnjakinje fizikalnih in
skupini med 30 in 49 let, v skupini raziskovalno-razvojnega
zemeljskih ved, tehnično-tehnoloških strok ali elektrotehnike,
neotipljivega kapitala pa 42 odstotkov nižjo plačo.
Razlike med drugim in tretjim starostnim razredom, torej
tehnično-tehnoloških strok. V skupino zaposlenih z
med posamezniki, starimi od 30 do 49 let, in posamezniki,
informacijskim neotipljivim kapitalom pa so uvrščeni zaposleni
starimi 50 let in več, so razlike še vedno statistično značilne,
s terciarno izobrazbo informacijske in komunikacijske
vendar manjše, kar velja predvsem za moške. Tako so moški,
tehnologije in upravljajo poklice kot na primer razvijalci in
stari med 30 in 49 let v povprečju prejeli med 10 in 19 odstotkov
analitiki/razvijalke in analitičarke programske opreme in
nižje plače, odvisno od vrste neotipljivega kapitala, kot moški,
aplikacij, strokovnjaki/strokovnjakinje za podatkovne zbirke in
stari 50 let in več. Večje razlike so pri ženskah, predvsem v
računalniška omrežja, tehniki/tehnice za telekomunikacije in
skupini raziskovalno-razvojnega neotipljivega kapitala, kjer so
oddajanje. Posamezniki, ki niso razvrščeni v nobeno izmed treh
ženske v starostni skupini od 30 do 49 let v povprečju prejele 34
skupin neotipljivega kapitala, so zaposlenih, ki jih v nadaljevanju
odstotkov nižjo plačo od žensk starih 50 let in več, ter v skupini
označujemo z »brez neotipljivega kapitala« in predstavljajo
informacijskega neotipljivega kapitala, kjer so ženske stare od 30
neinovativno vrsto dela.
do 49 let prejele 33,6 odstotkov nižjo plačo od žensk starih 50 let
Na podlagi starostnih skupin (3 skupine), spola (2 skupini) in
in več.
vrste neotipljivega kapitala (4 skupine), so zaposleni razvrščeni
v eno izmed 24 skupin. Za vsako izmed skupin je najprej
Tabela 1: Razlike v letni bruto plači med starostnimi
izračunana povprečna plača, nato pa so razlike v povprečni plači
primerjane s t-testom. Skupine, njihove povprečne plače in
razlike v plači po starostnih razredih so prikazane v Tabeli 1,
Rel. razlika
skupine, njihove povprečne plače in razlike v plači med spoloma
<30 let
30-49 let
pa so prikazane v Tabeli 2.
Brez n.k.
Za izračun povprečnih plač posamezne skupine smo
uporabili podatke Statističnega registra delovno aktivnega
Org. k.
prebivalstva (SRDAP) za obdobje od leta 2009 do leta 2017 ter
R&R k.
podatke o dohodkih iz dela (dohodninski podatki) za enako
Inf. k.
obdobje [16]. Dohodki iz dela so navedeni kot bruto vrednosti,
Rel. razlika
popravljene za rast cen življenjskih potrebščin v času, in jih v
30-49 let
50+ let
nadaljevanju imenujemo povprečna plača. Celotno število
opazovanj znaša 7.085.588 zaposlenih. Približno tretjina
Brez n.k.
(32,25 %) vseh opazovanj so moški stari od 30 do 49 let, sledijo
Org. k.
ženske iste starostne skupine (28,91 %). Moški, stari 50 let in več,
R&R k.
predstavljajo 13,47 odstotka celotnega vzorca, ženske v isti
Inf. k.
starostni skupini pa 10,63 odstotka. Najmlajša starostna skupina
predstavlja najmanjši delež v celotnem vzorcu, kjer moški, stari
Rel. razlika
do 30 let, predstavljajo 8,83 odstotka celotnega vzorca, ženske
<30 let
30-49 let
pa 5,91 odstotka.
Brez n.k.
Večina opazovanih posameznikov je takšnih, ki niso
Org. k.
uvrščeni v nobeno izmed skupin neotipljivega kapitala, saj je le
R&R k.
3,3 odstotka celotnega vzorca opredeljenih kot takih. 2,8
odstotka zaposlenih je uvrščenih v skupino organizacijskega
Inf. k.
kapitala, sledi skupina raziskovalno-razvojnega kapitala (0,3 %
Rel. razlika
vzorca) in informacijskega kapitala (0,2 %).
30-49 let
50+ let
Brez n.k.
Org. k.
R&R k.
V Tabeli 1 so najprej predstavljene razlike v plači med
starostnimi razredi in po spolu ter vrstah inovativnega dela
Inf. k.
Plačna vrzel po starosti in spolu pri inovativni in neinovativni
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
vrsti dela
Opombe: Brez n.k. – skupina zaposlenih, ki ni uvrščena v nobeno
izmed skupin neotipljivega kapitala; Org. k. – organizacijski
V prispevku ugotavljamo velikost plačne vrzeli med spoloma in
neotipljivi kapital; R&R k. – raziskovalno-razvojni neotipljivi
po starosti pri inovativni in neinovativni obliki dela, pri čemer
kapital; Inf. k. – informacijski neotipljivi kapital. * značilno pri
inovativno delo opredelimo s tremi vrstami neotipljivega
10 %, ** značilno pri 5 %, *** značilno pri 1 %.
kapitala. Na podlagi Statističnega registra delovno aktivnega
prebivalstva in dohodki iz dela za obdobje od leta 2009 do leta
V Tabeli 2 so predstavljene razlike v letni bruto plači med
2017, ugotavljamo, da je plačna vrzel predvsem odvisna od vrst
spoloma, in sicer za 24 skupin zaposlenih, ki so v tabeli prikazane
neotipljivega kapitala.
v treh delih glede na starostne skupine in ločeno po spolu. V
Ugotavljamo, da v povprečju starejši delavci, ne glede na
najmlajši starostni skupni, torej med zaposlenimi, starimi manj
vrsto neotipljivega kapitala in spol, prejemajo višje plače.
kot 30 let, so v povprečju moški prejeli višje dohodke iz dela. V
Največje relativne razlike se kažejo med starostnima skupinama
skupini zaposlenih, ki opravljajo ne inovativno delo, so moški,
pod 30 let in 30-49 let. Na primer, moški, stari pod 30 let, ki
stari manj kot 30 let v povprečju prejeli 15 odstotkov višjo plačo
opravljajo delo v skupini organizacijskega ali pa raziskovalno-
kot ženske; v skupini organizacijskega neotipljivega kapitala pa
razvojnega neotipljivega kapitala so v povprečju prejeli 49
je relativna razlika v povprečnem dohodku iz dela najvišja in
odstotkov nižjo plačo kot tisti, stari med 30 in 49 let. Podobno
znaša 17 odstotkov. V skupini informacijskega neotipljivega
velja tudi za ženske.
kapitala je bila razlika 10 odstotna. Razlika v plači med moškimi
V prispevku ugotavljamo tudi, da moški v povprečju
in ženskami, starimi manj kot 30 let v skupini raziskovalno-
zaslužijo več kot ženske, vendar je razlika odvisna od starosti in
razvojnega neotipljivega kapitala, ni statistično značilna.
vrste dela, ki jo posamezniki opravljajo. Rezultati kažejo, da je
Največja relativna razlika v plači med moškimi in ženskami je v
največja relativna razlika v plači med moškimi in ženskami v
skupni organizacijskega neotipljivega kapitala, za stare med 30
skupni organizacijskega neotipljivega kapitala, in sicer za stare
in 49 let, in znaša 24 odstotkov. Na drugi strani pa so ženske,
med 30 in 49 let, ki znaša 24 odstotkov. Na drugi strani pa so
stare 50 let in več, v skupini razvojno-raziskovalnega
ženske, stare 50 let in več v skupini razvojno-raziskovalnega
neotipljivega kapitala v povprečju prejele 3 odstotka višjo plačo
neotipljivega kapitala v povprečju prejele 3 odstotka višjo plačo
od moških. To je tudi edina statistično značilna razlika v plači
kot moški. To je tudi edina statistično značilna razlika v plači
med moškimi in ženskami, ki je v prid žensk.
med moškimi in ženskami, ki je v prid žensk.
V prihodnjih raziskavah bi bilo med drugim zanimivo
Tabela 2: Razlike v letni bruto plači med spoloma
pogledati še razlike v panogah, predvsem za razlike med javnim
in zasebnim sektorjem ter proizvodnjo in storitvami.
<30 let
<30 let
Brez n.k.
Org. k.
R&R k.
Raziskava je del GLOBALINTO projekta.
GLOBALINTO projekt je financiran s strani programa Evropske
Inf. k.
unije Horizon 2020, Mehanizem za promocijo pametne,
trajnostne in vključujoče rasti, št. projekta 822259.
30-49 let
30-49 let
REFERENCES- niso še dodane
Brez n.k.
Skirbekk, V. (2008). Age and productivity capacity: descriptions, causes
Org. k.
and policy options. Ageing horizons, 8, 4-12.
Skirbekk, V. (2004). Age and individual productivity: A literature survey.
R&R k.
Vienna yearbook of population research, 133-153.
Hu, Y. (2016). Implications of population ageing for the Chinese
Inf. k.
productivity. Economic and Political Studies, 4(4), 454-467.
Lazear, E. P. (1979). Why is there mandatory retirement? Journal of
Rel. razlika
political economy, 87(6), 1261-1284.
50+ let
50+ let
Ilmakunnas, P., & Maliranta, M. (2005). Technology, labour
characteristics and wage‐productivity gaps. Oxford Bulletin of Economics
Brez n.k.
and Statistics, 67(5), 623-645.
Org. k.
Becker, G. S. (1985). Human capital, effort, and the sexual division of
labor. Journal of Labor Economics, 3(1), 33-58.
R&R k.
Blau, F. D., & Kahn, L. M. (2007). The Gender Pay Gap: Have Women
Gone as Far as They Can? The Academy of Management Perspectives,
Inf. k.
21(1), 7-23.
Opombe: Brez n.k. – skupina zaposlenih, ki ni uvrščena v nobeno
Mincer, J., & Polachek, S. (1974). Family investments in human capital:
Earnings of women. Journal of political Economy, 82(2), 76-108.
izmed skupin neotipljivega kapitala; Org. k. – organizacijski
OECD. (2012). Closing the Gender Gap: Act Now, OECD Publishing.
neotipljivi kapital; R&R k. – raziskovalno-razvojni neotipljivi
Castilla, E. J. (2008). Gender, Race, and Meritocracy in Organizational
Careers. American Journal of Sociology, 113(6), 1479-1526.
kapital; Inf. k. – informacijski neotipljivi kapital. * značilno pri
Mandel, H., & Semyonov, M. (2014). Gender Pay Gap and Employment
10 %, ** značilno pri 5 %, *** značilno pri 1 %.
Sector: Sources of Earnings Disparities in the United States, 1970-2010.
Demography, 51(5), 1597-1618.
England, P. (2010). The gender revolution uneven and stalled. Gender &
Society, 24(2), 149-166.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Farčnik, Istenič, Sambt, Redek
Globalinto (2021). https://globalinto.eu/
Farčnik, D., Gorišek, A., & Redek, T. (2021). Micro-level intangibles
Piekkola, H., Redek, T., & Farčnik, D. (2020). Intangible assets in the
measure: the case of public sector & application to Slovenia.
public sector: an extended definition and methodological guide.
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (2020): Zaščiteni mikro podatki
SRDAP, dohodninski podatki.
Vpliv pandemije covid-19 na razlike med spoloma v
plačanem in neplačanem delu
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender differences in paid and unpaid work
Tanja Istenič†
Jože Sambt
Daša Farčnik
Ekonomska fakulteta
Ekonomska fakulteta
Ekonomska fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Članek analizira razlike med spoloma v času, porabljenem za
Od konca leta 2019 se ljudje po vsem svetu soočajo z obsežno
plačano in neplačano delo pred in med pandemijo covid-19 v
katastrofo, ki jo povzroča akutna okužba dihal covid-19 [3].
Sloveniji. Na podlagi primarnih podatkov ugotavljamo, da so se
Ukrepi za preprečevanje hitrega širjenja virusa iz človeka na
med pandemijo razlike med spoloma v času, porabljenem za
človeka [1] so med drugim vključevali zaustavitev gospodarstva,
plačano delo povečale, pri čemer moški delajo več kot ženske.
zaprtje vrtcev, šol, delo od doma in družbeno distanciranje.
Na drugi strani so se zmanjšale razlike med spoloma v času,
Ukrepi so med drugim vplivali tudi na način preživljanja našega
namenjenemu varstvu otrok, kuhanju in čiščenju, ki predstavljajo
časa. V tem prispevku tako preučujemo, kako se je porabljen čas
aktivnosti, ki so v večji meri izvajane s strani žensk, ter v
za 14 aktivnosti na povprečni delovni dan spremenil v času
vzdrževanju doma, kjer so aktivnosti v večji meri izvajane s
prvega vala epidemije covid-19 v Sloveniji. Pri tem se
strani moških.
osredotočamo predvsem na razlike v porabljenem času za
posamezno aktivnost med spoloma, in sicer pred epidemijo ter
na morebitne spremembe v času epidemije. Prispevek najprej
Neplačano delo, covid-19, razlike med spoloma, Slovenija,
opisuje zbrane podatke s pomočjo ankete o porabi časa in
poraba časa
uporabljeno metodologijo, sledita predstavitev rezultatov ter
This paper analyses gender differences in time spent on paid and
unpaid work in Slovenia before and during the pandemic
COVID-19. Based on primary data collection, we find that
Raziskava temelji na podatkih, zbranih v začetku maja 2020, in
during the pandemic, gender gaps in time spent on paid work
sicer med razglašenim prvim valom epidemije covid-19, ko so
actually widened, with men working more than women. On the
veljali strogi ukrepi glede omejevanja širjenja virusa.
other hand, gender gaps narrowed in time spent on childcare,
Posamezniki so bili naprošeni, da izpolnijo anketo o porabi časa,
cooking and cleaning, which are activities that are predominantly
ki se je nanašala na dve obdobji: pred epidemijo in med
done by women, and household maintenance, which is
epidemijo. Čas pred epidemijo je bil opredeljen kot čas pred
predominantly done by men.
razglasitvijo Odloka o začasni splošni prepovedi gibanja in
zbiranja ljudi na javnih mestih in površinah v Republiki Sloveniji
(UR št. 30/20), čas med epidemijo pa kot čas veljave omenjenega
Unpaid work, COVID-19, gender gap, Slovenia, time use
odloka. Vprašanja so se nanašala na običajen delovni dan, pri
čemer so posamezniki 24 ur razdelili med 14 različnih aktivnosti:
(i) spanje, (ii) priprava obrokov, prehranjevanje, (iii) umivanje,
oblačenje, (iv) delo (plačano), (v) pospravljanje, pranje, likanje,
(vi) vrtnarjenje, skrb za hišne ljubljenčke, (vii) vzdrževanje,
gradnja (npr. stanovanja, hiše, opreme), (viii) nakupovanje,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
urejanje dokumentacije, (ix) študij, (x) skrb za otroke
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
(varstvo/igra/ustvarjanje), (xi) skrb za ostale posameznike (npr.
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
ostale družinske člane, ki niso otroci), (xii) druženje (npr.
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
pogovor s prijatelji, praznovanja, telefoniranje, videoklici), (xiii)
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
rekreacija, sprehod, vadba, (xiv) prosti čas (npr. poslušanje radia,
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Istenič, Sambt in Farčnik
gledanje televizije, počitek). Aktivnosti so bile usklajene z
so ga posamezniki (ne glede na spol) namenili plačanemu delu.
vprašalnikom o porabi časa [1].
Moški so prav tako porabili veliko več časa za vzdrževanje doma
V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 467 delovno sposobnih
(v povprečju 23 minut več kot ženske), pri čemer je razlika med
posameznikov, starih med 25 in 65 let. V vzorcu je bilo 50,5 %
spoloma predstavljala 75 % celotnega povprečnega časa,
moških in 49,5 % žensk. 47,8 % anketirancev je živelo v
porabljenega za vzdrževanje. Na drugi strani so ženske porabile
mestnem okolju. Ker v raziskavi preučujemo razlike med
bistveno več časa za pripravo obrokov (približno pol ure oz.
spoloma v porabi časa za različne aktivnosti, med drugim tudi za
38,5 % več kot moški) in za čiščenje (kjer je absolutna razlika
plačano in neplačano delo, smo med anketirance vključili
znašala 0,5 ure, relativna pa 44,8 %). Pred pandemijo je obstajala
predvsem tiste, ki so živeli v partnerski zvezi (95,3 %
tudi znatna razlika med spoloma v času, porabljenem za varstvo
posameznikov v vzorcu). 67,2 % posameznikov je živelo v
oz. nego otrok, čemur so ženske namenile več časa kot moški.
gospodinjstvu z vsaj enim otrokom mlajšim od 18 let, od tega jih
Razlika med spoloma je predstavlja 30 % celotnega časa,
je imelo 42,4 % vsaj enega otroka v vrtcu ali osnovni šoli. Večina
porabljenega za varstvo otrok. Pred pandemijo ni zaznati
anketirancev je bila sekundarne (48,2 %) ali terciarne izobrazbe
statistično značilnih razlik med spoloma v času, porabljenem za
(54,4 %). 80,7 % posameznikov je bilo zaposlenih,
spanje, rekreacijo, prosti čas, vrtnarjenje in nego hišnih
samozaposlenih, ali so opravljali delo preko drugih oblik dela
(npr. preko avtorske pogodbe ali pa so opravljali priložnostno
delo); 6,6 % je bilo brezposelnih; 5,6 % je bilo upokojenih. Od
Tabla 1. Razlike med spoloma v porabljenem času pred
tistih, ki so delali, jih je v času anketiranja 37,0 % delalo na
svojem delovnem mestu, 22,7 % jih je delalo od doma, 16,3 % je
Porabljen čas (v urah)
čakalo na delo, preostali pa niso delali iz drugih razlogov, npr.
Relativna razlika
zaradi varstva otrok.
Absolutna (kot % porabljenega
V nadaljevanju prispevka je na podlagi vzorca najprej
časa vseh
predstavljen povprečen čas, porabljen za različne aktivnosti pred
Moški Ženske (M-Ž)
in med epidemijo covid-19 v Sloveniji, in sicer za oba spola
skupaj. Nato analiziramo povprečni čas, ki so ga moški in ženske
porabili za različne dejavnosti v obeh obdobjih. Razlike med
spoloma v obdobju pred in med epidemijo so tudi testirane s t-
testom za neodvisne vzorce.
Pred pandemijo so posamezniki v povprečju na delovni dan 6,8
Plačano delo
ur spali, 6,7 ur delali, 1,6 ure pripravljali obroke in jedli.
Povprečno so porabili 1,4 ure za prosti čas in približno eno uro
za: čiščenje, pranje perila, likanje (1,0 ure), varstvo otrok (1,0
pranje, likanje
ure), rekreacijo (0,9 ure), nego drugih posameznikov (0,9 ure),
umivanje in oblačenje (0,9 ure), vrtnarjenje, skrb za hišne
nega hišnih
ljubljenčke (0,9 ure). Pred pandemijo so ljudje v povprečju manj
kot eno uro dnevno porabili za nakupovanje in pripravo
dokumentacije (0,7 ure), druženje (0,6 ure), vzdrževanje in
gradnjo doma (0,5 ure) ter študij (0,3 ure). Pred pandemijo je
gradnja doma
povprečni čas, porabljen za neplačano delo, tako znašal 6,5 ur.
Med pandemijo se je povečal predvsem porabljen čas za študij
(za 48,0 %), vzdrževanje doma (za 22,8 %) in druženje (za 23,8
%). V času pred in med epidemijo se je porabljen čas zvišal tudi
v primeru skrbi za druge (za 18,2%), vrtnarjenje in nego hišnih
ljubljenčkov (za 14,7%), prosti čas (za 14,2%) in spanje (za
Nega otrok
2,3%). Ta dodatni čas je bil nadomeščen z veliko manj plačanega
dela - v času pandemije so ljudje delali v povprečju 19,5 % oz.
Nega ostalih
1,3 ure manj kot pred pandemijo. Za prehranjevanje in pripravo
obrokov je bilo porabljenih 1,7 ure, za druga gospodinjska
opravila pa v povprečju 5,5 ur. Čas, namenjen neplačanemu delu,
se je tako zvišal za skoraj 45 minut na dan.
Za ponazoritev razlik med spoloma v obdobju pred
pandemijo je v tabeli 1 prikazan povprečni čas moških in žensk
Prosti čas
ter absolutna in relativna razlika pred pandemijo za vsako
Opomba: ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05; †p ≤ .10
aktivnost posebej, medtem ko tabela 2 prikazuje enake kazalnike
Absolutna razlika je opredeljena kot razlika med povprečnim časom, ki
za obdobje med pandemijo. Pred pandemijo so moški na trgu
so ga moški in ženske porabili za posamezno aktivnost pred pandemijo.
dela delali v povprečju 1,5 ure več kot ženske, pri čemer je
Relativna razlika pa kot absolutna razlika, relativno glede na povprečni
čas, porabljen s strani celotnega (po spolu nerazčlenjenega) vzorca
razlika med spoloma predstavljala 21,6 % povprečnega časa, ki
pred pandemijo.
Vpliv pandemije covid-19 na razlike med spoloma v plačanem
in neplačanem delu
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Med pandemijo (glej tabelo 2) so moški zopet porabili
statistično značilno več časa za plačano delo, v povprečju eno uro
in 24 minut oz. 25,9 % več kot ženske. Moški so porabili tudi več
časa za vzdrževanje doma in gradbena dela (približno 25 minut
Prosti čas
več kot ženske). Po drugi strani so ženske porabile več časa za
pripravo obrokov (približno 38 minut oz. 39,9 % več kot moški)
Opomba: ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05; †p ≤ .10
in za čiščenje, pranje in likanje (približno 27 minut oz. 39,5 %
Absolutna razlika je opredeljena kot razlika med povprečnim časom, ki
so ga moški in ženske porabili za posamezno aktivnost med pandemijo.
več kot moški). Kot je razvidno tudi iz tabele 1 za obdobje pred
Relativna razlika pa kot absolutna razlika, relativno glede na povprečni
pandemijo, so ženske tudi v času pandemije v povprečju porabile
čas, porabljen s strani celotnega (po spolu nerazčlenjenega) vzorca
več časa za študij, druženje in nakupovanje kot moški. Iz tabele
med pandemijo.
2 je razvidno tudi, da so se v času pandemije zmanjšale razlike
med spoloma v času, porabljenem za nego otrok – ta razlika je
postala tudi statistično neznačilna. V času med pandemijo
ostajajo statistično neznačilne razlike med spoloma v količini
Spomladi 2020, ko je bila razglašena pandemija covid-19 tudi v
časa, ki ga posamezniki porabijo za nego drugih (običajno ostalih
Sloveniji in so vlade izvajale vrsto ukrepov za preprečevanje
družinskih članov), pa tudi v količini spanja in času, porabljenem
širjenja virusa, so bili posamezniki prisiljeni spremeniti način
za rekreacijo in prosti čas.
preživljanja časa. Spremembe v porabljenem času za različne
aktivnosti so bile med moškimi in ženskami neenakomerno
Tabla 2. Razlike med spoloma v porabljenem času med
porazdeljene. V članku tako preučujemo vpliv pandemije covid-
19 na čas, ki ga posamezniki v povprečnem delovnem dnevu
porabijo za različne dejavnosti. Naši rezultati kažejo, da se je
Porabljen čas (v urah)
med pandemijo znatno povečala količina porabljenega časa za
Relativna razlika
spanje, kuhanje, čiščenje, vzdrževanje doma in skrb za druge.
Absolutna (kot % porabljenega
Poleg tega so posamezniki porabili več časa za študij in povečali
časa vseh
količino prostega časa. Ta dodatno porabljen čas je bil
nadomeščen z veliko manj dela - v povprečju so posamezniki
med pandemijo delali 20 % manj kot pred pandemijo.
Ob osredotočenju na razlike med spoloma ugotavljamo, da so
moški na trgu dela pred pandemijo običajno delali 1,5 ure več kot
ženske. Moški so porabili tudi znatno več časa za vzdrževanje
doma kot ženske. Na drugi strani so ženske porabile bistveno več
časa za kuhanje, čiščenje in druge gospodinjske dejavnosti. Med
pandemijo se je razlika med spoloma v plačanem delu relativno
še povečala. Moški so začeli tudi več kuhati in še posebej čistiti,
Plačano delo
medtem ko so ženske začele porabljati več časa za vzdrževanje
doma. Moški so tudi v času pandemije več počivali, a so namenili
pranje, likanje
tudi znatno več časa skrbi za otroke kot pred pandemijo, kjer je
razlika med spoloma med pandemijo postala statistično
nega hišnih
gradnja doma
Raziskava je bila sofinancirana s strani ARRS programa P5-
0128: Izzivi vključujočega in trajnostnega razvoja v prevladujoči
paradigmi ekonomskih in poslovnih znanosti.
Bai, Y., Yao, L., Wei, T., Tian, F., Jin, D. Y., Chen, L., Wang, M. (2020):
Nega otrok
19. Jama, 323(14): 1406-1407.
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (2019). Poraba časa, 2019.
Nega ostalih
Wankmüller, C. (2020): European disaster management in response to the
COVID-19 pandemic. Mind & Society: 1-6.
Staranje prebivalstva in več vidikov zdravljenja z zdravili
Population ageing and several aspects of pharmacological treatment
Karin Kasesnik
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Staranje prebivalstva je proces, razviden v Sloveniji, pa tudi
globalno. D. N. Weil [1] je že pred več kot dvema desetletjema
V okviru naraščajoče porabe zdravil na recept je razvidna tudi
analiziral trend staranja prebivalstva na svetovni ravni. Ta trend
rast predpisovanja zdravil starejšim osebam. Obstajajo tveganja
je zelo izrazit v razvitih državah, s pomembnim povečanjem
pri polifarmakoterapiji, sočasnem predpisovanju več zdravil.
deleža prebivalcev nad 65 let in sočasnim zmanjšanjem deleža
Premagovanje ovir pri jemanju zdravil prispeva k izboljšanem
prebivalcev, mlajših od 20 let. Čeprav je staranje prebivalstva
sprejemanju zdravljenja in boljšim terapevtskim rezultatom. razmeroma počasen proces, se predvidevajo ekonomske Razpoznan je pomen ustreznega razumevanja pisnih virov o
posledice staranja prebivalstva.
zdravilih, ki vpliva na jemanje zdravil ter njihovo učinkovitost
in varnost. Starejšim osebam je treba pomagati pri navodilih za
jemanje zdravil in razumevanju informacij o zdravilih, posebej
v pogojih pandemije.
V zahodnih državah se stroški za zdravstveno varstvo
Zdravila na recept, zdravila brez recepta, starejše osebe,
povečujejo. S staranjem prebivalstva povezujejo zmerno
racionalno predpisovanje zdravil, razumevanje pisnih virov
povečanje stroškov akutnega zdravljenja in znatno povečanje
stroškov zdravljenja kroničnih bolezni [2]. Pomemben dejavnik
rasti stroškov za zdravstveno varstvo je medicinska tehnologija,
Related to an increasing prescription medicine usage also an
ki je močno povezana s starostjo in zdravjem. Razvoj
increased usage of the medicines, prescribed to the elderly
medicinske tehnologije omogoča, da tudi osebe s kroničnimi
patients, has been observed. Risks at a polypharmacy, a
boleznimi prebivajo doma, kar vodi v znatne prihranke v
concomitant prescribing of medicines, have existed.
dolgotrajni oskrbi. Osebe z boljšim zdravstvenim stanjem lahko
Overcoming the barriers at taking medicines has contributed to
tudi v starejših letih več prispevajo v delovnem okolju. Večji
an improved treatment adherence and to better therapeutic
obseg stroškov za varovanje zdravja starejših oseb lahko tudi
results. The meaning of an appropriate written medicine
bremeni medgeneracijsko solidarnost.
sources’ comprehension has been recognized, with an effect on
Iz poročila slovenske zdravstvene zavarovalnice ZZZS [3] je
the medicine taking and their efficacy and safety. Elderly
razvidno, da so v letu 2020 odhodki za zdravila in živila znašali
persons should be assisted at the instructions for taking of
11,6 % vseh odhodkov ZZZS v tem letu. Glede na predhodne
medicines and at a comprehension of the medicines’
leto so se odhodki ZZZS za zdravila povečali za 15,3 %. Število
information, especially within the pandemic requirements.
predpisanih receptov na prebivalca je bilo 8,35 v letu 2020.
Čeprav se je število receptov glede na leto 2019 zmanjšalo (za
1,4 %), se je poraba zdravil na posamezno osebo, ki je prejela
Prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines, elderly
zdravilo, povečala za 7,9 %, oziroma za 2,9 % letno v zadnjih
persons, rational prescribing of medicines, comprehension of
petih letih.
written sources
V poročilu [3] omenjeni trend upočasnitve naraščanja
predpisanih receptov na prebivalca ima ekonomski smisel. Bolj
racionalno predpisovanje zdravil pa je obenem tudi terapevtsko
smiselno, če pacient pri tem prejme ustrezno terapijo. V
Prispevek pregledno obravnava več vidikov varovanja zdravja,
poročilu je navedena tudi zahtevana pozornost pri sočasnem
s poudarkom na določenih ovirah pri zdravljenju z zdravili, v
predpisovanju več zdravil hkrati (polifarmakoterapija). Posebej
povezavi s staranjem prebivalstva. Že več let se na demografski
pri starejših osebah se lahko, zaradi možnega medsebojnega
konferenci, v okviru multikonference Informacijska družba,
delovanja zdravil, pojavijo neželeni učinki.
predstavljajo raziskovalni prispevki, ki poudarjajo pomemben
Ugotovitve raziskovalcev so namenjene tudi podpori ukrepov
vpliv demografskih sprememb ne le na področju zdravljenja,
odločevalcev. Ti ukrepi bi morali voditi v izboljšano kakovost
temveč tudi na sociološkem, antropološkem, ekonomskem in
življenja starejših oseb, posebej tistih, ki prebivajo sami.
drugih področjih.
Pomembna je učinkovita odzivnost na demografske
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Karin Kasesnik
spremembe, saj nekateri ukrepi učinkujejo šele po določenem
Vodenje zdravljenja starejših oseb je večinoma zahtevno, zato
času, na primer gradnja domov za starejše osebe, investicije v
potrebujejo pomoč strokovnjakov s področja zdravja in svojcev,
zdravstvu, spremembe na ekonomskem področju in drugi
da zdravila dosežejo pričakovan učinek in so varna.
3.1 Medikamentozno zdravljenje starejših oseb v
pogojih pandemije
Zelo zahtevne razmere, tudi glede zdravljenja z zdravili, so v
letu 2020 nastale med pandemijo, še posebej za starejše osebe.
Že podatki iz leta 2008 kažejo povečanje povprečne vrednosti
Dejavnosti v zdravstvenih ustanovah so bile osredotočene na
receptov zdravil (brez dragih zdravil), ko se pomikamo od
obvladovanje bolezni covid-19, zato je potrebna še večja skrb
starostne skupine otrok do skupine starejših oseb. Posebej
pri kroničnem zdravljenju starejših oseb z zdravili [9]. Še
izrazito je to povečanje v starostnih skupinah nad 65 oziroma
nad 85 let [4]. V Sloveniji se je v letu 2015 preko 178 tisoč
medikamentoznemu lajšanju bolečine, zdravljenju duševnih
oseb zdravilo z zdravili, ki vsebujejo pet do devet zdravilnih
motenj, uravnavanju visokega krvnega pritiska in sladkorne
učinkovin oziroma več kot 23 tisoč oseb z zdravili z vsebnostjo
bolezni. Pomemben je nadzor pacientov, ki jemljejo štiri ali več
deset ali več zdravilnih učinkovin.
zdravil, zaradi možnih posledic kot so na primer padci. S
Zdravila imajo številne pozitivne učinke pri zdravljenju in
povečanjem števila zdravil se poveča tveganje neželenih
zmanjševanju simptomov bolezni [5]. Koristi zdravljenja pa je
treba ovrednotiti glede na možna tveganja. Po ocenah delež
Avtorica [9] predlaga več ukrepov za boljše organiziranje in
bolnišničnih obravnav zaradi jemanja zdravil znaša med 2,4 %
nadzorovanje zdravljenja starejših oseb z zdravili. Svetuje
in 6,2 %. Veliko izmed teh neželenih učinkov bi bilo mogoče
pripravo navodil zdravnika za pacientovo jemanje zdravil, ki ji
preprečiti. Tveganje za neželene učinke je podvojeno, če je
sledi priprava odmerkov zdravil na domu. Priporoča se, da se v
pacient star 65 let, ali več, posebej če pacient sočasno jemlje
lekarnah pripravijo posamezni odmerki zdravil za določenega
več zdravil. Poročajo, da je celo 30 % bolnišničnih sprejemov
pacienta; na ta način se poveča verjetnost ustreznega dnevnega
pacientov starih 65 let ali več zaradi neželenih učinkov zdravil.
odmerjanja predpisanih zdravil, ob sočasnem preverjanju s
Starejše osebe pogosto sočasno jemljejo dve ali več zdravil [6].
strani družinskih članov. Klinični farmacevt pripomore pri
Staranje je povezano z anatomskimi in fiziološkimi
ugotavljanju morebitnih neskladnosti predpisanih zdravil in
spremembami, ki vplivajo na delovanje zdravil. Te spremembe
svetuje pacientom. Tudi v primeru sočasnega jemanja
vključujejo razlike v absorbciji, metabolizmu in izločanju
vitaminov oziroma prehranskih dopolnil se svetuje posvet s
zdravilnih učinkovin. Pri starejših osebah so učinki zdravil
farmacevtom, da se prepreči morebitna medsebojna
lahko povečani ali zmanjšani zaradi sprememb v receptorjih za
učinkovanja oziroma neželene učinke.
zdravilne učinkovine. Spremembe v farmakokinetiki in
farmakodinamiki se lahko odražajo v podaljšanem razpolovnem
času, povečanem potencialu za toksičnost zdravil in v večji
verjetnosti za pojav neželenih učinkov. Zaradi tega je treba
Kljub objavam strokovnih in znanstvenih člankov je področje
razumeti anatomske in fiziološke spremembe v starejših letih,
informacij o zdravju in zdravilih še premalo raziskano in se v
preden se zdravila predpisujejo.
praksi dobre prakse premalo udejanjajo. Zdravilom na recept in
Ovire pri učinkovitem zdravljenju starejših predstavljajo tudi
zdravilom brez recepta so priložena navodila za uporabo, v
kognitivne motnje, slab vid, slabši finančni položaj [7].
katera so vključena bistvena navodila za odmerjanje in način
Razpoznali so s starostjo povezana tveganja zaradi slabšega
jemanja zdravil ter tudi informacije o možnih tveganjih,
komuniciranja, polifarmakoterapije, medsebojnega delovanja
povezanih z jemanjem zdravil. V zadnjih letih se v znatnem
med zdravilnimi učinkovinami in sprememb v farmakokinetiki,
obsegu uporabljajo prehranska dopolnila. Čeprav prehranska
ki prispevajo k težavam pri zdravljenju in neustreznem
dopolnila sodijo k živilom, je treba njihovo uživanje
sprejemanju zdravil in lahko vplivajo na bolnišnične sprejeme.
nadzorovati in paziti na morebitno medsebojno delovanje z
K izboljšanem vodenju zdravljenja prispeva pregled in
zdravilnimi učinkovinami, predvsem ko gre za ranljive skupine
poenostavitev shem jemanja zdravil. V pomoč so strokovni
timi, v katere so vključeni tudi farmacevti. Pomembno je
Pomembno je razumevanje pisnih navodil, ki je bistven pogoj
usklajevanje načinov medikamentoznega zdravljenja med
za ustrezno jemanje in ravnanje z zdravili. Razumevanje
različnimi specialisti. Pacienti, ki sočasno jemljejo pet ali več
navodil za uporabo in promocijskih pisnih virov o zdravilih je
zdravil, potrebujejo usmeritve glede jemanja in ravnanja z
bolj zahtevno v primeru polifarmakoterapije. Izkušnje kažejo,
zdravili. Varnost zdravljenja se poveča, če je zdravil manj in so
da je razumevanje informacij o zdravilih izboljšano, če poleg
obenem bolj učinkovita.
razpoložljivih pisnih virov o zdravilih pacient za nasvet vpraša
Kljub razpoznanim tveganjem polifarmakoterapije pri
zdravnika, farmacevta oziroma drugega strokovnjaka, ki pozna
starejših osebah, številni pacienti prejemajo zdravljenje, ki je
zanje lahko tvegano [8]. Določili so izrecna merila za določitev
Z oziroma na velik delež starejših oseb, ki se zdravijo z enim
zdravil, ki so primerna za kronično zdravljenje starejših oseb.
ali več zdravili, bi morali izbrati primerne oblike njihovega
Na osnovi znanstvenih spoznanj so določili zdravila, ki za
izobraževanja in informiranja. Poleg objav člankov bi koristil
zdravljenje starejših oseb niso primerna.
način komuniciranja, ki je pristopen starejšim osebam. Kljub
povečanemu trendu digitalnega iskanja informacij je treba
Staranje prebivalstva in več vidikov zdravljenja z zdravili
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
upoštevati, da veliko starejših oseb nima hitrega dostopa do
predstavitev režima zdravljenja poveča razumljivost navodil in
računalnika. Prijazen, hiter in preprostejši dostop do informacij
olajša jemanje zdravil. Nasvet strokovnjaka podpira ustrezno
je bolj učinkovit.
jemanje zdravil, ob sočasnih, starejšim osebam prijaznih
Medtem ko je v uradno odobrenih pisnih virih vsebina
oblikah pridobivanja informacij o zdravilih in načinih
strukturirana in nadzorovana, pa so promocijska gradiva
komuniciranja z njimi.
običajno bolj komercialno usmerjena. Na osnovi rezultatov
Čeprav se v zdravstvenih sistemih velik pomen pripisuje
raziskave [10] smo v slovenskih besedilih ugotovili, da apeli o
nadzoru proračuna za zdravljenje, bi morala biti v ospredju
prednostih zdravil brez recepta niso bili uravnoteženi z apeli o
predvsem dobrobit ljudi. Posebna skrb bi morala biti namenjena
tveganjih. Zaradi vpliva zaznavanja in razumevanja apelov je
starejšim osebam, ki so ranljiva skupina prebivalcev. Starejše
bistveno uravnoteženje apelov o prednostih in možnih
osebe pogosto živijo same, ali pa njihovi svojci zaradi
tveganjih, povezanih z uporabo zdravil brez recepta. Ker so
zaposlenosti ne morejo v zadostni meri skrbeti zanje. Starejši
pisni viri običajno glavni vir informacij o zdravilih brez recepta,
ljudje so skrbeli za nas in nas učili v mladosti, poskušajmo
je pomembna njihova vsebina, vključno z uravnoteženjem
sedaj mi poskrbeti zanje, da bo starost kolikor je mogoče
apelov. Ne le zdravila na recept, temveč tudi zdravila brez
prijetna in dostojanstvena. Zaradi obremenitev zdravstvenih
recepta se mora natančno odmerjati in pozornost nameniti tudi
delavcev med pandemijo starejše osebe potrebujejo še več
pozornosti in skrbi za zdravje.
Določanje berljivosti je prav tako pomemben dejavnik pri
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Sheikh, 2007. Adverse drug events in the elderly. British Medical
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leaflets in Slovenia. Akademija MM, vol. XIII, 26, 9-22. DOI:
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Staranje populacije in naraščajoč delež starejših oseb se
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Gerontological Nursing, 31, 5 (jan 2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3928
Jemanje več zdravil hkrati lahko povzroči medsebojno
učinkovanje med zdravili in možne neželene učinke. Pregledna
Prebivalstvena politika Kitajske po letu 1950: Od
začetnih iskanj in socialistične vere v neomejeno rast
prebivalstva do politike enega in zatem treh otrok na
Population Policy of China Since 1950: From Early Socialist Ideas and Oscillations to
the One-child Policy and Recent Two and Three Children Policy per Family
Janez Malačič
Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Avtor analizira razvoj prebivalstvene politike Kitajske v
Prebivalstvo Kitajske je v obdobju po letu 1950 največje
zadnjih nekaj več kot sedemdesetih letih. V tem obdobju je
prebivalstvo sveta. Leta 1950 je štelo po kitajskih uradnih
kitajska prebivalstvena politika doživela velike spremembe,
podatkih 546,8 milijona ter imelo stopnjo natalitete 37,0 ‰,
ki so bile povezane z gospodarskimi in družbenimi
stopnjo smrtnosti 18,0 ‰ in stopnjo celotne rodnosti 5,81
otroka na žensko (Calot, 1984). Na ta način je bilo v zgodnji
demografskega prehoda in veliko modernizacijo družbe
fazi demografskega prehoda, v kateri se je smrtnost že
nasploh. Od začetne negotovosti in nihanj je politika prišla v
zniževala, medtem ko se rodnost še ni začela zniževati. V
osrednjo fazo, ki jo je zaznamovala politika enega otroka na
zahodni demografski literaturi so avtorji kritično ocenjevali
družino. (Pre)dolgo trajanje te faze bo gotovo otežilo
uradne kitajske demografske podatke. Za obdobje 1953-1980
doseganje ciljev prebivalstvene politike Kitajske v
te ocene ne kažejo večjih razlik pri celotnem prebivalstvu,
naslednjih fazah, namreč politike dveh in zatem treh otrok na
pri stopnji natalitete in še posebej pri stopnji smrtnosti pa so
družino. Kako uspešna bo kitajska politika pri spodbujanju
razlike precej večje. Stopnji natalitete in smrtnosti sta v tem
rodnosti, bo pokazal šele čas.
obdobju v kitajskih uradnih podatkih podcenjeni (Banister,
1984). Razlike so še posebej velike v obdobju politike
velikega skoka naprej, ki je povzročila lakoto in veliko
prebivalstvena politika, Kitajska, pospešeni demografski
povečanje smrtnosti.
Ne glede na razlike v omenjenih dveh virih
podatkov pa nam ti podatki omogočajo okvirno slediti
poteku demografskega prehoda od visokih ravni rodnosti in
smrtnosti na nizke ravni teh dveh demografskih procesov v
China's population policy has changed tremendously since
Kitajski. Pri tem je še posebej zanimivo pogledati, kdaj se je
1950. The changes have been caused by political, economic
začela zniževati rodnost oziroma stopnja natalitete. Po obeh
and social developments, demographic transition and
virih podatkov lahko ugotovimo, da se je to zgodilo okrog
modernization of the society. From early socialist ideas and
leta 1970, ko je prebivalstvo Kitajske štelo že 820 milijonov.
oscillations the population policy evolved in one-child per
Do leta 1982, ko je število z 1,008 prvič preseglo milijardo,
family policy. This central phase ended in 2015, probably too
je stopnja natalitete padla na 21,1 ‰ in stopnja smrtnosti na
late. Therefore, the goals of the last three children per family
7,9 ‰ (kitajski podatek je 6,6 ‰). Ob upoštevanju ocene, da
policy will be harder to achieve. Generally, it remains to be
je bilo na Kitajskem leta 1950 550 milijonov ljudi, je bila
seen how effective will be pronatalist policy in China.
povprečna letna stopnja rasti prebivalstva v obdobju 1950-
1982 1,89 %. Po tej stopnji rasti bi se modelsko prebivalstvo
podvojilo v 37 letih. Na osnovi ocen OZN o gibanju
osnovnih kazalcev rodnosti in smrtnosti lahko sklenemo, da
population policy, China, induced demographic transition.
se je demografski prehod na Kitajskem končal v 1990-ih
letih. Stopnja natalitete se je znižala na 18,2 ‰ leta 1990 in
S prvim petletnim planom (1953-57) se je odnos
na 13,6 ‰ leta 2000. V teh dveh letih je bila stopnja celotne
vlade začel spreminjati. Podatki popisa prebivalstva leta
rodnosti zaporedoma 1,92 in 1,70 otroka na žensko. Število
1953 in potrebe planskega usklajevanja teh podatkov z
prebivalstva pa je bilo leta 2000 1,270 milijarde (UN, 2007).
ekonomskimi viri so vodili do sproščanja omejitev pri splavu
Dodajmo še, da je leta 2021 objavljeni podatek popisa v letu
in večje podpore načrtovanju družine. Leta 1956 so prvič
2020 1,410 milijarde, stopnja celotne rodnosti pa le 1,33. Po
začeli kampanjo načrtovanja rojstev. Vodilni politiki so v
teh podatkih je bila povprečna letna stopnja rasti prebivalstva
letih 1954-57 večkrat javno podprli načrtovanje rojstev. Leta
Kitajske v obdobju 1950-2020 1,35 %.
1957 je tudi Mao odredil, da je treba načrtovanje družine
spodbujati, sprejeti desetletni program načrtovanja družine in
Kitajski demografski prehod je bil izjemno hiter, saj je trajal
izpolniti njegove cilje (Zheng, Jian idr., 1981).
le okrog 40-50 let. Po trajanju se zelo razlikuje od
demografskih prehodov v razvitem delu sveta, kjer so ti
Vendar je bilo vse to kratkega daha. Že leta 1958
trajali 150 do 200 let. Vendar se razlikuje tudi od prehodov
je Mao vpeljal novi ekonomski program znan kot Veliki skok
v ostalih nerazvitih državah sveta, kjer je praviloma smrtnost
naprej. Načrtovanje družine je bilo izenačeno z
prav tako hitro padla, rodnost pa se je prilagajala znižani
maltuzijanizmom. Prevladal je slogan »več ljudi je boljše«.
smrtnosti največkrat veliko počasneje. Tako hiter
Prebivalstvena vprašanja in teorije so postala tabu. Ironično
demografski prehod, še posebej pri rodnosti, je Kitajska
pa je, da je ravno v teh letih rodnost padla, rast prebivalstva
dosegla s pomočjo prebivalstvene politike in doslednega
pa se je zmanjšala. V letih 1959-62 se je prebivalstvo celo
izvajanja te politike s strani vladajoče politike, države in
zmanjšalo. Razlog je bil v hudi lakoti in v drugih ekonomskih
celotne družbe.
težavah, ki jih je povzročila politika Velikega skoka. Že leta
1962 pa je sledila druga kampanja načrtovanja rojstev. Vlada
V tem besedilu bomo analizirali razvoj kitajske
je ustanovila urad za načrtovanje rojstev, uvedla cilje rasti
prebivalstvene politike v obdobju 1950 – 2021. To obdobje
prebivalstva, sprejela milejše zakone o splavu in sterilizaciji,
bomo razdelili na tri dele v skladu z osnovnimi značilnostmi
spodbujala uporabo kontracepcije in poznejše poročanje.
kitajske prebivalstvene politike. Prvo obdobje je 1950-1980,
Politični voditelji so ponovno razglašali, da je načrtovanje
ko oblast niha med začetnimi iskanji in potrebo po
družine napredno in po svoji naravi komunistično. Kljub
intervenciji na eni strani in socialistično vero v neomejeno
vsemu pa je tudi ta preobrat podrla kulturna revolucija v letu
rast prebivalstva na drugi strani. Drugo je obdobje politike
1966. Načrtovanje družine je bilo ponovno ukinjeno,
enega otroka na družino 1980-2015. Tretje obdobje od leta
proizvodnja in prodaja kontracepcijskih sredstev sta bili
2016 naprej pa je obdobje politike dveh in zatem treh otrok
opuščeni, pa tudi administrativne kontrole pri starosti
na družino.
poročanja ni bilo več. Sledila je hitra rast prebivalstva,
izobraževalnih in kulturnih standardov ter celo pojav novih
Kulturni revoluciji je sledila vzpostavitev reda v
letu 1971 in z njim tretja kampanja načrtovanja rojstev.
Slednje je končno dobilo polno veljavo, njegovi cilji pa so
RAZVOJEM: 1950 – 1980
bili razglašeni kot »pozno, redko in malo«. Leta 1973 so
prvič vgradili prebivalstvene cilje v petletni gospodarski
Prvo obdobje prebivalstvene politike socialistične Kitajske,
plan, naslednje leto pa je predsednik Mao ponovno poudaril,
ki je nastala s prevzemom oblasti s strani komunistične
da je potrebno rast prebivalstva kontrolirati. Po smrti
partije v letu 1949, so zaznamovala velika nihanja v teoriji in
predsednika leta 1976 in obračunu z levičarji (»tolpa štirih«)
praksi med različnimi skrajnostmi ( Zheng, Jian idr., 1981).
so novi voditelji razglasili politiko štirih modernizacij
Letom podpore in kampanj načrtovanja družine so sledila
(kmetijstvo, industrija, obramba in znanost) in javno
leta popolnega zavračanja. Predsednik Mao je že leta 1949
poudarili, da je njihov uspeh odvisen od dosega ničelne rasti
zanikal obstoj kakršnihkoli resnih prebivalstvenih
prebivalstva v bližnji prihodnosti.
problemov na Kitajskem in zavrnil »absurdno« Malthusovo
teorijo, ki so jo zavrgli marksisti in socialistična praksa v
To prvo zelo razburkano obdobje v razvoju
Sovjetski zvezi in na Kitajskem (Population Reports, 1982).
Kitajske in njene prebivalstvene politike je sklenila
Vlada je v prvih letih deloma podpirala rojstva, prepovedala
sprememba ustave leta 1978. V ustavo so zapisali, da država
sterilizacijo in splav, dajala podporo vladnim uslužbencem
zagovarja in spodbuja načrtovanje družine. Tudi v pravno
za rojstvo otroka ter v propagandi povezovala veliko otrok z
formalni obliki je načrtovanje družine postalo osnovna
novim družbenim sistemom.
dolžnost državljanov.
Z uvedbo politike enega otroka na družino se je
DRUŽINO: 1980 – 2015
neposredni administrativni pritisk na posamezno kitajsko
družino s strani kadrov načrtovanja družine in drugih
Zelo radikalno in za marsikoga problematično politiko enega
uradnikov, ki je bil prisoten že v 1970ih letih, še znatno
otroka na družino so na Kitajskem uvedli leta 1980 s četrto
okrepil. Tudi sami kadri so namreč pod močnim pritiskom
kampanjo načrtovanja rojstev.
uresničevanja konkretnih ciljev, ki so podrobno razčlenjeni
Tega leta je državni svet
objavil poziv ljudem naj imajo samo enega otroka na
na regionalnih, mestnih in drugih lokalnih ravneh. Pritisk se
družino, septembra istega leta pa je CK KP naslovil odprto
širi od pogostega obiskovanja uradnikov, strogega
pismo vsem članom partije z zahtevo, da prevzamejo vodilno
izobraževanja in prepričevanja pa vse do odkritega nasilja.
vlogo pri uresničevanju tega cilja.
Preveč vneti lokalni politiki in aktiv
Hkrati je voditelj partije in
isti so posegali tudi po
države Hua Guofeng razglasil cilj, da bo Kitajska omejila
prisili pri sterilizaciji in vstavljanju materničnih vložkov, pa
število prebivalstva na maksimalno 1,2 milijarde do leta
tudi po umetnem prekinjanju nedovoljenih nosečnosti,
2000. Država je uvedla politiko ideološkega izobraževanja,
pogosto tudi v poznih fazah le teh. O tej plati prebivalstvene
politike na Kitajskem večinoma molčijo. Ne glede na to pa
ki jo je kombinirala z ekonomskimi in administrativnimi
je možno skleniti, da veliko ljudi
ukrepi. Leta 1980 je država sprejela zakon o porokah, ki je
na Kitajskem prostovoljno
dvignil minimalno starost za ženske na 20 in za moške na 22
izvaja predpisano politiko, hkrati pa je tudi veliko dokazov,
da tako velikega in hitrega znižanja rodnosti ne bi bilo brez
let. Za uspešnost prebivalstvene politike pa je bilo še bolj
pomembno delno sproščanje kolektivizacije v kmetijstvu, ki
odločne administrativne podpore in moči vladajoče partije in
je spremenila sistem spodbud in s tem povečala ekonomske
razlike med ljudmi ter hkrati okrepila ekonomsko vrednost
otrok. S tem pa je pomenila novo težavo za prebivalstveno
Do začetka 21. stoletja je politika enega otroka na
družino temeljila bolj na političnih kot pravnih osnovah in
sredstvih ter bolj na predpisih in uredbah lokalnih oblasti, ki
Nova politika je bila sprejeta na vrhuncu
so bile najbolj odgovorne za izvajanje te politike. Sama
politika se v tem obdobju ni bistveno spreminjala, čeprav
demografskega prehoda, ko je prebivalstvo zelo hitro
naraščalo in
se oblasti trudile odpravljati večje zlorabe in korupcijo.
s tem grozilo, da bo onemogočilo razvoj države
in štiri modernizacije. Popis prebivalstva leta 1982 je
Razvoj je bil v tem času v skladu s širšimi spremembami v
kitajski družbi in je šel v smeri od političnih improvizacij
pokazal, da je imela Kitajska takrat le 19,5 % urbanega
Maove dobe proti večjemu pomenu prava in zakonov. Vse to
prebivalstva, visoko gostoto v najbolj naseljenih predelih ter
izrazito neenakomerno regionalno porazdelitev. Navedimo
je vodilo do tega, da sta CK KP in Državni svet Kitajske leta
še, da je tega leta 6,67% prebivalstva pripadalo narodnostnim
2000 sprejela odločitev o okrepitvi politike prebivalstva,
manjšinam, za katere striktna politika enega otroka na
načrtovanja družine in ustalitve nizke rodnosti. KP je jasno
družino ni veljala, vendar je bilo tudi za njih obvezno
zapisala, da podpira vse osnovne značilnosti dotedanje
načrtovanje rojstev in v praksi omejitev na dva otroka na
politike. S tem je izrazila podporo stabilnosti politike, hkrati
pa je predvidela spremembe v prihodnje, ki bi se naj nanašale
predvsem na izboljšanje kvalitete prebivalstva in na večji
V zelo strnjeni obliki lahko za politiko enega
pomen ekonomskih in drugih spodbud. Kvaliteto so
otroka na družino zapišemo, da se je do neke mere
pojmovali izrazito zdravstveno, predvsem bi se naj izboljšalo
razlikovala med mestnimi in vaškimi območji. V mestih je
zdravje otrok in žena. Na osnovi te odločitve je bil konec leta
bilo manj izjem, politika pa je bila bolj stroga. S prevzemom
2001 končno sprejet Zakon o prebivalstvu in načrtovanju
obveze, da bodo imeli le enega otroka, so si pari zagotovili
rojstev, s katerim se je tako dolgo odlašalo (PCR Law on
materialno nagrado, podaljšan porodniški dopust, prednost
Population, 2002). Ta zakon je po eni strani konkretiziral
pri zaposlitvi, dodelitvi stanovanja, zdravstveni oskrbi,
politično odločitev partije in države, po drugi strani pa je
sprejemu otroka v jasli, vrtec in šolo, pa tudi pravico do
postavil pravne temelje v obliki splošnih načel, vloge
dodatka k pokojnini. V vaseh so takšni pari dobili enkratno
planskih aktov, mikro regulacije reprodukcije, ukrepov in
denarno nagrado, gradbeno parcelo, zagotovilo vaške
aktivnosti na področju spodbud in zdravstvenih storitev, pa
skupnosti, da bo ta poskrbela zanje v starosti ipd. Zlasti na
vse do legalne odgovornosti (Winkler, 2002). Zakon se je
vasi se je že v 1980ih letih pokazalo, da je uvajanje tržnih
začel izvajati 1. 9. 2002. Zakon je v osnovi zakoličil politiko
elementov gospodarjenja ponovno začelo spodbujati višjo
enega otroka na družino za naslednjih 15 let, hkrati pa je
rodnost. Zaradi tega so povečali število primerov, ko so
namenoma izpustil nekatere probleme, npr. velikega števila
ljudem dovolili rojstvo drugega otroka. Rojstvo treh in več
nelegalnih rojstev in s tem Kitajcev, ki nimajo pravnega
otrok na družino pa je bilo strogo prepovedano (Malačič,
statusa in pretiranega porušenja spolnega ravnovesja v času
trajanja politike, pri drugih pa je pustil precej nejasnosti, ki
na lokalni ravni omogočajo še naprej trdo uveljavljanje
družino vse do leta 2016 (Xiaoyu, 2021). Od tega leta naprej
planskih ciljev.
so se lahko vsi pari, ki so to želeli, odločili za rojstvo dveh
otrok. Sprememba politike je bila sprejeta, ko je stopnja
Tukaj ne moremo podrobneje obravnavati izjem in
celotne rodnosti v državi bila 1,5 otroka na žensko, moderno
vseh fines politike enega otroka, ki so postajale številčnejše
kontracepcijo je uporabljalo okrog 85 % parov v rodni dobi,
v kasnejših letih njene veljave, ko je bilo vse več ljudem
51 % ljudi je živelo v mestih, rodilo se je 116 dečkov na 100
dovoljeno, da so imeli še drugega otroka. Povejmo pa, da je
deklic, povprečna letna stopnja rasti prebivalstva je bila 0,43
bilo z leti tudi vse več konkretnih predlogov, kako preiti
%, deleža 0-14 let in 65+ let starosti sta bila zaporedoma 18
najprej na dva otroka na družino in kasneje na popolno
in 10 %, življenjsko pričakovanje ob rojstvu za moške in
sprostitev (Yi, 2007). Ob dejstvu, da je Kitajska dosegla
ženske je bilo zaporedoma 75 in 78 let, prebivalstvo pa je leta
raven rodnosti, ki ni več zagotavljala enostavnega
2015 znašalo 1396,7 milijonov (Asian Data Sheet, 2018).
obnavljanja prebivalstva že v 1990ih letih, je težko razumeti,
Dodajmo še, da je bruto nacionalni dohodek na prebivalca po
zakaj je kitajsko vodstvo (pre)dolgo vztrajalo pri tej politiki.
kupni moči znašal leta 2014 13.130 ameriških dolarjev
Vmes se je Kitajska hitro razvijala in modernizirala,
(Pison, 2015).
demografski prehod se je že zdavnaj končal, prebivalstvo se
je začelo (pre)hitro starati, politike enega otroka na družino
Podobno kot so projekcije v poznih 1970ih letih
pa niso opustili vse do leta 2015. Odgovor verjetno leži v
napovedovale zelo hitro rast prebivalstva, novejše projekcije
želji po stabilnosti in strahu pred prehitrim sproščanjem in
prebivalstva Kitajske vsaj v zadnjih tridesetih letih
vrnitvijo starega.
napovedujejo zelo hitro staranje prebivalstva. Ker je osnovni
vzrok staranja prebivalstva prenizka rodnost, je razumljivo,
Na koncu te točke povejmo, da je z današnjega
da je politika enega otroka na družino staranje prebivalstva
vidika težko razumeti, zakaj se je kitajsko politično in
še posebej pospešila. To pa pomeni, da se bo Kitajska soočala
državno vodstvo na prehodu iz 1970ih v 1980ta leta odločilo
z veliko starega in postopnim zmanjševanjem aktivnega
za tako skrajno obliko prebivalstvene politike. Podrobnejša
prebivalstva. Prvo skrbi politike zaradi tega, ker nimajo
analiza pa pokaže, da so osnovne predpostavke in
vzdržnega modernega pokojninskega sistema, drugo pa
konstrukcijo »prebivalstvene krize« na Kitajskem povzeli po
zaradi morebitnega pomanjkanja delovne sile in znižanja
zahodni znanosti in delovanju povezav, kot je npr. Rimski
konkurenčnosti gospodarstva.
klub, ki so v tistem času glasno opozarjale na to, da bo
prehitra rast prebivalstva ogrozila gospodarski razvoj
Kar smo navedli v prejšnjem odstavku je skupaj z
(Greenhalgh, 2003). Kitajsko prebivalstvo je sredi
geopolitičnimi in obrambnimi razmisleki vodilo do tega, da
demografskega prehoda izredno hitro naraščalo. Projekcije
je KP Kitajske 31. maja 2021 sprejela odločitev, da bo
na osnovi take hitre rasti pa so kazale skrb zbujajoče visoke
kratkoživo politiko dveh otrok na družino zamenjala s
številke. V začetku 1980ih se je prebivalstvo podvojilo v 33
politiko treh otrok na družino (Xiaoyu, 2021). Osnovna
letih, ko je leta 1982 po popisu preseglo milijardo. Ob taki
logika te politike je enaka kot pri ostalih dveh politikah. Ta
rasti bi okrog leta 2010 štelo že dve milijardi in to bi po
je, da imajo pari lahko sedaj do tri otroke, ne pa tudi več.
mnenju kitajskih voditeljev ne le ogrozilo štiri modernizacije
Očitno se predlogi nekaterih strokovnjakov, da bi sprostili
ampak razvoj gospodarstva in družbe nasploh. Po drugi
omejitve in uvedli svobodno odločanje o rojstvih vsaj do tega
strani pa kitajske politike enega otroka na družino ni mogoče
leta še niso uresničili.
povsem reducirati na politiko načrtovanja rojstev oziroma
družine. Politika enega otroka in širša prebivalstvena politika
Tako o politiki dveh kot o politiki treh otrok je še
se vključujeta v petletne gospodarske plane in sta del
težko obširneje pisati, ker sta še čisto sveži. Strokovnjaki in
državnega vodenja in masovnega izvajanja, ki je bolj ali manj
verjetno tudi politiki se zavedajo, da bodo morali ljudi
(ne)prostovoljno. Hkrati pa se Kitajska tudi trudi, da bi bila
spodbujati, da se bodo odločali za dva ali tri otroke, morali
vse bolj del širše politike države blaginje ob tem, da je že
bodo poskrbeti za jasli in vrtce, za otroške dodatke in druge
sicer del državne socialne in ekonomske politike.
ukrepe, ki bodo znižali stroške družin z otroki. Zelo
pomembno pa bo, kako se bo Kitajska spopadla s povsem
nasprotnim ciljem, kot je bil pri politiki enega otroka, ko je
šlo za zniževanje rodnosti, ki že po naravi pojava poteka
hkrati z gospodarskim razvojem. Pri povečevanju rodnosti pa
Kitajsko politiko in strokovnjake je že dolgo časa skrbelo,
bo treba omenjeni naravni potek preobrniti navzgor.
Današnje razvite države pri tem niso bile posebej uspešne, pa
kako izpeljati »rahel pristanek« zelo stroge in (pre)dolgo
trajajoče politike enega otroka na družino. Postopno
tudi ljudje so ukrepe za spodbujanje rodnosti preveč hitro
sproščanje omejitev je bilo prisotno dalj časa, vendar so
vzeli za samoumevne in jih niso več povezovali s
politiki odlašali s prehodom na politiko dveh otrok na
pronatalitetnimi cilji. Kitajska lahko doda že znanim
politikam in ukrepom v razvitih državah partijsko disciplino
in državni pritisk, ki pa verjetno ne bosta bistveno dvignila
stopenj rodnosti.
Asian Demographic and Human Capital Data Sheet 2018 (2018)
ADRI, and IIASA, Shanghai, China and Laxenburg, Austria.
Banister, J. (1984) An Analysis of Recent Data on the Population
of China, Population and Development Review, No. 2, The
Kitajska politika prebivalstva je prehodila v preteklih malo
Population Council, New York.
več kot 70 letih vladavine komunistične partije dolgo pot. V
Calot, G. (1984) Donnees nouvelles sur evolution demographique
prvih 30 letih je nihala med skrajnostmi popolne stihije in
chinoise. Population, 4-5/1984, INED, Paris.
Greenhalgh, S. (2003) Science, Modernity, and the Making of
socialistične vere v svetlo prihodnost na eni in zavedanjem,
China's One-Child Policy. Population and Development Review,
da je družbi potrebna modernizacija in načrtovanje družine
No. 2, The Population Council, New York.
na drugi strani. Na vrhuncu demografskega prehoda, ko so
Malačič, J. (2006) Demografija. Teorija, analiza, metode in
matematični modeli projekcij prebivalstva kazali možnost
modeli. 6. Izdaja, Ekonomska fakulteta, Ljubljana.
Pison, G. (2015) The Population of the World (2015). Population
povečanja prebivalstva na 2 milijardi v dobrih 30 letih, so se
and Societies, No. 525, INED, Paris.
politični voditelji odločili za strogo politiko enega otroka na
Population and Birth Planning in the PR China (1982) Population
družino. V naslednjih 35 letih je bila politika zelo skopa pri
Reports, Ser. J, No. 25, The Johns Hopkins University,
dovoljevanju izjem, predvsem pa je politika enega otroka na
PRC Law on Population and Birth Planning (2002) Population
družino trajala precej dalj, kot bi bilo potrebno. To je
and Development Review, No. 3, The Population Council, New
privedlo do tega, da sta si sledili politiki dveh in od leta 2021
United Nations (2007) World Population Prospects, New York.
naprej treh otrok zelo hitro, hkrati pa bo pri slednjih dveh in
Zheng, L., Jian, S. idr. (1981) China,s Population:Problems and
še posebej zadnji veliko težje uresničevati cilje, kot če bi
Prospects. New World Press, Beijing.
politiko enega otroka opustili vsaj 10 let prej.
Winkler, E. A. (2002) Chinese Reproductive Policy at the Turn
of the Millennium: Dynamic Stability. Population and
Development Review, No. 3, The Population Council, New York.
Kitajska je s prikazano politiko uspela pospešiti
Xiaou, W. (2021) Nation,s new 3-child policy seen as timely.
zniževanje rodnosti in skrajšati demografski prehod, kar
China Daily, June 4-10.
nekaterim drugim nerazvitim državam, npr. Indiji, ni uspelo.
Yi, Z. (2007) Options for Fertility Policy Transition in China.
Uspela je tudi omejiti najvišje število prebivalstva, ki ne bo
Population and Development Review, No. 2, The Population
bistveno preseglo 1,4 milijarde. Za vse to so država in še bolj
Council, New York.
posamezniki in njihove družine plačali precej visoko ceno.
Mnenja o tem, ali je bilo to treba, se bodo verjetno zmeraj
razlikovala. Šele prihodnja leta pa bodo pokazala, ali bo
Kitajski uspelo tudi dvigniti rodnost in zagotoviti nemoteno
obnavljanje prebivalstva z rodnostjo okoli 2,1 otroka na
žensko. Razvite države pri tem še niso bile uspešne.
Precenjenost presežne umrljivosti za Slovenijo v letu 2020
Overestimated excess mortality for Slovenia in 2020
Jože Sambt†
Tanja Istenič
Daša Farčnik
Andrej Viršček
Ekonomska fakulteta,
Ekonomska fakulteta,
Ekonomska fakulteta,
Statistični urad RS,
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Eurostat ter zgledujoč po njem Statistični urad RS in
V letu 2020 je virus covid-19 močno spremenil
številni drugi izračunavajo presežno umrljivost kot
življenje po vsem svetu. Drastični ukrepi v zvezi z
razliko med dejanskim številom umrlih in povprečnim
omejevanjem širjenja okužb so izhajali iz visoke
številom umrlih v obdobju 2015-2019. Pri tem ne
umrljivosti, ki jo je povzročal ta virus. Eurostat,
upoštevajo 1) spreminjanja števila in starostne strukture
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju
prebivalstva ter 2) trenda zniževanja umrljivosti v času.
»SURS«) in številni drugi so začeli izračunavati
V članku upoštevamo ta dva dejavnika in ocenimo, da
»presežno umrljivost« kot število umrlih v
je v Sloveniji v letu 2020 presežna umrljivost znašala
posameznem letu oziroma mesecu minus povprečno
14,9 %, medtem ko pristop od Eurostata oz.
število umrlih v preteklem 5-letnem obdobju
Statističnega urada RS daje oceno 18,8 %.
(2015-2019). Eurostat sicer namesto 5-letnega obdobja
v praksi uporablja 4-letno obdobje (2016-2019), saj za
2015 podatki niso na voljo za vse države, želeli pa so
zagotoviti enotnost in s tem primerljivost med
Presežna umrljivost, umrljivost, covid-19, staranje
državami. Prednost tako opredeljenega kazalnika je, da
prebivalstva, Slovenija
je zelo preprost in nezahteven glede podatkov,
potrebnih za njegov izračun. Potrebujemo zgolj
podatek o številu umrlih, ki ga tako nacionalni
statistični uradi kot Eurostat redno objavljajo. Presežna
Eurostat, and following their example also Statistical
umrljivost je nov kazalnik, ki se je uvedel iz potrebe
Office of the Republic of Slovenia and many others
spremljanja umrljivosti in učinkov ukrepov v izrednih
calculate excess mortality as the difference between the
razmerah virusa covid-19. Za večjo ažurnost se ta
actual number of deaths and the average number of
kazalnik sedaj izračunava tudi na mesečni ravni.
deaths between 2015 and 2019. This way they ignore 1)
changing number and the age structure of the population
Metodološko gledano pa tak poenostavljen pristop
and 2) trend of declining mortality over time. In the
ne upošteva dveh procesov, ki vplivata na število
article we consider these two factors, and we estimate
umrlih. Prvič, število umrlih je odvisno tudi od števila
the excess mortality for Slovenia for 2020 to be 14,9 %.
in starostne strukture prebivalstva, ki se v času
In contrast, the approach used by Eurostat and Statistical
spreminjata. Število prebivalstva Slovenije se zaradi
Office of the Republic of Slovenia estimates the excess
visokega neto priseljevanja v zadnjih letih povečuje,
mortality to 18,8 %.
hkrati pa se hitro stara. Posledično bi se število umrlih
povečevalo tudi, če ne bi bilo virusa covid-19. Drugič,
umrljivost po posameznih starostnih razredih se v času
znižuje, saj živimo vedno dlje in zato bi se ob
Excess mortality, mortality, covid-19, population
ageing, Slovenia.
nespremenjenem številu in starostni strukturi
prebivalstva število umrlih v času zniževalo.
V tem članku bomo ocenili, koliko sta ta dva
starostno specifične stopnje umrljivosti po spolu in
dejavnika neto vplivala na število umrlih v Sloveniji v
starosti za posamezna leta od 2015 do 2019 na sledeči
letu 2020. Če bi se ta dejavnika, ki vplivata na število
umrlih v nasprotni smeri, medsebojno ravno izničila
glede na povprečno število umrlih v obdobju
2015-2019, bi dobili povsem enake rezultate o presežni
𝑚𝑥 =
umrljivosti kot s pristopom Eurostata oz. SURS. Če
temu ne bo tako, pa bodo naše ocene o presežni
pri čemer x označuje starost, M število umrlih, V pa
umrljivosti ustrezno višje oziroma nižje.
število prebivalcev (včasih se uporablja tudi oznaka P,
vendar je črka P v demografiji praviloma uporabljena za
označevanje celotnega števila prebivalstva, medtem ko
Preden predstavimo svoje izračune, prikazujemo v
se pri razčlenjevanju prebivalstva po posameznih
Sliki 1 gibanje števila umrlih v zadnjih treh desetletjih,
dimenzijah uporablja črka V).
to je od leta 1990 do 2019, torej pred virusom covid-19.
Za tako dobljene starostno specifične stopnje
V tem obdobju je bil do leta 2006 trend gibanja števila
umrljivosti mx nato izračunamo trendne vrednosti za leto
smrti negativen, saj se nam je v Sloveniji pričakovano
2020. Pri tem izhajamo iz obdobja 2015-2019 in
trajanje življenja hitro podaljševalo in je več kot
uporabimo linearni trend z metodo najmanjših
kompenziralo naraščanje števila prebivalcev v višji
kvadratov. Dejanskih starostno specifičnih stopenj
starosti, kjer je umrljivost visoka. Nato pa je naraščanje
umrljivosti za leto 2020 namreč ne moremo uporabiti,
števila starejših prebivalcev prevladalo in kot kažejo
saj so visoke zaradi virusa covid-19, medtem ko mi
projekcije prebivalstva, se bo ta trend še posebej
želimo ugotoviti, kolikšno bi bilo število umrlih v letu
intenzivno nadaljeval v prihodnjem desetletju [1]. V
2020, če virusa covid-19 ne bi bilo.
Sliki 1 torej lahko vidimo, da smo že več kot desetletje
Hkrati želimo upoštevati število in starostno
priča očitnemu trendu naraščanja števila umrlih.
porazdelitev prebivalcev v letu 2020. Tu se lahko
odločamo med (Eurostatovimi) projekcijami števila
prebivalcev za leto 2020 in dejanskim številom
prebivalcev Slovenije sredi leta 2020. Odločili smo se
za drugo možnost, saj so podatki o številu prebivalcev
sredi leta 2020 medtem že na voljo [2], hkrati pa je bila
v prvi polovici leta 2020 umrljivost zaradi virusa
covid-19 nizka in je zato vpliv na število prebivalcev
sredi leta 2020 zanemarljiv – do 30. 6. 2020 je za
virusom covid-19 umrlo skupaj 111 oseb [4]. Tako za
število umrlih kot za število prebivalcev uporabljamo
podatke po enoletnih starostnih razredih od starosti 0 let
pa do starosti 100+.
V naslednjem koraku apliciramo trendne vrednosti
Slika 1: Gibanje števila umrlih v Sloveniji v obdobju
starostno specifičnih stopenj umrljivosti (po starosti in
1990-2019 (vir: Statistični urad RS [1])
spolu) na dejansko število prebivalcev po starosti in
V letih 2015 do 2019 je v Sloveniji zaporedoma
spolu sredi leta 2020:
umrlo 19.834, 19.689, 20.509, 20.485 in 20.588 oseb.
Povprečje za obdobje 2015-2019 tako znaša 20.221
2020′ = ∑
∗ 𝑉𝑥
umrlih in na osnovi te vrednosti Eurostat, SURS in
številni drugi izračunavajo presežno umrljivost. Vendar
pa bo ob naraščajočem trendu števila umrlih izračunana
kjer 𝑀2020′ označuje ocenjeno število umrlih v letu
presežna umrljivost precenjena, če jo bomo definirali
2020, če ne bi bilo virusa covid-19, x označuje enoletne
kot razliko med dejanskim številom umrlih in
starostne razrede od 0 do 100+ let, 𝑚𝑥
povprečnim številom umrlih v preteklih petih letih.
trendne starostno specifične stopnje umljivosti za 2020
z uporabo linearnega trenda (upoštevaje metodo
Pri svojih izračunih uporabljamo podatke o številu
najmanjših kvadratov), 𝑉1.7.2020 pa označuje število
umrlih [2] in številu prebivalcev na dan 1. 7. (torej sredi
prebivalcev sredi leta 2020 po enoletnih starostnih
leta) [3] v letih 2015 do 2020. Najprej izračunamo
razredih. Ta izračun naredimo ločeno za moške in
precejšnjim zamikom. S 5-letnim povprečjem se tudi
ženske in nato rezultata seštejemo v skupno število
ublaži vpliv slučajnega nihanja števila umrlih, ki je še
umrlih v letu 2020.
posebej aktualno v majhnih prebivalstvih.
Rezultat torej pokaže, koliko prebivalcev Slovenije
V tem članku opozarjamo, da ta pristop na eni strani ne
bi umrlo v letu 2020, če bi se nadaljeval trend upadanja
upošteva spreminjanja števila in starostne strukture
umrljivosti v posameznih starostnih razredih iz obdobja
prebivalstva (kar v proučevanem obdobju v Sloveniji
2015-2019, kar pomeni brez učinka virusa covid-19 na
prispeva k naraščanju števila umrlih), na drugi strani pa
umrljivost v posamezni starosti, hkrati pa upoštevaje
ne upošteva trenda zniževanja umrljivosti v času,
dejansko število in starostno porazdelitev prebivalstva v
zaradi česar število umrlih v času upada. Na število
letu 2020.
umrlih delujeta torej v nasprotni smeri in empirično
vprašanje je, kateri bo prevladal. Gibanje števila umrlih
v Slovenji v zadnjem desetletju pokaže, da prevlada
prvi izmed teh dveh dejavnikov. V zadnjem desetletju
Z uporabo opisanega pristopa smo izračunali, da bi v
je namreč očiten trend naraščanja števila umrlih. Tudi
letu 2020 v Sloveniji umrlo 20.896 oseb, če ne bi bilo
iz Eurostatovih projekcij prebivalstva [1] izhaja, da bi
virusa covid-19. Ta vrednost je za 675 oseb višja kot
se brez virusa covid-19 število umrlih v prihodnje hitro
znaša povprečje števila umrlih za obdobje 2015-2019
(to je, kot smo že omenili, 20.221 oseb). Ocenjujemo
poenostavljenim pristopom Eurostat oziroma po njem
torej, da za toliko oseb rezultati o presežni umrljivosti,
zgledujoč se SURS precenjujeta presežno umrljivost,
ki jih objavljata Eurostat in SURS, precenjujejo
saj bi bilo tudi brez virusa covid-19 v letu 2020 število
presežno umrljivost. Vendar pa tudi naš rezultat ni
umrlih višje od povprečnega števila umrlih v obdobju
enoličen, saj smo ga dobili ob predpostavljanju
2015-2019. Njihov pristop poda za 21,6 % višjo
5-letnega trenda (2015-2019) gibanja starostno
vrednost presežne umrljivosti kot pa smo jo izračunali
specifičnih stopenj umrljivosti v posamezni starosti
mi z našim pristopom. Po metodi Eurostata oz. SURS
(ločeno za oba spola). Za 5-letni trend 2015-2019 smo
je namreč presežna umrljivost v Sloveniji v letu 2020
se odločili, ker tudi metoda Eurostata oz. SURS
znašala 18,8 % (24.016 dejansko umrlih napram
uporablja to obdobje kot referenčno.
20.221, kolikor znaša povprečno število umrlih za
Po opisani metodi Eurostata oziroma SURS bi
obdobje 2015-2019), mi pa jo ocenjujemo na 14,9 %
presežno umrljivost za leto 2020 izračunali kot
(24.016 dejansko umrlih napram 20.896).
dejansko število umrlih v letu 2020 (24.016 oseb)
minus povprečno število umrlih v obdobju 2015-2019
(20.221). Po metodi, ki jo uporabljata Eurostat oz.
SURS, je torej presežna umrljivost v Sloveniji v letu
[1] Eurostat
2020 znašala 3.795 oseb. Z našo metodo pa znaša
EUROPOP2019”. Najdeno 11. septembra 2021 na
ocenjena presežna umrljivost 3.120 oseb. To pomeni,
da je ocena Eurostata oz. SURS o presežni umrljivosti
za 21,6 odstotka višja od vrednosti, ki smo jo izračunali
[2] Statistični urad RS (2021) »Umrli po starosti in spolu,
Slovenija, letno«. Najdeno 11. septembra 2021 na
Natančne vrednosti presežne umrljivosti v letu 2020 iz
[3] Statistični urad RS (2021a) »Prebivalstvo po starosti in
naslova virusa covid-19 ne bomo nikoli izvedeli, saj ne
spolu, kohezijski regiji, Slovenija, polletno«. Najdeno 11.
bomo nikoli vedeli, koliko oseb bi umrlo, če virusa
septembra 2021 na Podatkovnem portalu SI-STAT:
covid-19 ne bi bilo. Eurostat, SURS in številni drugi
presežno umrljivost izračunavajo
kot razliko med
dejanskim številom umrlih
[4] COVID-19 sledilnik (2021). »Umrli«. Najdeno 11.
v posameznem letu oz.
septembra 2021 na https://covid-19.sledilnik.org/sl/stats
mesecu in povprečnim številom umrlih v 5-letnem
predhodnem obdobju (2015-2019). Ta pristop zahteva
samo podatke o številu umrlih, tako da lahko izračune
naredimo takoj, ko izvemo (letno ali mesečno) število
umrlih, brez da bi čakali na podatke o številu
prebivalcev v tem obdobju, ki praviloma sledijo s
Zaznavanje stresa pri srednješolcih v prvem valu epidemije
Stress perception in high school students in the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic
dr. Tjaša Stepišnik Perdih
dr. Mirna Macur
Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije
Fakulteta za zdravstvo Angele Boškin
Nova Gorica, Slovenija
Jesenice, Slovenija
of students experienced it significantly more than before the
epidemic. The research also showed that the level of perceived
Prvi val epidemije COVID-19 je prinesel veliko negotovosti,
stress is significantly related to gender, school program,
saj smo se s tako strogimi ukrepi za omejevanje prenosa okužbe,
(non)staying in the dormitory, and chronic diseases.
kot je zaprtje šol, omejitve druženja, nezmožnost opravljanja
dela ipd., srečali prvič. Za marsikoga je to predstavljalo velik
stres, zato nas je zanimalo, kako so v prvem valu epidemije
zaznavali stres slovenski srednješolci? V ta namen smo
Stress perception, high school students, the first wave of the
oblikovali spletno anketo in jo po metodi snežne kepe razširili
epidemic, COVID-19, coronavirus.
srednjih šolah in dijaških domovih. Podatki na vzorcu 1492
srednješolcev kažejo, da je večina dijaške populacije (69,9%) v
prvem valu epidemije zaznavala srednje močan stres (kategorije
nizek-srednji-visok), dobra šestina dijakov (17,8%) pa visok
Soočanje z epidemijo in strogimi ukrepi za omejevanje prenosa
stres. Več težav s spanjem, razdražljivosti, več močnih in/ali
okužbe je za marsikoga predstavljalo velik stres. Raziskave [1, 2,
neprijetnih čustev, občutkov nemoči in pomanjkanja energije kot
3] kažejo, da so nekateri razvili celo simptome, ki so značilni za
v času pred epidemijo je doživljalo 34 - 44% srednješolcev,
posttravmatsko stresno motnjo. To so bili predvsem tisti, ki so
tistih, ki so to doživljali občutno bolj kot pred epidemijo, je bilo
sami trpeli za resno obliko COVID-19 in jim je grozila smrt; ki
8-10%. Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da je stopnja zaznanega
stresa statistično pomembno povezana s spolom, programom
so bili kot družinski člani ali kot zdravstveni delavci priča
šolanja, (ne)bivanjem v dijaškem domu in kroničnimi težavami
trpljenju in smrti drugih; ki so izvedeli za smrt ali tveganje smrti
oz. bolezenskimi stanji.
družinskega člana ali prijatelja; in posamezniki, ki so bili zelo
izpostavljeni grozljivim podrobnostim epidemije (npr. novinarji,
zdravniki in bolnišnično osebje) [4].
Zaznavanje stresa, srednješolci, prvi val epidemije, COVID-
Mladostniki spadajo v manj rizično skupino za okužbo s
19, koronavirus.
COVID-19 in jih virus večinoma neposredno ne prizadene.
Raziskave tako ugotavljajo, da je epidemija prizadela predvsem
starejše generacije, posledice ukrepov za njeno zajezitev pa
The first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic brought a lot of
predvsem mlajše [5]. Na Inštitutu RS za socialno varstvo [6]
uncertainty, as it was the first time, we encountered such
ugotavljajo, da je epidemija na otroke vplivala predvsem 1.) s
stringent measures to limit the transmission of the infection, such
psihološko obremenitvijo zaradi neznane situacije in strahu pred
as school closures, social-distancing, inability to work, etc. and
tem, da bi zboleli njihovi bližnji; 2.) povečano negotovostjo in
for many, that posed great stress. The aim of this study was
večjo možnostjo, da bodo njihovi bližnji izgubili zaposlitev; 3.)
to investigate the perceived stress of Slovenian high school
z ukrepi, ki so prekinili ustaljeni tok življenja družin in omejili
students in the first wave of the epidemic. For this purpose, we
nekatere svoboščine .
conducted an online survey sent to secondary schools and student
Prvi val je s seboj prinesel posebej veliko negotovosti, saj smo
dormitories. Data on a sample of 1492 students show that the
se s tako strogimi ukrepi za omejevanje prenosa okužbe, kot je
majority of the student population (69.9%) perceived moderate
zaprtje šol, omejitve druženja, nezmožnost opravljanja dela ipd.,
stress (low-medium-high categories) in the first wave of the
srečali prvič. V raziskavi kitajskih mladostnikov, ki so ostali
epidemic and a good sixth of students (17.8%) high stress. 34-
doma v karanteni v prvem mesecu izbruha COVID-19, jih je kar
44% of students had more sleep problems, were more irritable,
12,8% doživljalo stresne simptome, ki so dosegali raven
had stronger and/or unpleasant emotions, more feelings of
posttravmatske stresne motnje [7]. Kako so v prvem valu
helplessness and lack of energy than before the epidemic. 8-10%
epidemije zaznavali stres slovenski srednješolci, pa bomo
poskušali odgovoriti s pričujočo raziskavo.
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distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work
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Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Tabela 2: Zaznavanje stresa po spolu in vrsti šolanja
2.1 Vzorec
V raziskavi je sodelovalo 1492 srednješolcev, od tega je bilo
58,1% (867) dijakinj. 0,9% srednješolcev je obiskovalo nižji
poklicni program, 11.3% srednji poklicni program (triletni),
53,8% srednji strokovni program (štiriletni) in 34,0% srednji
splošni program (gimnazije). 24,3% (365) srednješolcev je bilo
iz dijaških domov, 10,3% srednješolcev pa se je soočalo s
kroničnimi težavami oz. bolezenskimi stanji. Geografska
zastopanost je predstavljena v Napaka! Vira sklicevanja ni bilo
mogoče najti. .
Tabela 1: Razporeditev dijakov po pokrajinah
2.2 Instrumenti in postopek
Za namene raziskave smo pripravili spletni vprašalnik z orodjem
Statistično pomembna razlika pri zaznavanju stresa se kaže
1ka. Vključeval je sociodemografska vprašanja, primerjavo
tudi glede na program šolanja (χ2(6)=27.582, p<0.01). Če
življenjskega sloga (preživljanje časa na socialnih omrežjih,
izvzamemo nižje poklicno izobraževanje, kjer je bil numerus
prehranjevanje, spanje/nespečnost ipd.) s stanjem pred epidemijo
izrazito majhen (0,9% vseh srednješolcev), je delež
in Lestvico zaznanega stresa (The Perceived Stress Scale –
srednješolcev, ki zaznavajo nizek stres približno enak, in sicer
Cohen, Kamarck in Mermelstein, 1983), ki meri, kako pogosto
12,3-13%. Procent visoko zaznanega stresa narašča po
anketiranci zaznavajo svoje življenje kot stresno, nepredvidljivo,
zahtevnosti programa (z izjemo nižjega poklicnega programa).
preobremenjujoče in nenadzorljivo. Rezultat PSS-ja se razvrsti v
Pri tem je potrebno omeniti, da v srednjem strokovnem in
eno od treh kategorij, in sicer nizko, srednje in visoko zaznani
splošnem programu prevladujejo ženske (Slika 1).
stres. Z višjim rezultatom se povečuje verjetnost, da stres v
posameznikovem življenju presega njegove sposobnosti
soočanja z njim.
Zbiranje podatkov je trajalo od 20.-26.4.2020 preko socialnih
mrež svetovalnih delavcev v srednjih šolah in vzgojiteljev
dijaških domov (t.i. metoda snežne kepe). Analiza podatkov je
bila narejena s programom SPSS, uporabili smo deskriptivno
statistiko ter hi-kvadrat test in Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient.
Kot prikazuje Tabela 2 je velika večina srednješolcev (69,9%) v
prvem valu epidemije zaznavala srednje močan stres. Visok stres
je zaznavalo 23,8% vseh dijakinj in 9,4% dijakov. Dijaki in
dijakinje se statistično pomembno razlikujejo v stopnji
nižji poklicni
zaznavanja stresa (χ2(2)=57.816, p<0.01).
Slika 1: Zastopanost spola po vrsti šolanja
Statistično pomembna razlika v zaznavanju stresa obstaja tudi
težave s spominom in/ali koncentracijo so že poleg
glede na to, ali se srednješolci soočajo s kroničnimi težavami oz.
omenjenega pozitivno povezane s stiskanjem v prsih,
bolezenskimi stanji (χ2(2)=41.877, p<0.01), pri čemer večina le-
razbijanjem srca, tesnobo (r=0.474, p<0.01) in doživljanjem
teh zaznava srednje močan stres (55,6%).
močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev (r = 0.488, p<0.01);
Stopnja stresa je odvisna tudi od tega, ali srednješolci živijo v
Vidimo, da se štirje vidiki odzivanja med epidemijo 1.)
dijaškem domu ali ne (χ2(2)=12.772, p<0.01). Najvišja razlika se
nemoč, pomanjkanje energije, brezvoljnost, 2.) težave s
kaže pri visoko zaznanem stresu, ki ga zaznava 23,1%
spominom in/ali koncentracijo, 3.) stiskanje v prsih, razbijanje
iz dijaških domov in 16,1% tistih, ki ne živijo v
dijaškem domu.
srca, tesnoba in 4.) doživljanje močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev
Slika 2 prikazuje procent srednješolcev, ki naštete vidike
pomembno zmerno povezujejo med seboj.
izkuša oz. opravlja “več” in “občutno več” kot pred epidemijo.
Prav tako se medsebojno zmerno povezujejo razdražljivost oz.
Svetleješi stolpci prikazujejo pozitivno spremembo, in sicer več
napetost, stiskanje v prsih, razbijanje srca, tesnoba ter težave s
spanjem (srednješolci težko zaspijo, se zbujajo ponoči in/ali
neformalnega izobraževanja, več časa zase oz. več umirjenosti
težko vstanejo).
ter več telesne aktivnosti kot pred epidemijo.
delo za šolo
Raziskava med 1492 srednješolci v času prvega vala epidemije v
močna/neprijetna čustva
Sloveniji kaže, da je večina srednješolcev zaznavala srednje
tesnoba, stiskanje v prsih
intenziven stres. Pri tem želimo opozoriti na dobro šestino
težave s koncentracijo
srednješolcev, ki je zaznavala visok stres, v 78% so bile to
kreativno udejstvovanje
ženske. Zaskrbljujoče povečanje psihične obremenjenosti med
socialna omrežja, TV
dekleti ugotavlja tudi poročilo Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo
neformalno izobraževanje
Študije mladih iz evropskih, azijskih in ameriških držav
več časa zase, umirjenost
ugotavljajo povečanje težav z duševnim zdravjem, kot so
brez energije, nemoč
razdražljivost, tesnoba, depresivni simptomi, simptomi
telesna aktivnost
razdražljivost, napetost
posttravmatske stresne motnje ipd. [5, 6, 7]. Nemška študija je na
težave s spanjem
reprezentativnem vzorcu pokazala, da je dve tretjini otrok in
mladostnikov zaradi pandemije COVID-19 močno obremenjena.
Slika 2: Vidiki doživljanja in aktivnosti, ki jih
Poročali so o bistveno nižji kakovosti življenja, povezani z
srednješolci opravljajo oz. izkušajo več kot pred epidemijo
zdravjem (40% proti 15%), več težavah z duševnim zdravjem
(18% proti 10%) in višjo stopnjo tesnobe (24% proti 15%) kot
Po drugi strani je najvišji delež tistih srednješolcev, ki
pred pandemijo [11]. V naši raziskavi doživlja težave s spanjem,
preživljajo več časa na socialnih omrežjih, gledajo TV, serije ipd.
močna in/ali neprijetna čustva, razdražljivost, občutke nemoči,
Od tega jih je 20,2%, ki to počno občutno več kot pred
brezvoljnost in pomanjkanje energije “več” in “občutno več” kot
epidemijo. Preživljanje časa na socialnih omrežjih, z gledanjem
pred epidemijo med 34 in 44% srednješolcev. Tistih, ki so to
serij oz. pred TV se pomembno šibko povezuje s sanjarjenjem
doživljali občutno bolj kot pred epidemijo in jih v tem pogledu
oz. zatekanjem v domišljijo (r=0.202, p<0.01).
37,6% srednješolcev pojé več kot pred epidemijo.
lahko štejemo kot rizične, je bilo 8-10% (že v prvem valu). Na
Prehranjevanje se statistično pomembno, a neznatno pozitivno
porast duševnih stisk med otroki in mladimi v času prvega vala
povezuje z napetostjo (r=0.133, p<0.01), tesnobo (r=0.078,
epidemije kažejo tudi podatki TOM telefona. Čeprav je bilo v
p<0.01), pomanjkanjem energije (r=0.141, p<0.01), zatekanjem
letu 2020 skupno število klicev manjše kot v preteklih letih, pa
v domišljijo (r=0.074, p<0.01), gledanjem serij, TVja,
je bilo klicev, ki so poročali o psihičnih težavah, 33% več kot v
preživljanjem časa na socialnih omrežjih (r=0.154, p<0.01),
povprečju zadnjih petih let [12].
težavami s koncentracijo (r=0.111, p<0.01) in doživljanjem
Naša raziskava kaže, da je 62% srednješolcev preživljalo čas
močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev (r=0.126, p<0.01), negativno pa
na socialnih omrežjih, z gledanjem videev, serij ipd. “več” in
s telesno aktivnostjo (r=0.072, p<0.01).
“občutno več” kot pred epidemijo. Čeprav je bil porast ob ukrepu
V nadaljevanju izpostavljamo tiste vidike, kjer obstaja
omejevanju druženja pričakovan, ne gre prezreti ugotovitve
pomembna zmerna povezanost:
razdražljivost, napetost je pozitivno povezana s
Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo, da se je precej povečala
težavami s spanjem (r=0.497, p<0.01), nemočjo, pomanjkanjem
ranljivost otrok na ravni aktivnosti, ki vodijo v odvisnost in
energije, brezvoljnostjo (r=0.501, p<0.01), težavami s spominom
odtujitev, kot npr. igranje računalniških igric, gledanje
in/ali koncentracijo (r=0.406, p<0.01), s stiskanjem v prsih,
videoposnetkov na youtube in televizije [6].
razbijanjem srca, tesnobo (r=0.497, p<0.01) in doživljanjem
Izpostavili bi še en potencialen način soočanja s stresom oz.
močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev (r=0.572, p<0.01), negativno pa
prilagoditveni odziv na epidemijo, in sicer v naši raziskavi je 9%
je razdražljivost povezana s časom zase in občutkom umirjenosti
srednješolcev označilo, da se prehranjuje “občutno več” kot prej.
(r=0.413, p<0.01);
Raziskave opozarjajo na naraščanje teže pri mladostnikih v času
nemoč, pomanjkanje energije in brezvoljnost je
karantene [13], še posebej pri tistih, ki so se že prej soočali s
pozitivno povezana s težavami s spominom in/ali koncentracijo
povišano telesno težo [11, 12, 13]. Ta pojav je dobil celo svoje
(r=0.453, p<0.01), s stiskanjem v prsih, razbijanjem srca, tesnobo
ime – ang. covibesity [17].
(r=0.418, p<0.01) in doživljanjem močnih in/ali neprijetnih
V razpravi smo izpostavili predvsem tiste vidike, ki so že ob
čustev (r = 0.488, p<0.01);
začetku epidemije nakazovali morebitne kasnejše težave.
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»Podivjajmo Slovenijo« kot nov koncept varovanja okolja
“Rewild Slovenia” - new concept of conservationism
Matjaž Gams†
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
Predstavljen je koncept »podivjanja Slovenije«, ki ga nekateri
razumejo kot ponovno uvajanje že izumrlih živali v Sloveniji,
recimo evropskega bizona. A omenjeni koncept je precej širši in
temelji na spremembi odnosa do živali in okolja: vsi državljani
naj bi se prilagodili življenju z živalmi, jim omogočili sobivanje,
spodbujali naravno okolje, avtohtone rastline in živali in hkrati
tudi živali priučili sobivanja s človekom.
Varovanje okolja, podivjajmo, novi pristopi
In this paper we introduce “rewilding” as a new concept for
conservationism. It is the version that propagates introducing
wild species back to Slovenia, e.g. European bison. However, it
is much more than that, it builds on the proposition that we
humans must learn, adapt and encourage wildlife, whereas wild
animals must adapt to human coexistence.
Slika 1: Knjiga Rewilding (slovensko »podivjanje«) je ena
Conservation, environment, rewilding
izmed ključnih objav za novo ekološko usmeritev s tem
Medtem ko človeštvo po eni strani še naprej masovno uničuje
A najprej poglejmo osnovno problematiko varovanja okolja in
okolje in živali [1][2] in celo ogroža razvoj civilizacije [3], se živali. Denimo, da bi v divjini pobili 4% vseh sesalcev na
med ljudmi širi drugačna, bolj privlačna miselnost. Gre za to, da
planetu. Koliko divjih sesalcev bi ostalo? Odgovor je – nič! Vseh
naredimo sobivanje z divjimi živalmi ne samo znosno, ampak
divjih sesalcev na Zemlji je le 4% skupne teže, ljudje prispevamo
kolumne/podivjajmo-slovenijo-evropo-svet-371239). Gre za
varovanje in ponovno uvajanje živali, ki smo jih iztrebili v
Slovenija je prva po m2 veletrgovin na glavo v Evropi in med
Sloveniji. Gre za novo usmeritev v varovanju okolja, ki je
prvimi na svetu. Prav tako je med prvimi na svetu po km
predstavljena v [4], naslovnica pa je na Sliki 1.
zgrajenih avtocest. Avtocesto in fakulteto v vsako slovensko vas!
Naši politiki pa bi kar naprej gradili, sekali gozd, uničevali
najboljšo zemljo, postavljali reklame ob cestah sredi polj,
zapirali reke v betonska korita in potočke v podzemne cevi. Pisali
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
smo že, kako bodo z novo potezo kmetijskega ministrstva
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
zmanjšali število divjih živali. Nekateri mediji pri tem žal
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
premalo pomagajo okolju. Pred leti so vsakodnevno pisali, kako
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
okoljsko škodljive da so sveče. A izračun pokaže, da en zelo
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
velik tovornjak na avtocesti naredi približno toliko škode okolju
kot vse sveče v Sloveniji [5], podobno kot vse kremacije. Zakaj
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Gams
torej ne opozarjamo na posledice kremiranja in še bolj – prometa
volkove in nezadostno povračamo škodo, ali zahtevamo, da
zlasti po avtocestah?
živinorejci sami nosijo stroške postavitve varnostnih ograj, slej
ko prej jezni domačini tako ali drugače škodijo volkovom.
Podobno je z napadalnimi vranami, ki napadajo otroke, ki se
približajo gnezdom. Pričakovati, da bodo starši ranjenih otrok
imeli posebej dober odnos do okolja in živali, ni posebej realno.
Če jim damo možnost, se živali vrnejo [6]. Primer je Černobil,
Na takih dogodkih se dobiva ali izgublja odnos do okolja in živali.
kjer je kljub visoki radioaktivnosti odsotnost ljudi povzročila
Vran ne primanjkuje in premik gnezda oz. »pouk« napadalnih
vran je malenkost v primerjavi z javnim mnenjem.
Naslednja napaka je nekontrolirano širjenje določenih
wildlife). Drug primer so evropska mesta, kamor se vračajo lisice,
živalskih vrst. Divje svinje, avtohtone v Evropi in Aziji, so se
kune, jazbeci, šakali (https://www.amazon.com/Feral-Cities-
razširile po vsem svetu in ustvarijo toliko izpustov kot milijon
Adventures-Animals-Jungle/dp/1569760675) in se tako dobro avtomobilov, piše prispevek v reviji Global Change Biology
skrivajo pred ljudmi, da jih le redko vidimo, pa tudi ljudje jih ne
preganjajo več intenzivno. V Evropi marsikatera mesta
Podobno je z medvedi pri nas, ki jih je približno dvakrat preveč
namenoma uvajajo spremembe, ki koristijo živalim. Posledično
glede na površino in zato ustvarjajo ekološki in živalski problem.
je gostota nekaterih živali večja kot v naravnem okolju, pa tudi
Preštevilčne vrste je potrebno tako ali drugače uravnati na znosno
živijo dalj. Mesta vsaj malo vračajo naravi bogastvo življenja, ki
mejo. A prispevek o divjih svinjah je zanimiv tudi po medijski
so ga odvzela.
plati: če vse divje svinje po svetu ustvarijo toliko CO2 kot cca
Ta trend je v visoko civilizirani Evropi čedalje bolj izrazit
milijon avtomobilov, potem obstoječa milijarda avtomobilov
ustvari tisočkrat več izpustov CO2 kot divje svinje, tako v
comeback/large-carnivores/) in se bo slej ko prej razživel tudi v Sloveniji kot na svetu, da o drugih škodljivih učinkih ne
Sloveniji. Ključno je vračanje velikih živali, zlasti plenilcev:
govorimo: drugi plini, segrevanje okolja zaradi vrtanja do nafte
medveda, volka, risa, pa tudi divje mačke, kot to poskušajo na
itd. Torej je v primerjavi s škodljivostjo transporta zanemarljivo!
Nizozemskem. Evropski bizon je v naravi izumrl, ostalo je le 54
Tretji velik problem so invazivne vrste, ki izrivajo domače.
živali v živalskih vrtovih (https://www.dw.com/en/global-ideas-
Primer so vodne želve, ki izrivajo domače sklednice. Če bi imeli
biodiversity-rewilding-conservation-europe/a-18586774), sedaj primeren zakon o invazivnih živalih, ki bi ne samo dovoljeval
jih je okoli 3000, manj kot črnih nosorogov. A njihovo število
vsem, ampak celo s kaznijo nalagal lastnikom, da jih
raste in uvajajo jih v čedalje več državah, npr. v Veliki Britaniji.
odstranjujejo, ne bi imeli polne obale rdečevratk nekaterih jezer
Zakaj ne tudi v Sloveniji? Se še kdo med nami spomni, ko smo v
celo v Ljubljani. A logika je kruto preprosta: če ne bomo
ljubljanskem živalskem vrtu občudovali ogromnega zobra?
odstranili invazivnih rdečevratk, bodo rdečevratke odstranile
Podobno uspešno je naseljevanje divjih goved in konj na kar
sklednice iz Slovenije. Vrsto lahko iztrebiš z neposrednim
nekaj lokacijah v Evropi. Primer je okoli 200 divjih konjih blizu
izlovom, lahko pa enostavno tako, da ne kontroliraš invazivne
Livnega na Hrvaškem.
vrste. In da ne bo pomote: to ni naravno, ker so rdečevratke vnesli
Leta 1908 je iz Slovenije izginil zadnji ris kot največja
ljudje! Pa tudi druga logika je preprosta: dokler ne bo mogoče
nobenemu ministrstvu dopovedati zgornjega, se bo težko kaj
Sloveniji smo ponovno uvedli risa leta 1973, žal je bila prva
runda preveč v sorodstvu, tako da je bilo potrebno dodati novo.
4 »Podivjajmo« vrt in tako pomagajmo
S Hrvaške se je pred 20 leti sam vrnil bober in sedaj živi ob Savi,
okolju in živalim
Krki, Dravi, Sotli, Muri, Kolpi, Lahinji, Dobličici in nekaterih
manjših rečicah. Kozoroga smo ponovno naselili leta
Marsikatera okolica hiše je življenju negostoljubna : beton in
1902. Iztrebili smo tudi svizca, a je ponovno naseljen in živi na
morda nekaj malega kratko pokošene trave. Idealna okolica hiše
območju Grintovca, Ojstrice ter še ponekod.
vsebuje grme, drevesa, tolmun, »rezervat« - težko dostopen
konček za ljudi in del nepostrižene trate, kjer kraljujejo pašne
cvetlice in letajo metulji ali kačji pastirji. Vrt postane poln
biodiverzitete tako rastlin kot živali.
A začnimo s podivjanjem vrta: en del vrta nehajte redno kositi.
Volkovi se kljub napakam lepo širijo, a hkrati se pojavljajo
Lahko kupite semena travnih cvetlic, lahko pa le kosite npr.
problemi. Recimo moderna napaka je, da ne odstraniš ali
enkrat letno in cvetlice pridejo same od sebe. To je ena izmed
kaznuješ divje živali, recimo napadalnega volka, ampak je
modernih eko smernic, ki delajo naše življenje lepše, hkrati pa
»nagrajen« z mesom domačih živali. Podobno, ko pride v bližino
preprečujejo izumiranje naravnega sveta.
ljudi. Živali se učijo in prilagajajo in zato jih moramo
Pred desetletji se je bilo v poletnih mesecih na poti na morje
sistematično vzgajati, da bodo lahko živele hkrati z nami. Če
iz Ljubljane potrebno ustaviti, ker se je na avtomobilskem steklu
bodo tiste nevzgojene jezile ljudi, tudi onih sobivajočih ne bo več.
nabralo toliko žuželk. Danes se lahko peljete najmanj desetkrat
Zato je ključnega pomena vzgoja živali, da se prilagodijo ljudem.
brez čiščenja stekel, ker je letečih insektov 75% manj kot pred
Seveda naj se tudi ljudje prilagodijo živalim, a za sobivanje je
50 leti. Morda bo kdo rekel: »odlično«, a brez insektov se začne
potrebno sodelovanje obeh. Če samo z dekretom uvedemo
podirati ekološka piramida – manj je ptic, manj je drugih živali
“Podivjajmo” Slovenijo
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
in na koncu smo pri nekaj odstotkov divjih živali, izumiranje pa
v. Obdavčiti vse in posebej nove veletrgovine
je 100-1000x hitrejše kot naravno, tako so pokazale študije,
w. Uvesti hitre vlake
x. Dodatno kaznovati in nadzirati prehitro vožnjo
y. Dodatno obdavčiti tranzitne tovornjake
z. Omejiti promet izven kategoriziranih cestišč
Nič hudega? Tudi semenčic imajo mladi moški 50% manj kot
aa. Prepovedati genetsko spremenjene rastline
pred 50 leti. Brez stroke počnemo nove in nove neumnosti.
bb. Propagirati samo-skrb za okolje
Junijska številka 2021 revije »National geographic« vsebuje
cc. Uvesti bele ali poraščene fasade in strehe
prispevek o spreminjanju džungle v kmetijske površine na
dd. Uvesti ribje steze, kjer je smotrno
mehiškem polotoku Jukatan, gojenju genetsko spremenjenih
ee. Podivjati Slovenijo
rastlin in škropljenju z insekticidi. Posledično ne samo izumirajo
leteče in druge žuželke, nekoč cvetoče čebelarstvo je skoraj
Ti predlogi, zbrani s strani okoli 100 strokovnjakov v
propadlo. Ko je vlada prepovedala genetske spremenjene rastline,
večletnih razpravah predvsem v Državnem svetu [8], pa tudi v
so se za nekaj časa razmere izboljšale, a ker ni bilo nadzora, se je
strokovnih združenjih kot Inženirski akademiji Slovenije,
nadaljevalo ilegalno izsekavanje džungle in sajenje genetsko
predstavljajo osnovno strokovno utemeljeno smer skrbi za okolje
spremenjenih poljščin. Za tono medu je bilo pred 20 leti
v Sloveniji. Utemeljitve za posamezne predloge so v [5]. Recimo
potrebnih 12 panjev, danes 45. Morda se boste vprašali, kaj ima
omejitve prehitre vožnje so utemeljene s tem, da vsakih dodatnih
to z nami? Poleg ZDA je glavni uvoznik EU, torej smo mi
10km/h nad 100 km/h prinese 10% dodatnega onesnaževanja.
Evropejci oz. naši politiki soodgovorni za to. Pa tudi mi lahko
Ali pa prepoved genetsko spremenjene hrane, ki ne temelji na
skoraj prenehamo kupovati hrano, ki je prišla od daleč. Bližja je
potencialnem strahu pred škodo ljudem, ampak na škodi, ki jo z
bolj sveža in bolj ekološka!
genetsko vcepljenimi varovali pred žuželkami povzroča preko
žuželk celotnemu ekosistemu. Tako ali tako moderno
monokulturno kmetijstvo uničuje biodiverziteto, a vseeno manj
kot genetsko spremenjena hrana.
5 Napotki iz Bele knjige strokovnega
varovanja okolja
Naštejmo nekaj posodobljenih napotkov iz Bele knjige
strokovnega varovanja okolja [5]:
Pri varovanju okolja sta dve ključni smeri: ena pravi, da je
treba ljudi odstraniti od narave, naj se ne vtikajo v okolico, naj
ne krmijo ptic pozimi in naj ne pomagajo npr. prezeblemu ježku,
ki ste ga razkrili v kompostu. Druga smer temelji na sožitju, da
Prepoved reklamnih panojev v vidnem polju avtocest
sobivamo, da pomagamo naravi, rastlinam in živalim, kolikor
Prepoved oglaševanja v odprtem prostoru krajine
moremo. Ljudje so spremenili pol vse planetove površine, živali
Prenehati prekomerno osvetljevanje in ohranjanje
vidnosti zvezdnega neba
uničujemo in izrivamo, da prihaja do 6. svetovnega izumiranja
Omejitev obsega cestne razsvetljave
Ne povečevati števila prebivalcev Slovenije [7]
http://www.allcreation.org/home/understand). To počnemo ali v
Povečati sredstva za znanost, zlasti okoljsko
hlastanju za bogastvom, kapitalom, ali pa zaradi neumnosti.
Povečati okoljsko osveščenost/izobraženost občin in
Stroka in ljubitelji lahko pomagajo narediti naše okolje in odnos
do rastlin in živali tak, da bomo lahko sobivali in uživali drug ob
Sprejeti nov zakon in spremeniti odnos do invazivnih
rastlinskih in živalskih vrst
»Podivjanje« uvaja nov, dober odnos do narave, okolja,
Odstraniti alergene rastline iz javnega sektorja
rastlin in živali. Propagira sobivanje in souživanje darov in
Sprejeti nov zakon za odstranjevanje agresivnih živali
pestrosti naravnega sveta. Strokovno je marsikaj opredeljenega v
Uvajati klimatske naprave-inverterje kot najbolj
učinkovito napravo
prosto dostopni »Beli knjigo o strokovnem varovanju okolja«
Izvajati financiranje obnovljivih virov
t%20o%20okolju%202020.pdf) [5], kjer so zbrani moderni Ukiniti termoelektrarne na premog
strokovni nasveti, kako varovati okolje. Čeprav so naši politiki
Zgraditi nov blok jedrske elektrarne kot najbolj čiste
24/7 energije
realizirali le manjši del napotkov stroke, jih lahko izvajamo
državljani sami – npr. odstranjujemo invazivne rastline in živali
Bolje izkoriščati vodne vire – hidroelektrarne, kjer je
in podivjamo vrt.
Uporabljati solarne panele, kjer je primerno
q. Izboljšati varčevanje z energijo
Spodbujanje naseljevanja prebivalstva v urbanih
okoljih in ne po krajini
De Vos, J. M., Joppa, L.N., Gittleman, J.L., Stephens, P.R., Stuart L., S.
L. Pimm, S.L., 2014. Estimating the Normal Background Rate of Species
s. Otežiti uvoz hrane iz oddaljenih krajev
Otežiti prodajo oddaljenih izdelkov
DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12380.
Kolbert. E. 2014, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, u. Otežiti prodajo kmetijskih površin
Bloomsbury, February 11.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Gams
Meadows, Donella H; Meadows, Dennis L; Randers, Jørgen; Behrens III,
William W (1972). The Limits to Growth; A Report for the Club of
Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind (PDF). New York:
Universe Books. ISBN 0876631650.
Cain Blythe, Paul Jepson, 2020. Rewilding: The Radical New Science of Ecological Recover, W. F. Howes Ltd (Publisher).
Matjaž Gams, Nina Črnivec, Lidija Globevnik, Stanislav Pejovnik, Žiga
Zaplotnik, Aleksander Zidanšek, 2020. Bela knjiga o strokovnem
George Monbiot, 2013. Feral, Searching for enchantment on the frontiers
of rewilding, Penguin Press
Gams, M., Malačič, J. 2019. Bela knjiga slovenske demografije. Evropska
Involvement of Citizens in Environmental Epidemiology
Studies: Some Experience From the CitieS-Health
Ljubljana Pilot
David Kocman†
Miha Pratneker
Jure Ftičar
Department of Environmental
Department of Environmental
Department of Environmental
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tina Vrabec
Johanna A. Robinson
Rok Novak
Department of Environmental
Department of Environmental
Department of Environmental
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
of approaches on how to connect the public with scientific
research, to what extent and in what type of research, but the
In this contribution, a general overview and experience gained in
main objective of CS is that the approach is beneficial for both
conducting citizen science (CS) activities in the field of
citizens and researchers.
environmental epidemiology is presented. The described
Even though CS has gained recognition within various
activities were carried out in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in the frame of
scientific and civic communities [1], environmental sciences
the CitieS-Health H2020 project, dealing with the topic of noise,
may especially utilize the collection of large amounts of
well-being and health in the context of urban environment.
observations and data classifications public involvement brings
Following the project’s methodological framework, citizens
to expert research (e.g. [2,3]). In return, citizens get answers on
were actively involved in all phases of the project – problem
issues concerning them. Froeling et al. [4] argue that the true
identification, co-designing of experimental works, as well as
added benefit of CS in environmental epidemiology is in its
data gathering and interpretation. Some preliminary results and
ability to democratize epidemiological research, which addresses
lessons learned are summarized for both the main study
the content of research, investigates local problems and provides
involving volunteers participating in respective data collection,
findings that are crucial for changes in citizens' immediate
as well as specific activities carried out with elementary school
pupils. The ultimate outcomes and effects of these activities are
In this contribution, we present some preliminary results and
still to be properly evaluated. The overall preliminary conclusion
observation obtained within the EU Horizon 2020 project CitieS-
however is that, while the concept was well received among the
Health (https://citieshealth.eu) which is based on the so-called
engaged citizens and valuable new insights in the topics
co-created CS approach, allowing citizens and their concerns to
addressed can be achieved in this way, managing volunteer
be at the heart of research agenda on environmental
motivation and expectations which in turn affect their retention
epidemiology. Together with the help of researchers, new
and sustainability of the project, can be challenging, especially if
technologies and customized tools, citizens in five European
conducted in the time of pandemic.
cities, including Ljubljana, Slovenia, are involved in all stages of
research in order to find out how pollution in their living
environment is affecting their health.
In the Ljubljana pilot, the public was engaged in co-creating
Citizen Science, Environmental epidemiology, Urban stressors,
a CS research study on how the quality of living environment
Well-being, Health
(with emphasis on noise) and living habits affect the (mental)
health and well-being of individuals. A great deal of studies have
discovered the connection between noise pollution and health,
resulting in hearing damages, sleep disorders, cardiovascular
diseases, lower work productivity etc. [5], but the data on the
correlation between noise and health, especially in the multi-
stressors context in urban environments, is still scarce.
Citizen Science is a term that generally describes lay people
involvement in scientific research projects. There are a great deal
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Kocman et al.
short and detailed user guides for the participants were prepared,
providing information on the use and installation of the tools.
Following the CitieS-Health methodological framework [6],
citizens were involved in four phases of the project, from
identification of their concerns and interests, to co-designing of
data protocols, data collection and analysis to action (Figure 1).
Figure 2: The tools used and the levels of involvement
Figure 1: CitieS-Health methodological framework
(adopted from Toran et al. [6])
2.3 Deployment phase
During the deployment phase, two general types of activities
2.1 Identification phase
took place. Altogether, 49 volunteers participated in the main
In the identification phase, numerous meetings with interested
study, collecting data on characteristics of their living
stakeholders were organized in Ljubljana, Slovenia, to map their
environment and mental health using the tools described above.
perception, interests and concerns related to noise pollution and
Depending on their interest, each of the participants participated
health issues. In addition to some very specific noise and health-
7–14 days. The main study lasted for 6 months, from October
related questions identified during these discussions, the
2020 to April 2021. Following the data collection, a report for
recurring topic was their belief these issues should be addressed
the participants was prepared. In the spirit of co-creation and co-
in the multi-stressor context of the living environment and habits
design, the report was prepared as an interactive web-application
of an individual. This resulted in a consolidation of the following
enabling individuals to access the raw data, along with basic
final overarching research question: How do the quality of the
descriptive statistics, general data on the patterns of movement
living environment (with an emphasis on noise) and living habits
in space and sleeping habits, pre-processed by researchers, and
affect the (mental) health and well-being of individuals?
specific tools for their independent data processing.
Besides the main study, part of the project activities took
place in cooperation with various schools in Ljubljana, involving
2.2 Design phase
both teachers and students. Activities comprised involvement of
students in school research assignments and organization of
As a result of the design phase, we selected and tested sensors
various tailored events (see section 3.2 for details).
and other tools (smartphone apps, noise level meters and similar
low-cost devices) to be used by participants. This included the
2.4 Action
definition of experimental variables, the types of data to be
collected and the methods and tools for collecting them. A
The action phase will follow in the final stage of the project. In
general Ljubljana Pilot protocol was formulated and submitted to
that phase, workshops for participants will be organized to reflect
the Republic of Slovenia National Medical Ethics Committee. In
on their own findings, as well as with other stakeholders
the protocol, different levels of involvement were foreseen,
interested in this topic, including public institutions and civil
depending on the specific interests and willingness of the
individual. Each new level adds to the complexity of the
involvement and the tools used (Figure 2). The EthicaData
platform (ethicadata.com) was chosen as the main tool for
managing the study, and through which both volunteers and basic
data collection tools are administered: questionnaires on well-
In this section, some preliminary results are shown, to indicate
being, sleep, living environment characteristics and cognitive
the type of data and outcomes of the activities described above,
tests, as well as time-activity diaries. In addition, NoiseCapture
including observations regarding motivation and general
and Fitbit smartphone app were used to measure noise and collect
involvement of participants, as well as potential involvement of
physical activity parameters, respectively. Because of the
citizens in such specific research. Overall, data gathered can be
COVID situation that prevented face-to-face meetings, various
processed in two ways. The first approach is evaluation of the
results by processing all of the data together at the community
Involvement of Citizens in Environmental Epidemiology
Studies: Some Experience From the CitieS-Health Ljubljana
level in order to identify general patterns. The second approach
Understanding volunteer motivation and expectations helps in
comprises an evaluation of data on individual level, preferably as
retaining their interest in the long-term [7]. Regarding
independently as possible by volunteers themselves and with the
expectations and motivation to participate in this study, most of
help of researchers. In the following, a few general examples of
the volunteers indicated contribution to science and solving the
the former are given, as well as more details on activities carried
problems as the main drive, followed by an interest in this
out with schools are provided.
specific topic, results in general and personal interests (Figure 4).
3.1 Ljubljana Pilot – main study
Volunteers included in the main study were collecting
approximately 75 different variables at each measurement
session (through questionnaires, measurements by smartphones
and physical activity trackers and meta-data). This resulted in
over 50.000 data points, excluding the geo-spatial data. In Figure
3, a heatmap of the density distribution of GPS, and number of
measurements of noise levels (in seconds) aggregated in 500
meter cells, collected from all participants combined at the level
of the Municipality of Ljubljana. The distribution on both maps
shows a relatively even spatial distribution with an emphasis on
the densely populated city centre.
Figure 4: Drivers of motivation to participate
In the main study, participants were, in the morning and
afternoon, automatically prompted at random times, to record
their own observations, measure noise level and test their
cognitive abilities with a Stroop test [8]. A comparison of the
average response over time showed that it usually decreased
significantly with increasing length of participation, which is
typical of studies involving volunteers. Similarly, within a single
day, the response rate significantly dropped between 13th and
15th hour of the day as shown in Figure 5, but interestingly the
cognitive (Stroop) performance during this time of the day when
people are usually busy at work or in school, improved in
general. For the later, daily z-score was employed in order to
mitigate the learning effect of the participants. Lower values of
the score indicate better cognitive performance.
Figure 5: Frequency of data gathering by hour of day and
cognitive performance
Other general initial findings show a curve of positive moods
Figure 3: Heatmap of the density distribution (above) and
leaning towards the weekend, as well as the opposite, with
number of measurements of noise levels (below)
negative moods, both assessed by three different indicators
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Kocman et al.
(Figure 6). Regarding noise, results revealed a considerable
research in general and their interest in participating in other
adaptability of the perception of sound in humans. While no
project activities.
considerable difference was observed in terms of cognitive
performance at a community-level in noisy or silent
C. Organization of tailored events: Two tailored School Tech-
environments, results indicate that there are differences in
Day Events (STDE) as part of the school’s curriculum were
cognitive performance driven by specific activities individuals
prepared and aligned with the project’s methodological
are involved in (Figure 6).
framework together with teachers. The pupils were initially
involved in identifying noise-related issues and translation of
selected topics into research questions. Next, together with
mentors, they participated in the process of hypothesis
formulation and the design of data collection protocols. Finally,
they participated in data gathering, as well as data analysis and
presentation [9].
Figure 6: Variation of average community-level mood over
a week (above) and relationship between cognitive
performance and activity (below)
3.2 School activities
Activities at schools covered different levels of student
A. School research assignments on the topic of noise and health:
Several school research assignments addressing different aspects
of noise and health were performed by students, e.g. sound levels
in different school environments, spatial distribution of noise at
Figure 7: Elementary school students performing
selected locations in their living environment and surrounding
measurements of noise levels (above) and interpreting
the school, using smartphone application for quantitative
results with the help of researchers (below)
assessment, as well as by recording their subjective perception.
Slightly older students showed interest in the technical aspects of
noise level monitoring and developed a sensor unit with a
supporting data infrastructure. The outcome of this work was
Results and observations presented in this contribution are
presented at the national level event meetings of young
preliminary ones. While an important phase of the project –
researchers of Slovenia, organized by Association for Technical
evaluation and impact assessment still needs to be performed,
Culture of Slovenia.
some initial conclusions and lessons learned so far can be
summarized as follows:
B. Organization of nature day events: Treasure hunts were
The concept – CitieS-Health methodological framework –
organized in a protected area of Tivoli, Rožnik and Šišenski Hill
was well received among the engaged citizens and valuable new
landscape park. Locations where pupils had to look for hidden
insights in the topics addressed can be achieved following this
questions on the topic of sound and noise were marked on the
approach. Most citizens expressed interest in the multi-exposure
map. At each point, we measured the noise level with the help of
aspect of living environment, not only noise, which proved to be
an application on a smartphone, wrote the data on a census sheet
very useful in the light of potential confounding factors and
and discussed the results obtained. The aim of the event was to
interpretation of the results. Citizens sometimes, however, have
involve pupils in research activities and trigger their curiosity,
a hard time with the concept of co-design. It was observed that
Involvement of Citizens in Environmental Epidemiology
Studies: Some Experience From the CitieS-Health Ljubljana
most volunteers prefer to follow a pre-defined schedule of tasks
Reduced cognitive function during a heat wave among residents of non-
and rarely opt for tasks that are optional. Adjustments had to be
air-conditioned buildings: An observational study of young adults in the
made to adjust the number of the former in our study protocol. It
turned out that most volunteers needed additional, more detailed
Kocman D, Števanec T, Novak R, Kranjec N. Citizen Science as Part of
the Primary School Curriculum: A Case Study of a Technical Day on the
instructions, e.g., for using certain application features and
Topic of Noise and Health. Sustainability. 2020; 12(23):10213. DOI:
storing data on servers. This was especially the case due to the
COVID situation, as respective mitigation measures had to be
prepared that comprise interaction with volunteers in the on-line
mode only, and accordingly tools used were adjusted. To this
end, detailed and tailored user guides and info-graphics were
prepared to help the volunteers. Time-constrain was the main
preventing factor for participation and continuous efforts had to
be made to keep volunteers engaged.
The activities organized at the school stimulated the interest
of the school staff and attracted them to participate in the main
study of the project. Overall, once again, schools proved to be a
great environment for the conduct of CS activities, and pupils
seemed to enjoy and learn from practical hand-on experience in
conducting research. Concept of CS activities has great potential
for further ongoing inclusion in the school curriculum, adjusted
according to the specifics of the topics addressed [9].
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 824484, and the P1-0143 program “Cycling of
substances in the environment, mass balances, modelling of
environmental processes and risk assessment”, funded by the
Slovenian Research Agency.
Susanne Hecker, Muki Haklay, Anne Bowser, Zen Makuch, Johannes
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(Eko)golf igrišča in Natura 2000: Golf in varovanje okolja
(Eco) Golf courses and Natura 2000: Golf and Environmental Protection
Karel Lipič
Zveza ekoloških gibanj Slovenije
V članstvo Sveta za okolje pri Golf zvezi Slovenije (GZS) nas
je (Zvezo ekoloških gibanj Slovenije – ZEG) Golf zveza
Golf po vsem svetu igra približno 70 milijonov ljudi, v več kot
povabila k sodelovanju že davnega leta 1999.
200 državah Igralci golfa čutijo in izkoriščajo prednost, ki jih
zdravju prinaša ta šport in prisotnost v naravnem okolju.
Skupaj smo načrtovali oglede igrišč in ocenjevanje z vidika
Načrtovanje, gradnja, adaptacija do okolja prijaznih golf igrišč
okoljsko odgovornega ravnanja slovenskih golf igrišč,
ter nujna pridobitev mednarodnih in domačih eko certifikatov
(standardov) v Sloveniji bi Slovenijo uvrstila med privlačne
Committed to Green, razmišljali in pripravljali smo celo za
destinacije mehkega turizma.
»Slovenski znak okoljske kakovosti«, kot standard, ki bi naj
veljal na vseh golf igriščih v Sloveniji. Posebno delovno
skupino (dr. Vladimir Meglič, Bogdan Macarol, Gorazd
(eko)golf igrišča, okoljski standardi,okolje,prostor,Natura 2000
Nastran in Karel Lipič) v Svetu za okolje sestavljajo tudi
številni drugi strokovnjaki, ki se na svojih področjih trudijo za
boljše stanje okolja v Sloveniji in njim ni vseeno, kaj se dogaja
Golf is played by around 70 million people worldwide, in more
na področju golf igrišč.
than two hundred countries. Golfers feel and take advantage of
the health benefits of the mentioned sport and its presence in
the natural environment. Planning, construction, adaptation to
environmentally friendly golf courses and the necessary
Golf kot igra se je začela v Sloveniji na Bledu že leta 1937, ko
acquisition of international and domestic eco certificates and
so zaključili prvih devet lukenj, kar je sicer polovica običajnega
standards in Slovenia would also mean placing Slovenia among
igrišča. Leta 1972 smo dobili tam prvo zaključeno golf igrišče z
the most attractive destinations of tourism.
osemnajstimi luknjami, ki ga je projektiral Donald Harradine,
priznani golf arhitekt, ki je imel velik občutek za poudarjanje
naravnih danosti.
(eco)golf courses, environmental standards, environment,
Natura 2000
Drugo golf igrišče v Sloveniji smo dobili leta 1989 v Lipici,
sicer spet le polovično – z devetimi luknjami. Tudi tu se je pod
projekt podpisal isti arhitekt.
Načrtovanje in gradnja golf igrišča v Sloveniji , tudi na
V naslednjih letih se je kar aktivno nadaljeval razvoj golf igrišč.
slovenski obali (npr. občina Piran), ta čas še vedno povzroča
Gradnja golf igrišč v Sloveniji pa je nekako obstala po letu
javno negodovanje nekaterih posameznikov in skupin.
2006, ko sta bila izgrajena še prvo »Pitch putt« - krajše vadbeno
Slovenska javnost in prav tako številni odgovorni na
igrišče s šestimi luknjami v Šempetru pri Novi Gorici in igrišče
ministrstvih, katerih aktivnosti so neposredno povezane tudi z
z devetimi luknjami – Trnovo na saniranem odlagališču smeti
delovanjem golf igrišč, ter s tem možnostjo igranja golfa, so
na Ljubljanskem Barju.
zelo slabo seznanjeni z vplivi načrtovanja, gradnje in
vzdrževanja golf igrišč na okolje. Ob pomanjkanju
V Sloveniji imamo danes šestnajst golf igrišč z 18. ali več
luknjami (Bled, Lipica,Moravske Toplice..) in sedem manjših, s
neobjektivni, neresnični in zelo pogosto nestrokovni,predvsem
6. ali 9. luknjami, ki skupno z še 6-imi vadbišči za vadbo
pa neverodostojno argumentirani članki ter izjave kritikov golf
udarcev leži na skupni površini , cca 800 ha.
igrišč. Potrebno je redno in načrtno pridobivati podatke o
okoljskih vplivih, ki jih dejavnosti v zvezi z golf igrišči imajo
Golf zveza Slovenije je aktivna v prizadevanjih za varstvo
na okolje, jih kritično ovrednotiti in o izsledkih seznanjati
okolja že od leta 1996, ko se je njen predstavnik udeležil prvega
slovensko javnost.
sestanka tehnične komisije mednarodne neodvisne Fundacije
Committed to Green, ki je postavljala temelje okoljsko
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Karel Lipič
odgovornih principov načrtovanja, gradnje in vzdrževanja golf
Sredi leta 2005 je bila ob podpori Evropske Komisije
igrišč v Evropi. V začetku leta 2001 je bil ustanovljen prvi Svet
ustanovljena Golf Environment Europe – neodvisna fundacija,
za okolje pri Golf zvezi, ki je že s koncem istega leta, skupaj z
ki je ob kvalitetnem okoljskem programu ob sprejemu in
Združenjem vzdrževalcev golf igrišč Slovenije, organiziral
podpori vseh, ne zgolj le Evropsko v golf vpetih strani, ob
posvet Golf in okolje. Podlaga za posvet so bili podatki zbrani
velikem interesu v letu 2008 prerasla v Golf Environment
na vseh – takrat osmih igriščih v Sloveniji. Posveta so se
Organization. Njena vizija je: Golf je lahko vodilni v
aktivno udeležili tako predstavniki golf igrišč, vzdrževalci,
zagotavljanju trajnostnega razvoja v športu in poslovanju, v
nekatere okoljske NVO (ZEG idr.) kot tudi Ministrstvo za
najširšem javnem pogledu, pa cenjen po okoljskem in
okolje in prostor.
socialnem prispevku!
Zaključki takratnega posveta so bili tudi:
Spomladi leta 2007 je bil s strani Golf zveze Slovenije
pripravljen še en posvet na temo Golf – Okolje - Prostor, kateri
upravljanje in vzdrževanje igrišč v Sloveniji je
pa je bil žal odpovedan zaradi premajhne prijave pričakovanih
odgovorno do okolja, vendar je potrebno zagotoviti
udeležencev; malo iz golfskih sredin, še manj pa iz strani
sistem rednega letnega preverjanja, svetovanja in
institucij države; ministrstev, uprav, agencij.
pomoči pri izvajanju programa;
potrebno je vpeljati sistem rednega monitoring-a vseh
V maju 2014 je bila organizirana prva predstavitev golfa v
talnih vodnih virov in podtalnice na golf igriščih;
Evropskem parlamentu. Na kratko naj povzamemo nekaj
MOP, igrišča;
navedenih vidikov tega športa v Evropi:
v pet letnem obdobju se pregleda vsa slovenska golf
igrišča ter se popiše redke ptice, sesalce ter druge
redke živali poleg tega pa še avtohtone rastlinske
ekonomski: prispevek v ekonomiji presega 15
vrste, zaščitene rastline in območja, ter se izda
milijard evrov;
navodilo za zagotavljanje njihovega normalnega
socialni: golf igra v Evropi preko 7,9 milijona ljudi;
življenja; MOP, Agencija RS za varstvo narave;
okoljski: obstaja preko 6.000 golf igrišč v Evropi, na
potrebno je pripraviti nosilno slovensko okoljsko
področju katerih je vsaj 70% zemljišč mogoče
strategijo za izbiro lokacij, gradnje in vzdrževanje
uporabiti in varovati kot posebne in pomembne
golf igrišč; priprava MOP, Urad za prostorsko
planiranje in Agencijo RS za varstvo narave,
Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, ob
pomoči Golf zveze Slovenije in Združenja
vzdrževalcev golf igrišč Slovenije, ter drugih; Zveza
ekoloških gibanj Slovenije - ZEG.;
V tujini poznamo mnogo primerov, ko golf igrišča izkazujejo
javnost je potrebno redno in dovolj kakovostno
obveščati o okoljskih dejavnostih
najvišje standarde. Eno takih je v Kristianstadu na Švedskem, ki
in stanju na
slovenskih golfiščih;
je celo pod zaščito UNESCA, ali pa Hilversumsche golf na
svet za okolje naj v naslednjih letih z dopolnjenimi in
Nizozemskem z izredno bogato floro in favno, ki tudi redno
gosti European Tour – tekmovanje v golfu na najvišji,
ocenjevanjem igrišč in svetovanjem izboljšav;
profesionalni ravni.
kategorizacija golf igrišč kot celote in njenih
Golfska igrišča lahko ob pravilni zasnovi, načrtovanju, dobrem
sestavnih delov. Določitev je pomembna tudi zaradi
upravljanju pomembno prispevajo k biotski raznovrstnosti in
razvrstitve in umeščanja v prostor pogostih
ohranjanju te pestrosti s široko paleto vsega življenja, ki ga
samostojnih vadbišč, ali manjših vadbenih golf igrišč;
gostijo – od rastlin do ptic, od nevretenčarjev do dvoživk.
MOP, Urad za prostorsko planiranje, Ministrstvo za
Pomembno pa je to tudi preverjati in tudi objaviti izsledke!
kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano;
pri pripravi in spremembah zakonodaje s področja
Namen je, da se promovira dobre prakse, da se umakne
golfa, morajo Ministrstva k razpravi povabiti Golf
negativno konotacijo z golfa, obenem pa usmerja upravljalce
zvezo Slovenije in Združenje vzdrževalcev golf igrišč
igrišč in tudi igralce same, k okoljsko odgovornemu
vzdrževanju in rabi prostora.So objem narave, hrepenenja po
aktivnosti in vpliva zdravega življenja.
V Zvezi ekoloških gibanj Slovenije - ZEG, nevladni okoljski
organizaciji (ima status društva v javnem interesu po ZVO)
Golf zveza Slovenije kot krovna organizacija golfa v Sloveniji
lahko ugotavljamo, da se v vsem tem obdobju (po letu 2001) na
je v svojih aktivnostih vedno skrbela za odgovoren odnos do
nivoju države ni zgodilo nič, kar bi bilo potrebno za izboljšanje
okolja. Čas bi bil, da bi se v te aktivnosti vključile tudi državne
pregleda, nadzora in verodostojnega poročanja o stanju in
inštitucije, ki so neposredno vezane na to področje in to ne le z
odnosu do okolja Slovenskih golf igrišč. Nič ni bilo narejeno za
restriktivnim – omejevalnim pristopom (nadzorom), temveč
pripravo podlag za načrtovanje golf igrišč v prostoru, njihovo
konstruktivno s svetovalnimi in usmerjevalnimi aktivnostmi.
gradnjo in upravljanje! Edino kar se je zgodilo so bili
Pred kratkim je bil nov Svet za okolje. Pripravljene so
restriktivni ukrepi v smislu nadzora nad rabo fitofarmacevtskih
aktivnosti, katerih izvedba je ponovno odvisna od aktivne
soudeležbe s strani države. Upam, da bo tokrat več posluha,
predvsem pa želje po izboljšanju stanja.Imamo že preko 10.000
(Eko)golf igrišča in Natura 2000: Golf in varovanje okolja
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Slovenska javnost zahteva dokaze (če so?), da slovenska golf
Vemo, da je golf kot šport in kot gospodarska aktivnost dobra.
igrišča res ne onesnažujejo okolja in da so lahko pomemben
Vemo, da je pomemben za okolje na področju igrišč in tudi
člen Nature 2000, varovanja okolja ter rekreacije ljudi v naravi.
mnogo širše do koder sežejo vplivi. Vemo pa tudi, da je lahko
še boljši, da lahko okolje, njegovo zdravje in pestrost še
izboljšamo! Zato pa moramo vsi pridati svoj prispevek in ne le
čakati na naslednji vlak!
V Zvezi ekoloških gibanj Slovenije - ZEG, nevladni okoljski
organizaciji po dvajsetih letih stalnih prizadevanj pričakujemo
V Zvezi ekoloških gibanj Slovenije v času še trajajoče javne
večje strokovno vključevanje Golf zveze Slovenije v
razprave in iskanja dolgoročnih okoljskih rešitev v Republiki
načrtovanje eko golf igrišč.
Sloveniji na področju izvajanja podnebne politike (NPVO,
NEPN…) prosimo vlado RS in njena resorna ministrstva oz.
Od pristojnih državnih institucij in ministrstev pa korenite
strokovne službe , da nas seznanijo ali načrtujejo , kakršne koli
okoljske spremembe v praksi, da vključijo te igralne površine v
aktivnosti na tem področju, oz. ali se vam ne zdi, da bi bilo
zavarovana območja. Ob dobrem okoljskem upravljanju
nujno, da bi se slovenska golf igrišča priključila Evropskemu
lastnikov igrišč, le-te lahko pomembno prispevajo k biotski
programu certificiranja (GEO) primernosti okoljskega ravnanja
raznovrstnosti države.
kot ga pozna cela Evropa?
Golf zveza Slovenije in lastniki vseh golf igrišč bi morali
pogosteje dokazovati svojo okoljsko neoporečno ravnanje, saj
se v javnosti sliši mnogo opazk na neustrezno in neodgovorno
- lastni viri, arhiv in dokumentacija ZEG
ravnanje na področju kemizacije tal.
- medijski strokovni članki o golf igriščih
- zapisi skupnih sestankov na GZS in Združenju
V ZEG-u predlagamo, da se v te aktivnosti morajo nujno
vzdrževalcev golf igrišč Slovenije (med leti 2000-2015)
vključiti resorna ministrstva (MOP, MKGP, Ministrstvo za
- Matjaž Gams
infrastrukturo, MGT…) in vlada.
Mnenja smo, da bi morala slovenska golf igrišča izdelovati
naslednja letna poročila:
skupne površine golf igrišča, gnojene površine,
količine in vrste porabljenega gnojila;
uporabljena vsa fito farmacevtska sredstva in na
koliko površin (katerih) so bila uporabljena;
količine in viri vode uporabljeni za vzdrževanje,
količine porabljenih maziv in olj ter potrdila o varnem
količine komunalnih in biološko razgradljivih
Golf zvezi Slovenije in Svetu za okolje pri GZS predlagamo,
ponovno pripravi in dodela vprašalnik o okoljskih
vplivih slovenskih golf igrišč;
- pridobitev vseh potrebnih podatkov na golf igriščih
do meseca junija 2022;
skupaj z Združenjem vzdrževalcev golf igrišč
potrebnih,variabilnih podatkov o vzdrževanju golf
pripravi več sestankov v širši slovenski politiki in
javnosti s ciljem seznanjanja in izboljšanja
medsebojnega odnosa in sodelovanja;
nudi pomoč pri nastajanju novih golf igrišč z nasveti
oz. pomoč pri implementaciji okoljskega programa
zainteresiranim golf igriščem v Sloveniji in tujini;
pripravi predlog za sklic slovenskega posveta na
temo »GOLF IN OKOLJE« v letu 2022 ter izdela
zgibanko oz. TV oglas za seznanjanje javnosti o
odnosu golf igrišč do okolja.
Gospodarska in podnebna negotovost v Združenih
državah Amerike
Economic and climate uncertainty in the United States
Dejan Romih
Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Univerza v Mariboru
Maribor, Slovenija
krize na drugi strani. Izkazalo se je, da ZDA niso odporne proti
gospodarskim, družbenim in zdravstvenim šokom na eni in
Gospodarske in podnebne razmere se spreminjajo, kar med
podnebnim šokom na drugi strani, kar ameriškim oblikovalcem
gospodarskimi enotami povzroča potrebo po prilagajanju. V tem
politike povzroča težave.
prispevku analiziram gospodarsko in podnebno negotovost v
Dejstvo je, da je negotovost zanimiva tema, ki med drugim
ZDA. Ugotovil sem, da se je zaradi gospodarske in podnebne
zanima tudi ekonomiste. Raziskave kažejo, da negotovost
krize povečala gospodarska oz. podnebna negotovost v ZDA.
negativno vpliva na gospodarstvo in družbo.
gospodarstvo, podnebje, politika, negotovost, ZDA
Pandemija covida-19 je v ZDA povzročila gospodarsko recesijo,
ki je trajala od marca do aprila 2020 [1]. Zaradi gospodarske
Economic and climate conditions are changing, leading to the
krize (recesijskega pritiska v gospodarstvu) se je v ZDA povečala
need among economic units for adaptation. In this paper, I
gospodarska negotovost [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], ki jo obravnavam v prvem
analyse the economic and climate uncertainty in the US. I found
delu tega prispevka. Slika 1 kaže odnos med »gospodarstvom«
that economic and climate uncertainty in the US have increased
na eni in »negotovostjo« na drugi strani, pri čemer je presek obeh
due to the economic and climate crisis, respectively.
krogov »gospodarska negotovost«, ki jo lahko na kratko
definiramo kot negotovost glede gospodarskih razmer.
economy, climate, policy, uncertainty, US
Gospodarske in podnebne razmere se spreminjajo, kar med
gospodarskimi enotami povzroča potrebo po prilagajanju. Od
njihove sposobnosti prilagajanja je odvisno, kakšen bo njihov
Zadnje leto in pol se v medijih veliko govori in piše o
negotovosti, ki jo zaradi gospodarske, družbene in zdravstvene
krize na eni in podnebne krize na drugi strani čutimo na vsakem
koraku. To med gospodarskimi enotami povzroča potrebo po
ukrepanju. Znano je, da pandemija covida-19 spreminja naš
način življenja: vprašanje je, ali na boljše ali na slabše.
V tem prispevku analiziram gospodarsko negotovost, ki jo na
kratko definiram v poglavju 2, in podnebno negotovost, ki jo na
Slika 1: Odnos med »gospodarstvom« in »negotovostjo«
kratko definiram v poglavju 4, pri čemer se omejujem na ZDA,
ki se zadnje leto in pol soočajo s hudimi posledicami
Raziskave kažejo, da je pandemija covida-19 prispevala k
gospodarske, družbene in zdravstvene krize na eni in podnebne
povečanju negotovosti v ZDA [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Slika 2 kaže gibanje
indeksa negotovosti za ZDA v obdobju od prvega četrtletja 2000
do drugega četrtletja 2021, slika 3 pa gibanje indeksa
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
pandemične negotovosti za ZDA v obdobju od zadnjega
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
četrtletja 2019 do drugega četrtletja 2021. Iz slik je razvidno, da
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
sta indeksa svoj vrh dosegla v prvem četrtletju 2020, tj. v prvem
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
valu okužb s koronavirusom SARS-CoV-2.
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Romih
s 0,60
k 0,50
ed 0,40
In 0,30
Slika 2: Negotovost v ZDA v obdobju od prvega četrtletja
2000 do drugega četrtletja 2021 [7,
Slika 4: Odnos med »gospodarstvom«, »politiko« in
sk 30,00
d 20,00
Dejstvo je, da obstaja potreba po opazovanju in spremljanju
gospodarskopolitične negotovosti v ZDA. V ta namen so Baker
idr. [8] razvili indeks gospodarskopolitične negotovosti za ZDA,
ki med drugim temelji na številu člankov, objavljenih v desetih
ameriških časopisih. Da se članek upošteva, mora vsebovati
besedo »ECONOMIC« ali »ECONOMY«, besedo »CONGRESS« ali
Slika 3: Pandemična negotovost v ZDA v obdobju od
zadnjega četrtletja 2019 do drugega četrtletja 2021 [7,
Slika 5 kaže gibanje indeksa gospodarskopolitične
negotovosti za ZDA v obdobju od januarja 2000 do avgusta 2021.
Iz slike je razvidno, da je bila gospodarskopolitična negotovost v
Dejstvo je, da so bile na začetku krize (šoka) gospodarske
ZDA največja maja 2020, prim. [5].
enote v negotovosti (negotovem položaju) glede gospodarskih
razmer doma in po svetu, zaradi česar so odlašale z odločitvami
glede novih investicij in zaposlitev.
s 400
e 300
Raziskave kažejo, da je pandemija covida-19 prispevala tudi k
povečanju gospodarskopolitične negotovosti v ZDA [2, 5]. Na
začetku gospodarske krize še ni bilo znano, katere ukrepe za
oživitev gospodarske dejavnosti v ZDA bo na primer sprejela
ameriška vlada pod vodstvom Donalda J. Trumpa ml., kar je v
ZDA povzročilo gospodarskopolitično negotovost, ki jo
obravnavam v nadaljevanju tega poglavja.
Slika 4 kaže odnos med »gospodarstvom« na eni, »politiko«
Slika 5: Gospodarskopolitična negotovost v ZDA v obdobju
na drugi in »negotovostjo« na tretji strani, pri čemer je presek
od januarja 2000 do avgusta 2021 [8,
vseh treh krogov »gospodarskopolitična negotovost«, ki jo lahko
na kratko definiramo kot negotovost glede gospodarske politike,
prim. [8].
Slika 6 kaže zanimanje za gospodarskopolitično negotovost v
ZDA od 5. januarja 2000 do 29. avgusta 2021. Iz slike je razvidno,
da je bilo zanimanje za gospodarskopolitično negotovost v ZDA
največje maja 2020, ko je bila tudi gospodarskopolitična
negotovost v ZDA največja.
Gospodarska in podnebna negotovost v ZDA
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
ed 30
In 20
Slika 8: Zanimanje za podnebne spremembe v ZDA od
Slika 6: Zanimanje za gospodarskopolitično negotovost v
januarja 2004 do avgusta 2021 (Google Trendi)
ZDA od 5. januarja 2000 do 29. avgusta 2021 (Google
Trendi) [https://trends.google.com/trends/]
Dejstvo je, da se ZDA zaradi podnebnih sprememb ne piše
Raziskave kažejo, da gospodarskopolitična negotovost
dobro, kar je razvidno iz slike 9, ki kaže odstopanje povprečne
negativno vpliva na gospodarstvo [2]. Zato je naloga
mesečne temperature v ZDA glede na referenčno obdobje 1986–
oblikovalcev politike in politikov, da preprečujejo nastajanje
2005 (scenarij: visoke emisije).
gospodarskopolitične negotovosti.
Podnebne spremembe povzročajo podnebno krizo, o kateri se v
ameriških medijih premalo govori in piše. Znano je, da je odnos
ameriških gospodarskih enot do vprašanja podnebnih sprememb
odvisen od strankarske pripadnosti [9, 10]. Donald J. Trump ml.
(ki je pripadnik politične desnice) na primer v nasprotju z
Josephom R. Bidnom ml. (ki je pripadnik politične levice) ne
verjame v podnebne spremembe.
Zaradi podnebne krize se je v ZDA povečala podnebna
negotovost., ki jo obravnavam v nadaljevanju tega poglavja.
Slika 7 kaže odnos med »podnebjem« na eni in
»negotovostjo« na drugi strani, pri čemer je presek obeh krogov
»podnebna negotovost«, ki jo lahko na kratko definiramo kot
negotovost glede podnebnih razmer.
Slika 9: Odstopanje povprečne mesečne temperature glede
na referenčno obdobje 1986–2005 v ZDA po mesecih in
Raziskava, ki so jo marca 2021 opravili Leiserowitz, Maibach,
Rosenthal, Kotcher, Carman, Wang, Marlon idr. [11] na vzorcu
1037 odraslih Američanov, med drugim kaže:
− da jih 70 odstotkov meni, da prihaja do globalnega
Slika 7: Odnos med »podnebjem« in »negotovostjo«
− da jih 57 odstotkov meni, da prihaja do globalnega
Slika 8 kaže zanimanje za podnebne spremembe v ZDA od
segrevanja zaradi človekovega delovanja;
januarja 2004 do avgusta 2021. Iz slike je razvidno, da se
− da jih je 64 odstotkov zaskrbljenih zaradi
zanimanje za podnebne spremembe v ZDA povečuje.
globalnega segrevanja;
− da jih 57 odstotkov meni, da globalno segrevanje
negativno vpliva nanje;
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
D. Romih
− da jih 45 odstotkov meni, da globalno segrevanje
»UNCERTAINTY«. Podatki za obdobje od januarja 2000 do marca
negativno vpliva na druge,
2021 kažejo, da je indeks podnebnopolitične negotovosti za ZDA
− da jih 64 odstotkov čuti (so)odgovornost za
svoj vrh dosegel septembra 2019, ko je v New Yorku potekala
globalno segrevanje;
Konferenca o podnebnih spremembah (Climate Action Summit
− da jih 61 odstotkov meni, da globalno segrevanje
2019) (gl. sliko 11).
negativno vpliva na vreme v ZDA.
Logično je, da lahko k zmanjšanju politične negotovosti največ
s 500
prispevajo politiki sami. Lep primer za to je Joseph R. Biden ml.,
ek 300
ki se po načinu vodenja precej razlikuje od svojega predhodnika.
Ind 200
Ta je na primer z izjavo, da bodo ZDA odstopile od Pariškega
sporazuma o podnebnih spremembah (Paris Agreement on
Climate Change), ki jo je dal 1. junija 2017, prispeval k
politične negotovosti v ZDA.
V tem poglavju obravnavam podnebnopolitično negotovost,
ki je tako kot gospodarskopolitična negotovost zanimiva tema.
Slika 10 kaže odnos med »podnebjem« na eni, »politiko« na
drugi in »negotovostjo« na tretji strani, pri čemer je presek vseh
treh krogov »podnebnopolitična negotovost«, ki jo lahko na
Slika 11: Podnebnopolitična negotovost v ZDA v obdobju
kratko definiramo kot negotovost glede podnebne politike.
od januarja 2000 do marca 2021 [12,
Dejstvo je, da se ZDA (tako kot druge svetovne države) zaradi
gospodarske, družbene in zdravstvene krize na eni in podnebne
krize na drugi strani soočajo z novimi težavami, ki so izziv za
ameriške oblikovalce politike. Za gospodarske enote velja, da se
morajo prilagajati razmeram doma in v svetu.
Zaradi pandemije covida-19 se je v ZDA povečala negotovost,
ki jo analiziram v tem prispevku. Ugotovil sem, da se je le-ta
povečala na začetku pandemije, ko še na primer ni bilo cepiva
proti koronavirusu SARS-CoV-2. Negotovost pa se v ZDA ni
povečala samo zaradi gospodarske, družbene in zdravstvene
krize, ampak tudi zaradi podnebne, katere posledice čutimo na
lastni koži.
[1] National Bureau of Economic Research (2021). US
Business cycle expansions and contractions.
Slika 10: Odnos med »podnebjem«, »politiko« in
[2] Al-Thaqeb, S. A., Algharabali, B. G., Alabdulghafour,
K. T. (2020). The pandemic and economic policy uncertainty.
Tako kot obstaja potreba po opazovanju in spremljanju
International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1–11.
gospodarskopolitične negotovosti v ZDA, obstaja tudi potreba po
opazovanju in spremljanju podnebnopolitične negotovosti v
[3] Altig, D., Baker, S., Barrero, J. M., Bloom, N., Bunn, P.,
ZDA. V ta namen je Gavriilidis [12] razvil indeks
Chen, S., Davis, S. J., Leather, J., Meyer. B., Mihaylov, E.,
podnebnopolitične negotovosti za ZDA, ki temelji na številu
Mizen, P., Parker, N., Renault, T., Smietanka, P., & Thwaites,
člankov, objavljenih v osmih ameriških časopisih. Da se članek
G. (2020). Economic uncertainty before and during the
upošteva, mora vsebovati besedo »CARBON DIOXIDE« ali
COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Economics, 191,
104274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubeco.2020.104274
[4] Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., Davis, S. J., & Terry, S. J.
(2020). Covid-induced economic uncertainty (Working Paper
No. 26983). National Bureau of Economic Research.
»EPA« ali »LAW« ali »LEGISLATION« ali »POLICY« ali
[5] Romih, D. (2021). Gospodarskopolitična negotovost v
Gospodarska in podnebna negotovost v ZDA
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Združenih državah Amerike med koronakrizo. Glasilo Društva
ekonomistov Maribor, 1(2), 9–14.
[6] Romih, D. (2021). Poslovna negotovost v Nemčiji in
Združenih državah Amerike med koronakrizo. Glasilo Društva
ekonomistov Maribor, 1(3), 11–15.
[7] Ahir, H., Bloom, N., & Furceri, D. (2018). The World
Uncertainty Index. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3275033
[8] Baker, S. R., Bloom, N., & Davis, S. J. (2016).
Measuring economic policy uncertainty. The Quarterly Journal
of Economics, 131(4), 1593– 1636.
[9] Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, S., Kotcher, J.,
Carman, J., Wang, X, Goldberg, M., Lacroix, K., & Marlon, J.
(2021a). Politics & global warming, March 2021. Yale
University in George Mason University. New Haven: Yale
Program on Climate Change Communication.
[10] Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, S., Kotcher, J.,
Carman, J., Wang, X, Goldberg, M., Lacroix, K., & Marlon, J.
(2021b). Public support for international climate action, March
2021. Yale University in George Mason University. New
Haven: Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.
[11] Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, S., Kotcher, J.,
Carman, J., Wang, X., Marlon, J., Lacroix, K., & Goldberg, M.
(2021). Climate change in the American mind, March 2021.
Yale University in George Mason University. New Haven: Yale
Program on Climate Change Communication.
[12] Gavriilidis, K. (2021). Measuring climate policy
uncertainty. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3847388
Ponovna raba vode v urbanih okoljih kot pristop
odgovornega življenja
Water Reuse in Urban Environments as an Approach to a Responsible Life
Ana Vovk
Oddelek za geografijo
Filozofska fakulteta/Univerza v
Maribor, Slovenija
površin, ki postajajo v mestih vse bolj pomembne tudi zaradi
drugačnih potovalnih navad in omejitev gibanja, ki jih poznamo
Naravni viri so vsebolj omejeni in zlasti mesta že občutijo na eni
izpred nekaj časa zaradi korone [2].
strani pomanjkanje vode zlasti v sušnih delih leta in na drugi
strani viške vode v času močnih nalivov. Pozidva in neprepustne
površine onemogočajo ponikanje vode in ponovno izhlapevanje,
zato se uvajajo sistemi za zadrževanje in ponovno rabo vode. V
Pametno vodno gospodarstvo in družba bi morala upravljati z
prispevku so predstavljeni izzivi urbanih območij v smeri
vsemi razpoložljivimi vodnimi viri (vključno s površinskimi,
prilagajanja na podnebne spremembe s poudarkom na krožni rabi
vode ter uporabi zelenih sistemov, s pomočjo katerih zadržujemo
podzemnimi, odpadnimi in prečiščenimi vodami). S tem bi se
deževnico in povečujemo ponikovalno in zadrževalno
izognili pomanjkanju vode in onesnaževanju, povečali bi
sposobnost tal in stavb ter neprepustnih površin, ki jih oprememo
odpornost na podnebne spremembe, ustrezno obvladali tveganja,
z zelenimi sistemi in tehnologijami
povezana z vodo, in zagotovili, da se pridobijo vse koristne
snovi, ki jih je mogoče pridobivati iz postopkov čiščenja odpadne
vode ali so integrirane v vodne tokove. Preizkušeni ukrepi za
Urbana območja, deževnica, krožno gospodarjenje, zeleni
zadrževanje vode v urbanih območjih so zbiranje deževnice
(zbiranje deževnice iz streh, parkirišč), ki prinaša številne
prednosti, kot so zmanjšanje močnih deževnih vplivov in
prispevanje k ohranjanju vode. V krožnem gospodarstvu ima tudi
ponovna uporaba vode ključno vlogo, ki prinaša pomembne
Natural resources are increasingly limited and cities in particular
are already experiencing water shortages on the one hand,
okoljske, socialne in gospodarske koristi. Poleg tega se lahko
especially in dry parts of the year, and on the other hand, excess
siva voda (odpadna voda iz kopalnic, pranja perila in kuhinj) ki
so 50 do 80 % stanovanjskih odpadnih voda, široko upor
water during heavy rains. Sealing and impermeable surfaces
ablja za
namakanje v mestnem okolju in za domače namene (kot je
prevent water from sinking and re-evaporating, so water
toaletna voda), kot tudi deževnica.
retention and reuse systems are being introduced. The paper
Tudi v Vodni direktivi so
presents the challenges of urban areas in adapting to climate
predvideni ukrepi za ponovno rabo vode [3], zlasti za urbana
change with an emphasis on circulating water use and the use of
green systems to contain rainwater and increase the sinking and
retention capacity of floors and buildings and impermeable
surfaces equipped with green systems and technologies.
Urban areas, rainwater, circular management, green systems.
Z rastjo prebivalstva, urbanizacijo in gospodarskim razvojem, se
povečujejo potrebe po sladki vodi v mestih po vsej Evropi. Hkrati
podnebne spremembe in onesnaževanje prav tako vplivajo na
Slika 1: Zeleni sistemi zbiranja vode v urbanih območjih [1]
razpoložljivost vode za prebivalstvo v mestih. Voda v mestih
postaja vse večji izziv, tako količina, kvaliteta, razpoložljivost,
dosegljivost, preobremenjenost oskrbe kot tudi poškodbe
kanalizacijskih sistemov. Zato so potrebni inovativni predlogi
V mestih se vse večja pozornost daje krožnemu upravljanju z
kako bodo lahko mesta še naprej zagotavljala sladko vodo svojim
vodami. Poznamo šest ciljev upravljanja z vodami, to so:
prebivalcem ter dolgoročno skrbeli za ohranjanje zelenih
Information Society 2021, 5–9 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ana Vovk
reciklirati in ponovno uporabiti odpadno vodo;
zbiralnikov. Za manjše uporabnike se uporablja večinoma vkop
povečati učinkovitost uporabe in distribucije
plastičnih ali betonskih podzemnih zbiralnikov.
zagotoviti dobro kakovost vodnih teles;
Uporaba deževnice je vse bolj prioriteta za hlajenje z
zbiranje vode;
izhlapevanjem v gosto naseljenih urbanih območjih. Zlasti
spodbujati večkratno uporabo vode in trajnost
vlagoljubno rastlinstvo zadržuje veliko vode in količina tako
izhlapele vode v enem poletnem mesecu je podobna, kot je
ohraniti pretok v vodnih telesih.
izhlapi iz drevesa, zato je umeščanje vlagoljubnih rastlin vse bolj
pomemben blažilni ukrep [4].
V urbanih okoljih je pogosta težava preobremenitev kanalizacije,
saj vse več padavin pade v zelo kratkem času. Prelivi kanalizacije
Koristi zbiranja deževnice so večdimenzionalne:
povzročajo negativne vplive na rastlinstvo in živalstvo, pa tudi
deževnica je razmeroma čista in njena kakovost je
umrljivost rib.
običajno dovolj za številno uporabo z malo ali celo
brez čiščenja
Če voda steče v kanalizacijo brez zadrževanja, se iz prometnih
površin izperejo mikroplastika in težke kovine. Tak odtok tudi
deževnica ima nizko slanost in jo je mogoče ponovno
uporabiti kjerkoli, kjer ej potrebna mehka voda, kot je
vzpostavlja nenaravno vodno bilanco, saj se zmanjšuje proces
za pranje perila, hlajenje in v industriji;
lokalnega izhlapevanja in lokalnega polnjenja podzemne vode.
z deževnico lahko prihranimo do 50 % potrebe po vodi
Zato so pomembni centralizirani izpusti deževnice z
v gospodinjstvu;
zadrževalnimi filtri v zemlji, ki blažijo izhlapevanje in odtok v
uporaba deževnice zmanjša stroške energije za
hlajenje, saj 1 m3 deževnice, ki izhlapi, sprosti 680
kWh energije;
zbiranje deževnice pomembno zmanjša obremenitev
odtokov na kanalizacijo in poplave v mestnih
zbiranje deževnice je prilagodljiva tehnologija, ki jo je
mogoče zasnovati tako, da izpolnjuje skoraj vse
prispeva k samooskrbi z vodo.
S ciljem, da bi se urbana območja odločala za tovrstne projekte,
smo pripravili v letu 2020 zbornik projektov za Mestno občino
V letu 2021 pripravljamo digitalno monografijo s z naslovom
Slika 2: Trajnostni pristopi v urbanih okoljih za blaženje
Inovativni predlogi za ponovno rabo vode v urbanih območjih,
podnebnih sprememb [1]
kjer nadgrajujemo ideje o možnostih odgovornega življenja v
Urbana območja so razvila prioritete pri upravljanju deževnice in
to so:
Za implementacijo navedenih idej bi bilo potrebno narediti več
izogibanje novim pozidavam inširjenju mestnih
sprememb tako v načrtovalnih kot v izvedbenih postopkih.
Seznami projektov, ki jih financirajo mestne občine v Sloveniji
zbiranje in uporaba deževnice na kraju samem;
večinoma niso usklajeni z zahtevami po krožnem gospodarstvu
zadrževanje deževnice;
in po trajnostno naravanih ukrepih z večfunkcijskimi učinki, ne
infiltracija (polnjenje podzemne vode);
samo na infrastrukturo in ekonomijo, ampak na kvaliteto bivanja.
puščanje deževnice v vodno telo.
Že prisotne podnebne spremembe bodo vse bolj zahtevale
opisane spremembe, zato bi se morala znanost bolj vključiti v
Za čiščenje deževnice se uporabljajo razni filtri, od mehanskih
načtovanje strategij razvoja, kjer se načrtujejo tovrstni projekti.
sesalnih filtrov, do navpičnih cevi za hitro preusmeritev v
rezervoar. Plavajoči fini sesalni filtri zagotavljajo, da se
deževnica črpa iz najbolj čistega nivoja rezervoarja in ne vsebuje
mehanskih delcev.
Mestni občini Maribor se zahvaljujemo za izvajanje projekta
Voda in podnebne spremembe ter Ponovna raba vode v urbanih
Sicer je na razpolago veliko različnih sistemov za zbiranje
območjih v letih 2020 in 2021.
deževnice, od različno velikih posod, do betonskih podzemnih
1 Dostopno na povezavi:
Insert Your Title Here
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
[1] Vovk, Ana. 2020. Voda in podnebna kriza. IPVO, Maribor.
, 14. 9. 2021
[2] Vovk, Ana, Buheji, Mohamed, Davidović, Danijel. Re-
interpretation of "sustainability" concept, in post- covid-19
period. International journal of management. 2021, vol. 12, iss.
10.34218/IJM.12.2.2021.016. [COBISS.SI-ID 52048387]
[3] Vovk, Ana, Motaln, Anja. Implementation of the Water
directive in Slovenia : (selected cases). Acta geographica
Bosniae et Herzegovinae. 2019, vol. 6, no. 12, str. 27-38. ISSN
wH4JQgVaejNE/view. [COBISS.SI-ID 25064456]
[4] Vovk, Ana. Ekoremediacije in podnebne spremembe.
Nazarje: GEAart, 2015. 130 str., ilustr., zvd. ISBN 978-961-
93683-5-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 277607424]
Uporaba programske opreme v zanki za izdelavo
digitalnega dvojčka proizvodnega procesa
Using Hardware in the Loop for Making a Digital Twin of Production Process
Rok Belšak†
Janez Gotlih
Timi Karner
Laboratorij za robotizacijo
Laboratorij za robotizacijo
Laboratorij za robotizacijo
Fakulteta za strojništvo/Univerza
Fakulteta za strojništvo/Univerza
Fakulteta za strojništvo/Univerza
v Mariboru
v Mariboru
v Mariboru
Maribor Slovenija
Maribor Slovenija
Maribor Slovenija
Eno močnejših podjetij za namene načrtovanj in vodenj
digitalnih proizvodnih procesov je nemški SIEMENS, ki glede
Programska oprema v zanki oz. ‘hardware in the loop’ se v
na zahteve in obsežnost sistemov omogoča več programskih
zadnjem času vse pogosteje uporablja v simulacijske namene,
rešitev. Uporaba robotskih sistemov v avtomatizaciji
kjer samo z enim programskim orodjem ne moremo simulirati
proizvodnih procesov v industriji 4.0 se v splošnem zdi
realno-fizikalnega modela proizvodnega procesa. Gre za
nepogrešljiva, kar zahteva predvsem potrebo po kolaboraciji med
integracijo programske opreme, istih, kot tudi različnih
programskimi okolji različnih proizvajalcev. V omenjenem
proizvajalcev, v eno simulacijo. Programski paketi tako
proizvodnem procesu kontrole kakovosti pečice s pomočjo
komunicirajo med seboj in si izmenjujejo podatke. V
robota in industrijskega krmilnika se uporabljajo programska
nadaljevanju bo predstavljena programska oprema v zanki za
okolja podjejta SIEMENS in UNIVERSAL ROBOTS.
namene načrtovanja in vodenja industrijskega procesa kontrole
kakovosti pečice s pomočjo kolaborativnega robota in
industrijskega krmilnika. Programska oprema v zanki tako
predstavlja digitalni dvojček proizvodnega procesa.
Trenutno bistvo programske opreme v zanki je uporaba več
specializiranih programov, kjer vsak program opravlja svojo
dotično nalogo in si ob tem izmenjuje podatke z ostalimi okolji
za celovito delovanje digitalnega sistema, saj trenutno še ne
Programska oprema v zanki, proizvodni proces, SIMIT, TIA,
poznamo programskega okolja, oziroma še ni toliko razširjen, ki
bi omogočal gnezdene funkcije vse do sedaj potrebne
programske opreme.
Using hardware in the loop is gaining on popularity for
simulation purposes where only one hardware is not enough to
simulate the real-world physics of the automation process.
Hardware in the loop is used to integrate software or program
packages of the same or different producers into one simulation.
Program packages are integrated into the hardware in the loop
for the purpose of planning and control of the automation process
for quality control of the oven production line with the
collaborative robot and industrial controller. Hardware in the
loop represents the digital twin of the production process.
Slika 1: Primer uporabe programskih okolij digitalnega
dvojčka [1]
Hardware in the loop, production process, SIMIT, TIA, PLCSim,
Slika 1 prikazuje primer uporabljene programske opreme v zanki
Komunikacija poteka v realnem času med okolji za načrtovanje
in avtomatizacijsko vodenje sistema (NX – MCD, SIMIT,
PLCSIM, TIA Portal in WinCC) ter simulacijskim okoljem za
Napredek človeškega razvoja temelji na razvoju metod, ki
programiranje industrijskega robota podjetja UR (URsim).
olajšujejo potrebno delo za opravljanje nalog. Digitalni dvojček,
z uporabo programske opreme v zanki, je ena izmed
1.1.1 NX – MCD. Je ena izmed razširitev programskega
pomembnejših metod digitalnega razvoja, ki omogoča bistven
okolja NX, ki se uporablja za simuliranje kompleksnih
napredek v razvoju procesov in končnih produktov, lažjimi
elektromehanskih sistemov in omogoča mehatronski pristop
implementacijami idej ter manjšimi stroški testiranj razvitih
razvoja sistemov.
sistemov v dobi tako imenovane industrije 4.0.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
R. Belšak et al.
V enem orodju razvijamo sistem s podporo mehanskih, elektro
parametre, ki so potrebni ob izvajanju. Vse izvršbe funkcij se
in avtomatizacijskih sklopov. Vključuje fizikalni vmesnik,
izvajajo v realnem času.
podobno kot pri računalniških igrah, ki omogoča simulacijo
fizikalnih pojavov, ki so primerljivi realnemu svetu.
1.1.2 SIMIT. Je platforma, na kateri lahko izvajamo
simulacije, ki omogočajo celovite teste avtomatizacije projektov,
kot tudi virtualno zaganjanje sistemov, strojev in procesov.
Simulacijsko platformo uporabljamo tudi za usposabljanje
operativnega osebja v realističnih okoljih. [1]
1.1.3 S7 – PLCSIM. Programsko okolje PLCSIM
Advanced je platforma za simulacijo programirljivega logičnega
krmilnika (PLK) S7-1500 in ET 200SP. Omogoča virtualno
testiranje in upravljanje vseh funkcij realnega programirljivega
logičnega krmilnika.
1.1.4 TIA Portal. Oziroma angl. »Totally Integrated
Slika 2: Digitalni dvojček v času simulacije.
Automation Portal« (prevedeno kot popolnoma integriran
avtomatizacijski portal) nam združuje celotno avtomatizacijo
Celoten proizvodni proces digitalnega dvojčka se izvaja po
stroja, od digitalnega načrtovanja elementov do konfiguracije
diagramu poteka, kot je prikazano na sliki 3.
vseh naprav, v enotni sistem.
1.1.5 URsim. Je simulacijsko okolje za programiranje
industrijskih robotov podjetja UNIVERSAL ROBOTS (UR).
Omogoča kreiranje programov gibanja, simuliranje in testiranje
Vklop napajanja
hitrostnih osi
sistemov z industrijskim robotom v 3D okolju.
Ukleščenje pečice
Položajni osi
na mestu
Za izvajanje simulacij režima digitalnega dvojčka lahko
Izdelek na
izpostavimo eno izmed možnih konfiguracij uporabe programske
vhodu celice
signal start
opreme v zanki.
UR cikla
Grafični prikaz virtualnega okolja kot tudi približek realnemu
okolju se definira v programu NX MCD, kjer se uvoženi CAD
položaj celice
konec UR
modeli definirajo kot telesa. Tukaj se jim priredijo fizikalne
lastnosti (kinematika in dinamika) in se jih sintetizira v celico z
Celica na izhodišču
vsemi transportnimi in manipulacijskimi elementi. Aktivnim
UR konec cikla NE
Izdelek na vhodu
elementom se priredijo krmilni signali za komunikacijo z
eksternimi okolji.
Izpust pečice
Platforma SIMIT se opredeli kot komunikacijski most med
grafičnim prikazom MCD okolj
HMI ukaz
a, virtualnim krmilnikom
PLCSIM Advance z algoritmom vodenja in okoljem za
izdelka iz
programiranje robotskih rok UR – URsim. SIMIT deluje tudi kot
Start cikla
simulacijska platforma naprav (primer: motorni pogoni).
S7-PLCSIM deluje kot virtualni krmilnik na katerega se naloži
programski algoritem razviti v programskem okolju TIA Portal.
izdelka v
Za programiranje robotske roke se v dotičnem problemu uporabi
okolje URsim, kjer se izdela algoritem izvajanja gibanja. Za
Slika 4: Diagram poteka izvajanja kontrole pečice.
doseganje vključitve človeka v času izvajanja virtualnega
avtomatiziranega procesa se izdela vmesnik HMI.
Digitalni dvojčki, z uporabo programskih paketov v zanki,
omogočajo naslednji korak v digitalizaciji postopkov razvojev
novodobnih industrijskih rešitev, ki zahtevajo fleksibilnost,
strateško okretnost ob iskanju rešitev in pogojem nizkih tržnih
Opisano konfiguracijo virtualno poženemo v programskem
cen. Tako lahko podjetje že v fazi digitalnega načrtovanja
okolju SIMIT, kar sproži simultan zagon vseh programov
popolnoma pripravi projekt na lastno zmožnost in ob tem
digitalnega dvojčka. Na Slika 2 so razvidna delovna okna
predvidi in odpravi tako imenovane porodne krče, ki se pojavijo
programskih okolij. Pri tem je smisel okolja MCD grafični prikaz
ob razvoju in realizaciji novih produktov oziroma sistemov.
virtualnega delovnega okolja (čim bolj primerljivo realnemu),
Vendar je potrebno izpostaviti, da so rezultati digitalnih
UR sim okolje predstavlja grafični prikaz izvajanja gibov
dvojčkov pogojeni z optimizacijo in dovršenostjo modelov
robotske roke in prikazan HMI vmesnik prikazuje definirane
Uporaba programske opreme v zanki za izdelavo digitalnega
dvojčka proizvodnega proce
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
predstavljenega sistema, saj je odzivnost in kooperativnost
programskih paketov odvisna od najmanjših podrobnosti, ki
lahko v fizičnem svetu doprinesejo velik preobrat v odzivanju
sistema. Večja dovršenost sistema ob tem zahteva tudi svoj
davek v potrebni procesorski moči računalnika, kar pa se z
razvojem naprednih in zmogljivih računalniških sistemov omili.
demonstracijske celice v sklopu projekta ROBKONCEL je
omogočil vpogled v zmožnosti in prednosti uporabe tehnologij
virtualnih simulacij industrijskih sistemov. S tem se je
modelirana robotizirana celica virtualno razvila v delujoč sistem,
ki potrjuje ustreznost razvitih elementov in ustreznost izbrane
robotske roke glede na zahteve projekta.
Brez pomisleka lahko trdimo, da so sistemi digitalnih dvojčkov
tehnologija prihodnosti, ki ne bo ostala le na zaslonih
Avtorji bi se radi zahvalili Ministrstvu za izobraževanje, znanost
in šport ter Evropskemu skladu za regionalni razvoj, Naložba v
vašo prihodnost, za finančno podporo. Ta raziskava je bila
opravljena kot del projekta ROBKONCEL OP20.03530.
SIEMENS AG."Virtual commissioning and operator training with
software/simit.html [29. 6. 2021].
Bernard Marr."What Is Digital Twin Technology - And Why Is It So
twin-technology-and-why-is-it-so-important/?sh=741d55972e2a [29. 6.
Cadcam LAB ."Digitalni
preobrazba/digitalni-dvojcek-digital-twin/ [10. 9. 2021].
SIEMENS AG - Andrej Lazović."S7-1500/S7-1500T - Motion webinar."
(2021) Dostopno na: andrej.lazovic@siemens.com [9.3. 2021].
Ocena tveganja in ukrepi za varno delo v sodelovalni
Risk Assessment and Safe Working Measures in Collaborative Robotics
Marko Jovanović†
Ivan Rečnik
SMM proizvodni sistemi d.o.o.
SMM proizvodni sistemi d.o.o.
Maribor, Slovenija
Maribor, Slovenija
Sodelujoči roboti, ki lahko “čutijo” svojo okolico, ustvarjajo
revolucijo ne le v svetu industrijske proizvodnje, temveč tudi v
Postopek ocene tveganja je namenjen zaščiti delavcev v
varnostnih zahtevah, povezanih z uporabo robotov. Čeprav so
industrijskem okolju. V prispevku sta predstavljena postopka
tovrstni roboti vse bolj priljubljeni in se tržijo kot varni, to še ne
ocene tveganja v sodelovalnih robotskih celicah v primeru
zmanjšuje varnostnih pomislekov, ki so povezani z uvedbo teh
uporabe običajnega (industrijskega) robota in robota z omejeno
robotov v industrijsko okolje.
močjo in silo (sodelujočega robota). Celovito opravljen postopek
ocene tveganja in ustrezna uporaba zunanjih varnostnih naprav
omogočata uvajanje tako sodelujočih, kot tudi industrijskih
robotov v sodelovalne robotske aplikacije.
Škoda, ki jo povzroči nesreča v delovnem okolju, ni omejena le
na poškodbe delavca, ampak ima tudi finančne posledice v obliki
Ocena tveganja, varnostni standardi, sodelujoči roboti
stroškov zavarovanja, izgub v proizvodnji, poškodovanega
stroja, izgubljenih kupcev in celo izgube ugleda podjetja.
Kadar je robot v istem okolju kot delavec vedno obstaja
The risk assessment procedure is designed to protect workers in
določena stopnja tveganja, ki se šteje za sprejemljivo. To raven
an industrial environment. This paper presents the risk
določajo različni parametri, povezani s stopnjo in verjetnostjo
assessment in collaborative robotic cells in the case of a
nastanka poškodbe delavca. Način, da ugotovimo, če je
conventional (industrial) robot and a power and force limited
potencialna nevarnost presegla sprejemljive varnostne standarde,
robot (collaborative robot). A comprehensive risk assessment
je izvedba ocene tveganja. Postopek ocene tveganja je sestavljen
procedure and the appropriate use of external safety devices
iz definiranja obsega sistema, ugotavljanja virov tveganja,
allow the deployment of both collaborative and industrial robots
ocenjevanja in vrednotenja tveganja ter izvedbe postopka
in collaborative robotic applications.
zmanjševanja tveganja.
2.1 Varnostni standardi v robotiki
Risk Assessment, Safety Standards, Collaborative Robots
Varnostne standarde lahko opredelimo kot “standarde, ki so
zasnovani tako, da zagotavljajo ukrepe, ki so potrebni ali
primerni za preprečevanje nesreč in poškodb, pa tudi za zaščito
pred izpostavljenostjo nezdravim okoljskim in poklicnim
Sodelovanje med človekom in robotom je odgovor na vse večjo
dejavnikom” [1].
potrebo po prilagodljivi proizvodnji. Namen sodelovanja je
Ena od organizacij, ki določa varnostne standarde, je
združitev najboljših lastnosti ljudi in robotov v cilju
Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo (ang. International
zmanjševanja stroškov in časa proizvodnje. Z uporabo
Organization for Standardization - ISO). Varnostni ISO standardi
sodelovalnih aplikacij je mogoče izkoristiti prednosti človeka in
so sestavljeni tako, da je standard najvišje ravni prva referenca
robota za izboljšanje učinkovitosti, kakovosti, zmogljivosti,
(raven A varnostnih standardov). Z nižanjem ravni standarda
okolja zaposlenih, stroškov in časa proizvodnega cikla. Eno
(varnostni standardi ravni B in C) pridemo do najbolj
ključnih vprašanj na tem področju je varnost.
specifičnega varnostnega standarda, ki v tem primeru velja za
robote ali robotske naprave.
†Corresponding author at SMM production systems Ltd., Jaskova 18, 2000 Maribor,
Standard ISO 12100 (raven A) opredeljuje splošna načela, kot
sta ocena tveganja in zmanjšanje tveganja za vse vrste strojev.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
Standard ISO 13849 (raven B) opredeljuje z varnostno povezane
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
dele krmilnih sistemov. Standard ISO 10218 (raven C) pa je
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
napisan za varnost na področju industrijske robotike. Ker je bil
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
prvotni standard ISO 10218 prilagojen za industrijske robote, ta
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
standard ni upošteval posebnosti sodelujočih robotov. Leta 2016
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Jovanović et al.
je odbor Mednarodne organizacije za standardizacijo poleg
certificiranja zagotavljajo ustrezno raven varnosti svojih naprav,
revidiranih delov standarda ISO 10218 izdal tudi tehnično
vendar to še vedno ne pomeni, da je ta varen glede na okolje, v
specifikacijo ISO/TS 15066. Ta tehnična specifikacija se
katerem obratuje. Zlasti pri industrijskih aplikacijah je uporaba
osredotoča na aplikacije sodelujočih robotov in predstavlja
tako raznolika, da je nemogoče, da bi proizvajalec robotov
smernice za različne meritve hitrosti, sile in pritiska, ki so
odobril vsak posamezen postopek. Tu pride na vrsto ocena
dovoljene med neposrednim sodelovanjem človeka z robotom.
tveganja, s pomočjo katere ocenjujemo varnost industrijske
Dejstvo, da je sodelujoči robot certificiran kot varno orodje
aplikacije kot celote in ne vsake naprave posebej. Postopek ocene
ne pomeni, da je celotna celica samodejno varna. To pomeni, da
tveganja je prikazan na sliki 2.
mora ocena tveganja zajemati tudi celotno industrijsko delovno
mesto, v katerega poleg robota sodijo tudi robotska prijemalka,
predmeti manipulacije in ostale potrebne naprave in stroji.
Osnova za takšno oceno tveganja so poleg tehnične specifikacije
ISO/TS 150066 tudi standardi ISO 10218 (del 1 in 2), standard
ISO 12100 in Direktiva o strojih 2006/42/EC.
Ko večina ljudi govori o “sodelujočih robotih” (ang.
Collaborative Robots) ali kobotih (ang. Cobots), imajo v mislih
to, kar ISO/TS 15066 imenuje “roboti z omejeno močjo in silo”
(ang. Power and Force Limited Robots) [2]. Roboti z omejeno
močjo in silo so posebej zasnovani za skupno delo z ljudmi. Sila
in navor se spremljata in v primeru stika se robot ustavi.
Sodelujoči roboti so zasnovani tako, da delajo skupaj s
človekom, vendar to niso nujno roboti z omejeno močjo in silo.
Pri tem se upoštevajo tudi aplikacije, pri katerih z uporabo
zunanjih varnostnih naprav ali tehnologij, standardni industrijski
robot postane sodelujoči.
Slika 2: Postopek ocene tveganja, vir [5]
Oceno tveganja lahko opredelimo kot proces ugotavljanja,
vrednotenja in ocenjevanja ravni tveganja v določeni situaciji,
Določitev mej stroja oz. področja uporabe robotskega sistema
njihove primerjave z merili in standardi ter določanja
je opis konteksta uporabe stroja, ki zajema informacije o tipu
sprejemljive ravni tveganja [3]. Osnova za oceno tveganja so
robotske roke, orodij in ostalih naprav celice. Vse postopke, ki
poleg tehnične specifikacije ISO/TS 150066 tudi standardi ISO
vključujejo kakršno koli nevarnost definiramo v koraku
10218 (del 1 in 2), standard ISO 12100 in Direktiva o strojih
prepoznavanja tveganja. Tako bodo v postopku ocene tveganja
analizirani različni gibi robota in ostalih naprav v sistemu pri
Tehnična specifikacija ISO/TS 15066 določa sodelovalno
opravljanju nalog glede na potencialna tveganja. Na podlagi
varnost s podrobnejšimi informacijami o oblikovanju
opravljene analize prepoznavanja tveganj je potrebno za vsako
sodelujočega robotskega sistema. Na Univerzi v Mainzu v
prepoznano tveganje določiti stopnjo izpostavljenosti tveganju
Nemčiji so testirali tudi biomehanske omejitve človeka, rezultati
oz. zahtevani nivo zanesljivosti delovanja varnostnih krmilnih
pa zajemajo omejitve največje sile in pritiska za 29 delov telesa
elementov (PLr – ang. performance level rating). Na podlagi
(Slika 1).
standarda ISO 13849-1, ta analiza uporablja tri različne
parametre oz. elemente tveganja: resnost poškodb (S – ang.
severity), pogostost izpostavljenosti nevarnosti (F – ang.
frequency) in možnost izogibanja nevarnosti (P – ang.
possibility). Slika 3 prikazuje omenjene elemente tveganja.
Slika 1: Model telesa, vir [4]
3.1 Postopek ocene tveganja
Slika 3: Elementi tveganja, vir [5]
Da zagotovimo varnost delavcev, moramo pri načrtovanju in
Postopek določanja stopnje izpostavljenosti tveganju vsebuje
integraciji robotske celice upoštevati predpisane ISO standarde s
ocenjevanje vsakega od treh parametrov s pomočjo diagrama, ki
področja robotike. Proizvajalci robotov skozi postopek
je prikazan na sliki 4 levo.
Ocena tveganja in ukrepi za varno delo v sodelovalni robotiki
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Predstavljena robotska celica se uporablja v procesu kontrole
mehansko obdelanih odkovkov. Zaradi enostavnosti in
preglednosti so v nadaljevanju prikazane le osnovne informacije
posameznih korakov postopka ocene tveganja.
4.1 Sodelovalna robotska celica z industrijskim
robotom – Splošne informacije
Tloris postavitve sodelovalne robotske celice za kontrolo
Slika 4: Diagram za določanje stopnje izpostavljenosti
mehansko obdelanih odkovkov je prikazan na sliki 5.
tveganju in nivoja zanesljivosti, vir [5]
Nivo zanesljivosti delovanja varnostnih krmilnih elementov
(PL – ang. performance level) je vrednost, ki se uporablja za
opredelitev zanesljivosti z varnostjo povezanih delov krmilnega
sistema, da izvajajo varnostno funkcijo v predvidljivih pogojih.
Med zahtevanim nivojem zanesljivosti delovanja varnostnih
krmilnih elementov (PLr) in nivojem zanesljivosti (PL – ang.
performance level) obstaja povezava, ki je prikazana na sliki 4
desno. To pomeni, da če je ocenjena stopnja izpostavljenosti
tveganju v celici visoka (PLr = high), moramo zagotoviti, da je
nivo zanesljivosti delovanja varnostnih krmilnih elementov enak
ali višji od d (v tem primeru d ali e).
V naslednjem koraku postopka ocene tveganja je pomembno,
da se zastavi vprašanje: Ali je tveganje sprejemljivo? V večini
primerov je zaželeno biti v kategoriji nizkih (ang. low) ali
zanemarljivih (ang. negligible) vrednostih tveganja, da se
zagotovi varnost delavcev. Če je ocenjena vrednost tveganja v
zaželenih kategorijah, potem je postopek ocene tveganja končan.
Slika 5: Tloris postavitve sodelovalne robotske celice za
Če ocenjena vrednost tveganja ni v zaželenih kategorijah, so
kontrolo mehansko obdelanih odkovkov
potrebni nadaljnji koraki. Če je tveganje visoko (ang. high) se je
Osnovni gradniki sodelovalne robotske celice za kontrolo
potrebno osredotočiti na tveganja in jih zmanjšati ali odpraviti.
mehansko obdelanih odkovkov so:
To pomeni, da je potrebno v robotsko celico vključiti varnostne
ukrepe ali opraviti neko konstrukcijsko spremembo, da ta
industrijski robot,
postane varna oz. manj tvegana. Ko se tveganja zmanjšajo, se je
robotsko prijemalo z namensko oblikovanimi prsti,
potrebno vrniti v postopek ocene tveganj in ponovno dokončati
vhodni zalogovnik izdelkov, ki je postavljen na
celoten postopek, da se zagotovi, da pravkar zmanjšano tveganje
natančno določeno pozicijo na vhodni mizi,
ne bo povzročilo novega tveganja. Ta postopek je ponavljajoč in
izhodni zalogovnik za izdelke brez napak, ki je
ga je treba izvesti zelo previdno, pri čemer je treba preučiti in
postavljen na natančno določeno pozicijo na izhodni
ponovno pretehtati vsako morebitno tveganje.
izhodni zalogovnik za izdelke z napako, ki je
postavljen na natančno določeno pozicijo na izhodni
3.2 Varnostne metode sodelovalnih operacij
V tehnični specifikaciji ISO/TS 15066 so navedene 4 različne
kontrolni modul (3D sistem strojnega vida),
metode za zagotavljanje varnosti med sodelovanjem: varnostno
zaščitna ograja,
nadzorovano ustavljanje (ang. safety-rated monitored stop),
varnostna skenerja.
ročno vodenje (ang. hand-guiding), nadzor hitrosti in ločevanja
(ang. speed and separation monitoring) ter omejevanje moči in
Zaporedje robotskih operacij v celici poteka po naslednjih
sile (ang. power and force limiting). Metode se lahko uporabljajo
ločeno ali pa je rešitev sestavljena iz kombinacije teh metod. Če
robot pobere izdelek iz vhodnega zalogovnika,
je robot sodelovalen, to še ne pomeni, da je sodelovalna tudi
robot nato izdelek premakne do kontrolnega modula, v
celotna celica in obratno. Dejansko se lahko za številne
katerem se opravi kontrola izdelka, robot pri tem
sodelovalne aplikacije uporabljajo običajni (industrijski) roboti.
opravlja ustrezno pozicioniranje izdelka,
če se v kontrolnem modulu zazna napaka na izdelku,
robot odloži izdelek v zalogovnik za izdelke z napako,
v nasprotnem primeru robot odloži izdelek v
zalogovnik za izdelke brez napake.
Naloga delavca v sodelovalni robotski celici je ročna
zamenjava zalogovnikov v sodelovalnih območjih. V robotski
V prvem primeru izvajanja postopka ocene tveganja je prikazana
celici obstajata dve sodelovalni področji (obkroženo z zeleno
sodelovalna robotska celica z industrijskim robotom.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Jovanović et al.
barvo na sliki 5): področje vhodnega zalogovnika in področje
sistema in vrednost varnostne razdalje opozorilnih območij
izhodnih zalogovnikov. Omenjeni področji sta opredeljeni tudi
varnostnih skenerjev.
kot nevarni območji, če se v njiju istočasno nahajata delavec in
V obravnavanem primeru čas ustavitve sistema znaša 0,66 s,
robot. Zaradi tega se za preprečevanje dostopa do nevarnih
kar vpliva na vrednost varnostne razdalje, ki znaša 2551mm.
območij uporabljajo zaščitna ograja (nepomično varovalo) in
Na podlagi opravljene analize sklepamo, da lahko varnostni
varnostna laserska skenerja (varovalne naprave).
laserski skener MISC3 proizvajalca SICK (PL d) [6] uporabimo
za preprečevanje hitrega približevanja nevarnemu območju
4.2 Opredelitev virov tveganja
celice, saj najdaljša razdalja zaznavanja zaščitnega polja znaša 9
V sodelovalni robotski celici za kontrolo mehansko obdelanih
odkovkov lahko kot vir tveganja opredelimo možnost, da se
delavec hitro približa nevarnemu območju in stopi na pot
premikajočemu se robotu, kot je prikazano na sliki 6.
V drugem primeru izvajanja postopka ocene tveganja je
prikazana sodelovalna robotska celica s sodelujočim robotom.
Namen uporabe te robotske celice je enak kot v prvem primeru.
5.1 Sodelovalna robotska celica s sodelujočim
robotom – Splošne informacije
Tloris postavitve sodelovalne robotske celice za kontrolo
mehansko obdelanih odkovkov je prikazan na sliki 8.
Slika 6: Opredelitev vira tveganja
4.3 Ocena tveganja in merila za vrednotenje
Kot merilo za vrednotenje pri oceni tveganja se lahko uporabi
diagram za določanje stopnje izpostavljenosti tveganju iz
standarda ISO 13849-1 (Slika 4 levo). Postopek določanja
stopnje izpostavljenosti tveganju z uporabo diagrama za
določanje stopnje izpostavljenosti tveganju iz standarda ISO
13849-1 je prikazan na sliki 7.
Slika 8: Tloris postavitve sodelovalne robotske celice za
kontrolo mehansko obdelanih odkovkov
Osnovni gradniki sodelovalne robotske celice za kontrolo
mehansko obdelanih odkovkov so:
sodelujoči robot,
robotsko prijemalo z namensko oblikovanimi prsti,
Slika 7: Postopek določanja stopnje izpostavljenosti
vhodni zalogovnik izdelkov, ki je postavljen na
natančno določeno pozicijo na vhodni mizi,
izhodni zalogovnik za izdelke brez napak, ki je
Po opravljenem postopku določanja stopnje izpostavljenosti
postavljen na natančno določeno pozicijo na izhodni
tveganju je ugotovljena visoka vrednost tveganja. Nivo
zahtevane zanesljivosti za opisani primer je d. To pomeni, da se
izhodni zalogovnik za izdelke z napako, ki je
mora v danem primeru opraviti še postopek zmanjševanja
postavljen na natančno določeno pozicijo na izhodni
kontrolni modul (3D sistem strojnega vida).
4.4 Postopek zmanjševanja tveganja
Zaporedje robotskih operacij je podobno kot v prvem primeru.
Za zmanjševanje tveganja se lahko uporabi ukrep b iz poglavja
Naloga delavca ostaja enaka kot v prvem primeru. Za razliko od
4.3.4 standarda ISO/TS 15066, ki se glasi: »Zaščitni ukrepi, ki
prvega primera je sedaj celotno delovno območje robotske celice
preprečujejo dostop osebja do nevarnih območij ali nadzorujejo
opredeljeno kod sodelovalno območje. To je doseženo zaradi
nevarnosti tako, da jih omejijo do nivoja sprejemljivega tveganja
integracije robota z omejeno silo in močjo v robotsko celico. V
(npr. zaustavitev, omejitev sil, omejitev hitrosti ipd.) preden je
danem primeru ni več posebno opredeljenih nevarnih območij,
delavec izpostavljen nevarnosti«. Da lahko dosežemo zahtevani
za katera bi bilo treba implementirati dodatne ukrepe za
nivo sprejemljivega tveganja je treba izračunati čas ustavitve
Ocena tveganja in ukrepi za varno delo v sodelovalni robotiki
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
preprečevanje dostopa delavca. To še vedno ne pomeni, da je
zmanjšamo na 140 N, kar bo znižalo stopnje izpostavljenosti
robotska celica varna. Tudi v tem primeru je potrebno opraviti
tveganju (Slika 11).
postopek ocene tveganja. Zaradi enostavnosti in preglednosti so
v nadaljevanju prikazane le osnovne informacije posameznih
korakov postopka ocene tveganja.
5.2 Opredelitev virov tveganja
V sodelovalni robotski celici za kontrolo mehansko obdelanih
odkovkov lahko kot vir tveganja opredelimo možnost, da delavec
nehote postavi roko na pot premikajočemu se robotu v operaciji
odlaganja vilic na podstavek, kot je prikazano na sliki 9. Takšno
tveganje lahko povzroči kvazistatični udarec ali zdrobitev.
Slika 11: Postopek določanja stopnje izpostavljenosti
Postopek ocene tveganja je namenjen zaščiti delavcev, ki
uporabljajo industrijske stroje. V primeru sodelovalne robotike
se ocena tveganja izvaja za zagotovitev varnosti delavcev med
izvajanjem sodelovalnih operacij v celotni robotski celici, v
katero poleg robota sodijo tudi robotska prijemalka, predmeti
manipulacije in ostale potrebne naprave in stroji. Ne glede na
Slika 9: Opredelitev vira tveganja
dejstvo, da proizvajalci sodelujočih robotov zagotavljajo
varnostne zahteve za svoje naprave (PL=d), je še vedno potrebno
5.3 Ocena tveganja in merila za vrednotenje
opraviti postopek ocene tveganja z upoštevanjem specifičnih
Za izvedbo naloge preprijemanja izdelka mora robot najprej
pogojev uporabe robota v delovnem okolju celice.
odložiti izdelek na podstavek na mizi. Pri tej operaciji robot
deluje s hitrostjo 2000 mm/s in ima največjo omejeno silo 250 N.
Spodnja površina izdelka znaša 2,15 cm2, kar lahko ustvari
Ta raziskava je bila delno financirana s strani projekta
pritisk 116 N/cm2. Za razliko od sile, pritisk pri tej nalogi ni
ROBKONCEL (št. razvojno-raziskovalnega projekta 330-18-
omejujoči dejavnik. Ker je sila od 250 N za 80 % višja od mejne
vrednosti (140 N), določene v tehnični specifikaciji ISO/TS
15066, domnevamo, da lahko v tem primeru pride do poškodb
zaradi prevelike sile.
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, 1993. Directives and Standards -
Kot merilo za vrednotenje pri oceni tveganja se lahko uporabi
General - Occupational Health and Safety. Available at: https://www.tbs-
diagram za določanje stopnje izpostavljenosti tveganju iz
standarda ISO 13849-1 (Slika 4 levo). Postopek določanja
Belanger-Barette, M., 2016. Are Collaborative Robots Safe?. Available at:
stopnje izpostavljenosti tveganju z uporabo diagrama za
določanje stopnje izpostavljenosti tveganju iz standarda ISO
Association of International Wealth Management of India, December 2013.
13849-1 je prikazan na sliki 10.
Certified Credit Research analyst (Level 2). Mumbai: Taxmann
Publications Ltd..
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 2016. ISO/TS 15066:
Robots and robotic devices - Collaborative robots. Geneve: ISO copyright
SMM d.o.o., 2010. QN7-05.7 Izdelava ocene tveganja, Maribor: SMM
SICK AG, 2021. Safety Laser Scanners - microScan3, Waldkirch,
Germany: SICK AG.
Slika 10: Postopek določanja stopnje izpostavljenosti
Po opravljenem postopku določanja stopnje izpostavljenosti
tveganju je ugotovljena visoka vrednost tveganja. To pomeni, da
se mora v danem primeru opraviti še postopek zmanjševanja
5.4 Postopek zmanjševanja tveganja
Da lahko dosežemo zahtevani nivo sprejemljivega tveganja je
treba zmanjšati največjo silo, ki jo uporablja robot. To silo lahko
Detection of Scratches on the Surface of Metallic Objects
Stefan Kalabakov
Anže Marinko
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jože Ravničan
Matjaž Gams
UNIOR Kovaška industrija d.d.
Jožef Stefan Institute
Zreče, Slovenia
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
industrial adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more
and more feasible [5], mainly thanks to the significant progress
With today’s manufacturing throughput in mind, a fast and accu-
in hardware computational resources. However, despite this, AI
rate quality control stage is of extreme importance. This is why
hasn’t been fully adopted in the quality control processes in many
manufacturers are increasingly interested in using machines and
industries. This paper aims to develop such a solution, which
artificial intelligence to streamline their quality control processes.
would utilize AI for quality control in the automotive industry,
In this paper, we explore the possibility of building a pipeline
more specifically, the detection of scratches on the surface of
based on the use of line scanners, which produce 3D point clouds
metallic objects.
of objects with great detail, to detect scratches on their metal-
lic surfaces. More specifically, we leverage a small sample base
to establish the basic features of scratches and then use these
principles to build a larger artificial set of examples. Finally, we
One of the goals of the ROBKONCEL project is to produce quality
train a classifier using the artificial examples and evaluate its
control pipelines for specific components produced by the com-
performance on the few real-life objects which we were able to
pany Unior. These pipelines have the goal of detecting several
different imperfections, either on the surface of objects or in their
dimensions. The components in question are manufactured for
the needs of several different automobile makers and as such
quality control, scratch detection, point clouds
are subject to extensive quality control measures. An example of
one such object can be seen in Figure 1. The goal of the quality
control pipeline which will be presented in this paper is to de-
tect scratches on one of the highly polished parts of the objects.
Consumers rarely observe the manufacturing process of the items
The system does not have to locate the detected scratches, but
they use, but they are usually able to notice when there is a defect
rather just sort the objects based on whether or not they pos-
in the product. These defects can be limited to cosmetic damage,
sess a scratch. In the past, we have explored the implementation
however, they can also result in very significant malfunctions.
of such a quality control system based on computer vision and
In contemporary manufacturing processes, unanticipated errors
vibrations, but those pipelines have not been able to produce
occur more frequently than most people realize, which can be a
adequate results [2]. In this study, we explore the possibility of
significant cost for the company if the error is not spotted early
using a line scanner to create a point cloud of the objects and
enough. This is the reason why quality control (real-time defect
run our analysis on that data. This also plays nicely with the fact
detection) is an important part of modern manufacturing. Cur-
that point clouds can also be used to measure the dimensions of
rently, quality assessment is executed by human operators [3].
the objects with a high degree of accuracy.
Even though people can generally perform these tasks better
than machines, they are much slower. In addition, human opera-
tors require capabilities and skills that usually take a long time
to acquire, which is why they are hard to find and maintain in
To solve the problem of detecting very thin scratches on a pol-
the industry. In some applications, the quality assessment can be
ished surface with additional artefacts, we decided to explore
critical and dangerous. This is especially true in the automotive
the option of creating high definition 3D scans of the objects
industry which is at the heart of this study and for which we
using a line scanner. The scanner in question is the LMI Gocator
develop a quality control pipeline. All of the reasons mentioned
2330 which has a resolution of 0.044mm in the X direction and
above are why automatic methods for quality control in the indus-
0.006mm in the Z direction. An image of the scanner and the axes
try have received great interest in recent years [4][1]. Moreover,
can be seen in Figure 2. To create the point clouds, the scanner
was attached to a rail above the object being scanned and was
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
moved along an axis which is perpendicular to the X and Z-axis
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
shown in Figure 2.
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
Because this type of error does not occur very often, at the
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
time of development we had access to only four objects which
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
contained a scratch on their polished cylindrical area and thus we
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
were able to produce only four point clouds on which a scratch
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Kalabakov et al.
Figure 1: The object whose cylindrical polished surface we
must examine for scratches
Figure 3: A visualization of several point clouds which
show real-life objects with a visible scratch on their metal-
lic surface.
Data generation
To perform any meaningful evaluation of our methods, we need to
be able to have a set of point clouds on which we would tune the
parameters of our algorithms and a separate set of point clouds
on which we would test their accuracy. However, splitting the
eight point clouds into two subsets would not yield satisfactory
results. To this end, we opted to create tens of artificial examples
that we would use to substantiate and evaluate our methods. The
Figure 2: A diagram of the line scanner used to gather the
first step in generating each artificial point cloud is to select one
point clouds.
of the previously mentioned point clouds without a scratch, to
which we will later add a randomly generated imperfection. The
next step is to add random noise to the point cloud. This is done
was visible. In addition to this, we also scanned the surfaces of
by moving each of the points by a maximum of 0.001mm in any
four other objects which did not contain a scratch. The point
direction. Adding random noise allows us to always end up with
clouds for the four objects which contained a scratch can be seen
a base that has not been previously used. At this stage, we have
in Figure 3. In the images, the color of each point represents
generated a surface that has not been previously seen and can be
the reflectance value that the sensor measured at that place and
used as an artificially generated (part of an) object which does
ranges from blue, which represents a low reflectance value, to
not contain a scratch. Finally, if we want to generate a surface
red, which represents high reflectance values.
with a scratch the following algorithm is used:
As we can see from the point clouds on Figure 3, the scratches
are irregular and sometimes very complex in shape. Scratches,
(1) Choose two points on the generated surface. The line
however, are always characterized by missing points as well as a
between those points will be the one which passes through
change in the value of the reflectance. The number of missing
the center of the scratch.
points seems to increase as we approach the scratch centre line.
(2) Choose a point on that line which will represent the place
Another important feature of a scratch that we noticed is that the
where the scratch will be widest.
width of the scratch is not constant along the entire length, that
(3) Mark all points inside the circle defined with the center
is, the scratch can be wider in one place compared to another.
line as its diameter as potentially affected points.
Finally, the reflectance values seem to be decreasing as we move
(4) Iterate through the potentially affected points and remove
from the area surrounding the scratch and towards the centre
those points using some probability. The probability of
line. As was pointed out to us by Unior, in the real world, the
removing a point is based on the distance between the
width of the scratches ranges between 0.15mm and 2mm.
point and the line from step (1) as well if the point is
Detection of scratches on the surface of metallic objects
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
part of a circle defined around the point chosen in step
(2). Points which are closer to the center line and which
belong in the circle have a higher probability of being
removed, while that probability decreases as they move
away from the center line and towards the edges of the
circle. The radius of the circle is chosen randomly for each
scratch and ranges between 0.15mm and 2mm.
(5) Iterate through all potentially affected points which were
not removed in the previous step and lower their reflectance
value using the same rule as the one for the probability of
removal in step (4).
Figure 5: A 2D representation of a point cloud, with the
Z-axis information coded as pixel brightness. The area of
Figure 4 shows a few examples of artificially generated sur-
interest is the one in the green rectangle.
faces with scratches. In total, 226 examples without a scratch and
214 examples with a scratch were generated.
actually on the object but are only the result of the scanning
process. Next, we make a binary image using a threshold at a
value of 60.
To decide on whether the selected area contains a scratch or
not, we compare the image to an image of an error-free surface
using a metric called the “structural similarity index”, which
returns a value between 0 and 1.
Finally, using the structural similarity index as the only fea-
ture, we use a random forest classifier to differentiate between
objects with and without a scratch. The training of this classifier
is explained in the next section.
The training of the above-mentioned classifier, which uses the
structural similarity index as the only feature is done primarily
using artificially generated surfaces with and without an error.
In our first experiment, which deals with scratches whose
width ranges between 0.5 and 2mm (higher end of the range), the
classifier is trained and evaluated using 94 artificially generated
surfaces without a scratch and 76 surfaces with a scratch. Half of
Figure 4: A visualization of several point clouds which
the examples in each category are taken as a training set and the
show artificially generated surfaces with a visible scratch
other half is used to evaluate the performance of the classifier.
on their metallic surface.
The confusion matrix for this experiment is shown in Table 1. As
we can see, the classifier achieves a perfect score.
Table 1: A confusion matrix for the system when testing
on artificial errors whose width ranges between 0.5 and
Our method rests upon one of the features of scratches men-
tioned in Section 3, specifically the fact that scratches are always
represented by an area with missing points. The first step of our
method, is to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by remov-
No error
With error
ing the Z-axis information of the point clouds. This creates a 2D
representation that can be viewed and processed as an image. In
No error
fact, the Z-axis information is not completely lost and is used as
With error
the brightness of the pixels in the images. This allows us to work
with previously used and extensively tested tools compared to
the ones used for 3D data analysis.
In our second experiment we expand the range of scratch
The second step, after reducing the dimensionality, is to select
widths and they can now range between 0.15mm and 2mm. This
the area in which we will perform our analysis. The 2D repre-
experiment includes all of the artificial surfaces used in the pre-
sentation of a surface, along with the area which is selected for
vious experiment as well as 132 new surfaces without an error
analysis, can be seen on Figure 5. We avoid the edges of each
and 138 surfaces with an error. The scratch width of these new
scan, because of the sparseness of points in those areas, which
surfaces ranges between 0.15mm and 0.5mm. This new set of
do not point to a scratch but rather to an intrinsic property of
artificially generated surfaces brings the grand total to 440 (226
the scanning process.
without a scratch and 214 with a scratch). As in the previous
The third step is to use a median filter on this image with a
experiment, half of the examples from each category were used
3x3 kernel which smoothes the image and removes the parabolic
for training and half for evaluation. The confusion matrix of the
lines visible on the surface, which are not scratches and are not
classifier on the extended set can be seen in Table 2.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Kalabakov et al.
Table 2: A confusion matrix for the system when testing
learning in smart manufacturing. Journal of manufacturing
on artificial errors whose width ranges between 0.15 and
systems, 48, 170–179.
No error
With error
No error
With error
In our final evaluation, the classifier was trained using all
artificial surfaces and its performance was tested on the eight
point clouds which were created by scanning real-life objects.
The classifier achieved a perfect score.
In this paper, we presented a methodology for detecting scratches
on the surface of metallic objects by analysing their point clouds
created using a line scanner. Based on our results, it seems that
generating random artificial examples of the surfaces in question
and using them to train a classifier is beneficial and produces
adequate results. Based on the accuracy of the classifier alone it
also seems that our pipeline is more than adequate for use as a
tool in quality control processes. However, the method has one
significant drawback in the time it takes to properly scan objects.
It is our opinion that this time might be significant (especially if
objects are large or need to be scanned from several angles) and
cannot be overlooked, especially when the production through-
put is high.
Part of this research was done under and for the ROBKONCEL
project. Additionally, this research was partly funded by the
Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund
(Ad futura). Finally, the authors acknowledge the financial sup-
port from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding
No. P2-0209).
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Infodemija: Etični vidik informiranja o COVID-19
Infodemia: Ethical Aspect of Informing About COVID-19
Franci Pivec
Tvrtko M. Šercar
Maribor, Slovenija
Maribor, Slovenija
Infodemija je spremljajoč pojav pandemije COVID-19, ko se
prvič v zgdovini pretežni del informacij pretaka po digitalnih
omrežjih. Še bolj kot v dobi tiska se kažejo podobnosti med
COVID-19 je prva pandemija v zgodovini, pri kateri ima veliko
širjenjem infekcij in informacij, kar lahko pomaga pri njegovem
vlogo informacijska tehnologija. Njene zmogljivosti naj bi
razumevanju in upravljanju. Soočeni smo z neobvladljivim
prispevale k utrjevanju občutka varnosti, obveščenosti in
obsegom in hitrostjo širjenja lažnih novic, zmotnih, zavajajočih
povezanosti, toda soočili smo se z njenim nasprotnim
in zlonamernih informacij, ki zaznamujejo dobo post-resničnosti
delovanjem, ko spodkopava in ogroža ukrepanje za obvladovanje
in post-žurnalizma. Pri iskanju poti do zaupanja vrednih
pandemije. Že 20. februarja 2020 je generalni director WHO
informacij je treba upoštevati čustvene, epistemološke, pravne in
Ghebreyesus na Minhenski varnostni konferenci opozoril: “Ne
etične kontekste in obnoviti sisteme ter orodja za evalvacijo
borimo se zgolj z epidemijo, borimo se z infodemijo!” [1]
kakovosti informacij. EU je za ta namen razvila izpopolnjene
Sledeč Williamu Goffmanu [2], smo že pred desetletjem
strategije upravljanja z zdravstvenimi informcijami ter izostrila
pisali o pojavu, da se posebej v spletnem okolju informacije širijo
etični kodeks boja z dezinformacijami.
kot nalezljive bolezni. [3] Posamezniki, izpostavljeni epidemiji,
so bodisi imuni na nalezljivo bolezen bodisi se lahko okužijo ob
stiku z gostiteljem bolezni ali vektorjem. Enako je s širjenjem
infodemija, infekcijski-informacijski processi, lažne novice,
religijskih idej ali znanstvenih konceptov itd... [4]
zmotne informacije, zavajajoče informacije, zlonamerne
Odkritje podobnosti med infekcijskim in informacijskim
informacije, informacijski konteksti, EU kodeks ravnanja z
procesom je pripomoglo k lažjemu razumevanju narave
informacij, danes pa lahko informacijska znanost vrne uslugo in
z informacijskimi modeli omogoči “jasnejšo predstavo o
socialnih vidikih prenosa infekcijskih bolezni.” [5] Končno so
The infodemic is an accompanying occurrence to the COVID-19
infekcijske bolezni označene kot komunikabilne bolezni in
pandemic, as for the first time in history, the majority of
prepoznan process inficiranja je identičen krožnemu prenosu
information is travelling through digital networks. Even more so
informiranja: inficiran agent → dovzeten gostitelj → vstop →
than in the times of print, there are similarities between spreading
modus prenosa → izstop → zbiralnik. [6] Slabo je, če ljudje
infection and information, which can help us understand and
epidemijo dojemajo kot vreme in s strahom čakajo poročila, ali
manage it. We are faced with an unmanageable amount and
bo jutri dež ali sonce, namesto da bi zavzeli aktivno pozicijo kot
speed of spreading fake news, misinformation, misleading
je običajna v družbeni komunikaciji in jo danes IKT omogoča in
information and mal-information, which are shaping the era of
podpira v neprimerljivo večji meri kot kdajkoli doslej. Problem
post-reality and post-journalism. When searching for a way
pa nastane, če je družbeno informiranje moteno in je IKT
towards trustworthy information, emotional, epistemological,
zlorabljena kot v znanem škandalu Cambridge Analytica ob
legal, and ethical contexts must be considered and the systems
ameriških volitvah 2016.
and tools for evaluating information quality must be renewed.
Širjenje informacij kot nalezljive bolezni je splošni zakon, ki
For this purpose, the European Union developed improved
ga uporabljajo tudi v politični in ideološki sferi, in sicer za
strategies for managing medical information and tightened the
propagiranje svojih partikularnih interesov pod pretvezo skrbi za
code of ethics for the fight against misinformation.
splošno dobro. Epidemijo bolezni je treba brezpogojno
preprečiti, pri epidemiji političnih informacij pa se ravna
drugače: krepi se zgolj imunost do alternativnih političnih idej,
infodemic, infection-information processes, fake news,
da bi se obdržala vladajoča struja in njena družbeno-gospodarska
formacija. Nosilci alternativnih ideologij v sodobni globalni
informational contexts, EU Code of Practice on Disinformation
neoliberalni partitokratski družbi so prvenstveno marginalizirane
družbene skupine ter kritična inteligenca in enako kot z virusom,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
je treba obračunati tudi z njimi. V času epidemije je najbolje to
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
storiti kar obenem in v infodemijah se obe tendenci razvidno
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Franci Pivec, Tvrtko M. Šercar
Informacijska obolelost se navzven prikazuje kot
Vprašanje je, kako te goljufive vsebine pridobijo legitimnost pri
informacijsko onesnaženje t. j. hiperprodukcija in preobilica
masah, kako postanejo njeno prepričanje, zakaj se resnica ne
informacij. Informacij naj bi bilo preveč, kar je absurd, saj znanja
veže več na objektivna dejstva? Očitno standardi in kriteriji v
nikoli ni dovolj. V resnici gre za etični vidik in za zlorabo
sodobnih kominkacijskih procesih, ki naj bi odločali o
informacijske tehnoloije. Informacijsko onesnaževanje ja lahko
kredibilnosti, niso več isti kot prej. Reference tradicionalnih
zavestno delovanje, podobno hekerstvu in širjenju računalniških
medijev so v času post-resničnosti izhlapele in javnost brez
razmišljanja sprejema post-žurnalizem in post-faktičnost.
virusov z namenom povzročanja škode. To je dejansko ozadje
Porazdelila se je v algoritemsko tvorjene mnenjske mehurčke, od
lažnih novic, napačnih informacij, zavajajočih informacij,
katerih ima vsak svojo resničnost, podprto s filtriranimi dejstvi.
zlonamernih informacij, sovražnega govora ipd.
Kar je za enega resnica, je za drugega laž. Mehanizem te
transformacije je začel razkrivati Jűrgen Habermas že v
šestdesetih, ko je pojasnil razmerje med javnim mnenjem in
družbenim prostorom, v katerem je možna kritika, obramba
Infodemologija kot veda o determinantah in distribuciji
lastnih idej, reflektiranje lastnega položaja v svetu ter avtonomno
zdravstvenih informacij je znana že nekaj časa in je prisotna v
odločanje. Nenadomestljivo vlogo pri oblikovanju javnega
študijskih programih nekaterih medicinskih fakultet, infodemija
mnenja imajo mediji. [11] Če jim je sprva ustrezala ohlapnejša
uredniška odgovornost in so se radi prelevili v “rumeni tisk”, ob
pa pomeni ekscesno količino nepresejanih informacij, ki zaradi
tem pa še izkoristili mnogo lagodnejše digitalne informacijske
neobvladljivega obsega in hitrosti njihovega širjenja ogroža
tehnologije, so kmalu ugotovili, da so jih te “izboljšave” požrle.
družbo. Chris Zielinski [7] ugotavlja naslednje značilnosti
Namesto, da bi formirali javno mnenje, so se začeli ozirati po
infodemije: glede obsega informacij je nemogoče izslediti
dominantnih mnenjskih mehurčkih, pripravljeni vstopiti v
lokacijo izvora, ni jih mogoče v celoti zbrati in hraniti, težko je
njihovo službo. S to naravnanostjo, ne morejo odigrati pametne
identificirati njihovo kakovost, njihov vpliv je nepregleden,
vloge v spoprijemu z infodemijo.
težko je razkrinkati lažne novice; zaradi hitrosti objavljanja jih ni
mogoče sproti analizirati, ni časa za njihovo izpodbijanje,
nemogoče je vse korigirati, težko je slediti njihovemu toku in
skratka ni mogoče zaustaviti snežne kepe. Tri milijarde
uporabnikov spleta hlepi po informacijah in pripravljeni so
Lavinia Marin ugotavlja, da pri infodemiji COVID-19 ne
klikniti prav vse, kar jim ponuja zaslon, za operaterje pa je to
pomaga še tako skrbno (in takointako neizvedljivo) popravljanje
denar – infosfera je padla na najnižje veje etičnosti svojega
podatkov, saj jih večina ne razume, pač pa iščejo pojasnila o
poslanstva in je ključni generator infodemije. [8]
smiselnosti ukrepov proti pandemiji, ki jih potem iščejo pri
Upravljanje z informacijami o COVID-19 je praktično
povsem nekompetentnih virih. In še: “Eden od najbolj
zatajilo in jih nikjer ne uspevajo sortirati, klasificirati, pregledati
problematičnih vidikov infodemije je, da ustvarja preobilje
in pretehtati, niti prilagoditi različnim avditorijem in
informacij, ki povzroča informacijsko zasičenost in utrujenost
odločevalcem. Čeprav so se glede tega s skupnim pozivom
uporabnikov: njihova kapaciteta pozornosti je omejena in se hitro
oglasile vse poklicane multilateralne organizacije (WHO, ZN,
izčrpa.” [12]
Zavedati se moramo informacijskega konteksta, v katerem se
pomagalo. V mesecu maju 2021 so bile sprejete obširne
spoprijemamo z infodemijo in zanj je značilno, da je
Smernice Evropske komisije za podkrepitev Kodeksa ravnanja z
emocionalno inteziven, da teži k normativizmu, da pa je
dezinformacijami iz leta 2018, ki ga je bilo treba po izbruhu
epistemološko krhek. Ponudniki informacij to dobro vedo in
COVID-19 konkretizirati in spodbuditi podpisnike (med njmi so
večino sporočil rekontekstualizirajo na način, prilagojen
Facebook, Google, Twitter, Mozila in TikTok) k doslednejšemu
omenjenim značilnostim, zato informacije razvlečejo, skrivijo ali
ukrepanju. [9]
predelajo, neredko povsem na novo sfabricirajo.
Formighieri Giordani s sodelavci [10] opredeljuje naslednje
Manipuliranje čustev ima že ustaljeno strokovno ime
značilne pojave infodemije:
“empatična optimizacija”, razpolaga s celim spektrom
lažne novice (fake news), ki so običajno neavtorizirane
preizkušenih orodij in Facebook je v primeru COVID-19 dodal
in imajo namen prevare, pojavljajo pa se kot satire,
le še nekaj emotikonov. Normativistična preokupacija je
parodije, fabrikacije,
manipulacije, propaganda,
povezana z dokazovanjem, da je “naša” država naredila več kot
reklama, lahko tudi kot irelevantne vesti;
“druge” in potem se opisi razglašajo za predpise in raziskovalne
zmotne informacije (misinformation), ki so nenamerne,
hipoteze o aerosolih za osnovo kaznovanja tekačev po parkih,
napačno razumljene ali tolmačene informacije, v katere
jasno pa je tudi, da je nacionalni pravni okvir nezadosten in so
njihov razširjevalec bolj ali manj trdno verjame;
potrebni mednarodni dogovori. Epistemološke težave izhajajo že
zavajajoče informacije (disinformation), namerno
iz tega, da družbena omrežja niso narejena za razširjanje znanja,
napačne, da bi nekomu povzročile škodo in ga prizadele
ampak za klepet in zabavo, pri COVID-19 pa so postala za
ali povzročile splošno zmedo, pogosto podložene še s
večino glavni vir zdravstvenih informacij, ki jih večinoma ne
teorijami zarote;
razumejo, jih pa na veliko delijo z drugimi. Vsak si najde svojega
zlonamerne informacije (mal-information), namerno
“eksperta” ali pa kar pri samem sebi nenadoma odkrije tako
potvorjene in neposredno kot orožje naperjene na
posameznike ali manjšine, tipična pa sta sovražni govor
S kakovostjo informiranja o COVID-19 nima problemov le
in rasizem.
laično, ampak tudi strokovno obveščanje. Recenzijski postopki
in drugi načini evalviranja kakovosti zdravstvenih informacij
beležijo resne zdrse. HONcode (Health on the Net Foundation
Infodemija: Etični vidik informiranja o COVID-19
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Code of Conduct), certificira spletne strani na podlagi 8 točk
sporočila, omogočajo uporabnikom dostop do kvalitetnih virov
etičnega kodeksa: ugleda, celovitosti, zaupanja, pravičnosti,
itd.. Kodeks EU ne priporoča arbitrarnega umikanja potencialno
prispevanja, transparentnosti, finančne neodvisnosti in politike
zavajajočih informacij, če ne vsebujejo sovražnega govora, ne
reklamiranja. Od vzorca 110 spletnih strani, ki so 2/2 2020.
kršijo zakonskih predpisov in nimajo značaja prevare. Vendar
obravnavale “koronavirus”, bi le dve dobili etični certifikat.
tudi EU nudi “popuste” za ponudnike e-storitev, ki imajo manj
JAMA Benchmarks vrednoti avtorstvo, vsebinski prispevek,
kot milijon dostopov mesečno v zadnjih dveh letih, ali manj kot
finančno neodvisnost in pravočasnost. Le 10 % istih spletnih
25 milijonov evrov letnih prihodkov – noben problem za
strani o koronavirusu je ustrezalo vsem štirim kriterijem, 40 %
prilagoditev konfiguracije firm s slabimi nameni.
pa ni izpolnjevalo niti enega. Google rank, ki algoritemsko
Infodemija kot sinonim poplave zmotnih informacij in lažnih
izračunava hierarhično pozicijo spletne strani, je le dvema
vsebin postane veliko tveganje, ko zajame nazore o zdravju, o
priznal mesto med prvimi desetimi. Webside Categorization je
preventivnem ravnanju in o javnem zdravstvu. Posledice so
med 110 spletnimi stranmi, ki so obravnavale koronavirus le 2
smrtne in družbo nepreklicno potiskajo v vseobsegajočo krizo.
prepoznal kot “medicinski”. [13]
Protislovno čvekanje po družbenih mrežah ruši vsakršno
Pri HONcode se je po poročanju Zielinskega (isti vir) zgodilo
zdravstveno doktrino in z razvrednotenjem znanja in znanosti
še nekaj hujšega, da se je vanj vtihotapilo ok. 200 proticepilskih
napoveduje distopijo tragičnih razsežnosti.
spletni strani, kar je ogrozilo celotno shemo in razvrednotilo njen
Ob nedorečenosti slovenske strategije spopada z infodemijo,
etični kodeks – temu se reče onesnaženje lastnega gnezda.
preostane trdnejša naslonitev na EU in njeno strategijo boja z
Kontaminiranih je 8.000 spletnih strani, ki so po letu 1995 prejele
dezinformacijami. [14] “Kriza zaradi COVID-19 je pokazala
certifikat HONcode. WHO je znova pred problemom, kako
ključno vlogo svobodnih in neodvisnih medijev kot bistvene
zagotoviti domeno najvišje ravni (TLD – top level domain), ki bi
storitve, saj državljanom zagotavljajo zanesljive in preverjene
zagotavljala verodostojne zdravstvene informacije in bi bila
informacije, ki prispevajo k reševanju življenj” (str.11).
vredna zaupanja. Zdravstveni in farmacevtski kapital bo naredil
Vzpostavljena je EDMO – Evropska opazovalnica digitalnih
vse, da do take nepodkupljive domene ne pride.
medijev (https://edmo.eu/), ki naj bi dobila tudi slovensko
V informacijski zmedi glede COVID-19 sta se izoblikovala
izpostavo, a ima že sedaj o razmerah pri nas bistveno natančnejšo
dva pola: znanstveni in oporečniški. Znanstvena stran se trudi
sliko kot si kdo predstavlja, zanimajo pa jo pobude za
vzpostaviti konsenz znotraj znanstvene skupnosti in zagotoviti
spodbujanje verodostojnosti vsebin in za izboljšanje
neoporečnost informacijskih virov na podlagi načel
transparentnosti, reproduktibilnosti in kontrolibilnosti dognanj.
manipulativnega vedenja družbenih medijev in podatki o tokovih
Opredeljen je klinični sprekter bolezni, vključno s prevencijo.
oglaševanja s pomočjo dezinformacij o COVID-19. Sprotno
Oporečniška stran pa se navezuje na neresnične informacije in na
spremlja tudi raziskave o dezinformacijah v povezavi s COVID-
teorije zarote. Zanika vse, kar odkriva znanost, COVID-19 je
19 v članicah EU, pri čemer 2 raziskavi (od 76) zajemata tudi
zanjo običajna gripa, kar ne opravičuje ukrepov kot so maske,
Slovenijo, vendar med 115 raziskovalci ni nikogar iz naše
omejitev gibanja, zapiranje fitnesov, prazne nogometne stadione
države. [15]
itd.. Zagovarja pa vse mogoče pripravke za “zgodnjo zaščito”,
tudi gospodinjska čistilna sredstva in kot povzema Zielinski, je
bilo zabeleženih 5.800 hospitalizacij na tej osnovi ter najmanj
World Health Organization. 1st WHO Infodemiology Conference. 2020.
800 smrti. Oporečniška fronta je široka, saj vključuje številna
retrogradna gibanja, ki zagovarjajo ploščatost zemlje, splošni
William Goffman, 1965. An epidemic process in an open population.
antiintelektualizem, so aktivni anti-semiti in zanikajo holokavst,
Nature, 205, 4973, 831-832.
se identificirajo za neofašiste, svarijo pred večkulturnostjo in so
Tvrtko-Matija Šercar, 2012. Informacijska ekologija (2. del članka
Plaidoyer za prenovljeno teorijo informacij). Organizacija znanja, 17 (3)
zagrizeni proticepilci. Kriza legitimnosti oblasti, poglabljanje
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nezaupanja, zavračanje meritokracije, razkroj javnih sistemov in
Tvrtko-Matija Šercar, 1988. Komunikacijska filozofija znanstvenih
časopisa. Globus
institucij že dlje časa odpirajo prostore za takšne retrogradne
Caroline Buckee, Abdisalan Noor & Lisa Sattenspiel, 2021. Thinking
procese, zato ni mogoče govoriti o kakšnem presenečenju.
clearly about social aspects of infectious disease transmission. Nature,
Za predinternetne medije je samoumevno, da morajo prevzeti
595, 8 july 2021, 205-213.
Communicable Diseases Module: 1. Basic Concepts in the Transmission
pravno in moralno odgovornost za vsebine, ki jih objavljajo. Pri
internetu take odgovornosti ni več, ker pravo raje gleda stran ali
pa odgovornost opredeljuje zelo približno. Ameriški
Chris Zielinski, 2021. Infodemic and infodemiology: a short history, a
Communication Decency Act (1966) izrecno navaja (razdelek
230), da niti ponudnik niti uporabnik internetne storitve nista ne
Debanjan Benrjee in K. S. Meena, 2021. COVID-19 as an “Infodemic” in
izdajatelj, ne prednašalec informacije, tudi ko gre za zlonamerno
Public Health: Critical Role of the Social Media. Front. Public Health, 18.
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sovražnega govora, ki ga je treba v 24 urah odstraniti, toda le v
the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social
primerih digitalnih platform z več kot 2 milijona uprabnikov.
Committee and Committee of the Regions, 26. 5. 2021. COM (2021) 262
Leta 2018 je EU sprejela Kodeks ravnanja z dezinformacijami,
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ki obvezuje naslovnike, da nadzirajo pojavljanje lažnih novic
Valesca Daiana Both Ames in Rosselane Liz Giordani, 2021. The science
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social media: lesson learned for the COVID-19 infodemic. Ethics and
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Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek G
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume G
Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi
Education in Information Society
Urednika / Editors
Uroš Rajkovič, Borut Batagelj
8. oktober 2021 / 8 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Soočamo se z velikimi spremembami v procesih vzgoje in izobraževanja, ki jih je povzročila
epidemija COVID-19 ob širokem razmahu uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske
tehnologije. Upamo, da bo v prihodnjih letih prevladovala šola v živo, kar pa ne pomeni, da se
bomo povsem vrnili na stare tirnice. Rešitve pouka na daljavo so pokazale tudi pozitivne plati.
Upravičeno govorimo o smiselnosti hibridnih modelov poučevanja in spremembah v vsebini
in metodiki dela.
Podobno kot lanska bo tudi letošnja konferenca Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski
družbi 2021 potekala na daljavo. Pogovarjali se bomo o različnih rešitvah in spoznanjih, kako
si lahko v bodoče pomagamo s sodobno tehnologijo pri prenosu znanja. Izkušnje minulih let
nas ne bodo vodile v stanje pred epidemijo ampak nas bogatijo in vodijo v renesanso vzgoje
in izobraževanja v novi realnosti.
Vabimo vas, da se aktivno udeležite konference Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski
družbi 2021, da predstavite svoje poglede in izkušnje ter da skupaj snujemo našo prihodnost.
Uredniški odbor
We are facing grand changes in the educational processes caused by the COVID-19 epidemic
and the widespread use of information and communication technology. We hope that direct
face-to-face education will prevail in the coming years, but that does not mean that things will
be completely as they were. Distance learning solutions have also shown positive sides. It is
reasonable to talk about the significance of hybrid teaching models and changes in the content
and methodology of work.
Similar to last year, this year's conference Education in Information Society 2021 will be held
online. We will discuss various solutions and insights into how we can help ourselves in the
future with contemporary technology in the processes of knowledge transfer. The experiences
of the past years will not lead us to the state before the epidemic, but enrich us and lead us to
a renaissance of education in a new reality.
We invite you to actively participate in the conference Education in Information Society
2021, to present your views and experiences, and to plan our future together.
Editorial board
Matjaž Gams (chair), Institut Jožef Stefan
Vladimir Batagelj, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko
Saša Divjak, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Ivan Gerlič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko
Iztok Podbregar, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Vladislav Rajkovič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede in Institut Jožef Stefan
Niko Schlamberger, Slovensko društvo Informatika
Tomaž Skulj
Olga Šušteršič, Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta
Rado Wechtersbach
Uroš Rajkovič (chair), Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Borut Batagelj (co-chair), Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Zvone Balantič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Tadeja Batagelj, Svetovalni center za otroke, mladostnike in starše Maribor
Igor Bernik, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede
Mojca Bernik, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Janez Bešter, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Uroš Breskvar, Elektrotehniško-računalniška strokovna šola in gimnazija Ljubljana
Andrej Brodnik, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko in Univerza na
Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije
Borut Čampelj, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport RS
Dejan Dinevski, Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta
Tomi Dolenc, ARNES
Marjan Heričko, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Eva Jereb, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Alenka Krapež, Gimnazija Vič
Franc Solina, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Branislav Šmitek, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Srečo Zakrajšek, Fakulteta za medije
Alenka Baggia, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Jelka Bajželj, Šolski center Kranj, Višja strokovna šola
Branka Balantič, Šolski center Kranj, Višja strokovna šola
Zvone Balantič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Tadeja Batagelj, Svetovalni center za otroke, mladostnike in starše Maribor
Igor Bernik, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede
Mojca Bernik, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Branka Jarc Kovačič, Šolski center Kranj, Srednja tehniška šola
Robert Leskovar, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Marko Novaković, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana
Uroš Rajkovič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Gašper Strniša, Šolski center Kranj, Strokovna gimnazija
Iztok Škof, Osnovna šola Toma Brejca Kamnik
Alenka Tratnik, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Marko Urh, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Vladislav Rajkovič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Borut Werber, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Anja Žnidaršič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Jasmina Žnidaršič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Poučevanje elektronike z uporabo spletnega
programskega okolja Tinkercad
Teaching electronics using online software Tinkercad
Jaka Albreht
Šolski center Kranj, Srednja tehniška šola
Kidričeva 55, 4000 Kranj, Slovenija
Tinkercad, which allows us to create and simulate electronic
circuits. The paper presents the implementation of practical
Učitelji smo se med epidemijo morali prilagoditi na poučevanje
exercises in the Tinkercad environment and their comparison
na daljavo. Poseben izziv nam je predstavljalo poučevanje
with the actual implementation in the laboratory. The advantages
praktičnega pouka strokovnih modulov. Pri praktičnem delu
and disadvantages of the Tinkercad environment and our
modula Digitalna tehnika poučevanje poteka v laboratoriju, kjer
experience with it are also given. We were also interested in the
imajo dijaki dostop do elektronskih elementov in vse
feedback of students or their opinion on such a way of working
potrebne opreme. Ker so bile šole zaprte in pouk, ki smo ga
remotely. To this end, we conducted a survey. The results show
običajno izvajali, ni bil mogoč, je bilo potrebno poiskati
that most students find the Tinkercad online environment very
alternativo, ki bi bila primerna za poučevanje na daljavo. Odločili
useful, but the vast majority still prefer to work in a laboratory or
smo se za spletno okolje Tinkercad, ki nam omogoča izdelovanje
workshop. Our findings show that Tinkercad is an excellent tool
in simuliranje elektronskih vezij. V prispevku je prikazana
that has successfully enabled the teaching of practical electronics
izvedba praktičnih vaj v okolju Tinkercad in njihova primerjava
lessons. Nevertheless, it cannot fully replace practical work in
z realno izvedbo v laboratoriju. Podane so prednosti in
school and can only serve as a welcome addition.
pomanjkljivosti okolja Tinkercad ter naše izkušnje z le-tem.
Zanimala nas je tudi povratna informacija dijakov oz. njihovo
mnenje o takšnem načinu dela na daljavo. S tem namenom smo
izvedli anketo. Rezultati kažejo, da se večini dijakov zdi spletno
Electronics, distance learning, practical lessons, Tinkercad
okolje Tinkercad zelo uporabno, vendar ima kljub temu velika
večina še vedno raje delo v laboratoriju oz. delavnici. Naše
ugotovitve kažejo, da je Tinkercad odlično orodje, ki je uspešno
omogočalo poučevanje praktičnega pouka elektronike. Kljub
Zaradi pojava epidemije in posledično dela na daljavo je bilo
temu pa ne more v polnosti nadomestiti praktičnega dela v šoli
potrebno spremeniti način poučevanja. Poseben izziv je
in lahko služi zgolj kot dobrodošla dopolnitev.
predstavljalo poučevanje praktičnega pouka elektronike. Pri
praktičnem delu strokovnega modula Digitalna tehnika dijaki
spoznavajo integrirana vezja. Na testni plošči povezujejo
Elektronika, poučevanje na daljavo, praktični pouk, Tinkercad
elektronske elemente in testirajo delovanje vezij. Delo običajno
poteka v namenskih učilnicah oz. laboratorijih, kjer je na voljo
vsa potrebna oprema kot so npr. merilni instrumenti, testne
We teachers had to adapt to distance learning during the
plošče, elektronski elementi in računalniki z ustrezno
epidemic. A special challenge for us was teaching practical
programsko opremo.
lessons of professional modules. In the practical part of the
Zaradi nezmožnosti dela v šoli je bilo potrebno poiskati
Digital Electronics module, teaching takes place in a laboratory,
primerno aplikacijo, ki bi nam omogočala učinkovito poučevanje
where students have access to electronic elements and all the
na daljavo. Obstajajo različna programska okolja s katerimi
necessary equipment. Since the schools were closed and the
lahko simuliramo elektronska vezja kot so npr. SimulIDE,
lessons we normally conducted were not possible, it was
Simulator.io, Circuito.io, Fritzing, EveryCircuit, Wokwi,
necessary to find an alternative that would be suitable for
Tinkercad. Vsako okolje ima svoje prednosti in slabosti. Iskali
distance teaching. We opted for the online environment
smo aplikacijo, ki vsebuje vse elemente, ki jih potrebujemo za
izvedbo vaj. Aplikacija mora biti enostavna za uporabo in mora
čim bolj realistično prikazovati uporabljane elemente.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
Pomembno nam je bilo tudi to, da se simulacija izvaja kar na
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
spletu in aplikacija ni plačljiva.
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Pri nekaterih okoljih kot npr. Wokwi [1] lahko zgolj
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
spreminjamo obstoječe primere, tako da popravljamo
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
programsko kodo. Pomanjkljivost je tudi to, da ni mogoča
uporaba »drag and drop« elementov, ampak je potrebno
spreminjati kodo v Java Script. Veliko naštetih okolij se
osredotoča predvsem na uporabo mikrokrmilniških razvojnih
plošč, ne pa tudi na simulacijo različnih integriranih vezij, ki jih
pri pouku uporabljamo. Po hitrem pregledu in primerjavi vseh
možnosti nas je najbolj prepričalo okolje Tinkercad.
V nadaljevanju je opisan potek poučevanja z uporabo
spletnega okolja Tinkercad in izkušnje, ki smo jih pri tem
Tinkercad je spletno okolje, ki nam omogoča izdelavo 3D
modelov, testiranje programske kode in simuliranje elektronskih
vezij. Istoimensko podjetje Tinkercad (Slika 1) je bilo
ustanovljeno leta 2010 z namenom izdelave preprostega
programa, ki bi omogočal 3D modeliranje, dostopno širši
populaciji. Leta 2011 je bila postavljena tudi spletna stran
Tinkercad [2]. Le-ta omogoča, da v spletnem okolju izdelujemo
Slika 3: Prikaz nekaterih elektronskih elementov
3D modele, testiramo programsko kodo ali sestavljamo in
simuliramo elektronska vezja. Za naše potrebe smo se omejili na
Izvedba praktičnega dela strokovnega
izdelovanje in simuliranje elektronskih vezij.
modula Digitalna tehnika
Praktični del modula Digitalna tehnika je razdeljen na tri sklope.
V prvem sklopu dijaki spoznajo integrirana vezja, ki vsebujejo
logična vrata. Na testni plošči (breadboard) testirajo delovanje.
Slika 4 prikazuje izvedbo vaje v spletnem okolju Tinkercad,
Slika 5 pa izvedbo v realnosti. Pri tej vaji smo testirali delovanje
integriranega vezja 7408, ki vsebuje logična vrata IN (AND).
Slika 1: Tinkercad logotip
2.1 Kako začeti?
Na spletni strani se prijavimo z elektronskim naslovom ali
Google računom. Izberemo novo delovno površino kjer bomo
sestavljali vezje (Slika 2). Vsi elektronski elementi (Slika 3) in
oprema je na voljo na desni strani delovne površine.
Slika 4: Testiranje integriranega vezja v okolju Tinkercad
Slika 2: Začetna stran okolja Tinkercad
Slika 5: Testiranje integriranega vezja v realnosti
Element s klikom in potegom preprosto prenesemo na delovno
V drugem delu dijaki sestavijo kompleksnejše vezje in sicer
površino. Elemente povežemo med seboj in poženemo
dekadni števec s prikazovalnikom. V tem primeru je potrebno
simulacijo. Če želimo spreminjati vezje, je potrebno ustaviti
povezati več elementov. Na Sliki 6 vidimo simulacijo v okolju
simulacijo. Povezavam, ki predstavljajo žice je mogoče
Tinkercad, na Sliki 7 pa prikaz izvedbe vaje v šoli.
spreminjati tudi barvo, zaradi česar je vezje bolj pregledno.
Slika 6: Simulacija dekadnega števca s prikazovalnikom v
okolju Tinkercad
Slika 7: Prikaz dekadnega števca s prikazovalnikom v
Tretji sklop vaj je namenjen spoznavanju programirljivih vezij.
Dijaki uporabljajo razvojno ploščo Arduino UNO [3] na kateri je
mikrokrmilnik Atmega328. Poleg povezovanja vhodno-izhodnih
Slika 9: Programska koda v okolju Tinkercad
elementov je potrebno napisati tudi programsko kodo. Spletno
okolje Tinkercad nam omogoča tudi pisanje programske kode, ki
Oglejmo si še izvedbo vaje v šoli (Slika 10). V tem primeru je
se nato v okviru simulacije izvaja na razvojni plošči Arduino
bila programska koda napisana v programskem okolju Arduino,
UNO. Možno je tudi izbrati grafični način programiranja, ki
ki je bilo predhodno nameščeno na računalniku. Program s Slike
vključuje različne funkcijske bloke, ki jih povezujemo med seboj.
11 smo, po uspešnem prevajanju, preko povezave USB naložili
na mikrokrmilnik in opazovali delovanje.
Slika 8: Arduino UNO v okolju Tinkercad
Na Sliki 8 je prikazana simulacija delovanja razvojne plošče
Arduino UNO. Na njo so priključene svetleče diode (LED) s
Slika 10: Arduino UNO v realnem okolju
predupori. Programska koda na Sliki 9 povzroči postopno
prižiganje in ugašanje svetlečih diod.
Zanimalo nas je kakšne so bile izkušnje dijakov s spletnim
okoljem Tinkercad, zato smo jih prosili, da izpolnijo kratko
anketo. Glede na to, da so anketo reševali med počitnicami lahko
razpolagamo le z manjšim vzorcem (N=10).
Najprej smo jih prosili naj ocenijo uporabnost okolja
Tinkercad pri delu na daljavo (Slika 12). Večini se zdi okolje
uporabno, kar se je videlo tudi med samim poučevanjem saj je ta
način dela večina lepo sprejela.
Slika 12: Rezultati ankete (uporabnost okolja Tinkercad)
Zanimalo nas je tudi ali je uporaba spletnega okolja Tinkercad
pripomogla k večjemu navdušenju nad elektroniko (Slika 13).
Mnenja glede tega so deljena. Zanimanje za elektroniko je težko
v večji meri pripisati le vplivu ene aplikacije.
Slika 13: Rezultati ankete (vpliv okolja Tinkercad na
zanimanje za elektroniko)
Slika 11: Programska koda v okolju Arduino
Podali so nam tudi svoje videnje prednosti in slabosti
2.3 Delo na daljavo
omenjenega okolja, kar prikazuje Tabela 1. Dijaki so prepoznali
V času epidemije smo se na šoli odločili, da poenotimo orodje za
veliko prednosti spletnega okolja, prav tako pa se zavedajo tudi
poučevanje in komuniciranje z dijaki. Izbrali smo aplikacijo
nekaterih pomanjkljivosti.
Microsoft Teams [4], ki nam je omogočala uspešno delo na
daljavo. Pouk smo v največji meri izvajali preko videokonferenc.
Dijaki so pri praktičnem pouku modula Digitalna tehnika med
Tabela 1: Prednosti in slabosti okolja Tinkercad po mnenju
videokonferenco ob učiteljevi razlagi sestavljali in preizkušali
elektronska vezja v spletnem okolju Tinkercad. V primeru
nejasnosti oz. težav so lahko delili svoj zaslon, kar se je izkazalo
za zelo uporabno. Učitelj je nato opozoril na morebitne napake v
Možno je delo od doma
Ni dela na realnih komponentah
vezju. Na ta način so se tudi ostali dijaki naučili, na kaj je treba
Lažje se odpravi težave
Ni na voljo vseh elementov
biti pozoren in kje se lahko pojavijo napake. Nekateri dijaki so
Ne moremo ničesar uničiti
Potreben je zmogljiv računalnik
tudi sami sodelovali pri odkrivanju napak v vezjih svojih
Lažje razumevanje vezij
Brezplačna aplikacija
Dostopno povsod kjer je internet
Vse komponente delujejo
Na koncu pa so podali svoje mnenje glede tega, kateri način
Do aplikacije dostopamo kar preko spleta, prav tako nam ni
učenja jim je bliže (Slika 14). Velika večina ima kljub vsem
potrebno nameščati namizne aplikacije. Vse naše delo se shrani
prednostim, ki jih ponuja okolje Tinkercad, še vedno raje
v računu s katerim smo se prijavili. Z elektronskimi
praktični pouk v šoli.
komponentami lahko poljubno eksperimentiramo, brez skrbi, da
bi kaj uničili ali se sami poškodovali. Zaradi izkušenj z delom v
virtualnem okolju lažje preidemo na realno izdelovanje vezij na
testni plošči.
Kot pomanjkljivost bi izpostavili to, da je potrebno
imeti internetno povezavo, saj zgolj namizna aplikacija še ni na
voljo. Poleg tega nimamo fizičnega stika z elektronskimi
elementi, kar posledično pomeni, da ni realnih problemov kot npr.
slab stik, nedelujoče komponente, motnje ipd. Pri virtualnem
delu se ne razvija fine motorike, ne uri se ročnih spretnosti pri
sestavljanju elektronskih vezij. Prav tako ne rešujemo realnih
Slika 14: Rezultati ankete (primerjava realnega dela in
problemov, saj je simulacija vedno zgolj približek realnosti.
simulacije Tinkercad)
Menimo, da najboljše rezultate pri poučevanju
dosežemo s kombinacijo spletnega okolja in praktičnega dela,
zato lahko okolje Tinkercad služi kot dobrodošla dopolnitev pri
Spletno okolje Tinkercad se je med poučevanjem na daljavo
poučevanju praktičnega pouka elektronike. Nikakor pa ne more
izkazalo za odlično izbiro. Predvsem dobro se je obneslo v
v polnosti nadomestiti dela v laboratoriju oz. delavnici.
kombinaciji z videokonferencami znotraj aplikacije Microsoft
Kljub temu, da so že dijaki podali svoje videnje
[1] Wokwi. Dostopno na naslovu https://wokwi.com (9. 9. 2021)
prednosti in slabosti spletnega okolja pa si vseeno oglejmo še
[2] Spletno
https://www.tinkercad.com (27. 7. 2021)
naše izkušnje. Med prednosti lahko uvrstimo naslednje. V
[3] Razvojna plošča Arduino. Dostopno na naslovu https://www.arduino.cc
primerjavi s profesionalnimi programi za simulacijo in 3D
(27. 7. 2021)
[4] Microsoft
modeliranje je Tinkercad relativno enostaven za uporabo.
https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams (27. 7. 2021) Uporabljamo ga lahko zastonj in ne potrebujemo nobenih licenc.
Izzivi izvedbe praktičnega izobraževanja na višjih
strokovnih šolah v pogojih COVID-19
Challenges of the implementation of practical education
at higher vocational schools in the conditions of COVID-19
Branka Balantič
Zvone Balantič
Šolski center Kranj
Univerza v Mariboru
Višja strokovna šola Kranj
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Kidričeva 55, 4000 Kranj
Kidričeva 55a, 4000 Kranj
Pandemične razmere COVID-19 so ustvarile povsem nova
The COVID-19 pandemic situation has created completely new
izhodišča pri delovanju družbe in v vseh njenih spremljajočih
starting points in the functioning of the society and in all its
vitalnih mehanizmih. Poleg osnovnih življenjskih vrednot je v
accompanying vital mechanisms.
takih pogojih potrebno poskrbeti tudi za delovanje vseh ostalih
sistemov, med katere spada tudi izobraževanje s celovitim in
In addition to the basic values of life, in such conditions it is
korektnim funkcioniranjem vseh predpisanih in ustaljenih
necessary to take care of the operation of all other systems,
protokolov. Pri tem lahko izpostavimo tudi konkretne težave pri
including education with the comprehensive and correct
vzpostavitvi in tekoči izvedbi obveznega praktičnega
functioning of all prescribed and established protocols. We can
izobraževanja (PRI) na višjih strokovnih šolah (VSŠ). VSŠ
also point out the concrete problems in the establishment and
programi se v Slovenskem ogrodju kvalifikacij (SOK) nahajajo
ongoing implementation of compulsory practical education / on
na ravni 6/1. Programi so ovrednoteni s 120 kreditnimi točkami
the job training (PE/OJT - PRI) at higher vocational schools
(KT) in trajajo 2 leti. Za doseganje ustreznih strokovno-
(HVS - VSŠ). VSŠ programs in the Slovenian Qualifications
teoretičnih kompetenc je zelo pomemben del študijskega
Framework (SQF - SOK) are located at level 6/1. The programs
procesa, ki vključuje PRI v podjetju in zajema 800 ur oziroma
are evaluated with 120 credit points (ECTS - KT) and last for 2
traja 20 tednov.
years. To achieve the appropriate professional-theoretical
competencies, it is a very important part of the study process,
V tem delu so v izobraževalni proces vključeni tudi mentorji iz
which includes PRI in the company and covers 800 hours or lasts
posameznih podjetij, s katerimi je potrebno vzpostaviti
20 weeks.
interaktiven in delujoč komunikacijski kanal, ki smo ga v
preteklosti realizirali s pomočjo obiska organizatorja PRI v
In this part, mentors from individual companies are also included
podjetju. V pogojih pandemije zaradi COVID-19 je prav na
in the educational process, with whom it is necessary to establish
področju tekočega spremljanja dejavnosti v okviru PRI prihajalo
an interactive and functioning communication channel, which we
do občasnih motenj v utečenem sistemu sodelovanja. Tako, kot
realized in the past with the help of the PRI organizer's visit to
večina komunikacije v tem obdobju je tudi tu potekala preko IKT
the company. In the conditions of the pandemic due to COVID-
in telefonskih pogovorov.
19, it was in the field of ongoing monitoring of activities within
the PRI that there were occasional disturbances in the established
Razvili smo nov model komunikacije z vključevanjem virtualnih
system of cooperation. Like most communication in this period,
obiskov organizacij, z izvedbo pogovorov z mentorji v podjetjih
it also took place here through ICT and telephone conversations.
in s študenti na dejanskih delovnih mestih. Povratne informacije
povsem ekvivalentno sledijo rezultatom raziskav iz preteklih let.
We have developed a new model of communication by including
virtual visits to organizations, by conducting interviews with
mentors in companies and with students in actual jobs. The
feedback follows the results of previous years' research in exactly
Praktično izobraževanje, COVID-19, mentor, študent, višja
the equivalent way.
strokovna šola
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
Practical education, COVID-19, mentor, student, higher
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
vocational school
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
V sistemu izvajanja PRI gre za tripartitni odnos, v katerem
Višje strokovno izobraževanje je osredotočeno na usposabljanje
sodelujejo študenti s specifičnimi znanji, izkušnjami in
visoko usposobljenih, aplikativno usmerjenih strokovnjakov, ki
osebnostnimi lastnostmi, podjetja oz. različne organizacije z
se zaposlujejo na vodilnih mestih proizvodnih ali storitvenih
realnimi delovnimi okolji in ustrezno usposobljenimi mentorji ter
oddelkov v podjetjih. Osnovno vodilo v VSŠ je stalno
šola (org. PRI, predavatelji, vodstvo šole). [6].
izboljševanje kakovostnega izobraževanja s praktičnim
V okviru PRI imajo študenti priložnost razvijati in utrjevati
usposabljanjem in inovativnimi izobraževalnimi metodami.
številne kompetence, kot so sposobnost organiziranja delovnega
Sinteza vsega naštetega spodbuja razvoj individualnih praktičnih
časa, reševanje realnih problemov, uporaba znanja v praksi …
sposobnosti in zagotavlja njihov individualni razvoj.
Pridobijo si sposobnosti ustne in pisne komunikacije (kjer je to
V našem primeru skrbimo za razvoj teoretičnega znanja na
pomembno, tudi v tujem jeziku). PRI mora biti usmerjeno tudi v
področju informatike, skupaj s praktičnimi veščinami na tem
razvijanje kompetence, kot so kritičnost, samokritičnost, delo v
področju. Smisel PRI je v poglabljanju študentovega
skupini, etičnost, samoiniciativnost, kreativnost, avtonomnosti
razumevanja njihovega osnovnega strokovnega znanja, hkrati pa
pri delu, podjetništvo, sposobnost prilagajanja novostim, skrb za
jim daje dodatne možnosti spoznavanja realnega delovnega
kakovost, sposobnost priprave in vodenja ali koordiniranja
okolja v katerem bodo morda našli ali iskali svojo zaposlitev.
projektov [1].
Vključevanje v sistem PRI običajno razkriva tudi posebnosti
V izobraževalni proces so vključeni tudi mentorji iz
posameznih osebnostnih značilnosti študentov in pokaže
posameznih podjetij, s katerimi je potrebno vzpostaviti
možnosti integracije v realna delovna okolja. Proučevanje
interaktiven in delujoč komunikacijski kanal, ki smo ga v
naštetih relacij je koristno tako za študenta, kot delodajalca,
preteklosti realizirali s pomočjo obiska organizatorja PRI v
mentorja v podjetju, VSŠ in seveda za razvijalca kurikuluma.
podjetju. V pogojih pandemije zaradi COVID-19 je prav na
Študenti se seznanijo s kompleksnimi nalogami, ki se izvajajo
področju tekočega spremljanja dejavnosti v okviru PRI prihajalo
v podjetjih in pri tem spoznajo praktične modele reševanja
do občasnih motenj v utečenem sistemu sodelovanja. Tako, kot
realnih izzivov. Temeljni namen višješolskega izobraževanja je
večina komunikacije v tem obdobju je tudi tu potekala preko IKT
torej prizadevanje za ustrezne odločitve in doseganje večje
in telefonskih pogovorov.
uspešnosti bodočih zaposlenih v realnih delovnih okoljih [1].
V EU se v okviru mreže višjih strokovnih šol izobražuje več
kot 1,7 milijona ljudi. Ti programi so nastali na osnovi poklicnih
standardov, ki so jih narekovale potrebe gospodarstva. Podoben
Zaradi znanih pogojev dela v okviru pandemičnih omejitev, je
sistem najdemo tudi v Sloveniji. Izobraževanje za pridobitev in
bilo potrebno slediti novim idejam komuniciranja tudi na
izpopolnjevanje javnoveljavne višje strokovne izobrazbe in
omenjenem področju. Del študijskega leta 2019/20 in pretežni
del študijskega leta 2020/21 sta potekali v posebnih okoliščinah,
organizacijo višjih strokovnih šol (VSŠ) v Sloveniji ureja Zakon
kjer je bil neposredni stik sodelujočih deležnikov praktično
o višjem strokovnem izobraževanju (ZVSI) [2].
onemogočen. Tako, kot v večini primerov je bila vsa možna
Višješolski programi (VSŠ) se v Slovenskem ogrodju
dejavnost prenešena v virtualno okolje. V določenem začetnem
kvalifikacij (SOK) nahajajo na ravni 6/1 [3, 4]. Programi trajajo
obdobju pandemije so bile smernice še zelo nejasne, vendar so se
2 leti in so ovrednoteni s 120 kreditnimi točkami (KT). Za
z razvojem dogodkov in spoznavanjem nevarnosti COVID-19,
doseganje teh ciljev je zelo pomemben tisti del študijskega
počasi spreminjale. Celotni šolski sistem je sproti dobival
procesa, ki vključuje praktično izobraževanje (PRI) v podjetju in
navodilo za delo is strani NIJZ [7], Ministrstva za izobraževanje,
zajema 800 ur oziroma traja 20 tednov.
znanost in šport MIZŠ [8], glede integracije PRI pa smo delo
Normativne podlage za izvajanje PRI študentov v podjetjih
koordinirali tudi v skladu s priporočili Ministrstva za
opredeljuje Zakon o višjem strokovnem izobraževanju v 50.
gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo [9]. V navodilih za delo so bili
opredeljeni grobi okviri, natančne smernice pa smo oblikovali v
členu [2]. Zakon določa, da morajo šole sodelovati z delodajalci
skladu z našimi idejami in širšimi priporočili.
in da pogodbo o izvajanju PRI lahko sklenejo s tistimi
delodajalci, ki imajo ustrezne prostore in opremo, katerih
PRI je kljub zaostrenim delovnim pogojem potrebno izvesti
poslovanje obsega dejavnost poklica, za katerega se študent
na najvišjem možnem nivoju. Če želimo zagotoviti kakovost tega
izobražuje, in imajo zaposlenega, ki je lahko mentor študentu.
dela izobraževanja, je potrebno sprotno samoevalviranje vseh
Podrobne pogoje, povezane s prostorom, opremo in mentorji, je
izvedbenih elementov. Ključni členi pri samoevalvaciji PRI so
določila Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, ki tudi vodi register
študenti, organizacije in mentorji v šolah in organizacijah.
Pridobljene informacije v okviru PRI so zelo pomembne, saj
Izvajanje PRI spremlja in vodi mentor v podjetju v skladu z
plemenitijo celotni formalni del izbranega programa, v katerem
okvirnim programom za izvedbo PRI. Ob zaključku PRI mentor
sodeluje posamezni študent.
izdela ustrezno poročilo o opravljenem PRI študenta, v katerem
Regulacijska sposobnost informacijskega sistema na
poda oceno o PRI ter izpolni anketni vprašalnik o PRI, kar
področju PRI za spodbujanje sinergije med pedagoškim in
študent skupaj s svojim poročilom odda organizatorju PRI.
poslovnim okoljem, je kompleksna. V letu 2020 je bil razvit
VSŠ imajo izkušnje z načrtnim organiziranjem mreže
model sporočilnih poti v sistemu sooblikovanja t.i. reflektivne
podjetij, pri tem pa imajo posebej pomembno vlogo zaposleni v
prakse v okviru PRI [1]. Zaradi jasno postavljenega sistema PRI
podjetju, ki so mentorji študentom. Tak način partnerskega
je bilo v danih pogojih moč dokaj nemoteno pristopiti k
sodelovanja med šolo in podjetji je primerljiv z evropsko uspešno
oblikovanju virtualnih obiskov organizacij, z izvedbo
prakso in posebej primeren za področje strokovnega
pogovorov z mentorji v podjetjih in s študenti na dejanskih
izobraževanja, ki naj usposablja za potrebe konkretnih delovnih
delovnih mestih.
okolij [5]
Virtualni obisk podjetja je pomembna točka v razvoju
medsebojnih tripartitnih odnosov v sistemu višješolskega
izobraževanja, saj s tem vzpostavimo temelje nadaljnjemu
sodelovanju, vzpostavimo sistem regulacijskega kroga med višjo
šolo in podjetjem ter spodbujamo aktivno interaktivno
sodelovanje med vsemi sodelujočimi. S pomočjo proučevanja
kazalnikov smo želeli opredeliti dejansko stanje na področju
izvedbe PRI in odkriti morebitne usmeritve za delo v prihodnjem
Ideja virtualnega obiska zahteva temeljite priprave pred
izvedbo, zato smo ob vseh obiskih želeli pridobiti temeljne
informacije v zvezi z izvedbo, ki bi jih lahko koristno uporabili
ob morebitnem nadaljevanju ogroženosti s COVID-19 v
naslednjem študijskem letu. Osredotočili smo se na vlogo
mentorja v podjetjih in v ta namen pripravili anketni vprašalnik s
Slika 1: Mnenje mentorja o pripravi in izvedbi PRI
temeljnimi demografskimi vprašanji, s sklopom vprašanj v zvezi
z opredelitvijo podjetja, z vprašanji o vlogi mentorja v podjetju
in vprašanja v zvezi s povratno informacijo pri izvedbi PRI s
Priprava in izvedba PRI je ključnega pomena za vse sodelujoče
poudarkom na virtualnem obisku organizatorja PRI iz VSŠ.
(slika 1) Praktično vsi kazalniki dosegajo zelo visoko povprečno
oceno (4,64). Najnižjo oceno (4,3) beležimo pri oceni
Študenti v tej raziskavi niso bili posebej vključeni.
razpoložljivosti ostalih zaposlenih v podjetju za morebitna
vprašanja študenta in pomoči pri vključevanju v delovni proces,
kar je razumljivo, saj študenti iz vidika vodenja podjetja in
količnika cost/benefit predstavljajo določen izziv.
Prispevek se ukvarja z evalvacijo virtualnega obiska
organizatorja PRI v podjetju v okviru programa Informatika na
V danih pogojih je bil virtualni obisk podjetja zanimiv izziv,
VSŠ ŠC Kranj. V študijskem letu 2020/2021 je bilo na
ki se je po naših optimističnih napovedih pokazal tudi kot
opravljanje PRI v 2. letniku napotenih 38 študentov, ki so
izjemno dobro sprejet pri mentorjih v podjetjih.
opravljali PRI v 32 različnih podjetjih. V raziskavo smo uspeli
Ocena virtualnega obiska organizatorja PRI v podjetju (slika
vključiti 17 mentorjev iz nabora vseh sodelujočih podjetij.
2) praktično soglasno podpira idejo o virtualnem obisku podjetja
V okolju Microsoft Teams smo oblikovali skupino v kateri so
s strani organizatorja PRI iz šole (4,9). Mentorji v podjetjih tudi
bili istočasno prisotni študent, mentor iz podjetja in organizator
zelo visoko ocenjujejo pogovor med študentom, mentorjem in
PRI. V okviru omenjene skupine smo izvedli klasični 15 – 20
organizatorjem PRI (4,7) in so prav tako zelo zadovoljni z
min. pogovor, ki ga sicer opravimo tudi v normalnih
usklajevanjem termina srečanja (4,7). Organizator PRI je tudi
nepandemijskih časih. Pogovor poteka po običajnem dnevnem
povsem izpolnil pričakovanja glede vsebine pogovora med
redu, ki vključuje naslednje elemente:
udeleženci (4,5).
• izmenjava informacij o poteku PRI z usvajanjem kompetenc,
• spremljanje in vrednotenje PRI študenta,
• problematika v zvezi z dokumentacijo PRI (študent, mentor),
• informiranje v zvezi z razpisom za sofinanciranje spodbud
delodajalcev, ki izvajajo PRI študentov,
• pogovor o morebitni izbiri teme diplomske naloge,
• verifikacija učnih mest za študente na GZS,
• pedagoško-andragoško usposabljanje mentorjev,
• drugo (posebnosti, pripombe, pohvale . .),
V raziskavi so sodelovali mentorji, ki prihajajo iz podjetij z do
10 zaposlenimi (55%), iz podjetij z 11-50 zaposlenimi (18%) in
iz podjetij z 51-150 zaposlenimi (18%).
Mentorji v podjetju svojo vlogo razumejo različno. Raziskava
ugotavlja, da 64% mentorjev svojo vlogo razume kot sodelavca
v študijskem procesu za praktični del pri ustvarjanju bodočega
kadra, 27% mentorjev svojo vlogo vidi v organizatorju dela za
novo delovno moč v delovnih procesih, 9% mentorjev pa svojo
Slika 2: Ocena virtualnega obiska organizatorja PRI v
vlogo vidi v "podaljšani roki" kadrovske službe pri iskanju
potencialnega sodelavca.
Mentorji so tudi zelo zadovoljni s časovnim obsegom obiska (15
do 20 minut). 91% mentorjev je bilo mnenja, da bi podoben način
izvedbe obiska organizatorja PRI v podjetjih v prihodnje še
Pri razpravi o nadgradnji modela, bi morali razmisliti še o
Pandemija COVID-19 je vplivala na vse pore našega življenja,
celovitem in zanesljivem sistemu izmenjave dokumentacije z
posredno pa tudi na vse sisteme vezane v naš vsakdan. Naša
uporabo verificiranih potrdil. Pričakujemo, da bo ta del logična
tematika se je lotevala racionalnih rešitev, ki so bile potrebne za
nadgradnja vseh zastavljenih sistemov v Digitalni Sloveniji [10].
rešitev problematike celovite izvedbe PRI v okviru VSŠ
izobraževanja. Razumljivo je, da so nastale razmere zahtevale
kompromisno delovanje v določenih okvirih, npr. zamiki
datumov odhoda študentov na prakso v posamezna podjetja.
Pandemične razmere ob pojavu COVID-19 so nas prisilile, da
Povsem nekaj drugega pa je premik / zamik / odlog 400 urnega
smo praktično povsod začeli razmišljati "izven škatle" in bili
bloka obveznih dejavnosti (PRI) v okviru izobraževanja na VSŠ
prisiljeni uporabiti vse mogoče pripomočke za izhod iz nastale
za posamezni letnik. Izobraževalni program Informatika ima že
družbene slepe poti. Tudi v okviru izobraževanja so se pojavili
po svoji strukturi velik potencial organiziranja dela na daljavo,
nešteti izzivi, ki smo jih bili prisiljeni reševati. Razvili smo model
kar so delodajalci in mentorji iz podjetij s pridom izkoristili.
virtualnega obiska podjetij med izvedbo PRI na VSŠ in na ta
Kljub dejstvu, da je veliko študentov delo v okviru PRI opravilo
način uspeli vzpostaviti povsem ekvivalentno strukturo dela, ki
tudi na daljavo, pa je za funkcionalno in delujočo strukturo PRI
je bila običajna v nepandemijskem obdobju. Določene izkušnje
nujno potrebno aktivno in soodvisno sodelovanje med študenti,
bi veljalo obdržati in jih skladno z razvojem digitalizacije tudi
mentorji v podjetjih in organizatorjem PRI v VSŠ.
Na način, ki ga ponuja opisan model nismo izgubljali na
kakovosti izvedbe, še več – v danih razmerah smo s pomočjo
virtualnega obiska v podjetjih preizkusili drugačen model, ki ga
morda v običajnih razmerah ne bi uspeli realizirati v realnih
[1] B. Balantič, „Evalvacija vsebinskih zahtevkov v regulacijskem krogu
PRI na VSŠ,“ v EKIF: izzivi prihodnosti, 1. mednarodna strokovna
konferenca EKIF, Murska Sobota, 2020.
Model virtualnega obiska smo izvedli preko orodja MST in
[2] Ur. l. RS št. 86/04, „Uradni list Republike Slovenije,“ 2004.
na ta način na daljavo obiskali mentorja in se istočasno povezali
[Elektronski]. Available:
s študentom na svojem delovnem mestu. V realnem svetu je
[3] Ur. l.RS št. 104/15, „Uradni list Republike Slovenije,“ 2015.
organizatorju PRI marsikdaj onemogočen dostop do dejanskega
[Elektronski]. Available:
delovnega okolja, kjer določeni študent opravlja PRI. Vzroki za
[4] SOK, „Slovensko ogrodje kvalifikacij,“ marec 2020. [Elektronski].
prepoved vstopa v zaščiteno področje so različni (varnost in
Available: https://www.nok.si/.
zdravje pri delu, vnos nečistoč, segrevanje prostorov,
[5] Jarc Kovačič, B., Balantič, B., „Učenje skozi delo - pridobivanje
praktičnih znanj med študijem mehatronike,“ v Zbornik referatov 2. letne
občutljivost delujočih sistemov, poslovne skrivnosti. .). Virtualni
konference Kakovost v višjih šolah, Murska Sobota, 2010.
obisk organizatorja PRI v podjetjih pa marsikdaj omogoči video
[6] Balantič, B., Jarc Kovačič, B., Balantič, Z., „Model sporočilnih poti v
in audio vstop v zaščitena področja, video vpogled v študentovo
sistemu reflektivne prakse za spodbujanje sinergije med pedagoškim in
poslovnim okoljem,“ Uporabna informatika, pp. 173-181, 2014.
delo na njegovem dejanskem delovnem mestu itd.
[7] NIJZ, „Dnevno spremljanje okužb s SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19),“ 01 08
Raziskava potrjuje naše domneve o pozitivni afiniteti
2021. [Elektronski]. Available: www.nijz.si.
[8] MIZŠ, „Koronavirus (SARS-CoV-2),“ 01 08 2021. [Elektronski].
mentorjev v podjetjih do obiska organizatorja PRI. Na virtualni
Available: https://www.gov.si/drzavni-organi/ministrstva/ministrstvo-za-
način je organizacija obiska bolj natančno določena in
[9] MGRT, „Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo,“ 01 08 2021.
načrtovana. Delodajalci so zadovoljni, saj njihovi predstavniki –
[Elektronski]. Available: https://www.gov.si/drzavni-
mentorji v podjetjih za to dejavnost lahko namenijo manj
njihovega dragocenega časa.
[10] Vlada RS, „Digitalizacija družbe,“ 01 08 2021. [Elektronski].
Available: https://www.gov.si/teme/digitalizacija-druzbe/.
Vsekakor ne smemo zanemariti velike prednosti klasične
izvedbe obiska organizatorja PRI v podjetju, saj je osebna
izmenjava mnenj in iskanje idej ter rešitev vsekakor boljša in zelo
dobrodošla, toda tudi virtualni obisk je svojevrsten izziv,
posebno če je izveden v okoljih, ki jih vključeni deležniki že
dobro poznajo.
Skupinske oblike svetovanja na daljavo v času epidemije
covid-19 – ugotovitve raziskav in praktične izkušnje
Group telecounseling during the covid-19 epidemic – research findings and practical
Tadeja Batagelj
Svetovalni center za otroke, mladostnike in starše Maribor
Maribor, Slovenija
counseling to the Internet. Increased service user distress
created an increased need for such treatment and professionals
Izbruh epidemije covid-19 je v šolski prostor prinesel številne
faced the change without clear guidelines and evidence of the
nenadne spremembe, ki so zahtevale spremembe vzgojno
effectiveness of the new ways of working. The purpose of this
izobraževalnega procesa in prilagoditve vseh udeležencev le
article is to highlight the theoretical findings of research into
tega. Svetovalna služba kot pomemben povezovalni in
group forms of counseling and therapeutic work at a distance
svetovalni člen in podporne zunanje strokovne institucije, med
and to present practical experiences and opinions of users of
katerimi imajo pomembno vlogo svetovalni centri, so morali v
such forms of work at Counseling Center Maribor. All the
kratkem času spremeniti način delovanja in se iz svetovanja v
findings presented lead to the conclusion that despite some
živo preseliti na splet. Pri tem so se zaradi povečanih stisk pri
limitations and the lack of theoretical evidence of effectiveness,
uporabnikih storitev pokazale povečane potrebe po tovrstnih
group counseling and therapeutic work by videoconferencing is
obravnavah, strokovnjaki pa so se s spremembami soočali brez
effective in practice and well received by users, which would
jasnih smernic in dokazov o učinkovitosti novih oblik dela.
make further introduction into counseling services in schools
Namen prispevka je osvetliti teoretične ugotovitve raziskav
and in supportive external settings useful.
glede skupinskih oblik svetovalnega in terapevtskega dela na
daljavo ter predstaviti praktične izkušnje in mnenja
uporabnikov tovrstnih oblik dela na Svetovalnem centru
Maribor. Vsi predstavljeni rezultati vodijo do ugotovite, da je
School counselors, group counseling, epidemic covid-19,
skupinsko svetovalno in terapevtsko delo preko videokonferenc
kljub nekaterim omejitvam in ob pomanjkanju teoretičnih
dokazov o učinkovitosti, v praksi učinkovit in pri uporabnikih
dobro sprejet način dela, za katerega bi bilo smiselno, da se v
prihodnosti večji meri uvaja v svetovalne službe na šolah in v
Epidemija covid-19 je v šolski prostor prinesla veliko
podpornih zunanjih institucijah.
negotovosti in sprememb. Na spremembe se ni bilo mogoče
pripraviti vnaprej, zaradi česar je bilo prilagajanje še
zahtevnejše. Pouk na daljavo, okrnjenost in spremenjenost
Šolski svetovalni delavci, skupinsko svetovanje, epidemija
vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa so zahtevali hitre prilagoditve
covid-19, svetovanje na daljavo
tako učiteljev, kot učencev in staršev. V teh okoliščinah je bila
vloga svetovalne službe izjemnega pomena. Njena temeljna
naloga je namreč, “da se na podlagi svojega posebnega
The outbreak of the covid 19 epidemic brought about many
strokovnega znanja preko svetovalnega odnosa in na strokovno
sudden changes in the school environment, requiring changes in
avtonomni način vključuje v kompleksno reševanje pedagoških,
the educational process and adjustments by all involved. The
psiholoških in socialnih vprašanj vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela
school counselors, as a key link and counseling member, and
v vrtcu oziroma šoli s tem, da pomaga in sodeluje z vsemi
the supporting external professional institutions, among which
udeleženci v vrtcu oziroma šoli in po potrebi tudi z ustreznimi
counseling centers play an important role, had to change their
zunanjimi ustanovami.” [10]
mode of operation in a short period of time, moving from live
Svetovalni center Maribor z namenom celostne in strokovne
podpore uporabnikom intenzivno sodeluje tudi s svetovalnimi
službami na šolah. Na Svetovalnem centru smo v času
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
epidemije covid-19 zaznali povečane potrebe po psihološki,
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
specialno-pedagoški in podobni podpori. Z namenom nudenja
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
podpore čim večjemu številu uporabnikov, smo želeli v kar
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
največji meri ohraniti skupinske oblike dela. Zaradi ukrepov za
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
omejevanje gibanja in združevanja pa smo morali tako v
svetovalnih službah kot v Svetovalnih centrih začeti iskati nove
nadomesti [4], kar velja tako za individualne kot za skupinske
in izvirne pristope pri svojem delu.
oblike dela.
Raziskave na področju spletnih skupin so maloštevilne in
potrebnih je več raziskav, da bi se raziskalo učinkovitost
tovrstnega načina dela za različne posameznike in vsebine.
Odprta ostajajo številna vprašanja kot so etična vprašanja,
vprašanja zaupnosti informacij in nevarnosti spleta, možnosti za
Skupinsko svetovanje preko spleta je relativno nova modaliteta
izgradnjo dobrega odnosa, vpliv odsotnosti očesnega stika in
za vodenje skupin. Raziskave, ki bi evalvirale učinkovitost
fizične bližine in podobno. Vse to so vprašanja, ki doprinašajo k
skupinskih oblik dela preko spleta (kot so svetovanje, terapija,
učinkovitosti skupinskih oblik dela in jih je potrebno ob delu na
vodenje in podobno) ali postavljale jasne smernice za izvajanje
daljavo še posebej nasloviti.
tovrstnih oblik pomoči, so redke. Med številnimi strokovnjaki
[6] je v preteklosti veljalo prepričanje, da je zaradi vseh
omejitev, ki jih tovrstna oblika dela prinaša, učinkovitost
skupinskih oblik dela na daljavo okrnjena do te mere, da je pod
vprašanjem upravičenost izvajanja tovrstnih oblik svetovanja in
terapije. Z izbruhom epidemije covid-19 pa je delo na daljavo
Mrvar, Jeznik, Šarić in Šteh [4] navajajo: »Ob izbruhu
postalo nuja in številne skupine so bile primorane svoja
epidemije covida-19 se je življenje in delo v vzgojno-
srečanja nadaljevati na način videokonferenc, hkrati pa so se
izobraževalnih ustanovah v trenutku izjemno spremenilo.
povečale potrebe po strokovni pomoči [7], zaradi česar so se
Skupnost otrok, učencev oz. dijakov in strokovnih delavcev se
oblikovale številne nove skupine. Tako je postalo nujno, da se
je preselila v virtualni prostor.« Z namenom podpore so bila
strokovnjakom, strokovnim delavcem v šoli in v zunanjih
izdana priporočila za delo z uporabniki, izvedene pa so bile tudi
strokovnih institucijah čim prej ponudi pregled raziskav in jasne
raziskave o tem, kako se je način dela v času epidemije
smernice za delo skupin preko spleta. Randomiziranih raziskav
na tem področju je sicer še vedno malo, dostopne ugotovitve pa
so sledeče[14]:
3.1 Predlogi in priporočila za delo šolske
Udeleženci, ki so bili del spletnih skupin za
svetovalne službe v času izolacije zaradi
samopomoč, so poročali o večji opolnomočenosti.
Video-konferenčne skupine so izvedljive, učinki pa
so primerljivi kot v skupinah, ki se srečujejo v živo.
Kmalu po izbruhu epidemije covid-19 in selitvi vzgojno
Skupine, ki temeljijo na vedenjsko – kognitivnih
izobraževalnega in svetovalnega dela na daljavo, sta se Zavod
principih dosegajo podobne učinke, kot intervencije,
RS za šolstvo in Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko
ki potekajo v živo, a je doseganje primerljivih
Filozofske fakultete UL odzvala na novo nastale razmere in
rezultatov običajno dolgotrajnejše.
podal nekaj predlogov za delo šolske svetovalne službe v času
Učinkovitost spletnih skupin se poveča z uvedbo
izolacije zaradi epidemije [12]. Predlogi so se nanašali na:
gradiva za samopomoč.
Tako videokonferenčne skupine kot skupine, ki
izobraževalnega procesa,
temeljijo na izmenjavi pisnih mnenj ( chat group)
dejavnosti v oddelčni skupnosti,
kažejo pomembna izboljšanja v primerjavi s
pripravo napotkov za samostojno učenje doma,
kontrolno skupino, vendar kažejo videokonferenčne
vprašanja motivacije učencev za šolsko delo,
skupine primerjalno pomembnejše izboljšanje
seznanjenost o bolezni covid-19 in ukrepih v zvezi z
mentalnega zdravja.
epidemijo in
Učinkovitost spletnih oblik skupinskega dela se
na skrb zase.
razlikuje glede na modaliteto vodenja, vključene
Posebej so bili izpostavljeni predlogi za individualni
posameznike in glede na naravo težav in teme, ki se
pogovor z učenci/dijaki na daljavo. Predlogov in navodil za
na skupini odpirajo. Pri mlajših, bolj izobraženih, je
skupinsko izvajanje podpore in pomoči je bilo manj. Svetovalke
možnost uporabe IKT v svetovalni dejavnosti večja,
ZRSŠ [9] so svetovale, da se svetovalna služba vključi v
hkrati so večji tudi učinki tovrstnega svetovanja.
izvajanje videokonferenčnih razrednih ur, kamor se lahko
Večje učinke kažejo skupine, ki delajo po vedenjsko-
vključi delavnice iz socialnega in čustvenega učenja. Omenile
kognitivnih principih, a upoštevati je potrebno, da je
so tudi možnost organiziranja posebne skupine učencev ali
tudi raziskav na teh skupinah več (verjetno zaradi
lažjega merjenja učinkov).
dijakov, ki potrebujejo še dodatno spremljanje, razbremenilne
Omejitve dela na daljavo se najbolj intenzivno kažejo
pogovore, konkretnejšo spodbudo in pomoč.
na področju oblikovanja skupinske klime in
V aprilu 2020 je bila na Oddelku za pedagogiko in
andragogiko Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani izvedena
raziskava, namen katere je bil proučiti, kako se je svetovalna
Tudi nekatere slovenske raziskave potrjujejo ugotovitve, da
služba soočala z vprašanji, izzivi in težavami, ki so se pojavili
kakovost komunikacije in dela na daljavo ni enaka kot prej, saj
med izvajanjem izobraževalnega in svetovalnega dela na
manjka predvsem osebni stik s sogovorniki, ta stik pa lahko
daljavo [4]. Dve vprašanji v raziskavi sta se nanašali na
interakcija ob pomoči sodobnih tehnologij samo delno
sodelovanje svetovalnih delavcev v času dela od doma z
drugimi udeleženci, to je s sodelavci, učenci oziroma dijaki,
Medsebojna podpora je pomembna prednost skupinskega
kolegi svetovalnimi delavci in na oceno tega sodelovanja. Iz
svetovanja, vendar to ni edina prednost skupine. Vsako skupino
rezultatov je razvidno, da so bili v stalnem stiku z učitelji oz.
vodita en ali dva usposobljena voditelja, ki člane skupine učita
vzgojitelji, da so si nudili medsebojno podporo, se posvetovali
z dokazi podprtih strategij za reševanje problemov. Zanemariti
in reševali aktualne težave. Glede sodelovanja z učenci oz.
ne gre niti časovne in finančne ekonomičnosti takih oblik dela,
dijaki raziskava ugotavlja precejšnje razlike glede odzivnosti in
saj lahko en ali dva strokovna delavca v določenem časovnem
sodelovanja, globalna ugotovitev pa je, da »tisti učenci in
terminu nudita podporo večjemu številu uporabnikov, kar je še
dijaki, ki že v času rednega pouka niso dobro sodelovali, se tudi
posebej dobrodošlo v časih povečanih stisk in negotovosti, kot
sedaj slabo ali pa sploh ne odzivajo«. Tudi glede sodelovanja s
je tudi obdobje epidemije covid-19. Zaradi vsega navedenega je
starši so rezultati raziskave podobni – pomemben delež staršev
lahko intenzivnejše uvajanje skupinskih oblik dela v času dela v
ostaja neodziven. Tudi tisti svetovalni delavci, ki so
živo ali na daljavo, pomembna dopolnitev za svetovalne
sodelovanje ocenili kot dobro, pa opozarjajo, da manjka osebni
delavce, s katero lahko delujejo na vseh osnovnih vrstah
dejavnosti, predvsem pa na področju razvojnih in preventivnih
Hkrati so navajali, da je (bilo) v času izobraževanja na
dejavnosti [10].
daljavo več dela, da je to bolj naporno (za vse udeležene),
mnogim se je delavnik raztegnil čez ves dan. Večina dela je
potekala individualno, z učenci in dijaki ter učitelji preko e-
pošte in videokonferenc, s starši pa je prevladovala
komunikacija po spletni pošti. Ugotovitev o prevladujočih
načinih komunikacije in o povečanem obsegu dela na področju
Ob intenzivnem sodelovanju s svetovalnimi službami smo v
svetovalne službe, mora nujno voditi v razmišljanje o možnih
Svetovalnem centru Maribor zaznali povečane potrebe po
rešitvah za nastalo situacijo. Ena od možnih rešitev je lahko v
strokovni pomoči tako staršem, otrokom in mladostnikom, kot
skupinskih oblikah dela.
strokovnim delavcem šol. Kljub zavedanju omejitev spletnega
3.2 Primernost skupinskih oblik dela za delo
skupinskega dela smo se zaradi možnosti podpore večjemu
številu uporabnikov in ob prednostih, ki jih skupinske oblike
šolske svetovalne službe
dela prinašajo, odločili za izvedbo več skupinskih programov,
Skupinske oblike dela, kot so svetovanje in terapija, so v
ki so vsi potekali preko videokonference ZOOM:
vzgojno-izobraževalnem prostoru (ob ustrezni usposobljenosti
- Neverjetna leta – trening starševstva, namenjen
strokovnega delavca) primerne za vse skupine uporabnikov –
staršem vzgojno zahtevnejših predšolskih otrok.
tako učence, kot starše in učitelje. V skladu s standardi
- Učimo se učiti – delavnice namenjene učencem
ameriške psihološke agencije APA [11] skupinsko svetovanje
druge in tretje triade z namenom spoznavanja sebe kot učenca,
praviloma poteka v skupini od 5 do 15 udeležencev z dvema
učenje organiziranja časa, preizkušanje različnih strategij učenja
voditeljema, ki sta za tovrstno delo ustrezno usposobljena.
in razvijanje veselja do učenja.
Običajno se skupine srečujejo enkrat tedensko in posamezno
- HOPS – delavnice namenjene učencem tretje triade
srečanje traja eno ali dve uri. Številne skupine so oblikovane z
za spodbujanje izvršilnih funkcij, kot so organizacija,
namenom psihoterapevtske podpore na točno določenem
pozornost, spomin, začenjanje z aktivnostjo in podobno.
področju (na primer depresija, anksioznost, motnje hranjenja in
- Trening branja – za učence 4. in 5. razredov, ki se
podobno), druge pa se usmerjajo na bolj splošna vprašanja
spopadajo s šibkostmi na področju branja ali jim za branje
izboljšanja socialnih spretnosti, pomoč pri spoprijemanju z
primanjkuje motivacije.
jezo, izgubo, sramežljivostjo, osamljenostjo ali nizko
- Supervizija za učitelje – namenjena učiteljem in
samopodobo ali na aktualne izzive vsakdanjika. V šolskem
svetovalnim delavcem kot strokovna in medsebojna podpora v
okolju so skupinske oblike dela učinkovite tudi pri spodbujanju
času sprememb, povečanega obsega dela in negotovosti.
izvršilnih funkcij, pridobivanju učnih in organizacijskih veščin,
Po zaključku posameznih skupinskih programov, je bila
obravnavi tem s področja poklicne orientacije, izgradnji
izvedena tudi evalvacija s strani udeležencev in izvajalcev.
rezilientnosti, podpori staršem pri vprašanjih glede šolanja
Evalvacija je praviloma potekala v obliki nestrukturiranega
njihovega otroka ali kot oblika intervizije učiteljev ali drugih
intervjuja ali krajše ankete. Povzamemo lahko, da so bile vse
strokovnih delavcev in podobno.
oblike skupinskega dela na daljavo kljub določenim omejitvam
Čeprav je vključitev v skupino tujcev lahko sprva
izvedbe dobro sprejete. Iz odgovorov udeležencev in izvajalcev
zastrašujoča misel, ima skupinsko delo številne prednosti, ki jih
lahko povzamemo nekatere prednosti in ovire ter izpeljemo
individualno svetovanje in pomoč ne moreta nuditi. Prednost
priporočila za nadaljnje izvajanje skupinskih oblik dela na
skupinskega svetovanja in drugih oblik skupinskega dela z
uporabniki je, da omogoča deljenje izkušenj, takojšnje povratne
Med prednostmi takega načina dela so udeleženci navajali:
informacije s strani udeležencev skupine in medsebojno učenje.
Pomembna prednost skupine je tudi podpora, ki jo skupina nudi
možnost delitve mnenj, izkušenj,
posamezniku in normalizacija težav, ki jo lahko posameznik
pridobivanje praktičnih napotkov za reševanje težav,
doživi v skupini. Pogosto je namreč prepričanje, da je
učinkovitost naučenih strategij,
posameznik v stiski sam, da določeno težavo doživljamo le on,
časovno ekonomičnost,
v skupini pa lahko člani spoznajo, da gredo tudi drugi člani
večjo sproščenost, kot pri srečanjih v živo in
skupine skozi podobne težave in da niso sami. Hkrati pridobijo
zmanjšanje občutka osamljenosti.
dobrodošle ideje, kako se lahko z neko težavo in stisko soočijo.
Omejitve skupinskega dela na daljavo, ki so jih udeleženci
zaznavali so bile podobne tistim, o katerih beremo v raziskavah.
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Poleg pomislekov glede zasebnosti in pasti, ki jih prinaša
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deljenje zasebnosti preko spleta, so čutili manjšo povezanost
strokovno-znanstvena konferenca Izzivi in težave sodobne družbe (str.
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skupine zaradi pomanjkanja osebnega stika in neverbalne
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Svetovalnega centra Maribor dobrodošla dopolnitev k podpori,
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pomoči in svetovanju v času izrednih razmer zaradi epidemije
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[1, 2, 3]. Vsekakor je pri načrtovanju tovrstnih aktivnosti
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prilagoditvami so delo v manjših skupinah, ki omogoča bolj
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skupinskega svetovanja zahteva znanje in trening. Kljub
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the Incredible Years Video Parent Programs via On-Line Tele-Sessions.
izkazale kot učinkovita in dobrodošla oblika dela za vse
vključene skupine uporabnikov. Uporabniki so kot posebej
dobrodošlo izpostavljali možnost deljenja izkušenj,
Weinberg, H. (2020). Online Group Psychotherapy: Challenges and
Possibilities During COVID-19 – A Practice Review. Group Dynamics:
medsebojnega učenja in medsebojno podporo. Ob strogem
Theory, Research, and Practice, 24(3), 201-211.
omejevanju gibanja in združevanja, so jim tedenska srečanja
omogočala stik z drugimi ljudmi in lajšala občutek
Skupinsko svetovanje tako ostaja pomembna oblika dela z
uporabniki v času omejitev in sprememb in je lahko dobrodošlo
strokovno in ekonomično dopolnilo k delu svetovalne službe in
strokovnih delavcev v zunanjih strokovnih institucijah.
Karierna orientacija na daljavo
Career orientation online
Jelka Berce
Osnovna šola Cvetka Golarja
Škofja Loka, Slovenija
Šolsko leto 2020/21 se je pričelo s »cmokom v grlu«, saj smo
The 2020/21 school year began with a "lump in the throat",
se na podlagi pomladne izkušnje zaprtja šol zaradi spopadanja s
as we wondered how direct work with pupils would take place in
koronavirusom (COVID-19) spraševali, kako bo potekalo
the new school year, based on the experience from spring of
neposredno delo z učenci v novem šolskem letu. Pripravljali smo
closing schools due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We were
se na delo »v živo«, a se vzporedno ves čas izobraževali za delo
preparing for "live" work, but at the same time, we were
na daljavo.
constantly training for online “distance” education.
Ena od pomembnih nalog svetovalne službe je področje
One of the important functions of the school counselling
kariernega svetovanja – to je dejavnost, ki se načrtno izvaja v
service is the field of career counselling - this is an activity that
zadnji triadi osnovnošolskega izobraževanja in kjer se učenci ob
is systematically carried out in the last triad of primary education
pomoči in vodenju svetovalnega delavca učijo postavljati
and where pupils learn to set career goals and make career
karierne cilje in sprejemati karierne odločitve. Da bodo učenci
decisions with the help and guidance of a counsellor. In order for
sprejeli prave, morajo dobro poznati svoje interese, možnosti in
the pupils to determine the right ones, they need to know their
zmožnosti. Šolska podpora in pomoč pri samospoznavanju sta
interests, opportunities, and abilities well. School support and the
usmerjeni tako v skupinsko delo z učenci kot individualno
help with self-knowledge are focused on both; group work with
pupils as well as individual advising.
V prispevku je predstavljen proces karierne orientacije v 8. in
The article presents the process of career orientation in the 8th
9. razredu osnovne šole v šolskem letu 2020/21, ki je, z izjemo
and 9th grade of primary school in the school year 2020/21,
izpolnjevanja prijavnic za vpis v srednjo šolo, potekal na daljavo.
which, with the exception of filling out application forms for
Največji izziv je bila soorganizacija tehniškega dne za učence
enrolment to secondary school, took place online. The greatest
treh osnovnih šol občine Škofja Loka z naslovom »Karierni dan«
challenge was the co-organization of a technical day for pupils
prek spletnega orodja ZOOM. Tudi individualna svetovanja
of three primary schools in the municipality of Škofja Loka
učencem so do marca potekala prek orodja ZOOM in Arnesovih
entitled "Career Day" through the online application ZOOM.
spletnih učilnic, za starše pa je bila pripravljena posneta
Until March, individual counselling for pupils had been
Powerpoint predstavitev o dejavnikih kariernega odločanja ter v
conducted using the ZOOM application and Arnes online
februarju izveden tudi ZOOM roditeljski sestanek.
classrooms, and a recorded PowerPoint presentation on career
decision-making factors was prepared for parents, including a
S pripravljenostjo na novo učenje, prilagajanje, sodelovanje
ZOOM parents meeting in February.
in iskanje novih rešitev, se je izkazalo, da »ZOOM karierna
orientacija iz domačega naslonjača« prinaša tudi nekatere
The readiness for new learning, adaptation, cooperation and
prednosti pred klasičnim načinom dela, ki jih velja razvijati tudi
finding new solutions have proved that "ZOOM career
v prihodnje.
orientation from the comfort of your home" has indeed some
advantages over the traditional way of working, which should be
further developed in the future.
Karierna orientacija, vpis v srednjo šolo, karierni dan, spletno
orodje ZOOM, spletna učilnica
Career orientation, high school enrolment, career day, online
application ZOOM, online classroom
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Svet in ljudje smo v četrti industrijski revoluciji, ki je s seboj
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
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© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
posledično močno vplivajo na delovna mesta, dinamiko trga dela
in narekujejo prilagajanje vseh vpletenih v ta ekosistem, med
drugim tudi izobraževalnih inštitucij, kjer se posameznik prvič
• svetovalno delo z učenci: zajema vse od informiranja do
sreča s karierno orientacijo [1].
organizacije obiskov učencev v podjetjih in pri
Karierna orientacije je orodje, s katerim posameznikom
delodajalcih, organizacijo predavanj in pogovorov z
pomagamo pri načrtovanju in vodenju kariere. Zajema tako delo
zunanjimi strokovnjaki, izvedbo predavanj in delavnic
s posamezniki v procesu izobraževanja (tu gre za začetek), kot
za učence, zbiranje podatkov o učencih za potrebe
tudi s tistimi, ki se odločajo za zaposlovanje, so že zaposleni in
poklicnega svetovanja ter individualno in skupinsko
iščejo novo delo. Ukvarja se tudi z razvojem kadrov in
načrtovanjem aktivnosti po upokojevanju.
• svetovalno in posvetovalno delo z učitelji in drugimi
Prav zaradi sprememb v okviru četrte industrijske revolucije,
sodelavci na šoli, skrb za bazo informativnih poklicnih
kot so npr. razvoj na področju genetike, umetne inteligence,
gradiv na šoli;
nanotehnologije, 3-D tiskanja, biotehnoliogije, … potreba po
• svetovalno in posvetovalno delo s starši: organizacija
učinkoviti karierni orientaciji postaja vse večja, saj morajo
predavanj in delavnic o vlogi staršev pri poklicnem
državljani obvladovati vedno pogostejše prehode znotraj
razvoju in odločanju;
izobraževanja, dodatnega usposabljanja in trga delovne sile [2].
• sodelovanje z vodstvom in
Zaradi bliskovitih tehnoloških sprememb je zelo težko
• sodelovanje in koordinacijo dela z zunanjimi
napovedati spremembe v spretnostih, znanjih in veščinah, ki jih
ustanovami (npr. Zavod za zaposlovanje, srednje šole,
bodo posamezniki potrebovali pri opravljanju svojih poklicev.
podjetja, …).
Do leta 2030 naj bi se povečevalo povpraševanje po tehnoloških,
Karierna orientacija zajema štiri ključne elemente [5]:
socialno-čustvenih in višjih kognitivnih sposobnostih (npr.
1. učenje odločitev: učenci razvijajo veščine odločanja;
kritično mišljenje, odločanje, kompleksna obdelava informacij,
2. zavedanje o priložnostih: učenci ob strokovni podpori
…). Za mlade, ki prihajajo na trg dela, je tako najbolj pomembno,
izkusijo in spoznajo svet dela, potencialne priložnosti, zahteve in
da spremljajo prihajajoče trende, razvijajo kompetence ter
odgovornosti, ki jih bodo morali izpolniti;
osebno prožnost in fleksibilnost pri odločitvah o poklicni poti [1].
3. učenje prehoda: razvijajo samozavedanje in spretnosti,
Mladi potrebujejo pomoč pri učenju postavljanja kariernih
upravljajo prehode v odraslost, razvijajo mehke veščine, ki jim
ciljev in sprejemanju kariernih odločitev. Šolska podpora in
bodo pomagale pri vstopu na trg dela;
pomoč pri samospoznavanju sta usmerjeni tako v skupinsko delo
4. samozavedanje: razvijajo zavedanje podobnosti in razlik v
z razredom kot tudi v individualno informiranje in spremljanje
primerjavi z drugimi, spoznavajo svoje kompetence in omejitve,
posameznega učenca.
raziskujejo interese in vrednote.
Vloga pedagoških delavcev na področju karierne orientacije
Vloga kariernega svetovalca v osnovni šoli je podpora
se je spremenila skladno s spremembami na trgu dela. Ključen
učencem pri spodbujanju spoznavanja samega sebe, raziskovanja
premik je v smeri od »tistega, ki ve« v smer vodnika in mentorja,
področij, interesov, močnih kompetenc, in omogočanje učenja o
ki učencu »stoji ob strani«. Poleg dobrega poznavanja področja
tem, kako in kje še lahko iščejo informacije, oblikujejo podporno
karierne orientacije mora svetovalni delavec biti opremljen tudi
mrežo in tudi načrtujejo cilje in aktivnosti.
z veščinami empatičnega poslušanja, postavljanja vprašanj,
Izbira poklica ni več statična, ampak dinamična in
vodenja procesa, usmerjanja in svetovanja [1].
spremenljiva, kot je okolje, v katerem odraščajo nove generacije
Karierna orientacija je pomembno področje, ki se v okviru
razrednih ur in dodatnih dejavnosti vključuje v zadnjo triado
izobraževanja v osnovni šoli. Kljub spremenjenim pogojem dela
zaradi koronavirusa v šolskem letu 2020/21 je svetovalna
delavka zavzela stališče, da učenci ne smejo biti prikrajšani za
suport in vodenje pri sprejemanju pomembnih življenjskih
odločitev, kot je izbira srednješolskega programa oziroma
začetek načrtovanja poklicne poti.
Proces karierne orientacije v OŠ Cvetka Golarja poteka na dveh
ravneh: na prvi ravni se učenci s poklici seznanjajo na različne
načine v okviru pouka vse od 1. razreda dalje, svetovalna služba
pa se intenzivneje neposredno v to področje vključi v 8. razredu,
ko psihologinja pripravi po dve razredni uri za vse učence. S tema
Karierna orientacija (sprva se je področje dela imenovalo
razrednima urama želi učence informirati s srednješolskimi
poklicno usmerjanje) je bila tista naloga, zaradi katerih so se pred
možnostmi v slovenskem izobraževalnem sistemu, hkrati pa
dobrimi 50-imi leti svetovalni delavci prvič pojavili v slovenskih
preveri predznanje učencev s tega področja. Namen prvih
šolah [3].
razrednih ur je učence tudi spodbuditi, da začno aktivno
Še vedno aktualne programske smernice svetovalne službe v
raziskovati svoje interese, želje, možnosti in zmožnosti. V drugi
osnovni šoli iz leta 1999 [4] opredeljujejo poklicno orientacijo
polovici šolskega leta se učenci udeležijo tudi tehniškega dne na
kot delo z učenci, učitelji, starši in vodstvom šole z namenom
temo karierne orientacije: pred koronavirusom so obiskovali
pomagati učencem pri izbiri in uresničevanju izobraževalne in
Vrtiljak poklicev – poklicni sejem gorenjskih srednjih strokovnih
poklicne poti.
in poklicnih šol; v šolskem letu 2020/21 pa so na šoli v
Ta med drugim zajema:
sodelovanju s Kariernim placom za mlade organizirali tehniški
• sodelovanje pri poklicni vzgoji v okviru rednega pouka
dan, v okviru katerega so učenci spoznali pojem kompetence ter
učiteljev, skladno s cilji, zajetimi v učnem načrtu, in v
se udeležili različnih delavnic s področja projektnega vodenja,
okviru ur oddelčne skupnosti;
kreativnih poklicev in izdelave Lego animacije. V okviru
Srednjim šolam so svetovalne delavke poslale dopis s
razrednih ur se učenci učijo tudi postavljanja ciljev, iščejo
povabilom k sodelovanju. Ker tudi same niso bile enotne v
področja, na katerih so do sedaj že pridobili formalna in
uporabi spletnih orodij za videokonference (na eni šoli so
neformalna znanja ter raziskujejo lastne interese in izkušnje.
uporabljali le MS Teamse, na eni šoli pa tako Teamse kot
Izkušnje iz prakse kažejo, da večina učencev v 8. razredu
ZOOM), so se odločile, da bodo zaradi bolj enostavne uporabe
intenzivneje še ne razmišlja o prehodu na naslednjo
srednje šole prosile, da pripravijo predstavitve svojih programov
izobraževalno raven. Menijo, da imajo za to odločitev še dovolj
v živo prek spletnega orodja ZOOM ali jim posredujejo vnaprej
časa. Zato svetovalna delavka več aktivnosti s področja karierne
pripravljeno e-gradivo v obliki promocijskih filmov, povezav do
orientacije izvede, ko učenci vstopijo v deveti razred in so že bolj
spletnih strani in koristnih informacij glede vpisa. Večina
notranje motivirani za proces samospoznavanja in postavljanja
srednjih šol ni imela težav s prilagajanjem na nov način dela, zato
osebno pomembnih ciljev.
so OŠ Cvetka Golarja, OŠ Škofja Loka-Mesto in OŠ Ivana
Groharja 11. 11. 2020 v popoldanskem času izvedle dogodek v
živo prek spleta, na katerem se je predstavilo več kot 20
Delo v 9. razredu se najprej začne z roditeljskim sestankom za
srednješolskih programov v posameznih ZOOM predstavitvah.
starše. Tu so v šoli v letošnjem šolskem letu naleteli že na prvo
K sodelovanju so povabile srednješolske programe, za katere so
težavo, saj skupnega dela roditeljskega sestanka za vse starše
učenci izrazili največ interesa v predhodno izvedeni anketi. Vsak
devetošolcev (trije oddelki učencev) zaradi ukrepov pred
učenec si je v posameznem terminu izbral po eno ZOOM
širjenjem koronavirusa v živo ni bilo mogoče izvesti. Ker so
predstavitev izmed ponujenih, v prvem delu tehniškega dne pa so
razredniki srečanje s starši izpeljali v »mehurčkih« v svojih
vsi učenci prisluhnili kratki predstavitvi Kompetenc, ki so jo
učilnicah, se svetovalna delavka ni odločila za dodatno ZOOM
pripravili v Kariernem placu za mlade v Kranju. Vse povezave
srečanje za starše, saj ni želela podvajati dogodkov. Za starše je
so bile dan pred dogodkom objavljene v spletni učilnici šolske
pripravila Powerpoint predstavitev o dejavnikih kariernega
svetovalne delavke. Vsaka svetovalna delavka je koordinirala
odločanja in o poteku dela z učenci v 9. razredu ter informacije,
delo svojih učencev, v prvem delu predstavitve pa so sodelovali
ki jih je želela predstaviti staršem, posnela na PPT predstavitev.
tudi razredniki, ki so preverili prisotnost učencev na tehniškem
Predstavitev je v obliki videoposnetka objavila na Youtube
kanalu šole. Dobila je kar nekaj povratnih informacij staršev, da
Prednosti e-tehniškega dneva:
je bila predstavitev koristna za pridobivanje informacij s
• vse tri šole so ga lahko izvedle istočasno (v preteklosti je
področja karierne orientacije. Osebno pa ni bila čisto zadovoljna
bilo treba tehniški dan zaradi velikega števila učencev
z izvedbo prvega predavanja, saj ji je manjkal neposredni stik s
izvesti na dveh lokacijah);
starši, zato se je odločila, da bo drugi roditeljski sestanek, če bo
• če učenec v terminu ZOOM predstavitev ni našel
le mogoče, izveden v živo ali prek videokonference.
predstavitve, ki bi ga zanimale, si je v tem času ogledal
Z devetošolci so konec oktobra začeli z izpolnjevanjem
pripravljena promocijska gradiva v obliki filma ali je
Elektronskega vprašalnika o poklicni poti, ki so ga pripravili na
pregledoval spletne strani;
Zavodu za zaposlovanje in že pred leti prevedli v e-obliko, zato
• tudi po zaključku tehniškega dneva so bile učencem na
ga vsako leto učenci rešujejo v računalniški učilnici. Pred
voljo vse zbrane povezave do koristnih informacij
zaprtjem šol je bila dejavnost izpeljana le v enem oddelku, zato
posameznih srednješolskih programov;
je svetovalna delavka vsem ostalim učencem razdelila
• ni bilo prehajanja med učilnicami in dela s pripravo
uporabniška imena in gesla ter pripravila pisna navodila za
prostorov v šoli; posledično je sodelovalo tudi manj
samostojno delo doma. Večina učencev je elektronski vprašalnik
strokovnih delavcev šole.
uspešno izpolnila, nekateri učenci pa so imeli težave z
Pomanjkljivosti oziroma predlogi za naslednje šolsko leto:
izgubljenimi gesli, nedokončanjem vprašalnika, manjšina
Vsaka šola, ki je pripravila ZOOM dogodek, bi morala imeti
učencev pa k reševanju sploh ni pristopila. Delo »v živo« ima tu
poleg predavatelja v skupini tudi »co-hosta«, ki skrbi za nemoten
prednost, saj strokovni delavec lahko neposredno pomaga
potek komunikacije – poskrbi za komunikacijo v »chatu« in bdi
učencu pri izpolnjevanju vprašalnika, kadar pride do težav in tudi
nad tem, da učenci z vmesnimi komentarji ne motijo predstavitve.
motivira učence za reševanje. Učenci pri izpolnjevanju
Ob zaključku tehniškega dneva so učenci v spletnem orodju
vprašalnika pogosto potrebujejo vodenje odrasle osebe, saj ob
Forms izpolnili evalvacijo dneva dejavnosti, iz katere je bilo
podpori odrasle osebe lahko ocenijo svoja močna področja,
razvidno, da se je večini učencev tehniški dan zdel koristen in
razmišljajo o svojih interesih, zaznanih ovirah ter motivacijskih
zanimiv in so na njem dobili koristne informacije v zvezi z
elementih in svojih prihodnjih izobraževalnih namerah. Ker o
nadaljnjim izobraževanjem.
sebi na ta način šele začenjajo razmišljati, potrebujejo
V Formsih je bila narejena statistična analiza zadovoljstva s
mentorstvo in pomoč. Psihologinji ta vprašalnik služi kot
tehniškim dnevom vseh udeleženih (slika 1), v Excellovi tabeli
priprava na individualne razgovore z učenci v svetovalni službi.
pa so bili zbrani posamezni odgovori učencev, tako da so
V novembru je šola ponovno sodelovala v soorganizaciji
svetovalne delavke dobile povratne informacije o vsakem
Kariernega dneva – tehniškega dneva za devetošolce. S
posameznem učencu šole, ki je izpolnil evalvacijo. Izpolnjena
kolegicama iz sosednjih osnovnih šol so se že konec avgusta
evalvacija je bila pogoj za uspešno opravljen tehniški dan
dogovorile, da v vsakem primeru karierni dan izvedejo na
daljavo – prek spletnega orodja ZOOM, saj je bilo udeleženih
okoli 300 devetošolcev in več kot 20 srednjih šol ter njihovih
predstavnikov, ki bi se srečevali in se menjavali v skupinah.
programe, za katere izobražujejo, in okolje, v katerem poteka
V mesecu marcu je ostalo le še izpolnjevanje prijavnic za vpis
v srednjo šolo, ki pa je, kljub naprednemu razvoju in
pridobljenemu znanju na področju e-tehnologij, zaradi
zastarelosti in preobremenjenosti portala ministrstva potekal po
starem – s pisno prijavnico po navadni pošti. Svetovalna delavka
je v okviru razrednih ur učencem pomagala pri izpolnjevanju
prijavnic in jih nato tudi poslala na naslove srednjih šol. Na ta
način pridobi podatke o vpisu učencev v posamezne
izobraževalne programe in poskrbi, da prav vsi učenci do izteka
roka oddajo prijavnico za vpis.
Slika 1: Prikaz zadovoljstva učencev s Kariernim
Po končanem postopku vpisa je bila svetovalna delavka
dnevom (evalvacija v Formsih)
učencem na voljo še za vprašanja o prenosu prijavnic,
informacije o vpisnem postopku ter načinih in rokih za oddajanje
Od novembra 2020 so potekali individualni pogovori z
vlog za pridobivanje različnih štipendij. Karierna orientacija se
devetošolci, za katere so starši podpisali soglasje za pomoč na
za večino devetošolcev konča z zaključkom šolskega leta in
področju karierne orientacije (71 od 73 učencev). Svetovalna
uspešnim vpisom, nekateri učenci pa se po pomoč v šolo vračajo
delavka je na ZOOM razredni uri učencem objavila razpored
tudi v času drugega in tretjega vpisnega roka.
prostih terminov, na katere so se učenci vpisali. Seznam s
povezavo do srečanj je bil nato objavljen v spletni učilnici. Za
razliko od dela v šoli, ko so učenci prihajali na razgovore v času
pouka, so bili tokrat razgovori zaradi majhnega števila ur ZOOM
Dolgotrajno šolanje na daljavo je prineslo številne izzive, saj je
pouka, izvedeni izven pouka. Vsak učenec je imel na voljo 20
pouk od doma od učencev zahteval veliko samostojnosti in
minut za prvi pogovor. V razgovoru je svetovalna delavka
samoiniciativnosti. Na področju karierne orientacije so učenci 8.
izhajala iz odgovorov, podanih v elektronskem vprašalniku o
in 9. razreda OŠ Cvetka Golarja v šolskem letu 2020/21 pokazali
poklicni poti in z vtisov tehniškega dne. Pregledali so tudi
veliko mero odgovornosti, samostojnosti in pripravljenosti za
rokovnik za vpis. Večina devetošolcev je že imela oblikovane
delo v spremenjenih pogojih. To dokazuje, da je karierna
karierne cilje, neodločeni pa so se večkrat udeležili
orientacija področje dela, ki je za učence zelo pomembno, zato
individualnega pogovora prek ZOOMA, izpolnili pa so tudi
so se tudi udeležili vseh ponujenih aktivnosti. Redno so
interesni vprašalnik Kam in kako. Psihologinja jih je spodbudila
pregledovali spletno učilnico svetovalne delavke, se odzivali na
tudi k raziskovanju možnosti prek spletnih strani, na primer
elektronsko pošto, ob dogovorjenem času so se udeleževali
ogledu spletnih strani srednjih šol in predmetnikov, uporabi
ZOOM razrednih ur, individualnih srečanj in opravili vse
aplikacij spletne strani mojaizbira.si, filmov To bo moj poklic na
zadolžitve v okviru kariernega dne.
Youtubu. Nezanemarljiv je tudi pogovor s starši, sorojenci in
Čeprav nam je vsem bolj blizu klasičen način dela v učilnicah,
je na področju karierne orientacije smiselno obdržati nekatere
Namesto šolske oglasne deske je psihologinja oblikovala
oblike dela. Karierni dan je tako tudi v šolskem letu 2021/22
svojo spletno učilnico. V njej so učenci našli vse aktualne
načrtovan prek spletnega orodja ZOOM, prav tako bo svetovalna
informacije v zvezi z vpisom v srednje šole, objavila je tudi
delavka ohranila oglasno desko v spletni učilnici, ki učencem
rokovnik o vpisu z vsemi pomembnimi datumi za vpis.
omogoča, da le s klikom na miško pridejo do želenih informacij
Oblikovala je tudi forum za morebitna vprašanja učencev.
na svetovnem spletu.
Učencem je bila na voljo tudi za klepet v klepetalnici spletne
Nenazadnje pa so tudi strokovni delavci okrepili svoje
učilnice ali prek elektronske pošte. Svetovalno delo tako ni imelo
digitalne kompetence in pridobili ogromno novega znanja, ki
več osemurnega delovnika od ponedeljka do petka, ampak je bilo
omogoča inovativen pristop k poučevanju sodobnih generacij.
razporejeno čez ves dan in tudi ob koncih tedna, saj je bilo
potrebno uskladiti delovne in domače oz. družinske obveznosti.
V februarju se je psihologinja s starši devetošolcev srečala še na
ZOOM roditeljskem sestanku, kjer so starši dobili informacije o
[1] Gergorić, I. in Založnik. P. (2020). Novi pristopi pri delu z mladimi na
področju karierne orientacije. Priročnik za strokovne delavce osnovnih
rokovniku za vpis v srednje šole, dosedanjem delu na področju
šol. Ljubljana, Javni zavod Cene Štupar – Center za izobraževanje
karierne orientacije z njihovimi otroki ter informacije o
[2] Rupar, B. (2012). Vseživljenjska karierna orientacija – povezava med
štipendijah. Tokrat so zaradi dogodka v živo lažje tudi
šolo, poklicem in življenjem . Vzgoja in izobraževanje.revija za teoretična
vzpostavili dvosmerno komunikacijo in tako so starši takoj dobili
in praktična vprašanja vzgojno izobraževalnega dela, 43(2), 19-23.
Ljubljana, Zavod republike Slovenije za Šolstvo.
odgovore na vsa vprašanja. Največ vprašanj je bilo glede
[3] Povše, L. (2016). Vloga in položaj socialnega pedagoga kot svetovalnega
spremenjenih pogojev za pridobitev Zoisove štipendije zaradi
delavca v osnovni šoli [Diplomsko delo]. Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška
posledic koronavirusa.
[4] Nacionalni kurikularni svet (2008). Programske smernice: Svetovalna
Tudi informativni dnevi so potekali na daljavo in učenci so
služba v osnovni šoli. Ljubljana, Zavod republike za šolstvo
ponujene termine v večini dobro izkoristili. Srednje šole so se
[5] Law, B. in Watts, A. G., (2003). The DOTS Analysis: original version.
Dostopno prek http://hihohiho.com/memory/cafdots.pff, (9. 8. 2021) potrudile, da bi učencem čim bolj približale izobraževalne
Z orodjem Nearpod do interaktivne
obravnave domačega branja
With the online tool Nearpod to interactive home reading discussion
Živa Blatnik
OŠ Toma Brejca
Kamnik, Slovenija
distance learning, as the teacher is obliged to find and master a
tool that is not demanding to use or interactive activities in which
Domače branje je obvezna dejavnost v okviru pouka slovenščine,
pupils would find it easiest to master all the intended learning
s katero učenci razvijajo sposobnost branja, razumevanja in
vrednotenja književnih besedil. Izbrano književno besedilo
učenci doma preberejo in zapišejo bralni dnevnik, pri pouku pa
The article presents the process discussion about a literary
sledijo pestre dejavnosti, ki preverjajo in nadgrajujejo učenčevo
text during distance learning, made in the paid online tool
razumevanje prebranega ter razvijajo kritično mišljenje in
Nearpod, which includes the inclusion of the teacher's latest
ustvarjalnost. Izpeljava omenjenih dejavnosti po samostojnem
constructions, links to videos in various interactive activities that
branju se je izkazala kot poseben izziv v času pouka na daljavo,
require pupils to actively participate. Solutions of the tasks are
saj je bil učitelj dolžan poiskati in osvojiti orodje, ki je
presented in the form of a report that serves as a proof to the
nezahtevno za uporabo, oz. interaktivne dejavnosti, ob katerih bi
teacher of the activities in the progress of an individual pupil and
učenci najlažje usvojili vse predvidene učne cilje.
influences the methods and forms of work in future lessons. We
chose this tool also because the use is not complicated, pupils do
V prispevku je predstavljena procesna obravnava književnega
not need passwords and usernames to participate. Some tasks
besedila na daljavo, izdelana v plačljivem spletnem orodju
were solved by the students independently when the time suited
Nearpod, ki omogoča vključevanje učiteljevih lastnih gradiv,
them (Student-Paced), while they solved the quiz at the same
povezav na videe in številnih interaktivnih aktivnosti, ki od
time, live, when we met at the videoconference (Live
učencev zahtevajo aktivno udeležbo. Rešitve nalog so
Participation). To solve the interactive challenges in the Nearpod
predstavljene v obliki poročil, ki učitelju služijo kot dokaz o
tool, the pupils were highly motivated, the tasks were solved in a
aktivnosti in napredku posameznega učenca in vplivajo na
high proportion. Some of them also solved the tasks several times
metode in oblike dela v prihodnjih učnih urah. Za izbiro tega
and showed a desire for knowledge. In particular, they were
orodja smo se odločili tudi zato, ker uporaba ni zapletena, učenci
willing to participate in quizzes that were conducted at the same
za sodelovanje ne potrebujejo gesel in uporabniških imen.
time, as they were thus connected to classmates, and the element
Nekatere naloge so učenci reševali samostojno, ko jim je časovno
of competition also helped to strive for progress.
ustrezalo, medtem ko so kviz reševali istočasno, v živo, ko smo
se srečali na videokonferenci. Za reševanje interaktivnih izzivov
v orodju Nearpod so bili učenci visoko motivirani, naloge so bile
rešene v z visokim deležem. Nekateri so se reševanja lotili tudi
Nearpod, home reading, distance learning, interactive
večkrat in izkazali željo po znanju. Še posebej so bili pripravljeni
sodelovati v kvizih, ki so bili izvedeni istočasno, saj so bili tako
povezani s sošolci, pa tudi element tekmovalnosti je pripomogel
k strmenju po napredku.
Posodobljeni učni načrt za slovenščino iz leta 2018 na ravni
vključevanja medpredmetnih vsebin posebno pozornost namenja
Nearpod, domače branje, pouk na daljavo, interaktivne naloge
razvijanju digitalne pismenosti učencev. Ti naj bi uporabljali
digitalno tehnologijo pri razvijanju sporazumevalne zmožnosti in
pri komunikaciji (dejavnem stiku) z besedili, in sicer:
Home reading is a compulsory activity within the Slovene
pri sprejemanju, razčlenjevanju in tvorjenju
language lessons, with which pupils develop the ability to read,
neumetnostnih in umetnostnih besedil;
understand and evaluate literary texts. Pupils read the selected
kot podporo kritičnemu mišljenju, ustvarjalnosti in
literary text at home and write a reading diary, followed by a
variety of activities that check and upgrade the pupil's
za iskanje, zbiranje, izmenjavo in obdelavo podatkov ter
understanding of what is read and develop critical thinking and
njihovo sistematično rabo pri tvorjenju informacij, pri
creativity. Carrying out the mentioned activities after
čemer naj bi se posluževali primerne strojne in
independent reading proves to be a special challenge during
programske opreme in samostojno uporabljali primerne
didaktične računalniške programe in splet kot vir
znajo, nam orodje ponuja številne interaktivne didaktične igre
podatkov in komunikacijsko orodje [1].
npr. kviz, kratka vprašanja, likovni izziv, iskanje parov,
Učitelji slovenščine, ki nam je IKT blizu, smo pri
dopolnjevanje besedila …) (Slika 2). Rezultati reševanja nalog
neposrednem delu v učilnici že pred prenovo učnega načrta
so prikazani v obliki natančnih statistično oblikovanih poročil.
nemalokrat uporabljali spletna orodja in e-vsebine (e-gradiva,
Kdaj in kako bodo učenci naloge reševali je mogoče nastaviti –
e-učbenike, spletne slovarje in druge jezikovne priročnike) ali
ali ko bodo imeli čas (način Student-Paced) ali v živo, istočasno,
izpeljali učno uro v računalniški učilnici, kjer so učenci
v našem primeru na videokonferenčni uri (način Live
oblikovali besedila in se seznanili tudi s kritično uporabo
urejevalnikov, pregledovalnikov in črkovalnikov besedil. Pri
pouku z vključevanjem IKT je učitelj mentor, ki glede na
učenčevo zmožnost uporabe strojne in programske opreme
diferencira metode in oblike dela. Nekateri učenci niso suvereni
pri uporabi računalnika in programske opreme – te učitelj vodi,
da se seznanijo s programom oz. spletnim orodjem, v
nadaljevanju pa so usmerjeni k doseganju učnih ciljev predmeta.
Domačih zadolžitev ali projektnih nalog, ki bi vključevale
uporabo IKT, večinoma nismo vključevali, saj vsem učencem ne
bi mogli zagotoviti enakih možnosti (neenakovredna
preskrbljenost gospodinjstev s strojno opremo).
Slika 1: Nabor gradiv, ki jih lahko naložimo na nadzorno
V času pouka na daljavo so bile tako za učitelje kot učence
edina mogoča izbira učne ure v spletnem okolju. Poleg uporabe
spletne učilnice in videokonferenčnega orodja Zoom, na uporabo
katerih smo učence sistematično pripravljali od prvega tedna v
šolskem letu 2020/21 dalje, smo učitelji želeli učencem ponuditi
privlačnejše interaktivne vsebine, zato smo poiskali in raziskali
številna spletna orodja. Z vidika učitelja nas je zanimalo, ali
e-gradivo sledi učnim ciljem, ali bo učencem zanimivo, ali
vsebuje kakovostne multimedijske elemente, kakšne vrste nalog
vsebuje … Z vidika uporabnika učenca pa smo morali upoštevati
učenčevo znanje o uporabi informacijskih tehnologij,
preglednost e-gradiva, preprostost uporabe, vsebnost
Slika 2: Nabor interaktivnih aktivnosti
multimedijskih elementov, presoditi koliko naše pomoči učenec
potrebuje oz. v kolikšni meri je ob naših navodilih lahko
samostojen (razumljivost razlage, nalog …), koliko je učenec
2.2 Uvodna motivacija
lahko dejaven (interaktivnost e-gradiva), na kakšen način bomo
Med ali po branju so učenci samostojno zapisali bralni dnevnik
lahko mi in učenci dobili povratno informacijo o njihovem
(podatki o avtorju in književnem besedilu, kratka obnova,
znanju, ali je e-gradivo res vsem dostopno ipd. [2]. Poleg
razločevanje glavnih in stranskih književnih oseb, izražanje
omenjenega je bilo bistvenega pomena, da učitelj zna izdelati,
mnenja o ravnanju književnih oseb in utemeljitev o všečnosti
oblikovati ali posodobiti e-gradiva in dejavnosti, s katerimi je
prebranega besedila) in fotografijo dela zapisa posredovali v
sodelujočim v procesu izobraževanja pri pouku omogočeno
spletno učilnico. Bralni dnevniki so bili prvi dokazi o tem, kako
sodelovalno delo, reševanje problemov, raziskovanje ali
natančno je bilo branje in kako so besedilo razumeli. V skladu s
ustvarjanje [3].
temi dokazi smo pripravili nadaljnje aktivnosti v orodju
V nadaljevanju prispevka bo natančneje predstavljeno
plačljivo orodje Nearpod, ki smo ga izbrali za obravnavo
Prvo uro so učenci razmišljali, ali so bili pri samostojnem branju
književnega besedila, ki so ga učenci prebrali kot domače branje
uspešni. Učni sklop smo tako začeli s prosojnico o kriterijih
v 6. razredu. Orodje omogoča vključevanje učiteljevih
uspešnosti (Slika 3) in se o njih pogovorili na videokonferenčni
elektronskih prosojnic, povezav na videe in številnih
učni uri.
interaktivnih aktivnosti, ki predvidevajo učenčevo aktivno
2.1 Kaj je Nearpod?
S spletnim orodjem Nearpod lahko pripravimo vsako učno uro
interaktivno. Oblikovano je v obliki nadzorne plošče, kamor
lahko naložimo PPT-projekcije, Google prosojnice (Google
Slides), PDF-je ipd. in vključimo svoje videe ali dodamo video
direktno z YouTuba (Slika 1). Da lahko učenci pokažejo, kaj
Slika 3: Vstavljena Google prosojnica
Učni sklop so dopolnjevale interaktivne naloge, ki naj bi jih
učenci približno dve šolski uri reševali samostojno v t. i.
Student-Paced načinu, zato je v nadaljevanju učne ure sledila
predstavitev spletnega orodja in konkretna ponazoritev njegove
uporabe. Učencem smo pokazali, da bodo v spletno učilnico
dobili povezavo do učnega sklopa. Ko bodo kliknili na povezavo,
se bo odprlo okno, kamor bodo zapisali svoje ime in priimek in
kliknili gumb »Join Lesson« (Slika 4). Pokazali smo jim, katere
aktivnosti jih čakajo v tem spletnem okolju, kako se jih rešuje in
na kakšen način oddajo svoje rešitve (s klikom na »Post« ali
Slika 6: Primer odprtega vprašanja, vključenega v posnetek
»Submit«). Preden smo se poslovili, so vsi poskusili, ali na
njihovi napravi povezava deluje.
Sledila je aktivnost, ki je preverjala razumevanje
zaznamovanih besed oz. besednih zvez in besed v prenesenem
pomenu ter zaznavanje humorne perspektive v besedilu. Gre za
igro spomina – na eni kartici je v beseda oz. besedna zveza, na
drugi pa njena razlaga. Učenci so morali ustrezno povezati pare
(Slika 7).
Slika 4: Vstop v interaktivno učno uro
2.3 Interaktivne aktivnosti (Student-Paced)
Interaktivne dejavnosti so bile izbrane premišljeno in so učence
postopoma vodile od osvajanja minimalnih do temeljnih
Slika 7: Igra spomin
standardov znanja.
Zadnja aktivnost je bila pripravljena v obliki kviza (Slika 8)
Prva naloga je narekovala, da zapišejo vprašanje o vsebini
in je preverjala, ali učenec sledi književnemu dogajanju in ga
prebranega, ki bi ga zastavili sošolcem (Slika 5). S postavljenem
razume ter prepozna glavne motive za ravnanje književnih oseb.
vprašanja sošolcu je učenec dokazal, da je tudi sam prebral
besedilo. Na vprašanja, ki so se pojavila na tabli, so učenci
odgovarjali na eni od naslednjih videokonferenčnih ur.
Slika 8: Primer vprašanja v kvizu
2.4 Poročila
Slika 5: Tabla, na katero so učenci dodajali vprašanja
Interaktivna učna vsebina je bila časovno omejena za reševanje
na 48 ur, po tem času sodelovanje bi bilo več mogoče. Nato smo
Druga aktivnost je bila sestavljena iz posnetka, v katerem
pregledali poročila, ki jih orodje statistično natančno izdela
pisatelj Slavko Pregl pojasnjuje okoliščine nastanka mladinskega
(Slika 9).
romana in značajske posebnosti književnih oseb. V posnetek smo
Iz poročil smo izvedeli:
vstavili odprta vprašanja, ki so preverjala tako razumevanje
- kateri deli besedila so bili učencem težje razumljivi;
književnega dogajanja kot vrednotenje besedila oz. posameznih
- kako dobro so uspeli razvozlati besedne igre, besede v
prvin besedila (Slika 6).
prenesenem pomenu ipd.;
- ali so v besedilu zaznali humorno perspektivo in kje;
- ali razumejo časovno in vzročno-posledično zaporedje
dogodkov, vzvode za ravnanje književnih oseb itd.
V skladu z ugotovitvami smo pripravili še 2 učni uri, pri
katerih so učenci sodelovali v razgovoru in v zvezek zapisali
nekaj bistvenih ugotovitev.
Kljub temu da so bile vse ure pouka, v okviru katerih smo
obravnavali domače branje, izpeljane na daljavo – ali v obliki
videokonferenčnega pouka ali samostojnega dela učencev v
spletnem orodju Nearpod – so vsi učenci dosegli večino
zastavljenih učnih ciljev. O doseganju standardov znanja pričajo
poročilo zaključnega kviza in preverjanje ter ocenjevanje znanja
ob vrnitvi v šolske klopi. Lahko trdimo, da so bili nekateri učenci
v spletnem okolju celo aktivnejši, kot so pri običajnem pouku.
Kot narekujejo Smernice za uporabo IKT pri predmetu
slovenščina, se je izkazalo, da lahko raba informacijskih
tehnologij bistveno pripomore h kvalitetnejšemu pouku, ko je
Slika 9: Primer poročila
tesno povezana z novimi načini in oblikami dela, predvsem pa s
cilji in z vsebinami pouka slovenščine, tj. z razvijanjem
2. 5 Istočasna interaktivna dejavnost (Live
sporazumevalne zmožnosti [4].
Zadnjo uro obravnave domačega branja smo preverili, kako
V obdobju, ki je za učence predmetne stopnje trajalo skoraj štiri
dobro so učenci usvojili predvidene učne cilje. Pripravili smo
mesece, je bilo smiselno in zaželeno, da smo učitelji posegali po
kviz »Time to climb«, ki je preverjal tako doživljanje,
spletnih orodjih, ki učne vsebine popestrijo, učence spodbudijo k
razumevanje in vrednotenje književnega besedila kot tudi
aktivnemu učenju in pripomorejo k razvijanju učenčeve
literarnovedno znanje. Učitelju je omogočena izbira med
odgovornosti za lastno učenje.
različnimi izgledi kviza, ki prispevajo k privlačnejši podobi in
Uporaba spletnega orodja Nearpod pri obravnavi domačega
posledično bolj doživeti uporabniški izkušnji. Na
branja v času pouka na daljavo se je izkazala kot uspešen primer
videokonferenci so se učenci s kodo pridružili kvizu v živo,
prakse, saj je omogočila hitrejše in kakovostnejše doseganje
izbrali so si svoj vzdevek in karakter (Slika 10). Ko so bili v kviz
ciljev pouka književnosti. Učenci so bili namreč nasičeni s
vpisani vsi učenci, smo delili zaslon, kjer so lahko opazovali,
frontalnim delom v obliki videokonferenc in jim je bilo reševanje
kako napredujejo v primerjavi s sošolci. Vsako rešitev smo sproti
oz. igranje interaktivnih nalog in iger v veselje. Izkazalo se je
pokomentirali, da so tudi učenci z napačnimi rešitvami lahko
tudi, da so bile omenjene naloge rešene z visokim deležem (21
zapolnili vrzeli v svojem znanju. Motivacija za tak način dela je
učencev od 22), nekatere celo večkrat. Vsekakor pa so bili
bila v času pouka na daljavo še posebej visoka, saj je sodelovanje
najbolj motivirani za igranje kvizov istočasno, v živo, ki so
s sošolci vzbujalo občutek pripadnosti in povezanosti. Učenci so
omogočili tekmovanje s sošolci in izražanje pripadnosti oddelku.
želeli kviz reševati kar dvakrat in tako so vsi še dodatno utrdili
Nestabilna internetna povezava v domovih nekaterih učencev se
svoje znanje.
je pokazala kot edina pomanjkljivost pri istočasnem sodelovanju
v kvizu, saj jim je kviz prekinjal ali pa jim je bilo sodelovanje
celo onemogočeno.
Na katero izmed vrsto aktivnosti, ki jo omogoča orodje
Nearpod, bi se bilo smiselno opreti tudi med poukom v učilnici
(tako pri slovenščini kot drugih predmetih) kot element uvodne
motivacije ali hitrega preverjanja znanja na inovativen in igriv
[1] Učni načrt (posodobljena izdaja). 2018. Program osnovna šola,
Slovenščina. Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, Zavod RS za
[2] J. Oražem. 2020. E-gradiva za slovenščino kot prvi jezik. Magistrsko delo.
Slika 10: Kviz omogoča izbiro karakterja
Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta.
[3] Šest temeljnih e-kompetenc. Pridobljeno 8. 9. 2021 iz SIO Slovensko
[4] Čuk, A., Hedžet Krkač, M. (2016). Smernice za uporabo IKT pri
predmetu slovenščina. Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. Pridobljeno
8. 9. 2021 iz https://www.zrss.si/digitalnaknjiznica/smernice-
Liveworksheets - ko učni listi oživijo
Liveworksheets - when worksheets come alive
Urška Delovec
Osnovna šola Matije Valjavca Preddvor
Šolska ulica 9, 4205 Preddvor
povratno informacijo, pregled nad njihovimi odgovori pa ima
tudi učitelj. [1]
Namen prispevka je predstaviti spletno orodje za izdelavo
Orodje nam uporabnikom ponuja dve možnosti. Prva
interaktivnih učnih listov Liveworksheets ter nekaj primerov
nalog. S tem orodjem lahko različne dokumente (pdf, jpg, png)
https://www.liveworksheets.com/ z brskalnikom ‘Search
spremenimo v spletne vaje, ki omogočajo samodejno
interactive worksheets’ pregledamo bazo že obstoječih nalog in
popravljanje nalog. Učitelju orodje nudi tudi vpogled v to, kako
uporabimo le-te. Zbirka že pripravljenih nalog zajema veliko
so učenci reševali naloge. Na podlagi tega lahko učitelj nato
različnih jezikov in predmetov. Za lažje iskanje imamo možnost
učencem poda povratno informacijo o njihovem delu in
uporabe naprednega iskanja ('advanced search'), kjer poleg
ključnih besed lahko vnesemo še nekaj ostalih filtrov: jezik,
predmet, razred oz. stopnjo ter starost (slika 1).
Liveworksheets, spletno učno orodje, učni listi, interaktivne
naloge, formativno spremljanje
The aim of the article is to present an online learning tool called
Liveworksheets and a few examples of exercises designed with
it. This learning tool allows us to transform different documents
(pdf, jpg, png) into interactive online exercises with self-
correction. By using Liveworksheets, teachers get a chance to
Slika 1. Določanje kriterijev za napredno iskanje (VIR:
check the students’ answers and give them feedback on their
lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
work and progress.
Za iskanje ustreznih nalog lahko namesto zgornjega brskalnika
ali naprednega iskanja uporabimo tudi zavihek 'Interactive
worksheets'. Na seznamu na levi strani izberemo področje, ki
nas zanima, in pregledamo ponujene naloge.
Liveworksheets, online learning tool, worksheets, interactive
exercises, formative assessment
Če med že obstoječimi nalogami ne najdemo
ustrezne, lahko ustvarimo tudi lastne naloge (za to je potrebna
registracija). Z izbiro zavihka 'Make interactive worksheets' se
nam prikažejo tri možnosti. Ko se prvič spopademo z
ustvarjanjem lastnih nalog, nam prvi dve možnosti ('tutorial' in
Zadnji dve šolski leti sta bili popolnoma drugačni od prejšnjih
'video tutorial') ponujata navodila za delo v pisni in video
let. Šole so se za nekaj mesecev zaprle, učitelji pa smo izgubili
obliki. Z možnostjo 'Get started' nato pričnemo z delom. V
neposreden stik z učenci. Spoprijeti smo se morali s
orodje naložimo datoteko, ki jo želimo pretvoriti v interaktivno
poučevanjem učencev na daljavo. Učencem smo pošiljali
nalogo. Sistem datoteko pretvori v sliko. Na tistih mestih, kjer
navodila za delo preko različnih kanalov, pošiljali smo jim učne
od otrok želimo odgovore, narišemo okvirčke in vanje vnesemo
liste in posnetke z razlago učne snovi, obenem pa iskali nova
pravilne odgovore (slika 2), da lahko računalnik potem nalogo
spletna orodja, ki bi nam vsem delo olajšala. Eno izmed
pregleda. [2]
spletnih orodij, ki sem ga preizkusila pri pouku angleščine, je
Zaželeno je, da ustvarjene interaktivne naloge delimo
spletna stran za izdelavo interaktivnih učnih listov
z drugimi uporabniki, določeno število nalog pa lahko
Liveworksheets. Meni osebno se je izkazala za zelo uporabno
nastavimo kot zasebne in jih obdržimo zase oz. delimo le s
sredstvo poučevanja in učenja pri angleščini.
svojimi učenci.
Liveworksheets je spletno orodje, ki običajne učne liste
spremeni v interaktivne spletne naloge, ki omogočajo
samodejno popravljanje nalog. Učenci dobijo takojšnjo
Slika 2. Vnašanje okvirčkov in pravilnih odgovorov (VIR:
lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
Slika 4. Priprava naloge 'izbirnega tipa' in končana naloga
(VIR: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
3.1 Dopiši ustrezen odgovor ('gap fill')
3.4 Povezovanje parov ('join with arrows')
Orodje omogoča oblikovanje različnih tipov nalog. Najbolj
Zelo priljubljen tip naloge, ki jo je možno narediti, je
osnoven tip naloge (in za oblikovanje tudi najenostavnejši) je,
povezovanje parov. Čez odgovore na učnem listu narišemo
da na mestih, kjer želimo odgovore, narišemo okvirčke in
okvirčke, vanje vnesemo besedo 'join', dodamo dvopičje, nato
vnesemo odgovore, za katere želimo, da se štejejo kot pravilni.
pa odgovora, ki ju je potrebno povezati, označimo z isto
Priporočljivo je, da vnesemo vse odgovore, ki so sprejemljivi
številko (slika 5).
(npr. an apricot, apricot). [3]
3.2 Izbirni tip s spustnim menijem ('drop
down select box')
Pripravimo lahko tudi nalogo izbirnega tipa, pri kateri učenci
med vsaj dvema odgovoroma v spustnem meniju izberejo
pravilnega. To storimo tako, da v okvirček najprej napišemo
besedo 'choose', dodamo dvopičje, nato pa vnesemo možne
odgovore. Pravilni odgovor označimo z zvezdico (slika 3).
Slika 5. Priprava naloge 'povezovanja parov' in rešena
naloga (VIR: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
3.5 Povleci na ustrezno mesto ('drag and
Oblikujemo lahko tudi nalogo, kjer je potrebno odgovore
prenesti na ustrezna mesta. Okvirčke narišemo tja, kamor
želimo, da učenci premaknejo posamezne odgovore. Vanje
napišemo 'drop', dodamo dvopičje, nato pa številke. Odgovori,
za katere želimo, da jih učenci potegnejo na ustrezna mesta,
Slika 3. Priprava naloge 'izbirnega tipa s spustnim menijem
morajo biti napisani že na učnem listu. Čez njih narišemo
in končana naloga (VIR: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
okvirčke ter vanje natipkamo 'drag', dvopičje in številko mesta,
na katerega je potrebno polje prenesti (slika 6).
3.3 Izbirni tip ('multiple choice exercise')
Ustvariti je možno tudi drugačno nalogo izbirnega tipa.
Učencem lahko ponudimo več odgovorov, med katerimi enega
izberejo. Možni odgovori se v tem primeru ne nahajajo v
spustnem meniju, ampak morajo biti napisani že na učnem listu,
ki smo ga naložili na internet. Čez vsak možen odgovor
narišemo okvirček, vanj pa natipkamo besedo ‘seleči’, dodamo
dvopičje, nato pa pri pravilnem odgovoru napišemo ‘yes’, pri
napačnem pa ‘no’ (slika 4).
Slika 6. Priprava naloge tipa 'povleci na ustrezno mesto' in
končana naloga (VIR: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
3.6 Ostale možnosti
zvezke, kadarkoli lahko pregleda naloge, ki so jih rešili in
zraven nalog oz. posameznih primerov doda svoje komentarje
V učne liste lahko dodamo še zvočne posnetke, video posnetke,
(slika 8).
datoteke Powerpoint, pripravimo lahko govorne naloge (te
učenci rešijo s pomočjo mikrofona). Naredimo lahko tudi
Brezplačni paket učiteljem dovoljuje do 10
naloge odprtega tipa. Pri teh vnesemo le okvirček za odgovor in
interaktivnih delovnih zvezkov in do 100 prijavljenih učencev.
pustimo praznega. Teh nalog učenci seveda ne morejo sami
pregledati. [3]
Spletno učno orodje Liveworksheets je dokaj preprosto za
uporabo. Klasične učne liste hitro spremeni v interaktivne
Učenci do nalog dostopajo na dva načina. Prva možnost je, da
naloge, ki so zaradi vseh možnosti, ki jih orodje ponuja,
od učitelja prejmejo povezavo do naloge in jo rešijo. Na koncu
učencem bolj privlačne. Ker orodje učencem omogoča, da
naloge pritisnejo gumb 'Finish' in 'Check my answers', da
naloge sami pregledajo, učitelju prihrani veliko časa. Učenci
pregledajo odgovore. Pravilni odgovori so obarvani z zeleno,
lahko naloge rešijo večkrat, če seveda učitelj izbere to možnost
napačni pa z rdečo. V zgornjem levem kotu se jim prikaže tudi
med nastavitvami.
skupna ocena. Če želijo svoje odgovore pregledati in jih hkrati
Orodje se lahko uporablja pri pouku različnih
poslati učitelju, izberejo gumb 'Send my answers to the teacher'.
predmetov, saj lahko v interaktivno obliko pretvorimo
V tem primeru morajo vnesti elektronski naslov svojega
katerikoli učni list. [4]
učitelja. Učitelj obvestilo o rešeni nalogi dobi v elektronski
Kot učiteljica angleščine vidim dodano vrednost tega
nabiralnik, učenčeve odgovore pa ima shranjene tudi v svojem
orodja tudi v tem, da lahko učencem z njim pripravim naloge, ki
računu na Liveworksheets v zavihku 'Notifications'.
preverjajo slušno oz. bralno razumevanje, slovnične naloge,
raznolike naloge za utrjevanje besedišča ter naloge, ki
preverjajo pisno sporočanje. V gradivo lahko vstavim tudi
zvočni posnetek z navodili za reševanje.
V času šolanja na daljavo sem svojim učencem
najprej poslala povezave do posameznih nalog na tej spletni
strani in jih prosila, da na koncu izberejo možnost pošiljanja
odgovorov učitelju. Ker se je ta način dokaj dobro obnesel, smo
kmalu prešli na interaktivne delovne zvezke, ki jih to orodje
ponuja. Učenci so poročali, da jim to orodje odgovarja, saj ni
bilo potrebno rešenih nalog fotografirati in naložiti v spletno
učilnico, naloge pa so bile razgibane in zanimive. Odgovore
sem jim sproti pregledovala in jim preko tega orodja dajala tudi
povratno informacijo. Ker sem registrirala vse svoje učence in
zanje pripravila interaktivne delovne zvezke, je zame največja
prednost tega orodja, da imam vpogled v vse njihove naloge
Slika 7. Primer interaktivnega delovnega zvezka (VIR:
hkrati. Če vidim, da jim določena snov povzroča težave, jim ob
lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
nalogi lahko napišem komentar in poskusim snov ponovno
razložiti. Predstavljeno orodje je meni in mojim učencem
bistveno olajšalo obdobje šolanja na daljavo.
[1] K. Bučar. 2020. Uporaba digitalnih tehnologij pri angleščini v osnovni
šoli. Zbornik Mednarodne strokovne konference Kreativna učna okolja
(2020), 86-95
[2] M. Sukič Kuzma. Spletna učna orodja za poučevanje in preverjanje
znanja: Quizlet, Kahoot! In Liveworksheets. Webinar Rokusove
Slika 8. Primer komentarja ob nalogi (VIR: lasten, zajem
4/stream (pridobljeno 10. 9. 2021)
[3] Spletno orodje Liveworksheets
zaslonske slike)
https://www.liveworksheets.com/aboutthis_en.asp (pridobljeno 16. 8. 2021) Če učitelj želi boljši pregled nad delom učencev, pa se lahko
[4] Interaktivni učni listi Liveworksheets
odloči za drugo, nekoliko bolj zapleteno varianto. Za učence
(pridobljeno 10. 9. 2021)
ustvari interaktivne delovne zvezke (slika 7), v katere doda
[5] Program interaktivnih delovnih listov
lastne naloge oz. naloge drugih uporabnikov. Učenci si morajo
za dostop do delovnih zvezkov ustvariti svoj račun, lahko jim
(pridobljeno 16. 8. 2021)
ga ustvari tudi učitelj. Z uporabniškim imenom in geslom se
prijavijo v orodje (izberejo zavihek 'Student access') in
dostopajo do delovnih zvezkov oz. nalog, ki jim jih učitelj
dodeli. Učitelj ima v tem primeru vpogled v njihove delovne
Poučevanje loma in odboja svetlobe na daljavo
Online teaching light refraction and reflection
Primož Hudi
II. OŠ Celje
Celje, Slovenija
Poučevanje na daljavo predstavlja izziv za veliko večino
učiteljev, saj so bili čez noč prisiljeni spremeniti oz. prilagoditi
Refraction and reflection of light, optical collection, simulation,
klasičen način poučevanja. Učenci so sprva kazali navdušenje
online learning
nad takšnim načinom dela, nato pa je motivacija hitro padla.
Poučevanje na daljavo pri vsakem predmetu poteka drugače, kot
sicer. Predmet fizike je še posebna specifika, saj proučevanje
naravnih zakonov, s pomočjo različnih eksperimentov, zahteva
Epidemija je dodobra premešala karte v izobraževalnem sistemu
precej prilagajanja pri sami izvedbi pouka. V prispevku je
na vseh stopnjah. Učitelji vseh predmetov so morali »čez noč«
predstavljen IKT pristop k poučevanju loma, odboja svetlobe ter
prilagoditi klasični pouk in se lotiti izvajanja pouka prek
totalnega odboja v osnovni šoli. Pri delu je poleg klasičnih
videokonferenc. Potek dela se je najbolj spremenil pri predmetih,
pripomočkov nujno potrebna optična zbirka in stojalo, kamor
pri katerih učenci pridobivajo ročne spretnosti in izvajajo, del
vpnemo kvalitetno spletno kamero. Razlago, podkrepljeno s
ali večino ur, praktičnega pouka. Fizika je nekje vmes.
poskusi, je smiselno povezati s spletnimi orodji (simulacijami,
Kakovostno razlaganje snovi ne vključuje zgolj teorije, ampak je
video posnetki, slikami življenjskih situacij). Poskusi in IKT
treba teorijo in prakso, v ravno pravi mešanici, prepletati.
poučevanje je eden izmed redkih pristopov, ki tudi v teh časih
Poučevanje fizike na daljavo je za vsakega učitelja
dvigujejo motivacijo med učenjem prek videokonferenc.
svojevrsten izziv, ker ustaljena praksa, ki predvideva
demonstracije eksperimentov, pogosto pade v vodo oz. je
potrebno kar nekaj truda in volje, če želimo isto snov učencem
podati na podoben in zanimiv način kot v šoli. Nazornost
Lom in odboj svetlobe, optična zbirka, simulacija, poučevanje
prikazanega je ključna. Tu se mora učitelj potruditi, da zagotovi
na daljavo
ustrezno opremo (prenosni računalnik, optično zbirko, močnejši
laser, kakovostno spletno kamero na premičnem stojalu in druge
pripomočke za demonstracijo eksperimentov) in prostorske
Online teaching is initially a challenge for the vast
pogoje (v tem primeru pri lomu svetlobe dovolj zatemnjeno
majority of teachers, as they were forced to change classical way učilnico), da so eksperimenti nazorni in dobro vidni. V prispevku
Pupils were
bosta predstavljeni lom in odboj svetlobe ter totalni oz. popolni
showing enthusiasm above such manner of work at
odboj z eksperimentalnega in IKT vidika pri delu na daljavo.
first, then motivation fell quickly.
Tema bo predstavljena zaradi pohval s strani učečih. Po
Distance learning for every single lesson requires different
njihovem mnenju niso imeli večjih težav pri razumevanju
working modes, then usual.
obravnavane teme, ker so prek videokonferenc jasno videli
For example, teaching Physics in Primary school, demands laserje, oznake kotov in v celoti razumeli bistveno razlago, ki
several considerable adaptation in the actual implementation of
sodi k obravnavani snovi. Poleg poskusov so bile učencem
very individual clarifying of natural phenomena with its’
pokazane simulacije, ki so v nadaljevanju predstavljene.
experiments which should be associated with online learning.
Pomembno je, da so popoldne lahko v spletni učilnici odprli te
Therefore, the paper presents the ICT approach to teaching
iste programe, snov dodatno raziskali in nadgradili pridobljeno
refraction, reflection and total reflection in primary school.
dopoldansko znanje, pravilno rešili kvize v spletni učilnici ter
For this kind of teaching an optical collection, stand and a well
naredili nalogo v delovnem zvezku. Vsi učenci, ki so pokazali
webcam are absolutely necessary.
zanimanje za razumevanje snovi oz. željo po višjih ocenah, so
Also, the explanation, supported by experiments, is reasonable to
snov razumeli. Na drugi strani pa je tako kot vedno (pre)visok
connect with online tools (simulations, videos, pictures of life
odstotek tistih, ki jim je vseeno, s kakšnim znanjem bodo vstopili
v srednjo šolo.
one from
Pouk na daljavo je daleč od tega, kar si motiviran učitelj in
among rare approaches that, even in these times, raises učenec želita, se pa da na različne načine spodbuditi zanimanje
motivation while learning through video-conferencing.
za učenje fizike. Eden večjih minusov pouka na daljavo je stik v
učilnici na relaciji učitelj – učenec. Povratna informacija je v
razredu bistveno hitrejša in bolj nazorna. Konkretno pri lomu in
odboju svetlobe, učitelj veliko hitreje opazi, ali so narisane
količnikov. Z merilnikom »speed« je mogoče izmeriti hitrost
vpadne pravokotnice, so označene puščice na žarkih ter ali so
svetlobe v različnih medijih. Mala črka c je oznaka za hitrost
koti pravilno označeni itd.
svetlobe v vakuumu in znaša približno 300 000 km/s; 0,67 c pa
v tem primeru predstavlja hitrost svetlobe v steklu, kar znaša
približno 200 000 km/s. Z merilnikom »intenzivnost« je mogoče
na preprost način analizirati, kako se gostota svetlobnega toka pri
Lom svetlobe je v življenju pogost pojav, zato je v knjigah,
odbitem in lomnem žarku spreminja z vpadnim kotom (slika 2).
učbenikih in člankih mnogokrat opisan. Na to temo ni težko najti
Ena izmed možnih dodatnih nalog za učence je, da v tabelo
raznolikih zanimivih eksperimentov. Pri tej tem smo na daljavo,
vpišejo vpadni, lomni in odbojni kot, nato pa za vsako povečajo
izvedli poskus s kovancem. Slednjega položimo v neprozorno
vpadni kot za 10 stopinj (od 0 do 90 stopinj) in z orodjem
posodo. Kamero nastavimo pod takšnim kotom, da nam rob
»intenzivnost« odčitajo odstotek svetlobe pri odbojnem in
posode zakriva kovanec. Ko v posodo nalijemo vodo, zaradi
lomnem žarku.
loma svetlobe kovanec zagledamo [1]. Če prst postavimo za
steklen kvader, zagledamo navidezno razrezan prst [2]. Preprost
poskus naredimo s slamico ali kakšnim drugim podolgovatim
predmetom. Ko ga pod kotom postavimo v kozarec, je videti
zlomljen, hkrati se pa navidezno spremeni tudi debelina
potopljenega dela predmeta [3].
Odbojni zakon najlažje demonstriramo z optično zbirko, kjer
preprosto prikažemo, da sta vpadni in odbojni kot skladna. Odboj
svetlobe je pri ravnem zrcalu in zmečkani alufoliji popolnoma
drugačen [4]. S tem prikažemo odboj na ravnih (okno) in
hrapavih (malo razburkana gladina jezera/morja) površinah.
Za nazoren prikaz loma svetlobe potrebujemo optično
zbirko, ki vključuje steklen kvader (planparalelno ploščo), laser,
magnetno tablo in kamero. Priporočljivo je, da kamero fiksiramo
na fleksibilno stojalo, zato da jo lahko hitro premikamo in pri tem
Slika 2: Simulacija loma svetlobe z aplikacijo »bending-
ne izgubljamo časa pri menjavi poskusov. Ko zgornjo opremo
light« [5]
ustrezno kalibriramo, je demonstracija loma svetlobe celo bolj
nazorna kot v razredu pred učenci. Na slikah 1 je razvidno, da je
Z drsnikom lahko spreminjamo valovno dolžino in tako
vpadni kot (to je kot med vpadno pravokotnico in vpadnim
preverimo, katera barva se bolj lomi in razlago nadgradimo z
žarkom) manjši od lomnega kota (to je kot med vpadno
življenjskim primerom, npr. rdeča barva sončnega zahoda.
pravokotnico in lomnim žarkom) pri prehodu iz optično redkejše
V primeru na sliki 3, snov ni znana in je treba določiti lomni
v optično gostejšo snov. Hkrati je viden tudi odbojni žarek pri
količnik te snovi in na podlagi njega sklepati, za katero snov gre.
prvem in drugem lomu. Žarek, ki izstopi iz stekla je vzporeden
Nalogo lahko izvedemo na dodatnem pouku v osnovni šoli.
prvotnemu, preden je vstopil v steklo.
Slika 1: Demonstracija loma svetlobe na optični zbirki z
uporabo planparalelne plošče (poskus prek videokonference)
Slika 3: Simulacija loma svetlobe z aplikacijo »bending-
light« [5]
Z aplikacijo »bending-light« (slika 2) ali v prevodu »lom
svetlobe« lahko učenci detajlno raziščejo odboj in lom svetlobe
Na drugem zavihku »lom na različnih telesih«; na sliki 4,
na prehodu sredstev različnih optičnih gostot oz. lomnih
imamo na razpolago nekaj različnih teles, ki jim lahko
nastavljamo lomni količnik, laser (ali več laserjev) s poljubno
nastavljivo valovno dolžino. Vklopimo lahko tudi prikaze odboja
žarkov, prikaz vpadnih pravokotnic in kotomer. Predvsem
vpadne pravokotnice pridejo zelo prav (na sliki 4 so označene s
črtkanimi črtami). Če zberemo vidno svetlobo namesto rdečega
laserja, lahko na preprost način pokažemo razklon svetlobe
Slika 6: Totalni odboj v aplikaciji [5]
Poskuse pri fiziki je priporočljivo čim večkrat povezati z
življenjem. Totalne odboje v optičnem vlaknu prikazuje slika 7,
slika 8 predstavlja prerez optičnega vlakna, na sliki 9 pa je
predstavljen eksperiment pri uri, katerega lahko brez težav
povežemo z optičnim medmrežjem.
Slika 4: Prikaz različnih funkcij/parametrov (npr. lomni
količnik teles in ozadja), ki jih omogoča simulacija »bending-
light« [5]
Naslednja simulacija loma svetlobe nam omogoča spoznavanje
lomnih količnikov na enostaven način [6].
Pri obravnavi loma svetlobe učenci spoznajo pojem popolni
ali totalni odboj (na sliki 5 je predstavljen eksperiment na
videokonferenci, na sliki 6 pa namenska aplikacija). To je pojav,
pri katerem se vpadni žarek na meji med optično gostejšim in
Slika 7: Totalni odboji v optičnem vlaknu
optično redkejšim sredstvom v celoti odbije, če je vpadni kot
večji od mejnega kota. Demonstriramo ga lahko samo pri
prehodu svetlobe iz optično gostejše snovi v optično redkejšo
snov. Preprostih demonstracijskih poskusov je precej. Eden bolj
zabavnih je ta, da v plastenko izvrtamo luknjo, vanjo natočimo
vodo, nato pa z druge strani plastenke z laserjem posvetimo na
luknjo. Laserski žarek se totalno odbija po curku vode in tako
dobimo razsvetljen umivalnik. Poskus dobro uspe z močnejšim
laserjem (moči npr. 250 mW). V šoli je treba paziti, da so učenci
pravilno razporejeni, da ne bi pomotoma komu laser posvetil v
oči. Pri tej moči je drugače zelo priporočljiva/nujna uporaba
Slika 8: Prerez optičnega vlakna
namenskih očal, pri poučevanju na daljavo pa tovrstni ukrepi za
učence, niso potrebni.
Slika 9: Popolni odboji v optičnem vodniku (poskus pri uri)
Popolni odboj lahko pokažemo tudi z uporabo akvarija, vode in
laserja [8].
S preprostim poskusom lahko pokažemo, da se svetloba
Slika 5: Totalni odboj na videokonferenci
lahko ukrivi [8]. Dan ali dva pred izvedbo poskusa v trilitrsko
posodo z vodo (akvarij) stresemo 250 gramov sladkorja.
Sladkorja ne mešamo, ker se sam raztopi v vodi. Pri tem se
[1] Ambrožič, M., Karič, E., Kralj S., Slavinec M. in Zidanšek A: Fizika 7.
ustvari majhen gradient gostote, ki zadošča, da se laserski žarek
DZS: Ljubljana, 1997.
v vodi ukrivi. Eksperiment je bistveno bolje viden, če je učilnica
[2] Pople, S.: Naravoslovje: Fizika. Tehniška založba Slovenije: Ljubljana,
močno zatemnjena.
[3] Johnson K.: Fizika: preproste razlage fizikalnih pojavov. Tehniška
založba Slovenije: Ljubljana, 1996.
[4] Interaktivni fizikalni portal: Odbojni zakon (splet) . 2012. Dostopno na
V jedru članka so predstavljeni različni načini/ideje, kako
oolphysicsvideosPhysics (10.8.2021) učencem na daljavo ali v živo učitelji fizike predstavijo lomni in
[5] Phet interactive simulations (University of Colorado Boulder), bending-
odbojni zakon ter popolni odboj. Skoraj 10-letna praksa kaže, da
light (splet). 2021. Dostopno na naslovu
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/bending-light (10.8.2021) učenci snov razumejo, če je predstavljena na zgoraj opisan način,
[6] Brezar, V.: Lom in odboj svetlobe (splet). 2010. Dostopno na naslovu
ki vključuje številne poskuse in simulacije. Podpora vsega
naštetega v spletni učilnici je pika na i. Epidemija je temeljito
spremenila poučevanje prek videokonferenc, ni pa izgovor, da se
[7] FS Community. 2012. Dostopno na naslovu
ne da kvalitetno predstaviti določene teme. Avtor članka bo
optical-fibers.html (10.8.2021) navdušen, če bo kateri učitelj fizike ali naravoslovja v tem članku
[8] Gupta, A.: Light experiments (splet). 2012. Dostopno na naslovu
dobil kakšno praktično idejo in jo uporabil v praksi.
http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/films.html (10.8.2021)
Usvajanje črk v prvem razredu na daljavo
Teaching year 1 literacy online during the pandemic lockdown
Tamara Jerina
Osnovna šola Antona Martina Slomška Vrhnika
Vrhnika, Slovenija
Diversity and inclusion principles were considered when
V prispevku sem opisala delo v prvem razredu osnovne šole, ko
planning lessons, as students do not share the same learning
so se šolska vrata za nekaj časa zaprla in je pouk potekal preko
opportunities, like equity and accessibility to Technology and the
računalnikov. Čeprav na to nismo bili pripravljeni ali izobraženi,
same level or amount of parental support.
smo učni proces hitro izpeljali tako, da so učenci napredovali v
svojem znanju in dosegali cilje, ki smo jih zastavili.
Literacy, stages of literacy, online learning, year 1
Pri izvajanju pouka preko računalnika so naši najmlajši šolarji
potrebovali aktivno podporo staršev, s katerimi smo učitelji
razvili še globje zaupanje in razvili povsem nov odnos.
Opisala sem enega izmed postopkov obravnave posamezne
Opismenjevanje je dolgotrajen in zahteven proces, s katerim
velike tiskane črke, ki se je izkazal kot odličnega. Pri tem sem
človek razvije funkcionalno pismenost. Razvijati se začne že v
upoštevala različne metode dela ter poskusila pouk preko ekrana
predšolskem obdobju, poteka pa preko štirih komunikacijskih
vseeno izpeljati s čim več gibanja in različnimi dejavnostmi, kot
kanalov: poslušanja, govorjenja, branja in pisanja [1].
to počnemo tudi v razredu.
Dejavnosti, s katerimi razvijamo vse štiri veje opismenjevanja,
se med seboj prepletajo, prav vse pa potrebujejo čas, veliko časa,
Pri usvajanju velikih tiskanih črk v obdobju šolanja na daljavo
da jih otroci usvojijo. Proces opismenjevanja se zaključi po
sem upoštevala načelo raznolikosti z zavedanjem, da nimajo vsi
koncu prve triade. Učni načrt za slovenščino (2018) predvideva,
otroci enakih možnosti, enake količine časa s starši in enake
da proces opismenjevanja poteka postopno, sistematično in
podpore s strani le teh.
individualno [2]. Pomembno je zavedanje, da imajo otroci ob
vstopu v šolo velike razlike v stopnji razvitosti pismenosti, zato
nobena metoda ni primerna za vse učence. Naloga učitelja je
Opismenjevanje, faze opismenjevanja, delo na daljavo, prvi
ugotoviti, kako dobro predznanje ima posamezni otrok in na
podlagi tega izdelati načrt opismenjevanja. Mlajši učenci so bili
letos primorani precejšen del opismenjevanja opraviti doma.
Njihovi učitelji so pripravili različne dejavnosti, a »glavni
The article details the process of teaching literacy in year one
nadzorniki« so bili starši oziroma skrbniki.
during the pandemic lockdown, while schools were closed and
V svojem prispevku se bom omejila na čas, ko smo s prvošolci
education continued online. Teachers found conducting literacy
glasovom dodajali črke in na daljavo spoznavali slovensko
lessons specifically challenging, as many felt unprepared and
untrained in the pedagogy of online teaching. Through the
Ko učence učimo abecedo, lahko izberemo med tremi metodami
perseverance of teachers and peer support, lessons were redrafted
poučevanja (slika 1).
and the learning process altered to advance knowledge more
successfully and to better suit the needs of all students.
We found that our youngest students needed active parental
support to participate in online lessons. We are delighted to
report that during this interminable pandemic, parent-teacher
relationships have further developed and deepened in terms of
respect and trust.
This article describes a teaching procedure of a single capital
letter. It proved itself as an excellent model for online learning,
as it utilizes different teaching methods and employs a variety of
teaching activities designed to promote physical activity in
Slika 1: Metode učenja črk
Najbolj praktična se mi zdi kombinacija analitične in sintetične
metode, ker ima skoraj vsak glas v slovenski abecedi tudi svojo
črko [3].
J. Chall zagovarja zgoden in sistematičen pouk glasovnega
zavedanja, ki poteka preko več stopenj. Za nas sta pomembni
predstopnja, ki poteka v predšolskem obdobju in v kateri otroci
prepoznavajo rime, začetne in končne glasove, ter prva stopnja,
poimenovana kot faza dekodiranja, pri kateri otrok vzpostavi
Slika 3: Prikaz napačnih črk
povezavo med glasom in črko. Ob koncu te stopnje naj bi učenci
razvili sposobnost vidnega in delno slušnega razločevanja [4].
Sledil je trening poteznosti s konkretnimi materiali (slika 4). V
Preden začnemo z obravnavo črk, veliko časa namenimo
veliko pomoč so bili starši oziroma skrbniki učencev, ki so
glaskovanju posameznih besed. Učenci tako že slišijo glasove in
pomagali pri pripravi materiala, nato pa še preverjali delo svojih
jih med seboj razlikujejo, sedaj pa je čas, da posameznemu glasu
otrok. Občasno smo se dogovorili, da so delo poslikali in mi
priredijo simbol, tj. črka.
poslali nekaj fotografij. Za vsako črko sem pripravila več
Učencem sem v digitalnih drsnicah pripravila različne
dejavnosti, med katerimi so morali učenci opraviti vsaj dve, npr.
fotografije. Njihova prva naloga je bila poimenovati predmet na
oblikovanje črk s pokrovčki, vrvicami, kockami, slamicami,
fotografiji. Nato so izločili slike, ki ne vsebujejo določenega
palčkami za ušesa, igračami, plastelinom …
glasu. Med preostalimi slikami so izbrali najprej tiste, ki imajo
obravnavan glas na začetku, nato na sredini in nazadnje še na
koncu besede.
Sledila je naloga premikanja po domu. Učenci so poiskali čim
več besed, ki vsebujejo v svojem poimenovanju obravnavan glas.
Nastavila sem odštevalnik časa in po eni ali dveh minutah smo
se spet srečali na videokonferenci. pred računalniškimi ekrani.
Učenci so naštevali predmete, ki so jih našli. Ker smo imeli v
naši skupini tudi učence s statusom tujca, smo določene predmete
tudi opisali ali pa smo si pomagali s sliko na spletu. Tako smo
poskrbeli, da so širili svoj besedni zaklad.
V naslednji fazi sem učencem pokazala poteznost
obravnavane črke (slika 2). Pri tem smo uporabljali program za
izdelavo digitalnih drsnic PowerPoint. Posnetek so si učenci
večkrat ogledali. Skupaj smo opisali, kako je poteznost potekala.
Pri vsaki črki smo vedno označili, kje se zapis začne, v katero
Slika 4: Delo s konkretnim materialom
smer poteka in katero črto (v kolikor jih je več) napišemo najprej
in katero nazadnje.
Ko so učenci usvojili poteznost črke s konkretnim materialom,
smo prešli v fazo zapisa v zvezek. Pred začetkom smo bili
pozorni na pravilno sedenje, pravilno držo telesa ter pravilen
prijem svinčnika, ki je moral biti že pred poukom ošiljen. Sledili
smo načelu od večje črke k manjši. Ob koncu ure so učenci
zapisali tudi nekaj besed, ki vsebujejo obravnavano črko. Ker so
nekateri izmed učencev že poznali zapis vseh črk, so namesto
posameznih besed sestavljali smiselne povedi ali krajše zgodbe,
ki so jih naslednjo uro z veseljem prebrali.
Pri delu na daljavo sem uporabljala program PowerPoint, ki se je
izkazal kot odličen pripomoček pri opismenjevanju. V njem sem
Slika 2: Prikaz poteznosti obravnavane črke
lahko izdelala učno uro, ki je bila opremljena z zanimivimi
animacijami in zvokom. Prav tako sem lahko izdelala kvize, ki
Nato sem jim na »beli tabli« na videokonferenci pokazala še
so jih učenci hitro znali reševati tudi brez pomoči staršev.
nekaj napačno napisanih črk, npr. narobe obrnjenih, neprimerne
Videokonferenčne ure smo izvajali s programom ZOOM, v
velikosti trebuščkov itd (slika 3). Učenci so potezo pravilno
katerem sem redno uporabljala belo tablo, deljenje zaslona in t.i.
zapisane črke povadili s pisanjem po zraku, mizi, zvezku in po
»breakout room«, kjer so učenci opravljali delo v manjših
svoji dlani.
skupinah. Le tako sem lahko zagotovila ustrezno diferenciacijo
pri poučevanju na daljavo v živo.
Učenci so v tem obdobju spoznali, kako pomembni so vsi
Obdobje, v katerem smo se znašli, nam je prineslo obilico novih
člani v skupnosti, kako pomembno je, da vsak udeleženec opravi
izkušenj, ki jih bomo lahko uporabili tudi v prihodnje. Med
svojo nalogo in je zanjo tudi odgovoren.
učitelji in starši se je razvilo zaupanje, ki je bilo nujno potrebno
za dosego učnih rezultatov pri učencih. Starši so imeli vpogled v
delo učitelja, učitelji pa smo bili v času šolanja na daljavo ob
[1] Pečjak, S. (2009): Z igro razvijamo komunikacijske sposobnosti učencev.
Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo in šport.
določenih trenutkih skoraj člani družine naših učencev.
[2[ Program Osnovna šola, Učni načrt, Slovenščina (2018). Ljubljana: Zavod
Medsebojno spoštovanje vseh udeležencev šolanja na daljavo
RS za šolstvo
[3] Golli, D. (1991): Opismenjevanje v prvem razredu. Novo mesto:
je učencem prineslo dobre temelje znanja, s katerimi bodo lahko
Pedagoška obzorja.
tudi v prihajajočem šolskem letu dosegali zavidljive rezultate.
[4] Chall, J. (1983). Stages of reading development. V: Grginič, 2005, 99-100.
Uporaba spletnega orodja BookWidgets za preverjanje in
ocenjevanje znanja pri pouku nemščine
Using the BookWidgets online tool to evaluate and assess
knowledge in German lessons
Urša Jerman
OŠ Toma Brejca
Šutna 39
1241 Kamnik
assess student’s knowledge. As a primary school teacher of
V prispevku je predstavljeno delo s spletno aplikacijo
German, I was looking for an online tool that would allow me
BookWidgets pri pouku nemščine v 6., 7. in 8. razredu v namen
to easily create tests and possibly also automatically correct
preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja.
answers. Pupils accessed the composite tests and assignments
by clicking on the link in the online classroom and did not need
V šolskem letu 2020/21 smo se učitelji in učenci ponovno
their own user account or password to use the tool. Once the
znašli v situaciji, ko se je za obdobje skoraj treh mesecev
assignments were reviewed and supplemented with comments,
klasični pouk v učilnicah ponovno spremenil v virtualno učenje
they were forwarded to the pupils at their email address. In this
na daljavo. Učitelji smo prišli do spoznanja, da virtualni pouk
way, my pupils received a faster feedback on their knowledge,
ne bo mogel za takšno dolgo obdobje zajemati le podajanje in
and I as their teacher was provided with a more organized
utrjevanje nove učne snovi, temveč bo potrebno zajeti tudi del
overview of the large number of created tasks and the results
preverjanj in ocenjevanj znanja. Kot učiteljica nemščine v
achieved by individual pupils.
osnovni šoli sem iskala spletno orodje, ki bi mi omogočilo
preprosto kreiranje testov in po možnosti tudi avtomatsko
Due to the possibility of creating various types of assignments,
korekcijo odgovorov. Učenci so do sestavljenih testov in nalog
good transparency, and ease of use, the BookWidgets tool was
dostopali s klikom na povezavo v spletni učilnici, za samo
a way of motivation for me and my pupils during the distance
uporabo orodja pa niso potrebovali svojega uporabniškega
learning of German.
računa ali gesla. Ko so bile naloge pregledane in dopolnjene s
sprotnimi komentarji, so bile posredovane učencem na njihov
elektronski naslov. Učenci so na tak način dobili hitrejšo
BookWidgets, online tool, evaluating and assessing knowledge
povratno informacijo o njihovem znanju, meni pa je aplikacija
omogočila bolj organiziran pregled nad velikim številom
kreiranih nalog in doseženimi rezultati pri posameznih učencih.
Preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja predstavlja učitelju
Zaradi možnosti kreiranja raznovrstnih tipov nalog, dobre
zahtevnejši del pedagoškega procesa, na katerega se je
preglednosti in preproste uporabe, je orodje BookWidgets za
potrebno dobro pripraviti. Pomemben del učne ure je ravno
delo na daljavo motiviralo tako mene kot tudi moje učence pri
tako utrjevanje snovi, ki služi kot pokazatelj doseženega znanja
pouku nemščine.
in temelj za nadaljnjo preverjanje in ocenjevanje. Na kakšen
način bo preverjanje in ocenjevanje izvedeno je odvisno od
namena, cilja in vsebine [1].
BookWidgets, spletno orodje, preverjanje in ocenjevanje
V šolskem letu 2020/21 v času pouka na daljavo sem se kot
učiteljica nemščine in angleščine v osnovni šoli znašla pred
velikim izzivom, in sicer na kakšen način hitro in preprosto
preveriti, predvsem pa oceniti znanje pri učencih. V običajnih
The article presents the usage of online application
razmerah, ko pouk poteka v učilnici, učitelj najhitreje dobi
BookWidgets in German lessons in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade for
povratne informacije o znanju učencev z ustnim preverjanjem
the purpose of evaluating and assessing knowledge.
in ocenjevanjem, ki ga lahko vključi k vsaki učni snovi [1]. V
času pouka na daljavo pa je ravno ta način meni osebno vzel
In school year 2020/21, teachers and students once again found
največ časa za izvedbo in celotno organizacijo. Povrhu vsega
themselves in a situation where, for a period of almost three
pa takšen način ocenjevanja na daljavo ni bil tako kakovosten.
months, classical classroom teaching was once again
Pri vključevanju digitalne tehnologije v namen preverjanja in
transformed into virtual distance learning. Teachers have come
ocenjevanja znanja je potrebno načrtovati uporabo IKT za
to the realization that virtual teaching will not only be able to
formativno spremljanje in sumativno ocenjevanje znanja. Ob
cover the explanation and revision of new learning material for
tem je pomembna tudi » ustreznost digitalnega ocenjevanja,
such a long period, but it will also be necessary to evaluate and
pristopov in prilagajanja strategij« [6]. Učitelj mora biti v ta
• preprosta navodila, ki uporabniku omogočajo seznanitev
name usposobljen zbirati, kritično vrednotiti in tolmačiti
z vsebino spletnega orodja za preverjanje in ocenjevanje
digitalne podatke o dosežkih učencev, prilagajati strategije za
podporo učencem ter posredovati povratne informacije [6].
• dostopnost: uporabnik kreira lastni račun, ki ga zaščiti z
Moj cilj je bil poiskati spletno orodje, ki bi mi omogočilo
geslom za varno hrambo sestavljenih preverjanj in
avtomatsko popravljanje nalog in s tem tudi pridobitev pisne
ocenjevanj znanja. Uporabnih lahko tudi omeji dostop
ocene pri učencih, ki so obiskovali neobvezni in obvezni
samo za določene goste in tako do ocenjevanja dostopajo
izbirni predmet nemščina. Odločila sem se za plačljivo spletno
samo pooblaščeni
orodje BookWidgets, ki sem ga uporabila za kreiranje kratkih
• varna in enostavna prijava v spletno orodje
vaj za utrjevanje ter preverjanj in ocenjevanj znanja. Orodje
• knjižnica testov po meri za enostavno dostopnost
sem uporabila pri učencih 6. – 8. razreda. Reševanje nalog se je
• široka paleta vprašanj, ki pomaga ustvariti učinkovite in
za učence izkazalo za zelo preprosto, saj učenci za dostop ne
uspešne rezultate in analize, ki lahko delujejo kot celovit
potrebujejo uporabniškega računa. V spletni učilnici so lahko z
vpogled v udeleženčeve uspešnosti in spretnosti
enim samim klikom na povezavo dostopali do vaj in testov. Po
• časovni opomnik, ki pripomore k pravočasni oddaji
koncu reševanja so za uspešno oddajo morali vpisati svoje ime
preverjanja oz. ocenjevanja znanja
ter elektronski naslov, kamor so po potrebi prejeli mojo
• objavljeno ali natisnjeno: udeleženčevi odgovori in
povratno informacijo o izkazanem znanju ali rezultat pisnega
rezultat so lahko deljeni preko e-pošte ali natisnjeni na
ocenjevanja. Kot učiteljica sem imela z uporabo BookWidgets
papir. Udeleženec lahko izbere, ali bo rezultat javno
orodja organiziran, preprost in hiter vpogled v dosežke znanja
dostopen ali zaseben. Udeleženci lahko do svojih
pri pouku nemškega jezika.
rezultatov dostopajo preko namizne ali mobilne platforme.
S pomočjo povratnih informacij pa se učijo iz svojih napak
• objava rezultatov: uporabnik lahko izbere možnost, ali
bo udeleženec videl svoj rezultat in rešitve takoj po
končanem reševanju, ali pa bo le tega prejel s povratno
V učnem načrtu za nemški jezik v osnovni šoli [3] je med
informacijo, ker je morda potrebno še ročno razvrščanje
splošnimi cilji pouka nemščine navedena tudi digitalna
pismenost, kar pomeni, da » Učenci pri pouku nemščine
kritično uporabljajo informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo
BookWidgets je aplikacija, ki omogoča kreiranje interaktivnih
za pridobivanje, vrednotenje in shranjevanje informacij, za
vaj ter avtomatsko popravljanje nalog. S tem učitelju prihrani
njihovo tvorjenje, predstavitev in izmenjavo ter za
čas za ocenjevanje ter mu omogoča, da učencu poda povratno
sporazumevanje in sodelovanje v mrežah na svetovnem
informacijo o njegovem znanju. Aplikacija omogoča 30-
spletu.« [3]. Učenci razvijajo digitalne kompetence na različne
dnevno brezplačno poskusno uporabo, plačljiva verzija pa je na
načine, kot so:
voljo tudi za skupino učiteljev [2].
• uporaba spletnih slovarjev
Pri vstopu v aplikacijo ima registriran uporabnik pregled
• pridobivanje podatkov s spleta in uporaba
nad svojimi izdelanimi nalogami (v meniju na levi strani
brskalnikov in iskalnikov v nemščini
izberemo Widgets My Widgets) (slika 1). Pri vsaki vaji je
• uporabljanje IKT za komunikacijo v nemščini (npr.
napisan tudi tip naloge, torej ali gre za delovni list, kviz, igro,
socialna omrežja, klepetalnice, blog, forum, ipd.)
itd., kdaj je bila naloga nazadnje spremenjena ter možnost za
• predstavljanje svojih izdelkov v nemškem jeziku
ponovni prikaz, spreminjanje, kopiranje, deljenje in brisanje
(grafično, slikovno, večpredstavno, itd.) [3]
naloge. Izdelane vaje lahko uporabnik razvrsti tudi v skupne
mape (slika 2).
V zadnjem desetletju so izobraževalni sistemi po vsem svetu
sprejeli hiter razvoj tehnologije in odkrili nove načine za
uveljavljanje njihove uporabe, kar bi koristilo študentom in
učiteljem. Ker je COVID-19 povzročil razburjenje v
izobraževalnih sistemih, saj je motil tradicionalne razredne
metode za širjenje znanja, je prišlo do potrebe nove tehnološke
rešitve, ki bi podpirala vse osnovne funkcije globalnega
izobraževalnega sistema. Ena od rešitev bi zato bila lahko
spletna programska oprema za ocenjevanje kandidatov, ki jo je
mogoče prilagoditi vsakemu oddelku ali stranki podjetij,
izobraževalnih ustanov do vladnih institucij za najem, testiranje
in vrednotenje posameznih uspešnosti na daljavo [4].
Spletna stran ProProfs [4][5] navaja nekaj najpomembnejših
funkcij, ki so ključne pri iskanju spletnega orodja za preverjanje
in ocenjevanje znanja:
Slika 1: Začetni meni (Vir: https://www.bookwidgets.com/)
pošiljanje odgovorov; reševanje nalog lahko tudi časovno
omejimo s funkcijo »exam mode«)
• splošne nastavitve (način prikaza pravilnih odgovorov,
točkovanje posameznih vprašanj, vklop ali izklop
jezikovnega preverjanja, nastavitev gesla za reševanje)
• lokalizacija (smer besedila, izbor jezika)
• izgled (barva ozadja in besedila, izbor slike za ozadje)
Preden objavimo končno povezavo do vaje, nam orodje
omogoča, da celoten izdelek še enkrat vidimo v takšni obliki,
kot bo ta prikazan učencem (klik na »Preview« zgoraj desno)
(slika 4). Vprašanja lahko še vedno spremenimo, zbrišemo,
Slika 2: Primer začetnega prikaza kreiranih vaj
kopiramo in delimo (klik na »Share« zgoraj desno) (slika 4).
(Vir: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
Povezavo do vaje lahko delimo ne samo z učenci, temveč tudi
z ostalimi učitelji, ki so registrirani uporabniki tega orodja.
Ko želimo ustvariti novo vajo, kliknemo na modro ikono
Delitev z učitelji omogoča, da drugi učitelj kopira vaš izdelan
»Create new widget« (slika 2) in lahko izbiramo med različnimi
»Widgets« v svojo zbirko in ga tudi lahko poljubno spreminja.
vrstami nalog:
• Testi in pregledi snovi (delovni list, časovna premica,
kviz, deljen delovni list, itd.)
• igre (vislice, spomin, križanka, iskanje parov, itd.),
• slikovne in video ponazoritve snovi
• matematične naloge
Slika 4: Prikaz sestavljenih vprašanj z menijsko vrstico
(Vir: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
4.2 Prikaz rezultatov reševanja
Orodje BookWidgets v svojem začetnem meniju ponuja tudi
možnost vpogleda v rezultate rešenih vaj (klik na
Grades&Reporting Student Work) (slika 1). Najprej je
Slika 3: Različni tipi vaj za kreiranje testov in pregledov
predstavljen povprečen rezultat reševanja posameznega
snovi (Vir: https://www.bookwidgets.com/)
vprašanja glede na celotno skupino učencev (slika 5) , nato pa
4.1 Primer: kreiranja delovnega lista po
ima učitelj še vpogled v dosežek pri posameznem učencu (slika
6). Pri vsakem posamezniku je zabeležen datum in čas
reševanja, končni rezultat ter dosežene točke pri posameznem
Ko izberemo tip vaje »Worksheet« (slika 3) iz nabora možnosti
vprašanju. Obarvana okenca pri vprašanjih so pokazatelj, kako
za oblikovanje testov in pregledov snovi, se nam odpre nova
dobro je učencev rešil vprašanje (zelena- zelo dobro, rumena –
menijska vrstica, ki ponuja naslednje:
dobro, rdeča – slabo).
• poimenovanje delovnega lista
• vprašanja (dodajanje vprašanj različnega tipa, kot so:
besedilo, vprašanja odprtega tipa, dopolnjevanje,
povezovanje, itd.).
• naslov/poročilo (omogočimo, da učenci pošljejo odgovore
in po potrebi označimo, da dovoljujemo samo enkratno
Slika 5: Prikaz povprečnega dosežka glede na skupino
(Vir: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
Slika 9: Pošiljanje povratne informacije učencu (Vir:
lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
4.4 Primer sestavljene naloge: Povezovanje
nemških povedi s slovenskimi prevodi
Za kreiranje takšne naloge pri tipu ponujenih vprašanj izberemo
Slika 6: Prikaz rezultata za posameznega učenca (Vir:
ikono »Word match question« (slika 10). V prazno okence
lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
vpišemo navodilo naloge (slika 11), nato pa dodamo željene
povedi, ki se bodo pojavile v levem in desnem stolpcu (slika
S klikom na učenca se odpre vpogled v njegove odgovore, ki
so že avtomatsko popravljeni (slika 7). Pri napačnih odgovorih
se izpiše tudi pravilna rešitev. Popravke lahko ročno
spremenimo (npr. dodelimo večje ali manjše število točk,
označimo odgovor kot pravilen/napačen), k vsaki nalogi pa
lahko dodamo tudi komentar. Pri vprašanjih, kjer učenci
zapišejo daljše besedilo, lahko označimo napake direktno v
besedilu in dodamo opombo (slika 8).
Slika 10: Primer naloge- povezovanje povedi s prevodi,
6.razred (Vir: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
Slika 7: Avtomatski popravek odgovorov z vidnimi
rešitvami (Vir: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
Slika 11: Povezovanje povedi- oblikovanje naloge (Vir:
lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
4.5 Primer sestavljene naloge: Dopolnjevanje
Slika 8: Naloga z daljšim odgovorom, označenimi
povedi z manjkajočimi besedami iz okvirja
napakami in dodatnimi opombami (Vir: lasten, zajem
Za kreiranje takšne naloge pri tipu ponujenih vprašanj izberemo
zaslonske slike)
ikono »Drag words in sentence« (slika 12). V prazno okence
vpišemo navodilo naloge. Nato dodamo besedilo v katerem
4.3 Pošiljanje povratne informacije učencem
besede, ki se bodo pojavile v okvirju »obdamo« z znakom
Po končanem pregledu naloge učenca nam orodje
<<>> (npr. <>). Na koncu lahko k nalogi dodamo še
BookWidgets omogoča, da nalogo prenesemo kot PDF
besede, ki bodo delovale kot t. i. distraktorji.
datoteko, jo s popravki pošljemo nazaj učencu, zbrišemo ali
shranimo v arhiv (slika 9).
3. Ich <> gern Inlineskates
und du <> gern.
4. <> du gern fern? Nein, ich
<> nicht gern fern.
5. Paulina und Jan <> gern
Skateborad und <> gern im
Sommer baden.
Uporaba spletnega orodja BookWidgets za namen preverjanja
in ocenjevanja znanja pri pouku nemščine v 6., 7. in 8. razredu
med poukom na daljavo se je izkazala kot primer zelo dobre
Slika 12: Primer naloge- dopolnjevanje povedi z
prakse. Učenci so hitro osvojili način reševanja različnih tipov
manjkajočimi besedami iz okvirja, 7. razred
nalog ter pošiljanje končnih odgovorov učiteljici. Za delo v
(Vir: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
takšni aplikaciji so bili motivirani, saj je reševanje potekalo
veliko hitreje kot pa pisanje odgovorov v zvezek in skeniranje
Oblikovanje izgleda takole:
1. Thomas <> jeden Tag um 6.30 Uhr auf. Wann
izdelkov ter pošiljanje v spletno učilnico. Da same naloge niso
<> Renate und Tina auf?
bile tako »neprivlačne« na prvi pogled, sem jih obogatila s
2. Ich <> in die Schule um 8 Uhr. Um vie viel Uhr
slikami in včasih tudi kratkimi video posnetki, ki so učence še
<> du in der Schule?
dodatno spodbudili k reševanju. Dostop do reševanja preverjanj
3. Oliver <> seine Hausaufgaben um 17 Uhr.
in ocenjevanj znanja je bil zelo preprost. Potrebovali so samo
4. Um 16 Uhr <> ich meine Freundin Pauline an.
povezavo, ki je bila objavljena v spletni učilnici. Pošiljanje
5. Wir <> um 19 Uhr zu Abend.
odgovor učencem ni delalo večjih preglavic, saj so za uspešno
6. Am Montag <> sie mit dem Unterricht um 9 Uhr
oddajo potrebovali vpisati le svoje ime in elektronski naslov.
Učenci so v aplikaciji reševali tudi vmesna krajša utrjevanja
7. Er <> um 18 Uhr in die Turnhalle und spielt
znanja, kjer so se jim po končnem reševanju, ki ni bilo omejeno
na čas, izpisale rešitve. Tako so dobili takojšen vpogled v svoje
8. Zum Frühstück <> Susane ein Stück Brot mit Butter
znanje, kar nam je v času pouka preko video konferenc
und Marmelade.
velikokrat prihranilo čas za preverjanje rešitev.
Spletno orodje BookWidgets ni bilo preprosto za uporabo le za
4.6 Primer sestavljene naloge: Dopolnjevanje
moje učence pri pouku nemščine, temveč tudi zame kot
povedi s ponujenimi odgovori
učiteljico. Ponuja velik izbor različnih naborov nalog za
oblikovanje, istočasno pa je oblikovanje le teh dokaj preprosto,
saj vsak tip naloge vsebuje jasna in kratka navodila za kreiranje.
Po vrhu vsega mi je uporaba tega spletnega orodja olajšala delo
z avtomatskim pregledovanjem in vrednotenjem odgovorov,
enostavnim pregledom nad rezultati učencev in pošiljanjem
povratnih informacij. Aplikacija BookWidgets je po mojem
mnenju dovolj preprosta za uporabo, da bi jo lahko učitelj
predstavil tudi učencem v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole, kjer
imajo otroci v času digitalizacije že dovolj kompetenc za
osvojitev omenjenega spletnega orodja.
Slika 13: Primer naloge- dopolnjevanje povedi s
[1] Golubič (2013). Didaktični vidiki preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja.
ponujenimi odgovori, 6. razred
Diplomsko delo. (https://dk.um.si/Dokument.php?id=55046; Dostopno (Vir: lasten, zajem zaslonske slike)
16. 8. 2021)
[2] https://www.bookwidgets.com/ (Dostopno 16. 8. 2021)
[3] Kač, L. et al. 2016. Učni načrt. Program osnovna šola. Nemščina.
Za kreiranje takšne naloge pri tipu ponujenih vprašanj izberemo
Ljubljana. MIZŠ, ZRSŠ. Objavljeno na:
ikono »Fill-in-the-blank(s) question« (slika 13). V prazno
okence vpišemo navodilo naloge. Nato dodamo besedilo, kjer
sola/Ucni-nacrti/obvezni/UN_nemscina.pdf (Dostopno 11. 9. 2021)
[4] https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/blog/best-features-you-need-in-
ponujene rešitve za manjkajoče besede »obdamo« z znakom
your-online-assessment-software/ (Dostopno 11. 9. 2021)
<<>> in navedemo manjkajoči del z besedo »select«, pravilno
[5] Zgonc Možina (2018). Analiza in vrednotenje spletnih orodij za
rešitev pa zapišemo na prvem mestu (npr. <>).
lj.si/5541/1/magistrska_naloga_koncna_verzija.pdf (Dostopno 11. 9.
[6] Strokovne podlage za didaktično uporabo IKT v izobraževalnem
Oblikovanje izgleda takole:
procesu za področje jezikov
1. Ich <> gern Bücher und meine
Mutter <> gern die Zeitung.
anem_procesu_za_podrocje_umetnost/2018103012423532/ (Dostopno 2. <> ihr gern? Ja, wir
11. 9. 2021)
<> sehr gern.
Vpliv uporabe digitalnih sredstev na motivacijo in
uspešnost učenja
The impact of the use of digital resources on motivation and learning success
Žan Kapun
Tomi Perša
Klemen Sajko
Univerza v Mariboru
Univerza v Mariboru
Univerza v Mariboru
Maribor, Slovenija
Maribor, Slovenija
Maribor, Slovenija
concluded that students, who in their education often or regularly
use digital resources, are much more successful and motivated
V raziskovalni nalogi smo raziskali vpliv digitalnih sredstev na
for work in digital learning environment. This finding presents
motivacijo in uspešnost v digitalnem okolju izobraževanja. Želeli
the educators and educational institutions that the following
smo izvedeti, kakšno je stališče učencev, ki so se morali
methods of education are similarly or more efficient than the
prilagoditi na takšno učno okolje, še posebej v času
traditional methods, and it also introduces the students with the
epidemioloških ukrepov in opravljanje učnega procesa na
importance of using digital resources for learning.
daljavo preko digitalnih sredstev. Raziskavo smo izvedli s
pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika z namenom zbiranja
podatkov iz različnih starostnih skupin, ki hkrati vedo tudi
najbolje ovrednotiti raziskano stališče, kot so učenci 8. in 9.
Digital learning, e-learning, internal motivatiom, learning
razreda devetletne osnovne šole, dijaki poklicnih in gimnazijskih
srednješolskih programov ter univerzitetne in višješolske
študente. S pomočjo rezultatov smo prišli do zaključka, da so
učenci, ki so pri svojem izobraževanju pogosto ali redno
uporabljali digitalna sredstva bistveno bolj uspešni in motivirani
S čedalje večjim premikom izobraževanja na spletne platforme
za delo v digitalnem učnem okolju. Ta ugotovitev
se pri mnogih pojavljajo dvomi o učinkovitosti tovrstnega načina
izobraževalcem in izobraževalnim ustanovam predstavi, da so
izobraževanja. V trenutnih razmerah in epidemiji virusa COVID-
tovrstni načini izobraževanja lahko enako ali bolj učinkoviti od
19 pa so takšni načini ključni za uspešno delovanje šolstva. V
tradicionalnih metod, učence pa seznani s pomembnostjo
sledeči nalogi raziskujemo, s kakšnim stališčem se srečujejo
uporabe digitalnih sredstev pri učenju.
trenutni osnovnošolci, dijaki in študenti. Tako želimo dobiti
vpogled na uspešnost tovrstnega izobraževanja.
V obstoječih raziskavah je bilo že kar nekaj poskusov, da bi
Digitalno učenje, e-učenje, notranja motivacija, uspešnost učenja
našli razlike med učnimi okolji in uspešnosti njihovega delovanja.
Pri tem je bil uspešen Stefan Kulakow (2020), ki je v svoji
raziskavi pokazal, da je okolje, ki se osredotoča na lastno učno
In our research assignment we have studied the effect of digital
sposobnost, pozitivno vplivalo na višjo akademsko sposobnost in
resources on motivation and success in digital learning
višjo motivacijo za uspeh, medtem ko druga raziskava
enviroment. We wanted to learn the standpoint of students, who
(Hietajärvi in drugi, 2020) ni odkrila močne povezave med
had to adapt to such learning environment, especially in time of
digitalnimi učnimi vsebinami in motivacijo učencev. V nekaterih
epidemy and to carry out the learning process on distance with
primerih kaže, da lahko digitalno izobraževanje celo škodi
the help of digital resources. We performed the research with the
učenčevemu uspehu. Tretja raziskava (Cidral in drugi, 2018)
use of an online questionnaire with the intention of collecting
prav tako meri uspešnost učencev v digitalnem okolju, vendar se
data from participants of different age groups, who also know to
osredotoči bolj na dejavnike, ki so najpomembnejši pri
properly evaluate the researched grounds, such as students of 8th
elektronskem izobraževanju.
and 9th grade of nine-year primary school, students of vocational
Ker te raziskave niso prišle do enotnih ugotovitev glede
and secondary school and students at various university and post-
vpliva digitalnega izobraževanja na uspešnost in motivacijo
secondary programs. With the help of the results, we have
učencev, se nam zdi smiselno opraviti podobno raziskavo, ki je
hkrati v drugem geografskem okolju. Prav tako ni bilo razvidno,
kako zadovoljni so posamezniki z digitalnimi vsebinami, če so
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
opravili obvezni in popoln prehod iz tradicionalnih načinov
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
izobraževanja. Trenutno stanje širjenja virusa COVID-19 je
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
povzročilo edinstveno situacijo, kjer je veliko učencev prisiljeno
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
k uporabi digitalnih sredstev za učenje, kar lahko vpliva na
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
kakovost učne vsebine in s tem tudi motivacije učencev do
vključevanja v te vsebine in e-učenje. Naša študija bo te
probleme rešila z vprašalnikom, ki bo preverjal zadovoljstvo in
AND “success” OR “learning success” OR “digital success”
uspešnost učencev pred in med obveznim izobraževanjem preko
OR “student success”.
uporabe digitalnih orodij.
Ker se izobraževanje digitalizira predvsem v zadnjem
V današnji informacijski družbi je veliko dejavnikov, ki
desetletju, smo za časovni obseg določili, da iščemo vire po letu
vplivajo na nenehno spreminjanje načinov izobraževanja. Kot
2010. Zaradi hitreje spreminjajočih razmer se med drugim lažje
študentje smo priča tem spremembam, saj skozi leta opažamo
osredotočimo na vire, izdane po letu 2018.
vedno večjo in bolj pogosto uporabo digitalnih sredstev, ne le pri
poučevanju, temveč tudi pri učenju. Razširila se je uporaba
2.2 Teoretični okvir
spletnih učilnic, kot sta Moodle in Sakai, spletnih virov in
Področje oblikovanja in tehnologije poučevanja se razvijajo in
videoposnetkov za pomoč pri učenju in poučevanju, od učencev
pojavljaj se alternativni pristopi k učenju po kognitivnih in
pa se je začelo pričakovati znanje pripravljanja predstavitev s
konstruktivističnih teorijah, ki močno odstopajo od
programi, kot je Microsoft Powerpoint. V zadnjem letu se je
tradicionalnih praks, kot so vedenjski modeli. Novi poudarki, kot
zaradi izredne situacije, ki jo je povzročila pandemija
so elektronski sistemi za boljše delovanje, spletna navodila in
koronavirusa (SARS-CoV-2), mnogo šolskih sistemov po svetu
sistemi za upravljanje znanja, niso samo pretresli bazo znanja s
odločilo za izobraževanje na daljavo s pomočjo
tega področja, temveč tudi razširjajo obzorje na podjetja in
videokonferenčnih programov, kot sta Microsoft Teams in Zoom.
industrijo, vojsko, zdravstvo in izobraževanje po vsem svetu
Nekateri učenci so se lažje prilagodili na nove tehnologije,
(Nanjappa in Grant, 2002). Avtorica Wheeler (2012) je E-učenje,
medtem ko so drugi ostali pri svojih tradicionalnih metodah
ali elektronsko učenje, imenovala “tehnološko-izboljšano
učenje”, kasneje tudi “digitalno učenje”. E-učenje je nabor
V sledečem poglavju smo opisali našo strategijo iskanja
tehnološko posredovanih metod, ki se lahko uporabljajo za
podobnih virov in napisali teoretični okvir. V tretjem poglavju
podporo učencem pri učenju, ki vključuje elemente ocenjevanja,
pregledujemo sorodna dela. Za boljšo izpeljavo naše študije smo
tutorstva in poučevanja. Avtorji Cidral idr. menijo, da je namen
v teh delih iskali podobnosti, hkrati pa njihove pomanjkljivosti,
e-učenja širjenje informacij in znanja za izobraževanje in
ki smo jih lahko odpravili v naši raziskavi. Četrto poglavje je
usposabljanje. Razumevanje vpliva e-učenja na družbo in
namenjeno metodologiji in je sestavljeno iz več tabel, ki
njegovih koristi je pomembno za povezovanje sistemov
prikazujejo seznam spremenljivk, naša raziskovalna vprašanja in
digitalnega učenja z njegovimi gonilnimi silami. Avtorji
hipoteze. V tem poglavju se nahaja tudi raziskovalni model. V
Keengwe, Onchwari G. in Onchwari J. so v svoji študiji leta 2009
petem poglavju povzamemo rezultate raziskave in jih
napisali, da bi bilo treba reformirati programe izobraževanja z
analiziramo. Sledi še šesto poglavje, kjer so navedeni cilji
uvedbo aktivnih učnih okolij, ki podpirajo in izboljšujejo globino
raziskave, razloženi rezultati in primerjane vzporednice s
in obseg učenja učencev. Natančneje, učitelji bi morali učencem
sorodnimi študijami. V zaključku pa so izpostavljeni prispevki
zagotoviti intelektualno močna okolja, osredotočena na učenca
študije, omejitve in čemu služi študija. Navedenih pa je tudi
in tehnološko bogata okolja, ne da bi pri tem ogrožali dobre
nekaj priporočil za prihodnje sorodne študije.
pedagoške prakse. E-učenje ljudem omogoča fleksibilen in njim
prilagojen način učenja. Iz tega lahko mi pri naši raziskavi
2 Teoretični okvir in ozadje
pričakujemo pozitiven vpliv e-učenja na motivacijo učenca (H3)
in na njegov učni uspeh (H1). Pojavljajo se številne ključne
2.1 Opis strategije iskanja za konceptualni
tehnologije za olajšavo načrtovanja in izvajanja sistemov e-
pregled literature
učenja, ki lahko imajo velik vpliv na učenje. (Cidral idr., 2018 )
Motivacija je interni proces, ki predstavlja enega izmed glavnih
Uporabljena literatura v naši raziskovalni nalogi izhaja predvsem
dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na uspešnost učenja (Levpušček in
iz znanstvenih raziskovalnih del, strokovnih nalog, ter
Zupančič, 2008). Avtorja Makewa in Ngussa (2015) se ne
diplomskih in magistrskih nalog. Gradivo iščemo v bazi člankov
strinjata, da je motivacija zgolj notranji, temveč tudi zunanji
Science Direct, saj vsebuje navezujoče članke iz držav po celem
proces. Dodajata tudi, da so učitelji najboljši vir motivacije pri
svetu. Poskusili smo najti knjižno literaturo v sistemu COBISS,
interakciji med poučevanjem in učenjem. Svinicki in Vogler
vendar nam je epidemiološko stanje Covid-19 otežilo dostop do
(2012) pravita da je motivacija proces interakcije med učencem
iskanja želenega gradiva. Za ključne besede iskanja smo določili:
in okoljem, ki ga zaznamujejo izbor, iniciacija, povečanje ali
digitalna delitev, učna motivacija, digitalno učenje, digitalne
vztrajnost ciljno usmerjenega vedenja. Obravnava se jo lahko kot
učne strategije, izobraževanje, elektronsko učenje, uspešnost
lastnost posameznika, situacijo ali dejavnost, s katero se
učenja, e-učenje.
posameznik ukvarja. Avtor Karim (2012), povzeto po Lin, Chen
V angleškem jeziku se te glasijo:
in Liu (2017) pa meni, da je učna motivacija lastno prepričanje,
digital divide, learning motivation, digital learning, digital
ki vodi posameznikove učne cilje, spodbuja njegovo učno
learning strategies, education, electronic studying, studying
vedenje k nenehnemu trudu, krepi kognitivno zgodovino in
success, e-learning.
poveča uspešnost učenja. Podobno hipotezo smo si postavili tudi
Te ključne besede smo razvrstili v skupine in po njih bomo
mi, saj predvidevamo, da bo predvsem zunanja motivacija
opravljali iskanje temeljnih virov:
učenca imela pozitiven vpliv na uspešnost digitalnega učenja
“digital divide” OR “digital learning” OR “education” OR
(H2), zanima pa nas tudi, kako se bo primerjala z notranjo. Block
“e-learning” OR “electronic learning”
idr. (2013) so omenili, da lahko začetne in ozke faze učenja vodi
AND “motivation” OR “learning motivation” OR “inner
zunanja motivacija. Ko postane učenje avtonomno, so zunanje
motivation” OR “outer motivation” OR “studying motivation”
spodbude nepotrebne, vendar se spremenijo v avtonomno učenje.
OR “digital motivation” OR “student motivation”
Tako bi se notranja in zunanja motivacija dopolnjevali. Po drugi
strani pa učenje zahteva tudi nekaj gonilne sile in zunanje
posameznikove učne preference, željo po digitalnem učenju ter
motivacije, saj se posamezniki pogosto učijo zaradi pričakovanja
odklanjanje šolskega dela in spanca zaradi uporabe Interneta.
staršev, drugih ciljev in za pridobitev določenih spodbud.
Učenci imajo na Finskem dober dostop do digitalnih učnih
Avtorja Seifert in Sutton (2012) pravita, da so razlike v
vsebin, vendar se izobraževalni sistem še vedno trudi vzpostaviti
motivaciji pomemben vir raznolikosti v razredih. Primerjamo jo
učinkovit in specifičen tehnološko usmerjen učni program. V
lahko v predhodnem znanju, sposobnostih ali razvojni
raziskavi je sodelovalo 1,482 učencev med 15. in 16. letom
pripravljenosti. Pri šolskem učenju pa motivacija učencev dobiva
starosti iz 26 različnih šol, za pridobitev podatkov pa so uporabili
še poseben pomen, saj zgolj prisotnost učencev pri pouku seveda
individualni anketni vprašalnik (ang. Self-reported questionnare).
ni zagotovilo, da se učenci res želijo učiti. To je samo znak, da
S sledečimi rezultati so nato po analizi latentnega profila (analiza,
živijo v družbi, ki zahteva, da mladi obiskujejo šolo. Ker je
s katero poskušamo identificirati skupine posameznikov glede na
sodobno izobraževanje obvezno, učitelji motivacije učencev ne
zaporedje ponavljajočih identifikatorjev, ki jih pridobimo na
morejo jemati kot samoumevne in so odgovorni za spodbujanje
podlagi njihovih odgovorov) poskušali odkriti profile glede na
zastavljene učne cilje učencev, ter s tem določiti razlike med
Uspešnost učenja je rezultat posameznikove vztrajnosti,
profili s spoštovanjem do digitalnega vključevanja.
motivacije, pridobitev, osebnostnega razvoja in dosežkov (Cuseo,
Pridobljene in analizirane odgovore so ločili na štiri skupine
2007). Podobno opisuje definicija, da je uspeh odvisen od
z različnimi usmerjenimi profili:
individualnih in kontekstnih faktorjev, ki jih posameznik pod
Mojstrsko usmerjeni profil: osredotočanje na učenje in
pravim vodstvom pridobi in s tem dela na osebni izboljšavi in
povprečno šolsko delo,
veselju. Večina definicij obravnava uspeh učenja kot celoto
uspešnostno osredotočen profil: zagnanost k večjemu
spletno-izobraževalne platforme ali učnega sistema posamezne
uspehu in boljših rezultatov od ostalih vrstnikov,
ustanove in je tako težko določiti točen pomen uspeha, ki ga te
povprečno osredotočen profil: posameznik nima
zagotavljajo (Hyvärinen in Uusiautti, 2021). Uspešnost učenja je
določenih večjih ciljev,
običajno merjena kot nek končni rezultat, ki ga posameznik
odklonljiv profil: posameznik se izmika učnemu delu.
opravi na testu oziroma preverjanju znanja oziroma drugih
Rezultati študije so pokazali, da učenci z mojstrsko
ocenjevalno vrednotenih dejavnosti. Ker za raziskavo nimamo
usmerjenim in uspešnostno osredotočenim profilom želijo več
dovolj časa, da bi lahko primerjali znanje učencev glede na ocene
digitalno usmerjenih vsebin za učenje, medtem ko učenci s
in ker nam razmere v državi tega ne dopuščajo, bomo se morali
povprečno osredotočenim profilom ne želijo odstopati od
v naši raziskavi zanašati na samooceno anketiranih učencev.
tradicionalnih metod izobraževanja. Tako se digitalno
Slednji je lahko močno odvisen od družbenega okolja, v katerem
osredotočeno izobraževanje ne more upoštevati kot motivacija za
se posameznik nahaja in ali ima zagotovljen dostop in finance do
učenje, in je treba pri implementaciji več digitalnih orodij v
kredibilnih virov učenja.
izobraževalni sistem upoštevati tudi motivacijski profil
posameznikov. Odklanjanje šolskega dela zaradi uporabe
Interneta je bilo negativno povezano z učnim uspehom, vendar
3 Pregled sorodnih del
so analizirani rezultati pokazali, da visoko motivirani učenci z
Cidral in drugi so v brazilski empirični raziskavi želeli najti
visokim učnim uspehom tudi odklanjajo učna dela zaradi
dejavnike, ki vplivajo na zadovoljstvo, uporabo in individualni
prepogoste uporabe Interneta.
vpliv e-učenja med uporabniki. Uporabili so kvantitativno
Raziskava je dobro ovrednotila svoje področje raziskovanja
metodo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika, na katerega je
in na podlagi rezultatov opredelila raziskovalna vprašanja.
odgovorilo 301 anketirancev. Ugotovili so, da sta uporaba in
Ciljna skupina je bila jasno definirana in dosegli so dober vzorec
zadovoljstvo uporabnikov pri e-učenju medsebojno odvisna in
za analizo problema. Reševanje vprašalnika je bilo individualno
imata pozitiven vpliv na uspešnost posameznika. Zraven
in anonimno, tako da so anketiranci odgovarjali čim bolj iskreno
zadovoljstva sta pri e-učenju pomembna dejavnika tudi kakovost
na vprašanja, ki so tudi vezana na odklanjanje dela. Hkrati pa je
sodelovanja in kakovost informacij. Zato avtorji predlagajo, da
pokazalo, da rezultati lahko odstopajo od posameznikove osebne
bi platforme digitalnega učenja morale omogočati artikulacijo
motivacije in ne moremo točno določenih skupin asociirati s
komunikacije in kolaboracije med študenti in s tem vplivati na
podobnimi posamezniki.
študentovo uporabo in zadovoljstvo. Prav tako bi spletne vsebine
Stefan Kulakow je v raziskavi preverjal teorijo, ki pravi, da
morale biti dostopne, uporabne, razumljive, zanimive in
akademska sposobnost deluje kot povezava med izobrazbo in
zanesljive. Raziskava nam pove, da je posameznikova uspešnost
motivacijo za doseganje ciljev, ter kako različna izobraževalna
posledica zaznane kakovosti sistema učencev. Če je sistem
okolja vplivajo na to povezavo. Na vzorcu učencev iz Nemčije
enostaven in ima dobro strukturirano vsebino in funkcionalnosti,
primerja učno okolje, ki ga vodi učitelj in okolje, ki se osredotoča
bo to povečalo zadovoljstvo in uporabo sistemov za e-učenje.
na lastno učno sposobnost učenca. Namen slednjega okolja je
Prednost študije je, da pri preverjanju vpliva zajema veliko
ustvariti čim večjo raznolikost učenja, ki temelji na predhodnem
različnih dejavnikov, vendar pa se osredotoča le na notranjost e-
znanju učencev. Raziskava je pokazala, da je bistveno višjo
učenja in ga ne primerja s tradicionalnim učenjem. Zanimivo pa
akademsko sposobnost pokazalo okolje osredotočeno na učence.
bi bilo videti podobno raziskavo tudi v državah z drugačno
Pokazala je tudi, da v tem okolju zaznana podpora učenčevim
kulturo ali razširjenostjo uporabe tehnologije pri izobraževanju.
sposobnostim deluje kot posrednik med akademsko samopodobo
Raziskava finskih študentov (Hietajärvi in drugi, 2020) je
in motivacijo za uspehe. Akademska samopodoba je
želela pokazati, kako vključevanje finskih učencev v digitalne
večdimenzionalni konstrukt, ki se nanaša na individualno
učne vsebine vpliva na njihove zastavljene cilje izobraževanja.
vrednotenje osebnih kognitivnih sposobnosti v kontekstu
Glede na digitalne učne vsebine so se opredelili na
akademskih dosežkov. Dokazuje, da je taki način učenja najbolj
primeren za učence z nizko akademsko samopodobo saj zmanjša
V407: Samostojnost
povezavo med le to in podpiranjem učenčevih sposobnosti za
V408: Radovednost
doseganje ciljev. Največja pomanjkljivost raziskave je, da
temelji na samo-poročanih podatkih sodelujočih, prav tako pa
Ng & Ng, 2015; V501: Starši
starostne skupine niso bile statistično enako porazdeljene.
Lin, McKeachie V502: Zahtevnost
Zanimivo bi bilo mogoče vključiti in preveriti rezultate hibridne
in Kim, 2002
V503: Cilj
skupine, v nadaljnjih študijah pa bi lahko raziskali, če je mogoče
V504: Pomembnost
takšno učno okolje vzpostaviti preko spleta.
V601: Ocena
V602: Pozornost
4 Metodologija
V603: Učinkovitost
V604: Vključenost
Zanimalo nas je:
1. Ali obstaja statistično značilna povezava med uporabo
elektronskih sredstev pri učenju in motivacijo učencev?
2. Ali zunanja in notranja motivacija učenca vplivata na
4.2 Vzorčenje in udeleženci raziskave
samooceno uspešnosti digitalnega učenja?
Naša raziskava se navezuje predvsem na motivacijo in
3. Ali uporaba elektronskih sredstev vpliva na samooceno
uspešnosti digitalnega učenja?
zadovoljstvo z uporabo spletnih učnih vsebin, zato smo izbrali
tudi ustrezne ciljne skupine. Za populacijo smo določili učence
8. in 9. razreda osnovnih šol, dijake srednjih šol in študente
Tabela 4.1: Seznam merljivih spremenljivk
višješolskih in univerzitetnih programov, torej so naše enote
vzorčenja učenci, dijaki in študentje.
Vrednosti spremenljivke
Naš merski instrument je v obliki spletnega vprašalnika, nismo
pa morali pridobiti seznama vseh osnovnošolcev, srednješolcev
in študentov. Poslužili smo se metod priložnostnega vzorčenja in
modela snežne krogle, kjer smo anketo delili med vrstniki in jih
naprosili, naj jo delijo še med svojim poznanstvom, ki spada v
okvir naše populacije raziskave.
4.3 Postopek raziskave
Pridobitev podatkov z uporabo ankete smo izvajali na spletu,
učence, dijake in študentke pa smo k sodelovanju povabili preko
družbenih omrežij in poznanstev v panogi javnega
izobraževanja. Pred izvajanjem ankete so sodelujoči morali
potrditi, da vprašalnik izpolnjujejo prostovoljno, kar zadostuje
Tabela 4.2: Seznam latentnih spremenljivk
etičnim zahtevam za izvedbo spletne ankete. Raziskavo smo
izvajali med 4. 1. 2021 in 18. 1. 2021.
Raziskava je spoštovala etične kodekse. Po zahtevah kodeksa
ameriškega združenja psihologov APA (APA, 2010) smo
upoštevali človekove pravice, poskrbeli za zasebnost in varno
Caglar &
V301: Upravljanje časa
hranjenje podatkov. Podali smo tudi informirano soglasje, s
Turgut, 2014
V302: Učinkovitost
katerim so se udeleženci morali strinjati kot pogoj za reševanje
sredstev pri
poučevanja e-učenja
raziskave. Za zasebnost smo poskrbeli z anonimnim pristopom
V303: Potreba po
reševanja, zbirali pa smo le najnujnejša demografska podatka
naprednih tehničnih
(spol in starost), brez katerih analiziranje podatkov ne bi bilo
mogoče. Sodelujoči so bili obveščeni o obdelavi podatkov v
V304: Prilagodljivost
raziskovalne namene, omogočili pa smo jim, da lahko kadarkoli
izstopijo iz raziskave. Pred izvedbo raziskave smo sodelujoče
V305: Zmanjšanje
seznanili z namenom raziskave, na njihovo željo pa jim bodo
posredovani tudi drugi podatki raziskave, po opravljenem
V306: Izbira učenja
reševanju vprašalnika. Po končani izvedbi raziskave bodo lahko
V307: Izbira
pridobili tudi povratne informacije o rezultatih raziskave.
preverjanja znanja
Pripravljen merski instrument smo najprej posredovali
mentorici v pregled. Ta nam je predlagala popravke na podlagi
Lin, Chen & Liu, V401: Kreativnost
obrazložitve etičnosti naloge, obrazložitve pojmov in
V402: Vztrajnost
pričakovanih informacij od udeležencev ter slovničnih napak.
Schreiber, 2016 V403: Cilj
V404: Uporabnost
Spletni anketni vprašalnik smo nato v predtest posredovali
V405: Zadovoljstvo
manjši izbrani skupini posameznikov, ki so rešili naš vprašalnik.
V406: Izziv
Povratnih informacij niso podali, zato vprašalnika nismo
nadaljnje prilagodili.
4.4 Merski instrument
Tabela 5.2: Rezultati testa neodvisnih vzorcev
Za metodo zbiranja podatkov smo izbrali anonimni spletni
vprašalnik. Razlog za ta izbor je preprosta deljivost, reševanje in
Independent Samples Test
obdelava pridobljenih podatkov. Hkrati je to tudi najvarnejši
pristop zbiranja podatkov glede na trenutno epidemiološko stanje
Samoocena uspešnosti
v Sloveniji.
V uvodu vprašalnika smo sodelujoče seznanili s temo in
variances variances not
namenom zbiranja podatkov v okviru raziskave, ter jih seznanili
assumed assumed
s pogoji sodelovanja. Merski instrument vsebuje štiri sklope
vprašanj z uporabo intervalnih pet stopenjskih lestvic, pri katerih
Levene's Test
udeleženci ocenjujejo svoje strinjanje s podanimi trditvami in
for Equality of
dva sklopa vprašanj zaprtega tipa z izborom odgovora, ki
pridobivajo splošne demografske informacije. Pred začetkom
reševanja intervalnih lestvic smo udeležencem podali krajši
teoretični okvir, ki se navezuje na pričakovane trditve in
Sig. (2-tailed)
Analiza zbranih podatkov je pokazala, da so učenci, ki
of Mean
-.84761 -.84761
uporabljajo več elektronskih sredstev pri učenju bolj uspešni pri
digitalnem učenju.
Std. Error
Lower -114.965 -114.769
Tabela 5.1: Uspešnost e-učenja glede na uporabo
elektronskih sredstev pri učenju
Interval of the Upper -.54557 -.54753
S tem lahko odgovorimo na RV3: Ali uporaba elektronskih
Group Statistics
sredstev vpliva na samooceno uspešnosti digitalnega učenja? Da,
uporaba elektronskih sredstev vpliva na samooceno uspešnosti
Samoocena uspešnosti
digitalnega učenja.
Prav tako lahko potrdimo H1: Uporaba elektronskih sredstev
pri učenju pozitivno vpliva na samooceno uspešnosti digitalnega
učenja. To pomeni, da večja kot je uporaba elektronskih sredstev
pri učenju posameznega učenca, večja bo tudi njegova
samoocena uspešnosti pri digitalnem učenju
sredstev pri učenju
S to raziskavo smo želeli dobiti vpogled v mišljenje
osnovnošolcev, dijakov in študentov glede digitalnega načina
izobraževanja. Predvsem nas je zanimalo kako uporaba
elektronskih sredstev pri učenju vpliva na motivacijo in
Std. Deviation
uspešnost učencev pri takšnem izobraževanju.
Ugotovili smo, da je v praktičnem primeru, ko imajo učenci
na voljo le digitalno izobraževanje, pomembno da je tudi njihova
Std. Error Mean
uporaba elektronskih sredstev čim večja, saj bo tako njihovo
izobraževanje tudi bolj uspešno. Pri tem je pomembno kako e-
V tabeli 5.1 lahko razberemo, da je v skupini z manjšo uporabo
učenje vpliva na njihovo upravljanje s časom, učinkovitost,
elektronskih sredstev pri učenju imela pri samooceni uspešnosti
prilagodljivost njihovih urnikov in kateri način učenja,
digitalnega učenja povprečno vrednost 2,34, skupina z večjo
spremljanja pouka in izvajanja testov jim je ljubši. Tisti, ki so
uporabo elektronskih sredstev pri učenju pa 3,19.
bolj navajeni učenja z digitalnimi sredstvi bodo v digitalnem
Pri testu neodvisnih vzorcev smo izvedeli, da je dvosmerna
okolju imeli veliko prednost.
(ang. 2-tailed) signifikanca enaka 0,000, kar pomeni, da obstaja
Ugotovitve študije služijo kot odgovor na vprašanje “kako
statistično značilna razlika med učenci z nižjo in višjo uporabo
uporaba elektronskih sredstev vpliva na uspešnost digitalnega
elektronskih sredstev pri učenju pri samooceni uspešnosti
učenja?” in je potrdilo, da tovrstne metode prinašajo bistveno
digitalnega učenja.
izboljšavo rezultatov v določenem okolju. Podatki so uporabni
za izobraževalne ustanove, ki morda dvomijo v efektivnost
elektronskih sredstev. Dvomi so seveda še lahko upravičeni,
vendar se bo lahko z večanjem razširjenosti elektronskih sredstev
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uporabe elektronskih sredstev z uspešnostjo. Prav tako bi
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Primeri dobre prakse poučevanja tujega jezika na daljavo
Distance teaching second language – examples of good practices
Blanka Karanjac
OŠ Stična
Ivančna Gorica, Slovenija
teacher burnout. Another challenge is to motivate students to be
active participants.
Poučevanje tujega jezika na daljavo je svojevrsten izziv, saj je
potrebno uporabiti učinkovite metode za poučevanje vseh štirih
Didactics of teaching and monitoring reading and writing skills
jezikovnih spretnosti – govorno in pisno sporočanje, bralno in
is easily adaptable to distance teaching. A more innovative
slušno razumevanje. Potrebno je najti nove učinkovite načine, ki
approach is needed to prepare e-materials. These must enable
so enako učinkoviti kot delo v dvojicah in skupinah,
students to use them easily without help. In the reminder of the
konverzacijo, dober način spremljanja vseh učencev, pri katerem
paper there are some guidelines discussed that have proven
učitelj ne pregori, in motivirati učence, da aktivno sodelujejo pri
Efficient ways of teaching and monitoring listening and speaking
Didaktiko poučevanja in spremljanje napredka pri bralnem in
skills are difficult to decide on. The article bellow analyses some
pisnem sporočanju je relativno enostavno prilagoditi na daljavo.
didactics and applications that have been successfully used.
Več inovacij je potrebnih za pripravo e-gradiv – pripravljena
Traditionally, lesson plans are often made so that a certain
morajo biti tako, da lahko ciljna skupina z njimi dela samostojno.
learning topic is covered during several lessons. Experience has
V članku so opisane glavne smernice za pripravo e-gradiv, ki so
shown that every distance lesson must be planned so that it forms
se izkazale za učinkovite.
a complete individual lesson. It must include presenting a new
Zahtevno je vzpostaviti učinkovite načine za poučevanje in
topic, practice, evaluation, and feedback.
preverjanje na področju slušnega razumevanja in govornega
Therefore, the article shows that students remained motivated for
sporočanja. V prispevku predstavljam didaktiko in orodja, ki so
schoolwork and did not need parents’ help with school materials.
se izkazala za uspešna.
Also, despite good teaching I have managed to avoid burnout.
Pri klasičnem pouku v razredu so pogosto ure pouka načrtovane
This was achieved by certain principles which are the topic of the
tako, da so spoznavanje z novo snovjo, utrjevanje, preverjanje in
article bellow.
dajanje povratne informacije razdrobljeni na več učnih ur.
Učinkovite ure pouka na daljavo so zasnovane tako, da je vsaka
ura pouka samostojna enota, pri kateri se učenci z učnim ciljem
Distance teaching, e-materials, listening comprehension, oral
spoznajo, ga usvojijo in ga učitelj preveri oz. ovrednoti znotraj
communication, burnout
iste učne ure.
Predstavljene metode dela, organizacija in uporaba aplikacij je
na daljavo pripomogla, da so učenci ohranili motivacijo in
pridobili kvalitetno znanje, ne da bi pri samostojnem delu
V spomladanskem prehodu šolanja na daljavo smo se srečevali z
potrebovali pomoč staršev. Predstavljen način dela je zagotovil
drugačnimi izzivi kot v drugem valu. Izzivi prvega obdobja
tudi, da sem lahko ločila služben čas od zasebnega, ne da bi trpela
šolanja na daljavo so bili predvsem tehnične narave –
kvaliteta opravljenega dela.
organizacija pouka, iskanje ustreznih orodij, izbira računalniške
opreme, spodbujanje k računalniški pismenosti, obvladovanje
orodja za komunikacijo in podobno. V zadostni meri smo jih
Poučevanje na daljavo, e-gradiva, slušno razumevanje, govorno
premostili, da smo v jesenskem valu začeli spretneje.
sporočanje, izgorelost
Večji izziv je jeseni predstavljala vsebina – didaktika poučevanja
na daljavo, priprava e-gradiv, struktura učne ure, cilji in vsebina
učne ure, načini spremljanja učencev. Po daljšem obdobju smo
Teaching a foreign language is a unique challenge because it
se borili tudi z izgorelostjo in padanjem motivacije tako učiteljev,
demands teaching all four language skills – speaking, reading,
učencev kot tudi staršev. V nadaljevanju opisujem primere
listening, and writing. Since pair work, group work or
dobrih praks in orodij, s katerimi sem se uspešno spopadla z
conversation are not easy to translate to distance teaching it is
zgoraj naštetimi izzivi – padec motivacije učencev, kvalitetno
necessary to find new efficient ways to teach these skills. It is
poučevanje vseh štirih spretnosti tujega jezika na daljavo,
also important to find ways of monitoring every student to avoid
ohranitev meje med delovnim in prostim časom, samostojnost
učencev in izključitev potrebe sodelovanja staršev pri šolskem
2.3. Bonton med poukom na daljavo
delu njihovih otrok.
Pouka preko videokonference so se učenci seveda lahko
udeleževali tudi navidezno, torej so se npr. vključili v konferenco
in ji ne sledili oz. bili dejansko prisotni. Zato je veljalo, da morajo
učenci imeti ves čas sestanka vklopljene kamere. Če je kdo ni
2.1. Dolžina učne ure
imel, se je vklopil preko telefona ali pa so starši pisno potrdili
težave s kamero, ki smo jih na šoli poskusili rešiti. Učence sem
Psihologi, ki se ukvarjajo s tako imenovanim fenomenom »Zoom
med poukom naključno vabila k sodelovanju, odziv sem
utrujenosti« (orig. Zoom Fatigue), pojasnjujejo, da so naše
pričakovala v roku petih sekund. Učence, ki se niso v razumnem
kognitivne sposobnosti bolj obremenjene med videokonferenco
roku odzvali, izklopili kamere ali kako drugače motili pouk, sem
kot med komunikacijo v živo. [1] Zato je nesmiselno načrtovati
za tisto uro odstranila iz videokonference. V spletno učilnico smo
pouk, pri katerem bomo polno skoncentrirani 45 minut. Ura
namreč priprave na učne ure obešali tudi za tiste ure pouka, ki so
pouka na daljavo mora biti bodisi časovno krajša bodisi
bile izvedene na daljavo prek videokonference, tako da jim
dinamično razdeljena tako, da zahteva od udeležencev aktivno
pravica do izobraževanja ni bila odvzeta. Učenci so zelo hitro
sodelovanje in praktično delo.
ugotovili, da je potrebnega manj časa in napora, če delaš z
2.2. Vsebinska struktura ure
razredom kot pa sam, s pomočjo priprave v spletni učilnici.
Učne ure na daljavo sem načrtovala v vsaj treh različnih delih.
Prvi del – frontalno podajanje snovi
Začetek ure je bil vedno načrtovan kot najkrajši, okvirno dolg
deset minut. Vedno je vseboval tudi seznanitev učencev s
3.1. Preglednost spletne učilnice
potekom, cilji in predvidenimi dejavnostmi tiste učne ure.
V spletnih učilnicah se zelo hitro nabere veliko povezav in
drugega gradiva. Če je gradiva preveč, učence demotivira. Če je
Drugi del – demonstracija uporabe
slabo organizirano, porabijo preveč časa za navigacijo in manj za
Glavni del ure je bil namenjen usvajanju nove učne snovi.
učno snov.
Uporabo oz. način usvajanja nove snovi sem na vsaj treh
Zato sem gradiva in spletno učilnico organizirala kar se da
primerih demonstrirala sama ali pa v paru oz. skupini z
določenimi učenci. Če smo na primer jemali novo slovnično
strukturo, sem s tremi različnimi učenci izpeljala kratek voden
Organizacija spletne učilnice
pogovor po modelu, katerega del je bila struktura. Cilj je bil, da
Arnesove spletne učilnice so izredno učinkovito orodje, ki
vsi v skupini vedo, kako je potrebno vaditi, da novo snov
nadomestijo šolski prostor. Ker je lahko virov in povezav v njej
zelo veliko, lahko navigiranje v tem prostoru postane zamudno
Ko smo bili vsi prepričani, da vemo, kako učenje poteka, sem jih
in begajoče. Prvi korak k motivaciji za delo je bila torej ploščična
s pomočjo Microsoft Teams Breakout Rooms razdelila v pare ali
organizacija spletne učilnice. Vsak razred je na svoji ploščici
skupine, kjer so se učili po danem zgledu. Med učenjem sem se
imel tudi drugačno sličico (Slika 1), kar jim je olajšalo hitro
vključila v vsako ločeno skupino ali par, jih spremljala ali pa jim
nudila dodatno pomoč.
Zadnji del – formativno spremljanje in povratna informacija
Zadnji del videokonference je bil najpomembnejši. Vedno je bil
sestavljen tako, da so učenci na koncu ure v živo preizkusili in
pokazali usvojeno znanje tiste učne ure. Odvisno od učnih ciljev
Slika 1: Organizacija spletne učilnice po razredih
tiste ure so rešili interaktivno preverjanje znanja. To je bil
pogosto interaktiven test, ki je vseboval različne tipe vprašanj ali
Organizacija snovi znotraj razreda (ene ploščice)
nalog, ki so ustrezno preverjale cilje tiste učne ure. Pomembno
Vsaka priprava na učno uro je bila oštevilčena in naslovljena
je bilo, da so morali interaktivne vaje rešiti v živo, dokler so bili
(Slika 2).
še vključeni v videokonferenco, saj sem jih ob tem spremljala na
Za lažjo navigacijo je bilo pomembno tudi, da hkrati ni bilo v
kameri oz. sem sledila poteku reševanja testa posameznih
spletni učilnici posameznega razreda obešenih več priprav kot
učencev. Zahtevala sem, da test rešujejo toliko časa, da dosežejo
štiri, kar pomeni, da ni bilo treba koleščkati na dno strani.
vsaj 90 % možnih točk oz. dokler nove učne snovi ne usvojijo.
Zaporedno številčenje se je izkazalo za mnogo preglednejši in
S tem je bilo poskrbljeno, da so vsi sproti napredovali, da sem
uporabnejši sistem kot datiranje za sledenje zaporedju
imela pregled nad tistimi, ki so v danem trenutku potrebovali
arhiviranih priprav.
dodatno pomoč in predvsem, da niti oni niti jaz nismo redno
imeli dodatne domače naloge.
Priprava je morala biti napisana tako, da jo je učenec lahko
uporabil samostojno. Pri tem so se poleg številčenja izkazale
koristne barvne kode, številke korakov, posnetki zaslona in
videoposnetki delov razlag.
Barvne kode in oštevilčeni koraki
V navodilih za samostojno delo sem v pripravah uporabljala
barvne kode. Premišljeno barvno kodiranje spodbuja organiziran
tok misli. [2] Z živo zeleno barvo sem opozorila na del navodil,
ki so zahtevala neko aktivnost učencev. Povezave do
videoposnetkov so bile označene temnomodro, uvodni del, ki ni
bil del učnih ciljev, svetlo zeleno, neobvezne aktivnosti rumeno,
rešitve z vijolično (Slika 5). To je učencem pomagalo, da so se
že ob bežnem skeniranju besedila hitro orientirali.
Na isti sliki je tudi vidno, da so koraki za delo po pripravi
Slika 2: Organizacija snovi znotraj enega razreda (ene ploščice)
oštevilčeni. Tudi to je učencem prihranilo trud, sploh če se niso
držali vrstnega reda dejavnosti.
Na koncu tekočega tedna sem priprave pospravila v mapo z
naslovom ARHIV priprav na pouk, kjer so učencem vedno na
voljo. Arhivirane priprave v mapi ARHIV si sledijo po
kronološkem redu in jim je zato lahko slediti (Slika 3).
Slika 5: Uporaba barvnih kod
Kadar je bilo smiselno, sem namesto napisane razlage in navodil
Slika 3: Organizacija mape ARHIV priprav
ustvarila videoposnetek. Čeprav je lahko priprava kvalitetne
video razlage časovno bistveno zahtevnejša od napisane
Pomembno je bilo tudi ločiti obvezno snov rednega pouka od
priprave, je to investicija v prihodnost. Kvaliteten videoposnetek
dodatnih aktivnosti. Te sem z oznako jasno označila z napisom
snovi, ki jo vsako leto obravnavamo, nam lahko pride prav tudi
pod mapo arhiva priprav (Slika 4).
v prihodnosti, kot npr. zaposlitev za nadomeščanje, dopolnilni
pouk ipd.
V spletno učilnico sem vgradila pisno pripravo, ki je vsebovala
povezavo do tega posnetka. Samostojno vgrajevanje URL
povezave ni bilo smiselno, ker se povezave ne da pospraviti v
mapo ARHIV.
Kratka povezava namesto obširne pisne razlage je že na pogled
spodbudila učence, ker so videli, da bo snov količinsko
Slika 4: Ločevalna oznaka z napisom
obvladljiva. Tudi za učence je bilo lažje spremljati zvok, sliko in
ustaviti ali pohitriti videoposnetek. Na ta način tudi staršem ni
3.2. Kvalitetna priprava na pouk
bilo treba predelovati pisnih priprav, da bi otroku interpretirali
navodila (Slika 6).
Čeprav smo velik del pouka izvajali na daljavo prek
videokonferenc, smo priprave za pouk obešali v spletno učilnico
za vse ure pouka. Priprave, ki so bile predvidene za pouk na
daljavo, so bile na voljo šele po izvedeni uri prek
videokonference, po potrebi med njo. To je bilo pomembno, zato
da so vsi učenci pouku sledili enako zbrano.
Slika 7: Primer balasta v pripravi
Pri delu na daljavo smo učitelji v nevarnosti, da izgorimo. [3] K
Slika 6: Del priprave na pouk – navodila in razlaga v obliki
občutku, da nimamo več nadzora nad svojimi obremenitvami,
videoposnetka, del navodila napisan na roko
prispeva precej posebnosti pouka na daljavo. Ena je nenaravna
komunikacija, ki povzroča »Zoom utrujenost«. Druga so številna
Moteč del pisnih priprav
orodja, ki omogočajo nadzor nad vsako dejavnostjo vsakega
Del ure pouka je vedno tudi običajna komunikacija, ki ni
učenca. Če nas to zapelje, da pretirano sledimo njihovemu
povezana z učnimi cilji. Pisna priprava za samostojno delo ne
napredku in preveč ažurno ponujamo pomoč, lahko ta
more biti nadomestek za pouk v razredu, zato je v pisni pripravi
preobremenitev prispeva k izgorelosti, saj je učencev bistveno
na pouk vse, kar niso kratka in jasna navodila ali razlaga, moteče.
več kot učiteljev. Nenazadnje pa so tu še komunikacijska orodja,
Sčasoma smo z učenci ugotovili, da pri pisnih pripravah za
prek katerih smo dosegljivi staršem in učencem za celostno
samostojno delo moti ves balast, s katerim smo želeli nadomestiti
podporo tudi v prostem času. Preventivni ukrepi, ki so se obnesli,
pomanjkanje vzdušja v razredu. Emotikoni, dekorativne sličice,
so bili v glavnem dobra organizacija časa, uporaba aplikacij, ki
spodbudni nagovori, humorne domislice in celo pozdravi so se
reducirajo oz. skrajšajo odvečno delo, in pa spoznanje, da je
izkazali za moteče. Skoraj vse naštete poskuse, da bi pristno
potrebno del bremena tudi delegirati oz. vsaj deliti. [4]
komunikacijo in vzdušje v razredu prenesla v pisno obliko, sem
opustila. Da bi priprave vseeno ne bile popolnoma brezosebne,
4.1. Organizacija časa
sem suhoparnost popestrila s kakšnim stavkom navodila, ki sem
ga, namesto natipkala, napisala na roko in pa seveda namesto
V času pouka na daljavo me je poleg didaktičnih procesov
pisne razlage posnela video (Slika 6).
obremenjevala tudi stalna komunikacija s starši, kolegi in učenci.
Straši so mi pisali elektronsko pošto z nujnimi obvestili,
prošnjami in raznoraznimi vprašanji vse dni in ure v tednu.
Emotikoni so v elektronski komunikaciji nekaj običajnega, v
Učenci so mi pisali prek Microsoft Teams sporočila v klepet ob
pripravi pa motijo koncentracijo. Učenci razmišljajo, kakšno
vseh mogočih urah in na vse dni v tednu. Sprva sem se odzivala
povezavo v zvezi s snovjo oz. navodilom signalizirajo. Vesel
na vse takoj, kasneje pa ugotovila, da se čutim dolžna izven
emotikon bi lahko pomenil, da del razlage, poleg katerega je, ni
delovnega časa odzivati le v dveh primerih, in sicer ko gre za
obvezen, potrt emotikon pa, da je snov pretežka za povprečnega
tehnično podporo, da lahko učenec sledi pouku, ali pa ko gre za
učenca (Slika 7).
hudo čustveno stisko.
Po premisleku sem se odločila, da bom v tehnično in učno
Dekorativne ilustracije
podporo učencem in staršem vsak delovni dan ob isti
Pouk v razredu je za vsakega udeleženca doživetje. Poleg samega
popoldanski uri dosegljiva prek videokonference. Povezavo sem
podajanja, sprejemanja in usvajanja snovi je čar pouka
vgradila v spletno učilnico. Že v prvem tednu je bilo lažje za vse
atmosfera, ki jo soustvarjamo skupaj z učenci. Včasih se kdo
– vsi so vedeli, da lahko po nasvet ali pomoč pridejo ob 19. uri,
spontano pošali ali pa nas nepričakovane asociacije zapeljejo
zato me za tovrstno pomoč niso več obremenjevali po drugih
stran od začrtane strukture ure. Pri pisnih pripravah na
samostojno delo smo s kolegicami sprva poskusile ta del vzdušja
Težje pa je bilo omejiti komunikacijo z učenci, ki so se name
nadomestiti s prijaznimi ilustracijami. Podobno kot emotikone so
obračali v hudih čustvenih stiskah tudi sredi noči. Te učence sem
slikovni del učenci razumeli kot ponazoritev razlage, kar je
povabila na individualne pogovore, ko je kriza minila. Z vsakim
oteževalo razumevanje.
takim učencem sva se dogovorila, da bova ustanovila skupinico,
v katero bosta poleg naju vključena še dva delavca šole, ki jima
Spodbudni nagovori, domislice, pozdravi
učenec zaupa. Tako nas ni skrbelo, da bo učenec v krizi ostal
Razne dobronamerne prijaznosti v smislu »Pozdravljeni učenci,
sam, pa še kot ekipa smo bili boljša pomoč od posameznika.
upam, da ste lepo preživeli praznike ...« demotivirajo, ker
zasedajo prostor na strani in tako je priprava že na pogled daljša
4.2. Povratna informacija učencem
in zamudnejša. Učenca, ki se take priprave loti po npr. treh
V razredu včasih že iz govorice telesa in interakcije v družbi
videokonferencah in dveh pisnih pripravah na samostojno delo
vemo, kako in koliko učenci delajo samostojno, na daljavo pa
pri drugih predmetih, lahko zamori, ker že na pogled deluje, da
nam ta vpogled manjka in nas skrbi. Zato sem v začetku
bo snovi preveč.
zahtevala, da so mi v elektronski obliki redno pošiljali fotografije
Čeprav so jedrnata in konkretna, pregledno označena in barvno
svojih izdelkov. Ker je bilo dnevno pregledovanje in pošiljanje
zakodirana navodila morda na videz brezosebna, so vendarle
povratnih informacij cca 100 izdelkov dnevno prezahtevno, sem
poiskala boljše načine.
Obilica orodij in aplikacij, ki omogočajo vpogled v praktično
Prva je ta, da učenca prisili k učenju. Kot omenjeno, če je naloga
vsako dejavnost vsakega posameznega učenca, nas lahko hitro
zastavljena tako, da npr. preverja znanje novega besedišča, se ob
zapelje v to, da ves prosti čas učitelji porabimo za pregledovanje
vsakem reševanju naloge pojavi naključen nabor besed po
zapiskov, domačih nalog, spisov in podobnih izdelkov. Seveda
naključnem vrstnem redu. Če od učenca zahteva, da nalogo reši
je potrebno spremljati napredovanje učenca, vendar po principu
trikrat zapored, dokler ne doseže določenega odstotka pravilno
manj je več in kvaliteta pred kvantiteto. V nadaljevanju navajam
rešenih primerov, se že prek teh poskusov snov nauči.
nekaj aktivnosti, ki so se dobro obnesle.
Po mojih izkušnjah je to učinkovitejši način, da učenca
spodbudiš k učenju, kot če napoveš ocenjevanje.
Pregled zapiskov v živo
Druga prednost kvizov v spletni učilnici pa je enostavno
Pisanje zapiskov v zvezek in reševanje pisnih vaj so učenci pred
pridobivanje konkretnih podatkov, s katerimi lahko staršem in
vklopljenimi kamerami izvajali pri pouku v živo. Preden sem jim
razrednikom realno poročamo o napredku in delu učencev. Ko
videokonferenco dovolila zapustiti, so mi prepisano snov in
so učenci vpisani v spletno učilnico, program sledi vsaki
rešene vaje pokazali v kamero. Pred tem dogovorom učenci
učenčevi dejavnosti in napredku. Izpišemo lahko raznovrstna
zapiskov niso vsi niti ustvarili ali pa so jih preprosto prekopirali
poročila o vsaki njihovi aktivnosti. Tako je formativno
iz priprave.
spremljanje učenca olajšano, prav tako izpis poročil s
konkretnimi informacijami.
Pregledovanje pisnih izdelkov
Pregledovanje pisnih sestavkov je potekalo na enak način. Že s
tem, ko so pisne sestavke pisali v živo, sem poskrbela, da je to
storilo veliko več učencev, kot če bi morali to narediti sami izven
Pouk tujega jezika na daljavo je kompleksnejši od poučevanja
pouka. Poleg tega sem jim bila med pisanjem tudi na voljo prek
večine drugih predmetov, saj morajo učenci napredovati tudi pri
klepeta za morebitne zadrege.
spretnostih, ki se jih ne da naučiti frontalno. Didaktika učenja
Kar je bilo ustvarjalnega pisanja, so mi učenci še vedno oddajali
konverzacije, izgovorjave in uporabe besedišča ter slovničnih
zapiske v spletno učilnico, če sem se odločila preverjati pravopis.
struktur v razredu ni enostavno prilagoditi učenju na daljavo. S
Pogosto pa sem se odločila preverjati samo vsebino, slovnico,
primernimi orodji in didaktičnimi načini lahko vodimo učence,
izgovorjavo in besedišče, zapisa besed pa ne. V tem primeru so
da napredujejo tudi na teh specifičnih področjih. Ob daljšem
mi v spletno učilnico oddali zvočni zapis svojega izdelka.
šolanju na daljavo tako učencem kot učiteljem pade motivacija.
Poslušanje posnetka branja njihovega ustvarjalnega izdelka je
Temu se lahko v veliki meri izognemo, če so učenci v pouk
bilo mnogo hitrejše in tudi moja povratna informacija, ki sem jo
vključeni aktivno in sodelovalno. Staršem je potrebno omogočiti,
prav tako oddala v spletno učilnico v obliki zvočnega zapisa, je
da se lahko umaknejo iz učnega procesa. Zato je potrebno
bila nazornejša. Poleg tega so učenci poleg pisanja povadili tudi
pripraviti in organizirati e-gradiva tako, da jih je vsak učenec
branje in izgovorjavo.
sposoben uporabiti samostojno, brez pomoči. Z dobro
organizacijo in vlaganjem časa v učenje možnosti, ki mi jih
4.3. Preverjanje znanja
ponujajo spletna orodja, se učitelji lahko izognemo izgorevanju,
V jesenskem delu šolanja na daljavo nisem več pregledovala
saj lahko napredku učencev sledimo natančno in časovno
preverjanj znanja, ki bi mi jih učenci oddajali v npr. pdf obliki.
Namesto tega sem se naučila v spletni učilnici ustvariti teste oz.
tako imenovane kvize, kjer učenci dobijo povratno informacijo
takoj. Časovni vložek v učenje sestavljanja različnih tipov nalog
je velik, saj je bil cilj znati sestaviti različne tipe nalog, s katerimi
[1] Allianz Care. 2021. Zoom Fatigue – Why video calls are so exhausting.
bi lahko preverila vse štiri sporazumevalne spretnosti. Na dolgi
Dostopno na naslovu Zoom Fatigue – Why video calls are so exhausting
| Allianz Care (16. 3. 2021) rok me je pridobljeno znanje rešilo pred izgorelostjo. Naloge se
[2] Allyson Caudill. 2018. Color-Coding: The Differentiation Strategy You
avtomatično popravijo same, ob napaki se učencu izpiše tudi
Never Knew You Needed Dostopno na naslovu
https://www.weareteachers.com/color-coding-classroom/ (27. 12. 2018) razlaga. Še vedno pa sem pregledala tiste tipe nalog, kjer so
[3] A. Pšeničny. 2008. Prepoznavanje in preprečevanje izgorelosti.
odgovori prosti – npr. dolgi odgovori pri bralnem razumevanju,
Dostopno na naslovu
spis ali govorna prestavitev.
ktaIzgorelost.pdf (november 2021) Poleg prihranka časa imajo kvizi v spletnih učilnicah še dve
[4] Caralee Adams. 2019. 15 Smart Ways to Prevent Teacher Burnout That
prednosti, vredni poudarka.
Really Work. Dostopno na naslovu
https://www.weareteachers.com/prevent-teacher-burnout/ (5. 12. 2019) 501
Poučevanje na daljavo v prvem razredu
First grade distance teaching
Sonja Klemen
Osnovna šola narodnega heroja Maksa Pečarja
Ljubljana, Slovenija
starši, učitelji in učenci. Porodila so se nova spoznanja, novi
načini poučevanja in spremljanje učenčevega napredka direktno
Opisuje potek izvajanja pouka na daljavo z uporabo sodobnih
iz učiteljevega v učenčevo domače okolje.
informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij. Učinkovitost in
prednost predhodnih izobraževanj ter usposabljanja učiteljev za
izvedbo pouka na daljavo. Usposabljanje staršev za prenos
učiteljevih navodil pri uporabi spletnih učilnic. Pomen
osveščanja varnosti na internetu ter spletni bonton. Vpliv
komunikacije na razvoj osebnosti. Posledice socialne izoliranosti
Način poučevanja na daljavo je za učitelje predstavljal velik
ter soočenje s stresom. Prednosti in slabosti pouka na daljavo.
izziv. Šolske institucije so omogočale različna izobraževanja iz
področja informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Učitelji
smo se seznanili z različnimi spletnimi platformami, sistemi in
Komunikacija, poučevanje na daljavo, uporaba sodobnih
orodji za učenje na daljavo. Seznanitev in končno poznavanje
tehnologij in e/i-gradiv, stres, vrednotenje znanja
orodij za poučevanje na daljavo, je bilo nujno potrebno za spletna
srečanja ter njihovo nadgradnjo. V času pouka na daljavo se je
obrestovalo večletno postopno vključevanje informacijsko-
Describing the way of online teaching with the support of
komunikacijske tehnologije v učni proces. Ravno tako so se v
information - communication technologies. Effectiveness and
osnovnih šolah izvajala izobraževanja iz področja računalništva
advantage of previous way of education and training of teachers
za vse generacije učencev.
to perform online teaching. Parents training to apply teacher
Ure računalništva za obvladovanje osnov računalniškega
instructions when using online classrooms. The importance of
opismenjevanja so marsikateremu otroku olajšala spletna
awareness of online safety and online etiquette. The influence of
srečanja. Kljub temu, da smo v razcvetu uporabe in dostopnosti
communication on personality development. Consequences of
do različnih komunikacijskih tehnologij in veščin, uporaba teh še
social isolation and stress handling. Advantages and
zdaleč ni dosegljiva vsem, ki bi si to želeli, bodisi iz naslova
disadvantages of distance learning.
finančne nezmožnosti ali slabšega omrežnega dostopa do
digitaliziranega območja. Problemi so zlasti pri tistih učencih, ki
izhajajo iz šibkejšega socialnega okolja in v domačem okolju
Communication, education, online teaching, use of modern
niso imeli ali nimajo prave možnosti dostopa in seznanitve z
technologies and materials, stress, evaluation of knowledge
uporabo računalniške tehnologije.
Pri pouk na daljavo, je bilo potrebno na začetku usvojiti
nekatera pravila bontona iz obnašanja pred računalnikom.
Dogovor z učenci in njihovimi starši je vključeval, da se pred
Posledica pandemije in posledično globalnih sprememb
začetkom videokonference uredimo, pripravimo svoj delovni
današnjega časa, je poučevanje otrok na daljavo. Učenje na
prostor, šolske pripomočke in učbenike ter se pravočasno
daljavo je prineslo nove oblike izvajanja pouka. Od učitelja se je
vključimo v videokonferenco. Dogovor je vključeval tudi, da
naenkrat pričakovalo, da obvlada interaktivna področja. Večletna
odstranimo vse moteče dejavnike, se med videokonferenco ne
nadgradnja in usposabljanje učiteljev iz področja informacijsko-
prehranjujemo, uporabljamo ikono za dvig roke ter se ne
komunikacijske tehnologije je pokazala svoje pozitivne
sprehajamo po prostoru ali igramo.
rezultate. Začetna negotovost glede poteka poučevanja na
Ravno tako so na daljavo potekale tudi učiteljske konference,
daljavo je hitro prerasla v učinkovito, uspešno in rutinsko
izobraževanja in usposabljanja učiteljev. Na šoli, kjer poučujem,
opravilo. Ob začetku izvajanja pouka na daljavo se je postavljalo
je bila vpeljana praksa medgeneracijske pomoči med učitelji pri
ogromno vprašanj. Sama izvedba je od učitelja zahtevala
usvajanju interaktivnih veščin ter pomoč pri začetni izpeljavi
neprimerno več dela, ogromno novih smernic pri načrtovanju,
usklajevanju ter izvedbi pouka. V veliko pomoč učitelju so bili
pouka na daljavo. Vzpostavila se je tudi spletna različica
interaktivni učbeniki, vsebine ter smernice in priporočila vseh
pogovornih ur ter roditeljskih sestankov. Vsekakor so pogovorne
deležnikov pri poučevanju na daljavo. Vsekakor pa so ključno
ure in roditeljski sestanki v fizični obliki najboljši in
vlogo pri mlajši populaciji šolskih otrok odigrali starši. Za
najprimernejši komunikacijski stik med starši in učitelji.
izvedbo pouka na daljavo je bilo ključno dobro sodelovanje med
2. 1 Varna raba interneta
bilo potrebno preveriti ali imajo vsi otroci možnost, da
spremljajo pouk na daljavo. Šola je poskrbela, da nihče ni ostal
Varna raba interneta je pomembna za vse uporabnike, tako za
brez računalnika. Večje število učencev je pouk spremljalo v
najmlajše, kot tudi za starejše uporabnike spleta. Danes je
dopoldanskem času. Otroci tistih staršev, ki niso službovali od
življenje otrok in odraslih povezano in prepleteno z uporabo
doma, pa so imeli pouk v popoldanskem času. Kljub
sodobnih tehnologij, različnih medijev, ki oglašujejo svoje
prilagojenemu načinu izvedbe pouka, je bilo potrebno vključiti
storitve in nas vpletajo v svet različnih aplikacij in spletnih
še ostale deležnike, ki so prispevali svoje učne vsebine (dodatni
storitev. Seveda pa so najmlajši uporabniki najranljivejša
in dopolnilni pouk, krožke, angleščino, učno pomoč…) in jih
skupina in so lahko hitro žrtev spletnih prevar in zlorab. Zato je
časovno umestiti v tedenski koledar. Ob vsem prilagajanju smo
ozaveščanje o pasteh in nevarnostih na spletu izrednega pomena.
učitelji ugotovili, da tak način poučevanja za učence in učitelje
Zlasti je pomembno ozaveščati najmlajšo in najranljivejšo
predstavlja dnevno dopoldansko in popoldansko obvezo.
generacijo otrok.
Potrebno je bilo izobraziti starše učencev. Zaradi različne
Veliko prvošolcev zna osnovno uporabljati sodobne
računalniške pismenosti, socialne neenakopravnosti pri dostopu
komunikacijske naprave, telefon, tablični računalnik. Risanke,
do informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij, so šole
filmi, računalniške igrice so njihove najbolj priljubljene vsebine.
organizirale več spletnih izobraževanj za vzpostavljanje
Vsakodnevno igranje igric lahko povzroči odvisnost in čustvene
komunikacijskih kanalov in nudile glede na različne družinske
motnje. Strokovnjaki opozarjajo, da naj bi učenci prve triade
razmere tudi individualni pristop do usposabljanja osnovnih
osnovne šole, preživeli pred zaslonom v prostem času, največ
računalniških veščin. Na razredni stopnji se prvi stik z učenci
eno uro na dan. Pomembno je nenehno osveščanje staršev in
vzpostavlja preko staršev. Njihova vloga je, da poskrbijo za
učiteljev na škodljivost pretirane uporabe sodobnih naprav.
prenos navodil učencu. Z vpeljavo stalnice videokonferenčnih
Zlasti učitelji opozarjamo otroke na tovrstne nezdrave razvade.
rutin se vloga in prisotnost staršev zmanjšuje. Preko spletnih
Pogosto je domače okolje tisto, ki lahko zavira ali spodbuja
učilnic in elektronske pošte so starši komunicirali z učitelji,
tovrstna dejanja. Otroke opozarjamo na pomembnost zdravega
učenci pa preko spletnih učilnic spremljali pouk. Učitelji so
življenjskega sloga, z zagotavljanjem dobrega fizičnega in
nalagali v spletne učilnice različno učno gradivo, ki so ga starši
psihičnega počutja učencev. Osveščamo jih o pomenu
otrokom lahko večkrat predvajali ali glede na vsebino natisnili.
prijateljstva, druženja z vrstniki, prijatelji, sorojenci.
Razlaga snovi v obliki PowerPointov je bila bolj pregledna in
2. 2 Izzivi v poučevanju
vsebinsko bogata. Učiteljeva razlaga je bila po potrebi tudi
posneta, da so si učenci lahko večkrat pogledali posnetek in s tem
Poučevanje v prvem razredu temelji predvsem na konkretnih
hitreje in lažje usvajali znanje. Pomemben je bil neposreden stik
primerih in izkustvenem učenju. Ko smo prešli iz klasičnega
učenca z učiteljem. Ob koncu vsake videokonference so imeli
načina poučevanja v razredu na pouk na daljavo je bilo potrebno
učenci priložnost, da so se med seboj pogovorili, spraševali, se
razmisliti tudi o prenosu in izvedbi učnih vsebin, ki so pri
dogovarjali in je med njimi potekala komunikacija. Preglednost
klasičnem poučevanju vsebovale konkretno in izkustveno
spletnih učilnic je bila učinkovita in praktična ter je nudila
učenje. Porajala so se tudi vprašanja, kako in na kak način
povratno informacijo učitelju, ko so starši pošiljali v spletno
podajati oziroma posredovati znanje na daljavo, da bo cilj
učilnico tedenske izdelke otrok. Starši so imeli vpogled v
usvojen in ga bo možno kasneje tudi vrednotiti. Kako narediti
Teamsov koledar, kjer so bile dnevno zabeležene učne in druge
pouk prijeten in hkrati učinkovit, kako vključiti dovolj in ne
dejavnosti njihovih otrok. To je predstavljalo olajšanje staršem
preveč slikovnega in glasovnega materiala ter kako vplivati na
in učiteljem. Starši učencev so lahko nemoteno preko spletnih
gibalni, čutni del pouka.
učilnic pošiljali predstavitve knjig iz naslova različnih bralnih
Pouk na daljavo je vključeval tudi pripravo in izdelavo
značk ali pa učiteljici ter knjižničarki kar v živo preko spleta
različnih didaktičnih pripomočkov tako iz naravnih, kot drugih
predstavilili izbrano knjigo ali pesmico za bralno značko.
materialov, ki so bili učitelju in učencem v pomoč pri didaktičnih
Ravno to sodelovanje in usklajevanje med starši in učitelji je
vsebinah. Primer; Pri spoznavanju okolja smo se pogovarjali o
še poglobilo vez v trikotniku: učitelj – starš – učenec. Kot
prvih znanilcih pomladi. Učitelji smo preko videokonference z
učiteljica sem začutila, da nam starši sedaj pripisujejo višjo
učenci predstavili in opisali rastline, prinešene iz narave, kot so
vrednost našega dela in poklica, kot je ta predstavljal pred
zvonček, kronica, trobentica, žafran, teloh. Vsako rastlino smo
poučevanjem na daljavo. Marsikateri starš je ob tovrstnem
natančno opisali, povedali kje raste… Pred zaključkom
poučevanju bolje razumel naravo učiteljevega poslanstva in s
videokonference so posamezni učenci ponovili poimenovanje
spoštljivostjo vrednotil trud, poučevanje ter nenazadnje same
rastline ter jo opisali. Učitelji smo tako dobili povratno
priprave učnih sklopov ter njihovo izvedbo.
informacijo o znanju. Zanimivo je bilo, da so nekateri učenci ob
Šola, na kateri poučujem, se je odločila za uporabo aplikacije
naslednjem srečanju pokazali ostalim učencem rastline, ki so jih
Microsoft Office in Teams. Gre za celovito digitalizirano učno
sami nabrali v naravi in jih opisali. Pomembno je, da učenci tako
okolje. Vključuje sistem upravljanja učenja z vsemi potrebnimi
spremljajo lastni napredek, razvijajo spretnost komuniciranja,
orodji. Učiteljem in staršem je navedena aplikacija omogočala
poglabljajo pozitiven odnos do učenja ter si krepijo samozavest.
lažjo dostopnost in preglednost do vseh ostalih aplikacij in
Nadgradnja obravnavane snovi so bile naloge v delovnem
orodij. Preko nje so starši lahko komunicirali z učitelji ter
zvezku ter učni listi. Starši so naloge poslikali ter jih naložili v
nalagali opravljene naloge svojih otrok v odprte datoteke.
spletno učilnico v vpogled učitelju, kot povratno informacijo o
Učitelji smo imeli omogočen vpogled in pregled nad
učenčevem delu in napredku.
opravljenimi nalogami ter s kljukico v datoteki označili, da je
Učitelji prve triade smo bili pri pouku na daljavo odvisni od
naloga opravljena in pregledana. Veliko podporo spletnemu
staršev, njihovega sodelovanja in pomoči otroku. V prvi fazi je
poučevanju so omogočili interaktivni učbeniki in delovni zvezki
ter interaktivni zvezki. S pomočjo teh je bilo veliko lažje
izrednega pomena. Socialni stiki se krepijo ob igri in druženju. S
predavati in zapisovati snov. Učencem je bila omogočena večja
prihodom otrok v prvi razred, se krepijo nova ter utrjujejo stara
preglednost nad zapisi v delovnih zvezkih in zvezkih. Direkten
poznanstva iz vrtca.
vpogled nad učiteljevim izvajanjem zapisov je vzpodbujal
Socialne izkušnje in interakcije med otroci so se z zaprtjem
učence k zbranosti, večji učinkovitosti in pomnenju učne snovi
šol povsem spremenile. Otroci so bili v času šolanja na daljavo
ter lažjo sledljivost pri pouku. Učitelj pa je z zapisi v delovni
prikrajšani za stike s svojimi sošolci. Zato se na področju
zvezek ali zvezek lažje sledil in preverjal znanje učencev.
socialnega razvoja lahko pojavijo zaostanki zaradi pomanjkanja
Povratna informacija je bila tako obojestranska in učinkovita.
interakcij izven družinskega okolja. Zaskrbljujoči so tudi podatki
Spletni portali z elektronskim učnim gradivom so bili v veliko
o fizičnem zdravju otrok. Glede gibalnega razvoja otrok je veliko
pomoč učiteljem in ti so lahko gradiva prilagajali po svojem
polemik sprožila slovenska študija, katere rezultati že kažejo na
okusu. Gradiva različnih založniških hiš so bila nadgradnja
poslabšane dosežke otrok pri športno vzgojnem kartonu (SLOfit,
tiskane izdaje z enakim naslovom. Vsa gradiva so ponujala
orodjarno s številnimi uporabnimi orodji, nekatere izmed njih pa
Vsaka vojna ali kriza pusti pečat pri ljudeh. Vsak različno
so bogatile še z interaktivnimi nalogami, avdio- in videoposnetki,
doživlja krizna obdobja v svojem življenju. Zagotovo bo tudi
s spletnimi povezavami ter drugimi multimedijskimi dodatki.
pandemija Covida-19 dolgoročno pustila posledice tako na
Ob tem Brodnik (2013, str. 356) izpostavlja, da »so postala e-
učnem, kot vedenjskem področju novodobnih generacij otrok.
gradiva sestavni del pouka (tudi pri poučevanju v živo, op. avt.).
Najmanj posledic bodo občutile generacije najmlajših.
Izdelujejo, posodabljajo, objavljajo in uporabljajo jih učitelji,
Generacija otrok v zgodnjem in poznem otroštvu pa več. Vrstniki
vzgojitelji, ravnatelji, računalnikarji, vse bolj pa tudi učenci ter
so pomemben dejavnik v njihovem življenju. Prikrajšanost za
dijaki. Na voljo so tudi številna vnaprej pripravljena e-gradiva,
stike z vrstniki, bo pri nekaterih pustila posledice pri
ki jih pojmujemo kot vsa digitalna gradiva za doseganje učnih
vzpostavljanju stikov, sporazumevanju, timskem delu ter na
ciljev. E-gradiva zanesljivo prispevajo k večji kakovosti pouka
čustvenem področju. Zaradi povečane uporabe sodobnih
in k izgradnji bolj poglobljenega znanja, saj multimedijski
komunikacijskih naprav, se krepijo z računalniškim znanjem
elementi omogočajo bolj poglobljeno in kakovostno obravnavo
podprte generacije. Prednosti pouka na daljavo bodo dolgoročno
učne snovi, interaktivnost pa prispeva k večji aktivni vlogi
vidne v obliki izpopolnjenih informacijsko-komunikacijskih
učencev in dijakov. E-gradiva omogočajo kakovostno
veščin otrok. Bogatenje usvajanja teh veščin bo pozitivno v
sodelovalno učenje na daljavo, reševanje problemov,
kasnejšem obdobju, ko se bo ta generacija otrok pojavila na trgu
raziskovanje in ustvarjanje.«
dela. Po drugi strani se povečuje trend dela od doma, kar gre
V prvem razredu je tehnika poučevanja prilagojena učnim
sigurno na roko sedanji generaciji bodočih iskalcev zaposlitve.
vsebinam. Učni načrt vključuje različne metode in oblike
Žal, sodobne naprave in aplikacije ne morejo nadomestiti
poučevanja, ki so primerne za mlajše otroke. Razlaga in prikaz
človeške bližine, pristnosti in pogovora, zaradi katerih bodo
temelji na izkustvenem učenju, podkrepljenem na konkretnih
prikrajšane novodobne generacije. (Jeriček, H., 2010) pravi, da
primerih. Učitelja spodbuja, da išče odgovore na vprašanja, kako
smo ljudje med seboj povezani in vplivamo drug na drugega s
spodbuditi učence k večji miselni dejavnosti, hkrati pa ga
svojim počutjem in razpoloženjem. Zato je vsak, ki dela ali živi
opozarja, da so čustva, osebni cilji, radovednost, težnja po
v šolskem okolju pomemben, saj prispeva k ozračju v šoli.
uveljavljanju svojih zmožnosti, samouresničevanju, ustvarjanju
Spraševanje in preverjanje znanja, slabe ocene, govorni
in osebnem smislu pri učenju enako pomembni kot čisto
nastopi, konflikti z učenci in učitelji so tipične stresne situacije v
intelektualni procesi (Marentič Požarnik, 2003).
šoli, ki zahtevajo od učitelja veščine in znanja ter dodatna
izobraževanja, da lahko prepreči nastanek marsikatere težave. Z
dobro komunikacijo lahko rešimo marsikaj (Jeriček, H., 2010).
Tudi družinske razmere in okolica vplivata na otrokovo
obnašanje in odzive. Nenavadno ali spremenjeno obnašanje ter
Cilji osnovne šole so omogočiti učenkam in učencem osebnostni
nenadzorovani odzivi so alarm, da se z otrokom nekaj dogaja.
razvoj v skladu z njihovimi sposobnostmi in zakonitostmi
Učitelji so zagotovo tisti, ki med prvimi opazijo spremembe v
razvojnega obdobja (pri tem je potrebno uravnotežiti spoznavni,
otrokovem obnašanju.
čustveni in socialni razvoj), posredovati temeljna znanja in
Ob sprejetju ukrepov za zajezitev epidemije Covid-19 so se
spretnosti, ki omogočajo neodvisno, učinkovito in ustvarjalno
ljudje srečevali z različnimi stresnimi situacijami. Te so vplivale
soočenje z družbenim in naravnim okoljem in razvijanje kritične
na življenje ljudi, družin in otrok. Veliko teh negativnih stresnih
moči razsojanja (Nišandžić D., 2011).
situacij je ostalo skritih za štirimi stenami.
V prvi triadi osnovne šole je učno izobraževalni sistem
usmerjen v proces opismenjevanja, usvajanja spretnosti in
sposobnosti branja ter pisanja. V tem obdobju se razvijajo tudi
sposobnosti prenosa sporočanja ali razvijanje komunikacije, ki
Pouk na daljavo je spremenil načine poučevanja. Smatram, da je
vpliva na razvoj osebnosti. S tega vidika naj bi torej potekal
dolgoročno gledano taka izvedba pouka pustila tudi pozitivne
jezikovni razvoj in razvijanje jezikovnih sposobnosti učencev
rezultate. Veliko učiteljev se je dodatno izobraževalo in
najprej s pomočjo razvijanja temeljnih komunikacijskih
izpopolnjevalo svoje informacijsko-komunikacijsko znanje.
spretnosti in sposobnosti, šele nato naj bi se otrok pričel
Učenci so napredovali pri usvajanju računalniškega znanja. Res
spoznavati s strukturo jezika (Pečjak, S., 2009).
je, da sem kot učiteljica pogrešala fizično prisotnost otrok,
V tem obdobju je proces socializacije izredno pomemben.
razred, šolo. Na začetku pouka na daljavo se se porajala
Zato je druženje z vrstniki, prijatelji, učitelji ter drugimi
vprašanja, kako bo tak način poučevanja na dolgi rok uspešen in
kako se bo ovrednotilo znanje otrok. Bili so pomisleki, Koliko
šolo niso več želeli imeti pouka na daljavo. Pogrešali so svoje
samostojnega dela bo prvošolec vložil v svoje delo, kakšen bo
sošolce in svoje učiteljice.
starševski nadzor in vmešavanje v samostojno delo otrok. Danes
vidim, da so bili moji strahovi odveč. Pri večini otrok je bil
napredek izrazito viden. Zlasti je bil opazen napredek pri
grafomotoriki in samostojnosti. Slabši je bil napredek pri
[1] Brodnik, V. (2013). Uvodnik v stezo Ustvarjanje in objavljanje. V Kreuh,
besednem zakladu in komunikaciji. Pri povratku v šolo se je
N., Trstenjak, B., Blagus, K., Kosta M. in Lenarčič, A. (ur.), Mednarodna
konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT – SIRikt 2013,
primanjkljaju posvetilo več pozornosti. Kot posledica
Kranjska Gora, 15.–17. maj 2013. Zbornik vseh prispevkov (str. 356).
prekinjenega neposrednega šolskega socialnega stika, je bil
opazen slabši napredek pri usvajanju slovenskega jezika otrok,
katerih materni jezik ni slovenski. Tem otrokom so bile v času
[2] Jeriček, H. (2010). Ko učenca strese stress. Ljubljana: Inštitut za
pouka na daljavo nudene ure dodatne strokovne pomoči. Med
varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije
[3] Marentič Požarnik, B. (2003) Psihologija učenja in pouka. Ljubljana: DZS
poukom na daljavo je potekala tudi diferenciacija pouka. [4] Nišandžić D. (2011). Vloga vzgojiteljice v prvem razredu devetletke.
Vsekakor pa je pomembno dejstvo, da si učenci ob povratku v
Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta
[5] Pečjak, S. (2009). Z igro razvijamo komunikacijske sposobnosti učencev.
Ljubljana: ZRSŠ
Učiteljevi izzivi med šolanjem na daljavo pri pouku
Teacher challenges during distance learning in geometry lessons
Jožica Knez
Osnovna šola Stična
Ivančna Gorica, Slovenija
• spoznavajo uporabnost matematike v vsakdanjem življenju;
• spoznavajo matematiko kot proces ter se učijo ustvarjalnosti in
Članek opisuje s kakšnimi izzivi sem se srečala v času šolanja na
daljavo, in sicer pri sklopu geometrije pri matematiki. Učitelji na
• razvijajo zaupanje v lastne (matematične) sposobnosti,
naši šoli smo se nekako izogibali geometrije na daljavo, zato smo
odgovornost in pozitiven odnos do dela in matematike;
dajali prednost aritmetiki. V nekaterih razredih to zaradi učnega
• spoznavajo pomen matematike kot univerzalnega jezika;
načrta ni bilo izvedljivo, zato se je bilo treba soočiti z izzivom. V
tem članku bom predstavila na kakšne načine sem prikazala
• sprejemajo in doživljajo matematiko kot kulturno vrednoto.
geometrijske vsebine svojim učencem.
V osnovni šoli v tretji triadi so cilji pri področju geometrije znani.
Matematika, geometrija, učenje na daljavo
Zapisani so v učnem načrtu, ki je osnova za učiteljevo delo. [2]
Učenci v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju:
The article describes the challenges I faced during distance
• utrjujejo pretvarjanje merskih enot in jih povežejo z reševanjem
learning, namely in the field of geometry in mathematics. The
geometrijskih nalog;
teachers at our school somehow avoided geometry, so we
• razvijajo geometrijske predstave v ravnini in prostoru;
preferred arithmetic. In some classes, this was not possible due
• razvijajo uporabo geometrijskega orodja pri načrtovalnih
to the curriculum, so a challenge had to be faced. In this article,
geometrijskih nalogah;
I will present the ways in which I have shown geometric content
• razvijajo strategije geometrijskih konstrukcij z uporabo
to my students.
geometrijskega orodja;
• opisujejo postopek geometrijske konstrukcije;
Mathematics, geometry, distance learning
• razvijajo natančnost in spretnost pri računanju neznanih količin
pri likih in telesih.
Trenutni in sodobni čas od nas zahteva, da se vsi učitelji
Pri obravnavi poglavij, ki vključuje geometrijo je potreben
prilagajamo, sledimo novim spremembam, se prilagajamo in ves
popolnoma drugačen način predstavitve učne snovi. Pri nekih
čas evalviramo svoje delo in načrtujemo kako napredovati pri
računskih postopkih je dovolj, da vso zadevo napišeš na ekran,
svojem delu. Gledati moramo, da delamo kakovostno in da to
sproti razlagaš in ponoviš na novih primerih. Zadeva funkcionira
pomeni, da spodbujamo znanje, nenehno učenje in pridobivanje
brez težav. Ko pa pridemo do geometrije pa naletimo na tisoč in
novih veščin in spoznavanje sodobnih orodij za poučevanje
eno oviro. Kako prijeti geometrijsko orodje? Kam ga postaviti?
matematike. To velja tako v običajnih pogojih , v času
Kako razvijati geometrijske predstave? Kako opredeliti prostor
poučevanja na daljavo pa še toliko bolj.
in v njem osnovne geometrijske elemente? Še in še je vprašanj,
Že v učnem načrtu je s splošnimi cilji opredeljen pouk in namen
ki se nam postavijo ob novih situacijah v katerih smo se znašli.
poučevanja matematike. [1]
Učenci pri pouku matematike:
• razvijajo matematično mišljenje: abstraktno-logično mišljenje
V našem aktivu smo imeli veliko idej, na kakšen način pripraviti
in geometrijske predstave;
ure za naše učence. Naše ure smo pripravljali skupaj, poenotene,
• oblikujejo matematične pojme, strukture, veščine in procese ter
za vseh 7 do 8 oddelkov istega razreda enake priprave. Ker smo
povezujejo znanje znotraj matematike in tudi širše;
imeli ure v živo ob različnih dneh so imeli učenci sicer vedno na
• razvijajo uporabo različnih matematičnih postopkov in
razpolago tudi napisano pripravo v spletni učilnici. Pri urah v
živo pa smo razložili zapisano še za nazaj in za tekočo uro.
Na začetku smo pripravljali video posnetke, tako, da smo posneli
simetrale daljice, če je njegova oblika popolnoma drugačna kot
naše roke z uporabo geometrijskega orodja in naša navodila za
jo imajo učenci v roki. Že tako smo imeli učitelji dovolj dela z
delo. Krasno. Ti video posnetki so dobri za pripravljene ure, ki si
motiviranjem učencem in sledenjem snovi in ostalimi težavami
jih lahko učenci sami pogledajo, za ure v živo tudi, vendar z eno
na katere niti nismo imeli vpliva.
težavo. Učencu težko pokažemo oziroma ga usmerjamo z
vrtenjem videoposnetka, kaj mora storiti, na kaj mora biti
Zato smo želeli orodje, ki bo samo po sebi primerljivo z uporabo
pozoren. To se je pokazalo pri urah dopolnilnega pouka, pa tudi
orodja na tabli, enako učinkovito, izdelek pa pregleden in
pri urah v živo.
natančen. Cilj mi je bil uporabljati orodje, kot je na interaktivnih
tablah, ki jih imamo v šoli. S takim pogledom so učenci
Iskali smo nek približek situaciji v razredu, učitelj stoji pred tablo
seznanjeni, kar bi pomenilo dodaten plus za poučevanje.
kjer drži ravnilo in šestilo. Imeli smo željo po nekem programu z
geometrijskim orodjem. Najprej smo našli program OpenBoard,
kasneje pa Smart Notebook.
4.1 Video posnetki
Video posnetke smo delali na različne načine. Če so bili
namenjeni samostojnemu ogledu učenca, potem so to odličen vir
informacij za učenca, lahko si ga tudi večkrat ogleda. Pri urah v
živo je bila uporaba videa dobra podlaga za uro, ni pa bila vedno
uspešna. Večkrat smo si samo delček postopka ogledali skupaj in
snov ustno večkrat ponovili, poudarili …
Slika 3. Prikaz orodja v programu OpenBoard
4.3 Smart Notebook
Program Smart Notebook je program, ki se ga uporablja na
interaktivnih tablah. Lahko ga imamo nameščenega tudi na
prenosnik. Lahko uporabljamo odprto verzijo ali verzijo z
licenco. Slednja ima več možnosti, funkcij in je brez vodnega
Uporabljamo lahko vse vrste pisal, oblik, pisav – to ni nič
Slika 1. Prikaz načrtovanja s šestilom na list papirja
novega. Nova je pa oblika geotrikotnika in šestila. Oboje ima
takšno obliko, kot je znana učencem.
Ravnilo - geotrikotnik
Geotrikotnik ima enak videz, kot ga imajo učenci doma. Z njim
lažje ponazorim določene postopke konstruiranja, kot drugače.
Enostavno ga lahko uporabim za načrtovanje črt, kotov, merjenje
kotov … saj jim je vse to že domače iz siceršnjega šolskega dela.
Všeč mi je, ker lahko trikotnik premakneš okoli 0, ga zavrtiš,
povečaš, zmanjšaš …
Slika 2. Prikaz načrtovanja z geotrikotnikom na list papirja
4.2 Open Board
Open Board je program, ki je dostopen vsem. Vsebuje več
različnih orodij, tudi geometrijska. Na spodnji sliki so prikazana
kotomer, s katerim lahko nakažemo in narišemo določene kote.
Slika 4. Geotrikotnik v programu Smart Notebook
Z njim lahko tudi kote merimo. Ravnilo je dobro orodje. Šestilo
je pa zares neobičajno.
Ker vemo, da imamo različne tipe učencev (avditivni, vizualni in
Prav to orodje me je zmotilo do te mere, da sem se lotila
kinestetični) [3] je zelo pomembno pri določenih snoveh, da
raziskovanja in iskanja novga, boljšega programa. S tem
imamo res vse učence pod okriljem. Nekateri vse razumejo že po
kotomerom težko ponazorimo postopek načrtovanja npr.
ustni razlagi, nekateri še po vidni razlagi, gibalno razlago pa smo
uporabili z premikanjem orodja po ekranu hkrati z učenčevim
Na desni strani Slike 6 je viden tudi vodni žig, ki je sicer samo v
sodelovanjem doma. Torej, če je učenec gledal in hkrati še
osnovni različici programa. Sicer deluje vse kot je pričakovano.
poslušal navodila – je to zmaga za vse.
Dobra stran tega programa je bil tudi že vgrajen snemalnik. U
bistvu si imel vse na enem mestu in uporabil lahko kadarkoli.
Brez dodatnih programov in dodatnega iskanja.
Pri snemalniku si lahko nastavil področje snemanja, lahko si ga
tudi uredil.
Pri mojem delu mi je bilo najbolj pomembno, da je bil moj čas
Slika 5. Šestilo v programu Smart Notebook
učinkovito izkoriščen z uporabo primernih tehnologij.
Šestilo v tem programu ima dejansko realno podobo. Z njegovim
Načrtovalne naloge so bilo uspešno opravljene zaradi teh orodij.
dinamičnim premikanjem sem lahko prikazala vse korake
Vsa ta orodja so enostavna za uporabnika. Upravljanje z
načrtovanja. Konstruiranje nekega postopka je bilo zaradi tega
videoposnetki in njihova montaža pa je bila nova motivacija za
mnogo lažje. Prezentacija mnogo uspešnejša. S tem smo pridobili
nova izobraževanja. Na spletnih portalih je bilo veliko možnosti
na času, ki smo ga lahko koristneje uporabili za utrjevanje znanja
za učenje le tega. Sedaj ko imam znanja tudi o tem, bodo
in s tem uspešneje usvojili snov.
videoposnetki s pomočjo tega programa še boljši. Širjenje
učiteljevega znanja je naložba v prihodnost.
[1] Učni načrt za matematiko,
sola/Ucni-nacrti/obvezni/UN_matematika.pdf (uporabljeno, 14. 8. 2021)
[2] Učni načrt za matematiko, 43,
sola/Ucni-nacrti/obvezni/UN_matematika.pdf (uporabljeno, 14. 8. 2021)
[3] Mršol T, 2014. Zaznavni stili in učne strategije študentov računalništva,
matematike in razrednega pouka, 11 http://pefprints.pef.uni-
(uporabljeno 14. 08. 2021)
Slika 6. Uporaba šestila pri načrtovanju.
Učenci v vlogi učiteljev
Pupils in the role of teachers
Martina Kokelj
OŠ Antona Martina Slomška Vrhnika
Vrhnika, Slovenija
lahko svoje delo dopolnjujejo, popravljajo. Pri vrednotenju
izdelkov sodelujejo tudi sošolci (medvrstniško vrednotenje) na
Šolsko leto 2020/2021 nam bo za vedno ostalo v spominu, saj je
podlagi dogovorjenih kriterijev.
potekalo na daljavo. Vsak učitelj se je moral znajti po svoje. Naš
pouk je potekal preko aplikacije ZOOM. V prispevku
predstavljamo primer pouka na formativen način, v katerem so
učenci udeleženi pri načrtovanju pouka. Sami so izrazili željo, da
se preizkusijo v vlogi učiteljev. Razdelijo se v štiri skupine.
Sodoben način poučevanja postavlja v ospredje učenca, ki je pri
Vsaka skupina izbere eno Prešernovo pesem iz učnega načrta za
pouku aktiven in sodeluje pri načrtovanju, medtem ko učitelj
slovenščino za osmi razred in jo analizirajo po učiteljičinih
spremlja učenčev napredek, mu daje kvalitetne povratne
smernicah. Pogoj za pripravo učne ure je bil, da bodo sošolci pri
informacije in možnost za napredovanje in izboljševanje svojega
obravnavanju samostojno raziskovali in bili aktivni, tudi z
uporabo sodobne tehnologije. Učiteljica je bila pri tem pouku
Pri formativnem načinu pouka gre za stalno spremljanje
mentorica, učenci pa so samostojno raziskovali.
napredka in doseganja ciljev pri učencu po v naprej zastavljenih
kriterijih uspešnosti [1]. Učenci sodelujejo pri oblikovanju
namenov učenja in kriterijev uspešnosti. S tem želimo doseči, da
bodo učenci pri pouku aktivni in na ta način bolj motivirani za
Didaktika, formativno spremljanje, informacijska tehnologija,
učenje. Učitelj ni več učitelj, ki frontalno podaja učno snov,
ampak učence podpira, spodbuja in usmerja. Pri formativnem
načinu pouka je najbolj pomembna povratna informacija, na
podlagi katere učenec izboljšuje svoje znanje. Povratno
The 2020/2021 school year will forever remain in our memory,
informacijo si lahko dajejo učenci med seboj, kar imenujemo
as it took place at a distance. Every teacher is morally important
medvrstniško vrednotenje, ali učitelj. Na podlagi povratne
in their own way. Our lessons were conducted through ZOOM
applications. In this paper, we present an example of a lesson in
informacije učenec svoje dosežke izboljšuje. Pri tovrstnem
a formative way in which students participated in lesson
pouku ima učenec veliko možnosti za izražanje svoje
planning. They themselves expressed a desire to test themselves
individualnosti: iskanje osebnega smisla, načrtovanje in
in the role of teacher. They were divided into four groups. Each
udejanjanje svojih poti, ki so prilagojene njegovim načinom
group selected one of Prešeren's poems from the curriculum for
učenja, uveljavljanje svojih zmožnosti in interesov, ohranjanje
Slovene for the eighth grade and analyzed it according to the
radovednosti in ustvarjanje [2].
teachers' guidelines. The condition for the preparation of the
Formativno spremljanje bi moralo postati sestavni del procesa
lesson was that the classmates would independently research and
učenja in poučevanja. Njegov namen je natančna in specifična
be active in reading, also using modern technologies. The teacher
povratna informacija, ki prinaša učencu odgovore na vprašanja:
was a mentor during this lesson, and the students researched
- Kaj sem dosegel v odnosu do učnih ciljev in standardov znanja
oz. pričakovanih dosežkov/rezultatov?
- Kako napredujem?
- Kaj mi uspeva, kaj pa manj? Katera so moja močna področja,
Didactics, formative assessment, information technology,
katera pa bi moral še razviti in izboljšati?
- Kje imam še rezerve?
Učitelj pa se glede na povratno informacijo sprašuje:
- Kako napreduje proces učenja?
- Kako ga moje poučevanje podpira?
V preteklosti je pouk potekal drugače kot danes. Učitelji so
- Kako naj svoje poučevanje spremenim oziroma prilagodim, da
poučevali bolj ali manj frontalno, znanje pa se je ocenjevalo s
bom učence še bolj podprl v procesu učenja in izboljševanja
pisnimi testi, ustnimi ocenjevanji in delnim ocenjevanjem (z
znanja? [3].
znaki) brez preverjanja znanja pred ocenjevanjem. Sodoben
Učenje ni le razumski proces, njegova učinkovitost je odvisna
način poučevanja postavlja v ospredje učenca, aktivnega učenca.
tudi od motivacije učencev in njihovih čustev [4]. Učitelji morajo
Učenci so udeleženi pri načrtovanju pouka, namenov učenja in
ustvariti tako razredno klimo, da si bodo učenci upali sodelovati,
kriterijev uspešnosti. Učitelj je tisti, ki organizira in spremlja
odgovarjati, tvegati, se tudi zmotiti in delati napake.
proces učenja, učence usmerja, jim daje povratne informacije, da
Najbolj pomembno je, da učencem učne vsebine približamo in
Prvi dve šolski uri je vsaka skupina analizirala svojo pesem.
jim damo možnost sodelovanja pri načrtovanju pouka. Včasih
Odgovarjali so na učiteljičina vprašanja, ki so jim bila v pomoč
nas s svojimi idejami presenetijo. Najbolj pomembno pa je, da se
tudi za kasnejše načrtovanje, ter brskali in iskali informacije na
veliko več naučijo in zapomnijo, če so pri pouku aktivni.
spletu. Naslednje štiri ure so se učenci posvetili načrtovanju
pouka za sošolce. Lotili so se oblikovanj delovnih listov in
kvizov z različnimi aplikacijami. Svoje načrtovanje, osnutke,
delovne liste so po vsaki zaključeni uri poslali učiteljici v pregled,
da jim je dala povratno informacijo oz. smernice za nadaljnje
3.1 Načrtovanje obravnave učnega sklopa
V 8. razredu pri pouku slovenščine obravnavamo obdobje
romantike na Slovenskem. Glavni predstavnik tega obdobja je
France Prešeren. Obravnavamo štiri njegova dela: Povodnega
moža, Turjaško Rozamundo, Apela in čevljarja ter Krst pri
4. 1 Povodni mož
Prva šolska ura je vedno namenjena branju in vsebinski analizi
Učenci so najprej samostojno raziskovali obdobje. Pomagali so
pesmi. Skupina, ki je obravnavala Povodnega moža, je želela, da
si lahko s priročniki, ki jih imajo doma, in s svetovnim spletom.
sošolci najprej sami tiho preberejo pesem in izpišejo neznane
Obdobje so morali umestiti na časovni trak, izpisati značilnosti
besede. Te so s pomočjo Slovarja slovenskega knjižnega jezika
in predstavnike obdobja ter njihova dela.
in berila razložili. Nato so pesem prebrali še glasno, in sicer je
Naslednjo šolsko uro smo pregledali miselne vzorce, jih
vsak učenec prebral eno kitico. Z branjem pesmi so imeli veliko
dopolnili in se pogovarjali o samem obdobju. Učenci so prišli na
težav, saj je potrebno besede pravilno naglaševati, zato je ena od
idejo, da se sami preizkusijo v vlogi učiteljev in bodo za svoje
učenk, ki je bila del skupine, še enkrat prebrala pesem. Naslednjo
sošolce pripravili obravnavo pesmi.
uro je sledila vsebinska analiza pesmi. Vsako kitico posebej smo
Učiteljica je za vsako skupino sestavila vprašanja oz. smernice, s
razložili in jo obnovili s svojimi besedami. Učili smo se
katerimi so si učenci pomagali pri raziskovanju pesmi. Smernice
razlikovati mnenja od dejstev, od podatkov, ki jih v besedilu sicer
za pomoč pri raziskovanju pesmi:
ni, ampak lahko na podlagi le-teh določene stvari sklepamo.
- Kdaj je Prešeren napisal pesem in kje je bila objavljena?
Tretjo šolsko uro so se učenci razdelili v skupine in se še bolj
- Razišči okoliščine nastanka pesmi (komu jo je posvetil, kje je
podrobno ukvarjali s pesmijo. V spletni učilnici jih je čakal
našel snov za pesem …).
delovni list (Slika 2), s katerim so si pomagali pri analizi besedila.
- Pesem preberite in naredite zunanjo in notranjo zgradbo ter
Pomagali so si lahko s svetovnim spletom, berilom in literaturo,
analizo vsebine.
če jo imajo doma. Po končanem skupinskem delu smo pregledali
- V katero literarno vrsto in zvrst spada pesem in kaj je zanjo
rešitve. Skupine so poročale, se med seboj dopolnjevale in
urejale zapiske v zvezku.
- Razmislite, na kakšen način boste oblikovali učno uro, pri
čemer naj bodo sošolci čim bolj aktivni.
- Za sošolce sestavite nalogo poustvarjanja pesmi in dodajte
kriterije uspešnosti.
3.2 Načrtovanje učnih ur na daljavo
Z učenci smo se lotili dela. Sami so se lotili brskanja po spletu.
Vsako uro slovenščine smo se po urniku dobili preko aplikacije
ZOOM. Slika 1 prikazuje razdelitev učencev po skupinah po
sobah, ki so med sabo sodelovali, raziskovali in iskali ideje.
Učiteljica se je sprehajala med sobami in pomagala, če so se
pojavila vprašanja. Za načrtovanje smo porabili sedem šolskih ur.
Slika 2: Delovni list
Slika 3: Povodni mož (ljudska)
Učenci so med raziskovanjem odkrili ljudsko različico
Povodnega moža (Slika 3) in prišli na idejo, da bi pesmi med
seboj primerjali. Učenci so se zopet razdelili v skupine in
primerjali pesmi med seboj. Iskali so podobnosti in razlike.
Precej težav jim je povzročalo razumevanje ljudske različice, saj
vsebuje neobičajne stavčne in skladenjske strukture ter starinski
Ena od najpogostejših dejavnosti, ki sledi obravnavi
umetnostnega besedila, je literarno poustvarjanje. Skupina
Slika 1: Razdelitev učencev po sobah
učencev, ki je raziskovala Povodnega moža, je dobila navodilo,
da morajo za sošolce oblikovati tudi poustvarjalno nalogo skupaj
s kriteriji uspešnosti. Učenci so si zamislili, da se bodo postavili
Zadnjo šolsko uro so učenci v vlogi učiteljev svojim sošolcem
ali v vlogo Urške ali povodnega moža in pisali o njunih občutkih.
pripravili kviz v aplikaciji Kahoot (Slika 7). Vsak učenec se je
Oblikovali so tudi kriterije uspešnosti. Da bodo uspešni, morajo
prijavil s svojim imenom preko svojega pametnega telefona. Nad
besedilo členiti na odstavke, upoštevati pravopisna pravila, pisati
kvizom so bili zelo navdušeni in tekmovalni.
v prvi osebi ednine, zapis mora biti čitljiv in izviren. Učenci so
svoje izdelke oddali v spletno učilnico. Po znanih kriterijih so
sošolcu ovrednotili njegovo delo in ga nato ponovno popravili oz.
Za konec so učenci sestavili kviz (Slika 4) v Googlovih obrazcih,
da so ponovili svoje znanje.
Slika 7: Kviz oblikovan z aplikacijo Kahoot!
4. 3 Apel in čevljar
Skupina učencev v vlogi učiteljev je od sošolcev zahtevala, da
pesem preberejo tiho, nato jo je eden od sošolcev prebral glasno.
Slika 4: Kviz
Najprej so skupaj pregledali in razložili neznane besede. Nato so
se razdelili po sobah in raziskovali, čemu je Prešeren pesem
4. 2 Turjaška Rozamunda
napisal ter naredili zunanjo in notranjo analizo pesmi. Za domačo
Prvo uro smo pesem prebrali in jo vsebinsko analizirali.
nalogo so morali rešiti kviz, ki ga je skupina oblikovala v
Prestavili smo se v čas srednjega veka, ko so bili gradovi in vitezi.
Googlovih obrazcih (Slika 8), in se postaviti v vlogo pesnika
Učenci, ki so bili v vlogi učiteljev, so svoje sošolce razdelili v
Prešerna in Jerneju Kopitarju napisati pismo.
skupine, se porazdelili po sobah in so reševali delovni list (Slika
5), ki so ga pripravili zanje in ga nato skupaj pregledali.
Slika 5: Delovni list
Slika 8: Kviz
Skupina učencev je oblikovala tudi poustvarjalno nalogo. Izbrali
4. 4 Krst pri Savici
so si pisanje domišljijskega spisa. Učenci so lahko izbirali med
dvema naslovoma. Za pisanje so oblikovali tudi kriterije
Pesnitev Krst pri Savici je obsežna lirsko-epska pesnitev. Pri
uspešnosti. Slika 6 prikazuje navodila, ki so jih učenci prejeli v
pouku obravnavamo samo Uvod, ki opisuje Valjhunovo
spletni učilnici, kamor so tudi oddali svoj spis. Kasneje so spise
obleganje Ajdovskega gradca, v katerega se je zatekel Črtomir s
medvrstniško vrednotili in sošolcu podali povratno informacijo
svojo vojsko, in končni boj med njima. Skupina teh učencev se
glede na zastavljene kriterije uspešnosti.
je odločila, da bodo prebrali celotno Prešernovo pesnitev in jo
sošolcem predstavili s pomočjo stripa, ki so ga oblikovali v
programu PowerPoint (Slika 9). Učenci so predstavitev popestrili
z animacijami. Figure so se premikale. Vsaka drsnica je
predstavljala delček zgodbe, s katero so obnovili celotno
pesnitev Krst pri Savici.
Učenci so nato skupaj analizirali pesem in oblikovali zapis v
zvezek. Za domačo nalogo so se morali postaviti v vlogo
Črtomirja in zapisati občutke, ki jih je čutil pred predajo. Pri
pisanju so morali biti pozorni, da so pisali v prvi osebi ednine.
Učenci so se razdelili v pare in vsak par je medvrstniško vrednotil
zapis svojega sošolca in ga po potrebi izboljšal.
Slika 6: Navodila za ustvarjalno pisanje
Učenci so se v vlogi učiteljev dobro znašli. Pri načrtovanju so
jim bile v pomoč učiteljičine smernice. Vse skupine so
oblikovale delovni list, s pomočjo katerega so učenci analizirali
pesmi in različne aplikacije in programe, s katerimi so popestrili
učno uro.
Učenci so bili s svojimi dosežki zelo zadovoljni in so se veliko
naučili, ko so samostojno raziskovali in sestavljali naloge za
svoje sošolce. Priznali so, da je načrtovanje učnih ur zahtevno,
da pa je bila to za njih pozitivna izkušnja, iz katere so pridobili
določena znanja, ki jim bodo koristila pri nadaljnjem šolanju.
Slika 9: Strip, oblikovan v programu PowerPoint
[1] Ada Holcar Brunauer, 2017. Formativno spremljanje v podporo vsakemu
učencu, Vključujoča šola: Priročnik za učitelje in druge strokovne delavce,
4–17. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
V času epidemije in dela na daljavo smo se učitelji znašli pred
[2] Formativno spremljanje pri matematiki: priročnik za učitelje. Ljubljana:
novimi izzivi. Pri obravnavi učne snovi smo morali biti
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 2018.
[3] Vilma Brodnik. Formativno spremljanje in vrednotenje znanja in učenja.
iznajdljivi. Vsakodnevno smo se srečevali z vprašanjem, na
Dostopno na naslovu https://jazon.splet.arnes.si/formativno-spremljanje-
kakšen način učno snov približati učencem, jih vključiti v
in-vrednotenje-znanja-in-ucenja/#_ftn4 (10. 8. 2021)
[4] Formativno spremljanje pri zgodovini: priročnik za učitelje. Ljubljana:
načrtovanje pouka. V prispevku je predstavljen primer, ko so se
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 2018.
učenci postavili v vlogo učiteljev in njihova najpomembnejša
naloga je bila, da pesem predstavijo in analizirajo tako, da bodo
njihovi sošolci pri pouku aktivni in uporabijo sodobno
Enotna digitalna identiteta ArnesAAI
Unified online identity ArnesAAI
Luka Kušar
Arnes, Slovenija
navigirati, da lahko uporablja različne storitve. Pri tem se
uporabniki mnogokrat zatečejo k rešitvi, da za različne storitve
S povečano digitalizacijo vsakdanjega življenja se vse bolj
uporabljajo enaka uporabniška imena in gesla. Tak pristop je
srečujemo s potrebo po enotni digitalni identiteti uporabnika.
problematičen s stališča spletne varnosti, saj lahko spletni goljufi
Ta mu omogoča, da dostopa do več različnih storitev z eno
s pridobitvijo uporabnikovega uporabniškega imena in gesla tako
samo identiteto, kar mu poenostavi in olajša uporabniško
pridejo do dostopa do več storitev, ki jih uporablja posameznik,
izkušnjo. Arnes ima za svoje uporabnike vzpostavljen sistem
se tem pa se poveča tudi potencialna povzročena škoda. Veliko
ArnesAAI, ki omogoča dostop do storitev zgolj z enim
težav lahko reši enotna spletna identiteta, ki uporabniku bistveno
uporabniškim imenom in geslom.
izboljša uporabniško izkušnjo, pri tem pa tudi zagotavlja večjo
spletno varnost.
Enotna digitalna identiteta, Arnes, ArnesAAI, uporabnik,
spletne storitve, uporabniška izkušnja, digitalizacija
Spletna identiteta posameznika je identiteta, ki jo posameznik
ustvari ob uporabi spletnih storitev [1]. Večina spletnih storitev
With the increase of digitalization in everyday life, the need for
od uporabnika zahteva, da vsaj v nekakšni obliki ustvari neko
a unified online identity has also increased. An unified online
obliko spletne identitete, s katero ga nato prepozna kot
identity allows the user to access multiple services with a single
uporabnika storitve. Lahko je uporabna zgolj kot ključ za vpis za
identity, which eases and simplifies the user experience.
uporabo storitve, v nekaterih primerih, denimo pri uporabi
ARNES provides its users the ArnesAAI system, which allows
družbenih omrežji, pa je ta ustvarjena identiteta sama že del
the user to access multiple services while using only one
storitve. Prav tako je od namena uporabe odvisno, v kolikšni meri
username and password.
jo lahko uporabnik prilagaja svojim željam ali potrebam,
Nekatere storitve omogočajo kreiranje avatarjev v obliki grafične
podobe, ki nato predstavlja uporabnika v spletnem okolju [1].
Unified digital identity, ARNES, ArnesAAI, user, online
Uporabnik ima v večini primerov različne spletne identitete za
services, user experience, digitalization
različne storitve, med katerimi mora navigirati, če želi
uporabljati storitve.
Trenutno obdobje pospešene digitalizacije vsakdanjega življenja
prinaša s seboj tudi določene težave pri prilagajanju posameznika
na nove oblike uporabe spletnih storitev. Kljub temu, da naj bi
Določen del uporabe spleta bo vedno vezan na to, da bo lahko
uporabniku digitalizacija prihranila čas in olajšala življenje, se
posameznik med uporabo ostal anonimen. Namen enotne
pogosto znajde v situacijah, ko mu predvsem neprijazna
digitalne identitete ni želja po vzpostavljanju mreže nadzora nad
uporabniška izkušnja onemogoča učinkovito uporabo storitev,
uporabo spleta, temveč olajšati uporabniku njegovo izkušnjo
pri tem pa ga posledično tudi odvrača od nadaljnje uporabe
predvsem pri storitvah, ki zahtevajo, da je njegova identiteta
drugih digitalnih storitev. Pogosta težava je veliko število
istovetna z identiteto iz vsakdanjega življenja. Večina
uporabniških imen in gesel, saj v večini primerov vsaka
uporabnikovih spletnih identitet je vezana na kontekst uporabe.
posamezna storitev zahteva ustvarjanje specifične spletne
Z drugimi besedami, informacije o identiteti uporabnika so nujne
identitete, ki uporabniku omogoča dostop do same storitve. Tako
za ponudnika, da lahko uporabniku omogoči dostop do
se mu hitro nabere veliko število identitet, med katerimi mora
zahtevanih vsebin ali storitev [2].
Določene storitve že omogočajo vsaj delno povezavnje
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
identitet. Tak primer je denimo Google, ki integrira
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
uporabnikove Youtube, Gmail, Google drive in druge račune [1].
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Ta možnost sicer uporabniku vsaj nekoliko izboljša uporabniško
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
izkušnjo, vendar pa ne določi indentifikacijskih parametrov
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
dovolj natančno, da bi bila uporabna za bolj občutljive storitve,
kjer je nujno vzpostaviti posameznikovo istovetnost z resničnimi
eduroam, ki je prisoten na veliki večini evropskih izobraževalnih
ustavnov [6]. Identiteta je tako uporabna tudi v tujini, vezana je
Identiteta posameznika je bistvena predvsem v kontekstu
na izobraževalno ustanovo, ki zagotavlja, da bo uprabnik lahko s
njegove interakcije z državnimi službami in storitvami, kot so
to identiteto koristil določene storitve tudi v organizacijah, ki jim
zdravstvo, finance, davki, volitve, izobraževanje [3].
ne pripada, ampak so del iste mreže.
V vsakdanjem življenju je najbolj legitimen porok za
Končni uporabniki tako pridobijo identiteto, ki jim omogoča
posameznikovo identiteto država. Ta z izdajo dokumentov, kot
dostop do večih storitev z enotnim vpisnim procesom. Poleg že
so rojstni list, osebna izkaznica, poročni list, mrtvaški list, potni
omenjenih prednosti, je na nivoju posameznika potrebno
list garantira za istovetnost osebe s tisto, ki je na dokumentu. Te
izposatviti še dejstvo, da v primeru izgube ali zlorabe
dokumenti se uporabljajo za potrjevanje identetitete tako na
uporabniških podatkov te težave rešuje neposredno pri domači
državnem nivoju, kot na zasebnem, denimo z izkazovanjem
organizaciji [6]. V primeru težave tako točno ve, na koga se
državno izdane osebne izkaznice za potrebe identifikacije na
obrniti, prav tako pa ima organizacija vsa orodja, da mu lahko v
banki [3].
takšen primeru pomaga.
Kot že omenjeno, si spletne identitete v veliki meri ustvarja
Upravljalci aplikacij in ponudniki spletnih storitev lahko prav
posameznik sam prek raznih storitev, izdajajo pa jih ponudniki
tako koristijo ArnesAAI in s tem povečajo doseg svojih storitev,
le-teh. Posledično v večini primerov nimajo enake kredibilnosti
saj s priključitvijo posanejo član sveta ArnesAAI. Prav tako se
kot denimo državno izdani dokumenti. Prav tako pa se pri
na ta način ponudniki storitev izognejo ustvarjanju identitet
digitalnih identitetah srečamo še s problemom kraje identitetite,
uporabnikov, saj jih ti pridobijo že na svoji domači organizaciji
ki je bistveno lažja kot v nedigitalnem svetu. Tu se srečamo s
paradoksom, ko so najbolj napredne in varne digitalne identitete
ArnesAAI tako olajša uporabo storitev uporabnikom,
tiste, ki lahko povzročijo posamezniku največ škode, če pridejo
ponudnikom storitev in organizacijam pa omogoča, da enostavno
v napačne roke. Dostop do elektronskega potnega list v rokah
in varno upravljajo z digitalno identiteto uporabnika.
nepridiprava bo lahko bistveno bolj prizadel posameznika kot
ukradena osebna izkaznica. Težava je predvsem v
neravnovevesju pri zaupanju digitalnim referencam. Več kot je
varnostnih preverb atributov identitete, do več občutljivih
podatkov lahko dostopamo. Nagrada za uspešen napad na
Ob začetku epidemije COVID-19 in posledičnem zaprtju šol ter
kompleksno digtalno identiteto je tako bistveno večja, kot za
vzpostavitve pouka na daljavo se je Arnes soočil s skokovitim
napad na šibko [4].
porastom uporabe svojih storitev. Za uspešno izvedbo pouka na
daljavo ne zadošča zgolj ena spletna storitev, temveč je potrebno
imeti dostop do različnih orodij, kot so denimo videokonferenčni
sistemi, spletne učilnice, elektronska pošta…Uporaba Arnesovih
Arnes AAI je primer enotne digitalne identitete na področju
storitev se je v tem obdobju povečala za 10 do 100 krat[7].
izobraževanja. Sistem omogoča uporabo enega uporabniškega
Arnes se je na situacijo odzval z razširitvijo zmogljivosti
računa za dostop do različnih storitev v slovenskem ter
svojih strežnikov, nadgrajevanjem ključnih storitev in širitvijo
evropskem izobraževalnem in raziskovalnem okolju [5].
funkcionalnosti. Pri tem se je sledilo izraženim potrebam
Uporabnik tako za uporabljanje vseh Arnesovih storitev
učiteljev, uredilo se je denimo integracijo videokonferenčnih
potrebuje zgolj eno uporabniško ime in geslo, s katerim nato
storitev v spletne učilnice in nakupilo licence sistema Zoom za
dostopa denimo do elektronske pošte, video portala, spletnih
potrebe izobraževanja [7].
učilnic, videokonferečnih orodij…
Ključno vlogo pri uspešnem in gladkem delovanju celotnega
ArnesAAI omogoča pridruženim organizacijam, da same
sistema je odigral ArnesAAI. Šole so lahko ažurno dodeljevale
dodeljujejo svojim članom uporabniško ime za dostop do
in vzdrževale digitalne identitete za potrebe svojih učencev [7].
različnih aplikacij, S tem vsaka organizacija postane varuh
Tako je lahko šola sama svojemu učencu uredila elektronski
osebnih podatkov svojih članov, ponudnikom aplikacij pa se ni
naslov in digitalno identiteto, s katero je nato enostavno dostopal
potrebno ukvarjati z dodeljevanjem uporabniških imen in
do vseh potrebnih storitev, ki jih je potreboval za sodelovanje pri
kočljivim zbiranjem ter preverjanjem podatkov o uporabnikih
pouku na daljavo. Posebno pri mlajših učencih bi lahko prihajalo
[5]. Legitimnost identitete tako zagotavlja dejstvo, da je potrebno
do večjih težav, če bi bi denimo potrebovali digitalno identiteto
za dostop do ArnesAAI računa potrebno zadostovati pogojem za
za vsako posamezno storitev. Z ArnesAAI so tako potrebovali
uporabo Arnesovih storitev, torej si je ne more ustvariti kdorkoli,
samo eno uporabniško ime in pripadajoče geslo, da so lahko
temveč je dodeljena na podlagi upravičenosti.
dostopali do željenih orodij.
ArnesAAI se uporablja na nivoju organizacij, končnih
Organizacije so lahko preko ArnesAAI same urejale potrebne
uporabnikov in upravljacev storitev.
identitete, ki so jih za delo s spletnimi orodji potrebovali
Organizacije s priključitvijo v ArnesAAI omogočajo dostop
učenci.To je pomenilo, da se jim ni bilo potrebno ukvarjati s
do pridruženih storitev vsem svojim uporabnikom. Tako
tretjimi osebami, ki bi urejale to področje, temveč so imele v
omogočijo., da vsi njeni uporabniki lahko dostopajo do
rokah vse potrebno, da samostojno zagotovijo in uredijo
Arnesovih in ostalih storitev z enim uporabniški imenom in
potrebne identitiete za svoje učence. Prav tako so jim lahko v
geslom. Organizacija prav tako poskrbi za boljše varovanje
primeru težav pomagale same, brez da bi potrebovale zunanjo
osebnih podatkov, saj se obdelava izvaja na sami organizaciji in
ne pri ponudniku spletnih storitev. Iste identitete se lahko
Enako kot za učence so lahko organizacije same uredile
uporabijo tudi za dodeljevanje dostopa do brezžičnega omrežja
digitalne identiete za učitelje. Z uporabo ArnesAAI je tako šola
v primeru pouka na daljavo sama postala samozadostna pri
urejanju in dodeljevanju digitalnih identitet, ki so omogočale
Potreba po vsaj nekakšni enotni digitalni identiteti bo s povečano
dostop do storitev, potrebnih za takšno vrsto izobraževanja.
digitalizacijo storitev s časoma postala nuja. ArnesAAI trenunto
omogoča vsaj za del izobraževalnih procesov obliko takšne
identitete. Uporabnik tako potrebuje samo eno geslo in
uporabniško ime za uporabo storitev, organizacije lahko same
izdajajo, upravlajajo in nudijo pomoč uporabnikom v zvezi z
Poleg najbolj očitnih prednosti ArnesAAI, ki so na strani
njegovo digitalno identiteto. ponudiki storitev pa se lahko
uporabnikov uporaba enega uporabniškega imena in gesla za
vključijo v poenoten sistem prijave in dostopov. Prednosti
dostop do več storitev, ter na strani organizacij možnost
ArnesAAI so se pokazale predvsem med epidemijo COVID-19,
samostojnega upravljanja in dodeljevalna enotnih digitalnih
ko je bilo ključnega pomena za šole, da so lahko same
identitet, ostajajo še neizkoriščeni potenciali rabe.
dodeljevale in vzdrževale digitalne identitete, ki so učencem in
Trenutno so dodeljene digitalne identiete prek ArnesAAI
učiteljem omogočale dostop do potrebnih spletnih storitev za
vezane na pripadnost določeni organizaciji, ki je opravičena do
izvajanje pouka na daljavo. V primeru vzpostavitve enotne
Arnesovih storitev. To omogoča, da je organizacija
digitalne identitete za celoten process izobraževanja
samozadostna pri ustvarjanju in upravljanju identitete. Pri
posameznika, je ArnesAAI odlično izhodišče za ustvarjanje
razvijanju enotne digitalne identitete posameznika na področju
legitimne, enostavne in varne enotne digitalne idenitete.
izobražavanja bi bilo smiselno delovati v smeri, ki bi
posamezniku omogočila, da isto identiteto obdrži skozi celoten
čas vključenosti v izobraževalni sistem. Uporabnik sedaj ob
zaključku izobraževanja v eni ustanovi in prehodu v drugo
[1] Creating a unified online identity to provide a single seamless presence on
zamenja svoj ArnesAAI račun, saj je ta vezan na šolo, ki jo
the internet. Patkeshwar, Apruva; Prasad, Kushan Kunal; Dhruv, Suri;
obiskuje. Tako mora denimo učenec ob prehodu iz osnovne šole
v srednjo pridobiti na novi organizaciji novo digitalno identiteto.
ep1&type=pdf#page=824/ (10.8.2021)
V kolikor bi lahko svojo digitalno identiteto zgolj prenesel na
[2] Unified Identity Management. Ozlak, Tom Dostopno prek:
novo organizacijo, bi tako ohranil isto identiteto, ki bi še
agement_TOlzak.pdf (10.8.2021)
pridobila na pomenu. Idealno bi lahko posameznik z njo urejal
[3] Government services and digital indentity. Dr. Third, Allan; Dr. Quick,
tudi stvari, kot so denimo vpis na srednjo šolo in fakulteto, dostop
Kevin; Bachler, Michelle, Prof. Domingue, John. Dostopno prek:
do spletnega referata in druge storitve, za katere mora trenutno
uprabljati različne digitalne identitete.
[4] Identity management. Concepts, Technologies and Systems Bertino, Elisa;
Enotna digitalna identiteta za področje izobraževanja bi zelo
pripomogla k splošni uspešnosti digitalizacije področja.
Uporabniku bi se poenostavil dostop do vseh storitev, ki jih
potrebuje, organizacije pa bi imele enoten sistem obdelave in
gital%20identity&f=false (11.8.2021)
upravljanja identitet. Arnes AAI ima potrebne karakteristike, da
[5] Opis
https://arnes.splet.arnes.si/storitve/arnesaai/ (11.8.2021)
zagotovi uspešnost takšnega pristopa, izkušnje pa kažejo, da
[6] ArnesAAI.Arnes. Dostopno prek https://aai.arnes.si/ (11.8.2021)
njegova uporaba organizacijam zelo poenostavlja delo.
[7] Podpora Arnesa izobraževanju na daljavo. Dolenc, Tomi. Dostopno prek
tomi-dolenc/ (12.8.2021)
[8] Izobraževanje.
http://arnes.splet.arnes.si/izobrazevanje/ (24.8.2020)
Analiza podatkov orodja za pomoč pri izbiri poklica
Data Analysis of Support Tool to Choose a profession “KamBi”
Robert Leskovar, Alenka Baggia
Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Kranj, Slovenija
robert.leskovar@um.si, alenka.baggia@um.si
V prispevku so sistematično analizirani podatki, ki so del orodja
»KamBi«. To orodje je namenjeno dijakom zaključnih letnikov
Podatkovna analitika, razvoj kariere, aplikacija KamBi
za pomoč pri izbiri bodočega poklica oz. študijskega programa.
Spletna aplikacija »KamBi« je dostopna od konca decembra
2020 dalje, uporablja pa 10 relacijskih tabel in deluje na
The article analyses the data that are part of the tool "KamBi".
platformi Oracle Apex. Te tabele popisujejo anketna vprašanja
The tool aims to help final year middle school students in
(78), področja kompetenc (26, to so osebnostne lastnosti, ki jih
choosing a study program for future profession. The KamBi web
meri več vprašanj), odgovore anketirancev (136500), poklice
application has been available since the end of December 2020.
(23) z njihovimi zahtevanimi lastnostmi (207) in možnimi
It uses 10 relational tables and runs on the Oracle Apex platform.
izobraževalnimi ustanovami (37) in poklicna priporočila
These tables describe the survey questions (78), the areas of
anketirancem (1750) za katerikoli poklic v bazi. Namen
competence (26, personality traits measured by several
prispevka je obravnava treh sklopov podatkov: lastnosti
questions), the answers of the respondents (136500), the
(samoocene) anketirancev, lastnosti ankete in lastnosti poklicev.
occupations (23) with their required characteristics (207) and
Med samoocenami anketirancev prevladujejo take, ki izražajo
possible educational institutions (37) as well as occupational
pozitivne lastnosti in pogostejše pozitivno obnašanje. Vprašanja
recommendations to respondents (1750) for any occupation in
z binarnim tipom odgovora (ne-da, 39 vprašanj) so anketiranci
the database. The purpose of the paper is to analyse three subsets
reševali hitreje kot vprašanja s pet stopenjsko Likertovo letvico
of data: characteristics (self-assessment) of respondents,
(39 vprašanj). Poprečen čas za odgovor je bil 3.41 sekunde z
characteristics of the survey and characteristics of occupations.
odklonom 2.67 (pri 99% odgovorov; n=135137; 0 >= t > 24 s).
Respondents' self-assessment that indicate positive traits and
Med odgovori in področji so šibke, statistično neznačilne
more frequent positive behaviours predominate. Questions with
povezave. Preverjanje konsistentnosti vprašalnika (interna
a binary type of answer (no-yes, 39 questions) were solved faster
veljavnost) je za skupine vprašanj Likertovega tipa pokazalo
than questions with a five-point Likert scale (39 questions). The
dobro konsistentnost za 3 področja, sprejemljivo za 3 področja,
mean response time was 3.41 seconds with a deviation of 2.67
vprašljivo za 5 področij ter šibka za 2 področji. Konsistentnost je
(at 99% of responses; n = 135137; 0> = t> 24 s). There are weak,
bila izračunana tudi za področja narave dela, ki temeljijo na
statistically insignificant correlations among responses and areas
vprašanjih binarnega tipa. Pri teh so izračunani koeficienti
of competence. Checking the consistency of the questionnaire
(Crombachov alfa) primerljivi le med seboj. Poklice v bazi
(internal validity) for a groups of Likert type questions showed
podatkov smo klasificirali v gruče podobnih glede na lastnosti,
good consistency for 3 areas, acceptable for 3 areas, questionable
ki so jih izobraževalne inštitucije le-tem določile. Optimalno
for 5 areas and weak for 2 areas. Consistency was also calculated
število gruč je bilo 3, preskus z drugačnim številom (2-7) pa je
for areas based on binary-type questions. These coefficients
podaja informacijo o stabilni pripadnosti poklica gruči ter
(Crombach’s alpha) are comparable only to among the binary-
diferenciaciji med poklici. Rezultati analize so koristni za
type groups. The professions in the database were classified into
anketirance, za pripravljavce ankete in za sodelujoče
clusters according to the similarity of characteristics assigned by
izobraževalne inštitucije.
educational institutions. The optimal number of clusters was 3.
The test with a different number (2-7) provides information on
the stable affiliation of the profession and the differentiation
between professions. The results of the analysis can be utilised
by respondents, survey creators and participating educational
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Data analytics, career development, KamBi application
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Po zaključenem srednješolskem izobraževanju so dijaki postav-
ljeni pred odločitev, ki vplivajo ne le na njihov karierni razvoj,
S problem izbire pravega poklica se literatura ukvarja že zelo
pač pa tudi na gospodarski razvoj okolja. Večina dijakov zadnjih
dolgo. Frank Parsons [2] je postavil temelje poklicnega usmerja-
letnikov srednjih šol še ni dovolj jasno poklicno profilirana, kar
nja, ko je predlagal, da se zgradi seznam osebnih lastnosti posa-
je lahko posledica šibkega zavedanja o svojih dejanskih sposob-
meznika, seznam zahtev delovnega mesta, nato pa se izmeri skla-
nostih in potencialih (vključno s precenjevanjem ali podcenjeva-
dnost lastnosti posameznika z zahtevami delovnega mesta. Ger-
njem), pomanjkanja realnih informacij o svojem bodočem po-
meijs in Verschueren [3] sta ugotovila, da je nevroticizem v za-
klicu, izkušenj v realnem delovnem okolju pa tudi osebnostnih
ključnem letniku srednje šole najbolj povezan z neodločenostjo
glede poklicne usmeritve. Ne glede na široko paleto izbire med
Aplikacija KamBi je uradno zaživela 23. decembra 2020. Na-
visokošolskimi institucijami, dijaki težko opredelijo, kaj jih de-
menjena je dijakom zaključnih letnikov kot pomoč pri izbiri po-
jansko veseli in kaj bi bilo primerno zanje [4]. Ne glede na po-
klica oz. študijskega programa, ki najpogosteje vodi do določe-
manjkanje inženirskega kadra v zahodnem svetu, se pogosto do-
nega poklica [1]. Nastala je kot skupni projekt več podjetij, za-
gaja, da dijaki zaradi obetov po dobri zaposlitvi, inženirski poklic
vodov in izobraževalnih ustanov. Pri posameznih sklopih so so-
izberejo iz napačnih razlogov: ker so tovrstne izobraževalne usta-
nove boljše, ker študij odpira vrata in omogoča, da odločitve pre-
• izdelava vprašalnika: podjetje Competo, Karierni center
stavimo na kasnejši čas, ker niso vedeli, kaj izbrati in kje se želijo
Univerze v Ljubljani, Zavod za zaposlovanje Republike Slove-
zaposliti [5]. Po drugi strani pa raziskava med Belgijskimi štu-
denti kaže, da so interesi študentov tehničnih ved veliko bolj
• izdelava profilov diplomantov: Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
usklajeni z njihovim študijskim programom, kot pa interesi štu-
(UL), Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
dentov ne-tehničnih ved [6]. Dijaki si pod poklicem inženirja
(UM), Fakulteta za farmacijo (UL), Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in
predstavljajo različne stereotipe, na primer mehanika, tehnika v
geodezijo (UL), Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo
proizvodnji, ki je praviloma moškega spola [7]. Prav zato je po-
in arhitekturo (UM), Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
moč pri odločitvi za tovrstne poklice ključnega pomena. Visoko-
(UL), Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM), Fakul-
šolske institucije lahko dijakom pomagajo pri sprejemanju odlo-
teta za matematiko in fiziko (UL), Fakulteta za matematiko, na-
čitev o njihovi poklicni karieri v današnjem poklicnem okolju, ki
ravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije (UP), Fakulteta za nara-
je nestanovitno, negotovo in zapleteno.
voslovje in matematiko (UM), Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Aplikacija KamBi je nastala z namenom mladim približati in-
(UM), Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet (UL), Fakulteta za raču-
ženirske poklice [1]. S pomočjo aplikacije mladi z izrisom profila
nalništvo in informatiko (UL), Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL), Fa-
ujemanja pridobijo dodatne informacije o svojih kompetencah in
kulteta za strojništvo (UM), Fizika in astrofizika (UNG), Gospo-
poklicih ter se na ta način lažje odločijo za katerega od inženir-
darski inženiring (UNG), Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta (UL),
skih poklicev.
Šolski center Kranj, Šolski center za pošto, ekonomijo in teleko-
munikacije Ljubljana in Zdravstvena fakulteta (UL). Višješolski
in visokošolski zavodi so zahtevane lastnosti za »svoj« poklic
določili sami.
• izdelava aplikacije: prototip Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Spletno anketo v aplikaciji KamBi je v obdobju od konca decem-
(UM), končna verzija 1.5 podjetje The Right Thing Solutions.
bra 2020 do sredine junija 2021 anonimno izpolnilo 1750 anke-
• gostovanje na spletu: Oracle, Oracle Slovenija in Fakulteta
tirancev v zaključnem letniku srednjih šol širom Slovenije. Vsak
za organizacijske vede (UM)
udeleženec je na osnovi svojih odgovorov dobil priporočilo za
• vodenje projekta: podjetje Mediade.
izbiro enega od 23 definiranih inženirskih poklicev. Kandidati
V prispevku predstavljamo analizo podatkov, ki so nastali pred
lahko do svojih rezultatov dostopajo izključno z žetonom (39
lansiranjem spletne ankete (vprašanja, struktura vprašanj, podro-
mestna unikatna številka), ki se izpiše ob prikazu rezultatov o
čja vprašalnika, poklici, zahtevane lastnosti poklicev) kot tudi
primernosti za poklice, vnesene v bazo podatkov.
zbrane anketne podatke (odgovori na vprašanja) do sredine junija
V oblačni storitvi Oracle Application Express (APEX) se na-
2021. Za posameznika, ki je sodeloval v anketi je sicer najpo-
haja delovni prostor z baza podatkov in aplikacijo KamBi. V bazi
membnejši del aplikacije poročilo o skladnosti njegovih samoo-
podatkov je 10 relacijskih tabel, ki povezujejo: a) anketna vpra-
cen ter zahtevanih lastnosti pri posameznem poklicu. Na ta način
šanja s predlogama odgovorov (binarni tip, Likertov tip), ter po-
smo dijake želeli spodbuditi k razmisleku možnih kariernih poteh,
dročjem, ki mu vprašanje pripada, b) anketiranca (kandidata) z
predvsem o inženirskih poklicih. Analiza podatkov za aplikacijo
njegovimi odgovori, izračunom skladnosti s poklici ter c) poklice
KamBi lahko koristi izobraževalnim inštitucijam pri izostritvi
z zahtevanimi lastnosti na področjih in izobraževalnimi ustano-
lastnosti, ki jih določeni poklici zahtevajo, prav tako pa lahko
vami (slika 1).
prispevajo k spremembam študijskih vsebin. Ker pri vsaki meri-
tvi nastopajo odstopanja od resničnih vrednosti, je smiselno pre-
gledati tudi trenutno stanje merskega inštrumenta – ankete. Zato
bomo v glavnem delu raziskave predstavili te tri sklope analize
podatkov: lastnosti (samoocene) anketirancev, lastnosti ankete in
lastnosti poklicev.
odgovorov (na posamezna vprašanja ali področja) in kako
gruče smiselno poimenovati?
• Kakšna je interna zanesljivost (konsistentnost) vprašalnika,
če kot mero uporabimo koeficient Cronbachov alfa in
vrednotimo področja, za katere je bil uporabljen Likertov
tip vprašanj ter področja, ki jih opredeljujejo vprašanja
binarnega tipa.
• Kako so fakultete določile zahtevane lastnosti za poklice in
kakšne gruče podobnih poklicev so tako nastale?
V jeziku R (verzija 4.01) in vmesniku RStudio [9] smo za iz-
vedbo analize uporabili razne knjižnice kot so rJava, RJDBC,
sqldf, ggplot2, Rfast, psych, plyr, descr, Hmisc, corrplot, RCo-
lorBrewer, fitdistrplus, cluster, factoextra, vtree, DescTools,
Slika 1. Struktura baze podatkov
magrittr in knittr. S temi knjižnicami je bilo možno: dostopati do
baze podatkov, izdelati in izvesti poizvedbe v SQL, izdelati opi-
V bazi podatkov je tako shranjenih 78 vprašanj na 26 podro-
sno statistika, proučiti prileganje teoretičnih distribucijam, izve-
čjih, ki skupaj opredeljujejo 23 poklicev z 207 značilnostmi.
sti analizo gruč ter prikazati rezultate v tekstovni in grafični
Vseh 1750 anket je bilo v celoti izpolnjeno, saj aplikacija ne shra-
njuje nepopolno izpolnjenih anket. Primer enega vprašanja binar-
nega tipa prikazuje slika 2, primer vprašanja Likertovega tipa pa
slika 3.
4.1 Odgovori anketirancev
Z jezikom R smo izdelali opisno statistiko in izrisali histograme
za vseh 78 vprašanj. Del izpisa prikazuje slika 4.
Slika 2. Primer vprašanja binarnega tipa v aplikaciji
Slika 4. Histogrami odgovorov (izsek).
Za ta prispevek bi bilo navajanje opisne statistike in histogra-
mov za vseh 78 vprašanj in 26 področij preobsežno, zato je na
sliki 5 prikaz histogramov odgovorov na vprašanja binarnega
tipa in vprašanja Likertovega tipa.
Slika 3 Primer vprašanja Likertovega tipa v aplikaciji
V tej analizi smo uporabili jezik R [8] in vmesnik RStudio [9].
Na enak način, kot poteka logika preračunavanja v aplikaciji
Slika 5. Histogram odgovorov na vprašanja binarnega in
KamBi smo tudi v skripti jezika R besedne odgovore pretvorili v
Likertovega tipa.
numerične vrednosti: »ne« v 0, »redko« v 0,25, »včasih ne, vča-
sih da« v 0.5, »najpogosteje« v 0.75 ter »da« in »vedno« v 1.
Med prvimi 39 vprašanji je odgovor DA pogostejši, razen pri
Zastavili smo si naslednje sklope raziskovalnih vprašanj:
vprašanjih: 3. Zanimajo me raziskave s področja varovanja oko-
• Kako so anketiranci odgovarjali na posamezna vprašanja in
lja; 28. Sem ’geek’; 38. Čas raje preživljam notri in 39. Nekoč
na področja vprašanj? Koliko časa so porabili za posamezna
bom imel svoj laboratorij. Med vprašanji 40 do 78 prevladujejo
vprašanja, koliko za celoten vprašalnik? Kako so časi
odgovori, ki nakazujejo pogostejše pozitivno ravnanje. Najmanj
porazdeljeni? Kolikšno je optimalno število gruč podobnih
pogosto ravnanje (𝑥𝑥 = 0,66) je pri vprašanjih: 40. Pri delu si do-
Pri porazdelitvi časov smo ugotovili, da aproksimacija s Po-
ločim cilj in sestavim načrt, kako ga bom dosegel in 65. Nimam
issonovo ali negativno binomsko porazdelitvijo ni ustrezna.
težav s spoznavanjem novih ljudi. Pri vprašanju 62. Spodbujam
Analizo gruč smo najprej izvedli na vprašanjih Likertovega tipa,
pozitivno vzdušje in dobre odnose je bilo najvišje poprečje (𝑥𝑥 =
nato pa zaradi prekrivanja iz podatkov odstranili ankete z vre-
0,84 . Korelacijska analiza je pokazala, da so tako odgovori kot
dnostmi časov reševanja manj kot 214 s (1. kvaril) ter več kot
tudi področja šibko povezani, pri čemer niti ena povezava ni sta-
359 s (3. kvartil). Na obeh množicah podatkov (vse ankete, pre-
tistično pomembna na nivoju tveganja 𝑝𝑝 = 0.01.
čiščene ankete) smo tako odgovorih kot pri področjih ugotovili,
Čas, ki so ga anketiranci porabili za posamezen odgovor in ce-
da je optimalno število gruč 2. Gruči po vprašanjih in področjih
lotno anketo je izraženo v sekundah. Na sliki 6 je prikazan izsek
se razlikujeta za manj kot 5 %. Slika 9 prikazuje gruči očiščenih
izpisa le za tri vprašanja (𝑛𝑛 = 1750).
podatkov po 39 vprašanjih Likertovega tipa.
Samo gručanje seveda še ne more dati natančnejšega opisnega
imenovanja gruč, saj je naloga algoritma zgolj zmanjšanje števila
dimenzij – v našem primeru 39 dimenzij (vprašanj) reduciramo
na dve (koordinati x in y). Zato smo izbrali tri vprašanja binar-
nega tipa, za katere smo menili, da so dobri kandidati za razliko-
vanje tehnično usmerjenih od družboslovno usmerjenih: 33. V
roke rad vzamem orodje in stvari naredim sam. 31. Zanima me,
Slika 6. Porazdelitev porabljenega časa za odgovore (izsek).
kako stvari delujejo in 29. Vse funkcije na računalniku in tele-
fonu dobro poznam. Na sliki 10 je prikazano drevo gruče tehni-
Posamezni odgovori so trajali od 0 do 6872s, (𝑥𝑥 =
kov (1) in gruče družboslovcev (2) pri prej navedenih vprašanjih.
4,47𝑠𝑠, 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = 47,24), če pa postavimo mejo na 99. percentil (0 ≤
Med 545 člani skupine rdečih (pogojno tehniki) jih je trikrat od-
𝑡𝑡 ≤ 24) je𝑥𝑥 = 3,41𝑠𝑠, 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = 2,67. Mediana časa za odgovor na
govorilo pozitivno 186, dvakrat pa 211 (seštevek več vej), med
vprašanje 40. Pri delu si določim cilj in sestavim načrt, kako ga
328 člani skupine turkiznih (pogojno družboslovci) pa jih je tri-
bom dosegel je med vsemi vprašanji najvišja (6𝑠𝑠), ker je to prvo
krat pozitivno odgovorilo 84, dvakrat pa 56 (seštevek več vej).
vprašanje z drugačnim tipom odgovora. Skupni časi reševanja ta-
Deleža vsaj dveh pozitivnih odgovorov sta 71 % in 29 %, kar
kih anket so v intervalu od 356.58𝑠𝑠 do 7078𝑠𝑠. Na sliki 7 je pri-
kaže na podobno situacijo kot pri neprečiščenih odgovorih. Skle-
kazana frekvenca in gostota porazdelitve skupnih časov reševa-
pamo, da ta tri izbrana vprašanja binarnega tipa vendarle izražajo
nja ankete. Vrednosti skupnih časov, ki so manjše od 100 sekund
razliko med skupino tehnično usmerjenih in družboslovno
zagotovo nakazujejo, da je okoli 5 % anketirancev zelo hitelo s
usmerjenih in smo zato rdeče obarvano večjo gručo utemeljeno
klikanjem. Izsek izračuna opisne statistike po področjih je pred-
imenovali tehniki, turkizno obarvano manjšo gručo pa družbo-
stavljen na sliki 8. pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, da je 22 po-
dročij agregat 3 vprašanj (po dve področji sta opredeljeni z
Moč definiranih gruč v realnosti pa je glede na večletne po-
dvema oziroma štirimi vprašanji). Najvišjo srednjo vrednost pri
datke o vpisih in diplomantih na slovenskih visokošolskih usta-
agregatih s tremi vprašanji je doseglo področje Delo z ljudmi,
nova obratno. Po uradnih podatkih je bilo v letu 2015 34 % di-
največjo varianco pa področje Uporaba orodij.
plomantov družboslovnih študijev, 16 % tehniških programov in
9 % naravoslovnih programov. Tudi ob upoštevanju seštevka
tehnikov in naravoslovcev imamo v Sloveniji prevladujoč delež
družboslovcev. To odpira nova vprašanja kot so:
1. Ali so anketo večinsko izpolnjevali dijaki, ki jih bolj
zanimajo tehniški, inženirski poklici (anketo je promovirala
iniciativa Inženirji bomo), družboslovno usmerjeni pa so jo
ignorirali? Če da, zakaj?
2. Ali dijaki kljub samooceni, ki kaže tehniško orientiranost, v
procesu odločanja izberejo družboslovni študij? Če da,
3. Ali nekateri študijski programi, ki so uradno deklarirani kot
Slika 7. Frekvenca in gostota porazdelitve skupnih časov re-
družboslovni, vendarle obsegajo določen delež tehniških
ševanja ankete.
vsebin, niso pa klasificirani v popolnoma ustrezne uradne
predalčke? Če da, zakaj?
Prvi dve vprašanji sta vredni dodatnih raziskav, pri zadnjem pa
je odgovor povezan z obsegom proračunskega financiranja viso-
kega šolstva.
Slika 9. Izračun opisne statistike po področjih (izsek).
Na sliki 11 je prikaz koeficienta Cronbach alfa po področjih, ki
jih opredeljujejo vprašanja Likertovega tipa.
Slika 9. Gručanje očiščenih podatkov po 39 vprašanjih Li-
kertovega tipa.
Slika 11. Cronbach alfa po področjih, ki jih opredeljujejo
vprašanja Likertovega tipa.
Preverjanje konsistentnosti vprašalnika je za skupino vprašanj
s področja kompetenc pokazalo, da je konsistentnost dobra za 3
področja ( sprejemanje odločitev, čustvena inteligenca in vode-
nje), sprejemljiva za 3 področja ( odnos do okolja, delo v zaprtem
prostoru, razgiban delovnik ) vprašljiva za 5 področij ( medse-
bojne spretnosti, delo z ljudmi, razvoj novih izdelkov, upravljanje
s stresom, uporaba orodij ) ter šibka za 2 področji ( komunikacij-
ske spretnosti, načrtovanje in organizacija). Vprašanja s podro-
čja narave dela so binarnega tipa, zato so izračunani koeficienti
(Crombach alfa) primerljivi le med seboj, ne pa s skupino vpra-
šanj Likertovega tipa. Najvišjo konsistentnost dosegajo področja
ciljna usmerjenost, uporaba tehnologije, zanesljivost in samo-
stojno delo vendar z referenčno oceno vprašljivo, sledi delo v
timu (referenčna ocena šibko) in nato analitične sposobnosti, tim-
sko delo, delo na terenu, inovativnost, reševanje problemov, na-
tančnost, prodaja in odnos do stranke z referenčno oceno nespre-
jemljiv. Pri vseh izračunih je bil upoštevan 95 % interval zaupa-
4.3 Gruče poklicev glede na zahtevane lastnosti
Slika 10. Drevo gruče tehnikov (1) in gruče družboslovcev
visokošolskih inštitucij
(2) pri vprašanjih 33, 31 in 29.
Določitev zahtevanih lastnosti v veliki meri vpliva na priporočilo
o najustreznejšem poklicu. Vsaka visokošolska inštitucija je do-
4.2 Interna zanesljivost vprašalnika
ločila tiste lastnosti, ki jih pričakuje od svojih diplomantov.
Interno zanesljivost vprašalnika smo preverili s koeficientom, ki
Skupno je bilo na voljo 26 lastnosti, od katerih se je polovica
se imenuje Cronbachov alfa: v števcu je zmnožek števila pojavov
nanašala na naravo delo, polovica pa na kompetence. V bazi so
ter poprečne kovariance (ta podaja samo smer povezave med pari
bile pripravljene lastnosti za 23 poklicev. Na sliki 12 je prikazano
spremenljivk) v imenovalcu pa seštevek poprečne korelacije (ta
število lastnosti, ki so jih visokošolske inštitucije zahtevale od
podaja smer in moč povezave med pari spremenljivk) in zmno-
»svojih« poklicev.
žek števila pojavov zmanjšanega za eno ter poprečno kovarianco.
Običajno so vrednosti med 0 in 1, vendar spodnja vrednost ni
omejena. Višja vrednost načeloma pomeni večjo konsistentnost.
Slika 14. Skupine poklicev pri optimalnem številu gruč
Slika 12. Število zahtevanih lastnosti za poklic.
Z metodo, ki se imenuje statistika vrzeli (gap statistics), smo
Z vidika inštitucij, ki izobražujejo za več poklicev, je morda
ugotovili, da je optimalno število gruč 3. Na sliki 13 je prikazan
pomembna diferenciacija. Tak primer je UM FOV, ki je predsta-
graf za število gruč med 1 do 10. Optimalno število gruč je dolo-
vila dva poklica: organizator informatik in organizator poslov-
čeno z najnižjo vrednostjo statistike vrzeli, ki smo jo izvedli s
nih sistemov. Analiza gruč je pokazala dobro diferenciacijo, saj
1000 simulacijskimi teki.
se razlikujeta že pri klasificiranju v dve gruči. Kot primer pokli-
cev, ki neodvisno od števila gruč vedno nastopajo skupaj naj-
demo: inženir informatike in tehnologij komuniciranja, inženir
računalništva in matematike, inženir računalništva in informa-
cijskih tehnologij ter inženir računalništva in informatike. Zani-
miv je tudi poklic inženir mehatronike, pri katerem bi pričakovali,
da bo pogosto nastopal v gručah inženirjem strojništva in inže-
nirjem elektrotehnike. Vendar je v gruči z omenjenima le, kadar
klasificiramo v pet gruč, sicer pa mu članstvo zelo spreminja. Pri
treh gručah nastopa v skupini s še devetimi poklici, med katerimi
ni pričakovanih. Lastnosti, ki so jih izobraževalne ustanove za-
htevale za posamezne poklice, zelo vplivajo na gruče in priporo-
čila anketirancem za najprimernejši poklic.
Slika 13. Funkcija statistike vrzeli za optimalno število gruč.
Skupine poklicev pri optimalnem številu gruč (𝑛𝑛 = 3) prika-
zuje slika 14, slika 15 pa povzetek pripadnosti poklicev pri šte-
vilu gruč od 1 do 7.
Slika 15. Pripadnosti poklicev pri številu gruč (n od 1 do 7).
Samoocena anketirancev (odgovori na 78 vprašanj), določitev
Analiza podatkov orodja za pomoč pri izbiri poklica »KamBi« je
osebnih lastnosti, ki jih skupine vprašanj (26) opredeljujejo in
obsegala tri vsebinske sklope, ki so v domeni anketiranca, pri-
določitev zahtevanih lastnosti poklicev (23) vplivajo na priporo-
pravljavca ankete ter visokošolskih ustanov, ki izobražujejo za
čila o primernosti posameznega poklica za posameznega anketi-
»svoje« poklice. Kompleksno analizo smo izvedli v jeziku R [8]
ranca. Tako poleg anketirancev v procesu izdelave priporočila
in z vmesnikom RStudio [9], kar je v kombinaciji z Latex-om
nastopajo razvijalci ankete ter sodelujoče visokošolske ustanove
pripomoglo k sprotnemu dokumentiranju in vizualizaciji rezulta-
S post festum analizo smo rangirali poklicne preference za 1750
tov obdelave.
anketirancev. Na sliki 16 so za vse poklice prikazane frekvence
Priložnosti za izboljšavo v smislu boljših in natančnejših pri-
rangov od 1 do 3. Seveda je za poklic (posredno za visokošolsko
poročil anketirancem so predvsem: 1. večstransko ocenjevanje
ustanovo) pomembno, da nastopa čim večkrat z najvišjim ran-
posameznikovih lastnosti. Poleg samoocene je možno vključiti
gom (R1).
tudi osebe, ki anketiranca dobro poznajo in ga bolj nepristransko
Posameznik ima običajno tudi lastnosti, ki jih visokošolska
ocenijo. 2. razmislek o vprašalniku, posebej za področja, kjer je
ustanova poklicu ni predpisala. Tudi te lastnosti so v delovnem
preverjanje interne konsistentnosti pokazalo nižje referenčne
okolju lahko odločilne za razvoj kariere. Podobno kot smo ran-
ocene in 3. razmislek o lastnostih, ki so posameznim poklicem
girali poklice po specificiranih lastnostih smo to storili tudi za
določene. Fakultete bi lahko vsaki od 26 lastnosti določile rela-
nespecificirane oziroma presežne lastnosti. Pri teh sta bila naj-
tivno težo (pomen) za »svoj« poklic. posamezne lastnosti.
višje rangirana (R1) poklica inženir okoljskega gradbeništva
Orodje KamBi ni le »še ena anketa« temveč je skupaj s podatki,
(226) in inženir elektrotehnike (224). Presežne lastnosti v poro-
ki morajo biti pripravljeni pred lansiranjem ankete ter podatki, ki
čilu za anketiranca v spletni anketi niso dosegljiva, morda pa bi
nastanejo v času izvajanja, lahko koristno sredstvo za izbiro po-
jih v prihodnosti lahko vključili, saj utegnejo posamezniku tudi
sameznikove karierne poti, pripravljavcem orodij za izbiro po-
pomagati pri izbiri poklicne poti.
klicev in visokošolskim ustanovam pa lahko nudi empirično pod-
poro pri izvajanju glavnih aktivnosti – poklicnega usmerjanja in
Avtorja se zahvaljujeva vsem institucijam, ki so sodelovale pri
razvoju orodja KamBi [1].
[1] Mediade, “Inženirke in inženirji bomo!,” 2021. [Online]. Available:
[2] F. Parsons, Choosing a vocation (re-print of 1909 original version). Garret
Park, MD, 1989.
[3] V. Germeijs and K. Verschueren, “Indecisiveness and Big Five personality
factors: Relationship and specificity,” Pers. Individ. Dif. , vol. 50, no. 7,
pp. 1023–1028, 2011.
[4] H. T. Holmegaard, L. M. Ulriksen, and L. M. Madsen, “The Process of
Choosing What to Study: A Longitudinal Study of Upper Secondary
Students’ Identity Work When Choosing Higher Education,” Scand. J.
Educ. Res. , vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 21–40, Jan. 2014.
[5] C. Didier and P. Simonnin, “I became an engineer by accident!,” in Forum
on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology, 2012.
[6] S. Schelfhout et al. , “How interest fit relates to STEM study choice:
Female students fit their choices better,” J. Vocat. Behav. , vol. 129, p.
103614, 2021.
[7] B. M. Capobianco, H. A. Diefes-dux, I. Mena, and J. Weller, “What is an
Slika 16. Frekvence rangov poklicev za prvo, drugo in tretje
Engineer? Implications of Elementary School Student Conceptions for
priporočilo anketirancu.
Engineering Education,” J. Eng. Educ. , vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 304–328, 2011.
[8] R. C. Team, “R: A language and environment for statistical computing.”
R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2021.
[9] RStudio Team, “RStudio: Integrated Development for R.” RStudio, PBC,
Boston, MA, 2021.
Priprava in uporaba kvizov v različnih programih za
preverjanje usvojenega znanja pri predmetu fizika na
Preparation and use of quizzes in various IT tools for checking pupil’s knowledge in the
subject of physics in high school
Kristina Leskovar
Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna
Kranj, Slovenija
assessing the acquired knowledge when teaching remotely. In
this article, I present an assessing of acquired knowledge with the
Pouk, kjer učitelj predava, dijak pa posluša, ni dovolj učinkovit
help of the learning platform Kahoot!, surveys with video
in je v nasprotju s smernicami, ki veljajo za sodoben pouk. Pri
communication platform Microsoft Zoom and tool Kviz that is
poučevanju na daljavo pa se je še posebej izkazalo, da dijaki
part of learning management system Moodle. All the listed tools
potrebujejo več motivacijskih nalog, izzivov in zanimivosti, ki
were presented to other employees of our institution at short
pritegnejo k poslušanju in usvajanju nove snovi. Za sprotno
workshops, which we organized internally in the school year
preverjanje znanja se v šoli najpogosteje uporabi kar metoda
2020/2021. In this article the results of a short questionnaire for
ustnega spraševanja na samem začetku ure ali pa po končani
employees after those workshops are also presented.
razlagi. Učitelj tako sproti oceni, kako je z usvojenim znanjem.
Pri poučevanju na daljavo sem poiskala pripomočke, ki so se
izkazali za najuporabnejše pri preverjanju usvojenega znanja in
Checking the acquired knowledge, Quiz, Kahoot!, Moodle,
so nadomestili sprotno preverjanje, ki ga izvajam v šoli. V
prispevku predstavim preverjanje usvojenega znanja s pomočjo
orodja Kahoot!, Ankete, ki jo omogoča komunikacijski program
Zoom in orodje Kviz v programu Moodle. Vsa našteta orodja
oziroma aplikacije sem predstavila tudi ostalim zaposlenim na
Sodobna šola v primerjavi s šolo preteklih desetletij zahteva
kratkih delavnicah, ki smo jih interno organizirali v šolskem letu
prožnost, s tem pa ne samo miselni, temveč tudi strokovni
2020/2021 na našem zavodu. V članku pa predstavim tudi
preskok pri delu z mladimi. Mladi si želijo motiviranega
rezultate kratkega vprašalnika za zaposlene, ki sem ga izvedla po
odprtega učitelja, dovzetnega za novosti in sodoben način dela v
končanih delavnicah.
razredu. Pouk, kjer učitelj predava, dijak pa posluša, ni dovolj
učinkovit in je v nasprotju v smernicami, ki veljajo za sodoben
pouk [1]. Učitelj poučuje dijake, ki so računalniško pismeni,
Preverjanje usvojenega znanja, kviz, Kahoot!, Moodle, Zoom
poznajo komunikacijska sredstva in temu primerno mora
prilagoditi pouk [2].
Pri pouku, ki poteka na daljavo, pa postanejo kompetence
sodobnega učitelja še pomembnejše. Pri pouku na daljavo se
Teaching where the teacher is lecturing, and the pupil is listening
pojavijo naslednje težave: dijaki niso notranje dovolj motivirani,
is not effective enough in fact it is contrary to the guidelines that
primanjkuje jim zunanje motivacije, so preobremenjeni z velikim
apply to modern teaching. When teaching remotely, however, it
številom ur, ki jih presedijo za računalnikom … [3]. Če učitelj
has been especially shown that pupils need more motivational
tasks, challenges and points of interest that attract them to listen
želi pripraviti uro, ki bo dijake pritegnila, jih obdržala pred ekrani,
and master new material. For purpose of current assessment of
poleg tega pa naj bi še usvojili želene cilje ure, je potrebno
knowledge, the method of oral questioning in the school is most
upoštevati pravilno zgradbo ure. Ura mora biti zgrajena tako, da
often used at the very beginning of the class or after the end of
pripomore k boljši motivaciji dijakov.
the explanation. The teacher thus assesses the knowledge
Izkazalo se je, da motivacija na začetku šolske ure v obliki
acquired. I searched for tools that proved to be most useful in
kviza, kjer vsi dijaki sodelujejo, pritegne k poslušanju, kratka
vprašanja za vse dijake tekom šolske ure držijo dijake zbrane tudi
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
med uro in da s sprotnim preverjanjem na koncu ure učitelj lažje
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
organizira razlago v prihodnjih urah. Hkrati pa je potrebno
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
poudariti, da preveliko število aplikacij, orodij, načinov
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
podajanja snovi za dijake povzroča dodatne kognitivne
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
obremenitve in pripelje do velikega miselnega napora.
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Ugotovitve kažejo, da sočasna vključitev velikega števila novih
spletnih platform in orodij niža učenčev občutek
samoučinkovitosti [4]. Zmernost vseh spodaj opisanih orodij je
funkcije in analize. Slednjih ne morem komentirati, saj sem
uporabnica brezplačne verzije programa.
Prvo predstavljeno orodje je program Kahoot!, s katerim sem
Usvojeno znanje sem preverjala še s programom Kvizi v spletnih
ustvarila kvize za preverjanje usvojenega znanja. Kahoot! je učna
učilnicah Moodle. Za pripravo kviza so na voljo različni tipi
platforma, ki je zasnovana na igrah in se uporablja kot
vprašanj: Drži/Ne drži, Esej, Kratek odgovor, Izberi manjkajoče
izobraževalna tehnologija v šolah in drugih izobraževalnih
besede, Povleci in spusti, Ujemanje, Ugnezdeni odgovori,
ustanovah. Igre, ki so zasnovane kot kvizi z več izbirami, so
Izračunano, Več izbir. Sama sem se najpogosteje poslužila
dostopne prek spletnega brskalnika ali aplikacije Kahoot! [5].
možnosti Drži/Ne drži in možnost Več izbir (slika 2).
Sama sem uporabila kvize na začetku učne ure in so služili
kot motivacija. S kvizom sem preverila, koliko dijaki že poznajo
temo, ki sem jo med poukom predstavila. Orodje Kahhot! namreč
takoj pokaže statistiko pravilnih in nepravilnih rešitev, kar
omogoča takojšen vpogled v nivo znanja, ki ga imajo dijaki pri
določeni temi. Orodje Kahoot! pa se je dobro izkazalo tudi za
analizo usvojenega znanja po uri (slika 1). Učitelj dobi takojšnjo
povratno informacijo o razumevanju določene snovi.
Slika 2: Vprašanje tipa Več izbir v enem od pripravljenih
Kviz sem uporabila na več načinov. Uporabila sem ga kot
orodje za preverjanje znanja na začetku ure. Na žalost se v tej
situaciji v mojem primeru ni izkazal kot najboljši pripomoček,
saj analiza ni tako hitra in pregledna kot na primer v orodju
Kahoot! Rezultatov torej nisem mogla uporabiti kot temelj, na
katerem naj gradim razlago nove snovi. Kviz pa sem uporabila
Slika 1: Preverjanje znanja v programu Kahoot!
tudi kot preverjanje znanja celotne predelane snovi. V tej situaciji
pa je po mojem mnenju orodje zelo uporabno. Orodje Kviz
Možnosti, ki jih ponuja progam, je več. Učitelj lahko sestavi
omogoča, da se ga odpre za dijake na točno določen datum in uro.
različne tipe nalog: Drži/Ne drži, več možnih izbir, Da/Ne …
Dijaki lahko kviz rešujejo sočasno. Kviz je lahko časovno
Bralca vabim, da vse možnosti uporabe razišče sam.
omejen in po končanem reševanju orodje samo določi oceno
uspešnosti reševanja. Ker se v nastavitvah kviza da omogočiti
2.1 Prednosti in slabosti uporabe
tudi pomešana vprašanja, to omogoči verodostojnejše rezultate
in ocene. Analiza rezultatov je tista, ki je v nadaljevanju
Glavna prednost programa Kahoot! je v preprosti uporabi. Ko je
kviz pripravljen, lahko z deljenjem kode dijaki kviz »odigrajo«
uporabna za oceno izvedene ure. S pomočjo orodja sem ocenila,
takoj, možno ga je tudi večkrat ponoviti. Pozitivna lastnost
koliko so dijaki razumeli predstavljeno snov. Podrobnejša
orodja je hitra analiza rezultatov, kar da hiter vpogled v trenutno
analiza natančno pokaže tudi, pri katerem vprašanju so imeli
dijaki težave. Učitelj vidi, katerega dela snovi dijaki niso
stanje znanja, ki ga imajo dijaki. Orodje pokaže dijake, ki so
razumeli, usvojili ter lahko uro prilagodi na ta način, da ponovi
najuspešnejši, dijake, ki potrebujejo dodatno pomoč. Prednost je
tudi, da za reševanje kviza dijaki potrebujejo zgolj mobilni
Kviz v orodju Moodle se da uporabiti tudi pri maturantih, saj
telefon in ne potrebujejo nameščene aplikacije ali dodatnega
je pri maturi iz fizike ena od maturitetnih pol sestavljena iz
programa. V kviz je možno vključiti slikovno gradivo. Kviz je na
ta način tudi vizualno zelo privlačen. Ob samem reševanju kviza
vprašanj izbirnega tipa. Baza vprašanj je dosegljiva v banki nalog
igra tudi izbrana glasba, ki še stopnjuje in poudarja napetost med
[6]. V kombinaciji z že pripravljenimi vprašanji je kviz
pripravljen hitro in je dobra priprava na maturo.
samim reševanjem.
Dijaki so obliko kviza v platformi Kahoot! dobro sprejeli.
3.1 Prednosti in slabosti uporabe
Vedno so z veseljem »odigrali« igro. Pri povratnih informacijah,
ki sem jih dobila na koncu šolskega leta, so poudarili, da je kviz
Kviz v Moodlu se je izkazal kot zelo uporabno orodje. Ima kar
popestril ure, jih naredil bolj dinamične. Kvizov v tej obliki si
nekaj prednosti. Prva od njih je, da ima več tipov vprašanj, kar
želijo tudi v naslednjem šolskem letu, ne glede na način
omogoča pestro postavitev kviza. Prednost je tudi, da je kviz
izobraževanja, ki nas čaka v letu 2021/2022; doma ali v šoli.
lahko časovno omejen in da ponudi pomešana vprašanja. Kviz
Slabost, ki morda to tudi ni, je, da je program plačljiv in v
ponuja dobro analizo rezultatov in pregleden vpogled v analize.
svoji brezplačni različici ponuja zgolj nekaj možnosti. V kolikor
Pomanjkljivosti, ki bi izstopale, orodje Kviz nima. Bi pa bil v
se učitelj odloči za nakup licence, se namreč možnosti, ki jih ima
kombinaciji z zaklenjenim zaslonom uporaben pripomoček tudi
učitelj pri sestavi kviza, povečajo. Omogočene so dodatne
za samo ocenjevanje znanja, ne le preverjanje.
Uporaba zgoraj predstavljenih orodij je ena od možnosti, kako
Orodje Zoom omogoča izvedbo anketnega vprašalnika med
sproti preverjati usvojeno znanje ne samo pri fiziki, ampak tudi
kreirano sejo. Anketni vprašalnik se lahko pripravi že pred
pri ostalih predmetih tako na osnovni kot tudi na srednji šoli, če
pričetkom seje ali med sejo samo. Možnost anketnega
pouk poteka na daljavo. Predstavljena orodja pa so zelo uporabna
vprašalnika sem uporabila kot kviz za preverjanje usvojenega
tudi pri pouku, ki poteka v učilnici. S pomočjo orodij je pouk
znanja oziroma razumevanje novih pojmov. Vprašalnik lahko
dinamičen, zanimiv in sodobnejši. S predstavitvijo orodij
dijaki rešujejo le med uro, rezultati so vidni takoj. Po zaključeni
zaposlenim pa se je hitreje razširilo tudi znanje in njihova
seji anketnega vprašalnika ni več možno reševati. Ker so rezultati
uporaba pri ostalih predmetih. S predstavitvijo so bili zaposleni
vprašalnika vidni takoj, je možno takojšnje ukrepanje pri razlagi.
zadovoljni, kar so dokazali s tem, da so orodja tudi začeli
Anketni vprašalnik sem uporabila tudi kot orodje za reševanje
uporabljati pri pouku.
nalog, kjer so bili ponujeni odgovori na daljše računske naloge.
Na ta način sem videla, koliko dijakov je nalogo rešilo, koliko je
bilo pravilno rešenih nalog itn.
Zahvaljujem se vodstvu Gimnazije Franceta Prešerna, ki je v
času šolanja na daljavo podprlo vse ideje ter mi stalo ob strani pri
4.1 Prednosti in slabosti uporabe
izvajanju novosti.
Prednost anketnega vprašalnika, ki ga ponuja orodje Zoom, je ta,
da dijaki ne potrebujejo telefonov, s katerim rešujejo
naloge/vprašanja. Vprašalnik se pojavi v sami seji, kjer
[1] VIjayalakshmi, M., 2019. Modern Teaching Techniques in Education.
spremljajo predavanje. Na ta način ni preklapljanja med orodji in
Conference paper: Educational Technology in Teacher Education in the
21st Century, (Feb, 2019). Dostopno na:
aplikacijami. Dijaki ostanejo zbrani.
Glavna pomanjkljivost orodja pa je, da orodje postane
_Techniques_in_Education [14. 8. 2021].
nepregledno, če so vprašanja daljša in jih je več. Najprimernejše
[2] Macuh, B., (2009). Kako motivirati sebe in učence za aktiven pouk, (20.
8. 2009). Dostopno na: http://www.solski-razgledi.com/e-sr-
je za kratka vprašanja tipa Drži/Ne drži ali kratke odgovore na
prispevek.asp?ID=177 [13. 8. 2021].
krajše naloge.
[3] Doug, V., 2002. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration,
Volume V, Number III, (jesen 2002). Dostopno na:
https://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/fall53/valentine53.html [13. 8.
[4] Aguilera-Hermida, A. P., (2020). College students’ use and acceptance
of emergency online learning due to COVID-19. International Journal of
V obliki kratkega predavanja so bila orodja predstavljena tudi
Educational Research Open.
[5] Kahoot!, 2021. https://kahoot.com/ [16. 8. 2021].
ostalim zaposlenim v našem zavodu. Med učenjem na daljavo
[6] Banka nalog. 2014. Dostopno na:
smo se namreč zavedali dejstva, da dijaki težko ostanejo
motivirani ves čas pouka in da mora učitelj na različne načine
zRezultatov [17. 8. 2021].
poskrbeti, da je ura dinamična in zanimiva. Ena od možnosti so
tudi zgoraj omenjeni kvizi.
Pri predstavitvi orodji sem bila pozorna na to, da so bila
orodja predstavljena kratko in jedrnato. Poudarila sem glavne
prednosti in slabosti. Pokazala sem po en primer za vsako orodje.
Po končani predstavitvi sem izvedla še kratek vprašalnik, kjer
me je zanimalo, če jim je bila predstavitev všeč, ali bodo
uporabljali orodja pri pouku in katero orodje se jim zdi
najuporabnejše. Zaposleni so odgovorili, da so bili s
predstavitvijo zadovoljni. 80 % zaposlenih še ni uporabljalo
orodja Kahoot! Nihče od zaposlenih ni uporabljal orodja Kviz v
Moodlovih učilnicah. Le 10 % zaposlenih pa je vsaj enkrat
uporabilo anketni vprašalnik v programu Zoom. Kar 95 %
zaposlenih je zapisalo, da bodo v nadaljnjih urah preizkusili vsaj
eno omenjeno orodje. Največ zaposlenih je po zapisanem
poskusilo orodje Kahoot!, na drugem mestu je anketni vprašalnik
v Zoom-u. Samo dva zaposlena pa sta poskusila uporabiti tudi
Kviz v Moodlovi učilnici.
Spletni jezikovni priročniki pri pouku slovenščine
Online linguistic manuals for teaching Slovene
Mateja Miljković
OŠ n. h. Maksa Pečarja
Ljubljana, Slovenija
se želimo prepričati o njenih oblikoslovnih lastnostih. Vse te
podatke najdemo v različnih pravopisnih, slovarskih in drugih
Pri jezikovnih dilemah so nam v pomoč jezikovni priročniki. V
priročnikih. Nekdaj smo po njih brskali predvsem v knjižnici na
sodobnem digitaliziranem svetu jih najdemo vedno več na spletu,
polici z referenčno zbirko ali na domači knjižni polici. To je
po njih pa lahko brskamo s pomočjo elektronskih naprav.
dajalo vsej stvari poseben čar. V današnjem digitaliziranem svetu
Pojavila so se spletna mesta, kjer lahko na enem mestu najdemo
pa imamo vse to na spletnih straneh, kjer besed več ne iščemo po
povezave do različnih jezikovnih virov in servisov. Učni načrt za
abecednem vrstnem redu, ampak jih samo še vtipkamo v iskalnik
slovenščino v osnovni šoli narekuje uporabo jezikovnih
in že imamo rezultat.
priročnikov v knjižni in elektronski obliki. V prispevku je
opisana učna ura v računalniški učilnici, kjer učenci spoznajo
portal Fran, tj. spletišče, na katerem so uporabnikom na voljo vsi
temeljni jezikovni priročniki za slovenščino. Z reševanjem
Pri razreševanju jezikovnih dilem so nam v pomoč jezikovni
praktičnih nalog se urijo v uporabi le-teh. Taka izvedba učne ure
priročniki. To so knjige, ki nam pomagajo, da naš jezik čim bolj
je večini učencev všeč, poleg tega pa temelji na izkustvenem
ustreza okoliščinam, v katerih ga uporabljamo, in namenu, ki ga
učenju in navaja na uporabo spletnih jezikovnih priročnikov. V
imamo z njim [1]. Lahko so vsebinski – v njih so opisane
bodoče bo za namen pouka možno uporabiti novo nastali portal
lastnosti posameznih jezikovnih ravnin (slovnica, pravila v
Franček, ki pa je namenjen posebej učencem in dijakom.
prvem delu Slovenskega pravopisa), abecedni – predstavljene
besede po abecednem vrstnem redu (slovarji, Slovenski
pravopis) ali zbirke besedil v e-obliki oz. t. i. korpusi – to so
Jezikovni priročniki, splet, portal Fran
obsežne zbirke besedil, ki jih zbirajo iz množičnih medijev,
knjig, spletnih strani …, s katerimi lahko preverimo zapis in rabo
iskane besede, besedne zveze ali dela besedila [1].
Linguistic manuals help us with language dilemmas. In
Najpomembnejši jezikovni priročniki so:
today's digital world, we can find an increasing number of
them online, and we can browse through them with the help
• Slovenska slovnica, kjer so opisane in predstavljene
of electronic devices. Websites have appeared which al ow us
značilnosti jezika po posameznih enotah (glasoslovje,
to find links to various language sources and services in one
besedoslovje, besedotvorje, oblikoslovje, skladnja,
place. The curriculum for Slovene in primary school dictates
the use of linguistic manuals in book and electronic form. The
• Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, ki obsega
paper describes a lesson in a computer classroom, where
oblikovne in vsebinske podatke o besedah slovenskega
pupils get to know the Fran portal - a website with al basic
language manuals for Slovene available to users. By solving
• Slovenski pravopis, ki vsebuje pravila o pravilnem
practical tasks, they are trained in the use of these manuals.
zapisovanju besed in slovarski del.
Most of the pupils like that kind of lesson which in addition is
• Slovenski etimološki slovar, ki obravnava izvor besed
based on experiential learning and builds a habit of using
in pojasnjuje, iz katerih jezikov so prišle v slovenščino.
online linguistic manuals. In the future, it wil be possible to
• Veliki slovar tujk, ki pojasnjuje besede, prevzete iz
use the newly created Franček portal for the purpose of
tujih jezikov.
lessons with stated portal being intended especial y for
pupils and students.
2.1 ezikovni priročniki na spletu
S širjenjem digitaliziranega sveta najdemo vedno več jezikovnih
Linguistic manuals, web, Fran portal
priročnikov na spletu, ki lahko na tak način preko računalnikov,
pametnih telefonov ali tablic dosežejo širši krog uporabnikov,
tudi mladih, ki so še posebej vešči uporabe digitalnih naprav.
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS je v letu 2014 finančno podprlo
projekt »Izdelava spletne strani z opisi jezikovnih virov in orodij
V življenju se marsikdaj srečamo z vprašanji, kako se beseda
za slovenščino ter osnovnimi (video) navodili za njihovo
prav napiše, prav izgovori, kaj pomeni, od kod izvira … Včasih
uporabo«, ki je nastal pod okriljem zavoda za uporabno
slovenistiko Trojina in se je v naslednjih letih še nadgrajeval. [2]
3.1 Portal Fran
Tako lahko na enem mestu najdemo povezave do različnih virov
Fran, jezikovni portal Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša
– jezikovnotehnoloških, korpusnih, pravopisnih, slovarskih,
ZRC SAZU, je spletišče, na katerem so uporabnikom na voljo
slovničnih, terminoloških in zgodovinskih (Slika 1). Vsak vir je
vsi temeljni jezikovni priročniki za slovenščino. Namenjen je
predstavljen s kratkim videoposnetkom, ki nam prikazuje
najširšemu krogu uporabnikov – temu sta prilagojena iskanje in
osnovne značilnosti in načine iskanja.
prikaz podatkov. Uporaben je pri pouku, saj učencem omogoča,
Ditko (Moj jezik v digitalnem svetu) je podoben projekt, ki
da aktivno spoznavajo pomene in rabo znanih in neznanih besed
je nastal na Inštitutu za medijske komunikacije na Fakulteti za
ter da preverijo pravopisne, oblikoslovne in skladenjske lastnosti
elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v
določene besede. Učenci tako spoznavajo različne jezikovne
Mariboru. Njegov namen je bil v digitalnem obdobju ponuditi
lastnosti besedja in hkrati pridobivajo védenje o uporabi
digitalne vsebine slovenščine, tj. spletne jezikovne priročnike, in
jezikovnih priročnikov. Iskalnik na www.fran.si omogoča zelo
jih čim bolj učinkovito približati uporabnikom. V sklopu projekta
enostavno iskanje razlag slovenskih besed, njihovega pregibanja,
Ditko, ki je trajal od začetka leta 2018 do konca oktobra 2019, so
pravopisnih lastnosti, frazeologije, etimologije, zgodovinske in
vzpostavili spletno stran www.ditko.si s predstavitvijo vseh
narečne rabe (Slika 2). Izhodiščna stran omogoča dober vizualni
spletnih jezikovnih priročnikov, ki so na voljo za slovenščino [3].
pregled temeljnih slovenskih slovarjev po tematskih skupinah.
Jezikovne vire in servise najdemo tudi na spletni strani
Fran trenutno vključuje 29 slovarjev, narečni atlas, nekatere
Slovenskega društva za jezikovne tehnologije (SDJT), seznam
jezikovne podatkovne zbirke in povezave na druge pomembnejše
slovenskih spletnih slovarjev pa na www.Slovarji.si.
jezikovne vire za slovenščino ter dve jezikovni svetovalnici,
znotraj katerih lahko uporabniki strokovnjakom zastavljajo
vprašanja v zvezi s svojimi jezikovnimi zadregami [6].
Slika 1: Portal jezikovnih virov
O tem, kje in kako iskati, se učijo učenci že v osnovni šoli. Učni
načrt za slovenščino [4] v drugem in tretjem vzgojno-
Slika 2: Portal Fran
izobraževalnem obdobju narekuje razvijanje učenčeve
pravopisne zmožnosti z uporabo pravopisnih priročnikov v
3.2 Uporaba spletnih jezikovnih priročnikov pri
knjižni in elektronski obliki, v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem
obdobju pa še razvijanje poimenovalne zmožnosti z uporabo
slovarskih priročnikov v knjižni in elektronski obliki, kot so
V sedmem razredu osnovne šole z učenci obravnavamo Slovar
SSKJ, Veliki slovar tujk ipd. Učenec ob koncu devetletke pokaže
slovenskega knjižnega jezika in ob tem pregledamo še ostale
poimenovalno zmožnost tako, da zna uporabljati slovarske
jezikovne priročnike. Najprej se učenci v razredu spoznajo s
priročnike v knjižni in elektronski obliki, pravopisno zmožnost
teorijo – naštevajo vrste priročnikov, si ogledajo fizične izvode
pa pokaže tako, da zna uporabljati pravopisne priročnike v
najpomembnejših priročnikov, ugotavljajo, kaj nam posamezni
knjižni in elektronski obliki.
izvod prinaša in kako in kdaj ga uporabljamo. Pokažem jim, kje
Uporaba jezikovnih priročnikov pri pouku slovenščine je
najdejo elektronske priročnike, še posebej predstavim portal
Fran, ki ga bodo sami preizkusili v nadaljevanju. Sledi praktični
pomembna, saj učenci s tem širijo in bogatijo svoje besedišče ter
del v računalniški učilnici, kjer učenci rešujejo konkretne naloge,
se navajajo na njihovo samostojno rabo. Uporaba slovarjev
saj je cilj, da znajo priročnike uporabljati v vsakdanjem življenju.
namreč pozitivno vpliva na uspešno učenje novih besed ter
pripomore k poglabljanju znanja o besedah tako na ravni pomena
Za začetek učenci ponovijo, katere slovarje poznajo in kaj jim le-
kot rabe, bogat besedni zaklad pa je izjemno pomemben element
ti prinašajo (Slika 3).
sporazumevalne zmožnosti posameznikov – med drugim igra
veliko vlogo pri šolskem uspehu, saj omogoča lažje razumevanje
novih šolskih vsebin ter ima pozitiven vpliv na bralno pismenost
[5]. Slovar v šolski praksi ni le priročnik, ki daje informativno-
normativne podatke o jeziku, ampak je tudi pomembno
didaktično sredstvo [5].
Slika 6: Učni list, naloge 9–10
Slika 3: Učni list, naloga 1
V nadaljevanju odprejo Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika.
http://besana.amebis.si (Slika 7), kjer lahko s pomočjo Spoznavajo posamezne geselske članke, iščejo razlago besed,
avtomatske lektorice preverijo pravilnost zapisa ali si pomagajo
spoznavajo frazeološko gnezdo kot sestavni del geselskega
pri pregibanju različnih besednih vrst (Slika 8).
članka in iščejo pomene stalnih besednih zvez (Slika 4).
Slika 4: Učni list, naloge 2–4
Sledi spoznavanje Etimološkega slovarja, Slovarja slovenskih
frazemov in Slovarja novejšega slovenskega jezika. Učenci
Slika 7: Amebis Besana, pregibanje
iščejo izvor besed, ki jih uporabljamo v slovenskem jeziku,
pomene stalnih besednih zvez in pomene besed, ki so v
slovenskem jeziku dokaj nove. Učence navajam k temu, da sami
vedo, kateri slovar bodo uporabili (Slika 5).
Slika 8: Učni list, naloge 11–12
Slika 5: Učni list, naloge 5–8
3.3 Portal Franček
Na Inštitutu za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša so šli še korak
Sledijo naloge, povezane s Slovenskim pravopisom, s katerim si
dlje. Ob 30. obletnici samostojnosti Republike Slovenije so
učenci lahko pomagajo pri odpravljanju pravopisnih napak in
objavili nov portal Franček (Slika 9), ki bo v končni obliki na
ugotavljanju pravilnega zapisa težjih besed (Slika 6).
voljo konec avgusta 2021. E-orodje bo prinašalo vsebine,
posebej prilagojene vsaki od treh starostnih skupin učencev (prva
in druga triada, tretje triada, srednja šola). Kot tako bo prvo
Če primerjam učno uro o jezikovnih priročnikih v računalniški
celovito slovarsko-slovnično orodje te vrste na Slovenskem, ki
učilnici s tisto v razredu, ko lahko učitelj samo frontalno
bo neposredno uporabno pri izpolnjevanju osnovnih ciljev
prikazuje vsebine na platnu, učenci pa doma sami brskajo po
učnega narta za slovenščino v osnovni in srednji šoli. Učence in
spletnem ali klasičnem slovarju, potem bi se vedno odločila za
dijake bo uvajalo v delo s spletnimi slovarji in spletnimi
prvo. Učencem je taka izvedba všeč, radi imajo pouk, ki je
slovničnimi priročniki.
drugačen in popestri, na tak način se urijo v uporabi elektronskih
Portal Franček bo obsegal odgovore na vprašanja o pomenu,
priročnikov, učitelj pa jih medtem lahko usmerja in jim pomaga.
rabi, pomenski povezanosti, (ne)zaznamovanosti, zvrstnosti,
Najbolj štejejo prav praktične izkušnje in s tem lahko
stilnih značilnostih, izgovoru, pregibanju, izvoru, narečni rabi in
pripomoremo k uporabi jezikovnih priročnikov tudi v učenčevem
zgodovinski umeščenosti besedja slovenskega jezika. Poleg tega
kasnejšem obdobju. V prihodnje bo vredno preizkusiti nov portal
pa bo vseboval še orodje, ki bo povezalo slovarske vsebine s
Franček, ki je namenjen posebej učencem, in prinaša številna
slovničnimi, jezikovno svetovalnico za učitelje slovenščine in
koristna orodja.
nabor gradiv z opisom učnih metod, ki bodo pripomogle k
obsežnejši uporabi predstavljenega e-orodja pri pripravi in
izvajanju pedagoških procesov in k boljši usposobljenosti
učiteljev za delo na področju prožnih oblik učenja. Na voljo bo
tudi nov Šolski slovar slovenskega jezika [7].
[1] Gomboc, M. 2019. Slovenščina: po korakih do odličnega znanja.
Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.
[2] Trojina, zavod za uporabno slovenistiko. Dostopno na naslovu
https://www.trojina.si/p/portal-jezikovnih-virov/ (28. 7. 2021)
[3] Čakš, P. 2020. Ditko: ali poznamo spletne jezikovne priročnike za
slovenščino? V UMniverzum, 11 (februar 2020), 10–11. Dostopno na
naslovu https://www.um.si/kakovost/Documents/UMniverzum-2020-11-
lq.pdf (28. 7. 2021)
[4] Učni načrt za slovenščino. 2018. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za
[5] Rozman, T. idr. 2018. Slovarji in učenje slovenščine. V Slovar sodobne
slovenščine: problemi in rešitve (avgust 2018), 150–167. DOI:
[6] Vodnik
(28. 7. 2021)
[7] Spletni portal Franček, Jezikovna svetovalnica za učitelje slovenščine in
Šolski slovar slovenskega jezika. Dostopno na naslovu https://isjfr.zrc-
svetovalnica-za-ucitelje-slovenscine-in-solski#v (28. 7. 2021) Slika 9: Portal Franček
Delo na daljavo in preverjanje znanja pri matematiki
Distance learning and checking progress at mathematics
Polona Mlinar Biček
OŠ Ivana Tavčarja Gorenja vas
Gorenja vas, Slovenija
Pri pouku na daljavo so zelo pomembni vidiki sprotno in končno
Prav vsi učitelji smo se v preteklih dveh šolskih letih srečali z
preverjanje učenčevega znanja ter ustrezno podajanje povratne
delom na daljavo, se na tem področju izobraževali in iskali
informacije. V šolskem letu 2019/20 se je šolanje na daljavo
najboljše rešitve pri podajanju učne snovi. Zelo pomemben vidik
preselilo na splet praktično preko noči, v šolskem letu 2020/21
poučevanja predstavlja prejemanje povratne informacije s strani
pa smo učitelji uspeli izpopolniti svoje znanje tudi na tem
učencev, kar mi predstavlja dodaten vidik pri organizaciji
področju. V prispevku prikazujem nekaj možnosti preverjanja
nadaljnjega dela. Preverjanja znanja in pridobivanje informacij o
znanja preko spletnih aplikacij, ki so na voljo brezplačno, ter
doseženih ciljih je bilo potrebno vpeljati premišljeno, da le-ta
možnost uporabe le-teh pri matematiki. Vsi načini preverjanja
niso bila prepogosta in da sem iz njih dobila dovolj ključnih
znanja se ne morejo uporabljati v vseh situacijah. Pomembna je
informacij, ki so me vodile v proces načrtovanja. Sama sem skozi
tudi povratna informacija, ki jo ob preverjanju znanja pridobi
večmesečno delo uporabila različne načine za pridobivanje
učenec s strani učitelja. Podajam tudi slabosti in prednosti, ki sem
povratne informacije, nekateri načini so se mi zdeli še posebej
jih zaznala pri posameznih načinih preverjanja znanja, ter
zanimivi in jih bom vključila v sam proces izobraževanja tudi pri
nakazujem možnosti, kje lahko svoje delo še izboljšam.
delu v šoli (ne le na daljavo).
Delo na daljavo, preverjanje znanja, povratna informacija
Pri samo obravnavi učne snovi na daljavo sem morala upoštevati
več vidikov – od tehničnih možnosti, ki so jo imeli na voljo
učenci doma, do same motiviranosti za delo. Pouk sem izvajala
A very important aspect of distance learning is the ongoing and
z vnaprej pripravljenimi posnetki, ki sem jih večinoma posnela
final examination of the student’s knowledge and the appropriate
sama ali pa smo si jih s kolegicami izmenjale, srečevanjem na
provision of feedback. In the school year 2019/2020 schooling
Zoomih in samostojnim delom. Na posnetkih sem največkrat
was moved online practically overnight, and in 2020/2021
razlagala novo snov, na videosrečanjih, ki so potekala enkrat do
teachers managed to educate ourselves in this area as well. In this
dvakrat tedensko, smo v prvem delu skupaj vadili že razloženo
paper I present some possible ways of checking students’
snov, v drugem delu pa sem razložila krajše pravilo oziroma
progress through some applications, which are available for free,
dodala težje primere. Tako sem zagotovila, da so učenci imeli
and the possibilities of using them at mathematics. Not all types
možnost postaviti vprašanja ob nejasnostih razložene snovi. Pri
of progress checks can be used in all situations. What is also
samostojnem delu so učenci dobili navodila in novo snov
important is the feedback the student receives from the teacher. I
obravnavali s pomočjo i-učbenika [6]. Sam potek dela in
also talk about the advantages and disadvantages that I came
organizacijo pa sem usklajevala s pomočjo Arnesove spletne
across during my work, as well as the possibilities of further
učilnice [7].
improving it.
Distance learning, progress check, feedback
3.1 Preverjanje znanja
Med procesom obravnave učne snovi je potrebno razumevano
snov večkrat preveriti, pri delu na daljavo pa je bil ta vidik še
toliko bolj pomemben, saj nisem imela možnosti opazovati
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
učencev pri samem delu in razlagi snovi.
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
Učitelj preveri doseganje učnih ciljev pred obravnavo novih
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work
učnih vsebin, med samo obravnavo ter ob koncu obravnave učne
must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
snovi. Pomembno je, da se učencem nudi povratne informacije o
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
uspešnosti učenja ter da se skupaj z njim išče razloge za
morebitno slabše razumevanje ter načine za premagovanje vrzeli.
Učenčevo predznanje lahko preverimo s pogovorom, kvizi,
reševanjem nalog … Učitelj pa mora ob tem upoštevati, katere
učne cilje, ki jih predvideva učni načrt, so oz. bodo lahko dosegli
v času izobraževanja na daljavo [4].
3.2 Odziv učencev in učiteljev na povratne
V svojem članku Eržen V. [1] povzema raziskavo Centra za
raziskave in inovacije na področju izobraževanja, v kateri
ugotavljajo, da učiteljeva povratna informacija na učence
pomembno vpliva in je spodbudna, kadar:
• je pravočasna oz. izražena ob pravem času,
• izhaja iz jasnih ciljev in kriterijev uspešnosti,
• je konkretna in specifična ter
• vsebuje učiteljeve predloge, kako nadaljevati učenje
ali izboljšati dosežek.
V raziskavi, ki jo je izvedla Žitko U. [2] so rezultati pokazali,
da je učencem povratna informacija o opravljeni domači nalogi
zelo koristna za analiziranje lastnih napak, saj so z analiziranjem
lastnih napak lahko svoje znanje izboljšali. Večina učencev je
povratno informacijo sprejela pozitivno. Učencem je bolj
ustrezalo, če so povratno informacijo dobili zapisano, kot pa če
Slika 1: Izbira tipa vprašanja v Kvizu.
jim je bila podana ustno. Pomembno pa je tudi, da učencu znamo
Vir: https://sio.si/vodici/moodle/#_kviz
napisati povratno informacijo tako, da jo razume in mu omogoči,
da svoje napake lahko odpravi.
Na drugi strani pa učitelji menijo, da s pomočjo preverjanja
Naloge se učencem prikazujejo posamično (Slika 2, Slika 3).
znanja s povratno informacijo lahko pridobijo kakovostne
informacije, ki so jim v pomoč pri načrtovanju nadaljnjega dela.
Mnenje učiteljev v raziskavi je bilo, da preverjanja pozitivno
vplivajo na boljše dosežke pri ocenjevanju znanja ter da s
spodbudnimi besedami lahko učitelj motivira učence k boljšimi
dosežkom [3].
Pri delu na daljavo imamo kar nekaj možnosti za preverjanje
znanja. V nadaljevanju predstavljam nekatere aplikacije, ki so
nam na voljo, in kako sem jih sama uporabila pri delu. Podam
Slika 2: Primer naloge – ulomki
tudi slabosti in prednosti, ki sem jih zaznala pri delu.
4.1 Kviz v spletnem učnem okolju Moodle
Ena izmed možnosti, ki se nam ponuja pri uporabi spletnih
učilnic je prav gotovo oblikovanje Kviza v spletni učilnici
Moodle [5]. Takega načina preverjanja znanja so se učitelji
posluževali zelo pogosto. Tudi sama sem preizkusila ta način
Pri oblikovanju kviza imamo več možnosti nastavitev. Prvi
sklop omogoča: kdaj je kviz učencem na voljo za reševanje,
lahko nastavimo čas, ki ga ima učenec za reševanje kviza, oceno
za uspešno opravljanje, dovoljeno število poskusov, način
ocenjevanja. Lahko nastavljamo še druge parametre, ki določajo
Slika 3: Primer naloge – ulomki
potek reševanja. Dodajanje vprašanj kviza zopet lahko poteka na
več načinov, tudi pri vprašanjih imamo več možnosti izbir tipa
Učenci po končanem preizkusu dobijo glede na nastavitve
vprašanj (Slika 1): povleci in spusti na sliko, povleci in spusti na
ustrezno povratno informacijo, ki jo je določil učitelj. Pogledajo
besedilo, drži/ne drži, esejski tip, povezovalni tip vprašanj,
lahko pravilnost rešenih nalog ter pravilne odgovore.
izbirni tip vprašanja (omogoča izbiro enega ali več odgovorov iz
vnaprej določenega seznama) …
Učitelj pa lahko po reševanju pregleda seznam rešenih
morebitni napaki učenca usmeri v odpravljanje pomanjkljivosti,
kvizov, kdaj in koliko časa je učenec reševal kviz ter uspešnost
in to lahko stori ob vsaki posamezni nalogi posebej.
reševanja po nalogah (Slika 4).
Slika 4: Poročilo o dosežku učenca
Tak način preverjanja znanja je zelo primeren za kratke
odgovore, ki ne zahtevajo vmesnih postopkov, saj samo iz
rezultatov ne vidimo postopkov reševanja in predhodnega
razmišljanja učencev.
Slika 6: Podajanje povratne informacije
Dobra stran takega načina preverjanja je prav gotovo
prihranek časa pri pregledovanju pravilno rešenih nalog. Učitelj
Pozitivna stran takega načina oddajanja preverjanja je prav
se lahko osredotoči na tiste, ki so napačno rešene in poskuša
gotovo kakovostna povratna informacija. Ker so morali na
ugotoviti, kaj mora učenec v dani nalogi izboljšati. Nekoliko bolj
povratno informacijo počakati tudi kakšen dan, saj je bila
zamudno je samo sestavljanje kviza, saj je potrebno vsako
količina oddanih nalog precejšnja in zame kar velik zalogaj za
vprašanje posebej ustavljati v kviz. Učencem lahko povratno
popravljanje in komentiranje, se je na koncu izkazalo, da večina
informacijo posredujemo tudi preko sporočil. Kot
učencev povratne informacije ni niti pogledala.
pomanjkljivost pri takem načinu preverjanja se je pokazalo, da
so nekateri učenci kviz rešili na hitro, saj sem ob pregledu
4.3 Liveworksheets
ugotovila, da so ga nekateri rešili prej kot v minuti, kar pomeni,
Tretja možnost preverjanja znanja, ki sem jo uporabljala pri delu
da so ga reševali, zgolj da je bil rešen.
na daljavo, je bila spletna aplikacija Liveworksheets [8]. Učitelji
imamo pripravljenih precej učnih listov, ki jih pri delu v šoli s
4.2 Možnost Naloga v spletni učilnici Moodle
pridom uporabljamo. Že prej sem opisala, kako lahko uporabimo
Kot drugi način preverjanja znanja, ki sem se ga posluževala pri
obstoječe naloge za preverjanja znanja, a mi je ta način bil zelo
delu na daljavo, je bil oddaja naloge v spletni učilnici (Slika 5).
blizu. Uporabila sem lahko učne liste, ki sem jih že imela
Pri nastavitvi oddaje nalog imamo zopet na voljo več
pripravljene za delo v šoli. Aplikacija Liveworksheets ponuja
parametrov. Oddajo lahko časovno omejimo, omejimo število
različne načine preverjanja znanja (izberi pravilno izbiro, poveži,
oddaj in nastavimo vrsto oddanih datotek.
dopolni …). Učni list v obliki pdf formata uvozimo v saplikacijo,
dodamo elemente aktivnosti (kaj mora učenec narediti/izpolniti),
aplikacija ponuja tudi druge možnosti nastavitve glede časa
reševanja, objave učnega lista … Učni list lahko ohranimo
zaseben ali pa ga javno podelimo z ostalimi učitelji. V tej
aplikaciji lahko najdemo kar nekaj idej za preverjanje, ki so
deljena v skupno rabo.
Učenci po reševanju učnega lista (Slika 7) pošljejo svoje
odgovore s pomočjo aplikacije v učiteljev predal, kjer se zbirajo
njihovi izdelki.
Slika 5: Aktivnost za oddajo naloge v Moodlu
Vir: https://ucilnice.arnes.si/
Učitelj ima na voljo tudi nastavitve povratne informacije:
zapisati komentarje v nalogo oziroma komentirati oddano nalogo
kot celoto (Slika 6). Imamo tudi možnost uporabe popravnih
znakov v nalogi. Tak način podajanja povratne informacije je s
strani učitelja zelo zamuden, s strani učenca pa najbolj uporaben.
Učitelj lahko učencu poda napotke za nadaljnje delo, ob
Slika 7: Preverjanje decimalnih števil
Vsekakor je prednost takega načina dela skrajšan čas priprave,
Bistvo pri preverjanju je bilo, da dobim tako jaz kot tudi
saj lahko uporabimo že pripravljene učne liste, aplikacija pa tudi
učenci čim boljši vpogled v obravnavo učne snovi in njihovo
avtomatsko preveri pravilnost rezultatov, poda povratno
znanje ter da pri tem ne porabimo preveč časa, da lahko to
informacijo v točkah, učenec pa lahko s pomikom na napačno
počnemo kontinuirano tudi na dolgi rok. Sem se pa srečevala z
rešeno polje (rdeče) vidi pravilen rezultat (Slika 8).
učenci, ki so preverjanje reševali neresno ali pa ga sploh niso
Preverjanje znanja mi je bilo vodilo za nadaljnje delo na
daljavo, sem pa s tem dobila tudi dovolj dober vpogled v
učenčevo znanje in sem lahko na podlagi tega učence povabila
na dodatno uro razlage oziroma na dopolnili pouk. V nadaljnje
bom del preverjanj, ki sem jih izvajala na daljavo, prav gotovo
uporabila tudi pri delu v šoli, saj so se izkazala za učinkovita tako
za učence kot tudi za učitelja.
[1] Vineta Eržen. 2014. Povratna informacija za uspešnejše učenje. Vzgoja in
izobraževanje, letnik 45, številka 5/6 (2014), str. 28-31.
Slika 8: Povratna informacija učencu
e73e-49e5-9d74-9bd2f756e52b/PDF (1. 6. 2021)
[2] Urša Žitko. 2017. Povratna informacija pri matematičnih domačih
Po končani oddaji sem vedno pregledala izdelke učencev. Ker so
nalogah. Diplomsko delo. Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta,
bili izdelki že pregledni s strani aplikacije, sem dokaj hitro
zaznala napake, ki so jih učenci delali na preverjanju (ali je bila
lj.si/4671/1/Ur%C5%A1a_%C5%BDitko_-_Diplomsko_delo.pdf (15. 5.
napaka lapsus ali pa je šlo za nepoznavanje obravnavane snovi).
[3] Jelica Bergar. 2013. Funkcija povratne informacije v procesih preverjanja
Trudila sem se, da sem ob vsakem takem preverjanju učencem
in ocenjevanja znanja. Magistrsko delo. Mednarodna fakulteta za
tudi zapisala povratno informacijo v pisni obliki in jih spodbujala
družbene in poslovne študije, Celje.
k nadaljnjem delu. Tudi pri tem preverjanju sem imela nekaj
učencev, ki so oddali preverjanje prazno ali pa so vpisovali
kum:9170856:d3 (1. 7. 2021)
[4] Damjan Štefanc, Danijela Makovec Radovan, Jana Kalin, Jasna Mažgon,
nelogične rešitve.
Klara Skubic Ermenc, Barbara Šteh. 2020. Kaj je potrebno zagotoviti, da
bo ocenjevanje znanja v času izobraževanja na daljavo strokovno
legitimno? Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko Filozofske fakultete
UL, Zveza društev pedagoških delavcev Slovenije Dostopno na naslovu
Kljub delu na daljavo smo poskušala z učenci maksimalno
preverjanje-in-ocenjevanje-znanja-20.4.2020.pdf (20. 5. 2021) usvojit učne cilje, ki smo si jih zadali pri načrtovanju dela.
[5] Damjana Šajne, Martin Božič, Blaž Milar, Marin Kajba, Timotej Jazbec.
2021. Uporabniški vodič Moodle. Dostopno na naslovu
Povratna informacija je bila učencem in meni ključnega pomena.
https://sio.si/vodici/moodle/#kompilacija-sio-MDL-VOD (20. 7. 2021) Zgoraj sem navedla nekaj primerov, ki sem jih sama uporabljala
[6] Iučbeniki. Spletno mesto interaktivnih učbenikov. Dostopno na naslovu
pri delu na daljavo. Vsak način je imel prednosti in slabosti, pri
https://eucbeniki.sio.si/ (1. 4. 2021)
[7] Arnes učilnice. Dostopno na naslovu https://ucilnice.arnes.si/ (1. 4. 2021)
vsakem primeru sem se nekaj novega naučila.
[8] Liveworksheets Dostopno na naslovu https://www.liveworksheets.com/
(1. 4. 2021)
Matematični učbenik Franca Močnika
Franc Močnik's mathematics textbook
Alenka Močnik
Srednja šola Veno Pilon Ajdovščina
Cesta 5. maja 12,
Ajdovščina, Slovenija
V prispevku je predstavljen sklop učnih ur, ki so bile izvedene v
Medpredmetno in timsko poučevanje učiteljem predstavlja velik
času pouka na daljavo med epidemijo. V okviru
izziv. Poleg iskanja idej za predstavitev snovi na drugačen,
medpredmetnega poučevanja pri matematiki in slovenščini z
avtentičen način, je tovrsten pristop vsakič inovativen. Povezati
zgodovinskim ozadjem je bil aktualiziran učbenik avtorja dr.
se s predmeti, ki se zdijo sprva nezdružljivi in kjer se zdi, da je
Franca Močnika z naslovom Aritmetika za učiteljišča, ki je bil
nemogoče poiskati skupni imenovalec zato zahteva podrobnejšo
izdan leta 1885. Močnik je pisal večinoma v nemškem jeziku, saj
organizacijsko in dobro snovno pripravo.
se je v takratnem času na našem ozemlju govorilo in pisalo
pretežno v nemščini. Okrog 150 njegovih izvirnih del je bilo
Tokrat smo medpredmetno sodelovale učiteljice
prevedenih v slovenski jezik in še v 12 drugih jezikov. S
matematike, slovenščine ter zgodovine. V prvem letniku
profesorico slovenščine Matejo Ceket Odar smo poučevale
gimnazijskega programa je bila obravnavana tema kriteriji
timsko v prvem letniku gimnazijskega programa. Dijakom je bil
deljivosti s pomočjo matematičnega učbenika, ki je bil izdan leta
predstavljen jezik, v katerem je bil učbenik napisan. Obenem so
1885 avtorja dr. Franca Močnika. Z dijaki smo prevedli del
spoznali, da se matematika skozi stoletja v bistvu ni spreminjala.
razlage v sodelovanju s slavistko Matejo Ceket Odar v sodobno
Še več, ugotovili smo, da so Močnikove definicije in izreki
slovenščino. Ob tem smo se pogovorili o izrazih, ki so se pojavili
popolnoma enakovredni tistim, ki so zapisani v sodobnih
v zapisu ter matematične pojme dokazali s pomočjo definicij in
izrekov, ki smo jih spoznali pri pouku. Za razumevanje
zgodovinskega ozadja časa, v katerem je živel in delal dr. Franc
Močnik, je pri urah zgodovine poskrbela profesorica Metka
Dr. Franc Močnik, kriteriji deljivosti, matematični učbeniki,
medpredmetna povezava
Dijaki so na ta način pridobili nova znanja, tudi v
kontekstu vseživljenjskega učenja. Tak način dela ima tudi
močan motivacijski učinek, saj dijakom predstavimo neko snov
multiperspektivno. Dijaki se aktivno vključijo v proces pri
The article presents a set of lessons that were conducted during
pridobivanju novih informacij.
distance learning during the epidemic. As part of
interdisciplinary teaching in mathematics and Slovene with a
historical background, the textbook by dr. Franc Močnik with the
title Arithmetic for Teachers (Aritmetika za učiteljišča),
Med načeli in cilji posodabljanja učnih načrtov (Smernice, 2007)
published back in 1885. At that time the majority of writings
sta tudi povezovanje predmetov in disciplin ter holističnih pristop
produced on the Slovenian territory were written in German
učenja in poučevanja. Martin-Kneip, Fiege in Soodak (1955)
language and so were a lot of Močnik’s works. By now
opredeljujejo medpredmetno povezovanje kot primer
approximately 150 pieces of his original writings were translated
holističnega učenja in poučevanja, ki kaže realen interaktiven
into Slovenian and 12 other languages. With Slovene language
svet, njegovo kompleksnost, odpravlja meje med posameznimi
teacher Mateja Ceket Odar, we decided for interdisciplinary
disciplinami in podpira načelo, da je vse znanje povezano.
course for students in the first year of the high school program.
Medpredmetno povezovanje ne pomeni le razvijanja
Students were introduced to the language in which the textbook
konceptualnega povezovanja (povezovanje sorodnih pojmov pri
was written. They realized also that mathematics has not changed
različnih predmetih), ampak razvija pri učencih tudi generične
a bit over the centuries and, even more, that Močnik’s definitions
veščine, ki so neodvisne od vsebine in so uporabne v različnih
and theorems are exact equivalents of the ones in contemporary
okoliščinah (npr. kritično mišljenje, obdelava podatkov, uporaba
Dejavnosti, povezane z medpredmetnim povezovanjem,
vodijo k doseganju kompleksnih znanj in h kompleksnim
Dr. Franc Močnik, criterion for divisibility, mathematics
textbooks, interdisciplinary course
uresničujemo in izvajamo na različnih ravneh in z različnimi
cilji: a) Na ravni vsebin: obravnava oz. reševanje
interdisciplinarnih problemov. Pri teh dejavnostih uporabljamo
1Povzeto po: Posodobitve pouka v gimnazijski praksi, 2010, Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
specifična znanja posameznih disciplin in tudi generične veščine
informacije ter da razvijajo veščine, ki jim bodo pomagale pri
in spretnosti, ki predstavljajo aplikacijo specifičnega znanja na
vseživljenjskem učenju. Razvijati morajo kritično mišljenje, biti
avtentične probleme.
sposobni samovrednotenja in samokritičnosti. V poplavi
b) Na ravni procesnih znanj: učenje in uporaba procesnih
informacij morajo biti sposobni presoditi, ali so informacije, ki
znanj (npr. iskanje virov, oblikovanje poročila ali miselnega
jih pridobijo na spletu pridobljene iz verodostojnih virov.
vzorca, govorni nastop, delo v skupini,…).
Pomembno je, da za svoje delo prejmejo povratne informacije,
c) Na konceptualni ravni: obravnava pojmov iz različnih
ker jih spodbudijo k nadaljnjem raziskovanju, sami pa morajo biti
predmetnih perspektiv z namenom poglabljanja in razumevanja
pripravljeni v delo vložiti svoj čas in trud.
(npr. naravna rast pri biologiji v povezavi z eksponentno funkcijo
pri matematiki, eksponentno pojemanje v povezavi z upadanjem
vrednosti dobrin na trgu idr.). Primeri naj bodo kot pomembni
zgledi, ki so namenjeni razumevanje matematike in osmišljanju
matematičnih vsebin.
Ideja in oblikovanje dejavnosti
Pri tovrstnih dejavnostih dijaki pridobivajo izkušnje in se
Leta 2015 smo obeležili 200-letnico rojstva matematika,
učijo matematike ter tudi generičnih znanj, ki naj bi se v končni
pedagoga in pisca matematičnih učbenikov dr. Franca Močnika.
fazi kazala kot kompleksni pričakovani rezultati, kot npr., da
Takrat sva z zgodovinarko Metko Kolenc izvedli sklop
medpredmetnih povezav med matematiko in zgodovino, pri
prepoznajo vlogo in pomen matematike in drugih disciplin
čemer so pri zgodovini dijaki spoznali zgodovinsko ozadje časa
v realnih situacijah in se učijo matematiziranja;
v katerem je živel in deloval dr. Franc Močnik, pri matematiki pa
uporabljajo matematiko v matematičnih kontekstih in v
smo skupaj pregledali eno od poglavij, ki ga obravnavamo v
realnih situacijah,
prvem letniku gimnazijskega programa. V letošnjem šolskem
modelirajo, primerjajo modele ter rezultate različnih
letu, ko je pouk pretežno potekal na daljavo, pa sem želela
modelov in interpretirajo njihove rešitve z vidika
takratno izvedbo nadgraditi ter se povezati še s slovenščino. Tako
matematike in realnih situacij idr.
je bilo izvedenih nekaj šolskih ur v sodelovanju s slavistko
Matejo Ceket Odar. Skupaj sva načrtovali učne ure, določili
Didaktični vidiki medpredmetnega povezovanja iz
vzgojno-izobraževalne cilje in metode dela. Pri tem sva se ravnali
perspektive matematike:
v skladu z učnim načrtom (Učni načrt. Matematika/slovenščina.
obravnavati matematične pojme iz različnih predmetnih
Splošna, klasična in strokovna gimnazija, 2008). Priprave na
učne ure je oblikovala vsaka sama, skupaj pa sva preučili
prepoznati matematični kontekst v realnih situacijah in
ustrezno literaturo, vire in gradiva.
V Katalogu znanja za gimnazije je priporočena
reševati interdisciplinarne probleme in matematizirati;
uporaba različnih oblik in metod dela ter je poudarjeno
razvijati uporabo IKT kot možnosti za razvoj
samostojno delo učencev [5, 6]. Dijaki naj bi pri samostojnem
matematičnega znanja ter kot podporo pri učenju in
delu uporabljali različne vire in sodobno tehnologijo. Zato sva
izvedbo zasnovali tako, da so dijaki pri urah bili samostojni in
razvijati generične veščine in spretnosti.
podajali svoje ideje ter kot posamezniki bili vključeni v
Z medpredmetnim sodelovanjem omogočimo, da
skupinsko delo.
zadane cilje dosežemo lažje, saj jih posamezen profesor v okviru
svojega predmeta ne more doseči tako dobro in poglobljeno, kot
3.2 Cilji
kadar sodeluje s profesorjem drugega predmetnega področja.
Vključeni (pod)gradniki matematične pismenosti, s katerimi
Tovrsten način dela poveča motivacijo, izboljša komunikacijo ter
omogoča rast na profesionalnem področju, saj s tem sodelujoči
razume sporočila z matematično vsebino,
razširi in poglobi lastno znanje. Dijakom je timsko poučevanje
blizu, saj jim prisotnost dveh učiteljev omogoča sočasno podporo
pozna in uporablja strokovno terminologijo in simboliko,
iz dveh predmetov ter bolj individualiziran pouk. Tudi navzoči
predstavi, utemelji in vrednoti lastne miselne procese,
pri taki uri so bolj dovzetni do sodelovalnega učenja ter dela po
uporablja različne strategije pri reševanju matematičnih
skupinah. Pri tem ima posameznik določeno nalogo in je hkrati
za svoje delo odgovoren v svoji skupini. Bolje kot člani skupine
Operativni cilji dejavnosti (vsebinski, procesni), pri katerih
sodelujejo, bolje, lažje in prej je delo opravljeno.
Pri izvedbi učnih ur smo del ur namenile skupinskemu
utemeljijo in uporabljajo osnovne kriterije za deljivost,
delu v razredu. Elizabeth G. Cohen skupinsko delo definira kot
razberejo, primerjajo in uporabijo različne reprezentacije
delo dijakov v skupini, ki ga jasno določi učitelj. Skupina naj bo
kriterijev za deljivost ter različne matematične simbolne
dovolj majhna, da lahko vsak od njih k nalogi nekaj doprinese.
Od dijakov se pričakuje, da izpeljejo nalogo brez neposredne in
takojšnje pomoči učitelja. [2]
komunicirajo v matematičnem jeziku,
Delo v skupini je aktivno in živahno, ker vključuje postavljanje
pri delu spretno uporabijo vire.
vprašanj, razlaganje, podajanje predlogov, kritiziranje,
poslušanje, strinjanje, nestrinjanje, iskanje rešitev, usklajevanje
3.3 Načrtovanje dejavnosti
in skupne odločitve. [3]
Načrtovanje dejavnosti se je začelo z uskladitvijo učnih ciljev in
Pri poučevanju na daljavo je bila informacijsko
pripravo poteka učnih ur. Za izvedbo ur sva pripravili ustrezno
komunikacijska tehnologija nenehno prisotna. In prav zaradi
gradivo v skupnem dokumentu. Pri posnetkih gradiv je sodeloval
nenehnih impulzov sodobne tehnologije, ki je poleg prisotnosti
upokojeni učitelj slovenščine in pisec ljudskega izročila na
na video srečanju, dijake begala in jih odvračala od poslušanja
ajdovskem Franc Černigoj. Preizkusili sva razdelitev
razlage, moramo profesorji dijakom omogočati, da so zato pri
udeležencev po skupinah preko videokonferenčne aplikacije
pouku čim bolj aktivni, da samostojno pridobivajo potrebne
Zoom, ki sva jo pri vseh urah uporabljali.
3.4 Izvedba dejavnosti
Vzporedno s prevodi je nastajal slovarček starinsko
Izvedba ur je potekala na daljavo preko videokonferenčne
zaznamovanih izrazov (Slika 4).
aplikacije Zoom. Ker je poučevanje potekalo timsko, sva bili obe
prijavljeni kot gostiteljici, da je bilo omogočeno preklapljanje
med zaslonom, ki sva ga delili.
V uvodnem delu ure je dijakom na kratko
predstavljeno življenje in delo dr. Franca Močnik. Povedano jim
je bilo, da bo o tem več pojasnjenega pri uri zgodovine, kjer jim
je profesorica Metka Kolenc pojasnila pomen njegovih del za
nadaljnji razvoj slovenskega jezika ter delovanje posameznikov
v takratni družbi.
V začetku videokonferenčnega srečanja sva dijake
prosili, da v klepet na Zoomu zapišejo pomen Močnikovega reka
Virtute et opera = Z vrlino in delom (Slika 1). Posamezni dijaki
so se pri tem oglasili ter pojasnili zapisano.
Slika 4: Slovarček izrazov.
Pri dokazih nekaterih izrekov, ki so se pojavili v posameznih
odsekih besedila, je bil deljen zaslon tabličnega računalnika.
Sproti so si dijaki zapisali snov na učni list (Slika 5), ki jim je bil
Slika 1: Zapisi v klepetu.
predhodno posredovan, da so si ga lahko natisnili doma pred
izvedbo učne ure.
V nadaljevanju smo poslušali posnetek iz Močnikovega
matematičnega učbenika. Posnetek je nastal v sodelovanju s
Francem Černigojem. Pri tem je bil uporabljen programček
diktafon, ki je prosto dostopen na prenosnem računalniku.
Program omogoča preproste operacije za obdelavo zvoka.
Nato so bili dijaki razdeljeni po skupinah (delo po
sobah v Zoom videokonferenci), kjer so prevajali posamezno
poglavje v sodoben knjižni jezik. Zapisano besedilo je bilo
deljeno v skupnem dokumentu (Slika 2), ki so ga lahko vsi
sodelujoči sproti popravljali in dopolnjevali.
Slika 5: Zapisi v zvezku.
Slika 2: Besedilo pred popravki.
Dijaki so reševali naloge na učnem listu ali samostojno ali v
Skupaj smo pregledali prevedena poglavja ter se pogovorili o
skupinah (Slika 6). Rešitve nalog smo preverili ali ustno ali pa so
matematičnih pojmih ter po potrebi razložili, česar dijakom ni
dijaki narekovali postopek reševanja. Profesor je pri tem
bilo razumljivo. Dijaki so bili opozorjeni na neustrezno uporabo
spremlja samostojno delo dijakov. Po potrebi jim je bila snov
strokovne terminologije.
dodatno razložena s pomočjo deljenja zaslona na tabličnem
Slika 3: Ustrezno popravljeno besedilo.
Slika 6: Reševanje nalog v zvezku.
Ure medpredmetnega poučevanja so bile zaključene z zgodovino
slovenskega knjižnega jezika v 2. polovici 19. stoletja.
Snov je bila obdelana medpredmetno, in sicer pri slovenščini,
kjer so dijaki prevedli izbrane odlomke v sodoben knjižni jezik,
pri uri zgodovine, kjer so dijaki spoznali zgodovinsko ozadje
Po zaključku dela sva z dijaki opravili evalvacijo v aplikaciji
časa v katerem je živel dr. Franc Močnik ter pri uri matematike,
kjer smo del snovi obdelali po njegovem učbeniku , ki je bil
Padlet (Slika 7). Odgovorili so na sledeča vprašanja:
zapisan pred več kot 200 leti. Medpredmetne povezave so
1. Kaj si se pri uri novega naučil-a?
aktivna oblika pouka, ki dijakom omogoča pridobivanje
2. Kaj ti je povzročalo največ težav? Kaj bi naredil-a drugače?
vseživljenjskih znanj. Priprava na pouk in sama izvedba je
potekala na vsebinsko – metodični in organizacijski ravni.
3. Kaj ti je bilo všeč?
Metodična raven je zajemala ustrezen izbor vsebin, ciljev in
4. Želiš še kaj dodati?
metod, organizacijska pa ustrezno časovno usklajevanje in
Dijaki so izrazili pozitivno mnenje o obravnavani
skupno načrtovanje profesoric.
snovi in načinu dela. Zapomnili so si, kako pomembno je bilo 19.
Dijaki so spoznali, da se obravnavana snov pri
stoletje za oblikovanje slovenskega naroda ter pomen izobrazbe
slovenščini ter zgodovinske vsebine lahko uporabijo tudi pri
za razvoj in krepitev narodne zavesti. Drugačen potek učnih ur
matematiki, in obratno. Značilnost medpredmetnega poučevanja
jim je bil všeč in zanimiv tudi zaradi jezika, ki je bil v učbeniku
je tudi ta, da je znanje dijakov trajnejše in jih usmerja h
kritičnemu reševanju problemov.
Največ težav jim je povzročalo razumevanje besedila
Zavedava se, da bi bilo v šolskem letu potrebno
iz Močnikovega učbenika, saj niso poznali vseh izrazov.
opraviti več takih medpredmetnih povezav, vendar smo
Pogrešajo več takih ur in tem, saj jim tak način dela
profesorji omejeni s številom ur in vsebinami pri posameznih
omogoča večjo aktivnost med poukom ter prisotnost dveh
predmetih, kjer snovi niso časovno usklajene in se ne
profesorjev, ki se medsebojno dopolnjujeta, torej je vseskozi
obravnavajo v istem obdobju ali celo v istem letniku.
prisotno tudi timsko poučevanje. Zelo pomembna je aktualizacija
Obravnava učne snovi s pomočjo didaktičnega
teme, saj jo tako dijakom približamo. Dijaki se na ta način lažje
pristopa timskega in medpredmetnega poučevanja se je izkazala
vživijo v takratni način življenja in ga primerjajo s sodobnim ter
kot dobra, ker so dijaki s tem razširili svoje znanje in uvideli
razumejo vpliv nekega zgodovinskega pojava na nadaljnji razvoj.
uporabnost znanja zgodovine z uporabo avtentičnega pisnega
Obenem so spoznali, da se matematika skozi stoletja ni
gradiva v vsakdanjem življenju.
spreminjala. Še več, ugotovili smo, da so Močnikove definicije
Tako zasnovan pouk je odlična izbira za poglabljanje
in izreki popolnoma enakovredni tistim, ki so zapisani v
učnih tem. Dijaki nas velikokrat sprašujejo, kje bodo to znanje
sodobnih učbenikih.
potrebovali. Spoznali so, da lahko pridobljena znanja uporabijo,
v kolikor se srečajo s starejšim gradivom, kjer je medpredmetno
poznavanje vsebin še kako potrebno.
Načrtovanje medpredmetnega in timskega poučevanja
je sicer za profesorje zahtevnejše in časovno daljše, saj je
potrebne več priprave kot pri običajnem pouku, so pa zato
rezultati toliko boljši in znanje trajnejše.
[1] Močnik, F. 1885. Aritmetika za učiteljišča, Ljubljana. Dostopno na
naslovu http://nl.ijs.si/ahlib/dl/FPG_00195-1885.html (20. 10. 2020).
[2] Cohen, E. G. 1994. Designing Groupwork: Strategies for the
Heterogeneous Classroom. New York, London: Teachers College Press,
Columbia University.
[3] Prirejeno po: Ravnihar, D., Učinkovito skupinsko delo v razredu.
Dostopno na naslovu
arec_2016/Ravnihar_Darja_Ucinkovito_sk upinsko_delo_v_razredu.pdf
Slika 7: Evalvacija.
[4] Smernice, načela in cilji posodabljanja učnih načrtov (2007). Ljubljana:
Zavod RS za šolstvo.
[5] Učni načrt. Matematika. Splošna, klasična in strokovna gimnazija. 2008.
Dostopno na naslovu
_gimnazija/un_matematika _gimn.pdf (20. 10. 2020).
[6] Učni načrt. Slovenščina. Splošna, klasična in strokovna gimnazija. 2008.
Dostopno na naslovu
_gimnazija/un_slovenscina_gimn.pdf (20. 10. 2020).
[7] M. Rugelj, J. Šparovec, G. Pavlič, D. Kavka, 2018. Linea Nova: Učbenik
za matematiko za 1. letnik gimnazije, Modrijan Izobraževanje, Ljubljana.
Uporaba aplikacije Genially v 2. razredu osnovne šole
The use of application Genially in 2nd grade of elementary school.
Martina Nediževec
Osnovna šola n. h. Maksa Pečarja
Ljubljana, Slovenija
infographic, gamification, interactive images, videos, etc. Some
examples that were used during distance learning in second
V času šolanja na daljavo smo učitelji ves čas iskali drugačne
grade of primary school are presented. Examples are arranged
načine poučevanja v veliki želji, da bi se čim bolj približali
according to which part of the lesson they can carried out:
učencem in jih hkrati uspešno pripeljali do usvojenih znanj na
introductory, main or final part. An example of interactive
koncu šolskega leta. Pri tem smo se močno oprli tudi na
images has been added, which was designed to diversify the
sodobno tehnologijo. Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija
je danes dostopna skoraj vsakomur in je postala (sploh v času
With regular use of Genially, we always find that the app is
šolanja na daljavo) nepogrešljiv pripomoček v vzgojnem-
a graet motivational tool, as students have fun using it and learn
izobraževalnem procesu.
a lot of new things at the same time.
V prispevku je predstavljeno interaktivno orodje Genially,
saj se je izkazalo kot eden najbolj uporabnih pripomočkov, ki
nam ponuja kar nekaj možnosti za ustvarjanje. Lahko
Application Genially, ICT, interactive, tools, pupils, distance
uporabimo »klasično« predstavitev, infografiko, igrifikacijo,
interaktivno sliko, videoposnetke itd. Predstavljenih je nekaj
primerov, ki so bili uporabljeni v času šolanja na daljavo v
drugem razredu osnovne šole. Primeri so razporejeni glede na
to, v katerem delu učne ure jih lahko izvedemo: uvodnem,
Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT) se je v šolstvo
osrednjem ali zaključnem delu. Dodan je še primer interaktivne
postopoma uvajala že kar nekaj let. V trenutnih razmerah
slike, ki je bila izdelana za popestritev učne ure.
koronavirusa pa marsikomu dano znanje ni več zadoščalo, saj
Pri redni uporabi aplikacije Geniallya vedno znova
so se v procesu izobraževanja pojavile zahteve po hitrih
ugotavljamo, da je aplikacija odlično motivacijsko orodje, saj se
spremembah oz. prilagoditvah za lažjo izvedbo učenja na
učenci pri njeni uporabi zabavajo in hkrati naučijo veliko
daljavo. Pri tem smo si učitelji pomagali z različnimi programi,
ki so omogočili poučevanje z različnimi interaktivnimi učnimi
Z uporabo IKT-ja je pouk bolj dinamičen, zanimiv, raznolik
Aplikacija Genially, IKT, interaktivno, orodje, učenci, šola na
… Učitelje spodbuja k izboljšanju poučevanja v razredu, saj s
sliko, videom, zvokom in z različnimi animacijami bolj
pritegnejo pozornost učencev pri šolskem delu.
Med IKT-tehnologijo sodi tudi aplikacija Genially, ki je za
During distance learning, teachers are constantly looking for
učence lahko dober motivacijski element pri učenju različnih
different ways of teaching in a great desire to get as close as
vsebin, učitelju pa program omogoča drugačen način podajanja
possible to students and at the same time successfully bring
teoretičnih snovi, preverjanja ter utrjevanja znanja. Z njo smo si
them to the acquired knowledge at the end of the school year.
v času šolanja na daljavo močno olajšali delo.
They also relied heavily on modern technology. Today,
information and communication technology is accessible to
almost everyone and has become (especially during distance
learning) an indispensable tool in the educational process.
The article presents the interactive tool Genially, as it has
been selected as one of the most useful accessory, offering us
Živimo v obdobju, ko družbene, gospodarske, izobraževalne in
some options for creating. You can use a »classic« presentation,
vzgojne potrebe zahtevajo prisotnost tehnologije. Danes se
računalniki in druga informacijska tehnologija uporabljajo v
vseh delovnih okoljih in na vseh področjih [1].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (v nadaljevanju
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
IKT) je skupen izraz različnih računalniških, informacijskih in
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
komunikacijskih naprav, ki so postale naš vsakdanji
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
spremljevalec [2]. Najbolj nepogrešljiv pripomoček pa je
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
zagotovo postala v času šolanja na daljavo.
Uporaba IKT ima v procesu učenja kar nekaj prednosti:
Ne glede na to, kaj izberemo, pa lahko pri vsaki izbrani
• izboljšanje informacijske pismenosti,
predstavitvi z lastno vneseno vsebino po želji menjamo barve,
• povečanje storilnosti učiteljev,
spreminjamo sličice, po svoje oblikujemo zapise, dodajamo
• izboljšanje dostopa do informacij,
interaktivne gumbe, glasbo ali videoposnetke.
• motiviranje učencev,
• podpora sodobnim pedagoškim pristopom [3].
Zelo je pomembno, da nas pri izbiri IKT-ja vodi učni cilj, ki
ga želimo doseči, predznanje učencev, njihovi interesi ter
starost otroka. Osredotočeni moramo biti tudi na to, da je
Pred pričetkom dela je smiselno preveriti znanje učenca (v
program pri pedagoški uri uporaben, kakovosten in za učence
drugem razredu OŠ tudi staršev) o uporabi aplikacije. Šele ko
čim bolj zanimiv.
dobimo vpogled, kakšna je situacija pri posameznem učencu,
Učitelj si mora pred uporabo novega orodja zastaviti
lahko načrtujemo izvedbo pouka. Pri samostojnem delu je
naslednja vprašanja:
pomembno, da podamo jasna, konkretna navodila in da učence
• kako bo orodje pripomoglo k uresničevanju učnih ciljev,
vodimo pri njihovem delu na način, da sprotno preverjamo
• kakšne funkcije ponuja orodje,
njihovo delo in jim dajemo redne povratne informacije, ki bodo
• kako ob njegovi uporabi spremljati sodelovanje in napredek
učencu omogočale napredovanje po njihovih zmožnostih [7].
Predstavljeni so raznoliki primeri v drugem razredu OŠ, ki
• kako poiskati ustrezne in prilagojene naloge,
jih lahko uporabimo pri uvodnem, glavnem in zaključnem delu
• kakšni so interesi učencev in prednosti uporabe [4].
pedagoške ure. Dodan je tudi primer za popestritev ure kar tako.
Predstavljeno interaktivno orodje Genially je zagotovo eno
izmed tistih, ki tem ciljem in postavljenim vprašanjem zelo
4.1 Uvodni del ure
dobro sledi.
Učna tema: Vrste koledarjev
Učni cilj:
• učenec spozna različne vrste koledarjev.
Na spletni strani Genially je navedeno, da je Genially
interaktivno izobraževalno orodje za učenje in poučevanje [5].
Aplikacija nam ponuja različne možnosti pri ustvarjanju:
• Predstavitev. Nanizanih je ogromno predlogov, ki vsebujejo
različne teme. Izbrani predlog lahko potem po svoje
dopolnjujemo oz. oblikujemo.
• Infografika. Vizualno predstavitev podatkov in informacij
prikazuje na način, da si jih hitreje zapomnimo in tudi lažje
• Igrifikacija. Genially lahko uporabimo tudi za ustvarjanje
interaktivnih iger od kvizov do sob pobega. Igre so
Slika 1: Vrste koledarjev
popestrene z različnimi animacijskimi vložki.
• Interaktivna slika. Slika nam služi za ozadje. Z
Aplikacija Genially je bila uporabljena kot videoposnetek pri
interaktivnimi gumbi lahko dodamo besedilo, glasbo, video
uvodni motivaciji. V predstavitev je vključenih veliko fotografij
različnih koledarjev. Ob ogledu videoposnetka učence na
• Videopredstavitve. Z aplikacijo Genially lahko ustvarimo
zanimiv način popelje v novo snov o koledarjih.
videoposnetek z različnimi animacijskimi vložki.
• Interaktivni digitalni vodnik. Ustvarjamo zanimive
interaktivne in animirane vodnike.
• Ostala interaktivna gradiva za ustvarjanje [6].
Genially je preprosto in zanimivo motivacijsko orodje za
4.2 Osrednji del ure
učence. Učitelji ga uporabljamo za uvodno motivacijo,
4.2.1 Primer 1
samostojno delo, usvajanje nove snovi, ponavljanje in
Učna tema: Učenje nove pesmi
utrjevanje ali pa le za popestritev pouka.
Učna cilja:
• učenec samostojno in doživeto poje ljudsko pesem,
• poje doživeto, upošteva glasno, tiho in
počasnejše, hitrejše izvajanje.
Najprej obiščemo spletno stran https://genial.ly, kjer se
prijavimo in ustvarimo svoj račun. Nato kliknemo na “create
genially”. Na tej strani se odprejo različne možnosti, ki jih
Genially ponuja (predstavitve, infografika, igrifikacija …).
Vsaka izbrana možnost nam ob kliku ponuja veliko idej, med
katerimi lahko izbiramo. Naša naloge je le še, da se odločimo
za eno, ki nas najbolj zanima, in začnemo ustvarjati.
• razlikuje desetiške enote in razume odnose med njimi
(enice, desetice in stotice),
• določi predhodnik in naslednik danega števila,
• oblikuje in nadaljuje zaporedja števil.
Slika 2: Marko skače
V predstavitvi so poleg besedila dodane atraktivne slike,
videoposnetek pesmi ter spletni program Song Maker, s
pomočjo katerega so učenci lahko sledili melodiji in hitrosti
Učenci so se po predstavitvi z interaktivnimi puščicami
Slika 4: Mavrična števila
sami premikali naprej. Na zadnji strani so se s puščico lahko
vrnili na začetek in pesem po potrebi ponovili.
Kviz lahko uporabimo za ponavljanje in utrjevanje snovi.
Učenec mora med tremi odgovori izbrati pravega. Če izbere
pravilno, ga kviz za večjo motivacijo nagradi z zanimivo
interaktivno sliko (nekaj predlogov program ponudi že sam).
4.2.2 Primer 2
Vsako vprašanje ima tudi svojo barvo (na levi strani utripa
Učna tema: Življenjska obdobja
kvadratek z določeno bravo). Kviz je končan, ko se zamenjajo
Učna cilja:
vse barve, temu primerno je izbran tudi naslov kviza Mavrična
• učenec se seznani z različnim življenjskim obdobjem ter
usvoji nove pojme: dojenček, otroštvo, mladost …,
• časovno opredeljuje in pojasnjuje dogodke in spremembe v
različnih življenjskih obdobjih.
Primer 2
Učna tema: Letni čas zima
Učni cilj:
• učenec ponovi in utrdi pojme o letnem času zima.
Slika 3: Življenjska obdobja
Časovnica je bila uporabljena za temo življenjska obdobja kot
osrednji del ure. Vsako sličico so učenci poimenovali, odgovor
pa preverili s klikom na interaktivni gumb, ki je pripet nad
vsako fotografijo.
Slika 5: Skrita slika
Ta primer bi lahko uporabili tudi kot motivacijski uvodni
del ure ali kot ponovitev teme pri zaključnem delu.
Tudi pri tem kvizu učenci med tremi odgovori izberejo pravega.
Z vsakim pravilnim odgovorom se na levi strani odkrije del
slike. Na koncu kviza so nagrajeni z zanimivo sliko o izbrani
S kvizom so temeljito obnovili znanje o letnem času zima.
4.3 Zaključni del ure
https:/ view.genial.ly/5fdcb49c60e6a00cfc74c12c/learning-
Primer 1
Učna tema: Naravna števila do 100
Učni cilji:
• učenec šteje in bere števila do 100,
Primer 3
Učna tema: Usvajanje različnih naravnih oblik gibanja, iger in
športnih znanj.
Učni cilji:
• učenec sproščeno izvaja naravne oblike gibanja;
• izboljšuje gibalne in funkcionalne sposobnosti: skladnost
(koordinacijo) gibanja, moč, hitrost, gibljivost, natančnost,
ravnotežje, splošno vzdržljivost;
• oblikuje pozitivne vedenjske vzorce (strpno in prijateljsko
vedenje v skupini, upoštevanje pravil v igrah in športnega
obnašanja, odgovorno ravnanje s športno opremo,
odgovoren odnos do narave in okolja).
Slika 7: Praznične želje
V prispevku sem nanizala le nekaj idej, ki jih lahko uporabimo
z aplikacijo Genially. Želela sem prikazati različne načine
uporabe pri pouku v drugem razredu osnovne šole. Vsi
predstavljeni programi so bili s strani tako učencev kot staršev
zelo dobro sprejeti.
V času šolanja na daljavo pa to ni bil edini način
posredovanja znanja – za poučevanje sem uporabila tudi
drugačne pristope. Je pa aplikacija Genially zagotovo ena
Slika 6: Olimpijske igre
izmed boljših za motiviranje učencev. Pomembno je poudariti,
da s takim načinom poučevanja tudi rezultati niso izostali,
V aplikaciji je že bila dana predloga tekmovalne steze, kjer se
preverjanja znanja na koncu šolskega leta so bila precej
odvijajo olimpijske igre. Dodana je bila država Slovenija in
himne držav, ki tekmujejo. V desnem zgornjem kotu je bila tudi
že postavljena interaktivna kocka, ki se ob kliku sama zavrti.
Tekmovalci izberejo državo, ki jo želijo zastopati, in se z
Posebna zahvala gre hčerki Gaji, saj mi je bila v času šolanja na
izbrano barvo razporedijo pred startom. Če tekmovalec pride na
daljavo v veliko pomoč pri usvajanju osnovnih znanj pri
črno (interaktivno) število, dobi ob kliku športno nalogo, ki jo
uporabi IKT-ja.
mora opraviti pred nadaljevanjem igre. Zmaga tisti igralec, ki
Zahvalila bi se tudi aktivu učiteljic drugega razreda na OŠ
prvi pride do cilja. Na cilju je njegova zmaga nagrajena s himno
n. h. Maksa Pečarja. Med seboj smo ves čas sodelovale, se
države, ki jo je zastopal.
bodrile in si močno pomagale v času, ki je bil za vse nas precej
nov in nenavaden.
tive-content-untitled-genial y
[1] Tomas Tišler. 2006. Spodbujanje uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske
4.4 Del ure za popestritev
tehnologije na osnovni šoli. V Vodenje za spodbujanje informacijsko-
komunikacijske tehnologije na šolah. Ljubljana: Šola za ravnatelje.
Dostopno na naslovu https://solazaravnatelje.si/ISBN/961-6637-04-5.pdf
Primer 1
(4. 8. 2021)
Učna tema: Voščimo
[2] Darjo Zuljan. 2014. Tehnološka pismenost v obdobju zgodnjega učenja,
Učna cilja:
Koper. Univerzitetna založba Annales
[3] Jože Rugelj. 2007. Nove strategije pri uvajanju IKT v Izobraževanje.
• učenec ve, da imajo nekateri dnevi v letu (prazniki)
poseben pomen, in pozna poseben pomen različnih
stavitve/2007/SIRIKT_2007_JRugelj.pdf (5. 8. 2021) praznovanj,
[4] Irena Gole in Mateja Hadler. 2015. Učenje s tablicami na razredni
• ob praznikih ustrezno vošči.
stopnji. Primeri iz prakse. V Kaj nam prinaša e-Šolska torba, Zbornik
zaključne konference projekta e-Šolska torba, Ljubljana. Zavod RS za
Interaktivna slika je bila uporabljena za novoletne želje. Najprej
šolstvo. Dostopno na naslovu https://www.zrss.si/digitalnaknjiznica/kaj-
izberemo sliko za ozadje, nato pa poljubno nanizamo
nam-prinasa-esolska torba/files/assets/basic-html/index.html#1 (5. 8.
interaktivne gumbe. Učenci so se ob klikih zabavali z
[5] Spletna stran programa Genially. Dostopno na naslovu
nenavadnimi, smešnimi fotografijami učiteljice, ki jim na
https://genial.ly/education/ (5. 8. 2021)
različne načine vošči ob prazniku. Fotografije so bile posnete s
[6] Spletna stran programa Genially. Dostopno na naslovu
https://app.genial.ly/create (5. 8. 2021)
pametnim telefonom s programom YouCamFun.
[7] Miroslava Minić. 2020. Veščine poučevanja na daljavo in praktični
nasveti. Mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij z Vivid 2020, 5.–
Complete.pdf (10. 8. 2021) 541
Varna raba spleta za učence z učnimi težavami
Safe use of the internet for students with learning difficulties
Jure Ozvatič
OŠ Draga Kobala
Maribor, Slovenija
negative actions. Pupils with lower cognitive abilities and
learning difficulties also have poorer general education and
Uporaba svetovnega spleta je med uporabniki v zadnjih letih
knowledge about the use of smart mobile devices and especially
močno narasla, še posebej med mladimi. Ti so med najbolj
the Web. This makes them a fairly susceptible group for online
dovzetnimi za novosti na tehničnem in družbenem področju. S
scammers as they do not know their forms and ways of working.
pametnimi mobilnimi napravi, ki so v zadnjih letih postale tudi
Educating children with learning disabilities about the safe use
dokaj cenovno dostopne, se je uporaba svetovnega spleta močno
of the web in a timely manner is therefore crucial. With the help
povečala. Velik delež tega predstavljajo družabna omrežja,
of teachers, parents and professionals, they will be able to
igranje videoiger, objavljanje lastnih fotografij, posnetkov in
drugih informacij. Mladi pogosto s premalo znanja in veščinami
successfully protect themselves in their work with the Internet
(ne)kritično uporabljajo različne aplikacije, komunikacijo preko
and become aware of the elements of safe use of the Internet.
družabnih omrežij, izmenjavanje in objavljanje posnetkov,
fotografij in drugih podatkov. Pogosto ne znajo ločevati med
resničnimi ali lažnimi identitetami sogovornikov, ki jih skušajo
Information technology, students with learning difficulties, safe
na različne načine izkoriščati za negativna dejanja. Učenci s
use of the Internet
slabšimi kognitivnimi sposobnostmi in učnimi težavami imajo
tudi slabšo splošno poučenost in vedenje o uporabi pametnih
mobilnih naprav in predvsem spleta. S tem postajajo dokaj lahka
skupina za spletne prevarante, saj ne poznajo njihovih oblik in
načinov dela. Za varno rabo spleta je zato ključno, da se otroke z
Pridobivanje informacij je z razširitvijo svetovnega spleta
učnimi težavami pravočasno izobražuje o tej tematiki. S pomočjo
postalo vsakdanje in dokaj preprosto. Pri tem ljudje uporabljajo
učiteljev, staršev in strokovnjakov se bodo tako uspešno zaščitili
različne pametne naprave – računalnike, tablice, igralne konzole
pri svojem delu s spletom in postali pozorni na elemente varne
in pametne mobilne telefone. Vsaka naprava od njih zahteva
rabe spleta.
določeno stopnjo znanja za njeno varno uporabo. Mnoga podjetja
najdejo tržno nišo ravno med mladimi, ki pogosto spremljajo
nove tehnične izdelke in jih nato kupujejo. Množičen porast
Informacijska tehnologija, učenci z učnimi težavami, varna
pametnih mobilnih naprav je prispeval tudi k množični uporabi
uporaba spleta
spleta, pri tem se porajajo različni vidiki pravilne in varne
uporabe. Mladi običajno dokaj hitro osvajajo nove aplikacije in
spletne novosti, a se pogosto premalo zavedajo celovitosti
The use of the Internet has risen sharply among users in recent
(prekomerne) uporabe omenjenih tehnologij. Ena izmed teh je
years, especially among young people. These are the most
tudi varnost in varna uporaba osebnih podatkov pri delovanju na
susceptible to technical and social innovations. With smart
spletu s pametnimi mobilnimi napravami. Učenci z učnimi
mobile devices having become quite affordable in recent years,
težavami so še posebej ranljiva skupina, saj imajo premalo
the use of the World Wide Web has increased dramatically. A
znanja o celovitem delovanju in varnosti pri uporabi spleta in
large part of this are social networks, playing video games,
pametnih mobilnih naprav, kar jih lahko nehote sooča z
posting photos, videos and other information. Young people with
negativnimi posledicami.
insufficient knowledge and skills often (un) critically use various
applications, communicate via social networks, share and
publish recordings, photos and other data. They often do not
know how to distinguish between true or false identities of their
interlocutors, who try to exploit them in various ways for
Informacijska tehnologija je v nekaj desetletjih močno
zaznamovala naše življenje na vseh ravneh, saj je v procesih
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
vzgoje in izobraževanja zelo pomembna z vidika omogočanja
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
kvalitetne in učinkovite podpore pri pouku. Tovrstna tehnologija
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
je postala finančno dostopna za široko uporabo, njeno uvajanje v
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
izobraževalne vsebine in učne načrte kot del načrtov v šolah pri
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
različnih evropskih državah [1]. Z omenjeno tehnologijo učenci,
pedagoški delavci in ostali strokovnjaki uporabljajo gradivo na
spletu, ga urejajo, objavljajo in delijo s širšo družbo. Veliko
informacij zahteva tudi, da se nauči tovrstne informacije ločevati,
ovrednotiti in jim zaupati. Pri tem je potrebno pokazati dovolj
znanja in veščin, da se nauči postati informacijsko opismenjen,
saj lahko v nasprotnem primeru pride do informacij, ki so
S specializacijo znanj in diferenciacijo poklicev se je v šolstvu
nezanesljive, napačne ali težko preverljive [10].
uspelo učence, ki imajo učne težave, ustrezno diagnosticirati in
Pri pouku je tovrsten način še posebej pomemben, saj morajo
strokovno določiti njihove primanjkljaje, da bi lažje in s
mladi v procesu pridobivanja znanja pridobiti veščine za pravilno
strokovno pomočjo uspešneje premostili učne težave. Omenjeni
uporabo informacijske tehnologije. V zadnjih letih so v šolah
učenci imajo različne vrste primanjkljajev in so posledično učno
učitelji začeli uporabljati za dopolnjevanje učnih vsebin gradiva
manj uspešni, saj glede na vrstnike počasneje usvajajo znanja in
z interaktivnimi viri. Pri tem mladi pridobivajo večjo motivacijo
spretnosti pri učnih predmetih. Posledično sta njihov učni uspeh
in izkušnje pri učenju. Svetovni splet, interaktivni viri in
in rezultat slabša. Učne težave se lahko pri učencih kažejo kot
aplikacije z izobraževalnimi gradivi omogočajo učiteljem, da
posledica prepleta dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na učenčevo šolsko
ponudijo možnosti za učinkovito učenje in večje vključevanje
delo – podpovprečne in mejne intelektualne sposobnosti, slabše
samih učencev v izobraževalni proces. Učitelji spodbujajo rabo
razvite samoregulacijske sposobnosti, težave v socialno-
tehnologije pri učencih ter jih tako učijo pravilnih pristopov pri
emocionalni akomodaciji, primarni socialno-kulturno-jezikovni
iskanju informacij, analiz, oblikovanju rešitev ter učinkoviti
drugačnosti, socialni in kulturni deprivaciji oz. izoliranosti,
komunikaciji. Prednosti uporabe učnih gradiv v izobraževalne
pomanjkanju motiviranosti za delo. Učne težave vplivajo na
namene omogočajo učencem pri prejemanju informacij, saj pri
nekatere ali mnoge vidike posameznikovega življenja
tem uporabljajo multisenzorne načine učenja, prilagajanje
(izobraževanje, delo, interakcije v družini, socialnem okolju) ter
individualnim potrebam učencev; raznovrstno predstavljanje
se kažejo v različnih pogledih. Primanjkljaji se med seboj
učne snovi; uporabo mobilnih naprav pri učenju, saj so zelo vpete
prepletajo ali so ločeni ter vplivajo na učno delo in na samo
v vsakdanje življenje. Samo učenje s pomočjo pametnih
življenje. Dražljajev in informacij iz okolice ne sprejemajo,
mobilnih naprav in spleta se nanaša na načine, ko se uporablja
analizirajo in nanje ne reagirajo enako kot sovrstniki, zato so
omenjena tehnologija hkrati s spodbujanjem učenja [6]. Rezultati
nekatere poti učenja ovirane. Učinkovitosti sprejemanja in
raziskav so pokazali, da uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijske
izražanja informacij so zaradi kognitivnih primanjkljajev na
tehnologije v podporo učnemu okolju pozitivno vpliva na učenje
nekaterih področjih zmanjšane. Na teh področjih se zato težko
[1]. Med mladimi je prvi vir informacij ter najpogosteje
učijo na tradicionalen način in s hitrostjo, ki je sprejemljiva za
uporabljena tehnologija v učne namene računalniška in
njihove vrstnike [5, 7].
informacijska tehnologija [8]. Pri pouku se uporaba
Nekateri med njimi z različnim oblikami pomoči (dopolnilni
informacijske tehnologije razlikuje med oblikami in metodami
pouk, individualna in skupinska pomoč, dodatna strokovna
dela. Zaradi različnih učenčevih sposobnosti se po potrebi izvede
pomoč) pridobijo možnost za premostitev svojih primanjkljajev.
diferenciacijo z dodatno razlago ali dodatnimi nalogami [2].
V zadnjih letih se je s pomočjo procesov integracije in inkluzije
Uporaba elektronskih gradiv je za učenje smiselna, ko z
tem učencem pomagalo, da so kljub težavam uspešnejši in
njeno uporabo dosežemo časovno racionalizacijo, boljše
pozitivno sprejeti med vrstniki in v samo šolsko okolje. S tem se
rezultate pri učenju in preverjanju doseženega znanja. Tovrstni
pozitivno vpliva na njihovo samopodobo in učne rezultate. Z
način se razlikuje od pouka v živo, zato je bilo potrebno
uporabo pametnih mobilnih naprav in računalnikov so tudi otroci
predhodno določiti cilje in načine podajanja učne snovi,
s posebnimi potrebami bolje motivirani za učenje, usvajanje ter
načrtovati izvedbo, pripraviti ustrezna e-orodja v učnem okolju
pomnjenje znanja. Spletne vsebine, orodja in spletne aplikacije
ter samovrednotiti dosežke in pridobljeno znanje [9]. Učenci, ki
omogočajo dinamično, nazorno, dostopnejše, multisenzorno
imajo nižje sposobnosti, potrebujejo smiselno sestavljene naloge,
podajanje informacij, ki so za učence zanimive in privlačne. S
prilagojene težavnostnim stopnjam, da vsebujejo dovolj
tem bolje procesirajo, obdelajo vsebino in njihovo pomnjenje [7].
podpornega konkretnega slikovnega gradiva ter animacij (še
Učitelji učencem z učnimi težavami in premajhno
posebej so poučne pri možnostih ponovitve in korigiranju
vključenostjo v razred nudijo oporo pri vključevanju v razredno
hitrosti). Spletne strani z učno vsebino, ki omogočajo spletne
okolje, aktivnosti, pouk ter upoštevajo njihove primanjkljaje.
povezave z navezovanjem na sorodne vsebine, učencem
Med šolami prihaja do različnih spodbujanj motiviranosti
spodbudijo željo po spoznavanju novih informacij, hkrati pa jih
učiteljev za poučevanje in motiviranosti otrok za učenje [4].
tehnologije [9].
Učenci z učnimi težavami pri uporabi spletnih didaktičnih
orodij in strani prejmejo sebi prilagojene informacije, tako da
bodo učno snov bolje memorirali ter usvojili. Na spletu obstajajo
različna spletna orodja za utrjevanje, ponavljanje in podajanje
V vzgoji in izobraževanju so se tekom zadnjih desetletij zgodile
učnih vsebin. S temi orodji pridobijo znanje na zanimiv in
pomembne spremembe pri uporabi novih oblik gradiv, materiala
razgiban način ter omogočajo pot k samostojnemu pridobivanju
in pripomočkov. S pametnimi mobilnimi napravami so se
iskanja informacij ter nadgraditve obstoječega znanja. Z uporabo
nekatere učne vsebine učencem približale, konkretizirale ter se je
spletnih orodij so bolje motivirani, aktivni, zavzeto rešujejo
olajšal dostop do informacij. Prekomerna uporaba spleta in
naloge, abstraktne vsebine bolje konkretizirajo ter si jih
informacijske tehnologije škoduje fizičnemu, psihološkemu in
zapomnijo. S tem je proces memoriranja podatkov, ki učencem
emocionalnemu stanju, pojavljajo se odvisnosti in odklonski
povzroča težave in nemotiviranost, učinkovitejši in trajnejši.
vedenjski vzorci. Ena izmed posledic prekomerne uporabe je tudi
pomanjkanje socialnega stika ter odnosov, ki so del človeške
pomembno, da vršijo nadzor nad otroki, da sproti preverjajo,
družabne narave. Pri tem se vzpostavlja navidezne socialne
katere spletne strani in aplikacije na mobilnih napravah
odnose preko elektronskih medijev in družabnih omrežij, ki pa
uporabljajo, ter jim sprotno razlagajo elemente varnosti pri
pogosto prikrivajo realno stanje in odnose med ljudmi. .Mladi in
uporabi spleta [12].
tudi odrasli so lahko izpostavljeni raznim prevarantom, ki od njih
Izobraževanje učencev za pravilno ter varno uporabo
zaradi pomanjkanja tovrstnega znanja pridobijo njihove osebne
spleta sovpada tudi z izobraževanjem staršev in pedagoških
podatke, možnosti zlorab fotografij in podatkov, ki jih delijo na
delavcev, saj so oboji povezani z učenci. S svojim znanjem in
spletu. Ena izmed spletnih strani, ki se ukvarja z varno rabo
veščinami pomagajo pri vzgoji in izobraževanju mladih, kako
spleta, je tudi www.safe.si. Po njenih podatkih se je v zadnjih 10
primerno svetovati mladim pri uporabi spleta. Prav tako je za
letih uporaba mobilnih naprav zelo povečala, tako da je bilo v
mlade pomembno, da v primeru težav zaupajo odraslim in tako
svetu v uporabi že več kot 10 milijard mobilnih naprav (pametni
najdejo ustrezne rešitve. Mlajši otroci potrebujejo nadzor pri
mobilni telefon, prenosni računalnik, tablica). Obširna raziskava
uporabi spleta. Odrasli jim prikažejo lastnosti varnih spletnih
Mladi na netu 2010 je pokazala, da ima svoj mobilni telefon 93
strani, varne načine komuniciranja, uporabe strojne in
% otrok in mladostnikov med 8 in 18 letom; delež uporabnikov
programske opreme, varovanja osebnih podatkov in splošnih
mobilnih naprav za dostop do interneta je bil največji med
informacij [11].
osebami, starimi od 16 do 24 let, in sicer je obsegal 74 %, in
Mnoge izobraževalne spletne strani nudijo izobraževalne
osebami, starimi od 10 do15 let (54 %). Mladi zelo sprejemajo
vsebine, pri tem vključujejo animacije, videoposnetke,
napredek pri tehničnih novostih, saj se z naraščanjem
didaktične igre, možnosti praktičnih predavanj, izvedbo
zmogljivosti pametnih telefonov spreminjajo tudi njihove
seminarjev in izobraževalne teme za odrasle. Vse to je zelo
navade. Tako je raziskava Mladi na netu 2010 pokazala, da 63 %
pomembne za otroke z učnimi težavami, saj je njihovo splošno
mladih med 8 in 19 letom v Sloveniji kot glavni vir iskanja
razumevanje in dojemanje nevarnosti pri uporabi spleta premalo
podatkov na svetovnem spletu uporablja mobilni telefon.
zaznavno. Ne zavedajo se spletnih pasti in negativnih posledic
Negativne posledice uporabe omenjene tehnologije se kažejo
pri uporabi spleta pri svojem delu, saj imajo poenostavljene
tudi pri nepoznavanju skritih pasti, saj se je 29 % slovenskih
poglede na tovrstno problematiko in ne poznajo elementov za
otrok in mladih, starih od 11 do 19 let, že slikala brez oblek in
prepoznavo (ne)varnih spletnih strani. Za varno rabo spleta je pri
sliko posredovala po družabnih omrežjih. Pri tem so fantje bolj
njih potrebno več časa, da lahko dojamejo obsežnost uporabe
izpostavljeni tveganjem kot dekleta (43 % fantov je prek
spleta in pametnih mobilnih naprav, saj imajo tudi slabšo splošno
mobilnega telefona že poslalo svojo sliko brez obleke, to pa je
poučenost in premalo informacij o morebitnih spletnih
storilo 14 % deklet) [12].
nevarnostih. Tako lahko pri iskanju informacij preko spleta
nevede zaidejo na lažne spletne strani, ki zahtevajo določene
osebne podatke pri nadaljnjem pridobivanju informacij. Ne
poznajo določenih certifikatov ali spletnih digitalnih identitet, ki
Evropske institucije, ki skrbijo za varstvo osebnih podatkov,
zagotavljajo določeno stopnjo varnosti. V družabnih omrežjih
v svojem poročilu (Mnenje 2/2009 Delovne skupine iz člena 29)
večkrat naivno nasedejo sogovorcem pri izmenjavi osebnih
izpostavljajo, da mladoletne osebe in tudi nekateri odrasli, ki še
podatkov ali celo pri pošiljanju fotografij ali finančnih sredstev,
niso dosegli fizične in psihološke zrelosti, potrebuje več zaščite
kjer spletni goljufi s pridom izkoristijo njihovo zaupljivost in
kot ostali. To je še posebej pomembno pri uporabi spleta in
nevednost. Učenci in tudi nekateri odrasli pri brskanju po spletu
pametnih mobilnih naprav, saj je treba posredovati znanje o
najdejo reklame, oglase, ki ponujajo senzacionalne ali enostavne
zasebnosti pri uporabi novih tehnologij v vsaki fazi otrokovega
rešitve, vendar je v resnici v ozadju zgolj nepošteno pridobivanje
izobraževanja. Z odraščanjem, izobraževanjem in pridobivanjem
finančnih sredstev in opeharjenje naivnih uporabnikov.
socialnih stikov se pri mladih povečajo interkacije z različnimi
Omenjeni mladi s svojim pomanjkljivim znanjem hitreje
institucijami, ki obdelujejejo njihove osebne podatke. Pri tem je
postanejo žrtve spletnih izsiljevalcev preko družabnih omrežij,
potrebno imeti v obziru zaščito otrok. Pristop k varovanju
saj so slednji bolje podkovani v uporabi spletne komunikacije.
zasebnosti otrok mora temeljiti na izobraževanju (s pomočjo
Učenci z učnimi težavami so prav tako bolj dovzetni za možnost
družine, šole, organov za varstvo osebnih podatkov, skupnosti
manipulacije preko uporabe spleta, pri prebiranju informacij, pri
otrok in drugih) o pomembnosti varstva osebnih podatkov in
igranju videoiger, gledanju videoposnetkov, saj imajo
zasebnosti ter o posledicah razkrivanja osebnih podatkov, kadar
pomanjkljivo znanje in nekritično distanco do omenjenih vsebin.
to ni potrebno [3].
Pri tem se kasneje pokažejo negativne posledice na različnih
Za varno rabo mobilnih naprav, aplikacij, spleta in
ravneh, kar negativno vpliva na njihovo samopodobo in
družabnih omrežij je pomembno, da se učence na primeren način
psihosocialno stanje.
izobražuje in predstavi njihovo uporabo. Strokovnjaki s tega
področja izpostavljajo, da je to dolgotrajen proces, ki temelji na
odgovornem ravnanju, izobraževanju in graditvi zaupanja med
učenci, starši in pedagoškimi delavci. V primeru težav je
Uporaba mobilnih naprav in spleta prinaša mnogo pozitivnih in
pomembno, da se o tem spregovori in poišče ustrezno rešitev.
tudi žal negativnih posledic. Mladi, med njimi še posebej vrstniki
Objava podatkov na spletu pomeni tudi, da so dostopne širšemu
z učnimi težavami, veliko časa preživljajo na spletu, kjer igrajo
krogu ljudi, tako da je učence potrebno seznaniti in poučiti, da
videoigre, komunicirajo preko družabnih omrežij, objavljajo
informacije na spletu ostanejo in se hitro širijo. S praktičnimi
svoje posnetke in fotografije. Nemalokrat se pri tem premalo
prikazi učence poučijo, kako informacije posredujejo oz. jih
posvečajo tudi vprašanjem o varni uporabi, samemu poznavanju
zavarujejo, še posebno pred nepoznanimi osebami. Za odrasle je
ozadja delovanja spleta, varnega objavljanja informacij in
njegove uporabe. Odrasli, učitelji in starši učence skozi njihovo
[5] Košir, S. idr. (2008). Navodila za prilagojeno izvajanje programa osnovne
obdobje odraščanja izobražujejo in informirajo o varni uporabi
šole z dodatno strokovno pomočjo. Primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih
učenja. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
spleta, jim predstavljajo skrite pasti ter vzpostavitve kritičnega in
[6] Lowyck, J. (2008). Foreword. V J. M. Spector idr. (ur). Handbook of
zdravega odnosa do pametnih naprav in spleta. Učenci z učnimi
Research on Educational Communications and Technology (3. izdaja).
New York. v Mayer, R. (b l.). Učenje s tehnologijo. Santa Barbara v
težavami, ki so še posebej izpostavljeni zaradi svojega šibkejšega
Dumont, H., Istance, D., Benavides, F. (2013). O naravi učenja: uporaba
razumevanja in vedenja uporabe spleta, potrebujejo dodatno
raziskav za navdih prakse. Ljubljana: Zavod za RS za šolstvo. (Elektronski
varnost, čas za izobraževanje in spoznavanje za varno delo na
vir) Pridobljeno s http://www.zrss.si/pdf/o-naravi-ucenja.pdf
[7] Nagode, A. (ur.) (2008). Navodila za prilagojeno izvajanje programa
spletu, da bodo ohranili določeno stopnjo varovanja osebnih
osnovne šole z dodatno strokovno pomočjo: primanjkljaji na posameznih
podatkov. Pri tem jim pomagajo učitelji, starši in tudi sovrstniki,
področjih učenja. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
[8] O’Neil, H. F. (ur.) (2005). What Works in Distance Education: Guidelines,
da bodo s tem bolje opolnomočeni uporabljali to tehnologijo.
Information Age Publishing. Greenwich: CT. v Mayer, R. (b l.). Učenje s
tehnologijo. Santa Barbara v Dumont, H., Istance, D., Benavides, F.
(2013). O naravi učenja: uporaba raziskav za navdih prakse. Ljubljana:
Zavod za RS za šolstvo. (Elektronski vir) Pridobljeno s
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[3] González Fuster G., Kloza D. (ur.). (2016). Evropski priročnik za
poučevanje zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov v šolah: EAP.
Pridobljeno s https://www.arnes.si/files/2015/10/arcades_teaching_
[11] https://www.varnostnaspletu.si/kako-naj-starsi-svojim-otrokom-
[4] Košir, K. (2013). Socialni odnosi v šoli. Maribor: Subkulturni azil, zavod
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za umetniško produkcijo in založništvo.
Storitve šolske knjižnice v času učenja na daljavo
School library services during distance learning
Tina Pajnik
Osnovna šola Vide Pregarc
Ljubljana, Slovenija
do upeha knjižnice pri razvijanju informacijske pismenosti
prilagajanje spremembam in vplivanje na spremembe.
V prispevku je predstavljeno delo šolske knjižnice na Osnovni
Mednarodna zveza bibliotekarskih društev in ustanov ali
šoli Vide Pregarc v Ljubljani v času učenja na daljavo. Šolska
IFLA v Smernicah za šolske knjižnice [2] predstavi definicijo,
knjižnica je v skladu z navodili in priporočili prilagodila svoje
vlogo, vizijo, poslanstvo in storitve šolske knjižnice. Šolsko
storitve in jih v čim večji meri skušala prenesti v spletno okolje.
knjižnico opredeljuje kot odprt in varen prostor, izobraževalno
Da bi omogočila čim širši nabor knjižničnih storitev na daljavo,
in informacijsko okolje, informacijski, tehnološki in družbeni
odprt in varen prostor za vse uporabnike, je šolska knjižnica
prostor ter center pismenosti.
skrbela za dostop do besedil, izvedbo bralnih dejavnosti,
Mednarodne smernice prav tako predlagajo, da storitve šolske
podporo pouku, informiranje učiteljev, opravljanje bralnih
knjižnice vključujejo:
značk, izvajanje projekta Medgeneracijsko branje in se
strokovni razvoj za tiste, ki poučujejo,
vključevala v razširjen program šole. Šolska knjižnica je z
živahne programe na področju literature/branja za
uporabo različnih orodij skrbela za motivacijo bralcev in za
znanstvene dosežke ter osebno zadovoljstvo in
razvijanje informacijske pismenosti, ki je potekala v okviru
medpredmetnih učnih ur.
raziskovalno učenje in razvoj informacijske pismenosti,
sodelovanje z drugimi knjižnicami.
Poleg naštetih storitev pa vsaka šolska knjižnica kot učno in
Šolska knjižnica, knjižnične storitve, učenje na daljavo, bralne
informacijsko središče šole nudi svojim uporabnikom možnosti
dejavnosti, informacijsko opismenjevanje, medpredmetne učne
za razvijanje različnih vrst pismenosti z zagotavljanjem
primerne in urejene knjižnične zbirke [3].
Upoštevajoč smernice in vizijo šole, iz katere izhaja tudi
vizija šolske knjižnice, ki je v prvi vrsti usmerjena v podporo oz.
The paper presents the work of the school library at the Vida
integracijo v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, smo se na Osnovni
Pregarc Primary School in Ljubljana during distance learning.
šoli Vide Pregarc v Ljubljani soočili na eni strani s prenosom
The school library adapted its services in accordance with the
storitev v spletno okolje in na drugi strani z omejitvami, s
instructions and recommendations and tried to transfer them to
katerimi smo se srečevali z vstopom na splet.
the online environment as much as possible. In order to provide
Če smo šolski knjižničarji izhajali iz potreb uporabnikov, je
the widest possible range of library services remotely, open and
bilo potrebno razviti pristope, ki bodo čim bolj enostavni za
safe space for all users, the school library took care of access to
uporabo, sploh za najmlajše učence, ki so se prvič soočali z
texts, reading activities, teaching support, informing teachers,
digitalnim okoljem. Druga omejitev je bila izbira besedil. Šolski
reading badges, implementing the Intergenerational Reading
knjižničarji smo izbirali prosto dostopna elektronska besedila,
project and participating in extended school program. Using
besedila primerna razvojni starosti mladih bralcev, preprosta
various tools, the school library took care of motivating readers
besedila v tujih jezikih, besedila z ekološkimi vsebinami
and developing information literacy, which took place as part of
upoštevajoč avtorske pravice. Tretja omejitev, s katero smo se
interdisciplinary lessons.
srečevali v času izvajanja pouka na daljavo, so bile tehnične
težave, kot na primer nezadostna internetna povezava,
preobremenitev spletnih okolij, zmogljivost in zastarelost IKT
School library, library services, distance learning, reading
šolske opreme.
activities, information literacy, interdisciplinary lessons
Prenos knjižničnih storitev v spletno okolje pa sam po sebi
ni dovolj, kadar je v ospredju vzgojno-izobraževalni proces,
zato se je bilo potrebno povezovati z drugimi strokovnimi
delavci. Večina dejavnosti se pri klasičnem pouku izvaja
V šolskem letu 2020/21 se je poučevanje na daljavo za osnovne
medpredmetno, saj je informacijsko opismenjevanje daljši
proces, ki je vtkan v cilje različnih šolskih predmetov. S tega
šole izvajalo od meseca oktobra 2020 do februarja 2021. V tem
času se je za učence osnovnih šol pouk preselil v spletno okolje,
vidika so šolski knjižničarji upoštevali priporočila Zavoda
izvajalo se je poučevanje na daljavo. Šolske knjižnice so se
Republike Slovenije za šolstvo [4], kjer je izpostavljeno, da
znašle pred novimi izzivi in iskale načine, kako prilagoditi
poenotenje znotraj zavoda, po predmetnih področjih in aktivih,
storitve za svoje uporabnike. Kot pravi Novljanova [1], je ključ
omogoča lažji proces poučevanja na daljavo. Priporočila med
drugim osvetljujejo tudi razlike med učenci, na katere so šolski
daljavo, ki so pripomogli k učinkoviti izvedbi pouka na daljavo.
knjižničarji še posebej pozorni, če želijo zagotoviti varno in
Zaradi raznolikih potreb z več predmetnih področij in različnih
vključujoče okolje.
razvojnih značilnostih učencev je bil oblikovan elektronski
Na tem mestu je vredno omeniti, da so v proces razvijanja
zbirnik v Padletu, ki je vsem strokovnim delavcem omogočal,
informacijske pismenosti zajeti tudi strokovni delavci šole.
da so poiskali tiste informacije, ki so jih zanimale (Slika 2).
Avtorji raziskave Računalniška in internetna pismenost
učiteljev osnovnih šol [5] ugotavljajo, da učitelji osnovnih šol
dosegajo različne stopnje računalniške in internetne pismenosti
in da ravnatelj nima tolikšnega vpliva na razvoj pismenosti.
Zaradi velikih razlik v stopnji računalniške in internetne
pismenosti med učitelji, ki so se kazale tudi na Osnovni šoli
Vide Pregarc, je bilo potrebno oblikovati tudi podporni sistem,
ki je omogočal razvijanje pismenosti tistih odraslih
uporabnikov, ki so se sami prepoznali kot slabše računalniško
in internetno pismeni. S prenosom vzgojno-izobraževalnega
procesa na splet so se odprla številna nova vprašanja in izzivi,
ki smo jih šolski knjižničarji reševali postopoma. Pri delu z
Slika 2: Elektronski zbirnik za učitelje v Padletu
uporabniki je tudi s prehodom v spletno okolje bilo potrebno
razmisliti o pestri ponudbi, tehnični podpori, varnem spletnem
Poizvedovanja učiteljev so bila zelo raznolika, zato je bilo
okolju in aplikacijah, ki so preproste za uporabo.
potrebno dvakrat tedensko posodabljati elektronski zbirnik s
povezavami. Na voljo so bili tudi video vodiči in navodila za
tiste učitelje, ki so se šele učili uporabljati spletna orodja.
Zbirnik v Padletu je zajel oba vidika, tako podporo za učenje
Šolska knjižnica Osnovne šole Vide Pregarc je v okviru
kot tudi možnost za strokovni razvoj učiteljev, saj so lahko
vzpostavitve dogovorjenih kanalov in platform najprej
pregledali strokovno literaturo, raziskave, spletne priročnike,
oblikovala Arnesovo spletno učilnico, do katere so lahko
digitalne zbirke in slovarje. Pri izvajanju poučevanja na daljavo
dostopali vsi učenci z AAI računom. Ker so izkušnje s
se ne izvaja zgolj pouk, ampak tudi podporne dejavnosti
prejšnjega šolskega leta pokazale, da je spletna učilnica
oziroma razširjen program, kar smo pri vzpostavljanju virtualne
Knjižnica ena redkih, ki ne potrebuje gesel in da jo uporabniki
oglasne deske imeli ves čas v mislih.
včasih res potrebujejo na hitro, smo se odločili, da bo odprta.
Izposoja gradiva v šolski knjižnici je ena najpomembnejših
2.2 Bralne dejavnosti na daljavo
storitev, smo se lotili urejanja nabora besedil, ki so bili urejeni
Šolski knjižničarji so se vključevali v pouk na daljavo z
po abecednem seznamu avtorjev, ki so jim sledile povezave do
različnimi bralnimi dejavnostmi. V mesecu novembru smo za
prosto dostopnih besedil (Slika 1).
učence drugega razreda izvedli delavnico v spletnem okolju
Zoom v okviru projekta Medgeneracijsko branje. Učenci so
prebrali slikanico Kraljična na zrnu graha, ki je prosto dostopna
na spletu. Nato so sodelovali v debatnici na Zoomu, kjer so se z
učiteljico in knjižničarko pogovarjali o prebranem besedilu.
Spoznali so spletno orodje Padlet in ga za nalogo uporabili tako,
da so svoj likovni izdelek pripeli na virtualno oglasno desko z
naslovom Kraljična na … , pri čemer so izbirali predmet, na
katerem je kraljična spala (Slika 3).
Slika 1: Nabor do prosto dostopnih besedil
Sčasoma so se pojavile potrebe po raznolikosti gradiv, zato
se je glede na želje strokovnih delavcev nabor besedil
dopolnjeval z ekološkimi vsebinami, kvizi, interaktivnimi
vajami, strokovnimi članki in besedili v tujih jezikih.
2.1 Skrb za podporo strokovnih delavcev
Strokovni delavci so pri izvedbi poučevanja na daljavo
potrebovali celostni pristop. Učitelj pri svojem delu je
Slika 3: Uporaba Padleta v drugem razredu
potreboval učbeniško gradivo, kar mu je bilo zagotovljeno s
strani založb. Mnoge založbe so digitalizirale berila, omogočala
Bralna značka in eko bralna značka sta se izvajali na daljavo na
prost dostop do svojih portalov, organizirale webinarje in
različne načine. Eko bralna značka se je izvedla v sodelovanju z
objavljale novosti na spletnih straneh. Šolski knjižničarji so
razredniki tako, da so učenci prebrali tri članke iz nabora
skrbeli za dostope, pridobitve kod, iskanje informacij,
objavljenih besedil in si ogledali kratki animirani film, ki je
prepošiljanje obvestil o webinarjih in drugih izobraževanjih na
prosto dostopen na spletu. Nato so izbirali med petimi
različnimi termini na Zoomu, kjer je potekal pogovor s
knjižničarko. Bralna značka se je izvajala v obliki pogovorov
preko Zooma in Skypa ali pisno preko elektronske pošte ali
preko Padleta, ki je bil dostopen v spletni učilnici (Slika 4).
Slika 6: Primer adventnega pravljičnega koledarja
Tudi po vrnitvi v šolske klopi so se bralne dejavnosti
izvajale na daljavo. Zaradi priporočil, da se pouk izvaja v
mehurčkih, kjer se ohranjajo čisti oddelki, so se dodatne
dejavnosti še vedno izvajale na daljavo. Tretji razredi so se v
spomladanskih mesecih pripravljali na Cankarjevo tekmovanje,
Slika 4: Primer opravljanja bralne značke
zato jim je bil ponujen dodatni pouk s knjižničarko. Preko
Zooma so učenci diskutirali o prebranem besedilu, ga analizirali
V tretjem razredu je bila izvedena medpredmetna učna ura
in spoznavali različne zorne kote za ravnanje književnih oseb.
pri pouku angleščine preko Zooma, kjer so učenci prebirali
Uvodna dejavnost je potekala s pomočjo aplikacije Wheel of
krajša besedila v tujem jeziku, nato pa s kolesom sreče ponovili
names, kjer so učenci zavrteli kolo, dopolnili naslov znanega
besedišče na temo živali. Aplikacija Wheel Decide omogoča
besedila in v treh povedih povzeli bistvo (Slika 7).
izdelavo kolesa sreče, s katerim so učenci poiskali žival, ki
nastopa v znani angleški pravljici (Slika 5).
Slika 7: Wheel of Names pri dodatnem pouku
2.3. Razvijanje informacijske pismenosti
Slika 5: Wheel Decide pri angleščini v tretjem razredu
Razvijanje informacijske pismenosti je potekalo v okviru
medpredmetnih ur. Ko so se učenci udeležili učnih ur na
Meseca decembra je bila izvedena bralna delavnica za
daljavo, se je šolski knjižničar vključeval kot strokovna in
učitelje, ki so se prijavili k sodelovanju v projektu
tehnična podpora. Učence je bilo vedno potrebno seznaniti z
Medgeneracijsko branje. Po prebrani knjigi Jane Frey z
novimi orodji in s pravili vedenja na spletu ter jih osveščati o
naslovom Jaz, drugačna so se učitelji udeležili delavnice preko
varni rabi interneta. Mlajši učenci so se učili orientirati v spletni
Zooma, kjer so se pogovarjali o vsebini knjige, o kulturni
učilnici, oddajati naloge in pripenjati priponke. Spoznavali so
raznolikosti, stereotipih in bralnih užitkih.
spletno okolje Arnes, Zoom, Padlet, Kahoot, Liveworksheet ter
Za pravljično vzdušje naših najmlajših šolarjev, ki so se šele
druga spletna orodja, ki so jih učitelji uporabljali pri pouku.
začeli opismenjevati, smo pripravili virtualni adventni koledar
Starejši učenci so se učili navajati vire, uporabljati Cobiss ter
Advent my friend, ki je prosto dostopen na spletu. Pravljični
poiskati informacije na spletu.
koledar je omogočal, da so učenci prvih razredov vsak dan v
Šolska knjižnica je prav tako sodelovala pri razrednih
mesecu decembru kliknili na okence, v katerem so se skrivali
likovnih natečajih in virtualnih razstavah ob posebnih dnevih,
prosto dostopni zvočni posnetki znanih pravljic (Slika 6).
kot na primer Dan Zemlje in Eko dan. Vključevala se je v
razredne ure s tematiko trajnostnega razvoja in globalnega
Seveda vseh knjižničnih storitev ni bilo mogoče prenesti v
učenja. Izvajala je učne ure slovenščine za učence priseljence,
spletno okolje, so se pa vse storitve lahko prilagodile do te
ki so potrebovali pomoč pri vzpostavljanju rutine, orientaciji v
mere, da se jih je lahko izvajalo tudi na daljavo. Največji izziv
spletnem okolju in pri razvijanju strategij učenja za premostitev
je bilo vzdrževanje in ohranjanje motivacije za branje, zato je
jezikovnih ovir s spletnim slovarjem Franček (Slika 8).
bilo pomembno, da se dejavnosti niso ponavljale in da so bile
zasnovane v krajši obliki in z dodatnimi aplikacijami, ki so
popestrile sedenje za ekrani.
Ker so tudi uporabniki imeli tehnične težave, je bilo
potrebno razmišljati tudi o rezervnem načrtu, zato se je vedno
po srečanjih na Zoomu za vse odsotne pripravil opis dejavnosti
s povezavami, ki je bil objavljen v spletni učilnici.
Najbolj so bile obiskane bralne dejavnosti, ki so vnašale
zabavo in gibanje v učni proces, kar je zviševalo motivacijo za
delo in za opravljanje bralne značke.
Tudi pri učenju na daljavo je šolska knjižnica uspela
ohranjati odprt dostop. Delovala je vključujoče in je nudila
Slika 8: Primer uporabe spletnega slovarja Franček
varno spletno okolje, pri čemer je uporabnike seznanjala s
pravili vedenja in z varnostjo na spletu.
2.4 Sodelovanje z drugimi zavodi
Vsekakor je prednost učenja na daljavo bila uporaba spletnih
okolij, ki jim uporabniki drugače nikoli ne bi bili izpostavljeni.
S tega vidika je šolska knjižnica lahko zelo veliko prispevala k
Za šolsko knjižnico je poleg izposoje in dela z uporabniki
postopnemu informacijskemu opismenjevanju, a le, če se je
pomembna tudi obdelava gradiva in posodabljanje informacij
šolski knjižničar znal povezovati in sodelovati z drugimi
ter dokumentov, spremljanje trendov in iskanje povratnih
strokovnimi delavci, saj je večina ur knjižnično-informacijskih
informacij s strani uporabnikov šolske knjižnice. Da bi si šolski
znanj potekala v povezavi z drugimi predmetnimi področji.
knjižničarji izmenjali informacije in primere dobre prakse, so se
Največja pomanjkljivost pri izvajanju knjižnične dejavnosti
vzpostavile različne mreže in individualni komunikacijski
na daljavo pa je vsekakor bila odsotnost stika v živo, ki je za
kanali. Pri iskanju novih informacij se je za koristno izkazala
mlajše učence ključnega pomena, sploh pri obravnavi
spletna učilnica Knjižnična dejavnost Zavoda Republike
književnih besedil. Tehnične težave, socialno-ekonomski status
Slovenije za šolstvo, kjer so se objavljali primeri dobrih praks
uporabnikov, učne in vedenjske težave pa so vse tiste prepreke,
in so se izvajala srečanja s svetovalko s spletnem okolju MS
s katerimi so se soočali vsi strokovni delavci v vzgoji in
Teams. Odličen vir informacij je v času učenja na daljavo bilo
izobraževanju in ne samo šolski knjižničarji.
tudi družabno omrežje Facebook, kjer so v zaprti skupini
Sekcija šolskih knjižnic knjižničarji delili celo vrsto uporabnih
Šolska knjižnica Osnovne šole Vide Pregarc je v času učenja na
Šolska knjižnica OŠ Vide Pregarc se je povezovala tudi z
daljavo prilagodila dejavnosti in omogočila svojim
drugimi slovenskimi šolami, tako pri timskem poučevanju na
uporabnikom spletne storitve. Nudila je varno spletno okolje in
daljavo kot z deljenjem spletnih gradiv. V mesecu decembru,
omogočila podporo vzgojno-izobraževalnemu procesu, ki je
ko so se zvrstile statistike ob zaključku koledarskega leta, je
potekal na daljavo. Prednosti in slabosti dela na daljavo so v
šolska knjižnica sodelovala z NUK-om in IZUM-om, ki sta
novem šolskem letu postala izhodišče za nadaljnje delo.
pomagala pri svetovanju in pri tehničnih dilemah pri delu s
Vsekakor pa šolske knjižnice ostajajo prostor za promocijo
bralne kulture ter za razvoj informacijske pismenosti – tako v
Povezovanje z drugimi zavodi je bilo nujno, saj je število
šolskih prostorih kot na daljavo.
knjižničarjev na šolah bistveno manjše kot število učiteljev, ki
so se lahko vsakodnevno povezovali in sodelovali znotraj svojih
strokovnih področij. Z vidika strokovnosti je šolski knjižničar v
[1] Novljan, Silva, 2002, Informacijska pismenost. Knjižnica, 46(4), 7-24.
številnih primerih sam na šoli, zato je zanj toliko bolj
DOI: https://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-MGZKIKZZ
pomembno, da poišče pomoč in podporo pri svojih strokovnih
[2] IFLA – Smernice za šolske knjižnice . DOI: http://www.zbds-
kolegih in pri zavodih, ki nudijo strokovno in tehnično podporo.
[3] Brilej, I., 2018. Informacijska pismenost v šolski knjižnici. Knjižnica,
62(1-2), 57-67. DOI: https://knjiznica.zbds-
[4] Izvajanje izobraževanja na daljavo v izrednih razmerah. Strokovna
navodila za ravnateljice in ravnatelje osnovnih šol. 2020. Ljubljana:
Prenos knjižničnih storitev v spletno okolje je zahtevalo veliko
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. DOI:https://sio.si/wp-
časa in truda. Ker se je sam vzgojno-izobraževalni proces na
daljavo ves čas spreminjal in ker se je motivacija za delo na
[5] Hren,U., Rajkovi, U., Jereb, E., 2021, Računalniška in internetna
daljavo med uporabniki zelo razlikovala, je bilo za šolsko
pismenost učiteljev osnovnih šol. 40. Mednarodna konferenca o razvoju
knjižnico ključnega pomena, da je šolska knjižničarka ves čas
organizacijskih znanosti. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18690/978-961-286-
spremljala novosti, posodabljala spletno učilnico in elektronske
zbirnike ter zbirala povratne informacije svojih uporabnikov,
tako učencev kot učiteljev.
Preliminarna anketa kot didaktični pripomoček
Preliminary survey as a didactic tool
Luka Planinc
OŠ Ivana Groharja
Škofja Loka, Slovenija
Izvedba ankete pred obravnavo nove snovi (preliminarna anketa)
V prispevku na praktičnem primeru pokažem uporabo
aktivira učence, da začnejo razmišljati o snovi malo prej, bolj
preliminarne ankete kot didaktičnega pripomočka in pristopa za
dejavno so vključeni vsi učenci, prav tako nanje ne vplivajo
obravnavo trajnostnega razvoja pri pouku. Namen je bil aktivirati
sošolci, ki dvigujejo roke in že dajejo neke ideje, misli, ki bi
učence za razmišljanje o tej temi ter obenem preveriti in izenačiti
vplivale na njihovo razmišljanje. To je pomembno z vidika
predznanje. Učenci so pri pouku zato že poznali in razumeli
počutja učencev pri sami uri, ker zaradi seznanjenosti z
osnovni koncept trajnostnega razvoja in so bili bolj aktivni v
obravnavano snovjo lažje bolj tvorno sodelujejo in nimajo
pedagoškem pogovoru. Uporabil sem okolje MS Forms, ki je
občutka podrejenega položaja. [3] Prav tako pa tudi poveča
zelo praktično.
vključenost učencev, ki imajo morda slabše predznanje in ki
morda pridejo manjkrat na vrsto v pogovoru v razredu, kar je
pomemben vidik inkluzije. [2]
Anketa, didaktika, trajnostni razvoj
2.1 Microsoft (MS) FORMS
In this article, I show a practical example of a preliminary
Pri izvajanju pouka na daljavo smo na naši šoli uporabljali okolje
survey used as a didactic tool and teaching approach about
MS Teams in aplikacije, ki so vključene v Microsoft Oblak 365.
sustainable development in the classroom. The purpose was to
Ena od njih je tudi MS Forms, s katero lahko izdelujemo različne
activate students' thinking about this topic, and at the same time
oblike elektronskih obrazcev, s katerimi pridobimo informacije
to check and equalize their prior knowledge. Therefore, the
od uporabnikov. Lahko je narejena z namenom preverjanja
students already knew and understood the basic concept of
znanja in točkovanjem – kot kviz, lahko pa je brez točkovanja –
sustainable development in class and were more active in the
kot klasični anketni vprašalnik. Omogoča tudi t. i. razvejane
pedagogical conversation. I used the MS Forms environment,
ankete, pri katerih je vprašanje lahko pogojeno s tem, kako smo
which is very practical.
odgovorili na prejšnje. Zelo dobra je tudi povezava med MS
Teams in MS Forms, saj lahko vprašalnik učenci izpolnjujejo kar
v okolju Teams in s tem pridobimo ločenost po razredih ter tudi
avtomatično imensko beleženje učencev, ki so izpolnili
Survey, didactics, sustainable development
MS Forms je preprost za uporabo in ima zelo intuitiven način
dela. Seveda pa je na voljo še kar nekaj podobnih aplikacij oz.
spletnih strani, kot so Google Forms, 1ka.si, Survey Monkey, za
Pri obravnavi nove snovi lahko naredimo različne oblike uvoda,
kvize pa še Quizzizz, Kahoot in podobne.
da učence pripravimo na neko novo poglavje in jih miselno
aktiviramo. To lahko naredimo na začetku učne ure, na koncu
prejšnje ure ali pa kot domačo nalogo. Pri pouku na daljavo, pa
tudi pri običajni obliki pouka v šoli, lahko izkoristimo
elektronska orodja, s katerimi ne samo povečamo raznolikost,
ampak dobimo neke nove koristi. Anketni vprašalnik je zelo
zanimiv za uporabo pri pouku tako v šoli kot na daljavo. V tem
prispevku bomo pogledali izvedbo preliminarne ankete v okolju
MS Forms.
Slika 1: Logo MS Forms
2.2 Kviz ali anketa?
Kaj je razlika? Pri kvizu samo preverjamo znanje, ki ga imajo
Anketa oz. anketni vprašalnik je zelo uporabno orodje, s katerim
učenci, in od njih ne pridobimo novih informacij. Pri anketi pa
si lahko pomagamo pri pouku tako v šoli kot na daljavo.
nas zanimajo razmišljanje, ideje … učencev. Rezultate ankete
lahko tudi statistično analiziramo in si z njimi pomagamo pri
izvedbi naslednjih ur. V okolju MS Forms lahko naredimo tako
vprašalnik v obliki kviza, kot tudi anketni vprašalnik. Rezultate
razvoja, kaj oni že delajo na tem področju ter kako bi ta koncept
program sam že osnovno statistično obdela in tudi grafično
lahko uporabili na nekem drugem življenjskem primeru.
predstavi, kar je zelo praktično.
Ravno obravnava teme trajnostnega razvoja se mi zdi za takšen
način dela zelo primerna v 9. razredu, saj učenci v prejšnjih letih
večkrat govorijo o varovanju okolja, okolijski problematiki,
onesnaževanju, vendar še morda nikoli niso slišali za koncept
trajnostnega razvoja oz. trajnostnega razmišljanja, ki je bolj
kompleksen. V 9. razredu so učenci že bolj sposobni za
kompleksnejši nivo razmišljanja, anketni pristop pa to spodbuja
na individualnem nivoju. S posredovanjem definicij osnovnih
pojmov vnaprej lahko pospešimo ali celo preskočimo razlago in
pri pouku hitreje preidemo na glavni del – pedagoški pogovor in
iskanje rešitev.
Operativni cilji in vsebine učnega načrta za pouk geografije v 9.
razredu na več mestih omenjajo trajnostni razvoj, lokalno
Slika 2: Samodejna grafična predstavitev odgovorov
območje in osnovne raziskovalne metode. Učenec naj bi
ozavestil in razumel pomembnost ohranjanja okolja za trajnostni
2.3 Zakaj preliminarna anketa
razvoj družbe v sedanjosti in prihodnosti, razlikoval med
odgovornim in neodgovornim ravnanjem s prostorom, ter se po
Anketa, ki je izvedena še pred obravnavo snovi (preliminarna
teh spoznanjih tudi ravnal [4]. Z uporabo preliminarne ankete
anketa), aktivira učence, da začnejo razmišljati o snovi malo prej.
lahko pri učencih preverimo, kakšno je njihovo razumevanje tega
Anketo običajno jo izvedemo enosmerno – da dobimo
področja, kakšna so njihova trajnostna ravnanja ter kakšni so
informacije od vprašanih. S preliminarno anketo lahko
njihovi predlogi za ravnanje njih in širše družbe. Zbrane podatke
preverimo, koliko učenci znajo že od prej, lahko preverimo in
lahko potem uporabimo za izhodišča pedagoškega pogovora v
spoznamo, kakšno je njihovo razmišljanje, nivo znanja, ne da bi
nanje vplivali sošolci. Lahko pa je narejena malo drugače in
poleg pridobivanja informacij lahko nekaj teh tudi posredujemo.
3.1 Vsebina ankete
V anketi lahko nekaj informacij zapišemo in tako jih učenci
Anketo sem razdelil v tri vsebinske sklope:
dobijo še pred obravnavo snovi, s tem pa lahko izenačimo
Predstavitev, razlaga in preverjanje razumevanja
predznanje, povemo kakšen del tega, kar bomo spoznali,
definicije trajnostnega razvoja.
razložimo osnovne pojme in tako aktiviramo razmišljanje o neki
Razmišljanje o uporabi koncepta trajnostnega razvoja
temi, zaradi česar bo sama obravnava lažje stekla, pogovor pa bo
na primeru pouka na daljavo.
bolj poglobljen, saj se z nekaterimi osnovnimi pojmi ne bo več
Preverjanje poznavanja in delovanja učencev na
treba ukvarjati.
področju trajnostnega razvoja oz. trajnostnega
Učenci se bodo počutili bolj suvereni in kompetentni za
sodelovanje, lažje bodo sodelovali kot subjekti v vzgojno-učnem
V prvem delu ankete sem učence vprašal, če poznajo izraz
procesu in bodo s tem imeli od njega največje koristi. [3]
»trajnostni razvoj«. Če so odgovorili z DA, sem jih pozval, naj s
Ravno obravnava trajnostnega razvoja se mi zdi za takšen način
svojimi besedami napišejo, kaj je to. Če so odgovorili z NE, sem
zelo primerna v 9. razredu, saj učenci v prejšnjih letih večkrat
jim najprej pokazal definicijo trajnostnega razvoja Svetovne
govorijo o varovanju okolja, o okolijski problematiki,
komisije za okolje in razvoj (Brundtlandina komisija) [6], ki se
onesnaževanju, vendar še morda nikoli niso slišali za koncept
najbolj uporablja, nato pa so morali tudi oni sami napisati
trajnostnega razvoja oz. trajnostnega razmišljanja, ki je bolj
definicijo s svojimi besedami. S tem sem želel aktivirati njihovo
kompleksen. Tako lahko s posredovanjem definicij osnovnih
razmišljanje in povečati aktivnost. Nato sem vsem pokazal
pojmov vnaprej pospešimo ali celo preskočimo razlago in pri
definicijo in jih vprašal, če so po njihovem mnenju zadeli pomen.
pouku hitreje preidemo na glavni del – pedagoški pogovor in
S tem sem želel preveriti njihovo samopresojo razumevanja.
iskanje rešitev.
Nato sem jim pokazal še poenostavljeno definicijo in negirano
Poleg posredovanja informacij pa seveda nekaj informacij tudi
definicijo, da bi še lažje razumeli pomen koncepta razmišljanja
zberemo. Ker to izvedemo prej, lahko zbrane informacije
trajnostnega razvoja.
uporabimo pri sami učni uri in tako vključimo razmišljanja in
Sledilo je prehodno vprašanje, s katerim sem prehajal na drugi
ugotovitve učencev, zato se bodo učenci počutili bolj vključeni
del ankete, obenem pa sem še preverjal njihovo razumevanje
in bolj zadovoljni.
(glej sliko):
Pri opisanem primeru sem uporabil MS Forms razvejano
anketo. Želel sem pridobiti nekaj informacij o njihovem
poznavanju problematike, o njihovem predznanju, želel sem
zbrati njihove ideje, jim razložiti kakšen osnovni pojem, poleg
tega pa vse aktivirati za razmišljanje o konceptu trajnostnega
Slika 3: 7. vprašanje ankete
napake in to potem pri pouku korigiral in dodatno razložil. Pri
Če so učenci odgovorili z NE, sem jih dodatno vprašal, ali res
običajnem pristopu v učilnici – z dvigovanjem rok – ne bi mogel
mislijo, da bi šlo, in če se jim ne zdi, da bi bilo marsikomu težko
dobiti tako natančnega spektra pravilnih in napačnih odgovorov.
delati na tak način zelo dolgo. To je bilo t. i. razvejano vprašanje,
Namen iskanja in zbiranja predlogov za spremembe k bolj
ki je bilo prikazano samo v primeru, da je učenec na prejšnje
trajnostni obliki pouka na daljavo je bil seveda v tem, da učenci
vprašanje odgovoril z NE.
začnejo razmišljati o stanju ter možnih rešitvah, kar je osnovni
Sledil je drugi del, kjer sem učence pozval, naj razmislijo, kaj pa
način reševanja problemov, kar smo potem delali pri pouku tudi
bi morali spremeniti, da bi bil pouk na daljavo lahko trajnosten.
s pogovorom. Pokazal sem jim tudi, da je dobro ločiti polja
Razložil sem, da je to kompleksno vprašanje in da bi lahko polja
sprememb in delovanja na več nivojev. Zelo sem bil presenečen
sprememb razdelili na tri dele – na tisto, kar lahko naredijo sami,
nad iskrenostjo odgovorov in iskanjem rešitev, kjer se je
na tisto, kar bi lahko naredili učitelji, in tisto, kar bi lahko
pokazalo, da imajo podobne težave in predloge za rešitev.
naredila država oz. Ministrstvo za šolstvo. Nato so za vsak del
V tretjem delu sem ugotavljal njihovo vključenost in aktivnost
posebej napisali ideje in predloge sprememb. S tem delom ankete
pri trajnostnem delovanju ter njihove predloge. Vesel sem bil, da
sem želel tudi uresničevati didaktično načelo zavestne dejavnosti
so nekateri že zelo trajnostno aktivni in da imajo dobre predloge,
in kompleksnosti, ki sta dve zelo pomembni načeli poučevanja
kaj bi lahko še naredili.
geografije. [1] S pomočjo ankete pa lahko vidimo, koliko so
učenci sposobni kompleksno razmišljati, lahko opazimo kakšen
»skriti talent« in vidimo, na kakšnem nivoju razmišljajo naši
učenci, in temu prilagodimo pogovor v razredu.
Sledil je še tretji del, kjer smo se usmerili v trajnostni razvoj in
Pri poučevanju na daljavo je bilo potrebno poiskati nove načine,
trajnostno upravljanje z okoljem. Vprašal sem jih, če so že kdaj
kako priti do tistih dodatnih informacij o učencih, ki jih v učilnici
slišali za trajnostni razvoj ožjega okolja ali razmišljali o njem –
dobimo mimogrede, na daljavo pa težje dosegljive.
npr. njihove občine, kje so dobili informacije ter ali se po
Po izkušnji, ki sem jo imel z izdelavo in uporabo ankete kot
njihovem mnenju dovolj govori in dela na tem.
pripomočka za aktivacijo razmišljanja in izenačenja predznanja,
Nato sem šel na bolj osebni nivo in vprašal, če sami kaj delajo na
sem zelo zadovoljen in bom vsekakor ta način uporabil tudi pri
tem, če kaj delajo oz. prispevajo ter kaj jih pri tem ovira oz. zakaj
kakšni drugi temi. Učenci so bili zelo zadovoljni z drugačnim
je to težko.
pristopom, veliko bolj angažirani in pripravljeni na pogovor v
V zadnjem delu sem jih vprašal po njihovih predlogih za
razredu, saj so o temi že začeli razmišljati prej, ne šele ob začetku
trajnostno delovanje, nato so med naštetimi trajnostnimi
aktivnostmi izbrali tiste, ki jih oni ali njihova družina zavestno
• MS Forms se mi zdi dobro okolje za to, še posebej, ker
delajo. Na koncu sem jim pokazal še cilje Agende 21 za
na naši šoli uporabljamo tudi okolje MS Teams.
Slovenijo iz leta 1995 [7] ter jih vprašal, v kakšni meri po
Herbert Spencer je nekoč zapisal: »Vsak drobec znanja, ki ga
njihovem mnenju danes sledimo tem ciljem. Povedal sem jim še,
učenec pridobi sam – vsak problem, ki ga sam reši – postane
da se bomo o tej temi pogovarjali na naslednji uri.
mnogo bolj njegov, kot bi bil sicer. Dejavnost uma, ki je
Večina učencev je anketo izpolnila v manj kot 15 minutah, kar je
spodbudila učenčev uspeh, koncentracija misli, potrebnih zanj,
bil tudi moj cilj.
in vznemirjenje, ki sledi zmagoslavju, prispevajo k temu, da se
dejstva vtisnejo v spomin, kot se ne bi mogla nobena informacija,
3.2 Časovni okvir dela
ki jo je slišal od učitelja ali prebral v učbeniku.«[5]
Anketo sem učencem dal kot nalogo pri delu na daljavo tik
S pomočjo tega pristopa je zgornja misel laže uresničljiva.
preden smo spet šli v šolo. Tako so imeli dovolj časa za
reševanje in so bili že z mislimi usmerjeni v novo temo, ki smo
jo obravnavali potem pri pouku naslednjo uro. V vmesnem času
sem pregledal odgovore, pozval učence, ki še niso oddali
[1] Slavko Brinovec. 2004. Kako poučevati geografijo:
odgovorov, da to storijo, in začel z obdelavo rezultatov.
didaktika pouka, Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo,
Pregledal sem odgovore in ugotovil, da zelo podobno
razmišljajo in da so bili tudi običajno bolj tihi učenci aktivni in
[2] Paul Ginnis. 2004. Učitelj – sam svoj mojster, Rokus,
podajali predloge.
Zbral sem njihove odgovore po posameznih vprašanjih in
[3] Martin Kramar. 1990. Učenci v vzgojno-izobraževalnem
naredil Power Point predstavitev z najpogostejšimi odgovori.
procesu sodobne šole, Didakta, Radovljica.
Te rezultate sem predstavil v uvodnem delu obravnave te teme
[4] Karmen Kolnik et al. 2011. Učni načrt. Program
pri pouku in razvil se je dober pogovor.
osnovna šola. Geografija. Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport,
Zavod RS za šolstvo, Ljubljana. Pridobljeno:
3.3 Rezultati ankete in njihova uporaba
Iz odgovorov v prvem delu sem razbral, da jih je nekaj že slišalo
(30. 8. 2020)
za trajnostni razvoj, kar precej pa je takih, ki še niso oz. tega ne
[5] Alenka Stare. Proces učenja in poučevanja. Pridobljeno:
razumejo ali razumejo nepravilno – veliko jih je enačilo
https://alenkastare.si/proces-ucenja-in-poucevanja/ (19.
»trajnostno« s »trajnostjo« oz. z dolžino trajanja. Ko pa so
7. 2021)
prebrali definicijo, so začenjali razumeti pravi pomen. Zelo
dobro je bilo tudi, da sem lahko videl, kakšne so najpogostejše
[6] Trajnostni razvoj, Plan B za Slovenijo. Pridobljeno
http://www.planbzaslovenijo.si/trajnostni-razvoj (5. 8.
9. Verjetno res ne bo šlo na tak način še dolgo. Kaj pa bi morali
spremeniti? No, to je kompleksno – zapleteno vprašanje. Lahko
[7] Umanotera (1995): Agenda 21 za Slovenijo, prispevek
bi razdelili polja sprememb na tri dele – na tisto, kar lahko
nevladnih organizacij, Umanotera, Ljubljana.
narediš TI, na tisto, kar bi lahko naredili UČITELJI, in tisto, kar
Pridobljeno: http://www.umanotera.org/wp-
bi lahko naredila država oz. MINISTRSTVO za šolstvo.
Napiši nekaj, kar bi moral ti spremeniti PRI SEBI, da bi lahko
(15. 7. 2021)
nadaljeval s šolanjem na daljavo še dolgo časa. Poišči vsaj tri
10. Dobro, poskusi sedaj napisati tri stvari, ki bi jih po tvojem
mnenju lahko (morali) spremeniti učitelji, da bi lahko poučevali
Priloga: Anketni vprašalnik
na daljavo še dolgo. Poskusi najti vsaj tri stvari.
1. Si že slišal za izraz "trajnostni razvoj"?
11. Sedaj po poskusi poiskati še kakšno stvar, ki bi jo lahko
naredilo drugače Ministrstvo za šolstvo oz. država, da bi tak
način dela lahko izvajali dolgoročno. Poišči vsaj ENO stvar.
2. Se ti zdi, da veš, kaj pomeni izraz "trajnostni"?
12. Odlično! Hvala. Sedaj že bolje razumemo, kaj pomeni
trajnostnost in kaj pomeni iskanje rešitev, če želimo nekaj
3. Ker si odgovoril, da ne veš, kaj pomeni, si preberi tale opis:
narediti trajnostno. O trajnostnem razvoju, trajnostni mobilnosti,
"Trajnostni razvoj je takšen način razvoja, ki zadošča današnjim
trajnostnem upravljanju naravnih bogastev se veliko govori v
potrebam, ne da bi pri tem ogrožal možnosti prihodnjih generacij,
zadnjih letih. Zanima me, če si že kdaj slišal in razmišljal o
da zadostijo svojim lastnim potrebam." Svetovna komisija za
trajnostnem razvoju našega ožjega okolja – na primer Občine
okolje in razvoj (WCED), 1987
Škofja Loka?
Si zdaj razumel?
13. Kje si izvedel kaj o tem?
4. Poskusi s svojimi besedami napisati, kaj pomeni ta izraz.
V časopisih.
V šoli.
5. Primerjaj to, kar si napisal, z naslednjim opisom tega izraza:
"Trajnostni razvoj je takšen način razvoja, ki zadošča današnjim
Na internetu.
potrebam, ne da bi pri tem ogrožal možnosti prihodnjih generacij,
Na televiziji.
da zadostijo svojim lastnim potrebam." Svetovna komisija za
okolje in razvoj (WCED), 1987
14. Se ti zdi, da se o tem dovolj govori, da se na tem dovolj dela?
Se ti zdi, da si zadel pomen?
15. Imaš občutek, da lahko tudi sam kaj prispevaš k temu, da bi
6. Lahko rečemo tudi tako: – Trajnostni razvoj pomeni, da lahko
bilo naše delovanje bolj trajnostno?
neka dejavnost traja dolgo – tako rekoč neskončno, ne da bi se
zaradi posledic svojega delovanja morala končati.
Ali pa na primer: Ne-trajnosten razvoj pomeni, da tako
16. Napiši, na kakšen način bi lahko ti prispeval (ali že prispevaš)
izkorišča vire, ljudi ali okolje, da bodisi zmanjka virov ali pa
k temu – na primer, kaj lahko narediš glede skrbi za okolje, kaj v
ljudje ne zmorejo več, ali da okolje ni primerno za
vsakdanjem življenju delaš ali bi lahko delal, da bo okolje
dolgoročno v dobrem stanju. Poišči vsaj tri stvari.
Je sedaj še kaj bolj razumljivo?
17. Se ti zdi, da je to lahko? Kaj te najbolj ovira pri tem, da
deluješ trajnostno?
7. Pa preverimo, če res razumeš ta izraz – na primeru učenja na
18. Imaš kakšen predlog za boljšo trajnostno skrb in ravnanje z
daljavo, ki je sedaj aktualno. Se ti zdi, da je to trajnostno – da bi
našim okoljem? Lahko gre za majhne stvari, lahko pa napišeš
lahko s takim šolanjem nadaljevali dolgoročno – mesece, morda
tudi, kaj bi morala narediti vsa družba, država ...
celo leta?
19. Katera od naslednjih stvari se ti zdi, da jo TI ali tvoja družina
zavestno delate:
8. Odgovoril si z DA. Si prepričan? No, morda lahko trdiš zase,
• Pridelava domače hrane.
a vendarle je marsikomu težko in ne bi zdržal takega dela dolgo,
• Kupovanje lokalno pridelane hrane.
morda znanje ni dovolj kvalitetno za uspešno šolanje naprej . .
• Uporabljanje okolju prijaznejših čistil, škropiv, gnojil.
Se strinjaš?
• Kupovanje rabljenih stvari, naprav, oblačil.
• Popravljanje okvarjenih naprav namesto kupovanja novih.
• Dosledno ločevanje odpadkov.
• Zavestna izbira hoje/kolesa . . namesto avtomobila.
• Varčevanje z vodo.
• Varčevanje z elektriko.
• Spodbujanje drugih k odgovornejšemu ravnanju.
20. V dokumentu Agenda 21 za Slovenijo, ki ga je leta 1995
pripravila skupina nevladnih organizacij pod vodstvom
Umanotere, Slovenske fundacije za trajnostni razvoj, so načela
trajnostne družbe povzeta takole:
- spoštovanje občestva življenja in odgovornost zanj,
- izboljševanje kakovosti človekovega življenja,
- ohranjanje vitalnosti in pestrosti Zemlje,
- čim korenitejše zmanjševanje izčrpavanja neobnovljivih
- upoštevanje nosilne sposobnosti Zemlje,
- spreminjanje osebnega odnosa in ravnanja,
- usposabljanje skupnosti za samostojno in odgovorno
ravnanje z okoljem,
- oblikovanje državnega okvira za povezovanje razvoja in
- ustvarjanje svetovnega zavezništva.
Se ti zdi, da sledimo tem ciljem izpred 25-ih let?
• Da.
• Še kar.
• Malo.
• Nič.
Učenci s posebnimi potrebami in šolanje na daljavo
Students with special needs and distance education
Karmen Posedel Golob
OŠ Glazija Celje
Celje, Slovenija
Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo raziskovali, kako so učenci s
primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (v nadaljevanju
Šolanje na daljavo je institucionalno organizirana in priznana
PPU) in imajo dodatno strokovno pomoč doživljali pouk na
oblika izobraževanja. Pri takšnem šolanju so učitelj in učenci
daljavo med epidemijo covid-19 in kakšna so njihova stališča do
med poukom navadno fizično ločeni. Govorimo torej o
takšnega izobraževanja. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 25 učencev.
geografski ločitvi, kar pomeni, da so učitelj in učenci med
Ugotavljali smo, kje so bile težave, na katere pogoje bomo v
poukom na različnih krajih.
prihodnosti morali biti bolj pozorni in kako se je izobraževanje
Učenje na daljavo ima lahko za učence in učitelje v primerjavi
na daljavo obneslo pri učencih z dodatno strokovno pomočjo.
s klasičnim poukom v razredu kar nekaj prednosti. Šolarji si
Merski instrument, s katerim smo preverjali zadovoljstvo
lahko potek dela organizirajo sami, dostop do učnih vsebin je
učencev, je bil vprašalnik.
mogoč skoraj od povsod, prav tako pa takšen način šolanja
Izobraževanje na daljavo nas je postavilo v popolnoma novo
učencu omogoča hiter dostop do povratne informacije. [1] Na
situacijo, spremenil se je način izobraževanja in komunikacije.
drugi strani lahko tehnične težave upočasnijo celoten učni
Spremembe so se še bolj dotaknile ranljivejših skupin, med
proces. [2]
katere sodijo tudi učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih
S pričujočo raziskavo smo želeli dodatno osvetliti vidike
šolanja na daljavo med epidemijo covid-19, stališča učencev, ki
potrebujejo specifično obravnavo (prilagojen pouk, prostor in čas
ter posebne oblike in metode dela) tovrstnega učenja v primerjavi
s klasičnim poukom.
Covid-19, učenci s posebnimi potrebami, IKT, šolanje na daljavo
V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 25 šolarjev. Za potrebe
raziskave smo oblikovali vprašalnik za učence, s katerim smo
želeli ugotoviti, kakšna stališča imajo do takšnega načina šolanja.
With the help of a survey i researched how special needs students
who lack certain abilities in individual areas of learning as well
1.1 Učenci s posebnimi potrebami v
as receive additional professional help couped with online school
during the Covid pandemic and their views on this type of
izobraževalnih programih s prilagojenim
education. 25 students were included in the sample. The mesaly
izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo
instrument I used to review student satisfaction was a
V Navodilih za izobraževalne programe s prilagojenim
questionnaire. The aim of this report was to research where
izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo za devetletno osnovno
problems may have occurred, what conditions will have to be
šolo je zapisana naslednja opredelitev: »V izobraževalni program
more vigilant in the future. Online school has put us in a whole
osnovne šole s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno
new situation and our way of communication and education has
pomočjo so usmerjeni otroci, za katere komisije za usmerjanje
changed. Changes have had a substantial negative effect on more
ocenijo, da imajo takšne razvojne in učne zmožnosti, da bodo,
vulnerable groups including special needs children.
predvidoma s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno
pomočjo dosegli vsaj minimalne cilje oz. standarde znanja,
določene v učnih načrtih za vse predmete v predmetniku osnovne
Covid-19, students with special needs, IKT, distance education
šole za razred, v katerega se vključuje otrok s posebnimi
potrebami.« [5]
Izraz primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja označuje
zelo raznoliko skupino primanjkljajev ali motenj, ki se kažejo z
zaostankom v zgodnjem razvoju pozornosti, pomnjenja,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
mišljenja, koordinacije, komunikacije, branja, pisanja,
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
pravopisa, računanja, socialnih sposobnostih in čustvenem
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
dozorevanju. [3]
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ti primanjkljaji vplivajo na posameznikovo sposobnost
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
interpretiranja zaznanih informacij oz. povezovanja informacij
ter s tem ovirajo učenje temeljnih šolskih veščin, kot so branje,
pisanje, pravopis in računanje. Motnje so notranje,
23-krat je bil izbran odgovor starši, 17-krat učiteljica DSP, 5-
nevrofiziološke narave in niso primarno pogojene z vidnimi,
krat brat ali sestra, 2-krat učitelj predmeta, pri katerem sem
slušnimi ali motoričnimi okvarami, motnjami v duševnem
potreboval pomoč, 1-krat razrednik in 1-krat prijatelj.
razvoju, čustvenimi motnjami ali neustreznimi okoljskimi
Kako uspešen/a si bil/a pri opravljanju tedenskih učnih
dejavniki, čeprav se lahko pojavljajo skupaj z njimi). [3]
V delu Kesič Dimic iz leta 2010 lahko zasledimo, da je za
20 učencev je odgovorilo, da jim je uspelo narediti vse naloge
učence s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja značilno,
za tekoči teden, štirim je uspelo narediti polovico nalog za tekoči
da imajo načeto ali slabo samopodobo, imajo slabši slušni
teden, en učenec pa je naredil manj kot polovico nalog za tekoči
spomin (tako kratkotrajni kot dolgotrajni), težko se dalj časa
osredotočijo na zastavljeno nalogo, vsaka malenkost jih hitro
Kakšen se ti je zdel obseg (količina) snovi, ki jo je bilo
zmoti pri usmerjenjem delu, so spontani v izražanju, pogosto ne
treba opraviti doma v primerjavi z učnim delom, ko smo v
zmorejo nadzirati čustev, hitro se zmedejo (tudi, če so se snov
hitro naučili), večinoma težje delajo v skupini, težje si zapomnijo
Večina učencev (11) je odgovorila, da je bil obseg snovi na
zapletena ali dolgoročna navodila, težave se pojavijo pri
daljavo prav takšen, kot je bil v šoli, 9 učencev meni, da je bil
koordinaciji (fina in groba motorika), imajo težave z
obseg snovi na daljavo večji, kot takrat ko smo bili v šoli, 3
grafomotoriko, imajo slab občutek za čas. [4]
učenci so izbrali odgovor, da je bil obseg snovi preobsežen in
Učenci s posebnimi potrebami imajo pogosto lahko tudi
veliko večji kot takrat, ko so bili v šoli. Dva učenca sta napisala,
čustvene stiske, zato je še kako pomemben osebni stik z
da je bil obseg snovi manjši, vendar je bilo nalog več, eden pa je
učencem. Delo specialnega pedagoga ni vezano samo na učenca
napisal, da je bilo manj nalog kot v šoli.
samega, dobro mora sodelovati z učitelji in starši otrok s
Ali si razumel učiteljeva navodila za delo?
posebnimi potrebami, predstavlja pomembno vez med šolo,
12 učencev je izbralo odgovor, da so razumeli učiteljeva
starši in učencem. Pri poučevanju na daljavo se je ta osebni,
navodila, 12 jih meni, da so jih delno razumeli, en učenec pa
individualen pristop žal zelo zmanjšal. Informacijska tehnologija
učiteljevih navodil ni razumel in je potreboval pomoč.
je postala nujno orodje, delo z učenci se je preselilo v spletno
Oceni, koliko rad/a se učiš in delaš v šoli v primerjavi z
okolje (e-pošta, spletne učilnice, zoom, viber ...).
učnim delom doma – delo na daljavo!
12 učencev je odgovorilo, da so raje v šoli, sedmim učencem
1.2 Analiza vprašalnika
je bolj všeč šola na daljavo, petim učencem pa je všeč tako
Učenci so reševali anketo s pomočjo orodja 1ka - spletno
šolanje na daljavo kot tudi pouk v šoli.
Kako si bil/a zadovoljen/a z izvajanjem DSP na daljavo?
Na anketni vprašalnik je odgovorilo 25 učencev s
10 učencev je bilo zelo zadovoljnih z izvajanjem DSP na
primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (v nadaljevanju
daljavo, 15 pa jih je izbralo odgovor dobro. Nihče ni bil
PPU), 16 dečkov in 9 deklic. Največ učencev je bilo iz 7. razreda
(10), sledili so 8. razred, 5. razred in 6. razred s po tremi učenci,
Kaj ti ni bilo všeč pri izvajanju DSP na daljavo?
iz 3. razreda in 9. razreda dva učenca, iz 2. in 4. razreda pa po en
Učenci so zapisali naslednje odgovore:
- da smo namesto učenja igrali miselne igre;
Na vprašanje, kako samostojen si bil/bila prielu za šolo na
- vse je bilo v redu;
daljavo, je večina učencev (10) odgovorila, da so potrebovali
- bolj mi je všeč osebno;
nekaj pomoči, 7 jih je odgovorilo, da so večino ali vse delo
- ne vem;
opravili sami, 5 učencev je potrebovalo veliko pomoči, 3 učenci
- slaba internetna povezava;
so odgovorili, da so zelo težko delali sami.
- da sem imel manj ur DSP kot v šoli;
Kakšno se ti je zdelo delo za šolo od doma, v »domači
- nič
- da sem imel 1 uro manj kot v šoli;
Kar 15 učencev je odgovorilo, da se jim je zdelo delo za šolo
- ni mi bilo všeč, ker sem moral biti ves čas aktiven.
od doma »v redu«, trije so odgovorili, da jim je bilo zelo všeč, 6
Kakšne oblike pomoči ti je ponudila učiteljica za DSP?
učencem delo od doma ni bilo všeč, eden pa je izbral odgovor,
Pri tem vprašanju je bilo možnih več odgovorov. Največkrat
da mu delo od doma sploh ni bilo všeč.
so učenci izbrali odgovor, da jim je učiteljica za DSP razlagala
Kako samostojen/a si bil/a pri delu za šolo na daljavo?
učno snov in ponazorila postopke reševanja nalog. Sledijo
Največ učencev (10) je izbralo odgovor, da so pri delu za šolo
odgovori: pojasnjevanje navodil, motiviranje za učno delo,
na daljavo potrebovali nekaj pomoči, 7 učencev je odgovorilo,
posredovanje napotkov, gradiv, navodil.
da so vse delo za šolo opravili samostojno, 5 učencev je
Ali so učitelji pri pouku na daljavo upoštevali
potrebovalo nekaj pomoči, trije učenci pa so potrebovali veliko
prilagoditve, ki jih imaš zapisne v individualiziranem
Koliko časa dnevno si pri delu na daljavo porabil/a za
12 učencev meni, da so učitelji upoštevali prilagoditve, šest
šolsko delo (od ponedeljka do petka)?
učencev je izbralo odgovor ne vem, štirje menijo, da prilagoditve
Večina učencev je odgovorila, da je pri delu na daljavo
učitelji niso upoštevali, dva sta izbrala možnost drugo in zapisala,
porabila za šolsko delo dnevno 2 do 3 ure, 8 učencev 4 do 5 ur
da so prilagoditve včasih upoštevali, včasih pa ne, en učenec pa
dnevno, 7 učencev več kot 5 ur in 1 učenec do 2 uri dnevno.
je zapisal, da vseh prilagoditev ni bilo mogoče upoštevati pri
Kdo ti je pomagal, ko si potreboval/a pomoč pri delu na
pouku na daljavo.
Na katerem področju si bil pri pouka na daljavo
Pri tem vprašanju je bilo možnih več odgovorov.
prikrajšan zaradi specifičnih težav, ki jih imaš?
Učenci so zapisali naslednje odgovore:
pri času pisanja;
Tabela 1: Število odgovorov na posamezna vprašanja
Odlično Dobro
Slabo Zelo Ne vem
dostopom do informacij v
osebni stik;
spletni učilnici
nisem bila prikrajšana;
povratnimi informacijami
glede oddanih nalog
dostopnostjo učiteljev
pri DSP sem izgubil uro,
nisem bil;
prilagajanjem gradiv
vzeli so mi eno uro DSP;
organizacijo pouka in
Katere prilagoditve, ki jih potrebuješ, pri šolanju na
daljavo niso bile upoštevane?
snovi pri
Učenci so zapisali naslednje odgovore:
da potrebujem več časa za delo;
izvajanjem DSP
bile so vse;
pomočjo učiteljev
vse so bile;
ne vem;
upoštevanjem posebnih
potreb, ki jih potrebujem pri
ni bilo upoštevano, da potrebujem več časa pri
kakšnem predmetu. Imel sem količinsko čisto enako nalog kot
drugi učenci.
Kaj bi sporočil/a učiteljem glede pouka na daljavo?
Učenci sporočajo učiteljem glede šolanja na daljavo:
da je bilo zelo dobro;
Šolanje od doma med epidemijo in zaprtjem šol je za učitelje in
da naj večkrat vprašajo, ali potrebujem kakšno pomoč;
šolarje pomenilo velik izziv, saj se je prvič v zgodovini v velikem
da že pri pouku napišemo snov v zvezke in ne potem
delu sveta izobraževanje popolnoma prestavilo v virtualno okolje
ter zahtevalo hitro priučitev in prilagoditev metod in načinov dela
lahko bi bilo bolj zanimivo;
z uporabo IKT.
več razlage snovi v živo;
Za učence PPU je značilno, da so zelo heterogena skupina in
so večinoma vključeni v redne osnovne šole, zato je za vse
ne vem;
učitelje potrebno dobro poznavanje posameznih podskupin in
da bolj razlaga snovi in ne, da samo pišemo;
značilnosti, da lahko pomagajo otroku in prav zaradi tega je bilo
dobra priprava videokonferenc in gradiv v spletni
pomembno, da smo raziskali, kako je potekalo izobraževanje
učencev s PPU.
da so opravili odlično delo.
Pomembno je spoznanje, da so se učenci s težavami na
Kaj bi sporočil/a učiteljici za DSP glede pouka na
posameznih področjih učenja večinoma dobro prilagodili na
spremenjen način pouka, saj je večina učencev odgovorila, da jim
Učenci z odgovori sporočajo učiteljicam, ki izvajajo DSP:
je bilo šolanje od doma všeč. Pri šolskem delu jih je večina
da naj ostanejo še naprej tako super, kot so;
potrebovala pomoč, ki so jim jo ponudili starši, učiteljica za
kul je bilo;
dodatno in strokovno pomoč, stari starši, sorojenci …
bilo je v redu;
Podatki prikazujejo, da je večina učencev pri delu na daljavo
porabila za šolsko delo dnevno 2 do 3 ure, prav toliko učencev je
več razlage snovi v živo;
potrebovalo 4 do 5 ur dnevno, 7 učencev pa več kot 5 ur. Večina
učencev, kar 80 % vprašanih je opravilo redno tedensko naloge,
bilo je super in bil sem vesel njene pomoči;
nekaj jih je opravilo polovico danih nalog, en učenec pa ni delal
da si želim še naprej uspešno sodelovanje;
nalog. Učiteljice za dodatno strokovno pomoč so vse ure izvajale
ne vem;
neposredno preko aplikacije ZOOM. To se je očitno izkazalo za
da sem se počutil enako dobro kot v šoli;
zelo uspešno, saj so bili vsi učenci zadovoljni z izvajanjem ur
vse super;
DSP. Pomoč so potrebovali pri razlagi učne snovi in ponazoritev
ne vem;
postopkov, pomoč pri reševanju nalog, pojasnjevanju navodil,
da bi imeli vsi, ki hodimo na DSP svojo stran za
motiviranju za učno delo, posredovanju napotkov, gradiv in
Če bi lahko izbiral, bi izbral:
Prilagoditve, ki jih imajo učenci zapisane v
9 učencev bi izbralo šolanje na daljavo, 12 pouk v šoli, dva
individualiziranem načrtu, so učitelji večinoma upoštevali, štirje
učenca pa oboje.
učenci so napisali, da jih niso. Navedli so, da so bili prikrajšani
Število odgovorov o zadovoljstvu s posameznimi elementi je
pri podaljšanem času opravljanja nalog in pri razlagi.
podano v tabeli 1.
Zelo pozitivno je, da so učenci pohvalili delo učiteljev,
sporočajo pa, da v prihodnje prosijo učitelje, da večkrat ponudijo
Zahvaljujemo se učencem za iskrenost in doslednost pri
pomoč učencem, da bi zapisovali snov že med
izpolnjevanju vprašalnika ter ravnateljici za podporo pri
videokonferencami, da bi bile razlage snovi bolj zanimive in bi
bilo več videokonferenc.
Učiteljicam za dodatno strokovno pomoč sporočajo, da so bili
zadovoljni, da si želijo še več razlage snovi v živo, da so se
[1] Dhawan, S. (2020). Online learning: A panacea in the time of COVID-19
počutili zelo dobro in predlagajo, da se jim v prihodnje omogoči
crisis. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 49(1), 5–22.
poseben kanal za komunikacijo učencev, ki imajo DSP:
Zanimiv je podatek, da bi ob ponovnem šolanju na daljavo
[2] Favale, T., Soro, F., Trevisan, M., Drago, I. in Mellia, M. (2020). Campus
traffic and e-Learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Computer Networks,
skoraj 40 % vprašanih učencev izbralo pouk na daljavo, več kot
176, članek 107290. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107290
polovica pa bi si želela pouka v šoli.
[3] Magajna, L., Kavkler, M., Čačinovič Vogrinčič G., Pečjak S. in Bregar
Golobič K. (2008b). Učne težave v osnovni šoli: koncept dela. Ljubljana:
Pridobljene informacije so za vse strokovne delavce zelo
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
koristne predvsem pri načrtovanju vzgojno-izobraževalnega
[4] Kesič Dimic, K. (2010). Vsi učenci so lahko uspešni: napotki za delo z
učenci s posebnimi potrebami. Ljubljana: Založba Rokus Klett.
procesa v prihodnje in če bi se šole znova zapirale in bi pouk
[5] Navodila za izobraževalne programe s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno
potekal na daljavo.
strokovno pomočjo za devetletno osnovno šolo, 2003, dostopno 17. 1.
(www.zrss.si/. ./_PP_prilagojeno_izvajanje_programa_OS_maj.
Težave pri izobraževanju odraslih na daljavo
Difficulties in teleworking adult education
Andrej Prašnikar
SIC Ljubljana – Strokovni izobraževalni center Ljubljana
Ptujska 6, 1000 Ljubljana
med učenci samimi pa omogočajo različne vrste tehnologij.
Unesco opredeljuje izobraževanje na daljavo kot »vzgojno-
V članku je strnjen prikaz težav, ki so se izpostavile pri
izobraževalni proces in sistem, v katerem pomemben delež
izobraževanju odraslih v času epidemije in dela na daljavo.
pouka izvaja nekdo ali nekaj, ki je časovno in prostorsko
Rezultati so omejeni na vodje izobraževanja odraslih, učitelje in
odmaknjeno od učenca. Pri izobraževanju na daljavo je
udeležence izobraževanja odraslih. Skupek rezultatov nam poda
tehnološka podpora celostno in načrtno integrirana v vse prvine
pregled skupnih težav vseh vpletenih v proces izobraževanja na
vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa, vpeta je tako v pedagoško kot
daljavo. Problematika je aktualna, saj je pogosto obravnavano
administrativno podporo ter učno gradivo, kar omogoča
redno izobraževanje, redkeje pa izobraževanje odraslih, ki se bo
izvajanje učnega procesa ob fizični ločenosti učitelja in učenca
v prihodnjih letih še razširilo. Število udeležencev izobraževanja
odraslih se namreč povečuje v skladu s politiko vseživljenjskega
učenja. Podatki in rezultati članka temeljijo na raziskavah
V novejšem času so v porastu hibridne prakse, ki kombinirajo
Andragoškega centra Republike Slovenije. Cilj članka je strnjeno
sinhrono in asinhrono komunikacijo med učiteljem in učencem
osvetliti in prikazati težave, ki nastopajo v procesu izobraževanja
ter med učenci. Te prakse združujejo uporabo elektronske pošte,
odraslih in zavirajo napredek izobraževanja odraslih v procesu
diskusijske skupine, spletne strani, klepeta, okolja z več
izobraževanja odraslih. Z opisom težav se jih lahko zavedamo in
uporabniki in spletnega oddajanja. Omogočajo jih različna
jih s skupnimi močmi odpravimo ter omogočimo boljše rezultate
spletna učna okolja (npr. spletne učilnice Moodle, MS Teams,
na področju izobraževanja odraslih, večje zadovoljstvo učiteljev
Zoom) z več prednostmi (nalaganje datotek, forumi, klepeti,
in udeležencev.
integrirani videokonferenčni sistemi itd.). Omejitev teh okolij pa
za posameznika predstavlja potencialno preveliko število takšnih
okolij in njihovih možnosti [1].
Izobraževanje odraslih, odrasli, delo na daljavo, izobraževanje
V spletni šoli opravijo udeleženci program v celoti prek spleta,
odraslih na daljavo
učitelji pa so jim dostopni prek spletnih aplikacij ali telefona.
Večina učnih gradiv in usmeritev jim je posredovanih preko
spleta (asinhrono) z nekaterimi sinhronimi učnimi urami.
The article highlights the problems of online adult education
Udeleženci se lahko učijo kjer koli in kadar koli, prek
during the epidemic and teleworking. Outcomes are limited to
računalnika in internetne povezave, nekatere spletne šole pa
adult education leaders, teachers, and adult education
zahtevajo prisotnost na sinhrono izvajanih učnih urah [1].
participants. The set of results gives us an overview of the
Hibridna šola predstavlja temeljni program za svoje udeležence
common problems of all those involved in the distance learning
(enako kot spletna šola), značilno zanjo pa je, da ima definirano
process. The issue is important since there has been many articles
fizično lokacijo, na kateri so učenci redno prisotni pri pouku,
regarding regular education but not as much describing adult
nimajo pa rednega urnika kot tradicionalne šole.
eduction, the number of which is growing steadily. This increase
is due to lifelong learning policy. The article is based on the
Učenci opravljajo spletne tečaje oz. dostopajo do spletnih vsebin.
results of the surveys by the Andragogy Center of the Republic
Dopolnilni in/ali dodatni spletni tečaji obsegajo vso vsebino
of Slovenia. The article aims to summarize the problems that
nekega predmeta, učenci jih lahko opravijo prostorsko in
occur in the process of distance learning adult education, which
časovno neodvisno, obenem pa obiskujejo klasično šolo. Večina
inhibit the progress of adult. The purpose is also to raise
navodil oziroma pouka poteka asinhrono z možnostjo razširitve
awareness of the problems in order to find solutions and greater
s sinhronimi učnimi urami. Dopolnilni in/ali dodatni spletni
satisfaction of teachers and participants in adult education.
tečaji s spletnim učiteljem (onsite teacher) so raznoliki, razmerje
med količino samostojnega dela z gradivi ter interakcije z
učiteljem pa močno variira. Učenec dela z učiteljem sam ali v
Adult education, adults, teleworking, online adult education
majhni skupini učencev. Digitalne vsebine in programska
oprema, ki omogoča trening veščin, so gradiva, ki jih uporabljajo
učitelji v tradicionalni šoli kot del rednega pouka ali za učenčevo
domače delo. Vsebino oblikuje ponudnik ali učitelj sam, lahko
Izobraževanje na daljavo je oblika izobraževanja z dvema
pa učitelj uporablja oboje. Umeščena je na učiteljevo spletno
temeljnima značilnostma: učitelj in učenec sta med poučevanjem
stran, v spletno učno okolje (learning management system –
prostorsko ločena, komunikacijo med njima in komunikacijo
LMS) ali aplikacijo. V našem prostoru je bila uporaba
6. pridobitev informacij preko uporabe sodobnih e-
tehnologije za namene poučevanja do prvega vala epidemije
storitev in zapletov,
raziskovana predvsem kot del pouka v živo [1].
7. animirani pedagoški posredniki (liki, ki vodijo učenca
skozi učno enoto na računalniku),
V spletni šoli opravijo učenci ves program v celoti prek spleta,
8. virtualna okolja s posredniki (vizualno resnična okolja,
učitelji pa so jim dostopni prek spletnih aplikacij ali telefona.
ki simulirajo interakcije z resničnimi ljudmi in
Večina učnih gradiv in usmeritev je učencem posredovana prek
uporabljajo tudi resnični jezik),
spleta (asinhrono) z nekaterimi sinhronimi učnimi urami. Učenci
9. didaktične igre (igre, ki so namenjene poučevanju),
se učijo kjer koli in kadar koli, prek računalnika in internetne
povezave. Nekatere spletne šole zahtevajo prisotnost na sinhrono
10. računalniško podprto sodelovalno učenje in projektno
izvajanih učnih urah. Hibridna šola predstavlja temeljni program
delo [3].
za svoje učence (enako kot spletna šola), značilno zanjo pa je, da
V nadaljevanju so prikazani rezultati anket vodij izobraževanja,
ima definirano fizično lokacijo, na kateri so učenci redno prisotni
učiteljev in udeležencev izobraževanja odraslih. V anketah so
pri pouku, nimajo pa rednega urnika kot tradicionalne šole.
predstavljeni odgovori, ki po mnenju anketirancev predstavlja
Učenci opravljajo spletne tečaje oz. dostopajo do spletnih vsebin.
oviro pri uspešnem izvajanju izobraževanja odraslih. Anketa je
Dopolnilni in/ali dodatni spletni tečaji obsegajo vso vsebino
opravljena na manjšem številu anketirancev, ki so izpostavili
nekega predmeta, učenci jih lahko opravijo prostorsko in
težave pri delu na daljavo. Iz tega razloga ankete in sklepi
časovno neodvisno, obenem pa obiskujejo klasično šolo. Večina
temeljijo na osnovi vzorčne skupine anketirancev in ne
navodil oz. pouka poteka asinhrono z možnostjo razširitve s
predstavljajo natančnega stanja, ampak so strnjen prikaz stanja
sinhronimi učnimi urami. Dopolnilni in/ali dodatni spletni tečaji
na področju problematike izobraževanja na daljavo
s spletnim učiteljem (onsite teacher) so raznoliki, razmerje med
izobraževanja odraslih [1].
količino samostojnega dela z gradivi ter interakcije z učiteljem
pa močno variira. Učenec dela z učiteljem sam ali v majhni
skupini učencev. Digitalne vsebine in programska oprema, ki
omogoča trening veščin, so gradiva, ki jih uporabljajo učitelji v
tradicionalni šoli kot del rednega pouka ali za učenčevo domače
delo. Vsebino oblikuje ponudnik ali učitelj sam, lahko pa učitelj
uporablja oboje. Umeščena je na učiteljevo spletno stran, v
spletno učno okolje (learning management system – LMS) ali
aplikacijo. Programska oprema za ocenjevanje znanja in prikaz
rezultatov daje možnosti preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja,
največkrat pa jo (v ZDA) uporabljajo na ravni šole ali na
nacionalni ravni [1].
V našem prostoru je bila uporaba tehnologije za namene
poučevanja do prvega vala epidemije raziskovana predvsem kot
del pouka v živo. V svoji razpravi o inovativnih učnih okoljih [3]
Graf 1: Na grafu je predstavljenih več dejavnikov, ki
vplivajo na kakovost izobraževanja na daljavo, stolpci na
omenja različna pojmovanja inovativnih učnih okolij in v sklopu
desni pa prikazujejo njihovo vrednost, kot so jo opisali
pojmovanja inovativnega učnega okolja kot tehnološko
vodje izobraževanja odraslih. Število ob stolpcu predstavlja
podprtega sistema navajata deset kategorij učnih okolij, podprtih
odstotek vprašanih, ki so posamezni dejavnik izbrali kot
z informacijsko komunikacijsko tehnologijo (IKT), po našem
največjo težavo pri delu na daljavo[1].
mnenju uporabnih tudi pri poučevanju na daljavo:
Na Grafu 1 lahko jasno vidimo, da je največji delež vprašanih kot
1. usposabljanje s pomočjo računalnika (učna enota,
največjo težavo opisal usposobljenost učiteljev za delo z IKT. Iz
tega lahko sklepamo, da moramo posodobiti izobraževanje
računalniškega zaslona, učenec napreduje na naslednjo
učiteljev in v sistem vključiti vse sodobne tehnologije za
raven, ko opravi predhodne),
izobraževanje na daljavo, s katerimi so bili soočeni ob pandemiji
Covid-19. To velja tako za izobraževanje odraslih kot tudi za
2. multimedia (poučevanje, sestavljeno iz vizualnih
ostale učitelje, ki so bili postavljeni pred enak izziv. Ta rešitev bi
delov, npr. ilustracije, videoposnetki, in besedilnih
vključila tudi naslednje tri dejavnike, za katere so anketiranci
delov, npr. natisnjenih ali govorjenih),
odločili, da predstavljajo ravno tako pomemben del težav
3. interaktivna simulacija (omogočajo nadzor učenca,
izobraževanja na daljavo in jih v grafu vidimo nad opisanim
dejavnikom. Začetna motivacija učiteljev bi bila višja, če jim
npr. spreminjanje vhodnih parametrov),
nove tehnologije ne bi bile tuje in bi v njih videli mnogo
4. hipertekst in hipermedia (učna gradiva, sestavljena iz
možnosti, s katerimi lahko motivirajo sebe in udeležence
povezav na klik),
izobraževanja za učenje. Poleg tega bi izobraževanje izpopolnilo
tudi njihovo znanje z didaktičnega vidika in jim nudilo tehnično
5. inteligentni tutorski sistemi (sistemi, ki učencu
podporo tudi med letom, ne le v začetku.
prilagajajo učno pot),
udeleženci sami ugotovili, da niso bili dovolj odzivni, da bi bilo
izobraževanje kakovostno izvedeno, kar se sklada z ugotovitvijo
učiteljev na Grafu 2. Pomembno pa je poudariti, da prvi opisani
dejavnik, pomanjkanje pripomočkov, vpliva na vse ostale
dejavnike kot so odzivnost in motivacija udeležencev ter njihova
usposobljenost za uporabo IKT.
Na grafih 1, 2 in 3 so prikazani nekateri pomembni dejavniki, ki
vplivajo na kakovost izvedbe izobraževanja odraslih na daljavo,
ki pa se med seboj močno povezujejo. Kot opisano, bi bila
enostavna rešitev pripraviti sistem izobraževanja učiteljev in
udeležencev izobraževanja, ki bi vključevala sistem spletnih
okolij za izvedbo izobraževanja. Najbolj enostavno bi bilo, da bi
Graf 2: Dejavniki, ki najbolj vplivajo na kakovost
se javni učni zavodi v Sloveniji poenotili in izbrali en skupen
izobraževanja na daljavo po mnenju učiteljev izobraževanja
sistem, po katerem bi potekalo izobraževanje na daljavo na več
odraslih [1].
stopnjah, tako v osnovnih kot srednjih šolah in po možnosti na
fakultetah ter na izobraževanju odraslih. Poleg tega bi morali
Na Grafu 2 je za razliko od Grafa 1 prikazano mnenje učiteljev
udeležencem izobraževanja in učiteljem skozi izobraževanje
izobraževanja odraslih, ki nakazuje, da največja težava ni v sami
nuditi tehnično podporo, poleg tega pa udeležencem nuditi tudi
usposobljenosti ali motivaciji učiteljev, temveč v neodzivnosti
pripomočke za izvedbo programa, ki so opisani zgoraj.
udeležencev izobraževanja. Omejitev spletnih orodij in
izobraževanja na daljavo je ravno predstavljeni dejavnik, kjer
udeleženci, ki se ne vključujejo v spletne aktivnosti nimajo
nobenih koristi od njega, niti ga učitelji ne morejo prisiliti v
Pri primerjavi vseh treh grafov lahko sklepamo, da pri
sodelovanje. Ta težava je deloma odgovornost posameznega
izobraževalnih institucijah največ težav predstavlja
udeleženca, ki se mora za opravljanje programa aktivno
usposobljenost učiteljev in mentorjev za delo z IKT opremo,
vključevati v vse dogodke programa. Drugi vzrok pa je lahko
naslednja šibka točka, je motivacija izvajalcev andragoškega
znanje IKT udeležencev, ki morajo za vključevanje znati
izobraževalnega procesa. Sklepam, da večinoma učitelji in
uporabljati programe in spletna orodja, ki jih uporabljajo učitelji.
Posledično je ključno, da tudi udeležencem izobraževanja
mentorji niso vajeni nenadne spremembe načina poučevanja.
zagotovimo ustrezna izobraževanja, znanje in pripomočke, s
Neposredni izvajalci so večino časa izvajali proces v
katerimi se bodo lahko aktivno vključili v program. Tudi
neposrednem stiku z udeleženci izobraževanja odraslih. Metode
naslednji dejavnik, vzdrževanje motivacije za izvajanje
poučevanja so se za večino zelo močno spremenile v smislu
izobraževanja je precej odvisen od udeležencev in učiteljev, ter
načina poučevanja, uporabljenih pripomočkov in pa občutkov pri
njihovega znanja uporabe orodij, ki bi ga lahko rešili z opisanimi
načinu podajanja snovi. Pri udeležencih izobraževanja odraslih
se srečujemo z s starostno močno različnimi skupinami. Največ
težav se izkazuje pri opremljenosti in znanju uporabe IKT
opreme. Odzivnost udeležencev izobraževanja je močno odvisna
od posameznika. Skupni imenovalec učiteljev in udeležencev
izobraževanja je slaba začetna motivacija in vzdrževanje
motivacije, ki je posledica sodelovanja preko IKT opreme ne pa
v fizičnem stiku in socialnih stikih. Predlog avtorja članka je
krepitev didaktičnih kompetenc za izobraževanje na daljavo v
smislu izobraževanj. Opremljanje z ustrezno IKT opremo
učiteljev in udeležencev izobraževanja odraslih. Poenotenje
uporabe spletnih orodij za izobraževanje na daljavo. Glede na
hitre spremembe pa lahko ugotovimo, da se z vsakim dnem dela
na daljavo razmere izboljšujejo, saj uporabniki pridobivajo
izkušnje in znanje glede izobraževanja na daljavo.
Graf 3: Mnenje udeležencev izobraževanja odraslih o
dejavnikih, ki najbolj vplivajo na kakovost izobraževanja
na daljavo [1].
[1] Možina, T., Radovan, M. in Klemenčič, S. (2020). Izkušnje z
izobraževanjem odraslih na daljavo v času pandemije. Andragoški center
Na grafu 3 pa je prikazano mnenje udeležencev izobraževanja
Slovenije, Ljubljana 2020
[2] Bregar, L., Zagmajster, M in Radovan, M (2020). E-izobraževanje za
odraslih, ki nakazuje, da je največja težava izobraževanja
digitalno družbo Izdajatelj in kraj izdaje: Ministrstva za izobraževanje,
odraslih opremljenost z IKT opremo v domačem okolju. V
znanost in šport 2020
situaciji, v kateri smo se znašli, smo se morali vsi zelo hitro
[3] [3], A., (2019). Vloga tehnologije v inovativnih učnih okoljih. Zavod
Antona Martina Slomška Mreža znanja 2019
prilagoditi, hkrati pa je najpomembneje, da smo si pridobili vse
pripomočke za izvajanje izobraževanja na daljavo, kot so
ustrezen računalnik, računalniški sistemi in programi ter na
primer spletne kamere, slušalke in zvočniki. Pričakovano pa je,
da odrasli udeleženci, ki tega do sedaj niso potrebovali tudi niso
imeli, velika možnost pa je tudi, da si tega niso mogli priskrbeti
iz finančnih ali drugih vzrokov. Zanimivo je, da so tudi
Digitalizacija doma
Digitalized home
Roman Rehberger
Šolski center Kranj, Višja strokovna šola
Kranj, Slovenija
Sodoben bivanjski prostor postaja pametni dom. To je
Digitisation, intelligent home, intelligent city
digitalizirana oblika enodružinske zasebne stavbe, ki je
domovanje ali počitniška hiša družine. Opremljena je z
avtomatiziranimi, digitaliziranimi in v sistem povezanimi
napravami in modernimi tehnologijami, ki delujejo v
komunikacijskem omrežju, in omogočajo boljše udobje,
Tehnologija pametnega doma, ki jo pogosto imenujejo tudi
varčevanje z energijo, lažje in bolj učinkovito vzdrževanje,
avtomatizacija doma ali domotika (iz latinskega "domus", kar
večjo varnost stanovalcev in druge prilagoditve doma načinu
pomeni dom), lastnikom domov zagotavlja varnost, udobje in
življenja družine. Stanovalci imajo dostop do storitev in nadzor
energijsko učinkovitost, tako da jim omogoča nadzor pametnih
nad delovanjem sistema preko posebnih prikazovalnikov in
naprav, pogosto s pametno domačo aplikacijo na svojih
krmilnikov, kot so stenski zasloni; preko osebnih pametnih
pametnih telefonih ali drugih omrežnih napravah. Internet stvari
naprav, kot so pametni telefoni, tablični računalniki ali pametne
(IoT), pametni domači sistemi in naprave pogosto delujejo
ure; preko daljinskih upravljalnikov ter računalnikov in/ali več
skupaj, medsebojno izmenjujejo podatke o porabi potrošnikov
naprav hkrati. Članek predstavlja opremo in uporabo pametne
hiše ter združevanje pametnih hiš v pametna mesta s stališča
in avtomatizirajo ukrepe na podlagi preferenc lastnikov domov
sedanjosti in s pogledom v prihodnost. Digitalizacija doma je
[12]. Naprave je mogoče samodejno nadzorovati na daljavo od
zelo aktualna tematika, zato jo vsebinsko vključujemo v
koderkoli z uporabo mobilne ali druge omrežne naprave.
predavanja in vaje predmeta Varovanje informacijskih sistemov
Pametni dom ima svoje naprave med seboj povezane preko
v drugem letniku višješolskega strokovnega programa
interneta, ki nadzoruje funkcije, kot so ogrevanje, klimatizacija,
prezračevanje, upravljanje z električno energijo ter varnostne
sisteme in domači kino [9].
Pametni dom je sestavljen iz več pametnih aplikacij, ki so v
Digitalizacija, pametni dom, pametno mesto
večini primerov povezane med seboj in je do njih mogoče
dostopati prek osrednje točke. Primeri osrednjih točk so
prenosniki, tablični računalniki, pametni telefoni ali druge
pametne naprave [9]. Bistveni del je povezovanje osrednjih
sistemov - elektrike, vode in varnostnih sistemov. Senzorji so
Intelligent home is becoming a modern dwelling. This is a
bistveni za spremljanje vsakega sistema in zbiranje podatkov.
digitalised form of a single-family private building, the home,
Ti podatki, ko jih analiziramo, nam pomagajo pri odločitvi o
or the holiday house of a family. It is equipped with automated
razporeditvi virov. Obremenitve, povezane z vsako nadzorno
and digitalised devices and modern technologies, connected to a
napravo, morajo biti prednostne, od najvišje do najnižje.
system, which operate in a communication network, and
Varnost podatkov in zasebnost sta bistvenega pomena, ne glede
provide a better comfort, energy saving, an easier and more
na vrsto stavbe - dom ali poslovni prostor.
efficient maintenance, better safety for the residents, and other
Izraz, s katerim se lahko srečamo, je tudi povezan dom.
adjustments of the home to the way of life of the family. The
Gartner je povezane domače rešitve opredelil na naslednji
residents have access to the services and control over the
način: »Povezane rešitve za dom sestavlja niz naprav in
operation of the system through specific displays and controls,
storitev, ki so povezane med seboj z internetom in se lahko
such as wall screens; through personal smart devices, such as
samodejno odzovejo na pred-nastavljena pravila, dostopajo do
smart phones, tablet computers, or smart watches; via remote
njih in upravljajo mobilne aplikacije ali brskalnik na daljavo in
controls and computers, and/or several devices at the same
uporabnikom pošljejo opozorila ali sporočila« [6].
time. This paper presents the equipment and use of an
Pametni dom se zdi "inteligenten", ker lahko njegovi
intelligent home as well as the integration of intelligent houses
računalniški sistemi spremljajo toliko vidikov vsakdanjega
into intelligent cities, from the point of view of the present and
življenja. Hladilnik lahko na primer nadzoruje vsebino,
with a view to the future. Digitisation of homes is a very topical
predlaga menije in nakupovalne sezname, priporoča zdrave
subject, which is why we include it in the lectures and tutorials
alternative in celo naroči živila. Sistemi pametnih domov bi
of the Information Systems Security course in the second year
lahko zagotovili celo stalno očiščeno škatlo za smeti za mačke
of the Security higher educational programme.
ali zalivali hišno rastlino [2].
Pomemben del pametnega doma je, da lahko zmanjšamo
stanovalci v bližini in odklenejo vrata; S pametnimi varnostnimi
režijske stroške in odpravimo težavo, tako da se napaka ne
kamerami lahko prebivalci nadzirajo svoje domove, ko so
ponovi. Natančen problem je mogoče takoj ugotoviti in
odsotni ali na dopustu; Pametni senzorji gibanja prav tako lahko
odpraviti. Pametni domovi delajo ljudi produktivne in varne,
ugotovijo razliko med lastniki, obiskovalci, hišnimi ljubljenčki
okolje pa zdravo. Infrastruktura pomaga lastnikom in
in vlomilci ter lahko obvestijo organe pregona, če odkrijejo
operaterjem, da sprejmejo učinkovite rešitve za kakršna koli
sumljivo vedenje; Nega hišnih ljubljenčkov je mogoče
vprašanja in izboljšajo zanesljivost. "Pametno" daje na videz
avtomatizirati s povezanimi hranilniki; Hišne rastline in trato
neživim stvarem novo dimenzijo in zasluga gre hitro rastočemu
lahko zalivate s pomočjo povezanih ur; Na voljo so kuhinjski
internetu stvari (IoT).
aparati vseh vrst, vključno s pametnimi aparati za kavo, ki vam
Vsebine, povezane z digitalizacijo doma, kot zelo aktualno
lahko skuhajo svežo skodelico takoj, ko se prebudite; Pametni
tematiko vsebinsko vključujemo v predavanja in vaje predmeta
hladilniki, ki spremljajo datume roka uporabnosti, sestavljajo
Varovanje informacijskih sistemov v drugem letniku
nakupovalne sezname ali celo ustvarjajo recepte na podlagi
višješolskega strokovnega programa Varovanje. S tem
trenutne zaloge hrane; Monitorji gospodinjskih sistemov lahko
študentom zagotovimo sodobno znanje, ki ga bodo v
na primer zaznajo električni tlak in izklopijo naprave. Lahko
profesionalnem življenju uporabili v praksi, saj bodo
zaznajo zamašeno cev in okvaro vodovoda in izklopijo vodo,
usposobljeni za svetovanje in pomoč pri učinkovitem
tako da v kleti ne pride do poplave [12]; V kuhinji imajo
zagotavljanju varnosti domov in drugih objektov.
pametne pečice digitalne termometre za uravnavanje toplote
vaše posode ko kuhate. Funkcija zagotavlja, da ne boste
prekuhali obroka. Je tudi dodatna varnostna funkcija za zaščito
pred požari; Pametne rokavice zaznajo temperaturo kože in
izberejo oblačila, ki ustrezajo tem odčitkom. Če menite, da vaša
Tehnologija pametnih domov je splošni izraz, ki se nanaša na
garderoba potrebuje posodobitev, lahko kupite oblačila prek
osnovne pripomočke za dom, ki so opremljeni s
spleta; Oblačila lahko izberete tudi s pomočjo pametnega
komunikacijsko tehnologijo in omogoča določeno stopnjo
ogledala. Če se ne morete odločiti za ustrezno barvo, so zdaj na
avtomatizacije ali daljinskega upravljanja.
voljo pametna oblačila, ki lahko spremenijo odtenke, odvisno
Tehnologija vključuje tudi različne naprave, kot so ZigBee, Z-
od vašega razpoloženja; Starejše ljudi lahko spremljate s
Wave, Lutron in Wink. To so sistemi, ki združujejo vse vaše
pomočjo varnostnih kamer; Pametni telefoni imajo dostop do
pametne naprave in vam omogočajo eno vozlišče za dostop do
dnevnih prostorov; Obstajajo tudi senzorji gibanja, ki lahko
ostalih naprav, tako da se lahko povežete od kjer koli želite v
opozorijo ljudi, v primeru kriminalnega dejanja; Pametni tuši
domu ali zunaj njega [3].
lahko predhodno pripravijo želeno temperaturo vode [13].
Doslej je bil razvoj pametnih domačih tehnologij modularen,
Tehnologija pametnega doma je tudi igrača premožnih, kot
poleg nekaj eksperimentov ali namenskih projektov. Danes
je dom Billa Gatesa v zvezni državi Washington imenovana
modularni razvoj sestavljajo programi, ki lastnikom pametnih
Xanadu 2.0, ki je tako visokotehnološka, da obiskovalcem
domov omogočajo, da dodajo ali odvzemajo pametne naprave
omogoča celo izbiro glasbe za razpoloženje za vsako sobo, ki jo
obiščejo [2].
Tehnologija pametnega doma postaja vse bolj izpopolnjena.
Kodirani signali se žično ali brezžično pošiljajo na stikala in
vtičnice, ki so programirani za upravljanje naprav v vseh delih
doma. Avtomatizacija doma je lahko še posebej koristna za
starejše, osebe s telesnimi ali kognitivnimi okvarami in
invalide, ki želijo samostojno živeti. Tehnologije v pametnemu
domu: Pametni televizorji se povežejo z internetom in
dostopajo do vsebin prek aplikacij, kot sta video na zahtevo in
glasba. Nekateri pametni televizorji vključujejo tudi
prepoznavanje glasu ali kretnje; Pametni sistemi razsvetljave
Hue podjetja Philips Lighting Holding BV, ki poleg tega, da jih
je mogoče nadzorovati na daljavo in jih prilagoditi, lahko
zaznajo, kdaj so uporabniki v prostoru in po potrebi prilagodijo
osvetlitev; Pametne žarnice se lahko regulirajo tudi glede na
Slika 1: Tehnologija v pametnih domovih
razpoložljivost dnevne svetlobe; Pametni termostati, kot je Nest
podjetja Nest Labs Inc. so opremljeni z integriranim Wi-Fi-jem,
2.1 Domotika in avtomatizacija doma
ki uporabnikom omogoča načrtovanje, spremljanje in daljinsko
Področje domotike obsega vse faze tehnologije pametnega
nadziranje temperatur na domu. Te naprave se tudi naučijo
doma, vključno z zelo izpopolnjenimi senzorji in krmilniki, ki
vedenja lastnikov stanovanj in samodejno spreminjajo
spremljajo in avtomatizirajo temperaturo, osvetlitev, varnostne
nastavitve, da prebivalcem zagotavljajo maksimalno udobje in
sisteme in številne druge funkcije [2].
učinkovitost. Pametni termostati lahko med drugim poročajo o
Avtomatizacija doma omogoča oddaljen dostop do naprav v
porabi energije in uporabnike opomnijo, naj med drugim
gospodinjstvu in je mogoče nadzorovati in prilagajati različne
zamenjajo filtre; S pametnimi ključavnicami za vhodna in
kontrole z razdalje, kot so temperatura, svetlobni sistemi,
garažna vrata lahko lastniki dovolijo ali onemogočijo dostop
gospodinjski aparati in paketi za domači kino. Pametni
obiskovalcem. Pametne ključavnice lahko zaznajo tudi, kdaj so
pripomočki so povezani s vozliščem, kot so stenski terminali,
Obstaja več načinov, kako lahko IoT pomaga k uspehu
računalniki, spletni vmesniki ali aplikacije za pametne telefone.
pametnega mesta. Nekatera mesta uporabljajo pametne
Uporabniki lahko dostopajo do teh naprav prek teh vozlišč na
aplikacije za parkiranje, ki ljudem omogočajo, da najdejo
spletu. Zaradi zanesljivosti tega sistema na svetovnem spletu je
najugodnejšo parkirno mesto. To je omogočeno s pomočjo
bil uveden izraz Internet stvari (IoT). IoT je koncept, ki funkcije
podatkov, zbranih iz senzorjev, ki analizirajo območja za
interneta širi izven običajnega računalništva. Ponuja platformo,
parkiranje. Pametne aplikacije omogočajo nadzor javnega
da naprave medsebojno komunicirajo. Mednje spadajo sistemi
prevoza in nadzor prometa v času prometnih zastojev [13].
za spremljanje varnosti na domu, detektorji dima, hladilniki,
ključavnice vrat, pralni stroji, gospodinjski roboti za čiščenje in
merilniki porabe energije [13].
Večina gospodinjstev že ima nekatere pametne naprave:
digitalne televizorje, računalnike z dostopom do interneta,
mikroprocesorske naprave. Vedno večji odstotek gospodinjstev
je naredil prve korake v prihodnost z internetno televizijo,
brezžičnimi varnostnimi sistemi in naraščajočim številom
glasovnih naprav in pametnimi telefoni [1].
Da bi bili domovi resnično “pametni” potrebujemo senzorje,
aktuatorje in naprave, ki upoštevajo ukaze in zagotavljajo
informacije o stanju. Na trgu je že na stotine, če ne na tisoče
Slika 2: Pametna mesta
pametnih izdelkov za dom. Te so se v zadnjih letih razvile od
preprostih senzorjev vrat in svetlobnih stikal do pametnih
termostatov, kot so naprave Nest in naprave na govorni ukaz,
kot je Amazon Echo [1].
Predstavljajmo si, da se bomo v bližnji prihodnosti zbudili v
Potrebni so protokoli in orodja, ki vsem tem napravam
pametnem domu, v katerem bo pametna naprava samodejno
omogočajo medsebojno komunikacijo. Aplikacije za pametne
zaznala, da smo se zbudili, in začela s predhodno programirano
telefone, komunikacijska središča in storitve v oblaku
jutranjo rutino. Voda za prhanje se bo segrela na nastavljeno
omogočajo praktične rešitve, ki jih je trenutno mogoče
temperaturo, tako da lahko tuš takoj uporabimo. Po prhanju
implementirati [1].
bomo že imeli pripravljene obleke. Ko bomo prišli v kuhinjo,
Pametni dom ustvarja priložnosti za podjetja na področjih,
bo kava že skuhana in pripravljena na pametnem kavnem
kot so varnost na domu, upravljanje z energijo in zdravstvena
avtomatu. Poleg tega bo že pripravljen toast. Po končanem
oskrba. Podjetja, ki prodajajo varnostne alarme, detektorje dima
zajtrku bo hladilnik zaznal porabo in razliko uvrstil na naš
in senzorje za vodo, lahko nudijo daljinsko spremljanje in
nakupovalni seznam. Naprava bo samodejno zaznala, kdaj
poročanje. S staranjem prebivalstva bodo storitve daljinskega
bomo zapustili dom in zaklenila vrata, vključila varnostni
spremljanja starejšim in kronično bolnikom omogočale, da še
sistem in ugasnila luči. Čez dan lahko dom na daljavo
naprej živijo v svojih domovih [1].
nadziramo preko spletnih kamer. Ko zapustimo službo, lahko
Avtomatizacija doma izvaja nadzor doma od okenskih senčil
pametna kuhinja že začne pripravljati vnaprej izbrano večerjo,
do podajalnikov za hišne živali s preprostim pritiskom na gumb
ki bo končana do našega prihoda domov [9].
ali glasovnimi ukazi. Nekatere dejavnosti, na primer nastavitev
Z umetno inteligenco in zmogljivostjo strojnega učenja bodo
svetilke, ki jo lahko prižgete in izklopite, so preproste in
naši domovi končno dobili pametno nadgradnjo, ki jo obupno
relativno poceni, medtem ko napredne nadzorne kamere
potrebujejo. Naši gospodinjski aparati bodo imeli razširjene
zahtevajo več časa za učenje [5].
zmogljivosti in sposobnost intuitivnega povezovanja, z uporabo
2.4 Pametna mesta
platforme IoT. Leta 2020 je bilo z internetom že povezanih
približno 31 milijard naprav, število pa naj bi do leta 2025
Pametna mesta prevzamejo koncept pametnega doma tako, da
naraslo na 75,4 milijarde [11].
uporabljajo internet stvari (IoT) v celotnem mestu. V omrežje
Napovedi prihodnosti pametnih domov s tehnologijo, ki jo
so povezane različne naprave, ki zagotavljajo nadzor pri
poganjata PoE in IoT je Umetna inteligenca: Pametni domovi
vsakodnevnih mestnih operacijah.
bodo lahko spremljali vašo lokacijo v domu, bodisi prek
Če naprave uporabimo v večjem obsegu lahko pomagajo pri
elektronskega zatiča, ki ga nosite na oblačilih ali elektronskih
učinkovitejšem upravljanju mestnih virov, kot so vodovodna
senzorjev znotraj doma. Pametni dom bo vedel, kdo in kje ste,
omrežja, elektroenergetska omrežja, odstranjevanje odpadkov,
te podatke pa bo uporabil za sprejem in celo predvidevanje
kazenski pregon, baze podatkov in upravljanje bolnišnic.
vaših potreb. Ta tehnologija pozicioniranja se že uporablja v
Pametna tehnologija z informacijami in komunikacijo (IKT)
domu Billa Gatesa. Pametni dom bo lahko prilagodil ogrevanja,
lahko prav tako pomaga izboljšati interakcijo med ljudmi.
hlajenja, glasbo in razsvetljavo, vse na podlagi zahtev osebe, ki
Sistemi za zbiranje podatkov lahko analizirajo, kako
prebiva v njem; Pametna razsvetljava: Pametna razsvetljava, ki
prebivalstvo uporablja različne vrste tehnologije. Analiza teh
jo poganja in nadzira PoE, bo spremenila način osvetlitve naših
informacij bo mestu pomagala učinkoviteje odreagirati glede na
potrebe ljudi. Na primer s pomočjo podatkov IoT je zdaj
Pametna razsvetljava se samodejno prilagodi tako, da zazna
mogoče raziskati ali mesto postaja bolj okoljsko odgovorno kot
prisotnost stanovalca v prostoru in ko stanovalec zapusti
celota [13].
prostor, se naprave bodisi popolnoma izključijo ali ugasnejo.
Senzorji lahko po določenem času ugasnejo luči, ko se uležete v
posteljo. Če se na primer zbudite sredi noči in greste v
Vsebine, povezane z digitalizacijo doma, kot zelo aktualno
kopalnico, se prižgejo luči, da boste našli pot do kopalnice. Ko
tematiko vsebinsko vključujemo v predavanja in vaje predmeta
se spet uležete v posteljo, se bo luč še enkrat ugasnila. Lahko
Varovanje informacijskih sistemov v drugem letniku
nastavite svetlost luči, da ne bodo preveč svetle, ko se vklopijo
višješolskega strokovnega programa Varovanje. Študentom
sredi noči. Vaš pametni dom si bo zapomnil vašo konfiguracijo,
želimo namreč zagotoviti sodobno in praktično uporabno
tako da boste lahko vsako napravo v svojem domu prilagodili
znanje, s pomočjo katerega bodo v profesionalnem življenju
po svojih željah;
lahko svetovali in pomagali pri učinkovitem zagotavljanju
Pametne ključavnice lahko v primerjavi s pametno
varnosti modernih domov in drugih objektov.
osvetlitvijo programirate glede na vaše potrebe. Obiskovalcem
se lahko odobri ali zavrne dostop na podlagi določenih
identifikatorjev. Serviserjem lahko dostop do doma omogoči
posebna avtorizacijska koda, medtem ko neznani vsiljivci ne
[1] Brodsky I., 2016, The race to create smart homes is on, Dostopno na
bodo imeli možnost vstopa;
naslovu: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3062002/the-race-to-
create-smart-homes-is-on.html (2. 8. 2021) Spremljanje doma: Pametni varnostni sistemi lahko
[2] Craven J., 2020, Exploring Home Automation and Domotics, Dostopno
samostojno nadzirajo dom in o morebitnih incidentih brez
na naslovu: https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-a-smart-house-
poročajo lastniku stanovanja in po potrebi organom pregona.
domotics-177572 (2. 8. 2021)
[3] Enginess, 2015, What is Smart Home Technology? Dostopno na
Poleg tega lahko pametni domovi spremljajo starejše ljudi, ki
naslovu: https://www.enginess.io/insights/what-is-smart-home-
živijo sami, kot dodatna pomoč, da bi jim pomagali in jih
technology (2. 8. 2021)
[4] Fredrik S., 2019, Overview of Smart Home Technology, Dostopno na
opomnili, naj vzamejo zdravila in poskrbijo, da bodo
naslovu: https://iotoverall.com/overview-of-smart-home-technology/ (2.
vsakodnevne naloge uspešno in varno opravljene. V primeru, da
8. 2021)
se kaj zgodi - nepričakovan padec - je mogoče obvestiti
[5] Griffith E., 2020, The Best Smart Home Devices for 2020, Dostopno na
naslovu: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-
najbližji zdravstveni dom in se reševalce samodejno spustiti v
Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF) (20. 7. 2021) prostor, da pomagajo [11].
[6] i-SCOOP, 2018, Smart homes: home automation and the smart home in
the age of IoT, Dostopno na naslovu: https://www.i-scoop.eu/internet-of-
things-guide/smart-home-home-automation/ (5. 8. 2021)
[7] Infineon, 2019, Smart Home: How we will live in 2030, Dostopno na
naslovu https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/discoveries/smart-home-2030/
(2. 8. 2021)
V zadnjih nekaj letih so pametni domovi pridobili priljubljenost
[8] Lande B. J., 2020, The Future of Smart Home Technology, Dostopno na
naslovu https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/the-future-of-smart-home-
po tehnološkem napredku v vseh gospodarskih panogah. V
technology-31845/ (2. 8. 2021) sporočilu za javnost Market Watch, objavljenem leta 2019, se
[9] Meulen W. 2017, The future of Smart Homes. Dostopno na naslovu:
pričakuje, da se bo trg pametnih domov do leta 2023 dvignil za
http://www.ithappens.nu/tag/smart-homes/ (20. 7. 2021)
[10] Mordor Intelligence, 2019 Smart Homes Market - Growth, Trends, and
25 % letno. To rast pospešujejo dejavniki, kot so potrebe
Forecast (2020 - 2025) Dostopno na naslovu:
lastnikov stanovanj ali najemnikov za izboljšanje njihove
homes-market-industry (4. 8. 2021) energetske učinkovitosti in veliko povpraševanje po varnostnih
[11] Planet Technology, 2019 The Future of Smart Homes Dostopno na
napravah. V zvezi s pametnimi domačimi napravami se ljudje
naslovu: https://planetechusa.com/the-future-of-smart-homes/ (20. 7.
odločajo za izdelke, ki so varni, cenovno dostopni, lahko
[12] Shea S., 2020 Smart home or building (home automation or domotics)
dostopni in priročni. Novi izdelki pametnih domov še naprej
Dostopno na naslovu:
naredijo življenje bolj udobno in veliko bolj stilsko.
building . (20. 7. 2021) Glede na raziskavo, ki jo je leta 2019 izvedla Mordor
[13] Smart home, 2019 The Future and History of Smart Home - What Will
Intelligence, trg pametnih domov raste zaradi inovativnosti
Our Homes Be like in 2040 Dostopno na naslovu:
brezžične tehnologije in napredka v IoT (Internet of Things).
homes (20. 7. 2021) Poročilo kaže, da se bo do leta 2024 skupna letna stopnja rasti
povečala za 25 %. Področja, v katere bodo velika vlaganja v
prihodnje, so nadzorni in varnostni sistemi, sistemi za zabavo in
nadzor klime ter sistemi za upravljanje z energijo. V bližnji
prihodnosti naj bi po poročilu Mordor Intelligence za leto 2019
več kot 30 milijonov svetovnih gospodinjstev v celoti sprejeto
tehnologijo pametnih domov [10].
Primerjava simetričnih algoritmov
Comparison of symmetric algorithms
Roman Rehberger
Šolski center Kranj, Višja strokovna šola
Kranj, Slovenija
used in situations where a lot of data need to be encrypted. This
paper compares some symmetric algorithms in terms of
Algoritmi šifriranja na splošno temeljijo na matematiki in se
architecture, scalability, flexibility, reliability and security, with
lahko gibljejo od zelo preprostih do zelo zapletenih procesov,
the aim of facilitating the selection of the appropriate algorithm
odvisno od njihove zasnove. Imajo pomembno vlogo pri
for users to send data via the Internet securely. As it is a very
zagotavljanju varnosti zaupnih podatkov pred nepooblaščenimi
topical subject, it is actively included in the lectures and
napadi. Obstajajo tri tehnike šifriranja: simetrično šifriranje,
tutorials of the Safety and Security course in the second year of
asimetrično šifriranje in funkcije razpršitve (brez ključa).
the Informatics programme, where students are taught about it
Simetrični algoritmi za šifriranje uporabljajo isti šifrirni ključ za
šifriranje in dešifriranje, za razliko od asimetričnih algoritmov
using a comparative method.
šifriranja, ki uporabljajo dva različna ključa. Simetrični
algoritmi veljajo za varnejše od algoritmov asimetričnih
ključev. Nekaj simetričnih algoritmov velja za skoraj
Cryptography, symmetric and asymmetric encryption,
nezlomljive. V osnovi je izbira kriptografske metode odvisna
architecture and algorithm security
od zahtev aplikacije, kot so odzivni čas, pasovna širina,
zaupnost in integriteta. Vendar ima vsak kriptografski algoritem
svoje šibke in močne točke. Algoritmi simetričnih ključev so
tudi zelo hitri, zato se pogosto uporabljajo v situacijah, ko je
veliko podatkov, ki jih je potrebno šifrirati. V članku so
Kriptologija je veda o tajnosti, šifriranju, zakrivanju sporočil
primerjani nekateri simetrični algoritmi glede na arhitekturo,
(kriptografija) in o razkrivanju šifriranih podatkov
razširljivost, prilagodljivost, zanesljivost ter varnost z namenom
(kriptoanaliza). Ukvarja se s študijem in razvojem metod in
olajšati izbiro primernega algoritma uporabnikom za varno
metodologij za šifriranje, kjer se običajno uporabljajo skrivni
pošiljanje podatkov preko spleta. Ker gre za zelo aktualno
ključi, s katerimi je mogoče dešifrirati šifrirano sporočilo ali
tematiko, jo aktivno vključujemo v predavanja in vaje predmeta
informacijo. Omogoča shranjevanje zelo občutljivih informacij
Varnost in zaščita v drugem letniku višješolskega strokovnega
ali njihov prenos preko nezavarovanega omrežja (kot je
programa Informatika, kjer se študenti o njej poučijo po
Internet) na tak način, da jih ne more prebrati nihče, razen
komparativni metodi.
tistega, kateremu je informacija namenjena. Sodobna
kriptografija je sestavljena iz različnih študijskih področij.
Nekatera najpomembnejša so tista, ki obravnavajo simetrično
Kriptografija, simetrično in asimetrično šifriranje, arhitektura in
šifriranje, asimetrično šifriranje, zgoščevalne funkcije in
varnost algoritmov
digitalne podpise. Protokol Bitcoin uporablja kriptografske
metode, da zaščiti omrežje in zagotovi veljavnost vsake
Encryption algorithms are generally based on mathematics and
Kriptografija simetričnega ključa (ali simetrično šifriranje)
can range from very simple to very complex processes,
se je v zadnjih desetletjih v veliki meri uporabljala za olajšanje
depending on their design. They play an important role in
tajne komunikacije med vladami in vojsko. Dandanes se
ensuring that confidential data is secure from unauthorised
algoritmi simetričnih ključev pogosto uporabljajo v različnih
attacks. There are three encryption techniques: symmetric
vrstah računalniških sistemov za povečanje varnosti podatkov.
encryption, asymmetric encryption and hash functions
Simetrično šifriranje se zanaša na en sam ključ, ki si ga delita
(keyless). Symmetric encryption algorithms use the same
dva ali več uporabnikov. Isti ključ se uporablja za šifriranje in
encryption key for encryption and decryption, whereas
dešifriranje tako imenovanega odprtega besedila (ki predstavlja
asymmetric encryption algorithms use two different keys.
sporočilo ali del podatkov, ki se kodira). Proces šifriranja je
Symmetric algorithms are considered more secure than
sestavljen iz navadnega besedila (vnosa) prek šifrirnega
asymmetric key algorithms. There are a few symmetric
algoritma, imenovanega šifra, ki nato generira šifrirano besedilo
algorithms which are considered almost unbreakable. Basically,
(izhod). Z uporabo simetričnih algoritmov za šifriranje se
the choice of cryptographic method depends on the
podatki pretvorijo v obliko, ki je ne more nihče razumeti in tudi
requirements of the application, such as response time,
nihče nima skrivnega ključa za dešifriranje. Ko prejemnik, ki
bandwidth, confidentiality and integrity. However, every
ima ključ, dobi sporočilo, algoritem obrne svoje dejanje tako,
cryptographic algorithm has its weak and strong points.
da se sporočilo vrne v prvotno in razumljivo obliko. Skrivni
Symmetric key algorithms are also very fast, so they are often
ključ, ki ga uporabljata pošiljatelj in prejemnik, je lahko
skupne sekvence oziroma zaporedja operacij. DES je bil razvit
določeno geslo/koda ali pa je lahko naključni niz črk ali številk,
v zgodnjih sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja v IBM-u. Po
ki jih je ustvaril varen generator naključnih števil. Če je šifrirna
pozivu ameriškega Nacionalnega urada za standarde (NBS,
shema dovolj močna, je edini način, da oseba prebere ali
sedaj: NIST), da bi predlagal kandidata za zaščito občutljivih
dostopa do informacij, ki jih vsebuje šifrirano besedilo, z
nerazvrščenih vladnih podatkov, je IBM predlagal DES
uporabo ustreznega ključa za njihovo dešifriranje. Postopek
algoritem. NBS je po posvetovanju z ameriško Nacionalno
dešifriranja v bistvu pretvori šifrirano besedilo nazaj v navadno
varnostno agencijo (NSA) leta 1976 sčasoma izbrala nekoliko
spremenjeno različico, ki je bila okrepljena proti diferencialni
Dve najpogostejši sodobni shemi simetričnega šifriranja
kriptoanalizi, vendar je bila oslabljena z napadi z grobo silo.
temeljita na blokovnih in tokovnih šifrah. Nekateri algoritmi
Leta 1977 je bil objavljen kot uradni zvezni standard za
podpirajo oba načina, drugi samo en način. V tokovnem načinu
obdelavo informacij (FIPS) za ZDA. DES je nastal kot
je vsaka številka (običajno en bit) vhodnega sporočila šifrirana
izpeljanka šifrirnega algoritma, ki ga je uporabljala ameriška
ločeno. V blokovnem načinu kriptografski algoritem razdeli
vojska in je uporabljala 64‐bitni ključ [5].
vhodno sporočilo v niz majhnih blokov fiksne velikosti, nato pa
bloke šifrira ali dešifrira enega za drugim. Blokovne šifre
2.2 Triple DES
združujejo podatke v bloke z vnaprej določeno velikostjo, vsak
Trojni DES (3DES, Triple-DES, TDEA) pomeni algoritem
blok pa se šifrira z ustreznim ključem in algoritmom šifriranja
trojnega šifriranja podatkov in je nadgrajena različice algoritma
(npr. 128-bitno navadno besedilo je šifrirano v 128-bitno
DES. 3DES je bil razvit za premagovanje pomanjkljivosti
šifrirano besedilo). Po drugi strani tokovne šifre ne šifrirajo
algoritma DES in je bil uporabljen v poznih devetdesetih letih.
podatkov navadnega besedila z bloki, temveč z 1-bitnimi koraki
Pred uporabo 3DES-a uporabnik najprej generira in distribuira
(1-bitno navadno besedilo je naenkrat šifrirano v 1-bitno
3DES ključ K, ki je sestavljen iz treh različnih DES ključev K1,
šifrirano besedilo). Blokovna šifra naenkrat šifrira en blok
K2 in K3. To pomeni, da ima dejanski ključ 3DES dolžino 3 ×
podatkov s fiksno velikostjo. V blokovnem šifriranju bo dani
56 = 168 bitov [6].
blok navadnega besedila vedno šifriran na isti šifrirani tekst, če
3DES trikrat uporabi algoritem DES za vsak podatkovni
uporablja isti ključ, medtem ko bo isti navadni tekst šifriran na
blok. Zaradi tega je 3DES veliko težje razbiti kot DES. Je tudi
drugačen šifrirani tekst v tokovni šifri. V bločnem šifrirnem
pogosto uporabljen algoritem šifriranja v plačilnih sistemih,
algoritmu je najpogosteje uporabljena Feistelova šifra,
standardih in tehnologijah v finančni industriji. Prav tako je
poimenovana po kriptografu Horstu Feistelu (IBM). Feistelova
postal del kriptografskih protokolov, kot so TLS, SSH, IPsec in
šifra je model oblikovanja, iz katerega izhaja veliko različnih
OpenVPN [6].
blokovnih šifer (npr. DES) in združuje elemente zamenjave,
permutacije (transpozicije) in razširitve ključev [11]. Prednost
2.3 IDEA
zasnove Feistelove šifre je v tem, da sta stopnji šifriranja in
dešifriranja podobni, včasih enaki, s čimer se dramatično
International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) sta razvila
zmanjša velikost kode ali vezja, ki je potrebna, da se šifra
James L.Massey in Xuejia Lai v Zuerichu in objavila leta 1990.
implementira v programsko ali strojno opremo.
To je manjša revizija starejše šifre PES (angl. Proposed
V članku primerjamo nekatere simetrične algoritme glede na
Encryption Standard). IDEA se je prvotno imenoval IPES
arhitekturo, razširljivost, prilagodljivost, zanesljivost ter
(izboljšan PES) in je bil razvit, da bi nadomestil DES. Struktura
varnost, kakor jih primerjamo v okviru predavanj in vaj pri
algoritma je bila izbrana tako, da je pri uporabi različnih
predmetu Varnost in zaščita v drugem letniku višješolskega
ključnih pod blokov proces enkripcije enak postopku
strokovnega programa Informatika.
dešifriranja. Patent zanj ima Ascom-Tech iz Švice. Obstajata
Komparativno razmišljanje je ena prvih in najbolj naravnih
dva glavna razloga, da se IDEA ne uporablja tako pogosto, kot
oblik človekovega mišljenja. Učenje po komparativni metodi
je bilo načrtovano. Prvi je dejstvo, da je IDEA podvržena vrsti
zagotavlja razumevanje podobnosti in razlik, izboljša
šibkih ključev. Drugi razlog je, da trenutno obstajajo hitrejši
pomnjenje, hkrati pa zagotavlja tudi sposobnost evaluacije [10].
algoritmi, ki proizvajajo enako raven varnosti. IDEA je
Namen takega načina poučevanja je olajšati študentom
simetrična blok-šifra, ki za vhodni 28-bitni ključ sprejme 64-
izbiro primernega algoritma za varno pošiljanje podatkov preko
bitni ključ in izvede 8 enakih krogov za šifriranje, v katerih se
uporablja 6 različnih podključev in štirje ključi za izhodno
transformacijo [2][5].
2.4 Blowfish
Da bi uporabili ustrezen algoritem v določeni aplikaciji,
Blowfish je bil prvič objavljen leta 1993. Gre za simetrično
moramo poznati njeno moč in omejitev. Dobro pa je poznati
blokovno šifro s spremenljivo dolžino ključa od 32 do 448 bitov
tudi lastnosti posameznega algoritma, zato nekatere v
in velikostjo bloka 64 bitov. Blowfish se lahko uporablja kot
nadaljevanju na kratko opišemo.
neformalna zamenjava za DES ali IDEA in je idealen za
domačo in komercialno uporabo Blowfish je zasnoval Bruce
2.1 DES
Schneier kot hitro in brezplačno alternativo obstoječim
algoritmom šifriranja. Od takrat je bil precej analiziran in
Data Encryption Standard (DES) je najbolj znan bločni šifrirni
počasi postaja priljubljen kot robusten šifrirni algoritem, noben
postopek s simetričnim ključem. Temelji na dveh zelo splošnih
napad ni znan kot uspešen. Blowfish ni patentiran, ima
konceptih – produktnih šifrirnih postopkih ter Feistelovih
brezplačno licenco in je prosto dostopen za vse [4] [5].
šifrirnih postopkih. Oba koncepta vključujeta ponavljanje
algoritmu. Uporablja seštevanje in odštevanje, polja S, fiksne in
od podatkov odvisne rotacije ter množenje [3].
2.5 AES - Rijndael
Napredni standard šifriranja AES (angl. Advanced Encryption
2.10 CAST-128
Standard) je odobril NIST konec leta 2000 kot nadomestilo za
CAST-128 (ali CAST5), opisan v RFC 2144, je DES-u
DES. Postopek se je začel z zahtevami NIST za objavo novega
podoben kriptografski algoritem za zamenjavo-permutacijo, ki
simetričnega algoritma in predlogov. Zahteve so pokazale, da
uporablja 128-bitni ključ, ki deluje na 64-bitnem bloku. CAST-
mora biti novi algoritem hiter in delovati pri starejših
256 (ali CAST6), opisan v RFC 2612, je razširitev CAST-128,
računalniki z 8-bitnimi procesorji ter 32-bitnimi in 64-bitnimi
ki uporablja 128-bitno velikost bloka in ključ s spremenljivo
procesorji. NIST je v svojih zahtevah določil, da mora novi
dolžino (128, 160, 192, 224 ali 256 bitov). CAST je dobil ime
standardni algoritem za napredno šifriranje biti blok šifra, ki
po svojih razvijalcih, Carlisle Adams in Stafford Tavares in je
lahko obdeluje 128-bitne bloke s ključi velikosti 128, 192 in
na voljo po vsem svetu.
256 bitov. AES uporablja algoritem Rijndael in deluje na
metodah substitucije in permutacije [1].
2.11 ARIA
2.6 AES - RC6
ARIA je 128-bitna blokovna šifra, ki jo je leta 2003 oblikovala
skupina korejskih strokovnjakov. Leta 2004 jo je korejska
Razvili so ga Ronald Rivest, Sidney in Yin leta 1998. RC6
agencija za tehnologijo in standarde izbrala kot standardno
uporablja rotacije, odvisne od podatkov. Funkcije RC6
kriptografsko tehniko. Velikost bloka je 128 bitov. Velikosti
vključujejo uporabo štirih delovnih registratorjev namesto dveh
ključa so: 128, 192 ali 256 bitov označene kot ARIA-128,
in vključitev množenja številk kot dodatno varnost. Uporaba
ARIA-192 in ARIA-256. Število krogov za te tri različice je 12,
množenja števil močno poveča difuzijo, doseženo na krog, kar
14 in 16.
omogoča večjo varnost, manj krogov in večjo prepustnost.
Glavna pomanjkljivost RC6 algoritma je njegova uporaba 32
2.12 CHACHA20_POLY1305
bitnih rotacijskih spremenljivk v množiteljih integriranih
Pretočna šifra ChaCha20 in preverjevalnik Poly1305 sta
podatkovnih tipih in zato naj ne bi bila najbolj primerna za
kriptografska algoritma, ki ju je oblikoval Daniel J. Bernstein z
uporabo na določenih platformah. RC6 ponuja dobro
namenom zagotoviti visoko stopnjo varnosti, hkrati pa doseči
zmogljivost v smislu varnosti in združljivosti.
visoko zmogljivost. IETF je objavil RFC7905 in RFC7539 za
2.7 AES - Serpent
spodbujanje uporabe in standardizacije pretočne šifre
ChaCha20 in preverjevalnik Poly1305 v protokolu TLS.
Oblikovali so ga Ross Anderson, Eli Biham in Lars Knudsen
RFC7539 določa, kako združiti pretočno šifro ChaCha20 in
leta 1998. Uporablja 256-bitni ključ, 128-bitni blok in deluje v
Poly1305 za izdelavo sheme avtentificiranega šifriranja s
načinu XTS. Serpent je bločna šifra in ne uporablja Feistelovih
povezanimi podatki (AEAD) za zagotovitev zaupnosti,
krogov. Na videz je preprost, z uporabo navadnih 4-bitnih S-
celovitosti in verodostojnosti podatkov.
polj brez dodatnih vhodov in standardnih operacij računalniške
ChaCha 20 uporablja simetrično šifriranje, Poly1305 pa se
logike. Vključuje tudi začetno permutacijo in inverzno začetno
uporablja za preverjanje pristnosti v OpenSSL in NSS. ChaCha
permutacijo, tako da se S-polja lahko izvajajo z logičnimi
20 je pri izvedbah samo s programsko opremo veliko hitrejši od
operacijami namesto iskanjem tabel. To je mogoče, ker se osem
AES. Na platformah, ki nimajo specializirane strojne opreme
S-polj, ki jih uporablja algoritem, uporablja zaporedno in ne
AES, je ChaCha 20 približno 3-krat hitrejši.
vzporedno [8] [13].
Poly1305 ustvari MAC (angl. Message Authentication
Code) in ga doda v šifrirano besedilo. Med dešifriranjem
2.8 AES - Twofish
algoritem preveri MAC, da se prepriča, da nihče ni spremenil
Twofish je naslednik Blowfish-a in tako kot njegov predhodnik
šifriranega besedila. ChaCha20 za šifriranje uporablja ključ in
uporablja simetrično šifriranje, zato je potreben le en 256-bitni
IV (inicializacijska vrednost, nonce) za šifriranje navadnega
ključ. Ta tehnika je ena najhitrejših algoritmov šifriranja in je
besedila v šifrirani besedilo enake dolžine. Na koncu je dolžina
idealna tako za strojno kot programsko okolje. Ko je bil
šifriranega in navadnega besedila različna [7].
Twofish izdan, je bil finalist natečaja Nacionalnega inštituta za
tehnologijo in znanost (NIST) za iskanje nadomestka za šifrirni
2.13 Kamelija
algoritem Data Encryption Standard (DES) [13].
Kriptografski algoritem s tajnim ključem in blokovno šifro sta
skupaj razvila Nippon Telegraph in Telephone (NTT)
2.9 AES - MARS
Corporation in Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MEC) leta
Šifrirni algoritem MARS je razvil IBM. To je simetrična šifra
2000. Kamelija ima nekaj skupnih značilnosti z AES: velikost
ključa, ki uporablja 128-bitne bloke in podpira spremenljive
128-bitnega bloka, podpora za 128-, 192- in 256-bitne dolžine
velikosti ključev (od 128 do 1248 bitov). Algoritem je omrežje
ključev ter primernost za programsko in strojno implementacijo
Feistel tipa 3, ki je besedno (32-bitno) usmerjeno. Besedna
na običajnih 32-bitnih procesorjih in 8-bitnih procesorjih (npr.
orientacija bi morala prinesti uspešnost pri implementaciji
pametne kartice, kriptografska strojna oprema in vgrajeni
programske opreme na večino danes dostopnih računalniških
sistemi). Opisana je tudi v RFC 3713. Aplikacija kamelija v
arhitektur. MARS je edinstven po tem, da združuje skoraj vse
IPsec je opisana v RFC 4312, uporaba v OpenPGP pa v RFC
tehnike oblikovanja, ki so znane kriptografom v enem
5581. Kamelija je del protokola NESSIE.
2.14 Simon in Speck
CAST-128/256 temelji na hrbtenici koncepta Feistelove
Simon in Speck sta par lahkih blokovnih šifer, ki jih je leta
strukture. CAST-128 (CAST5), opisan v RFC 2144, je DES-u
2013 predlagala NSA, namenjenih za zelo omejena programska
podoben kriptografski algoritem za zamenjavo-permutacijo, ki
ali strojna okolja. Medtem ko se obe družini šifer dobro
uporablja 128-bitni ključ, ki deluje na 64-bitnem bloku. CAST-
obneseta tako v strojni kot programski opremi, je bil Simon
256 (ali CAST6), opisan v RFC 2612, je razširitev CAST-128,
optimiziran za visoko zmogljivost na strojnih napravah, Speck
ki uporablja 128-bitno velikost bloka in ključ s spremenljivo
pa za delovanje v programski opremi. Oba sta Feistelove šifre
dolžino (128, 160, 192, 224 ali 256 bitov). Vsebuje tudi 4 S-
in podpirata deset kombinacij velikosti bloka in ključa.
škatle algoritem, ki se uporablja v obratnem načinu za
Trojni DES izvede 3 ponovitve šifriranje DES na vsakem
bloku. Ker gre za izboljšano različico DES temelji na konceptu
Feistelove strukture. 3DES uporablja 64-bitno navadno besedilo
z 48 krogi in dolžino ključa 168-bitov, pretvorjenih v 16
Naša primerjava nekaterih simetričnih algoritmov temelji na
podključev, vsak s 48-bitno dolžino. Tudi vsebuje 8 S-polj in
določenih parametrih, kot so arhitektura, varnost, razširljivost
isti algoritem je uporabljen v obratnem za dešifriranje. 3DES
(hitrost šifriranja, uporaba pomnilnika, strojna oprema
uporablja tri primerke DES na istem navadnem besedilu.
programske opreme zmogljivost in računski čas), omejitve in
Uporablja različne vrste tehnike izbire ključev, najprej so vsi
prilagodljivost. V nadaljevanju bomo primerjali nekatere
uporabljeni ključi različni, na drugem sta dva ključa enaka,
simetrične algoritme po preprosti metodologiji. Uporabili smo
eden je drugačen, v tretjem pa so vsi ključi enaki [5].
spletne vire, kot so priročniki, in raziskovalni članki, ter
AES temelji na Feistelu strukturi z dolžino bloka 128 bitov
proučevali izvorne kode. Vsak algoritem je bil ovrednoten na
in možnimi različnimi dolžinami ključa: 126, 192 in 256 bitov.
podlagi prej omenjenih parametrov.
Deluje nad 128 bitnimi bloki podatkov, ki predstavljajo stanja.
3.1 Arhitektura
Stanja so predstavljena obliki 4 x 4 matrik 8 bitnih zlogov. AES
se izvaja kot zaporedje različnih funkcij nad stanji, ki se
Arhitektura določa strukturo in operacije, ki jih algoritem lahko
izvajajo v zaporednih ciklusih. Med postopkom šifriranja sistem
definira, njegove lastnosti in način njihove izvedbe. Določa
AES preide 10 krogov za I28-bitne ključe, 12 krogov za I92-
tudi, ali je algoritem simetričen ali asimetričen, se pravi, ali
bitne ključe in 14 krogov za 256-bitne ključe, da dostavi
uporablja tajni ali javni ključ za šifriranje in dešifriranje.
končno šifrirano besedilo ali pridobi izvorni AES z navadnim
DES temelji na hrbtenici koncepta Feistelove strukture.
besedilom. Preden pride do zadnjega kroga, gre ta rezultat skozi
Ključ je dolžine 64 bitov, od tega se 56 bitov uporablja za
devet glavnih krogov, med vsakim od teh krogov se izvedejo
šifriranje in 8 za preverjanje napak. DES pretvori 64-bitne
štiri transformacije; 1- podbajti, 2- premik vrstic, 3- stolpci za
bloke podatkov iz navadnega besedila v šifrirano besedilo tako,
mešanje, 4- dodajanje okrogle tipke. V zadnjem (10.) krogu ni
da ga razdeli na dva ločena 32-bitna bloka in za vsak postopek
transformacije stolpca. Dešifriranje je obratni postopek
neodvisno uporabi postopek šifriranja. To vključuje 16 krogov
šifriranja in uporablja inverzne funkcije: inverzni nadomestni
različnih procesov kot so razširitev, permutacija, zamenjava ali
bajti, vrstice s obratnim premikom in stolpci inverzne mešanice.
operacija XOR z okroglim ključem skozi katere bodo šli
AES - RC6 je Feistelov strukturirani algoritem zasebnega
podatki med šifriranjem. Na koncu se kot izhod ustvarijo 64-
ključa, ki uporablja 128-bitno navadno besedilo z 20 krogi in
bitni bloki šifriranega besedila. Čeprav imamo na razpolago le
spremenljivo dolžino ključa 128, 192 in 256 bitov. Ker RC6
56 bitov obstaja 7,2 x1016 (256) različnih možnosti za izbiro
deluje po principu RC, lahko vzdržuje širok razpon dolžin
besed, velikosti ključev in število krogov, RC6 ne vsebuje polj
Bločni šifrirni postopek IDEA šifrira 64 bitne bloke
S in isti algoritem se uporablja pri obrnjenem za dešifriranje.
izvornega sporočila v 64 bitne bloke šifriranega sporočila z
AES Serpent je simetrični algoritem ključa, na katerem
uporabo 128 bitnega vhodnega ključa. Njegova podlaga je
temelji nadomestna permutacijska mreža. Sestavljen je iz 128
posplošen model Feistelove strukture. Sestavljen je iz 8
bitov navadnega besedila z 32 krogi in spremenljivo dolžino
računsko identičnih faz, ki jim sledi še transformacija
ključa 128, 192 in 256 bitov. Vsebuje tudi 8 S-polj in isti
izhodnega rezultata. 128-bitni ključ je razdeljen na osem 16-
algoritem se uporablja v obratnem vrstnem redu za dešifriranje
bitnih podblokov, ki se nato neposredno uporabijo kot prvih
[8] [13].
osem ključnih v bloku. 128-bitni ključ se ciklično pomakne v
AES Twofish tudi temelji na Feistelu strukturi. AES je blok
levo za 25 položajev, nato pa se dobljeni 128-bitni blok
šifra, ki uporablja 128-bitno navadno besedilo s 16 krogi in
ponovno razdeli na osem 16-bitnih podblokov, ki se neposredno
spremenljivo dolžino ključa 128, 192, 256 bit. Uporablja 4 S-
uporabijo kot naslednji osmi ključni podblok. Postopek
škatle (odvisno od ključa) in isti algoritem se uporablja v
cikličnega premika se ponavlja, dokler niso ustvarjeni vsi
obratnem načinu za dešifriranje [13].
potrebni 52 16-bitni podbloki ključa [5].
AES MARS temelji na heterogeni strukturi in uporablja
Blowfish je tudi simetrični Feistel strukturirani algoritem
128-bitno navadno besedilo z 32 krogi in spremenljivo dolžino
sestavljen iz 2 delov: del razširitve ključa in del šifriranja
ključa od 128 do 448 bitov (več 32-bitni). Vsebuje samo en S-
podatkov. Deluje na blokih dolžine 64 bitov in ključi, ki so
box, isti algoritem se uporablja v obratni obliki za dešifriranje
lahko dolgi do 448 bitov. Računsko precej zahteven postopek
razširitve ključa naredi osemnajst 32 bitnih podključev in 8 x 32
Najbolj pomembni elementi algoritma Kamelija so F-
bitne S škatle, ki se izpeljejo iz vhodnega ključa [4].
funkcije. Uporabljajo se med šifriranjem, dešifriranjem in
ustvarjanjem pomožnih spremenljivk ključa. Funkcija F
sprejme 128 vhodnih bitov, jih pomeša z biti podključev in vrne
ukinjena v vseh novih aplikacijah po letu 2023. TLS 1.3,
128 novih bitov. Sprememba bitov v F-funkciji se imenuje en
najnovejši standard za protokole SSL/TLS, ga bo tudi prenehal
krog algoritma. Klici s funkcijo F so zbrani v blokih. Vsak blok
vsebuje šest krogov. Šestkrožni bloki (to pomeni blok šestih
Blowfish je ranljiv za rojstnodnevne napade, zlasti v
klicev F-funkcije) so ločeni s klici FL-funkcij in FL-1 funkcij.
kontekstih, kot je HTTPS. Leta 2016 je napad SWEET32
Upravljajo se z 64-bitnimi dolgimi deli podatkov in jih mešajo s
pokazal, kako izkoristiti rojstnodnevne napade (dešifriranje
podključi kli. Tako šifrirni kot dešifrirni algoritem bosta izvedli
šifriranega besedila) proti šifram s 64-bitno velikostjo bloka.
nekaj ponovitev zgoraj opisanih 6-krožnih blokov. Število
Projekt GnuPG priporoča, da se Blowfish zaradi majhnosti
ponovitev je odvisno od dolžine trenutno uporabljenega tajnega
bloka ne uporablja za šifriranje datotek, večjih od 4 GB [4][14].
ključa: 3 ponovitve 6-okroglih blokov-za 128-bitni tajni ključ, 4
IDEI je zaradi svoje odpornosti proti kriptoanalitičnim
ponovitve 6-okroglih blokov-za 192-bitne ali 256-bitne tajne
napadom in zaradi vključitve v več znanih kriptografskih
ključe. Poleg tega se na začetku in na koncu šifrirnega in
poslov mogoče zaupati [2].
dešifrirnega algoritma izvedejo dodatne operacije, kjer se
CAST uporabi operacijo spremenljive velikosti ključa, da jo
podatkovni biti dodajo bitom podključev kwi. Podključi, ki se
poveča varnost, CAST je na visoki ravni odporen proti
uporabljajo za šifriranje vsakega podatkovnega bloka (ali za
linearnim in diferencialnim napadom.
dešifriranje vsakega bloka šifriranega besedila), se ustvarijo v
Strokovnjaki za varnost trdijo, da je AES - Rijndael varen,
ločenem procesu. Na podlagi skrivnega ključa za vsak blok, se
če se pravilno izvaja. Vendar je treba šifrirne ključe AES -
izračuna na desetine podključev. Uporabljajo se za različne
Rijndael zaščititi. Tudi najobsežnejši kriptografski sistemi so
operacije v glavnem algoritmu.
lahko ranljivi, če heker dobi dostop do šifrirnega ključa. Leta
Tako CHACHA20_POLY1305 kot POLY1305 veljata za
2009 je bil znan napad ključnega pomena na AES-128. Za
enostavna izvedbo in zagotavljata odlično zmogljivost.
prepoznavanje strukture šifriranja je bil uporabljen znani ključ.
CHACHA20_POLY1305 uporablja 256-bitni ključ in 96-bitni
Vendar je bil napad namenjen le 8-krožni različici AES-128, ne
blok. POLY1305 lahko uporabimo tudi kot algoritem
pa standardni 10-krožni različici, zaradi česar je grožnja
zgoščevanja. Med postopkom šifriranja/preverjanja pristnosti se
razmeroma majhna [1]. Za primer varnosti AES-a si poglejmo,
iz 256-bitnega ključa in bloka generira enkratni ključ
kako dolgo bi nekdo razbijal eno geslo, šifrirano z 256-bitnim
POLY1305. CHACHA20 nato izvede svoje šifriranje z uporabo
ključem AES. Če želite prekiniti en 16-bajtni del podatkov,
istega ključa in bloka. POLY1305 preveri pristnost sporočila.
šifriranih z AES-256-bitnim ključem, bi s pomočjo grobe sile
Izhod je del šifriranega besedila enake dolžine kot navadni
(metoda Brute Force) trajalo stoletja. Skupna količina
tekst, ki je bil vnesen, pa tudi 128-bitna oznaka MAC [7].
permutacij, ki so možne s 256-bitnim ključem, je 2256, zaradi
česar je razbijanje šifriranega sporočila AES-256 skoraj
3.2 Varnost
nemogoče. Tudi z uporabo 128-bitnega ključa, ki je najmanjša
Varnost določa, kako natančno deluje algoritem z uporabo
velikosti, je še vedno na voljo 2128 različnih permutacij, kar bi
računalniških virov, ki so mu na voljo. Simetrični algoritmi
še vedno trajalo več desetletij.
zagotavljajo dokaj visoko raven varnosti, hkrati pa omogočajo
Varnost AES - RC6 je v povsem naključnem nizu njegovih
hitro šifriranje in dešifriranje sporočil. Relativna enostavnost
izhodov bitov s 15 krogi ali manj, ki se izvajajo na vhodnih
simetričnih sistemov je tudi logistična prednost, saj zahtevajo
blokih 128 bitov, eden od parametrov za izdelavo algoritma
manj računalniške moči kot asimetrični. Poleg tega lahko
šifriranja odporen proti napadom je, da njegova proizvodnja
varnost, ki jo zagotavlja simetrično šifriranje, povečamo
popolnoma sledi naključni niz bitov. Napad linearne kriptalize
preprosto s povečanjem dolžin ključev. Za vsak bit, dodan
je lahko izveden za 16 krogov RC6, vendar zahteva 2119
dolžini simetričnega ključa, se težava razbijanja šifriranja z
znanih navadnih besedil, ki onemogočajo izvedljivost takega
napadom surove sile eksponentno poveča.
napada. Tudi algoritem RC6 je močan v primerjavi z
Varnost simetričnih šifrirnih sistemov temelji na tem, kako
diferencialom kriptanalize, ki je delovala v več kot 12 krogih.
težko je naključno uganiti ustrezen ključ. Za razbitje 128-
Po besedah avtorja AES - Serpent je 16 krogov Serpent čisto
bitnega ključa bi na primer porabili milijarde let, da bi ključ
primernih proti vsem znanim vrstam napadov, vendar je zaradi
uganili z običajno računalniško strojno opremo. Daljši kot je
večje varnosti povečan na 32 krogov [13].
šifrirni ključ, težje ga je razbiti. Ključi, ki so dolgi 256 bitov, na
AES Twofish je izjemno varen za uporabo. Razlog, da NIST
splošno veljajo za zelo varne in teoretično odporne na kvantne
ni hotel uporabiti Twofish je, da je počasnejši v primerjavi z
računalniške napade s surovo silo.
algoritmom šifriranja Rjindael. Eden od razlogov, da je Twofish
Danes DES ni več primeren za uporabo, saj so ga razbili
tako varen je, da uporablja 128-bitni ključ, ki je skoraj
številni raziskovalci varnosti. Leta 2005 je bil DES uradno
neprepusten za napade z grobo silo. Količina procesorske moči
zastarel in ga je nadomestil algoritem za šifriranje AES.
in čas, potreben za napad z grobo silo 128-bitnega ključa
Največja slabost DES-a je bila dolžina ključa za šifriranje,
šifriranega sporočila, naredi vse dešifrirane informacije
zaradi česar je bilo razbijanje šifre enostavno. Danes
nedejavne, saj lahko dešifriranje enega sporočila traja desetletja.
najpogosteje uporabljani protokol TLS, ne uporablja metode
To pa ne pomeni, da Twofish ni odporen na vse napade. Del
šifriranja DES.
šifrirnega algoritma Twofish uporablja vnaprejšne izračune.
V 3DES algoritmu so raziskovalci odkrili ranljivost
Predračunavanje teh vrednosti naredi Twofish ranljiv za napade
Sweet32. To odkritje je povzročilo, da je varnostna industrija
stranskih vrat, vendar pa odvisnost ključa z zamenjavo pomaga
začela razmišljati o opuščanju algoritma, Nacionalni inštitut za
zaščititi pred napadi stranskih vrat. Na Twofish je bilo
standarde in tehnologijo (NIST) pa je opustitev objavil v
izvedenih več napadov, toda ustvarjalec algoritma Bruce
osnutku smernic, objavljenem leta 2019. Uporaba 3DES bo
Schneier trdi, da to niso bili resnični napadi kriptoanalize. To
pomeni, da do praktičnega preloma algoritma Twofish še ni
AES za zaščito tajnih podatkov. DES se v nekaterih primerih še
vedno uporablja združljivost za nazaj.
AES MARS ponuja večjo varnost in hitrost kot trojni DES
Na splošno varnostni strokovnjaki menijo, da je AES varen
in DES. To je ponovljena šifra z nenavadno 32 krogi različnih
pred napadi z grobo silo, pri katerem se preverijo vse možne
tipov. Upoštevani so srednji krogi MARS kot njegov močni
kombinacije tipk, dokler se ne najde pravilen ključ. Vendar
varnostni del. Varnost MARS je odvisna od podatkov rotacije
mora biti velikost ključa, ki se uporablja za šifriranje, dovolj
(ali funkcije z logično zapletenostjo). MARS algoritem je zelo
velika, da je sodobni računalniki ne morejo razbiti, tudi če
odporen na vse vrste napadov relativnega ključa in časovnih
upoštevamo napredek v hitrosti procesorja, ki temelji na
Moorejevem zakonu. 256-bitni šifrirni ključ je pri napadih z
Kamelija velja za sodobno, varno šifro. Tudi z možnostjo
grobo silo bistveno težje uganiti kot 128-bitni ključ; ki pa se
manjše velikosti ključa (128 bitov) se jo zdi nemogoče razbiti z
dolgo ugiba. Kljub temu 256-bitni ključi zahtevajo tudi več
uporabo grobe sile. Do sedaj ni znanih uspešnih napadov, ki bi
procesorske moči, njihovo izvajanje pa lahko traja dlje. Kadar
znatno oslabili šifro. Japonska šifra ima stopnje varnosti in
je napajanje težava, zlasti pri majhnih napravah ali kjer je
sposobnosti obdelave, ki so primerljivi s šifro AES/Rijndael
prenos počasnejši, so 128-bitni ključi boljša možnost izbire.
AES se pogosto uporablja za zaščito podatkov v mirovanju.
Varnost CHACHA20_POLY1305 je zelo blizu osnovnemu
Aplikacije za AES vključujejo diskovne pogone, šifriranje baze
algoritmu blokovnega šifriranja AES. Posledično je edini način,
podatkov in šifriranje pomnilnika. Po drugi strani se algoritem
da napadalec zlomi Poly1305, zlom AES [7].
RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) pogosto uporablja v spletnih
brskalnikih za povezavo s spletnimi mesti, v povezavah
3.3 Razširljivost
navideznega zasebnega omrežja (VPN) in v številnih drugih
Razširljivost je eden glavnih elementov, na katerih temeljijo
algoritmi šifriranja, ki jih lahko analiziramo. Razširljivost je
Za razliko od AES, ki uporablja simetrično šifriranje, je
odvisna od določenih parametrov, kot so uporaba pomnilnika,
RSA osnova asimetrične kriptografije. Simetrično šifriranje
stopnja šifriranja, strojna oprema programske opreme izvedba.
vključuje pretvorbo navadnega besedila v šifrirano besedilo z
Porabo pomnilnika lahko definiramo kot število funkcij
istim ključem ali tajnim ključem za njegovo šifriranje in
izvede algoritem, manjša kot je poraba pomnilnika večja bo
dešifriranje. Asimetrično šifriranje za šifriranje uporablja dva
učinkovitost. Stopnja šifriranja je čas obdelave algoritma za
ključa: javni in zasebni ključ. Če se šifriranje izvede z javnim
določeno velikost podatkov. Stopnja šifriranja je odvisno od
ključem, se lahko dešifriranje zgodi le s povezanim zasebnim
hitrosti procesorja in zapletenosti algoritma itd. Zaželena je
ključem in obratno. Običajno se ključi RSA uporabljajo, če
najmanjša vrednost stopnje šifriranja. Strojna in programska
obstajata dve ločeni končni točki. Čeprav šifriranje RSA dobro
oprema mora biti v skladu z algoritem za boljše delovanje.
deluje pri zaščiti prenosa podatkov na večje razdalje, je njegovo
Če primerjamo algoritme lahko opazimo, da je algoritem
delovanje slabo. Rešitev je združiti šifriranje RSA s šifriranjem
Blowfish najboljši med vsemi ostalimi obstoječi algoritem v
AES, da bi tako izkoristili varnost RSA z zmogljivostjo AES.
smislu učinkovitosti šifriranja (visoko) in poraba pomnilnika
To se lahko doseže tako, da ustvarimo začasni ključ AES in ga
(najmanj). Toda njegova varnost je bila ogrožen, zato je
zaščitimo s šifriranjem RSA.
trenutno zastarel. Da bi bila primerjava čimbolj natančna je
Če primerjamo DES in AES, je AES matematično
potrebno primerjati tudi druge funkcije (varnost, arhitektura,
učinkovitejši. Glavna prednost AES je v ključnih možnostih
prilagodljivost in robustnost), vendar je zelo težko pravilno
dolžine. Čas, potreben za razbijanje šifrirnega algoritma, je
oceniti algoritme, ki bi bili prilagodljivi za vse platforme.
neposredno povezan z dolžino ključa, ki se uporablja za zaščito
komunikacije-128-bitni, 192-bitni ali 256-bitni ključi. Zato je
AES eksponentno močnejši od 56-bitnega ključa DES.
Šifriranje AES je tudi bistveno hitrejše, zato je idealno za
Ko želijo hekerji dostopati do sistema, si bodo prizadevali za
aplikacije, vdelano programsko opremo in strojno opremo, ki
dostop do najšibkejše točke, ki običajno ni šifriranje, ne glede
zahtevajo nizko zakasnitev ali visoko prepustnost.
na to ali gre za 128-bitni ključ ali 256-bitni ključ. Uporabniki
Na simetrične algoritme Twofish, Serpent in AES trenutno
morajo poskrbeti, da programska oprema varuje uporabniške
ni znanih napadov, zato lahko kar zadeva varnost, uporabite
podatke tako, kot se pričakuje in da celotni proces nima šibkih
katero koli od njih. AES ima rahlo prednost, ker se zelo pogosto
točk. Poleg tega ne sme biti sive cone ali negotovosti glede
uporablja, zato boste, bolj verjetno hitro dobili ustrezne
shranjevanja in ravnanja s podatki. Na primer, če so podatki v
posodobitve programske opreme. Sestava Twofish je
oblaku, bi morali uporabniki poznati lokacijo oblaka.
pravzaprav bolj varna kot AES in je s teoretičnega vidika
Najpomembneje je, da mora biti izbrana varnostna programska
oprema enostavna za uporabo, da uporabnikom ne bo treba
izvajati nezaščitenih rešitev za opravljanje svojega dela.
Ameriška vlada je pred več desetletji razvila algoritme DES,
da bi zagotovila, da vsi vladni sistemi uporabljajo enak, varen
standard za olajšanje medsebojne povezanosti. DES je leta
služil kot vez vladne kriptografije, ko so raziskovalci s
porazdeljenim računalniškim sistemom razbili 56-bitni ključ
algoritma. Leta 2000 se je ameriška vlada odločila uporabiti
Tabela 1: Primerjava simetričnih algoritmov
Dolžina Velikos # S o Oblik
Vsak od kriptografskih algoritmov ima slabosti in prednosti.
item Izdana algorit besedil t ključa ška krogo ovalci
Kriptografski algoritem izberemo glede na zahteve aplikacije,
ki bo uporabljena. Algoritmi so predstavljeni na podlagi
različnih parametrov. Glavni cilj je bil analizirati uspešnost
večine priljubljenih simetričnih algoritmov v smislu preverjanja
omrežje 64 bitov
16. IBM
pristnosti, prilagodljivosti, zanesljivosti, robustnosti,
razširljivost, varnosti. Želeli smo poudariti glavno slabost
omenjenih algoritmov, zagotavljanje preglednosti moči in
a Lai
omejitve vsakega algoritma za aplikacijo.
permuta 64 bitov
Primerjali smo nekatere simetrične algoritme glede na
arhitekturo, razširljivost, prilagodljivost, zanesljivost ter
varnost, kakor jih primerjamo v okviru predavanj in vaj pri
predmetu Varnost in zaščita v drugem letniku višješolskega
strokovnega programa Informatika. Učenje po komparativni
omrežje 64 bitov 32-448
16. Schne
metodi zagotavlja razumevanje podobnosti in razlik, izboljša
pomnjenje, hkrati pa zagotavlja tudi sposobnost evaluacije [10].
Študenti znajo izbirati primerne algoritme za varno pošiljanje
podatkov preko spleta.
Na podlagi primerjave je algoritem Blowfish odlična izbira
s in v primeru časa in pomnilnika glede na merila ugibanja napadov
omrežje 64 bitov 40-128
16 Staffo
in zahtevane lastnosti, saj beleži najkrajši čas med vsemi
algoritmi in porabi najmanj pomnilnika. Če sta zaupnost in
integriteta glavna dejavnika, lahko izberemo algoritem AES. Če
je povpraševanje po aplikaciji omrežna pasovna širina, je DES
najboljša možnost. Menimo, da se algoritma Blowfish in AES
omrežje 64 bitov
48 IBM
uporabljata za preprečevanje napadov in jih je mogoče uporabiti
poleg vseh internetnih protokolov, ki temeljijo na IPv4 in IPv6.
Med analizo je bilo ugotovljeno tudi, da je AES - Rijndael
glede varnosti, prilagodljivosti, uporabe pomnilnika in
zmogljivost šifriranja najboljši med vsemi. Predstavljeni so bili
192, 256 1. 10,12,
14 Rijme
različni dejavniki, kot so dolžina ključa, vrsta šifriranja,
velikost bloka in možni ključi. Vsi ti algoritmi se primerjajo v
smislu šifriranja in časa dešifriranja ter njihovih rezultatov.
192, 256
20. Rives
Splošna teoretična in praktična primerjava je pokazala, da je
t idr.
AES boljši v smislu izvajanja hitrost, poraba časa, čas za
prekinitev algoritma in varnost. Za povečanje velikosti ključa
od 128 do 448 Blowfish algoritem daje sporočilom več
zasebnosti in zagotavlja visoko kakovost podatkov prenašanje
prek katerega koli nevarnega medija. RC6 in Twofish delujeta
192, 256 8.
hitreje kot AES, pri čemer so bile 256-bitne različice ključev
m in
42-odstotno hitrejše pri velikosti paketa 10 MB. Poleg tega
večje velikosti ključev v RC6 in Twofish niso bistveno vplivale
na čas izvajanja, medtem ko je v AES velikost ključa opazno
vplivala na zmogljivost [9]. MAES in IDEA sta učinkovitejša in
potrebujeta manj časa za šifriranje, medtem ko sta MAES in
192, 256 4.
16. Schne
AES učinkovita v smislu časa dešifriranja in porabe pomnilnika
Naše prihodnje delo se bo osredotočilo na primerjavo
simetričnih in asimetričnih algoritmov.
128-448 1.
32 IBM
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4 18 ali
24 Teleg
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20 Berns
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E-učenje in e-poučevanje naravoslovnih vsebin
E-learning and e-teaching of science
Petra Simčič
OŠ narodnega heroja Maksa Pečarja
Ljubljana Črnuče, Slovenija
Ker sta učitelj in učenec med šolanjem na daljavo prostorsko
Since the teacher and the student are spatially separated during
ločena, je pri poučevanju naravoslovnih predmetov glavni izziv
distance learning, the main challenge in teaching science subjects
kako učencem približati naravoslovno (kritično) razmišljanje, ki
is how to bring students closer to science (critical) thinking,
ga v največji meri omogočajo opazovanje različnih materialov in
which is mostly enabled by observing different materials and
modelov, predvsem pa izvajanje poskusov. Slednje je na prvi
models, and especially conducting experiments. At first glance,
pogled v času šolanja na daljavo težko izvedljivo, a je z dobrim
conducting experiments is difficult to do during distance learning,
načrtovanjem, domiselnim strukturiranjem učnih enot, uporabo
but with good planning, imaginative structuring of learning units,
učinkovitih didaktičnih strategij in optimalno komunikacijo
use of effective didactic strategies and optimal communication
preko elektronskih tehnologij, prav tako mogoče in dovoli
via electronic technologies, it is also possible and allows to learn
usvojiti zastavljene učne cilje. Sprotno spremljanje znanj in
the set learning goals. Ongoing monitoring of the knowledge and
spretnosti posameznega učenca je pokazalo njegov napredek ali
skills of an individual student has shown his progress or the need
pa potrebo po dodatni pomoči in spodbudi. Skozi primere dobrih
for additional help and encouragement. Through examples of
praks prikažem možne načine e-poučevanja naravoslovja v 6. in
good practice, I show possible ways of e-teaching science in 6th
7. razredu ter biologije v 8. in 9. razredu osnovne šole. Glavna
and 7th grade and biology in 8th and 9th grade of primary school.
spodbuda za delo je bila redna komunikacija, ustna razlaga ob
The main stimulus for the work was regular communication,
slikah, zapisih, diagramih, videih, sprotno preverjanje
verbal explanation with pictures, notes, diagrams, videos, real-
razumevanja na različne načine (ustno, preko kviza, z učnim
time checking of comprehension in various ways (orally, through
listom, z izdelanim miselnim vzorcem, s Kahoot-om), ustno in
a quiz, with a worksheet, with a thought pattern, with Kahoot),
pisno podajanje navodil za samostojno ali skupinsko delo ter
verbally and in writing giving instructions for individual or group
naknadni pregled le-tega, kar je potekalo preko skupnih video
work and subsequent review of it, which took place through joint
konferenc in po potrebi tudi individualnih video klicev ali kratkih
video conferences and, if necessary, individual video calls or
sporočil. Med razlago novih vsebin sem s pomočjo modelov
short messages. During the explanation of the new content, I was
uspela bolj nazorno prikazati zgradbo, delovanje nekaterih
able to use models to show more clearly the structure, operation
struktur in procesov. Večina učencev je z veseljem in zelo
of some structures and processes. Most of the students happily
kvalitetno opravila poskuse ter druge praktične vaje za katere so
and with high quality performed experiments and other practical
kot izkaz opravljenega dela oddali sliko ali posnetek. Boljši
exercises for which they submitted a picture or recording as a
vpogled v mikro strukture (tkivne preparate, drobne organizme,
statement of the work done. Better insight into micro structures
na primer protiste in vodne bolhe) je omogočila projekcija
(tissue preparations, tiny organisms such as protists and water
mikroskopiranja z okularno kamero in softwerom Motic Play [3].
fleas) was provided by the projection of microscopy with an
Zelo dobre rezultate in večjo angažiranost vseh učencev je
ocular camera and Motic Play software [3]. Very good results
prineslo tudi delo v manjših skupinah. Uporaba različnih metod,
and greater engagement of all students was achieved by working
ki jih sodobna tehnolgija omogoča, se je izkazala kot dober način
in small groups. The use of various methods provided by modern
dela za dosego boljšega razumevanja naravoslovnih vsebin in
technology has proven to be a good way to work to achieve a
temeljnih bioloških konceptov.
better understanding of natural science content and basic
biological concepts.
eksperimentalno delo
E-learning, e-teaching, natural science, biology, experiments in
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Pouk na daljavo sem vodila preko okolja Microsoft Teams.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Za vsak predmet in oddelek sem ustvarila ekipo, v kateri so bila
na strani objave podana tedenska navodila – urnik, vsebine in
Sledila so navodila za delo doma v času ure naravoslovja, ki
dejavnosti, ki so se v tistem tednu izvajale (Slika 1).
ni bila vodena kot video ura (dodeljena naloga), pri čemer so
učenci izvajali poskuse z materiali, predmeti, ki jih uporabljajo v
vsakodanjem življenju (žlica, kuhalnica, kamen, voda, plastika).
Vsak učenec je poslikal in poslal vsaj dva opravljena poskusa, ki
so jih med naslednjo video konferenco predstavili ostalim in
skupaj smo po potrebi dodali še kakšen komentar. Pokazala sem
jim pladenj s predmeti, ki so iz različnih materialov in jih z
lahkoto najdejo doma in nato izpolnijo učni list, ki jim pomaga
bolje opazovati snovi, jih razvrstiti po različnih ključih in
pridobiti izkušnjo (Slika 12).
Sledilo je ustno preverjanje znanja o poznavanju gradnikov
Slika 1: Tedenski razpored dejavnosti; objava v Teams
in lastnosti snovi. Vsak učenec je ustno dobil najmanj tri
vprašanja, na tri pa je moral pisno odgovoriti in odgovore oddati,
rezultate sem sproti beležila v tabelo. Vsakemu odgovoru je
Pri vsem tem sem sledila letni pripravi in interaktivnemu učnemu
sledila povratna informacija, pri čemer so sodelovali tudi ostali
načrtu [4], ki je poudaril operativne cilje in vsebine, ki naj bi se
učenci. Po enem tednu semznanjepreverjala s kvizom (Slika 2,
v celoti obravnavale in naj bi jih učenci usvojili. Skozi ta
Slika 3), tudi te rezultate sem vpisala v tabelo.
prispevek predstavljam nekaj primerov svojega poučevanja
naravoslovnih predmetov na daljavo, pri katerem sem se trudila
izvesti čim več praktičnega dela in učencem omogočiti učenje s
poskusi ali tako imenovano izkustveno učenje, za katero menim,
da je najuspešnejša pot k razumevanju naravoslovnih zakonitosti.
Učitelji podajamo znanje na različne načine. Še vedno se
najpogosteje uporablja tradicionalen pouk, to je frontalna učna
oblika, pri kateri učitelj usmerja vse učence hkrati, ti pa so ob
takšnem načinu poučevanja manj aktivni [6]. Vedno bolj pa se
oblikujejo smernice sodobnega pouka, ki imajo za poudarek
eksperimentalno delo, ki učencu omogoča pridobivanje
konkretnih izkušenj iz katerih išče odgovore na vprašanja, hkrati
pridobiva nove veščine in miselna aktivnost je večja [6]. Do
takšnih zaključkov je najverjetneje prišel že vsak učitelj, ki že
Slika 2: Google obrazci
kakšno leto poučuje naravoslovni predmet. Prav iz takšnih
izkušenj izhajam tudi sama in te so bile glavno vodilo pri pripravi
pouka naravoslovja in biologije na daljavo. Rezultati raziskav,
opravljenih po prvem valu epidemije covida-19, so nakazali
številne aktivnosti, ki jih je smiselno vpeljati na ravni šol in
sistema, da bi izboljšali ustreznost organizacije in izvajanja
izobraževanja, povečali učinkovitost učenja in poučevanja z
uporabo digitalne tehnologije ter izboljšali kakovost
pedagoškega vodenja [7].
Ena od prednosti e-izobraževanja je prav gotovo
učinkovitejša organizacija dela, saj so gradiva dostopna 24 ur ves
teden in hkrati omogoča vključitev vseh različnih čutil v procesu
učenja, če je le motivacija in stik (čeprav posredni) med učiteljem
in učencem zadosten. Od učitelja pa je pričakovati, da bo zmogel
glavni fokus iskanja znanja prenesti na učenca. To vlogo uspešno
opravi izkustveno učenje z eksperimentalnim delom.
Pri naravoslovju v 6. razredu smo poglavje o snoveh
obravnavali med video konferencami ob uporabi učbenika [5],
kjer sem razlago podpirala z različnimi materiali, z
demonstracijo (npr. električni krog v katerega vstavljamo
različne materiale in ugotavljamo, kdaj je sklenjen in kdaj ne,
kateri materiali so električni prevodniki in kateri ne (Slika 4)),
pred tem pa na podlagi vprašanj, na katera so učenci odgovarjali,
ugotovila predznanje.
Slika 3: Snovi - kviz za preverjanje znanja
Slika 4: Električni krog - demonstracijski poskus
Slika 8: Primeri oddanih nalog o opravljenih poskusih
Pri obravnavi učne enote svetloba, zvok, valovanje pri
naravoslovju v 7. razredu, je k boljšemu razumevanju pojavov
Sledilo je še veliko demonstracijskih poskusov, posnetih
doprineslo, poleg razlage, demonstracije z laserji, svetilkami,
eksperimentov za boljše razumevanje delovanja leč in
prozornimi, prosojnimi, neprozornimi snovmi, zvočili, vrvmi in
razlikovanja med različno ukrivljenimi lečami (Slika 9).
drugim, poleg besedila in slik v učbeniku [1], predvsem v šoli
posneti poskusi, ki nazorno pokažejo lom in odboj svetlobe, na
podlagi česar smo lahko lažje razložili tudi izbirna znanja: vpadni
in lomni kot (Slika 5) ter odbojni zakon (Slika 6).
Slika 9: Lom svetlobe na različno ukrivljenih lečah
Zgradbo in delovanje očesa sem razlagala ob pomoči modela. Za
več spodbude pri usvajanju novih znanj in več samostojnega
spoznavanja naravnih zakonitosti, sem pripravljala tudi različne
Slika 5: Lom svetlobe - posnetek poskusa
učne liste, ki so jih učenci direktno reševali v predpripravljen
obrazec v dodeljeni nalogi (primer: Slika 10). Po analizi in
utrjevanju zaključene učne enote, sem znanje preverila s kvizom
(Slika 11) in rezultate zabeležila.
Slika 6: Odboj svetlobe - posnetek poskusa
Sledila so navodila za samostojno opravljanje poskusov, pri
čemer so imeli na razpolago navodila za 6 različnih poskusov
(Slika 7), dovolj je bilo, če so opravili tri, jih poslikali in poslali
preko dodeljene naloge (Slika 8), kar smo skupaj pregledali na
naslednji uri naravoslovja.
Slika 10: Razširjannje svetlobe in zaznavanje okolice –
delovni list
Slika 7: Navodila za samostojno opravljanje poskusov
Slika 11: Svetloba, zvok, valovanje - preverjanje znanja
Slika 14: Prva pomoč s TPO - praktično delo učencev
Učno enoto gibala smo poleg teoretičnega dela ob uporabi
modelov in utrjevanju znanja s pomočjo učnih listov (Slika 15),
podkrepili tudi z mikroskopiranjem trajnih preparatov
hrustančnega, kostnega tkiva, srčne mišice, skeletnih mišic in
gladkih mišic z uporabo monokularnega mikroskopa s kamero,
kar mi je omogočalo ob delitvi zaslona in uporabi Motic Play
softwera, učencem direktno prikazovati preparate, ki smo jih tudi
s posnetkom zaslona ujeli v sliko, tako so lahko kritično presojali
o zgradbi posameznega tkiva v povezavi s funkcijo v telesu
(Slika 16).
Slika 12: razvrščanje snovi - učenje s poskusi; učni list
Podoben model poučevanja sem uporabljala tudi pri biologiji. V
8. razredu izpostavljam poglavji dihala in gibala, pri katerih sem
poleg uporabe modelov med razlago in navodil za poskuse in
vaje, ki so jih učenci samostojno opravili doma v času tiste
tedenske ure biologije, ki ni bila izvedena kot video konferenca,
velik poudarek namenila varovanju zdravja ter prvi pomoči in
temeljnim postopkom oživljanja. Začeli smo s teoretičnim delom
(Slika 13) obogatenim s prikazi ob modelih, z ogledi poučnih
filmčkov, razlago, pregledom vsebin v učbeniku [2],
preverjanjem razumevanja z učnim listom in šele nato so sledila
navodila za praktično delo, zajeta v izčrpni Power Point
predstavitvi, ki poleg pisnih in slikovnih vsebin, zajema tudi
povezave do videov, ki nazorno pokažejo pravilno izvajanje
Slika 15: Gibala - obravnava učne snovi z vajami za
postopkov, ki morda rešijo življenje. Učenci so se zelo izkazali
utrjevanje znanja
in poslali fotografije sebe – izvajalca, ki na družinskem članu
vadi različne postopke prve pomoči, na primer preverjanje, če
poškodovanec diha; imobilizacija poškodovanega uda in drugo
(Slika 14).
Slika 16: Opazovanje histoloških preparatov - kostno,
hrustančno, mišično tkivo
Slika 13: Dihala
Učenci so po navodilih opravili še en poskus, s katerim so po
izkustveni poti ugotavljali, kako je kostno tkivo sestavljeno
(Slika 17).
Slika 17: Sestava kosti - eksperimentalno delo
Pri tem poskusu je bil pogoj, da je ob izvajanju prisotna odrasla
oseba. O rezultatih poskusov smo se pogovarjali na naslednji
Slika 19: Dosežki učencev z oddanimi nalogami
video konferenci, pri čemer so se učenci kar borili za besedo,
pokazali so veliko navdušenja, predvsem pa so znali smiselno
kritično analizirati opravljene poskuse.
Rezultati so pokazali, da so vsi učenci usvojili temeljna znanja
naravoslovja oziroma biologije, da jih je opazovanje modelov,
ogled videov, opravljanje eksperimentov ali druge vrste
Slika 20: Preverjanje znanja – Kahoot
praktičnega dela bolj motiviralo za šolsko delo kot učenje iz
učbenika ali prepisovanje učne snovi iz Power Point drsnic, kar
so na začetku vsake ure, po predhodnem praktičnem delu, brez
da bi jih o tem sploh uspela povprašati, izrazili sami. Vse dosežke
– sprotno odgovarjanje na vprašanja med video uro, uspešnost
Z dejavnostmi, ki sem jih uporabljala pri poučevanju v času
oddanih nalog, dosežene točke pri kvizih (Google obrazci (Slika
pouka na daljavo, sem skušala ustvariti čim boljše pogoje, da
2), Microsoft Forms (Slika 18), Kahoot (Slika 20)), učnih listih,
lahko učenci sami doživljajo in odkrivajo znanja ter aktivno
sem za vsakega učenca sproti beležila v tabele (Slika 19), kar je
sodelujejo v učnem procesu. Zato sem posredovanje
pokazalo, da so bili učenci pri vsebinah, pri katerih je bilo več
naravoslovnih vsebin največkrat zasnovala na izkustvenem
praktičnega dela – izkustvenega učenja in manj faktografije,
učenju, saj ugotovim, da če učence na osnovnošolski stopnji
uspešnejši in so pri ocenjevanju znanja v večini primerov
izobraževanja navadimo na lastno odkrivanje znanj po izkustveni
uspešno odgovarjali na vprašanja višjih taksonomskih ravni.
poti, smo jih dobro pripravili in morda tudi navdušili za nadaljnje
poglobljeno spoznavanje naravoslovnih vsebin.
Zahvaljujem se članicam naravoslovnega aktiva za uspešno
sodelovanje in kvalitetno delo na področju poučevanja
naravoslovnih vsebin na naši šoli. Računalnikarju Alešu
Drinovcu gre posebna zahvala za sprotno izobraževanje s
področja IKT in dela v okolju Microsoft Teams.
[1] Andrej Šorgo, Boris Čeh, Mitja Slavinec. 2013. Aktivno v naravoslovje 2.
Učbenik za naravoslovje v 7. razredu osnovne šole. DZS, Ljubljana.
[2] Urška Lunder. 2012. Dotik življenja 8: učbenik za biologijo v 8. razredu
osnovne šole. Rokus Klett, Ljubljana.
[3] Opis Motic Microscope. Dostopno na naslovu https://www.optics-
40x-400x/p,45019 (12. 8. 2021)
Slika 18: Dihala in gibala - preverjanje znanja
[4] Interaktivni
https://dun.zrss.augmentech.si/#/ (13. 8. 2021)
[5] Andrej Šorgo. 2012. Aktivno v naravoslovje 1. Učbenik za naravoslovje v
6. razredu osnovne šole. DZS, Ljubljana.
[6] Petra Lebar Kac. 2016. Eksperimentalno delo kot osrednja metoda
poučevanja pri predmetu naravoslovje in tehnika. Magistrsko delo.
Dostopno na naslovu https://dk.um.si/Dokument.php?id=99470 (13. 8.
[7] Tanja Rupnik Vec, Branko Slivar, Renata Zupanc Grom et. al. 2020.
Analiza izobraževanja na daljavo v času prvega vala epidemije covida-19
e0fa-4ad5-a9c5-975068de1020/PDF (13. 8. 2021)
Zaznavanje stresa pri srednješolcih
v prvem valu epidemije COVID-19
Stress perception in high school students in the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic
Tjaša Stepišnik Perdih
Mirna Macur
Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije
Fakulteta za zdravstvo Angele Boškin
Nova Gorica, Slovenija
Jesenice, Slovenija
of students experienced it significantly more than before the
epidemic. The research also showed that the level of perceived
Prvi val epidemije COVID-19 je prinesel veliko negotovosti, saj
stress is significantly related to gender, school program,
smo se s tako strogimi ukrepi za omejevanje prenosa okužbe, kot
(non)staying in the dormitory, and chronic diseases.
je zaprtje šol, omejitve druženja, nezmožnost opravljanja dela
ipd., srečali prvič. Za marsikoga je to predstavljalo velik stres,
zato nas je zanimalo, kako so v prvem valu epidemije zaznavali
stres slovenski srednješolci? V ta namen smo oblikovali spletno
Stress perception, high school students, the first wave of the
anketo in jo po metodi snežne kepe razširili po srednjih šolah in
epidemic, COVID-19, coronavirus
dijaških domovih. Podatki na vzorcu 1492 srednješolcev kažejo,
da je večina dijaške populacije (69,9%) v prvem valu epidemije
zaznavala srednje močan stres (kategorije nizek-srednji-visok),
dobra šestina dijakov (17,8%) pa visok stres. Več težav s
Soočanje z epidemijo in strogimi ukrepi za omejevanje prenosa
spanjem, razdražljivosti, več močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev,
okužbe je za marsikoga predstavljalo velik stres. Raziskave [1, 2,
občutkov nemoči in pomanjkanja energije kot v času pred
3] kažejo, da so nekateri razvili celo simptome, ki so značilni za
epidemijo je doživljalo 34 - 44% srednješolcev, tistih, ki so to
doživljali občutno bolj kot pred epidemijo, je bilo 8-10%.
posttravmatsko stresno motnjo. To so bili predvsem tisti, ki so
Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da je stopnja zaznanega stresa
sami trpeli za resno obliko COVID-19 in jim je grozila smrt; ki
statistično pomembno povezana s spolom, programom šolanja,
so bili kot družinski člani ali kot zdravstveni delavci priča
(ne)bivanjem v dijaškem domu in kroničnimi težavami oz.
trpljenju in smrti drugih; ki so izvedeli za smrt ali tveganje smrti
bolezenskimi stanji.
družinskega člana ali prijatelja; in posamezniki, ki so bili zelo
izpostavljeni grozljivim podrobnostim epidemije (npr. novinarji,
zdravniki in bolnišnično osebje) [4].
Zaznavanje stresa, srednješolci, prvi val epidemije, COVID-19,
Mladostniki spadajo v manj rizično skupino za okužbo s
COVID-19 in jih virus večinoma neposredno ne prizadene.
Raziskave tako ugotavljajo, da je epidemija prizadela predvsem
starejše generacije, posledice ukrepov za njeno zajezitev pa
The first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic brought a lot of
predvsem mlajše [5]. Na Inštitutu RS za socialno varstvo [6]
uncertainty, as it was the first time, we encountered such
ugotavljajo, da je epidemija na otroke vplivala predvsem 1.) s
stringent measures to limit the transmission of the infection, such
psihološko obremenitvijo zaradi neznane situacije in strahu pred
as school closures, social-distancing, inability to work, etc. and
tem, da bi zboleli njihovi bližnji; 2.) povečano negotovostjo in
for many, that posed great stress. The aim of this study was
večjo možnostjo, da bodo njihovi bližnji izgubili zaposlitev; 3.)
to investigate the perceived stress of Slovenian high school
z ukrepi, ki so prekinili ustaljeni tok življenja družin in omejili
students in the first wave of the epidemic. For this purpose, we
conducted an online survey sent to secondary schools and student
nekatere svoboščine .
dormitories. Data on a sample of 1492 students show that the
Prvi val je s seboj prinesel posebej veliko negotovosti, saj smo
majority of the student population (69.9%) perceived moderate
se s tako strogimi ukrepi za omejevanje prenosa okužbe, kot je
stress (low-medium-high categories) in the first wave of the
zaprtje šol, omejitve druženja, nezmožnost opravljanja dela ipd.,
epidemic and a good sixth of students (17.8%) high stress. 34-
srečali prvič. V raziskavi kitajskih mladostnikov, ki so ostali
44% of students had more sleep problems, were more irritable,
doma v karanteni v prvem mesecu izbruha COVID-19, jih je kar
had stronger and/or unpleasant emotions, more feelings of
12,8% doživljalo stresne simptome, ki so dosegali raven
helplessness and lack of energy than before the epidemic. 8-10%
posttravmatske stresne motnje [7]. Kako so v prvem valu
epidemije zaznavali stres slovenski srednješolci, pa bomo
poskušali odgovoriti s pričujočo raziskavo.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work
must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Pri tem je potrebno omeniti, da v srednjem strokovnem in
splošnem programu prevladujejo ženske (Slika 1).
2.1 Vzorec
V raziskavi je sodelovalo 1492 srednješolcev, od tega je bilo
Tabela 2: Zaznavanje stresa po spolu in vrsti šolanja
58,1% (867) dijakinj. 0,9% srednješolcev je obiskovalo nižji
poklicni program, 11.3% srednji poklicni program (triletni),
53,8% srednji strokovni program (štiriletni) in 34,0% srednji
srednji visoki
splošni program (gimnazije). 24,3% (365) srednješolcev je bilo
iz dijaških domov, 10,3% srednješolcev pa se je soočalo s
kroničnimi težavami oz. bolezenskimi stanji. Geografska
% 16,2% 74,4% 9,4%
zastopanost je predstavljena v tabeli 1.
Tabela 1: Razporeditev dijakov po pokrajinah
% 9,6%
66,7% 23,8% 100%
% 0,0%
92,3% 7,7%
% 13,0% 82,2% 4,7%
% 12,3% 69,1% 18,6% 100%
2.2 Instrumenti in postopek
Za namene raziskave smo pripravili spletni vprašalnik z orodjem
% 12,4% 66,5% 21,1% 100%
1ka. Vključeval je sociodemografska vprašanja, primerjavo
življenjskega sloga (preživljanje časa na socialnih omrežjih,
prehranjevanje, spanje/nespečnost ipd.) s stanjem pred epidemijo
in Lestvico zaznanega stresa (The Perceived Stress Scale –
% 12,3% 69,9% 17,8% 100%
Cohen, Kamarck in Mermelstein, 1983), ki meri, kako pogosto
anketiranci zaznavajo svoje življenje kot stresno, nepredvidljivo,
preobremenjujoče in nenadzorljivo. Rezultat PSS-ja se razvrsti v
eno od treh kategorij, in sicer nizko, srednje in visoko zaznani
stres. Z višjim rezultatom se povečuje verjetnost, da stres v
posameznikovem življenju presega njegove sposobnosti
soočanja z njim.
Zbiranje podatkov je trajalo od 20.-26.4.2020 preko socialnih
mrež svetovalnih delavcev v srednjih šolah in vzgojiteljev
dijaških domov (t.i. metoda snežne kepe). Analiza podatkov je
bila narejena s programom SPSS, uporabili smo deskriptivno
statistiko ter hi-kvadrat test in Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient.
nižji poklicni srednji
Kot prikazuje Tabela 2 je velika večina srednješolcev (69,9%) v
prvem valu epidemije zaznavala srednje močan stres. Visok stres
je zaznavalo 23,8% vseh dijakinj in 9,4% dijakov. Dijaki in
dijakinje se statistično pomembno razlikujejo v stopnji
zaznavanja stresa (χ2(2)=57.816, p<0.01).
Slika 1: Zastopanost spola po vrsti šolanja
Statistično pomembna razlika pri zaznavanju stresa se kaže
tudi glede na program šolanja (χ2(6)=27.582, p<0.01). Če
Statistično pomembna razlika v zaznavanju stresa obstaja tudi
izvzamemo nižje poklicno izobraževanje, kjer je bil numerus
glede na to, ali se srednješolci soočajo s kroničnimi težavami oz.
izrazito majhen (0,9% vseh srednješolcev), je delež
bolezenskimi stanji (χ2(2)=41.877, p<0.01), pri čemer večina le-
srednješolcev, ki zaznavajo nizek stres približno enak, in sicer
teh zaznava srednje močan stres (55,6%).
12,3-13%. Procent visoko zaznanega stresa narašča po
Stopnja stresa je odvisna tudi od tega, ali srednješolci živijo v
zahtevnosti programa (z izjemo nižjega poklicnega programa).
dijaškem domu ali ne (χ2(2)=12.772, p<0.01). Najvišja razlika se
kaže pri visoko zaznanem stresu, ki ga zaznava 23,1%
Vidimo, da se štirje vidiki odzivanja med epidemijo 1.)
srednješolcev iz dijaških domov in 16,1% tistih, ki ne živijo v
nemoč, pomanjkanje energije, brezvoljnost, 2.) težave s
dijaškem domu.
spominom in/ali koncentracijo, 3.) stiskanje v prsih, razbijanje
Slika 2 prikazuje procent srednješolcev, ki naštete vidike
srca, tesnoba in 4.) doživljanje močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev
izkuša oz. opravlja “več” in “občutno več” kot pred epidemijo.
Svetleješi stolpci prikazujejo pozitivno spremembo, in sicer več
pomembno zmerno povezujejo med seboj.
kreativnega udejstvovanja (ustvarjanje, risanje ipd.),
Prav tako se medsebojno zmerno povezujejo razdražljivost oz.
neformalnega izobraževanja, več časa zase oz. več umirjenosti
napetost, stiskanje v prsih, razbijanje srca, tesnoba ter težave s
ter več telesne aktivnosti kot pred epidemijo.
spanjem (srednješolci težko zaspijo, se zbujajo ponoči in/ali
težko vstanejo).
delo za šolo
močna/neprijetna čustva
Raziskava med 1492 srednješolci v času prvega vala epidemije v
tesnoba, stiskanje v prsih
Sloveniji kaže, da je večina srednješolcev zaznavala srednje
težave s koncentracijo
intenziven stres. Pri tem želimo opozoriti na dobro šestino
kreativno udejstvovanje
srednješolcev, ki je zaznavala visok stres, v 78% so bile to
socialna omrežja, TV
ženske. Zaskrbljujoče povečanje psihične obremenjenosti med
neformalno izobraževanje
dekleti ugotavlja tudi poročilo Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo
več časa zase, umirjenost
brez energije, nemoč
Študije mladih iz evropskih, azijskih in ameriških držav
telesna aktivnost
ugotavljajo povečanje težav z duševnim zdravjem, kot so
razdražljivost, napetost
razdražljivost, tesnoba, depresivni simptomi, simptomi
težave s spanjem
posttravmatske stresne motnje ipd. [5, 6, 7]. Nemška študija je na
reprezentativnem vzorcu pokazala, da je dve tretjini otrok in
Slika 2: Vidiki doživljanja in aktivnosti, ki jih
srednješolci opravljajo oz. izkušajo več kot pred epidemijo
mladostnikov zaradi pandemije COVID-19 močno obremenjena.
Poročali so o bistveno nižji kakovosti življenja, povezani z
Po drugi strani je najvišji delež tistih srednješolcev, ki preživljajo
zdravjem (40% proti 15%), več težavah z duševnim zdravjem
več časa na socialnih omrežjih, gledajo TV, serije ipd. Od tega
(18% proti 10%) in višjo stopnjo tesnobe (24% proti 15%) kot
jih je 20,2%, ki to počno občutno več kot pred
pred pandemijo [11]. V naši raziskavi doživlja težave s spanjem,
epidemijo. Preživljanje časa na socialnih omrežjih, z gledanjem
močna in/ali neprijetna čustva, razdražljivost, občutke nemoči,
serij oz. pred TV se pomembno šibko povezuje s sanjarjenjem
brezvoljnost in pomanjkanje energije “več” in “občutno več” kot
oz. zatekanjem v domišljijo (r=0.202, p<0.01).
pred epidemijo med 34 in 44% srednješolcev. Tistih, ki so to
37,6% srednješolcev pojé več kot pred epidemijo.
doživljali občutno bolj kot pred epidemijo in jih v tem pogledu
Prehranjevanje se statistično pomembno, a neznatno pozitivno
lahko štejemo kot rizične, je bilo 8-10% (že v prvem valu). Na
povezuje z napetostjo (r=0.133, p<0.01), tesnobo (r=0.078,
p<0.01), pomanjkanjem energije (r=0.141, p<0.01), zatekanjem
porast duševnih stisk med otroki in mladimi v času prvega vala
v domišljijo (r=0.074, p<0.01), gledanjem serij, TVja,
epidemije kažejo tudi podatki TOM telefona. Čeprav je bilo v
preživljanjem časa na socialnih omrežjih (r=0.154, p<0.01),
letu 2020 skupno število klicev manjše kot v preteklih letih, pa
težavami s koncentracijo (r=0.111, p<0.01) in doživljanjem
je bilo klicev, ki so poročali o psihičnih težavah, 33% več kot v
močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev (r=0.126, p<0.01), negativno pa
povprečju zadnjih petih let [12].
s telesno aktivnostjo (r=0.072, p<0.01).
Naša raziskava kaže, da je 62% srednješolcev preživljalo čas
V nadaljevanju izpostavljamo tiste vidike, kjer obstaja
na socialnih omrežjih, z gledanjem videev, serij ipd. “več” in
pomembna zmerna povezanost:
“občutno več” kot pred epidemijo. Čeprav je bil porast ob ukrepu
razdražljivost, napetost je pozitivno povezana s
omejevanju druženja pričakovan, ne gre prezreti ugotovitve
težavami s spanjem (r=0.497, p<0.01), nemočjo, pomanjkanjem
Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo, da se je precej povečala
energije, brezvoljnostjo (r=0.501, p<0.01), težavami s spominom
ranljivost otrok na ravni aktivnosti, ki vodijo v odvisnost in
in/ali koncentracijo (r=0.406, p<0.01), s stiskanjem v prsih,
odtujitev, kot npr. igranje računalniških igric, gledanje
razbijanjem srca, tesnobo (r=0.497, p<0.01) in doživljanjem
videoposnetkov na youtube in televizije [6].
močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev (r=0.572, p<0.01), negativno pa
Izpostavili bi še en potencialen način soočanja s stresom oz.
je razdražljivost povezana s časom zase in občutkom umirjenosti
prilagoditveni odziv na epidemijo, in sicer v naši raziskavi je 9%
(r=0.413, p<0.01);
srednješolcev označilo, da se prehranjuje “občutno več” kot prej.
nemoč, pomanjkanje energije in brezvoljnost je
Raziskave opozarjajo na naraščanje teže pri mladostnikih v času
pozitivno povezana s težavami s spominom in/ali koncentracijo
karantene [13], še posebej pri tistih, ki so se že prej soočali s
(r=0.453, p<0.01), s stiskanjem v prsih, razbijanjem srca, tesnobo
povišano telesno težo [11, 12, 13]. Ta pojav je dobil celo svoje
(r=0.418, p<0.01) in doživljanjem močnih in/ali neprijetnih
ime – ang. covibesity [17].
čustev (r = 0.488, p<0.01);
V razpravi smo izpostavili predvsem tiste vidike, ki so že ob
težave s spominom in/ali koncentracijo so že poleg
začetku epidemije nakazovali morebitne kasnejše težave.
omenjenega pozitivno povezane s stiskanjem v prsih,
Rezultate je namreč potrebno gledati retrospektivno, saj se
razbijanjem srca, tesnobo (r=0.474, p<0.01) in doživljanjem
nanašajo na april 2020, tj. čas prvega zapiranja šol, in jih tako
močnih in/ali neprijetnih čustev (r = 0.488, p<0.01);
lahko jemljemo kot prikaz, kakšen je bil prvi odziv srednješolcev
na ukrepe za omejitev širjenja virusa COVID-19.
19 pandemic on physical and mental health: The lived experience of
adolescents with obesity and their caregivers,” Int. J. Environ. Res. Public
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Health, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1–20, Mar. 2021.
stressor,” PLoS One, vol. 16, no. 1, p. e0240146, Jan. 2021.
[11] U. Ravens-Sieberer, A. Kaman, M. Erhart, J. Devine, R. Schlack, and
[2] Y. Tu et al. , “Post-traumatic stress symptoms in COVID-19 survivors: a
C. Otto, “Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life and mental
self-report and brain imaging follow-up study,” Mol. Psychiatry 2021, pp.
health in children and adolescents in Germany,” Eur. Child Adolesc.
1–6, Jul. 2021.
Psychiatry, 2021.
[3] D. Janiri et al. , “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Patients After Severe
COVID-19 Infection,” JAMA Psychiatry, vol. 78, no. 5, pp. 567–569, May
[13] C. A. Nogueira-de-Almeida, L. A Del Ciampo, I. S. Ferraz, I. L. R. Del
[4] “Post-COVID Stress Disorder: Another Emerging Consequence of the
Ciampo, A. A. Contini, and F. da V Ued, “COVID-19 and obesity in
childhood and adolescence: a clinical review,” J. Pediatr. (Rio. J). , vol.
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emerging-consequence-global-pandemic. [Accessed: 04-Aug-2021].
[14] R. An, “Projecting the impact of the coronavirus disease-2019
[5] A. Grom Hočevar et al. , “Pandemija covid-19 v Sloveniji. Izsledki panelne
pandemic on childhood obesity in the United States: A microsimulation
spletne raziskave o vplivu pandemije na življenje (SI-PANDA), 6. val,”
model,” J. Sport Heal. Sci. , vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 302–312, Jul. 2020.
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[15] A. Pietrobelli et al. , “Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Lifestyle
[6] U. Boljka, T. Narat, J. Rosič, M. Škafar, and M. Nagode, “Vsakdanje
Behaviors in Children with Obesity Living in Verona, Italy: A
življenje otrok v času epidemije covid 19,” Ljubljana, 2020.
Longitudinal Study,” Obesity, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1382–1385, Aug. 2020.
[7] L. Liang et al. , “Post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological distress
[16] V. Bayram Deger, “Eating Behavior Changes of People with Obesity
in Chinese youths following the COVID-19 emergency:,” J. Health
During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Diabetes. Metab. Syndr. Obes. , vol. 14,
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[8] L. Ezpeleta, J. B. Navarro, N. De La Osa, E. Trepat, and E. Penelo, “Life
[17] M. A. Khan and J. E. Moverley Smith, “‘Covibesity,’ a new
Conditions during COVID-19 Lockdown and Mental Health in Spanish
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[9] M. Orgilés, A. Morales, E. Delvecchio, C. Mazzeschi, and J. P. Espada,
“Immediate Psychological Effects of the COVID-19 Quarantine in Youth
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[10] G. Pietrabissa et al. , “The impact of social isolation during the covid-
Uporaba spletnega socialnega omrežja Facebook pri
učenju na daljavo
Using the online social network Facebook in distance learning
Sonja Strgar
OŠ Antona Martina Slomška Vrhnika
Vrhnika, Slovenija
maintain social contact. The disadvantages are the use of
colloquial language, inaccurate rules of use, the possibility of
V prispevku je predstavljeno delo na daljavo v času epidemije
misinformation and the implementation of cyberbullying among
SARS-CoV-2, ki je potekalo preko spletnega socialnega
young people. Even though the experience with the social
omrežja Facebook za učno šibkejše učence devetega razreda pri
network has been positive, there is still too much uncertainty
matematiki. Facebook smo izbrali na željo učencev. Pri delu na
with parental consent, with appropriate student privacy settings
daljavo so učenci vsa navodila za delo, evalvacije, preverjanja
and with data storage checks.
znanja, spletne povezave, rešitve nalog, povabila na
videokonference ipd. dobili znotraj zaprte skupine na
Facebooku. Preko dela na socialnem omrežju so spoznali
Online social network Facebook, distance learning, math, ninth
prednosti in slabosti Facebooka za učne namene, ki so
predstavljeni v prispevku. Prednosti so predvsem dostopanje
kjerkoli in kadarkoli s katerokoli pametno napravo, visoka
aktivnost učencev, samostojno razporejanje časa in snovi,
možnosti razprave in sodelovanja, močno povezana spletna
skupnost, preprosto in enostavno učno okolje za uporabo,
Izobraževanje na daljavo (distance education) je oblika
možnost označevanja posameznikov in ohranjanje socialnega
izobraževanja z dvema temeljnima značilnostma: učitelj in
stika. Kot slabost bi izpostavili predvsem uporabo pogovornega
učenec sta med poučevanjem prostorsko ločena, komunikacijo
jezika, nenatančno določena pravila uporabe, možnost napačnih
med njima in komunikacijo med učenci samimi pa omogočajo
informacij ter izvajanje spletnega nasilja med mladimi. Četudi
različne vrste tehnologij. Unesco [1] opredeljuje izobraževanje
je bila izkušnja s socialnim omrežjem pozitivna, je še vedno
na daljavo kot vzgojno-izobraževalni proces in sistem, v
preveč negotovosti s soglasji staršev, z ustreznimi nastavitvami
katerem pomemben delež pouka izvaja nekdo ali nekaj, ki je
zasebnosti učencev in s preverjanjem shranjevanja podatkov.
časovno in prostorsko odmaknjeno od učenca.
12. marca 2020 je bila v Republiki Sloveniji razglašena
epidemija, virus SARS-CoV-2 je povzročil zaprtje vzgojno-
izobraževalnih zavodov ter drugih ustanov. Učenje in
Spletna socialna omrežja, učenje na daljavo, matematika, deveti
poučevanje sta se preselila v domače okolje, učitelj in učenec
sta postala fizično ločena, šole so na podlagi navodil in
priporočil oblikovale skupne načine komunikacije, spletne
učilnice in protokole pri delu na daljavo. V prvem valu so bili
učitelji prepuščeni predvsem sami sebi in svoji iznajdljivosti.
The paper presents the distance work during the SARS-CoV-2
Kasneje, ob drugem valu, je Zavod Republike Slovenije za
epidemic, which took place via the online social network
šolstvo izdal Analizo izobraževanja na daljavo v času prvega
Facebook for the weaker ninth-grade students in mathematics.
vala epidemije covida-19 v Sloveniji [2], v kateri so podana
Facebook was chosen at the request of the students. When
metodična izhodišča osnovnošolskega učitelja, ko oblikuje
working remotely, students have all the instructions for work,
gradiva za pouk na daljavo, ki usmerjajo učitelja v premislek o
evaluations, knowledge tests, web links, task solutions,
invitations to video conferences, etc. get inside a closed group
on Facebook. Through working on the social network, we
• kako skupaj z učenci ubesediti vloge in odgovornosti
learned about the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook
v procesu pouka;
for learning purposes, which are presented in the article. The
• kako v učno gradivo, ne glede na to, ali je
advantages are access anywhere and anytime, with any smart
uporabljeno kontaktno, torej videokonferenčno,
device, high student activity, independent scheduling of time
izključno prek pisnih navodil ali kombinirano, vtkati
and material, opportunities for discussion and collaboration, a
vse faze vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa:
highly connected online community, a learning environment
o ponovitev stare snovi,
that is simple and easy to use, the ability to tag individuals and
o osmišljanje posredovanega znanja ter
učni skupini odločili zato, ker je bila motivacija za delo visoka,
spodbujanje in motiviranje udeležencev,
kar je omogočilo ohranjanje stika z učenci.
o podajanje, razlago in pojasnjevanje nove
Na začetku je bil sklenjen dogovor, kakšna pravila bodo
učne snovi,
veljala v Facebook skupini. Dorečen je bil bonton in način
o ponavljanje in utrjevanje,
delovanja. V skupini so bili le člani manjše učne skupine,
o spodbujanje udeležencev, da usvojeno znanje
učiteljica matematike in učiteljice dodatne strokovne pomoči.
prenesejo v prakso,
Predvsem pa je bilo pomembno, da se vsi uporabniki držijo
o preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja.
dogovora, da, kar je objavljeno v skupini, tam tudi ostane.
Vsa zgoraj našteta metodična izhodišča so učitelji po večini
Nato je bila na Facebooku ustvarjena skupina Matematika 9.
upoštevali že v prvem valu.
r OSAMS. Skupina je bila zaprta in skrita za ostale uporabnike.
Spletna socialna omrežja danes predstavljajo pomemben del
Delovala je od 14. 3. 2020 do 31. 8. 2020. Nekaj profilov
vsakdanjika posameznika, predvsem s komunikacijskega vidika.
učencev je učiteljica zlahka našla in jih povabila v skupino.
Uporaba spletnih socialnih omrežij znotraj izobraževalnega
Spet drugih profilov učencev ni bilo mogoče najti, zato so jih
procesa prinaša prednosti tako za učence kot tudi za učitelje.
povabili v skupino preko sošolcev (slika 1). Kasneje so bile
Kot ugotavlja avtor raziskave Uporaba spletnega socialnega
dodane tudi učiteljice dodatne strokovne pomoči, da so lahko
omrežja Facebook za izobraževalne namene v času študija [3]
sledile delu in imele pregled nad delom skupine ter sodelovanju
socialna omrežja lahko spodbujajo sodelovalne veščine,
učencev. Po štirih dneh delovanja skupine so bili v skupini prav
sodelovalno učenje, refleksivno razmišljanje, socialno
vsi člani manjše učne skupine.
interakcijo z vsemi udeleženimi v izobraževalnem procesu. Da
bi preizkusili, kakšne so prednosti in pomanjkljivosti uporabe
socialnega omrežja Facebook, smo se na Osnovni šoli Antona
Martina Slomška Vrhnika odločili, da pri pouku matematike
ponudimo socialno omrežje, ki ga učenci poznajo iz
vsakdanjega življenja.
Učiteljica matematike in računalništva je za svoje učence pri
predmetu matematika ustvarila Arnesove spletne učilnice
Moodle. V devetem razredu je bila oblikovana manjša učna
skupina s trinajstimi učenci, kjer je bilo zanimanje za učenje
matematike precej šibko. Spletnih učilnic učenci niso bili
vajeni, zato je bil obisk na začetku zelo slab. Iskali smo načine,
kako v devetem razredu pri matematiki motivirati učence, da
bodo sledili navodilom pri delu na daljavo. Poizvedovali smo,
kaj bi bilo učencem najbližje. Prva izbira je bila Viber, kar se
učiteljici ni zdelo ustrezno, ker posega v osebne podatke, saj
uporabnik kot svojo identiteto uporablja telefonsko številko.
Nato so učenci predlagali spletno socialno omrežje Facebook.
Ideja se ni zdela slaba, ker ga učitelji na šoli tudi vsakodnevno
Najprej so v manjši učni skupini preverili, če imajo vsi
učenci že izdelan Facebook profil. Ker je bilo ugotovljeno, da
prav vsi učenci v manjši učni skupini Facebook uporabljajo, so
se odločili, da bo to učno okolje, v katerem se bodo izvajale
dejavnosti na daljavo. Vsi učenci so bili starejši od 13 let, kar je
določena minimalna starost za uporabo družabnega omrežja. V
primeru, da uporabnik nima šestnajst let, mora imeti šola za
uporabo Facebook-a soglasje staršev. V manjši učni skupini so
preverili, ali so učenci seznanjeni z delovanjem aplikacije do te
mere, ki jo potrebujejo za nemoteno uporabo. Izkazalo se je, da
učenci obvladajo spletno aplikacijo Facebook. Pred samim
Slika 1. Pomoč pri iskanju vseh učencev.
začetkom dela s Facebookom so učenci spoznali ustrezne
nastavitve zasebnosti (skupina ni bila javno dostopna). Učitelji
Pri delu na daljavo je pomembno, da se ohranja stik z učenci.
se zavedajo, da uporaba družabnih omrežij za šolske namene ni
Zato je bilo dobro, da so učenci spremljali objave, ki niso bile
priporočljiva, predvsem z vidika zasebnosti, omejitve starosti,
povezane s samo učno snovjo (slika 2). Pri motiviranju učencev
vpliva preveč motečih dejavnikov in možnih oblik spletnega
je ključen osebni stik. V razredu po navadi učitelju zelo hitro
nasilja. Kljub temu so se za Facebook pri matematiki v manjši
uspe vzpostaviti osebni stik, pri učenju na daljavo je bilo to
bistveno težje, vendar pa še toliko bolj potrebno. Stik so gradile
šolskega tedenskega dela, narejene predvsem v Googlovih
objave o sprehodih učiteljice, spodbudne misli, povezave do
Dokumentih. V skupini so bile deljene povezave do
kvizov z nematematično vsebino (ki jih je rešila tudi učiteljica
videokonferenc, ki so potekale v spletnem okolju Zoom.
sama in z ostalimi uporabniki delila zbrano število točk ali
Objavljene so bile tudi povezave do preverjanj znanj, ki so jih
druge rezultate), objave o šoli, anonimna anketa z naslovom
učenci reševali. Preverjanja znanja so bila večinoma preko
Učiteljici bi sporočil še …, lepe želje za počitnice in vikende,
spleta, največkrat narejena v Kahoot kvizih ali Google Drive. V
fotografije prazne učilnice (ki pogreša svoje učence), hecne
skupini pa so na zidu bile dostopne tudi povezave do uporabnih
objave, osebni nagovori učiteljice ipd.
strani, ki so učencem pomagale pri razumevanju snovi.
Slika 3. Primer oddanih zapiskov in nalog.
Pri delu na daljavo so pri matematiki učenke v povprečju bolj
pogosto uporabljale spletno socialno omrežje Facebook v
izobraževalne namene kot učenci. Učenke so bile tudi natančne
v oddajanju nalog in redno zastavljale vprašanja za naloge, ki
so delale težave. Do enake ugotovitve je prišla tudi avtorica [3]
v svoji raziskavi.
Učiteljici je uspelo ohraniti stike z učenci tudi po zaključku
Slika 2. Objave za motivacijo.
poučevanja na daljavo. Zadnje besedilo je bilo namreč
objavljeno 31. 8. 2020, večer preden so bivši učenci vstopili v
V skupini so bila navodila za delo na daljavo za posamemezno
novo srednjo šolo. Skoraj vsi učenci so odgovorili na to objavo,
učno uro. Vsaka učna ura je imela svojo objavo. Prav vse
kar pomeni, da smo spletno socialno omrežje dobro izkoristili,
objave so učenci lahko komentirali, kar jih je spodbudilo k
ne samo za učenje, ampak tudi za ohranjanje stikov (slika 4).
skupnemu oblikovanju spletnega okolja. Učenci so morali v
Med uporabo spletnega socialnega omrežja Facebook so
novo objavo oddati zapiske in naloge, ki so jih reševali doma. V
uporabniki zaprte skupine Matematika 9. r OSAMS prišli do
kolikor česa niso oddali, so bili označeni in ponovno
ugotovitev, da so prednosti uporabe takšnih skupin naslednje:
povabljeni, da naloge oddajo (slika 3).
• dostopanje kjerkoli in kadarkoli (predvsem s
Učenci so lahko odprli novo objavo, kamor so postavili
pametnim telefonom);
vprašanje za naloge, ki so jim delale težave ali pa jih niso znali
• učenci so morali biti aktivni, sicer so bili takoj
rešiti. Na zastavljena vprašanja so odgovarjali tako sošolci kot
označeni, da nečesa še niso naredili;
učiteljica matematike. Dogovor med člani skupine je bil, da
• znotraj skupine so bile omogočene prilagoditve za
učiteljica preveri odgovore učencev in jih komentira. Prav tako
samostojno učenje (lahko so si razporejali čas in
so občasno delili kakšnen dogodek, ki ni bil povezan z
matematiko. Na takšen način se je ohranjal stik med udeleženci
• učenci so imeli možnost razprave in sodelovanja;
skupine. Objavljene so bile tudi povezave do evalvacij
• člani skupine so bili v močno povezani spletni
22. maja 2020 se je učenje na daljavo za devetošolce zaključilo.
• na enem mestu so bile zbrane vse informacije (objave
S 25. majem 2020 so se vrnili v šolske klopi.
z navodili, povezavami, videoposnetki, fotografijami
Na podlagi opravljene ustne analize dela na daljavo z
devetošolci lahko sklepamo, da se je Facebook skupina
• spletno okolje je bilo preprosto in enostavno za
uporabljala le pri matematiki. Tak način dela je bil učencem
zelo všeč, ker je bilo podajanje informacij v socialnem omrežju
• v skupini si lahko označil posameznika (to je bilo
zanje enostavno in preprosto. Delali so v spletnem okolju, ki
učencem zelo všeč);
zanje ni bilo novo in v katerem so se počutili dobro. Najprej je
• imeli so možnost komunikacije z drugimi (delitev
učence sicer skrbelo, da bo učiteljica videla njihove profile, a so
kmalu ugotovili, da se zasebnih profilov ne vidi, če so
• znotraj skupine so člani vzdrževali in ohranjali
nastavitve zasebnosti pravilno nastavljene. Učenci so pohvalili
socialni stik.
vzpostavljanje in ohranjanje socialnih stikov manjše učne
skupine. Med seboj in z učiteljicami so se učenci počutili
povezani tudi pri delu na daljavo. Posebej so pohvalili možnost
sodelovanja pri nalogah, ki so jim delale težave, predvsem hiter
odziv sošolcev in učiteljice. Povedali so, da je večina učencev
do Facebook skupine dostopala preko pametnega telefona, ker
je bilo to najhitreje in ker ga imajo vsi. Prav tako so vse naloge
za oddajo slikali in naložili v skupino s pametnim telefonom.
Tako je bilo delo najhitreje opravljeno.
Facebook skupine se kasneje pri delu na daljavo ni več
uporabljalo. Četudi je bila izkušnja s socialnim omrežjem
pozitivna, je še vedno preveč negotovosti s soglasji staršev, z
ustreznimi nastavitvami zasebnosti učencev, s preverjanjem
shranjevanja podatkov. Zato za delo na daljavo priporočamo
uporabo Arnesovih spletnih učilnic, ki so mnogo bolj varne
tako za učence kot za učitelje.
[1] Burns, M. 2011. Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes,
Models, and Methods. Washington, DC: Education Development Center,
[2] Analiza izobraževanja na daljavo v času prvega vala epidemije covida-19
v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. DOI=
[3] Kašnik, V. (2018). Uporaba spletnega socialnega omrežja Facebook za
Slika 4. Zadnja objava v skupini.
Kot pomanjkljivosti uporabe spletnega socialnega omrežja
Facebook za učenje na daljavo so člani skupine navedli:
• pred uporabo je potrebno doreči pravila uporabe
spletnega socialnega omrežja;
• učenci velikokrat uporabljajo pogovorni jezik in
okrajšave, kar je bilo potrebno postopoma odpravljati;
• učitelj mora imeti nadzor nad objavami, da ne prihaja
do širjenja napačnih informacij;
• potrebno je paziti, da se ne izvaja kakršnakoli oblika
spletnega nasilja, zato mora skrbnik skupine vedno
preverjati objave.
Discord kot platforma za izvedbo pouka na daljavo
Discord as a distance learning platform
Gašper Strniša
Šolski center Kranj / Strokovna gimnazija
Kranj, Slovenija
izvedbe pouka na daljavo (predvsem s strani učiteljev) praktično
ni bilo.
Na odpoved pouka, ki se je v preteklem letu zgodil zaradi
Pri pouku na daljavo je z razvojem računalniške tehnologije,
pandemije koronavirusa, marsikdo ni bil pripravljen. Tukaj
računalniške pismenosti in interneta prišlo do revolucionarnih
govorimo tako o krovnih šolskih organizacijah, kot tudi šolah
sprememb. Izobraževalni proces se seli tudi izven učilnic v
samih, učiteljih, učencih, starših in institucijah, ki s šolami
virtualni računalniški prostor [3]. Pri tem procesu ne gre za
neposredno sodelujejo. Prispevek opisuje primer dobre prakse
transformacijo ali za popolno nadomestitev tradicionalnega
izvedbe pouka na daljavo z uporabo okolja Discord, ki so ga
načina učenja, gre za njegovo razširitev in posodobitev [4].
dijaki poznali in uporabljali v namene ne povezane s šolstvom.
Srednješolsko izobraževanje je ena ključnih faz za razvoj
Prispevek prikazuje tudi rezultate anket, ki ju je kmalu po
posameznika tako v privatnem kot tudi v njegovem poklicnem
začetku pouka na daljavo in ob njegovem koncu izvedla komisija
življenju. Dijakom je v tem času potrebno zagotoviti kakovostne
za kakovost.
učne vsebine za smeri izobraževanja, ki jih obiskujejo. Poleg
učnih pripomočkov kot so e-gradiva, učbeniki, zapiski, ipd., pa
morajo dijaki prejeti tudi ustrezno razlago obravnavanih vsebin,
Discord, pouk na daljavo, video konferenca, kovid, tehnologija
saj v nasprotnem primeru šola zares ne bi bila potrebna. Velika
večina zaposlenih v šolstvu, pa tudi širše, je verjetno že slišala
rek, da je uspešen proces izobraževanja odvisen predvsem od
o one could be prepared for the cancellation of classes, which
učiteljev, ki svoja znanja prenašajo na učence.
happened last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Not even
head school organizations let alone schools themselves, teachers,
students, parents and institutions that work directly with schools.
The paper describes an example of good practice in conducting
Večina učiteljev ni imela pripravljenih scenarijev izvedbe pouka
distance learning using the Discord environment, which students
na daljavo ob nastalih kriznih situacijah. Slovar slovenskega
knew and used for non-educational purposes. The paper also
knjižnega jezika [1] krizo definira kot stanje v gospodarstvu, ko
shows the results of surveys conducted by the Quality
se ugodne razmere za razvoj začnejo hitro slabšati. Novak [2]
Commission shortly after the start of distance learning and at the
krizo dodatno opredeli kot okoliščino, v kateri organizacija ne
end of it.
more več normalno delovati in ne more več dosegati svojih ciljev.
Glavne značilnosti kriz so nenadnost, negotovost in časovni
pritisk. Zgodijo se običajno nepričakovano in zahtevajo hiter
Discord, distance learning, video conference, Covid, technology
odziv, ter povzročajo stres [2]. V kolikor pa so učitelji imeli
predvidene rešitve za pouk na daljavo, pa ni nujno, da so ga v
času zaprtja šol tudi dejansko lahko izvajali zaradi tehničnih
težav na strani ponudnikov za zagotavljanje takšnih rešitev.
Na odpoved pouka, ki se je v preteklem letu zgodil zaradi
Klasičen primer prej navedenega problema je občutilo
pandemije korona virusa, marsikdo ni bil pripravljen. Tukaj
mnogo slovenskih učiteljev, ki so upali na izvedbo oddaljenega
govorimo tako o krovnih šolskih organizacijah, kot tudi šolah
pouka preko spletnih konferenc Vox, ki jih preko spletne
samih, učiteljih, učencih, starših in institucijah, ki s šolami
programske opreme Adobe Connect ponuja Arnes - javni zavod,
neposredno sodelujejo. Začetna zmeda je bila zaradi precej
ki zagotavlja omrežne storitve organizacijam s področja
hitrega zaprtja šol precej velika, saj časa za iskanje načina
raziskovanja, izobraževanja in kulture ter omogoča njihovo
povezovanje in medsebojno sodelovanje ter sodelovanje s
sorodnimi organizacijami v tujini. Njihovi strežniki namreč niso
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
prenesli izjemno povečanega omrežnega prometa, ki ga je
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
izvajala velika množica slovenskih učiteljev (kot izvajalcev) in
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
dijakov (kot udeležencev) ob enakem času. Precej učiteljev je
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
tako obupalo nad izvedbo pouka na daljavo ali pa so se začeli
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
posluževati načinov brez razlag, spet drugi pa so začeli iskati
druge rešitve.
Na Strokovni gimnaziji (v nadaljevanju SG) in Srednji
preprostosti in intuitivnega grafičnega vmesnika, pa je postala
tehniški šoli (v nadaljevanju STŠ) Šolskega centra Kranj, ter na
ena izmed najbolj popularnih aplikacij za komunikacijo na svetu.
Gimnaziji Franceta Prešerna (v nadaljevanju GFP) smo v dneh
Aplikacija poleg klepeta po mikrofonu in tipkanja tekstovnih
pred zaprtjem šol že predvideli takšen scenarij. Ravnatelj STŠ je
sporočil omogoča še vrsto drugih lastnosti, ki se lahko aplicirajo
učitelje računalništva prosil, če pripravijo predlog za izvedbo
za izvedbo pouka na daljavo. Zlahka ja namreč deliti slike,
pouka na daljavo in posnamejo video vodič za sodelavce in
videoposnetke in izvajati video konference v realnem času.
dijake, ki teh tehnologij še ne poznajo. V sodelovanju z GFP smo
Omogoča tako prijavo kot tudi začasno registracijo za tiste, ki bi
pripravili dva različna predloga (Vox in Teams), ki sta v dneh ko
želeli prisostvovati pouku v omejenem obsegu.
še ni bilo pretiranega prometa na strežnikih, odlično delovala..
Vox konference so kljub zastareli tehnologiji (zaradi potrebne
uporabe Flasha) mnogim zdele najbolj logična rešitev. Marsikdo
od učiteljev je ta način dela že poznal vsaj kot uporabnik, zato
nadgradnja v gostitelja ni predstavljala prevelikega strahu. Vox
je poleg delno poznanega okolja predstavljal tudi določene
lastnosti, ki bi lahko zelo pozitivno vplivale na izvedbo pouka:
za vsak razred in predmet se lahko izdela svoja
predstavlja možnost uporabe različnih načinov
Slika 1: Okolje Discord
komuniciranja (zvokovno - preko mikrofona, vizualno -
preko kamere, tekstovno – preko klepetslikalnice, grafično –
preko table),
omogoča deljenje datotek povezanih s snovjo v
Po zaključenem prvem tednu pouka na daljavo, smo iz
realnem času in kot možnost shranjevanja datotek na lastne
svetovalne službe dobili podatek, da se določeni dijaki še vedno
niso vpisali v okolje MS Teams, ki ga je uporabljala večina
prijava z osebnimi AAI računi, s čimer bi bila
profesorjev. To pomeni, da cel teden niso bili prisotni pri pouku.
zagotovljena istovetnost prisotnih,
Pri urah predmetov računalništva, kjer se je za izvedbo pouka na
zaščita vstopa v konference z gesli, kar bi preprečilo
daljavo uporabljal Discord, pa je bila udeležba 100% že od
vstop tretjim osebam,
prvega dne. Zanimiv je tudi podatek, da so prav vsi dijaki že
možnost dostopa do konference kot gost (zgolj v
imeli ustvarjene račune v Discordu, preden smo ga začeli
začetnih fazah izvajanja, ko bi dijaki lahko imeli težave z
uporabljati v šolske namene.
pozabljenimi gesli, ipd.),
Komisija za kakovost je tako kmalu po začetku, nato pa še
možnost snemanja konferenc za dijake, ki se pouka
ob koncu pouka na daljavo izvedla svoji anketi.
niso mogli udeležiti,
Anketo je izpolnilo 69 učiteljev. Zajemala je različna
možnost izvajanja določenih akcij nad uporabniki
področja poučevanja na daljavo. Za naše ugotovitve pa so ključni
(dodajanje in odvzemanje pravic komunikacije, izključitev iz
rezultati, ki se nanašajo na komunikacijo z dijaki.
konference, ipd.)
Po prvi anketi so bile ugotovljene naslednje ugotovitve: 94%
učiteljev ja za komunikacijo z dijaki uporabljalo e-pošto in
Za delo smo izobrazili tudi dijake, da bi v primeru zaprtja šola
aplikacijo eAsistent. 76% jih je za pouk uporabljalo spletno
lahko z delom začeli takoj. Kot smo zapisali v prejšnjem
učilnico, 29% pa je izvajalo pouk preko različnih video
poglavju, pa so se stvari spremenile v nedelujoče ob množični
konferenc (Vox, MS Teams, Discord, Zoom). Zanimiva je bila
povezavi na strežnike teh storitev.
tudi ugotovitev, da so v prvi anketi dijaki izrazili nezadovoljstvo
s tem, da so različni učitelji za pouk uporabljali različne
V drugi anketi so zanimive tudi naslednje ugotovitve:
Hitra prilagoditev situaciji je bila neizbežna, saj bi v primeru
tako dijaki kot tudi učitelji smo se naučili veliko
lastnega iskanja nove rešitve lahko porabili ogromno časa, s tem
novega v povezavi z uporabo sodobnih IKT tehnologij,
pa bi dijake prikrajšali za izvedbo pouka. Najbolj logična poteza
priporočljiva je uporaba skupne platforme za izvedbo
se je kazala v ideji, da se tokrat učitelji posvetujemo z dijaki in
video konferenc,
se prilagodimo tehnologijam, ki jih oni najbolje poznajo in jih
učitelji so si želeli tehnično pomoč za izvedbo video
dnevno uporabljajo.
Discord je brezplačna aplikacija, ki je v prvi vrsti namenjena
igralcem spletnih iger, pri katerih udeleženci potrebujejo tako
glasovno komunikacijo kot tudi komunikacijo preko sporočil
(slika 1). Uporabna je na računalnikih in pametnih napravah, saj
Glede na dobljene rezultate opravljenih anket, so bili zapisani
je na voljo za operacijske sisteme MacOs, Windows, Linux, iOS
tudi določeni predlogi: določiti je potrebno pravila obnašanja na
in Android. Na voljo je tudi spletna različica, do katere je mogoče
video konferencah; sprejeti je potrebno dogovor o organizaciji
dostopati preko brskalnikov Firefox in Crome. Zaradi svoje
dela (delo po ustaljenem urniku ali izdelava novega urnika, ki bo
prilagojen delu na daljavo); sprejeti je potrebno dogovor o
beleženju prisotnosti oz. odsotnosti na video konferencah;
[1] Bajec Anton in drugi, 1994. Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. DZS,
priporočljiva je uporaba enotne platforme za izvedbo video
[2] Novak Božidar in drugi, 2000. Krizno komuniciranje in upravljanje
nevarnosti. Priročnik za krizne odnose z javnostmi v praksi. Gospodarski
Predlog, da šola določi uporabo enotne platforme za izvedbo
vesnik, Ljubljana
video konferenc, je seveda zelo smiseln, saj na ta način pride do
[3] Močnik Bojan in Rugelj Jože, 1999. Virtualna učilnica za izobraževanje
na delovnem mestu. ERK, Portorož
centralizacije znanj in izkušenj tako med učitelji kot tudi med
[4] Močnik Bojan, Urbančič Tanja in Rugelj Jože, 2001. Pregled orodij za
dijaki. V primeru dobre prakse sodelovanja med učiteljem in
računalniško podporo učenju na daljavo. Organizacija 34, 8, 508-512
dijaki preko ustaljene platforme pa je zadevo bolje pustiti kot je
in na ta način pouk pripeljati do konca.
Obogatitev predopismenjevanja v predšolskem obdobju
Enrichment of pre-literacy in the preschool period
Tina Šebenik
Župnijski vrtec Vrhnika
Vrhnika, Slovenija
V prispevku je predstavljeno, kako smo v skupini predšolskih
The article presents how in the group of preschool children, the
otrok, zadnje leto pred vstopom v šolo, nadgradili ustaljene
last year before entering school, we upgraded the established
metode in aktivnosti za razvijanje predopismenjevalnih
methods and activities for developing preliteracy skills using the
sposobnosti z uporabo spletnega orodja ABC PreSchool Kids
online tool ABC Preschool Kids Tracing & Phonics Learning
Tracing & Phonics Learning Game (ABC predšolski otroci –
Game (ABC preschool children – learning game). In recent years,
učna igra).
children have shown great interest in participating in activities
Otroci so že v preteklih letih izkazali veliko zanimanja za
and didactic games that encouraged preliteracy skills both in
sodelovanje v aktivnostih in didaktičnih igrah, ki so spodbujale
nature and in the playroom. None of the children had problems
predopismenjevalne veščine tako v naravi kot v igralnici. Nihče
with tweezers grip developed by tearing paper, dressing and
od otrok ni imel težav s t. i. pincetnim prijemom, ki so ga razvijali
undressing, kneading dough, stringing beads, and the like. Many
s trganjem papirja, z oblačenjem in slačenjem, gnetenjem testa,
of them quickly showed their interest in the appearance of some
nizanjem perlic ipd. Marsikdo izmed njih je strokovnima
of the letters. As a result, the educator planned a series of
delavkama kaj hitro pokazal zanimanje za izgled nekaterih črk.
activities that would upgrade the already carried out basic
Posledično je vzgojiteljica načrtovala vrsto dejavnosti, ki bi
activities carried out in recent years. We were aware that ICT is
nadgradile že izpeljane temeljne aktivnosti, izpeljane v zadnjih
part of the everyday environment of preschool children, which
letih. Zavedali smo se, da je IKT del vsakdanjega okolja tudi
would make sense to use in the learning process and teach them
predšolskih otrok, ki bi ga bilo smiselno uporabiti pri učno-
about its didactic value and, on the other hand, take advantage of
vzgojnem procesu in jih podučiti o njeni didaktični vrednosti in
the attractiveness and popularity of electronic devices. She chose
po drugi strani izkoristiti atraktivnost in priljubljenost
the ABC Preschool Kids Tracing & Phonics Learning game web
elektronskih naprav. Izbrala je spletno aplikacijo ABC PreSchool
application, which offers a number of didactic games (e.g.
Kids Tracing & Phonics Learning Game, ki ponuja številne
connecting points, drawing horizontal and vertical lines, curves
didaktične igre (npr. povezovanje točk, risanje vodoravnih in
indicating appropriate line connections when writing capital
navpičnih črt, krivulj nakazuje ustrezno povezovanje črt pri
letters, etc.). Due to limitations with technical equipment (one
zapisu velikih tiskanih črk itd.). Zaradi omejenosti s tehnično
tablet), we chose the forms of work in which all children in the
opremo (en tablični računalnik) smo izbirali oblike dela, pri
group were involved and active. The children were happy to
kateri so bili vključeni in dejavni vsi otroci v skupini. Otroci so
participate in using the app, patiently waiting for their turn, and
z veseljem sodelovali pri uporabi aplikacije, potrpežljivo so
what quickly they wrote the simplest letters correctly and
počakali, da so na vrsti, in kaj hitro so pravilno zapisali
connected the grapheme with the appropriate phoneme. The use
najenostavnejše črke in povezali grafem z ustreznim fonemom.
of the mentioned online tool has undoubtedly contributed to a
Uporaba omenjenega spletnega orodja je nedvomno prispevala k
more effective achievement of the set learning goal – the
učinkovitejšemu doseganju zastavljenega učnega cilja –
development of pre- literacy skills and even progress towards
razvijanju predopismenjevalne zmožnosti in celo napredka k
early literacy.
zgodnjemu opismenjevanju.
Pre-literacy, online tool ABC PreSchool Kids Tracing &
Predopismenjevanje, spletno orodje ABC PreSchool Kids
Phonics Learning Game, pre – school period, critical use of ICT,
Tracing & Phonics Learning Game, predšolsko obdobje, kritična
learning through play
uporaba IKT, učenje skozi igro
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
Vzgojitelji se zavedamo, da se razvoj pismenosti začne že pred
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
formalnim šolanjem otroka, zato lahko k izboljšavi t. i.
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
porajajoče se pismenosti pomembno vplivamo tudi s
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
premišljenim načrtovanjem dejavnosti v vrtcu. Tudi L.
Marjanovič Umek opozarja, da si večina ljudi napačno razlaga,
da se opismenjevanje otrok začne šele z vstopom v šolo.
Opismenjevanje je proces, ki se ne začne šele pri šestem ali
sedmem letu, temveč traja tako rekoč od rojstva. Šest ali sedem
let je umetna meja, ki smo jo postavili sami – takrat se je večina
otrok sposobnih naučiti vse simbole naše abecede, s pomočjo
katerih začnejo pisati in brati [1].
V Kurikulumu za vrtce je naveden kot eden od ciljev tudi
razvijanje prstne spretnosti oz. t. i. fine motorike s primeri
dejavnosti: otrok se igra oz upravlja z različnimi predmeti
(vrvice, kroglice itn.) in snovmi (voda, pesek, mivka), ki
omogočajo gibanje s prsti, dlanmi, rokami, nogami in stopali
(gnetenje, prelivanje, presipanje, prijemanje, pretikanje itn.) [2].
Ko smo s skupino petletnikov izvedli omenjene in podobne
dejavnosti, so bili otroci suvereni ne le v fino motoriki, temveč
tudi pri zapisu črt in krivulj, nekatere pa je celo zanimalo, kako
so oblikovane določene črke. Posledično smo se odločili
Slika 1: Otroka med reševanjem grafomotoričnih vaj.
nadgraditi grafomotorične vaje in jih obogatiti z vključitvijo
IKT-orodja. Pri tem smo upoštevali Smernice za uporabo IKT v
vrtcu, ki narekujejo, da morajo strokovni delavci otroku nuditi
ustrezne možnosti in izzive (otroke učijo uporabljati IK sredstva;
jih seznanjajo z možnostmi uporabe le-teh; jim približujejo
Spoznali smo, da je vključevanje IKT-orodja v vzgojno delo zelo
internet in jih seznanjajo s prednostmi in pastmi na njem …) in
koristen in v tem času tudi nujno potreben. Tako najmlajšim
tudi ozaveščati svoj odnos do nje [3].
zagotovimo vključitev v porajajočo se digitalno pismenost, jim
zagotovimo enake možnosti in tako zmanjšamo razlike med
njimi. Omenjen didaktični pripomoček je otrokom popestril
vzgojno delo. Šlo je za procesno učenje, katerega cilj niso bili
pravilni in nepravilni odgovori, temveč spodbujanje otrokovih
Uvodna motivacija
strategij dojemanja, izražanja in razmišljanja, ki so zanj značilne
Z otroki smo se zbrali v jutranjem krogu. Pogovarjali smo se o
v posameznem razvojnem obdobju. V prihodnje bi aplikacijo
sklenjenih in navpičnih črtah. S prsti so risali po zraku in dobro
lahko uporabljali večkrat, da bi jo otroci dobro osvojili in se tako
spremljali povezavo roka‒oko. Naredili so tudi nekaj vijug in
navdušili nad drugačnim učenjem, ki je bila za mnoge zelo
predlagali, da rišemo drug drugemu po hrbtu.
zabavna. V prihodnje bi aplikacijo lahko nadgradili z drugimi
Na mizi so opazili mojo tablico in skupaj smo si na njej
učnimi vsebinami in otroku omogočili, da ima več možnosti
pogledali, kako se tudi na elektronskih napravah lahko zabavamo
uporabe podobnih spletnih orodij in naprav. Tako bi svoje
in hkrati nekaj naučimo. Pogledali smo zabavne igre, preko
računalniško znanje izpopolnjevali. V naslednjem šolskem letu
katerih se učimo in spoznavamo predopismenjevalne veščine, ki
bi staršem že na začetku na sestanku predstavila različna spletna
nas popeljejo v svet črk. Skupaj smo si ogledali aplikacijo ABC
orodja in njihovo uporabo kot podporo učenju vključila v svoj
PreSchool Kids Tracing, ki je otroke takoj navdušila in želeli so
letni delovni načrt.
jo tudi posamezno preizkusiti. Povedali smo navodila, določili
pravila in preizkusili novo spletno orodje.
Zahvaljujem se svoji sodelavki in vsem otrokom iz skupine, ki
so z zanimanjem in z sodelovanjem pristopili k IKT- orodju in
Glavni potek dejavnosti (Uporaba spletne
ga z veseljem preizkusili.
aplikacije ABC PreSchool Kids tracing)
Otroci so svoje grafomotorične sposobnosti nadgradili z
[1] Keršič K., Južna B., 2009. Zgodnje opismenjevanje otrok. Dostopno na
vključitvijo IKT-orodja. Svoje znanje so nadgradili tako, da so
se preizkusili še preko tablice. Aplikacija jih je usmerjala in jim
opismenjevanje-otrok (10. 8. 2021)
pokazala, če pravilno izpolnjujejo različne grafomotorične vaje.
[2] Kurikulum za vrtce, 2009. Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, Urad
Republike Slovenije za Šolstvo.
Vlekli so različne linije. Od krivulj, do enostavnih ravnih in
[3] Usar K., Jerše L., 2016. Smernice za vključevanje IKT v vrtcu. ZRSŠ.
poševnih črt. Lahko so si izbrali enostavne vzorce ali težje,
Dostopno na naslovu: https://www.zrss.si/digitalnaknjiznica/smernice-
ikt-vrtec/files/assets/common/downloads/publication.pdf (10. 8. 2021)
zahtevnejše. Aplikacija jih je vodila in usmerjala v pravilen
zapis. Otroci so bili zelo motivirani in zbrani. Razporedili so se
v skupine. Nekateri so vaje izpolnjevali v zvezku, drugi pa preko
spletnega orodja. Vsi so se preizkusili preko-IKT orodja in svoje
znanje nadgradili s spoznavanjem nekaterih črk, ki jih aplikacija
ponuja. Spoznali so črke I, L, M, N, T in O in jih kasneje tudi
pravilno zapisovali v zvezek.
Izdelava laboratorijskih vaj s PWS
Making Laboratory Exercises with PWS
Robert Šifrer
Šolski center Kranj, Višja strokovna šola za elektroenergetiko
Kranj, Slovenija
section) of the bare line or cable so that the voltage on the line
remains within 10 %. Students first model the grid, then do the
Za izdelavo laboratorijskih vaj za področje elektroenergetskih
calculations, then simulate the power flows and simulate the
omrežij sem se zgledoval po razvojnem oddelku Elektra
outages of the lines and other parts of the network. By the way,
Gorenjske d.d., Razvijajo nova in popravljajo (vzdržujejo) stara
they learn to draw all kinds of mains topologies (radial, loop,
električna omrežja zaradi prodora novih razpršenih elektrarn in
double-sided, open loop), calculations of voltage drops and rises
novih večjih porabnikov na obstoječa omrežja znotraj 10 %
on lines (on busbars), who causes them, overvoltages,
spremembe napetosti. S programom razvojni inženir nariše vse
simulations of flows of all three powers. These are the main
možne modele omrežja in hitro izračuna vse spremembe
pedagogical highlights and desired outcomes for students, who
napetosti, lahko opravi simulacije moči v mreži. Na spletu sem
have completed them good and satisfied for last 10 years.
našel brezplačni program Power World Simulator. Uporabil sem
analitično, primerjalno in opisno metodo, metodo poskušanja,
metodo sinteze ter za zaključek metodo anketiranja. Cilj vsake
vaje je, da študent popravlja upornost in reaktanco (presek)
Electrical grid, modeling, voltage regulation, simulator
golega voda ali kabla, da napetost na vodu ostane znotraj 10 %.
Študenti najprej modelirajo omrežja, nato naredijo izračune,
nato simulirajo pretoke moči in simulirajo izpade vodov in
ostalih delov omrežja. Mimogrede se naučijo risati vse vrste
Že v srednji tehniški šoli zadnjih 22 let, še bolj pa na Višji
topologij električnega omrežja (radialno, zankasto, dvostransko
strokovni šoli 8 let sem iskal stik s sodobno elektroenergetsko
napajano, odprta pentlja), izračune padcev in porastov napetosti
stroko s pomočjo podejtij in razvojem tudi preko strokovnih
na vodih (na zbiralkah), kdo jih povzroča, prenapajanja,
ekskurzij. V Elektro Gorenjski nam je pred desetimi leti razvojni
simulacije pretokov vseh treh moči. To so glavni pedagoški
inženir pokazal problematiko porasta priklopov sončnih
poudarki in želeni rezultati pri študentih, ki jih že 10 let radi in
elektrarn na 400 V omrežja, ki v določenih urah dneva ne dajejo
dobro opravijo.
v mrežo samo električne moči, ampak povzročajo tudi škodljive
poraste napetosti nad standardizirano 400 V vrednostjo. Kasneje
sem se večkrat oglasil v njihovi razvojni pisarni in pokazali s mi,
Električno omrežje, modeliranje, napetostna regulacija,
kako njihovo delo poteka z uporabo programa Gredos. Oni
pripravijo modele omrežij, Gredos pa jim izračuna, kateri model
omrežja je optimalen. Ta rešitev gre protem v projektivno službo,
nato pa jo gradbena enota postavi.
For the production of laboratory exercises, I followed the
Cilj postavljanja laboratorijskih vaj mi je, da so te iz področja
development engineers of Elektro Gorenjska Ltd. They devlop
vzdrževanja, da so sodobne glede današnjega dela inženirjev v
new and repair (maintain) old electrical grids due to the
podjetjih, da so intelektualno zahtevne in pestre ter seveda, da so
penetration of new dispersed power plants and new major
poceni za izvedbo, glede na to, da so stroji in elementi v
consumers to existing networks within 10% of the voltage
elektroenergetiki zelo dragi, kar si šola težko privošči. Natančni
change. With the program, the development engineer draws
pedagoški cilji so, da se študenti naučijo vseh topologij
many grid models and quickly calculates all voltage I found the
električnih omrežij (zanke v prenosnih omrežjih, odprto omrežje
free Power World Simulator program online. I used an analytical,
radialnih vodov v 400 V in odprte pentlje ter dvostransko
comparative and descriptive method, an experimental method, a
napajani vodi v 20 kV omrežjih), da znajo vrisati v omrežja
synthesis method and a survey metod. The goal of each exercise
osnovne elemente, naprave in električne stroje. Da razumejo
is for the student to correct the resistance and reactance (cross
odnose med njimi in njihove parametre (R, X, B) in značilnosti.
Vaje se modernih problemov dotikajo, ker danes distribucijska
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
omrežja pridobivajo na osrednjem pomenu znotraj
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
elektroenergetike, saj vanje prodira nešteto razpršenih virov
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
elektrike, obnovljivih virov na 400 V omrežja. Na drugi strani pa
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
vanjo prodirajo novi porabniki, saj poteka tranzicija ogrevanja in
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
hlajenja iz fosilnih virov na elektriko (toplotne črpalke) in
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
tranzicija transporta iz fosilnih virov na elektriko (e-avti). Za e-
polnilnice pa je znano, da bodo vlekle iz omrežja velike moči.
Tako razpršeni viri elektrike kot novi porabniki pa z velikimi
danes še vedno ne znam uporabiti večino funkcij, kar delajo
tokovi v omrežju povzročajo velike poraste ali padce napetosti.
doktorji znanosti v razvojnih oddelkih. Potreboval bi mentorja ali
Tako dobimo škodljivo nihanje napetosti, česar zadnjih sto let
kak tečaj, saj se tega nismo učili na univerzitetnem študiju pred
nismo pozanali tako izrazito. Takrat so vzdrževalci povečali moč
30 leti. Zato sem si na Youtube ogledal precej kratkih in
transformatorja ali presek kabla. Sedaj pa se bližamo
enostavnih filmčkov, kjer razni razvojni inženirji po celem svetu
regulatorjem napetosti, megahranilnikom, regulacijskim predstavljajo lahke in enostavne primere praktične uporabe v distribucijskim transformatorjem, pametnim (avtomatiziranim)
svojih podjetjih. Recimo video Introduction to PowerWorld, ki
omrežjem, ko krmilnik regulira prej neumno omrežje s pomočjo
je nastal v tistem letu, ko sem si to ogledoval in se iz njega učil
senzorjev, aktuatorjev in podatkovnega omrežja. To področje
leta 2012[4]. Dolgi in zahtevni so prezahtevni zame in za
škodljivih padcev in porastov napetosti spada v standard SIST
EN50160, ki nam določa kvaliteto napetosti skozi nekaj
merljivih parametrov. Mi se bomo tu ukvarjali s škodljivimi
porasti napetosti, ki jih povzročajo elektrarne oz. sodobni
razpršeni viri, običajno male hidroelektrarne, vetrne elektrarne,
bioplinske termoelektrarne in predvsem fotovoltaične sončne
elektrarne, kjer trenutno prevladujejo samooskrbne, ki rastejo v
Sloveniji s približno 2.000 novimi elektrarnami letno.
Študenti bodo morali doseči štiri osnovne cilje. Znati bodo
morali iz elementov omrežij narisati več modelov omrežja (
modeliranje omrežij). Znati bodo morali programsko in s
formulami izračunati padce in poraste napetosti na vodih. Znati
bodo morali popraviti te prevelike padce in poraste s pomočjo
večanja presekov vodov in s tem resistance in reaktance voda. In
nazadnje bodo morali znati tudi simulirati pretoke delovne,
jalove in navidezne moči po omrežju s poudarkom, če pride do
izpada dela omrežja, da znajo narediti prenapajanje in pogledati,
Slika 1: Prenosno, 400 kV omrežje Slovenije[1]
kako to prenapajanje (novi, večji tokovi) škodljivo vpliva na
poraste in padce napetosti na posameznih vodih, ki prevzamejo
moč izpadlega voda zaradi delovanja zaščite ali okvare.
Za cilj risanja smo si s študenti ogledali prenosno omrežje
Slovenije, enopolno 400 kV shemo iz rdečih črt (Slika 1), ki jo
imam na plakatu v učilnici in v spletni učilnici Moodle. Naučim
pa jih, da si jo lahko poiščejo na spletni strani ELES d.o.o.
(Elektro Slovenija, ki je edini sistemski operater prenosnega
omrežja v Sloveniji)[2]. Ogledamo si trenutne pretoke moči v
prenosnem omrežju Slovenije.
Vozlišča med rdečimi črtami predstavljajo prenosne razdelilne
transformatorske postaje (RTP v nadaljevanju). To so: glavna in
osrednja RTP Beričevo (v njej sta tako regijski kot republiški
center vodenja omrežja), ki napaja ljubljansko območje z
napetostjo 110 kV, nato RTP Okroglo za gorenjsko regijo, RTP
Divača za primorsko regijo, RTP Krško za dolenjsko regijo, RTP
Maribor za večji del štajerske regije in Prekmurje ter RTP Podlog
za šaleško dolino in celjsko območje. Trenutno se gradi RTP
Cirkovce na 400 kV in iz njega daljnovodna interkonekcija z
Madžarsko. Nato omenimo in narišemo tudi interkonekcije s
Slika 2: Učenje risanja modela s PWS iz videa[3]
tujimi prenosnimi omrežji Italije, Avstrije, Madžarske in
Hrvaške, ki našemu sistemu omogočijo zančno topologijo in
večjo stabilnost (obratovalno varnost), kar je v elektroenergetiki
cilj številka 1. Pojasnim tudi, da na rdeča črta pomeni
enosistemski daljnovod (L1, L2 in L3), dve črti pa dvosistemski
Moj prvi model ni vseboval RTP Cirkovce, ker te takrat niso
imele 400 kV RTP in povezav, zgolj 220 kV in 110 kV. Najprej
Na spletu poiščemo Power World Simulator[3], ameriško
sem odprl nov primer (new case), začel sem risati (draw) omrežje
aplikacijo, ki ponuja veliko storitev za visokonapetostna omrežja.
v urejevalnem načinu (edit mode). Izberem meni Network in v
Naložimo si program PWS Simulator18, kajti ponuja nam tudi
njem ali Bus ali Transmission Line ali Generator ali Load. Slika
program Viewer. Vsako leto je obnovljena aplikacija, sedaj je to
3 kaže, da sem narisal RTP Beričevo (Bus), jo poimenoval, ji
18. verzija. Na začetku ga nisem znal prav nič uporabljati in tudi
določil nominalno (nazivno) napetost 400 kV in ji določil, da je
glavna zbiralka (System Slack Bus). Američani imajo druge
moč P v MW, ki jo podam na začetku šolske ure študentom. In
nazivne napetosti kot jih imamo v Evropi.
sicer dva podatka, delovna moč P in jalova moč Q (če je več
motorjev v industriji), običajno v razmerju 4:1. Študent je
postavil kot glavno zbiralko (System Slack Bus) v RTP Podlog
zaradi TE Šoštanj.
Bolj natančno senzorje (merilce na vodu) prikazuje Slika 5,
kjer sem dal na daljnovod tudi merilec toka v amperih (A, slika
narobe prikazuje AMP!) , merilec P v MW in merilec jalove moči
v MVAr.
Slika 3: Vpisovanje parametrov zbiralkam RTP Beričevo
Nato sem narisal RTP Okroglo in še med njima daljnovod. Risal
sem kar enosistemski daljnovod. Vpisal sem začetne parametre
R in X in jima določil relativno vrednost 0,1 obema, ker sta
Slika 5: Del posnetka simulacije modela z meritvami
relativno kratka daljonvoda. Nato sem nadaljeval z risanjem
ostalih zibralk, ki so v osnovi dvosistemske zaradi varnosti, na
sliki pa predstavljajo RTP prenosnega omrežja Slovenije. Dodal
sem tudi sinhronske generatorje, ki predstavljajo večje elektrarne
v Sloveniji in njihove moči. Na zbiralkah sem narisal puščice
Simulacijo se naredi tako, da Edit mode spremenimo v Run mode
(Load) kot bremena moči, ki jih RTP transformirajo na 110 kV
in da kliknemo zeleni gumb Play. Po narisanem modelu se
omrežje in s to ocenjeno močjo napajajo svojo regijo.
začnejo pretakati večje in manjše puščice, odvisno kako velike
Slika 4 prikazuje končano risanje modela. Iz edit mode
moči tečejo po daljnovodu. Študente nato spodbudim, da
(urejavalnika) sem preklopil na run mode (vklopi simulacijo) in
kliknejo v rdeč kvadratek, ki je simbol stikalne enote (odklopnik
kliknil gumb play (poženi simulacijo). Prikažejo se delovne moči
in dva ločilnika), da pogledajo, kako se omrežje spremeni pri
v megavatih na posameznih daljnovodih in smer pretoka moči.
izpadu nekega daljnovoda zaradi okvare. Kako se vsi podatki
Lahko bi tudi narisal senzorje z skupne, navidezne moči v MVA
moči in tokov spremenijo. Zelene puščice na rumenih vodih
in za jalove moči v MVAr po posameznih daljnovodih. Ne znam
postanejo večje, ker morajo ostali daljnovodi sedaj prenašati
pa nastaviti senzorja, ki grafično prikaže relativno obremenitev
večje moči zaradi izpada enega daljnovoda. Če študent kaj nariše
daljnovoda od dovoljenje obremenitve. To sliko mi morajo
narobe ali vstavi čudne vhodne podatke, se namesto simulacije
oddati kot prvo zahtevo za uspešno laboratorijsko vajo.
prikaže črn ekran in oznaka Black Out, kar pomeni razpad
sistema. To pomeni, da mora ponovno začeti risati nov model,
kar se zgodi običajno polovici študentov.
Tretji del laboratorijske vaje so izračuni padcev ali porastov
napetosti na daljnovodih zaradi velikih tokov, ki jih določajo
večje elektrarne oz. večji porabniki. Slika 6 prikazuje izračune
napetosti na zbiralkah, ki povedo padce napetosti: absolutne v
kV in relativne v %. Na zbiralkah imamo senzorje napetosti. Na
zbiralkah so nazivne (nominalne) napetosti 400 kV (prvi stolpec),
v resnici pa so napetosti manjše tam, kjer je velika poraba in
Slika 4: Narisan model in zagon simulacije
večje na tistih zbiralkah, kjer so velike elektrarne. Program sam
vse izračuna. Pogledamo tako, da kliknemo gumb Model
Na vrhu v sredini je RTP Beričevo. Levo zgoraj RTP Okroglo,
Explorer, kar lahko prevedemo v naredi izračune napetosti za naš
levo spodaj RTP Divača, desno spodaj RTP Krško, nad njim RTP
model. Tak posnetek zaslona v Model Explorerju mi morajo
Podlog, na desni pa smo letos že narisali RTP Cirkovce in zgoraj
študenti oddati poleg simulacije moči v narisanem modelu.
RTP Maribor. Dodal sem generatorje TETO Ljubljana na RTP
Modri rezultati, vrstice, pomenijo, da so vsi padci znotraj
Beričevo, Dravske elektrarne na RTP Maribor, TEŠ na RTP
standarda 10%. Če bi risali popolnoma novo omrežje pa bi morali
Podlog in JE Krško na RTP Krško. Puščice prikazujejo delovno
biti znotraj 5%. Vidimo, da ima polno napetost RTP Podlog
(100%), ker je System Slack Bus in pa RTP Krško (100%, PU
Volt), ker gre vanje zelo velika moč iz elektrarn. Pri RTP Krško
bi celo moralo pokazati poraste napetosti. Ostali RTP pa so
porabniška vozlišča in zato na koncu daljnovodov z velikimi
tokovi dobimo resnične napetosti, ki so nekaj % manjše od 100 %
( PU Volt). Recimo RTP Okroglo ima 92,83 %, kar pomeni, da
je na daljnovodu 7,17 % padca napetosti zaradi zelo velikega
toka v njem, ki ga zahtevajo veliki industrijski porabniki, ki sem
jih predpisal v nalogi za vpis v Load (breme), ki ga na slikah
prikazuje puščica. To je manjše od mejnih 10 % v standardu, zato
Slika 7: Izrez iz PWS, kjer študent spreminja vrednosti R,
je to OK in je vrstica modra. Stolpec Angle (fazni kot med
X in B voda ali transformatorja, dokler niso padci napetosti
napetostjo in tokom v vodu) nam še ne predstavlja pomembnega
modre barve
podatka, je pa odvisen od imepdance bremena oz. od velikosti
reaktance X.
2.5 Povezava laboratorijskih vaj s sodobno
usmeritvijo tehnologije za regulacijo U/Q
To popravljanje napetosti in hkrati jalove energije, ki ga
študentje in razvojni inženirji delajo preko aplikacije PWS, se
imenuje napetostno popravljanje in spada bolj v primitivno in
počasno krmiljenje napetosti. Dejansko iščejo primernejši, večji
presek kabla (če so padci ali porasti napetosti večji) in ta kabel
zamenjajo potem delavci. Ali pa vzamejo transformator večje
moči ob večjih obremenitvah na porabniški strani. To je
Slika 6: Posnetek tabele v Model Explorerju, ki prikazuje v
stolpcu Volt (kV) izmerjene absolutne vrednosti napetosti
primitivna metoda zadnjih sto let.
Vse to razložim v prvi laboratorijski vaji in si morajo v
Naslednjo leto sem vpeljal drugačno prvo laboratorijsko vajo.
dokument zapisati pri prvi vaji. Kar pa sedanjost in prihodnost
Najprej smo »peš« računali padce in poraste napetosti iz toka in
težita, pa gre tehnologija v smeri napetostne regulacije s pomočjo
upornosti voda, preseke voda iz upornosti, razlike napetosti na
raznih senzorjev, krmilnikov, informacijskih prenosov in
zbiralkah, izgube moči na vodu. Nato pa smo skupaj narisali
aktuatorjev (napetostna regulacija na primarju distribucijskega
trikotno zanko električnega omrežja iz 3 RTP iz treh daljnovodov.
transformatorja).To imenujemo pametna omrežja in Slovenija bo
Tako, da sem jih naučil, kako se nariše zbiralko (bus), ki
v naslednjih 20 letih vgradila za 10 milijard € naprav v ta omrežja.
predstavlja RTP, generator, breme (load) in daljnovod oz. kabel
In o tem jim veliko danes govorim pri prvi laboratorijski vaji,
(transmission line) ter energetski transformator (transformer).
kjer si tudi študenti morajo zapisati vse načine popravljanja
Vse v zavihku draw (nariši) in v edit mode. Ostale vaje so delali
napetosti na vodih v omrežju, vključno z moderno napetostno
sami, ob občasni moji pomoči.
regulacijo pri pametnih omrežjih, kamor spadajo tudi vgrajeni
megahranilniki, virtualne elektrarne, polprevodniški L in C
2.4 Izpis končnih nastavitev R in X
elementi (SVCR), ki popravljajo napetosti in jalovo energijo v
omrežju, regulacija U/Q na generatorjih, magnetni stabilizatorji
Zadnji, tretji del vsake vaje pa je, da po večurnem poskušanju
napetosti na vodih itd.
vpisovanja relativnih vrednosti (v %) R, X in B končno dobijo
pravilne, modro obarvane rezultate v Model Explorerju.
Običajno so vse vrstice daljnovodov iz Slike 6 obarvane rdeče,
2.6 Delo študentov in metoda ankete
ker so padci napetosti preveliki. Gredos ponuja normirane
preseke kablov in golih vodov, tukaj pa te možnosti ne znam
Za povratno zanko uspešnosti poučevanja takih laboratorijskih
uporabiti. V upornostih vodov R se skrivajo preseki vodov,
vaj sem uporabil tako moja opažanja med delom študentov,
specifična upornost aluminija in dolžina voda. Večji presek voda
končni pregled in ocenjevanje laboratorijskih vaj in anonimne
pomeni manjšo upornost voda in tako manjšo škodljivo
ankete na koncu šolskega leta.
spremembo napetosti zaradi toka v vodu. R je resistanca ali
Študenti so bili skozi vsako vajo vedno bolj izkušeni in
upornost, X je reaktanca, ki igra pri zelo dolgih daljnovodih
samostojni. S pomočjo mojih pogovorov z njimi in sprotne
ključno omejitev prenosa moči ter susceptanca B, v kateri se
pomoči študentom sem videl, kako kvalitetno in v globino
skrivajo kapacitivnosti med linijskimi vodniki in dozemne
razumejo vsako vajo. Predvsem pa so vedeli, kaj delajo.
kapicativnosti. Okno v PWS, kjer študentje vpisujejo relativne
Pomembno je, da ima vsak svoj računalnik in vsak dela svojo,
vrednosti R, X in B prikazuje Slika 7.
drugačno vajo, čeprav jim dovolim, da se med seboj pogovarjajo
in si pomagajo. Pri poučevanju imam ves čas pred očmi
izrednega študenta, znanca, ki sem ga bolj osebno spraševal, kaj
so pri nekem predmetu v šoli, pri laboratorisjkih vajah z
računalnikom, delali in mi je rekel, da celo leto ni imel pojma, da
je samo drugim študentom sledil, ponavljal za njimi in ni nič
vedel ne o ciljih, namenih in o rezultatih vaj. Kaj takega nočem,
da katerikoli študent govori za moje vaje. Verjamem, da bolj kot
je vaja učitelju jasna, bolj jo lahko primerno študentom razloži.
Pri ocenjevanju laboratorijskih vaj sem videl, da so dosegali
visoke rezultate dela. Vaje so glede na zahteve dobro in
Zahvaljujem se razvojnim inženirjem Mihu Žumru, Anžetu
kvalitetno opravili, nekateri odlično, nekateri malo bolj slabo.
Vilmanu in Mihu Noču, ki so v razvojnem oddelku Elektro
Predvsem sem pozoren, da preverim, da ni podvojenih vaj,
Gorenjska d.d. Pokazali so mi svoje delo in uporabo Gredosa.
skopiranih vaj.
V veliko pomoč so mi bili tudi razni vzhodnjaški razvojni
Nazadnje pa še vsak september dobim anonimne ocene
inženirji, ki na Youtube v videoposnetkih razlagajo osnove in
študentov za poučevanje vaj in predvanj, kjer dobivam visoke
kompleksnosti PWS, pa čeprav sem moral vaje postaviti malo po
ocene vseh 10 let.
svoje za namen predmeta in ni nobena enaka ali podobna tem
vajam, razen risanja elementov električnih omrežij na samem
Uspelo mi je izdelati 6 laboratorijskih vaj za vse topologije
omrežij in za 4 napetostne nivoje v Sloveniji. Vsako leto dodam
kaj novega. Narišemo model, poženemo simulacijo, se učimo
[1] Prenosno električno omrežje Slovenije. Dostopno na naslovu www.svet-
prenapajanja. Veliko časa posvetim spoštljivi interakciji med
nami in moji pomoči ob kateri skušam zaznati, koliko znanja so
že osvojili o sami laboratorijski vaji. Nato popravljamo vse rdeče
[2] Obratovanje prenosnega omrežja, ELES d.o.o., sistemski operater
prenosnega omrežja. Dostopno na https://www.eles.si/obratovanje-
vrstice v Model Explorerju (dimenzioniramo presek vodov). Bi
prenosnega-omrezja (24.8.2021)
pa rad koga od teh specialistov za PWS spoznal, ker imam
[3] Power World Simulator, brezplačna in omejena aplikacija za modeliranje,
izračune in simulacije v prenosnih ormežjih. Dostopno na naslovu
nešteto vprašanj zanj glede izboljšav vaj in glede koristnih novih
https://www.powerworld.com/powerworld-simulator-18 (24.8.2021) vaj ali dodatkov. Vmes med vajami lahko razlagam teorijo,
[4] Introduction to PowerWorld Simulator By Ahmad Awais. Dostopno na
naslovu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gy6vT9fDk0 (24.8.2021) uporabnosti, pomen in logiko veličin in tudi električni model
voda in transformatorja opisan z upornostmi (serijske),
reaktancami (serijska) in susceptanco (vzporedna, shunt).
Funkcionalnosti spletnih učilnic pri izobraževanju
knjižničarjev med epidemijo
The functionality of the online classrooms in librarian education during the epidemic
Gregor Škrlj
Narodna in univerzitetna njižnica
Ljubljana, Slovenija
dediščino, ki jo ima v uporabi ali jo poseduje, ter opravlja
ustrezno arhivsko dejavnost [1].
Izobraževalna dejavnost Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice ima
NUK je torej nacionalna knjižnica Republike Slovenije in je
pomemben vpliv na knjižnični sistem v Sloveniji. V trenutku, ko
hkrati univerzitetna knjižnica za Univerzo v Ljubljani ter
je bila razglašena epidemija, je bilo potrebno izobraževanje
osrednja državna knjižnica. Izvaja knjižnično dejavnost v okviru
prilagoditi novim razmeram. Izobraževanje na daljavo je bilo
javne službe in skrbi za dediščino ter sodeluje v nacionalnem
uspešno izpeljano s pomočjo spletnih orodji ter spletnih učilnic,
vzajemnem bibliografskem sistemu in opravlja tudi druge
kar je pomenilo, da je tehnološki napredek in integracija
dejavnosti [2]. Med temi nalogami je tudi izobraževalna
informacijske tehnologije v izobraževanje prinesla učinkovite
dejavnost, ki jo organizira ter izvaja oddelek za izobraževanje,
rešitve, ki smo jih aplicirali ter se prilagodili delu med epidemijo
razvoj in svetovanje in sicer za knjižničarje, založnike in
in zagotovili nemoteno izvajanje izobraževanj. V luči
uporabnike knjižnic. Izobraževanje je tako rekoč nepogrešljiv
spremenjenih razmer dela in izobraževanja na daljavo so spletne
sestavni del razvoja vsakega knjižničarja in knjižnice, zato tej
učilnice s svojo funkcionalnostjo zadostile potrebam.
dejavnosti NUK posveča precej pozornosti.
O izobraževalni dejavnosti več v nadaljevanju. mejite na
največ šest strani.
Ozobraževanje, spletne učilnice, epidemija, knjižničarji
The educational activities of the National Library of Slovenia has
a significant impact on the library system in Slovenia. When the
Če povzamem besedilo Etičnega kodeksa slovenskih
epidemic was declared, educational activities had to be adapted
knjižničarjev, mora vsak knjižničar nenehno izpopolnjevati svoje
to the new situation. Distance education was successfully
strokovno znanje in ustvarjalno prispevati k razvoju
implemented using online tools and online classrooms, which
knjižničarske stroke in njene dejavnosti [3]. Zato NUK vsako
meant that technological advances and the integration of
leto ponuja in izvaja strokovno spopolnjevanje ter permanentno
information technology provided effective solutions that were
izobraževanje knjižničarjev. Izvaja tudi bibliotekarske strokovne
applied and adapted to work during the epidemic and ensured the
izpite ter postopke priznavanja strokovnih nazivov za knjižnično
smooth transfer of education. In the light of the changed situation
dejavnost. Informacije o izobraževalnih programih ponuja v
of work and distance education, online classrooms have met the
katalogu z naslovom Program izobraževanja , ki ga vsako leto
needs with their functionality.
prenovi in dopolni z novostmi [4].
NUK organizira in izvaja različne oblike izobraževanj za
knjižničarje, založnike in usposabljanja za uporabnike knjižnic
Education, online classrooms, epidemic, librarians
[5]. Izobraževalni program se izvaja v računalniški učilnici NUK
(Turjaška ulica 1) ter v učilnici na Leskoškovi cesti 12. Število
udeležencev na posameznem tečaju je omejeno s prostorskimi
zmožnostmi in dodatno opremo, ki je potrebna za posamezno
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (NUK) je nacionalna
izvedbo tečaja (računalniška oprema, knjižnično gradivo …).
knjižnica Republike Slovenije, katere temeljno poslanstvo je
Izobraževalne vsebine so namenjene knjižničarjem začetnikom,
zbiranje in varovanje ter zagotavljanje uporabe nacionalne zbirke
knjižničarjem, ki želijo izpopolniti svoje znanje ter tistim, ki se
knjižničnega gradiva, strokovna podpora knjižnicam pri
želijo usposobiti za delo v sistemu vzajemne katalogizacije.
izvajanju javne službe in nacionalnemu bibliografskemu sistemu
Tečaje in delavnice se organizira tudi za tiste, ki niso zaposleni v
ter vključevanje v mednarodne knjižnične povezave.
knjižnici, a bi se želeli seznaniti z izobraževalnimi vsebinami.
Knjižnica v skladu z zakonom o knjižničarstvu na podlagi
V letu 2020 pa je v ustaljene tirnice izvajanja izobraževanj
posebne pogodbe med knjižnico in Univerzo v Ljubljani, v
nenadoma posegla epidemija, saj je bila 13. marca 2020, na
soglasju z ustanoviteljem, opravlja tudi funkcijo univerzitetne
območju Republike Slovenije, razglašena epidemija nalezljive
knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani. Knjižnica na podlagi predpisov
bolezni COVID-19. Življenje se je v trenutku spremenilo in med
o varstvu kulturne dediščine skrbi za Plečnikovo in drugo
drugim so tudi knjižnice zaprla svoja vrata. S tem so odpadla
oziroma so bila, za nedoločen čas, prestavljena vsa
udeleženci si lahko sami izberejo čas in hitrost učenja (ko gre za
izobraževanja, ki jih NUK izvaja za knjižničarje, založnike in
vnaprej pripravljeno usposabljanje ali del tega).
uporabnike. Več o izobraževanju med epidemijo v nadaljevanju.
Ker sem že imel pripravljene vsebine in cilje
posameznih izobraževanj ter gradiva predavateljev, sem s
pomočjo sodobne informacijska in komunikacijske opreme
uporabil nove oblike ter načine posredovanja in usvajanja znanja
[11]. Začel sem s pripravami različnih spletnih učilnic, ki sem jih
13. marca 2020 se je zaradi epidemije nalezljive bolezni COVID-
razvrstil po kategorijah (permanentno izobraževanje,
19 vse spremenilo, izobraževalne ustanove so zaprla svoja vrata,
izobraževanje za začetnike v stroki, Izobraževanje za vzajemno
zaposleni so prešli na delo od doma, država se je tako rekoč
katalogizacijo ter izobraževanje za uporabnike). Vsak tečaj, ki se
zaprla. Ob tem je bilo potrebno analizirati stanje ter premisliti
je do nedavnega izvajal v živo v prostorih knjižnice, je dobil svoj
dostopnost izobraževalne dejavnosti NUK in novih oblikah
virtualni prostor. Med predmete učilnice Izobraževanja za
izobraževanja. Upoštevati je bilo potrebno navodila ter
knjižničarje sem uvrstil Modul 1: Knjižnično gradivo in
razmišljati o prilagajanju dejavnosti veljavnim ukrepom za
knjižnice in Modul 2: Osnove varovanja in zaščite knjižničnega
preprečevanje širjenja bolezni COVID-19. Glede na takrat
gradiva, Tečaj za pripravo na splošni del bibliotekarskega izpita
veljavne ukrepe je bilo potrebno vzpostaviti sistem e-
ter tečaje za vzajemno katalogizacijo (vsako izobraževanje je
izobraževanja, a vzpostavitev sistema e-izobraževanja v
imelo svojo učilnico). Med učilnice Izobraževanje za uporabnike
katerikoli instituciji je kompleksna naloga [6]. Izobraževanja se
pa sem uvrstil učilnice Uporaba informacijskih servisov z e-
niso smela več izvajati fizično v prostorih NUK-a temveč jih je
članki in e-knjigami, E-informacijski viri za pomoč pri študiju in
bilo potrebno preseliti v spletno okolje oziroma na daljavo.
raziskovalnemu delu in Iskanje znanstvene literature s pomočjo
Izobraževanje na daljavo navadno pomeni namerno, smotrno,
portala mEga iskalnik NUK v Akademski digitalni zbirki
načrtovano in organizirano izobraževanje [7]. S tem se ni
(COBISS+). Med tematske učilnice pa so bile nameščene
spremenil le način dela temveč tudi način poučevanja oziroma
učilnice, ki so povezane z določeno tematiko, kot denimo
podajanja novih znanj in vsi deležniki so se morali prilagoditi
Knjižničarske novice (oddaja prispevkov, komunikacija z
novim razmeram. Najhitreje je bilo mogoče nemoteno
avtorji, navodila avtorjem za navajanje literature in podobno).
izobraževanja ponuditi in izvajati s pomočjo spletne platforme
Poskrbljeno je bilo tudi za dodatno gradivo, ki je bilo nameščeno
ZOOM (ZOOM je spletna platforma za avdio in video
v posebni kategoriji, do katere so lahko dostopali udeleženci
komunikacijo, ki se uporablja za organiziranje sestankov,
izobraževanj (pri spletnih učilnicah sem, glede na potrebe,
izobraževanj, delavnic in drugih oblik sodelovanja) in Microsoft
nastavil različne možnosti prijave - AAI račun, dostop gosta in
Teams (platforma v sklopu izdelkov Microsoft 365 za
prosto dostopno). Na sliki 1 je prikaz osnovnega vpogleda v
komunikacijo), a hkrati je bilo potrebno pripraviti tudi spletne
kategorije in predmete spletnih učilnic NUK.
učilnice [8]. Glede na letni načrt izobraževanj je bilo potrebno
načrtovati in pripraviti več spletnih učilnic. Zaradi nepoznavanja
področja upravljanja spletnih učilnic, sem se najprej udeležil
izobraževanj za izdelavo in delo v spletnih učilnicah. Najboljša
možnost za pridobitev novih znanj s tega področja je bil Zavod
Arnes , kot nacionalni servisni center za področje izobraževanja,
raziskovanja in kulture, ki nudi vrsto storitev in sodobnih
spletnih rešitev [9].
Ker sem se pri svojem delu do sedaj večkrat srečeval z
različnimi novostmi, spremembami in uvajanjem informacijskih
tehnologij, sem ravno tako sprejel izziv z možnostjo izdelave
spletnih učilnic.
Slika 1: Vpogled v kategorije in predmete spletnih učilnic
Kratica LMS (Learning Management System) predstavlja
Za vse učilnice sem uporabil sodobno in poenoteno
spletno učno okolje, ki je mesto, kjer se v virtualnem okolju
obliko ploščic (format predmeta - pregledno, uporabno,
povezujejo vsi deležniki ter učne vsebine. Spletne učilnice so
sledljivo). Znotraj vsake učilnice sem uredil poglavja (glede na
uporabna podpora izvajanju učnega procesa oziroma
vsebine in cilje posameznega izobraževanja ali tečaja). Z
izobraževanja in torej niso le skladišče gradiv, ampak tudi
uporabo različnih dejavnosti, aktivnosti ali virov pa sem dodal
prostor komunikacije, sodelovanja, oddaje nalog, vrednotenja in
ter izdelal posamezne interaktivne naloge, interaktivne
ocenjevanja. Spletna učilnica Moodle je torej stičišče, kjer
prosojnice kot tudi videoposnetke. V veliko pomoč je bil vtičnik
poteka aktivno učenje [10]. Spletne učilnice imajo veliko
H5P (omogočal je, da sem na enostaven način dodajal aktivne
prednosti: ni prostorske omejitve (fizični prostor - mize, stoli),
vsebine - interaktivni videoposnetek, predavanja v obliki
učenje je lahko veliko bolj interaktivno in multimedijsko,
predstavitev ter kvize z različnimi tipi vprašanj, s katerimi so
udeleženci obnovili pridobljeno znanje). Z uporabo različnih
dejavnosti in interaktivnosti je bilo poskrbljeno, da je bilo e-
izobraževanje pripravljeno zanimivo, privlačno ter predvsem
uporabno. Naslednja slika prikazuje vpogled v učilnico, ki je
namenjena udeleženem, ki spremljajo izobraževanje.
Slika 2: Vpogled v učilnico pred začetkom pregledovanja,
spremljanja in reševanja nalog. Vsak udeleženec je lahko
sam spremljal svoj napredek, kar se mu je v vsakem
Slika 4: Zaslonska slika pripravljenega interaktivnega
poglavju izpisovalo v odstotkih.
videoposnetka predavanj, kjer so udeleženci sodelovali (na
vsaki drsnici, kjer je viden krog, je bila pripravljena
Na naslednji sliki (3) je viden pogled v učilnico modula 1, kjer
dodatna interaktivna vsebina).
so za udeležence (skladno s cilji izobraževanja) pripravljeni
posamezni sklopi oziroma teme tečaja.
Poleg vseh uporabnih virov, dejavnosti in funkcij je bil uporaben
tudi forum, kjer je potekala komunikacija med udeleženci
(postavljanje vprašanja, odgovorov ter nasvetov v povezavi z
delom, vsebinami). Udeleženci so pridobili in nadgradili
sposobnosti sodelovanja, komuniciranja, reševanja in uporabe
spletne učilnice ter krepili posamezne stopnje digitalnih
kompetenc (digitalne kompetence segajo na področje
informacijske pismenosti, komuniciranje in sodelovanje,
izdelovanje digitalnih vsebin, varnost in reševanje problemov)
V prispevku sem predstavil izobraževalno dejavnost NUK ter
kako je v izvajanje izobraževanj posegla epidemija in s tem
spodbudila prilagoditve in vpeljavo spletnega izobraževanja.
Izvajati se je začelo izobraževanje na daljavo s pomočjo ZOOM,
Microsoft Teams ter spletnih učilnic. V poučevanje na daljavo
smo tako rekoč stopili čez noč, saj so se z razglasitvijo epidemije
ustavili vsi izobraževalni procesi, zaposleni so opravljali delo od
doma, zaprle so se šole in knjižnice. Ob novi situaciji je bilo
potrebno prilagoditi tudi izobraževanje za knjižničarje, založnike
in uporabnike, ki ga izvaja NUK.
Nova realnost je imela tudi velik vpliv na prilagoditve
in nove pristope pri izobraževanju v NUK. Tehnološki napredek
Slika 3: Vpogled v učilnico modula 1: knjižnice in knjižnični
in integracija informacijske tehnologije v izobraževanje je
sistemi, kjer so pripravljene naloge (vtičnik H5P z
prinesla učinkovite rešitve, ki smo jih aplicirali ter se prilagodili
interaktivnimi vsebinami) po sklopih oziroma temah tečaja.
delu med epidemijo in zagotovili nemoteno izvajanje
izobraževanj. Torej so spletne učilnice s svojo funkcionalnostjo,
Na naslednji sliki je prikaz začetka interaktivnega videoposnetka
v določenem časovnem obdobju, opravile želene funkcije v
(del tečaja za začetnike, modul 1: knjižnice in knjižnični sistemi),
zahtevanih okvirjih (spletne učilnice so postregle z različnimi
kjer so udeleženci spremljali vsebino o šolskih knjižnicah ter
možnostmi in sodobnimi načini priprave e-izobraževanja, e-
aktivno sodelovali s povratnimi informacijami.
gradiv in komunikacije, kar je omogočilo izobraževanje na
daljavo za vse deležnike). Ob tem je pomembno tudi dejstvo, da
uporaba in delo s spletnimi učilnicami vpliva na razvijanje in
krepitev ključnih kompetenc, ki so potrebne za uspešno
[4] Škrlj, G. 2006. Management kadrovskih virov v knjižnici: izobraževanje
delovanje v današnji informacijski družbi.
in usposabljanje kadrov v visokošolskih knjižnicah Univerze v Ljubljani.
G. Škrlj, Ljubljana
Če torej povzamem, je spletna učilnica odprla nove
[5] Uredba o osnovnih storitvah knjižnic. Dostopno na naslovu:
možnosti za povezovanje ter izobraževanje in vpeljavo novih
http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=URED2851 (9. 8. 2021)
[6] Majerle, R. 2016. Razvoj sistema e-izobraževanja v Mestni knjižnici
učnih strategij, kjer se neposredno razvijajo določene
Ljubljana. R. Majerle, Kranj
kompetence. Poleg tega pa je učenje ter delo s sodobno
[7] Pečnik, T. 2005. E-izobraževanje kot alternativna oblika izobraževanja
informacijsko komunikacijsko tehnologijo, ob ustrezno
zaposlenih. T. Pečnik, Ljubljana
[8] Uporaba aplikacije ZOOM. Dostopno na naslovu: https://www.nuk.uni-
pripravljenimi in izbranimi viri ter dejavnostmi v spletni učilnici,
lj.si/sites/default/files/dokumenti/2020/ZOOM.pdf (9. 8. 2021) vsekakor pomemben prispevek k večji dostopnosti učnih vsebin.
[9] Jauk, A. 2014. Kaj mi pri e‐učenju nudi Arnes. V E‐izobraževanje: izzivi
za visokošolske knjižnice: zbornik izvlečkov. Dostopno na naslovu:
ceb4-4912-829f-d85ee1540736/PDF (9. 8. 2021)
[10] Inovativna učna okolja podprta z IKT - LMS Moodle. Dostopno na
[1] Naloge, vizija, poslanstvo in vrednote NUK. Dostopno na naslovu:
naslovu: https://www.inovativna-sola.si/lms-moodle/ (9. 8. 2021)
https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/nuk/poslanstvo# (9. 8. 2021)
[11] E‐izobraževanje: izzivi za visokošolske knjižnice. Dostopno na naslovu:
[2] Zakon
http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO2442 (9. 8. 2021) ceb4-4912-829f-d85ee1540736/PDF (9. 8. 2021)
[3] Etični kodeks slovenskih knjižničarjev. 1995. Dostopno na:
[12] Carretero, S., Vuorikari, R., Punie, Y. 2017. Okvir digitalnih kompetenc
http://www.zbds-zveza.si/?q=node3/20 (9. 8. 2021)
za državljane: osem ravni doseganja kompetenc in primeri rabe:
DigComp 2.1. Dostopno na naslovu: https://www.zrss.si/pdf/digcomp-2-
1-okvir-digitalnih-kompetenc.pdf (9. 8. 2021) 600
Primerjava pouka angleščine
od 1. do 5. razreda na daljavo
Comparison of English lessons from 1st to 5th grade in distance learning
Patricija Urankar
Osnovna šola Toma Brejca
Šutna 39, 1241 Kamnik, Slovenija
boljše rezultate, učni proces je lahko bolj dinamičen in za učence
bolj zanimiv [1].
Pouk na daljavo v vsakem izobraževalnem obdobju poteka
»Premislek o ustrezni didaktični uporabi IKT je za učitelja
drugače. Z vidika tujega jezika je zelo zanimivo spremljanje
in pouk ključen, saj učitelju pomaga pri odločanju, kdaj, kako in
podobnosti in razlik v pristopih in uporabi interaktivnih orodij za
zakaj ga vključiti v pouk. Zahteva poznavanje pristopov za
učence različnih starostnih skupin. Kot učitelji se moramo
ustrezno uporabo IKT v izobraževalnem procesu ter znanja za
zavedati, katere oblike in pristopi (tudi orodja) so primerni za
pripravo didaktično ustreznih učnih gradiv in za ustrezen način
katero starost ter v kolikšni meri so učenci samostojni. V
vključevanja v pouk.« Tako ima učitelj pri vključevanju IKT v
prispevku bom obravnavala uporabljena orodja v posameznem
pouk izjemno pomembno vlogo. Učitelj namreč »opredeli
razredu (1. – 5. razred) ter povzela kako smo preko le teh zbirali
didaktični pristop in izbira tehnologijo za uporabo pri pouku.«
dokaze o učenju ter na kakšen način in kako ustrezno je bila
podana povratna informacija učencem.
Pri pouku tujega jezika so najbolj pogosta orodja za učenje
besedišča. Ta morajo omogočati, da učenci »hitro opazijo ciljno
besedišče, nuditi morajo razlago ciljnega besedišča, ter vsebovati
Pouk na daljavo, angleščina, interaktivni materiali, povratna
raznovrstne vaje in naloge, s katerimi učenci spoznajo vse vidike
razumevanja besed.« Učenci morajo videti svoje napake pri rabi
besedišča in jih odpraviti. Naloge morajo omogočati tudi
možnosti za ponavljanje in utrjevanje novega besedišča.
Distance learning takes place differently in each educational
Nekatere raziskave potrjujejo pozitiven vpliv uporabe IKT orodij
period. From the point of view of a foreign language, it is very
za učenje tujega jezika. Poročajo predvsem o izboljšanju
interesting to monitor the similarities and differences in
motivacije za učenje. Predvsem v 1. in 2. razredu je motivacija
approaches and the use of interactive tools for students of
za učenje tujega jezika zelo pomembna. Raziskava pravi, da se
different age groups. As teachers, we need to be aware of which
pri uporabi tabličnega računalnika ali računalnika (pri pouku ali
forms, and approaches (including tools) are appropriate for
doma) za reševanje poučnih nalog v angleščini, dvigne
which age and to what extent students are independent. In this
motivacija učencev in se na tak način raje učijo angleščino [1].
article, I will discuss the tools used in each class (1st - 5th grade)
and summarize how we collected evidence of learning through
them and in what way and how appropriate feedback was given
to students.
V različnih razredih smo za potek pouka uporabili različna
orodja, prilagojena starosti in ciljem pouka. V učnih načrtih za
Distance learning, English, interactive materials, feedback
tuje jezike je zapisano, da je »Vključevanje informacijske in
komunikacijske tehnologije v pouk/…/smiselno le, če ta prispeva
k lažjemu razumevanju učnih vsebin, ohranjanju motivacije za
učenje in izboljšanju učnih rezultatov.« Prav tako je poudarjeno,
Pouk na daljavo nam lahko, poleg težav, predstavlja tudi nov
naj učitelj razmisli o prednostih IKT ter izbere ustrezno učno in
izziv. Uporaba IKT nam lahko omogoča vključevanje
programsko okolje [2].
interaktivnosti, vizualizacije, posredovanje povratnih informacij,
V spodnji tabeli so, glede na namen, zapisana vsa orodja,
ocenjevanje znanja, sodelovalno delo in še marsikaj drugega.
ki smo jih uporabili pri pouku na daljavo od 1. do 5. razreda.
»IKT vpliva na način, kako učenci, dijaki in študenti pridobivajo
znanje, na izvajanje pedagoškega procesa ter delovno in učno
okolje učitelja.« Uporaba IKT lahko omogoča bolj kakovostno
vzgojno-izobraževalno delo, in večji učinek učenja, hkrati pa
lahko poveča tudi sodelovanje med učenci. Z uporabo IKT (tako
pri rednem pouku kot pri pouku na daljavo) lahko dosegamo
Tabela 1: Namen in uporabljena orodja IKT pri pouku na
Pouk na daljavo smo izvedli preko naslednjih orodij:
Genially [6] (Učenci so s klikom na prejeto povezavo
sledili posnetim navodilom. Med stranmi so se premikali
Orodja IKT
s puščicami. Vse spodaj navedene aplikacije so bile del
Organizacija učnega procesa e-pošta, Xooltime, ZOOM
te povezave. Aplikacija omogoča snemanje zvoka
Predstavitev vsebine
Word, Genially, PPT,
učitelja, izdelavo preprostih kvizov in še marsikaj
ZOOM, Youtube, Quizlet,
Youtube [3] (Učenci so poslušali angleške pesmi in
Objavljanje gradiv
e-pošta, Xooltime
navodila učitelja: ponavljanje besed, preprostih povedi).
Skupinsko delo
Xooltime, ZOOM, Padlet
Liveworksheets [7] (Učenci so reševali pripravljene
Sporočanje in oddaja
naloge na interaktivnih učnih listih, kjer so povezovali
Sprotno preverjanje znanja
sličice z izgovorjenimi besedami in pridobili direktno
povratno informacijo).
Bookwidgets, Xooltime
Tudi v 2. razredu mora biti pri pouku tujega jezika v
ospredju učenčeva kratkotrajna pozornost. Izmenjavaje krajših
aktivnosti smo kombinirali s konkretnim materialom (slike).
2.1 1. razred
Učenci naj bi izkusili, razumeli in uporabljali jezik v medsebojni
komunikaciji. Zadnje je bilo v času pouka na daljavo nemogoče,
V 1. razredu se učenci z angleščino spoznajo v sklopu
saj z drugošolci nismo imeli organiziranega pouka preko
neobveznega izbirnega predmeta (NIP). Pouk angleščine je na
videokonference. Tako kot v 1. razredu, je bila tudi tu otežena
urniku dve uri tedensko. V času pouka na daljavo so učenci (in
individualizacija in diferenciacija [8].
njihovi starši) navodila za delo prejemali enkrat tedensko.
Komunikacija je potekala preko e-pošte.
2.3 3. razred
Učenci v 1. razredu še ne morejo samostojno slediti
navodilom za pouk, zato je bila velika teža pouka na daljavo
V 3. razredu imajo učenci na urniku dve uri tedensko. V času
predvsem na starših. Učitelji smo se trudili, da bi bil proces
pouka na daljavo so učenci eno uro opravili samostojno, po
pouka za starše čim manj obremenjujoč, za učence pa čim bolj
pripravljenih navodilih, drugo uro pa smo se z učenci videli
zanimiv in podoben tistemu v šoli. Pri pouku angleščine v šoli
preko videokonference.
gre namreč za proces učenja preko igre, kar je na daljavo težko
Učenci v 3. razredu so že razmeroma samostojni, prav tako
pa smo se od septembra pripravljali na pouk na daljavo in s tem
Pouk na daljavo smo izvedli preko naslednjih orodij:
tudi na uporabo spletne učilnice. Tako so učenci lahko bolj ali
Youtube [3] (Učenci so poslušali različne
manj samostojno opravljali svoje naloge.
videoposnetke. Ob angleških pesmih so se gibali in
Pouk na daljavo smo izvedli preko naslednjih orodij:
utrjevali besede, ob posnetkih učiteljic so ponavljali ali
Xooltime [9] (Učenci so s klikom na predmet TJA (tuji
usvajali novo besedišče, občasno pa po navodilih kaj
jezik angleščina) prišli do sprotnih navodil in nalog. V
narisali ali pobarvali v zvezku).
spletno učilnico so oddajali fotografije opravljenih
Educaplay [4] (Učenci so se preizkusili v preprostih
igrah spomina, kjer so sličice povezali z izgovorjeno
Liveworksheets [7] (Učenci so reševali različne učne
liste za ponovitev in dobili direktno povratno
Pomembno je, da pri poučevanju tujega jezika v 1. razredu
informacijo. Učitelju so rešene naloge tudi posredovali
ohranjamo motivacijo, interes in veselje do učenja tujega jezika.
da smo se naslednjo uro, ki je potekala v živo, o nalogah
Pri izbiri vsebin, učnih metod in pristopov smo bili pozorni na
in težavah pogovorili).
učenčevo kratkotrajno pozornost in da so bili materiali privlačni,
Zoom [10] (Preko spletne učilnice so učenci dobili
uporabni in zabavni. Tako kot pri pouku v šoli smo tudi tu pouk
povezavo na videokonferenco. Enkrat tedensko smo
organizirali z uporabo vizualnih podpor (fotografije) in glasbe
pregledali opravljeno delo, se pogovorili o težavah, ki so
(pesmi, izštevanke, gibalne pesmi). Pri pouku na daljavo je
jih imeli, ponovili in utrjevali. Predelali smo novo snov
bistveno manj možnosti za individualizacijo in diferenciacijo, s
ter poskrbeli da je bilo med videokonferencami vedno
tem pa se izgubi tudi nadzor nad posamezniki s težavami saj jim,
prisotno tudi gibanje).
brez direktnega vpogleda v njihovo delo, zelo težko prilagodimo
Quizlet [11] (Učenci so s pomočjo aplikacije ponavljali
vsebine, metode in oblike dela [5].
in utrjevali besedišče).
2.2 2. razred
2.4 4. razred
V 2. razredu imajo učenci na urniku dve uri pouka angleščine na
V 4. razredu sta na urniku dve uri tedensko. Tudi v času pouka
teden. Navodila za delo smo jim, tako kot v prvem razredu,
na daljavo so bili učenci aktivni dve šolski uri na teden. Prvo uro
posredovali preko e-pošte.
smo skupaj spoznavali novo snov, drugo uro pa so samostojno
Ker so učenci v 2. razredu že nekoliko bolj samostojni
ali v manjših skupinah utrjevali znanje (s pomočjo učbenika in
(znajo brati navodila), smo se odločili za nekoliko drugačen
DZ ter drugih orodij). Prva ura v tednu je v celoti potekala preko
pristop, saj smo želeli (vsaj nekaterim) učencem omogočiti, da v
videokonference, k drugi uri pa so se učenci priključili po
čim večji meri pouku na daljavo sledijo samostojno, brez nujne
pomoči s strani staršev.
Učenci v četrtem razredu so bili že zelo samostojni.
Komunikacija z njimi je prav tako v celoti potekala preko spletne
Primerjava pouka angleščine na daljavo
učilnice Xooltime.
od 1. do 5. razreda
Pouk na daljavo smo izvedli preko naslednjih orodij:
Xooltime [9] (Učenci so samostojno spremljali navodila
in obvestila. Prav tako so v sklopu spletne učilnice
reševali preproste kvize in oddajali opravljene naloge).
Učbeniška e-gradiva (My Sails 1) [12] (Učenci so s
1. razred 2. razred 3. razred 4. razred 5. razred
pomočjo e-gradiv poslušali posnetke besedil iz
Ure ZOOM-a tedensko
Število uporabljenih orodij
Bookwidgets [13] (Učenci so imeli (v sklopu učbeniških
Pričakovana samostojnost
e-gradiv) dostop do dodatnih nalog in testov. Reševali so
Slika 1: Kako je potekal pouk
različne interaktivne naloge za ponovitev in utrjevanje,
test ob koncu vsake predelane enote pa so poslali
učitelju, ki je podal povratno informacijo).
Zoom [10] (Z učenci smo prvo uro predelali novo snov.
Učni načrt za vsako obdobje posebej priporoča katera IKT
Način dela smo poskušali čimbolj približati situaciji v
znanja naj bi dosegli učenci. Poleg pridobivanja znanja in
šoli. Z učenci smo uporabljali »sobe« za delo po
doseganja ciljev tujega jezika so učenci v času pouka na daljavo
skupinah. Druga učna ura je bila namenjena
usvojili tudi nekaj teh znanj.
samostojnemu delu. Učenci, ki so želeli, so se na začetku
ure priključili videokonferenci. Razdelili so se v »sobe«
in si med seboj pomagali, v primeru vprašanj pa so se
3.1 Neobvezni izbirni predmet v 1. razredu
obrnili na učitelja).
Učni načrt za NIP v 1. razredu priporoča učenje varne uporabe
V učnem načrtu za angleščino je zapisano, da je
informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, prav tako pa
»Pozornost treba posvečati govornim zmožnostim in
spoznavanje medijev za učenje in sprostitev [5]. Menim, da smo
dejavnostim…«, zato je bilo zelo pomembno, da smo v 4. (in tudi
učencem ponudili dostop do aplikacij, ki omogočajo oboje
v 5. razredu) v času pouka na daljavo vključili več
(Youtube, Educaplay).
videokonferenc. Tako so učenci lahko sodelovali v pogovoru in
S pomočjo aplikacije Youtube smo poskrbeli za to, da smo
razvijali svoje komunikacijske strategije [2].
učenem prikazali avtentične videoposnetke ter spodbujali
besedno in glasovno ustvarjalnost [5].
2.5 5. razred
V 5. razredu imajo učenci na urniku tri ure tedensko, na
3.2 Tuji jezik v 2. in 3. razredu
daljavo pa smo se z učenci preko videokonference srečevali
V 2. in 3. razredu naj bi učenci iskali in zbirali podatke,
dvakrat tedensko.
komunicirali in sodelovali na daljavo v okviru jezikovne
Učenci so bili že popolnoma samostojni. Komunikacija z
zmožnosti ter se naučili varne rabe ter upoštevanja pravnih in
njimi je v celoti potekala preko spletne učilnice Xooltime.
etičnih načel uporabe IKT [8]. Zaradi načina dela, ki smo ga
Pouk na daljavo smo izvedli preko naslednjih orodij:
izbrali, so zgornje zmožnosti v večini razvijali le učenci 3.
Xooltime [9] (Učenci so poleg spremljanja obvestil v
razreda, saj so bili učenci 2. razreda v veliki meri odvisni od
spletno učilnico oddajali opravljene naloge, reševali
pomoči staršev.
preproste kvize in vprašalnike, ustvarjali pa so tudi
S pomočjo spletnih storitev za komuniciranje (ZOOM, 3.
zapiske za posamezne učne ure in spremljali sprotno
razred) smo spodbujali zmožnost sporazumevanja v tujem
povratno informacijo učitelja na oddane naloge.)
jeziku. Razvijali smo medkulturne zmožnosti (spoznavanje
LearningApps [14] (Učenci so aplikacijo uporabljali kot
kulture, običajev, navad s pomočjo videoposnetkov, 2. in 3.
dodatne naloge za utrjevanje besedišča).
razred) in objavljane izdelkov učencev (Xooltime, 3. razred) [8].
Quizlet [11] (Aplikacijo so uporabljali za utrjevanje
3.3 Angleščina (4. in 5. razred)
Padlet [15] (Učenci so se naučili samostojno objaviti
Učenci 4. in 5. razreda so zmožnost uporabe IKT-ja razvijali s
besedilo, ki ga je učiteljica pregledala, popravila in
komunikacijo v angleščini (komentarji v spletnem okolju
poslala povratno informacijo).
Xooltime, ZOOM), pridobivali so gradivo o različnih temah,
Zoom [10] (Z učenci smo preko orodja uporabljali
obravnavanim pri pouku (Xooltime), objavljali so svoje izdelke
»sobe« za delo po skupinah in kratke ankete. S pomočjo
(Xooltime, oddaja nalog, izdelava zapiskov, Padlet), svoje
učbenika in delovnega zvezka smo predelali novo snov).
izdelke so predstavili (nekateri učenci so za svoje predstavitve
uporabili PowerPoint, posneli so glas ali ustvarili videoposnetek)
S pomočjo slike 1 vidimo, kako je potekal pouk (ure
ZOOM-a tedensko), število uporabljenih različnih orodij (v 1.
razredu najmanj, v 5. razredu največ) in pričakovano
samostojnost (glede na izbiro in število uporabljenih orodij).
videokonference (tudi za izdelke, ki so jih oddajali v spletno
Tudi v 4. in 5. razredu je bila situacija podobna tisti v 3.
razredu. Dokaze o učenju smo učitelji lahko, poleg oddaje
»Zbiranje dokazov omogoča učitelju vpogled v razumevanje in
izdelkov, spremljali preko videokonference. S tem smo dobili
učenje učencev.« Ker pouk poteka na različne načine, so tudi
veliko več raznovrstnih dokazov o učenju. Glede na to je bila tudi
pridobljeni dokazi o učenju različni. Razdelimo jih lahko v tri
povratna informacija bistveno pogostejša (in seveda takojšnja).
V danem trenutku je bila povratna informacija o sprotnem delu
dokazi, ki izhajajo iz pogovorov med poukom
in opravljanju nalog konkretna in v tistem trenutku za učence
dokazi, ki izhajajo iz opazovanj
uporabna. Pomanjkljivosti so se učenci zavedali takoj in jih lahko
izdelki kot dokazi [16]
ustrezno odpravili. Povratna informacija je bila učencem podana
V šoli in pri pouku na daljavo je za uspešno učenje zelo
na različne načine: preko videokonference, s pomočjo kvizov,
pomembna tudi povratna informacija. Povratna informacija
kjer so učenci sami opazili svoje napake, preko komentarjev in
učencu pove:
vrednotenja v spletni učilnici in preko zapisov učitelja ob
do katere stopnje znanja je prišel
zaključku posameznih enot.
spodbudi ga k iskanju pomanjkljivosti
ponudi mu možnost in pot za odpravljanje
Kot učitelji moramo biti pozorni na to, kako povratno
informacijo oblikujemo. Povratna informacija mora biti:
5.1 Pregled uporabljenih orodij v posameznih
pravočasna in primerno pogosta
razumljiva, jasna
konkretna, specifična in uporabna
Delo v vsakem razredu je bilo drugačno. Že s pogledom na to,
usmerjena v izboljšanje dosežka (izdelka) [16]
kako samostojni so lahko učenci v posameznem razredu je nujno
raznoliko delo. Menim, da je bila odločitev, da učencev 1. in 2.
razreda ne vključimo v spletno učilnico, pravilna. Učenci
4.1 1. in 2. razred
samostojno še ne znajo dostopati do nalog, staršem pa bi bilo
spoznavanje z okoljem spletne učilnice dodatno breme. Želela bi
V 1. razredu od učencev (in njihovih staršev) nismo zahtevali
si le, da bi bila, vsaj v 2. razredu, kakšna videokonferenca, saj je
dokazov o učenju. Pouk neobveznega izbirnega predmeta tudi v
na daljavo, brez stika težko ali skoraj nemogoče vedeti kako
šoli poteka preko igre, tako da bi dokaze o učenju najbolj
učenci napredujejo (sploh pri izgovorjavi).
zanesljivo zbirali z opazovanjem, kar pa je bilo na daljavo (z
V ostalih razredih so se kot zelo pomembne izkazale
izbranim načinom dela) nemogoče. Posledično do vrnitve v šolo
videokonference, saj je govor pri tujem jeziku zelo pomemben
učencem ni bila nujena nobena povratna informacija o njihovem
element. Učenci so prav tako lahko svoje dileme in težave
napredku. Povratna informacija torej ni bila pravočasna in
naslovili direktno na učiteljico. Od 3. razreda naprej so učenci po
primerno pogosta.
korakih uporabljali spletno okolje Xooltime. V vseh razredih so
V 2. razredu smo od učencev občasno zahtevali fotografije
bili učenci seznanjeni z delom v spletni učilnici še pred poukom
zapisov v zvezek (ilustracije, miselni vzorci…), saj smo menili,
na daljavo. Brez tega bi bilo delo zelo oteženo. Učenci v 3.
da bi z drugimi načini pridobivanja dokazov o učenju dodatno
razredu so spoznali le nekaj funkcij spletne učilnice, pri oddaji
obremenili tako starše kot učence. Dokaze smo torej zbirali s
nalog pa so jim bili v podporo starši. V 4. in 5. razredu so učenci
pomočjo izdelkov učencev. Povratna informacija ni bila nujena
spoznali več funkcij, ki jih ponuja spletna učilnica (v 4. razredu
direktno učencem, pač pa njihovih staršem (komunikacija je
so reševali preproste kvize in ankete, v 5. razredu pa so se
potekala preko e-pošte). V tem primeru je bila povratna
spoznali še z ustvarjanjem zapiskov). V vsakem razredu se je tudi
informacija s strani učitelja podana pravočasno (ne pa takoj po
povišajo število različnih uporabljenih orodij.
opravljenem delu) in primerno pogosto, usmerjena v izboljšanje
izdelka, staršem pa smo zaupali, da so te informacije predali tudi
5.2 Učni načrti za tuji jezik in IKT
svojim otrokom.
Učenci so v vsakem razredu spoznali nekaj orodij. V vsakem
4.2 3., 4. in 5. razred
razredu smo povečevali število spretnih orodij ter jih spodbujali
k uporabi le teh. Učenci 4. in 5. razreda niso več le spremljali
V 3. razredu smo od učencev zahtevali fotografije o opravljenem
pouka preko teh orodij, pač pa so se tudi sami preizkusili v
delu (zapis v zvezek, ilustracije, miselni vzorci…), prav tako pa
izdelavi predstavitev, samostojni oddaji in komunikaciji z
smo dokaze zbirali preko videokonferenc. Poleg zbiranja
učiteljem in podobno.
dokazov z izdelki smo torej dokaze zbirali tudi preko opazovanj
in preko pogovorov pri pouku. Pri tem bi poudarila, da je bilo
5.3 Dokazi o učenju in povratna informacija
zbiranje tovrstnih dokazov veliko težje kot pri pouku, saj v eni
šolski uri na vrsto niso prišli vsi učenci. Posledično v eni šolski
Izkazalo se je, da je bilo v 1. in 2. razredu bistveno premalo (ali
uri ni bilo mogoče podati konkretne in jasne povratne informacije
skoraj nič) zbiranja dokazov o učenju in podajanja kakovostnih
vsem učencem. Situacija pa je bila bistveno boljša kot v 1. in 2.
povratnih informacij. To nas je čakalo ob vrnitvi v šolo, ko pa
razredu. Učenci 3. razreda so povratno informacijo dobili takoj
povratna informacija (sploh pri mlajših učencih) ni več tako zelo
in so svoje napake lahko sproti popravili (npr. pri izgovorjavi).
uporabna. Sploh pri mlajših mora biti povratna informacija
Povratna informacija učenem je bila v 3. razredu podana preko
takojšnja in konkretna.
V 3., 4. in 5. razredu je bilo več možnosti za zbiranje
%20procesu%20za%20podro%C4%8Dje%20jeziki%20(1).pdf (8. 8.
dokazov (predvsem zaradi večje samostojnosti učencev in
[2] Učni načrt. Program osnovna šola. 2016. Angleščina. [E-knjiga].
videokonferenc). Povratna informacija je bila v vseh razredih
Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport: Zavod RS za šolstvo. Dostopno na
podana bistveno bolj kvalitetno, prav tako pa je bila podana na
različne načine. Učenci so bili v vsakem razredu bolj samostojni.
sola/Ucni-nacrti/obvezni/UN_anglescina.pdf (8. 8. 2021).
[3] Youtube. Dostopno na naslovu www.youtube.com (8. 8. 2021).
[4] Educaplay. Dostopno na naslovu www.educaplay.com (8. 8. 2021).
[5] Učni načrt. Program osnovna šola. 2013. Tuji jezik v 1. razredu.
Neobvezni izbirni predmet. [E-knjiga]. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo
Pomembno je, da se zavedamo, kako samostojni so učenci v
in šport: Zavod RS za šolstvo. Dostopno na naslovu
določenem razredu. Glede na to prilagajamo svoje didaktične
nacrti/izbirni/Neobvezni/TJ_prvi_razred_izbirni_neobvezni.pdf (8. 8.
pristope in ustrezno izbiramo različna orodja.
[6] Genially. Dostopno na naslovu https://genial.ly/ (8. 8. 2021).
Menim, da bi v zadostni meri tudi ob vrnitvi v šolo morali
[7] Liveworksheets. Dostopno na naslovu https://www.liveworksheets.com/
nadaljevati z uporabo IKT, saj s tem spodbujamo informacijsko
(8. 8. 2021).
pismenost učencev in jih dodatno motiviramo. Seveda pa morajo
[8] Učni načrt. Program osnovna šola. 2013. Tuji jezik v 2. in 3. razredu. [E-
knjiga]. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport: Zavod RS za šolstvo.
biti vse dejavnosti, tako na daljavo, kot v šoli, osmišljene in
Dostopno na naslovu
slediti ciljem ter namenom učenja.
nacrti/obvezni/UN_TJ_2._in_3._razred_OS.pdf (8. 8. 2021).
Pozabiti ne smemo niti na kvalitetno povratno informacijo,
[9] Xooltime. Dostopno na naslovu https://xooltime.com/ (8. 8. 2021).
kar se je, vsaj v nekaterih razredih, izkazalo kot problematično.
[10] Zoom. Dostopno na naslovu https://zoom.us/ (8. 8. 2021).
[11] Quizlet. Dostopno na naslovu https://quizlet.com/ (8. 8. 2021).
V prihodnje bi bilo potrebno konkretno razmisliti o drugačnem
[12] E-gradiva My Sails 1. Dostopno na naslovu http://e-
načinu dela z najmlajšimi učenci in pretehtati pomembnost
gradiva.com/dokumenti/MS1/index.html (8. 8. 2021).
takojšnje povratne informacije zanje.
[13] Bookwidgets. Dostopno na naslovu https://www.bookwidgets.com/ (8. 8.
[14] LearningApps. Dostopno na naslovu https://learningapps.org/ (8. 8. 2021).
[15] Padlet. Dostopno na naslovu https://padlet.com/ (8. 8. 2021).
[16] Holcar Brunauer, A., Bizjak, C., Cotič Pajntar, J. idr. 2017. Formativno
[1] Urbančič, M., Bevčič, M., Dagarin-Fojkar, M. idr. b.d. Strokovne podlage
spremljanje v podporo učenju. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo.
za didaktično uporabo IKT v izobraževalnem procesu za področje jezikov.
Dostopno na naslovu
Virtualna izvedba študije primera na Fakulteti za
organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru
Virtual implementation of a case study
at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences University of Maribor
Marko Urh
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Univerza v Mariboru
Kranj, Slovenija
Eva Jereb
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Univerza v Mariboru
Kranj, Slovenija
method has also changed. A case study is a method where high
school or college students are looking for solutions to a
Na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru se
challenge. The challenge is given by the company participating
uporablja izobraževalna metoda študija primera izvedbi
in the event. The challenges are most often in the field of
izobraževalnih dogodkov, ter pri nekaterih predavanjih in vajah
marketing, sales, work organization, informatics, tourism and
v pedagoškem procesu. Zaradi epidemije, ki se je začela v
others. At the beginning of the article, problem-based learning
mesecu marcu 2020, se je spremenila tudi izvedba dogodka
and the educational case study method are explained. The
študije primera. Študija primera je metoda, kjer udeleženci
article presents the positive elements and advantages of this
iščejo rešitve za nek izziv. Izziv poda podjetje ali organizacija,
method. In the continuation of the article, the organizational
ki sodeluje pri dogodku. Izzivi so najpogosteje s področja
steps necessary for the implementation of a virtual event are
marketinga, prodaje, organizacije dela, informatike, turizma in
explained. However, the requirements for performing a virtual
drugo. V začetku prispevka je pojasnjeno problemsko učenje in
event are different from a classic event. Experiences and
izobraževalna metoda študije primera. V prispevku so
proposals for the implementation of the virtual method of case
predstavljeni pozitivni elementi in prednosti omenjene metode.
study are presented. With this article, we want to help everyone
V nadaljevanju prispevka so pojasnjeni organizacijski koraki
who would like to use a case study in the educational process,
potrebni za izvedbo virtualnega dogodka. Zahteve za izvedbo
especially in organizing a virtual event.
virtualnega dogodka se razlikujejo od klasične dogodka študije
primera. Predstavljene so izkušnje in predlogi za izvedbo
virtualne metode študije primera. S prispevkom želimo
pomagati vsem, ki bi želeli uporabljati študijo primera v
E-learning, problem-based learning, case study, virtual event
izobraževalnem procesu, predvsem pri organizaciji virtualnega
Zasebno in poklicno življenje se je marca 2020 drastično
E-izobraževanje, problemsko učenje, študija primera, virtualni
spremenilo. V tem času je bila namreč v Sloveniji razglašena
epidemija nalezljive bolezni SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
Prizadeta pa ni bila le Slovenija, temveč praktično ves svet in
večina poklicnih področij. Izobraževanje pa je bilo eno izmed
The Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of
področij, kjer so posledice čutili prav vsi udeleženci.
Maribor uses the educational method of case studies at
Organizacija United Nations [1] navaja, da je po svetu kriza
educational events, as well as in some lectures and exercises in
prizadela 1,58 milijarde otrok in mladine (94 %) in to od
the pedagogical process. Due to the pandemic that started in
predšolskih otrok do študentov v visokošolskem izobraževanju
March 2020, the implementation of the educational case study
in to v 200 državah sveta. Evropska komisija [2] v svojem
poročilu ugotavlja, da 95 % anketirancev meni, da kriza pomeni
pozitivno spremembo pri rabi informacijske tehnologije v
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
izobraževanju. Poleg tega omenja, da pred krizo skoraj 60 %
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
anketirancev ni uporabljalo učenja preko spleta oz. na daljavo.
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
Poročilo Evropske komisije tudi omenja, da 60 % vprašanih
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
meni, da so zaradi povečane uporabe informacijske tehnologije
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
med krizo izboljšali svoje sposobnosti njene uporabe in da 50 %
vprašanih želi še nadgraditi svoje znanje s področja
informacijske tehnologije. Številne izobraževalne organizacije
Spodbujanje samostojnega učenje - to je pristop, ki je
so se zaradi posledic krize soočile s problemi kot so
osredotočen na študente. Učenje je bazirano na podlagi
pomanjkljiva informacijska infrastruktura, nezadostne povezave
podanega problem, ki študente spodbudi, da prevzamejo
do interneta, pomanjkljivo znanje računalništva in informatike
odgovornost za reševanje problema in s tem tudi za samostojno
učiteljev in profesorjev, slabo ali sploh nič implementirani
učenje. S tem so prisiljeni v raziskovanje in ustvarjalnost, hkrati
sistemi za podporo učenja (LMS), videokonferenčni sistemi,
pa razvijajo veščine, ki jim bodo koristile v odrasli dobi.
neustrezna delovna okolja in drugo.
Visoka stopnja angažiranosti - namesto pasivnega spremljanja
Na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru (FOV
predavanj, poslušanja in zapisovanja so študenti primorani biti
UM) smo se tako kot tudi večina izobraževalnih organizacij
aktivni. S tem je njihova stopnja učenja bolj intenzivna,
morali prilagoditi na spremenjene izobraževalne procese.
osredotočenost večja in bistveno več je kritičnega razmišljanja.
Omejitev stikov s študenti, ohranjanje varnostne razdalje, delo
Razvijanje uporabnih veščin - udeleženci takšnega načina
od doma, povečan obseg dela z informacijsko tehnologijo so
izobraževanja razvijajo veščine, ki so širše uporabne. Veščine
bili le nekateri izzivi. Za mnoge so bile spremembe zelo
niso omejene samo na šolsko okolje temveč je bistvo, da se jih
naporne in z delovnega stališča zahtevne. Spremenjeni so bili
uporabi v resničnih problemskih situacijah, katerih značilnosti
tudi drugi, že utečeni procesi in dogodki. Eden izmed
so skupinsko reševanje problemov, prevzemanje odgovornosti
dogodkov, ki se že vrsto let organizira in izvaja na FOV UM je
in drugo.
dogodek študija primera. Študija primera je ena izmed izpeljank
Krepitev notranje motivacije - rešitev težkih izobraževalnih
problemskega učenja, kjer imajo glavno vlogo študenti, ki s
skupinskih problemov daje veliko zadovoljstvo. S tem se veča
svojimi idejami rešujejo izziv, ki ga poda podjetje ali
samospoštovanje in osebno zadovoljstvo.
organizacija, ki sodeluje pri dogodku. Zaradi spremenjenih
Ekipno delo - problemske situacije so strukturirane tako, da so
okoliščin so se dogodki študije primera morali organizirati in
časovno in težavnostno prezahtevne za posameznika. S tem so
izvesti v virtualni obliki. Tako izvedeni dogodki so zahtevali
študenti prisiljeni v ekipno delo, kjer vsak prevzame določeno
širokopasovni dostop do svetovnega spleta, videokonferenčne
vlogo v ekipi. S tem se razvija sposobnost sodelovanja,
sisteme (MS Teams), ustrezno informacijsko podporo in drugo.
komuniciranja, poslušanja, delanja kompromisov, pogajanja in
Zaradi lažjega razumevanja celotnega prispevka pa so v
nadaljevanju predstavljena področja problemskega učenja,
Na Sliki 1 je prikazana primerjava med tradicionalnim
študija primera in virtualna izvedba študija primera, ki se izvaja
(klasičnim) učenjem in problemskim učenjem. Pri
na FOV UM.
tradicionalnem učenju ima študent pasivno vlogo, kjer je
deležen podajanja neke snovi preko predavanj, ki jih izvede
profesor. Sledi študij in memoriranje snovi. Omenjenim
korakom sledi preverjanje osvojenega znanja oz. odgovarjanje
Ljudje se razlikujemo glede na številne značilnosti, navade,
na postavljena pisna ali ustna vprašanja. Pri problemskem
običaje in druge zadeve. Tako je tudi na področju
učenju pa ima študent veliko bolj aktivno vlogo. Profesor ima
izobraževanja. Nekdo se lažje uči zjutraj, nekdo zvečer.
vlogo vodnika ali usmerjevalca. V prvem koraku se študentom
Obstajajo razlike med učnimi navadami, stili in strategijami
ali skupini predstavi problem. Za reševanje je namenjen
uspešnega učenja. Številni se najlažje naučijo ali razumejo neko
določen čas, ki naj bi bil zadosti dolg, kar je odvisno od
učno snov s pomočjo primerov ali z reševanjem dejanskega
zahtevnosti podanega problema. Sledi iskanje rešitve. V fazi
problema. Za problemsko učenje je značilno, da ima
iskanja rešitev mora študent ali skupina preučiti določeno
značilnosti, ki so podobne naravnemu učenju, ki izhaja iz
literaturo, brez katere bi težko ali nemogoče našli rešitev. Sledi
reševanja problema, ki ga ima posameznik ali skupina.
iskanje rešitev. Rešitev je za razliko od klasičnega načina
Problemsko učenje lahko v angleški literaturi najpogosteje
izobraževanja lahko več. Takšen način dela, izobraževanja in
zasledimo pod kratico PBL (problem-based learning). Na
razmišljanja je podobno naravnemu procesu reševanja
problemsko učenje lahko gledamo kot na zbirko didaktičnih
problemov. Študent nima občutka, da se prisiljeno uči oz.
elementov, kot so [3]:
pregleduje gradivo, kar študentu ali skupini daje občutek
• organiziranje problemskih situacij,
kontrole nad dogajanjem.
• formiranje problemov,
• zagotavljanje pogojev za delo,
• zagotavljanje primerne pomoči in
• utrjevanje problemskih znanj.
S takšnim načinom reševanja problemov se srečujemo že pred
samim formalnim izobraževanjem, zato lahko problemsko
učenje označimo kot pogonsko silo za učenje [4]. Zato ni
presenetljivo, da je pedagoška metoda problemskega učenja
vedno bolj uporabljena v izobraževalnih procesih. Metoda
problemskega učenja je ena izmed najbolj inovativnih
pedagoških metod, ki je bila kadarkoli implementirana v
izobraževanje [5]. Edinstvenost problemskega učenja ima
številne prednosti in pozitivne učinke na študente, ki jih pri
drugih metodah manjka ali pa jih je bistveno premalo. Nekatere
Slika 1: Primerjava klasičnega in problemskega učenja [7].
izmed teh prednosti so [6]:
Problemsko učenje se nenehno razvija in z razširjenostjo
sledeče: povezovanje z gospodarstvom, večanje ugleda
informacijske tehnologije še pridobiva na veljavi. Poleg tega se
fakultete, krepitev znanja o organizaciji dogodkov, prednosti pri
pojavljajo nove različice in oblike problemskega učenja in ena
akreditaciji študijskih programov in drugo.
izmed alternativ je tudi študija primera.
V okviru preteklih dogodkov so s fakulteto sodelovala številna
ugledna podjetja in organizacije kot so (navedeno po
abecednem vrstnem redu): Autocommerce d. o. o., B&B
izobraževanje in usposabljanje d. o. o., DA Automobiles, DHL
Za študijo primera (angl. case study) velja, da je ena izmed
Global Forwarding Logistika d. o. o., Društvo DOVES-FEE
izpeljank problemskega učenja [8]. Značilnost metode študije
Slovenia (Program Ekošola), Elan d. o. o., Erste Card d. o. o.
primera je, da so glavni akterji dijaki ali študenti, ki iščejo
(Diners Club), Fraport Aviation Academy, Fraport Slovenija d.
rešitve za postavljen problem. Trajanje študije primera je lahko
o. o., GA+kuhinje (Aparati d. o. o.), GS1 Slovenija, Iskratel d.
različno dolgo. Najbolj znane obliko se enodnevne,
o. o., Janus Trade d.o.o. (Samsung), Kompas Magistrat d. o. o.,
nekajdnevne ali celo več mesečne. Rešitev problema mora biti
Kovačnica Kranj – MOK, Mercator d. d., Styria digital
najdena v danih časovnih omejitvah, kar postavlja udeležence
marketplaces d. o. o. (Bolha.com), Valtex & Co. d. o. o. in
pod določen pritisk in stres, kar je značilno tudi za delo v
Zavod za turizem in kulturo Kranj (ZTKK).
realnem okolju. Druge značilnosti študije primera so ekipno
V okviru dogodkov študije primera FOV UM organizira tri
delo, kjer vsak član prevzame določeno nalogo. Študije primere
različne dogodke in sicer:
naj bodo zasnovane tako, da lahko udeleženci s pomočjo
Decembrska šola in tekmovanje v študiji primera za študente.
pridobljenega znanja, podatkov in informacij predstavijo čim
Dogodek je namenjen študentom FOV UM. Namen dogodka je,
več svojih idej [9]. Študije primera se lahko deli glede na vrsto
da študenti poglobljeno spoznajo kaj je študija primera. V
in različne kriterije kot so [8]:
sklopu izobraževanja spoznajo kako naj predstavijo svojo
• narava posameznega primera (posameznik, družba,
rešitev, kakšne so zakonitosti dobrih predstavitev, kako
organizacija, postopkov, kulturnih aktivnosti, …);
oblikovati in pripraviti numerične podatke, kako iskati podatke
• število primerov, ki jih proučujemo (en primer ali več
po spletu, kako sodelovati v ekipi in drugo. Drugi del dogodka
je namenjen tekmovanju oz. predstavitvi študentkih rešitev.
• sestavljena ali enostavna analiza: enostavna enota
Prvo in drugo uvrščena ekipa se kot predstavnici fakultete
(majhno podjetje) in sestavljena enota (večja
udeležita mednarodnega tekmovanja v študiji primera, ki poteka
organizacija, veliko podjetje, mesto, …);
v okviru Mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih
• vrsta empiričnega gradiva: primarno (gradivo dobimo
znanosti. Kot je razvidno iz imena dogodka se dogajanje izvaja
le z opazovanjem ali spraševanjem), sekundarno
v mesecu decembru.
(gradivo so dokumenti) in kombinirano.
Mednarodno tekmovanje v študiji primera za študente, ki
Študije primera lahko delimo tudi glede na področja oz.
poteka v okviru Mednarodne konference o razvoju
tematike, kjer se proučujejo [10]:
organizacijskih znanosti. Dogodek poteka najpogosteje konec
• osebe - osredotočenost na določenega posameznika.
meseca marca. Poleg najboljših dveh ekip FOV UM se
• skupine - osredotočenost na določeno skupino ljudi.
tekmovanja udeležijo tudi ekipe iz drugih fakultet, ki
najpogosteje prihajajo iz držav bližnje okolice (Hrvaška, Srbija,
• lokacije - osredotočenost na določen kraj.
Avstrija, …). Tekmovanje se izvaja v angleškem jeziku in je
• organizacije ali podjetja - osredotočenost na podjetje
bistveno bolj zahtevno tekmovanje v mesecu decembru.
ali organizacijo in njihov problem
Študija primera - Izobraževanje in tekmovanje za dijake.
• dogodki - osredotočenost na dogodek, bodisi kulturni
Omenjen dogodek je najpogosteje organiziran v mesecu
ali družbeni in njegov vpliv.
januarju, saj imajo takrat dijaki največ prostega časa.
V nadaljevanju je predstavljena študija primera, ki se jo izvaja
Najpogosteje se dogodka udeležijo ekipe in njihovi
na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru ter
spremljevalci iz srednjih šol gorenjske regije, Ljubljane in njene
njena virtualna izvedba.
okolice. V okviru izobraževanja dobijo dijaki podobna znanja
kot študenti na decembrskem izobraževanju. Izobraževanje in
tekmovanje poteka v slovenskem jeziku. Težavnost izziva
namenjenega reševanju pa je prilagojena dijakom in je v večini
primerov lažja kot pri študentih.
Sodelovanje pri dogodku študija primera ima številne prednosti
tako za udeležence (dijake ali študente), fakulteto in podjetje oz.
organizacijo, ki sodeluje na dogodku. Prednosti, ki jih prinaša
študija primera za študente so: razvijanje sposobnosti dela v
Virtualna izvedba študije primera je zahtevala drugačno
ekipi, omogočen je stik s potencialnimi delodajalci, razvoj
organizacijo in izvedbo kot običajno. V glavnem se študija
specifičnih kompetenc, razvijanje analitičnega in kritičnega
primera deli na dva glavna dela in sicer na izobraževanje
razmišljanja, mreženje in drugo. Prednosti za partnerko podjetje
udeležencev (študentov in dijakov) in samo tekmovanje.
ali organizacijo, ki sodeluje v okviru nekega dogodka študije
Izobraževanje se organizira za dva dogodka in sicer za
primera so: nabor najboljših kadrov, promocija podjetja,
Decembrsko šolo in tekmovanje v študiji primera za študente,
blagovne znamke ali storitve/izdelka, pridobivanje novih rešitev
ter za dogodek Študija primera - Izobraževanje in tekmovanje
ali idej za nek problem in drugo. Za fakulteto pa so prednosti
za dijake. Tekmovanje pa je izvedeno za vse tri dogodke.
Za potrebe organizacije dogodka je bila oblikovana delovna
Po uvodnem nagovoru vseh prisotnih v kanalu MS Team-sov se
skupina in širši organizacijski odbor na FOV UM. Poleg tega
začnejo virtualne predstavitve. Vsaka ekipa ima na voljo
pri organizaciji dogodka sodelujejo tudi prodekan/ica za
določen čas za predstavitev. Študentske predstavitve trajajo do
študentska vprašanja, prodekanica za izobraževalno dejavnost,
15 minut, dijaške pa 10 minut. Po predstavitvi lahko
predstavniki Kariernega centra in drugi. Večina usklajevanj in
ocenjevalna komisija postavlja vprašanja za pojasnitev
organizacije pri virtualnem dogodku poteka s pomočjo
morebitnih nejasnosti. Ocenjevalna komisija je sestavljena iz
informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Tu lahko
enega ali dveh predstavnikov podjetja ali organizacije,
izpostavimo elektronsko pošto, videokonferenčne sisteme (MS
predstavnika FOV UM in v nekaterih primerih tudi iz
Teams) in telefone. Pred samo izvedbo dogodka se omenjeni
predstavnikov študentov. Omenjena komisija ima za
člani delovne skupine in organizacijskega odbora uskladijo
komunikacijo na voljo rezerviran kanal v okviru MS Team-sov,
glede same izvedbe, datumov in časovnice virtualnega
ki je viden samo njim. Za operativno usklajevanje pa je
dogodka, priprave promocije, usklajevanj podpornih služb
komisija dosegljiva tudi preko elektronske pošte in mobilnih
(npr.: Center za informatiko in informacijske tehnologije) in
telefonov. Komisija ocenjuje rešitve ekip po štirih
drugih nujnih zadev. Veliko dela in usklajevanja zahteva
karakteristikah, ki so:
oblikovanje izziva, ki poteka s partnerskim podjetjem ali
• izvedljivost predlagane rešitve,
organizacijo. Dogaja se, da nekatera podjetja nimajo istih
• samo razumevanje problema,
videokonferenčnih sistemov in da je potrebno veliko časovnega
• struktura in kakovost predstavitve in
usklajevanja. Oblikovanje izziva za udeležence poteka skupaj s
• odgovori na zastavljena vprašanja komisije.
podjetjem ali organizacijo najpogosteje preko Udeleženci najpogosteje pripravijo svoje predstavitve v videokonferenčnega sistema (MS Teams). Za takšno delo se
programu MS PowerPoint, ki jih nato delijo s pomočjo MS
oblikuje posebna soba v okviru MS Teams-ov, ki mora biti
Teams-ov. Ni redko, da pri tem nastanejo težave. Vsi člani
strogo varovana, saj bi bilo skrajno neprijetno, da bi katera
ekipe nimajo istega znanja in veščin s področja informatike, ki
izmed ekip predčasno prišla do izziva. S tem bi bilo tekmovanje
jih zahtevajo videokonferenčni sistemi. V takšnih primerih je
nepošteno in neetično.
potrebna pomoč s strani tehničnega osebja FOV UM. Druga
Vzporedno z organizacijo izobraževanja poteka tudi zbiranje
pogosta težava, ki nastane pri prezentaciji rešitev je povezana s
prijav ekip. Število ekip, ki sodelujejo na izobraževanju in
tehničnem delovanjem oz. povezave do svetovnega spleta
tekmovanju je najpogosteje omenjeno na osem. Takšno število
posameznega udeleženca. Udeleženci imajo različne ponudnike
ekip še omogoča časovno vzdržnost tekmovanja. Večje števili
spletnih storitev in različno obremenjene spletne povezave.
ekip pa bi tekmovanje naredilo preveč dolgo in s tem tudi
Težav, ki so s tem povezane so krajše ali daljše prekinitve
dolgočasno za vse udeležence. Po oblikovanju in uskladitvi
signala in s tem tudi same prezentacije. Za čim bolj nemoten
izziva sledi določitev tematik, ki bodo na izobraževanju. Teme
potek virtualnega dogodka je s strani delovne skupine FOV UM
predavanj so najpogosteje s področji komunikacijskih veščin,
organiziran test oz. preizkus, ki je namenjen posamezni ekipi. S
timskega dela, oblikovanja zanimivih predstavitev in drugo.
tem se izognemo številnim težavam in tehničnim zapletom, ki
Predavanja izvedejo profesorji na FOV UM in zunanji
bi se lahko utegnile pojaviti med samim tekmovanjem.
sodelavci. Na samem izobraževanju pa se predstavijo tudi
Po zaključku tekmovanja se ocenjevalna komisija umakne iz
pravila tekmovanja in izžreba vrstni red predstavitev ekip.
kanala, kjer je potekalo tekmovanje, ter se priključi kanalu v
Izobraževanje poteka preko MS Team-sov v okviru časovnice,
MS Team-sih, ki je namenjeno izključno komisiji in ožjemu
ki je bila predhodno posredovana ekipam. V okviru
organizacijskemu odboru. Ocenjevalna komisija se tako lahko v
izobraževanj lahko člani ekip postavljajo vprašanja
miru posvetuje o dosežkih posameznih ekip in drugih zadevah,
predavateljem. Na koncu vseh predavanj sledi predstavitev
ki se upoštevajo pri določitev vrstnega reda ekip. Po določenem
izziva, ki ga predstavi predstavnik podjetja. Tudi tu lahko
času se ocenjevalna komisija zopet pridruži skupinskemu
udeleženci postavljajo vprašanja, kjer se razjasnijo še zadnje
tekmovalnemu kanalu v MS Teams-ih. Sledi razglasitev treh
malenkosti povezane z izzivom. Pri virtualnem dogodku je
zmagovalnih ekip, ki jih najgosteje napove predstavnik podjetja
opaziti, da je vprašanj veliko več kot pri klasični izvedi
ali organizacije, ki je partner tekmovanja. Vsaki ekipi so
dogodka. Razlog lahko iščemo v tem, da so udeleženci manj
predstavljeni tudi nekateri pozitivni in negativni elementi iz
javno izpostavljeni kot v razredu ali predavalnici.
njihove predstavitve. To daje celotnemu tekmovanju tudi
Po predstavitvi izziva imajo ekipe čas za iskanje rešitev. Člani
pedagoško komponento in priložnosti za učenje. Sledi nagovor
posamezne ekipe si razdelijo delo in vsak izmed njih prevzame
ob zaključku dogodka in povabilo za ponovno udeležbo
določeno vlogo v ekipi. Večino časa so v stiku s pomočjo
prihodnje leto.
informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, kjer prevladujejo
Pri promociji in dokumentiranju celotnega dogodka je potrebno
elektronska pošta, videokonferenčni sistemi (MS Teams, Zoom,
upoštevati tudi določena pravila in zakonske omejitve, ki se
Skype in drugo), telefoni in drugo. Usklajevanje rešitve je tako
najpogosteje navezujejo na Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov
bistveno bolj zahtevno kot pri klasičnem sodelovanju v neki
- GDPR [11]. Uredba nalaga določena pravila, ki se navezujejo
ekipi. Virtualno delo ima svoje pomanjkljivosti. Udeleženci
na fotografiranje, snemanje, objave in delo s podatki
nimajo enakih pogojev za delo, obstajajo in pojavljaj se
udeležencev in drugo.
tehnične motnje ter motnje v samem delovnem okolju in drugo.
Dan tekmovanje in vrstni red predstavitev ekip je bil predhodno
določen. Pred samim tekmovanjem se v okviru MS Teams-ov
ponovno predstavi izziv, kajti na tekmovanju so prisotni tudi
V prispevku je predstavljena organizacija in izvedba
drugi udeleženci, kot so gledalci ali spremljevalci (pri dijakih).
virtualnega dogodka študije primera na FOV UM. Vpliv
epidemije je spremenil velik del izobraževalnih procesov in
dogodek študije primera pri tem ni bil izjema. Za potrebe
[1] United Nations. (2020). Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and
organizacije in izvedbe je bilo potrebno spremeniti številne
beyond. Pridobljeno 17. 3. 2021 na
postopke in procese pri dogodku študije primera. Posledično se
je dogodek začel izvajati v virtualni obliki. Najbolj pomembni
elementi za izvedbo dogodka so videokonferenčni sistemi (MS
[2] European Commission. (2021). Digital Education Action Plan (2021-
2027). Pridobljeno 20. 3. 2021 na
Teams), širokopasovne spletne povezave in druge
informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Zaradi sprememb in
povečane uporabe novih tehnologij so se pojavile številne
[3] Strmčnik, F. (1992). Problemski pouk v teoriji in praksi. Radovljica,
težave, tako na strani organizatorjev dogodka kot tudi na strani
[4] Smith, C. J. (2012). Improving the school – to – university transition:
udeležencev (študenti in dijaki).
using a problem – based approach to teach practical skills whilst
simultaneously developin studentś independent study skills. Chemistry
Za zmanjševanje tveganj in zmanjševanje tehničnih težav pri
education research and practice, 13(3), 490-499.
organizaciji virtualnih dogodkov predlagamo aktivno
[5] Hung, W., Jonassen, D.H. & Liu, R. (2021). Problem-based learning.
spremljanje priporočil za izvajanje izobraževanj v spremenjenih
Pridobljeno dne 5. 8. 2021 na https://www.academia.edu/
[6] The Hun School of Princeton. (2020). WHAT IS PROBLEM-BASED
razmerah (npr. epidemija). Zanimivo bo iskati tudi nove oblike
izobraževanj. V prihodnosti lahko pričakujemo pojav
[7] Eltitude Pte. (b.d.). Our Problem Based Learning Programme.
hibridnega izobraževanja, ki bo vsaj malo nadoknadil potrebno
Pridobljeno 6. 1. 2021 na https://www.eltitudesg.com/problem-based-
po socialnem stiku med študenti, ki je bil v času epidemije
[8] Mesec, B. in Lamovec, T. (1998). Uvod v kvalitativno raziskovanje v
bistveno zmanjšan. Nikakor ne smemo zanemariti vpliv
socialnem delu. URN:NBN:SI:DOC-C11L6WB5, Pridobljeno dne 2. 5.
tehnologije, ki bo v prihodnosti vedno večji. Zato se priporoča
2019 na http://www.dlib.si
sledenje trendom na področju informacijsko-komunikacijskih
[9] Tellis, W. M. (1997). Application of a Case Study Methodology . The
Qualitative Report, 3(3), 1-19. Pridobljeno 13. 5. 2020 na
tehnologiji na področju e-izobraževanju. Dodatno priporočamo
pripravo scenarijev za hibridno in popolno virtualno izvedbo
[10] Universal Class. (2021). How to Write Case Studies. Pridobljeno 20. 4.
2020 na https://www.universalclass.com/i/course/how-to-write-case-
dogodkov. S tem zmanjšamo verjetnost in potrebo po hitrem
prilagajanju, ki so posledica negotovih razmer.
Spremenjene razmere v izobraževanju bodo prinesle tudi
SVETA z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi
hitrejše premike na področju digitalizacije izobraževanja. Pri
osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov ter o razveljavitvi
tem velja upoštevati določene smernice in trende. V prihodnosti
Direktive 95/46/ES (Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov). Pridobljeno na
10.1.2021 https://eur
lahko pričakujemo številne poskuse v smeri digitalizacije
izobraževanja in nadaljevanje digitalizacije obstoječih
procesov. S prispevkom smo želeli deliti znanje in izkušnje s
področja študije primera, predvsem njene virtualne izvedbe.
Deljenje izkušenj lahko koristi drugim izobraževalnim
organizacijam pri vpeljavi ali dodatnem razvoju omenjene
pedagoške metode ali drugih metod v izobraževalni proces.
Prispevek lahko olajša ali prepreči težave ali napake, ki se
lahko pojavijo pri virtualni izvedbi študije primera.
Uporaba sodobnih tehnologij in metod strojnega učenja
v mladinskem nogometu
Use of modern technologies and machine-learning methods in youth football
Rok Vrban
Seamus Kelly
Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar
Univerza v Mariboru
University College Dublin
Univerza v Mariboru
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Dublin, Irska
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Kranj, Slovenija
Kranj, Slovenija
digital technologies and artificial intelligence, more clubs are
able to perform detailed analysis of their youth development
Razvoj nadarjenih posameznikov v nogometnih šolah in
programme which gives them a significant competitive
akademijah je strukturiran proces, ki predstavlja pomemben
advantage in a football market. Development of technology has
temelj tako na športnem kot na finančnem področju v
also improved the injury risk assessment which plays a cruicial
nogometnem klubu. Z vse večjimi finančnimi vložki v nogomet
role in every club. In the article, we focus on good practices of
je proces prepoznavanja ključnih atributov mladincev pri
technology use and modern statistical approaches in talent
prehodu v članske selekcije vse pomembnejši, hkrati pa tak
development process. We closely examine key attributes in talent
proces predstavlja izziv in potrebo po spremembah pri mnogih
development process and risk assessment through the use of GPS
nogometnih klubih. Z razvojem tehnologije in umetne
devices and data-mining process. The purpose of this paper is to
inteligence se finančno zmogljivejši klubi vse pogosteje odločajo
review the literature in the field of linking technology and youth
za sodobnejše pristope prepoznavanja talentov že v zelo zgodnjih
football, which is the first step in planning and conducting the
najstniških letih, kar jim ponuja konkurenčno prednost na trgu
doctoral research.
nogometnih igralcev. Tehnologija je bistveno pripomogla tudi
pri ocenjevanju tveganja poškodb nogometašev, kar predstavlja
zelo pomemben vidik v nogometnem klubu. V prispevku bomo
pregledali prakse uporabe tehnologije in sodobnih pristopov
Talent development, Data mining, Digital technologies, GPS
uporabe podatkovne analitike za namen prepoznavanja ključnih
atributov nadarjenih mladincev. Natančneje se bomo osredotočili
na primere prepoznavanja ključnih atributov preko uporabe
naprav za sledenje gibanja igralcev (GPS) ter razvoja modelov
Evropsko nogometno okolje postaja vse bolj zanimivo za
preko uporabe podatkovnega rudarjenja z namenom
investitorje iz bogatih držav Azije, Bližnjega vzhoda in Rusije.
prepoznavanja poškodb pri mladih nogometaših. Namen
Najatraktivnejši nogometni klubi za tuje investicije so klubi iz
prispevka je pregled literature na področju povezovanja
peterice največji lig na svetu, in sicer iz angleške, francoske,
tehnologije in mladinskega nogometa, ki predstavlja prvi korak
italijanske, nemške in španske lige [1]. To je posledica števila
pri načrtovanju in izvedbi doktorske raziskave.
sledilcev in navijačev po celem svetu [2]. Finančne zmožnosti
velikih klubov jim omogočajo nakupe v že uveljavljene igralce,
medtem ko klubi z omejenimi finančnimi zmožnostmi iščejo
Razvoj talentov, Podatkovno rudarjenje, Digitalne tehnologije,
svoje priložnosti v prodaji le-teh igralcev. [3] ugotavljata, da
klubi, ki imajo več tujcev, dajejo manj igralnega časa svojim
mladincem. Ker je večina klubov odvisna od prodaje igralcev, se
vse več časa in sredstev namenja razumevanju procesa razvoja
Talent development process in football academies is a structured
mladincev. Kot že [4] ugotavljajo, so morfološke, motorične in
process that represents an important pillar on all levels in a
funkcionalne značilnost pomembne pri razvrščanju otrok v
football club. Investments in football have pushed the clubs to
športne panoge. Z ustreznim razvrščanjem otrok se le-te lažje
spend more resources on recognizing and developing football
motivira k udejstvovanju v športu. Z razvojem tehnologije in
talents within their youth academies. With development of
sodobnih metod podatkovne analitike klubi poskušajo
sistematično slediti začrtanim smernicam razvoja mladincev, z
namenom, da dosežejo želeni cilj in maksimizirajo vrednost
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
posameznega talenta. Uporaba sodobnih tehnologij ne
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
predstavlja zgolj konkurenčne prednosti, temveč nujnost, da klub
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
optimizira svoje delovanje tako na športnem kot finančnem
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
področju. Sodobne tehnološke naprave nogometnemu klubu ne
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
koristijo samo pri prepoznavanju talentov, marveč se uporabljajo
tudi pri vadbi, rehabilitaciji ter preprečevanju poškodb [5].
Visokozmogljive tehnološke naprave pri proučevanju nogometa
S pomočjo testa agilnosti so raziskovalci ugotovili, da med
znanstveniki delijo v dve skupini, in sicer na tiste, ki spremljajo
obema opazovanima skupinama mladincev obstaja statistično
igralce preko nosljivih tehnologij ter na že vgrajene naprave na
značilna razlika.
nogometnih stadionih. Med prvimi so najbolj pogosto
Nadaljnjo raziskavo na področju razumevanja atributov so
uporabljene Global Positioning System (GPS) naprave, ki merijo
naredili [11], ki je vključevala 44 mladincev v starostnih
pozicijo igralca v vsaki sekundi. Poleg omenjenih naprav se
kategorijah U-15 in U-17 za specifičen klub iz Portugalske. V
pogosto uporabljajo še naprave za lokalno sledenje v prostoru
raziskavi so se avtorji osredotočili na pozicioniranje in dinamiko
(angl. Local Positioning Measurement System), ki merijo
igre. Obe starostni skupini so testirali s pomočjo 5-Hz GPS-a
posamezne gibe ter pospešek igralca, naprave za spremljanje
(SPI-ProX, GP Sports, Canberra, Avstralija) z namenom
srčnega utripa (angl. Heart Rate Monitor) ter meriliniki pospeška
pridobivanja dinamičnih podatkov pozicioniranja. Testiranje je
(angl. Accelerometer) za sledenje fizičnim aktivnostim in
potekalo skozi dve prijateljski tekmi, prvo na ravni selekcije U-
naporom. Natančnost podatkov preko GPS sistemov zagotavljajo
15 in drugo na ravni selekcije U-17. Namen testiranja je bil dobiti
giroskopi, digitalni kompasi in mikroelektromehanični sistemi.
podatke o poziciji posamenzikov na igrišču v določenem
Med že vgrajene tehnologije na stadionih uvrščamo predvsem
momentu. S pomočjo GPS-a so vsi igralci imeli določene
sisteme večih kamer (Multi-Camera System), ki merijo zgolj
koordinate (dolžina, širina), s čemer so razsikovalci določili
fizične sposobnosti igralcev [6]. Razvoj tehnologije omogoča vse
preprostost podajanja (glede na oddaljenost soigralcev). Na
boljši vpogled tudi v nekoliko težje merljive zmožnosti
osnovi rezultatov testiranj so raziskovalci zaključili, da obstajajo
posameznikov. V to kategorijo sodijo t.i. »eye-tracking«
razlike med obema starostnima skupinama, kar je najverjetneje
naprave, ki spremljajo fokus očesa pri igralcu. Primer vidnega
posledica treningov pozicioniranja in vključevanja v člansko
zaznavanja so med drugim raziskovali [7] ter [8]. Zgolj zbiranje
ekipo pri skupini U-17.
podatkov preko modernih tehnologij ne prinese želenih
Reilly in sodelavci [12] so za ocenjevanje vzorcev gibanja in
rezultatov. Podatke je potrebno razumeti, jih primerno umestiti v
srčnega utripa pri 65 mladincih v starostni kategoriji U-15
problem in obdelati, da se iz njih nekaj naučimo. Preveč
uporabili 4-Hz GPS (VX Sport, Visuallex Sport International
podatkov, v kolikor jih ne znamo primerno obdelati, lahko
Ltd., Wellington, Nova Zelandija). Podatki so se zbirali za 6
predstavljajo večjo težavo kot korist [9]. Z razvojem tehnologije
tekem dolžine 60 minut. Preko GPS naprave so pridobili podatke
se razvijajo tudi pristopi obdelovanja podatkov, saj so vse
še za skupno pretečeno dolžino, visoko intenziven tek (hitrost
zmogljivejši računalniki sposobni obdelati velike količine
teka višja od 17 kilometrov/uro), šprint (hitrost teka višja od 22
podatkov, ki jih ljudje sami ne zmoremo. S pomočjo strojnega
kilometrov/uro) in skupno število šprintov. Skozi meritve so
učenja se ne obdelujejo le trenutni podatki, temveč se vse več
spoznali, da v prvih 15 minutah po začetku drugega polčasa
podatkov uporablja za razvoj napovednih modelov, ki lahko z
skupna pretečena razdalja ekipe pade. Rezultati so podobni kot v
veliko verjetnostjo napovedo rezultate na osnovi prejšnjih
študijah [13], [14] ter [15]. Intenzivni in naporni treningi,
številne prijateljske in ligaške tekme neredko privedejo do
poškodb pri mladincih. Zaradi kompleksnosti in številčnosti
poškodb ni lahko napovedati. Ocenjevanje zgolj ene ali dveh
spremenljivk se pri napovedovanju poškodb v praksi ni izkazalo
Razvoj talentov v nogometu lahko opišemo kot mrežo
kot uspešno. S pomočjo sodobnih znanstvenih pristopov, kot je
koherentnih sil, ki izoblikujejo mladinca v profesionalnega
npr. strojno učenje, ki omogoča analizo mnogih spremenljivk, se
nogometaša. [10] so za testiranje agilnosti uporabili foto celice
ocena tveganja poškodb izboljšuje in klubi vse lažje identificirajo
(Newtest Oy, Finska) pri dveh skupinah mladincev v starostni
prve znake morebitnih poškodb. [16] so ocenjevali tveganje za
kategoriji U-15 (t.j. mladinci, ki še niso dopolnili 15. leta
nastanek poškodb pri mladincih v starostnih kategorijah med U-
starosti). Pri obeh testih so igralci začeli s testom 70 centimetrov
10 in U-15, in sicer v belgijski mladinski ligi. S pomočjo
za foto celicami, ki so sprožile merilnik časa za čim natančnješe
algoritmov strojnega učenja so na osnovi pripravljalnega
merjenje. Foto celice prenašajo infrardeče žarke iz oddajnika v
obdobja ocenili verjetnost poškodb za 734 mladincev tekom
reflektor ter nazaj. Ko nastane sprememba v svetlobi, se merilnik
ligaške sezone. V teku sezone se je poškodovalo 368 igralcev
sproži. Test agilnosti je predstavljen na sliki 1.
(bodisi akutno, bodisi zaradi prekomernih naporov). Na osnovi
modela iz pripravljalnega obdobja, so avtorji pravilno napovedali
85 % poškodb. Še več, s pomočjo modela so z 78 % natančnostjo
napovedali ali gre za akutno ali neakutno poškodbo. Podobno
faktorsko analizo napovedovanja poškodb pri mladincih v
starostnih kategorijah med U-10 in U-18 so [17] naredili v
angleškem državnem prvenstvu, kjer so rezultati imeli manjšo
napovedno vrednost kot pri [16].
Slika 1: Test agilnosti
Nogometni klubi so vse bolj primorani slediti zadnjim trednom
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na tehnološkem področju, v kolikor želijo ostati konkurenčni.
Sodobni pristopi v povezavi s tehnološkim napredkom
Posameznik mora pri testu agilnosti čim hitreje preteči razdaljo
od začetne točke ter okrog postavljenih preprek do končne točke.
predstavljajo konkurenčno prednost pri razvoju in tranziciji
mladincev v profesionalni nogomet. Prav tako je vse
pomembneje investirati v kadre, ki znajo primerno obdelati
podatke in kvantitativne analize ustrezno prenesti v prakso. Z
[4] Bohanec, M., Kapus, V., Leskošek, B., Rajkovič, V. 1997. Talent:
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Uporabniški priročnik. Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport in Zavod Republike
se vse lažje razlikuje med tistimi z večjim potencialom in tistimi,
Slovenije za šolstvo.
[5] Prieto-Mondragón, L. P., Camargo-Rojas, D. A., Quiceno, C. A. 2015.
ki le-teh ne dohajajo. Uporaba GPS sistemov in drugih naprav za
Isoinertial technology for rehabilitation and prevention of muscle injuries
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technology-based assessment of visual perception and exploration
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behaviour in association football. Journal of Sports Sciences 36(2):1-20.
razumevanja tranzicije mladincev v članske selekcije, zato se
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medicine in sport.
Spremljanje napredka in dajanje povratne informacije
v času dela na daljavo
Monitoring progress and giving feedback while working remotely
Tadeja Vučko
Osnovna šola Draga Kobala Maribor
Maribor, Slovenija
school are described. During the distance work, the lessons were
conducted with the help of information and communication
V prispevku so predstavljene nekatere težave glede spremljanja
technology. Students used the Zoom video conferencing tool,
dela in napredka učenca v času dela na daljavo ter načini
Arnes online classrooms, and some other tools at work. Feedback
spoprijemanja z njimi. Opisana so orodja, s pomočjo katerih
on students' knowledge was obtained by teachers in various ways.
učitelj lahko dobi povratno informacijo glede usvojene snovi in
The article presents how we get feedback with the help of quizzes
posamezni koraki pri nastajanju besedila za govorno predstavitev
in the Arnes online classroom and knowledge testing with
pri obveznem izbirnem predmetu nemški jezik v 9. razredu
Microsoft Forms, and how we give it with the help of tasks in the
osnovne šole. V času dela na daljavo je pouk potekal s pomočjo
Arnes online classroom. In order to gain a realistic picture of
informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Učenci so pri delu
children's knowledge, these quizzes were solved during
uporabljali videokonferenčno orodje Zoom, Arnesove spletne
videoconferencing meetings, and later they had the opportunity
učilnice in nekatera druga orodja. Povratno informacijo glede
to review the answers and try again. Upon arrival at the school,
znanja učencev so učitelji pridobivali na različne načine. V
we found that despite the many opportunities available to
članku je predstavljeno kako s pomočjo kvizov v Arnesovi
students, the knowledge acquired while working remotely was
spletni učilnici in preverjanja znanja z Microsoft Forms dobimo
often not consolidated. Thus, some materials had to be reworked
povratno informacijo ter kako jo s pomočjo nalog v Arnesovi
and consolidated in school.
spletni učilnici podamo. Za pridobitev realne slike znanja otrok
In the compulsory elective course, students learned about
so ti kvize reševali v času videokonferenčnih srečanj, kasneje pa
German-speaking areas while working remotely. The paper
imeli možnost svoje naloge ponovno pregledati in rešiti. Ob
presents the course of work and the role of information and
prihodu v šolo smo ugotovili, da kljub mnogim možnostim, ki so
communication technology in this.
učencem bile na voljo, znanje usvojeno v času dela na daljavo
pogosto ni bilo utrjeno. Tako je nekatere snovi bilo potrebno
ponovno predelati in utrditi v šoli.
Pri obveznem izbirnem predmetu so učenci v času dela na
Foreign language, knowledge evaluation, assessment
daljavo spoznavali nemško govoreča območja. V prispevku je
predstavljen potek dela in vloga informacijsko-komunikacijske
tehnologije pri tem.
V novembru 2020 smo ponovno pričeli z delom na daljavo. Ker
smo tokrat lahko črpali iz pridobljenih izkušenj, smo učence v
Tuji jezik, vrednotenje znanja, preverjanje
prvem mesecu pouka v živo opremili z znanjem glede ravnanja z
orodji potrebnimi pri delu na daljavo. Učenci so se v prvih tednih
pouka vpisali v spletne učilnice in ponovili kje in kako najdejo
The article presents some problems regarding the monitoring of
gradiva ter oddajo nalogo. Seznanili so se z ostalimi gradivi, ki
student work and progress during distance education and ways to
jih bodo tekom šolskega leta potrebovali in kako dostopati do e-
deal with them. The tools with which the teacher can get
gradiv posameznih učbeniških kompletov. Hkrati smo na šoli
feedback on the acquired material and individual steps in the
oblikovali načrt dela in s tem seznanili tako učence, kot tudi
creation of a text for a speech presentation in the compulsory
elective subject German language in the 9th grade of primary
Ob pričetku dela na daljavo je šola poskrbela, da je vsem
učencem na voljo ustrezna oprema in lahko sodelujejo pri pouku.
Kmalu po prvih videokonferencah so se pojavila prva vprašanja
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
glede pridobivanja ocen. Učitelji so vprašanja, skrbi in pobude
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
naslavljali na Zavod za šolstvo, o tem je bilo govora na študijskih
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
skupinah in na šolskih aktivih. Ker smo tokrat že imeli nekaj
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
izkušenj, smo pred pričetkom pouka o teh težavah govorili in
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
temu primerno načrtovali delo v razredu. Ob prehodu na delo na
daljavo smo prilagodili metode in oblike dela, ter tudi vsebine.
prikazano s pomočjo slike 3. Preizkus je možno podvojiti in
V prvih tednih dela na daljavo so učenci navodila za delo in
spreminjati, lahko ga kopiramo in damo v souporabo drugim. Po
razlago nove snovi prejemali v času videokonferenc in preko
opravljenem preizkusu učenec in učitelj vidita odgovore, učitelj
spletne učilnice. Na šoli uporabljamo Arnes Učilnice (Moodle)
ima vpogled v to, kaj učenci že znajo in kaj je potrebno še
[1] in videokonferenčno orodje Arnes Zoom [2]. Dokazila o
ponoviti. Preveri lahko čas reševanja in natisne povzetek oz.
opravljenih nalogah so oddajali kot naloge v spletni učilnici ali
rezultate preverjanja. V primeru, da želi preizkus ponovno
izjemoma po elektronski pošti. Naloge sem sproti pregledovala
uporabiti, lahko odgovore tudi izbriše.
in povratno informacijo zapisala individualno kot odziv na
nalogo. Pri tem sem hitro opazila, da marsikateri učenec povratne
informacije ne prebere in napak ne popravi. Na naslednji
videokonferenci smo ponovno pogledali postopek oddaje naloge.
V videokonferenčnem orodju Zoom sem omogočila deljenje
zaslona in prosila, da prostovoljec pokaže, da je nalogo oddal in
povratno informacijo deli z ostalimi. Učenka je poiskala oddano
nalogo in pokazala kje najdemo odziv na opravljeno nalogo ter
zastavimo vprašanja, v kolikor odziv ni razumljiv in je potrebna
dodatna razlaga. Nekateri učenci so naloge popravili in ponovno
oddali, drugi tega niso storili.
Po nekaj tednih takšnega dela sem ugotovila, da motivacija
za delo pada. Učenci so v času videokonference sodelovali le, če
so bili poklicani, sama pa nisem imela več vpogleda v to, ali
večina učencev razlagi res sledi ali raje molči in se ne želi
izpostavljati. Ponudila sem jim dodatno uro za razlago, vendar se
je učenci niso udeleževali. Nekateri se tudi tedenskih ur izbirnega
Slika 1: Urejanje vprašanja v Arnesovi spletni učilnici -1.
predmeta niso udeleževali redno, zato sem sklenila, da
razumevanje snovi preverim s pomočjo kviza.
Sprva sem kviz ustvarila v Arnesovi spletni učilnici. Kviz je
potrebno dodati in ga urediti. Orodje ponuja nabor različnih tipov
vprašanj (drži/ne drži, izbirni tip vprašanja, povleci in spusti,
esej, izberi manjkajoče besede, razvrščanje itn.). Kviz je
vseboval različne tipe vprašanj, ki so si sledili od lažjega do
težjega. Učenci so morali prepoznati nemški prevod besede, nato
prevode zapisati sami in na koncu dopolniti poved z že danimi
možnostmi. Zahtevnejših nalog, ki bi preverjale znanje višjih
taksonomskih stopenj, pri preverjanju nisem vključevala.
Poudarek je bil na razumevanju osnov in ustrezni povratni
informaciji glede učenčevega znanja. Poleg tega v času, ko je
motivacija za delo že tako bila nizka, učencev nisem želela še
dodatno obremeniti.
Prednosti kviza v Arnesovi Učilnici so, da se učenci v
učilnice prijavljajo z dodeljenim uporabniškim imenom in učitelj
vidi, kateri učenci so kviz že rešili, kolikokrat so ga reševali, dan
Slika 2: Urejanje vprašanja v Arnesovi spletni učilnici – 2.
reševanja in koliko časa so za to potrebovali. Po oddanih
odgovorih učenec in učitelj vidita, kateri odgovori so pravilni in
kateri napačni. Učitelj tako vidi, pri katerih nalogah so učenci
uspešni in katere snovi je potrebno ponovno razložiti ali ponoviti.
Možnosti pri pripravljanju kviza je veliko, kar prikazujeta sliki 1
in 2. Učitelj ustvari nalogo oz. vprašanje, določi pravilne in
nepravilne odgovore, oceno, doda odzive in izbere število
poskusov. Učitelj izbere tudi občutljivost na velike in male črke,
kar je pomembno pri preverjanju pravilnega zapisa. Zaradi vseh
teh možnosti pa je priprava takega kviza precej zamudna, kviz pa
je možno uporabiti za eno skupino učencev.
Kasneje sem za ustvarjanje kvizov začela uporabljati orodje
Microsoft Forms [3]. V primerjavi s kvizi v Arnesovi Učilnici pri
tem orodju govorimo o ustvarjanju novega obrazca oz. preizkusa
Slika 3: Urejanje vprašanja z orodjem Microsoft Forms
znanja. Orodje ponuja manj tipov vprašanj (izbira, besedilo).
Dodatnih odzivov ali namigov ni možno dodajati, zaradi tega pa
Če primerjamo obe orodji, lahko rečemo, da z njima lahko
ustvarjanje preizkusa ni časovno tako zamudno. Urejanje je
pridobimo informacijo o znanju v času dela na daljavo. Medtem,
ko se v Arnesovo Učilnico učenci prijavijo z uporabniškim
nemščino kot obvezni izbirni predmet [5]. Učenci ob pripravi in
imenom in so imena posameznikov učitelju vidna, je v orodju
izvedbi predstavitve dokažejo, da:
Microsoft Forms potrebno nastaviti, ali kviz lahko rešujejo vsi z
- razumejo podrobnosti na določeno temo ali situacijo vezanega
dostopom ali ljudje v organizaciji. V primeru, da potrebujemo
besedila, tudi če ta vsebuje neznane informacije, ki za
splošno informacijo glede znanja, lahko učenci kviz rešujejo
razumevanje niso ključnega pomena;
anonimno. Kadar pa želimo spremljati napredek posameznika, pa
- znajo samostojno poiskati informacije v besedilu, ki so
je potrebno v Forms-ih to tako tudi nastaviti. Prednost
potrebne za rešitev določenih nalog;
Microsoftovega orodja je preprosta uporaba, ki terja veliko manj
- razvijajo govorno sporočanje (predstavitev – predaja
časa, in možnost deljenja preverjanja znanja. Učitelji smo se
informacije o prej raziskani temi);
lahko dogovorili, katere snovi bomo preverjali in si preizkuse
- znajo postavljati vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na temo in nanje
delili, nato pa individualno prilagajali svoji skupini. Dodatna
prednost je dostopnost, saj so do preizkusov učenci lahko
Navodila za delo so učenci prejeli vsak teden v spletni
dostopali preko povezave, ki sem jo pripela v času
učilnici. Postopoma so oblikovali govorno predstavitev, sproti pa
videokonference, medtem ko so kvize v Arnesovi spletni učilnici
dobivali povratne informacije o že zapisanem besedilu.
lahko reševali le ob prijavi v spletno učilnico.
Sprva sem kvize v spletno učilnico dodala kot nalogo, ki so
3.1 Nastajanje govornih predstavitev
jo morali opraviti tekom tedna. Ob koncu tedna sem opazila, da
V prvem tednu so učenci dobili naslov govorne predstavitve.
naloge niso opravili vsi. Po razgovoru z učenci sem ugotovila, da
Pred začetkom dela so učenci v skupinah razmislili, katere
so se nekateri bali, da pri reševanju kviza, ki je zajemal snovi, ki
informacije bi bile zanimive in katere ne. Našteli so teme, o
smo jih delali pred in v času dela na daljavo, ne bodo uspešni in
katerih bi že znali nekaj samostojno povedati, poudarek je bil, da
bo to kasneje vplivalo na oceno. V prihodnje sem učence pred
naj bo besedilo njihovo delo in ne kopija že zapisanega. Povedi
preverjanjem znanja opozorila na to, katere snovi se bodo v
so lahko preproste, uporabljajo naj znano besedišče. Učenci so
prihodnjem tednu preverjale, kratke kvize, s pomočjo katerih
začeli z zbiranjem informacij s pomočjo spletnih brskalnikov. Pri
sem dobila povratno informacijo glede njihovega znanja pa so
tem je bilo zaželeno, da informacije že v osnovi iščejo v
reševali v času videokonference. Tudi tokrat kviza kljub
nemškem jeziku in si po potrebi pomagajo s slovarji (npr. PONS,
pobudam in sprotnemu spremljanju niso rešili vsi učenci. Opazila
Google Translate). Tako so spoznavali avtentična gradiva.
pa sem, da so učenci pri obveznem predmetu kvize reševali
Pozorni so bili na izgovorjavo in si beležili informacije, ki so jih
uspešneje in v večjem številu kot pri obveznem izbirnem
s pomočjo posnetkov dobili. Ogledali so si lahko turistične
predmetu. Informacije, ki sem jih s pomočjo kvizov in
predstavitve, brošure in različne spletne strani. Večina učencev
preizkusov dobila, so mi služile predvsem kot pomoč pri
je izbrala posnetke na YouTubu. Informacije so zapisali in oddali
načrtovanju naslednjih ur. Vseeno pa smo ob povratku v šolo
v spletno učilnico, kar je prikazano na sliki 4. Po pregledu
pomembnejše teme ponovili, saj se je izkazalo, da kljub
zapisov so dobili povratno informacijo.
ponavljanju s pomočjo kvizov in preverjanj, znanje pri mnogih
učencih ni bilo utrjeno.
V Pravilniku o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja ter
napredovanju učencev v osnovni šoli (2013) je v 3. členu
zapisano, da je ocenjevanje znanja »ugotavljanje in vrednotenje,
v kolikšni meri učenec dosega v učnem načrtu določene cilje
oziroma standarde znanja. Učitelj ocenjevanje znanja opravi po
obravnavi učnih vsebin in po opravljenem preverjanju znanja iz
teh vsebin.« [4] Ocenjujejo se lahko »učenčevi ustni odgovori ter
pisni, likovni, tehnični, praktični in drugi izdelki, projektno delo
in nastopi učencev.« [4] Z učenci smo s pomočjo kviza in
preverjanja znanje sicer preverili, a preko teh orodij učencev
Slika 4: Dokazila o delu in podajanje povratne informacije
nisem ocenjevala. Zaradi morebitnih zapletov s povezavo in
občasnih nedelujočih kamer ni bilo možno vsem učencem
V naslednjih tednih so delo nadaljevali tako, da so najprej
zagotoviti istih oz. primerljivih razmer za delo, zato se takšne
pregledali povratno informacijo, morebitne napake popravili,
oblike ocenjevanja nisem lotila. Ko delu na daljavo ni bilo videti
nato nadaljevali z delom po navodilih. S pomočjo informacij s
konca, sem se odločila, da bodo učenci devetega razreda pri
spleta so tvorili naslednje povedi. Pri tem so si lahko pomagali s
obveznem izbirnem predmetu nemščine namesto načrtovane
slovarji, spletom in knjižnim gradivom. Ob delu so sproti
prve ustne ocene, oceno pridobili z govornimi predstavitvami.
navajali vire in dodajali slikovna gradiva.
Pri vsem tem so učenci morali biti vešči brskanja po spletu,
uporabe spletnega slovarja, Word-a in spletne učilnice. Izkazalo
se je, da kljub opozarjanju, naj si kot jezik v dokumentu nastavijo
nemški jezik, mnogi učenci tega niso storili. Tako so predstavitve
V devetem razredu govorimo o deželah nemškega govornega
imele napake, ki bi jih z ustreznim računalniškim znanjem učenci
območja, zato učenci vsako leto na to temo pripravijo kratko
lahko odpravili sami. Pri tem naj omenim, da jim postopek
govorno predstavitev. Dogovorili smo se, da bodo predstavitve
nastavitve jezika in možnosti popravljanja napačnih zapisov v
opravili v času dela na daljavo in bodo ocenjene. Zastavljeni učni
Wordu pokažem vsako leto. Učenci so morali pregledati odzive
cilji se navezujejo na operativne učne cilje po učnem načrtu za
na nalogo in popravke upoštevati. Pri drugi oddaji naloge je bilo
jasno, kateri učenci povedi tvorijo samostojno ali s pomočjo
slovarja, kateri pa kopirajo celotne stavke. Za nadaljnje delo je
V času dela na daljavo je pouk potekal drugače. Temu je bilo
bilo pomembno, da učenci povedi tvorijo sami. Ti učenci so ustni
potrebno prilagoditi tudi ocenjevanje. Iz izkušenj v preteklem
del opravili brez težav, saj so povedi bile enostavnejše in lažje
letu sklepam, da je najprimernejša izmed načrtovanih tem in
dejavnosti za ocenjevanje priprava in izvedba govorne
3.2 Kriteriji uspešnosti
predstavitve. Učenci so pri delu bili vodeni in redno dobivali
povratne informacije na Zoom konferencah ali kot odziv nalogo
Z učenci smo oblikovali kriterije za ocenjevanje. To smo storili
v Arnesovi Učilnici. Te so pripomogle k temu, da so postali
na videosrečanju. Učenci so bili razdeljeni v naključne skupine,
pozorni na svoje napake, jih odpravili ter se iz njih učili. S
skupaj so morali oblikovati predlogo za kriterije ocenjevanja. To
pomočjo informacijske-komunikacijske tehnologije so imeli
so zapisali v skupni dokument (One Drive) [6], predloge smo
dostop do avtentičnih gradiv, pri delu so uporabili slovarje, dobili
pregledali in jih skupaj preoblikovali. Učenci so predlagali, da se
so redne povratne informacije, na koncu so si s pomočjo
ocenjujejo govor, vsebina in Powepoint predstavitev. Ocenjujejo
kriterijev uspešnosti lahko pregledali, kaj jim manjka oz. na
naj se torej vsebina (ali so zajete vse iztočnice in v kakšni meri
katerem področju še potrebujejo pomoč ali utrjevanje. Po
so zajete), jezik (ali je besedišče bogato, pravopisno pravilno, ali
končani govorni predstavitvi preko Zooma ali v živo so prejeli še
so slovnične strukture pravilno uporabljene) in govor (ali učenec
povratne informacije s strani sošolcev oz. so jih sošolcem podali
govori prosto, tekoče). Pri tem naj bi se upoštevala tudi
sami. S tem se je ocenjevanje zaključilo. Splošno znanje na to
pripravljena dodatna gradiva. O predlogih smo se pogovorili in
temo se je preverilo še s pomočjo kviza. Menim, da so govorne
pregledali kriterije, ki so ob tem nastali.
predstavitve bile pozitivna izkušnja in situaciji primeren način
preverjanja znanja, pri katerem so se imeli možnost izkazati tudi
3.3 Izvedba in povratna informacija s strani
učno šibkejši učenci.
Kot uporabni orodji za preverjanje znanja so se izkazali kvizi
Pred izvedbo govornih nastopov so učenci zapisano lahko
v Arnes Učilnici in preverjanje znanja v Microsoft Forms.
popravili na osnovi povratne informacije učitelja, si ogledali
Slednji je sicer uporabniku prijaznejši, a z manj možnostmi izbire.
kriterije, ki so bili naloženi tudi v spletni učilnici predmeta. Za
V kolikor bi Pravilnik o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja
izvedbo smo se dogovarjali v manjših skupinah. Učenci so si pri
omogočal ocenjevanje po delih, bi bilo vredno razmisliti o
tem lahko odprli dokument s kriteriji in si sproti beležili opažanja
rednem izvajanju kratkih preverjanj znanja. Ta so časovno manj
o izvedbi govornega nastopa. Po vsaki končani predstavitvi so
potratna, dajejo pa, v kolikor se izvajajo pod enakimi pogoji,
najprej učenci podali povratno informacijo s pomočjo kriterijev,
objektivno informacijo glede učenčevega znanja.
nato učiteljica. Učenci so tudi sešteli točke in povedali, kakšno
oceno bi dobil posameznik. Učiteljica je potem povedala še svoja
opažanja in ocenila učenca.
[1] Arnes Učilnice: https://sio.si/vodici/moodle/#kompilacija-sio-MDL-VOD
Ob koncu vseh govornih predstavitev so učenci rešili še kviz
[2] Arnes Zoom: https://www.arnes.si/storitve/multimedijske-storitve/arnes-
na to temo. V preteklem šolskem letu smo govorne predstavitve
[3] Microsoft
izvedli na podoben način, vendar smo temu dodali še beleženje
[4] Pravilnik o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja ter napredovanju učencev
slišanih informacij. Učenci so tekom govornih nastopov morali
v osnovni šoli. Uradni list RS, št. 52/13 (21.6.2013). Pridobljeno s razbrati osnovne informacije in jih vpisati v pripravljene brošure.
Tega na daljavo zaradi izvedbe predstavitev v manjših skupinah
[5] Kondrič Horvat, V. et al. 2001. Učni načrt: izbirni predmet: program
osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Nemščina. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za
nismo naredili.
šolstvo, 15-16. Dostopno na
Ob dejavnosti so učenci razvijali vse štiri spretnosti. Pri
iskanju informacij so vadili bralno razumevanje, pri oblikovanju
[6] OneDrive:
besedila pa pisno sporočanje. Pred in med predstavitvijo so vadili
govorno sporočanje in slušno razumevanje. Slušno razumevanje
so vadili že pri prvi aktivnosti, ko so iskali informacije in si
posnetke ogledali v nemščini. Takrat so morali biti pozorni tudi
na izgovorjavo posameznih besed.
Priprava na obštudijsko dejavnost »Organizacija in
usposabljanje v potapljanju«
Preparation for the extracurricular activity "Organization and education in diving"
Borut Werber
Uroš Rajkovič
Univerza v Mariboru,
Univerza v Mariboru,
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Kranj, Slovenija
Kranj, Slovenija
V prispevku predstavljamo priprave na Fakulteti za
UM FOV smo v začetku leta 2021 na UM v potrditev vložili učni
organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru na izbirno kreditno
načrt za študijsko leto 2022-2023 za izbirno možnost kreditno
ovrednotene obštudijske dejavnosti za študente “Organizacija in
ovrednotene obštudijske dejavnosti “Organizacija in
usposabljanje v potapljanju” v študijskem letu 2022/2023.
usposabljanje v potapljanju”. Kot morebitna izvajalca teoretičnih
Predstavljamo vsebine tečaja potapljanja z avtonomno
vsebin sva se prijavila avtorja tega prispevka, ki imava večletne
potapljaško opremo. S ciljem dobre priprave na izvajanje tečaja
izkušnje s potapljanjem. Postopek priprave in zahtevane pravne
v praksi smo predstavili izkušnje pridobljene med lastnim
podlage ter predvideni pozitivni učinki so predstavljeni v
potapljanjem in sodelovanjem pri izvedbi različnih tečajev
prispevku [1] (Werber, 2021). V tem prispevku smo se
potapljaškega društva Kisik v času od junija 2021 do septembra
osredotočili na praktične izkušnje, pridobljene med lastnim
2021. V zaključku predstavljamo kaj smo se iz videnega naučili
potapljanjem in med izvedbo različnih tečajev in organiziranih
in kako bomo poskušali podobne težave preprečiti pri izvedbi
potopov potapljaškega društva Kisik na Blejskem jezeru ali
tečajev s študenti.
morju v času med junijem in septembrom 2021, ki nam lahko
pomagajo preprečiti podobne težave pri izvedbi tečaja s študenti.
Iz pričevanega bo razvidno, da smo imeli napačen vpogled v
Izbirni predmet, potapljanje, izobraževanje
izvedbe potapljaških tečajev saj je skoraj v vsaki skupini
tečajnikov ali certificiranih potapljačev prihajalo do manjših ali
večjih težav med izvedbo potapljanja.
This article presents preparations at the Faculty of Organizational
Sciences University of Maribor for the elective credit-evaluated
extracurricular activities for students “Organization and training
in diving” in the academic year 2022/2023. We hereby present
Obštudijska dejavnost je na Univerzi v Mariboru opredeljena
the contents of a diving course with autonomous diving
na 48 strani v 215. členu Statuta UM [2]. Obštudijska dejavnost
equipment. With the aim of good preparation for the
lahko izvira iz področja kulture, športa in drugih obštudijskih
implementation of the course in practice, we present the
dejavnostih. Podrobnejši opis obštudijskih dejavnosti je na UM
experience gained during our own diving and participation in
opredeljen v Pravilniku o kreditno ovrednoteni obštudijskih
various courses of the diving association Kisik in the period from
dejavnosti na Univerzi v Mariboru, št. 012/2019/1[3]. Na UM
June 2021 to September 2021. In conclusion, we present what we
FOV smo se odločili, da med več možnimi izberemo
have learned from what is presented and how we will try to
izobraževanje po sistemu PADI (Professional Association of
prevent similar problems when conducting courses with students.
Diving Instructors), ki ima dolgoletno tradicijo iz leta 1966, je
mednarodno priznan, je med najbolj razširjenimi med največ
nudenimi potapljaškimi centri za rekreativno potapljanje in mu
Elective course, diving, education
tudi druge univerze in fakultete po svetu priznavajo ovrednotenje
po kreditnih točkah glede na stopnjo izobraževanja [4]. Glede na
stopnje izobraževanja PADI deli izobraževanja na naslednje
nivoje, kot je prikazano na sliki 1.
Iz slike 1 je razvidno, da je za mlade in otroke na razpolago
PADI Seal team, ki je razdeljen na Bubblemaker in Discover
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
Scuba diving ter Skin diving in omejen s starostjo 8 let. Pri vseh
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
teh stopnjah je obvezna prisotnost in vodenje inštruktorja. Prvi
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
nivo certificiranega potapljača predstavlja stopnja OWD (Open
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
water diver), ki je omejena do globine 18m in omogoča
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
samostojno potapljanje v parih v spremstvu inštruktorja ali
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Divemastra. V našem primeru bomo izvajali usposabljanja za to
stopnjo. Kot nadaljevanje sledi izobraževanje za Adventure diver
(Deap diver in Wreck diver) in AOWD (Advanced open water
4.1 Neuspelo uravnavanje pritiska v ušesih
diver), ki ima omejitev do globine 30m razen, če znotraj tega
Skupina štirih tečajnikov je imela prvi dan praktičnih vaj in
pridobimo certifikat za specialnosti, ki dovoljujejo potope do
med prvim potopom smo opazili, da ima ena od tečajnic težave z
40m. Naslednja stopnja je Rescue diver, ki pomaga pri reševanju
izenačevanjem pritiska v ušesih. Kot posledica slednjega se ni
in nato Master scuba diver, ki je le naziv za usposobljenost
uspela potopiti, ostali pa so čakali na dnu Blejskega jezera na
rekreativnega potapljača, ki pa ne sme sodelovati ali izvajati
globini 5m. S tečajnico je bilo potrebno izvesti ponoven poskus
usposabljanja. Prvi nivo s področja profesionalnega
izenačevanja pritiska nad gladino, da smo zaznali napako pri tem
usposabljanja je Dive master, kar predstavlja tudi poklic, a je
postopku. Če bi se tečajnica spustila v globino brez izenačevanja
omejen na manj zahtevne naloge in v večji meri le pomaga Open
bi začutila hudo bolečino in posledično poškodbo bobniča s
water scuba instruktorju.
Analiza: Obstaja več načinov izenačevanja pritiska v ušesih.
Najenostavnejši je s pihanjem v nos pri čemer s prti stisnemo
nosnice. Tečajnica je namesto v nos pihala v usta oziroma lica.
To je izvedlo pritisk na ličnice namesto na ušesa.
Rešitev: Kandidatom je potrebno predstaviti vse možne
načine izenačevanja pritiska v ušesih in z njimi po potrebi večkrat
ponoviti to vajo v plitki vodi.
4.2 Prehiter dvig na površino
Prehiter dvig na površino je lahko za potapljača nevaren
sorazmerno z globino in časom v katerem je bil na tej globini.
Rezultira lahko v obliki dekompresijske bolezni, ki jo delimo na
izločanje dušika v obliki mehurčkov v krvni sitem ter raztezanje
pljuč kot posledica neustreznega izpusta zraka med dvigom. Da
bi se preprečile take nesreče se vse vaje najprej izvajajo v plitvi
Slika 1: Shema izobraževanja po sistemu PADI
vodi, ki ne presega višino potapljača (plitka voda ali bazen),
kasneje pa na globini med 5-7 m.
Rekreativni potapljači, ki se želijo potapljati globje kot 40m
Opis primera: skupina štirih potapljačev je izvajala
morajo opraviti usposabljanja PADI za Tec diving (tehnično
ponovitev vaj iz plitke vode na globini 7m. Med vajo praznjenja
potapljanje)[5], pri katerih se uporablja obogaten zrak s kisikom
maske (vodo iz maske izpodrinemo s pomočjo dovajanja zraka
(Nitrox) ali Trimix (helij, kisik in dušik), ki omogoča časovno
preko nosu), je tečajnica nenamerno namesto vpiha izvedla vdih
daljše in globje potope, a zahteva varnostne postanke, dodatno
preko nosu in tako vdihnila vodo. Sledil je kašelj, ki je izzval
tehnično opremo in dodatne vire zraka na posameznih
bruhanje, izpust regulatorja iz ust in hiter dvig na površino.
predvidenih globinah za dekompresijo.
Priporočeno je da se dvigujemo 18m na minuto [7] ali počasneje.
Kot je razvidno iz slike 1 ima PADI-jev izobraževalni sistem
Glede na globino in čas potopa ni bilo nevarnosti, da bi
zelo dodelano in razvejano strukturo učenja. Ves sistem je podprt
kandidatka dobila Dekompresijsko bolezen, a smo morali z njo
tudi z ISO standardi. Vsak tečaj je podrobno opisan v priročnikih
pol ure ponavljati vaje v plitki vodi, da je premagala strah in si
(npr. PADI Divemaster manual [7]) in se ga posodablja glede na
pridobila sposobnost kontroliranega izpiha čez nos.
spremembe v tehnični opremi.
Analiza: Do težave je prišlo, ker je tečajnica tečaj potapljanja
zaradi omejitev v zvezi s korona virusom prekinila za nekaj
mesecev in se tako drugega dne tečaja udeležila naknadno.
Rešitev: Če je med vajami v nizki vodi in vajami v globoki vodi
Kot metode dela smo uporabili študijo literature, študije
več dni ali mesecev, je nujno potrebno ponoviti vaje v plitki vodi.
primerov in primerjave rezultatov z zapisi v Divemaster
Na ta način tečajnik spet pridobi občutek in zmanjša strah zaradi
priročniku v katerem so našteti različni primeri težav s katerimi
neugodja, ko mu voda pride v nos in čez oči.
se lahko srečamo med izvajanjem izobraževanja in potopov.
Zbrani primeri so se zgodili v času od junija 2021 do septembra
4.3 Pomanjkanje zraka
2021 med izobraževanji ali organiziranimi potopi. Primerjava je
Ena od najbolj nevarnih situacij za potapljača je, da med
narejena s ciljem, da ugotovimo potencialne nevarnosti in se čim
potopom ostane brez zraka. Pravila sicer pravijo, da mora
bolje pripravimo za izvedbo obštudijske dejavnosti potapljač pred vstopom v vodo s so-potapljačem izvesti preverbo
»Organizacija in usposabljanje v potapljanju« s študenti UM
opreme, ki vsebuje tudi pregled funkcioniranja regulatorja in
FOV v študijskem letu 2022/2023.
oktopusa (rezervni regulator). Ker je to najnevarnejši scenarij se
vedno učimo postopke kako v takih primerih postopati in kako
deliti zrak iz jeklenke s pomočjo oktopusa. V tem primeru je šlo
za mešanico upoštevanja navodil, a ne v celoti. Sopotapljača sta
Na tem mestu so predstavljeni primeri, v katerih smo bili fizično
po postopku pregledala drug drugega in na površini je bilo
prisotni in so potrebovali naši intervencijo s ciljem zagotoviti
dihanje mogoče ne da bi na inštrumentih zaznali odstopanja. Ko
varnost in zdravje tečajnikov. Tečajniki so bili od starosti 8- 55
pa se je potapljač spustil na 7m, mu delno odprta jeklenka ni
let različnih predznanj in stopenj usposobljenosti.
dovajala dovolj zraka zato je težko dihal in na koncu bil prisiljen
pomagalo, nekje na 4m globine ga je potisnilo na površino. To
izplavati na površino.
sicer ni bilo nevarno, a ustvari vseeno neprijeten občutek.
Analiza: Na kopnem smo ugotovili, da je bila jeklenka le
Analiza: na površini smo ugotovili, da so dodatne uteži iz
delno odprta, kar je podobno kot pri pipi z vodo, kjer voda sicer
žepa na nogah izpadle iz žepa, ko se je potapljač postavil
teče ampak v majhnem curku.
vertikalno na glavo.
Rešitev: Opominjati potapljače na to možnost in ob prvem
Rešitev: Uteži je potrebno pritrditi v žep s pritrdilnimi
potopu na globino preveriti, če vsi lahko brez težav dihajo.
vrvicami namenjenimi drugim vsebinam.
Četrti primer se je zgodil po vaji izstrelitve boje v globoki
4.4 Izguba opreme
vodi. Praviloma se najprej boja s sponko loči od jopiča, nato se
Tukaj smo doživeli štiri različne primere.
sponka pripne na vrv, boja se razvije in napolni z zrakom, drug
Prvi je bil s tečajnico srednjih let, ki je najprej sezula plavutke,
potapljač pa med dviganjem drži kolut z vrvico. Po tem postopku
potem v paniki izvrgla regulator in se pognala iz 3m na površino.
se varno dvigne na površino in bojo pospravi v prvotno obliko.
Ker še ni obvladala kompenzatorja plovnosti je inštruktor
Analiza: Med zvijanjem boje je tečajnik podal sponko
napihnil njen jopič, da jo je dvignilo na površino.
kolegu, ki je držal kolut in sponka je padla 7 metrov niže v blatni
Analiza: Tečajnica je slabo pritrdila izposojene plavuti.
del jezera. V teh primerih se ne more ugotoviti kje je predmet
Rešitev: Obvezno preveriti ali so tečajniki pravilno namestili
pristal, saj se skrije v blatni del dna.
in pritrdili opremo.
Rešitev: Označevalno bojo naj vedno pospravlja le ena oseba.
Drugi primer je bil pri izvedbi potopa očeta in sina, ki sta pravkar
kupila novo opremo in sta oba že imela nekaj opravljenih
potopov na Maldivih. Testirala sta nova jopiča z integriranimi
utežmi (namesto, da so uteži na pasu, so v posebnih žepih
jopiča). Potop je potekal po planu najprej v eno smer po 5m
globine in nazaj na globini 3m na izhodiščno mesti v Veliki Zaki
(Slika 2) na Blejskem jezeru. Med potjo nazaj je sina izvrglo na
površino. Analiza: Ko smo prišli na kopno smo ugotovili, da je
med potopom izgubil del uteži z ene strani. Očitno žep
integriranih uteži dovoljuje, da se uteži v krogličasti
obliki(vrečka s svinčenimi kroglicami) lahko izmuznejo.
Rešitev: V tem primeri je potrebno uporabiti eno večjo
vrečko uteži ali pa klasične kvadrataste oblike.
Slika 3: Škarpena – Savudrija, Hrvaška
4.5 Ribič, ribič me je ujel
Blejsko jezero je precej poseljeno z ribami, prednjačijo somi,
ščuke in krapi. Občasno se dogaja, da ribiči lovijo v bližini
kopalnega dela v Veliki Zaki, kjer izvajamo potope. Konec
avgusta smo izvajali »Discovery dive« poskusni potop z enim
kandidatom. To je potop pred tečajem, ki se izvaja zato, da
stranke ugotovijo ali jim potapljanje ustreza in se kasneje
vključijo v certificiran tečaj OWD. Značilnost poskusnega
potopa je, da se izvede le nekaj najnujnejših vaj praznjenja maske
in dihanja z regulatorjem ter izenačevanja pritiska v ušesih. Med
potopom se tečajnika drži zadaj za jeklenko in na mesto njega
uravnava plovnost s pomočjo regulatorja na jopiču. Potop se je
izvajal po načrtovani poti na globini 5m. Med povratkom smo
opazili mesto z belimi kroglicami (vaba za ribe), ki jih ribič vrže
Slika 2: Velika Zaka – Blejsko jezero
v vodo na mesto kjer pričakuje ribe. Nekaj metrov za tem je
potapljač na nogah začutili upor, kot da bi nekaj zadrževalo
Tretji primer se je zgodil na potapljanju na morju v predelu
gibanje. Tudi dodatno gibanje ni spustilo omejeno gibanje.
Savudrije na Hrvaškem. Spustili smo se do 15m in med luknjami
Potapljač je pokazal tečajniku naj počaka, instruktor je
v skalnatem pobočju fotografirali morske živali (Slika 3). Da se
nadzoroval tečajnika, medtem je potapljač uporabil nož in
ne dvigne pesek se včasih potapljač postavi na glavo in tako
prerezal zadevo, ki je preprečevala nadaljnje potapljanje.
izvaja fotografiranje. V tem primeru je bila uporabljena suha
Analiza: Na kopnem smo ugotovili, da se potapljač ni ujel v
obleka, ki je še bolj občutljiva na vertikalen položaj saj se zrak v
odvržen ribiška vrvica – laks, ampak ga je dejansko nehote ujel
obleki premakne v noge potapljača in ga začne vleči proti
ribič (Slika 4).
površini. Potapljač je imel opravljen tečaj iz uporabe suhe
Rešitev: Čim opazimo na obrežju ribiče moramo pot potopov
potapljaške obleke in več potopov z njo. Poskusil se je rešiti s
spremeniti na drugo stran, saj lahko ribič odvrže trnek vrč deset
prevali naprej z popolnim izpustom zraka iz jopiča, a ni
metrov vstran.
Analiza: Čoln je očitno pobral ali dostavil neko osebo na
kopno med tem, ko smo mi izvajali potop. Pri mestu vstopa in
izstopa smo imeli postavljeno opozorilno bojo, medtem ko se
med potopom ne označuje kje so potapljači.
Rešitev: V času, ko so na gladini čolni z izvenkrmnimi
motorji spremenimo smer potopa na del jezera kjer ni nevarnosti
za morebitno srečanje.
Slika 4: Ribiški trnek v potapljaškem čevlju
Slika 5: Som iz Blejskega jezera
4.6 Slabo pritrjena jeklenka
4.8 Neustrezna oprema
Ena od prvih nalog potapljača je, da sam sestavi svojo opremo.
Potapljanje zahteva kar nekaj kosov tehnične opreme, od obleke,
Med drugim se na jopič pritrdi jeklenka v odvisnosti od sistema
čevljev, rokavic, kapuce, maske, dihalke, jopiča plovnosti,
z dvema ali tremi pasovi. Pritrdilni pasovi so narejeni iz mešanice
jeklenke, pasa z utežmi ali integriranih uteži. Na začetku se vsa
materialov, ki se v vodi delno raztegnejo, zato je potrebno pri
oprema sposodi pri izvajalcu tečaja in se jo pred tem na kopnem
pritrjevanju jeklenk še posebej preveriti trdnost. To naredimo
tudi poskusno obleče in preizkusi. Pokazalo se je, da v nekaterih
tako, da jopič primemo za držalo in večkrat potresemo in
primerih to ni dovolj.
opazujemo ali se jeklenka premika. Iz preventivnih razlogov se
Po priporočilih PADI Divemaster priročnika [7] se masko
zato uporabljata dva ali trije pritrdilni sistemi s sponkami. V tem
izbere tako, da vsak poskusi nekaj mask in tista, ki se mu najbolj
primeru je na kopnem vse delovalo v redu, med potopom pa je
prilega se izbere kot prava. V našem primeru je tečajnik imel
jeklenka zlezla navzdol in jo je držal le zgornji pomožni trak. Ker
konstantno uhajanje vode iz zgornje strani maske kar je
je to ena od vaj, ki jo potapljači opravljamo, je sopotapljač pod
povzročalo zalivanje maske z vodo. To se je dogajalo kljub temu,
vodo zategnil nosilni trak jeklenke in smo lahko s potopom
da je maska na kopnem prilegala in tesnila.
Analiza: Tečajnik je imel posebno zaobljeno čelo, ki je
Analiza: Nosilni trak se je v vodi raztegnil do take mere, da
omogočalo tesnjenje, kadar je bila maska najnižje možno nad
ni bilo več potrebnega oprijema.
ustnicami. Čim se je maska premaknila pod nos je maska puščala.
Rešitev: Opozarjati potapljače na to možnost. Obvezna
Rešitev: Vizualno oceni obraz in čelo tečajnika. V takih
izvedba kontrole med potapljačema pred potopom. Uporaba
primerih je dobro imeti rezervno masko z manjšo površino med
nosilnih trakov in sponk take vrste, ki zmanjšujejo to možnost.
spodnjim in zgornjim robom maske.
4.9 Neupoštevanje navodil inštruktorja
4.7 Električni čoln
Potapljanje je lep šport in dokler ne gre kaj narobe je vsem lepo
Načeloma na Blejskem jezeru ni čolnov z izvenkrmnim
in po malem adrenalinsko. Da se prepreči nesreče se ves čas
motorjem, potapljače opozarjamo na plavalce, pletnarje, kanuje,
usposabljan poudarja pomembnost upoštevanja pravil
kajake in supe. Med tem, ko se motor na notranje izgorevanje
potapljanja in navodil inštruktorja. Kot omenjeno že prej je prvi
pod vodo sliši na več deset metrov, se električni izvenkrmni
nivo certificiranega usposabljanja OWD že dovolj, da so
motor s propelerjem sploh ne zazna. Med izvedbo ponedeljkovih
potapljači sami odgovorni za svoje početje in zato pred potopi
osvežilnih potopov je skupina petih potapljačev opravila planiran
podpišejo obrazec, kjer se s tem strinjajo. Kljub temu se najdejo
večerni potop z ogledom rib (Slika 5) pod lesenim pomolom za
osebe, ki nevarnostim navkljub ne upoštevajo teh navodil.
kopalce. V tistem delu je globina vode med 1,5m in 3m. Ko smo
V bistvu sta se oba primera zgodila na istem potopu v
se izpod podesta premikali proti drugemu delu pomola je nad nas
Kostreni na Hrvaškem, ki je bil sestavni del AOWD, torej
zapeljal čoln z električnim izvenkrmnim motorjem, ki je pomagal
nadaljevalnega tečaja, kjer se lahko potapljač potopi do 30m.
med treningom veslačev. Na srečo smo ga vizualno opazili in se
Med tečajniki je bil tudi mladoletni fant, ki se že nekaj časa
odmaknili na globino. Ker je bila ta skupina sestavljena iz
potaplja, saj je njegov oče tudi potapljač s stopnjo Rescue diver
certificiranih potapljačev, ki obvladujejo nevtralno plovnost med
– Potapljač reševalec. Zaradi njegove omejitve globine na 20m
potopom, ni prišlo do nesreče.
se je morala cela skupina prilagoditi temu. Že med spustom na
nekje 10m globine je tečajnik plaval sem in tja in kazal
prekomerno energijo. Spustili smo se do skalnatega previsa, ki se
spušča daleč pod 20m globine. Pravilo je, da se potapljači v
skupin ne potapljajo globje od inštruktorja. Seveda v tem primeru
to ni bilo tako. Mladenič se je spuščal kar nekaj metrov pod mejo
in šele na opozorila inštruktorja postavil v pravo višino. Zaradi
črednega nagona so se nižje spustili tudi dve starejši potapljačici,
ki nista kazali velikega zanimanja med uvodnim poročanjem in
priporočilih inštruktorja. Na srečo noben od udeležencev ni imel
Analiza: Zaradi večje globine so tem, ki so se potapljali nižje
bolj spraznile jeklenke, zato smo morali predhodno prekiniti
potop, da smo še v mejah normale izvedli priporočljiv varnostni
postanek za tri minute na petih metrih globine.
Rešitev: Pred potopom tudi z izkušenimi potapljači ponoviti
Slika 6: Vstop v vodo iz pomola
pravila potapljanja on previsih.
4.11 Primerjava izkušenj z opisanimi primeri v
4.10 Napačen vzgib za opravljanje tečaja
PADI Divemaster priročniku
Tečaj OWD zahteva kar nekaj spretnosti in psihofizičnih
Kot omenjeno pred tem ima PADI sistem poudarek na
sposobnosti udeležencev. Vsaj na začetku je za tečajnike to
kakovosti, pri svojem delu uporabljajo ustrezne ISO standarde in
stresno saj se znajdejo v povsem drugačnih pogojih kot na
imajo dolgo obdobje delovanja v katerem se sproti učijo in
kopnem. Na tem mestu predstavljamo dva primera, ko je napačen
prilagajajo. V priročniku [7] na strani 69 je opisanih okoli 100
vzgib za opravljanje tečaja botroval prekinitvi tečaja oziroma
primerov težav, ki jih imajo potapljači med izvajanje 24 vaj iz
spoznavnega potopa.
potapljanj. Pred vsakim poglavjem so opisani podobni primeri
Prvi primer se je zgodil v avgustu, ko sta se na poskusni
težav iz realnih primerov, kot smo jih doživeli tudi mi sami, s
potop prijavila oče in njegova 8 letna hčerka. Na začetku sta bila
tem, da so se v priročniku nekateri končali tragično. Kljub vsemu
ba navdušena, pomagali smo jima pri oblačenju in opremi in ju
pa nikoli ne bomo pripravljeni na vse situacije, ki nas čakajo.
postavili v nizko vodo. Pri punčki smo vedno držali njeno
Samo dobra pripravljenost in strokovna podkovanost bo
jeklenko, ker sama še ni obvladala kontroliranega plavanja. Med
preprečila ali vsaj zmanjšala morebitne težave in posledice. In
tem, ko rid raslih že med poskusnim potopom opravimo nekaj
kot nas uči priročnik, v primeru težav se najprej za trenutek ustavi,
nujnih vaj, jih v programu Bublemaker za otroke ne, saj so za to
oceni situacijo, poišči več rešitev, izberi najustreznejšo in po tem
še premladi in ni dovolj planiranega časa, da bi se to izvedlo.
ovrednoti to rešitev.
Otroku se razloži kako zadeva deluje, kako se izenači pritisk v
Iz pričujočega je razvidno, da obštudijska dejavnost
ušesih in znake s katerimi se pokaže, da je vse v redu ali da nekaj
»Organizacija in usposabljanje iz potapljanja« zahteva dobro
ni v redu. Prvi poskusi plavanja pod vodo z regulatorjem so bili
pripravljenost vseh sodelujočih in obvezno sodelovanje z
s punčko uspešni, nato je čakala, da oče opravi zahtevane vaje.
certificiranimi inštruktorji v bližnjih potapljaških centrih.
Še preden smo se dejansko odpravili na poskusni potop je punčka
zahtevala, da gre iz vode in da ne bo nadaljevala.
Analiza: Deklica je šla na potop na željo očeta. Med pripravo
smo se več ukvarjali z očetom kot z deklico, zato ji je postalo
V prispevku smo predstavili nekaj izkušenj pridobljenih med
dolgočasno. Deklica je kazala znake strahu, torej to ni delala iz
izvajanjem različnih stopenj izobraževanj iz potapljanja po
veselja, kot ostali otroci, ki se prijavijo po lastni želji.
sistemu PADI na Blejskem jezeru in nekaj iz potopov na morju.
Rešitev: Ločiti usposabljanje za otroka in odraslega tako, da
Iz predstavljenega je razvidno, da potapljanje zahteva resen
vsak inštruktor ali Divemaster delata s svojim kandidatom. Pred
pristop in vnaprejšnje predvidevanje. Z vsakim odstopanjem od
potopom se pri otroku preveri ali je njegova želja, da gre na potop.
pravil se povečuje verjetnost za ogrožanje zdravja ali celo
Drugi primer je je zgodil kmalu za tem, tokrat trije prijatelji
življenja potapljačev. Primerjava s primeri iz PADI Divemaster
jamarji in en gasilec opravljajo OWD tečaj. Že pri vajah na
priročnika je pokazala, da so naše izkušnje v mejah običajnega
suhem med sestavljanjem opreme se je pri enem od jamarjev
in da smo ustrezno ukrepali, saj ni bil nihče poškodovan.
opazilo, da mu sestavljanje ne gre najbolje in da ni naštudiral
Izkušnje nam bodo služile pri izvajanju tečajev potapljanja s
teoretične osnove. Sledil je prvi dan praktičnih vaj v nizki vodi.
študenti. Potrebna bo posebna pozornost na napake, ki so
Kandidat je imel velike težave s praznjenjem maske in vajami
značilne za mlade in adrenalinske tečajnike.
kjer je moral uporabljati regulator. Nenavadno je bilo tudi to, da
ga je bilo strah vstopiti v vodo iz pomola nekje 50cm na gladino
(Sloka 6). Večkrat je tudi omenjal, da on nekaterih vaj pač nebi
[1] WERBER, Borut. Prednosti in zahteve izvedbe kreditno ovrednotene
dela, ker mu ne ustrezajo. Kljub posebnim naporom, da je opravil
obštudijske dejavnosti na primeru usposabljanja v konferenčnem
zborniku: ŠPRAJC, Polona (ur.), et al. 40. mednarodna konferenca o
vse vaje prvega dne, ga drugi dan ni bilo na tečaj.
razvoju organizacijskih znanosti: [online, Ms Teams, March 17 - 19,
Analiza: Ugotovili smo, da se je na tečaj prijavil zaradi stave
2021]. 1st ed. Maribor: University of Maribor, University Press, 2021. Str.
1145-1153. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18690/978-961-286-442-2.77.
s kolegi jamarji.
[2] Statut univerze v Mariboru, (2020). Dostopno na naslovu
Rešitev: Pri vsakem tečajnika preveriti razlog prijave na tečaj
in jih opozoriti, da tečaj zahteva kar nekaj psihofizičnega truda.
[4] PADI – priznavanje kreditnih točk Dostopno na naslovu
https://www.padi.com/college-credit (6.9.2021)
UPB%2013).pdf (6.9.2021)
[5] PADI eLearning. Shema izobraževanja, Dostopno na naslovu
[3] Pravilnik o kreditno ovrednoteni obštudijski dejavnosti na Univerzi v
Mariboru, št. 012/2019/1, 1 (2019) (testimony of Univerza v Mariboru).
[6] PADI
Dostopno na naslovu
Dostopno na naslovu https://www.um.si/univerza/dokumentni-
[7] PADI DIVEMASTER Manual (2020), PADI,(rev. 04/202) Verzija 3.01
ISBN: 978-1-878663-07-8
Šolanje na daljavo v digitalnem okolju
Distance learning in the digital environment
Samo Žerjal
Osnovna šola Kozara Nova Gorica
Kidričeva 35
5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenija
V letu 2020 smo na naši šoli prvič prišli v položaj, ko smo zaradi
Danes je zelo veliko spletnih orodij, ki omogočajo tudi delo na
ukrepov za preprečevanje širjenja okužbe z novim
daljavo. Učitelji pri svojem delu uporabljamo različna IKT
koronavirusom morali prekiniti normalen potek šolanja. To je
orodja. Doslej smo šolske spletne učilnice za učence imeli
pomenilo zaprtje šol in začetek poučevanja na daljavo. Zato smo
postavljene znotraj Arnesovih spletnih učilnic, učitelji pa smo
morali pripraviti in sprejeti več prilagoditev, ki so bile potrebne
gradiva shranjevali lokalno na računalnikih, oziroma v oblačne
zaradi drugačnega načina poučevanja. V zelo kratkem času smo
storitve, kot so Google Drive ali Oblak 365, v primeru, da so bili
se morali prilagoditi novim razmeram. Glede na to, da naša šola
dokumenti namenjeni skupni rabi. Odločili smo se, da v skladu s
vzgaja in izobražuje učence s posebnimi potrebami so nas nove
priporočili in usmeritvami, ki smo jih prejeli s strani Zavoda RS
okoliščine še dodatno silile k razmisleku, na kakšen način
za šolstvo [1] in na podlagi primerov dobre prakse, skupaj
prilagoditi vsebine, oblike in metode dela. Google znotraj paketa
izberemo in pripravimo novo sodobno spletno okolje za potrebe
Workspace for Education ponuja nabor sodobnih spletnih orodij,
šolanja na daljavo.
ki uporabnikom ponuja veliko prostora za kreativnost in
sodelovanje, hkrati pa ne zahteva daljšega uvajanja, saj se
storitev izkaže kot uporabniku prijazna. Prispevek predstavi
pripravo in uporabo nekaterih aplikacij pri načrtovanju in izvedbi
Pri odločitvi glede izbire spletnega okolja, ki bi čim bolj olajšalo
pouka v digitalnem okolju. Podrobneje so predstavljene tiste
prenos znanja na daljavo smo na šoli zasledovali sledeče kriterije
aplikacije, ki so se pokazale kot primerne za naše potrebe.
• Funkcionalnost oziroma uporabnost spletnih strani –
je lastnost spletne strani, da izpolni potrebe, zahteve
Google Workspace for Education, spletno okolje, spletna mesta,
in želje uporabnika z vidika koristnosti in
obrazci, spletna komunikacija
uporabnosti. Stopnja uporabnosti strani je odvisna
predvsem od vsebine ter kako učinkovito lahko njeni
uporabniki uporabljajo njene funkcije.
In 2020, we witnessed for the first time a situation where, due to
• Oblikovna podoba strani – vsebuje nabor različnih
measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus, we had to
elementov kot so možnosti dodajanja grafičnih
postpone the normal course of schooling. Schools closed down
elementov, barv, ozadij, gumbov, ikon, besedil,
and all teaching became remote. We therefore had to prepare
tipografij, fotografij, ipd.
several changes to support new ways of learning. We had to adapt
• Interaktivnost spletne strani – postavlja obiskovalca v
to the new situation in a very short time. Given that our school
aktivno vlogo. S pomočjo različnih aplikacij in
educates students with special needs, new circumstances forced
obrazcev lahko učinkovito preverjamo zastavljene
us even further to consider how to approach the content, forms
cilje in ustvarimo dvosmerno komunikacijo z
and methods of work. Within the Workspace for Education
packages Google offers modern online tools that give users
• Navigacijski sistem – je namenjen hitremu,
plenty of room for creativity and collaboration. Their
preglednemu in enostavnemu dostopu do informacij.
implementation is quick and user-friendly. The paper presents
Bistvenega pomena je, da se uporabnik na spletnih
the set up and use of certain applications in the planning and
straneh zna samostojno in hitro orientirati.
implementation of lessons in the digital environment. Those
Na podlagi analize stanja smo se odločili, da novo spletno
applications that turned out to be more useful for our
okolje zgradimo s pomočjo storitve Google Workspace for
requirements are presented in more detail.
Education. Za osnovno okolje smo izbrali aplikacijo Google
Sites. Aplikacija uporabnikom omogoča ustvarjanje in urejanje
spletnih mest na spletu, hkrati pa sodelovanje z drugimi
Google Workspace for Education, web environment, websites,
uporabniki v realnem času [3].
forms, online communication
Google račun nam z istim uporabniškim imenom in geslom
omogoča dostop do večine Googlovih izdelkov. Za dostop do
paketa Google Workspace for Education je za šole potrebna
registracija [4]. Šola z uspešno registracijo pridobi svojo lastno
domeno. Po uspešni registraciji pridobi oseba z dodeljenimi
ustreznimi pravicami dostop do upravnega središča (Slika 1) in s
3.1 Spletna mesta
tem možnost urejanja določenih sistemskih nastavitev. V
Google Sites je strukturirano orodje za ustvarjanje wiki in
razdelku - skrbnik dostopamo do naslednjih podrazdelkov:
spletnih strani [3]. Do storitve lahko dostopamo z enkratno
• Imenik (directory) – na tem mestu lahko dodajamo ali
prijavo v Google račun, ki predstavlja enkratno avtentikacijo.
brišemo uporabnike, urejamo njihove e-naslove, gesla
Na OŠ Kozara Nova Gorica je skrbnik organizacije najprej na
za dostop, jih razvrščamo v skupine, spreminjamo
šolski spletni strani ustvaril povezavo do začetnega spletnega
dostopne pravice na različnih nivojih ter spremljamo
mesta (Slika 3). Na tem mestu je lahko vsak uporabnik opravil
njihovo aktivnost po skupinah.
prijavo v Google račun in poiskal ustrezno povezavo do
• Naprave (devices) – na tem mestu lahko pridobimo
spletnega mesta.
informacije o vpisanih uporabnikih, času zadnjega
vpisa ter katero vrsto naprave in operacijski sistem pri
tem uporabniki uporabljamo.
• Aplikacije (apps) – storitev vključuje velik nabor
spletnih aplikacij, kot so npr. Gmail, Drive, Docs,
Calendar, Sheets, Slides, Chat, Forms, Sites, Meet,
itd., ki jih lahko na tem mestu upravljamo.
• Varnost (security) – urejamo lahko nekatere
varnostne nastavitve.
• Račun (account) – po potrebi lahko poljubno
spremenimo spletne naslove za dostop do nekaterih
spletnih aplikacij.
Slika 3: Začetno spletno mesto
Ustvarimo lahko večje število spletnih mest, ki jih smiselno
hierarhično uredimo. Vsakemu spletnemu mestu lahko dodajamo
podstrani in na ta način organiziramo delo po tednih oziroma
dnevih. V razdelku spletna mesta najprej izberemo možnost –
začetek novega spletnega mesta. V novem zavihku lahko
poljubno poimenujemo novo spletno mesto, dodajamo podstrani
ter spreminjamo grafično podobo celotne strani z izborom
različnih tem in gradnikov. Poleg tega imamo integrirano
možnost vstavljanja datotek oziroma spletnih povezav.
Slika 1: Upravno središče
Udeleženca lahko pritegnemo z vstavljanjem lastnih
multimedijskih vsebin, spreminjamo velikost, barvo in obliko
2.1 Organizacija skupin
pisave, učne vsebine prikažemo s pomočjo pripravljenih
dokumentov, predstavitev in grafikonov. Znanje lahko
V podrazdelku – imenik, skrbnik organizacije najprej ustvari
preverjamo ob pomoči izdelanih obrazcev ali s povezavo do
skupine uporabnikov (Slika 2). Na naši šoli smo delo organizirali
drugih spletnih aplikacij, če želimo doseči večjo interaktivnost
tako, da so bile skupine ustvarjene po oddelkih, dostop pa imajo
(Slika 4).
samo člani. Učenci so bili uvrščeni v ustrezno skupino, glede na
oddelek, ki ga obiskujejo, učitelji pa v tisto skupino - oddelek,
kjer poučujejo. Učencem so bile dodeljene pravice bralca,
učiteljem pa pravice urejevalca.
Slika 4: Spletno mesto 5. razreda
3.2 Obrazci
Google Forms predstavlja učinkovito orodje za zbiranje
Slika 2: Organizacija skupin
informacij v obliki različnih vprašalnikov oziroma kvizov. V
razdelku obrazci izberemo možnost - začni nov obrazec. Nato v
nastavitvah določimo vrsto obrazca. Če izberemo možnost kvizi,
lahko odgovore na vprašanja tudi točkujemo. Obrazcem lahko s
spreminjanjem teme določimo tudi grafično podobo, Izbiramo
lahko med različnimi tipi vprašanj, kot so vprašanja z izbirnimi
odgovori, vprašanja odprtega tipa, ali npr. v obliki linearnih
lestvic. Po želji lahko dodajamo poljubne slike ali videoposnetke
z YouTuba. Končni izgled kviza lahko sproti preverjamo s
klikom na možnost – predogled (Slika 5). Obrazec lahko
učencem posredujemo na različne načine. Prvi način je, da
uporabimo njihove e-naslove, kjer imamo možnost pošiljanja po
skupinah. Vprašalnik lahko posredujemo tudi s kopiranjem URL
povezave, oziroma vstavimo na spletno mesto v obliki HTML
kode. V zavihku - odzivi lahko pregledujemo odgovore učencev,
po posameznih učencih, vprašanjih ali skupno.
Slika 6: Aplikacija Google Chat
3.4 Prednosti uporabe spletnih aplikacij v
Google Workspace for Education
Prednost uporabe Google Workspace for Education je enotna
prijava z enim uporabniškim imenom in geslom za uporabo vseh
storitev. Z aplikacijo Google Sites lahko učitelji na preprost
način dodajamo, urejamo in prilagajamo digitalne vsebine. Pri
tem nam je na voljo veliko orodij, ki so že integrirana v samo
storitev, kar zelo poenostavi delo ter pušča uporabniku veliko
prostora za individualnost. Prav tako je sam uporabniški vmesnik
zelo pregleden in enostaven za uporabo, storitev pa deluje preko
spleta, ne glede na lokacijo uporabnika. Z aplikacijo Google
Forms učitelji pridobimo in zbiramo različne potrebne
informacije, ki nam lahko služijo pri evalviranju dosedanjega ter
načrtovanju nadaljnega dela. Uporabniki s storitvijo pridobimo
tudi možnost uporabe sodobne elektronske komunikacije, kot je
uporaba elektronske pošte Gmail s šolsko domeno in drugih
orodij za spletno komuniciranje.
V šolskem letu 2019/2020 smo na šoli v času šolanja na daljavo
Slika 5: Matematični kviz izdelan s pomočjo Google Forms
prvič preizkusili delovanje storitve Google Workspace for
Education. Znotraj ponujenih orodij smo skrbno izbrali tiste, v
3.3 Spletna komunikacija
katerih smo prepoznali dodano vrednost za naše delo. Zaradi
Vsak uporabnik šolskega računa ob prijavi pridobi tudi svoj
pozitivnega odziva pri uporabnikih smo zato v šolskem letu
šolski elektronski naslov za uporabo elektronske pošte Gmail.
2020/2021 ustvarili dodatno spletno okolje za primer izvajanja
Pošto se lahko prejema in pošilja tako iz računalnikov, kot tudi
hibridnega modela šolanja, ki predvideva delno izvajanje pouka
iz mobilnih naprav. Spletno komunikacijo prav tako omogočata
v šoli, delno na daljavo.
aplikaciji Google Chat (Slika 6) in Google Meet. Slednji v obliki
[1] Priporočila in usmeritve za pouk na daljavo za osnovno šolo. Zavod RS za
šolstvo. Dostopno na naslovu: https://www.zrss.si/stiki-s-prakso/podpora-
pouk-na-daljavo-za-osnovno-solo/ (16. 8. 2021).
[2] Plevnik D. (2004). Analiza spletnih strani in njihova uporabnost.
Diplomsko delo. Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani: Ekonomska fakulteta.
[3] Google
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Sites (13. 8. 2021).
[4] Google Workspace Admin Help. Dostopno na naslovu:
https://support.google.com/a/answer/134628 (13. 8. 2021).
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek H
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume H
Delavnica URBANITE 2021
URBANITE Workshop 2021
Uredniki / Editors
Sergio Campos, Shabnam Farahmand, Nathalie van Loon, Erik Dovgan
8. oktober 2021 / 8 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Delavnica URBANITE bo forum za predstavitev najsodobnejših mobilnostnih rešitev v
urbanem okolju s poudarkom na prebojnih tehnologijah, kot so umetna inteligenca, sistemi za
podporo odločanju, analitika velikih podatkov in napovedni algoritmi, ki se uporabljajo pri
analizi podatkov o mobilnosti, napovedovanju dogodkov in podpori javnim upravam pri
sprejemanju strateških odločitev.
Delavnica je aktivnost projekta URBANITE. Vabimo prispevke akademskega sveta, industrije
in oblikovalcev strategij na področju mobilnosti in pametnih mest.
Delavnica se bo osredotočila na naslednje teme v okviru mobilnosti v pametnih mestih:
Umetna inteligenca
Inteligentni sistemi
Strojno učenje
Podatkovno rudarjenje
Sistemi za podporo odločanju
Analitika velikih podatkov
Dejavnosti soustvarjanja
Socialni vidiki
Urbana preobrazba
The URBANITE Workshop will be a forum for presenting the state-of-the-art solutions for the
urban mobility with the focus on disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, decision
support systems, big data analytics and predictive algorithms, which are applied in mobility
data analysis, eventualities prediction, and supporting public administrations in making policy-
related decisions.
The workshop is an activity of the URBANITE project. We welcome papers from the academia,
the industry, and the policy makers in the mobility and smart cities fields.
The workshop will focus on the following topics within the scope of mobility within smart
Artificial intelligence
Intelligent systems
Machine learning
Data mining
Decision support systems
Big data analytics
Co-creation activities
Social-related aspects
Urban transformation
Sergio Campos Cordobes (co-chair)
Shabnam Farahmand (co-chair)
Nathalie van Loon (co-chair)
Denis Costa
Yury Glickman
Maria José López
Giuseppe Ciulla
Maria Suberbiola
Dino Alessi
Massimo Villari
Matjaž Gams
Maj Smerkol
Erik Dovgan (local chair)
How Disruptive Technologies can Strengthen Urban Mobility
Transformation. The Experience of URBANITE H2020 Project
Giuseppe Ciulla
Roberto Di Bernardo
Isabel Matranga
Research & Development Laboratory
Research & Development Laboratory
Research & Development Laboratory
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Palermo, Italy
Palermo, Italy
Palermo, Italy
Francesco Martella
Giovanni Parrino
Shabnam Farahmand
Engineering Department, University
Engineer - Municipality of Messina
Forum Virium Helsinki Oy
of Messina - ALMA Digit S.R.L.
Messina, Italy
Helsinki, Finland
Messina, Italy
challenges when managing and planning mobility, combining
new forms of mobility, that must coexist in the urban structure
URBANITE (Supporting the decision-making in URBAN trans-
of modern cities, in compliance with the well-being of citizens
formation with the use of dIsruptive TEchnologies) is an H2020
and protection of the environment.
project (started in April 2020) investigating the impact, trust
The concrete adoption of disruptive technologies in the decision-
and attitudes of civil servants, citizens and other stakeholders
making processes can represent the pivoting point for a paradigm
concerning the introduction and adoption of disruptive technolo-
change in the management of mobility. Decision Support Sys-
gies (e.g. AI, Decision Support Systems, big data analytics) in
tems, Artificial Intelligence, predictive algorithms, simulation
decision-making processes related to the planning and manage-
models, Big Data analytics, etc. offer the opportunity to analyse
ment of urban mobility. The project experiments and validates its
the current mobility situation, identify present and future trends
approaches and tools in the context of four real use cases in the
allowing to predict potential future mobility scenarios [6], [9].
cities of Amsterdam (NL), Bilbao (ES), Helsinki (FI) and Messina
Our investigation focuses on four European cities distributed
(IT). This article summarises the main findings matured during
in four different countries: Amsterdam, Bilbao, Helsinki, and
the first half of the project in the four cities, their main mobility
Messina. Each of them offers a different perspective on urban mo-
issues and how disruptive technologies can play a role in support-
bility, in terms of characteristics, offered services and challenges.
ing the decision-making process to solve them. Despite the four
Section 2 presents the four cities, their general characteristics,
cities face different kinds of mobility issues and are characterised
the specific urban mobility issues they are currently facing, and
by different levels of IT maturity, we identified a chain of three
which kind of disruptive technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence,
categories of technologies that can improve the efficiency and
decision support systems, big data analytics, predictive algo-
effectiveness of decision-making processes in all four cities: data
rithms, simulation engines) can improve the decision-making
access and harmonisation, data analysis and data visualisation.
processes and how. Final considerations and conclusions are
reported in Section 3.
Urban transformation, disruptive technologies, urban mobility,
URBANITE project, decision making, data access, data analysis,
data visualisation.
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, in recent years has
been growing rapidly in terms of inhabitants and visitors; this
Today’s cities are facing a revolutionary era in urban mobility;
growth leads to increased mobility and traffic issues. The city
this is due to different factors, among the others their continuous
has complex traffic streams with massive amounts of bicycles
growth and the concentration of human activities. To prevent
combined with cars and public transport; this drives the need
and solve problems related to mobility such as traffic congestion
for finding solutions that can conciliate the ever-growing use
and air pollution (for instance due to PM
) and its potential
of bikes with the other means of transportation (from public
link with other risk factors (e.g. Covid-19 spread, as envisaged
transportation to private cars) resulting in more sustainable mo-
in recent studies [3], [4]), cities are in continuous search of ad-
bility for the whole city. Part of this view is a strategy tending to
equate mobility solutions to satisfy the demand of the growing
increase the appeal of bikes as the main mobility option [5]. This
population, both living in or moving around the cities every day.
strategy goes through the improvement of the city network of
As a result, decision-makers have to face more and more complex
bike lanes and of the overall cycling experience within the city,
encouraging virtuous behaviours (e.g. respect of traffic lights) to
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
avoid potential discomfort.
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
What Amsterdam is aiming for. To reach these objectives the
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
city of Amsterdam would like to align the mobility policies to
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
the real needs of bike mobility, realise a data-driven decision
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ciulla, et al.
mechanism, strengthen the safety and comfort of cycling, and
What Bilbao is aiming for. To reach its objectives, the city
encourage citizens to make sustainable mobility choices.
of Bilbao aims to obtain a global vision of the city in terms of
sustainable mobility, to take decisions based on updated data
The role of disruptive technologies in Amsterdam. From a broader
(predicting the impact resulting from applied measures), follow a
perspective, a unique point to access data coming from different
more agile decision-making process (facilitating communication
sources can support the decision-makers in the identification of
between stakeholders involved in the definition and development
the required information, reducing the time spent to search it
of the SUMP), translate measures impact into health and life
and speeding up the decision-making process. Since different
quality indicators and access data coming from scattered sources
departments of the municipality (i.e. civil servants) are involved
that is automatically collected and integrated.
in decision-making, the possibility to easily share information
The role of disruptive technologies in Bilbao. In the context of
among them (such as data, results of analysis/simulations, map
Bilbao, it is essential that decision-makers can easily access the
layers, charts, graphs) would improve collaboration and over-
most updated data; in this sense tools that facilitate the con-
come inefficient communication and silos, allowing at the same
nection of data sources and the data harmonisation (leveraging
time the reduction of policy fragmentation and the subsequent
common and well-defined data models) would support decision-
uncertainties. From a more specific perspective, data analysis
makers in their daily activities. Once data is collected, a data
tools can support decision-makers in understanding different
catalogue (as a unique point of access to the data) would offer the
aspects of bike mobility (through the analysis of bike-related
capabilities to search data considering different criteria; among
data) and in identifying dependencies among factors that could
them, the possibility to filter the available data by for example the
influence directly or indirectly bike mobility and its adoption.
“transport mode" would allow the decision-makers to reduce the
In this sense tools and models to simulate how decisions and
time they spend to identify the data they need. Facilitated setup
policies can potentially impact on traffic and mobility would offer
and execution of simulations (for instance, to forecast impact on
predictions and the possibility to compare different scenarios.
traffic, mobility patterns or SUMP’s KPIs resulting from a mea-
This would allow decision-makers to make choices with minimal
sure/policy applied) would support the decision-making process
negative impact and to minimize related costs. Finally, effective
reducing the time spent in performing those simulations. Tools
visualisation of information is essential; a dashboard offering
to create charts and graphs that summarise the status of mobility
map layers, charts and graphs that summarise the status of bike
in the city from the sustainability point of view would allow the
mobility in the city would allow decision-makers to have, in a
decision-maker to have, in a single view, the overall and relevant
single view, the overall and relevant information they need to
information to globally monitor the mobility in the city. On the
gain new insights about bike mobility in the city (e.g. type of road
other hand, the possibility to define and create customised KPIs
infrastructure/ bike paths, road safety level, traffic mix/sources,
and indicators would allow the decision-makers to fine-tune the
congested routes, cleaner routes in terms of air quality, greener
dashboards with all the relevant information that they need to
routes, faster routes).
take into account in the planning of the mobility in the city. To
this aim, checking if the data is updated would allow the creation
of analyses and simulations based on correct information that
With an area of 41,60 km
and around 355,000 inhabitants, Bilbao
represents the real status of the city, whereas pre-processing of
is the heart of a metropolitan area that extends along the estuary
collected data would reduce the time needed to setup the analysis
of the Nervioén River with a population close to 1 million peo-
and simulation for decision-making processes.
ple. In the last 25 years, Bilbao has suffered an important urban
transformation from an industrial economy to a city based on a
service economy. This has helped to balance the city and provide
Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a continuously evolving and
a friendly environment for pedestrians with wider pavements,
developing city. In this sense a particular example is represented
reduction of on-street car parking in the city centre, traffic light
by the Jaétkaésaari area. The shore area of Jaétkaésaari, literally
control system to cater for pedestrians and promenades for walk-
meaning “Dockers’ Island”, was previously used for industrial
ing and cycling. Today, 65% of internal movements are produced
and harbour purposes; now it has gradually transformed itself
on foot. In this context, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
into a residential area offering workplaces and services. At the
(SUMP) [8] in Bilbao plays a significant role; its main objectives
same time, Jaétkaésaari is also a growing passenger and trans-
port harbour due to its location (right adjacent to the centre of
Helsinki). The harbour is the main connection between Helsinki
Reducing air and noise pollution.
and Tallinn, with growing mobility and opening of a new terminal
Improving safety by reducing accidents and fatalities.
in 2017. Annually 1 million private cars travel on the connection
Guaranteeing universal accessibility.
where a single main road leads in and out of Jaétkaésaari. This
Improving energy and transport (passengers and goods)
road feeds directly to the largest car commuting junction (70.000
cars daily) from the city centre to the western suburbs of Helsinki,
Contributing to improve the attractiveness and environ-
creating interference. The Jaétkaésaari area is emblematic of the
mental quality of the city.
overall development Helsinki is facing, in particular, concerning
Of particular interest is the “Pedestrian mobility strategy” aim-
mobility. In this context, to correctly cope with this evolution,
ing to promote non-motorized modes of transport (especially
the City of Helsinki’s traffic planning and traffic management
pedestrian displacement) since these best suit the sustainable
need up-to-date and high-quality traffic information to support
mobility objectives. Part of this strategy is the transformation of
data-driven decision making. In addition, proactive and forward-
Moyuéa plaza, for exclusive use of public transport, pedestrians,
looking approach is needed as the population of the metropolitan
and cyclists, prohibiting private traffic.
area grows and traffic situation changes.
How Disruptive Technologies can Strengthen Urban Mobility Transformation.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
What Helsinki is aiming for. In this context, the City of Helsinki
other hand, the challenge consists in optimising the management
aims to check the status of traffic and its development, analyse
and interaction among the different mobility and monitoring
how traffic could evolve, perform traffic forecasts, simulate traffic
systems and services available in the urban area of the city of
planning and land use, check the development and implementa-
Messina reducing the waste of resources and costs for the Public
tion of new infrastructures and policies, develop a master plan
Administration. A particular attention is paid on light mobility
for city development (e.g. land use, mobility, housing). To reach
(e.g. extension of the cycle network with new bike-lanes and
these objectives it is essential to establish a unique view and un-
links between the centre and suburbs zones of the city to spread
derstanding among traffic planning and urban planning, allowing
the use of bicycle mobility [2]) and pedestrians (definition of an
the exchange of information among different departments (over-
integrated system of pedestrian areas and paths).
coming information silos). In doing so, the city of Helsinki faces
The role of disruptive technologies in Messina. The different
some issues related to the availability of different map layers with
Departments of the Municipality would benefit of a unique data-
different information representations moving from a department
access point to their data, avoiding the complication generated
to another, the lack of people with competences for demanding
by the need of accessing scattered data sources (for instance, in
analysis, the lack of time to get deep understanding of data and
the case of data hosted and managed in different repositories for
problems related to obtain raw data to be analysed with external
the different departments). This would simplify the discovery of
and access to the data needed by the decision-makers. In this con-
The role of disruptive technologies in Helsinki. A data catalogue
text, tools to facilitate the connection to data sources (also from
as unique point of access that brings under the same umbrella the
third parties) are vital. Data is the fuel of any activity related
data produced by different departments would simplify the dis-
to analysis, simulation and the more information is available
covery and access of needed data, avoiding complications caused
(not only in terms of amount but also in terms of variety), the
by scattered repositories managed by different departments of the
more accurate and precise can these analysis and simulations
same organisation. The data catalogue could leverage tools for
be. In this context, advanced smart devices and virtual devices
the integration with existing ICT software and applications. This
[7] (abstracted component characterized by specific high-level
would allow on the one hand, the automatic check of information
functionalities) offer the chance to access the needed informa-
(e.g. automatic detection of inconsistencies in the data, such as
tion with the most appropriate frequency and accuracy, avoiding
missing mandatory fields, infringement of time constraints about
information overload and allowing a more efficient computation.
updates) and on the other hand, the automation of repetitive
In the management of urban mobility, analysis and simulations
tasks (e.g. extract relevant information and provide it in a more
would support decision-makers in the identification of potential
usable manner). Leveraging the data made accessible it would be
solutions (such as multimodal paths and possible intervention to
possible to define pre-packaged simulations that need only minor
increase public safety) [1] and hidden problems (such as related
operations to be executed (e.g. few parameters and/or initial in-
to public transportation and for planning maintenance interven-
put data). This would simplify the use of this kind of technology
tions of road and public transportation vehicles). Customisable
by personnel without specific competencies and skills who would
dashboards to represent the information a decision-maker needs
be able to set up an entire simulation from scratch, and reduce
would allow to obtain a clearer view of the status of mobility,
the time needed and the acceptance of this technology, since the
supporting the decision-making process in the most appropriate
personnel will not spend too much time to learn how to use it.
manner. Finally, the possibility to share information (such as data,
results of analysis/simulations, map layers, charts, graphs) with
people working in the same or a different department would im-
prove the collaboration and the efficiency of the decision-making
The metropolitan area of Messina is one of the most extended
process, overcoming inefficient communication and information
urban areas in the south of Italy and the first in Sicily and counts
over 620.000 citizens. In the city of Messina alone, there are over
250.000 inhabitants and most of them are commuters between
Sicily and Calabria regions. Geographical peculiarities (the ge-
Despite their specific peculiarities such as organisational ap-
ographical shape of the city of Messina is stretched for 32 km
proaches and mobility needs to be satisfied, the cities of Ams-
beside the Tirrenian sea, and tight between its hills and the sea)
terdam, Bilbao, Helsinki and Messina have some commonalities
and its role of main connection point between Sicily and the
in terms of potential application of disruptive technologies that
Italian peninsula have a huge impact on mobility in the city of
can help their decision-making processes. The main aspect that
Messina. The local transport system of the city consists of sea
emerged is related to the need of data, as a vital element to
transport (hydrofoil and ferry boats fleets) and land transport
perform any decision-making activity; in this sense it is impor-
(buses, tramway and rail transports network), operated by public
tant to underline that here the need is related to the easiness
and private companies. One of the main issues that affects both
of accessing the data, that in most of the cases is scattered, or
kinds of services (sea and land transport) is the lack of interop-
represented using different data structures with non-uniform
erability among the different departments of the Municipality
standards. Uniform access to the data drives to another com-
that are involved for different reasons in the management of the
mon point among the four cities, that is the exploitation of the
possibilities offered by simulation tools, in particular to forecast
What Messina is aiming for. Concerning mobility, the main
and predict the impact of decisions taken on traffic and mobility
challenge of the city of Messina for the upcoming years is twofold:
(such as the building of a new road, the creation of a LTZ). This
on the one hand, to build mobility services able to fulfil the
kind of technologies would allow the decision-makers to bet-
needs of citizens, dwellers, commuters and visitors, allowing
ter design mobility solutions and policies, giving the possibility
them to move around and through the city seamlessly; on the
to tackle complex problems and to evaluate the implications of
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ciulla, et al.
new policies. The third common point is the data visualisation.
morbidity and mortality. International Journal of Environ-
Accessed data and results obtained from simulations and data
mental Research and Public Health, 17, 12. issn: 1660-4601.
analysis must be visualised in an easy-to-understand manner, this
doi: 10.3390/ijerph17124487. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-
includes not only the data visualisation per se, but also the possi-
bility of creating customisable dashboards in which the decision
Chiara Copat, Antonio Cristaldi, Maria Fiore, Alfina Grasso,
makers can arrange the information they need and represent it
Pietro Zuccarello, Santo Signorelli, Gea Conti, and Margherita
according to their preferences. From the result here summarised,
Ferrante. 2020. The role of air pollution (pm and no2) in
it is possible to clearly identify a chain of needs with their cor-
covid-19 spread and lethality: a systematic review. Environ-
responding solutions. The first link of the chain is the need of
mental Research, 191, (August 2020), 110129. doi: 10.1016/j.
accessing data. Here tools facilitating the connection to data
sources and the integration with existing IT systems can offer a
2019. CYCLING MATTERS 2019, How Bicycles Power Ams-
valuable solution to overcome information silos and to build a
unique data-access point to available data, allowing also the har-
Alina Machidon, Maj Smerkol, and Matjaž Gams. 2020. Ur-
monisation of the data thanks also to common and well-defined
banite h2020 project. algorithms and simulation techniques
data models and highlight the relevant information reducing
for decision – makers. Proceedings of the 23rd International
the time to find it. The second link of the chain is the analysis
Multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY, A, 68–71.
of the data made accessible through the previous step and the
Francesco Martella, Giovanni Parrino, Giuseppe Ciulla, Roberto
execution of simulation. Here it is important to highlight that
Di Bernardo, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, and Massimo
beyond the possibility to perform analysis and simulation, avail-
Villari. 2021. Virtual device model extending ngsi-ld for faas
ability of tools that simplify and reduce the time needed to set
at the edge. In 2021 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium
them up play a key role. In this sense, pre-packaged simulations
on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), 660–667.
ready to use, that guide the users in their setup, and tools, that
doi: 10.1109/CCGrid51090.2021.00079.
allow the creation of customised KPIs and indicators, represent
2018. Plan de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PMUS) 2015-2030
an advantage for the decision-makers. The third and final link
de la Villa de Bilbao, Fase II. Propuesta. Ayuntamiento de
of the chain is the data visualisation. Here, tools (e.g. Wizards)
Bilbao, Área de Movilidad y Sostenibilidad.
guiding the users in the creation of charts, graphs, map layers, etc.
Maj Smerkol, Žan Počkar, Alina Machidon, and Matjaž
offer the opportunity to speed up the decision-making process
Gams. 2020. Traffic simulation software in the context of
by reducing the time of interpreting and understating the infor-
mobility policy support system. In Information Society 2020.
mation. At the same time, the possibility to visualise different
data in the same view through customisable dashboards offers
the chance of obtaining a bird’s-eye view on the information that
is relevant for each decision-maker, according to their specific
needs. Considering the reported results, a final consideration
can be made; even if cities could be characterised by a different
IT maturity level, the most suitable way to effectively improve
mobility decision-making processes is not a single technology,
but a combination of disruptive technologies, that glued together
unlock their respective potentialities and benefits.
The research leading to these results has received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program under grant agreement N° 870338. This work was co-
financed by the European Union - FSE, PON Research and In-
novation 2014-2020 Axis I - Action I.1 "Dottorati innovativi con
caratterizzazione industriale"
Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Di Pietro, and
Antonino Galletta. 2018. How to conceive future mobility
services in smart cities according to the fiware frontiercities
experience. IEEE Cloud Computing, 5, 5, 25–36. doi: 10.1109/
Alessio Catalfamo, Maria Fazio, Francesco Martella, Anto-
nio Celesti, and Massimo Villari. 2021. MuoviMe: secure
access to sustainable mobility services in smart city, (Sep-
tember 2021).
Silvia Comunian, Dario Dongo, Chiara Milani, and Paola
Palestini. 2020. Air pollution and covid-19: the role of par-
ticulate matter in the spread and increase of covid-19’s
An Overview of Transport Modelling Approaches – A Use
Case Study of Helsinki
Shabnam Farahmand
Forum Virium Helsinki
Unioninkatu 24, 00130
Helsinki, Finland
Furthermore, the transport planning techniques applied
specifically by the City of Helsinki is included here. Section 4
In this paper a general view to transport planning approaches
discusses URBANITE project’s global view and argues the
have been articulated with a focus on the simulation models. To
advantages and challenges ahead of mobility decision makers.
this end, different analytical methods have been investigated
with regard to the scope of target policies, geographic scales, and
modelling techniques. The paper also provides an overview to
the transport planning approaches which are specifically applied
There are different approaches to analyze characteristics of a
in the City of Helsinki in close relation to the land use policies.
transport network and to evaluate the outcomes of the strategic
Besides, further discussions have been included to shed light on
and/or ad-hoc interventions with the transport. Ni [5] considers
the approach URBANITE project is seeking. Although there is
the geographic scales of transport planning models and proposes
still a need for overcoming the challenges regarding data-driven
a framework which can enable multiscale traffic modelling
decision-making, we see a potential in the project’s approach to
which can be seen in Figure 1. In another study, Vassili [6]
foster the use of disruptive technologies for accelerating the
compares the transport analysis tools based on the scope and
uptake of the evidence-based policies.
complexity of research area and highlights the importance of
distinguishing between Analysis, Modelling, and Simulation
(AMS) tools. Some of the tools for each scale of geographic
Transport planning, scales of analytics, policy-making, transport
analysis are already suggested in Figure 1. In addition to the
modelling in the City of Helsinki, simulation
geographic scale, the purpose of policy making processes to
tackle a specific problem is also an important criterion in
defining the right approach. Larger geographic scale of analysis
can be chosen to support policy making with less data granularity
Transport planning plays a major role in defining the way public
[7]. However, it is reasonable to opt for micro-scale analysis
resources such as funds and spaces are used. Transport plans are
when dealing with ad-hoc interventions in a specific area. This,
mainly applied to understand the strategic capacity and
on the other hand, becomes demanding on obtaining more
consequences of high-level democratic decisions. Hence, it is
detailed and comprehensive data.
important to consider the political and societal preferences of
relevant stakeholders including citizens [1]. This also explains
the urge for developing transparent, open-source, and simplified
solutions in order to evoke citizen engagement and public
participation [2]. Moreover, the advantage of transport planning
models most probably lays in the fact that the scope of identified
solutions by these models are inherently geographic [3].
Geographic analysis and tools speed up the uptake of new
technologies due to the power and potential to provide evidence
for interventions in transport planning [4].
In the following, the different approaches to tackle transport
problems based on analysis levels will be addressed. In section
Figure 1.
Scales of Transport Planning
3, a schematic framework for transport planning approaches is
Approaches; Tools & Solutions
suggested with the focus on analytical and simulation techniques.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
De Dios Ortúzar and Willumsen [8] structured the transport
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
planning approaches into five main stages as problem
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
formulation, data collection, modelling and analysis, evaluation,
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
and implementation of the solutions. In this paper, a new
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
schematic framework is formulated based on Dios Ortúzar and
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Shabnam Farahmand
Willumsen’s approach in Figure 2. The framework is modified
research implicates that the analytical techniques are sort of
in accordance with the approach of Helsinki Region Transport
closed form mathematical equations which provide statistical
(HSL) and URBANITE’s global view to provide a clear
results such as forecasts and predictions. On the other hand,
understanding of current applied techniques as well as a basis for
simulations are physical mathematical models, the results of
the comparison of the two approaches.
which is to project objects moving around in a transport network.
Australian Road Research Board [9] categorizes the problem-
It is also possible to check the network state at different time
solving techniques into analytical and simulation techniques. The
stamps [9] & [10].
Figure 2.
Proposed Schematic framework for Transport Planning1
between transport planning strategies as well as land use policies
has been come into our focus frequently. Stover and Frank [13]
suggested that development of transport and land use affect each
other continuously in a cycle which is illustrated in Figure 3.
The techniques used by the Helsinki Region Transport (HSL)
follow an analytical approach to enable strategic transport and
land use planning for the city. The model is called “HELMET”
and is built with the help of proprietary tool EMME 2 . The
statistical mathematical models in the field of transport models
are usually referred as travel demand models when considered on
a macro-level. These models have Four Step Transport Model
(FSM) as the basis although they have evolved to more advanced
levels to encompass the intelligence of models’ agents [11]. The
last version of HELMET model is therefore considering agent-
based modelling (ABM) approach when it comes into trip chains
analysis [12].
Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) developed its Sustainable
Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the City of Helsinki in 20153.
In particular, this plan focuses on 1) strengthening the strategic
capacity and effectiveness, 2) integrating transport and land use,
and 3) clarifying transport policy choices as well as the roles of
different modes of transport.
According to the SUMP of Helsinki and on the basis of
Figure 3.
Transportation Land Use Cycle
interviews performed with the City stakeholders, the interrelation
1 In blue: the main stages of transport planning processes; in yellow: URBANITE’s global view
2 https://www.inrosoftware.com/en/products/emme/
An Overview of Transport Modelling Approaches – A Use Case Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Study of Helsinki
Bearing this in mind, the proposed use case scenarios aim to find
Lovelace, R., Open source tools for geographic analysis in
out the outcomes of the following decisions:
transport planning. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2021:
p. 1-32.
Jäppinen, S., T. Toivonen, and M. Salonen, Modelling the
1. Intervention with the traffic network e.g., building a tunnel
potential effect of shared bicycles on public transport travel
on the west harbor’s junction to lead the main stream of
times in Greater Helsinki: An open data approach. Applied
heavy-duty vehicles caused by the arrival of ferries
Geography, 2013. 43: p. 13-24.
2. Interventions with the land use in the area as it has been
Ni, D., Multiscale modeling of traffic flow. Mathematica
Aeterna, 2011. 1(1): p. 27-54.
undergoing a lot of changes due to the constructions to turn
Alexiadis, V. and C. Systematics, Integrated Corridor
the harbor into a dense residential area
Management Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (AMS)
The results of such analysis will help with understanding the
Methodology. 2008, United States. Joint Program Office for
causes of congestions and bottlenecks in the west harbor and
Intelligent Transportation Systems.
serve as a tool for measuring the impacts of different policies on
Allacker, K., et al., Energy simulation and LCA for macro-
air quality and noise levels. Finally, the results will contribute to
scale analysis of eco-innovations in the housing stock. The
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2019. 24(6):
comprehending situational and statistical awareness which is one
p. 989-1008.
the main pillars of the City’s Intelligent Transport System
de Dios Ortúzar, J. and L.G. Willumsen, Modelling
Development Programme 20304.
transport. 2011: John wiley & sons.
Bennett, D., et al., Guide to traffic management part 3:
traffic studies and analysis. 2009.
5 Discussions and Future Directions
Shone, F., City Modelling. Medium, 2020.
McNally, M.G., The four-step model. 2007: Emerald Group
URBANITE project aims to build microsimulation models
Publishing Limited.
Parunak, H.V.D., R. Savit, and R.L. Riolo. Agent-based
which can help cities find out the outcomes of certain policies by
modeling vs. equation-based modeling: A case study and
applying new technologies and advanced techniques. Building
users’ guide. in International workshop on multi-agent
transport models is demanding in terms of costs, time, data, and
systems and agent-based simulation. 1998. Springer.
computation space requirements. However, URBANITE aims to
Stover, V.G. and F.J. Koepke, Transportation and land
take advantage of machine learning techniques as well of
development. 1988.
decision support systems to overcome these challenges. Hence,
the models will be trained by the results obtained from
simulations’ input-output space exploration. Additionally, a
recommendation engine will be built to provide decision makers
with the relevant policies and KPIs tailored for their needs.
The approach facilitates data-driven decision making and will be
fundamental in enabling real-time implementation and
evaluation of solutions. Although there are still a lot of
challenges regarding available data sources whether on the level
of required infrastructure for gathering data or the quality of the
available data. Recognition of the most relevant data sources and
opening the data is a crucial step for the cities if they aim to
realize evidence-based decision-making. The other challenge
depends on the ability to include the benefits of all stakeholders
esp. citizens in building technological solutions. In this regard,
cities should come up with the ways to consider interests of all
relevant beneficiaries and move towards participatory
The URBANITE project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No. 870338text here. Insert paragraph text
Legacy, C., Is there a crisis of participatory planning?
Planning theory, 2017. 16(4): p. 425-442.
Peters, M.A., Citizen science and ecological democracy in
the global science regime: The need for openness and
participation. 2020, Taylor & Francis.
URBANITE: Messina Use Case in Smart Mobility Scenario
Francesco Martella
Giovanni Parrino
Mario Colosi
Engineering Department, University
Engineer - Municipality of Messina
Engineer - Municipality of Messina
of Messina - ALMA Digit S.R.L.
Messina, Italy
Messina, Italy
Messina, Italy
Giuseppe Ciulla
Roberto Di Bernardo
Marco Martorana
Research & Development Laboratory
Research & Development Laboratory
Research & Development Laboratory
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Palermo, Italy
Palermo, Italy
Palermo, Italy
Roberto Callari
Maria Fazio
Antonio Celesti
Computer Engineer
Department MIFT, University of
Department MIFT, University of
Palermo, Italy
Messina - ALMA Digit S.R.L.
Messina, Italy
Messina, Italy
Massimo Villari
Department MIFT, University of
Messina - ALMA Digit S.R.L.
Messina, Italy
to optimize their travels by reducing the stress associated with
them, while Sustainable Mobility helps to protect the environ-
The urban transformation and the changes that the world is
ment by improving the quality of life in Smart Cities. Institutions
undergoing lead, today more than ever, to the need to make
around the world are implementing policies that allow to de-
faster and more timely choices in the field of mobility manage-
crease CO2 emissions. The issues of mobility and its optimization
ment. Technology is therefore essential for providing decision
are therefore protagonists in the identification of these policies.
support tools that help managers and politicians to better man-
In particular, the European Commission encourages projects in
age cities. The European project URBANITE (Supporting the
the field of Smart Mobility and Sustainable Mobility with H2020,
decision-making in URBAN transformation with the use of dis-
Horizon Europe and the Next Generation EU programs. The
ruptive Technologies) aims to put in place a sustainable mobility
URBANITE project was financed within the H2020 funding pro-
with the support of disruptive and innovative technologies for
gram. Among the objectives of URBANITE the main one is to
this sector. The proposed study describes the URBANITE project
promote the use of disruptive technologies in the nascent Smart
with reference to the technologies and the strategies implemented
Cities in technological terms through the use and analysis of Big
in the city of Messina. As a partner and pilot use case, in the mu-
Data, AI algorithms, etc. An innovative element, however, is that
nicipality of Messina, software tools have been created starting
related to the promotion of innovative tools for participatory
from a series of local data regarding traffic and public transport
decision-making processes such as the Laboratory Social Policy
tracking. These tools allow technicians to quickly view traffic
(SoPoLab). The aim of the project is to provide the Stakeholders
status or bottlenecks for public transport on a map.
of the project with a series of innovative technological tools in
order to support the decision-making processes of managers of
public administrations and companies. Within the project there
Urban Transformation, Disruptive technologies, Urban mobility,
are four pilot cities: Amsterdam, Bilbao, Messina and Helsinki.
URBANITE project, Decision making, Data Access, Data Analysis,
In each of the pilots, the needs are studied and analysis tools
Data Visualisation.
developed which will then be applied to each of them. As regards
the city of Messina, analysis were conducted on traffic and its
effects on local public transport. This work describes the refer-
In the context of Smart Cities it is crucial to pay attention to
ence scenario and the actions implemented for the municipality
issues relating to mobility. Today Smart Mobility allows people
of Messina within the URBANITE project regarding the purely
Information Computer Technology (ICT) aspect. In particular, in
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
section 2 the state of the art of the technologies studied and ap-
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
plied to achieve the objectives is described. Section 3 introduces
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the reference scenario. In section 4 the tools implemented will be
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
illustrated, while in section 5 the final considerations and future
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
developments are reported.
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Martella, et al.
how, thanks to URBANITE project, it is possible to put together
what is already present in the systems of the city of Messina,
In [1] a case study concerning the home-office mobility of the
creating the basis for the creation of new useful decision-making
University of Messina staff is discussed. The home-work com-
muting of public employees in the city of Messina is one of the
main critical issues related to daily life. Traveling at particular
times of the day causes both traffic congestion and pollution. Au-
thors analyze different performance indicators to be used for the
The URBANITE project was created to provide communities
design and development of Smart Mobility services by adopting
with a long-term sustainable ecosystem model. Through a co-
FIWARE technologies. After analyzing the travel habits of work-
creation strategy we want to bring stakeholders (civil servants,
ers at the University of Messina, authors described how FIWARE
citizens, etc.) closer to the use of disruptive technologies in the
can lead to an agile development of Smart Mobility services capa-
field of mobility. This model is supported with a data management
ble of minimizing traffic congestion, fuel consumption and CO2
platform and algorithms for data-driven decision making in the
emissions. In [2] authors describe the results of a Sustainable
field of urban transformation. Furthermore, the model is validated
Mobility project in Messina. The presented application aims to
by pilot mobility use cases in the context of the proliferation
encourage citizens to use low-impact vehicles instead of private
of sharing services. The URBANITE platform encapsulates the
cars. Through a partnership between different stakeholders a
experiences of four pilot cities and acts as a junction point to
digital application to assign citizens electric bikes was developed,
create a unique analysis model for cities. Thanks to the platform
free of charge for a limited time period. Authors describe cyber
it will be possible to have information regarding mobility that
security issues, both in terms of secure authentication for citizens
can be as a support in order to take serious technical and practical
that access the service and tracking of the whole assignment pro-
cess. The flow is described from the user’s request to the e-bike
restitution. The adopted solution uses two-factor authentication
(2FA) and Blockchain as the main technologies in the implemen-
tation phase. Innovative and advanced smart devices and virtual
devices are described in [6]. Authors have designed, for one use
case in the city of Messina, an abstracted component character-
ized by specific high-level functionalities. The system offers the
chance to access the needed information with the most appropri-
ate frequency and accuracy, avoiding information overload and
allowing a more efficient computation. In this case it is important
the access control and the security of the data. An interesting
work for this purpose is described in [5]. In [3] authors show
the use of customized generic Edge devices to carry out multiple
activities at the same time, also focusing on how the proposed
solution can lighten the work of cloud infrastructures. The pre-
sented concepts were implemented and tested in a real use case
Figure 1: Urbanite Approach
in the city of Messina by means Function as a Service (FaaS) para-
digm. The proposed work allows users to perform multiple tasks
on the same device. Applications such as vehicle counting, license
In each pilot the data, useful for the mobility analysis, were
plate recognition, object identification, etc. are proposed. In the
analyzed and collected. The data considered funcional are col-
considered use case two cameras were connected to a Raspberry
lected on a single data storage. Thanks to different visualization
PI 4 and the performance was compared. It is possible to connect
and AI techniques/algorithms, the data were processed and made
different sensors to the proposed Edge devices and imagine each
possible to create decision making tools that currently need vali-
sensor as a different service. In [8] authors introduce a tool for
dation (Figure 1). The use case regarding the city of Messina is
studying mobility data. The basic principle is that technological
described below.
innovation has led to the spread of various data tracking systems.
The data are accumulated and can be used in various applications
Briefly on Messina Use Case
such as the analysis of mobility, urban planning and transport
The metropolitan area of Messina is one of the most extended ar-
engineering. It is possible to use the data to extract information
eas of the south of Italy, the first in Sicily and counts over 620.000
in matters relating to rough space-time trajectories, or by relying
citizens. The city counts over 250.000 citizens and most of them
on statistical “laws” governing human movements [4]. However,
are commuters between Sicily and Calabria. The local transport
authors do not neglect the attention to user privacy [7]. From the
of the city of Messina consists of both sea transport (hydrofoil
study and development comes an interesting Python library used
and ferry boats fleets) and land transport (buses, tramway and
in URBANITE for the analysis of mobility data in particular in
rail transports network). They are managed by public and private
Messina use case. From the state of the art it emerges that the city
companies. The main issue that affects both kinds of services
of Messina has been the subject of various scientific studies that
(sea and land transport) is the lack of facilities that can permit
have found practical application. Various national and European
interoperability between different departments of the munici-
grants made it possible to achieve relevant innovations in the
pality and the communication with citizens and stakeholders.
field of mobility. It is not clear how the data collected can be
In order to overcome this problem, the Municipality of Messina
useful to administrators and managers in the decision making
is investing in intelligent infrastructures and services for the
phase. This paper, therefore, want to synthesize and demonstrate
city and citizens. In particular, the main activities are focused on
URBANITE: Messina Use Case in Smart Mobility Scenario
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
vehicle access detection in LTZ (Limited Traffic Zone) and pedes-
trian areas, centralised traffic management based on smart lights,
traffic flows and analysis, incentives to use public transportation
and video surveillance. URBANITE, for the city of Messina, is
focusing on light and pedestrian mobility. Concerning the light
mobility there are two main action lines:
(1) the extension of the cycle paths and the spread of bike mo-
bility (but the main goal is to promote the use of bicycles
and to offer better services to citizens)
(2) create new bike-lines and links between the centre and
suburbs zones of the city.
Regarding pedestrian mobility, the objective is the definition of
an integrated system of pedestrian areas and paths. Furthermore,
from a wider perspective concerning public transportation, the
city of Messina aims to extend the transport network in urban
and extra-urban areas. The use case scenario in Messina (Figure 2)
aims to evaluate the effects of the extensions of the public trans-
Figure 3: URBANITE Architecture - Messina
portation services in terms of frequency, itineraries and stops
on traffic and multi-modal transportation. In particular, a com-
parison of the impact on traffic between the different version of
Retrieval (reported in URBANITE Cloud Components) through
the public transportation network was performed. Moreover, the
the Data Harvester & Preparation and is filled with data by the
scenario includes an analysis of the suburban roads around the
Data Importer. The Data Processor allows both to expose the data
city of Messina (that represent an important connection with the
via Restful API and to process them ensuring correct formatting.
surrounding towns) in terms of traffic congestion and connection
Finally, within the Urbanite UI, three new specific components for
with public transport network.
the Messina use case have been built: Messina Traffic Evolution,
Messina Traffic Flows, Messina LPT Critical Areas.
The use case scenarios described in Section 3 are accessible thanks
to the functionalities provided by the URBANITE UI, the inte-
grated URBANITE’s framework at the UI level. The different
analysis and visualizations provided aim to help the municipal-
ity’s technicians in the extension of the current public trans-
portation network. The tools allowing the users to interact with
each visualization by filtering and querying the underlying data.
Concerning the traffic congestion analysis for the municipality
of Messina, Figure 4 depicts the temporal evolution of traffic flow
on selected roads entering or leaving the city of Messina.
Figure 2: City of Messina
The URBANITE Architecture
The architecture created within URBANITE is made up of several
abstract components that interact with each other. Thanks to
the interaction between the different components, it is possible
Figure 4: Messina Traffic Evolution
to provide all the tools necessary to achieve the objectives of
the project. In Messina this architecture has been enriched by
building new dedicated components, at the Edge level, which
The traffic jam factor of each road, in a specific time of the
fully integrate with the existing Cloud ecosystem as shown in
day, is represented by the colour of the road itself, following
Figure 3, in which these components are highlighted.
the provided legend. Data used to this purpose are acquired and
In particular, for the Messina Edge Components, a local com-
stored for real-time and historic analysis. Figure 5 illustrates the
ponent called
Messina Data Storage has been added. This compo-
comparison analysis of the jam factors on two different roads of
nent acts as a support for the parent component Data Storage &
the city considering the time window of a week.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Martella, et al.
Moreover, it is necessary to improve smart algorithms in order
to have responsive systems even in real-time. Finally, the system
will make the APIs available for open-data, giving other scholars
or stakeholders the possibility to carry out analysis or develop
innovative solutions.
The research leading to these results has received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program under grant agreement N° 870338. This work was co-
financed by the European Union - FSE, PON Research and Innova-
tion 2014-2020 Axis I - Action I.1 "Dottorati innovativi con carat-
terizzazione industriale". The authors thank the deputy Mayor of
Figure 5: Messina Weekly Traffic Flows
the Municipality of Messina Carlotta Previti and the administra-
tive manager of the URBANITE project for the Municipality of
Messina Dr. Placido Accolla for their support.
The data source is the same of the previous analysis, but this
time the purpose and the target users are people with a more
technical background. For each road, if the road is bidirectional,
the dashboard provides a chart for each direction using a dif-
Lorenzo Carnevale, Antonio Celesti, Maria Di Pietro, and
ferent symbol for each one. The colors indicate the jam factor
Antonino Galletta. 2018. How to conceive future mobility
value. Finally, to identify areas of Messina where vehicles of pub-
services in smart cities according to the fiware frontiercities
lic transportation are stationary for a certain time in a specific
experience. IEEE Cloud Computing, 5, 5, 25–36. doi: 10.1109/
observation period, the heat-map analysis, depicted in Figure 6,
is provided.
Alessio Catalfamo, Maria Fazio, Francesco Martella, Anto-
nio Celesti, and Massimo Villari. 2021. MuoviMe: secure
access to sustainable mobility services in smart city, (Sep-
tember 2021).
Antonino Galletta, Armando Ruggeri, Maria Fazio, Gianluca
Dini, and Massimo Villari. 2020. Mesmart-pro: advanced
processing at the edge for smart urban monitoring and
reconfigurable services. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Net-
works, 9, 4, 55. issn: 2224-2708. doi: 10.3390/jsan9040055.
Marta C. Gonzalez, Cesar Hidalgo, and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi.
2008. Understanding individual human mobility patterns.
Nature, 453, (July 2008), 779–82. doi: 10.1038/nature06958.
Figure 6: Messina LPT Critical Areas
Valeria Lukaj, Francesco Martella, Maria Fazio, Antonio
Celesti, and Massimo Villari. 2021. Trusted ecosystem for iot
service provisioning based on brokering. In 2021 IEEE/ACM
To investigate if public transportation means use to be station-
21st International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet
ary in the same place for different time periods, the dashboard
Computing (CCGrid), 746–753. doi: 10.1109/CCGrid51090.
allows to compare two different time slots. In this case the data
source is an historic database for the bus and tram position of
Francesco Martella, Giovanni Parrino, Giuseppe Ciulla, Rob-
the Local Transport Company. The data are elaborated with the
erto Di Bernardo, Antonio Celesti, Maria Fazio, and Mas-
scikit-mobility [8] Python library with the aim to obtain the
simo Villari. 2021. Virtual device model extending ngsi-ld
heat-map visualization. In each described visualization, in order
for faas at the edge, 660–667. doi: 10.1109/CCGrid51090.
to have further information, the dashboard allows to visualize
Points of Interest and Public Transport Stops on the map.
Yves-Alexandre Montjoye, Cesar Hidalgo, Michel Verleysen,
and Vincent Blondel. 2013. Unique in the crowd: the privacy
bounds of human mobility. Scientific reports, 3, (March 2013),
This paper describes the current state of the ICT systems put
1376. doi: 10.1038/srep01376.
in place for the URBANITE project as regards the case of the
Luca Pappalardo, Filippo Simini, Gianni Barlacchi, and
Messina pilot. From the first results it is evident that, thanks to
Roberto Pellungrini. 2019. Scikit-mobility: a python library
the use of data analysis and their appropriate visualization, it
for the analysis, generation and risk assessment of mobility
is possible to obtain information that is often difficult to under-
data. (2019). arXiv: 1907.07062 [physics.soc-ph].
stand. The visualization methods allow for immediate analysis
and support decision-making policies. Thanks to the presented
tools, in fact, it is possible to determine the effectiveness of the
mobility policies used compared to the past, thanks to the histor-
ical harvested data, and possibly try to improve them. The next
step will be to extend the functionalities. The scenario of each
single pilot must be applied to all the case studies of the project.
Data commons in smart mobility – the road ahead?
Nathalie van Loon
Rosalie Snijders
Innovation Department
Faculty of Science, Information Studies
City of Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam
Amstel 1, 1011 PN, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Science Park 904, Postbus 94323, 1090 GH Amsterdam
generated by these services can be of great public value. As the
city of Amsterdam is also part of the ‘cities coalition for digital
Mobility data collection and governance are mainly dominated
rights’ and aiming to be a number one city in the protection of its
by larger technology companies that gather all the data.
citizens digital rights, Amsterdam is looking for good examples
Therefore, they also have exclusive control over what happens
in the governance of data and cocreation of public value together
with the data. This calls for alternative data governance models.
with citizens, local stakeholders and SMEs.
A viable alternative, introduced in recent years, is the data
commons model. With this model, people can share their data on
Considering the context, and considering the role of the
their own terms, while maintaining a certain amount of privacy.
municipality, this paper explores the following question: can or
This model has been used with health data and scientific data,
should a local government organize a data commons in order to
however, no viable example of a mobility data commons has thus
enable parties to share data in a trusted, fair and economic way,
far been found. This paper explores how local governments can
while observing privacy and security concerns? This paper
facilitate a mobility data commons. And: is the commons a
therefore shortly explores the ‘why’ and ‘how’ and evaluates the
beckoning road for all of us?
applicability of a data commons as a disruptive technology and
framework. This paper is based on existing literature and
interviews with experts from the municipality of Amsterdam and
is structured as follows: section 2 will start with some
Data governance, disruptive technologies, mobility data
background information to support the research question. In
management, digital literacy, data commons, policy making.
section 3 the concepts of a smart city and data commons are
explored, and section 4 will present the conclusions.
In the last decades, the concept of a smart city has grown in
popularity both as a research subject and in government policies.
In the last couple of years, data have become a valuable asset to
Cities all over the world have started using technology to look
our economy. Some have claimed that the world’s most valuable
for solutions that enable transportation linkages, mixed land uses,
resource is no longer oil, but data [23, 49, 53]. A new form of
and high-quality urban services with long-term positive effects
capitalism has arisen where wealth is generated based on the
on the economy and sustainability of the city [1].
accumulation, extraction, processing, and use of data.
Smart cities are built on data. And one area where the generation
The term Big Data has been on the rise since the start of the new
and analysis of data have steadily increased is the mobility sector.
millennium. Enabled by new and innovative technologies,
App-based mobility services, like bike-sharing, scooter-sharing,
companies can gather and analyse data from their customers or
peer-to-peer carsharing, and ride-hailing gather enormous
users and use it to their advantage. Digital data and information
amounts of information about how, when, and where people
have become a critical economic, political, and social resource
travel. And not only sharing apps, also other apps like weather
and most of this data is in the hands of just a few companies such
apps or wayfinding apps generate data. Plus not only ‘smart
as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple [41, 43]. With this
solutions’ generate data but also ‘regular’ cars and bikes are
data, these few companies can have huge control and influence
becoming more and more mobile sensors in the city landscape by
over human behaviour and societies. As a response, politicians,
offering, to name just a few examples, ‘tracking services’ in case
human rights movements and people in general have raised
of theft, and cameras helping people to park.
concerns about the misuse of their data. For many, it is not clear
In this context the City of Amsterdam aims to be a smart and
how much data these companies collect and what they do with it.
mobile city, offering a large supply of mobility options;
As a result, people opt to not share anything with anyone and
affordable, reliable, and accessible to everyone. However, most
have started hoarding their data. However, data can be of great
mobility data are enclosed by private companies, while the data
value for everyone if used in the right way. In the near future for
instance, Artificial Intelligence will have to use data to play a role
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
in the delivery of services [36]. If this data stay in the hands of
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
big tech companies, the positive effects may never reach citizens.
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
As a digital rights city, therefore, it is of importance to look for
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
new technologies that enhance public value and public benefit at
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
the same time [43]. Citizens should have the power to decide on
who they want to share their data with, under which rules, for
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
N. van Loon et al.
what purpose and in a transparent manner. Data are (too) often
3.1 Design principles data commons
regarded as a resource to be extracted for private profits, and
Principles can be described as general rules and guidelines which
technical developments have enabled technology firms to
a system architecture must follow to be as productive and cost
capture data from and about those who have not consented or
effective as possible. Principles help guide the use and
have no viable alternatives. The view on data therefore must
deployment of an architecture. Also principles may help identify
change from an asset that can offer a competitive advantage, to
concerns stakeholders might have that a system can address.
one of public infrastructure to ensure common welfare, which
Each principle should have a rationale and implication associated
can be exchanged equally.
with it. This can help with promoting the acceptance and
For this research, a smart city is defined as "A well defined
understanding of the principles [10, 25]. Here, we adapted and
geographical area, in which high technologies such as ICT,
‘translated’ 7 of Ostroms 8 design principles - in a first attempt -
logistic, energy production, and so on, cooperate to create
to rationales and implications for data commons [5].
benefits for citizens in terms of wellbeing, inclusion and
(1) Define clear group boundaries:
participation, environmental quality, intelligent development; it
• Rationale: Who can use the data should be clearly defined
is governed by a well-defined pool of subjects, able to state the
and should be easily identifiable
rules and policy for the city government and development”. The
• Implication: An individual using the commons may
city of Amsterdam has already become an example of how a
require identifying information before allowing access to
smart city strategy can be implemented. With the above
the commons. Additionally, the data sets should be easily
mentioned definition in mind, the main goal of smart cities is to
identifiable. With this in place, poaching can be easily
improve the quality of life for its citizens in a sustainable way.
detected [23].
At the same time, citizens also have the potential to be the main
(2) Match rules governing the use of common goods to local
component of data acquisition. With the use of smartphones, the
needs and conditions:
citizens can act as human sensors and help gather enormous
amounts of data [29]. ICT can act as a platform to collect
• Rationale: The rules of governing the data commons
information and data to promote an improved understanding of
should be matched to the local needs of the users. Since no
how a smart city is functioning in terms of services,
data commons and its environment are the same.
consumption, and lifestyle. Especially with mobility data, the
• Implication: Setting up the rules and guidelines of the use
input of citizens can be of great value [30].
of the commons should include the local users of the
commons. Therefore, citizen participation is a crucial part
While the potential of big data is explored on a daily basis in the
of a successful commons.
development of new and possibly disruptive technologies, the
(3) Ensure that those affected by the rules can participate in
potential societal disruption and ethical concerns attract less
modifying the rules:
attention or even denial and/or apathy. This while multiple
• Rationale: Both the data producer and user should be able
studies show that, with the creation of intelligent mobility
to benefit from the data commons and be protected.
systems in smart cities, the potential for intrusive surveillance is
• Implication: All parties within a data commons should be
increased [31] and that the types of data used are privacy-
able to change the conditions of the data commons, with
sensitive [32]. Location history data, for instance, can act as an
agreement from all parties. The use and production in the
identifier of its users [33, 34]. Also bias in data can be a
data commons should always be in balance.
multiplier of societal injustice, as the Dutch ‘toeslagenaffaire’
(4) Make sure the rule-making rights of community members
[35] has shown, framing approximately 26.000 parents as
are respected by outside authorities:
possible fraudsters, based on their (second) nationality. Also
• Rationale: The rules and regulations of the commons
multiple organizations may have multiple policies and rules
should be respected by the local authorities, must be
regarding the protection of the data of their users. However, this
recognized as legitimate by the authorities.
is not always transparent - while it may lay in everyone’s interest
• Implication: Local authorities shouldn’t be able to change
to share this data [36]. Therefore, one of the main challenges of
the rules without the consent of the parties involved.
(5) Develop a system, carried out by community members, for
the use of big data are privacy, transparency, and bias.
monitoring members’ behaviour:
• Rationale: Monitoring of the data commons is needed to
3 Data Commons
ensure that the data is used fairly.
• Implication: Unauthorized use of the data should be
There are various definitions in use for commons and also for
detected. In the case of a data commons, this could be a
data commons. In general, the Nobel prize winning work on
moderator, since the commons are not in a physical place.
commons by Elinor Ostrom in 1990 is used as a reference for any
Ideally, this is done by the user community.
such definition. Ostrom successfully described the commons as
(6) Use graduated sanctions for rule violators:
a governance model rather than open access to resources and
• Rationale: Users and producers in the data commons that
introduced the commons as a framework to value various
violate its rules should not be banned directly.
historical and contemporary social movements. In short one can
• Implication: A gradual system needs to be set up.
define the commons as a commonly owned and managed
(7) Provide low-cost accessible means for dispute resolution:
(common pool) resource. More elaborate, Ostrom identified 8
• Rationale: When issues within the commons come up, the
design principles of stable common pool resource management
dispute would has to be resolved in an informal, cheap, and
in her groundbreaking work ‘Governing the commons. The
straightforward manner. This way problems are resolved,
evolution of institutions for collective action.’ [3, 6, 18, 19, 27].
rather than ignored
• Implication: A process for conflict resolution should be
created that is perceived as fair by all users of the data
Data commons in smart mobility – the road ahead?
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
commons. A mechanism for rule enforcement and for
and subsequent lockdowns showed that a lot of families don’t
dealing with violators needs to be set up and discussed by
have access to technology when public services like libraries and
all involved parties.
schools are closed. And how can Amsterdam residents take
ownership over their data if they don’t have access to technology,
know where to access their data or how to object to their data
The incorporation of the above-mentioned design principles can
being used? By introducing a ‘digital agenda’ [41] the city of
be a measure of success when organizing a data commons. But
Amsterdam is working on overcoming this divide and promoting
can they also be used to address the concerns the relevant
and protecting digital rights, yet agency is complex and scattered.
stakeholders might have?
Also, the use of data and which algorithms are used should
always be disclosed to the contributors of the data. Amsterdam
3.2 Citizen participation
has made a first step by introducing an ‘Algorithm register’ [16].
Since citizen participation is a necessary step when organizing a
But can a commons be organized in such a way that no one has
datacommons and is essential for two design principles of a
access to a contributor’s data without their permission?
successful data commons, a major concern when it comes to a
local government organizing or facilitating a datacommons is the
Monitoring and validating
participation of citizens. Is this a ‘contradictio in terminis’ or can
This also raises the question if local governments can organise
and should the government act as a facilitator or incubator?
the monitoring of the use and validation of data. A solution could
Looking at the participation ladder by Arnstein [2] there is,
be implementing an interoperable context-aware meta-databased
indeed, a world to win, also calling for a different role of the
architecture [15]. This type of architecture is context-aware and
government: a ‘co-creating government’ or ‘co-city’.
allows permissions and policies to be attached to the data.
Additionally, due to its flexibility, trust norms can be changed
and can account for increased transparency and accountability.
This is an architecture that associates data with user permissions
Different levels of participation and role of government
and policies which enables any consumer to handle the data in a
way that is consistent with a contributor’s wishes [21]. This is a
6. facilitating: citizen is initiator, decisionmaker and owner. Local government is
facilitating/ activating and helping.
method that could increase accountability in a decentralized data
5. co- decisionmaking: citizens play their part in planning and decisionmaking through for
ecosystem like a data commons. However, this method does thus
instance participatory budgetting/ citizen jury. Public servants advise, local government
sets the 'legal framework' and checks.
far not provide a way for community members to contribute to
4. co-creation: citizens are actively invited to think along in planning through workshops
monitoring the behavior within the community.
for instance. Politicians commit to chosen solution.
3. advising: citizens are asked for advise through a.o. online discussions,
Interoperability is a practical, yet very prominent concern when
organizing data commons [7, 8] since a data commons is not only
2. consulting: citizen is asked for his/her opinion through focusgroups, etc.
about access to data, it is also a platform for data experimentation
1. informing: citizen has access to essential info to express his/her opinion.
and interaction. Technically, a data commons is a repository of
personal manifests that describes the access and usage rights of
all data generated by an individual within a digital service.
Therefore, the data commons must regulate relationships
Figure 1: Levels of participation
between the organizations and individuals that use and share
ownership of the data. This way, data commons help citizens
having a say in what data they want to share and under which
Another important concern is transparency; in order to achieve a
successful mobility data commons, the municipality needs to be
conditions. Also data commons could provide users easy access
transparent about every part of the data commons. To achieve full
to their own data, information about who has access to their data
transparency, openness of all operations within the data
and what they could do with this information. However, for this
commons is required, so that citizens if needed, can hold the
to be successful also trust needs to be built between the different
consumers of the data accountable and are allowed to withdraw
parties participating in the commons. As our last concern we
their consent [24]. However, measuring transparency within a
raise the question on the definition and the narrative. The
data commons can be a tricky task. The question is not only how
commons, although part of an important and impactful historical
much information is available and under which terms, but is also
movement, that, amongst others, created the guilds in the Middle
a question of equality in the accessibility and usability of that
Ages, the common land movement in the UK and, more recently,
information. Transparency is increased when the data within a
knowledge commons Wikipedia [11], mutuals like
data commons is given a proper context and, therefore, its users
‘broodfondsen’ in the Netherlands and citizen energy
can use and understand the data without confusion.
communities in most European countries, are not part of our
Transparency should cover all of these aspects of data access:
current, dominant, narrative. Although he European Union and
physical access, intellectual access, and social access [13]. In the
Dutch government have legal frameworks in place for several
case of a data commons, physical access can refer to the ability
types of commons - in housing and energy for instance- no real
to reach the content of the commons, social access is the ability
understanding of the potential public value or even clear
to share the content of the commons and intellectual access is the
definition of a data commons currently exists.
ability to fully comprehend the content [7, 4], sometimes also
referred to as ‘digital literacy’. Not only in Amsterdam, but in
more cities in the digital rights coalition, the Covid-19 pandemic
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
N. van Loon et al.
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URBANITE Mobility Data Analysis Tools
Ignacio (Iñaki) Olabarrieta†
Ibai Laña
Urrotz Larrañaga
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
Bilboko Udala ITS Engineer
Technology Alliance (BRTA),
Technology Alliance (BRTA),
Ernesto Erkoreka Plaza, 12, 48007 Bilbo,
P. Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
P. Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
Derio, Spain
Derio, Spain
Shabnam Farahmand
Sergio Campos
Raquel Gil
Forum Virium Helsinki, Unioninkatu 24,
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
Bilboko Udala Mobility Management
00130 Helsinki, Finland
Technology Alliance (BRTA),
Deputy Director,
P. Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
Ernesto Erkoreka Plaza, 12, 48007 Bilbo,
Derio, Spain
Social Policy Lab – an environment to promote digital co-
creation with methodologies and methods to support the
The decision-making process in the policy making should rely
communication among public servants, private companies, and
on data driven evidence, in most of the cases the raw data needs
citizens. The aim of the Social Policy Lab is to develop joint
to be processed to transform it into actionable information. For
ideas and to produce co-creation guidance for policies. Data
this purpose, several tools have been developed within the
Management Platform – to provide automatic support to the
URBANITE project to transform urban mobility data into usable
whole data processing chain and its life cycle, starting with the
information. Specifically: (1) traffic prediction models based on
collection process all the way up to the use of the data. Decision-
historical data, (2) Origin-Destination (OD) matrix estimation
Making Support System – powerful tools which combine
models and (3) a methodology to analyse the locations visited in
multiple data sources with advanced algorithms, a simulation
several trajectories.
engine, a recommendation, and visualisation system. These tools
include predefined analysis pipelines to be used by non-technical
users, intuitive and understandable visualisations, and setups to
Traffic prediction, Origin-Destination Matrix Computation, Data
perform simulations of new mobility policies and situations that
Analysis, Artificial Intelligence.
allow their evaluation. URBANITE is implemented in four
different use cases: Amsterdam, Bilbao, Helsinki, and Messina.
The analysis tools that are presented in this communication
URBANITE project goal is to provide tools for the decision-
belong to the Decision-Making Support System. More concretely
making in the urban transformation field using disruptive
they belong to the set of algorithms designed to obtain
technologies and a participatory approach. These tools should aid
information from the historical data stored in the URBANITE
the process of taking decisions guiding it on data evidence. The
Data Management Platform. The results obtained from these
main features of the URBANITE architecture include:
algorithms can be used to understand better what is the state of
the mobility at a given time, or, alternatively, they can be used as
Modularity, i.e., each component provides specific
input for simulations of new policies.
functionalities and exposes clear interfaces,
Adaptability to heterogeneous city and region
Among all the tools within the Decision-Making Support System
contexts and ICT maturity levels, from complete
three components are explained in this communication, namely:
traffic prediction, OD matrix estimation, and trajectory location
analysis. These components are discussed in the following
Interoperability, i.e., vertical, and horizontal
sections, sections 2-4. This communication ends with some
interoperability among modules and with existing
concluding remarks in section 5.
And using the European standards as much as possible.
The main elements that URBANITE offers are the following:
Road traffic forecasting has been a topic of study since the
sixties [1] when time series analysis methods where mainly used
Corresponding Author
[2][3][4]. In the last two decades, heuristic machine learning
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
methods [5] started being used allowing to find more complex
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
relations within the traffic data. Nowadays traffic prediction
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
component has become one key tool for any ITS system. The
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
component developed within the URBANITE project can
Information Society 2021: 24th international multiconference , 4–8 October 2021,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
forecast what is the traffic flow that a sensor within the city
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
would measure for a given set of features.
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
I. Olabarrieta et al.
hours or the following 7 days. Alternatively, specific set of
The set of features at the time of this communication include
features can be feed to the model using the REST Web service
the day of the week and the time of the day but other ones are in
in JSON format to obtain a result at a given instant of time.
the process of being incorporated. Some of these features include
if the day of the forecast is a bank or school holiday, weather
An example of the result can be seen in Figure 2 where in
features (precipitation and temperature), the arrival of ferries to
addition to the prediction (red line) the confidence interval is
Helsinki port or sport events (soccer games) in Bilbao (using the
shown (orange band). The details of how to compute the
method developed in [6]). Note that the approach within
confidence interval are explained in [9]. In the Figure the result
URBANITE is not to consider previous measurements as
of the prediction for a week is shown, where the peaks for the
features since the data is not available in real time. Therefore,
different days are clearly visible, including the difference in the
this approach can be considered as long-term prediction because
pattern due to the weekend (fourth and fifth peaks in the series).
the predicting horizon is only limited by the accessibility of
external features (i.e., access to a weather prediction for
Figure 2: Detailed of the visualization for the result of the traffic
flow prediction for 7 days including the confidence interval.
Figure 1: Integrated tool to perform traffic prediction showing
the Helsinki use case.
The OD Matrix estimation works in a similar way than the
The web portal to the integrated tool can be seen in Figure 1,
prediction module. In this case we use data from bike rental city
the tool allows to train a new model, to perform a prediction and
service, specifically we consider the origins and the destinations
to visualize the results.
of each one of the rentals. These are both temporally and spatially
aggregated by providing the time resolution (the same way as for
The process of performing the training implies that the user
the traffic prediction) and by providing a set of geographic areas
needs to choose the following:
where to aggregate the origins and the ends of each rental. These
The regression model type, two options are available:
areas can be specified either via a GEOJSON or by specifying a
random forest [7] and distribution inference [8] (only for set of points, the URBANITE web can be used to obtain the
features with discrete values).
Voronoi areas [10] associated with those points and use those to
The number of features to consider: 1. considers only
perform the spatial aggregation.
the day of the week, 2. also considers the time and so on.
The time resolution, typically either 5 or 15 minutes.
This is the aggregation period on which the individual counts
of vehicles moving over the sensor are combined to produce a
time series.
The traffic sensor, this is chosen by selecting the
available sensors within a map.
The period of the training data, the period can be
chosen from the available data within Data Management
Platform, being able to change this period allows for instance
to avoid choosing the anomalous period due to the restrictions
due to COVID-19. In addition, a percentage of the training
data can be reserved to test the goodness of the model, this
percentage can also be specified.
Once a model is trained this can be used to perform a
Figure 3: Integrated tool to perform OD matrix estimation for
prediction, there are different ways to perform this, one way is
the Bilbao use case.
to use the URBANITE web visualization tool to choose a given
date and perform the prediction for either the following 24
Training a model to perform OD matrix estimation implies
choosing a regression model type, the number of features (in this
Urbanite Mobility Data Analysis Tools
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
case 0 can be chosen, which implies the use of only spatial
the simplest of these aggregations is to compute the number of
information), the time resolution, and the period of training data.
times a location is visited independently of the trajectory it
belongs. The result of this process applied to the trajectories of
The result of the estimation, at a specific instant of time, consists
the bike city service in Bilbao is shown in Figure 5.
of a square matrix of size 𝑁𝑥𝑁 where 𝑁 is the number of
Other types of aggregations can also be performed, as for
different areas considered for the spatial aggregation. The web
example most likely points to be visited depending of the day of
tool within URBANITE allows to compute and visualize these
the week and the time of the day, the most popular chain of
estimations for all the instants within a period (typically a day or
consecutive points visited, the longest route accomplished, etc.…
a full week). In Figure 3 a detail of the web tool is shown where
it can be seen the result at a given instant in the form of a matrix
(lower left hand side) and the time evolution of one of the matrix
components for a whole week (lower right hand side).
It is worth mentioning that this process to estimate OD matrixes,
by means of the use of regression algorithms, have the capability
to generalize the values measured obtaining results even in
regions of the feature space where no values have been obtained
Finally, the last component that we explain in this
communication consists in a tool able to analyze not only the
origin and the destination of trajectories but also what happens in
between. More specifically, and to fix ideas, we can think this
Figure 5: The most popular points corresponding to trajectory
tool’s goal to be obtaining the points more popular to visit in a
locations are labelled with darker color.
trajectory. The processing consists in two different phases: the
cleaning phase, and the aggregation phase.
In this paper we have introduced three components developed
within the URBANITE project to convert data into information.
The first component is designed to obtain a prediction of the
typical traffic flow at a particular sensor location given a set of
features, the second component aims to produce OD matrixes
from bicycle data and finally the last component consists in a
methodology to analyse trajectory locations. These results have
been achieved during funding project from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement #870338.
I. Laña, J. Del Ser, M. Velez, and E. I. Vlahogianni, (2018) Road traffic
fore-casting: Recent advances and new challenges, IEEE Intelligent
Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 93–109.
M. S. Ahmed and A. R. Cook, (1979) Analysis of freeway traffic time-
series data by using Box-Jenkins techniques, Transportation Research
Figure 4: Result of the cleaning phase for a set of GPS points
Record , no. 722, pp. 1-9.
M. Levin and Y.-D. Tsao. (1980) On forecasting freeway occupancies
obtained from a single bike city rental in Bilbao.
and volumes (abridgment), Transportation Research Record, no. 773.
C. Moorthy and B. Ratcliffe, (1988) Short term traffic forecasting using
The cleaning phase is a crucial phase when processing GPS
timeseries methods, Transportation planning and technology, vol. 12,
no.1, pp. 45–56.
data obtained from affordable, not very accurate sensors or in
E. I. Vlahogianni, M. G. Karlaftis, and J. C. Golias (2007) , Spatio-
areas with tall buildings (urban environment) where the multi-
temporal short-term urban traffic volume forecasting using genetically
optimized modular networks, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure
path of the satellite signal can increase the noise of the
Engineering, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 317–325.
measurements. The purpose of this phase is to align the obtained
I. Olabarrieta, I. Laña. (2020). Effect of Soccer Games on Traffic, Study
measurements with the navigational road network, i.e., the
Case: Madrid. 1-5. 10.1109/ITSC45102.2020.9294749.
L. Breiman (2001). Random Forests. Machine Learning. 45 (1): 5–32.
possible allowed positions for the vehicles. In URBANITE,
Hidden Markov models [11] are used in this phase. Moreover,
G. Upton, I. Cook, (2008) Oxford Dictionary of Statistics, OUP. ISBN
this process provides an additional result, which consists in the
I. Laña, I. Olabarrieta, J. Del Ser. (2021) Output Actionability of Traffic
most likely points between measurements.
Forecasting Models: Measuring and Understanding Uncertainty of
The second phase, the aggregation phase, compares the points
Forecasts to provide Confidence Levels (in preparation).
G. Voronoi, (1908a). Nouvelles applications des paramètres continus à
obtained in the cleaning phase for all the trajectories. Probably
la théorie des formes quadratiques. Premier mémoire. Sur quelques
propriétés des formes quadratiques positives parfaites" (PDF). Journal
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
I. Olabarrieta et al.
für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 1908 (133): 97–178.
doi:10.1515/crll.1908.133.97. S2CID 116775758.
P. Newson, J. Krumm. Nov. (2009 ). Hidden Markov Map Matching
Through Noise and Sparseness. 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International
Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM
SIGSPATIAL GIS 2009), November 4-6, Seattle, WA
Applicable European Regulations for Data-driven Policy-
Sonia Bilbao
Maria José López
Sergio Campos
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
Technology Alliance (BRTA),
Technology Alliance (BRTA),
Technology Alliance (BRTA),
P. Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
P. Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
P. Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
Derio, Spain
Derio, Spain
Derio, Spain
This scenario can be built on two pillars: 1) co-creation sessions
and 2) empirical analysis on stakeholder trust, attitude, impact,
Data-driven policy making aims to make optimal use of data and
benefits and risks in the use of disruptive technologies. Now,
collaborate with citizens to co-create urban policies and, in
traditional technological solutions are no longer valid in this
general, to conduct a more reliable decision-making process. The
situation, and disruptive technologies such as big data analysis or
European Commission considers data an essential resource for
artificial intelligence emerge as a promising support to those
economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, and disposes as
responsible for formulating new policies. Data-driven policy
part of its strategy a set of regulations and guides, aiming to that
making aims to make optimal use of existing heterogenous data
more data becomes available for use while keeping the rights and
and collaborate with citizens to co-create policy. This
trustworthy of the companies and individuals who generate and
opportunity entails specific challenges to favor the acceptance by
consume the data during the whole lifecycle. These regulations
users of the results obtained through the application of these
impact and open new challenges and opportunities when
technologies and, first, to collect the relevant data from the
addressing the decision-making process in URBAN
different local stakeholders. These are some of the objectives of
Transformation and specifically urban mobility as in the case of
the URBANITE project, to face challenges, attitudes, confidence
the URBANITE project.
and opportunities in the use of disruptive technologies in public
services in the context of urban mobility.
Data, regulations, ethics, trustworthy, privacy, governance
URBANITE identifies several key results: a Social Policy Lab –
an environment to promote digital co-creation and
methodologies and methods to support the co-design and co-
creation for policies, a Data Management Platform – To provide
Urban mobility faces greater uncertainty and complexity in the
automatic support to the whole data processing chain and its life
long term generated by two main factors: the demand for growth
cycle, starting with the collection process up to its use and a
in urban environments, the pressure for a more sustainable model
Decision-Making Support System – Powerful tools which
of mobility in the face of the emergence of global warming. In
combine multiple data sources with advanced algorithms,
general, we find that the social conscience is changing in favor
simulation, recommendation, and visualisation.
of more equitable and sustainable ways, and the recovery of the
space of the city for the people. On the other hand, the accelerated
The project identifies different stages from the perspective of
technological development in the transport modes and business
data and more specifically, its availability, openness and privacy:
models themselves, including innovations such as autonomous
1st Stage- Setup of participation labs and initial gathering:
driving, micro-mobility, connected vehicles, electro-mobility,
Open data currently available
mobility as a service (MaaS), new vehicle ownership models, etc.
including identification and recruitment of
mark specific challenges. in your deployment. These trends are
participants, the preparation of an informed
changing the landscape of urban planning and mobility
consent procedure to implement for individual
management in cities, incorporating new challenges. All of these
require new advances in mobility planning processes and
The register and use of the virtual participation
methods, with the aim of helping public administrations and
platform as a complement of previous sessions
policy makers to better understand this new context, supporting
them in decision-making and policy definition. Policies should
2nd Stage. The potential use of existing non-open data,
be discussed among the main actors in the new urban mobility
personal and non-personal on the cities to the objectives of
scenario: citizens, service providers, public servants and political
the project.
3rd Stage. The transfer of collected data from 3rd parties,
defining a transfer agreement among both parties (company
and city use case)
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work
On the other hand, the European Commission considers data an
must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
essential resource for economic growth, competitiveness,
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
innovation, defining an European strategy for data aiming to
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sonia Bilbao, Maria José López and Sergio Campos
ensure Europe's global competitiveness, a data sovereignty, that
appropriately. To ensure that we are on the right track, it is
more data becomes available for use, while keeping the rights of
necessary to abide by a human-centered approach to AI, without
the companies and individuals who generate and consume the
losing the goal of improving human well-being. The concept of
data during the whole lifecycle. As part of this support, the
trusted AI addresses reliance on technology as a first step. The
Commission has proposed some material as part of its data
new guidelines are aimed at all parties involved who develop,
strategy, disposing several normative and guides to conduct a
apply or use AI, encompassing companies, organizations,
success and trustworthy data management.
researchers, public services, institutions, individuals or other
2.1 Data Governance Act
This initiative refers to the management of personal as well as
According to the regulations “Reliable AI has two components:
non-personal data, therefore being linked at the legislative level
1) it must respect fundamental rights, current laws and essential
with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)[1] and the
principles and values, so as to guarantee an« ethical purpose »,
Directive on privacy and electronic communications [2]. The
and 2) it must be reliable and technically sound , since a little
European Commission has implemented a solid and trustworthy
technological mastery can cause involuntary damages, although
legal framework for the protection of data, in order to promote a
the intentions are good ”.
single data market, for which it must guarantee that data from the
public sector, companies and citizens can be available and used
Therefore, these Guidelines establish the framework of a reliable
in the most efficient and responsible way possible, while
AI, guiding in three levels of abstraction, from the most abstract
companies and The Data Governance Act [3] is the first of a set
to the most concrete of aspects to be evaluated:
of measures announced in the 2020 European data strategy, aims
Guarantee of the ethical purpose of AI, establishing
to promote the availability of data for its use, increasing trust
fundamental rights, as well as the essential principles and
between the parties and strengthening data collection
values, which it must comply with.
mechanisms throughout the European Union. The DGA will also
A series of guidelines, addressing both ethical purpose and
support the establishment and development of common
technical soundness, listing the requirements for reliable AI,
European data spaces in strategic domains, involving both public
and providing a summary of technical and non-technical
and private actors.
methods that can be used for their application.
A concrete, but not exhaustive, list of aspects that must be
The framework addresses the following scenarios:
evaluated in order to achieve reliable AI.
The transfer of public sector data for reuse, in cases where
such data is subject to the rights of third parties. It
establishes a mechanism for the reuse of certain categories
of protected data from the public sector, which is subject to
respect for the rights of third parties.
The transfer of personal data with the help of intermediaries,
whose work will consist of helping providers to exercise the
rights conferred by the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR). The objective is to strengthen trust in the exchange
of personal and non-personal data, and reduce the costs of
transactions linked to the exchange of data between
providers and their consumers, with neutral facilitators,
The transfer of data for altruistic purposes (making data
available to the common good, on a voluntary basis, by
Figure 1: Relation and overlapping among regulations
individuals or companies). Establish a registration and
consent in order to reduce costs and facilitate data
According to these principles, the work package in charge of the
definition, design and adaption of artificial intelligence and data
analytics is ensuring that the applied methods meet the seven key
The exchange of data between companies in exchange for
requirements for Trustworthy AI:
some type of remuneration.
human agency and oversight. URBANITE proposes a
decision support methodology and supporting tool for
policy creation, that combine and carefully balance different
harvested historical data, GIS, expert knowledge, outputs of
Despite the fact that AI technologies are mature enough, their
decision models, and others. The last word will remain in
adoption by companies is very uneven, and in general, much
the hands of municipal experts, the platform being a tool to
lower than one would expect. There are obstacles that hinder the
facilitate their decision. On the other hand, one of the pillars
widespread extension of AI technologies, both cultural and
of the project is the implementation of a thoughtful space of
discussion among the main actors of the new urban mobility
technical. AI technologies will not spread massively until the
scenario: citizens, service providers, public servants and
scientific community is able to develop reliable technology from
policy makers.
the user and from the different data providers. On the other hand,
technical robustness and safety. The work focused on the
the use of these technologies involves risks that must be managed
algorithms and simulations to be deployed, defines for as
Applicable European Regulations for Data-driven Policy-making Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia objective metrics a pair of KPIs, refereed to the precision of
nature of the model to be explained, from intrinsically
predictions and the quality of recommended policies or
transparent to completely opaque and unintelligible; the user of
the algorithms; and finally, the way in which said explanation
privacy and data governance, a fundamental right
must be prepared and presented to the decision maker, which will
particularly affected by AI systems. Prevention of harm to
depend on their degree of knowledge, as well as the intrinsic
privacy also necessitates adequate data governance that
possibilities offered by the model to be explained in one way or
covers the quality and integrity of the data used. All the
algorithms will work on the gathered data, just (pseudo)
anonymised. If applied during the research stage on the
algorithms, all the GRPR measures will be analysed and
Adaptation is the reaction of a system, model or process to new
adopted to use personal data.
circumstances, with the idea of maintaining its performance or
Transparency [7], the principle of explicability and
reducing its loss, compared to the ideal conditions that were
encompasses transparency of elements relevant to an AI
taken into account in its design and initial adjustment. The main
system: the data, the system and the business models: This
problem in scenarios whose underlying phenomena change over
implies traceability of decision along the whole cycle of
time, without being addressed by the model itself, is that the
data, from datasets, gathering, labelling and process,
conclusions, predictions or categorizations will not be reliable.
Explainability concerns will be considered for the methods
This phenomenon is called concept drift [8][9].
applied, ensuring a better understanding of the underlying
processes and related human decisions (e.g. xAI approach).
Robustness refers to the ability of a system to maintain service
In any case, the simulation and rules-based reasoning
approaches, are well sited from the explainability point of
when external incidents occur. In the case of urban planning, it
will not be so critical, since the decisions to be made will not be
diversity, non-discrimination and fairness. URBANITE
made in real time; However, the data ingestion of the different
gather existing open data portals, geographical information
data sets and available stores, if it must be operational, to
systems (GIS), data coming from private data providers, the
minimize the loss of input data, in addition to being robust data
basis is any, comes in origin. SoPoLab sessions and use case
algorithms in such loss situations, fluctuations in the frequency
evaluation support the feedback from stakeholders who may
of the themselves, poor quality data, etc. In the URBANITE
directly or indirectly be affected throughout its life cycle.
project, data quality is explicitly addressed through the
dedicated assessment of the algorithms during their design
implemented components associated with data preservation.
and use case deployment ensures the auditability.
environmental and societal well-being. In the last term,
URBANITE provides a new decision-support system for
Stability means ensuring that there are no surprises for the user
Planning Sustainable Mobility and the early evaluation of
in terms of functionality. In general, the algorithms are worked
urban policies. A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
in a specific geographic area and according to the available data
(SUMP), defines strategic plans based upon a long-term
sets. However, for their deployment in a real environment, it is
vision of transport and mobility, guaranteeing technical,
necessary to project them to larger areas and volumes of data.
economic, environmental and social sustainability.
This issue must be taken into account from the design stage of
the algorithms, to optimize their algorithmic complexity, which
represents the amount of resources (temporal, execution time and
space, required memory) that an algorithm needs to solve a
Taking into account the previous regulations and based on
problem. This characteristic allows to determine the efficiency of
previous experience in the context of Intelligent Transportation
this algorithm, not in terms of absolute measures but measures
Systems [4], it is confirmed that aspects such as trust, precision
relative to the size of the problem. Currently, the availability of
and reliability, among other non-functional properties, are
new technologies and paradigms of parallel and distributed
essential for predictive and analytical techniques to be practices
processing of massive volumes of data, allows an escalation of
in its use. We present the term Actionability, as the characteristic
the methods, obtaining adequate response times. However, its
that any system based on data analysis or artificial intelligence
exploitation requires the adequate implementation and
must present to be implemented and used successfully in a real
adaptation of the algorithms according to the architecture in
operating environment. This concept, in turn, identifies a series
which they will be deployed, as well as optimizing this
of desirable characteristics, which in URBANITE are
deployment of analytical workloads in the different layers.
contextualized in the field of urban mobility planning.
Another key feature is the compliance of the new methods with
Data-based models are usually subject to uncertainty, involving
transportation engineering. Existing traffic and mobility
non-deterministic stochastic processes, both in the learning,
engineering practices are well established, with a powerful
execution or training mechanisms / input data, and also present
knowledge base. A better understanding of the hybridization of
in the results. Once deployed, it is essential to provide an
data analysis and simulation methods, data-driven and model-
objective measure of the reliability and precision of the results,
driven approaches, by combining the strengths of each side, will
winning in terms of Trust. The need to explain and render the
help us improve the models by identifying more complex
underlying analytical models interpretable is undoubtedly one of
underlying assumptions. In general, the results are closely linked
the research fields with the greatest impact, being considered
to the experiments carried out; transferability is a desirable
under the concept of Explainable Artificial Intelligence [5][6]
characteristic for algorithms and any model, in order to present
(xAI). This field of study comprises different techniques and
adequate performance and functionality in other contexts and
methods, taking into account three fundamental factors: the
starting data, different from those used in learning.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sonia Bilbao, Maria José López and Sergio Campos
Finally, we cannot forget the contextual aspects identified by the
exploitation, data management and artificial intelligence
EU for the definition of sustainable mobility policies, measures
technologies, machine learning and advanced processing, the
and solutions, as part of SUMP and any support tool, with the
requirements that these new algorithms must present in the future
aim of contributing to urban regeneration, transport
have been identified. Finally, it introduces the concept of
sustainability, social inclusion and social empowerment through
Actionability as a key property of any data-based modeling and
active participation.
treatment process to generate knowledge of practical value for
decisioning. All these aspects open challenges and, also
opportunities for URBANITE project.
Additionally, to the actionability requirements for our methods
and algorithms, the new regulation and especially the Data
Governance Act presents a set of topics or opportunities to
These results have been achieved during funding project from the
explore from the different action lines. The following table
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
presents some of them, according to the type of data to explore
programme under grant agreement #870338.
on the project: public, personal or altruistic data
Table 1: Challenges and Research Opportunities
DO L 119 de 4.5.2016, p. 1.
DO L 201 de 31.7.2002, p. 37.
Ibai Lana. Vlahogianni Elenni, Javier Del Ser, 2020, “From Data to
Actions in Intelligent Transportation Systems: a Prescription of Functional
Requirements for Model Actionability,” arXiv, 2020.
Alain Barredo, N. Díaz-Rodríguez, Javier Del Ser, A. Bennetot, S. Tabik,
A. Barbado, S. García, S. Gil-López, D. Molina, R. Benjamins, R. Chatila,
Francisco Herrera, “Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Concepts,
Taxonomies, Opportunities and Challenges toward Responsible AI.
arXiv:1910.10045,” 2020.
D. Doran, S. Schulz and T. R. Besold, 2017, “What does explainable AI
really mean? a new conceptualization of perspectives. arXiv:1710.00794,”
A. Datta, S. Sen and Y. Zick, 2014, “Algorithmic transparency via
quantitative input influence: Theory and experiments with learning
system,” in 2016 IEEE symposium on security and privacy (SP), 598–617,
J. Gama, I. Zliobaite, A. Bifet, M. Pechenizkiy and A. Bouchachia, 2014,
“A survey on concept drift adaptation,” ACM computing surveys (CSUR),
vol. 46, no. 4, p. 44, 2014.
During the first period of the project, some relevant algorithms
Jesús Lobo, Javier Del Ser, Nekane Bilbao Cristina Perfecto, 2018,
and data analysis have been identified based on the project's use
“DRED: An evolutionary diversity generation method for concept drift
adaptation in online learning environments,” Applied Soft
cases. Having analyzed the different regulations around the
Supporting Decision-Making in the Urban Mobility Policy
Erik Dovgan
Maj Smerkol
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Miljana Sulajkovska
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
City mobility is changing rapidly due to population growth and
disruptive technologies. To efficiently handle these changes, poli-
cymakers need advanced tools based on AI, including simulation,
prediction, decision making, and visualization. In the URBANITE
H2020 project, we are developing a decision support system (DSS)
that is based on DEXi and enables the decision-makers to combine
low-level mobility data obtained with simulation, into high-level
attributes suitable for decision making and comparison of mobil-
ity scenarios. By providing the user preferences in advance, DSS
can be also used in combination with machine-learning models
to search for the best mobility policies automatically.
decision making, mobility, urban transformation
The mobility in cities is changing rapidly. On one hand, the pop-
Figure 1: The architecture of the URBANITE system.
ulation in cities is growing which results in increased congestion
and pollution. On the other hand, new and disrupting mobil-
ity modes are being introduced, such as vehicle sharing, hop
on/off bikes, etc. The city policymakers thus face a very complex
The developed DSS aims to enable the users to select the most
problem: how to improve mobility under growing congestion
appropriate policy actions based on data from simulations, popu-
pressures, while considering new mobility modes [1]. Advanced
lation data, current and predicted traffic data, and user (citizen,
tools that include artificial intelligence (AI) approaches can sig-
decision-makers) preferences. By defining the user preferences in
nificantly help policymakers to select the most appropriate ac-
advance, it weights and hierarchically aggregates the basic data
tions [4].
to obtain one or a few objectives, based on which the evaluated
AI-based tools for city mobility typically include the city mod-
policies are compared and ranked. The policy ranking represents
els and traffic simulation, which enables the users to simulate
the key information for the final decision regarding which policy
various traffic situations [3]. We are developing a system that
should be applied.
will, besides city models and traffic simulation, include also a de-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
cision support system (DSS) [2] and a machine learning module.
the URBANITE system. The decision support system within UR-
The decision support system will support the user, either hu-
BANITE is described in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 concludes
man or algorithm, in selecting the best policy, while the machine
the paper with a summary and ideas for future work.
learning module will aim at replacing human decision-makers
with algorithmic ones. In this paper, we focus on the DSS of the
URBANITE H2020 project [5].
The URBANITE system consists of several modules such as tools
for the involvement of various types of stakeholders, including
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
the general public. However, from the point of view of the pre-
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
sented decision support system, only the modules relevant for
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
DSS are presented in Figure 1.
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
There are two main inputs to DSS. The first one consists of the
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
expert knowledge, provided by the decision-makers. This knowl-
edge is of key importance when building hierarchical decision
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dovgan et al.
models, as well as when defining user preferences (see Section 3
process and typically involves combining qualitative attributes
for details).
of various types.
The second input consists of raw data including city models,
Hierarchical decision models are not able to directly handle
population data, and evaluation results from the traffic simulator.
the city model data or the raw data obtained from the traffic
Population data include the number of people in the urban area
simulator. Therefore, the baseline data need to be preprocessed
as well as their distribution between the districts. The city model
and, if appropriate, aggregated. For example, if the city pollution
consists of a map of roads, districts, public areas, etc. Finally,
is required as an input to the hierarchical decision model, it has
traffic simulation results are trip traces that include all the rel-
to be calculated from all the trips within the city.
evant data such as the (vehicle) positions, time, and pollution.
Finally, policy evaluation has to be executed. This is done
These results are obtained by evaluating a mobility policy with
by applying the preprocessed traffic simulator data within the
the traffic simulator. To this end, the simulator processes the pop-
hierarchical decision model. The resulting values of the high-
ulation data, the city model, and the past traffic data to emulate
level attributes, selected based on user preferences, are then sent
the characteristics of real-life traffic as much as possible.
to decision-makers or machine-learning models (see Figure 1).
The mobility policy consists of a set of actions to be applied
The hierarchical decision models, including their definition and
within the urban area (such as closing a specific road for cars)
execution, were implemented with DEXi [2].
and can be proposed either by decision-makers or by machine-
learning models. Both take into account the policy evaluation,
Hierarchical Decision Model for Mobility
computed by the DSS. The main difference between the two
approaches is the fact that decision-makers rely on expert knowl-
Policy Evaluation
edge and define the mobility policies by hand, while machine-
A new hierarchical decision model was developed by focusing on
learning models apply pattern-recognition approaches, process a
the needs and preferences of the URBANITE project [5], based
possibly huge amount of data, and select mobility policies auto-
on the user experience of four major EU cities. The model shown
in Figure 2 was developed based on mobility policies that include
Finally, the decision support system consists of several com-
building new roads, closing parts of the city like squares, setting
ponents that are described in Section 3.
up new lines of public transport including ferries, and other
potential modifications of the city mobility. For a policy, three
areas within the city were identified as relevant:
• Target area where the policy action is applied
Our DSS aims to evaluate mobility policies, i.e., for each policy
• Nearby area that surrounds the target area and which is
produce one or a limited set of objectives that are easily inter-
directly influenced by the applied policy
pretable and handled by the experts. Note that a baseline mobility
• The entire city
policy is evaluated by the traffic simulator, but the evaluation
provided by a standard simulator is very difficult to process by
The attributes were divided into three categories:
experts due to a large amount of data since the evaluation con-
• Road network
sists of traces of all the trips within the city. Therefore, the DSS
These attributes measure the size of the city area where
aggregates evaluation data into meaningful high-level attributes
the policy action has a direct influence. They also consider
to enable efficient and effective decision-making.
the capacity of the affected roads and take into account
both target and nearby areas.
Components of the URBANITE DSS
• Population-related attributes including the type of the area
and public transport data.
The main component of the DSS is the hierarchical decision
Area type is defined with the position within the city
model (see Figure 1). A hierarchical decision model is defined by
(e.g., center, periphery), the district type (e.g. residential,
the experts/decision-makers based on their expert knowledge.
commercial), and the population number. Public transport
It starts with the evaluation values, provided by the traffic sim-
counts the available bus and underground stops, and the
ulator, and iteratively combines semantically similar attributes
lanes of public transport. All these attributes are measured
into higher-level attributes until only one attribute remains. This
in both target and nearby areas.
results in a tree structure in which the root represents the final
• Policy impact
evaluation of the policy. However, it is not required to always use
It measures the change with respect to the baseline sce-
the final evaluation during the decision-making process. In some
nario when no policy action is applied. The following
cases, it is more appropriate to use several high-level attributes
aspects are taken into account:
(e.g., pollution and congestion) to compare the policies in all the
aspects that the decision-makers are interested in. In this case,
– Change in air pollution
the selected attributes are inner nodes of the tree structure.
– Change in the number of used private vehicles
To create the hierarchical decision model and to select the
– Change in the number of used bicycles
relevant attributes, user preferences have to be obtained. They
– Change in the number of used public transport
are included in the module by experts/decision-makers. When
– Change in the number of pedestrians
In addition, it also takes into account congestion change.
creating the decision model, the preferences are used to weigh
All the attributes are measured in both target and nearby
the attributes within the tree structure. More precisely, when
areas, as well as in the entire city.
combining attributes into a higher-level node/attribute within
the tree structure, a utility function needs to be defined, which
The developed model is intended to be used for both compar-
specifies how each combination of lower-level attributes trans-
ing the effects of applying a policy with the baseline as well as
forms into the higher-level attribute. This is a preference-based
comparing the effects of various policies between themselves. As
Supporting Decision-Making. . .
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 3: An example of the utility function for the se-
lected attributes.
Figure 4: Definition of two test scenarios.
Figure 2: A hierarchical decision model for mobility policy
Figure 3 that shows how the Target area attribute and the Nearby
area attribute are combined into the Public transport attribute.
a consequence, some attributes focus on comparison with base-
line, while others focus on differences among various policies.
Evaluation of Mobility Policies
Selection of the attributes and their organization into the tree
The hierarchical decision model, described in Section 3.2, was
structure is only the first step when building the hierarchical
used to evaluate a test policy that prescribed that the main square
model. The second step consists of defining the functions that
of a test city should be closed. The effects of this policy were
aggregate the lower-level attributes into higher-level ones, i.e.,
compared to the baseline, where no actions were taken.
utility functions. All the attributes in the inner nodes of the tree
First, both scenarios (no intervention and closed square) were
were defined as categorical from 1 to 5, which facilitated the
simulated and the obtained results were preprocessed. Second,
utility function definition. The default scale defined the higher
the data were inserted in DEXi as shown in Figure 4, where
the better, except for the pollution where the the-lower-the-better
each column represents one scenario and colors represent the
scale was applied. An example of the utility function is shown in
evaluation of single attributes (green: good, black: neutral, red:
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dovgan et al.
Figure 7: Evaluation of the scenario with closed square.
Figure 5: Comparison of the overall quality of the test sce-
aggregation of mobility attributes needs to be defined to get a low
number of higher-level attributes that make the decision-making
process feasible.
In this paper, we proposed to aggregate the mobility attributes
with DEXi. DEXi applies hierarchical decision models that are
defined based on expert/decision-maker knowledge. We devel-
oped a new hierarchical decision model that was then used for
basic and multiobjective comparison of mobility scenarios.
This paper also presented a basic graphical interface for com-
paring the scenario outputs, while additional and more advanced
GUIs are still under development. The evaluation of the devel-
oped decision model on a variety of mobility policies is ongoing
and aims at determining whether the model is suitable for all
the relevant scenarios. In case of discovered deficiencies, we will
Figure 6: Evaluation of the scenario without interven-
upgrade the model with additional attributes and/or attribute
bad). This figure shows that the differences between the scenarios
are in the target area roads and the impact attributes. The impact
This work is part of a project that has received funding from
is negative only in a minority of attributes: in the nearby area
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
and the congestion when observing the entire city (see the color
programme under grant agreement No. 870338. The authors also
change from black to red). On the other hand, there is a positive
acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research
change in the majority of the impact attributes (black color to
Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209).
The selected scenarios were evaluated both based on the over-
all quality and based on a set of the most relevant high-level
[1] M. Batty, K.W. Axhausen, F. Giannotti, A. Pozdnoukhov, A.
attributes, i.e., inner nodes of the tree. The overall quality com-
Bazzani, M. Wachowicz, G. Ouzounis, and Y. Portugali. 2012.
parison is presented in Figure 5, while the comparison on the
Smart cities of the future. European Physical Journal-Special
selected attributes can be found in Figures 6–7. These figures
Topics, 214, 481–518.
show that the overall quality of the closed-square scenario is
[2] Marko Bohanec. 2020. DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute
higher in comparison to no interventions. As noted previously,
Decision Making, User’s Manual, Version 5.04. IJS Report
for the pollution change in Figures 6–7, lower, i.e., near the center
DP-13100. Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
of the graph is better, while for other attributes, higher, i.e., near
[3] Erik Dovgan, Jaka Sodnik, Ivan Bratko, and Bogdan Fil-
the edge of the graph is better. In these figures, we can observe
ipič. 2017. Multiobjective discovery of human-like driving
a similar trend as in Figure 4. The difference is that in Figure 4
strategies. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary
we compare the scenarios on basic attributes (leafs of the tree),
Computation Conference Companion (GECCO ’17), 1319–
while in Figures 6–7 we compare scenarios on the higher-level
attributes (inner nodes of the tree). Finally, Figure 5 shows the
[4] Matjaž Gams, Irene Yu-Hua Gu, Aki Harma, Andres Munoz,
comparison on the top-level attribute, i.e., the root of the tree.
and Vincent Tam. 2019. Artificial intelligence and ambient
intelligence. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart En-
vironments, 11, 1, 71–86.
Selection of the best mobility policy for a city is typically a com-
[5] The URBANITE Project. 2021. https://urbanite-project.eu/.
plex task since the policy can influence a large variety of mobility
aspects. In addition, simulation tools typically produce a large
amount of data that needs to be appropriately preprocessed and
aggregated. Consequently, a suitable approach for hierarchical
URBANITE Data Management Platform
Fritz Meiners
Sonia Bilbao
Gonzalo Lazaro
Fraunhofer FOKUS
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
TECNALIA, Basque Research and
Digital Public Services
Technology Alliance (BRTA), P.
Technology Alliance (BRTA), P.
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
Tecnológico Bizkaia, Ed. 700, 48160
10589 Berlin, Germany
Derio, Spain
Derio, Spain
Giuseppe Ciulla
Research & Development Laboratory
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Palermo, Italy
Data Fusion and aggregation. Data aggregation is the
This paper describes the Data Management Platform developed
process of gathering data and presenting it in a
in URBANITE H2020 project. This platform provides automatic
summarized format, e.g. to hide personal information
mechanisms to harvest, curate, fuse and visualize existing open
or to provide information in a synthetic form. Data
and proprietary data coming from different sources related to
fusion is the process of integrating multiple data
urban mobility and transportation (e.g. traffic data from cars,
sources to produce more consistent, accurate, helpful
public transport, bikes or ferries; air quality and noise; events,
information and sophisticated models than those
parking, and so on).
provided by any individual data source.
Data Storage & Retrieval providing the means to store
and retrieve datasets, DCAT-AP compliant metadata,
and related data.
Data harvesting, data curation, DCAT-AP metadata, data storage
Data Catalogue offering the functionalities to discover
and access the datasets collected and managed by the
components of the URBANITE Ecosystem.
One of the main goals of the research carried out in URBANITE
H2020 projects, is to provide algorithms, tools and models to
support decision-making processes in the field of urban planning
Figure 1 represents the component diagram of the Data
and mobility. This support is based on the analysis of the current
Management Platform (blue rectangle) and its interaction with
situation based on harvested and fused data, on data simulations
the other modules in the URBANITE Ecosystem.
and the prediction of future situations when changing one or
more variables. Hence, the availability of good quality data
coming from heterogeneous data sources and its interoperability
for data aggregation and fusion is highly important.
The Data Management Platform (DMP) provides the
components for data acquisition, aggregation and storage. These
components are:
Data Harvesting, Preparation and Transformation
covering the entire process of fetching, preparing,
transforming, and exporting data for storage
Data Anonymization to transform datasets in
conformity with data protection requirements for
further data analysis.
Data Curation which deals with enrichment and
annotation of data.
Figure 1. Component diagram of the DMP
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classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work
3.1 Data Harvesting, Preparation and
must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021: 24th international multiconference , 4–8 October 2021,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The process of fetching, preparing, transforming, and exporting
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
data (from now on referred to as harvesting), i.e. providing a way
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
F. Meiners et al.
to make heterogeneous data available in defined format and
The data preparation component is responsible for
means of access, has been implemented following the form of a
performing initial cleaning and sanitation of the data provided by
pipeline, as shown in Figure 2. This means that data is passed
the harvesting component. This ensures a fixed level of data
through the pipeline, and each component is agnostic of the other
quality and integrity, which is required by the transformation
steps. This leads to lose coupling and improves flexibility
component to operate flawlessly.
allowing steps to be omitted if not necessary for a given data
Data transformation is a key step in the harvesting pipeline. It
source. The pipeline has been implemented using the open source
cannot be expected that the municipalities provide their data in
solution named Piveau Pipe Concept [1, 2].
one of the common data models developed by FIWARE used in
Each of the components in the pipeline is implemented as a
the URBANITE context. As such, the transformation of the
service that exposes a common RESTful interface. This way,
heterogeneous data sources into common models is vital for
services can be connected in a generic fashion to implement
frictionless processing of the data henceforth. For a flexible
specific data processing chains. No central instance is
approach, the actual transformation instructions are loaded via
responsible for orchestrating the services. A scheduler is in
scripts, either JavaScript for JSON based payloads or XSLT for
charge of launching the pipes and how services are connected
XML based payloads. More engines can be added as pipeline
together is specified in a JSON file known as the pipe descriptor.
modules at a later point in time.
An example of a pipe descriptor is provided in Figure 3. Each
of the segments describes a service in the pipe. In the example
there are three services, the first named importing-bilbao-air-
quality that downloads Bilbao air quality data, the second named
transforming-js that transforms the data according to a JavaScript
file and the third one named exporting-data-storage that invokes
the storage and retrieval component to store the data and its
metadata in two dedicated repositories. The segment number
field indicates the order in which the service should be executed
in the pipe.
Figure 2. Harvesting process
In detail, the harvesting process would typically consist of the
following steps:
1. The scheduler triggers a pipeline
2. The harvester retrieves the data from the source’s API and
forwards it into the preparation component.
3. After cleaning and validating, the preparation component
forwards the data to the transformation component.
4. The data is transformed to the applicable NGSI data model
and forwarded to the exporter.
5. Finally, the exporter writes the harmonized data into the
data storage component.
The scheduler serves two main purposes: keeping track of
existing pipe descriptors and managing triggers for these pipes.
Each pipe descriptor is stored as a JSON file and contains a
definition of components (endpoints, chronological order,
specific configurations) that make up the processing sequence.
Each processing chain is defined in one of these files. The
scheduler reads these files to become aware of which pipes are
available. These can then be assigned to a periodic trigger for
recurring execution.
The data harvesting component is responsible for fetching
data from a given API. It does not alter the data. It can be
considered the entry point of the data into the pipeline. As such,
a dedicated component is required for each type of data source.
Figure 3. Example of a Piveau Pipe Descriptor
The harvesting component may implement pagination
mechanisms for handling data in chunks. However, this does not
When a pipe is triggered the service in segment number 1 is
impact the pipeline – each chunk is handled individually and
called. Once finished, data that needs to be passed along the
does not depend on other chunks.
processing chain is written into a payload field of the next
URBANITE Data Management Platform
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
component in line. For smaller amounts of data this can happen
The Data Storage & Retrieval component provides REST
directly, for larger amounts of data a pointer to an external
APIs so that the Exporter of the harvesting process can store the
datastore can be used.
transformed data. Besides, a new DCAT distribution is stored
which is associated with the existing metadata of the dataset, with
3.2 Data Anonymization
accessUrl equal to the API endpoint to access the transformed
The anonymization component is a RESTful microservice
data. An example of this is shown in Table 1.
capable of transforming large datasets in conformity with data
protection requirements for further data analysis. In order to
Table 1. Instance of a distribution in JSON-LD format
achieve a certain degree of anonymization the user can mark
specific attributes that are likely to reveal information about a
person or a smaller group. Those identifiers are then transformed
in a way that ensures a sufficient level of anonymization.
Currently supported anonymization methods are suppression and
generalization, which either delete attribute entries in a row or
"@type" : "dcat:Distribution",
generalise them according to a fixed hierarchy, such as street ->
"description" : "Air Quality information for bilbao day
zip code -> city.
2021-05-01 in NGSI-LD representation",
3.3 Data Storage & Retrieval
The Data Storage & Retrieval component provides the means to
store and retrieve datasets (transformed to URBANITE common
data model compliant with FIWARE) and metadata (DCAT-AP).
DCAT-AP [3] is used as the common metadata schema to
"title" : "Air Quality information for bilbao day 2021-
describe datasets in URBANITE. Two repositories are used, one
for the metadata and the other for the transformed data. This is
shown in Figure 4.
The technology stack used to implement the component
consists of three levels, as depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 4. Data Storage & Retrieval repositories
The main concepts of the DCAT-AP model are catalogues,
datasets and distributions. A catalogue represents a collection of
datasets; a dataset represents a data collection published as part
Figure 6. Data aggregation & storage technology stack
of a catalogue; and a distribution represents a specific way to
access to specific data (such as a file to download or an API).
At the bottom level we have the storage repositories, being a
This relationship is shown in Figure 5.
combination of different types of databases: SQL databases, like
The concept dcat:Dataset informs about the title, description,
MySQL and NoSQL databases, like MongoDB. The design is
access rights, creator, frequency, spatial/geographic and
also open to the usage of other storage mechanisms that may be
temporal coverage, spatial and temporal resolution, publisher, etc.
useful in the future, such as timeseries databases, files, semantic
The concept dcat:Distribution provides metadata about the
triple stores, etc.
distribution, e.g. the property dcat:accessURL provides the
The intermediate level offers the mechanisms for both storing
information about how to access to specific data. Other important
and retrieving data. In turn it consists of two components: a
metadata related to the distribution are, for instance, the license,
REST API with predefined methods for inserting or accessing
a description, the format of the data (e.g. CSV, JSON), etc.
data and metadata, and a JDBC connection, through the Presto
software, to perform custom queries (SQL statements) different
to those offered by the API. All the interaction with the storage
system is made through these two mechanisms, not allowing
direct access to the data. This makes the choice of the specific
database that stores the data transparent to the upper processing
Figure 5. Simplified DCAT-AP Model
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
F. Meiners et al.
layer and can be modified without affecting the processes that
further provided to the APIs, 2) Advanced Visualization to build
make use of the component.
visualization taking advantage of the DCAT-AP distributions it
Finally, at the top level we have the processes that can be
manages and 3) Data Storage & Retrieval to retrieve DCAT-AP
defined to feed the databases or make use of the data, e.g. data
datasets and distribution metadata. Finally, the Data Catalogue
aggregation processes.
component is able to federate external sources such as Open Data
portals or other sources providing DCAT-AP metadata.
3.4 Data Catalogue
The Data Catalogue offers the functionalities to discover and
access the datasets collected and managed by the components of
the URBANITE ecosystem. Apart from the possibility to search
over these datasets, the Data Catalogue also offers the possibility
to search useful data across external “federated catalogues” (such
as Open Data Portal) to increase the chance to find useful data.
The administrator is in charge of managing the federation of
the catalogues, where a catalogue represents a data source.
He/she can add new catalogues, delete or edit the existing ones.
Moreover, the administrator can manage the platform
The end-user is then able to perform a federated metadata
Figure 8. Data Catalogue – Dataset search (example)
search among the harmonized DCAT-AP datasets provided by
the federated catalogues. Moreover, the end-user can perform
SPARQL queries over the federated RDFs provided by the
federated catalogues, or he/she can access to statistics about the
federated catalogues.
The Data Catalogue exposes APIs to access its
functionalities; thus, an external system will be able to interact
with the platform using such APIs.
The Data Catalogue is based on Idra [4]. Idra is a web
application able to federate existing Open Data Management
Systems (ODMS) based on different technologies providing a
unique access point to search and discover open datasets coming
from heterogeneous sources. Idra uniforms the representation of
collected open datasets, thanks to the adoption of international
standards (DCAT-AP) and provides a set of RESTful APIs to be
Figure 9. Data Catalogue – Details of a dataset (example)
used by third-party applications.
Figure 7 depicts the interaction among the Data Catalogue
and the other URBANITE’s components.
This research is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation program under grant agreement number
870338 (URBANITE: Supporting the decision-making in urban
transformation with the use of disruptive technologies).
Kirstein F., Stefanidis K., Dittwald B., Dutkowski S., Urbanek S.,
Hauswirth M. (2020) Piveau: A Large-Scale Open Data Management
Platform Based on Semantic Web Technologies. In: Harth A. et al. (eds)
The Semantic Web. ESWC 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol 12123. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49461-
Figure 7. Data Catalogue - Component diagram
Piveau solution. https://github.com/piveau-data
DCAT-AP 2.0.1.
The Data Catalogue interacts with 1) Identity/Authorization
Management component to allow administrators to access their
Idra - Open Data Federation Platform
specific functionalities retrieving the access token that will be
Traffic Simulation for Mobility Policy Analysis
Maj Smerkol
Miljana Sulajkovska
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Erik Dovgan
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 covers
mobility policy simulations and overviews the selected traffic
Recently urban mobility has been changing quickly due to the
simulation tool. Section 3 describes the high-level view of the
growth of cities and novel mobility methods’ introduction. These
support system for mobility policy design and the role of the
changes are causing ever greater traffic congestion and urban
mobility policy simulation in the system. Section 4 overviews
pollution problems. To deal with the growing complexity of ur-
the process of partially automated simulation creation including
ban mobility and traffic systems we are developing a system to
the descriptions of data preparation processes, the design of the
support the decision makers in the URBANITE H2020 project. An
underlying relational database and the algorithms developed for
integral part of the system is a system for simulation of mobility
each step of the simulation creation. The paper concludes with
policy proposals based on traffic simulation. The simulations are
Section 5, which summarizes the paper and presents ideas for
used for evaluation of policy proposals. We developed a system
future work.
for automatic simulation creation and an algorithm for popula-
tion synthesis based on open data available for multiple cities.
smart city, traffic simulation, mobility policy
As cities are becoming more populous, traffic congestions, pol-
lution and other problems are becoming harder to handle. Such
complex and interconnected issues, also called wicked problems,
are hard to deal with and any policy targeting these issues may
be seen as undesirable from certain stakeholders’ point of view
or may have unforeseen side effects. An example of a wicked
issues is moving the residents from using cars to driving bicycles
or using public transit [6].
This paper presents a method for using traffic simulations
among other analysis tools to analyse and evaluate mobility
policies. The developed method aims to contribute to solving
such problems in the urban mobility domain by simulation of the
changes and calculation of key performance indicators (KPIs) [7],
Figure 1: Architecture of the URBANITE system.
co-designed with the city stakeholders.
The method was developed with two goals in mind. The first
is to empower the administration to easily run new simulations
The URBANITE system consists of several components, in-
with less involvement of technical experts and thus shorten the
cluding a data platform, AI-based tools including the mobility
feedback time from idea to the results of the simulations. The
policy simulation, and tools for stakeholder engagement, includ-
second goal is to enable the automatic creation of multiple simula-
ing a forum and a social policy laboratory [11]. In this paper we
tions by variation of specific parameters within given constraints
focus on the architecture of the mobility policy simulation shown
to algorithmically produce candidate solutions for specific prob-
in Figure 1.
The decision makers work with the system in an interactive
mode by evaluating and improving policy proposals in an it-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
erative fashion, i.e., by defining the mobility policy proposals,
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
which are simulated and evaluated by the system. In each itera-
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
tion, they use the insight gained to modify the policy proposals.
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
However, the system is also able to search for mobility policy
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
proposals within user provided constraints. These proposals are
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
automatically simulated and evaluated, and the decision makers
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maj Smerkol, Miljana Sulajkovska, Erik Dovgan, and Matjaž Gams
are presented with a selection of the best ones according to the
city for all private car traffic. Main goals of the proposal are to
selected KPIs.
improve the air quality at the square and to relieve traffic trough
The main inputs to the mobility policy simulation system
the square.
are the proposed mobility policy and the data required for the
From the simulation point of view, this is a relatively simple
simulation: the population data, the city model and the traffic
change of the city’s road network. The change is implemented by
data. Examples of mobility policies are described in Section 3.
changing the properties of affected road segments in the network
The mobility policy simulation module executes the following
to disallow private car traffic. Public transport and emergency
steps to create and run the simulation:
vehicles are not affected by this change as well as pedestrian and
bicycle traffic.
Population synthesis is the process of using the population
KPIs are selected in accordance with the goals of the policy.
data to create the artificial agents.
To estimate the effects on the air quality in the area, the daily
Travel demand generation takes the generated agents and
amounts of different air pollutants emitted at the square and
their activities, and generates the trips that the agent will
in the nearby areas are recorded. We expect that there will be
take to arrive to the locations of their activities.
less pollutants emitted in the square and some increase in the
Finally, before the simulation is run the trips are optimized
surrounding areas as the traffic will be redirected to them.
to fit them to the known traffic data.
• The simulation run is performed and the simulation recor-
Changing a Major Road to a Bicycle Highway. Amsterdam
ded for further analysis and visualization, and to provide
is the capital city of the Netherlands as well as its largest city
data for the machine learning models.
with over 1.5 million residents in the urban area. It has a highly
The simulation results are used by the decision support sys-
developed bicycling culture to the point where bicycle traffic
tem to calculate the KPIs, evaluate the mobility policy proposals
jams often form at the peak traffic times. The policy proposed is
and provide multi-attribute decision analysis, as well as by the
to close one of the major roads into the center, the Oranje Lopper,
machine learning models used for policy proposal.
for motorized traffic. While similar to policy proposed in Bilbao,
the goals of Amsterdam are mainly to alleviate the bicycle traffic
by introducing a new bike highway into the city center.
Historically, modeling of mobility started with analytical mod-
To represent the policy for the simulation, we change the
elling, mostly based on economic models combined with numeri-
properties of the road segments that make up the Oranje Lopper
cal methods for traffic estimation [3]. At the same time, simula-
to disallow private car traffic and instead introduce a number of
tion models were also developed [12]. A significant improvement
new bicycle lanes.
came with the introduction of agent-based simulations, which
KPIs selected are the number of bicycles using the new bike
are used for simulation of complex self-organizing systems.
highway and more importantly, average bicycle travel times be-
tween the city parts connected by the Oranje Lopper.
Traffic Simulations
The URBANITE mobility policy simulations are based on traffic
Alleviation of Ferry Traffic via Building of a new Tunnel.
simulations provided by the open source package MATSim [4],
Helsinki is the capital city of Finland. The Helsinki port is also the
a Java framework for traffic simulations. The selected traffic
busiest passenger port in the world, which causes regular traffic
simulation framework is a state-of-the-art microscopic multi-
jams in the Jätkäsaari area where the traffic from the port to the
agent traffic simulation package that allows the creation of traffic
mainland is forced to use a single road. The policy proposal in
simulations with features such as multi-modal trips, support for
Helsinki includes building a tunnel connecting the port directly
bicycles and micro-mobility, public transit support, and emissions
to the motorway with the goal of alleviating the traffic jams that
form periodically when ferries arrive to the port.
Some drawbacks of the MATSim framework are high com-
This policy is represented by the addition of new links to the
putational complexity, demand for high quality input data
road network representing the tunnel. To test this proposal, the
highly complex process for creating high quality simulations.
ferry arrivals are modelled as seafaring public transport with
The selection of MATSim among the available microscopic traffic
forced high loads of vehicles arriving as scheduled.
simulation software options is based mostly on its extensibility
The main KPI for this policy is the traffic flow at the existing
and flexibility.
point of crossing to the mainland. Another significant factor for
the evaluation of this policy is the amounts of air pollutants
Representation of Mobility Policies
emitted in the Jätkäsaari area.
Mobility policy is a very wide category and general policy rep-
resentation is out of the scope of this work. Instead we focus
Addition of new Bus Lines to Under-Connected Areas. The
on specific policies. Besides the policy representation, appropri-
last policy we consider is the addition of public transport lines to
ate KPIs are also required. This section focuses of four distinct
under-connected areas of the Messina municipality in Sicily, Italy.
types of policies that are considered by the pilot cities within the
Generally the city is well connected by public transport, however
URBANITE project and the KPIs selected to evaluate them.
as the city is caught between the sea shore and a mountain area,
some of the more remote parts lack connectivity and are only
Closing a Major Square for Private Car Traffic. Bilbao is
accessible by private vehicles. These areas are also generally
a city near the northern shore of Spain and the largest city of
too remote to access the city by foot and too mountainous for
the Basque Country with nearly 350,000 residents. The policy
everyone to use bicycles.
proposed for simulation is closure of the Moyua square in the
To simulate this policy, we add new bus lines by creating the
GTFS data compatible with existing public traffic and including
In the context of URBANITE project, which this work is a part of, data gathering
and quality assurance are parts of the project.
it in the simulation.
Traffic Simulation for Mobility Policy
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Automating Simulation Creation
To create a traffic simulation using MATSim, a set of input data
To automate the creation of mobility policy simulations, the
needs to be defined, and the simulator’s configuration must be
following steps were taken:
specified. The simulation is run in two consecutive steps: first, the
• The entities representing input data are connected via
agents’ actions are optimized using a co-evolutionary algorithm;
appropriate relations and a relational database is designed.
second, the final run of the simulation is stored and analysed.
The input data is related to a simulation instance.
• Processes and algorithms for creating the input data are
MATSim Input Data
developed and implemented.
• Simulation results are stored and exported for visualiza-
In this section we describe the input data necessary to run the
tion and further analysis.
simulation, and the process for creating these files. For each of
the files we also describe the data model and explain how the
We defined a database that allows the simulations to be auto-
data is used.
matically created and compared using a multi-attribute decision
analysis methodology. To allow the user easy comparison of dif-
Road Network. The road network represents the traffic
ferent simulation outcomes, the table Scenario includes multiple
infrastructure and its properties such as lane capacity and max
simulations. Each Scenario links to a Decision Model, that is
speed. Currently, we rely on Open Street Maps [10], a crowd-
designed and evaluated using the multi-attribute decision analy-
sourced publicly accessible map database. It is a very valuable
sis tool DEXi [1]. This setup of entities Scenario, Simulation
resource, however due to its nature it is not complete and there
and Decision Model allows for a common and automated eval-
may be some inaccuracies in the data.
uation and comparison of different simulation results.
The resulting network is a collection of nodes and link. Each
At the same time, the Simulation entity is linked to entities
link represents a straight part of a single lane and connects two
Network, Agent Plans and Vehicles. These include all the data
nodes. The link also contains other relevant information such
that is needed to run the simulations.
road type, speed limit, road or street name, etc. The nodes repre-
sent the location via coordinates. This means that a single road or
Road Network Preparation
street is made of multiple links that may have different properties.
Facilities. To get the data about specific places in the city,
such as hospitals, schools, parks and workplaces among others,
we provide the simulator with a list of facilities. These are gath-
ered from OSM along with the network itself and attributes are
added from the city datasets. The attributes of interest include
number of employees, average number of daily visitors, number
of employee and visitor parking spots, etc. Before running the
simulation, the facilities and the network are pre-processed to-
gether to match the coordinates and other attributes between the
Agent Plans. Agent plans are the daily plans of each of
Figure 2: (1) The country wide map is retrieved from OSM.
the agents that represent the population. These are described
(2) The relevant area is extracted. (3) The map data is fil-
as a list of activities and a list of trips that allow the agent to
tered and the minimal road network is stored.
engage in the activities. The agent plans are the results of the
population synthesis and travel demand modelling, described in
OSM is limited by the area size it can export using the API.
Section 4.4. There are multiple algorithms for population synthe-
Instead, we download the binary map data for the entire country
sis that are developed for working with different sets of available
from the map catalogue. We use an open source tool Osmosis
input data [2].
to extract the relevant area and filter out all the unneeded data
The trips for each agent are used for the final simulation run.
in order to keep performance of the simulations to a minimum.
The data contains a collection of trips, each made up of multiple
Next, we remove any broken links, unconnected links and parts
trip legs that may use different transportation modes (e.g., an
of network that are isolated from the greater connected network,
agent may take a bus to go to work but walk back home).
usually artifacts of extracting the selected area.
Vehicles. When interested in vehicle-related data, such as
Population Synthesis Algorithm
amounts of certain pollutants emitted, data about the vehicles in
the city are necessary. Multiple types of vehicles can be defined
The selection of the algorithm is limited by the data available
with attributes such as vehicle type, engine technology, cylinder
in the four pilot cities. Another important goal of the algorithm
displacement and latest EURO emission standard it supports. A
selection is to use mainly open data. Often the studies in this field
simulation using this data can be analysed for amounts of pollu-
are not reproducible due to use of proprietary data or data that is
tants emitted per link for each vehicle by using the HBEFA [9]
not publicly available, as well as the use of proprietary software.
emission factors.
The common population model used for population synthesis
To use the defined vehicles, the agent population has to be
is shown in Figure 3. The city is split into existing statistical
split up into multiple subpopulations. Each subpopulation may
districts and each district is modeled separately. Each district has
link a specific vehicle fleet (a set of vehicles) that the agents can
a population model and a corresponding vehicle fleet used for
estimation of air pollutants emitted.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maj Smerkol, Miljana Sulajkovska, Erik Dovgan, and Matjaž Gams
We adapted an algorithm developed for population synthesis
using publicly available data in Paris [5], in order to process the
Marko Bohanec. 2008. Dexi: program for multi-attribute
data available in the pilot cities. It consists of the following steps:
decision making user’s manual. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Institut
(1) Sample the marginal distributions of the socio-economic
Jozef Stefan.
data. Each household is assigned a home location and
Abdoul-Ahad Choupani and Amir Reza Mamdoohi. 2016.
agents are generated for the household by sampling the
Population synthesis using iterative proportional fitting
marginal distributions of the population attributes.
(ipf ): a review and future research. Transportation Research
(2) Iterative Proportional Fitting [8] is used to improve the
Procedia, 17, 223–233. International Conference on Trans-
matching of the agents’ attributes by fitting to a small
portation Planning and Implementation Methodologies
sample of the census data.
for Developing Countries (12th TPMDC) Selected Proceed-
(3) Households are assigned income levels sampled from the
ings, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, 10-12 December 2014.
income level marginal distribution.
issn: 2352-1465. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2016.
(4) Activities are generated and activity chains are assigned
11.078. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/
to each agent. First, the primary (work and education)
activities are considered, then secondary (shopping and
Juan de Dios Ortúzar and Luis G Willumsen. 2011. Mod-
leisure) activities are added, based on the travel surveys
elling transport. John wiley & sons.
and facility data.
Andreas Horni, Kai Nagel, and Kay Axhausen, editors.
The lists of households, persons, activities and trips generated
2016. Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim. Ubiquity
need to be optimized to match the traffic data before the final
Press, London, 618. isbn: 978-1-909188-75-4, 978-1-909188-
simulation. The initial version of the algorithm was already de-
76-1, 978-1-909188-77-8, 978-1-909188-78-5. doi: 10.5334/
veloped and is based on the open-source implementation of the
algorithm described in [5], while the final version is under devel-
Sebastian Hörl and Milos Balac. 2021. Synthetic population
and travel demand for paris and île-de-france based on
open and publicly available data. Transportation Research
Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130, 103291. issn: 0968-
090X. doi: https : / / doi . org / 10 . 1016 / j . trc . 2021 . 103291.
https : / / www . sciencedirect . com / science / article / pii /
Louise Kold-Taylor and Donald W de Guerre. 2020. From
cars to bicycles: an ecosystem view of montreal traffic as
a wicked problem. Systemic Practice and Action Research,
33, 1, 55–75.
Puji Adiatna Nadi and AbdulKader Murad. 2017. Review
Figure 3: Each district has a separate population model
of methods and indicators in sustainable urban transport
and vehicle fleet.
studies overview from 2000 to 2016. Communications in
Science and Technology, 2, 2.
Paul Norman. 1999. Putting iterative proportional fitting
on the researcher’s desk.
We are developing a mobility policy simulation module as a part
Benedikt Notter, Mario Keller, Hans-Jörg Althaus, Brian
of the URBANITE system for mobility policy design support. The
Cox, Wolfram Knörr, Christoph Heidt, Kirsten Biemann,
designed module consists of an open source multi-agent traf-
Dominik Räder, and Marie Jamet. [n. d.] Hbefa 4.1.
fic simulation system, population synthesis algorithm including
OpenStreetMap contributors. 2017. Planet dump retrieved
travel demand modelling and the co-evolutionary optimization
from https://planet.osm.org. https://www.openstreetmap.
algorithm for fitting the simulations to existing traffic data.
org. (2017).
The system enables mobility policy simulation by implement-
Anne Fleur van Veenstra and Bas Kotterink. 2017. Data-
ing the processes for creating the simulations using open data
driven policy making: the policy lab approach. In Inter-
and with no proprietary software required. Using open data al-
national conference on electronic participation. Springer,
lows the users to develop algorithms applicable to multiple cities
and ensures the reproducibility of results.
Michal Čertický, Jan Drchal, Marek Cuchý, and Michal
The algorithm for population synthesis and travel demand
Jakob. 2015. Fully agent-based simulation model of mul-
modelling was selected and adapted to the data available and
timodal mobility in european cities. In 2015 International
pilot cities’ needs, and preliminary simulation were developed.
Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Trans-
The research on this topic is far from concluded. Some of the
portation Systems (MT-ITS), 229–236. doi: 10.1109/MTITS.
future work include development of the co-evolutionary sim-
ulation fitting algorithm and the final implementation of the
population synthesis algorithm.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No. 870338.
Machine Learning-Based Approach for Estimating the Quality
of Mobility Policies
Miljana Sulajkovska
Maj Smerkol
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Erik Dovgan
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
evaluating transportation facilities or systems. Using the simula-
tions we can see how some actions may impact the dimensions
Cities are increasingly turning towards specialized technologies
that we are interested in without making those changes in real
to address issues related to their significantly increased transport
demand. Municipalities and transport authorities try to face these
Currently, most of the mobility policy evaluation techniques
problems in order to achieve their objectives by taking various
rely on experts in urban/spatial planning using on simulation
actions in the domain of public transport, air and noise pollution,
results [10]. Since the simulations create large amount of data,
road accidents, etc. The primary objective of this research is to
including data from optimization steps, various data analysis
explore the role of machine learning (ML) in mobility policy
can be applied. In this context machine learning techniques can
quality estimation using microscopic traffic simulations. The
be applied to automate the evaluation of mobility policies and
main idea is to use one simulation run as one training example.
address the objectives of the cities.
The features are represented by several group of parameters that
As part of the URBANITE project we are developing a ma-
are related to the input and output of the simulation, while the
chine learning module using data from microscopic transport
target variables are represented using key performance indicators
simulator that will help decision makers in the what-if analysis.
(KPIs). The city of Bilbao is chosen as a use case. We have analyzed
More precisely, we propose a system to estimate the quality of
how closing the Moyua square in the city center and changing the
previously simulated mobility policies using machine learning
number of cyclists there can affect the air pollution by estimating
the CO2 emissions. Several machine learning algorithms are
The rest of the paper is structures as follows. Section 2 explains
tested and the results show that by closing the main square in
the URBANITE approach and the relevant modules for this re-
the city center and increasing the number of cyclists the CO2
search. In Section 3 the data collection process is explained. Then,
emissions reduce.
Section 4 presents the results of the machine learning module.
Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper with ideas for future work.
machine learning, smart cities, mobility policy
According to United Nations population estimation, the total
The main objective of URBANITE approach is to build an intelli-
population is exponentially increasing and by 2050 will reach 9
gent platform that can use data from heterogeneous sources in
billion, i.e. it will increase for 2 billion from now [11]. This demo-
order to help the city managers in the decision-making process.
graphic growth will greatly impact on the transportation system
To achieve this aim, several modules are developed. In this sec-
in metropolitan areas since most population will be located there.
tion we will give an overview of only the relevant ones shown
As a result far more attention must go towards serving the needs
in Figure 1
and aspirations of the people with the aim to maintain the envi-
The traffic simulator is used to simulate various mobility poli-
ronmental, social, and economic costs at the same time [12].
cies during the the policy evaluation process. The input files to
In this context different mobility policies are tested and evalu-
this module are related to the network map, travel demand, public
ated in order to achieve the desired city goals. Since implementing
transit data etc. Based on the simulation output, target variables
different scenarios in real life is an expensive process microscopic
e.g. air pollution levels for the machine learning algorithms are
traffic simulations are widely used as a valuable support tool for
calculated, based on which the models are build. This approach
is able to process large amount of data in order to find the best
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
mobility policy.
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
Besides automatic selection of mobility policy URBANITE also
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
supports policy selection by the experts with the use of the de-
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
cision support system. In addition to processing the simulation
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
data this system also relies on expert knowledge in order to build
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
the hierarchical decision models and satisfy the user preferences.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Miljana Sulajkovska, Maj Smerkol, Erik Dovgan, and Matjaž Gams
Figure 2: MATSim cycle.
account the performance of activities and travel time. A typical
score is calculated as follows:
𝑁 −1
𝑁 −1
Figure 1: Modules of URBANITE approach.
trav,mode (𝑞)
Here utility functions are used to represent a basic scoring
Both approaches are used in the policy evaluation process with
function or in other words the utility of a plan 𝑆
is computed
the difference that machine learning module relies on algorithms
as sum of all activity utilities 𝑆
, plus the sum of all travel
that automatically select the best mobility policy. In the next sec-
utilities 𝑆trav,mode(𝑞) . 𝑁 represents the number of activities. For
tions the simulation and machine learning process are described
scoring, the last activity is merged with the first activity to pro-
in detail.
duce an equal number of trips and activities. Positive scores are
obtained for desired events and negative for unwanted ones.
Finally, the optimization step takes part where four dimen-
sions are considered: departure time, route, mode, and destination.
Each of the agents has a memory of 𝑀 plans that have been ob-
In order to collect the data, a microscopic traffic simulation tool
served in the past and which have obtained a score. In the first
was used. Several state-of-the-art solutions were tested and MAT-
step the replanning process checks whether the agent’s memory
Sim was chosen as the most suitable one. MATSim [6] is an
exceeds the limit. If so one of the existing plans is removed ac-
open-source tool implemented in Java. It is used for microscopic
cording to previously computed scores. If the plan is removed
modeling that enables us to simulate and analyze components
that was currently selected for execution, a random one among
on the network such as traffic flow, congestion, public trans-
the remaining ones is selected. After a certain number of itera-
port, behavior of cyclists, etc. One of the core concepts is the
tions an equilibrium state on the network is reached improving
co-evolutionary optimization where the individuals’ plans are
the initial scores.
evolving in the presence of all other persons doing the same.
Several files are produced as output of the simulation that are
To run the simulator several input files need to be provided
related to specific iteration or they summarize a complete run,
that are related to the city model, traffic and population data. For
e.g. events file that contains every action taken on the network,
the creation of the transport demand e.g. persons with their daily
and travel distance statistics showing the distance traveled per
plans and mode of transport real data from census and other
mode. These results are used to compute the features for the
travel surveys is required. Since there is no complete dataset con-
machine learning module and to define the target variable. More
taining the socio-demographic characteristics of individuals at a
precisely the input features consists of simulation input and
small geographic scale because of privacy concerns a transport
output data which can be directly influenced by the user. On
demand was generated based on known random variables.
the other hand the target variables depend on the simulation
After providing all the required input we can run the simu-
results and cannot be directly set by the user which makes them
lation which is optimized by configurable number of iterations
relevant for the decision-making process of particular mobility
(see Figure 2). Each individual agent learns by maintaining mul-
policy. These variables are summarized in Table 1.
tiple plans which are scored by executing them in the mobsim,
Additional MATSim package was used to calculate the CO2
selected according to the score and when needed, modified. The
emissions which are used as a target class in the prediction pro-
iterative process consists of the following steps:
cess. The tool calculates warm and cold-start exhaust emissions
• Mobsim simulation
by linking MATSim simulation output to detailed emission fac-
• Scoring
tors for road transport.
• Replanning
Every iteration starts with an initial demand simulated by the
mobility simulation and then evaluated by the scoring module
In order to gather the dataset, 14 simulations were executed by
as a central element of the simulator [9].
applying different policies in the city of Bilbao, Spain. The main
The MATSim scoring module evaluates the performance of a
objective is to see the impact of closing the Moyua square in the
plan in a synthetic reality and determines the choice of person’s
city center for private traffic.
plan in the next iteration. Next, only plans with higher scores
Two scenarios are implemented: the baseline scenario of the
are selected by the agent - others are deleted in the replanning
current network situation and the modified scenario represent-
step. The scores are computed using scoring function taking into
ing the closure of Moyua square as one possible policy. All other
ML approach for mobility policy quality estimation
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Table 1: Input data and target variable of the machine
learning module
ML input
Target variable
Sim input
Sim output
Surface of a road
Number of cars
Capacity of road
Number of cyclists
Number of lanes
Number of public
Type of district
transport vehicles
Number of bus stops
Average travel time
Figure 4: CO emissions in the Moyua square. The baseline
scenario is marked with orange circle.
Random Forest, Linear Regression, Gradient Boosting, and Neural
The k-nearest neighbor (kNN) is a semi-supervised learning
algorithm that requires training data and a predefined 𝑘 value
to find the 𝑘 nearest data based on distance computation. If 𝑘
data have different classes the algorithm predicts class of the
unknown data to be the same as the majority class [1].
Tree splits the data into nodes by class purity. The top-most
node is called root, the bottom ones leaves, and all other nodes
Figure 3: Number of persons and cyclists per scenario in-
are internal nodes connected to each other with edges. Each
edge represents satisfaction of the node condition, and each leaf
node determines the class assigned to the instances that met the
conditions of the internal nodes on the path from the root node
to the leaf node [5].
instances are variations of the second scenario where the number
Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a two-grouped classifier
of cyclists varies from 1500 to 19000 while changing the number
where input vectors are non-linearly mapped to a high-dimension
of inhabitants from 2.000 to 20.000, respectively. This change
feature space. In this feature space a linear decision surface is
in number of cyclists does not represent a specific policy but
constructed. Special properties of the decision surface ensures
shows what would happen if in conjunction with the applied
high generalization ability of the learning machine [2].
policy also the number of cyclists changes. Figure 3 depicts these
Random Forest consists of a large number of individual deci-
variations where with green is marked the baseline scenario and
sion trees that operate as an ensemble. Each individual tree in
with orange the other scenario and all its variations. The first
the random forest spits out a class prediction and the class with
instance represents the baseline scenario with 10000 inhabitants
the most votes becomes model’s prediction. A large number of
and 2000 cyclists, while the remaining instances represent the
relatively uncorrelated models (trees) operating as a committee
second scenario with all variations. The second instance con-
outperform any of the individual constituent models.
tains 2000 inhabitants with at least 1500 cyclists. The next four
Linear Regression is commonly used in mathematical research
instances are representing 10000 population with up to 9000
methods, where it is possible to measure the predicted effects and
cyclists while reducing the private transport. The rest of them
model them against multiple input variables. It is a method of
represents 20000 inhabitants with up to 19000 cyclists. The num-
data evaluation and modeling that establishes linear relationships
ber of public transport vehicles stays the same in all variations.
between variables that are dependent and independent [8].
Figure 4 shows the results of the applied policy. More precisely
Gradient Boosting tries to convert weak learners into strong
it shows the relationship between number of cyclists and the level
ones by training many models in a gradual, additive and sequen-
of CO
emissions. The x-axis represents the number of cyclists
tial manner where the gradient of the loss function is being
nearby the square and and y-axis represents number of cyclists
minimized, with respect to the model values at each training data
in the center. The different colors denote the amount of CO2
point evaluated at the current step [4].
emissions as a target variable where with orange circle is marked
Neural Network model simulates a large number of inter-
the baseline scenario. This figure shows that by closing the main
connected processing units that resemble abstract versions of
square for private traffic and reducing the number of private
neurons where the processing units are arranged into layers.
vehicles nearby it, the level of CO
emission is decreasing.
The units are connected with varying connection strengths (or
weights). Input data are presented to the first layer, and values
are propagated from each neuron to every neuron in the next
layer. Eventually, a result is delivered from the output layer. The
Several machine learning models were applied using Orange [3]:
network learns by examining individual records, generating a pre-
k-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machines,
diction for each record, and making adjustments to the weights
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Miljana Sulajkovska, Maj Smerkol, Erik Dovgan, and Matjaž Gams
whenever it makes an incorrect prediction. This process is re-
peated many times, and the network continues to improve its
This work is part of a project that has received funding from
predictions until one or more of the stopping criteria have been
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
met [7].
programme under grant agreement No. 870338. The authors also
acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research
Evaluation Results
Agency (research core funding No. P2-0209).
We have evaluated the machine-learning algorithms described
in Section 4.1. The data for evaluation of the algorithms is split
randomly 10 times and the average results are computed. We
Kittipong Chomboon, Pasapitch Chujai, Pongsakorn Teer-
have compared four evaluation metrics:
arassamee, Kittisak Kerdprasop, and Nittaya Kerdprasop.
• Mean squared error (MSE) measures the average of the
2015. An empirical study of distance metrics for k-nearest
squares of the errors or deviations (the difference between
neighbor algorithm. In Proceedings of the 3rd international
the true and estimated values).
conference on industrial application engineering, 280–285.
• Root mean squared error (RMSE) is the square root of
Corinna Cortes and Vladimir Vapnik. 1995. Support-vector
the arithmetic mean of the squares of a set of numbers (a
networks. Machine Learning, 20, 3, 273–297. doi: 10.1007/
measure of imperfection of the fit of the estimator to the
bf00994018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00994018.
Janez Demšar, Tomaž Curk, Aleš Erjavec, Črt Gorup, Tomaž
• Mean absolute error (MAE) used to measure how close
Hočevar, Mitar Milutinovič, Martin Možina, Matija Po-
forecasts or predictions are to eventual outcomes.
lajnar, Marko Toplak, Anže Starič, Miha Štajdohar, Lan
• R2 is interpreted as the proportion of the variance in the
Umek, Lan Žagar, Jure Žbontar, Marinka Žitnik, and Blaž
dependent variable that is predictable from the indepen-
Zupan. 2013. Orange: data mining toolbox in python. Jour-
dent variables.
nal of Machine Learning Research, 14, 2349–2353. http :
The results are shown in Table 2. According to MSE, RMSE, and
Jerome H. Friedman. 2002. Stochastic gradient boosting.
R2 the best model is kNN, while according to MAE the best model
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 38, 4, 367–378.
is SVM.
doi: 10.1016/s0167- 9473(01)00065- 2. http://dx.doi.org/10.
1016/S0167- 9473(01)00065- 2.
Table 2: Evaluation results
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman.
2001. The Elements of Statistical Learning. Springer Series
in Statistics. Springer New York Inc., New York, NY, USA.
2016. Introducing matsim. The Multi-Agent Transport Sim-
ulation MATSim. Ubiquity Press, 3–8.
Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoffrey Hinton. 2015.
Deep learning. nature, 521, 7553, 436–444.
Random Forest
Dastan Maulud and Adnan M Abdulazeez. 2020. A review
Neural Network
on linear regression comprehensive in machine learning.
Linear Regression
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, 1, 4, 140–
Gradient Boosting
2016. A closer look at scoring. The Multi-Agent Transport
Simulation MATSim. Ubiquity Press, 23–34. doi: 10.5334/
baw.3. http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/baw.3.
In this paper we showed how machine learning can be used in
Soledad Nogués, Esther González-González, and Rubén
mobility policy evaluation helping the urban development in
Cordera. 2020. New urban planning challenges under emerg-
cities. As large amount of data is produced from simulations,
ing autonomous mobility: evaluating backcasting scenar-
machine learning techniques can be applied to automatically
ios and policies through an expert survey. Land Use Policy,
choose the best policy.
95, 104652. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104652. http:
We defined the mobility policy for Bilbao. Then, using micro-
scopic traffic simulation the two scenarios were implemented:
Gilles Pison. 2019. How many humans tomorrow? the
baseline scenario of the current network state and the modified
united nations revises its projections. The Conversation,
scenario representing closure of Moyua square for private traffic.
In order to gather more data, variations of the second scenario
Eleni I Vlahogianni, John C Golias, and Matthew G Kar-
were produced by changing the proportion of cyclists and private
laftis. 2004. Short-term traffic forecasting: overview of
car users. After gathering sufficient data, machine learning tech-
objectives and methods. Transport reviews, 24, 5, 533–557.
niques were applied to evaluate the performance of the policy.
Changing the number of cyclists in combination with the second
scenario showed that the level of CO
emissions can be decreased
or in other words, the proposed policy proved fairly good.
In future work, more policies will be tested and evaluated using
the proposed approach. Then, advanced machine learning and
deep learning techniques will be applied to improve the current
results. Finally, data from simulation runs in the optimization
step can be used to expand the current dataset.
Visualizations for Mobility Policy Design
Maj Smerkol
Miljana Shulajkovska
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Erik Dovgan
Matjaž Gams
Jožef Stefan Institue
Jožef Stefan Institue
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Figure 1: Visualization of simulated traffic flow intensity in center of Bilbao.
that are emerging. As the populations of cities are growing, so are
Cities around the world are rapidly gaining population as more
occurrences of traffic congestions, air pollution and traffic noise
people are moving to urban areas from the periphery. At the
in urban areas. At the same time, introduction of novel mobility
same time, novel urban mobility solutions are emerging such as
modes both in the sector of micro-mobility (e-scooters, bike shar-
e-cars and micro-mobility. Thus, urban traffic is getting heav-
ing etc) and sharing services in other sectors cause dynamics of
ier and more complex. To deal with these problems the H2020
the urban traffic to change [3]. This makes it increasingly difficult
URBANITE project is developing tools for city administrations
to model the growing complexity of the urban mobility as well as
including a data platform, mobility policy validation via traffic
predict the effects of specific policies. This makes the prediction
simulation, decision support for multi-attribute decision analysis
of possible effects of mobility policies more difficult but also more
and a visualizations module, described in this paper. We consider
important. The importance of policy effects has been shown on
different types of visualizations in the domain of urban traffic
the example of e-scooters [1]. They offer a clean and sustainable
and select most appropriate, implementing a module used for
way of travelling the first and last kilometer of the trip but can
data visualizations for the system.
also be very dangerous when not properly regulated.
We are developing a new AI assisted tool set for supporting the
development and evaluation of urban mobility policies as part of
the URBANITE H2020 project [7]. The project includes a mobility
smart city, urban mobility, visualization
policy simulation, a recommendation system for policy design
support, advanced visualization suite and a machine learning
component for quick evaluation of expected policy results. This
Cities’ mobility landscapes are rapidly changing due to the rais-
paper focuses on the visualizations of the traffic data, simulation
ing populations as well as new and disruptive mobility modes
results and decision analysis.
The end users of the tool set are city administrations (generally
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
not technical personnel), urban mobility planners (experts on
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
mobility) and interested citizens (laymen). These groups differ
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
greatly with regards to their knowledge as well as the intent
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
of interacting with the system. Citizens are interested in under-
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
standing the administration’s actions but do not have a direct
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maj Smerkol, Miljana Shulajkovska, Erik Dovgan, and Matjaž Gams
possibility to work with the system. Urban mobility planners are
Traffic Data
mostly already using traffic simulation tools and data analysis
Traffic data includes traffic counts, trips, and Origin-Destination
tools and require a highly detailed view of the data and analysis
(OD) matrices. There are multiple ways of visualizing these data.
results. They are not limited by their knowledge and are used to
Following is a brief overview of common visualization methods
working with complex tool sets. The city administrators however
used on these types of data.
are similar to the citizens in that they are generally not experts
on urban traffic and mobility, but are expected to make decisions
Traffic counts. Traffic counts at a specific location are com-
about policies. The visualizations developed are primarily aimed
monly shown via line charts where the horizontal axis represents
at the city administrators with the goal to help them understands
time (usually one day) and the vertical axis represents number
and interact with the data available, compare the results of differ-
of vehicles passing the location. To compare data from several
ent policy proposals and help with the interaction of the experts
specific locations we can show multiple lines on the same chart
with the administrators. The second goal of the visualizations
using different colors.
is to inform the public and democratize mobility planning. To
To visualize the traffic counts all over the city simultaneously
achieve that the visualizations should be self explainable.
geo spatial map based visualizations are commonly used, either
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 overviews the
as point-based or line-based map layers. Point-based visualiza-
common visualizations and their advantages and disadvantages,
tions are best suited when the traffic counts are measured using
Section 3 covers the selection of visualization methods for first
existing sensing devices such as induction loops or smart cam-
release and Section 4 describes the implementation of specific
eras. Such sensing devices are usually not available on every
visualization methods.
road segment. In this case the points locate the sensors while the
values measured are commonly color coded.
Traffic flows. Traffic flow is the amount of vehicles that
This section overviews the common data types in the domains
pass a certain point on the road in a time slot. Traffic flows are
of traffic and mobility and the visualization methods commonly
commonly visualized using line-based map layers, where the
used to represent the data. The data types overviewed are traf-
traffic flow is represented either by line thickness or color. To
fic flows, air pollution and specific pollutant emissions, general
specifically show the modal split of the traffic flows we can show
tabular data, geo-spatial data and geo-temporal data.
them separately or at the same time. In the latter case it is best to
use color codes to represent different types of vehicles and line
Spatio-Temporal Data
thickness to represent the traffic flow.
In the domains of urban mobility and traffic spatial data is very
OD matrices. OD matrices hold the information about
common, since most of the data is related to specific roads or
number of people moving from parts of the city to other parts.
locations within the city. This category contains all such data,
Commonly the spatial resolution of the OD matrices matches
including the road networks (city maps), traffic flows on roads and
statistical regions. OD matrices are commonly obtained using
streets, trips made and modal splits of traffic in specific locations,
travel surveys, estimated using GPS traces of trips and public
as well as population properties in different statistical districts
transit data.
of the cities, locations of important facilities such as hospitals
Common method for visualizing the OD matrix data is to show
and schools, parking lots and public parking garages and public
the matrix as a heat map with rows and columns labeled with the
transport lines. Some of these types of data are further discussed
name of the district. Such visualizations are hard to understand
bellow in the section Traffic Data.
and under certain conditions can be cluttered, decreasing their
These data are best represented as interactive layers on a map.
Each layer must be visually distinct from the underlaying map to
Alternatively OD matrices can be shown on a map via con-
ensure the visibility of the data. Often it is less important that the
nections between districts. The intensity of travel between two
map itself is easily readable as it serves mostly as a spatial anchor
parts is commonly represented via the connection thickness,
that allows the easy recognition of general locations. To ensure
while color is typically used to distinct different connections.
the understandability of the geo-spatial visualizations data layers
This method is easier to understand, but readability depends on
can be interatively selected so only the relevant data is shown at
the geographical positions of the districts.
the same time.
To keep the data minimally cluttered and therefore more un-
derstandable we do not show details of the data on the map unless
Air pollution
the user hovers the mouse over some part. In this case, a popup
Air pollution levels are usually visualized using heat map layers
with the details of the selected locations are shown. This can be
on top of the city map, and are therefore counted among the geo-
seen on the Figure ??, where the demographic data is shown for
spatial visualizations. Generally the most common method for
each district. Generally one of the attributes is shown using a
visualizing air pollution is an air quality index heat map. Some
color scale on the map and other attributes are only shown when
of the advantages of visualizing air pollution as a heat map are
user hovers over a specific city district.
high understandability and very low visual cluttering. A negative
The most intuitive way to show time-dependant data is by
aspect of heat maps in this use case is that air pollution often
animating the visualiziations. To simplify the interaction and
does not spread equally in all directions due to air movements
thus reduce the mental overhead we show a timeline below the
and buildings blocking the pollutants’ paths. This is however
geo-spatial view. The user may select the time they are interested
not very important as the users are mostly interested in general
in or play the animation at different speeds. An example is not
pollution levels and in the case of the URBANITE project the
shown due to the limitations of printed media.
levels of specific pollutant emissions.
Vizualizations for Mobility Policy Design
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
and echarts [5]. Leaflet.js is used for all geo-spatial and geo-
The selection of methods to be implemented was based on the
temporal visualizations. It provides an interactive map and the
pilot city requirements, data availability and the available simu-
functionality to add custom layers to the map. We use the library
lation outputs. In order to support comparing the measured data
Echarts to implement any line charts and spider charts.
and the simulation results we are limited to using visualizations
that are appropriate to both.
Map based visualizations
This section covers the visualization methods we have selected
Multiple visualizations were developed to visualize certain geo-
and is split by the type of data into traffic, air pollution, and other
spatial data:
data visualizations and concludes with a brief discussion of the
• Visualization of the traffic flows is shown on Figure 1.
color maps chosen to represent the values.
Each street is overlaid with a line, colored according to
the traffic flow intensity. Less intensive flows are shown
Traffic data
with blue hue and more intensive flows are shown in red.
The color scale consists of a five color ramp selected for
The category of traffic data contains multiple different data types
best visibility on the base map.
that have to visually represented using different methods. Some
• Visualization of emissions of specific pollutants. Each
of the data that is shown using the methods for geo-spatial data
street is overlaid with a line, colored according to the
visualization are:
amount of selected pollutant. Streets with less emitted
• Traffic counts, shown either geo-spatially by aggregating
pollutants are shown in blue and streets with more are
the counts per day or geo-temporally by aggregation of
shown in red.
the counts per specific time slot, commonly hours. Traffic
These visualizations are implemented using JavaScript and
counts at a specific location depends on time.
based on maps provided by the library Leaflet.js[2]. The over-
• Traffic flows, measures in vehicles per hour passing a road.
lays are generated from the simulation results by aggregating
The traffic flow at a specific location depends on time. The
road network links by street name and summing the selected
specific flows for different modes, such as public transport,
attribute for the day or per hour, thus enabling animated visual-
heavy duty vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians are currently
ization of changes throughout the day or a static daily attribute
visualized separately.
• Congested roads. Simplest way of identifying problematic
roads or junctions is to show the locations of congested
Color maps
traffic. We can detect congested traffic and traffic jams by
We use one color map for all the visualizations that are based on
searching for road segments with high traffic density and
the city map. The color map selected must be diverging in order
travel speed below the free-flow speed [8].
to highlight best and worst values according to their desirability.
Some of the more detailed traffic data are better visualized
The chosen map a diverging color map using red colors for un-
using simpler charts. Traffic flows at specific locations over time
desired values and blue for desired values. The color map should
are shown using a line chart. Traffic flow predictions at specific
also be appropriate for color blind users to avoid potential mis-
locations are shown using a line chart with the confidence inter-
understandings. With the requirements of the color map defined,
val included to inform the user that these are not exact. Modal
we selected a color map named cold-warm [6] that fits our needs.
splits of traffic at specific locations as well as city-wide aggrega-
The color map is shown on Figure 2 and is a a diverging color
tions of modal splits are visualized using area charts or stacked
map that is colorblind safe. We have opted to use a five step color
area charts.
map instead of the full gradient to make the extreme values stand
out more.
Air pollution data
Due to the data available in pilot cities as well as the results of
the traffic simulations we are not able to map the air quality
index. Instead of air quality index, the data available includes
Figure 2: Color map used for overlays. Blue color is used
levels of specific pollutants at existing measuring stations and
for desired values and red color is used for undesired val-
the simulated levels of the same pollutants.
Therefore we show the available data: measurements at exist-
ing air quality monitoring stations are shown as a sparse heat
map layer showing the levels of selected pollutant while the sim-
Interactive charts
ulated pollutant emissions are shown as a layer over each road
We use interactive charts implemented using the echarts library
segment that shows the selected pollutant level.
to implement line charts, histograms and spider charts. Line
charts are used to analyse the modal splits on specific streets and
the level of selected emitted pollutant (𝐶𝑂2) using an overlaid
The visualization were implemented as part of the URBANITE
area chart. These were made interactive to allow the user to zoom
user interface (UUI). We focus on the UUI modules used to analyse
in and move the viewport around. Hovering over any of the lines
the simulation results and the comparison of two simulations.
shows the number of trips of the appropriate modes as well as
The UUI is implemented using the Angular framework [4]
the mode the line represents.
mostly in TypeScript with some JavaScript parts. For ease of
The same visualizations were also implemented as 3D line
integration and to be able to package the UUI module as an
charts as shown on Figure 3. Lines are replaced with strips and
Angular module we opted to use JavaScript libraries Leaflet.js [2]
instead of adding an area map to show the emitted pollutant
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maj Smerkol, Miljana Shulajkovska, Erik Dovgan, and Matjaž Gams
levels they are color coded using the strip color. These allow
more interactions such as panning and rotation.
1 we overviewed the common methods of visualization of com-
mon traffic data
We have overviewed the mobility related open data-sets avail-
able in four major European cities and identified the most im-
portant for dealing with urban mobility policy. Several different
sorts of data were analysed and appropriate visualizations were
selected. Some of the visualizations are implemented, specifically
traffic count, daily trips, and emitted air pollutant visualizations,
among with some of visualizations of policy comparison.
The module implementing the visualizations supports the
needs of the urban mobility analysis tool-set that we are devel-
oping. The visualization selection and implementation fits the
needs of different users and will be further improved as we gather
feedback from the pilots.
Figure 3: Visualization of the modal split between car and
bicycle trips and the amount of the 𝐶𝑂2 emitted on the
selected street The 𝐶𝑂2 levels are color coded.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
A spider chart was implemented using the echarts library for
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
multi-attribute comparison of different simulation results. This
agreement No 870338. The authors acknowledge the financial
allows the user to recognize the dominant solution at a glance
support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core fund-
based on the size of the area that represents the simulations.
ing No. P2-0209).
On the other hand they allow us to show the detailed values
of multiple, potentially competing attributes. Thus the user is
able to understand the data at a glance on some level while also
Gijs Alberts. 2021. Standing e-scooters, what to expect:
providing the details when the user hovers the mouse over axes
micro-mobility with micro effects?: explorative research
of the spider chart or the line representing a single simulation
into the expected effects and policy implications of the
result. An example of the spider chart can be seen on Figure 4.
introduction of e-scooters in the dutch traffic system.
Paul Crickard III. 2014. Leaflet. js essentials. Packt Publishing
Mohamed El-Agroudy. 2020. Mobility-as-a-service: assess-
ing performance and sustainability effects of an integrated
multi-modal simulated transportation network.
Nilesh Jain, Ashok Bhansali, and Deepak Mehta. 2014. An-
gularjs: a modern mvc framework in javascript. Journal of
Global Research in Computer Science, 5, 12, 17–23.
Deqing Li, Honghui Mei, Yi Shen, Shuang Su, Wenli Zhang,
Junting Wang, Ming Zu, and Wei Chen. 2018. Echarts: a
declarative framework for rapid construction of web-based
visualization. Visual Informatics, 2, 2, 136–146.
Kenneth Moreland. [n. d.] Diverging color maps for sci-
Figure 4: The spider chart shows the comparison of two
entific visualization (expanded). Proceedings in ISVC, 9, 1–
different proposed mobility policies based on the simula-
tion results. We can see the popup that shows values of all
The URBANITE Project. 2021. https://urbanite-project.eu/.
attributes of one of the simulations.
Martin Treiber and Arne Kesting. 2013. Traffic flow break-
down and traffic-state recognition. In Traffic Flow Dynamics.
Springer, 355–366.
There is a lot of room for improvement and the work is ongoing.
Several visualization techniques covered are not yet finished,
such as the geo-temporal visualizations and the heat maps. The
next step is to finish the implementations of all the selected
visualization types and to improve the visual appeal of the visu-
In order to compare the air quality measured with the results
of simulations which provide estimations of the levels of emit-
ted specific pollutants the data must first be transformed to an
estimation of the air quality index. An alternative to this ap-
proach should it prove infeasible is to use the simulation results
to estimate the measurements at the location of the measuring
URBANITE Ecosystem: Integration and DevOps
María José López†
Iñaki Etxaniz
Giuseppe Ciulla
ICT Division
ICT Division
Research & Development
TECNALIA, Basque Research
TECNALIA, Basque Research
and Technology Alliance (BRTA)
and Technology Alliance (BRTA)
Engineering Ingegneria
Palermo, Italy
Also the Use Cases propose functionalities for the URBANITE
ecosystem, that will be considered for being part of the
URBANITE is a collaborative research and innovation project
URBANITE ecosystem and prioritize for their implementation.
whose outcomes are mainly software based. These outcomes will
be implemented in a collaborative manner by different
This platform will comprise the URBANITE components
development teams from different partners. In order to manage
implemented, Key Results or KR from now on, (Key Result
the development environments, and the integration of the
KR1-Virtual Social Policy Lab, KR3-Data Management
different software components in on time releases, the proper
Platform, KR4- Algorithms) and their integration in the
DevOps strategy and processes has been defined and set up.
URBANITE ecosystem (KR5).
This paper describes the URBANITE integrated architecture at
The elicitation of the first version of the functional and non-
month 12, with a theoretical vision of the URBANITE system
functional requirements for the URBANITE ecosystem and the
that will cover all the functional and non-functional initial
related components is described as an iterative process where
requirements set by the technical work-packages considering the
both the technology providers and use case providers’ have
social perspective and the input of the use cases.
The definition of the interactions among components is shown
For the functional requirements a combined approach has been
through the specification of the interfaces, considering the
followed: 1) a top down approach led by the technology provider
dataflows envisioned for meeting the needs of the different
partners, who have defined the first set of functional
stakeholders. Different tools, environments and strategies
requirements and 2) a bottom up approach where the needs of the
envisioned for the management of the development, integration
Use Cases have been monitored and UC initial requirements have
and validation stages of the software components to be
been extracted. For the Non-Functional Requirements, these
implemented during the life cycle of the project are described as
have been detailed per component, including relevant aspects,
part of the integration strategy.
such as performance, usability or resources needs for
All these requirements will serve for the continuous development
and improvement of the URBANITE ecosystem, through the
DevOps, Integration, Ecosystem, Requirements, Architecture,
different releases, validation processes and reviews of the
The URBANITE ecosystem will include all the components for
data management, analysis and support to the decision making
The process for setting up the URBANITE Ecosystem receives
that are going to be created/developed/implemented in the
inputs from the rest of technical components, related to the data
context of the URBANITE project. The first version of the
management and simulation processes, regarding to:
requirements will be updated in further reports and analysis.
Technical (software) requirements, expressing both
Several sources will be used to elucidate the requirements for the
functionality needs and non-functionality aspects.
URBANITE ecosystem:
Architectural structure and configuration of the components
implemented in different work packages.
Requirements coming from the URBANITE action
And about how to integrate them into the overall
specification: These requirements cover the functionalities
described in the URBANITE action specification. The first
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
version of these requirements has been described by the
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
Technology providers partners (Fraunhofer, Tecnalia, JSI
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
and Engineering Ingegneria Informatica) based on the
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021: 24th international multiconference , 4–8 October 2021,
description included in the URBANITE action.
Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M.J. López et al.
Requirements coming from the Use Cases: The Use
Cases proposed functionalities for the URBANITE
ecosystem, so that the features offered can cover their needs.
Requirements coming from the co-creation sessions
(SoPoLabs): It is expected that some requirements may be
derived from the SoPolabs that will be conducted in the
context of WP2. If relevant these requirements will be
considered for the URBANITE ecosystem and prioritize for
their implementation.
Requirements coming
from the Co-creation
Priorizitation of
requirements per use
Requirements coming
alignment (ideal vs.
from the Use Cases
Use cases)
URBANITE requirements
High Level
URBANITE ecosystem
functional and non-
functional requirements
URBANITE requirements
Use Cases validation
and testing
prioritization and plan
Figure 2: First version of URBANITE architecture
In the Month 15 of the project, the architecture is a reduced
Figure 1: URBANITE process for requirements gathering
and prioritization
version of the overall URBANITE architecture and consists of
the components that provide the functionalities designed
The different users of the URBANITE platform to perform any
covering the current version of the requirements.
of the previously described are:
The components are:
PA (Public Administration): This actor is the user from
URBANITE UI: The entry point to the URBANITE
the public administration, usually the civil servants.
Ecosystem, that allows users to access the
Citizens: This actor is the citizen that is using any of
functionalities provided by the URBANITE platform
the components in the platform.
at this point of the project.
Identity Manager (Key Cloak): This component is in
Platform administrator: This is the administrator of the
charge of securing the access to the other
platform who can install components, check the status
URBANITE’s component, whenever security is
of the included components, etc.
needed. It is called by other components that interact
with the user.
City Bike Pattern Analysis: This module analyses GPS
information related to the mobility of the bikes and
The detailed description of the entire global architecture of the
transform it into more useful data.
URBANITE ecosystem as a general representation of it, is in its
Traffic Prediction: It performs heuristic prediction for
first version and can evolve following the needs of the project.
the vehicle flow at a location within the city by the
Structural and behavioural analysis of each component of the
processing of historical values measured by a fixed
architecture was performed identifying interactions and
sensor and other information.
dependencies among them.
Traffic Simulation: It offers the simulations of traffic
under specified conditions, as proposed mobility
Three layers of components can be observed and identified by
policies, different weather conditions, changes to the
traffic infrastructure, etc.
Yellow components are those that manage the data, and
Scheduler: It triggers a pipeline for the harvesting
implemented withing the WP3
process, downloading data from a list of configured
APIs within defined periods of time.
The purple ones are dedicated to the simulation and analysis
of the data ingested to the system for the yellow ones.
Data Harvester and Transformation: It is responsible
for fetching data from a given API, being the entry
And the grey components are those related to the UI, as the
point of the data into the pipeline. Then a
entry point to the platform and for user management.
transformation is done into common models.
There is also a green component considered as a repository
Data Storage and Retrieval: This module stores and
of the datasets stored by the data management layer.
retrieves datasets metadata and related data in
repositories DCAT-AP compliant metadata and
transformed data.
Data Catalogue: It allows to discover and access the
datasets collected and managed by the components of
URBANITE Ecosystem for data acquisition,
aggregation, and storage.
URBANITE Ecosystem: Integration and DevOps
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
DEVELOP: Environment that contains the last version of the
components running together. Dedicated to test new features,
interfaces, and communications among components.
MASTER: Contains a specific version of the platform, frozen
for specific Milestones.
DEMO PILOTS: Four environments, one for each city, where
the integrated platform is replicated and adjusted to the
characteristics of the use cases. It is a previous step for testing
the platform before setting up in the infrastructure of the
REAL PILOTS: the installation of the platform in each
municipality’s infrastructure. To be done after the integration
Figure 3: Month 15 version of URBANITE architecture
phase once a stable version is achieved to test the use cases.
Apart from that, in order to support developers during the
integration, we provide:
A Portainer instance that allows to access the logs and the
This section presents the infrastructure and tools planned to be
console of every container in every environment.
used internally for the development and operation. The DevOps
An Artifactory instance to store the images of the containerized
approach requires the set-up of a development and delivery
components. These images will be used to deploy the final
pipeline, that consists in the stages an application goes through
version of the platform in the real Pilots.
from development through production.
The URBANITE iterative and incremental approach mandates
the adoption of a development and deployment process able to
fully support it. That is why the project will adopt a DevOps
The main result of the URBANITE project is the URBANITE
approach in the development of all KRs. DevOps integrates
Ecosystem and aggregates all aspects of the project, namely the
development and operations into a single-minded entity with
citizen participation, both social (citizen participation, attitude
common goals: high-quality software, faster releases and
and trust in disruptive technologies, co-creation) and technical
improved users’ satisfaction. DevOps also incorporates a number
aspects (data management platform, algorithms and so on).
of agile principles, methods, and practices such as continuous
delivery, continuous integration, and collaboration [1].
The URBANITE UI is an integration framework at User
The different KRs, which are the outcomes of URBANITE [2],
Interface level.
are composed of several software components that will be
The integration strategy provides different approaches that can
implemented by different partners following different
be followed:
External component integration
In URBANITE, the DevOps approach will be structured in three
Iframe: the external application is included in the UI
environments as depicted in the figure.
through an iframe
External link: the application is referenced in a
dedicated section of the UI, and a specific link is
provided to the user
application, that must provide a set of REST APIs for
developing a specific component included in the UI.
The URBANITE UI is an Angular application built taking
advantage of Nebular, ngx-admin frameworks and Eva Design
System. With the addition of some of the most popular front-end
libraries and packages.
The access to the Urbanite UI is provided through the Urbanite’s
Identity Manager component (an instance of KeyCloak whose
theme is customized following Urbanite’s colour palette).
Figure 4: Continuous Integration and DevOps approach
The Urbanite UI provides Role-Based access to specific
functionalities following the IDM returned role(s) of the user
The description of the environments that are part of the
integration system:
FEATURE BRANCH: Temporary environment that is created
each time a developer wants to integrate a new version of his
component. It just checks that the new version of the urbanite
platform builds without problems and is destroyed afterwards.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M.J. López et al.
Maps: where are two examples of how a developer can build
and manage maps, using the libraries provided by this UI.
Charts: this option displays three possible library
alternatives provided by the Urbanite UI to build bars, pies
and line charts.
UI Features: about style examples as colors, icons,
typography, and the grid system that should be used for
implementing pages to provide responsiveness.
Additional Applications: is a section where external links to
other applications can be added through the URBANITE UI
configuration file. For instance, the forum page is linked.
And the Urbanite Project where included information about
the objectives of the project.
Figure 5: M15 Component's integration REST APIs based
The figure above shows is the URBANITE UI, integrating the
components implemented for the M15 version of the prototype,
covering the requirements and the functionalities provided by the
implementation planned at this point.
The left part of the page includes the available options. Some of
them are general utilities, and other are functionalities
Figure 6: URBANIITE Ecosystem v1
implemented within the different technical work packages.
The Figure 6 describes the schema that supports the before
The Home page offers descriptions of the four
explained prototype.
municipalities and the basis of the URBANITE project.
There is an additional information section for each
description that allows to extend the details of the selected
New Relic, "“Navigating DevOps - What it is and why it matters to you
The Administration, Data Analysis, Data Catalogue and
and your business”," New Relic, 2014.
Traffic Analysis are specific sections that provide services
URBANITE Consortium, "URBANITE Annex 1 - Description of Action,"
related to the data of the different municipalities.
Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek I
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume I
50-letnica poučevanja računalništva v slovenskih
srednjih šolah
50th Anniversary of Teaching Computer Science in
Slovenian Secondary Schools
Urednika / Editors
Saša Divjak, Alenka Krapež
6. oktober 2021 / 6 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Letos obeležujemo 50. obletnico poučevanja računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah. Leta
1971 je bila namreč imenovana komisija za uvajanje pouka računalništva v srednje šole, v
šolskem letu 1971/72 pa se je začelo računalništvo v nekaterih srednjih šolah tudi
organizirano poučevati.
Seveda se je samo računalništvo v Sloveniji pojavilo že dobrih 10 let prej. Prvo učenje
programiranja v akademskem okolju, sicer bolj omejeno na posamezne tečaje, srečamo v
poznih 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja. Spomin na takratne čase bledi in ta konferenca pomeni
zbiranje zapisov o tem, kako se je vse skupaj začelo pa tudi nadaljevalo.
Podkonferenca na temo 50 let poučevanja računalništva v srednjih šolah v sklopu
tradicionalnega multikonferenčnega dogodka Informacijska družba je ena od oblik
zaznamovanja te tudi za tujino častitljive obletnice.
Časa za pripravo konference je bilo malo. Za celovitejši pregled bi morali na njej aktivno
sodelovati še mnogi takratni zanesenjaki. A korak naprej pri pripravi zgodovinskega pogleda
smo s tem le pripravili in ga bomo lahko v nadaljevanju dopolnjevali. V prispevkih tokratne
konference se odsevajo dogajanja tako v Ljubljani kot v Mariboru.
Najprej smo skušali omejiti tematiko na začetke poučevanja računalništva v srednjih šolah v
ozkem časovnem obdobju okrog leta 1971. Kasneje smo fokus konference nekoliko razširili
tja do leta 1980, torej na čase, ko še ni bilo popularnih PC-jev, še manj pa Interneta; hkrati
smo ga širili tudi na izobraževanje na akademski ravni in druge računalniške dejavnosti,
predvsem razvojne, ki niso omejene le na srednje šole.
Tako smo prišli do zanimive zbirke pogledov, ki najprej nakazujejo razmere, v katerih je
prišlo do pobude za uvedbo pouka računalništva v srednje šole. Pomembno pionirsko vlogo je
pri tem igrala komisija za uvajanje računalništva v srednje šole. Potrebno infrastrukturo so
takrat nudili nekateri redki računalniški centri. V akademskem okolju je tako marsikomu
omogočal prve korake v programiranje legendarni računalnik ZUSE Z 23. V srednješolskem
okolju se je hitro pokazala potreba po ustreznih slovenskih učbenikih, ustrezni računalniški
infrastrukturi in seveda usposobljenih učiteljih. Zapise simpatično dopolnjujejo pogledi
takratnih dijakov, danes uveljavljenih računalničarjev, o doživljanju prvih korakov v
programiranju. Praktično v istem času srečamo tudi prve programerske predmete v
akademskem okolju, kar je pripeljalo tudi do uvedbe študija računalništva, kmalu zatem tudi
informatike na univerzitetnem nivoju. Spomine lepo zaokrožujejo pripovedovanja o celoviti,
tudi akademski karieri nekaterih akterjev.
Seveda so to le nekateri pogledi, dejansko moramo gledati nanje kot na drobne, a pomembne
kamenčke v pestrem mozaiku čedalje bolj živahnih dogajanj na računalniškem področju.
Verjamemo, da lahko sčasoma to sestavljanko spominov še dopolnimo in primerno
strukturiramo. To pa je že naloga za nov podvig, katerega rezultati bi lahko bili predstavljeni
na naslednjih konferencah.
Prof. dr. Saša Divjak in mag. Alenka Krapež, sopredsednika Programskega odbora
Saša Divjak
Borka Jerman Blažič
Vladimir Batagelj
Matjaž Gams
Tomaž Pisanski
Robert Reinhardt
Marjan Mernik
Vladislav Rajkovič
Izidor Hafner
Niko Schlamberger
Janez Grad
Boštjan Vilfan
Dušan Kodek
Anton Železnikar
Žiga Turk
Ivan Bratko
Marko Bonač
Marko Grobelnik
Simona Tancig
Iztok Lajovic
Alenka Krapež
Marjan Špegel
Tomaž Kalin
Saso Džeroski
France Dacar
Jernej Kozak
Matematiki in računalniško izobraževanje, do 1980
Mathematicians and computer education, until 1980
Vladimir Batagelj
vladimir.batagelj@fmf.uni- lj.si
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Koper, Slovenija
Slika 1: Del pomnilnika računalnika Zuse izdelan v Iskri.
O tej tematiki sem pisal že ob drugih obletnicah [1] [15] [3]
Sestavek vsebuje osebne spomine avtorja na pomembnejše do-
godke v razvoju računalništva v Sloveniji do leta 1980 s poudar-
kom na izobraževanju.
računalništvo, matematika, izobraževanje, prvi računalniki, spo-
The paper contains the author’s personal memories of important
events in the development of computer science in Slovenia until
1980, with an emphasis on education.
informatics, computer science, mathematics, education, first com-
puters, memories
Letošnja tema je 50 letnica srednješolskega računalniškega iz-
obraževanja pri nas. Sam sem bil pri začetkih bolj opazovalec.
Lahko pa marsikaj povem o kontekstu, v katerem se je to odvijalo.
Posebej bi rad povzel vlogo matematikov pri razvoju računalni-
Slika 2: Knjige iz zbirke Sigma.
štva pri nas. Podam lahko le osebno videnje dogajanj, ki lahko
služijo kot vir za morebitne kasnejše celovitejše preglede.
Študij matematike je prisoten na Univerzi v Ljubljani od njene
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
ustanovitve. Spočetka je podpirala različne, predvsem tehniške,
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
študije. Sam študij matematike pa je bil usmerjen predvsem v iz-
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
obraževanje učiteljev matematike. Obsegal je pretežno predmete
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
s področja matematične analize (in geometrije, algebre ter teorije
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
števil; na ekonomiji še statistiko). Leta 1949 je bilo ustanovljeno
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
stanovsko Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov, ki vsako
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vladimir Batagelj
leto organizira občni zbor društva in izdaja društveno glasilo Ob-
zornik. Organiziralo je tudi poljudna predavanja po šolah in od
leta 1950 republiška tekmovanja iz matematike [9]. Leta 1959 je
izšla prva knjiga v zbirki Sigma – Ivan Vidav: Rešeni in nerešeni
problemi matematike.
V naslednjih letih je v Sigmi izšlo še več knjig, ki prinašajo
"novo" matematiko, pomembno za računalništvo: Vadnal A. (1960)
Elementarni uvod v verjetnostni račun, Prijatelj N. (1960) Uvod v
matematično logiko, Križanič F. (1960) Elektronski aritmetični
računalniki, Bohte Z. (1964) Numerično reševanje enačb, Jamnik
R. (1964) Elementi teorije informacije, itd. Prof. Križanič se je z
računalniki spoznal med svojim izpopolnjevanjem v Sovjetski
Slika 4: Zvonimir Bohte in Egon Zakrajšek.
Konec petdesetih so na študiju matematike vpeljali novo študij-
sko smer – tehniška matematika, ki naj bi usposabljala za potrebe
gospodarstva. Prvi diplomant na tej smeri je bil Jože Vrabec leta
Konec osnovne šole in nato v gimnaziji sem bil uspešen na mate-
matičnih tekmovanjih. Na njih sem spoznal Tomaža Pisanskega –
Toma in čez njega Franceta Dacarja. Maturiral sem leta 1967. Ker
so mi ponudili štipendijo Sklada Borisa Kidriča, sem se odločil
za študij tehniške matematike. Ta je takrat poleg matematičnih
in fizikalnih predmetov vključevala še nekaj tehniških, kot so
mehanika, strojni elementi in tehniško risanje, teorija preklopnih
vezij ter teorija sistemov.
Leta 1969 smo na IMFM dobili nov računalnik IBM 1130, ki je
dobil svoj prostor v novi zgradbi matematike in fizike na Jadranski
Poleg numerične analize smo imeli tudi računski praktikum.
Računali smo na računskih strojčkih. Za mojo generacijo so pri-
spele nove Facit-ke. Sam sem izvisel (ni jih bilo dovolj) in sem
dobil staro Olivetko. Izkazalo se je, da sem pravzaprav imel srečo
– Olivetka je imela papirni trak na katerem je beležila sled izra-
čunov. Računalniške predmete je predaval Egon. Najprej smo
spoznali programski jezik fortran. Tisto leto so izšla skripta za
fortran, ki jih je napisal mariborski matematik Milan Kac [16].
Egon je svoj učbenik objavil leta 1973 [19]. Leta 1968 je Donald
Slika 3: Začetek poročila o raziskovalnem projektu izde-
Knuth začel objavljati svojo zbirko knjig The Art of Computer
lave podprogramov za Zuse Z-23.
Programming, ki so precej vplivale tudi na računalniška preda-
vanja na matematiki. Na primer, Tomo je za diplomsko temo (pri
Egonu) izbral generatorje slučajnih števil. Dodatne računalniške
vsebine so bile vključene v specialne tečaje. Sam sem tako spoznal
Leta 1960 je bil ustanovljen Inštitut za matematiko, fiziko in
jezik algol. Izbral sem tudi seminar iz linearnega programiranja.
mehaniko (IMFM). Prvi direktor je bil Anton Kuhelj. 15. novembra
Pri programerskem praktikumu sem sam razvil algoritem za pro-
1962 je na IMFM na Lepem potu v Ljubljani začel delati prvi
blem najkrajših poti (Forda in Dijkstra takrat še nisem poznal).
pravi računalnik v Sloveniji, Zuse Z-23 (Slika 3). Ta datum lahko
Rešitev sem sprogramiral v fortranu in algolu. Algolski program
štejemo za začetek računalništva pri nas. Pred tem so zahtevne
je dajal pričakovane rezultate, v fortranskem pa sem skoraj pol
izračune opravljali na računalniku IBM 705 na Zveznem zavodu
leta iskal napako [4]. Diplomsko temo sem si izbral iz logike –
za statistiko v Beogradu.
Rekurzivna aritmetika (mentor Niko Prijatelj).
Okrog računalnika Zuse se je zbrala skupina mlajših učiteljev,
raziskovalcev in študentov (Zvonimir Bohte, Tomislav Skubic,
Egon Zakrajšek, Janez Štalec, Janez Lesjak, Jože Vrabec, Marija
Vencelj, Tomaž Kalin, Dušan Magušar, Janez Grad, Cveto Tram-
Računalništvo se je razvijalo tudi na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan (IJS).
puž, Mira Volk, Jana Birk, Boštjan Vilfan, Jernej Kozak, France
Glavno vlogo je imel Anton P. Železnikar – Antek, ki je leta 1965
Dacar, Andrej Kmet, Gabrijel Tomšič, Zdenko Breška, Iztok Ko-
doktoriral iz prekrivnih algoritmov [24]. Z njim je sodeloval tudi
vačič, ..., ), ki so postavljali temelje računalništva pri nas. Posebej
France Dacar in se na oddelku E4 tudi zaposlil. Na oddelku so
je izstopal Egon Zakrajšek (diplomiral 1965) [21] [20]. Na študiju
bili še Janez Korenini, Rudi Murn, Peter Kolbezen, Marjan Špegel,
tehniške matematike so bili poleg predmeta numerična analiza
Boštjan Vilfan in Andrej Jerman-Blažič. France Dacar je naju
še trije računski praktikumi – pri tretjem so uporabljali Zuse.
s Tomom povabil k sodelovanju z oddelkom. Tematika je bila
Zuse je bil računalnik v pravem pomenu besede – bil je na-
odkrivanje napak v elektronskih vezjih. Tako sva se srečala s
menjen predvsem za računanje. Zato je bil velik poudarek na
teorijo grafov in se vanjo poglobila (knjige Ore, Berge, Harary,
numerični analizi, ki jo je pri nas začel razvijati Zvonimir Bohte –
Zykov). Poleg tega smo se precej ukvarjali s teorijo avtomatov in
Dragi s sodelavci. Uporabljen pa je bil tudi v druge namene [23].
jezikov. Nekoliko za nama so na oddelek prišli še Ivan Bratko –
Matematiki in računalniško izobraževanje, do 1980
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Leta 1969 so računalnik IBM 1130 dobili tudi na Višji tehniški
šoli v Mariboru (Milan Kac, Darinka Ferjančič Stiglic, Bruno
Stiglic) [16].
V gospodarstvu se je s svojo ponudbo uveljavil predvsem
Intertrade (IBM). Ponujal pa jih je tudi Univac in drugi. Oktobra
1969 je v Radovljici začel z delom Intertradov šolski center.
Slika 5: Anton P. Železnikar in Boštjan Vilfan.
Bruc, Vladislav Rajkovič, Iztok Lajovic, Iztok Sirnik, Jože Knez,
Miroslav Smolej, Borka Džonova in Peter Tancig.
Oddelek (predvsem Andrej Jerman-Blažič) je že od leta 1965 v
začetku oktobra na Bledu organiziral računalniško konferenco
FCIP (International Symposium on Information Processing), ki
se je leta 1972 preimenovala v Informatico. Vabljeni predavatelji
Bauer, Wirth, in drugi.
Oddelek je nudil dobro okolje za samorazvoj. V sedemdesetih
smo o svojih rezultatih v glavnem poročali in objavljali v zborni-
kih domačih srečanj FCIP / Informatica, Etan in ADP; deloma v
Slika 7: Izidor Hafner in Branko Roblek.
slovenščini, deloma v angleščini.
V šolskem letu 1969/70 je Izidor Hafner začel uvajati raču-
nalništvo kot “praktično znanje” (izbirni predmet) na Šubičevi
gimnaziji. Na njegovo pobudo je leta 1970 svetovalec za računal-
ništvo na Zavodu za šolstvo RS Branko Roblek začel priprave
za uvajanje računalništva kot izbirnega predmeta v srednje šole.
Najprej so pripravili in izvedli izobraževanje učiteljev. Izšel je tudi
priročnik za učitelje. Računalništvo je zaživelo na nekaj šolah v
šolskem letu 1971/72. Nekakšen vrh teh prizadevanj predstavlja
srednješolski učbenik Uvod v računalništvo, ki sta ga napisala
Ivan Bratko in Vladislav Rajkovič. Na E4 se je pojavilo nekaj
gimnazijcev: brata Reinhardt, Mark Martinec, Dare Levstek, Iztok
Tvrdy, Henrik Krnec in drugi [10].
IFIP 1971
Slika 6: RRC.
Računalništvo se je razvijalo tudi na Fakulteti za elektroteh-
niko – profesorji Jernej Virant, France Bremšak, Ludvik Gyergyek
in Slavko Hodžar [11].
Leta 1968 je bil za potrebe gospodarstva, uprave in raziskav
ustanovljen Republiški računski center (RRC) z računalnikom v
Stegnah, najprej CDC 2100 kasneje pa CDC 3300 [12]. Za koor-
dinacijo med Univerzo, IJS in RRC je bil leta 1971 ustanovljen
Računalniški center univerze v Ljubljani (RCU). Zaradi poveča-
nja potreb je RRC leta 1971 nabavil zelo zmogljiv računalnik
CDC Cyber 72, ki je omogočal oddaljeni dostop s terminalskih
Na IJS se je izoblikovala še ena računalniška skupina – Upo-
rabna matematika, ki jo je vodil Marjan Ribarič in so jo pretežno
sestavljali matematiki: Jana Birk Vrabec, Mira Volk, Drago Čepar,
Slika 8: Zvezki IFIPovega zbornika.
Ivica Mandelc, Milena Kosec in drugi.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vladimir Batagelj
Anton P. Železnikar in Silvin Leskovar sta pri mednarodnem
Tobačni tovarni). Vprašal me je, če bi pripravil pregled literature
združenju za področje računalništva IFIP (International Federa-
o delu z razpršenimi (hash) tabelami. Ugotovil sem, da obstajajo
tion for Information Processing) uspela pridobiti organizacijo 5.
kvadratične funkcije pregledovanja, ki preiščejo celotno tabelo.
kongresa združenja v Ljubljani od 21. do 27. avgusta 1971.
O tem sem objavil članek v CACM [6] [5, št. 22, 23].
Pri organizaciji kongresa se je zelo angažiral Marjan Špegel in
si s tem pridobil možnost doktorskega študija v ZDA. Mladi z IJS
in univerze smo dobili vlogo tehničnih sekretarjev in smo skrbeli
za gladek potek predstavitev v raznih dvoranah po Ljubljani.
Ob IFIPu je izšla knjiga Elektronski računalniki, ki prinaša
temeljna znanja o računalnikih in štirijezični slovar računalniških
izrazov [17].
Kongres IFIP’71 in novi računalnik Cyber 72 sta zelo vzpodbudno
vplivala na razvoj računalništva pri nas.
Leta 1972 je bilo ustanovljeno Slovensko društvo Informatika.
Z delom je začel Računalniški center na FSPN in naslednje leto
še Inštitut za biomedicinsko informatiko (IBMI).
Slika 9: Začetek izpisa pascalskega prevajalnika, december
Na Dragijevo pobudo se je jeseni leta 1971 začel sestajati Semi-
nar za numerično in računalniško matematiko – Sredin seminar
[5]. Udeleževali so se ga matematiki in računalnikarji z različnih
ustanov. Bil je odprt za najrazličnejše teme in je spremljal delo
Poleti 1974 sem spremljal soprogo Nušo (Anuška Ferligoj) na
sodelujočih ter v naš prostor prinašal novosti. Po seminarju smo
poletni šoli iz družboslovne metodologije (Essex ECPR summer
nadaljavali druženje Pod lipo in daljše obdobje še "na čaju" pri
school) v Colchestru v VB. Sam sem poslušal le predavanja iz
Egonu doma, kjer smo preizkušali najrazličnejše družabne igre
analize družbenih omrežij. Večino časa pa sem prebil v račun-
(Monopoli, Cluedo, mahjong, kariere, tihotapci, itd.).
skem centru in knjižnici. V RC sem se srečal z interaktivnim
Na študiju tehniške matematike se je začela graditi računalni-
delom z računalnikom po teleprinterju. Med branjem člankov
ška "vertikala" – vsaj en računalniški predmet v vsakem letniku.
(predvsem iz Acta Informatica) sem se navdušil nad pascalom. Iz-
Začela so se tudi predavanja iz računalništva ( Jernej Kozak) za
vedel sem, da teče na Cybru in, da ga je mogoče dobiti brezplačno.
druge oddelke FNT: kemija, kemijska tehnologija, tekstil, farma-
Vzpostavili smo stik in proti koncu leta dobili trak s pascalskim
cija in montanistika. Egon je za Sredin seminar pripravil ciklus
prevajalnikom (Slika 9). V začetku leta 1975 je Egon pripravil
predavanj iz Algola 68 [5, št. 29, 30]. Imel je tudi tečaj iz zbirnika
tečaj iz pascala (z zapiski). Dopolnjene zapiske je leta 1976 iz-
računalnika Cyber in napisal več priročnikov za uporabo sistem-
dal v knjigi [22]. V šolskem letu 1975/76 smo pascal, skupaj z
skih programov (SCOPE 3.4, UPDATE, NOS/BE, CCL, Plotter).
obema Wirthovima knjigama, na Matematiki začeli uporabljati
Ljubljano je nekajkrat obiskal Robert Korfhage, ki je imel tudi
pri predavanjih. Knjigi je Boštjan Vilfan prevedel v slovenščino
tečaj iz teorije grafov.
Precej odmeven je bil Dijkstrov članek v CACM "Go to consi-
Dobili smo prve prave terminale, ki so omogočali interaktivno
dered harmful", ki je privedel do strukturiranega programiranja
delo z računalnikom [5, št. 52, 53].
[5, št. 28, 51]. Za teorijo algoritmov je bil zelo pomemben Karpov
Leta 1975 sem se z IJS preselil na FNT, matematika. V šolskem
članek v katerem je pokazal, da za nekatere probleme, za katere
letu 1974/75 sem pri Programerskem praktikumu prevzel skupino
so bili znani le eksponentni točni algoritmi, najbrž ne obstaja
študentov, ki je programirala "prevajalnik" za Structran (Struc-
polinomski algoritem (NP-polnost).
tran → fortran) [5, št. 50]. Programiranje smo začeli v fortranu,
Z doktorskega študija na MIT v ZDA se je vrnil na IJS Boštjan
a, ker ga je Egon čez nek weekend napisal v pascalu, smo nadalje-
Vilfan. Prinesel je nov veter. Med drugim je začel projekt pisanja
vali v samem Structranu. Glavno povezovalno delo posameznih
prevajalnika za jezik PL/1. Meni je bilo dodeljeno prevajanje
sestavin je opravil Matjaž Jeran.
aritmetičnih izrazov [2]. Izkušnja je bila zelo poučna – postalo
Jeseni 1975 sva s Tomom odšla k vojakom.
mi je jasno od kod ideje za posamezne vrste slovnic (gramatik),
ki sem jih poznal iz člankov o formalnih jezikih. Drug projekt
je bil kodiranje (v zbirniku) sprememb za telefonske centrale
Po vrnitvi iz vojske sem nekaj časa pomagal pri vajah iz raču-
Metaconta, ki so jih pripravljali v Iskri. Pri tem sem spoznal
nalništva na ostalih oddelkih FNT. Leta 1978 je Jernej doktoriral
pomembnost polne informacije – večkrat sem moral v Kranj
in začel predavati na Matematiki predmet Podatkovne strukture
zaradi nepopolnih specifikacij. Na Sredinem seminarju sva z
in algoritmi [13]. Za njim sem prevzel predavanja na FNT [7].
Vilfanom imela ciklus predavanj o rekurzivnih funkcijah [5, št.
Prav tako sem leta 1978 od prof. Prijatelja prevzel predavanja iz
Diskretnih struktur na študiju računalništva – delo na diplom-
V šolskem letu 1972/73 se je na FE v sodelovanju s FNT, mate-
skem delu in izkušnje z IJS so se mi obrestovale pri oblikovanju
matika začel dvoletni (zadnja dva letnika) študij računalništva
[11]. Matematika je pokrivala predmete: numerična analiza (Zvo-
V tem času smo se precej ukvarjali s strukturiranim programi-
nimir Bohte), diskretne strukture (Niko Prijatelj), analiza (Peter
ranjem, dokumentacijo programov in učenjem programiranja [5,
Petek) in linearna algebra (Edvard Kramar).
št. 55, 56, 58, 76][14]. Navajali smo se tudi na interaktivno delo z
Bruc, ki je bil izvrsten šahist, se je začel ukvarjati z umetno
računalnikom. Egon je z Univaca v Zagrebu prinesel zbirko igric
inteligenco [5, št 37]. Sodeloval je tudi z Vero Levovnik iz Iskre (v
napisanih v basicu. Več smo jih poslovenili in usposobili za delo
Matematiki in računalniško izobraževanje, do 1980
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
na Cyberu. Zelo priljubljena je bila igra Zakladi (Dungeon). Za
Vladimir Batagelj. 2021. Sredin seminar / seznam preda-
učinkovito interaktivno delo so manjkala ustrezna orodja. Nekaj
vanj 1971-2021. http://vlado.fmf.uni- lj.si/sreda/sreda1300.
jih je sprogramiral Egon: Mini (interaktivna različica programa
pdf .
Update za vzdrževanje različic programskih in podatkovnih dato-
Vladimir Batagelj. 1975. The quadratic hash method when
tek) in Manual (program za oblikovanje besedil). Pri oblikovanju
the table size is not a prime number. Commun. ACM, 18,
besedil na prvih računalnikih sta bili težavi: na voljo so bile samo
4, (april 1975), 216–217.
velike črke in manjkale so naše črke ČŠŽ. Kljub temu je bilo
Vladimir Batagelj. 1983. Uvod v računalništvo. Fortran :
veliko besedil pripravljenih s programom Manual.
razširjeni zapiski. DMFA SRS, Ljubljana.
V RC IMFM smo dobili računalnik PDP z grafičnim zaslonom,
Vladimir Batagelj, Tomi Dolenc, Mark Martinec, Bojan Mo-
na katerega je bilo mogoče risati. Prav tako so dobili risalnik v
har, Robert Reinhardt, Iztok Tvrdy in Andrej Vitek. 1988.
Enajsta šola računalništva / Rešene naloge z republiških
Leta 1977 so se po zgledu matematičnih tekmovanj, zopet na
tekmovanj 1977–1987. Sigma. DMFA in ZOTKS, Ljubljana.
pobudo Izidorja Hafnerja, začela republiška tekmovanja srednje-
Vladimir Batagelj in Tomaž Pisanski. 1973/1976. Rešene na-
šolcev iz računalništva [8]. Slovensko društvo Informatika je
loge iz matematike z republiških tekmovanj, I (1950–1966)
začelo izdajati revijo Informatica.
/ II (1967–1975). Sigma. Državna založba Slovenije, Lju-
Vladimir Batagelj in Robert Reinhardt. 1973. Metode iska-
nja po tabelah. V Zbornik del VIII. jugoslovanskega medna-
rodnega simpozija o obravnavanju podatkov Informatica 73.
ZSOOP, Bled, a20/1–8.
Miha Bejek, Marjan Bradeško, Jernej Virant in Nikolaj
Zimic. 2016. FRI 20 - Zbornik ob 20. obletnici fakultete. FRI,
Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana. http : / / eprints . fri . uni -
lj.si/3655/1/Zbornik_FRI20_web_100.pdf .
Janez Grad. 2018. Razvoj računalništva in informatike na
Univerzi v Ljubljani, s poudarkom na pomenu RRC in RCU.
Uporabna informatika, 26, 3, 89–93.
Jernej Kozak. 1984. Podatkovne strukture in algoritmi. DMFA
SRS, Ljubljana.
Jernej Kozak in Vladimir Batagelj. 1975. Kako naj učimo
programirati? V Zbornik del X. jugoslovanskega mednaro-
Slika 10: Rok Vidmar in DEC SYSTEM 10 na RCU.
dnega simpozija o obravnavanju podatkov Informatica 75.
Informatica/ETAN, Bled, 7.12/1–4.
Za podporo množičnega dela študentov na računalniku smo
Alenka Krapež, Vladislav Rajkovič, Vladimir Batagelj in
leta 1980 dobili na RCU računalnik DEC-10. Ta je med drugim
Rado Wechtersbach. 2001. Razvoj predmeta računalništvo
prinesel tudi male črke. Elektrotehna, zastopnik DECa v Jugosla-
in informatika v osnovni in srednji šoli. V Dnevi Slovenske
viji (od 1974), se je prelevila v podjetje Iskra Delta, ki je postalo
Informatike 2001. Informatika, Ljubljana. https://www.
pomemben dejavnik na področju računalništva. Na obzorju so se
drustvo- informatika.si/dogodki/dsi- 2001/.
pojavili TOZDi in usmerjeno izobraževanje.
Franci Pivec. 2021. Pionirski čas mariborskega računalni-
štva (do ustanovitve univerze leta 1975). https : / / blog .
cobiss . si / 2021 / 05 / 12 / pionirski - cas - mariborskega -
Sestavek vsebuje spomine. Vsega napisanega nisem uspel preve-
racunalnistva- do- ustanovitve- univerze- leta- 1975/.
riti v dokumentih. Zato se mi je tu pa tam lahko zapisala kaka
Franc Spiller-Muys, urednik. 1971. Elektronski računalniki,
osnove-programiranje-uporaba. Elektrotehniška zveza Slo-
venije, Ljubljana.
Niklaus Wirth in Boštjan Vilfan (prevod). 1979/1983. Ra-
Vladimir Batagelj. 2020. Diskretna matematika in računal-
čunalniško programiranje, 1. / 2. del. DMFA SRS, Ljubljana.
ništvo (ter analiza podatkov). V Sto let matematike in fizike
Egon Zakrajšek. 1973. Fortran. IMFM, Ljubljana.
na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Mirko Dobovišek in Alojz Kodre,
Egon Zakrajšek. 1966. Programiranje v ALGOLU. IMFM.
uredniki. Univerza v Ljubljani, FMF, Ljubljana, 171–185.
isbn: 978-961-6619-26-4.
Egon Zakrajšek. 1965. Programiranje v simboličnem jeziku
Vladimir Batagelj. 1973. Gramatika in prevajanje aritmetič-
računalnika Z-23. IMFM. Ljubljana.
nih izrazov jezika pl/1. V Zbornik del VIII. jugoslovanskega
Egon Zakrajšek. 1976. Programski jezik pascal. DMFA SRS,
mednarodnega simpozija o obravnavanju podatkov Infor-
matica 73. ZSOOP, Bled, a23/1–4.
Janez Štalec. [n. d.] Osebna stran. https://web.math.pmf.
Vladimir Batagelj. 2016. IFIP 1971 in začetki računalništva
v Sloveniji / osebni pogled. http : / / vladowiki . fmf . uni -
Anton P. Železnikar. 1967. Overlapping algorithms. Ma-
lj.si/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pub:pdf:ifip.pdf .
thematical systems theory, 1, 4, (december 1967), 325–345.
Vladimir Batagelj. 1971. Programerski praktikum 1970/71:
doi: 10.1007/BF01695167.
Najkrajše poti. Tehnično poročilo. FNT, Matematika, Lju-
bljana. http://vladowiki.fmf.uni- lj.si/lib/exe/fetch.php?
media=vlado:pub:man:praktikum.pdf .
Komisija za uvajanje računalništva v srednje šole
The Commission for the Introduction of Computer Science in Secondary
Saša Divjak
Izidor Hafner
FirstName Surname
Department Name
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Department Name
Institution/University Name
Univerza v Ljubljani
Institution/University Name
City State Country
Ljubljana, Slovenija
City State Country
stvar bolj za izbrance. Po mojih takratnih podatkih je bilo za
praktična znanja v gimnazijah na razpolago 2 uri tedensko v
V članku opisujem svoje delovanje na področju računalništva v
enem polletju tretjega ali četrtega letnika. Tako sem izvajal
srednjih šolah in dajem kratke predstavitve članov komisije za
praktična znanja iz računalništva na Šubičevi v prvem polletju
uvajanje računalništva v srednje šole.
šolskega leta 1969/70. Kmalu po končanju tega pouka sem
zaprosil očeta Vinka (1920-2015), da me poveže z Borisom
Lipužičem (1930-2012), direktorjem Zavoda za šolstvo. Na
Programiranje, pouk, srednje šole
sestanku je sodeloval tudi Branko Roblek, ki je bil na Zavodu
zadolžen za obdelavo podatkov. Predlagal sem nekaj ljudi, ki bi
lahko sodelovali pri tem. V l. 1970 smo imeli na Zavodu par
sestankov, a se od udeležencev spominjam le Rajkoviča, Robleka
In this article, I describe my work in the field of computer science
in Trampuža. Rajkovič je bil zadolžen za pripravo učnega načrta,
in secondary schools and give short presentations by members of
pouk pa naj bi stekel v šolskem letu 1970/71 na petih gimnazijah.
the commission for the introduction of computer science in
Pouk sem izvedel še v prvem polletju leta 1970/71. Zadnjega
secondary schools.
sestanka sem se udeležil v začetku leta 1971 in povedal, da zaradi
diplome ne bom več sodeloval.
Od dijakov se spominjam Mirka Ivančiča, ki se je pozneje vpisal
na Fakulteto za elektrotehniko. Šele po 45 letih sem izvedel, da
Programming, teaching, secondary education
je bil med dijaki tudi Marko Petkovšek, ki poslušal moja
predavanja v 2. letniku, nato pa pri Bratku v 4. letniku. Prav tako
sem šele po 45 letih izvedel, da se je organizirani pouk
računalništva začel šele šolskega leta 1971/72.
Imenovan sem bi v komisijo za uvajanje računalništva 8.9. 1971,
a pri njenem delu nisem sodeloval. Po diplomi septembra 1972
Po maturi l. 1968 na Šubičevi gimnaziji sem se vpisal na študij
sem takoj dobil službo asistenta za matematiko na FE.
tehnične matematike na FNT. V jeseni istega leta smo Ivan
Računalništvo sem opustil in se posvetil čisti matematiki.
Bratko, Iztok Lajovic in Vladislav Rajkovič na IJS hodili na tečaj
Že pred projektom septembra 1971 je bilo nekaj primerov
fortrana, ki ga je vodila matematičarka Mira Volk. Računalnik
seznanjenja srednješolcev z računalništvom. Peter Prelog je na
IBM 1130 je prišel šele po koncu seminarja, to je v začetku l.
Gimnaziji Trbovlje vključil nekaj fortanskih programov kar v
pouk matematike in jih preizkusil na Rudisovem IBM 1130, sam
Kot študent sem delal na odseku uporabne matematike IIS pri
sem na povabilo Marije Munda predaval o fortranu na Gimnaziji
Cvetu Trampužu. Moja prva naloga je bila, da sem prenesel
Miloša Zidanška v Mariboru… Prvi učitelji računalništva v
ročne izračune za termo centrale za IB Elektro Projekt na
šolskem letu 1971/72 na gimnazijah so bili Bratko, Kac, Lajovic,
računalnik IBM 1130. Po tem programu je bil izdelan hladilni
Rajkovič, Roblek in Savnik. Za srednji elektrotehniški šoli
stolp za blok 4 v Šoštanju (pozneje tudi blok 5).
(Maribor, Ljubljana) podatka nimam, je pa poučeval
Takrat sem uvidel, da lahko srednješolec z znanjem
računaništvo na Vegovi v šolskem letu 1973/74 Veselko Guštin
programiranja lahko naredi veliko, saj se med gradbeniki ni kaj
dosti vedelo o računalnikih. Zato sem prišel na idejo, da se
Tekmovanju srednješolcev iz računalništva je bilo v planu že l.
programiranje vključi v srednje šole. Zavedal pa sem se, da je
1975, da bi povečali vpis na smer računalništvo, vendar se med
mojim vojaškim rokom 1975/1976 ni nič premaknilo. Ko sem
Ar ic
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prišel iz vojske, sem se zadeve lotil in vodil organizacijo
tekmovanja kot tajnik komisije za popularizacijo računalništva
P rmis
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tekmovanje je potekalo 17. aprila 1977 na FE.[3, 4, 8, 11]
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mation Society 2020,
2020, 5–9
– October 2020
202 ,
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možnost za vpeljavo srednješolskega izobraževanja za
© 2020
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računalništvo. V tem smislu je bila narejena Virantova študija o
Information Society 2021, 6 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Izidor Hafner
računalniških poklicih. Na tej osnovi sem se lotil profilov
poklicev računalniški in programerski tehnik. Namreč brez
sprejetih profilov na Zavodu za zaposlovanje ni bilo mogoče
imeti izobraževanja. To smo vključili tudi v raziskavo pri RCPU,
kjer se na moje presenečenje preselil projekt z Zavoda za šolstvo.
Prvi programerski in računalniški tehniki so prišli na fakulteto l.
1985. Takrat sem zamenjal Hodžarja (1923-2010) pri predmetu
Osnove programiranja (fortran, pascal). Tako sem spet stopil za
nekaj časa med računalnikarje. [5, 6, 7, 11]
Leta 1987 sem bil predsednik komisije krožkov robotike pri
Cveto Trampuž (1935–1999) je diplomiral l. 1966 na Fakulteti
Zavodu za šolstvo.
za naravoslovje in tehnologijo v Ljubljani. Od l. 1957 je delal na
Inštitutu Jožef Stefan, tudi kot v. d. direktorja Republiškega
Ker je minilo 50 let od imenovanja komisije za uvajanje
računalništva v srednje šole, se mi je zdelo potrebno, da se
računskega centra. Med leti 1970-96 je bil zaposlen na Fakulteti
spomnimo članov komisije, od 12 članov je živih le še 5. Vrstni
za družbene vede v Ljubljani, najdalj kot predstojnik
red je tak kot v odločbi.
računalniškega centra. Bil je med prvimi računalnikarji v
Sloveniji, na FDV pa je v družboslovje uvajal računalniško
podprte matematične in statistične metode. Zaslužen je bil za
ustanovitev študijske smeri družboslovna informatika.
Egon Zakrajšek (1941–
2002) je maturiral na Gimnaziji Jesenice.
Branko Roblek (1934–2000) je maturiral na Gimnaziji v Kranju,
Diplomiral je iz tehniške matematike. Za podprograme za prvi
na Univerzi v Ljubljani je diplomiral iz fizike l. 1959, in iz
elektronski računalnik v Sloveniji ZUSE Z-23 (z elektronkami,
matematike l. 1962. Od l. 1962 je poučeval na Gimnaziji Škofja
velik nekaj 10 m3) je dobil študentsko Prešernovo nagrado. Bil
Loka. Potem je štiri leta delal na Zavodu RS za šolstvo kot
je največji slovenski strokovnjak za ta računalnik. Leta 1968 je
pedagoški svetovalec za naravoslovje in bil imenovan za
prevzel vodenje Računskega centra Inštituta za matematiko,
predsednika komisije za uvajanje računalništva v srednje šole.
fiziko in mehaniko in skrbel tudi za programsko opremo ter
Leta 1973 se je vrnil na Gimnazijo Škofja Loka in tam vse do
reševal računalniške probleme iz drugih strok in iz gospodarstva.
upokojitve leta 1992 učil matematiko, fiziko in računalništvo z
Leta 1978 je doktoriral in bil izvoljen v naziv izrednega
informatiko. V Društvu matematikov, fizikov in astronomov
Slovenije je leta 1970 prejel priznanje za uspešno pedagoško delo
in hkrati organiziranje in smotrno vodenje krožkov, posebno
Virant Jernej (1932–2008) je l. 1965 magistriral in l. 1966
Mira Volk (1939) je maturirala na Gimnaziji Brežice in se nato
doktoriral iz elektrotehnike. Leta 1971 je bil izvoljen za
l. 1957 vpisala na študij matematike. Po diplomi l. 1962 se je
izrednega in l. 1977 pa za rednega profesorja za predmete s
zaposlila na IJS. Ko je IJS l. 1972 ustanovil RRC se je
področja računalniške logike in računalniških sistemov. Na
prezaposlila na RRC, kasneje pa se je zaposlila nazaj na IJS na
fakulteti za elektrotehniko je organiziral laboratorij za digitalne
odseku za uporabno matematiko. Za potrebe programiranja na
računalnike. V času 1977
računalniku ZUSE Z 23 je bila Mira poslana v Bad Hersfeld,
-1979 je bil dekan Fakultete za
najprej na tečaj algola in potem je za potrebe programiranja IBM
1130 preučila fortran, napisala knjigo in nadalje učila fortran tudi
Izidor Hafner
Information Society 2021, 6 Oktober 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Janez Lesjak (1942) se je rodil v Novem mestu. Leta 1966 je
diplomiral iz fizike. Da je res zašel v računalništvo, je bilo krivo
tudi to, da je ZUSE Z23 iz razstavišča ostal
Franc Savnik (1940) se je rodil na Sušaku, maturiral l. 1958 na
l. 1962 v
Ljubljani in je bil instaliran na Metalurškem inštitutu, čisto blizu
gimnaziji Brežice in diplomiral l. 1963 na pedagoški smeri PMF
njegovega doma. Skupaj z Zakrajškom sta naredila veliko
Univerze v Zagrebu. S programiranjem se je seznanil kot izredni
programov za omenjeni računalnik. Ko je bil nabavljen
študent smeri Praktična matematika na PMF. Računalništvo je na
računalnik Cyber 72 leta 1972 je postal glavni sistemski inženir
Gimnaziji Brežice poučeval 25 let (1971/72 do 1995/1996), tudi
Republiškega računskega centra.
med sedemletnim službovanjem na Zavodu za šolstvo SRS
(1972/1973 - 1978/79). Leta 1996 je prejel nagrado RS na
področju šolstva.
Vladislav Rajkovič (1946). Po diplomi iz elektrotehnike se je
zaposlil na IJS. Leta 1970 je bil zadolžen za pripravo učnega
načrta za izbirni predmet računalništvo za gimnazije. Skupaj z
Ivanom Bratkom sta napisala učbenik, ki je izšel l. 1974. Sta
najzaslužnejša za uveljavitev računalništva v srednjih šolah. Leta
2010 je mu je Univerza v Mariboru podelila naziv zaslužni
Izidor Hafner (1949) je diplomiral na smeri tehnična matematika
l. 1972 in magistriral iz funkcionalne analize l. 1974. Iz
računalništva je doktoriral l. 1984. Leta 2000 je bil odlikovan s
Častnim znakom svobode RS za zasluge pri uvajanju
računalništva in logike v srednje šole ter za delo z mladimi na
tem področju.
Milan Kac (1924-2010) se je rodil v Lendavi. Leta 1949 se je
vpisal na študij matematike v Ljubljani, kjer je diplomiral l. 1953.
Bogomir Horvat (1936-2013) je bil predavatelj elektrotehnike na
Najprej je poučeval matematiko na I. gimnaziji v Mariboru, po l.
Visoki tehnični šoli v Mariboru. V obdobju 1975-1977 je bil tudi
1960 pa je predaval na Višji tehniški šoli. Doktoriral je l. 1975
dekan te ustanove. Študenti se ga spominjajo kot odličnega
na Tehniški visoki šoli v Gradcu. Napisal je več učbenikov za
strokovnjaka. Upokojen je bil kot profesor na FERI v Mariboru.
matematiko in l. 1970 priročnik za fortran.
Leta 1992 mu je Univerza v Mariboru podelila naziv zaslužni
Information Society 2021, 6 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Izidor Hafner
Milan Adamič (1938-2019) se je rodil v Vidmu-Dobrepolje. Leta
1964 je diplomiral s področja pedagogike in psihologije. Leta
1969 je pričel delati na Zavodu za šolstvo kot pedagoški
svetovalec za izobraževalno tehnologijo in od leta 1978 kot
pedagoški svetovalec za osnovno šolo. Leta 1993 se je zaposlil
na Oddelku za pedagogiko FF v Ljubljani.
I. Bratko, J. Grad, M. Kac, J. Lesjak, V. Rajkovič, J. Virant, E.
Zakrajšek, RAČUNALNIŠTVO Gradivo s tečaja za srednješolske
profesorje, uredil B. Roblek, Zavod za šolstvo, Ljubljana 1972;
Ivan Bratko, Vladislav Rajkovič , Uvod v računalništvo, Državna
založba Slovenije, Ljubljana 1974;
S. Divjak, I. Hafner…, Material za pripravo nalog za
srednješolska tekmovanja iz računalništva, Institut Jožef Stefan,
Ljubljana 1975;
I. Hafner, Prvo republiško tekmovanje iz računalništva, Delo, 21. april
1977, str. 7;
I. Hafner, Profil poklica »programerski tehnik«, RCPU, Projekt
Računalništvo v usmerjenem izobraževanju, Ljubljana 1977;
I. Hafner, Profil poklica »računalniški tehnik«, RCPU, Projekt
Računalništvo v usmerjenem izobraževanju, Ljubljana 1977;
I. Hafner, Poklici računalniške stroke v srednjem usmerjenem
izobraževanju, RCPU, Projekt Računalništvo v usmerjenem
izobraževanju, Ljubljana 1978;.
V. Batagelj, T. Dolenc, M. Martinec, B. Mohar, R. Reinhardt, I. Tvrdy,
A. Vitek, Enajsta šola računalništva, Rešene naloge z republiških
tekmovanj 1977-1987, DMFA Slovenije, ZOTKS, Ljubljana 1988;
Andrej Vitek, Iztok Tvrdy, Robert Reinhardt, Bojan Mohar,
Mark Martinec, Tomi Dolenc, Vladimir Batagelj, Problems in
Programming, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1991.
50 let od uvedbe predmeta računalništvo v srednje šole:
poskusni pouk in učbenik
Introducing Informatics in secondary schools 50 years ago:
Experimental teaching and text book
Ivan Bratko
Iztok Lajovic
Vladislav Rajkovič
Fakulteta za računalništvo in
Kreativni sistemi
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Univerza v Mariboru
Univerza v Ljubljani
Ljubljana, Slovenija
bratko@fri. uni-lj.si
Letos mineva 50 let od uvedbe poskusnega pouka računalništva
v slovenske srednje šole. V tem prispevku navajamo nekaj
zgodovinskih dejstev o projektu uvedbe pouka računalništva
Letos mineva 50 let od uvedbe poskusnega pouka računalništva
pred 50 leti ter opišemo naše lastne spomine na to, kako smo
v slovenske srednje šole. Projekt uvedbe tega pouka je začel
sodelovali pri poskusnem pouku računalništva in kako je nastal
Zavod za šolstvo Republike Slovenije l. 1971. V nekaj letih, do
učbenik za ta predmet.
š.l. 1974/75, je predmet Računalništvo zajel 65 srednjih šol in
2500 srednješolcev, izšel je učbenik, usposobljenih je bio 75
učiteljev za ta predmet.
S tem projektom je Slovenija močno prehitela druge republike
tedanje Jugoslavije in bila po nekaterih ocenah v tem pogledu
srednješolski pouk računalništva, poskusni pouk, učni načrt,
med vodilnimi v Evropi. Boris Lipužič, tedanji direktor Zavoda
za šolstvo, je l. 2010 v opisu tega projekta zapisal [8]: “Poročilo
Generalnega direktorata za izobraževanje in kulturo Evropske
komisije na sedežu EU v Bruslju za leto 2000/01 navaja, da je
Slovenija začela vpeljevati pouk računalništva v srednjih šolah
že leta 1974, celo pred Zvezno republiko Nemčijo – ta je uvajanje
Fifty years ago, experimental teaching of informatics was
zastavila šele v poznih sedemdesetih letih ( Basic Indicators on
introduced in secondary schools in Slovenia. In this paper, we
the incorporation of ICT into European Education Systems,
present some historical facts about the introduction of the
Facts and figures, Eurydice 2001, str. 17, Brussels).” Omenimo,
informatics course 50 years ago, and describe our memories of
da gornji citat iz Lipužičevega članka ni povsem dobeseden
our own involvement in the teaching of informatics at that time,
prevod navedbe v originalnem dokumentu Evropske komisije.
and the writing of the textbook for this course.
Tudi ni povsen jasno, kaj je točno mišljeno z letnico 1974.
Vendar tudi originalno besedilo nedvomno uvršča pouk v
Sloveniji med najbolj zgodnje v Evropi.
teaching informatics in secondary schools in Slovenia,
V pričujočem prispevku navajamo nekaj zgodovinskih
experimental teaching, informatics curriculum, informatics
dejstev o projektu uvedbe pouka računalništva pred 50 leti ter
opišemo naše lastne spomine na to, kako smo sodelovali pri
poskusnem pouku računalništva in kako je nastal učbenik za ta
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
V tem razdelku so navedena dejstva o projektu uvedbe pouka
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
računalništva v srednje šole v Sloveniji.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
F. Surname et al.
5. 4. 1971 je bilo poslano prvo vabilo z Zavoda za šolstvo RS
Z razvojem programskega jezika pascal, natančneje z
Slovenije za sestanek za pripravo projekta za postopno uvajanje
razširitvami turbo pascala, se je pojavila tudi potreba po
pouka o računalništvu v srednje šole.
ustreznem učbeniku. Ta je izšel 1990 v nakladi 5.000 izvodov
13. 4. 1971 je potekal v direktorjevi pisarni na Zavodu
sestanek o pouku računalništva na srednjih šolah. S strani Zavoda
sta sodelovala Milan Adamič in Branko Roblek, s strani Instituta
»Jožef Stefan« Vladislav Rajkovič, Cveto Trampuž in Mira Volk,
Tabela 1: Rast obsega pouka po šolskih letih
Fakulteto za elektrotehniko je zastopal Jernej Virant, Republiški
računski center Janez Lesjak, INFIM Egon Zakrajšek in Višjo
Š. leto
tehniško šolo Maribor Milan Kac. Sprejeta sta bila dva sklepa:
1971/72 7
a) V šolskem letu 1971/72 se uvede poskusni pouk
1972/73 20
računalništva v štirih izbranih šolah. Pouk naj bi se
1973/74 40
odvijal v obliki izbirnega predmeta v okviru ur za
1974/75 65
praktična znanja.
b) Treba je izdelati učni načrt in z njim v skladu pripraviti
ustrezni učbenik.
Koncem aprila 1971 je Zavod pripravil Projekt uvajanja
pouka o računalništvu v srednje šole. Projekt je vodil Branko
Roblek. Predvideno je bilo postopno uvajanje s sprotno
evalvacijo v šolskih letih od 1971/72 do 1975/76.
Postopno naj bi se povečevalo število šol. Posebej je bil
izpostavljen problem učnega kadra. V začetku naj bi poučevali
računalniški strokovnjaki iz okolja, ob sprotnem usposabljanju
učiteljev iz šol. V ta namen je bil organiziran tečaj za učitelje in
pripravljeno gradivo »Računalništvo« sedmih avtorjev (slika 1).
12.7.1971 je Zavod razposlal vabilo petim gimnazijam in
dvema tehniškima šolama za pričetek poskusnega izvajanja
pouka računalništva.
S pričetkom projekta se je pričela tudi priprava učnega načrta
predmeta. Pri tem smo se v večji meri opirali na priporočila IFIP-
a, ki je leta 1970 organiziral 2. svetovno konferenco Computers
Slika 1: Gradivo za tečaj za učitelje
in Education. Posebno vzpodbudo je predstavljal tudi IFIP-71,
svetovni računalniški kongres, ki je potekal v Ljubljani.
Učni načrt je obsegal 52 ur. Od tega je bilo namenjenih 8 ur
pripravi problema in rešitve ter 22 ur programskemu jeziku
fortran. Predvideno je bilo praktično delo na računalniku:
izdelava in testiranje programa.
Leta 1974 je izšel učbenik Uvod v računalništvo, ki je bil
ponatisnjen še sedemkrat v več kot 20.000 izvodih [3].
Iz leta v leto se je povečevalo število šol, kjer se je poučeval
predmet računalništvo, število učencev pa tudi število učiteljev,
saj se izobraževanje na že omenjenem posebnem tečaju za
učitelje. Ti podatki so prikazani v tabeli 1.
Rezultati projekta so bilo objavljeni tudi na IFIP 2nd World
Conference Computers in Education leta 1975 [6].
Leta 1977 so se pričela tudi tekmovanja srednješolcev iz
računalništva. Leta 1981 je v 3.000 izvodih izšla zbirka nalog [1].
Leta 1980 je izšel učbenik »Osnove tehnike in proizvodnje«
v okviru skupnih izobraževalnih osnov v srednjih šolah. V tem
učbeniku je bilo tudi poglavje » Informatika in računalništvo« na
38 straneh [4]. Učbenik je bil še dvakrat ponatisnjen v skupnem
številu 52.000 izvodov.
Leta 1981 je založba Univerzum izdala mapo s prosojnicami
Slika 2: Prvi učbenik
in diapozitivi v pomoč učiteljem pri poučevanju informatike in
Že koncem sedemdesetih let se je začel poučevati programski
jezik pascal. Temu je sledil novi učbenik Računalništvo s
programskim jezikom pascal, ki je izšel 1984 [5]. Ta učbenik je
bil ponatisnjen še štirikrat v skupni nakladi 24.000 izvodov.
Zadnjič leta 1989.
Insert Your Title Here
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Poskusni pouk računalništva je bil deležen zelo pozitivnih
odzivov in komisija za uvajanje pouka sklenila: zdaj potrebujem
učbenik, kaj če bi poskusila Bratko in Rajkovič?
Jeseni 1971 se je začel poskusni pouk računalništva na
izbranih srednjih šolah. Na gimnazija Bežigrad smo učili
soavtorji tega prispevka. Ta pouk nam je bil vsem trem v veliko
veselje, pravzaprav tako kot skoraj vse, s čimer smo se takrat
Bili smo eno leto po diplomi na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v
Ljubljani. Kar nas je posebej kvalificiralo za ta pouk, je bilo to,
da smo se med študijem, pravzaprav bolj ob študiju, naučili tudi
nekaj računalništva, med drugim programirati v algolu in
fortranu. Prve programerske korake smo naredili na računalniku
Zuse na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko. Toda za delo na tem
računalniku si moral z našim statusom študenta vstati ob 6h
zjutraj, sicer pa je bil računalnik zaseden. No, ko smo prešli na
fortran in začeli programirati za nekatere znane profesorje na
Univerzi in Institutu Jožef Stefan, so se nam še pred diplomo
pogoji za delo na računalnikih močno popravili.
Ko smo začeli s poskusnim poukom računalništva, se nam je
Slika 2: Učbenik za Osnove tehnike in proizvodnje
iztekalo prvo leto naše zaposlitve v Oddelku za elektroniko na
Institutu Jožef Stefan. Ob zaposlitvi so nam dodelili skupno
“pisarno”, osamljeno sobo na sicer povsem neobdelanem
podstrešju. Takrat, ob navdušenju nad prvo zaposlitvijo v
zanimivem raziskovalnem okolju skoraj niti nismo opazili, kako
neprimeren delovni prostor je bil to. Pot do naše pisarne je vodila
po neobljudenem podstrešju med tramovjem in ovirami, ki so
naključno ležale po podstrešju. Hoja do pisarne je zato bila
svojevrstna pustolovščina, posebej v temi ponoči. Naša soba je
imela le majhno strešno okno, pravzaprav strešno lino. Poletne
temperature v tem prostoru so bile neznosne. Toda nič od tega
nas ni posebej motilo, saj smo bili tako zaposleni s svojim
raziskovalnim delom in aplikativnim delom, nenehnimi pogovori
o novih in novih idejah, ves čas se je dogajalo kaj zanimivega.
Del tega vzdušja so bile tudi naše priprave na pouk
računalništva. Temu je bilo namenjeno dopoldne vsak torek v
tednu, ko je imel tisto popoldne prvi od nas naslednjo uro pouka
na gimnaziji. Takrat smo prediskutirali stanje pouka, izkušnje iz
prejšnjega tedna ter naredili načrt, kaj bomo učili ta teden.
Slika 3: Učbenik iz l. 1984
Vseskozi smo bili trdno odločeni, da se držimo nekaterih
osnovnih načel: da bomo spodbujali aktivno delo učencev, učili
reševanje problemov z računalniki z mnogimi primeri in da bomo
veliko od tega dejansko sprogramirali ter kolikor bo možno tudi
izvedli na računaniku. Za pouk nam je bil dosegljiv, sicer v zelo
omejenem obsegu le računalnik IBM 1130 na Fakulteti za
matematiko in fiziko na Jadranski cesti. Programski jezik je bil
fortran. Mislim, da smo nazadnje vsi dosegli, da je vsak naš
učenec napisal vsaj po en svoj program, ga spravil na luknjane
kartice in izvedel na računalniku. Program na luknjanih karticah
je izgledal kot paket kart, ki smo ga navadno speli z elastiko, da
se kartice ne bi po nesreči pomešale. V tej zvezi se spomnimo
zabavnega dogodka, ko je nek dijak v svoji raztresenosti vstavil
v računalnik svoj paket lunkjanih kartic kar z elastiko vred.
Čitalnik kartic je ob branju kartic elastiko takoj raztrgal in se ob
tem pokvaril …
Med našimi učenci pri takratnem pouku tistega leta ali kakšno
leto kasneje so bila tudi imena, ki so kasneje postala dobro
prepoznavna, med drugimi: prof. dr. Matjaž Gams, dr. Marko
Slika 4: Učbenik iz l. 1990
Gričar, prof. dr. Marko Petkovšek, prof. dr. Franc Solina.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
F. Surname et al.
Učbenik je nastajal ob izvajanju poskusnega pouka
učbenika. Tudi programski jeziki zapisani z malo
računalništva in je bil oblikovan po našem izvedenem
pouku v prvih dveh šolskih letih pouka.
Knjiga je bila razdeljena v dva dela: (I) Zgradba,
delovanje in uporaba računalnika, (II) Programski
jezik fortran. Poglavja v I. delu so bila: 1. Uvod, 2.
Projekt pred 50 leti je potekal hitro in učinkovito.
Osnovni pojmi o informacijah in njih predstavitvi, (3)
Deležen je bil pozitivne ocene tudi v mednarodnem
Zgradba računalnika, (4) Odvijanje programa v
merilu. Pozitivno ocenjujemo tudi težnjo po tem, da je
računalniku, (5) Programski jeziki, (6) Reševanje
v pouku bilo poudarjeno reševanje problemov z
problemov z računalniki (vključno z značilnimi
algoritmi ter razvijanje algoritmičnega razmišljanja.
primeri konstruiranja algoritmov), (7) Uporaba
Kaj se je dogajalo s poukom računalništva kasneje,
računalnikov, (8) Računalniški sistemi. Poglavje 7 je
ko sta postajala računalništvo in digitalizacija
vsebovalo daljši razdelek o umetni inteligenci. Poleg
neprimerno bolj razširjena in pomembna in so se
tega pa tudi razdelek »Ali računalnik ogroža človeka«.
kazale nujne potrebe po spremembah učnih programov
Ta razdelek se konča takole: »Morda je najbolj
za računalništvo? Ne bi mogli reči, da so bile
upravičena bojazen pred vmešavanjem računalnikov v
spremembe vedno posrečene in pravočasne. Posebej pa
človekove osebne stvari. Skrajno neprijetna je namreč
je težko razumeti, zakaj je danes veliko teže doseči
zavest, da bi lahko obsežne datoteke z vsemi mogočimi
spremembe učnega načrta, čeprav se o njihovi
podatki, omogočile dostop do vseh osebnih podatkov
potrebnosti strinja praktično celotna računalniška
o komerkoli.«
stroka, doma in v svetu [7].
Posebna skrb je bila v učbeniku namenjena
računalniškemu izrazoslovju. Dolge so bile debate o
prevodih posameznih pojmov, kot npr.: pomnilnik,
računalniška beseda, naslov, adresa ipd. Marsikatero
Janez Benkovič, Aleksander Cokan, Mark Martinec, Robert Reinhardt,
dilemo nam je pomagal razrešiti tudi jezikoslovec
Branko Roblek. Računalništvo: Zbirka nalog 1. Državna založba
Tomo Korošec. Ko smo ga povprašali, kako naj
Slovenije, 1981.
Ivan Bratko, Bojan Cestnik. Programski jezik pascal z razširitvami turbo
zapišemo imena programskih jezikov, je dejal takole:
pascala. Državna založba Slovenije, 1989.
»Če niste pogumni, jih pišite z velikimi tiskanimi
Ivan Bratko, Vladislav Rajkovič. Uvod v računalništvo, Državna založba
črkami. Z malo poguma jih pišite z veliko začetnico,
Slovenije 1974.
Ivan Bratko, Vladislav Rajkovič. Informatika in računalništvo. V
če pa imate dovolj poguma jih pišite z malo začetnico,
učbeniku Osnove tehnike in proizvodnje, Tehniška založba Slovenije,
kot pišemo imena jezikov v slovenščini«. In tako smo
Ivan Bratko, Vladislav Rajkovič. Računalništvo s programskim jezikom
zapisali fortran, pascal in druge. Razen zelo redko
Pascal. Državna založba Slovenije, 1984.
uprabljanih jezikov in PL1, ki je kratica.
Ivan Bratko, Vladislav Rajkovič, Branko Roblek: What should econdary
school studenta know about computers: Analysis of an experiment. IFIP
Z veseljem lahko ugotovimo, da je skrb za
2nd World Conference: Computer in Educatio, 1975.
slovensko računalniško izrazoslovje tudi danes zelo
Andrej Brodnik s soavtorji. Snovalci digitalne prihodnosti ali le
uporabniki? Poročilo strokovne delovne skupine za analizo prisotnosti
vsebin računalništva in informatike v programih osnovnih in srednjih šol
INFORMATIKA, kot tudi na univerzah in inštitutih.
ter za pripravo študije o možnih spremembah (RINOS). Ministrstvo za
Društvo redno vzdržuje Islovar računalniških pojmov,
izobraževanje, 2018.
Boris Lipužič, 2010. Pionirski koraki: 40 let pouka računalništva. Šolski
ki je prosto dostopen na spletu. Številni pojmi v
razgledi, številka 17/2010.
današnjem Islovarju so tudi v pojmovnem kazalu
Začetki pouka programiranja na Fakulteti za
elektrotehniko UL
The beginnings of programming lessons at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering UL
Saša Divjak
Saša Divjak
FirstName Surname
Department Name
Fakulteta za računalništvo in
Department Name
Institution/University Name
Institution/University Name
City State Country
Univerza v Ljubljani
City State Country
Ljubljana, Slovenija
med nami, je verjetno smiselno, da spomine na takratne čase
strnem jaz. Morda pa me bo še kdo dopolnil.
Prispevek obravnava prve korake v poučevanje programiranja na
takratni Fakulteti za elektrotehniko. To je vodilo v začetek
Danes se bo kdo pri teh spominih le prizanesljivo nasmihal. A ne
študijskega programa Računalništvo in informatika. Razvoj tega
pozabimo, da je od takrat minilo že več kot 50 let in verjamem,
študijskega programa je omogočil oblikovanje Katedre za
da se bodo ljudje podobno nasmihali čez naslednjih 50 let, kako
računalništvo in informatiko in čez dolga leta razvoj samostojne
se gremo računalništvo danes.
Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko.
Programiranje, pouk, visokošolski študij
V tistem času seveda še ni bilo pouka računalništva oziroma
informatike. Na takratni fakulteti smo imeli takoimenovani jaki
The paper discusses the first steps in teaching programming at
in šibki tok, ki sta se v zadnjih letnikih delila na več smeri. Še
the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. This led to the beginning
najbližje računalništvu je bila smer avtomatika, sam pa sem
of the study program Computer Science and Informatics. The
takrat ubiral bolj splošno smer elektrotehnike. V zadnjih letnikih
development of this study program enabled the formation of the
je prof Skubic, ki je sicer predaval matematiko, obljubljal, da bo
Department of Computer Science and Informatics and, over
organiziral tečaj iz programiranja. Jeseni leta 1967 so tak tečaj v
many years, the development of an independent Faculty of
obliki enosemestrskega predmeta res izvedli in se ga je udeležilo
Computer Science and Informatics.
približno 40 študentov. Po mojem bledem spominu nam je, -
takrat še asistent – predaval kasnejši professor Tomšič. Učil nas
je programski jezik algol (pravzaprav njegovo podmnožico
alcor). Algol je bil razvit v sredini 1950tih let in je več kot 30 let
Programming, teaching, higher education
služil za opis algoritmov v akademskih krogih.
Na koncu tečaja smo imeli možnost preskusa krajšega program,a
na računalniku ZUSE Z-23 [2], ki so ga imeli na Inštitutu za
matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko. Kolikor se spomnim, smo
morali sprogramirati tabeliranje neke funkcije in ta programček
vnesti v raču
Prispevek predstavlja le droben kamenček
nalnik preko luknjanega traku. Kot vhodno-izhodna
v pestrem mozaiku
enota računalnika je služil v bistvu teleprinter, kakršne smo v
pouka programiranja v Sloveniji. Še kot študent sem doživel
tistem času srečali na poštah.
začetke pouka programiranja pred petdesetimi leti na takratni
Fakulteti za elektrotehniko in kasnejšo vpeljavo študijskega
Pri tem prvem praktičnem preskušanju programa se mi je takrat
programa Računalništvo in informatika. Ne nazadnje pa sem bil
zdelo čudno, da si v računalnik najprej vnesel program in šele
v vlogi prvega asistenta za predmet Programiranje. Glede na to,
nato podatke. Pri reševanju matematičnih in drugih nalog smo
da prvega učitelja tega predmeta, prof. Hodžarja že dolgo ni več
pač bili navajeni, da imajš najprej podan problem z vsemi podatki
in šele nato se lotiš računanja.
Ar ic
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to be captur
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Tako smo prišli do ocene predmeta, ki so nam ga celo vpisali v
P rmis
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Marsikoga med nami je ta tečaj zaznamoval in v poletju 1968 se
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tečaja za zbirni jezik (po domače (a nepravilno) assembler) za
mation Society 2020
2020, 5–9
– October 2020, Ljubl
© 2020
2020 C
ight he
ld bby
y tthe
he ow
računalnik IBM 360, ki ga je organiziral IBM. Programiranje je
Information Society 2021, 6 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Divjak Saša
potekalo v papirni obliki, večinoma z risanjem diagramov poteka
(če si res zelo potrudil) množil in celo delil. A predvsem za
in premetavanjem podatkov po računalniških registrih. Na koncu
deljenje si potreboval kar “doktorat”.
pa je sledil preskus krajšega programčka, topot pretipkanega na
Kako so lahko potekale vaje z enim takim strojčkom in 36
luknjane kartice. In ta tečaj je verjetno zaznamoval vse moje
študenti si lahko že kar težko zamišljamo. Vendar je Fakulteta k
strokovno življenje.
sreči že naslednje leto dobila 17 kalkulatorjev HP 35[3]. To je
V tistem letu sem tudi zaprosil za diplomsko temo prof.
bil prvi žepni znanstveni kalkulator, ki je že imel tudi
Gyergyeka. Ta me je povezal s prof. Bremšakom. Za diplomo
trigonometrične funkcije. Te napravice so bile takrat tako
sem moral simulirati preprost model nuklearnega reaktorja in pri
dragocene, da so jih priklenili na mize v učilnici. In tako smo
tem uporabiti IBMjev simulacijski program CSMP (Continuous
prišli do “Laboratorija za numerične metode”, ki je dejanski
System Modeling Program), ki je tekel na računalniku IBM 11-
predhodnik današnjega Laboratorija za računalniško grafiko in
30 [2]. V Ljubljani takega računalnika v letu 1968 še nismo imeli
multimedije. Zakaj tako, pa je že druga zgodba 😊
in sem moral to delati na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v Zagrebu.
Povrnimo se raje k poučevanju programiranja. Seveda smo takrat
Tak računalnik so nato v Ljubljani prvi dobili na Fakulteti za
že imeli na voljo IBM11-30 in njegove luknjane kartice. Vendar
matematiko in fiziko in sem tako zaradi pridobljenih izkušenj
so študenti ta računalnik lahko gledali le skozi šipo. Prof. Hodžar
imel dovoljenje, da samostojno dostopam do njihovega
je predaval fortran. Izpit je skoraj vedno potekal tako, da so
računalnika. To pravico so imeli le nekateri in navadnim
študenti morali sprogramirati tabeliranje bolj ali manj zapletene
študentom neposredno samostojno delo še ni bilo omogočeno.
funkcije. Svoj program so zapisali na posebne obrazce, te pa je
Sam sem se v tistih časih prvič srečal s fortranom in kasneje
nato luknjačica (poklic, ki je že davno izumrl) pretipkala na
razvil kar nekaj simulacijskih programskih sistemov, ki so jih
luknjane kartice. Te je nato operaterka poslala skozi računalnik.
nato študentje elektrotehnike uporabljali tudi v okviru različnih
Profesor pa je prišel do tega, kar je izpisal tiskalnik računalnika.
diplom, magisterijev in doktoratov.
Študentje tako niso imeli neposrednega dostopa do računalnika.
Kolikor se spomnim, je imel ta računalnik 8kB pomnilnika in
Ta je bil omogočen le diplomantom in osebju fakultete. In prav
izmenljive diskovne pogone. Podobno, kot danes nosimo s seboj
zanimivo je bilo ocenjevanje: Za vsako napako je študent imel
USB ključke, smo takrat prinašali v računski center kakšnih 30
oceno zmanjšano za 1. Torej si pri petih napakah prišel do
cm široke magnetne diske, torej približno kot današnje torbe
nezadostne ocene. Sam se s tem načinom sicer nisem strinjal, a
osebnih računalnikov. In njihova kapaciteta: kar celih 512 KB
tako je pač bilo. V bistvu je bil študent kaznovan tudi za svoje
(pol megabajta). Tako zaradi njihove velikosti kot tudi cene si
tipkarske napake, kar je nesmisel.
običajno imel le po nekaj takšnih diskov in še to na službene
stroške. Celoten računalniški system je zasedal kar veliko sobo,
ki je morala biti klimatizirana in z dvignjenim podom, pod
katerim je bilo razvejeno kablovje. Tako si v bistvu imel
računalniški center. Vsak uporabnik je moral beležiti števec, ki
je kazal število porabljenega časa. Vzdrževanje sistema pač ni
Porodila se je zamisel o uvedbi študijskega programa
bilo zastonj in nekdo je to moral plačevati (in to me je včasih
Računalništvo in informatika, ki je bil v prvi fazi zamišljen kot
malo skrbelo). Programiranje je potekalo preko luknjanih kartic.
enakopraven program drugim obstoječim študijskim smerem na
Računski center je bil zato opremljen še z več luknjači. Malo si
Fakulteti za elektrotehniko oziroma na Fakulteti za Matematiko
se bal, da ti tak paket kartic s tvojim programom pade na tla in se
in fiziko. Torej naj bi potekal kot nadaljevalni program le v
zadnjih dveh letnikih sicer 4 letnega študija. Sam sem kot asistent
Za zabavo sem v tistem času napisal tudi krajši program, dolg
sodeloval v vlogi zapisnikarja pri nekaterih sestankih, ki so
morda 100 vrstic v zbirnem jeziku IBM-30. It to brez enega
potekali na naši fakulteti. Tako se spomnim, da so pri pripravi
samega komentarja! Ko sem ta program spet pogledal čez kakšno
prvega študijskega programa sodelovali prof. Hodžar, prof.
leto, seveda nisem več vedel, kaj je počel. Komentarji so pač
Gyergyek, prof Virant in prof. Leskovar, seveda predvsem vsak
s svojimi predmeti (Programiranje, Teorija informacij, Digitalna
Čez eno leto je tak sistem dobila tudi Fakulteta za elektrotehniko,
tehnika,..). Danes mi je zelo žal, da sem na roko napisan osnutek
le da je bil dvakrat močnejši. Imel je za tiste čase kar spodobnih
prvega študijskega programa sčasoma zavrgel, saj bi bil danes
16kB spomina. Če danes pomislim, smo ob tako skromnih
zelo zanimiv dokument. Seveda so se pri tem rojevali tudi novi
zmogljivostih reševali na računalniku relativno velike probleme.
predmeti. Tako je prof. Hodžar prevzel pripravo in izvedbo
V letu 1971 (torej kar točno pred 50 leti) me je prof. Hodžar
predmeta “Višje programiranje”. Danes bi temu rekli kvečjemu
povabil, da bi bil pri njemu asistent pri več predmetih in tudi
“nižje programiranje”, saj je šlo za programiranje v zbirnem
jeziku (seveda za računalnik IBM1130). Prof. Hodžar je v ta
predmetu Programiranje. Naj zaradi ilustracije takratnih razmer
namen prevedel nek priročnik IBM (in to med predavanji bral ali
najprej povem, da je bile eden od teh predmetov tudi “Numerične
bolje narekoval študentom). Mene je kar malo zabavalo, ker je
metode”. V tistem času so študentje pri svojem računanju
uporabljali danes že zdavnaj pozabljena, ravnilu podobna
pri tem prevajal v slovenščini tudi mnemonike ukazov v zbirnem
logaritemska računala (Rechenschieber)
jeziku (LD, STA, BSC,…) . Jaz sem enkrat v šali dejal, da bi
[1], za bolj točne
izračune pa
potem lahko namesto pojma “bistabilni multivibrator” (popularni
zamudne logaritemske tablice. Pri predmetu
Numerične metode pa sem imel za 36 študentov na voljo en
računalniški mlinček Facit. Z njim si lahko sešteval, odšteval
. Ni vrag, da je začel uporabljati ta prevod 😊.
Divjak Saša
Information Society 2021, 6 Oktober 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
V tistem času je prof. Virant predlagal, da jaz prevzamem novi
Kar precej navezano na te tehnike programiranja je bilo
predmet Računalniška grafika. Seveda pa takrat še nismo imeli
sistemsko programiranje in s tem v zvezi uporabna računalnika
na voljo kakšnih grafičnih terminalov (vsaj ne na fakulteti). Tako
PDP 11, ki smo ga sčasoma dobili na fakulteti. Njegov nabor
je predmet lahko potekal le teoretično in bil bolj omejen na to,
strojnih ukazov (in posledično zbirni jezik) je bil didaktično čist,
kako bi se lahko narisali grafični primitivi, kot so črte, kvadrati
podobno kot na primer pri mikroprocesorju Motorola 6800, ki so
in krogi. Praktično delo pa je bilo omejeno na obisk sosednjega
ga v poznih 1970tih letih vgrajevali v mikroračunanike IskraData
inštituta Eles, kjer so že imeli računalnik PDP11/34 in grafični
1680. Operacijski system PDP11 je bil modularen in zelo lahko
terminal DEC GT 40 [2]. Seveda so ga študenti lahko le gledali.
je bilo pisati gonilnike za zunanje naprave takih računalnikov. To
Z današnjega zornega kota so bili takšni terminali skromni. Imeli
je bila dobra popotnica tudi za predmet “Operacijski sistemi”, ki
so le vektorsko grafiko (risanje črt) in eno samo barvo.
sem ga tudi prevzel. Šele v kasnejših letih smo dobili na voljo
Če se povrnem na predmet “Višje programiranje” (dejansko pa
računalnike, ki so bili opremljeni z operacijskim sistemom
nizkonivojsko programiranje), se spomnim študenta (tudi še po
UNIX, predhodnikom popularnega LINUX. V bistvu pa to sega
imenu), ki me je vprašal, čemu tako programiranje v zbirnem
že v 1980ta leta, kar pa je za ta kratek vpogled v zgodovino pouka
jeziku sploh služi. Zato sem popeljal študente na bližnji Inštitut
računalništvo predaleč. Pri poučevanju operacijskih sistemov
Jožef Stefan (tam sem v teh letih preživel večino razvojno
sem poleg splošnih konceptov kasneje razlagal tudi interno
raziskovalnega časa). Na IJS (seveda tudi v nekaterih
zgradbo UNIXa, LINUXa in kasneje tudi Microsoftovih NT.
Zaradi omejenega časa so v današnjih študijskih programih to
mikroračunalnikov, ki so v začetku temeljili na legendarnem
tematiko žal izpustili.
procesorju Intel 8008 [5]. Pravzaprav smo kar sami delali
računalnike s tem procesorjem. V odseku, ki sem ga vodil, smo
s takimi sistemi razvijali različne računalniško nadzorovane
V petdesetih letih se je marsikaj spremenilo. Ne samo v silovitem
avtomatizacije. In programiralo se je seveda v zbirnem jeziku.
razvoju računalniških in komunikacijskih tehnologij.
Najprej kar na takih sistemih s pomočjo luknjanega traku,
Veseli me, da me spomini vežejo od prvega volonterskega
kasneje smo si pomagali s križnimi zbirniki, implementiranimi
predmeta pa preko prvega dvoletnega študijskega programa in
na računalnikih PDP-11. Te zgodbe so sicer prav zanimive, a
vseh faz razvoja popolnih študijskih programov. V prvih
presegajo fokus tega prispevka. Morda samo kot zanimivost
generacijah praktično ni bilo študenta, ki ne bi šel tudi “čez moje
povem, da takrat ni bilo nobenih razhroščevalnikov, napake, ki
roke”. Imel sem tudi veliko diplomantov. Po 330tem sem jih
smo jih odkrili, smo pogosto odpravljali kar neposredno na
nehal beležiti. Se pa še danes prav dobro spomnim svojega
strojnem nivoju v že generirani kodi. Sam sem se takrat ukvarjal
prvega diplomanta in prvega doktoranta. Še danes srečujem
s pisanjem različnih namenskih gonilnikov, pa kakšen preprost
bivše študente. Nekaterih se spomnim tudi po imenu. Vseh pač
operacijski system sem tudi sprogramiral. Kakorkoli že, se
ne, saj jih je bilo na tisoče.
spomnim, da mi je taisti študent potem odgovoril:”Sedaj pa
Na razvoj študijskega programa je nedvomno vplivalo tudi, kar
razumem, zakaj programiranje v zbirnem jeziku”. Seveda sem že
se je dogajalo v srednjih šolah. Predvsem je bilo to potrebno
takrat marsikaterega študenta pritegnil v delo na IJS. A bolelo me
upoštevati v prvem letniku, saj imajo še danes novopečeni
je srce, ker sem moral študente peljati na bližnji inštitut, namesto
študentje različno predznanje. Nekateri so popolni začetniki,
da bi tako delovno okolje imeli na matični fakulteti.
nekateri pa že kar izkušeni programerji. Delno na to vpliva
Kot zaključek te zgodbe naj povem, da sem programiranje v
njihova osebna motiviranost, delno pa seveda tudi delo
jeziku C uvedel na fakulteto še
srednješolskih učiteljev in pa sam srednješolski študijski
le v 1980 letih prejšnjega stoletja
in to, vsaj v prvih letih kombiniral s programiranjem v zbirnem
jeziku. Saj, kot tisti, ki to poznate, veste, da se marsikaterem C-
jevem konstruktu kot razlog skriva prav dogajanje na strojnem
nivoju (vzemimo za primer i++ ali –-j, ki imata neposredni vzrok
OI: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logaritemsko_ra%C4%8Dunalo
v “post increment” oziroma “pre decrement” strojnih ukazih).
ZUSE Z 23:. DOI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z23_(computer)
Pa tudi razumevanje kazalcev, ki je marsikateremu študentu
Kalkulator HP 35: DOI: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP-35.
delalo preglavice, je bolj jasno, če vemo, kaj se
Grafični terminal DEC GT 40: DOI:
dejansko za tem
Procesor Intel 8008: DOI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_8008
Začetki mariborskega računalništva (do ustanovitve
univerze 1975)
The beginnings of Maribor computer science (until the founding of the university in 1975)
Franci Pivec
segala po tej ponudbi (Milivojević, Pavlov, 2012). Nekateri so to
obžalovali, ker jim je bila bolj všeč sovjetska 'Strela',
Prispevek obravnava prve napore za pridobitev računalnikov v
obravnavana kot stroga državna tajnost (Kitov, 2014).
mariborskem akademskem okolju in navaja zaslužne
posameznike, ki so s svojo motiviranostjo in naprednim
razmišljanjem pripomogli k njihovi uvedbi. Kaže tudi probleme,
Pogled na računalnike je bil tudi pri nas dolgo časa 'strateški', kar
ki so jih pri tem morali reševati.
je takrat pomenilo centralističen in stran od oči javnosti v okrilju
vojske in notranjih zadev. Prvi javni IBM 705 je direktor Dolfe
Vogelnik instaliral v Zvezni zavod za statistiko za potrebe popisa
Računalništvo, univerza, začetki
prebivalstva 1961. in tja vabil tudi entuziaste iz Slovenije, saj je
bil to glavni računalnik v državi in po moči (40 KB operativnega
spomina) šesti v Evropi. Mimogrede, tudi njegovo zamenjavo
IBM 360/50 je leta 1969 za potrebe naslednjega popisa nabavil
Slovenec Ante Novak, na fotografiji z odprtja pa so še drugi
The article discusses the first efforts to acquire computers in the
pretežno slovenski 'botri' (Novak, Vogelnik, predsednik zvezne
Maribor academic environment and lists deserving individuals
vlade Ribičič, Osolnik, Bulc), kar kaže na stopnjo zavedanja o
who, with their motivation and advanced thinking, contributed to
pomenu IKT.
their introduction. It also shows the problems they had to solve
in doing so.
Computer science, university, beginnings
Pred leti je naša 'etična sekcija' IFIP sestankovala v prostorih
Poljske akademije znanosti v Varšavi, od koder iz sredine
petdesetih izvira zanimiva anekdota: pri izdelavi domačega
'elektronskega računskega stroja' (beseda kompjutor je bila v
celem vzhodnem bloku prepovedana!) ZAM1 sredi petdesetih je
bil za utrjevanje kar tisočih instaliranih vakuumskih cevi zelo
pripraven pripomoček iz latexa, ki se v lekarni naroči šepetaje, in
zanimivo, da vsega vajeno pani magistro niti niso čudile
količine,ampak, da to potrebuje metuzalemska akademija
znanosti, ji pa ni šlo v glavo. Jasno, da sem hotel s tem le
spomniti na čase, ko se računalnikov ni dobilo v trgovini, ampak
si ga moral narediti sam. Beograjčan Aleksić je v Pupinu sestavil
CER-10, najuspešnejši graditelj takih računalnikov pa je bil
konec petdesetih Zagrebčan Souček (Frković in dr., 2016).
Stigliceva z mariborske VTŠ sta mi povedala, da sta si prvi
računalnik tudi onadva naredila sama in sta ga vse do odselitve
iz Maribora ljubeče hranila v drvarnici. Iz spominov enega od
Slovenija sama je iskala poti, kako priti do zaresnega računalnika
očetov računalniške industrije Groscha pa sledi, da je bilo v
in precej presenetljivo so leta 1962 na Inštitutu za matematiko,
začetku šestdesetih na zahodnem trgu že 90 tipov industrijsko
fiziko in mehaniko izbrali 'outseiderja' Zusejev Z-23, kar si
izdelanih računalnikov (Grosch, 1991) in ker je State Departme
razlagam s tem, da sta se direktor inštituta Anton Kuhelj in
Konrad Zuse verjetno poznala kot pomembna aeronavtika, razen
Jugoslavijo obravnaval enako kot Finsko v sivi coni, je lahko
tega pa so naši znanstveniki ta stroj videli na ETH in na nemških
Information Society 2021, 6 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Franci Pivec
univerzah. Zuse je tovarno v Bad Hersfeldu takrat že prodal
Milan Kac je bil cenjen profesor
Siemensu, s katerim je sodelovala Iskra, ki je sofinancirala
nakup. Z-23 torej zaznamuje začetek računalniške ere v
klasični gimnaziji, njegovo ime
Sloveniji, ustanovljen je bil Republiški računski center (RRC) in
pa je bilo splošno znano po šestih
v Iskri Stegne so zuseju sledili vse močnejši CDC-ji do
izdajah logaritmov.
največjega na Balkanu CYBER 70, ki se je 1972. naselil v
soseščini glavnega uporabnika IJS na Jadranski. Univerza je leta
Odprtega duha, se je začel med
1967 za svoje učne potrebe dobila IBM 1130, ki so ga instalirali
prvimi zanimati za računalnike,
na FNT (Pivec, 2008).
na novoustanovljeni VTŠ pa je
poleg dvajsetih matematičnih
učbenikov spisal tudi prvega o
Nedavno umrli Janez Cundrič ga
je leta 1969 v Večeru predstavil skupaj z računalnikom IBM
1130. Ni presenetljivo, da ga je 13. aprila 1971. direktor Zavoda
za šolstvo Lipužič povabil na čisto prvi pogovor o uvedbi
računalništva v šole, kjer sta z Virantom zastopala 'praktično'
linijo, da je računalnik tehnologija, s katero je treba delati, ne pa
o njej teoretizirati. Z Roblekom, Trampužem, Virantom,
Zakrajškom, Lesjakom, Volkovo, Hafnerjem in Rajkovičem so v
naslednjih letih vodili projekt uvajanja računalnikov v srednje
šole, s katerim si je Slovenija ustvarila odlično izhodišče za
osvajanje IKT in velik ugled v mednarodnem šolstvu (Lipužič,
2010). Že leta 1973 so slovenske izkušnje z omenjenim
projektom predstavili na simpoziju IFAC v Alžiru (Bratko,
Rajkovič, Roblek, 1973).
Slika 1: Računalnik IBM 1130
Takšen IBM 1130 si je morala mariborska Višja tehniška šola
kupiti iz lastnih sredstev, nanj so morali čakati dve leti in
se je okrog njega začel formirati mariborski računalniški krog.
Čeprav je ta računalnik legenda, ne najdem njegove fotografije
in sem si jo izposodil z Wikipedije. Še težje pa je priti do
Darinka Ferjančič Stiglic
fotografije računalniškega centra TAM, ki je bil drugo gnezdo
mariborskih računalnikarjev, kjer pa so veljala stroga pravila
bila v letih 1974-76 prva ženska
vojaške tajnosti, o čemer mi je pripovedoval Božo Kuharič,
tamov štipendist in pripravnik ter kasnejši graditelj Mure, ki je
smel vstopiti v sistemski prostor šele po enem letu zaposlitve.
digitalne signale z Walshevimi
in Haarovimi funkcijami in
uvajala študente v nove
elektronskimi vezji. Iz časa
vodenja VTŠ se
spomnim zabavnega dogodka, povezanega s pogostim
demonstriranjem nove računalniške tehnologije za strokovnjake
iz proizvodnje, bil pa je to tudi čas za 'partijo' nesprejemljivih
študentskih demonstracij. In tako je neka skupina obiskovalcev
vprašala zavednega receptorja VTŠ, kje v veliki hiši je
demonstracija, dobili pa so nedvoumen odgovor: »Dokler sem
jaz tukaj, na VTŠ ne bo nobenih demonstracij!«
Slika 2: Računski center
Franci Pivec
Information Society 2021, 6 Oktober 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bruno Stiglic je prišel na VTŠ
rekoč v izložbi, ni več duha ne sluha, kar kaže, da v Mariboru ni
leta 1961 z ljubljanskega Inštituta
propadla le stara industrija. Marn, Kajzer in Pivka (na
za komunikacijske sisteme kot
fotografijah) so prevzemali tudi druge naloge v razvoju
strokovnjak za tranzistorje. Bil je
mariborskega računalništva: Marn je vodil koordinacijsko telo za
nekakšen 'gospodar' IBM 1130,
razvoj računalništva na UM, Pivka je pripravljal zagon
ki ga je znal izvirno uporabljati za
univerzitetnega računskega centra, Kajzer pa je bil dolgoletni
aplikacije na različnih področjih,
predsednik Izumovega strokovnega sveta.
zavodov, predhodniku univerze,
pa smo se z njim odlično ujeli pri
avtomatski obdelavi podatkov o
vpisu, ki jo je takoj 'posvojila'
Slovenije. Za zgled smo imeli obširen priročnik o informatizaciji
virov in dejavnosti kolidžev in univerz, ki ga je izdala National
Science Foundation in sem ga nekaj let prej pritovoril iz ZDA
zgolj s slutnjo, da gre za perspektivno stvar (Tyrrell, 1967).
Stiglica je za nekaj let prevzela Iskra Avtomatika in ga poslala za
direktorja v svojo izpostavo Electronics v Santa Clari, njegovi
razširjeni razgledi po računalniški industriji pa so bili zelo
koristni pri zasnovi novih študijskih smeri in fakultet na tem
Ko smo pripravljali načrt za ustanovitev univerze, smo si že leta
Morda bi moral v prikaz vključiti tudi informatike s takratne
1971 zamislili tudi univerzitetni računski center in začeli izdajati
kranjske VŠOD (Vladislav Rajkovič, Miroljub Kljajić, Jože
bilten ter s tem spodbudili enako potezo v Ljubljani. Seveda sta
Gričar, Alenka Hudoklin Božič), ki je delovala v okviru
aktivnosti vodila Kac in Stiglic. V načrt smo zapisali, da bo
mariborskega Združenja visokošolskih zavodov, vendar sem se
bodoča univerza prva kompjuterizirana univerza v Jugoslaviji in
v naslovu omejil na mesto Maribor. Sploh pa je namen tega
kasnejši rektor Dali Đonlagić je to jemal zelo zares.
zapisa, da bi se ponovno lotili zbiranja dokumentacije o
zgodovini računalništva pri nas. Dvajset let bo že, kar smo v
Na VEKŠ se računalništvo začne s prihodom Ferdinanda Marna
okviru Slovenskega društva Informatika organizirali dva
in ustanovitvijo katedre za organizacijo in informatiko, a
kolokvija pod naslovom 'Računalništvo nima zgolj prihodnosti',
posebnost je vzporedno nastajanje in rast Ekonomskega centra
ki smo si ga izposodili od akademika Franceta Križaniča, prvega
Maribor in njegovega CAOP.
slovenskega kibernetika. Tokrat smo se zadržali na čisto prvih
Nande Marn je v začetku petdesetih diplomiral na ljubljanski
korakih vstopanja IKT v mariborsko in slovensko stvarnost in vsi
Visoki tehniški šoli – takrat tehniški študiji niso spadali pod
vemo, kako široko in globoko je segel vpliv nove tehnologije v
univerzo -- in že leta 1952 prišel v mariborski TAM, kjer mu je
naslednjih letih (Pivec, Rajkovič, Jus, 2004). Bolj, ko odlagamo
generalni direktor Perhavc zaupal zadeve v zvezi z organizacijo
sestavljanje zgodovinskega mozaika, več njegovih kamenčkov
vodenja v ogromni firmi. Na pragu zahtevnega projekta vojaških
se nepovratno izgublja in manj je jasno, od kod prihajamo, kje
vozil je »generalni« Stojan Perhavc na predlog vodje razvojnega
smo in kam gremo?
inštituta Jožeta Ciglenečkega pritegnil v ekipo Antona Hauca,
Štefana Kajzerja, Branka Crnkoviča, Jožeta Baumana,
Marjana Pivko in druge in glej, skoraj vsi omenjeni so se v
Bratko, I., Rajkovič, V., Roblek, B. (1973) An experiment in secondary
sedemdesetih znašli na VEKŠ ali na domala pridružen
school computer education. V: M. Cuenod, S. Kahne (ur.) Systems
Approaches to Developing Countries. Algiers: IFAC
Ekonomskem centru Maribor. K slednjemu je prišel še Pavel
Frković, M., Pivec, F., Schlamberger, N., Grad, J. (2016) A contribution
Kristan iz Intertradea, leta 1975 pa je njihov CAOP dobil močan
to the history of computing and informatics in West Balkan countries.
Uporabna informatika, 24 (4) 191-200
IBM 360 in z njim podpiral informatiko skoraj vseh velikih
Grosch, H. (1991) Computer – Bit Slices From a Life.
mariborskih firm. ECM, ki je bil na isti lokaciji kot VEKŠ, je
Kac, M. (1970) Fortran IV in monitorski sistem za elektronski računalnik
šolo razbremenil skrbi za poganjanje lastnega
IBM 1130. Višja tehniška šola Maribor
računalnika in Vekševa ekipa se je lahko bolj posvetila
Kitov, V. (2014) Development and Use of the First Three Soviet
aplikativnim vidikom, kot so poslovna informatika, projektni
Computers. IT STAR Newsletter, 12 (2) 3-7.
Lipužič, B. (2010) Pionirski koraki. Šolski razgledi, 17, str. 3.
menedžment, modeli organizacije itd.. Danes o ECM in
njegovem računskem centru, ki so si ga ljudje ogledovali tako
Slovensko računalništvo skozi pogled dijaka l. 1971
Matjaž Gams†
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, Ljubljana
razkrivanju podmorniških položajev med 2. svetovno vojno [2].
Turing je imenovan tudi »računalniški Einstein« [3], ker je
Predstavljena je zgodovina slovenskega računalništva in
zasnoval vrsto osnovnih konceptov računalništva kot Turingov
informatike skozi oči avtorja, dijaka leta 1971. Sledi opis
stroj ali Turingov ustavitveni problem. Turingov sodobnik je bil
nadaljnjih dogodkov predvsem skozi slovarje in leksikone
Donald Michie, britanski znanstvenik, povezan s prof. Ivanom
računalništva, torej računalniško terminologijo. Smisel
Bratkom. Turinga ne Bratko ne avtor tega referata nista nikoli
prispevka je v tem, da dokumentira dogajanja v času nastajanja
osebno srečala, saj je umrl istega leta, ko se je avtor tega
računalništva. Ko bomo vse naše zgodbe sestavili skupaj, bo kot
prispevka (kasneje »avtor«) rodil.
film »Rašomon« režiserja Akire Kurosave – mnogoplastna in
Pač pa je Donald Michie pogosto bival v Sloveniji in
mnogotera zgodovina opisov skozi osebne spomine, edinstvena
predvsem prof. Bratko v Veliki Britaniji, največ na Škotskem. Še
in neprimerljiva z zgodovinsko knjigo.
danes imamo na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« Turingovo sobo (sobo
avtorja) in Michiejevo sobo (nekaj vrat stran od Turingove), kjer
je Michie pogosto bival, ko je bil na obisku v Sloveniji. Nekajkrat
Zgodovina računalništva, poučevanje, začetki računalništva
smo šli na skupno večerjo, na skupne konference, na skupne
aktivnosti. Avtor je srečal tako Michiejevo ženo kot vnuka.
In this paper the author retrospectively revives computing times
in Slovenia starting with 1971 when he studied computing at
Bežigrad high school. Later, he emphasises contacts with other
pioneers of computer science in informatica, and in particular
Avtor je leta 1971 obiskoval izbirni predmet računalništva, ki
describes progress of Slovenian computer terminology. Put
ga je predaval prof. Bratko. V paralelki A, kjer so bili tehnično
together with papers of other pioneers, a computer history in our
in matematično usmerjeni dijaki, je učil prof. Bratko, v drugi
country will emerge like the Rashomon movie from Akira
paralelki pa prof. Rajkovič. V tistih leti so bili dijaki otročji kot
le malokdo in šale oziroma legende o profesorjih so bile stalno
na dnevnem redu. Prof. Rajkovič je slovel po tem, da je med
pisanjem s kredo česal kodraste lase z lasmi in posledično je bilo
Pioneering times of computing, Slovenia
na koncu ure vedno nekaj krede v frizuri. Prof. Bratko pa je
»zgodovinsko« zaslovel takrat, ko so dijaki v predal mize
nastavili revijo Playboy. Odprl je predal, zastal, malo zardel in
pomigal z brki, nato pa zaprl predal. Malo je premišljal, nato pa
Prave enolične resnice tako ali tako ni, vsaj tako pravi princip
odprl predal, vzel kredo in ga ponovno zaprl. Ta video bi
mnogoterega znanja [1], zato bo opis pionirjev računalništva
zagotovo dobil milijon všečkov.
začenši z letom 1971 toliko bolj zanimiv. To bo mnogoplastna,
A predmet računalništva je bil Indija Koromandija za
mnogotera, subjektivna, ponekod tudi bolj spominska in
kreativnost. Medtem ko so morali dijaki pri večini predmetov
avtobiografska kot eksaktno dokumentirana zgodovina
bolj ali manj mehanično ponavljati, kar so profesorji govorili na
nastajanja slovenskega računalništva.
predavanjih, morda z izjemo fizike in matematike, so
Prvi računalnik je verjetno Charles Babbageov mehanski stroj,
računalniške naloge omogočale kreiranje množice rešitev, bolj
ki je znal izvajati ključne komponente računalnika kot
ali manj ustvarjalnih. Če je kdo iznašel kakšno izvirno, je bil
ponavljajoče se zanke. Nastal je v začetku 19. stoletja, logično
pohvaljen in to je bilo zelo stimulativno. Takrat se je
pa je prve programe v pismih Babbageu pisala Ada Augusta
programiralo v fortranu oziroma bolje rečeno – pisali smo na
Lovelace. Okoli druge svetovne vojne je nastalo več
papir. Enkrat pa so bili programi vneseni v pravi računalnik –
računalniških naprav, recimo Turingova »Bombe« za
IBM 1130.
dešifriranje nacistične Enigme, ki je ključno pomagala pri
Že v tistih letih smo se srečevali z nekaj mlajšimi kolegi,
recimo Robertom Reinhardtom, Markom Martincem, na
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
gradbeni fakulteti je bil aktiven prof. Žiga Turk.
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
Po maturi se je avtor vpisal na Fakulteto za elektrotehniko po
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
težkih debatah, na katero fakulteto naj bi šel. Elektrotehnika je
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
bila izbrana iz dveh razlogov: ker je po dveh letih skupnega
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
študija sledila izbira smeri, seveda računalništva; drugi razlog je
bil v tem, da je na elektrotehniko šla večina sošolcev. Dostikrat
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Gams
se nas je večina posedla v isto klop. Med 300 študenti 1. letnika
Blue leta 1997 premagal tedaj najboljšega šahista na svetu,
jih je v 2. letnih prišlo 150, kar nam je nazorno povedal prof.
Garryja Kasparova. Danes bi verjetno rekli, da zaseda drugo
Virant. Na računalništvo nas je šlo okoli 20. Ker je bil avtor
mesto na lestvici najboljših šahistov vseh časov, medtem ko si je
aktiven kot študentski predstavnik, je občasno sedel tudi v raznih
prvo mesto priboril Magnus Carlsen.
fakultetnih organih. Takrat je bilo nekaj velikih debat. Ena je bila
Ko je potekala tekma med Deep Blue in Kasparovom, smo
o izbiri računalnika – ali naj bo digitalen ali analogen.
komentirali tekme tudi s prof. Michiejem, ki se je takrat mudil v
Digitalnega je zagovarjal prof. Virant, analognega prof.
Gyergyek. Debata se je zavlekla in pregrela do točke, ko je prof.
Za diplomo je avtor analiziral končnico kralj + trdnjava : kralj
Gyergyek izgubil živce, lasje so se mu postavili pokonci,
+ konj in generiral vse možne pozicije in poteze [4]. To je bila
odvihral je iz dvorane, nakar se je čez 2 minuti vrnil očitno
prva tovrstna končnica na svetu. Prof. Bratko je dal idejo,
počesan in umit. Fakulteta je dobila digitalni računalnik. Pri prof.
izvedba je bila na avtorju in več mesecih optimiranja.
Gyergyeku sva prav dva računalničarja na njegovem predmetu
po treh dneh čakanja pred vrati prišla na vrsto in vprašal naju je
del svoje knjige, za katerega so nam rekli, da za računalničarje
ne pride v poštev. Seveda sva odletela v nekaj minutah, a prof.
Gyergyek je bil vseeno poleg prof. Bremšaka in še nekaterih
legenda na elektrotehniki.
Na prvem računalniku (Cyber) je avtor programiral na
Po diplomi je avtor iskal službo ali na fakulteti ali na inštitutu.
Institutu »Jožef Stefan« med študijskimi leti. Ker je bil le en
Prof. Bratko je imel raziskovalni projekt, kjer je bilo kritje za
računalnik za cel inštitut, si prišel nanj tipično okoli 1h ali 2h
plačo in raziskovanje. Vodja odseka je bil prof. Anton P.
ponoči in nato programiral, dokler te ni zmanjkalo. Bratkov
Železnikar, koroška korenina in izredno moder človek. Nasledil
kolega in pozneje minister dr. Peter Tancig je imel v sobi kavč in
ga je drugi Korošec, dr. Marjan Špegel, ki je kar nekaj časa prej
z malo sreče si se lahko malo odpočil, zadremal in nato
prebil v Ameriki. Ekstravertiran in aktiven je širil energijo med
nadaljeval. Včasih je bila kar gneča, a kavč je bil ozek in več kot
sodelavci. Dr. France Dacar je bil izjemen matematik. Govorili
dva nista mogla biti na njem. Ostali so se morali zadovoljiti s
so, da je dobil zlato kolajno na matematični olimpijadi, nato pa
odšel za eno leto v samostan, da si je ohladil možgane. Ko je
Na fakulteti je bila vrsta zanimivih predavanj in profesorjev.
nekoč prof. Milan Osredkar, direktor inštituta, preveč
Recimo pri prof. Virantu smo imeli Lisp in nekoč je na
neposredno zahteval od njega konkretne rezultate in ne več
predavanjih podal nalogo zlaganja sorodnih delov drevesa.
svobodno raziskovanje, mu je na računalnik poslal odgovor v
Obljubil je, da bo tisti, ki reši izpit, oproščen izpita. Avtor ga je
obliki – danes bi rekli šaljive figurice.
rešil, a je vseeno pisal izpit, nekaj več kot 70%, a kakšnih 10%
Prof. Bratka so zanimali predvsem algoritmi za preiskovanje,
več kot naslednji. S prof. Vilfanom sta tudi mimo pouka reševala
najraje pa jih je testiral na igranju šaha. Z avtorjem sta vrsto let
izbrane naloge. Zanimiva predavanja so imeli matematiki, kjer
raziskovala patologije in čez vrsto let se je na tem področju
so iste predmete obiskovali računalničarji iz 4. letnika in
izkazal tudi dr. Mitja Luštrek [5]. Prva analiza in objava avtorja
matematiki iz 2. Tako nismo pretirano zaostajali za matematiki,
in prof. Bratka [6] pa je bila nadgradnja Bealove študije. Z
ampak samo zmerno. Eden najbolj duhovitih ljudi je bil prof.
računalniškimi modeli sta pokazala, da je patologija v
Suhadolc, ki pa na izpitu ni bil navdušen, da bi imeli več tipov
preiskovalnih algoritmih AND/OR tipa pogosto prisotna.
neskončnosti: najprej 1, potem 2 in nato neskončno neskončnosti,
Poznejše študije so modele nadgradile in so se pokazale tudi na
kar bi bila neskončnost drugega reda ter tako dalje. Zanimiv je
OR drevesih. Res nenavadno – v kar nekaj razmerah se
bil prof. Hodžar, tudi rektor Univerze v Ljubljani, in njegovo
preiskovanje v dodatno globino ne splača več. Pravzaprav je tudi
numerično računalništvo. Ko je prižgal cigareto, seveda na
v življenju tako – če preveč časa preračunavaš življenjske
hodnikih fakultete, se je okoli njega trlo asistentov, kdo mu jo bo
odločitve, recimo iščeš predvsem službo s čim večjo plačo, boš
prižgal. Prof. Divjak je imel zelo specifičen stil, bil je zelo
verjetno nesrečen v življenju. V tistih časih pa smo živeli za
prijazen in hkrati učinkovit. Ko so se nekoč profesorji na organu
raziskovanje in odkrivanje. Ter za neskončno radost kreiranja
smeri pogovarjali, da bi veljalo narediti samostojno fakulteto za
nečesa čisto novega, kar svet še ni videl ali vedel.
računalništvo, je po nekaj debatah rekel, da bo on to speljal, če
Avtorjev študij se je končal z doktoratom [7], ki je uvedel
mu pomagajo. In so jo res. Diplomirali smo med prvimi študenti
princip in paradoks mnogoterega znanja, verjetno največji
računalništva, pred nami je bil le letnik ali dva.
avtorjev dosežek. Princip pravi, da je najboljša rešitev tista, kjer
Že med poukom je avtor sodeloval s prof. Bratkom. Tema so
sodeluje več akterjev, ki med sabo niso preveč podobni, a so čim
bili razni algoritmi, predvsem pa je prof. Bratka zanimala umetna
bolj kvalitetni. Paradoks pravi, da je skladno s principom
inteligenca in zlasti šah. Prof. Bratko je še sedaj odličen šahist in
univerzalnega Turingovega stroja možno več akterjev (modelov,
avtor ga ni uspel nikoli premagati, čeprav je bil kot amater na
strojev…) nadomestiti z enim samim. Knjiga »Weak
tekmovanju na fakulteti za elektrotehniko z okoli 600 študenti
intelligence: The principle of multiple knowledge« [1] je bila
tam nekje šesti. Tedaj se je mislilo, da je šah najboljše orodje za
dosegljiva preko Amazona, a kakšne posebne tiraže ni dosegla.
umetno inteligenco, ker je natanko definiran in ker omogoča
V Sloveniji pa je izšlo nekaj knjig, recimo Osnove dobrega
preizkušanje raznih algoritmov v odličnem eksperimentalnem
programiranja [8], ki je bila prevedena v hrvaški jezik (Slika 1).
okolju. Do določene mere je to držalo, a računalniški šah je
Prinaša koristne konvencije pri programiranju v jeziku pascal, v
napredoval predvsem zaradi Moorovega zakona in hitre rasti
katerem je avtor sprogramiral na deset tisoče programskih vrstic.
računalniških sposobnosti. Krivulja rasti ratinga računalniškega
šaha je konstantno in enakomerno rasla, dokler ni IBMov Deep
Slovensko računalništvo skozi pogled dijaka l. 1971
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
BRODNIK, Andrej, DOBRIN, Andrej, DROBNIČ, Matija,
PETKOVŠEK, Marko, KODEK, Dušan (editor), VILFAN,
Boštjan (editor), RAPOŠA, Kazimir (editor). Računalništvo,
(Leksikoni Cankarjeve založbe). Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba,
1988. 208 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1329154]
To je prvi leksikon.
GAMS, Matjaž, JAKOPIN, Primož, KANIČ, Ivan, KODEK,
Dušan, MOHAR, Bojan, VILFAN, Bojan, SIROVATKA, Goran
(editor). Računarski rječnik : englesko-hrvatski hrvatsko-
engleski. 1. izd. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1990. 253 str. ISBN 86-361-
0241-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 21344258]
Slovarček je bil predelan za hrvaški jezik.
BRODNIK, Andrej, DOBRIN, Andrej, DROBNIČ, Matija,
programiranja« je uvedla v slovenski prostor osnovne
GAMS, Matjaž, MOHAR, Bojan, PETKOVŠEK, Marko,
koncepte imenovanja spremenljivk, zamikanja teksta
RAPOŠA, Kazimir (editor). Računalništvo, (Leksikoni
programov itd.
Cankarjeve založbe). 2. izd. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1991.
208 str., ilustr. ISBN 86-361-0510-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 20156672]
S stališča društev je bila pomembna ustanovitev SLAIS, tj.
Druga izdaja leksikona.
društva slovenske umetne inteligence, kjer sta bila avtor in prof.
Bratko med ustanovitelji, avtor je s prof. Janezom Peklenikom
PAHOR, David (author, editor), DROBNIČ, Matija,
ustanovil SATENO in kasneje z več sodelavci Inženirsko
BATAGELJ, Vladimir (author, reviewer), BRATINA, Simon,
akademijo Slovenije, z drugimi soavtorji pa društvo za
DJURDJIČ, Vladimir, GABRIJELČIČ, Primož (author,
kognitivne znanosti DKZ in slovensko podružnico ACM
reviewer), GAMS, Matjaž (author, reviewer), KLANČAR,
Slovenija (Gams Informatica), kjer je bil prvi tajnik in prof.
Vilfan prvi predsednik.
Uroš, OŠTIR, Krištof, POTRČ, Matjaž, ROBIČ, Borut,
SEČNIK, Davorin, SIMIČ, Slobodan, TOTH, Jasna. Leksikon
računalništva in informatike. Ljubljana: Pasadena, 2002. 786 str.
ISBN 961-6065-56-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 117254144]
Verjetno zadnja tiskana verzija leksikona ali slovarčka.
S pojavom spletnih aktivnosti se je slovarček prenesel na splet
Skupaj z nekaj 10 soavorji je avtor oblikoval slovensko
(Slika 2). Kasneje se je pojavil še slovar informatike.
koordinatorska, editorska. Že prej je prof. Vladimir Batagelj
uvedel Wiki slovar, kjer so avtorji lahko vpisovali svoje izraze,
a glavni urednik je imel dokaj železno roko in je pogosto uvajal
pretirano lepe in izvirne izraze. Avtor je za razliko od Vlada ubral
bistveno bolj nežen pristop: za vsako področje je nekdo
strokovnjak in zato naj predlaga svoje izraze, dokler se mu drugi
ne zoperstavijo. Čeprav so strokovnjaki pogosto močni značaji,
se je ta pristop kar obnesel. Skupno je nastalo kakšnih 50.000
tiskanih izvodov slovarjev in leksikonov.
GAMS, Matjaž (author, editor), JAKOPIN, Primož, KANIČ,
Ivan, KODEK, Dušan, MOHAR, Bojan, VILFAN, Boštjan,
DIVJAK, Saša, RAPOŠA, Kazimir (editor). Računalniški
slovarček : angleško-slovenski, slovensko-angleški. Ljubljana:
Cankarjeva založba, 1985. 226 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 15631617]
Ta slovarček je bil objavljen leta 1985 in je bil prvi v seriji.
GAMS, Matjaž (author, editor), JAKOPIN, Primož, KANIČ,
Ivan, KODEK, Dušan, MOHAR, Bojan, VILFAN, Boštjan,
DIVJAK, Saša. Računalniški slovarček : angleško-slovenski,
slovensko-angleški. 2. izd. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1987.
226 str. ISBN 86-361-0241-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 37909]
Prišlo je do nekaj ponatisov slovarčka.
Slika 2: Spletna verzija računalniškega slovarčka.
Information Society 2020, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Gams
Matjaž Gams, 2001. Weak intelligence : through the principle and paradox
of multiple knowledge, (Advances in computation, vol. 6). Huntington:
Zadnjih 50 let je bilo gotovo najbolj razburljivih in
Nova Science.
nadebudnih v človeški zgodovini. To obdobje so omogočile
Andrew Hodges, 2014. Alan Turing: The Enigma. Princeton University
računalniške in informacijske tehnologije.
Matjaž Gams, 2021. ACM Turing Award for 2020 Honors Alfred Vaino
Slučajno je leta 1971 avtor tega prispevka izbral izbirni
Aho and Jeffrey David Ullman, Informatica, vol. 45, no. 5, Editorial.
predmet računalništva na bežigrajski gimnaziji, kjer ga je učil
prof. Bratko, nato življenjski mentor. Že tisto prvo leto pa je
Matjaž Gams, 1978. Računalniško konstruiranje strategij iger : diplomska
odkrilo strast in užitek pri generiranju idej v neki formalni obliki,
naloga. Ljubljana.
Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Ivan Bratko, 2006. Is real-valued minimax
obliki računalniškega programa. Nekaj »božanskega« je v
pathological?. Artificial intelligence, ISSN 0004-3702, vol. 170, str. 620-
kreaciji nove simfonije, slike, a še bolj v snovanju inovativnega
programa, ki po možnosti zraven odkriva še nekaj ljudem
Ivan Bratko, Matjaž Gams, 1982. Error analysis of the minimax principle.
V: CLARKE, M.R.B. (ur.). Advances in computer chess. 3, (Pregamon
neznanega, odkriva tančico skrivnosti, pa naj bo to nov algoritem
chess series). Oxford [etc.]: Pergamon Press, vol. 3, str. 1-15.
za iskanje rešitev v grafih, analiza kovida ali študij dolgoživosti
Matjaž Gams, 1988. Principi poenostavljanja v sistemih za avtomatsko
učenje : disertacija. Ljubljana.
človeške civilizacije. Pri tem je vseeno, ali programirate na
Matjaž Gams, Božo Kos (illustrator). Osnove dobrega programiranja :
vikendu na mobilnem telefonu ali v službi na najnovejšem stroju.
metode, tehnike, principi. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1985.
In kmalu bo prišla umetna inteligenca, ki bo prinesla novo,
nesluteno revolucijo v razvoju človeške civilizacije.
Vsi, ki smo sodelovali tedaj ali še bolj mlajši, ki skupaj s
seniorji sedaj kujejo bodočnost, imamo neverjetno srečo, da smo
izbrali najbolj udarno in zanimivo področje, kar jih je kadar koli
Od prve do enajste šole računalništva
Early learnings of computational thinking
Tomi Dolenc
Ljubljana Slovenija
razmišljal o tem, ali bi rad bil astronavt. Zato me je nekaj let
pozneje spoznanje, da se bom v 3. letniku srednje šole srečal s
Prispevek je, z ozirom na zgodovinski fokus konference,
takrat še izbirnim predmetom Računalništvo in učil
zastavljen kot “spomini ostarelega programerja”; njegov namen
programiranja, navdalo s prijetnim vznemirjenjem. Še zlasti, ker
pa je predvsem osvetliti možnosti, ki so se proti koncu
nam je, radovednim nadebudnežem, že od prvega letnika zbujal
sedemdesetih prejšnjega stoletja ponujale srednješolcem za
občudovanje in hkrati frustracije pogled na sošolca Antona
spoznavanje tedaj zelo sveže vede. Skozi osebno refleksijo, kaj
Verbovška, ki se je po šolskih avlah potikal s polnim naročjem
sem se takrat naučil, bi želel iskati tudi navdiha za sedanje čase.
gostih in popolnoma nerazumljivih računalniških izpisov (če se
prav spomnim, je šlo za “post-mortem dump” v šestnajstiški
kodi) in nam prizadevno kazal v tisto zmedo, kaj da mu
Pouk računalništva, računalniško mišljenje, reševanje
računalnik s tem pove.
problemov, algoritem, programski jezik, pascal
A zadeve so šle še na bolje. Področje se je tudi na račun
entuziazma, ki ga je obdajalo, hitro razvijalo in proti koncu
sedemdesetih let dvajsetega stoletja je v Sloveniji obstajal že kar
Given the historical focus of the conference, I try to present,
živahen ekosistem, ki je ob hkratnih tehnoloških novostih
through “memoirs of an old programmer”, the ways and
ponujal obilo priložnosti mladim navdušencem, da osvojijo, pa
opportunities that we had, at a secondary school level in the late
tudi preizkusijo novo znanje. Naj mi bo torej dovoljeno v
70’s, to learn about programming and computer science, which
povezavi z začetki poučevanja računalništva predstaviti tudi to
was at the time a very fresh field of knowledge. From reflecting
prelomno obdobje, ki morda ne bo dobilo tako jasne obeležitve
on my personal learning experience, I aim to draw some
kot leto 71’, pa si jo po mojem mnenju zasluži. V prispevku
inspiration also for the modern teaching of computational
poskušam orisati različne med seboj povezane dele tega
ekosistema, ki je v svojem bistvu vreden posnemanja v
kateremkoli času.
Teaching computer science, computational thinking, problem
solving, algorithm, programming language, pascal
2 ŠOLA …
Težko ocenjujem, kolišen delež je pri tem imelo okolje in ugled
takratne Bežigrajske gimnazije, a z učitelji sem imel srečo. Prvi,
ki nam je – pisalo se je šolsko leto 1978/79 – za začetek pojasnil,
V času začetkov poučevanja računalništva na Slovenskem sem
kaj računalnik je in kako deluje, je bil Vlado Rajkovič, tudi
še obiskoval osnovno šolo in o tem seveda nisem vedel nič. Iz
soavtor takratnega (prvega) srednješolskega učbenika Uvod v
tega časa se spominjam edino (izobraževalne?) oddaje na
računalništvo [1].
televiziji, ki je govorila o računalnikih in programerjih kot tistih
ljudeh, ki računalnike polnijo s podatki in jim nekako “povedo”,
kaj naj delajo. Predstavljeni so bili v belih haljah v nekoliko
znanstveno-fantastičnem okolju in so v moji tedanji predstavi
zadobili nekakšen mitski status nečesa sicer zelo zanimivega, a
praktično izven mojega dosega – tako, kot če bi na primer
∗Article Title Footnote needs to be captured as Title Note
†Author Footnote to be captured as Author Note
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Slika 1: Prvi učbenik za računalništvo v srednji šoli
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
T. Dolenc
2.1 Razumevanje tehnologije
sam to izkušnjo doživljal v nekoliko privilegiranih okoliščinah:
šlo je za dijake s smeri intenzivne matematike na “prestižni”
Razumevanje samih osnov zgradbe in delovanja računalnikov –
naravoslovni gimnaziji, poleg tega smo si lahko premet izbrali,
podatki v spominskih celicah, zaporedje dogodkov pri
torej med nami ni bilo nikogar, ki ga vsebina ne bi zanimala –
procesiranju ukazov – je učinkovito demitologiziralo naš odnos
nekaj, o čemer lahko običajen učitelj oz. učiteljica matematike
do stroja, hkrati pa pomagalo k jasnejši predstavi, kaj lahko s tem
ali pa slovenščine na splošno le sanja…
strojem, s pomočjo programiranja, naredimo - pa tudi, česa ne
A poglavitno za doseganje poglobljenih učinkov poučevanja, kot
moremo. Kot pojasnjujejo tudi avtorji preglednega članka o
jih opisujem v prejšnjem razdelku, je bilo nadgrajevanje solidnih
razvoju predmeta računalništvo [2], je bil pouk v teh letih
osnov, ki smo jih dobili pri predmetu računalništvo, z
pretežno teoretičen, s poudarkom na algoritmih in programskih
usmerjenim reševanjem problemov pri računalniškem krožku.
jezikih, praktične vaje na računalniških centrih pa so zahtevale
Tega sta v omenjenem času na Gimnaziji Bežigrad vodila Mark
precej potrpežljivosti – najprej zaradi zamudnega luknjanja
Martinec in Robert Reinhardt, ki sta za zapis programov
kartic, ki smo jih nato zaupali operaterju – svečeniku (v beli halji,
promovirala takrat še precej mlad programski jezik pascal.
ali pač le v kavbojkah?) – ta pa jih je odnesel v nam nedostopno
Pascal se je zaradi svojih struktur in sintakse, ki se je nagibala k
sobo s terminalom do računalnika, ki se je po vsem sodeč nahajal
“človeku prijaznemu” zapisu kode, izkazal za zelo uporaben
v neki drugi dimenziji. Po daljšem in nestrpnem čakanju so se
“šolski jezik” in je tedaj hitro prodiral tudi v redni pouk
vrata odprla in svečenik nam je predal računalnikov orakelj, ki je
programiranja na vseh stopnjah. Krožek je ponujal bolj
ponavadi rekel, da smo pozabili ločilo in da zato program ne
poglobljeno spoznavanje podatkovnih struktur ter tehnike
deluje. Po dveh tovrstnih seansah je ponavadi že potekel skopo
programiranja, a z močnejšim poudarkom na razumevanju in
odmerjeni čas, ki nam je pripadal po razporedu vključenih šol.
izgradnji postopkov, pri samem kodiranju pa smo se učili tudi
Kakor se že ta izkušnja bere anegdotično, pa nam je dajala
pravil “dobrega” in elegantnega programiranja, pri čemer je treba
neposredno prvo lekcijo: da je stroj v osnovi “neumen” in da
“eleganco” razumeti najprej v fukciji učinkovitosti programa,
moramo biti zato toliko bolj pazljivi mi, ko mu naročamo, kaj naj
šele potem v sami estetiki, katere namen je bila predvem
opravi. Klub preprostosti takratnih orodij in računalnikov je ta
berljivost kode.
osnovna lekcija aktualna tudi po desetletjih razvoja in v času, ko
Krožek je tudi spodbujal k udeležbi na računalniških
so komunikacijske tehnologije, umetna inteligenca in strojno
tekmovanjih, ki so bila takrat v svojih začetkih (tu moram
učenje na ravni, ki omogoča legitimno debato o prihajajoči
popraviti navedbo v [2] – republiška tekmovanja za srednješolce
avtonomnosti strojev.
so se začela že leta 1977), pomenila pa so odlično spodbudo
tekmovalni komisiji za sestavljanje inovativnih in duhovitih
2.2 Reševanje problemov
nalog, ki so utelešale in utrjevale vsa zgoraj našteta načela
Ključno dodano vrednost ostalim predmetom pa je pouk
reševanja problemov. Obenem so mladim tekmovalcem ponudila
računalništva – vsaj v mojem spominu – prispeval z učenjem
prvi širši stik s skupnostjo, ki se je na področju računalništva
reševanja razmeroma vsakdanjih problemov skozi razumevanje
medsebojno oplajala z izkušnjami, vključevala pa je vse od
postopkov. Tudi nekateri drugi predmeti – vsaj matematika in
karizmatičnih vrhov, kakršen je bil Anton P. Železnikar, do zelo
fizika, pa verjetno delam še kateremu krivico z ne-omembo – so
mladih zagnancev, ki so tudi nas, še odraščajoče, poskušali
nas učili analitičnega in strukturiranega pristopa k reševanju
pritegniti v svoj krog.
problemov; vendar je bil prav zaradi omejitev, ki jih postavlja
“neumni stroj” v svojem razumevanju sveta oz. konteksta – tudi
ta okvir zlahka apliciramo na današnje precej bolj komplicirane
sisteme – ključni poudarek prav na razvoju sposobnosti
Že v uvodu je nakazano, da je bilo obdobje 1976-1980, v katerem
razumevanja in razčlenjevanja reševanja posameznega problema
sem obiskoval srednjo šolo, zelo živahno in je poleg omenjenega
na postopke, do nivoja, ki ga lahko “razume” oz. izvede celo tako
predmeta računalništvo ponujalo vedno več priložnosti, da si
preprost avtomat.
mladi nadebudneži (in tudi nadebudnice, že takrat so tudi dekleta
A hkrati je prišlo tudi spoznanje, da z obvladovanjem preprostih
odnašala nagrade na tekmovanjih v programiranju!) dodatno
opravil, ki jih potem lahko odmislimo in prepustimo v obdelavo
razširimo obzorja, pa tudi preizkusimo svoje znanje v praksi. Če
stroju, lahko postopoma gradimo zelo kompleksne postopke in
je bil v prvem letniku kolega Verbovšek eksota, ker je imel
sisteme. Skupaj je ta nauk predstavljal kar dobro osnovo tega, kar
dostop do svetišča IBM na FMF, smo na koncu šolanja že družno
danes imenujemo “računalniško mišljenje”.
tolkli po tipkovnicah računalniških terminalov, ki so bili vsaj za
Šele v drugem delu učne snovi smo se srečali s konkretnim
nekaj časa samo naši…
programskim jezikom; takrat je bil to še FORTRAN, jezik, ki je
bil primarno namenjen reševanju računskih problemov, manj
3.1 IJS
idealen pa morda za osnovno učenje algoritmov. Pri tem je bila
razmeroma pomembna lekcija tudi ta, da programski jezik, kot
Močan del te živahne skupnosti oz. ekosistema za gojenje novih
dejansko orodje upravljanja z računalnikom, predstavlja le formo
računalniških znanj je bil na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan, predvsem v
izvršitve in je v tem smislu podrejen algoritmu – ne pa morda
takratnem odseku za računalništvo in informatiko. Naši učitelji
so nas kmalu povabili tudi na ogled tamkajšnjega računalniškega
centra, kakor bi lahko rekli majhni sobici z dvema računalnikoma
2.3 Krožek in tekmovanja za navdušence
PDP 11/10 in PDP 11/34 (spominski disk, ki je takrat popolnoma
ustrezal svojemu imenu in je “servisiral” celoten računalniški
Vse zgoraj našteto se zdi morda kar ambiciozno za izbirni
odsek inštituta, je po mojem spominu hranil neverjetnih 10 Mb
predmet z razmeroma malo urami. Pošteno je spomniti, da sem
Od prve do enajste šole računalništva
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia
podatkov). Za vedno se mi je vtisnil v spomin občutek, ko smo
lahko lastnoročno, neposredno na prednji plošči samega
Zaključek teh refleksij se nakazuje že v uvodu. Po prvih začetkih
računalnika, vtipkali osmiško kodo spominske celice, kjer je
poučevanja računalništva v prvi polovici sedemdesetih se je že v
računalnik začel prebirati navodila za lastno prebujenje. Počutili
nekaj letih razvil živahen ekosistem znanja, ki so ga poganjali
smo se kot dajalci življenja; odtistihmal razumem, zakaj
predvsem entuziastični posamezniki. Poudaril bi rad, da so nas
sistemski inženirji gledajo na svet nekoliko zviška.
vsi ti ljudje, ki so bili izjemno odprti in pristopni, predvsem
Na IJS smo potem lahko šli opravljati tudi počitniško prakso, kjer
poskušali naučiti misliti. Četudi je sodobno razvojno
smo programirali v STRUCTRAN-u, programskem jeziku oz.
programiranje precej na drugačni ravni kot “uredi N števil v
orodju, katerega namen je bil v osnovi uvajati pravila dobrega
tabeli”, pa še vedno velja, da so si programski jeziki v osnovi
programiranja v delo z jezikom FORTRAN, pa tudi olajšati delo
podobni, pa tudi temeljne zapovedi “lepega in dobrega”
programerju oz. približati kodiranje človeškemu razmišljanju.
programiranja še vedno veljajo v časih, ko daleč nad spodnjimi
Zame pa je že tisti prvi pogled na “računalniški center” in “kul
nivoji procesov v računalniku, v najbolj trendovskem razvojnem
modele”, ki so se sprehajali skozenj, zapečatil smer mojega
okolju “zgolj” izbiramo in sestavljamo iz bogatega nabora orodij
študija in kariere (#tudijazbitukajdelal).
v knjižnicah, za katere ne moremo popolnoma vedeti, do katere
mere lahko njihovo delovanje predvidimo.
3.2 Sredin seminar
Če pa stopimo vstran od programiranja – tudi sam nisem
Po svoje še nenavadnejši je bil vstop v zelo raznoliko skupino
programer – zlahka ugotovimo, da je “algoritmični” ali
ljudi, ki se je vsako sredo zbirala v okvirju kultnega sredinega
računalniški pogled na reševanje problemov zelo koristno orodje
seminarja za numerično in računalniško matematiko, ki prav
v različnih vedah ali življenjskih situacijah; poznavanje vsaj
letos tudi praznuje 50-letnico. V seminarju so dobile priložnost
osnovnih konceptov delovanja algoritmov in splošno
za predstavitev zelo različne vznemirljive teme, od precej
informacijske tehnologije pa nedvomno še precej bolj
kompleksnih matematičnih, pa do elementarnih (in poglobljenih)
pomemben del splošne izobrazbe kot pred pedtesetimi leti.
predstavitev urejevalnikov besedil ali operacijskih sistemov, pa
Zapomniti si velja tudi, da je šola dobra, enajsta šola (pod
tudi Rubikove kocke (in seveda algoritma za njeno reševanje).
mostom) kot sinonim učenja ob življenjskh situacijah pa, če ne
Vodil ga je legendarni lik slovenskega računalniškega panteona,
še boljša, vsaj enako potrebna. Zato želim izpostaviti, da je v času
Egon Zakrajšek, tam pa sem srečal tudi svoje poznejše profesorje
mojega šolanja bilo poučevanje računalništva vpeto v že takrat
takrat mlajše matematične generacije, ki je svoje raziskovalno
dobro delujoče okolje, ki nam je nudilo prav toliko znanja o
delo tesno prepletla z računalništvom: Vladimirja Batagelja,
računalništvu, kot smo si ga želeli, najbolj radovedne med nami
Tomaža Pisanskega, Bojana Moharja, Marka Petkovška… Vlado
pa kar hitro posrkalo do te mere, da smo v dveh letih v njem že
je uspel štafeto seminarja ohraniti do današnjega dne [4]. Veliko
začeli delovati kot njegovi promotorji; tako sem se tudi sam že
nam je pomenilo, da so samoumevno medse sprejeli tudi
čez nekaj let znašel v prijetni družbi evangelistov, ki je zgoraj
radovedne “smrkavce”, kakršen sem bil takrat sam. Ta izkušnja
opisana načela poskušala razširjati tudi s knjižico nalog, ki smo
pa mi je tudi zelo razširila obzorja računalništva in pokazala
jo poimenovali kar “enajsta šola računalništva”. A to je že druga
prepletenost te vede z ostalimi.
3.3 Iskra Delta
Nepričakovana dodatna priložnost za radovedne srednješolce se
je ponudila, ko smo – zdi se mi, da leta 1979 – kot ponavadi
poskušali vtakniti svoje prste v vsak računalnik na takrat izjemno
popularnem sejmu sodobne elektronike (zlasti eden od sošolcev
je imel izjemno intuicijo, da že z nekaj pritiski na tipke povzroči
kak zastoj delovanja). Na razstavnem prostoru Iskre Delta nas je
prijazno ogovoril Branko Lozar, ki je takrat skrbel za
izobraževanje. Že po nekaj besedah smo bili domenjeni, da smo
s skupino sošolcev prihajali v izobraževalni center Iskre Delta,
kjer smo se spoznavali z računalniki Digital Equipment
Corporation, ki so bili še dolga leta potem stalnica na univerzah
inštitutih, pa tudi v podjetjih. Delta je takrat že proizvajala prve
Slika 2: Poklon enajsti šoli kot metodi učenja. Tudi v
slovenske terminale KOPA in med poletjem smo tisti, ki smo bili
pripravljeni nekaj počitnic zamenjati za čemenje v sicer svetli
“kleti” pred zasloni, dobili povsem svojo učilnico z lastnimi
terminali, kjer smo se lahko z računalniki “igrali” do
Zahvalil bi se rad vsem izjemnim posameznikom, ki sem jih
onemoglosti. Ne, ne igric. Edina usmeritev podjetja je bila,
naštel v besedilu, in tudi tistim, ki sem jih zaradi omejitev
“Sprogramirajte kaj zanimivega. Karkoli.” Lozar je imel
izpustil, ker so nam znali kazati pot.
nalezljivo veselje do dela z mladimi (klicali smo ga “striček
Branko”) ter prepričanje, da je najbolje pustiti kreativnosti prosto
pot – bo že kaj koristnega iz tega. Prepričanje, ki pod pritiski
Bratko Ivan, Vladislav Rajkovič: Uvod v računalništvo. DZS, Ljubljana,
kapitala danes umira tudi v najresnejših raziskovalnih inštitutih.
Alenka Krapež, Vladislav Rajkovič, Vladimir Batagelj, Rado
Wechtersbach: Razvoj predmeta računalništvo in informatika v osnovni
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
T. Dolenc
in srednji šoli, DSI 2001.
Vitek Andrej, Tvrdy Iztok, Reinhardt Robert, Mohar Bojan, Martinec
Mark, Dolenc Tomi, Batagelj Vladimir: Problems in programming /
Experience through practice. Wiley, 1991.
50 let računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah – pogled
dijakinje in kasneje učiteljice ter ravnateljice na Gimnaziji
50 years of teaching computer science in Slovenian secondary schools – experience of a
student and later a teacher and principal of Gimnazija Vič
Saša Divjak
Alenka Krapež
FirstName Surname
Department Name
Gimnazija Vič
Department Name
Institution/University Name
Institution/University Name
City State Country
City State Country
V prispevku predstavim svoje izkušnje in pogled na
poučevajne računalništva v srednjih šolah
. Pri tem
izhajam iz svojih dijaških dni na Gimnaziji Vič, ki
V predmetniku gimnazije v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja so bile
segajo v osemdeseta leta prejšnjega stoletja, nato pa
tudi ure pouka, ki jih je šola razporejala sama. To so bila tako
podelim izkušnje, ki sem jih na tej isti šoli
imenovana "praktična znanja". Na Gimnaziji Vič smo tako v
mojem "intenzivnem razredu" imeli v prvem letniku opisno
kot učiteljica v usmerjenem izobraževanju in na
splošni gimnaziji
geometrijo, v drugem letniku (šol. leto 1979/1980) pa
ter zadnja leta kot ravnateljica.
računalništvo. Takrat so računalništvo poučevali profesorji in
strokovnjaki iz različnih fakultet, inštitutov in podjetij.
Pri pouku računalništva smo spoznali zgradbo računalnika, risali
srednja šola, poučevanje računalništva in informatike
diagrame potekov in jih potem zapisali v Fortranu – in vse to "na
tablo". Najbolj mi je ostala v spominu ena od praktičnih nalog –
vsak dijak je dobil nek problem, ki ga je moral rešiti s pomočjo
The paper presents my experiences and views on teaching
programa. Moj je bil, da izračunam, koliko zrn pšenice se nabere,
Computer Science and Informatics in secondary schools. I lean
če na prvo šahovsko polje postavim eno zrno, na vsako naslednje
on my own student days at Gimnazija Vič, which date back to
pa enkrat toliko zrn kot na prejšnje. Programe smo napisali na
the 1980s, and then I share the experience I gained at this same
roko in potem odšli na računalniški center, ki je bil takrat na
school as a teacher in vocational and general education
Vegovi ulici v Ljubljani. Sošolka je program pretipkala na
programmes, and in recent years as a principal.
luknjane kartice, učitelj jih je odnesel v čitalnik … in jih potem
prinesel nazaj, ker … moj program ni delal … napačno sem
secondary school, teaching Computer Science and Informatics
definirala podatkovni tip. "Integer" je bil celo za
šahovnico 3x3 polj premalo … To je edina naloga iz nabora vseh
nalog pri vseh predmetih iz srednje šole, ki sem si jo zapomnila
… Kartice s programom sem dolgo hranila, še svojim dijakom
sem jih kazala … Čudno, nihče od sošolcev se v tistih časih ni
50 let poučevanja računalništva v srednjih šolah je častitljiv
pritoževal, da je programiranje pretežko.
jubilej. Zlasti v luči "starosti" te vede. Slovenski pionirji na
področju računalništva so vizionarsko in entuziastično orali
ledino. S ponosom lahko rečemo, da so v začetnem obdobju tudi
v mednarodnih merilih predstavljali zgleden primer.
V pričujočem prispevku predstavljam svoje videnje pouka
Že v času mojega gimnazijskega izobraževanja se je z reformo
računalništva skozi izkušnje dijakinje in učiteljice od zgodnjih
srednjega šolstva uvedlo usmerjeno izobraževanje (l. 1981) in
osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja do danes.
tako so splošne srednje šole dobile strokovne usmeritve. Viška
gimnazija je postala srednja šola za računalništvo. To je bila prva
srednja računalniška šola. Vem, da je bilo za ravnatelja najtežje
poiskati učitelje strokovnih predmetov. Pionir med učitelji
računalniških predmetov je bil Franc Klopčič, sicer pa so
strokovne predmete učili absolventi in študenti računalništva, pa
tudi asistenti s takratne ljubljanske Fakultete za elektrotehniko in
računalništvo. Enako težko je bilo z učno opremo. Pri tem si je
Information Society 2021, 6 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Alenka Krapež
šola veliko pomagala sama. Nabavili so ID 80, opremili učilnico
načrt za predmet računalništvo in informatika. Še prej pa
z monitorji in kupili nekaj takrat popularnih Spectrumov. Šola je
izobraziti izobraževalce, saj ni šlo več za eksperimentalne šole
prosila za pomoč tudi različna podjetja; pomagal je IJS,
ampak za vse srednje šole, ki so se jim že pridruževale tudi
Mladinska knjiga, tudi Iskra Delta. Stiska je bila tako z učbeniki
osnovne šole.
kot tudi z učnimi gradivi, ki jih preprosto ni bilo. Pomagali smo
Pred Zavodom za šolstvo je bil velik izziv. En od prvih korakov
si s skriptami in z učbeniki s fakultete ter s tujimi učbeniki.
Zavoda je bil storjen z vzpostavitvijo skupine "Učitelji
Ko je ravnatelj po naključju izvedel, da sem zaključila študij
inštruktorji", ki se je izobraževala na Inštitutu Jozef Stefan. To
elektrotehnike, me je preprosto povabil, naj pridem učit
so bili izbrani učitelji matematike in računalništva na srednjih
strokovne predmete s področja strojne opreme. Vabilo sem z
šolah. V šolah, za katere so bili zadolženi, so izvajali tečaje osnov
veseljem sprejela, saj me je delo v razredu zanimalo. Učne načrte
računalništva. Skupina je delovala sedem let, nasledil pa jo je
usmerjenega izobraževanja so leta 1989 ponovno prenovili, tako
projekt Ro – računalniško opismenjevanje, ki je nadaljeval s
da sem za natanko eno leto še "ujela" stari program s predmetom
širjenjem znanj učiteljem vseh predmetov. Vzporedno s tem
računalniški sistemi v 4. letniku, dijake v prenovljenem
projektom je potekalo v organizacij Zavoda za šolstvo tudi veliko
programu pa sem začela poučevati predmet aparaturna oprema.
drugih projektov, ki naj bi v šole smiselno umestili znanje in
Takrat je šola že razpolagala z učilnico Partnerjev z operacijskim
uporabo IKT. Marsikatera dobra praksa je ostala, žal pa
sistemom CP/M in tudi z učilnico računalnikov PC 286, ki so bili
sistemskega pristopa k poučevanju temeljnih znanj s področja
povezani v računalniško omrežje Novell ...
računalništva še vedno ni …
Razvoj samega predmeta na gimnaziji in s tem poučevanja
temeljnih znanj s področja računalništva pa se je pospešil šele,
ko je predmet, ki se je za ta namen moral preimenovati v
Nova reforma je leta 1990 vrnila gimnazije, srednje tehnične šole
informatiko, postal maturitetni. To se je zgodilo šele leta 2005,
med katerimi so nekatere prevzele tudi področje računalništva in
maturo iz informatike pa so dijaki lahko izbrali šele na maturi
informatike s prenovljenimi učnimi načrti. Potreba časa je v
2007. Velik zaostanek (od leta 1990 do 2005) se počasi
srednji šoli vzpostavila obvezni splošno izobraževalni predmet
zmanjšuje, še vedno pa ostaja to predmet, ki je v vsej vertikali
računalništvo in informatika. Obvezen je bil samo v 1. letniku, v
obvezen samo v 1. letniku gimnazije in nekaterih srednjih šol,
obsegu 2 uri pouka na teden, kot izbiren pa je bil na voljo tudi v
sicer pa ima status izbirnega predmeta.
višjih letnikih. Vsi obvezni gimnazijski predmeti, razen športne
vzgoje, glasbe in predmeta računalništvo in informatika, so
postali maturitetni predmeti in praviloma so ti zasedli t. i. izbirne
ure. To je eden od ključnih razlogov, da se je razvoj predmeta
Ko gledam nazaj – kot dijakinja, učiteljica računalništva,
računalništvo in informatika upočasnil, saj je v večini šol obtičal
učiteljica informatike, mentorica dijakom pri raziskovalnih
v prvem letniku in prevzel osnovno opismenjevanje.
nalogah in krožku, pa tudi kot učiteljica inštruktorica in vodja
Sistematičnega računalniškega opismenjevanja v osnovi šoli
študijske skupine za računalništvo in informatiko, sedaj pa kot
namreč ni bilo, potreba po računalniških znanjih pa je postajala
ravnateljica Gimnazije Vič – se mi milo stori ob misli, koliko je
čedalje bolj očitna.
bilo vloženega napora … in zaigra srce, ko vidim naše nekdanje
Gimnazija Vič je bila ena redkih gimnazij, ki je kljub temu, da
dijake, ki uspešno razvijajo in širijo računalniška znanja na
predmet ni bil maturiteten vsa leta poučevala informatiko tudi v
najrazličnejših področjih računalništva doma in v tujini. Svetlo
2. letniku, v okviru izbirnih ur. Za dijake, ki so želeli več in bolj
bodočnost na tem področju zagotavlja tudi skupnost učiteljev
poglobljena znanja pa smo vodili računalniške krožke …
računalništva, ki jo strokovno vodi dr. Andrej Brodnik.
V tem času se je nekako zameglilo, kakšno vlogo naj ima
Samo še sistemski pristop manjka ...
računalnik oziroma informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija
(IKT) v šoli, kaj je naloga šole in kaj potrebuje šola kot institucija
za svoje delovanje. Pomešala so se področja vloge računalnika
pri drugih predmetih, uporabe računalnika za vodenje procesov,
Zbornik 50 let Gimnazije Vič, Gimnazija Vič 1999.
Gimnazija Vič 1929-2019, Gimnazija Vič, 2019.
ki se odvijajo v šoli, in poučevanja temeljnih računalniških znanj.
Alenka Krapež, Vladislav Rajkovič, Vladimir Batagelj, Rado
Vzporedno s tem se je odpirala kopica specifičnih nalog za vsako
Wechtersbach: Razvoj predmeta računalništvo in informatika v osnovni
in srednji šoli, DSI 2001.
od omenjenih področij uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijske
tehnologije v šoli. Šole je bilo potrebno ustrezno opremiti,
Zapis Mirjane Kregar.
Lastna dokumentacija.
didaktika predmetov je terjala posodobitev, učitelje je bilo
potrebno ustrezno izobraziti, pripraviti je bilo potrebno učni
Moje računalniško izobraževanje
My computer science education
Franc Solina
franc.solina@f ri.uni- lj.si
Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Univerza v Ljubljani
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
— tisti, ki je učil naše “angleže”, to je drugo polovico našega ra-
zreda — trdil, da bo Slovenija v prihodnosti potrebovala največ tri
V članku podajam kronološki pregled mojega izobraževanja na
do štiri računalnike in da je učenje programiranja potemtakem
področju računalništva, od izbirnega predmeta na gimnaziji v
proč vržen čas. Mene je kljub temu računalništvo tako pritegnilo,
zgodnjih 1970-tih letih, preko doktorskega študija v ZDA in ka-
da sem se po maturi leta 1974, sicer po nekaj premišljanja, odlo-
snejših aktivnostih kot univerzitetni profesor.
čil za vpis na Fakulteto za elektrotehniko. Kompromis pa je bil
vzporedni vpis na študij Filozofije na Filozofski fakulteti, saj so
me zanimala vprašanja, ki bi jih danes lahko bolje opredelili kot
Gimnazija Bežigrad, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, doktorski študij,
kognitivno znanost.
Univerza Pensilvanije, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Univerza je seveda pomenila velik preskok od dotedanjega šola-
The article gives a cronological overview of my education in
nja, čeprav na FE manj kot na FF. Na srečo nas je z gimnazije in z
computer science, ranging from an elective course in high school
intenzivne matematike šlo kar nekaj sošolcev. Omenim naj Saša
in the early 1970s up to doctoral studies in US and later activities
Tomažiča, pa Andreja Levstka, ki sta kasneje ostala na fakulteti.
as an university professor.
Spomnim se prof. dr. Keršiča (Osnove elektrotehnike), ki je na
začetku predavanj pokazal na desno polovico Predavalnice 1 in
rekel, “vi boste prišli naprej v 2. letnik, vi na levi pa ne!” Na
Bežigrad grammar school, Faculty of electrical engineering, doc-
srečo sem se usedel na pravo stran predavalnice ,. Za številne
toral studies, University of Pennsylvania, Faculty of computer
profesorje smo prevzeli ali pa izumili nove nadimke. Prof. dr.
and information science
GAbrielu TOmšiču smo nadeli vzdevek GATO, saj se je s svojo
drobno postavo kot maček sukal pred tablo. Z dobro gimnazijsko
naravoslovno osnovo sem sicer prva dva letnika na FE zlahka
Gimnazija Bežigrad
zaključil. V 1. letniku sem tudi dobil svoj prvi elektronski kalkula-
tor Texas Instruments. Takrat sem lahko tudi dokaj redno opravil
Po osnovni šoli dr. Vita Kraigherja sem se brez veliko premišljanja
vse študijske obveznosti na FF. Študij filozofije sem opustil šele
vpisal na mojemu domu najbližjo gimnazijo Bežigrad. Ker me je
v četrtem letniku, saj takratni študijski program ni bil po mo-
matematika vedno veselila, sem se odločil za razred z intenzivno
jem okusu, študij elektrotehnike pa je tudi zahteval vedno več
matematiko. Tisto leto je bilo za intenzivno matematiko veliko
časa. Nisem želel niti opustiti mojih prostočasnih dejavnosti, to
zanimanja in je gimnazija sestavila kar dva razreda z intenzivno
je učenja smučanja in kasneje še potapljanja.
matematiko. V našem razredu, paralelki 𝑐 , nas je bila polovica z
intenzivno matematiko, polovica pa z intenzivno angleščino. Ma-
tematiko nas je učil slavni Ivan Štalec. V tretjem letniku (1972/73)
smo imeli možnost izbrati dodatni predmet Računalništvo. Tisto
leto so se trije učitelji računalništva med seboj dokaj pogosto
izmenjavali oziroma nadomeščali. Tako sem spoznal poleg prof.
Rajkoviča tudi prof. Bratka in prof. Lajovica. V okviru predmeta
smo tudi “obiskali” računalnik IBM 1130 na FE.
O računalništvu do takrat nisem vedel kaj dosti, še največ iz
knjig o znanstveni fantastiki, ki sem jih redno prebiral. Isaac
Asimov je bil eden od zgodnjih vplivov in veliko pozneje sem
ga med mojim doktorskim študijem v ZDA tudi osebno srečal in
Slika 1: Smer Avtomatika, 4. letnik, šolsko leto 1977/78. V
dobil njegovo posvetilo v knjigo, ki jo je takrat izdal [25].
akademskih in znanstvenih krogih so poleg avtorja iz te
Pouk računalništva pa ni bil med takratnimi učitelji univer-
generacije ostali še Jurij Šilc, Bojan Nemec in Jadran Le-
zalno prijazno sprejet. Spomnim se, da je celo učitelj matematike
narčič, vsi na IJS.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
Po drugem letniku, pa se nisem odločil za smer Računalništvo
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
ampak raje za Avtomatiko, sisteme in kibernetiko (Slika 1). Avto-
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
matika je bila v tistem času bolj uveljavljena smer, delo s signali
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner /author(s).
so me tudi bolj zanimali kot klasična umetna inteligenca. Morda
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
me je podzavestno premamila tudi meni čarobna beseda kiberne-
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
tika, ki sem jo poznal še iz knjig Asimova? Tako sem se znašel v
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Franc Solina
smo obdelovali razne oceanografske podatke Jadranskega morja,
ki jih je inštitut sam zbiral s svojo oceanografsko ladjo Andrija
Mohorovičić, najvišjo stopnjo zaupnosti pa so takrat imeli podatki
o deviacijah gravitacijskega pospeška 𝑔, kar je bilo pomembno
za vodenje raketnih izstrelkov. Sicer pa so bili takrat komerci-
alno najpomembnejši pomorski navigacijski zemljevidi, ki so jih
tiskali v tiskarni inštituta. Prvič v življenju sem imel na voljo
skoraj neskončno računalniškega časa, tako da sem programiral
predvsem stvari, ki so me zanimale, med drugim tudi Conwayevo
igro življenja.
Pensilvanska univerza
Za Fulbrightovo štipendijo sem kandidiral že takoj po diplomi,
vendar je moja kandidatura uspela šele po zaključenem magistr-
skem študiju. Dobil sem Fulbrightovo potovalno štipendijo [8]
Slika 2: Skupina, ki se je ukvarjala z računalniško analizo
in štipendijo sklada IREX [13], obenem pa še mesto gostujočega
signalov EKG: z desne prof. dr. Ludvik Gyergyek, dr. Mar-
raziskovalca na Pensilvanski univerzi [31]. Moja gostiteljica in
jan Vezjak, prof. dr. Krunoslav Turkulin in medicinski teh-
kasnejša mentorica je bila prof. dr. Ruzena Bajcsy, ki je na Od-
nik med posvetom v Krapinskih toplicah okoli leta 1980.
delku za računalništvo in informatiko (CIS) vodila laboratorij
Foto: Franc Solina.
GRASP (General Robotics, Automation, Sensing & Perception
Lab) [9]. University of Pennsylvania, ki je zasebna univerza v
laboratoriju prof. dr. Ludvika Gyergyeka, kjer sem naredil tako
Philadelphiji in članica Ivy Leage, je v svetu računalništva znana
diplomo [23] kot znanstveni magisterij [24], takrat zaposlen že
predvsem kot rojstni kraj računalnika ENIAC [6]. Takorekoč v
kot stažist oz. mladi raziskovalec. Moj delovni mentor je bil dr.
predsobi našega laboratorija in moje pisarne je takrat še vedno
Marjan Vezjak, delal pa sem na analizi signalov EKG (Slika 2).
stalo nekaj kosov (omar) originalnega ENIACa (Slika 3).
Takrat so bili člani laboratorija še Nikola Pavešić, France Mihelič,
Franjo Pernuš, Stane Kovačič, Andrej Kuščer, Bojan Grošelj in
Franc Jager, ki se še danes ukvarja z analizo EKG na FRI.
Programiral sem v jeziku C na računalniku PDP-11/34. Cela
katedra si je delila ta računalnik. Takrat še ni bilo osebnih raču-
nalnikov. Zato so za mlajše člane kolektiva ostale noči kot edini
možni čas za delo na računalniku. Programirali smo tako, da smo
programe najprej napisali na papir in jih nato pretipkali na kon-
zoli, nato pa poganjali program in odpravljali napake. Podatke,
to je posnetke EKG, ki smo jih dobili od naših zdravnikov, smo
hranili na magnetnih trakovih s pomočjo instrumentacijskega
magnetofona HP3964. Moj glavni dobavitelj posnetkov EKG in
mentor na medicinskem področju je bil dr. Japec Jakopin, ki mi
je kot sin dveh eminentnih mojstrov besede celo lektoriral mojo
magistrsko nalogo. Problem je bil tudi kako dokumentirati naše
rezultate, to je slike signalov EKG, ki so se izpisovali na kato-
dnem zaslonu računalnika. Razen tiskalnika T TY nismo imeli
nobene druge izhodne enote. Rešitev mi je nakazal Zaviša Bjelo-
Slika 3: Člani laboratorija GRASP s prof. dr. Ruzeno Bajcsy,
grlić, dve leti mlajši podiplomski študent v našem laboratoriju
ustanoviteljico laboratorija na sredini, leta 1984. Na desni
in navdušen fotograf. Popolna tema, fotoaparat SLR na stativu,
v ozadju stojijo še komponente računalnika ENIAC [22].
slikanje zaslona z dolgimi časi ekspozicije na visoko kontrastni
film, nato razvijanje filma in izdelava fotografij v temnici na fa-
Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy [21], po rodu iz Slovaške, je svoj drugi
kulteti. Vse to sem se moral naučiti, da sem lahko fotografije z
doktorat znanosti dobila na Univerzi Stanford pod mentorstvom
rezultati nalepil v tipkopis svojega magistrskega dela, ki sem ga
prof. Johna McCarthya [15], enega od pionirjev umetne inteli-
natipkal na svoj mehanski pisalni stroj. Šele Zaviša je bil prvi
gence. Prof. McCarthy je leta 1955 v projektnem predlogu za
v našem laboratoriju, ki se je lotil pisanja svojega magisterija
organizacijo konference v Darthmouthu, ki je potekala poleti leta
na računalniku s programom nroff. Imel sem tudi eminentno
1956 in velja za rojstni kraj nove znanstvene discipline, tudi sko-
komisijo za zagovor svoje magistrske naloge [24], v kateri sta
val ime za to novo disciplino — Artificial Intelligence [15]. Zato se
bila kar dva bodoča člana SAZU, poleg mojega mentorja prof. dr.
lahko pohvalim, da je moj akademski “dedek” eden od začetnikov
Ludvika Gyergyeka [3] še zdravnik prof. dr. Matija Horvat [32].
umetne inteligence [18].
Prvo leto svojega bivanja v Philadelphiji sem imel status go-
Hidrografski inštitut vojne mornarice
stujočega raziskovalca, toda moje ambicije so bile večje. Ker je
Po seriji srečnih naključij se je moje služenje obveznega voja-
bila moja mentorica zadovoljna z mojim delom, me je finančno
škega roka odvilo v računalniškem centru Hidrografskega inšti-
podprla, da sem se lahko naslednje leto vpisal na doktorski pro-
tuta vojne mornarice v Splitu. Inštitut je sedaj civilna ustanova
gram. Ker sem že prvo leto neformalno poslušal predmete na
[11]. V centru smo imeli na voljo računalnik iz serije PDP-11,
doktorskem študiju, sem lahko že v naslednjem letu opravljal
zaposleni pa so bili praktično samo civilni uslužbenci. V centru
rigoroz, ki je pogoj za doktorski naziv. Rigoroz (angl. preliminary
Moje računalniško izobraževanje
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
exam ali candidacy) se je takrat pisal tri dni zaporedoma, vsak
dan po tri oziroma štiri temeljne računalniške predmete, skupaj
deset predmetov. Ker v Ljubljani nisem izbral študijske smeri
računalništvo, sem moral precej snovi nadoknaditi, vse od ma-
tematične logike, teorije programskih jezikov, prevajalnikov itd.
Čez pol leta je sledil še drugi del rigoroza, to sta bila dva izbirna
predmeta, običajno povezana s temo doktorske disertacije. Izbral
sem računalniški vid in robotiko. Robotiko nam je predaval prof.
Richard P. Paul, eden od pionirjev robotske kinematike [20].
Moji sošolci iz laboratorija GRASP so se raztepli skoraj po
vsem svetu: Gregory Hager ( John Hopkins University) [10], ki je
štiri leta bil tudi moj cimer, Peter Allen (Columbia University),
David Heeger (New York University) [5], Hugh Durrant-Whyte
Slika 4: Člani laboratorija LRV s prof. dr. Ruzeno Bajcsy
(University of Sydney) [12], Eric Krotkov (Toyota Research Insti-
leta 1995. Od leve proti desni stojita Peter Peer in Franc
tute) [7], Stephane Mallat (Collège de France in École normale
Solina, sedijo pa Aleš Jaklič, Bojan Kverh, Ruzena Bajcsy
supérieure) [30], Ken Goldberg (Univerza Kalifornije, Berkeley)
in Aleš Leonardis.
[16]. Moja mentorica Ruzena Bajcsy pa se je po nekaj letih kot
botra, kar pa ni bilo vedno slabo. Na samem začetku nisem imel
poddirektor NSF v Washingtonu v času Clintonove administracije
nobene fakultetne opreme, za prvo financiranje od takratne razi-
preselila v Kalifornijo, kjer je profesorica na Univerzi Kalifornije,
skovalne skupnosti sem se moral zelo naprezati. Svoj Laboratorij
za računalniški vid so mi odobrili šele leta 1991. Ustanovili smo
V času mojega bivanja v Philadelphiji sem za krajše razisko-
ga celo v istih dneh, ko se je osamosvajala Slovenija. Kakšno
valne obiske odprl vrata v laboratorij GRASP še več kot desetim
leto kasneje smo za laboratorij dobili večji prostor. Odlično sem
drugim raziskovalcem s FE. Omenim naj Jasno Maver in Aleša
sodeloval s takratnim dekanom prof. dr. Baldomirjem Zajcem pri
Leonardisa, ki sta kasneje na FE pod mojim mentorstvom dok-
organizaciji konference IEEE Melecon leta 1991 v Cankarjevem
torirala in Staneta Kovačiča, ki je skupaj s prof. Bajcsy objavil
domu tik pred razglasitvijo samostojnosti, kasneje pa sva začela
prvi članek o elastični poravnavi medicinskih slik [1], ki ima
z organizacijo konferenc ERK. Skrbel sem predvsem za urejanje
na Google učenjaku več kot 1600 citatov. Za podporo sloven-
konferenčnih zbornikov. Prevzel sem tudi tehniško uredništvo
skim akademikom je Univerza v Ljubljani prof. Bajcsy leta 2001
Elektrotehniškega vestnika. Pri vsem tem delu mi je bila na za-
podelila častni doktorat.
četku v dragoceno pomoč oprema, ki sem jo prinesel s seboj iz
V svoji doktorski disertaciji sem se ukvarjal z rekonstrukcijo
ZDA: osebni računalnik Macintosh II in laserski tiskalni Apple
volumetričnih modelov iz globinskih slik [26], ki navdih išče
Laserwriter II. Konec 80-tih let na fakulteti še ni bilo drugega
v teoriji človeškega zaznavanja slik. Članek na osnovi mojega
laserskega tiskalnika. Za oblikovanje besedil sem tudi prvi na
doktorata so sprejeli na prvi mednarodni konferenci iz računalni-
fakulteti uvedel L
škega vida (ICCV), ki je bila 1987 v Londonu [2], kasneje sem to
EX. Takoj sem tudi začel z mentoriranjem pri
doktoratih [17]. Moja prva doktorica znanosti je bila že leta 1990
objavil tudi reviji IEEE PAMI [28]. Istega leta novembra sem še
Tatjana Zrimec. Še posebej pa sem ponosen, da sem bil mentor
zagovarjal svojo disertacijo. Nato sem imel do avgusta 1988 status
pri raziskovalni nalogi Jureta Leskovca, ko je še bil gimnazijec. V
podoktoranta, ko sem se vrnil v Ljubljano na FE. Za moj povratek
doktorskih komisijah mojih kandidatov je nekajkrat sodelovala
na FE je bil najbolj zaslužen takratni prodekan prof. dr. Tadej
tudi prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (Slika 4). S prof. Srečom Draganom z
Bajd, ki je leta 1987 obiskal Pensilvansko univerzo. Na dolgem
ALUO sva začela dolgoletno plodno sodelovanje na področju
pogovoru ob pivu sem mu zaupal svoje želje o povratku v domo-
umetnosti novih medijev [29].
vino, prof. Bajd pa je nato na fakulteti sprožil ustrezne postopke.
Mojo zaposlitev je podprl tudi prof. dr. Boštjan Vilfan, takratni
Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
predstojnik Katedre za računalništvo in informatiko. Domov me
je vlekla družina pa tudi velike družbene spremembe, ki so se
Moje strokovno delo po ustanovitvi samostojne Fakultete za ra-
že napovedovale. Naj še omenim, da je bilo v tistem času težje
čunalništvo in informatiko je bolj podrobno opisano v zborniku,
vzdrževati stike z domovino, saj pri nas še ni bilo elektronske
ki je izšel ob 20-letnici fakultete [4]. Naj na kratko omenim le, da
pošte, ki sem jo v ZDA uporabljal že od leta 1983, o svetovnem
sem se kot dekan fakultete med leti 2006 in 2010 posvetil pred-
spletu pa seveda še ni bilo ne duha ne sluha. Za informacije od
vsem bolonjski reformi in arhitekturnim načrtom nove stavbe.
doma so poskrbele mailing liste: Pisma bralcev, ki jih je urejal
Pri bolonjski reformi sem si prizadeval, da bi tudi umetna inteli-
Andrej Brodnik in RokPress, ki ga je začel Rok Sosič.
genca dobila svoj zaslužen del študijskega programa na FRI, ki ga
do tedaj ni imela, čeprav je umetna inteligenca prispevala največ
raziskovalnih rezultatov. Pri novi stavbi pa smo od arhitektov
Vrnitev na fakulteto
predvsem želeli prostore, ki bodo omogočali srečevanje ljudi in
Takoj ko sem se vrnil na FE, sem začel predavati različne raču-
spodbujali večje sodelovanje.
nalniške predmete. Nekaj sem jih nasledil od prof. Petra Tanciga,
Po štirih letih dekanovanja se je bilo kar težko spet vrniti v raz-
ki je bil zunanji sodelavec fakultete. Računalniške predmete sem
iskovalni ritem. Bolj sem se posvetil uporabniškim vmesnikom,
predaval tudi na kemiji, montanistiki, tekstilni tehnologiji, ma-
3D dokumentiranju v arheologiji (v sodelovanju z arheologom
tematiki in kasneje še na Fakulteti za pomorstvo in promet v
Miranom Eričem [14]). Vrnil sem se celo na tematiko svojega
Portorožu. Izstopajoči študenti v mojih prvih letih v Ljubljani
doktorata, saj skušamo isti problem danes rešiti z globokimi ne-
so bili Andrej Bauer na matematiki, na FE pa Marko Grobelnik,
vronskimi mrežami [19]. Po bolonjski reformi sem začel redno
Dunja Mladenić in Jerneja Gros. Čeprav so me kolegi učitelji na
predavati tudi na ALUO, smer Video in novi mediji. Svoje ume-
FE podpirali, pa kljub temu nisem imel nobenega neposrednega
tniško ustvarjanje sem z novih medijev razširil še na kiparstvo
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Franc Solina
v kamnu in lesu, kar skušam povezati s svojim računalniškim
thy_(computer_scientist)&oldid=1041515367 (pridobljeno znanjem [27]. Delam na seriji kamnitih skulptur (Svetlobni vo-12. 9. 2021).
dnjak), ki sem jih virtualno obogatil z video projekcijo gibajočih
Ken Goldberg — Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. url:
se svetlobnih pik, ki se obnašajo kot vodne kapljice.
Vodenje Laboratorija za računalniški vid sem leta 2019 predal
rg&oldid=980981818 (pridobljeno 12. 9. 2021).
svojemu nasledniku prof. dr. Petru Peeru.
Mathematics Genealogy Project — Franc Solina. url: https:
Da zaključim, izbirni predmet Računalništvo, ki sem ga imel
//genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=61986&f Ch
na gimnaziji, je bil morda odločilna izhodiščna vzpodbuda za
rono=1 (pridobljeno 12. 9. 2021).
zanimivo strokovno življensko pot.
Mathematics Genealogy Project — Ruzena Kucera Bajcsy.
url: https://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=3
9957 (pridobljeno 12. 9. 2021).
Ruzena Bajcsy in Stane Kovačič. “Multiresolution elastic
Tim Oblak in sod. “Learning to Predict Superquadric Pa-
matching”. V: Computer vision, graphics, and image pro-
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cessing 46.1 (1989), str. 1–21. doi: 10.1016/S0734-189X(89
Supervision”. V: IEEE Access 9 (2020), str. 1087–1102. doi:
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Ruzena Bajcsy in Franc Solina. “Three dimensional object
Richard P Paul. Robot manipulators: mathematics, program-
representation revisited”. V: Proceedings First International
ming, and control: the computer control of robot manipula-
Conference in Computer Vision — ICCV. London, UK: The
tors. MIT Press, 1981.
Computer Society of the IEEE, 1987.
Ruzena Bajcsy — Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija. url: ht
Tadej Bajd. Ludvik Gyergyek. url: https://www.sazu.si/cla
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12. 9. 2021).
Miha Bejek in sod., ur. FRI 20: 1996-2016: 20 let Fakultete
Franc Solina. GRASP Lab 1984.jpg — Wikimedia Commons,
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the free media repository. 1984. url: https://commons.wiki
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David Heeger — Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. url:
skih zank VKG signalov”. Diplomska naloga. Fakulteta za
elektrotehniko, Univerza v Ljubljani, 1979.
er&oldid=1040812002 (pridobljeno 12. 9. 2021).
Franc Solina. “Računalniška prepoznava motenj srčnega
ENIAC — Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. url: https://e
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Fulbright Program — Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. url:
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Franc Solina. Skulpture / Sculptures 2012–2020, 2. izdaja /
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2nd Edition. Ljubljana: Društvo likovnih umetnikov Lju-
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bljana, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, 2021.
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url: https://dts.cld.bz/Skulpture- Franc- Solina- 2021/5/.
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Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference
Zvezek J
Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference
Volume J
Delavnica projekta BATMAN
BATMAN Project Workshop
Urednika / Editors
Sergio Crovella, Anton Gradišek
4. oktober 2021 / 4 October 2021
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Na delavnici sodelujejo partnerji projekta ERA PerMed BATMAN in drugi zainteresirani
znanstveniki. BATMAN je akronim za “Biomolecular Analyses for Tailored Medicine in
Acne iNversa”, biomolekularne analize za personalizirano zdravljenje Acne Inversa. Cilj
projekta, ki se je začel leta 2019, je priti do novih spoznanj in boljšega razumevanja
mehanizmov kronične bolezni Acne Inversa, imenovane tudi Hidradenitis Suppurativa, in
razviti ciljane metode zdravljenja. To bo pripomoglo k boljšemu življenju pacientov.
Raznoliki konzorcij projekta sestavljajo partnerji s področij medicine, genetike, modelov tkiv
in informacijskih tehnologij.
Delavnica je tudi del letnega sestanka partnerjev konzorcija.
Predsednika delavnice se distancirata od nagrad, ki so bile podeljene med Multikonferenco.
Sergio Crovella in Anton Gradišek, predsednika delavnice
This Workshop brings together the partners that collaborate on the ERA PerMed project
BATMAN, as well as other interested parties. BATMAN stands as the acronym for
“Biomolecular Analyses for Tailored Medicine in Acne iNversa”. The aim of the project that
started in 2019 is to find new knowledge and better understanding of mechanisms of the
chronic disease Acne Inversa, also called Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and to provide tailored
treatment for the patients, thus improving their quality of life.
The consortium is heterogeneous and brings together partners with experiences in the field of
medicine, genetics, tissue models, and information technologies.
This Workshop is also a part of the annual consortium meeting of the partners.
Workshop chairs distance themselves from the awards that were handed out during the
Sergio Crovella and Anton Gradišek, workshop chairs
Sergio Crovella
Anton Gradišek
Paola Maura Tricarico
Identification of novel genetic variants in Hidradenitis
Suppurativa patients through the investigation of familial
Paola Maura Tricarico †
Rossella Gratton
Lucas Brandão
Laboratory of Genetic
Laboratory of Genetic
Laboratory of Genetic
Immunology, Institute for
Immunology, Institute for
Immunology, Institute for
Maternal and Child Health –
Maternal and Child Health –
Maternal and Child Health –
IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste,
IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste,
IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste,
Italy; tricaricopa@gmail.com
Italy; lucabrand@gmail.com
Ronald Moura †
Sergio Crovella
Laboratory of Genetic
Carlos André dos Santos
Department of Biological and
Immunology, Institute for
Environmental Sciences, College
Maternal and Child Health –
Laboratory of Genetic
of Arts and Sciences, University
IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste,
Immunology, Institute for
of Qatar, Doha, Qatar
Maternal and Child Health –
IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste,
† These authors contributed equally to this article.
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic autoinflammatory
refractory disease with recurrent skin lesions and wounds of
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) familial cases represent 40% of
difficult resolution, currently represents an area of high-unmet
the total cases observed. Current knowledge on the etio-
clinical need. HS has multifactorial etiology that involves a
pathogenesis of these cases is still poor; for this reason, we
strict interplay between genetic factors, immune dysregulation,
decided to investigate the genetic variants associated to this
hormonal influence, bacterial colonization, impaired wound
disease in 5 HS families. In 3 families we found single
healing and environmental risk factors [1, 2]. Approximately
nucleotide variation (SNV) in genes never associated with HS:
40% of patients with HS report a family history of the
ZNF318, DCD, DSC3. In one family we found a new SNV in
condition, and amongst these only about 10% present mutations
in genes involved in the gamma
NCSTN gene, one of the few genes already associated with HS.
-secretase pathway, namely
NCSTN, PSENEN and PSEN1 genes [3].
In another family, due to the low number of individuals
The study of HS familial cases represents a tool identify novel
analyzed, we did not find with certainty the SNV associated
genetic factors, other than the genes of the gamma-secretase
with the disease but we found three SNVs in PADI3, DSP and
pathway, involved in the etio-pathogenesis of this complex
KRTAP10-4 genes. Deepening knowledge on the genetic
disease. Unfortunately, analyzing HS familial cases can be
variants associated with these familial HS cases is a necessary
sometimes difficult due to delayed diagnosis, absence of
first step to unravel the disease etio-pathogenesis; in fact, to
personal and family health history investigation, incomplete
better understand the disease an integrated approach involving
penetrance of the disease and also unwillingness to participate
different OMICs is the right path to be followed.
in the genetic study of other family members.
Here we investigated 5 HS families aimed at identifying genetic
variants associated with the disease, using whole exome
sequencing (WES).
Hidradenitis suppurativa, familial cases, genetic variants, WES
Patients with a positive family history of HS were recruited
from January 2019 to May 2021 at the Dermatology Unit of the
University of Milan (Italy) and at the Dermatology Service of
“Hospital das Clinicas”, Recife, Brazil. All study participants
signed a written informed consent after the approval by the
Single Regional Ethical Committee of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
(CEUR) (CEUR-2018-Sper-127-BURLO and CEUR-2020-Em-
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
380) by the Area B Milan Ethics Committee (protocol no.
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
487_2020) and by Ethical Committee of the Federal University
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
of Pernambuco (n. 3.048.719; 30/11/2018).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Genomic DNAs have been extracted from saliva by using the
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Canada) kit
manufacturer’s protocols. WES, with 100X of expected
coverage, has been performed in outsourcing by Macrogen
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
P.M. Tricarico et al.
(Seoul, Korea). WES analysis has been performed using the
particularly highlighted by the increased flexibility of its C-
InterOMICs Genome Pro software, as described in our previous
terminal region.
study [4]; WES results have been validated by Sanger
In HS, a dysbiosis-driven aberrant activation of the innate
immune system leading to excessive inflammatory responses, is
thought to be partially induced by a marked dysregulation in
In family 1 (11 HS patients and 36 healthy subjects) we found a
antimicrobial peptides production, in particular DCD [6, 7].
rare missense single nucleotide variation (SNV) in the exon 4 of
Indeed, in the skin of HS patients a significant down-regulation
ZNF318 gene in heterozygosis (rs767801219). The SNV was
of DCD expression has been observed [8, 9].
detected in heterozygosis in 17 family members comprising all
In family 3 (4 HS patients and 1 control) we found a rare
of the 11 individuals who initially declared to be affected by HS
missense SNV at exon 10 of DSC3 gene in heterozygosis
and additional 6 individuals that haven't been mentioned to
(rs114245564) in all 4 HS patients (Figure 3).
possess any sign of the disease (Figure 1). This identified SNV
shows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with
incomplete penetrance.
Figure 1: Pedigree of the Family 1. 47 individuals adhered
to the study, 11 of which declared to be affected by HS, and
the genotype of the selected variant in ZNF318 gene
ZNF318 gene encodes the zinc finger 318 (ZNF318) protein
Figure 3: Pedigree of the Family 3. 5 individuals adhered to
involved in the regulation of the androgen receptor by acting
the study, 4 of which declared to be affected by HS, the
both as a co-repressor or co-activator in AR transactivation
genotype of the selected variant in DSC3 gene (rs114245564)
function. To date the effect of the SNV in the protein structure
is hard to predict in silico due to the dimension of the protein
DSC3 gene encodes Desmocollin-3 a desmosomal cadherin
and the lack of a clearly defined structure, but the role of
superfamily member, component of the transmembrane core of
androgens in HS is well known and has been explored in
desmosomes required for maintaining cell adhesion in the
numerous observational and some interventional studies [5].
epidermis. The critical role of these desmosomal cadherins in
In family 2 (2 HS patients and 1 control and 1 child) we found a
epithelial integrity has been illustrated by their disruption in
rare frameshift insertion in exon 4 of DCD gene in
mouse models and human diseases. Alterations in the
heterozygosis (rs538180888) in all 2 HS patients; this variant is
expression and function of the desmosomal cadherins have been
also present in the daughter, an 11-year-old child who begins to
observed in severe autoimmune skin disease pemphigus,
manifest relapsing inguinal furuncles (Figure 2).
epidermolysis bullosa and hypotrichosis and recurrent skin
vesicles [10, 11].
In family 4 (4 HS patients, 3 controls and 2 children), enrolled
in Brazil, so with individuals showing a different genetic
background when compared to the other Italian members of the
analyzed families, we found a SNV in NCSTN gene exon 2 in
heterozygosis (NM_015331:exon2:c.T131A) encoding a
premature stop codon [NP_056146 1:p.(L44*)], in all 4 HS
patients and also in the 2 children (11- and 16-year-old). To
date, these 2 children do not show the disease, probably due to
their young age (Figure 4).
Figure 2: Pedigree of the Family 2. 4 individuals adhered to
the study, 2 of which declared to be affected by HS, the
genotype of the selected variant in DCD gene (rs538180888).
DCD gene encodes Dermcidin, the most abundant antimicrobial
peptide (AMP) present in human sweat. The identified
frameshift variant disrupts the ORF of DCD and results in a 33
amino acid peptide having a completely altered sequence, if
compared to the wild- type DCD-1(L) peptide. This affects both
the N-terminal and the C-terminal partitions, hence impairing
the activity of DCD. This mutant is characterized by a less
Figure 4: Pedigree of the Family 4. 9 individuals adhered to
compact structure and by an increased solvent accessibility,
the study, 4 of which declared to be affected by HS, the
genotype of the selected variant in NCSTN gene.
The investigation of familial cases allows the identification of
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
novel genetic variants in Hidradenitis Suppurativa patients
This genetic variant was not present in the Genome
residues into citrullines. Deimination is implicated in many
Aggregation Database (gnomAD) and therefore it was never
physiological processes including keratinocyte biology and skin
associated with HS; despite this, the NCSTN gene is one of the
homeostasis. One example of deiminated protein is the fillagrin,
few genes already associated with HS [3].
a key protein in the epidermal barrier function, expressed in the
In family 5 (2 HS patients and 1 control) we found 25 SNVs in
hair follicle. In addition to this, PADI3 gene may also play a
genes expressed in the skin or by the immune system (Table 1).
role in the cornification-related autophagy process of the
epidermis. Uncombable Hair Syndrome 1 and Central
Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia are diseases associated with
Table 1: List of single nucleotide variations (SNVs) genes
PADI3 gene [12].
expressed in the skin or by the immune system, found in 2
DSP encodes for Desmoplakin, an obligate and the most
HS patients and not in the control of the family 5
abundant component of functional highly specialized adhesive
intercellular junctions known as desmosomes. Desmosomes are
abundant in districts that are continuously subjected to
mechanical solicitations such as the epidermis and hair follicles,
because they confer strong mechanical strength to tissues and
contributing to the maintenance of tissue architecture and
cohesiveness [13, 14]. Alopecia, palmo-plantar keratoderma,
skin fragility woolly-hair syndrome, erythrokeratodermia,
dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular
cardiomyopathy/dysplasia are disorders also connected to
alteration in the expression and function of Desmoplakin [15].
KRTAP10-4 encodes for Keratin Associated Protein 10-4,
which are essential for the formation of a rigid and resistant hair
shaft through their extensive disulfide bond cross-linking with
abundant cysteine residues of hair keratin. This gene plays an
important role in the keratinization pathway [16].
Unfortunately, perhaps due to the low number of family
individuals analyzed, to date we do not have the ability to
identify with certainty the SNV associated with this HS familial
Considering the findings obtained by analyzing some HS
families, one with different genomic background with respect to
vi3.139379091 C
the others, we can state that HS familial cases are extremely
useful to investigate novel actors involved in this complex
KRTAP10-4 rs782312294
disease, so the first need is to augment the number of families
to be analyzed; secondly, to more deeply and precisely evaluate
the role of the identified genetic factors, at least an integration
with transcriptome is needed. To this end it is important to
recall that when families are diagnosed and recruited, it should
be envisaged, when possible and permitted by the ethical
committee, a skin biopsy of lesional, pre-lesional and healthy
Among these genes, the ones considered as possibly related to
skin of the patients, to allow RNA extraction and consequent
dermatologic disorders based on their functions are: PADI3,
transcriptome analysis.
DSP and KRTAP10-4 (Figure 5).
As conclusive remarks, we should bear in mind that HS is a
complex disease and that the genetics by itself is not able to
completely unravel the disease etio-pathogenesis; an integrated
approach involving different OMICs, such as genomics,
transcriptomics and microbiomics etc. is the path to be followed
to better understand the disease and consequently design
possible tailored treatments.
This work was supported by a Biomolecular Analyses for
Tailored Medicine in AcneiNversa (BATMAN) project, funded
by ERA PerMed, by a grant from the Institute for Maternal and
Figure 5: Pedigree of the Family 5. 3 individuals adhered to
Child Health IRCCS ‘Burlo Garofolo/Italian Ministry of
the study, 2 of which declared to be affected by HS, the
Health’ (RC16/ 2018), by a grant Interreg Italia-Slovenia, ISE-
genotype of the selected variants in PADI3, DSP and
EMH 07/2019 and by CNPq (311415/2020-2).
KRTAP10-4 genes.
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Generation of animal and human 3D models
of Acne Inversa
Wacym Boufenghour
Dr. Vincent Flacher
Laboratory I2CT / CNRS UPR3572
Laboratory I2CT / CNRS UPR3572
Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et
Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et
Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, France
human skin cells. Our objective is to repurpose this skin model
by either using keratinocytes from AI patients producing a
Acne Inversa (AI; Verneuil’s Disease, Hidradenitis Suppurativa)
defective desmoplakin, or HaCaT genetically modified through
is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the hair follicles in
CRISPR-Cas9 to carry mutations for the gamma-secretase
moist areas of the body (inguinal folds, scrotum, pubic area). As
complex. We expect those mutated epithelial cells to produce an
currently understood, AI is triggered by a hair canal obstruction,
epidermis and influence MoDCs introduced in the scaffold. The
leading to follicle bursting and entry of cellular debris and
final purpose is to induce an inflammatory response close to AI
bacteria into the dermis, resulting in a powerful and persistent
ex vivo.
inflammation [1]. Over time, some patients develop severe
scarring of the inflamed areas, leading to surgical removal of the
We tested different scaffold seeding conditions using healthy
affected skin areas. These events might be triggered or
human fibroblasts, keratinocytes and MoDCs. We also evaluated
exacerbated by bacterial infection or epithelial barrier
non-modified HaCaT cells instead of keratinocytes. The
weakening. Thus far, only mutations in genes encoding the
resulting models were frozen after up to 6 weeks of culture,
gamma-secretase) have been found to underlie familial forms of
sliced and stained with various epithelial and immune markers.
Despite promising results, cell seeding and fibroblast
Our laboratory aims at creating ex vivo and in vivo models to
proliferation were inconsistent. We assume this to result from the
better study AI pathogenesis, which are still lacking. To achieve
scaffold manufacturing process, which we are currently seeking
this, we are developing full-thickness skin models built from
to optimize.
cells of healthy donors and patients, as well as murine models
bearing AI-related defects for autophagy in hair follicles. In
2 Reproducing auto-inflammatory
addition, we participate in an effort to unravel the potential
characteristics of acne inversa in a mouse
involvement of B cells, a specific yet poorly studied aspect of AI.
Acne inversa, human 3D skin model, mouse, hair follicle,
Dr. Michele Boniotto (Créteil, France) found that AI patient
inflammation, immunology, autophagy, B cells
mutations of the gamma secretase complex results in autophagy
impairment in vitro. This prompted us to breed a mouse model
to investigate this matter further in vivo, by crossing
1 Human reconstructed skin model with
Sox9creERT2 and Atg5flox/- strains. Since Sox9 is an important
primary fibroblasts and epidermal cells from
transcription factor driving hair follicle stem cells (HFSC)
either healthy donors or immortalized cell
development and function [4, 5], the resulting strain is expected
lines (HaCaT)
to lack functional autophagy in the infundibulum of the hair
follicle. We expect that autophagy loss of function in HFSC to
produce a barrier defect and a stronger immune infiltrate, as a
Previous work from our team allowed the creation of an
immunocompetent skin model based on a collagen scaffold [2,
result of impaired processing of apoptotic hair follicle cells
3], monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs) and primary
(efferocytosis) [6].
Two consecutive depilations were performed in the course of two
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
weeks, which may lead to hair occlusions. Skin samples were
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
harvested and studied by flow cytometry and immunochemistry
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
staining. Total skin digestion six hours after the second
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
depilation showed a stronger infiltration of neutrophils and
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
monocytes in the dermis of knock-out mice (Sox9creERT2
Atg5flox/-) compared to wild-type (Atg5flox/+) and littermates
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
W. Boufenghour et al.
(Sox9creERT2 Atg5flox/+). Infiltration was resolved after one
week in all animals. Further interpretation requires confirmation
Vossen Allard R. J. V., van der Zee Hessel H., Prens Errol P. (2018),
of these preliminary results by additional experiments. Next, we
Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Systematic Review Integrating
Inflammatory Pathways Into a Cohesive Pathogenic Model, Frontiers
plan to directly inhibit gamma secretase and autophagy function
individually or simultaneously in C57BL/6 mice.
Bechetoille, N., Vachon, H., Gaydon, A., Boher, A., Fontaine, T.,
Schaeffer, E., Decossas, M., André-Frei, V. and Mueller, C.G. (2011),
A new organotypic model containing dermal-type macrophages.
3 B cell populations in blood samples from
families affected by acne inversa
Muller, Q., Beaudet, M. J., De Serres-Bérard, T., Bellenfant, S.,
Flacher, V., & Berthod, F. (2018). Development of an innervated
tissue-engineered skin with human sensory neurons and Schwann cells
Dr. Sergio Crovella (Trieste, Italy) has identified a familial
differentiated from iPS cells. Acta biomaterialia, 82, 93–101.
mutation of the transcription factor Znf318 in AI patients of an
Nowak, J. A., Polak, L., Pasolli, H. A., & Fuchs, E. (2008). Hair
Italian family (unpublished data). It was previously published
follicle stem cells are specified and function in early skin
that Znf318 is necessary for IgD expression by B cells in mouse
models [7, 8]. Interestingly, AI is among the few dermatological
Vidal, V. P., Chaboissier, M. C., Lützkendorf, S., Cotsarelis, G., Mill,
conditions that show prominent B cell infiltrates in lesions [9,
P., Hui, C. C., Ortonne, N., Ortonne, J. P., & Schedl, A. (2005). Sox9
Is Essential for Outer Root Sheath Differentiation and the Formation
of the Hair Stem Cell Compartment. Current Biology, 15(15),
This prompted us to investigate the role of B cells in AI
1340‑1351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2005.06.064
pathogenesis. As a preliminary work, we intend to identify
Mesa, K. R., Rompolas, P., Zito, G., Myung, P., Sun, T. Y., Brown,
S., Gonzalez, D. G., Blagoev, K. B., Haberman, A. M., & Greco, V.
variations in B cell subsets among PBMCs from patients with
(2015). Niche-induced cell death and epithelial phagocytosis regulate
familial or sporadic forms of AI. Our cytometry panel allows us
hair follicle stem cell pool. Nature, 522(7554), 94‑97.
to study the naive, memory and plasmablast B cell populations
Enders, A., Short, A., Miosge, L. A., Bergmann, H., Sontani, Y.,
in patient blood.
Bertram, E. M., Whittle, B., Balakishnan, B., Yoshida, K., Sjollema,
G., Field, M. A., Andrews, T. D., Hagiwara, H., & Goodnow, C. C.
(2014). Zinc-finger protein ZFP318 is essential for expression of IgD,
Covid-19 crisis prevented blood sampling from Italian patients,
the alternatively spliced Igh product made by mature B lymphocytes.
who may show B-cell related defects related to their Znf318
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(12),
4513‑4518. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1402739111
mutation. Yet, we analyzed healthy and diseased individuals of
Pioli, P. D., Debnath, I., Weis, J. J., & Weis, J. H. (2014). Zfp318
affected families from Innsbruck, Austria, for which whole-exon
Regulates IgD Expression by Abrogating Transcription Termination
within theIghm/IghdLocus. The Journal of Immunology, 193(5),
sequencing is not yet available. So far, blood B cells of 7 patients
2546‑2553. https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.1401275
from 3 different families have been studied. Currently
Hoffman, L. K., Tomalin, L. E., Schultz, G., Howell, M. D.,
Anandasabapathy, N., Alavi, A., Suárez
aggregated data identified patients that deviate from usual
-Fariñas, M., & Lowes, M. A.
(2018). Integrating the skin and blood transcriptomes and serum
population percentages, although we require additional
unaffected people from the same families to confirm our
dysregulation and a plasma cell signature. PLOS ONE, 13(9),
e0203672. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0203672
analyses. Raw PBMCs have also been frozen, which will be
Musilova, J., Moran, B., Sweeney, C., Malara, A., Zaborowski, A.,
assayed for T cell responses and used to produce MoDC for our
Hughes, R., Winter, D., Fletcher, J., & Kirby, B. (2020). Enrichment
of Plasma Cells in the Peripheral Blood and Skin of Patients with
3D skin models.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Journal of Investigative Dermatology,
140(5), 1091–1094.e2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jid.2019.08.453
Despite significant delays related to COVID-19 for animal
breeding and interruption of cell cultures for more than 3 months,
we have improved our 3D scaffold production method and
achieved successful seeding with human-derived cells, including
MoDCs. We managed to establish protocols and produce
preliminary results on the in vivo studies in the mice, and have
plans to go more in depth in the future by studying systemic
gamma-secretase inhibition. Finally, our analyses of AI patients
in Austria will be interpreted in the light of their upcoming whole
exome sequencing data, and extended by samples from Italian
patients with Znf318 mutation.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Michele Boniotto (Créteil,
Frnce), Dr. Sergio Crovella, Dr. Paola Tricarico (Trieste, Italy)
Pr. Mathias Schmuth, Dr. Gudrun Ratzinger, Wolfram Jaschke
(Innsbruck Hautklinik, Austria), Layal Doumard, Delphine
Lamon and Fabien Lhericel (Strasbourg, France).
Development of new cellular models to identify molecular
mechanisms in Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Cecile Nait-Meddour †
Rola Matar
Michele Boniotto
IMRB Team Leboyer
IMRB Team Leboyer
IMRB Team Leboyer
Creteil France
Creteil France
Creteil France
distribution and hair follicle anatomy, but important genes such
as DCD identified in a HS family by our consortium doesn’t have
No satisfactory in-vivo and in-vitro models to recapitulate
a homologous in the mouse.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) hallmarks have been developed
so far. The first transgenic Ncstn KO mice model, engineered
Ex vivo models using patients lesional skins have also been
after the finding that g-secretase mutations were associated with
developed [4]. In fact, Vossen et al. [5] cultured punch biopsies
HS in several families, lacked important HS features such as skin
from HS patients showing a major contribution of IL-1 in skin
inflammation, abscess formation, fistulas, and scarring. In -vitro,
inflammation in HS. Moreover, these Authors were able to test
the use of skin explants has helped in the identification of the IL-
different drugs to tame skin inflammation showing the
1 contribution to HS skin inflammation in HS, but this technique
effectiveness of the anti-TNF-a therapy.
depends on skin biopsies availability.
Even if this ex-vivo model can be used to test a candidate
For these reasons we have developed different models to obtain
treatment, specific limitations make this model useless for
skin cells and skin organoids from Induced Pluripotent Stem cell
precision medicine. In fact, different genetic variants seem to
lines carrying HS-associated mutations
cause the disease, so a skin model for each patient (or family)
should be developed.
Our Team is developing new cellular models to identify the main
biological pathways affected in HS and 3D models to be used to
test novel candidate drugs. We are making use of hair follicle
CRISPR/Cas9, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Outer root
epithelial cells isolated from selected patients to build 3D
sheath epithelial cells, Skin Organoids, keratinocytes, sebocytes
reconstituted immunocompetent skins in collaboration with Dr.
Flacher: these models will allow the study of the cross-talk
among skin cells and immune cells
At the same time, we have developed skin organoids bearing hair
Hidradenitis suppurativa (OMIM#142690; HS) is a chronic
follicles from Induced Pluripotent Stem cells obtained from
inflammatory disease involving hair follicles that presents with
patients with specific candidate mutations (Figure 1). By using
painful nodules, abscesses, fistulae, and hypertrophic scars,
the CRISPR/Cas9 methodology we have been able to correct the
typically occurring in apocrine gland bearing skin [1]. Adequate
candidate mutation and obtain isogenic cell lines differing only
models reflecting hallmarks of HS pathogenesis are a
for the selected mutation. IPSCs have been differentiated in
prerequisite to not only better characterize the molecular activity
CD200+/ITGA6+ hair follicle stem cells that could be further
of genetic mutations in HS, but also to allow the discovery and
of therapeutic targets in personalized approaches to cure the
CK7+/MUC1+/PPARG+ sebocytes.
About 10% of HS patients present mutations in three of the four
components of the gamma-secretase complex, namely NCSTN,
PSEN1 and PSENEN with most of the mutations found in
NCSTN [2]. These findings led to the analysis of the
NCSTNflox/flox;K5-Cre mice that showed some HS hallmarks
such as follicular hyperkeratosis and inflammation [3].
Unfortunately, mica and humans differ not only in hair
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
C. Nait-Meddour et al.
As we have already shown a defect in lysosomes in NCSTN
deficient HaCaT cells, we are studying the lysosome structures
in TP63+/CK14+ keratinocytes derived from mutated and
corrected using lysosomal markers (Figure 3).
Figure 1: Skin organoids bearing hair follicles from IPSCs
IPSCs obtained from an HS patient with a novel mutation in
NCSTN and presenting with HS and DDD were cultivated as
Figure 3: Lysosome distribution in KC obtained from skin
described by Lee et al. [6] for 140 days and skin organoids
bearing hair follicles obtained from a mutated and corrected
Study of lysosome distribution in mutated and corrected
From the skin organoids, thanks to a collaboration with StemCell
keratinocytes using lysosomal markers CD63, LAMP1 and
Technologies, we have been able to isolate and cultivate
melanosomes degradation (Pigment)
TP63+/CK14+ keratinocytes (Figure 2)
Skin organoids will be analyzed by immunofluorescence and
In addition, we plan to understand the activity of NCSTN
mutation in skin organoids maturation by performing single cell
RNA sequencing (Sc-RNAseq). Our hypothesis is that a g-
secretase impaired activity skews the differentiation of hair
follicle stem cells towards the epithelial keratinocytes. We do
expect to see smaller or absent sebaceous glands in our skin
organoids and an enlarged population of outer root and inner root
Figure 2: TP63+/CK14+ Keratinocytes isolated from skin
sheath keratinocytes.
We plan to carry on the same experiments with IPCSs cell
from a patient with a novel ZNF318 mutation. ZNF318 is
Keratinocytes were obtained after dispase I digestion of skin
involved in Androgen Receptor (AR) signaling [7, 8], that has a
organoids and cultivated in StemCell Technologies
major role in sebocytes differentiation [9]. We do expect that a
Keratinocyte Medium.
perturbed AR signaling will skew the differentiation of hair
follicle stem cells towards the keratinocyte population, still
affecting sebaceous gland development.
IPSCs will be differentiated in 2D in CD200+/ITGA6+ hair
CK7+/MUC1+/PPARG+ sebocytes (Figure 4) to understand
what the activity of the novel ZNF318 mutation is.
IPSCs-derived keratinocytes and sebocytes will be provided
to Dr. Flacher’s team to build 3D immunocompetent skins.
Development of new cellular models
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Barry, C. Girard, J. Vidil, O. Join-Lambert, M. Parisot, P. Nitschke, S.
Hanein, S. Fraitag, H. H. Van der Zee, D. Bessis, G. Damiani, A.
Altomare, Y. H. Liao, G. Nikolakis, C. C. Zouboulis, A. Nassif, and A.
Hovnanian, “Low Prevalence of GSC Gene Mutations in a Large Cohort
of Predominantly Caucasian Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa,” J
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[3] J. Yang, L. Wang, Y. Huang, K. Liu, C. Lu, N. Si, R. Wang, Y. Liu, and
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mouse model leads to a markedly increased IL-36a and Sprr2 expression,”
Front Med, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 305-317, Jun, 2020.
[4] C. C. Zouboulis, “Ex vivo human models of hidradenitis suppurativa/acne
inversa for laboratory research and drug screening,” Br J Dermatol, vol.
181, no. 2, pp. 244-246, Aug, 2019.
[5] A. Vossen, K. R. van Straalen, E. F. Florencia, and E. P. Prens, “Lesional
Inflammatory Profile in Hidradenitis Suppurativa Is Not Solely Driven by
IL-1,” J Invest Dermatol, vol. 140, no. 7, pp. 1463-1466 e2, Jul, 2020.
[6] J. Lee, C. C. Rabbani, H. Gao, M. R. Steinhart, B. M. Woodruff, Z. E.
Pflum, A. Kim, S. Heller, Y. Liu, T. Z. Shipchandler, and K. R. Koehler,
Figure 4: CK7+/MUC1+/PPARG+ sebocytes differentiated
“Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells,”
from IPSCs. Sebocytes were obtained from IPSCs after 22
Nature, vol. 582, no. 7812, pp. 399-404, 2020.
days in Sebocyte Culture Medium.
[7] M. Ishizuka, H. Kawate, R. Takayanagi, H. Ohshima, R. H. Tao, and H.
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Jun 17, 2005.
[8] R. H. Tao, H. Kawate, K. Ohnaka, M. Ishizuka, H. Hagiwara, and R.
This work was supported by a Biomolecular Analyses for
Takayanagi, “Opposite effects of alternative TZF spliced variants on
Tailored Medicine in Acne iNversa (BATMAN) project, funded
androgen receptor,” Biochem Biophys Res Commun, vol. 341, no. 2, pp.
by ERA PerMed and by a “Starting Grant” from IMRB.
515-21, Mar 10, 2006.
[9] C. Barrault, J. Garnier, N. Pedretti, S. Cordier-Dirikoc, E. Ratineau, A.
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receptor,” J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, vol. 152, pp. 34-44, Aug, 2015.
Hidradenitis suppurativa: from clinic to bench and back
Angelo Marzano
Chiara Moltrasio
Giovanni Genovese
Dermatology Unit
Dermatology Unit
Dermatology Unit
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda
OMP, Milan, Italy
OMP, Milan, Italy
OMP, Milan, Italy
and gluteal ones [1]. More recently, Van der Zee et al. proposed
six different phenotypes, including the regular, frictional
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory
furuncle, scarring folliculitis, conglobata, syndromic and ectopic
disease presenting with nodules, abscesses, and fistulas on the
types [2]. Additional clinical phenotypes and cluster
apocrine gland-bearing skin. HS may be classified as sporadic,
classifications have also been reported [3-5], but a definitive
familial or syndromic (PASH, PAPASH, PASH/SAPHO
consensus has not been reached and any of these classifications
overlapping), the latter one being rare and characterized by a
addresses a prediction of therapeutic outcome. IHS4
constellation of conditions regarded as autoinflammatory in
(International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Severity Score System)
their origin.
is a validated tool for the severity assessment of HS and is arrived
at by the number of nodules
BAT2021 aims to bring together medical, genetic, experimental
and lifestyle data to create holistic health records (HHR), which
(multiplied by 1) plus the number of abscesses (multiplied by 2)
will allow us to build a tailored approach of each patient.
plus the number of draining tunnels (multiplied by 4). A total
score of 3 or less signifies mild, 4-10 means moderate and 11 or
The inclusion criteria for patient enrollment are the compliance
higher correspond to severe disease [6].
to the diagnostic criteria for HS; patient’s demographics,
HS has a profound impact on patients and their family life,
clinical signs, anatomic phenotype classification, lifestyle
leading to a high extent of emotional and physical distress, with
habits, severity classification and treatment (former and current)
social embarrassment, isolation, and depression [7]. With a
are documented.
prevalence in Europe varying between 0.3% and 1% [8], and a
diagnosis often underestimated and usually delayed for 7.2 ±
DNA/RNA obtained from biological samples (predominantly
8.7 years [9], HS is not a rare disease.
saliva and skin biopsies) of HS patients will be analysed by
HS is associated with several other disorders: i) autoimmune or
whole exome sequencing, whole genome genotyping SNPs
inflammatory comorbidities, particularly inflammatory bowel
arrays and transcriptomics. Clinical and molecular data will be
diseases, ii) rheumatologic diseases, such as seronegative
stored into a special platform developed for the purpose of the
spondyloarthropathies and Adamantiades– Behçet disease
project and will be analysed using advanced algorithms of
spondylarthritis and iii) malignancies, where the most severe
artificial intelligence to propose a novel stratification method
complication is the development of squamous cell carcinoma in
that clinicians can use in daily clinical practice.
areas of chronically diseased HS skin. Other comorbidities
associated with HS include obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes
mellitus, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, secondary amyloidosis, lymphedema, polycystic ovary
Hidradenitis suppurativa, clinical practice, research workflow,
syndrome and sexual dysfunction. Finally, HS is also associated
whole-exome sequencing, whole genome genotyping SNPs
with mental comorbidity and psychosocial impairments [10]. HS
arrays, transcriptomic, stratification, genotype-phenotype
is usually a sporadic disease but may more rarely occur as a
correlation, therapeutic outcomes
familial disorder [11]. In a minority of patients, HS can present
in combination with other diseases as a complex clinical
syndrome. The main autoinflammatory syndromes characterized
1 Clinical background
by the presence of HS are pyoderma gangrenosum (PG), acne
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), also known as acne inversa, is a
and suppurative hidradenitis (PASH), pyogenic arthritis, PG,
chronic, inflammatory, recurrent, debilitating skin disease (of the
acne and suppurative hidradenitis (PAPASH), psoriatic arthritis,
terminal hair follicle), clinically characterized by inflammatory
PG, acne and suppurative hidradenitis (PsAPASH), pustular
nodules that progress into abscesses and draining tunnels with
psoriasis, arthritis, PG, synovitis, acne and suppurative
foul smelling. Three main clinical HS phenotypes have been
hidradenitis (PsAPSASH) and PG, acne, suppurative
proposed, namely the classic or axillary- mammary, follicular
hidradenitis, and ankylosing spondylitis (PASS) [12]. However,
HS can also occur in the context of complex syndromes such as
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), synovitis, acne, pustulosis,
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
hyperostosis and osteitis (SAPHO), follicular occlusion
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
syndrome, Down syndrome, Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID)
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
syndrome, Dowling-Degos disease and Bazex-Dupré- Christol
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
syndrome [13].
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Risk factors such as smoking, obesity and other lifestyle triggers
have been linked to HS onset, while genetic factors are
considered to play a crucial role in HS etiopathogenesis [14].
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
A. Marzano et al.
30% of HS patients report a family history of HS; mutations in
member affected is very useful for determining the patterns of
γ-secretase genes (NCSTN, PSENEN and PSEN1) have been
disease inheritance.
identified as the most common genetic changes involved in HS
All biological samples are collected, stored, and used in
familial cases and these variants lead to an impairment of Notch
agreement with the ethical and research guidelines set. Currently,
signaling. Notch signaling pathway dysregulation results in an
we have collected saliva from 200 HS patients through Oragene
alteration in the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes
DNA collection Kit (for human DNA) that allows for a high-
leading to disruption of the normal hair follicle cycle and the
quality human DNA to assess biomarkers and genetic variants
formation of follicular cysts, typical for HS [15]. Our group
associated to HS, its severity and response to biologic therapy. In
recently hypothesized HS as a member of neutrophilic
collaboration with IRCCS Burlo Garofolo of Trieste, we have
dermatoses based on the elevated concentration of the cytokines
analyzed through Whole Exome Sequencing, 12 syndromic
IL-1β and IL-17 in skin lesions [16]. Moreover, some of our
collaborators deeply involved in this project have also identified
patients with HS occurring in the context of autoinflammatory
overlapping) and in the first report, we have demonstrated
syndromes, showing that PASH and PAPASH patients bear
genetic variants involving genes regulating the keratinization
genetic variants in genes coding for proteins of the
process and vitamin D metabolism, suggesting that a
inflammasomes such as PSTPIP1, MEFV, NOD2 and NLRP3
dysregulation of these two pathways may contribute to the HS
[17]. Moreover, the up regulation of pro- inflammatory
pathogenesis. Vitamin D has been predicted as able to regulate
cytokines/chemokines in both lesional skin and serum are
skin homeostasis by controlling proliferation and differentiation
involved in the multifactorial HS pathogenesis [18]. With several
of hair follicle and the low levels of vitamin D observed in all
new gene mutations coming into play, such as those involved in
studied patients support the idea that vitamin D insufficiency
the keratinization pathways [19], on the background of a
could be involved in PASH and PAPASH pathogenesis.
dysregulated innate immune response to commensal microbes
We have also recruited 9 familial cases of HS, two of which in
and alterations in the skin microbiome as well, HS can be
collaboration with IRCCS Burlo Garofolo of Trieste and the
regarded as a multifactorial, polygenic autoinflammatory disease
Italian Association of HS patients, respectively. Genetic analyses
of HS familial cases and their family members are ongoing.
Medical treatments in HS are aimed at reducing incidence and
Our group has collected HS skin biopsies from lesional,
flares thus improving HS patients’ quality of life. Mild cases are
perilesional and unaffected tissue (approximately 2 cm from the
usually treated by topical antibiotics having anti- inflammatory
lesional skin) from the same anatomical region. Important is i) to
properties. Widespread disease is treated by systemic antibiotics
take biopsies from different kind of HS lesions, including
and most severe cases by biologics such as adalimumab (anti-
abscesses, plaques and fistulae (in the same patient, if it is
TNFα), currently the only biologic approved by the United States
possible); ii) smaller lesions (up to 1 cm in diameter) such as
Food and Drug Administration [20] and by European Medicines
cysts and inflammatory and non-inflammatory nodules, should
Agency for treatment of HS [20,21].
be completely excised while a deep biopsy (extending to
Surgical resection of irreversibly damaged skin is often required,
subcutaneous tissue) should be made from abscesses and fistulae
but often leads to functional impairments [20]. Different clinical
and iii) typical sites, such as axillary or inguinal folds as well as
trials for biologics targeting IL-17, IL-1 (alpha and beta), IL-36
anogenital area should be chosen for taking biopsy but
and Janus kinase (JAK) 1 signaling response are currently
having samples also from atypical sites, i.e. dorsum or cervical
ongoing, but simple outcome measures or novel biological
region as well as foruncles on different areas of the body, could
models are demands to measure the efficacy of treatments [22].
be of interest.
Skin samples has been subdivided into two parts, one of which
for conventional histology (formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded)
2 Patient’s enrollment and biological samples
(immunohistochemistry, protein array, real - time PCR). An
additional skin samples is taken and stored in Rna ladder for
Acting as one of the clinical partners of the project, Fondazione
transcriptomic analyses.
IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan has
For functional and validation studies, we have performed hair
a large outpatient clinic with specialization in HS. The inclusion
follicle pick up according to the following procedure: a firm pull
criteria for patient enrollment are the compliance to the
motion with forceps must be performed at the base of the hair.
diagnostic criteria for HS [23]. Patient’s demographics, clinical
Only plucked hair in the anagen phase (minimum of five from
signs, anatomic phenotype classification, lifestyle habits,
each subject) contain enough keratinocytes for a successful
severity classification and treatments (former and current) are
culture initiation. The hair has been plucked from the occipital
documented. For the data documentation, the REDCap platform
and temporal scalp regions but facial hair types like beard,
is used.
eyebrow, or hair from the nose can be used. The hair shaft has
The study population include approximately 300 patients with
been cutted slightly behind the follicle with sterile scissors
moderate-to-severe HS, of which most are sporadic. 6% of
resulting in an approximate 5 mm long piece consisting mainly
patients have a HS positive family history and 14 patients present
of the follicle. The plucked hairs were stored in a tube filled with
a HS syndromic form (4 PASH patients, 3 PAPASH, 5
5 mL Defined keratinocytes-SFM medium (DKSFM; Gibco –
PASH/SAPHO overlapping, 1 SAPHO and 1 patient with
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Switzerland) at room temperature [24].
Before biological samples collection, all patients and their
relatives provide written informed consent for genomic analysis
3 Conclusions
(protocol no. 487_2020) and receive pre-test genetic counselling
in accordance with guidelines; indeed, the occurrence of the
The comparison of the results obtained from DNA/RNA
same condition among family members is a key factor to
sequencing between patients and controls will highlight
consider. Pedigree analysis of the families with more than one
possible causative genes and signalling pathways. The possible
detection of genotype-phenotype correlations will allow a more
Hidradenitis suppurativa: from clinic to bench and back
Information Society 2021, 4-8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
exhaustive and precise clinical patient stratification which, in
Garcovich S, Genovese G, Moltrasio C, Malvaso D, Marzano AV. PASH,
PAPASH, PsAPASH, and PASS: The autoinflammatory syndromes of
addition to the existing pharmacogenetic data banks, will help
hidradenitis suppurativa. (2021). Clin Dermatol, 39(2):240-247. doi:
the development of new effective drugs and a future
individualized treatment of HS patients.
Sabat R, Jemec GBE, Matusiak Ł, Kimball AB, Prens E, Wolk K.
Hidradenitis suppurativa. (2021). Nat Rev Dis Primers, 6(1):18. doi:
Wang Z, Yan Y, Wang B. γ-Secretase Genetics of Hidradenitis
Suppurativa: A Systematic Literature Review. (2020). Dermatology, 1-7.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Sergio Crovella and Dr.
doi: 10.1159/000512455. Epub ahead of print.
Paola Tricarico (Trieste, Italy), Dr. Michele Boniotto (France),
Marzano AV, Ortega-Loayza AG, Heath M, Morse D, Genovese G,
Prof. Mathias Schmuth (Austria), Prof. Ester Von-Stebut-
Cugno M. Mechanisms of Inflammation in Neutrophil-Mediated Skin
Borschitz (Cologne), Dr. Vincent Flaher (France), Matjaž Gams
and Anton Gradišek (Slovenia).
Marzano AV, Damiani G, Ceccherini I, Berti E, Gattorno M, Cugno M.
(2017). Autoinflammation in pyoderma gangrenosum and its syndromic
form (pyoderma gangrenosum, acne and suppurative hidradenitis). Br J
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Canoui-Poitrine F, Le Thuaut A, Revuz JE, Viallette C, Gabison G, Poli
Marzano AV. (2016). Hidradenitis suppurativa, neutrophilic dermatoses
F, et al. (2013). Identification of three hidradenitis suppurativa
and autoinflammation: what's the link?. Br J Dermatol, 174(3):482-3. doi:
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Disease burden of hidradenitis suppurativa and
assessment of a non-invasive treatment option
Esther von Stebut
Department of Dermatology
University of Cologne
Cologne, Germany
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin
To contribute to the development of a validated tool for the
disease of intertriginous body areas. Due to an often delayed
diagnosis and various symptoms, disease burden is often under
severity/activity, we participated in a consensus towards the
estimated. In the present work, we summarize our results
development of an International HS Severity Score System
obtained from several studies aiming at a better description of
(IHS4) initiated by members of the European Hidradenitis
disease activity and an improved assessment of patient-related
Suppurativa Foundation (EHSF) [2]. Within the IHS4, a variety
of clinical signs were rated by 11 centers including and assessing
Treatment options for HS are limited; treatment ranges from
236 patients. The resulting IHS4 score is arrived at by the number
medical to surgical options. However, despite numerous
of nodules (multiplied by 1) plus the number of abscesses
treatment options for HS, efficacious and noninvasive treatment
(multiplied by 2) plus the number of draining tunnels (multiplied
options resulting in long-term remission and management of
by 4). A total score of 3 or less signifies mild, 4-10 signifies
symptoms of the disease are still needed. We present a meta-
moderate and 11 or higher signifies severe disease. The IHS4 was
analysis of topical treatment options and discuss the need of real
developed and published in 2017 and since then, a variety of
world data for estimation of treatment efficacy.
studies have utilized the score to assess disease severity both in
real-life, as well as within clinical trials [3]. As such, the baseline
IHS4 score has proven to be a meaningful predictor for
Acne inversa, Hidradenitis suppurativa, human, disease burden,
recurrences during adalimumab therapy of HS [3].
DLQI, treatment options, topical treatment, medical device,
Using a German data base with information on ~1800 HS
patients, the patients’ quality of life (QoL) was assessed [4]. The
aim of this study was to present more robust data on patients’
QoL using the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Overall,
within this large cohort, the mean DLQI was 13.2±8.1 again
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) as a chronic inflammatory disease
stressing the strong burden of HS on affected patients and a
of the skin characteristically manifests in inguinal, axillary and
severely impaired quality of life. QoL correlated with pain,
submammary body areas. HS patient suffer severely from the
disease severity as assessed by the IHS4 sore, as well as Hurley
disease due to pain, stigmatization and often delayed diagnosis,
since the disease is often misinterpreted as repeated abscesses for
Pain is one of the important aspects affecting QoL in HS patients.
a long time. Consultation of a dermatologist early after disease
Pain was assessed by a numerical rating scale (0= no pain to 10=
onset is important.
severe pain) by affected HS patients (1,795 individuals) [5]. Pain
Treatment of HS is often frustrating, since the options are limited.
was reported by 84% of patients with the majority reporting mild
Medical treatments including antibiotics, hormones, and anti-
pain (78%). Interestingly, females and smokers experienced
TNF ) can successfully control symptoms, but
more intense pain. Pain levels correlated with the number of
discontinuation is often associated with relapses. Surgical
affected areas and disease severity, as expected.
interventions can induce long-term symptom control, but may
To gain further insights into the frequency of familial cases
not be useful for all patients due to long remission times and
within 1795 German patients, we performed a patient survey in
scarring tissue.
4 independent, patient network-run social media platforms
within Germany. Within 7 days, a cumulative number of 642
responses was acquired. Out of these responses, 249 (38%) of the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
patients confirmed that at least one first-degree relative (parents,
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full
children, siblings) are also affected by the disease. This
citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must
be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
complements already existing data from the literature stating
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
hereditary HS in 5-40% of cases [6]. Earlier reports described
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
hereditary HS to be more severe; studies analyzing the
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
von Stebut
pathomechanism in these families involving gamma-secretase
and inflammasome activation are underway [6,7].
HS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, which requires
raising better awareness, good scoring tools and more
(outpatient) treatment alternatives. Although the disease was
previously treated using surgery, new treatment modalities
allowing for an effective treatment of mild and moderate cases in
Treatment options for HS are often unsatisfactory. We recently
an ambulatory setting are currently developed.
studied the effect of a combination therapy of intense pulsed light
(IPL) and radiofrequency (RF). To this aim, the first study with
HS appears to present as a disease with a variety of different
47 patients was performed as a prospective, monocentric,
mutations and pathways involved in its pathogenesis. Assessing
randomized, three-arm parallel-group design trial with a prior 12
these familial cases of HS will aid in a better understanding of
weeks observation period (NICE study) [8,9]. Treatment arms
the disease and open avenues for therapeutic modification.
were IPL and RF monotherapies or IPL + RF combination
therapy. After 12 weeks, all patients received IPL + RF for
additional 12 weeks (cross-over). After 12 weeks, active lesion
The authors would like to thank Michele Boniotto (Créteil,
counts of the IPL + RF group decreased by 50% in 50% of
France), Sergio Crovella, Paola Tricarico (Trieste, Italy) Mathias
patients, in 33% even by 75% (Hurley I/II patients, less effective
Schmuth, (Innsbruck Hautklinik, Austria), Matjaž Gams and
in Hurley III) correlating with an even better improvement in
Anton Gradišek (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Vincent Flacher
DLQI. A controlled follow up trial (RELIEVE study) compared
(Strasbourg, France) within the ERA PerMed funded consortium
topical clindamycin with topical clindamycin plus IPL + RF in
BatMan for helpful discussions.
88 patients [10]. After 16 weeks of treatment, the IHS4 score was
improved by 60% in the combination therapy group compared to
18% improvement in clindamycin-treated patients. Secondary
Marzano AV, et al. Evidence for a 'window of opportunity' in hidradenitis
endpoints (e.g. DLQI) showed similar results.
suppurativa treated with adalimumab: a retrospective, real-life multicentre
The aim of a follow-up study was to perform a meta-analysis on
Zouboulis CC, Tzellos T, Kyrgidis A, et al R; Development and validation
the effectiveness of local and instrument-based therapies under
of the International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Severity Score System
the prism of their efficacy and safety profile [11]. We thus
(IHS4), a novel dynamic scoring system to assess HS severity. Br J
performed a literature search and analyzed clinical evidence for
Dermatol. 2017 Nov;177(5):1401-1409. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15748.
Chiricozzi A, Giovanardi G, Garcovich S, et al (2020) Clinical and
the various therapeutic options. Effective treatments for out-
ultrasonographic profile of adalimumab-treated hidradenitis suppurativa
patient care of HS patients exist including topical clindamycin,
patients: A real-life monocentric experience. Acta Derm Venereol
resorcinol, and intralesional corticosteroids. New devices such as
Krajewski PK, Matusiak Ł, von Stebut E, Schultheis M, Kirschner U,
LAight therapy (combining IPL with radiofrequency) are
Nikolakis G, Szepietowski JC. Quality-of-Life Impairment among
Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Cross-Sectional Study of 1795
available, which can be used as monotherapy or adjunct therapy
Patients. Life (Basel). 2021 Jan 8;11(1):34. doi: 10.3390/life11010034
in combination with systemic treatment and/or surgery for the
Krajewski PK, Matusiak Ł, von Stebut E, Schultheis M, Kirschner U,
management of HS patients. All topical treatment options are
Nikolakis G, Szepietowski JC. Pain in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Cross-
sectional Study of 1,795 Patients. Acta Derm Venereol. 2021 Jan
best suited for mild to moderate HS and aid to control disease
5;101(1):adv00364. doi: 10.2340/00015555-3724.
Frew JW. Differential profiles of gamma secretase Notch signalling in
hidradenitis suppurativa: the need for genotype-endotype-phenotype
analysis. Br J Dermatol. 2021 Jan 9. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19805.
Zouboulis CC, Benhadou F, Byrd AS, et al What causes hidradenitis
suppurativa ?-15 years after. Exp Dermatol. 2020 Dec;29(12):1154-1170.
doi: 10.1111/exd.14214.
Wilden S, Friis M, Tuettenberg A, Staubach-Renz P, Wegner J, Grabbe S,
von Stebut E. Combined treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa with intense
Publication of real world data on the results of treatment with
pulsed light (IPL) and radiofrequency (RF). J Dermatolog Treat. 2021
(approved) drugs and/or medical devices is important to allow
Aug;32(5):530-537. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2019.1677842.
for a reasonable judgement about the efficacy of a medication,
Zimmer S, Basien K, von Stebut E. [Impact of LAight therapy on
hidradenitis suppurativa care]. Hautarzt. 2021 Jul;72(7):586-594. doi:
especially since due to the nature of controlled clinical studies
certain patient groups, who in daily clinical routine would best
Schultheis M, Staubach P, Nikolakis G, Grabbe S, Ruckes C, von Stebut
E, Kirschner U, Matusiak L, Szepietowsk IF. LAight® therapy
benefit from such new treatments, are excluded from study
significantly enhances treatment efficacy of 16 weeks of topical
inclusions. Real world data on the treatment of HS was
clindamycin solution in Hurley I and II hidradenitis suppurativa: Results
from period A of RELIEVE, a multicenter randomized, controlled trial.
summarized [12]. Adalimumab, the only approved biological
Dermatology 2021, manuscript accepted.
treatment so far, represents a cost-efficient and effective therapy.
Nikolakis G, von Stebut E [Topical and novel device-based therapies for
mild hidradenitis suppurativa]. Hautarzt. 2021 Aug;72(8):676-685. doi:
Additional publications about real world data with high(er)
Zouboulis CC, von Stebut E. Need for real-world data studies on
numbers of patients, including those with different risk factors,
hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa treatment. Hautarzt. 2021
are required. Real world data will help to really assess the
Aug;72(8):700-705. doi: 10.1007/s00105-021-04847-9.
developing therapeutic spectrum of HS in our daily routine.
An Overview of the BATMAN Platform
Zdenko Vuk
Jani Bizjak
Erik Dovgan
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Matjaž Gams
Anton Gradišek
Department of Intelligent Systems
Department of Intelligent Systems
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
Jamova cesta 39
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana, Slovenia
This paper presents an overview of the platform used in the
project BATMAN. We look at the architecture and at the in-
teractions between the components, namely the website, the
smartphone app, and the server, and how these components are
used by the medical doctors, patients and data scientists.
BATMAN platform, web platform, smartphone application, ques-
In recent years, the use of smartphone applications related to
health has expanded substantially. Smartphones and other wear-
able sensors have become being daily companions for a majority
of the population in developed countries. Probably the most
Figure 1: The basic schema showing the interactions of the
commonly-known health-related applications focus on aspects
platform users with the technical components.
such as exercise (i.e., fitness trackers) or nutrition and are typ-
ically independent of involvement of a medical doctor. On the
other hand, there is ongoing research dealing with the use of data
from the wearables to assist the clinicians in improving treat-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
ment of patients. An example of such research is the ERA PerMed
the BATMAN platform. The smartphone application is described
project BATMAN [1] that aims at improving the understanding
in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper with summary
of the chronic dermatological condition Hidradenitis Suppura-
and future plans.
tiva (HS), also called Acne Inversa. HS is a chronic inflammatory
disease involving hair follicles that presents with painful nodules
that release pus. Within the framework of the BATMAN project,
we aim in bringing together medical, genetic, experimental, and
lifestyle data to build a truly personalized model of each patient
In this section, we present an overview of the BATMAN platform,
in order to tailor specific treatments.
namely how its components work and how they are used by the
This paper presents the overview of the platform developed
participants in the project, i.e., medical doctors, patients, and
within the BATMAN project. This platform collects data from
data scientists. The basic schema of the interactions is shown
patients, such as answers to questionnaires, and enable doctors
in Figure 1. The patient and the doctor input the patient data
to follow the patient’s state and assign additional questionnaires
through a website. Patients also use a smartphone app for activ-
when appropriate. The gathered data are anonymized and further
ity tracking. The information collected via the website and the
processed by data scientists by building models for HS patients
smartphone app are stored on a server where it is then available
and seeking for new knowledge.
to data scientists.
The BATMAN platform website has a double functionality: it
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal
serves as the main information point about the BATMAN project
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
and it is also the entry point to the platform. Users can log in
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this
with their usernames and passwords. Depending on their role,
work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
they can see different types of content. To ensure the security
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
and to prevent any unauthorized access, the user accounts are
created by the platform administrators and assigned to users.
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zdenko Vuk, Jani Bizjak, Erik Dovgan, Matjaž Gams, and Anton Gradišek
Figure 3: User interface for editing a questionnaire.
Figure 2: Online form for doctors to upload the patient’s
Medical doctors can view and manage the patients’ files. They
are also able to manually upload the patients’ medical records
(see Figure 2). If convenient, patients can be assigned to different
groups. The doctors have the possibility to create new question-
naires (see Figure 3) and to assign questionnaires to their patients
(see Figure 4). There are three types of general questionnaires:
• Major Depression Inventory
• Dermatology Quality of Life
• Food preferences
The food preferences questionnaire has been split to several
forms with a small number of questions since the list of food
preferences includes around 200 items, which makes it tiresome
for the patient to fill in one sitting.
Figure 4: User interface for assigning questionnaires.
Depending on the preferences, each questionnaire can be as-
signed to a patient more than once, which is relevant especially
for the Depression and Quality of life questionnaires. On the other
hand, the food preferences typically do not change frequently
thus this questionnaire can be assigned only once.
The doctor gets the list of available user accounts for patients
from the administrator. Then the doctor then assigns accounts
to patients. This procedure enables us to keep the identity of the
patients anonymous for all other participants.
Figure 5: Patient’s view of the platform to see the com-
Each patient obtains the user account information from his/her
pleted part of the food preferences questionnaire.
medical doctor. Patients interact with the platform either through
the website or via the smartphone application. On the website,
they can view their data (see, for example, Figure 5) and they
can also use it as the interface with which they can fill in the
Data Scientists
questionnaires. In addition, they can also fill in the question-
Data scientist can access all the data that the medical doctors
naires through the smartphone application, which we describe
and the patients enter into the platform. The data available to
in Section 3.
the data scientists is anonymized.
An Overview of the BATMAN Platform
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Figure 6: Login dialog and home screen of the smartphone
Figure 7: Questionnaire menu and an example of a ques-
application. The home screen shows the summary of daily
tionnaire, in this case the Dermatology Quality of Life.
activities and the pending questionnaires.
The data is currently being collected in the pilot study and
will be then used to build models for HS patients and to seek for
new knowledge.
The highest level of access belongs to the administrator. Regard-
ing the platform functionality, the administrator can access pages
for managing users, groups, and for making changes on ques-
The smartphone application is available for Android-based phones
only. It can be accessed through Play Store [2], or found with
search for “Biomolecular Analyses for Tailored Medicine”.
Patients log in the smartphone application using the same
Figure 8: Example of the data that the smartphone appli-
account as to the platform. The login and home screen for a
cation sends to the server.
sample patient are shown in Figure 6.
There are two main functionalities of the smartphone appli-
cation: to monitor the daily activity of the patient, and to help
In order to keep the application transparent to the users, the
them to fill in the questionnaire, which is likely easier on the
patients can access the data log showing all information that
smartphone than requiring to log in to a separate website just
the application has communicated to the server (see Figure 8).
for that purpose.
Additional functionality of the application is a pedometer, which
The application uses the Google Fit [3] plug-in to trace the pa-
allows the user to track steps when activated (as opposed to the
tient’s steps and calories burned. The activity summary updates
integrated step counter that tracks the steps during the entire
in real time based on the patient’s activity. The collected daily
activity serves as a reasonable proxy for the patient’s wellbeing,
e.g., if the HS condition is bad at a given time, the patient is likely
to move less because of the pain, while if the patient starts mov-
In this paper, we presented an overview of the components of the
ing more after a treatment, this likely implies that the treatment
BATMAN platform. The platform is currently used to collect the
has been successful.
heterogeneous patient data, including medical, genetic, activity,
As for the questionnaires, the application allows the patient
and self-reported data.
to easily fill in the forms using the screen. An example of the
In the last stage of the project, the collected data will allow us
questionnaire is shown in Figure 7.
to find novel knowledge about the patients suffering from HS and
Information Society 2021, 4–8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zdenko Vuk, Jani Bizjak, Erik Dovgan, Matjaž Gams, and Anton Gradišek
will allow the doctors to create personalized treatments that could
Science, and Sport (MIZŠ). We would also like to thank the stu-
turn out to be more effective. This will be specially supported
dents who participated in the project.
by the data scientists who will develop AI-based approaches for
automatic knowledge extraction.
[1] Batman project’s website. 2021. https://batman-project.eu/
The authors acknowledge the funding from the ERA PerMed
[2] Batman app on Google Play Store. 2021. https://play.google.
project BATMAN, contract number C3330-20-252001. On Slove-
nian side, the project is funded by the Ministry of Education,
[3] Google Fit. 2021. https://developers.google.com/fit.
Indeks avtorjev / Author index
Albreht Jaka ............................................................................................................................................................................... 455
Andonovic Viktor ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Andova Andrejaana ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Anželj Gregor ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Arduino Alessandro...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Baggia Alenka ............................................................................................................................................................................ 516
Bajraktari Fadil ........................................................................................................................................................................... 383
Balantič Branka .......................................................................................................................................................................... 460
Balantič Zvone ........................................................................................................................................................................... 460
Batagelj Borut .............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Batagelj Tadeja ........................................................................................................................................................................... 464
Batagelj Vladimir ....................................................................................................................................................................... 683
Behrmani Sami ........................................................................................................................................................................... 383
Bele Klemen ............................................................................................................................................................................... 213
Beliga Slobodan ......................................................................................................................................................................... 155
Belšak Rok ................................................................................................................................................................................. 432
Berbić Selma ................................................................................................................................................................................ 63
Berce Jelka ................................................................................................................................................................................. 468
Bertalanič Blaž ........................................................................................................................................................................... 187
Bilbao Sonia ....................................................................................................................................................................... 650, 658
Bizjak Jani .................................................................................................................................................................................. 735
Blatnik Robert ............................................................................................................................................................................ 265
Blatnik Živa ................................................................................................................................................................................ 472
Boniotto Michele ........................................................................................................................................................................ 727
Boshkoska Biljana Mileva.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Boškoski Pavle ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Bošnjak Igor ............................................................................................................................................................................... 299
Boštic Matjaž ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Bottauscio Oriano ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Boufenghour Wacym ................................................................................................................................................................. 725
Bovcon Narvika ........................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Brandão Lucas .................................................................................................................................................................... 195, 721
Brank Janez ................................................................................................................................................................................ 119
Bratko Ivan ................................................................................................................................................................................. 692
Bregant Janez ............................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Brglez Mojca .............................................................................................................................................................................. 151
Buhin Pandur Maja..................................................................................................................................................................... 155
Callari Roberto ........................................................................................................................................................................... 638
Campos Sergio ................................................................................................................................................................... 646, 650
Canzonieri Vincenzo .................................................................................................................................................................. 199
Caporusso Jaya ............................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Casals del Busto Ignacio ............................................................................................................................................................ 163
Celesti Antonio ........................................................................................................................................................................... 638
Čepar Drago ............................................................................................................................................................................... 387
Cerar Gregor ............................................................................................................................................................................... 187
Cergolj Vincent ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Černe Jaša..................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Cigale Matej ............................................................................................................................................................................... 242
Ciulla Giuseppe .................................................................................................................................................. 631, 638, 658, 674
Colosi Mario ............................................................................................................................................................................... 638
Costa Joao .................................................................................................................................................................................. 171
Crovella Sergio ................................................................................................................................................................... 195, 721
Ćudić Bojan ................................................................................................................................................................................ 276
Dam Paulien ............................................................................................................................................................................... 183
De Masi Carlo M. ................................................................................................................................................................. 15, 242
Dedić Remzo .............................................................................................................................................................................. 299
Delovec Urška ............................................................................................................................................................................ 476
Di Bernardo Roberto .......................................................................................................................................................... 631, 638
Divjak Saša ................................................................................................................................................................................. 696
Dobša Jasminka .......................................................................................................................................................................... 155
Dolenc Tomi ............................................................................................................................................................................... 706
dos Santos Silva Carlos André ................................................................................................................................................... 721
Dovgan Erik ............................................................................................................... 202, 213, 228, 242, 654, 662, 666, 670, 735
Eržen Samo ................................................................................................................................................................................ 210
Eržin Eva .................................................................................................................................................................................... 163
Erznožnik Matic ......................................................................................................................................................................... 167
Etxaniz Iñaki .............................................................................................................................................................................. 674
Farahmand Shabnam .................................................................................................................................................. 631, 635, 646
Farčnik Daša ............................................................................................................................................................... 390, 394, 405
Fazio Maria ................................................................................................................................................................................ 638
Filipič Bogdan ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11, 51
Flacher Vincent .......................................................................................................................................................................... 725
Fortuna Blaž ....................................................................................................................................................................... 159, 183
Fortuna Carolina ......................................................................................................................................................................... 187
Fric Urška ................................................................................................................................................................................... 265
Ftičar Jure ........................................................................................................................................................................... 291, 416
Gams Matjaž ................................................. 80, 202, 206, 213, 221, 228, 232, 236, 242, 412, 440, 654, 662, 666, 670, 702, 735
Garcia David ................................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Genovese Giovanni .................................................................................................................................................................... 730
Gerlero Virginia ......................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Gil Raquel .................................................................................................................................................................................. 646
Golob Ožbej ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Gotlih Janez ................................................................................................................................................................................ 432
Gradišek Anton .................................................................................................................................................................. 242, 735
Gratton Rossella ................................................................................................................................................................. 195, 721
Grobelnik Marko ........................................................................................................................................................ 119, 123, 163
Grof Nataša ................................................................................................................................................................................ 103
Guček Alenka ............................................................................................................................................................................. 163
Hafner Izidor .............................................................................................................................................................................. 688
Hudi Primož ............................................................................................................................................................................... 479
Ilijaš Tomi .................................................................................................................................................................................. 210
Istenič Tanja ............................................................................................................................................................... 390, 394, 405
Janko Vito .................................................................................................................................................................... 23, 232, 242
Jelenčič Jakob ............................................................................................................................................................................. 175
Jereb Eva .................................................................................................................................................................................... 606
Jerina Tamara ............................................................................................................................................................................. 483
Jerman Urša ................................................................................................................................................................................ 486
Jovanović Marko ........................................................................................................................................................................ 435
Kalabakov Stefan ....................................................................................................................................................................... 440
Kalan Mateja ................................................................................................................................................................................ 63
Kapun Žan .................................................................................................................................................................................. 491
Karanjac Blanka ......................................................................................................................................................................... 497
Karner Timi ................................................................................................................................................................................ 432
Kasesnik Karin ........................................................................................................................................................................... 397
Kavaš Matic ................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Kelly Seamus ............................................................................................................................................................................. 611
Kenda Klemen .................................................................................................................................................................... 167, 171
Klanjšek Gunde Marta ............................................................................................................................................................... 295
Klemen Sonja ............................................................................................................................................................................. 502
Kljajić Borštnar Mirjana ............................................................................................................................................................. 611
Klun Urša ................................................................................................................................................................................... 221
Knez Jožica ................................................................................................................................................................................ 506
Kocman David ................................................................................................................................................................... 291, 416
Kocuvan Primož ................................................................................................................................................. 202, 206, 213, 221
Kokelj Martina ........................................................................................................................................................................... 509
Kolar Žiga .................................................................................................................................................................................. 228
Kolenik Tine ......................................................................................................................................................................... 68, 221
Komarova Nadezhda .................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Kordeš Urban ............................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Kožuh Ines ................................................................................................................................................................................. 491
Kralj Novak Petra ......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Krapež Alenka ............................................................................................................................................................................ 710
Kušar Luka ................................................................................................................................................................................. 513
Lajovic Iztok .............................................................................................................................................................................. 692
Laña Ibai..................................................................................................................................................................................... 646
Larrañaga Urrotz ........................................................................................................................................................................ 646
Lazaro Gonzalo .......................................................................................................................................................................... 658
Leban Marijan ............................................................................................................................................................................ 259
Leskovar Kristina ....................................................................................................................................................................... 523
Leskovar Robert ......................................................................................................................................................................... 516
Lindemann David ....................................................................................................................................................................... 147
Lipič Karel ................................................................................................................................................................................. 421
López Maria José ............................................................................................................................................................... 650, 674
Lorbek Ivančič Dan .................................................................................................................................................................... 187
Lukan Junoš ................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Luštrek Mitja .......................................................................................................................................................... 15, 39, 232, 242
Lutman Tomaž ........................................................................................................................................................................... 303
Macur Mirna ....................................................................................................................................................................... 408, 579
Malačič Janez ............................................................................................................................................................................. 400
Marinko Anže ....................................................................................................................................................................... 80, 440
Marinko Matej ............................................................................................................................................................................ 242
Martella Francesco ............................................................................................................................................................. 631, 638
Martorana Marco ........................................................................................................................................................................ 638
Marzano Angelo ......................................................................................................................................................................... 730
Massri M.Besher ................................................................................................................................................................ 119, 163
Matar Rola .................................................................................................................................................................................. 727
Matranga Isabel .......................................................................................................................................................................... 631
Meiners Fritz .............................................................................................................................................................................. 658
Meštrović Ana ............................................................................................................................................................................ 155
Metzler Hannah ............................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Mihić Zidar Lucija ....................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Miljković Mateja ........................................................................................................................................................................ 526
Mladenić Dunja .......................................................................................................................... 119, 123, 135, 143, 159, 175, 183
Mladenic Grobelnik Adrian........................................................................................................................................................ 123
Mlinar Biček Polona ................................................................................................................................................................... 530
Mocanu Iulian ............................................................................................................................................................................ 163
Močnik Alenka ........................................................................................................................................................................... 534
Moltrasio Chiara ......................................................................................................................................................................... 730
Motnikar Lenart............................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Moura Ronald ..................................................................................................................................................................... 195, 721
Nait-Meddour Cecile .................................................................................................................................................................. 727
Nediževec Martina ..................................................................................................................................................................... 538
Neumann Matej .......................................................................................................................................................................... 179
Novak Erik ................................................................................................................................................................................. 127
Novak Rok ................................................................................................................................................................................. 416
Novalija Inna ...................................................................................................................................................................... 119, 163
Noveski Gjorgji .......................................................................................................................................................................... 225
Odić Duško ................................................................................................................................................................................. 277
Olabarrieta Ignacio ..................................................................................................................................................................... 646
Ozvatič Jure ................................................................................................................................................................................ 542
Pajnik Tina ................................................................................................................................................................................. 546
Pal Levin ............................................................................................................................................................................ 269, 287
Palčič Devid ............................................................................................................................................................................... 217
Parrino Giovanni ................................................................................................................................................................ 631, 638
Pelicon Andraž ............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Perša Tomi ................................................................................................................................................................................. 491
Petkovšek Gal ............................................................................................................................................................................. 167
Pita Costa Joao ................................................................................................................................................................... 163, 171
Pivec Franci ........................................................................................................................................................................ 444, 699
Planinc Luka ............................................................................................................................................................................... 550
Plementaš Ana Marija ................................................................................................................................................................ 109
Podobnik France ......................................................................................................................................................................... 287
Pollak Senja ........................................................................................................................................................................ 139, 151
Posedel Golob Karmen ............................................................................................................................................................... 555
Posinković Matej ........................................................................................................................................................................ 163
Poštuvan Tim ............................................................................................................................................................................. 159
Pranjić Marko ............................................................................................................................................................................. 139
Prašnikar Andrej ......................................................................................................................................................................... 559
Pratneker Miha ................................................................................................................................................................... 291, 416
Prybylski Maxim ........................................................................................................................................................................ 308
Puc Jernej ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Rajkovič Uroš ............................................................................................................................................................................. 618
Rajkovič Vladislav ..................................................................................................................................................................... 692
Ravničan Jože ............................................................................................................................................................................. 440
Ražman Simon ........................................................................................................................................................................... 217
Rečnik Ivan ................................................................................................................................................................................ 435
Redek Tjaša ................................................................................................................................................................................ 390
Rehberger Roman ............................................................................................................................................................... 562, 566
Reščič Nina .................................................................................................................................................................. 39, 232, 242
Rizzolio Flavio ........................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Robinson Johanna A. .................................................................................................................................................................. 416
Robnik-Šikonja Marko ................................................................................................................................................. 55, 131, 139
Rogelj Aljaž ............................................................................................................................................................................... 587
Romih Dejan .............................................................................................................................................................................. 424
Rossi Maurizio ........................................................................................................................................................................... 163
Rožanec Jože M. ................................................................................................................................................................ 159, 183
Sadikov Aleksander................................................................................................................................................................ 19, 35
Sajko Klemen ............................................................................................................................................................................. 491
Saksida Amanda ........................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Sambt Jože ................................................................................................................................................................. 390, 394, 405
Schwabe Daniel .......................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Šebenik Tina ............................................................................................................................................................................... 590
Šerbec Anja .................................................................................................................................................................................. 93
Šercar M. Tvrtko ........................................................................................................................................................................ 444
Šifrer Robert ............................................................................................................................................................................... 592
Simčič Petra ............................................................................................................................................................................... 574
Sittar Abdul ................................................................................................................................................................................ 143
Škrlj Blaž ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Škrlj Gregor ................................................................................................................................................................................ 597
Slapničar Gašper .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Slivšek Uršek ............................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Smerkol Maj ....................................................................................................................................................... 654, 662, 666, 670
Snijders Rosalie .......................................................................................................................................................................... 642
Solina Franc ......................................................................................................................................................................... 27, 712
Stankoski Simon ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Stepišnik Perdih Tjaša ........................................................................................................................................................ 408, 579
Stojkič Željko ............................................................................................................................................................................. 299
Stres Špela .................................................................................................................................. 259, 265, 269, 276, 277, 282, 287
Strgar Sonja ................................................................................................................................................................................ 583
Strnad Marjan ............................................................................................................................................................................. 217
Strniša Gašper ............................................................................................................................................................................ 587
Strniša Iva................................................................................................................................................................................... 587
Šturm Jan .................................................................................................................................................................................... 163
Sulajkovska Miljana ........................................................................................................................................... 654, 662, 666, 670
Susič David ............................................................................................................................................................ 43, 80, 236, 242
Swati ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Todorović Tadej ........................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Tomšič Janez .............................................................................................................................................................................. 236
Toporišič Gašperšič Manca ........................................................................................................................................................ 103
Trajkova Elena ........................................................................................................................................................................... 183
Tricarico Paola Maura ........................................................................................................................................................ 195, 721
Trobec Marjeta ................................................................................................................................................................... 269, 282
Trpin Alenka ................................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Trpin Borut ................................................................................................................................................................................. 109
Truccolo Ivana ........................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Tušar Tea ...................................................................................................................................................................... 51, 232, 242
Ulčar Matej ................................................................................................................................................................................. 131
Urankar Patricija ........................................................................................................................................................................ 601
Urh Marko .................................................................................................................................................................................. 606
Uspenski Aliaksei ....................................................................................................................................................................... 308
Uspenskiy Alexander ................................................................................................................................................................. 308
Valič Jakob ......................................................................................................................................................................... 206, 225
van Loon Nathalie ...................................................................................................................................................................... 642
Villari Massimo .......................................................................................................................................................................... 638
Vintar Špela ................................................................................................................................................................................ 151
Viršček Andrej ........................................................................................................................................................................... 405
Vodopija Aljoša ................................................................................................................................................................... 51, 242
von Stebut Esther ....................................................................................................................................................................... 733
Vovk Ana ................................................................................................................................................................................... 429
Vrabec Tina ................................................................................................................................................................................ 416
Vrban Rok .................................................................................................................................................................................. 611
Vučko Tadeja ............................................................................................................................................................................. 614
Vuk Zdenko ........................................................................................................................................................................ 228, 735
Vukomanović Marija .................................................................................................................................................................. 303
Werber Borut .............................................................................................................................................................................. 618
Žagar Aleš .................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Žaucer Maša ................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Ženko Bernard .............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Žerjal Samo ................................................................................................................................................................................ 624
Zilberti Luca ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Žunič Vojka ................................................................................................................................................................................ 295
Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci
Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Kognitivna znanost
Cognitive Science
Odkrivanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča • SiKDD
Data Mining and Data Warehouses • SiKDD
Delavnica projekta Insieme
Insieme Project Workshop
14. mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij
14th International Technology Transfer Conference
Ljudje in okolje
People and Environment
Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi
Education in Information Society
Delavnica URBANITE 2021
URBANITE Workshop 2021
50-letnica poučevanja računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah
50th Anniversary of Teaching Computer Science in Slovenian
Secondary Schools
Delavnica projekta BATMAN
BATMAN Project Workshop
Uredniki • Editors:
Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver, Toma Strle, Borut Trpin, Maša Rebernik, Olga Markič,
Dunja Mladenić, Marko Grobelnik, Primož Kocuvan, Flavio Rizzolio, Špela Stres, Robert Blatnik,
Janez Malačič, Tomaž Ogrin, Uroš Rajkovič, Borut Batagelj, Sergio Campos, Shabnam Farahmand,
Nathalie van Loon, Erik Dovgan, Saša Divjak, Alenka Krapež, Sergio Crovella, Anton Gradišek
Document Outline
IS2021_Complete - do J IS2021_Complete - do I IS2021_Complete - do H IS2021_Complete - do G IS2021_Complete - do F IS2021_Complete - do E IS2021_Complete - do D IS2021_Complete - do C IS2021_Complete - do 02 IS2021_Complete Naslovnica-sprednja-ALL
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - ALL
03 - Kolofon - All
04 - IS2021 - Predgovor
05 - IS2021 - Konferencni odbori
07 - Kazalo - ALL
IS2021_Volume_A 02 - Naslovnica - notranja - A - TEMP
03 - Kolofon - A - TEMP
04 - IS2021 - Predgovor - TEMP
05 - IS2021 - Konferencni odbori
07 - Kazalo - A
08 - Naslovnica - notranja - A - TEMP
09 - Predgovor podkonference - A
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - A
Andova+Filipic Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Evolutionary Multitasking 2.1 Assortative Mating
2.2 Selective Imitation
2.3 Landscape Analysis
3 Experiments and results 3.1 Multitask Optimization
3.2 Many-Task Optimization
4 Conclusion and future work
5 Acknowledgments
DeMasiEtal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Related Work 2.1 Drinking Detection From Wearables
2.2 Activity Recognition From Videos
3 Adopted Hardware 3.1 Wristband
3.2 Local Deployment of The Computer Vision System
4 Intent Recognition 4.1 Regions of Interest
4.2 Intent Recognition
4.3 Drinking Detection From Computer Vision on the Jetson NANO
4.4 Drinking Detection Using a Wearable device
5 Results and Discussion 5.1 Intent Recognition and Local Implementation of Drinking Detection
5.2 Wearable Sensing Results
6 Conclusions
GolobEtal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Methods 2.1 Data Acquisition
2.2 Reconstruction Techniques
2.3 Anomaly Detection
3 Results
4 Discussion and Conclusions
JankoEtal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Library Functionalities 2.1 Motion Sensors Features
2.2 Physiological Features
2.3 Other Functionalities
3 Usage Example 3.1 SHL Dataset
3.2 Methods
3.3 Results
4 Conclusion
KomarovaEtal Abstract
1 Uvod in motivacija
2 Slikovni prostor na umetniških slikah
3 Zaznava obrazov
4 Geometrijska interpretacija prostora
5 Rezultati
6 Razprava
7 Zaključek
PeliconEtal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Data 2.1 Annotation Schema
2.2 Sampling for Training and Evaluation
2.3 Annotation Procedure
3 Experiments 3.1 autoBOT - an autoML for texts
3.2 Deep Learning
3.3 Other Baseline Approaches
4 Results
5 Conclusion
Puc+Sadikov Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Related work
3 The SDG Environment 3.1 Description
3.2 Observations
3.3 Actions
3.4 Execution
3.5 Online Play
3.6 Replay System
4 Supervised Learning Baseline 4.1 Agent Model Architecture
4.2 Imitation Learning
4.3 Demonstrations
4.4 Results
5 Conclusions & Future Work
Rescic+Lustrek Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Methodology 2.1 Problem outline
2.2 Dataset
2.3 Feature ranking
3 Results 3.1 Classification problem
3.2 Regression problem
3.3 Discussion
4 Conclusion and future work
Susic Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Data description and preparation
3 Methods and models 3.1 Country-Specific Approach
3.2 Time-Series Approach
4 Models' parameters selection
5 Results
6 Conclusion
VodopijaEtal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
3 Methodology 3.1 ELA Features
3.2 Dimensionality Reduction with t-SNE
4 Experimental Setup
5 Results and Discussion
6 Conclusions
ŽagarEtal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Updates: KAS 2.0 and KAS-Abs 2.0 2.1 Extraction of Text Body
2.2 Extraction of Abstracts
2.3 Differences from Version 1.0 to 2.0
3 Sub-CERIF classification
4 New datasets 4.1 Summarization Datasets
4.2 Machine Translation Datasets
5 Conclusions
12 - Index - A
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Blank Page
Blank Page
Blank Page
Blank Page
Blank Page
Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - B
09 - Predgovor podkonference - B
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - B
01 - Černeetal
02 - Koleniketal
03 - Marinko et al._COGSCI21_paper_6 Abstract
4 EXPERIMENTS 4.1 Issues with log-uniform distribution
4.2 Parameter importance
04 - Motnikaretal
05 - Saksida
06 - Šerbec_COGSCI21_paper_3
07 - Todorovicetal
08 - Toporisicetal
09 - Trpinetal
Blank Page
Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - C
09 - Predgovor podkonference - C
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - C
01 - Novalijaetal
02 - MladenicEtal
03 - Novak Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 The Clustering Algorithm 3.1 Article Representation
3.2 Event Representations
3.3 Assignment Condition
4 Experiments 4.1 Data Set
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
4.3 Baseline Algorithm
5 Results
6 Conclusion
04 - Ulcar+Robnik Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Related work
3 SloBERTa 3.1 Datasets
3.2 Data preprocessing
3.3 Architecture and training
4 Evaluation
5 Conclusions
05 - Swati+Mladenic Abstract
1 Introduction 1.1 Contributions
2 Related Work
3 Data Description 3.1 Raw Data Source
3.2 Dataset
4 Materials and Methods 4.1 Methodology
5 Results and Analysis 5.1 Impact of news categories
6 Conclusions and Future Work
7 Acknowledgments
06 - Pranjicetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Dataset
3 Methodology 3.1 Doc2Vec
3.2 BERT
3.3 Prediction network
3.4 Training
4 Experiments and results 4.1 Evaluation metrics
4.2 Results and discussion
5 Conclusions and Further Work
07 - Sittar+Mladenic Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Data Description 3.1 Dataset Statistics
4 Material and Methods 4.1 Problem Definition
4.2 Methodology
5 Experimental Evaluation 5.1 Evaluation Metric
6 Results and Analysis 6.1 Annotation Results
6.2 Classification Results
7 Conclusions and Future Work
08 - LindemannDavid Abstract
1 Introduction
2 LexBib Zotero group
3 LexBib Wikibase 3.1 Wikibase as LOD infrastructure solution
3.2 Zotero to Wikibase migration
3.3 Entity disambiguation using Open Refine
3.4 Full text processing
4 Wikibase to Elexifinder
5 Conclusions and Outlook
09 - Brglezetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Proposed approach 2.1 Method
3 Corpus 3.1 Corpus search
4 Analysing different parameter settings
5 Conclusion
10 - Panduretal
11 - Rožanecetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Use Case
4 Methodology
5 Results and Analysis
6 Conclusion
12 - Costaetal
13 - Petkovšeketal Introduction
Data and Data Preprocessing
Methodology Evaluation of algorithms
Welford's algorithm
Facebook Prophet
14 - Costaetal_2 Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Stationary and Chaotic Nature 2.1 Dickey-Fuller Test for Stationarity
2.2 Lyapunov exponents for understanding chaotic nature
3 Maximum Predictability
4 Model Architecture 4.1 LSTM
4.2 Our approach
5 Forecasting 5.1 Forecasting Methods
5.2 Our Approach
6 Research Methods 6.1 Time Series Reconstruction
6.2 Entropy Calculation
6.3 Data and Code Git Repository
7 Plot of results
8 Conclusion
9 Acknowledgments
15 - Jelencic+Mladenic Introduction
Proposed method Empirical normalization
Noise addition
Optimization of latent representation
Results Unsupervised learning results
Supervised learning results
Conclusions and future work
16 - Neumann+Grobelnik
17 - Trajkovaetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Use Case
4 Methodology
5 Results and Analysis
6 Conclusion
18 - Ivancicetal
Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - D
09 - Predgovor podkonference - D
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - D
01 - Brandao
02 - Truccolo
03 - Kocuvan_2-final Abstract
1 Introduction
2 An overview of Existing EMH Platforms 2.1 Genoa
2.2 DigiGone
2.3 Doxy.me
2.4 eVisit
2.5 iPath
2.6 MedSymphony
2.7 Bodi Zdrav
2.8 EcoSmart
3 The ISE-EMH platform 3.1 Basic Information
3.2 Detailed Description of the ISE-EMH Platform
4 Analytical Comparison 4.1 Choosing the Features for Comparison
4.2 Results of the Analytical Comparison
5 Empirical Comparison of Simply Accessible Platforms 5.1 Bodi Zdrav User Experience
5.2 EcoSmart User Experience
5.3 ISE-EMH User Experience
6 Conclusion
04 - Kocuvan Abstract
1 Introduction 1.1 Basic information about the project
1.2 Chosen Android OS and programming language
1.3 Overview of the functions
2 The initial screen
3 The elder's home view and functions 3.1 Sandbox
3.2 Battery
3.3 Mobile phone location and vocal search
3.4 Alarms and reminders
3.5 SOS function and fall detection
3.6 Phone book and pedometer
4 The caretaker view and functions 4.1 Sandbox
4.2 Battery
4.3 Mobile phone location and vocal search
4.4 Alarms and reminders
4.5 SOS function and fall detection
4.6 Phone book and pedometer
5 Conclusion
05 - Erzen - cakamo
06 - Bele
07 - Palcic - cakamo
08 - Kolenik
09 - Noveski Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Experiment
3 Conclusion
10 - Kolar Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Methodology for AHA Solution Assessment 2.1 Main objectives
2.2 Methodology
2.3 Platforms
3 Clustering and taxonomies 3.1 K-means clustering
3.2 Hierarchical clustering
3.3 Taxonomies
4 Conclusion and discussion
11 - Janko Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Dataset
3 Methods
4 Results
5 Discussion and Conclusions
12 - Tomsic Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Methodology 2.1 Selection of articles
2.2 Articles not based on OxCGRT data
2.3 Ranking effectiveness of NPIs
2.4 Comparison with a similar article
3 Results 3.1 Assessed regions and time frames
3.2 Metrics used in studies
3.3 NPI effectiveness estimations
4 Conclusion
13 - Lustrek
Blank Page
Blank Page
08 - Naslovnica - notranja - E
09 - Predgovor podkonference - E
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - E
01 - Leban et al. - CEETT platform
02 - Fric et al. - Software Protection and Licensing Challenges in Europe
03 - Stres et al. (dodana avtorja) - European Guiding principles
04 - Cudic (skrajšano) - Digital Innovation Hubs Digital Innovation Hubs and Regional Development:
05 - Odic et al. - EU projects
06 - Trobec et al. - Proof of Concept cases
07 - Pal et al. - European Industrial Strategy
08 - Ftičar et al. - Knowledge generation in citizen science project
09 - Žunič et al. - Overview of National Sources
10 - Bosnjak et al. - Application of 3D printing, reverse engineering and metrology
11 - Lutman et al. - Towards the Market
12 - Uspenskiy et al. - Technology transfer in Belarus
Zbornik_14ITTC_DODATEK_V3_avtorizacije_10_11_2021_cistopis - ML
Blank Page
Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - F
09 - Predgovor podkonference - F
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - F
01 - BehramiBajraktari---final
02 - Čepar_popravljena
03 - Farčnik,Istenič,Sambt,Redek_IS2021
04 - IstenicSambtFarcnik_IS2021
05 - KKasesnik-IS2021_final-7
06 - Malacic-popravljena
07 - SambtIstenicFarcnik_IJS2021_CameraReady
08 - StepisnikPerdih
09 - GamsMatjaz
10 - Kocman-et-al
11- Lipič
12 - Romih-lektorirano
13 - Vovk
14 - Belsak_Karner_Gotlih
15 - Jovanovic
16 - Kalabakov Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Problem definition
3 Data collection 3.1 Data generation
4 Method
5 Results
6 Conclusions
17 - Pivec+Šercar-fin
Blank Page
Blank Page
Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - G
09 - Predgovor podkonference - G
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - G
! Prispevki Albreht
Balantic Balantic
Delovec 1. UVOD
3. TIPI NALOG 3.1 Dopiši ustrezen odgovor ('gap fill')
3.2 Izbirni tip s spustnim menijem ('drop down select box')
3.3 Izbirni tip ('multiple choice exercise')
3.4 Povezovanje parov ('join with arrows')
3.5 Povleci na ustrezno mesto ('drag and drop')
3.6 Ostale možnosti
Kapun et al
Knez Trenutni in sodobni čas od nas zahteva, da se vsi učitelji prilagajamo, sledimo novim spremembam, se prilagajamo in ves čas evalviramo svoje delo in načrtujemo kako napredovati pri svojem delu. Gledati moramo, da delamo kakovostno in da to pomeni, da ...
Že v učnem načrtu je s splošnimi cilji opredeljen pouk in namen poučevanja matematike. [1]
Učenci pri pouku matematike:
• razvijajo matematično mišljenje: abstraktno-logično mišljenje in geometrijske predstave;
• oblikujejo matematične pojme, strukture, veščine in procese ter povezujejo znanje znotraj matematike in tudi širše;
• razvijajo uporabo različnih matematičnih postopkov in tehnologij;
• spoznavajo uporabnost matematike v vsakdanjem življenju;
• spoznavajo matematiko kot proces ter se učijo ustvarjalnosti in natančnosti;
• razvijajo zaupanje v lastne (matematične) sposobnosti, odgovornost in pozitiven odnos do dela in matematike;
• spoznavajo pomen matematike kot univerzalnega jezika;
• sprejemajo in doživljajo matematiko kot kulturno vrednoto. 4.1 Video posnetki
4.2 Open Board
4.3 Smart Notebook Ravnilo - geotrikotnik
Kušar - original
Leskovar Baggia
Močnik 1 UVOD
3 DEJAVNOST 3.1 Ideja in oblikovanje dejavnosti
3.2 Cilji
- komunicirajo v matematičnem jeziku,
- pri delu spretno uporabijo vire.
3.3 Načrtovanje dejavnosti
3.4 Izvedba dejavnosti
Ozvatič - new
PosedelGolob - new
Rehberger 1
Rehberger 2
Simčič -new
StepišnikPerdih Macur
Strniša - new
Šebenik - new
Urh Jereb
Vrban et al - new
Werber Rajkovič
Blank Page
Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - H
09 - Predgovor podkonference - H
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - H
01 Ciullaetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 URBANITE CITIES 2.1 Amsterdam
2.2 Bilbao
2.3 Helsinki
2.4 Messina
3 Conclusions
02 Farahmandsadr
03 Martellaetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
3 Reference Scenario 3.1 Briefly on Messina Use Case
3.2 The URBANITE Architecture
4 Messina Implementation
5 Conclusions
04 van Loon+Snijders
05 Olabarrietaetal
06 Bilbaoetal
07 Dovganetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Overview of the URBANITE System
3 Decision Support System (DSS) 3.1 Components of the URBANITE DSS
3.2 Hierarchical Decision Model for Mobility Policy Evaluation
3.3 Evaluation of Mobility Policies
4 Conclusion
08 Meiners
09 Smerkol+S+D+G2 Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Overview of the System for Mobility Policy Design
3 Mobility policy simulation 3.1 Traffic Simulations
3.2 Representation of Mobility Policies
4 Creating Simulations 4.1 MATSim Input Data
4.2 Automating Simulation Creation
4.3 Road Network Preparation
4.4 Population Synthesis Algorithm
5 Conclusion
10 Sulajkovskaetal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Overview of the urbanite approach
3 data collection 3.1 Simulation
3.2 Scenarios
4 machine learning 4.1 Methods
4.2 Evaluation Results
5 conclusion
11 Smerkol+S+D+G Abstract
1 Introduction
2 Visualizations in the Traffic and Mobility Domains 2.1 Spatio-Temporal Data
2.2 Traffic Data
2.3 Air pollution
3 Selection of Methods 3.1 Traffic data
3.2 Air pollution data
4 Implementation 4.1 Map based visualizations
4.2 Color maps
4.3 Interactive charts
5 Future work
6 Conclusions
12 Lopez
Blank Page
Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - I
09 - Predgovor podkonference - I
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - I
01 - Batagelj_WPOddani Abstract
1 Uvod
2 Matematika
3 ZUSE Z-23
4 Tehniška matematika
5 IJS E4
6 FE, RRC, RCU, Iskra, Intertrade in drugi
7 Računalništvo v srednjih šolah
8 IFIP 1971
9 Prva polovica sedemdesetih
10 Druga polovica sedemdesetih
02 - Hafner
03 - Bratko Lajovic Rajkovic nov2021
04 - Divjak
05 - Pivec
06 - Gams
07 - Dolenc
08 - Krapez
09 - Solina Abstract
1 Izobraževalne institucije 1.1 Gimnazija Bežigrad
1.2 Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
1.3 Hidrografski inštitut vojne mornarice
1.4 Pensilvanska univerza
1.5 Vrnitev na fakulteto
1.6 Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko
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Blank Page
02 - Naslovnica - notranja - J
09 - Predgovor podkonference - J
10 - Programski odbor podkonference - J
01 - Tricaricoetal
02 - Boufenghour
03 - Nait-Meddour
04 - Marzano
05 - Stebut
06 - Vuketal Abstract
1 Introduction
2 The BATMAN platform and its users 2.1 Doctors
2.2 Patients
2.3 Data Scientists
2.4 Administrators
3 Smartphone Application
4 Conclusion
Blank Page
12 - Index - ALL
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