r.«|M*t1 it .pravniAki pro««or» MAT 8 Lavnenl* A*• om«v of PuklkTotMNt t*S7 South f «wnA. 17r8EFTEMmu Piketi oproščeni ae epdiščs Cleveland, O. — Devet in deve-' deset hotelskih piketov, ki so bi-(ii pred nekaj dnevi aretirani in obtoženi nespodobnega obnašanja, je bilo oproščenih na sodii-I ču, kateremu je predaedoval sodnik David Moylan. Policijski načelnik v Clevelandu je tadal odredbo, da se aretira vsakega atavkarja, ki ga dobe na piketi-ranju. Izvršenih je bilo Že več a-retacij piketov, toda doeedaj ni bil poelan še noben v zapor. Bellaire. O^-članatvu druitve ft. SM: Vsak Aaj da ali poiljo Ujniku ■voj naslov, da bo v «lad«Ju bolezni aH nesreče vse v redu. To jo potreb no. Pošljite no »podnji neslovr ds bom vedel kam poslati teke, kadsr jih dobim Is gi uredo. Doted*J sem vaakoms nesel ček ns njegovo alano-vonje. Ker pa imam s tem proveč •trodkov Is svojega iapa, sato naj vsak ¿las in Šbnica upoiteva u po-siv,—Tomy Jensen, blagajnik. bo važna tudi U seja, radi več vsinik točk, ki pridejo ns dnevni red. Slišali bomo tudi finančno poročilo odbora, U je aranžiral "Labor day" piknik, ki je bfl zato dobro obiskan. Poaetniki so odnesli najboljše vtise. Prepričaj so se. ds Kansaška federacija prireja vedno prvovrstne piknfl*. Društva, ne posabite, ds je vaša dolžnost, da ste zastopani na se|i ter da za gotovo pošljete zastopnike. Vsbljeni ste tudi drugi člsni(ice), ds se številno udeležite zborovanja. Ne pozabite 21. sept, v Frontenac naedtfof John Strier. zapisnikar. NAZNANILO ÍN ZAHVALA Z bolestjo v srcu neznenjsm aorodnikom, prijateljem in iskietno voot, do Je po nekej mesecev mučni bol»-/m Umri je 5. septembre 1930. Pogreb po civilnem obred« se Je vrtil 7. septembre t 1. ns Zoiorjevo pokopoliiče; pri pogrebu |e |rrsU godba no pikala, Ser je pokojni teko ieloL Pokojni Jo Ml rojen S. novembra 1885 v voei Laataič, p i Koz Jem ns Štajerskem. V Amerike jo priiel leto 19S7. Bil j«. č|«„ druitva it. 182 8NPJ, in dr. ev. Joiefe, J8KJ, v Little Felln, N ^ Nejlepio zahvalo izrekam vsem, Id eo drsgega rsnjkegs obiskali me toisiili in mi pomagali v teb težkih dnevih. Najlepie hvala prej imenovanim« druitvoma sS dsrovsne lepe vence in so akrbnu sodelovanje pri pogreb«. lekreno hvslo isrekom ss darovane vene,, tudi druitvoms: Sv. Pavlo, KSK J, in Marijo PomogoJ, KSK J. k», kor tudi New York Mfrket Store In Ckenney Hammer Corporation Bo oko ae prisrčno sohvoljiijetn m dsrovsne vence družinami Math Gorinšok, Tony Bombi«, Fr. Petkoviok. Fr. Gresich, Joe S -monoc is John Pur not, nodolje Mies Molly Grssich. Mien Jennie In Frsaeee Bstenich, Mr. Joe Mlinsr, Mr. Fr. Gregorin, Mr. 1 Gregorks, Mr. Joe Cigste, Mr. Joe Miklsvc is Mr. Aoton Jerina Pricične hvsla Udi vsem. ki sto dali svojo svtomobile brezplačno na rszpolsgo, Itakor tudi godbi ns pihala, ker ete «e potrudili da ate na več kot miljo dolgi poti do pokopoliičs igrali in a t«n izpolnili pokojnikovo ieijo, katero Je imel dokler Je bil ie pri živ. I Jon Ju. Hvals tudi vsem, Id ete opremili drsgegs pokojnika na njegovi zadnji poti. * -j,- ^ . - Tebi pa, ljubljeni soprog, naj bo Ishlu grude tuje deiele. Bil si vedno dober in sveet in težko Te bom pogreisls. Ako aem pomotoma possbila so kateremu zshvsliti, prosim, ds oprosti. Žaiu. Joti ostali: Elizabet, soproga, v Utile Falla, N. Y., v stsrem kraju pa oče, msti, dvs brste in itfri sestro. Elizabet Penich, Little Falls, W. T. ' ' . New Derry, ps.—Po • moaečni bolezni je tokaJ dne 22. avgasta preminul sobrat John Skondsr, rodom Hr-vst, ¿len druitvs it. 8d. Pogreb sa jo vriil dne 25. avgusta ns tnkajinje pokopaliiée. Hvala vsem ¿lanom, ki so ae udeležili pogreb« loko itevilno. Droitvo j« pokojniku poklonilo v sad-nji pozdrav ktseen venec in ga spremilo ns sodnji poti s zastavo. Sorodnikom noie soislje.—-Jos. Glae, tsjnik. NAZNANILO Iz spravništra lista Presvets Naznaja ee, ds je cena oglasom za sredino izdajo svilena. V dnevnika, drage dneve Izven sredine izdsje je keker preje. To veljs ss Člane, društva bi druge Najnižja cena za palec prostora v dnevniku Izven sredine Izdaje je 50c; v sredini izdaji po $IJ0* as enkratna prloMItov, Za oflnss ss rsčuns pe velikosti prostore« ffftttr pošljete oglas, zapišite vselej, kateri den želite, da ss vaš oglas priobči In koliko na« meravate potrošiti. Vselej pišite točno In ob pravem časa. ako želite imeti dobro poslugo. Prosimo vaS, da to upo- Philip Godlna, upravitelj, NAZNANILO IN ZÁHVALA « Z šalootnim Srcem nosna«Jsmo sorodnikom, znancem in pri. jsteljem taino veet, de «am Jo krata smrt istrgslo is naie srede I Ju begs soproga hi očete MnvnJonlo Im eJ«eu*vl vprasaija m Mgivon VPRAŠANJE: Zokoj se nai narod poaluiujo VELIKE ZLATARSKE TVRDKE BRATOV MOMdILOVIČ? ODGOVOR: Zsto, ker j« to sta-ra, dobroznona in solidna tvrdks, ki tduil svojemu narodu le od LETA 1900; zsto, ker ims in prodaj« najboljše ure, bodisi' s« n«« delo sli dražjo; verižice, prstane in druge okraska; sato, ker svojo stvar nssaj vsema, zs popravek sli zameno. VPRA SANJE: Zakaj naia naselbina in nai narod čaka do prihodnjega obiska asiegs gosp. MOMČILOVIČA ali njogovegs pooblaščenega zastopnika' ODGOVOR: Zato, kar vsak želi in ve, da bo dobil prvovrstno »»«¿¡a; ZBIRKO BLAGA V VREDNOSTI VEČ TttoCEV. OPOMBA: Čakaj na prihod na-iega gosp. MOMČILOVIČA, aH njegovega pooblaščenega sastopnika. Boljie je počakati in biti'gotov», kot ps hiteti, in m potem kesati. POZOR! Varuje se tistih, ki ae is4ajaJo, ds prodajajo blago MOMČILOVIČA ali ds dela-jo sa MOMČILOVIČA. Mi iadajamo posebno jsmstvo s Imenom tvrdks pri vsakem nakupu. Varuj se tistih, ki ti J>enuJajo ceneno blago, ker pregovor pravi: POCENI KUPLJENO, DRAGO PLA- Iz velike zlatarske tvrdke NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z žalostnim «rcem n«zne«J«m sorodnikom, sn««cem 1« prijateljem tuino vest, d« Jo preminul ««dve« ljubljeni soprog in oče Umrl Je «ae 7. «vgueto 1950. Bil Jo v rudniku dosmrtno poikodo-van. V Jutro jo šol na delo nič slabega eluteč, « popoldan Je bil io mrtev i« nI imel več časa So posloviti od s«J«. Pogreb ae Je vrlll IS. evgueta t. 1. v Rock Springe, Wye^ ne pokopoUiče Sv. Joief«. Rojen Jo bil v Pi Jeni gori n« Dol en Jake m. V Ameriko |e priiol lota 1*22 bi eteer v Cumberland, Wyo.; od tam ao Jc prese-in pred meoee dni v Superior, Wyo.. kjer ga Jo doletele naglo, ne-pričakovane smrt. Bil j« čl«n druitvs it. 124 SNPJ. ksterega članstvu nejlepia hvala sa darovani krasni venec. Se poeebno hvolo isrekom ze ginljiv govor zastopnikom druitvs kot v elove svojemu ««brata ob odprtem grško. Lop« kvsls pokojnikovemu brat« Martin Goreocu, Id Jo priiel is daUnog« Kansas s k pogrebu evojogo brata. D« Jo bil pokojnik resnično priljubljen in spo-itovsn mod rojoki kakor tudi mdi drugorodci, Je pokazala veUka udeleiba pri pogreb«. Srčne kvala vsem; ki so pokojnika obiakali ob m rtv sikom odra in vsem, ki ao se pogrebe udeležili, kakor t«di vsom, Id eo ve«|ll b ezplečno ob pogrebu. Najlepša hvsle vsem in se vse, korkoli ete nem dobrega aterill in nse toisiili v čas« žalosti in nesrečo. Tebi dragi eoprdg in oče p« želimo, počivsj v mira in lahke mj TI tod« «moriike zemlj«. V najlepši dobi si «sa za-pootil v oterooti 8f 1st, 4» ediei Si «d nea in na)« *«atll aama. «si spombi mi T« bodo ««tal v mMk srčik do kosca nsMh dal. Žalu Joči ootall: Marij« Goronc, eoproge. i« sinček. Marti« Gorenc. brat v Koneean, in eeatra as Soporier, Wyo., tor tri ecotre, brst In io-lostl potrto msti v «tari domovini. Morija Gorenc, Snporler. Wye. IMS Tenge St., Toronto* Ont., Conode 1420 S. Bread wa* 84. St. Lente, Mo. u USA. Zastopništvo: it. 35,, TerasUa, Beograd, Jugoslsvijs V SPOMIN OBLETNICE SMRTI Segsrita. N* 154 priredi v« 28. septembra i kotov orkoeter no vabimo vse no bHinJih dr Uro v nedalje, dnf Mldna Igral bo Per-Puebla, Cola. U1 Jod-aJone rojftke In Cle-Sv. da ao udeleiljo Sari ko obilo zabave Loéll «e Jo od nao 17. eoptembra 1S2S la p«aül asa asmo. Toika orno as leéiM od TSbe, skrbni so«ewg i« o^e. v goaaUi trapío ta* pottva. s no« aaomi« ae Te v srcih n«iik vedno Ae Mvi; tolaii»« ae a tem, do ptMamo tadi mi ss Tebej. SpovsJ mimo apoaje, «r-motene. dragi eSprog i« eée. Zalnjoéi «ataV: S<>i>roge. otroci i« brat v Colorad«, v Alaprlhi; «mti. dea krata 1« eeetre v atari 4m«ovl«i BUaebrth Javornlk. eoproge, Cehrc*. Moota«a MMPA, IT. SEPmfWM. Glasovi iz naselbin Zealmlve bslsfcs Is rasnih krajev Banovčev poikvltoi koncert f i it-\ elandu Prosvetni odbor Slovenske* nsrodnega doma v Clevelandu Ohio, ki je zadnjo pomtod pome nI našemu umetniku-sllkarju g Božidar Jakcu. da ja ratstavi svoja dela clevelandskim Slo-vencem, je zopet na delu. Med nami ameriškimi Slovenci se nahaja ie leto dni operni pevec g Banovec, ki se hoče posloviti od slovenske metropole. Proavetn-odbor SND mu rade in hvaležne volje prihaja nasproti, da mu z odprtimi rokami pomaga do največjega in spomina vrednega življenjskega dogodka med ameriškimi Slovenci. V nedeljo 81. septembra je dan slovenske pesmi, ki je našla odmev v srcih rodne Slovenije, a to je tudi dan slovenske pesmi in petja, ki je dobila duška in za-ieljenega odmeva v srcih slehernega Slovenca v prostrani Ameriki. Nobena slovenska naselbina še ni imgla tolikšne in tako. flg-cenljive prilike, kot jtftfma w* venski Cleveland, V nedeljo 2J. septembra, ob 8zveč«*Vse privit e poslovilni koncert g. Banovca, ki bo po svojem sporedu tako bo- j netnosti, da je zmožna širiti z vojim naatopom duh slovenske-ra napredka. Zavoljo tega je prl->oročljivo. da bi se slovenske oa-ielbine zavzele za prireditev nje-lih pevskih koncertov. S hladnimi jesenskimi dnevi, 10 se pričeli večeri daljšati in lolgočaaiii postajati. Da si dol-jočastnost preženemo, gremo ahko v naš Slovenski dom, v katerem so na mzpolago vsakovrstne priložnosti za razvedrilo. Čitalnica z bogatim berilom. Tri nova keKljišča, dve bllaidni mizi, več miz za vsakovrstne zabavne igre in poleg pa še izvrstns postrežba. Torej v Slovenskem domu nobenemu ne bo dolgočasno in bo najceneje svojo dolgo-čaanoat pregnal, poleg tega pa podpiral svojo lastno podjetje. Jako neljubo mi je ko moram opozoriti na nereenične govorice p pev. društvu 'Prešeren'. Trošenju' še ne misel ne pride, da bi prenehal s svojim petjem, še manj pa, da bi sc razpustilo. Resnično je, da število pevcev je malo, eH ta število drži in ze ne vstraŠi še tako velikega napornega dela. Ako je malo število, tega ni krivo pev. društva Prešeren, ampak krivda zadene vae o- gat in obširen, tako popoln in (sebe, ki so petja sposobne, pa na&, da bo marsikateri ponovil besede našega velikega slovenskega pesnika Otona Zupančiča, ki pravi v "Dumi": Kje. domovi ns, hI T Ali na poljlk teh? g« pod Trlglavosi, okrog Karavank? Ali po plavilk ai, ali po rudnlklk? Tu? Preko morja? Ia ni U moja? Da, čuteče srce ameriškega Slovenca bo čuld in vživelo petje slovenske pesmi, Id je slovenska, toda v tej melodiji in naglasu je nekaj močnejšega in samo naše- nočejo eno uro na teden svojega časa žrtvovati. Vstop k pev. društvu Prešeren je prost zs vsako sposobno ln nsvdušeno pevsko moč. Torej osebq, ki ste zmožne petja in ste navdušeni za petje, pristopite k 'Prešernu' in ftevilo se bo povečalo, da bo prekašalo vse ostale slov. pev. društva po Ameriki. Prosi ze, da se neresnične govorice, ki ao v škodo pev. društvu Prešeren, opusti. Ako se to ne bo zgodilo, bo pev. društvo vsako leto, dne 12. oct. v Eeglas h sili, 876 Golden Gete eve. Cisti dobiček je namenjen v korist Narodnega doma in kluba. Pričetek točno ob 1:30 pop. I-gre v enem dejanju ift več drugih zanimivih ztvari. Po igri plez in trganje grozdja do lfi. o-polnoči v zgornji in spodnji dvorani. Uljudno vabimo vse Slovane od daleč in blizu, ker ta dan je velikega pomena za naš narod in doati zabave za atare in mla-de.yPeter E. Kurnick. Vpisovanje v računsko Šolo soc. kluba št. 27 v Clevelandu Kaj bi dali, ko bi se dobro ns-učili seštevati, odštevati, množiti in deliti, tako da bi s lahkoto lsrsčunali vsak vsakdanji račun bodisi doma ali pa v tovarni? Precej bi dal! — je vaš hiter odgovor. ga: ameriško-slovenskega. Gos. ¿Prešeren prisiljeno, da jih javno Banovec zapoje pesmi našega s popolnim imeni pokliče v zafo- vou S pevskim pozdravim! slovenskega pesnika in skladatelja g. Ivan Zormana, ki pozna domovino in slovensko tujino. In ta velika posebnost: pesnik sam spremlja pevca iz domovine. P.rvi del njegovega poslovilne- 4 Ivan Varoga. "Zlata vrata" in drugo San Francisco, Calif, -r- Fakt i1 cev iz Ka- jë, da večina dopisovalcev za ga koncerta obsega pesmi g. Iva- ufornije rabi "Zlata vrata" na Zormana: "Ladje bele" (1. podlago doplaa, četudi pišejo iz 1918), "Nekje v Franciji", "Po- druge drtgv€. «Zlate vrata" in mlad", "Spomin" in "Pesem star- «z]ata Kalifornija" ni nič druge-(a 'ga kakor javnosti pesek v oči. Drugi del: Drugi in tretji del iz opere "Manon". V tem delu sodelujeta gdč. Jeanette Perdan in g. Louis Truger. Tretji del: Pevec poje v slovenski narodni noči: "Regiment po cesti gre". "Vsi so prihajali", "Dekle to mi povej", (koroška), "Sem mislil snoči v vas iti", "Spomlad prav luštno je", (ko-roika), "Oja, zmlrom vesel" in "Lahko noč". Na piano spremlja g. Ivan Zor-man, na harmonij gdč. Jeanette Perdan. G. Banovec, ki je imel v Ameriki te 41 samostojnih koncertov, sodeloval na mnogih narodnih prireditvah, pel na radio postajah v Clevelandu, Chicagu, Milwaukee in Calumetu, katere-K* pozna tudi ameriška javnost ter ga visoko ceni, oti prihaja pred nss, da zapoje pesem o domovini, ki smo jo zapustili, on nam zapoje pesem O nsši novi domovini. Pesem, ki prihaja Iz srcs, naj- e Prostor v srcu našega Sloven-<*• Redka prilike, de imamo pred seboj dva velika mojetrs: *tara domovine in nove domovina. to naj naa povzdiguje. In d» Mirno pesem stare domovl-n< m pesem nove domovine, to "Jj v toliko prešine naše srca. (1* kotovo ne zamudimo tege poslovilnega koncerte nešege či-"lanega opernege pevce iz Ljnb-'Jane. Cene za U koncert so splošne l1 ,Uko nizke, de je omogočeno »Wvemema ljubitelju petje. Le Pndite in pripeljite veše prUa-da kot Slovenci šfrftaga] i>v«unda oddamo našemu pevsko slovo ln trajen spo-' svetal odbor SND. Ljudje, ki ne poznajo Kalifornije, mialljo, da smo tukaj do vratu zasuti v zlstu. Ne vrjemite, da je Kalifornija še vedno posuta z zlatom, kakoT je bila 60 let nazaj. Četudi bi bila resnica, je bres pomembno hvaliti imetje drugih, ker delavci so tako sla- cu min. PtttakurSke vesti Pntabergk, Pa. — Vročine je it» nastopni so hladni Je-"¡m dnevi In g njimi eoeepri-'¿Z rMI* prireditve. T* ««bevno prireditev Je prire-m rs. Marije Beeel s svojim ¡¡7* P"»klm koncertom, kate-¡L/V* ^aaše.jaim zedc 'lil Program koncerta js bil Ja-£ bogst S tem Je pokaaala mrs. mm svoje bo plsčeni ze njih, težko delo, ds skoro od glsda umirajo, ko člzti-jo zlato za laztnike zlatokopov. Ni potreba, da opisujemo bogastvo in zgodovino Kalifornije, ker vsak čitatelj zem lahko dobi natančne podatke te drževe v vsaki vsčji čitalnici. Ako je človek zmožen dopisovsnjs, je ved-tio doeti drugegs materijala, da piše v korist proletareev. Člani SNPJ so lahko ponosni, ds so si priborili dnevnik Prosve-to, ki prinaša bogate in poučlji ve članke in dopise V korist ame riških Slovencev. Prosvete je last delavcev za delavce, zato Je dolžnost delevcev, de llzt podpirajo. Res, žalostno, da ze delavci tako malo zanimajo za delavzke liste in dobre knjige H Iz listov je razvidno, da eo nekateri nešl rojeki zelo vneti za prepire In aploh drugega ne pi-lejo. Največ pe to grdo delo o-oravljajo or*, ki so študirani Prepiri škodujejo veri, štren-kam, društvom, klubom itd. Zakaj nekateri ljudje ne morejo žl /eti brez prepirov? Vaaka ztvar me gotovo mejo in tudi prepiri ' >i Jo morali Imeti. Izobrazbe Je mojster in eročen Je. ki jo je ln jo bo dosegel in porabil v prave namene. Tudi čitalnice pripomo-rejo do isgpsbe. 2si, da Jih de lave i tako malo obiskuj^ Tudi v naši čitalnici kluba "Slovenije" je opaziti, da Je zanima nje ze klub ln čitalnico pričelo pešati Kaj ? Vaak rojak mora priznati, da Je klub "Slovenija" mnogo dobrega ztoril zs našo naselbino v S. F. Klub Slovenija Je in še igra veliko vlogo pri Nerodnem domu. Ravnokar potrošili $400.00 (štiristo dol.) Iz klobove blagajne za telovadbo mladine. Pristopite ia podpirsj-te klab Slovenija, ker je bil at«nn\ 1 ien \ vinsko twt^kak«ribičajno po dve uri na teden, tedaj lahko to dosežete brezplačno. Klub št. 27 bo otvoril v svojih prostorih računsko in angleško šolo za moške in šenske. Vpisovenje se prične to soboto v klubovih prostorih. Vpisovala bosta sodruga Branisel in Krebelj. Podučeval bo dobroznani učitelj angleščine -r- Joaeph A. Siskovich. Ker je prostor omejen, se sprejelo bo ssmo 80 oseb. Kekorhi-tro se jih vpiše 80, ae nedeljnih ne bo več vpisovalo. Torej, ako vam je za brezplačen poduk v računstvu in angleščini (po enkrat na tedeif, v četrtkih od 7. do 9. zvečer), vpišite ze tekoj. dola se otvori 2. oktobra. Poskrbite, da boste vpisani z svojimi prijatelji in prijateljicami vred ter da boste v dvorani točno ob 7. zvečer. Ako še niste vpi-ssni, .vpišite se še danes, da ne boste izostali iz razreda. _ Odbor. Veem, ke ae zanimajo Cleveland, O. — Glede zaslišanja femozne sodnijake prepovedi (injunetion), katero so vložili—v imenu povzdige petja in kulture—odstopil pevci in pevke z dvema barvarne pevzkege zbora "Zarja," sporočam, da dose-dsj se še nI vršilo. Ne samo v Clevelandu, pfla-pričen sem, da tudi po drugih slovenskih naselbinah, vsi, kateri se za stver zanimajo, so zelo zeinteresirani v to zgodovinzko /afero, da ze zedeve zadržuje (od naše ztrani ne vemo vzroka), a skoraj gotovo se bo vršila koncem tega tedna. Kljub rasnim Intrigam—od prijaznih rodoljubov—je pevski zbor "Zarje" ravno teko močan kot prej; doaedaj šteje zbor 48 pevk In pevcev ter obdržuje redno zvoje tedenske vaje v SND na St. Clair eve. kot že zadnjih 10 let. Njih prepričenje NI sezonsko, temveč ostali bodo zveetl Ide-sm razreda, lz lceterege ssmi prihajajo in do kattrega čutijo, da so upravičeni biti. Ne dopie v Prosveti z dne U. sept. "uglednemu poštenjakovi-ču" J. Birku ml. nekaj prihodnjič; sedaj jo treba, da se "treniramo." J. Franceekin, kor. tajnik. RKOSVIfft vent—he, he. Smo ga prehiteli za enkrat Tisti pa, ki hočete v edventu pleseti, le dajte, mi nočemo Bogu odgovornost dajati. Mi smo k------- ljudje, bog nsm daj pamet! Pevski zbor "Cvet" je narae-ravel uprizoriti svoj jesenski konoert dne 80.; novembra, toda, bognedaj kaj takega, kajti dne 29. novembra se prične advent; kdo bi del na oder v adventu! Radi tega mialim. da ae bo treba požuriti za dva tedna poprej, to je na dan 16. novembra. Torej ld. nov. bomo brez skrb! zapeli in zapleaali. Ne svidenje r S. D. dvorani na E. 109 ln Prince Zve. dne 21. septembra in dne 16. novembra! Joaeph Lever. Članstvu "Mir"! t Cleveland, O. — Naznanjam članstvu društva "Mir" št. 148 Ako ste pripravljeni Žrtvovati -jçpj^ da me*ec september ima- Razvitje zeetave In drugo < leveland, OfclO. — Društvo Ne Jutrovem št 477 SNPJ bo melo razvitje društvene zaste vs in proslavo 8. obletnice dru štvenega obstoje dne 81. sept. Pri tem mi nehote pride ns misel dobe pred 8 leti, ko smo ustanavljali društvo. Takrat ml je bilo zabrušeno v marsikateri hiši. da "kaj se poganjam", "kaj Je tega treba," "Iz tega ne bo nič," "za boš ubil" Itd. Toda vztrajnost in požrtvovalnost premagata marsikaj in tako smo tudi pri tem poslu uspeli, ln društvo povoljno v danih razmerah nspradujs, čeprav ss včaeih malo popreekamo zaradi komu-in eocia*. To Je zdravo. I Rojaki'm rojakinje in član stvo naše organiiecije SNPJ, ne prezrite te redke slsvnosti in nešegn v«-le,*,membnege dne 21 septembra 1980, temveč udeleži-le se to slsvnosti v polnem številu, stari In mladi. Rezvedrila bo za vae. Upam, da nas posetl-Jo tudi nešl sodrugi vseh treh soc. klubov JSZ. Program bo razviden v česopisih Po končanem programu se pe ssvrtimo v gnmji dvorani na aa načia, spodnji pa aa drug način, kakor bo pač katerega veselilo; moi * oboje. Pa koncem konce eaj ve-ste, da ne te den še ne bo i mo.86c izredne iaklade v odškodninski sklad. Glavni upravni odbor je bil primoran to'storiti, ker je v dotlčnem skladu primanjkljaj. Izvzete so članice, katere ao zavarovane zamo v po-smrtninskem skladu. Zato bom ta mesec pobiral asesment v SI. 4omu na Holmes ave. tri dni, jdne 28.—24. lq 86. Vsi Usti, kateri ste žaostill zadnji mesec s asesmentom, pridite iti poravnajte. Kot Je* razvidno» * se nekateri člani salo malo zanimajo za plačevanje asesmenta. Pomnite. da tajnik nima atotakov na razpolago za zalaganje asesmenta. Ne mislite, da jaz ne vem kdo . izmed članov lahko ln kdo ne more plačati. Vsem tistim, kateri ne morete plečeti, pridite na sajo. Zapomnite si, da vaek, brez Izjeme, bo suspendiran ali črtap, ako ne plača asesmanta do dne 26. To Je moja najboljša pomoč, kar vam je moremo dati. Dalje vam neznanjem, da naše društvo priredi 88. tekočega meseca na nedeljo zvečer veselico v SI. domu na Holmee ave. Prožim vse člane(ice), da to upoštevate in udeležite v čim večjem števl-u. Pomnite, da smo imeli avgusta mesece dVe smrti, in to Je hud udare* tCdrtoštvetio blagajno. Pridite, da se malo pozabavamo, kljub temu, da imamo slabe«čase. LouIh Mrmolya, tajnik. Naznanilo ln zahvala Princeton, * C* Cen. — Cen-njenemu členstvu SNP jednote naznanjam šsdostrtO vest o ve-ikl katastrofi dne 18. avgusta, v kateri je postalo žrtev 47 človeških življenj i v eksploziji v premogovniki/ št. 4 v Blakebur-nu, B. CU Csnsda. Med njimi je izgubilo tudi šivljenjc šest členov društva št. 684 SNPJ na Blakeburnu. B. C., Can. Po menu so: Frank Jerovšek, Frank Plut. Josaph Nsgods, Vlds Kneštč, Joaeph Kokoplu in Joseph Sutič, Vsi Člani SNPJ. Tem potom ee iskreno zahvaljujem druitvom, katera so I vso požrtvovslnostjo priskočilo na tx>moč, spremila jih k večnemu počitku Ur kupila lepe nagrobne vence. Prvo društvo je "Složni bratjO" št. 604 ,v Blakeburnu, B. G., Can., h kateremu so tudi pripadali gori imenovani. Drugo društvo Je "Lovinac" št 686 v Princeton, B. C., katero Je tudi sodelovslo prvim. Tretje društvo Je H. B. Z. št. 711 "Složna brača" v Princetonu, B. C., Can. Četrto društvo "Bratska ljubav" št 681 HBZ, Brltanjrabich, B. C., Caaa4a. Vsem Imenovanim društvom izražam najiskrenejšo hvalo za njih trud io požrtvovalnost ter brst ako ljubssen V. O. Box 98, Prinaoton, B. C., Cenede. član društva 686. Zahvala draMve 'Modem' št. 684 Sbeborgaa. Wle^Plknlk, ko- Joga Je društvo "Moderns" pri redilo dne 84. avg., Je kljub slabemu vrtmenu izredno dobro ls-idel. Največ je nam pripomoglo tukajšnje samostojno društvo "Ilirija," ki se Je korpora-ti v no udeležilo našega piknika To Je društvo, ki nima nikakine sveee s našim društvom, ali ven-dar Je uvidelo potrebo sa kooperacijo z mladino ter Je tako sklenilo, da se udeleži korporstlvno našega piknika. Društvu "Iliri ja" se tem P"toro naj i skrene j« zahvalimo sa njih ulele*!*, Is m al#tta*Uemo. da tudi druš- tvo Moderns št 684 SNPJ Jih ne bo posabilo. Zahvaljujemo ee tudi vaenLj>oaamesnikom, ki eo s nami sodelovali in pripomogli, da je prišlo do tako gmotnega ln moralnega uspeha. < id bor. "Ko bi ne bil od vleke orne-mljen, bi ne mogel čea te streleki jarek..." Chlcege, III. — Za čaaa zadnje svetovne vojne je bilo mnogo či-tatl v vseh listih, in tudi še po vojni, o "junakih", ki so izvršili "heroična dela". Bila so isvr-šene v Obupu, omemljenoeti, ko "človek ni bil več človek", em-pek neveden stroj bres duše in sevesti. To nem priča drame "Konec poti", v kateri je pisa-telj pokazal pravo sliko življenja vojakov na Ujišču. Da je moštvo vztrajalo n* bojišču, so jim dajali alkoholnih pijač, kolikor so le hoteH ; še silili zo jih, de so omsmill s alkoholom, da so bili bolj "pogumni". Alkohol Je bil oni faktor, ki Je takorekoč posredno isvrševal vsa junaštva. Ta drama — prava slika "junaštva", samosatajevanja itd., bo uprizorjena 86. oktobra popoldne v dvorani C.8.PI3. ia uprizori jo dramski odsek kluba Št. 1 JSZ. Drsma js pretreeljiva; pokazuje, kako so bili vsi ia siti vojne, de so pa vstrajall še na dalje, so se omamljali s vlsko; v svojih sakoplh ae niti pogovarjati niso hoteli ' o vojni, napadih, ampak vzbujali ao ai spomine na domaČi krov, na domačo yaa, itd. Zgrozil! so se, ako so pomlillll, da bi domači svadell, "kaki junaki so v resnici" in sekaj so "junaki". Vstopnice so še v predprodajl ln dobite Jih pri* članih in člani-ceh kluba št. 1 In v uradu Prole-tarca; cena jim Ja 76c, Kupite jih, pridite a svojimi prijatelji in znanci 26. oktobra popoldne v dvorano C.8.P.S.; ne bo vam šal. V naslednjih ladajah Proaveto ln tako tudi v Proletarcu bo kra-(tek lzčrpek drame "Konec poti", ki Je poleg "Nič novega na sspa-du (All Quiet on the Western Front") postala najbolj popularna in najbolj razširjena med ljudstvom, bodisi v Evropi sli A-merikl. — Ne pozabita torej pribiti k uprizoritvi drame "Konec poti !"—PuMidJakl odsek. Veeetice In drugo J Bridgeport, GL — Biaaposel-nozt je tuksj vedno večja. Ljudstvo trpi fomenjkanje in nič ne iaše, ds bi zs obrnilo n* bolje. Pričel zs je šolski pouk in v d tistih slučajih nimajo starši sredstev, de bi nasitili in opravili o-troke sa šolo. 9. sept. Je šla od tukaj deputaclja do guvernerjeve palače v Columbus s sshtevo, ds se nekej pomege in ulpene v Belmont okraju prizadetim dru« žinem. Obljubil Jim je, da bo nekaj ukrenil. Skoraj gotovo bo o-stalo le pri obljubi. Med depute-cijo sta bila tudi dva naša rojaka, sobr. L. Saule In rojak Martin &kode iz Blaina, O. Društ. št 18 SNPJ Jo soglasno odobrilo delo prve seje federacije društ SNPJ Is te dkollce. Izvolilo Je dve zestopnlka ze prihodnjo sejo federacijo, ki se vrši v Bridgeport v društ. dvorani 28. sept, ob 8. uri popoldne Vabi se vaa društva is te okolice jn bližnje W. Ve., da nriztopljo federacijo in pošljejo Zastopnike na drugo sejo. Bomo skupno delovali za procvlt SNPJ in delavttvo v splošnem. Tukaj sedaj vlada dosti zanimanje se novo ustenovljeni pevski sbor "Naprej", odsek soc kluba H. U, ki so Jo ustanovil 8 svg. Ker js vslika bresposei>.<*(, js dosti čass na razpolago za poučevanje petja. In zbor hitro renti- |x>d vodstvom sodr. Frank Metkote. Nebevill eo vel etverj, ki so bile potrebne. Kor sbor rfVf me nič dohodkov, pač pa s stroške, sato bodo napravili veselico v ta namen 87. sept društ. dvoraai. Nastopili bodo že e por pesmaml. Povabili ao zna-nega delavca ne društ. in političnem polju, mladeniča John Ku chs Iz Cenonsburga, Pa, de bo obdrževel govor isti večer To-rej program bo lep la koristen ze vae, posebno sa mladiao; Žeto priéekuje "Naprej" velik* u-Naprej, ko ae enkrat Izje pripravljen se odzvetl ne pni»-dbah drugih društ. v drugih naselbinah, ako ga bode povabili. Zato pridite val od Mi-zii in deleč ln se bomo zopet en krat pošteno zabavali. Katere vaeell petje, naj se "Napreju" pridružijo, kar sedsj je še psr tednov, prosta pristopnina, potem ne*d>o. Naprej Je poslsl vabila ln vstopnice ns več rasličnih oseb in naaelbln in sa prosi dotične. ako jim Je fnogofe, ds pomagajo k večjemu uapehu. Kakor se silil, bosta priredili društvi št. 18 in 640 SNPJ vinsko trgatev v prid Miklavževega večera za mladino sa agitacijo jv prid SNPJ dne ll. ukt. To bo sopet nekaj v korist SNPJ ln u-parno, da bo dosti veselja ln .snu ha. Naatopil bo tudi, ako bo mogoče, "Naprej" s par peamami. JI m - ' naznanilo : Društvo Slovenski Nsrodnt Doni v VVaukegan, Ilir Prijavijo naj se dediči oalro-ms rorodnlki umrlih članov na-vWjšeg adruštva do 1. novembra 11. Htajnlku SND. da ae transferirs certifikate umrlih članov ns U-pravičene dediče. Za odbor snd« Rudolf Skala, tajnik. ) ZEN1TYJCNA PONUDBA Pridna in poštena Slovenka stara 41 let, s dvema otrokama v starosti 6 In 8 let. se šalim se« r__________ znanltt s poštenim ip tresnlm Brat je in sestre, ne pozabite tih I Slovencem, starim 40 dq 60 leti ga večera. Ravno tako drugI, ki v svrho možitve. Ako katerega redi grozdje v prepovedsnlh vi nogradih kredete. Vas bodo le oče iupen podučili, kako velik greh je krasti in kolikšns kazen padene Človeka, ki se pregreši. * Joaeph Snoy. listni^TRISDNI^TVA Dopisnikom v Milwsukeeju: Vsi polemični dopisi v sadevah lokalne organlsaclje morajo biti podpisani v tisku. Kritiki, ki nočejo e svojim Imenom v jevnost, ne dobe več prostora v Prosveti. Uredništvo išče rojakinjo Ag-nos Cerlang. Njen zadnji naslov ja bih 18048 Emerald Ave., West Pullman, III. Kdor ve sa njo, naj bo tako dober In sporoči njen naslov uredništvu Prosvete. Naročniku v Clevelandu i Pošljite nem vaše ims, ker moramo vedeti, kdo vprašuje. OGLAH-PONUDBA > f,'"J ifi^H , Slovenec stsr 88 let, imam svojo hišo in vrt, se šslim seznaniti e Slovenko, aemsko ell vdovo brez otrok, v starosti 86 do 86 let v svrho ienltve. Mora znati kuhati ln bitrprivoljl o-pravljati domača hiins dele. Za vsa nadeljne pojasnila pišite na naslov: J. K.. 14—8tli Street, Peru, III,—(Adv.) \fseli. nsj piše na naslov: PRE-MOGARKA, 2667 S. LawndaW Ave., Chicago. 111.—(Adv.) RAD BI_nEVBDEL IsvedetI želim sa Loulz Ur-bančlča, kateri as nahaja man« da nekje blizu Morgentowna, W Va. Iš$em gs v njegovo kori^ in želim z njtm pregovoriti n«-ksj zelo važnega. Jaz šivlm pri bratu Franku na fsrml. MoJ ns-slov Js: Loute Msrolt, R. D. 2— Bo* 16, SmRhfleld, Pa.— (Ad.) POZOR! Žsnska pod 40 1st stara, poštenega značaja, lepega pogleda Ima priliko dobiti polovloo Inta-resa v prodajalni ln na gasoUh postaji, ob glavni oastl, dva milje od mosta. Pišite all sa osebi, no sglaslts ns naslov: M. Ver-dinek, Heber Springs, Ariu Routs 86—Box 8.—(Adv.) •STAVBiaCft—LOTA NA PRODAJ Proda ss lota ššsltš «evljev vsllip na vogalu Madison la Oorrltasn st., v Brookfitld, III., v predmestju CX)1-caga. Cona jo $1800. Vsaeis m v iS-msno tudi akor ali vel s* tal jo v (»kralju Chloaga. 8s pojasnila pridite oael-no sil ps pilita asi H. A. MIH«, Suburban Realtor, 8ro»kfi«l mncnjel j^j miili äMMt da nam bodo pojaanlli kako in zakaj so potrebna angleško govoreča društva. John Matic le. tajnik. LJUDSKI GLAS Svobodna članov S.N.PJ. Norih Chlcago, IU—Br. Frank 8tonich pravi v svojem dopisu g de 28. aaguata, "da bi rad urednik "Proleterca" postal diktator nad uredniki Proeva, te". Svetujem br. Stonichu» naj ee apom^i na oenutek pravil pred deveto konvencijo I. 1.. ki naj bi Imele samo tri osebe vod* stvo v rokah pri 8NPJ, vsi drt*. gl uradniki na naj bi bili odbor bron področja. In tisti osnutek pravil so isdeiali prijatelji Fr. Stonicha In njegovi prijatelji eo ga akušall uri niti konvencij^ potem pa. ko so videli, da jo daaea diktaturo, teko pa es JeJ srečno rešila grde namere. Da. br. ZaKi. ki je urednik Proleterca. se je aa prošli konvenciji bojeval proti onim. ki so hoteli diktaturo v jednoti, In ve-čina konvencije je pritrdila, da jo bil v pravem. Tudi ostala dva doptanika la po br. Zaltsu, češ, kako članstvo dopustilo kolone svojega glasila sa teke prepire? Jaz upam, da ne!? Ker nekateri dopisniki še vedno sumijo, da je bil dopis, oziro-ms dopisa proti pokojnemu Jože Zsvertniku priobčena z odobren em upravnega odbora, moram u konstantirati, da nista bila, ker upravnemu odboru nista bila nikdar predložena. Dalje naj bo tudi omenjeno, da je pisec teh vrstic Že pred priobčitvijo dopisov Pasariča in Fabjana opozarjal na seji upravnega odbora, da so v našem listu priobčeni dopisi, ki jemljejo ugle^ jednoti in valed tega sem jim nasprotoval. Dopis, o katerem se sumi, da ne odgovarja resnici ali če na kak drugi na£!n ikodi ugledu ter interesom organizacije bi ne smel biti v našem listu, ako hočemo graditi našo jednoto. Tako je vo? Podtikati pokojnemu gl. odborniku naše jednote, da je le apravljal petdesetake v šep, je nizkotno in kaj takega more zapisati le človek, ki še nI nikdar produclral duševnega dela. Da ao duševna dela v mnogih «lučajih težja od fizičnih, ve le oni, ki I-ms skušnje; kdor jih nima, bi ne smel sapisatl javno v list kot h etoril br. Fabjan. mord*l Sem in bom vedno pozdravil dostojno in konstruktivno kritiko članstva, toda dopisi osebnega ter maščevalnega značaja morajo biti izključeni iz našega gU-«11«. Prosvete Je glaailo jednote In če ae dtskreditira list, izgubi ugled tudi organizacija, vslod tega apeliram na članstvo, da se \zdr*iijt' vseh osebnih nspadov in dopisi^ ki «o v obče Akodl.il-vl jednotinim Interesom. Ust mora predvsem služIti ga izobrazbo in pouk članatvu terasa a- k on venci J s «poznala njihov trik;' ^urijo organlsacijl—fiad A. W ASttLa SNPÎ ^^ *1 O. — 1V> pot hočem pustiti earkassm na strani In spregovoriti nekaj o svobodi govora In tiska. Nekateri Ijodje mislijo, če imamo svobodno besedo, da potem poljubno govori Jo in pišejo, kar se jhn sdl prav. Ampak neki star Amerikanec nam je enkrat razlagal tole : "This is a free eooatrv. To« caa Proč z sdražberji! West Park (Cleveland), 0. — Ko čitam zadnje čase Proeveto, se vprašam, ali je res list posvečen v izobrezbo in poduk članstva SNPJ, ali je glasilo oziroma perilni ploh nekaterih ekstra privilegiranih zdražbarjev pri SNPJ. Zaradi malenkostnih dveh dopisov je postala v Prosvetl co-la anarhija. Prejšnje čase je bik) priobče-nih na atotine dopiiov, kateri so vsebovali še večje insulte in žaljivke na članstvo SNPJ, pa ni bilo od strani predsednika nadzornega odbora nobenega komentarja, nobenega protesta. Brat predsednik nadzornega odbora naj vzame letnike Prosvete in naj čita "Javno govornico," pa bo gotovo pronašel, da si je mnogokrat pozabil natakniti naočnike. Kajt,i, »ko bi jih imel kot sedaj, bi gotovo protestiral, če ne celo zaplenil. Naj ostane "Ljudaki glasv' in pošteno svobodno izražanje član-stvs SNPJ. Proč s odražbarji in privilegirane! kot «e je to prakticiralo prejšnje čase. John Krišmančlč, član št. 267. Malo komentarja GUbert* Mina. — Prečital sem zapisnik konference Federacije jugoslovanskih podpornih or-ganizacij, vršeče se dne 8. apri-ls, 1930 v Clevelandu, Ohlo. Kot član treh društev in večkratni delegat imam skušnje v teh stvareh in vam povem, da ne bo prillo do sdružitve, dokler boste Imeli točko 84 v pravilih SNPJ, da ne smejo biti mestni policaji člani 8NPJ. Pri nas v iiinn»*«oti smo aaraditega več na zgubi kot sa 200 članov, ki so bili dobri Člani 8NPJ, pa so dobili delo sa (pUcajs. Tajnik mu Je naimanil, da je paaiven, on pa ni službe pustil. Sel je v drugo društvo, «padajoče k JSKJ. In so ft« sedaj člani, pa niso biH v nobeni nevarnosti Mestni policaj ima čas pridobivati nove člene, tako jih pa še odbijajo t Ta točka bo aamo toliko čaoa v pravilih, dokler bodo hodili stari člani na konvencije. Ko bodo hodili mladi, tukaj rojeni, bo te točka šla ven i« pravil SMPJ. •I Zanimiva znanstvena novost Ni dolgo tega, kar so vse svetovne nov i ne pisale o pomembnem medicinskem izumu, ki bo, kakor vse kaše, imel velikanski pomen v oftalmologiji, f Ravnatelju vaeučiliške očesne klinike v Kielu je uepela konstrukcija posebne steklene okrogle ploščice, ki bo zamenjala naočnike za kratkovidne in daljnovidne ljudi. Sedanji naočniki so sploh preoej nepraktičen pomoček. Kratkovidni jih morajo vedno no. siti na noou, a rasen tega so nepraktični tudi zato, ker se pri delu lahko rabizjejo in lahko tudt okb poškodujejo. Steklene ploščice pa, ki jih je ukonstru-iral zgoraj omenjeni nemški učenjak, so narejene iz stekla, ki se ne razbije. Te ploščice so čisto tenke, da se prav nič ne morejo zapa-žiti. Ali najbolj zanimivo je, da se te steklene ploščice devajo naravnost na roženico (belooč-nico) izpod vek. Kadar zdravnik določi, kakšni stekli sta pacientu potrebni, mu jih prila-godi na oči. Pacient potem lahko stalno nosi stekli na očeh, lahko z njima tudi spi, sploh jih lahko uporablja ob vsaki priliki. Šele od časa do časa je potrebno, da se stekli snameta in izmijeta, ali pacientu zato ni treba k zdravniku, ker lahko vee sam opravi in zopet vtakne stekli v očesni duplini. Razen omenjenih lastnosti imajo takšna stekla še eno važno svoj stvo, ln to je, da je njih-delovanje, ker se pač devpjolneposredno na oko, veliko uspešnejše od navadnih naočnikov, ki so oddaljeni od oči vsaj za nekaj centimetrov. Zdaj se na nekaterih nemških očesnih klinikah vrše podrobna raziskovanja teh. novo-izumljenih naočnikov. Uspehi, ki so jih z njimi doslej dosegli, presegajo vsa pričakovanja. takq da Zeissova tvornica že na veliko izdeluje ta stekla, ki bodo v najkrajšem času popolnoma izpodrinila nepraktične naočnike. A kadar izginejo naočniki, ne bo več ne kratkovidnih ne daljnovidnih ljudi. ' 4 "'f •'•J. • ■*•' • * * V» * ' \ ¿T* 'i ■ .i Vsi ljudje bodo vsaj na videz imeli normalen vid, ker se oči tistih, ki bodo nosili te steklene ploščice, ne bodo niti naj man je razlikovale od oči drugih ljudi, ker so ti novi naočniki zelo diskretni in se niti od blizu ne dsjo zapaziti. Skrivnosti morskih globočin ♦t Ha Zadnja desetletja so se učenjaki veliko ukvarjali z raziskovanjem morskih globočin in s proučevanjem razmer, v katerih žive v globinah oceana različne, večkrat prav čudne in okorne morske pošasti. %WTZjtf-' Mi'SrftiSi? ', g Doslej se je prav malo vedelo o življenju, o rastlinah in o živalih, ki bivajo v silnih morskih globočinah. V globinah od nekoliko sto metrov pod morsko gladino lahko delujejo rsz-ni zemeljski vplivi samo na neposreden nsčin, ker v te globine ne prodirajo ne solnčnl Žsrki ne vetrovi ne toplota. V globočinah od 300 do 400 metrov pod morsko površino preneha vsako rastlinsko Življenje, ker je v teh globočinah le malo svetlobe, a niti podvodne morske rastline ne morejo živeti in uspevati brez svetlobe. V globinah od 500 metrov je popolna tema. Zanimivo je zatorej, da so živali in živalski organizmi, ki lahko žive tudi v največjih morskih globočinah. Ker v teh globočinah nI nobene rastlinske hrane, je jasno, ds so te živali mesojedci in da se hranijo i mesom drugih, slabotnejših živali, ki tudi žive ali P« slučajno zaidejo v te globočine. 2e v starem veku so imeli zoološke vrtov«, kjer so hranili in kazali narodu razne eksotične živali. Ti zoološki vrtovi ao bili sam« za kratek čas posameznikom, zadnji čas so p« ti zoološki vrtovi namenjeni po večini insn-stvenim svrham. Pokojni knez republike Monaco je prvi ustavil v Monte Cariu na svoje stroške velik oceanografski muzej, v ksterem je veliko rib, školjk In živali, ki so jih dobili s večjih morskih globočin in ki znanosti še niso dovolj znane. Pred nekaj meseci je poslalo newyor«ko zoološko društvo na Bermudske otoke posebno ekspedicijo, ki ji je bila naloga, da preišče življenje v velikih morskih globinah. Ekspedui^ Je vodil prof. William Bebe, glavni pomočni* pa mu je bila gospodična Glorija Holistrov« KkMiKHiicija, ki se je nedavno vrnila v Ne* York, je bila opremljena s najmodernejši aparati sa fotografiranje In preiskovanj« Pr> tem delu «o ekspedkiji precej pomagali Boen^ genovi žarki. Spustili so filmsko kamero >" močne reflektorje v velike morske globočin in na ta način je uspelo ekspedidji, da je po»nH* več jako uspelih prisorov is življenja na morskem dnu. Isčrpni članki o uspehih te okapedicij< znani šele tedaj, kadar predloži Bebe in njegovi eodelavci poročilo o svojem delu ncwyorškemu zoološkemu društvu. To poročilo bo brez vrlo zanimivo, ker žive v velikih merskih u člnah različne morske pošasti, ki imajo takšne oči. da se svetijo in «o jim tabo nekakšen reflektor, da lahko žive v popolni temL ( Prijatelj •> / r*r» a 17 SEPTEMBRA. * ' I PROSVETÄ 1 i T b r lT.jumja 1907 v driavi Ulinoie T*L ftackv*0 4SS4 ZAKLJUČKI GL. POROTNEGA ODSEKA Zadeva društva it. 39 t Na glavni porotni odbor ao bili priglašeni sledeči člani društva št. 39, Chicago, BI.: John Ko-vach, Martin Baakovich, Matt Stareainich, Peter Sebolj, Anton Pustovrh in John Erchul, nam- auguata tv 1. Porotna obravnava ae je zavrnila i 'zaključkom, da br. Siichak v 'smislu pravil ni upravičen do bolniške podpore sa navedeni ¿as. &?*# a i* A n.«__m da navedeni člani niso sode- « SS**""» l fcSlS Ave!! S »ovali v sporni zadevi dr. št. 39, n!k bol. oddelka!!!!8867 8. Leimdale Ava. Ohkago, HL i» «f smatrajo neprizadeti. tttf.ftl 8* Uw^U Ai«. Cfckaga, GLAVNI ODBOR S.N.P.J UPRAVNI ODSBKi hncent cainkar, fred a _ SiS vodmS blagajnik. •••• ^2067 s! I*wadala Ava, Chieaio, ml Glavni porotni odbor je vzel «UP GODINA. upravitelj glasiU.,. .9667 8. Lavndsla Ava* Chicago, ID. sadevo navedenih članov v pre-¡OHN MOLEK, ursdnik glasfla...., .t»7 S. Lamadala Ave, Chicego, DL tres ter je na podlagi prtdloie- ODBORNUU nlh pojasnil soglasno zaključil, avt)REW VIDRICH, prrl podpredsednik, «69 RnaasU Ava, Johastoera, Ps. da se navedene člane oprosti kai-nONALD J. LOTRICH, drugi podprsda* 1W7 8. Tnombull Ava, OUsago, IJL ni „ katero ^ bii0 društvo Št. 89 prizadeto v mesecu avgustu i It. tat J oba Yanhovlek iti. IN- ¿COM Kocevar It«. Mary Kvr*o ,M»i lil. JoihMm On»» «k. Helene Majal k |M. O—WW Branovtok MU. Peter Nilnii Si. 141. Joan Jarek M«. pl^ff^vbbmh mpltt Mary slbmiui im. l"*er m«. ml Br. Szichak $% ni zadovolil i.aim v*« nt. am it«. a«-| * razsodbo dnrttvaee porot, in JvirJirSi Starti VITE: vlošil prizlv na gl. porotni odbor, m .joeepk orwke*4ek n». joiu w«w» kateri je vzel sadevo na znanje ter jo preiskal. V predloženih li- ludwi« it», jomok m, stinah gl. porotni odbor ni mo- J°5" gel najti zadoatnih dokazov, da se br. Szichaku krivica godi, na-1 sprotno pa je pionašel, da se br. Szichak ni ravnal po zdravniških nasvetih kakor bi se moral pol'" 16. točki XXIV.ilena pravil, na-mreč da bolni člani se morajo | J}* ar loh lil. Jut... Oatevloh $14, Pf** S^M M». "li. Ma. Ivane xa* N4. 141. Jacob tam IM. tO. Hm. ry Baakert 144. MT. Mirita ta«»rM Ml. MS. Praak T»vo»r M«. Bob taMrnlS Mary IlMnlS Ml. lt. Ml. Johann« K tonen lk M«, ►nut« Kronah. I Ml. Ante« Ukragel Jr. IM. Sc MI. (luetev Bnuor Ml. Kntherlee ka V rv iOHN J ZAVEBTNO. gL adravaik........8724 W. SS* St.. Chicago, I1L GOSPODARSKI OD8KK: FRANK ALBSH, predMdnik..........Slli ^J^PSjAm, OL inHN OLIP..............S................w. Z7tn ou. uaicsgo, ui. JOSEPH 81SKOVICK-..............100S E. 74th Stmt. Cleveland. Ohio. POROTNI OUSBKt JOHN GORSEK, prediednik t. I. ** Zadeva društva At. 227 Društvo št. 227, Mohrland, U-¡tah, je obtožilo pred glavnim strogo ravnati pol pravilih jedno-te in po navodilih zdravnika. Da .414 W. Hay St. SpHngfWd, RL f?*1?1 odboror" br' Ix)JUiÄx?iz ANTON SUliAZ..............................—...Box 17, Anna, Kana. JOHN TR^BM- v-...........................Boa 2S7, Strabana, Pa. •rank podboj................................Bo* 61, Park Htll, Pa. FRANCES zakovfiek....—...........101S Adama St. No. Chicago, m OKROŽNI ZASTOPNIKI t y rvnwoe smrekar, prvo okrokje.......127 Mala Ave* W. Allqvippa, Pa. sfflcwsl jr. drugo okroije........SSS E. ISSaš St. O^laad. Ohio. FRANK KLUN, tretjo okroije.................Bo* 668, Chiaholm, Mina. joseph bratkovich, četrto okroije........r. R. 7, Pittaburg, Kans. B^HH PRANK klopčič, poto okroije......................P. O. Din^ smenimi potom. V svoj zagovor je navedel, da se ne čuti krivega, jaka, Člana navedenega društva. Obtožnica očita br. Bizjaku, da je kršil 8. točko XVI. člena pravil, s tem, da se ni na zahtevo društva udeležil društvene seje meseca junija t. 1. Br. Bizjak je bil pred glavnim porotnim odborom zaslišan pi- NADZORNI ODSEK: FRANK ZA1TZ, prsdsodnik................,8«W W. S6th 8t, OUsago, J™ ^tožnica otita, IÜU da ALBERT HRAST.............-.......Wl S. Pieces St, Milirsnka^ Wis. je kršil MICHAEL PLESHE.... .610 Madison Ava.. N. 8* Pittsburgh, P* VIA PISMA. U te MMhJi M wml» S». TIS DENABNB MillJotv« M Umi M w tIHM «i m) w »»tiljojo m d. ujml»«m V« ttkniote te tetntik« HSN. Mj M »*Mj*J« m ML Vh tem, t vtmI i fcU»«j«llk»-l »MS. Ml« te*»lolo ss vss PBrroiBS «m« «Mivrutj« v at AftlclM fot te«« Mrtelnbi« te te «MMal •• -eaoavavA.- IZPLAČILA IZ ODŠKODNINSKEGA SKLADA (Operacije, odlkodnin^ in odprsvnine.) _ mesecs svgasU IMS. Član drnitT« J&jzj*^"" ! -¡¡r! M m mam l"4V . .j .J. NS 2n«M«riU J«hn PHfvvOf . MiUi Ulieh ..... I tor.nr» Oman , John Malnar .... Nirk Hlbirh ..... J.rn.j /tlarnik Ani.l« Kamionk« Mary Kaapotnlk . Mar« llorirh . .,, Frank Ta.nanrh«k Antan Hleianclrh . Krane». TrrnUl .. John Jurdan« .... Vlncnt Kralj .... Anna Prine ....J. John Hakovlnakf .. Ann. /up»n ...... Krane llarln .. A«nwt Strrkrl .... Jahn Von« < hrl.Un, %f Krank Vm*I l-"ttia Knr4U ...................(,, J»»rpMnr MirkoWck .............. Katarina Papi« ................... «•'IIa Vralartrk .................. P'trr llorlrk ................. J«hn /.Klinik ...............;..... Mary Marknv.rh .................. s»Hi Hau h ....................... I'.fman i.raf.nhrrvtr ............. J-wph.n. K'i.arlrh ............... Ttrrtija (.Mna ................... K.rhltkar ...........\ . './.'. 17441 R4484 M4M 4171 MI41 14141 44141 741M 7MT1 katero točko pravil. Vzrok, da ne prihaja na društvene seje, je, ker obstoji nespora zum in niso v prijateljskih odno-«ajih z osebami, kjer se vršijo društvene seje; v slučaju spremembe prostorov zu društvene seje je pa pripravljen se udeleževati društvenih sej. Na podlagi navedenih podat >ov je gl. porotni odbor prišel do prepričanja, da se br. Bizjak ni namenoma protivil udeležiti društvene «eje v mesecu juniju t. 1., ko ga je društvo pozvalo. Do tega so ga privedli gotovi vzroki, kateri izhajajo iz nesporazuma med nekaterimi Člani ome-m» sa «aH» m» | njenega društva. Nadalje je gl porotni odbor prOnašel, da društvo ftteje 30 članov ln da društvene seje niso odvisne od enega člana, v smislu pravil je dolžnost vseh Članov, da prihajajo Martini«! 111. , 146 An4r*w Proruk Iti. IM. Prank Btrak 144. 114. M tekati Pokor IM. Gaors» *ru-Um Ml. fe. !U. Joaaph Oraawi M« it. llf Jak« Ivaneic |M. imrph MnslU Martin Urvar Ml. ITI. Andraw Mlakar |lf. r ITT. Juki. Br**« Ml. IM. Anna Stafanat« M IM. Julius i. Owl Mr Ml. MT. Dorytky Sloklar M, Wiatan. gram. 111. Ml. JMa Snana IM. i«M»S Sol I h »10 Miakaal Ooraa Ml. Iran IJkarnik Ml. IM, Anten Kaas»l IM. m IM. Mar» matte ml. it. III. Mary Parin it. IM. Mar» K. _ , , , , i K Hat Ina Moaatey IM. Mar» Hirtel se br. Szichak ni ravnal po na- Unna bv<«*i mi. amiu SMn ...................... T".«. KabkiU J»wph Kater j»hn (irrlina .... A "Inn ^Vk ....... '«hn Oraanlk .... Mary Prang J»"phin. htampak Mirko Caril.r ..... A-tam MarJannvtrk Krank Slate ..... '"•Ill' Malkavirk . ^fhi» l.htatrr J"hn l.ankavl« K*.tla. |.irc ^ IIa ki. k ... • '»nr., I.ukrnalrk ilorirh .... V ..........IflUB &IM4 IMM Zlili IMM S14M 41111 41M7 4SMH 17M7 UMI MSM 7M11 11711 14111 M177 MI77 t ITI» M»t| 17117 37M1 •MU 76114 »4M MIM IIIM 7MT1 •4711 44174 71*11 •»41 a f M M 41 47 M •S 71 71 M M II M •7 IM lil lil i»a IM 141 171 IM IM IM 117 Ml M4 III tli IM SM IM Ml II» SM MS Ml MI Ck'mkartettl* .......m •'M-.rh Uta, .„..».J... AatkrMca, Pa. . i.. Oracan Clty. O rap Springfield, III. \ < Union. IM..... Srauyktan, Pa. i...'.'.1. fan mora. Alta,, Ca»a4a ...... Masef, Ps» lUniham, Itah .............. Hacfiatt, Pa................. Johnalon tity. III. ............ Praaklln, Kaaa. .............. Ba—»ar. P«. .. ........... Nanaimo. B. C. .............. JolUt. Ill.................... r»< a a. _ i____l ■«_ nilaOVrfa, g"®. mmmümmii Kiten. Maat.................. Kiten. Mailt................. S^s? na seje, pravila SNPJ so za vse *JJ JJ člane enako merodajna, in izjem im!m | delati v takih slučajih za posa- imm I Na p6dldgi tega je glavni po-im •• rotni odbor soglasno pronašel ■ m.m br. Bizjaka nekrivim in ga opro-imm ka2ni v tem slučaju. "•"I Zadeva društva št. 478 Brat Elija Kosanovič, član dr. je vložil pri-.odbor zaradi po f*JJJ|gl. bolniškem tajniku, za čas od im.m dne 17. maja pa do 18. julija imm 1980, Br# Kosanovič se Je najpr im.m vo pritožil pri svojem društvu ,MH'ln zahteval porotno obravnavo katera se je vršila dne 4. avgu '^Slsta t. U i" zaključek iste je bil, 3MM|da br. Kossnovič v smislu pravif ni upravičen do bolniške podpore za navedeni čas. Glavni porptni odbor Je vzel prizlv na znanje ter zadevo preiskal. Na podlagi zdravniških izjav In drugih predloženih listin, ki se nanašajo na zadevo je pronašel, da je br. Kosanovič bolehal za bo4ezen, za katero v smislu 18. točke,\lljo na boleznih, ki so navedene v 18. točki (c) XXIV; Člena pravil, so u- pravičenl do bolniške podpore le v slučaju, ako je bolezen toliko resna, d» Je po zdravnikovem mnenju potrebna operacija in da je isU tudi izvršena." Iz zdravniških spričeval je razvidno. da bolezen br. Kosanoviča ni bila toliko resna, da bi bila priporočljiva aH potrebna operacija. Na podlagi tega Je gl. po-rotni odbor prišel do soglasnega zaključka» da br. Kosanovič v smislu navedene točke ni upravičen do bolniške podpore za o-menjenl Čas ter je s tem soglasno potrdil razsodbo društvene porota: ___ _ Zadeva društva št. 478 _ Pri društvu it 478, ValUer, (II., je naatala sporna zadeva zaradi odklonjene bolniške podpore br. Joe Szichaka, člana navedenega društva. Br. Szichak trdi, da je prikrajšan na bolniški podpori za 66 dni. namreč od dne 14. maja do 19. julija 199(1, katero mu je odklonil Izplačati gl. bolniški tajnik. Br. Szichak ae je naj prvo obrnil z zahtevo na svoje društvo, da mu dovoli porotno obravnavo, katera mu je bila dovoljena ter se Je vršila dne L mwftif felane je nepravilno*-! • IM.M 47S, Vallier, 111., IMM ZiV nR ''' P0*"0*11* im.m odklonjene bolniške podpore «TI «M M« Ml «11 111 lit Ml MS «M Claratefte. O.............. Milwaukee. Wla. ........ M Kaawatia. Minn........... Kaawatin, Mina................ Iranian, Minn. ............... Slaka». P«. .................. Laaama, Pa.................. Lavall. Arts. •..,,....,....,.. Virginia. Min«...........H... H«ntl*y t HI*, p». ............. Parrel. P«. .................. Sir. Mian. ................... Anarae. da. Mani. ..,'.......... ("anten, O. ....... i...... Aakarn. III. ............... Warweed, W. V«............. Daran t dir. P»............. Iterant fit r. P«..........a« /• T arena a. Waah. ....... Kaaaaa (Sty. Bedferd, O. Oilleapie, 111....... Valier, III........ W4MMi W» Vs* Oakland. Calif. .... Waat Praakfarl. IB. Ha. CM rare. III. ... ^ ...... Vlak I....... IM.M IM.M IM.M IM.M IM.M 1M.M MM IMM IMM IMM MM MM IM.M IMM IMM IM.M fait C Mr Glrartf. O Welrten, W" V* IMM IMM Ite.M IM.M HkapaJ I ■ .11! IZPLAČILA IZ SMRTNINSKEGA SKLADA ' jgrtff.« 1 'tear . ., ■ i, Part ^••»a Jakrtiek ., '"h». Hlarrevlrk . '"»t Mke. tek >«*u hprtir • 'ank H«rwea ^ r> Mrlkerntk Antea !>r«« . / Kr|a*aak ^»gasla 11 n.i ""alii • '.«i Kr.lJ Mat e Hraketa "••i rwt, Kteak "." »an, e^te^ ' »•4.. Mi.kte '. ■•«••S I war ' Sriaew 3 Pter .. a7*.'""* -¿WW* iHte^Wk .... K.'kiike. l-aatvk ... Mteka ' ....... IN.tak ........ ■ - - - ......»f ..........t aM i 1.1,.,a .....•...«»....( mm i aw • ■ ...................! «in j aw a I'ol^aaa 6*4»—, v pm ZaSraJatf haakl. ^'-"teLa. ..............."I «MIT M j Itera-M. CM ......." 'M 4, ij^^^i1 ura m ' Buli. Pa VatHi4 M W* MS *>ate»»»* 41 M" a. k SBZNAM DRUdTBV kl aa mM«e argukt slao poslala anMiavnts uravo^ssao: Društva it. 200, £09. 443, 6SS, 050 in 705. , , .«¡r f .. Član 23, to£ka • določa, ds mors blti siesmont druitov y gl. uradu najkasneje zadnjeg* V tneaseu, ako ne, ae poatopa s prieadetimi druktvi v amlalu navede nt* * člena prsvll. I. Fred A. VJder, gl, tajnik. poročilo o'¡nakazani bolniAki^odpori dne llv^vMetl 1im ftt. I. Mary B«aJ II«,'Mary Yurkuvlak III, (leoree !l«teillnlk IM, J«auk Urvretl« IM. Oraslak. Svllar »*< it. «. John gilatt MI» ' it. I, P rank Qarne M, VaJmtlna K lutea r III, J«sm« Zupanal« hlM, S«m ttubntak IMM, Anten Janku »M. it. II. MteV Orteran M Krank Ukall, M, Anton surteh III«, KM* Ttebnik III.M, lKa-I her Ine Safar MR.60. Jpaeph Kravai.J« Ml. jomMi Walte MT,- Valentin Podobnik IM. ]«MiiM Oraanlk IM. Petip Prijatelj |I4, Mary Tamaka III. Mallen l«>- it. IT. Anna Vlrant II». Kudnlpk Tunmaia II«. Jacob I.avrtba IM, Pater Baketina MO I I.M.I l it. IM. John Brule IM. MattRew Malnar 1114.10, Matthew Jakate M» »l, Prank Kufrtn l^mmH ■ ■ it. ITI. Nlek Pavallch |M. Luka Mikeloh ITI, John Oremue III. it. ITI. U« Markov tek Ilk. it. ITI. Bran lete ve Kaufmen Ml. Stantetev Ryae MO. it. ITI. Jok« An drek Ml. Karol DeMalk MI. Martin Haauka IM. it. «T. Oeora« Giertet MT. št. ITI. Mary Pinta IM. Lento Ban «14. Anton Kraeovee SM. M. Prank KueoMle M« MT. Jukn Pleura Ml. Jokn Baker |M 2UX, Mary Kotnik Ml, Anna MT, John Huben IM. John Twnkaln |M-it. Ml ' Prank Beeek M« it. MT. Angeline Meteia IM. Mathilda Pavltoh IM. Dvlnk« Vukovleh Ml, Karaeak Tl. it. MM.' M«ry Oernlk 111. Jokn Afrteh »14. Kntherln Noraael 111. Joeet>h Araber M. VII Simullia Ml. Ivan Jnkaettob Ml, Job.. Xerjav Ml. Simon Mlkaalnovlek Ml. Jok« at I pan o vie |T1. it. 101. Paul Kne 114 it. 10«. Mett Bvetfe III. Prank Lautetia 111, Joaeph Pablan |M. Aanee Markovieh % IfffMSMPi it. IM. Job Breaar MT. M4. Matthew Pint III. MT. Aatea W, XajMgiatek IM. Ml. Matt Tu.ikovlch |M. lit. IM. Katharine Towalek Ml. Nlek DU miek Ml. Anton lakra |M. Joeepb Saaeter Wtt. Ml. 'tettr II». ■ Ml. Albert Drtnora Ml 14«. Jdvan I'ejovli'k |14. M». K rar. k Vtelek »74. Ml. C kar lee Ttekert M. . MM Hteako Mlkuleteh IM, Btje»ai. Ko. malina »tt. Qeern« Altena »ao Tt. IM. Luit« Ulovi« M. Joeesb Kupnih I. Angel« SoameUnl III. it. ITI. 1-udwie lte»«te M. Joku SMerar MB. Ivan KaMOTvIe M4, Veeealav Stennea ITI, Peter «MvM Ml. Prank KaaM M0. Prank Perke! SU, Joaeph OranMvee 914. m. ITI. JMMfc Stektlle Ml. Ivan Krtov 141. it. ITT. Ästen la Palle M. .C J«m#fk ^PlMpNk lH» •M. Jtea^Seetek Ml. •M. Joeepk Gokik IM. frank Via-atek III. it. MI. Dominik Tovero 111., it. TM. reter Uranknr SIT. It. TIT. Hau Oerie Ml. Skupaj IU.0TI.10. Sine Wevak. kol. tajalk. At. 111. Mite Ksteetra |Tl. it. 114. Ante« Ttueber M ■k M«. Jee-ak Oteteurvtek MI. Ii». III. Jeaeab Bemal m, Aa 114, Tkomaa Orgnrlel. »4. Praak Kirn Mary Klr« Ml. Prank Kruto IM. h ar u>aa IM. Jeee»k MlkelU Ml. Mary Krale tri it IIT. Jacob Bauehan IM. |K SU. John Llaolek Mi. Jukn StireilU IIB, Peel l'ape« II». it. IM Joeepk Temaaln 114. Jaeeik tura J iit. Charley Batay IM. t®®®. VIMP Ml, Vide Kim Ml. Uuto Ooaa III. John Plrth IM. Steve Sa a tab Ml ' it. Ml, Prank Luaanr M. At. MV. Mike Metel MI. Dominik Merit*. «I« 111, Antoni« Ckea M«. Lee Vojclk |Tl. it. Ml. AnaaUala tteUevae Ml.M. At MI. Mary Arke 111.11, Anten OraaaUi »SI. Praek S«BSM fill. Andrew Klan Ml. At »«1. Mirka SaSllHriM. ftt. Ml. • John Dtete lil. Anten | »III. Ab IM. Dorelky Pulta Ml. Ante liaU Ml. lesM Sellin III. i». SM. omm TaOei 11 «.M. it |M. Dominik Peltrln UM it. IM. Anna Patur U4. Ste»kante Site t Inger III. it. Ml. KaUrlna Kerl« IM, Joeepk Ktetok »sl. Oknrtoa Jankullek IM. it. 111. Prank Karehfca III. Prank OteV voj IM. Amalie Bautar MI, Amalie BauMr Iii H Hl. Louto Knee IM, Jok« Kukee MS. it. 114. Mary Markov tek MI. Matt Kto. rlck UM. It. IM. Mary Kn. MI. Mary Serakek Ml. Anna aweenii Sit. t MM* Mary Oeaeer M4. MI. Andrew Vldto Ml. Ttfmm Jtetek M«. Jeeevk Leek«rae MI. Jokn Klaneee |M it. MV. Ankn N. Urkneaka 114, ldnata Manieak M4 Helen Mlkajtevlek IM. it. Ml. Prank »todmlnek M. it. M4. Mary Keaee II«, Ureute Smrke IM, Joint v^Ntofi' JMi ^PINM® .^HWN^ i'rtaten MI. Prank M»4lu MI. Anten Turk »1 i'«l, 1 ltem«n Jerkto MI. K MT. Praah Bpehar MI KÄjl» 1 ^Vmt^uI Vetomlravtoh IM. SV. ' Kl Ml Tr^ Strah M. PrenS June. IM. Mlekaal Mlkttlten #11. Walter I .n» a I k Jm4 ii ligiil 11 ittfti' IM. l^ikae Ulaeevtok »11. .a i.iMM 1 A .JSMiSMSS it. 41 Angola Krjavag 111, Anton Hen Ig a-man |M. J"hn Teaak Sil. Mile Klgteb M0, P renk llrtknr IM tberteg Cateeli Mill. it. Jl. Andrew KravasJl IM, Tkereea Oa-kraj IM. . ■ it. M. Anna Jaka» . it. 94. John Parkovlr IM. Pranem Sobelin MI, Therm» Bank »M, Mary Kopie SM. Prank Suetetete IM J it. 44. Mtehete Vadnal Ml. Anten Benito III. Jam* Gohren ie »IS, Jokn To rate IM. tU M. Ijawreoee Om«S III. it. 4T hm»td, Herko 114 Jokn Potalk |IT Anton Smode |M, J-wepB luven »M. Prank l'oternIk M«. Leuto li .Uker Ml. rrank Oo-lok IM. it. M. arm or fcorn.en IM. Joke Oblak IST. Kr neat Mlklaoele 114 J »ten Streu. 114. Prank Botck 114, Ufr Ketoto III, Aton Havulkar IM. Joeegb Dmll« »14. Prank Malnar M4A1. it. M. Lewrenee 1'oteenSi MI. Katarina Vukovtok IM. SC »T Loula BreanA III, Gregor Jene-rbek IM. St. W. Ivane Metlrte M. Jekn Merkavto »U M. Jobaaa Arhar 111, Iran Boraeto III, P rak Ciber MT. J "-»h Ouetel IM, Prank l'ereea »41 At M. Mary pgvr »T. Prate. Ueter »U M, Iternard PotennSt II4, Pnutk Pterttea III. it M Praaee. m-i-alk MT, Št. M. Jeeob C0.11.-mk II«. Petal Sgtemr MI, Anten Peeelk IM, Praak Borate SM, Joaapk Bertlek Mo Jeoayk Dr «beleb MI. Jäten Tetervelk M« Martin Campe Ml Joaovtob MI, Prent Mo* SM. IT Tl Aaeeto Ke^n^t IIT. Jaka J •II. Mtehaei Brra IM. fli'1' Lnkuete MI. Anne ArlteM vall» IM, Paul Ivenlll M« it. II Marearata Oekeeek »II, Malt Oeka-aak MI, Toma Me re nI« K M Joka Merher lil M. John lilakar 114, Jernej Oofeek III. M. Jokn Btrak 111,M, Joeepk Pepet IM. Mt Kidjft VamOUHI Mi IMtoi Kwnmp Jti 41. MMr iBielk 114. M. Prank Paueor M, Jokn i. Waeel IM. IL LeeM Maue HTM, A|ten Nerval k Pall* M. Dellner Ml. Pauline Se-vertäte 111, Mike SeMSB Ml. it. M. K renk Veert« III. rrank Vuraa III, Leutee luven |I4.M. ^^ _ Tt Ii JekW Mukevee IM. Aeen Mukavee AMMNI «Hp^^ 'MK vHrtM^ HMIMM AMMpW' TM. Anten Seeter IVI. ^ M. Aann^ Ubmleb^», ^rtoe^Kumer^ r^ni lVtek J$lt" M JlMX>t' *U*n,Mh i«««. ft. IV. MIM Lurak III...... Wf Um mi Kraak Puekarteb »44, K IVV. Mary Culk »44 lanate Brumea Mv ih MI. Inkn Mtoteteh |4I. Mary Svteero-»Irh M4. it. Ml. Andraw Doglna III, Mae III, Iren Kukurla II« it. MI. Metels Semw m. it. MT. Louto Keeue M>. Mite Ml. lekn Turk IM. it. II. Jokn Bateemte III, Reeine Uli An®®® Praak ■ e £ llll. 1 Bild Leuto Oerel na IIM. K 4M. Anton Palai IT«, Inaaek Iteanr IM, |4I,M. it. 4M. Xtoketea Mlltentek Ml. It. 4M. Mary Krtoa 914. Mej» 114, Drastela Koval IM. 1** Oreanlk SM-k 4M. Stell SMlek MT.M. Ii 414. rrank Rate« III. Aetoe Kollr »14, (teerae Orekutek MI, Marti« OeeoMi|U. k 4M. Anne fteMell IM. Mery^Vele. U4 Ml, Oeoree Varelte MI. Mary Mewrlik MaMten^Ltete |SMM, Meten Vutetl« IIM.il, Bmll Semite "il. 4M. VieH 0. retten III, Hlelk Ml. Item Bernard M«. UM, Anna Tomljauaetek IUI. Alton Impn IM» Ueter Mllerae MS, Okrtetlne Bka- Jamee PteaMl M4. lukn Senker tek Seen k 4M. 4M. 4M. Anne AaaHM III. Ml Antonie tHheda M< akl Ml. Peter «teer m, m "L.'BI, Itete Podleafte MV, ateh M4, Praak Coraote IM. lo mm, it. M Pranem Itevtete III, A< in. Lo«m Paiteenra »4M* tM. Mtoteate M»<«. |M M Mttemel o-ee^ te »UM Peter Sotert. » a it M MB* dote. aM. it IM Marr Sova» SM it IM l«aa*h Menltob |H. Ii "L Mi*i 11 MT. Otede PoSB dote MO.te. Ba Leiern Ml, pmd parate M T mm reBe M III Meae OrtWkl* M IIT. A*aai ate 144 " St IM Prank SoetoMM tU. Aetea M» Prank Bail MSB. Aoaoo Vi " " Oaten 1' I. a k i: lehn Krlamenk* Ml. Apnie Plut III UK Dalag Porteh M, Jeka I »M. MB ati Amete Draekelgr M4 M lak Stekne Ml. Ml Prank BabU Ml. Praaeee Item» M 144 leH l«T. A IM IM IM MBU Bbrek] Bn« rset^^^H Ml SMS l*šf da te IVLteSia PtarovAU MM, ■ Sl fdrlMn SSrevte *H^Jtea 'Oa ft. tee Jeka Krae^UI I». IM Mar? Trttera» M. I etoba IM, Aoteate Booete Ii«, ote IMAe tote Tradm IM, III, Jaeete i» IM. M. IM. «. SM IM MB, k. IM. stalte Imm M«. AM. MM MM» OteenenSt MT \ jStH Q"**^ Maj Pegravsh k V svojem porošilti kot salas-nI prstlsednlk gospodarskega od. Ml Freak In** A- W il »M Praak naia ii IM I DtBeitek M. A I'ernob «lt. A» IM 'daBinKZ '•fc SM Ietepk itetoew |M. % X^b^ te gei InBa MM X' 111. poročal, da Dom v Mb-rary prosi sa posojilo. Tukaj Je pomola Ko sem dobil pismo od brsts John Mura Is Library, Pa., da naj pošljem prošnjo sa posojilo ta Dom, ssm sodil, da jo l><»rn v Library. Dejaneko Jo v Ps , kar a*J IšssMMsIi jo vsoti m 'Ml SmSTNSi Tin Society »btll by * * members pmil fr—dom of r». Ugwos, pMloeophical, ethicaJ wl political creeds. _ENGLISH SECTION__ FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17 sun-BURSTS Verona News L-l-N-K-S prosveta (ENGLISH SBCnOM) Veron«, Pa.—(Lodge No. 660). With Old lion Sum-mer making hi» last gallant aland for recognition, baseball, muthball and other summer woather sports ate rapidly Wing brought to a close. Our attention 1« once again drawn to one of winter's most popular indoor «porta—bowling. Laat year the Veronians successfully conducted a Bowling League confined exclusively to its members. This year with two new lodges formed in our immediate vicinity, the thought occured that perhaps a Bowling League of the combined three lodges could be formed. What do you aay, Ramblers and Comets? Each lodge could enter three or four teams, or any number agreed upon. Neutral alleya could be secured where the games could be bowled. Aa a suggestion, bowling alleys in Oakmont, Pa., would be a convenient place for every-dne. They would be acceaaible to all, and are within a short distance from each lodge. Comments would be appreciated on thia subjects from anyone of the Ramb-lera or Cometa. Football ia in the air, three of the Veronians, "Mike" Lipesky, "Johnny" Lesar, and "Bennie" Bentz, are candidates for berths on Verona Community's classy football team. They are faithfully practicing every day. As the writer understands, there seems to be a large number of ii4W aspirants for the different positional ajpd it'a going to be a tough job to cinch any position. "Vic" Jakovac. j--- The Revellers' Column SprfagfleM, III.-Don't #«U t« attend the next meeting, Friday alte, September W. How many m amber» are you going to nominate f With the beginning of the new drive, w h ich means an extra dollar for every member and an opportunity te be able to reçoive one of the grand prises; also, the TWO DOLLAR AND HALF GOLD FfECE given by our own lodge for each dew candidat* oar hundred mark ehoeld soon be reached. Well worth trying for, isn't ft? Come on, gang! How about itt Î August Vosel, e Young American, and a friend stopped in Springfield to say hello to some of the Lincoln-ites wMIe on their way to California. We hope your trip was an enjoyable PROSVBTA—ENGLISH SECTIO* BowHng season has started. Last Sunday a few of the girls were seen st the Orpheum Bowling alleys. Ceme on, girls and boys; let's start the bell a-rolllng. It has been reported that we may startN tournaments for both the boyd and girls this year. If all the members who bowled last year enter the tournament« this year, there will be plenty of competition for all. Editorial Notes TO OUR CONTRIBUTORS: H you desire an article you have written to appear in the Prosvfta, you must •end It to the editor early *nough to reach the main office, not later than Monday of each week. If an article is to appear In next week's Prosveta, we must have the copy on our desk the week before, but never later than Monday preceding thé dato of issue, which if on every Wednesday, but the paper foes to prees on Tuesday at 2 p. m. Which means that the bulk of the reading matter must be prepared at the editor's office and set up In the composing room before each Tueeday. Please cooperate with as, and we'll cooperate with you. Ambridge, Pa.—I doubt if anywhere can be found the interest, enthusiasm and congenial cooperation as ahown by the English speaking branches of the 8NPJ. That spirit of unity and progress should be encouraged to ita utmost. When difficulties beset our youthful chapter they should be etraightened by the quickest and most satis-factory manner. Each member should be taught never to promote private interests or welfare at the expense of the members) or society at large. Personal prej-udicea, when unnecessary or harmful to others, should never be voiced. The organisation by its by-laws dime nds certain duties of each member, but no one has the right of going beyond thia. Controveraies and argument« that are impoeing, offenaive, uneducational or in any way detrimental to the Society, should never be allowed. Let differences of opinions be fostered within the membership and we will have disruption in the Society. By difference of opinions I apecify those which are uncalled for or unnecessary. Politically, our memberships have absolute freedom outside of lodge offices. Religious creed« may or may not bo followed by the members. We have no right to impose private convictions on our brother and sister members. < At tim.$A« delicate question« aria« that . must be aettled in a logical manner. Enmity, within our ranks, should never exi«t. Today the people are quoted ss being broad-minded enough to see both sides of a quesion. Our membership can proudly boast of having intelligent Slovenea. United together we go onward ¿o a greater goal then that realised by the foundera of the SNPJ. The SNPJ ia atronger today and of greater benefit than ever in the paat. Harmony within the aociety will make it an honor and a pride to be enrolled as a mem-ber of the SNPJ. , Congratulations, Jo and A\ the proud parents of a baby boy born August 24. We are hoping he will s«>n become a member of our juve-nne department. IT 18 NOT the duty of the editor to leform contributors who write for the "Voice of the Members" column and go over the 600-word limit set for that rubric. Every member should acquaint himself with this rule and guide himself accordingly. Another thing. When wrktpg for that column, never use the ueual second person which is correct only in private letters. Do not r.dulge la the erroneous form of "Bro. So-an-Hd. I wish you would remember that." Always use the third person, because you are speaking to your readers, not to your opponent. You are trying to convince the readers, not U>* individual with whom you differ. There-fere the correct for» Is to say, MI wish that he (or she)—net you—would present some evidence • • Tickets are now on sale for the Sport Club dance to be held October ,11 at the MNew Dom." Euss Can-ham's orchestra has been hired for the occasion. Lincolnitos, boost the Sport Club. Lofs co-operate with them, for they are always willing to help us. By Six (iun Pittsburg, Kane.—We sympathise with Bro. A. drum. The people that are always criticising are the on«S that hardly ever do anything but aro the first to take advantage of something. n< « * • Onoe a great man, known to most all of us, said, "To be broke Is a sure pathway to suocoe«.'* So, don't worry. All of us who aro broke now,, "maybe" will be "rich" pretty soon. * * • A thing we didn't know: That "Mae" er "Mc" Is a Gaelic word meaning "son of" and that thsro aro a number of persons named McGunn. a e e e A thing we should know: That there U a deficit In tho disability fund and the Supreme officers levied assessment of 26c por member Insured for sick benefit. Thos* insured for death benefit only need not pay the J6c assessment This absolutely must be paid or the secretary shall not accept tho regular Monthly dues. They enter a town happy, carefree, gay; Singing, cheering throughout the day; Booating, enjoying each aooial fray: Theae are the Revellers of today. No harm Intended« no ill meant, To do good ia a Revellers' intent; They want no cauae of degrading comment, They desire for a day, an evening joy spent. Revellers are ladies and gentlemen true; And when they enter your town visiting you, Remember that what they try to 0o Is to cement a friendship t'wixt them and you. . We ufere glad to have met Bro. "Lindy" Loksr of Clevelaad and Ma Quacks on their recent trip through Western Pennsylvania; It was nice of them to stop off at AmbrjUgo. Their visit to just another bit of courage men t for the Revellers to keep on growing and doing thiriK-- • flJbt , Act t!> - In reference to that Correepondcnce Club of Check and Double-check, MNwaukee Badgers (or Badger-otto«) yours truly is all afire in favor of it. What s « about and why? We're ao green about everything Well, anyway, drop me a line if ou're ao Inclined «t 100,Beaver Rd., Ambridge, Pa. At the time .this is published it ia hoped that Sister Christine Zormam Reveller, will be on the road to complete recovery. Chriatlne ia a very elck girl «t U>» writing and aU tho Reveller« are pulling for her u> recover. She la too nice and too popular to be in for long.—May Slater Anna Rosenberger and Brother Edward Rosenberger be completely recovered fro« their vescM illnesses, too. A contended membership bespeaks a successful lodf* 5 In the SNPJ spirit, Lools K««ria, Reveler. The new Membership Campaign whloh is for th« English Spooking lodge« only, affords splendid opportunity to every loeal English Speaking branch to increase tte membership and thereby bring about a stronger Youth Movement In the SNPJ. The drive start« on October 1 and last« over a period of six months. Ave you ready to oatUt as many now members as possible? Your community Is depending upon you to act at once! Lodge Builders Mulberry, Kaae.—If a man bellds * house and leaves It exposed to the sun. the wind, the rain, tho frost, It will from the mom*nt ha ceaaas to put work Into It, begin to decline, unless be continues to be a builder, to ase paint and Umber and «««lent, when occasion aria««, th* elements will undo Ma work and all will return, through deetrvetion, to nothing««». It may lake only a few years, It may take longer, but infal-libly the creation of man'a hands will diaeolve unless man's hands continue to bo creative. Ill« work may tost as long as th« Pyramids, or be destroyed In a sea-'«a. like a breakwater In a storm; but peace is never declared between him and the elements, and unless man fights, he must be defeated. This Is also true of every fraternal organisation and lodge. Unless the members go on creating and constructing nrw forces, new forms of servieee, It will infallibly succumb la time. A soeiety starts off tnd*r *«relknt management, with »nthualaam and energy aod a determination to eaeelI; but gradually aa the management become* less and lees inspiring, the aoelrt y cease* to grow an* than, there m«H a alow, sagging off Into humdrum routine and habit-then, nfalllbly, deterioration-death». Members who thought that the element« weep on their etdfe when they organised a lodge, would be pathetically in error. A pereo« who think« personality or a lodge-ran grow «> eaflly as fruit on • eunay wall la equally aury to be understood. Mo« and organisations who would He« mast strive, they who would rrmaia strong moot seek to ba stronger. Every member has already learned of the Member-ship Campaign which opens October I. Juet think. To aH SNPJ membara in the die-trict: The summer thne Is rapidly fading and autumn wlllnwon be hare. So, watch for tho aaaouncements that the Sunflower eeMmiltrc will make for this fall and winter actlv-it lee along the Mne at dee«*«, partlea, i wiener roasts, «to. « e a The membership campa»«n ahould Internet us all. Juet think of tho useful and valuable prisee offered by tho SNPJ. No reaeoa why we should not be atnone th}, leaders for gaining new membara. Besides th« valu-able prises tho society effort a dollar for every new inseSiir joining th* Hortety. Now do yaer best. • • • That's the spirit, •Vayhawhee." Keep ap the goad work by contributing articles to the Pveevots. That'« r * a a What's th« matter, •■«arts." It la not quiet ea "bat** any man Why Sa •a net bear anything from yollt lodge? L | ' Wh e e e Bia Talban. am certainly are glad to read that the "Ranger«" «re "sail, lug" along nleely. Now that our praeident Bra. (amine and 81«. Shale*. mr Treasure* have accepted pa. alliens 1« tie Cherokee Hlgfc School | New Lodf at cufarton, pT") Hrother John F. Katoh, oor orgaa- ¡ leer of Engltah Spoaking braneha* In western PennsyIvania and rnthu«. iaetle 8NPJ worker, la at tt «gala. Thla time he reporta fren Clairtoa, Pa.. where a*now EngUak Speaking branch was organiaed test Sunday wtfth FOURTEEN members and ma-ny new proeperta. Nia «teeeage raads: PROSVBTA. a LAWNDALE AVE- CHICAGO. HALOME CLAIETONIANS OftOAN. IXRD AT CLAIBTON. PA„ SIN-DAT. SBPT. 14. WfTH FOURTEEN MBMBEM. ri Tt'RR. Bro. Kutrh'e homo la ta Caaoneburg, Pa.. where ha le a eery active momhsr of th* Ledgo Pisasen ef Washiag* toa County Na. Me. SNPJ, ef whieh he la PreeldeaL Hls uatiriag «fforts Hl organiting ear yoaag paeplo ia their ewu BNFJ locáis, ata grattfyiag the full extent, to bring about a stronger Youth Movement of the SNPJ In that eectto* which cm be •acampllahed with united organisational work between both generations. Which indirtd"«L •párete with Ibis youthful Lodge News Notes "HEARTS of america" I The bovj had «pouting in Geneva n Z__laat Sunday, and didn't let tht girl* KanKis CHy, Mo.—Ju«t a reminder in on It. Didn't the girls burn up t r each and every member to attend when they found out! And how! The h. .Deeial meeting Thursday, Sep- next outing takes place Sept. 21.— ember 26 at the Croatian Home, 6th | Girl., invited. ,n(1 Kliiabeth. Important business i The "Bachelorettes" have something trsassctione concerning our anniver-' ^ their sleeves. Watch this column sary dance, Saturday, October 11,.will for fUrther information, be discussed; your opinions and sugw firo Gr|U hM he9n el#cUd jfestions to make this affair one gexon has volunteered to coach them. Pay heed to the last eall for basketball. They begin to practice in October. "Canned Peachee." 100<< A CARD OF THANKS the beit of his ability. Tony Stoea, Rec. Sec'y. INTEGRITY NEWS Chicsgo.—Members of the Integrity Lodge No. 681, don't you all think that it would be great fun to gat a number of new members for each meting and initiate them? Let's all prepare and get new membors. The campaign will last until March and we certainly have plenty of time to gtt lots of new members and we can hsve lots of fun this winter. So beware, Integrity, have your npw member next monih. e » e Well folks, get to work for hasket-bsll season is here. We hope to see the Integrity ball players stick to their good spirit of bflng good sports in playing ball. You have so far, so keep it un. Well Integrity, let's all get together and have two strong team» in basketball. The Skippers. make this special meeting a attendance. Congratulations to our former sec-retsry, Zvonie Kvaternik. May your work be very successful at K. U. For the benefit of those that can not mske srrangements to pay their dues st the regular meetings held on the seeond Thursday of each month, Waukegaa, III.—I wish to extend et in touch with our Secretary». John our thanks, my own personal thanks Kovich, 81 Orchard ave. He will en- as well as those of the committed, to deavor' at all times to serve you to all those members of the three SNPJ ----------lodges and the Sports Club who cooperated with as so willingly and who assisted us so unstintedly in making the Annual SNPJ Baseball Tournament the suecess we feel that it was. In particular do I want to thank those of you who inconvenienced yourselves by putting at our disposal rooms and beds in your homes «so that our guests might better be provided with sleeping quarters over Saturday and Sunday night To Detroit and to our other out-of-town visitors we wish to say this: perhaps you were not taken care of as you expected to ba—as you ought to have been. We did try to accommodate you, though. And we are certain now that however inadequate our preparations, however constrained our hospitality may have seemed to you then, we cannot justly be accused of having failed to make an effort.' Those shortcomings you found in our arrangements, I am sure, you will attribute, in keeping with that sense of fair play you displayed on the ball field, not to any ill-will or disinclination on our part but rather to our committee's lack of experience in handling such an event. And then, too, you will remem- l.N T-H-E R-O-C-K-I-K-S Denver, Colo.—Geo, didn't wc all have some fun at the Columbine'» picnic? It s^mswe a" enjoyed m>r- ^^ ^ ^ selves. Wasn't that nice of t he Col- than even our most hopeful anticipa- umbines to have a next nite? We couldn't have had a better time. We nearly had a 100% attendance at our last meeting. We sure enjoyed listening to our European travelers' experiences. It seems we all had some swell PEP. Fuu on our last wienie fry! That hike we took up the Red Rocks was tions had bid us prepare for. F. E. Pierce, Chairman, Committee. KEYSTONE TROJANS NO. 709 Rroughton, Pa.—It has been called to my attention that our Lodge seems to lack In fraternallsm. By that I ... mean that'mbat of our Brothers and en* a good appetiser. Some of the fliRterR u have fallen dnto the members cUmbed the large* rocks hi hab,t to crltlc,Mf or My uttle Colorado. They were sure tired and ^ tfc| about Qne Mother< you very hungry. It was cool on that know that th,rr |g nothinf that »well looking new Ford truck. ( mak0g , fee, B0 ^ „ whtn How about getting acquainted, iomeone says something mean behind Baby Breath?" Will see you all at thtlr n,,,. memn uttle things, the next meeting. Jast Me. JOLLY ALLIS LODGE often said in furl, sometimes sooner or later are repeated into the ear of the person concerned. And usually they arp repeated In earneet, as If you had meant them. The result is that the person involved, carries an enmity towards the person, by whom West A His, Wis.—On Sept. 20 th^ Jolly Allis Lodge will celebrate its First Anniversary' There wUl be two short comedy plays. Each play these mean things are started. And is only twenty minutes in length, but whenever an opportunity presents it-it ke£>s you roaring every minute aelf they usually strike back by say- and you will wish it was longer. The senior play "Kako se kolje prsttta la dela klobase, ako ni de-nsrja pri hllL" Our four horsemen will prepare Plenty to eat and plenty to drink. ing something mean in return, then the result of all this usually is, that a friendship is lost between two brothers or sisters. \ Now I would like to say that I wish members of our Lodge would refrain Hot orchestra, the "Parisian Diplo- from thpt 20 at 66th and National aves, lor the Jolly Allis aaniveraary. And •t South Side Turn Hall oa Sept. 21 SNPJ Federation dance. Happy ga Larky. CANONftBURG PIONEERS l aaombarg, Ps.—Sometimes I can ii y w,lt for th# Froevete, to raad the doinga of other lodges. I never the Revellers' column; such in- »crest in* paragraphs^ 1 to the laat meeting and I uw «on»» new feces there. The at-^ndance was larger than asaak Our r* Pr*«deat John Tersbel was coti-< O^r Pree. ns- attended the Bo-•¡Tli mm*Q' He brought back tolm * trm Revellers, Very m p*"plt They triad hard to T wh* "Babbles" and "Tlllie" But 4M ¿¿pi p#rfcaN t>|# |wo Hke the -Unholy • committee m#mbership drive. Aad ^ Haviag a daaae aad Hal- H«^ £"*' Hww another The flrrt wae a never saw other who never heard anything, and another who never repeated anything. But If you must say something I wish you would always remember these words: "If you can't tell the world they are good little pals, then just say nothing at all." Hoping, brothers and sisters, that we will really be a society of friendship and fellowship, and that we will one and all attend our regular meetings, I also wish to say la closing that the dance held laet Sept. 6 was a big success. I feel sure that everyone enjoyed it. Fraternally. liOaie Schemaitser. Important M*«tlttfc at Luserne, Pi. "Spirit sf SI. Leife" By Whoesit SL Loui» Mo.—The regular monthly meeting was held on Sept. 14. It was one of the beat meetings we've had for a long time. Everyone was bubbling over with ideas and plans from a bigger and better Spirit of St. Louis. St. Louis "We Gang" has been about sa dead thefte last couple af months as the farmers' crops due to heat, drougth and, gosh, what not. A new membership Campaign is now in progress. Girls vs. boys. Looser trsatl treat winners with a chicken fry in a wiener roast disguise. I feel sor£' for the boys. Don't you? Will they pay? And how! The bowling season finds the Spirits ful of bowling fever. Just a| soon as we get ia trim we'll challenge any SNPJ team. Anyone wishing to bowl get in touch with Leo Kraus. Victor Julius is leaving St. Louis. The Spirits join in wishing you success in whatever you may undertake. —We wonder what's happened to Joe Sampson. Cupid?—Don't be so selfish, Olga. Next time you have 6 bushels of Dears «all In the "We Gang" to help you peel 'cm. We'll can 'em too. Everything Is coming along in ship shape for our 2nd anniversary dance. The dance committee is certainly working hard.—Moonbeam is still vacationing. "We" certainly were glad to hear from her. Sin-o-VlsiMs By Gumshoe Slim In spite of threatening rain quite a crowd of people gathered at the Chicago SNPJ Federation Picnic held at KegeTts Grove in Willow springs laat Sunday. The Young Americans were- the gueats of the Federation and their girls' indoor-baseball team played the Pioneers. As accidcnto do happon, so the Young American girls lost their Indoor gaint to the Pioneer girls by i score of 6 to 6. The Young Americans found many rootery from the ranks of the Sunglares and Integrity lodges, snd went back to Detroit with the clear understanding that they have many friends In the Windy City. Twenty-eight members and friends attended the last Sunglare meeting. Much important business was trans acted. We will organise thU fall a Girls' Bsskatball team and Boys' heard a faint fire, please." which came again only more pronounced •ach time. Turning my head to see who could have had tl»< "crust" U try to ride graila, I noticed all eyei directed on me., wutching my rather indifferent air, when all of a sad-den a thought shot thru my stocky cranium, and I realised with a sickly feeling that he Was addressing m* "Beer-Suds, Incorpulated' Voice of the Members By Check aad Double-check ,. --,. Mllwaakee, Wis—Tb. attendance and none other. I very calmly and at the September meeting was very cooly (?) said, "I gave a quarter, aatiafylng all the way around. Of don't you remember?" Very politely, though a wee bit exasperated he replied in a my-but-you i-green voice, "Didnt I give you five nickels bacU?" I found out, much to my embarrassment that you matt drop your own course, we were all a trifle noisy, but we'll behave a little better the next time Have we forgiven, Pres. Schneider ? This meeting certainly was a humdinger. It was the first honeat-to- nickels in the slot, he only provW- goodness meeting we've hsd for a ing change, if aftsesaary. long time. Everybody listened to Among the various places visited, what was going on and it waa a the Golden Gate Park stands out aa. pleasure to see eo many stand up and i Jt ^ a ^^ th#ir aofenwita on varlou* foremost with ma. time for me to believe that it could possibly be man-made, and I am'not motions under discussion. After this we want everybody to give his or her at all sure that I believe It yet, tho, views oa different subjects and in of course, they say, "Truth is Strang- that manner we'll get lots of thing i er than fiction." To those of you where such a magniflcient and beautiful park Is an everyday "lovers' lane," it may nqt impress you so much, but to me, it seemed the realisation of a dream that comes to ua cleared up br/ere they U Jftfttlon instead of a/fer. .Remember the dis* ruaaion we had on "grape^ules"? Keep that for aa example and say your little plaee before it's too late. Plaas far the program at Turn In our idle momenta when we sort ¡ Hall on Sept. 21 are all well oarried of let ourselves drift away from the out. This promises to be one of thn stern realities of life, and let our mind dwell upon the rather flimsy wings of imagination. The beautiful Stow Lake with swsns floating leisurely and carelessly about, suddenly, submerging their lovely slsnder necks under the water. You watch fur their re-appearance and with an envious air, vaguely wonder how many minutes of that they can stand. The trees and shrubsrt are iust marvel-ously perfect and every plant and tree has just its ewn Jlttle niche to fill, in making the park coniplete. Tho Museum, as well aa the Aquarium are educational, as well as very Interesting, and I must mention the Japeneae Tea Gardens, where one may teat hlmeelf on qualut atone seats and partakS of tea snd cakes, served by Japanese maidens. There are many place* of Interest In the park, which oontalns 1200 acres, dotted with bsautlful drives. I feel that I should at least mention the Koo at Fleishaektr*. which finest affairs of the Fall season, and it would be a shame to have anyon* miss out on it. No one oan give th* excuse of knowing nothing about It as it hes been published before, It was discussed at the meeting, and here Is thr final publication. No excuses for absenoe will bw considered. There are going to be some fine rakers on the propram, and thU uld be a lure for our debaters. The music will be excellent. Both plays will be very amusinv and well enacted. Ut's see ALL of you there and show that you are willing to ca< operate. Remember that the Badgers get something out of this too! We were glad to see Lud Oblack with us sgaln and hope h*'ILatay. At this time we wish to anAounco that the Badgers will have thwir Festival and Dance in January, 1081. This coming event II going to receive plenty of publicity and the commit* tee Is going to do their darndast to make this affair one of the largest is very complete, and has within Its we ever had. We're going to aspect confines animals of every group and I all ear neighboring lodgva to oom« distinction, except, perhaps a few and If all of us pitch In and help, escaped missing lieks (???) that are x comm|tteo was elected to find still at large the «arid over. I out all about the d.maia sabava we'ri The Sutro Bathe lurolph a healthy hftV# durlntf the coming and cleaa plaoe fee the Wim-lovUig u ^ on, i§ ropr, public. The wwter, whleh Is regular *,j0yeble than the next and I know ocean water. Is heated, and you may that well all look forward to the time repose from the "too warm" tank to wh#B w#1l ^ announcement Ice oold tank, whllh, by the way, la ^ wUl glvt thi oJ u,, fjrit never crajrded. Ijslty? Yos, and pr(VAU, yalty. FIN 18 Readers will pleaae excuae me for having written as I did in Prosveta of September S. In all five years of my activity In the SNPJ I had never written that way before, but this time \ was compelled much to my dislike. Since Sister Kay D. Zavertnlk (I) didn't dare dleclose the names of her informers, and (2) since she didn't deny that ahe knew very little about our Chicago conditions, I'll leave the matter for your own judgment whether or not I was Justified In my response. Isnft It a fact that everything writ-tea by har had all the earmarks ami the tendency to discredit me before the membership? Didn't she blame me for using ineligible players In the Struggler-Pioneer bowling msteh aa eoeaei of whleh the officers of the Pioneer lodge paated la laat week'a Prosveta? (6) Didn't ahe put hoatillty Into her c.hargsa that I was ousted from the Athlatie Aboard ?—ahe didn't know what pressure was followed—Just because I told some of the athletic officers that they were "acting like a bunch af kids", up goes one of Kaye's Un with a motion and another kin seconded it to oust me unless I retracted my statement. No charges were preferred. No trial gtvan.-^Just merely "ouated."—4 waa satisfied, so ! left It at thst. If It will pacify their minds to think that they hsve ousted me, peace be with them. They cannot say that I offered my resistance. (4) "His actions on the Kuprasia Board--convinces ua" and "we have now been convinced," etc., quotations from her first attack are proof enough that some one other than Kaye is back of all this. What groups has ahe been delegated to apeak for? Name them It I * I. must repeat again that sister K. D. Zavertnlk knows nothing of our internal strife and from her attacks lees about athletics in fraternal or-ganlaatlans. Who were the members that planned to have me fired because of my activities a year ago, at my place of employment? Who were the non-Ploneer members that planned printed and distributed cards "Pioneers Need A New Beoom"? I have s good idea, but I oan't single them out. They didn't dare do it openly. No, it was all underhand work. Nevertheless evidence has been socumulatlng and some day I may yet be able to proceed through the proper channels. When it twmaa to athletics, Prosveta of A prti II published my viewpoint and the minute« ef the Supreme board mseting brought out further evidence »uinstantiating same. U will undoubtedly lighten the anxiety of our friend te know that the undersigned attended the athletic meeting on Labor day la Waukagan and hie stand aa Ath-let lee waa clearly brought before those present. Donald J. Latriak, Member Lodge No. 660. Wolverines in Waukegan The Sunglare metnberahip drive is on. Slater Sue Kracic has promised to bring into the lodge ten new mom bars while Slater Kay Zavertnlk has two prospects and has interviewed eeveral other Jugoslavs who live in Lyons and Summit. Thejp Is no reason, why the Sunglares cannot be first in this membership drive. If every Sunglare does his part, we ought to be able to double our mem bership by December an redouble it by the close of the membership cam palgn in March. Let us Sunglares press on and climb the rocky steeps and torns that are thrown in oar paths by selfish and jealous individuals and If we accept the challenge we eh all win and emerge—/iraf in the National Membership Contest, Athletics and in social activities. PATCHRB Lasera«, Pa.- The local Lodge Mo. 2*4. SNPJ, has undertaken necessary steps te organise aa English Speak-Jag lodge far thevyoang people here. For that pftrpo«- a moetiag ha* been called for Sunday*. Sept. 2ft, at 2 p. m. at Fkaasea's Had, Laaerae. All young people already members ef tha SNPJ who are able te speak English better than Slovene, aad others who are net yet members, are cordially invited to attend this Important maet Ing. Saaior member, are alee urged to help oar young people orgaaise. la the tiase te organise ear ate their own lodge of the •N PJ la thU town. The "Fr load ah»" Ledge No. «64, SNPJ, ef Forest City. wiH eead te this meeting ereeeal active members who wUl tell te ergaalsa aad why SNPJ . , . _ —— Lodge Ma. 4M. SNPJ, af Forest City, kmg ride I V«. hi the world are Pa.. wiH mm* te this meeting several f|ret time « rregasMivee? Sena one would af Ha active smskws who «HI teU the change »suU^l "heed oat af ee- no haw te orgaaise aad why Eagltab gaartor Cor r^J T°*e te «a If I dent write, Speaking SM P J lodges are assssisry paving my teT-LT! «ar p réalisai for mm pmsth. « Jeia Mails*. Saa> min* rolara *»"» r Kl à. «.M J____.. . - I . AAi I_I. U ... firsstsgs from Orsfss OHy Oregon City, Ore,—The ee are the golden days. The healthiest, happiest days of all the years. The time of the year when all the world h simply overflowing with energy ami the exuberance aad Jay af living. Most of us, fortunate enough te hav* had s vacation, are back again, ami how good home does seem Jo th« weary traveler after aa absence of even only two short, exciting and wonderful weeks. Aad how the family welcomes home the veeatioaiet, with open arms aad rejoicing hearts. Ah. neaee with ourselvee aad ou*-neighbor. If my readers will permit me J should like to touch slightly on the w* had In our sojourn of San Francisco. We vielted with a number of Slovenian families, all members of this national orgaaise tion. SNPJ, which made as feel as life-long friends, having eo murh in mm won. And take K from one who knows, thane Slovenians sure know how to »hew one a GLORIOUS, WONDERFUL time Arriving by efatfi at dakland we were Immediately 1aiprssas< by the court*oea manner la which we war» directed aad treated. At the faa»ai Ferry Building, we war« almost swamped with a profusion of aeMt-» (?) taxi driver« anxious te he of service te as. I might ear here, else, far the benefit of thoee who live! la the eight and tea cent street oar dtetrirte. the fare la San Frander-.« Ie only five newt* One nkhef fte-t peeltod la a reeeptade provided ferj ill entitle pea te a How well I isaisssftir the first time we red« esse. Net bavin* rt«r Car oar fare, aad with»«* a Due to the fact thst opr regular howl W one is »et too adopt at this sport, a IMithfiHV the water soon brings horns tHr-fsot. Just as a warming to you people, do not try 10 ahmest we»« unable to put on their as I did, as the effect was almost #nUrUlnnH,nt --------- ti.«, -hi had the meeting at Turn Hall downstairs, and as a result, the Mysterl< '"¿SÍ. »n»« ,»y furthur ¡¡j^jj- d.Uli., bat rou m.» r..t ...u«d Mll ^Xj&h IIS ÄP lÄSL *. IMIB- Young Amtrloint They will the October program, until that time we'll ex* from the Ret ait, Mleh.—The last regular monthly meeting) lost Friday, turned out to be s pep meeting, for the place« _ , _ still have's large rather noticeabl* blue spot, near my elbow, and an-otber on my heod, whlch was the re-sult of • night on the Beech. Eh? Aunt Mary? . . t Even In my rsthar limited de «Up- tion of San Francisco, I must not — .. _ - - fall to mentlon rhlnatown, wh.re one »endoff of our glrU to Chicago^ T*ey may see and also purehaso. If the were In very geod aplrit, and eon- p<>ek(rt book permita, any number of fident fer a eure vdrtory. useful and ornamental objecto. Itl a basketball manager was selected covsrs an area of U Square bloAs. | iir ^ boys' basketball toam. Chartas In ooneluelon I wgnt to say Just a Barry will be the manager for 1010. word about the peopU themselves. Hl« duty will be to pilot them te They are cosmopolltan, to the last the very top this seaeon. degree. Frlendly, snd socisble; Andrew Orum, Jr„ was sele« u»d as jovial, uaprejudioed and all in all girls' favortte for msnager for thelr very lovable in every way, and no ba:ketUH. Orum has made good In wondar ene hates te laave such a managing the girls' indoor baaeball plaoe with ita characteristlc citlsees. toam, snd we sre confldent that he So dont be surprlaad, you San | will he just as successful Ijl plloting Kranciscoans. who read thla, to see the girls' basketball team thU yeer iae wandering that way, again, In the not-tee-far-eway future. Btefiaa Martlajak, Correap. Sec'y. Woatem Sparklers Na. 63T. KANSAS FBIH8RATION The Kanaae Fidersnon lodges will hold its regula on Septem!»«* Il et I p. m tense, Kaas., at the regular me^ag plaee. All ledge« remmaber that this will be year meeting. Therefore, all lodgee are lartted te sand delegates on Sept tl te F ragt sne r wh«re the fi..r„.*i M ,. .rt ef the Lah«r da« pie ale eommltteelwiU he ' mwmm i The boys hpve basketball sulta and the girls will reeetee them as aoon as the team showe thst they sre Strivtag te better themselves. Willing-naes will get suite. Ut's have aorae t>nappy actions, girls. Membership Is growing fast in our lodge. We will have quite s num-of SNPJ fc" •won' Prediction» for s Roe. See'y, MY VISIT TO CLEVELAND r mMim, gsln In membershlp ar» sur» Msry In Froi Tre Is and Frank Blllaec joined et the 1 ZLti^m leat meeting Aa tirne geee on Juv eni les from senlor lodgee are Irene, fering te our lodge, aspeeially a» »eon as th«y heeome slsteea year« of age, We have pleaty of streagth In the yoathfal members. On Bat., August 20, Klale Orum and Frank Blllne* were marrtad They are makiag their home here In thla felr rlty of Dvtrolt. ^A ahewer waa held fer them en Bar, Aug. SS aad ^ - .__ '"iiftnr friend« attondad prwientlng im Air, Po-Vacation day. ara "JT wRh many baaatlful g*. ahnoet erar, bet I toak advantageef o, Thorsdev Bept. U, enother the few deye I hed and epeot them i||#w#f WM ^ Umt t( Vkl «h, In Cleveiend- I hed en , Mn/y Maj Hk «f thl» tity aad Jee tirne vlsltinj veri^ms perts of ^r- ■ ^ cu^i^^. TWy, too, re- 1aad. "! tn-tr" l>^kar j*1?^^ 1 boeuMfu» gift. Th.y te aH the "Que, Mollis Riper (8 B), M. Kapler (8 B), Panto Oblock (LP), Lena Nasser v*tand ee Friday the other lodgve end teems as for >vening with two eult eases, a few Chleage.—The seaeon has spun around and "We," the Pioneer girls, are just set to start out for our clssr path to the top la basketball. We will start at the boom of he ladder and make a stop each time. We made a success last year snd we are going to try that much harder this year. Of course the Mlchallk stotors Are going to ploy, and our Royeht sisters, even shorty Veseenlk to again with .as, while we know that Alice Artaeh has as mash pep If not more then the above mentioned. Now, girls, don't get dtoappotnted If we have the aheve team mentioned, ae anyone mentioned are willing to give up their place to anybody as good or bettor. Last year there weren't enough girls to make two teeme, so the above mentioned made only one team. I think that all the Indoor baseball girls ought to come out for Basketball. There Is nothing like trying. Lot us see If 1ft girls can't be oat for first proctlce which will he announced later. Remember, girts, there Is nothing like trying. Don't /orget that lft girls make 3 teams. "Billy." EXCERPT OP THE M1NUTBB OP THE SUPREME HOARD MEET ING OP JULY PERTAINING TO ATHLETICS IN THE SNPJ. a. am PU08VÎTÀ wee the pretty moonlight scene state Reste 14. Finally we artved at our lat stepplag place which was Imperial. Pa. Our day was than spent la e happy way where we visited the Slovene Home aad met several /of the newly organised Engtiah local's "Lucky Stars/' A nice group of men and girto they are, aad they promise u» action aplenty. We were enter ta n. Mi by several of the SNPJ mem We then drove to Pittsburgh afecre we met sea» of the "Morning Stars." Then we took a trip through the famous "tubes" whlh are a mile and three fourths long. A wonderful drive. From there we went to Clairton, Pa. Clairton, you know, has no local of ours as yet, but an enthusiastic group; we held conversation with plans to surprise as soon. We were extended a glad hand and fed by Sister Psvlack. Thank you, Ann I We left Clairton for Broughton, Pa., where we were anxious to meet our "hard boiled" young man Ludwig Zupa nio, Sec'y. of Keystone Trojans. But we can eay that Lud to not ae hard looking as he says in our Pro-sveta. He to an educated young man —« bashful type. Lud sure treated ui swell. We slso visited the home of our active Sister Mary Gitnlk, where we received our first taste of Slovene "korajia". Ute in the afternoon we left for Imperial, Pa., where we attended the Firemen's ball and fair, where "Kan-ary" Koes was a winner of orange shirt —(To bo ontlnuod.) J. Lokar, Jr. Brother Lotrich reports on the By Law* submitted by the Athletic Board: The whole thing looks to me «aere like en athletic lesgtte than as a thing coming from a fraternal or ganisatiun. Brother l*kar and I came to the conclusion that no ether fraternal organisation has eurh an athletic board aa we have, to *ey nothing of any generally known one*. Read* from the By-Law», which ere aubmttted, and comes to the conclu»lon thet according to tho*c Hy Uwa the Hupreme Board of It* MNI'J ha* n<> right*, except the right u» say »hat Is not in ar cordance with the By-Laws of th* SNPJ II* further esplains why the present srrangement of the athletic board ia wrong and aubalenlietee hie contention by reading hie article which appeared in Proaveta la the column known aa the "Voice of the Membere" on April t and the erti cle "National Athletic Hoard Foil dee" Of Mey 14. H, further add* that athletic are a burden to over» organisation and that the submit**«! B> I««, do not mention, not even once, anything roncerung the serur ing of new >»ung members for thr SNPJ, thia eton though the Sy-La«a take up IS full pagea of wriUng He further espiaiiu the different in the sis* of playing balls, aboul difference in ahoee uaed during the In addition to all thia b* MISCELLANEOUS FROM JOHNSTOWN Johnetowa, Pa. — The Flood CKy Lodge held their last meeting on August $1, with a fairly large attendance. It waa decided that every member should get a aew member during the aew cqsipalga. because we are going te grew to IftO strong. For the sake of thoae who were not at the meeting, there will be a surprise lor you at the next meeting. A committee was chosen to toke care of entertainments. If you want to so good actors come to the meeting on Sept IS, After the enter-tonmento well have refreehments, and than I suppose—dancing. We wish to announce that we are going to hold a Hallowe'en dance on October 8ft. Three prises will be given away. We wish that all the neighboring lodges snd our friends would keep this date open. Snd see if we ean't entertain you once again. On Sunday, August 17, a sub-branch to Club No. ft JSP waa organised by Jane Pradel of Latrobe, Pa. Only eight Of as responded to the invitation,' which was meant for all ef us. The meetings will be conducted In the English language. The applicants must be 14 years of age. Now, youth, It to our aim that ws should act and think over our problems of ,today. We have to get started while we are youngs snd get prepared for future years, ybu all know» that our perento can't do It for us all the time. I only hope that more then eight of us will turn out at our next meeting whteh will be held on Sunday, September tl at the Franklin Hall at two o'clock. We, In Johnstown and vicinity should be proud of ourselves that we are the first sab-brsnch of this kind to or-gen toe in the state of Pennsylvania, and the third in the United States. Fraternally — Francee Lanier bole. LODGE CRUSADERS Latvia. Okie,—At our last meeting we have planned on having a dance. The dute Is November 1. It's to be our Third snnaal dance, so we Invito oovryone to be there and enjoy the hot aad peppy muelc. It 1s to be held at Slovenien National home la Lorain at 8 p. m. We Invito all mem-bers of lodges of Cleveland and other sections. The meeting was opened by Vice President Frances Pavlkh. An entertainment committee was el ectedl Anns Loger, Rose Wencko, and Pauline Pavllch, and AL Wencko and Anton Rreschak. They are to meet at Sister Fsvlich's home on Friday at 7:80. Membere doing certain work were appointed. At our next meeting we are to have the exact details for the dance So we aak you agtla to cooperate and be there, so that you will kno« about the dance. Remember this to ear third year since we formed our lodge Crusaders. Slater Angellne Searpellint was married Sept. 18. On August SO Brother Ludwig Udo-vle and Sister Mary Miller were married. We wish them all happiness and hope they wilt not forget the Cru-Jake aa. r ScheaialUer will aM to think of Socialism aa he does, because I am an educated person wHh some sense, and never will he eon vance anyone else who knows anything about Socialism. He says, nine put of tea soclaltote don't know what Socialism to. WeU, how could anyene he so dum to say they are soirloBots, snd not knowing what H to? Human sense can toll you that alonet without asking anyone. A too, he sayk he would like to know what socialism to. Yes, all socialists and even sas socialists know what it to. "What to a soclslist? One who is willing to give up his penny and pocket your shlBlng." That to a familiar »tanaa to everyone, aad It to not a long time ago since it was aapressed by Ebeneser Ellldt, in "The «era Lew Rhymes." What a socialist stands fori Solaltot sends for the good of everyone who believes in equal rights. What he beUevee ia? He believes In equitable ttietrfbution of wealth. Why should one heve all aad another have nothing? Why! No one will take Schemnitser'e word because they know bettor. His words don't mean anything to us. Nothing at alL / You ask oi us, too, how would socialists deal with thto unemployment problem. U the socialists occupied the benches there wouldn't be any unemployment. How could it be when everyone would be equally treated T Don't think I'm guessing at any of thto like he to. He eaye my guess to as good aa yours. Never, because we socialists donl guess; we give true facts. He akaks you Brothers snd Stotors to think twice. He hasn't thought. I advice him to take In hto hands a book on Socialism and nsad it through once with a senes of humor and then read It over again with a sense of seriousness and see what ha will ac' complish. W . - He hae entirely the wrang Idea about a socialist, as being a lasy man. The hardest wqaking man to a social-tot, and the one who wanto to keep working for the good of the people. He say A "If you sre not a lazy workingman, don't bother with Socialism." No, don't bother with us social-tsta as the socialist movement, bo-cause w/don t •want aay ef yen lasy working people In our movement; we want people who corn their bread In an honest way. • In the first el i bis articles hs said, "God will keep and help us." Yee— will help me andrgou. When and how, may I aak hiaajf dhcasb anytime we help, It to right aow at the pree. rbe« we artihfvlag thto unemployment, and I kgew God wont help us. Never will he« So, Brothers and Bisters, doa't wait for God's help. Soclaltom has no nationality, and it appears In everycountry as a product of its social oondltieas. Where there ia too much wceRlr aad poverty for one poreon, there the question ap-peers and assumes the form of a socialist movement Thus, with the development of the capitalist system in Japan the i Japanese socialist movement made its appearance, and that is the story of svsry civilised country. l(Pjft The socialists would permit ths Individual to have and own all the property that the individual can use to advantage without Imposing a disadvantage on other individuals. The whole task of Soclaltom to to achieve an equality of economic opportunity to the equality of political opportunity which characterises our government. It woald make the economic life of the nation as responsive to the neoplo'c will as the polltiesl life of the nation to. As a result of the Industrial developasent of the pest century, elded by the special privileges conferred by dace legislation, a small majority of citlsens have come to control the great bulk of capital and industrial resources of the nation. And thst% what we social-is te want to do away with. And tot me say this, we will do away with It In time, and this soclaltot Meal is not to be atained by seme revolution, but by the method of,evolution. As for me, I'm a socialist end am not a smooth, oily talker, and will not refer htm te anyone else. If he wanta to correspead with me, I'm at hto service to aacwer all hto sane-ibto (only sensible) question* I remain, Agnes BMach. S0S8 Sherwood. Detroit, Mich. ¡JUL* and dictate to si __ ef eur ? Shall we Stand by and lletoa to the bitter mocking phrases, ae "wake up?" If such to our purpose, if such to our spirit, then I repeat in the convincing phmseology of our eminent Labor day apeskers that "Yoe ain't gonne git anywhere." We are destined to become victim* of inevitable ruin. However, I hope that I am correct in proclaiming that saeh 1s not the coee. In every argument there to a poaible refutation, to Bro. Lokar's arguments there are few. In the course of Ifls oratorical endeavors he was heard to jubilantly announcing, "H good weather conditions prevail, we hope $6 have a branch of this lodge in Canada." Brothers and Sisters, if Weather conditions In any way affect the instituting or developing of thto fraternal organisation In Canada, then we may be reconciled with the consequential fact thet our lodge is rather slow, becauee of the drought that to prevalent throughout thto district. Accept the excuse and we'll toll you another. f Now a few words regarding our Slovenian speakers. Bro. Pogorelec made a very appealing bid for oratorical honors of the day. His discussion of the socialistic problem was very convincing, yet, I must say that there were some weak points to hto arguments. In the course of hto utterance he repeatedly ueed ex-ambassador Gerard's theory, regarding American control, as a. basis for his pronouncements. That theory cannot be ueed as a basis for any socialistic arguments. Ambassador Gerard and hto alxty-four monarch» of America, included Wm. Green. Pres. of American Federation of Labor, and another labor leader with the controlling forces. If labor unions in America control the destiny of nation, then our object to won, and all socialistic efforts are in vain. Thto is not a criticism of aodalistlc idcels, but rather my contention regarding Ambassador Gerard's theory ak possible socialistic argument Bro. Vjdrlch, Supreme Vice President of the SNPJ, was in my opinion the beet speaker of the afternoon. Hto brief address Included the imoet appropriate words for the occasion. He expreesed the hopes that slater lodges might extend aid to each other on various occasions. Tske heed of this advice. On Thanksgiving day the Joseph Zavertnik Lodge of • Library will commemorate its first annivereary. We hope to have a delightful play, supper, and dance on that occasion, but our efforts will be in vain unlees sister lodges will reserve that day for this gala ocacasion at Library. The members of the Stragglers and the Friendly City LodgO, have sent us, through their speakers, sufficient moral support to ln|yrO success, but in order to stabilise our lodge, we must receive financial support as as well moral. Your cooperation and patronage will be solicited. Our lodge is young. Its members energetic. Our purpose immaculate. But—work is neceesary. We have been mocked and laughed at We have never retaliated. The time has come. Let there be perpetuated in us a true and laetlng devotion to thoae principles of success «o necessary for our development. Let there be instituted in us those principles of Brotherhood so eloquently advocated by him, whose name we are honored to carry. Let your object be your lodge. Let your buslneee be Improvement. Then, when sister lodgee shall speak of ua, they shall not be heard to say sneeringly, "Wake up," but rather they shall be forced to. pronounce with proud ejaculation—tp Joseph Zavertnik Lodge All Hall!—Andy Prljatolj, Treasurer. bottles of "korajia" —Jee and l*ets Lord RiddelPs suggestion that Brit lab advertisers emulate A meri eea met h «»da waa not. a London news Item aays, enthusieetlcally received. It reminds one of the eld wheeae •bout the American who Wfa explaining te e Brit iah vtoitor the eon-st ruction of aa etoetrioal sign hto waa about to place ea Broad- Tolar, Johnny Ayatk ( , way, New Yaek*. M "It will eoetok* esample mux in the Wo*t end Kan ea* He eitoa en i neiden i ia Week* ----^-----, ... w „ gen end Is of the .pinion thet there "Kenary" Koee end yeure truly Our' " * " wi «ST are quite a few thing* «Wh pro •* i.' '.J"v ■ ' * * ' Ths Istsrostiossl Ssvlsgs & Losi Go. 0385 St Clair Avenuc SI» Kast 1M Street (Nottiagham) Cleveland. Oblo. Uradi v lastnih poolopjih. Premoieaje okoli Sft milijone. Slovenska varska ia zlatarska trgovina PepravBa ar, slatnine, arebrnine ia gramofonov. Delo tomženo.-Ims» uajnovejfte Cohnabia gramofonske ploftte ln plane rele v vaeh Jeslldh. VINCENT GOLL, urar in zlatar MQweukee, Wb. m Are. PROLETAREC Ja slovenske glasilo oodalistt-«na stranke v Ameriki. Vsak delavec is rojak ki ee aaafaaa aa socialisent, M ga pravo sHko Naročnina snnia $3.00 as Iste, 91.75 nn pel lota. Nsslov: PROLETAREC, W« Wth Sc« CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PlMto po aaA eesdk knjigi DOMAČA ZDRAVILA Vi kaee la laaeeeUraoe win- domaČi zdravnik math. pezdir Bex 771, City Hall Sta„ NBW YORK, N. T.** OBVESTILO ateaji. fertile la reCtja ■ Tree aloe s ar anton zornik / Z221—Horminie, Pa. Nsjnevsjis slovenske gramofonske plosce Cons SOc kontsd __ Pilite le dance po BREZPLAČNI ilustrirani conlk gramofonov in po novi conlk gramofonskih plofti. Vsa vprašanja naslovite ne: MOMCH ILOVICH BROS. 1500 Teage St. Toronto, Oat. KsUforaijsko grozdje! Kakor ie sadnjlh enajst let,, teko tetam tudi letoe na isblro vseh vrst iSkegair, tovrstno finega kalifornijskega grosdja. Ako Mite naročiti karo ali 09Č dobrega kalifornijskef» grosdja, tedaj se obrnite na: f JOSEPH P. KRISTAN P. O. Bes 187 FRBSNO, CALIf^OBN 1A____ Zdravja Ja iaMi* ___v- «JLoli sraaa zmjnja ohraniti» aH,. Co aiasate sdravja, toda ga telita "PLANINKA" etarokrajski adravilni sellUnl Saj Vem ha v vsakem ahséaju pomagal- Cena sa ve Ju 11,—Narotila REX IMPORTING CO. t P. O. Baa 1010 W. J. 5 ill M —sau PREKO CHEBBOUROA 0 DNI probe BREMENA Potujte v Is la JUGOSLAVIJE f BREMEN EUROPA all aa LQPLUj