Synchronic breathing Primož Škoberne E-publication in pdf format Author: Primož Škoberne (en) Translation: Ana Prosen, Mirjam Novak Pictures: Primož Škoberne Self-published: Primož Škoberne Copyright: Primož Škoberne Maribor, 2012 Price: free of charge CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 159.923.2(0.034.2) ŠKOBERNE, Primož Synchronic breathing [Elektronski vir] / [author, pictures] Primož Škoberne ; [translation Ana Prosen, Mirjam Novak]. - El. knjiga. - Maribor : samozal. P. Škoberne, 2012 Način dostopa (URL): ISBN 978-961-276-559-0 (pdf) 263777792 Content Wisdom of breathing..........................................................................................................................5 Life is in the heart........................................................................................................................5 The breathing spirit.....................................................................................................................5 An illusion of the ego...................................................................................................................5 Synchronic breathing..................................................................................................................6 Synchronicity..............................................................................................................................6 Synchronic breathing as a synchronization..................................................................................6 Inner power................................................................................................................................6 Art of breathing..................................................................................................................................8 What happens when we breathe?...............................................................................................8 Under the threshold of consciousness.........................................................................................8 Feelings.......................................................................................................................................9 Practice.............................................................................................................................................10 Relaxation and preparation.......................................................................................................10 Synchronic breathing................................................................................................................10 Life in synchronicity..........................................................................................................................11 What now?...............................................................................................................................11 Illustration................................................................................................................................11 This text is meant for personal, not public, use. The reason is simple. The first step, though small, should be made by each one alone. Do not walk instead of somebody else and do not deprive others of independence. Tell them where they can start and direct them to the web page Synchronic breathing can change your life. It can make you strong. It can express your spirit. That is what spirituality means - to express the spirit. Spirituality is not stuffy or ossified. Spirituality is not a dogma, religion or belief. Institutions and organizations that want to control people instead of serving them, actually do not want people to express their spirit and become strong. They are afraid of this. They do not want people to be autonomous and to live their own lives; otherwise they are not guidable anymore. They begin to feel with their hearts, think with their heads and take control of their lives. They do not ask for permission, they just do these things. Spirituality is the greatest power we have. It is the spirit which is in each of us. No one is a duplicate of another person. Everyone is an original. Everyone has a great need to break free and to live from themselves. That is why we have the right to be aware of our inner power and to build our lives on this basis. Those that live from their spirits are not egoists or individualists, but just the opposite. The real spirit does not live on its own or for its own sake. Its life is in tune with the whole, with everyone. Its life supports others. In cooperation with others it moves the world. The author Wisdom of breathing Please read this before you start practising. Life is in the heart Life is in the heart; consciousness is in the head. The head can't live without the heart, but the heart can live without the head - that is a deep sleep without thoughts. Our ancestors knew that. But nowadays people have forgotten the heart. They mainly live in their heads. We have started to think too much, and that is not bad. What is negative about it is that we have lost our connection with the source of life and the source of thought which is in the heart. Our civilization has lost the connection with the heart and life. We do not breathe together with the whole. We have lost the wisdom of breathing - the wisdom of spirit. The breathing spirit The heart knows life: what life is and where it comes from. The heart knows that it lives because of the incomprehensible spirit that breathes continuously, coming and going in waves. The spirit is the air, the atmosphere (in old Greek atmos - air, sphaira - ball, globe). It is the universal spirit of the whole atmosphere, the universal breath. It is the Brahman or the impersonal divinity that enlivens everything. It is the Holy Spirit that waves wherever it wants. The universal breath is therefore the life-spirit that breathes through every human being. When filling an individual's lungs with air and heart with life and energy, we call it the individual spirit. Then the universal spirit becomes the individual spirit. And it is the essence of every human being, the self, or atman in Sanskrit. Atman is the one that breathes in the heart. (The root of the word atman has been preserved in the Greek word atmos - air, and in the German word atmen - breathing.) An illusion of the ego The individual spirit coexists with the universal spirit. It can't exist separately. A separate existence is an illusion. This illusionary existence is called ego. Ego, existing in the head, thinks that it lives - but this is just a thought. The real life, however, is in the heart. Feel how inhalation fills you with the spirit - with an inspiration of life. Then exhale and liberate the spirit from being trapped in the forms and concepts, so that it remains its own entity. The spirit that inspires a human is liberated immediately so that it does not stay trapped in any form. Through inhalation it revives the heart and through exhalation it keeps its freedom and the connection with the universal field. Breathing weaves an intimate bond between individuality and universality. The individual spirit exists only through mutual breathing (synchronic breathing) with the universal spirit. It is impossible to catch it or to shut it into a balloon to keep it forever. When it is confined, it is gone, it is just an illusion. When it is free, it exists. The same applies to the breath. The breath just waves. It is impossible to catch it. breathing individual life-spirit Synchronic breathing The heart is alive as long as the breath, energy or spirit is pouring in and out of it. When the head is aware of breathing in this way, breathing becomes synchronic breathing. That is how breathing always works, but as long as we do not practise and feel it in this way, it is not synchronic breathing. That is why the role of the head is to recognize and reflect the truth of the heart. When we experience, feel and recognize this truth, our breathing becomes synchronic, being synchronized with the space-field (or synchronicity field). Synchronicity Synchronicity means being in tune with the space-field. Its logic is not causal, as it pertains to inner relations. That is the reason why the causally unrelated events can occur together in a meaningful manner. In such cases we experience bonding and closeness. This is the reason for all those unusual coincidences, which actually don't happen by chance: when we meet the right people at the right time; when the right person happens to be at the right time at the right place. That is the so-called 'support of the nature'. The nature supports those who support it back. When we breathe with nature, nature breathes with us and gives us its assistance. The help comes toward us. Nature gives us a hand. Synchronic breathing as a synchronization The essence of breathing is synchronic breathing - it is the prayer, meditation, message, wisdom, life, spirituality. Synchronic breathing is a very simple and primary form of meditation. It is the basic meditation. It is actually not a meditation, but synchronization, attuning with the space-field. Synchronic breathing is not something unknown or strange, as it is essential for any human being. We have just forgotten about it and missed out on it. And synchronic breathing is not about a technique, but about attuning. When we are tuned to something, then, with time, we start to perceive, feel, notice that something. We come into synchronization with the whole. Inner power Breath, spirit, life and energy are related. Breathing is the pouring of energy in and out; a breath is the manifestation of the spirit or life. During an inhalation we accept the energy. When exhaling, the energy is freed to expand throughout our inner system and radiates outwards as an aura. During inhalation the energy comes in, during exhalation the energy is released. During inhalation we open up ourselves to the spirit or life; during exhalation we free the spirit. If we do not live from our spirit, we have missed our life. (This is the deeper meaning of the word sin. To sin is the same as to miss one's own spirit, to miss the centre and the meaning of life.) Life spirit is the crucial power of our life. People are usually afraid of this power - we are afraid of our own power, afraid of the power of our spirit. We are afraid of living fully and of becoming independent. This fear is acquired. We are trained to deny ourselves with the intention of becoming recognized and accepted by society. In this way we avert ourselves from our essence and so we suffer. It is time to change this. The change happens with a small shift in our awareness. Art of breathing What happens when we breathe? Gentle, full and conscious breathing has an overall pleasant influence on the body and psyche. Breathing is relaxing. Its influence on the vegetative nervous system is beneficial, especially on the cardiac plexus, the solar plexus (celiac plexus) and on the vagus nerve. Inhalation is connected with the opening (to the breath, energy), exhalation with the relaxation (of the breath, energy). Inhalation fills us with energy; exhalation harmonizes the energy throughout our physical and energy systems. From the viewpoint of spirituality inhalation means the opening up to one's own spirit (real nature), exhalation is the liberation of that spirit (so that it can express itself and is able to go wherever it wants; to be itself and not frozen in forms and concepts). Therefore, inhalation is inspiration (to fill oneself with one Self) and exhalation is liberation (from limitations). Inhalation energizing - with life breath spiritualizing - opening up to the spirit centering - in one's self Exhalation relaxing - in the universal Self liberating - the spirit synchronizing - with the universal whole Life is the breathing of the spirit. The breath (spirit) does not go far away during exhalation. It stays close; here, near us. During in-breathing the spirit enters the house of our life (the body); during out-breathing it liberates itself from the form and returns to the universal space-field (synchronicity field). At the end of exhalation there is a moment of synchronicity. At that point we are synchronized with the whole, with the universal field. This is synchronic breathing. The wave that has risen up from the ocean returns back to the source. Under the threshold of consciousness Synchronic breathing is divided into four phases. Each phase can be as long as it is pleasant, that is a few seconds or more, if it suits you. This is not an exercise of breathing and it is not a technique. It is an intention. When you are aware that during inhaling you become filled with something (with energy or life-spirit), you will, in time, really feel it happen. At the end of an inhalation this feeling will be a little more explicit. When you are aware that during exhaling something (life-spirit) is being liberated, you will begin to feel it happen. At the end of an exhalation this feeling will be a little more explicit. These are subliminal processes. They are gentle and hardly noticeable and we are usually not aware of them. But when we are attentive and watchful for some time we become aware of them. If we are aware of something, that something starts to change us. In this case we are becoming more self-centred. While being more self-centred we are becoming more aware of the inner power. This is a matter of importance. When the inner power is awakened it is possible to shift the entire life. All you need are just 5 minutes of your time, once a day, whenever you want. The only condition is that you really have these 5 minutes, that you are not in a hurry and you are not feeling low. Feelings Thoughts in your head are not important. It is all the same what is going on in your head and what sort of comments you make during synchronic breathing. You can have thoughts in your head and it is not necessary to drive them away. But what is important is that you are attentive or tuned to the feelings of opening and releasing (so that you release something in yourself) in your chest. It is all about the feeling of the breathing. No mind control is needed. Just stop controlling the process. Everything will happen gradually. All you need is just to be attentive. Let me explain this. Imagine the people who have lost their feelings. When they touch themselves they do not sense anything. They can still feel, but their personal value systems in their heads are so modified that they are no more in contact with their bodily sensations. They could of course forcefully poke themselves to awaken the feelings. But that is not necessary. It is all about the gentle art of being mindful of and tuned to the bodily sensation. And slowly they will feel again. Anyway, their bodies have feelings and so do their hearts, but the problem is in the minds. The mind is denying the feelings and the head is looking the other way. Maybe there is a fear of touching the heart, of experiencing something deeper, more real than the images and thoughts in the mind. The head will come into contact with these primary feelings again - "I am here. I live". Everything actually happens quite suddenly. The change in the head is the one that needs time. The head needs more time to take courage and to look at itself. It tends to turn away from the primary feelings and return to the old paths (of thoughts). Then it again looks at itself for a moment and again turns away. Slowly the head realizes that everything is safe and good. That feels good. It is very good to be oneself or one-self. This is a good feeling. The head turns back to one-self, to the heart, it opens up to the feelings of breath and life-spirit. It feels the spirit which is more powerful than any thought or image. The life becomes vivid again. Such a person then starts breathing in synchronicity with the whole. Practice Relaxation and preparation Relax your • eyes: look beyond the horizon (with your eyes open or closed). • belly button: allow your belly button to move while breathing so that you feel your breathing in the pelvis (diaphragmatic breathing). • chest: gently open your chest during each in-breath, relax your chest during each out-breath. Synchronic breathing Now your breathing is already relaxed. Let it be fuller than usual and let it have short spaces at the end of each inhalation and exhalation. Attention! At this point you shouldn't stop the breathing, or squeeze your throat. Just make short breathing spaces to allow for a slow transition. It is not necessary for them to be equal, it is better to follow your rhythm. But above all, breathe a little more softly and carefully than normally. Thus you will naturally begin to feel your breath. It is probably better to close your eyes now, if you haven't already done that. • Inhale carefully ... and pause at the end for a moment or two. At the same time focus on the space inside your chest*. and on the feeling of being alive and filled with the breath (life-spirit) - be. • Exhale carefully ... and pause at the end for a moment or two. Follow the flow and be gently focused on the space outside your body ... and on the feeling of releasing the breath (life-spirit) into the space-field (synchronicity) - rest. • Inhale (be-come) and ... be (space inside your chest) ... • Exhale (release) and ... rest (space outside your body) . • Inhale and ... be (space inside your chest) . • Exhale and ... rest (space outside your body) . Follow the flow from the space inside to the space outside. Follow the feelings of be-coming and releasing-resting. * The centre of healthy personality is deep in the chest, this is the part of us that is unburdened and is able to open itself up to the breath (life-spirit, energy) without any hesitation during the inhalation. It liberates the breath (life-spirit, energy) from all forms and concepts during the exhalation. It does not retain anything for itself. Everything comes and goes. Zen of the Child: Path and Wisdom is dedicated to this awareness. inhalation exhalation Life in synchronicity What now? Now you know how synchronic breathing works. All you need is five minutes a day. Five minutes to come in touch with the primal feelings of breath and life. Five minutes whenever, probably in the evening when you are already in bed or in the morning even before you get up or at any point during the day. You will come in touch with the universal breath (life-spirit) and its own rhythm when you do the synchronic breathing. That is what I call the synchronicity field. In this way your life, vivacity and spirit will be restored. Because this is the spirit - your vividness, originality, creativeness, this is what you are. You will come in touch with all who cooperate in the synchronicity project. That is the other side of your spirit -to be in touch with others at the level of consciousness so that you receive support, help, inspiration, energy from this collective field and that you can give support to others. We often think that we invent something new on our own. This is not true. We receive directions through an invisible space-field and that is how we get a new, good idea. Through this invisible space-field the news and messages flow; through it we give comfort, loving support to each other; we silently call each other without knowing that; we arrange meetings with each other without knowing that in the head. And then in a series of life events the things, about which we feel deep in ourselves that they are right and are not mere chances, Therefore, invite your friends and acquaintances to the Synchronicity Project. Tell them about this link Let synchronicity spread ... Illustration The figures below are not needed for synchronic breathing. Synchronic breathing is attuning to the primary feelings while breathing and it is not a consideration or thinking. These illustrations can serve you as an explanation and stimulation. happen. The ego is naturally open a little more during inhalation and the energy comes in. Something bright and good is entering you during synchronic breathing. This is the wholesome energy of the cosmos which fills us with vital energy. But you do not need to bother yourself with that. The feeling of something good that fills you up will appear spontaneously in the region of your heart. This is the feeling of the spirit - this is your spirit, this is you. We are naturally relaxed a little more during exhalation and even the ego is more absent - as if it didn't exist. You will feel a relief and will be calmed down as you practice synchronic breathing for a while. Maybe you will have the feeling of synchronization with a bigger and harmonious entirety in time. You are going to feel support and enrichment with time. This is an energy figure of someone who practises synchronic breathing and is in the synchronicity field. These bees are the people who practise synchronic breathing and are in the synchronicity field.