Amina Said Two Poems The Mothers From now on the mothers will sleep alone among the portraits of the dead only the mothers know where they've gone and how the long labour of dying had distanced them already from the living alone from now on the mothers wander among the graves of the departed reciting down those avenues of death prayers in unknown languages telling the heavy beads of dispersed time they no longer measure time by nights that fall across the earth nor by mornings rising on the world they ask everyone where the territories of death begin and where they end the mothers discover solitude the world contained by a square of hardened earth they keep having the same dream that cracks darkness open converse with the emptiness of mirrors repeat the same prayer in which daylight is dying from now on in the rumpled sheets of time the mothers celebrate solitary weddings in the deep silence of their houses clocks without hands mark the passage of the hours from now on night will have eyes tracking the mothers' sleeplessness two angels inhabit them who one day VOLUME 4 | 2011 | SPECIAL ISSUE [107] Amina Said [108] will ask for our accounts when our turn comes to approach the doors of heaven with the rosary's thread broken the mothers pour the water of their tears into the graves' crucible they pay attention to the flight of birds messages from the dead between their wings our second home is built in the avenue of death say the mothers why have we given life just to struggle with the shadow for it until our own last breath all we see of our kin is bleached bones hands soiled with graveyard earth we plant trees and bushes so those branches will be the roof of their new dwelling if only we had known say the mothers we reread letters the dead once sent and imagine different answers everything becomes clear once it is too late there is not enough thread of regret left to string the shards of our night our hands tremble the mothers keep saying from looking into too much darkness our eyes can barely see light the suns have deserted our gardens long rags of cloud hang from the trees we all dance suspended like puppets with time holding the strings our movements replicate ancient gestures and from now on no one will hear our expropriated speech IJEMS Amina Said what wouldn't we have done for our loved ones plucked the splinters from life's thorny bouquet then one by one the roses wilted from now on through a window frame we will watch the sea marry the horizon I/09] our life a glimmer that flickers on shadow slowly we divest ourselves of our backbones hunched over further each day with the inconsequential weight of memory and with waiting for our own end. you who are no longer in the world's present tense but in an excess of night with hidden doorways I create you in your own image caress your waters we watch ourselves draw apart and the dream shadows a never-indifferent night then reemerges in all its weight of aerial pain I keep you multiple in the crucible of fecund breath in the pollen-gathering corollas of silence at the heart of a word made of shattered dawns brought back to life in a prodigal day's shivering more simply I'm taking a rest from your dream from the suns in your eyes it's that way with certain dreams as with great happiness or great sorrow for your silence lacking a voice for the dream that you bear in your night the flame must be fed the lamp protected Translated from the French by Marilyn Hacker VOLUME 4 | 2011 | SPECIAL ISSUE