SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 17/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23.4. 2023 3. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Evangelij tretje velikonočne nedelje nam predstavi emavška učenca. Kaže nam spreobrnjenja, ki jih Jezus uresničuje v svojih učencih: od žalosti k veselju; od teme k luči vere; pa tudi k življenju v skupnosti. Spreobrnjenje je vedno delo vstalega Kristusa, ki nam je to milost pridobil po svojem trpljenju in nam jo posreduje kot Vstali. Učenca, o katerih govori evangelij, sta žalostna, obupana in se oddaljujeta od skupnosti. Odhajata iz Jeruzalema in gresta v Emavs, nepomembno vasico. Med seboj se pogovarjata o tem, kar se je bilo zgodilo, vendar sta žalostna, ker to ni v skladu z njunimi pričakovanji. »Mi pa smo upali,« pravita. Ta »smo upali« je tudi izpoved obupa; pomeni: »Nehali smo upati.« Jezus se približa učencema, ju posluša, spodbuja ju h govorjenju, saj ju vpraša: »O kakšnih rečeh se pogovarjata med potjo?» Učenca se začudita in rečeta: »Si ti edini tujec v Jeruzalemu, ki ne ve, kaj se je tam zgodilo te dni?« Potem poročata kaj so naredili z Jezusom iz Nazareta in zaključita: »Mi pa smo upali, da je on tisti, ki bo odkupil Izrael.« Učenca pripovedujeta tudi o novici o praznem grobu, ki so jo prinesle nekatere žene, vendar pa se pričevanje žena apostolom ne zdi vredno pozornosti. Grob je sicer res prazen, toda to še ne pomeni nujno, da Jezus živi. Druga stopnja spreobrnjenja, ki ga uresniči Jezus, je predvsem v opominjanju učencev: »O nespametna in počasna v srcu za verovanje vsega, kar so povedali preroki!« Za razumevanje dogodkov se je treba zateči k prerokbam, k božji besedi v Stari zavezi. Pot vere gre preko teh preroških besed. Jezus pravi učencema: »Mar ni bilo potrebno, da je Mesija to pretrpel in šel v svojo slavo?« Začel je z Mojzesom in vsemi preroki ter jima v vseh Pismih pojasnil tisto, kar se nanaša na njega. Jezusovo trpljenje je bilo potrebno kot pot k slavi. Za Jezusa je šla pot k slavi nujno preko trpljenja. Zakaj je bilo trpljenje potrebno? Ker je Kristusova slava Odrešenikova slava; slava zmagovalca nad grehom in smrtjo; zmaVESTNIK 2023 | ga nad sovraštvom in sebičnostjo, popolna zmaga tudi nad skušnjavo zavračanja Boga ali upora Bogu. Potrebno je bilo, da je Kristus prišel do skrajne meje človeškega trpljenja, da bi svojo ljubezen prinesel povsod in vse spremenil v priložnost za zmago nad grehom in smrtjo. V drugem berilu Peter spominja vernike, da jih niso odrešile »minljive reči, srebro ali zlato, ampak dragocena kri Kristusa, brezhibnega in brezmadežnega jagnjeta.« Za Kristusa je bilo trpljenje nujno, da je vstopil v svojo slavo, ki je v tem, da je ljubil do konca. Ko nam Jezus razlaga Pisma, ne gre samo za razsvetljenje našega razuma, pač pa tudi za razodetje ljubezni, ki razvname naše srce. Tako sta učenca že na poti spreobrnjenja, saj slutita, da to, kar se je zgodilo, ni samo slabo, kakor je bilo videti, ampak se je tako uresničil božji načrt, ki je dober: zmage ni prineslo zlo, temveč pripada Bogu in Kristusu. Ker so ju osvojile Jezusove besede, želita, da bi se njegova navzočnost nadaljevala: 'Ostani z nama, kajti proti večeru gre in dan se je že nagnil.'« To veliko željo tudi nam premišljevanje Svetega pisma položi v naša srca. Želimo si, da bi bili deležni Kristusove navzočnosti. Jezus »je vstopil, da bi ostal z njima. Ko je sedel z njima za mizo, je vzel kruh, blagoslovil, ga razlomil in jima ga dal.« Te kretnje razodevajo Jezusa, razodevajo njegovo ljubezen; kažejo, da je trpljenje sprejel iz ljubezni, da bi iz sebe naredil živi kruh, ki daje življenje; da bi postal zmagovalec nad sovraštvom, sebičnostjo in nasiljem, zmagovalec, ki povsod prinaša občestvo. »Tedaj so se jima odprle oči in sta ga spoznala. On pa je izginil izpred njiju.« Jezus je končal svoje delo spreobračanja: ne samo z besedami, ampak tudi s kretnjami daru, občestva. Ko je zlomil kruh, je učenca spomnil na svoje trpljenje. Ko jima je kruh dal, jima je pokazal, da je njegovo trpljenje dar ljubezni. Učenca sta tedaj nemudoma odšla, da bi se vrnila v Jeruzalem. To je naslednja stopnja na poti spreobrnjenja. Spet sta odkrila smisel občestva. Njuno spreobrnjenje je popolno, ko se vnovič znajdeta v skupnosti Jezusovih učencev, kjer so zbrani enajsteri in drugi z njimi. Konec tega dogodka je torej zaznamovan z veseljem, upanjem, ljubeznijo, posredovanjem veselega oznanila: »Kristus je vstal.» Njegovo trpljenje ni bilo poraz, ampak zmaga, ki je nam v korist. Vstali Jezus nam prinaša spreobrnjenje od žalosti k veselju, od obupa k upanju, od osame k občestvu. - (Prim.: Oznanjevalec 2, 2008) 170 | VESTNIK 2023 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER Response: Lord, you will show me the path of life. First Reading Acts 2:14. 22-33 The humanity of Christ was raised to fulfil the deepest longings of Israel. Second Reading 1 Peter 1:17-21 Only the gifts of God are truly free, but the redemption is also the gift of a human being. This is why it was fitting that the Lord should pay a price for that redemption. Gospel Luke 24:13-35 The Church is a conversation, as we share our faith. Sometimes we fail to allow the Lord into that conversation. “Then he said to them, ‘You foolish men! So slow to believe the full message of the prophets!’” Illustration Nowadays we are being exhorted to keep our smartphones for as long as possible to save the environment. We tend to assume that a new phone will be better than the last one – and phone companies continually use their advertising to promote this idea. Technology is usually expected to develop in one direction: it’s always better than before. So we think that new is better than old, and apply that to all forms of human reason. The people of ancient times thought differently. They saw that old things decay, so assumed that life was a continual regression from the perfection of the past, as things fall apart. New things, then, would be worse than old things. The only solution was to hope for everything to be reset and for creation to start again. So the future with him. This is because the meaning of scripture is boundless, an unfathomable profundity. By scripture here, we mean the Old Testament. To this day, the psalms are the indispensable basis of the prayer of the Church. The scriptures are a yearning for redemption, for a happiness that no human power or effort can achieve. Immersing ourselves in that longing for the coming of God’s kingdom through the Messiah, the Christ, we learn more about the Christ than any apparition could teach us. “Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road and explained the scriptures for us?” say the disciples. For that is what they now are: disciples with burning hearts. Application We are often disappointed by things that we had longed for. A new gadget, a new piece of clothing – it seemed more attractive when we didn’t actually have it. Then the delight fades. Our lives are not changed by it as we imagined they might be. A more profound disappointment can kick in, when it is a matter of some achievement: a job, an identity, a way of life, a connection with what seemed, in the words of F.E. Smith, a British politician and lawyer, the “glittering prizes”. If we are disappointed, then the best thing to do is consider what it was we really wanted. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus said they had hoped that Jesus would be “the one to set Israel free”. They were probably thinking in political terms. Yet the freedom of Christ is much greater than any political freedom. Israel would indeed be free in Christ, but, in his words, “You will learn the truth and the truth will make you free.” Gospel Teaching We might, at times, be disappointed in our faith. When Jesus appears to the two disciples on the That is how so many Christians fall away from belief. road to Emmaus in today’s Gospel, he does not reIf they do so, they will inevitably seek some other veal himself by miracles, or even simply identify form of happiness. No matter how destructive some himself as the Christ returned from the dead. Inpeople’s lives may seem, they are always seeking stead he expounds the scriptures. The astounding happiness; and therefore, deep down, they seek the meaning of his choice to reveal himself this way is truth, without which no happiness can stand. And the that we would be more likely to find the risen Christ truth is something that we can learn through Christ, in the scriptures than in a face-to-face encounter in the power of the Holy Spirit that he promised us. would be a restoration of the past, and time was basically circular. The people of ancient Israel gave us a new idea, the idea of time as a straight line leading to the final triumph of God with the coming of God’s kingdom. The trouble is that when the kingdom started to come with Jesus, then some failed to recognise it. This is not surprising. The kingdom that Christ brought about was quite different from human expectations. Yet the early Christians believed in Jesus, most of all because they found his coming to be predicted by the Old Testament. The past was the clue to the future. What the prophets had said, what the law was preparing for, the whole experience of Israel and its suffering, all pointed to the redemption that Jesus Christ was to offer to us. VESTNIK 2023 | 171 POLETNA ŠOLA SLOVENŠČINE From 30 July to 6 August 2023, the Center for School and Extracurricular Activities and the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia will organize a Slovenian summer school in the Soča home in Tolmin, which is intended for children and young people of Slovenian origin from abroad (age 10-14 ). In the mornings, young people learn Slovenian in different groups, and in the afternoons they take part in creative, sports and social activities, connect with each other and get to know the characteristics of Slovenia and its regions. The sponsor and financier of the summer school is the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Slovenia. The application deadline is May 10, 2023. The application documentation is available on the Stičšče website, at the link: mednarodno-sodelovanje/slovenci-izven-meja/slovenci -po-svetu-sticisce/ With kind regards, Mag. Primož Ilešič, sekretar T: 011-386-1-230-8006; E: Urad vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu 172 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 173 Jože in Albina Antolin Milena in Ivan Krušič Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec THE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS was held last Sunday, Appril 16, 2023, at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King. Over 300 hundred couples celebrated 25, 40, 50, 60 and 60+ anniversaries. Two couples among them celebrated 75th anniversaries! A blessing! Media coverage of the event was the best ever – perhaps reflecting public interest after the three-year COVID hiatus. Thanks to Teresa Hartnett and Sarah Lintott for the organizational success. Thanks to Father David Wynen and the Cathedral staff, and to the Pastoral Offices staff who assured the good order of the event. (Heart to Heart - Bishop Douglas Crosby). Od naših parov, ki obhajajo različne obletnica porok se jih je šest prijavilo za praznovanje v katedrali. Nimamo vseh na sliki, nekateri pa so se ustavili in ovekovečili dogodek. Tako so praznovali: Ivan in Josephine Vegelj (63 let), Maks in Josephine Pavličič (61 let), Ivan in Milena Krušič (60 let), Frank in Ljudmila Zadravec (60 let), Jože in Albina Antolin (50 let), Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak (50 let). Čestitke pa tudi tistim parom, ki letos obhajajo razne okrogle obletnica porok v družinskem krogu, naj vse spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. 174 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 175 Committee Reports at the General meeting 2022 for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 /No official minutes/ CWL Report (year 2019) - Prepared by Rosemary Šušteršič, CWL President Members: 81 Spiritual Advisor: Father Drago Gačnik Current Executive: President: Rosemary Šušteršič Vice President: Sidonia Poppa Secretary: Pamela Gosgnach Treasurer: MaryAnn Demšar Our Katoliška Ženska Zveza or Catholic Women’s League includes women who are 16 years of age and older. We meet at least once per month, usually excluding the months of July and August. The Catholic Women’s League is the only voluntary organization that can lobby Parliament so our voice matters! We try to attend regional meetings and diocesan conventions and discuss information presented at our monthly meetings. Our League fulfils the spiritual needs of its members through the teachings of the Catholic Church. In 2019 focus was placed on Caring for our Common Home. Our League is a source of faith, fulfilment and fun. Our annual bazaar, a time honoured tradition took place on March 10th. We had a full house at this fun filled event and were so grateful for the support provided by our volunteers and our parish community. Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass took place on April 24th. At this Mass we welcomed one new member and we recognized eleven ladies for ten years of service and one member for forty years of service. In May we recognized individuals who made 176 | VESTNIK 2023 their first Communion and provided them with corsages or boutonnières intertwined with Our Lady of Good Counsel medallions. The feast of Corpus Christi in June was celebrated with a procession and prepared altars at our church and at Slovenski Park. A Memorial Mass to pray for and remember both deceased members of our Catholic Women’s League as well as the Slomšek Altar Society took place on November 27th. This year we were saddened by the loss of one of our members, Marija Bukvič and honoured her at her funeral. In December, with the help of our parish community we conducted a Food Drive to support local food banks. Our ill/elderly were visited and/or cards were sent to them. In 2019 we made gracious donations to our church, of which about $10 000 covered the purchase of new church doors. We maintained our Chalice sponsorship and allocated some monies to Catholic Missions in Canada, the Good Shepherd Centre, monthly masses, a visiting priest and St. Gregory’s Summer Day Camp. We maintained votive candles. To prepare for the 100th Anniversary of the Catholic Women’s League in Hamilton Diocese in 2020 we were asked to contribute a prayer from our CWL council for a collective prayer book. Each parish will receive a copy of this prayer book. We were also asked to report on a Community Service Project and prepared a report pertaining to our Slovenian Summer Day Camp which was spearheaded by one of our own, Heidy Novak, first in 1999. This Day Camp has brought our community together in a fun and memorable way and has become a tradition uniting multiple generations of Slovenians. We are blessed to have the ongoing support of our spiritual advisor, Father Drago Gačnik and many faithful members, and parishioners. With God’s grace our members will continue to try to make a difference by growing in faith and serving with great love. CWL Report (years 2020-2021) and some further plans 2021: 75 members Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic our CWL was not as actively engaged in activities at our parish, St. Gregory the Great in Hamilton as we usually have been in accordance with our past traditions. However, we tried to reach out to each other via phone calls and some personal contact when this was permissible. Our priest and spiritual advisor, Father Drago Gačnik said Masses in accordance with our intentions on a monthly basis. This also included Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass. We remembered deceased CWL members at a Memorial Mass in conjunction with members of our Slomšek Altar Society in November and were able to be present at church for this service. Members who passed away were honoured in special ways with funeral flowers, sympathy cards and a small honour guard when this was possible. Elderly/ill members were provided with Get Well and Christmas cards. We maintained votive candles and our Chalice sponsorship. We anticipate and look forward to being able to meet in person and resume face to face interactions and engagement in our usual activities including a bazaar. Going forward our rather immediate plans include a general CWL meeting which will take place on April 6th after 7:00 pm Mass and Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass on April 26th at 7:00 pm. We thank our parish community for your ongoing support and faithfulness. Prav lepa hvala! Our current executive: President: Rosemary Šušteršič Vice President: Sidonia Poppa Secretary: Pamela Gosgnach Treasurer: MaryAnn Demšar St. Joseph’s Society - Prepared by Peter Novak, president St. Joseph Society Report: March 2020 – March 2022 It is hard to believe that just over 2 years ago, the annual St. Joseph banquet was the final function held in our Parish before the pandemic changed our lives. It was a difficult decision to make, one that we did not regret as we celebrated our patron Saint, and recognizing our deceased President Jerry Ponikvar who dedicated over 20 years leading the St. Joseph Society. It would be the last time for a long time that almost 100 people would gather in our parish. Like most of the Parish groups, St. Joseph Society was limited to any activities due to Provincial restrictions. During this time, the Board of Directors made their best efforts to ensure the tenants of Villa Slovenia remained safe during these challenging times. Although we were not able to start up the Tuesday social nights or host our annual Christmas parties, we were fortunate to be able to hold our annual Bocce Tournaments in September of 2020 and 2021, which were the first organized events within our Parish during the pandemic. In the spring of 2021, we updated our flowerbeds in the front of Villa Slovenia. We are proud to announce that for 2022, we are in the final planning stages of adding a concrete ramp that will cross the front of the building to provide easier and quicker access for tenants to attend our Parish activities who have difficulties using the stairs or having to walk around using Delawana Drive sidewalks. Included in this project will be new walkways and sitting areas around the bocce courts. VESTNIK 2023 | 177 St. Joseph Society provided financial support of over $10,000 to St. Gregory the Great to assist the Parish during these past few difficult years. Mass and Building Fund donations to St. Gregory continued to honor several of long time dedicated members who passed away during the past 2 years. As our community reopens to regular and normal activities, we hope to start up our Tuesday social nights in April for a few months if there is enough interest and our climate remains safe to do so. We would like to thank Fr. Drago for his guidance and spiritual leadership during the past few years as he has made every effort to keep our community together. We look forward to better and normal times again. Slovenska Šola - ( years 2019 - 2021) - Report prepared by Sandy Ferletič, ravnateljica The March Break in 2020 was the final time we ran our classes in the classroom as a result of Covid -19. Prior to that our classes and schedules ran normally on Saturday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We were still able to hold our Good Friday Fish Fry, Mother’s Day Celebration/Graduation, and Miklavž in 2019. Unfortunately, the arrival of Covid-19 changed everything. Our classes were essentially cancelled for the remainder of the school year as the school boards tried to move regular daily classes online. Classes resumed in October, 2020 online through the HWCDSB’s platform and Teams. We delayed the start for one month so that Lorie Mramor and I could learn how to operate the school board’s platform and become familiar with Teams. It was a big learning curve, but we managed with thanks to our students and their parents for their patience while we worked through all the technical 178 | VESTNIK 2023 glitches. We ended the 2020/2021 school year with a small meet-up with the kids and Father Drago for ice cream at Laura Secord in Eastgate Mall. We are continuing our classes online on Wednesday evenings and will likely continue to do so until the end of the school year. We are optimistic that we will be back in our regular classrooms in September 2022 and are looking forward to once again holding our usual Šola events at that time. We were able to have Miklavž and his angels visit the Parish last December, and we look forward to eventually being able to formally celebrate all those who have graduated during Covid: 2020: Alexandra Novak, Lukas Tran 2021: Kyle Lukežič, Markus Curkovič The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation paused operations during the pandemic. The Foundation will resume operations this spring. A new application form will be developed for scholarship/bursary consideration for the 2022-2023 school year. Students currently enrolled in post-secondary studies may also be eligible for scholarship/bursary award consideration. Thank you for your continued support. Repairs and Maintenance Report for 2020-2021 - Report by Mirko Zorko Regular daily inspection maintenance an repairs in upper and lower hall washrooms and kitchens, hall bailer room, school area, rectory and church area. Mayor repairs in lower hall kitchen: cleaning and painting outside of stoves and ovens. Work with Johnson Controls installing new fire suppression system over stoves in upper and lower hall kitchen. Installation of vertical blinds in Youth room. Installation of mew pot lights in the church entrance and exit area; installation of new pot lights and exhaust fans in the church washrooms. Installation of network cables for video surveillance system in and around the church, outside the rectory and hall. Work with Black & McDonald installing new AC units for upper and lower hall (they were damaged). Repair of the Enclosure for Gas meters outside the hall. Installation of leaf Guards for gutters around the rectory. Liturgical Report – March 2022 - Submitted by Sonya Podrebarac, Liturgical Committee The purpose of the Liturgical Committee is to aid the Pastor of St. Gregory the Great in service and worship. The committee included the same members as in previous years, Frank Novak, Olga Glavač, Mary Miklavčič and Sonya Podrebarac. Beginning in March and for the remainder of 2020 and up until now, the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted our ability to gather in-person and altered the form of our worship. March 2020, the Diocese instructed all public celebrations of mass and other devotions suspended. The church was closed and beginning March 29, livestreaming of the mass began via Facebook. The weekly Vestnik continued to be published and was offered on a bench outside of the rectory. The Church remained closed until June 19, 2020. Upon opening of the church, we discontinued live streaming the mass on Facebook. St. Gregory was the first parish in the Diocese to celebrate Confirmation since the beginning of the pandemic. We received another notice from the diocese stating the church would again be closed from December 21. We began live steaming again until February 17, 2021, on Ash Wednesday, when churches were open at 30% capacity. April 19, 2021, churches were again ordered to close and remained closed until June 11, 2021. March 1, 2022, the church was able to be opened at full capacity. The first time in two years. As of March 21, 2022, masks are no longer mandatory. Although we were dealing with the pandemic, we continued to celebrate the sacraments. I would like to thank the many people that continued to help and volunteer their time. Thank you to those that served at the altar, did the readings and announcements, the livestreaming, the flowers, helped with the preparation and helped with the accounting afterwards. I encourage anyone who may be interested in joining the Liturgical Committee to speak with myself or one of the members. It requires only a small commitment of time and a desire to attend to details to support the beauty of worship at St. Gregory’s. As we get back to normal, we will slowly implement some of our regular things back. On Palm Sunday, we will once again have two masses. A sign-up sheet was started on Friday to ask for volunteers to carry the Bread and Wine to the Altar for the 9:30 a.m. mass and the English choir will once again begin at the 11:00 mass. What the future holds is uncertain, but we have learned many things throughout these two years. We are strong, capable, and faithful people that can endure and be supportive regardless of what comes our way. May God bless you and keep you safe. VESTNIK 2023 | 179 Pevski zbor - Poročilo pripravil Frank Novak Leto 2019 je teklo še vse po običajnem redu. Tudi nastopi moškega pevskega zbora Majolka in mešanega pevskega zbora so potekali po ustaljenem ritmu. Zadnji nastop mešanega pevskega zbora in angleškega zbora je bil v nedeljo 15. marca 2020, ko je imelo društvo sv. Jožefa svoj letni banket. Epidemija Covid-19 je v preteklih dveh letih globoko zaznamovala vse pore našega vsakdanjega življenja. Prizadela je prav vse: od otrok, mladine, odraslih, se zlasti pa je prizadela slabotne in starejše. Najtežje pa sta bila nastala negotovost in strah, saj je ta nova in povsem neznana svetovna okužba drastično omejila življenje slehernega posameznika. Tudi slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega se je naenkrat morala prilagoditi novim velikim preizkušnjam kot so: začasno zaprtje cerkve, omejeno število obiskovalcev verskih obredov in praznikov, ki so bili pretekli dve leti brez sodelovanja laikov in tudi brez tako pogrešanega zborovskega petja. Smo pa večino časa ohranili ljudsko petje, kar nam je pomagalo vsaj delno nadomestiti nastope zbora in poživiti liturgijo. Ker je bila maša ob nedeljah samo ob 10:00 a.m. je bilo petje vedno v slovenščini. Angleški zbor je nastopil 17. oktobra 2020, ko je škof Douglas Crosby prišel birmovat. Kljub vsem tem omejitvam, pa smo bili ob izredni kreativnosti g. župnika Dragota, deležni nedeljske sv. mase v živo in tudi preko Facebook-a, kar je v teh najtežjih časih združevalo našo župnijsko skupnost. Ob omejenem številu prisotnih so se zvrstili verski obredi kot so: krsti otrok, prvo sv. obhajilo, poroke in pogrebi številnih župljanov. Zato sedaj, ko se razmere sproščajo, lahko z zaupanjem gledamo naprej, da se bolj zavzeto ob180 | VESTNIK 2023 novimo naše duhovno, družabno in kulturno delovanje slovenske župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega v Hamiltonu. Poročilo Slomškovega oltarnega društva - Poročilo pripravila Jožica Vegelj Bogu se moramo zahvaliti za 35 članic, ki redno sodelujejo in podpirajo s članarino. V letu 2019 smo 11. maja organizirale letno srečanje za članice društva. Najprej smo se zbrali pri večerni sveti maši nato pa še na družabnem srečanju v župnišču. Za začetkom Covida-19 se je marsikaj spremenilo; smo pa ohranile sveto mašo, vsakega 24. v mesecu, na spominski dan Marije pomočnice, ki se daruje po namenu Slomškovega oltarnega društva; ob koncu teh maš se podeli blagoslov Marije Pomočnice kristjanov. V sredo, po zahvalni nedelji, je vsako leto sv. maša za bolnike in starejše. Vsakdo ki želi lahko pri tej maši prejme sveto bolniško maziljene. Tudi Covid-19 ni preprečil teh svetih maš (Prva je bila 14. oktobra 2020 in druga lani 13. oktobra 2021). Pri tej maši se prebere pismo, ki ga napiše papež Frančišek za bolnike in ostarele. To je le nekaj primerov, kaj storimo za dušo. Da je naša cerkev lepo urejena skrbimo tako, da je vedno skupina ljudi, ki redno čisti. Vsako leto okrasimo cerkveno okolje s cvetjem pred cerkvijo in pri kipu Marije Pomočnice in z dohodki plačujemo za rože v cerkvi. Ob tej priliki se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki tako velikodušno, tudi z darovi za rože, podpirate Slomškovo oltarno društvo, naj vas vse vedno spremlja božji blagoslov. Finančno poročilo - Prepared by Theresia Farbotko. V skrajšani obliki je na naslednji strani. St. Gregory the Great Church St. Gregory the Great - Hall VESTNIK 2023 | 181 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV CWL - KŽZ - April 23, 2023 - St. Gregory - Spring Banquet - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - April 26, 2023 - CWL-KŽZ - Mass at 7:00 pm - April 29, 2023 - Slovenski park - Banquet - April 30, 2023 - St Gregory - Občni zbor Annual General Meeting: Mass: 10:00 a.m. - April 30, 2023 - Lipa Park - Ambassador Mother’s Day Luncheon - May 7, 2023 - Bled - Mother’s Day - May 14, 2023 - Slovenska Šola-St. Gregory - Mother’s Day - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - May 21, 2023 - Slovenski park - Victoria Day Long Weekend - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - May 21, 2023 - Breslau - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - May 22, 2023 - Lipa Park - Open House Picnic - May 28, 2023 - St. Gregory - First Communion - Mass at 10:00 a.m. Our CWL invites you to attend Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass on April 26th. We will recognize some of our members for their years of service. A small reception will take place after this Mass. Small pecivo donations are welcome. READERS - BRALCI BERIL Slovenian Mass - Sue Augustin English Mass - Sidonia Poppa GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS April 23rd - Parish Council members April 30th - Sue Augustin & Zdravko CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE CERKVE April 29th - Gosgnach team FIRST COMMUNION - PRVO OBHAJILO Our date for First Communion is the last Sunday of May, this year it is May 28, 2023. There will be only one Mass at 10:00 a.m. Parents, please register your children by calling office (905-561-5971, ext. 1), or by email: 182 | VESTNIK 2023 OBČNI ZBOR - AGM AGM is next Sunday, April 30th, after 10:00 a.m. Mass in our upper hall. Everybody invited. V nedeljo, 30. aprila 2023, bomo imeli po maši v zgornji dvorani letni občni zbor. Sveta maša bo ob 10:00 a.m. Občni zbor je vedno priložnost, da pogledamo kako smo finančno šli skozi preteklo leto. Malo se osvežimo, kaj vse se je storilo, tako po društvih kot tudi v župniji. Poleg tega pa je vedno potrebno pogledat tudi naprej. Stvari se v zadnjih letiš, še posebej po Covidu, precej hitro spreminjajo in bo potrebno marsikaj na novo načrtovat. Potrebujemo tudi nove člane za Župnijski pastoralni svet in še drugo. Vsekakor rabimo čim večjo udeležbo, da bomo stvari lažje načrtovali. THE INDIGENOUS RECONCILIATION FUND COLLECTION will take place in our parishes this Sunday. The collection will support local initiatives of healing and reconciliation with our Indigenous brothers and sisters and forms part of the larger $30 million national commitment made by Catholic dioceses across Canada. The first diocesan collection was held in May last year, and parishioners responded generously, contributing over $170,000! The IRF Advisory Council, comprised of four Indigenous and three Diocesan representatives, has met to review the fund’s four priorities and consider grant requests. This is an important Canada-wide healing initiative of the Catholic community. Thank you for your generosity. (Envelopes are beside the Vestnik-Bulletin at the entrance of the church). THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER, Good Shepherd Sunday, April 30, 2023, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. “ POKOJNI - DECEASED V soboto, 22. aprila 2023, je odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo Jože Zadravec, salezijanski duhovnik, doma iz Odranec, brat našega farana Franca Zadravca. Za pokoj njegove duše bomo v torek zvečer darovali sveto mašo. Iskreno sožalje bratu Francu in sorodnikom, pokojnemu Jožetu pa večni mir in pokoj. † †† † † 3. VELIKONOČNA † NEDELJA † † RD 3 SUNDAY OF † † EASTER † 23. APRIL † † Jurij, mučenec † † † †† DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Štefan Gabor Pok. Bratanič in Vogrinc Ana Zorčič, obl. Cvetka Bedernjak August Berkovič, obl. Barbara Car Jože Gačnik Vida Sajder, obl. Milka Ferko Ivan Glavač Bronco Balažic Barry Simon Marija Glavač Lojze Lesica Lojze Prilesnik Pok. iz družine Fabjan Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 21. aprila 2023: - $152,270. - Obljubili / Pledged - $147,430. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Puscher Marija April 25, 2013 Kranjc Frank April 28, 1996 Sagadin Maximiljan April 28, 2004 Dim Vladimir April 30, 2020 Svete maše - Masses 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Družina Volčanšek Družina Volčanšek Hči Jožica Vegelj z družino Regina Halas Družina Berkovič Družina Berkovič Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino Family Irena z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Terezija Donko Družina Sampl Žena Marija z družino Marija Prilesnik z družino SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 183 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 24. 4. 2023 - 30. 4. 2023 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 24. APRIL Po namenu za duhovno prenovo župnije Fidelis, duh-muč. 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadić Slomškovo Oltarno Društvo † Julijana Sagadin † Cecilija Sobočan † Jože Zadravec 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Brat Franc z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 26. APRIL † Julijana Sagadin Our Lady of Good Counsel 7:00 P.M. Marija Volf CWL - KŽZ ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 27. APRIL †† Pok. farani iz Our Lady of Lour- 7:00 P.M. Marija Korošec z družino des - Winnipeg † Ivan Žižek Ivanka Dogar TOREK - TUESDAY 25. APRIL Marko, evangelist Dominik in Gregor, red. Hozana, devica † † PETEK - FRIDAY † 28. APRIL Ludvik Monfortski, duh. † † † † † †† SOBOTA - SATURDAY † 29. APRIL Katarina Sienska, dev-uč. † Hugo, opat † †† † † † †† † NEDELJA † † 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER † 30. APRIL † †† Nedelja dobrega pastirja †† Pij V., papež † 4. VELIKONOČNA 184 | VESTNIK 2023 Cecilija Sobočan Marija Svašnik in družina Cecilija Sobočan Maximilijan Sagadin, (19ys) Julijana Sagadin 7:00 P.M. Družina Sobočan Ana Gergyek z družino Marija Hočevar Peter in Jossie Verhovšek in druž. Peter in Jossie Verhovšek in druž. Joe Lackovič Milka Skale Vladimir Dim, obl. Paula in Janez Horvat Marija Glavač Mirko Kosem Joško Kuzma, 30. dan Ivan in Rozina Doma Štefan Gabor Karel Volf Za žive in rajne župljane Rudi Hanc Marija in Franc Šlebič Ann Božnar Janez Košir, obl. Franc Ferenčak Cecilija Sobočan Stanko Bratuž Alojz in Marija Mes, obl. Pok iz družin Mes in Sraka Rozina Doma, 30. dan AGM - Letni Občni zbor 5:30 P.M. Žena Vera z družino Elizabeth Lukežič z družino Žena z družino Elizabeth Gimpelj z družino Marija Hočevar Žena Rada z družino Sestra Jožica Vlašič z družino Vera Lackovič z družino Vera Lackovič z družino Žena Marija 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Ivanka Dogar Toni in Marija Franc John Božnar z družino Tomaž in Alenka Košir Milena Pavlič z družino Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Žena Matilda Družina mes Družina mes Olga Hanc z družino 11:30 A.M. LOWER HALL