Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home ^ r'9o; OMOYINA Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150.000 American Slovenians Vol. 95 _ No. 34 (USPS 024100) - j. ‘dtVy AMERIŠKA DOMOVINa,"!/ , ^ ______________________________j 'V f -»APER Number- 0164-680X 50C N$; '■da A distinguished-looking gentleman (Rudy Zelle) enters Albie’s Place. Everybody goes to Albie9s by Joseph Zelle One summer afternoon I ^Ppened to stop in a restaurant on the Square in Andover, Ohio. In season, Andover is a thriving resort '0wn near the Pennsylvania 0rder and the place was load-^ with tourists. Finding an emPty table I sat down and "^•ted and waited. Finally a V°ung giri strode up and took order, everything from SOuP to dessert. ^hen I waited and waited and 'vaited. it must have been at east another 20 minutes. It ^minded me of the time in J'artime New York’s Time Quare when the waiters had °ne on strike right after I had rdered my meal. ca ^'nady th« little waitress bearing a tray as large as a president’s feast. f atefuiiy she unloaded the fruit juice, soup, salad, Pot r°aSt kee^ w‘t^1 mashed w atoes, peas and carrots, With^ Cherry p*e a ruode and Vanilla ice cream, coffee, of j euen t^ie fraditional glass j ake Pymatuning high ball, stared in horror. Was this butrCa^ ^hat else could I do bad Start t0 eat‘ was as start-35 t*1C t’me * was served dint,"18. dessert and en- sanfp 'V‘th the soup- At the gra,!fr,?taurant! But I still He , fa ly ‘banked God that table3 Prov'ded food for the bannh an incident would never .»XV A«>ie-S Place. Ac-hltea «• restaurant is more fine! C° ee-shop, such as you 'hedict'l t!hL8r°Und floor in the L bui dln8s. At Albie’s, cheerblf 'S always bright, ^otlecci..’., Well-aPPointed, If once, for car.. food; rolls essly clean. you once 'tu" St0p in more than e next time you’re im- mediately greeted on a first name basis. You feel at ease and comfortable. Lynn, Judy, Stephanie, Sophie, Dorothy will welcome you. On occasion even Albie’s mother puts in an appearance. You are made to feel welcome almost like a member of the family. You can always tell an excellent waitress, too. Not only does she put you at ease immediately but she is personable. She serves you as she would like to be served herself. In such a relaxed atmosphere, any meal is then bound to taste good. Maitre d’ Albin Somrack in a large white apron is obviously the chef. Sometimes he even joins a patron at his table. A1 hails from St. Mary’s in Col-linwood. He is of Slovenian descent so you can expect Slovenian cuisine from time to time. It is very obvious that AI enjoys feeding people with tastily prepared meals. Slovenian chicken dumpling soup and beef noodle soup taste just like Ma used to make. You feel you are back home. Half of the trick of serving roast beef sandwiches is that the beef is sliced thin, almost paper thin, so that you can easily bite into it. That is more work for the meat sheer, but the sandwich is palatable and out of this world. Goulash with polenta (corn-meal) is fabulous. Chunks of meat are cut in small cubes, bite size, not like golf balls of beef you find in many restaurants. For me with a small mouth, that is a welcome convenience. Al serves boned chicken, the only way it should be eaten publicly in civilized society. The Sloppy Joe sandwich is a litle messy, but what else can you expect? Sorry, no finger bowls are provided. Breaded pork chop is also served boned. I have never eaten boned breaded pork chop in any other restaurant. I guess I was spoiled by my mother. The advertised breaded center-cut pork chop on the menu, even in the fanciest of (Continued on page 2) What’s a Polka Gris? An old time polka dancer? A new Slovenian hamburger? A candy? Find out in a James Debevec column in a future issue of the Ameriška Domovina. Rented Cars Allowed in Slovenia Travelers who want to drive a rental car from western Europe into eastern Europe still face strict requirements, but restrictions are being eased a bit. Avis Europe has announced it is now allowing clients who rent cars in Austria to drive into Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. Renters may still not take the car into the former Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Croatia or any other parts of the former Yugoslavia except Slovenia. Only cars rented in Austria are affected by the change in Avis policy. Avis cars rented elsewhere in western Europe are still not yet allowed into former Communist countries. Culture Center Fund Cruise The Slovenian Cultural Center of Lemont, Illinois invites all Slovenians from coast to coast to join us in the first All-Slovenian Caribbean Cruise taking place this winter, January 22-29, 1994. The SS Norway of the Norwegian Cruise Line has been selected to be our home-away-from-home for seven days, during which time we will enjoy the luxuries of sailing on the open sea, visiting exciting places, the finest dining and enjoying shipboard recreation. The theme of this cruise is All-Slovenian Togetherness as we will all enjoy meeting new friends and getting-to-know Slovenians from many parts of the U.S. and Canada with whom we can share a toast and smile. Never before has such a cruise been planned to unite Slovenians from all over the country. The activities of the Slovenian Cultural Center, since its inception, has been to unify Slovenians in the United States - first among ourselves, and then among Slovenians of other countries. We want to be together, to know each other and be proud of our heritage. This cruise is just another way we wish to achieve our goal. At the same time, the Slovenian Cultural Center will benefit financially from your participation. We will meet on Saturday, January 22, 1994 in Miami and sail off to four major ports: St. Thomas, St. John and St. Maarten plus the Norway Cruise Line’s own private island. The days at sea will be packed with non-stop fun and indulgence of every kind of luxury. Plus... there will be Slovenian music for dancing and entertainment throughout the cruise. We will then return to Miami on Saturday, January 29th. The rates for staterooms on the SS Norway have been favorably obtained, including airfare from most major cities in the U.S. and a slight increase from distant cities and Canada. Booking your reservation will be as uncomplicated as possible with efficient handling by our member, Rudy Crnekovic of Priority Travel, 230 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601, telephone 312 782-7340 or 1-800-397-0339. Call her for information and reservations. Deposit per person of $250 may be sent to the Slovenian Cultural Center, Box 634, Lemont, IL 60439. Deck plans and rates are immediately available. Many people have commented that they dream of taking a cruise. Now is the time to do it... with your family and friends... perhaps the only time you will be able to do it. Sharing yourselves for one week may be the highlight of your life. Let our Slovenian culture and heritage bring us together. Let’s be Slovenians together. And, don’t miss the boat. Mass for Felicijan On Thursday, September 9th, at. 7:30 a.m., a Mass will be read at St. Vitus Church for the late Slovenian American historian Dr. Joseph Felicijan, the author of The Genesis of the Contractual Theory and the Installation of the Dukes of Carinthia ■ i ■ i H i M - fe** Taking a breather at the St. Vitus Slovenian School Picnic on Sunday, July 25, are (left to right) David Srsen, Martha Štefančič (pre-school our mali vrtec teacher, Johnny Srsen, Patrick Srsen and David Likozar Cup. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 Everybody goes to Albie’s Place (Continued from page t) restaurants, is always a great big end-cut on a bone from a tough old porker. Jim Debevec of the American Home newspaper says Albie’s serves the best deluxe hamburger and french fries in the United States! And what I like best is that the menu is varied from day to day, week to week. Don’t expect corned beef and cabbage with boiled potato and carrots every Saturday, so typical of certain restaurants. When I complimented A1 that a dish had been superb!, he countered with, supreme! If you do not believe it, come down yourself and be convinced. You may find it like old home week. Slovenian or talk about Slovenian matters can frer quently be heard. Especially when various groups hold their meetings and luncheons in the afternoon. You may even recognize friends like our own Jim and Madeline Debevec, Mario Kavčič, Frank Zupančič, John Urbancich of the Sun newspapers, Antonia Lausche, Agnes Koporc, her sister Julie, Florence Hotujac (who first told me about Albie’s), Tony Petkovšek along with Euclid Mayor David Lynch, Frances Nemanich with her daughter, Barbara, to name just a few of the patrons who haunt Albie’s Place. Just recently Louis Horvat and his lovely wife, Olga, in company of Ed and Mary Baz- Happy and Restful Labor Day Weekend To All! All forms of Insurance: Auto • Home • Life • Business Call for Free Consultation ANTHONY Insurance Agency Monday - Friday 8:30 to 5 p.m. — Sat. 8:30 to noon 508 E. 185 St., Cleveland — 531^5555 300,000 WINNERS A Dm Join In ThE Winning. AM Ohio Lottery players are subject to laws and regulations ol the Ohio Lottery Commission For more mtormation. call our Customer Relations Department. (216) 787-3200 during regular business hours nik, and Helena Perčič stopped by our booth to exchange pleasantries. Another time Tony Petkovšek showed up with fellow radio personality Rado Menart and his son, Andrej. Menart is now chief engineer on the West Coast in the recording business. The list of friendly patrons goes on and on. Albie’s opens in the morning with breakfast at 8 a.m. Monday thru Friday. Around noon they start serving sandwiches and luncheons till 4 p.m. Prices are very reasonable. The place is a little hard to find. Its address is misleading. The restaurant is located on the ground floor at the southwest corner of the Euclid Medical Plaza complex. Start at Euclid Avenue and E. 260 Street. Go south to' the first traffic light and turn left. Follow Brush Road up the hill less than a quarter of a mile. At the second road on the left, Metro Drive, turn left immediately and then right. There is plenty of parking space. You will also see a large sign, Albie’s Place RESTAURANT. Once you find it, you will never have trouble locating it again. Expect great things from A1 Somrack, this young entrepreneur and restauranteur, who just loves to cook for people. And the people love to be fed. Take it from a finicky eater. Everybody who has discovered the secret returns to Albie’s Place. Fantje Na Vasi Sets Concert Slovenian men’s chorus Fantje Na Vasi with special guests the Zvon Octet from Fairfield, Conn, will present a concert on Saturday, Oct. 2nd at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair. Doors open at 6 p.m., concert begins at 7 p.m. Reserved table seating for 8 to 10 persons is available by calling Tom Slak at 881-1725 or Tom Srsen at 352-7455. A dance and social will follow the concert featuring the music of the Alpine Sextet. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS BY JOHN MERCINA TEAMWORK! WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY DEFINES ABOVE WORD AS "WORK DONE BY SEVERAL ASSOCIATES WITH EACH DOING A PART BUT ALL SUBORDINATING PERSONAL PROMINENCE TO THE EFFICIENCY OF THE WHOLE". THE BEST EXAMPLE OF TEAMWORK THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED IS THE TYPICAL AMISH "BARN RAISING". WATCHING THE 200-300 AMISH MEN, SAYING A PRAYER FIRST AND THEN SKILLFULLY MOVING AROUND, PUSHING AND PULLING. LIFTING AND FITTING THE HEAVY OAK TIMBERS THAT WILL MAKE UP THE HUGE BARN. ONE CAN ONLY HAVE AN ADMIRATION FOR THEIR WORK THE WOMEN ARE NOT TO BE OUTDONE, FOR WITH THEIR SKILL IN THE KITCHEN THEY PREPARE THE "DINNER" (LUNCH) FOR THE HUNGRY MEN YOUNG BOYS TOO ADD THEIR SKILLS IN DELIVERING THE NAILS TO THE HIGH PITCHED ROOF AND KEEPING THE FLIES AWAY FROM THE HORSES. THIS WRITER FOR ONE, BELIEVES THAT THE LEADERSHIP IN SLOVENIA SHOULD COME AND SEE AN AMISH BARN RAISING TO LEARN ABOUT T E A M W O R K". THE MEN AND WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS NEED TO LEARN "TO SUBORDINATE PERSONAL PROMINENCE FOR THE EFFICIENCY OF THE WHOLE" * FOR THE GOOD OF ALL THE SLOVENIANS! P.O.BX 99957 CV.OH 44199 Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law A. M. Pena Building, Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue, near 1-90 261-0200 Probate, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice THE WAY TO GO1 22078 LAKESHORE BOULEV/^D EUCLID, OHIO 44123 Train Travel Specialists We Book Corporate and Pleasure Travel Reservation* AIRLINE * CRUISES * RAIL * Call Us For Cruise Specials__ 261-1050 Donna Lucas, owner Fixed- Rate Home Equity Loans • Loans from $5,000 to $100,000 based on the equity in your home • Terms to fit your budget • Fast approval METROPOLITAN 7.99 Annual Percentage Ka,< Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Rate subect to chans>e withoul nolice • Chesterland 12595 Chillicothe Rd..729-0400 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd...752-4141 •Cleveland 920 E 185th St 486-4100 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd.......291-2800 • Cleveland His. 1865 Coventry Rd 371 -2000 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd.944-3400 •Euclid 1515 E. 260th St............731-8865 fSj • Pepper Pike 3637 Lander Rd........831 -8800 Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC Mi fot Mtj the fti| Her sor "ih I Return Trip to Japan (continued from last week) by John J. Prince (couldn’t help comparing the standard of middle class living ln Japan to that of Russia rhere in 1991 I lived for three i^ccks in St. Petersburg with 1 e family of my friend who is a Russian “advokat.” The standard in Japan seemed a | alf century ahead and I felt ad for my Russian friends. I iJt'Sht add that not only is [ apan much more modern and a vanced technically, but even e language is much easier. 0r some reason Americans .a^e an assumption that the j^Panese language must be Lery difficult to pronounce, j ”,contrary, it may be the test to pronounce because e e syHables are so short and asy, much easier than English lLearnin ung to write it, however, 'es take years of memoriza-I °n- There are even three dif-I rent alphabets, two of them Slified.) L^hhongh each of my friends a car and a car port J^eezed in alongside the : Use. we traveled mainly by i^P'd transit except for local Tolcyo area particularly, ,,r°ads were so crowded the busy times of day ' 'Ut {♦ A _ « » . . . . if J h took a friend who left L y° at 6:30 on a Friday ^ almost three hours to Sll,Vefhe 20 or so miles to Mat-^, °> the northern suburb 'Su’|e 1 Was staying. There just id room enough to build n,M e roads in crowded Ii^Politan areas. But elec-ra'ns get you everywhere are er Quickly. Station names Ioq alvvays in Roman letters V . ^ (°r foreign travelers W 's (he Japan Rail pass *3 about $300 for one ftlap °f uniimited travel. i0jn S a bargain for visitors ^ore than the cursory visit ^‘Kyoto-and-goodbye liaVeSfhall and sumo wrestling JaPa een popular sports in tOcCe 0r some time. But now fy'Pin golf are gaining. sHrwaCt g0*f driving ranges, nc*ed by 60-foot high f°uncimesh fences, can be titiej ^crywhere, even in the l(tere °u can rent golf clubs (plUsi But playing on a P^Psive" course is too ex-S, -pL 0r fbe average per-Ptited k nUm(,er °f courses is hn eCause °f land values, filledSt,in Yol(ohama ex- ^akurar he had joined ra Country Club years ago for about $60,000. In order to play, one must call exactly one month in advance for a reservation. He had done so that day at 10:05 in the morning and had been about five minutes too late. His guests who wanted to play would have been charged about $250 for 18 holes. I took several local electric trains from Yokohama to Matsudo — from southern metropolitan Tokyo to northern — to end my visit by again staying with Koyanagi-san. After the customary watching of the most popular Japanese soap opera — the trials and tribulations of a young female physician — from 0815 to 0830, my friend agreed to relate his experience of August 6, 1945. As I was settng up my video camera, Koyanagi-san brought out the family treasure, a 250-year-old samurai sword. We had discussed the killing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, of a Japanese high school student last Halloween and the jury verdict exonerating the homeowner who shot the boy. Koyanagi-san said most Japanese couldn’t understand the fact that weapons are permitted everywhere in the United States. He explained that in Japan he had to obtain a permit just to keep a sword. In order to do so he was required to show that the sword had been passed down to his family for some 200 years and that he had a certificate from the master craftsman who made it. Additionally, he mentioned that he brings it out less than once a year. I knew it was an honor to be shown such a prized possession. In passing he mentioned how Japan got started on its walk and drive on the left. Centuries ago the samurai (knights) of Japan wore their swords on their left side as they walked along the roads. If they had passed each other while keeping to the right their swords might sometimes have touched. Then honor would have required a Fight. So the custom of walking on the left developed. Koyanagi-san told the story of being a student in class at the Japanese Naval Academy, 10 miles offshore from Hiroshima, when he saw a bright light and some of the windows blew in. Everyone thought a large ammunition depot had exploded in Hiroshima. Some days later, after the Emperor’s surrender broadcast which, he said, was difficult to hear clearly and understand as the student body listened at an outdoor assembly, they were told to go home “Until further notice.” He had to go to a small town to get a train home because there was no train service out of Hiroshima. Many Japanese of his generation, incidentally, remember that the American forces who came after the surrender were much kinder than expected and feel a certain gratitude. By the time that Koyanagi-san’s cute little 5-year-old granddaughter, Miki-chan, and I had become good friends — I was called oji-chan (uncle) — it was time for the long drive to Narita Airport. I left with Koyanagi-san anxious to be my guest in the United States. He wants particularly to see Annapolis and (due to my customary civic boosting) Cleveland. Next year I hope to see many Japanese friends here._________________________ We listen too much to the telephone and too little to nature. The wind is one of many sounds. A lonely sound, perhaps, but soothing. —Andre Kostelanetz 13.67% Guaranteed first year yield Good thru September 16th ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT Call Today: ‘ProfessumaC Insurance (Planning Dennis Samsa A.M. Pena Building, Suite 450 27801 Euclid Avenue Euclid. Ohio 44132 216/261-6592 GUARANTEED SAFETY A unique annuity that credits your payments with 108% of initial value. Combined with a current rate of 5.25%, your guaranteed first year yield is 13.67%. * Monthly income option available * Assets grow on a tax deferred basis and are 100% coinsured by three internationally known Best’s A or higher rated companies. The Annuity has no sales charges or administrative fees. A strong alternative for CDs and rollovers, from IRAs, KEOGH and Pension Plans. MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS 4 WHEEL & FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE Q iuNDdt FRONT END ALIGNMENT g*UCUD SUNOCO SERVICE “ S8 8«81“S822 APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR • TO C. 200 ST MON-FRI S AM-11 PM anmn ~ r Joe Zigman, owner JAMES MADISON James Madison, a Republican, was the 4th President of the United States, elected in 1808. He worked successfully to have the Federal Constitutional Convention called in 1787 and was its chief writer. He strongly advocated the first ten amendments to the Constutution and steadfastly supported Thomas Jefferson. He was reelected in 1812 by the votes of the farming South and recently admitted to the Union western states. Caught between British and French maritine restrictions, the U.S. drifted into what was to become known as the War of 1812. At the time, some called it “Mr. Madison’s War.” Although it ended in a stalemate, the British burned the White House in September of 1814. James Madison retired in 1817 to his estate at Montpelier, Va. with his wife, Dolly Madison, who had been official hostess for Jefferson and her husband. She was noted for her charm, tact, and grace as well her magnificent style of entertainment. This Historical Series is sponsored by........... AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION The American Mutual Life Association, A. M. L.. A., invites you and your family to become members of our fraternal society that provides benefits and continuously promotes fraternalism and the perpetuation of our common bonds of heritage and culture. A.M.L.A. has a number of fraternal insurance plans to suit your needs with attractive rates and an Annuity Rider to provide you with tax-sheltered living benefits for the future. All A.M.L..A. members are invited on Sept. 12th to Lodge No.B’s "Grandparents Day". Look for details in "Our Voice" Remember, that's A.M.L.A. for your insurance needs and fraternal pleasures. 4 ORGANIZED NOVEMBER IS, 1*11 AS THE SLOVENSKA DOBRODELNA ZVEZA A LEGAL RESERVE FRATERNAL BENEFIT society bcorporated MARCH IE, 1VM 1M» SOOTH WATERLOO ROAD, CLEVELAND OMO 4411»-M«~ TELEmONE:21Mn-lM0 - FAX: Z14-OV41Z3 PENNSY Auto Parts We Are Moving To: 808 E. 185 St. (Former Location of Norwood Drug) VISIT US AT OUR NEW Location Dick Viol Phone 481-8682 dBUT ^IpartmentA >/■;.-j* Take a Closer Look at Euclid’s Finest Senior Residence • Scheduled Transportation • All Electric Kitchens • Walk In Closet • Full Carpeting • Housekeeping • 24 Hour Security • Activity Room with Bacci/Balinca Court and Swim SPA/JACUZZI For Information call Florence Ross, Manager — or Nancy Ramey, Asst. Mgr. 4 Gateway Drive Euclid, Ohio 44119 (216) 383-1459 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 4 Death Notices WILLIAM SLABE William Slabe, a tool and die maker by trade, learned about the winemaking industry after buying Korošec Winery in 1946. He had worked for a dozen years as a tool and die maker at White Motors Co. in Cleveland when he bought the winery at E. 66th St. and St. Clair Avenue from his wife’s family after the death of his father-in-law. Since his mother-in-law wanted the business to continue, but couldn’t manage it herself, Mr. Slabe volunteered to carry it on, although he knew nothing about wineries. He received on-the-job training. Although Mr. Slabe became well-versed in the industry, selling domestic wine was not profitable in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1954, Mr. Slabe sold the winery and founded Atlas Machine Products Co. In the small tool and die shop located a block away from the winery, he custom-designed and manufactured precision screw machine products until his retirement in 1988. Mr. Slabe, 77, of Euclid, died of heart failure Friday, Aug. 27 in Meridia Euclid Hospital. He was born in Struthers, Ohio, amd came to Cleveland as a child. For the last 34 years he lived in Euclid. He graduated from East Technical High School in 1932. Mr. Slabe enjoyed reading, gardening and studying the stock market. “He was a modest and gentle man, but was by no means a simple man,” said his daughter, Judith Martinez of Dublin, O. “He was unselfish and caring and sought out ways to quietly help others.” If he saw a need, he tried to help financially and anonymously. Once when he and his wife, Olga, were dining out, a group of developmentally handicapped youngsters came into the restaurant with their instructors. Desiring to help in some way, Mr. Slabe picked up the tab for the dinners. When his wife’s sister and brother-in-law died in the 1940s leaving two sons orphaned, Mr. Slabe became guardian of his nephews. Besides his wife of 54 years, and his daughter, survivors include his nephew, Robert Zaletel of Lyndhurst; three grandchildren; and a sister. Services were Sept. 1 in St. William Catholic Church in Euclid. The Zele Funeral Home in Cleveland was in charge of arrangements. AMELIA PEGRITZ Amelia “Marge” Pegritz, 70, a long-time resident of the St. Clair area died at her son’s home in Huntsburg on Monday, August 30. Amelia was born on Pintar’s Farm in Euclid, on December 17, 1922. She was employed as an office worker at White Motors for 30 years. She retired in 1975. Marge was the mother of Mark G.; the grandmother of Mark A. and Mark R. (dec.); sister of Joseph Derin (CA), John Derin (FL), Edward Derin (Ashtabula), George Derin (dec.), Jack “Rudy” Pegritz, Katherin Gruden (Bass Lake), and Ann Kosmerl (dec.). Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Wednesday, Sept. 1 from 4-8 p.m. where services will be Thursday, Sept. 2 at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Joseph Božnar officiating. MARY S. TOMSIC Mary S. Tomsic (nee Slavec), 85, died Monday, August 30th in Mt. Sinai Hospital. Mary was born in Knežak, Slovenia. She came to Cleveland in 1929 and settled in the Collinwood area. She was a resident of Euclid for the past 43 years. She was a 60 year member of SNPJ No. 5, a member of PSWA No. 1 and the Euclid Pensioners. She was a strong supporter of many fraternal and cultural organizations of the Slovenian community. Mary was retired from Fisher Body / Coit Road Plant where she was employed as a seamstress for 23 years. She retired in 1972. Mary was the wife of Jack for 63 years; the mother of Stanley (Grand Terrece, Calif.), and Richard (wife Karen) of Euclid; grandmother of Rick, Steve, Ellen, Matthew, Mark, Michael, Martin and Milan; sister of Slave (Slovenia), Tony (Australia) and Antonia and Frances (both of Argentina. Friends received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 where services will be Friday at 10:30 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Contributions to the Slovene Home for the Aged in her memory would be appreciated by the family. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since 1908 SHA birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who have birthdays in September: 9-04, Rose Werlich, 72 9-06, Rose Gerl, 89 9-09, Mary Vokac, 84 9-11, Susan Farinacci, 90 9-16, Regina Stertz, 90 9-21, Jeanne Oblak, 78 9-30, Frank Urbanic, 83 Correction In the Rudolph A. Massera memoriam printed last week, It was the Zele Funeral Home who extended gracious courtesies and provided excellent funeral arrangements. We apologize for the error. In Loving Memory Josephine A. Godic (nee Cimperman) She passed away quite unexpectedly on the feast of her heavenly patron, Saint Joseph, March 19, 1993, and was laid to rest beside her beloved husband's remains in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, on March 22, 1993. She was born on East 61st Street in Cleveland on this day, September 3rd, in 1916. Her parents were Louis and Josephine Cimperman. Her beloved husband Frank had preceeded her in death January 28, 1991. She was a life-long member of Saint Vitus Parish, being baptized and attending school there. She was a member of St. Vitus Christian Mothers' Club, Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 Ladies' Auxiliary, AMLA St. Cecelia Lodge No. 37, St. Clair Pensioners, Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 25, and Catholic Order of Foresters Maximilian Court. Mass of Christain Burial was concelebrated at St. Vitus on March 22, 1993 at 10:00 A.M. Due to the renovation of the church, the funeral was held in the school auditorium, a fitting tribute to the woman who spent thirty years of her life catering to the children of St. Vitus School in the cafeteria. Our deepest thanks to the 36 priests who concelebrated with her son, Rev. Frank Godic, and cousin, Rev. Victor Cimperman. Also our appreciation to Most Rev. A. James Quinn, Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland, for his attendance, the Rev. Joseph Boznar for his inspiring homily, and the j Rev. Dr. Joseph Skrha of St. Alexis Hospital who was the Deacon. We [ gratefully appreciated the beautiful singing of the choir Lira; our sincere thanks to them and the organist David Križan and soloist Arline Križan. Deep appreciation is extended to all members of organizations to which she belonged who came in such large numbers to pray and offer their tribute. May God bless everyone a hundredfold for their visitations at the funeral home, for the many expressions of sympathy, beautiful floral pieces, Mass offerings, charitable bequests, spiritual bouquets and religious offerings in her name. From the depth of our hearts we thank our many friends who attended the funeral Mass, and all who accompanied our dear Josie in a 75 car procession to her final resting place at All Souls Cemetery. A special word of thanks to our dear relatives who served as pallbearers. We are thankful to all who stayed with us for some time after the burial and shared in the excellent luncheon prepared by Julie Zalar and her staff back at the Auditorium Many thanks are extended to the Zak Funeral Home and its staff for all of their courtesies and attention to the many details of the funeral. Thank you cards were sent to all who remembered us and our beloved Josephine in a special way through floral tributes, Masses, and remembrances of many kinds. If, accidently, we missed anyone, pleas© accept our apology and may this notice serve as a special thanks to you. "Your memory is our keepsake, With that we'll never part; God has you in His keeping, We have you in our heart." Sadly missed by: REV. FRANK GODIC, BONNIE SIMMONS, ROGER GODIC, and CLARE MILLER, children, GARY MILLER, son-in-law, CHRISTINA and MICHELLE SIMMONS, granddaughters, LOUIS and MARY CIMPERMAN, brother and sister-in-law, ROSE CIMPERMAN, sister, JULIA GRAMC, sister-in-law, MARIE BELLE, sister-in-law, and husband MARION, RALPH GODIC, brother-in-law, and wife MARY ELLEN, ROSE GODIC, wife of brother-in-law EDWARD (deceased), and remaining relatives. RECENT DEA THS marie malanos Marie Malanos (nee Kern) passed away Friday in Denver, Colorado after a short illness. She was born in Canonsburg, Pa- She and her husband, James, ran the White Snack Shop on St. Clair and E. 80th >n Cleveland for 31 years from !941 to 1972. Funeral was Wednesday, Ang- 25th from St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Berea. She is survived by two daughters, Sylvia Kenton of Cig Harbor, Va., and Mary Ann Rowsey of Littleton, Colorado. Mrs. Milanos’ mother was ^°rn in Banja Loka, Kočevje, Slovenia. ROSE M. ROYCE Memorial services for Rose Royce (Stepic), 75, a resi-dent of Eastlake for 44 years, Were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 31 at St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church, 35781 tevens Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio. Mrs. Royce died Sunday, Ang. 29 at Meridia Euclid Hospital. Born April 12, 1918 in Buclid, she lived there before m°ving to Eastlake. She was a member of St. Ustin Martyr Catholic hurch in Eastlake. She was a time keeper at a'ley Controls for 30 years, firing in 1980. Survivors include a son, John Joyce of Willoughby; rother Frank Stepic of Wickliffe; sister, Mimi Oshaben of California; and five grandchildren. Her husband, Frank J., died in 1968. Her son, Frank, died in 1984. Burial was at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, O. Beloved Husband 4th Anniversary Remembrance Frank Slejko Oct. 20, 1912 — Sept. 1, 1989 You went away, leaving me with the memories we made. Memories of those sweet yesterdays, lived with you. And even though you are gone. In my loving thoughts You will always live on. Remembered Forever, Forgotten, Never! Your Loving Wife Jane IN LOVING MEMORY Of Our Beloved Parents ; ;"'V, Anton Kapel Antonia Kapel died July 22, 1973 died Sept. 5, 1983 Sadly Missed By: Daughters: Dorothy Spendal Marija Cvetnic (Slovenia) Son-in-law: Tony Spendal Daughters-in-law in Slovenia Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren ^oughby Hills. Q„ Sept. 2, 1993 Grdina — Faulhaber Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 Funeral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County 944-3300 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS Labor Day Picnic in Pittsburgh Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6th... from noon onward. Plan to be with us at the 6th annual Radio Picnic of the Slovenian program “Songs and Melodies of Beautiful Slovenia.” It all takes place at the Croatian Center Picnic Grounds in Millvale, Pa., the same place as in previous years. Consider this your invitation to spend the day in the atmosphere of enjoyable and interesting people, where good fellowship will abound. Add to that the excellent ethnic foods, Slovenian delicacies and sparkling Slovenian vino ^nd pivo and the day will be most satisfying. Musical entertainment will be the finest with the Pittsburgh All are welcome to attend our September 14 meeting. Our speaker will be Jeanette Fuller from the Euclid Meridia Pharmacy. She will speak and show slides on prescriptions and medications. Our Christmas dinner is in the planning stages and at our September meeting make known what you would like to be on the menu. On the sick list are Ann Markus, Dorothy Silc, Jo Gabrenya, and Mary Sterling. If you are celebrating a 50th Friday-Niters tamburitzas beginning at 1:15 p.m. Between 3 and 4 we’re inviting all musicians who would like to have an old-fashioned Jam Session to be there and come on stage. The more the merrier. The Dick Tady Orchestra begins at 4 p.m. and will play until 8 p.m. Make this a non-laborous day for yourselves. Let us do the cooking, serving and entertaining for you. You owe it to yourself to enjoy the day and the atmosphere. Violet Ruparcich, hostess of the weekly Slovenian program heard every Saturday from 5 -6 p.m. over WEDO 81 AM in Pittsburgh, would like to meet and greet each one of you. wedding anniversary, let Mitzi Yeray know by calling her at 951-9926. A new list of names was given to the calling committee. So if you get a call and it is not the person who used to call you, get acquainted with the new voice. Our president John Prhne wants to thank everyone who attended the Federation Picnic and special thanks to the Waterloo members who came and helped out at the picnic. —H.V. Coming Events 5 > Saturday, Sunday, Sept. 4, 5 ^ Bishop Baraga celebration in ^ L’Anse, Michigan. o> 7; Sunday, Sept. 5 > St. Vitus Centennial Mass o and Banquet. Please contact ^ rectory for tickets: 361-1444. q Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6 ^ “Songs & Melodies of > Beautiful Slovenia” Radio cn Picnic at Croatian Center in Millvale, Pa 12 noon - 8 p.m. ^ Traditional foods & baked ^ delicacies plus B-B lamb-pork- ^ chicken. Music by Dick Tady ^ Orch. - Pgh. Friday-Niters Tamburitzans & Button-Box -» Ensemble. S w Sunday, Sept. 12 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 West 130th St., Cleveland featuring Eddie Rodick. Sunday, Sept. 19 St. Vitus Altar Society Annual Chicken and Roast Beef Dinner, in auditorium. Sunday, Sept. 26 St. Vitus Class of 1931 honors Fathers Victor Cimperman and Victor Tome beginning at 1 p.m. at Slovenian Country House. For tickets call 531-3485 or 884-0425. Everyone invited. Saturday, October 2 Fantje na Vasi concert with special guests Zvon oktet from Fairfield, CT, at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair beginning at 7 p.m. Dancing to Alpine Sextet. Donation $7.00 Sunday, Oct. 3 Friends of Slovenian National Home Brunch. Serving from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Admission $9 for members, $11 for others and $3.50 for children 12 and under. For reservations call 361-5115 or 391-9761. Sunday, Oct. 3 Spaghetti & Meatballs Dinner, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in St. Vitus Hall, E. 62nd & Glass. Donation $5.00. Sponsored by St. Vitus Holy Name Society to mark the 100th Anniversary FRIDAY, OCT. 8 P.S.W.A. Circle 7 Fall Card Party, Waterloo Hall, 1 to 4 p.m. — $3.00 admission. Sunday, Oct. 10 AMLA Clambake/Steakbake at AMLA Recreation Center in Leroy Township. Sunday, Oct. 10 St. Mary (Collinwood) school reunion with noon Mass and dinner at 1 p.m. in Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Tickets are $15. Contact rectory for tickets. Sunday, Oct. 10 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130th St., Cleveland featuring Dan Peters. Sunday, Oct. 10 Upstairs, Downstairs dance at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid from 3 to 9:30 p.m. Donation $6. Benefit Polka Hall of Fame. Saturday, Oct. 23 Štajerski Club holds dinner and polka dance beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Slovenian National Home, Cleveland. Pecon Band. Tickets $16, call 261-5277 or 731-8934. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio ED PIKE HYUnDBI OPEN MON., TOES., WED. & THURS. Till 9 P.M. 964 7 Mentor Ave., Mentor 942-3191 357 7533 nrjani: HiATINC COOLING Established 1963 i *• * * * * * *-* * * ♦ * * * * * *• * * * * * AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AA A AA A AAA AA SALES - SERVICE INSTALLATION FURNACES AIR CONDITIONERS BOILERS HUMIDIFIERS AIR CLEANERS SHEET METAL REFRIGERATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4- and reliable American Slovenians from Gorjanc. * 760 E. 200TH STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 (216)692-2557 Whenever you have a problem with water tanks, air-conditioning, furnace, or want installation, call on well-known, trusted Waterloo Pensioners Club AMERIŠ O Q < WAR BETWEEN THE SEXES — A tug of war between the boys and girls of St. Vitus Slovenian School took place at the annual picnic on July 25. The boys won. — Slovenian School begins on Saturday, September 18. School hours are 9 to U:30 a.m. New students will be accepted. Preschoolers must be born in 1989. EGGS ANYONE? Sonja Mejač offers eggs to children during the egg toss. Sonja and husband Edi coordinated the games for the children. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Steve Benčič 's Original American OKTOBERFEST Labor Day Weekend Lake County Fairgrounds • Painesville, Ohio For further information call 881-7773 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Ancka or Annie EXTRA 10% OFF: SENIORS JOHNSTON DRUG, Inc. 625 E. 200 St. 486-2744, “We Treat You Like Family Not a Number” We Have H.M.O? Open Daily 9:30-5:30 SAT. 9:30-2 CLOSED WED. & SUN FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY PEPCO Downtown 1235 Marquette St. Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 881-3636 Phone (216) 881-1114 Fax PEPCO is an Electrical Electronics Supplies Distributor serving the needs of a city oh the move. Appleton - Hoffman -Bussman - Cutter-Hammer - ITE -Siemens - Acme - Furnas -Brady - Hubbell -Klein Tools Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7 am - 5 pm Jeffrey J. Borkey -Branch Manager Holmes Pensioners On Wednesday, August 17 the monthly meeting was called to order promptly at 12:30 p.m. by President John Habat. Present were 147 members and one guest. Antoinette McGrath was not present to give us the local news, but our president John Habat gave us some highlights of the Memorial Gardens. Brett School has been torn down for a senior citizen complex. Paving is being done in the neighborhood. Report on our July Picnic indicated it was a great success. Again, many thanks to all who worked and attended. Two trips to the Cardinal Village were taken and enjoyed by all who attended. The annual Federation picnic was on Aug. 19th at SNPJ farm with Julie Zalar cooking. The meal was well served and delicious. A trip to Buffalo was taken on Thursday, Aug. 19th with a luncheon on the boat ride. A tour of Buffalo was taken after the ride. We also stopped at “Our Lady of Victory Basilica and National Shrine” in Lackawanna, N.Y. This was truly a beautiful shrine, and very much enjoyed. Arrived home safe and sound; we had a beautiful day and good company. Our next trip will be to the Amish country on Sept. 15. In October we will venture into beautiful Ashtabula. Happy Birthday to all our members, especially to Mary Marinko who is 95 years old. Also happy anniversary to all members who celebrated in August. On our sick list are Frank Žnidar, Fred Trobenter, John Jackson. Our prayers are with you and all members who are ill. On display were mementoes of some of our members who were in service during WW1I. Highlights of the following were given by Frank Intihar, Mike Rhemisch, Al Marn, Carl Schultz, John Obat, Joseph Klemenčič, Frank Homar, Matt Zabukovec and Dominic Cekada. It was a very interesting display and many experiences were recalled. Also Jennie Schultz, Emilee Kerzman and Louise Trunkly spoke. Jennie Tuma brought some articles for the display of her husband (deceased) who had served in the war. Plans for Christmas party which will be in December, are in progress. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, September 8th promptly at 12:30 p.m. —Ann Stefančič ■ ■ ■m\£ Cook ek lived in Celovec lagenfurt). His contacts ^ith the Koroško (Carinthian) lovenian poet and na-I'onalistic writer Urban Jarnik 'yere totally unmentioned. In this perspective is the present ^ay a contribution by the Mohorjeva Druiba (St. Her-JJjagorus Society) for the Omšek memorial year. . ^rom 1812 Urban Jarnik was ln constant written contact w'th Jernej Kopitar, custodian the Viennese court library aad spokesman for the Slove-nian emancipation in Austria. Asides his own attempts at h°etry and historical debates, e consistently collected Material for a Slovenian dic-jonary, which would ^ aborate the entire Slovenian •alect. For this reason, he ^nstantly endeavored to it widely known among e Slovenian students in the elovee theological studies a 0 themselves were not well J-Quainted with the formal genian language. ^ year 1800 Anton Mar-p Slomšek was born in 1^ nikva, Lower Štajersko and (hi t0 t*ie iV01035'001 and schoo,) in Ce|je in 1814 ice ^en onto t^le 'yceum fc°p 4s in Ljubljana and Senj. Se ,^e went to enter the dj lnary °f Krška-Lavantine °f 'n Celovec» in the fall exa • ’ to repeat his j^mation; in the fall of theo,’ .lle then began his Lfjj °®*cal studies in Celovec. hasto*1 ^arn^ was already near°r three years in Šmihelj G0sr. Pilgrimage site of At th VCta- Jarni. 6 end °f October, 1822 the o ,VVrote to Kopitar: “In year C 0vec seminary is a 2nd Slomy adent by the name of sia!!L Who’ like Pr0 Created an en- thusi", who» 1 promi c writer’ shows much Se> for he has already auspicious initial year.” Jarnik uncovered Slomšek with these words, as he acquired this student in his own linguistic courses. Just at that time, he put out in Celovec, “A small collection of old Slavonic words, which are today still overall alive in the Slovenian language.” Slomšek soon included himself in the so-called “Slovenian alphabetical quarrel.” It went along the lines of how can the Slavonic syllables be written with the Latin alphabet. In the fall of 1824, Slomšek informed the philogist (linguist) Franc Metelko that he had given the first three installments of his grammar book to Jarnik for his review. The latter wrote a lengthy opinion on the proposed material and asked Slomšek to send the material in advance to Metelko Jarnik immediately used Metelko’s orthography and wrote a poem in it which he added to the text. After returning from Ljubljana, Slomšek reported to Jarnik that a group intended to publish a Slovenian review. This pleased Jarnik very much, particularly since he had himself expressed a similar desire to Jakob Zupan. With respect to the new Metelko orthography, Jarnik mentioned to Slomšek: “Now we have to write, — before we only guessed.” (To Be Continued) NEXT: Part II: Slomsek’s Early Years in Celovec »- * * * * * * * * ♦ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- * * * *• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STOP IN AT BRONKO’S Drive-In Beverage 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 Imported Slovenian Wines (Laski - Riesling Šipon) Also available are various imported beers, wines, etc. Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine — Owner - David Heuer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ * *■ * * * * ♦ * * * jf ♦ Jf )f Jf Jf Jf ♦ ★★★★★★ Plenty in his most --------------- 111 ■ f **i^^^^^^*********************************g ************************************* Dignified Professional Service PRE-ARRANGEMENTS • IRREVOCABLE TRUST LUNCHEON ROOM AVAILABLE New Mentor Location Coming Soon 16322 Broadway Avenue • Maple Heights, Ohio 44137 Phone: 216/476-2626 • Cleve. 216/266-3636 W 'V W/ 731-7080 BAKED FRESH DAILY ON LOCATION ASSORTED SLOVENIAN PASTRIES, POTICA, DONUTS, MUFFINS, BIRTHDAY CAKES! STRUDEL, FRESH BAKED BREAD, COOKIES, TUES-SAT 6:00-6:00 SUN 7:00-I'00 CLOSED MONDAY COMING IN OCTOBER... Grand Opening Party & Specials ★*★*★★★★★★★★★★★*★★★*★★★★★**★★******** »Century 531-3S36} Tire service co. __ ‘Firestone HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY * * * * * * jf Tk * 15300 Wylerloo Kd & (alrullu ♦ Clevelynd. Ohio 44110 * * * + Jf * Jf Jf ♦ * 4- * > RON DOVGAN * Jf Jf + + > ♦ )f Jf * Jf + + LUBE, OIL & FILTER • Chassis lube • Up to 5 qts. new oil • New Firestone oil filter FRONT-END ALIGNMENT • All adjustable angles set to manufacturer's original specifications 9 No extra charge for cars with factory air or torsion bars ij ■***£.•» fm ^ President Jf * * * Jf Jf * 4-Jf 3f * >f * Jf Jf * + If Jf Moit con Jf Parit extra, ^ ji Parti extra, Af MANOS & LoCONTI CO., C.P.A. ATTORNEYS at LAW Professional & Competent Legal Services at Reasonable Rates John M. Manos, esq. Dennis N. LoConti, esq. Personal Injury • Malpractice Divorce & Family Law • Wilis Criminal Defense • DUI Discrimination • Products Liability Business & Consumer Law 34950 Chardon Rd. Suite 206 • Willoughby Hills OH 44094 975-9700 WE ARE EXPERIENCED TRIAL LAWYERS r SUSTAR for Mayor of Willoughby AMteM jf Paid for by: Committee 10 elec< Dennis K. Sustar for Mayor, Ruth Camber, Treas., P.O. Box 85, Willoughby, Ohio 44094 J Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2. 1993 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 During the weekend of August 26-29 Richard Zokol of Vancouver, B.C., Canada played in the “World Series of Golf” at the Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio. Zokol had rounds of 73-71-71-72 and a very good tournament finishing in a tie for eighth place. Again, his relatives from Cleveland were on hand to cheer him. His wife, Joanie, also came to watch him play. When the tournament ended his children, 5-year-old twins Conor and Garrett and 3-year-old Hayley were happy to be with their dad. Also at the tournament were Richard’s parents Elsie and Joe Zokol from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They were in Cleveland for the “Grand Grdina Gathering.” Congratulations Richard, and good luck in Milwaukee and the balance of the tour. —Tony G. CALL ME. IT'S M OUR MUTUAL INTEREST. To get the great diversification of mutual funds*, just call me. I can offer you income funds, growth funds or any of a whole family of tax-advantaged funds Get set for the future by calling me today. John J. Buettner, P.O. Box 571 Chesterland, O. 44026 (216) 729-7724 'Mutual funds available through Pruco Securities Corporation, Newark, NJ, a subsidiary of The Prudential. 8880 Mentor Ave. Mentor, OH 44060 Get a piece of The Rock. In the extreme northwestern part of Slovenia, next to the border with Italy and close to Austria and amidst the highest peaks of the Slovenian Julian Alps, lies the Soča valley, hid-din in the heart of the Triglav National Park. Its exceptional beauty makes it one of the loveliest alpine valleys in Europe. Very few regions have been so richly endowed by nature. The passage of time has brought many cultural and historical peculiarities. This is where the breathtaking green-blue Soča river has its source. In many places along its course, the river has formed deep and narrow hollows in the rock base, creating pools, rapids and channels. It is a true challenge for fishermen and canoeists. The Upper Soča valley has remained unspoilt and its in- Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 habitants are vigorous and friendly people. Deeply carved into the foothills of mighty mountains, it cannot conceal its Littoral In Memory The enclosed check for $10.00 is sent in memory of my husband, John A. Fakult, who died nine years ago. He liked your newspaper very much and read it faithfully. Although I’m not Slovenian, I enjoy the Ameriška Domovina very much. Helen P. Fakult character, unveiled by ^ warm and friendly Meditef2 nean wind, blowing up"1^ through the valley from 1 £ sea. Donations Thanks to the following f0'^ their generous donations the Ameriška Domovina: Teresa Bajc, Toronto $20.00 Mary Mora, Ford City. ^ — $5.00 Joe Jereb Construction!-1 I (Canada) — $20.00 Wickliffe Country Place "The community of caring" • 24-hour professional nursing care • physical, speech and occupational therapy • short-term rehabilitation/permanent residency • 24-hour visitation • respite care/day care 1919 Bishop Road«WickIiffe»OH»944-9400 IN MEMORIAM Anton J. (Tony) Petkovšek Sf' Sincere Thank You! Hvala Lepa For your many kindnesses and remembrances of Tony Petkovšek Sr. upon his PasS six months ago today, MARCH 2, 1993. ^ To those who visited, called, sent cards or flowers or the two sets of priests vestm gave to a charity of your choice or for Mass; it is much appreciated. Special commendation for remembering him through over $3500 in donations 1° Polka Hall of Fame - American Slovenian Polka Foundation. Thanks especially for attending the wake service and the funeral in the very weather conditions at St. Mary’s with Mass concelebrated by Bishop A. Edward PcVcCet:jiil Father Joseph Božnar and assisted by Fathers Evans, Cimperman and Tome. For the sp .j choir put together by Cilka Dolgan with Joey Tomsick on button accordion plus ^ tributes on the radio and at Calvary Cemetery. Hvala to Dan Cosic for all of the eSC^i funeral arrangements and of course to the pallbearers who took him to his fin«1 r .| |ti> place. From the time of his passing at Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road “n.ilil'( burial, we hope that all indicated his eventual ascendence into that “Polka Heaven sky. , _. cof This great 90 year-old of Slovenian stock (and proud of it), born in the St. Cin' ^ (ii| munity and managing a neighborhood tavern for over 50 years, is missed very mud1 .f( family and many friends throughout the community. Thanks for all of your kind s ThePrudential Son Tony Petkovšek Brothers: Frank and Edward Sisters: Anne, Albina and Sr. Mary Augustine FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vesti iz Slovenije Afera orožja v Mariboru odprla konkretno možnost za doslednejše uresničevanje demokratizacije političnega sistema Afera, ki je nastala z odkritjem okrog 120 ton tihotapljenega orožja na letališču v Mariboru, se razvija naprej in utegne imeti zelo pomembne posledice tudi za nadaljnje uresničevanje sicer počasnega procesa demokratizacije slovenskega političnega sistema m same družbe. Preiskava v zvezi z orožjem je vodila do za vsak politični sistem bistvene-8a vprašanja doslednosti in neodvisnosti sodstva, še bolj pa o tem, ali je struktura Pravosodnega sistema v Sloveniji zvesta v zadnjih letih postavljeni in z novo ustavo zajamčeni demokraciji, ali služi prej interese ti-stih’ ki so povezani z metodami in ideologijo Prejšnjega, komunističnega režima. Obrambni minister Janez Janša je prednjačil v svoji kritiki na račun pravosodnih organov. Trdi namreč, daje preiskava doslej bila neučinkovita, usmerjena pa v prvi vrsti zoper tiste, ki so tihotapljeno orožje odkrili, ”e zoper tiste, ki so zakon kršili. Na to kritiko so pravosodni organi odgovorili z napadi na Janšo, češ da krši neodvisnost sodstva, z njimi je potegnil tudi pravosodni minister Miha Kozinc, ki pripada liberalnodemokratski stranki. To stranko vodi predsednik vla-oe dr. Janez Drnovšek, medtem ko je Janša elan socialdemokratske stranke Slovenije. Dejstvo, da sta tako temeljito sprta dva člana koalicijske vlade, je prineslo v ospredje vprašanje o trdnosti koalicije. Kozinc je pač sel tako daleč, da je rekel, da bo vlado zapustil, če bi ga le-ta ne podprla v sporu z Janšo. . Ključ00 vlogo bodo v prihajajoči poli-'čno »vroči« jeseni bodo gotovo igrali Slovenski krščanski demokrati, ki skupaj z LDS vorijo bistvo sedanje koalicije. Na srečanju ^novinarji je o vsem tem spregovoril pretekli Petek Ivo Bizjak, notranji minister in lanski Predsedniški kandidat SKD zoper Milana učana. Takole ga je citiralo preteklo sobo-Poročilo v Slovencu: st »Čaka nas živahna politična jesen in vr-a stvari, ki jih bomo morali sproti razčišče-sk ' 50 na vrsti tako imenovani tekton- 1 Posegi, s katerimi ni mogoče več odlašati ng 0rma državne uprave, oblikovanje lokal-s !fmOUprave ter pomembne naloge v go-0 arstvu), zato temeljna značilnost priho- afprega.?^0^a ne more biti ukvarjanje z anu in »aferami«. Sled °Samezno ravnanje bo treba presojati pitvT .na to’ koliko prispeva k nadaljnji kre-lianiz eiTIOkracije> uveljavljanju njenih me-. mov> ali koliko nas od tega oddaljuje, rativni ravni so bile že v preteklosti da^ StVari urejene, vendar bi pomenilo, Opisan S/kamooči* če bi trdili: tisto- kar je Vs^ ^ primer v ustavi), smo že dose- b° krenL.rŠn° pometanje Pod preprogo nas P^o udarilo nn »lav: — je D° krent F'-'iucicuije poa preprogo n že- Neori - UdariI° P° glavi’ ozironia nas dati vJV?°Sti sodstva je treba na primer Se ta t|, i>0dporo’ hkrati pa združiti moči, da b v tudl vzpostavi.« V 1037erlhP°Sledi^e najhujše suše v Sloveniji 1 Velike gospodarske posledice g‘h krailh ^ncu Preteklega tedna je v mno-°niiliij n" | °venije deževalo. Padavine so St°letju J 6 ICu najhujše suše v zadnjem p°sledice c,S° Jlh Pa odPravile. Ekonomske ftvo. Dolom6 S° vellke, predvsem za kmetij- ° v ^adniemx110 SUh° obdohje je spremlja-nJem času tudi več požarov. £ 1V . i • • — v* iuui VCL ^’oveniji v!i'Ve.pc>datke ° vremenu imajo v Hidrometeo °d fta 1891- torej 103 leta. Pri loškem zavodu Slovenije ugotovili, da je letošnja suša za Ljubljano in okolico sploh najhujša, za Slovenijo, predvsem za kraje, v katerih je kmetijstvo pomembno, pa naj bi bile padavine letos od 1. maja do 23. avgusta (najbolj kritično obdobje za kmetovalce) po količini na sedmem mestu. Pri tem je zanimivo, da povzroča suša. škodo v kmetijstvu kar zadnjih osmih let zapored. Ob tem, da nekateri denimo v ZDA pišejo o trajnih spremembah vremena, je dejstvo, da je Slovenija doživela »suha« leta tudi v preteklosti. Tako naj bi bilo suho obdobje od 1913 do 1924 in od 1942 do 1950. Letos so najbolj prizadeta območja Dolenjske, Prekmurja in Primorske. Padavine, ki so prišli proti koncu preteklega tedna, pravijo strokovnjaki, stanja na poljih, travnikih, vinogradih in sadovnjakih verjetno ne bodo bistvino popravile. Mnenje Kmetijskega inštituta Slovenije je, »da je suša med poljščinami najbolj prizadela koruzo. Stanje koruze je po posameznih območjih sicer različno, v najbolj ogroženih delih pa je že tako poškodovana, da ji niti sedanje obilne padavine ne bodo več pomagale, zato so že začeli s predčasnim siliranjem, čeprav je najprimernejša za siliranje druga polovica septembra. Manjši pridelek zaradi suše bo tudi pri krompirju, sladkorni pesi in drugih poljščinah. Na večini travnikov ne bo druge košnje.« Pred zadnjimi padavinami, poroča Slovenec preteklo soboto, so morali s cisternami po Sloveniji voziti pitno vodo 52.000 ljudem. V skoraj vseh občinah Slovenije so ukrepi kot prepoved pranja avtomobilov in zalivanja vrtov. Padavine so takoj pomagale pri zmanjšanju dosedanje požarne ogroženosti. Ta je razglašena po zadnjih podatkih le še na Primorskem, v občinah Koper, Izola, Piran, Sežana in Ajdovščina. Lojze Peterle se srečal z italijanskim zunanjim ministrom B. Andreatto Pretekli petek je prišel v Slovenijo na delovni obisk italijanski zunanji minister Beniamino Andreatta. Na srečanju na Bledu s svojim slovenskim kolegom Lojzetom Peterletom, sta državnika obravnavala bistvena vprašanja glede odnosov med Slovenijo in Italijo. Veliko teh vprašanj je namreč še odprtih in so stališča obeh držav zelo različna. Tako naj bi bil na Bledu Peterle opozoril Andreatto na neustrezno varovanje slovenske manjšine v Italiji. Pri tem je Peterle rekel, da za slovensko manjšino v Italiji ni pravega volilnega zakona. Andreatta je s svoje strani opozoril na nekatera vprašanja, ki zanimajo Italijo in italijansko manjšino v Sloveniji. Na tiskovni konferenci, ki sta jo imela po srečanju Peterle in Andreatta, je italijanski zunanji minister rekel: »Preučili smo gospodarska vprašanja, ki so v skupnem interesu, sogovornikom pa sem potrdil tudi željo Italije za pospešeno gradnjo avtoceste Trst -Ljubljana - Budimpešta; tu bo mogoča hitra finančna pomoč v obliki izvoznega posojila.« Andreatta je rekel še, da se bo zanimal za reševanja financiranja slovenske narodne manjšine v Italiji (zakon o tem je iztekel, novega še ni). Na Bled je prišel tudi Samo Pahor, tržaški Slovenec, ki odločno zagovarja pravice slovenske manjšine v Italiji. Na dveh plakatih, ki ju je razobesil na vidnem mestu, je v italijanščini in slovenščini z napisoma: »Pravičnost večine je v pravicah manjšine« opozoril na neustrezno varovanje slovenske manjšine v Italiji. Do konca leta se bosta se-šla predsednika slovenske in italijanske vlade. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Farna stoletnica— To nedeljo bo obhajanje stoletnice fare sv. Vida in sicer s sv. mašo ob 12. uri - opoldne. Sodelovali bodo clevelandski škof Anthony Pilla, pomožni škof in bivši sveto-vidski župnik A. Edward Pevec ter večje število drugih duhovnikov in predstavnikov farnih in drugih organizacij. Takoj po maši bo banket v SND na St. Clairju. Obveščeni smo, da so vstopnice za banket razprodane. Spominska maša— V nedeljo, 12. septembra, bo ob 10. uri dop. v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave. maša za gen. Leona Rupnika. Tabor DSPB vljudno vabi vse Slovence in Slovenke, da se te maše udeleže. Romanje v Frank— Vabljeni ste, da se udeležite vsakoletnega romanja v Frank, Ohio, ki bo letos 26. septembra. Avtobusne rezervacije sprejemajo in vam vso informacijo postrežejo: Viktor Tominec .... 531-2728 Vinko Rožman..... 881-2015 Lojze Bajc....... 486-3515 Novi grobovi Mary S. Tomšič Dne 30. avgusta je v Mt. Sinai bolnišnici umrla 85 let stara Mary S. Tomšič, rojena Slavec v Knežaku, Slovenija, v Cleveland prišla 1. 1929 in živela v collinwoodski naselbini, zadnjih 43 let pa v Euclidu, žena Jacka (poročena sta bila 63 let), mati Stanleyja (Kalif.) in Richarda, 8-krat stara mati, sestra Slave (Slovenija), Tony-ja (Avstralija), Antonije in Frances (obe v Argentini), zaposlena kot šivilja 23 let pri Fisher Body obratu na Coit Rd., vse do svoje upokojitve 1. 1972, članica SNPJ št. 5, PSA št. 1 in Kluba upokojencev v Euclidu. Pogreb bo iz Želeto-vega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v petek, dop. ob 10.30 na Vernih duš pokopališče. Ure kropljenja bodo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. William Slabe Dne 27. avgusta je v Meridia Euclid bolnišnici za srčno boleznijo umrl 77 let stari William Slabe z Euclida, rojen v Struthersu, O., mož Olge, roj. Korošec, oče Judith Martinez, 3-krat stari oče, brat Mary Kattler ter že pok. Franka in Edwarda, od 1. 1934 do 1946 zaposlen pri White Motor Co., od 1946 do 1954 lastnik Korošec Winery na E. 66 St. in St. Clair Ave., leta 1954 pa ustanovil Atlas Machine Products Co. in ga vodil do svoje upokojitve 1. 1990. Pogreb je bil 31. avgusta iz Želetovega za- (dalje na sir. 14) Kosilo oltarnega društva— Članice Oltarnega društva pri Sv. Vidu vabijo na letno kosilo, ki bo v nedeljo, 19. septembra. Serviranje bo v šolskem avditoriju od 11.30 do 1.30 pop. Cena kosilu je $8, za otroke do 12. leta pa $4. Nakaznice za kosilo imajo odbornice Oltarnega društva, dobile se pa bodo tudi pri vhodu. Kosilo se bo moglo tudi vzeti domov. Počastitev— Sošolci Fr. Viktorja Tomca, ki je veliko let služil med drugim kot župnik pri Mariji Vne-bovzeti, in Fr. Viktorja Cimpermana, ju bodo počastili na kosilu, ki bo v Sterletovi restavraciji v nedeljo, 26. sept. Kosilo se bo pričelo ob 1. pop., cena je $17. Za več informacije in rezervacije, pokličite Joe Brodnika na 531-3485 ali Mildred Ringenbach na 884-0425. Pomoč bi bila dobrodošla— Slovenski dom za ostarele potrebuje prostovoljce. Zavetišče, ki ima 150 stanovalcev, išče študente višjih šol in tudi odrasle osebe za dnevno pomoč in sicer med 4. in 8. zv. ob vikendih in praznikih. Pomagali bi v kuhinji in pri aktivnostih za stanovalce itd. Če se zanimate, lahko pokličete Slov. dom za ostarele med dnevom in vprašate za Elaine. Maša za dr. Felicijana— V četrtek, 9. septembra, ob 7.30 zj., bo v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša za pok. prof. dr. Jožeta Felicijana. Popravek— Pri objavi članka »Govor V. Levstika v Loškem Potoku« v AD 19. avg., je prišlo do neljube napake in sicer v samem naslovu. G. Levstik je govoril v spomin padlim žrtvam v Velikih Laščah in ne v Loškem potoku. Za napako se opravičujemo. Prodaja krofov— Oltarno društvo sv. Vida bo imelo prodajo krofov v soboto, 11. septembra, od 8. ure zjutraj dalje, v društveni sobi farnega avditorija, kot običajno. Pridite in pokupite! Spominski dar— Ga. Mary Klemenčič, Cleveland, O., je poklonila $10 v podporo našemu listu, v spomin na moža Edwarda. Fantje na vasi vabijo— Clevelandski moški zbor Fantje na vasi vabi na svoj letni koncert, ki bo v soboto, 2. oktobra, v SND na St. Clairju. Iz Fairfielda, Conn., bo prišel na koncert tudi oktet Zvon. Za rezervacijo miz (8 do 10 sedežev), pokličite Tomaža Slaka na 881-1725 ali pa Tomaža Sršena na 352-7455. Vstopnice so po $7. Po koncertu bo za ples igral Alpski sekstet. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 216/431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valuti SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1 627 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday No. 34 Thursday, September 2, 1993 Demokracijo je treba res uresničiti Opredelitev Izjava, ki sledi, je delo večjega števila vodilnih slovenskih intelektualcev, med njimi letošnjega Prešernovega nagrajenca Draga Jančarja. Povod za izjavo je trenutna zadeva v zvezi s pravosodnimi organi in obrambnim ministrom Janezom Janšo. Gre za novo potrditev domneve, da kljub trem letom demokracije v Sloveniji, so še vedno sistemsko močno zakoreninjeni elementi prejšnjega režima, med drugim v pravosodstvu. Ur. AD Samostojnost slovenske države, za katero smo se Slovenci odločili s plebiscitom in jo uresničili z osamosvojitvenim aktom, ki mu je naposled sledila tudi z velikimi težavami v parlamentu sprejeta Ustava Republike Slovenije, je nenehoma ogrožena s podtalno politično dejavnostjo neokrnjenih struktur bivšega režima. To je realiteta slovenskega postkomunizma, ki se razodeva v celem nizu afer in deviacij, za katerimi bolj ali manj razvidno tičijo klike oziroma neformalne skupine iz nekdanjega establishmenta. Pri tem jim gre nadvse na roko prav slovenska osamosvojitev, skupaj z »divjo« liberalizacijo družbenih in ekonomskih odnosov, z anemičnim pravnim redom in iz vsega tega izhajajočo korupcijo. V takšnih razmerah seveda ne preseneča, da skušajo ti skrivni centri moči zmerom znova zavajati slovensko javnost in preprečevati vsak poskus, ki teži k razkrivanju njihovega delovanja. Zato tudi ni naključje, da so vse afere in škandali tako rekoč »brez dna«, čeprav imajo ob slehernem takšnem pojavu vodilni predstavniki oblasti polna usta besed o tem, kako je treba stvarem priti do dna. Primerov, ki to dokazujejo, najbrž ni treba naštevati, saj so javnosti znani, zato mora ta tudi vztrajati, da se njihovo kriminalno ozadje tudi razkrije, ne pa pomete pod predpražnik. Odločilno vlogo pri tem ima seveda slovensko pravosodje, ki sicer s tolikšno ihto dokazuje, kako da je strokovno suvereno in politično neodvisno. Namesto tega, da bi to dejavno dokazovalo v praksi in nas tako prepričalo o verodostojnosti takšne samooznačbe, do življamo prav nasprotno. 7 ko se noben predstavnik te -je oblasti ni niti malo zganil ob izjavi predsednika vlade dr. Janeza Drnovška na tiskovni konferenci 20. aprila letos, v kateri pravi, da je - citirano po Delu 21. avgusta t.l. - »želja vlade okrepitev delovanja pravosodnega sistema in jasna u-smeritev vseh sodnikov in tožilcev, kaj je prioritetno, kaj morajo delati in kaj morajo preiskovati«. Zato pa v en glas skušajo difamirati Janeza Janšo, ki je ob aferi z orožje n opozoril na strokovno probl -matičnost preiskovalnega p -stopka v tem primeru. Če je je uredništvo Sobotne priloge Dela odločilo, da v zvezi z vsem tem posveti nenavadno veliko pozornosti presoji Janševega javnega delovanja in ga s tem kot »primer« hote ali nehote izpostavi opredeljevanju javnosti, je še toliko bolj upravičeno do takšne pozornosti slovensko pravosodje, ki mu načeljuje minister spornega slovesa Miha Kozinc. Za slovensko pravosodje namreč nikakor ne moremo trditi, da je povsem nedotaknjeno od »niirnberškega sindroma«, kar zadeva njegovo neodvisnost od bivšega partijskega režima; spomnimo se samo moralno-politične neoporečnosti tožilcev in sodnikov. Spričo povedanega je spor VLADISLAV KRALJ — 85-letnik TOLEDO, O. - Vladislav Kralj v resnici praznuje dve pomembni obletnici in je prav, da se ga njegovi prijatelji in znanci spomnimo. Vladi, kot ga kličemo njegovi ožji prijatelji, bo praznoval 4. septembra svoj 85. rojstni dan. Res, Vladi, kar verjeti ne moremo, da si že 85 let star. Letos pa poteka tudi 30 let, odkar si začel s slovensko tedensko radijsko uro v Milwaukeeju. Tudi to je pomembna in zaslužna obletnica. Pa Vladi je vedno delal, da ne rečem garal, za slovensko kulturo in slovenski narod. Vladi se je rodil 4. septembra 1908. leta v Trstu v številni družini, saj je imel šest bratov in šest sestra. Po prvi svetovni vojni, ko je Italija zasedla Trst, se je družina preselila v Maribor, kjer je oče postal policijski inšpektor. Maribor je postal Vladiju novi dom. Tu je Vladi odra-stel, maturiral na državni realki in po dveh letih ekonomske visoke šole bil sprejet v službo pri Mestnih podjetjih. Ko so Nemci zasedli Maribor so takoj aretirali zavedne Slovence, med katerimi je bil tudi Vladi, in jih 16. aprila 1941 odpeljali v taborišče Ostengraben v Nemčiji, od tam pa v Gardelegen v Šleziji, kjer je Vladi moral delati v tovarni za motorna vozila. Po končani vojni se je Vladiju posrečilo, da se je vrnil v svoj rodni Trst, kjer so Anglo-Amerikanci vpostavili svojo vojaško upravo. Zahodni zavezniki so v Trstu in vsej coni med Kozincem in Janšo, ki implicira tudi temeljni antagonizem v sami vladni koaliciji, za nas tako politično kot moralno vprašanje, ob katerem se bo slej ko prej odločala tudi sama usoda te koalicije. Dokler se bomo namreč ob aferah in drugih družbenih anomalijah, ki nas potiskajo v očeh sveta na rizično mesto nekakšnega bantustana, se pravi tik pred Kazahstan, spraševali predvsem o tem, kdo jih razkriva, ne pa o temeljnih vzrokih zanje, ki imajo tudi svoje nosilce, s katerimi se je treba ustrezno in učinkovito spopasti, toliko časa bo trajalo tudi latentno krizno stanje, ki ne prizadeva samo izvršilne oblasti, ampak družbo v celoti. Ker politična, gospodarska in juridična sfera družbenega organizma še vedno niso med sabo razločene in sistemsko osamosvojene, se ne more u-strezno saturirati niti država kot funkcionalni okvir te samostojnosti. To pa pomeni, da ima tudi predsednik države kot bivši šef slovenskega CK lahko latentno deponirano partijsko knjižico, ne da bi se ljudstvo vprašalo, od kod pravzaprav ta samoumevnost. Niko Grafenauer, Mate Dolenc, Andrej Hieng, Andrej Inkret, Drago Jančar, Matjaž Kocbek, Lojze Kovačič, Vladimir Kovačič, Primož Simoniti, Jože Snoj, Tomaž Šalamun, Rudi Šeligo, Dane Zajc in Aleksander Zorn. Vladislav Kralj A Julijske krajine organizirali slovensko šolstvo in slovensko radijsko postajo s sedežem v Trstu. Vladi in njegova soproga sta bila v službi na slovenski radijski postaji, pisec teh vrstic pa je poučeval na slovenskih šolah. V Trstu smo se prvič srečali in ostali prijatelji do danes. Leta 1951 sta prišla Vladi in žena Izabela (Iza) v Ameriko. Najprvo sta se ustavila v New Yorku, čez leto dni pa sta se preselila v Milwaukee, Wisconsin, kjer še danes živita. Vladi prihaja iz nadarjene igralske družine. Omenim naj samo sestro Elviro Kralj, ki je bila poklicna gledališka igralka. Tudi Vladi je že v svojih Korotanova zahvala CLEVELAND, O. - Pevski zbor Korotan se zahvaljuje vsem, ki so na kakršenkoli način pripomogli k lepemu uspehu vrtne veselice, ki je bila 7. avgusta na Slovenski pristavi. Posebno se bi pa še radi zahvalili ge. Milki Krulc in njenim pomočnicam, za okusno pripravljeno večerjo, g. Kristjanu Sedmaku in njegovim pomočnikom za pečenje govejih zrezkov na ražnju, g. Franku Lovšinu, da je bilo vsega dovolj in na razpolago v točilnici. Zahvaljujemo se orkestru Alpskega seksteta za prijetne in poskočne melodije, g. Janezu Povirku in g. Ivanu Hauptmanu pa za lepa tiskana vabila na našo veselico. Zahvaljujemo se radijski oddaji »Pesmi in melodije iz lepe Slovenije«, dr. Milanu in g. Mitju Pavlovčiču za vabila na naš nastop in veselico, kakor tudi oddaji Tonyja Petkovška. Za članke v Ameriški Domovini se najlepše zahvaljujemo gdč. Mojci Slak in g. Stanetu Kuharju. Seveda je k uspehu večera veliko doprinesel tudi nastop mešanega zbora Pece iz Glo basnice na Koroškem, ki je bil ta večer Korotanov gost. Zboru Peca najlepša hvala za prijeten obisk in lepo prijateljstvo, in upamo, da se bomo kdaj zopet srečali. Upamo, da ste preživeli vsi, ki ste prišli na našo vrtno veselico lep in prijeten večer. Vreme nam je bilo naklonjeno, za kar smo hvaležni Bogu. Vsem obiskovalcem in prijateljem Korotana kličemo nasvidenje na naših bodočih prireditvah! Odbor mladih letih posvetil svoj prosti čas režiji in odrskim nastopom. Udejstvoval se je v dra-matskem odseku mariborskega Sokola in pri društvu Nanos, ki so ga organizirali primorski emigranti. V Trstu se je Vladi razživel kot režiser in igralec. Poleg radijskih iger je organiziral tudi prave javne nastope, kot na Repentabru, kjer so igrali na repentabrskem dvorišču pred cerkvijo in v modernem Avditoriju. To je bila edina gledališka dvorana v središču Trsta, ki je bila dostopna Slovencem, to pa zato, ker so jo upravljali Anglo-Amerikanci. Naj tu omenim še nekaj javnih predstav, ki jih je organiziral in režiral Vladi v Trstu: Anton Čehov »Snubač«, Josip Štolba »Stari grehi« in Somerset Maugham »Sveti plamen«. Ko sta prišla Vladi in Iza v Ameriko, sta organizirala v fari sv. Cirila v New Yorku igralsko skupino, ki je priredila nekaj nastopov v New Yorku in tudi v drugih mestih. Ko se je preselil v Milwaukee, je tudi tam posvetil svoj prosti čas slovenski skupnosti. Mnogo let je vodil dramatski odsek slovenskega društva Triglav, za katero je pripravil več veseloiger, npr. »Pri belem konjičku«, »Namišljeni bolnik« (Moliere), »Trije vaški svetniki« (Max), in druge. Od leta 1963 pa vodi z ženo Izo tedensko slovensko uro na javni radijski postaji v Milwaukeeju. Kako važne so take slovenske oddaje za naše ljudi, j ni treba pojasnjevati, saj to vemo vsi. Vladijeva radijsk3 ura oddaja za slovensko skup' nost v Milwaukeeju in okolici odlomke iz slovenske književnosti in glasbe, opise važnih dogodkov iz slovenske zgodovine, in popise narodnih običajev. Vse to delo povezuje slovensko skupnost in podalj' šuje slovensko zavest med mlajšim rodom. Za Vladija in Izo pa je to pomenilo mnog0 dela, pripravljanja in požrtvovalnosti. Zato je prav, da se ga ob trideseti obletnici radijske ure spomnimo in se mu zahvalim0 za nesebično delo v slovenski dobrobit. Za njegov 85. rojstni dan pa dvignimo kozarce in mu napijmo s tisto lepo pesmico »KoTko kapljic, tol’ko leL Bog Ti daj na svet živet’«. Se na mnoga leta, Vladi! Bogdan Novak Ponavljamo, da imamo Pr' Amerišk« domovini fax in sicer 216/361-4088. ------— — - — Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolag0 podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! ALI VAS ZANIMA DOLINA PO IMENU »ZASAVJE«? San Francisco, Kalif. — Malokdaj je v poročilih omenjeno Zasavje. Naš zlatoporočenec Ernest Lenarčič je od tam. Iz Zasavja so tudi Valvasor, Župančič, Savelli, Sovre, Mejač, brata Oberžan, Pernišek, Gut-mansthal idr. V zvezi z Zasavjem moremo imenovati tudi misijonarja Zdešarja in Pri-moža Trubarja. Jugovzhodno od Ljubljane se končava širno, rodovitno Ljubljansko polje od Zaloga Pr°ti Litiji oz. Šmartnemu. Reki Savi je nato odmerjena le ozka dolina, ponekod z zelo strmim pobočjem. Tod je spe-Jjana Južna železnica, ki vzdržuje glavno prometno zvezo med Ljubljano in Mariborom ter Zagrebom skozi prometno križišče Zidani most. V dve milji oddaljenih Rade-^ah, ki so južno ob desnem °reSu Save, se dolina spet Začne širiti v Posavje, odkoder je Hitler 1. 1941 ukazal izseliti ''se prebivalstvo (razen malega števila Nemcev) iz okrajev Krko in Brežice, v Nemčijo. Izpraznjene slovenske domačije So okupirali nemški Kočevarji. Ob cesti, ki vodi čez hribe 0d Litije na dolenjsko stran, je na vrhu strmega pobočja stal na iz katere je ušel, nekje ru8je. Ali je to morda ne ne-°dkrita Ušiva jama, kjer je na ®r°bišču betonska plošča? ^oda, da ga nekateri Kočev-’ Ki imajo podrobnejše poda-e> kje to grobišče je, ne gre-a° Poiskat. Prance Dejak se je rodil 20. .ePternbra 1925 v vasi Dolenji aze pri Ribnici kot tretji od K1?*1 otrok Angele in Naceta ^ eJaka. Očeta so izgubili že v o®°dnji mladosti in mati je ^tola sama z nedoraščeno uztno. Poleg malega pose-tta3 ^ Pri hiši tucli gostil-‘ Ko je okupator zasedel Ovenijo, je France končal ? v°yno Šolo. Ko so Italijani odvažati v internacijo e i*1 fante, je bil star 16 let, ® tou je bilo to prihranjeno. 0 halijanski kapitulaciji so oglasi N|ekP°TUJETE V RIM? IW hotel Bled, danes hotel SmoS! °hveščamo vas, da tla. ^ dpr}i v Rimu hotel Emo-Nasiff r°-iake poseben popust. Via v hotela: 00185 - ROMA, ali n^‘ a 23. Teh 06-7027911 70287«-,7027827* telefax: 06-5787- Dobrodošli! Lastnik hotela Emona, Vinko Levstik i0e (Jože) 4evnik ^PPrentice 'ttneral Erector France Dejak kmalu po 1.1945 ga vpoklicali partizani, vendar jim je ušel in pristopil k domobranski policiji, kjer je bil nekaj časa v Ljubljani, nato pa v Ribnici in Kočevju. Tudi on se je ob koncu vojne umaknil na Koroško, prišel 12. maja v vetrinjsko taborišče, od koder je bil 27. maja vrnjen s tehničnim oddelkom. Pot skozi kranjsko in šentviško taborišče je bolj ali manj znana, zato si poglejmo podrobneje njegovo pripoved od tu naprej (dal nam jo je v Ljubljani 5. julija). »Iz Šentvida so nas v živinskih vagonih odpeljali 7. junija 1945, ob 16. uri. Po železnici proti Kočevju smo se peljali zelo počasi, saj je bila železnica razkopana. Vedel sem, da se bom peljal mimo moje vasi Dolenji Lazi pri Ribnici, kjer je moja hiša oddaljena le 300 metrov od železnice. Iz šentviškega taborišča smo uspeli odnesti kos Slovenskega poročevalca. Iz moje vasi smo bili v vagonu štirje. Na tisti list smo napisali »Peljemo se proti Kočevju, lačni smo, priskrbite nam hrano,« in se spodaj podpisali. Tik pred hišo, za katero smo vedeli, da je zanesljiva, smo skozi režo v vagonu odvrgli sporočilo. Kasneje sem izvedel, da ga je ženska iz tiste hiše našla in izročila moji mami. Na sporočilo se ni odzvala, saj je bilo to takrat brez pomena, ker bi jo lahko celo zaprli. V Kočevje smo prispeli 8. junija okrog tretje ure zjutraj. Kakšno uro in pol so nas pustili v zaprtih vagonih. Ko se je zdanilo, so živinske vagone odprli in nas odgnali na dvorišče Marjanišča (oziroma gimnazije). Tam so nam rekli, da bomo dobili zajtrk. Čeprav smo bili lačni, tistega, kar smo dobili (v vodi nekaj fižola, zelja in smrekove iglice), nismo mogli jesti. Verjetno so nas hoteli še enkrat ponižati, saj so to počeli kar naprej. Kar nam je ostalo, smo morali zliti v sode, da bo za druge, kot so rekli. Od tam so nas okrog sedme ure zjutraj odgnali skozi Kočevje v dom slepih, nasproti gradu (tam je danes Ljubljan- 9^ C7/L a/z č7, ska banka). Okoli 800 so nas nagnetli v prvo nadstropje. Stražarji so bili samo Slovenci. Ko so nas prignali v zgornje nadstropje, je bil tam nekdo iz Dolenje vasi pri Ribnici (Jože Starc), ki je ga je poznal moj sovaščan. Dal mu je nekatere stvari, da bi jih izročil njegovi mami. Ker je to obljubil, sem mu tudi jaz zaupal srebrn prstan, ki sem ga imel skritega v zavihku rokava. Kasneje sem se prepričal, da obljube ni izpolnil. Od tam so nas v skupinah po dvajset odganjali po stopnicah navzdol. Stražar nam je ukazal, da moramo vse, kar še imamo pri sebi, odvreči na kup na stopnicah. »To pa zato,« je dejal, »ker vas bomo sedaj zvezali in greste na ljudsko sodišče. Zvezali vas bomo zato, ker se je ob prejšnjem prevozu zgodilo, da sta dva ubila našega stražarja in ušla.« Spodaj je bila na eni strani velika, na drugi pa manjša soba, široka tri metre in dolga okoli deset. V tem prostoru so na sredi ležali koluti žice (s katerimi so se takrat vezali lonci). Ko smo prišli noter, smo se morali razporediti v dve vrsti in obrniti proti steni. Kdor je imel na sebi še srajco, je moral zavihati rokave. Roke smo morali na hrbtu prekrižati, nato so nam jih močno zvezali z žico, nato pa še po dva in dva skupaj za roke nad komolci. Ko smo bili zvezani, so nas odgnali v večjo sobo, kjer smo kakšno uro čakali ostale. Ker so nekatere zvezali zelo močno (s kleščami), so nam začele roke modreti. Tudi moja leva roka je hitro pomodrela in kasneje je trajalo še dolgo, da si je zopet opomogla. Nekateri, ki so že čutili močne bolečine, so prosili, naj jim žico zrahljajo, saj drugače roke ne bodo nikoli več za delo. Stražar nam je odgovoril, da jih tako ali tako ne bomo več potrebovali. Tudi ob prošnjah za vodo je bil odgovor podoben. To nam je dalo slutiti, kaj nas čaka. Potem so nas peljali do vhodnih vrat, kjer je že takoj ob vratih stal tovornjak, pred njim pa je stal zaboj, da smo lahko prek njega prilezli na tovornjak. Zgoraj nam je stražar ukazal, da moramo poklekniti, nato so nas zelo stisnili. Tovornjaki so bili odprti, s stranicami, skozi katere se je videlo ven. Takrat so bili tam trije tovornjaki. Stražili so nas štirje stražarji, na vsakem vogalu eden. Dokler smo se peljali skozi Finest Funeral Facility in Northeast Ohio 0±LC FUNERAL HOME 944-8400 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 V Zagradcu razbili spominsko ploščo V noči na 21. avgusta so v Zagradcu ob Krki razbili veliko spominsko ploščo, na kateri je bilo izpisanih 144 imen žrtev komunizma, poroča v Slovencu 23. avgusta Ivo Žajdela, ki je tudi napravil foto razbite plošče. Neznanec je okoli polnoči z velikim kladivom večkrat močno udaril po petih ploščah in jih razbil. Plošča je bila blagoslovljena 15. novembra lani. Salko vas in Željne, so mirovali, opozarjali so nas le, da moramo držati glave navzdol. Ker sem bil ob robu, sem lahko videl, kam nas peljejo. Ko smo prišli iz Željn v gozd, so stražarji začeli hoditi po nas in nas med zmerjanjem zverinsko pretepati z gorjačami in puškami. Tudi sam sem dobil na glavi veliko rano, iz katere mi je po obražu curljala kri. Kakšen kilometer pred ciljem so s tovornjakom naredili krog in nas vprašali, če vemo, kje smo, in če vemo, kje je Sv. Ana. V bližini morišča so tovornjake postavili zraven ceste (zato tudi grobišče Macesnova gorica ne ustreza, opomba L Ž.). Ko so nas spuščali s tovornjakov, smo se morali vsesti na zadnji rob, da so nam, če je bilo potrebno, kar z nožem, odstranili čevlje, ki so jih metali na kup. Ko sva s sotrpinom Jožetom Prelesnikom skočila s tovornjaka, sva morala stopiti naprej, kjer so naju razvezali. Malo naprej smo se morali sleči. Vsake pol minute smo že slišali strele ali kratke rafale. Jože Prelesnik se je obrnil in mi dejal: »France, nasvidenje nad zvezdami.« Nekateri domobranci se sploh niso mogli sleči, ker so bili povsem brez moči. Na sebi sem obdržal majico in spodnje hlače. Bilo je okoli desete ure dopoldan in bilo je sončno. Do jame je vodila steza iz drobljenega ostrega kamenja. Na vsakih nekaj metrov so stali stražarji in nas neprestano tepli, tako da smo bili povsem stolčeni in krvavi. Nekateri so obležali. Moj hrbet je bil še po štirinajstih dneh popolnoma črn. Steza ni vodila naravnost k breznu, ampak je nekaj metrov prej ostro zavila na levo. Ko sem prišel do jame, je na nekoliko vzvišenem prostoru stal likvidator. Rekel mi je: »Stoj!« Rekel je naj ga gledam v oči, nato pa me je spraševal, koliko sem star, v kakšnih borbah sem bil, odkod sem doma. Iz ozadja je znan vaščan iz sosednje vasi Breg pri Ribnici France Rigler zavpil »Udari hudiča ribniškega!« Jasno ga sicer nisem videl, ker sem imel obraz in oči oblite z znojem in krvjo, spoznal sem ga po glasu, kasneje pa se je hvalil, da je bil zraven. Likvidator mi je postavljal vprašanja verjetno zato, da bi videl, če imam kak zlat zob. Kasneje sem v jami namreč opazil, da so vsake toliko časa, ko so nehali s streljanjem, vj^-gli koga v jamo s povsem razbito glavo in čeljustmi. Zato sem prepričan, da so tiste z zlatimi zobmi potegnili v stran ter jim še živim izbijali zobe. Ko me je likvidator izprašal (po govorici sodeč je bil Primorec) in se pričel pripravljati na strel, sem odskočil v jamo. Ko je ustrelil za mano, mi je krogla na levem stegnu posnela kožo, tako da me je potem vse drugo bolelo bolj, kot pa strelna rana. Čeprav sem padel precej globoko, deset do petnajst metrov, sem priletel na mehki kup trupel. Kmalu sem zaslišal glas: »Kolega, če si živ, se umakni, ker te lahko ubije kdo, ki pade nate.« Zato sem se zvlekel stran. Bilo je še nekaj prostora, saj je imela jama ob robu vdolbine in celo kratke rove. Do večera se nas je zbralo kakšnih dvanajst. Polovica nas je bila toliko pri močeh, da bi bili sposobni za pobeg, drugi pa so bili toliko ranjeni, da so še komaj živeli, za kaj več pa ni bilo upanja. Ker so včasih streljali tudi v jamo in so občasno noter vrgli tudi kakšno bombo, smo se skrivali v luknjah ob robu brezna. Pomagali smo si tudi tako, da smo mrtve naložili v nekakšen zaščitni zid. V jami je bilo zelo mrzlo, zato sem z nekega mrliča slekel majico, tako da sem imel dve. Pogovarjali smo se, da bodo po (dalje na sir. 14) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 999. Misijonar Tone Pačnik se je 2. avgusta oglasil iz Maribora z zanimivim pismom, ki bo zanimalo tudi vse v MZA: »Sporočam Vam, da sem se vrnil po 15 letih dela v Zairu v Slovenijo, v domačo škofijo. Tukaj bom eno leto za kaplana v Zrečah, da se tako odpočijem, pozdravim od malarije in počasi uvedem v slovensko pastoralno delo. Zadnje Vaše pismo s čekom sem prejel in 20 sv. maš za Josephine Perušek opravil. Pri tem je bilo nekaj neugodnosti. Ček je prišel v Zaire in sem ga poslal v Belgijo, od tam pa nobenega glasu. Ali je bil vnovčen ali ne, ne vem. Ne vem, ali se da to od Vaše strani ugotoviti? Kakor koli, zdaj sem doma in se podajam z veseljem na delo v mojem duhovniškem poklicu. Iz srca pa se Vam zahvaljujem za tolikoletno pomoč MZA, saj ste mi bili velika opora, tako duhovno, kakor tudi materialno. Domov sem se vrnil s skromnim kovčkom, kot pravi misijonar, toda res vesel, ker sem prepričan, da vsa ta moja leta niso bila prazna. Iz moje župnije je Bog poklical v duhovniško službo 7 fantov, ki še vztrajajo. Od teh so štirje že posvečeni, eden diakon, dva pa bosta čez 3 leta mašnika, če bo božja volja. Ta dva sta pri lazaristih in pet sester usmiljenk sv. Vincencija Pavelskega. Za vse to Bogu hvala, pa tudi Vam, ki ste mi stali v zaledju kot stalna pomoč. Še enkrat hvala in pozdrav. Tone Pačnik« Trenutno je možno doseči g. Pačnika na naslovu: Slomškov trg 19, 62000 Maribor, Slovenija. Misijoni so izgubili gorečega pionirja. Njegova prisotnost v mariborski škofiji pa bo rodila med našimi rojaki lahko mnoge nove ljubitelje misijonov med mladimi in vernimi. Po poročilu ‘Slovenca’ z dne 9. avgusta, so se v nedeljo, 8. avgusta srečali slovenski mi-sijonarji(-ke) v domovini na oddihu v cerkvi sv. Jurija, v Hočah pri Mariboru. Prišlo jih je 13. Brat Ludvik Zabret in s. Marija Sreš sta bila med njimi in govorila navzočim o delu v Indiji. Prvi posebno pri obdelavi zemlje, druga med ženami domačinkami. MZA Cleveland občni zbor 12. julija je odobril nekaj sprememb v odboru odseka, ki so bile enoglasno sprejete: Predsednica Marica Lavriša; podpreds. Jelka Kuhel; tajnica Mari Celestina; blagajnik Štefan Marolt; Nadzornice Ani Nemec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec; odborniki Rudi Knez, Ani Knez, Viktor Tominec, Marija Ribič, Marjanca Mlinar, Frank Kuhel, Maria Prosen; namestnika Josephine Tominc in Vinko Rozman; duhovni vodja Rev. Charles A. Wolbang, C.M. Predsednik Anton Malenšek iz Orange, Conn., je s svojci in bratovo družino iz Toronta obiskal pisca teh člankov v Scarborough 16. avgusta. Bil je v mestu na nečakovi poroki 14. avgusta. Ga. Anica Želko iz Willowdale, Ont., je sestra g. Toneta in vzdržuje v misijonih domačega bogoslovca že več let. Izmenjali smo nekaj misli o prireditvi MZA Bridgeport, Conn., za Telovo in prinesel je ponoven dar obeh sester Agnes in Grace Caspar iz Fairfielda $300 za vse naše misijonarje, Malenškovi so pa dali svoj dar $20. Bog vsem bogato povrne! Neimenovani iz Toronta je daroval $500 kan. za vse misijonarje. Vdove obeh slovenskih župnij v Torontu so poslale dru-goletno vzdrževalnino za njihovega bogoslovca Jožeta 300,000 Dobitnikov Dnevno Sodelujte pri dobitkih All Oh« Lottery players are subject to laws and regulations of the Oho Lottery Commission For more information call our Customer Relations Department (216) 787 3200. during regular business hours Praha v ljubljanskem semenišču v čeku $400 kan. Molijo za kandidata in upajo, da s študijem in formacijo lepo napreduje. Ga. Francka Kramar je pismo podpisala. Ona živi v Oakvillu, Ont. Gdč. Maria Mlinar se je o-glasila z darom petaka in omenja, da je bila v Sloveniji na novi in zlati maši; kako da so postregli po novi maši zunaj cerkve s pecivom in sokom in kako je doživela obisk Kureš-čka, Brezij in Sv. Gore pri Gorici. Gdč. Mlinar vsa leta živi in dela za ameriško družino v Chagrin Falls, O., kjer živi tudi dr. Valentin Meršol z družino, dolgoletni dobrotnik in misijonski sodelavec pri bo-goslovski akciji za vzgojo domačih duhovnikov v misijonih. Naša zvesta sodelavka Frances Ošaben iz Barbertona, O., je oslabela, da je morala v dom za ostarele. Omenja v pismu, da jo je bolnica stala vsak dan $1000, dom za ostarele pa sedaj stotak na dan. Ga. Julia Tomšič, ki je že več let v domu za ostarele v Bronxu, N.Y., omenja, kako se ji v glavi vrti in da težko piše. Obe imenovani sta dolgoletni misijonski dobrotnici po MZA za misijone, bogoslov-sko akcijo in pomoč nadškofiji v Ljubljani. Sestra Mirjam Cvelbar, v imenu vseh sester Skupnosti Loyola piše 7. avgusta obširno pismo, ki je zanimivo za številne naše MZA sodelavce in sodelavke in ga bomo kmalu v glavnem objavili zaradi mnogih podrobnih informacij o delu teh sestra v domovini, študiju zunaj in doma ter duhu njihove komunitete. Gdč. Angela Gospodarič iz San Francisca omenja, da je vročina zelo huda. Verjetno se ji mnogi lahko pridružujemo z izjavo, kako se vsi potimo. Vlaga posebej mnoge poleti muči. Štefan in Jožefa Zorc iz Rye, Colo., pošiljata $200 za najbolj potrebnega misijonarja. Žalostna sta, da je njun slovenski bogoslovec izstopil iz semenišča. Pa smo jima izbrali drugega iz istega letnika in molimo ter upamo, da bo vztrajal. Je pač tako, da poklic prihaja od Boga in če kdo odkrije, da ga nima, je prav in boljše, da izstopi pravočasno in ostane dober katoličan, kjerkoli ga želi Božja Previdnost uporabiti v življenju. MALI OGLASI Prodam vsakovrstno orodje, po najnižji ceni, radi selitve. Joseph Turk, 1002 E. 178 St., Cleveland, OH 44119, tel. 486-8241. House For Sale EUCLID-BEVERLY HILLS area. 3 bdrm, 1 Vi bath, built-in appliances. Park-like yard on Braebum Park Drive. By owner. 486-3432. For Sale Euclid. 3 bdrm home. Basement. Lge lot. Will be sold as is. Call 531-0438. Gotovo sta Zorčeva bila srečna, ko je bil sv. oče Janez Pavel II. v Denverju pred tedni med tolikimi mladimi iz celega sveta. Nekdo je na radiju v Torontu takole poročal, da je nekaj mladih, vprašanih, kaj mislijo o tem srečanju mladih s papežem, dejalo, da niso verjeli, da je še toliko mladih, ki so verni — videli so množico na televiziji. V cerkev ne hodijo, starši so verjetno prav taki, pa ni čudno, da ne vidijo, kar mi vsako nedeljo lahko občudujemo — veliko dobrih med doraščajočimi. En komentator pa je dejal, da je ob opazovanju, kako je papež mladim govoril, bil zares začuden, da je »toliko tisočev mladih — ‘young kids’ — zbrano poslušalo vsako besedo, ki jim jo je izrekel v govoru ‘senior citizen’. Mislil je papeža, ki je 73 let star ali mlad, kakor kdo želi videti. Milijoni po vsem svetu ga občudujemo. Vdova Francka Kavčič iz Mississauge, Ont., je poslala $100 kan. kot dar novomašni-ku v Afriki, ki sta ga z rajnim možem Johnom vzdrževala. Bila je tudi v Sloveniji. Trenutni naslov g. Rudija Urbiča v domovini je: Ob Ljubljanici 90, 61000 Ljubljana. Salezijanec g. Danilo Lisjak, ki je nekaj let deloval v Zambiji in sedaj poučuje kate-hetiko v ljubljanskem bogoslovju, je prišel na obisk k sorodniku g. Štefanu Novaku in smo se 13. avgusta kratko pri Novakovih srečali in malo pogovorili. Vsem sodelavcem in sodelavkam želimo mnogo misijonske ljubezni, ko se po počitnicah vračamo po ‘Labor Day’ v normalno življenje, ki bo spet resno in zahtevno. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 7) voda na E. 152 St. v cerkev sv. Viljema in od tam na Vernih duš pokopališče. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojni- FRANCE DEJAK (nadaljevanje s sir. 13) koncu pobijanja nekoga spustili v jamo, ki nas bo pobil. Splezal sem na skalno polico, kjer sem si slekel obe straj-ci in se vsedel nanji. Ker je bila stena zaradi miniranja prašna, črna ter mokra, sem se s posnetim s stene pomazal po telesu, da bi me, če bi se kdo spustil v jamo, težje opazil. Od tam sem pobijanje gledal cel dan. Največ jih je bilo zadetih v prsi. Ko so padli noter, so se skoraj še vsi dvignili. Iz nekaterih je kri kar brizgala in po nekaj minutah so zlezli skupaj. (Se nadaljuje) kov spomin American Heart Association. Amelia Pegritz Dne 30. avgusta na sinovem domu v Huntsburgu, O., umrla 70 let stara Amelia »Marge« Pegritz, rojena v Euclidu, mnoga leta pa je živela v naselbini St. Clair, mata Marka, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Josepha Derin, Johna Derin, Edwarda Derin, Jacka Pegritz, Katherine Gruden ter že pok. Georgea Derin in Ann Kosmerl, zaposlena kot pisarniška uslužbenka pri White Motor Co. 30 let, do svoje upokojitve 1-1975. Pogreb bo danes dop. ob 9.30 v Želetovem zavodu na E. 152 St. Pogrebne obrede bo opravil č.g. Jože Božnar. KOLEDAR SEPTEMBER 5. — Zaključek jubilejnega leta pri Sv. Vidu, s sv. mašo ob 12. uri. Glavni maševalec bo nadškof Anthony Pilla. P° maši banket v SND na St. Clair Ave. 11. — Slovenska pristava pri' redi večerjo s stejkom. 19. — Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu priredi kosilo. 19. — Vinska trgatev na Slovenski pristavi. 19. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee priredi Vinsko trgatev, v Triglaskem parku. 26. — DSPB Cleveland prireja vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O-Sv. maša ob 12. uri. OKTOBER 2. — Fantje na vasi prir®' de koncert v SND na St. Clah' ju. Gostuje tudi zbor Zvon iz Fairfielda, Conn. 3. — Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti priredi kosilo v šolski dvorani. 3. — »Prijatelji SND na St- Clairju« imajo »brunch«, v dvorani SND. 10. — Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave priredi »koline« na SP. 23. — Štajerski klub prir®' di martinovanje v SND na SL Clairju. Igra Pecon orkester- 24. — Občni zbor Slovenske pristave. NOVEMBER 13. Belokranjski klub Prl' redi martinovanje v SND St. Clairju. Igra Stan Meja® orkester. 13. — Pevski zbor Jadran Pfi' redi jesenski koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. DECEMBER 5. — SKD Triglav, Mil^a11' kee priredi miklavževanje. spodnji dvorani pri Sv. Janezl1 Evangelistu. Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 K T E D 2( \ A, li M Ei h ! / S I k h J P Roster of Organizations Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN HOMES President: Helen Konkoy; First Vice Pres.: osemary Toth; Second Vice Pres.: Patricia Pavec Clark; Financial Secretary: John ackson; Recording Secretary: Helen Urbas; ^responding Secretary: Celeste Frollo; Ex-ecmwe Secretary: Joseph Petrie, Jr.; Co-"■storian: John Habat; Auditors: William War-mulh, Charles Femec, Jeanne Fabian; Legan Ad-v's°r: Charles Ipavec. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Avenue pre^vvarc* F. Kenik, pres.; Robert Hopkins, vice pes-- John N. Perencevic, secy.-treas.; June Soi*’ reeorc*‘n8 secy. Auditors: Ann Opeka, ^ Pnia Opeka, John Vatovec, Antonia Zagar, I ennis Sušnik; Legal Advisor: Charles F. ^avec; House Committee: Mary Batis, John Lend°l, Stanley Frank, Ron Genovese, John p!°nard’ John Trinko; Ways and Means: MaT* *pavec Clarke, Townsend Clarke, arilyn Genovese, Jean Križman, Sylvia ^Vniesser. P in^ce hours: Tuesday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 ^• Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed Sunday "a Monday. Phone: 361-5115 COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME — 1993 Board of Directors — Ihe *lres‘dent: dol,n Jackson; Vice Pres.: Mat-Jen* Ka^feZ’ Treas': Frances Kajfez; Rec. Sec.: ^.n'e Tuma; Fin. Sec.: Frank Ferra; Auditors: ski'u P°d*0gar’ C^uc^ Femec, Casimer Kozin-y ’ tl0use Comm.: Carl Schultz; Directors: Phil Joy r'' T°m McNulty, Michaelene McNulty, Alt ItyCe Segulin, Mary Blatnik, Tom Urankar.’ erPates: Ed Fujda, Josephine Wutchiett SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME >5335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio l>|e President: Paul Šibenik; Vice Pres.: Joyce BrjT ’ Rec- Sec-; John v'dc; F*n. Sec.: Millie Ken ac; Treasurer: Joe Sterle; Audit Chairman: N0Us eint,enz, Dorothy Silc, Martha Meglich; Silc !, Comm. Chairman: Al Meglich, Tony prant ^ny Sturm- Stanley Grk, Celeste Frollo, k Smerke tt,°8frice Hours: Monday, Tues., Wed.: 6 p.m. Brari P ni' or by appointment, phone Millie aac 481-5378 or 481-0047. Slovenian society home Presi 07,3 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio ^<>Selvjarent' 3osePb Petrie; Vice President: V,ur;y Toth; Secretary: Joseph Stavanja; ^s*her pr Frank; Recording Secretary: 't'an’ Robdb°y: Auditors: Kafen Alich, Chair-^ttee: Rert Ci8°y- Anna Adams; House Com-p °bert Cigoy, Chairman, Dorothy u V Urbanick, Stepnanie Segulin. i 0r°thy nl| Rose Mary Toth; Vice President; /*'1265. R'amm; Treasurer: Karen Alich a bors’ Necording Secretary: Dorothy Kapel; Ai, °rma Hrvatin, Esther Podboy, Anna ,nd Mar,vCr"a>«: Mary Ster, Christine Kovach laison: pr Koren; Slovenian Society Home JOVENUN SOCIETY HOME Presjri D,Es AUXILIARY OFFICERS : Preside: Joe Petrie. • adies auxiliary of 1Vre^en, nJ'FARM’ Heath Rd- Rotar \f i i'o Dvori, Rotar, Vice President: S. K">ncia| --------n8 Secretary: R. M. Toth; ^nbida ^etary: v- Zak; auditors: E. Zevnik, ’'CnJ. Rec°rdi mrada. 63°4 s,. ®ARAGOV DOM, INC. Vi Sednik-,airc,Ave' ~ Cleveland, OH 44103 a/1'0 RozmanStTnk0 VidmarJ Podpredsednik: Vt0n Oblak-’ T/jnik: L°jze Bajc; 'bagajnik: Pra alni Kluh-’ , Gosp°dar'- Vinko Rozman; bo!”06 Sega T Žakelj: Nadz°rni dobor: C Cl M 1 Slak’ Vik,or Tominec. Od-hn' Janez Ko?ir eflC’ JoŽe Doviak- Anica Kur-Semen ' J°Že Cerar' Pavel Lavriša in Msf'^ine,^*0^za razne Prireditve: partije, na in knji»n anke' V domu je Slovenska J mca. Tel.: 881-9617. UPRAVNI ODBOR SLOVENSKE PRISTAVE 1992-1993 Predsednik: Milan Ribič; Prvi podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; Drugi podpredsednik: Tone Vogel; Tajnica: Mojca Slak 881-1725; Blagajničarka: Marija Leben; Zapisni karca: Dorothy Tominc; Odborniki in odbornice: Felix Breznikar, Jože Cerer, Eddy Dejak, Frank Ferkulj, Albert Frank, Larry Frank, Karl Gorišek; Jože Grčar, Matija Hutar, Frank Kogovšek, Jože Košir, Greg Lamovec, Tone Lavrisha, Tom Lobe, Joakin Mejak, Stane Mrva, Brane Pogačnik, Tine Ribič, Mate Roesmann, Stanley Rožic, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Vidko Sleme, Janez Semen, Helena Vodopivec, Joe Žnidaršič, Marko Žnidaršič, Tomaž Žnidaršič. Nadslov: P.O. Box 32217, Euclid, OH 44132-0217. Klubi upokojencev Retiree’s Clubs FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN AMERICAN RETIREES CLUBS President: John Taucher; Vice Pres.: Frank Cesen; Secretary: Mae Fabec; Treasurer: Gus Petelinkar; Rec. Sec.: John Phrne; Auditors: Frank Fabec, John Jackson, Harry Brule. ST. CLAIR AVENUE PENSIONERS CLUB 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 President: Rose Godic; 1st Vice Pres.: Irene Toth; 2nd Vice Pres.: Angela Bolha; Rec. Sec’y.: Frances Nemanich; Fin. Secy.: Stanley Frank, 5919 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel.: 391-9761; Auditors: Frances Kotnik, Mary Turk, Anthony Brodnik; Planning Ch.: Edward Kar-nak; Tour Coordinator: Frances Karnak. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Annex of the St. Clair Slovenian National H6me. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS CLUB OF EUCLID, OHIO President: Frank Kosten; 1st Vice-Pres.: Rudolph Urbanick; Treasurer: Ann Kosten; Recording Sec.: Hildagarde Kazen; Financial Secretary: Eleanor Pavey, 1125 E. 174 St. Cleveland, OH 44119-3107 (PH: 531-4445) Auditors: Josephine Trunk, Chairperson Pauline Burya, Marie Seland; Sunshine Lady Marie Selan (732-9172); Sergeant-at-Arms Albert Sintič. Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of every month beginning at 1 p.m., at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Nick Vukčevič; vice pres.: Rose Bradack; treasurer: Francis O’Hara; rec. secy.: Dolly Nemura; sgt.-at-arms: Ann Cecelic; entertainment: Stan Kozar, Ray Gobec, John Bozich; auditors: Faye Starman, Fran Marn, Millie Richards; sunshine: Elsie O’Hara. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS CLUB Hon. Pres.: Gus Petelinkar; Pres.: John Habat; V. Pres.: Matthew Zabukovec; Rec. Sec.: Jennie Tuma; Com. Sec.: Ann Bechert; Fin. Sec.: Louise Fujda; Sgt.-at-Arms: Frances Kajfez; Reporter: Ann Stefančič; Sunshine: Ann Eichler 731-9433; Auditors; Caroline Stefančič, Helen Pavšek, Edward Fujda; Fed. Repr.: Gus, Mary Petelinkar, Frank, Mary Fabec, John Jackson. — Meetings held every second Wednesday of the month at 12:30 p.m. at Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 President: John Prhne, Vice. Pres.: Don Gorjup; Sec. Treas.: Ralph Urbancek; Rec. Sec.: Helen Vukčevič; Auditors: Tillie Vranekovic, Dorothy Silc, Justine Prhne. Fed. Reps: John Prhne, Don Gorjup, Ralph Urbancek, Justine Prhne, Jean Urbancek, Dot Gorjup (alternate); S.H.A.: Dorothy Silc, Tony Silc; Waterloo Hall Reps.: Jean Scolaris, Fred Scolaris; Cook: Mary Frank; Publicity: Helen Vukčevič; Trip coordinators: Adolph Somrack, Dot Gorjup; 50th Wedding Ann.: Mitzi Yeray; Sunshine ch. person: Dorothy Silc; Ref. tks. at meet.: Jo Tomsic; Name Tags: Alice Bozic; Split Raffle: Rose Silva, Tillie Vranekovic, Ann Otoničar (alternate); Justice of Peace: Louis Prebevsek; Sgt.-at-Arms: Adolph Somrack; Attendance: Dorothy Silc, Helen Joca (alternate); Speakers: Justine Prhne; Sandwich tickets: Jo Minello, Elsie O’Hara; Bartenders: Al Martinich, Frank Sadar Board meetings held the first Tuesday of each month. Regular meetings held the second Tuesday of each month at the Waterloo hall at 1 p.m. AMERICAN SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB Barberton, Ohio President: Joseph Yankovich; Vice President Tilden Steiner; Sec’y.-Treas: Jennie B. Nagel 245 - 24th St., N.W., Barberton, OH 44203 Recording Secretary: Martin Kumse; auditors Mary Kovačič, Mollie Zdravje and Mary Paje; Fed. Reps: Theresa Cekada, Mary Kovacic, Jennie Nagel, Joseph Yankovich, Jeanette Yankovich; alt.: Josephine Plainer. Meetings every first Thursday of the month at 12 noon in the Sacred Heart Hall, 1263 Shannon Ave., Barberton, OH 44203. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOVENSKE PRISTAVE Slovenska Pristava Retirees Club Predsednik: August Dragar; 1. podpredsednik: Anton Vogel; 2. podpredsednik: Pepca Kastigar; Tajnik: Frank Zalar, tel. 486-3570; Blagajničcar: Jože Koren; Zapisnikarca: Marica Lavrisha Odborniki: Stane Vidmar, Lojze Hribar, Angelca Hribar, Jože Sojer, Julka Mejač; Francka Kristanc, Mary Vrhovnik, Tončka Urankar, Tone Oblak, Marija Koren, Štefan Režonja. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HEIGHTS PENSIONERS CLUB President: John Taucher; Vice Pres.: Mimi Stibil; Secy .-Treas.: Josephne Rezin; Rec. Secy.: Clara Hrovat; Auditors: Louis Champa, Frank Urbančič, Tony Kaplan. Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. alternating at the SNH E. 80th St., and the SNH in Maple Hts. SLOVENSKA PESEM 1400 Main St., Lemont, IL 60439(708) 257-2494 President: Philip Arko; Vice President: Lillian Cepon; Corr. Secy.: Nandi Puc; Rec. Secy.: Mojca Magajne; Treasurer: Michael Vidmar; Director Rev. Dr. Vendelin Spendov. Rehearsals: Every Sunday, 5:30 p.m. in Lemont, IL. GLASBINA MATICA President: Bob Hopkins; First Vice Pres.: Vicki Tabernik; Second Vice Pres.: Bob Kastelic; Treasurer: John Vatovec, Tele: 5244053, 5403 Hillside Rd., Independence, OH 44131; Auditors: Joe Penko, Matt Dolenc; Publicity: Betty Resnik, Bob Kastelic, Lori Sierputowski; Librarian: Sylvia Plymesser; Music Director: Marja Ashamalla; Pianist: Reginald Resnik — Fall Concert: October 24, 1993 — PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN Predsednica: ga. Cirila Kermavner; podpredsednika: g. Frank Lovšin in gdč. Mary Ann Vogel; tajnica: ga. Paula Hauptman (25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143); blag.: gdč. Marjanca Tominc; nadzorniki: gdc. Nada Gregorc, g. Janez Nemec, g. Miro Odar; Odborniki: g. Ivan Haputman, gdč Mimi Kozina, g. Pavle Lavriša, gdč. Mari Nemec, ga. Maruša Pogačnik, g. Tomaž Sedmak, g. Silvo Staniša, ga. Milena Stropnik, ga. Zdenka Zakrajšek; pevovodja g. Rudi Knez. JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY President: Betty Rotar; vice-president: Don Gorjup; recording & corres. sec.: Dolores Dobida; treasurer: Frank Bittenc; auditors: Clarence Rupar, Dorothy Gorjup and Valerie Traska; librarians: Dolores Dobida, Mary Frank and Josie Kapla; musical director: Reginald Resnik; accompanist: Alice Cech. Rehearsals every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the SWH on Waterloo Rd., room 3. 1993 Concert Dates: April 17th and November 13th. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Edwin M. Polšak; 1st Vice Pres.: Vicky Kozel; 2nd Vice Pres.: Jennie Fatur; Rec. Sec’y.: Jennie Mramor; Corr. Sec’y.: Sophie Elersich, 1755 Spino Dr., Euclid, OH 44114 (531-8402); Sec’y. Treas.: Barbara Elersich, 988 Chelston, S. Euclid, OH 44121 (382-2258); Director: Douglas Elersich; Asst. Directors: Edwin Polšak, Dick Tomsic, Jo Turkman; Auditors: Rudy Kozan, Irene Kelley, Vern Perme; Stage Managers: Ed Ozanich, Don Mulec, Jim Kozel; Planning Committee: Orelya Meden, Irene Kelley, Frank and Ann Kokal, Bea Pestotnik, Mimi Stibil, Jim Kozel, Emma Delach, Andy Elersich. Rehearsals every Wednesday 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. OFFICERS OF YOUTH CIRCLE 2 SNPJ Jennifer Skrajner, President Jennifer Trebeč, Vice President Ann Dolgan, Recording Secretary Patrick Kelly, Attendance Secretary Brian Blanchard — Treasurer Bob Dolgan — Historian Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, O. Chorus Director: Cecilia Dolgan, 2892 Istra Ln., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092. MISIJONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCIJA Cleveland, Ohio Duhovni vodja: Rev. Charles A. Wolbang C.M., predsednica: Marica Lavrisha; podpredsednica Jelka Kuhelj; tajnica in zapisnikarica: Mary Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel. 381-5298; blagajnik: Štefan Marolt, 5704 Prosser Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 431-5699; nadzorniki: Ani Nemec, ing. Joseph Zelle, Vida Švajger; odborniki: Rudi Knez, Anica Knez, Agnes Leskovec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec, Marica Miklavčič, Viktor Tominec in Nežka Tominec. Namestnika: Vinko Rozman in France Kuhelj. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO SV. VIDA Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; častna preds. Mary Marinko; preds. Amalija Košnik; podpreds. Lillian Zeiesnik; taj.-blag.: Kristina Rihtar, 990 E. 63 St., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel.: 391-6545; zapisnikarica Gabriela Kuhel; reditel-jica Ivanka Pretnar; nadzornici: Frances Kotnik, Ann Brinovec. Vsak četrtek ob 6.00 zv. ima društvo uro molitve, vsako prvo nedeljo skupno sv. obhajilo pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj, ob 1.30 pop. pa sejo v društveni sobi farne dvorane pri Sv. Vidu. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO FARE MARIJE VNEBOVZETE Duhovni vodja Rev. John M. Kumse; preds. Pavla Adamič; podpreds. Marija Ribič; blagajničarka: Cilka Tominc, 25920 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, telefon 531-8855; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zapisnikarica Ivana Kete; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Amelia Gad; zastavonošinja Josephine Zežun. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo medeljo v mesecu pri sv. maši ob 10. dop. Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa seja v cerkveni dvorani. ST. MARY’S P.T.U. Holmes Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John M. Kumse; Spiritual Chairperson: Sr. Nina Vitale O.S.U.; Honorary President: Marcia M. Mlachak; President: Connie Novak; Vice-President: Char-maine Fitzpatrick; Recording Secretary: JoAnn Sams; Correspon-dance Sec.: Lisa Johnson; Treasurer: Rose Sokolowski. HOLY NAME SOCIETY of ST. MARY’S PARISH Spiritual Director:. Rev. John Kumse; President: Anthony Miklich; Vice Presidents: Victor Nemec and Rudy Knez; Secretary: Frank Putrich; Treasurer: Henry Skarbez; Right to Life: Lou Koenig; Sick and Vigil; Frank Sluga; Corresponding Seaetary: Lou Jesek; Marshall Bill Kozak; Social Apostolate: Ed Kocin; Retreat Chairman: Joe Sajovic. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director Rev. Joseph Boznar; Chief Ranger Rudolph A. Massera; Vice Chief Ranger Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Past Chief Ranger John J. Hočevar; Fin. Secy.: Anthony J. Urbas, 1226 Norwood Rd., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 881-1031; Treas.: John J. Hočevar; Trustees: Albert Marolt, Dr. Anthony F. Spech, Joseph C. Saver; Youth Director: Angelo M. Vogrig; Field Rep.: Frank J. Prijatelj, tel. 845-4440. Meetings held the 3rd Thursday of the month. Social Room, St. Vitus Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS ST. MARY’S COURT 1640 Fr. John Kumse - Spiritual Director; Kathleen Spilar - Chief Ranger; Jennie Jesek - Secretary; John Spilar - Financial Secretary; Mary L. Jesek - Vice Chief Ranger; Alan Spilar - Past Chief Ranger; Vicki Skarbez - Treasurer; Harold White - Sentinel. Auditors are Gerry White, Alan Spilar and Hank Skarbez. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 IŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 Roster of Organizations ------------ Imenik slovenskih društev Ameriška Slovenska Katoliška Jednota American Slovenian Catholic Union Društvo SV. VIDA št. 25 Duhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph Božnar; preds. Joseph Baškovič; podpreds. Joseph Hočevar; taj. Albin Orehek, 18144 Lake Shore Blvd., tel. CC 481-1481; blag. John Turek; Nadzorniki: Mary «5 Hodnik, James Debevec, Stan Martinčič; vratar < Frank Zi ancic; vodja atletike in mladinskih aktivnost oseph Hočevar. Za pregledovanje novega čla stva vsi slovenski zdravniki. Druši zboruje vsako drugo nedeljo ob 10.15 dof od cerkvijo sv. Vida. V slučaju bolezni m bolnik javi tajniku, da dobi zdravniški list i arto. DRUŠTVO SV. LOVRENCE ŠT. 63 KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Anthony Rebol; preds: Joseph L. Fortuna; podpreds: Isabelle Godec; taj. RaiphGodec, 847 E. Hillsdale, tel. 524- 201; zapis. Mary Ann Sray; blag.: James T. Weir; nadzorniki: Anthony B. Lausche, Olga Sray, Virginia Fortuna; zastopnika za SND na E. 80 St. Joseph Fortuna in Ralph Godec; zastopnika za atletiko in “booster club” Joseph Fortuna in Ralph Godec. Doctor of your choice. Seje so 25. v mesecu v SND na E. 80 St. ob 7.30zv. Novi člani sprejeti od rojstva do 70 leta starosti. Bolniški asesment je 65 centov na mesec in plačuje $7 bolniške podpore na teden, če je član bolan 5 dni ali več. Lodge ST. ANNE No. 150 Spiritual Director Rev. Anthony Rebol; President Angela Winter; Vice Pres. Helen Krofi; Secretary Josephine Winter, 3555 E. 80th St.; Treas. Laura Berdyck; Auditors: Anna Winter, Theresa Zupančič, Helen Krofi; Rec. Secy. Angela Winter; Rep. for Slov. Nat’l. Home, E. 80 St. Laura Berdyck; Rep. for Slov. Natl. Home, Maple Hts. Helen Krofi; Reps, for Federation: Angela Winter, Josephine Winter. Physicians: all Slovenian & Family. Honorary Member: Anna Kuhel. Meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in school hall of St. Lawrence School on E. 80th St. ST. MARY MAGDALENE SOCIETY No. 162 KSKJ Duhovni Vodja: Rev. Joseph Boznar; Preds.: Frances Nemanich; Podpreds in Zapisnikarca: Betty Orehek; Tajnica: Maryann Mott, 760 E. 212 St., Euclid, OH; Blag, in Redeteljica: Rosalia Palčič; Nadzornice: Frances Macerol. Marv Palcic in Josephine Gorencic Zastopnice za Ohio KSKJ Fed.: Betty Orehek, Frances Namanich. Zdravniki vsi slovenski. Seje se vrše vsako prvo sredo v mesecu ob 1:30 pop v družabno sobi sv. Vida avditoriji. Društvo SV. JOŽEFA št. 169 Duhovni vodja Rev. John Kumse; preds. Eugene Kogovšek; podpreds. Anthony Tolar; fin. taj. Anton Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110, tel. 541-7243; pomožna taj. Anica Nemec; bol. taj. Helena Nemec, tel. 541-7243; blag. Jennie Tuma; zapis. Mary Okicki; nadzorniki: Frank Žnidar, John Obat, Charles Eržen; direktor za atletiko John Obat, tel. 481-6129; dir. za ženske aktivnosti Jennie Tuma; vratar John Jackson; zdravniki: dr. Maks Rak in vsi družinski zdravniki; por. v angleščini Helena Nemec; por. v slovenščinLTone Nemec. Seje se vrše vsak tretji četrtek v mesecu ob 7.30 zv. v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Društvo sprejema člane od rojstva do 70 let za zavarovalnino od $2,000 naprej. SACRED HEART OF JESUS LODGE No. 172 KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph Božnar; Častna predsed.: Ludmila Glavan; Predsednica: Angela Bolha; Podpred.: Frank Kuhel; Tajnica-blag.: Draga Gostič, 19831 Lockerie Ave., Euclid, OH 44119, tel. 531-5678; Zapisnikarica: Gabriela Kuhel; Revizorji: Joseph Each, Aurelia Zadnikar. Seja se vrše vsako tretjo sredo v mesecu v Baragovem Dom, 6304 St. Clair. Od aprila do oktobra ob 6. uri in od novembra do march ob 5 uri zvečer. Pobiranje asesmenta pred sejo in po seji. CHRIST THE KING SOCIETY NO. 226 — KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Jože Božnar; Presednik: Joseph F. Rigler, tel. 5854749; Podpredsednik: Raymond Zak; Tajnik & blagajnik: Frank Šega, 2918 Emerald Lake Blvd., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092-2718, tel (216) 944-0020: Zapisnikar: Eva M. Verderber; Nadzorni odbor: Anthony L. Rigler, John Zupančič in Robert McDonaugh; Director mladinskih aktivnosti: Judy A. Ryan; S'Portni referent: Ronald Zak; Vratar: Antonia Šega; Zastopnik z SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Seje društva se vršijo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 12 uri v SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi mnogovrstno in moderno živl-jensko zavarovanje za vsote od 2,000 do neomejene vsote in to pod najbolj ugodnimi pogoji za podrobnosti se z zaupanjemobrnite na tajnika društva. OUR LADY OF FATIMA LODGE No. 255 — KSKJ Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; President: Edward J. Furlich; Vice Pres.: Robert Schulz; Sec.-Treas.: Josephine Trunk, 17609 Schenely Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119-1939, Ph: 481-5004: Rec. Sec.: Connie Schulz; Auditors: Darlene D. Schulz and David Furlich; Womens and Youth Activities: Maureen Furlich; Sports Activities: Larry Duggan. Meetings the second Wednesday of the month at Secretary’s Home, 6:30 p.m. Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza American Mutal Life Association ST. ANNE LODGE No. 4 AMLA President: Josephine Novak; Vice President: Madeline D. Debevec; Secretary: Marie Orazem, 20673 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123, 486-2735; Treasurer: Josephine Am-brosic; Rec. Secy.: Janet Krivacic; Auditors: Frances Kotnik, Frances Macerol, Josephine Mohorčič; Youth Coordinator: Madeline D. Debevec; Reporter: Madeline D. Debevec. Meetings are evrey second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the social room at St. Vitus, E. 62nd and Glass Ave. Društvo NAPREDNI SLOVENCI št. 5 President Frank Stefe; Vice-President Edward Pečjak; Secretary Frances Stefe, 1482 Dille Rd., Euclid, OH 44117; Treasurer Frances Stefe; Recording Secretary Harold Telich; Auditors: Mark Telich, Dr. Joseph Chrzanowski, Edward Pečjak; Fraternal Affairs Officer Mark Steven Telich. Meetings the 3rd Sunday of month at 1482 Dille Rd., Euclid, OH at 10 a.m. Lodge SLOVENSKI DOM št. 6 President Joseph G. Petrie, Vice President Marie Hosta, Secretary Albin Banko, 6805 Mayfield Rd. No. 726, Mayfield Hts., OH 44124, Treasurer Virginia Kotnik, Recording Secretary Anne Cecelic, Auditors: Jean Fabian, Caroline Lokar, Louise Fabec, Youth Coordinator: Jean Fabian, Medical Examiner Dr. Anthony Spech. Meetings: First Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Društvo NOVI DOM št. 7 Predsednik Anton Švigelj; podpreds. Anton Škerl; taj.-blag. Franc Kovačič, 1072 E. 74 St., Cleveland, OH 44103, tel. 431-7472; zapis. Jennie Antloga; nadzorniki: Jože Gabrič, Marija Gabrič, Ana Mihelich. Zdravnik: vsak po zakomu priznani zdravnik v Ohiu. Seje: prva nedelja v mesecu, ob 10. dop., na domu tajnika. KRAS NO. 8 President: Vida Zak; vice-president: Celeste Frollo; secretary: Anton Lavrisha; treasurer: Ivanka Kapel; recording secretary: Sophie Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. Lodge CLEVELAND No. 9 Pres.: Albert Amigoni; Vice Pres.: Stanley G. Ziherl; Secretary: Patricia Amigoni, 21051 Arbor Ave., Euclid, OH 44123, tel: 531-8468; Treasurer: Robert Menart; Rec. Secy.: James Pavlik; Auditors: Frank Ahlin, Mary Champa, Andrew Champa; Fraternal Affairs Coordinator: Albert Amigoni; Physicians: Any Slovenian. Meetings 1st Sunday of the month at AMLA Home Office, 19424 S. Waterloo Rd., at 10 a.m. Lodge RIBNICA No. 12 1 President Louis Silc, Vice-President John Cen-dol; Secretary Carole Czeck, 988 Talmadge Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092; Treasurer Carole Czeck; Recording /-Secretary Gina llacqua; Auditing Committee: Gina llacqua, John Cen-dol, Louis Silc. Meetings at the home of the President, 30417 Oakdale Road, 2 p.m., on April 18, July 18, Oct. 17, and Dec. 19, 1993. Društvo KRALJICA MIRU št. 24 Preds. Anna Perko; podpreds. Frances Cazin; taj. Alice Arko, 3562 E. 80 St., Cleveland, OH 44105, tel. 341-7540; blag. Rosemary Pozarelli; zapis. Angela Musil; nadzornice: Dolores Hrovat, Angela Musil, Harriet Fashinpaur; mlad. koordinatorka Alice Arko. Seje so vsako drugo sredo v mesecu ob 2. pop. v SND na E. 80 St. Društvo SV. CECILIJA št. 37 Preds. Anna Šilc; podpreds. Frances Stepic; taj.-blag. Florence Zak, 24085 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117 Phone: 481 -6681; zapis. Marie Bond; nadzornici: Anna Ribic, Bertha Vidmar. Zdravniki: vsi slovenski. Seje so vsak prvi torek v mesecih feb., apr., jun., sept. in nov., ob 1.30 pop. v šoli sv. Vida. Slovenska Ženska Zveza Slovenian Women’s Union SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH 10 Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse, President: Stephanie Segulin, Vice Pres.: Mary Podlogar, Sec. & Treas.: Theresa Dagg, 1910 Rosement Rd., E. Cleveland, OH 44112 Phone No. 681-5379; Recording Secretary: Ann Stefančič, Sunshine Ladies: Joyce LeNassi, Faye Maro, Auditors: Helen Suhy, Mary Princ; Reporters: Ann Stefančič, Theresa Fiercolli; Sgt.-at-Arms: Lucy Romik. Meetings: 4th Wednesday of every other month at 1 p.m., Slovenian Home, Holmes Ave. Woman of the Year for 1993: Mary Princ. PODRUŽNICA ŠT. 14 Duhovni vodja Rev. Francis Sterk; preds.: Martha Koren; podpreds.: Vera Bajec; taj-blag. Diane Varney, 1155 Easton Dr., Akron, OH 44310; zapis: Addie Humphreys; nadzornice: Marilyn Fitzhum, Antoinette Zabukovec, Mary Jane Stanič; poročevalka: Ileen Collins, Rose Rodgers; zastopnici za Klub društev: Martha Koren, Mary Jane Stanič, Ruth Kurilec. Seje vsak prvi torek v mesecu ob 7. zv. v SDD na Recher Ave. v Euclidu. PODRUŽNICA ST. 25 SŽZ SWU Duhovni vodja Rev. Jože Božnar; preds. Josephine Mohorčič; podpreds. Mary (Mitzi) Mihalič; taj-blag. Cirila Kermavner, 6610 Bliss Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 tel. 881-4798; zapis. Janet Krivačič; nadzornici: Mary Turk, Frances Kotnik. Seje se vrše vsak drugi torek v mesecu, ot 1:30 pop. v društveni sobi avditorija pri sv. Vidu. Asesment se pobira pol ure pred sejo. Sej ni v mesecu Januarju, juliju in avgustu. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH 32, Euclid, Ohio President: Ann Cooke; Vice-Pres.: Faye Starman; Secretary-Treas.: Charlotte Perdan, phone: 289-6316; Recording Sec.: Frances Ogourec; Auditors: Josephine Gornik, Veronica Dalton. — Meetings held every third Wednesday during the month of February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio at 7 p.m. DRUŠTVO SV. CECILIJA ŠT. 37 Preds.: Anna Šilc; podpreds. Bernadine Sajovic; taj-blag.: Florence Zak, 24085 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117, phone: 481-6681; zapis.: Marie Bond; nadzornici: Anna Ribic, Bertha Vidmar. Zdravniki: vsi slovenski. Seje so vsak prvi torek v mesecih feb., apr., jun., sept. in nov., ob 1.30 pop. v šoli sv. Vida. S.W.U. BRANCH 47 Garfield Heights, Ohio Duhovni vodja: Rev. Anthony Rebot Pred.: Olga Dorchak; Podpreds: Mary Mund-son: Taj.-Blag.: Mary Taucher; Zapis.: Elsit Spellacy. Nadzornici: Elsie Lavrenčič eno Mat8e Bizjak. Seje so na drugi nedelji v mescih Marca'11 Septembra ob 1. pop. V mesecih Maja in Decembra pa na prvi nedelji ob 1. pop v Slov. dom« 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Hts., Ohio. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 50 President: Anne Terček; Vice Pres.: Mary Miller; Membership Sec.: Evelyn Pipoly; R611' Secy.: Mary Maxim; Treasurer: Jean Miller; Zarja Reporter: Vera Šebenik; Auditors: Viol«1 Moravchak, Anna Lukek; Sentinal and Historian: Josephine Smith; Woman of d1« Year: Mary (Mitzi) Bencin. Progressive Slovene Wome11 of America PSWA NATIONAL BOARD Headquarters: 15335 Waterloo Cleve, OH ‘M"11 President: Florence Unetich, First Vice Pres' Joyce Plemel; Second Vice Pres.: Millie Bradači Secretary-Treasurer: Vida Zak; Recording Secretary: Frances Mauric. Auditors: Julian^ Kobal, Fran Marn, Joanna M. Jadrich; Educ«' tion/Welfare: Caroline Lokar, Helen Joca' Dolores Dobida; Historian: Joanna M. Jadricb National Board meetings are held the second Monday of January, March, April, dul)'' September and November at Slovenia11 Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo M" Cleveland, OH 44110 at 7:30 p.m. CIRCLE 1 President: Betty Rotar; vice president Josephine Kapla; recording secretary: DoIore* Dobida; secretary-treasurer: Vida Zak; auditorS’ J. Skolaris, D. Sile, J. Tomsic; education welfnr£ j committee: D. Gorjup, A. Žabjek, E. Godec-Historian: R. Haic. Meetings 1st Thursday of the month at Sl°vC' nian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd" Cleveland, Ohio 44110. CIRCLE 2 President: Josephine Turkman; Hon. v,ce pres.: Frances Legat, Anna Filipič; 1st vicePreS ' Agnes Turkovič; secretary-treasurer: Mar8arf, Kaus, 34200Ridge Rd. No. 505, Willoughby.0. 44094; recording secy: Florence Zalokar; publ'Cl ty: Florence Zalokar; auditors: Jean Chohancf’ Mary Turk; sunshine lady: Christine Ujcich-Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 1 p.m. SNDanne*' New members are welcome. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA CIRCLE THREE President: Dorothy Lamm; Vice-Pres.: ^ Sodja; Fin. Secy.: Miss Fran Marn, 1541 £• St. No. K-I04, Euclid, OH 44117, tel: 486-26' Rec. Secy.: Diane Varney; Sgt.-at-Af11 Caroline Lokar; Auditors: Loretta Hlabse^*1 Millie Pike, Marilyn Bilicic; Reporter: Re«' Burja; Sunshine: Dorothy Elersich; Bingo: Ste Kostick; Cookbooks: Mickey Frank, 11 481-8693. ? Meetings: Second Wed. of each month, p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, ReC Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOME1'1 OF AMERICA, CIRCLE 7 President: Jolie Zorc; Vice Pres-1 b ■ Zele; 2nd Vice Pres.: Irene Strancar; ReC’ aI)t; Pauline Krall; Treasurer: Frances ^ehe\, Auditors: Angie Baranowski, Mary Esther Larabee; Sunshine Lady: Ratps(|id Dohnal; Reporters: Hildagarde Kazen, Larabee, Lillian Ribarich; Bingo Chairper Pauline Krall.