REVISION AND RESURRECTION OF THE GENUS NAME MEZAMMIRA FIEBER, 1876 (HEMIPTERA: CICADIDAE) WITH SPECIAL FOCUS ON ITS SPECIES FROM GREECE AND THE DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW SPECIES Matija GOGALA1, Stéphane PUISSANT2,3, Tomi TRILAR4 1) Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts, Novi trg 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: 2) Muséum – Jardin des Sciences, Mairie de Dijon, Dijon, France 3) Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, Paris, France e-mail: 4) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: Abstract - Cicada species of the genus Mezammira Fieber, 1876, previously known as species of the genus Cicadivetta Boulard, 1982, Cicadetta Kolenati, 1857, Melamp- salta Kolenati, 1857, Tettigetta Kolenati, 1857 or also Pauropsalta Goding & Froggatt, 1904, were investigated in Greece. Arguments for a resurrection of the older generic name Mezammira are provided. Since the type species of this genus, Mezammira flaveola comb. nova, is lost or destroyed, we selected and are describing in this paper a neotype from the locality on Mt. Taigetos, not far from the locus typicus Mistra, Sparta, Greece, mentioned by Brullé (1833). We are adding also a description of a fe- male, never published yet in the literature. Till now in Greece the following species of this genus were known: Mezammira flaveola comb. nova, M. tibialis comb. nova, M. carayoni comb. nova and M. goumenissa comb. nova. In the present paper we are describing in addition two new species: one from Peloponnese, M. sakisi sp. nova and one from Naxos Island, M. filoti sp. nova. Some of the Greek Mezammira species have very limited distribution areas. Their calling song patterns are charac- teristic with high repetition of short echemes of at least two different durations. Two of the species, M. carayoni comb. nova and M. filoti sp. nova are, according to our present knowledge, endemic to the islands of Crete and Naxos respectively and are allopatric to other Mezammira species. Mezammira goumenissa comb. nova and M. sakisi sp. nova live in sympatry or at least parapatry with the widely distributed M. 5 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2017 Vol. 25, øt. 1: 5–64 flaveola comb. nova in Southern Greece. This is probably the reason, that only these two species (M. goumenissa comb. nova and M. sakisi sp. nova) emit songs with the carrier frequency much higher than the remaining species, probably preventing acoustic interference. KEY WORDS: Mezammira, Cicadivetta, taxonomy, bioacoustics, morphology, distri- bution, description, Mezammira flaveola comb. nova, neotype, Mezammira sakisi sp. nova, Mezammira filoti sp. nova, Greece Izvleček - REVIZIJA IN PONOVNA UVEDBA RODOVNEGA IMENA MEZAM- MIRA FIEBER, 1876 (HEMIPTERA: CICADIDAE) S POSEBNIM OZIROM NA VRSTE TEGA RODU V GRČIJI IN OPISOM DVEH NOVIH VRST V Grčiji smo raziskovali škržade rodu Mezammira Fieber, 1876 (Hemiptera: Ci- cadidae), ki smo jih prej prištevali v rodove Cicadivetta Boulard, 1982, Cicadetta Kolenati, 1857, Melampsalta Kolenati, 1857, Tettigetta Kolenati, 1857 ali tudi Pau- ropsalta Goding & Froggatt, 1904. V članku navajamo utemeljitev za ponovno uvedbo rodovnega imena Mezammira. Ker je tipski primerek rodu, Mezammira flave- ola comb. nova, izgubljen ali uničen, smo izbrali in v članku opisujemo neotip z lokalitete na Mt. Taigetosu, nedaleč od Mistre pri Šparti, Grčija, ki je locus typicus, kakor navaja Brullé (1833). Dodajamo še opis samice, ki do sedaj še ni bil objavljen. Do sedaj smo poznali v Grčiji naslednje vrste iz tega rodu: Mezammira tibialis comb. nova, M. flaveola comb. nova, M. carayoni comb. nova in M. goumenissa comb. nova. V tem članku objavljamo opisa dveh novih vrst s Peloponeza in z otoka Naxos, M. sakisi sp. nova in M. filoti sp. nova. Nekatere grške vrste iz rodu Mezammira imajo zelo ozko omejena območja razširjenosti. Skupna značilnost škržadov tega rodu so pozivni napevi s hitrim sosledjem kratkih ehemov vsaj dveh različnih dolžin. Dve vrsti, M. carayoni sp. nova in M. filoti sp. nova sta, kolikor vemo, endemični za otoka Kreto in Naksos ter sta alopatrični z ostalimi vrstami iz rodu Mezammira. Mezammira goumenissa comb. nova in M. sakisi sp. nova sta simpatrični ali vsaj parapatrični z vrsto M. flaveola comb. nova, ki je splošno razširjena v južni Grčiji. To je verjetno razlog, da imajo le napevi teh dveh vrst (M. goumenissa comb. nova in M. sakisi sp. nova) mnogo višje nosilne frekvence kot ostale vrste, kar verjetno zmanj šuje možnost križanja. KLJUČNE BESEDE: Mezammira, Cicadivetta, bioakustika, morfologija, razširjenost, opisi, Mezammira flaveola comb. nova, neotip, Mezammira sakisi sp. nova, Mezam- mira filoti sp. nova, Grčija Introduction We begin with providing the arguments for the resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876, instead of Cicadivetta Boulard, 1982a, Cicadetta Kole- nati, 1857, Melampsalta Kolenati, 1857, or Tettigetta Kolenati, 1857 or also Paurop- salta Goding & Froggatt, 1904, and the species belonging to this genus are listed. In Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 6 Greece the genus Mezammira is represented by one of the widely distributed species in Europe, Mezammira tibialis (Panzer, 1798) comb. nova, which we found just re- cently in one locality near Litochoro (Gogala & Trilar, unpublished data). Mezammira flaveola (Brullé, 1833) comb. nova inhabits Peloponnese and some localities in con- tinental Greece North of the Corinthian Gulf (Gogala & Drosopoulos, 2006). Meza- mmira goumenissa Gogala, Drosopoulos & Trilar, 2012 comb. nova was described recently under the name Cicadivetta goumenissa from a restricted area in Northern Peloponnese (Gogala et al., 2012, 2013) and M. carayoni (Boulard, 1982) comb. nova is an endemic species of the island of Crete (Boulard, 1982b; Trilar & Gogala, 2010). During our investigations in recent years we discovered two new species belonging to the same genus Mezammira, one on the island of Naxos and the other in the Eastern Peloponnese: M. filoti sp. nova and M. sakisi sp. nova respectively, which we describe in this paper. We are also comparing characteristics of all other Mezammira species, found till now in Greece. Materials and Methods We collected data, recordings, specimens and observations during our expeditions to Greece in the cicada season in the years from 2004 to 2016 except the year 2009 (Fig. 1). Additional distributional data for this paper were provided by the second au- thor (SP), W. Schedl and S. Drosopoulos† from their collections (Fig. 29, Table 1). We first localized cicadas acoustically and then, if possible, collected them with an entomological net. Collected and dry prepared specimens including the type material are deposited in the collection of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL), additional material in the collections of the second author (SP) and S. Drosopoulos (his collection is currently deposited at the Agricultural University of Athens). Song recordings are deposited in the Slovenian Wildlife Sound Archive of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL). Samples of selected recordings are available on the web pages Songs of European singing cicadas ( In this paper we cite many times the work of Brullé (1833). There was a controversy about the year of publication, which is given on the front page of the book as 1832. We decided to follow the opinion of Gnezdilov and Bourgoin (2017) to change the publication year to 1833. Taxonomy and morphology The taxonomy and morphological terminology are based on Moulds (2005, 2012) and Sanborn (2014). Mezammira Fieber, 1876 belongs to the Cicadidae Latreille, 1802, subfamily Cicadettinae Buckton, 1889, and tribe Cicadettini Buckton, 1889. Morphometric measurements (using microscale of a microscope LEICA M205C) for formal descriptions are as follows (with accuracy indicated in parentheses): BL: body length (0.1 mm); FL: forewing length (0.1 mm); Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 7 FW: forewing width (0.05 mm); VW: vertex width (0.024 mm); HL: head length (0.016 mm); HW: head width including eyes (0.05 mm); PW: pronotum width including lateral angle of pronotal collar (0.05 mm); Results are given as mean ± standard deviation (or minimum–maximum if N<6) if not stated otherwise. For the names and spelling of localities we follow the local inscriptions and transliterations used in the maps of the “Nakas Road Cartography”, Rafina Nr. 5, Nr. 8 and Skai Maps 311 Naxos. Distribution maps were created with GPS Visualizer (Schneider, 2003–2016). Due to the high frequency range of the calls (see Gogala et al., 2012; Gogala & Drosopoulos, 2006), we detected the acoustic signals of these cicada species with the help of ultrasonic detectors. We used the ultrasonic detector Pettersson D-200 (het- erodyne system) with electret microphones of the same producer (frequency range 10–120 kHz ± 0.15 kHz), mounted in front of a Telinga reflector (57 cm diameter) or a Renault R-4 front light reflector (15 cm diameter) and connected to the solid state recorders Marantz PMD-660, 670 (sampling rate up to 48 kHz) or Zoom H2 (sampling rate up to 96 kHz) (Gogala, 2013). For sound analyses, especially for determination of carrier frequency (center frequency, 5% and 95% frequency), we used RAVEN 1.4 (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), and for sonography we used AMADEUS Pro 2.0 (HairerSoft, 1998-2011) and the Seewave package (Sueur et al., 2008: oscillo, spec- trogram, timer) on the R platform (R Core Team, 2015). For most of the macro pho- tographs we used a Leitz multifocal system. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 8 Fig. 1: Periods of our field research in Greece during years 2003 - 2016 within the main season for cicadas (May to August). Results Taxonomy of the genus Mezammira Fieber, 1876 Mezammira Fieber 1876: 111 (Figs. 4, 11, 12, 19, 26) = Heptaglena Horváth (1911: 607) nomen praeoccupatum: Horváth (1912), Dlabola (1959). Type species: Heptaglena libanotica Horváth (1911: 607). = Oligoglena Horváth (1912: 606) syn. nov. Type species: Oligoglena libanotica Horváth (1911): Horváth (1912: 606). = Cicadivetta Boulard (1982a: 50) syn. nov. Type species: Cicadivetta tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Boulard (1982a: 50). [non Mezammira Amyot, 1847: 157. Nomen nudum, unavailable name following ICNZ (Opinion 2165, 2006); nec Mezammira Amyot, 1848: 353. Nomen nudum, un- available name following ICNZ (Opinion 2165, 2006)]. The valid genus name is the oldest potentially valid name (Article 23.1: ICZN, 1999) and the respective type species remains unchanged (Article 67.10). As these generic names with different name-bearing types refer to a single taxon, their names are subjective synonyms (Article 61.3.1.). Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 9 Fig. 2: Localities inves- tigated during our field ex- cursions to Greece 2004- 2016. TYPE SPECIES. Tibicen flaveolus Brullé, 1833 by monotypy, see below. Amyot (1847: 157; 1848: 353) fails to name a type species or representative. Fieber (1876: 50) considers taxa names of Amyot (1847) at the genus rank level. He quotes indeed “9. Genre Cicadetta. Am. mon. n° 377” and quotes also in his work on page 111 “Mezammira Am. mon. n° 379”. As Mezammira Amyot (1847) is a nomen nudum, an unavailable name following ICNZ (Opinion 2165, 2006), Fieber (1876) is the first author to use the genus name Mezammira in a way that satisfies the criteria of availability. Fieber (1876) published the genus Mezammira as a junior synonym of Cicadetta and at the time the genus Mezammira was considered an available name. Indeed, it is only in 2006 that works of Amyot (1845–1847) were suppressed by the ICZN. Under the provisions of the Articles 11.6.1 and 50.7, the taxon dates from its first publication as a synonym. Fieber (1876) is therefore the author of Mezammira, who first published it as a junior synonym of the genus Cicadetta under the species C. flaveola (Brullé, 1833). Since Amyot failed to name a species in his genus Meza- mmira, Fieber (1876) is the first author to include a type species: Tibicen flaveolus Brullé (1833). The type species of this nominal genus, first published as a synonym is that nominal species first associated with it (Article 67.12): Tibicen flaveolus is au- tomatically its type species by monotypy (Articles 67.2.2 and 69.3). If the objects of the Code are to promote stability (Article 23.2), the reversal of precedence (Article 23.9) cannot be applied in this case under the common usage clause (Article because the senior synonym has been used as a valid name after 1899 by Neave (1940: 143). Indeed, this author uses in his publication “Meza- mmira Amyot 1847, Ann. Soc. ent. France, (2) 5, 157.–Hem.”. Therefore the prevailing usage of the name Cicadivetta cannot be maintained over Mezammira which has pri- ority. Moreover, the work of Fieber (1876) fulfils the requirements of publication (Article 8), of availability (Article 11), of availability of a new name published before 1931 as there is a definition and an associated taxon (Article 12.1), of availability of the genus-group name because an available species name is used in association with Mezammira (article 12.2.5), and of the application of the genus-group name as there is a reference to a type species of the nominal taxon that it denotes (article 42.3). Even if there was a petition to suppress Mezammira, the genus Oligoglena Horváth (1912: 606) would then take precedence. So regardless, Cicadivetta is a junior synonym of the taxon. However, it is also important to note that the description of Fieber (1876) doesn’t match with the species C. flaveola: in his diagnosis Fieber probably describes a species belonging to the genus Euryphara Horváth, 1912. As Hagen (1856) and Puton (1875), Fieber (1872, 1876) considers E. undulata (Waltl, 1837) as a synonym of M. flaveola comb. nova and retains logically the older available name: C. flaveola (Brullé, 1833). Thus, if the type species is validly fixed, M. flaveola is not correctly described and misidentified with another species of small cicada. Therefore, the pro- vision of article 70.3 applies (article 67.9) and in order to maintain the stability and universality of the nomenclature, we select under Article 70.3.1, and thereby fix as the type species, the nominal species previously cited as type species: Tibicen flaveolus Brullé, 1833. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 10 We would also like to point out that Fieber (1876) mentioned primo loco Brullé’s Tibicen flaveolus from Greece and that he had some doubts about identity of the taxon C. virens (= Euryphara virens (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835)) expressed by a question mark in front of it! During our field excursions we well investigated the region on and around Mt. Taigetos and all the small cicadas with yellow - black coloration near the locus classicus of Brullé (Mistra, Sparta, Greece) did correspond to a description of “Tibicen flaveolus” by the same author (Brullé, 1833). DIAGNOSIS. Small species (body length 11–16 mm); length of the fore wings greater than 2.2 times of its width, not rounded at the apex; subcostal cell not expanded at the apex; forewing veins M and CuA meeting basal cell with their stems completely fused; hindwing with 4 to 6 apical cells, usually 5; male tergites 2 and 3 slightly en- larged, abdomen gradually narrowed caudad; sternite VIII as long or slightly shorter than sternite VII; uncus small, not dominant, duck-bill shaped; claspers hooked an- terolaterad; pygofer dorsal beak well developed with basal lobe in ventral view showing inner tooth present. Distribution and characteristics of taxa previously known from Greece Mezammira flaveola (Brullé, 1833) comb. nova Tibicen flaveolus Brullé (1833): 112. [Type not examined, not found in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN, Paris, France) and Muséum Jardin des Sciences de Dijon (MJSD, Dijon, France) collections, probably lost or destroyed.] Type locality: Peloponnese, Laconia, Mistra - Greece. Cicada flaveola (Brullé, 1833): Walker (1850). Cicadetta flaveola (Brullé, 1833): (Fieber, 1872). Melampsalta flaveola (Brullé, 1833): Distant (1906). Tettigetta flaveola (Brullé, 1833): Schedl (2001). Cicadivetta flaveola (Brullé, 1833): Puissant & Sueur (2010), Gogala, Drosopoulos & Trilar (2012). [Cicadetta virens: Fieber (1872), Hagen (1856), Puton (1875), Oshanin (1906), Gomez-Menor Ortega (1957), Nast (1972); non Herrich-Schäffer (1835). Misidenti- fication]. [Cicadetta undulata: Fieber (1872), Hagen (1856), Puton (1875), Oshanin (1906), Gomez-Menor Ortega (1957); non Waltl (1837). Misidentification]. MORPHOLOGY. Figs. 3-6, 26c, 31a. The species, described already by Brullé (1833) and depicted in his book (Fig. 3), has many morphological traits making the determination rather easy. Since the type specimen is lost or destroyed (see above) we selected a typical specimen from our material in the collection proposed to be a neotype. The locality, where this specimen has been collected, is on the southern slope of Mt. Taigetos not far from the Mistra castle, Sparta, Greece, the locus typicus of Brullé specimen. We should point out that this species is very abundant in the localities of higher elevations throughout the Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 11 Peloponnese (see below, Fig. 29), from the North (e.g. Mt. Panachaiko), West (e.g. Mt. Minthi), East (e.g. Mt. Korakovouni, Mt. Killini) and South (e.g. Mt. Taigetos). NEOTYPE DESCRIPTION: The white label: GR: Mani Peninsula/Mt. Taigetos/1.7.2013, 1288 m/N36° 56.735’, E22° 22.536’/T.Trilar, M.Gogala leg. The red label: NEOTYPE ♂/Mezammira flaveola (Brullé, 1833)/Gogala, Puissant & Trilar det. 2017. The neotype is deposited in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Measurements: BL = 15.3 mm, FL= 16.2 mm, FW = 6.47 mm, HL = 8.48 mm, HW = 5.08 mm, PW = 5.49 mm, VW = 2.69 mm. The body size of this species, given by Brullé is 13 mm. Measurements of our ma- terial provide for males a body length of 14.0±0.75 mm (12.6-15.5 mm, 38 males) and for females 14.1±0.5 mm (13.5-14.9 mm, 5 females). Morphology, dorsal side The main body coloration is yellow (e.g. neotype, to yellow-green in fresh animals), with black patterns (Figs. 4-6). Head black, anterior parts of the supra-antennal plates, patch on frontal edge of postclypeus and a short median line at the epicranial suture yellow. Pronotum - Pronotal collar, its lateral part, anterior edge of pronotum and the medial longitudinal band yellow. Two lateral fields and a dot in the middle of pronotal collar black (Figs. 4-6, 26c). This black dot is not connected with the hind edge of the pronotum or with the lateral black fields. (Only in a few male specimens (3 out of 43) there is a faint connection between this central dot and lateral fields.) Mesonotum is also black with the exception of the yellow lateral edges, cruciform elevation, wing groove and the connected lateral posterior part of mesonotum yellow (Fig. 5c). Also metanotum except a darker basal part yellow. Abdomen - First two terga black, the posterior edge of t2 yellow. Timbal with timbal plate, 2 long and two short ribs (Fig. 5a). Terga t3 - t8 yellow with black lateral patches and black medial part with exception of the yellow to orange posterior edge (Figs. 4, 5e, 5g). The extent of the black medial fields on terga is diminishing toward the genital segment. Genital segment - The pygofer yellow, darker at the base. Genital segment of males has all the traits described for the genus Mezammira: conical inner tooth is pre- sent on the basal lobe (Figs. 5b, 31a), dorsal beak sharp, claspers pointed anterolaterad, pseudoparameres flat, short and not pointed at the tip (Figs. 5b, 31a). Wings - Transparent, with exception of the yellow to orange basal parts, veins on forewings yellow, black around the apical cells. The number of apical cells on fore- and hindwings 8/5. Veins M+CuA on forewings connected to the basal cell by a common root, 1.4 times longer than arculus. First ulnar cell 1.4 times longer than the first apical cell. Plaga and the posterior edge of anal field on hind wings yellow, vein 2A gray infuscate. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 12 Ventral side: Head - Postclypeus dark, yellow at the lateral edges. Rostrum brown, with yellow mentum, reaching the posterior end of middle coxae (Figs. 5d, 5f). Thorax - Sternum yellow with black patches and spots. Opercula reniform, yellow, not touching each other in the middle. Meracanthus yellow, triangular, flat and pointed. Fore legs yellow with dark patches and fasciae on coxae, trochanter and femora. Femur with primary spine and three secondary spines. Fore tibiae yellow and brown, tarsi brown to black distally. Mid and hind legs yellow with double dark patches on all parts of legs. One long and one short dark line on each femur. Tibiae yellow with basal black dots. Tarsal segments on mid and hind legs yellow, distally darker. Abdomen - Sternites 1 and 2 yellow, dark in the middle parts. Sternites stIII - stVIII yellow. Sternite stVIII shorter (0.86 times) than stVII. The female morphology of Mezammira flaveola comb. nova has never been de- scribed, therefore we show it here on the basis of the specimens from the collection PMSL (Fig. 4b). All together we have in this collection 4 specimens and further 2 are in the private collection of the second author (SP). Measurements - BL = 14.2 mm (13.5-14.9 mm, N = 6), FL = 14.7 mm, FW = 5.85 mm, HL = 7.88 mm, HW = 4.71 mm, PW = 5.16 mm, VW = 2.29 mm. The ratio between M+CuA root length and arculus length is in this specimen 1 (in other speci- mens >1). Ulnar cell 1 is 1.78 times longer than apical cell 1. Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 13 Fig. 3: “Tibicen flaveolus” from the plate XXXI of the work of Brullé (1933). The main morphological characteristics are in female specimens very similar to those in males with exception of some thoracal (operculum) and abdominal structures. The most characteristic is abdominal segment 9, which is yellow with black longitu- dinal patches dorsally on both sides (Figs. 4b, 5g). In most animals also a dorsal beak is dark. Ovipositor brown, extending beyond the dorsal beak of abdominal segment 9 and anal styles (Fig. 5g). DISTRIBUTION. Mezammira flaveola (Brullé, 1833) comb. nova under the name Cicadivetta flaveola (Brullé, 1833) in the work of Puissant & Sueur (2010) and Gogala, Drosopoulos & Trilar (2012), is not present in Spain. Mezammira flaveola comb. nova was indeed long confused with two other species inhabiting Spain which are Euryphara virens (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835) and E. undulata (Waltl, 1837), see: Fieber (1872: 2), Fieber (1876: 121), Hagen (1856: 89), Puton (1875: 111), Oshanin (1906: 19; 1912: 96) and Gomez-Menor Ortega (1957: 66). Mezammira  flaveola Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 14 Fig. 4: Mezammira flaveola comb. nova; a - neotype male, b - female. comb. nova is very different from E. virens, a species described by Amyot (1847, 1848) without being named in his work. Euryphara virens was also drawn by Gomez- Menor Ortega (1957: 67) under the name Melampsalta flaveola (misidentification). This species is mentioned in the literature in many countries belonging to the Mediterranean or Asian area (see Metcalf, 1963; Duffels & Van der Laan, 1985 and Sanborn, 2014 for more precision). However, this small cicada is at present known with confidence only from Greece. Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 15 Fig. 5: Mezammira flaveola comb. nova, a, c-e - neotype male; f, g - female; a - left timbal; b - male genitalia (psp - pseudoparameres, cl - clasper, bt - tooth on the basal lobe of pygofer); c - details of central and anterior body parts; d - male body (neotype), ventral side; e - lateral view to the abdomen of the male neotype; f - ventral side of a female body with black markings on the legs, characteristic for animals of both sexes; g - lateral view to a female abdomen. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 16 Fig. 6: Mezammira flaveola comb. nova from Mt. Mynthi, Peloponnese. Fig. 7: Typical habitat of Mezammira flaveola comb. nova near the village Ar- bounas, Kleitoria, 1020m ASL. This is the most common species of the genus Mezammira in Greece. We found it on Peloponnese and at some other localities in continental Greece north of the Corinthian Gulf. Outside of Peloponnese we found it on Mt. Elikona and in Epirus near Vavouri, Ano Kleidonia and in Drama (Fig. 29). According to Sakis Drosopoulos† it is present also on the island of Kalymnos (Gogala & Drosopoulos, 2006), but ac- cording to our present knowledge about a distribution of cicadas on both sides of the Rechinger line (Gogala & Trilar, 2014) this should be checked again. Data about the presence of this species in Western Europe and in Northwestern Africa are very doubtful (Puissant & Sueur, 2010; Puissant, unpublished data). The calling song of M. flaveola comb. nova was described some years ago by Gogala & Drosopoulos (2006). Additional comparative information on morphology and the song characteristics are given also in this paper (Fig. 23). We should add that this species is found usually in meadows on grass (Figs. 6, 7), other herbaceous plants and on small shrubs. We found it in the time period from June 9 till July 16 (according to the data from our collection and song recordings). Mezammira tibialis (Panzer, 1798) comb. nova Tettigonia tibialis Panzer, 1798. Cicada (Tettigetta) tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Kolenati (1857). Cicadetta tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Szilády (1870). Melampsalta tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Stål (1866). Pauropsalta tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Distant (1906), Lodos & Kalkandelen (1981). Tettigetta tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Kirkaldy (1908). Cicadivetta tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Boulard (1982a , 1995), Puissant (2006), Puissant & Sueur (2010), Gogala et al. (2012). Cicadetta tibialis (Panzer, 1798): Emelyanov (1996), Popov (1997). [Oligoglena libanotica: Dlabola (1959) non Horváth (1911). Misidentification.] = Cicada (Tettigetta) tibialis (Panzer, 1798) caucasica Kolenati, 1857 syn. nov. [under the name Melampsalta (Pauropsalta) tibialis caucasica (Kolenati, 1857) in: Oshanin (1912)]; [under the name Cicadetta caucasica (Kolenati, 1857) in: Schumacher (1922), Metcalf (1963), Nast (1972), Duffels & Van der Laan (1985) and Sanborn (2014)]. = Cicada tibialis minor Eversmann (1859): Nast (1972). = Cicada tibialis imbecillis Eversmann (1859) syn. nov.: Schumacher (1922), Nast (1972), under the name Cicadetta caucasica (Kolenati, 1857). = Cicadetta sareptana Fieber, 1876 syn. nov.: Schumacher (1922), Nast (1972) under the name Cicadetta caucasica (Kolenati, 1857). = Cicadetta transylvanica Fieber, 1876: Boulard & Mondon (1996), Puissant (2006). = Cicadetta cissylvanica Haupt, 1935: Dlabola (1963), Lodos & Kalkandelen (1981). Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 17 Gogala et al. (1996) and Popov (1997) reported that they did not find any important difference in acoustic traits between M. caucasica comb. nova from Southern Caucasus and M. tibialis comb. nova from Slovenia. Emelyanov (1996) studied the morphology of both taxa and suggested the synonymy. Therefore M. caucasica comb. nova is considered as a junior synonym of M. tibialis comb. nova. MORPHOLOGY. Figs. 8, 11a, 26a, 31c. DISTRIBUTION. Mezammira tibialis comb. nova is, like M. flaveola comb. nova, mentioned in the literature in many countries belonging to the Mediterranean or Asian area (see Metcalf, 1963; Duffels & Van der Laan, 1985 and Sanborn, 2014 for more precision). Like M. flaveola comb. nova, M. tibialis comb. nova is not present either in Portugal and Spain (Sueur et al., 2004; Puissant, unpublished data) and this species was probably misidentified in these countries with species belonging to the genus Tympanistalna Boulard, 1982 (Puissant, unpublished data). The western limit of its distribution area is in France, precisely in the extreme south-east part of the country in the Alpes-Maritimes department (Puissant, 2006). This species was not found in the Maghreb area (Puissant, unpublished data) and its east and north-east area limits need to be confirmed. In the present state of our knowledge M. tibialis comb. nova is widely distributed in southern Europe and was just recently (29. 5. 2016) for the first time found in Greece in Central Macedonia near Litochoro (Gogala & Trilar, unpublished data) (Figs. 8, 29). The calling song was first described by Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 18 Fig. 8: Mezammira tibialis comb. nova from Litochoro, Greece. Boulard (1995) and in more details by Gogala et al. (1996) and Sueur & Puissant (2000). Mezammira carayoni (Boulard, 1982) comb. nova Tettigetta carayoni Boulard, 1982b. Tettigetta carayoni Boulard, 1982b: Trilar & Gogala (2010). Cicadivetta carayoni (Boulard, 1982b): Puissant & Sueur (2010), Gogala, Drosopoulos & Trilar (2012). MORPHOLOGY. Figs. 9, 11c, 26d, 31b. DISTRIBUTION. Mezammira carayoni comb. nova is an endemic species of Crete (Fig. 29). Boulard described this species from the material collected by the French entomologist Jacques Carayon (1982b). The calling song was described by Trilar & Gogala (2010) and is similar to the calling song of M. flaveola comb. nova. This species is common in Crete from the seacoast to the highest localities and has not been found anywhere else. The type material was collected on 5th June (Boulard, 1982b) and we found M. carayoni in the time period from June 27 to July 3. Mezammira goumenissa (Gogala, Drosopoulos & Trilar, 2012) comb. nova Cicadivetta goumenissa Gogala, Drosopoulos & Trilar, 2012. MORPHOLOGY. Figs. 10, 11b, 26b, 31d. Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 19 Fig. 9: Mezammira carayoni comb. nova from Rethymno, Crete. DISTRIBUTION. Mezammira goumenissa comb. nova is an endemic species of Greece (Fig. 29). This cicada was described recently (Gogala et al., 2012) and is re- stricted to a very small area in the Northern Peloponnese around the village of Goumenissa in localities at 700±50 m ASL. Imagoes were flying and singing there in the time period from June 9 to 28 (Gogala et al. 2013). However, we found this species later, on June 30 2015 also on Mt. Panachaiko in localities from 700 m up to 1300 m (Gogala & Trilar, unpublished data). The calling song of this species was de- scribed by Gogala et al. (2012, 2013). Other taxa assigned to the genus Mezammira, not reported from Greece The subspecies Cicadetta tibialis acuta Dlabola, 1961, synonymised with Mezammira tibialis (Panzer, 1798) by Nast (1972) (as Cicadetta tibialis), does not belong to the genus Mezammira. After examination of the three males of the type series deposited in the MNHN, the taxon described by Dlabola (1961) belongs in fact to the genus Tettigetta Kolenati, 1857: Tettigetta acuta (Dlabola, 1961) comb. nova, stat. nov. This species is known from Uzbekistan and the former Soviet Union (Dlabola, 1961). Mezammira parvula (Fieber, 1876) comb. nova Cicadetta parvula Fieber, 1872: nomen nudum. Cicadetta parvula Fieber, 1876 [non Cicada parvula Say, 1825 nomen praeoccupatum: Kirkaldy (1909), Davis (1920) = Cicadetta calliope (Walker, 1850)]. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 20 Fig. 10: Mezammira goumenissa comb. nova, Mt. Panachaiko. Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 21 Fig. 11: Habitus of Mezammira species of Greece: a - M. tibialis comb. nova, b - M. goumenissa comb. nova, c - M. carayoni comb. nova Melampsalta parvula (Fieber, 1876): Uhler (1888). Tettigetta parvula (Fieber, 1876): Schedl (1999). Cicadivetta parvula (Fieber, 1876): Puissant & Sueur (2010). = Cicadetta fieberi Oshanin, 1908: Nast (1972), Lodos & Kalkandelen (1981). = Cicadetta fieberi Kirkaldy, 1909: primary homonym, Nast (1972), Lodos & Kalkandelen (1981). = Oligoglena libanotica (Horváth, 1911): Schedl (1999). Type in Natural History Museum in Budapest examined by Schedl (1999). DISTRIBUTION. Turkey (Fieber, 1876; Nast, 1972; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1981; Kemal & Koçak, 2010), Asia Minor (Oshanin, 1906), Lebanon (Horváth, 1911), Israel (Schedl, 1999). The presence of this species in Morocco (Nast, 1972; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1981) is very doubtful (Puissant, unpublished data). Mezammira sibilatrix (Horváth, 1901) comb. nova Cicadetta sibilatrix Horváth, 1901. Pauropsalta sibilatrix (Horváth, 1901): Distant (1906). Melampsalta sibilatrix (Horváth, 1901): Fahringer (1922). Cicadivetta sibilatrix (Horváth, 1901): Gogala, Drosopoulos & Trilar (2012, 2013). DISTRIBUTION. Turkey (Horváth, 1901; Fahringer, 1922; Nast, 1972; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1981; Kemal & Koçak, 2010), Asia Minor (Horváth, 1901), Syria (Schumacher, 1923; Nast, 1972; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1981), Lebanon (Schumacher, 1923), Israel (Schumacher, 1923; Nast, 1972; Lodos & Kalkandelen, 1981). Mezammira iphigenia (Emelyanov, 1996) comb. nova Cicadetta iphigenia Emelyanov, 1996 [holotype and one paratype examined with photos of Vladimir Gnezdilov, Zoological Institute, Saint-Petersburg Collection]. DISTRIBUTION. Crimea (Emelyanov, 1996; Trilar et al., 2006), Romania (Trilar et al., 2006; Trilar & Gogala, 2008). Mezammira popovi (Emelyanov, 1996) comb. nova Cicadetta popovi Emelyanov, 1996. DISTRIBUTION. Tadzhikistan (Emelyanov, 1996; Popov, 1997). Mezammira turcica (Schedl, 2001) comb. nova Tettigetta turcica Schedl, 2001. DISTRIBUTION. Turkey (Schedl, 2001; Kemal & Koçak, 2010). Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 22 DESCRIPTION OF NEW TAXA Mezammira filoti Gogala & Trilar sp. nova, morphology, acoustics, distribution Type material: HOLOTYPUS + PARATYPUS 1-3 (♂♂), white labels: GR: Naxos: Filoti, 22.6.2014, 436 m, N37°02.484’, E25°29.690’, T.Trilar, M.Gogala leg.; PARATYPUS 4 (♂) and PARATYPUS 5 (♀): GR: Naxos: Filoti, 21.6.2014, 436 m, N37°02.487’, E25°29.685’, T.Trilar, M.Gogala leg. Red labels: HOLOTYPUS/ Mezammira filoti/ Gogala & Trilar 2017 PARATYPUS X/ Mezammira filoti/ Gogala & Trilar 2017 The holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Morphology. Figs. 12-14, 26f. Measurements - Body length, males (5): 12.04-13.69 mm, female (1): 12.04 mm. Dorsal side Head - Black with yellow markings. Median furrow on vertex (epicranial suture), front edge of the supra-antennal plates and median line on vertex yellow. Compound eyes in living animals reddish brown (Fig. 13). Thorax - Pronotum black, pronotal collar broadly yellow, laterally darker, anterior edge and median line also yellow. Dark basal spot on pronotal collar diagonally con- nected with both black fields (Figs. 14a, 26f). Mesonotum black, lateral edges yellow. Fields between the cruciform elevation and the wing grooves pale yellow. Metanotum with black patch in the middle, laterally yellow (Fig. 14a). Wings - Measurements: FL = 12.3±0.6, FW = 5.0±0.3, FL/FW = 2.5±0.1. Wings hyaline, basal part of veins yellow to brown, distally black. Forewing veins M and CuA at the basal cell completely fused, fused stem 0.85-1.5 times as long as arculus. Number of apical cells on forewings 7 in the holotype and 7 or 8 in paratypes, on hindwings 5 (holotype), in two paratypes 6 on one side. Ulnar cells on forewings 1.36-2.33 times longer than apical cell 1. Apical cell a2 on hind wings larger than others. Abdomen - Tergum black, distal edges of tergites reddish brown to yellow. Males: timbals with two long and two short ribs in addition to the timbal plate (Fig. 14c). Female: Habitus similar to the males, except genital abdominal structures. Tergum dark, segments caudally yellow and reddish brown. Tergites t8 and ab9 at the sides broadly pale yellow (Figs. 14e, 14g). Genitalia - Males: Pygofer yellow, darker at the base, dorsally black with black pointed dorsal beak. Upper lobe elongated, whitish or pale yellow. Basal lobe also pale yellow with darker inner tooth. Median lobe of uncus short, rounded. Claspers hooked anterolaterad, dark brown toward the tip. Pseudoparameres short, flattened, not pointed at the tip (Fig. 14b). Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 23 Ventral side Head - Black, lateral edge of postclypeus brown. Rostrum brown with yellow menthum, reaching the posterior tips (distal end) of middle trochanters. Thorax - Prosternum pale yellow with brown markings. Sternum yellow with dark patches. Males: Operculum and meracanthus yellow, in some paratypes darker at the base. Legs - Coxae yellow with dark brown longitudinal patches. Front femora with pri- mary and 3 secondary spines, female specimen with two secondary spines. Spines and their basis brown with one dark brown patch under the primary spine extending to trochanter. Medial side of front femora brown. Trochanter yellow and brown. Front tibiae brown, first tarsal segment yellow, metatarsus dark, claws yellow and darkened toward the tip. Mid and hind legs yellow with dark brown longitudinal patches, femora on the ventral side with a short dark line and frontally with a long dark line. Abdomen - Sternites III-VI pale yellow, posterior edges red and yellow. Also sternite VIII pale yellow, slightly shorter or the same length as sternite VII. Sternites I, II and VII Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 24 Fig. 12: Mezammira filoti sp. nova: a - holotype, b - female paratype 5. a b darker (gray). Abdominal sternites III to VI pale yellow, sternite VII pale yellow with dark patch on each side. Females: Ovipositor brown, darker toward the tip. Gonocoxites IX-X dark brown (Figs. 14e, 14g). Ovipositor length is 38% of the body length. Acoustic behaviour Calling song - The calling song of this species is very similar to the song of M. flaveola comb. nova comprising two phrases, A and B. Phrase A is composed of fast repeating echemes of medium duration (MMM...) with the repetition rate 7.7-8.7 Hz. Singing animals periodically switch to phrase B with groups of longer (L) and a few very short echemes (S) inbetween (LSSLSSLSS...) (Figs. 15, 16). There is no inter- ruption in song between phrases. The duration of echemes in phrase A is 25.8±4.3 ms (n=280) and the interval between them 98.7±6.5 ms (n=273). In phrase B the du- ration of L is 87.5±42.1 ms (n=213) and the duration of S is 7.7±4.5 ms (n=346). The duration of intervals in the phrase B is 83.6±25.3 ms (N=602). The number of long echemes in phrase B varies very much from a few L to 30 or 50 but the number of S echemes inbetween L echemes is very stable: 2, occasionally 1 or 3. Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 25 Fig. 13: Mezammira filoti sp. nova from Naxos island. The carrier frequency of the calling song is in both phrases the same in the range of 10.8-17.8 kHz (5% limit - 95% limit) with the center frequency of 13.9 kHz (Table 3, Figs. 15, 27). Etymology We named this species after the village Filoti on the island of Naxos, where we found the only population of this new species. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 26 Fig. 14: Mezammira filoti sp. nova: a - body details of the holotype; b - male gen- italia: psp - pseudoparameres, cl - claspers, bt - inner tooth on the basal lobe of pygofer; c - left timbal; d - male holotype, ventral side; e - female paratype 5, ventral side; f - lateral view of the male abdomen (holotype); g - lateral view of the female abdomen, paratype 5. Distribution and Ecology We found this species on the island of Naxos, but only in one locality with phrygana (garigue) vegetation near the village Filoti on the steep slope oriented to the northwest above the main road between Filoti and Apeiranthos. The locality is from the northwest surrounded by cultivated fields and gardens and from the other side by the steep rocky slope (Fig. 18). Anywhere else on the island we found only Cicada orni Linnaeus, 1758 and Euboeana castaneivaga Gogala, Trilar & Drosopou- los, 2011 (Fig. 17, unpublished data). Euboeana castaneivaga was described previously from the island of Evia and found later on the island of Andros (Gogala & Trilar, 2014). It is possible, that M. filoti sp. nova could in the future be found also in some Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 27 Fig. 15: Mezammira filoti sp. nova: a - Oscillogram and spectrogram of the selected part of the calling song with phrase B (0-2s, 4-6.5s) and phrase A (2-4s); b - song selection of M. carayoni comb. nova of similar length for comparison. a b other localities on Naxos or on other islands of the Cyclades, but at present we know only the single locality, described above. Due to the small (probably residual) population of M. filoti sp. nova its habitat should be protected by law. Mezammira sakisi Gogala & Trilar sp. nova morphology, acoustics, distribution Type material: HOLOTYPUS, the white label: GR: Peloponnese: Laconia, Evrotas, Kremasti, Mt.Chionovouni, 26.6.2015, 867 m, N36.98611˚ E22.90383˚, T.Trilar, M.Gogala leg.; PARATYPUS 1-10 (♂♂), 12-14 (♀♀), the white labels: GR: Pelo- ponnese: Laconia, Evrotas, Kremasti, 26.6.2015, 915 m, N36.96796˚, E22.88843˚, Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 28 Fig. 16: Mezammira filoti sp. nova: Examples of phrase A with echemes MMM (a) and phrase B with a sequence LSSL (b) in extended time scale. a b Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 29 Fig. 17: Type locality of Mezammira filoti sp. nova (red dot) and tracks of our field research on Naxos. Fig. 18: Habitat of Mezammira filoti sp. nova with phrygana vegetation near the village Filoti, island of Naxos. T.Trilar, M.Gogala leg.; PARATYPUS 11 (♂) GR: Peloponnese: Laconia, Evrotas, Apidia, 26.6.2015, 225 m, N36.86963˚, E22.81469˚, T.Trilar, M.Gogala leg. The red labels: HOLOTYPUS/ Mezammira sakisi/ Gogala & Trilar 2017 PARATYPUS XX/ Mezammira sakisi/ Gogala & Trilar 2017 The holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Morphology. Figs. 19-21, 26e. Measurements - Body length, males (12): 11.6±0.7 mm, females (3) 11.6-13.7 mm. Dorsal side Head - Black with yellow markings. Median furrow on vertex (epicranial suture), anterior edge of the supra-antennal plates, a dot at the anterior part yellow. Compound eyes in living animals black (Fig. 20). Thorax - Pronotum black, hind edge of pronotal collar and frontal edge of pronotum reddish brown or yellow, laterally darker, the median line brown or yellow (Figs. 21a, 26e). No dark median spot on pronotal collar. Mesonotum black, lateral and hind edges yellow. Fields between the cruciform ele- vation and the wing grooves and further the lateral edge brown to pale yellow. Hind edges of metanotum yellow or lighter than ground color. Body parts covered with silvery hairs, longest ones behind the compound eyes and around the cruciform elevation. Abdomen - Tergum black, distal edge of tergites reddish brown. Males: timbals with two long and two short ribs in addition to the timbal plate (Fig. 21c). Wings - Measurements: FL = 12.7±0.9, FW = 5±0.3, FL/FW = 2.5±0.1 (N=30). Wings hyaline, forewing veins M and CuA at the basal cell completely fused, fused stem 1.47±0.4 times longer than arculus. Number of apical cells on forewings 8 (in 2 paratypes unilaterally 9), on hindwings 5 (in 4 paratypes 6 on one side). Ulnar cell on forewings 1.36±0.11 times longer than apical cell 1. Ventral side Head - Black, lateral edge of postclypeus yellow. Rostrum extends slightly beyond the middle trochanters. Proximal part of antennae black, distally whitish. Thorax - Thoracic sternum black with yellow markings. Males: Opercula reniform, gray, hind part lighter. Meracanthus triangular, edges curved upward, yellow. Legs black, brown and yellow. Middle and hind femora black, with hind side yel- low. In lighter specimens at the base, a short dark line and black longitudinal patch ventrally. Fore femora black with lateral yellow longitudinal fascia, median side brown. All legs with many hairs, tibia with spurs as well. Fore femora with primary and three secondary spines. Abdomen - Sternites III-VII yellowish, in the middle proximal part often darker. Sternite VIII yellow, slightly shorter than sternite VII (stVIII/stVII = 0.8±0.1 (n=12)). Sternites I and II dark. Epipleurites gray, except the yellow hind and inner edge. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 30 Genitalia - Males: Very similar traits as in M. filoti sp. nova. Cylindrical inner tooth on the basal lobe present, dorsal beak sharp, claspers pointed anterolaterad, pseudoparameres flat, short and not pointed at the tip (Fig. 21b). Females: Sternite VIII without dark spot (Fig. 21e). Ovipositor extends further behind the tip of tergite 9 as compared to the related species (e.g. M. filoti). The length of the ovipositor is 34% of the body size (Figs. 19b, 21e, 21g). Acoustic behaviour Calling song - The calling song of M. sakisi sp. nova (Fig. 22) is similar to the song of M. flaveola comb. nova (Fig. 23) with fast repetition of short echemes of dif- ferent durations. The song is comprised of phrases of three different patterns, which change randomly without interruption through many minutes. We keep the designation of phrases (A, B, C) as in the paper describing the song of M. flaveola comb. nova (Gogala & Drosopoulos, 2006). Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 31 Fig. 19: Mezammira sakisi sp. nova: a - male holotype, b - female paratype 13. a b The simplest pattern or phrase A is the repetition of the same type of echemes (MMM...). In M. sakisi sp. nova the duration of echemes in phrase A is 33.1±5.1 ms (n=718). The intervals between echemes last in this phrase 80.3±9.1 ms (n=720) (Table 2, Fig. 22, 24). The second pattern in phrase B is composed of groups of long echemes (L) with intervals filled in most cases with three very short echemes (LSSSLSSSL...) (Figs. 22, 24). The duration of long echemes in phrase B is 69.6±8.6 ms (N=278), and of the short ones 11.4±4.9 ms (n=950). The shortest echemes in this phrase consist of only one syllable with 4 timbal clicks as in the case of M. filoti sp. nova (see above and Fig. 24). The average interval duration between echemes in this phrase is 75.1±17.8 ms (n=944) with the exception of the last interval preceding the long echeme, which lasts 44.6±10.2 ms (n=280). The number of long echemes in the groups of the phrase B ranges from 3 to more than 15 (median 5). The third pattern or phrase C comprises just the long sequences of alternating long and short echemes (LSLS...) or long and two short echemes (LSSLSS…). The duration of long echemes in this phrase is 83.1±8.8 ms (n=762) and of short echemes 20.3±4.7 ms (N=818). The average interval between echemes in such sequences is 42.5±10 ms (n=1578) and the repetition rate of echemes is 10.5 Hz (Fig. 22). The time parameters presented above represent the calling song of animals, recorded in the Eastern Peloponnese. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 32 Fig. 20: Mezammira sakisi sp. nova on Kermes Oak (Quercus coccifera). The most important parameter in the calling song of M. sakisi is the carrier fre- quency, which is the same in all phrases. The center frequency of the recordings from the Eastern population is 18.7±0.5 kHz (n=20), with the lower (5%) limit at 16.7±1.7 kHz (n=20) and higher (95%) limit at 20.7±0.7 kHz (n=20) (Table 3, Fig. 27). These values are in both populations much higher as compared to the frequency range and center frequency of sympatric M. flaveola comb. nova (Table 3, Fig. 27). Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 33 Fig. 21: Mezammira sakisi sp. nova: a, c, d, f – holotype, e, g – female paratype 13; a - body details of the holotype; b - male genitalia: aed - tip of aedeagus with pseudoparameres and a gonopore, cl - claspers, bt - inner tooth on the basal lobe of pygofer; c - left timbal; d - male holotype, ventral side; e - female paratype 13, ventral side; f - lateral view of the male abdomen (holotype); g - lateral view of the female abdomen, paratype 13. Etymology The name of this species, Mezammira sakisi sp. nova, is devoted to the memory of our friend and excellent biologist Prof. Athanasios (Sakis) Drosopoulos†, who lead us to many most interesting habitats in his country and importantly shared our research on cicadas. He passed away on March 30th 2014 (Hoch et al., 2015). Distribution and Ecology We found M. sakisi sp. nova in the hills and mountains of Eastern Peloponnese from Ag. Andreas and Korakovouni, around Mt. Chionovouni and Mt. Madara to the Apides in the South East (Fig. 29). The animals were usually sitting and hiding in small shrubs (e.g. Quercus coccifera, Figs. 20, 25). Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 34 Fig. 22: Oscillogram and spectrogram of the selection in the calling song of Meza- mmira sakisi sp. nova with phrases A (0.8-2 s, 6-6.5 s) and B (0-0.8 s, 2-6 s) (a) and phrase C (b). a b Discussion Comparison of all species present in Greece with keys for discrimination by morphological and acoustic traits. Cicadas of the genus Mezammira in Greece are represented, according to our pre- sent knowledge, by the following species: M. flaveola comb. nova (Figs. 4, 6), widely distributed and abundant species on Peloponnese and in some localities in central and northern Greece, M. tibialis comb. nova (Figs. 8, 11a), very common species in the entire southern part of Europe except Spain and Portugal, but only recently found near Litochoro in northern Greece, M. carayoni comb. nova (Figs. 9, 11c), the endemic Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 35 Fig. 23: Mezammira flaveola comb. nova phrase A and B (a) and phrase C (b). Shown is similar selection as in Fig. 22 - see the differences in carrier frequency range of the song as compared to the range of M. sakisi sp. nova (Fig. 22)! a b species of Crete, and the recently described species from northern Peloponnese, M. goumenissa comb. nova (Figs. 10, 11b). In this paper we are describing two new species, M. filoti sp. nova from the island of Naxos and M. sakisi sp. nova, discovered in some localities on Peloponnese. After the comparison of morphological and acous- tical traits we found many similarities but also differences among this group of species. Similarities: The common morphological characteristics show clearly, that all compared species belong to the same genus. These cicadas are small, with body length between 11.5-15.5 mm. Pygofer is dorsally beak shaped and is bearing an inner tooth on the basal lobe. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 36 Fig. 24: Mezammira sakisi sp. nova: Examples of phrase A with echemes MMMMM (a) and phrase B with a sequence LSSMLS (b) in extended time scale. a b Upper lobe is elongated, uncus is small, not prominent and semicircular or duck- bill shaped. Pointed claspers are oriented anterolaterad, pseudoparameres are flat and not very long (with exception of M. tibialis comb. nova and M. goumenissa comb. nova, Figs. 31c, 31d). Sternite VIII is shorter or of similar length as sternite VII. Veins M and CuA on forewings are meeting the basal cell with stems completely fused. The number of apical cells in the forewings is in most species 8 (with exception of M. filoti sp. nova - 7), sometimes unilaterally 7 or 9, and on the hindwings 5 (unilaterally 3 - 6!). Exceptions are M. carayoni comb. nova and M. goumenissa comb. nova with 6 apical cells on the hind wings (Figs. 11b, 11c) (Boulard, 1982b; Gogala et al., 2012). The common acoustic trait in the calling songs of Greek Mezammira species is fast repetition of short echemes of different durations in specific phrases, which are switching without interruption from one into the other (Figs. 15, 16, 22-24, 30). The only exceptions among Greek Mezammira species are again M. tibialis comb. nova and M. goumenissa comb. nova. For M. tibialis comb. nova, the longer duration M Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 37 Fig. 25: Habitat of Mezammira sakisi sp. nova near Mt. Madara and village Kre- masti in the Eastern Peloponnese. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 38 Fig. 26: Details of thoracal morphology. Upper row from left to right: a - Mezam- mira tibialis comb. nova, b - M. goumenissa comb. nova; middle row: c - M. flaveola comb. nova, d - M. carayoni comb. nova; lower row: e - M. sakisi sp. nova, f - M. filoti sp. nova - the connection of the black spot to the dark fields is only in this spec- imen present just on the right side. and L echemes as compared to most of other species are characteristic (Gogala et al., 1996; Sueur & Puissant, 2000), and in M. goumenissa comb. nova in addition to the very fast repetition of short echemes also long (0.5 s) and very long echemes (up to 15 s) periodically appear in the song (Gogala et al., 2013). In all species the song may take many minutes without interruption. Carrier frequencies of the timbal sounds of all these species are high, from 10 to 24 kHz but with species specific differences. Differences: Differences between the Greek Mezammira species enable us to discriminate be- tween these taxa by morphological and/or acoustic traits (Tables 2 and 3, Key). Geographic distribution and acoustic parameters Species M. filoti sp. nova and M. carayoni comb. nova are present only on the is- lands of Naxos and Crete respectively (Fig. 29). We do not exclude the possibility, that M. filoti sp. nova could in the future be found also on some other islands of the Cyclades. However, we did not find it on the island of Andros, which we investigated before (Gogala & Trilar, 2014). Regardless, it is clear that these two species are not sympatric with any other Mezammira species. Therefore, there is no selective pressure to prevent cross mating with closely related species, and the calling songs of the species can be and actually are very similar to the song of the in Greece widely dis- tributed M. flaveola comb. nova (Figs. 15, 23 above). The next species, which is present only very locally on the northern Peloponnese, is M. goumenissa comb. nova. This species is sympatric and even syntopic with M. flaveola comb. nova, but the song patterns and carrier frequency parameters are clearly different, probably at least partly preventing cross mating in the field. In Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 39 Fig. 27: Boxplot of center frequencies of the songs of different Mezammira species from Greece (except M. tibialis comb. nova). addition both species are phenologically slightly shifted (about 14 days) but still overlapping in imaginal occurence. Cicadas of M. goumenissa comb. nova are usually sitting on shrubs or small trees, and M. flaveola on the grass and herbaceous plants close to the ground. A similar situation is also found with M. sakisi sp. nova, which also comes in contact with populations of M. flaveola comb. nova in Peloponnese. Song patterns of both species are similar with three phrases, the first one, A, comprised of repeating short echemes with similar duration (MMM), the second one, B, with long echemes and short echemes inbetween (LSSLSS...) and the third one, C, with interchanging sequences of one long and one or two shorter echemes (LMLM or LMMLMM...). One difference between the calling songs of both species is in the second phrase, where in the song of M. sakisi sp. nova the intervals between long echemes are filled usually with three short echemes (LSSSLSSS...) (Fig. 22 above), while the song of M. flaveola comb. nova in most cases has two short echemes (LSSLSS...) (Fig. 23 above). This and some other small quantitative differences could possibly not be enough to prevent cross mating, but there is another important difference between songs of both species. The carrier frequency of the song in M. sakisi sp. nova is, like in M. goumenissa comb. nova, much higher than in M. flaveola comb. nova (Figs. 22, 23, 27, 28). However, carrier frequencies of the songs in the three allopatric species are lower and very similar (Table 3, Figs. 15, 23, 27, 28). Carrier frequency values for M. tibialis are inbetween both groups (Fig. 28). We measured also 5% and 95% frequency limits to get the values for the frequency range that animals use for communication. Using the mathematical relation between body size and carrier frequency developed by Bennet-Clark & Young (1994) we can see that the central carrier frequencies of three allopatric species fit very well with the general rule and the resonance properties of their body size. In contrast to this, the carrier frequencies of both species sympatric with M. flaveola comb. nova are much higher than expected, derived from their body size (Fig. 28). We found M. sakisi sp. nova in Eastern Peloponnese, where we succeeded to collect 15 specimens, 12 males and 3 females. On the slopes of Mt. Taigetos we recorded a very similar song with comparable high frequency range (Table 3) and three phrases A, B and C, but collected only 2 males of which one shows quite aberrant habitus, similar in some traits to M. flaveola comb. nova. Therefore we are not absolutely sure that we are dealing with the same taxon there (Fig. 29: M. cf. sakisi). It is also possible that this specimen exchanged some genes with the sympatric species and could thus be the result of introgression or hybridization between two lineages. Therefore we selected for analysis and description of the new species only specimens and recordings from the Eastern Peloponnese. Further investigations of Mt. Taigetos population are needed. However, we should mention that we detected and recognised the characteristic song of M. cf. sakisi and its differences as compared to M. flaveola comb. nova for the first time on the slopes of Taigetos in the Rintomo gorge and near the village Dendra. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 40 It should be mentioned, that in the morphological traits of M. filoti sp. nova we found high variability (e.g. number of apical cells, the length ratio between ulnar and apical cell, ratio of the length of the fused veins MCuA compared to the length of ar- culus). In the Fig. 26f we can see that in one specimen the connection between the black spot on pronotal collar and the lateral field exists only on one side. Could this variability be explained by inbreeding in a small population ocurring in an area of about 1.3 x 0.6 km, where the species is distributed on the island of Naxos? However, the acoustic traits, usually representing the specific-mate recognition system in cicadas (SMRS; e.g. Paterson, 1985; Den Hollander, 1995; Villet, 1995), appear to be more stable than morphological traits. Are almost identical song patterns and carrier frequencies in three alopatric species M. flaveola comb. nova, M. filoti sp. nova and M. carayoni comb. nova evidence for a common ancestor with such characteristics? The rhythmic pattern in M. sakisi sp. nova and the still enigmatic population on Mt. Taigetos is not very different either. However, the song pattern of M. goumenissa comb. nova differs substantially from all other species discussed in this paper (Gogala et al., 2013; Fig. 30) as well as from M. tibialis comb. nova (Gogala et al., 1996; Sueur & Puissant, 2000). But even in these species we find characteristic fast repetition of short echemes as stated earlier. We found substantial differences between M. goumenissa Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 41 Fig. 28: Graph of dominant frequency in the song vs. the reciprocal of body length. Regression line (r2 = 0.764 ) and shaded 95% prediction band are calculated from the data of Bennet-Clark & Young, (1994) (black points). For reference the body length scale is also shown. comb. nova and M. tibialis comb. nova on one hand compared to the rest of other Mezammira species also in morphology, e.g. genitalia with long pseudoparameres in contrast to short ones in the other species under discussion (Figs. 27c, 27d). At the end and as it was published for the species of the genus Cicadetta (Hertach et al., 2016), we should mention that in the future many questions about the taxonomy, relation and phylogeny of Mezammira species studied could be clarified with more comprehensive analyses of acoustic recordings and molecular analyses. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 42 Fig. 29: Map with localities of Greek Mezammira species (see legend). We tried to show the differences between males of all taxa of the genus Mezammira, present in Greece, in the morphological and acoustic keys. Morphological key Common traits: Body size 11-16 mm Sternite VIII as long or slightly shorter than sternite VII Pygofer basal lobe in ventral view showing inner tooth present Claspers hooked anterolaterad Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 43 Fig. 30: Mezammira goumenissa comb. nova, part with long sequences of short and one long echeme (a) and part with many longer echemes and sequences of short ones with very high repetition rate (b). Song selections of similar duration as in Figs. 15, 22, 23. a b Median lobe of uncus small, not dominant, semicircular (Forewing usually with 8 apical cells, hindwing usually with 5) Differences (1a) Body coloration yellow with black markings, pronotal collar with black medial spot, mostly not connected to the black lateral fields on pronotum → Mezam- mira flaveola comb. nova (1b) Body coloration dark (black or brown) with yellow markings. If the central spot on the pronotal collar present, it is connected to the lateral black fields on pronotum → 2 (2a) Pseudoparameres long, flat, divergent, much longer than the uncus → 3 (2b) Pseudoparameres short, flat, hardly visible, not extending beyond the tip of uncus, → 4 (3a) Forewings with 8, hindwings usually with 5 apical cells. Pronotum with yellow dorsal midline, reddish basis of wings and redbrown hind part of abdominal tergites. Widely distributed species in southern Europe → Mezammira tibialis comb. nova (3b) Forewings with 8, hindwings with 6 apical cells. Body coloration black with lighter markings, wing veins yellow. Inhabiting Northern Peloponnese → Mezammira goumenissa comb. nova (4a) Prevailing body colour black with brown or redbrown markings. Apical cells on forewings 8, on hindwings 6. Proximal parts of wings red. Endemic species of Crete → Mezammira carayoni comb. nova (4b) Prevailing body colour black or brown, with yellow and brown markings. Forewings with 7 or 8 and hindwings mostly with 5 apical cells → 5 (5a) Pronotal collar black, also the rest of pronotum with exception of yellow me- dian line in the front part of pronotum. Opercula dark. The eyes in living animals black, the ratio of ulnar to apical cell in forewings 1.4. Small animals, species dis- tributed in Eastern part of Peloponnese → Mezammira sakisi sp. nova (5b) Pronotal collar with dark central spot connected to lateral black fields on pronotum, median line on pronotum broad. Opercula pale yellow → 6 (6a) Eyes in living animals red, abdominal terga with posterior part yellow and red. 7 or 8 apical cells on forewings, 5 on hind wings. Endemic species of the island Naxos → Mezammira filoti sp. nova (6b) Eyes in living animals brown, species distributed on the western slope of Mt. Taigetos → a yet undefined taxon (M. cf. sakisi) with very similar acoustic character- istics as close related M. sakisi sp. nova Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 44 Acoustic key: Common traits: High pitched sound 10-24 kHz Fast repetition of short echemes (repetition rate 5-20 Hz) prevailing in the song Rhythmic sound with more than one type of echemes with different duration Calling song organized in phrases (typical sequences of short and long echemes) Phrases exchanging without interruption Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 45 Fig. 31: Genitalia of: a - Mezammira flaveola comb. nova; b - M. carayoni comb. nova; c - M. tibialis comb. nova; d - M. goumenissa comb. nova Only in the last two species pseudoparameres are long and clearly visible (multifocus photography). mdl - median lobe of uncus, psp - pseudoparamere, cl - clasper, bt - inner tooth on the basal lobe of pygofer. No important amplitude or frequency modulation of echemes Duration of longest echemes <150 ms (with exception of M. tibialis comb. nova and M. goumenissa comb. nova) Duration of the interval between successive echemes <200 ms Differences (1a) Song comprising fast sequences of short echemes and long echemes, duration of longest ones exceeding 200 ms → 2 (1b) Song comprising sequences of short and longer echemes, duration of longest ones not exceeding 150 ms → 3 (2a) Two different phrases, phrase A with simple repetition of short echemes (~50 ms), phrase B comprising sequences of short echemes and single long echemes (~300 ms). Long echemes never longer than 0.5 s → Mezammira tibialis comb. nova (2b) Duration of short echemes 26±7 ms, long echemes about 0.5 s and of very long echemes up to 15 s, carrier frequency 15-22 kHz → Mezammira goumenissa comb. nova (3a) In addition to the phrase A (MMM) and phrase B (LSS(S)LSS) long sequences (many seconds) of the phrase C (LSLS) present → 4 (3b) Only phrase A (MMM) and B (LSS(S)LSS) present → 5 (4a) Carrier frequency 10-15 kHz → Mezammira flaveola comb. nova (4b) Carrier frequency 15-22 kHz → Mezammira sakisi sp. nova and/or M. cf. sakisi from Taigetos. (5a) Long echeme duration does not exceeding 50 ms. Endemic species of the island Crete → Mezammira carayoni comb. nova (5b) Long echemes duration longer than 50 ms. Endemic species of the island Naxos → Mezammira filoti sp. nova Acknowledgements This paper is dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. Sakis Drosopoulos who supported and shared our research on cicadas in Greece during many years. We are also very thankful to his life companion Hanneke Drosopoulou for her help, great hospitality and for improving our English text. For discussions and suggestions about the nomenclature rules concerning the genus Mezammira we are indebted to Allen F. Sanborn (Barry University, USA). He also improved substantially our manuscript as a reviewer. For a study of body length and carrier frequency we are thankful to Andrej Blejec (National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana). We appreciate also additional distribution data pro- vided by Wolfgang Schedl (Innsbruck). Vladimir Gnezdilov (St. Petersburg) helped us with photographs of type material from the Zoological Museum. Jocelyne Guglielmi Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 46 from the library of the MNHN kindly provided a copy of a rare plate XXXI in the book of Brullé (1833) from the library of the Entomological Society of France (SEF). We thank also Gernot Kunz who photographed this plate, Jérôme Sueur and Laurent Fauvre (MNHN, Paris) for the pictures of the types of Tettigetta acuta (Dlabola, 1961). For the detailed photo of  Mezammira flaveola from the better version of Fig. 13 on the plate XXXI used in our Fig. 3 we are indebted to the NEV Library, Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the  librarian Godard Tweehuysen. Our field research was supported by the Slovenian Museum of Natural History and Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The research of the last author (TT) was part of the programme “Communities, relations and communications in the ecosystems” (No. P1-0255) fi- nanced by the Slovenian Research Agency. We are grateful to Dr. Matjaž Kuntner, the Head, and to Dr. Matjaž Gregorič, researcher of the Evolutionary Zoological lab of the Jovan Hadži Biological Institute, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), Ljubljana, Slovenia for the possibility to use their Leitz multifocal system for some photographs. We are also grateful to Dr. Andrej Gogala (Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana), who did the prepa- rations of the material. We would like to thank Katarina Prosenc Trilar, who accom- panied us in the field and helped us with logistics. References Amyot C.J.B., 1847. Entomologie française. Rhynchotes. Ordre deuxième. Homo- ptères. Homoptera. Latreille. – Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 5: 143–238. Amyot C.J.B., 1848. Entomologie française. Rhynchotes. Ordre deuxième. Homo- ptères. Homoptera. Latreille. – Reprint of Amyot 1847 with different pages, 1– 504. Bennet-Clark H.C., Young D., 1994. 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Received / Prejeto: 2. 1. 2017 Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 52 Table 1: Mezammira of Greece (based on bioacoustics) Mezammira carayoni Boulard, 1982 GR: island Crete: Chania: Kolymbari; 35°32.048’N, 23°46.753’E; 30 m; 19.5.2013; collected 1♂; J.-C.Streito. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Farsaro; 35°11.393’N, 25°29.832’E: 780 m; 17.6.2005; collected 3♂ 1♀; S.Peslier. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Aghios Nikolaos, Kritsa, Lato; 35°10’23.3”N, 25°39’13.9”E; 313 m; 2.6.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Aghios Nikolaos, Kritsa, Panaghia Kera; 35°09’23.9”N, 25°39’19.2”E; 225 m; 2.6.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Aghios Nikolaos, Kritsa, pod vrhom Lato; 35°10’10.8”N, 25°39’21.7”E; 315 m; 31.5.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Aghios Nikolaos, Ellounda; 35°15’27.0”N, 25°43’37.8”E; 24 m; 31.5.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Aghios Nikolaos, Ellounda; 35°15’27.0”N, 25°43’37.8”E; 24 m; 1.6.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Katharo Plateau, Katharo Tsivi; 35°10’27.1”N, 25°32’49.9”E; 1135 m; 1.6.2006; collected, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Katharo Plateau, Kopraki; 35°09’50.0”N, 25°32’36.7”E; 1180 m; 1.6.2006; collected, recorded, photographed; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Lasithi Plateau, Aghios Georgios; 35°09’56.4”N, 25°29’30.7”E; 820 m; 1.6.2006; collected, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Lasithi Plateau, Aghios Haralambos; 35°10’16.0”N, 25°26’20.5”E; 850 m; 1.6.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Lasithi Plateau, Mesa Lasithi; 35°11’29.8”N, 25°31’31.7”E; 995 m; 1.6.2006; collected; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Lasithi Plateau, Moni Vidianis; 35°11’31.4”N, 25°26’35.3”E; 810 m; 1.6.2006; collected; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi: Lasithi Plateau, Psychro, in front of the cave Dikteo Andro; 35°09’44.9”N, 25°26’46.8”E; 950 m; 1.6.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi:Neapoli, Drasi; 35°13’16.1”N, 25°36’17.3”E; 340 m; 1.6.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Lasithi:Neapoli, Tzermiadhon; 35°12’22.9”N, 25°31’13.4”E; 920 m; 1.6.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Adele, Adelianos Kambos, hotel Adele Mare; 35°22’17.7”N, 24°33’04.9”E; 2 m; 28.5.2006; collected; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Adele, Harkia; 35°18’23.5”N, 24°34’47.5”E; 460 m; 27.5.2006; collected, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 53 GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Adele, Loutra; 35°21’11.7”N, 24°35’9.84”E; 100 m; 29.5.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Adele, Mesi; 35°20’16.2”N, 24°34’31.7”E; 210 m; 27.5.2006; collected, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Adele, Pigi; 35°21’30.4”N, 24°35’57.5”E; 41 m; 29.5.2006; song heard, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Aghia Fotini, Pantanassa; 35°16’12.9”N, 24°35’08.7”E; 285 m; 28.5.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Aghia Fotini, Patsos, Kato Hadika; 35°13’47.3”N, 24°33’12.9”E; 655 m; 28.5.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Anoghia, Tsounia; 35°13’28.4”N, 24°52’52.7”E; 1410 m; 29.5.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Anoghia, Vathias; 35°16’07.3”N, 24°53’18.9”E; 960 m; 29.5.2006; collected, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Armeni, Late Minoan Cemetery; 35°19’04.5”N, 24°27’48.1”E; 355 m; 28.5.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Armeni, Somatas; 35°19’11.5”N, 24°27’50.5”E; 345 m; 28.5.2006; collected, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Moni Arkadiou; 35°18’23.5”N, 24°37’50.0”E; 495 m; 27.5.2006; song heard; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Perama, Aghia; 35°22’09.2”N, 24°45’44.4”E; 140 m; 29.5.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Platanias; 35°21’54.0”N, 24°31’02.1”E; 458 m; 30.5.2006; collected; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Spili; 35°13’12.8”N, 24°32’03.0”E; 470 m; 28.5.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Spili, Kato Hadika; 35°13’46.6”N, 24°32’42.2”E; 655 m; 28.5.2006; collected, recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: island Crete: Rethymno: Nida Plateau, in front of cave Ideo Andro; 35°12’18.5”N, 24°49’57.0”E; 1475 m; 29.5.2006; recorded; T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. Mezammira flaveola (Brullé, 1832) GR: Boeotia: Levadia, Mt. Elikonas, 2 km before Kyriaki; 38°19.713’N, 22°49.843’E; 997 m; 12.7.2010; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Šporar, S.Droso- poulos. GR: Boeotia: Levadia, Mt. Elikonas, 6 km before Kyriaki; 38°19.109’N, 22°51.655’E; 885 m; 12.7.2010; song heard; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Šporar, S.Drosopoulos. GR: East Macedonia and Thrace: Drama: Prosotsani; 41°10.798’N, 23°58.000’E; 160 m;12.8.1979; collected 1 specimen; S.Drosopoulos. GR: Epirus: Ioannina: Kalpaki, Mesovouni, road to Aghios Minas; 39°57.348’N, 20°38.723’E; 725 m; 17.6.2012; collected 4♂; D.Morin. GR: Epirus: Ioannina: Konitsa, Kalithea, Ano Klidonia; 39°58’14.4”N, 20°41’29.3”E; 967 m; 2.7.2006; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, S.Drosopoulos. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 54 GR: Epirus: Thesprotia: Tsamaria Mts., W of Vavouni: 39°46.07’N, 20°22.21’E; 680 m; 14.6.2005; collected; H.Rausch, R.Rausch. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Chimerini Meligou, Agia; 37°23.309’N, 22°43.169’E; 100 m; 11.6.2005; recorded; M.Gogala, S.Drosopoulos. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Kastanitsa; 37.25509°N, 22.65053°E; 947 m; 11.6.2005; recorded; M.Gogala, S.Drosopoulos. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Kollines; 37°17.2’N, 22°21.6’E; 850 m; 17.6.1990; col- lected; R.Linnavuori. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Levidi, Kapsia; 37°36’16.2”N, 22°21’52.1”E; 625 m; 28.6.2006; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, S.Drosopoulos. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: North Kynouria: Kastanitsa; 37.25509°N, 22.65053°E; 947 m; 20.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Paradisia; 37°18.885’N, 22°4.705’E; 515 m; 24.6.1996; collected 1♀; J.-M.Maldès. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: South Kynouria: Kosmas (1); 37.09829°N, 22.74114°E; 1136 m; 21.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: South Kynouria: Kosmas (2); 37.09216°N, 22.74510°E; 1079 m; 21.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: South Kynouria: Kosmas (3), under the village; 37.09143°N, 22.7631°E; 859 m; 21.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: South Kynouria: Kosmas pass; 37°05.558’N, 22°44.422’E; 1100 m; 17.6.1996; collected 3♂ 1♀; D.Morin. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Tyros, Paralia Tirou; 37°14.816’N, 22° 51.670’E; 5 m; 18.6.1996; collected 2♂; D.Morin. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Vlachokerasia, Alepochori; 37°21.371’N, 22°24.564’E; 890 m; 30.5.1995; collected 1♂; J.-M.Maldès. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Vlachokerasia, Alepochori; 37°21.371’N, 22°24.564’E; 890 m; 27.6.1996; collected 1♂; D.Morin. GR: Peloponnese: Corinthia: Archea Feneos, Louzi; 37.88173°N, 22.26854°N; 788 m; 6.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Corinthia: Goura (Gkoura); 37.94449°N, 22.34612°N; 917 m; 6.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Corinthia: Kastania, hotel Xenia; 37.86808°N, 22.37241°N; 1125 m; 6.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Corinthia: Kastania, Mt. Kylini (Mt.Ziria, Mt. Zirea), Oligirtos; 37.87412°N, 22.36350°N; 1154 m; 6.6.2016; collected; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Corinthia: Lafka, Mt. Gkrimpini; 37.86056°N, 22.36412°N; 1218 m; 6.6.2016; heard; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Corinthia: Mesino, Mosia (Mousi); 37.87792°N, 22.35633°N; 977 m; 6.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Corinthia: under the pass Feneos; 37.87804°N, 22.25257°N; 964 m; 6.6.2016; collected (4♂), recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 55 GR: Peloponnese: GR: Arkadia: Mount Menalo, Menalo Ski Resort; 37°39’22.8”N, 22°15’48.1”E; 1617 m; 28.6.2006; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, S.Drosopo- ulos. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Anavriti; 37°01.887’N, 22°22.024’E; 903 m; 28.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Anogia; Mt. Taygetos; ???, ???; ??? m; 19.6.1996; collected 1♂; D.Morin. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Perganteika; 37°02.236’N, 22°20.682’E; 1065 m; 28.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Taigeti, Korites Vrisi; 37°02.851’N, 22°20.105’E; 1258 m; 28.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Taigeti, Vataki Vrisi; 37°02.860’N, 22°20.962’E; 1119 m; 28.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Taigeti, Vataki Vrisi; 37°02.860’N, 22°20.962’E; 1119 m; 28.6.2014; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Xirocambi, Krioneri, Mt. Taygetos (1); 36°57.386’N, 22°23.118’E; 1548 m; 1.7.2013; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Xirocambi, Penteli, Katafygio, Mt. Tay- getos (1); 36°57.033’N, 22°22.070’E; 1548 m; 1.7.2013; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Xirocambi, Penteli, Katafygio, Mt. Tay- getos (2); 36°56.873’N, 22°22.514’E; 1391 m; 3.7.2013; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Xirocambi, Penteli, Mt. Taygetos; 36°56.735’N, 22°22.536’E; 1288 m; 1.7.2013; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Xirocambi, Penteli; 36°55.868’N, 22°23.492’E; 747 m; 1.7.2013; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Xirocambi, Penteli; 36°55.941’N, 22°22.302’E; 1027 m; 1.7.2013; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Messenia: Trifylia, Mt. Egaleo, Palea Vrisi; 37.16625°N, 21.74513°E; 871 m; 28.6.2015; song heard; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Messenia: Trifylia, Mt. Mynthi, deviation to Skliros; 37.45327°N, 21.92164°E; 1130 m; 29.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messenia: Trifylia, Mt. Mynthi, Kryoneri; 37.47512°N, 21.80389°E; 953 m; 28.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 56 GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Manesis; 37°5.1’N, 21°53.5’E; 175 m; 17.6.1990; col- lected; R.Linnavuori. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Agious Vasilios; 37°04.093’N, 22°16.121’E; 1304 m; 24.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Mt. Kalathi (Sideroportas); 37°02.724’N, 22°14.548’E; 1091 m; 24.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Platania, Avlonas; 37°22.107’N, 21°47.499’E; 510 m; 7.6.1978, 31.5.1989: 12.7.1979; collected 3 specimens; S.Drosopoulos. GR: South Aegean: Dodecanese: island Kalymnos; 36°58.901’N, 26°58.879’E; 26.6.1992; collected 1 specimen; S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Chelmos, Vrachni; 38°2.5’N, 22°8.9’E; 800 m; 6.6.1981; collected; ?.Probst. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Goumenissa; 38°02.802’N, 22°01.297’E; 720 m; 16.7.2010; collected, recorded, photographed; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Šporar, S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Goumenissa; 38°02.802’N, 22°01.297’E; 720 m; 10.6.2005; recorded; M.Gogala, S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Goumenissa; 38°02.802’N, 22°01.297’E; 720 m; 11.6.2005; recorded; M.Gogala, S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Goumenissa; 38°02’54.7”N, 22°01’47.4”E; 716 m; 28.6.2006; collected, photographed; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, above the village (ob cest na smučišče, Spar- tium); 38°01.509’N, 22°07.747’E; 970 m; 10.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Tri- lar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, deviation to Kerpini (and Rogi); 38°03.283’N, 22°08.514’E; 737 m; 9.6.2012; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Kampigadi, Dendra; 38°02.397’N, 21°52.936’E; 674 m; 11.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Lagovouni, deviation to Kandalos; 37°57.108’N, 22°02.916’E; 753 m; 10.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Manesi; 38°00.834’N, 21°56.694’E; 856 m; 10.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Petsaki-Agias Pantelejmon; 38°07’04.1”N, 22°03’19.1”E; 973 m; 28.6.2006; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kleitoria, above the village Armpounas (3); 37.90799°N, 22.19270°N; 1162 m; 5.6.2016; collected (1♂), recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 57 GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kleitoria, above the village Armpounas (1); 37.92078°N, 22.17276°N; 1018 m; 5.6.2016; collected (2♂), recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: West Greece: Achaea: Klitoria, Priolithos, spomenik padlim; 37°54.968’N, 22°02.988’E; 1019 m; 10.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Likouria; 37.85739°N, 22.24554°N; 1077 m; 6.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: West Greece: Achaea: Petsaki; 38°5.9’N, 22°2.3’E; 870 m; 15.6.1990; collected; R.Linnavuori. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Pteri (Fteri); 38°08.848’N, 22°04.272’E; 1135 m; 9.6.2005; recorded; M.Gogala, S.Drosopoulos. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ano Salmeniko (2); 38.23665°N, 21.90267°E; 1003 m; 30.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ano Salmeniko (3); 38.22894°N, 21.89293°E; 1305 m; 30.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ovriokampos (1); 38.15221°N, 21.90643°E; 1053 m; 1.7.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ovriokampos (2); 38.17998°N, 21.91155°E; 1327 m; 1.7.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ovriokampos (3); 38.16020°N, 21.90433°E; 1221 m; 1.7.2015; collected, song heard; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Patero; 38.11822°N, 21.85462°E; 1035 m; 1.7.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Rakita; 38.15846°N, 21.94618°E; 1137 m; 1.7.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Thomeika; 38.13214°N, 21.89734°E; 1017 m; 1.7.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. Mezammira goumenissa Gogala, Drosopoulos et Trilar, 2012 GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Lagovouni; 37°57.753’N, 22°03.401’E; 767 m; 10.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ano Salmeniko (1); 38.24723°N, 21.90613°E; 744 m; 30.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ano Salmeniko (2); 38.23665°N, 21.90267°E; 1003 m; 30.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. GR: Western Greece: Achaea: Patras, Mt. Panahaiko, Ano Salmeniko (3); 38.22894°N, 21.89293°E; 1305 m; 30.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 58 GR: West Greece: Achaea: Goumenissa; 38°02.802’N, 22°01.297’E; 720 m; 9.6.2005; recorded; M.Gogala, S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Goumenissa; 38°02’54.7”N, 22°01’47.4”E; 716 m; 28.6.2006; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, S.Drosopoulos. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Goumenissa; 38°03.098’N, 22°01.632’E; 720 m; 9.6.2012; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Kampigadi, Dendra; 38°02.397’N, 21°52.936’E; 674 m; 11.6.2012; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, deviation to Kerpini (and Rogi); 38°03.283’N, 22°08.514’E; 737 m; 9.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Manesi; 38°00.834’N, 21°56.694’E; 856 m; 10.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: West Greece: Achaea: Kalavryta, Skepasto (ob cesti Goumenissa-Kalavryta); 38°01.700’N, 22°02.765’E; 799 m; 9.6.2012; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. Mezammira sakisi sp. nova GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Aghios Andreas; 37°19.634’N, 22°44.279’E; 150 m; 23./24.5.2004; recorded; M.Gogala, S.Drosopoulos. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: South Kynouria: Kounoupia; 37.06039°N, 22.81868°E; 766 m; 22.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: South Kynouria: deviation to Ieron Naos Agios Dinitrios; 37.13360°N, 22.75941°E; 866 m; 21.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Evrotas, Aghios Dimitrios (1); 36.95006°N, 22.83613°E; 531 m; 26.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Evrotas, Apidia; 36.86963°N, 22.81469°E; 225 m; 26.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Evrotas, Kremasti; 36.96796°N, 22.88843°E; 915 m; 26.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Evrotas, Kremasti, Mt. Chionovouni; 36.98611°N, 22.90383°E; 867 m; 26.6.2015; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Evrotas, Kremasti, Mt. Madara (1); 37.02908°N, 22.88890°E; 939 m; 22.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Evrotas, Kremasti, Mt. Madara (2); 36.97684°N, 22.89841°E; 967 m; 26.6.2015; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Aghios Andreas, Orino Korakovouni; 37.30297°N, 22.74752°N; 341 m; 4.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Aghios Andreas, Orino Korakovouni; 37.30487°N, 22.75005°N; 400 m; 4.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Aghios Andreas, Orino Korakovouni; 37.29536°N, 22.76495°N; 668 m; 4.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 59 GR: Peloponnese: Arkadia: Aghios Andreas, Orino Korakovouni; 37.29964°N, 22.76597°N; 649 m; 4.6.2016; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar Mezammira cf. sakisi GR: Peloponnese, Messinia, Mani Peninsula, Saidona, Mt. Taygetos; 36°53.415’N, 22°18.957’E; 1142 m; 30.6.2013; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Laconia: Mani Peninsula: Aghios Nikolaos, Panaghia Giatrissa; 36°50.666’N, 22°23.416’E; 948 m; 30.6.2013; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Anatoliko, Kaskarakas Gorge (Rintomo Gorge); 36°58.822’N, 22°15.561’E; 689 m; 26.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Karea; 36°58.929’N, 22°17.605’E; 1097 m; 26.6.2014; collected, recorded, fotographed; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Kokkinovouni; 36°58.803’N, 22°16.951’E; 1164 m; 26.6.2014; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Pro- senc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Mt. Kalathi, Dendra; 37°00.325’N, 22°14.323’E; 1100 m; 25.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Tri- lar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Mt. Kalathi, Kria Vrisi; 37°00.562’N, 22°15.962’E; 1103 m; 25.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Mt. Kalathi, Rizana; 37°01.253’N, 22°16.408’E; 1156 m; 25.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Platoma, Koskarakas Gorge; 36°57.351’N, 22°11.371’E; 183 m; 27.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: Peloponnese: Messinia: Mani Peninsula: Saidona; 36°53.102’N, 22°17.701’E; 888 m; 27.6.2014; recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. Mezammira filoti sp. nova GR: South Aegean, island Naxos: Filoti; 37°02.487’N, 25°29.685’E; 436 m; 21.6.2014; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. GR: South Aegean, island Naxos: Filoti; 37°02.484’N, 25°29.690’E; 451 m; 22.6.2014; collected, recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar. Mezammira tibialis (Panzer, 1798) GR: Central Macedonia: Pieria: Litochoro; 40.11146°N, 22.49306°N; 341 m; 29.5.2016; collected (3♂), recorded; M.Gogala, T.Trilar, K.Prosenc Trilar Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 60 Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 61 T ab le 2 : M or ph ol og ic al a nd b io ac ou st ic tr ai ts fo r 6 M ez am m ir a ta xa fr om G re ec e (G re y – ne w ta xa ). M O R PH O LO G Y M . f la ve ol a M . c ar ay on i M . g ou m en is sa M . f ilo ti 5♂ 1♀ M . s ak is i1 2♂ 3♀ (E . Pe lo po nn es e) M . c f. sa ki si 2♂ (T ai ge to s) ap ic al c el ls fo re w . 8 (7 -9 ) 8 8 ♂ 7- 8, ♀ 8 (9 ) 8 (9 u ni la t 2 x) 8 ap ic al c el ls h in dw . 5 (3 -6 a ls o bi la t.) 6 (5 u ni la t) 6 5 (6 u ni la t.) 5 (6 u ni la t 4 x) 5 (6 u ni la t) pr on ot um c ol or at io n ba sa l s po t fr ee ,b ro ad y el lo w m ed ia ne (3 sp ec im en s o f 4 9 lik e M . f ilo ti) da rk , y el lo w m ed ., 1 lig ht er fr es hl y ha tc he d sp ec . ♂ . w ith sm ud ge d sp ot Li ke M . c ar ay on i, bl ac k, so m et im es ye llo w m ed ia ne di st al ly pr on ot um :d ar k ba sa l s po t co nn ec te d w ith la te ra l d ar k fie ld s pr on ot um d ar k, n o ba sa l sp ot , o nl y fr on t a nd h in d ed ge s l ig ht er ba sa l s po t co nn ec te d w ith la te ra l d ar k fie ld s, br oa d ye llo w m ed ia ne ul na r1 /a pi ka l1 c el l 1. 9 1. 4 ♂ ♂ 1- 1. 1 ♀ ♀ 1. 1- 1. 2 1. 4- 2. 3 1. 4± 0. 1 1. 8, 2 .5 pr on ot um w /lw ith co lla r w /l 2. 01 ±0 .0 6, co ni ca l 2. 38 ±0 .0 8 1. 96 ±0 .0 5, ba rr el 2. 37 ±0 .0 4 1. 89 ±0 .0 5, b ar re l 2. 24 ±0 .0 7 2. 0, c on ic al 2. 0± 0. 12 .4 ±0 .1 1. 8, b ar re l M C uA /A rc 1. 23 (0 .5 -2 .5 !) 1. 17 (0 .9 -1 .6 ) ≈1 0. 9- 1. 5 1. 5± 0. 4 (0 .9 -2 .0 ) 1. 27 (1 -1 .7 ) B od y le ng th [m m ] ♂ ♂ 13 .9 ±0 .8 (1 3. 7- 15 .6 ) ♀ ♀ 1 3. 9- 14 .7 14 .1 ±0 .7 (1 3. 0- 15 .1 ) ♂ ♂ 13 (1 2. 4- 13 .8 ) ♀ ♀ 14 .5 1 ♂ ♂ 12 .5 ±0 .6 (1 2. 0- 13 .7 ) ♀ 12 .0 ♂ ♂ 10 .3 -1 2. 8 ♀ ♀ 11 .6 -1 3. 7 ♂ ♂ 11 .6 , 1 3. 7 ey e co lo r ( al iv e) ye llo w br ow n br ow n re d bl ac k re dd is h br ow n ab d. st er n. 8 /7 0. 85 (0 .8 -0 .9 ) 1. 04 1. 0- 1. 2 0. 95 0. 8 - 0 .9 0. 94 Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 62 A C O U ST IC S M . f la ve ol a M . c ar ay on i M . g ou m en is sa M . f ilo ti M . s ak is i (E . P el op on ne se ) M . c f. sa ki si (T ai ge to s) so ng st ru ct ur e SS S/ LS SL /L SL S ph ra se s A B C SS S/ LS SL /L LL SS S/ SS SL /L LV L M M M /L SS L/ SS SL M M M /L M LM /S SS L ph ra se s A B C M M M /L M LM /S SS L ph ra se s A B C R ep et iti on ra te s [ H z] M M M SE re p. r. 7 -1 1 SE re p. r. A 8 .9 ±1 B 9 .3 ±1 M M M (2 01 3) SE re p. r. 19 ±3 -1 0± 2 M M M SE re p. r. 7. 7- 8. 7 M M M re p. r. 9 LS LS re p. r. 10 .5 LS SL re p. r. 10 .3 M M M re p. r. 8. 2 LS LS re p. r. 12 .6 LS SL re p. r. 13 .3 M M M M d ur /in t [m s] S: 8 ±1 , M : 1 6- 18 , 2 5- 29 In t 7 0- 11 0 M : 2 1. 9± 4. 5 In t 9 1. 6± 14 .3 M : 2 6± 7I nt 25 .8 ±0 .6 M : 2 4. 2± 1. 4 In t 9 6. 6± 0. 6 M : 3 3. 1± 5. 1 In t: 80 .3 ±9 .1 M : 3 0± 10 In t: 79 .1 ±2 9. 4 LS S( S) L S/ M L d ur [m s,s ] S: 8 , 1 6 L: 6 2- 70 S: 6 .3 ±1 .2 L: 4 4. 2± 5. 3 M : 2 6± 7L : 5 35 ±8 8 V LE : < 15 s! S: 5 .3 ±1 .6 L: 7 3, 9± 3. 8 S: 1 1. 4± 4. 9 L: 6 9. 6± 8. 6 In t: 75 .1 ±1 7. 8 In t ( LE ): 44 .6 ±1 0 M : 2 1. 3± 7. 6 L: 5 8. 4± 8. 7 In t: 58 .2 ±1 3. 3 N L/ gr ou p N S/ L- L N L/ gr ou p= 5 (m ed ia n) N S/ L- L =2 (m ed ia n) N L/ gr ou p= 9 (m ed ia n) N S/ L- L= 3 (m ed ia n) N A N L/ gr ou p= 10 (m ed ia n) N S/ L- L =2 (m ed ia n) N L/ gr ou p= 5 (m ed ia n) N S/ L- L =3 (m ed ia n) N L/ gr ou p= 4 (m ed ia n) N S/ L- L =3 (m ed ia n) LS LS S /L du r [ m s] S: 1 2. 8± 5. 1 L: 5 1. 2± 4. 7 In t: 62 .6 ±9 .2 N A N A N A S: 2 0. 3± 4. 7 L: 8 3. 1± 8. 8 In t: 42 .5 ±1 0 S: 3 6. 7± 8. 8 L: 8 6. 8± 12 .2 In t: 26 .2 ±9 .5 Fr eq ue nc y 5/ C Fr /9 5% [k H z] 10 .2 12 .7 14 .2 11 .3 13 .6 15 .2 15 .5 19 .6 22 .1 10 .8 13 .9 17 .8 16 .7 18 .7 20 .6 14 .7 16 .9 19 .5 Matija Gogala, Stéphane Puissant, Tomi Trilar: Revision and resurrection of the genus name Mezammira Fieber, 1876 63 T ab le 3 : C ar rie r f re qu en ci es o f 6 G re ek M ez am m ir a ta xa . 5 % a nd 9 5% fr eq ue nc y en er gy v al ue s g iv e th e lo w er a nd up pe r fr eq ue nc y lim it of e ff ec tiv e so un d ra ng e. M ax f re qu en cy v al ue s sh ow n in th is ta bl es is v er y cl os e to C en te r fr eq ue nc y va lu es (5 0% ), sh ow n in F ig . 2 3 - s ee th e ex pl an at io n in R av en P ro In st ru ct io n m an ua l ( G re y – ne w ta xa ). M ez am m ir a ca ra yo ni M ez am m ir a fla ve ol a M ez am m ir a fil ot i 5% 95 % M ax 5% 95 % M ax 5% 95 % M ax 92 92 92 91 91 91 84 84 84 11 30 1 15 18 2 13 64 1 10 17 5 14 15 8 12 69 7 10 82 6 17 79 0 13 89 5 27 0 31 4 65 7 30 9 40 7 59 3 11 26 91 8 93 1 11 25 0 15 37 5 13 87 5 10 31 3 14 25 0 12 75 0 11 53 2 17 81 3 13 87 5 11 06 3 15 00 0 13 31 3 99 38 13 87 5 12 37 5 97 50 17 06 3 13 50 0 11 43 8 15 37 5 14 06 3 10 31 3 14 43 8 13 12 5 11 81 3 18 56 3 14 62 5 99 38 14 25 0 11 25 0 95 63 13 31 3 10 12 5 91 88 15 93 8 10 50 0 11 81 3 15 56 3 14 25 0 10 87 5 15 56 3 13 50 0 12 18 8 18 93 8 16 12 5 Ta xo n Fr eq . C O U N T A V ER A G E ST D EV M ED IA N Q U A R T 1 Q U A R T 3 M IN M A X Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (1), 2017 64 M ez am m ir a cf . s ak is i (T ay ge to s) M ez am m ir a sa ki si (E . P el op on ne se ) M ez am m ir a go um en is sa 5% 95 % M ax 5% 95 % M ax 5% 95 % M ax 10 5 10 5 10 5 20 20 20 29 29 29 14 72 3 19 46 8 16 91 8 16 65 0 20 62 5 18 67 5 15 51 7 22 12 5 19 55 2 94 99 48 5 77 6 65 5 48 1 15 64 31 7 16 5 14 81 3 19 50 0 16 87 5 16 96 9 20 43 8 18 75 0 15 75 0 22 12 5 19 50 0 14 62 5 19 50 0 16 68 8 16 07 8 20 25 0 18 56 3 15 75 0 21 75 0 19 50 0 14 81 3 19 50 0 17 43 8 17 25 0 20 85 9 18 93 8 16 12 5 22 50 0 19 50 0 14 62 5 19 31 3 14 81 3 14 81 3 19 68 8 17 62 5 93 75 21 75 0 19 12 5 14 81 3 19 68 8 18 93 8 17 62 5 21 93 8 19 68 8 16 12 5 22 87 5 19 87 5 Ta xo n Fr eq . C O U N T A V ER A G E ST D EV M ED IA N Q U A R T 1 Q U A R T 3 M IN M A X