P. WIŒNIEWSKI et al.: EFFECT OF ADDING WATER-BASED BINDERS ON THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... 225–227 EFFECT OF ADDING WATER-BASED BINDERS ON THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CERAMIC SLURRIES BASED ON SILICON CARBIDE VPLIV DODATKA VODOTOPNEGA VEZIVA NA TEHNOLO[KE LASTNOSTI SUSPENZIJE SILICIJEVEGA KARBIDA Pawe³ Wiœniewski, Marcin Ma³ek, Jaros³aw Mizera, Krzysztof Jan Kurzyd³owski Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 141 Woloska street, Warszawe, Poland p.wisniewski@inmat.pw.edu.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-03-07 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.194 Presented is research work concerning the possibility of applying new materials for the preparation of ceramic shell moulds. Most of the methods for the fabrication of ceramic slurries for investment casting are based on alcohol binders. This is one of the first researches focused on the preparation of ceramic slurries using a new, ecological method based on water-soluble binders. The work presents the rheological properties of ceramic slurries based on silicon carbide and new binders, i.e., polyvinyl alcohol and two polyacrylic binders. The rheological properties of the investigated slurries were modified by the addition of 15 % of mass fractions of the binders in the solution form. The solid phase content in the ceramic slurries was 62.5 % of mass fractions. Standard industrial parameters such as pH, density, Zhan 4# Cup viscosity and apparent viscosity determined by a rheometer were studied. The grain size of the silicon carbide powder was determined by SEM observations. The ceramic slurries were fabricated using a mechanical mixer, and the mixing time was 96 h. The results showed that the ceramic slurries were stable vs. time and met standard industrial requirements. The ceramic slurries have very promising properties and they are very promising for future shell moulds fabrication. Keywords: ceramic shell moulds, silicon carbide, binder, rheological properties, ceramic slurries Predstavljeno je raziskovalno delo o mo`nostih uporabe novih materialov za pripravo kerami~nih form. Ve~ina metod priprave kerami~ne suspenzije za precizijsko litje temelji na alkoholnih vezivih. To je ena od prvih raziskav usmerjenih v pripravo kerami~nih suspenzij, z uporabo nove, ekolo{ke metode na osnovi vodotopnih veziv. Delo predstavlja reolo{ke lastnosti kerami~nih suspenzij na osnovi silicijevega karbida in novih veziv, kot je polivinil alkohol in dve poliakrilni vezivi. Reolo{ke lastnosti preiskovanih suspenzij so bile spremenjene z doatkom 15 masnih % veziv v obliki raztopine. Vsebnost trdne faze v kerami~ni suspenziji je bila 62,5 masnih %. Prou~evani so bili obi~ajni industrijski parametri kot: pH, gostota, viskoznost z Zhan 4# Cup viskozimetrom in navidezna viskoznost, dolo~ena z reometrom. Velikost zrn silicijevega karbida je bila dolo~ena s SEM. Kerami~na suspenzija je bila izdelana s pomo~jo mehanskega me{alnika, s ~asom me{anja 96 h. Rezultati so pokazali, da je suspenzija ~asovno stabilna in ustreza industrijskim zahtevam. Kerami~ne suspenzije imajo obetajo~e lastnosti in so zelo primerne za bodo~o izdelavo {koljkastih oblik. Klju~ne besede: kerami~ne {koljkaste forme, silicijev karbid, vezivo, reolo{ke lastnosti, kerami~ne suspenzije 1 INTRODUCTION Historically, investment-casting technology was mainly used for the casting of tools, weapons and ornaments. Nowadays, this technology is employed in many important manufacturing sectors, both industrial and artistic.1 Investment castings fabricated by the lost- wax method are widely used in many fields of industry. Owing to their merits, including high quality, reliability, high Weibull modulus this method is the most popular in aircraft turbine parts manufacturing.2 European environ- mental regulations press the precision-casting industry for elimination of to eliminate alcohol binders from the moulds production process. From the beginning the process was based on ethyl silicate binders. According to the European regulations they should be fully replaced by water-based binders. Water systems need to contain polymers to improve the "green" state properties. The application of polymer-modified binders decreases the strength of moulds after burnout, but increases their permeability and flexibility.3–4 In comparison with other techniques of casting, in- vestment casting has many advantages: • obtaining the highest dimensional accuracy and sur- face smoothness, • replacing expensive machining methods to fabrica- tion precision castings, • possibility of obtaining castings with very complex shapes, which cannot be achieved by other methods, • possibility of casting of any alloy (in mass production and high volume), • thin-walled castings can be achieved. Disadvantages of the process: • difficult process for mechanization and automation, • limited casting weight substantially to 1–2 kg, parti- cularly to 10 kg.5–7 Silicon carbide is widely used in many industrial areas due to its properties and low cost. New research Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 225–227 225 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 622.7.017:66.017:661.665.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(2)225(2017) showed that its application in ceramic shell moulds improves the technological parameters of the shells, such as: mechanical strength, thermal conductivity and ther- mal shock resistance. Shell moulds containing SiC powder significantly shortened the process of the fabri- cation of the final cast, reduced grain size of the castings and improved its mechanical properties.8–11 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART AND METHODOLOGY The studies were carried out on silicon carbide powder (Stanchem, Poland). In addition, three different water-soluble binders were used i.e., polyvinyl alcohol (26000 g/mol weight and 88 % hydrolysis content (PVAL), Moviol, Germany), and two polyacrylic binders with 20 % of mass fractions (PA) and 40 % of mass frac- tions (PA2) of vinyl acrylic copolymer (Ransom & Ran- dolph, USA) as 10 % water solution. The main binder was a substance with nanoparticles of aluminium oxide (Evonik, Germany). The SiC powder content in the slurry was 62.5 % of mass fractions. SEM images of the SiC powder were taken using a SU70 Hitachi micro- scope (Japan). Grain size was measured on La-950 Horiba analyser (Japan). The ceramic slurries were fabri- cated in a reactor with a mechanical mixer. The ceramic slurries were characterized using a Zahn Cup 4#, aerometer, plate weight test (adhesion test) and pH meter. The plate weight test time (120 s) was elaborated by the authors and determined the stable properties of the researched ceramic slurries (experience from past studies). The apparent viscosity was determined using a DV II+ Brookfield rheometer (USA). The rheological properties were tested in the speed range 20–200–20 min–1. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 presents the SEM image of the investigated silicon carbide power. SiC was characterized by sharp- edged particles typical for moldings powders. The average equivalent diameter of the SiC grains was 21.9 μm. Figures 2 to 4 presents adhesion test results of the ceramic slurries based on SiC. As seen in all the pre- sented graphs, the highest weight loss occurred during the first day of the experiment. The rest of the curves were similar. A plateau was observed at 80 s for the PA- (Figure 2) for PA2 the plateau occured at 110 s (Figure 3) and for PVAL was also at 80 s (Figure 4). The time of the plateau’s appearance depended on the viscosity and density of the ceramic slurries. Figure 5 shows the apparent viscosity of the exa- mined ceramic slurries. The highest viscosity was exhi- bited by a slurry with 15 % of mass fractions addition of P. WIŒNIEWSKI et al.: EFFECT OF ADDING WATER-BASED BINDERS ON THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... 226 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 225–227 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Results of plate weight test of slurry with 15 % of mass fractions of PVAL Slika 4: Rezultati preizkusa adhezije suspenzije s 15 % masnih dele`ev PVAL Figure 1: SEM image of investigated SiC powder Slika 1: SEM-posnetek preiskovanega SiC prahu Figure 3: Results of plate weight test of slurry with 15 % of mass fractions of PA2 Slika 3: Rezultati preizkusa adhezije suspenzije s 15 % masnih dele`ev PA2 Figure 2: Results of plate weight test of slurry with 15 % of mass fractions of PA Slika 2: Rezultati preizkusa adhezije suspenzije s 15 % masnih dele`ev PA PA2, while the lowest viscosity had the slurry with 15 % of mass fractions PVAL. Figure 6 presents the basic rheological properties of the ceramic slurries. The addition of 15 % of mass frac- tions of PA2 and PVAL were inappropriate, because the viscosity of such slurries was high. A ceramic slurry with 15 % of mass fractions of PA met the standard indu- strial requirements. Its viscosity had the optimal value and slightly decreased with time. The results of the plate weight test made on daily basis were very comparable for all types of slurries. Figure 7 shows the pH and density results of the exa- mined ceramic slurries. The described properties were stable over time, and similar for all types of slurries. 4 CONCLUSIONS According to the work assumption, with connection to the industrial requirements, these researches were focused on the rheological and technological properties of ceramic slurries based on silicon carbide powder. The main aim of this work was to fabricate ceramic slurries by using new water-soluble binders. The most desirable properties from the industry point of view were exhibited by the slurry with a 15 wt.% addition of PA binder. The slurries with PA binder were characterized by relatively low viscosity, the best adhesion and stability confirmed by the plate weight test. The research conducted in this work is the first in the world and has a very promising future in ceramic shell moulds fabrication. Acknowledgments Financial support of Structural Funds in the Ope- rational Programme – Innovative Economy (IE OP) financed from the European Regional Development Fund – Project "Modern material technologies in aerospace industry", No. POIG.01.01.02-00-015/08-00 is gratefully acknowledged. 5 REFERENCES 1 S. Rzadkosz, J. Zych, A. Garbacz-Klempka, M. Kranc, J. Kozana, M. Piekos, J. Kolczyk, L. Jamrozowicz, T. Stolarczyk, Copper alloys in investment casting technology, Metalurgia 54 (2015), 293–296 2 J. Tomasik, R. Haratym, R. 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WIŒNIEWSKI et al.: EFFECT OF ADDING WATER-BASED BINDERS ON THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 225–227 227 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 7: Density and pH of the ceramic slurries Slika 7: Gostota in pH kerami~nih suspenzij Figure 6: Rheological properties of the ceramic slurries Slika 6: Reolo{ke lastnosti kerami~nih suspenzij Figure 5: Apparent viscosity of the ceramic slurries Slika 5: Navidezna viskoznost kerami~ne suspenzije