JUVENILE SECTION OF "NAPREDEK" CLEVELAND, OHIO, OCTOBER 20th, 1937 WITH OUR JUNIORS By Michael Vrhovnik, Director of Vrtec and English Speaking Lodges SSPZ Junior Literary Champions 1937 Five beautiful trophies, em- blematic of the highest literary achievements for the year 1937, were awarded to as many hap- py, surprised boys and girls of our Juvenile Department. Two of our literary champions, namely, Anne Gačnik and Vale¬ na Artel, both members of Vr¬ tec OUTLOOKERS, were pres- ent at 01ympic “Victory Ban- quet” to receive their reward in person and, much to their sur- prise again, have movies taken of them while in the act of ac- cepting the trophies from the hands of the Director of the Ju¬ venile Department in the pres- ence of a large attendance of banqueteers. The three remain- ing awards were wrapped, care- fully, and then mailed to their respective winners a few days later. You can imagine how de- lighted they must have felt when the packages were opened and they had a chance to dis- play them before the eyes of their parents, other members of the family and friends. What a grand and glorious feeling that must have been! ... We’re sorry they were unable to attend the “Victory Banquet” and get into the SSPZ movies with Anne and Valeria—but then—next year is another year and they’ll have that much more to look fonvard to. *> No doubt many of you al- ready know who the winners of the Literary Achievement tro¬ phies are; but, officially, there has been no announcement pub- lished, so here goes— Continued on Page 4 DON’T FORGET When nevv Vrtec officers are elected, or the meeting plače or date changed, or a member is lapsed \vho has been receiving the “Napre¬ dek”—NOTIFY THE DI¬ RECTOR! JUNIOR WHEEL OF PROORESJ (Standings as of Oct. 1, 1937) BIG TWELVE LEADERS The winning Vrtec shall receive the Grand National Prize of $100.00. Each group leader shall receive a prize of $25.00. * Active Vrtec units. Note: More campaign statistics are published in the ESL Section. * * * L-L-L-O-O-O-O-O-K-K-K ! ! ! L-L-O-O-O-O-K-K ! !— $200.00 in collective prizes shall be awarded by the Society to Vrtec leaders in the JUNIOR WHEEL OF PROGRESS campaign!!! $100.00 shall be awarded to the Vrtec unit gaining the highest number of new certificates by the first of the coming year and four $25.00 prizes shall be avvarded to Group leaders... And on top of that generous offer, the SSPZ shall pay additional individual prizes of 50 cents, for each Juvenile Certificate, to the proposing members... A gold JUNIOR EMBLEM shall be given to every new member... No medical examinations are re- quired unless demanded by the Supreme Medical Examiner, the Supreme Administrative Sub-committee or some higher authority... SEND IN YOUR ORDER FOR NEW JUVE¬ NILE APPLICATIONS, TODAY! Let’s ali get busy and wind up this membership drive in a blaze of glory! # * * Gosh! It sure was swell the way the OUTLOOKERS (Vrtec No. 11) came through last month! Had it not been for them and the superlative work of brothers John Zaman and John Bohinc, Administrator and Secretary of the Vrtec and parent Lodge, respectively, the JUNIOR WHEEL OF PROGRESS campaign for the month of September would have been somcwhat of a “frizzle"... But lucky for us, the OUTLOOKERS (Continued on page i) Your Attenshun Please! llotjs and girls, 1 just ivant to call your attention to some veri/ interesting “Camera F a c t o- shots” in the English-speaking lodge section of today’s “Napre¬ dek.” Fin sure many of you ivill find them to your liking — Won f t you read them? ... And after you’ve finished, gather up alt the snapshots you’ve taken since last Mag 1, 1937, and if gon* wish, take a feio more and send them ali to the Contest Direc¬ tor . . . Don’t forget to fill out the ENTRY BLANK before en- closing it uoith your pictures! And, 1 better remind you, again, that the prizes are going to be cash and will be paid be¬ fore the XMAS HOLIDA YS ... Altogether, $$$60$$$ ivill be dis- tributed among the adult and juvenile contestants . . . There ivill be 12 prizes in each divi- sion ... Bog! Oh! Bog! Think of, that! . . . TIVELVE (12) cash prizes totaling $$$24$$$ have been set aside for those of gou who ivill ivin . . . Come on “Bang”! . . . Are you or arent gou going to let us have the pic¬ tures? . . . Gosh, Thanks! . . . 1 kneiv you’d come through okag-. okag-okag . . . See gou in the next mail — So long. > Contest Director HOW YOU CAN WIN A JUNIOR STAR EMBLEM By contj-ibuting an arti- cle (story, essay, poem, etc.) to the Vrtec Section in two of the last three month of 1937, you will be re\varded \vith our latest SSPZ JUNIOR EMBLEM. The only requirements are that you make your contri- butions other than poems, of 100 words or more in length and that it be origi¬ nal . . . You might try sug- gesting ideas for our 1938 Junior Literary Contest— What \vould you like to have? Send them to the Editor of the “Napredek” or your Director. jStjran 2 Jnvenile Section of “JSTa-pr-ečLelc” OctoJDGir 20th, 1037 Life, Mmbitions, and Hobbies of Junior Literary Cfiampions 1937 p 'AN N E E. GAČNIK (Secretary of Vrtec Outlookers, Cleveland ) »# _ She was bora in Ambridge, Ja., January 13,1920 .,. And— * * * Moved to Cleveland with her folks (of course) when six inonths old. * * * The first six and one-half |years were spent mostly in hos- pitals ... As Ann put it—• * * * Having her bones polished, oiled and re-set . . . And then—• * * * Began her school career and has been at it ever since. * * ❖ . Admits mathematics is her stumbling block . . . But even so— ❖ * * Hopes to graduate next June 1938 . . . Her ambition is— * ❖ # To matriculate at some good university for a preparatory (Course in medicine. * ifi * She is particularly interested in the study of bacteriology, dis- vork. “GREENHORN” When an animal begins to *‘cut” its horns, they are known as “green,” that is, immature, undeveloped. A person known as a “greenhorn” is one easily imposed upon, as if he were in- jexperienced and undeveloped mentally. VALERIA ARTEL (Member of Vrtec Outlookers, Cleveland ) * _ October 20, 1937, will mark her sixteenth milestone . . . And \vas— * ❖ ❖ Bora in Cleveland \vhere she has lived ever since. ❖ ;J: i’fi She is a Junior in Glenville High school. * * * Her ambition is to be a psy- chiatrist . . . “But,” she goes on— =s * * “That really is my second am¬ bition. The one on top is the de- sire to be a success in whatever I do and to attain happiness. Those two things mean more to me than anything el se.” ... She continues— “Every autobiogra- pher has (usually) a ‘love-life,’ but in that I must disappoint my readers, as it is far too in- complete to interest anyone.” * i’fi Her hobbies are—Reading, writing poetry, sports and school-woi'k . . . “But,” she says, “If I were asked to pick the one I’m most interested in, I’d choose getting educated (school- ing).” ... Proceeds Valeria— ❖ ❖ ❖ “This is letting out the EGO- ISM in my system, but last year I was awarded ‘French Medal’ as the outstanding French štu¬ dent in school. At present I am the assistant - editor of the schooPs French paper.” . . . She vvinds up by saying— :f: * * “Mine has really been an ‘or- dinary’ life.” ... But, what we think, and pardon our saying so, Valeria, is that for a “grown- up” youngster yours is quite an extra-ordinary beginning and we certainly hope you succeed in whatever you attempt. REPORTER’S FIRST EFFORT A man killed a dog belong- ing to another man. The son of the man whose dog was killed proceeded to.whip the man who killed the dog of the man he was the son of. The man vvho was the son of the man whose dog was killed was arrested on complaint of the man who was assaulted by the son of the man whose dog the man who was assaulted had killed. MARIE ERMENCE (Member of Vrtec No. 33, Milwaukee, Wis.) She was bora in Denver, Colo., March 25, 1925 . . . And— jfc :jc When two and a half years old, came with her parents to Milwaukee. • She attends grade school and is now in 7-A. Some of her hobbies show her to be quite “tom-boyish”— She likes baseball, swimming, sleigh- ing and hiking. In her more seri- ous moments, however, she studies the piano and does lots of reading . . . Last year— :|c ;f: :f; Marie won first prize at the Southside Branch Library for having read the highest number of books. She looks forward to Vrtec meetings and social affairs and never misses one. She believes it to be a great honor to belong to the SSPZ and thinks there is no other Slovene organization quite its equal . . . Thanks, Marie, and we certain- ly hope you continue to bask in the good deeds and ventures of our great Society. FRANKIE MIVEC FAILS IN PINCH Some of you, perhaps, are wondering why the picture and autobriography of Frankie Mi- vec, the young lad who contri- buted “Pompadori! Pompado- ri!” and “My Energetic Sister” in the 1937 Junior Literary Con- test and thereby won the high¬ est award, is not in today’s issue of the Vrtec Section— Well, to be right frank with you, your Director did everything except make a special trip to Indiana¬ polis to get one of Frankie’s pic- tures and a few notes on vvhen and where he was bora, what his hobbies are, etc., but stili no results . . . Now, if we were un- der the impression that Frankie is the type of young fellow who shuns publicity and “spotlight” attention, we’d never attempt to drag his name through these O columns; but knowing for cer- tain that he doesn’t mind, for \vasn’t it Frankie, vvho, of ali the WILLIAM PEVC (President of Pioneer s, Vrtec No. 1, Forest City, Pa.) President Pevc says: I was born in Vandling, Pa., on April 13, 1925. :f< * I am now in the 7th grade and enjoy studying ali subjects . . . But— * $ ❖ There are a few I enjoy more than others. My favorite sub¬ jects are speli ing, geography and history. :f: if« if« The hobby I like a great deal is collecting pictures of base¬ ball players. Among them are Lou Gehrig, Dean brothers, Mickey Cochrane, Carl Hubbell, Bill Terry, Joe Di Maggio, Jim- my Fox, “Lefty” Gomez and many others. (William, we see js no different from the average normal boy. He’s quite a base¬ ball fan and probably aspires to be a bali player someday.) . . . He adds— :f< :■« $ I believe the Vrtec is a fine thing for children, because it can be educational as well as entertaining if one takes the right kind of interest in it . . . And— The SSPZ is a splendid or¬ ganization, not only because it provides the best protection for ali members, but also, because it provides contests, athletic meets and other interesting fea- tures for the youth . . . (Good for you, William— Those were words wisely chosen and we know you mean every word . . . Incidentally, William has been president of the Pioneer Vrtec for the past four years, being at the time of his election and probably at this vvriting, the youngest and one of the most consistently active Vrtec lead- ers.) Indianapolis boys at Cleveland during the recent 01ympic Meet at Cleveland, was caught talk- ing to several girls vvithout shovving a sign of bashfulness? . . . Or, was it Johnny Praprot¬ nik? . . . Or, it might have been their manager, Tony Qualiza (Boy! Can we jugglethings) ?... No, it \vas Frankie, alright! . . . So ,the conclusion we’ve arrived Continued on page If October* 20th, 1937 Ju.venile Section of “lS5a.pred.eli.” Stran 3 Letters From Our Vrtec Members AMBRIDGE DOESN’T E AT OUTLOOKERS’ D01NGS Export, Pa. — Our little ham- let, White Valley, was very much honored on Sunday afternoon by being paid a visit by some famous boys from Ambrige. Yes sir, folks! A few of the more ac- tive members of Ambridge, Vr¬ tec No. 44, are making it their business to become acquainted vvith members of neighboring Vrtec units. After having spent a few hours locating it, they fi¬ na!^ dropped in at the home of the president of White Valley Vrtec No. 103. Poor boys! they were looking for Slovene people but could only find the “Gran- nish.” Oh \vell, better lučk next time. Imagine our surprise that we should be entertaining a part of the group of the SSPZ softball champions of 1937. We vvere quite pleased to have you, boys! After seeing a few of the husky males of the Ambridge Vrtec, it makes the feminine Vrtec mem¬ bers of White Valley appear very small. AMBRIDGE, please give us your formula for “grovv- ing up without food.” It certain- ly must be easy for Administra¬ tor Clement Kosela to manage such a grand Vrtec for they nev- er need spend any money for food or refreshments, since none of them eat. What do you do with ali your money? It seems that our Vrtec spends most of its money for food and refresh¬ ments. We have them on their \vord of honor that they DON’T EAT. We would certainly ap- preciate having your method for vve too would then have a grand Vrtec. We were given the im- pression that Ambridge lives on LOVE. More power to you champions, and may you con- tinue to prosper on love (SANS FOOD). It certainly shows a fine špirit of friendship when vve find young membei’s vvilling to travel miles to make friends with other members. I would have liked very much for them to visit other members’ homes, but their time seemed so limited that they rushed back home. What’s the mattec boys, couldn’t your dates vvait? We are sorry that you boys were not informed that our meetings are held every third Sunday of the month at 10:30 a. m., but vve enjoyed having you anyway. Wouldn’t it be niče if our members would plan to visit members of other Vrtec units? How about that, mem¬ bers of Vrtec No. 103? \ Notice how far the influence of a good deed extends. If it had not been for Ambridge paying White Valley a visit, brother Vrhovnik vvould not have the benefit of this article for the “Napredek.” Come back aagin Clem Kosela (McCarthy) and Charlie Kerzan and bring back the remainder of the gang, in- cluding the girls. Come early, so you can visit ali of us. Tillie Mladenick, President of Vrtec 103 Cleveland, O. — Let’s give three great big cheers for Andy Artel! He brought in thirteen nevv members ali by himself! Andy was initiated into Out- lookers’ group in February. That’s great tvork, Andy. I hope he gets the prize that Združeni Bratje are putting out for this “Wheel of Progress Campaign.” A party vvill be held after the next meeting. Let’s have a large attendance. Parents are invited. It may be a trifle late, but, I’d like to thank the judges vvho made it possible for me to re- ceive that beautiful trophy, just the same. I’d like to congratulate Frank Mivec for receiving the first prize trophy. Let’s see more of your creations in our Vrtec Page. Isn’t it said that good things should be seen often? The Outlookers are looking forward to the joint Vrtec Christmas Party to be given on December 11. Mr. Vrhovnik vvill be there, and vve hope he brings his pictures vvith him. And so, until November and Thanksgiving, au revoir. A ime Gačnik OUTLOOKERS ’ DO/NGS * Cleveland, O. — At the last meeting of Vrtec No. 11 vve de- cided to have a party after our next meeting vvhich will be held on Nov. 5, 1937. This party vvill be even bigger than our last party, vvhich vvas a success. As you ali know if you have been reading the “Napredek” the Outlookers are in the lead in the “Wheel of Progress” con- test. On Dec. 11 the Outlookers and Spartan Jrs., the two Cleveland Vrtecs are going to have a com- bined Christmas party at the Slovene National Home, St. Clair avenue. Our Vrtec orchestra again made a hit when it won second prize in the Collinwood High School Amateur Night. Harold Tavzel and Lukance are both on the Collinvvood Jr. High football team. Don’t forget our next meeting on Nov. 5, 1937 at vvhich vve vvill definitely decide vvhen and vvhere our Slovene School vvill be held. “The Tivo Collegiates” VRTEC NO. 44 NEWS Ambridge, Pa. — Hi every- body, here comes the Ambridge Vrtec gang again. The first thing I vvish to discuss is the at¬ tendance at our meetings. It vvas better than usual but I hope it vvill inerease. I vvant to remind ali the mem¬ bers of our Vrtec once more of the SSPZ “Wheel of Progress.” Only three more months remain of the Wheel of Progress Cam¬ paign!” This means that vve have to vvork harder than ever to get more nevv members to make our Vrtec larger and more successful. Boost the SSPZ and keep the “Wheel of Progress” m oviri g- onvvar.d. I think that it is a great honor and joy to be an active mernber of this great organization—the SSPZ. By joining the SSPZ you gain everything and lose nothing. So come on, let’s push and puli the vvheel until it turns. I am very much interested in the various letters submitted to the “Napredek” by the juvenile members of the SSPZ. They ali desen r e praise. I have noticed that not many of the members from our Vrtec vvrite to this paper. Come on Ambridge, vvake up! Many of our members are a bit lazy. Is the vveather getting you or vvhat? I think that more of our Vrtec members can vvrite arti- cles to the “Napredek” i| they made up their mind to do so. Don’t you think so? Fali is here again. This is the season vvhen the leaves fall off the trees. We are having some very odd changes in the vveather here lately. But it is kind of cold- now. One of our members Joe Sum- rok is novv playing football for the Ambridge Jr. High School and is doing good. Keep up the good vvork Joe. Here are some riddles: 1. If a store costs $85, vvhat vvould a ton of coal corrie to? Ans.: Ashes. 2. What is the president of the U. S. doing? Ans.: Breathing. So in conclusion let me sug- gest our motto to be: “Keep the “Wheel of Progress” a-rolling and stop at nothing. In Slovene I’ll say: Le na¬ prej ! Le naprej! Dokler nas je še kaj? I could go on vvriting forever but since space does not permit, Pil say so-long and Pil have to sign off. Agnes Tekstar Comets’ Sec’y THAT UNFORGETTABLE NIGHT Cleveland, O. — Johnny, a boy of fourteen, vvas vvalking home from a party. It vvas mid- night, and the street vvas desert- ed. Johnny vvhistled and it echoed back quickly. He turned dovvn his street and his heart vvas at ease. Suddenly from no- vvhere came a thumping noise and vvas quiet again. The noise vvas heard more clearly novv, and Johnny’s heart beeame shaky. He turned around to see a man vvith a peg for one leg, and a hook for an arm coming at a rapid speed after him. Johnny vvaited no longer, but ran as fast as he could. The dis- figured man’s voice vvas heard, chuckling and laughing crazily. Johnny had but one more house to pass, and he vvould be safely at home. Johnny ran as fast as he could, but his feet seemed to stay in the same plače, vvhile the crippled man vvas by novv only a yard away. Johnny heard the chuckling clearly vvhich said, “Pil get you yet.” Sudden- ly a hand grasped Johnny’s arm and Johnny vvas too paralyzed vvith fright to yell for help. A jerk sent Johnny to the ground and then J ohnny got a good look at the disfigured man. He had only one eye, his noše had been eaten avvay leaving a hole for his noše and his mouth had but tvvo teeth in. He vvas at least six foot, and his clothes vvere made from bags. The man chuckled and said, “Well bov, you’re coming vvith -me for a long time.” Johnny tugged and pulled but could not jerk avvav. (Read Johnny’s next adven- ture vvith the man vvith ty.e vvooden leg.) Frank Vadnal Vrtec No. 11 S PA RT ANS JUNIOR VRTEC NO. 5 Spartan Juniors Neivs Flashes Cleveland,’O. — Stand by for some red hot Spartan Juniors Nevvs Flashes! Triple Star Flash No. 1 Tvvo dollars vvill be given avvay at our next meeting. Triple Star Flash No. 2 A joint party, movies, dance and Santa Claus’s visit in the bargain, comprises vvhat vve hope vvill attract a large attend¬ ance at our gathering on Dec. llth. Novv for a series of One Star Flashes:— Teachers for Gym and Dra- maties vvill be available if the required amount of Spartan members are interested. So, here’s a chance for ali you gals vvho’ve j ust been itching to get rid of some of that avoirdupois. Come on out then and shovv us that you appreciate us for hav¬ ing your good interest at heart. Novv a fevv vvords to our more handsome lads and lassies vvho aspire to climb the ladder of success in the theatrical circles. Opportunity knocks but once so hearken to its summons and make your appearance on Nov. 12. We’ll be expecting you, so don’t let us dovvn, vvill you? Daniella Homovec, Sec’y Vrtec No. 5 I don’t quite knovv-vvhat gave me this spontaneous burst of en- thusiasm that makes me vvant to conquer vvorlds. Perhaps it’s the bracing vveather but I have a slight suspicion it may have been the cheering sight of the unusually large attendance at our last meeting. I can teli you it vvas a sight for sore eyes. But, I knovv vve can do a lot better, so hovv about some of you latent Spartans coming to the surface and shovving yourselves at our next meeting on November 12? In čase you forgot the plače is Slovene Nat’l Home, room 2. Remember? Just to shovv you vve mean vvhat vve say Mr. Candon, Mr. Stokel and the ever-suggestive Charlie Koman vvent into a hud- dle and came out declaring that as an extra inticement $2.00 vvill be given away that evening. In¬ terested? I thought soi Cooperation and suggestions are always needed to make.:any- thing turn out successfully.-and let me teli you bushels oJLhoth (Continued on page If) fti.ran ^ Juvenile Section of Napredek October 20th, 1037 HA LLO WE’EN’S RUINS By Anne Gačnik Hallowe’en is draiving near With its corn, its pumpkins, and its fripperg. The black cats proivl, and the dogs, they hoivl! And the ivindoivs ivith s oap are slippery. 1 don’t feel safe on a night like that \Vhen ghosts and goblins wan- der, And the hideous tace s sc are me so That it make s me run for cover. Trail Blazer Juniors Newsy Bits ‘WHEEL OF PROGRESS’ CAMPAIGN S. S. P. Z. JEN/OR LITER AR Y CHAMPION S 1937 (Continued from page one) (Continued from page 1) How People have parties And evergone is gag In spite of the fact that the decorations they had Were funng and voeird, or 80 they sag. A scavanger hunt is usuallg planned. We look for cats, and police- men'shats, i ve generallg look forjunk While the folks at home sit and talk ’round the fire And s ay that modem Hallo- we’ens are just the bunk! Then on our way home, around threeorfour And evenatbreak of day We : re tired and sleepg and spent And u>e’re tcishing we’d a-stayed at home and never ivould V icent. Then the next dag we look out- side And behold! our niče neighbor- hood’s a ruin! The garbage is scattered, and the fences are broken, there rotten tomatoes ali around, And the poor black cat, which icas strung up the night before, Uttered nary a little sound. Letters From Our Vrtec Members Hello, boys and girls! are you, today? Boy! You should have been to our last meeting a couple of weeks ago! We had the “dandi- est” attendance, nearly 50 per cent being present— And that’s mighty good when one consid- ers that about half of the total membership is made up of youngsters under school age .. . But, Bil bet we have a better at¬ tendance the next time, because we’re already planning the Christmas program and a Com- mittee of three have been ap- pointed to search for literary material, such as poems, read- ings,’ plays, etc. And on October 30th, in the afternoon starting at about 3:30 ye’re going to have a big Hal- lowe’en Party with games, mu¬ šic, picture-taking, eats and, maybe, movies. Ali members are invited to participate in this event and we hope as many par- ents, as are abie to leave their “home-work,” celebrate with us. Gosh! ril bet most of the little tots will be there and won’t they be surprised when they see \vhat’s in store for them when they get older and are able to come to ali the meetings and Vrtec affairs? Our Supreme Administrator, Michael Vrhovnik, substituted for brother Frank Pintar, our regular Administrator, at the last meeting ... A Committee of five members, namely: Steve Lavrič, Katherine Zadnik, Emil Brolick, Frances Tršar and Frances Torkar were appointed to make ali necessary arrange- ments for the Hallowe’en pro¬ gram. The Committee is sched- uled to meet at the Home Office, 247 W. 103rd St., on Saturday afternoon, October 23 at 2:30 ... It is urgent that ali members of the committee be present. Our latest addition is Lillian Sutton and at the August meet¬ ing Nino Peter Varoni was ac- cepted into our ranks... Neither has been initiated as yet, but as happened to be out “gunning” for new members and bagged a total of 10, ali of vhom were proposed and accepted at the September meeting and admit- ted into the Society’s ranks as of October lst . . . And now, for the first time in the campaign, the OUTLOOKERS have taken a commanding, if not impreg- nable, position right next to the base of WHEEL OF PROG¬ RESS. With a total of 32 mem¬ bers to their credit, vhich is 15 more than that of their nearest competitor and less than THREE months to go, it is be- ginning to look more like a vic- tory for the OUTLOOKERS— BUT— The 31st of December is stili quite some distance avay and the roadway anything but smooth and straight . . . There are a score or more Vrtec units that could, with the proper špir¬ it and determination and lead- ership, step into the picture close to the top, practically, over night. With the new Ju¬ venile By-Laws now in full force and effect, and with the proper application of their many favorable features, it should prove an easy task for an organized Vrtec unit to enroll 25 or 30 members before the close of the campaign. What say you to that, Administrators and Vrtec members? . . . The final drive is on! . .. Let’s not b.e sat- isfied with merely thinking that IT CAN BE DONE, but think, talk and act so that IT SHALL BE DONE! If you’ve a brother or sister or cousin or friend who are not members of the Vrtec, live-up to the motto: THEY SHALL BE ENROLLED dur- ing the WHEEL OF PROG¬ RESS campaign! .,. ONWARD and UPWARD, in membership and achievement shall be the AIM of every Vrtec and adult member of our Society! . . . Build-up in numerical strength as well as community influence! ... Today is not too late! Group “A” (Ages 13 and over) Frank Mivec, Vrtec No. 9—- Indianapolis, Ind.—lst prize. Anne E. Gačnik, Vrtec No. 11 —Cleveland, O.—2nd prize. Valeria Artel, Vrtec No. 11— Cleveland, O.—3rd prize. Group “B” William Pevc, Vrtec No. 1— Forest City, Pa., and Marie Er- mence, Vrtec 33—Milvaukee, Wis.—Duplicate prizes. Honorable Mention Wanda Cebron, Daniella Ho- movec, Tillie Mladenick, Julia Kosmach, Helen Previc, Louis Znidarsich and Katherine Zad¬ nik. How proud of you must have been your parents, brothers, sisters and friends when they read your contributions in the Vrteč Section and how proud must they have been when you were revvarded for your liter- ary efforts . ,;l, too, am proud of your ačhievements and hope yoii continue vriting for the “Napredek” not orily as a Vrtec member, but also, later, vhen jrou transfer to the Adult De¬ partment of the Society. While in session, recently, every mem¬ ber of the Supreme Board vas loud in his praise of your vork and ali unahimously agreed that much had been accomplished in the short space of six months. How surprised most of you vould be if you knew hov many other members and non-mem- bers of the Society are follov- ing your progress through your literary expressions and hov keenly delighted they are vhen you succeed in putting across your ideas. Yes, ve’re ali mighty proud of our Junior vriters and I’m sure everyone congratulates and thanks you for the vork you have done. CONGRATULA- TIONS, boys and girls, and do keep on vriting! FRANKIE MIVEC PINCH FAILS IN (Continued from page S) vili be needed at our next gath- ering for there are dozens of ideas breving right nov that promise to need a lot of consid- eration and thought. So brush the cobvebs off that dormant mind and make your appear- ance for an argumentive eve- ning. Helen Poklickg, Recording Secretary T * * * Nov that a nev season is be¬ ing ushered in, heralded by the rustle of the orange-gold tinted leaves, it seems to have given me an inspiration to achieve great literary heights. The most important problem at our former meetings vas to find a suitable maxim for our ever-groving Spartan Junior lodge. soon as a fev more nev mem¬ bers are corraled, ve’ll give them the vorks, von’t ve “gang”? ... The youngest mem¬ ber at the last meeting vas Caroline Musich and the first to Some m o 11 o s considered vere: “It shall be done,” vhich seemed to make a hit vith our popular secretary, Daniella Ho- movec vhile “Work, Wait, Win” seemed to have got the record¬ ing secretary vhich by the vay happens to be Helen Poklicky the inseparable pal of Daniella. Hov about giving us a help- ing hand in the debate by bring- ing some of your favorites to our next meeting and settling the dispute. Gladgs Mohorich, Vrtec No. 5 Continued on page S of Slo- vene Section leave vas Lillian Bezlaj ... Her brother Frankie doesn’t like to attend meetings, either, but I’ll bet you he doesn’t miss the next one . . . Tvo of our boys play football for the Pullman Tech Lightveights and they’re going great guns— They are William Tršar and Henry “Hank” Bez¬ laj and from reports received, they helped to vin both their first game. Keep up the good vork boys; hope you trim ali of your opponents—except—vhen you meet Fenger ... Hov about that Steve and Katherine? . . . Well, anyway — Rah! Rah! Rah! Pullman Tech and Fen¬ ger! . . . Well so-long boys and girls, till ve meet at the Hal- love’en Party and the next monthly meeting . . . DON’T FORGET TO COME!... BRING YOUR C A M E R A WITH YOU! The Junior Reporter Continued from page 2 at, is that Frankie hasn’t a pic¬ ture on hand that vould do him justice. (It’s quite possible that he’s a bit afraid that that little girl in Cleveland might not ap- prove of it) or else his “Ener- getic Sister,” vho has already caused him much trouble, has hid them and won’t teli vhere... Well, Frankie, if you’ll pardon us for vhat ve’ve said about you up there, ve’ll forgive you for not favoring your readers vith your picture and auto- biography and providing you vrite another short story for the Vrtec Section . . . What say to that? . . . Hov about another of your masterpieces for the Christmas edition? . . . Okay?... That’s fine— We’ll ali be look- ing forvard to it. Director