17/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 24.4.2011 VELIKA NOC EASTER SUNDAY Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca http://www.carantha.net/ st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm rrsiMi; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Nova luč je razsvetlila svet Koje bil Jezus rojen, je njegova mati zaman skušala najti prenočišče v mestu. Trije modri so ga zaman iskali na kraljevskem dvoru. Ko je oznanjal evangelij, je obšel sredstva, s katerimi se ljudje navadno trudijo priti do uspehov. Kar je dosegel, je dosegel z resnico in dobroto. Ko so ga v velikem tednu uničili, so izkoristili vse razpoložljive možnosti: oblast, nasilje, podkupovanje, orožje, laž, politiko, nepreračunljivost množic. Jezus bi mogel vse to še v večji meri uporabiti v svoj prid. Namesto tega je šel na vrt in tam tri ure molil. Petru je zapovedal, naj meč spravi. Niti enega od dvanajsterih legij angelov, ki so mu bili na voljo, ni hotel poklicati v pomoč. Koje vstal od mrtvih, ni delal hrupa, ni prirejal zborovanj; nikogar ni prepričeval, nikomur se ni vsiljeval. Nikomur ni grozil in nad nikomer se ni maščeval. Nikomur ni očital, zakaj je sodeloval pri njegovem umoru. Do svoje zmage ni prišel z orožjem, denarjem, nasiljem, lažjo, govorniško spretnostjo ali s čim podobnim, česar se navadno poslužujejo zemeljski zmagovalci. Tudi mi nismo poklicani, da svet s tem prekvasimo. Vsega tega ima dovolj in preveč brez nas. Svet potrebuje za odrešenje drugačno sol, drugačno luč in drugačen kvas. Potrebuje vero, resnico, svobodo, zvestobo, dobroto, razumevanje, mir, Ljubezen, spoštovanje. Kristus je zmagal po tej poti in nam s tem odprl široko področje, za katero se nihče ne poteguje, kjer nismo nikomur napoti, ne prihajamo z nikomer navzkriž in ga ne borno nikoli izčrpali. Naša zmaga na njem je zagotovljena. »Kdo nam bo odvalil kamen?« (Mr 16,3 sl.) se vprašujejo žene na velikonočno jutro. Je tudi krik po solidarnosti naših mladih, preizkušenih in zlorabljenih sopotnikov. Ne samo en kamen z mojega ali tvojega srca!Tu so skale naše ne-vere, brez-upa in ne-ljubezni: skale naših človeških, cerkvenih, družbenih, finančnih, gospodarskih ... porazov. »Ko pa so se ozrle tja, so videle, da je kamen odvaljen; in bil je zelo velik.« Nato so prejele veselo oznanilo: »Jezus je vstal, pred vami pojde v Galilejo!« Spoštovani in dragi prijatelji in sodelavci! V imenu don Boskovih salezijancev vam iskreno želi, da vas do globine duše in srca prevzame to velikonočno poroštvo naše prihodnosti, dr. Alojzij Slavko Snoj, salezijanski inšpektor Easter 2011 Dear Friends, Last year on Good Friday a very close priest friend, Father Laurie Conlon, died unexpectedly. The message of the angel at the tomb of Jesus provided the consolation we needed: "He is not here, he has risen." The sudden death of my friend helped me realize just how important is our faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It provides assurance that death is not the end. Rather, God has the last word, and God's last word is the same as God's first word: LIVE! God raised Jesus from the tomb, and we believe that God raises us with Him. Not long after Father Laurie's death, I celebrated the marriage of a young couple who were his good friends. Their wedding day was a beautiful reminder that God continues to bless the world with witnesses to goodness and hope. Over and over again, God blesses us with LIFE - a blessing that is constantly renewed. At Easter we surround ourselves with symbols of new life: Easter eggs, lilies, tulips, and other bright Spring flowers. At this time of year, there are natural signs of new life: ice and snow melt, rivers run, and buds appear on trees and bushes. People dress in lighter colours. LIFE abounds. During these wonderful Easter days look for signs of LIFE around you. And give thanks to the Author of LIFE for the blessings of LIFE, and love, and goodness. Happy Easter! Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, + Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton obnovo. Na pomoč sta prišla lazarist g. Antonio Burja iz Toronta in g. Boštjan Lenart, ki študira v Rimu. Oba dneva sta spovedovala od pol šestih zvečer do maše. Med sveto mašo pa nas je g. Boštjan tudi duhovno spodbujal, da bi storili tudi nekaj konkretnega in se tako pripravili na velikonočno praznovanje. Hvala obema za pomoč in zgled. 1. MAJ - NEDELJA BOŽJEGA USMILJENJA - SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY_ During the Mass of canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000, the year of the Great Jubilee, Pope John Paul II proclaimed: "It is important then that we accept the whole message that comes to us from the word of God on this Second Sunday of Easter, which from now on throughout the Church, will be called Divine Mercy Sunday." The readings on that Sunday are always about mercy, trust and the forgiveness of sins. Prav na to nedeljo pa bo papež Janez Pavel II. letos proglašen za blaženega. IZDELAVA BUTARIC_ Člani plesne skupine VENEC in še nekateri so letos, pod vodstvom Davida Antolina, v tednu pred cvetno nedeljo izdelali, čez sto manjših butaric in tudi tri večje v slovenskih barvah. Tako nadaljujejo lepo navadno iz preteklih let, da bodo tudi mlajši vedeli kako se izdeluje, Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste prispevali zelenje za izdelavo. Vse butarice so prodali pred nedeljskima sv. mašama. CVETNA NEDELJA V KLUBU SAVA in LONDONU Kljub temu, da je letos pozna velika noč, se vreme na cvetno nedeljo še ni ogrelo, v Kitchenerju in Londonu je celo snežilo. Pa vseeno smo se zbrali v velikem številu. Otroci so v sklopu slovenske šole v soboto napravili butarice. Tako so lepše sodelovali na cvetno nedeljo. Zbrali smo se na hodniku, tam blagoslovili in potem v porcesiji odšli v dvorano. Veronika je v lepi slovenščini prebrala berilo, prav tako so po vlogah brali trpljenje našega Gospoda. In Peter je bil pravi Peter. Hvala Magdi, ki se je posebej potrudila, da je »množica« enoglasno prebrala svojo vlogo pri pasijonu. Sledilo je kosilo, sam pa sem že mahal proti Londonu, kjer smo se zbrali v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Najprej je bila prilika za sveto spoved, potem smo v atriju blagoslovili zelenje in med mašo slovensko prebrali pasijon po Mateju. Po maši pa smo v dvorani uživali ob dobrotah, ki so jih prinesle pridne gospodinje. Hvala vsem, ki si prizadevate, da tudi preko slovenskih prazničnih navad vzpodbujamte vero. Praznovanje cvetne nedelje smo začeli 9:15 z blagoslovom zelenja v spodnji dvorani. Zbralo se nas je veliko, vsak z butarico ali palmovo vejico. Amalia, Joel in Tonya so oblečeni v narodne noše nosili večje butarice, pevci mešanega pevskega zbora so pod vodstvom Johna in organista Carla, peli postne pesmi, Štefan in Pavel sta vodila procesijo, božjo besedo so brali Lojze M., Ivan A., Pavel in Mirko; Mirjam in Maja sta stregli in še bi lahko našteval... Hvala gospe Olgi in članicam Oltarnega društva za lepo okrašeno, počiščeno in urejeno cerkev. Enajsto sveto mašo je vodil Fr. George Harkins, salezijanec iz Toronta, ministrantje so bili Mark, Steven in Jason, prepeval pa je angleški zbor pov vodstvom Ivana Mertuka. Kljub deževnemu dnevu je bilo doživeto praznovanje. KRIZMENA MASA V HAMILTONSKI KATEDRALI_ Veliki teden smo, začeli s krizmeno mašo v katedrali Kristusa Kralja. Bogoslužje je vodil domači škof The Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, O.M.I., ob navzočnosti več kot 200 duhovnikov, redovnikov in redovnic. Še pred tem smo se duhovniki zbrali v dvorani na večerji skupaj s škofom. Ob tej priliki so trije duhovniki dobili naziv »monsignor«. Pri maši je škof posvetil sveta olja, po maši pa je vse povabil na okrepčilo v dvorano. s Sunday's Readings EASTER SUNDAY First Reading Acts 10:34.37-43 Obedient to the command of the risen Lord, Peter is preaching forgiveness of sins through the name of Jesus. Second Reading Colossians 3:1-4 The resurrection of Christ challenges us to a new way of living, focused on spiritual realities. Gospel John 20:1-9 Mary of Magdala is confused at the empty tomb, Peter is hesitant, and the other disciple sees and believes, understanding for the first time the teaching of scripture that Christ must rise from the dead. Illustration Advertisers use strong visual images to grab the attention of potential customers; they know they have a very short time span in which to engage their audience, or they will lose them. They choose images that attract, amuse, appeal - often images that have nothing whatsoever to do with the product or service being advertised. One common technique is the appeal to history, evoking a strong emotional resonance in the audience: film footage of the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, the assassination of President Kennedy, or the first steps taken on the moon. The advertisers are implying that what they are selling is world-changing; this may or may not be true, but it is often effective. It is quite clear to the writer of today's Gospel reading that something world-changing has happened. He presents us with a strong, clear image: the tomb, which should have contained the body of Jesus, is empty. The implications of this will become apparent, and nothing will ever be the same again. Gospel Teaching The scene is set: very early, on the first day of the week - a time for new beginnings. It is still dark, however, so there is still room for confusion and fear. As the sun rises, things will become clearer, and the truth will dawn. From here onwards the pace quickens. Mary of Magdala is confused, running to tell Simon Peter and the other disciple what she has seen; they are intrigued, and they too run to the tomb; the second disciple, glimpsing the grave cloths, hesitates, whereas Simon Peter, catching him up, enters the tomb right away. Then the other disciple follows Simon Peter into the tomb and understands for the first time: the scriptures had foretold that he must rise from the dead. This earth-shattering, amazing truth would turn the lives of the disciples upside down, and indeed change the world. From that moment onwards, the disciples began a radical re-evaluation (-\ "It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark." of the significance of the teachings, miracles, life and death of Jesus. He was not simply a wise man with power over nature, claiming to be the Son of God. He had conquered death, working the greatest miracle of all. He was indeed the anointed, the chosen one of God, sent to save the people. In today's reading from the Acts of Apostles, we see Peter proclaiming to Cornelius and his household that Jesus is risen, and has been appointed by God to judge everyone, alive or dead. This same Jesus from Nazareth, anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power, who had been doing good, curing sick people and exorcising demons, and who was put to death, is alive, and is of universal significance. All who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven in his name. What was first glimpsed in the semi-darkness, early on the first day of the week, is now plainly to be seen by all, with the eyes of faith: the Lord is risen, the world is changed, and the life of each and every believer is altered to the good. Application In his letter to the Colossians, Paul is clear that there are real responsibilities for all who "have been brought back to true life with Christ". We who live in the light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ are encouraged to keep our thoughts on heavenly things. What does this mean for us? It means that we are called to be faithful to prayer, remembering the God who made us and saves us and inspires us. It means that we are called to look beyond our own needs and desires to those of our neighbour, wherever we may find him or her. It means we can live as people with hope, because we know that humankind's oldest and greatest enemy, death, has been conquered by the Lord, and the promise of eternal life has been extended to us. It means that we are people who are called to forgive those who hurt us, because we know that our sins are forgiven by the risen Christ. It means, above all, that we can be people with grateful hearts, knowing all that God has done for us out of love, and seeking in whatever ways we can to express our thanks to God. zlata poroka V soboto, 16. aprila 2011 sta v naši cerkvi, IVAN in ROZINA DOMA obhajala svojo 50. obletnico poroke. V krogu svojih domačih in prijateljev sta se najprej Bogu zahvalila pri sveti daritvi, nato pa so se poveselili v naši dvorani. Iskrene čestitke za tolika leta zvestobe. Naj vaju Bog ohranja v zdravju in sreči, da bi ostala zgled tudi mladim, ki stopajo na to pot. Članice Oltarnega društva že nekaj časa vsako leto pred Božičem in Veliko nočjo pečejo potice in ob njih tudi nekaj zaslužijo za društvo. Tokrat jim je šla peka še posebej od rok, ni čudno saj so imele mlado pomoč, Matejo. Upamo, da bodo še drugi mladi izkoristili take prižnosti, da se kaj naučijo za življenje. »Kar se Janezek nauči, to Janezek zna«, pravi slovenski pregovor. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Vaja za zbor bo v četrtek, 28. aprila po večerni maši. Pojemo na materinski dan pri maši. Hvala pevcem, organistu in dirigentu za lepo petje pri obredih velikonočnega tridnevja. CWL - KŽZ_ Important message: Our Lady of Good Counsel mass will be held this Tuesday, April 26 at 7pm followed by a small reception. We encourage our members amd parishioners to be present at this special mass as we welcome a new member, a new executive member and present a service award. Our next General Meeting will be held Wednesday, May 4 following 7pm mass. New members are always welcomed! BREAKFAST WITH VENEC_ Folklorna Skupina Venec will be hosting a Breakfast Fundraiser on May 1st between 10:30 - 12:30 in the Church hall. Come and enjoy a hearty breakfast with live music! Adults $10 and children $5. There will be a limited amount of tickets sold for this exciting event. Tickets must be purchased in advance as they will NOT be available at the door. Please help support Venec as we try to promote our Slovenian culture. All proceeds will go towards aquiring new costumes. For tickets and more information please contact Mateja Mihelcic: 905-692-9679 or mihelcic.mateja@gmail.com KOLEDAR ZA APRIL - MAJ 2011_ ❖ 25. april 2011- Velikonočni ponedeljek - Maša bo ob 8:15 zjutraj. ❖ 26. april 2011- Mati dobrega sveta - zavetnica Katoliške ženske zveze. Pri večerni maši sodelujejo članice KŽZ (CWL). ❖ 1. maj 2011-Bela nedelja - Nedelja božjega usmiljenja - Sv. Jožef, delavec - Začetek majniške pobožnosti. Pri slovenski maši sodelujejo člani plesne skupine »Venec«, po maši je »zajtrk«! Pravočasno kupite karte! ❖ 8. maj 2011-3. velikonočna nedelja: MATERINSKI DAN - Pri maši poje mešani zbor. Slovenska šola pripravlja program v dvorani. Kosilo ob 12:00 nato kulturni program. ❖ 29. maj 2011- Nedelja: Med slovensko sveto mašo bo PRVO SVETO OBHAJILO - FIRST COMMUNION. Poje mešani zbor. KONZULARNE URE - MAJ 2011_ The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia has notified us that there will be NO consular office hours in Toronto (and subsequently Hamilton) during the month of APRIL. Service hours will resume in May - Wednesday 18th, 2-5 pm. , Toronto Brown's Line. GARAGE SALE - SLOVENSKA ŠOLA Slovenska šola bo imela »Garage Sale« v soboto, 28. maja na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate kakšne reči v hiši (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili, vas prosimo, da prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom ob sobotah v maju od 9 am-12:30pm. Hvala za sodelovanje! MATERISNKI DAN -MOTHER'S DAY MATERINSKI DAN - Slovensko kulturno društvo Hamilton-Wentworth pri sv. Gregoriju prireja kosilo in bogat kulturni program za Materinski dan v nedeljo 8. maja. Sv. maša je ob 9:30, kosilo ob 12:00.(Moški kuhajo in servirajo). Po kosilu sledi kulturni program. Prosimo vas, da si čimprej rezervirate vstopnice pri Victoriji Andolšek (905-639-5191) ali Sandy Allen (905-548-0889); sprejemamo rezervacije samo do 300 ljudi. MOTHER'S DAY - Hamilton-Wentworth Slovenian Cultural Society of St. Gregory The Great cordially invites everyone to celebrate its annual Mother's Day with them on Sunday, May 8th. An excellent lunch will be cooked and served at 12:00 noon (by our men). A cultural program will follow. Please plan to spend part of this day with us. For reservations, please call Victoria Andolšek (905639-5191) or Sandy Allen (905-548-0889), as soon as possible as reservations are limited to 300 people. DAROVI_ Za blazine na klopeh so darovali: Jože in Marija Magdič $100.-, Vid in Milka Kastelic $100.-, Štefan in Vera Gonza $100.-, Ivan in Marija Miketič $100.-, Stanko in Jožica Vegelj $100.-, Alojz in Vera Sampl $100.- Za rože sta Oltarnemu društvu darovali Rozina Doma $100.- in Marija Volf $20.- Za misijone so darovali: $70.- n.n.; $20.-Elica Juršič. Steve in Vida Sajder sta darovala za cerkev $100.- v spomin na pokojnega Steva Bootha in $100.- v spomin na pokojno Angelo Simčič. Hvala vsem za vaše darove . ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT_ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation is holding its Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 28, 2011 at Rockway Glen Golf Coursewith a shot gun start sharp at 11AM, followed by the Banquet at Bled, Beamsville. Cost is $125. per person and includes golf, cart, prizes, breakfast: kroffe and coffee and dinner. Applications are in the rack at the back of the Church. Contacts: Karl Ferko: 578-5890 or Teresa Zupancic: 664-6013. Prizes for the prize table are welcomed. We appreciate your support and participation for a good cause! Registration forms at the back of the Church in the rack! GOOD SHEPHERD 3>011 fò