25 INFORMATIONAL LOGIC III INFORMATICA 1/89 Descriptors: LOGIC INFORMATIONAL, RULES FORMATIONAL, AXIOMS INFORMATIONAL, INFORMATIONAL WELL-FORMED FORMULA (IWFF) Anton P. Železnikar Iskra Delta, Ljubljana In this part of the essay two main topics of tha informational logic (IL) are discussed: formation rules which govern the structure of informationally well-foraed formulae (iwffs) and infornational axioms. In the continuation of this essay informational transformation rules of IL will be examined in a formal informational way. Formation rules of IL have to answer the question how to construct initial informational formulae which will belong to the so-called class of iwffs. Within this question the so-called operational, operand, and parenthetic constituents and their compositions into iwffs are determined. In formatting a formula (iwff) several basic processes can be applied, for instance, beginning of formula formation, introducing of operands and operators in implicit and explicit forms into the context of an iwff, particularization and universal ization of formulae, etc. Afterwards, formation rules of IL are exposed in a short and concise manner. At the end, the question can be put what could be the form of a non-informational formula. Within the topic of informational axioms the following subjects are discussed: axiomatization of informational principles, how informational axioms can be generated, axioms of Informing! informational difference, informational circularity, Informational spontaneity, informational arising, counter-inforoation, counter-Informing, informational embedding, informational embedding of counter-information, informational differentiation, informational integration, informational particularization and universalization, informational structure and organization, informational parallelism, informational cyclicity, openness of informational axiomatization, influence of metaphysical beliefs on axiomatization., and axiomatic consequences of informational arising. Informacijska logika III. V tem delu spisa se obravnavata dve glavni naslovni poglavji informacijske logike (IL): formacijska (oblikovalna) pravila, ki urejajo Btrukturo informacijsko dobro oblikovanih formul (iwff) in informacijski aksiomi. V nadaljevanju tega spisa se bodo na informacijsko formalen naC i n preučevala Se informacijska transformacijska pravila IL. Formacijska pravila IL morajo odgovoriti na vpr&Sanje, katere informacijske formule pripadajo t. i. razredu iwff. V okviru tega vprašanja se opredeljujejo operacijski, operandni in oklepajni konstituenti in njihove kompozicije v iwff. Pri oblikovanju informacijskih formul (iwff) se uporabljajo nekateri osnovni procesi, kot so npr. začenjanje oblikovanja formul, uvajanje operandov in operatorjev v implicitni in eksplicitni obliki v kontekst formul, atikanje operatorjev, partikulariziranje in univerzalieiranje formul itd. Oblikovalna pravila IL je mogoCe opisati kratko in jedrnato. Vprašanje, ki ga je mogoCe postaviti pri oblikovanju formul je, kakSna bi lahko bila oblika neinformacijske formule. V okviru problematike informacijskih aksiomov pa se obravnavajo tale naslovna vpraSanja: aksiomatizacija t.i. informacijskih principov, kako je mogoCe generirati aksiome, aksiomi informiranja, informacijske diference, informacijske cirkularnosti, informacijske spontanosti, nadalje aksiomi informacijskega nastajanja, prot i informacije , protiinformiranja, informacijskega vmeSCanja, informacijskega vmeBCanja pro ti informac i je, informacijske diferenciacije, informacijske integracije, informacijske partiku1 ar izaci je in uni ver zal izaci j e , informacijske strukture in organizacije, informacijskega paralelizma, informacijske cikliCnosti ter Se odprtost informacijske aksiomatizacije in aksiomatiCne posledice informacijskega nastajanja. 26 II. 2. FORMATION RULES OF INFORMATIONAL LOGIC ... in rejecting mental representations as the objects of belief one is not thereby rejecting the empirical hypothesis that the brain ia an information processor and thus processes in a neural machine language. Stephen Schiffer [11] 5 II.2.0. Introduction In thi8 section (II. 2.) we have to say clearly which kind of informational formula will belong to informational logic (IL). Thus, we shall deal with the question how to construct informational formulae which will belong to the legal form of informational formulae. The word legal will have the meaning of well-formed. We have to state precisely what is an expression composed of informational operands, informational operators, and parenthetic delimiters, in such a way that it will represent the so-called informational well-formed formula (iwff). In the context of formation rules we must consider that an iwff has to be capable of representing any information, most abstract as well as most ordinary life information, simple as well as most complex one. In this respect, it seems Benseful to put the following question: "Is it possible to state explicitly what will be the limits of formula formation or it: it at all possible to set any fixed limits which would disable realization of any general principle of information?" Within this dilemmatic view of formation of an informational formula we shall develop some basic rules of formation, not saying that these rules are the only possible ones. Already within the principles of information ([4] or [10] respectively) it was shown how informational formulae can be composed on the level of natural language. This experience tella us that informational formulae are in no way limited sequences of informational operands and informational operators in relation to spoken and written language. Relationships within information are objective (operand-characteristic) and subjective (operational) and can be changed from the operand to operational states and vice versa during an informational process. ThuB, a local informational operator oan be viewed as an operational variable in a wider informational observation. Due to thiB phenomenology of informational compositions of operands and operators, iwffs are, in general, not structurally limited in any particular way. Limitations can be determined in cases of particular informational theories, concerning, for instance, formal logical systems as traditional symbolic logic, modal logic, etc., which can be conceived as special projections (particularizations) of informational logic. The next fact to be explicated ia, that sets of objects of IL are generative, i.e. not limited (determined once and for ever) in advance. Only static theories deal with finite and strictly determined sets of objects and as such are understood to be the most informationally primitive (static) forms of IL. In this respect, the set of formation rules of IL will not be semantically limited and informational operators will be recruited depending on needs, goals, and applications, which arise during an informational process. Similar will hold for informational operands occurring in informational formulae. The principle of informational arising will govern the arising of concrete formation rules (concerning concrete informational operators). However, it will be possible to present the essential framework of the arising of formation rules within IL. II.2.1. Informational Operands as Constituents of IWFF« The nature of information is variable in its arising, changing, vanishing, and disappearing. An informational operand is such a sort of variable information. We have the following basic definition concerning an informational operand as iwff: [Operands]^* : Informational variable a, defined as informational operand, is iwff. This operand can represent various kinds of information belonging to an informational realm. Thus, ('a is informational operand') £ ('a is iwff') ■ In many cases it is reasonable to separate informational entities as variable operands. So, one oan set the following definition: , ,DF2' [Operands] : A set of informational variables a, 0, ... , Y, in which a, 0, ... , f are defined as informational operands, is iwff. These variables of the set can represent various kinds of information belonging to given informational domains. It is: ('a, 0, ... , f are informational operands') $ (*a, 0, ... , T is iwff') ■ In the last definition, the commas can be understood as informational operators, which connect operands into an informational Bet. The sequence a, 0, ... , f could as well be written in the following way: a |= 0 H . . . (= T comma cooua "comma 1 where |= ie the set-connective comma informational operator representing the delimiter ",". A set of operands a, 0, ... , f can be represented by a resultant operand, say 5, where ? = a, 0...... 27 In this case, the symbol '=' is the informational operator of representation. It has the meaning that ? representatively Informs a, 3. ... , f or 5 t=_ a. P...... Let [Operands] us set now the definition reverse to DF1. [Operands: If a represents an iwff, then a is an informational operand: ('a is iwff') => ('a is informational operand') ■ This definition says that irrespective of how a is structured as iwff, in fact, it represents an informational operand (traditional variable). Or, in other words: irrespective of its structure, an iwff can always be used as informational operand or can be put under operation of an. informational operator. Bverything which is iwff can be operated or can become an operand in the structure of another, higher formula. In the iwff P i a, p, ... ,7 are iwffs, so, each of these iwffs can have its own structure. DP 4 [Operands] : If P.....T) ia the so-called functional informational operand (fio) or implicit informational operator (iio). In an iwff, a fio performs as informational operand, however, it haB the implicit operational property. In this respect, an informational operand can be a functional or a non-functional variable. Fios or iios will be marked by capital Oothic letterB (for instance, SI, ©, > the operand variables a, P, ... , T can be functional as well as nonfunctional. Some distinguished iios (or fios) are, for instance: « S S 5 3 general Informing, for instance, as Informing of the variable a, behavioral Informing or behavior of a being, counter-Informing of information, informational differentiation (which could be the synonym for counter-Informing) , informational embedding (of counter-information or new information into source information), general implicit functional operator, Informing or informational integration, motor or behavioral Informing of a being, metaphysical Informing of a being, V informational particularization (subscription of informational operators) and informational universalization (superscription of informational operators), 6 sensory Informing of a being, etc. Marking by Gothio letters does not mean that alBO capital Latin letters cannot be used DF1 (according to (Variables] ) for the purpose of marking implicit operators within thé operand expressions. In this sense, for the above list of markers of Informing, also the Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F, I, L, M, P, S, etc. oan be used, respectively. Gothic letters are introduced for better distinctness of implicit operators in the expression of operands. II.2.2. Informational Operators as Constituents of IWFFs In IL operators are understood to be variable. In general, informational operators, presented by the metasymbol , will belong to a generative, potentially unlimited set of informational operators. In contrast to the so-called implioit informational operators narked by capital Gothic letters, metaoperators belong to the so-called explicit informational operators, which will be marked by distinctive special symbols. The set of informational operators is generated by the two already mentioned informational procedures, called particularization and universalization of existing metaoperators or already particularized or universalized operators. The process of particularization or universalization can always begin from the most general informational operator which as metasymbol represents the so-called general operational variable. In IL, on the level of informational operations, we regularly have to deal with operational variables rather than with operational constants. Informational operands, as well as informational operators, underlie the so-oalled principle of informational arising. [Operators The informational operator ^ is operational variable and is the sub-iwff. This operational variable represents various kinds of informational operators, which can be generated by particularization and universalization of according to the needs, goals, application, and understanding of an informational formula, which is an iwff representing an informational form, process, or phenomenon. In the saae way as does the operator the particularized and universalized operators underlie the philosophy of their further (recurrent) particularization and universalization. Thus, is operational variable') ^ Ct= is sub-iwff) ('Hpart is operational variable') $ (*|= . is sub-iwff) part 28 < V where is operational variable') ( '(=unlv i8 sub-iwff' ) a particularized explicit N t is part operator and (=:Unlv js a universalized explicit operator. Further, it is possible to nark and 'W H (^univ) = **(>=) where is the implicit informational operator t of particulariz&tion and the implicit informational operator of unlversalization. ■ In several cases It is reasonable to concentrate inforaational operators into (regular) functional compositions of operators. In such cases, the following definition can be adopted: [Operators ; A set (type) J= of particularized and universalized operational variables or informational operators, marked for example as > N-i > ... , )= , is the basis from which these 1 6 m elements can be taken to construct the so- called operational concatenations in the following way: (1) Hcon = 1=^ > where € is operational concatenation (OC); <2) »=oon 5 (W\J>' Hhere ■"J 6 18 a recursive definition of OC. If is an OC, one can write instead of (1) 'con and (2): <1>* € H * (*=con S ht> (2)* ( (N; € |=> A ('!=„„ »arks 0C'>) => J con . con j Expression (2)* is a kind of informational modus (a particular form of the so-called modus informationis): l=j € K Ct=oon denotes OC') ( 'h \=. is OC1 ) conj The consequence of [Operators]DF43 is that l=con i8 a word belonging to the set {t=j. Kj.....H,)* \ H where () denotes the empty set. Hcon i® a composition of informational operators in an arbitrary complex (interweaving) way. In a particular case, )=con can be the linear (usual, mathematical) composition of operators. The complex composition means a parallel (interweaving) activity of operators constituting . For instance, we shall allow con the notation (="* instead of Hi where in 1="* the relation of dominance |= A HI will be assumed. It is evident that among operators, constituting Kcon' additional dependencies (relations) can be determined. [Operators]DF44: If ^con rePresents a Bub-iwff, then h=con is an informational operator (or operational variable): ( 'hcon is sub-iwff') :> I 'l=con is an operational variable') ■ This definition says that irrespective of how l=con as a sub-iwff is structured, in fact, it represents a composite (complex) operational variable in which its components (suboperators) are variables too. Formally, as a concatenation of operational variables, t=con functions as an operator composition. In regard to an iwff, a sub-iwff is in some way a reduced form of the iwff concept. This reduction is semantically presented as the prefix 'sub' in sub-iwff, which is a concatenation of informational operators and is marked by operator II.2.3. Parenthetic Delimiters and Parenthesizing of IWFFs In fact, parenthetic delimiters can be understood as the delimiting informational operators within an iwff. Their function is to determi ne the so—called iwff's unities within a formula. A unity of an iwff can be used as operand of a higher operator structure. For parenthetic delimiters arbitrary symbols can be introduced, for instance, parentheses, brackets, etc. Besides parentheses, it is possible to introduce the so-called non-substantial delimiter! by which the so-called non-substantial part of an iwff will be marked. So, let us have the following definition: [Delimiters]0171: Irrespective of their choice, the parenthetic delimiters occurring in an Iwff unite parts of the iwff or the whole iwff, with the intention to define the unit they delimit to be used for some operation over the unit. Parenthetic delimiters occur always in pairs, consisting of the beginning and the ending delimiter, and can be nested within Other pairs of delimiters. Usually, parenthetic delimiters will be denoted by ' < ' for the beginning and by ' ) ' for the ending delimiter. However, also other kinds of delimiters can be introduced, for instance, the pairs [, ] and (, ], all of which can be understood as particularizations of the delimiter operators and t=en(j > denoting the beginning and the ending parenthesis. ■ [Delimiters]®^: Parenthetic delimiters can be used in pairB in such a way, that they delimit an expression within an iwff, which is either an iwff or a sub-iwff. In this case the usual nesting principle of parenthesizing is valid. ■ 29 t_ ,. .. ,DF3 [Delimiters J : A special, unary delimiter is in fact the symbol, marking the so-called non-sub3tantial or self-comprehensive part of an iwff. This delimiter is composed of three consecutive dots, thus '...'. The three-dot delimiter is a legal symbol of an iwff. ■ [Delimiters]8*1: Considering the previous three definitions, the legal formulae or iwffs are, for instance: P, )) With the last formula we can even determine the positioning of parentheses in an iwff. Evidently, this formula can be rewritten as a(p where the entities a, 0, and f are understood as unsubstantial parts of the formula in question. ■ II.2.4. Some Basic Processes within the Formation of Formulae So,far, we have used the following basic processes in the formation of a formula: (1) Introducing of informational operands as constituents of an arising formula, where the operand as a variable represents an iwff. (2) Setting of informational operands into sets of variables, where distinct variables were separated by commas. Such a set of variables was declared to be the iwff. (3) Introducing of explicit informational operators of the type in an arising formula and concatenating them by other informational operators into a sub-iwff (OCs) within an iwff. (4) Introducing of explicit informational operators and their operational concatenations (OCs) and concatenating them with operands and their informational sets, thus formatting an iwff. (5) Introducing of implicit informational operators of the type gr (functional operands) into the operand parts of an arising formula and concatenating them (functionally) to an parenthesized informational set of operand variables. (6) Introducing of explicit and implicit informational operators in a particularized and universalized way of their choice. Hven if operational particularization and universalization are the basic formatting principles, they could be understood firBt of all as formula transformation principles (see subsection II. 5). (7) Formatting a complete formula (iwff) means to use rules (l.)-{6) in an arising manner. In this respect an instantaneous formula can be always developed by further Bteps proceeding from one formational state to the other in a growing (enlarging) or a vanishing (reducing) manner. II.2.5. Formation Rules of IL In the previous definitions of the subsection II.2 we gave the rules for formation of an iwff in the following way: it was said what operands and operators constituting a formula are. Then it was said how operands and operators can be combined or concatenated into a formula. Also, the use of the so-called delimiters, which determine the units or subunits of a formuln, was described. There were not any particular restraints for formula formation. In general, combining of operands, operators, and delimiters in the described way, leads to the formation of a formula. In such formatting processes, particularization and universalization of operators are still possible. Dpi [Formatting of formulae] : An informational well-formed formula (iwff) can be constructed by the uBe of the definitions ■t_ . -DF1 , ,DF4 r_ . .DF4 2 [Operands] - [Operands] , [Operators] [Operators, an) (6) ((aMI V (M«D etc. (IßM) V The comment to these axioms is that the informational operators (= and 4 have me taequivalent power and that in mutual Informing of information entities all possible cases of Informing of the involved information can be considered. II. 3.1.1. Axioms of Informing of Information II.3.1.2. Axioms of Informational Difference If we say that a marks an informational entity, i.e. information, then it is supposed that thiB entity has the property of inward (own) and outward (concerning other information) informational development or Informing. For this informational property of Informing the operator variable or general metaoperator was introduced. According to our previous discussion we can propose the following axioms: [Axioms] : (1) ('a is information') $ ((a JO V (4 a)) (2) ('a is information') $ ((t= a) V (a 4)) (3) ( (a H v H cc) v (|= a) v (a =|)) * ('3 (a) is coming into existence') a (4) ( (a H v (4 a) v a) v (a 4)) * ll«MI V (a=ja>) ■ The comments to these axioms are the following: (1) If a is Information, then a informs in one (J=) or another way (4). (2) If a is information, then a is informed in one (t=) or another way (4). (3) If a informs and is informed in one or another way, then Informing of a over a itself (3 (a)) is coming into existence, a (4) If a informs and is informed In one or another way, then a informs itself and/or is informed by itself. r. • ,DF2 [Axioms] [of Hutual Informing of Information] (1) ('a and p are informationally interwoven' ) => ((a h P) V (P 4 a) V (p t= a) V (a 4 0)) (2) (a H p) * ((a p) v (p 4 a) v (p (= a) v (a 4 P)) (3) (p 4 at) * ((a t= P) v (p 4 a) v

-J) 8(a) = u(a) a K In (5 ) -(7), 8(a) denotes the difference arising as Informing of a over itself and = 7t marks the possible equivalence between informational difference and arising of counter-informfction from a. For instance, a pure logical axiomatic conclusion would be that (a * p) => (a = p)) From (3) it is understood that only data can be equal. Thus, the equality between two informational items is possible in the realm of information, which represents information as data, that is on the informational1 y static basis. Sooner or later informational equality-remains very unnatural and lifeless informational property. [Axioms]DF4: If p is information and if a = p, then a is the marker for p. In this case a is the so-called marking information, which has the nature of information p whose marker it is. Formally, 32 (CP is information') A (a = p)) $ ('a is the marker of 0') II.3.1.3. Axioms of Informational Circularity [Axioms] DF5. (1) (a |=) (a °t> (2) (a h) i> A (h a)) <<* 1= P> (a h p> * IUNAIMII ((« 1= P) H ((a h a) A <0 ^ 0) A (<«M) h (<»h fS>>> (Axioms]DF7: (1) ('a is information') * ((a H V ((= a)) (2) (3) (4) ((ah) V (h a)) ('3a(a) 1b spontaneous') < (a h) V ((= a)) ((a 3a(a>) v (3a(a) N «>) < P Kj «. P> i <*' P > > etc. The last axiom could be constructed from a more general one, namely, from (a |= p) * Hot, p h cc, P) N a, P)) by the non-uniform substitution of operators (e.g. particularization of the second operator on the left side of implication). ■ [AIIobbI®: The axiom (4) in the laBt definition can be decomposed in details in the following way: ( ( (a a) JL a) V ((a P) 1 <*) V <(P •=3 a) I a) V UP P> 1 a) V < V ((« P) Jt P> V UP >=3 cc) X P) V UP P) 1 P>> This ' is the well-known principle of the iwff decomposition. The so-oal1ed parallel decomposition of the last case would be as follows: II.3.12. Axioms of Informational Particularization and Universalisation In informational logic iwffs can be particularized and universalized. This principle permitB various substitutions of explicit operators, enabling specialization (particularization) and generalization (universalization) of informational formulae. Processes of informational particularization and universalization are the basic, i.e. axiomatic properties of an iwff. These processes could be included as well into the domain of the so-called transformation rules, for through their application, formulae are transformed from original semantic domains into other special or general ones. [Axioms] DF16. <1) ('a is iwff') (2) ( '(= is sub-iwff ' ) ' con <"5S(a) is iwff') () is sub-iwff') con (3) (at (= P) * (« P) (4) (P =| a) *

a) (5) V H(H ®(P) ) (6) $(P =|a| => <*S(p> 1 P, (p 1=3 a) X p,

1 P) This example is in fact the axiom of the parallel decomposition of the case a M- ■ [Axioms) : Let a denote an arbitrarily complex information. Let informational formula be denoted as an informational1y well-formed formula (iwff). Then the following basic axiom is adopted, concerning the possibility of forming an informational formula from given information : 38 (Va).(('a is information') i> < 3{'iwff). ('a can be put into the for« of aa iwff'))) ThiB axiom says: for each a, which is information, irrespective of its complexity and informational nature, there exists at least one iwff such that (•) information can be put into the form of this iwff. (Va).(('a is information') £ (3 ( ' iwff ) . <'iwff is an adequate interpretation of a'))) This axiom says: for each a, which is information, irrespective of its complexity and informational nature, there exiBts at least one iwff such that this iwff is an adequate interpretation of information in question. We can understand that formal interpretation of a given information is never unique and that it depends on informational circumstances. In general, there exist (indefinitely) many interpretations of a given information. (Va).(('a is information') ^ (3('iwff'). ('iwff interprets a by an informational system of one or several sequences of informational operands and operators'))) This axiom assures the constructibility of the iwff which interprets adequately the given information a. These three axioms can be certainly expreBBed in a much more symbolically compact form, for instance: (Va).(((a )=) V <*= a)) (3,.).((a V) \ <3 »i>»2.....^n* • <^1 ■''2'" ' ^ a>)> ((3?).((a '))) In this and in the next axioms, marks the so-called iwff. (3) (Va).(('a is information') » ((3 as information syntactically constitutes information a'))) (4) (Va).(('a is information') $ ((3 ( (a (= ct) A (ct C a) ) If information a is structured, then it informs (gives, transmits) information ct of its structure (c C a). (4) ('a is interpreted by an adequately syntactically structured 9') $ ( ( The iwff 9 informs structurally (syntactically) similar (analogous) to information a. The iwff 9 informs structurally similar (by means of the operator ) to a. r syn (5) ('9 as information syntactically constitutes information a') 5 (((a C a) $ (a C 9)) A (3(9 t=).<9 t=„yn «>)) The iwff 9 in fact constitutes also the structure of information a. The operator of this syntactic constitution is k- syn There exists such Informing of 9 that 9 syntactically informs a. (6) ('9 interprets the syntactic structure of information a') ((ct C a) * (9 Hsyn a)) (7) ('w interprets the semantic nature of information a') $ (u h 51(a)) Instead of the consequence in the last implication it could be m t. . 8(a) or, conventionally, u = ï(a) int a(a) has the meaning of "semantic, i.e. organizational nature of a". (4) (Va).(('a is information') * ((39).('9 interprets the semantic organization of information ce'))) etc. [Axioms] BX3. DF18 DF19 The axioms [Axioms] and [Axioms] can be interpreted in a more symbolically compact and instructive manner. Let us construct the following implications: (1) ('a is information') ï ( (a (=) V (>= a) ) (2) (' ((u C a) A (u C 9) A <9 «Bem «)) The iwff 9 informs organizationally (Bemantically) similar (analogous) to information a. The iwff 9 informs organizationally similar (by means of the 40 operator .". ) to a. ^ Bern (10) ('9 bb information semantically constitutes information a') £ <((w C a) * , a, u f= 9 The consequence of this system i s a f=

<9 (= _ a) ) sent DP 18 Considering implications (l)-(ll), [Axioms] D F1 9 and [Axioms] can be rewritten in the following manner: (1) (Va).(((a H v a)) ^ ( ( 3 (09).((a C a) A ( ((39). (<(ct C a) ^ (•<* N=Byn «))>) (4) (Va).(((a |=) v (|= «)) * ((39).((cr C a) ^ (9 t=syn a)))) DF19 etc. Further, for [Axiomsl there is: a k a, ot to, syn sei ' CT , W |= form The consequence of this system is a l=forB

(u C 9) ) A (3(9 H.(

((39).(<(u C a) $ (u C 9)) A (3(9 h).(l> a))))) If a is information, then it informs and is informed in parallel in one or another way. This fact can be expressed also in the form of parallel informational system, i.e. , ('a is information') :> (a |= a, 4 a, a HI) (2) (Va).(('a is information') > (3(CC,®).(S |=, |= S , « ft, fr « ) ) ) a a a a a a etc. ■ DF18 DF19 The axioms (Axioms] and [Axioms] assure the existence of an adequate (informationally complete) interpretation of any information a onto its iwff 9 in the sense of informational structure > a, S (a) 1= « (K (a))))) Œ a u 41 where £ (a) is in fact counter-information a w produced by counter-Informing S and ®a(Sa(a)) is the embedding of the produced counter-information to into a. (4) The most complex informational system of inward informational parallelism can be axiomatized by the following iwff: (Va).(Ca is information') ^ ((a, 3 , I , to, « a, 3 , b (a, sa, u I- ®a)) h (a, «a, u, ®a h a ) ) ) In this formula it is possible to observe distinct cycles, i.e., also cycles within cycles, where for the right Bide of implication there is (((cyclej I- cycleg) (- cycle^) |- cycle^) In this expression there are three more cycles, namely cycle,, between cyclej and cycleg, cycleg between cycleg and cycleg, and cycle7 between cycleg and cycle^. All these eye les can be understood as cyclically parallel, thus: (4) (Va), (('a is information') $ (a I- «a, (a, > w). («• w ^ ®a>> ( a , S , w, ® I- a ) ) a a etc. ThiB cyclic parallelism can be captured in the moat complex form by the iwff II.3.16. Axioas of Informational Cyclicity Information is a cyclic informational phenomenon in itself as well aa in its interaction with other or outward information. It means that informational forms and informational processes appear, inform, change, vanish, etc. in a cyclic manner. Cyclicity of information can be viewed to be purely serial, parallel, or serial-parallel phenomenon. The last case seems to be the moat obvious one. Within this phenomenology, cyclicity can be understood not only topologically and temporally, but also symbolically, abstractly, expressively. The basic queatlon is how information.performs cyclically in itself. Why informational interaction is in fact always a cyclic Informing? Let us frame these observations axiomatically In the following manner : r. . .DF22. [Axioms] : (1) ('a is information') > (((ah) V (J- a)) v ((a R v <»- a)) V (Ha ) V (a H)) V ((HI a) V (a -J) ) ) If a is information, then it informs and is informed cyclically and parallel-cyclically in such or another way. This fact can be expressed also in the form of parallel-cyclical informational syBtem, i.e., in a particular form: ('a is information') ^ (-1 a, a -), HI a, a HI) (2) (Va).(Ca is information') ^ ( (a h SŒ) f\ (a, «a (= u) A (a, Sa, u h ®a) A (a, Sa, respectively. Obviously, axiomatization of informational cyclicity can be continued indefinitely. ■ II. 3.17. OpennesB of Informational Axiomatization But taking the methodologies as an end in themselves is ultimately limiting in the same sense as the analytic tendency to take the arguments as an end in themselves. Terry Winograd 112] 255 The axioms determined show the possibilities of their indefinite axiomatic continuation. Beside the already existing axiomatic cases new axiomatic interpretations are possible which concern an axiomatic type. In a similar way it iB possible to add new axiomatic types to the existing ones. The consequence of these possibilities iB that an axiomatic syBten remains open for new axiomatic determinations. Finally, it is possible to conclude that informational axiomatization irrespective of the informational system involved remains open in the described sense. To clear this informational phenomenon to some extent, we can put several principled questions concerning the 42 structure, organization, parallelism, etc. of i n f ormat. i on . The axiomatic basis of informational logic remains open. Principles of informational particu1 arization and universa 1ization contribute to an additional and constructively senseful component of keeping the axiomatic basis open. In fact, informational logic in its axiomatic nature performs as regular information. Thus, the exposed axiomatization in this essay ia informational. II.3.18. Informational Axioms and Metaphysical Beliefs We want to expand our ability as observers, within a context in which we are not detached but are engaged in the practices we ourselves observe. Terry Winograd [12] 255 It cannot be disputable that the listed informational axioms arise from a particular metaphysical disposition from which they are thrown into a broader professional, scientific, and certainly also philosophical discourse. Whichever theory comes into existence, it begins its march a8 a scientific or philosophical literature and in fact represents nothing more than an authorial telling of a story. This storytelling, which concerns informational axioms and processes of axiomatization of diverse informational principles, grounds in epoch-making beliefs, i.e. in the metaphysical background constituting the philosophy of the so-called information era. Again, metaphysics has to be understood as a totality of information spontaneously arising in a living being and within its population. The awareness that axiomatization of informational principles grounds in metaphysical beliefs lets the processes of axiomatization be generative, indefinitely predictable, and open for further development. Such kind of axiomatization certainly does not fit properly into the hardly predestined realms of traditional and emphasized rationalistic science. Does the time come when new, non-traditional, and also non-rationalistic approach in exact sciences is becoming an evident advantage in the research of unrevealed possibilities? II.3.19. Some Axiomatic Consequences of Informational Arising but also in implicit informational operators and informational operands. By themselves, axioms are arising structures of informational formulae. In this respect the axiomatic consequences of informational arising can f i r>