Manual Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) Vrtec Trnovo Suzana Antič, Mojca Garvas, Natalija Komljanc and educators of Trnovo Kindergarten 6 Foreword 6 Opinion 7 Introduction Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 10 1 A literary-didactical story about the children, the puppet and the Pedagogical Puppeteer 10 1.1 The influence of play on cognitive development 13 1.1.1 The puppet sets up a bridge between objective and subjective comprehension 14 1.1.2 The puppet is a reflection of interpersonal impressions and expressions in the comprehension process 15 1.1.3 The puppet intrigues and internalizes the learning story 17 1.1.4 The puppet is a dialogic and multilogic viewpoint through a personal window of comprehension 18 2 Innovative learning for the youngest 18 2.1 Play is the path to innovative learning 20 2.1.1 Innovative learning as a form of self-comprehension 22 2.1.2 The formation of knowledge is a complex life-long process of self-formation Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 28 1 Training programme 29 1.1 The first part: Puppet is, puppet isn’t. The story of the pedagogical puppet and Pedagogical Puppeteer 30 1.1.1 Protagonist 32 1.1.2 Impression 33 1.1.3 Expression 35 1.1.4 Appearance 38 1.2 Part II: Why a puppet, where and when? The story of the implemented kindergarten curriculum 38 1.2.1 Creating the Didactical Map 40 1.2.2 Assessment 42 1.3 Part III: How to deal with the puppet? I create and assess my story 42 1.3.1 Improving communication channels and enabling experience 44 1.3.2 What can I learn by participating in the Pedagogical Puppeteer training 44 1.3.3 Reflection and evaluation of the Pedagogical Puppeteer training 47 1.3.4 Definition and job description of a Pedagogical Puppeteer 50 Bibliography 6 Foreword Opinion This manual is the third one. It is a continuation Natalija Komljanc, Ph.D in Pedagogy: Over the of the previous two manuals from 2013 and 2014 years of research within the Innovative Project entitled Pedagogical Innovation: Didactical Map (IP) entitled the Work with a Puppet Project, and Pedagogical Innovation: Literary-Didactical the Trnovo kindergarten has initiated a new Story. As with the previous two, the existing professional Pedagogical Puppeteer. The edu- manual is intended for kindergarten teachers cators of the Trnovo kindergarten have formed and elementary school teachers and for those an educational programme based on self-cre- who are interested in thorough training for ed- ation, self-education and specialization over ucational work using a puppet. more than a decade of self-reflective work and The manual points out the difference between with the support of various experts from ped- the ordinary, traditional puppet and the peda- agogy and puppetry. Skilled in self-analysis and gogical puppet. It also discusses the meaning, self-improvement, the teachers have created purpose and usage of the pedagogical puppet. an efficient training model that they would like The pedagogical puppet is a thoroughly fore- to share unselfishly with others who believe in thought and intentionally created tool, figure, the power of a puppet and pedagogical work being whose purpose is to support a person’s with children. Within the Work with a Puppet thinking development and to assist in the pro- Project, a Pedagogical Puppeteer is one of the cess of adaptation – learning, educating and unique holistic forms of an open learning envi- self-educating, while being open to the current ronment with an optimal possibility of adjusting challenges and/or thinking development of a innovative learning for the youngest. child and educator. In the educational process, I wish the management, the educators of a pedagogical puppeteer uses a pedagogical the Trnovo kindergarten and all interested Ped- puppet in a systematic and meaningful way. agogical Puppeteers success in the development Those interested in such educational work of Pedagogical Puppets in the pedagogical lab- can familiarise themselves with it by reading oratory in the Trnovo kindergarten and a qual- the manual or qualify for it by taking part in itative application of knowledge in a learning training in the puppet laboratory in the Trnovo environment. kindergarten in Ljubljana. The educators in the Trnovo kindergarten have formed a program with a professional Pedagogical Puppeteer that has been established in the framework of the Innovative Project and in cooperation with the National Educational Institute of Republic of Slovenia. 7 Introduction self-development. Thus, it represents an intro- duction to a pleasant story of professional and Suzana Antič, the headmistress of the Trnovo autonomous self-development, as well as joint kindergarten raises a question: “Why is it so training for the Pedagogical Puppeteer in an important to talk about the puppeteer?” and open learning environment. answers: “Because a puppeteer has to train in pedagogical communication with a puppet.” Her question and answer reflect the fact that it is not enough to like the puppet and to enjoy educating. It is essential to educate and train in a way that enables the professional upgrading, improvement and specialization of knowledge and desires and to be able to present the abilities and competences of the Pedagogical Puppeteer in any pedagogical or learning situation and thus increase the understanding of learners. It means that we are capable of thinking about the benefits of a puppet, about how it can support us in encouragement and direct learning in an innovative way, and at the same time, we are capable of bringing the puppet into life. In order to take advantage of the puppet’s power in a pedagogical process, not only from time to time but in a more complex, holistic and lasting way, it is reasonable that the educational work is lead, implemented, assessed and eval- uated by a team of professionally trained Ped- agogical Puppeteers. As this complex and unique knowledge is not simple to acquire or apply masterfully, we pres- ent a brief introduction, as well as the content and methodology of the training program for the Pedagogical Puppeteer. This manual can be used for personal or professional development within an individual educational institution. After all, the vocation of an educator, like any other profession, needs constant improving and Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 10 1 A literary1-didactical story about the children, the puppet and the Pedagogical Puppeteer 1.1 The influence of play on cognitive2 development Research questions (RQ): 1. What role does a Pedagogical Puppeteer have in the development of a child’s (human’s) mind? 2. What role does a Pedagogical Puppeteer have in guiding a child’s (hu- man) thinking adjustment in the learn- ing process? “Helpless in reality, capable in an imag- inative world” Real world Mind Amazement Assessment Memory Experience Measures of Play assessment/sucess Effort “The puppet as a subject and object of solving real problems in an imaginative Ideas Imagination world.” the child reflects the interests and knowledge of With perceptions, child creates the reality of his generation, the game raises awareness of the real curious children. world of adults. As children grow and develop, they do not cope3 well with the real world of grownups. Sometimes Figure 1: Mental world according to Kant in Gavrič, 1991 they are even afraid of it and therefore defensive A puppet is a medium for visualizing reality in against it (further reading: fairy tales and real imaginative worlds and acting as though it was 3 Young children are helpless in real world, yet more real. The puppet brings the challenges closer to capable in the imaginative world. Fludd (1619) mentions a scale with faculties of knowledge, such as sensual perception (senses 1 artistic and emotions), imagination, ratio, intellect, intelligence, verbs. 2 emotions and reason See also 1 A literary-didactical story about the children, the puppet and the Pedagogical Puppeteer 11 Key words: child, mind, art, will, beau- creating work with aesthetical value linked to emo- ty, imagination, play, growth and de- tional perception (impressions) and expression. velopment, referential power, desire, Art is beauty and a spirit that looks for expressing puppet, experiencing, unfolding conun- beauty through life principles. Beauty stimulates the emotions and imagination and awakens rea- drum, mood, the experience of imagina- son. By defining the term beauty, the term verges tive representation and the creation of on science (Schiller, 2003). the world, attraction, friendship, rela- Children are more autonomous and capable tionship, dialogic viewpoint, love in their imaginative world as they are becoming aware of the real world of adults while playing and stories) until they finally understand it. A human creating their own reality in their imaginations. copes with fear as soon as (s)he can define its form Children experiencing healthy growth and devel- and transform it into some familiar object, Shiller opment visualize the abilities, they try to be the (2003) discovers in his understanding of fear. most powerful, first and best, they strive for excess The youngest observe, emote and imagine be- – for the innovative search for new powers. Chil- fore they enter the rational world of reason. The dren form a referential power in a play. This power drive for reason is awakened by the experience is a success criterion that children follow curiously gained through one single power: will power (acc. and in expectation in order to achieve the desired to Schiller, 2003). Mind is the capability of think- goal. Because of their desires4, children perceive ing and recognizing while art is the capability of the world and gradually control it (in the field of art, creation and science). Growth/giants ▶ striving for excess Development/ forms referential power in a play/measure of success which children follow in expectation after achieving a goal The children experience the world because of the desired goals/wishes/referential power and gradually control it. This is the development of independence. Essence: Play as reflection of beauty Figure 2: Growth and development in free adjustment to the world. Deep down, play contains the art of living 4 Desire is one of the most powerful emotions (feelings) (acc. to Schiller, 2003). that direct our goals (according to SSKJ). Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 12 Play is their mental path and remains the path of inventors when comparing their referential cri- teria with adventures from reality and imaginative worlds. More or less interesting experiences are kept in different brain centres. Some of them are forgotten about after a while and others are rein- forced or replaced. From aesthetic education theory’s5 perspective, play is reflection of beauty in a free adjustment to the world. Play enables the vivid formation of the world. It is based on the free perceptions of a se- quence of ideas. Schiller (2003) says that one is only fully a human being when one plays. Play contains and the effort strengthens the acquired knowl- in it the art of living. edge. Play helps children become aware of the things and notions that they have not completely ... the process in which the Inventing understood yet. When observing and enriching referential measures are is ... their ideas, perceptions that represent the absent compared to experiences in a) reality and b) imagination parts of the intellect, children improve their per- ceptiveness. Genuine and complete knowledge is preserved while shallow knowledge falls apart or strives for new transformation. The mental picture A play ... child's method of changes constantly in order to preserve and clear is ... understanding + remains the up or transform. method of comprehension of As ages pass, a “giant” becomes closer to a “God” inventors. Mental path of when setting the highest referential goals – the children / way of thinking values of a certain period and preserving the world Figure 3: A play is … Children are aware of reality through sentience and emotion (external and inner perception) in self-communication and in communication with others. By reviewing the criteria (referential and current), they build and therefore upgrade their memory. In addition, their ideas help them devel- op their minds (according to Kant in Gavrič, 1991, see fig.1). Astonishment forces them to continue 5 Schiller, F. (2003). Aesthetic Education of Man. 1 A literary-didactical story about the children, the puppet and the Pedagogical Puppeteer 13 limited in time seemingly eternally. Let us read fairy tales, myths, folk tales, mythological stories etc. and watch the growth and development of the worlds of children and adult through the folk tradition. 1.1.1 The puppet sets up a bridge between objective and subjective comprehension Research question: “What does a pup- pet mean for us?” Real-ity Puppet Imagination It reflects mutual feedback Solving the conundrum Figure 4: Puppet is a bridge between the objective and subjective an adult joins a child as a co-actor rather than as a traditional educator. An adult strengthens his/ The puppet represents a passage, accepted by her role with a puppet in hand. The puppet’s words children, between the visualization of reality in come from the adult’s mouth and are expressed the imagination and play acted as reality where through the mimicry, character and spirit of place and time. Sometimes the puppet replaces the real educator’s face with its own. This face represents the world between the reality, which is distant, unknown and sometimes even unreachable for children, and a play, representing the world in which a child plays and experiences reality – real reality in his/her own way and in cooperation with others. A child is forceful in play, is a competent creator trying out the possibilities in an optimistic and realizable way. Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 14 the environment, but nevertheless, (s)he graciously accepts only the one that arouses strong feelings and encourages the functioning of hormones and consequently competences. Therefore, it is impor- tant who and which puppet brings the world of challenges closer to a child in real children’s play or adjusted pedagogical play. Not every puppet is successful in doing so. Only a puppet that reflects (expresses) the interests, knowledge and curiosity of the children with whom it shares and multiplies its knowledge prospers. Which puppet provokes emotions - hormone of happiness? The one that reflects, expresses part of interests, knowledge and curiosity of children. When making a puppet, it has to include all the diagnostics of pre-knowledge and interests and needs of children. The puppet is based on child's recognition, expectations, beliefs and desires. 1.1.2 The puppet is a reflection of interpersonal impressions and expressions in the comprehension process Figure 5: The puppet’s power The puppet’s character encourages and develops interpersonal relationships The exchange of impressions and expressions and emotions. unfolds in three-part communication in which body language expresses characteristic features that define the genetic target code of self-orienta- The puppet reflects the expressed thoughts, the tion. Self-knowledge occurs when we feel psychic feedback of educators and children and resolves movements, give them meaning, verbalise them if conundrums. necessary, express them out loud or silently, write, When a child accepts a toy, the child plays with draw or paint them. The climate reflects the at- it in his/her own way. However, when the toy at- mosphere that a person perceives and expresses tracts attention (unconsciously), the child not it in the form of a mood. An inhalation initiates only surrenders to it, but establishes a hormonal impression and exhalation expression. Three-part and emotional connection with it and builds up a communication (physical, psychical and spiritual) friendship. A child has many puppets and toys in 1 A literary-didactical story about the children, the puppet and the Pedagogical Puppeteer 15 is verbalized through the children’s reactions that formative assessment) in order not to miss the can be seen in their encounter with a puppet. critical mental periods and therefore miss learning opportunities or reactions of children in the direct Communication with puppet, puppeteer and innovative learning game where their learning story children is three partite: and opportunity are born. These opportunities can 1. body language ▶ guide the children toward the unexpected mental with its behaviour it perceptions, experience, imagination and creation expresses the 2. psychic ▶ spiritual ▶ character ▶ genetic of the world. self-awareness ▶ code of self-direction meaningfulness 1.1.3 The puppet intrigues and internalizes the learning story In the introductory event, the puppet attracts and forms an attachment with a child through content that is interesting for the child. When meeting the puppet, the children’s emotions are released, 3. spiritual ▶ their emotional world and their nervous system atmosphere ▶ mood and consequently their movement, breathing and designates the spirit heartbeat encourage thoughts and start the story. detected and released in the group The first impression happens. It is powerful and it remains in the child’s consciousness, it outlines and overflows the child’s emotional world. In that very moment, the puppet becomes “you”. The attrac- Observe a child from all three aspects of tion establishes the “you-relation”, which means communication and also our or puppeteer's that the puppet becomes owned, or “mine” from reactions. the child’s point of view. The child addresses the Figure 6: Three partite communication puppet as “you” so it becomes “yours” – “my” pup- pet and thus “yours” – “mine” – “our” learning story. Let us observe a child – the manner of non- A friendly relationship representing a tie be- verb al communication, the behaviour and mood. tween “me” and “you” is established. The puppet How does (s)he feel in the environment, what does in synaptic contact becomes a part of a child and (s)he perceive, what spirit is (s)he in? How does (s)he perceives it as a part of him. From the child’s (s)he express it, how does (s)he behave, how does point of view, it is a part of “me” and therefore the (s)he use this knowledge in the process and in what puppet is no longer whoever or whatever but “you”, mood? How does the reaction reflect on others? so it becomes and stays a part of a child’s commu- In what way does a puppet feel these relationship nity forever. In “me”, in a child and in a group, the dynamics, how does it react and combine, what puppet became domesticated. It became a part does it provoke in its communication? of “mine”, “our” mental process, a part of “my” life6. In the pedagogical work, it is reasonable to 6 The very experience is described in The Little Prince set more observation eyes (cameras - qualitative written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 16 Puppet in educational play: who assists if necessary, and there are other chil- dren and parents. We are aware that besides the a) content parents, we – as a puppet character – are the most b) mental magnet magnet desired inner guest of a child’s heart. Together we form pleasant company. “You” is my dear, eternal friend with whom I experience, discover and learn. The puppet – “you” – is the child’s ego, which reveals the wonders of c) open d) relationship the world but at the same time asks for help and learning magnet opportunity support and in this way leads him toward self-de- velopment. In play with a child, a puppet may be beautiful, nice, interesting, unusual, funny, weird, Figure 7: The puppet in educational play miraculous, warm, demanding and sometimes even difficult. It brings the possible and impossible. “The Why does not every puppet have the same power weird thing though is that the puppet’s demanding and attraction? What does it attract? (my interests do not attract and it is not necessary character is ‘my effort’, which is in reality a pleasure that his (child's) interests would either). The – my joy and my happiness, even if the situation is puppet is domesticated in this way. Only then it is really difficult to resolve. worth of person's care and love. ESSENCE! The puppet must reflect the child's Story - creation: ESSENCE interest, it must attract him to become a 1. The first impression ▶ strong, so that it stays in friend who cares and sticks to it. Because of one's consciousness and overflows the emotional that the child develops caring and responsible world of a child relation with the puppet. This is a child's self-development. An appropriate pedagogical 2. Care ▶ love establishes and cultivates puppet accelerates and guides persistence and continuity. Cooperation. self-development of a child. The child needs and expresses the desire for help only in 3. Child's effort ▶ extremely demanding challenges extremely complicated challenges. The puppet influence on the child's development of thought, creation, existence and life cycle. is a child's reflection. Figure 9: Care and story Figure 8: “Mine, your, our” puppet The puppet influences my (the child’s) way of “I now take care of “you” - puppet. I care for it thinking, it affects my life, creation, sleep, dreams very much and if necessary, more friends are will- and my exceptional, unique, unrepeatable life in ing to care for it as well, to love it together.” The this world. It is my happiness, my life goal”, taken first, second, third or fourth time, a child begins to from the assessment of work with a puppet in the not only be taken care of by others but to care for Trnovo kindergarten over the years. others or a group of children collaborate. A child is not alone in a group, there is also an educator 1 A literary-didactical story about the children, the puppet and the Pedagogical Puppeteer 17 1.1.4 The puppet is a dialogic and multilogic viewpoint to listen to yourself and others and to hear and to through a personal window of comprehension communicate what is being heard, what is per- To describe the development and understanding ceived as important, where, how and why others of the world and dialogue in life, Panikkar7 uses see things differently. In this way, dialogues and the metaphor of the window. From birth, every lives can be enriched. Personal and dialogic view- child has the possibility to look through a personal points are formed in this way and sometimes we window on life or the world around him. The more agree with them, we like and support them. we understand our existence and the world we are looking at, the clearer the glass and the clearer the Guided mental vision of the world and of our own personality. development of Early in our youth, we are aware that the others person's adjustment ▶ look through the window of their life. Considering learning the neighbourly relations and listening, we realize that the view through the window is diverse and varied – everyone sees it in a similar but also in a different way. The dialogue between people who describe the Figure 10: Guided mental development of person’s adjustment view through the window enriches both. Through - learning the experience, people therefore realize that you Other time we do not. We learn to repeat, de- cannot see everything through one’s own window. fend, support other people’s thoughts, intertwine Our eyes do not provide the complete picture; how- them with similar ones and upgrade them with the ever, we can construct it through self-reflections thoughts of people who have comparable ideas. and other people’s viewpoints in order for it to All of this leads to the development of a culture of come clearer. For the same reason, it is reasonable communication and coexistence. 7 More about R. Panikkar: watch?v=Kvsov6OuTWs Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 18 provide good insight in general situations. Obser- vation (spontaneous and guided) can help us in formatting opinions, gathering information and communication, but it can become boring if it is not wisely encouraged. The experiment is one of the methods that enables the control (testing, ex- perimenting) of one or more variables. The received outcome is frequently harder to understand since it is isolated from real life, especially if we are not taking part in the experiment from beginning to end to know what and why something is being tested. The combination of all three forms of perception is reasonable since it provides better insight into the development and comprehension of the world around us, especially if we do the experiment in an open, laboratory environment8. The educator already has experience of the adult’s real world, however, (s)he simulates the story through research before presenting it to the children. In this way, the educator/puppet is more confident, interesting and exciting. Moreover, the curriculum is more accurate and predictable. The puppet can therefore more clearly encourage (through a research question) children to experi- 2 Innovative learning for the youngest ence new things. To those who enter the world of exciting moments, the puppet ensures an inter- 2.1 Play is the path to innovative learning esting and safe, but at the same time exciting co- Pedagogical play is a symbol of creative learning operation. The educator increases the awareness that brings the educator or teacher and the child in children of real life situations so they are able to together. They both give what they can in order to find the best solution. create and activate the best idea. Moreover, it is not only a question of teaching In pedagogical play, an educator and a child how to tie shoe laces but also discovering how to or children reasonably complete knowledge by: 1. rescue somebody from a tree or from the water experience, 2. observation and 3. if necessary, ex- or to help somebody succeed in his/her profes- perimenting in open and laboratory learning envi- sion. With a research question, a puppet signals ronment. Gaining experiences without the feeling to a child that it has total confidence in him and of security can become dangerous and imperfect. 8 According to R. Panikkar: It is itself an experience but it does not ne cessarily watch?v=Kvsov6OuTWs 2 Innovative learning for the youngest 19 can because I have already done this successfully in the past.” Experiences with a puppet in a pedagogical game become part of a child’s unconscious and conscious mental world and wealth that strength- ens the children’s prefrontal cortex and mirror neurons and develops empathy. Nature endowed humans with the ability to play (natural learning method) and the curiosity (form of motivation) that is part of the play. It is a desire, motivation- al light, buoyancy, momentum and declared goal (a purpose limited in time and place). It is also an believes that (s)he would be able to solve a conun- encouragement for and measurement of success drum that at first appears unattainable, unsolvable on the path towards the goal. It is a manner and but so very exciting. style of functioning. The puppet in a pedagogical A child has an extraordinary natural ability to game is not only a content magnet or mental at- develop play and to act in it. In their play, they are traction, it is also an open learning opportunity not slaves and robots (though they might be if they for research and discovery and relation attractor decide to play the role), they are leaders, directors, – a mediator between a child and an educator and researchers, discoverers, magicians, parents, “the others involved in the life-learning story. ones”. In their play, they can prove to themselves The experiences gained in the pedagogical games and to others that they are capable; they develop with a puppet become part of the unconscious and their abilities and give meaning to the play. More- conscious mental system and a treasure for the over, they help develop the abilities of people they Pedagogical Puppeteer who enriches his/her ed- love and who need their help or support. Of course, ucational potential and kindergarten curriculum9. they can discover completely new, unusual profes- sions, not thinking about abilities but observing the possibilities as they feel and experience them and are aware of them. Children with a pedagogical puppet are not only competent virtuosos acting in a spontaneous children’s game but they are capable of playing pedagogical games, and outstanding roles in real stories with real life experiences that are stored in their long-term memory. This memory is avail- 9 Will is the ability of desire (according to SSKJ), conable in every future life situation and is labelled “I scious management of behaviour in order to reach the goal. The basic will is in the unconscious instinct Will is freedom. The first phase is the battle of motives, the second phase is the selection and the third one is the reaching the decision. Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 20 ... is creative learning ... the ability of living Pedagogical The innovative (educational content beings, who change the didactic game ... learning is ... and child's method) world into a better place by their innovative referential measure. The puppet with a research question clearly Figure 12: Innovative learning encourages gaining new experience. Reason encourages new experience and the willpower The principles of innovative learning10 are as enables new experience. follows: 1. All attention is focused on the child and the child’s attention is focused on the adjustment – ... the ability of the Will ... unconscious desire and learning; 2. Learning is a social activity that brings conscious management interesting and rich experiences – memory; 3. Emo- of behaviour in order to tions are an important determination of thinking reach the goal. The first for formatting referential measure of success; phase is the battle of 4. Awareness of the differences in thinking (and motives, the second pre-knowledge) and the resulting expectations phase is the selection and the third one is the of various learning opportunities; 5. Learning en- reaching the decision. vironments adjust and reinforce their flexibility; 6. Positive feedback in the learning process and 7. /wiki/Volja Specialization in individual disciplines only happens Figure 11: Game, puppet and will after integrated transparency over the disciplines. Ways of learning: 1. thinking about the things we 2.1.1 Innovative learning as a form of already know (being familiar with the learning top- self-comprehension ic) and about the improvement of our pre-knowl- Learning is the ability of constant unconscious and edge and a positive influence on the knowledge of conscious thinking and a search for knowledge in all children; 2. being aware of the mental picture many different ways that enable survival and a of the topic that is being studied and compared to good life. In addition, it is self-changing based on other people’s images or alternatives; 3. providing behaviour and knowledge or the self-regulation of current and constant mutual feedback about the thinking. Innovation means the self-transformation functioning of the topic and about the benefits of of existing knowledge and behaviour into a better, the instructions and messages received for learning. possibly new and different form. Innovative learning The educator’s and teacher’s abilities required is the ability of living beings to change the world for innovative learning are: 1. working with the for the better by innovative referential measures. source of the current knowledge of the children; 10 According to School-jena plan, OECD, 2013. 2 Innovative learning for the youngest 21 2. using empathy for cooperation; 3. being aware learners would be able to use their pre-knowledge of pre-knowledge (own, not the children’s) and 4. as a starting point and learning source – a chal- being able to use it in formatting beliefs; 5. being lenge to look for possibilities for the more intensive an excellent expert; 6. being capable of qualitative creative impulse of learners in the direct learning formative learning assessment. environment. The innovative project in which the knowledge of Pedagogical Puppeteer is indispen- Educator's/teacher's ability in innovative sable encourages precisely this. learning: Innovative educators deal with learning en- + working with the source of current knowledge of ergy, learning principles, assessment mechanisms a child/learner and mental processes. + using empathy for cooperation Innovative children perceive the learning space + awareness of pre-knowledge and its usage in and time as their own thinking process and coop- creating beliefs eration with other learners and the puppet. Most + distinguished expert, capable of qualitative formative assessment of learning/artistic children perceive this as having more freedom and expression not as a burden, even though their learning intensi- ty increases. An innovative form of learning is thus PWP is Innovation Project - educational an independent form practiced by people (children, movement, which organized educational educators, parents and other experts) who are not process as a form of reasonable qualitative scared of change or transformation and have the mutual feedback. At the same time, it searches for the possibilities for learning approaches in vision how to improve the world, their pre-knowl- which a learner could use his/her edge and enrich formal education. pre-knowledge as a starting source and real learning source - challenge and in which (s)he could look for the opportunities for more Inovative children perceive the learning space intensive creative beat in the direct learning and time as their own thinking process and environment. cooperation with other learners and the puppet. Most children perceive this as having Innovative educator deals with the energy of more freedom and not as a burden, even though learning with the principles of learning, their learning intensity increases. mechanisms of assessment and mental processes. Figure 14: Innovative children Figure 13: Innovative educator, teacher This very idea is discussed in Innovative Projects The Innovative Projects (IP) and its Work with a (IP) and the Work with a Puppet Project (PWP). The Puppet Project (PWP) and Pedagogical Puppeteer principle of simulative, open learning in open envi- (PP) are learning activities that organize educa- ronment therefore represents a constant dialogue tional process as a form of meaningful, qualitative, and multi-way communication in various forms mutual feedback. At the same time, they look for of coordination of thoughts – even more so with possibilities for open learning approaches in which Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 22 a pedagogical puppet who links the dialogue and the differences, similarities and the development upgrades it mentally. of abilities for mutual adjustment. The educators take into account all these find- 2.1.2 The formation of knowledge is a complex life-long ings in their educational process and their work with process of self-formation the youngest. Learning through understanding al- Gaining knowledge is a complex and prudent pro- ways develops knowledge at higher stages, begin- cess in which we create conclusions, summaries ning with pre-knowledge. An educator includes a and predictions. The knowledge we acquire in the child in active learning and follows his/her partial process enables us to predict the situation and to or final reactions or learning outcomes because a choose the right behaviour. This process is called child brings a unique perception of the functioning adaptation or learning11. Formative assessment of the world into the playroom. is a natural form of mental process that triggers If children are deeply engaged, we expect them meaningful adjustment – learning that satisfies to be ready to participate in creating learning con- the learners’ needs and expectations. Assessment cepts, collecting and selecting learning sources is the comparison of current knowledge with refer- and to have their goals, expectations and beliefs ential knowledge but it is nevertheless vital to have already formed to certain extent. An educator helps a desire and personal goal that activates optimal the children work out the current ideas and shapes adjustment in accordance with pre-knowledge and of the world, and integrates them into renewed competences. The process of self-assessment ena- learning stories. Through these stories, children get bles and activates the self-regulation of adjustment to know and recognize essential connections and and therefore encourages feedback and the pre- relations. The educator is aware that the learning sentation of learning stories. Success is a product process begins where it had ended and continues containing motivation for learning and considers from there into the future. In this way, (s)he helps Vygotsky’s12 zone of proximal development in the the child in the process of self-transformation to learning process. The greater the curiosity, the build a spiral/developmental open kindergarten greater the productivity can be. curriculum (acc. to Bruner, 196014). Theory of the mind deals with analysing the un- It is important that an educator develops the derstanding of other people’s thoughts (empathy). abilities of a child and that (s)he gives him the op- Mirror neurons play an important role in this. The portunities for researching, improving and strength- theory of the mind is actually an ability to under- ening. For that purpose, an educator organizes stand different mental states such as: beliefs, in- learning so that the children can re-organize their terests, desires, pretence and knowledge from our knowledge, paths and working methods. Moreover, and others’ point of view. Learning13 is establishing the learning environment has to enable the child to take over at least some part of the control over 11 Adapted from cognitive learning theory 12 Vygotsky: zone of proximal development Neuroscience in magazine Sustainable Development in School 13 Flaherty, AW. (2005). Frontotemporal and dopaminer-and Kindergarten. 2013, year 7, no: 1-2. gic control of idea generation and creative drive. J. Comp Neurol. 14 J. Bruner, 1960: The Process of Education (Bruner).pdf Dec. 5; 493(1): 147 – 53. Equally recommended for further reading - judzrun-children 2 Innovative learning for the youngest 23 the learning process. When a child’s mind is active, the mental process forms categories for process- ing information (Gibson, 195015). Experiences in ex- tending knowledge play an important role as they can considerably increase the complexity of new knowledge and behaviour in a very short time. The educators think in the same way and therefore, it is best to observe the children and encourage them within the learning activities. Learning activities that include an educator as an equal thinker and partner enable the sharing of feedback, which con- tinuously and immediately improves the learning and teaching level in the mutual learning story. The active learning environment recognizes that the educator and the child are both in the centre, are oriented toward the upgrade of pre-knowledge, they assess and regulate learning dynamics and that learning happens in the group16. 15 Gibson, 1950 16 The characteristics of the so-called outstanding teaching approach Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) I 24 2 Innovative learning for the youngest 25 Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 28 1 Training programme The structured programme shown below answers three interlinked questions: “What?”, “How?” and “Why?” is a pedagogical puppet/puppeteer involved in the educational process. Part II of the programme Pedagogical Puppeteer Answers to the questions: ? What? Figure 15: Questions in the programme ? How? Why? ? SEQ. № № OF HOURS CONTENT GOAL AUTHORS/PERFORMERS 1. 8hrs - 10hrs “Puppet is, puppet isn’t” 1.The puppet as a Expert workers of the The story of the protagonist Trnovo Kindergarten pedagogical puppet and 2.Perception of the Pedagogical Puppeteer puppet – impression 3.Communication with a puppet – expression 4.Creating a puppet - appearance 2. 8hrs - 10hrs “Why, where and when a 1.The puppet creates a Expert workers of the puppet?” The story of the literary-didactic story Trnovo Kindergarten kindergarten curriculum (Didactical Map) 2.Formative assessment of education by a puppet 3.Reflection and summative evaluation of Pedagogical Puppeteer 3. 8hrs - 10hrs “How to handle a I improve Expert workers of the puppet?” I create and communication flows Trnovo Kindergarten assess my own story and enable experiencing PEDAGOGICAL PUPPETEER training programme The Trnovo Kindergarten, 2014 - 2015 1 Training programme 29 1.1 The first part: Puppet is, puppet isn’t. • a new or additional communication channel The story of the pedagogical puppet and for planning the achievement of educational Pedagogical Puppeteer goals (Korošec); Puppet is: • a medium, an art element that opens the im- • a link between the world of the human and agination, in our case “a child’s friend” (Antič the imagination (Žigon, 1992,5); et al., 2013, 41); • a figure that represents, imitates, performs, • a protagonist (main character), a communi- casts a spell on life (Semolič, 1987, in: Mat- cation with a metaphor, someone to whom a jašič, 2011); child can communicate needs and expectations • an educational learning means that stimu- more easily than to an educator. It has a power lates, increases excitement, reacts, encourages and it grows together with the human’s will, thought and fantasy, enables expression and it also gets a symbolic meaning, it becomes a intimate experiencing of the world (Žigon, 1992); being and a puppeteer’s energy brings it to life • the main expressive means with a puppet (Antič et al., 2015, 35); system of signs. It connects the animate and • a song (rhythm and melody – synchronization inanimate worlds (Trefalt, 1993); of pedagogical dialogue) that co-creates im- • a figure that represents something or someone pressions and expressions (Antič et al., 2015, 36); – “essence”. A puppet is a being, animated by • there so we are not scared (a 5-year-old girl in a human force. A person lends his/her energy Antič et al., 2015, 39); to a puppet (Jurkowski, 1991); • half human and half fabric (a 5-year-old boy in • an animator, someone who gives life to, a Antič et al., 2015, 39); recipient, someone who assures life to the • a toy, a friend (a 5-year-old girl in Antič et al., object that (s)he animates and manipulates 2015, 39); (Omerzu, 2010, 16-18); • a kind, gentle, emphatic and interesting being, • a three-dimensional figure that gets its full meant for teaching the youngest (educators’ meaning and purpose only in the hands of the opinion in Antič et al., 2015, 41); one who animates it. It overcomes the motion- • a powerful educative influence (one of the less, dead state and becomes a being that can parents in Antič et al., 2015, 44). do whatever it wants and desires that cannot be achieved in the real world. We only need Puppet = a link between the world and some imagination and skills and the puppet the imagination, a figure, a hero, a pro- becomes what we want it to be – our, my im- tagonist, the main means of expression, aginative being (Matjašič, 2011); an educative means, a communication • a being with a psychosocial developmental aspect (Jurkowski, 1991,26); channel, animator, an element of art, a medium, a song, half human and half fabric. Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 30 Puppet = Puppet ≠ PUPPET ... “Puppet is half human and half fabric” (a 5-year-old boy) Puppet = a link between the world and the imagination, a figure, a hero, a protagonist, ... a burden, addiction, worry, fear, intrusiveness, the main means of expression, an educative anti-therapy means, a communication channel, animator, Figure 18: Puppet is not (gathered responses from participants an element of art, a medium, a song, half in the Pedagogical Puppeteer training 2015) human and half fabric. Puppet as a protagonist guides and brings PUPPET ... closer the roles of others so the things that need to happen really come true and prevents things that should not (yet) happen. Figure 16: Puppet is, puppet is not PUPPET ... ... is a medium with which we begin to deal consciously, unconsciously ... knowledge without limits, empathy in a puppet and a person ... protagonist = a hero who creates the story; intensive, complete communication ... amusement, relaxation, integration, comfort, a means for achieving a goal ... love increases the level of comprehension/ action ... play, curiosity, theatre ▶ mirror, improvisation, creative imagination outdoors and indoors ... puppets ask children for help ... a puppet ▶ one that is a part of you, one who Figure 19: Puppet is (gathered responses from participants in the suits your personality, your second pole that Pedagogical Puppeteer training 2015) enables balance Figure 17: A puppet is (gathered responses from participants in 1.1.1 Protagonist the Pedagogical Puppeteer training 2015) When we ask the children what a protagonist is like, their answer would be that it is someone who 1 Training programme 31 suggestions, solutions and doubts of the children, parents and educators, and includes them in the story – in an open (educational) curriculum. Gradu- ally, they become a part of an important story, they become co-creators of the literary-didactical story. The puppet as a protagonist and therefore performs virtuosic communication and pedagogical work (action) through its extremely good performance. It also guides and brings closer the roles of others so the things that need to happen really come true and prevents things that should not (yet) happen. The puppet as a protagonist keeps the thread and the events in the story, which are innovative learn- ing activities. The puppet is the centre, a meeting point of minds and a focus of learners. The main is diligent, who behaves the way (s)he should. A characters of learning the literary-didactical story protagonist is a hero that spurs children, educa- become small heroes – giants of self-development tors, parents and other participants into action. – the children that get the support from the Peda- The protagonist “pulls us into”17 the project – the gogical Puppeteer, their educators, their parents implemented kindergarten curriculum – so that and other performers in the educational process. things happen as they should. The protagonist (from Ancient Greek protagonists18) is the main fig- Puppet as a protagonist is a guide en- ure of the story. It is all about the protagonist, the suring that only the things that should complete literary-didactical story is about him/her. happen, really happen and prevents The basic purpose of the puppet protagonist is those that should not (yet) happen. to clearly communicate the vision and common goal. Everyone bears it in the mind during a certain event or experience from the planned pedagogic, Impresion Expression Perception didactic and literary event. The event is an introduc- tion, beginning, entanglement before formatting the learning story. The event is logically followed by reactions that are assessed, upgraded and included in the story, until the climax and resolution of the problem. Creation / The puppet – protagonist logically follows the figure, name 17 attract Figure 20: Impression and expression create the image, name 18 The opposite character is antagonist Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 32 1.1.2 Impression19 an impression. The impression might sometimes If we want to achieve the above mentioned and be vague and negative or sometimes strong and if we want it to last for a longer time period, a positive. puppet has to be very powerful and pass on efficient messages that become and remain learning magnets The puppet gains its attraction through – attractions. The puppet itself has to be a form its image but the impression happens that exerts attraction and catches one’s eye. The only after the puppet in its form inten- puppet gets its attraction through its figure but the impression only happens when the puppet sively expresses the message it carries intensively transmits the message that it bears inside. within. Only than it can attract the learner. The point is not the puppet as a hero who knows everything The real impressionists are interested in the oc- and is the strongest. These kind of tales are not the currence and meaning of things in the area. They object of our learning process, because the events want to capture the synthesis of that occurrence are the children’s vision and the puppet normally and meaningfulness in time. The same goes for a remains the one with the question (problem, learning process. Obvious moves of influence, the conundrum) or dilemma. A puppet therefore has transmission of sensory impressions and the cre- a strong desire and reasonable goal that it wants ating of different moods and perceptions are very to accomplish but knows at the same time that it important. The impression is as short, clear and cannot be successful without help and support. strong as the message20 should be. The puppet is the children’s friend that comes Impression: closer to the children and the group with its abilities 1. Puppet ▶ form ▶ attraction ▶ attracts one's eye and capacities and therefore its desires and goals. 2. Puppet ▶ carries messages Because of its presence and resemblance to the 3. Getting closer with a child and group children and their interests, the puppet attracts, 4. Impression settles in makes contact and remains a friend of the children 5. Expression represents warmth, openness 6. The real impressionists are interested in in the learning process. In this way, we can set the appearance and meaningfulness of things around us impressions that we recognize, feel close to, cope 7. Impression ▶ a short and strong yet expected with, admire and learn from, gradually, consciously feedback, continuation, response and developmentally. The impressions usually settle in our hearts, The puppet gets its attraction through its figure but the impression only happens when the puppet suit our mind, are clear, and have a bright image intensively transmits the message that it bears – solution. The impression(ism) is not related to within. heroism but to cosiness, the warmth of life, open- ness to cooperation and for play with colours and Figure 21: Impression light. Everyone that starts to communicate makes 19 Perception of a puppet - impression 20 According to Aleš Justin, impressionism, dijaš 1 Training programme 33 Impression ▶ inhale ▶ dialogue educator, puppet, The communication link between a child and a contact with children, strong, strong feelings, puppet is unusual, special and exceptional. A child impulse would never disappoint a puppet; (s)he would work even harder because of it. If you want to become a Impression ▶ contact ▶ warmth ▶ astonishment puppet or guide a puppet, you have to know how Game: reality, world, imagination, to change your voice, since every puppet has its discovery/effort/departure, game of reality and own voice. The voice very efficiently directs at- imagination tention most of the time because a child likes to imitate it, adopt and help it. It is all due to love, in-Story of action research ▶ authentic, strong message/experience terest, care, joy, pleasure and happiness. Example: Animation ▶ accomplished ▶ event ▶ puppets-as-communication-aids/. astonishment, unusualness It is important that a puppeteer selects the right timing for bringing children closer together with a Entire action ▶ engagement: research, discovery ▶ effort puppet because the effect depends on the quality of Taste ▶ assessment communication. Our unconscious posture mimics Solution ▶ result our character and the atmosphere (spirit) we feel, Conclusion/end of story ▶ solution influences the tone of our voice and the rhythm and Figure 22: Impression according to the participants of the train-melody of expression. Moreover, a child’s mood in- ing program PP 2015 fluences the quality of responsiveness. Among other things and along with all the mes- 1.1.3 Expression21 sages, a pedagogical puppet has to express and The communication is influenced by body lan- radiate the so-called pedagogical love. At one of guage, the puppet’s figure, its tone of voice and the training sessions, the educators and teachers the words, of course. A person selects a moment defined what this pedagogical love ensures. In the and formats it in his/her personal impression in dif- first place, it ensures safety, which enables mutual ferent ways and in different sequences. It is not a trust, and in the second place, it ensures joy that question of exaggeration in order to be heard, it is leads to pleasure (enjoyment). a question of the clearness, pureness and impor- 1. Therefore, it is reasonable to follow the ped- tance of a message – expression. Expression always agogical principles of peaceful coexistence rather arises as feedback for a certain impression. It is a than exaggerate the use of rules and, as a conse- logical consequence of a certain impression and quence, the introduction of various measures. 2. therefore learning activity begins where it ended, Ensuring synchronized communication; harmoniz- which is in a child – in the child’s thinking, desires ing a melody with rhythm and expression with the and expectations. purpose of creating new qualitative, efficient and useful impressions. 3. Ensuring the optimal func- 21 Communication - expression with a puppet tioning of the nervous system (brains for linking the Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 34 unconscious, spontaneous with the conscious mind) 1. The communication is influenced by body that enables one’s own findings and innovations language, the puppet’s figure, its tone of in coexistence. 4. To make a reservation and give voice and the words, time not only for emotional reactions but also for 2. A child would never disappoint a puppet creative reflections (immediate, quick, consequent ((s)he would disappoint him/her self); 3. Every puppet has its own voice or creative inspiration that simply has to come out 4. Mood influences the quality of and produce an idea or thought) and reactions in responsiveness research (science) where we are dealing with the 5. pedagogical love ensures safety, possibility of classification, assessment and selec- happiness, optimal functioning of nerve tion before closing thoughts. 5. To give a person system, time for creative reflections, (teacher, child or parent) the possibility of artistic possibility for artistic and scientific expression and scientific expression and for presenting the re- E X P R E S S I O N sults or knowledge in the process of adjustment (of learning and the literary-didactical story). Learning activity begins where it ends, which is in a child - in the child’s thinking, desires and Learning activity begins where it ends, expectations. which is in a child - in the child’s think- Figure 23: Expression ing, desires and expectations. Expression ▶ with the support of an expert Expression, solution, challenge, The puppet as a pedagogical figure enables learning dialogue ▶ research + discovery children to traverse the activities and it allows an Inventiveness ▶ ingenuity, resourcefulness, adult to select (the space, time, educator or teach- communication er) freely, which means that everybody can pick up Expression ▶ exhale ▶ tasks, solving ▶ challenges his/her own way of research according to his/her competences22. Impression ▶ getting closer, expression = growth + development The expressions of children always happen with the support of an expert/adult/experienced one Connection ▶ link with the environment, present, modernization of a problem Figure 24: Expression - definition by the participants of the training programme PP 2015 The participants have expressed the need for more knowledge about the 22 see in Marjanovič: Razvojna Psihologija 1 Training programme 35 production technique and animation of puppets. 1.1.4 Appearance23 When we begin to make the puppet and create its image, we consider the goal and vision that the puppet/protagonist is to experience together with the children. On the one hand, we have to consider its didactical purpose and literary beginning, on the other the introduction and the first meeting. Based on this, we can already begin to draft the basic ele- ments of the puppet. Considering the foreseen ba- sic activities, it is reasonable to pick material that would be useful in numerous learning situations. Regardless of the content or purpose, it is rea- sonable to think about the strong key aspects of the puppet. The image of the figure or puppet is marked – formatted and created by: 1. form, 2. light, 3. colour and 4. movement. The biggest and strongest discernible element of the situation is a face, especially facial features (brains have special centres for that). A person can recognize them very quickly and reacts to them immediately. A face is basically represented by two dots and two lines: (. . --) in varying positions and relationships. The quickest and strongest expression is achieved by two dots in mutual dialogue that represent eyes. Eyes are the most important element for receiving impressions. The next most important feature is a vertical line in different directions, carrying the mes- sage of the puppet. Eyes (two visible dots) give the impression (reflect the character) while the mouth represented by a line transmits the message of the puppet (mimics, verbal communication). Eyes and mouth provide more accurate information about 23 Creating, representing the appearance - of face, ex- pression of a puppet Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 36 development. It is also a supporter and assistant in the process of adaptation, learning, education and self-education with the precisely defined purpose be- ing simultaneously open for current reactions or the procedural mental de- velopment of children and educators (pedagogical puppeteers). A puppet as an image gets its own name. The name is usually part of the message of education- al vision. The image of the figure or puppet is marked – formatted and created by: 1. form, 2. light, 3. colour the puppet’s way of thinking and communicating. and 4. movement. Eyes represent impression, the If we add another vertical line representing a nose, mouth represents expression and the nose repre- the puppet also reflects its mood (atmosphere, the sents atmosphere. A puppet has a name. spirit it shows and looks for in the surroundings). Two dots (on the same level) and two lines (verti- cal and horizontal) represent the elements of the non-verbal message (expression) about what the puppet knows, how it feels and why it behaves in a certain way. It only takes a few moment for chil- Eyes ≈ impression dren to receive that message. Based on this, they aspect ☺ Nose ≈ atmosphere create a philosophy (vision) and course (strategy) of adjustment or reaction (functioning), and the Mouth ≈ expression course of learning and disseminating knowledge24. When the basics of the puppet have been cre- Aesthetic Name ated, we begin to embellish it. Aesthetics is one of the basic human needs, as mentioned by Maslow. The image of the figure or puppet is marked ▶ formatted and created by: A pedagogical puppet is a carefully 1. form thought through, planned and formed 2. light tool, figure or being with the inten- 3. colour and 4. movement tion of supporting a person’s mental Figure 25: Appearance 24 According to Kandel, 2014 1 Training programme 37 MINU RO TRAJA KRALJ MATJAŽ AND ALENČIČA JAGODKA AND CENE SREČKA PERLITA AND KARLO FERDO Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 38 1.2 Part II: Why a puppet, where and when? off with it. The power settles in them because they The story of the implemented kindergarten have created the best possible conditions for op- curriculum timal or at least improved functionality. Because In its essence, a puppet carries a spirit of a past of this ability, the Pedagogical Puppet and Peda- period25. Animism26 can influence the functioning gogical Puppeteer are unique, extraordinary and of real current forces (energies). The secrets from vital elements in a period of sustainable and deep the past empower contemporary life and open the mental adaptations. The Pedagogical Puppet is possibility for bringing back to life and breathing not an ordinary, traditional puppet that passes on new life into motionless objects represented by a a good thought or moral but it encourages us to puppet. Jurkovski lists different types of puppets the best possible creativity in time and space. This such as religious, aristocratic and folk. We would puppet masters the skills of current pedagogical add the Pedagogical Puppet to the list as well. communication that encourages innovative learn- The puppet comes among giants and gods (chil- ing. Moreover, it knows how to find exceptional dren and educators) to encourage mental growth learning sources that enrich mental process and and development – mental breakthrough. The enable the development of referential goals and it puppet can communicate and connect the giants has the ability to release the scent for experiencing and gods who sometimes may not like each oth- (formatting memory), imagining (imagination) er so much since those who already know what is and creating (realizing new mental constructs for right do not see the point in making things better humane purposes). and those who know how it is would like good or even the best things. Giants show their power, they 1.2.1 Creating the Didactical Map want to climb the ladder and thus the smallest As it says in the Encyclopaedia Slovenia (1992, p. ones at least stand on the tips of their toes before 340), puppetry is a form that turns an inanimate they can answer. object into a theatrical figure animated by an ac- Giants like to be noticed so they gather and tor/puppeteer. Pedagogical puppetry is a form that manipulate information, sometimes even by force transforms the puppet into a learning theatre fig- with a lot of thunder and lightning. But the path ure that encourages the thinking process with the of the gods is different. Gods solve issues in a more intention of creating, evaluating, improving and peaceful way. They are able to permanently and presenting current products of children / future reasonably upgrade good tradition and do not citizens in an innovative community – with the change the divine world in which they feel good. support of educators and other experts and parents. Permanent and constant improvements are only The Pedagogical Theatre or Pedagogical Stage a light breeze so we can breathe more easily and denotes a type of literary-didactical art in which keep good spirits. The Gods do not only hold pow- a puppet plays the role of a teaching magnet. The er, they get it for a reason and they do not show magnet is logically connected to thoughts that are fast as lightning, not only to gain admiration but 25 Collectively unconscious according to Jung 26 In Jurkovski (1995), read more in Propp, Bethlehem, also to get attention in such a way that it creates Bruner 1 Training programme 39 a permanent memory as opposed to an occasional The literary-didactical story is the story of all visit to the theatre. The scenic stage represents an times. It is a contemporary and true story that open learning environment. can be changed, adjusted, tested, checked, con- Mise-en-scène is an expression used to de- cluded, focused or created according to the needs scribe the arrangement of actors and scenery on and expectations of the children and educators. a stage and the setting for action and speech re- The story in which we live and which we so-create garding the content of a work (SSKJ, 2000). In a is alive, malleable and open. The story has already pedagogical mise-en-scène, this arrangement is begun and already happened but today, we have called the implemented kindergarten curriculum the chance to relive it and change or adjust it to our or Didactical Map. needs, expectations or beliefs. This is a pedagogical The text in puppetry is literary material for pup- story that unfolds before us and which we live and pet performance27. The text of a puppet used for create. It is mutual, our, your and my life story. The pedagogical purposes is a literary-didactical story imagination and reality come closer, intertwine created in advance and corresponding to the im- and together create a talent and a gift. The story plemented kindergarten curriculum that remains enables reflection on and the creation of some- open for creative attempts by children and for the thing that has not yet existed. By mutual learning reactions of the Pedagogical Puppeteer. and one’s own thinking, we build a new world. In The puppet represents a kind of connection with this new world, new thoughts, desires, ideas and ancestors and has experiences from the past while goals are born that lead to new mental novelties. the Pedagogical Puppet offers both pre-knowledge “The pedagogical story is created on the basis and challenges. Nevertheless, any puppet only of a research question and upgraded two to three represents itself. times a year as we solve the literary-didactical co- For creating the Didactical Map, the educa- nundrums that arise in the form of a learning chal- tors stick to the following pedagogical principles: lenge. The conundrum represents a learning problem 1. teamwork for mutual revision, 2. possibilities and/or necessity that needs to be resolved so our and opportunities for children and educators to lives can continue without further disturbances. change groups, 3. proactive cooperation with par- In this way, the story offers both large and small ents, 4. being aware of the mission of education, learners a chance to resolve the so-called thinking 5. learning through discovery, 6. the integration of processes using different techniques, skills and the new into the good old things, 7. being aware meaningful materials that help children solve the of the presence of a hidden curriculum, 8. social conundrum or unfold29 the story. communication network, 9. perceiving children as the essence of the educational programme and 10. respecting children28. 27 Encyclopedia Slovenia, 1992, p. 343 28 In Antič et al., 2013, 2015:”Children are seen, heard and 29 From Pedagogical Innovation, Literary-Didactical respected.” story, 2015, p. 16, Antič et al., 2015. Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 40 and management). The Didactical Map is written Terminology: according to the development of the literary-didac- Pedagogic puppetry is a genre in which a tical story. The story is developed in accordance with puppet(eer) encourages thinking, creating, the self-regulation of learners (learning groups, in- evaluating and presenting the learned things cluding educators, parents and other participants). Pedagogical theatre represents the variety of Self-regulation is an autonomous form of control or literary-didactical art in which a puppet plays a assessment of events accompanied by the quality role of teaching magnet evaluation of the events and the partial (current) The stage is represented by the open learning environment Pedagogical mise-en-scène = Didactical Map/implemented curriculum Text of a puppet is literary material for the pedagogic influence of a puppet or a Literary-Didactical story. It is alive, malleable story, which we live and co-create. It is a pedagogical story created on the basis of a research question and it solves the literary-didactical conundrums Pedagogical puppet is a connection with the challenges in time Figure 26: Terminology The participants in the training have realized that the learning story is not a trick but a true sto- ry, which becomes such when created together by children and adults. Each story follows a learning goal and includes all five measures according to Dewey. The story can be closed or open. The open one is more flexible for the pedagogical process. 1.2.2 Assessment The didactical Map is a tool for assessing the im- plementation of the kindergarten curriculum in an educational institution and is therefore intended for all educational workers (educators, teachers 1 Training programme 41 outcomes. In this way, coincidences often happen unit. The research question outlines and forms the but we give them meaning and include them when goal of the learning path. It is not just the question implementing the so-cal ed spiral curriculum, which of a result or achievement but it defines the path is one of the open forms of planning for the educa- toward the goal (strategy). In addition, it offers tional process. There, pre-knowledge and existent possibilities for checking and assessing the meas- knowledge integrate into the learning process and urements for the successful achievement of the influence future learning30. desired goal. It also provides learning sources, ma- terials and the formation of the scene or learning The Didactical Map is a tool for assessing environment. The learning environment is not only The story is developed in accordance with the a space but it represents the philosophy of work, self-regulation of learners (learning groups, concrete learning actions for provoking and creat- including educators, parents and other participants). Self-regulation is an ing thoughts and skills. The Didactical Map fore- autonomous form of control or assessment of sees possible detours or changes, adjustments and events accompanied by the quality evaluation improvements with the purpose of strengthening of the events and the partial (current) outcomes. It enables the implementation of the basic purpose (learning goal). the so-called spiral curriculum (according to The didactical story is a learning process. Com- Bruner), which is one of the open forms of planning for the educational process. There, plexity, dynamics, tolerance influence on the ed- ocess with a puppet pre-knowledge and existent knowledge ucational process. Therefore, it is reasonable to integrate into the learning process and change and to regularly collect proofs of the quality influence future learning. of vivid learning to enable holistic growth and full Every plan has a subject and content (content development through regular feedback (learning units) and a research question forms a actions). Feedback represents the activation en- didactical unit. The research question outlines ergy of education involving educators, parents and forms the goal of the learning path. It is not just the question of a result. In addition, it and other experts. The Didactical Map includes offers possibilities for checking and assessing an active bank of information that help us decide the measurements for the successful how and where to continue. Through meaningful achievement of the desired goal. The puppet(eer) improves educational process, it reflections, action research31 with the principle of is a form of innovative learning. triangulated gathering, and selecting and inter- Puppeteer = inventive educator with preting information, the path of discovery that pedagogic vision: "Getting closer to the guides and plans the content of future learning is children for their optimal achievement of enabled. Reflections on information gathered from educational goals" Assessment of educational pr triangulation will help us outline the most logical Figure 27: Assessment learning path in the future. The future of learning. Learning proofs should Every plan has a subject and content (content be stored at least for a while or until the end of units) and a research question forms a didactical the project. The Didactical Map not only shows 31 Encourages the use of different methods of gathering 30 According to Bruner, 1960 and interpreting information Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 42 the paths we went through and planned for the Puppeteer, I create and assess my three-part liter- future, but it also denotes all the milestones of ary-didactical story in the following way: qualitative mental breakthrough and success and 1. I am the educator Frančka. I am the way I am time for celebrating achievements. It is a harvest and I educate in a certain way. My colleagues, time, time for picking the fruits and a time for the children and parents see me in a certain way. meaningful and natural conclusion of the learn- 2. I am the Pedagogical Puppeteer Frančka and I ing cycle before planting new ideas and creating animate the puppet, for example Perlita. I am desires and goals32. the way I am. My colleagues, children, parents and others see me in a certain way. 1.3 Part III: How to deal with the puppet? I 3. I, Frančka, as Perlita am the way I am. My col- create and assess my story leagues, children parents and others see me in The puppet(eer) is a catalyst33 and link to learning a certain way. content34. Based on the reflections (analysis), we can A puppet is an individual essence and part of the identify our role, our expressions and learn how educator and child. How do I as a puppeteer and to professionally improve holistic communication educator act in this role and the experience of the in education within the implemented curriculum. puppet? How do I as an educator create my part “In the learning process itself, the educator plays of the story with a puppet? Self-reflection. An ex- the role of a Pedagogical Puppeteer in a way that periment and recognition. Everybody probably has enables him/her to switch between different roles their own personal story of a puppeteer. The story and start a polylogue. The puppet does not change refers to the educator in the role of a puppet, his/ its role but passes from one role to another. The her consideration of what (s)he should say, what highest level of polylogue35 is simultaneously held.” is his/her message, what does (s)he want to see and know before (s)he transforms into a puppet. 1.3.1 Improving communication channels and enabling The educator has and plays three roles: 1. The role experience of an educator (e.g. “I am Frančka and I am an ed- I improve communication channels, enable experi- ucator.”), 2. The role of a puppeteer that brings the ence, analyse and self-reflect, I look for advice and puppet to life to make contact with children (e.g. “I, ideas on how to improve my mission as a pedagogue Frančka, animate the puppet named Perlita.”) and in the role of a Pedagogical Puppeteer. 3. Frančka who lends perceptions, emotions and “The Pedagogical Puppeteer (PP) programme is mental reactions to the puppet Perlita and at the open. It can be updated and upgraded. The same ap- same time keeps her perceptions as an educator plies to the story and the process of lifelong learning. and as an individual. In the role of a Pedagogical A strong aspect of the awareness of puppet animation is our guideline. During the process of creation, we cre-32 More on Didactical Map in Pedagogical Innovation (Antič et al., 2013) ate an awareness of the case study and examine why 33 Stimulator and guide, chemical substance that changes a puppet is accepted. It does not happen overnight, it the speed of chemical reaction, not becoming part of the reaction (acc. to SSKJ). 34 According to Majaron 35 Suzana Antič 1 Training programme 43 took us more than three years of training and partici-element is learning from the context. The element of pating in several training sessions under the leadership emotions is also very important in the process. of our dear colleague Brane Vižintin, who is a profes-Likewise, it is important that a constant polylogue sional puppeteer. is taking place between the children, the puppet and the It is the question of perception, the combination educator. In imaginative worlds, we solve real problems. of multiple components and a different environment Reality is therefore processed in the imagination and (theatre) in which a child has to draw together the thus the reality is less painful and more secure. The pres-threads of the action. The puppet remains the core of ence of thread is also important. The puppet enters and the educational programme. A child and an educator departs. The thread from the point of view of the adults need to master the process of planning and the pup-and children is intertwined within different stages. All pet itself and they need to know how to identify with stages are afterwards united in conundrums/centres and the role of the child and the puppet. Years of practice within the process an expert falls in love with a puppet. enable immediate supervision. This only happens when the puppet is homemade for How a child communicates with a puppet is impor- its intended use. Only then can it radiate love, which tant. The Pedagogical Puppeteer always has the func-is the most important feature for the youngest at this tion of an actor in a dynamic action. The Pedagogical stage. Moreover, adults can use the puppet for solving Puppeteer does not take the role of an adult. The key problems. An educator asks the puppet in order to get the response from children. ” Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 44 to our needs. In real life, a puppet(eer) opens the 1.3.2 What can I learn by participating in the Pedagogical door to imagination. A puppet(eer) is a friend, a Puppeteer training leader, supporter and challenger, also having a role With the active use of this manual, participation in stimulating curiosity in children and in encour- in the training and qualitative self-assessment we aging both children and educators. (S)He settles can learn how to: in the child’s endurance because it assures a safe 1. Create a puppet and operate with it. world of pleasant and interesting learning36. 2. Create, assess and evaluate one’s own peda- Suzana Antič, headmistress: An axiom37 of a gogical work (self-evaluation). Pedagogical Puppeteer is a principle of laboratory 3. Create and follow one’s own Didactical Map and teamwork because pedagogical work with a (one’s own methodology or mechanism for puppet is vivid story and formation that arises in a self-development). multidirectional communication channel. 4. Plan the open kindergarten curriculum of the educational process (to outline the course of Desire or referential learning goal and innovative learning in an open environment). measurement of success, proofs, self-evaluation, assessment of qualitative 1.3.3 Reflection and evaluation of the Pedagogical implementation with the suggestions for Puppeteer training improvement Beside reflecting on the implementation of the pedagogical story written in the open kindergar- ten curriculum, it is of great importance to reflect and evaluate in a summative way the Pedagogical Puppeteer program. When doing that, it is indis- pensable to set desires or referential goals and, in accordance with that, the measurements of success, Figure 28: Reflection and summative evaluation of Pedagogi-proofs of current reactions and self-evaluation or cal Puppeter assessment of qualitative implementation (analysis of work) with suggestions for (self) improvement. After discussion with participants in the train- Evaluation and mainly the analysis will show how ing, the lecturers realized that unfortunately this to animate the puppet, what can be created with sort of training does not exist or that there are only it and how it can improve the educational process. a few seminars that tightly blend theory and prac- This is a form of innovative learning. tice (demonstrations, exercises, changing rooms, The puppeteer is an inventive educator with a enriching the pre-knowledge of participants with pedagogical vision: “Getting close to the youngest the knowledge of lecturers and the pre-knowledge to help them with their optimal achievement of of other participants). The content of the training educational goals”. With the help of a puppet, edu- cators and children update expectations according 36 In Literary-Didactical story, Antič et al. 2015, p. 12 37 Axiom as an indisputable principle, fundamental truth that does not need any further proofs. Suzana Antič. 1 Training programme 45 was realistic, we carried out real learning actions, kindergarten. The training, though, was affected real games and performances in which the par- by early dropping out, as some participants (2) were ticipants were actively engaged and challenged not prepared for such open training. to co-create. The participants in the training and After the seminar, we discussed how we could lecturers together formed a new didactical story improve the quality of the training and thought – the Didactical Map. Thus, they felt the energy of about the selection of the target group. Perhaps, teamwork and the mutual planning of the imple- it would be better if the entire educational and mented curriculum. teaching staff takes part in the training or at least a They got closer to each other while genuinely group of experts from one educational institution. exchanging knowledge and making plans for a new Likewise, we realised that the participants should story that was a challenge for both the participants get and read our three manuals before they apply and the lecturers. for the training so they can more easily coordinate The participants expressed a desire for more the expectations with the offer and decide whether and emphasised how good it is to be part of the or not to take part. Moreover, it would be wise to process. They realised that they had created “from organize the open day event in the kindergarten themselves”. In this way, they felt the difference be- for potential participants. tween the classic individual planning and the inno- The expert workers of the Trnovo Kindergarten vative planning of the learning story of the entire unselfishly and openly shared their knowledge Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 46 with the participants. They opened the doors of The participants quickly saw the difference be- the playgrounds to the participants where they tween a puppet from a store and a “homemade” could observe the educational process and talk puppet, which is made with a special pedagogical with the educators about the content and tested purpose. In this way, the puppet can have a special themselves under the direction of their mentors. communicative value. Moreover, the puppeteer can In this way, the educators were faced with a new more easily identify with a homemade puppet so challenge. The constant active participation was (s)he can function in other directions. The puppet enabled by the work in workshops, discussion and encourages empathy in relation to the children, reflections. The participants were thrilled and ex- the puppeteer, the educators and the parents. pressed an interest in further cooperation. There is This sort of work enables qualitative independ- a big difference between working as an educator/ ent and mutual reflections, reflections in pairs as Pedagogical Puppeteer in a social learning group a form of learning based on one’s own and other and with colleagues you have not met before. people’s experiences. The feedback from children The participants discovered a different aspect about the puppet is of great importance and has of puppets; they were introduced to the Pedagog- a major influence on the quality of education for ical Puppet. The Pedagogical Puppet has its own the educators and parents. The homemade puppet personality, story, feelings, love and attachment. maintains a constant interactive link between the The friendship between “me”, “us” and the puppet is vivacity and dynamics of learning. In this way, we strong. The Pedagogical Puppet lives and breathes can more easily and quickly observe the changes with children, it is close to them and it does not live in the child’s understanding in the learning process (only) on the stage but coexists with the group. The as the emotions and dialogue between children, Puppet has an expression and the educator’s and educators and puppet is based on the intensive children’s souls bring it to life. The extraordinary emotional connection. This experience influences teamwork of educators enabled the lecturers to the quality of the communication and the puppet demonstrate the holistic pedagogical work. optimizes it. The puppet represents a real problem, 1 Training programme 47 challenge and work with materials. It offers the chance to discovering forms and content as we deal with the gradual transformation of classic focused learning into innovative learning38. The lecturers realised that the participants in the training had different expectations. The pro- gramme, nevertheless, greatly exceeded the expec- tations since we not only presented the different techniques of puppet animation but we showed and invited the participants to actively participate in learning how to make, use and evaluate peda- gogical work with a puppet for a holistic training programme. It was a great innovation and chal- lenge39 for everyone. 1.3.4 Definition and job description of a Pedagogical Puppeteer40 The profile of Pedagogical Puppeteer (PP) requires the knowledge of a puppeteer and educator, as well as experience or training. Naturally, the training and the Pedagogical Puppeteer cannot come to life without practical work in groups with children and without the support of parents. It is a performance of the open implemented curriculum, which allows participation in the relevant fields, problem-solving strategies, working with materials, methods of presenting the results, creating ideas etc. In a re- spectful, pedagogical and moral way, we extract the children’s ideas based on the imagination that is released by the pedagogical input/impressions to encourage the development of thinking product41. 38 Opinion of participants in the PP training programme in accordance with the source UNESCO 2020. 39 Adapted from final evaluation of work in the PP training programme 40 The structure of the text is adapted from standardize description of professions, Zavod RS za zaposlovenje 41 The closing thought of lecturers in reflexion after the training programme Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) II 48 1. Title Pedagogical Puppeteer 2. Short description The Pedagogical Puppeteer is an educator, teacher, pedagogue (a person with pedagogical education) who know how to create a learning puppet. (S)He knows how to manipulate it and manage the educational process in a way that guides the learners to achieving the educational aims. 3. What does (s)he usually do The Pedagogical Puppeteer is an educator, teacher, pedagogue (a person with pedagogical education) who know how to create a learning puppet. (S)He knows how to manipulate it and manage the educational process in a way that guides the learners to achieving the educational aims. 4. Field of work The expert in one or more educational fields, reasonably including the puppet as a learning magnet or medium between the educator/teacher, children/learners, learning topic and the environment. 5. Work Accessories An implemented kindergarten curriculum, for example a Didactical map, material, a place for making and simulating a child’s play or the implementation of the curriculum and others if necessary. 6. Products and services The puppet and other proofs of work and learning results, opinions and achievements of children gathered through systematic assessment and the implementation of a spiral curriculum. 7. Knowledge and skills Knowledge of action planning and implementing the educational process in the context of the spiral development of the so-called open curriculum, creating and manipulating the puppet, presenting the puppet as a medium or learning magnet that is present throughout the school year. Definition and job description of a Pedagogical Puppeteer 1 Training programme 49 8. Psychophysical The capacity of sober judgement and maintenance of active competences communication in different roles at the same time. The manipulation and animation of puppet and at the same time managing the learning group and contact with different learning sources. Changing learning stages in a closed and open learning environment. Working with large or small heterogeneous social learning groups. The skilful performance of polilogue. 9. Interests Art, science, humanism, dance, communication, empathy etc. 10. Working conditions The support of the management, staff and parents is desired, as well as a convenient learning place. The possibility of constant improvement. 11. Risks Possible confusion of the Pedagogical Puppeteer with an ordinary puppeteer or to carry out the implemented curriculum without previous additional training or special knowledge and the development of special skills in the creation, animation and manipulation of a puppet, reacting for pedagogical purposes without considering the basic pedagogical or didactical principles of education. 12. Employment possibility In kindergartens and primary schools and other educational institutions. 13. Education The module or training programme Pedagogical Puppeteer (PP). At the end of the programme, the participants receive a certificate. 14. Other information It is advisable to think about personal experiences and expectations before participating in the training programme. 15. Related professions An educator with additional knowledge of pedagogical puppeteering, a puppeteer with additional knowledge of guiding learners through the learning process. BIBLIOGRAPHY 50 Antič, S. et al. (2013). Pedagogical Innovation. Di- pubsebooks/pdfs/The%20Perception%20of%20the%20 dactical Map. The Trnovo Kindergarten. Visual%20World-GibsonJJ.pdf Antič, S. et al. (2015). Pedagogical Innovation. Lit- Puppet. Wikipedija. The Free Encyclopedia. Re- erary-Didactical Story. The Trnovo Kindergarten. trieved: August 27 2015 from: http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Puppet Profesor Baltazar. Leteči Fabijan. 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SSKJ 52 Manual Pedagogical puppeteer (PP) Vrtec Trnovo Authors: Suzana Antič, Mojca Garvas, Natalija Komljanc and educators of Trnovo Kindergarten Consultant: Natalija Komljanc Translation: Alenka Komljanc Language editor: Alenka Komljanc Graphic design: Tomaž Ebenšpanger, Meta Kutin Photography: archives Trnovo Kindergarten Published by: Trnovo Kindergarten, First digital edition Ljubljana, 2019 Educators 2014/2015: Bojana Adlešič, Petra Arko, Karmen Cerar, Katja Cerar, Marija Cvetek, Ingrid Čandek, Tina Dolenšek, Nataša Ferčnik Milakovič, Mateja Gedei, Lili V. Glamočanin, Mateja Golorej, Romana Jankovec, Maja Ješe, Tjaša Kamnar, Niko Klemenčič, Magda Klemenšek Raguž, Alenka Klenovšek, Sabina Kržič, Snežna Kužnik, Elvira Laharnar, Anica Lampič, Mateja Lavriša, Ana Lepoša, Katja Leskovic, Zdenka Ljubić, Mojca M. Felicijan, Renata Mrvar, Gordana Panić, Lara Pavšič, Katarina Pečar, Zorica Petrović, Lidija Pristavec, Maša Rebič, Mojca Slabe, Klara Sobočan, Dušanka Stanič, Tatjana Strušnik, Frančka Šoštarič, Tanja Tarman, Aleksandra Tomasović, Teja Tomažič, Mateja Tomelj, Darja Turudija, Edita Uršič, Klara Velkovrh, Nina Zorko, Mojca Zupan Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=298425088 ISBN 978-961-94611-4-3 (pdf)