ZARJA-DAWN v' __ ~_ URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER, 1965 VOLUME 37 CLEVELANDERS PREPARE S.W.U. SLOVENIAN DAY, OCT. 17th Slovenian Day will be held on Oct. 17th, 1965 at the Yugoslav Hall, 20713 Rechar Ave. in Euclid, Ohio. The Combined Branches of Ohio are sponsors of the event, the first S.W.U. Slovenian Day! Here are a few of the members who will take part: Cadet Mary Susnik, Josephine Turk, Juvenile Director Louise Epley, Ohio-Michigan President Mary Bostian, Rose Želodec, Mary Cesnik, Sophie Zagorc, Linda Vovko and Cadet Ann Dekleva; seated, Marie Beck and Marie Azman with Louis Azman, Jr. in the center, in Slovenian national costume. Entertainment galore, Slovenian singing and music, and a delicious home style dinner will be offered this day, plus exciting demonstrations and prizes! As special guest of the day will be our First Lady of Zveza, none other than Mrs. Marie Prisland, Founder and Honorary President of S.W.U. See you all at the Slovenski Dan! — Toni Turek, Supreme President ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher-. ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the l’ost Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. V si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXVII — No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1965 LETO XXXVII Št. 9 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN A FAMILY RE-UNITED IS MAJOR EVENT This heart-warming story appeared in a recent issue of the Kansas City Times and was shown to Mrs. Antonia Turek, S.W.U. Supreme President, when she made a visit there in June. Grandmother of this family, Mrs. Antonia Kostelec is our able and hard-working president of Br. 64 and Reporter for Zarja. Heartiest congratulations. The big Boeing 707 jet screamed to a halt last night, the doors opened, the passengers started down the two ramps, and it wasn’t hard to spot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kostelec and family. Healthy, smiling handsomely, they walked across the asphalt apron, an even dozen of them. “You got ’em all there?” asked John Kostelec of 605 North Thirty-first street, Kansas City, Kansas, who is Edward Kostelec’s brother. “I hope so,” answered Edward. He and his wife Lila are natives of Kansas City, Kansas, and have been living the last 1G years in San Francisco, where Kostelec is an administration staff supervisor for the Pacific Telephone company. Sixteen years ago they had their first child, and they have kept on having children. Now there are 10, the boys outnumbering the girls 7 to 3. “My wife’s a very good organizer,” Kostelec said. “She does everything systematically. She packed for several days. “We had three very comfortable hours coming in from Los Angeles. We took up two rows, six across.” The Kostelec family drove to Los Angeles Saturday, visiting friends there, and will spend two weeks visiting relatives here. Most of them will stay at the home of Kostelec’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kostelec, Sr., of 617 Splitlog Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. “Mother lias borrowed a couple of baby cribs and she has a couple of spare beds, and there are some mattresses we’ll put on the floor,” Kos-teleo said. “We have made this trip twice by automobile. But the last time was five years ago, when there were only seven kids.” Flying in three hours, Kostelec added, was much more satisfactory than spending three or four days on the road. The Kostelec children are Dan, 16; Margie, 14; Tom, 13; Jim, 11; Paul, 9; Veronica, 8; Colette, 6; Joe, 4; John, 2; Stephen, 9 months. Their luggage, in Mrs. Kostelec’s systematic style, was tagged K-l, K-2 and so on. There were 10 pieces at the baggage dock, and the members of the family were carrying a few more little ones. It was like a problem of military logistics. K unsas Cily Times HAPPY HIRTHI)AY IIS SEPTEMBER! Supreme Officers: Sept. 1 — Barbara Rosandich, State President of Minnesota, Ely, Minn. Branch Presidents: Sept. 4 — Rose Hribar, Br. 105, Johnstown, Pa. Sept. 5 — Geraldine Adami, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Sept. 6 Mary Stusek, Br. 49, Noble, Ohio Sept. 23 Antonia Matis, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio Sept. 26 — Roseann Munsell, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Sept. 1 — Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 12 — Trip to Dickeyville, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Sept. 13 — Cook-out, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Sept. 19 — Penna State Day, Br. 91, Oakmont, at Acme-tonia, Pa. Oct. ----—- Annual Birthday Celebration (Date to be an- nounced), Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Oct. 17 —■ Slovenian Day, Combined Branches of Cleve-Oct. 24 — Party at Aurora Rd. School, Br. 101, Bedford Heights, Ohio Nov. It — Penny Social, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Gathering at the Cross At St. Mary’s Cemetery Wreath at Fr. Alex’ grave Supreme President’s Message Founders’ Campaign Results Are Pleasing! Compliments to all winners in the Founders’ Campaign and a big thank-you to all. I am really thrilled and happy to see that we all did our part and by doing so, have shown that we love and honor our First Lady ol' the Slovenian Women’s Union, Mrs. Marie Prisland. Živijo, še na mnoga leta, Zdravja in Veselja! Naši prvi ženi Slovenske Ženske Zveze Marie Prisland! Memories of Lemont Zveza Day Sunday, July 18th, we spent at Zveza Bay in Lemont, 111. It was a beautiful day and we arrived early to find the Chicago ladies of Br. 2 and their menfolk, very busy getting all the 1'ood and refreshments that would take care of all hungry and thirsty people through the day. I want to compliment them for the fine hospitality and the delicious refreshments that just touched the spot! The service ,too, was A-Plus! The day began with a procession about 10:30 A.M. and I was given the honor of taking the memorial wreath to the cemetery where our good Father Alexander Urankar, former Spiritual Advisor, is buried. At the graveside we prayed also for Bishop Rozman and Father Kazimir who rest there in the simple and beautiful setting. The service was very nicely arranged. Then, we formed our procession once again and went to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes for the Holy Mass that was officiated by Fr. Kalist Langerliolz, O.F.M. The sermon that Father spoke touched all hearts and he impressed us as a truly wonderful speaker. The Mass and singing was in Slovenian. Father Pelagi conducted the singing and what a beautiful voice he has! Everyone present really sang from their hearts. The atmosphere at Lemont and the grounds are beautiful. Since this was my first visit there, I enjoyed every minute of the day. After services, everyone present had a nice time picnicing and being with their friends who came from far and near. We saw a crowd of members from Milwaukee and Indianapolis who came by buses and many from Sheboygan and even Cleveland with Mrs. Lojzka Čebular, our faithful member of Br. 10. There were many from all over the state of Illinois, too. It was a great day. Our visit to Lemont climaxed a three week vacation that took us 5000 miles through beautiful country and with good weather all the way. Home safe and sound, we are happy to be back at the old grind again. Please take note, we have moved and my new address is: 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio -14092 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL IN SEPTEMBER AND SPEEDY RECOVERY TO THE AILING! ANTONIA TUREK OHIO COMBINED BRANCHES’ MEETING REPORT Our August meeting was a very interesting one. We are all preparing for the big day, Oct. 17th when we celebrate our annual Ohio Day, this year being called SLOVENIAN DAY. We urge all our members to attend the event and to pass the word around among your friends and relatives. Don’t wait until you will be too late lor tickets as they are selling very fast! All the branches have them and the dinner and admission together is only $1.75. At the meeting, we also celebrated return of our Supremo President, Toni Turek who told us a little about her trip west. And, then, there was a happy time, oh, yes! It was my birthday, and all the ladies sang happy birthday to me. Bless their hearts — I appreciate their good wishes and it. made me very happy. I certainly hope and wish for everyone’s fullest cooperation in this big event of our coming up. My ambition is to make it the best ever, and it will be with your help. This is the way to show your State President that you are with her! Don’t forget, Oct. 17th at Rechar Ave. Hall in Euclid, Ohio, our S.W.U. SLOVENIAN HAY! We missed having our good president of Br. 25 at the meeting. Mrs. Pauline Stampfel was hospitalized but is now back home. We all wish her good health. We are going to Penna State Day, Sept. 19th! A charter Bus is being arranged for a trip to Acmetonia, Pa. for this year’s Penna State Day, Spt. 19th. It will cost $5.10 round trip. We’ll leave in the morning and return at night. Reservation must be made at once, so please call me at IV 1-4710. Mary Bostian State President of Ohio-Micli. AT MILWAUKEE FOR BR. 43’S ANNIVERSARY Wisconsin State Convention & 35th Anniversary Enormous Success The Wisconsin members met on June 13th to lielp Hr. •IS celebrate the 35th anniversary anil to carry out our annual State Convention. This was a memorable event. Harmony and cooperation were the big factor in the preparations for this day and the occasion gave me great courage to work still harder for our S.W.U. Branches 1, Sheboygan, 12, Milwaukee, 17, West Allis, and 43, Milwaukee were represented in great numbers at the festivities and also a group of nine ladies came from Hr. 2 in Chicago. The Mass was held at St. John the Evangelist Church with our Spiritual Advisor, Father Claude Okorn, OFM officiating. Those of you who heard Father Okorn’s sermon must agree that it was very interesting and enlightening. The choir, directed by Ernest Majhenich, was too beautiful to express in words. It was sensational. Under Ernie’s supervision they have presented several excellent concerts in the past. At 12:30 a barbeque chicken was served. John Reber-nisek, the famous “chicken king,” and he is worthy of that title, is an expert in the field of barbecuing. The chicken was just delicious. Our kitchen queens, Sophie Rit'elj, Her-ta Majhenich, Matilda Simcic, Mary Mirnik, Theresa Verb-nick and Ann Konczal, under the supervision of Josephine Verbick, prepared the delicious barbequed brown potatoes, cabbage slaw and carrots and peas. The table settings were very attractive and colorful and the tables were laden with cranberry sauce, jello molds, poticas and strudels. Hostess lor the day was Ceil Groth with several charming waitresses serving: Mary Mirnik, Fran Widemsek, Joan Ziebell, Elsie Gallun and Ann Konczal; all did a terrific job; the food was hot when brought to the tables. The refreshments “prince” was Eddie Schulta, a professional, humorous and energetic bartender. ON THE PHOTOS June 18th, the day of the 35th anniversary of Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis., and their annual State Convention, a huge crowd of members and guests enjoyed a full day of activities at St. John the Evangelist church and hall. These photos tell a part of the story that all our readers may share in the wonderful day at Milwaukee. Top row: Charter members, Josephine Kolar, Celia Marolt and Christine Rebernisek with Rose Lee Kraemer who escorted them to the hall; Supreme Officers of S.W.U. with Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM, pastor of St. John’s, Elizabeth Zefran, Josephine Železnikar, Marie Floryan and Rose Kraemer, State President of Wisconsin; At the table are Frances Plesko, Marion Marolt, presidents of branches 12 and 17 respectively, Marie A. Floryan, Supreme Vice-President and Rev. Thaddeus Terpin, OFM. Second row: Nine Chicago members represented Br. 2 on this visit to neighboring Milwaukee, here seen with Elizabeth Zefran, Millie Paisoli, Mitzie Krapenc, Mary Poldan, Father Claude, Anna Zorko, Josephine Železnikar, Sophie Petrovič, Alvie Jerin and Frances Petrovič. Kitchen “Queens” paused for center photo after preparing a wonderful banquet: Joan Ziebell, Mathilda Simcic, Elsie Gallun, Theresa Verbnick, Herta Majhenich, Anne Konczal, Mary Mirnik, and Josie Verbick, chief cook; Group from Sheboygan was headed by secretary, Margaret Fischer with many members. Third row: Members of West Allis, Br. 17; Guest speaker, Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer from Chicago; and members of Wisconsin branches seen during the meeting. After the dinner ,a short program followed, mainly with speakers as time was limited lor our out-of-town branches. As state president, it was my pleasure to welcome the guests and express our best wishes to everyone for coming to the event — especially hoping they were enjoying it. The guest speaker, intelligent, tho humorous, Father Claude greeted everyone and gave a very interesting, educational and inspiring talk. Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar also expressed her greetings and spoke words of encouragement and enlightened our vision of this great organization. Supreme Vice-President, Marie Floryan extended her greetings and opened our eyes to this wonderful and great S.W.U. Then Liz Zefran, the Athletic Women’s Director welcomed and greeted everyone. Letters from our Founder and Honorary S.W.U. President, Marie Prisland ,who was enroute to Europe at that time, were read and she, too, expressed her best wishes and congratulations. Supreme President, Toni Turek sent her greetings, also Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan and greetings from Br. 102 in Willard which was unable to attend. The branches, along with their officers were introduced. Our four charter members, namely, Josephine Kolar, Celia Marolt, Christine Rebernisek and Antonia Velkovrh were introduced. This was the main event of the afternoon as these members have worked and devoted a great deal of time during their 35 years with S.W.U. towards the progress of our branch. In the earliest years, they began the mechanism which is now still in existence. They were each presented with a beautiful corsage and gift. In mem-oriam, a silent prayer was offered for all our 37 deceased members. At the closing, thanks were extended to all for attending the dinner and members were urged to stay for the convention meeting. The convention began at approximately 2:30 P.M. with an excellent attendance. It seems that every year more members take part. Father Okorn opened the meeting with prayer. State President, yours truly, greeted the members and delegates and explained the purpose of the meeting. Vickie Sporis was appointed recording secretary. The delegates read their reports: Margaret Fischer, delegate of Br. 1, Frances Plesko, Br. 12), Marie Floryan, Br. 17, Ceil Groth, Br. 43 and Agnes Lesar, Br. 102. Following the report readings, a short discussion was held with members expressing their views. Our next State Convention will be held in Sheboygan. Lastly, but not least, the Mothers of the Year were presented and given corsages. From Br. 1 there was Mary Brezonik, Br. 17, Mary Grasch, Br. 43, Herta Majhenich, all very sweet and chamiing mothers. lx>uise Meyer was the lucky gal who won the 3 pc white luggage set. A perfect day was ended with a prayer. I want to thank members of the Supreme Board for their attendance, also Mrs. Prisland ,Mrs. Turek and Mrs. Bostian for their letters; our four lovely and conscientious charter members; officers and members of all Wisconsin branches and members from Chicago; John Rebernisek, Josie Verbick, Sophie Rifelj, Herta Majhenich, Mary Mirnik, Matilda Simcic, Theresa Verbnick, Anne Konczal, Ceil Groth, Fran Widemsek, Joan Ziebell, Elsie Gallun, Marie Miller and Vickie Sporis, for their cooperation and help and to all members who donated in any way. Also to Jim Verbick who helped in the kitchen. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you. Rose Kraemer, State President of Wisconsin Top Row: 1. Yes, we do make all our scenery and some times it can be a little messy ... 2. Miss Planinšek giving some tips on stage positions. (Taken from “To Burn A Witch"). 3. A Nice Dilemma! (From “Trial by Jury”). Bottom Row: Gilbert and Sullivan’s, “Trial by Jury.” The judge decided to marry the bride. A scene from “The Ugly Duckling.” Even a fairy tale can be lots of fun for teenagers. I.*>ng John Silver and Jim Hawkins set sail for "Treasure Island.” THE PLAY’S THE THING FOR YOUNG MISS PLANINŠEK The potpurri of photos above show in part the work and interest of young member of Br. 20, Joliet, 111., Miss Irene Planinšek, seen in the center top photo with her young students. She is a June graduate from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. and received her Master of Arts degree. Her dissertation was devoted to Ivan Cankar, the great Slovenian poet, and consisted of a study and translation of his play “Kralj na Betajnovi” (King of Betajnova). She has been teaching Speech and Drama at the Arlington County School at Arlington, Va. from where the photos above were sent. Irene is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Planinšek, president of Br. 20 and Joliet is also the home of her brother and sister. She is a product of the College of St. Francis from where she received her B.A. degree and St. Francis Academy. She worked diligently in radio and stage work and all her extra-curricular activities revolved around dramatic productions. As she says: “My interest in drama was awakened by the sisters of St. Francis who taught me at St. Joseph’s elementary school. Plays were given twice a year with the odd grades from 1 to 7 presenting individual Christmas plays and the even grades, 2 thru 8, the spring productions. “Simultaneously, the S.W.U. also nurtured this dramatic interest by their programs of skits, songs, dances, etc. Irene Planinšek, shown at the time of her graduation with her mother, Mrs. Emma Planinšek, pres, of Br. 20, Joliet, Illinois. THROUGH “ZVEZA-LAND” U.S.A. By Toni Turek, Supreme President Summer vacations are over, children are getting back to school and Zveza branches are resuming their social activities. According to reports from most of them, the members enjoyed traveling or staying home tending their gardens and renovating their homes. Yours truly had the pleasure of taking a three week trip along with my husband Frank. In order that we were able to travel and visit officers and members ot' Zveza branches in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Minnesota we took our car and headed west. We ended the trip at Zveza Day in Lemont, III. where we met many of our friends and members from the midwest. The trip necessitated extra time and for this, my husband had to take off an extra week from work. The first stop on our trip was 600 miles to Johnston City, III. where a cousin of my mother’s lives. I had never met him but we corresponded for many years. Finally, my wish was granted and I was able to meet him at his home. He is 85 years old and knew me as a young girl. Of course, he never dreamed I would come all this way to see him and this was a great joy to him and he shed tears of happiness as we met. On the second day, we went to St. Louis, Mo. It was a Sunday and we were limited in time but I did call our president, Mrs. Prebil and secretary, Mrs. Skoff but found 110 one home. Sorry I was unable to meet the ladies of Br. 46. We left for Kansas City then to see president of Br. 64, Antonia Kastelic. She hurried and called the secretary, Catherine Lastelic, and auditors, Agnes Lipovetz and Mary Majerle. We had a short visit and met the lovely family of Mrs. and Mrs. Kastelic. Their son and daughter-in-law, and their 10 children had just arrived from San Francisco, so it was a gala event. (See story and photo in this issue). Two days later, we arrived in Pueblo, Colorado and stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perko. Christine Perko is Frank’s cousin and also Mr. John Germ’s niece. We had a very nice long visit with Mr. Germ, former National President of KSKJ and his family. We extend our sincere wishes to Mr. Germ for a return to good health. On the next day, I decided to take a trip to Crested Ilutte, Leadville and Canon City, Colo., a 500 mile trip all around. We arrived at Crested Butte on Thursday after- tliat were designed primarily for the youthful members in commemoration of various occasions during the year.” In Washington, she studied drama and appeared in many university dramatic productions. She took a leading role in the play “I Remember Mama,” gaining fame and recognition. She enjoys working with young people and seeing their talent flower before her eyes as they undertake the interpretation of a role. She says, “After years of teaching, I realize how important the natural talent of performing is to a youngster and I see before me each day the lively interest and anticipation which I experienced years before. How clearly I see now to what an extent the little programs and ‘practices’ of my youth influenced the years to follow.” Tho idea of programs by children’s groups has always been a part of our S.W.U. life around the country and in this story we have learned that it is an important factor for our juveniles. Irene’s further suggestion: “Branches of S.W.U. should experiment with the idea of programs and performances as there are countless young members who would be so happy to give of themselves and their talents.” A fulfilling task lies before her and we wish to add our best wishes to those of her many friends that Irene may find it possible to enrich the lives of many through drama and its related fields, and thereby find great satisfaction and purpose in her own career. C. L. noon. The city is small with most of the buildings on the main street just the same as they were when the people first started to migrate there in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Skiing is the great winter sport there. This is high up in the Rocky Mountains. I had the pleasure of meeting president, Helen Cobai and secretary, Josephine Somrak and their husbands. Br. 92 is very active socially and we wish them continued success. We then drove back thru the mountains, up to Leadville and arrived there in the evening. We met the lovely young president, Mary Faidiga and had a nice chat regarding what they could do to have more activity at Br. 78. I am sure that they will be able to solve this problem as I saw they were very energetic people. Secretary, Mary Vidmar was visiting her daughter in Denver at the time so I’m sorry I missed her. Leadville became one of Colorado’s greatest mining cities and its population reached 30,000 with over $700 million mined in gold, silver, zinc, copper, iron, bismuth, manganese and molybdenum The altitude is very high, 10,188 ft. above sea level. That night it was so cold we had to have the heat on for the first time in our trip. In previous places we needed air conditioning. The altitude was too high for us as we were not used to it but the people there are very hearty and gay. Following our visit to Leadville we went to Canon City where I visited with president of Br. 66, Christine Konte. She had a nice lunch ready for us and we enjoyed being with her and her husband. We also met secretary, Cecile Adamic who is another very nice young lady, full of energy. We heard some nice remarks about their branch, also. Across from Mrs. Adamic’s home is an old jail house which was built in the pioneer days and is no larger than 8 x 8 ft. We then went to visit Fr. Bonaventure (l.awrence Bandi) who is pastor of St. Michael’s parish there. We spent some time with his parents, who are former residents of Cleveland. Mrs. Bandi is a long-standing member of Zveza and belongs to Br. 66 now. She was their chosen Mother of the Year for 1965. On Saturday morning, we arrived back at Pueblo and then on to Colorado Springs to see all the sights there. We saw the Shrine of the Sun which is at an elevation of 8000 ft., a memorial to Will Rogers. Later we visited the Garden of the Gods which is a 370 acre national park. Inside, the massive rocks form cathedral spires and other remarkable formations of vivid red sandstone, particularly beautiful in the early morning or late afternoon. In Pueblo we had a nice visit with secretary of Br. 3, Frances Simonich and treasurer, Frances Skul. Pres. Anna Pachak was in Europe at the time so I missed seeing her. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Perko drove us to small gold mining town of Cripple Creek where her parents and Frank's uncle had lived. It was a very interesting ride through the mountains to this ghost town. Many years ago it was the world’s most famous gold camp with more than $800 million worth of gold mined. Some of the mines of the area are still producing. The population has diminished from 50,000 to 614 persons. On Monday, we left for Denver, driving into the city which was hit by such terrible floods this summer. In Globeville, which is where most of the Slovenian people live, they were still scraping the hard mud from their basements and yards two weeks after the flood. Damaged furniture, clothes and other household articles were piled outside completely ruined. We also saw a railroad steel bridge which was washed away to one side. We certainly sympathize with those folks there. We had an interesting visit with president of Br. 63, Agnes Pogline and she reported that her branch is doing very nicely. The secretary and treasurer were not home and I was sorry not to meet them. (To be continued) MEMBERS FORM WONDERFUL GROUP AT BIWABIK ANNIVERSARY Charter Members of Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn.: first row: Ahlin, Pauline Topolka, Angie Karlsh, Amelia Mestnick, Annie Bezek, Johanna Zallar, Mary Krall, Annie Spehar, and Frances Ribicli in the back. Second Photo shows the Frances Pajares, Mary Strukel. Second row: Johanna entire group. Geržina, Mary Sarich, Margaret Poster, Jennie Ahlin, Anna INDIANAPOLIS JOINS LEMONT PILGRIMS No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — On the morning of July 17 when I awoke, my heart just sank. It was the day of our pilgrimage to Lemont, and the rain was pouring down! I immediately thought of the elderly folks, and the few sick who made up our bus load. I silently said a prayer, and asked our Blessed Lady to intercede for us. When I came to Mass, I saw several of our people praying fervently, and as I lit my vigil candle, I added mine to theirs. I guess our Blessed Mother heard all of us, for at 9 A.M. the tornado warnings were called off, and at 10 A.M. the rain turned to a light drizzle. By noon the sun was trying desparately to shine through the heavy clouds. When we were boarding the bus at one o’clock, it seemed Our Lord sent His blessings via the sun. Our beloved Monsignor Bockhold came and gave us his Blessing and off we were on our mission. Our journey was a delight, for we prayed a while — sang a while and it seemed we were at our mid-way point in no time at all. We even had the “Slovenian pete litanije” on the bus, not as perfect as at the beautiful grotto, but sincere and from our hearts none the less. After our stop it was but a short distance before we were disembarking at the lovely Marija Pomagaj Pilgrimage Grounds. There sitting, nice and cozy, on the porch, were Mrs. Antonia Bayt and her son, daughter-in-law, and daughter, who came by car. We were glad she was well enough to come. Many of our “Romarji” were there for the first time, and were awed by its beauty. All the services — Saturday evening, and Sunday were beautiful and especially to us, for we seldom hear the Slovenian sermons and hymns. All the Priests, and Brother Robert were pleasant and helpful to us, and we appreciated every service and help they gave us. The meals were delicious and filling, and we thank those who prepared and served them. Our own Mrs. Anna Jurančič made dozens of her famous krofe, and all who ate supper on Saturday evening were served this delicacy. Thank you, too, teta! You are a blaga duša! The days passed all too soon, and the Holy Mass and Slovenian litany in the Grotto will long be remembered and cherished by everyone of us. Our sincerest thanks to all at Lemont who helped make these days memorable for us. Our trip home was just as nice and enjoyable as the trip there. Mr. Frank Velikan who led the prayers and singing even made a sermon he had learned in Europe. Truly it was a wonderful two days, and we gave special thanks on the way home, for good weather, a safe journey, and for fortifying the elderly and the sick to the point where they thoroughly enjoyed the two short, wonderful days. God willing, we will all be back a-gain next year with a few more, we hope. Sylvia Stanfield, Pres. No. 20, Joliet, III. — When this report will come into your home, many of you mothers will be preparing your school children for school, others will be closing their vacation seasons — if they had time to go anywhere. It was 27 years ago, when triplet boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zelko from 925 N. Broadway St. Two survived. One of them became a physician. After graduation and his internship in Chicago in 1964 he went into the Navy and was sent to Viet Nam where he is doing a wonderful job with four other colleagues. His daily hazards and work was well-described in a story in the local Herald-News, where he states that soap is the best remedy in Viet Nam. Their house calls on the sick, is a never ending battle. There are more patients than accomodations which arc not adequate. In this manner with the work of Lt. James J. Zelko among the natives the war is slowly being won. His mother Mrs. Josephine Zelko, is our member almost from the start. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Zelko for having a son, Lt. James J. Zelko, who is doing such splendid work in the war zone. I think this is a fitting place to congratulate also Mrs. Bea Kostelec (who was Bernice Kuzma prior to her marriage some 18 years ago). She is the very capable reporter for Crest Hill (a suburb of Joliet). It is thru her columns that we know what Crest Ilill is up to. Congratulations also to Jo Goran, who is the drill master of the Crest Hill Lassies, whose girls are admired at various parades. Mrs. Goran is the Mother of the Year for Br. 20. Our belated congratulations to Mrs. Bertha Hofer (Planinšek) who was re-elected as City clerk of Troy. She is doing a good job there. Her sister Miss Irene Planinšek returned to Washington, D.C. after spending a few weeks of relaxation at home after graduation from Catholic University and receiving her Master Degree. Hope to see all members at our first meeting this summer on September 19th. With best wishes to all members, __________________Josephine Erjavec No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — I hope all our members had a very nice and pleasant vacation. Now we will resume our regular meetings and our first meeting after vacation will be Sept. 21st. So, members, try to come. Have you made your reservations for Sept. 19th Penna State Day? Our sister members at Br. 91 in Oakmont invite us all to Acmetonia. As I recall, we all enjoyed ourselves very much last year. Br. 26 was well-represented. Let's do it again. Our sympathy to two very active members who for many years have worked on our committee, in fact, are still on the staff. They are Antoinette Stayduhar, known as Blondie and at the present our vice-president, and Helen Kunich, one of our auditors. Blondie lost her husband, Charles, on July 5th and Helen’s husband, John, passed away on July 7th. May their souls rest in peace. God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y Hermine Prisland Dicke: a, n. cL This year the United States Department of Agriculture expects a bumper apple crop — 141 million bushels — largest since 1937. The list of health benefits from the apple is a long one. One research group is exploring the use of an apple substaace to prevent hardening of the arteries; another has found apple-eating an important means of preventing tooth decay; a third has made a study of the effect of apple-eating on over-all health. Its Vitamins A and C aid in growth and help ward off colds. Its sugars provide a source of instant energy. Dermatologists recommend it to teenagers with skin problems. In short, the benefits are almost endless. try on top of filling. Unfold. Leave a % inch rim of crust over edge of pan trimming off any extra edges. Fold this % inch rim under edge of lower pastry sealing thoroughly by pressing edges together with fingers. Flute with fingers or press with fork to hold in juices. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon sugar over top and bake 425 degrees for 10 minutes; then 375 for 40 minutes. Filling: % cup sugar 7 or 8 apples 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Wash, peel and slice apples and mix with remaining ingredients. Good luck! A friend of mine, Mrs. Robert Parent, has the reputation of baking superb apple pies. At pot lucks, they are always first choice. She has found the "Crisco Method” with a few changes of her own most perfect for her — “no guesswork.” To give you her technique which varies some from the Crisco Method. Winn came to my home where we had fun making her apple pie. APPLE PIE Pastry for a very large two-crust pie: 2% cups flour I cup Crisco (Crisco gives her the best results) 1 teaspoon salt Vs cup cold water. Sift flour and salt into bowl. Take out % cup flour and set aside. Mix remaining flour and Crisco with pastry blender (Mrs. Parent uses her fingers) until size of small peas. Mix the % cup water with the y2 cup flour to form a paste. Add paste to Crisco-flour mixture and stir with spoon (just enough to mix). Take out enough pastry for bottom crust and roll it out on a lightly floured board or pastry cloth. Roll with short, light strokes to not quite % inch thick, rolling from the center to the edges, keeping it circular in shape and to measure 1 inch larger than top of pan to allow for depth. Place in pie plate. With a knife or scissors trim edge evenly with pan. Add apple filling and dot with 1 tablespoon butter. Roll out. remaining dough large enough to also extend 1 inch beyond pan. Fold pastry in half. Make several slits near center to allow steam to escape or top crust will puff up with hollow spaces. Moisten edge of bottom pastry with water. Carefully place folded pas- Thrifty cooks may want to turn some of this season’s plentiful apple harvest into a delightful homemade sauce. The food mill method yields about 25 per cent more apple sauce. Red skinned apples will give your sauce a rosy glow. Tart green apples won’t win a prize in color at a food show, but the flavor is superb. VELVET APPLE SAUCE 4 pounds apples (about 18) Vz cup water % to 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon grated orange rind (a thrifty way of adding flavor) Lemon juice if more tartness is desired. Wash apples and quarter without peeling or coring. Remove blossom ends and stems. There should be a-bout 4 quarts. Place apples in a large kettle. Add water, cover and cook over low heat after it comes to a boil until apples are soft ,stirring occasionally (takes about 15 to 20 minutes). Spoon apples, a small amount at a time, into food mill placed over a bowl or saucepan. Strain by turning handle of food mill clockwise; reverse direction of handle occasionally in order to move apples under paddle. Add sugar, stir until dissolved. Stir in grated orange rind. Lemon juice can be added if more tartness desired. When served, top it with cinnamon or finely chopped maraschino cherries for color. TO CAN APPLE SAUCE Have freshly-made apple sauce boiling; pour at once into clean hot canning jars, filling to within % inch of the top. Stir to remove air bubbles. Cover according to instructions of lid used and process. 15 minutes for pints and 20 minutes for quarts (start counting when fast rolling boil) in a boiling water bath with the water at least 1 inch over the jars. TO FREEZE Chill freshly-made apple sauce by placing a bowl of it over cold water and ice cubes. Spoon into washed, rinsed and cooled freezer containers, leaving 1 inch air space at top of each container for expansion. Cover, label and place in freezer. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — At the May meeting we had a guest, Bernadette Vidmar, a junior; she was presented a gift for helping our junior director, Ernestine Jevec who teaches our baton twirlers and cadets. The honor of presenting it to her was given to our Supreme President, Toni Turek. At this meeting all grandmothers were honored. Sorry, I missed that. Each grandmother received a corsage and a gift for the grandchild. Two of the grandmas had the same grandchildren, Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Somrak. The winner of the prize was grandma, Mary Susnik. Our hostesses at this meeting were Mary Finley and Rose I.oPresti, grandma, Louise Križman and Theresa Naro. Honoring the grandmas was President, Fran Seitz’s idea. A good one, eh? I also attended the State Convention. There were 12 of us from Br. 50 who went to Br. 41 in Collinwood for this event and we all had a good time. Bernice Somrak, daughter of Nettie Leslie had a major operation and is now on the mend. Fact is, she looked pretty good at the July meeting, but still a little weak. We have had quite a few on the sick list. Hope you are better by the time you read this. July meeting letter was read in regards to S.W.U. Slovenian Day. Big things are planned for it. Hope there is a big crowd. July attendance was rather poor, so let’s do better now in Sept. Good health to all. Frances Glavan No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — Greetings from Girard; hope you are all enjoying the beautiful summer weather wherever you are. Talking about vacationing, two of our members were very fortunate and spent their vacations In Europe! They are, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kren (Sophie) and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cvetnic (Maria). Sophie said they had a wonderful trip and will have fond memories for years to come. Marie is still vacationing and we will hear from her on her return. Now comes the sad part of our report, which we accept as we do our REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: WE CAN BE MEASURED BY WHAT MAKES US ANGRY How easily do you become angry? "Quite easily,” you may respond. "But what has that to do with our discussion on the problem of being good?” Our Blessed Lord Himself became furiously angry when he picked up a whip and lashed the money changers out of the temple. One may be angry and still be good? That’s quite true. Anger is by no means the death of goodness. And yet, there is a distinct connection, at that. It has been said that a man’s stature may be measured by the size of the thing that makes him angry. If little things enrage him, he is a little man. This is all perfectly true — but what precisely, is a little man? Of what does his littleness consist? How does his soul differ, essentially, from the soul of the man we might describe as big. Paradoxically enough, a man is little because he considers himself big and important — and conversely, he is big when he realizes his own littleness and insignificance. It is as simple as that. Suppose we consider how the little man responds to an unpleasant situation in human relations. Let us say that his car collides with another auto, injuring none but doing some damage. Without bothering to analyze or understand his own happiness. The following members were hospitalized in July: Mmes: Margaret Tripoti, Mary Bradish and Angeline Hlasta. Best wishes for a speedy recovery was sent to these members. Deepest sympathy was extended to Mrs. Josephine Perusek on the death of her beloved husband, William. May he rest in peace. Am still collecting, ladies, so until next month, may God bless you and your families with health and happiness and keep you in His loving care. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 63, Denver, Colo. — Our June meeting was the last one for the summer, and also a sad one. So many of our members were badly hit by the flood, which struck Globeville. It would be impossible to tell each one how our hearts feel for all of their families and homes. Some of us were fortunate in getting the mud and water only in the basements, but the homes that had to be vacated can’t be counted. Our former President, Mary Kovac and her family, are still unable to move back into their home. Our church and school damage runs into thousands of dollars. Many parishioners have moved, which will affect the community and our parish. Now, a month later, we are again threatened with rain and high water. Our State President, Mrs. Pachak, was so thoughtful with a nice card on the 30th Anniversary of our Branch. We younger members liope we can keep the good name of the Union, as the founders did all these years. We will have our meeting and picnic the last Sunday in September. Music and refreshments will be provided impulse, the little man is enraged that another motorist should dare to bump into him. He also is enraged at any suggestion that perhaps his driving is less than perfect. To himself, the little man is the biggest thing in the world. His car is important just because it is his. His own misfortune moves him more deeply than the tragedy of Viet Nam. Naturally he becomes angry at so serious an affront as the crumpling of his fender. And now perhaps we can see some connection between easy anger and a failure of goodness in a man’s soul. For goodness involves having a big concept of all creation. The little man sees himself as the center of the universe. Everything revolves around him. The big man is able to see far, far beyond the horizon. He is well aware that the things which touch him intimately are fly specks which won’t make much of a mark on the sands of time. The man who is practicing to- be truly good knows that only God is big. And even a fairly good man does not have the full grasp of how very big God really is. It becomes increasingly difficult for a man to keep his mind turned toward God and still find time to become excited over petty annoyances. bered to sell your tickets. If you did not get any for Oct. 17th, see one of the officers. This is the only moneymaking project for us. They are going to have a wonderful program that day, delicious dinner served for only $1.75 which will be served continuously all afternoon. So, be sure to go. This is sponsored by the combined branches of Cleveland. See you at the Rechar Hall. On our sick list, Evelyn Naso’s husband who is in the hospital. Hope he is getting along fine and will be home soon. Frances Travnik is in the hospital again for observation. Rose Re pasky’s husband is also hospitalized and we hope he is fine now. Angela Gliha had an operation. We all hope and pray our members are returning back to good health to stay. Emma Sklenika is a great-grand-mom. Congratulations and hope all are fine. Mrs. L. Lubanovich’s son-in-law passed away in New York. Her daughter passed away three years ago. They leave 2 children. We pray that God will watch over them and that the parents joined together in heaven. One of our members passed away on July 8th. She was Julia Drsele (nee Glavic) and her infant son also was lost. We want to extend our deepest condolences to the husband John and son, John III. Thanks to all the members who went to pray the rosary one evening at the funeral home, also to the six honorary pallbearers, A. Modic, J. Turk, H. Dušek, 11. Bay-us, K. Papez and L. Epley. Thanks for coming. It was a beautiful and touching funeral. May our dear departed member rest in peace. Our meeting is Sept. 12th at J. Turk’s, our picnic. See you there. Betty Bayus, Rep. to make it a good afternoon to visit old friends. We had quite a few sick members these six months, and hope they are all on the mend now and enjoying the summer. Ellen Nortnik, Rep. No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — What a happy surprise to hear a voice over the telephone saying, “I’m here in Canon City,” and to find out it was none other than Antonia Turek, our Supreme President, who with her husband also paid us a visit. Enjoyed seeing them very much and hope they will again return some day. Mrs. Turek also visited with Christine Konte, our president and other friends here. You can’t help but like Toni with her wondei'ful personality. Speaking of our Canon City, if and when the motion picture Cat Ballou comes to your theatre, see it just for fun and laughter; and remember, it was filmed here. It was a little more special to hear the now silent singer, Nat King Cole singing in this picture. Some of our members joined the crowd going by bus to the Mother Cabrini Shrine in Denver on July 11th A stop was also made in the evening on the return trip at the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. Many attended the evening Mass and joined in the singing to the music of the pipe organ. Often wondered what it sounded like in the beautiful Catholic chapel there. Our prayers and best wishes are extended to all our aged and those on the sick list. Cecile Adamic No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — Summer is nearly over and the kids are thinking of back to school. Hope you all had a nice summer and remem- See You at Penna Day! Mrs. Livek Named Woman Of The Week In Oglesby No. .91, Oakmont, Pa. —■ Our next meeting will be on September 7th at the home of sister Fliek. We have much business to discuss, so please try your best to be there. As you know the State Convention will be held on September 19. The meeting will start at 1 P.M. and the Banquet will be served at 2:30 P.M. Be on time, please, so we can get things rolling, then we will have time also for enjoyment. We hope to see our neighboring branches in attendance. Hi, Mary Bostian, we are looking forward to seeing you and your gals from Ohio in Penna., in September. Mrs. Tomšič, jaz sem prejela Vaše pismo, lepa hvala! Želim vsem vesele počitnice, da bi jih prebile v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Bolnim članicom želimo, da bi se v toplem vremenu pozdravile in vrnile med nas! I wrote the above in Slovenian because I know you’ll all read it. God bless each and everyone and to our ailing members a quick return of good health! Anna Kastelic, Rep. No. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. — I hope each of you had an enjoyable summer. But now that summer has come to an end, it is time for business. So I would like to remind you of our meeting which will be held October 14, 1965 at Javor Hall on Canal Street, l.adies, we would like to start the meeting at 8 sharp, so that we may have more time to play our fa-vorito game after the meeting. We had a beautiful day for our picnic. All those who were there had a nice time. I would like to thank everyone who volunteered their help at the picnic. All the help and donations were greatly appreciated. I hope to see many of you at our meeting, October 14, 19C5. Betty Ann Murphey, Pres. No. 89, Oglesby, III. — The summer meetings are sparsely attended though not much business was to be handled. The social time is enjoyed by those who do come. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kozel, Sr. who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on July 11th. Mrs. Kozel has been a member for many years. The afghan was the spring project and nicely replenished the treasury again. It was given to Maurice Kir-bach, husband of our member, Frances Kirbach. A corsage was presented to Mrs. Josephine Livelc as a Bon Voyage gift prior to her departure for a month’s vacation in Europe in June. The members wished her a safe and happy journey. (See story on “Mrs. Livek, Woman of the Week”). Games were played and ice cream sodas served by the committee. Mary Kernz, Reporter To find out. what 60 years, two World Wars, the overthrow of scores of governments, changes in countries and names have done to her birthplace was the objective of Mrs. Josephine Livelt of Oglesby when she left for Europe Wednesday, June 16. Mrs. Livelc did just that if it is possible. At 70 she has a brilliant mind and having served nine years, 1952‘-1961, as national president of the National Slovenian Women’s Union, she knows how to handle people and problems from a national point of view. Seventy years ago in 1895 Mrs. Livek, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Paulicka was born in Essen, Germany. At the age of 10 she came with her parents and family, which included three sons and three daughters, to Oglesby. Her father worked in the mines. Completing the education which was started in Germany, Mrs. Livek has lived the past 60 years in Oglesby, where she has been a leading figure in community events, clubwork and work of her church, the Holy Family. She took extension courses to complete her education. Member of Tour Our Woman of the Week, in company with one of the tours sponsored No. 101, Bedford Hts., Ohio. —- Our July meeting was held on July 12. There wasn’t a business meeting due to the fact that there were a number of guests. One of the guests was Reverend John Minnich from our new parish in Bedford Hts. The hostesses for this meeting were Shirley Janashak, Helen Samko, and Helen Hoerl and others who had brought bakery, ham, salads, pizza, etc. As most everyone has heard, it is Christmas in July and thus, we have given a hundred dollars to Father Minnich for vestments, etc. for The Most Holy Trinity Church. Among the vacationers are Audrey Shartle and family who journeyed through Pa. and New York. Lucille Picone is in Arizona. Ann Swaney is in Michigan. Many thanks go to Mara DuBay for the use of her home on Sunday, August 1, when we had our Family Picnic. A wonderful time was had by all, I am sure. Congratulations to Lillian Russo on the marriage of her daughter, Mary Ann. Two of our junior members, Mary and Katie Kastelllc, recently had their tonsils removed. Glad to see that I hey are feeling much better. See you at our September meeting! Betty Matjašič, Rep. by the National Slovenian Women’s Union, left O’Hare Field June 16th, non-stop flight to Germany. The countries visited were Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Yugoslavia. She also made a trip to Rome, Italy. She enjoyed comparing a one-day flight with the boat trip of 13 days 60 years ago. She remembers the school system, the system of military training and how the people worked when she was a girl in Germany. She remembers that it was only a 50-minute ride from her home to one of Germany’s largest factories, the Krupp factory. There are not many relatives of Mrs. Livek left in West Germany. She recalls two cousins, whom she has not seen for 60 years, but there are relatives of her late husband, John Livek, and then there are plenty relatives of her friends in Oglesby, she looked up and expressed greetings from people in Oglesby. “I have no business in East Germany” she replied when asked if she would try to visit in that part of Germany. Active in Community Active in community work of Oglesby, Mrs. Livek is a member of the Oglesby Woman’s Club and member of the club board. She served 13 years as president of Oglesby’s Slovenian Women’s Union No. 89. This organization with which she worked on the national level so many years has headquarters on Cermak Road in Chicago. It is a Catholic Insurance and social organization, comparable to CDA and I) of A. In her nine years as president, Mrs. Livek did a lot of traveling around the country and while she spent some time in the head office, she said her responsibility was signing her name to checks. Mrs. Livek speaks German, Slovenian, Polish and understands other languages. She worked a few years in the Eic-or factory and at Starved Rock Lodge, where her only daughter, Mrs. Jo (Max) Schmidt, is the bookkeeper. She and her husband also had five sons, John of Mitchell, Ind., Joseph ol Woodsboro, Md., William and Edward of Chicago, and Frank who is deceased. There are seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mrs. Livek has curtailed some of her activities due to her health but she keeps up her hobbies of baking, sewing and her flower garden and she loves to read. She planned to learn something on this trip too. Why and how can her cousin in Europe retire at age 55, and what do men do at that age of retirement? Whatever there is to see and learn on such n trip, Mrs. Livek has the desire and ability to do it. Marie Prisland Izid zadnje članske kampanje, vršeče se v nekako priznanje napornemu delu ustanoviteljic Zveze in njenih podružnic, me je presenetil, pa tudi razočaral. Presenetila me je delavnost moje lastne podružnice. V mali slovenski naselbini kot je Sheboygan — šteje komaj kakih 4,000 Slovencev — pridobiti v eni sami kampanji 36 novih članic, je čudežno delo. Veseli me prav zelo, da je naša podružnica na prvem mestu. Sodelovale so: Margaret Fischer, Olga Saye, Mary Brezonik, Antonia Brulla, Mary Godez, Agnes Gergisch. Presenetila me je podružnica št. 50 v Clevelandu; vedno zvesta, vedno delavna. V tej kampanji je na drugem mestu z 34 članicami. Sestra Antonija Turek, naša delavna gl. predsednica je vpisala vseh 34 članic. Podružnica št. 2 v Chicagu je na tretjem mestu z 22 članicami. Tu se odlikuje gl. tajnica sestra Albina Novak z 13 članicami. Sodelovale so: Anna Zorko, J. Železnikar, C. Leskovar, A. Zugich, R. Posedi, J. Puhek, A. Šimenc. Podružnica št. 43 v Milwaukee, je na četrtem mestu z 31 članicami. Rose Kraemer, aktivna državna predsednica za Wisconsin in tajnica podružnice je pridobila 20 članic. Ostale so vpisale: Mary Tratnik, C. Groth, L. Dybul. ,r. Kolar, C. Rebernišek. V kampanji se je lepo odzvala podružnica št. 23 v Ely, Minn. Državna predsednica in tajnica podružnice, delavna Barbara Rosandicli je pridobila 17 novih članic. Zvezina nova glavna odbornica za Mladinske aktivnosti, sestra Louise Eply, je svoji podružnici št. 73 v Warrens-ville, pridobila 12 članic. Podružnica št. 3 v Pueblo, kjer deluje agilna državn;i predsednica za Colorado, sestra Anna Pachalc, se je odzvala z 12 članicami. Sestra Pachak je sama vpisala 11 novih. Pri podružnici št. 95 v So. Chicagu je sodelovalo 8 članic. Vpisale so 12 novih. K podružnici v Strabane, Pa., kjer deluje za Zvezo vneta državna predsednica sestra Mary Tomsic, ki je tudi predsednica podružnice, je pristopilo 11 članic. Poleg sestre Tomsic je sodelovala članica L. Smith. Podružnica št. 78 v Leadville, Colo., zasluži posebno pozornost. Bila je na tem, da se združi z kako drugo podružnico, a na prigovarjanje sestre Anne Pachak, državne predsednice za Colorado, se je odbor premislil in namesto da bi se združile ali razpustile so šle na delo in pridobile kar enajst novih članic. Tajnica Mary Vidmar je sama vpisala 9 novih, A. Weaver pa dve. Podružnica št. 17 v West Allisu ima 10 novih v kampanji, Tukaj deluje prva gl. podpredsednica sestra Marie Floryan in njena hčerka Marion Marolt, ki je predsednica podružnice. Podružnico št. 33 v Duluthu vodi naša pridna in skrbna gl. nadzornica sestra Anna Podgoršek. V kampanji je sodelovalo 7 članic, ki so skupno pridobile 10 novih. Podružnica št. 91 v Oakmont, Pa. in podružnica št. 101 v Bedford Heights, Ohio, sta vpisali vsaka po 9 novih članic. Podružnica št. 47 v Clevelandu in podružnica št. 68 v Fairport Harbor sta pridobili vsaka po G novih. Podružnici v Portlandu in Denverju sta se odzvali z 5 članicami, podružnice v Euclidu, Biwabiku in Nilesu pa vsaka z štirimi novimi. Dobro voljo so pokazale podružnice v Barbertonu, Evelethu, Lorainu, Warrenu in Detroitu ter vpisale po 3 nove članice; 23 podružnic je pridobilo po eno ali dve članici, ostale podružnice pa sploh niso sodelovale. Ustanoviteljice naših podružnic in Zveze se prav iskreno zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste bile v kampanji aktivne ter z novim članstvom okrepile naše vrste. Kampanja bi pa bila lahko še bolj uspešna, če bi sodelovale vse podružnice. Pričakovati je bilo, da se bodo odzvale zlasti naše velike podružnice ter nabrale venček novih članic in jili poklonile v priznanje delu in požtrvovalnosti ustanoviteljicam svojih lastnih podružnic. Vsaka društvena delavka ve in razume, da je novo članstvo pridobivati težavno delo, ki potrebuje mnogo dobre volje in zamudo časa; a kjer je dobra volja, tam je vedno tudi uspeh. — Prihodnja članska kampanja se bo vršila v spomin Zvezine 40-letnice. Upamo, da bo takrat prav pri vseh podružnicah “dobra volja.” * * * * * “Kako, da ste se slovenski izseljenci tako hitro ameri-kanizirali?” — me je vprašal rojak, ko sem bila to poletje na obisku v rodni domovini. Moj odgovor: “Amerikanizirali smo se, ker smo čutili, da smo prišli v svobodno deželo. Za Slovence ni nikdar sijalo sonce pod staro Avstrijo; to sem spoznala, ko sem postajala starejša in poslušala osebne pritožbe in časopisna poročila. Česar nam ni dala avstrijska vlada, ki je skrbela le za Nemce in Madžare, to nam je dala nova domovina. V Ameriki smo se počutili, da smo ljudje s pravicami in dolžnostmi. Nova domovina nam je dala svobodo duha, svobodo napredka, svobodo izobrazbe, svobodo političnega prepričanja—- vsega tega v Avstriji ni bilo. Mi smo z odprtimi rokami sprejeli te darove, začeli spoštovati novo domovino in njene naprave. Pričeli smo se udejstvovati v ameriški javnosti, kjer nas nihče ni žalil radi naše narodnosti ali jezika. Spominjam se, da sem kot otrok šla z teto v Celje, kjer sem nemškutarslco druhal slišala vpiti: Windische hunde! (Slovenski psi!). V Ameriki ni bilo pokornega priklanjanja višje postavljenim. Čutili smo se enakovredni. Vzljubili smo novo domovino in jo spoštujemo. Našemu novemu rodu so odprta vsa pota v svet . . .” * * * * * Organizacija Združenih narodov poroča, da živi na svetu 3 milijarde 135 milijonov ljudi. Poročilo tudi pove, da imajo mnoge države — med njimi Amerika in Rusija mnogo več ženskega prebivalstva kot moškega. V Združenih Državah je 2 milijona več žensk kot moških, v Rusiji pa celo 20 milijonov več žensk kot moških. V Zahodni Nemčiji je 3 milijone več žensk, na Japonskem pa 2 milijona. Nasprotno pa je na Kitajskem 20 milijonov več moških kot žensk. ***** V gornjem Michiganu se nahajata dve mesti z Indijanski imeni: Prvo se imenuje Ishpeming (moja vnukinja biva tam z družino), drugo mesto se imenuje Negaunee. V indijanščini pomeni prvo ime nebesa, drugo pa pekel. Letos bo Negaunee — torej Pekel — praznoval 150-letnico obstoja. * * * * * V nedeljo 25. julija je v slovenski cerkvi v San Franciscu Rev. G. M. Trunk praznoval izredno slavnost —■ 70-letnico mašništva. Sicer ga nismo slišali, prepričani pa smo, da je kljub visokim letom z krepkim glasom zapel Glorijo. Poročevalec za A P časniško agencijo je poročal o razgovoru, ki ga je z Fathrom imel: “Pri 95-tih letih Father Trunk še vedno krepko telovadi, da se soba trese. Gospod je prijazne osebnosti in rad kadi cigare. Je avtor več knjig in še vedno piše tedensko kolono za dva slovensko-ameriška časopisa. Mnenja je, da se bo svet končno spametoval in postal kot ena družina; a za izvedbo tega bo vzelo več stoletij, ker ideje počasi zorijo . . Fathru Trunku, železnomašniku, pisatelju, t'llozol’u, bivšemu diplomatu, članu Zvezinega Prijateljskega krožka in osebnemu prijatelju iskreno čestitamo in mu želimo še mnogo zdravih, blagoslovljenih let! P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: Z nasmehom v življenje Jezen človek in človek kislega obraza ni za med ljudi. Star slovenski pregovor pravi: “Kdor se jezno in kislo drži ta za našo družbo ni.” Takega človeka se vsakdo ogiba. Osamljen kuje temne zahrbtne misli. Ves je nesrečen in neprenehoma ga preganja misel, da ga nihče ne mara. Tak tudi ne najde pravega prijatelja. Životari iz dneva v dan brez pravega življenjskega zagona. Ta način življenja vodi človeka do obupa. Rlagor pa človeku, kateremu je položen že v zibelko ljubek nasmeh. Ves angelski je otroški obraz, katerega ozarja blaženost nasmeha. Otrokov nasmeh prepodi iz materinih oči še tako veliko utrujenost in jih napolnjuje z upanjem tudi v največjih preiskušnjah. Pravijo, da je prijazen nasmeh čudežen ključ, ki odpre najtežja vrata in more premagati nedostopne trdnjave. Da, ljubeznjiv smehljaj je veliko vreden. Kitajci pravijo: Mož, ki se ne zna smehljati ,ne sme nikoli odpreti trgovine. V življenju srečujemo veliko ljudi z nasmehom na ustih. In vendar jih bomo takoj porazdelili v različne skupine. Nasmeh iz gole uslužnosti nas ne bo nikoli popolnoma osvojil, čeprav nam ugaja. Osladen ali priliznjen nasmeh pa osvaja srca in prinaša tudi v najskritejši kotiček duše toploto in svetlobo. Smehljaj je najsijajnejša govorica. Povedati more več kot tisoč besed. Nič ne stane, prinese pa veliko. Obogati tistega, ki ga sprejme. Kdor pa ga da, je zato neprecenljivo nagrajen. Tak smehljaj ima v sebi moč, da ustvarja v družini srečo, v poklicnem delu obilico dobre volje in sklepa nerazdružna prijateljstva. Pisatelj Dale Carnegie je objavil naslednje prijateljsko pismo: “Že osemnajst let sem poročen in ves ta čas se nisem nikoli nasmejal svoji ženi, kadar sem zjutraj vstal in šel na delo. Ko pa ste mi vi dali misel, da naj poisku-sim z nasmehom, sem se te misli oprijel. Stal sem pred zrcalom in si česal lase. Ko sem videl pred seboj kisli obraz, sem dejal: Dovolj je te puščobe! Hočem se nasmehniti. In res. Vsedel sem se za mizo in rekel ženi: ’Dobro jutro, draga ženka’, in se nasmehnil. Žena ni bila presenečena, temveč osupla in pretresena. Dva meseca že delam tako in se mi zdi, da je prišla v mojo hišo nova sreča. Kadar grem zdaj v tovarno, se nasmejem vratarju, uslužbencu v dvigalu in drugim uradnim zastopnikom in vsi mi vračajo nasmeh.” Prisrčen nasmeh je resnično bogastvo, ki se ne da kupiti ali izposoditi in tudi ne uslcrasti. Nihče ni tako bogat, da ga ne bi potreboval. Mnogi se ohranijo “večno mladi.” Skrivnost teh “starih mladeničev” tiči pred vsem v iskrenem nasmehu. Vsa vprašanja postanejo tako lahko rešljiva. Ti ljudje si ne dajo ugrabiti veselja do življenja. Njih srce je polno dobre volje in luči; celo življenje jim postane visoka pesem neskaljenega veselja. Poiskusimo. Rabimo še mi ta čarobni ključ. DOPISI Št. 6, Barbeton, Ohio. — Poletje se bliža h koncu, z njim tudi počitnice in pikniki. Me smo imele piknik 18. julija, 1965, ki se je povoljno obnesel Družba je bila zadovoljna in navzočih je bilo tudi več prijateljic. Lepa hvala, prijateljice. Med nami je bila moja sestra Fani Adamic, ki je prišla na obisk iz Ponikev pri Dobrempolju. Slovenija. Bilo je obilno dobrot, članice so se izvrstno izkazale s postrežbo in darežljivostjo. Vreme je bilo lepo in popoldan je minil v zadovoljnost vseh navzočih, saj družba je bila veselega razpoloženja. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila 5. septembra, to je na prvo nedeljo v mesecu. Članice ste prošene na polnoštevilno udeležbo! Pozdrav vsem! Margaret Steblaj-Kaluza Št. 15, Cleveland. Ohio. — Smrt nima počitnic, ugrabila nam je zopet dve zvesti sestri. Umrla je Frances Gliha, ki je bila naša članica že od začetka in ena izmed ustanoviteljic. Zapustila je hčer, sina in več sorodnikov. Kmalu za njo nas je zapustila sestra Elisabeth Papež. Njen mož je resno bolan že delj časa in bo gotovo pogrešal ljubeznivo ženo, kakor tudi hčerka, sinovi in vnuki. Obe sta veliko trpeli v dolgi bolezni. Pokojna sestra Papež je bila brez obeh nog. Iskreno sožalje vsem žalujočim preostalim. Pokojnima pa naj Bog bo dober plačnik in sveti jima naj nebeška luč! V blagajno je darovala sestra Louise Ličan dva dolarja. Srčna ji hvala, V bolnišnici se nahaja Verona Skuten. Vse ji želimo, da bi kmalu se zdrava vrnila na dom. Bolne so tudi ses- tre Mary Prijatelj, Ana Blatnik in Ana Jakič. Omenjenim in vsem, ki niste pri dobrem zdravju želimo, da bi kmalu okrevale in prišle zopet vesele med nas. Najlepši pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam Zveze po širni Arne riki, posebno pa pri št. 15. Na svidenje na seji v septembru. Frances Lindič, preds. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Moje zadnje poročilo je bilo o seji v maju in od takrat se je nabralo precej novic, veselih in žalostnih. V juniju in juliju nismo imele seje in v avgustu je upati, da boste prišle v lepem številu. Potem ne bo seje do oktobra in zadnja v letu bo v decembru. Na oktobrski seji bomo gotovo razpravljale o državnem Zvezinem dnevu, ki se je vršil 29. avg. v Aurori. Sklepale bomo tudi o glavni seji, ker za takrat imamo vedno več načrtov za prihodnje leto ukreniti. Posebno nas zanima, kako bi pridobile nekaj novih članic, da bomo ohranile število, ker v tem letu smo izgubile že tri članice, namreč sestra Skriner, potem v maju sestra Filipovič in v juliju sestra Frances Kržičnik v starosti 78 let. Zapustila je pet sinov in dve hčeri, članice smo molile pri krsti in se udeležile svete maše in pogreba. V imenu podružnice izrekam globoko sožalje vsem preostalim. Pokojnim pa Bog daj večni mir in pokoj. Spominjamo se na vas v molitvi na sejah in posamezno. Mlada dekleta, oziroma hčerke in vnukinje naših članic so z odliko dovršilo višjo šolo in sedaj se pripravljajo za nadalje študije. Želimo jim vso srečo ter obilo uspehov pri učenju. — Bilo je tudi več porok od hčerk in sinov naših članic. Da bi bilo povsod srečno je naša srčna želja! V juliju se je vršil letni Jugoslav Day piknik. Udeležba kot vselej, je bila zelo velika. Pri delu za ta piknik se posebno trudi naša sestra Mary Brank, ki je napravila krasen dobitek (dolly), kar prinese lep denar, ki se vporabi za štipendijo enemu dekletu in enemu fantu iz železnega okrožja. Prišli so tudi iz Detroita Mr. in Mrs. John Adamich, Mr. in Mrs. Grum, Mr. Joe Tanko in Mr. in Mrs. Kosher, Na take sestanke pride dosti starejših ljudi in je vsem v veliko veselje prijateljsko se srečati z znanci. Več naših odbornic in članic je šlo letos na obisk v stari kraj. Zahvaljujem vsem za kartice, oziroma pozdrave. V duhu sem bila vedno z vami, ker se še vedno spominjam kako izvrstno smo se imele leta 1938. Moje zdravje pa ni za dolgo potovanje. V kratkem sem bila že dvakrat v bolnišnici. Imela sem operacijo na nogi: arthritis je skrivil prst na nogi in so ga morali odrezatj. Sedaj se počutim mnogo boljše. Ako bi me v nogah pustil arthritis, potem bi šla z možem gotovo na obisk v Slovenijo. Sestra Frances Sterle se še zmeraj nahaja pod zdravniško oskrbo, ker si je pri padcu zlomila kost v rami. Počasi ji gre na boljše. Bolnih je več naših članic na domovih in v Nursing Home. Sestra Rakovetz se je nahajala v bolnišnici. Sestro Grčman tudi nadleguje revmatizem. Dalje so bolne sestre Jerome, Habjan, Drob-nich in Kaps. Vse te so rade hodile na seje in na prireditve, kar sedaj ne morejo. Obiščite jih, ker bodo vesele vas videti. V Nursing Home se nahajajo sestre Strah in Setnikar in v Aurori sestra Lustilc. Naj vsem ljubi Jezus podeli zdravje. Vesela sem bila obiska naše glavne predsednice Tončke in soproga Mr. Frank Turek. Samo čas je bil prekratek. Pogovorile smo se več stvari tikajoče se podružnice in Zveze. Nemogoče je bilo sklicat sestanek, ker sem prišla ravno iz bolnišnice. Upam, da boš prihodnjič ostala delj časa. Obiskala je tudi svojo mater, Mrs. Gornik, ki se je nahajala v Chisholm bolnišnici. Upam, da je mama ozdravela. Na rokah imam še nekaj kuharskih knjig. Za mlade zakonce je ta knjiga najbolj vredno darilo, ker vsebuje mnogo zelo dobrih navodil. Vsaka hčerka bo gotovo vesele lepe knjige. Potem bodo lahko tako dobro kuhale kot njih matere in me se pa tudi lahko navadimo kuhati po raznih novih navodilih. Ob zaključku dopisa apeliram na vse članice, da priporočate svojim hčerkam in sorodnicam pristop v Zvezo. Isto prosim tudi naše članice pri št. 19, da bi vpisale vsaj nekaj novih. Naj se na tem mestu zahvalim u-rednici Corinne za lepo urejevano glasilo Zarja ter našemu duhovnemu vodji Father Okornu in naši vrli častni predsednici Mrs. Marie Prisland za zanimive članke. Sprejmite vse odbornice in članice iskrene pozdrave! ..Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Bilo je pred 27 leti, ko so se rodili trojčiki v družini Mr. in Mrs. Frank Želko, 925 Broadway, od katerih sta ostala dva živa. Eden od teh je postal zdravnik, ki nosi čin poveljnika v armadi in ta je Lt. James J. Želko, ki je bil poslan v Viet Nam s štirimi kolegi, zdravniki. Tam izvršuje delo usmiljenja med zapuščenim vietnamskim narodom, pri katerih je nega zelo važna toda jim primanjkuje najbolj potrebno sredstvo “milo.” Tako poročajo ameriški časopisi. Pripuščeni so bili sami sebi, dokler se ni zdravnik Želko požrtvovalno potrudil. Dnevno ima v oskrbi nad 200 bolnikov v ordinaciji in mnoge obiskuje po domovih. Vzelo bo dolgo časa preden se bo tamošnji narod naučil čistoče in naš način življenja, tako poroča dr. Želko. Želimo mu mnogo uspeha pri težavnem poklicu in zdrav povratek. Čestitamo staršem, Mr. in Mrs. Želko, ker imata sina, ki se žrtvuje za zaostali narod, ki gotovo lipa, da se bo vojna na ta način pridobila. Drugi od ostalih trojčkov je postal generalni stavbenik. Pozneje je bil rojen še en sin, ki je računski nadzornik pri veliki Goldblatt trgovini. Želkovi imajo tudi tri hčerke, ki so poročene. Eden od zetov je bil tudi poslan v Viet Nam. Bog daj, da se naši fantje vrnejo zdravi in zmagoviti! Naše čestitke Mrs. LSernice Koste-lec, ki je poročevalka za Herald News v Crest Hill. Poroča zelo zanimive vesti vsak teden. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Bernice Kuzma. Čestitke izrekamo tem potom Mrs. Berthi Hofer (Planinšek), ki je bila ponovno izvoljena v Troy za City Clerk. Njena sestra Irene se je vrnila v Washington, D.C. Po graduaciji za “Masters Degree” je prebila več tednov na obisku pri materi Mrs. Enimi Planinšek. Ona je zelo nadarjena dekle in smo vsi ponosni na njene uspehe! Prihodnja seja bo 19. septembra. I-mele smo več mesecev oddih, zato se pričakuje lepa udeležba na seji! Pozdrav! Josephine Erjavec Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Poročati imam žalostno novico, da sta v mesecu juniju izgubili dve naši sestri soproga. Po kratki bolezni je preminul 5. julija Charles Stajduhar, soprog naše podpredsednice Antonije in dva dni zatem, 7. julija, je umrl John Ku-nich, soprog nadzornice Helen, ki je bolehal dalj časa. Naše globoko sožalje žalujočim družinama. Pokojnikoma naj bo Bog milostljiv in večni mir v ameriški zemlji. V juliju in avgustu nismo imele sej. Prosim vse članice, da se priglasite za prostor na busu v nedeljo 19. septembra, ko se bomo peljale k št. 91, kjer bo za državo Pennsylvania Zvezin dan v Acmetonia dvorani. Na seji v juniju smo sklenile, da bomo zopet naročile posebni bus, če se bo dovolj oseb priglasilo. Ne odlašajte ampak takoj pokličite podpredsednico Antonijo Stajduhar, telefon 781-8028 ali mene Anna Trontel — 781-7502. Odpeljale se bomo zopet iz 51. ceste in Butler, dalje bo bus ustavil na 54. cesti in 57. cesti in Butler in to ob eni uri popoldne. Urejena bo ugodna vožnja, samo priglasite se, da vemo število. Ne zamudite lepe prilike priti skupaj s članicami od bližjih in oddaljenih krajev. Redna seja podružnice se bo vršila 21. septembra in upa se, da pridete v lepem številu. Do takrat se boste gotovo vse odpočile od poletnega di-randaja. Želim vsem zdravja in zadovoljstva. Vsem, ki ste letos obiskale rojstno domovino, želimo srečen povratek k svojini tukaj. Najlepši pozdrav vsem članicam širom Amerike, naše pa ponovno opominjani, da rezervirajte prostor na busu za 19. sept. Anna Trontel, preds. Drage članice! Dovolite, da se pridružim vabilu predsednice na državni Zvezin dan, ki se vrši 19. septembra v Acmetonia Hall. Gotovo želimo lep uspeh in to se bo doseglo, ako bomo imele lepo udeležbo. Vabim vas tudi na redno sejo 21. septembra, saj smo imele dva meseca počitnice od sej. Sestrama Stajduhar in Kunich iskre- Gl. predsednica s soprogom v družbi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Erjavec ter Dr. Ludvik Leskovar na zvezinem dnevu v Lemontu. no sožalje nad izgubo blagih mož, očetov in starih očetov. Sestra Katarina Plantan se je morala vrniti v bolnišnico. Njej in vsem bolnim želimo, da bi kmalu ozdravele. Spomnimo se jih v molitvah. Naše življenje je kratko, šele, ko nas zadene nesreča in izgubimo svoje drage, se zavedamo, kako smo bogati, če uživamo zdravje, vse drugo nič ne šteje. Veliko sreče in zadovoljstva vam želi Mary Bahor, blagajnič. Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Pozdravljene vse bralke Zarje! Zopet bom malo poročala, kako se imamo pri nas. Ob nedeljah me pride gotovo kateri od sinov obiskat, ker skrbijo, kako se počutim, pa moram priznati, da kar bo bro za moja visoka leta! — Sin Herman, ki žive v Lombard, mi je prinesel izrezek iz čikaškega časopisa, kjer je bil priobčen zelo zanimiv opis o č.g. Trunku iz San Francisco, Californija, kakor tudi slike o čvrstem gospodu, ki telovadi. Njegov pomočnik je povedal, da včasih poskoči tako visoko, da se vse župnišče potrese. G. Trunk je napisal mnogo člankov za časopise in spisal je tudi dve knjigi. Iz srca želimo, da bi č.g. Trunk dočakal 100 let ter ostal isto veder kot doslej! Vnukinja (hčerka sina Edwarda iz Oconomovvac, Wis.) je letos graduira-la iz višje šole ter bila kronana za “Kraljico za to leto.” Prejela je tudi darilo $400.00 kot plačano šolnino in $250.00 od organizacije. V septembru bo začela univerzo v Madison, Wis. Njen brat pohaja v White Water College. Sin Edward ima še dva sina v višji šoli in enega v osnovni. Barb, vem, da Te bo mama pogrešala doma, ampak tudi vem, da boš pridna učenka kot si bila dozdaj. Naj Te spremlja vsa sreča! Lepa hvala Mrs. Albini Novak za kartico iz Bleda. Veseli me, da se je spomnila name. Saj pravim: Ribničani so res fejst ljudje! Upam, da se bodo izletniee oglasile s potopisi, ker ja/, zelo rada berem o zanimivih doživetjih, ker sama prav gotovo ne bom zaradi visokih let, nikdar šla tja. Lep pozdrav vsem skupaj! Frances Kranjc Tri-čefrt Leia ie Ze Za Nami; Jesenske Priredbe Na Programu St. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. Komaj smo nastopili lepo poletje, že je pošla in v zraku čutimo hladne vetrove, ki nas opominjajo, da se bližamo mrzlim dnem. Prekratka je doba zabave v prosti naravi, ne da se pomagati. Da nam ne bo preveč dolgočasno v dolgi zimski dobi, bomo imelo tu in tam kakšno prireditev ali zabavo v razvedrilo. Prva večja prireditev naših clevelandskih podružnic bo v nedeljo, 17. oktobra v Slovenskem društvenem dolini na Recher Ave. Okusen obed se bo serviralo ob 3. uri popoldne. Na izbero boste imeli line domače klobase s kislini zoljem in polento ali po govejo pečenko z vso prikuho in drugim priboljškom. Tudi za veselo razpoloženje bo preskrbljeno; igrala bo domača godba in za nameček bodo oddani lepi dobitki. Obed stane $1.75 za osebo. Nabavite si listke vnaprej pri vaši tajnici. Kadar katera naših članic obhaja 50-letnico zakonskega življenja, se vse veselimo takega dogodka, i ol stoletja skupnega dela pri vzgoji družine ni enostavno. Letos sta imela slavje 50-letnice Mr. in Mrs. John in Jennie Kadunc z 1229 E. 71 St. Slavljenka je doma iz Cerknice na Notranjskem, njen soprog pa iz Šmarjete na Dolenjskem. Takisto sta slavila zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Joseph in Josephine Somrak z 1105 Norwood Kd. Obema paroma izrekamo naše iskrene čestitke, želeč jima še obilo let zdravja in zadovoljstva v skupnem življenju. Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — Letos ni bilo silne vročine, zato je bilo lepo potovati po državah. V Minnesoti se je videlo turiste iz vseh delov Amerike. Človek se mora oddahnit, da si nabere novega odpora in moči za na-daljno delo. V poletju nismo imele rednih sej. Prihodnja seja bo v sredo 8. septembra. Pridite v lepem številu. Na bolniški postelji je več članic. Mrs. Rose Indihar je resno bolna. I-mela je operacijo in sedaj je doma. Agnes Brula se tudi zdravi doma. Agnes Strukel je bila v bolnišnici in se je preselila k hčerki v Minneapolis. Mary Presheren je v Eveleth Nursing Home. Mary Rauh se tudi nahaja v Eveleth Hospital. Vsem bolnicam želimo zdravja in spomnimo se jih v molitvi ter prosimo, da bi kmalu prišle med nas. Kakor veste smo praznovale Zve-zin dan v nedeljo 29. avgusta v Au-rori in poročila bodo gotovo prišla na vrsto prihodnjič. Na svidenje! Antoinette Lucich, taj. Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Počitnice se bližajo h koncu in upamo, da se bodo vse naše popotnice srečno vrnile. Pri naši podružnici smo Imele počitnice od sej v juliju in avgustu; prihodnja seja se vrši 7. septembra. V V radost nam je tudi poročati, da je naša tajnica-blagajničarka Mary Otoničar zopet prastara mama. Njena vnukinja, Mary Ann, je porodila krepkega sinčka, kateremu so dali ime Phillip Allan. Ponosni stari mami, Mary Otoničar ml. in Josephine Zakrajšek z Carl Ave. ste tudi članici naše podružnice št. 25. Kakor vedno, čestitamo tudi onim članicam, ki so zadnje čase obhajale svoje rojstne dneve. Sestra Erma Koren z E. 41 St. jih je naštela že nekaj nad 80 — je še pri zdravju in se rada pogovori s svojimi prijateljicami. V Madisonu, Ohio, živi sestra Marion Zabukovec, ki je dosegla 81. leto. Sestra Rose Kromar z E. 03 St. in sestra Carolina Klaus v Geneva, O , ste obe obhajale 75. rojstni dan. Med slavljenkami so bile tudi sestra Josephine Alich z Bonna Ave., ki je pred kratkim s svojim soprogom obhajala tudi zlato poroko; sestra Rose Bizjak z E. 58 St.; sestra Theresa Anžur z Euclid, O.; sestra Jennie Heg-ler z E. 72 St.; sestra Frances Lukane z Norwood Rd.; Josephine Pajk z Edna Ave.; sestra Mary Osredkar z E. G4 St. in sestra Josephine Godič z E. Gl St., ki je vedno smehljajočega obraza in prijaznega vedenja, da jo kar z veseljem imamo za mehanika v šolski jedilnici pri sv. Vidu. Vsem tem in drugim, ki so imele svoje ‘ birthdays,” želimo obilo božjega blagoslova še na mnoga leta! Poleg veselja pa imamo tudi bolezen. Naši predsednici Pauli Stampfel oktobru bomo pa praznovale na prvi torek obletnico naše podružnice s prosto zabavo po seji. Skupne podružnice SŽZ bodo priredile v nedeljo 17. oktobra SLOVENSKI DAN v Slovenskem Domu na Rehar Ave. Na rokah imamo knjižice za krasne nagrade. Sezite po listkih, katere dobite pri tajnici in predsednici, ker to bo pomagalo naši ročni blagajni, saj nimamo drugih prireditev letos. Vljudno ste vabljene vse članice in s seboj pripeljite tudi svoje domače, ker bo zabava tudi za nje. Naj bi to bil tudi družinski dan! V juniju je prestala operacijo sestra Ana Krmavnar in Mary Noda je že več tednov v bolnem stanju. Bog daj njima in vsem bolnem zdravja. Smrt nam tudi grabi pionirje. V juniju je umrl John Jamnik, soprog naše nekdanje predsednice Margarete Jamnik. Naše globoko sožalje vsem preostalim žalujočim. Pokojniku pa Bog daj večni mir! V juliju je prišla na obisk Ana Petrovič iz Floride. Tem potom pozdravlja vse članice Zveze. Naša predsednica Theresa Potokar in soprog sta se udeležila svatbe 31. julija, ko se je poročila vnukinja (hčerka sina Toneta). Da bi bilo vse srečno je naša iskrena želja, združena s čestitki! Mr. & Mrs. John Kadunc Zlatoporočenca in sestri Johanni Rutar z Norwood Rd. želimo, da bi kmalu popolnoma okrevale in se zopet z nami poveselile na sejah. Predno zaključim — vas vse prijazno vabim, da ne pozabite priti na naše redne seje, ki so vsak drugi ponedeljek v mesecu. Seja je kratka nato pa se spravimo v krog in malo pokramljamo, kličemo številke v zabavo, in v splošnem veselimo prijetne družbe. Zdaj bodo večeri že hladni, zato bo kar prijalo biti na toplem v dvorani. Pridite — ne bo vam žal. Do prihodnjič — vas vse skupaj najlepše pozdravljam in vam želim vse najboljše! Josephine (Antončič) Golinski Zapisnikarica A. Tekavec je obiskala mamo v Minnesoti za en teden. Pozdrav in na svidanje na seji 7. septembra! Frances Perme, poroč. Št. 40, Lorain, Ohio. — Na seji v avgustu smo se imele prav dobro. Vsem, ki ste zamudile naj bo žal, ker zabava je bila izvrstna. Praznovale smo 35-letnico obstoja naše podružnice. Na razpolago smo imele vsakovrstne dobrote. Letos je 25 let odkar sem tajnica, bila sem tudi predsednica in nadzornica in imam vzrok biti ponosna na našo dobro napredujočo podružnico. Iskrena hvala vsaki posebej za vestno sodelovanje. Sestra Rose Cerni je pridobila novo članico, Katarino Yakopak, kateri kličemo: dobrodošla med nami! Agnes Čelik, naša nadzornica je zopet postala stara mati in to kar dvakrat. Pri Mr. in Mrs. Gerald Katiba so dobili zalo hčerko in pri Mr. in Mrs. Robert Beetler pa čvrstega sinčka. Sledja družina živi v Californiji. Čestitamo vsem skupaj! Nasledje novice so malo pozne, toda pravijo; boljše pozno kakor nikoli! — Umrli so John Bruce, ki je zapustil ženo Anno, sina Donald in brata v Californiji; John Dougan je zapustil ženo Frances, sina Johna in Franka ter hčeri Frances Yunnan, Carol- VESELI PRIZORI IZ Na lemontskem griču so se srečale preds. št. 43, Jos. Kolar, gl. preds. Tončka Turek in drž. preds. zi Wisconsin, Rose Kraemer. Na drugi sliki so pridne odbornice št. 2, Josephine Železnikar, Sophie Bogolin in Jennie Kovačič. Zadovoljni obrazi odbornic in članic št. 2, Steffie Osterman, Alma Helder, Alvie Jerin, Gloria Nuško in Albina Novak. Gl. preds. A. Turek in članice iz Oglesby, Mary Cenkar in Frances Nemeth. ZVEZINEGA DNEVA ine Pandy ter več vnukov; Anton Cernilec je zapustil ženo Mary, hčerki Antoinette Ferlič in Mary Zallar ter več vnukov; William Ursic je zapustil mater Frances Culig, brata in sestro. Naše globoko sožalje vsem žalujočim preostalim sorodnikom in znancem. Naj počivajo v miru! Naša najstarejša članica Mary Plečnik bo dopolnila častitljivo starost 85 let dne 8. sept. Ona pride zvesto na sejo, ampak zdaj boleha, ker si je pri padcu zlomila roko. Želimo, da se kmalu vrne med nas ter ji tem potom pošiljamo prisrčne želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo rojstnih obletnic v zdravju in istem lepem zanimanju za seje. Sestra Louise Matičič, ki se nahaja v Californiji je nesrečna v bolezni; njej so morali odrezati obe nogi, kar je res žalostna vest. Želimo, da bi ji ljubi Bog pomagal prenašati usodo. Od naše podružnice smo se štiri odbornice udeležile državne konvencije v Clevelandu. Zborovanje je bilo zelo zanimivo. Vsa čast predsednici, Mary Bostian, za vzorno vodstvo ter ji želimo nadaljne uspehe. Vidimo se zopet 17. oktobra, ko bodo skupne podružnice priredile SLOVENSKI DAN v Domu na Rehar Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. Poročila pričajo veliko zanimanje za napredek SŽZ! Servirale bodo okusna jedila in bo pripravljena vsestranska zabava. Prejela sem deset vstopnic za slavnostno večerjo in upam, da se boste priglasile, saj cena je samo $1.75 za osebo in postrežba bo odlična. Udeležimo se v lepem številu tudi iz Loraina. Na rokah imam še nekaj kuharskih knjig “Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen.” Knjiga je zelo primerno darilo za neveste (za “shower gift”). V knjigi je veliko vsakovrstnih navodil, ki bodo posebno za mlade gospodinje prav prišla. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam, Angela Kozjan, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. — Zadnji dve seji sta bili prav povoljno obiskani, saj letos se nemoremo pritoževati radi vročine, namreč to velja za tisti večer, ko se vrši seja, vmes pa pridejo tudi topli dnevi. V juliju smo po seji presenetile za rojstno obletnico sestro Anno Vadnal, za njene mnoge usluge tekom vseh let obstoja naše podružnice. Ob Istem času nas je za rojstno obletnico pogostila sestra Ančka Rebolj. Augusta meseca sta nas pogostili sestri Ann Videnšek in Mary Rogell, ki se je nekaj tednov preje vrnila z obiska domovine. Vsem želimo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih rojstnih obletnic. Bog vas živi! Na rokah imamo vstopnice za SLOVENSKI DAN 17. oktobra v Slov. Domu na Rehar Avenue pod pokroviteljstvom skupnih podružnic. Prošene ste, katere morete prispevati pecivo ali rezance, ker bo prodaja teh dobrot ena glavnih točk. Vse, kar boste same napravile bo dobrodošlo! Vabljene ste prav vse k udeležbi, kakor tudi prijatelji in znanci k tej skupni prireditvi za katero so pridno na delu s pripravami vse podružnice SŽZ. Velikodušno so prispevale v blagajno sestre: Mary Paulin, Louise Pylich, Ann Vadnal, Angela Maček, Mary Luzar in ICatie Potočnik. Vsem prisrčna hvala! Naše izletnice v starem kraju so poslale mnogo pozdravov na lepih karticah za kar jim najlepša hvala. Sestra Ann Skolar nas pa pozdravlja iz Kalifornije. Lepa hvala in želje, da ste se imele prijetno in se zdrave vrnile med nas. Sestra Mary Luzar je srečno prestala težko operacijo. Njej in vsem, ki se ne počutite dobro želimo ,da bi bile kmalu zdrave. V večnost se je preselila sestra Mary Laurich. Vsem preostalim žalu- jočim izrekamo globoko sožalje. Pokojni sestri pa večni mir in pokoj! Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo in pripeljite tudi vašo prijateljice. Prijazno opominjam vse tiste, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, da istega čimpreje poravnate. Z iskrenimi pozdravi, Ella Starin, taj. št. 47, Cleveland, Ohio. — Materinska proslava 13. junija je bila sijajna. Udeležba je bila lepa; pogrešale smo mater od leta 1964, da bi častno mesto izročila letošnji materi, Mary Rusi-an. Bila je do solz ginjena, ker ni pričakovala, da jo bomo obkrožile s tolikimi čestitkami in dobrotami. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste pripomogle do lepega popoldneva. Vaša darila so bila v dokaz vsestranske sestrske ljubezni. Sestra Mary Ulcek je darovala lepo okrašeno torto in šopek za častno mater. Sestri Caroline Šušteršič in Anna Christofek vsaka en kejk. V denarju so darovale sestre: Jennie Bizjak, Jennie Gerk, Stela Mahnič, Antonia Rolih, Jennie Mezgec, Mary Rusjan in Rose Vatovec. Slednja se je ravno pripravljala na pot v stari kraj in smo ji izročile majhen spominček. Želimo ji srečno rajžo in zdrav povratek. Najbolj smo pa bile vesele, ko sta častna mati in njena sestra vpisali dve novi članici, Mary Sims in Olga Dorchak (hčerka Ivanke Gerk). Mary Sims je sestra od Sims bratov, ki vodijo trgovino z avtomobili. Sprejele smo jih z veseljem kot tudi družabno članico Antonia Rolih. Dobrodošle v naš krog. Vse bi bilo dobro, da ne bi hodila bela žena v naše vrste. Ta nam napravi vrzeli. Pri družini Anthony Zala so se razveselili mladega naraščaja, ko so dobili pri hčerki Mrs. Kenneth Čudnik zalega dečka. Pa prišla je temna žalost na 27. junija in se je smrtno ponesrečila sestra Jennie Zala. S seboj je imela hčerko Judith, ki se še vedno nahaja v Marymount bolnišnici. Jennie ni še imela 46 let in je morala zapustiti svet in ljubljeno družino, moža Anthony, dve hčerki, mater Jennie Čermelj, sestro Emily Unik in brata. Vračala se je domov od drage mame in ni slutila, da je bil to zadnji obisk. Božja volja jo bila in tej se mora vsak ukloniti. Jennie je bila vzorna žena in mati. Njena dobra dela jo bodo gotovo spremljala pred božji prestol. I-zrekamo iskreno sožalje družini in sorodnikom. Njej pa večni mir in pokoj. Članice jo bomo ohranile v spominu in molitvah. Prihodnja seja bo 10. oktobra v navadnih prostorih S.D.D. na Prince Ave. Skupne podružnice v Clevelandu in okolice prirejajo SLOVENSKI DAN 17 oktobra v S.D. Domu na Recher Avenue v Euclid. Postrežba bo izvrstna. Pripravljen bo tudi lep program, ki bo vsem navzočim v razvedrilo. Pridite od vseh krajev. Vsi ste prijazna vabljeni, da se prepričate kaj zmorejo slovenske žene in dekleta. — Vsem bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja! S pozdravom, Jennie Pugelj, taj. PRIDITE NA PENNA. ZVEZIN DAN 19. SEPT. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Pri nas imamo veliko sušo; nič dežja že vse po letje. Naši vrtovi zgietlajo kot požga ni; cvetlice prav malo cveto, čeprav jili zalivamo, toda ni zadosti mokrote za uspevatije. Bliža se Zvezin Dan za našo državo Pennsylvania. Vršil se bo 19. septembra v Acmetonia. Vljudno vabim vse podružnice, bližje in oddaljene, da se udeležite. Zvezin dan je enkrat na leto in zelo pomenljiv za vsako članico Zveze, da pridemo skupaj, saj to je največja zabava, pridit skupaj z znankami in prijateljicami. Prosim vse podružnice, da pravočasno poročate tajnici podružnice št. 91, Mrs. Sorch, ker je važno, da vedo za število, ker drugače je težko se pravilno in zadovoljno pripravit. Saj bo vas vzelo le nekaj minut časa napisat kartico in poročat število u-deleženk. Že dolgo je bolna sestra Frances Batista, katero muči revmatizem, tako, da ne more hodit. Bolna je tudi sestra Kogovšek. Njima in vsem, ki se ne počutite dobro, želimo, da bi skoraj okrevale. Izletnice se počasi vračajo iz raznih obiskov in najdalj so šle mnoge v Slovenijo. Najlepša hvala za lepe pozdrave, Mrs. Prisland, Mrs. Novak, Mrs. Livek in Mrs. Pachak, ki so se spomnile na nas. Da bi se vse srečno vrnile je naša iskrena želja! Na veselo svidenje v Acmetonia v nedeljo 19. sept.! Mary Tomšič, preds. Št. 54, Warren, Ohio. Kot bi trenil, je šlo poletje v zaton in bliža se jesen. Ravno tako je naše življenje vso prehitro minevajo dnevi in leta. Med poletjem je šlo več naših članic na počitnice; srečni ste tisti, ki ,ste šli v domovino in drugod. Lani sva bila s soprogom na obisku v domovini, saj gre vsak rad tja, kjer mu je tekla zibeljka. Prisrčna hvala gl. odbornicam Marie Prisland, Albini Novak in Josephine Livek, ki so se nas spomnile s krasno kartico z dekletom v narodni noši. Pokazala jo bom članicam na seji 21. septembra, ki se vrši pri tajnici J. Ponikvar. Nevarno je zbolela sestra Carolyn Smuke ter se nahajala delj časa v bolnišnici, kjer se je zdravil tudi Joe Glavan, soprog sestre Ane Glavan. Par dni je bila tam tudi Angela Pet-rich na zdravljenju. Pri slabem zdravju sta tudi Jakob in Elizabeth Per-sin. Vsem želimo ljubo zdravje. Na obisku pri svakinji Angeli sta John in Anna Petrich iz Fontana, Ca-lifornija. Anna ima dve sestri v Am-bridge, Pa. Mary je bila več let predsednica podr. št. 74. Prišla sta. na poroko nečaka Franka Petrich, ki si je izbral za nevesto Virginia Gladd, ki je naša članica in njena sestra (dvojčka). Nevesta je hčerka spoštovane družine Matt in Valentine (Stavana) Gladd. Od obeh družin je dosti naših članic. Svatba je bila zelo vesela, saj sta ženin in nevesta slovenskega rodu, kar se v teh časih težko dobi. Naše čestitke vsem skupaj. Dne 27. junija smo imeli sorodniki, oziroma potomci pokojnih Antona in Matevža Klaus družinski sestanek. Zbranih nas je bilo okoli 200 oseb na krasni farmi Franka in Karoline Klaus v Geneva, Ohio, kjer imajo krasno negovane vinske trte vse na okoli in tudi po hribih, kar je prekrasno za pogledati. Med nami je bilo lepo število članic Zveze. Imeli smo izvrstno zabavo in želja vseh je, da se bomo še večkrat skupaj sestali. Frank Klaus je petkrat oče, večkrat stari oče, stric in ujec, in bratranec. Sestre so že tri umrle in med temi sta bili Alojzija Godič in Mary Cimperman, ki sta zapustili lepo število potomcev. Brat Anton in Marjeta Klaus sta tudi vzgojila lepo družino. Od Matevža smo dve sestri in brat Lojze v Sušjah pri Ribnici, kjer sem bila lani na obisku s soprogom. Največ sorodnikov je v Clevelandu, Geneva in tudi v Warren nas je lepo število. Najlepše pozdrave vsem skupaj in sestram št. 54 kličem: Na svidenje na seji 21. septembra! Rose Racher, Preds. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas. — Junija meseca so nas za dva tedna obiskali sin Edward z ženo in 10 timi otroci iz San Francisco, California. Prišli so tudi hčerka Helen s svojo družino in hčerka Angela z otroki iz Illinois. Tako smo bili po treh letih in pol zopet vsa družina skupaj. Vnukov je bilo 44 po številu. Prišla je tudi nečakinja Sister M. Lucy, uršulinka, katerih materna hiša je v Paola, Kansas. Ona je letos obhajala 25-letnico redovniškega stanu in je dobila dovoljenje priti med sorodnike, saj nas je bilo okrog sto vseh skupaj in to je bilo na 27. junija. Mr. in Mrs. Kris Petrich sta letos slavila zlato poroka s peto sv. mašo v krogu svoje družine. Mrs. Petrich je naša članica že dolgo let. Iskrene čestitke in še mnogo obletnic vam vsi želimo! Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Novak sta nepričakovano izgubila hčerko Mrs. Genevieve Paduch. Poleg staršev zapušča moža, dve mali hčerki, tri sestre in mnogo prijateljev. Mati je naša članica. — Mr. in Mrs. Frank Kragel sta pa izgubila edinega sina Franka, ki je tudi nepričakovano preminul. Zapustil je sestro; mati je tudi naša članica. Ravno na sv. Ane dan 26. julija, smo spremile k večnemu počitku našo zvesto članico in soustanoviteljico Mrs. Gertrude Žagar. Ona je vedno imela dobro besedo za Zvezo in nas je večkrat bodrila in navduševala k delu za podružnico. Dokler je bila pri zdravju nas je tudi postregla za njen rojstni dan. Poleg moža, Blaža, zapušča šest sinov (eden je pred leti umrl) ter tri hčerke, od katerih je ena redovnica St. M. Corinne, O.S.B. To je bila edina družina v našem mestu, ki je imela pet sinov v drugi svetovni vojski in so se vsi zdravi vrnili. Gin-ljivo je bilo, ko so sinovi nosili krsto ljube mamice. V juniju je preminula Mrs. Kate Gergič, ki je zapustila moža in pet sinov, hčer in brata. Vsem pokojnini naj sveti večna luč. Sorodnikom naše globoko sožalje. 28. junija sta nas prav prijetno presenetila z obiskom naša glavna predsednica Tončka in njen soprog Mr. Frank Turek. Obo sta prijazna in vesele narave, tako smo imeli prav prijeten dan z njima. Le škoda, da nisem mogla več članic skupaj zbrat, ker je bilo ravno na ponedeljek. Naša tajnica Catherine Lastolich ter nadzornici Agnes Lipovac in Mary Majerle so bile zelo vesele srečati osebno našo spoštovano glavno predsednico in soproga. Kadar vaju spet pot nanese v naše mesto nam sporočita, da se bomo boljše pripravile za sprejem. Prisrčna hvala, Mr. in Mrs. Turek. Najlepši pozdrav vsem članicam Zveze! Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 84, New York City, N.Y. — Minula je že delj časa od zadnjega dopisa. Maja meseca sta se poročili dve naši članici, to sta bili Mary Rode in Dani Svet, hčerka naše tajnice. Poroka in svatba je bila sijajna. Obema želimo mnogo sreče in zadovoljni zakon. Več članic je slabega zdravja. Želimo, da bi kmalu okrevale. Prosimo vse članice, da bi prišle na seje, ker dvorano moramo plačati pa naj bo dvorana polna ali pa same odbornice. Potrudite se in pridite, da se malo pogovorimo. Nisem še imela priliko govoriti s članicami, ki so se letos podale v stari kraj na obisk, toda bom to storila v bljižji bodočnosti ter poročala v dopisu, kako so se imele. Od sredi januarja do konc aprila sem bila v Fontani, Californija. Posedla sem sejo podružnice št. 100 in prisostovala tudi zabavi. Tam imajo pri vsaki seji skoraj 100% udeležbo. Članice prinesejo stvari in se imajo prav dobro. Postrežba je bila res odlična. Imajo tudi društvo vpokojencev in pride skoraj na vsako sejo do 100 članov. Članice pripravijo dobra okrepčila in vsi so dobre volje, da je prijetno priti v veselo družbo. V Fontani imajo mnogo turistov iz Clevelanda, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado in od več drugih krajev. Hvala svakinji in svaku Mr. in Mrs. Frank Vidergar ter sinovoma Frank, Jr., in Bill, ki so prišli po mene in me peljali nazaj na letališče v Los Angeles. Bila sem štiri tedne v Hot Springs (kopelih) in v sobi je bila z menoj Mary Penko iz Ohio, in tam sta bila tudi Mr. in Mrs. Vozel iz Ohio. Hvala za tako lepo družbo v Desert Springs. Zahvaljujem se članicam v Fontani za prijaznost ter lepo pozdravljam vse članice naše dične SŽZ in še posebej našo urednico Corinne! Angela Voje, preds. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE, 1965 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC JUNIJ, 1965 Branch Assesments Membership No. Total Adult Junior 1. 98.35 174 59 2. 218.50 362 152 3. 153.90 279 167 4. 4.65 17 — 5. 108 33 * 6. 57.55 113 12 7. 63.10 107 103 8. 24.85 57 — 9. 61 1 10. 158.65 340 39 12. 82.25 198 53 13. 53.50 112 16 .14. 146.75 290 27 15. 124.35 232 26 16. 75.20 130 78 17. 79.15 157 64 19. 61.05 129 33 20. 187.25 414 127 21. 44.90 115 60 22. 19.60 20 i 23. 126.05 240 63 24. 81.60 167 75 25. 375.05 718 194 26. 49.35 107 12 27. 64 4 28. 43.40 82 9 29. 12.20 29 6 30. 24.30 18 # 31. 51.30 103 32 32. 59.10 110 32 * 33. S5.G5 147 SO 34. 19.30 38 6 35. 37.15 68 40 37. 9.10 25 4 38. 119 20 145 1 ! 39. 26.25 54 22 40. 47.35 109 o 41. 107.70 251 36 42. 24.15 49 — 43. 74.20 135 78 45. 81.00 61 7 % 46. 14.75 30 5 47. 61.60 11G 26 48. 3.70 11 1 49. 38 7 * 50. 110.75 175 84 51. 8.45 16 — 52. 29.80 55 15 54. 41.65 74 57 55. 33.10 68 7 56. 47.90 104 15 57. 42.30 72 38 59. 33 4 61. 11 — 62. 35.40 33 1 ! 63. 62.70 113 44 & 64. 22.05 56 2 ■& 65. 55.60 58 24 ! 66. 27.50 51 IS 67. 87.10 74 15 @ 68. 31.10 49 8 70. 14 3 & 71. 57.60 116 10 72. 11.95 29 4 73. 56.75 105 65 74. 23.05 43 4 77. 56.10 55 30 ! 78. 24 16 79. 20.20 41 22 80. 192 19 81. 8.95 22 S3. 12.05 22 3 84. 69 6 85. 12.45 28 5 86. 11.35 26 — 88. 21.70 57 8 89. 31.05 85 40 90. 24.10 49 20 91. 38.60 61 14 92. 15.00 24 93. 64 94. 24.60 16 1