547SS ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO nprirmr DnRnrnTinN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1971 VOLUME 43 These are the people who work to hring ZAKJA to you every month! ZARJA-THE DAWN HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS NO. 3 VOL. XLIII March, 1971 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. — Annual Subscription $3.00. Naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40; za družabne članice $2.40. Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608. Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Ul. 60608. Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY II\ MARCH Supreme Officer: March 3—Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor, Duluth, Minn. Branch Presidents: March 5—Theresa Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. March 5—Anna Kastelic, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. March 8—Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86. Nashwaulc, Minn. March 10—Helen Shuster, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. March 15—Betty Matjašič, Br. 101. Bedford Heights, Ohio March 15—Mary Ann Brletich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. March 20—Frances Hren, Br. 28, Chisholm, Minn. March 20—Bettyann Murphey, Br. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. March 21—Mary J. Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. March 23—Sylvia Stanfield, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. March 31—Mary Kolegar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Secretaries: March 1—Anna Stich, Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif. March 4—Anna Trdan, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 8—Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. March 9—Julia Klemenčič, Br. 90. Presto, Pa. March 21 Mary Camloh, Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio March 23—Ella Starin, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio March 25—Frances Kucic, Br. 27, No. Braddock, Pa. March 2(>—Katherine Musick, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! You can still apply for a Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship. Please write for an application form to Mrs. Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis., 53711. The deadline for returning the completed form is March 31st. Please hurry! You are elegible for a scholarship if you are a: 1. Graduating high school senior contemplating higher education. 2. Member of the Slovenian Women’s Union for at least three years. In the case of male students whose mother is a member for at least three years and in the event o f her death that the grandmother or sister is a member for the last three years. Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee: Mrs. Marie Prisland, President, Mrs. Antonia Turek, Mrs. Fanika Humar and Mrs. Hermine Dicke. One of the scholarships to be awarded this year will be given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ermenc, Milwaukee, Wis., donors of $300.00 to the scholarship fund. MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT March 27-28, 1971 KAYNOK BOWL, 905 Theodore Si., Joliel, Illinois Hostess, Branch No. 20, Joliet The bowling teams from Joliet, Chicago, LaSalle- Oglesby, West Allis and Milwaukee will roll off with Singles and Doubles on Saturday, March 27th, afternoon and evening and on the following day, Sunday, the 28th, teams will compete. We hope for a very successful tournament and invite all members to come and cheer the girls on! Check with your local bowling secretary for details. See you in Joliet March 27th and 28th! Liz Zefran, Secretary S. W. U. Midwest Bowling Association xxxxxxs-xxsxwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsxsxxxxxxxxxxxxwxx SSe%3tXX%%$fXX%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%%XXX%XXX$tSSX$SX%XX%X%XXXX%X VISIT BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIA AND EUROPE THIS SUMMER Pay only $298.00 for round trip fare from Cleveland to Ljubljana on a modern Jet plane on JUNE 18 RETURNING AUGUST 16 JULY 31 RETURNING AUGUST 22 This is for our members and their families Tour Slovenia, the Adriatic Coast and Europe from Ljubljana in arrangement of: K0LLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. 589 East 185th Si. tel.: 531-4066—Cleveland, Ohio 44119—tel: 531-1082 Secure your seat on the plane now! For reservations write to: MRS. CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak Road, Chicago, III. 60608 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in the National Shrine Slovenian Women’s Union of America was organized 4o years ago in the month of December, 192G with three branches and they were: No. 1 Sheboygan, Wis., No. 1' Chicago, 111. and No. 3 Pueblo, Colo. And in this 45th year we again will have another grand celebration which will be the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel Marija Pomagaj the patron saint of our Slovenians at Immaculate Conception church in Washington, D. C. August 13, 14 and 15 1971. Four years ago our delegation at the 14th National Convention held in Washington, D. C. accepted the responsibility to raise funds for this chapel. Action was started late in the year of 1967 and the drive was on. Contacted were our neighbor organizations to help this cause with us which they accepted and for which we all were very thankful and worked together and today our goal has been reached and the chapel is near completion, the program for the dedication is well taken care of by the Washington committee, which is only a few months away. Whoever is planning on attending the dedication now is the time to send in your reservations for the hotel and the package deal. A receipt will be mailed back to you and in case you are unable to attend if you send in your cancelaion before August 1, 1971 your money will be refunded. Rates, for the Park Sheraton hotel which can accoma-date 3,000 people are single occupancy $18.00, double occupancy $24.00 and triple occupancy $27.00. (Children free when occupying same room with parents. Package deal is $20.00 if mailed in before April 1, 1971, after that date will be $23.00. This is what you will get, sightseeing tour, concerts, social evening, cultural exhibits, dedication ceremonies, grand banquet, memorial book, calendar of events and identification badge. Cleveland area arrangements have been made to pick up passengers at four points: West Park, Newburgh, St. Clair and East 185th for Euclid and surrounding suburbs. Bus service will be $17.25 for the round trip and payment will be required with reservation. Reservations and payment can be sent to the following in charge: St. Clair area: John Susnik % Norwood Appliance, Corner St. Clair and Norwood. Telephone 3G1-3G34. West Park area: Stella Dancull, 13390 Settlement A-cres, Brook Park, Ohio 44112. Telephone 884-8217. Newburgh area: Alyce Arko, 34G2 E. 80 St, Cleveland, Ohio 44105. Telephone 311-7540. Euclid and surrounding Suburbs: Joe Nemanich, 214 E. 314 St., Euclid, Ohio 44123. Telephone 2G1-4728. Toni Turek, 98G Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio. Telephone 944-299G. Appreciated would be very much if all the State Presidents and branch officers would start preparing and making reservations for their members and friends in their respective districts. We will need your cooperation and help. All hotel reservations and payment for the package deal to be sent to: Slovenian Chapel Dedication Committee, % Mr. Richard Terselich, P. O .Box 6295, Washington, D. C. (20015.) REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O. F. M.: OUR NEEDS SUNDAYS: Lord God, we thank you for the Sunday meal together for the bread and for the love we share. Grant that we may use the strength we gain here to be more present to the needs of those who come to us for help. A more effective leaven in our daily world. Mindful of those who die in hunger let us never waste what you have so generously provided for us. MONDAY: (prayer of the worker): Let us pray for a week of work well-done, satisfying, supporting. Let us pray for all who work in our city, our nation, our world. For those in factories and laboratories, in schools and hospitals, for those who work in offices and streets and homes and for those who lie in our gutters and those who reach to us for alms. Make us creative workers, purposeful. Teach us too, to sweat over our task and to share all we earn and all we become through our work just as your Son Jesus did. TUESDAY: (husband’s morning prayer): I am alive, Lord, and I am grateful. For the strength for my family, the every morning-fresh-again newness, I thank you for the strong legs of my running child, for the probing mind of the boy in high school, for the “rich-world” my wife is to me—how can I thank you enough? You know how precious life is. You are life and way and all besides. Be everything to us so that we can, like you be alive, for all who come to us looking for meaning and hope and help. POST CONVENTION CAMPAIGN Hurry — Hurry — Hurry! How many of you members have given it a thought and started campaigning to win this free trip to Washington in August? You better get on the ball as the time is getting short and before you know it the deadline will be here. It is well worth working for! You get free transportation plus the package deal for a memorable three day week-end of your life time at the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel. Congratulation and a “Happy 35th Anniversary to the following branches celebrating in April and May. No. 74 Ambridge, Pa. organized April 17, 1936 by Anna Petrich No. 77 Pittsburgh, Pa. organized May G, 1936 by Magdalene Widina No. 78 Leadville, Colo, organized May 8, 193G by Mary Starika No. 79 Enumclaw, Wash, organized May 10, 1936 by Mary Planton 30th Anniversary by No. 102 Willard, Wis. organized May 11, 1941 by Marie Prisland. Wishing you all a very nice celebration. Wishing all a Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month of March and a speedy recovery to all ailing. Bur-r-r wish that this cold weather would soon pass us and some nice warm weather be sent us from you lucky people down south and California. Toni Turek MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT THIS MONTH! No. 2. Chicago III. Bowling News. The Chicago S. W. U. bowling league is suffering from our mid-winter cold waves (Tuesdays always seem to be the coldest days of the week), but it certainly isn’t suffering from lack ol competition. As of Jan. 19th, St. Paul Federal maintained its lead with a record of 44 wins and 22 losses. Zefran Funeral Home managed to cut the lead to 2% games with 41% wins and 24% losses. Reliance Federal was in third with 39 wins and 27 losses. Marquette Service Station, with 38% wins and 27% losses, moved up to fourth. John F. Cuneo , with 36 wins and 20 losses, fell to fifth. Dorothy Maes took over the lead in high individual handicap game with a 258. All other handicap leaders remained the same. There were many high individual series during January, but my pick for “star” of the month is Agnes Marrazzo, who bowled 476—98 pins over her 126 average. Agnes celebrated her 65th birthday this month. She was one of the original bowlers in our league. Sharing the spotlight was Geneva Niedzielko, who shot 499, which was 100 pins over her 133 average. Other high series during January: E. Kroschel, 529; S. Melissa, 523; S. Gorka, 522 and 506; A. Vucko, 513: A. Persa, 506 and 505; E. Statkus, 503; L. Hasek, 500. Railroad pick-ups for the month: M. Persa, 5-8-10; C. Wrezzes, 4-5-7; J. Ovnik, 5-7 and 3-7-10; A. Persa, 3-7-10; L. Putzell, S. Gorka, S. Melissa, 3-10; A. Hozzian, 2-5-7 and 5-7; M. Lear. 6-7. I sure hope it’s a little warmer when we get together next month. Barbara Zurek ACTIVITIES No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Hope you all had a Happy New Year! Among your New Year’s Resolutions, I hope you included trying to be at some of our meetings, at least, as well as the social events. January’s meeting was not too well-attended but at least we were able to go on with the election of officers which was postponed in December because we felt there weren’t enough to really make a good election. All officers were unanimously re-elected except for the Vice-President, Ann Meier, who declined because her mother’s illness takes too much of her time. In her place we will have her twin sister, Jo Wilhelm. The former auditors also wished to be replaced so Ann Meier consented to be one along with Stavia Dobersek. The meeting date stays the same except that we are leaving out the June No. 20, Joliet, III’., Bowling news. We would like to congratulate the Northwest Recreation Club on their Twenty Fifth Anniversary. The Northwest Rec Club has been one of our sponsors for a number of years. Good luck to all the members. All the girls would like to send get-well wishes to Mr. Edward Kobe, Mrs. Jenny Skul and Rose Krowiak. Mr. Kobe has been in the hospitatl for several weeks; his wife Ann is one of our faithful bowlers. Mrs. Skul was also hospitalized. She is the mother of Jenny Lou Skul, one of our new bowlers this year. Rose Krowiak was in the hospital for surgery; she is the Capt. of Northwest Recreation team. Hurry and get well. We had one change in our team standings last month. Fred C. Dames was in last place and Shep’s Service Station second last. Well, this montli Fred C. Dames moved out of the basement, winning 8 out of 12 games. Nice work, girls! Now we have to give Shep’s a little moral support. January was Mary Lou Bluth’s big month, she joined our “500 Club” with a 503 series — high game of 181. (I guess the bowling lessons her mother, Bernie Bluth, gave her are starting to pay off.) Marge Waj-chert had a 509 and Gen Klainsek 509 and 519. We had some nice high games rolled in January. Mary Mihelich rolled 188, Marge Wajchert 208, Jo Mlakar 196. Vickie Bernickas 188, Mary Rudman 182, Mary Lou Bluth 181 and Agnes Verbiscer 187. Splits picked up by Kay Sukle 1-2-4-10, Ann Sternisha 5-8-10. Ann Kobe and Dorothy Horvat 5-7. Remember the S. W. U. Bowling Tournament at Raynor Bowl. Everyone is welcome. Instead of watching the Pros on T. V. stop in at Raynor Bowl and watch them on March 27th and 28th. (These are the S. W. U. Pros.) See you there. Gen Klainsek meeting to give all members the whole summer for vacations and other plans. Remember, we always have a short social with games and lunch following each meeting and usually, we have a few prizes. The January meeting had no games because of the extra business, bat we all enjoyed some coffee, cake, and ham sandwiches — all donated by Stavia in remembrance of her mother Mrs. Gostechnik who passed away in November of 1961. We all enjoyed the lunch and had some time discussing the holidays and recent gossip. Try to join us for the next one as we will have a few future social dates to decide on, as well as the trip to Washington in August. Resevations will have to be made not later than June for that affair. Let’s have a good representation. The entertainment committee is also planning a miscellaneous card party on Sunday, March 21 at the Lily Club on 22nd and National at 2 p. m. Tickets were to ready for that event in February. We always have the book, “From Slovenia to America,” the commemorative stamps of Marija Pomagaj and cookbooks for sale, so contact your president, Mrs. Plesko or myself and we’re always ready for more new members. Juniors are welcome, too. and transfers from Junior to Adult classes. Mrs. Plesko started the new year out by getting three new members, a mother and two grown daughters, all “B” members. Congratulations and we welcome Mrs. Josephine Mursec, Ljudmila Mursec and Sylvia Hojnacki into our group. We need more to replace the faithful “older” members who have gone to their lasting homes. Sincerely, Mary Dezman, Secy. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — The attendance of our December meeting was excellent and our Christmas party a success. We all agreed to make a Christmas donation to the church and also a donation to the Slovenian Radio program. Frances Kunic was chosen for the Mother of the Year. She is one of our auditors. Our next meeting will be March 16th. We will discuss our luncheon and card party to be held on May 18th. Attention all members who are interested in going to Washington, D. C. in August for the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel. Now you pay $20.00, till March 31 1971 (those who pay after April 1, the fee is $23.00) for what is called the Dedication Activities Package. Our sympathy to Mary Antloger on the death of her husband. Our deepest sympathy to the Charles Lukcic family on the loss of their mother Anna Keltic and also to the family of Veronica Ivancic who died on January 5th. May the souls of the dearly departed rest in peace. Get well wishes are extended to all our sick members. Anne Fran kovic, Secretary No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Our Decem-her meeting Christmas party was attended with a tremendous attendance and most gratifying to our president. It was beautiful. The meeting was short. As we reviewed the by-laws we decided to continue with them as in the past years — it saves space, too. Dear members of Br. 32, this is one important change. When you are sick and hospitalized, please have someone notify an officer within 3 months oT the illness so you can get your benefit. Please cooperate, won’t you? We had election of officers for 1971: President Mary Bostian; Vice-Presi- BRANCH NO. 20 WILL BE HEADED BY MRS. EMMA PLANINŠEK FOR 35th YEAR Installation of new offcers tor 1971 was the main order of business when members of Joliet Branch 20, Slovenian Women’s Union, convened January 17th. Rt. Rev. M. J. Butala, pastor of St. Joseph’s church and spiritual director of the Slovenian Women’s Union served as installing officer. Those seated were Mrs. Emma Planinšek, president; Mrs. Josephine Muster, vice president; Mrs. Olga An-cel, secretary; Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, recording secretary and publicity chairman; Mrs. Josephine Sumic, treasurer; Mrs. Emma Nosse and Mrs. Prances Hubert, trustees, and Theresa Muhich, sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Josephine Erjavec has served as an officer of the local Branch since it was founded in June of 1928. The office of president has been held by Mrs. Planinšek for the past 35 years. Mrs. Sumic will serve as chairman for the Midwest bowling tournament of the Union branches to be sponsored by Branch 20 in March. Mrs. Nosse and Mrs. Hubert are in charge of books and prizes. A state convention for branches from Illinois and Indiana will take place in the fall of this year. Mrs. Planinšek reported that a membership campaign is being conducted. Those enrolling the most new members will win a free trip to Washington, D. C., where the national shrine of Our Lady of Help will be blessed. Miss Carita Ancel a student at St. Francis Academy, was selected to represent the branch at the Will-Grundy County Association for Mental Health. A letter of thanks from Mrs. Dlcke of Madison, Wis., director or of benefit and scholarship fund, for the contributions. Mrs. Hubert was selected as the “Mother of the Year” by the Branch. Attendance prizes were won by Mrs. Mary Lesnik and Jennie Der-nulc.. New junior members, Len and Ann Hennings, were initiated along with Mrs. Anna Kozol, a new senior member. dent Cecilia Žnidaršič; Secretary Josephine Comenshek; Treasurer Molly Sodja; Rec. Secretary Ann Teka-vec; Reporter for Zarja in English Anna Tekavec; Slovenian reporter Annie Godlar; Auditors Mary Drob-nick and Barbara Baron. Mother of the Year is Frances Klune, Sgt.-at-arms Mary Drobnick. Jennie Gustinčič thanks everyone for prayers, cards, gifts and visits to Jack when he had surgery. We hope and pray that John Chinchar is much better. He had open heart surgery. To all our shutins, good health! Annie Chinchar is grandmother the 4th time, baby girls born Oct. 23rd and Oct. 2Gth. Her sons and daugh- Refreshments, including bakery goods prepared by the officers, were served at the close of the meeting. (Reprint from Joliet Herald News.) After a month’s stay at the hospital, Mrs. Katherine Dragovan is convalescing at home, also Mrs. Paula Lukančič, the sister of our president who spent a few weeks at the hospital is home now as is Mrs. Frances Hubert, our trustee and Marge Breise, whose husband, Paul is a candidate for Mayor of Joliet. Mr. Breise is the co-owner with his brothers of the Flower House on Wilcox. We wish him good luck! The table on which the goodies were served donated and baked by our officers, was decorated by secretary, Olga Ancel with Slovenian motifs from Slovenia, brought here as souvenirs. The book, From Slovenia to America, written by our honorary president, Mrs. Prisland, was one of the main topics of discussion. Our president was pleased with the atttendance at the first meeting of the year and expressed her wish to have a good attendance as this at all the future meetings, too. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Marko Pasich from Oakland Ave., who celebratted their 45th Wedding Anniversary. First they attended Holy Mass and then had a gathering for family and friends. Mrs. Pasich has been our active member tor many years. She is vicepresident of St. Cecelia’s Society, Holy Family Society and an officer of the Altar Society. Her sisters Mrs. Metesh and Mrs. Popek have been our members over 40 years. Mrs. Mayme Haggerty has been convalescing in the hospital. We hope that she had all our sick members are well on the road to recovery. We wish all members good health and good will and are hoping you will have luck in the current moneymaking project sponsored for the benefit of our future bowling tournament. Josephine Erjavec ters-in-law are the proud parents. Our congratulations to all. Secretary Jos. Comenshek is a proud grandmother to a grandson born Jan. 16th, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Comenshek. Being the first, what a bundle of joy to parents and grandparents! Congratulations from all of us. Mary Drobnick had as her house guest, Josephine Larson of Ely, Minn. It was a happy occasion as they are old school chums. Josephine enjoyed herself so much that she will be back soon. Those were the good old days, with Mary you can always have a lot of fun! For the party, M. Drobnick worked hard and had a committee to help. The tables were beautifully decorated and a tree was set up for exchange of gifts. There was a big variety of food, pot luck style, brought by the members. Everthing was delicious. Refreshments were also served. With the members present, 14 celebrated birthdays. Their generosity made the good time kitty bigger for future good times and celebrations. After gifts were exchanged, three articles were given, an afghan to Louise Fabec, a vest taken by Elsie Sudar and a 2 lb. box of cookies for which the lucky person was one of Louise Fabec’s sons. The generous Frances Gerjevic donated the beautiful afghan and Jennie Gustinčič made and donated the vest. Annie Godlar donated the cookies. Our president thanked all with her heart for these donations and a special thanks to Frances Gerjevic again, for doing so much for our branch. God bless you, all We had a singer, Frank Kovacic, father of Josephine, who led us in singing Christinas Carols and this concluded the party. In closing, I’d like to remind you to check your dues books and start the year 1971 off right. Attend the meetings ,too. If you have news for Zarja, call me at 481-3437. A. Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. The Duluth branch of the Slovenian Women’s Union, met on January Cth. It was a cold night to be out, but it was so nice to see so many of our members come to the meeting in spite of the cold weather. Many issues were discussed and settled, which at this time of the year are important. To those members who were not present it is time for dues again. Help our secretary-treasurer and try to pay a few months ahead. And if you are behind be sure to get caught up, so she can get her books straight for the year. The program for Feb. 3rd was to be very interesting and concern the different flags of our country and their origin. This was to be presented by Mr. Jerome Blazevic and some of the Scouts from Troop 13. The younger members ol the branch served the lunch that evening. Activity for our junior members was held later in January in the form of bowling and lunch. Lots of fun. We are getting good participation with the junior members from Branch No. 33. Would like to greet our shut-ins and those on the sick list. Our wishes are with you, and we look forward to the warmer months when some of you will be able to attend the meetings again. Our meeting closed with prayer. Cards and games were then played for the rest of the evening, which everyone enjoyed. PESSIMIST — If it wasn’t for the optimist, the pessimist would never know how happy he wasn’t. Florence Burger, Reporter MARIE PRISLAND: CAPSULES The cover of our ZARJA this month features a pictorial description of how it’s printed. It’s a very interesting study. Corinne Novak Leskovar is the editor of our magazine since 1952. As a young woman of 25 she accepted the responsibilities from her mother, who had been the editor for the previous 19 years. Corinne attended Colorado State University at Boulder majoring in English Literature. All of us are aware that Corinne is a fine editor trying her best to portray the soul and the heart of Zveza activities in written form. Beside this work she with her husband, Ludwig, have conducted a Slovenian radio hour for the last 20 years. We can imagine how much work and preparation this takes. Every year the Radio Hour presents a program which attracts hundreds of people. When a Slovenian group or an individual of note comes to Chicago, Corinne is ready to take over. When the Chicago-Slovenians are called upon to be represented, such as at their yearly Christmas festival. Corinne is there to give a helping hand. The nicest thing about her is, that she does everything almost perfectly, a virtue not possessed by many. Corinne writes the Minutes of our National Board meetings. She is respectfull and helpful at all times. Besides doing all this work she also is a wonderful mother, raising her two children in traditional Slovenian manner. Her 14 year old daughter Miriam can prepare the nicest dinner, and her 12 year old son Tonček sets the table and then prays in Slovenian before the meal. This brings lo my mind the statement made by the Illinois Congresman Roman Pucinski, who said: “If all the mothers and lathers would bring up their children the .way the Slovenian parents do, we would not have any juvenile delinquencies.” In the Memorial book, issued in Cleveland in 1935 at the opening of the Yugoslav Cultural Garden, little Corinne wrote into my book: To Mrs. Prisland: God made the flowers and the showers, God made the skies of blue; God made the stars that shine at night. He made the sunshine too. And then, to do the job up right, He made good friends like you! * * * The women’s liberation movement sometimes takes unexpected turns. For instance, there is the decision of a Superior Court judge in the state of Connecticut in a divorce case. The judge granted a divorce to the husband on the grounds of misconduct by his wife and also awarded him the custody of the couple’s two chlidren. But what really hurts is the court’s order under which the wife is ordered to pay her former husband $25 a week in child support. * * * A hearty THANK YOU to the Committee which conducted the First Slovenian Cotillion Debutante Ball that was held May 23rd in Cleveland last year for donating its proceeds of $250.00 into the Scholarship Fund. We sincerely hope that the Cleveland-Euclid members will continue with this kind of entertainment which brought enjoyment to a thousand people attending the Ball, and was a great publicity benefiting our organization. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. After an interval of two months—we had no meeting in December—a very good turnout of members showed up at the first meeting of the year in 1971. With Mrs. John Pahula presiding, the first order of business was election of officers and all present officers were unanimously re-elected and they are: Mrs. John Pahula, president; Mrs. William Vollendorf, vice president; Mrs. Mary Pahula, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Dominick Tekautz sr., recording secretary; Mrs. Frank Planton sr., Mrs. John Zavodnick and Mrs. Joseph Gornick, trustees and Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, reporter. Mrs. Mary Pahula then gave the financial report and members discussed several money making projects, which were tabled for the next meeting when a project will be decided on. Mrs. John Pahula read a letter from the Slovenian Chapel Committee informing the members of the forthcoming dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in the Basilica in Washington, D. C. which is to be held on August 15, 1971. Anyone interested in attending the dedication may obtain information and brochures from the secretary, Mrs. Mary Pahula. Information can be had through our DAWN Magazine also. A social hour followed the bus- iness meeting with prizes going to Mrs. Louise Chiabotti and Mrs. John Zavodnik in “500” and to Mrs. Joseph Mesojedec and Mrs. Frederick Myre in “Cootie”. The atendance prize furnished by Mrs. Ramon Berg was awarded to Mrs. Dominick Tekautz. Mrs. Tekautz and Mrs. Ernest Johnson, hostesses, served a tasty luncheon at the conclusion of the evening's activities. Hostesses for February were Mrs. Joseph Jamnick and Mrs. William Lilya. Mrs. John Bobence will provide the attendance prize. A NEW YEAR—and a new beginning. Let us try our best to get a new member for SWU—and to pro mote the activities of SWU—it is a great feeling to know that we are helping to preserve our SLOVENIAN heritage. Mrs. Anthony F. (Barbara) Yapel, Reporter No. 40 Lorain, Ohio. This is an invitation and a reminder to all members to attend our meetings on the second Wednesday of every month. Although we do not make any world shaking news, these meetings provide a good chance to visit. At the December meeting, forty members toasted each other through the courtesy of Rose Cerne and then sat down to a delicious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings, including “štrukle”. Angela Kozjan prepared the roast beef. Anne Bob-rowski made the štrukle, Albina Ueh-lien and Angelina Vojtko brought salads. All the officers as well as many other members provided the baked goods. A constant joy and inspiration to us all are our octogenarians. Most of them attend our meetings regularly, and all of the following were at tile December dinner-meeting: Mrs. Mary Plečnik who is 90, Mrs. Frances Tomazic who is 89, Mrs. Agnes Jančar of 30th St., who is 82, Mrs. Mary Jere who is 83, Mrs. Mary Vranich, Mrs. Mary Mlach, and our president, Mrs. Agnes Jancar who are all 80. God bless you all! Officers elected for the coming year are: Agnes Jancar, president; Albina Uehlien, vice-president, Angela Kozjan, secretary; Mary Klinar, Treasurer; Stephanie Polutnik, Recording Secretary. The auditors are Mary Kurjan, president and Agnes Celik and Rose Kragely. Mary Jere is parliamentarian. Stephanie Polutnik was chosen Mother of the Year. During this past year, our monthly attendance has been improving. We hope this trend continues. Members in need of transportation should call any of the officers and arrangements will be made. Stephanie Polutnik No. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio. — The New Year brought new joys to many of our members: Angela Perlto has become a great grandmother for the very first time and Mary Yemee proudly adds another grandchild to her list. Congratlations, ladies, to you and your families. Antonia Kastelic’s son, Lou (husband of (Yours Truly) ha been named State Superintendent of Banks — an appointment that makes us all very proud and happy. Soon we will be moving from the fair city of Cleveland to take on this new venture in Columbus. The wintery, cold January days did not bother Theresa Simonič a bit — she spent three delightful weeks in sunny California visiting a friend and touring many interesting cities and places. Before closing, we wish Frances Legan a very Happy Birthday and also a Happy Name’s Day to all the Josephines who will celebrate St. Joseph’s Day on March 19th. B. A. Kastelic No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. First, let me thank all the members for all the get-well cards that I received during my illnes, and also to Father Claude Okorn for the hospital and home visits. I do have a lot to report and hope that space will permit. The officers for 1971 are Anne Konc-zal, president; Josephine Kolar, vice-president; Rose Kraemer, secretary and treasurer; Vickie Sporis, recording secretary and sunshine girl (who does a great job in remembering birthdays), Josephine Verbick and Christine Rebemisek auditors, Ceil Groth sergent-at-arms. Anna Konc-zal was chosen mother of the year. The meetingdate has been changed (please remember this) to the first Thursday evening of each month at 7 p. m. at the Lily Club at 2220 W. National Ave., except the month of July and August, no meetings. The change was due to an interference with other organization meetings and members wishing to spend Sundays with their husbands and families. We are hoping that the change will bring more members to our meetings. The special assessment of 50tf per member for postage and other expense remains and also the 150 death assessment per members. In 1970 our branch was very fortunate by not having any deaths. Any member who is hospitalized is entitled to a $2.00 cash gift, and if you know of anyone who is in the hospital, please inform me. At this time, I am sorry to announce that we have had several sick members, some are recovering, others still are on the sick list. Sophie Bevsek was at the Elm Brook Memorial Hospital, Shirley Schulta was hospitalized, Marge Zefran was hospitalized with a bad back injury. Agnes Podriznik was at the St. Joseph’s Hospital, Celia Vachetz was at Trinity Memorial Hospital for several weeks, Amalia Fritzel had surgery at St. Luke’s Hospital, Anna Srnovrsnik had fallen and taken to the hospital for several days. All the members are now at home, so remember them with a get-well card or a visit. To all other sick members and the above a speedy recovery. To our nursing home members, Anna Srnovrsnik, Anna Preloznik and Jennie Prah our warmest thoughts and best wishes. A warm welcome to 2 new members, namely Anica Winkler and Jamie Frangesh. Congratulations for Mr. and Mrs. Eddie and Elsie Gallun on their 2 granddaughters, both born in December and Mr. and Mrs. John and Sophie Rifely. On February 5th Mr. ai\d Mrs. Valentine Kolar celebrated their fiOth Wedding Anniversary. Josephine is a charter member and has been active in the branch. Both are retired and their favorite pastime is playing cards. They are the proud parents of 2 sons .Edward who is married to Audrey and they have one daughter and Roman who is married to Patricia. Happy Golden Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Valentine and Josephine IColar, and many, many more happy and memorable years together. Belated birthday greetings to the following January and February celebrants: Patricia Veselka, Mary Mu-sich, Amalie Fritzel, Patricia Bengsch, Agnes Bachun, Mary Kiel, Mary Tratnik, Shirley Schulta, Mary Wuky and Barbara Scott, to our February celebrants, Marie Hudaj, Rose Kraemer, Frances Widemsek, Olga Zovic, Ronald Tratnik, Mary Piacen-tine, Anna Yeray, Maria Rozina, Tll-lie Slatinselc, Donalyn Walsh, Anica Winkler, Mary Plahuta, Katherine Osep, Mary Ann Scott, Anna Srnovrsnik. ON TllE COVER . . . A PICTURE STORY ABOUT YOUR ZARJA Each month, ZARJA comes into your homes as a welcome visitor. Thinking it might be of interest to you, our members, to know a little more about it, the feature this month is a picture story about ZARJA, as it is prepared, printed, and mailed. After your numerous writeups, stories, reports and official material is read over, typed and prepared by the Editor, the Benedictine Press workers take over. As the cover pictures indicate, the cycle is repeated each and every month. And, as one can imagine, each process is directly or indirectly supervised by the Editor. All the material to be printed is first set on the linotype machine by Brother Valerian, a veteran operator who is seen here with Brother Peter the machinist who keeps everything in good working order. The typesetting in both languages, reading of proofs and making of corrections takes approximately 8 working days. The next operation is handled by Louis Muzelak who has worked for ZARJA the entire 30 plus years it has been printed in Chicago. Louis takes all the type, sets it in pages according to the Editor’s master pasteup copy, runs the proofs and puts in the corrected lines. It Is his knowhow that produces the good looking pages in ZAUJA. Pages into “forms” go down to the pressroom for printing on the big press by Carl Damm and each form takes a day to print. If ZARJA is on 16 pages, there are two 8 page forms plus covers, total three printing days. If ZARJA is larger, another day per form is necessary. ZARJA goes into the folder under the supervision of Brother Rafael and comes out ready for “gathering” or assembling by Mrs. Elizabeth Kanka and Mrs. Frances Burkhardt. Here again, the process takes time depending on the number of sections. After it is folded and gathered, the stitching machine gets to work with John Novogorodski in charge. Each copy is “stitched” or stapled together and trimmed by the big cutters. Members, your names and addresses are kept on small metal plates in the mailing room that are then fed into the addressograph machine and printed on your copy of ZARJA. John again takes charge of this operation and also keeps the plates in order making changes of addresses and cancellations according to the lists compiled in the Home Office. The finishing and addressing of ZAP.JA is approxi- mately a five day job, and takes lots of physical energy. Then, off goes ZARJA to the main Chicago post office facility in the mail sacks that will eventually come to your city and your home. From the time the first sheet of ZARJA enters the printing shop until it goes out completed, almost three weeks has elapsed. If you live far from our mailing area, it will take another week for postal delivery. At the Home Office and Editorial Office not a day goes by that ZARJA is forgotten or left unattended. The daily mail brings your reports, questions, suggestions and changes and far in advance, plans and preparations must be made for future issues. When you read your ZARJA, enjoy it and love it. It’s the work or many people who put their time and energy and loyal dedication into every issue. EDITOR SIETZ-BISCHOF NUPTIALS IN CLEVELAND, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bischof made their marital vows last fall and a beautiful wedding it was! The bride, is the former Donna Sietz, daughter of the National Youth Director, Frances Sietz of Richmond Hgts., Ohio. She is one of our S.W.U. Scholarship winners and completed her college studies recently in accounting. The groom is also following a career in accounting, although at this time he is serving in Uncle Sam’s Army. Donna and Ralph were married Sept. 12, 1970 at St. Felicitas church. On the photo are members of their wedding party: Dawn Reinhardt, maid of honor, Rosemarie Chinnici, Elaine Bischof, Larry Bischof, Tom Griener, John Bischof and Donna’s brother Frank and wife Diane Sietz. Mrs. Sietz’s two darling granddaugters. Debbie and Diane Kure are at left front. Our heartiest wishes for a long, happy lifetime to the newlyweds! Our March birthday celebrants also deserve our best wishes and namely they are Zenobia Dybul, Elsie Br-zek, Josephine Verbick, Beverly Fran-gesh, Mark Frangesh, Mary Bruno, Joseephine Zinko, Rose Howe, Mary Bistan, Josephine Peterson, Elsie Gallun, Anna Pogorelc and Frances Jacobi. The bowling tournament is scheduled in Joliet, 111., 2 weeks before Easter, anyone interested please contact me, so we can form the teams. This fall we are planning on having a league. More on this subject at a later date. Our deepest sympathy goes to Lucille Jenich on the death of her husband Martin. Lucille is a very generous donor and when asked to help in any activity she never refuses. Anyone in arears with their dues please take care of them at your earliest convenience. I have books on hand “From Slovenia to America”, so get your book before the supply runs out. They are autographed by our founder Marie Prisland. I also have the special commemorative stamp of our Lady of Brezje. They sell for $1.00 a page. Those Interested in the trip to Washington, D. C. in August or know of anyone who would like to join, contact me. So until our next meeting March 4th at 7 P. M. a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. A lovely group of 40 members attended our January meeting. If you haven’t been attending our meetings you are missing out on an enjoyable evening. Ann Kristoff, our Mother of the Year and her capable assistants Mary Petrie and Vicky Pianecki are doing great as hostesses. We thank you! By the way Ann Kristoff became a grandma for the first time. Her daughter Doris J. Roberts had a baby girl, Kristine on Dec. 11th. Our best wishes to baby, mom and grandma! Mary Petrie is just back from spending two weeks in California. Her son Gerald A. Petrie received his Elec. Engineering degree from the University of Dayton on Dec. 19 th. He left on Jan. 2fith for the Marine Reserves. Congratulations and good luck! Best of luck to Vicky Pianecki on her recent move to a beautiful new apartment in Richmond Heights. Didn’t our Honor Guards look nice and colorful as they helped our National President Toni Turek install our new, incoming officers? The honor guards were Mary Cesnik, Nettie Leslie and Mary Susnlk. Officers for 1971 are: Ann Hočevar, President; Emily Unik, Vice President; Margaret Gorenshelt, Sec. and Treas.; Elizabeth Jagodnik, Recording Secretary. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful year. We have great confidence in you and know you will do a fine job for a bigger and better No. 50. Our past president of many years was many years of good leadership to devote more time to being Youth Director. She was elected to this position at the last Convention. We are certain she will do a excellent job as she is a good worker and has many ideas. We wish you well, Fran. Marie Beck, who was our hard working sec. and treas. for 10 years resigned this year because she and her husband have gone into the Delicatessen business. We wish them much success in their new venture. After the meeting, Fran Sietz showed us how to make robes for the Infant of Prague. Thank you, Fran, for your time and effort. A letter came from Eleanor Kar-linger in appreciation for being remembered at Christmas time. She is still recuperating at her home. Rose Želodec, Julia Voda and Josephine Bencin still are on our sick list. Our prayers and good wishes go to all with a hope that will be a better year for all. Remember our sick list with a card or a visit. Happy Birthday to Marie Dolinar and our other January birthday girls. Marie has been our sunshine girl and did a terrific job. Thanks Marie from all of us. Keep in mind September 2Gth for this is the date No. 50 will celebrate their 40th Anniversary with a dinner-dance. More about this later. Remember our meetings are on the 4th Monday of every month at 7:30 at the Euclid Public Library on East 222nd Street. Jane Novak, Reporter No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — About 2'5 members were present at our meeting held at the Little Grove. The temperature hovered in the 20-30 below zero and very strong winds prevailed. The meeting was opened with prayer and reading of minutes by Rose Trombly, recording secretary. We all wish our sick members a speedy recovery. At this time I wish to thank everyone for the lovely cards and gifts I received during my short stay at. the Hibbing General Hospital. Now I feel fine. God bless you all for your thoughtfullness. We had a guest at our meeting. This was Jeanette Russ. We hope that she’ll come again and join so that she’ll be among us always as a member. All the members are kindly requested to enroll their young friends. We need young blood to keep going, because when the elders depart there will be others younger members to take over. The meeting was closed with our President Josephine Oswald leading us in prayer and the social hour followed. Hostesses were our diligent Josephine Os-world, Angeline Russ, Pauline Germe and Jacqueline Hrovat. They served a delicious lunch and gifts were a-warded to: Margaret Andrlcan, Alberta Russo, Rose Trombly, Gertrude Hochevar, Mildred Barbatto, Celia Palitano, Jeanette Russ, Ivana Pre lesnik and the door prize went to Rose Chiodi. It was a most delightful evening. We will be looking forward to seeing you at our March meeting. God bless you and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter Hermine Prisland Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis. 53711 1ST and * * * * . * Three nutritious and delicious recipes were received from two of our very active members: Miss Irene Planinšek of Washington, D. C. — HOT FIVE BEAN SALAD; and Mrs. Josephine Gostisha from Forest City, Pa. — BEEF ANI) MUSHROOM INDIVDUAL and CHEESE CAKE. HOT FIVE BEAN SALAD 8 slices of bacon 1% teaspoons salt dash of pepper % cup sugar % cup vinegar 2 tablespoons cornstarch % cup water 2 cups (one pound can) of each drained: kidney beans, cut wax beans, cut green beans, green lima beans, gar-banzo beans. DIRECTIONS In large skillet, cook bacon until crisp; drain; remove bacon: reserve Vi cup drippings. Return reserved drippings to skillet. Combine salt, pepper, sugar, cornstarch and blend into drippings. Stir in vinegar and water; cook and stir until boiling. Stir in all the beans, cover and simmer 15 to 20 minutes. Turn into serving dish. Crumble bacon over top. Serves 10 to 12 people. BEEF AND MUSHROOM INDIVIDUAL For Beef mixture: Vi, cup soft bread crumbs Vi. cup canned tomato sauce % pound ground beef, round Vi cup chopped celery or finely grated carrot 1 egg, slightly beaten l/2 teaspoon chopped parsley Vž teaspoon salt Vi basil leaf % teaspoon pepper Soak bread crumbs in tomato sauce. Mix all other ingredients together then combine with soaked bread crumbs and mix thoroughly. Bake at 350 degrees oven— 30 to 35 minutes. For mushroom mixture: V* pound fresh mushrooms 1 tablespoon butter Vi cup onion, finely sliced % teaspoon salt Vs. teaspoon paprika Vs teaspoon marjoram leaves 1. Wash but don’t peel mushrooms; slice off and discard ends of stems. Cut into thin slices. You can use prepared mushrooms. 2. Melt butter in frying pan and saute mushrooms and onions with spices for about 7 minutes. Use low medium heat. 3. Put mushroom mixture on bottom of 8 x 8 pan and beef mixture on top. Bake. CHEESE CAKE 3 8 oz. packages Philadelphia Cream Cheese 2 cups sour cream 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 cup sugar 5 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Soften cream cheese, add sugar and cream until smooth. Add unbeaten egg yolks and mix. Then add sour cream and vanilla and lemon juice. Then beat until smooth. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in crumb lined spring form pan (9 inch) for one hour in 300 degree ovon. Turn off heat and let the cake remain in oven for orm hour with the door closed, another hour with door opened. Crumb Crust 12 rolled graham crackers 4 tablespoons butter, melted 3 tablespoons sugar Mix the above and line pan, pressing firmly Top with: 1 small box frozen strawberries (10 oz. can) 2 level tablespoons flour or cornstrach. Boil to thicken and put on top of cold cheese cake. Do not tip out of pan. * * * For good nutrition and to help feeling fine eat vegetables and fruits every day — especially dark green and yellow vegetables, citrus fruit and tomatoes. A few simple recipes are: HONEY GLAZED CARROTS V2 bunch of carrots (about 3 or 4) V2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons honey Dash of nutmeg Scrape carrots, cut into sticks and cook in small a-mount of boiling salted water. In a small pan, melt butter and honey together. Spoon over drained carrots. Continue heating until carrots are well glazed. Add a dash of nutmeg. Serve hot. Makes 2 to 3 servings. SPINACH SUPREME Cook 1 package of frozen chopped spinach to package directions; drain well. Add 1 3 ounce package of cream cheese and 1 clove of garlic (optional). Heat and stir to melt cheese . Remove garlic. Makes 3 servings. EASY SCALLOPED TOMATOES AU GRATIN 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon minced onion 1 cup canned tomatoes V2 cup bread cubes % cup shredded American cheese Vz teaspoon salt Dash of pepper Melt butter in caucepan; add onion and cook a few minutes. Add tomatoes and heat to boiling. Stir in bread cubes, then cheese. Heat slowly to melt cheese. Season to taste. Serve hot. Makes 2 servings. # * * As I receive many contributions to our Scholarshap Fund in memory of Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, I think of this sweet, petite, gentle woman as I remember her at. the Convention in Washington, D. C. On every occasion when there was a group of our women singing, she was there happily participating with her lovely voice. She and Mrs. Emma Planinšek harmonized beautifully. If the song had seven verses they knew all the words of each verse. However, my fondest memory of Josephine is her standing at the podium, her head barely visible for she was so short, directing the entire Convention assemblage for a final song before closing with: Češčena se Marja— ko pride zadnja ura, Marija prid’ po nas.” I can’t help but feel that she was comforted by the love of the Blessed Virgin Mary during her final hours. Godbys, HERMINE No. 54, Warren, Ohio. — We have really had winter here in our town! Luckily, we have no meeting until March 6th at 7:30 p. m. in the White Hall of St. James on Burton, St. S. E. Let’s hope the weather will be much improved by then. Hostesses for the March meeting will be: Elsie Persin, Mary Zuga and Anne Savor. Please try to attend. We are having fewer meetings now so let’s make a good attendance at these. Our Mother’s Day party will be on May 18th. Details win follow in the next issue. Our officers for the year are: Rose Rscher, president; Betty Yadas, vice-president; Joanne Ponikvar, secreta-ry-treasurer; Josephine Kassan, recording secretary; Mary Waltko, sgt. of arms; auditors: Vic Zuga, Mayme Spovich and Mary Ponikvar and spiritual Advisor Father Kalp. Our deepest sympathy to the Matt Gladd family. Mr. Gladd, 82 years old, was laid to rest last week. His wife, daughters, daughter-in-law and grandaughters are members of our branch. Still convalescing at Rest Homes are Marion Horvath who had a heart attack after Christmas and Mary Tomsich. It would be nice if some of our members went to visit them at Imperial Rest Home on Tod Ave., N. W. They will be there for quite a while. 25th Wedding Anniversary Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Albin Shine and congratulations to our member Louise Tomazin, who with her husband Karl Tomazin celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in January. Their day started with Mass at St. James, later brunch at a local restaurant and a big open house for all their friends and relatives at the home of their son, Charles. Many of our members were there and it was truly a lovely day. Happy Eastertime to all and be sure to attend our next meeting. Joanne Ponikvar, Rec. sec’y. N. 56, Hibbing, Minn. The weather was 22 below zero and 20 members braved it to attend the meeting. It was a good turn out. First of all, congratulations to the officers of last year who were elected again and also our new sergeant at arms, pretty Kay Marolt. Yours truly Rose Maras, is the new reporter. I’m hoping the girls will bear with me and if they find fault, will call me or help me out. I will need them. As many of you know, we operate the Homer Bar. The auditors check the books and said they were in tip top shape. The ladies decided that the first name picked would be the door prize winner. We discussed the trip to Washington and all members are reminded to make plans. Good luck to sister Latick — we hope you get well real soon. We all miss you very much. The hostesses were Mary Putzel, Mary Meadows, Angeline Passino, and her daugter-in-law, Delores. Rose Maras, Reporter FINANCIAL REPORT—FINANČNO PORODILO, DEC. 1970 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 1 $ 94.10 163 60 2 183.65 349 189 3 152.30 263 170 4 — 13 — a 5 — 100 21 a 6 43.40 103 8 7 50.00 93 52 8 17.35 46 — b 8 17.10 — — 9 — 21 2 c 10 131.05 303 25 12 65.30 161 57 13 58.30 112 18 14 147.60 295 49 15 100.05 201 9 b 15 74.50 — — 16 83.95 143 87 17 80.10 151 79 19 53.90 112 24 20 151.55 330 63 21 57.10 112 47 22 19.60 19 — d 23 103.25 219 53 24 — 139 67 25 330.75 621 159 26 49.85 107 19 27 — 43 3 28 43.20 74 18 29 10.65 24 6 30 — 9 — 31 — 87 27 a 32 79.35 138 72 33 123.80 197 156 34 18.50 36 6 35 32.20 55 37 37 — 21 1 c 38 40.90 114 — 39 20.30 53 9 40 52.50 101 2 41 79.70 19S 30 42 23.40 48 — 42 23.40 — — 43 77.50 133 63 43 77.50 — 45 20.50 45 14 46 13.25 29 5 47 54.90 105 36 50 139.60 213 91 51 — 15 — 52 31.20 52 19 54 28.55 57 40 55 26.00 54 2 56 42.15 93 7 57 39.85 67 35 59 — 39 2 61 — 5 — 62 — 25 — a 63' 48.60 89 21 63 46.65 — — 64 — 44 2 a 65 — 45 24 66 32.30 59 21 67 — 68 9 68 39.85 60 21 70 — 14 3 c 71 59.40 120 36 72 19.30 25 — 73 57.65 105 73 74 — 30 1 77 22.65 47 32 79 — 30 20 c 80 5.55 9 — e 81 14.15 29 — 83 8.35 16 84 — 49 3 85 18.00 38 2 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 86 12.40 22 — 88 25.45 56 9 89 29.80 70 22 90 18.20 42 16 91 28.50 47 11 92 14.95 23 1 93 — 58 2 94 — 13 4 95 — 187 25 96 — 46 — 97 7.25 15 — e 99 5.95 — — d 99 5.95 — — 100 32.25 49 13 101 21.45 29 13 102 57.00 36 3 f 103 17.00 25 13 105 18.35 30 6 106 — 22 3 Total 3830.60 7989 2348 Assessment Pd: A-Pd in Nov.; B- Pd. for Nov. and Dec .; C— Pd, to Dec.; D—Pd. Dec and Jan.; E—Pd for Nov. ; F Pd. Jan, Feb. and March. Inocme in December 1970 Assessment Interest Rent Tax deposit $3,830.60 1,973.36 169.00 22.88 Total income in December $5,995.84 Disbursements in December 1970: Izdatki meseca decembra 1970 Br. 2, Chicago, J. Železnikar $100.00 Br. 10, Cleveland, Caroline Bojc 100.00 Br. 19, Eveleth, Fran. Nemgar 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Dor. Jaksetich Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Kuhar Br. 28, Calumet, Mae Kobe Br. 31, Gilbert, Mary Kralich Br. 31, Gilbert, Caro. Bradach Br. 33, Duluth, Mary Spehar Br. 41, Cleveland, Julia Wujnovich “B” 150.00 Br. 74, Ambridge, A. Zorman 100.00 Br. 89, Oglesby, Sophie Papesh 100.00 Salaries — plače 1,182.24 Administration 795.00 F. I. C. A. Tax 56.76 Fuel, Gas —Kurjava in plin 110.97 Traveling and per Diem — potovanja 148.00 Zarja—The Dawn 1,870.76 Rent — najemnina pisarne 75.00 Postage and telephone, poštnina telefon 70.32 Actuary 25.00 Fire insurance — Zavarovanje (ogenj) 293.00 Donations — darila (Juniors Christmas Parties) 135.00 Miscel. — Razno 21.40 Total disbursements in December 1970: Ledger bal. November 1970 Income In December 1970 $6,023.45 537,419.90 5,995.84 543,415.74 Total disbursement in Dec. ’70 6,023.45 $537,392.29 Fanika Humar, Secretary FINANCIAL REPORT—FINANČNO PORODILO, JAN. 1971 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. Br. Assessments ; Adults Jrs. 1 $ 93.75 163 58 86 48.60 22 — g 2 208.50 349 189 88 24.80 56 9 3 150.35 260 164 89 30.50 71 22 4 8.00 13 — a 90 18.90 42 15 5 — 100 21 91 28.50 47 11 6 43.40 103 8 92 14.95 23 1 7 50.00 94 52 93 24.60 58 2 d 8 17.35 46 93 24.90 — — 9 — 21 2 91 — 13 4 10 131.05 302 25 95 118.30 187 25 d 12 67.20 163 55 95 118.30 — — 13 57.85 111 18 96 23.50 46 — d 14 149.60 297 50 96 23.50 — — 15 94.40 195 9 97 7.25 15 — d 16 83.90 143 84 99 16 — b 17 80.00 151 78 100 33.15 49 13 19 52.50 111 24 101 20.75 28 14 20 150.35 327 63 102 36 3 b 21 60.00 114 47 103 16.55 23 13 22 — 19 — b 105 18.35 30 6 23 — 219 53 106 26.30 22 3 h 24 140.60 133 67 c 25 335.95 614 153 Total $4266.85 7950 2330 26 49.45 105 19 Assessment Pd: A- 27 — 43 3 —Jan. and Feb.; 28 42.85 73 21 B—Pd in Dec.; C— -Nov and Dec.; 29 10.65 24 6 D—for Dec.; E—Jan.. , Feb. and Mar.; 30 10.90 9 — F—Dec. and Jan.; G r—Jan to April; 31 32 81.50 79.35 85 138 27 72 H—October and November. 33 124.30 198 55 Income January 1971 34 18.30 3G 4 Dohodki—januarja 1971 35 32.10 54 38 Assessment: $4,266.85 27 21 1 Interest — obresti: 2.797.72 38 40.90 114 — Rent — najemnina 169.00 39 20.20 43 9 Ta deposit—naložba davka 22.88 40 51.80 100 2 41 77.05 196 30 Total income—skupni dohodek 7.25C.45 42 23.40 48 — 43 — 133 63 Disbursements in January 1971 45 20.50 45 14 Iskatki Januarja 1971 36 13.25 29 5 Br. 2, Chicago Helen Hujbar $100.00 47 54.65 105 36 Br. 3, Pueblo, Alma Grant B 250.00 49 33.00 30 — Br. 3, Pueblo,Amalia Jersin 100.00 50 144.00 215 94 d Br. 6, Barberton, M. Sliamrov 100.00 51 21.00 15 — e Br. 7, Forest City, F. Jakely 100.00 52 31.30 52 19 Br. 7, Forest City. Mary Sivic 100.00 54 28.55 57 40 Br. 12, Milwaukee 55 24.40 51 2 Josephine Krefel 100.00 56 41.15 93 7 Br. 13, San Francisco, 57 39.65 66 35 Sophie Sullivan B 150.00 59 31.00 29 2 c Br. 14, Cleveland, M. Perusek 100.00 61 — 5 — Br. 19, Eveleth, Mat. Rebetz 100.00 62 24.00 25 — a Br. 19, Evel., A. Berholm B 150.00 63 46.00 87 21 Br. 25, Cleveland, Jos. Skrjanc 100.00 64 35.50 45 2 a Br. 25, Cleveland, Jos. Suster 100.00 65 20.50 45 24 d Br. 25, Cleveland, Rose Kraitz 100.00 66 32.80 58 19 Br. 25, Cleveland, A. Meglich 100.00 67 40.70 68 9 d Br. 25, Cleveland, A. Dolenc 100.00 67 40.70 — — Br. 26, Pittsburgh, V. , Ivanclc 100.00 68 39.55 60 23 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, A. Keltic 100.00 70 — 14 3 Br. 28, Calumet, Irene Mishica 100.00 71 59.85 121 36 Br. 35, Aurora, Mary Peterka 100.00 72 8.75 23 — Br. 35, Aurora, Mary Knapp 100.00 73 57.70 105 71 Br. 63, Denver, Amelia Cec 100.00 74 — 30 1 Br. 63, Denver, 77 22.65 47 32 Katherine F. Mearsha 100.00 79 17.45 30 19 Br. 84, Ridgewood, 80 5.55 15 - d Geraldine Koprivšek 100.00 81 14.15 29 — Br. 84, Ridgewood, 83 8.35 17 — Theresa Lacyan 100.00 84 20.10 49 9 U Br. 85, Depue, Mary Zabavnik 100.00 85 17.75 38 2* Salaries — plače 1,182.24 Administration 345.00 FICA Tax — socialno zavarovanje 5G.76 Fuel and Gas — kurjava, plin 91.02 Dept. of Insurance — Zavarovalni zavod 2'5.00 Zarja—The Dawn 1,297.25 Office rent — najemnina 75.00 Adverti. and Stationary — pisar, potrebščine 53.38 Postage — poštnina, telefon 89.54 Insurance (Burglary) Zavarovalnina 70.00 Donation — prispevek podrž. 11.00 Actuary 21.00 Total disbursements — skupno izdatki jan. 1971 0,167.19 Ledger bal. December, 1970 537,392'.29 Income in January 1971 — dohodki jan. 1971: 7,256.45 544,648.74 Disbursement—izdatki jan. ’71 6,167.19 Bal. January 30, 1971 538,481.55 Fanika Humar, Secretary No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. — Summer activities are over and we have once again started our meetings. Still the second Sunday of the month. In November the ladies chartered a bus and went to the Blue Crytsal Inn in Greenville, Pa. to have their Christmas Dinner; they all had a good time. After dinner they stayed and danced. In December we held our Christmas Party and gift exchange, each lady brought their favorite dish. Also e-lection of officers was held. The same faces will be around for another year. We wish a lot more members would attend; we know a lot more could be accomplished. Please ladies look at your dues book and see if you are paid up. At our December the ladies talked of attending the dedication of the Chapel in Washington, D. C. on Aug. 15th. We have our bus, now all we need is to fill it up. So, ladies any of you interested in going must place a $10.00 deposit down by March. See Mildred Hulina for details. Best wishes and greetings go out to all our members in hospitals, home and in nursing homes. We wish Mrs. Frances Djubic good health and hope she is getting along fine. Best wishes also to Kathy Novad who was in the hospital and is recuperating at home. I also send a personal Thank You to the ladies for being so nice to me at the passing of my Mother in December. I will miss her very much. May she rest in peace! Birthday greetings to all our celebrants and good health to our shut-in’s. “May God Bless you all”. Mary Persic, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — The following members were elected to office at our December meeting: Angela Arko, President; Wilma Zagar, Secretary and Treasurer; Margaret Vrhovnik, Recording Secretary, Stephanie Sheehy, Auditor, and Wilma Zagar, Reporter. We wish to thank Mrs. Mary Klun, out outgoing president for her many years of service. She has been a fine president and we are sorry to see her give up the gavel. But we welcome our new president Angela Arko and look forward to working with her in the future. Our December meeting was held at the home of Margaret Vrhovnik in South Holland, and it was a lovely Christmas Party, in addition to the meeting. We thank Margaret for her gracious hospitality. Mrs. Zadnik had a fall and broke her hip. She is in St. Francis Hospital in Blue Island. I know a visit — if you are able to make it — or a card, would be greatly appreciated. Mrs. Levstik is still in the Colonial Manor Nursing Home, 339 9th St., La Grange, 111. I am sure she would be glad to hear from you too. We have quite a number of sick members right now. To all of you — please know that our good wishes and prayers are with you always. Our next meeting will be on Sunday March 14t.h at Mrs. Arko’s home. Hope to see you there. Wilma Zagar, Reporter P. S. I just heard that Mrs. Zadnik is now home from the hospital. No. 73. Warrensville, Heights, O. Congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Travnik (Frances Sukovich), having celebrated their 40th Wedding Annversary February 4th. Mrs. Travnik is a longtime member of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Mr. Travnik is a member of the City of Warrensville Heights, Ohio Fire Department. Their son Joseph, Jr. was to be married February 20, 1971. He had been in the United States Army and had served time overseas and in Vietnam. He was the recipient of a “Purple Heart”. All the members of Branch No. 73 offer our congratulations, and wish them good health and many more years of happiness. Miss Molly Danicic of Warrensville Heights, retired from Western Union Telegraph after 46 years of faithful service. She was an Accountant Supervisor at the time of her retirement December 31st 1970. Her length of service with one company is e-nough to denote her conscientiousness to her employer and also her employer’s faith and trust in Molly not only as an employee but as a person. After a good rest, and taking care of various things that one has to neglect while working, we all hope to see Molly regularly at our meetings. We all hope she has a long and contented retirement. The calendar of events for Branch No. 73 for the coming year 1971 are as follow: April 18—35th Anniversary Mass at St. Jude’s church. April 22—Annual Card Party at St. Francis of Assissi Hall, located next to St. Jude’s church. May 3—Mother’s Day Pot Luck Dinner June—Mystery Trip July and August—No meeting August 15—Washington, D. C., trip September 13—Cook out October—Birthday celebration month —Dinner out November—(no plans as yet) December 6—Christmas Party and Pot Luck Dinner Catherine Papez, a member who is connected with the Health Spa located in Maple Hgts., presented us with compliiinentary tickets for one night’s free admission, so instead of our regular monthly meeting, all the members are to meet at the Spa where those who desire to, or those without physical handicaps preventing them, can indulge in all the Spa has to offer in exercises, mechanical therapy, swimming, etc. After this session, all those participants as well as on-lookers, will converge in one of the nearby restaurants for a snack. The members participating will be hungry from their work out, and the onlookers will have worked up an appetite just watching — so look out calories — here we come! It is with deep regret at this time, and also with great personal sympathy, I find ih necessary to report the sudden death of one Michael Adamovich, the seventeen year old sou of one of our members. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Adamovich (Betty), and the second oldest of five boys. A Rosary was said at the Otto J. Vales Funeral Home on Sunday, January 3rd, with a large turn-out of our members participating. We were led in prayer by Rev. Fr. Ralph Zetzl, O. F. M. who also conducted the Funeral Mass on January 4th at St. Jude’s church. The thoughts and prayers of all our members shall continue for everlasting peace for the deceased as well as the family. Since we only just heard about the death last August of John Godfrey Sr., father of John Godfrey and father-in-law of our member Dorothy, we are at this time sending our belated sympathy to the family. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to "Jo Jo” Valich after minor surgery at Lake County Memorial Hospital. Be sure to keep the date of April 18th in mind, also on your personal calendar, as being our 35th Anniversary Mass at 9 a. m. at St. Jude's church. After this Mass and receiving Communion in a group, we shall all retire to one of the nearby restaurants for breakfast. We are all hoping that many of our members who are unable to atend our regular monthly meetings will be able to join us for this Anniversary Mass. Better late than never, but many thanks to Ann Fike, our vice president, lor the time and effort she put in making very attractive favors for our combination Christmas Party and Pot Luck Dinner. These favors were not only practical since they were “Tu-Tu balls of nylon net in the traditional red and green colors, but also had a candy cane attached to same to wet the sweet tooth. We all hope that the ravages of winter cold and its effects skips not only members of the Union everywhere, but everyone. Mildred D. Roberts, Sec’y. No. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. — As I sit and write this article, it is January and we are in the midst of a terrible cold wave. Hopefully, in March as you read this article the weather will have improved. We are looking forward to our first meeting in 1971. It will be held on the second Wednesday, April 14th at 8 p. m. at our regular location, which is St. Mary’s Lyceum on the corner of Nash and Pressley Sts. We will have a meeting concerning our Anniversary Party to be held in May. Following the meeting we will enjoy playing our favorite Penny Game. At this time all the officers and our families wish to extend to all our members and their families a joyous and Blessed Easter wishes. Don’t forget to circle April 14t.h on your calendar, so that we will be sure to see you then. Betty Ann Murphey, President No. 85, Depue, III. — A large crowd of relatives and friends attended the 50th Wedding Anniversity of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Jermene on Jan. 10th with a Mass in their honor celebrated at St. Mary’s church at 10 a. m. by Father Edward Bawiec. The former Mary Sterle and Anton Jermene were married Jan. 9, 1921 at St. Roch’s church, LaSalle, 111. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. John Yuvan, Sr. of Depue, Mrs. Angela Rokavic of Berwyn, 111. and the late John Sterle of Joliet, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Jermene have lived In Pepue all their married life. They are the parents of three children: Mary, at home, Edward of Peru, 111 and Mrs. John (Ann) Debord of Princeton, 111. They have 5 grandchildren. An open house, hosted by their children, was held at the Slovenian Dom from 2 p.m. till 5 p. m. (I was told the celebration lasted long after 5 p. m.) We wish them many more years together. They are a couple who have faithfully lived up to the vows taken 50 years ago. My husband Vincent, was the chauffer for the Wedding party on their Wedding Day. I was unable to attend the celebration due to a bad cold (which I sincerely regretted). When Vince came home, he said it was a good thing I hadn't attended as the guests were given buttons which had these words printed on them: “kiss me. I’m Slovenian” and I would have been a “cold germ carrier!” He also said that the crowd was so large, I wouldn’t have been able to get in. (I wonder if he was trying to tell me I should go on a diet again!) Deepest sympathy is extended to the Anton Tomazin family, Chicago, on the passing of Anton (husband of the former Mary Papish). Mrs. Tomazin was my neighbor in Granville, 111. when I was a little girl (which was quite a few years ago.) May he rest in peace! The weather has turned cold, but I hope at our next meeting a few more will turn out. Frances Machek, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. — We held our regular meeting on Tuesday, January 2Gtli at 5:30 p. m. with 17 members present. Following the business session, we, the members, a-long with 7 guests, enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings. This was our belated Christmas Party. The dinner was prepared and served by our President Mary Zakrajšek, with the assistance of some of the members Most of the members pitched in with the clean-up job after the dinner. A social hour followed with prizes in cards going to Rose Papatola, high in Canasta and Christine Meyer, low. Anna Bolf won high in Bridge and Ida Menard, low. It was a bitterly cold night so we appreciated the effort the ladies made in coming out. Anne Mazar Br. 89, Oglesby, III. Our January meeting was fairly well-attended. We had old business to take care of following a no meeting at the December Christmas Party. Election of officers was held and the installation was read by Mrs. Josephine Argu-bright. The books were edited and found in srdce. The charter was draped and prayers were read for the late Mrs. Sophie Papesh. Sympathy is extended to her family. The bowlers have some candy left for sale and they are making long range plans for the next tournament. Anyone knowing of a sick member plaese call the sunshine chairman Mrs. Frances Meglich. This will be my last report, the new reporter will be Mrs. Caroline Dawson. Thanks to all who helped with the news and to those who took the time to read it. Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. When the holidays are over perhaps many of you found yourselves surrounded by some free time and wanting to get away from it all! Try to attetnd one of our meetings which are relaxing and very informal and enjoy a bit of a chit-chat with some of your friends which you have not seen in a long time! Try it some times! There was no meeting in January and nothing to report, but I do want to wish a very happy and blessed birthday to the following who are celebrating in March: Catherine Al-firevich, Manda Dosen, Helen Golich, Ann Granich, Elaine Grankowski, Cecelia Isek, Mary Jurlto, Lucy Kopilash, Rose Nowak, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson, Rose Marie Perpich, Catherine Placzkowski, Helen Repaich, Dorothy Sleczka, Viola Spitz, Eva Starcevich, Josephine Zadro, Marie Zeffiro, Helen Mazar, Rose Marie Budesetich, Kathleen Rose Quinn( Sister M. Adriene), Mary Childs, Shirely Duich, Catherine Ann Hanson and Virginia D. Pilarski. Get-well wishes to all of our members who are ailing. Hoping to see all of you at our April 7th meeting. Congratulations and best wishes to Lillian Mary Grepo and Michael William Carnahan who were united in Holy Marriage recently at the Newman Catholic Student Center of Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. The bride is the daughter of Matilda Grepo, 10543 Ave. M. In conclusion, our members join me to express prayerful sympathy at the passing of Josephine Železnikar, former National Treasurer. To me she will be a great loss to our Slovenian Women’s Union as her good judgment and wisdom will be sorely missed. My foremost recollection at this moment that she was a quiet, modest woman conscious of her responsibilities and to depreciate her own charms and abilities. Her genial personality and the generous instincts of this fine woman will be missed not only by the National Officers but by everbody in the organization. To Josephine’s family and relatives we express condolences on our mutual loss. In the prayers of our Slovenian Women’s Union Josephine’s deeds and her memory will ever live. Mildred James No. 100, Fontana, Calif. We started off the year by enrolling two new members: Masters John David Jasina and John Joseph Zeitz. We also welcomed Linda Klingerman as a new addition to our branch. The officers for 1971 are as follows: Jean Kurilich, president; Maxy Omaits, secretary-treasurer; Dorothy Let’s Work Together! POST CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Until June 30, 1971 Petrich, recording secretary; Gertrude Rupert and Marie Arneson, auditors; sick committee Mary Mayzak and Celia Horzan. Yours truly was given the job of pushing the pencil again. Our spiritual advisor Father Horvath is retiring from church work. He will be replaced by Father Snoj who is now the pastor of Sacred Heart church. Birthday celebrants for the month were: Julia Vlasic, Cindy Petrich, Frances Pausek, Julia Kukman, Elsie Ciszak and Josie Squok. May the blessings of good health attend you all for many a year. This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad today. I.et us be kind and loving in all we do and say. And just as sure as sun shine brings flowers and skies of blue, right thinking and and right doing bring happiness to you. See you at the next meeting, God willing! Edith Drawenek, Reporter No. 105, Detroit. Mich.—Katherine Musich was the hostess for our first meeting of tme New Year. Katherine opened the meeting with a prayer. There were 15 members present. We all missed our president, Pauline A-damic, who is still vacationing in California. Jennie Bole was selected the new secretary. Katherine Musiclc requested that she not be elected a-gain since she has held that office for 10 years. Everyone thanks you, Katherine, for being such a faithful secretary all those years and a job well done! We know Jennie Bole will also do a great job. Audrey Krulic is treasurer and Frances Seman, reporter. Ann Senko was appointed as Mother of the Year. Nice seeing Ann Karan and Frances Rovselc again. Hope to see you more often this year. We missed all those other faithful members who always attend the meeting. Hope they weren’t ill. Ann Karun was lucky to receive the door prize which was a beautiful bud vase. Nice going, Ann! The following ladies gave extra to the kitty: Ann Karun, Catherine Mihelič, Ann Senko, Betty Karas, Fulvia Rosa, Frances Rovsek, Jennie Bole and Audrey Krulic. Thanks, ladies! Everyone enjoyed the delicious food Katherine served. Her apple strudel was delicious. We also got to meet her lovely grandchildren. Catherine Mihelič and Ann Karun looked sharp in their pants suits. Donna Stockfish had a beautiful metallic pant suit. Our Feb. meeting was at the home of Stephanie Hometz and will report on it next month. God bless all. Frances Seman, Reporter MARIE PRISLAND: Ameriški reveži Newjorslti župan se je silno razjezil, ko mu je bilo sporočeno, da je mestna dobrodelna organizacija nastanila brezdomsko mater in njene štiri otroke v največjem hotelu mesta, v Waldorf-Astoria. Najnižja enosobna najemnina za eno noč v tem hotelu stane 70 dolarjev. “Welfare” predstavniki so se opravičevali, da je družina bila izgnana iz prejšnega hotela, kjer je rent znašal le 1G6 dolarjev na teden za stanovanje z dvema sobama. Hotel je potreboval sobi za turistč, zato se je družina morala seliti in dragega prostora ni bilo. Žena je rekla, da je svetovala naj bi jim dali dve sobi pri njeni prijateljici, kjer bi najemnina znašala le 100 dolarjev tedensko. Organizacija tega ni dovolila, tako se je družina znašla v najbolj luksuznem hotelu New Yorka. Otrokom se je tam kar dopadlo, ker so upali, da bodo videli hollywoodske zvezde. Jugoslavija V najbolj razvitih predelih Slovenije dosega osebni letni dohodek približno 3,000 dolarjev, v pokrajini Kosovo v Srbiji pa komaj 50 dolarjev letno. V nekaterih predelih Hrvatske oblasti vspodbujajo ženske, da bi večkrat rodile, ker imajo več umrlih kot rojenih. Ženske-matere bi naj od vlade prejele večji otroški dodatek, daljši porodniški dopust če so zaposljene, ter večje možnosti za stanovanje. Za časa obiska ameriškega predsednika v Jugoslaviji so v Ijubljani študentje raznašali proti-ameriške letake, češ, da je predsednik Nixon imperialistični kralj. Študentje so mladi in ne pomislijo, da bi Jugoslavija danes ne bila to kar je brez ameriške pomoči. Ko se leta kopičijo. Ameriška zdravnica piše o starosti: “Rada bi povedala svoje mnenje o starosti, ki se je mnogo ljudi boji in brani. Videla sem sto in sto žensk, ki se starosti niso mogle privaditi, kar me je zelo pretreslo. Zame je doba po 60-tim letom najlepša in najdragocenejša. S starostjo se ni mogoče uspešno bojevati. Ljubezni in spoštovanje otrok si ni mogoče pridobiti s tem, da jim rečeš, da si star. Mi vsi se staramo, zato nam bodi prvi nauk: Sprijaznimo se s tem! Bojevati se s staranjem je pogubna igra, vedro in pametno se vdati staranju pa blesteča zmaga. Starost prinaša vse polno tegob, ki k starosti spadajo kot sivi lasje. Pridejo bolečine v hrbtu, v kolenih večkrat škriplje, vid in sluh pričneta padati in pozabljiv je. Vse take bolečine pa niso stvari, s katerimi bi se morali vedno ukvarjati in nanje misliti kot to počno nekateri ljudje. Človek se mora sprijazniti s tem. Glavnega toka življenja ne smemo zajeziti z vednim pritoževanjem nad malimi malenkostmi, lcl Jih starost prinese. Ko starejši človek gre v pokoj je važno za njegovo zdravje in dolgo življenje, da ima prijeten dom. Ženski je mnogo lažje iti v pokoj kot moškemu. Ženska je namreč gospodinja in to tudi ostane. Kadar odide v pokoj moški, se zanj prične novo življenje. Dokler je v službi se žene za uspehi, da ga nobena druga stvar ne zanima. Po upokojitvi pa nima več svojega navadnega dela in če si ni znal ustvariti nekaj zaposlitve ali kak “hobby”’, ga upokojitev čisto stre, ker se nima kam zateči. Prične se vidno starati in misli na smrt. Po upokojitvi se večkrat zgodi, da zakon na novo zaživi. Mož in žena se včasih še le v poznih letih najdeta ter se v tihih letih starosti zavedata, kaj pomeni tovarištvo, kaj medsebojna ljubezen. Starost pa je žalostna doba za zakonce, ki se ne razumeta, vendar žena vseeno najde delo in zanimanje pri svojih vnukih, medtem ko je mož večkrat zapuščen in potisnjen vstran in včasih celo nezaželjen pri domačih. Večkrat se postarana zakonca preselita k sinu ali hčerki, kar ni dobro. Dve gospodinji v eni liiši je nesreča za obe. Mož, ki je bil gospodar vso svoje življenje se bo pri sinu ali hčerki znašel odvisnega, kar bo zanj velika težava in postal bo siten. Star človek se veliko boljše počuti v svojem domu, čeprav skromnem, kjer je samostojen ,kot pa v najlepši hiši, kjer bi se moral ravnati po želji drugih ljudi. Duševne in telesne neprilike se pokažejo pri enem človeku prej kot pri drugem in tudi slabšajo se pri enem človeku prej kot pri drugem. Star človek si mora prizadevati, da goji mlad duh, da se ne zanemari, temveč obdrži pogled v svet, zaradi katerega se veseli novega dne, ko bo videl prijatelje, cvetlice, ptičke, orumenelo listje ali novo zapadel sneg. Starost je doba, ko mora človek biti nežen in spokojen. Mladostni boji so za njim, ravno tako pa tudi trenutki velikega veselja in zmage. Ostajajo mu le spomini na preteklost in pa modrost, ki jo lahko prinesejo le starejše leta.” Molitev Na televiziji sem slišala sledečo večerno molitev: Ljubi Bog, bodi zahvaljen za današnji dan. Ni bil ravno najboljši, lahko bi pa bil še veliko slabši. Glava me je bolela, srce je nemirno poskakovalo — pa vse sem prestal. V križu me je trikrat zbodlo, po kostech mi je trgalo, v kolenih je škripalo — a samo, da sem še živ. Slabo vidim, dobro ne slišim — pokoncu sem pa še vseeno. Težko hodim, s težavo se pripognem — drugače sem pa še kar alrijt. Jesti ne smem vsega — pijem pa še vedno lahko, zlasti kako dobro vino. Zvečer moram zobe ven djati in vzeti kak prašek, da lažje zaspim — a lepo se vležem v svojo gorko, mehko posteljo in sem popolnoma neodvisen od vsega sveta. Moje ženka je sicer mala pokora, kor je večkrat sitna — a kako dolg čas bi bil brez nje! Srečen sem, da jo imam, da nisem sam na svetu! Torej, ljubi Bog, če že ne more biti boljše z menoj, vsaj slabše naj ne bo. — Amen. Urednica ZARJE Ta mesec so na naslovni strani v slikah navedeni posamezni dogodki tikajoči se vsakomesečnega poroda našega glasila. Corinne Novak Leskovar je urednica ZARJE od leta 1952, ko je kot 251etno dekle prevzela odgovornost za naš list, katerega odlično urejuje. Poleg uredniškega dela Corinne pomaga soprogu Ludviku voditi slovensko radio uro zadnjih 20 let. V či-lcaški slovenski naselbini se ničesar važnega ne zgodi, da bi šlo mimo nje. Povsod je udeležena, povsod pomaga. Korinco imamo rade, ker je prijazna, postrežljiva in do nas starejših vedno spoštljiva. Mladini je naklonjena ter aranžira in vodi njih programe. — Njej in njeni ljubki družine! iskreno želimo mnogo lepih in uspešnih let! * # * Mož je bil poklican pred sodnika, ker je ukradel pe-telina. Z njim je šel na sodišče sinček, ki bi naj bil za pričo. Sodnik: “Fantek, zdaj boš zasilšan kot priča. Tvoj očka je obdolžen, da je ukradel pri sosedu črnega petelina, noče pa tega priznati. Ali ti kaj veš o tem?” Sinček: “Nič mi ni znamo kako perje je petelin imel, ker ga je mama spekla brez perja.” Veliki dan—Blagoslovitev slovenske kapele v Washingtonu, D. C 15. avgusta, 1971 Naš veliki praznik — blagoslovitev Slovenske kapele Marije Pomagaj — se nam kar hitro bliža. Zdaj je že čas, da se pričnemo pripravljati za ta veliki dan. Kdor se namerava udeležiti te redke slavnosti, naj pošlje svojo prijavo za rezervacijo hotela in drugo pravočasno. Ne odlašajte do zadnjega dne. Vse rezervacije za hotel in “package deal” pošljite naravnost v Washington na sledeči naslov: Slovenian Chapel Dedication Committee, % Richard Terselic, P. O. Box 6295, Washington, D. C. 20015 Park Sheraton hotel, ki lahko sprejme pod streho 3,000 oseb je v zelo lepem kraju. Cena sobam je: za 1 osebe $18.00; za 2 osebi $24.00 in za 3 osebe $27.00; otroci v spremstvu staršev so prosti. “Package deal” je $20.00 za osebo, če si to naročite pred 1. aprilom, pozneje pa bo $2'3.00. Za teh $20.00 ali $23.00 boste dobili: 1.) vstopnico za banket, ki bo v soboto večer; 2.) ogled z busom po Washington; 3.) spominsko knjigo in znak (badge); 4.) prevoz z busom iz hotela v cerkev Brezmadežne k blagosloviti in nazaj v hotel. Za potovanje od doma v Washington in nazaj domov pa se organizirajte po naelbinah in uredite tako, da boste v petek 13. avgusta popolden v Washingtonu! Za Cleveland, Ohio in okolico bodo busi pobrali potnike na štirih krajih in sicer: West Park, Newburgh, St. Clair okolica in na E. 185 St. za Euclid in okolico. Cena za bus iz Clevelanda v Washington in nazaj bo $17.25 za osebo. Za rezervacijo na busu se obrnite na zatsopnika, kateri vam je najbližji. Za naslove teh prebelite poročilo gl. predsednice. To velja za Cleveland, Ohio in okolico. Zelo razveseljivo in priporočljivo bi bilo, če bi vse naše državne predsednice in uradnice naših podružnic pričela akcijo za rezervacijo med članicami in prijatelji v svoji okolici. V resnici potrebujemo sodelovanje in pomoč vseh. Več podrobnosti bo poročanih še prihodnji mesec. Zasledujte poročila tudi v Ameriški Domovini in Amerikanskem Slovencu. Na veselo svidenje pri Mariji Fomagaj v Washingtonu! Toni Turek P. Klaude Okorn, O. F. M.: OBSOJANJE DRUGIH Nekega kitajskega državnika, ko je bil na obisku v Združenih državah Amerike, so vprašali: Kaj mu je prav posebej padlo v oči, ko se je nahajal tukaj?” Njegov odgovor je bil nenavaden in smešen. Njegov odgovor je bil: “Njihove poševne oči” Zanimivo. Vse zavisi od tega kdo opazuje koga in kako. Neki možakar se je pritoževal: “Danes ne moreš nikomur več zaupat. Ravno včeraj, ko sem kupoval dnevni časopis, mi je stari možakar pri izmenjavi denarja, dal tudi ponarejen kvoter.” Prijatelj, ki mu je to zgodbo pripovedoval, mu je rekel, da bi rad videl, da mu pokaže tisti ponarejeni kvoter. Nezadovoljnež se je začel izgovarjati, da ga nima več. Pravil je kako ga je porabil včeraj, ko je kupoval cigarete. Kako smo ljudje čudni. Pritožujemo se na drugimi, delamo pa isto sami. Pritoževanje lahko rečemo, da je splošna bolezen. Na žalost. Nekateri ljudje celo mislijo, da so pametni ker se znajo pritoževati. Nobena reč jim ni všeč. Godrn-njajo nad oblastjo, nad policijo, nad svojimi predpostavljenimi, nad učitelji, nad duhovniki, nad društvenim odborniki, nad vsem in vsakim, ima kaj za reči. Le premagovanje samega sebe bo zadržalo neljubeznive opazke in večinoma neopravičene opazke. Nihče ni popolen. Prizadevamo si, da v dobrem napredujemo. Vendar se zdi, da tako hitro najdemo napake na drugih. Ni nam všeč njihova hoja, njihovo govorjenje, njihov način oblačenja, kako vozijo avtomobil, kako se obnašajo njihovi otroci. Vse nam je povod za zabavljanje. Grehe ljudi raztegnemo na dolgo in široko. Kadar nas tozadevno jezik srbi pomislimo na Jezusovo zadržanje. Pripeljali so grešnico, ki so jo zalotili v prešuštvu. Takole je rekel: “Kdor je brez greha, naj prvi vrže kamen nanjo.” Ko so to slišali so začeli odhajati, najprej starejši. Nihče ni vrgel niti enega kamna. Kakšen nauk. Pomislimo tudi mi. DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, lil. — Kot nova poročevalka za drugo podružnico prav lepo pozdravljam vse članice SŽZ po širni Ameriki.. Tako majhno število vas poznam, pa upam, da se v bližnji bodočnosti srečamo in si podamo roke. Na decembrskem sestanku, ki je bil povezan s prijazno božičnico smo izvolile sledeči novi odbor: Mary Muller, predsednica; Nežka Gaber, podpredsednica; Fanika Humar, tajnica; Liz Zetran, blagajničarka; Corinne Leskovar, zapisnikarca; Mitzi ICrapenc, Jennie Puhek in Lil Putzell, nadzornice; Luba Troha, vratarica in Anna Zorko, kuharica. Določile smo tudi, da bomo imele redne mesečne sestanke in sicer vsak drugi četrtek v mescu. Postavile smo si cilj, da bi ti sestanki bili skrbno pripravljeni, s pestrimi programi, da tako pritegnemo novih članic in damo novega življenja naši organizaciji. Z našo novo predsednico, Mamie, ki je polna idej in z njenim sposobnim odborom bomo ta cilj gotovo dosegle. Kako delavne in polne organizacijskega duha so naše odbornice in nekatere članice se je že pokazalo pri božičnici za naše najmlajše. Obisk je bil lep, darila zelo primerno izbrana, razpoloženje domače, da so bili veseli vsi — starši in otroci. Hvala vsem, ki ste pomagale. Tudi načrti za obisk Washingtona ob priliki blagoslovitve slovenske kapelice lepo napredujejo. Izredno pomemben spominski dan bo to za vse Slovence. Da bi se ga udeležili številni naši rojaki, da pokažejo ponos na svoje poreklo in se zahvalijo in priporočajo Mariji, naši nebeški Materi! Prav lep pozdrav vsem. Krista Arko Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — Ko boste brale ta dopis bo že leto 1971 v tretjem mesecu. Želim, da bi leto zdrave in srečne preživele. Bog vas blagoslovi. Odbor za to leto je ostal po starem. Anna Markovič, predsednica; Phylis Chermelj, podpredsednica; Mary Camloh, tajnica in blaganičarka, Sophie Magajna; zapisnikarica; Milile Novak in Štefka Koncilja, nadzornici: Jennie Koren, vratarica. Seje se bodo letos vršile vsak drugi mesec, to bo na drugo nedeljo ob dveh popoldne. Zlati poroki so praznovali Mr. in Mrs. Frank Homer in Mr. and Mrs. John in Jennie Dolence. Želimo, da bi dočakali še mnogo obletnic v zdravju in zakonski sreči. V blagajno so darovale: Tončka Repič, Louise Febec, Louise Čebular, Millie Novak, Štefka Koncilja, Jennie Košir, Phyllis Chermely, Josie Brusič in Sophie Magajna. V preteklem letu smo izgubile sedem članic. V decembru je umila sestra Caroline Boyce, ki je vedno rada pomagala pri podružnici. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Naj ji sveti večna luč. Pridite v lepem številu na prihodnjo sejo. Po zadnji seji smo imele prav prijetno zabavo. Lepa hvala za božična voščila Mary Bostian in Mrs. Kopač iz Pennsylvania. Prisrčne pozdrave na vse strani! Sophie Magajna, zapisnikarica KAMPANJA ZA NOVE ČLANICE! Drage članice: V mesecu avgustu 1971 se vrši vse Slovensko romanje v Washington, D. C. ob priliki blagoslovitve Slovenske Narodne Kapele posvečne Mariji Pomagaj. Naj bo ta dan tudi pomembni za Slovensko Žensko Zvezo z proslavitvijo velikega uspeha tekoče članske kampanje. Vsaka ki pridobi 50 točk v tej kampaniji bo nagrajena s plačano vožnjo v Washington in banketne stroške “package deal” vrednost $20.00. Vsi na delo! Kampanja se zaključi 30. junija! FANIKA HUMAR, tajnica Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio — Kako hitro gre čas; komaj so minili božični prazniki in se pripravljamo že za veliko noč. Postni čas je kratek, zato si naložimo nekaj pokore, to naj bo pri jedi, da se malo vzdržimo in tudi pri drugih stvareh, da si zaslužimo zveličanje svojih duš. Mrzlo vreme je bilo vzrok, da je udeležba na zadnji seji bila pičla. Iz Floride smo prejele pozdrave od Mrs. Rupert in Mrs. Tomažin. Hvala lepa za spomin na nas. V jeseni, to bo na 10. oktobra se bo vršila naša jesenska zabava. Prosimo vas da bi naredile kaj ročnega dela zdaj v zimskem času, da bo za dobitke. Sestra Mary Strukel, ki stanuje v Californiji je prestopila k Št. 100 v Fontani. Ona se nahaja v bolnišnici. Bolne so tudi sestre Boštjančič, Šnajder in Šuštaršič. Molimo za o-krevanje vseh bolnih. Dne 23. aprila bomo imele card party v Euclid Club sobi na 222 cesti. Mr. in Mrs. Lapuh, ki vodita gostilno na 200 cesti se bostta podala v Florido na počitnice. Mrs. Mary Gerl je postala zopet stara mama, ko so v družinii hčerke dobili baby. Naše čestitke. V nedeljo 31. januarja so farani in duhovniki pri sv. Kristini se javno zahvalili organistki in pevovodkinji Mrs. Mary Gerl, ki že nad 40 let pridno deluje pri fari. Pridružujemo se tudi članice št. 14 k čestitkam in ji želimo že mnogo let delovanja v čast božjo. Lepa hvala sestri Zadnik, ki je po sestri Frances Globokar poslala čreš-njev štrudel. V Good-time blagajno so darovale dobrosrčne sestre: Tomažin, Kušar, Krajič, Kirchner, Adams, Baron, Gu-zell in Plevnik. V šolninski sklad so darovale sestre Walter, Plevnik, Zalar in Jacobs. Naj vsem Bog povrne z z dravjem ter jim podeli še mnogo let življenja. Pridite v lepem številu na sejo na drugi torek v mesecu. Lep pozdrav! A. Šuštar, poročevalka Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Odbor za leto 1971 je ustoločil naš duhovni vodja, Msgr. M. J. Butala. V odboru so: Emma Planinšek, presednica; Josephine Muster, podpredsenica; Olga Ancel, tajnica; Josephine Sumic, bla-gajnačarka; Josephine Erjavec, zapisnikarica; nadzornice: Emma Nose, Frances Hubert in Theresa Maren-tich; roditeljica Theresa Muhich. Msgr. Butala je imel lep nagovor za to priliko. Predsednica Emma Planinšek je omenila tekočo kampanjo za nove članice, ker bo nagrada za osebo, ki bo vpisala največ novih plačano potovanje v Washington, D. C. ko bo prihodnji avgust posvetitev slovenske kapele Marije Pomagaj. V odrasli oddelek je pristopila Anna Kozol; v mladinski oddelek Len in Anna Hennings, vnuki Mrs. Ann Fandelc in nečakinji Mrs. Mary Lesnik. Carita Ancel je bila izbrana kot zastopnica za podružnice v Will, Grundy County za Mental Health Association. Carita pohaja v St. Francis Academy, kjer bo letos graduirala. Prečitano je bilo pismo od Hermine Dicke, direktorice za prispevek v dobrodelni in šolninski sklad. Za častno mater v tem letu je bila izbrana nadzornica Frances Hubert. Ona je že več let v odboru in dobra delavka za podružnico. Na dnevnem radu je bila tudi Kegljaška tekma. Frances Hubert in Emma Nose sta bili izbrani, da imata v oskrbi knjižice za nagrado mali TV, ki je zelo pripraven za sobo. Tudi kegljačice imajo v prodaji knjižice, ker gre za dobrobit skupini in podružnici. Bolna je sestra Katherine Drago-van, ki je bila dalj kot mesec v bolnišnici in se sedaj zdravi na domu. Enako Paula Lukančič, sestra naše predsednice. Ko pišem te vrstice se nahaja v bolnišnici Frances Hubert, ki je nesrečno padla na ledu ob času službe in Marge Breise, žena kandidata za župana Paul Breise, ki z bratom lastuje cvetličarno. Vsem bolnim želimo, da čimprej okrevajo. Door prize za udeležbo seje je prejela Jennie Dernulc in Mrs. Mary Lesnik. Po seji je sledila mala pojedina vse pecivo in kavo ter drugo so poskrbele odbornice. Okinčale se lepo tudi mizo in to s spominčki iz Slovenije. Iskrene čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Marko Pasich, ki sta praznovala 45 letnico poroke. Slavje se je začelo s mašo v krogu prijateljev in družine. Mrs. Pasich je podpredsednica dr. sv. Ce-celije ter odbornica pri dr. sv. Družine in oltarnem društvu. Njeni sestri Mrs. Metesh in Mrs. Popek sta naši članici nad 40 let. Mrs. Mayme Haggarty se je mudila v bolnišnici in se zdaj zdravi na domu. Njej in vsem bolnim želimo hitro okrevanje. Prva seja je bila dobro obiskana. Predsednica upa, da boste prišle tudi v lem številu k prihonjim sejam. Lepe pozdrave, Josephine Erjavec, zapisnikarica Št. 30, Aurora. 111. Uredništvo ima gotovo mnogo potrpežljivosti ker jaz nadlegujem z dopisi že nad 42 let, kar je dolga doba v življenju človeka. Veliko je bilo sprememb ali eno je ostalo po starem in to je prijaznost, in zvestoba članic Zveze. Od časa do časa dobim pohvalna pisma od članic, ki rade berejo novice iz Aurore. V januarju sem pa dobila kartico s 17 podpisi od članic št. 2, katero mi je poslala Mrs. Zibert. Oh, kako sem si želela biti med vami na seji. Toda moja usoda je, da nimam svojega človeka, ki bi me kam popeljal. Nahajam se v domu za ostarele, kjer lepo skrbijo za nas in obiski so tudi dobrodošli. Imamo lep dom v Au-rori. Večkrat imamo tudi prireditve, oziroma koncerte za zabavo. Prav lepe pozdrave, Mrs. Zibert in vsem članicam Zveze! Frances Kranjc, Jenning Terrace, Aurora, 111. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. V Clevelandu imamo mrzlo vreme in precej snega. Slabo vreme je bilo gotovo vzrok za maloštevilno udeležbo na zadnjih sejah. Upamo, da bo kmalu lepše in se boste udeležile. Naša zvesta nadzornica Anna Videnšek in isto predsednica Mary Debevec sta bolni in se zdravita na svojih domovih. Isto tudi sestra Rose Kovačič, sestra Rose Strumbel boleha že par let in ne more nikamor. Prosim vse tiste, ki stanujete v bližini, da bi jo obiskale. Vsem bolnim želimo, da bi kmalu okrevale. Za vedno smo se poslovile od sester Julie Wojnovich in Angele Maček. Bili sta vestni članici in ju bomo pogrešale. Naj blagi pokojni sladko snivati v naročju matere zemlje. Naj jima sveti večna luč! V Januarju in Febrauarju so naše zveste članice prispevale $38.50 v ročno blagajno. Imena so bila poročana na seji. Vsem najlepša hvala! Po seji v januarju nas JE POGOSTILA za svoj rojstni dan sestra Ančka Skok. Želimo ji še mnogo zdravih obletnic ter najlepša hvala za pogostitev. Pridite v lepem številu na prihodnjo sejo. Skušajmo dobiti kaj novih članic. Prisrčne pozdrave. Ella Starin, tajnica Dne 23. marca bo praznovala svoj rojstni dan amrljlva tajnica št. 41, Mrs. Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Road, Cleveland 44119. Želimo, da bi ji ljubi Bog podelil še mnogo zdravih let! C. L. Umasrii Ulmfora uf i>lmnntuut Hfnnmtg Intnn - 1369 #1, SHEBOYGAN, WISC. Ribich, Mary June 7 Gustaveson, Mary Ann Dec. 18 #2, CHICAGO, ILL. Muha, Anna January 10 Foys, Catherine May 10 Foys, Clara June 4 Zugich, Angeline September 21 Lesza, Angeline Sept. 15 #3, PUEBLO, COLO. Gornik, Frances Dec. 18 Prijatel, Elizabeth January 20 Skube, Rose February 25 Kastelic, Mary May 13 Skufca, Pauline June 10 Pechavar, Emilia July 9 Rupar, Mary Oct. 7 #5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Trauner, Anna Feb. 23 Rajer, Agnes July 25 Zupančič, Josephine Aug. 4 Blazic, Gizela July 2G #6, BARBERTON, OHIO Zupec, Agnes April 28 Zupec, Frances July 19 Malnik, Mary Dtec. 26 #8, STEELTON, PA. Kostelec, Katarina Jan. 12 Gojmerac, Mary March 15 #9, DETROIT, MICH. Butala, Clara March 29 Wesel, Frances July 22 #10, CLEVELAND , OHIO Agnich, Mary March 19 Lap, Rose March 30 Valetich, Frances April 7 Gercar, Helen April 16 Bokal, Gertrude April 28 Boldin, Mary June 23 Krall, Mary November 25 Zulich, Frances Oct. 5 Zust, Mary December ■ 2 #12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Sasse, Anne January 7 Krznarich, Mary Jan. 14 Koprlvtz, Anna May 12 Werner, Molly March 2G Berelc, Frances July 17 Blasica, Mary Nov. 30 Gostechnik, Antonia Nov. 29 #13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Confetti, Frances January 14 Plut, Mary February 15 Štolfa, Vincenca June 13 Slanec, Maria July 4 Latin, Slavka November 27 Orehar, Barbara December 9 #14, EUCLID, OHIO Gorse, Frances April 12 Trebec, Antonia May 15 Sterlekar, Antonia October 1G #15, CLEVELAND, . OHIO Kurtley, Catherine January 21 Mirtic, Helen March 19 Gliha, Josephine June 2 Hočevar, Josephine October 24 #16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Jakse, Margaret June 21 Moobi, Josephine August 30 Ogrinc, Margaret October 7 Jancarlc, Anna October 18 #17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. Ferjan, Spohie March 4 Cerar, Johanna March G Maar, Frances March 11 Gudac, Julia March 18 St. Peter, Eileen August 7 Gallatin, Theresa December 13 #19, EVELETH, MINN. Hoppa, Mary January 3 Kamnikar, Alojzija January 24 Perushek, Frances April 21 Frantar, Josephine August 29 #20, JOLIET, ILL. Ambrose, Ursula January 8 Dolinshek, Mary January 10 Mutz, Anna February 5 Vlasich, Mary March 18 Kirincich, Mary May 12 Dragavan, Barbara June 11 Benedick, Jennie September 28 Pikush, Frances September 14 Gosack, Theresa Sept. 17 Musich, Caroline November 24 #21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Golic, Mary March 11 Slabe, Mary July 18 Buk, Anna Lois July 20 #23, ELY, MINN. Golob, Ursula November 5 Pucel, Rose December 7 Mayerle, Anna December 11 #24, LA SALLE, ILL. Kastigar, Mary January 1 Savnik, Mary February 10 Zakrzeski, Nellie March 8 Vidrich, Paula March 27 Malie, Ursula June 1 Radij, Josephine June 27 Tersellc, Anna August 12 Jakse, Anna December 8 #25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Vidmar, Mary January 8 Prijatelj, Mary January 9 Osredkar, Mary January 17 Vandnal, Katherine February 19 Valencie, Mary February 25 Jalen, Mary March 8 Sustar, Louise March 27 Ladina, Josephine April 26 Perko, Mary May 14 Zaverl, Mary June 13 Zupančič, Anna July 18 Švajger, Hermina July 20 Bavec, Theresa Sept. 7 Komin, Dorothy Aug. 20 Znidarcig, Mary August 15 Pohar, Anna Sept. 2G Erbežnik, Mary Oct. 17 Kozelj, Louise October 18 Trebec, Agnes November 3 Karlinger, Johanna November 30 #26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Migalic, Anna March 2 #27, NO. BRADDOCK, PA. Bolf, Ljubja January 13 Bratina, Eva June 13 Dolinar, Catherine July 10 #28, CALUMET Grahek, Mary September G #29, BROUNDALE, PA. Verboys, Anna April 25 Jakllc, Frances Nov. 10 #31, GILBERT, Vucinovich, Mary Krompotich, Mary #32, EUCLID, Ocvirak, Agnes Mayer, Anna Istenlch, Fannie #33, DULUTH, Kaskovich, Sima Schombcl, Rose Ann #35, AURORA, Turk, Mary Marinšek, Mary #37, GREANEY, Jacksha, Gertrude #38, CHISHOLM Cimermancic. Mary Debelak, Agnes Palcich, Margaret Tobak, Rose Novak, Frances Ognanovich, Angela Namisnlk, Ann #39, BIWABIK, Strukel, Mary #40, LORAIN, Kos, Antonia Dugar. Mary Woodings, Elsie #41, CLEVELANI Sernel, Jennie Debenjak, Cecelia Fabian, Amalia Svastovlch, Eva Petrie, Barbara Bavetz, Jennie MINN. March 13 May 13 OHIO January 8 Feb. 24 June 4 MINN. Aug. 18 November 11 MINN. April 7 Dlecember 29 MINN. May 25 , MINN. January 17 April 5 May 14 Sept. 13 August 12 July 6 Oct. 3 MINN. June 23 OHIO Feb. 1 August It August 25 D, OHIO January 9 January 24 February 13 February 14 April 9 August 5 Rožance, Margaret Sept. 22 ICretic, Aliec October 7 Kozel, Josephine Dec. 28 #43, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Majhenich, Herta March 28 Erste, Frances October 21 #45, PORTLAND, OREGON Sugura, Anna January 23 Satalich, Angelina December 7 #47, CLEVELAND, (GARFIELD HTS.) OHIO Locniskar, Mary January 7 Barbie, Mary April 1 #49, WICKLIFFE, OHIO Eberwein, Anna September 2G Miklavčič, Mary July 31 #52, HIBBING (KITZVILLE), MINN. Dimattio, Gertrude February 17 #55, GIRARD, OHIO Pavlinac, Theresa April 17 Sipusic, Margaret June 16 #56, HIBBING, MINN. Zajc, Rose P. February 14 Theodore, Mary July 3 Majerle, Rose Sept. 6 Golob, Laura Sept. 23 Buchar, Jennie Dec. 26 #57, NILES, OHIO Halko, Vera April 24 Dolence, Ann October 21 #59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Launder, Mary April 7 #62, CONNEAUT, OHIO. Mllakovich, Magdalena July 15 #63, DENVER, COLO. Canjar, Mary Margaret Aug. 1 #64, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Wolf, Anna May 8 Bratkovich, Anna May 16 #65, VIRGINIA, MINN. Yelenich, Anna Feb. 1 Cholich, Frances July 22 ICovacich, Rose December 3 #66, CANON CITY, COLO. Adamic, Cecelia January 29 Sustarsic, Theresa March 11 #72, PULLMAN, ILL. Dolinar, Mary February 21 #73, WARRENSVILLE, OHIO Lubanovich, Lucy April 22 #74, AMBRIDGE, PA. Rosenberger, Katherine March 31 Mutz, Mary November 12 #77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Klemenc, Anna January 6 Murslack, Rose November 15 Bukovcan. Mary Nov. 22 #80, MOON RUN, PA. Gregor, Mary February 17 #83, CROSBY, MINN. Grgurich, Katarina Sept. 20 #84, NEW YORK, N.Y. Pirnat, Antonia March 2 Koprivnik, Agnes May 30 Valetie, Mary October 20 #85, DE PUE, ILL. Croissant, Genevieve November 18 #88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Sudonick, Mary April 13 #89, OGLESBY, ILL.. Nemeth, Frances March G Slogar, Mary June 19 #91, OAKMONT, PA. Solomon. Mary October 19 Matossa, Concetta Dee. 14 #95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Mravicich, Anna Feb. 11 Udovich. Margaret March 6 #97, CAI RN BROOK, PA. Satkovich, Angela Nov. 10 #99, ELMHURST, ILL. Alberti, Christine January 13 #100, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA ICrisantz. Josephine May 26 #102, WILLARD, WISC. Artac, Jobanna December 7 #104, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Zallar, Theresa October 10 I Št. 47, Cleveland, Ohio. — V decembru smo bile vse dni zaposlene s pripravami za božično sezono. Božičnico smo praznovale dne 6. decembra skupno z gospodinskim klubom S. D. D. na Prince Avenue. Kosilo sta nam pripravili Anna Kresevic in Jennie Bartel. Na mizo so nam pridno nosile dobrote naša Predsednica Jennie Gerk, Stela Mahnich, Mary Taucher in Ann Christofek. Vsem, ki ste v enem ali drugem, oziru prožile pomoč, prav lepa hvala za dobro izvršeno delo. Obiskal nas je Miklauž, ki je člnicam mladinskega oddelka razdelil darove, slaščice, katerih so bile zelo vesele. Starejše članice smo si izmenjale božična darila. Gos-podinski klub ima odsek skrivnih sester in tudi to se je izvršilo v lepem redu. Prepevale smo božične pesmi. Spomnile smo se na one, ki so pred časom se veselile z nami ter odšle prerano in zapustile ta svet in sedaj uživanjo nebeško veselje. Letna seje se je vršila 10. januarja v S. N. D. v Maple Hgts. Odslej se bodo tam vršile naše seje. Odbornice so vse ostale na svojih mestih. Za častno mater je bila izvoljena podpredsednica Mary Sholar. Bila je vedno aktivna. Druge vrline bomo opisale v majski Zarji. Dne 17. junija bo poteklo 40 let odkar je bila podružnica ustanovljena. To obletnico bomo praznovale 20. junija skupino z materinsko proslave v SNDomu v Maple Hgts., bomo i-mele kosilo za članice in njihove družine. Dne 27. junija se bomo udeležile svete maše v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca, ki bo darovana za žive in umrle članice to bo ob 11:30 dopoldne. Podrobnosti bodo objavljene pozneje. Naša blagajničarka Antonija Dolinar je dne 1C. januarja praznovala svoj 75 letni rojstni dan. Ona je v odboru že od ustanoviteve ter je žrtvovala veliko časa in dela za korist podružnice. V imenu članic ji izrekam zahvalo in voščilo za god in rojstni dan. Bog ji daj zdravje še mnogo let in veselja v krogu njenih dragih! Blagajničarka sestra Jennie Praznik, je bila ponesrečena z avtom, ko je šla preko ceste jo je voznik podrl in dobila je poškodbe na glavi. Želimo ji, da se kmalu pozdravi. V sem našim bolnim članicam pošiljamo pozdrave, da bi jim Bog dal ljubo zdravje v tem letu! Hvala Mary Culkar, ki je v lepih besedah opisala “Remembering a Beautiful Day” v januarski Zarji. Ona se res zanima za obstoj slovenskih tradicij in kulturnega življenja. Družino je lepo vzgojila da so vsi dobri pevci in spadajo v pevski zbor Triglav. Njena vnukinja Sharon se je poročila 19. decembra 1970. Starši so Mr. in Mrs. Frank Culkar. Ženin je sin Mr. in Mrs. Frank Loucka. četitke staršem ter obilo sreče novim zakoncema. Prihodnja seja bo 14. marca v SNDomu v Maple Hgts., 5050 Stanley Ave. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Jennie Pugely, tajnica Št. 84, New York City, N. Y. — V letu 1970 smo imele več nesrečnih slučajev. Dve sta umrli in štiri smo iskale zdravje po bolnišnicah. Sestra Tomšič je padla po stopnicah in si zlomila obe roki. Ivanka Svete je bila v bolnici deset tednov in 17. decembra sem morala jaz na o-peracijo. Hvala Bogu in Mariji Pomagaj, da se je srečno izšlo. Dne 10. januarja sta me hčerka Betty in zet vzela na njun dom, kjer sem zdaj že štiri tedne. Hčerka me je prišla vsako popoldne obiskat, čeprav je bilo silno mrzlo vreme in ima tri otroke. Ravno tako je prišel sin Stanley in žena, stanujejo 50 milj iz mesta in isto sin Frank in žena, ki stanujejo 40 milj daljave. Vsem sem iz srca hvaležna za ljubeznivost in obiske, kateri so zahtevali mnogo časa, ko so prišli v bolnišnico me obiskati. Bog vam plačaj za veliko zanimanje zame, kar mi je mnogo pomagalo, da sem hitreje okrevala. Dva tedna pred Božičem je kap zadela sestro Ani Kepič in ji onemogla eno stran. To bo vzelo precej časa preden bo zdrava, ter bo s palico hodila. Bog daj vsem odslej ljubo zdravje in upamo, da se skupaj snidemo na seji 12. maja to bo na Woodward in Madison v Wintergarden. Do takrat bo gotovo lepo vreme. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki so mi poslali voščilne kartice ter me večkrat poklicali po telefonu. Vsem skupaj prisrčna hvala! Pozdrav vsem članicam naše dične organizacije! Angela Voje, pred. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas. — V januarju smo imele zelo mrzlo vreme, toda snega ni bilo preveč, kar še lahko pride. Na glavni seji je bil ponovno izvoljen ves stari odbor. Sklenjeno je, da vsaka članica plača en dolar v ročno blagano, da bo za stroške, kot plača tajnici, najemnina za seje in za vsako umrlo darujeme 5 dolarjev za sv. mašo. Za častno mater je bila izbrana sestra Mary Majerle. Opis bo v majski Zarji. Po dolgem bolehanju je 15. januarja umrl Leopold Martinčič, star 86 let. Zapustil je ženo, štiri sinove, hčer ter več vnukov. Dne 27. januarja je preminula Juliana Mejak, mati nešega dušnega pastirja. Njen vnuk je tudi misijonar. Hči je prej preminula ter sestra Vero Klebl. Mrs. Mejak je bila mirna, ponižna žena ter z vsakim prijazna. Kot mlada vdova je s teškim delom vzgojila tri hčerke in sina duhovnika, ki so vsi zdaj v starosti lepo poskrbeli za njo. Mašo zadušnico je opravil sin in pri obredih je bil navzoč prezv. nad-škol Ignacij Strekal in tudi več drugih duhovnikov. Peli so šolski otroci pod vodstvom častite sestre Loretta in prednice sestre Margaret. Lepo so vsi izkazali zadnjo čast zaslužni pokojni. Naj vsem pokojnim sveti večna luč. Ml jih bomo ohranili v moliltvah. Vsem sorodnikom izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Mr. in Mrs. Skradski, ki uspešno vodita pogrebni zavod v našem mestu sta se podala na potovanje po Evropi. Obiskala bosta mesto Rim, kjer hčerka obiskuje Loyola Universitiy, to je blizu Vatikana. Obiskala bosta tudi sorodnike po hrvatski pokrajni. Želimo, da bi imela prijetno potovanje ter isto srečen povratek med nas. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam naše dične organizacije ter vesele in lepe približujoče velikonočne prznike, in dosti pirhov! Antonia Kostelec, preds. in poroč. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Zimo imamo prav mrzlo, danes je 8 pod ničlo. Seja je bila dobro obiskana, čeprav je bilo mrzlo vreme. Ne seji smo izvolile Zofi Getzelc za zaslužno mater. Sklenile smo, da bomo praznovala 35 letnico obstoja podružnice 4. aprila. Ustanovljena je bila 8. marca, 193G, toda na ta dan se bo vršila tukaj druga prireditev in smo odložile do 4. aprila. Naše sožalje družini sestre Mary Delost, nad izgubo svakinje Antonije Požar, ki je umrla v Clevelandu 10. januarja. Pokopana je bila iz Canonsburg na St. Patrick pokopališče. Naj počiva v miru božjem. Globoko sožalje tudi Lucy Smith in Agnes Boštjančič, ki sta imeli v družini smrtno slučaje. Za boljšo udeležbo smo premestile seje od dinge srede na tretjo sredo in to na vsake tri mesece. Želim vsem ljubo zdravje ter vas lepo pozdravljam. Mary Tomšič Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Pri nas imamo letos zelo mrzlo vreme, toda ne preveč snega, kar še lahko pride. Sporočam, da sta umrli dve članici v letu 1970 in sicer Rose Sustersic in Mary Škerl. Bili sta stari nad 80 let. Naj jima sveti večna luč! Več naših članic se nahaja bolnih. Mary Martinčič, stara nad 90 let, boleha vso zimo; Jennie Sturm se nahaja v Akron, Ohio. Zaradi slad- korne bolezni je izgubila vid in eno nogo. Bolna je tudi Terezija Klučar. Vsem bolnim, želimo, da bi bile kmalu zopet zdrave. Meseca avgusta se nas je skupina članic podala v Washington, D. C. Naš vodič in voznik na avtobusu je bil zelo prijazen in nam je razkazal mnogo zanimivih krajev med temi tudi katedralo Brezmadežnega Spočetja. Timi imajo v pritljičju restaura-cije, kjer smo dobile jedila po izbiri. Videle smo tudi grobnico pokojnega predsednika John F. Kennedy. Namen imamo biti navzoče za posvetitev slovenske kapele meseca avgusta letos. Kličem po telefonu in vam pišem, pa ne dobim nobenega odziva. Lepo prosim za sodelovanje! Jennie Stužek, tajnica. JUNIOR’S PA QE III BOYS AND GIRLS! God, the Creator of heaven and earth, “made the fishes and other creatures that were to live in the water. He also made birds and other creatures that were to fly in the sky . . . and all the animals that were to live on the ground.” God’s animals frequently play an important role in the sayings of the prophets and in the parables that. Jesus used to make his teaching plain to his hearers. The very first animal one hears of in the Bible is the serpent through which the devil tempted Eve. In obedience to God’s command Noah built an ark and into it he loaded two of every living animal. And after forty days Noah sent a dove who after the third time did not return to the ark. When God tested Abraham to see whether he loved his son Isaac more than he loved God, God provided a ram for the sacrifice. As Jonas the prophet was inside the whale for three days, so Christ was in the tomb for three days. In the New Testament the first animals of importance were the animals in the stable of Bethlehem, wherein Jesus was bom. There were also the flocks of the Christmas sheperds and the camels of the kings. At Capharnaum, following the catch of fishes,Jesus said to Simon and Andrew, John and James and others, “I will make you fishers of men.” In one of His parables, Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep .... I lay down My life for My sheep.” For the Passover Feast Jesus came to Jerusalem riding a donkey, about whom G. K. Chesterton wrote the following poem: “When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood, Then surely I was born; With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings, The devil’s walking parody On all four-footed things. The tattered outlaw of the earth Of ancient, crooked will; Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour; One far fierce hour and sweet; There was a shout about my years, And palms before my feet.” And lastly, there was the cock who crows as Christ foretold: Be- fore a cock crows, you will deny Me three times. One of David’s psalms sings of Gods care of all creatures: In wisdom you have wrought them all—the earth is full of your creatures. Your friend, REGINA WHY THE ROBINS BREAST IS RED James Ryder Randall The Saviour, bowed beneath His Cross, climbed up the dreary hill, And from the agonizing wreath ran many a crimson rill; The cruel Roman thrust Him on with unrelenting hand, Till, staggering slowly 'mid the crowd, He fell upon the sand. A little bird that warbled near, that memorable day, Flitted around and strove to wrench one single thorn away; The cruel spike impaled his breast, —and thus ’tis sweetly said, The robin has his silver vest incarnadined with red. Ah, Jesu! Jesu! Son of man, my dolor and my sighs Reveal the lesson taught by this winged Ishmael (outcast) of the skies; I, in the palace of delight or cavern of despair. Have plucked no thorns from Thy dear brow, but planted thousands there! What famous animal or animals: 1. Jumped over the moon? 2. Was turned into a coachman? 3. Thought the grapes were sour? 1. Had a head at both ends? 5. Lost their mittens? 6. Talked with a carpenter? 7. Galloped through the sky? 8. Was freed from a net by a mouse? 9. Turned to butter? 10. Cooked a wolf? ANSWERS: ANIMAL QUIZ X.iois A'.ias.mu) sSjd aojji aa.iqi '01 (oqnius >pi?iu amn) saa3n '6 (saiqi!^ s.dosay) uoji '8 (