T. KROUPA et al.: ONE-DIMENSIONAL ELASTO-PLASTIC MATERIAL MODEL WITH DAMAGE ... 213–218 ONE-DIMENSIONAL ELASTO-PLASTIC MATERIAL MODEL WITH DAMAGE FOR A QUICK IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL PROPERTIES ENODIMENZIJSKI MODEL ELASTOPLASTI^NEGA MATERIALA S PO[KODBO ZA HITRO UGOTOVITEV LASTNOSTI MATERIALA Tomá{ Kroupa, Hana Srbová, Jan Klesa University of West Bohemia, NTIS – New Technologies for the Information Society, Univerzitní 22, 306 14, Plzeò, Czech Republic kroupa@kme.zcu.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-02-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.173 Material parameters for elastic, plastic and damage behavior of low-molecular-weight epoxy resin CHS-EPOXY 520 hardened with CHS-P 11 are identified in the paper. Uniaxial cyclic static tests were performed on specimens in line with the ASTM standard D638 - 10 using a Zwick Roell/Z050 test machine with a BTC-Exaclbi.001 clip-on biaxial extensometer. Poisson’s ratio and tensile strength were calculated directly from the test results. Other parameters were identified using a combination of a one-dimensional material model, which assumes the infinitesimal strain theory and takes into account elastic, plastic and damage behavior and the optimization method. The model is coded in Python and the values of the material parameters are identified using the optiSLang optimization software. The optimization process uses simple design improvement and gradient-based algorithms with the goal to minimize the difference between the force-elongation curves recorded during the tests and those calculated with the proposed model. Keywords: epoxy, identification, optimization, elasticity, plasticity, damage V ~lanku so opredeljeni parametri epoksi smole z majhno molekulsko maso CHS-EPOXY 520, utrjeno z CHS-p 11, pri elasti~nem, plasti~nem obna{anju in pri po{kodbi. Enoosni stati~ni cikli~ni preizkusi so bili izvedeni na vzorcih, ki ustrezajo ASTM standardu D638-10, z uporabo Zwick Roell/Z050 preizkusnega stroja z name{~enim dvoosnim ekstenziometrom BTC-Exaclbi.001. Poissonov koli~nik in natezna trdnost sta bili izra~unani neposredno iz rezultatov preizkusov. Drugi parametri so ugotovljeni s kombinacijo enodimenzijskega modela materiala, ki predpostavlja infinitezimalno teorijo napetosti in ki upo{teva obna{anje v elasti~nem, plasti~nem in ob po{kodbi ter metodo optimizacije. Model je kodiran v Pythonu in vrednosti parametrov materiala so ugotovljene z uporabo optiSLang programske opreme za optimizacijo. Proces optimizacije uporablja enostavno izbolj{anje oblike in algoritme, ki temeljijo na gradientu, s ciljem po zmanj{anju razlike med krivuljo sila – raztezek zabele`ene med preizkusom in izra~unane z uporabo predlaganega modela. Klju~ne besede: epoksi, identifikacija, optimizacija, elasti~nost, plasti~nost, po{kodba 1 INTRODUCTION A model simulating one-dimensional pure tensile, compressive or shear tests is proposed. This approach is able to predict a one-dimensional response of materials with elastic, plastic and damage behavior. The model is based on the idea to reduce the computational time necessary to identify characteristic parameters of the tested material. The presented model is not necessarily, or primarily, meant to be used for the final identification of material parameters; it can only be used for investi- gating the starting values or boundaries of the parameters in the subsequent identifications performed using, e.g., a finite-element model1,2 or other models.3 The model is written in free-licensed programing language Python using only widely used and common modules numpy, matplotlib, os and pickle. Pre-processing of the experi- mental results for the further identification process is also performed in Python. The paper presents results for pure epoxy resin; nevertheless, the model is not limited to such type of material. 2 SPECIMENS AND THE EXPERIMENT Nine specimens shaped according to ASTM standard D638-10 (Figure 1) were cut from a rectangular plate with dimensions of approx. 140 mm × 250 mm. The specimens were made of low-molecular-weight epoxy resin CHS-EPOXY 520 hardened with CHS-P 11. The Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 213–218 213 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 66.017:620.1:620.169.2 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(2)213(2017) Figure 1: Dimensions of the specimens Slika 1: Dimenzije vzorcev air from the mixture was removed with a vacuum pump and the resin was then cured at atmospheric pressure, which increased the quality of the epoxy resin by reducing the number and volume of bubbles. A ZWICK ROELL/Z050 test machine with a BTC-EXACLBI.001 clip-on biaxial extensometer was used for the experimental tests. The specimens were subjected to cyclic tensile tests. During each cycle, unloading was started every time the elongation between the extensometer arms (the gage area) exceeded a multiple of l = 0.02 mm. During the corresponding cycle, loading started when the tensile force decreased below the multiple of 30 % of the force at the start of the unloading. All the tests were performed at room temperature of 22 °C. Figure 2 shows a typi- cally cracked specimen with a rupture. 3 MATERIAL MODEL The free-energy-function method was used for the formulation of the model.4,5 In this paper, the free-energy function  is proposed in the form of the sum of elastic, plastic and damage parts:        = − + + ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥∫∫ 1 1 2 1 2 00 E D bE( )( ) )P Pd d P (1) where  is the density of the material; E is Young’s modulus; D is the damage factor; E is the elastic strain;  P is the equivalent plastic strain; R is the hardening- associated quantity; is the damage variable; and B is the damage-associated quantity. Generalized forces are described in more detail below. The stress is calculated in Equation (2) as:    = = − ∂ ∂ E EE D( )1 (2) where stress is considered as the nominal stress acting in the whole area of the cross-section of a specimen. Stress D is the stress acting in the undamaged area of the cross-section of a specimen:4   D E E= − = − = ( ) ( )1 1D D E ∂ ∂ (3) The damage-associated energy, in this case identi- cally equal to the strain energy density of the undamaged material, is Y D E= − =   ∂ ∂ 1 2 2( )E (4) The hardening-associated quantity, which defines the plastic material behavior, is: R( )    P P= ∂ ∂ (5) And the damage-associated quantity, which defines the damage material behavior, is: B( )   = ∂ ∂ (6) The model is considered as a nonlinear material and the infinitesimal-strain theory is used in Equation (7):   = l l (7) where  is the total strain; l is the elongation of the gage area and l is the original length of the gage area. The elasto-plastic decomposition of the axial strain  is also considered:6,7   = +E P (8) where P is the plastic strain. The function of plasticity decides whether the plastic flow will be present. It is proposed in the following form: F R RP r y r P= − = − + ≤ ( ( ))0 0 (9) where r = D , which implies the assumption that the plastic flow is present only in the undamaged part of the cross-section and that the plastic flow will occur in tension as well as in compression; y is the yield stress and R0 is the initial yield stress. The function of damage is proposed in the following form: F Y B BD r= − + ≤( ( ))0 0 (10) where Yr ≡ Y, therefore, as in the case of plasticity, no distinction between the tensile and compressive damage is considered; B0 is the energy necessary for the damage initiation. Rates of quantities are expressed below. Time deri- vatives ("·") are replaced by time step changes ("") because all the analyses were performed as quasi-static. The change in the plastic strain P is:    P P P P sign= = ∂ ∂ F ( ) (11) where P is the plastic multiplier. The change in the equivalent plastic strain  P is:   P P P P= − = ∂ ∂ F R (12) The change in the damage factor D is:   D F Y = − =D D D∂ ∂ (13) where D is the damage multiplier. The change in the damage variable is: T. KROUPA et al.: ONE-DIMENSIONAL ELASTO-PLASTIC MATERIAL MODEL WITH DAMAGE ... 214 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 213–218 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Cracked specimen Slika 2: Prelomljen vzorec   = − =D D D∂ ∂ F Y (14) If inequalities (9) and (10) are fulfilled, the calcu- lation of responses is simple. Otherwise, the changes of the unknown variables (P,  P , D,  , P, D) must be calculated. The following section shows the solution of this problem in the presented model. 4 CALCULATION OF RESPONSES The calculation of the unknown variables is per- formed in several steps. 1. The so-called trial state is used. Firstly, the change in the total strain is considered only as a change in the elastic strain, which leads to:   trial E E= +t (15) where  trial E is the trial value of the elastic strain;  t E is the elastic strain at the end of the previous time step and  is the change in the total strain in the present time step. Trial values of the other quantities are considered as the values at time t. The values of the plasticity and damage functions are calculated using (9) and (10). If the inequalities in the mentioned equations are fulfilled, no plastic or damage quantities are changed and the trial values of strain and stress calculated using (2) are con- sidered as the values in time t+t and the calculations for the time step are finished. Otherwise the return mapping algorithm described in step 2 is used. 2. Using relations:     P trial E E (16) and     P P trial P (17) and the fact obvious from relations (13) and (14) that D = = D, the set of six equations from (9) to (14) can be transformed into the set of two equations with two unknowns (E and D). The first equation has the following form: E R K n  E R P R− =0 0( ) (18) where KR and nR are the shape parameters of the hard- ening function. The equivalent plastic strain  P is cal- culated as:     P trial P trial P E Esign= + −( ) ( )E (19) where  trial P is the trial value of the equivalent plastic strain. The term in the shape of the classical power law used in Equations (9) and (18):  y nR K= −0 R P R( ) (20) is the hardening function. The second equation is: 1 2 02 0E B B D( ) ( ( )) E − + = (21) where term (B0 + B(D)) defines the damage behavior of the material. Equations (18) and (21) can be solved separately. The first equation (18) needs to be solved numerically. In the present paper, E is obtained with the golden-section method in the interval   trial P trial P− . Other variables can be calculated from relations (16) and (19). The solution of the second equation (21) can be written in the explicit form. It is not necessary to know the exact shape of function B = B( ) = B(D) because it is only necessary to define inverse function B–1 = B–1(Y) = B–1(E). Then D B E E= −⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟−1 2 21 2 1 2 ( ) ( ) E 0 E (22) where 0 E is the initial strain for the damage evolution and B0 is assumed in the following form: B E0 21 2 = ( ) E (23) The exact shape of D is, in this paper, proposed in the following form: D D K K n = −⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ + ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ + − − u B E 0 E f E B E ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (      2 2 2 2 1 0 E f E ) ( ) 2 2 ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ m (24) with n a = ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟   r f 1 (25) and m a = ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟   f r 2 (26) where Du is the ultimate damage factor, for which the total failure of the material occurs; KB and r are the parameters of the damage-factor dependency defining the position of the inflection point of the damage curve;  f E is the strain at which failure occurs and a1 and a2 are the shape parameters. 3. Once the plastic strain, damage factor and all the other variables including the stress are known, the next time step can be solved. The model includes 11 material parameters sum- marized in Table 1. The calculation of the whole analysis of the cyclic tensile test with almost 3000 time steps is done in less than 1 second on the machine with Intel® Core I7-4790, a four-core CPU, running at the frequency of 3.60 GHz using Windows 7 operating system with an SSD disk. T. KROUPA et al.: ONE-DIMENSIONAL ELASTO-PLASTIC MATERIAL MODEL WITH DAMAGE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 213–218 215 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Table 1: Material parameters Tabela 1: Parametri materiala Parameter Units Meaning E Pa Elastic modulus R0 Pa Initial yield stress Kr Pa Shape parameter of the hardeningcurve nR – Shape parameter of the hardeningcurve Du – Maximum value of damage that thematerial can absorb before failure KB – Coefficient defining the position ofthe inflection point 0 E – Initial elastic strain for damage f E – Strain at which failure occurs r E – Strain defining the position of theinflection point a1 – Shape parameter of damage curve a2 – Shape parameter of damage curve 5 IDENTIFICATION Raw experimental data are pre-processed for the further identification. Important data points such as the maxima and minima of the loading cycles and cross points are found (Figure 3). Averaged values of these points serve as the target for the further identification. In order to identify the material parameters, the diffe- rence between numerical and experimental results is minimized. Function r defining this difference is the so-called total residual. It is the sum of five particular residuals and it is minimized in the identification process. The first residual is the difference between tensile curves rL: r N F l F l F i i i N L L E F E L = −⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ∑1 1 2 ( ) ( ) max Δ Δ (27) where superscripts E and N stand for the experimental and numerical analysis, respectively; NL is the number of points, in which the curves are compared (the number of Pmax points); li is the elongation of the specimen related to the point Pmax and the denominator Fmax E is the maximum force in the target curve used as the weight coefficient. According to Figure 3, the target for tensile curves in the experiment is considered as the connection of Pmax points. Pure epoxy shows a negligible difference bet- ween points Pmax and Pint unlike the other materials such as textile composites, rubber, etc. In a numerical analy- sis, if a model does not consider viscoelasticity (which is true of the presented model) these two points coincide. Figure 4 shows the idea of a comparison of the tensile curves and the calculation of residual rL. The second residual rK is the difference between the tangents of the unload-load cycles of the experimental data kE and numerical data kN: r N k l k l k i i i N K K E N E K = −⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ∑1 1 2 ( ) ( ) max Δ Δ (28) where NK is the number of the points, in which the curves are compared; Δli is the elongation of the speci- men related to the point Pmax and the denominator is the maximum value of the tangent in the experiment used as the weight coefficient. The tangents k are the first derivatives of the straight line connecting points Pmax and Pmin (Figure 3). The third residual rmF is the difference between the values of the maximum forces: r F FmF N E= − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟1 max max (30) where Fmax N is the maximum force reached in the numerical analysis and Fmax E is the value from the target function. The fourth residual rmD is the difference between the values of the elongations related to the points of maximal forces: r l l F F mD N E= − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟1 Δ Δ max max (31) T. KROUPA et al.: ONE-DIMENSIONAL ELASTO-PLASTIC MATERIAL MODEL WITH DAMAGE ... 216 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 213–218 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Comparison of the tensile curves Slika 4: Primerjava nateznih krivulj Figure 3: One unload-load cycle and important points Slika 3: En cikel razbremenjeno – obremenjeno in pomembne to~ke where Δl Fmax N and Δl Fmax E are the elongations related to the points where force-elongation curves reached their maxima of the force in the numerical analysis and in the experiment. Finally, the fifth residual rE is the difference between the values of the force measured after brittle crack (zero values) and the forces calculated in the numerical analysis, subsequent to the point where the curve reaches its maximum: r N F l F i i N E E N E E = ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ∑1 1 2 ( ) max Δ (32) This particular residual is used to induce the model to get to the state where the brittle crack occurs. Once the particular residuals are known, the total residual can be calculated as: r r r r r r= + + + +L T mF mD E (33) Optimization software OptiSLang 3.2.3. was used. Gradient and simple design improvement algorithms were used.8 6 RESULTS Figure 5 shows the force-elongation dependency. Note that the deviation of the maximum forces in the experiments is not negligible. Considering the deviation of the experimental results, the identified dependency shows sufficient agreement; nevertheless, it is slightly more curved than the experi- mental target. Figure 6 shows the comparison of the results for the calculated tangents of the unload-load cycles. The first cycle was ignored because of the influence of the inaccuracies of the experimental results for low loading forces. The comparison of the curves is performed within the interval where all the measured specimens provide the necessary data. The first specimen reached its strength limit at an elongation of about 0.25 mm. The justification for this choice is as follows: after reaching the mentioned elongation limit, significant jumps in the dependence of the averaged experimental results occur because of the disappearing data from each cracked specimen. Figure 7 shows the identified hardening function. Dependency of the damage factor on the elastic strain is shown in Figure 8. The modulus ED = E(1 – D) occurs right before the brittle fracture and equals 3.55 GPa and the damage factor is D = 0.47 (see the gray circle in Figure 8). The identified material parameters including those calculated directly from the experiment are given in Table 2. T. KROUPA et al.: ONE-DIMENSIONAL ELASTO-PLASTIC MATERIAL MODEL WITH DAMAGE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 2, 213–218 217 Figure 7: Hardening function Slika 7: Funkcija utrjevanja Figure 5: Force-elongation dependency. Dots represent points Pmax . Grey bold line is the target experiment; black bold line is the nume- rical analysis. Slika 5: Odvisnost sile od raztezka. To~ke predstavljajo Pmax. Siva, oja~ana linija je cilj preizkusa, ~rna oja~ana linija je numeri~na ana- liza. Figure 6: Tangent of unload-load cycle vs. elongation. Grey bold line is the target experiment; black bold line is the numerical analysis. Dots represent tangents k for each cycle in each experiment. Slika 6: Tangenta na cikel obremenjeno – razbremenjeno, raztezek. Siva oja~ana krivulja je cilj raziskave, ~rna debela krivulja je nume- Table 2: Identified parameters. Parameters with * were calculated directly from the experimental results. Tabela 2: Ugotovljeni parametric. Parametri ozna~eni z *, so bili izra~unani neposredno iz eksperimentalnih rezultatov Parameter Value Unit E 6.64 GPa R0 0.00 MPa KR 149.19 GPa nR 1.10 - Du 0.76 - KB 0.62 - 0 E 0.00 % r E 0.46 % f E 1.17 % a1 2.48 - a2 6.95 - v* 0.29 - S* 41.67 MPa 7 CONCLUSION A relatively simple and effective algorithm for the calculation of the response of a material, showing elastic, plastic and damage behavior is proposed. The plastic and damage-flow problems are solved separately. A set of equations is transformed into a single nonlinear equation in the case of the plastic-flow problem and the equation is solved with the golden-section algorithm, which is extremely effective. The other set of equations that need to be solved in order to calculate the damage factor is transformed into one explicit formula for calculating the damage factor. An appropriate identification process is proposed and its effectivity is shown in the case of the cyclic tensile tests of pure epoxy resin. The function that is minimized during the identification process is the sum of five inde- pendent residuals, each quantifying a difference between experimental and numerical results. These residuals express the differences between tensile-elongation dependencies and the values of the tangents of the unload-load cycles, the distance between the point of the maximum force reached in force and elongation direc- tions and the value of the force after the brittle fracture of the specimen is minimized. The model and the iden- tification process are robust and time effective. Acknowledgement This publication was supported by project LO1506 of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. 8 REFERENCES 1 T. Kroupa, V. La{, R. 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