49 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 CORRELATION OF MORPHOLOGIC AND MOTOR VARIABLES WITH PERFORMANCE OF YOUNG FEMALE SPRINTERS ON 60 METERS POVEZANOST MORFOLO[KIH IN MOTORI^NIH SPREMENLJIVK Z USPE[NOSTJO MLADIH [PRINTERK V TEKU NA 60 METROV Katja Toma`in Milan ^oh Branko [kof Abstract This study explains the role of morphological and mo- toric parameters in sprinting performance of young female sprinters in the 60 m run. Fifteen motoric and fourteen morphological parameters were used. The criterion was result of a 60 m run. The subject sam- ple consisted of fifty-five girls, from 11 to 12 years of age. With the method of expert modelling we evaluated performance in the space of motoric and morpholo- gical parameters. The correlation between the result of a 60 m run and potential successfulness was esti- mated with Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The cor- relation is statistically significant at a level of 1% error. Key words: sprint running, girls, motor skills, morpho- logical characteristics, modelling Izvle~ek Naloga pojasnjuje povezanost morfolo{kih in motori~- nih spremenljivk z uspe{nostjo mladih {printerk v teku na 60 m. V motori~nem prostoru smo zajeli baterijo petnajstih spremenljivk, v morfolo{kem prostoru pa smo zajeli baterijo {tirinajstih spremenljivk. Kriterijsko spremenljivko je predstavljal rezultat v teku na 60 m. Obravnavani vzorec je bil sestavljen iz 55 deklic, ki so bile stare od 11 do 12 let. Za dosego omenjenega cilja smo postavili reduciran potencialni model uspe{nosti v motori~nem in mor- folo{kem prostoru, ki smo ga ovrednotili z metodo ekspertnega modeliranja. S Pearsonovim korelacijskim koeficientom smo ugotovili povezanost med dejan- sko uspe{nostjo (rezultatom teka na 60 m) in poten- cialno uspe{nostjo. Povezanost je statisti~no zna~ilna na nivoju 1% tveganja. Klju~ne besede: {printerski tek, deklice, motori~ne sposobnosti, morfolo{ke zna~ilnosti, modeliranje (Received: 22. 11. 1999 – Accepted: 12. 11. 2001) Contact address Katja Toma`in University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Sport Gortanova 22 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Phone: +386 1 540-10-77 Fax: +386 1 540-22-33 E-mail: Katja.Tomazin@sp.uni-lj.si 50 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 INTRODUCTION Results in many of sport disciplines depend on the status and interdependence of the individual dimen- sions of the human psychosomatic status. The psycho- somatic status is also influenced by internal and exter- nal factors. Dimensions have a special bondage and also interdependent influence on each other. Becau- se of this bond and their interdependence their indi- vidual influence on the result is very unclear. Becau- se of this we couldn’t take all of them (all the factors that define the result) into consideration. Factors that define successfulness in sprint are very complex and involved. We therefore used a simplified model and deal with it only from the most important viewpoints. The aim of this research was to find the association of morphologic and motor variables with performance of young female sprinters. Therefore we constructed the model of potential successfulness for young female sprinters in motor and morphologic spa- ce. In this model of potential successfulness we conc- luded from causes (motor and morphologic variables) to consequence (their 60m results). REDUCED POTENTIAL MODEL OF SPRINTING SUCCESSFULNESS IN MORPHOLOGIC SPACE Performance in sprint is also influenced by the morp- hologic characteristics of subjects. The assessed po- tential model of sprinting successfulness in morpho- logic space was based on the hierarchical structure of anthropometric dimensions, which was introduced in the research of Kureli}, Momirovi}, Stojanovi}, [turm and Viski}-[talec in 1975. Five latent dimensions were isolated with factorisation of 17 anthropometric va- riables in this research: 1. Longitudinal dimensions of the human body (body height, length of leg and length of arm). 2. Transversal dimensions of the human body (shoulder width, pelvic width, knee diameter and ankle diameter). 3. Circumferences of the human body (thigh cir- cumference, shank circumference). 4. Factor of body fat (skin-folds). 5. Body mass. There are no ideal anthropometric characteristics for sprinters, but we couldn’t ignore some influence of these characteristics on sprinting performance. The macro and the micro level of anthropometric charac- teristics of sprinters are crucial for sprinting perfor- mance. The macro level of anthropometric characte- ristic is consisted of the following variables: body height, body mass, leg length, thigh and shank cir- cumference, shoulder and pelvic width. On the ot- her hand the structure and function of neuro-muscu- lar system represent the micro level. In our model we assessed only the macro level of anthropometric cha- racteristics, because the measurement procedure was then not so complicated. The highest level of our model consist of body mass, external geometric dimensions and internal geometric dimensions (Table 1). The important morphologic characteristic is body mass. The association between body mass and the re- sult in the short sprint is statistically significant (Harli- ~ek, 1972; [turm, Pavlovi}, & Strel, 1976). Greater body mass represents a larger quantity of active musc- le mass, which is a very important factor for sprinting performance. Many authors had also obtained a ne- gative association between the body mass and sprin- ting performance in their research work (Ozolin, 1949, Volkov, Lapin, & Smirnov, 1972). Less body mass could enable a higher stride frequency and the- refore a higher sprinting speed (Volkov et al., 1972). The knot of the external dimension consists of the fol- lowing dimensions: longitudinal and transversal di- mensions and also the circumference of the human body (Table 1). Longitudinal dimensions consist of body height and leg length. If we defined sprinting speed as a product of stride frequency and stride length, sprinters with greater body height and length leg have an advantage over smaller ones. Longitudi- nal dimensions have a positive association with the result in short sprint of boys and girls (Strel, 1976; Har- li~ek, 1972). In a physical sense, longer limbs also have a longer handle, which enables greater force production. We could conclude that extremes in body height and leg length (positive or negative) have a ne- gative impact on sprinting performance. Transversal dimensions consisted of the following va- riables: shoulder and pelvic width, then knee and an- kle diameter (Table 1). Pelvic width has generally a negative impact on most motor abilities, but transver- sal dimensions of the bones are in a positive associa- tion with performance, which depends on the mec- hanism for regulation of intensity (Kureli}, Momirovi}, Stojanovi}, [turm, & Viski}-[talec, 1975). This mec- hanism is in charge of explosive and elastic power, which is very important in sprint running. Explosive power has greater impact on the sprint start, but ela- stic power has more influence on sprinting with ma- ximal speed. Relaxed upper arm circumference, thigh and shank circumferences define the dimension of circumferen- ce of the body. Those sprinters, who have a bigger upper arm, thigh and shank circumference, have al- so more active muscle mass. More muscle mass enab- les production of greater force. The association bet- 51 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 ween the cross-sectional area of the muscle and for- ce production has values between 0.5 and 0.7 (May- hew, Ball, Ward, Hart, & Arnold, 1991). The skin-fold of some body part represents the knot of internal geometric dimensions: stomach, triceps, thigh and shank skin-fold. Skin-folds represent body fat. Body fat (especially on active segments) has a ne- gative impact on success in sprint running. Skin-fold has generally a negative impact on the result in sprint running of girls (^oh, 1991). REDUCED POTENTIAL MODEL OF SPRINTING SUCCESSFULNESS IN MOTORIC SPACE Our potential model (Table 1) of sprint successfulness is based on a hierarchical structure of motor abilities (Kureli} et al., 1975), properties of sprint running and bio-psycho-social qualities of girl’s 11 to 12 years of age. We used the following classification of motor abi- lities: speed, endurance, strength, co-ordination, fle- xibility, precision and balance. Variability of motor abi- lities depends on 4 latent mechanisms: 1. Mechanism for movement structuring 2. Mechanism for synergetic and tonus regulation 3. Mechanism for regulation of intensity of excita- tion 4. Mechanism for regulation of duration of excita- tion These 4 mechanisms have two common latent dimen- sions: 1. Energy component of movement is in charge of the mechanism for regulation of intensity and of the mechanism for regulation of duration of excitation. 2. Informational component of movement is in char- ge of the mechanism for movement structuring and of the mechanism for synergetic and tonus regula- tion. The first level of our model consisted of: basic mo- tor abilities and special motor abilities. The second level of our model consisted of the two above-men- tioned mechanisms: energy component of move- ment and informational component of movement. The third level of the tree consisted of the 4 abo- ve-mentioned mechanisms. The first one is mec- hanism for movement structuring, which is in char- ge of co-ordination. The second one is mechanism for synergetic and tonus regulation, which is in charge of flexibility and speed of alternate move- ments. The third one is mechanism for regulation of intensity of excitation, which is in charge of speed, explosive and elastic power. The fourth one is mechanism for regulation of duration of excita- tion. This one is in charge of repetitive strength and aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Co-ordination is ability to perform movements with a complex motor structure (Agre`, 1979). In this space we chose the following two tests: polygon backwards and eight jumps – hurdles of different height. Co-or- dination has a great influence on sprinting performan- ce on macro and micro level. Macro level is repre- sented with – of that are very important to include and exclude consecutively the proper motor unit and muscle group. Flexibility is the ability to perform movement with a maximal amplitude (Agre`, 1979). We chose the fol- lowing two tests: forward bend and touch on a bench and frontal leg flexibility in the prone position. We could say that maximal speed is a product of the stri- de length and frequency, so inadequate flexibility of hips could cause shorter stride length than is normal. The space of speed consisted of two parts: simple reaction and speed of alternate movements (arm pla- te-tapping, left and right foot tapping). Simple reac- tion is very important at the beginning of the run. A crucial point of simple reaction is the time for the in- formation, who has to pass from the sensor organ (ear) to the central nervous system (where the response is made) and then back through the efferent pathways to the effectors (muscles), which perform the push- off from the starting block. The speed of alternate mo- vements also depends on the central nervous system, which includes or excludes proper muscle groups. In the space of strength we used three tests for explo- sive and three tests for elastic power. For explosive power of the legs we used standing broad jump and vertical jump, whereas for explosive power of the arms we used heavy ball throwing. For elastic power we used standing and running triple jump and also eight jumps with hurdles of the same height. Explosi- ve strength has a great influence on the start, whereas elastic strength has more influence on the performan- ce in the continuation of the run, but at the end of the run repetitive strength is also a very important factor. In our model we used the following three tests: late- ral hops, sit ups and pull-ups on a horizontal bar. Aerobic endurance is also an important factor, which could have a great influence on performance in sprin- ting. So we used the 1200 m run for evaluation of this ability. METHODS The sample comprised of 55 girls from 11 to 12 years of age. In order to achieve the set goal, we construc- ted a reduced potential model of successfulness in motor and morphological space. In motor space we used a battery of 15 variables and in morphological 52 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 MARK >=4.0 >=3.5 >=3.0 >=2.0 WEIGHT EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SUITABLE MARK 100.0 – MORPHOLOGY 20.0 – BODY MASS 1.0 43-47 38-52 32-58 27-64 – EXTERNAL GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONS 12.0 – LONGITUDINAL DIMENSIONS 4.0 – BODY HEIGHT 2.0 156-160 162-164 145-170 139-176 – LENGTH OF LEG 2.0 88-92 86-95 82-100 77-104 – TRANSVERSAL DIMENSIONS 4.0 – SHOULDER WIDTH 1.0 33-34 31-36 29-38 26-40 – PELVIC WIDTH 1.0 24-25 22-26 21-28 19-29 – KNEE DIAMETER 1.0 8.4-8.6 7.9-8.8 7.5-9.3 7.0-9.7 – ANKLE DIAMETER 1.0 6.5-6.7 6.2-6.9 5.7-7.3 5.4-7.6 – CIRCUMFERENCES 4.0 – RELAXED UPPER ARM CIRCUMFERENCES 1.0 >=26 >=24.1 >=20.3 >=18.3 – THIGH CIRCUMFERENCE 1.5 >=56.9 >=52.9 >=44.7 >=40.8 – SHANK CIRCUMFERENCE 1.5 >=37.3 >=34.9 >=30.3 >=27.9 – INTERNAL GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONS 7.0 – STOMACH SKIN FOLD 1.5 <=6 <=8 <=10 <=12 – TRICEPS SKIN FOLD 1.5 <=6 <=9 <=11 <=13 – THIGH SKIN FOLD 2.0 <=12 <=15 <=18 <=20 – SHANK SKIN FOLD 2.0 <=7 <=11 <=14 <=15 – MOTORICS 80.0 – BASIC MOTORICS 25.0 – INFORMATIONAL COMPONENT 13.0 – MECHANISM FOR MOVEMENT STRUCTURING 3.0 – COORDINATION 3.0 – POLYGON BACKWARDS 3.0 <=7.4 <=9.6 <=14.1 <=16.4 – MECHANISM FOR SYNERGIC AND TONUS REGULATION 10.0 – FLEXIBILITY 2.0 – FORWARD BEND AND TOUCH ON A BENCH 2.0 50-54 45-56 40-62 34-68 – SPEED OF ALTERNATE MOVEMENTS 8.0 – ARM TAPPING 2.0 >=52 >=47 >=37 >=31 – RIGHT FOOT TAPPING 3.0 >=24 >=22 >=18 >=16 – LEFT FOOT TAPING 3.0 >=24 >=22 >=18 >=16 – ENERGY COMPONENT 12.0 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF INTENSITY OF EXCITATION 8.0 – EXPLOSIVE POWER 8.0 – STANDING BROAD JUMP 8.0 >=232 >=214 >=177 >=159 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF DURATION OF EXCITATION 4.0 – REPETITIVE STRENGTH 4.0 – SIT UPS 2.0 >=63 >=56 >=42 >=34 – PULL UPS ON HORIZONTAL BAR 2.0 >=20 >=15 >=5 >=2 – SPECIFIC MOTOR ABILITIES 55.0 – INFORMATIONAL COMPONENT 8.0 – MECHANISM FOR MOVEMENT STRUCTURING 6.0 – COORDINATION 6.0 – EIGHT JUMPS-HURDLES OF DIFFERENT SIZE 6.0 <=3.5 <=3.9 <=4.6 <=5.2 – MECHANISM FOR SYNERGIC AND TONUS REGULATION 2.0 – FLEXIBILITY 2.0 – FRONTAL LEG FLEXIBILITY IN PRONE 2.0 95-105 84-112 71-112 60-140 – ENERGY COMPONENT 47.0 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF INTENSITY OF EXCITATION 40.0 – EXPLOSIVE POWER 10.0 – VERTICAL JUMP 5.0 >=52 >=46 >=34 >=28 – HEAVY BALL THROWING 5.0 >=8.7 >=7.7 >=5.5 >=4.4 – ELASTIC POWER 26.0 – STANDING TRIPLE JUMP 10.0 >=656 >=616 >=537 >=499 – RUNNING TRIPLE JUMP 10.0 >=811 >=763 >=667 >=619 – EIGHT JUMP-HURDLES OF SAME HEIGHT 6.0 <=3.9 <=4.4 <=5.4 <=5.9 – REACTION 4.0 – SIMPLE REACTION 4.0 <=5 <=10 <=21 <=26 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF INTENSITY OF EXCITATION 7.0 – REPETITIVE STRENGTH 3.0 – LATERAL HOPS 3.0 >=40 >=36 >=27 >=22 – AEROBIC ENDURANCE 4.0 – 1200 m RUN 4.0 <=274.2 <=309.1 <=378.9 <=413.9 Table 1: Absolute decision rules and normalisers for younger girls. 53 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 space 14 variables. The criterion was the result of a 60m sprint. The reduced model of potential success- fulness has a hierarchical structure (Table 1). On the lowest level we have the basic criteria (tests of the in- dividual motor abilities and morphologic characteri- stics). These basic criteria are then aggregated into combined criteria (aggregated criteria, ex.: explosive power). At the highest level we have the trunk of the tree (assessment of suitableness for sprint). The basic criteria are named leaves of the tree and the aggrega- ted criteria knots. For each leaf and each knot we set a weight, which represents the absolute proportion of that individual factor towards the final successfulness. The values of the tests were evaluated by defining nu- merical normalisers that divide the range of possible values into five classes (unsuitable [0.0–1.9], suitable [2.0–2.9], good [3.0–3.4], very good [3.5–3.9] and excellent [4.0–5.0]). On the basis of these values we can then compute the final predicted successfulness in sprint of each individual athlete. The model of po- tential successfulness was evaluated with the expert modelling method - computer programme SPEX (Le- sko{ek, 1995). The mark at the highest level is there- fore a combination of the marks of the individual sub- dimensions. The result is given with values on a five-point scale (unsuitable [0.0–1.9], suitable [2.0–2.9], good [3.0–3.4], very good [3.5–3.9] and excellent [4.0–5.0]). The correlation between the marks obtained with the reduced model of potential successfulness and the actual results in sprint was al- so checked with hierarchical regression analysis (met- hod ENTER). The validity of the model was assessed with the Pearson correlation coefficient between the actual sprint result (60m run) and the computed po- tential successfulness (obtained with expert model- ling). In this way we assessed the quality of our mo- del. RESULTS On the basis of the constructed model (hierarchical structure of the model’s dimensions, weights and nor- malisers) we obtained, on the highest level, the marks of potential successfulness for each girl. These are shown in Figure 1. The correlation between the mo- del’s assessment and the actual competitive result is shown in Figure 2 (-0.66, P<0.001). Correlation between the criterion variable (the result of a 60 m run) and evaluation on each hierarchical le- vel of our model are represented in Table 2. With our model we managed to explain 44% of the criterion variable’s variability (Table 2). DISCUSSION We have therefore assessed the potential successful- ness of young female sprinters on all the levels of our model with expert modelling. The statistical signifi- cance of the Pearson correlation coefficient pointed to a high correlation between the prediction of our model and the actual 60m result, attesting to the qua- lity of the constructed model. The evaluation of the motor space had the highest value of the correlation coefficient with the actual 60 m result on the other hand the correlation of the morphological space with the actual sprinting performance was somewhat lo- wer. A more detailed inspection of the evaluation of the morphological space showed that the highest corre- lation with the criterion had the evaluation of exter- nal geometric dimensions. In the physical sense the sprinting speed is the product of the stride length and the stride frequency. Among other factors that influen- 02 04 06 08 0 PERCENT (%) SUITABLE GOOD VERY GOOD 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 10,5 11 11,5 1234 EVALUATION THE RESULTOFA60 m RUN (s) Figure 1: Structure of evaluation for a 60 m run Figure 2: Association between the evaluation and the result of a 60 m run 54 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 Table 2: Results of correlation analysis between the actual performance and model of potential successfulness pPR MARK –0,66 0,000 0,43 – MORPHOLOGY –0,45 0,001 0,20 – BODY MASS –0,16 – EXTERNAL GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONS –0,25 – LONGITUDINAL DIMENSIONS –0,32 0,018 0,10 – BODY HEIGHT –0,21 – LENGTH OF LEG –0,35 0,008 0,12 – TRANSVERSAL DIMENSIONS –0,04 – SHOULDER WIDTH –0,20 – PELVIC WIDTH –0,15 – KNEE DIAMETER –0,10 – ANKLE DIAMETER 0,05 – CIRCUMFERENCES –0,07 – RELAXED UPPER ARM CIRCUMFERENCES –0,01 – THIGH CIRCUMFERENCE –0,06 – SHANK CIRCUMFERENCE –0,11 – INTERNAL GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONS –0,27 0,047 0,07 – STOMACH SKIN FOLD –0,27 – TRICEPS SKIN FOLD –0,13 – THIGH SKIN FOLD –0,02 – SHANK SKIN FOLD –0,41 0,004 0,16 – MOTORICS –0,66 0,000 0,44 – BASIC MOTORICS –0,55 0,000 0,30 – INFORMATIONAL COMPONENT –0,24 – MECHANISM FOR MOVEMENT STRUCTURING –0,38 0,004 0,14 – COORDINATION –0,38 0,004 0,14 – POLYGON BACKWARDS –0,38 0,004 0,14 – MECHANISM FOR SYNERGIC AND TONUS REGULATION –0,14 – FLEXIBILITY –0,08 – FORWARD BEND AND TOUCH ON A BENCH –0,08 – SPEED OF ALTERNATE MOVEMENTS –0,12 – ARM TAPPING –0,27 – RIGHT FOOT TAPPING –0,05 – LEFT FOOT TAPING –0,06 – ENERGY COMPONENT –0,66 0,000 0,43 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF INTENSITY OF EXCITATION –0,61 0,000 0,37 – EXPLOSIVE POWER –0,61 0,000 0,37 – STANDING BROAD JUMP –0,61 0,000 0,37 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF DURATION OF EXCITATION –0,51 0,000 0,26 – REPETITIVE STRENGTH –0,51 0,000 0,26 – SIT UPS –0,33 0,014 0,11 – PULL UPS ON HORIZONTAL BAR –0,44 0,001 0,19 – SPECIFIC MOTOR ABILITIES –0,67 0,000 0,45 – INFORMATIONAL COMPONENT –0,28 0,041 0,08 – MECHANISM FOR MOVEMENT STRUCTURING –0,28 0,042 0,08 – COORDINATION –0,28 0,042 0,08 – EIGHT JUMPS-HURDLES OF DIFFERENT SIZE –0,28 – MECHANISM FOR SYNERGIC AND TONUS REGULATION –0,07 – FLEXIBILITY –0,07 – FRONTAL LEG FLEXIBILITY IN PRONE –0,07 – ENERGY COMPONENT –0,70 0,000 0,49 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF INTENSITY OF EXCITATION –0,70 0,000 0,50 – EXPLOSIVE POWER –0,56 0,000 0,31 – VERTICAL JUMP –0,60 0,000 0,36 – HEAVY BALL THROWING –0,19 – ELASTIC POWER –0,73 0,000 0,53 – STANDING TRIPLE JUMP –0,61 0,000 0,37 – RUNNING TRIPLE JUMP –0,67 0,000 0,45 – EIGHT JUMP-HURDLES OF SAME HEIGHT –0,14 – REACTION –0,14 – SIMPLE REACTION –0,14 – MECHANISM FOR REGULATION OF INTENSITY OF EXCITATION –0,23 – REPETITIVE STRENGTH –0,31 0,020 0,10 – LATERAL HOPS –0,31 0,020 0,10 – AEROBIC ENDURANCE –0,13 – 1200 m RUN –0,13 Legend: p–Pearson correlation coefficient R–determination coefficient (% of explained criterion variance), P–statistical significance of Pearson cor- relation coefficient 55 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 ce the stride length is also the leg length (Hay, 1985), which had the highest correlation with actual sprinting performance. Many authors reported a positive inf- luence of body height and leg length on performan- ce in sprint running (Kureli} et al., 1975; ^oh, & [turm, 1986; Gomba~, 1967). Body height has a po- sitive influence on those variables of jumping where the initial inertia has been followed by movement in the same direction (Kureli} et al., 1975). Statistical significant correlation with the sprinting per- formance had also the evaluation of the internal geo- metric dimensions, which consisted of skin-folds on the lower level of our model. Skin-folds represent fat- ty tissue in the organism. Numerous studies have sho- wed a negative role of skin-folds on different sections of a sprinting distance ([turm, 1992; ^oh, & Kugov- nik, 1990). A study by Kureli} et al. (1975) also speaks of fatty tissue as ballast mass, preventing better results in sprints and jumps. In a study by ^oh and Kugovnik (1990), the stomach skin-fold has the greatest negati- ve predictive power for sprinting velocity (according to the value of the beta coefficient) between 5m and 10m. Also the thigh skin-fold has the greatest negati- ve predictive power for sprinting between 10 and 15 and 20 and 60 m (^oh, & Kugovnik, 1990). The correlation between the evaluation of motor spa- ce and the 60m result is higher then previous. From the basic and specific motor subspaces, the energy component has higher correlation coefficient with the sprinting performance than the informational compo- nent. In basic motorics, the evaluation of explosive power, repetitive power and co-ordination statistically signi- ficantly correlate with the performance in sprinting. Explosive power is especially important in the crouch start and the first part of the sprint, where it is impor- tant to achieve the greatest possible locomotor velo- city in the shortest possible time. Starting accelera- tion, immediately after the start, when the sprinter’s velocity is still low, is most defined by the starting po- wer, which represents a combination of explosive and absolute power (Verho{anskij, 1979). The reason for significant correlation between the re- sult of a 60 m run and the evaluation of repetitive po- wer probably lies in fact that chosen tests are under the influence of two mechanisms. The first one is mechanism for regulation of intensity of excitation and the second one is the mechanism of duration of excitation (^oh, 1991). Every repetitive movement includes also explosive power, especially at the start of the movements. Crucial component for starting speed and also for maximal speed is especially explo- sive power. Co-ordination is also crucial motor ability for sprin- ting. It is important on macro and micro level. Good intra- and inter-muscular co-ordination reflects in ti- mely inclusion and exclusion of proper motor units and muscles or muscular groups during running with maximal speed. In addition to co-ordination, evaluation of elastic and explosive power and also evaluation of repetitive strength significantly correlate with performance in specific motoric space. The running and standing tri- ple jump are significant predictors in elastic power space, representing a test of push-off power, where the push-off is performed with one leg and is there- fore very similar in its structure to sprint. Namely, sprint can be also considered a series of horizontal jumps from one leg to another. At push-off the jum- per develops great force with a specific combination of eccentric-concentric contraction. The push-off ac- tion consists of three phases: in the first there is a re- laxation of the extensors of the push-off leg, in the se- cond this relaxation ends and a transition into the third phase is made, where the extensors of the an- kle, knee and hip joints overcome the force of gravity with concentric contraction ([turm, Stefanovska, Za- kraj{ek, & Novak, 1983). The efficiency of push-off depends therefore on three components: elastic, ex- plosive and the speed of their integration ([turm et al., 1983). The push-off in sprinting is composed in a similar way: in the first phase (braking phase) there is an eccentric contraction of the extending muscles, in the second phase a concentric contraction of the ex- tending muscles follows. However, the important thing is a rapid transition from one phase to the next. Also the eight jumps over the hurdles of different size significantly correlate with sprinting performance in specific motor space. The eight jumps test contains the following two components: co-ordination and ela- stic component. This test represents a demand for quick realisation of take-off power. The time of take- off is a very important factor of this test. The short ti- mes of take-off enable utilisation of the elastic poten- tial of a muscle. The short times of take-of and proper intra- and inter-muscular co-ordination are very im- portant factors of frequency of running. In the space of explosive power the vertical jump has the highest correlation with criterion. The vertical jump explains the major part of variability of the re- sult in the first five meters of the run (^oh, & Kugov- nik, 1990). The vertical jump has a similar structural and qualitative demands as the standing broad jump. In our model we therefore encompassed some of the abilities and characteristics (and their hierarchical structure) that are decisive for performance in run- ning 60 meters. In this way we could evaluate all the considered dimensions that affect performance for each individual athlete. In this way we have the pos- sibility of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each girl with the model. The above-mentioned data 56 Toma`in, K., ^oh, M., [kof, B. (2001). Correlation of morphologic and motor variables with performance… KinSI 7(1–2), 49–56 might be a guideline for initial selection and for plan- ning, monitoring and analysing the training process. REFERENCES 1. Agre`, F. (1979). Morfolo{ke in motori~ne dimenzije psihosomat- skega statusa [Morphologic and motor dimensions of the psychomo- tor status]. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za telesno kulturo. 2. ^oh, M., (1991). Povezanost {printerske hitrosti z morfolo{kimi in motori~nimi dejavniki pri selekcioniranih pionirjih [Correlation of sprinting speed with morphologic and motor factors of selected young male athletes]. SI, 10(6), 19-23. 3. ^oh, M., & [turm, J. (1986). 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