©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 1996 Vol. 4, No. 2: 73-77 LEIODES STOCK! SP. N. WITH NEW FAUNISTIC RECORDS OF LEIODINI FROM THE CAUCASUS AND CENTRAL ASIA (COLEOPTERA: LEIODIDAE) Zdenek ŠVEC Praha Abstract - Leiodes stocki sp.n. from Siberia (West Saian Mts.) is described, keyed and distinguished from similar species. Sogda ciliaris (Thomson, 1874) from Kirghizia; Leiodes hybrida (Erichson, 1845) from the Caucasus (Abkhazia); L. obesa (Schmidt, 1841) from Uzbekistan, Turkmenia and Kirghizia; L. dilutipes (J. Sahlberg, 1903) from Kirghizia; and Liocyrtusa minuta (Ahrens, 1812) from Asia (Turkmenia) are recorded for the first time in these regions. Izvleček - LEIODES STOCKI SP. N. IN NOVI FAVNISTIČNI PODATKI O LEIODINIH S KAVKAZA IN IZ SREDNJE AZIJE Leiodes stocki sp. n. iz Sibirije (pogorje Zahodni Saian) je opisan ter primerjan s sorodnimi vrstami. Vrste Sogda ciliaris (Thomson, 1874) iz Kirgizije, Leiodes hybrida (Erichson, 1845) s Kavkaza (Abhazije), L. obesa (Schmidt, 1841) iz Uzbekistana, Turkmenije in Kirgizije, L. dilutipes (J. Sahlberg, 1903) iz Kirgizije in Liocyrtusa minuta (Ahrens, 1812) iz Azije (Turkmenija) so prvič zabeležene za ta območja. Through the kindness of my entomological colleagues, Dr. David Král, Dr. Jaromir Strejček, Mr. Kunibert Stock, Ing. Jaroslav Turna, Dr. Svatopluk Bily and Mr. Petr Cechovsky I had the possibility to study scant but interesting leiodid material from the Caucasus and Central Asia containing a species new to science and four species new to the teritory of the Caucasus or Central Asia. All material is deposited in the author's collection except for the specimens mentioned in the description of the new species. Sogda ciliaris (Thomson, 1874) Hydnobius ciliaris Thomson, 1874: 545 Trichohydnobius ciliaris, Daffner, 1983: 26 Sogda ciliaris, Silferberg, 1992: 13 73 Acta entomologica slovenica, 4 (2), 1996 Material examined: 2 males, 2 females, Kirghizia centr., Tian Shan Mts., Dolon Pass, 2,300 - 3,200 m above sea level, 23.-5.VII.1991, Jaroslav Turna leg. Distribution: N. Europe, Siberia, Mongolia, Kirghizia. New record for Kirghizia. Leiodes hybrida (Erichson, 1845) Anisotoma hybrida Erichson, 1845: 75 Leiodes hybrida, Daffner, 1983: 49 Material examined: 1 female, W. Caucasus, Abkhazia, Achalsheni, pr. Suchumi, 500 m above sea level, 9.VI.1981, Jaromir Strejcek leg. Distribution: Europe, Caucasus - Abkhazia. New record for Caucasus. Leiodes obesa (Schmidt, 1841) Anisotoma obesa Schmidt, 1841: 150-151 Leiodes obesa, Daffner, 1983: 91 Material examined: 2 males, Uzbekistan, Kara-Tepe, pr. Samarkand, 25.IV.1978, J. Strejcek leg.; 1 female, the same locality and collector, 29.IV.1978; 2 females, Uzbekistan, River Zeravshan valley, pr. Samarkand, V. 1990, J.Strejcek leg; 1 female, Uzbekistan, 8 km W of Sherabad, vill. Maidan, 25.-26.IV.1988, D.Krai leg; 1 female, Uzbekistan, Aman-Kutan, Samarkand-60 km, 23.IV.1978, Sv. Bily leg; 3 females, Turkmenia, Alai Mts., 1,200-1,600 m above sea level, Kugi Tang, Tau Ridge, Svincovij Rudnik, 10.-13.IV.1992, P. Cechovsky leg; 1 female, Kirghizia centr., Tian Shan Mts., 2,500-3,200 m above sea level, Dolon Pass, 23.-25.VII.1991, J. Turna leg. Distribution: Europe, Siberia, Mongolia, Korea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenia, Kirghizia. New records for Uzbekistan, Turkmenia and Kirghizia. Leiodes dilutipes (J. Sahlberg, 1903) Liodes dilutipes J. Sahlberg, 1903: 14-15 Leiodes dilutipes, Daffner, 1983: 99 Material examined: 1 male, E. Kirghizia, lower Inylckek valley, 2,600-3,200 m above sea level, 5.-8.VII.1989, D.Krai leg. Distribution: Siberia, Kirghizia, Mongolia, China and Canada. New record for Kirghizia. Leiodes stocki sp.n. Type material: Holotype male, Russia, W. Saian Mts., Bulba, 2,300 m above sea level, VII.1995. Paratypes: 3 males and 5 females with the same data. Holotype and 5 paratypes deposited in the Svec collection, 1 male and 1 female paratypes in Stock collection (Roth, Germany). Length of body 3.7-4.4 mm, in holotype 4.0 mm, head 0.4 mm, pronotum 1.2 mm, elytra 2.4 mm, antenna 1.4 mm, width of head 1.1 mm, pronotum 2.2 mm, elytra 2.3 mm. 74 Z. Svec: Leiodes slocki sp. n. with new faunistic records of Leiodini from the Caucasus and central Asia (Coleoptera:... Variable in colour. Body reddish to nearly black. Legs reddish to reddish-brown. Antenna reddish to reddish-brown, antennal club sometimes lightly infuscated. Black specimen with chestnut brown head, margins of pronotum, scutellum and sutura of elytra. Underside reddish-brown. Some specimens brown with chestnut coloured head and pronotum. Head distinctly, densely punctate. Punctures 1-3 diameters apart. Some tiny, superficial punctures interposed. Four large punctures placed in a row on vertex before the level of hind margin of eyes. Temporae with some short reddish-brown setae. Ratio of the dorsally visible diameter of eye and width of head 1 15. Last antennal segment narrower than the previous one. Ratio of width of antennal segments 2nd to 11th (2nd segment equal to 1.0): 1.0 -1.2 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 - 1.8 -1.4 - 2.4 - 2.5 - 2.2. Ratio of length of antennal segments 2nd to 11th (2nd segment equal to 1.0): 1.0 -1.9 -1.0 -1.0 - 0.9 -1.3 - 0.4 - 1.4 - 1.4 - 2.0. Antenna as in Fig. 2. Pronotum: Punctation similar as on head; punctures deeper, sharper bordered, spaced by 2-3 times their diameter. Some very fine and small, superficial punctures interposed. Larger punctures become more distinct toward the base. With irregular row of several very large striking punctures just before base. Widest at base, anteriorly regularly tapered. Hind angles distinct, rectangular broadly rounded, slightly pulled behind pronotal base as seen dorsally. Base slightly emarginated before angles. Emargination more distinct in males, base nearly straight in females. Hind angles slightly obtuse and broadly rounded in lateral view. Elytra with short oblique humeral row of punctures. Rows of elytral punctures strong, regularly distinct. Punctures separated by their diameter. Intervals finely, sparsely punctured, punctures spaced by 4-8 times of their diameter. Odd intervals with some punctures as large as those in rows. Metasternum: Type A according to Daffner (1983). Metathorax: Membraneous wings strongly reduced and probably unfunctional. Legs: Anterior tibiae 2.5 times as wide at apex as at base. Tarsal segments 1st to 3rd dilated at four anterior pairs. Hind femur with emargination and small central tooth at the hind margin in males. With rounded process at apex in both sexes. Hind tibia strongly curved in apical third in male (Fig. 3), slightly curved in female. Genitalia: Aedeagus as in Fig. 1. Differential diagnosis: Leiodes stocki sp.n. is similar to L. dilutipes (J. Sahlberg, 1903) and L. snizeki Svec, 1994. It differs by longer parameres, no emarginated sides of aedeagus before its apex and by the shape of endophallus. From L. snizeki it also differs by narrower last antennal segment; from L. dilutipes by toothed hind femora in male. The key to Leiodes given by Angelini & Svec (1994) containing similar species should be modified as follows: 75 ogical Society, download unter www.biolosfteteileirtoitnologica slovenica, 4 (2), 1996 10 Last antennal segment a little narrower than the previous one.......................................................................................10' Last antennal segment as wide as the previous one. Femur with tooth at mid-length of hind margin in male. Sides of tegmen slightly emarginate before tip. Length 3.7 mm. China.........................................L. snizeki Svec 10' Femur without tooth in male. Longer oval. Tip of aedeagus shortly rounded. Length 2.8 - 4.0 mm. Siberia, Kirghizia, Mongolia, China, Canada....................................................................L.dilutipes (J. Sahlberg) Femur with emargination and tooth in midlength in male. Oval. Tip of aedeagus broader. Length 3.7 - 4.4 mm. Russia.......................................................................L.stocki sp.n. Derivatio nominis: The new species is dedicated to Mr Kunibert Stock, entomologist and historian from Roth, Germany. Liocyrtusa minuta (Ahrens, 1812) Anisotoma minutum Ahrens, 1812: 20 Liocyrtusa minuta, Daffner, 1983: 133 Material examined: 1 female, E. Turkmenia, Alai Mts., Kugi Tang, Tau Ridge, Svincovyj Rudnik, 1,200 - 1,600 m above sea level, 9.-3.IV. 1992, P. Cechovsky leg. Distribution: Europe, Caucasus, Asia - Turkmenia. New record for Asia. References Ahrens A., 1812: Beitrage zur Kenntnis deutscher Käfer (Anisotoma). Teil 2, Abt. 1 - 2. Neue Sehr. Nat. Ges. Halle, 2: 18 - 20. Angelini F., Z. Svec, 1994: Review of Chinese species of the subfamily Leiodinae (Coleoptera, Leiodidae).ylcta Soc. Zool. Bohem., 58: 1-31. Erichson W. F., 1845: Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschland. Bat. 1. Coleoptera (Anisotomidae). Vol. 3, Lief 2. Berlin: 41 -104. Daffner H., 1983: Revision der palearktischen Arten der Tribus Leiodini Leach (Coleoptera, Leiodidae). Folia entomol. Hung., 44 (2): 9 -163. Schmidt W. L. E., 1941: Revision der deutschen Anisotomen. Zeit. Entomol. ,3: 130 -202. Silfverberg H., 1992: Ennumeratio Coleopterorum Fenoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae. Helsinki, Helsinfors. V+ 94 pp. 76 Z. Svec: Leiodes stocki sp. n. with new faunistic records of Leiodini from the Caucasus and central Asia (Coleoptera:. Figs 1 - 3: Leiodes stocki sp.n., 1: aedeagus with endophallus dorsally; 2: antenna; 3: hind leg of male. Scale 0.2 mm for Figs 1 - 2; 1.0 mm for Fig. 3. Zdenek SVEC Zerotinova 47 CZ-130 00 Praha 3 Czech Republic 77