K. MURUGAN, R. THIRUMALAI: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE THERMAL-BARRIER COATING ... 121–126 EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE THERMAL-BARRIER COATING FOR AN Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 CERAMIC COATED CI ENGINE OPERATING ON CALOPHYLLUM INOPHYLLUM OIL EKSPERIMENTALNA ANALIZA KERAMI^NE PREVLEKE NA OSNOVI Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 , KI DELUJE KOT TERMI^NA BARIERA V ZGOREVALNI KOMORI BIODIZELSKEGA MOTORJA Murugan Kuppusamy 1* , Thirumalai Ramanathan 2 1 Department of Automobile Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu 637503, India 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. N. G. P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641048, India Prejem rokopisa – received: 2020-08-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2020-10-26 doi:10.17222/mit.2020.148 This work focuses on the thermal barrier coating (TBC) with a thickness of 300 μm for the combustion chamber of a single-cyl- inder four-stroke diesel engine. The piston crown, and inlet and exhaust-valve head are coated using the air-plasma-spray coat- ing technique. Records found in the available literature revealed that the use of aluminum oxide titanium dioxide (Al2O3-TiO2) ceramic-powder coating and punnagam oil methyl ester (POME) is the most preferred method for improving emission levels. Punnagam oil methyl ester (POME) was prepared with transesterification in order to blend the same substances with biodiesel proportions of B25, B50, B75, B100 and conventional diesel. The proposed test report relies on a single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine without any modification. This research is aimed at reducing the emission levels and attaining a greener and cleaner system by using a renewable fuel. The test was carried out to assess the engine performance, viz., the brake power, brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and air-fuel ratio, assess the emission levels when combining POME and the Al2O3-TiO2 coated engine and compare them with those of conventional diesel. The amounts of pol- lutants such as unburned hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), oxide of nitrogen (NOx) and the emitted smoke opacity were compared to those produced by conventional diesel. The result revealed that POME and the Al2O3-TiO2 ceramic improved the performance of the engine so that the pollution levels are much better than those produced by conventional diesel. Keywords: punnagam oil methyl ester, thermal-barrier coating, air-plasma-spray coating technique, aluminum oxide titanium di- oxide, ceramic powder material, performance, engine emission V ~lanku sta se avtorja osredoto~ila na opis za{~itne plasti, ki deluje kot termi~na bariera debeline 300 μm v eno-valjnem {tiri-taktnem motorju. Povr{ine oz. krona bata, glav sesalnega in izpu{nega ventila, so bile prevle~ene s postopkom zra~no-plazmskega napr{evanja. V literaturi obstajajo dokazi, da je uporaba kerami~nega prahu na osnovi Al2O3-TiO2 za izdelavo prevlek vitalnih delov dizelskega motorja, ki deluje na bio-olje metilnega estra (POME; angl.: Punnagam oil methyl es- ter) najbolj{a metoda za preverjanje emisije izpu{nih plinov. POME so pripravili s procesom trans-esterifikacije, da bi dobili me{anico, ki odgovarjajo razmerjem B25, B50, B75, B100, med bio- in konvencionalnim dizlom. Predlagani testi so se nana{ali na eno-cilindri~ni {tiri-taktni dizelski motor brez kakr{nihkoli modifikacij. Ta postopek so izvedli z namenom zmanj{anja nivojev emisij z uporabo ~istej{ega motorja na obnovljivo gorivo. Preizkuse so izvedli, da bi ugotovili lastnosti motorja glede na mo~ zaviranja, termi~no u~inkovitost zavor, volumetri~no u~inkovitost, specifi~no porabo med zaviranjem, razmerje gorivo-zrak in oceno nivoja emisij kombinacije POME- in Al2O3-TiO2-prevlek v primerjavi s konvencionalnim dizelskim motorjem. Izvedli so primerjavo emisij onesna`evalcev okolja, kot so: nezgoreli ogljikovodiki (HC), ogljikov monoksid (CO), du{ikovi oksidi (NOx) in trdni delci (saje). Rezultati testov so pokazali, da kombinacija POME in Al2O3-TiO2 kerami~na prevleka vitalnih delov motorja izbolj{a lastnosti delovanja izbranega motorja in tudi ugotovljeni nivo emisij onesna`evalcev okolja je bil mnogo manj{i kot jih je imel uporabljeni konvencionalni dizelski motor. Klju~ne besede: olje metilnega estra Punnagam, kerami~na prevleka, termi~na bariera, tehnika zra~no-plazemskega napr{evanja, kerami~na Al2O3-TiO2 prevleka, lastnosti in emisija dizelskega motorja 1 INTRODUCTION R. Prasad et al. 1 compared the performance of a TBC-coated engine and an engine without any coatings. It was observed that the TBC-coated engine reduced heat losses by 6 % due to the coating of the piston and cylin- der walls. D. Assanis et al. 2 implemented the effects of ceramic coatings on a diesel engine, providing a much better thermal efficiency, lower levels of CO, unburned HC and the NOx concentration and also reduced smoke emissions into the coated engine. B. Kamanna et al. 3 used a finite-element analysis to redesign the piston crown, therefore improving the mechanical efficiency of a diesel engine. T. Hejwowski et al. 4 studied the effect of thermal-barrier coatings, reducing the fuel consumption and improving the engine efficiency effectively. The en- gine-combustion chamber surface, piston crown, head of the cylinder, inlet and exhaust valves were coated with a base coating of NiCrAl and top coating of CaZrO 3 and MgZrO 3 using plasma-spray coating. The coated engine was evaluated with respect to the reduction of particulate emissions from the engine, such as CO, HC. A. Uzun et Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 121–126 121 UDK 620.1:669.715:549.514.6:621.313.13 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 55(1)121(2021) *Corresponding author's e-mail: muruganauto@gmail.com (Murugan Kuppusamy) al. 5 described that the thermal-barrier coating is able to eliminate visible smoke and reduce the NOx emission. The thermal-fatigue resistance of two TBC layers was in- vestigated by T. Hejwowski et al. 6 and it was concluded that this mechanism improves the spallation from coated diesel and petrol engines. Kumara and Pandey 7 examined the wear characteristics for the air-plasma spray depos- ited on the CoNiCrAlY inner metallic coating on an alu- minum-alloy substrate. The wear characteristics and microstructure properties obtained with the air-plasma-spray technique used for the CoNiCrAlY coating increase the sliding distance and reduce the wear rate of the CoNiCrAlY coating. The thermal-barrier coating can prevent a low oxygen-diffusion rate, low thermal conductivity and improve mechanical properties. S. Deng et al. 8 prepared coatings with a bond-coat thick- ness of 6-8 μm, an Al 2 O 3 composite, and a top-coat thickness of 120 μm, La 2 Zr 2 O 7 . In the TBC on a diesel engine, a rich-mixture region leads to good performance of the thermal-barrier coating due to a higher tempera- ture to surface volume ratio. M. Yao et al. 9 concluded that there would be improvement in the thermal effi- ciency because of the TBC. The heat-transfer losses of the thermal-barrier-coating engine emissions and com- bustion are also discussed. The thermal behavior of an electrolytic jet plasma oxidation (EJPO) coating was an- alyzed with a finite-element analysis, confirming that it provides improved thermal behavior of IC engines coated with electronic jet plasma oxidation. X. Shen et al. 10 concluded that the thermal conductivity improves because of the coating thickness and that this also im- proves the wear resistance. The emission reduction of a thermal-barrier-coated engine using a single blend ratio of various non-edible oils, cashew-nut shell, orange and neem oil via a transesterification process can change the performance of biodiesel. An engine coated with par- tially stabilized zirconia acting as the thermal barrier coating is used. V. Karthickeyan et al. 11 focused on the alternative BTE fuel battery, BSFC, engine emissions HC, CO and NOx, as compared to the conventional die- sel. In his study, H. K. Suh et al. 12 investigated the nozzle geometry and cavitation characteristics of diesel and biodiesel fuel. It was found that the biodiesel rate of flow velocity is constant and that diesel fuel increases with the flow rate. The performance parameters of engines us- ing thumba biodiesel/diesel blends were analyzed by ap- plying the Taguchi method and gray relational analysis. A. Karnwal et al. 12 concluded that the maximum perfor- mance and minimum emission were found with a CR of 14, nozzle pressure of 250 bar and injection timing of 20°. The usage of biodiesel/diesel blended fuel in a com- mon-rail DI-diesel engine proved that a higher biodiesel content causes a low engine power output. G. R. Kanna et al. 14 predicted the fuel-injection pressure and fuel-in- jection time for the conversion of palm oil into biodiesel with an artificial neural network. The benefits of the thermal-barrier coating were discussed by Selvam et al. 15 . It was found that when the TBC amount is large, it provides for a high level of thermal fatigue and heat-re- lease rate within a yattria-stabilized zirconia-insulated engine. 2 SELECTION OF THE THERMAL-BARRIER- COATING MATERIAL The objective of the study is to demonstrate that ap- plying a thin layer of a thermal-barrier coating on a pis- ton head and valve heads can improve the heat energy. A thick coating can withstand high heat energy, changing it into low heat energy. A thermal barrier coated with the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) ceramic material with a thickness of 300 μm is used by employing the air-plasma-spray coating technique. The thermal-barrier coating is successfully used for the piston-head inlet and exhaust-valve head when it has a thickness of 300 μm. The most universal TBC is used for yattria-stabilized zirconium (ZrO 2 /Y 2 O 3 ), which is widely believed to improve the performance of a turbine blade at a temperature of 1100 °C. The plasma-spray technique is used in various industrial applications where high wear resistance and corrosion resistance with a thermal insulation are neces- sary to generate sustainable heat energy. The findings from the literature reveal that various types of Al 2 O 3 –TiO 2 plasma-sprayed coatings with different com- positions (Al 2 O 3 –13 w/% TiO 2 ,Al 2 O 3 –40 w/% TiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 –50 w/% TiO 2 ) can be prepared for AISI 304L austenitic stainless-steel substrate materials. The physical and chemical properties of an aluminum oxide titanium dioxide ceramic material (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) has the potential to withstand the wear and tear, exhibit- ing high hardness, low coefficient of friction, high ionic conductivity, high melting point and low thermal con- ductivity, which make it into a superior engineering ma- terial. Figure 1 illustrates the air-plasma-spray coating used to coat the piston head and inlet and exhaust valve heads using an aluminum oxide titanium dioxide ceramic material (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) for a modified TVI kirloskar en- gine. A CNC horizontal milling machine is used for ma- chining the piston crown and valve heads and after the machining, the components are coated with an air- plasma-spray coating (APS) with a thickness of 300 μm. The coating material consists of a highly reactive ce- ramic powder with low thermal expansion, low thermal conductivity, high thermal-shock resistance and high toughness; the chemical composition of the coating is Al 2 O 3 =8 7% ,T i O 2 = 9.5–13.5 %, SiO 2 = 0.5 % and MgO=3%. 3 SELECTION OF ALTERNATIVE FUEL This study was carried out in four phases. In the first phase, punnagam oil methyl ester (POME) was prepared using transesterification. In the second phase, blended biodiesel prepared from a mixture of different categories K. MURUGAN, R. THIRUMALAI: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE THERMAL-BARRIER COATING ... 122 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 121–126 including B25, B50, B75, B100 and normal diesel was used. In the third phase, the thermal-barrier coating was applied to obtain good heat energy and withstand the heat during a test of the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) ceramic material, using the air-plasma-spray coating technique. The final phase included an experiment carried out on a single-cyl- inder four-stroke direct-injection (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 )m a t e - rial-coated engine. The test was carried out to assess the engine performance and emission characteristics. Vehi- cles like trucks, buses, cars, trains and airplanes release an enormous amount of pollution, irreversibly affecting the air quality. Hence, finding and developing an alterna- tive fuel have become inevitable. An alternative fuel can overcome this problem. It can be made of non-edible vegetable oil and animal fat. Vegetable oil can cause an injection problem because of its high viscosity and poor volatility leading to engine deposits, filter gumming and piston-ring jamming. However, an alternative fuel helps surmount these problems. Hence, the objective of the study is to create an alternative fuel that will control the increasingly high emission levels of the pollutants that affect the air quality. The calophyllum inophyllum seed oil (known widely in Tamil as the punnagam oil) is used in this experiment. The punnagam-seed oil is non-edible and cultivated in the vast expanse of East Africa, Malaysia, Australia and southern Coastal India. The tree is grown extensively in Maharashtra, the coastal area of Tamil Nadu and Andamans. It has low hanging branches and takes a long time to grow. Its height is normally 8–20 m, its leaf is of an elliptical shape. The fruit is a round green drupe. The seeds are obtained twice per year, April to June and Oc- tober to December and an annual yield of these seeds is 20–100 kg/tree. Punnagam seeds, as shown in Figure 2, can be extracted by removing the outer shell. They have to be dried in the sun and crushed; later, oil is extracted from crushed punnagam seed. This process leads to a hitherto unknown alternative, a non-conventional fuel in- volving punnagam seeds. These are first dehusked and converted into punnagam oil methyl ester (POME) through a transesterification process. It exhibits superior diesel properties and can be used in a diesel engine. 4 EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP Figure 3 represents the experimental set-up, which uses a kirloskar engine. The engine is a single-cylinder diesel-engine with a bore of 87.5 mm, a stroke of 110 K. MURUGAN, R. THIRUMALAI: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE THERMAL-BARRIER COATING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 121–126 123 Figure 1: Plasma-spray coating Figure 2: Punnagam tree and seeds mm and a compression ratio of 17.5:1. The rated power is 5.2 kw @ 1500 min –1 . Tests were carried out at 1500 min –1 at full load. The diesel engine was connected to the eddy-current dynamometer for loading. The set-up con- sists of a fuel tank, stand-alone panel box consisting of an air box, fuel measuring unit, manometer, transmitters for air and fuel-flow measurements, process indicator and engine indicator. Rota-meters are provided for water cooling and a calorimeter is used for water-flow mea- surements. AVL DiGas 444 is used to measure the emis- sion parameters like CO, HC, CO 2 ,O 2 and NOx while an AVL 437C smoke meter is used to measure the ex- haust-smoke opacity. 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results depicted below reveal the engine perfor- mance and emission levels. The current result is an out- come of a comparison of a conventional engine with a diesel and transesterified biodiesel (POME) engine coated with the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) ceramic. The engine was tested at a constant speed of 1500 min-1 under a no-load condition and for 25, 50, 75, 100 biodiesel percentage. The test was carried out to assess the engine performance regarding the brake power, brake thermal efficiency, vol- umetric efficiency, air-fuel ratio and specific fuel con- sumption. In the next phase engine-emission characteris- tics regarding unburned hydro carbon, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, and engine-smoke opacity were tested. 5.1 Engine performance parameters 5.1.1 Brake power versus brake thermal efficiency Figure 4 presents the brake power and brake thermal efficiency. The brake thermal efficiency is compared against the Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 coated conventional-diesel engine and Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 coated POME engine. The engine exhib- its low thermal conductivity, thereby improving the oper- ation at a high temperature and reducing the ignition de- lay caused by physical and chemical reactions in the combustion chamber. A careful scrutiny of the brake thermal efficiency shows that the blend (POME) (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine performed much better. The break thermal efficiency of the coated, blend (POME) engine (MP with B75) exhibits an improved performance compared with the diesel engine. 5.1.2 Brake power versus volumetric efficiency The experimental result for the volumetric efficiency depends upon the operating conditions and atmospheric condition of the operating engine. Figure 5 presents a comparison of the levels of the volumetric efficiency against several conditions. It is observed that the use of the blend (POME) leads to a good atomization, thereby improving the complete combustion of exhaust gases. Also, the conventional diesel and the blend (POME) are better for the modified piston engine operating under full operating conditions. 5.1.3 Brake power versus brake specific fuel consumption The increase in the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) shown in Figure 6 illustrates the variation in the brake power versus the BSFC for biodiesel, also known as the brake specific energy consumption (BSEC). The mean effective pressure of the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated en- gine is high for the modified piston using B75 when comparing the blended (POME) and conventional diesel. The BSFC, also known as the brake specific energy con- sumption (BSEC), is independent of the blend (POME), (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) insulated engine. K. MURUGAN, R. THIRUMALAI: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE THERMAL-BARRIER COATING ... 124 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 121–126 Figure 3: Schematic layout of the experimental set-up Figure 5: Brake power versus volumetric efficiency Figure 4: Brake power versus brake thermal efficiency 5.1.4 Brake power versus air-fuel ratio Figure 7 shows the variation in the brake power ver- sus the air-fuel ratio. The air-fuel ratio is the most impor- tant parameter of an IC engine as it is gradually reduced at all loads when compared to the blend (POME) (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) insulated engine. The result reveals that POME is minimum when used with an (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 )in - sulated engine. So, the use of the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) insulation together with blend POME is suitable for the given en- gine. 5.2 Engine exhaust emissions 5.2.1 Brake power versus carbon monoxide emissions The variation in the brake power versus carbon mon- oxide (CO) emissions is shown in Figure 8. The objec- tive of comparing (POME) B25, B50, B75, B100 and conventional diesel, and the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine leads to reduced carbon monoxide emissions. The results reveal that the conventional engine causes a high level of emissions due to an inadequate level of the oxygen content when tested in the POME (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine, while the carbon monoxide emissions decrease considerably. 5.2.2 Brake power vs hydrocarbon emissions Hydrocarbon emissions are reduced substantially when the right blend of POME and oxygen (air-fuel mix- ture) is released into the combustion chamber. When the conventional diesel and oxygen are let into the combus- tion chamber, hydrocarbon emissions are very high since the conventional diesel and oxygen do not mix easily. The intention is to find out which of the three variables (various blends of POME including B25, B50, B75, B100 or the conventional diesel or the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine) results in lower hydrocarbon-emission levels. Figure 9 reveals that POME together with the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine results in a lower amount of hydrocarbon emissions, whereas the conventional engine releases large amounts of hydrocarbon emissions. 5.2.3 Brake power vs NOx emissions The variation in the brake power versus NOx engine emissions is shown in Figure 10. The conventional die- sel leads to high NOx-emission levels and when the con- ventional diesel is released into the combustion chamber, the temperature soars and produces NOx emissions. To surmount the problem of unacceptably high levels of NOx emission, the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine is in- serted into the modified TV1 Kirlosker diesel engine. It is revealed that the coated engine is able to absorb a cer- K. MURUGAN, R. THIRUMALAI: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE THERMAL-BARRIER COATING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 121–126 125 Figure 8: Brake power versus CO emission Figure 6: Brake power versus brake specific fuel consumption Figure 9: Brake power versus hydrocarbon emissions Figure 7: Brake power versus air-fuel ratio Figure 10: Brake power versus NOx emissions tain level of heat. Hence, the temperature comes down and results in lower NOx emissions. The objective is to find out which of the two variables including the conven- tional diesel and (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine leads to lower levels of NOx emissions. The blend (POME) and coated engine lead to lower emissions, whereas the con- ventional diesel leads to higher NOx emissions. 5.2.4 Brake power versus smoke opacity Figure 11 predicts the variation in the brake power versus the smoke opacity. The conventional-diesel en- gine demonstrated higher smoke opacity, which can be ascribed to the high amount of the fuel content in the conventional engine. The result revealed that POME and the (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) ceramic powder insulating the engine lead to lower smoke opacity. On the other hand, the con- ventional-diesel engine demonstrated higher smoke opacity. This can be ascribed to the high amount of fuel content in the conventional engine. 6 CONCLUSION The coated-engine temperature leads to a work ex- pansion by increasing the brake thermal efficiency for the suitable engine at the maximum load. The (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated, blend (POME) engine enhances combustion, reduces heat energy and decreases the brake specific fuel consumption. The results emphasize the ef- ficiency of the POME (Al 2 O 3 -TiO 2 ) coated engine with a modified piston using the 75 % blend and exposed to a full load. 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