Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 45/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 27.11.2011 1. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Pričakujemo polni veselega upanja »Zbudi svojo silo, pridi nas rešit!« (Ps 80,2) Ko v veselem upanju pričakujemo Gospodov prihod, poslušamo besede svetega pisma: »Vedno se za vas zahvaljujem svojemu Bogu za Božjo milost, ki vam je bila dana v Kristusu Jezusu, kaj v njem ste vsestransko obogateli v vsej besedi in v vsem spoznanju....tako, da vi, ki pričakujete razodetje našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa, ne pogrešate nobenega daru milosti.« (1Cor 1,4-7) Zakaj šte vedno pričakujemo Jezusa? Ker Advent ne zadeva samo o nekaj, kar se je zgodilo pred davnimi leti, ali kar se bo zgodili v prihodnosti; Jezus prihaja k nam prav zdaj. Po Svetem pismu, preko maših molitev, Jezus prihaja k nam tako pogosto, kot smo sposobni odpreti mu svoja srca. Zato, ko se oziramo na Božič, hitro ga povabimo v naša srca in domove, danes, zdaj. Gospod Jezus, pripravi naša srca, da te bodo vredna prejeti, zdaj in vsak dan našega življenja. Amen. Priprave na Božič so stekle. Nekateri ste lepe dni izkoristili za okrasitev hiš. Pred nami je Miklavževanje. Otroci Slovenske soše se že pripravljajo za nastop. Vabljeni, da se čimprej prijavite za Miklavževanje. Drugo nedeljo boste imeli tudi nove nedeljske kuverte za leto 2012, božično pismo in koledar. Sporočite, če se je v tem letu kdo preselil na nov naslov. Pohitite tudi s prijavami za Novoletno praznovanje - Silvestrovanje. Vse informacije so na plakatu. Vsem lepo in bogato pripravo na Božične praznike, vaš župnik. MAŠA ZA POKOJNE ČLANICE GIRL'S CLUB - »SCAVENGER HUNT« S redo zvečer so se zbrale v lepoem številu članice KŽZ in sorodniki. Z vrtnico in gorečo svečo pred oltarjem so Priklicale v spomin pokojne članice za katere se je darovala sveta maša. Po maši so v hodniku pripravile okrepčilo. V četrtek, 24. novembra pa so se spomnile svojih pokojnih tudi članice Slomškovega oltarnega društva. Iz sobote na nedeljo so se dekleta in mamice zbrale v mladinski sobi na srečanju. Začeli so z »scavenger hunt«. Pozneje so pekle piškote in ob družabnih igrah nadaljevali svoje srečanje. Pri maši so prodajale piškote. Prietno so združile s koristnim, predvsem pa je pomembno, da se med seboj dobro spoznajo. Sunday's Readings I 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Is 63:i6b-i7,19b; 64:2-7 The prophet proclaims the Lord as Father and Redeemer and longs for him to reveal himself. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Paul expresses thanks for the Christian witness and help of the Spirit as the faithful wait for the return of Jesus. Gospel Mark 13:33-37 Jesus encourages us to have a watchful expectancy and readiness for his return. In a small town on the Kent coast of southeast England, an elderly man could be seen seated outside his cottage day after day, gazing at the horizon. People said that he was a retired sea captain recalling his memories and daydreaming about his youth. But they were wrong. The figure was that of J.M.W. Turner, the famous artist. What fascinated him was not the past but the distant horizon, the line where the sea ended and the sky began. He longed to paint it on canvas. His eyes lingered on the scene so as to remember it. He would portray it in wonderful colors. In Advent the Church reminds us that we are people living between two great events, the coming of Jesus as a child in Bethlehem and his second coming at the end of time. The first was in humility and obscurity, the second will be in power and glory. One of the things that astonished the pagans about the early Christians was their enduring hope as they looked 360 | VESTNIK 2011 forward to Jesus' return. Suffering and persecution only strengthened that hope. Their constant prayer was, "Come, Lord Jesus." This sense of longing for God's intimate presence is expressed dramatically by Isaiah in today's first reading, "Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down." Hope can be described as faith that looks forward. The opposite of hope is despair. Christian hope means more than having a cheerful outlook. It is founded on a unique reality, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. That mighty event, which came after Jesus' self-sacrifice on the cross, is the triumph of his love and his victory over death, the last enemy. The risen Christ is the first fruits of the new age to come. Because he, the head of the Church, rose, his followers will also rise. At his second coming on the last day, Jesus will come in majesty to judge the world and to establish the kingdom of God in glory. Human words cannot describe fully this heavenly reality, but we pray for it daily with the words "thy kingdom come". The message of Advent calls us to remember constantly that we live in the time between the first coming of Jesus and his second coming. Jesus foresaw our modern temptation to indifference and unbelief. He tells us to "be alert" not in a frightened way but in the sense of being always alert to the truths he spoke and that he embodies. His second coming will not be the sudden return of someone who has been absent but the new appearance of someone who has always been present. We meet Jesus in a personal but unseen way in our reading of the Gospels, in our prayers and in the sacraments, and most especially in Holy Communion. These are the preparation for the full splendor of his second coming. Our meeting with him then will be face to face in the joy of his unveiled glory. We will be transfigured and our sight of him will not be a passive gazing but the joyous sharing in his life and love. Our Christian hope is cosmic as well as personal. Jesus will make all things new, raise the dead and free the universe from its bondage to decay. No wonder he tells us to watch and pray, and keep alive our Christian hope! "Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS PAGEANT - DECEMBER 24th- CHRISTMAS EVE MASS- 6:00PM The Liturgical committee welcomes all children to participate in the Children's Christmas Eve Pageant taking place December 24th at 6:00 pm. The first practice for the pageant will begin on Saturday December 10th 12:30 - 1:30 pm. We invite all the children of our parish to come and have some fun, sing and maybe act a little. We are looking forward to seeing you all there. Please contact Mary Miklavcic at 905- 6644927 or Sonja Podrebarac at 905-664-1774 for more details. Words Can't Feed the Hungry Good Shepherd Christmas Food Drive much needed items: Cereal, Crackers, Dry Pasta & Sauce, Tuna, Instant Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Juice, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Fruit, Jam, Healthy Children's Snacks, Canned Pasta, Canned Soup, Canned Vegetables, Coffee/Regular Tea, Pork & Beans, Baby Formula, Diapers (Size 4,5,6 + pull-up), Feminine Hygiene Products. NA PROGRAMU ZA PRIHODNJE DNI • 04. december - nedelja: MIKLAVŽEVANJE. - Sv. Gregorij Veliki, Triglav_London, Lipa park • 11. december - nedelja: Bled, Beam-sville - Božičnica; Slovenski park -Miklavževanje. • 18. december - nedelja: Duhovna priprava: Sava -Breslav: maša ob 12:00, London-cerkev: maša ob 4:00 p.m. • 19. - 20. december : Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Duhovna priprava na Božič. • 20. december - torek: Sv. Jožef -Božičnica - Christmas party. • 24. december - sobota: Sveti večer. Maša ob 6:00 p.m./angleška/ in ob 10:00 p.m. - Polnočnica /slovenska/. • 25. december - nedelja: BOŽIČ -maša ob 9:30 a.m. In 11:00 a.m. • 26. december - ponedeljek: Sveti Štefan, maša v Lipa parku ob 4:00 p.m. • 31. december - sobota: New Year's Eve: Silvestrovanje - St. Gregory the Great Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor Pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor so ob četrtkih, po večerni maši. Zbor bo pel pri maši na drugo adventno nedeljo, ko obhajamo v župniji praznik sv. Nikolaja, 4. dec. folklorna skupina »venec«_ Folklorna skupina "VENEC" has already begun the new season of folklore and fun! This year's program will continue with our goals of costuming, dance, song and a number of| performances. Our next practice will be on Sunday, November 27th starting at 2 pm. New and old members more than welcome! CWL - KŽZ_ Thank you to all you contributed to making our Memorial Mass this past Wednesday, November 23rd, a lovely tribute to our deceased members. Everyone's efforts were greatly appreciated. Important notice: our monthly December General meeting will be moved forward to this Thursday, December 1st to help give us more time to plan our Christmas agenda. This is a very important meeting. We hope everyone will make an effort to attend. As usual it will be held following 7 pm mass. MARMORA_ Just a reminder for everyone who wish to join with us on Thursday December 8, 2011 for a day of prayer on a pilgrimage to Marmora. The Mass at our church of St. Gregory the Great will be in English at 8:00 am. There is few more empty seat's on the bus and you are warmly invited to occupy them with your presence. We will be leaving Hamilton, from our parking lot at 8:30 am., and are returning at 8:00 pm. Cost for the bus is $30.00 per person. If you are interested to come with us, please call Angela Kobe tel.: 905-634-6746. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA_ Društvo Sv. Jožefa membership fee is now due for 2012. Please see Frank Erzar and receive your new membership card. Vse člane društva prosimo, da obnovijo članarino za leto 2012. Pri Franku Erzarju placate članarino in dobite člansko izkaznico. ČIŠČENJE CERKVE_ Članice Slomškovega oltarnega društva vsako leto skrbijo, da je cerkev čista, urejena in okrašena. Mnoge so že v letih, pa ne zmorejo več vsega dela same, zato prosimo vse, ki ste pripravljeni, da bi nekajkrat na leto bili pripravljeni pomagati pri čiščenju, da nam sporočite. Če je več ljudi na seznamu, potem vsaka skupina pride manjkrat na vrsto. Hvala za vašo pripravljenost in sodelovanje. PRVI PETEK IN PRVA SOBOTA_ Začenjamo adventni čas in mesec december. V petek bomo obiskovali bolnike. Zvečer pa bo prilož -nost za prejem zakramenta sprave in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. Vsi lepo vabljeni. VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu decembreu bo večna luč svetila za pokojnega Antona Vengarja, po namenu žene Matilde z družino. DAROVI_ Bogu in Božji Materi v zahvalo je Martin Malevič z družino daroval $150 za potrebe cerkve. Hvala za dar in Bog povrni. OD 27. 11. 2011 DO 04. 12. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 27. November 1. ADVENTNA Virgil in Modest, škofa za žive in rajne župljane ff Pokojni duhovniki župnije ff Starši Žižek 9:30 a.m. Družina Cestnik 11:00 a.m. Družina Žižek Ponedeljek - Monday 28. November Katarina Laboure,red. f Karl Volčanšek f Franc Štadler f Rudi Kerec f Štefan Mlinarič, obl. 7:00 p.m. Mira Števančec Cilka Lehner Cilka Lehner Žena Matilda Torek - Tuesday 29. November Saturin, muč. f Milan Štefanec f Darinka Ferletič f Ivan Dobršek ff Ivan in Anton Malevič, obl. 7:00 p.m. Družina Gergyek Mož Milan in hči Sandy Francka in Štefan Antolin Brat Martin z družino Sreda - Wednesday 30. November Andrej, apostol f Olga Kaukler f Blaž Čulilg f Elizabeth Hozjan f Ivko Rozalija 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič z družino Naci in Ana Krampač Marija in Ignac Korošec _Toni in Marija Franc Četrtek - Thursday 01. December Egidij, škof f Elizabeth Farkaš, obl. f Elizabeth Farkaš, obl. ff Družina Kološa f Štefan Zadravec 7:00 p.m. Marina Stefanec Maks in Milka Pavlič Majda in Marjana Brat Franc Zadravec z družino Prvi Petek - First Friday 02. December Natalija, mučenka ff f f f Za duše v vicah Matija Vlašič Jožef Pust Anton Cunjak 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Helena in John Wiech Družina Demšar _Katica in družina Kapušin Sobota - Saturday 03. December Frančišek Ksaver, red. f Jožef Pust f Karl Volčanšek ff Ilija in Kristina Pavličič f Anton Vengar_ 8:15 a.m. Joe in Kathie Terhljan-Tunder Bay 5:30 p.m. Josephine Pfeiffer Sin Max z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa NEDELJA - SUNDAY 04. December f 2. ADVENTNA f Barbara, mučenka za žive in rajne župljane Stane Napast 9:30 a.m. John Halas 11:00 a.m. MIKLAVŽEVANJE - ST. NICHOLA'S DAY Fanika Napast z družino Elizabeth in Family 12:00 - ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA 4Î* svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation