ASVNCHRONOU S MICROPROCESSOR S Jurij Šile Computer Systems Department, Jožef Štefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia email: AND Borut Robič Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia email: Keywords: asynchronous logic, asynchronous processor, self-timed processor Edited by: Rudi Murn Received: April 6, 1999 Revised : May 19, 1999 Accepted : May 25, 1999 The asynchronous processors attack clock-related timing problems by asynchronous (or self-timed) design techniques. Asynchronous processors remove the internal clock. Instead of a single central clock that keeps the chip's functional units in step, ali parts of an asynchronous processor (e.g., the arithmetic units, the branch units, etc.) work at their own pace, negotiating with each other whenever data needs to be passed between them. In this paper, severa/ projects are presented, two of these - the Superscalar Asynchronous Low-Power Processor (SCALP) and AMULET - are presented in more detail. Introductio n Conventional synchronous architectures are based on global clocking whereby global synchronization signals control the rate at which different elements operate. For exainple, aH functional units operate in lockstep under the control of a central clock [16]. With progress of tirne and improvement of technol­ogy, clocks get faster, the chips have higher circuit density and the -vvires get finer. As a result, it be­comes increasingly difficult to ensure that ali parts of the processor are ticking along in step with each other. Even though the electrical clock pulses are travelling at a substantial fraction of the speed of light, the de­lays in getting from one side of a small piece of silicon to the other can be enough to throw the chip's oper­ation out of synchronization. Even if the clock were injected optically to avoid the wire delays, the signals issued as a result of the clock would stili have to prop­agate along wires in time for the next clock pulse, and a similar problem would remain. For example, the 1997 National Technology Roadmap for Semiconduc­tors [23] forecasts that CMOS technology will reach a point where the switching delay for a single gate will be close to 10 ps while a single chip area will be nearly 7.5 cm^. It will take 30 clock cycles for the electric sig­nal to cross such a chip. Moreover, the interchip clock skew already represents a major problem. The clock-related timing problems have been re­cently attacked by asynchronous (or self-timed) design techniques. These asynchronous processors do away with the idea of having a single central clock keeping the chip's functional units in step. Instead, each mod­ule of the processor - for example, the arithmetic units, the branch units, etc. - aH work at their own pace, ne­gotiating with each other whenever data needs to be passed between them. The communication protocol synchronizes the modules involved in the communica­tion and allows data to be shared between them. Without a global clock, asynchronous systems enjoy [19]: — Data-dependent cycle time rather than worst čase cycle time: The conventionally clocked chip has to be slowed down so that the most sluggish function does not get left behind. To deal with this prob­lem one can either use some extra circuitry to try to speed up these slow special cases, or alterna­tively just accept it and slow everything down to take account of the lowest common denominator. Either way the result is that resources are wasted or the chip's speed is determined by an instruction that may hardly ever be executed. In the asyn­chronous approach the chip only becomes more sluggish when a tricky operation is encountered. — Potential for low power consumption: The con­ventional processors are becoming increasingly power consuming. For example, DEC's Alpha and the IBM/Motorola PowerPC 620 emit around 20 W to 30 W in normal operation. If we were to continue to use 5 V supplies, we could expect by the end of 1999 a 0.1 micron processor dissipat­ing 2kW. Reducing the supply to 3 V (or 2 V) would only reduce the power dissipation to 660 W 24 0 Informatica 23 (1999) 239-247 clock ' ' " Combinational 1 HJ Logic ^J (a) request O u O h-1 1-1 acknovvledge ' ' , ' ' ' go done Combinational M(^ HJ I-ogic >-i (b) " Combinational 1 Logic ^ J. Šile et al. request O O acknowledge ' " go done Combinational o Logic h J Combinational Logic request acknowledge ' go done Combinational Logic Figure 1: A simple pipeline (a) synchronous (b) asynchronous (or 330 W). One of the reasons is that many of the logic gates switch their states simply because they are being driven by the clock, and not because they are doing any useful work. Removing the clock in asynchronous processors also removes the unnecessary power consumption as CMOS gates only dissipate energy when they are switching. — Ease of modular composition, i.e., circuits can be assembled as plug-and-play. — Optimization of frequent operations while rare op­erations can spend more tirne. — No need for clock alignment at the interfaces. — Timing fault-tolerance. There are also several shortcomings to the asyn­chronous approach: — clock-based computers are easier to build than asynchronous; — it is easier to verify a synchronous design due to its deterministic operation (by comparison, verifying an asynchronous design, with each part working at its own pace, is difficult). Asynchronou s Logic Virtually ali digital design today is based on a synchronous approach whereby each subsystem is a clocked finite state machine that changes its states on the edges of a regular global clock. Such a system be­haves in a discrete and deterministic way, provided the delays are managed so that the flip-flop setup and hold times are met under ali conditions. As a contrast, in asynchronous design, there is no clock to govern the timing of state changes. Sub­systems exchange Information at mutuaJly negotiated times with no external timing regulation. An asyn­chronous pipeline, such as micropipelines [18], man­ages the flow of data according to the state of the next and previous pipeline stages. In a synchronous pipeline, if a stage is late in completing operation of the combinatorial circuit, the entire pipeline delayed by an amount of tirne equal to the clock period. For an asynchronous pipeline, however, if a stage is late by an duration u, the entire pipeline is delayed just by u}. Also in contrast to synchronous pipelines, an asynchronous pipeline controller only judges the state of adjoining stages. Therefore decentralized control is possible [19]. Figure l a shows the structure of a synchronous pipeline with latches and combinational logic blocks. AH latches are controlled by a single global clock signal and operate simultaneously. An asynchronous implementation of the pipeline is shown in Fig. Ib. The latches and the combinational logic block are the same as in the synchronous pipeline. The timing, however, is controlled differently. Each latch has an associated latch control circuit (LCC) which opens and closes the latch in response to re­quest signals from the previous stage and acknowledge signals from the following stage. There are a few key features which describe most current approaches: — Delay-insensitive vs speed-independent design: Delay-insensitive designs make no assumptions about delays within the system. That is, any gate or interconnection may take an arbitrary tirne to propagate a signal. Speed-independent systems are tolerable to variations in gate speeds but as­sume instantaneous transmissions along wires. — Dual-rail encoding vs data bundling communica­tion protocol: In dual rail encoded data, each Boolean is implemented as two wires. This al­lows the value and the timing Information to be communicated for each data bit. Bundled data, on the other hand, has one wire for each data bit and a separate wire to indicate the timing. — Level vs transition encoding: Level-sensitive cir­cuits typically represent a logic one by a high volt­age and a logic zero by a low voltage. In transition signaling, only changes in the level of signals are taken into account. Delay-insensitive circuits with dual-rail communica­tion and encoding with transition signaling proved to be ideal for automatic transformation into a silicon lay­out, as the delays introduced by the layout compiler cannot affect the functionality. The most popular form in recent years has been dual-rail encoding with level-sensitive signaling. Delay insensitivity is achieved at the cost of more power dissipation than with transi­tion signaling. The advantage of this approach over transition signaling is that the logic processing ele­ments can be much simpler. A well-known form of delay-insensitive circuit with bundled data communi­cation and encoding with transition signaling is the micropipelined approach, which was proposed in [18] and adopted in the AMULET project (see below). Microprocessors A number of asynchronous microprocessors have been proposed or built recently. The processors described can be divided broadly into two categories: — Those that were built using a conservative tim­ing model, suitable for formal synthesis or veri­fication, but with a simple architecture. Among these are CAP, TITAC, ST-RISC, ARISC, and ASPRO-216. — Those that were built with a less cautious tim­ing model using an informal design approach, but with a more ambitious architecture. These in­clude the AMULET processors, NSR, Pred, CPP, Hades, ECSTAC, STRiP, and SCALP. Table 3 summarizes these characteristics. Let us describe the architecture and the asyn­chronous design of asynchronous superscalar proces­sors SCALP and AMULET and, only briefly, some other projects [7, 22]. 3.1 Superscala r Asynchronou s Low-Power Processo r The first asynchronous superscalar processor was de­signed in 1996 at the University of Manchester [7]. The processor was named SCALP, for Superscalar Asyn­chronous Low-Power Processor. SCALP's main archi­tectural innovation is its lack of a global register file and its result forwarding network. Most SCALP in­structions do not specify the source of their operands and destination of their results by means of register numbers. Instead, the idea of explicit fonvarding was introduced whereby each instruction specifies the des­tination of its result. That destination is the input to another functional unit consuming the value. Instruc­tions do not specify the source of their operands at ali; they implicitly use the values provided for them by the preceding instructions. Figure 2 shows the organization of the SCALP pro­cessor. SCALP does have a register file; it constitutes one of the functional units. It is accessed only by read and write instructions which transfer data to and from other functional units by means of the explicit forward­ing mechanism. Sever al instructions are fetched from memory at a time. Each instruction has a functional unit identifier, which is a small number of easily de­coded bits that indicate which functional unit will ex­ecute the instruction. The instructions are statically allocated to functional units. If there is more than one functional unit capable of executing a particular instruction, one must be chosen by the compiler. This simplifies the instruction issuer and is essential to the explicit forwarding mechanism. The instruction issuer is responsible for distributing the instructions to the various functional units on the basis of the functional unit identifier. Each functional unit has a number of input queues: one for instructions and one for each of its possible operands. An instruction begins exe­cution once it and ali of its necessary operands have arrived at the functional unit. The functional unit sends the result, along with the destination address, to the result-routing network. This places the result into the appropriate input queue of another functional unit. There are some similarities between the SCALP ap­proach and dataflow computing. In particular, it is possible to describe SCALP programs by means of dataflow graphs. Nevertheless, the flow of control in SCALP is determined by a conventional control-flow mechanism, not a datafiow mechanism. 242 Informatica 23 (1999) 239-247 J. Šile et al. Processor CAP FAM STRiP ST-RISC NSR CFP P AMULETI TITAC-1 Pred Hades ECSTAC AMULET2e SCALP TITAC-2 AMULET3i ARISC ASPRO-216 Design Style 4-phase, dual-rail delay-insensitive 4-phase, dual-rail delay-insensitive variable clock synchronous dual-rail delay-insensitive 2-phase bundled data 2-phase bundled data 2-phase bundled data 2-phase, dual-rail quEisi delay-insensitive 2-phase bundled data unspecified fundamental mode 4-phase bundled data 4-phase bundled data 2-phase, dual-rail scalable delay-insensitive 4-phase bundled data 4-phase bundled data 4-phase, multi-rail quasi delay-insensitive ISA own 16-bit RISC-like own RISC-like MIPS-X own own 16-bit RISC-like SPARC ARM own 8-bit based on MC 88100 own own variable length ARM own own 32-bit ARM MIPS-II, MIPS16 own 16-bit Organization fetch-execute pipeline pipelined pipelined forwarding fetch-execute pipeline pipelined no forwarding decoupled branch & load/store pipelined multiple execution stages single issue result pipeline forwarding using counter-flow pipelined no forwarding nonpipelined pipelined multiple functional units single issue no forwarding decoupled branch &; load/store pipelined multiple functional units multiple issue forwarding pipelined no forwarding pipelined , forwarding pipelined multiple functional units multiple issue explicit forwarding pipelined multiple functional units pipelined branch prediction out-of-order completion unrestricted forwarding pipelined multiple functional units pipelined out-of-order completion Table 1: Recent asynchronous microprocessors Instruction Fetch T •»TTTT H Result Router Functional Unit m Instruction and Operand Queues Result Queues H -HTTT -•cm Functional Unit Figure 2: SCAL P overall organization 3.2 AMULET At the University of Manchester, several asynchronous processors called AMULETI, AMULET2, and AMU­LET3 were implemented [8, 9, 10, 20]. AMULETI was the first asynchronous implementa­tion of a commercially important instruction set ar­chitecture (ARM's instruction set architecture version 3 used in the ARM6 processor) [8], and appeared in early 1993 (see Fig. 3). It was designed using a 2-phase bundled data design style, with a 5-stage pipehne and no result forwarding. An interlocking was used to stali instructions at the register read stage until their operands had been written by previous instructions. After being fetched, a branch instruction had to pass through ten pipeline or FIFO stages before the target address was sent to memory. This resulted in large numbers of prefetched instructions that were discarded and a significant number of bubbles. As a result, the pipeline throughput was low. AMULETI permitted out-of-order completion of load instructions relative to other instructions. AMULETI was about 70 % the speed of a 20 MHz ARM6 processor, but with faster simple operations (e.g., with three times faster multi­plication). In October 1996, the AMULET2 processor was de­signed [9], based on the ARM instruction set architec­ture version 4. The processor used a 4-phase bundled data design style because this was believed to have benefits in terms of speed, size, and power relative to AMULETI. The processor had a slightly shorter pipeline than AMULETI and employed both forward­ing and branch prediction. It also incorporated lim­ited forwarding by employing a last-result register at the output of the ALU, and forwarding mechanisms to use the result of a load instruction in a following in­struction. A more sophisticated register-interlocking mechanism was used to remove write-after-write haz­ards. The AMULET2e chip consisted of 454000 tran­sistors including a 4 kbyte fully associative cache. The synchronous equivalent ARM810 used almost twice as many transistors, but also an 8kbyte cache. With its 40 MIPS, the AMULET2 was 3.2 times faster than AMULETI, and with half the performance of a 75 MHz ARM810. The next in the AMULET line, AMULET3, is ex­pected to be a commercial product in 1999 [10]. It is expected that the key feature of this microprocessor will be a reorder buffer capable of solving the prob­lems of result forwarding and exception handling in an asynchronous pipeline. This will allow a high degree of flexibility in operation, such as out-of-order com­pletion, whilst avoiding read-after-write hazards (by stalling until the relevant value appears) and write-after-write hazards (averted by the reorder buffer). 3.3 Caltech Asynchronous Processor The Caltech Asynchronous Processor (CAP) [11] was built in the late 1980s at California Institute of Tech­ 244 Informatica 23 (1999) 239-247 J. Šile et al. Instruction Decode .a C1 a t • •a i1 a o CA •Eb pi 1 o U •§ • a < W s o aaQ Figure 3: The AMULETI organization nology. The circuit design was delay-insensitive with dual-rail encoded communication. The processor fea­tured a RISC-hke load/store instruction set with 16 registers. A number of concurrent processes were re­sponsible for instruction fetch, operand read, ALU op­erate, etc. The processor was implemented in a 1.6 mi­cron CMOS process, and operated at 18 MIPS at room temperate and 5 V. The circuit continued to function at very low supply voltages, with optimum energy per operation at around 2 V. It was also tested in liquid ni­trogen at 77K when its performance reached 30 MIPS. More recently, GaAs version of CAP has been imple­mented [21]. 3.4 Fully Asynchronou s Microprocesso r The 32-bit Pully Asynchronous Microprocessor (FAM) [3] developed in the early 1990s at the Korean Institute of Science and Technology and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, was a dual-rail asynchronous proces­sor with a RISC-like load/store instruction set. It had a 4-stage pipeline but register read, ALU, and register write occurred in a single stage eliminating the need for any forwarding. FAM, like CAP, is experimental. 3.5 Self-Timed RIS C Processo r A Self-Timed RISC Processor (STRiP) [5] was built at Stanford University. Its instruction set was that of the MIPS-X processor. STRiP is included here even though it has a global clock signal and could be con­sidered synchronous. It is unusual in that the speed of the global clock is dynamically variable in response to the instructions being executed, giving much of the ad­vantage of an asynchronous system. The performance of STRiP was typically twice that of an equivalent syn­chronous processor. By maintaining global synchrony STRiP was able to implement forwarding in the same simple way as synchronous processors. For a 2 micron technology, the designers reported a 63 MHz effective clock frequency and a 62.5 MIPS performance rating. 3.6 ST-RISC ST-RISC [4] was an architecture from the Israel In­stitute of Technology. It was delay-insensitive with a dual-rail datapath. ST-RISC had a 2-stage pipeline (fetch and execute) and a 3-address-register-based in­struction set. 3.7 Nonsynchronou s RIS C The Nonsynchronous RISC (NSR) processor [1] was built using FPGA technology at the University of Utah in 1993. It was implemented using a 2-phase bundled data protocol. NSR was a pipelined processor with pipeline stages separated by FIFO queues. The idea of the FIFO queues is that they decouple the pipeline stages so that an instruction that spends a long time in one stage need not hold up any following instructions. The disadvantage of this approach is that the latency of the queues themselves is significant and, because of the dependencies within a processor pipeline, the increase in overall latency is detrimental. NSR used a locking mechanism to stali instructions that need operands produced by previous instructions. There was no forwarding mechanism. NSR had a 16-bit dat­apath and 16-bit instructions. The instructions in­cluded three 4-bit register specifiers and a 4-bit op­code. Some aspects of its instruction set were spe­cialized for the asynchronous implementation: branch, load, and store instructions made the FIFOs that in­terconnected the functional units visible to the pro­grammer. Conditional branch instructions were de-coupled from the ALU that executed comparison in­structions by a Boolean FIFO. Computed branch in­structions also used a FIFO to store computed branch addresses. Load instructions had two parts. One in­struction specifies a load address. A subsequent in­struction used the load result by reading from a special register rl . There could be an arbitrary separation be­tween the two instructions, and it was possible to have several load operations outstanding at one time. Store instructions worked similarly by writing the store data torl . 3.8 Counterflow Pipelin e Processo r The Counterfiow Pipeline Processor (CFPP) [17], de­veloped in 1994 at Sun Microsystems, was based on ex­tensions of the techniques proposed in [18]. The CFPP executed SPARC instructions. Its novel contribution was the result forwarding in an asynchronous pipeline. CFP P had two pipelines. In one pipeline, instructions flowed upwards; in the other results flowed downwards. As instructions flowed upwards they watched out for results of previous instructions that they had to use as operands flowing downwards. If they spotted any such operands, they captured them; otherwise, they eventu­ally received a value that flowed down from the register file which was at the top of the pipelines. When an instruction obtained ali of its operands it continued to flow upwards until it found a pipeline stage where it could compute the result. Once computed, the result was injected into the result pipeline for use by any fol­lowing dependent instructions and was also carried for­ward in the instruction pipeline to be written into the register file. The counterflow pipeline neatly solved the problem of result forwarding. This particular CFPP was not fabricated. 3.9 TITAC TITAC-1 [13] was a simple 8-bit asynchronous pro­cessor built at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. It was based on the quasi delay-insensitive (QDI) tim-Informatica 23 (1999) 239-247 245 ing model (where additional assumptions are intro­duced into the delay-insensitive model) and so had to use dual-rail encoding communication. This resulted in about twice as many gates in the datapath com­pared to an equivalent synchronous datapath. Archi­tecturally, TITAC-1 was very straightforward with no pipelining and a simple accumulator-based instruction set. In 1997, a 32-bit asynchronous microprocessor TITAC-2 [19] was built whose instruction set archi­tecture was based on the MIPS R2000. It ušes a scal­able delay-insensitive (SDI) model, which unlike the QDI model, assumes that the relative delay ratio be­tween any two components is bounded. SDI circuits can run faster than equivalent QDI ones. The mea­sured performance of TITAC-2 was 52.3 MIPS using the Dhrystone benchmark. 3.10 Fred Fred [15] is a development of NSR and also built at the University of Utah. Like NSR, Fred is implemented us­ing 2-phase data bundling. It is modeled using VHDL. Pred extends the NSR to have a 32-bit datapath and 32-bit instructions, based on the Motorola 88100 in­struction set. Fred has multiple functional units. In­structions from the functional units can complete out of order. However, the instruction issuer can only is­sue one instruction at a time, and the register file is only able to provide operands for one instruction at a time. This allows for a relatively straightforward instruction issue and a precise exception mechanism, but limits the attainable level of parallelism. There is no forwarding mechanism; instructions are stalled at the instruction issuer until their operands have been written to the register file. There is no out-of-order issue. Like the NSR, Fred ušes programmer-visible FIFO queues to implement decoupled load/store and branch instructions. This arrangement has the pos­sibility of deadlock if the program tries to read from an empty queue or write to a full one. Fred chooses to detect this condition at the instruction issuer and generate an exception. 3.11 Hade s Hades [6] is a proposed superscalar asynchronous pro­cessor from the University of Hertfordshire. It is in many ways similar to a conventional synchronous su­perscalar processor; it has a global register file, for­warding, and a complex (though in-order) instruction issue. Its forwarding mechanism ušes a scoreboard to keep track of which result is available and from where. 3.12 ECSTA C ECSTAC [12] is an asynchronous microprocessor de­signed at the University of Adelaide. ECSTAC is im­246 Informatica 23 (1999) 239-247 plemented using fundamental mode control circuits. It is deeply pipelined with a complex variable-length in­struction format. It has 8-bit registers and ALU. The variable-length instructions and the mismatch between the address size and the datapath width made the de­sign more complex and slower. There is no forwarding mechanism within the datapath, and a register inter­locking scheme is used to stali instructions until their operands are available. 3.13 ARIS C A joint project between the Technical University of Denmark and LSI Logic Denmark resulted in ARISC [2], which is an asyncronous re-implementation of the LSI Logic's TinyRISC TR4101 embedded mi­croprocessor. Four-phase bundled data protocol is used throughout the entire design in combination with a normally opaque latch controUer. Ali logic is implemented using static logic standard cells. In 0.35 micron CMOS technology ARISC performance is 74 MIPS (with power efficiency 635MIPS/W), while the performance of the 83 MHz TR4101 is 48 MIPS (539MIPS/W). 3.14 ASPRO-21 6 ASPRO [14] is a CMOS standard-cell QDI micropro­cessor which is being developed at the ENST Bre­tagne and CNET Grenoble. It is based on a simple RISC architecture with 16 general purpose registers. ASPRO-216 is a scalar processor, which extensively ušes an overlapping pipelined execution scheme involv­ing asynchronous units. The processor issues instruc­tions in order and may complete their execution out of order. In 0.25 micron technology the expected peak performance is 200 MIPS with 0.5 W power dissipa­tion. 4 Conclusions Power consumption in VLSI chips may be a signif­icant issue for two reasons. First, to optimize bat­tery life, portable equipment such as lap-top com­puters and mobile telephones demand low power con­sumption. Second, high performance processors now dissipate enough power to make chip cooling a prob­lem in an office environment. Thus, it has been pre­dicted that asynchronous techniques will find their way into certain niches, in particular, embedded ap­plications where the work required is extremely burst-intensive or where power-saving requirements make the approach attractive. Clocked chips with some asynchronous parts may also be expected. The asyn­chronous processor paradigm has the potential to solve the clocking problems in large processor chips. As a J. Šile et al. result, several universities and microprocessor manu­facturers are actively investigating new asynchronous processor architectures. References [1] E. Brunvand: The NSR processor. Proč. 26th An­nual Haivaii International Conference on System Sciences, (1993), pp. 428-435. [2] K.T. Christensen et al.: The design an asyn­chronous TinyRJSC TR4101 microprocessor core. Proč. 4th International Spmposium on Advanced Research in Astjnchronous Circuits and Systems, (1998). [3] K.-R. Cho, K. Okura, K. Asada: Design of a 32-bit fully asynchronous microprocessor (FAM). Proč. 35th Midiuest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (1992). [4] I. David, R. Ginosar, M. Yoeli: Self-timed ar­chitecture of a reduced instruction set computer. Proč. IFIP Working Conference on Asynchronous Design Methodologies, (1993). 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