DOI: 10.14720/aas.2016.107.1.14 Agrovoc descriptors: citrus; aphis spiraecola; aphidoidea; citrus reticulata, citrus sinensis, climatic change; population dynamics; algeria Agris category code: H10, p40 Population dynamics of aphids (Aphididae) on orange (Citrus sinensis 'Thomson Navel') and mandarin (Citrus reticulata 'Blanco') Salim LEBBALW Malik LAAMARI2 Received September 01, 2015; accepted Janury 07, 2016. Delo je prispelo 01. septembra 2015, sprejeto 07. januarja 2016. ABSTRACT Citrus fruits represent one of the most important fruit productions worldwide. However, they suffer from a numerous constraints. Aphids are among the causes of the decline in the production of citrus. In this study, the diversity of citrus aphids and their seasonal occurrence were explored on orange and mandarin, during 2012 and 2013, in an orchard located in Skikda province (Algeria). In total, six different aphid species were found during two years. The most common species was Aphis spiraecola Patch, 1914. Climatic conditions had an important role in the infestation level by aphids. There were changes of aphid dynamics between the two years of the investigation. No aphids was recorded in six months in 2012 (January, June, July, August, September and December) and in three months in 2013 (January, February and August). Besides, the number of identified aphid species increased from two to five. On the other hand, the orange trees seemed to be the most infested host species. Key words: Algeria, citrus aphids, Citrus reticulata, Citrus sinensis, climate change, population dynamics IZVLEČEK POPULACIJSKA DINAMIKA LISTNIH UŠI (Aphididae) NA POMARANČEVCU (Citrus sinensis 'Thomson Navel') IN MANDARINOVCU (Citrus reticulata 'Blanco') Plodovi citrasov so med najvažnejšimi v svetovni proizvodnji sadja, a je njihova proizvodnja omejena zaradi številnih omejitev. Listne uši so eden izmed vzrokov upada njihove proizvodnje. V tej raziskavi sta bila preučevana raznolikost in sezonsko pojavljanje listnih uši, ki se pojavljajo na citrusih v sadovnjaku pomarančevcev in mandarinovcev v provinci Skikda (Algeria), v letih 2012 in 2013. Celukupno smo v dveh letih raziskave našli šest različnih vrst listnih uši. Najbolj pogosta je bila vrsta Aphis spiraecola Patch, 1914. Pri okužbi z listnimi ušmi so imele pomembno vlogo klimatske razmere. Dinamika njihovega pojavljanja se je med obema letoma raziskave spreminjala. Listnih uši nismo zabeležili v obdobju šestih mesecev v letu 2012 in treh mesecev v letu in 2013. Poleg tega se je število vrst v tem obdobju povečalo iz dveh na pet. Pomarančevci so se izkazali kot najbolj okužen gostitelj. Ključne besede: Alžirija, listen uši na citrusih, Citrus reticulata, Citrus sinensis, podnebne spremembe, populacijska dinamika 1 INTRODUCTION Citrus is an important fruit crop worldwide (Al-taha et al., 2012). The citrus are cultivated from about 15° N to 35° S, between sea level and 1000 m, and are susceptible to frost unless the tree is dormant (Hill, 2008). They are grown in more than 100 countries all over the world, mainly in tropical and subtropical areas, where favorable soil and climatic conditions prevail. Citrus fruits are marketed mainly as fresh fruit or as processed juice (Peña et al., 2007). The citrus industry is one of the main components of Mediterranean agriculture, helping to guarantee incomes in underprivileged 1 University Hadj Lakhdar, Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences Institute, Agronomy Department, Batna, Algeria. E-mail: 2 University Hadj Lakhdar, Agronomy Department, LATPPAM Laboratory, Batna, Algeria. E-mail: Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 107 - 1, marec 2016 str. 137 - 136 Salim LEBBAL, Malik LAAMARI rural zones. Furthermore, citrus fruits provide the main source of vitamin C in the Mediterranean Basin, contributing to the general nutritional supply (Dambier et al., 2011). In Algeria, the citriculture has a strategic importance because it is a source to supply fresh fruits (Biche, 2012). However, it suffers since a few years from a considerable decline of the production and the quality of fruits. Among the causes of this decline, the pests such as the aphids keep a predominant place (Boulfekhar-Ramdani, 1998). The latter are serious pests of many agricultural crops. Therefore, a good understanding of their population dynamics is vitally important for crop protection (Kindlmann and Dixon, 2010). Little quantitative data are available on the population dynamics of citrus aphids because of sampling difficulties (Lapchin et al., 1994). Although aphids are dangerous pests, little is known about the aphid fauna of Algeria (Laamari et al., 2010). In this study, we established an inventory of the aphid species present on different citrus trees in the Northeastern Algerian region of Skikda, based on the prospection work carried out during two years (2012 and 2013). This constitute a step towards exploring the diversity of the Algerian aphid fauna on citrus and their seasonal occurrence, and comparing the aphids associated with different citrus species in order to elaborate an appropriate control plan against these pests, and thus contributing to increase the production of citrus fruits. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The orchard used in this study is located in the northeast of Algeria (Emjez Djich: Skikda) (36° 42' N, 6° 47' E), planted with approximately 15-year-old citrus trees. The experimental area consisted of different citrus species and varieties, among them, we studied two species: 'Thomson Navel' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) and 'Carval Hal' mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco), all grafted on Troyer citrange (C. sinensis (L.) Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata Raf.) rootstock. The trees were planted in rows with 5 m between rows. Intrarow-tree spacing was also 5 m. From January 2012 to December 2013, samples were taken every month. Orange and mandarin trees were almost under the same management regime. There were no other crops under the trees. In general, the orchard was cultivated with low pesticide application, and weeding was executed mechanically. In 2012, five young citrus shoots from each variety were randomly collected. Lapchin et al. (1994) mentioned that sampling methods used to study the population dynamics of citrus aphids are generally based on counting infested shoots. Several authors (Yokomi and Tang, 1996; Kavallieratos et al., 2002; Boukhris-Bouhachem, 2011) have used young citrus shoots to study citrus aphid in different countries (Puerto Rico, Greece and Tunisia respectively). In 2013, four leaves from each tree, and four trees from each variety were sampled. Thus, totally 32 leaves were examined for each sampling date. Fadamiro et al. (2008) and Yolda§ et al. (2011) also sampled leaves of citrus to study aphids in the United States and Turkey respectively. On each sampling date, all the aphids (nymphs and adults regardless of species) and aphid mummies were counted on one shoot (in 2012) and on one leaf (in 2013). Individuals of dipteran predators were counted visually in the field only as larvae. Aphids were transferred in tubes to be conserved in ethanol and then identified in the laboratory using identification key of Stoetzel (1994) and those of Blackman and Eastop (2000). Statistical analysis was done by using aphid densities obtained during study (24 sampling months). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. All the statistical procedures were performed using SPSS for Windows 10.0.5 (SPSS, Inc.). Figures were drawn using Microsoft Excel 2007. 138 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 107 - 1, marec 2016 Population dynamics of aphids ... on orange (Citrus sinensis 'Thomson Navel') and mandarin (Citrus reticulata 'Blanco') 3 RESULTS The aim of this work was to obtain knowledge on population dynamics of aphids on two citrus species in Algeria (Mediterranean region). Thus, samples (shoots or leaves) were taken every month during two years to assess and identify aphids. 3.1 Aphids and population dynamics Six species of aphids in total were found on two citrus varieties in this study (Tables 1 and 2) including Aphis spiraecola, A. gossypii, A. nerii, A. craccivora, Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae. We identified four species on orange and four on mandarin. Table 1: Occurrence of aphid species in the studied orchard during 2012 _+ rare species; +++ dominant species_ 'Thomson Navel' 'Carval Hal' sweet orange mandarin Aphis spiraecola (Patch, 1914) +++ +++ Aphis craccivora (Koch, 1854) + Table 2: Occurrence of aphid species in the studied orchard during 2013 _+ rare species; +++ dominant species_ 'Thomson Navel' 'Carval Hal' sweet orange mandarin Aphis spiraecola (Patch, 1914) +++ +++ Aphis gossypii (Glover, 1877) + + Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776) + Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas, 1878) + Aphis nerii (Boyer De Fonscolombe, 1841) + The infestation of orange and mandarin trees by aphids varied markedly among sampling dates (Figures 1 and 2). In 2012, densities of aphids decreased to zero in six months (January, June, July, August, September and December). However, no aphids was noted in 2013 in three months only (January, February and August). We remark also that the highest levels of infestation were concentrated in autumn and spring. About 35 % and 43 % of the total infestations was recorded on April and November 2012 respectively. In 2013, the biggest proportion of infestation was in April with about 36 % of the total infestation, and in September with approximately 42 %. 3.2 Difference of infestation between citrus species During the first year of the study, ANOVA showed significant difference among the aphids that infested citrus species in April (231,6 aphids/shoot on orange 15,6 aphids/shoot on mandarin, F = 17,469, p = 0.003) and in November (240,8 and 65,8 aphids/shoot on orange and mandarin respectively, F = 5,907, p = 0.041). During the second year, ANOVA revealed significant differences of the infestation degree between the examined citrus species in June (11,06 aphids/leaf on orange and 0,75 aphid/leaf on mandarin, F = 4,395, p = 0.045), September (107,31 and 19,88 aphids/leaf on orange and mandarin respectively, F = 5,280, p = 0.029) and October (11,06 on orange and 0,75 on mandarin, F = 8,901, p = 0.006). No significant difference was recorded between aphids found on different citrus species during the other months in both years of the study. 'Thomson Navel' orange trees seemed to be the most infested cultivar with a peak of approximately 241 aphids/shoot observed on November 2012 (Figure 1), and 107 aphids/leaf noted on September 2013 (Figure 2). On the other hand, 'Carval Hal' mandarin appears the least infested with maximal value of about 66 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 107 - 1, marec 2016 Salim LEBBAL, Malik LAAMARI aphids/shoot on November 2012 and 33 aphids/leaf mandarin in twelve months among 24 sampling on April 2013. Besides, no aphid was recorded on dates. o o JZ tn "D JZ cira o -Q E =5 C C CP (U 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 n ■ nI L v J**? JŠ- J- Months à ■ orange □ mandarin Figure 1: Seasonal abundances of aphids in the studied citrus orchard from January to December 2012. Values indicate mean number of aphids (nymphs + adults) of 5 shoots. 120 100 on JZ Q_ BO o 60 ■ 1—