| 11 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 62/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L Blaž Mozetič predsednik Zveze geodetov Slovenije | president of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia GEODET INžENIR Geodetski dan je vsakoletna priložnost, da se geodetska stroka malo ustavi, zajame sapo, se ozre na prehojeno pot in zazre v prihodnost. Pogled nazaj je pomemben zato, da se izpostavi, kaj dobrega in uspešnega smo postorili ter da si brez slabe vesti priznamo, da kje tudi nismo bili uspešni in da bi morebiti morali kaj spremeniti v naslednjem poskusu. Vsekakor je zelo pomembno, da se pohvalimo z dobrim in da pohvalimo dobre, ker to krepi samozavest geodetske stroke, krepi zavedanje, da znamo in zmoremo. Priznati neuspeh ni slabost ali šibkost, ampak dokaz moči stroke, da je sposobna ustaviti voz, če gre v napačno smer. To pomeni, da smo sposobni samokritičnosti in samoocenitve, ne da bi zaradi tega trpel naš geodetski ponos. Pogled nazaj je pogled po prehojeni poti. Pogled naprej pomeni, da je treba dvigniti glavo in pogled usmeriti k cilju, do katerega želimo priti. Vsa- kodnevne obveznosti in hitenje ga obračajo proti tlom in le malo naprej, predvsem pa dopuščajo premalo svobode strokovni misli in ostrini domišljije, ki je gonilo inženirskega razvoja. Po kateri poti bomo šli in kakšna bo, je še neznanka. Pravzaprav je popolnoma vseeno, kajti vse poti so prave, če vodijo do cilja. Kompleksnost poklica geodeta inženirja ni več samo v tehničnih znanjih in izzivih, ampak tudi v razu- mevanju njegove odgovornosti, lahko bi zapisali spoštljivosti, do ljudi, ki vsak dan uporabljajo njegove storitve in izdelke. Torej: geodet inženir je celostna osebnost, ki sodobno tehnologijo razume kot orodje oziroma pripomoček in ne zgolj funkcijo 'on, start, off' za udejanjanje njenih v geodetsko-inženirski duši večkrat preigranih rešitev za odpravo težav, ki »bremenijo« človeka, vendar z zavedanjem svoje moralne in strokovne odgovornosti. Smeli načrti, snovanje vizij in velika pričakovanja imajo podlago v bogatih izkušnjah in dosedanjih dosežkih geodetske stroke. Vse našteto smo poskušali ujeti tudi v prispevke, ki so jih avtorji predstavili na strokovnem posvetu v okviru 46. Geodetskega dneva. Geodetski dan je ponudil veliko izhodišč za poglobljen razmislek o strokovnih izzivih, rešitvah in dilemah, kot tudi viziji razvoja geodetske tehnike na eni strani in stroke na drugi, zato upamo, da je bilo naše druženje geodetu inženirju priročen opomnik, kakšne uspehe je dosegel, kakšni so izzivi in ne nazadnje, kam bi rad napredoval. Geodet inženir ni zgolj geodet v inženirju ali inženir v geodetu, ampak je pokončen človek, ki odlično opravlja poslanstvo obeh hkrati. Srečno! SURVEYOR ENGINEER GV_2018_1_Strokovni-del.indd 11 9.4.2018 16:05:46 | 12 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 62/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L Each year, the Slovenian Land Surveying Day is an opportunity for the profession to stop, take a breath, look back on the road it has followed, and a look forward to its prospects. Looking back is necessary to underline everything that was good and successful, and to have the courage to admit that some attempts were not successful and that one could try to change a thing or two in their future endeavours. It is by all means essential to proudly recount everything that was good and give due recognition to good individuals. This increases the self-confidence of the land surveying profession and the awareness that we have knowledge and abilities. It is not a sign of weakness to admit deficiencies; on the contrary, it only proves that the profession has enough power for correction after it embarked on a wrong course of action. This means that we are capable of self-criticism and self-appraisal, while not harming our land surveying pride. To look back is to see the road we have travelled. To look forward is to raise one’s head and focus one’s gaze on the desired goals. Everyday obligations and rush force one to drop the gaze and only see a few steps in front of them, not leaving enough room for a professional thought and a keen imagination; both of which are catalysts of advancement in engine- ering. It remains unknown, which road we will take and what it will be like. In truth, it is not actually necessary because all the roads are right if they lead towards a goal. The complexity of the occupation of a surveyor engineer lies not only in technical skills and knowledge but also in understanding the responsibilities – one could say respect – towards the individuals that use their products and services on a daily basis. In short, a surveyor engineer is a comprehensive personality that perceives modern technology as a tool or a means, and not merely as a mechanical solution that enables them to produce solutions – so often played out in their surveying-engineering souls – that ‘burden’ them, all the while remaining conscious of their moral and professional responsibility. Grandiose plans, developing visions, and great expectations stem from a wealth of experience and achievements in land surveying. We have attempted to capture all of the abovementioned aspects in the presentations that were given during panel discussions on the 46th Slovenian Land Surveying Day. We are confident that the event will provide numerous opportunities for a careful reflection on professional challenges, solutions and dilemmas; as well as for a vision on the development of surveying techniques on one side and the profession itself on the other. We hope that the gathering has been a useful reminder to surveyor engineers on their achievements, the challenges in front of them, and, last but not least, the road they want to take. We have to bear in mind that a surveyor engineer is not only a surveyor inside and engineer or an engineer inside a surveyor, but an upright individual that pursues both vocations with excellence. With best wishes! GV_2018_1_Strokovni-del.indd 12 9.4.2018 16:05:46