SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 g Australia Post print approved 1 tal PP 534387/00013 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 34 Winter 2005 NEWSLETTER The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter is an initiative of the Slovenian Club Adelaide Inc. and is published by the Slovenian Club Cultural Subcommittee. 14. NARODNI DAN SLOVENIJA - June 25 - 14th SLOVENIAN NATIONAL DAY The Slovenian Flag placed on top of snow-capped Mt. Triglav (highest peak in Slovenia) for the first time by Slovenian mountaineers on June 12, 1991. The flag as yet did not contain the current coat-of-arms . Photo: Slovenia the First Ten Years, published by Veduta AZ d.o.o. in co-operation with Delo d.d. Naslov Predsednik - President's Address Spostovani Člani, Priblizujemo se proti koncu financnega leta in razpravljanju delovanja upravnega odbora in clanov, ki si prizadevajo, da je nas Klub se ved no uspesno prijateljsko zbiralisce. Povprasevanje po izdajanju dvorane v najem se krci, zato bomo v bodoce obcutili manjsi financni obrat. V tem financnem letu nas najbolj obremenjuje davek na zemljisce (preko $2000) in zavarovanje ($6000), poleg teh imamo se druge redne racun e - obcinski davek, voda, electrika, telefon, varnost na sluzba in vzdrzevanje. Do sedaj smo se kar zadovoljni, da lahko drzimo glavo visoko nad vodo. Na Velikonocni ponedeljek smo imeli piknik v Sandy Creek in ob dobro p ripravljenem BBQ kosilu, v lepem vremenu in dobri druzbi smo preziveli lep dan na dezeli. Enodnevni iz let z autobusom v Clare Valley se je udelezilo 78 clanov. Ljudje so se kar navdusili za izlete, zato bomo v kratkem spet na poti na reko Murray. Materinska zabava, ce prav stevilcno veliko obiskana, od vseh pohvaljenem orkestru, ki nam je obudil spomin namn ogo melodij in privabil vecino na plesisce, tako da je bil vecer posebno za matere razveseljiv. stran 2 / page 2 Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Cvetka Jamnik Ernest Orel Olga Orel Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Polda Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Sinfo, Slovenia Business Weekly, Slovenia.svet, Ice Insight Central Europe,, Delo Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office for Slovenians Abroad) Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.35 of the Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. from page 1 Rad bi se zahvalil vsem , ki ste vedno pripravljeni pomagati z vasim delom, posebno Danilotu Kresevic, Mariotu Jenko, Pavli in Milanu Celigoj za pripravo (zaganje) drv za zimsko (pec) ogrevanje Ivanu Benc za elektricno vzdrzevanje in Jozetu Vuzem, ki vedno poskrbi za prevoz praznih steklenic. Vabim Vas da podpirate Vas Klub z vaso udelezbo, katera je vedno dobrodosla. V imenu vseh clanov zelim nasi zelo pogresani podpredsednici Gospej Filipi Hill skorajsnje okrevanje. Lep pozdrav, Ernest Orel Respected Members, Nearing the end of the financial year, it is good to reflect on the working of our committee and members, to debate and making sure, that our Club is sound and a friendly gathering spot. We are aware that demand for hire of our Hall is not as it used to be in the past and it will effect our finances. In this current year, the Land tax ($2,000) and Insurance ($6,000) and in addition the costs of water, electricity, gas, telephone, security and maintenance is considerably higher than in the past, despite all these facts, I am happy that our head is well above water. On Easter Monday the Club organized a picnic at Sandy Creek, a happy crowd, good BBQ lunch in a nice country surrounding, turned out to be a very relaxed day. Our one day bus trip to the Clare Valley, which attracted 78 members (2 buses), was very popular, so we are soon off on another trip down the Murray River. The Mothers Day dinner dance, traditional yearly function, finished on a high note. The very popular band, kept most people on the dance floor by playing some memorable melodies. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those members that tirelessly give a hand. A special thank you to Danilo Kresevic, Mario Jenko, Paula in Milan Celigoj for preparing firewood for winter warming, Ivan Benc for electrical maintenance and Joze Vuzem for transporting and disposing of empty bottles. You are invited to support your Club with your presence which is always welcome. On behalf of all members I would like to send a big cheerio to our Vice-president Mrs Filipa Hill - Get better soon. Cheers, Ernest Orel Club Committee News Dobro za vse. Mnogo je bilb po casopisih o velikih davkih na vrednost zemlje. Tudi nas klub je to zelo pnzadelo, saj je davek narastel od manj kot 500 dolarjev leto poprej do vec kot 2.000 dolarjev za lansko leto. Nas predsednik Ernest seje zelo trudil, da bi to veliko breme olajsal. Prosnja za neplacilo je bila najprej odbita, pac,da nismo dobrodelna organizacija. To Ernesta ni ustavilo, set je od urada do urada. Nekaj casa je izgledalo, da bo ves trud zaman, koncno je pa le zmagal. Takole je gospod iz financnega urada povedal: Socialni klubi vseh narodnosti se lahko zahvalijo Slovenskemu klubu in se posebno gospodu Ernestu Orel, da ne bodo vec placevali davke na zemijisca. To sem osebno slisala, ko smo bili na otvoritvi kongresa Slovakov, kjer so bili tudi predstavniki Juzno Australske viade. Good for everybody. There has been plenty in the papers about grossly inflated land taxes. It affected our Club very much as our tax grew from under $500, the year before, to over $2,000 for last year. Our president Ernest put a lot of effort in trying to minimise the burden. Request to be exempt from land tax had been refused, as we are not considered a charitable organization. It did 'n stop Ernest, he went from one office to another and for a while it looked like all efforts were in vain, but finally he won. These are the words of an official from the Attorney's department: "Ethnic social clubs have to thank Slovenian Club and in particular Mr. Ernest Orel, that they will be exempt from land tax". I heard this when we attended the opening of the congress for Slovak people in Adelaide at which were also present representatives of the South Australian Government. Cvetka Jamnik jm keeping cultures alive CELEBRATING I 30 YEARS * i 4 nt '" MULTICULTURAL RADIO in SOUTH AUSTRALIA Keeping Cultures Alive Celebrating 30 Years of Multicultural Radio in South Australia. Published by radiostation 5EBI Adelaide. The book takes readers through the past thirty years of multicultural radio broadcasting in South Australia with contributions from the multicultural groups who have and are still programming. An extract from the book below shows the South Australian Slovenian community involvement, which has been broadcasting since April 1975. In conjunction with the thirty year milestone, a separate book of recipes from multicultural groups, including Slovenian, has been published by 5EBI. Slovenian Radio Program The Slovenian radio program began in April I97i. At that time we joined with the previously established programs of [lie Greek, Italian, Ukrainian, and Dutch communities. On the initiative of Boris Zabukovec; supported by the framework of the Slovenian Club Adelaide, our first programs began. The Slovenian Club Adelaide for many years financed, or rather, covered ihe expenses of the programs. Even today the half-hour program remains at 2:00pm on Sundays. In the beginning all the programs were recorded on reel-to-reel tape and. before the establishment of 5EBI-FM, broadcast on the Adelaide University station SUV, They were broadcast on the newly established Ethnic Radio station 5EB1-FM after receipt of their license. In the early years Boris Zabukovec was helped by Franc Kinetic. Elizabeth Suznik and Oiga Orel. Over lime, resource materials and music were collected. Every half-hour program required approximately 6 hours preparation and one hour or more to record. Live broadcasts were made possible after the completion of a specifically outfitted building for the 5 EB!-FM station: from that time we extended the Slovenian program for another half hour on Wednesday evenings. Assistance with the recording of programs and live broadcasts over time was provided by: Silvia Gabrsek, Peter Orel. Phillip Ivancic and Rosemary Poklar. Thanks for program preparation and announcing is due to numerous members of the community: Boris Zabukovec, Franc Kmelic, Elizabeth Suznik, Olga Orel, Ivan Kveder, Nadia Metljak. Peter Orel, Maja Mezek, Marica Bole, Fr. Janez Tretjak, Janez Ritoc. Vida Koncina. Jana Mezek, Laura Premrl, Emil Borlak, etc. At the present time. Olga Orel, Vida Koncina and Cvetka Petrovski are collaborating on the Sunday afternoon program, which mainly consists of community announcements, interesting news from Slovenia and Slovenian folk music. The Wednesday evening program, which has a mix of Slovenian news and articles of interest, along with both traditional and religious Slovenian music, is presented by Fr. Janez Tretjak and Rosemary Poklar. Once a month, on the last Wednesday, Rosemary Poklar presents the Contemporary Slovenian Music program: which has a similar format to the other programs but is targeted at the younger generation of Slovenians with a more modern music mix. Virtually from the beginning, a radio committee was established and a constitution drawn up. Every year we hold an annual general meeting at which the listeners of the program can express their opinions and, if necessary, change the committee. The current Slovenian Radio Committee is made up of: Ernest Orel (President), Olga Orel (Editor). Vida Koncina (Programmer), and Cvetka Petrovski and Rosemary Poklar (Delegates). The first radiothon was held on I3'h August 1977 and. even though a small community, every year Slovenians show their support of our program and. of 5EBI-FM by donating a sizeable sum of money during the radiothon. Our listeners also directly support our program with their donations and by their support of an annual barbeque organised by the Slovenian Radio Committee, w hich enables us to cover the expenses which are incurred at 5EBI-FM. From L-R: Olga Orel, Vida Koncina, I- rut's! Orel, Cvetka Petrovski, Rosemary Poklar, Fr. Jane Tretjak, Article supplied by Ernest Orel, President of the Slovenian Radio Program. CLARE VALLEY DAY TRIP Saturday April 23, 2005 Slovenian Club Adelaide organized an eventful and fun filled day for members to the scenic Clare Valley. Located 136 kms north of Adelaide, the Clare Valley is renowned for producing high quality wine and fo od. Riesling, Semillon, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon are some of the highlights of this region. Vineyards were first established in the valley in the mid 1800s. Harvest time is early March to late April. Two busloads of 78 people enjoyed a most memorable outing. Izlet v Clare Valley Na enodnevnem izletu v Clare Valley je bib lepo. Peljali smo se z modernim in komodnim avtobusom, ki ga je vozil dober in previden sofer. 23. aprila 2005. Smo se ob osmi un zjutraj zbrali na dvoriscu Slovenskega Kluba Adelaide 78 ljudi od nas in se zvrstili v dva avtobusa ter se odpeljali v Clare. Med potjo smo videli veliko lepih in zammivih krajev. Cudovito avstralsko gricasto in ravno pokrajino posejano s pasniki, vinogradi in polji zita. Ob tem pogledu, mi je prisla misel, da ne bomo se lacni kruha. V Clare smo si ogledali to lepo in bogato mesto. V hotelu smo imeli na izbiro dobro kosilo in nato smo se vracali proti domu Adelaidi. Ustavili smo se v Seven Hills vinarni, kjer smo pokusali vec vrst dobrih yin in si zraven ogledali zgodovinsko cerkev in njeno grobnico. Nas nadalni ogled je bil Martindale Hall. Martindale station 11000 akrov veliko ovcjo marino farmo, ki jo je ustanivila druzina Bowman leta 1841, ki je do beta 1860 dobro debovala. Omenjenega leta je oce utonil v reki Wakefield. Posestvo in veliko denarja je podedoval 11- letni sin Edmond. Edmond je sezidal z 21. Letom Martindale Hall leta 1880.; za kar je porabil 30000 funtov. Ob zgradbi si je uredil zemijisce za kniket, kojnsko dirkalisce injezero za colnarjenje. V takem okoiju je zivel Edmond Jun. Deset let. Proti koncu leta 1880. Je biba v Avstralij i velika susanastala je depresija- volna je izgubila ceno, karje povzrocilo, da so prodali viliko Bowmen zemljisca ter leta 1891 je bib Edmond prisiljen prodati tudi Martindale Hall za 33000 tisoc fhntov.Posestvo je kupib William Tennant Mortbock za porocno danilo nevesti, ki je bila njegova sestricna Rosy Tennant William Tenannt je umrl 1913. n posestvo je preslo sinu Johnu Androw-u ,ki je uspesno deloval na njem do njegove smrti 1950. Bil je porocen a brez potomcev in posestvo je slo pod oskrbo Adelaidske Univerze do beta 1986. — 1975.j e tarn snemal film Peter Weir' Picnic at Hangin Rock'. Drzava in Univerza je leta 1986. Pokbonila 45 akrov zemije ljudem Juzne Avstralije za zgodovinski park. Od 1991. Vodi Martindale Hall privatnik kot muzej. V njem lahko prespi in za prehrani 18 gostov,kateni lahko uporabijajo biljard in knjiznico pred vecernim pocitkom. Potovali smo dalje in srecno se vrnili okrog 6. Ure zvecer v Sbovenski Klub Adelaide. Hvala gre za tako hitro organizirano potovanje Olgi Hrvatin in Ernestu Orel ter za muziko na avtobusu Jozetu Jamnik. Trip to Clare Valley It was a nice day on the way to the Clare Valley on a comfortable bus driven by a confident driver, on the 23 April 2005. At 8 am we gathered in the car park of Slovenian Club Adelaide, 78 people boarded the two buses, ready to be on the way to Clare. We traveled through a number of interesting places, surrounded by beautiful scenery of rich agricultural land, sheep, wheat and vineyards which prompted us to think that we will never be short of bread. On arriving to Clare we had one hour's time to explore this town before a meal at a hotel where we had a good lunch. On the way back we stopped at Seven Hills winery and tasted some good quality wines and visited the historical church next to the winery. From here we were on the way to visit Martindale Hall. Martindale station is an 11,000 acres sheep farm, which was established by the Bowmen family in 1841. In 1860, eleven year old Edmnond inherited the station from his father, who had died, with a large amount of money. By the age of 2l, Edmond built Martindale Hall, which cost him 30,000 pounds-surrounded by a horse race course, cricket ground and boating lake. Toward the end of 1880, because of the depression and drought, they were forced to sell part of the station and in 1891 Edmond sold Martindale Hall for 33,000 pounds to William Tennant Mortbock William bought the property as a present for his bride Rosy Tennant. He died in 1913. His son John Andrew continued to run the property until his death in 1950. From 1991 Martindale Hall is now run as a private museum. The one day trip ended at 6pm at the Slovenian Club. Thank you for a quickly organized trip to Olga Hrvatin and Ernest Orel and to Joze Jamnik for providing the music on the bus. Olga Orel Radio Committee Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Radio broadcast committee for 2005 are Vida Končina, Ernest Orel (President), Olga Orel, Cvetka Petrovski, Rosemary Poklar and Pater Janez Tretjak. GLASBA - MUSIC Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. From the Choir's songbook the words to V Dolini Tihi, a favourite Slovenian folk song. V DOLINI TIHI V dolini tihi je vasica mala v večernem mraku vse že mirno spava le eno okno še odprto je na njem slonelo žalostno dekle. Vse že spava samo mesec sveti tja na oknu otožnemu dekleti in jo sprašuje zakaj da še ne spi zakaj tak grenke solze briše si. Slavček pel je pel je pesem svojo jaz tajila sem ljubezen mojo al' on odšel je odšel je daleč proč zapel zavriskal je v tiho noč. Art for Heart Exhibition Hughes Gallery May 7- 30, 2005 Tomo Les exhibited a number of paintings at the annual Australian Polish Art Society of South Australia display, held at the Hughes Gallery in Fullarton. Paintings by Tomo, shown below, encompass water colour, pen and wash, and oil on board. Izjava predsednika republike dr. Janeza Drnovška ob smrti papeža Janeza Pavla II. Ljubljana, 03.04.2005 | izjava Slovenija se pridružuje svetovnemu žalovanju ob smrti papeža Janeza Pavla II. Papež Janez Pavel II. je nedvomno zaznamoval današnji čas, moderno dobo. V času njegovega delovanja je prišlo do velikih sprememb v Evropi; padla je železna zavesa, prišlo je do ponovnega združevanja Evrope. Njegova vloga pri tem je zelo velika. S svojimi sporočili, duhovnim vplivom je ves čas spodbujal širjenje svobode, spodbujal ljudi, da se pogumno postavijo tudi takrat, kadar gre za tvegane spremembe, ko izid ni bil jasen. V tem smislu se ga spominjamo tudi v Sloveniji, saj je bistveno pripomogel k temu, da je Slovenija vzpostavila svojo samostojnost in dobila mednarodno priznanje. Spominjali se ga bomo kot velikega prijatelja Slovenije. Njegova obiska pri nas nam bosta ostala v spominu in veseli smo, da se je tudi sam velikokrat in rad spominjal Slovenije in svojih obiskov pri nas. Sporočilo papeža Janeza Pavla II. svetu je večplastno, predvsem pa je to sporočilo miru, želja po tem, da človeštvo spremeni način svojega delovanja, vzpostavi večjo skladnost in ustavi samouničevalni razvoj. V času globalizacije, ko se tehnologija silovito razvija, je zelo pomembno, da takšnemu razvoju človeštva, materialnemu razvoju, sledi tudi duhovni razvoj. Papež je to spoznal in skušal s svojo besedo, s svojimi sporočili poudariti to, da se mora človeštvo spremeniti, da mora spremeniti način svojega delovanja, da ne sme biti več vojn, da moramo najti zdravila, najti načine, kako ustaviti naraščanje socialne neenakosti v svetu in da moramo ustaviti tudi uničevanje našega okolja. To so sporočila, ki nam jih zapušča. To so sporočila, do katerih prihajajo ljudje tudi drugje v svetu, tudi v drugih religijah. Zato se mi zdi posebej pomembno, da je papež Janez Pavel II. iskal stik z drugimi religijami in poskušal vzpostaviti boljše razumevanje in približevanje vseh religij v tem skupnem cilju, da vzpostavimo skladen razvoj človeštva. Ta njegova dejavnost je vsekakor ena najbolj pomembnih. Pričakujem in upam, da bodo tudi njegovi nasledniki sledili takšnemu sporočilu in da bodo tudi poglavarji drugih ver v svetu še naprej delovali v tej smeri. Edino na ta način s skupnim delovanjem na duhovnem področju, s skupnim delovanjem verskih in političnih voditeljev in seveda vseh ljudi, posameznikov v svetu, ki jim je do tega, da vzpostavimo skladen razvoj, s katerim lahko človeštvo preživi na dolgi rok, edino na ta način bomo uspeli. To njegovo sporočilo in razumevanje tega sporočila je tisto, kar mora ob takšnem dnevu, kot je današnji, še posebej priti do izraza. Statement by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Janez Drnovšek, on the death of Pope John Paul II Ljubljana, 03.04.2005 | statement Slovenia joins the grieving world mourning the death of John Paul II. Pope John Paul II undoubtedly marked the modern era. Major changes occurred in Europe during the time of his pontificate: the fall of the Iron Curtain, the reunification of Europe. His role in them was truly great. With his messages and his spiritual influence, the Pope was a champion of freedom, encouraging people to make a brave stand also in moments of precarious changes fraught with an uncertain outcome. This is how we also remember the Pope in Slovenia, since he contributed considerably to Slovenia's establishing its independence and gaining international recognition. We will remember him as a close friend of Slovenia. We will always retain a fond memory of his two visits to our country and we are glad that the Pope himself recalled those occasions with pleasure. Pope John Paul II's message to the world has many facets; it is chiefly a message of peace, an appeal to Mankind to change its ways, to strive for greater harmony and to bring a halt to self-destructive development. In the era of globalisation, with technology proceeding at a formidable pace, it is of major importance that such material development by Mankind be accompanied also by spiritual advance. The Pope was aware of this and endeavoured to emphasise, through his word and his messages, that Mankind must change both itself and its ways, that there must be no more wars, that we must find the necessary medicines, and methods to stop the ever increasing social injustice in the world, and that we must also put a stop to the destruction of our environment. These are the messages of his legacy. These are the messages also arising from other religions. I, therefore, find it of particular importance that Pope John Paul II sought contact and dialogue with other religions and strove to achieve a better understanding and greater closeness between all religions in this shared aim to bring about the harmonious development of Mankind. This is indeed one of the Pope's most important achievements. FILATELIJA - PHILATELY Poštne znamke - Postage stamps I expect and hope that his successors, too, will follow this message and that the heads of other religions in the world will continue in this pursuit. We will be successful only in this way and in a shared endeavour in the spiritual domain, matched by joint endeavours of religious and political leaders and, indeed, of all people and individuals in the world who have at heart the establishment of a harmonious progress that will enable the long-term survival of Mankind. It is today especially important that this message by the Pope, and the understanding of this message, should achieve its full resonance. Humble ... the Pope's simple coffin sits in St Peter's Square. Pages from the book of Gospels turn in the breeze. 1973: Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (later Pope John Paul II) was in Australia for the Eucharistic Congress. He slipped out to a wildlife sanctuary and was photographed feeding a kangaroo. As Pope John Paul II, he visited Australia in 1986. Turizem - Slovenska mesta na starih razglednicah 100 let organiziranega turizma na Slovenskem Letošnje leto je za slovenski turizem jubilejno. Turistična zveza Slovenije (TZS) praznuje 100-letnico delovanja, hkrati pa zaznamujemo jubilej organiziranega turizma na tem območju. Začetki turizma na Slovenskem so del naše gospodarske, kulturne in nacionalne zgodovine ter samostojnosti. Turistična društvena organizacija ima na Slovenskem bogato tradicijo in je v vseh obdobjih sooblikovala turistični razvoj. Prvo turistično oziroma olepševalno društvo je bilo ustanovljeno v Celju leta 1871, s pravili v nemščini, vendar je bilo za turistični razvoj kraja izredno pomembno. V Postojni je bilo leta 1883 ustanovljeno »Društvo za olepšanje postojnskega trga in za povzdvigo dohajanja turistov«, s pravili v slovenščini. Po nepopolnih podatkih so s sodelovanjem društev na takratnem kranjskem območju 24. junija 1905 v Ljubljani ustanovili Deželno zvezo za pospeševanje tujskega prometa na Kranjskem. Danes je v TZS, ki deluje kot ustanova civilne družbe in nevladna organizacija na področju turizma, združenih 580 turističnih društev in zvez ter prek 200 turističnih podmladkov. Skupaj z javnim in zasebnim sektorjem se društvena dejavnost v turizmu potrjuje kot nenadomestljiv del turističnega razvoja. Temeljna zasnova delovanja organizacije je slogan Turizem smo ljudje. Jubilej organizacije praznujemo delovno. Prispeva naj k vsestranski promociji Slovenije in oblikovanju smeri njenega bodočega delovanja. Poštna znamka, ki bo ob tem izšla, je izraz dobrega sodelovanja in poudarja pomen poštnih storitev za razvoj turizma. Turistična zveza Slovenije Centenary of Organized Tourism in Slovenia The year 2005 is a jubilee year for Slovenia's tourist industry as it celebrates the centenary of the National Tourist Association of Slovenia (TZS) and that of organized tourism in the country. The Tourist association has a long and successful history of supporting and promoting the development of tourism in Slovenia. The first tourist society (or, as it was then called, The Society for the Care and Improvement of a Tourist Area) was established in Celje in 1871. Though its regulations were written in the German language, the society played a major role in the development of tourism in the area. In 1883, a similar society, this time with its regulations written in the Slovene language, was established in Postojna. On 24 June 1905, local tourist societies joined to become the Provincial Association for Development of Tourism in Carniola. Today the association, known as the Tourist Association of Slovenia, is a civil society institution and nongovernmental organisation bringing together 580 local tourist societies and over 200 clubs in elementary schools. In line with its slogan "Tourism is people", the Association works hand in hand with the public and private sector and plays a key role in the development of tourism in the country. The release of the stamp is a part of the programme of activities designed to celebrate the centenary and to promote Slovenia as a tourist destination. Tourist Association of Slovenia KNJIGE - BOOKS Slovenski veliki leksikon -komplet A-Ž Slovenski veliki leksikon je univerzalni leksikon s poudarkom na tematiki, še posebej zanimivi za Slovence. Je ogledalo našega časa, ki pogle znanega in preverjenega prikazuje tudi sodobne pojme in osebnosti, aktualne dosežke različnih disciplin, ved in znanosti. V njem boste našli: 58.000 gesel s področja naravoslovja, znanosti in tehnike, geografije, zgodovine, družboslovja in humanistike, kulture in umetnosti, pomembne osebnosti z vsega sveta, splošne tujke, domače besedje, stvari in dosežke, ki so v drugih leksikonih sicer redki (naslove umetniških del, različne ustanove in organizacije), temeljno terminologijo več kot 70 strok, ved in panog ... The Slovenian Large Lexicon A-Ž The three volume Slovenian Large Lexicon is a universal lexicon with emphasis on themes, and is of special interest for Slovenians. It examines current times, looks at knowledge and ideas, and actual achievements from various disciplines. Kompaktni in digitalni fotoaparati - Daniel Lezano Ta priročnik vam bo pomagal posneti kakovostne fotografije, ki jih boste lahko ponosno dali v vaš družinski album. Prinaša dragocene nasvete in vas vodi od nakupa fotoaparata do končnega izdelka. V besedi in sliki so predstavljene najbolj pomembne informacije za obe generaciji aparatov: za kompaktne in digitalne. V knjigi so opisane in razložene glavne vrste kompaktnih fotoaparatov, napredni fotografski sistem APS in digitalni fotoaparat, objektivi, izostritveni sistemi, osvetlitve, filmi ... Sledijo tehnike fotografiranja s stotinami poučnih fotografij. Našli boste napotke o kompoziciji, barvnih kontrastih, fotografiranju pokrajine, ljudi, tihožitij. Posebna poglavja so namenjena tudi črnobeli fotografiji, nočni fotografiji, popotniškim motivom in fotografiranju živali, sončnega zahoda ter nekaterim posebnim tehnikam. Compact and Digital Cameras - Daniel Lezano This manual will help you to record quality photographs, that you will be able to proudly place in your family album. The author gives valuable advice on camera purchase. In words and pictures the most important information is presented for both generations of camera: compact and digital. ZGOŠČENKE - CD What's Cooking? Slovenian Tina Kovac, a talented poprock musician from Koper is making quite a few waves on the Slovenian and Italian music scene. She has been involved in music since her early childhood, learning the flute, playing jazz and singing. Tinkara has performed alongside some big names in the international music scene including the legendary Ian Anderson of English band Jethro Tull at a recent concert in Cankarjev Dom. She has issued five CD albums to date with her recent, Enigma, recorded in four languages - Slovenian, Italian, English and the Furlanian dialect. Blejske kremne rezine SESTAVINE 6 jajc 8.3 dl mleka 17 dag sladkorja 10 dag sladkorja za beljake 10 dag moke 1 zavitek vanilin sladkorja 0.3 dl smetane 3 dag sladkorja in 1 vanilin sladkor POSTOPEK Potrebujemo 2 zavitka maslenega testa, ki ga spečemo v lepo zarumenele plošče. Surovega z vilico malo napikamo, da se nam med peko ne delajo preveliki mehurji. Izdelava kreme: Ločimo beljake od rumenjakov. Beljake stolčemo v trd sneg s sladkorjem za beljake. Rumenjake stolčemo s sladkorjem in ko so dobro stolčeni, počasi dolivamo 0.3 dl mrzlega mleka in dodamo moko. Ostalo mleko zavremo skupaj z vanilin sladkorjem, počasi dolivamo rumenjake in jih z metlico mešamo. Najbolje je, če to delamo nad posodo, v kateri je vroča voda. Kuhamo približno 10 minut, oziroma dokler se jajca ne zgostijo. Ko je kuhano, posodo odstavimo in počasi vmešamo sneg beljakov. Še vročo maso namažemo na pečeno testo. Pustimo, da se ohladi. Sladko smetano stepemo skupaj s sladkorjem in vanili sladkorjem in nanesemo na ohlajeno maso. Pokrijemo z drugo pečeno ploščo testa, razrežemo na željene velikosti in potresemo s sladkorno moko. Bled cream slices INGREDIENTS 2 parcels puff pastry 6 eggs 8.3 dl milk 17 dag sugar 10 dag sugar for egg whites 10 dag flour 2 parcels vanilla sugar 3 dl sweet cream 3 dag sugar for cream PROCEDURE Poke dough with fork to empty air pockets. Bake the sheets in very hot oven until they become golden brown. Separate egg whites and yolks. Beat egg whites together with sugar until egg whites are stiff. Beat yolks and sugar, slowly add .3 dl cold milk and then flour. Boil the rest of the milk, and one vanilla sugar together, then very slowly add yolks and mix. The best way to do it is above a container with hot water. Cook for 10 minutes until the eggs thicken. Mix continuously. When done, remove the pan and slowly add egg white mixture. Spread hot mixture over one cold baked sheet. Let it cool. Beat cream, sugar together and vanilla sugar and spread over the cold mixture. Cover with another baked sheet, cut into squares and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Bled cream slices are well known cakes and the sweetshops and restaurants in Bled sell about one hundred thousand every year. People from all parts of Slovenia and tourists come to Bled to taste the delicious Bled cream slices. Kulinarična Slovenija - Culinary Slovenia VINO & WINE Dolenjski Cviček To prijazno rdečkasto vino je sinonim za Dolenjsko in je slovenska vinska posebnost. V tem vinu se predstavlja tako dolenjska vinska pokrajina, kot njeni preprosti iskreni ljudje. Cviček, ta vinski posebnež, je namenjen ljudem, ki k vinu pristopajo dobrovoljno, odprtih misli in brez posebnih predsodkov. Je zvrst rdečega vina, ki se prideluje iz rdečih sort grozdja žametne črnine (70%), modre frankinje (10%) in belih sort grozdja (20%), med katerimi prevladuje kraljevina. Rdeče in bele sorte grozdja se tako v pravilnem sorazmerju zlivajo v čudovito harmonijo. Cviček je po sestavi eden najbolj blago dišečih in svojevrstnih vin v Sloveniji. Je suho vino z nizko alkoholno stopnjo (8,5 do 10,0 vol.%), z nekoliko višjimi skupnimi kislinami, in je kot takšen edinstven in neponovljiv proizvod tako v slovenskem kot v svetovnem merilu. Je svetlo rdečkaste barve z rubinastim odtenkom, sveže sadne arome, ki ima poudarek na rdečih sadežih (maline, češnje, rdeči ribez) in nežnega, svežega, živahnega, očarljivega okusa. Vrednost cvička se kaže tudi v njegovih blagodejnih in raznolikih zdravilnih učinkih na človeški organizem. Znano je, da so rdeča vina z območja vulkanskih tal, kakor je dokazano pri cvičku, zdravilna. Kot vsa rdeča vina vsebuje tudi cviček določeno količino flavonoidnih snovi, ki jim tudi zdravstvo priznava ugoden vpliv na zdravje in preprečevanje kardiovaskularnih obolenj. Že od nekdaj so nekateri zdravniki priporočali cviček ob jedi, nekaterim bolnikom s sladkorno boleznijo, z malo želodčne kisline, s povišanim krvnim tlakom in rekovalescentom. Cviček nas očara s svojimi neobičajnimi lastnostmi, z lahkotnostjo, pitnostjo in vsebnostjo sestavin, primerljivih s pestrostjo današnjega obdobja civilizacijske naglice in želje po zmerni in zdravi prehrani. Pravi ljubitelji vina znajo ceniti tudi vino za vsak dan, "un petit vin", kot mu pravijo Francozi, vino, ki ne zahteva posebne priložnosti in ne priprave. Je vino, kot se deklarira: brez velike odločnosti in brez prikritih napak. Je lahkotno in zelo pitno vino. Cviček je vino za vse priložnosti, kot aperitiv (peneči cviček), kot stalni spremljevalec preprostih krajevno značilnih jedi in popotnice, ki nas osveži in z lahko glavo še dolgo spominja na prijetna doživetja. Katarina Merlin, univ. dipl. ing. This lovely reddish wine is a synonym for Lower Carniola and a speciality among Slovenian wines. It reflects and realizes both the region and its simple honest folk. Cviček, this wine rarity, is intended for people who approach wine in good spirits, with an open mind and no preconceptions. It is a wine sort produced from a variety of red grapes (žametna črnina 70%, Blue Frankinja 10%) and white grapes 20%, Kraljevina being dominant). The red and white varieties thus blend together in exactly the right proportions to create a wonderful harmony. In terms of its ingredients, Cviček is one of the most distinctive and mildly scented wines in Slovenia. It is dry, with a low alcohol level (8.5 -10.0 vol.%), with somewhat higher acidity, and as such it is a unique and unparalleled product by Slovenian as well as world standards. Its colour is light reddish, the shade of ruby, its aroma is that of fresh fruit, particularly of the red sorts (raspberries, cherries, redcurrant) and its flavour is gentle, refreshing, sparkly, in one word -charming. The value of Cviček can also be seen from its various healing effects on the human body. It is a well-known fact that red wines produced from the region of volcanic earth - which has been proven in the case of Cviček - are therapeutic. Like all red wines Cviček contains a certain quantity of flavonoic substances, which have been acknowledged as healthy and able to prevent cardiovascular illnesses. Since the old days there have been doctors who advise their patients - those with diabetes, low levels of stomach acids or raised blood pressure - and convalescents to drink a glass of Cviček with their meal. Cviček wins us over with its peculiar properties, the lightness, the drinkability as well as the makeup of its ingredients which seems to go hand in hand with the diverse nature of the present-day cultural rush and accompanying wish to eat healthily and in moderation. True wine-lovers know how to appreciate wine for every day, "un petit vin", as the French would call it, a wine which does not require a special occasion nor preparation. Cviček is that for which it declares itself: neither with grand boldness nor concealed flaws. It is a light and very drinkable wine, suitable for all occasions, be it as an appetizer (sparkling Cviček) or as a constant companion to either simple traditional local dishes or gala feasts. Novo Mesto, Slovenia Seen & Heard Slovenia has opened its third consulate in Argentina, a country with a sizable Slovenian community. The consulate in Mendoza, the capital of the province of the same name, was inaugurated on Friday, 18 March. It will be headed by honorary consul Jože Šmon. The other two Slovenian consulates are situated in Moreno, in the province of Buenos Aires, and in Bariloche, in Patagonia. Slovenia also has its embassy in Buenos Aires. The Mendoza province along the border with Chile is home to some 400 Slovenian families, according to the Slovenian embassy. The province has a population of two million. In his address at the inauguration ceremony, Slovenia's Ambassador Bojan Grobovsek said the opening of a consulate in Mendoza was also in recognition of the Slovenians there for what they did for the promotion of relations between Slovenia and Argentina. A new portal has been launched enabling users to check availability and pricing of accommodation in Slovenian hotels online. It offers information in Slovenian, English, German and Italian. Ljubljana Boasts New Water Park. BTC, the largest shopping and entertainment hub in Ljubljana, got bigger on Thursday, 21 April with the opening of the Atlantis water park. The SIT 6.6bn (EUR 27.5m) project is the company's largest investment to date and has created ninety new jobs. According to BTC, Atlantis is one of the largest indoor water parks in Europe. It features three theme parks, namely World of Excitement, Thermal Temple and Sauna Land. The complex has 14 pools, including a wave pool, as well as fast and lazy rivers, two water slides and whirlpools, with a total water surface area of 1,800 m2. The sauna section features 11 different indoor and outdoor saunas. Eu citizens are increasingly interested in buying real estate in Slovenia after restrictions were lifted following EU entry nearly one year ago. Some 500 properties have been sold in the first year, according to the Tax Administration, mostly at the seaside and in the northeastern region of Pomurje. The Ministry of Justice does not think the figures are alarming and said there is no need to invoke the safety clause to protect the property market. Sales will level gradually and the opening of the property market will probably not have a negative impact on the supply of real estate for Slovenian citizens, the ministry has said. Bled, Slovenia Beyond Slovenia is a new travel agency based in Sydney specifically servicing travel and tour packages to Slovenia. Key personnel are Lesley Blefari, Tomislav Tipuric, Petra Arko and Florjan Auser. Contact information : Suite 802 109 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph : (02) 9222 2105 Fax : (02) 9222 2109 Australia wide : 1300 55 75 01 Over to 18,000 final year high school students (Maturanti) took part in the "Maturantski" parade across twenty one Slovenian cities and towns in May. A Guinness world record. The first year of EU membership has not had a profound impact on people's lives, according to a survey released by TV Slovenija. Some 60% of respondents said their standard of living is the same as it was a year ago, with 33% saying that their lives have turned for the worse and 7% noticing an improvement. The positive changes that people do feel are associated with easier border crossing (52%), and an improvement in the country's profile and image abroad (16%). Prices (34%), the living standard (24%) and job seeking (18%) are the most often quoted negative changes. Polytechnic of Nova Gorica to Become University. After its successful first ten years, the Polytechnic of Nova Gorica will upgrade its status to become a university. The new "University of Nova Gorica" will be the first in the country not to be established by the state. Europe and Slovenia celebrated the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII in May, 2005. Slovenia celebrated the 60th anniversary of liberation from the Nazi and Fascist occupation with events throughout the country. At least 90,000 people are believed to have perished on Slovenian territory during the four-year war and its aftermath. President Janez Drnovšek added "The Second World War shook humankind to its foundations. Tens of millions of people died, tens of millions had to leave their homes and go into exile and concentration camps. The suffering of people was unimaginable. Holocaust took place. All this evil was sown by the Nazi-Fascist coalition, with its idea of a superior race, its aim of enslavement and extermination of other peoples. Had Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy won, the Slovenian nation would be no more. Slovenians would have been exterminated in concentration camps, displaced from their homes or Germanized and Italianized. We, Slovenians, stood up against this and fought for our existence. In this way we joined other nations in the worldwide anti-Fascist coalition. Sixty years ago this coalition achieved a final and unconditional victory over Nazism and Fascism. The world celebrated and announced in unison: never again! Never again such destruction and suffering." Another event marking the occasion took place in Primorska, where a plaque dedicated to the memory of Danilo Zelen was unveiled. Danilo Zelen, who was killed in 1941, was a founder of one of Europe's first anti-fascist organizations -code-named TIGR - which played an important role in resisting fascism on Slovene soil both during the war and the decade preceding it. The most famous surviving Beatle, Sir Paul McCartney, together with his wife, former model Heather Mills, flew into Brnik airport in May by private jet. They were taken to Lake Bled where they were given a tour of the town and lake. This was Sir Paul's first visit to Slovenia, whilst his wife was there seventeen years ago. The New South Wales Transcultural Aged Care Services (TACS) and SBS Radio have collaborated on a multilingual user's rights CD to assist carers and residents in aged care facilities around Australia. Al Grasby, often stated as the father of multiculturalism in Australia, died at the age of 78 in April 2005. As Federal Minister for Immigration in the Whitlam government (1972 - 74), he helped to bury and discredit the White Australia policy of the Menzies era. Grasby's policies began the transformation of an Anglo-centric Australia to one that welcomed people from every part of the globe. When they got here, they were no longer pressed into jettisoning every bit of their culture to "assimilate" into the mainstream Anglo-Celtic community. BUSINESS SLOVENIA Australia's Trade Relationship with Slovenia, 2003 - 2004 A$m Exports to Slovenia 10 Imports from Slovenia 56 Total trade (exports+imports) 66 Slovenia's principal export destination. 2003; Rank % 1 Germany 23.1 2 Italy 13.1 3 Croatia 8.9 4 Austria 7.3 5 France 5.7 30 Australia 0.2 Slovenia's principal import sour Rank % 1 Germany 19.3 2 Italy 18.3 3 France 10.0 4 Austria 8.4 5 Croatia 3.6 46 Australia 0.1 Source : DFAT *** Unior, the tooling company from Zreče, and automotive giant DaimlerChrysler have set up a joint venture. The new company will be based in Slovenia and is expected to launch production later this year. The new company, which will be located in the city of Maribor, will manufacture steering mechanisms and spare parts for class S and E cars. DaimlerChrysler is expected to hold a 51% stake and Unior the remaining 49% in the new company. Unior employs 2,563 people, and an additional 80 workers are to be employed in the new venture. *** For licensing and joint venture opportunities in Slovenia contact: Služba Vlade RS za strukturno politiko in regionalni razvoj Slovenska cesta 54 (7.nadstropje) 1501 Ljubljana SLOVENIJA Telephone: (01) 434 15 22 Fax: (01) 434 15 38 E-mail: info-priloznost.svrp@gov Internet: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Sprejema članke v slovenščini ali angleščini. Dobrodošla je tudi dobra kritika in vsaka dobra ideja. Letters to the editor are to be addressed to Slovenian Club President. All letters will need to make postal or email delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. The Slovenian Club Committee reserves the right to withhold publication of any letter which in their opinion constitutes personal criticism or attack of an individual or organization. Dober dan, Najlepša vam hvala za vašo revijo (Slovenia SA No. 33). Čestitam. Zelo je informativna, pa tudi lepo prepletena s fotografijami. Lep pozdrav iz zelo mrzle Ljubljane, Janja Kovačič Mednarodni oddelek Radiotelevizija Slovenija March 2005 *** Dear Ernest Orel, I write to thank you for the regular supply of the Club's magazine which I receive and to congratulate your editorial staff on the quality of the production as well as for its interesting and informative content. In particular I would refer to the article on tourism on pages 8 and 9 of the current issue (No. 33). So! At long last the English media are revealing "Europe's best kept tourism secret", Slovenia the beautiful - so much beauty in so little space. Even in the drabness of World War II when I was held prisoner of war in Maribor, the natural beauty of the country was evident; it was twenty eight years before Ronte and I was able to make my first revisit in 1972. We were back again in 1977 and 1985. During these visits our wartime friends showed us some of the exquisite beauty of Slovenia that wartime had concealed from me. Quite naturally we said what we believed to be our final goodbyes to the little country and its bright and hospitable people we had come to love. (We were "getting on a bit" in years). Imagine our surprise when, early in 1998 we received an invitation from the Republic of Slovenia to be its guests for a week in June/July. It was an offer we could not refuse despite the fact that I had already turned eighty. It was just wonderful! Like a butterfly from its chrysalis Slovenia had shed the mantle of east European gray which had dimmed its true beauty and sparkled in its independence. Probably due to their long underdog history, apart from their natural gaiety and hospitality, the Slovenes are almost infinitely resourceful. If anyone should question this I would invite them to visit the wartime hospital at Franja. German tourists visiting it today will understand why their grandfathers found Slovenia too hard a nut to crack. Best wishes to the Club. Long may you continue to contribute to our Australian culture. Ralph Churches Fulham Gardens, S.A. March 2005 (Ralph Churches is the author of the book A hundred miles as the crow flies, which depicts his ordeals during WWII in Slovenia) SPORT UPDATE BOCCE BOCCE BOCCE BOCCE For Bocce Competition information at Slovenian Club Adelaide contact Tomo Les *** Rok Benkovic is the new ski jump world champion. The 18 year old Slovenian stunned onlookers at the world titles held in Oberstdorf, Germany, in February 2005, as he was not considered a contender to win the event at the beginning of the competition. *** Extreme Cyclist Encircles Slovenia in Record 46 Hours. Marko Baloh has managed to tour Slovenia on his bicycle in 46 hours and three minutes, finishing on Sunday April 17, 2005, at 11.03 AM in Ljubljana. Baloh has thus improved his personal best from 2003, when he did practically the same route in 50 hours and 10 minutes. CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Births - Rojstvo Marco and Julia Puz (nee Colalancia), a son Alex Marc, born March 11, 2005. A brother for Oscar. Watson - Zupancic. To Kelly and Shane, a daughter Tayla Jane, born May 16, 2005. A sister for Blake. Birthday - Rojstni dan March - Valeria Milanovič (50th), Rosemary Poklar, David Pahor, Emil Borlak April - Ivanka Pahor, Franc Valenčič (50th), Ivanka Bole Painting by Jurij Subic, Before the Hunt, 1883, National Gallery, Ljubljana. Obituary -Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Maria Sarin Born in Hrušica, Slovenia, 25/10/1927 Passed away Adelaide, 1/3/2005. 77 years old. Committed at Cheltenham Cemetery. Loving wife of the late Srečko. Mother and mother-in-law of Anamaria and Milorad Cubrilo, Philip Sarin and Jenny Donnithorne; baba of Mark, Jack and Harry. Rosa Amelia Kogoj Born in Pampus, Peru, 11/11/1938 Passed away Adelaide, 14/4/2005. 66 years old. Committed at Centennial Park Cemetery. Beloved wife of Slavko (deceased); mother of Ivan and Slavko; mother-in-law of Sofie and Lucy, grandmother of Tina, Rose, Stephanie, Daniel and Jozef. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $350.00 non-members: $700.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $135.00 non-members: $250.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $450.00 non-members: $850.00 Further information from the Club President or Secretary USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 internet: Slovenian Club opening hours: 7.00 - 8.00pm Fridays for Yoga 2.00 - 10.30pm Sundays Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8346 9674 fax: 8346 3487 email: 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) Advance Bank Centre Level 6, 60 Marcus Clark Street Canberra act 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2601 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: www. Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, Office for Slovenians Abroad) Železna Cesta 14 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 430 2810 fax: +386 1 478 2296 internet: SBS Radio (stereo FM 106.3 mhz) Federation Square Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9685 2519 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesdays 9.00 - 10.00am Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio: hp?language=Slovenian Ministrstvo za Kulturo (Slovenian Ministry for Culture) Maistrova 10 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 478 5900 fax: +386 1 478 5901 internet: http://www. Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 425 1673 fax: +386 1 241 0280 internet: publisher of slovenija.svet Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Slovenian Australian Institute PO Box 15 Camperdown NSW 2050 Internet: Internet publisher Radio Slovenija 1 Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 8.30pm -11.00pm Middle wave 326.8 m or 918 kHz. Internet radio: RTV Slovenija I Slovenian Magazine Every second Saturday at 5.50pm (Slovenian time) Satelite: Eutelsat, Hot Bird 3, 13 degrees East, transponder 80, 12302, 880 MHz, polarisation Y, coding system Viaccess. Internet (view anytime): Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 / (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 / A. Slovenian Club Adelaide Yoga classes professional instructor classes for young and old you can join any time and just go at your own pace Every Friday Night 7- 8pm $2.50 The ancient Indian art of Yoga improves all aspects of your life. mind, body & soul all equipment provided by the Slovenian Club (wear something comfortable) Centrelink International Services Informacij - Information Pogodba o socijalnem zavarovanju med Avstralijo in Slovenijo Agreement on Social Security between Australia and Slovenia Mail: GPO Box 273, Hobart TAS 7001 Tel: 13 1673 from within Australia or +61 3 6222 3455 if you are overseas Fax: (03) 6222 2799 from within Australia and +61 3 6222 2799 if you are overseas. Email: Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 83407010 The Office for Slovenians Abroad runs seminars for people who are actively involved in their local Slovenian community. If you are involved with Media, Arts, Archiving, or Teaching the Slovenian language you could find yourself at an ALL EXPENSES PAID seminar in Slovenia. As the seminars are conducted in Slovenian you must be able to understand Slovenian. The most recent seminar was for teachers of the Slovenian language, held in January 2005. Refer to the notice board in the Clubrooms for announcements of upcoming seminars. DAY TRIP RIVER CRUISE Saturday June 18, 2005 Bus from Slovenian Club Adelaide to Murray B ridge, cruise down Murray River to Mannum, bus back to Adelaide. Includes 3 course meal $40 per person Contact Olga Hrvatin at Slovenian Club for booking Konzularne ure Konzularne ure v Klubu bodo nedelja 28 Augusta 2005 od 2.00 do 4.00 popoldne. Consular Hours Consular hours will be held in the Clubrooms on Sunday August 28, 2005 from 2.00 to 4.00pm. Potica - Slovenian festive cake Slovenian symbols 14. NARODNI DAN SLOVENIJA -14th SLOVENIAN NATIONAL DAY Celebration Sunday 26 June, 2005 at Slovenian Club Adelaide Slovenija v čipkah - Map of Slovenia made from Idrija lace Home to the world-famous Lipizzaner horses. This year marks the 425th anniversary of the Lipica stud farm in Slovenia.