ATLANTI International review for modern archival theory and practice Rivista internazionale di teoria e pratica archivistica moderna Mednarodna revija za sodobno arhivsko teorijo in prakso Volume 27(2017) Number 2 International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor State Archives of Trieste Trieste - Maribor, 2017 The Archivists Training in the 21st Century Formazione degli archivisti nel XXI secolo Izobraževanje in usposabljanje arhivistov v 21. stoletju UDC 930.251 ISSN 1318-0134 General Directorate of Archives - Italy State Archives of Trieste International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor Alma Mater Europaea - European Center Maribor CEI - Central European Initiative Editors in Chief: Peter Pavel Klasinc, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Grazia Tatò, Ph.D. (Italy) The publisher resumes no responsability for the contents of the reports The authors are fully responsible for the contents After six months the publication will be available on the IIAS website: The edition was finished on 10th October 2017 The publication was made possible by the support of: Ministry of goods and cultural activities and tourism, Italy Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenia Alma Mater Europaea - European Center Maribor, Slovenia Published by: State Archives of Trieste International Institut for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor Printed by: Luglioprint, San Dorligo della Valle, Italy Circulation of 400 copies Copyright 2017 by: State Archives of Trieste and International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor, via La Marmora n.17, I-34139 Trieste - Italy All rights reserved: No parts of this publication may by reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. The atlas of the title page is taken from: ATLAS NOUVEAU, Amsterdam 1733 International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor c/o State Archives of Trieste Via A. La Marmora, 17 - I-34139 Trieste - Italy tel. +39 040 06 47 921 fax +39 040 93 800 33 e-mail: Organizing Secretariat: State Archives of Trieste Via A. La Marmora, 17 - I-34139 Trieste - Italy tel. +39 040 06 47 921 fax +39 040 93 800 33 e-mail: QR Code Editors: Zdenka Semlič Rajh, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Carmelo Bianco (Italy) All the texts have been peer reviewed Scientific Committee/Editorial Board: Stefano Allegrezza, Ph.D. (Italy) Liliana Bagalà (Italy) Giulia Barrera, Ph.D. (Italy) Giorgetta Bonfiglio Dosio, Ph.D. (Italy) France Dolinar, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Živana Heđbeli, Ph.D. (Croatia) Peter Pavel Klasinc, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Mikhail V. Larin, Ph.D. (Russia) David Leitch, Ph.D. (Scotland) Monica Martignon, Ph.D. (Italy) Antonio Monteduro (Italy) Miroslav Novak, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Andrei Rybakou, Ph.D. (Belarus) Izet Šabotić, Ph.D. (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst, Ph.D. (Austria) Zdenka Semlič Rajh, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Grazia Tatò, Ph.D. (Italy) Ludvik Toplak, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Technical Editors: Marcello Scrignar (Italy) Paola Travan (Italy) Editing: Carmelo Bianco (Italy) Translations: Laura Castegnaro (Italy) Antonio Monteduro (Italy) Zdenka Semlič Rajh, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Aida Škoro Babić, M.Phil. (Slovenia) IIAS since 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS INDICE VSEBINA The Archivists Training in the 21st Century / Formazione degli archivisti nel 21° secolo / Izobraževanje in usposabljanje arhivistov v 21. stoletju Grazia TATÒ Which Manual for the 21st Century? .................................................................................................... pag. 15 Quale manuale per il XXI secolo? S katerim priročnikom v 21. stoletje? Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenges ........................................ pag. 23 L’arte di facilitare workshop archivistici in Sud Africa, allo scopo di sviluppare abilità nella professione archivistica per far fronte a sfide uniche Način izvajanja arhivskih delavnic v Južni Afriki z namenom razvijanja spretnosti v arhivskem poklicu z edinstvenimi izzivi Cristina BIANCHI Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century ........................................... .......... pag. 33 Modello di competenza svizzero per l’archivista del XXI secolo Švicarski model kompetenc za arhiviste 21. stoletja Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE Where they Create Archivists: from the Parchment to Bits ................................................... ............pag. 43 Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit Kje ustvarijo arhiviste: od pergamenta do bitov Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST The Non-University Education of Archival Staff in Austria ........................................................... pag. 53 Formazione non universitaria per il personale archivistico in Austria Neakademsko izobraževanje arhivistov v Avstriji Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO The Official University Masters on Archives and Document Management in Spain course 2017/18 ................................................................................................................................................ .......... pag. 63 I Master Universitari ufficiali in gestione degli archivi e dei documenti nei corsi spagnoli 2017/18 Univerzitetni magistrski študij arhivistike in dokumentologije v Španiji v študijskem letu 2017/18 Ana-Felicia DIACONU Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives ........................... ............pag. 79 La formazione degli archivisti in Romania: sfide, limiti e prospettive Izobraževanje arhivistov v Romuniji: izzivi, omejitve in perspektive Željka DMITRUS Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia .................................................................................... pag. 87 Studiare l’archivistica moderna in Croazia Študiju sodobne arhivistike na Hrvaškem Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ Education in the Field of Preservation and Conservation of Archival Heritage in Slovenia ........................................................................................................................................................ pag. 97 La formazione nel campo della salvaguardia e conservazione del patrimonio archivisti- co in Slovenia Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji Cleophas AMBIRA Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya .............. ........ pag. 107 Promuovere il talento professionale nell’Amministrazione documentale ed archivistica in Kenya Negovanje strokovnih talentov pri upravljanju z dokumentarnim in arhivskim gradi- vom v Keniji Elena ROMANOVA Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD) ..................................... ........pag. 117 Formazione professionale e riqualificazione degli archivisti nell’Istituto scientifico e di ricerca per la documentazione e gli archivi di Russia (VNIIDAD) Strokovno usposabljanje in izpopolnjevanje arhivistov v Vseruskem znanstvenem in raziskovalnem inštitutu za dokumentacijo in arhive (VNIIDAD) Jelka MELIK - Mateja JERAJ Archivists: Occupation or Profession .......................................................................................... ........ pag. 125 Archivisti: occupazione o professione Arhivist: poklic ali profesija Branka DOKNIĆ Archivists and 21st Century: How Ready Are Archivists for the Achievements of 21st Century .....................................................................................................................................................pag. 133 Gli archivisti e il XXI secolo: sono pronti gli archivisti ad affronater le sfide del XXI secolo? Arhivisti in 21. stoletje: v kolikšni meri so arhivisti pripravljeni na dosežke 21. stoletja Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI Training of Archivist in the 21st Century ............................................................................................pag. 139 La formazione degli archivisti nel XXI secolo Izobraževanje arhivistov v 21. stoletju Magdalena MAROSZ Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected ....................... ........pag. 149 La competenza professionale dell’archivista: cambiamenti che si possono ipotizzare Strokovna kompetenca arhivista: spremembe, ki jih je mogoče pričakovati Jozef HANUS - Katarína VIZÁROVÁ - Radko TIŇO - Milena REHÁKOVÁ - Nina LALÍKOVÁ - Emília HANUSOVÁ Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for Heritage Preservation in Cultural Memory Institutions....................................................................................................... ........pag. 155 Formazione e ricerca: un requisito ineludibile per la conservazione del patrimonio nelle istituzioni di memoria culturale Izobraževanje in raziskovanje: neizogibna zahteva za ohranjanje dediščine v instituci- jah kulturnega spomina Izet ŠABOTIĆ Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists ....... .......pag. 161 Esami professionali archivistici e titoli professionali come mezzo di formazione degli archivisti Arhivski strokovni izpit in strokovni nazivi v funkciji usposabljanja arhivskih kadrov Alizata KOUDA E-Administration in Burkina Faso: What Type of Training for Data Managers? ................ .......pag. 171 Amministrazione elettronica in Burkina Faso: che tipo di formazione per i gestori di dati? E-uprava v Burkini Faso: kakšna vrsta usposabljanja za upravljavce podatkov? Maryna PALIIENKO Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era ...........pag. 181 Studi archivistici in Ucraina: fra tradizione e sfide dell’era informatica Študij arhivistike v Ukrajini: med tradicijo in izzivi informacijske dobe Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ Requests of the Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage ................................................................................................pag. 189 Richieste degli archivi moderni in Serbia e formazione di esperti nel campo della presentazione del patrimonio culturale Zahteve sodobnega arhiva v Srbiji in izpopolnjevanje strokovnjakov na področju zaščite in prezentacije kulturne dediščine Tibor Csaba REISZ Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century ......................... .......pag. 199 Formazione degli archivisti in Ungheria all’inizio del XXI secolo Izobraževanje arhivistov na Madžarskem na začetku 21. stoletja Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London .................... ........pag. 209 Insegnare la conservazione agli studenti di archivistica dell’University College di Londra Poučevanje materialnega varstva arhivskega gradiva na University College London Omer ZULIĆ Importance of Educating Archival Personnel: Experiences of the Archive of Tuzla Canton ................................................................................................................................................ ........pag. 215 L’importanza della formazione del personale archivistico: esperienze nell’Archivio del Cantone di Tuzla Pomen strokovnega usposabljanja arhivskih kadrov: izkušnje Arhiva Tuzelskega kantona Marie RYANTOVÁ Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections ................................................ ........pag. 225 La formazione degli archivisti nel XXI secolo: alcune riflessioni Nekaj razmišljanj o usposabljanju arhivistov v 21. stoletju Jovan P. POPOVIĆ Archival Staff and Education of Archivists with an Emphasis on Planning and Implementation in the Republic of Serbia .................................................................................. ........pag. 235 Personale archivistico e formazione degli archivisti con riguardo alla programmazione ed alla realizzazione nella Repubblica di Serbia Arhivski kadri in njihovo šolanje z ozirom na ureditev in izvedbo izobraževanja v Republiki Srbiji Liudmila N. VARLAMOVA Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage ......................... ........pag. 247 Aspetti teorici e pratici della formazione degli archivisti sul palcoscenico moderno Izobraževalni in praktični vidiki sodobnega usposabljanja arhivistov About authors ................................................................................................................................... ........pag. 253 Gli autori O avtorjih IIAS Descriptors .............................................................................................................................. ........pag. 262 Descrittori IIAS Klasifikacija MIAZ THE ARCHIVISTS TRAINING IN THE 21TH CENTURY FORMAZIONE DEGLI ARCHIVISTI NEL XXI SECOLO IZOBRAŽEVANJE IN USPOSABLJANJE ARHIVISTOV V 21. STOLETJU IIAS since 1985 15 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Quale manuale per il XXI secolo? Grazia TATÒ, Ph.D. Deputy director of the International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor, Via A. La Marmora 17 - 34139 Trieste, Italy e-mail: Which Manual for the 21st Century? ABSTRACT Four recent Italian archival science manuals are being compared, offering, in their diversity, the opportunity to reflect on which manual could be thought of as the best training tool for the archivists of the future. Key words: archival science, manual, training, archivists, digital documents Quale manuale per il XXI secolo? ABSTRACT Vengono messi a confronto quattro recenti manuali di archivistica italiani che offrono, nella loro diversità, l’op- portunità di riflettere su quale manuale possa essere pensato come miglior mezzo di formazione per gli archivisti del futuro. Parole chiave: archivistica, manuale, formazione, archivisti, documenti digitali S katerim priročnikom v 21. stoletje? IZVLEČEK Avtorica v članku primerja štirje nedavno izdane italijanski priročniki s področja arhivistike, ki v svoji raznolikosti ponujajo možnost izbire tistega, ki bi ga lahko razumeli kot najboljšega za usposabljanje arhivistov prihodnosti. Ključne besede: arhivska znanost, priročnik, usposabljanje, arhivisti, digitalni dokumenti Gli archivi e l’archivistica seguono inesorabilmente i cambiamenti di una società in continua evo- luzione, allora è tempo di chiedersi quale formazione dobbiamo progettare per i giovani archivisti e se ha ancora senso proporre loro lo studio dei manuali. Quale formazione dunque e per quali archivisti? Cambiano i supporti e gli strumenti, ma cambiano anche le regole? Cambiano i fondamenti della scienza archivistica? Possiamo pensare di studiare oggi sui testi di Brenneke o di Casanova o Cencetti… e possiamo pensare, al contrario, di ignorarli? Quale manuale può essere utilmente scritto per il futuro che ci attende? Sono domande difficili! Molte delle risposte che daremo saranno fortemente condizionate dal contesto nel quale andremo a proporre il manuale stesso. Ci rivolgiamo a realtà nelle quali ci sono corsi universitari dedicati e/o Scuo- le di archivistica oppure a realtà nelle quali tutto questo non esiste e chi volesse professionalizzarsi dovreb- be necessariamente pensare a percorsi “fai da te”, facendo letture magari in altre lingue dalla propria, ri- cerche in web e, appunto, manuali di base. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 16 Grazia TATÒ: Quale manuale per il XXI secolo?, 15-21 Paolo Franzese nel suo recente Manuale di archivistica italiana (2014) afferma giustamente che una cosa è scrivere una monografia su un tema specifico rivolgendosi a un pubblico di addetti ai lavori, ben altra cosa è scrivere un manuale cioè uno strumento che si rivolge agli studenti e ai neofiti e che sia una sorta di porta di accesso iniziale all’archivistica. Diverso sarà il linguaggio e diversi i contenuti. Per scrivere questa riflessione, ho pensato fosse utile mettere a confronto quattro tra i più recenti manuali editi in Italia e tutti appartenenti al XXI secolo: • Giorgetta BONFIGLIO DOSIO, Primi passi nel mondo degli archivi. Temi e testi per la forma- zione archivistica di primo livello, Padova 2010 • Paola CARUCCI e Maria GUERCIO, Manuale di archivistica, Roma 2008 • Paolo FRANZESE, Manuale di archivistica italiana, Perugia 2014 • Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, a cura di Linda Giuva e Maria Guercio, Roma 2014. Si tratta di testi molto diversi nell’impostazione, ma tutti molto rigorosi e di grande valore didatti- co. Li analizzerò uno per uno cominciando dagli indici che molto svelano dell’idea che avevano matu- rato gli autori e sui loro obiettivi. Giorgetta BONFIGLIO DOSIO, Primi passi nel mondo degli archivi. Temi e testi per la formazione archivistica di primo livello, Padova 2010 Il volume di Giorgetta Bonfiglio Dosio dichiara subito di voler essere destinato alla formazione archivistica di primo livello e questo è uno dei suoi maggiori pregi. Infatti, una formazione di base, rivolta a fornire a chi si appresta ad affrontare per la prima volta lo studio dell’archivistica deve essere necessariamente di facile comprensione, deve illustrare i concetti basi- lari della disciplina, quelli fondamentali di metodologie e dei dibattiti in corso, offrire strumenti di orien- tamento per proseguire nello studio nelle fasi successive… non è cosa semplice, perché si deve evitare ogni banalizzazione, mantenere alto il livello scientifico, ma piano il linguaggio. Il volume è strutturato in otto capitoli che affrontano i seguenti argomenti: 1. Accostarsi all’archivio La prima parte del volume approfondisce e chiarisce il concetto di archivio e di documento; la loro funzione e specificità; le fasi di vita; la distinzione tra dato, informazione e documento. 2. Gli archivi in Italia Il capitolo si propone di far comprendere la complessa organizzazione e il funzionamento degli archivi italiani, la normativa che sta dietro tutto questo e la funzione della tutela di questo speciale bene culturale 3. Politiche e strategie di gestione documentale Si descrive qui come queste si siano progressivamente modificate nel tempo e come sia utile cono- scere la storia degli archivi e dell’archivistica per meglio comprendere problematiche e possibili soluzioni della gestione documentale. 4. L’archivio in formazione Ci stiamo ora avvicinando sempre più al nocciolo del problema, il capitolo si sofferma sul momen- to formativo dell’archivio e sul vincolo che ne consegue, con tutte le implicazioni recentemente poste dagli archivi nati su supporto digitale. 5. L’archivio di deposito Proseguendo in questo cammino si entra sempre più nel cuore dell’archivistica, si parla qui di sor- 17 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Grazia TATÒ: Quale manuale per il XXI secolo?, 15-21 veglianza, vigilanza, scarto, campionatura… siamo ad una fase sempre più vicina al lavoro archivistico, al come si procede per operare su queste carte. 6. L’archivio storico Stiamo arrivando qui alla conservazione e alla realizzazione degli strumenti di descrizione archivi- stica in tutte le sue varianti e con un ricco corredo di esempi. 7. La consultabilità dei documenti archivistici I temi dell’accesso, della riservatezza e della consultabilità sono tra i attuali e roventi, diritto all’o- blio e diritto alla privacy sono confliggenti come sembra? 8. La professione dell’archivista Quale figura professionale di archivista per il tempo contemporaneo e soprattutto quale per il tem- po futuro? Domanda complessa, ma che richiede una risposta pronta ed efficace! Questo manuale ben si presterebbe ad essere tradotto in inglese o ancora meglio anche in altre lin- gue per potersi offrire come prezioso strumento di iniziazione per giovani studenti stranieri che volessero introdursi allo studio dell’archivistica. Paola CARUCCI e Maria GUERCIO, Manuale di archivistica, Roma 2008 Il manuale, impegnativo e di alto profilo, è scritto a quattro mani da due delle figure più rilevanti e conosciute, anche in ambito internazionale, dell’archivistica italiana: Maria Guercio e Paola Carucci. Si rivolge non solo agli studenti, ma anche ai professionisti, è un manuale ma anche una trattazione scienti- fica. Il lavoro è articolato in tre parti: Parte I: L’amministrazione archivistica e la normativa di tutela 1. Dal ministero dell’Interno al ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali Il capitolo ripercorre la storia dell’amministrazione archivistica italiana dall’Unità (1861) al 2008, tratta delle funzioni dell’amministrazione e degli organi preposti alla conservazione e alla vigilanza , oltre che dei rapporti internazionali. 2. Il Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio e la tutela dei beni archivistici Completa il discorso un approfondimento su chi svolge e come le funzioni di tutela e valorizzazio- ne. 3. La salvaguardia fisica dei documenti L’importante tema della conservazione comprende la tutela, la conservazione preventiva, la ripro- duzione di sicurezza e di complemento e quella periodica. 4. La sicurezza dei luoghi e delle persone Le norme di sicurezza, qui ripercorse, prevedono la redazione del documento dei rischi, le misure anti-incendio e anti-intrusione, oltre alla sicurezza delle persone. Parte II: Archivistica generale Questa parte entra nel cuore stesso della materia e ne affronta le problematiche fondamentali. 1. L’archivistica tra diplomazia e informatica Viene introdotto il dibattito sulle origini dell’archivistica, i suoi rapporti con la diplomatica come sviluppatisi negli anni sessanta, il valore probatorio, le nuove prospettive aperte dal documento elettroni- co e la nuova riflessione teorica. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 18 Grazia TATÒ: Quale manuale per il XXI secolo?, 15-21 2. L’ordinamento Sono affrontati e chiariti i concetti chiave di complesso documentario, ordinamento, metodo sto- rico e vincolo archivistico, definizione di fondo, serie, categorie, unità archivistiche e di conservazione, versamento, soggetto produttore e collettore. 3. Strumenti di ricerca. descrizione, normalizzazione, automazione Si esplicitano le esigenze di normalizzazione e si analizzano i diversi strumenti dagli elenchi agli inventari, non trascurando l’informatizzazione e il semantic web. 4. Il ruolo della Guida generale degli Archivi di Stato italiani nell’evoluzione dell’archivistica La Guida è e resta un lavoro epocale che molto ha cambiato nel modo di predisporre strumenti di ricerca: la periodizzazione storica, il rapporto tra soggetto produttore e fondo, i livelli di descrizione, le note storico-istituzionali, ecc. hanno segnato profondamente il modo di lavorare in archivio. 5. Gli standard internazionali per la descrizione archivistica (ISAD e ISAAR, EAD e EAC) Non può più esserci descrizione archivistica senza l’uso di standard, anche se si deve sempre tener presente quanto questi non siano strumenti immobili, ma in continua evoluzione e basta qui pensare ai nuovi RIC. 6. Consultabilità dei documenti e tutela dei dati personali. Tutela del diritto d’autore e di immagine Questo è uno dei tanti temi centrali e sempre attuali in ambito archivistico. Le autrici ne ripercor- rono la complessa normativa, affrontando anche la tutela del segreto e il diritto d’autore. 7. La ricerca in archivio e a distanza. Fini scientifici, amministrativi e amatoriali Si esamina quale tipo di servizio deve essere offerto ai fruitori degli archivi nelle sale di studio e a distanza, come organizzare questi servizi per renderli efficienti, come trattare le nuove acquisizioni. Parte III: La gestione dei documenti amministrativi: archivi tradizionali e archivi elettro- nici 1. Formazione e gestione dell’archivio corrente e dell’archivio di deposito Si danno indicazioni su come organizzare e gestire l’archivio corrente e di deposito, effettuare la registrazione di protocollo, classificare e fascicolare i documenti, redigere il manuale di gestione, ecc. 2. Lo scarto Altro tema scottante! Si affrontano qui le sue ragioni, l’evoluzione, le norme, le procedure, gli stru- menti, la valutazione e la riproduzione sostitutiva. 3. Formazione e gestione di un sistema documentale digitale Tema attuale e non eludibile quello della formazione e gestione informatica dei documenti e quel- lo del trattamento degli archivi nativi digitali. 4. Normativa di base per la gestione dei documenti della pubblica amministrazione Normativa questa sempre in continua evoluzione dal Codice dell’amministrazione digitale (CAD) in poi. Un terreno su cui si cammina come sul ghiaccio con norme e tecnologie che si rincorrono. 5. La conservazione dei documenti digitali Grandi criticità in questo ambito per definire cosa, come e chi conserva. Particolarmente interessante e ricco di stimoli è l’approccio alle tematiche da parte di due archivi- ste, ognuna con la propria formazione specifica, ma in sintonia sui principi basilari della materia. Inoltre, importante la dichiarata intenzione di “conferire autonomia alla lettura di ciascun capitolo” in conside- razione della vastità e complessità della materia trattata. 19 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Grazia TATÒ: Quale manuale per il XXI secolo?, 15-21 Il testo, nel complesso molto impegnativo, si offre come un punto di riferimento certo e autorevole. Paolo FRANZESE, Manuale di archivistica italiana, Perugia 2014 È un solido sussidio didattico di impostazione tradizionale che si rivolge agli studenti e che si pro- pone di fornire, in un’epoca di grandi cambiamenti, “le giuste istruzioni per identificare, elaborare, cerca- re, valutare e selezionare le fonti”. “Uno strumento di agevole accesso iniziale all’archivistica, che permet- ta di conoscerne il campo d’indagine e d’azione, i principi sui quali si fonda, i criteri e i metodi con cui persegue le sue finalità, i canali attraverso i quali approfondire l’analisi degli argomenti, il linguaggio, gli strumenti che produce e con cui lavora e le spesso imprescindibili relazioni con altre discipline.” Impegno certo non da poco! Nello stesso tempo non pretende di coprire tutte le tematiche, di risolvere tutti i problemi, ma rinvia a quanto già esistente in ambito manualistico, ad esempio, per quanto attiene la conservazione dei documenti su supporto tradizionale al volume di Barbara Bertini, La conservazione dei beni archivi- stici e librari, Roma 2005 e al lavoro del Centro di fotoriproduzione legatoria restauro degli Archivi di Stato, Chimica e biologia applicate alla conservazione degli archivi, Roma 2002. Non è un sottrar- si ad affrontare alcuni argomenti, ma un riconoscere il valore di quanto già scritto da altri. Dopo l’ampia introduzione, l’autore tratta nella prima parte, intitolata Archivistica e suddivisa in cinque capitoli, i temi: 1. Archivi e documenti Si chiariscono i concetti basilari di archivio, documento, fondo, provenienza, vincolo archivistico e modalità di sedimentazione degli archivi; si distinguono produttori da conservatori e collettori; si appro- fondisce il concetto di interesse storico del patrimonio documentario. 2. L’archivistica da materia ausiliaria a disciplina autonoma Un lungo cammino che parte dalle origini dell’archivistica moderna, ripercorre i rapporti non sempre facili con le altre discipline, la nascita e la funzione del Consiglio internazionale degli archivi e infine la standardizzazione dei criteri di descrizione archivistica. 3. Figure professionali Altro nodo centrale, perché non si può parlare di archivistica senza parlare di archivisti! Quanto è mutata negli anni questa figura professionale e quanto ancora cambierà! E’ un tema che non si può asso- lutamente eludere. 4. Gestione degli archivi in formazione o gestione documentale La gestione documentale fa parte a pieno titolo dell’archivistica e qui viene ricordato anche lo stan- dard ISO 15489 e le proprietà di autenticità, affidabilità, integrità e usabilità che devono essere assicurate al documento1. 5. Archivi storici Chiude questa prima parte del manuale, un ampio capitolo dedicato agli interventi archivistici, alla descrizione, alla ricerca, ai sistemi informativi, alla digitalizzazione e alla interoperabilità dei sistemi. La seconda parte del volume prende il titolo generale di Organizzazione e funzionamento degli archivi in Italia e affronta appunto l’organizzazione e l’amministrazione degli archivi, oltre alla norma- tiva italiana dal Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio del 2004 alla consultabilità alle norme per gli archivi digitali. 1. Giovanni MICHETTI, Uno standard per la gestione documentale: il modello ISO 15489, in “Archivi e Computer”, 1 (2005), p. 69. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 20 Grazia TATÒ: Quale manuale per il XXI secolo?, 15-21 Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, a cura di Linda Giuva e Maria Guercio, Roma 2014. Questa è una proposta diversa dal manuale classico: è scritta a più mani, presenta pluralità di punti di vista ed è una raccolta organica e ragionata di saggi che coprono temi diversi, ma non mancano al loro compito didattico. Può essere una nuova forma di manuale, direi di secondo livello, e destinata a chi abbia già affronato e superato con successo il primo approccio alla materia. Come dichiarano le curatrici nell’introduzione al volume, “Nella successione degli argomenti si è cercato di rispecchiare un percorso organico che rico- nosce la centralità delle attività di formazione e gestione degli archivi correnti, senza rinunciare alle questioni tradizionali della disciplina e alle necessarie integrazioni con nuovi contenuti. Si è partiti dalle funzioni del documento archivistico (Luciana Duranti); si sono analizzati i prin- cipi, i metodi e gli strumenti per la formazione dell’archivio (Monica Grossi); si sono trattate le questioni spinose (anche in ambito digitale) dell’archivio di deposito e dell’esternalizzazione dei servizi archivistici (Lucilla Garofalo) e della selezione (Maria Guercio), per affrontare suc- cessivamente i nodi della conservazione della memoria. A Marco Bologna è toccato il compito di approfondire i nodi storici della sedimentazione archivistica e a Linda Giuva quello di diseg- nare la mappa della conservazione in Italia. I temi dell’ordinamento e della descrizione archi- vistica sono stati affidati rispettivamente a Paola Carucci e Stefano Vitali. Il capitolo dedicato alla consultabilità e al complesso rapporto tra riservatezza, segreto e libertà di accesso è scritto da Stefano Twardzik, mentre il tema degli standard per la gestione documentale è stato trattato da Giovanni Michetti. Stefano Pigliapoco presenta il quadro concettuale e normativo relativo alla conservazione digitale, Federico Valacchi si occupa dei sistemi informativi per gli archivi storici, Ilaria Pescini si misura con gli archivi territoriali e i nuovi modelli di concentrazione. Gli ultimi quattro saggi approfondiscono questioni non usuali per la letteratura manualistica di settore, ma essenziali per fornire strumenti più completi di orientamento per chi esercita la professione: la formazione degli archivisti (Giorgetta Bonfiglio-Dosio), la comunicazione (Claudia Salmini), la dimensione internazionale degli archivi (Giulia Barrera), le relazioni tra istituzioni della memoria (Giovanni Paoloni).” Da questo quadro generale emerge come i temi trattati nei diversi manuali presi in esame ritorna- no, e non potrebbe essere diversamente, come ritornano molti nomi tra gli autori, ma diverso è l’approc- cio e il taglio dato ai manuali. Questo ultimo lavoro è decisamente diverso e forse più “moderno”. Allora, tornando ai quesiti con i quali è stato aperto questo intervento, cioè “quale manuale può essere utilmente scritto per il futuro che ci attende?”, alcune risposte pare stiano emergendo. Servono manuali di base per introdurre alla materia, servono manuali di approfondimento per continuare il cam- mino intrapreso e servono manuali “dinamici” per andare oltre. Manuali, questi ultimi, che non siano ingabbiati in schemi rigidi, che raccolgano più voci, che sappiano evolvere e rinascere seguendo i cambia- menti del contesto in cui si opera. Sarà anche molto utile conoscere e confrontare i manuali in uso nelle diverse realtà o anche la loro assenza. La pubblicazione Atlanti che l’Istituto internazionale di scienze archivistiche porta ormai avanti da più decenni, lavora con questo spirito: condividere e confrontare le esperienze di Paesi diversi, ritorna- re su tematiche già trattate per riflettere sugli aggiornamenti necessari e ripensare in modo nuovo proble- mi antichi. Esperienze diverse, lingue diverse, contesti diversi, ma una sola professionalità. Bibliografia GIUVA, Linda e GUERCIO, Maria (Ed.) (2014). Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche. Roma. BONFIGLIO DOSIO, Giorgetta (2010). Primi passi nel mondo degli archivi. Temi e testi per la formazione archi- vistica di primo livello. Padova. CARUCCI Paola e GUERCIO, Maria (2008). Manuale di archivistica. Roma. 21 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Grazia TATÒ: Quale manuale per il XXI secolo?, 15-21 CARUCCI, Paola (1987). Il documento contemporaneo. Roma. CARUCCI, Paola (1983). Le fonti archivistiche: ordinamento e conservazione. Roma. CASANOVA, Eugenio (1928). Archivistica. Siena. FRANZESE, Paolo (2014). Manuale di archivistica italiana. Perugia. GUERCIO, Maria (2004). Archivistica informatica. I documenti in ambiente digitale. Roma. LODOLINI, Elio (2011). Archivistica. Principi e problemi. Milano. MICHETTI, Giovanni (2005). Uno standard per la gestione documentale: il modello ISO 15489. In Archivi e Computer, 1 (2005), p. 69. ROMITI, Antonio (2009). Archivistica generale. Primi elementi. Lucca. TAMBLE’, Donato (1993). La teoria archivistica italiana contemporanea  : profilo storico critico (1950-1990). Roma. VALENTI, Filippo (2000). Scritti e lezioni di archivistica diplomatica e storia istituzionale. Roma. ZANNI ROSIELLO Isabella (1987). Archivi e memoria storica. Bologna 1987 ZANNI ROSIELLO, Isabella (1996). Andare in archivio. Bologna. SUMMARY Four recent Italian archival science manuals are being compared, offering, in their diversity, the opportunity to reflect on which manual could be thought of as the best training tool for the archivists of the future: • Giorgetta BONFIGLIO DOSIO, First Steps in the World of Archives. Topics and Texts for a First Lev- el Archival Training (Primi passi nel mondo degli archivi. Temi e testi per la formazione archivistica di primo livello), Padova 2010 • Paola CARUCCI e Maria GUERCIO, Archival Science Manual (Manuale di archivistica), Roma 2008 • Paolo FRANZESE, Italian Archival Science Manual (Manuale di archivistica italiana), Perugia 2014 • Archival Science. Theories, Methods, Procedures (Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche), edited by Linda Giuva e Maria Guercio, Roma 2014. The author’s point of view is very different, but they are, however, high-level works that highlight the ripeness achieved by archival science in Italy. In addition to these we must consider the function of the “Atlanti” publica- tion the International Institute of Archival Sciences has been pursuing for many decades, working in a spirit of sharing and comparing the experiences of different countries, and of returning to topics already discussed to reflect on necessary updates in order to rethink old problems in a new way. Different experiences, different languages, different contexts, but one only professionalism. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 15.05.2017 Acceptance date: 30.05.2017 23 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenges Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL, BA (Hons) Cultural History De Vaal and De Vaal Information Brokers cc 174 President Steyn Street, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Province, South Africa E-mail: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenges ABSTRACT The core of this article is aimed at highlighting the challenges in the facilitating of archiving workshops in South Africa. Apart from formal training of Archivists (of which some available qualifications and courses are discussed), there is a huge need for shorter, hands-on training. Learners represent a variety of working environments, back- grounds, levels of education, languages and cultures. The current situation in terms of formal training is briefly outlined. Available, more informal training and workshops are discussed as a means of filling the gaps for a specific sector in the archival profession. The challenges and the outline of workshops’ content are shared. Current resear- ch in order to establish loopholes and needs regarding archival skills in the workplace, is mentioned. The majority of the article has been written against the background of the author’s own experiences. Key words: archival training, education, formal education, South Africa, professional qualification L'arte di facilitare workshop archivistici in Sud Africa, allo scopo di sviluppare abilità nella professione archivistica per far fronte a sfide uniche ABSTRACT Scopo di questo articolo è evidenziare le sfide nell’agevolazione dei workshop archivistici in Sudafrica. Oltre alla formazione degli archivisti (di cui sono discusse alcune qualifiche e corsi disponibili), c’è un enorme bisogno di formazione più breve e pratica. I partecipanti rappresentano una varietà di ambienti di lavoro, di contesti, di livelli di istruzione, di lingue e di culture. Viene brevemente descritta l’attuale situazione in termini di formazione. Inol- tre vengono discussi la formazione disponibile e più informale e i workshop intesi come mezzo per colmare le lacu- ne di un settore specifico nella professione archivistica. Sono condivisi le sfide ed il contesto dei contenuti dei workshop. È menzionata la ricerca attuale per stabilire scappatoie e bisogni riguardanti le competenze archivistiche sul luogo di lavoro riferendosi soprattutto alle esperienze dell’autore. Parole chiave: formazione archivistica, educazione formale, Sud Africa, qualifica professionale Način izvajanja arhivskih delavnic v Južni Afriki z namenom razvijanja spretnosti v arhivskem poklicu z edinstvenimi izzivi IZVLEČEK Osrednji del tega člena je namenjen osvetlitvi izzivov pri izvajanju arhivskih delavnic v Južni Afriki. Poleg formal- nega usposabljanja arhivistov (o katerem je govora tudi v članku), obstaja velika potreba po krajšem, praktičnem usposabljanju. Učenci prihajajo iz vrste različnih delovnih okolij, ozadij, stopenj izobrazbe, jezikov in kultur. V prispevku je na kratko predstavljeno trenutno stanje na področju formalnega usposabljanja. Razpoložljivo, bolj neformalno usposabljanje in delavnice so obravnavani kot sredstvo za zapolnjevanje vrzeli za posamezna področja v arhivskem poklicu. Predstavljeni so izzivi in osnutek vsebine delavnic, omenjene pa so tudi trenutne raziskave, na osnovi katerih bi bilo mogoče ugotoviti pomanjkljivosti in potrebe glede arhivskega znanja na delovnem mestu. Večina članka je napisana na osnovi lastnih izkušenj avtorice. Ključne besede: arhivsko usposabljanje, izobraževanje, formalna izobrazba, Južna Afrika, poklicna kvalifikacija ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 24 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 1 Introduction Archiving workshops are aimed at archivists or anyone working in an archive (especially those recently appointed); records managers or other records staff responsible for archiving (or those who are interested to know more); Museum staff who are responsible for their document collection / archiving; Library staff responsible for their document collection / archiving. One often comes across staff members who have been thrown into the deep end. They might have a formal qualification, but little practical experience. Librarians, information workers, re- cords staff, museum and heritage workers are not archivists, yet they have to look after their organ- isations’ unpublished semi- or non-active documentary collections. It is expected from them to understand and practice the archival principles without necessarily having the correct skills and training. The author’s frame of reference is from the private as well as public sectors over a period of 30 years. The two different situations mentioned below, are representative of two formal qualifica- tions. Please note that NOT all formal qualifications in South Africa are being discussed. 2 The current situation in South Africa regarding formal training 2.1 Further Education and Training Certificate: Archives and Records Management (SAQA - the South African Qualifications Authority) - ID 64069 The industry has suffered for a long time without any applicable unit standards and no qua- lification. (There were only the higher level qualifications offered by UNISA - see 2.2). In the be- ginning of 2009, an archiving and records management qualification was registered through SAQA on a NQF (National Qualifications Framework) Level 4. According to Van Rooyen, no date, there was a need for a new education and training system in South Africa after the “apartheid” era. This was needed to enable the country to compete globally and to redress the inequities created by apartheid. The centre for Education Policy Development, The National Training Strategy Initiative and The ANC Education Desk made proposals towards a new system for South Africa during 1994 and three publications were produced. From these proposals it was clear that there should be an integration of education and training. The main instrument of integration was to be the national Qualifications Framework (NQF) and was created by means of three major Acts of Parlia- ment. These Acts and Regulations are the following: • South African Qualifications Authority Act (Act No. 58 of 1995) • Skills Development Act (Act No. 97 of 1998) • Skills Development Levies Act (Act No. 69 of 1999) According to van Rooyen, no date, the NQF has the following purposes and was designed to: • Promote easy access for learners; • Recognise learning achievement through informal and formal means; • Help people gain nationally recognised and portable (transferable) skills; • Help identify capabilities needed to work; • Help identify current skill gaps in order to develop training programmes; • Provide an overview of capabilities needed in a profession; • Provide employees with access to a career path; • Provide better integration of on-the-job and off-the-job learning; • Improve recognition of prior learning. The purpose and rationale of this qualification, ID 64069 (SAQA, 2015) highlights South Africa’s need of ensuring that records are kept for a range of purposes, is the primary purpose of the Records and Archives professionals, in a wide range of sectors. The Records and Archives profession continues to seek out new ways to meet the changing needs of identifying, retrieving, preserving and conserving informa- tion and items through well-structured record classification systems and record keeping systems, while at the same time dealing with significant changes in technology. 25 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 In the records and archives environment, lifelong learning is crucial and practitioners must develop competencies for themselves for example analysing, acquiring, synthesising, organising, conserving, eva- luating and disseminating records. These competencies support, and are enhanced by, technological and social transformation. This qualification recognises all these elements in current and future records and archives practice. It aims to help people entering the industry and those already working in it maintain and improve their competen- cies in meeting and anticipating the needs of the country as a whole. This Qualification enables learners within the Archives and Records Management environment to improve professionalism and enhance the quality of service delivery. It will also contribute to the further development of learners within the Archives and Records Management environment by providing arti- culation, recognition and mobility within this dynamic and ever changing environment. A learner acquiring this Qualification will be able to: • Communicate in a variety of ways in the provision of Records and Archives support services. • Use mathematics and mathematical thinking to solve every day problems for him/herself and the Records and Archives profession. • Manage archival materials and records. • Provide routine frontline customer services for archives and records. • Administer routine Records and Archives support services (SAQA, 2015). An urgent need for the provision of training in the Archives and Records management sector is addressed by this qualification. Sound record keeping, archiving and records management practices are key elements of good governance and are also evidence of official and private business. They have an on- going use as a means of legal evidence, operational continuity, and disaster recovery and are a means of accountability. This Qualification is for learners who are pursuing careers within the Archives and Re- cords Management environment and indicates a clear learning pathway which can be followed. It provi- des learners with opportunities for professional development and career advancement within the broader constituencies of the administrative community that will contribute to providing better Archives and Records handling services for all the people in the Republic of South Africa. This qualification reflects the need and demand within the Archives and Records Management environment for people who are/will be able to perform these administrative roles within surroundings which are more complex and demand more advanced knowledge, skills and attributes. This Qualification will provide a vehicle through which to develop competent Archives and Records Administrators and people that can stay abreast with the changing and dynamic environment of Archives and Records Ma- nagement as well as create an atmosphere for life-long learning opportunities. This qualification allows for the further development of learners in the Archives and Records Ma- nagement` professional environment through vertical mobility to higher-level qualifications and hori- zontally to qualifications on the same level but in a different administrative discipline. The qualification assists learners in critically evaluating information and exercising appropriate professional judgement. The level of flexibility within the range of electives will also allow the individual to pursue further specia- lisation within the Archives and Records Management field (SAQA, 2015). A Level 4 NQF is the equivalent of a Grade 12 or Matric. Some of the advantages of this qualification are: The focus of this qualification is on people who never had opportunities for qualifications before. There were no unit standards whatsoever for Archiving and Records Management in South Africa. Even if the qualification is not enrolled for, a learner can now demand alignment/accreditation to a unit standard of any training (short courses, workshops) in Archiving and Records Management. It has become policy (especially in Government) to send learners on accredited training. It builds bridges. It fills gaps. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 26 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 It paves the way for further education and training. Gaps in the qualification can be reviewed regularly. The learner can specialise in one of the following areas: • Records Management • Archives Management • Public Sector • Heritage • Business Environment (SAQA 2015) 2.2 University of South Africa (UNISA) Qualifications and opportunities UNISA offers a variety of opportunities. There are three 4-5 day workshops available, namely the: • Workshop in Basic Archives and Records Management; • Workshop in Intermediate Archives and Records Management; • Workshop in Advanced Archives and Records Management. The one workshop follows on the other. Any Level 4 qualification OR at least two years’ work experience in a records centre, archives or registry is required. ( Programme in Archival Studies Most archivists in South Africa qualify by means of this course. Purpose This programme is offered to candidates in possession of any degree or any other national diploma. After completing the programme, students receive a certificate and may progress to the Honours Bache- lor of Arts in Archival Science at UNISA.  Target group Any person with a National Diploma or Degree interested in archives and records management.  Admission requirements Candidates in possession of any degree or any other national diploma.  Duration One year full time or two years part-time. Language medium English. Tuition method This course is offered by means of distance teaching with the assistance of study guides, prescribed books and readers, while lecturers are available through telephone contact and e-mail. Course work is organised by means of tutorial letters. Assessment includes assignments and examinations. The exams for each module are held at the end of the year. Kind of assessment Note: Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative asses- sment rules and policies Formative assessment: Written assignments and self-assessment activities 27 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 Summative assessment: Examinations and portfolio of evidence of experiential training received at the approved archives and/or records centre) Marks: Students will have to obtain a mark of 50% to successfully complete the course The different modules in this course are: Module 1. Introduction to Records Management and Archival Studies Syllabus/Content Topics This module forms the basis of the course in Archival Studies. It contains the basic information needed to familiarise oneself with archives. Some of the principles introduced here are discussed in detail in other modules. This module can be regarded as a framework for Archives and Records Management. The text has been compiled with the aim of helping the student to master the content of this course as easily as possible. This course therefore aims to give the student, a prospective archivist, the theoretical information and practical skills needed for executing tasks in archives effectively. Module 2. Archival Principles and Practices Syllabus/Content Topics • This module aims to provide a frame of reference for the development of the theory of systems of arrangement and classification. • Practical guidelines are given concerning the arrangement of paper-based archives and col- lections. The different stages of sorting are explained so that they can be applied in practice. Arrangement and intellectual control by means of description are explained with regard to audio-visual material, which includes cinematographic material, video material, sound mate- rial (such as gramophone records, compact discs and audiotapes) and digital recordings. Fin- ding aids, with special reference to the inventory and the catalogue and their defined structures in archives, are also set out. • Not all records can be preserved because of insufficient storage space. In order to establish whi- ch records have value and should be preserved and which records should be regarded as ephe- meral, efficient records management systems have been developed as a tool for this purpose. Records management and its implementations and value in the business sector are detailed. The major methods used and the steps taken with regard to the compilation of records inven- tories and the disposal of records are explained in the section on records management. Modern or present-day requirements regarding the inventory of electronic records are also examined. The last unit of this module focuses on the arrangement of official records as prescribed by le- gislation and implemented by the National Archives of South Africa. Module 3. Archival Information Sources and Services Syllabus/Content Topics • The module for Archival Information Sources and Services covers a wide range of topics which are of interest to prospective records managers and archivists. It includes information on the various types of archives services offered in South Africa and the rest of the world, and the types of information sources that can be found within these archives. To better understand these archives, this guide also provides the student with the reasons these archives were establi- shed. • The legal environment in which archives operate is also discussed. Module 4. Preservation and Conservation of Archival Materials Syllabus/Content Topics • This module deals with some of the most fundamental aspects of archival studies and of archi- ves. If there were no need for the communication of information from the past to the future, it ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 28 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 would not be necessary to record externalised knowledge, or to invent a social agency to collect evidence of transactions, make them accessible to users and preserve them. Without this social need of remembering the past, archives would never have existed in contemporary or past so- cieties. • This module has been compiled with the aim of introducing the student to the various types of archival records, their characteristics, and potential use by archives and preservation (http:// Note: Al the above address courses that include records management AND archiving. 3 The current situation in South Africa regarding informal training The term: “informal” is possibly not correct, but it is a way of describing a method of training used in South Africa. This is usually done in workshop format, seminars, or discussion groups. Training like this should preferably be accredited according to Unit Standards within a qualification like the “Further education and Training Certificate: Archives and Records Management, ID 64069 (SAQA, 2015). 3.1 Accreditation Accreditation processes are in certain instances lengthy and complicated. In the meantime, there are many prospective learners who are in urgent need of training. There is not always time to wait for ac- credited courses. Accredited training can also be costly. A challenge in South Africa is that some service providers manage to get accredited, sometimes at a cost, but they do not have the know-how in order to facilitate. Knowledgeable facilitators are someti- mes hired in, or, in a worst case scenario, a facilitator without the required skills, qualifications or expe- rience, are used to facilitate within a profession like archiving. Many learners (and their employers) com- plain afterwards that they expected more from these accredited courses. When this happens, they often look for a facilitator who is knowledgeable, irrespective of the fact that he or she offers so-called “workshops” instead of accredited training. Accreditation is, however, a requirement within many organisations. This results in the situation where facilitators are knowledgeable and experienced, but cannot manage to get accredited. On the other hand, you have training companies and/or facilitators who get accredited, but are not knowledgeable enough1. 3.2 Who requires archive training? On many occasions, staff members within an archive environment, are identified who need trai- ning. These learners often request “on-site” training, upon which a facilitator go to the organisation and facilitate the workshop. These workshops can be between 3 and 5 days, depending on what they need to learn or be exposed to. Follow-up, more advanced workshops, can also be offered. On the other hand, workshops are arranged for any interested parties. A variety of learners respond to advertisements. They could be librarians, information workers, records staff, museum and heritage workers or even already qualified archivists who need more information in a specific area, or who need a refresher on certain aspects of archiving. 3.3 Challenges for the facilitator in the archival training classroom2 The facilitator in South Africa is faced with a variety of challenges. These include the following: • Learners represent a variety of working environments. An archivist working in an art gallery, will deal with a different type of record than the one working in a bank archive, a museum ar- chive or a music archive. • Different backgrounds and levels of education also have an influence on the approach followed 1. Based on the experience of the author and informal discussions with colleagues in the fields of records management in South Africa. 2. This is based on a 20-year-experience of the author and is not referenced to in any other consulted source. 29 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 by the facilitator. Sometimes, there are learners who only have a limited level of literacy, e.g. a clerk who helps as an assistant in an archive. Others are in high level positions e.g. managers. It is a challenge to accommodate both of these representatives and to ensure that they both walk away fully equipped to implement what they have learnt in the workplace. • Language can be a challenge. There are 11 official languages in South Africa. The most common “working” language is English. For the majority of people, English is a second or even a third language. A facilitator whose first language is English, may talk on a level where the learners not necessarily understand all terminology and concepts. It has been established that a facilitator whose second language is English, communicate better with the learners in the same position. • Language in terms of the content of archives is also a challenge. A learner may be working in an archive where some records are still in Dutch. Afrikaans, the language that developed mainly from Dutch, was only recognised as from 1875. Learners are not necessarily familiar with Dutch. Many learners are not even familiar with Afrikaans, as it is a minority group in South Africa. • The variety of cultures represented in South Africa makes the facilitation process unique. All cultures need to be understood and accommodated. Although religion and politics are not di- scussed in the classroom environment, it is sometimes necessary to understand where a learner comes from and what his or her viewpoints are. He/she might also represent a specific archive, e.g. the ANC Archives (political party), a Church Archive, The “Apartheid” Museum, etc. There may be representatives of all of these learners in the same learning environment. The fa- cilitator needs special skills in how to address possible conversations between learners or speci- fic content from an archive that is mentioned as an example in the classroom. • For some learners it is a first time to receive training. A complex situation may develop in terms of him or her being withdrawn or too shy to participate. The facilitator has to have enough knowledge of personalities and circumstances in order to accommodate this learner and to make him/her part of the class. • The number of delegates should be limited to a maximum of 15. Any number more than this, is a challenge for the facilitator, as individual needs should be expressed within the classroom environment and enough time should be available for discussion in this regard. • It is a challenge to create a comfortable learning environment for everybody in which he/she does not only learn, but have enough time to do hands-on practical work that enables them to take back the knowledge and ideas to the workplace and implement such immediately. Too many, more “formal” training is not hands-on in a short period of time. • Cost of training is always a challenge. Longer, more formal courses can be costly. Shorter wor- kshops or seminars are also offered at a cost, but the results are immediate. An employer can experience his invested money shortly after the learner attended the workshop/seminar. • Learners (often from one organisation) sometimes require training on a specific aspect of ar- chival functions, e.g. arrangement and description. This can be offered - mainly in-house trai- ning. The success rate of actual work that gets done after the training, is very high. Follows-up is usually done and the facilitator can make an arrangement to “hold the hands” of the client for an arranged period of time after completion of the training. 3.4 The outcome of the workshop Learners want to equip themselves and to develop their skills. This is the outcome that they can expect in the more “informal” workshops: At the end of the workshop candidates will be in the position to identify archival records, to add value and appraise accordingly, to take care of the records physically (correct shelving, boxing, covering, protect against disasters, etc.) sort, arrange and describe records in order to retrieve them easily, know the obligations of legislation and be able to implement all the requirements, e.g. a disaster recovery plan. Learners will be able to do emergency reparations on documents (De Vaal-Senekal, 2016). Learners will be able to show responsibility, and independently and effectively manage themselves in the specific culture of the Archives environment and they will therefore ensure the effective delivery of relevant and appropriate Archive services within the framework of prescribed legislation (SAQA, 2015). All of this is, however, done in a very practical, hands-on manner. Learners enjoy the interaction - not only with the facilitator, but also with each other. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 30 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 3.5 The way forward Current research is undertaken by the author in order to establish more loopholes and needs with regard to archival skills in the workplace. This is done by means of “knowledge mapping”. The results guide the facilitator towards specific needs and challenges in the archival environment within all types of organisations - public as well as private sector. Davenport and Prusack (1989) explain that ‘working knowledge’ ads on to the intellectual capital of the organisation. Intellectual capital again forms the degree of competitive advantage against other organisations operating in the same field. Advantages of knowledge mapping in an archive environment: • Knowledge mapping helps to clearly identify what knowledge is needed to support goals and individual and team activities. • It explains how knowledge moves around in, and is used by the archive / organisation. • It provides a map of what knowledge exists in the archive and where it exists, revealing both gaps and duplication. • It provides an inventory of knowledge assets, allowing them to become more visible and there- fore more measurable and accountable. It gives tangible evidence of the extent to which know- ledge is effectively managed and indicates where improvements are needed. • It provides vital information for the development of effective knowledge management pro- grammes and initiatives that are directly relevant to the archives’ specific knowledge needs and current situation. With these results in hand, improved workshops can be offered for learners in the archival environ- ment. An important aspect that has been discovered so far, is the fact that many employees can undergo a process of “recognition of prior learning - RPL”. Those staff members working in a specific environment for years, but never had the opportunity to undergo any training, can now be evaluated and can obtain some qualification. 4 Conclusion Formal, accredited training is always recommended. However, bearing in mind all the challenges mentioned, there is a place for non-accredited training, as long as the content of these workshops are of a high standard and quality. During these training sessions, the facilitator should always ensure that not only theoretical knowledge is shared, but that learners have the maximum benefit of this type of learning environment. Certificates of attendance are usually issued after the workshop. The facilitators in this position find themselves constantly in situations where they have to motivate that their workshops are of such a nature that learners learn what they need to learn and that skills are developed just as well as in similar accredited training. To accomplish the accreditation process in South Africa, will always be a challenge. It should always be a goal to get accreditation, but in the meantime, no time should be wasted and knowledgeable facilitators should transfer skills to eager learners - usually a younger generation. References Davenport, T & Prusack, L. (1998). Working knowledge: How organisations manage what they know. Boston: Har- vard Business School Press De Vaal-Senekal, P. (2016). The Comprehensive Archiving Workshop (revised). Pretoria SAQA (2015), Qualification 64069, NQF Level 4: Further Education and Training Certificate: Archives and Re- cords Management (re-registered), Pretoria: SAQA UNISA: Short learning programmes, brochure. Available at (accessed on 13.04.2017) Van Rooyen, M. (no date). Conduct Outcomes-based Assessment. Johannesburg: Assessment College of South Afri- ca 31 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Pétria DE VAAL-SENEKAL: The Art of Facilitating Archiving Workshops in South Africa, in Order to Develop Skills in the Archival Profession Accommodating Unique Challenge, 23-31 SUMMARY Formal (mainly accredited) training is available in South Africa. The institution who trains most archivists is UNI- SA (University of South Africa). Accreditation of training courses are lengthy and sometimes complicated. In the meantime, there is a huge need for hands-on, practical training within a short period of time for archivists and staff from related disciplines, e.g. the library environment, museums, records management, etc. Employers demand im- mediate implementation of knowledge obtained at a workshop. They feel that they get value for money. Most or- ganisations, however, still demand accredited courses. There is “informal” training available in the form of mainly workshops or seminars. The author has been involved in this type of training for more than 20 years and shares her experiences in terms of challenges and the accommodation thereof. Unique situations are common when having representatives from different cultures, background, educational level, religion, political viewpoints and of course different types of archives. It became an art to accommodate all the challenges. The facilitator needs to be a creative person - not only knowledgeable in the content trained, but also in inter-personal relationships, knowledge about a learner’s unique situation, etc. Over a period of 20 years, the approach in the classroom is one of not only lear- ning, but accommodating all challenges in a respectful manner. Constant research is done in order to improve le- arning and facilitating - therefore research in terms of knowledge mapping is currently undertaken in a variety of organisations with their own unique archives and accompanying acquisition policies. The results thereof are being used for future development of course material and specifically addressing the needs of the learners. To accomplish the accreditation process in South Africa, will always be a challenge. It should always be a goal to get accreditation, but in the meantime, no time should be wasted and knowledgeable facilitators should transfer skills to eager lear- ners - Usually a younger generation. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 18.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 33 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century Cristina BIANCHI, Ph.D. Archivist of the city of Pully, and AAS representative in the Section of Professional Associations of the Interna- tional Council on Archives, Archives of the City of Pully, av. du Prieuré 2, phone number +41 21 721 35 52CH- 1009 Pully, Switzerland e-mail: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century ABSTRACT The paper discusses the competency model for archivists that the Swiss Association of Archivists (AAS) has writ- ten and published in 2012 to create a common model for all the parts of Switzerland including its different Ger- man, Italian and French traditions. The goal was to define the profession at the Swiss level, including its new as- pects, and also communicate a positive picture of the profession, which remains mainly unknown outside specialized circles. Challenges between different linguistic traditions, new requirements of the professions, and a threefold set of competencies are explained through examples given in French and German, and translated into English, in the AAS documents Les métiers des archives: Le profil professionnel des archivistes (Profession in Ar- chives : Competency Model of the Archivist) and Archiviste: un métier (Archivist : A Profession). Archival activi- ties require specialized knowledge, professional competencies and social competencies, a new area for the first time taken into account and officially recognized. Key words: competency, model, archivist, records manager, skills Modello di competenza svizzero per l’archivista del XXI secolo SINTESI Il documento disquisisce sul modello di competenza degli archivisti che l'Associazione svizzera degli archivisti (AAS) ha scritto e pubblicato nel 2012 per creare uno standard comune per tutte i Cantoni della Svizzera, incluse le diverse tradizioni tedesche, italiane e francesi. L'obiettivo era quello di definire la professione a livello svizzero, compresi i suoi nuovi aspetti, e anche comunicare un quadro positivo della professione, che rimane prevalentemen- te sconosciuta al di fuori della cerchia degli specializzati. Le sfide tra le diverse tradizioni linguistiche, i nuovi requi- siti delle professioni e un triplice insieme di competenze sono spiegati attraverso esempi in francese e tedesco e tradotti in inglese nei documenti AAS Les métiers des archives: Le profil professionnel des archivistes (Professione archivista: modello di competenza dell'archivista) e Archiviste: un métier (Archivista: una professione). Le attività ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 34 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 archivistiche richiedono conoscenze specializzate, competenze professionali e competenze sociali, una nuova area per la prima volta considerata e riconosciuta ufficialmente. Parole chiave: competenza, modello, archivista, gestore di archivio, capacità Švicarski model kompetenc za arhiviste 21. stoletja IZVLEČEK Članek obravnava model kompetenc za arhiviste, ki ga je Švicarska zveza arhivov (AAS) pripravila in objavila leta 2012, da bi ustvarila skupni model za vse dele Švice, vključno z različnimi nemškimi, italijanskimi in francoskimi tradicijami. Cilj je bil opredeliti poklic na ravni Švice, vključno z njegovimi novimi vidiki, in prikazati tudi poziti- vno sliko o poklicu, ki ostaja zunaj specializiranih krogov v glavnem neznan. Izzivi med različnimi jezikovnimi tradicijami, novimi zahtevami poklicev in trojnim setom kompetenc, so pojasnjeni s primeri v francoskem in nemškem jeziku, v dokumentih AAS Les métiers des archives: Prof profil professionnel des archivistes (Poklic v arhivih: Model kompetenc za arhiviste) in Arhiviste: un métier (Arhivist: poklic) pa so prevedeni v angleščino. Arhivska dejavnost zahteva specializirana znanja, strokovne kompetence in socialne kompetence, ki so novo po- dročje, ki se prvič upošteva in uradno priznava. Ključne besede: kompetentnost, model, arhivist, delavec, ki dela z dokumentarnim gradivom, spretnosti 1 Introduction The Association of Swiss Archivists (AAS) decided in 2009 to create a common competency mod- el for all the parts of Switzerland including its different German, Italian and French traditions. The goal was to define the profession at the Swiss level, including its new aspects, and also communicate a positive picture of the profession, which remains mainly unknown outside specialized circles. The success of the French document «Référentiel métier: La profession d’archiviste ou les métiers des archives» was also an incentive (2017). In 2010, a group of 5 people coming from the AAS working group in Training worked on a draft, based on the French one. Integrate the Swiss reality was a challenge; it had to give space to French and German-speaking traditions. In 2011, it was translated into German. In 2012, the last modifications were brought in order to give an overview of the profession in Switzerland. The competency model also had to get away from the French system, rather traditional and centralized, whereas Switzerland is a federal country with independent levels (federal, regional and local communities). Moreover, there was a search for a balance between records management, new aspect of the profession, and the other more traditional dimensions of the profession like preservation, better known by specialists and non-specialists. Three documents were produced, in paper and electronic form, in French and German (in which the term “archivist” includes also “records manager”). “Les métiers des archives: Le profil professionnel des archivistes” (2012), in table form, 19 pages easy to modify if necessary. “Archiviste: un métier” (2012), shorter graphic leaflet of 11 pages. “Schéma de formation en archivistique et offre de formation de l’AAS” (2012), a one-page training map and AAS training offer explaining the professional three-level education available in Switzerland. 2 Official definition of an archivist in Switzerland Archivist: a profession. Archivists deal with information of extremely varied types. They evaluate, collect, support documents and communicate them. They work with originals and unique pieces, import- ant in legal, historical or scientific terms. They ensure the preservation and enhancement of the value of written, electronic and audiovisual documents (Archiviste: Un métier, 2012, p. 2). 35 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 Archivists work in public archives (federal, cantonal, communal or ecclesiastical archives), in ar- chives dedicated to specific themes and in other public institutions, private companies and associations. 3 Special skills and varied activities Archival work requires specific professional skills. Those who practice it have followed different paths. Entry to the field often involves a university course - mostly in history - or by learning as a records information officer, followed by postgraduate studies in an Haute Ecole de Gestion. Various institutions offer post-graduate courses and the Swiss Association of Archivists (AAS) itself organizes professional development courses and professional days dedicated to the profession and its actors. The activities of archivists vary greatly, determined by the type of enterprise employing them, their specifications, their training, their personal qualifications and inclinations. They are subdivided into five main categories, and a sixth one concerning communication, which is a fast growing area. Figure 1 The activities of an archivist and records manager Archival institutions do not necessarily carry out all the activities related to the profession, and these activities do not have the same importance everywhere: they depend on the type of archives, their institutional links, the characteristics of the fonds they own, direction and strategy of the institution, the means available, and of course the staff. Very often, archival staff specializes in one of the five main cate- gories. The synoptic table “Les métiers des archives: Le profil professionnel des archivistes” gives a detailed overview of all the activities that it encompasses, based on the specialized knowledge and social and pro- fessional skills to which they rely. The original idea of this document is to give advice on the kind of interpersonal skills to cultivate to be able to maximize the effects of archival work in an institution, where nowadays archivists are in ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 36 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 constant contact with other co-workers who know nothing about archives, and have to give them rules on how to manage records. The “best” archivist will both show professional competencies and interper- sonal skills to maximize its impact. Figure 2 Necessary competencies The objective of an archival professional profile is to establish a list of activities that are carried out within an archive. Professionals who run or carry out these activities have specialized knowledge. This theoretical knowledge constitutes the basis of the professional competences through which they carry out their activity. In order for these professional skills to achieve the desired goal and achieve their full potential, it is essential that archivists also have social skills. This is how the document is presented with each activity. Figure 3 What it takes to fulfill an activity 4 Advocacy for a changing profession This professional profile is designed as information for people and training institutions, employers and co-workers, those interested in the trade and for the general public. However, it is also thought of for archivists, as a point of reference which allows, within the profession, to orientate, position and find themselves. One of the Spanish associations, the Asociación de Archiveros de Navarra, found it so interesting 37 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 that it translated it to Spanish for its members in 2014. The French Association of Archivists has dedica- ted a whole issue of Gazette des Archives on the subject “Changes in the profession of archivist and his environment” (Les mutations du métier d’archiviste et de son environnement, 2016). Their site has also evolved, now proposing job descriptions for most of the existing archival positions1. Our profession, as well as its profile and image, continues to evolve… Examples of main activities taken from the Swiss competency model 1 Records management (French and German figures) (see Les métiers des archives, (2012), p. 4) An essential part of the archivist’s specifications is to design and implement classification plans, as well as systems for optimal management of records and their life cycle. It implies that the archivists active in the records management are people who have the sense of communication and service and who are able to motivate, to create networks, to carry out projects and to negotiate with pedagogy and tenacity. 1. Available at (accessed on 04.04.2017). ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 38 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 2 Appraisal (French and German figures) (see Les métiers des archives, (2012), p. 7) Today, archivists try to analyze the duties and competences of authorities, companies or organiza- tions in order to decide about archiving procedures, even before documents are created. The archivists active in appraisal have the sense of analyzing tasks and processes. They are aware of legal issues and legal retention periods and base their decisions on sound archival and historical knowledge. 3 Acquisition (French and German figures) (see Les métiers des archives, (2012), p. 9) From the archival point of view, the delivery of data in paper or electronic form makes no differen- ce: acquisition of records always remains a legal, organizational and technical task. It is governed by legal regulations. Archivists actively offer their services; they look after contacts with different administrations and companies employees, as well as private donors. It is also up to them to sensitize the persons involved in the collection process to the fact that the documents have not only legal but also cultural value. The archivists active in acquisition have a sense of negotiation and work with rigor. They possess organizational capacities and an excellent spirit of synthesis. 39 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 4 Treatment (French and German figures) (see Les métiers des archives, (2012), p. 10) Fonds are treated in accordance with the principle of origin: records are classified according to their origin and the history of their production. A writing is more meaningful when it is kept in context than when it is extracted from it to be classified thematically. The archives are thus not limited to deliver- ing particular facts or information, but also, by preserving the structure of the files, make it possible to understand the relationships that unite them. Knowledge of these structural contexts facilitates access to information on a long term basis. Archivists active in the processing of records are able to demonstrate method; they are able to quickly identify and understand the nature and stakes of these records. They have extensive knowledge and proven editorial skills. This knowledge and skills are necessary for a proper understanding of the pro- cesses used and for the development of research instruments. Discretion, perseverance, analytical skills and a sense of order are other valuable qualities in this field. 5 Communication (French and German figures) (see Les métiers des archives, (2012), p. 15) ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 40 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 The archives are made of rough diamonds that history has left us, and it is up to the archivists to give them access. To allow the public to consult the archives, many technical and organizational measures are needed, including the provision of appropriate infrastructures. The archivists also actively communicate information: the archives publish and offer guided tours, conferences and exhibitions, courses for schools and universities. Archivists active in the field of communication appreciate contact with different groups of re- searchers and historians, journalists and students, genealogists and individuals. They have a sense of com- munication, dialogue and service. They must also have a good knowledge of the archival holdings, be able to explain the research techniques and be familiar with the data protection requirements. 5 Conclusion Everybody knows “Information is power”, and the management of information is the basic trend of the archivist. The domain of Information science not only includes archives, libraries and documenta- tion, but also adds aspects of law, administration history, IT and museums, for example. So, we can say that the archivist of the 21st century, with all its skills and activities listed above, has become pluridisci- plinary and interdisciplinary; some even say she/he has become a superhero! This is the only way to sur- vive in very complex and electronic surroundings. Their common characteristic is the respect of codes of ethics regarding the management of docu- ments (see Code of Ethics, 1996), their role as archivist (see Basic rules on the role of archivists and re- cords managers in support of Human Rights, 2016) and the access given to researchers see Principles of Access to Archives). It is also the conviction to contribute to human sciences, through their personal and specific work, in accordance with the selected standards and the fulfillment of the fundamental mission of archives services. The new “digital humanities” information specialist, super-connected, is on its way… The old way The new way Figure 4: Peeters Schuiten, Les cités obscures: L’archiviste Figure 5: Information Digital World, super-connected 41 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cristina BIANCHI: Swiss Competency Model for the Archivist of the 21st Century, 33-41 References Référentiel métier: La profession d’archiviste ou les métiers des archives (2017). Association des Archivistes Français. Available at (accessed on 04.04.2017). Les métiers des archives: Le profil professionnel des archivists (2012). Association des Archivistes Suisses. Available at (accessed on 04.04.2017). Archiviste: Un métier (2012). Association des Archivistes Suisses. Available at loads/2015/06/RZ_F_Archiviste_metier.pdf (accessed on 04.04.2017). Training map (2012). Association des Archivistes Suisses. Available at loads/2015/06/aas_schema_de_formation_2012-09-05_fr.pdf (accessed on 04.04.2017). Les mutations du métier d’archiviste et de son environnement: Actes du 11e colloque national des archivistes com- munaux et intercommunaux, 2-3 juin 2015 (Limoges). In: Gazette des Archives, n° 244, 2016-4. Code of Ethics (1996). International Council on Archives. Available at ICA_1996-09-06_code%20of%20ethics_EN.pdf (accessed on 04.04.2017). Basic rules on the role of archivists and records managers in support of Human Rights (2016). International Council on Archives. Available at vists-and-records-managers-in-support-of-Human-Rights_2016-09.pdf (accessed on 04.04.2017). Principles of Access to Archives: Technical Guidance on Managing Archives with Restrictions (2014). International Council on Archives. Available at draft_EN.pdf (accessed on 04.04.2017). SUMMARY The paper discusses the competency model for archivists that the Swiss Association of Archivists (AAS) has writ- ten and published in 2012 to create a common model for all the parts of Switzerland including its different Ger- man, Italian and French traditions. The goal was to define the profession at the Swiss level, including its new aspects, and also communicate a positive picture of the profession, which remains mainly unknown outside specia- lized circles. Challenges between different linguistic traditions, new requirements of the professions, and a three- fold set of competencies are explained through examples given in French and German, and translated into English, in the AAS documents Les métiers des archives: Le profil professionnel des archivistes (Profession in Archives: Com- petency Model of the Archivist) and Archiviste: un métier (Archivist: A Profession). Archival activities require specialized knowledge, professional competencies and social competencies, a new area for the first time taken into account and officially recognized. This professional profile is designed as information for people and training insti- tutions, employers and co-workers, those interested in the trade and for the general public. However, it is also thought of for archivists, as a point of reference which allows, within the profession, to orientate, position and find themselves. Five main activities are described: records management, appraisal, acquisition, treatment and commu- nication, with examples of competencies that they encompass. The archivists and records managers active in these fields should, for example, have the sense of analyzing tasks and processes. They are aware of legal issues and legal retention periods and base their decisions on sound archival and historical knowledge. They must analyze the du- ties and competences of authorities, companies or organizations in order to decide about archiving procedures, even before documents are created. Archivists have a sense of communication and service and are able to motivate, to create networks, to carry out projects and to negotiate with pedagogy and tenacity. It is also up to them to sen- sitize the persons involved in the collection process to the fact that the documents have not only legal but also cultural value. They must have a sense of negotiation and work with rigor. They possess organizational capacities and an excellent spirit of synthesis. Discretion, perseverance, analytical skills and a sense of order are other valuable qualities in these fields. The archivist of the 21st century, with all its skills and activities listed in the competency model, has become pluridisciplinary and interdisciplinary. The profession, as well as its profile and image, conti- nues to evolve. The new “digital humanities” information specialist, super-connected, is on its way … Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 09.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 43 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit1 Flavio CARBONE, Ph.D. Ufficio Storico del Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri e-mail: Francesca NEMORE, Ph.D. Dipartimento di Scienze Documentarie, Linguistico-Filologiche e Geografiche, Università La Sapienza e-mail: Where they Create Archivists: from the Parchment to Bits ABSTRACT Through the historical illustration of the evolution of archival teaching methods, both at university level and wi- thin specific training, the authors attempted to answer several questions about how the archivist should develop training. What should be the purpose of these courses? What subjects should be included in the training curricula of the third millennium archivists? These and other questions were tried to be answered by illustrating two case studies: the historical evolution of the teaching given at the Special School for Archivists and Librarians and the description of the experience of the course of military archives held in December 2016 at the Historical Office of the General Command of the Carabinieri. Key words: archival courses, military archives, Special School for Archivists and Librarians, training of archivists, update of archivist Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit SINTESI Attraverso l’illustrazione dell’evoluzione storica dei metodi di insegnamento dell’archivistica, sia a livello univer- sitario sia all’interno di specifici corsi di formazione/aggiornamento, si è tentato di rispondere a diversi interroga- tivi su come debba evolversi la formazione dell’archivista. Quali devono essere le finalità di questi corsi? Quali materie devono essere inserite nei curricula formativi degli archivisti del terzo millennio? A queste e ad altre do- mande si è cercato di rispondere illustrando due casi esemplificativi: l’evoluzione storica degli insegnamenti impar- titi alla Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari e la descrizione dell’esperienza del corso di archivistica militare svoltosi a dicembre 2016 presso l’Ufficio Storico del Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri. Parole chiave: corsi di archivistica, archivi militari, Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, formazione degli archivisti, aggiornamento degli archivisti Kje ustvarijo arhiviste: od pergamenta do bitov IZVLEČEK S pomočjo ilustracije zgodovinske evolucije metod poučevanja arhivistike, tako na univerzitetni ravni kot tudi v okviru posebnega usposabljanja, so avtorji poskušali odgovoriti na več vprašanj o tem, kako naj arhivist razvijejo usposabljanje. Kakšen bi moral biti cilj teh tečajev? Kateri predmeti bi morali biti vključeni v učne programe tret- jega tisočletja? Na ta in druga vprašanja so poskušali odgovoriti s pomočjo dveh študij primerov: zgodovinskega razvoja pouka na Posebni šoli za arhiviste in knjižničarje, in opisa izkušenj o poteku izobraževanja v vojaškem arhi- vu, ki je potekal decembra 2016 na Zgodovinskem uradu Generalnega poveljstva karabinjerjev. Ključne besede: arhivski tečaji, vojaški arhivi, Posebna šola za arhiviste in knjižničarje, usposabljanje arhivistov 1. I paragrafi 1 e 4 sono frutto del lavoro di entrambi gli autori, il paragrafo 2 è di Francesca Nemore, il paragrafo 3 è di Flavio Carbone ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 44 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 1 Uno sguardo d’insieme: quale e quanta formazione? Eruditi o scienziati? Dipendenti pubblici, dipendenti privati o liberi professionisti? Sono questi i quesiti alla base della riflessione presentata in queste pagine. Si può partire da tali domande per dare uno sguardo al lungo percorso formativo all’interno dei principali centri di formazione per gli specialisti del settore, dapprima gli archivi di stato e l’Università e poi progressivamente altri istituti, associazioni, enti che hanno offerto una visione ora più ampia ora più specialistica allo scopo di far conoscere un patrimo- nio e un mondo archivistico sempre più proiettato verso ambiti esterni al circuito tradizionale degli archi- vi di stato. I corsi di formazione per archivisti furono istituiti in Italia già in periodo preunitario presso gli archivi delle ex capitali, ad esempio la Scuola dell’Archivio di Stato di Napoli fu fondata nel 1811 allo scopo di formare il personale dei regi archivi e quella di Firenze fu istituita da Francesco Bonaini nel 1856, anche se vanta origini Settecentesche, per dare agli “apprendisti” dell’archivio la preparazione scientifica necessaria allo svolgimento del loro lavoro (Manno Tolu, Martelli, 2005). Nel periodo immediatamente successivo all’Unità fu fondata la Scuola dell’Archivio di Stato di Roma (1878) principalmente incentrata sullo studio della paleografia a cui solo a partire dall’inizio del Novecento con Eugenio Casanova si aggiunse l’insegnamento dell’archivistica. A distanza di pochi anni, cioè nel 1884, Leone XIII istituì presso l’Archivio Segreto Vaticano una “Scuola speciale di Paleografia e Storia Comparata, per mezzo della quale il giovane clero possa far tesoro di una solida erudizione e perfe- zionarsi in esercizi di sana critica” ( leografia/it.html). Dopo l’Unità d’Italia le scuole di APD (Archivistica, Paleografia e Diplomatica) furono regola- mentate per la prima volta dal Regio Decreto 2 ottobre 1911, n. 1163, all’art. 58 si legge “negli archivi designati dal ministero, […], sono aperte scuole di paleografia e dottrina archivistica per cura degli impie- gati addetti ai medesimi, sotto la vigilanza dei sopraintendenti o direttori”. Il regolamento delle scuole fu poi confermato dai successivi provvedimenti normativi in materia di archivi, in particolare all’art. 14 del Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 30 settembre 1963, n. 1409, si legge “presso gli Archivi di Stato […] sono istituite scuole di archivistica, paleografia e diplomatica. Le scuole rilasciano il diploma di archi- vistica, paleografia e diplomatica”. Nessuno dei due decreti specifica però quale avrebbe dovuto essere l’ordinamento didattico dei corsi, però dalla denominazione data ai corsi si può intuire come fosse pre- ponderante l’insegnamento della paleografia e solo a partire dalla metà del Novecento l’archivistica as- sunse il ruolo di insegnamento basilare all’interno delle Scuole. L’insegnamento era rivolto agli alunni di prima categoria che, durante il tirocinio, avrebbero dovu- to seguire la “scuola di paleografia e dottrina archivistica” (art.23 del RDL n. 1163) per ottenere l’idonei- tà necessaria all’immissione in ruolo. È utile sottolineare altre due questioni correlate: nelle sedi in cui non vi era una scuola, sarebbe stato il direttore o un funzionario designato a seguire i candidati mentre per il personale dell’Archivio di Stato di Firenze sarebbero stati riconosciuti i corsi svolti presso il “regio isti- tuto di studi superiori pratici e di perfezionamento” (dal 1923 Università degli Studi di Firenze). Tutti avrebbero dovuto comunque sostenere gli esami finali al termine del periodo di tirocinio (art.25). Il Capo V del testo normativo disciplinava più nel dettaglio le questioni scolastiche prevedendo, ad esempio, la biennalità del corso, il numero non inferiore a 60 delle lezioni da seguire durante l’anno e della durata ciascuna di un’ora e mezza (art. 59). L’articolo successivo dava la possibilità di ammettere anche studen- ti esterni in possesso di “studi liceali”. Dallo studio dei programmi generali previsti per il corso di studi, si evince che una parte significa- tiva delle materie verteva sulla paleografia latina, mentre la seconda parte che era dedicata alla dottrina archivistica focalizzava l’attenzione sui diversi aspetti della materia, a partire dalla storia degli archivi, all’uso della suppellettile archivistica o al servizio verso le amministrazioni pubbliche governative. Una parte del programma era dedicata alla diplomatica (ma si può affermare in misura inferiore alle altre), mentre uno spazio residuale era lasciato alle discipline ausiliarie. Dunque, in linea con la tendenza forma- tiva dell’epoca, la paleografia rappresentava la materia principe e si poteva considerare il vero e proprio “cavallo di battaglia” degli archivisti dell’epoca, espertissimi della materia che consentiva una nuova rilet- tura di tutta l’età medievale e rinascimentale italiana. Per avere il primo insegnamento universitario di “Archivistica applicata” bisogna aspettare il 1925- 1926 quando, presso la neonata facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, la cat- tedra fu affidata a Eugenio Casanova, direttore dell’Archivio di Stato di Roma e dell’Archivio del Regno 45 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 (AS Sapienza, Fascicoli del personale docente, Casanova, Eugenio). I principali insegnamenti all’interno del corso erano quelli di archivistica generale con nozioni sulla gestione degli archivi storici e sulla forma- zione degli archivi, di paleografia e diplomatica, necessari per chiunque volesse approcciarsi alla docu- mentazione presente negli Archivi di Stato, e infine l’archivieconomia, termine con cui lo stesso Casano- va, nel manuale scritto appositamente per gli studenti del corso (Casanova, 1928), identificava tutti gli elementi necessari per il corretto impianto dei locali adibiti ad archivio e dei metodi idonei alla preserva- zione dei documenti Una parte importante delle lezioni era dedicata anche ai materiali e ai supporti scrittorei oltre che alle operazioni di restauro e ai laboratori pratici svolti presso l’Archivio di Stato di Roma (AS Sapienza, Facoltà di Scienze politiche, Libretti delle Lezioni, a.a. dal 1925-1926 al 1934-1935). Allo stesso Casanova fu assegnato l’insegnamento di archivistica presso la Sezione Speciale per Bibliote- cari e Archivisti, istituita nel 1927, per volere del direttore Vincenzo Federici, presso la Scuola di Storia Medievale e Moderna della stessa Università (Annuario della Regia Università di Roma per gli anni 1925- 1928). Bisogna comunque aspettare il 1952 perché venga istituita, quale organismo dotato di piena auto- nomia, la Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari (D.P.R. 19 settembre 1952, n. 1697, ratificato con l. 9 febbraio 1963, n. 153) dove, tuttavia, per i primi anni l’insegnamento di “Archivistica speciale con esercitazioni”, cui si aggiunse l’anno seguente quello di “Archivistica generale e legislazione archivistica comparata”, fu affidato a professori a contratto, quali Leopoldo Sandri e Leopoldo Cassese; si dovettero attendere gli anni ’70 perché fossero costituite cattedre stabili con professori affidatari della materia. In conseguenza della riorganizzazione dei percorsi formativi universitari (l. 15 maggio 1997, n. 127, e D.M. 3 novembre 1999, n. 509) nell’anno accademico 2001-2002 presso la stessa Scuola fu istituito il corso di laurea triennale in Scienze archivistiche e librarie e nel 2004-2005 il corso di laurea magistrale in Archivi- stica e biblioteconomia; quest’ultimo è stato costituito in conseguenza dei correttivi imposti dal decreto ministeriale 22 ottobre 2004, n. 270 che modificava il precedente testo normativo. Nel 2010 con decreto rettorale n. 770 del 21 dicembre le attività della SSAB sono state sospese e tutto il suo personale (docente e non) e l’offerta formativa sono confluiti nel Dipartimento di Scienze Documentarie, Linguistico-Filo- logiche e Geografiche. Attualmente presso il Dipartimento sono attivi il corso di laurea magistrale in Archivistica e biblioteconomia e la Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archivistici e Librari, oltre al Dot- torato di Ricerca in Scienze Documentarie, Linguistiche e Letterarie. Oltre ai corsi istituzionali a partire dagli anni ’90 si è assistito alla nascita di una serie di corsi di specializzazione, esterni alle strutture degli Archivi di Stato e delle Università, e offerti dall’ANAI (Asso- ciazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana) e da altri enti e istituti pubblici e privati. Si tratta principalmen- te di corsi rivolti a particolari aspetti della professione o a particolari tipi di archivi e/o archivistica, ad esempio i corsi ANAI-GIAI sull’archivistica d’impresa, il corso recentemente organizzato dall’Ufficio Storico del Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri sull’archivistica militare e ancora il corso di Archivistica Contemporanea organizzato dall’Archivio Centrale dello Stato. Scopo di questo intervento è quello di offrire una panoramica di alcuni dei corsi e dei diversi ap- procci all’insegnamento dell’archivistica che si sono susseguiti nel corso degli anni in una realtà, come quella romana, che è ed è stata la sede di Scuole prestigiose e corsi di specializzazione. Si tenterà così di definire l’evoluzione storica dell’insegnamento dell’archivistica e come pur mantenendo un saldo legame con il passato è ormai proiettata al futuro con linguaggi sempre più legati all’informatica e alla necessità di commistione con gli altri settori disciplinari che si occupano di beni culturali, come biblioteche e mu- sei. 2 La Scuola Speciale Archivisti e Bibliotecari Al 1927 risale la nascita della Sezione Speciale per Bibliotecari e Archivisti all’interno della Scuola di Storia Medievale e Moderna della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia de La Sapienza (art. 126 dello Statuto dell’Università). Il corso di durata biennale era accessibile ai laureati in lettere e in giurisprudenza e pre- vedeva due distinti curricula uno per bibliotecario paleografo e uno per archivista paleografo. Per l’acces- so ai corsi si doveva dimostrare la conoscenza del latino, del francese e di almeno un’altra lingua straniera. Il curriculum archivistico era orientato principalmente alle discipline medievistiche con gli insegnamenti di paleografia e diplomatica, di cronologia, cartografia medievale e storia delle istituzioni medievali, il solo insegnamento di archivistica presente era tenuto da Eugenio Casanova. Anche all’interno di questi corsi grande importanza era data alle esercitazioni pratiche da svolgersi presso l’Archivio di Stato durante le ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 46 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 vacanze autunnali. Alla fine dei corsi dovevano essere sostenuti gli esami nelle materie impartite. Non era previsto un esame finale per il conseguimento del diploma. Nel 1940 (RD 26 ottobre 1940, n. 2069) il curriculum per archivista paleografo fu soppresso e la Sezione fu trasformata in Scuola di specializzazione per bibliotecari annessa alla Facoltà di Lettere. Il corso per archivista paleografo fu ripristinato con il DCPS n. 1758 del 31 dicembre 1947 che istituiva una Scuola speciale per Bibliotecari e Archivisti Paleografi, ancora una volta però nei piani for- mativi prendeva il sopravvento l’aspetto paleografico rispetto a quello più strettamente caratterizzante la professione, lo scopo della Scuola doveva essere quello di «fornire la preparazione scientifica e tecnica, particolarmente paleografica, a coloro che intendono dedicarsi al governo delle biblioteche e degli archivi pubblici, e altresì di perfezionare coloro che, appartenendo al personale di questi istituti, già possiedono tale preparazione» (Pratesi, 1992, p. 20). Nonostante l’insegnamento dell’archivistica fosse già radicato all’interno dell’Ateneo romano bisogna arrivare al 1952 per avere l’istituzione di una struttura accade- mica dedicata alle discipline che si occupano di materiale documentario. È con il D.P.R. 19 settembre 1952, n. 1697 che viene istituita la Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari a cui viene riconosciuta la fisionomia di una facoltà e viene dotata di un proprio organico. All’interno della SSAB erano previsti tre diversi curricula formativi: archivista paleografo, bibliotecario e conservatore di manoscritti. Per accedere alla Scuola, almeno per i suoi primi anni di vita, era necessario essere in possesso della laurea in lettere, in giurisprudenza e in scienze politiche, inoltre per gli allievi che non avevano conseguito la maturità classica era prevista una prova preliminare per verificare la conoscenza del greco. Il corso per archivista paleografo: almeno fino agli anni Ottanta gli insegnamenti rimangono orien- tati verso l’ambito medievistico, con una netta prevalenza degli insegnamenti di paleografia e diplomatica rispetto a quello dell’archivistica, tanto che, come detto sopra, fino al 1970 non si ha un affidamento stabile per l’insegnamento della materia ma vengono assegnati annualmente contratti di insegnamento ad archivisti di stato o a docenti di altre discipline, come avviene ad esempio per Giorgio Cencetti, docen- te di diplomatica, a cui fu affidato l’insegnamento di archivistica speciale e storia degli archivi per l’aa. 1952-1953 (AS Sapienza, Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, Libretti delle Lezioni aa. 1952- 1953). Il primo corso di archivistica generale e legislazione comparata degli archivi fu affidato a Leopoldo Sandri nell’aa. 1952-1953 e che lo tenne fino al 1982 quando fu collocato a riposo per raggiunti limiti di età (AS Sapienza, Fascicoli del personale docente, Sandri, Leopoldo). Si può dire che il corso tenuto da Sandri fosse suddiviso in quattro macro aree: nozioni sul riordinamento degli archivi, suddivisi per tipo- logie, cioè tra archivi pubblici e archivi privati, con indicazioni relative alla conservazione e al restauro dei documenti, legislazione archivistica italiana ed estera, storia degli archivi, esercitazioni pratiche e visite di studio presso archivi istituzionali (AS Sapienza, Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, Libretti delle Lezioni a.a. dal 1952-1953 al 1966-1967). Il corso di archivistica speciale tenuto da Cencetti era impron- tato su lezioni di bibliografia degli archivi, e sull’illustrazione degli archivi notarili e universitari. Sandri che prese l’insegnamento nell’anno seguente lo impostò in modo totalmente diverso centrando le lezioni sugli archivi degli stati preunitari e trattandoli separatamente e dando ampio spazio agli archivi ecclesia- stici (AS Sapienza, Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, Libretti delle Lezioni aa. 1953-1954). An- cora diverso è l’approccio di Leopoldo Cassese che ebbe l’insegnamento nell’aa. 1957-1958, il suo corso era improntato alla descrizione del rapporto tra storia istituzionale ed archivi, tra storia e archivi, alla storia degli archivi e dell’archivistica, ampio spazio era dedicato alle teorizzazioni di Bonaini e Cencetti (AS Sapienza, Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, Libretti delle Lezioni a.a. 1957-1958). Come si vede da questo excursus storico l’insegnamento dell’archivistica, generale o speciale, che fosse, nel corso dei primi trenta anni della scuola non subì grossi mutamenti. Un primo cambiamento nei programmi e nelle materie insegnate si ebbe solo alla fine degli anni Novanta quando fu inserito l’inse- gnamento di “applicazioni tecniche agli archivi e alle biblioteche”. Un ulteriore avanzamento nell’inse- gnamento dell’archivistica si ebbe a partire dal 2000 quando si iniziò ad impartire anche l’insegnamento di informatica per gli archivi, solo a partire dal 2006-2007 si hanno corsi di “archivistica contemporanea”, benché già sul finire degli anni ’80 fosse stato chiesto più volte da parte del consiglio della Scuola un ade- guamento dei corsi alle mutate condizioni professionali. Infatti è a partire dagli anni ’90 che si affacciano nel panorama archivistico italiano nuove tipologie di professionisti esterni all’amministrazione archivi- stica, si tratta dei responsabili e degli addetti ad archivi depositati presso soggetti privati. La SSAB cessò di esistere nel 2010 ma già dal 2008-2009 era attiva presso l’Università La Sapienza la Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archivistici e Librari. Anche in questo caso si tratta di un corso post 47 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 laurea di durata biennale che prevede all’interno del suo percorso formativo vari curricula tra cui quello di archivista paleografo, dal cui nome si intuisce già il legame con la vecchia SSAB e i suoi insegnamenti, e quello di archivista contemporaneo, più aperto allo studio delle nuove tecniche informatiche applicate agli archivi. A partire dall’a.a. 2016-2017 sono stati attivati presso la scuola nuovi corsi che vogliono sod- disfare le necessità di formazione di studenti e professionisti immersi in un mercato del lavoro sempre più orientato verso l’informatica e in cui la figura del libero professionista sta diventando dominante. Sono stati quindi attivati gli insegnamenti di “gestione e conservazione degli archivi digitali”, “strumenti e me- todi per la ricerca archivistica”, “teoria e tecnica della descrizione archivistica”, che è andato a sostituire ed a integrare il precedente corso di “archivistica generale”, e “tipologie archivistiche pubbliche e private”, che costituisce l’evoluzione disciplinare dell’insegnamento di “archivistica speciale”, rimangono inoltre attivi tutti i corsi riguardanti le applicazioni informatiche e la legislazione per gli archivi. Da questo breve excursus nella storia dell’unica scuola universitaria di specializzazione per archivi- sti è facile comprendere come l’insegnamento della materia abbia subito nel corso degli anni mutamenti dovuti al progredire della tecnologia e quindi all’affacciarsi prepotente dell’informatica sia come stru- mento per il riordinamento e la gestione degli archivi storici, sia come origine stessa degli archivi, nel senso che sono sempre di più gli archivi che nascono e si sedimentano su supporto elettronico. I muta- menti avvenuti nell’approccio alla disciplina sono dovuti anche al diverso tipo di audience che frequenta i corsi di specializzazione, mentre prima si trattava quasi esclusivamente di archivisti di stato che frequen- tavano i corsi per progredire nella carriera, oggi è nettamente superiore la presenza di studenti che opera- no o hanno intenzione di operare come liberi professionisti o all’interno di istituzioni private. La forma- zione di questa ultima tipologia di archivisti deve in larga parte essere orientata a soddisfare le esigenze della committenza e deve quindi ottenere sia una serie di nozioni di base sulla materia ma anche una specializzazione settoriale maggiore a seconda degli archivi di cui si dovrà occupare nel corso della sua carriera. 3 I corsi di aggiornamento e formazione per gli archivisti Va precisato che tra le iniziative avviate da enti e istituti culturali diversi dall’Università e dall’am- ministrazione archivistica è interessante presentare inizialmente quanto svolto dalla Conferenza Episco- pale Italiana e dalle diverse diocesi, spesso in accordo con l’associazione archivistica ecclesiastica (http:// In conseguenza dei Patti Lateranensi (11 febbraio 1929) e dell’accordo di modifica (18 febbraio 1984, reso esecutivo con l. 25 maggio 1985, n.121) si è introdotta una definizione molto interessante di “beni culturali di interesse religioso” tra cui far ricadere anche gli archivi e le biblio- teche ecclesiastiche (in particolare si rinvia all’art. 12 dell’accordo del 1984, Crosetti, 2010). La necessità di garantire la conservazione e la consultazione degli archivi ecclesiastici ha dato vita a numerose iniziati- ve, coordinate dalla CEI d’intesa con il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e del Turismo, dando vita all’Ufficio nazionale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici (ora Ufficio Nazionale per i Beni Culturali Ec- clesiastici e l’Edilizia di Culto, cfr. E proprio tale ufficio, d’intesa con l’As- sociazione archivistica ecclesiastica, ha avviato numerose iniziative formative a favore del personale im- piegato all’interno degli archivi ecclesiastici tra le quali si ricordano, a solo titolo di esempio, il “progetto di inventariazione dei beni archivistici di proprietà ecclesiastica” tenutosi il 27 e il 28 marzo 2017 a Roma ( zo2017.pdf ), la cui finalità è di orientare i “collaboratori degli archivi delle Diocesi italiane, delle case ge- neralizia e provinciali degli Ordini religiosi” sul progetto e sulle funzionalità del software CEIar. Il 16 e il 17 marzo 2017, si è tenuto un corso di formazione per 21 incaricati diocesani di recente nomina con in- carichi sia per i beni culturali sia per l’edilizia di culto. Il corso, in tutta evidenza, aveva la necessità di dare qualche orientamento a chi si è trovato ad assumere un incarico così particolare e complesso. In parallelo la CEI ha dato vita ad un progetto di portale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici denominato BeWeB (http://, Ufficio Nazionale per i Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici della CEI, 2015 ), ren- dendo così indispensabile nuovi strumenti formativi per coloro i quali si trovano a gestire gli inserimenti in rete. Al di fuori delle attività previste nelle scuole APD, si deve inserire il corso di archivistica contem- poranea avviato dall’Archivio Centrale dello Stato dal gennaio 2011, dapprima in collaborazione con il CNR e poi anche con l’Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AGID). Il corso, strutturato su 150 ore è rivolto principalmente al personale dei ministeri e degli enti pubblici in funzione delle attività condotte sugli archivi correnti e di deposito e alle successive operazioni di versamento all’ACS. (Secondo le informazio- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 48 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 ni reperibili sul sito dell’Archivio Centrale dello Stato, al 2017 si sono tenute 5 edizioni del corso più recentemente denominato “Corso di Alta Formazione in Archivistica contemporanea” (http://acs.beni- È possibile ammettere al corso un massimo di 30 frequentatori (20 in servizio nella pubblica amministrazione) che dovrà seguire il corso per i 6 mesi di attività con una frequenza di 150 ore “di attività didattica in presenza, articolate in lezioni frontali, con- ferenze, workshop e seminari, tenuti da professori di diverse università e dirigenti di varie amministrazio- ni”. In previsione del fatto che i frequentatori hanno già una laurea o comunque una formazione sul campo per il settore archivistico, si è ritenuto utile approfondire alcune tematiche tra cui: l’archivistica generale, l’informatica documentale, la gestione del documento informatico e la conservazione digitale. Dunque in tal caso, si tratta comunque di un corso formativo, qualificato, con un taglio dedicato alle esigenze del personale dell’amministrazione che opera negli archivi correnti e di deposito e che ha biso- gno di avere elementi informativi per operare, in collaborazione con altre figure professionali, sugli archi- vi che prima o poi dovranno essere sottoposti ad operazioni di selezione e quindi di versamento all’ACS. In parallelo e con obiettivo diversi si devono presentare altre esperienze: dapprima l’ANAI (Asso- ciazione Nazionale degli Archivisti Italiani) che ha promosso da tempo una serie di incontri dedicati principalmente ai soci allo scopo di fornire ulteriori elementi di aggiornamento e di approfondimento. Nel corso degli ultimi due anni (2016 e 2017), sono state offerte giornate di studio su differenti argomen- ti “Le fonti archivistiche lo scarto (26-27 giugno 2017), “gli archivi fotografici. Conservazione e cataloga- zione (18-19 maggio 2017)”, “Introduzione agli archivi dello sport - corso base di archivistica sportiva (27-28 febbraio 2017)”, “Lo standard PREMIS e la conservazione digitale (9-11 giugno 2016)”, “Descri- vere, condividere e valorizzare i patrimoni culturali. Linguaggi di marcatura, standard di dominio, model- li concettuali: strumenti, metodologie e pratiche (21-22 aprile, 5-6 maggio, 26-27 maggio 2016)”. Come si nota, si tratta di corsi diversi rivolti a distinte figure professionali, principalmente archivisti liberi pro- fessionisti (ALP) ma aperti anche ad archivisti in possesso di competenze diverse o già in servizio nell’am- ministrazione pubblica. Una visione dunque in grado di aggiornare ma non di formare, caratteristica principale riconosciuta dalla stessa associazione in capo all’Università e all’amministrazione archivistica. Infine, anche altre realtà più piccole si sono attivate per offrire un percorso formativo qualificante a favore del proprio personale. In questo caso, si può prendere a campione il 1° corso sugli archivi storici militari, organizzato e condotto dall’Ufficio Storico del Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri a favore del proprio per- sonale, di quello del Museo Storico e di quello degli Uffici Storici delle altre Forze Armate. Il corso, strut- turato su di una settimana didattica per complessive 36 ore, ha offerto una panoramica sui principali ar- chivi storici e sulle possibilità di ricerca in questi cercando di fornire degli elementi minimi di formazione e di orientamento ai frequentatori. Alla base della scelta formativa esiste un’esigenza più ampia. In parti- colare, non esistono dei criteri di selezione per l’impiego del personale presso gli Uffici Storici delle Forze Armate e, fatta eccezione per un dipendente civile del Ministero della Difesa e per un funzionario distac- cato da altra amministrazione, non vi sono militari all’interno di tali organismi dotati di una formazione di base in campo archivistico ad eccezione, tuttavia, di singoli ufficiali che hanno intrapreso autonoma- mente percorsi di studio in grado di fornirli di competenze, sia di base, sia avanzate. Da queste considerazioni, dunque, si è determinato di dare vita al corso che è stato pensato quindi su 4 moduli e rivolto esclusivamente al personale interno agli Uffici Storici e ai Musei Storici delle Forze Armate e quindi, di massima in possesso di qualche elemento conoscitivo delle rispettive realtà archivisti- che per le buone pratiche apprese già sul campo. Si è ritenuto quindi di fornire alcuni elementi di base con il modulo dedicato all’archivistica gene- rale attraverso alcune lezioni frontali tenute da docenti universitari, affrontando anche questioni che, al momento, non sono all’ordine del giorno nei programmi degli uffici storici come ad esempio i documen- ti archivistici su supporto elettronico. Un secondo modulo è stato riservato alla legislazione con riferimento non solo al Codice dei Beni Culturali che pure costituisce la norma generale di riferimento ma anche alle disposizioni ministeriali che consentono l’applicazione concreta da parte del personale. 49 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 Si è scelto poi di dedicare uno spazio didattico più ampio per il terzo modulo sugli archivi storici. In realtà, oltre alla presentazione della struttura archivistica nazionale che fa capo al MiBACT, sono stati condotti singoli approfondimenti sugli archivi delle Forze Armate e dei Corpi Armati dello Stato e sull’Archivio Storico Diplomatico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (che pure conserva importanti carte militari). Tale area di approfondimento ha consentito di mettere a fuoco con particolare cura diversità e analogie tra organismi quasi simili che svolgono quotidianamente servizi ai cittadini suggerendo alcune soluzioni anche interessanti che i frequentatori hanno saputo cogliere. Un ultimo modulo è stato ritaglia- to a favore dell’archivio storico dell’Arma custodito presso i due distinti enti culturali, Ufficio Storico e Museo Storico, ricostruendo così la storia archivistica dei versamenti e fornendo nuove chiavi interpreta- tive sulle recenti politiche archivistiche che l’Ufficio Storico, in particolare, ha messo in campo. Appare interessante sottolineare che, in tale modulo, sono stati riservati alcuni spazi ad hoc per la gestione dell’u- tenza (in presenza e a distanza) grazie al contributo di un ufficiale psicologo e alla realizzazione di un piccolo laboratorio didattico che ha consentito di apprendere alcune pratiche utili per il prosieguo del lavoro svolto dal personale. Con una prova finale in presenza si è concluso il corso. Anche in questo caso, si tratta di un’iniziativa interessante, al pari di quelle presentate precedentemente, che consente di forni- re una visione d’insieme di un patrimonio culturale e, in particolare archivistico, che per legge non è versato agli Archivi di Stato e gestito direttamente dalle Forze Armate. Al momento, in conclusione, è allo studio un secondo corso che segua la struttura dell’esperienza avviata nel 2016 e che possa offrire un panorama, qualora possibile, ancora più ampio rispetto quanto già fatto. 4 L’evoluzione formativa nel terzo millenio A partire dagli anni novanta, come è stato osservato “l’archivista di Stato, per lungo tempo, ha pressoché esaurito il panorama della professione archivistica nel nostro Paese. Tale centralità è venuta meno nel corso degli ultimi decenni, in seguito a profonde trasformazioni legate, per un verso, al policen- trismo di poteri e funzioni (cui ha fatto da contraltare il depotenziamento delle istituzioni centrali) e, per altro verso, al crescente impiego delle tecnologie informatiche nella produzione e nella descrizione archi- vistica. L’ampliarsi del numero dei soggetti produttori d’archivi insieme anche ad una più diffusa sensi- bilità per la tutela degli archivi ha, inoltre, indotto e poi fatto crescere la domanda di professionisti della documentazione. La necessità di formare nuovi archivisti e di aggiornare la formazione di quelli già in attività, ha così prodotto, da parte di numerosi soggetti, una serie di offerte formative assai diverse per provenienza, impegno, ambito d’interesse”. (Sambito, 2007, p. 23) Va riconosciuto che la riforma universitaria voluta con la legge 15 maggio 1997, n. 127 e i decreti ministeriali 509/1999 e 270/2004 hanno operato una grande trasformazione del sistema universitario nazionale garantendo una forte autonomia per gli atenei con la conseguenza che si è assistito ad una in- credibile proliferazione di corsi di laurea, corsi di laurea specialistica, poi magistrale, master di primo e di secondo livello. Una fortissima diversificazione dell’offerta formativa che ha reso non sempre agevole la scelta da parte di studenti e di genitori anzi che talvolta si è mostrata come fonte di disorientamento. Restano da porsi numerosi interrogativi: formare o aggiornare? Chi è l’utente finale, l’archivista o il personale addetto alla gestione degli archivi correnti o di deposito, o entrambi? Come gestire la didatti- ca, unicamente attraverso attività frontali o inserire una parte di laboratorio teorico/pratico in grado di dare degli elementi concreti e far acquisire competenze ai discenti. Appare interessante quanto emerge dalla descrizione fatta nei paragrafi precedenti delle attività condotte sia presso la soppressa SSAB, poi Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archivistici e Librari, e sia presso l’Ufficio Storico del Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri per presentare alcune conside- razioni di carattere generale. Innanzitutto che la formazione non può prescindere dal contesto universi- tario e che, attraverso le competenze acquisite in Accademia, è possibile trovare forme di sinergie e inte- grazione. In secondo luogo, va riconosciuto che esiste un’area dei beni culturali e, segnatamente, quelli archivistici, che a lungo è stata poco considerata ai fini della ricerca storica e relegata a posizioni di secon- do piano. In realtà, come è stato indicato precedentemente, tali realtà sono piuttosto vive ed attive e stanno individuando strategie in grado di creare relazioni e rapporti istituzionali allo scopo di aprire, quanto più possibile, gli archivi alla ricerca, senza alcuna distinzione. Restano alla base i problemi comuni di tutti o quasi gli organismi che si occupano della gestione documentaria in chiave storica, ovvero, le ri- sorse a disposizione e le difficoltà di realizzazione di alcuni progetti che necessitano spesso di una visione ad ampio spettro piuttosto che iniziative a breve raggio. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 50 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 In conclusione di questo breve excursus sull’evoluzione ormai plurisecolare dell’insegnamento dell’archivistica sembrano rivestire ancora una grande attualità le parole di Alessandro Pratesi quando scrive che si è “in un momento particolarmente teso del dibattito […] sulla formazione di archivisti e bi- bliotecari; un argomento antico e ricorrente, […], per lo scontro di due concezioni, una apparentemente più aperta e al passo con i tempi, che intende la formazione soltanto sotto il profilo della preparazione tecnico-professionale, l’altra, anche qui solo apparentemente più tradizionale e retriva, che senza disco- noscere l’importanza di quella preparazione, la vuole però innestata su una solida formazione di base, non necessariamente mirata a quella specifica preparazione ma piuttosto idonea a sviluppare, attraverso un bagaglio culturale coerente in sé, la personalità intellettuale dei futuri archivisti” (Pratesi , 1992, p. 17). Ad oggi il dibattito è ancora in corso, anche se la tendenza sembra quella di equilibrare gli insegna- menti facendo coesistere le materie tradizionali con quelle più strettamente legate all’informatica e alle nuove tipologie di archivi che nel corso degli anni si sono andate formando. A questo fine si sono svilup- pati, a fianco ai tradizionali corsi universitari e degli Archivi di Stato, i corsi di aggiornamento destinati a particolari categorie di archivisti che si trovano a dover fronteggiare le esigenze di un mercato del lavoro in continua evoluzione. Fonti archivistiche Casanova, Eugenio, Fascicoli del personale docente, Archivio Storico (AS) Sapienza Sandri, Leopoldo, Fascicoli del personale docente, AS Sapienza Cassese, Leopoldo, Fascicoli del personale docente, AS Sapienza Facoltà di Scienze politiche, Libretti delle Lezioni, aa. dal 1925-1926 al 1934-1935, AS Sapienza Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari, Libretti delle Lezioni aa. dal 1952-1953 al 1966-1967, AS Sapienza Bibliografia ANAI 50 (1999). Supplemento a «Il Mondo degli Archivi», a. VII Annuario della Regia Università degli Studi di Roma aa. 1927-1928 (1929). Roma: Tipografia ditta Pallotta Archivi & Computer (2008), n. 2-3, numero monografico. Archivi per la storia (2001), a. XIV, numero monografico. Atti del seminario ANAI “La formazione professionale degli archivisti”, Erice, 2-4 novembre 2006, in Archivi, a. II, n. 1 (gennaio - giugno 2007). Bonfiglio Dosio, G. (2014). La formazione degli archivisti. In Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, a cura di Giuva, L., Guercio, M., Roma: Carocci, pp. 311-335. Capo, L., Di Simone, M.R. (a cura di) (2000). Storia della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia de “La Sapienza”. Roma: Viella. Casanova, E. (1928). Archivistica. Siena: Lazzeri Arti Grafiche. Cencetti, G. (1952). La preparazione dell’archivista. In Notizie degli Archivi di Stato, a. XII, pp. 15-34. Comitato Nazionale per le Celebrazioni del 25° anniversario della Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari (1993). Roma: Litograph ’82 snc tipolitografia. Crosetti, A. (2010). I beni archivistici e librari d’interesse religioso. In Aedon - Rivista di arti e diritto on line, n. 3. Duranti, L. (2008). La figura dell’archivista nel mondo contemporaneo. Riflessioni a margine della lettura di un recente volume. In Archivi, a. III, n. 1 (gennaio - giugno), pp. 47-57. Lancaster F. (a cura di) (2003). Passato e presente delle Facoltà di Scienze Politiche. Milano: Dott. A. Giuffrè Edito- re Manno Tolu R., Martelli M. (2005). La Scuola di archivistica, paleografia e diplomatica “Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti”. Firenze: Polistampa. Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica (2001). La riforma dell’Università. Le regole dell’autonomia, Roma: Salerno Editrice. Pratesi A. (a cura di) (1992). Formazione e aggiornamento di archivisti e bibliotecari: problemi e prospettive. Roma: Bulzoni Editore. 51 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Flavio CARBONE - Francesca NEMORE: Dove si creano gli archivisti: dalla pergamena al bit, 43-51 Ufficio Nazionale per i Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici della CEI (a cura di) (2015). Archivi, Biblioteche e Musei Eccle- siastici in Italia. Roma: Gangemi Editore. Università degli Studi di Udine (1994). La Formazione professionale degli archivisti e dei bibliotecari degli enti loca- li. Atti del convegno di studi, Udine 23-25 novembre 1989. Udine: Del Bianco Editore. Zanni Rosiello, I. (2000). Sul mestiere dell’archivista. In Binchi, C., De Zio, T. (a cura di) L’archivista sul confine. Scritti di Isabella Zanni Rosiello, Roma: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali. Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici, pp. 371-388. SUMMARY The paper has the aim to show through the teaching of evolution description of archival such as the formation of archivists has undergone changes over the years and evolutions while being remained tied to its origins and to the founding principles of the discipline. Interestingly the study, through archival sources, the tuition at the Special School for Archivists and Librarians, then Postgraduate School of Archive and Library Heritage, where the paleo- graphy and diplomatic teachings remain, alongside the more strictly dedicated courses at ‘ Information archival and contemporary, highlighting the origins of the School within the Special Section for Librarians and Archivists Institute of Palaeography. Equally interesting is the course to be held in December 2016 at the Historical Office of the General Command of the Carabinieri in which alongside a basic archival training are required as specific cour- ses for updating of personnel to the Historical offices of the Forces Armed. Alongside a number of good archival practice has also tried to give the necessary tools to better address the relationship with the user of the archives. The conclusions drawn from these experiences lead to different questions, namely: to train or upgrade? Who is the end user, the archivist or personnel management of current archives or storage, or both? How to manage the teaching, only through frontal activity, or a part of the theoretical / practical workshop can give the evidence and to gain skills to learners? All these questions have no clear answers but it is believed that training and further education, universities and specific courses aimed at certain types of archive, must walk on parallel tracks, indeed should inter- sect and integrate to form the archivist of the third millennium able to better manage all types of file that will be faced during his career. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 09.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 53 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST, Mag. Dr. MAS, Archivarin am Steiermärkischen Landesarchiv, Karmeliterplatz 3, A-8010 Graz, Austria, Lehrbeauftragte am Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung der Universität Wien e-mail: The Non-University Education of Archival Staff in Austria ABSTRACT This contribution deals with the training opportunities for archival staff in Austria. For a long time the Institute for Austrian Historical Research provided the postgraduate studies for Austrian archivists which was the only way of archival science education. The professional training for archive, library and information assistance was establi- shed in 2006. The Association of Austrian Archivists installed a basic course which offers archival training for ar- chivists of various archive categories. The certified basic course, which runs for ten years, has become a model of success. Key words: Archival training, education, archival studies Formazione non universitaria per il personale archivistico in Austria SINTESI Questo contributo tratta delle opportunità di formazione per gli archivisti in Austria. Per lungo tempo l'Istituto di ricerca storica austriaco ha fornito il percorso di studi post lauream per gli archivisti austriaci, che costituiva la sola via per una formazione archivistica scientifica. La formazione professionale per archivi, biblioteche ed assistenza all’informazione ha avuto inizio nel 2006. L'Associazione degli archivisti austriaci ha instaurato un corso di base che offre formazione per archivisti di diverse categorie. Il corso di base certificato, ha una durata di dieci anni ed è diventato un modello di successo. Parole chiave: formazione archivistica, istruzione, studi archivistici Neakademsko izobraževanje arhivistov v Avstriji IZVLEČEK Avtorica se v prispevku ukvarja s vprašanjem neakademskega izobraževanja arhivistov v Avstriji. Inštitut za avstri- jsko zgodovinsko raziskovanje na Dunaju je dolgo časa izvajal podiplomski študij za avstrijske arhiviste, ki je pred- stavljal edino možnost izobraževanja na področju arhivske znanosti. Strokovno izobraževanje za arhive, knjižnice in informacijsko pomoč pa je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2006. Avstrijsko arhivsko društvo je pripravilo osnovni tečaj, ki ponuja izobraževanje za arhiviste različnih kategorij. Certificiran osnovni tečaj, ki poteka že deset let, predstavlja uspešen model izobraževanja. Ključne besede: arhivsko izobraževanje, izobrazba, arhivske študije Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich ABSTRACT Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten für Archivbedienstete in Österreich. Lange Zeit bildete das postgraduale Studium am Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung die einzige Möglichkeit einer archivwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung. Für den Archivfachdienst wurde 2006 der Lehrberuf für Archiv-, Bi- bliotheks- und Informationsassistenz eingerichtet. Aus einer Initiative des Verbandes österreichischer Archivarin- nen und Archivare entstand für Archivarinnen verschiedenster Archivsparten der zertifizierte Grundkurs, der seit nunmehr zehn Jahren durchgeführt wird und zu einem Erfolgsmodell geworden ist. Schlüsselwörter: Archivausbildung, Bildung, Archivstudien ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 54 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 1 Einleitung Seit 1854 sorgt das Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung in Wien für die Ausbildung des wissenschaftlichen Archivars in Österreich. Doch war dieses Institut in seinen ersten Jahren des Be- stehens auf die Geschichtswissenschaft fokussiert. Erst 1869 erwog man die Archivarsausbildung zu übernehmen, was schließlich mit der Aufnahme der Vorlesung „Archivkunde“ im Jahr 1874 konkrete Formen annahm. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt widmete sich das Institut neben historischen Hilfswissenschaf- ten mehr und mehr archivkundlichen Themen und galt nun als Ausbildungsstätte für österreichische Archivare. Der „Kurs“, wie man diesen Lehrgang nannte, wurde bis 1999 als postgraduales Studium ge- führt, das aus einem Vorbereitungsjahr, welches mit einer schriftlichen und mündlichen Aufnahmsprü- fung abschloss, und zwei Jahren Hauptkurs bestand. Das Studium endete mit der Approbation einer akademischen Arbeit sowie der positiven Absolvierung der schriftlichen und mündlichen Staatsprüfung. Die AbsolventInnen durften sich „Mitglieder des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung“ nennen und erhielten eine seit seiner Gründung begonnene fortlaufende Mitgliedsnummer zugewiesen. Ab 1999 verlieh das Institut den AbsolventInnen den Titel Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), der auf Antrag auch den Mitgliedern nachträglich zuerkannt wurde (Winkelbauer, 2012, S. 7-10; Winter und Wührer, 2012, S. 65-76; Hageneder, 1987, S. 239-260; Brunner, 2006, S. 17-20)1. 2005 wurde der „Kurs“ in ein reguläres Masterstudium nach dem Bologna-System umgewandelt, das auf ein Bakkalaureat aufbaut. Das Masterstudium bietet die vertiefende Ausbildung einerseits für Geschichtswissenschaft und andererseits für Archivwissenschaft und Medienarchive und endet mit der Approbation einer Masterarbeit und dem positiven Abschluss der Masterprüfung. Die Ausbildung des wissenschaftlichen Archivars war durch das Institut für Österreichische Ge- schichtsforschung gesichert. Alle anderen Archivbediensteten, vom Hilfsdienst bis zum gehobenen Dienst, sowie jene Archivare, denen die Möglichkeit der Absolvierung des Institutskurses bzw. des Mas- terstudiums verwehrt blieb, wurde in Österreich bis ins 21. Jahrhundert keine Fachausbildung geboten. Der folgende Beitrag soll nun die Entwicklung der fachlichen Ausbildung dieser Archivarinnen und Ar- chivare sowie MitarbeiterInnen im Archivfachdienst beleuchten. 2 Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationsassistenz - ein neuer Lehrberuf Die MitarbeiterInnen der Archive im Bundes- oder Landesdienst waren entweder als Beamte oder als Vertragsbedienstete eingestuft. Für beide Sparten gab es Verwendungsgruppen, in welche man die Bediensteten eingliederte, und die mit A für beamtete (oder a für nicht beamtete) Akademiker, B (b) für Maturanten, C (c), D (d) und E (e) für Fach- und Pflichtschulabgänger und P für Arbeitnehmer in hand- werklicher Verwendung bezeichnet wurden. Während für Archivare die bereits erwähnte akademische Fachausbildung zu absolvieren war, fehlte für den gehobenen Dienst, wie man jene Gruppe auch nannte, die ein Maturazeugnis vorweisen konnte, sowie für alle darunter liegenden Verwendungsgruppen die Möglichkeit einer fachlichen Ausbildung. Eine solche konnte nur durch „learning by doing“ erlangt werden. Die beamteten MitarbeiterInnen dieser Verwendungsgruppen mussten zwar eine Dienstprüfung ablegen, die allgemeine Fächer des Verwaltungsdienstes und - in der Steiermark zumindest - eine fachliche Eignungsprüfung umfasste, der archivspezifische Prüfungsstoff konnte aber nur am Arbeitsplatz erlernt werden. Zur Steigerung der Effizient und Verkleinerung des Verwaltungsapparates wurden sowohl im Bundesdienst als auch in den Ländern Verwaltungsreformen durchgeführt, die in einer Gehaltsreform mündeten. Neben der Reduktion der Dienstposten wurde der Aufgabenbereich durch neue Arbeits- platzbeschreibungen präzisiert und die Voraussetzungen für die Dienstposten definiert. In Tirol unter- schied man nun zwischen dem administrativen Routinesachbearbeiter (bisher in der Verwendungsgrup- pe C, c bis D, d) und dem administrativen Sachbearbeiter (bisher C, c), dem administrativen Spezialsachbearbeiter (bisher von C, c bis B, b) und dem administrativen Fachbearbeiter (bisher B, b). In der Steiermark zeigten sich die Änderungen nicht so offensichtlich: Die MitarbeiterInnen, die bisher in C, c bis D, d eingestuft waren, wurden unter „Archivfachdienst“ geführt, wobei in der Einreihungsver- ordnung jedoch eine Unterscheidung von Facharbeitertätigkeit und Assistenzdienst getroffen wurde, die sich auch im Gehalt niederschlägt. Für die Landesverwaltung in der Steiermark wurde festgehalten, dass die Einstufung in die neuen 24 Gehaltsklassen nicht mehr so sehr von der Ausbildung wie von der Leistung, der 1. Winkelbauer, Institutskurs, 7-10. Karin Winter, Jakob Wührer, Der Kurs ist tot, 65-76. Hageneder, wissenschaftliche Ausbildung, 239-260. Brunner, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Archivausbildung, 17-20. 55 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 Kompetenz und den Fähigkeiten, die der/die jeweilige Bedienstete für die Erfüllung der Anforderungen der jeweiligen Stelle mitbrachte, abhängig sein sollte2. Während die Gehaltsreform in der Steiermark zwar die Einstufungen veränderte, die fachlichen Voraussetzungen für die Stellenbewertung jedoch nicht enger fasste, brachte die Verwaltungsreform in Tirol strengere Ausbildungserfordernisse. Denn für die Einstufung als Sachbearbeiter ohne Matura be- nötigte man nun einen Lehrabschluss mit Stellenorientierung oder den Abschluss einer berufsbildenden höheren Schule. Ein Fachbearbeiter musste den Abschluss einer allgemeinbildenden höheren Schule mit oder ohne Zusatzausbildung oder einer berufsbildenden höheren Schule vorweisen. Eine Anstellung als Sachbearbeiter im Archiv scheiterte jedoch an der fehlenden Möglichkeit einer Fachausbildung. Bei Nachbesetzungen drohte daher eine niedrigere Einstufung als unqualifizierter Arbeiter (Beimrohr, 2006, S. 9-16). Um Abhilfe in dieser Situation zu schaffen, wurde der Lehrberuf „Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Infor- mationsassistenz“ geschaffen. Diese Lehre sollte die vorgeschriebene Ausbildung auf mittlerer Qualifika- tionsebene gewährleisten. Der Ausbildungsplan umfasst sechs Module, die Grundkenntnisse über die Organisation, Administration und den Aufgabenbereich des Lehrbetriebes, Kommunikation und EDV, betriebliches Rechnungswesen und Beschaffung, Medienbearbeitung, Recherche und das Erstellen von Verzeichnissen mittels Datenbanken umfasst. Die Fertigkeit des Lesens von Kurrentschriften vergange- ner Jahrhunderte zählt ebenfalls zum Ausbildungsprogramm und muss daher nicht erst im Archiv erwor- ben werden3. Ab Herbst 2006 wurden die ersten Lehrlinge in einer dreijährigen Lehre als Archiv-, Bib- liotheks- und InformationsassistentInnen ausgebildet (Wiesflecker, 2007, S. 258-260). Die Berufsschule ist in Wien angesiedelt. Als Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für AbsolventInnen dieser Lehre gibt das Lehr- programm Bibliotheken, Büchereien, Archive, Unternehmen mit eigenen Archiven, Museen und Infor- mationsstellen an4. Die Lehrabschlussprüfungszeugnisse weisen auch die Befähigung für den Einsatz in der Buch- und Medienwirtschaft, in Verlagen, im Buch- und Musikhandel sowie als Bürokauffrau/-mann aus. Das Steiermärkische Landesarchiv beschäftigt derzeit bereits fünf AbsolventInnen dieser Lehre und zieht aus den seit 2006 gemachten Erfahrungen eine durchaus positive Bilanz. Die Jugendlichen, die sich für diesen Lehrberuf entschieden haben, brachten von Beginn an ein Interesse für den Beruf des Archivars mit. Sie erhielten die praktische Ausbildung im Stammarchiv, ihnen wurden aber auch tiefe Einblicke in die Arbeitswelt der Bibliothekare sowie in das Arbeitsumfeld eines anderen Archivs wäh- rend eines Praktikums gewährt. Dazu kommt eine breitere allgemeine Ausbildung. Während der dreijäh- rigen Lehrzeit mussten die Lehrlinge auch einen Ausbildungsplan innerhalb des Stammarchivs durchlau- fen. Die Lehrlinge des Steiermärkischen Landesarchivs lernten den gesamten Betrieb und somit die Bestände wie auch die Arbeit in den Werkstätten für Restaurierung und Handbuchbinderei und im Studio für Reprografie und Medienkonvertierung kennen. AbsolventInnen dieser Lehre kehrten als gut ausgebildete Fachkräfte ins Archiv zurück, während die MitarbeiterInnen vor der Einführung dieses Lehrberufs aus anderen Berufen als Quereinsteiger ins Archiv gelangten und erst angelernt wurden. Das Interesse für die Arbeitswelt im Archiv musste durch die Arbeit und über Vermittlung der ArchivarInnen und ArchivmitarbeiterInnen geweckt werden. Nicht in allen Fällen war diese innerbetriebliche Ausbildung motivierend genug und von Erfolg gekrönt. Mit dieser Lehre war nun das Ausbildungsmanko im Archivfachdienst abgedeckt. Weiterhin fehl- te jedoch eine Berufsausbildung für den gehobenen Archivdienst und für jenen Personenkreis, der als Gemeindebedienstete oder Konventsangehörige ein Archiv zu betreuen oder mit zu betreuen hatte. Dis- kussionen über Lösungsmöglichkeiten dieses Defizits wurden über längere Zeit innerhalb des Verbandes österreichischer Archivarinnen und Archivare (VÖA) geführt. Als Überbrückung gab Gerhard Pferschy unter Mitwirkung einer Reihe von ArchivarInnen einen Lernbehelf heraus, der diesem Personenkreis zur Verfügung gestellt wurde (Pferschy, 2002). Aus den Diskussionen im Vorstand des Berufsverbandes ging schließlich der „Grundkurs“ als Lösung dieses Problems hervor, auf den nun näher eingegangen werden soll (Csendes, 2006, S. 5-8). 2. Landes - Dienstrecht und Besoldungsrecht (Steiermark): LGBl. Nr. 29/2003 in der geltenden Fassung vom 1. Jänner 2015. Einreihungsverordnung für den steirischen Landesdienst: LGBl. Nr. 19/2004. 3. Bundesgesetzblatt der Republik Österreich, Teil II, Nr. 451/2004, insbesondere § 3: Berufsbild. 4. Daten zur Lehre finden sich im Berufslexikon: sassistentIn-InformationsassistentIn (accessed 24.04.2017). ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 56 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 3 Der „Grundkurs“ für Archivarinnen und Archivare Überlegungen zur Professionalisierung der Kommunalarchivar/Innen wurden in dem 1996 ge- gründeten Arbeitskreis der Kommunalarchive angestellt, wie auch die ArchivarInnen im kirchlichen Be- reich einen Archivkurs nach deutschem Vorbild ins Auge fassten. Der Aufwand schien jedoch zu groß allein für diese Gruppe zu sein. Die Diskussionen um die Ausbildung der nicht akademischen Archivare wurden am 32. Österreichischen Archivtag im Herbst 2005, der speziell diesem Thema gewidmet war, weitergeführt, die Referate dazu in Scrinium Band 60 publiziert. Dieser Archivtag gab den Anstoß zur konkreten Lösung des Problems. Helga Penz, damals Archivarin im Archiv der Erzabtei St Peter in Salz- burg und Mitglied des Vorstandes des VÖA stellte in der Generalversammlung des Verbandes den An- trag auf Einsetzung einer Arbeitsgruppe, die sich mit den Fragen der Aus- und Weiterbildung beschäfti- gen und ein Konzept ausarbeiten sollte. Helga Penz, die sich bereits zuvor mit archivischen Kompetenzen in Ordensarchiven beschäftigt hatte, wurde die Leitung dieser Arbeitsgruppe übertragen. Die Arbeitsgruppe konstituierte sich im März 2006 und bestand aus Helga Penz (Leitung, Archiv der Erzabteil St. Peter), Heinrich Berg (Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv), Rudolf Jerřábek (Österreichi- sches Staatsarchiv), Werner Matt (Stadtarchiv Dornbirn), Juliane Mikoletzky (Archiv der Technischen Universität Wien), Kerstin Lengger (Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg) und Peter Wiesflecker (Steiermär- kisches Landesarchiv). Zuerst wurde eine Bedarfserhebung mittel Fragebögen durchgeführt. Diese Befra- gung ergab einen Aus- und Weiterbildungsbedarf vor allem bei kleineren Archiven und den Wunsch nach fachlichem Austausch. Nach diesem Ergebnis begann die Arbeitsgruppe mit der Ausarbeitung eines Kursprogramms. Die Intention des Teams war es, ein längerfristiges Kursprogramm zu schaffen. Dazu fanden sich die Mitglieder in zwei Klausuren zusammen, in denen intensive Diskussionen geführt und ein Programm erarbeitet wurden. Ausgehend von verschiedenen Archivtraditionen galt es, einen Kon- sens über die Lehrinhalte zu finden. In einem einwöchigen Grundkurs sollten grundlegendes archivwis- senschaftliches Wissen und Fertigkeiten vermittelt werden. Als Ziel wurde eine fundierte Ausbildung formuliert, deren Abschluss zu zertifizieren war und die Voraussetzung für einen Fortsetzungskurs bil- den sollte. Der Grundkurs wurde in Modulen aufgebaut, die jeweils inhaltlich aufeinander abgestimmt waren und von hauptverantwortlichen Referenten ausgearbeitet wurden. Die Arbeitsgruppe legte den Lehrplan dem Vorstand des VÖA zur Genehmigung vor. Für die Teilnehmer/Innen wurden ein Kurs- skriptum sowie weitere Arbeitsunterlagen vorbereitet. Die Ausschreibung für den ersten Grundkurs, der im Herbst 2007 durchgeführt wurde, brachte über 100 Anmeldungen, ein Interesse, mit dem die Arbeitsgruppe nicht gerechnet hatte. Da die Zahl der InteressentInnen für diesen Grundkurs viel zu hoch war und die Gruppe wegen der vorgesehenen prak- tischen Übungen auf 20 bis 22 TeilnehmerInnen beschränkt werden sollte, mussten Auswahlkriterien geschaffen werden. Als Schlüssel dazu wurde die Anmeldungsdichte nach Archivsparten sowie eine regi- onale und institutionelle Streuung gefunden. Der erste Grundkurs setzte sich daher aus 30 Prozent Or- densarchivar/Innen, 26 Prozent Kommunalarchivar/Innen, 19 Prozent Kolleginnen aus Universitätsar- chiven und Archiven von wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen, 15 Prozent kirchlichen Archivarinnen, sieben Prozent Mitarbeiter/Innen von Landesarchiven und drei Prozent aus sonstigen ArchivarInnen zusammen. Eine regionale Streuung wurde ebenfalls beachtet: Der größere Teil stammte aus Wien, ge- folgt von den Bundesländern Niederösterreich, Steiermark, Oberösterreich, Tirol, Salzburg, Kärnten und Vorarlberg (Wiesflecker, 2013, S. 196-199; Penz, 2017, S. 1-3).5 Alle Personen, die sich zum Grund- kurs anmeldeten, mussten der Anmeldung eine Beschreibung ihres Archivs bzw. des Zuständigkeitsbe- reiches beilegen sowie ihre Motivation und Erwartungshaltungen formulieren. Der erste Grundkurs wurde vom 24. bis 28. September 2007 in den Seminarräumen des Erzstiftes St. Peter in Salzburg abgehalten. Das Erzstift unterstützte den Grundkurs wie auch die Dienstgeber fast aller Vortragenden, die deren Einsatz als Dienstzeit werteten, womit die Kurskosten niedrig gehalten werden konnten. 5. Ich danke Dr. Helga Penz sehr herzlich für die Übermittlung des noch ungedruckten Manuskripts über den Rückblick auf zehn Jahre Grundkurs in Österreich wie auch für Bildmaterial. 57 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 Foto 1: Der Grundkurs in Salzburg 2007 Das erste Kursprogramm enthielt folgende Einheiten: Archivwissenschaftliche Grundlagen I und II Bestandsbildung I und II Ordnen und Erschließen I und II Verzeichnungsübungen I und II Benützung und Vermittlung I und II Bestandserhaltung I und II Schriftgutverwaltung Archivalienkunde Für jede Einheit waren 90 Minuten vorgesehen. Die Vortragenden wechselten zwischen theoreti- schen Blöcken, praktischen Übungen und Diskussionen. Das Thema Bestandserhaltung wurde von Res- tauratorInnen bestritten (Penz, 2007/2008). Nach Abschluss des ersten Grundkurses wurde von den Teilnehmer/Innen ein Feedback gefor- dert. Dieses fiel außerordentlich positiv aus und ermunterte die Arbeitsgruppe zur Fortsetzung dieser Ausbildungsschiene. Rückmeldungen aus den folgenden Grundkursen und kritische Evaluierungen in- nerhalb der Arbeitsgruppe führten zu Modifizierungen der Themen. Das Team war bestrebt, die hohe Qualität der Vermittlung von Inhalten, die didaktische Sorgfalt, die ständige Kommunikation mit und unter den Teilnehmer/Innen sowie den sozialen Kontakt aufrecht zu erhalten oder zu verbessern. 2012 wurde kein Grundkurs durchgeführt. Stattdessen konzentrierte sich die Arbeitsgruppe auf Anpassungen des Kursprogramms und organisatorische Reformen. So verzichtete man auf die Archivalienkunde und die fakultativ angebotene Schriftenkunde zugunsten der Beschäftigung mit Digitalisierung und digitaler Langzeitarchivierung. Records Management und Archivmanagement, Bewertung, Standardisierung und Rechtsfragen wurden als weitere Themen in das Kursprogramm aufgenommen. Neue Vortragende aus unterschiedlichen Archivsparten konnten als ExpertInnen gewonnen werden, und auch die Zusammen- setzung der Arbeitsgruppe änderte sich. Den Diskussionen in Kleingruppen und im Plenum schenkte man nun größere Aufmerksamkeit. Den Vortragenden wurde aufgetragen, einem theoretischen Teil ei- nen praktischen folgen zu lassen, der die Gruppe zur Mitarbeit anregte und außerdem jederzeit anstehen- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 58 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 de Fragen zu beantworten erlaubte. Nicht nur Kenntnisse und Methoden sollten vermittelt werden, sondern auch Erfahrungen ausgetauscht und vor allem der Einsatz des neu erworbenen Wissens im eige- nen Arbeitsumfeld vorgeführt werden. Die Kursunterlagen, die allen TeilnehmerInnen zur Verfügung stehen, werden ebenfalls laufenden Evaluatierungen unterzogen und verbessert. 2016 umfasste dieses Kompendium 164 Seiten. Heinrich Berg führte Definitionen von Archiv und Archivieren aus und arbeitete Fragen zur Übernahme und Ordnung von Archivgut aus. Peter Zauner bereitete den Themenkreis Digitalisierung auf, Peter Wiesfle- cker beschäftigte sich mit Variationen von Bestandsbildungspolitik in Archiven, Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst mit Methoden und Strategien von Bewertung. Vorarchivische Fragen des Records Managements wurden von Leopold Kammerhofer erörtert. Karin Sperl, die die Arbeitsgruppe Standardisierung im VÖA leitet, bereitete diesen Bereich für das Skriptum auf, während Elisabeth Loinig sich Archivmanagementfragen widmete. Methoden der Bestandserhaltung stellte Restaurator Alexander Aichinger zusammen. Das für die Gegenwart und Zukunft wichtige Thema der digitalen Archivierung bearbeiteten Susanne Fröhlich und Christine Gigler. Maximilian Trofaier warf Fragen der Benutzung und damit diesem Segment der Serviceleistung von Archiven auf, und er stellte sich gemeinsam mit Helga Penz den Problemen von One-Person-Archives. Weiterführende Beispiele im Anhang sollen die Kenntnisse vertiefen helfen. Waren zu Beginn sowohl TeilnehmerInnen als auch Vortragende während der gesamten Woche anwesend gewesen, wurde der Grundkurs ab 2013 von zwei ModeratorInnen begleitetet. Neben Helga Penz stand Juliane Mikoletzky als Moderatorin zur Verfügung, die in der Folge von Maximilian Trofaier aus dem Archiv des Schottenstiftes Wien abgelöst wurde. Mit 2017 übergab Helga Penz die Leitung des Grundkurses an Elisabeth Loinig aus dem Niederösterreichischen Landesarchiv. Die starke Nachfrage nach dem Grundkurs führte zum Entschluss, 2008 zwei Grundkurse abzu- halten. Der zweite Grundkurs fand daher bereits im April 2008 im Stift Vorau in der Steiermark statt. Im September desselben Jahres wurde ein weiterer in den Räumen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs abge- halten. Nachdem nun die Warteliste abgearbeitet war, wurde in der Folge jährlich - mit einer Ausnahme - nur mehr ein Grundkurs organisiert. Auch die Kapazitäten der Vortragenden waren eingeschränkt, und die Arbeitsgruppe reduzierte sich auf vier Personen. Vonseiten der Teilnehmerinnen kam bereits 2007 die Anregung, Fortsetzungskurse anzubieten, um das Wissen und die Kenntnisse vertiefen zu können. Der VÖA bot in Zusammenarbeit mit Fach- gruppen und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ordensarchive sowie mit dem Referat für Kulturgüter der Superi- orenkonferenz eintägige Fortbildungsveranstaltungen zu unterschiedlichen Themen an. Diese umfassten etwa Standardisierungsfragen, aber auch Archivmanagement und Rechtsfragen im Archiv. Ein Aufbau- kurs, der für Archivarinnen und Archivare der Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften vom 27. bis 29. September 2012 in Vorau abgehalten und vom Referat Kulturgüter der Orden der Superiorenkonferenz unter der Leitung von Helga Penz organisiert wurde, kann als Prototyp einer Fortbildungsveranstaltung aufbauend auf den Grundkurs betrachtet werden. Allerdings war der Teilnehmerkreis auf kirchliche Ar- chivarInnen eingeschränkt und auch das fachliche Angebot auf ausgewählte Themenbereiche fokussiert. Diese umfassten Archivmanagement, Handschriftenkunde und Transkriptionsrichtlinien, Überliefe- rungsbildung und Bewertung, Bestandsbildung und Ordnung, Digitalisierung und Bilderschließung. Ein spartenübergreifender Aufbaukurs kam bisher nicht zustande. Denn die größere Zahl der Vortragenden wie auch der Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe engagierte sich zunehmend unentgeltlich und in der Freizeit für diese Ausbildungsmaßnahmen. Der Pool an bereitwilligen MitarbeiterInnen hält sich in Grenzen und damit auch der Umfang an Aufgaben, die dieser Personenkreis bewältigen kann (Wiesflecker, 2013, S. 200-203). 2017 feiert der Grundkurs sein zehnjähriges Erfolgserlebnis. Folgende Kurse wurden in dieser De- kade gehalten: 1. Grundkurs 24.-28. September 2007, Salzburg, St. Peter 2. Grundkurs 7.-11. April 2008, Stift Vorau 3. Grundkurs 8.-12. September 2008, Wien, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv 4. Grundkurs 14.-18. September 2009, Wien, Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv 5. Grundkurs 6.-10. September 2010, Wien, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv 6. Grundkurs 26.-30. September 2011, Wien, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv 7. Grundkurs 16.-20. September 2013, Wien, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv 59 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 8. Grundkurs 15.-19. September 2014, Wien, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv 9. Grundkurs 21.-25. September 2015, Wien, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv 10. Grundkurs 19.-23. September 2016, Wien, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv Foto 2: Grundkurs 2016 In diesen zehn Jahren absolvierten 209 Personen - 121 Frauen und 88 Männer - den Grundkurs. Davon rekrutierten sich 65 aus kirchlichen Archiven, 45 aus Archiven wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen, 34 aus Landesarchiven, 33 aus Kommunalarchiven, drei aus Firmenarchiven und 29 aus sonstigen Insti- tutionen mit Archiven (darunter Kammern, politischen Parteien, staatsnahen Betrieben, anderen Religi- onsgemeinschaften, Adelsarchiven, Vereinsarchiven) (Penz, 2017, S. 4-6). Grafik 1: TeilnehmerInnen aus zehn Jahren Grundkurs: ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 60 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 Für sieben Kurse stellte das Österreichische Staatsarchiv seine Infrastruktur zur Verfügung. Mi- chaela Follner aus dem Staatsarchiv übernahm wertvolle Organisationsarbeit. Ihre Aufgabe wird ab 2017 Irene Rabl vom Stiftsarchiv Lilienfeld übernehmen. Die Arbeitsgruppe besteht derzeit aus Elisabeth Loi- nig, Helga Penz, Heinrich Berg und Irene Rabl. Der nächste Grundkurs wird von 18. bis 22. September 2017 im Österreichischen Staatsarchiv stattfinden. Die Ausbildungsschiene in Form dieses Grundkurses war und ist sowohl den Mitgliedern der Ar- beitsgruppe als auch den Vortragenden ein großes Anliegen. Die positiven Rückmeldungen der Teilneh- merInnen bestätigen den richtigen Weg, den die engagierten Archivarinnen und Archivare 2006 einge- schlagen haben. Mit dem Grundkurs konnte die fehlende Ausbildungsmöglichkeit für Archivbedienstete und mit Archivgut Betraute geschlossen werden. Trotz enger werdenden Ressourcen lässt sich das ambitionierte Team nicht entmutigen. Die jährlich überbuchten Grundkurse zeugen vom Bedarf an Ausbildung in diesem Segment und von ihrer Akzeptanz. Die Grundkurse bilden aber auch eine Plattform für Kommunikation unter ArchviarInnen verschiedenster Archivsparten. Der Kreis der TeilnehmerInnen eröffnete dem Grundkursteam erst die Vielfalt des österreichischen Archivwesens. Ar- chivarInnen unterschiedlicher Archivbereiche wurden auch ermutigt, dem VÖA beizutreten und Teil einer größeren Community zu werden, Kontakte zu knüpfen und weiter im fachlichen Austausch zu bleiben. Und so resümiert Helga Penz über zehn Jahre Grundkurs: Uns war dieser Dienst an unseren Kolleginnen und Kollegen und am Österreichischen Archivwesen insgesamt ein brennendes Anliegen, und diese Begeisterung für unseren Berufsstand sprang auf die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer über. Wir wur- den dafür mit der Bekanntschaft mit so vielen netten und unglaublich ambitionierten Kolleginnen und Kol- legen, den Einblicken in eine auch für uns überraschend bunte Archivlandschaft und mit der Gewissheit, ein klein wenig zur Sicherung und Erhaltung der Österreichischen Archive beigetragen zu haben, reich belohnt (Penz, 2017, S. 6). Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis (accessed 24.04.2017). Bundesgesetzblatt der Republik Österreich (2004), Teil II, Nr. 451. Landes - Dienstrecht und Besoldungsrecht (Steiermark) (2003): LGBl. Nr. 29. Einreihungsverordnung für den steirischen Landesdienst (2004): LGBl. Nr. 19. Beimrohr, Wilfried (2006), Learning by doing? Fragen zur Ausbildung des nichtakademischen Archivpersonals in Österreich. In. Scrinium 60, pp. 9-16. Brunner, Karl (2006), Gegenwart und Zukunft der Archivausbildung am Institut für Österreichische Geschichts- forschung. In: Scrinium 60, pp. 17-20. Csendes, Peter (2006), Zur Ausbildung nichtakademischer Archivarinnen und Archivare. Eine Einbegleitung. In: Scrinium 60, pp. 5-8. Hageneder, Othmar (1987), Die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung der österreichischen Archivare. In: Scrinium 36/37, pp. 239-260. Penz, Helga (2007/2008), Bericht über den ersten Grundkurs in Salzburg. In: Scrinium 61/62, pp. 273-276. Penz, Helga (2017), Erinnerungen an zehn Jahre Grundkurs für Archivarinnen und Archivare. In: Scrinium 71 (in Druck). Pferschy, Gerhard (ed.) (2002), Einführung in das Archivwesen. Wien: Scrinium Sonderband 1. Wiesflecker, Peter (2007), Aspekte der Lehrlingsausbildung im Steiermärkischen Landesarchiv. In: Tovšak S. (ed.), Tehniči in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, pp. 257-265. Maribor: Pokrajinski arhiv. Wiesflecker, Peter (2013), Der „Grundkurs“ für Archivarinnen und Archivare. Ein neuer Weg archivischer Aus- und Fortbildung in Österreich. In: Fras I. (ed.), (ed.), Tehniči in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, pp. 195-203. Maribor: Pokrajinski arhiv. Winkelbauer, Thomas (2012), Vom „Institutskurs“ zum Masterstudium „Geschichtsforschung, Historische Hil- fswissenschaften und Archivwissenschaft“ an der Universität Wien: eine Grenzüberschreitung? In: Scrinium 66, pp. 7-13. Winter, Karin & Wührer, Jakob (2012), Der Kurs ist tot! Es lebe das Masterstudium! Ein Erfahrungsbericht zur 61 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST: Die außeruniversitäre Ausbildung für Archivbedienstete in Österreich, 53-61 archivwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung an der Universität Wien und dem Institut für Österreichische Geschicht- sforschung. In: Scrinium 66, pp. 65-107. SUMMARY In 1854 the Institute for Austrian Historical research was founded. Since this time the institute was the only trai- ning school for archivists in Austria. Until 1999 training was organized as postgraduate study, called Institute Course, and then the study continued according to the Bologna model as a master’s degree and thus still secured the training of the academic archivist. Besides the academic archivist other levels of archival stuff had to be taught by learning by doing. Problems arose when administrative reforms in the public administration were realized in cases for non-academic archival stuff which had no possibility of professional training; especially salary classifica- tion problems became acute. This was one of the reasons to establish the new professional training for the archive, library and information assistance, which was anchored in 2004 by law and carried out in 2006 for the first time. For the upscale archive service and all those archivists, who could not take the academic training, still lacked a training opportunity. The working group on training and education, founded in 2006 within the Association of Austrian Archivists dedicated to this grievance. This group worked out a training program for the so-called basic course, which was installed as a one-week course by the team of the working group and further ambitious archivi- sts. The first basic course held 2007 in Salzburg was a great success and therefore annually found its continuation. The evaluation of the basic course by its participants and the working group itself has led to adjustments of the syllabus and the didactic methods, which resulted in a renewed form of the basic course in 2013. Also the team of the working group and the lecturers has changed. Now we look back on ten years basic course. More than 200 ar- chivists from various archive categories have completed this course. Every year this course is fully booked. So the need for this training is evident. The basic course provides not only knowledge in archival science and practical methods, but promotes also communication amongst archivists of a various Austrian archival landscape. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 05.05.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 63 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Documentos en España curso 2017/18 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO, Ph.D. Director of the General Archive, University of Navarra, University Campus, 31009 Pamplona, Spain e-mail: The Official University Masters on Archives and Document Management in Spain course 2017/18 ABSTRACT Taking as a source the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles, reports of those Official University Masters that, in Spain, are offered in the academic year 2017/18 related to Archives and Records Management. In three consecutive tables various data from each of the Masters are analyzed. In the first, the year of implementation, the modality and the number of European credits. In the second, the curricula of each of the Masters, detailing in each case the structure, the subjects, their type and the ECTS of the same. Finally, based on the need for specific and exclusive training in Archives and Records Management, we analyze the proportion of Archives and Records Ma- nagement content in the subjects offered by each one of the Masters. Key words: Archives and Records Management, Spain, Academic year 2017/18, Official University Mas- ters, Study plans I Master Universitari ufficiali in gestione degli archivi e dei documenti nei corsi spagnoli 2017/18 SINTESI Si prende come fonte il Registro delle Università, dei Centri e dei Titoli, i resoconti dei Master Universitari ufficia- li che, in Spagna, sono offerti nell’anno accademico 2017/18 relativi all’archivio e alla gestione documentale. In tre tabelle consecutive vengono analizzati i diversi dati di ognuno dei master. Nel primo, l’anno di attuazione, la mo- dalità ed il numero di crediti europei. Nel secondo, i curricula di ciascuno dei Master, che descrivono per ogni caso la struttura, i soggetti, il loro tipo e l’ECTS dello stesso. Infine, sulla base della necessità di una formazione specifi- ca ed esclusiva in Gestione archivistica e documentale, si analizza la percentuale di contenuti di Gestione archivi- stica e documentale nei temi offerti da ciascuno dei Master. Parole chiave: Gestione archivistica e documentale, Spagna, anno accademico 2017/18, Master Universitari uffi- ciali, piani di studio Univerzitetni magistrski študij arhivistike in dokumentologije v Španiji v študijskem letu 2017/18 IZVLEČEK Register univerz, centrov in nazivov študijskih programov navaja tiste uradne magistrske študije, ki se v Španiji iz- vajajo v študijskem letu 2017/18, in ki se med drugimi, nanašajo na arhivistiko in dokumentologijo. V prispevku so v treh zaporednih tabelah analizirani različni podatki za vsakega od magistrskih študijev. V prvi tabeli leto uve- dbe, načinu in število kreditnih točk (ECTS). V drugi učni načrti vsakega od magistrskih študijev, s podrobnim opisom strukture, predmetov, tipa in ECTS. Na koncu pa glede na potrebo po posebnem in izključnem usposablja- nju s področja arhivistike in dokumentologije, analiziramo delež vsebine s teh področij v predmetih, ki jih ponuja vsak od analiziranih magistrskih študijev. Ključne besede: arhivistika in dokumentologija, Španija, akademsko leto 2017/18, univerzitetni magistrski študij, učni načrt ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 64 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Documentos en España curso 2017/18 SÍNTESIS Tomando como fuente el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Titulaciones, se informa de aquellos Masters Uni- versitarios oficiales que se ofrecen en el curso académico 2017/18 relacionados con la Archivística y la Gestión de Documentos. En tres tablas consecutivas se analizan diversos datos de cada una de las titulaciones. En la primera, el año de implantación, la modalidad y el número de créditos europeos. En la segunda, los planes de estudios de cada uno de los Masters, detallándose en cada caso la estructura, las asignaturas, su tipo y los ECTS de las mismas. Por último, partiendo de la necesidad de una formación específica y exclusiva en Archivística y Gestión de Documen- tos, se analiza la proporción de contenidos Archivísticos y de Gestión Documental en las asignaturas ofertadas por cada una de las titulaciones. Palabras clave: Archivística y la Gestión de Documentos, España, Curso 2017/18, Master Universitarios oficiales, Planes de estudio 1 La legislación española sobre las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales y el RUCT En Bolonia (Italia), el 19 de Junio de 1999, los ministros de Educación de 29 países europeos firma- ron la llamada “Declaración de Bolonia”. Todos ellos se comprometieron a tomar las medidas necesarias para que en el 2010 se contara con un Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), que lograse la convergencia y la comparabilidad en los sistemas universitarios europeos, facilitando la empleabilidad, la movilidad y el reconocimiento de los títulos universitarios en toda Europa. En la actualidad, un total de 46 países han firmado la Declaración. Teniendo como objetivo el EEES, España fue dotándose de una legislación que regulara sus en- señanzas superiores. Una de las leyes más reciente es el Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la nueva ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales. Previamente, la Ley Orgán- ica 4/2007, de 12 de abril, por la que se modificaba la Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Uni- versidades, había sentado las bases para realizar una profunda modernización de la Universidad española. En definitiva, el Real Decreto 1393/2007 establece las directrices, condiciones y el procedimiento de verificación y acreditación que debe superar los planes de estudios conducentes a la obtención del título de Máster Universitario oficial. Dicho Real Decreto -1393/2007- también determina en su artículo 26 la inscripción en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos (RUCT) y sus efectos: “1. Tras la autorización de la Comunidad Autónoma y la verificación del plan de estudios a que se refiere el artículo anterior [art. 25], el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia elevará al Gobierno la propuesta para el establecimiento del carácter oficial del título y su inscripción en el RUCT, cuya aprobación mediante acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros será publicada en el Boletín Oficial del Estado. 2. La inscripción en el RUCT a que se refiere este artículo tendrá como efecto la consideración inicial de título acreditado”. Un posterior Real Decreto, el 1509/2008, de 12 de septiembre, se ha encargado de regular el RUCT. Dicho registro puede consultarse públicamente en un portal dentro de la web del Ministerio de Educación - - y en su portada puede leerse: “El RUCT ha sido creado para proporcionar la información más relevante sobre las universidades, centros y los títulos que conforman el sistema universitario español, en el que constan inscritos los nuevos títulos de Grado, Más- ter y Doctorado oficiales. Además, el RUCT tiene carácter público y de registro administrativo, y ha sido concebido como un instrumento en continua actualización”. Al buscar en dicho Registro los Masters Universitarios oficiales vigentes, publicados en el Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), que tengan alguna relación con la Archivística y/o Gestión de Documentos, se obtienen un listado - que se ha ordenado alfabéticamente - de 7 títulos: 1. Máster Universitario en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (centro Esaged). 65 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 2. Máster Universitario en Bibliotecas, Archivos y Continuidad Digital por la Universidad Car- los III de Madrid. 3. Máster Universitario en Documentación, Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Universidad de Alcalá. 4. Máster Universitario en Documentos y Libros. Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Universidad de Sevilla. 5. Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Museos, Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Univer- sidad de A Coruña. 6. Máster Universitario en Gestión de la Documentación, Bibliotecas y Archivos por la Univer- sidad Complutense de Madrid. 7. Máster Universitario en Gestión Documental, Transparencia y Acceso a la Información por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (centro Esaged). 2 Los masters en España en 2008 y el modelo propuesto por la Coordinado- ra de Asociaciones de Archiveros de España En España, en 2008, había tres universidades que ofrecían estudios superiores de Archivística y Gestión de Documentos desde hacía bastante tiempo, aunque ninguno tenía entonces el reconocimiento de Master Universitario oficial. La Universidad de Sevilla impartía el título de Máster propio de Archivís- tica desde el año 1995 con una duración de dos cursos académicos; este título había tenido su precedente en los cursos de especialización de archiveros organizados por la Junta de Andalucía entre 1984 y 1994. La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid impartía el título de Máster propio en Archivística desde el año 2000 con una duración de trece meses. Por último, la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, mediante la Escola Superior d’Arxivistica y Gestió de Documents (Esaged), desde el año 2002, ofrecía el Título pro- pio de Graduado Superior en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos, de dos años de duración, y que re- cogía la tradición del Máster propio en Archivística organizado por la Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya en colaboración con las universidades de Girona, Lleida, Rovira i Virgili y Autónoma de Barcelona desde el año 1985 (Llansó y Herrero, 2008). Tras la Declaración de Bolonia, varios grupos de trabajo de la Coordinadora de Asociaciones de Archiveros de España habían emprendido acciones para lograr obtener informes o estudios que pudieran ofrecer un resultado sobre los perfiles y la formación de la profesión de archivero y gestor de documentos. La Associació d’Arxivers i Gestors de Documents Valencians propuso a la Coordinadora que su Revista d’Arxius de 2008 recogiera tales informes y estudios. Además también dio cabida a artículos que los com- plementasen, como pudiera ser la perspectiva en América Latina y del Consejo Internacional de Archi- vos. La oportunidad de dicho monográfico era evidente, pues en 2010 se cumplía el plazo para cumplir con todos los requisitos del Espacio de Estudios Europeos de Educación Superior. Cabe destacar que en dicho monográfico Llansó y Herrero se mostraban partidarios de la necesidad de una formación específica en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos. Así, después de analizar tales estu- dios en el resto del continente, concluyeron: “en Europa, como en el resto del mundo en general, los estudios de Archivística se dan mayoritariamente en el nivel de postgrado o, siendo de grado, siempre en forma exclusiva, y lo hacen con independencia de las titulaciones de Biblioteconomía”(Llansó y Herrero, 2018). En el EEES es central la adquisición de competencias profesionales. Así lo advierte, en su Preámb- ulo, el Real Decreto 1393/2007. Además, el punto 3 del anexo I, sobre la “Memoria para la solicitud de verificación de títulos oficiales”, está dedicado a las competencias. El monográfico citado también recogía un documento elaborado por la Coordinadora de Asocia- ciones de Archiveros y Gestores Documentales denominado: “Propuesta de Directrices para el título de Máster en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos”. En él, la Coordinadora apostaba de manera decidida por la adquisición de unas competencias bien definidas. Distinguía entre competencias genéricas (donde se incluían las competencias instrumentales, personales y sistémicas) y competencias específicas (que in- tegraban conocimientos disciplinares, competencias profesionales, académicas y otras). Por su interés y vigencia reproducimos a continuación la relación de las competencias específicas sugeridas por la Coordi- nadora: ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 66 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 “CONOCIMIENTOS DISCIPLINARES (SABER) • Historia de la archivística • Historia de las instituciones • Fondos y documentos de la Administración Pública • Fondos y documentos de instituciones y empresas • Análisis y diseño de circuitos administrativos • Sistemas de Gestión de Documentos • Análisis, diseño y normalización de documentos • Sistemas de clasificación y archivo • Sistemas y métodos de descripción y recuperación de documentos e información • Sistemas y métodos de identificación de fondos y de series • Sistemas y métodos de valoración, selección y eliminación de documentos • Prevención, conservación y restauración de documentos. • Reprografía y técnicas de sustitución • Instalaciones y equipamiento de archivos • Derecho administrativo • Derecho civil y mercantil • Régimen jurídico de los documentos y de los archivos • Derechos de acceso a los documentos y a la información • Derechos de propiedad intelectual • Tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones • Sistemas normalizados de intercambio de documentos • Estructura de la información • Sistemas de gestión electrónica de documentos • Seguridad y criptografía de los documentos electrónicos • Protección de datos • Técnicas de difusión y dinamización cultural • Utilización de recursos multimedia • Técnicas de gestión y de dirección • Técnicas de formación • Métodos y técnicas de investigación • Paleografía y diplomática • Latín • Historia nacional • Teoría y sistemas de organización • Métodos estadísticos COMPETENCIAS PROFESIONALES (SABER HACER) • Diseño y adecuación de documentos a los procedimientos administrativos y de gestión • Diseño y reingeniería de procesos • Diseño e implantación de sistemas de gestión de documentos y archivo • Evaluación e implantación de mejoras en los procedimientos y circuitos administrativos • Tratamiento de documentos electrónicos • Atención de usuarios internos y externos de los servicios de archivo • Diseño y desarrollo de estrategias y programas de difusión y divulgación de los servicios de ar- chivo • Capacidad para la formación de personal en la aplicación de sistemas de gestión de documentos y archivo en las organizaciones • Implantación de normas de calidad en los sistemas de gestión de documentos y archivo • Organización y gestión de servicios de archivo • Aplicación de normas legales relativas al acceso, la conservación y la propiedad de los documen- tos • Evaluación y determinación de condiciones de conservación de los documentos • Diseño de instalaciones y servicios de archivo • Tratamiento de fondos documentales históricos • Elaboración de planes preventivos y de seguridad 67 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 • Elaboración y aplicación de normas de gestión de documentos y de archivos • Diseño y aplicación de cuadros de clasificación • Diseño y gestión de planes de selección de documentos • Diseño y aplicación de calendarios de conservación • Diseño y aplicación de planes de descripción • Interpretación de documentos de todas las épocas • Interpretación y aplicación de la normativa reguladora sobre documentos y archivos • Gestión de recursos • Tratamiento de sustitución y de reprografía • Gestión de documentos y de sistemas electrónicos COMPETENCIAS ACADÉMICAS • Capacidad de sistematización y de comunicación OTRAS COMPETENCIAS ESPECÍFICAS • Coordinación con los mandos directivos, responsables de Tecnologías de la Información y re- sponsables de Organización • Conciencia del valor de los derechos individuales y ciudadanos contenidos en los documentos • Conciencia del valor de los documentos como prueba de la responsabilidad y de la transparen- cia en el actuar de las organizaciones • Conciencia del valor de los documentos para la conservación de la memoria y del patrimonio histórico de la humanidad • Actuar de acuerdo con el código deontológico profesional” (Coordinadora de Asociaciones de Archiveros, 2008). En segundo lugar, la Coordinadora facilitaba una relación de las materias troncales y contenidos que, en su opinión, sería óptimo que tuviera un Master en Archivística y Gestión Documental (Coordi- nadora de Asociaciones de Archiveros, 2008). Fundamentos de archivística • Historia de los archivos y de la archivística. • Principios y conceptos fundamentales. • Sistemas archivísticos. • Régimen jurídico de los documentos y de los archivos Producción e interpretación de documentos • Tipologías de fondos y de documentos públicos y privados. • Paleografía y diplomática. • Latín documental Gestión de los documentos y de los archivos • Sistemas de gestión de documentos. • Normalización de documentos. • Identificación, clasificación, ordenación, descripción, recuperación y evaluación. • Acceso a los documentos. Administración de centros de archivos. • Técnicas de dirección y gestión. • Técnicas y políticas de difusión y servicio a los usuarios. Conservación e Instalación • Instalación y equipamientos. • Prevención, conservación y restauración. Tecnologías de la Información • Tecnologías de la información y archivos. • Sistemas informáticos. • Gestión de documentos electrónicos. Teoría, historia y funcionamiento de las organizaciones • Historia de las instituciones medievales, modernas y contemporáneas. • Teoría y sistemas de organización. • Derecho general. • Derecho administrativo. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 68 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Por último, los perfiles profesionales de los titulados en el Máster en Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos propuesto por la Coordinadora en 2008 eran los siguientes: • “Gestión de Documentos y archivos de la Administración Pública. • Gestión de Documentos y archivos de empresa. • Gestión de Documentos y archivos de entidades privadas (Iglesia, fundaciones, etc...). • Gestión de Documentos y archivos históricos. • Archivos de medios de comunicación, hospitalarios y musicales. • Investigación de apoyo: informativa, referencial e histórica. • Gestión de circuitos administrativos. • Consultoría y empresas de custodia y organización documental. • Formación en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos” (Coordinadora de Asociaciones de Archi- veros, 2008). Toda esta información, publicada en 2008, aunque con algunos leves matices, consecuencia del tiempo transcurrido, se considera vigente y es lo que se ha tenido en mente al analizar los 7 Masters Uni- versitarios oficiales ofertados en España para el curso 2017/18. 3 Análisis de los masters Universitarios oficiales españoles (curso 2017/2018) Mediante la siguiente tabla, se ofrece, de cada titulación de Master, la url donde puede obtenerse la información detallada de cada uno de ellos, el año de implantación, la modalidad y el número de créditos europeos. Los créditos europeos (European Credit Transfer System, ECTS) son definidos en el artículo 3 del Real Decreto 1125/2003, de 5 de septiembre, por el que se establece el sistema europeo de créditos y el sistema de calificaciones en las titulaciones universitarias de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional, del siguiente modo: “El crédito europeo es la unidad de medida del haber académico que repre- senta la cantidad de trabajo del estudiante para cumplir los objetivos del programa de estudios y que se obtiene por la superación de cada una de las materias que integran los planes de estudios de las diversas enseñanzas conducentes a la obtención de títulos universitarios de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional. En esta unidad de medida se integran las enseñanzas teóricas y prácticas, así como otras actividades académicas dirigidas, con inclusión de las horas de estudio y de trabajo que el estudiante debe realizar para alcanzar los objetivos formativos propios de cada una de las materias del correspondien- te plan de estudios”. Tabla 1. Datos por titulación de modalidad, implantación y ECTS Titulación / url Modalidad Año de implantación ECTS Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Museos, Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Universidad de A Coruña Presencial 2015/16 60 Máster Universitario en Bibliotecas, Archivos y Continuidad Digital por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. http ://www.uc3m .es/ss/Sate l l i te/Postg rado/es/D eta l le/Estud io _C/1371224701118/1371219633369/Master_Universitario_en_Bibliotecas_ Archivos_y_Continuidad_Digital#informacionpractica Semipresencial 2017/18 60 Máster Universitario en Gestión de la Documentación, Bibliotecas y Archivos por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid  Presencial 2010/11 60 69 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Máster Universitario en Documentación, Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Universidad de Alcalá. oferta#cod_estudio=M130  Semipresencial 2014/15 60 Máster Universitario en Documentos y Libros. Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Universidad de Sevilla  Presencial 2010/11 60 Máster Universitario en Gestión Documental, Transparencia y Acceso a la Información por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (centro: ESAGED) On line 2015/16 60 Máster Universitario en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (centro: ESAGED)  Presencial 2010/11 120 (2 cursos) De la Tabla 1 se pueden concluir varias observaciones. En cuanto a la modalidad, de los 7 Masters ofertados, 4 son presenciales, 4 semipresenciales, y tan sólo hay uno online. La duración de 6 de los Ma- sters es de un curso (60 ECTS), tan sólo uno es de 2 cursos (120 ECTS). Respecto al año de implantación de los mismos, hay 3 Masters que comenzaron en el curso 2010/11 (Sevilla y UCM y el presencial de dos cursos de UAB-esaged); Alcalá lo hizo en el 2014/15 y el de A Coruña y el online de UAB-esaged en 2015/16. El próximo curso (2017/2018) comienza el de la UC3M1. A continuación, en la Tabla 2 se ofrecen los planes de estudios de cada uno de los Masters. Al ha- cerlo se facilita la fuente de donde se ha obtenido la información en cada caso y se detalla la estructura del master, las asignaturas, su tipo y los ECTS de las mismas 1. El master de reciente creación de la UC3M es uno de los masters que sería de gran interés conocer las razones de su evolu- ción; puesto que, ya se vió que en 2008, esa Universidad ofertaba Master propio exclusivamente de Archivística y Gestión Documental; el que comienza el próximo curso es la fusión de dos Masters oficiales, existentes previamente, uno de Bibliote- cas con 8 ediciones de recorrido y otro de Archivística con 3 cursos de experiencia. Igualmente se ha mencionado que la Universidad de Sevilla tuvo un Master propio de Archivística desde 1995. Esta fuera del objeto de este artículo estudiar la evolución de cada uno de los Masters; pero, dicho estudio podría arrojar luz sobre la siguiente pregunta ¿cuáles son las razones por las que algunos Masters han evolucionado de ser específicamente de Archivística y Gestión de Documentos a fusionarse con otras disciplinas? ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 70 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Tabla 2: Planes de Estudios Máster Universitario en estudios avanzados en Museos, Archivos y Bibliotecas. Universidad A Coruña Estructura: ECTS Obligarios (OB): 24 ECTS Optativos: 24 Prácticas externas: 6 ECTS TFM: 6 ECTS Asignaturas comunes Tipo ECTS  Historia de la Cultura y del Pensamiento Europeos OB 3 Patrimonio Cultural y Museología OB 6 Patrimonio Bibliográfico Documental y Archivística OB 6 Sistema Español de Museos, Archivos y Bibliotecas OB 3 Metodología para la Investigación en Humanidades y Documentación OB 3 Seminarios sobre Tendencias Actuales en Museos, Archivos y Bibliotecas OB 3 Especialidad en Bibliotecas Patrimoniales y Archivos Históricos     Políticas Culturales y Legislación OP 3 Márqueting Cultural y de la Información OP 3 Historia de los Archivos y las Bibliotecas OP 3 Archivos, Bibliotecas y Nuevas Tecnologías OP 3 Organización y Gestión de Archivos Históricos y Bibliotecas Patrimoniales OP 3 Paleografía y Diplomática OP 3 Heráldica y Sigilografía Con restricciones OP 3 Proyectos de Digitalización OP 3 Codicología OP 3 Historia de las Instituciones y de la Administración OP 3 Patrimonio y Documentación Audiovisual OP 3 Prácticas Externas OB 6 Trabajo Fin de Master OB 6 71 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Máster Universitario en Bibliotecas, Archivos y Continuidad Digital por la Universidad Carlos III Madrid Estructura: ECTS Obligarios (OB): 27 ECTS Optativos: 21 ECTS Obligarios asig. OP comunes: 20 Prácticas externas: - TFM: 6 ECTS Asignaturas Comunes     Dirección de servicios de información OB 6 Visualización de información OB 3 Seguridad del documento digital OB 3 Digitalización y preservación OB 6 Tecnologías de marcado para textos digitales OB 3 Vocabularios y esquemas semánticos para web OB 6 Itinerario 2: Archivos, Gestión de documentos y Continuidad Digital     Gestión de documentos y archivos en el entorno digital OP 6 Sistemas de gestión documental. Normas técnicas OP 3 Tecnologías para la gestión de archivos y documentos OP 3 Producción de documentos OP 3 Reutilización de datos abiertos y documentos OP 3 Gestión y evaluación de la continuidad digital OP 3 Asignaturas optativas comunes:     Sistemas de Gestión de la calidad OP 3 Gestión del conocimiento OP 3 Archivos, inteligencia competitiva e identidad digital OP 6 Entorno jurídico digital OP 3 Big Data. Técnicas de análisis de datos OP 3 Técnicas avanzadas de recuperación de información OP 3 Infraestructura de los servicios informáticos OP 3 Trabajo Fin de Máster OB 6 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 72 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Máster Universitario en Gestión de la Documentación, Bibliotecas y Archivos por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid Estructura: ECTS Obligarios (OB) -asig. comunes-: 18 ECTS Obligarios (OB) -asig. especialidad-: 20 ECTS Optativos: 9 Prácticas externas: - TFM: 13 ECTS Asignaturas Comunes     Aplicaciones Documentales de la Recuperación de Información OB 4,5 Gestión de Proyectos en Unidades Documentales OB 4,5 Calidad de los Servicios y Satisfacción del Usuario OB 4,5 Representación Automatizada en Bibliotecas, Archivos y Servicios Documentales OB 4,5 Especialidad en Gestión de Archivos     Archivo como Activo de Empresa OB 4,5 Organización de Fondos Archivísticos OB 4,5 Sistemas Archivísticos OB 4,5 Derecho Administrativo Aplicado a los Archivos OB 4,5 Los Archivos y los Recursos Archivístico OB 4,5 Asignaturas OP comunes     Derechos y Licencias Digitales OP 4,5 Ética y Deontología de los Profesionales de las Unidades de Información OP 4,5 Análisis Contrastivo Inglés-Español en el Ámbito de la Documentación OP 4,5 Digitalización, Preservación y Difusión de Colecciones OP 4,5 Emblemática Documental OP 4,5 Los Textos Latinos desde la Antigüedad al Renacimiento: Historia y Transmisión OP 4,5 Trabajo Fin de Máster     Metodología OB 3 Trabajo Fin de Máster OB 10 73 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Máster Universitario en Documentación, Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Universidad de Alcalá Estructura ECTS Obligatorios (OB): 45 ECTS Optativos: 9 Prácticas externas: 9 ECTS (OP) TFM: 6 ECTS ESQUEMA DE METADATOS OB 5 SISTEMAS DE RECUPERACIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN OB 5 TECNOLOGÍAS Y RECURSOS PARA EL DESARROLLO DE SERVICIOS Y COLECCIONES OB 5 DEL ANÁLISIS DOCUMENTAL A LA WEB SEMÁNTICA OB 5 EDICIÓN DIGITAL: CONCEPTOS Y TÉCNICAS OB 3 GESTIÓN DE CONTENIDOS PARA EL DESARROLLO WEB OB 3 TÉCNICAS ARCHIVÍSTICAS OB 3 PLANIFICACIÓN Y DIRECCIÓN ESTRATÉGICA OB 5 GESTIÓN DE DOCUMENTOS EN ENTORNOS DIGITALES OB 5 SISTEMAS DE GESTIÓN DE CALIDAD OB 3 BIBLIOTECAS DIGITALES Y PATRIMONIO BIBLIOGRÁFICO OB 3 MATERIAS OPTATIVAS     ORIENTACIÓN PROFESIONAL OP   PRACTICAS EXTERNAS EN ARCHIVOS, BIBLIOTECAS Y CENTROS DE DOCUMENTACIÓN OP 9 ORIENTACIÓN INVESTIGADORA     CONSERVACIÓN Y PRESERVACIÓN DE DOCUMENTOS DIGITALES OP 3 LA WEB SOCIAL COMO HERRAMIENTA EN LOS SERVICIOS DE INFORMACIÓN OP 3 APLICACIÓN DE METADATOS A LA DESCRIPCIÓN DOCUMENTAL OP 3 METODOLOGÍA DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES OP 3 INTRODUCCIÓN AL TFM OP 6 TRABAJO FIN DE MÁSTER OB 6 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 74 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Máster en Documentos y Libros. Archivos y Bibliotecas por la Universidad de Sevilla Estructura: ECTS Obligarios (OB): 8 ECTS Optativos: 46 Prácticas externas: 2 ECTS (OP) Trabajo Fin de Máster: 6 Acceso, Difusión y Valoración del Patrimonio Documental y Bibliográfico OP 4 Catalogación del Documento de Archivo OP 4 Catalogación del Patrimonio Bibliográfico OP 4 Definición y Legislación OP 4 El Documento de Archivo. Los Archivos Históricos y Administrativos OP 4 Gestión de los fondos bibliográficos y de las colecciones OP 4 Historia de la Escritura en la Edad Media OP 4 Historia de la Escritura en la Edad Moderna OP 4 Historia de las Instituciones en España OP 4 Historia del Documento Notarial en Castilla OP 4 Historia del Documento Real en la Edad Media OP 4 Historia del Documento Real en la Edad Moderna y Contemporánea OP 4 Historia del Documento Señorial y Municipal OP 4 Historia del Libro Manuscrito e Impreso en España OP 4 Identificación, Valoración, Clasificación, Ordenación y Descripción de las Fuentes Archivísticas OP 4 La Conservación: Preventiva y Curativa OP 4 Los Servicios Bibliotecarios. Recursos Bibliográficos OP 4 Métodos de Análisis en Codicología y Libro Impreso OB 4 Métodos de Análisis en Paleografía y Diplomática OB 4 Nuevas Tecnologías en el Acceso y Uso de la Información Bibliográfica y Documental OP 4 Prácticas en Archivos y Bibliotecas OP 2 Trabajo Fin de Master OB 6 75 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Gestión Documental, Transparencia y Acceso a la Información por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, (esaged) Estructura ECTS Obligarios (OB): 45 ECTS Optativos: - Prácticas externas: - Trabajo Fin de Máster: 15 Difusión, Marketing y Estrategias de Comunicación OB 6 Gobierno Abierto, Transparencia y Acceso a la Información OB 6 La Conservación Preventiva y Análisis de Riesgos OB 6 Normas y Estándares Internacionales en Gestión de Documentos y Archivos OB 6 Open Data y Reutilización de la Información OB 6 Procesos e Instrumentos Metodológicos y Técnicos OB 9 Sistemas de Gestión para Documentos: Implantación, Auditoría y Certificación OB 6 Trabajo de Fin de Máster OB 15 Archivistica y Gestión Documental por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (esaged) Estructura ECTS Obligarios (OB): 95 ECTS Optativos: - Prácticas externas: 10 ECTS Trabajo Fin de Máster: 15 Primer curso     Derecho y Régimen Jurídico de los Documentos OB 10 Fundamentos de la Archivística OB 10 Productores y Tipologías Documentales I OB 10 Productores y Tipologías Documentales II OB 10 Sistemas de Información OB 10 Técnicas Archivísticas OB 10 Segundo curso     Evaluación y Acceso a los Documentos OB 10 Gestión de los Servicios de Archivo OB 15 Sistemas de Gestión Documental OB 10 Prácticas Externas OB 10 Trabajo de Fin de Máster OB 15 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 76 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 Según el art.15. 3, del Real Decreto 1393/2007) los Masters Universitarios oficiales deben conclu- ir con la elaboración y defensa pública de un Trabajo de Fin de Máster (TFM), con un mínimo de 6 ECTS y un máximo de 30 ECTS. Entre los 7 titulaciones, en las dos titulaciones de la esaged, los TFM tienen 15 ECTS. La UCM, 13 ECTS y los cuatro restantes, 6 ECTS. En cuanto a las prácticas externas, son ECTS obligatorios sólo en dos Masters, el de dos cursos de la esaged, que son 10 ECTS, y los 6 ECTS del de A Coruña. Son ECTS optativos en otros dos, el de Alcalá (9 ECTS) y el de Sevilla (2 ECTS). Las prácticas externas no forman parte de los planes de estudios en 3 Masters, ni el online de la esaged, ni el de la UCM, ni el de la UC3M. Teniendo presente que, como se ha visto, la Coordinadora subrayaba la necesidad de una forma- ción específica y exclusiva en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos; con los datos de la Tabla 2 se ha elaborado la Tabla 3, con el objetivo de analizar la proporción de contenidos Archivísticos y de Gestión Documental en las asignaturas ofertadas por cada uno de ellos. Tabla 3. Proporción de contenidos Archivísticos y de Gestión Documental Coruña UC3M UCM Alcalá Sevilla Esaged1 Esaged2 contenidos totalmente archivísticos % ECTS ofertados 17,8 37,5 46,6 29,16 55 100 100 Número de asignaturas 3 7 7 5 11 7 9 Carácter de los ECTS - OB 9 OP - OB 27 OP 22,5 OB 9 OP 18OB 3 OP 4 OB 40 OP 60 OB - OP 120 OB - OP contenidos compartidos con otras disciplinas % ECTS ofertados 63,16% 50% 53,3 29,16 20 0 0 Número asignaturas 11 10 8 5 4 0 0 Carácter de los ECTS 15 OB 21 OB 12 OB 24 OP 18 OB 18 OP 18 Ob 18 OP 16 OB 0 OP 0 0 Discipl inas compartidas Museos Bibliotecas Bibliotecas Documentación Bibliotecas Documentación Bibliotecas Bibliotecas - - contenidos no archivísticos % ECTS ofertados 21 12,5 0 41,6 25 0 0 Número asignaturas 3 2 0 0 5 0 0 Carácter de los ECTS 9 OB 3 OP 9 OB - OP - OB - OP 6 OB 24 OP - OB 20 OP - - Con los datos de la Tabla 3 se puede observar que sólo en dos titulaciones las ofertadas por la Esa- ged, la formación no es compartida con otras disciplinas. Las cinco restantes si lo son. Sobre los ECTS ofertados con contenido Archivístico y de Gestión de Documentos sólo en dos ocasiones, los dos de la esaged, suponen el 100%. El siguiente en mayor porcentaje de contenidos archivís- ticos es el de Sevilla con 55%. Respecto a estos 3 masters, el de la Universidad de Sevilla, es fuerte en Paleografía e Historia de las instituciones; incluso quizá esté descompensado a favor de esas asignaturas. Por el contrario, en el de Ar- 77 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 chivística y Gestión de Documentos de UAB-Esaged, se echa de menos que no haya ninguna asignatura sobre Paleografía. Por otra parte, el lenguaje de este Master es en un 80% en catalán. El Master de Gestión Documental, Transparencia y Acceso a la Información, de la UAB-Esaged, está dirigido a personas con experiencia profesional previa. Recursos y references Legal and other documents Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales. BOE, nº 260, de 30 de octubre de 2007. Disponible en: BOE-A-2007-18770 [última consulta realizada, 08/04/2017] Ley Orgánica 4/2007, de 12 de abril, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Uni- versidades. BOE, nº 89, de 13 de abril de 2007. Disponible en: [última consulta realizada, 08/04/2017] Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades, BOE, nº 307, de 24 de diciembre de 2001. Disponible en: [última consulta realizada, 08/04/2017] Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales. BOE, nº 260, de 30 de octubre de 2007. Disponible en: BOE-A-2007-18770 [última consulta realizada, 08/04/2017] Real Decreto 1509/2008, de 12 de septiembre, por el que se regula el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos, BOE, nº 232, 25 septiembre 2008. Disponible en: 38857.pdf [última consulta realizada, 08/04/2017] Real Decreto 1125/2003, de 5 de septiembre, por el que se establece el sistema europeo de créditos y el sistema de calificaciones en las titulaciones universitarias de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional. BOE, nº 224, 18 de Septiembre de 2003. Disponible en solidado.pdf [última consulta realizada, 08/04/2017] Recursos en internet Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos (RUCT). Disponible en: [última consulta realizada, 08/04/2017] Articulos en revistas Sanjuan y Herrero (2008). La coordinadora de Asociaciones de Archiveros y su posición respecto a los estudios universitarios de archivística, en Revista d’arxius, n. 7, 2008, pp. 195-204. Coordinadora de Asociaciones de Archiveros, 2008. Propuesta de directrices para el título Máster en Archivística y gestión de documentos, en Revista d’arxius, n. 7, 2008, pp. 205-244. SUMMARY The 46 countries that signed the Bologna declaration committed to take the necessary measures so as to have an European Higher Education Area (EEES) by the year 2010. The aim was to reach convergence and comparability amongst universitary European Systems. This would facilitate employability, mobility, and the recognition of Uni- versity degrees across all Europe. With the aim of having the EEES, Spain developed legislations to regulate its hi- gher education. Therefore, Spain has a Royal Decree-law 1393/2007, passed October the 29th, by which a new framework of official higher university education was stablished. Previously, the organic law 4/2007, April the 12th, and the organic law, 6/2001, December 21st, of universities, had set the basis for a profound modernisation of Spanish University. The Royal Decree-law, 1509/2008, September 12th, in charge of regulating the Register of Universities, Centres and Titles (RUCT); and through the Royal Decree-law 1125/2003, September 5th, the Eu- ropean System of credits was stablished, as well as the qualifications system in university titles, with official recogni- tion and validity for all across the National territory. According to the RUCT, Official current University Masters, published in the State´s Official Bulletin (BOE), somehow relating to the Archival Science and Records Manage- ment are seven: University Master in Archives and Records Management by the Autonomous University of Bar- celona (Esaged Centre); University Master in Libraries, Archives and Digital continuity of the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M); University Master in Documentation, Archives and Libraries of the University of Alcalá; University Masters in Documents and Books. Archives and Libraries of the University of Sevilla; University Ma- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 78 Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO: Los Máster Universitarios oficiales sobre Archivística y Gestión de Do- cumentos en España curso 2017/18, 63-78 sters in Advanced Studies in Museums, Archives and Libraries of the University of A Coruña; University Masters in Records Management, Libraries and Archives of the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM); and Univer- sity Masters in Records Management, Transparence and Access to Information of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Esaged Centre, AUB). In Spain, in 2008, there were three universities offering Higher Sudies in Archi- ves and Records Management, although none of these had then the official recoginiton of a University Master Degree. These were the University of Sevilla, The University Carlos III of Madrid, and the Autonomous Universi- ty of Barcelona in the Esaged centre. In 2008, two years prior to the final deadline for the stablishment of the Eu- ropean Higher Education Area, the journal “Revista d’Arxius de la Associació d’Arxivers i Gestors de Documents Valencians” published a monography addressing – among others- studies and reports by the Coordinator of Archi- ves Associations of Spain. These had the goal of showing the profile and education of archivists and record mana- gers. From this monography, we stress a main idea: the need for specific training in Archives and Records Manage- ment. The cited monography did also show a document by the Coordinator, entitled “Proposal of guiding principals for the Master Title in Archives and Records Management” (“Propuesta de Directrices para el título de Máster en Archivística y Gestión de Documentos”). From it, as for its interest and currency, three suggestions are transmit- ted: a list of specific competences, the core subjects and contents, and a list of the professional profiles of those with that Masters Degree. In table 1 of the text, for each Masters Degree Title, the url is offered, where detailed infor- mation can be obtained. This includes year of implementation, the modality and the number of European credits. From it, a number of points can be concluded. With regard to the modalty, out of the seven Masters offered, four are presential, four semi-presential, and just one online. The duration of six of those masters takes a course (60 ECTS), and just one is two courses long (120 ECTS). Regarding the year of implementation, there are three Ma- sters that started in the 2010/11 course (Sevilla y UCM y and the presential one of two courses of the UAB-esa- ged); Alcalá did it in 2014/15 and the one from A Coruña and the online from UAB-esaged in 2015/16. Next course (2017/2018) will start the one of the UC3M. It is not the aim of this article studying the evolution of these masters; but rather, this study could shed light on the following question: ¿which are the reasons that have made some Masters move from a Specific Master on Archives and Records management, to a non-specific Master, com- bined with other disciplines?; or Which are the reasons from others to start from the very first course as an inter- disciplinar title? Even though other reasons can not be discarded, related with a current offer not matching the current needs, it is also reasonable to think in an unsufficient students demand. In Table 2 the study plans of each of the Masters are offered. By doing so, details on the structure, subjects, type and ECTS are given. With regard with the final thesis of the seven analysed Master Titles, in the two titulations of the esaged, the TFM have 15 ECTS. the UCM, 13 ECTS and the other four, 6 ECTS. Meanwhile, if we focus on external practices, only two Masters have mandatory ECTS, the one of the two courses of esaged, that are ten ECTS, and the 6 ECTS of A Coruña. The ECTS are optional in other two, the one of Alcalá (9 ECTS) and the one of Sevilla (2 ECTS). Exter- nal practices are not part of the studiesplans in three Masters; the online one of the esaged, the one of UCM, and the UC3M. Bearing in mind that the coordinator highlighted the need of a specific and exclusive training in Ar- chives and Records Management, and that this need is shared; table 3 has been elaborated, with the objective of analysing the proportion of archival contents and records management in each of the subjects. Looking at these data, it can be seen that only in two of the offered titles, in the two of esaged, training is not shared with other di- sciplines, namely, is specific and exclusive (differently to the other five). Likewise, on the offered ECTS with Archi- val and Record management content, only in two occasions, again in the two titles of esaged, this contents compri- ses a 100%. The next title with higher archival contents is the title of the University of Sevilla, with a 55%. Regarding these three Masters, in our opinión, the one of the University of Sevilla is good at Paleography and History of the Institutions; but the global content might be unbalanced in favour of these two subjects. On the contrary, in the UAB-Esaged, a subject on Paleography is missing. Furthermore, the language used in this master - 80% in Catalan -, may not faciliate a higher students demand. The Masters in Records Management, Transparence and Access to Information, of the UAB-Esaged, is the only one online, but is directed to people with previous professional expe- rience. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 09.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 79 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives Ana-Felicia DIACONU, Ph.D. lecturer Facultatea de Arhivistică (Faculty of Archival Science), Academia de Poliţie “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Ale- ea Privighetorilor, nr. 1-3, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania e-mail: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives ABSTRACT The profession of archivist is part of the regulated professions in Romania which implies setting up the responsibi- lities specific to the profession by the regulatory authority, i.e. the Romanian National Archives. This reality over- laps its own functioning law, which imposes the National Archives` mission and precise responsibilities. This pa- per envisages the way in which the training of archivists is carried out in Romania starting from the legal framework governing the profession, the content of the professional standard for the archival profession, and continuing with those developments in the Romanian contemporary society which clearly indicate the need to establish a training programme adapted to the current requirements of the profession. Key words: training, education, archivist, Romania, electronic archives La formazione degli archivisti in Romania: sfide, limiti e prospettive SINTESI La professione di archivista fa parte delle professioni regolamentate in Romania, e implica l’individuazione delle responsabilità specifiche da parte dell'autorità di regolamentazione, cioè l’Archivio nazionale rumeno. Questa re- altà si sovrappone alla legge di funzionamento, che impone missione e precise responsabilità dell'Archivio Nazio- nale. Il testo illustra il modo in cui la formazione degli archivisti viene articolata in Romania, a partire dalla cornice giuridica che disciplina la professione, il contenuto dello standard professionale per la professione archivistica e prosegue con quegli sviluppi della società contemporanea romena che indicano chiaramente la necessità di istituire un programma di formazione adeguato alle attuali esigenze della professione. Parole chiave: formazione, istruzione, archivista, Romania, archivi elettronici Izobraževanje arhivistov v Romuniji: izzivi, omejitve in perspektive IZVLEČEK Poklic arhivista spada v Romuniji med regulirane poklice, kar pomeni, da regulativni organ, to je Romunski držav- ni arhiv, določi odgovornosti, specifične za poklice. Ta realnost se prekriva z arhivskim zakonom, ki določa nalage Državnega arhiva in njegove pristojnosti. Avtorica v prispevku obravnava izvajnje usposabljanja arhivistov v Ro- muniji, izhajajoč iz pravnega okvira, ki ureja poklic in vsebine strokovnega standarda arhivskega poklica v Romu- niji. Nadaljuje s prikazom razvoja romunske sodobne družbe, ki jasno kaže na potrebo vzpostavitve programa usposabljanja, ki bo prilagojen trenutnim zahtevam poklica. Ključne besede: usposabljanje, izobraževanje, arhivist, Romunija, elektronski arhivi Formarea arhiviştilor în România: provocări, limite şi perspective REZUMAT Profesia de arhivist face parte din categoria profesiilor reglementate din Romania fapt care presupune stabilirea competenţelor specifice profesiei de către autoritatea de reglementare, Arhivele Naţionale. Această realitate se su- prapune pe legea proprie de funcţionare a Arhivelor Naţionale, care fizează misiunea instituţiei şi atribuţiile speci- fice. Lucrarea de faţă are în vedere modul în care se realizează pregătirea arhiviştilor din România, pornind de la ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 80 Ana-Felicia DIACONU: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives, 79-86 cadrul juridic de reglementare a profesiei, conţinutul standardului profesional pentru ocupaţia de arhivist şi continuând cu acele evoluţii din planul societăţii româneşti contemporane care indică cu claritate necesitatea con- figurării unui program de pregătire adaptat la cerinţele actuale ale profesiei. Cuvinte-cheie: pregătire, educaţie, arhivist, România, arhive electronice The archival profession has experienced in the last decades developments marked by major changes occurring in the society as a whole, under the impact of the progress of modern technologies and the way these have influenced the social and cultural practices. Various theoretical and analytical contributions have highlighted altogether the impact of these radical changes upon the archival theory and practice as emerging documents have changed their nature / features. (Ketelaar, 2007, p. 27; Delmas, 1993, p. 171; Delmas, 2001, pp. 25-37; Rumschöttel, 2001, pp. 143-155). Dollar (1992) includes among the technolog- ical imperatives that affect the traditional archival landscape three aspects: 1. The change in the form of documents; 2. The change of working methods, and 3. The changing in technology. Redefining the archival thinking in the context of the information society and adapting the archi- vists` training needs to the new realities cannot ignore the way the archivists` mission is regulated from a societal perspective, through the tasks set out in the specific legislation. Despite the globalization of the archival science (Ketelaar, 2004, pp. 14-15) and that the professional challenges may be, to some extent, the same regardless of country, each society establishes individually the importance and functions of the Archives, configuring the mandate of the archivists’ professional body and its action parameters. Starting from these premises the archival training framework should also be defined, in a 21st century where the society`s expectations are much influenced by the perspectives offered by the information and communi- cation technologies, where the constraints in space, time and environment plummeted considerably. Our research considers the way in which the training of archivists in Romania is carried out, star- ting from the profession`s implementation regulatory framework and continuing with those develop- ments in the contemporary Romanian society that clearly indicate the need to adjust a training program- me adapted to the current requirements of the profession. 1 Legal framework The legal framework which regulates the archival activity in Romania is represented by the Natio- nal Archives Law No. 16/1996, republished in 2014. The republished version of the law includes supple- menting notes to the original text from 19961 prepared during 2013 and in the previous years, but does not contain amendments regarding the personnel training in the archival field. According to art. 3 (1) of the Law 16/1996, republished, the Romanian National Archives carries out ‘the management, supervision and special protection of the National Archival Fonds’ comprising in this category `official and private, diplomatic and consular records, memoirs, manuscripts, proclama- tions, callings, posters, sketches, maps, filmstrips and other such evidences, seal matrixes as well as physi- cal and electronic photographic and audio-visual recordings of historical value created in Romania or by Romanian creators abroad` (art. 2). The listing of these documents` categories indicates the mainstream, even exhaustive approach of the types of documents with historical value found in the regulatory scope, and the different medium of documents with historical value belonging to the National Archival Fonds (both the traditional ones represented by paper, parchment, etc., and those represented by other storage media). Currently in Romania a large portion of archives is still generated on paper. Regarding the mana- gement of these physical records/archives, the legislation in force provides viable solutions both in terms of the archival processing algorithm and of the requirements of professional development training by 1. The Law (1996) was subsequently supplemented and amended by the Law 358/2002 amending and supplementing the Law on the National Archives; the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 39/2006 amending and supplementing the National Archives Law, approved with ammendments by Law no. 474/2006; Law no. 329/2009 on the reorganisation of some public authorities and institutions, rationalisation of the public expenditure, business support and respect the framework agreement with the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund; Law no. 138/2013 amending and supplementing the National Archives Law No. 16/1996. 81 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Ana-Felicia DIACONU: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives, 79-86 virtue of a local tradition that preserved over time. Thus, looking on how this profession is performed, the republished Law 16/1996 comprises the role of the Romanian National Archives in the management and special protection of the National Archival Fonds (Chapter II) and defines how the following activi- ties are executed: the physical and intellectual control, selection, and deposit of permanent records at the National Archives, the storage and use of documents that are part of the National Archival Fonds. The legal provisions are buoyed by the Working Instructions concerning the archival activity at the creators and holders of records approved by the National Archives` management since 23rd May 1996. They very clearly indicate what staff with archival responsibility should do, and respectively know concerning the archives from the institutions creating and keeping documents. Performing specialised control on how the creators meet their obligations under the law in force, archivists have the necessary overview in term of staff knowledge and competences. Art. 32 of the National Archives Law provides that ‘the training, certification and vocational trai- ning of specialised personnel working in the National Archives, as well as employees of the other archi- ves` creators and keeper’s units are done through the Faculty of Archival Studies and the National Scho- ol Archival Vocational Training`2, institutions responsible also, at a reasonable level, for the professional development needs in the spirit of those mentioned above. According to its organisational structure, meaning that it functions as a higher education institution, the Faculty of Archival Science, along with other higher education institutions that have included in their curricula the archival qualification, provi- des initial training in archives, acknowledging the fact that the profession of archivist is part of the regu- lated professions` category in Romania3. The regulated profession is a professional activity or group of professional activities, access to which, the pursuit of which, or one of the modes of pursuit of which is subject, directly or indirectly, by virtue of legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions to the pos- session of specific professional qualifications. The National Archives is the competent authority that regulates the professional recognition of qualifications for archivist and archival clerk professions. Specifically, the occupational standard establi- shes what a person must know and be able to do to be considered competent in the workplace. Occupa- tional standards include a detailed description of tasks, knowledge and skills needed for an effective per- formance at the workplace, under legal responsibilities. They are reference documents for higher education institutions since there is an intrinsic connection between education, research and practice, i.e. the labour market. With a view to the archives filed, the occupational standard for the archivist profession - official since 20134 - defines the professional specific competencies for all those who undertake archival duties within the Romanian National Archives, as well as within other public and private organisations, as fol- lows: 1. Development of working instruments 2. Coordination of archives creation and its management 3. Determination of historical and practical value of documents 4. Coordination of conservation activities in repositories 5. The use of archives 6. Electronic records management. Nevertheless, the minimum level of education mandatory to accede to the profession is graduating with a bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields: language and literature, applied modern languages, history, cultural studies. This illustrates the basic preparation and clarifies the current national response of the professional body with a view at the ‘electronic information revolution’, as Bearman calls it (1994). The first five units of competence specific to the archivist profession are prominently folded on the current regulatory framework and on the content of the theoretical and practical curricula for becoming a qualified archivist. In connection with the electronic records management skill looms the great challen- ges concerning the transition to electronic records whose share will increase in the local institutional framework, in so far as it is not already a living reality. To illustrate more precisely the current back- 2. Regarding the activity of these institutions, see Diaconu (2009), Chelaru (2013), Cheşcă (2014). 3. As per Law No. 200/2004, with subsequent amendments and supplements. 4. The proposed date for reviewing the content was set for November 2016, but this failed to materialise. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 82 Ana-Felicia DIACONU: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives, 79-86 ground is sufficient to note that, in parallel with the National Archives Law, a legislation relating to the electronic records was developed. This includes: Law No. 455/2001 on electronic signature, the e-com- merce Law No. 365/2002; Law on the archiving of electronic documents (No. 135/2007); Decision No. 1130/2008 on the technical and methodological norms for applying Law no. 135/2007, Order no. 493/2009 on the technical and methodological rules for the enforcement of Law No. 135/2007 on electronic archiving of documents, etc. The regulatory and supervisory authority in the field of electronic archiving and its service provi- ding is the Ministry of Communications and Informational Society (MCIS)5, the forum that endorses the implementation of information and communication technology in all sectors, according to the natio- nal strategies. The paradox is that, according to the main law governing the electronic archiving of records (art. 2 of Law 137/2007) ‘the archival processing activities of electronic documents is in compliance with the National Archives Law No. 16/1996, subsequently amended and supplemented`, although the latter contains provisions applicable to the electronic archiving to a very insignificant extent. Following the evolution of the legal acts relating to this issue it can be seen that concerning the methodological rules for the application of electronic archiving law, as they were conveyed in 2008, it was confirmed that `the electronic archiving of documents is governed by the same rules applicable for paper-based documents and falls under the provisions of the archival law in force`6. One year later, the Order of the Ministry of Communications and Information Society recorded that `checking compliance with the Law 135/2007 as well as with this order falls under the Ministry`s rasponsibilities, which shall act through the control personnel authorised for this purpose (Art. 4 (1) ). We recall in this context that according to art. 2 of Law 16/1996, republished, the category of documents that are part of the National Archival Fonds inclu- des also the `electronic records with historical value’, whose management, supervision and special pro- tection is provided by the Romanian National Archives. Lacking a well-defined legal framework in a coherent manner that should clarify the duties of the institutions or organisations in regard to the electronic records management, and perceived in accordan- ce with the tasks and mission of the Romanian National Archives, the immediate consequences are felt in several areas: a) The first is directly related to the need to adjust the training of archivists, whether we refer to the initial or continuing training, on the basis of a clear curricula generated in terms of roles and obligations as set out by the legislation, in such a way as to be similar to the method applied to the traditional archi- ves. Archivists cannot ignore the challenges raised by the creation of the digital content without assuming major risks in terms of loss of relevant information in relation to present, to which they should ensure long-term preservation. The way in which the specific competence on electronic archiving is described in the current form of the archivists` occupational standard, the content of the respective training based on the encompassed competence elements, emerges in very general terms and without concrete origins that should exist in the law governing the field. According to them, the archivist: 1. creates electronic databases ... in accordance with the technical specifications of the law, 2. Analyses the physical archive (in order to clearly define the rules for documents scanning and taking into account the specific requirements of working with electro- nic archive or retrieval of information), 3. Captures documents, 4. Indexes the digital information, 5. Archives the stored information. b) Configuration of the training framework: In a first instance, this can be done by establishing a closer link between the academic institutions and professional body so as to enable the transfer of knowledge between theory and practice, and to redu- ce the lack of skills that are directly related to the technological development and new professional requi- rements. Otherwise, the immediate risks affecting the professional status and the way the profession is performed are revealed in taking over and tackling the challenges outlined by the digital revolution of other professional groups (Kallberg, 2012, p. 39). For instance, IT professions are increasing their profes- 5. Decision 1130 of 2008 established as the regulatory and supervisory authority in the field of electronic archiving the Na- tional Communications Authority, regulation which seized to be incorporated into the Order 493/2009, where the Ministry of Communications and Information Society is mentioned.. 6. The provision is reproduced identically in Order 493/2009, under Art. 12. 83 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Ana-Felicia DIACONU: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives, 79-86 sional influence and positions within the strategic e-government work. Both sides could benefit in the context in which the academic institutions would accomplish a better linkage of skills achieved during the learning process with the actual requirements of the profession and would go thorough, in return, the transformation from the traditional approach of archival science regarding the history and anxillary sciences of history towards one focused more on new technologies and the digital environment. This transitional phase is undertaken, in fact, also by universities from abroad concerning the profile and con- tent of specialised archivistics studies (Ryantová, Wanner, 2014, pp. 153-154; Marosz, pp. 141-147).The practitioners may consider that the academic institutions could provide: 1. An already existing infra- structure necessary to create postgraduate courses or programmes designed to help building the skills that are required to be developed, 2. Presentations of good practices and/or successful projects in terms of professional training within the framework of some international scientific events, or 3. the possibility to engage within EU funded projects dedicated to the education and vocational training segment, and that should target a better relationship between the initial and continuing training, the creation of a metho- dology and the appropriate tools for such a professional strategy. The second option - by creating an adequate framework for continuous professional training wi- thin the National Archives or endorsed by professional associations. We consider courses customized especially for archivists, based on the training needs identified in the archives system starting from the evaluation of outcomes in performing the duties and specific objectives, from the changes in the regula- tory framework, or the emergence of such strategic documents capable of influencing the activity, or even from requests from the archivists themselves. Self-training, even though it plays an essential role in any kind of training activity, is not sufficient and must be accompanied by ways to improve the vocational training so as the practitioners are able to establish that set of available and generally applicabale rules and operational processes. These should be applied in their own sequence, at different stages in the archival activities applied to the content and structure of the electronic records or of the electronic document and records management systems etc. Once these guidelines are configured, they should be transposed into an official form acknowledged by the institutions. Then they should clearly create the regulatory framework of all related activities and processes to the electronic records and to the digital environment in general. 2 The political agenda and its effects on the content and nature of the future archives Outside the legal framework envisaged so far in the present study, it is compulsory to consider the political factor when we refer to the prospect of the future archives and to those called upon to manage them. Apparently, this does not directly, but rather implicitly influence the process of creating the new archives as a result of the strategic documents underlying public policy. Looking back and giving the evolution occurred over the last years in Romania, we find that since September 2003, the concept of e-government - the use of the information technology by the govern- ment, the parliament and the public institutions in relation to their citizens - started to be present in the public speech and got materialized in the form of the National Electronic System which was launched back then7. The public information system aimed to use the electronic technology in communication, the creation and implementation of automated information systems, and in the development of the state`s information infrastructure. The evolution of e-government systems was assumed by all government programmes that succee- ded each other, and included, inter alia, the gradual transition of database creation, configured into the information systems. The development was determined in all countries by legislative measures related to the public administration`s services offered online, which coincided with the rapid evolution of the In- ternet. The first step was to swap the solutions used for paper to the electronic formats, but in time gover- nments have developed massive aggregations of information that no longer have the characteristics of traditional documents, and which will have to be assessed and managed from an archival perspective by the practitioners. Ensuring the interoperability between these databases is a challenge in itself as well. Even though currently the e-government solutions for improving the efficiency of the public admi- 7. For process reconstitution see et alii e.g. electronic payment system of taxes (eTax), electronic procure- ment (SEAP): ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 84 Ana-Felicia DIACONU: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives, 79-86 nistration in Romania are underdeveloped8, the European Commission estimating that ‘the digitisation of the public administration has been slow and fragmented’, the current political agenda contains the digital convergence among one of the major aspirations of the information Society as an attempt to adapt to the objectives set by Europe 20209 and undertaken by Romania for the year 2020. The priority is to continue with the implementation of the “Digital Agenda” (integration of the Romanian ICT market within a strong and coherent European market), namely achieving the goals set in the National Digital Agenda for Romania in 2020 approved in February 201510. For meeting the benchmarks set by the Digi- tal Agenda for Europe 2020, it is mandatory to allow priority for the investments the ICT field. Thus, through the government programme it is estimated that `it is required to intervene extensi- vely and enable all fields of action concomitantly to ensure synergies between the administrative reform and the introduction of e-government modern concepts, social e-inclusion, promoting innovation and developing the infrastructure for digital services, implementing programmes and actions intended to in- crease the security of activities in ICT ... as well as developing strategies and programms to increase the use of tools of the information society in all areas (reducing the gap with other countries on the contribu- tion of ICT in the development and modernisation of the society), developing local ICT industry espe- cially in software production’ (2020 Programme, p. 117). As a natural consequence, the Ministry of Communications and Informational Society (MCIS) is implementing a series of projects designed to achieve the objectives assumed by Romania in the European framework11. Among them, the one that envisages a major impact at national level on how to structure and function the electronic public services is represented by the creation of the National Interoperability Framework (CNI). This reference document is currently under public debate and is addressed to all tho- se involved in defining, designing or implementing the electronic national public services. In addition to promoting a standardized approach for the implementation of information services and applications and ensuring the interoperability across Romanian borders (within EU borders), the project is particularly important as it addresses, inter alia, principles related to the need of long-term preservation of electronic records, as appropriate also to formulate a single policy for long-term storage of electronic data, especially for information which is routinely shared between public services and for information that is shared across borders, especially data registries (CNI 2016, p. 17). All those listed so far demonstrate the validity of technological imperatives affecting the traditional archival landscape, mentioned at the beginning, respectively: The change in the form of documents, change of working methods, and finally the changing in technology. 3 Conclusions In light of these foreseen developments, the issue arises to what extent the changes in society are found in the content of current and forthcoming training of archivists. The present study revealed the relatively high gap between the existing regulatory framework governing the management of electronic records and the lack of clear understanding of the responsibilities or how these should be applied by ar- chivists when looking at digitally born archives. Things are not simple at all from this perspective because although the archiving of electronic documents is regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Commu- 8. According to the Country Report for 2016 available at ro.pdf). 9. One of the priority themes is the creation of a ‚Digital Agenda for Europè to speed up the rollout of high-speed internet and reap the benefits offered by a digital single market. (EUROPA 2020, p. 6). 10. ‘The National Strategy regarding the Digital Agenda for Romania - 2020’ was developed by the Ministry for Information Society. The document takes over and adapts to the Romanian context the items of the Digital Agenda for Europe, one of the seven flagship initiatives of Europe 2020. The Digital Agenda sets out the major role that the use of information and commu- nication technology (ICT) will have to play in achieving the objectives of Europe 2020. The text defines four areas of action: 1. E-Government, Interoperability, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing and Social Media - field which aims to increase effi- ciency and reduce costs in the public sector in Romania by modernising the administration; 2. ICT in education, culture and health - the field which aims to support these technologies at sectoral level; 3. ICT in e-commerce, as well as research, devel- opment and innovation in ICT - area which aimes at Romania’s regional comparative advantages, and supports the econom- ic growth in the private sector; 4. Broadband and digital infrastructure services - area aimed at ensuring the social inclusion. (Strategia 2020, p. 14). 11. These are broadly presented on the Minstry s̀ website at: 85 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Ana-Felicia DIACONU: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives, 79-86 nications and Informational Society - purely technologically speaking - the Romanian National Archives has responsibilities in the management and special protection of the National Archival Fonds which also contains `electronic records’ with historical value. The lack of consistency in the legislation is likely to delay the set up of a well-definite content and training adapted to the needs of the current archivist pro- fession, which increasingly requires a more serious information component applied to the field. Although there is still room for discussion on how to create a structural training, in terms of its content, without completing the current legislative framework, things cannot evolve positively in such a way as to be able to confirm an appropriate professional status. References Bearman, D., (1994). Electronic evidence, strategies for managing records in contemporary organiyations. Pittsburg: Archives&Museum Informatics Chelaru, R. (2013). Paradigms and Perspectives of Archival Education in Romania After 1989, in Atlanti. Review for modern archival theory and practice, Vol. 23 (2013), N. 2, Trieste-Maribor, pp. 127-134 Cheşcă, I. (2014). Professional Training in Archives Studies in Romania: Current Status and Development Per- spectives, in Atlanti. Review for modern archival theory and practice, Vol. 24 (2014), N. 2, Trieste-Maribor, pp. 195-203 CNI 2016. Cadrul Naţional de Interoperabilitate. Available online at id=2150 (accessed 15 February 2017) Kallberg, M. (2012). Archivists-A Profession in Transition? Professions &Professionalism., volume 2, No. 1, pp. 27-41. Available online at: (accessed 15 February 2017) Ketelaar, E., (2004), Time future contained in time past. Archival science in the 21st century. Journal of the Japan Society for Archival Science 1, pp. 20-35 [Japanese translation ibidem, pp. 4-19]. Disponibil online la: cf.hum.uva. nl/bai/home/eketelaar/timefuture.doc (accessed 15 February 2017) Ketelaar, E., (2007), L’archivistique dans le monde actuel. Revista arhivelor (Archives Review), Nos. 3-4, 2007, pp. 9-21. Available online at: 2007/03%20ketelaar,%20eric.pdf (accessed 15 February 2017) Instrucţiuni (1996). Instrucţiuni privind activitatea de arhivă la creatorii şi deţinătorii de documente, aprobate de conducerea Arhivelor Naţionale prin Ordinul de zi 217 din 23 mai 1996 - Working Instructions (1996) concern- ing the archival activity at the creators and holders of records approved by the National Archives` management through the Daily Order 217 from 23rd May 1996 Legea (1996). Legea Arhivelor Naţionale nr. 16/1996, republicată în “Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei”, Partea I, nr. 293 din 22 aprilie 2014. - The Law (1996). National Archives Law No. 16/1996, republished in the Romanian Official Journal, Part 1, no. 193 from 22 April 2014 Legea (2001). Legea privind semnătura electronică nr. 455 din 18 iulie 2001 publicată în “Monitorul Oficial al României”, Partea I, nr. 429 din 31 iulie 2001(republicată în “Monitorul Oficial al României”, Partea I, nr. 316 din 30 aprilie 2014). - Law (2001). Law on electronic signature No. 455 / 2001 from 18 July 2001 published in the Romanian Official Journal, Part 1, no. 429 from 31 July 2001 (republished in the Romanian Official Journal, Part 1, no. 316 from 30 April 2014) Legea (2007). Legea privind arhivarea documentelor în formă electronică nr. 135 din 15 mai 2007 publicată în “Mo- nitorul Oficial al României”, Partea I, nr. 345 din 22 mai 2007 (republicată în “Monitorul Oficial al României”, Partea I, nr. 138 din 25 februarie 2014). - Law (2007). Law on the archiving of electronic documents No. 135/2007 from 15 May 2007 published in the Romanian Official Journal, Part 1, no. 345 from 22 May 2007 (republished in the Romanian Official Journal, Part 1, no. 138 from 24 February 2014) Delmas, B., (1997). Archival science and information technologies. Information handling in offices and archives (réd. Angelika Menne-Haritz), Munich Delmas, B., (2001), Archival Science facing the Information Society. Archival Science, 1, 2001, p. 25-37 Diaconu, A.-F., (2009). Education of Romanian Archivists Between Current Necessities and Dynamics of Archi- val Field. Pokrajinski Arhiv Maribor, Teknični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, (Tech- nical and Field Related Problems of Traditional and Electronic Archiving) 8. Zbornik referatov dopolnilnega izo- braževanjia s področij arhivistike, documentalistike in informatike v Radencih, 25-27 marec 2009, pp. 119-127 Dollar, C. M. (1992), Archival theory and information technologies. Macerata: The University of Macerata ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 86 Ana-Felicia DIACONU: Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives, 79-86 Programul 2020. Programul de guvernare 2017-2020, Bucharest 2017, 176 p. Availabe online at: http://www. (accessed 20 February 2017) EUROPA 2020, O strategie europeană pentru o creştere inteligentă, ecologică şi favorabilă incluziunii. Availabe at: (accessed15 February 2017) Marosz, M., (2014). Archival Education. in Atlanti. Review for modern archival theory and practice, Vol. 24 (2014), N. 2, Trieste-Maribor, pp. 141-147 Ryantová, M.- Wanner, M., (2014). Between tradition and Innovation: The State, Problems and Prospects of the Teaching of Archival Science in the Czech Republic. in Atlanti. Review for modern archival theory and practice, Vol. 24 (2014), N. 2, Trieste-Maribor, pp. 149-158 Rumschöttel, H., (2001), The Development of Archival Science as a Scholarly Discipline, Archival Science, vol.1, pp. 143-155 Strategia 2020. Strategia Naţională privind Agenda Digitală pentru România - 2020 (National Stategy on Digital Agenda for Romania), 159 p. Available online at: la-agenda-digitala-pentru-romania-20202c-20-feb.2015.pdf (accessed 22 February 2017) SUMMARY The archival profession has experienced in the last decades developments marked by major changes occurring in the society as a whole, under the impact of the progress of modern technologies and the way these have influenced the social and cultural practices. Among the technological imperatives that affect the traditional archival landscape three aspects are considered very important: 1. The change in the form of documents; 2. The change of working methods, and 3. The changing in technology. Redefining the archival thinking in the context of the information society and adapting the archivists` training needs to the new realities cannot ignore the way the archivists` mis- sion is regulated from a societal perspective, through the tasks set out in the specific legislation. Our research con- siders the way in which the training of archivists in Romania is carried out, starting from the profession`s imple- mentation regulatory framework and continuing with those developments in the contemporary Romanian society that clearly indicate the need to adjust a training programme adapted to the current requirements of the profes- sion. Although the archiving of electronic documents is regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Communica- tions and Informational Society - purely technologically speaking - the Romanian National Archives has responsi- bilities in the management and special protection of the National Archival Fonds which also contains electronic records’ with historical value. The lack of consistency in the legislation is likely to delay the set up of a well-definite content and training adapted to the needs of the current archivist profession, which increasingly requires a more serious information component applied to the field. The evolution of e-government systems was assumed by all government programmes that succeeded each other, and included, inter alia, the gradual transition of database creation, configured into the information systems. Although there is still room for discussion on how to create a structural training, in terms of its content, without completing the current legislative framework, things cannot evolve positively in such a way as to be able to confirm an appropriate professional status of archivits. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 08.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 87 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 O studiju moderne arhivistike u Hrvatskoj Željka DMITRUS, M.Phil. arhivistica, specijalistica za starije arhivsko gradivo, Državni arhiv u Zagrebu, Opatička 29, Zagreb, Hrvatska e-mail: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia ABSTRACT By definition, archival science is a set of knowledge about archival material and archival activity. Archival scienceis a young science because it has been developing for the past hundred years. More recently, theory, practice and methodology have been formed. When we talk about archival material, we need to know that it’s not just a pile of old paper preserved in the dark archive storage rooms. Archival material is a record in continuity - from the mo- ment it is created, until the moment someone searches for that record. Today it is a common belive that archives are the memory of society and a part of cultural heritage. Today, documents are mostly generated in electronic form. From a practical point of view, modern archival science deals with answers to contemporary issues such as: How to organize digitalisation of archival material? How to keep digital content in the long run? How to organize digital archives? How to care for data security? These are just some questions that will have to be answered by the generations that come - young archivists. To be able to protect contemporary archives for the future we will have to find abwers to above questions, than only by protecting the present we will be able to preserve it for the future. Key words: archival science, science, study, digitization, future Studiare l'archivistica moderna in Croazia SINTESI Per definizione, la scienza archivistica è un insieme di conoscenze inerenti l'attività ed il materiale d'archivio. La scienza archivistica è una scienza giovane perché si è sviluppata negli ultimi cento anni. Più recentemente, si sono formate teoria, pratica e metodologia. Quando si parla di materiale d'archivio, bisogna sapere che non si tratta solo un mucchio di carte vecchie conservate nei bui locali di deposito. Il materiale d'archivio è un dato in divenire - dal momento in cui viene creato, fino al momento in cui qualcuno cerca quel dato. Oggi è assodato ritenere che gli archivi siano la memoria della società ed una parte del patrimonio culturale. Inoltre, sempre più i documenti ven- gono generati principalmente in forma elettronica. Da un punto di vista pratico, la scienza archivistica moderna si occupa di rispondere ai problemi contemporanei quali: come organizzare la digitalizzazione del materiale d'archi- vio? Come conservare a lungo termine i contenuti digitali? Come organizzare gli archivi digitali? Come curare la sicurezza dei dati? Queste sono solo alcune delle domande che dovranno trovare risposta grazie alle generazioni future – i giovani archivisti. Per essere in grado di proteggere gli archivi contemporanei per il futuro, dovremo trovare soluzione a questi problemi perchè solo proteggendo il presente saremo in grado di preservarlo per il futuro. Parole chiave: scienza archivistica, scienza, studio, digitalizzazione, futuro Študiju sodobne arhivistike na Hrvaškem IZVLEČEK Arhivistika je po definiciji skupek znanja o naravi in posebnostih arhivskega gradiva in arhivske dejavnosti. Kot znanost je arhivistika mlada veda, saj se je razvijala v poslednjih stotih letih, v novejšem času pa je oblikovala svojo teorijo, metodologijo in prakso. Ko govorimo o arhivskem gradivu, ne smemo pozabiti, da to niso samo stari pa- pirji, ki se hranijo v marčnih arhivskih skladiščih - arhivsko gradivo je zapis v kontinuiteti: od trenutka, ko nastane, do trenutka, ko je dano na uporabo za različne raziskave. Danes pravijo, da je arhivsko gradivo spomin družbe i del kulturne dediščine, ki je zapisana v unikatni obliki, ta oblika pa je vedno bolj digitalna. Zato se sodobna arhivistika z vidika prakse poleg vprašanj, ki izhajajo s področja tradicionalne arhivistike, ukvarja z dogovori na povsem kon- kretna sodobna vprašanja, kot so: kako organizirati proces digitalizacije, kako dolgoročno ohraniti digitalno gradi- vo, kako organizirati digitalne arhive, kako zagotoviti varnost podatkov? To so samo nekatera izmed vprašanj, na ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 88 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 katera bodo morale znati odgovoriti nove generacije arhivistov, da bi se tem bolj ohranila sedanjost. Vemo, da je to prihodnost naših arhivov. Ključne besede: arhivistika, znanost, študij, digitalizacija, bodočnost O studiju moderne arhivistike u Hrvatskoj SAŽETAK Arhivistika je, po definiciji, skup znanja o naravni i značajkama arhivskog gradiva i arhivske djelatnosti. Kao zna- nost, arhivistika je mlada jer se razvija u posljednjih sto godina, a u novije vrijeme je oblikovala svoju teoriju, meto- dologiju i praksu. Kad se govori o arhivskom gradivu, treba imati na umu da to nisu samo stari papiri koji se čuvaju u mračnim arhivskim spremištima - arhivsko gradivo je zapis u kontinuitetu: od trenutka kad nastaje do trenutka kad je dan na korištenje za različita istraživanja. Danas se kaže da je arhivsko gradivo memorija društva i dio kultur- ne baštine, zapisane u unikatnom obliku a taj je oblik sve više digitalni. Stoga se moderna arhivistika, s praktične strane, uz pitanja koja proizlaze iz područja tradicionalne arhivistike bavi odgovorima na sasvim konkretna moder- na pitanja kao što su: Kako organizirati proces digitalizacije? Kako dugoročno čuvati digitalno gradivo? Kako orga- nizirati digitalne arhive? Kako osigurati sigurnost podataka? To su samo neka od pitanja na koja će nove generaci- je arhivista morati znati odgovoriti, kako bi se bolje očuvala sadašnjost. Znamo da je ona budućnost naših arhiva. Ključne riječi: arhivistika, znanost, studij, digitalizacija, budućnost 1 Uvod U radu će biti predstavljeni programi Preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija informacijskih znanosti i Diplomskog sveučilišnog studija informacijskih znanosti, smjer: arhivistika. Suočeni s novim načinima stvaranja dokumentacije, primorani smo učiti nove, suvremene i primje- rene načine za čuvanje novonastalog gradiva. Tradicionalna arhivistika je na brojnim kongresima, stručn- im i znanstvenim savjetovanjima, dala temeljne vrijednosti novoj arhivistici. No, učenje tu ne bi trebalo prestati. O tome se promišljalo u trenucima nastanka studijskog programa na smjeru: arhivistika. U radu će biti predstavljen studijski program, iz kojega će proizaći ponuđena rješenja za probleme u kojima se struka može naći u ovom „vremenu između dva vremena“. Mladi arhivisti uče o novim metodama očuv- anja tradicionalne arhivistike. 2 Povijest nastanka odsjeka Na nekadašnjem studiju Disciplina prevladavalo je mišljenje da se studij ne treba odvijati na di- plomskoj razini, jer se za obavljanje poslova u knjižnicama i arhivima mogu dobiti kvalitetni kadrovi kroz praksu te pripremom i polaganjem stručnog ispita. Informacijska pismenost je tada podrazumijevala ra- zumijevanje i vještine vezane za tehnologiju papira, organizacije i pretraživanja vezanih za papirnate kata- loge kao alate za pretraživanje. Danas znamo da se u informacijsku pismenost ubraja i rad na računalu. Stoga postaje jasno da samo stručni ispit ne može obuhvatiti praktična znanja. Tada počinje školovanje prvih informacijskih stručnjaka na diplomskoj razini. Godine 1981. spajaju se dvije katedre koje će kasnije činiti jezgru studija informacijskih znanosti. Profesor László, kao pročelnik najmlađeg odsjeka na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, dosta rano upozorava na činjenicu da dolazi vrijeme u kojem će se računala primjenjivati u svim područjima i da je potrebno ljude pripremiti za takva znanja i vještine. Tako, po uzoru na američke programe, na stu- diju okuplja profesore različitih područja koja sadržajima podupiru kurikulum studija. U početku su to bili profesori s elektrotehnike, matematike te vanjski suradnici iz institucija (knjižnica, arhiva, muzeja). Predmeti na kojima se temeljio studij bili su iz računarskih sustava, numeričkih postupaka, umjetne inte- ligencije, strojne obrade jezika, operacijske analize, numeričke matematike, statističkih metoda, računa vjerojatnosti i algebarske logike. Krajem 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, studij informacijskih znanosti dijeli se na smjerove: arhivi- stika, bibliotekarstvo, muzeologija i opća informatologija. Danas Odsjek ima sedam katedri: Katedru za 89 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 arhivistiku i dokumentalistiku, Katedru za bibliotekarstvo, Katedru za društveno-humanističku infor- matiku, Katedru za knjigu i nakladništvo, Katedru za leksikografiju i enciklopedistiku, Katedru za medije i komunikologiju, Katedru za muzeologiju i upravljanje baštinom i Katedru za organizaciju znanja. Katedra za arhivistiku i dokumentalistiku je usmjerena znanstvenim istraživanjima vezanima uz suvremenu arhivističku paradigmu. Glavne teme koje obuhvaća su digitalizacija, upravljanje elektro- ničkim dokumentima i zapisima, informacijskim izvorima i sustavima, uspostava digitalnog arhiva, dugo- ročno očuvanje elektroničkog gradiva i slično. Članovi Katedre uključeni su niz znanstveno-istraživačkih projekata. Ostvarene su suradnje na IPA projektu Heritage Live u okviru prekogranične suradnje Slove- nija – Hrvatska, s europskom koordinacijskom inicijativom DPE, s Međunarodnim centrom za arhivska istraživanja ICARUS, te na znanstveno-istraživačkom projektu InterPARES Trust. (Lasić-Lazić, 2013., str. 43) 3 Program preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija informacijskih znanosti Preddiplomski studij informacijskih znanosti moguće je upisati jednopredmetno i dvopredmetno. Prva godina preddiplomskog studija I. semestar Jednopredmetno Dvopredmetno Osnovne informacijske tehnologije Osnove informacijske tehnologije Uvod u informacijske znanosti Uvod u informacijske znanosti Matematika Engleski za informacijske stručnjake Logika za informatičare Matematika Engleski za informacijske stručnjake Logika za informatičare Medijska kultura Medijska kultura II. semestar Organizacija znanja Baštinske institucije Osnove komunikacijske tehnologije Osnove bibliotekarstva Algoritmi i strukture podataka Uvod u arhivsku teoriju i praksu Računalne mreže Organizacija znanja Baštinske institucije Osnove komunikacijske tehnologije Osnove bibliotekarstva Uvod u obradu prirodnog jezika Uvod u arhivsku teoriju i praksu Engleski za informacijske stručnjake Uvod u obradu prirodnog jezika Algoritmi i strukture podataka Računalne mreže ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 90 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 Druga godina preddiplomskog studija III. semestar Jednopredmetno Dvopredmetno Baze podataka Baze podataka Obrada teksta i jezika Obrada teksta i jezika Uvod u računalnu sintezu govora Spisovodstvo Spisovodstvo Bibliografska organizacija Bibliografska organizacija Uvod u muzeologiju Uvod u muzeologiju Uvod u računalnu sintezu govora Povijest knjiga i knjižnica Povijest knjiga i knjižnica Povijest arhiva Povijest arhiva Osnove informacijske pismenosti Osnove informacijske pismenosti Digitalne obrazovne knjižnice Digitalne obrazovne knjižnice Osnove Web dizajna Objektivno i vizualno programiranje IV. semestar Multimedijski prikaz znanja Klasifikacijski sustavi Vjerojatnost i statistika Sređivanje i opisivanje arhivskog gradiva Objektivno i vizualno programiranje Multimedijsk prikaz znanja Klasifikacijski sustavi Opća teorija baštine Sređivanje i opisivanje arhivskog gradiva Vjerojatnost i statistika Opća teorija baštine Objektivno i vizualno programiranje Osnove digitalne obrade teksta i slike Osnove digitalne obrade teksta i slike Web servisi Napredno programiranje Web aplikacija 91 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 Treća godina preddiplomskog studija V. semestar Jednopredmetno Dvopredmetno Jezični inženjering Informacijski izvori i služba Strojno prevođenje Osnove upravljanja muzejskim zbirkama Jezične baze podataka Jezični inženjering Zaštita podataka Vrednovanje arhivskog gradiva Teorija informacijskih znanosti Uvod u formalne jezike i automate Pretraživanje obavijesti i obrada prirodnih jezika Dokumentacija u muzejima Informacijski izvori i služba Strojno prevođenje Osnove upravljanja muzejskim zbirkama Jezične baze podataka Vrednovanje arhivskog gradiva Zaštita podataka Dokumentacija u muzejima Digitalne zbirke Digitalne zbirke Pretraživanje obavijesti i obrada prirodnih jezika Osnove informacijske pismenosti Obrada prirodnog jezika Digitalne obrazovne knjižnice Osnove informacijske pismenosti - Digitalne obrazovne knjižnice - Teorija informacijske znanosti VI. semestar Osnove upravljanja informacijskim institucijama Osnove upravljanja informacijskim institucijama Kriptologija Zaštita knjižničnog i arhivskog gradiva Zaštita knjižničnog i arhivskog gradiva Osnove zaštite muzejskih zbirki Osnove zaštite muzejskih zbirki Digitalna knjižnica Digitalna knjižnica Kriptologija Programiranje Web 2.0 aplikacija Objektno-orijentalna analiza i razvoj aplikacija Objektno-orijentalna analiza i razvoj aplikacija Po popisu kolegija, postaje jasno da student Odsjeka za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti dobiva jednu širnu u području kulture i informatičke pismenosti. Osnovna razlika između jednopred- metnog i dvopredmetnog studija je ta da se u obveznim predmetima jednopredmetnog studija uglavnom nalaze predmeti koji daju osnovna znanja za stvaranje digitalnog sadržaja i manipulaciju njime, dok se u obveznim predmetima dvopredmetnog studija nastoji studente upoznati s različitim djelatnostima u kul- turi na tradicionalan način. Naravno, zahvaljujući izbornim kolegijima, studenti se opredjeljuju prema željama i sposobnostima. Na kraju preddiplomskog studija, možemo dobiti identičan program za jednopredmetne i dvopredmetne studente – oni koji su jednopredmetni mogu birati predmete koji su vezani za npr. arhivistiku: Uvod u arhivsku teoriju i praksu, Sređivanje i opisivanje arhivskog gradiva, Kla- sifikacijski sustavi, Spisovodstvo, Povijest arhiva, i Vrednovanje arhivskog gradiva. Jednako tako, iz dvo- predmetnog studija, možemo dobiti stručnjaka koji odabire izborne predmete iz područja digitalizacije i programiranja: Algoritmi i strukture podataka, Računalne mreže, Uvod u računalnu sintezu govora, Objektivno i vizualno programiranje, Napredno programiranje Web aplikacija, Osnove Web dizajna, Stroj- no prevođenje, Jezične baze podataka itd. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 92 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 U razdoblju od 1991. do 2012. na Odsjeku je diplomiralo 670 studenata pred-bolonjskog studija. (Lasić-Lazić, 2013., str. 227) Prema raznovrsnim izbornim kolegijima, studenti se, pri nastavku studija opredjeljuju za užu spe- cijalizaciju, birajući smjerove: • Arhivistika • Bibliotekarstvo • Informatika – istraživački i nastavnički • Informatologija • Muzeologija. Program diplomskog sveučilišnog studija informacijskih znanosti - smjer: arhivistika Na temelju završenog preddiplomskog studija i jasnije slike o informacijskim znanostima, brojni studenti odabiru upravo arhivistiku kao užu specijalnost za nastavak studija. Kao i na preddiplomskom, studenti mogu birati između jednopredmetnog i dvopredmetnog diplomskog studija. Prva godina diplomskog studija Jednopredmetno Dvopredmetno I. semestar Povijest institucija u Hrvatskoj Povijest institucija u Hrvatskoj Informacijski izvori i sustavi u arhivima Informacijski izvori i sustavi u arhivima Digitalizacija i migracija dokumenata Digitalizacija i migracija dokumenata Programiranje baze podataka Baze podataka u internetskom okruženju Upravljanje informacijama i znanjem Programiranje baze podataka Baze podataka u internetskom okruženju Upravljanje informacijama i znanjem Društveno-humanistička informatika Društveno-korisno učenje u informacijskim znanostima Uvod u leksikografiju Društveno-humanistička informatika Prikaz rječničkog znanja Uvod u leksikografiju - Prikaz rječničkog znanja 93 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 II. semestar Arhivsko zakonodavstvo Arhivsko zakonodavstvo Digitalni arhivi Digitalni arhivi Sustavi za organizaciju znanja Sustavi za organizaciju znanja Epistemologija informacijskih znanosti Digitalizacija 3D objekata i prostora Digitalizacija 3D objekata i prostora Epistemologija informacijskih znanosti Računalna obrada povijesnih tekstova Računalna obrada povijesnih tekstova Druga godina diplomskog studija Jednopredmetno Dvopredmetno III. semestar Planiranje i oblikovanje sustava za upravljanje gradivom Planiranje i oblikovanje sustava za upravljanje gradivom Upravljanje i poslovanje u arhivima Upravljanje i poslovanje u arhivima Projektiranje informacijskih sustava Projektiranje informacijskih sustava Sustavi za označavanje i pretraživanje Sustavi za označavanje i pretraživanje Upravljanje baštinom Upravljanje baštinom Uvod u leksikografiju Društveno-korisno učenje u informacijskim znanostima Prikaz rječničkog znanja Uvod u leksikografiju - Prikaz rječničkog znanja IV. semestar Metapodaci za upravljanje gradivom Metapodaci za upravljanje gradivom Zaštita elektroničkog gradiva - Računalna obrada povijesnih tekstova - Iz programa diplomskog studija arhivistike vidljiva je težnja za stručnjacima 21. stoljeća, koji će osim vrijednih tradicionalnih znanja u potpunosti razumjeti gradivo u nastajanju o kojem će budući na- raštaji skrbiti. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 94 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 Sredinom prošlog stoljeća, postojala su dva tipa arhivista: oni koji su bili osposobljeni za samostal- no rješavanje svih pitanja arhivske službe na terenu i oni koji su osposobljeni za poslove pretvaranja regi- straturnog gradiva u arhivsko gradivo. (Rastić, 1997., str. 46) Glavni preduvjet za očuvanje fizičkih dokumenata je čuvanje gradiva u optimalnim uvjetima. Da bismo mi danas imali što čuvati, netko prije nas morao je paziti na pohranu, organizaciju i očuvanje. Ono što mladi arhivisti danas uče je pohrana, organizacija i očuvanje dokumenata koji nastaju u elektroničkom obliku. Dok mislimo da pripremamo struku za budućnost, pripremamo ju za današnjicu, jer je doba digi- talnih dokumenata već duže naša sadašnjost. U razdoblju od 2010. do 2013. na Odsjeku je diplomiralo 116 studenata bolonjskog studija. (La- sić-Lazić, 2013., str. 243) 4 Poslijediplomski doktorski studij Odlukom znanstveno-nastavnog vijeća Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 21. studenoga 1990. godine Filo- zofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu dobiva ovlasti da može dodjeljivati doktorat znanosti iz polja infor- macijskih znanosti (Kritovac, 1991., str. 129). Doktorski studij se izvodi pod nazivom Studij informaci- jskih i komunikacijskih znanosti, a temeljni cilj je znanstveno usavršavanje studenata. U razdoblju od 1990. do 2012. godine, doktorske disertacije obranilo je 156 doktora znanosti. (Lasić-Lazić, 2013., str. 40) 5 Kompetencije Studenti se osposobljavaju za oblikovanje, uporabu, održavanje, zaštitu, čuvanje i odabiranje (elektroničkih) arhivskih dokumenata, vođenje sustava (elektroničkog) upravljanja dokumentima i sa- mostalnu obradu i upravljanje arhivskim gradivom. Sposobni su samostalno oblikovati i voditi digitaliza- cijske projekte. Akademski naziv po obrani diplomskog rada jest: magistar/magistra informacijskih zna- nosti (mag.inf.). 6 Mogućnost zapošljavanja Diplomirani arhivisti se ne moraju nužno zaposliti u tradicionalnim arhivima. Akademskim nazi- vom-magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti (mag.inf.) se osigurava šira pokrivenost informacijskih znanosti - ne samo arhivistike. Sve više magistara se zapošljava u baštinskim institucijama i svima onima koji imaju potrebu za organizaciju i obradu (elektroničkih) dokumenata, a zapošljavaju se na mjestima koja su odgovorna za oblikovanje i upravljanje spisovodstvenim sustavima. Osposobljeni su za vođenje i rad na digitalizacijskim projektima, kao i za dugoročno očuvanje elektroničkog gradiva. Suvremeni razvoj i uvođenje elektroničke uprave i elektroničkog poslovanja potrebu za stručnjac- ima u procesu upravljanja dokumentima, što arhivisti diplomirani na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu zasigurno jesu. 7 Zaključak Promjene u društvu su dalekosežne i brojne struke se moraju prilagoditi novim tehnologijama i novim načinima poslovanja. Arhivistika kao struka nije iznimka, upravo suprotno. Na temelju studijskog programa koji je predstavljen u radu, možemo zaključiti da će nadolazeći kadrovi itekako biti spremni za izazove s kojima se naša struka susreće. Odlična pokrivenost svih spektara djelatnosti baštinskih ustanova daje nam nadu da će budući naraštaji od povijesne istine biti udaljeni svega par klikova. Osvijestili smo da je proizvodnja elektroničke dokumentacije već neko vrijeme naša sadašnjost, a kako je „nit vodilja“ arhivske struke sačuvati gradivo za nadolazeće generacije, organizatori studija mogu na svaki izvedeni kolegij biti ponosni, jer su pravi čuvari buduće povijesti. 95 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Željka DMITRUS: Studiing Modern Archival Science in Croatia, 87-95 Literatura Kritovac, D. (1991.) Doktorska disertacija iz informacijskih i srodnih znanosti na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu: 1972.- 1990. Informatologija 23 Lasić-Lazić, J. (2013.) Odsjek za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Zagreb, Zavod za informacijske studije Rastić, M. (1997.) Oblici izobrazbe arhivista u Hrvatskoj. Arhivski vjesnik, 40, str. 43-55 Opis studija i kolegija (2017). Dostupno na stika-i-dokumentalistika (03.05.2017) SUMMARY There are big changes in society and many professions have to adapt to new technologies and new ways of doing business. Archival science is no exception as it must adapt to new technologies. Based on the study program presen- ted in the paper, we can conclude that the new generation of archivists will be ready for all the challenges that ar- chivists are already facing. The great coverage of all areas of cultural institutions gives us hope that future resear- chers from the historical truth will be far only a few clicks away. We have realized that the production of electronic documentation has for some time been our present. The effort of our profession is to preserve the material for the future. The organizers of archival studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb can be proud of each course. They are indeed true protectors of history. Tipology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 22.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 97 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji Marija GRABNAR, Dr. arhivistka, višja svetovalka, Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Zvezdarska 1, SI - 1000 Ljubljana e-mail: Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ, Prof. dr. konservatorko-restavratorska in znanstvena svetnica, vodja Centra za konserviranje in restavriranje Arhiva Repu- blike Slovenije, Zvezdarska 1, SI - 1000 Ljubljana e-mail: Education in the Field of Preservation and Conservation of Archival Heritage in Slovenia ABSTRACT In describing the work carried out at the Book and Paper Conservation Centre of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of education, emphasis is given on cases that have shaped conservator and archivists and sub- stantially influenced their current professional profile. Key words: education, preservation, conservation, restoration, archival heritage La formazione nel campo della salvaguardia e conservazione del patrimonio archivistico in Slovenia SINTESI Nel descrivere il lavoro svolto presso il Centro per la conservazione del libro e della carta della Repubblica di Slo- venia in materia di istruzione, vengono presentati i casi che hanno formato conservatori e archivisti e sostanzial- mente influenzato il loro attuale profilo professionale. Parole chiave: istruzione, conservazione, restauro, patrimonio archivistico Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji IZVLEČEK Pri opisu opravljenih izobraževanj na področju preventive in kurativa arhivske dediščine, ki jih je organiziral Cen- ter za konserviranje in restavriranje Arhiva Republike Slovenije so poudarjena tista, ki so oblikovala konserva- torje-restavratorje in arhiviste ter bistveno vplivala na njihov današnji strokovni profil. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, kurativa, preventiva, konserviranje, restavriranje, arhivska, dediščina 1 Uvod Center za konserviranje in restavriranje od leta 1980 deluje v okviru Arhiva Slovenije kot posebna organizacijska enota. Njihovo delo lahko označimo za interdisciplinarno in skupinsko, pri čemer izposta- vimo, da so posamezne zvrsti obravnavane specialno, kot na primer knjižne vezave, deloma tudi foto- grafsko gradivo in načrti na prosojnih papirjih. Vsi delovni postopki, razen posebej organiziranih naravo- slovnih raziskav na naravoslovno tehniških fakultetah ali inštitutskih ustanovah, so izvajani na eni sami ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 98 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varo- vanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 lokaciji, v prostorih Gruberjeve palače na Zvezdarski ulici 1, kjer je tudi sedež Arhiva Republike Sloveni- je. Tu se steka gradivo matičnega arhiva, regionalnih arhivov in številnih drugih javnih in zasebnih skrb- nikov pisne in grafične kulturne dediščine, ki čaka na ustrezno konservatorsko-restavratorsko obravnavo. Skrb za pisno kulturno dediščino na papirju in pergamentu je sestavljena iz mnogo preventivnih in kurativnih konservatorsko-restavratorskih opravil, ki se med seboj prepletajo in dopolnjujejo, za kar je potrebno izobraževanje in stalno sledenje razvoju strok, ki so z njo povezane1. Izobraževanje, ki je temelj tega napredka, je vredno vse naše pozornosti, še posebej, ker pridobi- vanje teoretičnih znanj in praktičnih veščin za to strokovno področje v Sloveniji ni formalizirano. Še zmeraj ni organiziranega, rednega izobraževanja konservatorjev-restavratorjev pisne kulture dediščine na univerzitetnem nivoju, kot je na primer restavratorjev likovnih del od leta 1996 na Oddelku za konserva- torstvo na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani (internet 1). Omenimo papredavanja na Oddelku za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo Filo- zofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Osnove o zaščiti in restavriranju knjižničnega gradiva) v letih 1997-2013 in na samostojni visokošolski ustanovi Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center Maribor, na magistrskem študijskem programu Arhivistika in dokumentologija (Varstvo arhivskega in dokumentar- nega gradiva) od leta 2014 dalje, ki so namenjena oblikovanju poklicev(arhivistov, dokumentalistov, bi- bliotekarjev in sorodnih profilov), ki so tako ali drugače v stiku s arhivskim gradivom in drugo pisno kulturno dediščino. (Klasinc, 2015, str. 57-62) 2 Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja Center že vseskozi izvaja postopke, ki jih štejemo za preventivne, oz. vse tiste, ki oblikujejo politiko materialnega varovanja nasploh. Pomembna so izobraževanja, razčlenjevanja posameznih področij pre- ventive v strokovnih prispevkih in publikacijah ter konkretna svetovanja v danih primerih. Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič in Tatjana Rahovsky Šuligoj v Arhivu Republike Slovenije že več kot dve desetletji sodelujeta na zakonsko predpisanih izobraževanjih delavcev, ki delajo z dokumentarnim gradivom2. Glede na število izobraževanj (6 na leto s približno 25-30 udeleženci) lahko sklepamo, da so bila osnovna znanja o načinu varovanja dokumentarnega gradiva pred poškodbami, uničenjem in izgubo posredovana že lepemu številu delavcev, ki delajo z dokumentarnim gradivom. Morda lahko v tej luči razumemo tudi hitro reševanje poplavljenega gradiva Zavoda Republike Slovenije za transfuzijsko medi- cino3 s strani Arhiva Republike Slovenije leta 2010, ki ga je spodbudila prav uslužbenka Zavoda, ude- leženka takšnega izobraževanja. 3 Izobraževanja na področju konserviranja in restavriranja Vzroke, da v Sloveniji nimamo formalnega izobraževanja za konservatorje-restavratorje pisne in grafične dediščine, smemo deloma iskati v majhnem številu konservatorjev-restavratorjev pisne kulturne dediščine na Slovenskem (komaj kaj več od ducata jih lahko naštejemo) in v slabi možnosti zaposlitve, prav tako pa tudi v majhnem številu strokovnjakov, naših in tujih, ki bi specifična znanja obvladali in jih posredovali mlajšim kolegom. Pridobivanje znanj na praktično-teoretičnih seminarjih in delavnicah je zato precej običajen način izobraževanja restavratork-konservatork Centra za konserviranje in restavriranje Arhiva Republike Slo- venije. Posamično ali skupinsko, doma in na tujem se jih udeležujejo že več kot dve desetletji. Seminarje bi lahko razvrstili po trajanju (lahko so krajši - nekaj dnevni ali daljši - eno, dvo ali večtedenski), po obra- vnavanih tematikah, po vrednosti težko. Nenavadna znanja so namreč vprašljiva le površnemu ocenjeval- cu, konservatorji-restavratorji jih ocenjujejo za potrebna in specialna. V obdobju 2006-2016 so se ude- ležili blizu 40 seminarjev, od tega 7 v tujini. 1. Pričujoči prispevek je povzet iz prispevka Marije Grabnar » Zgodovina Centra za konserviranje in restavriranje Arhiva Republike Slovenije, 2016, str. 188-203. 2. Zahtevana znanja so danes predpisana s Pravilnikom o strokovni usposobljenosti za delo z dokumentarnim gradivom, Uradni list RS št. 66/2016. 3. Poročilo o stanju gradiva Zavoda za transfuzijsko medicino in priporočila za nadaljnje ravnanje z dne 29. 9. 2010 (št. 62510- 60/2010/4). Stalna zbirka ARS. 99 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 Da si ustvarimo jasnejšo sliko, posezimo v začetke 90. let prejšnjega stoletja, ko je Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič, vodja Centra za konserviraanje in setavriranje ARS iskala možnosti izobraževanj za mlado eki- po konservatork-restavratork in strokovnjake, ki bi bili specialna znanja in veščine pripravljeni posredo- vati. Dva sta se odzvala vabilu, Mariborčanka Karmen Čorak Rinesi, diplomantka Fakultete za grafično tehniko v Zagrebu, zasebna konservatorka-restavratorka papirnih objektov, tedaj delujoča v Rimu, in dr. Christopher Clarkson (internet 2; Vodopivec, 2009, str. 399-401), vrhunski poznavalec in restavra- tor-konservator srednjeveških kodeksov in knjižnih vezav, pisec in eden najbolj citiranih avtorjev s tega področja. (Bell, 2001, str. 71-84) Ker je njuno znanje v temeljih spremenilo njihovo dotedanje delo in postavilo smernice, ki jim še danes sledijo, jih naštejmo. Teoretično praktični seminarji Karmen Čorak Rinesi: 1993: Specialne tehnike restavriranja in konserviranja papirja I, 20.-25. december 1994: Specialne tehnike restavriranja in konserviranja papirja II, 26. junij-1. julij (Slika 1) 1995: Specialne tehnike restavriranja in konserviranja papirja III, 30.-31. januar 1996: Specialne tehnike konserviranja in restavriranja papirja IV, 10.-12. julij 1997: Restavriranje in priprava umeščanja likovnih del v paspartu in priprava za trajno hrambo I, 10.-14. februar 1998: Restavriranje in priprava umeščanja likovnih del v paspartu in priprava za trajno hrambo II, 9.-10. Marec Slika 1: Udeleženke seminarja pod vodstvom Karmen Čorak Rinesi junija 1994 v Arhivu Republike Slovenije, z leve proti desni: Lucija Planinc, Karmen Čorak Rinesi, Stanka Grkman, Mateja Kotar, Nataša Višnikar, Marjana Cjuha (Foto: CKR ARS) Slika 2: Udeleženci seminarja o mehkih pergamentnih in papirnih vezavah s Christopherjem Clarksonom v sredini, novembra 2008, pred vhodom stavbe Arhiva Republike Slovenije (Foto: CKR ARS) Teoretično praktični seminarji Christopherja Clarksona: 1997: Poznogotske vezave z lesenimi platnicami, 20.-30. oktober 1998: Mehke pergamentne vezave, 30. november-11. december 1999: Minimalni konservatorski-restavratorski posegi, 8.-19. november 2000: Konstrukcija po meri izdelane zaščite za hrambo arhivskega, knjižničnega gradiva in vstavlja- nje pergamentnih listin in fragmentov v paspartu, 16.-27. oktober 2002: Konserviranje in restavriranje fotoalbumov, 8.-29. november ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 100 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varo- vanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 2005: Minimalni konservatorski posegi na poznogotskem kodeksu in inkunabuli, 10-25. oktober 2008: Mehke pergamentne in papirne vezave (sodelovanje Jacquesa Brejauxa, strokovnjaka za ročno izdelavo papirja, 3.-14. november) (Slika 2) 2010: Izdelava pozno srednjeveške vezave, 8.-19. november (mednarodna udeležba) Tako sistematičnega in kontinuiranega izobraževanja z vrhunskimi strokovnjaki Center poslej za- radi finančnih razlogov ni organiziral. Bila so krajša ali pa so se jih udeležile le posamične konservator- ke-restavratorke na tujem. Na tem mestu je treba izpostaviti tritedenski praktično-teoretični seminar, ki ga že vse od leta 2007 pod okriljem visokošolskih ustanov, muzejev, knjižnic in arhivov v obliki poletne šole organizira Razisko- valni center Ligatus (Ligatus University of Arts London) (internet 3). V Ljubljani je bil v sodelovanju z Arhivom Republike Slovenije organiziran v jesenskih mesecih leta 2014. (Slika 3) Strokovnjaki svetovne- ga slovesa so udeležence učili spoznavati in protokolirati arhivske in knjižnične knjižne vezave. Znanje in veščine so jim nudili prof. dr. Nicholas Pickwoad (internet 4), direktor centra, univerzitetni profesor, predavatelj, vrhunski poznavalec evropskih knjižnih vezav, avtor mnogih publikacij, od leta 2006 pa vo- dja projekta ohranjanja zgodnjekrščanskih rokopisov knjižnice enega najstarejših samostanov na svetu, Sv. Helene na Sinaju (St. Catherine’s Library Conservation Project), potem dr. Athanasios Velios, nje- gov namestnik, strokovnjak informacijskih tehnologij, ki razvija programska orodja za popisovanje knjižnih strukturnih elementov, in dr. Georgios Baudalis, konservator-restavrator iz Muzeja bizantinske kulture v Solunu, vodilni strokovnjak in predavatelj bizantinskih in pobizantinskih vzhodno sredo- zemskih knjižnih struktur. (Slika 4) Slika 3: Nicholas Pickwoad med razlago strukture arhivske vezave, septembra 2014, v Nadškofijskem arhivu Ljubljana (Foto: Iva Gobić Vitolović) Slika 4: Udeleženci delavnice spoznavanja bizantinskih vezav z Georgiosom Baudalisom v sredini, oktobra 2014, na travniku pred Arhivom Republike Slovenije (Foto: Mateja Kotar) V teoretičnem in praktičnem smislu je za področje konserviranja in restavriranja fotografskega gra- diva pomembno izobraževanje Lucije Planinc. Ta zvrst je bila tudi zaradi pomanjkanja znanja pri nas re- dkeje ustrezno obravnavana. Pod pokroviteljstvom Gettyjevega inštituta (Getty Conservation Institut, GCI, Los Angelos) se je v letih 2008-2015 učila praktično in teoretično prepoznavati, obnavljati in vz- drževati ter celostno organizirati fotografske zbirke (Planinc, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015). Certifici- rano, z mentorji vodeno izpopolnjevanje, ki je bilo namenjeno izbranim kandidatom4 srednje, vzhodne in južne Evrope z dokazljivim predznanjem, je potekalo v obliki poletnih, nekajtedenskih seminarjev in praktičnih delavnic na slovaških, čeških, madžarskih in hrvaških visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanovah, muzejih, knjižnicah ter arhivih in z učenjem na daljavo. Kandidati so pod vodstvom vrhunskih stroko- vnjakov (npr. dr. Dušana Stulika (internet 5), Čeha po rodu, ki je slovensko strokovno javnost leta 2004 4. Iz Slovenije sta bili tega izobraževanja deležni dve konservatorki-restavratorki, poleg Lucije Planinc še višja restavratorka- konservatorka Narodne galerije Slovenije Tina Buh, ki si je delovne izkušnje v letih 2001-2003 pridobivala tudi v naši ustanovi. 101 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 opozoril na možnost tovrstnih izobraževanj, Anne Cartier Bresson, ki se je udeležila 1. mednarodnega simpozija Konserviranje knjig in papirja v Ljubljani leta 1997 (Cartier Bresson, 1997, str. 329-333), in dr. Bertranda Lavedrinea (internet 6), oba poznavalca in pisca temeljnih del s področja ohranjanja vizualnih zapisov) pridobivali specifična znanja, ki so jih dokazovali z opravljenimi praktičnimi in teoretičnimi nalogami, na primer Lucija Planinc s sestavo osnutka slovarja slovensko-angleških strokovnih izrazov s področja fotografske kulturne dediščine. Slika 5: Udeleženci seminarja o identifikaciji, restavriranju in konserviranju negativov, v Arhivu Republike Slovenije, septembra 2015, v sredini vodja seminarja Blanka Hnulikova (Foto: Lucija Planinc) Slika 6: Seminar o spoznavanju, konserviranju in restavriranju usnja, marca 2016, v Arhivu Republike Slovenije, na sredi vodja Márta Kissné Bendefy (Foto: Lucija Planinc) Tudi Blanka Hnulikova, restavratorka-konservatorka fotografij Nacionalnega arhiva v Pragi (Národni archiv) je obiskovala te seminarje, znanje pa v letih 2014-2016 na treh delavnicah v sodelovanju z Lucijo Planinc v Arhivu Republike Slovenije posredovala slovenskim in tujim strokovnjakom: o identi- fikaciji fotografij in njihovem materialnem varovanju, o postopnem konserviranju-restavriranju srebro- vo-želatinskih fotografij (2014), o zgodovini, identifikaciji (2015) (Slika 5) ter konserviranju-restavri- ranju negativov (2016). V ta okvir izobraževanj sodi tudi enotedenski praktično-teoretični seminar o konserviranju in re- stavriranju usnja, ki je prav tako potekal v Centru marca 2016. Vodila ga je Márta Kissné Bendefy, diplo- mirana inženirka kemije in konservatorska-restavratorka usnja iz Madžarskega narodnega muzeja v Bu- dimpešti in Oddelka za konserviranje in restavriranje Madžarske univerze za likovno umetnost, ki se že dolgo ukvarja s tem materialom, ključnim pri konserviranju in restavriranju starejših knjižnih vezav. (Slika 6). Logično nadaljevanje tovrstnih izobraževanj je bila pridobitev višjih strokovnih kvalifikacij na lju- bljanski univerzi. Najprej je Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič 10. junija 1999 končala doktorski študij na Od- delku za umetnostno zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani z disertacijo »Razvoj struktur v srednjeveških rokopisnih vezavah - soodvisnost s konservatorskimi in restavratorskimi posegi«. Blanka Avguštin Florjanovič je 26. februarja 2002 diplomirala na Oddelku za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko zna- nost in knjigarstvo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani z diplomskim delom »Popis knjižnih vezav na prime- ru 23 knjig iz frančiškanskega samostana Kostanjevica v Novi Gorici«, 21. junija 2011 pa je na Oddelku za restavratorstvo Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani zagovarjala magi- strsko nalogo z naslovom »Minimalni konservatorsko-restavratorski posegi na starejših knjižnih veza- vah«. Stanka Grkman je 12. novembra 2003 na Fakulteti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Ljubljani končala visokošolski strokovni študij z diplomskim delom »Vpliv vezivnosti škroba na posto- pek restavriranja papirja«. Nataša Petelin pa je 13. februarja 2012 na Oddelku za bibliotekarstvo, infor- macijsko znanost in knjigarstvo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani zaključila prvostopenjski bo- lonjski študij z diplomskim delom »Dopolnitev modela dokumentacije za evidentiranje konservatorsko-restavratorskih posegov na pisni in grafični dediščini«. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 102 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varo- vanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 3.1 Prenos pridobljenega znanja Konservatorke-restavratorke so že vse od leta 2003 lastna znanja prenašale na slovenske, pa tudi tuje udeležence tečajev. Tako jih je Blanka Avguštin Florjanovič na treh delavnicah (novembra 2003, marca 2005 in aprila 2013) učila modelirati kartonske zaščitne škatle po meri za hrambo občutljivih objektov. Na dveh enotedenskih tečajih (junija 2009 in novembra 2011) pa je udeležencem predstavila konserviranje in restavriranje knjižnih vezav 18. stoletja. (Slika 7) Slika 7: Udeleženci seminarja o restavriranju in konservi- ranju vezav 18. stoletja, junija 2009, v Arhivu Republike Slovenije, pod vodstvom Blanke Avguštin Florjanovič (Foto: CKR ARS) Slika 8: Seminar o identifikaciji črno-belih fotografij in izdelavi cianotipije pod vodstvom Lucije Planinc, junija 2015, v Arhivu Republike Slovenije (Foto: Mateja Kotar) Lucija Planinc je v letih 2014-2015 organizirala 8 praktičnih izobraževanj, kjer so se udeleženci učili identificirati črno-bele fotografije 19. in 20. stoletja in izdelovati cianotipijo. (Slika 8) Tatjana Raho- vsky Šuligoj pa je junija 2014 na enodnevni delavnici predstavila prosojne papirje, zaščito in konservi- ranje-restavriranje gradiva na njih. Drugi, nič manj pomembni način, je posredovanje znanj posameznim študentom dodiplomskega in podiplomskega študija s področja konserviranja-restavriranja pisne kulturne dediščine. V letih 2005- 2017 je 9 tujih študentov opravljalo večmesečne delovne prakse v Centru, med njimi tudi Iva Gobić Vi- tolović iz reškega državnega arhiva, ki se je leta 2008 ob magistrskem študiju na Oddelku za restavrator- stvo Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani štiri mesece pod somentorstvom Blanke Avguštin Florjanovič praktično izpopolnjevala na področju arhivskih knjižnih vezav. Pravzaprav je v tem kontekstu treba obravnavati vsa mentorstva dr. Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič v preteklem desetletju, na primer pri magistrskem študiju Andreje Dragojević, danes vodje Osrednjega la- boratorija za konserviranje in restavriranje pri Hrvaškem državnem arhivu v Zagrebu, Ive Gobić Vitolo- vić, vodje Oddelka za konserviranje in restavriranje pri Hrvaškem državnem arhivu na Reki, in Blanke Avguštin Florjanovič. Postopki restavriranja in konserviranja Dalmatinove Biblije in Slave vojvodine Kranjske so bili predstavljeni v dveh imenitnih dokumentarnih filmih, posnetih v sodelovanju z Izobraževalnim progra- mom Televizije Slovenija: leta 2013 »Biblija oživljena« (režiser Jadran Sterle) in leta 2015 »Valvasorje- va Slava« (režiserja Jadran Sterle, Tugo Štiglic). Svojevrsten dosežek v organizacijskem, še bolj pa v strokovnem pomenu, je izdaja petih zbornikov znanstvenih in strokovnih razprav, ki služijo tudi kot učbeniki za področje pre- ventive in kurative. V njih vrhunski tuji in domači strokovnjaki naravoslovnih in humanističnih usmeri- tev izpostavljajo različne načine reševanja kulturne dediščine. Naštejmo jih: 1997: Konserviranje knjig in papirja 103 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 2004: Razstavljanje arhivskega in knjižničnega gradiva ter likovnih del na papirju 2006: Pol sto- letja, Svetloba in kulturna dediščina 2009: Arhivski depoji v Sloveniji 2016: Konserviranje in restavriranje knjig in papirja 2 Prvi je odraz mednarodnega posveta ob 40-letnici delovanja in se osredinja na problematiko orga- niziranja varovanja dediščine v arhivih in bibliotekah, na reševanje ogroženega in poškodovanega gradiva ter vprašanja, povezana s popisovanjem gradiva ter strokovno terminologijio. Drugi se koncentrira na standarde materialnega varovanja pri razstavljanju različnih zvrsti pisne, grafične in likovne dediščine na pergamentu in papirju. Polstoletno delovanje Centra spet zaznamuje publikacija, ki je hkrati katalog opravljenega dela in zbornik s posveta o delovanju svetlobe na občutljive kulturne spomenike. Zbornik »Arhivski depoji v Sloveniji« je produkt vseslovenskega projekta, ki ga je s pomočjo Arhi- vskega društva Slovenije in tridesetih slovenskih arhivistk in arhivistov izpeljala Jedert Vodopivec To- mažič v letih 2007-2009. Pomemben je vsaj iz dveh zornih kotov - na podlagi enotne metodologije je bila prvič opravljena analiza stanja slovenskih arhivov, hkrati pa so predstavljeni konkretni napotki in pripo- ročila za reševanje zaznanih problemov. Zadnji zbornik zaokrožuje 60-letnico Centra in se vrača k proučevanju knjige in papirja. Med publikacijami, ki so koristne slehernemu skrbniku pisne kulturne dediščine, opozorimo na drobno knjižico, priročnik IFLA (Vodopivec, Urbanija, 2000), ki predstavi osnovna načela materialnega varovanja knjižničnega in arhivskega gradiva. Strokovnjakom pa so dobrodošli vsi omenjeni zborniki, ki sistematično rešujejo posamezna po- dročja materialnega varstva. 4 Zaključek Zaradi odsotnosti organiziranega visokošolskega izobraževanja za to strokovno področje na Slo- venskem skrbi Center za konserviranje in restavriranje Arhiva Republike Slovenije, ki je od koncu 20. stoletja dalje razvilo vrsto aktivnosti v obliki praktično-teoretičnih seminarjev, predavanj in drugih po- dobnih izobraževanj. Z organizacijo mednarodnih zborovanj, posebej z izdajo razprav v zbornikih, lastna znanja sooča s tujimi in domačimi izkušnjami. Če bi želeli opisati izobraževalno dejavnost Centra v nekaj potezah, bi poudarili naslednje: izvaja širok spekter preventivnih in kurativnih izobraževanj na področju arhivske ter druge pisne in grafične dediščine ter likovnih del na papirju,ne le za območje Slovenije, ampk se vsakič, če je le mogoče povezuje mednarodno . Viri in literatura Bell, N., Clarkson, C. (2001). Personal and professional reflections : a conversation with Christopher Clarkson. The Paper Conservator, 25 (1), str. 71-84. Cartier Bresson. A. (1997). Načrtovanje prednostnih nalog v pariškem konservatorskem laboratoriju. V: Vodopi- vec, J., Golob, N. (ur.): Konserviranje knjig in papirja: zbornik razprav, str. 329-333. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Čučnik-Majcen, N. (1997). Načrtno ali naključno? V: Vodopivec, J., Golob, N. (ur.): Konserviranje knjig in papirja : zbornik razprav, str. 77-82. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Grabnar, M. (1997). Razvoj osrednje slovenske konservatorsko-restavratorske delavnice za papir in pergament 1956-1996. V: Vodopivec, J., Golob, N. (ur.): Konserviranje knjig in papirja : zbornik razprav, str. 11-22. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike. Grabnar, M. (2006). Razvoj restavratorsko-konservatorske dejavnosti v Arhivu Republike Slovenije v obdobju 1995-2006. V: Vodopivec, J. (ur.): Pol stoletja, str. 12-18. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 104 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varo- vanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 Grabnar, M. (2016). Zgodovina Centra za restavriranje in konserviranje Arhiva Republike Slovenije. V: Vodopi- vec Tomažič, Jedert (ur.): Konserviranje knjig in papirja 2, str. 188-203. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Internet 1: ski-studij/ (dostop 17.8.2016). Internet 2: (dostop 17.8.2016). Internet 3: (dostop 17.8.2016). Internet 4: (dostop 17.8.2016). Internet 5: Dusan Stulik Retires: gcinews9.html (dostop 17.8.2016). Internet 6: (dostop 17.8.2016). Kadrovska evidenca Arhiva Republike Slovenije, Stalna zbirka ARS Klasinc, P. P. (2015). Magistrski študij arhivistike in dokumentologije v Sloveniji. V: VOLČJAK, Jure (ur.). Arhi- vi na razpotju : zbornik referatov : 27. zborovanje. str. 57-62. Ljubljana: Arhivsko društvo Slovenije. Letna poročila Arhiva Republike Slovenije, 1990-2015. Planinc, L. (2008). Poročilo o šolanju, namenjeno spoznavanju konserviranja fotografij in fotografskih zbirk v srednji, vzhodni in južni Evropi. Arhivi, 31 (2), str. 397-399. Planinc, L. (2009). Poročilo o nadaljevanju šolanja, namenjeno spoznavanju konserviranja fotografij in fotografskih zbirk v srednji, vzhodni in južni Evropi. Arhivi, 32 (2), str. 401-404. Planinc, L. (2010). Poročilo o nadaljevanju šolanja, namenjeno spoznavanju konserviranja fotografij in fotografskih zbirk v Srednji, Vzhodni in Južni Evropi, Bratislava 2010. Arhivi, 33 (2), str. 435-436. Poročilo o stanju gradiva Zavoda za transfuzijsko medicino in priporočila za nadaljnje ravnanje z dne 29.9.2010 (št. 62510-60/2010/4). Stalna zbirka ARS. Toplak, L., Klasinc, P. P., Semlič Rajh, Z. (2014). Archival education: the case of the Republic of Slovenia. Atlanti, Vol. 24, št. 2, str. 225-234. Trst, Maribor: Mednarodni inštitut arhivskih znanosti. Vodopivec, J. (2000). Vezave srednjeveških rokopisov : strukturne prvine in njihov razvoj. Ljubljana: Arhiv Repu- blike Slovenije. Vodopivec, J. (2005). Reševanje poplavljenega arhivskega in knjižničnega gradiva. V: Aristovnik, B. (ur.): Mesto v objemu voda, str. 83-98. Celje: Zgodovinski arhiv. Vodopivec, J. (2009). Izobraževanje o konserviranju in restavriranju knjižnih vezav 1996-2009. Arhivi, 32 (2), str. 399-401. Vodopivec, J. (ur.) (2004). Razstavljanje arhivskega in knjižničnega gradiva ter likovnih del na papirju : zbornik razprav. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Vodopivec, J. (ur.) (2006). Pol stoletja : zbornik prispevkov ob 50. obletnici delovanja Centra za konserviranje in re- stavriranje Arhiva Republike Slovenije in Interdisciplinarnem posvetu Svetloba in kulturna dediščina in katalog ob razstavi. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Vodopivec, J. (ur.) (2009). Arhivski depoji v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Vodopivec, J. (ur.) (2026). Konserviranje knjig in papirja 2. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije. Vodopivec, J., Golob, N. (ur.) (1996). Zapis in podoba : ohranjanje, obnavljanje, oživljanje : razstava Arhiva Repu- blike Slovenije ob 40-letnici osrednje slovenske konservatorsko-restavratorske delavnice za papir in pergament. Ljublja- na: Arhiv Republike Slovenije Vodopivec, J., Golob, N. (ur.) (1997). Konserviranje knjig in papirja : zbornik razprav. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije Vodopivec, J., Urbanija, J. (ur.) (2000). IFLA-načela za hrambo knjižničnega gradiva in ravnanje z njim. Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo 105 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Marija GRABNAR - Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ: Izobraževanja na področju materialnega varovanja, konserviranja in restavriranja arhivske dediščine v Sloveniji, 97-105 SUMMARY The Book and Paper Conservation Centre of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia is the central national con- servation workshop dedicated to written and graphic cultural heritage and fine arts on paper. The Centre works with various types of archival library and museum materials, primarily archival materials kept by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and Regional Archives, and, secondly, a wide variety of materials held by numerous public institutions and private custodians of the written cultural heritage. The six decades of the Centre’s existence, of which more than half have been within the Archives of Slovenia, may be divided into three periods, which reflect the position and general understanding of the conservation and restoration profession in Slovenia and in the wor- ld. The first period, entailing the initial impetus after the establishment of the Conservation and Restoration De- partment of the National Liberation Museum, now the National Museum of Contemporary History, in 1956, was followed by its gradual growth in the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, when it started to outgrow its existing operational framework. In that period, the Department was led by Ljudmila Krese, its first Head. There followed a period involving preparations for and completion of the Department’s merger with the Archives of Slovenia in 1980. This process was led by Nada Majcen, the subsequent Head of the Department. Together with the manage- ment of the Archives, she put into action a plan to have the Conservation and Restoration Department placed within the Archives; this idea had been supported by archivists already in the mid 1950s, but was not realised due to space limitations. The third period started in 1990, when the management of the Book and Paper Conservation Centre has been assumed by Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič. Her decisions and activities in various areas of conserva- tion and restoration work and education have significantly contributed to the high professional standards achieved by the Centre today. In describing the work carried out in the field of education, emphasis is placed on the cases that have shaped the archivists and conservators of written heritage and substantially influenced their current professional profile. The aspects of their practical, theoretical, curative, preventive, educational, and scientific work are linked and complement each other and most often form an indivisible whole. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 04.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 107 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya Cleophas AMBIRA, Ph.D. Kenya Association of Records Managers and Archivists e-mail: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya ABSTRACT This paper presents findings of a survey done in early 2016 on the preparedness of records and archives manage- ment (RAM) undergraduate students in Kenya to take up professional roles in records and archives management profession. The survey was conducted on the understanding that RAM in Kenya today demands well trained and nurtured talent especially in view of growing technological and professional issues in the field. Besides, there is in- creasing need for more robust and efficient RAM systems to serve needs for transparency and accountability. This requires a relook at the talent development of young RAM enthusiasts to ensure they are adequately repackaged to fit in the RAM world whilst remaining competitive in the global job marketplace. Key words: Talent management, training, records management, archives management, Promuovere il talento professionale nell’Amministrazione documentale ed archivistica in Kenya SINTESI Questa relazione presenta i risultati di un sondaggio condotto in Kenya all'inizio del 2016 sulla preparazione dei master universitari per la gestione di documenti ed archivi (RAM) per l’assunzione di profili professionali specifici nella professione di gestione. L'indagine è stata condotta con la consapevolezza che RAM in Kenya oggi richiede talenti ben formati soprattutto in vista delle crescenti questioni tecnologiche e professionali in materia. Inoltre c'è sempre più bisogno di sistemi RAM più robusti ed efficienti per soddisfare le esigenze di trasparenza e responsabi- lità. Ciò richiede un ripensamento dello sviluppo del talento di giovani appassionati di RAM per assicurarsi che siano adeguatamente aggiornati per adattarsi al mondo RAM pur rimanendo competitivi nel mercato del lavoro globale. Parole chiave: gestione del talento, formazione, gestione documentale, gestione degli archivi Negovanje strokovnih talentov pri upravljanju z dokumentarnim in arhivskim gradivom v Keniji IZVLEČEK V prispevku so predstavljene ugotovitve ankete, opravljene v začetku leta 2016, o pripravljenosti dodiplomskih študentov dokumentologije in arhivistike (RAM) v Keniji, da bi prevzeli poklicne vloge v dokumeentacijski in arhivski stroki. Raziskava je bila izvedena z razumevanjem dejstva da RAM v Keniji danes zahteva dobro usposo- bljene in negovane talente, zlasti zaradi vedno večjih tehnoloških in strokovnih vprašanj na tem področju. Poleg tega je vedno večja potreba po bolj robustnih in učinkovitih sistemih RAM-a, ki zagotavljajo transparentnost in verodostojnost. To zahteva novo razmišljanje o razvoju talentov na področju RAM-a, da bi zagotovili, da so ustrez- no pripravljeni, da se lahko vključijo v svet RAM, medtem pa ostanejo konkurenčni na globalnem trgu dela. Ključne besede: upravljanje talentov, usposabljanje, dokumentalistika, upravljanje z arhivi ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 108 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 1 Introduction & Background In 2014, the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA), which regulates higher education in the East African community reported that at least half (50%) of graduates of universities in East Africa are not suitable for employment (Nganga 2014; Ernest 2014). Specifically, the reported indicated that in Kenya 51% of graduates are unsuitable for job market, while Rwanda’s 52% and Burundi’s 55% were unsuitable for employment. Tanzania’s unsuitable graduates stood at 61% while Uganda was worst at 63%. The IUCEA study also reported that only 27% of employers felt confident with the graduates from East African universities while 47% were not confident (Mwangi 2014). In view of the findings of this study, the present survey sought to investigate how records and ar- chives management (RAM) graduates play within the scenario. If 51% of Kenya’s graduates are unsuit- able for employment, would it imply that 51% of Ram graduates are also unsuitable for the job market? The objective of this survey was to primarily find out how universities in Kenya offering training in RAM are preparing their students to fit in the RAM job market and make recommendations on how universities can strengthen their RAM training to ensure they produce competent, effective and market- able young professionals. Four reasons informed the conducting of this survey. First is the growing technological develop- ment in records and archives management, especially in e-records management, including digital ar- chiving, which is rapidly transcending many institutions in Kenya. This emergence of new technologies and solutions is demanding availability of well trained and prepared records and archives management experts to support organizations implement robust records management regimes. Second is increasing demand for efficiency and effectiveness in records management as emphasis on good governance, accountability and transparency becomes focus point for governments. In addition to this is implementation of e-government, a phenomenon that demands strong records management experts to facilitate. There is also the expansion of training opportunities and institutions in records and archives man- agement in Kenya. For many years only Moi University in Kenya offered undergraduate training in re- cords and archives management. In the last two years, several other universities have come up including Kenya Methodist University, Inoorero University, Kisii University and the Technical University of Ken- ya. Fourthly, with growing job opportunities around the globe in RAM, graduates are required to be crisp and thoroughly prepared to match their competitors from around the globe. Knowledge of RAM standards and ERM including digital preservation and archiving are key selling points for anyone looking for career opportunities across the globe. Whether graduates in Kenyan universities are well prepared is something worth investigating. 2 Background of the Survey The survey sampled a total of sixty one (61) fourth year university students specializing in RAM at Moi University, Kenya Methodist University (KEMU) and Kisii University College. These were fifty one students from Moi University, seven from KEMU and three from Kisii University College. The sur- vey limited itself to this group of students because they are specifically interested and being prepared to take roles in RAM. In addition the survey focuses on only undergraduates since they form the first line of professional development in RAM. Semi-structured questionnaires were issued to the students with the following nine questions: 1. What factors made you specialize in RAM? 2. At the time of specializing in RAM, were you aware of possible career lines in RAM? 3. Do you intend to build a career in RAM? 4. Do you intend to pursue further education in RAM? 5. What career path/area of specialization would you want to take in RAM? 109 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 6. On a scale of 1(weakest) - 5( very strong), how would you rate your competency in the fol- lowing areas: • Paper records management • Electronic Records Management 7. How many records management standards are you familiar with? Please specify. 8. Are you familiar with any Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) or Records Management System? If yes, please specify. 9. On a scale of 1(weakest) - 5(very strong), how would you rate your competencies in the fol- lowing ICT skills: i. Microsoft Office Suite ii. Computer networking iii. Computer programming These questions were specifically designed to address three aspects. Questions one to five focused on assessing students’ definition of career path in RAM. These questions sought to understand if studen- ts have a clear understanding of career paths in RAM even as they specialize in RAM. Question six and seven focused on assessing students’ knowledge base in RAM. Question seven for instance was specifically designed on appreciation of the fact that for students to be competitive and pro- ductive, they must be familiar with RAM standards. Knowledge of the existing RAM standards was dee- med a good measure of students’ knowledge base in RAM. Question eight was specifically included in appreciation of reality of e-records in organisations to- day. It was the premise of the survey that it is now critical that any graduate in RAM must have knowle- dge of RM systems and/or document management systems. In the last five years several organizations in Kenya have been implementing ERDMS or Document Management Systems (DMS) (Equity Bank, 2011; Kenya Roads Board, 2011; Kenya rural roads authority, 2011; Mumias Sugar Company, 2011; Ministry of Immigration, 2011; Ministry of Information, 2011). These companies will need to be sup- ported with expertise that has good understanding of these kind of systems. It therefore follows that RAM graduates who have good understanding on EDRMS or DMS are likely to have a competitive edge in the job market. The last question was to assess other technical skills that are now becoming critical for records ma- nagers and archivists. Computer literacy or especially proficiency in Microsoft Office suite is a minimum requirement in almost all jobs. Knowledge of computer networking is essential for records managers to understand the management of e-records in distributed environments, especially the security of informa- tion/records across computer networks. Computer programming is a skill that can help records mana- gers understand the design and operations of e-records systems and perform technical analysis of these systems, not necessarily to be programmers. 3 Survey Results 1. What factors made you specialize in RAM? With regard to reasons that informed the students’ decision to specialize in RAM in their final years, 42 students reported to have been driven by interest. Nine students indicated the availability of job opportunities as their driving force while eight indicated to have had no reason to specialize in RAM. One student cited her examination grades in previous years to have been the reason since she had perfor- med better in RAM courses. One other student reported to have been employed in a records manage- ment role which is why she chose to specialize in RAM. 2. Awareness of possible career lines in RAM On whether the students were aware of possible career paths in RAM at the point of specializing in RAM, the students’ responses were as indicated in Figure 1. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 110 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 3. Do you intend to build your career in RAM? Students were asked on whether they intend to build a career in records and archives management. Fifty seven of them (93%) indicated they intend build a career in RAM while four (7%) reported they do not intend to build a career in RAM. 4. Do you intend to pursue further education in RAM? Regarding whether the students would want to pursue further education in RAM, fifty seven of them (93%) indicated they intend build a career in RAM while four (7%) reported they do not intend to build a career in RAM. 5. What career path/area of specialization would you want to take in RAM? In order to assess if students adequately understand career opportunities in RAM, students were asked to indicate what career path they would prefer to specialize in. Their responses were as indicated in Table 1. Table 1: preferred career specializations in RAM Specialty Frequency Percentage “Academia” 1 2 “Archives Management” 4 6 “Consultancy” 1 2 “Electronic records management” 30 49 “Health records management” 1 2 “Legal records management” 1 2 “Mobile technology” 1 2 “None” 6 10 “Records and archives management” 15 25 Total 61 100 6. Competency in paper and electronic records management The respondents were requested to indicate their self assessment competency levels in both paper and electronic records management, on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 was very weak and 5 very strong. The results were as indicated in Figure 2 and Table 2. 111 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 Figure 2: Competency in Paper records management Table 2: Competency Electronic Records Management Competency level Frequency Percentage Very weak 5 8 Weak 7 12 Average 15 25 Strong 21 34 Very strong 10 16 No rating 3 5 Total 61 100 7. Knowledge of records management standards. The survey also sought to find out the knowledge base of students in the theory and practice of RAM. Students were requested to specify the RAM standards that they are aware of. The responses were as indicated in Table 3. Table 3: Awareness of RAM standards Standard Frequency Percentage “ISO” 10 16 “ISO 15426” 1 2 “ISO 15485” 1 2 “ISO 15489” 36 59 “ISO 23081” 1 2 “None” 12 19 Total 61 100 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 112 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 8. Familiarity with Electronic Document/Records Management Systems The survey found it critical to assess students’ awareness of ERM solutions. The survey therefore required students to specify any EDMS or RMS they were aware of. The solutions as cited by the respon- dents in verbatim were as indicated in Table 4. Table 4: Awareness of EDMS/RMS System Frequency Percentage “CNG” 1 2 “DBMS” 1 2 “eFile” 1 2 “IRMS” 1 2 “Laiforms” 1 2 “Library System” 2 3 “MARC” 1 2 “None” 39 64 “TRIM 13 21 TOTAL 61 100 9. ICT Skills Competencies With regard to proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, six students (10%) indicated they are average in use of MS Office suite whereas fifteen (24%) indicated they are strong in Ms Office. Thirty nine (64%) of the respondents reported to be very strong in MS Office suite. One (2%) respondent, did not provide a self assessment rating. On computer networking, four (6%) reported to be very weak, eleven (18% ) to be weak and twen- ty six (43%) considered themselves average. Four (6%) felt they were strong while nine (15%) indicated they are very strong in computer networking. One (2%) respondent did not provide a rating. Regarding competency in computer programming skills, ten (16%) respondents indicated they were very weak while eighteen (30%) reported to be generally weak. Twenty five (41%) of the responden- ts reported to be average. Seven (11%) of the respondents considered themselves strong in this skill. No respondents felt to be very strong in computer programming while one (2%) could not provide a rating. 4 Discussion of findings Broadly, this survey revealed two interesting issues around the subject of talent development in RAM. First is the growing desire by learners to train in RAM. This is revealed through responses to que- stions one, three and four of the survey. The facts that 42% of respondents had interest in the profession and that 93% intend to build a career in RAM and pursue further education in RAM are pointers to growing positive image of the RAM profession. This is despite of the fact that 82% of the respondents did not have idea of possible career lines at the point of them deciding to specialize in RAM, but they no- netheless chose to specialize in the field. The second issue was the obvious gaps in the efforts to nurture this interest and desire through training. The findings revealed glaring inadequacies in the substance of trainings offered to the students. This was revealed in the data provided as responses to the other questions. The responses to question five in particular revealed evidence of some general understanding of possible dimensions of RAM. The fact that 30 of the 61 respondents cited ERM reveals the reality of ERM and the need for training institutions to invest strongly in quality training in this line. However, the fact that 6 of the students had no idea of the direction they want to move within the profession was 113 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 wanting. The survey opined that by the time students are in their final year of study, they should have a fair, if not clear, understanding of possible lines they can pursue. However the findings revealed that this is not necessarily the case. The results also reveal a considerable measure of unawareness on actual possible occupational specializations in RAM looking at the feedback of 19 respondents who cited “archives ma- nagement” and “records and archives management”. These are general aspects that cover all areas of RAM including specialized aspects like ERM. The findings on competency in paper and e-records management were of significance to the survey to the extent that they revealed a sustained emphasis on paper records management training than e-re- cords. Whereas 31% cited to be very strong in paper records management, only 16% indicated to be very strong in e-records management. Specific to e-records management, those in the range of very weak to average including those who could not give any rating were of same numbers as those who rated themsel- ves as strong and very strong. This reveals a disturbing gap in skill levels given the growing emphasis on ERM across the globe today. These findings confirm fears that have been expressed by several authors on lack of adequate training e-records management in Kenya that undermines professional management on e-records (Kemoni, 2009; Wato, 2006; Wamukoya and Kemoni, 2001; Mutiti, 2001; Bailey, 2001; Gi- thaka, 1996). Where records managers have no skills in e-records management, they shy away from it. The same would apply if they are weak in paper records management. The survey found it critical to assess students’ knowledge of records management standards as an assessment of the knowledge base of the theory and practice of RAM. The need for standards in RAM has been emphasized for long and RAM has perhaps more international standards of the information science disciplines except ICT. The positive aspects of the findings on this awareness was the fact that majority of the respondents were aware of the ISO 15489. However, ordinarily, at this level of education, it is expected that ISO 15489 should have been mentioned by all the respondents. The downside of these findings was the fact that 22 of the 61 respondents could not cite any standard. Ten of these 22 cited “ISO” which is vague while 12 could not cite any standard. This raises fundamental questions on the scope of training in RAM. Unawareness on RAM standards is a glaring gap for undergraduate finalists looking forward to get into the job market. This survey focuses only on awareness not even implementa- tion of the standards. There are several international RAM standards that any RAM professional must be aware of. The ISO 15489 is the mother standard of all these. However, there are critical standards that inform management of e-records, which should be known by the students. The inadequacies revealed by lack of knowledge of these standards undermines the quality of the young professionals and diminishes their global competitiveness. With regard to knowledge or awareness of document and records management systems, the most outstanding of these findings was the fact that 64% of the respondents (36 out of 61) had no knowledge or awareness of any EDMS/EDRMS. These findings are alarming and raise fundamental questions on the intensity of trainings offered in view of growing interest in ERM. It is noteworthy that the survey did not seek to find the technical knowledge of respondents in the systems, but mere awareness by name. There- fore even though 15 mentioned TRIM, their technical knowledge of TRIM was not assessed. The percen- tage of students unaware of any EDMS/EDRMS is unacceptable in this era. Presently many organiza- tions have either implemented an EDMS or are planning to implement one. These are opportunities for the RAM graduates and their lack of knowledge of these solutions results to these responsibilities being diverted to ICT experts. There are hundreds of EDMS/EDRMS solutions available online several of them with trial versions that competent graduates should be exposed to. These findings revealed a gap in the nurturing and training of young professionals where they are not exposed to automation solutions for RAM. The findings on ICT skills were significant to this survey because of two reasons. First proficiency in basic computer skills, especially Microsoft Office Suite, is considered as a basic requirement for any professional employment in Kenya regardless of the profession. Secondly, it is essential for modern re- cords managers to have adequate ICT skills to enable them be competent on e-records management. Besides assessing proficiency in MS Office, the survey also considered basic skills in computer networking and programming. An understanding of computer networking, especially regarding distribution of data and information and security of information is essential for records managers in this e-records era (Wato, 2006). Basic skills in computer programming would give students ability to interrogate RAM solutions, including critical analysis of systems features and functionalities, without relying on ICT experts. This is ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 114 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 a key factor in ensuring that the professionals are able avoid the risk of acquiring systems that are inade- quate to their business needs and that they generally understand the operations of technology and appli- cation systems architecture in general. However, these findings revealed a weakness in these skills. Apart from MS office which had 64% considering themselves strong, computer networking and programming were below par. Twenty eight of the respondents indicated they were weak in programming while 15 were weak in networking. It is important to note that the survey was not interested in in-depth knowle- dge of networking and programming, but basic skills that can help the students manage e-records envi- ronments effectively and be able to identify sources of advanced support in these two areas. 5 Recommendations In view of the foregoing findings, the survey made the following recommendations: • There is urgent need for RAM training institutions in Kenya to relook at their curricula and realign them to emerging practical trends in RAM to ensure students are well nurtured to as- sume RM responsibilities confidently. • The existing trainings in RAM must clearly expose the students to potential career lines within the field in order for them to confidently define career paths they would want to explore within the profession. This will help shape the direction students take from an informed standpoint, as opposed to current scenario where many are not clear of what possibilities are available for them. • Proper and extensive training must be given on the various records and archives management standards in order for the young professionals to be well competitively prepared for the job market. Students must have the privilege to physical see and read the various standards in RAM and be trained on how to implement them. • Practical training should be offered on records management systems including electronic re- cords management systems, document management systems and other automation solutions. With the rapid growth in this line, a proper records management training school must now have computer laboratory dedicated for records management training installed with various RAM solutions for physical records management, e-records management, document manage- ment and digital archiving. • Records and archives management training must deliberately seek to produce students who are well nurtured in both paper and e-records. As the world emphasizes on e-records and e-gover- nment platforms, RAM professionals must be well prepared to fit in this phenomena. • In order to ensure that the RAM training programmes are relevant and focused on market needs, it is important for training institutions to work closely with consultants and service providers in RAM industry. This is because such stakeholders are in constant touch with deve- lopments in the industry and well informed especially on technological developments. These consultants could be useful in appraising the trainers on new developments as well as offering insights to students on emerging trends through professional talks. • The training providers must also connect with other RAM professionals who are employed in various organizations. These could be professionals from leading national and international organizations like United Nations, World Bank and IMF. The essence would be for these pro- fessionals to provide professional advice to students on employment opportunities and job market expectations. • In order for young RAM professionals to be all round leaders, it is important for them be also exposed to training in leadership, personal effectiveness, personality development and basic management skills. This would make them effective team leaders and change agents in the va- rious roles they assume after training. • It is important for training institutions to also expose the students to international trends in records management and specifically what is happening in other countries on records and ar- chives management. This will enable students have a global outlook on developments in RAM, which would make them competitive to take roles outside Kenya. • The lecturers and teaching staff in RAM should be continuously trained, appraised and refre- shed on developments in the profession to offer quality training and coaching to their studen- ts. This would be more critical in e-records management and records and archives management standards, where there are continuous developments and paradigm shifts. 115 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 6 Conclusion This survey was driven by the desire to contribute to efforts in nurturing and developing young talent RAM in Kenya in view of growing demand for records managers, increased competitiveness on the job market, growing professional discourse in RAM theory and practice and rapid technological develop- ments in the profession. Whereas the survey has revealed existing gaps in preparation of young talent in RAM, it has also revealed that there is enthusiasm and interest of many young talents in RAM. It is im- portant to point out that the survey did not focus on deep technical skills but merely focused on general, top level awareness of various issues under survey. In order for upcoming graduates in RAM to adequately serve the needs of organisations, be competitive in the job market and remain relevant, they must be well trained, well exposed to critical aspects of RAM and develop all qualities necessary to nurture their talent in RAM. The survey has laid a fact-based background that universities and colleges in Kenya could tap to develop their programmes to ensure their products are quality and competitive. References Bailey, C. (2001). Preserving the bits and bytes of history: lessons from the government electronic records pro- gramme at the National Archives of Canada, ESARBICA Journal 20, pp. 43-56 Equity Bank. (2011). Request for proposal for document management system. Nairobi: Equity Bank Ernest, S. (2014). Over 50 percent of East African graduates halfbaked. [Online]. Availabe www.theeastafrican. (Accessed 16 February 2015) Githaka, B. (1996). Constraints on the development of records management in Kenyan public offices, ESARBICA Journal 15, pp. 7-16 Kemoni, H. (2009). Management of electronic records: Review of empirical studies from the Eastern, Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (ESARBICA) region, Records Management Journal 19 (3), pp. 190-203 Kenya Roads Board. (2011). Tender for supply, installation, configuration, testing, commissioning and mainte- nance of electronic document management system. Nairobi: Kenya Roads Board Kenya rural roads authority. (2011). Supply, installation, configuration, testing, commissioning and maintenance of a electronic document management system at Kenya rural roads authority. Nairobi: Kenya rural roads authority Mutiti, N. (2001). Challenges of Electronic records in the Esarbica region. ESARBICA Journal 20, pp. 57-61 Mwangi, I. (2014). East Africa’s graduates least prepared for job market [Online]. Available (Accessed 16 February 2015) Nganga, G. (2014). Survey finds most East African graduates half-baked [Online] Available: www.universitywor- (Accessed 16 February 2015) Wamukoya, J and Kemoni, H.(2001). Educating recordkeeping professionals in Africa: the case of Moi university, Kenya. ESARBICA Journal 20, pp. 41-48 Wato, R. (2006). E-readiness in the Esarbica region: Challenges and the way forward, ESARBICA Journal 25, pp. 69-83 SUMMARY Recent studies in Kenya indicate that about 50% of university graduates are not suitable for employment. This scenario also obtains for the rest of East Africa region. Given that the situation obtains on all university program- mes, it is important to investigate how this stands out for the records and archives management profession. This paper presents findings of a survey done in early 2016 on the preparedness of records and archives management (RAM) undergraduate students in Kenya to take up professional roles in records and archives management profes- sion. The survey was conducted on the understanding that RAM in Kenya today demands well trained and nurtu- red talent especially in view of growing technological and professional issues in the field. Besides, there is increasing need for more robust and efficient RAM systems to serve needs for transparency and accountability. This requires a relook at the talent development of young RAM enthusiasts to ensure they are adequately repackaged to fit in the RAM world whilst remaining competitive in the global job marketplace. The survey revealed that there are increa- sing efforts to advance RAM training in Kenya with more institutions emerging to offer professional training in RAM than was ten years ago. It also revealed increasing interest in RAM by the young professionals. On the flipsi- de, the survey established a number of gaps in the development of emerging talent including inadequacies in curri- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 116 Cleophas AMBIRA: Nurturing Professional Talent in Records and Archives Management in Kenya, 107-116 cula, lack of practical and hands-on training and inadequate training in related soft-skills that would undermine development of wholistic talents. Recommendations have been made that could be essential in enhancing the quality of training and talent develop to nurture emerging talent in RAM in Kenya. These recommendations could be applied in other developing countries to enhance training and development of RAM professionals. Acknowledgements The author is deeply indebted to all the students from Moi University, Kenya Methodist Univer- sity and Kisii University College who participated in this survey. Typology: 1.01 Original Scientific Article Submitting date: 26.01.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 117 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD) Elena ROMANOVA, Ph.D. Deputy director of The All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNII- DAD), tel. 007 495 334 81 14, 82 Profsoyuznaya street, Moscow 117393 Russia e-mail: Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD) ABSTRACT In Russia, state and municipal archives are in conditions of lack of archivists with specialized education and rising average age for practicing archivists. At the same time the requirements to the archival profession are changing rapidly in the era of information technology and digital data. Together with the constant modification of programs of the higher education institutions the new forms of training and retraining of archivists are developing. The pa- per presents the role of the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for documentation and archives (VNII- DAD) in professional training and retraining of archivists and records managers in Russia. Actual questions con- cerning organization of training process and the subject-matter of the proposed courses in modern conditions are covered. Key words: archival education, Russia, continuing education, professional retraining, professional training, VNIIDAD Formazione professionale e riqualificazione degli archivisti nell’Istituto scientifico e di ricerca per la do- cumentazione e gli archivi di Russia (VNIIDAD) ABSTRTACT In Russia gli archivi statali e comunali mancano di archivisti con formazione specializzata, e vi è un aumento dell'età media per la pratica archivistica. Allo stesso tempo, i requisiti per la professione archivistica stanno cam- biando rapidamente nell’era della tecnologia informatica e dei dati digitali. Insieme con il costante aggiornamento dei programmi degli istituti di istruzione superiore, si stanno sviluppando nuove forme di formazione e riqualifica- zione degli archivisti. L'articolo presenta il ruolo dell’Istituto di ricerca scientifica panrusso per la documentazione e gli archivi (VNIIDAD) nella formazione professionale e riqualificazione degli archivisti e dei responsabili docu- mentali. Sono presentate proposte effettive riguardanti l’organizzazione del processo formativo e l’oggetto dei corsi proposti. Parole chiave: formazione archivistica, formazione permanente, riformazione professionale, formazione profes- sionale, VNIIDAD Strokovno usposabljanje in izpopolnjevanje arhivistov v Vseruskem znanstvenem in raziskovalnem inštitutu za dokumentacijo in arhive (VNIIDAD) IZVLEČEK V Rusiji se državni in občinski arhivi soočajo s pomanjkanjem specialno izobraženih arhivistov in naraščanjem povprečne starosti aktivnih arhivistov. Istočasno se zahteve arhivskega poklica v dobi informacijske tehnologije in digitalnih podatkov hitro spreminjajo. Skupaj s stalnim spreminjanjem programov visokošolskih zavodov se razvi- jajo nove oblike usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja arhivistov. Avtorica v prispevku predstavlja vlogo Vseruskega znanstvenega in raziskovalnega inštituta za dokumentacijo in arhive (VNIIDAD) pri strokovnem usposabljanju in izpopolnjevanju arhivistov in delavcev, ki delajo z dokumentarnim gradivom v Rusiji. Zajeta so aktualna vprašanja v zvezi z organizacijo procesa usposabljanja in vsebina predlaganih predmetov. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 118 Elena ROMANOVA: Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD), 117-123 Ključne besede: arhivsko izobraževanje, Rusija, nadaljevalno izobraževanje, strokovno izpopolnjevanje, strokovno usposabljanje, VNIIDAD Повышение квалификации и профессиональная переподготовка архивистов во Всероссийском научно-исследовательском институте документоведения и архивного дела (ВНИИДАД) В настоящее время государственные и муниципальные архивы России оказались в условиях острой нехватки специалистов с профильным образованием и повышения среднего возраста архивистов. В то же время стремительно изменяются требования к архивной профессии в эпоху информационных технологий и цифровых данных. В связи с этим развиваются новые формы профессиональной подготовки и переподготовки архивистов, наряду с изменением учебных программ профильных вузов. В докладе представлена деятельность ВНИИДАД в области повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров в области архивного дела и документационного обеспечения управления. Затрагиваются актуальные вопросы организации учебного процесса и информационного наполнения учебных курсов в современных условиях. 1 Professional training of archivists as one of the directions of activity of VNIIDAD The All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for documentation and archives (VNIIDAD) was created in 1966 and is widely recognized to be the main scientific center for research in the field of documentation and archival sciences, records and archives management in Russia, as formerly it was in the USSR. The Institute also works out and develops rules, regulations, standards, instructions, guide- lines and methodic recommendations for records and archives management (for an overview, see Ларин М.В., Юмашева Ю.Ю., Янковая В.Ф et al., 2016 and Ларин М.В., 2016). Since 1997 one of the directions of activity of VNIIDAD is professional training and retraining of archivists and records managers organized in the form of educational courses, seminars and workshops, both resident and non-resident. The idea of creation of the specialized center for professional development and training of archi- vists and records managers in VNIIDAD appeared as an answer to the challenges faced by the archives and society in Russia. 2 The main reasons and premises for creation of specialized educational center for archivists in VNIIDAD) 2.1 The dearth of archivists with specialized education In spite of the activity of the Institute for history and archives and other higher education institu- tions, the lack of specialists with profile education in state and municipal archives is more and more ob- vious. The reason is that graduates of institutes and colleges do not go to work in state or municipal ar- chives just because they are not obliged to do it and they do not have stimulus to work there. The proposed salary is low; the social status is not very prestigious. The level of education given in the Institute for his- tory and archives of RSUH is traditionally very high and its graduates can easily find job in different commercial structures. As a result we have a lack or even absence of graduates of specialized higher edu- cation institutions in archives. In this connection the then head of the Federal archival service (later the Federal archival agency, Rosarchiv) V.P. Kozlov wrote the following: “Liquidation of the institute of distribution of young spe- cialists has deprived the branch of stable inflow of young professionals”, and complained that “the train- ing of historians and archivists in public higher education institutions is becoming a forge of manpower for non-public structures” (Козлов, 2001, p. 7). The archives have to fill up staff vacancies by specialists with another higher or secondary technical education. These archivists need a professional retraining in the short term in order to correspond to skill standards and to get relevant and current knowledge, which is compact and concrete enough to be prac- tically used. 119 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Elena ROMANOVA: Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD), 117-123 2.2 New challenges in the digital era The other set of problems is connected with the development of new information technologies and their impact on the archives. The work of archivists and records managers has fundamentally changed. In the digital era they must be able to work with digitized records and born-digital records, to use informational technologies in their daily work, to create electronic finding aids and make expositions of archival documents in electronic form, etc. Technical colleges and higher education institutions are constantly updating their educational and training programs in order to meet the challenges of the changing environment (for an overview see Larin M., 2014). But what if the archivist is not the beginner, but the experienced specialist with classical historical and archival education? Sure the experience and the classical education have their benefits, but these specialists need to renew their professional skills, to learn how to deal with new types of documents whi- ch appeared and how to use new technologies in their work. These challenges of digital society have precipitated a demand for new forms of training programs for archivists. 2.3 Changing regulatory legal environment Archives in Russia are moving towards greater transparency of information. At the same time they have to balance between different freedoms, individual rights, and public and private interests. These are very difficult legal issues, and it is extremely important that archivists were aware of the current changes in legislation. So they need to have an opportunity to study it at special courses and to have consultations with the specialists in the archival legislation and adjacent laws and regulations. 2.4 The necessity of continuing education and training of practicing archivists All the archivists in the country are obliged to maintain and raise their professional level at special courses and to confirm the fact by an appropriate certificate. The aim is to update regularly theoretical and practical knowledge of archivists in response to the changing requirements to qualification level and the necessity to develop and implement modern methods of solving professional tasks. These requirements compel archivists to look for special educational centers able to provide an appropriate training and to issue officially valid certificates. There are a lot of commercial training centers which can render this service to the archives, but there is no adequate control over the quality of proposed courses. In this situation the existence of such a center in the leading scientific institute for documentation and archives is for the benefit of the system of archival institutions in general, for the archivists who need to be sure that they will get not only a certificate, but also the knowledge to be practically used. 2.5 Labor market situation requires retraining programs for applicants wishing to change profession Labor marked implies that an applicant with specialized education has more chances to get a desi- red job. Applicants realize also that the reputation of the certificate program provider is considered as part of the value of the certificate. Creation of the professional training center in VNIIDAD meets the need of the labor market for qualitative retraining of specialists in order to help them in job search. 2.6 The necessity of interrelation between records management and archives The composition and the contents of the archival funds, the quality of information we can get in the archives vastly depend on the state of records management systems in organizations - creators of do- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 120 Elena ROMANOVA: Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD), 117-123 cuments. The interrelation and succession between records management, current archives and historical archives are indispensable. VNIIDAD organizes courses for archivists from different types of archives (including special courses for municipal archives, archives of organizations, specialized archives, etc.) and for records managers of different levels. They are based on the statutory requirements and professional recommendations. So the principles of work with documentation are elucidated for all the stages of the document lifecycle. 2.7 The need for a common professional training platform for the archives of the CIS countries After the dissolution of the USSR, the area of scientific activity of VNIIDAD and implementation of its results reduced from the all-Union to the All-Russian level. It must be mentioned though that the similar institutes in Ukraine and Belarus were created. Archives in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have their common history and traditions and similar problems. They expressed willingness to have a common professional training platform where they could realize exchange of experience and to learn the achievements of the Russian archival theory and practice. This became possible with the help of the International council on archives (ICA) and of the Federal archival agency of Russia. The Professional training center in VNIIDAD was authorized to organize international trai- ning courses under the aegis of EURASICA branch of the ICA. 3 The history of creation of the center for professional development and trai- ning of archivists and records managers in VNIIDAD In the above mentioned circumstances Rosarchiv was searching for the solution to this set of prob- lems. It was found due to the initiative of the direction of VNIIDAD to organize training courses for archivists on the basis of the Institute. It was approved by Rosarchiv in 1997. The first training course was held 12-14 May, 1997 on the following subject: “Organizational and methodic foundations of work of municipal archives”. It was realized with participation of such prominent Russian specialists in archival theory and practice as A.N. Artizov, M.V. Larin, V.F. Privalov, A.N. Sokova, V.D. Banasyukevich, and others. Soon it was realized that this activity needs to be organized on a regularly basis and have to cover different aspects of archival work. Integrative approach to continuing archival education and training was embodied in 1999 with creation in VNIIDAD of the specialized center for professional development and training of archivists and records managers (Russian abbreviation of the name of the center in En- glish transcription looks like OCPK). The decision of creation of OCPK in VNIIDAD was made by the Rosarchiv Board 29 September, 1999 at the suggestion of VNIIDAD. The decision was motivated, among others, by the fact that VNIIDAD is the leading scientific center in the field of archives and it has a high prestige among the archival and other institutions (for the history of OCPK, see Ларин М.В., Юмашева Ю.Ю., Янковая В.Ф et al., 2016, p.328-334) OCPK was created as a self-supporting subdivision of the institute, but in the beginning its activi- ty was directed only on the future results. The license of the Ministry of education of Russia was obtained in 2000 for the five-year period. The other licenses were given to VNIIDAD by the Federal service for supervision in education and science, which was authorized for issue of licenses. The last obtained license is valid for the unlimited time period. The first license gave VNIIDAD a right of conducting educational activity in the sphere of profes- sional training of employees of archival institutions and records management services. Since 2006 VNII- DAD has a right to realize retraining professional programs. 4 International training programs In 2003 VNIIDAD got a status of the basic organization of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on training and retraining specialists in archives and records management of the CIS coun- tries. It was fixed in the decision of the Council of the heads of governments of CIS countries of 18 Sep- tember, 2003. According to the statutes of the basic organization its main functions are: 121 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Elena ROMANOVA: Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD), 117-123 1. realization of education and training activity in the spheres of archives and records manage- ment; 2. coordination of scientific and cultural cooperation of the CIS countries in the spheres of archi- ves and records management. OCPK VNIIDAD is realizing international training programs not only for the archivists of the CIS countries, but also for archivists of other countries, as it has already been done for Vietnamese and Mongolian specialists, for example. 5 Forms of professional training and retraining of archivists and records ma- nagers The forms of organization of professional training and retraining of archivists and records manager are different so that everybody could find an appropriate variant. There are one-week and two-week resident courses which are the most intensive and require full-ti- me off-the-job training. They are held in the premises of VNIIDAD and with the practicums in different archives and IT-companies. One-day seminars and workshops are usually dedicated to particular professional issues and are also conducted in the classrooms of VNIIDAD. Sometimes they are held in the form of webinars. The training may also be organized in the form of in-job courses in customers’ organizations. We also realize non-resident one-year programs of distant education (including retraining). They end with a final written work and a written test. If the short courses are open for everyone, one-year courses require that participants had a certain level of education (secondary technical education, higher education or unfinished higher education in different fields and specializations). Instruction is provided by the lecturers from the scientific staff of VNIIDAD and by external tea- chers drawn from the ranks of archivists, IT specialists, professors of educational institutions. The courses are paid for by the participants or the organization sending them to study. There are also programs supported by Rosarchiv, Ministry of culture or by ICA. Course graduates receive a course certificate issued by VNIIDAD in the officially prescribed form. 6 Subject-matter of professional training and retraining in VNIIDAD Every year two main course catalogs are composed: for records management courses and for archi- ves courses. The thematic range of courses, seminars and workshops proposed in these catalogs is based on the analysis of the statistics of the previous period and on the demand forecast for the forthcoming year. Usually there are some basic courses covering all the aspects of work of records managers and archivists. There are also courses focusing on particular subjects, for example, archival description, use of archival documents, acquisition policy and practices, preservation of archives, and so on. Some courses are aimed to present the ways of use of information technologies in archives, for instance, creation of expositions of archival documents on the Internet, or electronic finding aids. Among the most popular in the last years are the courses covering different aspects of work with electronic documents. There are also courses for specific types of archives: audiovisual archives, archives of scientific and technical documentation, archi- ves of personnel files, etc. 7 The main results of the activity During the 16-year period of activity of OCPK VNIIDAD more than 14 thousand people fulfilled its educational and training programs (for the statistics, see Ларин М.В., Юмашева Ю.Ю., Янковая В.Ф et al., 2016, p.328-334). Every year from 40 to 45 courses are held. The training programs to be proposed are always deeply analyzed in order to correspond to the expectations of the users. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 122 Elena ROMANOVA: Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD), 117-123 The training courses were performed not only in Moscow, but also in many other regions of Russia. The courses took place in Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Stavropol, Murmansk, Norilsk, Lipetsk, Izhevsk, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk, Kaluga, Tver, Petrozavodsk, Vologda, Pskov, Penza, Orel and many other cities and towns of Russia. They were organized for state and municipal ar- chives, as well as for industrial enterprises, financial institutions, and other companies and organizations. There were also held 10 international seminars in the VNIIDAD premises for 185 archivists of CIS countries with the participation of leading Russian and foreign specialists as lecturers. First of the seminars was realized due to the financial support of the ICA, the others were supported by the Russian side. The subjects discussed at the seminars range from “Standards for archival description” (2005); “Methods of preservation of archival documents” (2006); “Classification of archival documents and fin- ding aids in archives” (2007) to “Problems of archival storage of electronic documents” (2009) or “Acces- sioning and ingest of electronic documents” (2014). 8 Training courses as a way of popularization of the results of the scientific activity of VNIIDAD All the activity of VNIIDAD is intended to provide scientific and methodical support to records management services and archives of different types and different levels (federal, regional, municipal ar- chives, archives of government institutions and private companies). It is obvious that the Federal archival agency and VNIIDAD itself are interested that the results of the scientific activity of the Institute were in demand and were used in practice. With the creation of the Educational center we found the new form of popularization and infor- mation support for our intellectual products. Alongside with the conferences and round tables, educatio- nal courses and trainings contribute greatly to the achievement of this goal. The content of the lectures given by our specialists is based mainly on the results of their professional activity, all the participants of our training programs are supplied with a set of textbooks, manuals, instructions, recommendations and other scientific and educational material either in traditional, or in electronic form. And these are mainly scientific and practical editions of VNIIDAD. Besides, the participants of the courses have an opportu- nity to precise for themselves some points from the books with their authors. 9 Conclusion The courses of professional training and retraining of archivists in VNIIDAD have become an in- dispensable part of the system of continuing archival education and training in Russia. For VNIIDAD it is not only the way of commercial activity, but also the possibility to disseminate professional knowledge, to share best practices and achievements of archival science. In the changing word and in conditions of fast development of information technologies it is im- portant to upgrade regularly the teaching programs in order to correspond to the needs of archives, de- mands and expectations of the society. One of the conditions for the effective functioning of the courses is introduction of new forms of training including online teaching programs, organization of webinars or presentation of recorded courses on the Internet. VNIIDAD has a solid experience of professional training and retraining of archivists, not only Russian but foreign as well. It has a high reputation and values it. VNIIDAD is doing its best to maintain traditionally high level both in scientific research and in organization and performance of professional training of archivists. References Larin M. (2014) Modern Tendencies of Archival Education in Russia. In: ATLANTI, Review for modern archival theory and practice-Rivista di teoria e pratica archivistica moderna-Revija za sodobno arhivsko teorijo in prakso, Vol. 24 n. 2, pp. 159-164. Ларин М.В. (2016) Научная деятельность ВНИИДАД на современном этапе: к 50-летию создания. In: Отечественные архивы, n. 2, с. 51-58. 123 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Elena ROMANOVA: Professional Training and Retraining of Archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Documentation and Archives (VNIIDAD), 117-123 Ларин М.В., Юмашева Ю.Ю., Янковая В.Ф et al. (2016) Основные направления, результаты и перспективы научных исследований по проблемам документоведения и архивоведения в Российской Федерации (1991-2015 гг.) Аналитический обзор. Москва: Росархив, ВНИИДАД. Козлов В.П. (2001) Современное кадровое обеспечение архивных учреждений России и проблемы преподавания архивоведческих дисциплин. In: Проблемы преподавания архивоведческих и документоведческих дисциплин: современная практика и перспектива. Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции 7 декабря 2000г., с. 7. Москва: Российский государственный гуманитарный университет. Основные направления, результаты и перспективы научных исследований по проблемам документоведения и архивоведения в Российской Федерации (1991-2015 гг.) Аналитический обзор, c. 327-334. Москва: Росархив, ВНИИДАД. Пивовар Е.И., Безбородов А.Б., Хорхордина Т.И. (2012). Российский государственный гуманитарный университет. In: Вестник архивиста, n. 4, с. 3-18. SUMMARY Since 1999 professional training and retraining of archivists of Russia is one of the main activities of the All-Rus- sian Scientific and Research Institute for documentation and archives (VNIIDAD). Now it is an important part of the system of continuing archival education and training in Russia. Alongside with the higher educational pro- grams professional training is one of the ways to improve professional level of archivists and records managers in the country. The training is realized in the form of one-week and two-week resident courses, one-day seminars and workshops, and non-resident one-year courses of distant training and retraining. There are various teaching pro- grams which cover basic principles, specific questions and topical problems of archives and records management. More than 14 thousand people have already completed successfully professional training in VNIIDAD. As the basic organization of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on training and retraining specialists in archives and records management of the CIS countries VNIIDAD also realizes international training programs. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 09.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 125 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Arhivist: poklic ali profesija Jelka MELIK, Ph.D. assistant professor, Alma Mater Europaea, ECM Maribor, Slovenska ulica 17, 2000 Maribor Slovenia e-mail: Mateja JERAJ, Ph.D. Senior counsellor archivist, Ministry of culture, Archive of the Republic of Slovenia, Zvezdarska 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: Archivists: Occupation or Profession ABSTRACT Many theorists argue that there is a fundamental difference between the occupation and the profession. For occu- pation, they list the following properties: disorganization of its members, short-term training, the job according to the instructions, no specific professional culture, a small reputation in society, a weak sense of belonging to the profession, their position influenced by the market. For the profession it is expected to be characterized by the following: its position is affected by the state, members are bonding in separate organizations, they have a high re- putation in the society, a strong sense of belonging to the profession, it requires a long-term education and highly demanding knowledge, the operation is regulated by the code of professional ethics, there is a mechanism of ente- ring control into the profession. The path from the occupation toward profession is called professionalization. The road is not open to all occupations. Being an archivist is now only the occupation. To achieve the profession, it already has all necessary conditions but there are necessary actions that need to be undertaken: the independent study of archival science is necessary to achieve a greater reputation in the society, to raise awareness of archivists on the importance of its mission to include ethics, mandatory archival legislation and create professional organiza- tion. Key words: occupation, profession, archivist, doctor, archival science, archives, archival records Archivisti: occupazione o professione SINTESI Molti teorici sostengono che c’è una differenza fondamentale tra occupazione e professione. Per l’occupazione, elencano le seguenti proprietà: disorganizzazione dei suoi membri, formazione di breve durata, lavoro secondo le istruzioni, nessuna cultura professionale specifica, piccola reputazione nella società, debole senso di appartenenza alla professione, posizione influenzata dal mercato. La professione dovrebbe essere caratterizzata da quanto segue: la sua posizione è influenzata dallo stato, i membri sono legati in organizzazioni separate, hanno un’alta reputazio- ne nella società, un forte senso di appartenenza alla professione, richiedono una formazione a lungo termine di cui avvertono l’esigenza, l’operazione è regolata dal codice di etica professionale, c’è un meccanismo di controllo per entrare nella professione. Il percorso dall’occupazione alla professione è chiamato professionalizzazione. La strada non è aperta a tutte le occupazioni. Essere un archivista è ora solo occupazione. Per raggiungere la professione ci sono già tutte le condizioni necessarie, ma non ci sono le azioni necessarie che devono essere intraprese: lo studio indipendente della scienza archivistica è necessario per conseguire una maggiore reputazione nella società, per au- mentare la consapevolezza degli archivisti sull’importanza della propria missione deve includere etica, legislazione archivistica obbligatoria e creare un’organizzazione professionale. Parole chiave: occupazione, professione, archivista, dottore, scienza archivistica, archivi, documenti archivistici Arhivist: poklic ali profesija IZVLEČEK Mnogi teoretiki zagovarjajo stališče, da obstaja bistvena razlika med poklicem in profesijo. Za poklic naštevajo na- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 126 Jelka MELIK - Mateja JERAJ: Arhivist: poklic ali profesija, 125-131 slednje lastnosti: neorganiziranost njegovih pripadnikov, kratkotrajno usposabljanje, opravljanje dela po navodi- lih, nimajo posebne poklicne kulture, majhen ugled v družbi, šibek občutek pripadnosti poklicu, na njihov položaj vpliva trg. Za profesijo pa naj bi bilo značilno: na njen položaj vpliva država, pripadniki se združujejo v posebne organizacije, imajo visok ugled v družbi, močan občutek pripadnosti profesiji, potrebno je dolgotrajno izobražev- anje in visoko zahtevna znanja, njihovo delovanje uravnava kodeks profesionalne etike, obstaja mehanizem kontro- le vstopa v profesijo. Pot od poklica do profesije imenujemo profesionalizacija. Pot ni odprta za vse poklice. Arhi- vist je zaenkrat le poklic. Za dosego profesije ima vse pogoje, a potrebno bo povzeti odločne ukrepe: ob samostojnem študiju arhivistike je treba doseči večji ugled v družbi, povečati zavedanje arhivistov o pomembnosti svojega poslan- stva, vključiti etični kodeks v obvezno arhivsko zakonodajo in oblikovati poklicno organizacijo. Ključne besede: poklic, profesija, arhivist, zdravnik, arhivistika, arhiv, arhivsko gradivo 1 Uvod V slovenščini poznamo predvsem pojem »poklic«, ki ga opredeljujemo navadno kot delo, dejav- nost, za katero je potrebna usposobljenost, praviloma za pridobivanje osnovnih materialnih dobrin, kot nam to pojasnjuje tudi Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Poklic pomeni institucionalizirano sposob- nost za opravljanje dejavnosti, pridobljeno s predpisanim šolanjem oziroma izobrazbo in namenjeno preživljanju. Kot sopomenko besedi poklic v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika najdemo izraz »profe- sija«. V slovenski strokovni literaturi pa zasledimo tako pojem poklica kot pojem profesije. Sta torej poklic in profesija dve različni stvari? Dva različna pojma? Dva različna pojava? Mnogi avtorji, ki so se ukvarjali s to problematiko1, so videli bistveno razliko med nima. Tako so za poklic naštev- ali naslednje lastnosti: neorganiziranost njegovih pripadnikov, kratkotrajno usposabljanje, opravljanje dela po navodilih, nimajo posebne poklicne kulture, majhen ugled v družbi, šibek občutek pripadnosti poklicu, na njihov položaj vpliva trg. Za profesijo pa naj bi bilo značilno: na njen položaj vpliva država, pripadniki se združujejo v posebne organizacije, imajo visok ugled v družbi, močan občutek pripadnosti profesiji, potrebno je dolgotrajno izobraževanje in visoko zahtevna znanja, njihovo delovanje uravnava kodeks profesionalne etike, obstaja mehanizem kontrole vstopa v profesijo (medtem ko naj bi bil vstop v poklic prost). Obstajajo pa tudi avtorji, ki menijo drugače, kot na primer Elliot A. Krause. Trdi namreč, da med poklicem in profesijo ni mogoče začrtati ostre meje, saj gre za proces razvijanja poklicev v profesi- je - profesionalizacijo. Ob tem seveda velja pripomniti, da vsi poklici nikakor ne dosežejo lastnosti profe- sije. Profesije Krause označi kot »funkcionalno močne oziroma blizu ključnim mestom v delitvi dela, kar se kaže v njihovi politični moči, prestižu in v materialnih nagradah«, in kot tiste, ki »se ukvarjajo s te- meljnimi potrebami posameznikov ali skupin, pri čemer bi odsotnost njihovih kvalifikacij povzročila ta- kojšnje in dolgotrajne krize posameznikov in družbe same« (Krause, 1971, str. 78-79; cit po: Svetlik, 1999, str. 10). Med kot najbolj tipične profesije se uvrščajo zdravniki in pravniki, pripadniki dveh tradicionalnih poklicev, ki so bili vedno za družbo neobhodno potrebni, kar potrjuje zgornjo trditev. Zdravniki zado- voljujejo eno od temeljnih človekovih potreb - zdravje, laiki jih težko nadomestijo (Svetlik, 1999, str. 8-10). Kaj pa pravniki? »Pravnik kot poklic je izpovedovanje (profesija, profiteor) določenega pogleda na urejenost družbe, v kateri sta pravo in pravica ena temeljnih sestavin in referenčni okvir za družbene od- nose. Izvajanje pravnega poklica je tako aktivno udejstvovanje za vzpostavitev take družbene ureditve in takega ravnanja ljudi, kjer bo pravo v pojmu pravice osnovno vodilo za presojo njihove pravilnosti in tudi koristnosti: kar ni pravno sprejemljivo, tudi ne more biti koristno. Zato je pravo, še preden je bilo zapisa- no, v bistvu vrednostni etični sestav, pojmovanje o dobrem in zlu, kjer brez pravice ni dobrega in ni po- gojev za dolgoročno preživetje družbe« (Bučar, 2004). Povsem jasno je torej, da družba tistim poklicem, ki zadovoljujejo njene najbolj primarne potrebe, priznava posebne pravice in posledično poseben, ugod- nejši položaj v družbi, ki vključuje tako spoštovanje in ugled kot finančne ugodnosti (Svetlik, 1999, str. 10). Vendar pa si tudi pripadniki posameznih poklicev prizadevajo za boljši družbeni položaj, pri čemer se zgledujejo po že uveljavljenih profesijah: skušajo pokazati, da je njihovo delo javno koristno, nadzoro- vati, kdo lahko opravlja določen poklic, združujejo se v posebne organizacije, oblikujejo svojo kulturo in strokovni jezik. Cilja profesionalizma sta potemtakem dva: zadovoljevanje osnovnih potreb ljudi in pri- zadevanje za čim ugodnejši družbeni status. Vendar pa se med seboj nikakor ne izključujeta, nasprotno, 1. Med njimi sta bila na primer Ernest Greenwood in Ronald M. Pavalko. 127 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jelka MELIK - Mateja JERAJ: Arhivist: poklic ali profesija, 125-131 dopolnjujeta se. Brez ustreznega položaja v družbi, ki praviloma v večji ali manjši meri zagotavlja tudi materialna sredstva, profesija ne more kakovostno opravljati svojih storitev niti se ne more uspešno razvi- jati v strokovnem in znanstvenem pogledu (Svetlik, 1999, str. 11). Kako pa neka poklicna skupina lahko preraste v profesijo? O tem je razmišljal Keith M. MacDo- nald v delu Sociologija profesij (Svetlik, 1999, str. 11). Po njegovem mnenju si mora taka skupina posta- viti za cilj uveljavitev v družbi, ki je pogojena z vzpostavitvijo monopola nad izvajanjem storitev, za kate- rega je potrebno njihovo posebno strokovno znanje. Postaviti pa mora tudi »pravila igre« pri izvajanju storitev in glede odnosa do konkurentov in izoblikovati poklicno kulturo, ki daje legitimnost njenemu delu. Oblikovati mora etični kodeks, določiti način izobraževanja in usposabljanja ter ga nadzorovati in tako preprečiti vstop v poklic tistim, ki teh zahtev ne bi izpolnili. Kako pa je mogoče doseči ugled v družbi? Na to vsekakor vplivata vrsta dela in znanje, ki je za to potrebno. Razvoj neke poklicne skupine v profesijo je odvisen tudi od odnosov z drugimi dejavniki v določenem okolju: z državo (skupina mora predstavnike države prepričati, da ima njeno profesionalno delo izjemen značaj, zaradi česar si zasluži monopol na svojem strokovnem področju), s pripadniki konkurenčnih poklicev, ki prav tako skušajo uresničiti svoje cilje, z izobraževalnimi institucijami in s svojimi strankami (Svetlik, 1999, str. 11-12). Povsem jasno je, da se profesionalizacija poklica »ne zgodi sama od sebe«. Potrebna sta predvsem »samozavedanje in samoorganizacija«, potreben je »profesionalni projekt«, česar bi se morali še pose- bej zavedati predstavniki tistih poklicev, ki ne zasedajo najbolj zavidljivih položajev v družbi (Svetlik, 1999, str. 11). Razvojne spremembe na področju tehnologije in politike postavljajo sodobne poklice in profesije v nov položaj in spreminjajo tudi možnosti za uresničitev profesionalnih projektov manj uveljavljenih in novih poklicev. Eden izmed močnih izzivov v tej smeri je tudi glo- balizacija. Svetlik je previdno zapisal: »Morda smemo pričakovati krepitev nadnacionalnih profesional- nih organizacij, oblikovanje njihovih profesionalnih kodeksov, zahteve, ki jih bodo naslavljale na nacio- nalne države ali na nadnacionalna telesa, kot so organi Evropske unije. Prav mogoče si je zamisliti odpravljanje razlik v javni zaščiti določene profesije na nacionalnih ravneh in vzpostavljanje enotnih mehanizmov na evropski ravni (Svetlik, 1999, str. 17). 2 Arhivist - poklic Poglejmo torej, kje stojijo arhivisti. Je to poklic ali profesija? Standardna klasifikacija poklicev nam pod iskalno zahtevo »arhivist« nudi naslednji opis: »Arhivarji in konservatorji/arhivarke in konserva- torke zbirajo, ocenjujejo in zagotavljajo varno shranjevanje ter ohranjanje vsebine arhivov in predmetov zgodovinskega, kulturnega in umetniškega pomena ali umetnin in ostalih predmetov. Načrtujejo, oblikujejo in izvajajo sisteme za varno shranjevanje zapisov in zgodovinsko pomembnih dokumentov« (Standardna klasifikacija poklicev). Tudi na spletni strani Zavoda Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje (ZRSZ) ne najdemo poklica arhivist, ampak le poklic arhivarja. Ta naj bi bil tisti, ki »zbira, prevzema, ureja, pregleduje, ocenjuje, popisuje, kategorizira in digitalizira arhivsko gradivo. Pripravlja ga za uporabo zainteresiranim osebam: raziskovalcem, znanstvenikom, študentom in drugim… Arhivar ima zaključeno univerzitetno izobraževanje humanistične smeri, na primer zgodovino, teologijo in umetnostno zgodovi- no, ali pa se je izobraževal na področju jezikoslovja (npr. latinščina ali nemščina). Nekateri so po izobraz- bi tudi pravniki in ekonomisti« (ZRSZ - opis poklica). Nobenega dvoma ni, da arhivist oziroma arhivar ni ravno profesija. Še zdaleč ne. Je poklic, ki ga lahko opravlja vsak, ki se je izobraževal, saj je njegovo delo le zbiranje in urejanje dokumentov, ki so po- membni za zgodovino. Kje iskati vzroke za tako stanje? Oblast, naj bo kakršnakoli, je zadržana do arhivistov, ki bi nadzira- li in spravljali ter ohranjali njene spodrsljaje, nasilje, krivice, laži. Za slavo lahko poskrbijo drugi. Zgodo- vinarji, spomeniki, muzeji. Javnost ne mara tega poklica, ker ga ne pozna, ker mu jemlje denar, ker ne potrebuje razprav o tem, kaj je bilo in čemu, saj še na sodobnost ne more vplivati. Arhivi morajo biti zato v sklopu oblasti in od nje odvisni. Arhivisti lahko stavkajo, sploh ne delajo ali pa preprosto izginejo. Prava figa. Njihova vloga ni pomembna in je nerazpoznavna. Večina državljanov niti ne ve, kaj delajo, čemu služijo in kaj je njihovo poslanstvo. Za povprečnega državljana so večinoma manj zanimivi, tudi zato, ker ne ve, da je prav od arhivistov v znatni meri odvisna njihova pravna varnost, zaščita človekovih pravic in ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 128 Jelka MELIK - Mateja JERAJ: Arhivist: poklic ali profesija, 125-131 demokracija v državi in družbi. Najbolj žalostno pa je, da se tudi sami pogosto ne zavedajo pomembnosti svojega dela in odgovornosti, ki jo imajo. Vprašanje je, ali je drugje v Evropi in po svetu kaj drugače. Že davnega leta 1956, pred 61. leti torej, je v klasičnem arhivističnem delu njen avtor Theodore R. Schellenberg v uvodu zapisal: »Če vprašamo navadnega človeka na cesti, zakaj vlade ustanavljajo arhivske ustanove, bi ta verjetno vprašal: 'Kaj je arhi- vsko gradivo in kaj so arhivske ustanove?' Če mu potem razložimo pomen arhivskih ustanov, bo verjetno pogovor o tej temi zaključil s pripombo, da je celotna stvar še en primer vladne zapravljivosti (potratno- sti). Kar pa zadeva arhivsko gradivo, se bo njegovo zadnje vprašanje verjetno glasilo: 'Zakaj se vse skupaj ne zažge?'« (Schellenberg, 1956, str. 1). O arhivistih in njihovem položaju v družbi sta Joan M. Schwartz in Terry Cook leta 2002 v med- narodni reviji Archival Science objavila zanimiva članka. V prvem (»Archives, Records, and Power: The Making of Modern Memory«), ki govori o moči arhivov, arhivskega gradiva in arhivistov na oblikovanje spomina, sta zapisala: »Zunaj stroke na arhiviste že dolgo gledajo kot na tiste, ki 'nam sekajo drva in nas oskrbujejo z vodo'2, torej kot na tiste, ki so dokumente prejeli od ustvarjalcev in jih predali raziskovalcem. Znotraj stroke pa arhivisti sami sebe dojemajo kot nevtralne, objektivne in nepristranske. Z obeh per- spektiv se zdi, da so arhivarji skupaj s svojim gradivom resnična antiteza moči. V tekstih o kulturnih ustanovah, ki nastajajo v zadnjem času, je seveda komajda najti kakšno besedo o tem, kako močno arhivi in dokumenti vplivajo na kolektivni spomin in človekovo identiteto. To je v izrazitem nasprotju z vlogo, ki jo danes pripisujejo muzejem zgodovine človeštva in prirodoslovnim muzejem, umetnostnim galeri- jam, knjižnicam, zgodovinskim spomenikom in celo živalskim vrtom. Čeprav so nekateri pisci začeli razi- skovati razne vidike 'arhiva' v metaforičnem oziroma filozofskem smislu, to skoraj vedno počnejo celo brez osnovnega poznavanja arhivov kot resničnih institucij, kot resničnega poklica (drugega najsta- rejšega!) in kor resnične stroke s celo vrsto njej lastnih teorij, metodologij in praks. 'Nearhivisti', ki danes pišejo o 'arhivu', redko citirajo strokovno arhivistično literaturo, ki nastaja vsepovsod po svetu« (Schwar- tz - Cook, 2002, str. 1-2). V drugem (Archives, Records, and Power: From /Postmodern/ Theory to /Archival/ Performan- ce) pa sta skušala opisati vlogo, ki jo igrajo arhivisti v današnjem svetu (Schwartz - Cook, 2002, str. 171- 185). Kljub dejstvu, da so se časi spremenili ostajajo arhivisti zvesti dolgoletni praksi. Slediti bi morali spremenjenim razmeram in se zavedati svoje odgovornosti za oblikovanje spomina nekega naroda, družbe, ljudi. V svetovni arhivski literaturi zadnjih dveh desetletij pa se razmišljanja o sodobnem poslanstvu arhi- vistov kljub temu pojavljajo vse pogosteje (Cook, 1997; Thomassen, 1999, str. 149-167; Greene, 2002, str. 42-55). 3 Arhivist - profesija Poizkusimo narediti primerjavo med zdravnikom, predstavnikom profesije, in arhivistom. V sociološki terminologiji naj bi pripadnost profesiji pomenila vključenost v skupino ljudi, ki opra- vljajo enak poklic, ki obvladujejo posebno področje dela na osnovi določene znanstvene vede in posre- dujejo družbi svoje usluge, priznane kot neobhodno potrebne za javno dobro. Profesija naj bi imela izključno pravico do delovanja na določenem področju, svoje delo pa lahko dobro opravlja le v primeru, če ji družba to pravico prizna. Profesija naj bi se razlikovala od poklica predvsem po tem, da je njeno delo podrejeno določeni »akademski disciplini«. Za uspešno delovanje je potrebno, da sta tako profesija na eni strani kot akademska disciplina na drugi priznani kot neodvisni in avtonomni. Vsekakor oboje velja tako za zdravnike kot za medicinsko vedo. Kako pa je z arhivisti in arhivsko znanostjo - arhivistiko? Neodvisnost in avtonomija arhivske pro- fesije in arhivske znanstvene veje sta soodvisni. Avtonomija prve predpostavlja avtonomijo druge kot akademske discipline in obratno. Arhivska veda predstavlja osnovo za profesionalno dejavnost in arhi- vske znanstvene raziskave so predpogoj za uspešen razvoj profesije. Zato se mora arhivistika razvijati v okvirih akademske svobode, ne sme imeti zgolj statusa pomožne vede in ne sme služiti samo arhivskim ustanovam. Akademska svoboda zahteva neodvisnost akademskega poučevanja in proučevanja brez zu- nanjega vmešavanja in je bistvena za vsako vedo. Pomembna je tudi za arhivsko profesijo, saj se le-ta lahko ubrani politizacije le, če njena akademska izobrazba temelji na nepristranskosti. Delo arhivista ne sme biti 2. Citat iz Joz 9,21, v prenesenem smislu bi lahko rekli garači, ki pridno delajo za gospodarje. 129 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jelka MELIK - Mateja JERAJ: Arhivist: poklic ali profesija, 125-131 delo zgodovinarja ali informatika, specializiranega za arhive. Arhivistika mora biti samostojna tudi v od- nosu do arhivske ustanove. Avtonomija arhivske znanosti pa nikakor ne pomeni, da ta ne bi smela sode- lovati z drugimi disciplinami in arhivskimi službami. Nasprotno. Arhivistika mora biti multidisciplinar- na veda, arhivska praksa pa njena osnova in prva spodbuda. Še več, povezanost s profesijo in obstoječimi arhivskimi izobraževalnimi programi je nujna, saj je arhivistika mlada in še dokaj šibka veda. Tako kot arhivistika mora biti tudi arhivska profesija neodvisna in avtonomna. Za uspešno izpol- njevanje svojih nalog mora pridobiti in ubraniti pozicijo moči v odnosu do nalog, ki jih opravlja za družbo. Zato mora biti neodvisna od drugih profesij in avtonomna. Imeti mora svoje lastno strokovno združenje, za vstop v svoje vrste mora določiti pravila in zahteve in potem ta vstop tudi nadzorovati. Pripadnikov resnično neodvisne profesije namreč ne opredeljuje njihova zaposlenost v arhivski službi ali pri organu vlade, od katerega je ta služba odvisna, vladati jim mora samo znanstvena disciplina. Pravo merilo neod- visnosti stroke pa je stopnja, do katere je sposobna uveljaviti pravila svoje stroke, svoje lastne standarde in vrednote - tako v odnosu do svojih članov kot do celotne družbe. Samo profesija, ki ima takšno avtoriteto in ki ji je družba podelila takšne pristojnosti, je avtonomna profesija. Najzahtevnejša naloga arhivista bi morala biti določitev dokumentov, ki imajo neminljivo vrednost - arhivskega gradiva. Ta predvideva dobro poznavanje družbene stvarnosti, strukturo in način delovanja vseh organov in organizacij, ki ustvarjajo arhivsko gradivo. Vzdrževati mora tudi neokrnjenost in celovi- tost gradiva, ki ga je sprejela v hrambo in s tem zagotavljati, da so dokumenti zanesljiv dokaz preteklosti. Velik korak k neodvisnosti arhivske profesije je bil narejen s sprejetjem etičnega kodeksa na kongresu generalne skupščine Mednarodnega arhivskega sveta (ICA - International Council of Archives) v Pekin- gu na Kitajskem (6. 9. 1996). Sprejeti kodeks je pomemben pogoj za samostojnost in neodvisnost profe- sije, posledično pa je pomemben tudi odnos med veljavno arhivsko zakonodajo in etičnim kodeksom kot preizkusnim kamnom avtonomije arhivske profesije. Pomembno je namreč, da etični kodeks postane sestavni del arhivske zakonodaje oz. zakona o varstvu arhivskega gradiva. Povedano drugače: Zakon o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih naj bi vseboval določbo, da morajo arhivisti ravnati v skladu s kodeksom arhivske etike. Prav tako kot so zdravniki po zakonu dolžni kot poklicno skrivnost varovati podatke o zdravstvenem stanju posameznika in o vzrokih, okoliščinah in posledicah tega stanja, tako bi moral tudi arhivski zakon obvezovati arhiviste, da varujejo vse občutljive osebne poda- tke posameznikov pa tudi vse zaupne in tajne podatke, ki zadevajo pravne osebe, s katerimi se srečujejo pri svojem delu. Arhivisti sicer imajo svoja društva, nimajo pa svoje zbornice, kot jo imajo zdravniki. Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije skrbi za spoštovanje temeljnih vrednot zdravniškega poklica: empa- tije, strokovne usposobljenosti in avtonomije, v imenu države regulira zdravniški poklic, podeljuje, po- daljšuje in odvzema licence, načrtuje, spremlja in nadzoruje pripravništvo, specializacijo in druge oblike podiplomskega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja svojih članov, izvaja strokovni nadzor, vodi register zdrav- nikov, sodeluje pri pripravi zakonov ipd. Zakon o zdravniški službi določa, da sme zdravnik samostojno opravljati zdravniško službo, če je vpisan v register zdravnikov in če izpolnjuje druge pogoje, ki jih določa Zakon o zdravniški službi. Podobne zahteve bi morale biti uzakonjene tudi za poklic arhivista. Podobno primerjavo je že pred dobrimi petnajstimi leti storil nizozemski arhivist Theo Thomassen v članku, v katerem razmišlja o znanju in vplivu arhivistov ter o neodvisnosti in avtonomiji arhivske zna- nosti in profesije (Thomassen, 1999, str. 149-167). 4 Arhivist - profesionalni projekt Pot arhivista od poklica do profesije je še dolga, a vendar se zadeve vsaj ponekod že spreminjajo. To lahko sklepamo iz prispevka dr. Brucea Dearstyna, profesorja za informacijske študije univerze v Marylan- du, objavljenega v ACA3 News julija 2000, v katerem lahko preberemo, da je arhivska profesija4 v ZDA že dobro zastavljena. Poleg upoštevanja vseh drugih zahtev naj bi bilo za profesionalne arhiviste še značilno, da delujejo kot zastopniki preteklosti in sedanjosti za prihodnost - od njih je namreč odvisno, kateri 3. ACA - The Academy of Certified Archivists, ustanovljena 1989 na letnem srečanju združenja ameriških arhivistov. 4. Profesije ne moremo preprosto enačiti s poklicem. Je vrsta poklica, ki ga karakterizirajo, med drugim značilne visoke izobrazbene zahteve, točno določeno jedro teoretičnih in praktičnih znanj, relativna avtonomnost in neodvisnost pri delu, neodvisna presoja, etični kodeks. Kot najznačilnejši primer se navadno navaja zdravniški poklic. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 130 Jelka MELIK - Mateja JERAJ: Arhivist: poklic ali profesija, 125-131 dokumenti se bodo ohranili, in prav določanje gradiva, ki ima trajno vrednost, naj bi predstavljalo »srce« arhivistovega dela. Od njih je odvisno tudi, da bodo urejeni, ohranjeni in javnosti dostopni vsi dokumen- ti, zaradi česar morajo biti sposobni slediti spremembam na področju prava, informatike in drugih znano- sti ter tako zadostiti naraščajočim zahtevam uporabnikov. Zato bi bilo treba razviti ustrezne smernice arhivske izobrazbe in ustvariti pogoje za takšno izobraževanje. Nastavitev profesionalnega arhivista je po Dearstynovem mnenju smiselna investicija za vsako institucijo, saj je to najcenejša in najbolj učinkovita pot za upravljanje z nenadomestljivimi viri informacij, ki služijo tako notranjim kot zunanjim uporab- nikom. Profesionalni arhivisti naj bi bili torej nepogrešljivi, ker znajo iz ogromne množice zapisov odbra- ti arhivsko gradivo, ki je pomembno tako za pravno varnost državljanov kakor tudi za prenos kulturnih in zgodovinskih informacij, ker razumejo upravljanje z dokumenti institucij in jih znajo ohraniti ne glede na obliko, v kateri so nastali, ker vedo, kako jih je mogoče najbolj učinkovito uporabljati, saj znajo izdela- ti ustrezne popise in druge pripomočke, ki omogočajo hiter in lahek dostop do dokumentov, ker sode- lujejo z drugimi strokovnjaki, ki se ukvarjajo z informacijskimi viri (Dearstyne 2000). 5 Zaključek Zavedanju, da številni arhivski dokumenti niso le zanimivi stari zapisi, temveč tudi evidence pre- teklih dogodkov in stanj ter pomembni pravno relevantni dokazi, bi moralo slediti spoznanje, da vredno- tenje dokumentov ni in ne more biti le rutinsko opravilo, ampak je določanje dokumentov, ki jih držav- ljani potrebujejo bodisi za oblikovanje kolektivnega spomina, strokovnega dela, znanstvenih raziskav, vse do zaščite oziroma varstva pravic, odgovorno in zahtevno ter potrebno delo, od katerega je odvisen obstoj pravne in kulturne države in naroda. Poslanstvo arhivista je graditev mostu med sedanjostjo in prihodno- stjo ter sedanjostjo in preteklostjo. Do nedavnega so se arhivisti ukvarjali le z zapisi od trenutka, ko so prestopili prag javnega arhiva, oziroma od takrat, ko ga je ustvarjalec arhivskega gradiva želel ali moral predati. Arhivist je bil predvsem prevzemnik in ohranjevalec dokumentov. V prihodnosti mora teža nje- govega dela preiti na določevanje gradiva, celo na nastanek in oblikovanje zapisov oziroma dokumentov. Vse potrebnejši in nujnejši naj bi postal arhivistov prispevek v prvi fazi življenja dokumenta. S poslanstvom arhivista je prav tako nezdružljiv pojem uradnika. Uradnik naj bi bil izvajalec pre- dpisov. Arhivist pa bi moral biti mnogo več. Njegova naloga je samostojno presojati, kateri od zapisov, dokumentov, ki nastajajo, so tako pomembni, da jih je treba ohraniti za vedno. Pri tem mora presoditi, kateri zapisi imajo trajen pomen na eni strani za znanstvene raziskave in kulturo, na drugi strani pa za varstvo pravic pravnih in fizičnih oseb oziroma trajen pomen za pravni interes pravnih in fizičnih oseb. Arhivski poklic je torej profesija v nastajanju. Poglejmo še nekaj misli, ki jih je zapisal ugledni arhi- vski strokovnjak H. Thomas Hickerson in veljajo tudi ali še celo za naš prostor. V prispevku z naslovom Deset izzivov za arhivsko profesijo je predstavil po njegovem mnenju najpogostejše probleme, s katerimi se srečujejo arhivisti v začetku 21. stoletja. Ne bomo naštevali vseh. Ustavimo se le na zadnjem. Hickerson ga takole opiše: »Arhivisti so videni kot zaupanja vredni zastopniki družbe, ki delujejo v dobro vsakogar, s tem da zagotavljajo hrambo dokumentov, ki so nujni za zaščito zakonitih pravic državljanov, in zgodo- vinskih dokumentov, ki govorijo o človeških dosežkih v preteklosti, o kulturnem razvoju in načinu vsak- danjega življenja. Mi imamo posebno vlogo v družbi in smo spoštovani kot ombudsmani, ki delujejo tako v javnem interesu kot v interesu vsakega posameznika. Včasih se ne zavedamo dovolj naše posebej ugledne vloge, iz katere izhaja tudi naša vrednost in pomen za družbo. Zato moramo narediti nujno potreben korak, da bomo opravičili našo kredibilnost, in sicer z vzdrževanjem visoke stopnje profesionalizma in izpolnjevanjem naših nalog, s čimer bomo izkazali čast našemu poklicu.« (Hickerson, 2001, str. 16). Viri in literatura Bučar, France (2004). Uvodno predavanje na 30. dnevih slovenskih pravnikov. V: Pravna praksa, letnik 2004, številka 36. Dostopno na: QxjuE1q+kWaTdh3BaQQe6NezJ60ydGc1dJilCCiCs+V5vonlFw/Q9vcJpZ7UFa+Fn0khpzLtH, (6.4.2017) Cook, Terry (1997). What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift. V: Archivaria, letnik 43, »pomlad 1997«, str. 17-63 Bruce Dearstyne (2000). The Archival Profession: Meeting Critical Institutional and Social Needs. V: ACA News, julij 2000. Dostopno na: The Archival Profession: Meeting Critical Institutional and Social Needs | Welcome to the Academy of Certified Archivists, val-profession-meeting-critical-institutional-and-social-needs/, (6.4.2017) 131 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jelka MELIK - Mateja JERAJ: Arhivist: poklic ali profesija, 125-131 Greene, Mark (2002). The Power of Meaning: The Archival Mission in the Postmodern Age. V: The American Archivist, letnik 65, št. 1, str. 42-55 Hickerson, H. Thomas (2001.: Ten Challenges for the Archival Profession. V: The American Archivist, letnik 64 (Spring /Summer 2001) : 6-1 6 Krause, Elliot. A (1971). The Sociology of occupations. Boston: Little Brown Company Schellenberg, Theodore R. (1956). Modern Archives, Principles and Techniques. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Schwartz, Joan M. - Cook, Terry (2002). Archives, records, and power: The making of modern memory. V: Archi- val Science, letnik 2, št. 1, str. 1-19 Schwartz, Joan M. - Cook, Terry (2002). Archives, Records, and Power: From (Postmodern) Theory to (Archival) Performance. V: Archival Science, letnik 2, št. 3, str. 171-185. Standardna klasifikacija poklicev (SKP - 08). Dostopno na., (6.4.2017) Svetlik, Ivan (1999). Sodobni izzivi profesionalizmu. V: Knjižnica, letnik 43, št. 2-3, str. 7-18 Thomassen, Theo (1999). Archivists between knowledge and power - On the independence and autonomy of ar- chival science and the archival profession. V: Arhivski vjesnik, letnik 42, str. 149-167 ZRSZ - opis poklica. Dostopno na: Filter=, (6.4.2017) SUMMARY Many theorists argue that there is a fundamental difference between the profession and the profession. For occu- pation, they list the following properties: disorganization of its members, short-term training, the job according to the instructions, no specific professional culture, a small reputation in society, a weak sense of belonging to the profession, their position influenced by the market. For the profession it is expected to be characterized by the following: its position is affected by the state, members are bonding in separate organizations, they have a high re- putation in the society, a strong sense of belonging to the profession, it requires a long-term education and highly demanding knowledge, the operation is regulated by the code of professional ethics, there is a mechanism of ente- ring control into the profession. The path from the occupation toward profession is called professionalization. It is quite clear that for the professionalization of the occupation mostly self-awareness and self-organization of mem- bers of the occupation. This is especially needed by occupations, who are not in the most enviable positions in so- ciety and they need a ‘professional project’. The road is not open to all occupations. Being an archivist is now only the occupation. The mission of the archivist is building a bridge between the present and the future and the past and present. Until recently, archivists have dealt only with records from the moment they crossed the threshold of a public archives, or from the time when the creator wanted to give the records to archives. An archivist was mainly acquirer and preserver of documents. In the future, the weight of his work should move to the determination of the materials (appraisal), and even the formation of records or documents. Archivist’s contribution to the first phase of the life of the document is more needed. To achieve the profession, it has all the necessary conditions, but decisive actions should be taken. Foremost is needed to achieve a greater reputation in society, to raise awareness of archivists on the importance of its mission. The most difficult task archivist should be the determination of docu- ments that have permanent value - archives. This provides a good understanding of social reality, the structure and mode of action of all the bodies and organizations that create the archives. It must also maintain the integrity and the integrity of the material, which was adopted in custody, thereby ensuring that the documents are reliable evi- dence of the past. A big step towards independence archival profession has been made with the adoption of a code of ethics, which should become part of the mandatory archiving legislation. With independent study of archival science, the professional organization and especially base study of archival science should be formed. Occupation can be distinguished from the profession mainly by the fact that her work is subordinated to certain “academic discipline”. For successful operation, it is necessary that both the profession on the one hand as an academic disci- pline on the other are recognized as an independent and autonomous. Typology: 1.02 Rewiev Article Submitting date: 12.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 133 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Arhivisti i XXI vek: koliko su arhivisti spremni na dosti- gnuća XXI veka Branka DOKNIĆ, Ph.D. Arhiv Jugoslavije, Vase Pelagića 33, Beograd, Serbia e-mail:, Archivists and 21st Century: How Ready Are Archivists for the Achievements of 21st Century ABSTRACT The century that we live in provides endless scientific and technological possibilities that could be used to improve archival science and practice. The question is how ready archivists for challenges of XXI century are. Firsthand experience indicates that among all employees working in the sector of cultural heritage, archivists are last to accept technological innovations. Modern archives need educated archivists completing the highest level of education with additional and permanent participation in the workshops, courses and international conferences. Key words: XXI century, modern technology, marketing, science, archivists, cultural heritage, the Archives of Yugoslavia Gli archivisti e il XXI secolo: sono pronti gli archivisti ad affronater le sfide del XXI secolo? SINTESI Il secolo in cui viviamo offre infinite possibilità scientifiche e tecnologiche che potrebbero essere utilizzate per mi- gliorare la scienza e la pratica archivistiche. La domanda è: sono pronti gli archivisti ad affrontare le sfide del XXI secolo? L'esperienza di prima mano indica che tra tutti i professionisti che lavorano nel settore del patrimonio culturale, gli archivisti sono gli ultimi ad accettare le innovazioni tecnologiche. Gli archivi moderni necessitano di archivisti che completino il livello più alto di formazione con una partecipazione aggiuntiva e permanente in labo- ratori, corsi e conferenze internazionali Parole chiave: XXI secolo, tecnologia moderna, marketing, scienza, archivisti, patrimonio culturale, Archivio di Jugoslavia Arhivisti in 21. stoletje: v kolikšni meri so arhivisti pripravljeni na dosežke 21. stoletja IZVLEČEK Stoletje, v katerem živimo, nam odpira neskončne znanstvene in tehnološke možnosti, s katerimi lahko izboljšamo arhivsko znanost in prakso. Vprašanje pa je, v kolikšni meri so arhivisti pripravljeni na dosežke 21. stoletja? Nepo- sredne izkušnje pričajo, da izmed vseh zaposlenih na področju varstva kulturne dediščine ravno arhivisti zadnji sprejemajo tehnološke inovacije. Sodobni arhiv potrebuje izobražene arhiviste z najvišjo stopnjo izobrazbe, obe- nem tudi z dodatnim izobraževanjem v obliki delavnic, tečajev in mednarodnih zborovanj. Ključne besede: XXI stoletje, sodobne tehnologije, marketing, znanost, arhivisti, kulturna dediščina. Arhiv Jugo- slavije Arhivisti i XXI vek: koliko su arhivisti spremni na dostignuća XXI veka APSTRAKT Vek u kome živimo otvara beskonačne naučne i tehnološke mogućnosti kojima može da se unapredi arhivska nau- ka i praksa. Pitanje je koliko su arhivisti spremni na izazove XXI veka. Neposredno iskustvo govori da od svih po- slenika u sektoru kulturne baštine arhivisti poslednji prihvataju tehnološke inovacije. Savremenom arhivu su ne- ophodani obrazovani arhivisti, edukovani do najvišeg stupnja obrazovanja, ali i naknadnim učestvovanjem u radionicama, tečajevima, na međunarodnim skupovima. Ključne reči: XXI vek, moderna tehnologija, marketing, arhivisti, arhiv, kulturna baština, Arhiv Jugoslavije ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 134 Branka DOKNIĆ: Arhivisti i XXI vek: koliko su arhivisti spremni na dostignuća XXI veka, 133-138 1 Uvod Promene koje sa sobom donosi 21 vek ogledaju se, možda prvi put u istoriji prevashodno na tehno- loškom, potom ekonomskom, na kraju na na geoistorijskom planu, a kao posledica na ukupnom kultur- nom polju. Društvene promene nastale poslednjih godina 20 i prvih godina 21 veka tek će da pokažu svoje osobenosti u decenijama pred nama. Najrazvijeniji deo sveta je sa zakoračio u četvrtu industrijsku revoluciju, prepoznatljivu u odnosu na prethodne po digitalnom korišćenju i digitalnoj kompetenciji, nano tehnologiji, veštačkoj inteligenciji, 3d štampačima, nekontrolisanoj upotrebi interneta, kvantnoj informatici. Tehnologija digitalne revolucije, zahvaljujući dostupnosti postaje baština celog sveta. Čuv- anje, prozvodnja i delenje znanja postaje beskonačno Pitanje koje stoji pred kulturnim poslenicima, pr- venstveno čuvarima baštine je - kako tu prošlost spojiti sa takvom budućnošću (Molnar, K.2000). Preobražaj ukupne kulture 21 veka u potpunosti je zavistan od digitalne revolucije, pogotvo od tehnologije veza i reprodukcije. Kultura postaje masovna, dostupna svima, zahvaljujući modernoj tehno- ligiji koja je svojom snagom premrežila ceo poznati svet i krenula u otkrivanje nepoznatog svemira. Istoričari - arhivisti, kao tumači prošlosti po svojoj definiciji su, imali slab osećaj za buduće vreme, prvo što im to nije u opisu stručnih i naučnih obaveza, pa potom gube i potrebu da krenu u susret inova- cijama, od tehnoloških do ekonomskih. Promene koje sa sobom donosi digitalna revolucija 21 veka i sve pogodnosti njene eksploatacije otvaraju potpuno nov odnos arhivskih poslenika prema svojoj delatnosti. Desilo se ono što je nekad bilo nemoguće, dogodio se čarobni iskorak - kilometri arhivskih dokumenata mogu da stanu u džep! 21 vek postaje granica između “papirnog” arhiva i “elektronskog” arhiva, odnosno između dosa- dašnjeg načina stvaranjai čuvanja arhivskog dokumenta i novog. Tkz “rođeni” digitalni ili elektronski document postaje stvarnost i vremenom jedini trag koji će biti pohranjen u neki budući arhiv. Skupljanje, zaštita i dostupnost te vrste dokumenata, odnosno osnivanje i rad takvih arhiva je još uvek u nejasnom polju preporuka i predloga. Dometi novih tehnologija i njihova primena koja se odnosi na umreženost i povezanost svih činilaca koji stvaraju dokumente postaju snaga za sebe, tako da je kontrola originalnosti takvih dokumenata jos uvek nejasna. S obzirom da je su postojeći arhivi prevashodno oni koji čuvaju papirnu registratursku građu, glav- no arhivističko pitanje sastoji se u tome kako zamah nove digitalne tehnologije najadekvatnije iskoristiti u procesu zaštite i dostupnosti zatečenog arhivskog dokumenta. Evaluacija koja se odnosi na buduće stanje arhivske institucije, istovremeno će biti i opis novih zanimanja koji se moraju osnovati da bi se arhivska baština najadekvatnije zaštitila i sačuvala za budućnost. Arhiv Jugoslavije je nastao radom federalnih institucija bivše jugoslovenske države, čijim je nestan- kom od upravne institucije postao institucija kulturne baštine i tkz “mrtvi arhiv”. Arhiv Jugoslavije pri- pada grupi arhiva koja poseduje skoro stoprocentnu papirnu građu i ima obavezu da, u vremenu koje je pred nama, primenom digitalne i internet tehnologije tu građu valorizuje, zaštiti i učini dostupnom najširem broju interesenata. 2 Arhiv i Država Arhivske institucije, zahvaljujući nizu objektivnih društvenih faktora postaju interesantne za sve veći broj korisnika. Pod tim objektivnim okolnostima se podrazumeva dostupnost tehnoloških inovacija sve većem broju pojedinaca, povećana pismenost i porast obrazovnog nivoa stanovništva, demokratska vlast (ma šta pod tim podrazumevali) u najvećem broju država. Sve veća prisutnost arhiva u javnom živ- otu i širi spektar uvida u ono što čuva arhivski depo dovodi do promene odnosa države prema arhivu. U veku koji je pred nama država nastavlja da vrši uticaj preko zakonske i finansijske zaštite institucija kultu- re, pa prema tome istu vrstu pritiska imaju i institucije kulturne baštine. Država, u ovom veku izbegava direktan monopol nametanja zvanične kulture, čak i kad finansira kulturu, ali na nov način “pokušava da se uplete u traženju istorijske istine” (Hobsbaum, 2014.) Istorija se tako prepoznaje u obliku “javno finansiranih manifestacija, svečanosti i komemoracija, muzeja, kulturnog nasleđa…političarima je potrebna prikladna nova, njima korisna istorija ili javna istorijska tradicija”. U takvom poimanju istorije nema mesta za arhive, jer istorijska istina “često predstavlja opasnost po nacio- nalizam, ... a ustanovljavanje istorijske istine putem odluke ili skupštinskog akta predstavlja izazov za 135 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Branka DOKNIĆ: Arhivisti i XXI vek: koliko su arhivisti spremni na dostignuća XXI veka, 133-138 političara, ali ovako čemu nema mesta u ustavnim državam.” (Hobsbaum, 2014). Država predstavlja jedi- ni način da se obezdedi istorijsko nasleđe, nezainteresovanost države za čuvanje sopstvene prošlosti samo je drugo ime za radikalnu situaciju u kojooj “prošlost treba zbrisati”. Arhiv Jugoslavije, iako ne zvanično, u odnosu na nacionalne arhive država bivše zajedničke države ima marginalizovan status, a izučavanje ovog istorijskog perioda nije politički oportuno za sadašnje poli- tičke elite, sem ako ima partikularni predznak. Arhiv Jugoslavije ima pred sobom izuzetan stručni izazov - da valorizuje 40 kilometara registraturskog materijala koji se nalazi pod njegovim krovom ili u njegovoj stručnoj i zakonskoj ingerenciji. Osim ovog Arhiv Jugoslavije, kao najodgovornija instutucija, uz pomoć odgovarajučih državnih organa mora da izvrši uvid i ustanovi postojanje, napravi popise i predloži mere zaštite za arhvsku građe koja se nalazi u ministarstvima vojske, unutrašnjih i spoljnih poslova, nastala ra- dom federalnih jugoslovenskih službi za period 1918.-2006.godina. 3 Preporuke MASa (ICA) Budući rad arhivskih institucija najedakvatnije se može osloniti i na deklaracije i rezolucije koje periodično upućuje Međunarodni arhivski savet. Na osnovu tih preporuka u srazmeri sa objektivnim mogućnostima, arhivske institucije prave evaluacije svog zatečenog i budućeg statusa. Učesnici međunar- odnih kongresa, godišnjih konferencija ili sastanaka pogrupa MASa sa velikom pažnjom prate promene koje se u tehnološkoj i društvenoj sferi dešavaju i na osnovu njih predlažu dalje smernice. MASove prepo- ruke, seuvek oslanjaju na preporuke UN ili UNESCOa u cilju kvalitetnije kompatibilnosti sa ukupnim društvenim procesima. Ono što je crvena nit kroz sve preporuke je konstantno davanje značaja obrazo- vanju arhivista, modernizaciji arhivskih institucija, davanju smernica za primenu tehnologija koje će do- prineti zaštiti arhivskog dokumenta, insistiranju na otvorenosti arhiva, na odgovornosti vlada za rad arhi- va, i ponovo- insistiranju na kontinuiranoj edukaciji zaposlenih. Preporuke i deklaracije koje su stizale od strane MAS u prvim godinama 21 veka su prepoznavale tehnološke promene i na osnovu njih pravili smernice u cilju ka novom, modernijem statusu arhiva i zaposlenih u njemu. Upoređujući sadržaj dekla- racije vidi se da je do pre deset godina njihov akcenat bio na radu arhiva sa klasičnim dokumentima, a u poslednjim rezolucijama u potpunosti je njihov sadržaj usmeren na arhiviranje e-dokumenata i probleme koji se sreću u ovom, po arhive, pionirskom poslu. Arhivi koji počinju da deponuju „rođene“ digitalne zapise dobijaju prednost u osnovu na prethodne arhive, tako da nerešeni problemi tkz. standardnih arhi- va ostaju negde na margini. Čekajući neka nova vremena i nove arhiviste za njihovo rešavanje. Značaj koji dobija informacija u savremenom svetu, kao i njena dostupnost promenili su ulogu zaposlenih u evropskim arhivima. Tretirajući arhivski dokument kao istorijsku, odnosno kulturnu vred- nost, arhivista dobija odgovornu ulogu onoga čiji posao počinje stvaranjem zapisa, a završava korištenjem tih zapisa. Sa poslednjeg kongresa MASa (Seul 2016.), potvrđena je odlučnost arhivskih stručnjaka da kroz kalendar akcija za razvoj do 2030. godine, i UNESCOovih preporuka o čuvanju i dostupnosti doku- mentarnog materijala (2015.) i deklaracije o arhivima (2011.), svojom kompeticijom i u duhu dobre sa- radnje razmenjuju profesionalna znanja dajući doprinos eri digitalne tehnologije. Preporuke, usvojene u Seulu definišu arhive kao nezamenljive izvore informacija, koji svoj rad u vremenu digitalne tehnologije treba da učine transparentnijim, o značaju zakona o intelektualnoj svojini, o zaštiti podataka, i potrebi međunarodne stručne saradnje kroz partnerstvo otvorenih vlada. Značaj koji u zaštiti arhivskog nasleđa ima digitalna tehnologija čini još jednu od preporuka za dalji rad, kao i preporuka o edukaciji arhivista u skladu sa novim defenicijama arhiva. Na sastanku direktora nacionanalnih arhiva 2006.godine MAS je, u skladu sa stanjem u tehno- loškom i društvenom okruženj, doneo preporuke o znčaju arhivista u očuvanju svetske memorije, poseb- no u situaciji oružanih sukoba, i nepredviđenih situacija. Svesni značaja uloge arhivista traženo je da se donesu postulati koji se odnose na edukaciju i razvoj arhivista i njihovu zaštitu od političkih i ekonomskih pritisaka, tražeći da države stvaraju optimalne uslove za razvoj arhivske institucije na osnovu arhivske struke. (MAS- 2006.). Na sastanku je poveren mandat posebnoj komisiji da pripremi tekst Univerzalne deklaracije o arhivima. Na istom sastanku je usvojena rezolucija o zaštiti arhivske građe koja se odnosi pravosuđa zatvaranja i obaveštajne službeu „cilju promovisanja univerzalne pravde i kao sredstva zaštite individualnih i kolektivnih prava“. Osim tih, za budući rad Arhiva Jugoslavije su značajne i usvojene pre- poruke o značaju oralne tradicije, o privatnim arhivima, o audiovizuelnom nasleđu, o organizaciji svet- skog dana arhiva, i o dostupnosti arhivskih dokumenata preko kompjuterske tehnike. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 136 Branka DOKNIĆ: Arhivisti i XXI vek: koliko su arhivisti spremni na dostignuća XXI veka, 133-138 4 Novi arhivista Kao jedan od strateških ciljeva u prve dve decenije 21 veka MAS je pored povećanja obaveštenosti, uticaja razvoja novih tehnologija na treće mesto stavio usavršavanje kadrova vezanih za arhivsku struku i arhivku građu. Preporukom se predlaže da se u budućem radu kroz aktivnosti zastupanja, upravljanja građom, vrednovanja, arhivskog opisua, zaštiti od katastrofa promoviše najbolja praksa. Da bi na tim poslovima radili edukovani, profesionalno usavršeni stručnjaci neophodno je širom sveta organizovati, radionice, kurseve, stipendije i onlajn komunikaciju. (MAS 2008-2018) Kroz takvu obuku i usavršavanje uspostavlja se profesionalna i institucionalna solidarnost, učenje se odvija kao proces, stvaraju se rešenja za otklanjanje problema, sa promovisanjem arhivske građe i arhiva. Preporučuje se da se kroz platformu za profesionalnu razmenu i partnerstvo vrši razmena iskustava između arhivskih stručnjaka koji se bave arhivskom građom na svim nivoima, da bi se tako ustanovila i obučenost na međunarodnom nivou koja bi bila verifikovana međunarodnim sertifikatom. (MAS 2006.) Neprestani proces edukacije i stvaranje- optimalnih uslova za obuku, obrazovanje i stalni profesionalni napredak, doprinosi povećanju svesti o fundamentalnoj ulozi arhivske građe u društvu, posebno u cilju istorijskih istraživanja. Ono što nas interesuje to je profil zaposlenih u tkz. mrtvom arhivu, odnosno arhivu koji je jedino institucija kulturne baštine, kao što je Arhiv Jugoslavije, i koji čiji budući rad treba da se bazira na stva- ranju novih profila zaposlenih. U takvom arhivu prestaje potreba za pojedinim službama, izuzetno važn- im za institucije javne uprave, ali se otvara prostor za novi profil zaposlenih u vrednovanju i prezentaciji kulturnog blaga, poverenog na trajno čuvanje. Valorizacija, kao osnovna radnja sa arhivskom građom poprima u takvom arhivu mnogo širi značaj. Sem tehničke i stručne valorizacije, arhiv kao ostale institucije kulturne baštine mora svoju ulogu da pre- pozna prvenstveno u procesu naučne valorizacije poverene arhivske građe. (Doknić 2016). Da bi bilo utemeljeno kao spomenik kulture, arhivsko kulturno blago treba pre toga da prođe kroz proces naučn- e-istraživačke valorizacije i kategorizacije kao kulturne baštine. Ovaj postupak je izuzetno važan, je je ova građa jedinstveni izvor za pisanje istorije prostora koji je dugi niz godina bio važan za događanja na svet- skoj političkoj sceni. Naučna valorizacija mora će da obuhvati kompletnu građu svih zajedničkih arhiva nekadašnje federacije. Početak rada na valorizaciji građe mora početi zajedničkim planom i programom zaposlenih u arhivu i zaposlenih u naučnim i fakultetskim odeljenjima. Valorizacija, kao naznačajni rad u arhivskoj praksi ostaje polje nepikosnovene delatnosti pojedinaca Iz tih razloga savremeni arhivista treba da bude mnogo više upućen u dostignuća moderne istoriografije, odnosno da istorijski period koji se istražuje bude pokriven saznanjima savremene nauke, odnosno da zaposleni imaju najveći stepen stručne spreme (Phd) i to niza naučnih disciplina, jer interdisciplinarna i komparativna istraživanja trebaju biti pravilo. Svaki korpus kulturnog dobra, pa tako i arhivska građa deo je ukupnog svetskog kulturnog na- sleđa, ali je ono ipak, prvenstveno, određeno značajem koji ima u okviru društvne zajednice koja ga je st- vorila. Naučna valorizacija je, neprekidan, ponavljan proces, koja se, između ostalog, sastoji u kategoriza- ciji arhivske baštine, naučno-istraživačom radu u formiranju tematskih, ličnih, predmetnih i ostalih indeksa, u pisanju analitičkih inventara za svaki kategorisani fond, u odabiranju dokumenata za publiko- vanje, za prvenstvo fizičke zaštite, za određivanje uslova za iznošenje dokumenata iz zemlje. Posebni značaj mora da dobije valorizacija i kategorizacija građe socijalističkog perioda. Istorijski izvori u kojima se sadrži istorija 20 veka zajedno sa naučnim odeljenjem postaju okosnica modernog arhiva. 5 Popularizacija arhiva Da se ne zavaravamo - šta prvo pomislimo kad se pomene arhiv. Odmah osetimo miris stare, nepre- gledne redove prašinom zasute hartije, i arhivistu, kao osobu sa znanjem koje nikome nije potrebno, a sve smešteno u zgradi, polupreuređenoj za potrebe smeštaja arhivske građe. Na takav status i opis pristaju zaposleni, a oni treba da budu prvi koji menjaju sliku o svom radu i o značaju tog rada za ukupnu društv- enu stvarnost. Arhivska delatnost je aktivnost, čijoj popularizaciji danas i ubuduće u potpunosti pomaže uoptreba moderne tehnologije i u tom cilju neophodno je zaposliti veći broj stručnjaka koji će raditi na poslovima gde se primenjuju savremena dostignuća presnimavanja i umnožavanja - mikrofilm, digitalizacija, inter- net, networking. Digitalizacija arhivske građe, sem prvenstvenog zadatka na zaštiti, otvara mogućnost elektronskog komuniciranja, a potom i neslućene veze sa istim i sličnim institucijama i pojedincima širom planete. To povezivanje, do skora mnogo skromnije i manje frekventno, najčešće pod okriljem pojedinih 137 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Branka DOKNIĆ: Arhivisti i XXI vek: koliko su arhivisti spremni na dostignuća XXI veka, 133-138 udruženja, danas, a tek u narednim decenijama pruža beskrajne mogućnosti permanentnog, nehijerarhi- jskog povezivanja arhivista u cilju uzajamne pomoći, razmenjivanja ideja, informacija iprograma, formu- lisanja zajedničkih akcija, prezentacija i istraživačkih projekata. (Doknic 2009.) Ovakav način je budućn- ost rada, kako u bogatim društvima , koja imaju materijalnih i kadrovskihi informatičkih resursa, i za ostale vidove komunikacije (skupovi, kongresi, konferencije) tako i za, siromašna društva, kojima je takva vrsta komunikacije jedini način da razbiju profesionalnu izolovanost. On lajn komunikacija afirmiše arhi- vski rad, iznosi ga na javnu scenu, populariše arhivski dokument, koji svojom dostupnošču doprinosi istorijskoj istini, danas, i pored svih čuda moderne tehnologije, nedovoljno transparentnoj. Mreže u kul- turi se prevashodno formiraju van međudržavnih dogovora, jer su proizvod intersektorskog delovanja, ali u narednom periodu takva vrsta saradnje treba da bude i osnivana na međudržavnom dogovoru. Komu- nikacija putem društvenih mreža zahteva posebno osposobljene arhiviste sa znanjem, etikom i entuzijaz- mom za ovakvu vrstu poslova. Tim arhivskih stručnjaka koji će se baviti promocijom arhivske delatnosti putem elektronske komunikacije je neophodan u savremenom arhivu. Moderni arhiv, kao institucija kulturne baštine treba da među zaposlenim formira tim koji će pri- menjivati ideju i praksu modernog marketinga, koji će imati dvostruki zadatak - popularizaciju arhiva i istovremeno kreiranje poslovne politike kojom će arhivska institucija da se prilagođava tržišnim uslovi- ma. Te promene će u početku biti simbolične, ali se mora početi sa promenom svesti o državnoj donaciji kao jedinoj vrsti finansijskog preživljavanja. Arhiv mora da ima obučen tim stručnjaka koji će osmišljavati i organizovati razne vrste izložbi, učestvovati na sajmovima kulture, organizovati tribine, naučne skupo- ve, tečajeve,radionice, pratiti sve kulturne akcije koje bi doprinele popularizaciji i difuziji uticaja arhiva kao kulturne baštine. Osmišljenim akcijama i njihovom adekvatnom zastupljenošću u medijima stvara se nova publika, a arhiv dobija status institucije nezaobilazne u kulturnim dešavanjima. 6 Zaključak Arhivi su jedinstveno i nezamenljivo nasleđe koje se prenosi sa jedne na drugu generaciju stoji u Univezalnoj deklaraciji o arhivima dodaje da »otvoren pristup arhivskoj građi i obogađuje našr znanje o ljudskom društvu, promoviše demokratiju, štiti građanska prava i pobiljšava kvalitet života«. Ako je sve tako - postavlja se pitanje zbog čega arhivi imaju još uvek marginalizovan status u korpusu kulture, ali i državne uprave. Odgovor moraju da potraže sami arhivisti. Niko im sa strane neće pomoći, ako oni sami ne osmisle strategiju modernizacije i prilagođavanja arhivske struke dostignućima savremene tehnologije, savremenoj paradigmi kulture i pravilima moderne uprave. Ako je prethodno citirana deklaracija krovna deklaracija o arhivima, svaki arhiv, mora da osmisli svoju individualnu deklaraciju pomoću koje će spro- vesti modernizaciju arhivske struke. Sve deklaracije i rezulucije neće dati rezultat bez formiranja arhivskih stručnjaka, bez njihovog permanentnog edukovanja koje će im omogućiti da usvoje sva dostignuća veka u kome živimo i primene ga u unapređenju arhivskog struke i popularizaciji arhivske institucije. Literatura Hobsbaum, Erik (2014). Kraj kulture, Beograd, Arhipelag. Univerzalna deklaracija o arhivima (2011). U Arhiv,XII,1/2, Beograd. Godišnji generalni sastanak XXXIX međunarodne konferencije Okruglog stola arhiva Kirasao, Holandski Antili, 24. novembar 2006 (2006). U: Arhiv, VIII,1/2, Beograd: Arhiv Jugoslavije. Doknić, Branka (2016). Valorizacija arhivske građe kao kulturne baštine, U: Arhivska građa u teoriji i praksi, str. 10-20, zbornik, Tara, 2016, Beograd: Arhivističko društvo Srbije. Molnar, Klod (2000). Kulturni inženjering, Beograd, Clio. MAS -Međunarodni kongres arhiva 2016. Kominike -Arhivi, harmonija i prijateljstvo: održavanje duha Seula. U: Arhiv XVII,1/2, Beograd: Arhiv Jugoslavije. Berk, Piter (2010). Osnovi kulturne istorije, Beograd. Šešić Dragićević M. Stojković B. (2011). Kultura- menadžment, marketing, animacija, Beograd. Doknić, Branka (2009). Uloga arhiviste u instituciji kulturne baštine, U: Tehnički in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, str. 133–140, Maribor: Pokrajinski arhiv. MAS - Strateški pravac 2008.-2018., U: Arhiv IX,1/2, Arhiv Jugoslavije, Beograd. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 138 Branka DOKNIĆ: Arhivisti i XXI vek: koliko su arhivisti spremni na dostignuća XXI veka, 133-138 SUMMARY In the century that we live, archival profession also found itself in the space of new technologies. Improvement of technology provides for the kilometers of the archival material to be placed in one pocket, therefore this new situa- tion confused archivists to a great extent and weaken their opinion about their manner of work. Only on archival profession and knowledge of archivist depends how much that technology will be used in organizing modern ar- chival practice and theory. Before all, archives preserving paper documents are first facing modernization of work, while archives preserving electronic documentation have other kind of problems as well as all the employees wor- king on pioneering work. The Archives of Yugoslavia belongs to not numerous archives of this type, so apart from systematic archival assets that present base of its work, it has to adopt regulations characteristic only for institu- tions of cultural heritage. We know that the archives exist only to make accessible archival documentation to more different interested parties; therefore the use of modern technology is imperative number one. In order to realize this, it is necessary to form department for support of digital technology within the archival institution, marketing department and before all department for scientific evaluation and categorization of archival documentation for- med during the time of Yugoslav state, with special emphasis of the socialistic period. Those departments, with employed professional archivists having highest degree of education, interested and open for cooperation with other archives but with the museums and the libraries as well will contribute to the popularization of the profes- sion, but in some way they will release state budged from total financing of the institution. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 24.03.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 139 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Training of Archivist in the 21st Century Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI Director General of Records Organization, National Records and Archives Authority - NRAA – Oman e-mail: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century ABSTRACT Archives are a memory of the people, therefore the training of archivists and other staff is extremely important. Archival material comes into the archive in all its forms and in large quantities, and the work in the archives requi- res different specific experiences. Thousands of documents are exchanged between archives and various offices every day. Before opening this material for the public, these documents need special treatment: they need to be organized in accordance with office management rules, it is necessary to establish the original order, to regulate is- sues related to access restriction, to prepare retention periods, to provide the retrieval and a whole series of other records management procedures. All these procedures cannot be carried out without the practical and theoretical education of archivists. Training and developing other skills and knowledge that relate to specific competencies must be planned and its purpose is to acquire knowledge that leads to the improvement of an individual’s or orga- nization’s performance. Training is an ongoing process in the life of the individual according to his needs, which leads to a change of behavior based on sophisticated methods of training. The training of archivists should not take place only in the form of knowledge transfer with lectures, since such training requires more intensive approach. Records managers are not focused solely on records themselves, but on the entire recordkeeping system. Such a system includes people who create and use organization records and policies regarding individual record procedu- res in order to ensure access to and the use of records. The training of archivists brings significant benefits to both archives and staff. All records and information generated by archives or collected from other sources are classified or organized in such a way that they can be found and successfully used in decision-making and long-term plan- ning, which can be achieved only through continuous training. In the article, the author will discuss the importan- ce of training in general and for the archival organization. There are many different types of training that are used to train archivists and other archival staff. The article presents the educational activity of the IIAS in providing archival knowledge and skills and the publication of Atlanti. The content of the publication contributes to the exchange of experience between archivists of members and non-members of the Institute, and also serves as an educational tool. The article also presents the training provided for archivists by the National Records and Archi- ves Authority in Oman. Key words: education, training, types of training, IIAS, Atlanti, Oman, National Records and Archives Authority Formazione degli archivisti nel XXI secolo SINTESI Gli archivi sono la memoria dei popoli, quindi la formazione degli archivisti e degli altri addetti è estremamente importante. Il materiale d'archivio entra nell'archivio in tutte le sue forme e in grandi quantità e il lavoro richiede diverse esperienze specifiche. Migliaia di documenti vengono scambiati quotidianamente tra gli archivi ed i diversi uffici. Prima di aprire questo materiale al pubblico, tali documenti richiedono un trattamento speciale: devono essere organizzati in conformità alle regole di gestione dell'ufficio, è necessario stabilirne l'ordine originale, regolare le questioni relative alle restrizioni all'accesso, preparare i periodi di conservazione, fornirne il recupero ed una serie di altre procedure di gestione documentale. Tutte queste procedure non possono essere svolte senza la formazione pratica e teorica degli archivisti. La formazione e lo sviluppo di altre competenze e conoscenze che si riferiscono a specifiche conoscenze devono essere pianificate, ed il loro scopo è quello di migliorare le prestazioni di un individuo o dell'organizzazione. La formazione è un processo in divenire nella vita dell'individuo in base alle sue esigenze, che porta ad un cambiamento di comportamento basato su sofisticati metodi. La formazione degli archivisti non do- vrebbe avvenire solo in forma di trasferimento di conoscenze tramite lezioni, poiché tale percorso richiede un ap- proccio più intenso. Gli archivisti non sono concentrati esclusivamente sui record stessi, ma sull'intero sistema di gestione documentale. Tale sistema include figure che creano e utilizzano documenti organizzati e politiche riguar- danti procedure individuali di registrazione per garantire l'accesso e l'utilizzo dei documenti stessi. La formazione degli archivisti comporta notevoli benefici sia per gli archivi che per il personale. Tutti i documenti e le informazio- ni generati dagli archivi o raccolti da altre fonti sono classificati o organizzati in modo tale che possano essere tro- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 140 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 vati e utilizzati con successo nel processo decisionale e nel lungo termine, cosa che può venir acquisita solo attraver- so una formazione permanente. Nell'articolo, l'autore discuterà dell'importanza della formazione in generale e per l'organizzazione archivistica. Ci sono diversi tipi di formazione che vengono utilizzati per formare archivisti e altri addetti all’archivio. L'articolo mette in risalto l'attività formativa dell’IIAS nel fornire conoscenze e competenze archivistiche. Il contenuto della pubblicazione “Atlanti” contribuisce allo scambio di esperienze tra archivisti membri e non membri dell'Istituto, e serve anche come strumento didattico. L'articolo presenta inoltre anche la formazione fornita agli archivisti dall'Autorità nazionale di archivi e registri dell’Oman. Parole chiave: educazione, formazione, tipi di formazione, IIAS, Atlanti, Oman, Autorità nazionale di archivi e registri dell’Oman Izobraževanje arhivistov v 21. stoletju IZVLEČEK Arhivi predstavljajo spomin narod, zato je usposabljanje arhivistov in drugega osebja izjemno pomembno. Arhi- vsko gradivo prihaja v arhiv v vseh oblikah in velikih količinah, delo v arhivu pa zahteva različne specifične izkušnje. Na tisoče dokumentov se vsak dan izmenja med arhivskimi službami in različnimi uradi. Pred odprtjem tega gradi- va za javnost, ti dokumenti potrebujejo posebno obravnavo: urediti jih je potrebno v skladu s pravili pisarniškega poslovanja, vzpostaviti je potrebno prvotno ureditev, urediti zadeve v zvezi z omejitvijo dostopa, pripraviti roke hrambe, zagotoviti poizvedovanje in še celo vrsto drugih postopkov upravljanja z gradivom. Vseh teh postopkov ni mogoče izvesti brez praktičnega in teoretičnega izobraževanja arhivistov. Usposabljanje in razvijanje drugih spret- nostih ali znanju, ki se nanašajo na specifične kompetence, mora biti načrtovano, njegov namen pa je pridobitev znanja, ki vodi k izboljšanju uspešnosti posameznika ali organizacije. Usposabljanje je potekajoči proces v življenju posameznika glede na njegove potrebe, ki vodijo k spremembi vedenja na osnovi sofisticiranih metod usposablja- nja. Usposabljanje arhivistov ne sme potekati zgolj v obliki podajanja znanja s predavanji, saj takšno usposabljanje zahteva intenzivnejše oblike usposabljanja. Upravljavci z zapisi namreč niso osredotočeni le na zapise same, temveč na celoten sistem upravljanja z zapisi. Tak sistem vključuje osebe, ki ustvarjajo in uporabljajo zapise organizacije ter politiko glede posameznih postopkov z zapisi, z namenom zagotavljanja dostopa on uporabe gradiva. Usposablja- nje arhivistov prinaša znatne koristi tako arhivom kot tudi osebju. Vse arhivsko gradivo in informacije, ki jih ust- varijo arhivi ali pa so zbrani iz drugih virov, so razvrščene ali organizirane tako, da jih je mogoče najti in uspešno uporabiti pri odločanju in dolgoročnem načrtovanju, to pa je mogoče doseči le s stalnim usposabljanjem. V članku bo avtor razpravljal o tem, kako je usposabljanje pomembno na splošno in kako za arhivsko organizacijo. Obstaja veliko različnih vrst usposabljanj, ki se uporabljajo za usposabljanje arhivistov in ostalih zaposlenih v arhivih. V članku je prikazana izobraževalna aktivnost MIAZ in njegova vloga pri pridobivanju arhivskega znanja in veščin ter publikacija Atlanti. Vsebina publikacije prispeva k izmenjavi izkušnje med arhivisti članov in nečlanov inštituta, prav tako pa služi kot izobraževalni pripomoček. V članku bo predstavljeno tudi usposabljanje, ki ga za arhiviste izvaja Nacionalni arhiv v Omanu. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, usposabljanje, oblike izobraževanja, MOAT, Atlanti, Oman, Nacionalni arhiv Sul- tanata Oman 141 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 1 Archivists Training Human resources represent a basis on how to organize the vision and mission of any organization. The training of archivist has several benefits for individuals, institutions and stakeholders. They develop skills and new ideas in the work process, encouraging them to develop skills and gather new information which they can use in doing their duty in the right and easy way. This training should be supplemented by study of the principles and techniques of records creation and of the organization and maintenance of current records. Increasingly, archivist develop knowledge, skills and abilities by pursuing a formal edu- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 142 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 cation and training in records management and archives through universities, colleges and specialized institutions in this field. Training archivist needs specialize requirements, because they must gain good and verity of skills to be able to deal with different types of records and documents, to be also aware to analyze the enduring value as reliable memory of the past and to help people find and understand the information they need. However, the archivist training should be supplemented by study of the principles and techniques of records creation and of the organization and maintenance of current records. In addition, the impor- tance of the training of archivist lies in the fact that the archival records are frequently unique and rare, so the archivists may be as much concerned with the preservation and custody of the information carrier. To successfully implement the archival tools, the agency will need to draw on skills, knowledge and expertise in the following areas: • Archival theory and principles; • Classification and its value in records management; • International rtandards and it’s importance for records; • Access management; • Archival preservation; • Appraisal and acquisition; • Community relations; • Evaluations and disposal; • Information technology; • References, access and outreach. 2 Who is an archivist? Definitions on archivist as interpretation of the meaning differ from one institution to another, but all of them believe that those who work in this field have high skills and knowledge, because they are entrusted with the memory of a nation and must maintain it and enable the access for the public and re- searchers with internationally accepted system and standards. According to the definition of the International Council on Archives (ICA) the archivist is “a fa- scinating role. There are not many jobs where it can be said that what you do today will matter hundreds of years from now. An archivist or record keeper needs a passion for history, an eye for detail and a strong com- mitment to service. The return is to be a custodian of society’s memory” (Who is an Archivist?, 2017). In the United States, “Archivists are specially trained in preserving the original material and helping people obtain it. Archivists work with paper documents, photographs, maps, films, and computer records. Many begin their careers as historians and then attend classes to learn from experienced archivists. Archivists possess broad, deep knowledge about records and are involved in many, if not all, phases of the records life cycle. Their extensive research and analysis skills help in serving records to the public” (What’s an Archivist?, 2017). No matter how different the definitions, there are many duties and responsibilities for the archivist that must be fulfilled. 3 The duties of archivist Archivist has responsibility to perform certain duties in order to ensure that the archival holding in her/his care are preserved and managed as authentic and reliable documentary evidence for the resear- cher and students and will be as a historical reference to the country. Laura A. Millar (2010) summarized these core duties in five categories as below: 1. The archivist adheres to a formal archival management framework, including identifying and respecting relevant legislation, policies, standards and procedures and establishing the organi- zational financial infrastructure to ensure archival holding are managed effectively and appro- priately. 2. The archivist maintains a stable physical environment for the receipt, storage and handling of the archival holding in the institution’s custody, regardless of the form and medium of the 143 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 materials, in order to preserve the materials themselves, or the information and evidence the contain, for as long as possible. 3. The archivist acquire appropriate archival material, either by receiving sponsor archives or col- lecting non-spencer archival materials, in keeping with the institution’s archival mandate, vi- sion and mission, and secure those acquisition legally, physically and administratively so that the archives are protected for long term. 4. The archivist gains intellectual control over archival holding, in order to understand and com- municate the nature, scope, contents and context of the materials and make those materials available for use by creators or donors of the records and by researchers and wider public. 5. The archivist support and fosters access to and use of the holding and service of the institution, in keeping with mandate and vision of its sponsor agency and with respect for the right of both the donors and creators of archives, in order to share archival resources as widely as possible (Millar, 2010). 4 Types of training In today’s world of instant communication and globalization, it is much easier for archivist from different parts of the word to exchange information and opinions and share knowledge about archival theories and practice. Many universities and colleges and specialized institutions offer archival training courses with different methods of training, depending on the work requirements. There are many types of training that archives and universities use to train archivist. 4.1 On job training On job training is one of the earliest forms of training and sometimes it is called direct instruction. It teaches the skills, knowledge, tools, machines, documents and equipment. In such a training archivist can acquire a lot of knowledge and skills in order to implement this in their job, such as knowledge about the classification of the documents, use of international or local stan- dards, history background. National Records and Archives Authority in Oman trained many employees from government agency. The table below shows the number of staff from government agencies in job training. Year Total of training courses Number of attended employees Target group 2012 16 220 Teams in the Ministries of education, manpower, high education, commerce and industry, communication and transportation and other. Employees from Ministry of Municipalities and Water Resource, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Sports Affairs, Ministry of Civil Service and Ministry of Heritage and Culture. 2013 27 679 2014 40 1141 2015 38 1128 2016 31 316 Total 152 3754 Source: Follow-up and Technical support Department (NRAA) ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 144 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 4.2 Fundamentals training This type of training is designed for archivist who are new in archives and record management. In this course archivists will learn the best strategies for interring the records and documents and classify the documentation in order to transfer it to the repositories for keeping them within retention schedule. However, course covers the fundamentals principles and practices of records management, and it provi- des participants with the basic understanding of the activities in managing both paper and digital records. 145 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 By the end of this course the participant should learn and be able to understand the process of creation and capture, to know the list of tools and technology used in record management, best practice for repo- sitories and its requirements, and understand the concept of appraisal and disposal under the Law. 4.3 Advanced training The advance course extends the range of professional archivist. In this course, the archivist will le- arn the strategy on archive, strategy and design of records managements tools, the responsibilities for in- formation governance in their organizations and records management responsibilities for being able to convers at strategy level regarding the current important topics and information management. 4.4 Training in National Archives The cooperation between National Archives around the world has great importance in exchange of experience and improving employee knowledge and skills. This type of training gave the archivist a chan- ce to see the different types of procedures used in the national archive institutions and to exchange expe- rience, acquire skills and knowledge in the same time. NRAA gives big attention in this type of training, they sign many Memorandum of Understanding with many archives in order to exchange the training of employees between each other. We receive trai- nees from National Archives of Tanzania, National Archive of Kenya, and National Archive of Palestine. In addition, we sent our employees for training to National Archives of Japan, National Archives of Australia, National Archives of United Kingdom. 4.5 Online training Many archives used online training for Records Management, in specific institutions. This type of training provides innovative cost – effective records management. Usually, courses in this training inclu- de specific area and knowledge that is relevant to employees responsible for managing records and who are applying to be in this field for both electronic or physical records. This type of training is usually over- seen and supervised by archival organization or union or associations in archival management. 4.6 Webinar training Webinar is alive training that takes place over the web; it can be in the form of a meeting or presen- tation, an exams, discussion, demonstration or instruction. National Records and archives Authority in Oman used this particular form of training from 2016, and it is a successful way to provide the informa- tion to clients, the government’s agency employees and NRAA employees themselves. Professionals use webinars to give educational training presentations related to their business and contact with their au- diences in a much closer way. It could be one person or group that gives a lecture to teach a particular subject in archive. Webinars are also helpful tools to know the participants knowledge. It is a best way these days to expand archivist knowledge by learning directly from the trainers or experts. 4.6.1 Advantage and disadvantage of using webinar Scheduling: Its gives archives managers a lot of flexibility when scheduling training course. Lower costs: Cuts down on travel costs for the agency required to attending training course, such as airfare, hotels, daily allowances and accommodations. Network capabilities: A disadvantage to webinar training is the requirement for fast networking, in order to communicate with other archivist online. It requires error- free internet connection. Software problems: As with computer software, errors may occur that are simply unavoidable. Failing to load, or cutting out during use are some errors that affect the usefulness of webinar training (The Benefits of Using GoToWebinar, 2017). ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 146 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 5 IIAS training course The professional institute has decided to train the archivist, but at the beginning it was a limited by the region, but now it is working globally by attending of the participants from different archives and states around the world. IIAS was established in 1986 in archival sector, it provides quality training in archive sector and educates the students and employees in archival industry. Undoubtedly, the IIAS trai- ning course achieve success in training the archivist from around the world, in providing the latest know- ledge and information in the archival profession. Archivist can take advantage from the lecturers with long experience in the archival fields and the material included into the training course includes scientific refences. From my attending in some lectures that were IIAS organized during summer courses, it daw- ned on me, that this institute plays an important role to encourage the archival work and to disseminate the latest developments in this field. This institute arrange every year summer courses that are attended by archivist from different archives around the world where they changing experience, and knowledge. However, the lecturers have sufficient experience in the archival field and without a doubt they develop and encourage the participant’s knowledge and skills in archival work. In addition, the conferences orga- nized every year in October, bring a very high knowledge from the experts, IIAS members, where they present their papers and presentation Day by day the participants who attend the training course in IIAS are in significant rise. 6 IIAS publication ATLANTI Books are not less important than theories or practice in training courses. “IIAS in 1989 decided to issue a review dedicated to the problems of the field of archive, called “Atlanti” and in 1991 the official book has been issued, dedicated to the topics on archives” (International Institute, 2008-2010). The publication Atlanti and its content of information improve and exchange experience between member and nonmembers. This publication is related to the archival science and can be used as a referen- ce to archivist in their duties. It covers all subject in archival science both in electronic or physical, and it includes the researchers experience in the fields of archival profession. 7 Archives and International Organization publications Archivist often get their experience from studying in colleges and universities, but when they want to implement what they studies, they face some changes and differences in work place. However, to enable them to do their job they have to read on archives and international organizations publications, such as ICA’s. A Knowledge of archives work requires continuous follow-up of the publications of these institutions because of their extensive experience. 8 Why we do training in records management? It is a big question, and as I mentioned above, archives are the nation memory, and we must preser- ve the collections they keep. Archives do not collect only the collections of documents from agencies, ci- tizens and are not only the place were archives are stored. We have to be aware, that the term archives means the location as well as the materials. “Training records management can be very simple or complex, from certificated in files to custom electronic database, many ways to keep records, but some methods make it easier and use the data”. ANN Maine Records management operations such as creation, storage, retrieval, use and destructions or kee- ping as retention schedule are increasingly difficult challenges for business and government agencies. In spite of information technology revolution the mounting of paper work does not reduce the records management work. “In records management, the terms ‘records’ carries far heavier weight. The International Organi- zation for standardization (ISO) define a records as ‘ information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the tran- saction of business”(ISO 15489) 147 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 To implement that sense archivist must have a good knowledge in records management to be able to treat the records and not change any information. A record is something we can take into court of law, so the authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability must prove the record is complete and unaltered, that fully and accurately represents the facts to which it attests, and that it can be retrieved and presented. The training of archivist in records management is one of the main concern in archive business, because it entails keeping the history of the nation, citizens and society for the next generations And if the trai- ning is not within the international standards and the latest methods in archives operations, we will lose an important part of information in our history, and that will change events and knowledge about reality. 9 Return of training It is not enough to depend alone on education to create distinguished employees, especially in ar- chives sector, because, although education is important, it is not enough to accomplish the various tasks, so the training is therefore an essential element in the employees success. Returns of archivist training reflect the ability of the archives to manage their records in easy and correct way. Measuring of training success is not an easy process, as some believe. To measure the returns of training especially in the archival sector require the use of the latest methods and methods including sa- tisfaction, education, skills, investment. Here are briefly addressed some approaches. Satisfaction: we measure the satisfaction with the training program by asking important question if they were satisfied with program and the training materials used, as well as the trainer and the place of training. If all these indicators are negative that means the training course was not successful and must be reorganized. Education: did the trainees know the training materials and did they understand ideas, standards and objectives of training program, and did they acquire a new skills or ability applicable in the field of work and did they actually apply during the training program? Skill: has the skill learned by trainee been applied in the field of work, and has competence of the trainee or employee increased since then and has he/she achieved the desired goal? The result did the employee become better then, and did the performance indicators in this department or sections raise in general. Investment: is there a return on training, for example did the employees productivity increased, did the negative indicator decreased, and do the employees feel the increase in loyalty to the archives? Conclusion Training is one of the educational tools, and one of the elements of creativity of development of knowledge’s, skills and information. The fundamentals of training vary with the advancement of modern science, but it remains a key factor in raising skills and competencies in archival institutions by imple- menting the archives tools and management. As life, communication and information are more complex, of course, the archivist cannot hope to know everything about everything, but by training they would reach to a heights of information and knowledge. Archivist in the 21st century are addressing a new exci- ting workplace reality. We live in an era of globalization and rapid life, quick changes and technologies counting to transform how we communicate, exchange information and share knowledge. Training methods and tools vary one from another depending on the subject and from of institution. Training in archival institution is an important factor for archivist, however the training has taken many modules in the digital era, and the training methods have changed within evolution in this field. Archivist should not sits in his/hers institution waiting for historical paper to arrive, and then begin to start his work, but they must search by themselves on what is the new in archival science and improve his or her skills, knowledge to deal with archival paper. We believe that the continuing on archivist training will reach to archives mission and vision and its clients from researcher and scholars. Continuing training of archivist does not stop on a certain point. The meeting between archival institutions and attending the ICA meetings and workshops, however, is one of the main instrument to increase archivist knowledge, while in the same time the brochures and leaflets published by archives are one of the training methods. IIAS, however, has ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 148 Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI: Training of Archivist in the 21st Century, 139-148 great role in improving the capabilities of the archivist knowledge’s through the training course and pu- blication ATLANTI which is a great reference for the archivist where the several topics related to archi- val profession are discussed. References International Institute for Archival Science (2008-2010). Available at php?id=72&L=1 Who is an archivist (2017). Available at (accessed on 25.3.2017). What’s an Archivist? (2017). Available at (ac- cessed on 28.3.2017). Millar, Laura A. (2010). Archives Principles and Practice, Facet publishing. London. The Benefits of Using GoToWebinar (2017). Available at ts-of-using-gotowebinar?collection=cost-benefit-value (accessed on 1.4.2017). Go to Webinar (2017). Available at (ac- cessed on 1.4.2017). ISO 15489-1:2016. Information and documentation -- Records management -- Part 1: Concepts and principles Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 21.05.2017 Acceptance date: 30.05.2017 149 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected Magdalena MAROSZ, Ph.D. Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie, ul. Sienna 1630-960 Kraków, Poland e-mail: Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected ABSTRACT Over the 21st century, the model of professional competence of the archivist will certainly be changing and evol- ving. Competence, namely is the combination of knowledge and skills which enable the archivist to carry out the assigned tasks efficiently and effectively. These tasks, expected in the perspective of several decades are not quite possible to be predicted today. Undoubtedly now, and in the future even more, we should focus on training the present archivists and educating the future ones in the field of information management, data processing and secu- re storage of widely understood electronic documentation. So, are we going to witness a gradual evolution of the profession of an archivist towards the information manager, info broker, or a specialist in modern technology? Judging by the changes in the study programs for future archivists, it is highly probable. For the time being, these changes are being introduced quite slowly, at individual universities, but still, they determine a certain direction in education. We should also consider the methodology and standards of dealing with archival resources and the ne- eds in this field, resulting from the changes which are happening now, and the expected ones, caused by the emer- gence of new techniques and technologies. Key words: archival training, archival education, professional competence, info brokering La competenza professionale dell’archivista: cambiamenti che si possono ipotizzare SINTESI Nel corso del XXI secolo, il modello della competenza professionale dell’archivista andrà certamente cambiando ed evolvendo. Competenza, ossia la combinazione di conoscenze e competenze che consentono all’archivista di svolgere i compiti assegnati in modo efficiente ed efficace. Queste attività, ipotizzabili in una prospettiva di diversi decenni, non sono oggi ancora abbastanza prevedibili. Senza dubbio ora, ed in futuro ancora di più, dovremo con- centrarci sulla formazione degli archivisti presenti ed professionalizzare quelli futuri nel campo della gestione delle informazioni, dell’elaborazione dei dati e della memorizzazione sicura di documentazione elettronica. Allora, ve- dremo una graduale evoluzione della professione di un archivista verso la gestione di informazioni, di intermedia- rio di informazioni o di specialista della tecnologia moderna? A giudicare dai cambiamenti nei programmi di studio per futuri archivisti, è altamente probabile. Per il momento, questi cambiamenti vengono introdotti abbastanza lentamente, nelle singole università, ma essi determinano ancora una certa direzione nel campo dell’istruzione. Dovremmo anche considerare la metodologia e gli standard di gestione delle risorse archivistiche, e le esigenze in questo campo derivanti dai cambiamenti che stanno avvenendo in questo momento, e quelli previsti causati dall’e- mergere di nuove tecniche e tecnologie. Parole chiave: formazione archivistica, competenza professionale, intermediazione dell’informazione Strokovna kompetenca arhivista: spremembe, ki jih je mogoče pričakovati IZVLEČEK V 21. stoletju se bo model strokovne usposobljenosti arhivista zagotovo spreminjal in razvijal. Kompetence so kombinacija znanja in spretnosti, ki arhivistu omogočajo učinkovito izvajanje dodeljenih nalog. Teh nalog, pričak- ovanih v perspektivi več desetletij, danes ni mogoče predvideti. Zdaj, in še bolj v prihodnosti, bi se morali osredo- točiti na usposabljanje sedanjih arhivistov in izobraževanje prihodnjih na področju upravljanja informacij, obdela- ve podatkov in varnega shranjevanja elektronske dokumentacije. Ali bomo torej priča postopnemu razvoju poklica arhivista v smeri informacijskega menedžerja, informacijskega posrednika ali strokovnjaka za sodobno tehnologi- jo? Sodeč po spremembah v študijskih programih za prihodnje arhiviste je to zelo verjetno. Te spremembe se zaen- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 150 Magdalena MAROSZ: Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected, 149-153 krat uvajajo na posameznih univerzah precej počasi, vendar še vedno določajo določeno smer v izobraževanju. Upoštevati moramo tudi metodologijo in standarde ravnanja z arhivskimi viri in potrebami na tem področju, ki izhajajo iz sprememb, ki se dogajajo zdaj, in pričakovanih, ki jih povzroča nastanek novih tehnik in tehnologij. Ključne besede: arhivsko izobraževanje, arhivsko izobraževanje, strokovna usposobljenost, informacijsko posre- dovanje Kompetencje zawodowe archiwisty: jakich zmian możemy się spodziewać ABSTRAKT Z pewnością na przestrzeni XXI wieku model kompetencji zawodowych archiwisty będzie się zmieniał i ewoluo- wał. Kompetencji, czyli połączenia wiedzy i umiejętności pozwalających sprawnie i skutecznie realizować powier- zone zadania. I te spodziewane zadania w kilkudziesięcioletniej perspektywie czasowej nie do końca są dziś możliwe do przewidzenia. Niewątpliwie należy już teraz, a w przyszłości coraz bardziej, położyć nacisk na szkolenie obec- nych i kształcenie przyszłych archiwistów w zakresie zarządzania informacją, przetwarzania danych, czy bezpiecz- nego przechowywania szeroko rozumianej dokumentacji elektronicznej. A więc czy czeka nas stopniowe ewoluo- wanie zawodu archiwisty w kierunku zarządcy zapisami informacyjnymi, infobrokera, czy specjalisty z zakresu nowoczesnych technologii? Sądząc choćby po zmianach w programach studiów na kierunkach kształcących pr- zyszłych archiwistów, jest to wysoce prawdopodobne. Zmianach wprawdzie wprowadzanych na razie powoli, na pojedynczych uczelniach, ale jednak wyznaczających pewien kierunek kształcenia. Trzeba także zastanowić się nad metodyką i standardami opracowania zasobu archiwalnego oraz potrzebami w tym zakresie, wynikającymi z zacho- dzących i spodziewanych zmian będących konsekwencją pojawiania się nowych technik i technologii. Słowa kluczowe: szkolenie archiwistów, edukacja archiwalna, kompetencje zawodowe, infobrokering Training and education of archivists in the 21st century - these issues are both important and not easy to determine precisely as for the subject matter. In fact, we will learn only in the second half of the century whether the training of the present and the education of the future archivists in the first half of the 21st century was good and effective. Are we able to predict now how the tasks and the role of the ar- chivist will change in several decades? At such pace and quality of change, the dynamics of the develop- ment of new techniques and technologies (especially information and communication ones) and, con- sequently, the emergence of new information and document carriers, it is doubtful if one can fully responsibly take up such a task. Of course, we can predict the direction quite accurately, but we are not able to determine the details. At the turn of the 20th century, it was certainly easier to anticipate the development of the archival field in the then coming century, but even then the prediction was not surprise-free. Who could have foreseen in the era of the paper document that the end of the century would bring such revolutionary changes as the appearance and rapid development of the electronic document? I do not think there existed such visionaries at the beginning of the century. It was certainly not anticipated then, either, how the development of photography, film or sound recordings will continue - of these maybe not new, but certainly innovative techniques of image and sound recording. Was it expected that the development of photographic and audiovisual technology would determine such mass production of this kind of docu- mentation? Documentation created not only for entertainment but also being an extremely important historical source. Thus, since we cannot predict which surprises and new challenges might be confronted by archival science in the coming 83 years, let’s concentrate on what we know today, on the predictable directions of development. So what about the current model of archivist education? No one can doubt that we should think about changes. In what direction - it also seems clear, though certainly the universities educating archi- vists will face various dilemmas while designing curricula. Let’s take a look at what is offered and how students are encouraged to take up archival studies broadened by issues related to information search or knowledge management at two Polish universities. 151 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Magdalena MAROSZ: Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected, 149-153 The Pedagogical University of Krakow in the subject of Info broking, Documentation Management and Archival Science (note the order) guarantees students will gain the following skills and knowledge: – knowledge of various sources of information: traditional and electronic ones; – skills necessary to set up and run one’s own info broking company; – knowledge and skills in the field of organization and management of electronic and traditional documentation as well as information resources in the contemporary world; – ability to function within office procedures (basic issues of work organization, history of admi- nistration, office systems, administrative procedures, access to information and protection of data); – preparation to work as an archivist and info broker, at government and local government offi- ces, and in institutions gathering and processing data and documentation in administration, companies, science sector, culture and education1. The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, in the subject of Archival Science and Modern Information Technology Management, offers: – archival specialisation, whose graduates are prepared to work in all types of archives in collection, storage, studying and sharing of archival resources, they also obtain qualifications of a specialist in document management, – the specialisation of modern document management, which mainly prepares students for the profession of records manager and gives the graduates the knowledge, skills and basics for desi- gning, creating and operating Records Management systems which can cover both electronic and paper documents, complies with the norm of ISO 15489, which has been in force in Po- land since 2006. – the specialisation of IT office specialist prepares the students to operate the latest IT systems and programmes used in offices, registries and archives; its graduate gains competences in do- cument and information management in both traditional and electronic form. Among the subjects of the new specialiation there are also, among others: The basics of the database, Office and Archival IT, Enterprise Content Management Software (ECM), and Data Mining2. In addition, the Pedagogical University of Krakow offers postgraduate studies, so the ones inten- ded for graduates of higher education institutions who wish to further their education in Document Ma- nagement, Info broking and Archival Science (again, note the order): – the studies prepare for office work, as well as for the profession of an archivist and info broker, that is a person who is commissioned to search for, analyse, select, process and transfer infor- mation; – enable to gain skills of the use of office procedures (work organization, history of administra- tion, development of office systems, administrative proceedings, data protection); – prepare for work as an archivist and info broker, in an office position in the governmental and self-government administration offices and in institutions collecting and processing data and documentation in the administration, companies, science sector, culture and education; – the studies are intended for persons wishing to acquire qualifications in the field of the latest electronic document management systems, implemented in public administration within the process of computerization of the state3. Also in the curricula of the studies in the field of archival science and document management car- ried out at many Polish universities, historical subjects and archival theory cease to dominate, leaving the field for the knowledge of management of the archives, documentation management (also with the use of electronic techniques), issues related to the electronic document, digitation of archival collections as well as modern technologies, both those directly applicable in the work of an archivist and those in the field of 1. cf.: stopnia-2016-2017; (accessed on 27.03.2017). 2. cf.:,118,archiwistyka-i-nowoczesne-zarzadzanie-zapisami-informacy- jnymi,6740.chtm (accessed on 27.03.2017). 3. cf.: (accessed on 27.03.2017). ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 152 Magdalena MAROSZ: Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected, 149-153 search for information or knowledge management. So combining archival science with history is not so obvious now; in the curricula there appear options of combining archival science with scientific informa- tion or library science, and also independent subjects such as archival science and document management appear. (see Marosz, 2014). It should be assumed that in the educational programme the model of educating and training of archivists is adapted primarily to the needs of the archives, so any changes in the model of education occur with the evolving needs of archival institutions. The collection, storage, analysis and sharing of archival collections in the world of the internet and, in general, technological changes which are getting more and more also into the archives, are beginning to take on new meanings. Electronic documents or digitalisa- tion of traditional documents offer ample opportunities of virtually unlimited access to archival mate- rials. While access to the information one seeks is faster and easier, one can sometimes get lost in the magnitude of emerging data. So, in this situation, will the profession of info broker, specializing in the search for specific infor- mation made available on the net by the archives, be needed and helpful for those who find such a search too difficult or too time consuming? Because there is no doubt that information resources growing more and more rapidly on the net are becoming increasingly difficult for the people with no experience and skills in using them, so also in the search for information. And here there appear opportunities for the activity of information brokers (info brokers), that is the people who offer their services in finding and providing specific information. They undertake to verify it, guarantee the accuracy and quality of the in- formation found in the commissioned research, and also assist, if necessary, in the understanding of the information obtained and its sources (Szczepańska, 2002). It is worth mentioning that in 1987 an organization called The Association of Independent Infor- mation Professionals was established, which conducts, among others, activities aimed at setting standards for the operation of information brokers (see Code). Until recently, studies in the field of widely understood information management were available only in the library science subjects or in marketing and management studies. They now appear in archival subjects, which enables us to assume that they are supposed to educate people specializing in the search for information, or in the management of information resources and the knowledge from the field of archival science. The area which in this case should be defined as source materials (also, or maybe in this situation - primarily - available in digital form) and information extracted from them, as well as archival databases. And this is here I would see the basic area of activity for professionals in the field of ‘archival info broker’’. However, when we reflect on who the info broker is and what the essence of this profession accor- ding to today’s definitions is, an unexpected reflexion comes. The necessary conditions for being an info broker are: being an intermediary between information resources and the people and organizations that need information; selling information services (not information as such); possessing appropriate compe- tence; being guided by professional ethics; making use of only legitimate sources of information; being independent; offering services for a fee (Code, see Cisek, 2013). And here the question arises: how to re- concile being independent, that is running one’s own business and offering services, with the work of an archivist employed on a permanent basis in an archival institution, an institution which on principle provides services in the field of access to information contained in the archives and in specialized databa- ses free of charge? It seems that the authors of study programmes offering preparation for this profession at the studies which combine info brokering, document management and archival science did not ad- dress to such a question. Although, judging by the great interest among students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) in this field, it meets the needs well and fills the niche in the offer of education and training of archivists. It is therefore likely that it will be necessary to redefine this concept for the needs of education of archivists which prepares them to work in the specialisation of info broker. On the other hand, the combination of archival studies and education, with the training in the area of management of IT records may also, in the future, provide archivists who will also be specialists with competence in the application and use of modern information and communication technology in va- rious forms of activity related to the functioning of the archives. Also professionals possessing competen- ce in the area of comprehensive search for information in databases and on the Internet, as well as crea- ting and sharing specialized information databases. And here maybe we would find a golden means to 153 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Magdalena MAROSZ: Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected, 149-153 combine the qualifications of an archivist, info broker (assuming the abovementioned changes in the definition of this profession) and specialist in information management. References Cisek, Sabina (2013). Broker informacji w społeczeństwie wiedzy. Available at: Cisek_broker_informacji _ istota.pdf (accessed on 07.03.2017). Code of Ethical Business Practice: Association of Independent Information Professionals. Available on: http://aiip. org/about/professional-standards (accessed on 10.03.2017). Mamczak-Gadkowska, Irena (2009). Kierunki zmian w kształceniu archiwistów na przełomie XX I XXI wieku, Res Historica 28, pp. 9-19. Marosz, Magdalena (2014). Archival education, ATLANTI, 24/2, pp 141-147. Szczepańska, Barbara (2002). Broker informacji - zawód z przyszłością czy zawód z przyszłości, Biuletyn EBIB, 11 (40). Available at: (accessed on 07.03.2017). Thomassen, Theo (2001). Modelling and re-modelling archival education and training. Available at: http://www. (accessed on 24.03.2017). SUMMARY Technological progress, going on continuously and, what is more, at an ever-increasing pace, necessitates the mo- dernization of curricula at all levels of archival education. Not only undergraduate or post-graduate study pro- grammes undergo adequate changes, but more and more often other offers of training appear, such as specialized courses or training courses, also organized by archives and led by archivists. The so-called Bologna system, widely introduced in universities, can also contribute positively to the education of archivists, allowing for the combina- tion of archival science with other disciplines at various levels of education (bachelor, masters, and doctoral stu- dies). It should also be remembered that the model of broadly understood training of archivist has a direct con- nection, or even arises from the needs of archival institutions, first of all from their need of well and comprehensively educated staff. But archival institutions are also interested in direct involvement in the process of training of archivists, providing them with practical knowledge, apart from theory mostly included in educational programmes. An equally important factor affecting the scope of education and training of archivists is the social need - hence the link between archival science and info broking or multidimensional information management in the archival education offered for archivists (both in postgraduate and postgraduate studies). In the training of archivists, the scope, subject matter of the curricula and the direction of their evolution should be closely con- nected with the definition of the archivist’s competence which is required today and will be required in the future. As stated by Theo Thomasen during his presentation at the First European Conference for Archival Educators and Trainers (Thomasen, 2001), in archival education, which is vocational education, four main directions of change may be identified: expansion, innovation, integration and professionalism. The change of the scope of the archi- vist’s responsibilities entails the need to expand his competence, which in turn results in the necessity of expansion and evolution of educational programmes. Innovation in archivist training is the result of the development of te- chnology, especially of information technology. Innovative training is intended to facilitate adaptation to the changing working conditions. It is assumed that the best learning outcomes are achieved through integral educa- tion, so the one combining areas of different fields of study, and also linking science or theory to work or practice. Professional staff can be educated only by professional teachers. Thus, in order to train professional archivists, we also need professional lecturers, equipped not only with a wide range of knowledge in various, constantly new, areas, but also with a great teaching skills, which together should facilitate their transition into a new model of education. A model based on creative problem-solving and task-performing. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 12.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 155 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for Heritage Preservation in Cultural Memory Institutions Jozef HANUS, Ing. PhD. Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic e-mail: Katarína VIZÁROVÁ, Prof. Ing. Ph.D. Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic e-mail: Radko TIŇO, Prof. Ing. Ph.D. Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic e-mail: Milena REHÁKOVÁ, Prof. Ing. Ph.D. Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic e-mail: Nina LALÍKOVÁ, Mgr. Art. Historical Museum of the Slovak National Museum, Podunajské Biskupice, P.O.BOX 13, 810 06 Bratislava, Slo- vak Republic e-mail: Emília HANUSOVÁ, Ing. University Library Bratislava, Michalská 1, 814 17 Bratislava, Slovak Republic e-mail: Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for Heritage Preservation in Cultural Memory In- stitutions ABSTRACT If we want to talk about training of archivists in the 21st century we must bear in mind that preservation of docu- ments in their original form has to be one of the most important tasks of archivists - not only in the 21st century but every time. Generally, one of the principal tasks of archives, libraries, museums and other memory institutions is preservation of objects and materials of cultural heritage in their original form. It represents an enormous inter- disciplinary complex problem. Participation of experts from different fields of science and technology, practical end-users, conservators and restorers supported by adequate financial background is inevitable in solution of par- tial problems in this field. The paper informs about the research project “Conservation and stabilisation of cultural heritage objects from natural organic compounds by low temperature plasma” and its aims at the Faculty of Che- mical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Key words: cultural heritage materials and objects, degradation, conservation, plasma treatment, cleaning, disin- fection ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 156 Jozef HANUS - Katarína VIZÁROVÁ - Radko TIŇO - Milena REHÁKOVÁ - Nina LALÍKOVÁ - Emília HANUSOVÁ: Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for..., 155-160 Formazione e ricerca: un requisito ineludibile per la conservazione del patrimonio nelle istituzioni di memoria culturale SINTESI Se vogliamo parlare di formazione degli archivisti nel XXI secolo, dobbiamo tener presente che la conservazione dei documenti nella loro forma originale deve essere uno dei compiti più importanti degli archivisti - non solo nel XXI secolo ma sempre. Generalmente, uno dei compiti principali di archivi, biblioteche, musei ed altre istituzioni di memoria è la conservazione degli oggetti e dei materiali del patrimonio culturale nella loro forma originale. Ciò rappresenta un enorme e complesso problema interdisciplinare. La compartecipazione di esperti di diversi settori della scienza e della tecnologia, degli utenti finali, dei conservatori e dei restauratori supportati da un adeguato background finanziario è inevitabile nella soluzione dei problemi in questo campo. L'articolo fornisce informazio- ni riguardo al progetto di ricerca “Conservazione e stabilizzazione degli oggetti del patrimonio culturale da compo- sti organici naturali mediante plasma a bassa temperatura” e le sue finalità alla Facoltà di Tecnologia chimica e ali- mentare dell'Università Slovacca di Tecnologia di Bratislava. Parole chiave: materiali ed oggetti del patrimonio culturale, degrado, trattamento al plasma, pulitura, disinfestazione Izobraževanje in raziskovanje: neizogibna zahteva za ohranjanje dediščine v institucijah kulturnega spomina IZVLEČEK Če želimo govoriti o usposabljanju arhivov v 21. stoletju, moramo upoštevati, da mora biti ohranitev dokumentov v njihovi prvotni obliki ena najpomembnejših nalog arhivov - ne le v 21. stoletju, ampak vedno. Na splošno je ena glavnih nalog arhivov, knjižnic, muzejev in drugih spomeniških institucij ohranjanje predmetov in kulturne de- diščine v njihovi prvotni obliki. To pa predstavlja ogromno, zapleteno interdisciplinarno težavo. Sodelovanje strokovnjakov z različnih področij znanosti in tehnologije, praktičnih končnih uporabnikov, konzervatorjev in restavratorjev, ki imajo na voljo ustrzena finančna sredstva, je neizogibno pri reševanju delnih težav na tem po- dročju. Prispevek poroča o raziskovalnem projektu na Fakulteti za kemijsko in prehrambeno tehnologijo Slovaške tehnološke univerze v Bratislavi z naslovom „Ohranjanje in stabilizacija objektov kulturne dediščine iz naravnih organskih spojin z nizko temperaturno plazmo“ in njegovih ciljih. Ključne besede: materiali in predmeti kulturne dediščine, degradacija, konzervacija, plazemska obdelava, čiščenje, dezinfekcija Vzdelávanie a výskum: nevyhnutná požiadavka pre ochranu dedičstva v kultúrnych pamäťových inštitúciách ABSTRAKT Ak chceme hovoriť o vzdelávaní archivárov v 21. storočí musíme mať na pamäti, že ochrana archívnych dokumen- tov v ich originálnej forme je jednou z najdôležitejších úloh archivárov - nielen v 21. storočí, ale v každom čase. Vo všeobecnosti - jednou z hlavných úloh archívov, knižníc, múzeí a ostatných pamäťových inštitúcií je ochrana objektov a materiálov kultúrneho dedičstva v ich originálnej podobe. To predstavuje enormnú interdisciplinárnu komplexnú problematiku. Participácia odborníkov z rôznych oblasti vedy a techniky, koncových užívateľov v prís- lušných inštitúciách, konzervátorov a reštaurátorov podporovaná adekvátnymi finančnými prostriedkami je ne- vyhnutná pri riešení parciálnych problémov v tejto oblasti. Príspevok informuje o výskumnom projekte „Konzer- vovanie a stabilizácia objektov kultúrneho dedičstva z prírodných organických materiálov nízkoteplotnou plazmou“ a jeho cieľoch, ktorý sa realizuje na Fakulte chemickej a potravinárskej technológie Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave. 1 Introduction If we want talk about the training of archivists in the 21st century - which is one of the topics of the International Archival Day 2017 - we must bear in mind that the preservation of archives and documen- ts in their original form has to be one of the most important tasks of archivists - not only in the 21st cen- tury but every time. This is the reason why at the Department of Archiving and Auxiliary Sciences in History of the Comenius University in Bratislava in the master study program of archivists is included also the subject Preservation of archives. The detail information on this topic was published also in AT- LANTI 2005 (Hanus et al., 2005). The course provides general information on main degradation factors and preservation of archives. 157 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jozef HANUS - Katarína VIZÁROVÁ - Radko TIŇO - Milena REHÁKOVÁ - Nina LALÍKOVÁ - Emília HANUSOVÁ: Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for..., 155-160 In general, preservation of archival documents, library materials and other objects and materials of cultural heritage in their original forms is one of the principal tasks of archives, libraries, museums, galle- ries and other cultural memory institutions all over the world. As preservation of cultural heritage repre- sents an enormous interdisciplinary complex problem participation of experts from different fields of science and technology, practical end-users, conservators and restorers supported by adequate financial background is an inevitable in solution of partial problems in this field. In order to be able to solve preservation problems effectively and successfully a specialised study and education in this field - which is called conservation science - is necessary. Conservation science, with respect to cultural heritage, is the interdisciplinary study of conserva- tion of art, architecture, and other cultural works through the use of scientific inquiry. General areas of research include the technology and structure of artistic and historic works and the materials and media from which they are made. Conservation scientists use scientific methods and principles to support work in the fields of art conservation and architectural conservation, and care of cultural objects in museums and other collections. Cultural conservation science work includes identifying the materials that make up a structure or piece of art including their chemical makeup, identifying and cataloguing changes that cause deterioration and developing methods to mitigate deterioration of cultural heritage (AIC, 2003). The cultural heritage of the Slovak Republic is an indispensable asset of the State and its citizens, is a testament to the evolution of society, philosophy, religion, science, technology, art, the document of educational and cultural level of the Slovak nation, other peoples, national minorities, ethnic groups and individuals who live or have lived in the territory of Slovakia in the past. For the conservation and main- tenance of these values it is necessary to educate and train professionals commanding and controlling both - the principles of conservation and restoration of materials, objects and monuments as well as cur- rent and historical materials and technologies for their protection, conservation and stabilization (Bakoš et al., 2008). On the basis of long term cooperation of the Faculty of Chemical and Food Industry in Bratislava with the main cultural memory institution in Slovak Republic, especially the Slovak National Archives, the Slovak National Library, the Slovak National Museum, the Slovak National Gallery, University Li- brary and others, the new study programme “HERITAGE MATERIALS CONSERVATION” within the framework of the study field “Chemical Technology or Engineering Chemistry” at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava has been accredited in 2008. It was presented in details in ATLANTI 2014 (Hanus et al., 2014). The program represents a new conception of education in conservation science on university level in the Slovak Republic (Katuščák et al., 2008, Bakoš et al., 2008, Vizárová & Reháková, 2013). Besides the education, basic and applied research within the framework of different projects repre- sents an important and integral part of activities at the Faculty. This paper provides brief information on the project of applied research “Conservation and stabi- lisation of cultural heritage objects from natural organic compounds by low temperature plasma” suppor- ted by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019). The proposed project is aimed at developing plasma-chemical protection of materials and objects of cultural heritage in order to increase the productivity and improve the quality of conservation intervention. 2 The main problems in heritage preservation The rate of Slovak heritage degradation is much higher than the rate (capacity) of its preservation. Cultural heritage objects exhibit a great variability of material basis (wood, paper, leather, metals, glass, ceramics and other inorganic materials and plastic materials), heterogeneity (works of art are composed from layers differing in composition, books, textile-based objects, historical furniture contains various kinds of materials) and are differing in shape (spacious 3D-objects, 2D-objects - paintings, graphical works, photography, small 3D- objects - statues, museum artefacts, archival and text analogue documents - books etc.). An important group of cultural heritage objects from the material point of view is represented by the carriers made from the different organic materials (wood, paper, textile, leather, waxes and their mod- ifications), very often consisting of combination of natural polymeric materials. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 158 Jozef HANUS - Katarína VIZÁROVÁ - Radko TIŇO - Milena REHÁKOVÁ - Nina LALÍKOVÁ - Emília HANUSOVÁ: Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for..., 155-160 Objects of cultural heritage are subject to change due to aging degradation and are often contami- nated. They may include mechanical, biological and even chemical pollutants. Specifically, the dust, in- sects, moulds, fungus and also chemical substances introduced into the production of the material, or impurities such as oxidation products resulting from the reaction with oxygen, ozone, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, or degradation products of the materials and objects themselves (acid, low molecular weight aldehydes and decomposition of various materials depending on the type of base matrix) are the examples of these contamination. These factors greatly contribute to reducing the life span of the material and thus of the whole object. Important factor is the temperature and humidity of environment in which objects are stored and displayed or high and frequent fluctuation of those parameters. Due to these factors, the material loses its strength and optical characteristics. These phenomena are due to degradation processes, causing degradation of the basic components of a change in the structure of the material. Knowing the connection between changing the structure of the basic components and loss of performance objects are relevant to the application of materials and procedures to stabilize the system (Vizárová, 2012). The processes and equipments for cleaning, sterilization and/or stabilization up-to-now used in Slovakia and abroad are mostly mono-functional. Another disadvantage lies in application of chemical, frequently toxic and aggressive solvents and substances. To eradicate biological contamination, ethylene oxide (Kowalik, 1980, 1984, Postlethwhite, 1991), phenol derivatives (Valentin, 1986), quarternary am- monium mixtures (Strzeczyk, 1986) or another substances have been applied. Due to the fact that the objects in question contain various materials (dyes, thermoplastic glues, plastics, leather, wax etc.) which are heat-sensitive, classical sterilization procedures carried out at temperatures exceeding 35°C cannot be applied in every case. 3 Proposed plasma treatment procedures The advantage of using the proposed procedures for increasing the stability of objects and materials as well as for their disinfection and sterilization is the fact that they can operate at low/ambient temper- atures. Another positive effect is the elimination of chemicals used or possibility of application of envi- ronmentally friendly systems for achieving the desired effect. It also accomplishes a number of technolog- ical operations in one device and one-step application process of disinfection, sterilization and stabilization of objects. This allows the use of plasma-chemical processes in the preservation and conservation on a massive scale. The advantage of the introduction of plasma technology may lie in increasing of labour productivity of individual technological conservation operations like cleaning, stabilization i.e. extending the lifespan of objects, disinfection and sterilization. Plasma-chemical surface treatments of solid materi- als have been proved in many industries (Rahel et al., 2011, Pavlinak et al., 2012, Rahel et al., 2012). Many research groups pay attention to their use in the protection of materials and objects of cultural heritage in recent years on research level. The highest attention has been devoted to the application of low-pressure plasma at the preservation of metallic objects of cultural heritage. It concerns mainly plas- ma-chemical removal of stain from iron objects by radiofrequency sparks of hydrogen low-pressure plas- ma. In spite of the fact that this technique has been utilized at restoration of metallic archeological arte- facts, the use of plasma was just of intuitive nature (Lieberman & Lichtenberg, 1994). The oxygen-argon plasma can also be used for effective decontamination of objects composed from organic components including photographs (Daniels, 1981, Ioanid et al., 2010) or to remove adhered deposits from the surface of paintings (Rutledge et al., 2000). Paper is an important carrier of information associated with cultural heritage. Plasma seems to be a promising technology for this field of conservation, too. By means of modification using plasma it is possible to eradicate microbial contaminants in one step along with a simultaneous increase of paper strength (Vohrer et al., 2001). At modifications by plasma (in both oxidation and reduction atmospheres) of naturally wood-containing aged paper it is possible to reach a total increase in paper stability by ap- proximately 20%. A bactericidal effect on microbial decontamination treatment by using of plasma in O2/H2 atmosphere has been proved (Laguardia et al., 2005). More pronounced stabilization and paper strength increase has been obtained by applying of chitosan to the surface of plasma-activated paper using barrier discharge plasma (Mikula et al., 2009). Recently, possibilities to deposit polymerised monomers by plasma aimed at paper strengthening and protecting (Totolin & Neamtu, 2011, Tóth et al., 2007) as well as protecting of metallic parts of cul- tural heritage objects have been investigated (Totolin et al., 2009). 159 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jozef HANUS - Katarína VIZÁROVÁ - Radko TIŇO - Milena REHÁKOVÁ - Nina LALÍKOVÁ - Emília HANUSOVÁ: Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for..., 155-160 References AIC (2003). The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works: Defining the Conservator: Essential Competencies Bakoš, D., Katuščák, S., Hudec, I., Čeppan, M., Reháková, M. (2008). Nový študijný program STU: Ochrana materiálov a objektov dedičstva. I. Etapa rozvoja VŠ európskeho vzdelávania Conservation Science na Slovensku. Knižnica, roč. 9, č. 6-7, pp. 14-15 Hanus, J., Hanusová, E., Katuščák, S., Bukovský, V. (2005). The contribution of university education to preserva- tion of archives and library materials. ATLANTI Vol. 15, 1-2 (2005) International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor, University of Maribor, State Archive of Trieste, Trieste 2005, CD ROM Hanus, J., Vizárová, K., Reháková, M., Hanusová, E. (2014). Training and Education: the Key Role in Heritage Preservation of Archives, Libraries and Other Cultural Institutions. ATLANTI Vol. 24 (2014) N. 2, Internation- al Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor, University of Maribor, State Archive of Trieste, Trieste 2014, pp. 165-174, ISSN 1318-0134 Katuščák, S., Katuščák, D., Bakoš, D., Šíma, J., Urlandová, A. (2008). Koncepcia rozvoja konzervačnej vedy, vzdelávania, technológie a priemyslu na Slovensku. Knižnica, roč. 9, č. 6-7, pp. 4-9 Kowalik, R. (1980, 1984). Microbiodeterioration of library materials. Restaurator 4, 1980 and 6, 1984 Laguardia, L., et al. (2005). Investigation of the effect of plasma treatments on biodeteriorated ancient paper. Ap- plied Surface Science 252, pp. 1159-1166 Lieberman M, Lichtenberg A. (1994). Principles of plasma discharges and materials processing (John Wiley & Sons, New York) Mikula, M. et al. (2009). Stabilization of paper by nitrogen plasma assisted application of chitosan at atmospheric pressure. Acta Chimica Slovacca 2 (1), pp. 62-69 Pavlinak, D., Alberti, M., Rahel, J. (2012). Plasma-chemical treatment of cellulose materials. In Book of Abstract IDMS 2012 ReAdMat. Pardubice (Czech Republic): University of Pardubice, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7395-524-3, pp. 45-45 Postlethwaite, A. W. (1991). Achieving integrated pest eradication with heightened sensitivities to collections safety and human toxicity. International seminar on research in preservation and conservation. School of LS Colum- bia University, IFLA, ICA, Arden House N.Y. Rahel, J. et al. (2012). DBD Plasma Assisted Silver Functionalization of Surgical Meshes. In: Plasma for Bio-Decon- tamination, Medicine and Food Security (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology). Vyd. 1. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Series A: Chemistry and Biology, ISBN 978-94-007-2851-6, pp. 417-429 Rahel, J., Stahel, P., Odraskova, M. (2011). Wood surface modification by dielectric barrier dischrages at atmos- pheric pressure. Chemické Listy, Praha, Česká společnost chemická. ISSN 0009-2770, 105(CHLSAC 105), p. 125 - 128 Rutledge S.K., et al. (2000). Atomic oxygen treatment as a method of covering smoke-damaged paintings, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 39, pp. 65-74 Strzeczyk, A.B., et al. (1986). The effect of disinfection with quaternary salt solution on paper. Restaurator, Vol.7, pp. 3-13 Tóth A., Černáková Ľ., Černák M., Kunovská K. (2007). Surface analysis of groundwood paper treated by diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge type atmospheric plasma in air and in nitrogen, Holzforschung 61, pp. 528-531 Totolin M.I., Neamtu I. (2011). Positive findings for plasma pollymer (meth) acrylate thin films in heritage pro- tective applications. Journal of Cultural Heritage (available on-line) Valentin, N. (1986). Biodeterioration of library materials. Disinfection methods and new alternatives. The Paper Conservator, Vol. 10, pp. 40-45 Vizárová, K., et al. (2012). Relationship between the decrease of degree of polymerisation of cellulose and the loss of groundwood pulp paper mechanical properties during accelerated ageing. Chem Papers 66, pp. 1124-1129 Vizárová, K., Reháková, M. (2013). Postavenie a úloha konzervačného vedca v súčasnosti na Slovensku. Interdisci- plinarita vo vedeckom výskume pri rozvoji ochrany kultúrneho dedičstva: Zborník príspevkov konferencie CSTI 2013 Conservation Science, Technology and Industry. Bratislava. ISBN 978-80-227-3991-7, pp. 23-29 Vohrer U., Trick I., Bernhardt J., Oehr C., Brunner H. (2001). Plasma treatment - an increasing technology for paper restoration? Surface and Coatings Technology 142-144, pp. 1069-1073 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 160 Jozef HANUS - Katarína VIZÁROVÁ - Radko TIŇO - Milena REHÁKOVÁ - Nina LALÍKOVÁ - Emília HANUSOVÁ: Education and Research: an Inevitable Requirement for..., 155-160 SUMMARY Preservation of documents in their original form has to be one of the most important tasks of archivists - not only in the 21st century but in every time. Generally, one of the principal tasks of archives, libraries, museums and other memory institutions is preservation of objects and materials of cultural heritage in their original form. It represen- ts an enormous interdisciplinary complex problem. Participation of experts from different fields of science and technology, practical end-users, conservators and restorers supported by adequate financial background is inevi- table in solution of partial problems in this field. The paper informs about the research project “Conservation and stabilisation of cultural heritage objects from natural organic compounds by low temperature plasma” and its aims at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The proposed project is aimed at developing plasma-chemical protection of materials and objects of cultural heritage in order to increase the productivity and improve the quality of conservation intervention. The treatment of solid surfaces with atmospheric plasma discharge is a new modern method that has great potential to solve many problems to which restorers and conservators are facing daily. Moreover, the proposed use of the plasma processing at atmo- spheric pressure compared to a low pressure (vacuum) plasma systems has the great advantage that it is an energy- & machine-undemanding method enabling in a short time (in order of seconds) effectively decontaminate, clean and preserve objects of historical and artistic value in one step. This eliminates the need for multiple handling of degraded, fragile objects, which significantly helps to eliminate the risk of their further potential damage. The pro- posed procedures are in line with the latest scientific knowledge from accessible literature. They are also part of the research and practice and have been tested in several scientific research projects. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract no. APVV-15-0460. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 13.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 161 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Stručni arhivistički ispit i stručna zvanja u funkciji ospo- sobljavanja arhivskih kadrova Izet ŠABOTIĆ, Prof. Dr. Archival Councilor University of Tuzla, Faculty of Arts, Tihomila Markovića 1, 75000 Tuzla, Bosna and Herce- govina e-mail: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists ABSTRACT The paper emphasizes the importance of conducting professional exams (for archivists and records managers) as part of education necessary for the process of performing archival activity. There is a different practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding archival studies and the acquisition of archivist vocations, which has a significant im- pact on the structure of archival personnel. In this paper, the author presents the positive experience of the Ar- chives of Tuzla Canton, where exams are conducted on the basis of the provisions of the Act and bylaws, and in particular by the Program of professional exams, which are separately made for archive staff and records managers. Such practice has had a significant impact on raising the level of knowledge, which has contributed to the enhance- ment of archival activity. We believe this is a good way to educate and inform archive staff, but it is not complete jet. Therefore, the archival profession should strive for consistent educational processes and systems, which include the education of archival staff through all levels of the undergraduate, graduate, master and doctoral studies. Only in this way can we have educated and qualified personnel ready to professionally perform archival duties. Key words: archive staff, archival exam, archival technician, archivist technician, archivist Esami professionali archivistici e titoli professionali come mezzo di formazione degli archivisti SINTESI L’articolo mette in rilievo l'importanza di condurre esami professionali (per gli archivisti ed i responsabili dei do- cumenti) come parte della formazione necessaria per eseguire attività di archiviazione. C'è una prassi differente in Bosnia Erzegovina per quanto riguarda studi archivistici e l'acquisizione della professionalità archivistica, che ha un impatto significativo sulla struttura del personale archivistico. In questo articolo, l’autore presenta la positiva espe- rienza dell’Archivio del Cantone di Tuzla, dove gli esami si svolgono sulla base delle disposizioni ed articoli di legge, in particolare del Programma di esami professionali, fatti separatamente per il personale archivistico ed i ge- stori d’archivio. Tale pratica ha avuto un impatto significativo sull'innalzamento del livello della competenza, con- tribuendo al potenziamento dell'attività archivistica. Crediamo che questo sia un buon modo per educare e infor- mare il personale dell'archivio, ma non è completo. Pertanto, la professione archivistica dovrebbe concentrarsi su processi educativi coerenti e sistemi che includano la formazione del personale d'archivio attraverso tutti i livelli di laurea, master e dottorati. Solo in questo modo possiamo avere personale qualificato pronto ad eseguire professio- nalmente compiti archivistici. Parole chiave: personale archivistico, tecnici archivistici, archivista tecnico, archivista Arhivski strokovni izpit in strokovni nazivi v funkciji usposabljanja arhivskih kadrov IZVLEČEK Prispevke opozarja na pomen izvedbe postopka opravljanja arhivskega (arhivarskega) izpita, kot neke vrste izo- braževanja, ki je nujno za opravljanje arhivske dejavnosti. V Bosni in Hercegovini obstaja različna praksa glede opravljanja arhivskega izpita in pridobitve nazivov s področja arhivske dejavnosti, kar pomembno vpliva tudi na oblikovanje strokovnega arhivskega kadra. Avtor je v prispevku predstavil pozitivno izkušnjo Arhiva Tuzelskega kantona, kjer se opravljanje arhivskega izpita izvaja na podlagi določb zakona in podzakonskih aktov, posebno pa na podlagi programa za opravljanje strokovnega arhivskega (arhivarskega) izpita, ki je posebej pripravljen za delavce iz arhivov in delavce, ki delajo z dokumentarnim gradivom pri ustvarjalcih. Takšna praksa je pomembno vplivala na dvig ravni znanja tako arhivskih delavcev v arhivih, kot tudi pri ustvarjalcih, kar je vplivalo na pospešitev opra- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 162 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 vljanja arhivske dejavnosti. Mnenja smo, da je to dober način izobraževanja in usposabljanja arhivskega kadra, vendar ne popoln. Zato mora arhivska stroka težiti k bolj konsistentnim izobraževalnim procesom in sistemom, ki bi vključevali vse nivoje izobraževanja arhivskih kadrov, od srednjega, dodiplomskega, magistrskega do doktorske- ga študija. Samo na ta način imamo lahko izobražene in usposobljene kadre, ki bi lahko opravljali arhivsko dejav- nost na profesionalen način. Ključne besede: arhivski kadri, arhivski strokovni izpit, arhivski tehnik, arhivist tehnik, arhivist, delavec, ki dela z dokumentarnim gradivom, arhivar Stručni arhivistički ispit i stručna zvanja u funkciji osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova ABSTRAKT U radu je ukazano na značaj provođenja postupka polaganja stručnog arhivističkog (arhivarskog) ispita, kao vida edukacije neophodne za proces obavljanja arhivske djelatnosti. U Bosni i Hercegovini postoji različita praksa po pitanju polaganja arhivističkog ispita i sticanja arhivističkih zvanja, što značajno utiče i na forme oblikovanja stručnog arhivskog kadra. Autor je u radu predstavio pozitivno iskustvo Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona na tom planu, gdje se polaganje arhivističkog ispita provodi na osnovu odredaba Zakona i podzakonskih akata, te posebno po osnovu programa za polaganje stručno arhivističkog (arhivarskog) ispita, koji su zasebno urađeni za djelatnike iz arhiva i djelatnike iz registratura. Takva praksa je značajno uticala na podizanje nivoa znanja, kako arhivsku djela- tnika u arhivima, tako i u registraturama, što je uticalo na pospješivanje obavljanja arhivske djelatnosti. Smatramo da je ovo dobar vid obrazovanja i educiranja arhivskog kadra, ali ne i potpuni. Stoga, arhivska struka treba težiti konzistentnim obrazovnim procesima i sistemima, koji podrazumijevaju obrazovanje arhivskih kadrova kroz sve nivoe od srednjeg, dodiplomskog, mastera i doktorskog studija. Samo na taj način možemo imati obrazovane i osposobljene kadrove, spremne da na profesionalan način obavljaju arhivsku djelatnost. Ključne riječi: arhivski kadrovi, stručni arhivski ispit, arhivski tehničar, arhivar tehničar, arhivist, arhivar 1 Uvodne naznake Arhivska djelatnost je po mnogo čemu specifična, pa i po pitanju profila kadrova koji su nosioci djelatnosti. Kako je arhivistika jako dinamična naučna disciplina, iskazuje se potreba stalnog educiranja arhivskih kadrova u smislu praćenja novih znanja koja se primjenjuju u arhivskoj djelatnosti. To zahtijeva značajnu mobilnost arhivskih kadrova, onu stručno-naučnu, ali i organizacijsku. Od stručne i organiza- cione osposobljenosti arhivskih kadrova u velikoj mjeri zavisi primarni zadatak arhivske struke koji se odnosi na uspostavu sistema zaštite, upravljanja i korištenja arhivske građe. U najvećem broju arhivskih službi u procesu obavljanja arhivske djelatnosti uspostavljena je ustalje- na forma rada arhivskih djelatnika. Riječ je o poprilično ustaljenom pristupu radnim zadacima, koji je prilagođen ranije planiranim potrebama1, kako bi se uspješno odgovorilo na zadate im obaveze. Iskazane potrebe su veoma zahtjevne i kompleksne. Iste traže od arhivskog djelatnika stručnost, profesionalnost i odgovornost. Upravo od ove tri komponente koje treba da posjeduje arhivski djelatnik u velikoj mjeri zavisi ukupnost arhivske djelatnosti. Kompleksnost i složenost arhivskih zadataka u dobroj mjeri određuje stručni i organizacioni profil arhivskog djelatnika. Najčešće, profil arhivskog djelatnika je vezana za potre- bu arhivske struke, u teoretskom i pragmatičnom pogledu. No, nerijetko u praksi je prisutna činjenica da profil arhivskog djelatnika nije prilagođen sa potrebama struke, što dovodi do problema i za samog djela- tnika, ali i za struku uopšte. Ovo je važno pitanje, jer stručnost, profesionalnost i mobilnost arhivskog kadra najdirektnije utiče na uspješnost obavljanja arhivske djelatnosti. Stoga je potrebno voditi računa o kadrovskoj politici u arhivskoj djelatnosti. Ovdje se misli o arhivskim djelatnicima u registraturama i u arhivima, jer i jedni i drugi su najdirektnije vezani za sudbinu arhivske građe. Arhivski kadrovi značajno utiču na arhivsku djelatnost. Od njihovog direktnog angažmana i djelo- vanja zavise ukupni rezultati u obavljanju arhivske djelatnosti. U radu arhivskih kadrova u praksi su po- stoje brojne protivrječnosti, različiti pristupi i djelovanja, različito poimanje i tretiranje problematike, različito sagledavanje najvažnijih segmenata djelatnosti, što je rezultat različitog pristupa u obavljanju arhivske djelatnosti. Prisutne različitosti i kontraverze proizilaze između ostalog zbog stručnog, naučnog 1. Te su potrebe sadržane u Godišnjim planovima i programima rada, gdje se normiraju i vremenski utvrđuju zadaci. 163 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 i organizacionog profila arhivskih kadrova, od kojeg zavisi njihov pristup prema poslu kojeg obavljaju. Taj pristup zavisi i od same prirode, suštine, a nekada i obima i složenosti problematike. Nekada su te razlike toliko izražene, da dovode do različitih rezultata u obimu, stručnoj formi i ukupnosti. Ovo dolazi i zbog činjenice, jer u sistemu obrazovanja ili nemamo zastupljenih obrazovnih programa za arhivski kadar, ili tamo gdje postoje, nisu prilagođeni potrebama arhivske struke. U Bosni i Hercegovini ne postoji strategi- ja obrazovanja arhivskog kadra. Obrazovanje se ne vrši ni na jednom nivou, pa se u oblasti arhivske djela- tnosti „regrutuju“ kadrovi iz drugih obrazovnih profila, čije prilagođavanje arhivskim zadacima podrazu- mijeva stalnu edukaciju i usavršavanje. Jedan od značajnih vidova educiranja arhivskog kadra jeste polaganje stručnog arhivističkog ispita i sticanje arhivističkih zvanja. 2 Arhivistički ispit kao vid stručne nadgradnje Arhivska služba Bosne i Hercegovine, kao mlada služba2, nije uspjela da se profiliše kroz obrazo- vanje kadrova u redovnom obrazovnom sistemu. Ni na jednom nivou (srednjoškolski, dodiplomski, ma- ster, doktorski sudiji) nije se egzistira program kroz koji bi se školovali arhivski kadrovi za potrebe arhi- vske djelatnosti. Početkom 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća učinjen je pokušaj u Sarajevu, i iškolovana je jedna generacija arhivskih tehničara. Dalje se od toga nije otišlo. Danas se stanje na planu obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova nije značajnije promijenilo. Iako smo svjedoci da se na svim nivoima obrazovanja uvode novi stručni i naučni profili, arhivistika nije uspjela da se nametne i nađe svoje mjesto u redovnom obrazov- nom sistemu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Najveći pomak na tom planu učinjen je izučavanjem predmeta Arhi- vistika i Arhivska praksa na Odsjeku za historiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Tuzli i Odsjeku za historiju Fa- kulteta humanističkih nauka u Mostaru. Na drugim fakultetima, posebno državnim, Arhivistika se izučava u sklopu predmeta Pomoćne historijske nauke. Niti na jednom fakultetu nemamo zastupljenu Arhivistiku na drugom i trećem ciklusu. Treba kazati i to, da postoje nagovještaji kod nekih privatnih fakulteta o osnivanju katedre arhivistike. Međutim, nismo optimistični u tom pogledu, jer saznanja upućuju da se ovdje više radi o drugim ciljevima, nego o istinskoj potrebi školovanja arhivskih kadrova i promociji arhivskog znanja. Međutim, evidentno je da postoje realne potrebe za obrazovanjem arhivskih kadrova u Bosni i Hercegovini, jer neadekvatni arhivski kadrovi ne mogu odgovoriti širokoj lepezi složenih problema sa kojim se danas sreće arhivska struka u Bosni i Hercegovini. To svakako ima uticaja na krajnji ishod u ukupnim rezultatima u oblasti arhivske djelatnosti. U takvim okolnostima, prije svega arhivske ustanove, posežu za raznim formama dopunskog obra- zovanja i osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova. Najveći domet se postigao kroz obaveznu zakonsku formu polaganja stručnog arhivističkog ispita i sticanja arhivističkih zvanja. U svim zakonima za arhivsku djela- tnost u Bosni i Hercegovini, manje više predviđeno je obavezno polaganje arhivskog (arhivističkog) ispi- ta. Međutim, to nije urađeno jednoobrazno, tako da se kroz ovu zakonsku proceduru nije uspio usposta- viti jedinstven sistem obrazovanja i educiranja arhivskih kadrova. Navedena problematika je različito tretirana, i sa aspekta obimnosti i sa aspekta stručnosti. Tako je u Zakonu o arhivskoj građi i Arhivu Bosne i Hercegovine (2001) to tretirano samo u jednom članu i sa dosta nejasnoće3. Arhiv Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, je kroz arhivsko zakonodavstvo pitanju educi- ranja arhivskih kadrova posvetio više pažnje, ali u praktičnom smislu to nije imalo značajniji domet. Na federalnom nivou, pored zastupljenosti u osnovnom zakonu, donesena je Uredba o uvjetima i načinu po- laganja stručnog arhivističkog ispita i načinu sticana stručnih zvanja u arhivskoj struci (2003 i 2009), te urađen Program stručnog arhivističkog ispita za pripravnike i službenike u organima uprave i službama za upravu i pravnim osobama u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovini (2003). Programom su utvrđene oblasti koje obuhvata stručni arhivistički ispit, i to: Arhivistika, Kancelarijsko poslovanje, 3. Arhivsko zakonodavstvo, Historijski razvoj arhivistike, Arhivistika i informatike i Strani jezik. Treba istaći, da i pored toga što su dati posebni uslovi, kako bi se pristupilo polaganju arhivističkog ispita, u praksi se nerijetko to ne poštuje, te se pristupa arhivističkom ispitu, a da predhodno nisu ispunjeni zakonom propisani uslovi. To u 2. Ista je nastala tek nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, osnivanjem Državnog arhiva Bosne i Hercegovine 1947. godine, a potom i drugih gradskih i regionalnih arhiva. 3. U čl. 40. Zakona stoji da Arhivsko vijeće Bosne i Hercegovine imenuje Komisiju za polaganje stručnih ispita za za arhivska zvanja, službenika u nadležnosti Arhiva Bosne i Hercegovine, te je još u čl. 31. i 32. Uopćeno navedeno da Arhiv vrši stručno obrazovanje i osposobljavanje službenika stvaratelja i imatelja registraturne i arhivske građe. Od tada do danas, to je mrtvo slovo na papiru, jer Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine nije učinio ništa na tom plani. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 164 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 određenoj mjeri devalvira čitav proces, jer je enormno veliki broj djelatnika prošlo kroz isti, a da to u krajnjoj instanci nije dalo rezultata. Kad je riječ o manjem entitetu Bosne i Hercegovine Republici Srpskoj, u Zakonu o arhivskoj djela- tnost RSi (1998) ova problematika je tretirana posebnim VII poglavljem „Stručna zvanja u arhivskoj dje- latnosti“, gdje su članom 76. i 77. date osnovne naznake vezane za stručna zvanja te postupak i proceduru njihovog sticanja. Bliže ova oblast je uređena Pravilnikom o uslovima, rokovima i načinu polaganja stručn- og arhivskog ispita, priznavanju arhivskog ispita i uslovima sticanja stručnih arhivskih zvanja (2010). Poz- nato je da Arhiv RS po osnovu navedenih akata organizira stručni ispit za arhivske djelatnike. Program po kojem se navedeno provodi nije nam poznat. Ono što je izvjesno stručna arhivistička zvanja na nivou arhivske djelatnosti nisu istovjetna u RS i ostalim djelovima Bosne i Hercegovine. U Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine oblast polaganja stručnog ispita i sticanja zvanja u arhivskoj djelatnosti uređena je i na nivou kantona, gdje su doneseni propisi, te se u najvećem broju kantona organizira polaganje arhivističkog (arhivskog) ispita. Ono što karakteriše sistem organiziranja arhivističkog ispita i sticanja stručnih zvanja u arhivskoj djelatnosti jeste, nepostojanje jedinstvene procedure, te posebno usaglašenih programskih sadržaja sa kojima bi se jednoobrazno moglo uticati na obrazovanje i osposobljavanje arhivskih kadrova. Tako da to u određenoj mjeri postaje problem u stvaranju ukupne vizije razvoja arhivistike, gdje arhivski kadrovi trebaju imati posebno važnu ulogu. Koliko je autoru poznato, najsvrsishodnije programske sadržaje na edukaciji i obrazovanju, te sti- canju arhivističkog (arhivskog) zvanja U Bosni i Hercegovini uradio je Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona. Nai- me, osim što je Zakonom o arhivskoj djelatnosti (2000 i 2013) jasno utvrđena ova obaveza, ona je detaljno razrađena odredbama Pravilnika o polaganju stručnog arhivističkog (arhivarskog) ispita i sticanju osnovnog arhivskog zvanja (2013), te posebno utvrđena zasebnim programima za polaganje stručnog ispita, a po osnovu stepena stručne spreme, te po osnovu dali arhivski djelatnik dolazi iz arhiva ili registrature. Ono što je zakonski i programski inovativno u odnosu na druge slične zakonske akte, jeste, da je navedenim propisima donesenim na području nadležnosti Arhiva TK, posebno su utvrđene norme/uslovi za sticanje određeni zvanja za arhivske kadrove u registraturama i u arhivskim ustanovama. Naime, programima su prilagođeni sadržaji prema značaju za kadrove u registraturama i kadrove u arhivima. Tako je utvrđen poseban Program za polaganje stručnog arhivističkog ispita za kandidate sa srednjom stručnom spremom (2013a), gdje su predloženi posebni predmeti za opći i posebni dio arhivističkog (arhivarskog) ispita. Za opći dio kandidat je dužan polagati: Ustavno uređenje Bosne i Hercegovine, Federacije BiH i Tuzlanskog kantona, te Upravni postupak. Kad je riječ o posebnom dijelu, predviđeni su slijedeći predmeti: Arhivsko zakonodavstvo, Kancelarijsko poslovanje, Arhivistika i Arhivi i informacijske tehnologije. Za sve predviđene predmete data je obavezujuća literatura koju kandidat treba konsultovati. Kandidat je obavezan provesti pripravnički staž u vremenu od šest mjeseci uz pratnju zadužene komisije. Polaganjem stručnog ispita stiče se stručno zvanje arhivski tehničar druge vrste. Program za polaganje arhivarskog ispita za kandidate sa srednjom stručnom spremom (2013b) pred- viđa iste predmete kao i za kandidate sa srednjom stručnom spremom za arhivistički ispit, s tim što se u sadržajnom dijelu Programa za sve predmete više akcenta dalo na pragmatični dio sadržaja, koji je više vezan za arhivsku problematiku registratura. Djelatnici u registraturama imaju sadržaje više pragmatične naravi i one koji su direktno vezani za provedbu zakonom utvrđenih arhivskih mjera u cilju zaštite i ruko- vanja arhivskom građom u nastajanju. Jedan od posebnih uslova za pristup stručnom arhivarskom ispitu jeste rad od najmanje šest mjeseci na arhivskim poslovima. Polaganjem stručnog ispita stiče se stručno zvanje arhivar tehničar II vrste. Kad je riječ o višoj i visokoj stručnoj spremi, također su urađeni posebni programi. Program za po- laganje stručnog arhivističkog ispita kandidata sa višom i visokom spremom predviđen za djelatnike u arhivu (2013c), sadrži Opći dio u kojem se polažu dva predmeta: Ustavno uređenje Bosne i Hercegovine, Federa- cije BiH i Tuzlanskog kantona i Upravni postupak. U Posebnom dijelu ispita predviđeni su slijedeći pred- meti: Arhivsko zakonodavstvo, Kancelarijsko poslovanje, Arhivistika, Arhivi i informacione tehnologije, Historija Bosne i Hercegovine, Pomoćne historijske nauke i Osnovno poznavanje stranog jezika. Program sadrži detaljan popis oblasti, tema i pitanja koja kandidat treba usvojiti. Ta znanja se prevashodno odnose na teoretska i praktična pitanja neophodna da se savladaju procesi i radnje koji se provode u arhivskim ustanovama, ili su vezane za njih, poput: procesa zaštite građe u arhivima, sređivanja i obrade arhivske 165 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 građe, primjene standarda i normi, izrade naučno-informativnih pomagala, rada sa korisnicima, izrade e-baza i dr. Za sve predmete i sva pitanja kandidat se upućuje na referentnu literaturu. Nakon položenog stručnog ispita kandidat koji ima višu stručni spremu dobija zvanje viši arhivski tehničar, a kandidat sa VSS stiče stručno arhivističko zvanje arhivist. Kandidati sa višom i visokom školom koji dolaze iz regi- stratura polažu po Programu za polaganje stručnog arhivskog ispita sa višom i visokom stručnom spremom (2013d). Program sadrži istovjetne predmete kao i program za kandidate sa višom i visokom stručnom spremom koji dolaze iz arhiva, osim što kandidati iz registratura ne polažu predmet Pomoćne historijske nauke. Međutim, razlika je u sadržajnom smislu, jer je Program za kandidate iz registratura prilagođen procesima, radnjama i znanjima koja su vezana za rad registratura, odnosno registraturnu građu u nastaja- nju. Nakon uspješno položenog arhivskog ispita, kandidati dobijaju stručno zvanje arhivar. Poštivajući odredbe zakona, podzakonskih i provedbenih akata vrše se i pripreme kandidata za pristupanje arhivi- stičkom (arhivskom) ispitu. U pripremama je uključen Arhiv, kao i članovi Komisije za polaganje arhivi- stičkog (arhivskog) ispita, koje imenuje nadležno Ministarstvo. Članovi Komisije imaju zadatak da daju neophodna uputstva i smjernice kandidatima kako bi savladali određene sadržaje i spremni pristupili ispitu. Osim samostalnih (pojedinačnih) instrukcija, za određene grupe kandidata pripremaju se drugi edukacioni sadržaji, nekada frontalnog oblika, koji traju nekoliko dana, a imaju za cilj pripremanje i stručno osposobljavanje kandidata za ispit4. Pristup arhivističkom ispitu ima jasno utvrđenu proceduru. Ispit provodi Komisija imenovana od strane nadležnog ministarstva, koju čine pored predsjednika koji dolazi ispred Ministarstva i zadužen je za opći dio ispita, dva stručnjaka iz oblasti arhivistike, jedan iz reda Arhiva TK i jedan ispred istaknutih arhivskih stručnjaka, ispitivač za strani jezik, te sekretar Komisije. Kandidat zahtjev za polaganje arhivi- stičkog (arhivarskog) ispita upućuje nadležnom Ministarstvu, nakon čega Komisija vrši uvid u prijavu i utvrđuje dali kandidat ispunjava uslove da bi pristupio arhivističkom (arhivskom) ispitu, zašto se izdaje posebno Rješenje, koje se 15 dana prije utvrđenog termina za ispit dostavlja kandidatu. Sam arhivistički ispit se odvija u prostorijama Arhiva TK, polaganjem programom predviđenih opštih i posebnih stručnih arhivističkih oblasti. Za svaku oblast kandidat dobija zasebnu ocjenu, što se evidentira zapisnički na po- sebnom obrascu, a na kraju nakon što se završi ispitni proces, komisija se zajedničkom konsultacijom odlučuje o konačnom ishodu ispita. Zakonskim odredbama data je mogućnost ukoliko kandidat ne po- loži dva utvrđena područja, može izaći na dodatni termin koji zakazuje Komisija. U slučaju da kandidat ima negativnu ocjenu iz više dvije stručnih i općih oblasti, obavezan je ponovo pristupiti ispitu, kao i predhodni put. Za pristupanju ispitu i postignutim rezultatima kandidati dobijaju posebno Rješenje, koje izdaje nadležno Ministarstvo u kojem se potvrđuje uspješnost pristupanju arhivističkom (arhi- vskom) ispitu, te navodi stručno zvanje koje je kandidat stekao. U toku godine na stručni arhivistički ispit izađe između 60 i 70 kandidata. Stručna zvanja su najneposrednije vezana za programe koje su kandidati realizirali i koji su vezani za stručni arhivistički ispit. Tako kandidati koji dolaze iz registratura polažu arhivarski ispit i po osnovu stepena obrazovanja mogu dobiti slijedeća stručna zvanja. Sa SSS zvanje: arhivar manipulant, arhivar tehničar II vrste, sa VŠ i dodiplomskim (Bečeler) zvanjem može se dobit stručno zvanje viši arhivar teh- ničar, i sa VSS dobija se zvanje zvanje arhivar. Kada je riječ o zaposlenicima u arhivskim ustanovama isti polaganjem stručnog arhivističkog ispita dobijaju slijedeća stručna zvanja. SSS- arhivski manipulant i arhivski tehničar II vrste, sa VŠ viši arhivski tehničar i sa VSS- arhivist. Za arhivske kadrove sa VSS u skla- du sa odredbama zakonskih i podzakonskih akata data je mogućnost i obveza stručnog napredovanja, gdje su jasno utvrđeni uslovi pod kojim kandidat može napredovati. Više stručno arhivističko zvanje stječe osoba koja ima osnovno stručno arhivističko zvanje, radno iskustvo i sposobnost samostalnog oba- vljanja i organizacije složenih poslova, odnosno ostvarenih rezultata u radu. Viša stručna arhivistička zvanja su: arhivski tehničar prve vrste, viši arhivist i arhivski savjetnik. Stručno zvanje arhivski tehničar prve vrste može steći osoba koja je najmanje pet godina provela u stručnom zvanju arhivskog tehničara druge vrste i ima ispoljenu sposobnost samostalnog obavljanja složenih arhivskih poslova, objavljeni stručni i drugi radovi. Tako za slijedeće više stručno zvanje „viši arhivist“ kandidat može dobiti nakon 5 godina od sti- canja osnovnog zvanja, a pod uslovom da se aktivno bavio pitanjima arhivske struke i postizao rezultate u cilju unapređenja i promovisanja iste. To podrazumijeva napredovanje u struci putem redovnog stručnog 4. U tom smislu Arhiv je 2013. proveo edukacioni sadržaj vezan za arhivare iz medijskih kuća sa područja Tuzlanskog kantona, te 2014. višednevni seminar za više od 100 arhivara iz obrazovnih ustanova sa područja Tuzlanskog kantona. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 166 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 oglašavanja-pisanja stručnih i naučnih radova, realizacije određenih projekata te drugih prepoznatljivih stručnih sadržaja. Pored toga, više stručno zvanje „viši arhivist“ može steći osoba koja ima naučni stepen magistra nauka u oblasti arhivistike, historije, dokumentacionih i informacionih znanosti, najmanje pet godina radnog iskustva u obavljanju poslova arhivske djelatnosti; kao i osoba koja ima naučni stepen doktora nauka u oblasti arhivistike, historije, dokumentacionih i informacijskih nauka i najmanje tri go- dine radnog iskustva u obavljanju poslova arhivske djelatnosti. Najviše stručno zvanje u oblasti arhivske djelatnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini je „arhivski savjetnik“. Isto se steći pod jasno utvrđenim uslovima koje je kandidat dužan ispuniti, a to su: pet godina iskustva u stručnom zvanju „viši arhivist“, te da je posebno dao doprinos razvoju arhivistike, u smislu bavljenja istom u teoretskom i pragmatičnom smislu. To podrazumijeva utvrđen broj objavljenih stručnih i naučnih ra- dova, realiziranih projekata, aktivno učešće na međunarodnim i domaćim stručnim i naučnim konferen- cijama, te realizacija brojnih drugih za arhivsku struku važnih sadržaja. Osim toga, zvanje „arhivski savjet- nik“ može steći osoba sa naučnim stepenom magistra u oblasti arhivistike, dokumentacionih ili informacijskih znanosti, najmanje pet godina iskustva u obavljanju poslova u oblasti oblasti arhivistike, dokumentalistike i informacijskih znanosti, te osoba sa najmanje tri godine radnog iskustva u arhivskoj djelatnosti, kao i naučni stepen magistra nauka iz drugih oblasti i sedam godina rada u arhivskoj djelatno- sti, te naučni stepen doktora nauka iz drugih oblasti, i najmanje pet godina rada u arhivskoj djelatnosti i ostvarene rezultate u radu. Rad „arhivskog savjetnika“ treba biti prepoznatljiv po konkretnom doprinosu razvoju arhivske struke. Postupak i procedura polaganja arhivističkog (arhivskog) stručnog ispita, sticanja osnovnih i viših arhivističkih i arhivskih zvanja ima svoje pozitivne strane, ali i značajnih nedostataka. Pozitivne strane su sadržane u činjenici da je polaganje stručnog arhivističkog (arhivskog) ispita i sticanje viših zvanja u arhi- vskoj djelatnosti zakonom utvrđena obaveza za sve djelatnike u arhivskoj djelatnosti. Kroz ovu formu značajnije se utiče na mobilnost arhivskih djelatnika, koji su pripremajući se za arhivistički (arhivarski) ispit u prilici da se upoznaju i usvoje znanja koja će im biti od pomoći u obavljanju arhivske djelatnosti. Pozitivno je to što se ta znanja primjenjuju u pragmatičnom pogledu u obavljanju arhivske djelatnosti, što ima izravni doprinos u provođenju brojnih zakonom predviđenih procesa. Praksa je pokazala, da u regi- straturama gdje su arhivski djelatnici prošli kroz proceduru polaganja arhivističkog (arhivskog) ispita stanje arhivske građe i uređenost arhivskog i kancelarijskog poslovanja je značajnije bolje, nego tamo gdje zadužena lica za arhivu nisu prošla kroz proces. Arhivski djelatnici koji su prošli kroz proces pripreme i polaganja arhivskog ispita, uspostavili su prisniju i profesionalniju vezu-kontakt sa djelatnicima arhiva, sarađujući po brojnim pitanjima vezanim za problematiku arhivske djelatnosti. Zapaženo je da se značajan broj istih uključuje u dodatne forme educiranja (učešće na konferencijama, okruglim stolovima, promo- cijama i sl.), proširuju svoje stručne vidike, što im pomaže kod rješavanja brojnih otvorenih pitanja iz struke sa kojima se sreću. Ovo je posebno vezano za pitanja koja su vezana za postmodernističku arhivsku problematiku koja se odnosi na znanja iz domena stvaranja, upravljanja i zaštite elektronske informacije, ali i na druga značajna pitanja. Ovakvom formom osposobljavanja arhivskih djelatnika, kroz jednoobrazan sistem stvaraju se nor- mirana znanja, koja nalaze primjenu u praksi, što olakšava arhivu u provođenju zakonom predviđenih postupaka i procesa i stvaranja jedne stručne matrice, koja je garant značajnom pospješenju stanja u obla- sti arhivske djelatnosti. Nedostaci ovakvog sadržaja odnose se na činjenicu da isti ne predstavlja cjelovit i zaokružen proces obrazovanja arhivskih djelatnika, te da ne može zamijeniti praznine koje su rezultat nepostojanja si- stemske forme obrazovanja arhivskog kadra u redovnom sistemu školovanja. Polaganje stručnog arhivi- stičkog ispita i sticanje arhivističkih zvanja predstavlja samo pokušaj da se koliko je to moguće izvrši stručna nadgradnja, koja bi imala pozitivnog uticaja na obavljanje arhivske djelatnosti. Druga slaba strana ove forme obrazovanja arhivskog kadra odnosi se na činjenicu, da Arhiv TK nije u poziciji da samostalno organizira i provodi navedeni proces, već je nosilac istog nadležno Ministarstvo, a Arhiv je u takvoj situa- ciji servis, odnosno izvršilac procesa, u formi kakvoj traži nadležno Ministarstvo. To ima uticaja na ko- načnu formu i rezultat postupka polaganja stručnog arhivističkog ispita i sticanja viših zvanja. Naime, sa više autonomnosti u radu, bilo bi više kreativnosti i profesionalnosti, što bi omogućilo realizaciju pro- gramskih sadržaja koji bi snažnije oblikovali znanje arhivskih kadrova. No, u svakom slučaju, praksa koju provodi Arhiv TK na planu educiranja arhivskog kadra je pozi- 167 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 tivna i u datim okolnostima daje dobre rezultate. Međutim, za potpun osposobljen arhivski kadar ne- ophodni su snažniji zaokreti u ovoj oblasti, koji podrazumijevaju, obrazovanje arhivskog kadra u redov- nom sistemu školovanja, kroz sve nivoe: srednjoškolski, dodiplomski, master i doktorski. Samo se na taj način mogu obezbijediti arhivski kadrovi spremni odgovoriti na zahtjevne zadatke sa kojima se susreće arhivistika u vremenu globalizacije. Danas su arhivski djelatnici svojim znanjem i iskustvom rastrgnuti između klasičnog i modernog sa dosta dilema u pomirenju istog. 3 Neophodnost prilagođavanja izazovima suvremene struke Kako bi se posljedice postojećeg kadrovskog ambijenta umanjile, neophodne su konkretne aktiv- nosti na tom planu, koje podrazumijevaju jedan novi pristup i novi kurs u oblasti arhivske kadrovske politike. Što treba da podrazumijeva taj novi pristup i novi kurs u oblasti kadrovske arhivske politike? Potrebno je da obuhvati nekoliko važnih pitanja. Prvo, neophodno je uspostaviti validan sistem obrazo- vanja arhivskih kadrova. Sistem koji podrazumijeva prije svega temeljno obrazovanje zastupljeno u redo- vnom sistemu obrazovanja i to na svim nivoima. Utvrđeni sistem obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova potreb- no je uskladiti sa potrebama tržišta, a kroz realizaciju prihvatljivih obrazovnih programa koji će pratiti tržište rada. Dosadašnja praksa na tom planu je neprihvatljiva, jer najveći broj visokoškolskih institucija danas u zemljama tranzicije ne školuje kvalitetnu radnu snagu potrebnu između ostalog i arhivskom tržištu. Studijski odsjeci za obrazovanje arhivskih kadrova potrebno je da budu zasnovani na precizno utvrđenim nastavnim planovima, kojima bi bila obuhvaćena sva bita pitanja arhivske struke, ravnomjer- no podijeljene po godinama studija. Pored toga obrazovne programe je neophodno konstantno obnavlja- ti i dopunjavati i prateći tokove napretka struke. Dinamični razvoj arhivistike podložan je pojavi novih područja i struka, koje trebaju biti implementirane kroz redovan obrazovni sistem u oblasti arhivske dje- latnosti. Programe je potrebno sačiniti na način kako bi se budući arhivski kadrovi fokusirali i osposobili za organizacionu i ličnu učinkovitost u oblasti povjerenim im radnim zadacima. Realizacijom obrazovnih programa treba stvoriti obrazovne i osposobljene arhivske kadrove, koji će biti konkurentni ostalim po- nuđačima usluga na današnjem sveukupnom tržištu rada. Pored osnovnog obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova u sistemu obrazovanja neophodno je određene ka- drove usko specijalistički obrazovati, za obavljanje posebnih stručnih poslova poput: restauracije, konzer- vacije, mikrofilmiranja arhivske građe, zaštite filmske građe i drugih specijalnosti i specifičnosti arhivske struke. No, isto tako je važno da arhivski kadrovi danas posjeduju multidisciplinarna znanja i umijeća, iz razloga što je arhivistika danas u svojoj strukturi i suštini višeslojna disciplina. Osim toga, za uspješno obavljanje arhivske djelatnosti posebno je važna suradnja arhivskih djelat- nika sa profilima kadrova iz drugih oblasti, poput informatičara, historičara, bibliotekara, muzeologa i drugih. Ovo radi činjenice što se znanje i umijeće različitih profila kadrova nadopunjuje i na taj način pomaže rješavanju raznovrsnih pitanja. Kako bi se sistem osposobljenosti arhivskih kadrova bio potpun, neophodno je isti zaokružiti orga- nizovanjem postdiplomskog i doktorskog studija. Isti treba biti usklađen sa ukupnim reformskim vi- sokoškolskim sistemom obrazovanja, kako po pitanju realizacije programskih sadržaja, tako i dobijanja stručnih zvanja neophodnih arhivskom tržištu. Sistem obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova treba da ide u pravcu njihove osposobljenosti kako za samo- stalan, tako i timski stručni, te istraživački rad. Sve to podrazumijeva primjenu modernih metoda obrazo- vanja, po ugledu na svjetski prestižne obrazovne ustanove koje profiliraju ovu vrstu kadrova, kao i kadro- ve drugih oblasti kulture. Na taj način, obrazovani arhivski kadrovi treba da budu osposobljeni kako bi se jednostavno prilagodili novim situacijama i okolnostima kod značajnog broja pitanja iz oblasti arhivske struke, što je rezultat napretka i razvoja arhivistike i informacijskih tehnologija. Osposobljavanje arhivskih kadrova neophodno je zbog potrebe prihvatanja novog, suvremenog pristupa, sagledavanja i rješavanja arhivske problematike u njenim brojnim segmentima. Ovo je posebno značajno kada je riječ o zaštiti, upravljanju i korištenju arhivske građe-informacija, kako na klasičnim tako i na novim nosačima. Taj sistem podrazumijeva praćenje – stručni nadzor informacije od samog njenog nastanka, kroz sve faze do stavljanja iste u sistem i funkciju korištenja i njene trajne zaštite. Suština ovog pitanja dovela je do potrebe promjene samog odnosa arhivskih kadrova prema istom, te potpunijeg i bližeg odnosa i saradnje između arhivista i arhivara. Ovakve okolnosti su uticale na potrebu promjene stručnog profila djelatnika na ovim poslovima. Šta to znači? To znači da je danas uloga arhivskih kadrova ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 168 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 promijenjena u smislu da je ista znatno aktivnija, jer oni ne smiju biti samo pasivni čuvari arhivske građe-informacija, već aktivni sudionici njene zaštite, kreiranja, upravljanja i korištenja. Ovakva potreba je dodatno uslovljena takvim odnosom i zbog različite prirode današnje arhivske informacije koja nastaje na različitim nosačima, od kojih je jedan broj njih poprilično nestabilan i promjenljiv. Ovo se posebno odnosi na problematiku elektronskih zapisa, čija je priroda uslijed tehničko-tehnoloških osobina prilično nestabilna, što zahtjeva poseban nivo raznovrsnog znanja i angažmana arhivskih kadrova. Na tom planu posebno je važna i neophodna saradnja između arhivskih kadrova i informatičara, kako bi se stavili pod nadzor svi postupci i funkcije zaštite, upravljanja i korištenja elektronskih informacija, s ciljem da iste sačuvaju autentičnost i vjerodostojnost, a njihova upotreba i funkcija bude sigurna i potpuna. No, činjenica je da danas u praksi u arhivima zemalja u tranziciji, arhivski kadrovi veoma sporo ulaze u suštinu problematike vezane za elektronske informacije i druga pitanja koja tretira moderna i postmoderna arhivistika. Jer, još uvijek su u arhivima prisutni konzervativni i klasični pristupi i metodi sagledavanja i rješavanja arhivske problematike. Isti sa postojećim nivoom znanja ne mogu dati tražene odgovore, što je postala praksa koja negativno utiče na stanje i sudbinu arhivske građe na novim nosačima. Stoga je neophodno, da postojeći arhivski kadrovi teže promjeni starih nefunkcionalnih navika, te bržem usvajanju suvremenih tendencija u oblasti arhivske struke. Za taj proces neophodna je dodatna edukacija, koja se može realizovati putem različitih stručnih sadržaja (kursevi, savjetovanja, tečajevi, seminari i sl.) sa utvrđenim programima obuke teoretskog i praktičnog karaktera. Usvajanje novih modernističkih znanja podrazumijeva suradnju i sudjelovanje arhivskih kadrova u sadržajima arhivskih službi zemalja razvijenog svijeta. Kako bi se iznašla najadekvatnija i najfunkcionalnija rješenja u oblasti zaštite, rukovanja i upravlja- nja arhivskom građom, te odgovorilo na brojna otvorena pitanja suvremenog arhivskog doba treba težiti promjeni postojećih stručnih stajališta. To podrazumijeva prihvatanje svih vrijednosti klasičnih i moder- nih, u vidu prihvatljive norme i standarda, koji će biti garant uspješnog obavljanja arhivske djelatnosti, te pozitivnih rješenja brojnih otvorenih pitanja koja sa sobom nosi dinamični razvoj arhivistike. Stoga je jasno da danas, ali i u buduće status arhivske struke će u velikoj mjeri zavisiti će od strukture i obrazovnog nivoa arhivskih kadrova. Jer samo sa obrazovnim i osposobljenim arhivskim kadrovima možemo imati sposobnu i profesionalnu arhivsku struku, koja je garant očuvanja arhivske građe kao bitnog činioca kul- turnog identiteta društva i države. Izvori i literatura Zakon o arhivskoj građi i Arhivu Bosne i Hercegovine. Službeni glasnik Bosne i Hercegovine, br. 16/2001. Uredba o uvjetima i načinu polaganja stručnog arhivističkog ispita i načinu sticana stručnih zvanja u arhivskoj struci. Službene novine Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, br. 12/03 i br. 46/09. Program stručnog arhivističkog ispita za pripravnike i službenike u organima uprave i službama za upravu i prav- nim osobama u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovini. Službene novine Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, br. 55/03. Zakon o arhivskoj djelatnost RSi. Službeni glasnik RS, br. 119/98. Pravilnik o uslovima, rokovima i načinu polaganja stručnog arhivskog ispita, priznavanju arhivskog ispita i uslovi- ma sticanja stručnih arhivskih zvanja. Službeni glasnik RS, br.126/2010. Zakon o arhivskoj djelatnosti „Sl. novine Tuzlanskog kantona“, br. 15/2000. i 39/13. Pravilnik o polaganju stručnog arhivističkog (arhivarskog) ispita i sticanju osnovnog arhivskog zvanja. Službene novine Tuzlanskog kantona, br. 1/13. Program za polaganje stručnog arhivističkog ispita za kandidate sa srednjom stručnom spremom (2013a). Akt Mini- starstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i spoerta Tuzlanskog kantona , br:10/1-48-4493/13, od 4.3.2013. Program za polaganje arhivarskog ispita za kandidate sa srednjom stručnom spremom (2013b). Akt Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Tuzlanskog kantona, br: 10/1-48-4493/13, od 4.3.2013. Program za polaganje stručnog arhivističkog ispita kandidata sa višom i visokom spremom predviđen za djelatnike u arhivu (2013c). Akt Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Tuzlanskog kantona, br:10/1-48-4499/13, od 4.3.2013. Programu za polaganje stručnog arhivskog ispita sa višom i visokom stručnom spremom (2013d). Akt Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Tuzlanskog kantona, br: 10/1-48-4499/13, od 4.3.2013. 169 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Izet ŠABOTIĆ: Professional Archival Exam and Professional Titles as a Way of Educating Archivists, 161-169 SUMMARY Archival staff is an essential factor in the successful performance of archival activities. The overall result of the pro- tection and use of archival information depends on their qualification. In the time of rapid technological develop- ment, archival science has gained intensity and dynamism, and as a respons to all the development in this field, ar- chives need archival staff, capable to respond to the demands of a new era. This implies a new educational form of archival staff. In transition countries, the classical approach to the education is largely retained, which does not give good results and can not respond to all the requirements of a contemporary archive profession. One of the aspects of the education of archive personnel is the statutory obligation to pass professional archival exams and acquire archival skills. Archives of Tuzla Canton pays a significant attention towards education by establishing a system that includes specially designed programs for archives and registry/record offices. In order to acquire archival skills for the archives, the program envisages content related to the processes carried out in the archives, and for the candidates from the registry, professional content related to issues related to records management is preferred. Depending on the professional archival examination, according to the program and the professional qualification, vocational qualifications are also obtained. Archivists are allowed to acquire higher archival skills. All this contri- butes significantly to the improvement of archival profession. However, the existing approach needs to be changed through a new educational policy. That includes the establishment of a valid education system for archival staff, represented in a regular education system at all levels. In addition, it is imperative for the educational system to align with the needs of the archive market, through the realization of acceptable programs that will follow the labor market. In this way, it is necessary to create educated and qualified archival staff for self-employment and teamwork, adaptive to new situations and circumstances, and capable of engaging in solving all open issues of contemporary archival profession. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 14.06.2017 Acceptance date: 23.06.2017 171 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données? Alizata KOUDA, M.Sc. Lawyer / Archive manager, Manageress of archives and the documentation / Youth, Professional Training and Employment Ministry, Tel (00226) 70 05 01 78/ (00226) 78 72 68 73 e-mail: E-Administration in Burkina Faso: What Type of Training for Data Managers? ABSTRACT As a guarantor of institutional memory, the archivist must continually be the human resource that understands and anticipates changes in attitudes and habits in the production of documents. In Burkina Faso, with the imple- mentation of an electronic administration, the archivists are forced to take care of new forms of archives. These documents, being sources of knowledge, faithful witnesses of the action and the administrative activities, have undergone a significant change in the course of the evolution of technologies in order to become more and more immaterial. From the traditional repository of documents and physical documents that can be read directly wi- thout the use of an intermediary, we find ourselves confronted with information that can only be accessed using a computer, a reader or any other machine. This fact compels the archivist in Burkina Faso to review his initial trai- ning. Thus, training institutions have to readjust their training curricula. Key words: training, data, archivist, electronic administration Amministrazione elettronica in Burkina Faso: che tipo di formazione per i gestori di dati? SINTESI Come garante della memoria istituzionale, l'archivista deve continuamente essere la risorsa umana che comprende ed anticipa i cambiamenti negli atteggiamenti e nelle abitudini della produzione di documenti. In Burkina Faso, con l'attuazione di un'amministrazione elettronica, gli archivisti sono costretti a prendersi cura di nuove forme di archivi. Questi documenti, fonti di conoscenza, testimoni fedeli dell'azione e delle attività amministrative, hanno subito un cambiamento significativo nel corso dell'evoluzione delle tecnologie per diventare sempre più immate- riali. Dall'archivio tradizionale di documenti e documenti fisici che possono essere letti direttamente senza l'uso di uno strumento intermediario, ci troviamo di fronte a informazioni accessibili solo con un computer, un lettore o una qualsiasi altra macchina. Ciò obbliga l'archivista del Burkina Faso a rivedere la sua formazione iniziale. Pertan- to, gli istituti di formazione devono adeguare i propri programmi di formazione Parole chiave: formazione, archivista, amministrazione digitale E-uprava v Burkini Faso: kakšna vrsta usposabljanja za upravljavce podatkov? IZVLEČEK Arhivist kot garant institucionalnega spomina mora biti tisti, ki nenehno razume in predvidi spremembe v odnosu in navadah pri nastajanju dokumentov. V Burkini Faso so z uvedbo elektronske uprave arhivisti prisiljeni skrbeti za nove oblike arhivskega gradiva. Ti dokumenti, ki so viri znanja, zveste priče delovanja in upravne dejavnosti, so se v procesu razvoja tehnologij znatno spremenili in vedno bolj nematerialni. Iz tradicionalnega arhivskega skla- dišča in fizičnih dokumentov, ki jih je mogoče brati neposredno brez uporabe dodatnih pomagal, se srečujemo z informacijami, do katerih je možno dostopati samo z računalnikom, bralnikom ali katero koli drugo napravo. To dejstvo sili arhiviste v Burkini Faso v prenovo njihovega usposabljanja. Zato morajo institucije, ki izvajajo tovrstno usposabljanje prilagoditi svoje učne programe. Ključne besede: usposabljanje, podatki, arhivist, elektronska uprava ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 172 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données? RÉSUMÉ En tant que garant de la mémoire institutionnelle, l’archiviste doit être continuellement la ressource humaine qui comprend et prévoit les changements de comportements et d’habitudes en matière de production de documents. Au Burkina Faso, avec l’implémentation d’une administration électronique, les archivistes se trouvent contraints de prendre en charge de nouvelles formes d’archives. Ces documents, sources du savoir, témoins fidèles de l’action et des activités administratives, ont connu une mutation notable au fil de l’évolution des technologies pour devenir de plus en plus immatériels. Du traditionnel dépôt d’archives constitué de papiers et documents physiques lisibles directement sans recours à un intermédiaire, nous nous retrouvons avec des informations qui ne sont accessibles qu’en ayant recours à un ordinateur, un lecteur ou toute autre machine. Cet état de fait contraint l’archiviste, au Burkina Faso, a une révision de sa formation initiale. Aussi, les institutions de formation se doivent-elles de réajus- ter leur curricula de formation. Mots clés: formation, donnée, archiviste, électronique, administration Le Burkina Faso, dans le souci d’une plus grande efficacité de l’administration s’est engagé dans une modernisation des procédures et processus administratifs depuis plusieurs décennies. Cette moder- nisation devrait être possible à travers un renforcement, une vulgarisation et un encadrement de l’utilisa- tion des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) afin d’aboutir à une E-admini- stration ou administration électronique. Cette administration modernisée devrait être celle où les échanges, les transactions, les conventions et la quasi-totalité de la communication intra-service et inter- services se font grâce au TIC. Les premiers actes de cette modernisation furent l’élaboration et l’adoption de textes législatifs et réglementaires visant l’encadrement de l’usage des TIC et la mise en place d’institutions d’aide à la décis- ion, de mise en œuvre et de suivi de la politique informatique étatique. Au rang de ces structures figurent la Délégation générale à l’informatique (DELGI), l’Agence nationale de promotion des TIC (ANP- TIC), la Commission de l’informatique et des libertés (CIL) et l’Autorité de régulation des communica- tions électroniques et des postes (ARCEP). Ces structures ont permis entre autre l’installation de sy- stèmes et réseaux tels que le Réseau informatique national de l’administration (RESINA) et le Système informatisé de gestion administrative et salariale du personnel de l’Etat (SIGASPE). Ce recourt de plus en plus accru aux TIC pour la communication inter-administrations et entre l’administration et les usagers crée un flux important de données électroniques. Ces formes «nouvelles» d’archives, bien que tombant sous le coup des dispositions des textes législatifs et règlementaires et des normes régissant la gestion des documents administratifs, nécessitent souvent un traitement adapté à leur spécificité. En effet, la prise en compte de leur spécificité permet de revêtir ces archives non physiques de toute la force légale et de la valeur probatoire nécessaire en cas de litiges ou contentieux administratifs. De ce fait, il devient impérieux de s’assurer que les personnes en charge de la gestion pérenne et de la commu- nication de ces «nouvelles» archives soient convenablement outillées pour éviter que la modernisation de l’administration ne soit un recul en matière transparence et de traçabilité des actions administratives. Pour éviter la perdition des documents administratifs et veiller à leur gestion efficiente, un regard doit être jeté sur la formation des archivistes en tant que garant de la mémoire des administrations. 1 Etat des lieux de l’E-administration Dans la perspective d’une gestion des actes administratifs et d’une implémentation de l’admini- stration électronique au Burkina Faso, un certain nombre de textes législatifs et règlementaires ont été adoptés. Ces textes visent un encadrement de l’utilisation des TIC dans le cadre de la communication administrative, des échanges et transactions publics et privés. Ils sont, entre autre, la loi n° 061/98/AN du 22 décembre 1998 sur les archives nationales, la loi n°10-2004/AN du 20 avril 2004 portant protection des données à caractère personnel, la loi n° 045-2009/AN du 10 novembre 2009 portant réglementation des services et des transactions électroniques au Burkina Faso et le décret N° 2011-535/PRES/PM/MFP- TSS du 09 août 2011 portant adoption du plan stratégique décennal de modernisation de l’administra- tion. Ces textes facilitent l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de programme et plan de développement tel le 173 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 Plan stratégique décennal de modernisation de l’administration (PSDMA). «Ce plan adopté en juillet 2011 a pour objectif de doter le Burkina Faso d’une administration beaucoup plus efficace. Son objectif est de poursuivre les efforts de réforme afin d’adapter l’administration à l’évolution économique et sociale sur la période allant de 2011 à 2020. Il s’agit pour le Plan, de rendre l’administration publique plus accessible aux usagers, de répartir équitablement les ressources et partager les responsabilités entre le niveau central et celui local. Pour atteindre ces résultats qu’il s’est fixés, le PSDMA s’est doté de cinq axes stratégiques. Ils portent entre autres, sur l’amélioration de l’efficacité et de la qualité des prestations de l’administration, la valorisa- tion et le renforcement des capacités des ressources humaines et la promotion d’une administration électron- ique”1. En outre, ces différents textes ont permis la mise en place d’institutions d’accompagnement et de régulation tels le Centre national des archives (CNA), la Délégation générale à l’informatique (DELGI), l’Agence nationale promotion des TIC (ANPTIC), la Commission de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CIL) et l’Autorité ES Communication(ARCEP). Ces structures interviennent dans la gestion sécurisée des données, l’appui à la mise en œuvre de la politique informatique, la protection des données à caractères personnel- les et la régulation de la communication électronique. Elles ont à leur actif l’installation de RESINA et du SIGASPE. Le Réseau Informatique National de l’Administration (RESINA) a pour but de permettre aux agents publics de se connecter gratuitement à l’Internet depuis leur lieu de travail ou leur domicile et aux services de bénéficier d’une communication interservices plus efficace et des échanges sécurisés de don- nées. Quant au Système Intégré de Gestion Administrative et Salariale du Personnel de l’Etat (SIGA- SPE) il est un outil visant la modernisation de la gestion des ressources humaines de l’administration publique. En sus, ces structures ont rendu effectif la facilitation de l’accès à l’information administrative à travers la création de sites web institutionnels et autres plates-formes permettant la consultation et le téléchargement de documents tels la Constitution, les lois, les décrets, les programmes de développement, les rapports d’études, les statistiques, les canevas de projets et autres documents de portée stratégique. Il est, cependant, à noter que cette optimisation de la mise à disposition et de l’accès à l’informa- tion n’est pas sans conséquence sur la sécurisation et la conservation pérenne des données. 2 Gestion des données issues de l’administration électronique De plus en plus de personnes physiques et morales dans le cadre de la communication et des tran- sactions professionnelles produisent un flux croissant de données numériques. Ces données de par leur immatérialité échappent à l’application des normes et principes de gestion des documents administratifs. En effet, les courriels et autres messages électroniques sont envoyés dans le cadre du service par l’inter- médiaire de la messagerie privée échappant de facto à tout service en charge de la collecte et de la conser- vation des documents administratifs. Certains producteurs de ces données électroniques ne savent pas qu’elles ne sont pas propriétaire de ses données même si elles sont responsables des éventuels préjudices que pourraient causer ces données. La gestion de ces données professionnelles qui sont parfois contenues dans des messageries privées est très souvent problématique en raison de l’insuffisance de textes encadrant ce domaine et de la forma- tion des gestionnaires des données. 3 Formation des gestionnaires de la mémoire institutionnelle Contrairement à certains pays d’Afrique tel le Ghana, au Burkina Faso, la formation des archivistes n’a pas débuté aux lendemains des indépendances. Il a fallu attendre 2010 pour voir l’ouverture d’une filière dédié à la science archivistique. Cette ouverture s’est faite au sein de l’Université de Koudougou qui a été créé en 2005 selon le site web du Ministère burkinabè des enseignements secondaire, supérieur 1. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 174 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 et de la recherche scientifique. Outre, cette université, deux (02) autres structures ont pu accueillir des apprenants dans le domaine de la gestion des archives. Il s’agit de l’Institut des sciences et techniques de l’information documentaire (ISTID et l’Ecole nationale d’administration et de magistrature (ENAM). Avant, la création de cette filière au sein des trois (03) instituts formation, les archivistes du Burkina étai- ent formés soit au Sénégal, en France, en ex Union soviétique. En ce qui concerne les programmes de formation, ils sont quasiment similaires au niveau de ces instituts. Ils sont axés autour d’enseignements théoriques et pratiques, de stages d’application, de travaux pratiques et de travaux de recherche pour certains niveaux d’étude. Ces enseignements sont tournées principalement vers les théories et fondamentaux en archivistique, la recherche documentaire et la déont- ologie du professionnel. Aux cours purement archivistiques s’adjoignent des modules de connaissance générale en lien avec le droit, l’apprentissage de l’anglais, la rédaction administrative et la création de site web2. Les enseignements en lien avec le droit produiraient plus de résultats dans l’exercice de la profes- sion s’ils étaient plus orientés vers une appropriation de l’environnement juridique encadrant les archi- ves aussi bien sur support papier qu’électroniques. En effet, le texte de loi le plus cité demeure la loi n° 061/98/AN du 22 décembre 1998 sur les archives nationales. Cette loi bien que donnant une définition large des archives3 ne permet pas, à elle seule, de cerner les problématiques des archives nées électroniques. Il serait opportun de penser un module de formation dédié au cadre juridique et normatique des archives dans son ensemble. Ainsi, les obligations et contraintes majeures dans la gestion des données électroniq- ues pourront etre mieux cernées et appliquées par les archivistes. En définitive, les differents programmes de formation bien que permettant la prise en charge des archives sur support papier, laisse apparaitre quelques insuffisances quant à la gestion des archives nées numériques tels les courriels électroniques, les messages numériques échangés dans le cadre du service et les sites web. En effet, aucun module n’est dédié exclusivement aux problématiques des données native- ment électroniques. Ces données de par leur caractère immatériel soulèvent les questions de droits d’au- teur, de responsabilité, de valeur probatoire, de communication, d’authentification et de protection des données à caractère personnel. Au-delà de l’insertion de modules théoriques, il faudrait organiser des travaux d’application dans des institutions produisant et/ou gérant un important flux de données nu- mériques. Ainsi, il sera assuré un minimum d’adéquation entre les curricula de formation des archivistes et les besoins de l’E-administration. 4 Suggestions Au vu de la nécessité de veiller à une adéquation entre la formation des gestionnaires de la mémoi- re institutionnelle et l’évolution des habitudes en matière de production d’archives sous toutes leur for- me, suggestions sont faites de: – Evaluer périodiquement les programmes de formation à travers un comité regroupant les insti- tuts de formation, les structures associatives professionnelles et les représentants des structures bénéficiaires des actions archivistiques; – revoir les curricula de formation pour tenir compte des archives électroniques dans toutes leur diversité; – veiller à une formation des formateurs pour un partage plus efficace du savoir; – mettre à la disposition des instituts de formation, le matériel technique nécessaire à l’appren- tissage de la gestion des données électroniques; – accentuer la collaboration avec les informaticiens pour allier sécurité des systèmes et technolo- gies informatiques et sécurisation des données issues de ces systèmes et technologies; – prévoir la formation continue des professionnelles à travers des sessions de formation à la carte dédiées aux archives électroniques; – mettre en place un troisième cycle de formation des gestionnaires de l’information documen- taire; 2. Voir en annexes le détail des programmes de formation. 3. "Les archives sont, au sens de la présente loi, l’ensemble des documents, quels que soient leur date, leur forme et leur support matériel, produits ou reçus par toute personne physique ou morale et par tout service ou organisme public ou privé dans l’exercice de leur activité" (article1). La loi sur les archives. 175 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 – créer des cadres de partages d’expériences et des connaissances entre professionnels pour favo- riser la paire-formation. 5 Conclusion L’administration électronique est une nécessité afin d’aboutir à une gouvernance plus transparen- te et proche des usagers du service public. Cependant, sa mise en œuvre efficiente nécessite outre les res- sources financières et les technologies nécessaires à son implémentation, la mise à disposition de ressour- ces humaines qualifiées. Ces personnes ressources sont entre autre les archivistes qui devront assurer leur présence en amont de la création des données électroniques et en aval dans la conservation et la gestion pérenne de ces données ayant la qualité d’archives. Ces professionnels devront, outre la formation di- spensée dans les institutions de formation initiale, veiller à s’auto former pour être à même de répondre aux exigences de l’évolution des métiers au-delà des opportunités offertes par leur structure. Cette auto formation pourrait se faire à travers la création de réseaux nationaux et internationaux d’archivistes. Bibiographie Loi n° 061/98/AN du 22 décembre 1998 sur les archives nationales, article 5 alinéa 1. Journal officiel n°04 du 28 janvier 1999 ; page 207 à 260. Loi promulguée par le Décret n°99-9/PRES du 20 janvier 1999 Couture Carol et al (1999) Les fonctions de l’archivistique contemporaine. Sainte-Foy, Presses de l’Université du Québec Loi n°10-2004/AN du 20 avril 2004 portant protection des données à caractère personnel. Promulguée par le Décret n°2004-224/PRES du 09 juin 2004. JO n° 26 du 24 juin 2004 ; page 830 à 836 Loi n° 045-2009/AN du 10 novembre 2009 portant réglementation des services et des transactions électroniques au Burkina Faso. Promulguée par le Décret n°2009-824/PRES du 04 décembre 2009. JO n°01 du 07 janvier 2010 ; page 5430 à 5449 Ouangré, Zoé. Tamboura, Djibrilou. «La formation des archivistes, des bibliothécaires et des documentalistes au Burkina Faso.» Documentation et bibliothèques 612-3 (2015): 114–116. DOI:10.7202/1032817ar Burkina Faso. Ministère des Enseignements Secondaire, Supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique. 2005. Décret n° 2005-460/PRES/PM/MESSRS/MFB du 31 août 2005 portant création de l’Université de Koudougou. www. (consulté le 10 février 2017) Burkina Faso. École nationale d’administration et de magistrature (ENAM). 2011. Programme de formation des aides-archivistes, des archivistes d’État et des archivistes et des conservateurs d’archives à l’ENAM Lafont, Suzanne. 1985. Burkina Faso : création et élaboration de programmes nationaux et régionaux de formation dans le domaine de l’information. Formation des aides-bibliothécaires-documentalistes. Paris : UNESCO SUMMARY In recent decades, public administration as well as private companies have used information and communication technologies (ICTs) in communicating both within the same institution and for inter-administration communi- cation. In Burkina Faso, the Government has engaged in a process of digitalization of procedures through E-admi- nistration. This electronic administration makes it possible to reduce the time taken to process administrative files and to streamline communication. It is therefore a great producer of electronic data which are characterized by their immateriality. One of the challenges of this “virtual” administration is the processing and preservation of data increasingly produced. This challenge must be met by the guarantors of the perpetuity and security of the memory of the institutions that are the archivists. The need to address this challenge to the best of its ability has led to a number of questions. The main issue is the conformity of the training of archivists in Burkina Faso with the imple- mentation of e-government. In other words, are Burkina Faso’s archivists sufficiently equipped to ensure the pre- servation and communication of electronic archives? The backbone of our study has also found its source in two postulates that are: Hypothesis 1: The existence of archival training institutes provides tools for the management of electronic data; Hypothesis 2: The current training of archivists does not allow the requirements of e-government to be taken into account. The verification of these assumptions was made possible by the use of documentary research, but mainly through the use of interview data, questionnaires and surveys via the Facebook account of the Burkina Faso Association of documentary information Managers to access answers from documentary information managers. The architecture ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 176 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 of our writing is composed of four (04) parts. The first part deals with a brief overview of the E-administration in Burkina Faso. The second part deals with the management of the data coming from this electronic administration. The third part is about the training of institutional memory managers in three (03) training institutes in Burkina Faso. The fourth part contains suggestions for improving training in relation to the management of electronic ar- chives. The results of the interviews and questionnaires allowed us to relativize the first postulate and confirm the second one. The first postulate is related to the existence of training institutes and related to the second one that is about the available training content and its impact. We analyzed the training offered, the modules and their hour- ly volume. The training is provided in Burkina Faso, mainly by three (03) archival training institutes that are: the University of Koudougou, the Institute of Documentary Information Science and Technology (ISTID) and the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM). A survey of the training programs of ISTID and ENAM enabled us to check the existence of modules on the electronic management of documents and the use of ICTs by archives services. These include modules such as documentary information computing, computers and word processing, information and communication technologies, information retrieval on the Internet and docu- ment monitoring, office automation, archiving and the digital library, the use of ICT in documentary information services (digital archiving - design of websites with SPIP and Joomla) and documentary information systems (Wi- nisis and PMB). However, it must be recognized that these modules, while laying the basics for the electronic ma- nagement and use of ICTs for the production of electronic data, do not make it possible to identify the whole issue of electronic archives. Indeed, it is more a matter of electronic management of physical archives, of creation of electronic data through a website than the securing and retention of originally electronic data. Also, data such as e-mails and other e-mail messages that are increasingly used are not subject to theoretical courses or practical work related to their production, the responsibilities of senders, their conservation and the elaboration management tools that take into account their specificity. 177 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 ANNEXES ANNEXE 1 : Programme de formation/ ISTID Première année BTS – SID, tronc commun Matières d’orientation (608 heures) N° Ordre Matières Coefficient Heures 1 Introduction à la bibliothéconomie et à la documentation 4 40 2 Doctrine archivistique et histoire des archives 4 40 3 Description bibliographique 4 40 4 Langages documentaires 2 30 5 Analyse documentaire 2 30 6 Gestion des documents administratifs (GDA) 4 40 7 Typologie des documents et des services d’information documentaire (SID) 3 40 8 Diplomatique 3 30 9 Sources orales 2 30 10 Informatique documentaire 3 40 11 Travaux pratiques –Bibliothéconomie et documentation 2 50 12 Travaux pratiques – Archivistiques 2 30 13 Stage (2 mois) 3 168 Total 38 608 Matières de soutien (190 heures) N° Ordre Matières Coefficient Heures 14 Anglais 2 50 15 Techniques d’expression et de communication 2 50 16 Informatique et traitement de textes 2 30 17 Droit administratif burkinabé 2 30 18 Introduction aux métiers de l’information 2 30 Total 10 190 TOTAL GENERAL = 798 heures ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 178 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 Deuxième année BTS – SID, option archives Matières d’orientation (746) heures) N° Ordre Matières Coefficient Heures 1 Histoire des institutions coloniales et contemporaines 4 50 2 Organisation et administration d’un service d’archives 4 50 3 Traitement des archives historiques 3 50 4 Traitement des archives d’entreprise et Records management (RM) 4 50 5 Conservation 2 30 6 Traitement des documents audiovisuels 2 30 7 Informatique documentaire 4 50 8 Psychosociologie de l’information 2 30 9 Déontologie du Professionnel de l’information documentaire 2 20 10 Marketing des services d’information documentaire 2 20 11 Travaux pratiques en Archivistique 3 30 12 Stage (2 mois) 25% 336 Total 32 746 Matières de soutien (170 heures) N° Ordre Matières Coefficient Heures 13 Anglais technique 2 40 14 Techniques d’expression et de communication 2 40 15 Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) 2 30 16 Organisation et gestion de l’entreprise 2 30 17 Droit de l’information 2 30 Total 10 170 TOTAL GENERAL = 916 heures 179 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 3e année : Licence professionnel en gestion de l’information documentaire Grille horaire du programme N° Ordre UNITES D’ENSEIGNEMENT Coef. Crédits VHA UNITES D’ENSEIGNEMENT FONDAMENTALES UE 1 Sciences de l’information et de la documentation 1 4 90 UE 2 Traitement de l’information documentaire 1 8 110 UE 3 Utilisation des TIC dans les SID (Archivage numérique – Conception de sites web avec SPIP et Joomla) 1 8 110 UE 4 Management et marketing des SID 1 4 80 UE 5 Administration et gestion des archives d’entreprise 1 8 110 UE 6 Recherche d’information sur Internet et veille documentaire 1 5 90 UE 7 Stage professionnel (deux mois) 3 15 336 SOUS TOTAL 1 9 52 926 UNITES D’ENSEIGNEMENT COMPLEMENTAIRES UE 8 Techniques d’expression et de communication 1 2 40 UE 9 Anglais professionnel 1 2 40 UE 10 Organisation et gestion de l’entreprise 1 2 35 UE 11 Droit de l’information 1 2 35 SOUS TOTAL 2 4 8 150 TOTAL ANNUEL 13 60 1076 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 180 Alizata KOUDA: E-administration au Burkina Faso: quelle formation pour les gestionnaires des données?, 171-180 ANNEXE 2 : Programme de formation/ Ecole nationale d’administration et de magistrature Première année/Conservateur d’archives N° d’ordre Module Volume horaire 01 Traitement, prévention et conservation des archives 50h 02 Bibliographie et recherche documentaire 30h 03 Diplomatique 30h 04 Déontologie du PID 30h 05 Description bibliographique 40h 06 Paléographie 30h 07 Record management et Gestion des documents administratifs 40h 08 Sciences de l’information et de la documentation 30h 09 Droit de la fonction publique 40h 10 Rédaction administrative et gestion publique 60h 11 Structures administratives et théorie des actes administrative 40h 12 Anglais 30h 13 Bureautique 30h 14 Sport 20h Deuxième année/Conservateur d’archives N° d’ordre Module Volume horaire 01 Archivistique 50h 02 Archivage et bibliothèque numérique 40h 03 Management et marketing des SID 30h 04 Création et animation du site web 40h 05 Recherche documentaire spécialisée 30h 06 Informatique documentaire (Winisis et PMB) 40h 07 Anglais 30h 08 Gestion des ressources humaines et management 30h 09 Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques 40h 10 Gestion des projets 30h 11 Sport 20h Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 30.03.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 181 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era Maryna PALIIENKO, Ph.D. Department of Archival Studies and Special Historical Disciplines, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine e-mail: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era ABSTRACT The article it devoted to analysis of the new trends in the archival education in Ukraine connecting with evolution of society and archives in information era. The author explores the models of archival education in Ukraine in a context of a new archival paradigm. Special attention is given to the activity of the Archival Studies Department at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv which offers a distinctive training program on archival theory, hi- story and methodology as well as on Source Studies and Auxiliary Sciences of History. However, the challenges of a new information era led to the establishment in some centers for records managers’ training. Nowadays educa- tors and archivists recognize the necessity of modernizing archival training programs, bringing them to the con- temporary needs and archival practice. The author offers her view on getting balance between History, Memory, and Informational Technologies at the Archival Studies’ curricula. Key words: archives, archival training, Ukraine, history, information technologies Studi archivistici in Ucraina: fra tradizione e sfide dell’era informatica ABSTRACT L’articolo è dedicato all’analisi delle nuove tendenze nella formazione archivistica in Ucraina in connessione con l’evoluzione della società e degli archivi nell’era informatica. L’autore esplora i modelli di formazione archivistica in Ucraina nel contesto di un nuovo paradigma d’archivio. Particolare attenzione è data all’attività del Diparti- mento di studi archivistici Taras Shevchenko dell’Università nazionale di Kiev, che offre un programma di forma- zione particolare in teoria archivistica, storia e metodologia, nonché studi delle fonti ausiliarie della storia. Tutta- via, le sfide di una nuova era informatica ha condotto all’istituzione in alcuni centri per la formazione dei responsabili dei documenti. Al giorno d’oggi i docenti e gli archivisti riconoscono la necessità di modernizzare i programmi di formazione adeguandoli alle esigenze contemporanee ed alla pratica archivistica. L’autore offre la sua visione su come ottenere equilibrio tra storia, memoria e tecnologie informatiche nel curriculum degli studi archivistici. Parole chiave: archivi, formazione archivistica, Ucraina, storia, tecnologie informatiche Študij arhivistike v Ukrajini: med tradicijo in izzivi informacijske dobe IZVLEČEK Članek je posvečal analizi novih trendov v arhivskem izobraževanju v Ukrajini, ki povezujejo z razvojem družbe in arhivov v informacijski dobi. Avtor raziskuje modele arhivskega izobraževanja v Ukrajini v kontekstu nove arhi- vske paradigme. Posebna pozornost je namenjena dejavnost Oddelka za arhivoslovje na Narodni univerzi Taras Shevchenko v Kijevu, ki ponuja poseben program usposabljanja o arhivski teoriji, zgodovini in metodologiji ter o izvornih študijah in pomožnih znanostih o zgodovini. Vendar so izzivi nove informacijske dobe pripeljali do usta- novitve v nekaterih centrih za vodenje evidenc menedžerjev. Danes izobraževalci in arhivisti priznavajo potrebo po modernizaciji programov arhivskega usposabljanja, ki jih usklajujejo s sodobnimi potrebami in arhivsko prakso. Avtor ponuja svoj pogled na pridobivanje ravnotežja med zgodovino, spominom in informacijskimi tehnologijami v kurikulumih arhivskih študijev. Ključne besede: arhiv, arhivsko izobraževanje, Ukrajina, zgodovina, informacijske tehnologije ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 182 Maryna PALIIENKO: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era, 181-188 Архівні дослідження в Україні: між традицією і проблемами інформаційного століття АНОТАЦІЯ Стаття присвячена аналізу новітніх тенденцій у розвитку архівної освіти в Україні, які розглядаються у контексті еволюції суспільства та архівів в інформаційну епоху. Автор досліджує сучасні моделі архівної освіти в Україні крізь призму нової архівної парадигми. Спеціальна увага приділяється діяльності кафедри архівознавства у Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка, яка здійснює викладання курсів з архівної теорії, історії та методології, а також джерелознавства та спеціальних історичних дисциплін. Відзначається, що потреби інформаційного суспільства призвели до заснування низки освітніх центрів із підготовки управлінців документацією. Сьогодні архівісти та викладачі визнають необхідність модернізації університетських програм навчання, наближення їх до потреб сучасного інформаційного середовища та архівної практики. Автор пропонує свій погляд на досягнення балансу між історією, пам’яттю та інформаційними технологіями при складанні програм навчання. Ключові слова: архіви, архівна освіта, Україна, історія, інформаційні технології 1 Introduction Evolution of the archival profession deals with the crucial changes in political, socio-cultural and informational environment. It actualizes the necessity of rethinking the conception of archival training. Since the first half of the 19th century and until recently in the archival field the European model of archival education has been dominated and it was based on a deep study of the historical disciplines at universities, such as paleography, diplomatics, sigillography, as well as on an extensive language training. Therefore, it led to the formation of the professional community of the historians-archivists, editors and publishers of historical monuments who were deeply acquainted with medieval sources and could inter- pret their texts professionally. These educational standards have been implemented in a number of European archival schools during the 19th century (in particular, at L’École des Chartres in Paris, the Bavarian Archival School in Munich, the School of Archivistics, Paleography and Diplomatics of the State Archives of Rome, the Vatican School of Paleography, Diplomatics and Archives Administration). Historical disciplines are still playing a key role in educational programs for Austrian archivists (from 1854 and till nowadays the archivists are training at the Institute of Austrian History Research at the University of Vienna). These traditions were reflected in the publications of Luciana Duranti (1988), Paule René-Bazin (1992), Roy Schaeffer (1994), Angelika Menne-Haritz (2000) and others. In one of my earlier researches I made a comparative analysis of the historical evolution of the European and American models of archi- val education (see Палієнко, 2015). However, few writers have been able to draw on any systematic re- search into the evolution of archival training in Ukraine, especially in comparison with world tendencies. Among Ukrainian authors, who studied the problems of genesis and development of archival education, it is worth noting Jaroslav Kalakura (see Калакура, 2008 & 2014), Iryna Matiash (see Матяш, 2000), Natalia Makovska (see Маковська, 2002). But up to now, the Ukrainian researchers have tended to focus more on the national background; meanwhile in this article I will be trying to examine this issue at inter- disciplinary level and in the international context. 2 Archival Training from the Ukrainian Perspective Referring to the Ukrainian experience at this field it is worth noting that archival education tradi- tionally was based on the historical background. First attempts of organized archival training in our country took place in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa in the 1920s (at the short-termed professional courses for archivists, as well as at the archival departments of Archeological institutes). From the mid-1930s archival training process became fully centralized and transferred to Moscow where the State Institute for History and Archives was founded that now operates in the structure of Russian State Humanitarian University. But in 1944, during the final years of World War II, the Department of Archival Studies was cre- 183 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Maryna PALIIENKO: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era, 181-188 ated at the Kyiv State University. For years it has become the main educational center for archivists in Ukraine. An important contribution to the development of the Ukrainian archival education was made by the well-known historians, such as D. Bahalij, M. Dovnar-Zapolskyi, V. Veretennikov, V. Roma- novskyi, O. Vodolazhchenko, V. Strelskyi, V. Zamlynskyi, Ja. Kalakura. Over the years more than 800 historian-archivists graduated from the Department of Archival Studies of Taras Schechenko University. A large number of our graduates became the professional archi- vists and now many of them continue working at the central and regional state archives, as well as at the archival and manuscript departments of the National Library, museums and in some business archives. In addition, the Department as a scientific center prepared 20 Doctors of Science and more than 60 Can- didates of Science (History) (see Калакура & Щербак, 2014, p. 344). Archival Studies at Taras Shevchenko University closely connected with Source Studies and Aux- iliary Sciences of History. The teaching of these subjects has a long tradition at our university. Several generations of Archival Department’s professors developed valuable courses on Archival and Source Studies, Paleography, Diplomatics, Chronology, Genealogy, Heraldry, History of Public Institutions, Archeography (publication of historical documents) etc. During the last two decades our Archival De- partment in cooperation with the Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Keeping and other academic institutions prepared an educational and methodical complex of archival textbooks for university students, among them: “Archival Science” (Kyiv, 1998; 2nd ed. - 2002), “Historical Source Studies” (Kyiv, 2002), “Essays on the History of Archival Affair in Ukraine” (Kyiv, 2002), “Special (Aux- iliary) Historical Disciplines” (Kyiv, 2008) etc. We are also working on the development and standard- ization of archival terminology, taking part in such projects as “Archivistique: terminology” (1998) and “Ukrainian Archival Encyclopedia” (2008). It should be underlined that the cooperation of Archival Department with state archives and aca- demic institutions has been deepened during the last two decades. We coordinate our activity with the State Archival Service of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Keeping, state archives, M. S. Hryshevsky Ukrainian Institute of Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Meanwhile, the last decades of the 20th century actualized the necessity for training specialists in the field of records management that was caused by a significant increase in documentary as well as the rapid development of new information technologies and implementation of electronic documents. Since the mid-1990s - the early-2000s records management has been taught at Bachelor’s and Master’s pro- grams at several Ukrainian universities, such as the National University of Ostroh Academy (Depart- ment of Document Studies and Information Activities), the National Academy of Government Mana- gerial Staff of Culture and Arts (Department of Informational Communication and Librarianship), Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Department of Records Management), National Aviation Universi- ty (Department of History and Records Management, Humanitarian Faculty), etc. Crucial debates, devoted to the actual problems of the archival education’s further development, are ongoing at the international archival meetings as well as on the pages of professional journals. Some scholars and educators express an opinion that it will be better to continue training on the university historical background, while others believe that it would be better to give a more pragmatic sense and join with the training of librarians and information managers in common schools. As Paule René-Bazin stressed at the beginning of the 1990s, “archivist requires both general and specialized training”, “the future of European archival education has to be considered within this context of historical, national, and interna- tional identities and institutions” (René-Bazin, 1992, p. 58). In Ukraine a new conception for archival training began to develop in the end of the 1990s with the participation of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Keeping (head of authors Iryna Matiash) and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (prof. Jaroslav Kalakura). At that time it included multi-level structure of the training of archivists, in which the first level devoted to the pre-professional training of the undergraduates (bachelor’s level), the second level - basic education for professional archivists at the historical departments of the universities; the third level - basic training for specialists in information technologies and documentation at the librarian and information depart- ments of the universities; the forth level - retraining and certification training of leading specialists of archival institutions at the Archival Center for Postgraduate Studies (see Матяш та ін., 1998). It was ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 184 Maryna PALIIENKO: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era, 181-188 also included an opportunity of postgraduate and doctoral studies for preparation of the highest level specialists. It should be noted that in the 1990s doctoral thesis in the field of Archival Science were prepared at some universities and academic institutions and defended by specialty Historiography, Source Studies and Special (Auxiliary) Historical Disciplines (code 07.00.06). Since 2002 a new specialty for obtaining scientific degrees in the field of Archival Science, Documentary Science (code 07.00.10) has been launched. Conception of this specialty was developed by the Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Keeping (head of the authors prof. S. Kuleshov). This innovation had a significant impact on the training of archivists in Ukraine. In 2008, despite the principal position of the Research Institute as well as the Archival Department of Taras Shevchenko National University this specialty was transferred from the field of History to the field of Social Communication (specialty code: 27.00.02). This decision caused some contradiction between the supporters of training archivists at the historical faculties of the universities, on the one hand, and librarian and documentation departments of the insti- tutes of culture, on the other hand. However, according to the new passport of specialties it became possible to prepare archival thesis in the field of History as well as Social Communication. Eventually it had a positive impact on widening the research topics and deepening ties between different disciplines and spheres. During the existence of Specialized Academic Council in the Ukrainian Research Institute of Ar- chival Affairs and Records Keeping (2003-2015) there were defended 55 thesis for the degree of Candi- date of Science, including 32 papers - on specialty Historiography, Source Studies and Special (Auxiliary) Historical Disciplines, and 23 - on specialty Archival Science, Documentary Science (Горбатюк, 2015). It should be emphasized that a number of leading archivists from central and regional Ukrainian archives received their scientific degrees and improved their professional skills during this period, among them Yu. Kovtaniuk (director of the Central State Electronic Archives), T. Klymenko (director of the State Archives of Cherkasy Region), V. Kupchenko (director of the State Archives of Kyiv Region), I. Maha (director of the Central State Archives of Foreign Ucrainica). In addition, there are postgraduate studies in specialty Archival and Documentary Science at the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. But it should be stressed that the vast majority of graduates from the records management special- izations do not continue their professional activity at archival institutions. They prefer to work in records keeping sphere dealing with modern documents and management processes. It causes problems in the archival field that are connected with aging staff. According to the statistical data, on January 1, 2016 there were 4074 employees at the all Ukrainian state archives. Analysis of the archivists’ age structure proves that their largest group consists of people aged from 46 to 55 years old (30% of all archival staff). Meanwhile the proportion of young people under 35 years is only 26% (see Державна архівна служба України, 2015). Of the total numbers of employees 72% have a higher (including university-based) education. This is a very high figure. But among them only 2% have diplomas of historian-archivists; 11% of specialists have diplomas in History, meanwhile 59% have complete higher education in other fields, and 5% of specialists have Master’s degree in the State Management’s branch of knowledge. The scientific degrees have 80 archivists (see Державна архівна служба України, 2015). 3 Archival Education: How to Get Balance between History, Memory, and Informational Technologies? The next part of this paper will consider the relations between different components at the modern archival curricula in Ukraine. As explained earlier, over the past few decades, it has been launched a pro- cess of gradual withdrawal of Archival Science from their historical roots. Ultimately it led to exclusion of Archival Science from the sphere of History (according to the latest list of specialties that was adopted by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in April 29, 2015, № 266). As a result, it was created a new specialty “Information, Library and Archival Affairs” (branch of knowledge 02 - Culture and Arts, code of specialty 029). All these innovations actualize prospects of further training of archivists in Ukraine in a whole, and particularly at the Historical Faculty of Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, where, as it was mentioned above, more than 70 years ago the first Archival Department in Ukraine was established. 185 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Maryna PALIIENKO: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era, 181-188 We recognize the necessity of modernizing our educational programs, bringing them to the needs of contemporary world and archival practice which are constantly broadening and evaluating. As Terry Eastwood pointed out in his article in Archivaria, archival curricula has to get “a conjunction between what the students need to know and what practitioners have to do” (Eastwood, 1996, p. 80). Nowadays, choosing further vector of the development of archival education in Ukraine, we have to bring it closer to the requirements of time and to the international educational standards. It is also essential to take into account that Archival Science through its multifunctional character has administrative, law, historical, socio-cultural and informational components. Consequently, it is im- portant to implement different specializations at Master’s level. To my mind, one of them should contin- ue training of archivists-historians, with deep knowledge in the field of Source Studies and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines; while the others should provide training of archivists and records managers well-acquainted with informational technologies. We emphasize that training of the archivists should include the historical research as its important component. Master’s and Doctoral programs must be based on a combination of lectures, internship and intense research activity. We should remember that university education during the 19th and 20th centuries has created a proper background for the development of Archival Science, and also brought recognition to its repre- sentatives in the scientific community. It is not possible to reduce archives’ and archivists’ functions only to society’s informational needs. During the last decades debates are being held about the relationship between history and archives. In this connection I would like to underline that archives preserve the historical memory of mankind and, consequently, they are determined as the institutions of social memory. That is why not only records managers and information technologists must play an important role in their activity, but also archi- vists-historians who will continue traditions of the European archival schools that were linked with his- tory and auxiliary disciplines. Meanwhile, a significant percentage of subjects should be appropriated to modern requirements including courses of records management, information technologies, management of electronic records, access to information and freedom of its use. Modern archival education needs deeper integration of archival theory and practice, mobility of students and teachers, their participation in the international educational and archival projects. But at the same time we should remember that drafting university curricula for Archival Studies cannot be only internal university process. Professional archivists should be actively involved in their formation. I am fully agreed with Elizabeth Shepherd who emphasized that “we need to establish the re- spective roles of academics and professionals (and of universities and of archives) and provide mechanisms and funding for both to share ideas and skills and to work collaboratively” (Shepherd, 2006). Archival curriculum in Ukraine must take into consideration valuable experience of cooperation between university departments and professional archival associations accumulated by our foreign col- leagues. The Ukrainian universities have to adopt their curriculum to the new professional environment. Nowadays it is important to teach future archivists to use computer technologies for solving theoretical and practical tasks as well as prepare them for administrative activity during their university studies. As it was noted by Spyridoula Arathymou in her article, published in Atlanti, “an archivist needs to have deep knowledge on various scientific fields, apart from his archival education and training. An archivist has to know history, paleography, chemistry, various languages and management and recently he owes to be fluent in the new technologies” (Arathymou, 2012, p. 102). New challenges require the archivists to develop new skills. It is very important now to enlarge number of courses devoted to the full continuum of the documents’ life cycle. It is necessary to provide course on using computer technique in archival practice. Modern archivists should keep in touch with electronic records. At our department we deliver courses on Records Keeping and Records Management. Two years ago I also started a course at Magisterial level devoted to Digital Archives and Archival Infor- mation Resources. It should be noted that we have a lot of problems in this sphere, especially technical ones. But we are trying to have some practical classes at archives in cooperation with the Central State Electronic Archives of Ukraine and other archival institutions. Last year we organized with participation of the Documentary Department of National Aviation University, Central State Electronic Archives of Ukraine, Lithuanian State Modern Archives, and Kaunas County Archives the Ukrainian-Lithuanian Scientific Archival Seminar “Digital Space and Archives” (March 2016) . ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 186 Maryna PALIIENKO: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era, 181-188 At the same time we need to remember about the key role of archives and archivists in social and cultural life of society, their mission as the keepers of collective memory. From that point of view, it is extremely important to extend connections of Archival Studies with historical and cultural disciplines. History as a branch of knowledge cannot exist and develop without archives and primary sources as well as archives cannot be properly organized and functioned out of their historical background. The roots of Archival Science deeply tied with History, and nowadays despite the fact that Archival Science is an in- dependent branch of knowledge with wide interdisciplinary connections, it is still important to teach upcoming archivists historical disciplines. We should remember that the Committee on Professional Training and Education of the International Council on Archives in 1994 adopted recommendation which stated that a balance between history and other sciences should be established in Archival Studies. Important problems of archival training were discussed during some international meetings, in particular at the 7th European conference on archives that was entitled “Archivist - Profession of the Future in Europe” (Warsaw, 2006). Meanwhile connections between archives, history and memory were focused at the 15th International Congress on Archives “Archives, Memory and Knowledge” (Vienna, 23-27 Au- gust 2004). The essential role in understanding the archives’ and archivists’ mission in contemporary world played the Report on Archives in the enlarged European Union (2005) that was elaborated by the Nation- al Experts Group on Archives of the EU-Member States and EU-Institutions and Organs at the request of the Council of the European Union. As indicated in this document, European citizens mainly associ- ate archives with Memory and History. Consequently, the archivists is considering as the guardians of the social memory who transmit authentic evidence of human activity and experience through time. In this comprehensive survey of modern archives’ development, European experts outlined that mission of ar- chivists involves promoting democracy, accountability and good governance. The archivists as memory’s keepers and builders have to understand the cultural and historical values of documents; they also have to be aware of the political, economical and socio-cultural processes of different historical epochs because they are responsible for evaluation and selection of the documents for permanent storage. Archivists link generations; they transfer knowledge about the past to the present and save it for the future. That is why at Kyiv University we are trying to save and develop traditions of Archival Training in the framework of Faculty of History. Our students during their Bachelor’s studies learn basic history subjects, methodology, and auxiliary historical disciplines. From their second year they also specialize in Archival Science and have professional-oriented courses, such as “History of Archival Affairs”, “National Archival Fond”, “History of State Institutions”, “Archeography” (Documents’ Publishing). Our Magis- ter’s Programme include courses in “Archival Theory and Methodology”, “Archival Legislation”, “For- eign Archives and Comparative Archival Studies”, “Foreign Archival Ucrainica”. 4 Conclusion Nowadays we extremely need innovations in curricula for modern archival training. As Eric Ketelaar stressed out, “a new “archivistics” demands that archival education be comparative and multi-dis- ciplinary” (Ketelaar, 2000, p. 322). Our essential task is to participate in developing national competency standards for archival training together with the Association of Ukrainian Archivists. We are conscious that it is not possible to prepare a universal specialist in the framework of one university programme but we pursue the goal to shape multifaceted personality that is able to meet contemporary professional chal- lenges. The education has to create an intellectual framework that enables graduates to continue master- ing their skills during their professional career. We have to combine different learning strategies and introduce more courses on the socio-cultural role of archives, develop interdisciplinary links and communication skills. In this context we are trying to involve our students in the process of preparing documentary exhibitions, to promote archives and their importance to a wide-range of users through Internet resources and by posts on social networks. Our students help us to create and maintain the web-site of Archival Department (see as well as its page on Facebook. The educational programs need to include special courses for particular types of archives (religious, 187 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Maryna PALIIENKO: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era, 181-188 business, ethnical, etc.). One of the important challenges of our time is to prepare new generation of ar- chivists to the activity in business sphere, especially in economic and business archives, that needs new competences and skills. We also have to take into account that international experience enriches national and local prac- tice. Nowadays there are much more opportunities for archival institutions, professional associations and educators in Ukraine to develop partnerships with foreign colleagues, to share with them ideas and knowledge. As Eric Ketelaar noted, comparative archivistics is dealing with global “archives without boundaries” (Ketelaar, 2000, p. 330). Ukrainian archivists have to “pass the Rubicon” of the 21st century archival paradigm and together with universities create a basis for integration the national traditions of Archival Science, education and practice into the European socio-cultural environment. We must move out of our traditional bounda- ries, create and widespread the new positive image of an archivist. References Arathymou, S. (2012). Long Life Training for Archivists: A Present and a Future Challenge. In: Atlanti, 22 (2), pp. 101-104. Duranti, L. (1988). Education and the Role of the Archivist in Italy. The American Archivist, 51 (Summer), pp. 346-355. Eastwood, T. (1996). Reforming the Archival Curriculum to Meet Contemporary Needs. In: Archivaria. 42 (Fall), pp. 80-88. Ketelaar, E. (2000). Archivistics Research Saving the Profession. In: The American Archivist, 63 (Fall/Winter), pp. 322-240. Menne-Haritz, A. (2000). Archival Training in a Changing World. The American Archivist, 63 (Fall-Winter), pp. 341-352. René-Bazin, P. (1992). The Future of European Archival Education. In: The American Archivist, 55 (Winter), pp. 58-65. Report on Archives in the enlarged European Union (2005). Increased archival cooperation in Europe: action plan. Elaborated by the National Experts Group on Archives of the EU-Member States and EU-Institutions and Or- gans at the request of the Council of the European Union. Available at: rep/1/2005/EN/1-2005-52-EN-F1-2.Pdf (accessed on 17.03.2017). Schaeffer, R. (1994). From Craft to Profession: The Evolution of Archival Education and Theory in North Amer- ica. Archivaria, 37 (Spring), pp. 21-34. Shepherd, E. (2006). Is Archives and Record Management a Profession for Practitioners or an Academic Disci- pline? In: VII European Conference on Archives (Warzawa, May 18-20, 2006). Archivist: Profession of the Future in Europe. Available at: (accessed on 07.03.2017). Горбатюк, М. (2015). Сучасний стан підготовки наукових кадрів вищої кваліфікації для архівної галузі України. In: Матеріали Всеукр. (з міжнарод. участю) наук.-практ. конф. «Архіви - наука - суспільство: шляхи взаємодії» (Київ, 21-22 травня 2015 р.). Available at: ji/21-22_05_2015/mater-conf-21-22_05_2015.pdf (accessed on 27.02.2017). Державна архівна служба України: підсумки діяльності у 2015 році та пріоритети на 2016 рік (2015). Київ. Available at: (accessed on 17.03.2017). Калакура, Я. (2008). Архівознавчий осередок Шевченкового університету. Архіви України, 1-2, pp. 158-169. Калакура, Я., Щербак, М. (2014). 70 років архівознавчій кафедрі Київського університету. Архіви України, 4-5, pp. 338-345. Маковська, Н. (2002). Професійна архівна освіта в Україні: моделі, імідж, перспективи. Архіви України, 1-3, pp. 46-54. Матяш, І., Калакура, Я., Лозицький, В., Селіверстова, К. (1998). Концепція підготовки та післядипломної освіти кадрів для архівних установ. Студії з архівної справи та документознавства, 3, pp. 17-25. Матяш, І. (2000). Архівна наука і освіта в Україні 1920-1930-х років. Київ. 592 с. Палієнко, М. (2015). Історичні традиції та сучасні тенденції розвитку європейської та американської моде- лей архівної освіти. Архіви України, 5-6, pp. 35-60. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 188 Maryna PALIIENKO: Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era, 181-188 SUMMARY Evolution of the archival profession deals with the crucial changes in political, socio-cultural and informational environment. It actualizes the necessity of rethinking the conception of archival training. The educational stan- dards, that have been implemented in a number of European archival schools during the 19th - 20th centuries, was based a deep study of the historical disciplines at universities, such as paleography, diplomatics, sigillography, as well as on an extensive language training. The development of Archival Studies in Ukraine was closely connected with Source Studies and Auxiliary Sciences of History. For more than seventy years the archivists-historians have been graduated from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, where the Department of Archival Stud- ies was founded in 1944. Since the end of the 1990s the training programs for records managers, librarians and information specialists have been launched in some Ukrainian universities. Then a new specialty for obtaining scientific degrees in the field of Archival and Documentary Sciences was founded in 2002. New challenges of In- formation Era require the archivists to develop new skills. Nowadays it is very important to enlarge number of courses devoted to the full continuum of the documents’ life cycle. Archival Science through its multifunctional character has administrative, law, historical, socio-cultural and informational components. Consequently, it is es- sential to implement different specializations at Master’s level. On the one hand, modern archivists should keep in touch with electronic records; on the other hand, archivists as memory’s keepers have to link generations and transfer knowledge about the past to the present, and save it for the future. Today is extremely important to main- tain balance between theory and practice in training programs. Professional archivists should be actively involved in the formation of university curricula for Archival Studies. Ukrainian archives, archivists, professional associa- tions and educators have to develop partnerships with their European colleagues, participate in innovative projects on historical heritage preservation and usage, promoting democracy, accountability and good governance. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 18.02.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 189 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Zahtevi savremenog arhiva u Srbiji i obuka stručnjaka u oblasti zaštite i prezentacije kulturne baštine Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ, Ph.D. Conservator Advisor, The Archives of Yugoslavia, Vase Pelagića 33, Beograd, Srbija e-mail: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cul- tural Heritage ABSTRACT Archives, being significant institutions for protection and promotion of written cultural heritage should have pro- grams for permanent training of employees dealing with preservation of cultural heritage in educational and cultu- ral institutions as well as workshops and seminars that would prepare experts for education of pupils, students and elderly people. Appropriate methodology of education of professional staff is necessary in order to apply certain conservation treatments. Many problems appear when the professional training of staff who are supposed to work with sensitive archival material is in question. In order to create a proper preservation system within the archives network of Serbia, adequate education is necessary as well as training of professional staff. Concept of preventive and curative preservation should rely on appropriate interdisciplinary approach to the problem. Modern educative programs for conservation of written cultural heritage that could satisfy requests and problems of preservation are not available in Serbia. Without application of natural and humanitarian sciences, it is not possible to attain mea- surable results in the field of conservation whether it is matter of preventive preservation or curative conservation. Key words: archives, cultural heritage, conservation, education, preventive preservation Richieste degli archivi moderni in Serbia e formazione di esperti nel campo della presentazione del patri- monio culturale SINTESI Gli Archivi, essendo importanti istituzioni per la tutela e la promozione del patrimonio culturale documentale, dovrebbero avere programmi per la formazione permanente dei dipendenti che hanno a che fare con la conserva- zione dei beni culturali nelle istituzioni educative e culturali, nonché dovrebbero organizzare workshop e seminari che preparino esperti per la formazione di alunni, studenti ed anziani. Una metodologia appropriata di formazione del personale professionale è necessaria al fine di applicare determinati trattamenti di conservazione. Molti proble- mi sorgono quando si tratta della formazione professionale del personale che dovrebbe lavorare con materiale ar- chivistico sensibile. Al fine di creare un sistema di corretta conservazione all'interno della rete di archivi della Ser- bia, è necessaria un'adeguata formazione personale professionale. Il concetto di conservazione preventiva deve basarsi su di un approccio interdisciplinare appropriato al problema. Purtroppo non sono disponibili in Serbia programmi di formazione moderni per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale documentale che possano soddi- sfare le richieste ed i problemi della conservazione. Senza un'applicazione delle scienze naturali ed umanistiche, non è possibile raggiungere risultati misurabili nel campo della conservazione, tanto più se si tratta di conservazio- ne preventiva. Parole chiave: archivi, patrimonio culturale, conservazione, formazione, conservazione preventiva. Zahteve sodobnega arhiva v Srbiji in izpopolnjevanje strokovnjakov na področju zaščite in prezentacije kulturne dediščine IZVLEČEK Arhivi kot pomembne inštitucije za zaščito in promocijo pisane kulturne dediščine, morajo imeti program tekočega usposabljanja zaposlenih v izobraževalnih in kulturnih inštitucijah, ki se ukvarjajo z zaščito kulturne dediščine. Prav tako morajo organizirati delavnice in seminarje za strokovnjake s področja šolstva namenjenega učencem, študentom in starejšim občanom. Za zagotovitev učinkovitega sistema zaščite v okviru arhivske mreže Srbije, je ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 190 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 nujno potrebno primerno šolanje in ustvarjanje strokovnih kadrov. Koncepti preventivne zaščite morajo temeljiti na primernem pristopu k reševanju problema. V Srbiji ne obstajajo izobraževalni programi konzervacije pisane kulturne dediščine, ki bi zadostili potrebam in zahtevame. Brez naravoslovnih in humanističnih znanosti ni mo- goče doseči merljivih rezultatov na področju konzervacije, restavracije, oziroma kurativne in preventivne zaščite kulturne dediščine. Ključne besede: arhivi, kulturna dediščina, konzervacija, izobraževanje, preventivna zaščita Zahtevi savremenog arhiva u Srbiji i obuka stručnjaka u oblasti zaštite i prezentacije kulturne baštine APSTRAKT Arhivi kao značajne institucije za zaštitu i promociju pisane kulturne baštine treba da imaju program permanentne obuke zaposlenih u obrazovnim i kulturnim institucijama koje se bave zaštitom kulturne baštine, kao i radionice i seminare gde se pripremaju stručnjaci koji se bave edukacijom učenika, studenata i građana starijeg doba. Da bi imali efikasan sistem zaštite u okviru arhivske mreže Srbije neophodna je odgovarajuća edukacija i stvaranje profe- sionalnih kadrova. Koncepti preventivne zaštite treba da se oslanjaju na odgovarajući interdisciplinarni pristup rešenju problema U Srbiji ne postoje moderni edukativni programi konzervacije pisanog kulturnog nasleđa koji bi mogli da odgovore zahtevima i potrebama zaštite. Bez primene prirodnih i humanističkih nauka nije moguće ost- variti merljive rezultate u oblasti konzervacije ,restauracije, odnosno kurativne i preventivne zaštite kulturne baštine. Ključne reči: arhiv, kulturno nasleđe, konzervacija, arhivistika,obrazovanje, preventivna zaštita 1 Uvod Postoji više načina da se gradi moderan arhiv i na svakom arhivu je da izabere svoj put, a krajnji cilj je otvorenost sadržaja prema publici i uspostavljanje interaktivne veze između publike i kulturne baštine, podizanje svesti o značaju pisanog kulturnog nasleđa, njegovoj zaštiti i formiranju potencijalnih korisnika kulturne baštine. Bavljenje edukacijom u arhivima Srbije strateško je pitanje i insistira se na tome da se ovim pi- tanjem institucije bave sistemski. Arhiv kao institucija kulture treba da odgovori na individualne i razvoj- ne zahteve u cilju edukacije. Kao značajne institucije za zaštitu i promociju pisane kulturne baštine arhivi treba da imaju pro- gram permanentne obuke zaposlenih koji se bave zaštitom kulturne baštine, kao i radionice i seminare gde se pripremaju stručnjaci koji bave edukacijom učenika , studenata i građana starijeg doba. 2 Prezentacija kulturne baštine u cilju edukovanja populacije Cilj svakog društva je da sačuva svoje kulturno nasleđe jer mu to daje sopstveni identitet. „Najčešće se kaže da u svom pojavnom obliku baština predstavlja forme i sadržaje nastale u nekom prošlom vremenu, a koji su pretrajali do danas i smatraju se vrednim trajanja, pa se stoga i čuvaju za bu- duća vremena. To je „živa starina“, da upotrebimo ovu Andrićevu sintagmu kojom on opisuje „ono iz prošlosti što utiče na sadašnjost i uslovljava budućnost“. Prakse baštinjenja su delatnosti koje se sprovode u cilju sakupljanja, čuvanja, održavanja, istraživ- anja i predstavljanja svedočanstava prošlosti. Prakse baštinjenja tako povezuju širok opseg delatnosti i uključuju brojne aktivnosti od naučno-istraživačkog rada, tehničko-tehnoloških intervencija, upravlja- čkih strategija, do promotivnih i marketinških kampanja. Upravo zbog ovako širokog raspona, veoma su raznovrsni modeli njihovog delovanja, koji povremeno mogu biti i protivurečni“. (Popadić, 2014) Formulacijom koju je dao UNESCO1: „baština je ono što smo nasledili iz prošlosti, ono što živimo danas i ono što predajemo narednim generacijama“. (World Heritage Information Kit, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris 2008, 5) 191 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 U portugalskom gradu Farou, Savet Evrope donelo je 2005. godine Konvencija o vrednosti kultur- ne baštine za društvo, takozvanu „Faro konvenciju“. Ona polazi od prava svakog pojedinca „da se bavi kulturnom baštinom po vlastitom izboru uz poštovanje prava i sloboda drugih kao aspekta prava na slo- bodno učestvovanje u kulturnom životu sadržanog u Opštoj deklaraciji Ujedinjenih naroda o ljudskim pravima (1948.) i zajamčenog Međunarodnim paktom o privrednim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima (1966)“. Cilj Faro konvencije iskazan u članu 1 jeste da promoviše sledeće zaključke njenih potpisnika: „a. priznati da su prava vezana uz kulturnu baštinu sastavni deo prava na učešće u kulturnom životu..., b. priznati pojedinačnu i zajedničku odgovornost prema kulturnoj baštini; c. naglasiti da očuvanje kulturne baštine i njeno održivo korišćenje imaju za cilj ljudski razvoj i kvalitet života...”. Naravno reč je o doku- mentu koji je deo političke i kulturne strategije Evropske unije, to jest deo „izgradnje miroljubivog i de- mokratskog društva ... u procesima održivog razvoja i unapređenja kulturne raznolikosti” (Član 1.d), ali ova deklaracija donosi jednu značajnu novinu, ili je barem prvi put jasno i direktno formuliše. Jednostav- no, svi imamo pravo na baštinu. Shodno, to znači i da imamo obaveze spram baštine. Baština tako nije predmet samo strukovnog proučavanja i profesionalnog bavljenja; baština je društvena privilegija i društv- ena obaveza. U Faro konvenciji je zapravo pravnim jezikom formulisan jedan stari princip baštinjenja. O baštini se primarno brinu oni koji je baštine, pojedinci i društvo koje je nasledilo određene forme i sa- držaje iz prošlosti i prenosi ih dalje. Njihovo angažovanje, ili neangažovanje, nikada neće moći da zameni bilo koja profesionalna ustanova zaštite nasleđa, poput zavoda, instituta ili muzeja. Jer ovim ustanovama je briga o baštini posao, a građanima i društvu ona je deo svakodnevnog života. Drugim rečima, ako nam savremeni pravni sistem oduzima pravo da „uzmemo pravdu u svoje ruke“, to ne važi za odnos prema baštini. Baština je najbezbednija kada nema potrebe za njenom pravnom zaštitom, odnosno kada o njoj brinu njeni neposredni titulari. (Popadić, 2014) Arhivi kao značajne institucije za zaštitu i promociju pisane kulturne baštine ne treba da su „zatvo- reni“ usmereni sami na sebe, već je neophodno da se kao institucija kulture otvore prema publici. Krajnji cilj treba da bude otvorenost sadržaja prema korisnicima i uspostavljanje interaktivne veze između pu- blike i kulturne baštine, podizanje svesti o značaju kulturnog nasleđa , podizanje svesti o značaju zaštite i formiranje potencijalnih korisnika kulturne baštine. Rad sa publikom jedan od najlepših i najinspirativ- nijih specijalnih zadataka institucija kulture: arhiva, biblioteka, muzeja, najpre zato što podrazumeva di- namičan, neponovljiv kontakt među ljudima i zato što otvara bezgranične mogućnosti za inventivan pri- stup. Treba što više uključivati učenje, kao i pedagoški rad u arhivima, muzejima, bibliotekama, galerijama. Saradnja sa obrazovnim institucijama, univerzitetima, razmena znanja i iskustava sa drugim i kulturnim ustanovama. Edukacija ne treba da bude na poslednjem mestu u arhivima, već treba razmišljati o tome da arhivi budu centri istraživanja i da su odgovorni za obrazovanje šire publike. Treba predstaviti pojam arhivske pedagogije i načine na koje se ona, različitim vaspitno-obrazovnim aktivnostima, ostvaruje.Treba ukazati na konkretne priedloge mera i postupaka kojima bi se arhivska pedagogija u Srbiji mogla dalje razvijati. Znanje koje je stečeno je potencijal za budućnost pomaže da se promeni odnos prema okruženju. Planski i namenski treba planirati stvaranje navika za kulturu, i da se razvija istraživački duh. Programi treba da su otvoreni i da se odražavaju u formi predavanja ili seminara, radionica. Aka- demska saradnja podrazumeva saradnju sa Beogradskim univerzitetom i drugim univerzitetima u zemlji. U nameri da što više popularizuju svoju delatnost, ali i negujući naučni rad kao jednu od nezaobi- laznih aktivnosti arhivsta, bibliotekara, muzejskih stručnjaka - kustosa i savetnika, restauratora i konzer- vatora, pedagoga i edukatora - institucije zaštite kulturne baštine su sve češće organizatori različitih pre- davanja, simpozijuma, kongresa, konferencija, polemika, okruglih stolova, diskusija, različitih razgovora, susreta, posebno sa umetnicima, poznatim ličnostima iz sveta kulture i medija, donatorima, sponzorima ili drugim uglednim osobama. 3 Iskustva institucija koje se bave zaštitom i prezentacijom kulturnog nasleđa u Srbiji Jedan od glavnih ciljeva institucija kulturne baštine jeste realizacija edukativnih sadržaja namenje- nih široj publici u cilju da se upoznaju sa savremenim teorijama unutar humanističkih disciplina i aktuel- nim tokovima u okviru nauke o nasleđu. Potreba za umrežavanjem kulturno-obrazovnih institucija i re- alizacijom edukativnih programa zasnovanih na zajedničkim metodološkim polazištima u gradovima širom Srbije. Potreba za prilagođavanjem i popularizacijom naučnih sadržaja i teorija ii podizanjem svesti o značaju prirodne i kulturne baštine. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 192 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 Dakle, neophodno je promovisati edukaciju i učenje u arhivu, uopšte treba što više uključivati učenje, kao i pedagoški rad u arhivima, muzejima, bibliotekama, galerijama. Saradnja sa obrazovnim insti- tucijama, univerzitetima , razmena znanja i iskustava sa drugim i kulturnim ustanovama. Centar za mu- zeologiju i heritologiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu pokrenuo je projekat; Društven- o-humanističke discipline i nauka o baštini - program permanentne edukacije učenika, studenata i zaposlenih u obrazovnim i kulturnim institucijama „Ambicija Centra za muzeologiju i heritologiju je da se dugoročno angažuje na održavanju perma- nentne edukacije. Pri tome je jedan od glavnih ciljeva Centra diseminacija naučnih sadržaja i realizacija edukativnih programa namenjenih mladima i stučnjacima u gradovima širom Srbije. Uočen je nedostatak edukativnih i interaktivnih sadržaja i kulturnih dešavanja namenjenih mladima u manjim gradovima iz- van prestonice. Takođe, postoji potreba za umrežavanjem kulturno-obrazovnih institucija i realizacijom edukativnih programa koji se bave nasleđem, zasnovanih na zajedničkim metodološkim polazištima. Pri- marni cilj ovog projekta jeste da se mladi upoznaju sa savremenim teorijama unutar humanističkih disci- plina i aktuelnim tokovima u okviru nauke o nasleđu. U tom smislu, potrebno je osmisliti i razviti strate- giju prilagođavanja i popularizacije naučnih sadržaja i teorija među mladima, u skladu sa njihovim iskustvima i interesovanjima. Projekat je planiran tako da stečena iskustva i rezultati budu primenljivi u praksi institucija kulture i škola, s ciljem obogaćivanja metodološkog i pedagoškog pristupa zaposlenih. Namera je podsticanje mladih na kreativno i kritičko sagledavanje sveta u kome žive, sticanje novih teo- rijskih znanja i praktičnih iskustava, ukazivanje na alternativne pristupe razmatranim problemima kroz interdisciplinarnost i angažovanje velikog broja stručnjaka iz različitih oblasti. Planira se razvijanje dugo- ročnog programa edukacije mladih i profesionalnog usavršavanja stručnjaka, na regionalnom i nacional- nom nivou, što će biti ostvareno održavanjem većeg broja seminara i kurseva u gradovima regiona, u sara- dnji sa odgovarajućim kulturno-obrazovnim institucijama. Svaki kurs će biti osmišljen u skladu sa lokalnim potrebama i prilagođen interesima i mogućnostima sredine. Realizovaće se kroz predavanja, diskusije, radionice, korišćenje audio-vizuelnog materijala i novih medija (interneta, društvenih mreža poput Fejsbuka...), organizovanjem stručnih ekskurzija i poseta institucijama kulture. Zainteresovanima će biti na raspolaganju i konsultacije sa stručnjacima, relevantna literatura, snimci sa predavanja i radioni- ca, kao i dodatni multimedijalni sadržaji. Ovo će biti dostupno u vidu internet prezentacije i DVD iz- danja sa celokupnim materijalom svakog pojedinačnog kursa realizovanog u okviru projekta. (Novaković, Lukić, 2012) Tokom seminara i konferencije koje je IKOM Srbije organizovao prethodnih godina, u razgovori- ma sa muzealcima, iskristalisala se potreba da se temi edukacije i rada sa publikom posveti posebna pažnja i pronađu prihvatljiva rešenja za pokretanje i razvoj edukativnih programa i u muzejima koji, ograničeni brojem zaposlenih i materijalnim sredstvima, do sada nisu imali prilike da se ovoj temi posvete u punom obimu. Tako je u novembru 2016. održan seminar “Edukacija u muzejima i rad sa publikom”koji je po- budio velika interesovanja stručmjaka iz regiona koji se bave zaštite kulturnog nasleđa. “(IKOM SRBIJA, 2016) Značajna međunarodna konferencija „Nesvrstani muzej“održana je u Muzeju Jugoslavije 7-8 no- vembra 2016 na 55.godišnjicu pokreta Nesvrstanih u Beogradu 1961. Konferencija je okupila internacio- nalni, multidisciplinarni tim stručnjaka u čijem fokusu je pokret nesvrstanih i nasleđe koje je ova poli- tička alijansa ostavila zemljama osnivačima. 4 Izučavanje arhivistike u Srbiji Novi akademski programi koji se odnose na zaštitu i prezentaciju kulturnog nasleđa treba da dopri- nesu formiranju novog profila profesionalaca koji imaju kompleksan interdisciplinaran pristup zaštiti arhivske građe, kao i njenoj prezentaciji. Za potrebe savremene arhivistike neophodni su stručnjaci koji će pratiti planirane buduće aktivnosti u cilju brze i efikasnije implementacije novih tehnologija za digitaliza- ciju kao vid preventivne zaštite i prezentacije kulturnog nasleđa. Visokoškolsko izučavnje arhivistike u Srbiji imamo na Katedri za istoriju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i Na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu pri Katedri za bibliotekar- stvo i informatiku, što doprinosi podizanju arhivističkog obrazovanja. „Nastava arhivistike koja se od 2006.godine organizuje na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, pri Katedri za bibliotekarstvo i in-formatiku, predstavlja prvi slučaj uključivanja ovoga pred- 193 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 meta u redovno visokoškolsko obrazovanje u Srbiji. Dok je arhivistički kurs na Filozof-skom fakultetu u Beogradu sveden na jedan semestar, dotle se na Katedri za bibliotekarstvo i informatiku Filološkog fakul- teta u Beogradu arhivistici se pristupa kao jednoj od bazičnih informacionih nauka. Nastava na ovoj ka- tedri se od 2006.godine, ,sa početkom reformi u skladu sa Bolonjskom de-klaracijom, i zahvaljujući zala- ganju tadašnje upravnice Katedre, a sadašnjeg dekana Filološkog fakulteta dr Aleksandre Vraneš,zasniva na četiri predmeta grupe: bibliotečko-bibliotearskoj, informatičkoj, arhivistič-koj i muzeološkoj.U takvoj konstelaciji, arhivistika je zastupljrna sa tri jednosemestralna kursa na osnovnim studijama, što znači da studenti imaju godinu i po dana neprekidnog arhivističkog obrazovanja. Praksa u radu sa studentima pokazala je da oni iz srednje škole ne do-nose gotovo nikakva znanja o pisanim materijalnim artefaktima prošlosti ,da ne znaju da definišu te artefakte,da im ustanove poreklo, pa samim tim i vtrednost. Zbog toga je nastava uz predmeta Uvod u arhivistiku (u-12 Arhiv, časopis Arhiva Jugoslavije ,1-2četvrtom semestru) usmerena na izučavanje tzv.pomoćnih istorijskih nauka. Ovaj kurs je obavezan za studente Katedre za bibliotekarstvo i informatiku, dok je izborni za ostale studente Filološkog fakulteta. S obzirom na spe-cifičnost studija na ovome fakultetu, veoma veliki broj studenata pohađa Uvod u arhivistiku kao izborni kurs. U tome prednjače studenti srpskoga jezika, srpske književn- osti i slavistike.“(Đorđević, 2012) Slika 1: U okviru redovne saradnje Arhiva Jugoslavije i Filološkog fakulteta katedra za bibliotekarstvo i informatiku, u Arhivu Jugoslavije na semestralnim vežbama studenti sa Bojanom Đorđevićem, docentom na istoimenoj katedri U cilju edukacije i radi bolje informisanosti zaposlenih u registraturama Arhiv Srbije je organizovao Seminar iz kancelarijskog i arhivskog poslovanja. Seminar su pohađala 32 polaznika iz 15 ustanova dok su predavanja održali vodeći arhivisti iz Srbije koji su izložili sopstvena iskustva u radu sa arhivskom građu. Upoznali su polaznike sa zakonskim procedurama i obavezama, kao i sa načinom predaje nadležnom ar- hivu i mere koje se preduzimaju u cilju njene zaštite. Na seminaru su razmatrane teme specijalnih bib- lioteka, preventivne zaštite, mikrofilmovanja , kao i elektronskog poslovanja. 5 Obrazovni programi konzervacije kulturnog nasleđa Mnogo problema se javlja kada je reč o stručnom osposobljavanju za rad na osetljivom arhivskom materialu. Da bi imali efikasan sistem zaštite u okviru arhivske mreže Srbije neophodna je odgovarajuča edukacija i stvaranje profesionalnih kadrova u oblasti preventivne zaštite. Koncepti preventivne zaštite treba da se oslanjaju na odgovarajući interdisciplinarni pristup rešenju problema U Srbiji ne postoji moderni edukativni program konzervacije pisanog kulturnog nasleđa koji bi mogli da odgovore zahtevima i potrebama zaštite. Bez primene prirodnih i humanističkih nauka nije moguće ostvariti merljive rezultate u oblasti konzervacije, restauracije, odnosno kurativne i preventivne zaštite kulturne baštine . ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 194 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 „Oblast konzervacije i restauracije još nije dovoljno prepoznata kao posebna naučna disciplina, mada standardi i procedure rada postoje u različitim zakonskim normama i preporukama međunarodnih strukovnih organizacija. Konzervacijom se bave ljudi najrazličitijih profesija i nivoa obrazovanja, od za- natlija do visokospecijalizovanih istraživača i naučnika. Za kvalitetan ishod konzervatorskih poduhvata, posebno kada se govori o naučnom doprinosu, potrebni su specijalizovano znanje i razumevanje proble- ma, dok intervencija na umetničkim predmetima, posebno kada se govori o naučnom doprinosu, potreb- ni su specijalizovano znanje i razumevanje problema, dok intervenija na umetničkim predmetima ostaje neizostavno vezana za značajnu manualnost. Odnos i međusobna zavisnost naučnih znanja i dobre zana- tske prakse u konzervaciji i restauraciji umetničkih dela tema je narednog razmatranja. Ne može se govo- riti o mestu nauke u zaštiti baštine, a ne osvrnuti se na samu disciplinu zaštite. Trdicionalne provenijen- cije konzervatora umetničkih dela su u oblasti umetnosti i umetničkih zanata Dominacija konzervatora obrazovanih na umetničkim akademijama, mahom slikara i vajara,, definisala je određeni trendi način rada. Njihove jake strane su svakako umetnički senzibilitet i određeno poznavanje umetničkih materijala i tehnika,ovo poslednje u meri u kojoj su bili uključeni u nastavne programe akademija, jer izučavanje tehnologija i materijala nije na svim umetničkim akademijama jednako zastupljeno. U prvoj polovini 20. veka postalo je jasno da se konzervacija i restauracija umetničkih dela, u dome- nu praktične konzervacije,mora zasnivati na širim znanjima. Otuda i formiranje prvih konzervatorskih instituta i naučnih laboratorija pri restauratorskim odeljenjima velikih muzeja, koji su pored tradicional- nih umetničkih profesija imali stručnjake iz oblasti prirodnih nauka. Iz takvih centara su došli i teorijski argumenti za potrebu bliske saradnje stručnjaka iz oblasti humanističkih i prirodnih nauka i konzervato- ra praktičara. Svest da se konzervacija i restauracija umetničkih dela mora zasnivati na kombinaciji opštih znanja o umetnosti i umetničkim tehnikama , zanatskoj veštini i dobroj praksi, kao i specijalizovanim znanjima o teoriji zaštite (etika struke) i znanjima iz oblasti prirodnih nauka, vodila je ka formiranju specijalističkih studija i kasnije posebnih univerzitetskih studija konzervacije i restauracije. Iskusni kon- zervatori koji su imali priliku da utiču na nastavne programe akademija su uviđali ovu potrebu. Danas za obrazovanje konzervatora postoje razlićita rešenja kojima je zajednička težnja formiranje multidiscipli- narno obrazovanih stručnjaka“. (Korolija Crkvenjakov, 2015, str. 32) Trenutno u Srbiji ovaj program se izučava na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu, Odsek za konzervaciju. Master studijski program Zaštita i očuvanje nasleđa se izučava na Alfa BK univerzitetu i osmišljen je kao nastavak osnovnih akademskih studija višeraznorodnih i umetničkih oblasti. Ovim multidiscipli- narnim studijskim programom omogućava se upis studenata koji su završili osnovne akademske studije na fakultetima društvenih, prirodnih, tehničko-tehnoloških i humanističkih nauka, kao studenti koji su završili umetničko-primenjene fakultete. Neophodan je odgovarajuća metodologija obrazovanja i formiranja profesionalnih kadrova u cilju primene odgovarajućih konzervatorskih tretmana. Kada je reč o edukaciji u oblasti konzervacije i restauracije kulturne baštine značajno mesto u zau- zimaju edukativne radionice Centralnog instituta za konzervaciju, koje imaju za cilj stvaranje široke baze profesionalnih i stručnih kadrova u zemlji i regionu, organizovanje specijalizacija i stalnih stručnih osa- vremenjivanja iz svih oblasti zaštite ,uspostavljanja timskog rada i insistiranje na primeni profesionalne etike. Zasnovane su na modelu koji podrazumeva teorijska predavanja, praktičan rad, stručne posete kon- zervatorskim ateljeima, obilazak spomenika kulture i znamenitih mesta, kao i evaluaciju procesa realiza- cije i postignutih rezultata. 195 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 Slika 2: Konferencija CIK-a u Aranđelovcu“ Konzervacija pokretnih kulturnih dobara u Srbiji danas“1 U cilju unapređenja zaštite arhivskog materijala neophodno je sprovođenje obuke na interdiscipli- narnom principu i u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima i preporukama. Osavremenjivanje i usavršav- anje znanja u oblasti teorije zaštite, metodologije konzervacije, preventivne zaštite i konzervatorskih tret- mana. Značajan segment obrazovanja profesionalaca je edukacija edukatora što se postiže putem seminara, specijalističkih kurseva, specijalizacija i stalnom sardnjom sa univerzitetima. Polazeći od analize potreba zaposlenih u institucijama zaštite kulturnog nasleđa Centralni institut za konzervaciju je objavio 2015. i 2016.godine dve značajne stručne publikacije: Preporuke za stvaranje i upravljanje digitalnom foto-dokumentacijom u institucijama zaštite kulturnog nasleđa Srbije i Otvoreni pristup muzejskoj dokumentaciji u Srbiji - iskustva, izazovi i potencijali2. Društvo konzervatora Srbije uz finansijsku podršku Ministarstva kulture i informisanja 2015 godi- ne izdalo je priručnik „Preventivna konzervacija arhivske i bibliotečke građe„ autora Radmile Petrović. Publikacija je nastala kako bi pomogla zaposlenima u arhivima i registraturama da prepoznaju potrebe zaštite i shvate značaj preventivne zaštite. U Srbiji i zemljama regiona Jugoisočne Evrope značajno je učešće u obuci profesionalaca i volonte- ra u oblasti zaštite kulturnog nasleđa ima asocijacija Fion Zarubica Learn Program se održava u Srbiji i zemlljama regiona pod nazivom „Upravljanje muzejskim zbirkama“ i namenjen je muzejskim profesio- nalcima, arhivistima, galeristima koji rade sa na očuvanju zbirki i žele da unaprede svoja znanja, stuentima muzeologije i konzervacije, predavačima, volontrima Program uključuje predavanja u učionicii online, vizuelne prezentacije, literaturu, kao i praktičan rad na studijama slučaja sa naglaskom na timskom radu, interakciji i razmeni znanja. Konzervacija i restauracija su važni segmeti arhivske delatnosti i sastavni deo brige o čuvanju i pre- zentaciji kulturne baštine ali koji se odvijaju bez uvida javnosti. Zato je neophodno organizovanje stručn- ih skupova, radionica, seminara i drugih vidova pezentacija kako bi se skrenula pažnja na značaj ovih često zanemarenih poslova i uticalo na razvoj svesti o vrednosti pisnog kulturnog nasleđa. 1. Dostupno na 2. Na raspolaganju je i elektronska verzija: Ob- javljivanje publikacije su omogućili Digitalna istraživačka infrastruktura za umetnosti i humanistiku u Republici Srbiji (DA- RIAH-RS) i Desk Kreativna Evropa, Srbija, uz podršku Evropske komisije. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 196 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 6 Zaključak Savremeni pristup zaštiti i prezentaciji kulturne baštine odnosi se na jačanje dijaloga svih nosilaca aktivnosti u ovoj oblasti, radi poboljšanja sistemskih okvira, izgradnje inoviranog pristupa edukacije na svim nivoima i unapređivanja svesti o značaju kulturne baštine. Na osnovu navedenog može se zaključuiti da je potreban celovitiji pristup kadrovskoj politici insti- tucija kulture kroz novu organizacionu strukturu koja će odgovoriti savremenim potrebama društva. Po- drška obrazovanju kadrova iz oblasti konzervacije, arhivistike, muzeologije, bibliotekarstva, menadžm- enta u kulturi, kao i edukacija kadrova o mogućnostima korišćenja međunarodnih fondova. Cilj je podizanje svesti o vrednostima kulturne baštine i stvaranje ambijenta za razumevanje uloge i mesta kul- turne baštine i njenoj popularizaciji. Literatura Popadić, M.(2014). Vreme prošlo u vremenu sadašnjem : Uvod u studije baštine, CMIH, Beograd. Dostupno na dije-ba%C5%A1tine (24.03.2017) Novaković, J., Lukić, M., CMIH, (2012). Društveno –humanističke discipline i nauka o baštini –program perma- nentne edukacije učenika, studenata i zaposlenih u obrazovanim u kulturnim institucijama .Dostupno na https:// (24.02.2017) (3.03.2017) Đorđević, B. (2012.). Nastava arhivistike na Filološkom fakultetu u Bogradu. Dostupno na Crkvenjakov Korolija, D.(2014). Konzervacija i restauracija umetničkih dela između naučnih znanja i dobre zana- tske prakse. Zbornik radova, Treća godišnja konferencija muzeolologije i heritologije Nauka i Baština ,Beograd ,2014. Dostupno na (24.02.2017) (3.03.2017) s:// (10.03.2017) (10.03.2017) html (10.03.2017) (10.03.2017) (17.03.2017) (10.03.2017) SUMMARY One of the main aims of the institutions of cultural heritage is realization of educational contents meant for wider public in order to introduce them with contemporary theories within humanitarian disciplines and present cour- ses within science. It is necessary to promote education and learning in the archives and cooperation with other educational institutions, universities as well as to exchange knowledge and experience with other cultural institu- tions. Programs should be open and expressed through the lectures, seminars or workshops. Academic cooperation implies cooperation with Belgrade University and other universities in the country.New academic programs dea- ling with preservation and presentation of cultural heritage should contribute to create new profile of professional having complex interdisciplinary approach to the preservation of archival material as well as to its presentation. Needs of modern archival science require professional who will follow planned future activities aiming at fast and efficient implementation of new technologies especially of digitizing, as one aspect of preventive preservation and presentation of cultural heritage.Higher education in Serbia provides studying of archival science at the Depart- ment of the History of Philosophy at Belgrade University and at the Faculty of Philology, Department of Library Science and Informatics. Appropriate methodology of education is necessary to create professional staff enabling them to use corresponding conservation treatments. Today, conservation has been studied at the Faculty of Ap- plied Arts in Belgrade, Department of Conservation, while Musters Musters studies Protection and Preservation of 197 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ: Requests of Modern Archives in Serbia and Training of Experts in the Field of Presentation of the Cultural Heritage, 189-197 Heritage could be studied at Alfa BK University. It is organized as continuation of basic academic studies of more heterogeneous and artistic fields. This kind of multidisciplinary study enables enrollment of students that had completed basic academic studies at the faculties studying social studies, natural sciences, technical-technology sciences and humanitarian sciences as well as students completed art and applied art studies. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 28.03.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 199 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century Tibor Csaba REISZ, PH.D. National Archives of Hungary, Bécsikapu tér 2-4, 1014 Budapest, Hungary e-mail: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st century ABSTRACT Between 1867 and 1948 Hungary did not have any archivist education. Research positions existed only in the National Archives, either legal degree, or university degree, and later doctorate level, as well as passing the profes- sional exam defined by the minister were the requirements for their fulfilment. The organisation of a course prepa- ring for the exam was proposed several times during the era, however it was never realised. The archivist education started on the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE in 1949. First those history students were allowed to apply for the studies that wanted to learn archival studies from the third year of their education as their secondary subject, then it was organised into a four-year and then five-year education. The curriculum was continuously shaped upon the experiences and proposals of the teachers, students and the archivists. The 21st century archivist education basic feature is its continuous change; first the introduction of the credit system and then the Bologna system caused difficulties in the education. Currently the archivist education is mainly supplied by the MA education, however, the knowledge that had to be obtained in 6-8-10 semesters earlier, has to be taught within 4 semesters. The example subject syllabi reflect on the depth of knowledge provided by the education. Key words: archival education, archival science, Hungary, master studies, Bologna system, credit sistem Formazione degli archivisti in Ungheria all’inizio del XXI secolo SINTESI Tra il 1867 e il 1948 l'Ungheria non ha avuto alcuna formazione archivistica. Le posizioni di ricerca esistevano solo nell'Archivio Nazionale, sia di grado giuridico, di laurea e di dottorato, e passare l'esame professionale definito dal ministrero era il requisito per la loro realizzazione. L'organizzazione di un corso di preparazione all'esame è stato proposto diverse volte, tuttavia non è mai stato realizzato. La formazione archivistica ha avuto inizio alla Facoltà di Scienze Umane dell'ELTE nel 1949. Innanzitutto gli studenti di storia sono stati ammessi agli studi di archivistica dal terzo anno del loro percorso come materia secondaria, poi è stato organizzato dapprima su quattro anni e poi su cinque anni. Il curriculum è stato continuamente modellato sulle esperienze e proposte degli insegnanti, degli studenti e degli archivisti. L'elemento fondamentale della formazione archivistica del XXI secolo è il suo continuo cambiamento; prima l'introduzione del sistema a crediti, e poi il sistema di Bologna hanno causato difficoltà. At- tualmente la formazione archivistica è fornita principalmente dalla laurea magistrale, tuttavia le conoscenze che dovevano essere ottenute nei 6,8,10 semestri precedenti devono essere insegnate entro 4 semestri. Gli esempi dei syllabi riflettono sulla profondità della conoscenza fornita dalla formazione. Parole chiave: formazione archivistica, archivistica, Ungheria, master, sistema di Bologna, sistema a crediti Izobraževanje arhivistov na Madžarskem na začetku 21. stoletja IZVLEČEK V času od 1867 do 1948 na Madžarskem ni bilo izobraževanja arhivistov. Samo v Državnem arhivu so obstajala delovna mesta raziskovalcev, zahteve za njihovo zasebo pa so bile univerzitetna diploma iz prava ali druga univerzi- tetnba diploma, kasneje je bil potreben doktorat, kot tudi uspešno opravljen strokovni izpit, ki ga je predpisal mi- nister. V tem obdobju so velikokrat razmišljali tudi o tem, da bi organizirali posebno izobraževanje za pripravo na strokovni izpit, vendar je ostalo samo pri načrtih. Izobraževanje arhivistov se je pričelo leta 1949 na Filozofski fa- kulteti Univerze Eötvös Loránd. Sprva so lahko študij vpisali študentje zgodovine v 3. letniku jot sekundarni pred- met, kasneje pa so se arhivisti usposabljali v okviru štiri in petletnih programov. Učni načrt se je na podlagi pobud in izkušenj profesorjev, študentov in arhivistov ves čas spreminjal in dopolnjeval. Značilnost izobraževanja arhivi- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 200 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 stov v 21. stoletju so stalne spremembe. Sprva so težave v izobraževanju povzročale uvedba kreditnih točk, kasneje uvedba bolonjskega sistema. Dandanes izobraževanje arhivistov poteka v obliki magistrskega študija (Master of Arts), čeprav je potrebno namesto prejšnjih šestih, osmih ali desetih semestrov, sedaj podati študentom znanj v samo štirih semestrih. Sami opisi predmetov zelo dobro kažejo, kakšno poglobljeno znanje daje študij. Ključne besede: izobraževanje arhivistov, arhivska znanost, Madžarska, magistrski študij, Bolonjski študij, sistem kreditnih točk Levéltárosképzés Magyarországon a 21. század elején ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ A polgári korszakban (1867-1948) Magyarországon nem volt levéltárosképzés. Csak az Országos Levéltárban voltak tudományos munkakörök, azok betöltéséhez jogi végzettség, egyetemi diploma, később pedig doktori foko- zat kellett, továbbá a szakminiszter által előírt szakvizsga letétele volt szükséges. A korszakban többször is felmerült, hogy a vizsga letételét megkönnyítő képzést szervezzenek, de ez mindvégig csak terv maradt. A levéltárosképzés 1949-ben indult meg a budapesti ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Karán. Kezdetben a már egyetemi történészhall- gatók vehették fel harmadévtől a tárgyat, később négy-, majd ötéves képzés keretében képezték a levéltárosokat. A tananyagot a tanárok, a hallgatók és a levéltárosok tapasztalatai és javaslatai alapján folyamatosan bővítették, alakí- tották. A 21. századi levéltárosképzés első jellemzője a folyamatos változtatás: előbb a kredtirendszer, majd a bolo- gnai képzési rendszer bevezetése okozott nehézségeket az oktatásban. Napjainkban elsősorban az MA-képzés biz- tosítja a levéltáros szakképzést, bár a korábbi 6-8-10 félév helyett 4 félév alatt kell valamennyi modern tudást átadni a hallgatóknak. A minta tantárgyleírások jól tükrözik, hogy a képzés milyen mélységű ismeretanyagot nyújt. The great challenges of the beginning of the 21st century, especially the open society, globalisation, booming of IT and its everyday use have resulted in changes in the expected and applied knowledge and capabilities in professional archivist work. The changes and their realisation are continuously forming the proper answers by the preparatory institutions aka the education. How has the education founding and shaping the knowledge of the archivist professionals, changed for the past one and a half century? Before 1948 there was no applied archivist education. There were only some professional specifica- tions to fulfil the position. At the end of the era however, some trainings were organized to help to take the necessary exams. Different preconditions were demanded from applicants for different types of ar- chives. Only the employees of the National Archives worked as research fellows. The education of archivists started in Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University in Buda- pest in 1949. For these 70 years it has changed significantly both in its form (2-5 year-education, day- time, correspondence courses, supplementary courses, speed trainings, traditional or credit-based or mul- ti-level education) and in its content. The current study describes this development pointing out the answers given to the challenges of the era. Professional data regarding 19th and 20th centuries, based on archival documents are available that supports the introduction. Unfortunately no documents (minutes of meetings, preparatory materials, proposals, etc.) regard- ing the last 15 years are available, thus besides the curriculum of the archivist education I have to rely on oral input by the participating colleagues1. This lack of information marks the necessity of the written registration of events and thoughts regarding the development of the education. 1 The Archivists of the National Archives between 1874 and 1948 The National Archives was established on the foundations of Archivum Regni founded in 1756 upon the Act XLV in 1723, by its significant reorganisation in 1874 (for details see Reisz, 2015, pp. 71- 81). The new institute has been acting as the background institute of public administration and the treas- ury of sources of history sciences since then; it had to report to the Minister of the Interior between 1875 and 1922, and then, except a short period to the Minister responsible for the cultural affairs. 1. Dr. Tamás Körmendi, University Senior Lecturer of ELTE FA, Department of Auxiliary Sciences of History, helped me a lot supplying documents and consultation. I am also thankful for the help of my colleagues at the National Archives of Hungary, Zoltán Szőke, Csaba Sasfi and Gábor Balázs for their oral input. 201 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 The personnel of the archives was quite small in number in the first some decades, moreover, not all the positions were fulfilled. The total headcount was 13 people in 1875, two of them had higher de- gree, three of the positions were not taken. The jurist Gyula Pauler (1841-1903) was the first director of the archives, upon his proposals the governmental budget allowed some humble level developments; since 1877 there were three draftsman, nine office assistants and three servitor positions in the archives (for details on the history of Archives see Lakos, 2006). While Pauler was the senior archivist the headcount was almost stable (20-26 people), it is increased only in some research fellow positions: form 1880 a new archival draftsman position was created, the number of the archival clerks was decreased by four while the number of draftsmen was increased by the same number from 1892, from 1895 one, from 1898 two oth- er draftsman apprentice position were created, however from 1902 they were postponed. All the archival scientific positions requiring university degree like (senior and junior) archivist, draftsman apprentice, belonged to the so called draftsmen staff, the positions requiring secondary school certificate like service director position, handler (vice) director, data processing clerk, office incumbent or archival officer belong to the handlers staff, while the service positions were grouped in the servant staff positions. The current study focuses on the necessary preconditions and education of the scientific posi- tions. Gyula Pauler defined the employment requirements of the positions, which remained untouched while they reported to the Ministry of Interior2. During this period there was no archivist education, an archivist exam was required from all applicants upon the proposal of Pauler (1876). The lowest position among the scientific positions was the draftsman, after sufficient years and in case of an open position the officer became a vice-archivist and then an archivist. The office incumbent position was a good prepara- tory step for research positions, thus it was also applied by university degree applicants. According to Pauler’s accepted proposal the following knowledge was required to fulfil draftsman position: knowledge of Latin language, legal degree, knowledge of the history of Hungarian history, stud- ies in palaeography and diplomacy, calligraphy, and knowledge of one or more foreign languages. The applicants had to take both an oral and written exam. The final pre-degree certificate of legal or humani- ties - unfortunately not only history - was a requirement from the applicants, later the final degree, teach- ers’ degree or PhD was required. Since only a few people with legal degree applied, the Minister of Interi- or allowed the application of legal students as well. The knowledge of the history of public administration and legal services as well as the German language was missing from the requirements, however they were parts of the requirements for clerks and county archivists. Act I. of 1883 regarding the qualification of public officers defined the requirements of archival positions (A magyar királyi Országos, 1884, pp. 7-8). Only that Hungarian citizen could become a public administration officer that was not under guardianship, was not bankrupt, had a clean record and led a virtuous life, who also possessed the necessary knowledge required by the law (1. §). The person who completed a legal course or a course of humanities and took the exam could be employed as a draftsman of the National Archives. ‘The subjects of this extra exam are the following: Hungarian history, Hungar- ian and Latin palaeography, diplomacy, Latin language, Hungarian public law, civil law and canon law, most importantly the status before 1848’. A person after the 8 years of secondary grammar school could become a handler in case of taking the handler exam. ‘The subjects of the exam are the following: Hun- garian, German and Latin languages, good spelling and calligraphy.’ Archivists working for the county archives had to meet at least the requirements of the handlers, especially the knowledge of Latin was im- portant so that the documents written in Latin would be understood and copied without any mistakes (13. §). Since the first director of the archives had a legal degree, legal knowledge was required from the archivists for a long period. Around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries however, in most of the Euro- pean countries the importance of legal or historical knowledge is more important was decided in the fa- vour of the knowledge of history, although in Hungary legal knowledge has always been claimed as quite important. 2. The summary is based on the following study: Sashegyi, Oszkár (1987). Az Országos Levéltár dolgozói a Belügyminisztérium főhatósága alatt: fogalmazók, kezelők és szolgák, 1874-1922. [Staff members of the National Archives under the Ministry of Interior: draftsmen, clerks and servitors, 1874-1922]. In: Levéltári Közlemények, 58, pp. 195-208. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 202 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 In 1913 Ferenc Dőry (1875-1960) vice-archivist suggested that courses should be organised in the National Archives so that the knowledge required for the draftsman exam could be obtained. According to his proposal only that person was to take the exam who either participated in the course or had worked for the national or a municipality archives at least one year. Nothing was realised of this proposal. During the Hungarian Soviet Republic (21st March - 1st August 1919) Péter Niklai (1885-1967) Commissar of the Archives prepared a proposal about the foundation of an archivists college that would have supplied both university level education and with a little supplement the education of history teach- ers. It was not realised either, because of the short existence of the regime. Not only did Pauler consider the necessary professional knowledge of the applicants when the good candidate was chosen, but also thought it important that the employed people would be historians that write a lot of articles and studies outside their working hours. Its result was that in the year of the Hungarian Millennium, in 1896 six out of the twelve draftsman employees were the members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and three of them were members of the board of the Hungarian His- torical Society. Edition of scientific periodicals, issues of documents as well as the operation of scientific societies (Hungarian Historical Society, Hungarian Society of Heraldics and Genealogy) were all assisted by archivists. After WWI Kuno Klebelsberg transferred the archival issues to his new position in the Ministry of Church and Education in 1922, which resulted in great changes. The public collections were organised under a common frame and management in this period. In 1922 the Hungarian National Collection University was founded, which continued its operation under the name of Hungarian National Museum from 1934, and it united the great national collections with the Hungarian National Archives among them. The laws establishing the new organisation defined the employment requirements of the scientific staff as well. In 1922 people with PhD in Humanities or other university principles or engineers/archi- tects with the degree of the Budapest University of Technology, or those some people, who did not have any of these degrees, but could verify their literary or practical activities could be employed as members of the research staff (4. §). The minister could organise practical courses so that the educational and practical qualification of the scientific staff would be in line with the regulations (6. §). Between 1922 and 1927 secondary school teacher degree that is university level education was also accepted as prerequisite of be- coming a scientific employee (11. §:V.) (Act XIX, 1922). In 1934 the requirements became stricter, however the already employed staff did not have to meet them (their employment right could not be breached). Scientific fellow could only be a person with PhD, the regulations of the professional and practical exam were defined by the minister with his decree (Act VIII, 1934). The first - and the only for a long time - law level regulation of the archives was enacted after WWII in 1947. The law defined the necessary qualifications of the research archivists (draftsmen) employed by the national and municipal archives that the applicants had to have ‘PhD in humanities in history or its auxiliary sciences as a main subject or at least as a secondary subject or legal or political sciences’, archivists in the county archives needed a year practice before they could take the exam, archivists in city archives needed to have a maturandum exam of Latin language and the exam taken after half a year of practice in the field. The field practice and the exam were defined in a decree by the minister (Act XXI, 1947). In the civic era before 1948 there was no archivist education. Different requirements were applied in the different types of archives. In the national archives a degree in humanities or legal degree was re- quired, later PhD with a very short exception period and for very few people. In smaller archives people with lower level education could be employed as archivists. The required field practice and the exam were defined in a decree by the minister. 2 Education of Archivists in the 20th Century The professional education of the archival scientific employees started only after 19493. One of the 3. The chapter is based on the following study: Borsodi, Csaba-Szögi, László (2010). A levéltár szak első hatvan tanéve, 1949- 2010 [The first 60 academic years of the archivist major, 1949-2010]. In: „Vedd ezeket az iratokat…”. Jubileumi kötet az ELTE 203 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 reasons was the centralisation aim of the system that was becoming more and more like that of the sovi- ets. It also concerned the archival organisation as well. In the new political era the documents of the ear- lier public administration got a historic value, the quantity of the documents arriving to the archives in- creased, and it demanded the increase of the headcount as well. I have to add that the new university reform in 1949 changed the education of the historians, the duration of the education was decreased, thus the students had less time to deal with the auxiliary sciences of history and their source handling knowledge decreased as well. It resulted in a new demand that was answered by the new archival studies. 1949-1954. The inauguration of the archival studies is related to Emma Léderer (1897-1977) Uni- versity Professor. Those history students were allowed to apply for the studies that wanted to learn archi- val studies from the third year of their education as their secondary subject. The education lasted for 6 semesters, and the following subjects were taught: the history of literacy sciences; diplomatics; Latin, German and Hungarian writing in Hungary; the history of the office sys- tems (from Medieval time to current years); reading charters and documents; document types (source knowledge); a second language (chosen from Russian, Slavic, Romanian, Turkish, or French). The stu- dents had a field practice in the National Archives in the last year of their education (material warehous- ing, the safeguarding of materials, history of diplomacy, modern document types). Furthermore the stu- dents had to study some subjects on economy (industrial management or bookkeeping). Those students applied for the faculty that did not get sufficient education on the faculty of history and that had ambi- tions for researching history; they wanted to be employed only by the National Archives. In 1952 the committee that evaluated the results of the historian-archivist education wanted to put emphasis on the latter, they wanted to increase the length of the education to 4 years, and introduce the education of German language. The reform of the education, however, was not completed, from the academic year of 1954/1955 new courses were not started. 1960-1988. From the academic year of 1960/1961 the three-year archivist education started again from the third year of the education. According to the programme of the subject ‘the task of the archivist education is to supply stable auxiliary science, archival science and language knowledge based on archival practice. This knowledge is obtained in diplomatics, palaeography, heraldry, sigilliography, chronology, office and public administration history, basic archival and legal studies lectures as well as the charter and document reading, Latin text reading, and early German language and palaeography practices’ (see Bor- sodi, Csaba-Szögi, László, 2010, p. 15). All the important auxiliary sciences had emphatic roles, while the history of archives and professional knowledge had a tighter lesson frame. In 1964 the curriculum was evaluated based on the experiences and it was supplemented with the subjects of modern archival science and archaeography, while the duration of practice was also increased. This study was quite popular, 6 to 8 students studied and got a degree every year. In the early years even more archivists were needed, that is why a special 2-year course was introduced between 1966 and 1968, mainly for the leaders of the labour workers’ movement archives. Several negotiations were held including university educators and archival specialists about the reform of the curriculum. At the end of 1970 the introduction of ‘IT and its application’ was proposed as a special subject. In autumn 1971 the 3-year long supplementary education was started with 24 stu- dents. Based on the initiative of the students a conference was held about the structural reorganisation of the archivist studies in 1973. The students proposed that after the basic education, everybody could choose a chronologically determined - medieval, modern or contemporary - archival specialisation. The 5-year long archivist education with history-archivist subject pairs started in 1976, and parallel the three-year education and the supplementary education were also kept. According to the new educa- tional plan in the fifth year there was a possibility to specialise in an era. The increasing interest was not answered by the educational facilities, thus the subject was degraded, and some chosen university stu- dents were allowed to study the subjects in a 4-year education between 1983 and 1988. 1988-2001. The education of archivists became a 5-year long major again from the 1988/1989 academic year. 10-15 students were taken to the faculty in the 1990s. The curriculum was continuously updated. levéltár szak alapításának hatvanadik évfordulójára. Edited by: Mihalik, Béla - Zarnóczki, Áron. Budapest. pp. 9-48. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 204 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 At the end of the 20th century the following subjects were taught in the archivist education: Latin (3 semesters), German (4 semesters), reading of source texts, historic geography (Hungary and Eastern Europe, 3 semesters), reading Latin documents and charters (2-2 semesters), history of public adminis- tration (5 semesters), ecclesiastical administration (2 semesters), diplomatics, palaeography, archival sci- ence, chronology, heraldry, sigillography, genealogy, archontology, handling records, archival sorting, stock safeguarding, reprography, modern data and their archiving, computer systems, history of archives, international archival relations, special seminars, and professional field practice. 3 Archivist Education in the 21st Century 3.1 The Credit System (2002) After the political changes in Hungary (1990) and joining the EU in 2004 several changes were made in the education of the archivists (see Borsodi, Csaba-Szögi, László, 2010, pp. 27-34). The credit system was introduced in the Hungarian higher education in 2002, thus the curriculum and the educa- tional system had to be renewed as well. The educational aims of the archivist studies were the following: ‘To educate archivists that have up-to-date knowledge on history and archival studies, which are inevitable to fulfil the tasks concerning the collection, safeguarding, processing and making available the valuable docu- ments, supplying primary sources of history, and that are necessary for the continuous fulfilment of public administration and the interests of the citizens’ (Borsodi, Csaba-Szögi, László, 2010, p. 28). The subject could only be taken after 2 semesters of history or Latin studies, the length of education was 4 years (8 semesters, 1200 contact hours). The preparatory subjects (31 credits of the 140): language studies (Latin and German), historical, geographical studies, basic economic studies. The main body of the education (40 credits) were the following: reading and analyses of documents (from Medieval to 19th century), documents in Latin, German and Hungarian languages, the history of administration and insti- tutes (from Saint Stephen to the political changes). The special studies (24 credits) contained the follow- ing lessons: the auxiliary sciences of history (diplomatics, chronology, heraldry, sigillography, genealogy, archontology), archival studies (handling documents, archival sorting, stock safeguarding, history of ar- chives). The field practice (10 credits) had to be completed in the National Archives, the archives of the self-governments or in a private archives, the thesis was worth 25 credits. The continuously changing curriculum resulted in the degradation of the quality of the education. Parallel education systems were operating, which generated chaos in organising the education. However, there were positive effects as well, the earlier rigid system could be supplemented with up-to-date sylla- buses, which were significantly important in the area of informatics. 3.2 Start of the Bologna System (BA system) The planned changes in the archivist education could not be introduced as the Hungarian higher education went through some major changes, in 2006 the multi-level higher education was introduced, which consists of a basic (Bachelor Artium, BA, 6 semesters), master level (Magister Artium, MA, four semesters) and a doctorate level (PhD, six semesters). This system operates currently as well. The reform generated the decrease of the number of basic subjects; the archivist education was not kept. The colleagues in higher education had been fighting for the education of archivists, thus in history basic education a specialisation was created with a 50 credit content that prepares archivist on master level. The students obtain a degree of Philologist in History Specialised in Archives. People with this de- gree can ‘fulfil the task to collect, safeguard, process and make available the valuable archived documents using their up-to-date knowledge about archives’. The general subjects cover the syllabus of the previous basic subjects, at least in their titles, moreover the archivist specialisation supplies the students with knowledge about the history of administration and institutes, archival and document studies, and requi- res field studies as well. The first year in BA system started in 2006, in that year archivist education was operating in three systems; 10 semester-system without credits, and the 8 semester credit system, as well as the Bologna sy- stem. This transitory period was difficult for both teachers and students. One of the lessons drawn from this period is that changes in the education should be well prepared, supplying the necessary conditions and taking the necessary time. 205 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 3.3 Proposal for Founding a Methodology Centre The Archival College, which has been operating as a consultative body of the Minister responsible for culture, containing the issues of archives since 1999, stated that ‘several employees in the archives do not have archivist degree’, that is why the body found it important to complete a proposal about the foundation of a professional methodology centre and the training of the archivists in 2005 (see Report on the Activities of the College in 2005). I have to add, that at that time the organisation of the Bologna sys- tem had already been started (see the previous chapter), however the education itself was not started yet. The archivist were seeking the solution for the problem themselves, judging from now we can say, some- times even by a selfish manner, they did not participate in the parallel processes, they were searching for solutions independently. The (lack of) results prove the uselessness of these activities. The Archival College founded a work committee with the participation of archivists to evaluate the issue, and their report was finished by spring 2006 (The proposal of the work committee). The report states that only 39% of the employees in archivist positions have got archivist degrees, thus the deficit in knowledge is significant. The archivist education is completed by ELTE, however due to its contradictive interests (?) they cannot rely on the university, thus the post-gradual education has to be handled by the archivists’ community. The report made a detailed proposal of a six-semester, 1000-contact hour post-gradual course, describing the preparation of the necessary legal framework (changes in the decree), the circle of students and the teachers, the necessary infrastructure and the curriculum. The total costs of the education was calculated to be 330-500 thousand HUF (1250-1900 EUR) based on the number of students (20-30 people). The post-gradual model described here is similar to the later starting BA educa- tion of the universities in several of their elements, thus the proposal was realised without taking it really into consideration. The other important element of the proposal was the education of the archivist-IT specialists, which was evaluated upon two aspects; the archivist education of IT specialists and the IT education of archivists. A detailed plan was prepared for a two-semester, 192 contact hour course of the latter. The Archival College discussed the report of the work committee in June 2006, and stated that however, the development of the higher education of the archivists, as well as the evaluation of the em- ployment requirements were necessary, the changes would need sufficient financial background and changes in the legal framework, the issue had to be discussed later (see Report about the operation of the Archival College in 2006). This story proves that the archivist cannot solve the problem without the higher education system, thus the good solution should be found within the framework of the university education. 3.4 Masters Education of Archivists (2009) The first year of the masters that provides archivist degree in 4 semesters, started on the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE in September 2009. Two specialisations can be chosen: the Middle Ages and Early Modern History, and the Modern and Contemporary History. Students with the degrees of BA in history, legal, sociology, economy can apply for the master ed- ucation. ‘The aim of the education is to prepare professionals that are capable of fulfilling the tasks of the archivists based on their archival, historical, and IT knowledge in each type of archives, and meet the new requirements of the society of the service archives functions. They are capable of supplying the use of the knowledge accumulated in both the traditional paper based and the digital documents regardless of space and time. They have sufficient knowledge for continuing their studies on PhD level’ (Borsodi, Csaba-Szögi, László, 2010, p. 42). The curriculum has been increased in the areas of archival informatics, archival systems and organ- isation and legal studies. In the framework of professional subjects archival knowledge, knowledge on document record office, scraping, collection areas, document evaluation, preparation of study-aids, data safety, e-documents, e-archive and stock safeguarding were taught. The novelty of the education was the opportunity to choose from two specialisations. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 206 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 The medieval and early modern specialisation aimed at supplying mainly the necessary knowledge for the traditional researcher-archivist role; professional language knowledge (German, Latin), medieval and early modern administration, Latin, German and Hungarian palaeography, documents, source han- dling and source publication. The modern and contemporary specialisation prepared professionals for contemporary filing sys- tems and practices, its curriculum contained knowledge on economy, contemporary administration, cur- rent document studies, document knowledge, processing documents, and evaluation of documents, his- tory of economy, private and economy management, archiving private documents, e-records management. The MA archivist education was reorganised in 2013, the specialisation that had been based on chronology, was reorganised on thematic bases. Three specialisation could be chosen in theory: medieval and early modern, modern and contemporary and information and records management. The curricu- lum of the three specialisations were overlapping in some areas. The traditional archivist education em- phasizes on the knowledge of document evaluation, document processing, while the modern archival science specialisation puts the emphasis on the work in the collection areas. The aim of the reorganisation of the education was to reframe the medieval and early modern specialisation into ‘Document processing and document publication’ specialisation, and the modern and contemporary specialisation into ‘Archi- val sciences’ specialisation. It has been realised in their content, but not in renaming the specialisations. The reason is that renaming would have needed the re-accreditation of the total education. It will be completed in the next accreditation period in 2017. The general and the special education of the MA studies is as follows: Similar basic education is compulsory for both specialisations: archival systems and organisation, basic archival legal knowledge, archival IT knowledge, document studies, document handling systems, document handling and archival standards, organisation, preparation of finding aids (different content for the specialisations), data safety (freedom of information and data safety, safety of personal and quali- fied data), Hungarian administration, field training. The subjects supplying different professional knowledge in the medieval and early modern and the modern and contemporary specialisations cover the traditional subjects, however, the subjects like data base building, communication, the preferred teaching of collection area work and document evaluation, and scraping supplementing the subjects of stock safety and reprography with digitalisation knowledge, answer to new challenges. In the modern and contemporary specialisation the curriculum contains the following subjects as well: record mamanement softwares, digital documents and their safe-keeping, e-ar- chives, and the data base building with deeper knowledge. As an example see the detailed introduction of three lessons: Archival IT studies: Main topics: basic IT knowledge and notions; supplying the documents with metadata; identify- ing the archival information saved on non-traditional data media and the elements: identifier, content, structure and context; the problem of authenticity and availability of digital documents; requirements of digital signature; basic principles and risks of digitisation; digitisation equipment; quality and technical requirements of digitisation; principles and use of building digital recording and warehousing systems; handling and use of digital and internet systems; archival informatic strategy and planning; use of digital and internet content in archival work; digital publications and internet surfaces as elements of archival marketing; main suggestions and requirements of archival web pages. Communication knowledge for archivists: Main topics: the aims of community culture activities of the archives; the aims and importance of the presence of archives in the media; media genres: how to write scientific or cultural news, why is it important to write news; media market: supplying news and professional PR, the communication prac- tice of the other public collection types and branches of science; printed vs. online media: what does the editor need, how do the two types of media operate; the role of blogs to introduce the work of the ar- chives, as well as in community culture and public knowledge spread: what does a reader want, who is our audience, how to address and keep them; the basics of web design; social media; press photo and video: the message and importance of pictures; preparation of press materials: what does a reporter need, how to write a press release; TV report: the power of picture representation, oral improvisation; other ele- 207 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 ments of audience relation strategies: organisations of archival pedagogical visits, the open archives pro- gramme, customer service. Archival and record management standards: Main topics: the importance of standards and standardisation; data migration and standardised data exchange; data processing and data system standard ISO 15489; Model Requirements (MoReq) and their developed versions: (MoReq2, MoReq2010); the international archival standards of ISO and ICA; Open Archival Information System (OAIS), and the minimal requirements of long-term archival keep- ing digital documents; the most important international standards of finding aids preparation: ISAD/G, ISAAR/CPF, ISAF, ISDIAH; the HTML and the XML standard system about the general rules of document coding; standards of registering meta data: Dublin Core (DC/DCMI), EAD, EAC, EAG, METS; standardisation of data content and data organisation of archival recording in the national prac- tice. The inauguration of the third specialisation has been planned since 2013, however, due to lack of finances it has not happened, the first real course will start in autumn 2017 (in cooperation with the Na- tional University of Public Service). This education prepares the professionals working for public admi- nistration for the relationship with the archives. The subjects to be taught are e.g. public administration legal knowledge, document production of economic institutes, basics of information and record manage- ment, archival knowledge and systems, collection area work, evaluation of documents, scraping, safeguar- ding stock, reprography, digitisation, data processing softwares, e-documents, e-archives, e-government, data system building, project management. 4 How to Go on? The experiences of the past 150 years can be summarised as follows: The scientific employees working for the archives have to get their education in the framework of a direct archivist education. The elements of the curriculum should be reassessed continuously by the teachers, students, the junior archivist (0-5 years of experience), the senior archivists and the document producers of public administration. Public administration has to create the necessary legal background of the efficient development of the education (educational requirements, finances). The scientific profes- sional archival employee has to get emphasis in the educational work. Besides university education the possibility for professional basic education, re-freshening education and further trainings has to be creat- ed. The continuous possibility for international experiences has to be created as well (IIAS, Stage, and others). The National Archives of Hungary is currently working on a unified methodology and profession- al concept that would provide a middle and long-term programme in general framework for the above listed issues (it does not have an open documentation yet). I hope the experiences, aspects and remarks of this article will supply them with useful information. References Reisz, T. Csaba (2015). The History of the NAH Central Building’s Construction. In: Atlanti, 24(2), pp. 71-81. Lakos, János (2006). A Magyar Országos Levéltár története. [History of the National Archives of Hungary] Buda- pest. Sashegyi, Oszkár (1987). Az Országos Levéltár dolgozói a Belügyminisztérium főhatósága alatt: fogalmazók, ke- zelők és szolgák, 1874-1922. [Staff members of the National Archives under the Ministry of Interior: draftsmen, clerks and servitors, 1874-1922]. In: Levéltári Közlemények, 58, pp. 195-208. Act I. of 1883. A magyar királyi Országos Levéltárra vonatkozó máig érvényes törvények és rendeletek. Budapest, 1884. pp. 7-8. Available also at Act XIX in 1922 about the national public collections and their personnell. Available at php?a=3¶m=7530). Act VIII in 1934 about the Hungarian National Museum, 10. §. Available at ram=7951). Act XXI in 1947 about the organisation of archive issues. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 208 Tibor Csaba REISZ: Education of Archivists in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 199-208 Borsodi, Csaba-Szögi, László (2010). A levéltár szak első hatvan tanéve, 1949-2010 [The first 60 academic years of the archivist major, 1949-2010]. In: „Vedd ezeket az iratokat…”. Jubileumi kötet az ELTE levéltár szak alapításának hatvanadik évfordulójára. Edited by: Mihalik, Béla - Zarnóczki, Áron. Budapest. pp. 9-48. Report on the Activities of the College in 2005. Available at The proposal of the work committee Available at Report about the operation of the Archival College in 2006. Available at fid/37516. SUMMARY The great challenges of the beginning of the 21st century, especially the open society, globalisation, booming of IT and its everyday use have resulted in changes in the expected and applied knowledge and capabilities in professional archivist work. The changes and their realisation are continuously forming the proper answers by the preparatory institutions aka the education. How has the education founding and shaping the knowledge of the archivist pro- fessionals, changed for the past one and a half century? Between 1867 and 1948 Hungary did not have any archivist education. Research positions existed only in the National Archives, either legal degree, or university degree, and later doctorate level, as well as passing the professional exam defined by the minister were the requirements for their fulfilment. The organisation of a course preparing for the exam was proposed several times during the era, however it was never realised. The archivist education started on the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE in 1949. First those history students were allowed to apply for the studies that wanted to learn archival studies from the third year of their education as their secondary subject, then it was organised into a four-year and then five-year educa- tion. The curriculum was continuously shaped upon the experiences and proposals of the teachers, students and the archivists. The 21st century archivist education basic feature is its continuous change; first the introduction of the credit system and then the Bologna system caused difficulties in the education. Currently the archivist educa- tion is mainly supplied by the MA education, however, the knowledge that had to be obtained in 6-8-10 semesters earlier, has to be taught within 4 semesters. The example subject syllabi reflect on the depth of knowledge provided by the education. The scientific employees working for the archives have to get their education in the framework of a direct archivist education. The elements of the curriculum should be reassessed continuously by the teachers, students, the junior archivist (0-5 years of experience), the senior archivists and the document producers of public administration. Public administration has to create the necessary legal background of the efficient development of the education (educational requirements, finances). The scientific professional archival employee has to get empha- sis in the educational work. Besides university education the possibility for professional basic education, re-freshe- ning education and further trainings has to be created. The continuous possibility for international experiences has to be created as well (IIAS, Stage, and others). Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 09.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 209 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS ICA Representative, United Kingdom e-mail: Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London ABSTRACT This paper will outline the development of the teaching of preservation to Masters students on the University of College London, Masters in Archives & Records Management qualification. It explores the evolving structure of this element of the teaching that focuses on a combination of student expectation and professional need. The paper further considers the approaches that have been taken to ensure that the students connect with this theoretical aspect of their learning. The author makes the case for a specialist in the subject of collection care, and shows how this enhances learning amongst the students. Additionally, this paper will investigate the increased challenges of promoting preservation in a changing professional environment, when the pressures on resources and modes of traditional access to archival records is causing ever-greater reliance on digitisation as a means of preservation. The author hopes that by outlining the current approach to teaching preservation in the UK, other countries will con- sider and explore similar models. Key words: preservation, training, education, University College London Insegnare la conservazione agli studenti di archivistica dell’University College di Londra SINTESI Questo intervento illustrerà lo sviluppo dell'insegnamento della conservazione agli studenti del Master in Gestione degli archivi e dei documenti presso l'Università di Londra. Esso esplora la struttura in evoluzione di questo aspet- to dell'insegnamento che si concentra su una combinazione di aspettative degli studenti e di una necessità profes- sionale. L’articolo approfondisce inoltre gli approcci che sono stati adottati per garantire che gli studenti appro- fondiscano questo aspetto teorico del loro apprendimento. L'autore esemplifica il caso di uno specialista curatore di raccolte, e mostra come questo migliori l'apprendimento tra gli studenti. Inoltre, questo testo indagherà le cre- scenti sfide della conservazione in un ambiente professionale in continua evoluzione, quando le pressioni sulle ri- sorse e le modalità di accesso tradizionale alle registrazioni d'archivio provocano una sempre maggiore dipendenza dalla digitalizzazione come mezzo di conservazione. L'autore spera che, definendo l'attuale approccio alla conser- vazione dell'insegnamento nel Regno Unito, altri Paesi prenderanno in considerazione e esploreranno modelli si- mili. Parole chiave: conservazione, formazione, University College di Londra Poučevanje materialnega varstva arhivskega gradiva na University College London IZVLEČEK V tem prispevku je predstavljen razvoj poučevanja materialnega varstva arhivskega gradiva za študente magistrske- ga študija na University College London, magistrski študijski program Arhivistike in dokumentologije. Raziskuje spreminjajočo se strukturo tega elementa poučevanja, ki se osredotoča na kombinacijo pričakovanj študentov in poklicnih potreb. V članku so obravnavani tudi pristopi, ki zagotavljajo, da se študenti povezujejo s teoretičnim vidikom svojega učenja. Poleg tega avtor v prispevku predstavlja vedno večje izzive promoviranja materialnega varstva v spreminjajočem se poklicnem okolju, ko pritiski na vire in načine tradicionalnega dostopa do arhivskega gradiva povzročajo vedno večjo odvisnost od digitalizacije kot sredstva za ohranjanje gradiva. Avtor upa, da bo z opisom sedanjega pristopa k poučevanju materialnega varstva v Združenem kraljestvu vzpodbudil druge države k preučitvi in razmisleku o uporabi podobnih modelov. Ključne besede: materialno varstvo, usposabljanje, izobraževanje, University College London ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 210 Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS: Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London, 209-214 If, as archive professionals, we accept that the key objective is to ensure that the collections we are responsible for not only survive, but that we can provide ready access to the information they contain, then it is imperative that we rigorously pursue the education of all involved in the process of archiving to know and understand the risks to these collections. What we need are fully-rounded professionals, who have both an awareness and appreciation of how the materials that consist of the archival collections in their care react and respond to the storage environments in which they are kept. Our modern world requires many things from those who are the custodians of history - a wide knowledge of the collections and what they contain, the links, perceived or otherwise between archive objects a and b, and also the inter-relationships with y and z, and so on. Our users are also very concerned about how archives look after the collections (the stewardship of the resource), maybe not so much be- cause they care about conservation per se, but specifically so they can have access to the information it contains. To achieve this aim of long-term preservation we need to consider a wide range of risks and impacts on the collections. So, to achieve these multi-faceted requirements, the modern day archivist needs a wide range of skills, often far-removed from our perception of the role - someone who selects the key information from the mountains of information produced by persons, organisations and corporations, interprets the sour- ces of the information and makes this available in a structured and cohesive form via a catalogue. The ar- chivist needs to be a diplomat, a negotiator, a funding guru, an accountant, a teacher and a social worker. In addition to these new skills, the archivist also needs to be a collection care advocate. Over the last 25 years, generations of archivists have wrestled with the changes that have been thrust upon them, compromising and developing to meet new pressures and demands. However, the profession cannot rely on a process of evolution, and needs to ensure that we embed common standards of approach are embedded in new and old professionals alike. This formalisation is most clearly defined via learning; training comes after. So, it is also important that archivists be taught a wide spectrum of skills, and preferably at the beginning of their careers, via formal education, and most importantly during their studies at degree level. It is fortunate that University College London commissions the author to teach new archivists about collection care, and this role is an Honorary Lecturer delivering the Curation & Stewardship and Collections Care modules as part of the Masters in Archives and Records Management. In addition, the author is also a co-author, with Dr. Helen Forde, of the second edition of the successful book Preserving Archives, published by Facet in March 2013. This book is now a key text for the UCL MARM and con- tinues to sell both in the UK and across the world, in both analog and digital editions. A brief history of the Masters in Archives and Records Management (MARM) at UCL; the archi- ves course sits within the Department for Information Studies, and this is the only department in the UK which holds together in one place programmes in library and information studies, information science, archives and records management, publishing, and digital humanities. The MA in Archives & Records Management concentrates on the management of records and archives in a variety of digital and hard copy formats. Students learn to organise, interpret and provide access to a wide range of records and ar- chives, focusing on both the management of records for on-going purposes, and their selection, preserva- tion and accessibility for future uses including historical research. Archives and records management at UCL is one of the longest-established archival education programmes in the English-speaking world. Taught by leading experts in the field, the programme draws on staff’s involvement in innovative projects as well as their extensive practical experience of archives and records work. Indeed, although the programme’s content and structure have changed greatly over the years, keeping pace with developments in the archives and records disciplines and in information techno- logy, the UCL programme continues to maintain the highest standards in the teaching of archival prin- ciples and practice, as laid down by its founder, Sir Hilary Jenkinson. The Archives and Records Management MA provides the skills and knowledge that are needed by new entrants to the profession in the United Kingdom and abroad. Students learn to manage and preser- ve records created in the present and those inherited from the past for use in the present and future. In 2012-2013 this programme was merged with the MA/Diploma/ Certificate in Records and Archives Management (International) to create a more digitally aware and internationalised curriculum designed for students from the UK and overseas who intend to pursue a career in archives or records management. 211 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS: Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London, 209-214 The MA is now formed of five core modules: • Concepts and Contexts • Creation and Capture • Curation and Stewardship • The Record-keeping Professional • Access and Use of Archives and Records Whilst these modules aim to provide a solid foundation of conceptual knowledge and practical skills, students’ individual interests can be explored in depth through two optional modules chosen from the following subject areas: • Collections Care • Database Systems Analysis • Digital Resources in the Humanities • Information Governance • Manuscript Studies • Reading and Interpretation of Archives from 1500 As is clear, the preservation and conservation elements are now very successfully embedded in the MARM programme, and this is delivered through a combination of lectures, seminars, computer labora- tory practicals and classroom practicals, with a strong emphasis on informal teaching and the acquisition of practical skills. Assessment is through a mixture of essays, reports, and practical assignments such as cataloguing and complex problem solving scenarios. Students benefit from the Department of Information Studies’ excellent links with employers in the information professions, which provide them with “real life” experience through guest lectures, visits and a two-week work placement. As part of the programme students also receive specific careers advice, including how to construct CVs. In the longer term the programme equips students with the skills and knowledge to have long and successful careers in their chosen field and become leaders in their profession. The Main module of Curation & Stewardship deals with the issues and activities involved in main- taining authentic and usable records over time and through change. It aims to enable students to build a clear appreciation of the vulnerability of the physical and virtual record, and to develop the knowledge and skills to ensure that such records are maintained and that the risks to them are properly addressed and managed. To this end, students should, by the end of the module, be able to: • Explain what is meant by and involved in the preservation and management of records over time • Identify and apply the most appropriate standards, strategies and processes to ensure the on- going preservation of records in a variety of contexts An indication of the structure and timetable, and a more detailed description of the content of the module is given below: Week 1 - Introduction; Weeks 2-3 Taking Custody including topics such as; collections development, collecting policies, stages in accessioning, interviewing donors, terms of deposit, automated metadata extraction, accessions registers and cataloguing policies; Week 4 - Building the Store - including topics such as; the key characteristics of paper and parch- ment, the chemistry of paper, the nature of acid deterioration, security, the use of off-site storage or alter- native approaches and building green and sustainable archives; Week 5 - Managing the Store - including topics such as; the influence of standards on funding for archive buildings, a review of new building examples and consideration of how to address risks such as flood, pollutants, dust and pests, monitoring procedures and the use of packaging as both protection and support; Weeks 6 and 7 - Processing - including topics such as; the application of the principles of prove- ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 212 Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS: Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London, 209-214 nance and original order, archival descriptive standards, including ISAD(G), the qualities of good archi- val description and indexing and vocabulary control; Weeks 8 and 9 - Preservation Planning - including topics such as; standards. e.g. PD 5454: 2012 and PAS 198: 2012, the function and application of benchmarking, disaster planning and emergency response, the use and function of a preservation policy, surrogacy options and digital preservation; Week 10 - Conclusions. This programme also includes 4 afternoons in a local repository taking part in a pre-arranged practi- cal called “Processing Assessment” which involves the students in assessing a specific collection, leading to a formal written processing plan as a part of the student coursework. This assessment is designed to help the students develop “professional judgement” and to gain experience in reaching decisions with incomplete information. It is designed to test that the students apply the knowledge learnt during the module to reach a reasoned and justifiable decision that is informed by professional standards, ethical principles and an awareness of the surrounding contextual factors. The key areas are Collection Details, Arrangement and Description and Rehousing and Preservation. In addition, this programme also includes two afternoon lectures by leading archive professionals - one on buildings and the other on digital preservation - and one visit to a major local government archi- ve to view a range of preservation activities, including: • An outline talk by Collections Care Manager • A tour of building (energy, storage, preservation issues) • A visit to the Conservation Studio - conservators talk about projects and general techniques • A visit to the Imaging and Reprographics to see digitisation in practice • View the boxmaking section at work, and to see the computerised machine for tailor-made boxes One of the key strengths of this module is that it is taught by a preservation specialist and an archi- vist - both the beginning and end sessions are jointly taught - and this presents a positive approach to the students by underlining the similarities between the two specialisms of preservation and cataloguing pro- gramming. It is also hoped that this example will impact on the future archivists’ appreciation and know- ledge of conservation and preservation activities, and how these underpin archival management. It is often the case that senior archivists will ne given the responsibility of managing conservation and preser- vation services. Additionally, the training also takes account of the increasing possibility that the newly qualified archivist will be working on their own and so will have to make preservation decisions without reference to others. For those who wish to take their collection care knowledge to the next level, in the second term there is a choice module, Collections Care, which is Optional for MA, Diploma and Certificate students in Library and Information Studies, Archives and Records Management, Records and Archives Manage- ment (International). This module is also available for short course students, which serves to bring in a wider range of experience and expertise - and this can add to the students’ overall learning. Likewise the module participants are often from the MARM, Library and Digital Humanities courses. The purpose of this course is to build upon and extend the study of preservation issues affecting archive and library col- lections. To ensure that participants get the full benefit of the analysis and discussions, it is advised that students need a good feel for, and basic grounding in, preservation management and planning. This module analyses in greater detail the challenges inherent in preservation management, conser- vation programming and the collection needs of library and archival material to include both photo- graphic media and digital records. Interestingly, students that undertake this module often see its benefit for their career-ladder, by enabling a wider knowledge of the issues surrounding collection management, and it appears to be particularly popular with Library students who are seeking future employment in Special Collections departments. A range of guest speakers present most of the topics which includes, the complexities inherent in specifying buildings for collections, the application and use of standards, options for moving archives and libraries, a practical session utilising digital preservation software, the preparation of collection material for digitisation programmes, the challenges presented by photographs, film, and audio visual materials, 213 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS: Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London, 209-214 and the management of digitisation projects (including the impacts of the conservation needs of col- lections). There are also opportunities for the students to hear experts talk on the role of preservation as an integral part of collections management, and on the cleaning and handling of rare books. By the end of this module, it is intended that students will have an in depth knowledge of preser- vation principles and will be able to formulate both conservation and preservation programmes to ad- dress the needs of both library and archival collections. The course builds on the content of the archive module on preservation, but it is not essential to have taken that first. The Collections Care module timetable and structure is set out below: • Week 1 - Preservation course outline and aims; the role of preservation in the long-term care of collections; • Week 2 - The specification and project management of new archival building; • Week 3 - The interpretation and utilisation of standards; • Week 4 - The function and integration of environmental monitoring within preservation • Management; • Week 5 - Visit to the University of the Arts London, Archives and Special Collections Centre, which includes the Stanley Kubrick Archive; • Week 6 - Moving archives and library collections; cleaning handling and book structure; • Week 7 - The practical application of digital preservation software; • Week 8 - Photographic preservation; • Week 9 - Preserving sound archives; visit to the British Library Sound Archive; • Week 10 - The conservation perspective on digitisation projects; collection needs. So, the development of a more integrated and flexible form of teaching is effectively responding to the current changes and needs of those entering the archive sector. UCL students are definitely competi- tive in the overloaded job market, which is itself being undermined by cuts in resources and the reduction of full-time positions for newly qualified archivists. A quick assessment of the other university courses offering archive management in the UK has shown that UCL is the only course (of the main four) that employs a specialist to teach the preservation and collections care elements. This is clearly a very specific and strong commitment from UCL, as the preservation teaching post is paid for as a visiting lecturer. The big question is “Do the students get a bet- ter experience from being taught by a practicing professional”? All the other courses cover preservation as part of the overall care of collections, and obviously those that provide a distance learning module (UCL does not) have to accept that the coverage is more general. One of the weaknesses of teaching a very theoretical subject, and one that has to take place within a university setting, is that the options for gaining practical experience are difficult to achieve - this is partly due to class size (at UCL the annual archival cohort is about 25) and also the difficulty in finding a venue large enough to accommodate this many students, coupled to the need for any institution to offer this activity for free. Having a practicing professional provide the teaching, and especially in the author’s case, a self-employed professional, brings a wide range of anecdotal information to back up the theory. In addition, the author has a large collection of photographs illustrating the issues covered in the teaching, and this serves to connect the students with the reality of the situations they will face in the future, and also serves to embed decision-making. Another factor that continues to challenge and shape the development of the MARM programme is student expectation. Most of the students will have a number of volunteer and/or paid placements in their portfolio of experience - indeed it is a requirement of the course. The full requirement is a minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, alongside a significant period of paid or voluntary employment in an archive or records service, or in a post with management responsibility for archives or records. This extended experience means that students starting the course already have a clear understanding of the world of archives and increasingly have a high expectation for the digital content of their teaching. This factor presents a wide range of challenges to the teaching team, especially as most of the stu- dents will get work in archives that have primarily analogue collections. The conundrum is how to effecti- vely include digital content? This is particularly so for the preservation sections of the module. Clearly the ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 214 Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS: Teaching Preservation to Students Archivists at University College London, 209-214 need to preserve digital information is as important, and in some ways (amongst UK archives), more important, due to a current failure in general to address this issue. However, the solutions to digital pre- servation are no more straight-forward than for paper archives - the information content still needs to be safe-guarded and the carrier of the information (be it a document or a hard drive) protected and preser- ved. UCL is very aware that the expectation of the students, and the content of the programme it pro- vides, is vital when students choosing a university. UCL is still one of the UK’s top choices for students, but in an ever-growing competitive environment, and when aligned with the significant costs of atten- ding university in the UK, the MARM programme needs to constantly review and change to meet needs, whilst ensuring that the core content is professionally sound and fit-for-purpose. The coursework for both of the modules, and especially for the Collections Care module, sets a couple of questions that require the students to create a scenario within a structured “plot”. The informa- tion provided is purposely vague, as the students need to be challenged - this is a Masters programme. Additionally, one of the questions requires the students to answer the question as a report to manage- ment, and this proves very challenging for each annual cohort. However, report writing in the current professional climate is vital, and being able to tailor thoughts and arguments for a specific, and non-pro- fessional audience is a very important skill. Conclusion All new archive professionals need to have a solid understanding of preservation and collection care issues. The key focus of those with responsibility for the collections in their care is to provide access to the information contained in the records; this access will be undermined if the carrier of the informa- tion is damaged to such a degree that it cannot be handled. Digitisation as a method to provide a substi- tute to the original is one of the ways to reduce the impact of use on fragile and unique materials, but it is only one of the options. The maintenance of the building, and a clear understanding of risk to the col- lections are vital to ensure long-term preservation. The building, and the resultant impacts of poor mana- gement and maintenance, is the one comparable issue that affects all archive professionals, whatever their language or national resources. So it is imperative that archival students have sound and detailed groun- ding in the issues of collection care and building management. At UCL this is provided via the commis- sioning of a practicing collection care professional and the university believes that this is vital for the ef- fective development of all archivists and into the future. References Aberystwyth University; MA Archive Administration: Archive Management: Archive Services, available at: ht- tps:// (accessed April 2017) Forde, H. and Rhys-Lewis, J., Preserving Archives, 2nd edition, Facet Publishing (2013) Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies; Archives & Records Management - Managing Services, Access & Preservation, available at: cords-management-ma/module-details/ (accessed April 2017) University College London; Department of Information Studies, available at: dis (accessed April 2017) University College London; MA in Archives & Records Management, available at: study/pg/TMAARMSING01B (accessed April 2017) University College London; INSTG060: Curation & Stewardship, available at: pg/INSTG060 (accessed April 2017) University College London; INSTG002 Collections Care, available at: STG002 (accessed April 2017) University of Dundee; Centre for Archive & Information Studies: Archive Services, Access & Preservation, avai- lable at: (accessed April 2017) Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 08.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 215 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona Omer ZULIĆ, Mr. Sc. JU Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona Tuzla, Franje Ledera br. 1., 75000 Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina e-mail: Importance of Educating Archival Personnel: Experiences of the Archive of Tuzla Canton ABSTRACT The basic presumption of establishing a valid system of protection and management of documents at registry offi- ces and archives is professional and trained archival staff. This assumption is particularly important in Bosnian ar- chives, since they all operate with significantly reduced personnel capacities. On the other hand, Bosnian archival service is, compared to countries in the region, most affected by the transition process, in which the archival servi- ce should act urgently, professionally and responsibly, in order to fulfil the basic function of protection of archives. In such circumstances, only trained personnel can be a guarantee of timely and adequate professional work on the challenges facing the archival service of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this paper, the author attempts through the experience of the Archives of Tuzla Canton to point out the importance of professional, educated staff in order to achieve the higher quality and better results in all fields of archives: of professional archival work to scientific rese- arch, publishing, cultural and educational activities. Key words: education, vocational training, archival personnel, Archives of Tuzla Canton L’importanza della formazione del personale archivistico: esperienze nell’Archivio del Cantone di Tuzla ABSTRACT Il presupposto base per la creazione di un valido sistema di protezione e gestione dei documenti presso gli uffici di registrazione e gli archivi è che il personale archivistico sia professionale ed addestrato. Questo presupposto è par- ticolarmente importante negli archivi bosniaci, poiché tutti funzionano con una capacità di personale significati- vamente ridotta. D’altro canto, il servizio archivistico bosniaco, rispetto ai paesi della regione, è maggiormente colpito dal processo di transizione, in cui il servizio d’archivio deve agire urgentemente, professionalmente e re- sponsabilmente, al fine di soddisfare la funzione fondamentale della protezione degli archivi. In tali circostanze, solo personale addestrato può essere garanzia di un lavoro professionale, tempestivo ed adeguato alle sfide che il servizio archivistico della Bosnia-Erzegovina deve affrontare. In questo articolo l’autore cita l’esperienza degli Ar- chivi del Canton Tuzla al fine di sottolineare l’importanza della presenza di personale professionale ed formato per ottenere una qualità superiore e migliori risultati in tutti i campi archivistici: dal lavoro archivistico professionale alla ricerca scientifica, a quello editoriale, culturale ed educativo. Parole chiave: formazione, formazione professionale, personale archivistico, archivio del Cantone di Tuzla Pomen strokovnega usposabljanja arhivskih kadrov: izkušnje Arhiva Tuzelskega kantona IZVLEČEK Osnovna predpostavka vzpostavitve dobrega sistema zaščite in upravljanja z dokumenti pri ustvarjalcih in v arhivih je strokoven in usposobljen arhivski kader. Ta kadrovska predpostavka je posebno pomembna v bosansko-herce- govskih arhivih, saj vsi delujejo z zelo zmanjšanimi kadrovskimi kapacitetami. Po drugi strani je bosansko-hercego- vska arhivska služba v primerjavi z drugimi državami v regiji najbolj zajeta v tranzicijske procese, v katerih je arhi- vska služba morala delovati hitro, strokovno in odgovorno, da bi izpolnila osnovno funkcijo zaščite arhivskega gradiva. V takšnih okoliščinah so le izobraženi kadri lahko jamstvo za pravočasno in primerno delovanje pri vseh izzivih, s katerimi se srečuje arhivska služba Bosne in Hercegovine. Avtor v prispevku preko izkušenj Arhiva Tuzel- skega kantona prikazuje pomen strokovnih in usposobljenih kadrov pri doseganju kar se da kakovostnih in boljših rezultatov na vseh področjih delovanja arhiva, od strokovno-arhivskega do znanstveno-raziskovalnega, publici- stičnega, kulturnega in izobraževalnega delovanja. Ključne besede: izobrazba, poklicno usposabljanje, arhivski kadri, Arhiv Tuzelskega kantona ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 216 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona ABSTRAKT Osnovna pretpostavka uspostavljanja valjanog sistema zaštite i upravljanja dokumentima u registraturama i arhivi- ma jesu stručni i osposobljeni arhivski kadrovi. Ta kadrovska pretpostavka naročito je bitna u bosanskohercego- vačkim arhivima, budući da svi djeluju sa značajno umanjenim kadrovskim kapacitetima. S druge strane, bosan- skohercegovačka arhivska služba je u odnosu na zemlje regiona najviše zahvaćena tranzicijskim procesima, u kojima je arhivska služba morala djelovati hitno, stručno i odgovorno, kako bi ispunila osnovnu funkciju zaštite arhivske građe. U takvim okolnostima, jedino edukovani kadrovi mogu biti garant pravovremenog i adekvatnog stručnog djelovanja na sve izazove sa kojima se susreće arhivska služba Bosne i Hercegovine. U ovom radu, autor nastoji kroz iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona ukazati na značaj stručnih, osposobljenih kadrova u postizanju što kvalitetni- jih i boljih rezultata na svim poljima djelovanja arhiva, od stručno-arhivističkog do naučno-istraživačkog, izda- vačkog, kulturnog i obrazovnog djelovanja. Ključne riječi: edukacija, stručno osposobljavanje, arhivski kadrovi, Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona 1 Uvodne napomene Stručno osposobljavanje arhivskih kadrova u Bosni i Hercegovini, pa samim time i u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona, jedna je od osnovnih pretpostavki uspješnog, stručnog i profesionalnog djelovanja u arhivskoj djelatnosti. Budući da u Bosni i Hercegovini ne postoji redovno, obrazovanje u okvirima školskih programa, to je jedini način sticanja novih, te usavršavanja i uobličavanja postojećih znanja, mo- guć u oblasti stručnog usavršavanja. U tom dijelu neophodno je potcrtati neophodnost cjeloživotnog učenja, naročito uzimajući u obzir činjenicu dinamičnog kretanja u arhivskoj djelatnosti, naročito u XXI stoljeću. Aktuelnost se ogleda i u tranzicijskim procesima koji na prostorima Bosne Hercegovine traju već treću deceniju, a koji su direktno uticali na arhivsku djelatnost u smislu pravovremenog i stručnog djelo- vanja na planu zaštite arhivske građe, prevashodno u registraturama, ali i arhivima. Specifičnost se ogleda i u činjenici da tranzicijski procesi u Bosni i Hercegovini još uvijek traju. U tom smislu znanja i kompe- tencije stručnih arhivskih kadrova moraju biti konstantno usavršavana i dodatno profilisana, kako bi arhivisti odgovorili na sva otvorena goruća pitanja u arhivskoj djelatnosti. Edukaciju arhivista u Bosni i Hercegovini u XXI stoljeću treba posmatrati kroz analizu i odnos raposloživih kadrova, dostignutih rezultata na planu stručnog osposobljavanja, te realnih potreba arhi- vske djelatnosti u XXI stoljeću. Kroz rad se nastoji ukazati na diskrepanciju, odnosno nesrazmjer u odno- sima postojećih arhivskih kadrova u odnosu na potrebe i zahtjeve vremena. To se prije svega vidi kroz broj kadrova u arhivima, čiji nedostatak u kvantitativnom smislu utiče i na kvalitativni dio u smislu rezultata postignutih na planu stručnog djelovanja. Taj odnos je nepovoljan, a u dogledno vrijeme se ne može očekivati poboljšanje istog u smislu kadrovskog jačanja. Stoga se kao realno rješenje za unapređenje vidi u stalnoj stručnoj edukaciji postojećih arhivskih kadrova. U tom smislu, kao pozitivan primjer ističe se Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona koji zadnjih godina kontinuirano posvećuje pažnju usavršavanju arhivskih kadrova, kako bi na taj način postojeći (nedovoljan) broj arhivskih kadrova mogao odgovoriti sve većem obimu sve raznovrsnijih, složenijih i zahtjevnijih radnih zadataka, problema i projekata u arhivskoj djela- tnosti. Naime, u proteklih sedam decenija arhivske djelatnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini, ista je bila bremeni- ta mnogobrojnim problemima, a jedan od najvećih i najznačajnijih jeste pitanje nedovoljnog broja arhi- vskih kadrova. Taj nedostatak kadrova u kvantitativnom smislu, se odrazio i na ukupne rezultate bosan- skohercegovačke arhivske struke u kvalitativnom smislu. Naime, budući da se u Bosni i Hercegovini arhivski kadrovi ne obrazuju u redovnom sistemu školovanja, kao rezultat istog u arhive dospijevaju ka- drovi uglavnom društvenog usmjerenja (historičari, pravnici, profesori jezika, itd.). Oni ulaze u svijet arhivistike sa nedovoljnim stručnim i praktičnim predznanjima. To podrazumijeva da se isti moraju edukovati kako bi mogli započeti samostalan rad u struci. Međutim, da bi isti postigli veće i zapaženije rezultate, odnosno da bi bili arhivski stručnjaci u pravom smislu riječi, isti moraju proći i u kontinuitetu prolaziti proces stručne edukacije. Na taj način se njihova znanja dodatno oblikuju i usavršavaju, na način da vremenom isti mogu preuzimati i realizirati veće i zahtjevnije stručne i druge projekte u smislu njiho- vog idejnog kreiranja, vođenja, organizacionih i drugih stručnih aktivnosti. 217 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 U takvim okolnostima arhivska služba Bosne i Hercegovine je nastojala da kroz edukaciju arhi- vskog kadra obezbijedi dobar kadrovski osnov za pravovremeno, adekvatno, stručno i profesionalno dje- lovanje struke. To je naročito došlo do izražaja na prelazu XX i XXI stoljeća, kada se u Bosni i Hercego- vini intenzivno odvijaju tranzicijski procesi. Isti su pred arhivsku djelatnost Bosne i Hercegovine postavili mnogobrojna otvorena pitanja na koja je trebalo hitno i odgovorno, ali iznad svega stručno i profesionalno reagovati i djelovati, a sve sa ciljem pravovremene zaštite arhivske građe, prevashodno u registraturama, ali i arhivima. Prepoznajući značaj edukovanih i stručnih arhivskih kadrova, menadžment Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona je istom poklanjao naročitu pažnju. Pri tome se vodilo računa da se u programe edukacije uključuju stručni zaposlenici iz svih sektora, od Vanjske službe, Službe obrade arhivske građe, korisničke službe, informatičke i dr. Programi edukacije su podrazumijevali učešće stručnih zaposlenika u raznim stručnim i naučnim skupovima Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i izvan njenih granica. Istovremeno su i stručni zaposlenici Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona provodili edukaciju arhivara u registraturama, te u okviru određenih projekata u Arhivu primjenjivali stečena znanja i iskustva. Pri tome je ključno da arhivski ka- drovi moraju biti spremni i na proces samoedukacije, odnosno dodatnog angažiranja i učenja putem do- stupne literature i drugih formi, u sopstvenoj režiji. Na taj način se iskazuje opredjeljenost i angažiranost za stalno, cjeloživotno učenje, a sve s ciljem sticanja novih znanja i kompetencija. Stoga ovaj rad ima za cilj da ukaže na pozitivne primjere Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, te da ponudi određene prijedloge u smislu poboljšanja trenutnog stanja u arhivskoj službi Bosne i Hercegovine. 2 Obrazovanje arhivskih kadrova kroz obrazovni proces u Bosni i Hercego- vini: realnost ili utopija Arhivski kadrovi bili su i ostali limitirajući faktor u razvoju arhivske struke, na nivou arhivske služ- be Bosne i Hercegovine, pa tako i Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona. Arhivi u Bosni i Hercegovini, pa samim time i Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona nikada nisu raspolagali sa dovoljnim brojem arhivskih kadrova. Osim toga, veoma važno je i pitanje kvaliteta arhivskih kadrova, na što je velikog uticaja imao sistem obrazova- nja, odnosno nivo znanja sa kojim su kadrovi dolazili u arhive i registrature, ali i od mogućnosti daljeg stručnog usavršavanja i osposobljavanja u okviru arhivske struke. U Bosni i Hercegovini nije postojao niti danas postoji sistem obrazovanja kadrova za arhivsku struku bilo kojeg nivoa. To je doprinijelo da se u arhivima i registraturama zapošljavaju kadrovi bez kvalitetnog obrazovanja (Šabotić, 2012, str. 101–119). Jedina vrsta stručnog obrazovanja u okvirima redovnog (visoko) školskog obrazovanja, odvija se kroz izučavanje predmeta Arhivistika na pojedinim filozofskim fakultetima, pri odsjecima za historiju. Na Univerzitetu u Tuzli se pri tome otišlo najdalje, gdje je u određenom vremenu osim izučavanja Arhi- vistike bilo omogućeno zainteresiranim studentima fakultativno izučavanje predmeta Arhivska praksa I, te Arhivska praksa II. Navedeni program je bio dobro osmišljen i organiziran sa praktičnim odvijanjem vježbi u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona i u registraturama1. Na taj način su studenti sticali dobra praktična znanja i osnovu za eventualni dalji rad i usavršavanje u ovoj djelatnosti. Međutim, sticajem okolnosti da- nas se na Filozofskom fakultetu u Tuzli, na odsjeku za Historiju izučava samo Arhivistika i to u nedovol- jnom broju nastavnih sati2. Dakle, suštinski i danas ne postoji sistemski organizovano obrazovanje ar- hivskih kadrova, kroz redovan obrazovni sistem u Bosni i Hercegovini. Mnogi stručnjaci u svojim teorijskim promišljanjima zagovaraju i insistiraju na potrebi uvođenja obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova kroz školske programe, od srednjoškolskog, preko dodiplomskog, ali i viših stupnjeva (drugi i treći ciklus). Na tome svakako treba insistirati i isto tražiti, ali u isto vrijeme treba 1. Za izvođenje praktičnih vježbi sa studentima bili su angažirani stručni zaposlenici Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, kao stručnjaci iz prakse. Najveći dio vježbi odvijao se u formi praktičnog rada sa studentima u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona, a u okviru nastavnog predmeta Arhivska praksa II, vježbe su se odvijale u registraturama, gdje su studenti mogli praktično učiti i usvajati znanja vezana za zaštitu arhivske građe nastajanju. 2. U akademskoj 2016/17. nastavni predmet Arhivistika je zastupljen samo u jednom, ljetnjem semestru sa ukupno tri sata, od čega se dva sata odnose na predavanje i jedan sat vježbi, što je nedovoljno, naročito u dijelu vježbi. Vidi: http://historija. Menadžment Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona je pokrenuo inicijativu prema Filozofskom fakultetu sa ciljem potpisivanja sporazuma o saradnji, kojim je između ostalog tražen veći broj sati na izvođenju nastavnog predmeta Arhivistika, te ponuđeno veće uključivanje Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona na planu praktičnih izvođenja vježbi sa studentima u Arhivu i registraturama. Do zaključenja ovog rada, sporazum nije potpisan zbog određenih kadrovskih promjena na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 218 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 biti realan i znati da se takvo što u Bosni i Hercegovini neće desiti uskoro. Stoga treba objektivno sagleda- ti šta se može uraditi u postojećim okolnostima, kako bi se preduprijedilo stanje stručnosti arhivskih ka- drova u bosanskoherecegovačkim arhivima. Na tim osnovama, realnim i objektivnim, u datim okolnosti- ma treba sagledati mogućnosti, za pravljenje određenih iskoraka na planu stručnog osposobljavanja kadrova. Jedini način jeste stručna, konstantna edukacija kadrova. To je u direktnoj nadležnosti mena- džmenta arhiva, gdje oni mogu uticati i iznalaziti odgovarajuća sredstva i mogućnosti za edukaciju zapo- slenika u arhivima. U međuvremenu treba stvarati pretpostavke i insistirati da u neko dogledno vrijeme u Bosni i Her- cegovini zaživi redovni sistem obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova, od srednjoškolskog do dodiplomskog, pa i u okviru drugog i trećeg ciklusa (Gušić, 2006, str. 271). 3 Modaliteti edukacije arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kanto- na Pitanje stručne edukacije i usavršavanja arhivskih kadrova u postojećim okolnostima nema alterna- tivu. Isto treba planirati i provoditi strategijski, dugoročno, u skladu sa zahtjevima ustanove, struke i vremena. Dakle, u prevodu ovo pitanje treba posmatrati sa više aspekata, te bi svaki arhiv tom pitanju trebao pristupiti zasebno, u skladu sa svojim prioritetima djelovanja i vizijom razvoja arhiva u narednom periodu. Dakako, arhivi i arhivska djelatnost puno toga imaju zajedničkoga, te se puno sadržaja i progra- ma može planirati na nivou arhivske službe, odnosno arhivske djelatnosti na nivou države. Kada su u pi- tanju arhivi pojedinačno, onda se isto mora posmatrati sa aspekta raspoloživih zaposlenika u smislu njihove kvalifikacione strukture, odnosno njihovih polaznih stručnih i kvalifikacionih znanja, predispo- zicija i sposobnosti. Da bi valjano dugoročno planirali edukaciju kadrova, moramo znati kojim kadrovima raspolaže- mo, njihovim znanjima i kompetencijama i u kom pravcu kojeg stručnog zaposlenika treba usmjeravati. Pri tome treba posebno tretirati stručno usavršavanje u dijelu koji se odnosi na osnovne radne zadatke, od usavršavanja u dijelu stručne, naučne, kulturne i druge djelatnosti arhiva u smislu nadgradnje ustanove i djelatnosti. Pri tome menadžmenti arhiva moraju procijeniti domete stručnih zaposlenika, te procijeniti koje od njih usmjeriti na edukaciju u okviru njihovih redovnih radnih zadataka, a koje u skladu sa nji- hovim mogućnostima i znanjima dodatno edukovati i uključivati u dodatne sadržaje, programe i projek- te, bilo u stručnom, organizacionom, tehničkom, ili nekom drugom pogledu. Ovo prije svega treba imati na umu jer bosanskohercegovački arhivi usljed manjka stručnih kadrova, pojedine zaposlenike angažiraju na više referata, odnosno projekata, shodno njihovim sposobnostima i stručnim orjentacijama. Dakle, stručna edukacija ne mora nužno ići uz radno mjesto nego određene stručne kompetencije tog zaposlen- ika, koji će se edukovati i usmjeriti, za arhiv u datom trenutku značajniji segment rada ili prioritetniji projekat. Pri utvrđivanju strategije djelovanja edukacije kadrova posebno treba uzeti u obzir specifičnosti vremena i okolnosti u kojima djeluje arhivska služba neke države. Pri tome mislimo na to da svaki vre- menski period nosi sa sobom neke specifične, nove izazove koje pred arhivsku službu postavljaju određeni društveni, politički, privredni i drugi procesi. Shodno tome, i sagledavanju stvarnih okolnosti i posebno- sti, arhivska služba treba da utvrđuje ptavac i prioritete djelovanja. Tako se na planu zaštite arhivske građe u nastajanju danas treba stručno edukovati u smislu snalaženja i iznalaženja adekvatnog rješenja na mnogobrojna otvorena pitanja vezana za tranzicijske pro- cese u društvu. Pitanje zapisa na novim nosiocima informacija, informatizacija pisarnica, informatizacija sistema upravljanja dokumentima u kancelarijskom i arhivskom poslovanju, pitanje zaštite i upravljanja zapisima na nekonvencionalnim nosačima (digitalni, mikrofilmski, audio, VHS, Beta i drugi nosioci), pred arhivsku službu postavljaju obavezu stručnog profiliranja kadrova koji rade na tim poslovima. Na taj način stručno osposobljeni arhivisti na terenu moraju odgovoriti svim izazovima i ponuditi odgovore na mnoga otvorena i postavljena pitanja, a kako ne bi došao u pitanje sistem upravljanja dokumentima, a pogotovo ne njegova zaštita. Osim stručnog osposobljavanja vlastitih kadrova, Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona je radio permanent- no i na edukaciji arhivara u registraturama, kroz stalne konsultacije, zatim kroz projekat „Arhivska prak- 219 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 sa“ (više o uticaju projekta Arhivska praksa na edukaciju arhivskih kadrova vidjeti Šabotić, 2012, str. 101– 119), a posebno kroz seminare i radionice, posvećene određenoj ciljnoj grupi i temi3. Aktivnosti Vanjske službe kao rezultat stručnosti kadrova ogleda se i u rezultatima na planu preuzimanja sazrele i ugrožene arhivske građe u Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona, što predstavlja krunu rada na planu zaštite arhivske građe van arhiva. Stručnost se ogledala i u pravovremenom djelovanju u mnogim drugim kriznim situacijama, kao što su elementarne nepogode, protesti, a što je za rezultat imalo spaša- vanje arhivske građe ugrožene požarima i poplavama4. Zahvaljujući angažiranosti stručnih zaposlenika Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, te njihovoj konstantnoj edukaciji danas Arhiv ima osposobljene kadrove za mnogobrojne sadržaje i projekte, od organizacije i realizacije seminara i stručnih i naučnih skupova, is- traživačkom i izdavačkom planu, kulturno-obrazovnoj djelatnosti, itd. Nadalje, u strategijskom djelovanju, u procesima arhivističke obrade arhivske građe, arhivisti mora- ju biti edukovani u primjeni savremenih metoda i standarda obrade arhivskih fondova i zbirki. U tom smislu edukacija podrazumijeva i edukaciju na planu izrade savremenih naučno-obavještajnih sredstava koji moraju ići u korak sa vremenom i preporukama najviših stručnih tijela i asocijacija na evropskom i svjetskom nivou, a u smislu elemenata opisa i drugih obvezujućih segmenata5. Naposljetku, zapisi na novim nosiocima informacija, se već preuzimaju u arhive, te će u dogledno vrijeme će biti i predmetom stručne arhivističke obrade, što takođe podrazumijeva dodatna stručna znanja i kompetencije. Služba za rad sa korisnicima, je u novije vrijeme postala jako dinamičan sektor svih arhiva. To je posljedica više razloga. Jedan je da su arhivi u novije vrijeme sve više otvoreni prema stručnoj, naučnoj, ali i široj javnosti. S druge strane sve veći priliv preuzete arhivske građe utiče na povećani broj korisnika. Tranzicijski procesi u društvu takođe utiču na dinamiku traženja informacija, a u svrhu ostvarivanja rad- no-pravnih i drugih dokazno-pravnih radnji. Pri tome savremene korisničke službe arhiva nisu samo ad- ministrativni i činovnički centri, već stručne službe koje daju svu neophodnu stručnu pomoć istraživači- ma u smislu usmjerenja za istraživanje. Savremeni trendovi u korisničkoj službi, podrazumijevaju i olakšan dostup do traženih informacija putem interneta, što je proces koji svi arhivi moraju provesti. Ušteda dragocjenog vremena današnjeg istraživača je ogromna, jer za kratak vremenski period istraživač iz svoga doma provjeri koji arhivski fondovi ili zbirke sadrže njemu potrebne podatke i istog momenta putem e-mail poruke podnosi zahtjev za istraživanje, navodeći precizno koji fond, kutiju, pa često i koji dokument želi pogledati (vidi Fetahagić, 2016, str. 135–147). Na taj način se svim zainteresi- ranim građanima i istraživačima omogućava bez čekanja i redova, podnošenje zahtjeva. Takav je slučaj sa Arhivom Tuzlanskog kantona6. Novi trendovi podrazumijevaju i stručne kadrove, ali i informatičku opremu za provođenje po- stupka tehničko-tehnološke zaštite, prevashodno digitalizacije i mikrofilmovanja. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kan- tona već duži niz godina provodi navedeni postupak, kojim je više desetina hiljada dokumenata stavljeno u navedene digitalne i analogne forme. Zadnjih godina Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona je nabavio određenu opremu (skenere) za samostalno provođenje procesa digitalizacije7. Na taj način se navedeni procesi odvi- jaju u kontinuitetu u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona. Naravno, za navedeni postupak su edukovana lica koja na istom rade svakodnevno. 3. Tako je Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona posebno održavao seminare za registrature iz oblasti obrazovanja, NVO sektora, privrede, medijskih kuća, itd. 4. Zahvaljujući stručnosti i požrtvovanosti stručnih zaposlenika Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona spašene su značajne količine arhivske građe, ugrožene kao posljedica protesta i elementarnih nepogoda 2014. godine. Više o tome vidi: Zulić, Omer (2014). Uloga Vanjske službe na zaštiti registraturne građe u vanrednim okolnostima, U: Arhivska praksa br. 17, Tuzla, str. 22-32. 5. Shodno tome Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona je uradio Vodič kroz arhivske fondove i zbirke Arhiva TK, u kojem su zastupljeni novi trendovi i standardi. Više o tome vidi u: Isić, Selma (2014). Značaj predstavljanja arhivskih fondova i zbirki i izrade vodiča - iskustva Arhiva TK, U: Glasnik arhiva i Arhivističkog udruženja Bosne i Hercegovine, XLIV/2014, Sarajevo, str. 60- 67. 6. Vidi: Link: usluge. 7. U kolikoj mjeri su menadžmenti Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona poklanjali pažnju nabavci neophodne informacione opreme, kao osnovne pretpostavke za nadgradnju ustanove i boljim rezultatima, vidjeti u: Zulić, Omer (2016a). Vanbudžetske finansijske mogućnosti u funkciji ukupne nadgradnje arhiva - iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, Glasnik Arhiva i Arhivističkog udruženja Bosne i Hercegovine, XLVI/2016, Sarajevo, str. 47-57. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 220 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 U proteklih nekoliko decenija na području nadležnosti Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona nastali su značajni zapisi na VHS, Beta i drugim kasetama. Ovo je posebno bitno i karakteristično za period agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu, kada su nastali mnogobrojni zapisi, kao dokumentarni materijal, o namjerama i razmjerama agresije, te ljudskog stradanja i materijalnog razaranja. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kanto- na je prepoznao značaj navedenih historijskih izvora, te preduzeo stručne aktivnosti na preuzimanju i spašavanju istih. Nabavljena je određena informatička oprema, edukovan kadar, koji radi na kon- tinuiranom konvertovanju VHS zapisa u digitalnu formu8. Kako bi se u cjelosti uspostavio sistem upravljanja zapisima u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona data su posebna zaduženja za praćenje i kontrolu sistema upravljanja konvencionalnim zapisima, a posebno za zapise na novim nosiocima informacija, za koje je zadužen poseban zaposlenik, koji naravno ima po- trebne stručne kvalifikacije za isto. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona zapošljava 12 zaposlenika, od kojih je devet stručnih zaposlenika. Kva- lifikaciona struktura stručnih zaposlenika je slijedeća: dva magistra nauka i sedam zaposlenika sa visokom stručnom spremom. Dakle, iako ima mali broj zaposlenih, kvalifikaciona struktura zaposlenih je zado- voljavajuća, jer su u 100% procentu stručni zaposlenici sa visokom stručnom spremom, što nije slučaj sa ostalim bosanskohercegovačkim arhivima. Od navedenih devet stručnih zaposlenika njih pet su histo- ričari, dva profesora jezika, jedan orjentalista i jedan ekonomista. Od navedenog broja stručnih zaposle- nika, sa aspekta stručnih zvanja, Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona ima četiri arhivska savjetnika, dva viša arhivi- sta i tri arhivista. Dakle, Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona ima izuzetno povoljnu i kvalifikacionu i stručnu strukturu kadrova. Uzimajući u obzir povoljnu kvalifikacionu i stručnu strukturu, Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona uspijeva unatoč malom broju istih, planirati i realizirati mnogobrojne sadržaje i projekte iz obla- sti stručne arhivske, ali i naučne, obrazovne, kulturne, izdavačke djelatnosti. Pri tome Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona ima osposobljene timove koji su u mogućnosti da organiziraju i realiziraju i nasloženije sadržaje i projekte kako u organizacionom, stručnom, tehničkom i svakom drugom pogledu. U Arhivu postoje timovi stručnih zaposlenika za organizacije i pripreme savjetovanja, seminara, okruglih stolova, obilježavanje značajnih datuma, zatim u okviru izdavačke djelatnosti za lektorske, ko- rektorske, uređivačke, tehničke, dizajnerske i druge poslove. Isto je posljedica kontinuiranog djelovanja na planu edukacije arhivskih kadrova. Stručni zaposlenici se aktivno uključuju u sve sadržaje Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, ali i drugih arhiva, te na konferencijama, savjetovanjima, seminarima i drugim pro- gramima, koji za rezultat imaju sticanje novih znanja i vještina. Edukaciji arhivista značajno je doprinijela i Konferencija u Trstu (Jesenja škola u Trstu) koju svake godine pohađa jedan stručni zaposlenik iz Arhi- va Tuzlanskog kantona9. Na taj način stečena i usvojena znanja se prenose na radne procese i projekte u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona. Praćenje aktuelnih procesa u društvu naročito u vremenu tranzicije, a posebno krajem prošlog i početkom XXI stoljeća pred arhive su postavili nove izazove u dijelu primjene savremenih informacionih tehnologija. Naime, djelatnost arhiva na planu zaštite arhivske građe u nastajanju, ali i arhivima, prezen- tacija rezultata, prezentacija arhivske građe, komunikacija sa korisnicima, pred arhive su postavili potrebu informacionog jačanja, ali i kadrovskog jačanja u tom dijelu. Kako bi rezultati na navedenim poljima bili još bolji neophodno je stalno insistiranje na kadrovskom jačanju, odnosno zapošljavanju novih stručnih kadrova. Jedan od bitnih segmenata stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova (u arhivima i registratura- ma) treba analizirati i kroz propisanu obavezu polaganja stručnih ispita u arhivskoj djelatnosti. Tom pi- tanju je Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona posvećivao posebnu pažnju. Pitanje edukacije u dijelu važeće zakon- ske regulative autor u radu prevashodno promatra kroz važeće propise o polaganju stručnih arhivističkih 8. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona je na taj način preuzeo, zaštitio i konvertovao zapise sa preko 500 VHS kaseta u digitalnu formu, te dodatno zaštitio čuvanjem istih na nekoliko različitih medija i lokacija. Osim navedenih zapisa koji se odnose na javnu arhivsku građu iz ratnog perioda, preuzet je i zaštićen, te konvertovan veliki broj zapisa od strane drugih pravnih i fizičkih lica. Vidi: Zulić, Omer (2016b). Posebnosti zaštite i preuzimanja arhivske građe ratne provenijencije (1992-1995) na području nadležnosti Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, U: Zbornik radova sa 49. Savjetovanja hrvatskih arhivista, Arhivi i domovinski rat, Plitvice, str. 307-321. i, Vodič kroz arhivske fondove i zbirke Arhiva TK. 9. Naime, od 2008. godine Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona redovno upućuje stručne zaposlenike u pomenutu školu, koji tamo stečena i usvojena znanja i vještine prenose na radne procese u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona. 221 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 ispita na nivou nadležnosti Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona10. Ono što nije dobro sadržano je u činjenici da svaki arhiv Bosni Hercegovini priprema i organizuje ispite za svoje zaposlenike i arhivare. Iako su u rani- jem periodu postojale inicijative da se to uredi na nivou države, te da svi stručni zaposlenici polažu jedno- obrazno po istom programu stručni ispit na državnom nivou, to do sada nije realizovano. Ove godine takođe je pokrenuta inicijativa, preko Arhivskog vijeća Bosne i Hercegovine, da se isto uredi na nivou države. Ono što bi svakako propisima trebalo biti definisano, kao obaveza arhivista, jeste obaveza da isti kontinuirano daju određeni stručni doprinos razvoju arhivske djelatnosti, kroz učešće u organizaciji i re- alizaciji projekata, učešću na skupovima, pisanju stručnih radova, itd. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona je u skladu sa planiranom strategijom i prioritetima djelovanja, nastojao da i dodatnim angažiranjem i saradnjom s vanjskim saradnicima radi na realizaciji ključnih projekata za Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona. Jedan od značajnijih na tom planu jeste projekat prevođenja i publikovanja dokumenata iz Orijentalne zbirke Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona. Budući da je za prevod sa Staroosman- skog na Bosanski jezik neophodno dobro poznavanje istog, Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona je na tim poslovi- ma angažovao vanjskog saradnika, koji je imao tražene kompetencije. Rezultat te saradnje jeste nekoliko publikacija koje su danas dostupne svim zainteresiranim korisnicima, jer više ne postoji barijera pozna- vanja jezika i pisma11. 4 Neophodnost edukacija arhivskih kadrova u dijelu primjene informacionih tehnologija Klasično obrazovanje arhivista uveliko je prevaziđeno. Današnje potrebe društva i same arhivske djelatnosti upućuju na potrebu usvajanja multidisciplinarnih znanja u ovoj kompleksnoj i zahtjevnoj dje- latnosti. Poznavanje klasične arhivistike i tradicionalnog upravljanja dokumentima ni izbliza ne zado- voljava moderne, savremene potrebe arhiva i društvene zajednice. Danas se od modernog arhiviste očekuje prije svega poznavanje informacijskih tehnologija, te mnoštva specifičnosti, odnosa arhivskih dokumena- ta i novog informatičkog odruženja, u kome dokumenti nastaju i pomoću kojih se na moderan način upravlja i koristi dokumentima12. Dakle, u dijelu informacionih tehnologija, nova znanja su neophodna u svim oblastima rada arhiva, od zaštite arhivske građe van arhiva, gdje u novije vrijeme nastaje sve veća produkcija spisa u digitalnoj formi, pa do ostalih službi arhiva. Edukovan i stručno osposobljen arhivist mora imati stručni stav i odgo- vor na sva eventualna problematiziranja sistema upravljanja dokumentima u elektronskoj formi u na- stajanju. U tom kontekstu je osim znanja i stručnosti arhivista neophodan i valjan zakonski okvir koji bi usmjerio i obavezao sve aktere od arhiva do registratura, da djeluju sinhronizovano i sistemski. Stoga je Stručno vijeće Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona između ostalog izradilo prijedlog izmjena i dopuna Zakona o arhivskoj djelatnosti, u kojem su definisana pitanja i odrednice vezane za sistem upravljanja zapisima u digitalnoj formi13. Pitanje obrade, korištenja i svih drugih oblika upravljanja spisima u sekundarnoj fazi zaštite u arhivima takođe podrazumijeva određena znanja i vještine u dijelu upravljanja dokumentima. Dakle, ukratko, u XXI stoljeću informatička znanja i vještine i njihovu primjenu u radnim procesima i 10. Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona je na planu polaganja stručnih ispita, dao prijedlog resornom ministarstvu za izmjenu i dopunu postojećeg podzakonskog akta, u dijelu da se novim Pravilnikom i Programima posebno definiše polaganje stručnih arhivističkih ispita za arhivske kadrove u arhivima, a posebno za polaganje stručnih arhivarskih ispita za arhivske kadrove u registraturama. Taj prijedlog je prihvaćen od strane resornog ministarstva i isti se primjenjuje od početka 2013. godine. Vidjeti više u: Pravilnik o arhivističkim/arhivarskim zvanjima, uslovima i načinu sticanja osnovnih i viših stručnih zvanja u arhivskoj djelatnosti (2013). Službene novine Tuzlanskog kantona, br. 1. 11. Projekat je rađen u sardnji sa dr. Tufanom Gunduzom i Kemalom Nurkićem, a prevedena su i publikovani slijedeći defteri i sidžili: dr. Tufan Gündüz, (2008), Tuzlanski, bijeljinski i srebrenički sidžil, (1641-1833), Tuzla.; Mr. Kemal Nurkić (2009), Popis bijeljinskog kadiluka-Mulkovna dobra, Tuzla.; Mr. Kemal Nurkić, Dr. Izet Šabotić (2011), Tapy zabit defter Gradačac - Defter nekretnina Gradačac iz 1875/1292godine, Tuzla.; Mr. Kemal Nurkić (2013), Gračanički defter 1292. h./1875 godine - Područje opštine Doboj Istok sa naseljenim mjestima Klokotnica, Velika Brijesnica, Mala Brijesnica, Lukavica Rijeka i Stanić Rijeka, Tuzla. 12. Selma Isić (2012), Obrazovanje i edukacija arhivista i multidisciplinarna znanja, Arhivska praksa br. 15, Tuzla, str. 33, 34. 13. Službene novine Tuzlanskog kantona br. 13/11. Međutim, usljed tehničkih detalja, nisu svi prijedlozi usvojeni, jer je zakonodavac ocijenio da je za jednu proceduru izmjene zakona previše novih odredbi, odnosno članova. Stoga je Stručno vijeće Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, naknadno ponovno usvojilo i proslijedilo u proceduru usvajanja prijedlog izmjena i dopuna Zakona o arhivskoj djelatnosti, kako bi zakonodavno ovo pitanje bilo uobličeno, te kako bi arhivisti u registraturama mogli u potpunosti primjenjivati ponuđena zakonska rješenja. Međutim i pored mnogobrojnih urgencija isto još uvijek nije usvojeno. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 222 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 stručnim projektima trebalo bi ubrajati u elementarne oblike znanja i pismenosti. U tom smislu arhivist mora stalno učiti i proširivati svoja znanja i vještine, kako bi pravovremeno, stručno i profesionalno mo- gao odgovoriti na sve izazove koje pred njega postavlja XXI stoljeće. Da bi stručni i osposobljeni kadrovi mogli adekvatno odgovoriti svakom izazovu i zadatku, oni osim znanja moraju imati sve neophodne pretpostavke u smislu informacione opreme. Tu obavezu i od- govornost moraju preuzeti menadžmenti arhiva, te iznaći način i mogućnost da obezbijede neophodna sredstva, odnosno informacionu opremu. Prepoznajući značaj navedenog u Arhivu Tuzlanskog kantona, su napravljeni značajni koraci, po pitanju obezbjeđenja prevashodno informacione infrastrukture, ali svakako i edukacije arhivskih kadro- va. Pri tome se pažnja poklanjala svim sferama i službama u arhivu, ali se posebna pažnja poklanja primje- ni informacionih tehnologija u dijelu zaštite arhivske građe u nastajanju, tehničko-tehnološke zaštite građe u arhivu, te prezentacije rada arhiva prema potencijalnim korisnicima. Navedene novine su imale zapažene rezultate, naročito kod profesionalnih istraživača i korisnika, koji su iskoristili prednosti nave- denog postupka14. U vrijeme globalizacijskih tokova i sve bržeg ritma života, pred arhive se sve više nameće potreba plasiranja i prezentacije arhivske građe putem interneta. U tom smislu neophodna je bila edukacija „arhi- viste-informatičara“ koji je navedene informacije mogao plasirati i ponuditi korisnicima on-line. U tom smislu značajno je navesti iskustvo Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, gdje je stručni, edukovani „arhivist-in- formatičar“ prilagodio softverski program pod nazivom „ICA Atom“ za potrebe Arhiva Tuzlanskog kan- tona, ali svakako i arhivske službe Bosne i Hercegovine15. Naime, potreba za organiziranim i sistemski plasiranim informacijama iza kojih stoje ustanove (arhivi) koje garantuju njihovu istinitost, autentičnost i vjerodostojnost postaje sve izraženija i traženija u savremenom svijetu okruženom internetskim i sa- držajima društvenih mreža koje pružaju obilje neprovjerenih i nepouzdanih informacija. Dakako, da bi ovo pitanje bilo u potpunosti zaokruženo bilo je neophodno imati stručnu i osposo- bljenu osobu koja bi mogla zadovoljiti zahtjevima vremena. U tom smislu Arhiv TK je 2014. godine u cilju konačnog, sistemskog rješenja inicirao izmjenu i dopunu Pravilnika o unutrašnjoj organizaciji u di- jelu koji se odnosi na planiranje radnog mjesta arhiviste-informatičara, koji bi zadovoljio te potrebe16. Prijedlog je usvojen od strane osnivača, ali nije omogućeno popunjavanje navedenog radnog mjesta do daljnjeg. U tom smislu se pristupilo iznalaženju drugog rješenja, na način da se od postojećih zaposlenih kadrova imenuje i zaduži osoba, za kompletan informacioni sistem i program. Na taj način je Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona u navedenom proteklom periodu uspio u potpunosti staviti u funkciju cjelokupnu informacionu infrastrukturu, ažurirati i redovno održavati veb portal Arhiva, raditi na procesu konverto- vanja VHS i drugih nekonvencionalnih zapisa u digitalni oblik. Navedena osoba, je zadužena za usposta- vljanje sistema kontrole i praćenja zapisa u elektronskoj formi, shodno čemu se redovno godišnje vrše kontrole postojanosti digitalnih zapisa, te njihovo migriranje na nove. 5 Završna razmatranja Arhivska služba Bosne i Hercegovine u današnjim teškim ekonomskim prilikama ne može realno očekivati brzo poboljšanje u dijelu kadrovskog jačanja u arhivima, niti obrazovanje arhivskih kadrova u redovnom obrazovnom sistemu. Stoga preostaje, kao jedina realna mogućnost dodatno angažovanje na 14. Korištenje arhivskih fondova i zbirki putem interneta, je poželjno za iskusne, profesionalne istraživače koji poznaju metodologiju i način korištenja, te postupak na koji način i gdje mogu naći informaciju. Međutim, za istraživače kojima to nije profesionalna orijentacija, ovaj način korištenja izvora uveliko otežava rad, jer isti često ne znaju način i tehniku korištenja informativnih i naučno-obavještajnih sredstava arhiva. Često istraživači amateri ne znaju gdje i kako doći do željene informacije, u kom slučaju im arhivist koji radi u službi sa korisnicima može dati korisne upute, na koji način, u kojem fondu, štampi i slično mogu naći željenu informaciju. Vidjeti više u: Šauperl, A., Vilar, P., Šabotić, I., Semlič-Rajh, Z., Mezek, L. i Fetahagić, Hatidža (2016). Profil korisnika koji treba arhiv za osvarivanje građanskih prava, U: Arhivska praksa br. 19, Tuzla, str. 123-134. 15. O navedenom programskom rješenju vidjeti više u: Tinjić, Adnan (2015). Korištenje Open source softvera u arhivima- iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, U: Arhivska praksa br. 18., Tuzla, str. 272-282. 16. Navedenim izmjenama Pravilnika tražena je i odobrena dopuna sistematizacije novih radnih mjesta za obradu arhivske građe na osmanskom i njemačkom jeziku (gotica). Na taj način je Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona stvorio formalno-pravne pretpostavke za prijem stručnih i kvalifikovanih kadrova na ovim izuzetno značajnim poslovima obrade, ali i prevođenja arhivske građe, kako bi navedeni izvori bili dostupni cjelokupnoj javnosti. 223 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 planu stručnog usavršavanja postojećeg kadra, kako bi rezultati rada bili na što većem nivou. Da bi arhi- vski kadrovi odgovorili zahtjevima današnjice, kako na planu zaštite arhivske građe u nastajanju, ali i arhivima, te u radu sa korisnicima, kadrovi moraju imati određene stručne kompetencije i znanja. Ta znanja i kompetencije moraju pratiti zahtjeve i specifičnosti vremena, na kojim osnovama će se bazirati strategija daljeg, stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova. Tu nastupaju menadžmenti arhiva koji mo- raju dugoročno planirati, kreirati i omogućiti edukacije stručnim zaposlenicima, koji imaju afiniteta, pre- dznanja, ali i volje za dodatnim učenjem i usavršavanjem. Pri tome je jako bitno, da stručni zaposlenici iskažu spremnost za stručno usavršavanje, ali i samoedukaciju. U tom smislu direktori arhiva moraju re- alno i stručno osmišljavati modalitete i prioritete usavršavanja stručnih zaposlenika, a u skladu sa zahtje- vima struke i vremena. Na taj način arhivi, menadžmenti i zaposlenici, iskazuju spremnost da daju doprinos razvoju arhi- vske djelatnosti kroz edukaciju, usavršavanje, davanje stručnih prijedloga u dijelu zakonskih rješenja, itd. Tako pokazuju i dokazuju da je moguće napraviti određene pozitivne iskorake, u datim, teškim okolno- stima, a sve to zahvaljujući dodatnom angažmanu i posvećenosti svom poslu. Na tim osnovama se od osnivača i društvene zajednice može argumentovano tražiti i njihovo veće zalaganje, kako bi rezultati na planu razvoja i stasavanja arhivske službe bili još veći. Literatura i pravni izvori Fetahagić, Hatidža (2016). Arhivski fondovi i zbirke u službi korisnika (Iskustvo Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona. Arhivska praksa br. 19, Tuzla. Gušić, Sejdalija (2006). Edukacija arhivista u Bosni i Hercegovini - potrebe i perspektive, U: Zbornik radova: Prvi kongres arhivista Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo Isić, Selma (2012). Obrazovanje i edukacija arhivista i multidisciplinarna znanja. Arhivska praksa br. 15, Tuzla. Isić, Selma (2014), Značaj predstavljanja arhivskih fondova i zbirki i izrade vodiča - iskustva Arhiva TK, U: Glasnik arhiva i Arhivističkog udruženja Bosne i Hercegovine, XLIV/2014, Sarajevo. Pravilnik o arhivističkim/arhivarskim zvanjima, uslovima i načinu sticanja osnovnih i viših stručnih zvanja u arhi- vskoj djelatnosti (2013). Službene novine Tuzlanskog kantona, br. 1. Šabotić, Izet (2012). Projekat „Arhivska praksa“ u funkciji edukacije arhivskih kadrova. Arhivska praksa br. 15, Tuzla. Šauperl, Alenka et al (2016). Profil korisnika koji treba arhiv za ostvarivanje građanskih prava. Arhivska praksa br. 19, Tuzla. Tinjić, Adnan (2015). Korištenje Open source softvera u arhivima-iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona. Arhivska praksa br. 18., Tuzla. Zakon o arhivskoj djelatnosti Tuzlanskog kantona (2000). Službene novine Tuzlanskog kantona, br. 15. Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o arhivskoj djelatnosti Tuzlanskog kantona (2011). Službene novine Tuzlanskog kantona, br. 13. Zulić, Omer (2014). Uloga Vanjske službe na zaštiti registraturne građe u vanrednim okolnostima. Arhivska prak- sa br. 17, Tuzla. Zulić, Omer (2016a). Vanbudžetske finansijske mogućnosti u funkciji ukupne nadgradnje arhiva - iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona. Glasnik Arhiva i Arhivističkog udruženja Bosne i Hercegovine, XLVI/2016, Sarajevo. Zulić, Omer (2016b). Posebnosti zaštite i preuzimanja arhivske građe ratne provenijencije (1992-1995) na po- dručju nadležnosti Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona. U: Zbornik radova sa 49. Savjetovanja hrvatskih arhivista, Arhivi i domovinski rat, Plitvice SUMMARY In these difficult economic circumstances Archival Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina can not realistically expect a quick improvement in the area of personnel strengthening in the archives or education of archival staff in the regular educational system. To ensure that archival staff can answer the demands of today, in the field of protection of records outside as well as inside the archives, and in dealing with citizens and researchers, staff must have a cer- tain professional competence and knowledge. This knowledge and competence must follow the requirements and specifics of time, on what basis will be based the strategy for further, vocational training of archival staff. This is ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 224 Omer ZULIĆ: Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja arhivskih kadrova: Iskustva Arhiva Tuzlanskog kantona, 215-224 where managements of archives that have a long-term plan, create and provide professional training to employees, who have affinities, knowledge, and desire for additional education and improvement. It is very important that professional employees express readiness for professional training, and self-education. In this regard, directors of archives must realistically and professionally devise modalities and priorities of the education of professional staff, and in accordance with the requirements of the profession and time. In this way, archives, with both management and employees, expressed willingness to contribute to the development of archival activities through education, training, giving expert proposals of legal solutions, etc. We are aiming to show and prove that it is possible to make some positive steps forward, under the given, difficult circumstances, all thanks to the additional commitment and dedication to work. On this basis, we could ask more from founders and broader community for their greater commitment, so that results in terms of development and maturation of the archival service become even greater. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 04.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 225 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections Marie RYANTOVÁ, Ph.D. The Institute of Archival Science and Auxiliary Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Arts at the South Bohemian University in České Budějovice e-mail: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections ABSTRACT The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century brought numerous changes to Archival science. Not only employees of different archives, but also universities, resp. educational institutions, which trains these workers, have to cope with them. Archivists will still need „traditional“knowledge of Auxiliary historical sciences or History of administration in the future, but simultaneously it will be necessary to develop a more significant specialization in information science or create directly „Cyber archival science“. Archivists should obtain at least basic knowledge of computer science or so-called History informatics, Digital humanities and Cyber security. However, the knowledge gained at the beginning of archivist’s career is not sufficient for the entire duration of its course - and so besides university education or other special trainings possibilities for further education and the expansion of professional competencies in different areas must be developed. Key words: Czech Republic, Archive Education, Tuition of Archival Science, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, Infor- matics, Digital Humanities, Digitization, Lifelong Learning La formazione degli archivisti nel XXI secolo: alcune riflessioni SINTESI La fine del XX secolo e l'inizio del XXI secolo hanno portato numerosi cambiamenti nell’archivistica. Non solo i funzionari dei diversi archivi, ma anche le università e i responsabili degli istituti scolastici, che formano questi la- voratori, devono far loro fronte. Gli archivisti avranno ancora bisogno in futuro delle conoscenze "tradizionali" delle scienze storiche ausiliarie o della storia dell'amministrazione, ma allo stesso tempo sarà necessario sviluppare una specializzazione più significativa nella scienza dell'informazione o creare direttamente una "cyber-scienza ar- chivistica". Gli archivisti dovrebbero possedere conoscenze almeno basilari di scienze informatiche o della cosid- dette storia informatica, umanesimo digitale e cyber-sicurezza. Le conoscenze acquisite all'inizio della carriera dell'archivista non sono sufficienti per tutta la durata del percorso professionale e quindi oltre alla formazione universitaria o ad altre opportunità di formazione speciale devono essere sviluppate possibilità di ulteriore istruzio- ne e l'allargamento delle competenze professionali in diverse aree. Parole chiave: Repubblica Ceca, formazione archivistica, formazione archivistica, scienze storiche ausiliari, infor- matica, umanesimo digitale, digitalizzazione, formazione permanente Nekaj razmišljanj o usposabljanju arhivistov v 21. stoletju IZVLEČEK Konec 20. stoletja in začetek 21. stoletja sta v arhivsko znanost prinesla številne spremembe. Ne samo zaposleni iz različnih arhivov, ampak tudi univerze, oz. izobraževalne ustanove, ki usposabljajo te delavce, se morajo spoprijeti z njimi. Arhivisti bodo v prihodnosti še vedno potrebovali »tradicionalno« znanje o pomožnih zgodovinskih ve- dah ali zgodovini uprave, hkrati pa bo potrebno razviti pomembnejšo specializacijo na področju informacijske znanosti ali ustvariti neposredno »kibernetsko arhivsko znanost«. Arhivisti morajo pridobiti vsaj osnovno znanje s področja računalništva ali tako imenovane zgodovinske informatike, digitalne humanistike in računalniške var- nosti. Vendar pa pridobljeno znanje na začetku arhivske kariere ne zadošča za celotno trajanje dela, zato je potrebo poleg univerzitetnega izobraževanja ali drugih posebnih usposabljanj razviti možnosti za nadaljnje izobraževanje in širitev strokovnih kompetenc na različnih področjih. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 226 Marie RYANTOVÁ: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections, 225-233 Ključne besede: Češka republika, arhivsko izobraževanje, poučevanje arhivske znanosti, pomožne zgodovinske vede, informatika, digitalna humanistika, digitalizacija, vseživljenjsko učenje Průprava archivářů v 21. Století: několik úvah ABSTRAKT Konec 20. a počátek 21. století přinesl do oboru archivnictví četné změny, s nimiž se musí vyrovnávat nejen praco- vníci nejrůznějších typů archivů, ale i školy, resp. vzdělávací instituce, které tyto pracovníky připravují. Ani v bu- doucnu se archiváři neobejdou bez „tradičních“ znalostí pomocných věd historických či dějin správy, současně však bude třeba rozvíjet výraznější specializaci na informační vědy, nebo přímo „kyberarchivnictví“. I když technická stránka archi- vace zřejmě zůstane úkolem specialistů v tomto oboru, spolupráce archivářů a informatiků bude nadále nezbytně potřebná a archiváři by měli získat alespoň základní informace v rámci informatiky či tzv. historické informatiky (History Informatics), Digital Humanities nebo kybernetické bezpečnosti. Znalosti získané na prahu kariéry ovšem rozhodně nevystačí po celou další dobu jejího průběhu, a tak vedle universitní či jiné speciální výuky archivnictví (a vlastního sebevzdělávání) musí být rozvíjeny i možnosti dalšího vzdělávání a rozšiřování odborných kompetencí, a to v různých oblastech a různou formou. Key words: Česká republika, archivní vzdělání, výuka archivnictví, pomocné vědy historické, informatika, Digital Humanities, digitalizace, celoživotní vzdělávání Archival science belongs to one of the oldest branches of human society. Over the centuries a who- le network of archives has been set up to store numerous documents of significant scientific, cultural, economic, legal and administrative value. Until the end of the 20th century these documents were created on parchment or paper and therefore, their processing requires special procedures and knowledge (paleographic, linguistic, general and special historical and others). But the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century brought a major change into the form of records: usage of modern information technologies, massive expansion of computers and consequently the Internet use created not only new possibilities of accessing archival documents online, but the necessity of digitizing the material and requirements for mana- ging these activities as well. In particular, there is a need for preservation of electronic records that have never had other than a virtual form. 1 Changes in the teaching of Archival science Not only employees of various archives, but universities, resp. educational institutions have to cope with all above mentioned demands too. The new situation raises a number of questions about the form and content of archival education which has been traditionally focused primarily on acquiring a knowl- edge needed for processing of older types of material, i.e. as a part of History with particular emphasis on Auxiliary historical sciences (especially Paleography, Diplomatics, Sigillography, Chronology, etc.). It is obvious that traditional knowledge will still be crucial for archivists in the future. Not only for the re- search of earlier period but recent times as well. Although for example paleographic knowledge will not be as urgent as before. But there is also a question of preparation of future archivists for new requirements that are more or less in the field of Informatics, i.e. in the technological area. Finding the optimal form of training in this direction is therefore, a task currently addressed by all universities, colleges and other schools, which prepare future archivists, regardless of borders. Due to the social importance of archives not only for scientific and cultural but also for purely practical reasons (storage of documents for the public or institutions, such as records important for retirement, etc.). This problem does not only con- cern university teachers, students or archivists, but has a significant general impact as well - although the role of archives in the information society and the corresponding training of archivists has not yet been a subject of wider discourse (Sulitková, 2017). The issue of archival education, its development, tasks and prospects was addressed by the Interna- tional Visegrad Conference organized by the Czech Archival Society and the Institute of Archival Stud- ies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy of the South Bohemian University from 14th to 16th March 2012 in České Budějovice (Ryantová, 2014a). Representatives of all seven uni- versities from the Czech Republic, where Archival science can be studied (Prague, Brno, České Budějov- ice, Hradec Králové, Pardubice, Olomouc, Ústí nad Labem) in various types of programs (bachelor, mas- ter, doctoral; either full-time or combined), attended the conference. Foreign colleagues from Slovakia, 227 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Marie RYANTOVÁ: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections, 225-233 Hungary, Poland, Germany (although the Marburg Archivschule has a different character than other universities) and the Netherlands accepted an invitation as well. Individual papers introduced the con- tent and specifics of teaching at these particular schools as well as in French-speaking countries (Čtvrtník, 2014). The further development and additional training of archivists were also mentioned. 1.1 „Traditional“ preparation - Auxiliary historical sciences Nowadays, the „traditional teaching“ of Auxiliary historical sciences (in particular, Paleography, Diplomatics and History of administration) has certainly not been questioned and an emphasis is still put on the importance of language skills of future archivists (Bláhová; Bak; Madejska; Ryantová, 2014b; Menne-Harritz; Poncet, pp. 398-400). But currently there are foreign studies (mainly from the German region and Austria) dealing with issues of further direction of Archival science and its perspective within the information society. These studies do not deny that main concepts or principles of archivist’s work (the principle of provenance, the evaluation of archival documents with regard to preservation of their content, structure, context and authenticity) must remain in effect and they concentrate on definition of relationship and work of archivists and historians in archives (Kretzschmar, 2013a, 2013b; Keitel, 2011; Kluttig - Kretzschmar - Lupprian - Reininghaus - Schäfer - Schneider-Kempf - Wartenberg). While on the one hand, the work of archivist is restricted to the role of servant of „higher social needs“(Marckhgott; Marckhgott - Zauner), resp. the role of archive to „service facilities“, on the other (as a way of preventing such a role) emphasis is placed on the restoration of „synthesis“ of archivist and historian and on the possible enhancement of function and importance of archives (Hochedelinger; Schuster). This is also relat- ed to the emphasis on proper teaching of auxiliary, resp. fundamental historical sciences (or more accu- rately on its renewal, especially after study programs has begun to disappear from German and Austrian universities), but on the acquisition of relevant historical knowledge as well. It is precisely the set of competencies acquired in this way that can contribute to the responsible evaluation of importance of pro- cessed archival materials which can be subsequently reflected in the quality of archival tools and can make a practical use of archival material more effective. In addition to fulfilling requirements of this „basic level“, the combination of work of archivists and historians, resp. the application of relevant knowledge (including Auxiliary historical sciences and History of administration) also enables the development of „higher level“ archival work, i.e. the search for solutions to scientific tasks that can contribute to further enhancing the importance of archives. All this despite the fact that finding an optimal balance between the mission of archive as an institution caring for archival documents and as a research institution medi- ating archival wealth will probably always be a difficult problem. 1.2 The second focus of Archival science - Cyber archival studies? However, in the future, the emphasis on traditional historical education will most likely represent only one eventuality which will be related to the work of preserving, accessing and using classical archival material. The massive rise of new technologies, along with the change in the way information is recorded and the associated increase in number of electronic archival documents will create a new type of archives and the „split“ concept of Archival science will respond to this appropriately. In addition to focusing on classical sources preserved in the analogue form a specialization on digital objects will be developed - in this context there is even a talk about the central position of Archival science in the „scientific canon of information age“ or within the „information galaxy“ (Keitel, pp. 35-37; Kretzschmar, 2013b, p. 153). Modernization of teaching is already evident abroad at the Archivschule in Marburg (Becker), the Fach- hochschule in Potsdam (Schwarz), the Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung in Vienna (Winkelbauer, 2014; Brunner; Winkelbauer, 2012) or at universities in Lublin (Konstankiewicz) and Budapest (Körmendi) as well as in the Czech Republic, particularly at universities in Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, Ústí nad Labem and Prague (Němečková; Grulich, 2014, 2015; Ryantová, 2014b; Su- litková, 2014; Ebelová). But it will be necessary to respond to other new impulses and adapt teaching lessons to them adequately. According to some opinions, in addition to so-called scientific archivists, who will find their use mainly in archives with the predominance of analogue archival documents, profession- al archivists will be profiled. They will be less oriented on History and more on Informatics (Čtvrtník, 2014). There is also a possibility of „cyber archivists“ for whom historical knowledge will still be impor- tant (Grulich, 2015). In this context and with regard to changes in Archival science the issue of profes- sional identity of archivist is addressed too. Although specifics of various countries and archives and particularly differences between Europe and America are not always taken into account (Čtvrtník, 2015, pp. 386-387; Cox, 1990, 1993, 2011; Cook; Ketelaar). ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 228 Marie RYANTOVÁ: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections, 225-233 1.3 The evaluation of archival documents Qualified selection of documents for archival storage and their responsible evaluation remain an important question for both analogue and digital documents. A discussion on this issue has been taking place in connection with the rise of new technologies for some time now, especially in the Netherlands, Swit- zerland, France and Germany (Menne-Harritz; Poncet, pp. 398-400; Keitel, 2010; Archive im digitalen Zeitalter; Kretzschmar, 2010; Kretzschmar, 2013a, p. 9, 22; Kretzschmar, 2013b; Bischoff). It mainly fo- cuses on various types of official records. The highly specialized approach to evaluation of documents in the field of state administration is best described in Switzerland by the so-called priorization theory („Pri- orisierung“) which was introduced at the beginning of the 1990s in the local Federal Archive (Bütikofer; Čtvrtník, 2009). In this case it is not only the application of source criticism, which is again a historical knowledge (Bischoff, p. 51)1, but given that selected documents serve as testimony of a certain time peri- od, emphasis is placed on the fact that archives and archivists are significantly involved both in the crea- tion of historical memory and in ensuring transparency of administrative acts in the pre-archival stage. In essence they become a guarantee of democratic social processes (Menne-Harritz). All these questions concern not only Records management (and the problem of registry together with the subsequent crea- tion of archival funds), but also the modern Diplomatics and Archival theory which often remains on the edge of interest. This applies to Archival science in the Czech Republic as well. Although it is possible to follow up some studies which were created primarily on the basis of a debate that has been underway since the late 1960s (Šamberger; Babička - Kalina; Sulitková; Kušík; Rákoš; Wolfshörndl; Ridener). Apart from the issue of Records management as the initial stage of future archival care, Archive management will also be important in integrating archives into the whole social framework (Kretzschmar, 2013a, pp. 18- 27; Rumschöttel). The preparation of future archivists should take into account these facts. 1.4 Informatics, Digital humanities On the other hand, purely technical issues of computer science (i.e. the technical side of archival work) are likely to remain a task for specialists in this area. Although a collaboration between archivists and computer scientists will still be indispensable in connection with the accessibility of archival docu- ments online (Sulitková, 2011). It will be desirable to acquire at least basic knowledge of Informatics or so-called History informatics and Digital humanities (Burkard - Vogeler - Gruner)2. It will be needed, for example, during the creation of digital editions (Graf; Vogeler, 2006, 2009) or in 3D modelling and in cooperation with other fields (mainly Historic preservation, but Archaeology as well; Grulich, 2015, p. 39). And of course cyber security issues will be relevant too. However, the use of information technology is certainly not limited to Archival science. Nevertheless systematic education in computer science re- mains unresolved and encounters various difficulties which includes unclear definition of content in this fast and spontaneously developing sub-sector, problems associated with the workload of suitable special- ists, etc. (Dvořák). 2 Further education of archivists Particularly due to the rapid development of information technologies and the change in require- ments (not only) for the profession of archivist it is clear that the knowledge gained at the beginning of archivist’s career is not sufficient for the entire duration of its course (i.e. several decades). Therefore, be- sides university education or other special trainings (and self-education) possibilities for further educa- tion and the expansion of professional competencies must be developed. This concerns not only univer- sity-educated archivists, but other employees and conservators as well. And it is not just about aforementioned issues of Records management, Digitization and Informatics, but also about education in Law or in other disciplines in the form of various courses or other short-term professional trainings in lifelong learning3. In the case of university education, the cooperation with professional archivists is high- ly desirable and similarly the cooperation (if possible) of archives with specialists from the academic 1. F. M. Bischoff assigns archival wealth to so-called remains as part of classical theories of the historical source (Johann Gustav Droysen, Ernst Bernheim). 2. In the Czech Republic these issues are not yet sufficiently addressed. 3. As part of the debate on archival education at the National archive conference of the Czech Republic in Liberec on April 27, 2017, the suitability of courses concerning „occupational burnout“ or resistance to stress associated with, for example, the performance of Records management was mentioned in this context. 229 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Marie RYANTOVÁ: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections, 225-233 sphere is equally suitable - but the initiative should be on the side of archives or central archival authori- ties. All the more so because they are often immediate drivers of various changes which require the rele- vant extension of competencies and for which the university teaching, due to the frequency of these changes and the impossibility of rapid change of study programs, does not have the opportunity to re- spond adequately. As an example of such activities may serve accredited courses organized by the Buda- pest City Archives (Haraszti). Various archival societies or associations can have an important role in this respect as well. This is the case in France, where the Association of French Archivists (Association des archivistes français) offers a wide range of different special courses (Čtvrtník, 2015, p. 392; Grippon; Ver- ry; Martinez - Dejob). And something similar also exists in other countries (e.g. Switzerland, Canada, Australia; (Čtvrtník, 2015, p. 393; Egloff; Nahuet; McCausland). Moreover, France can serve as an example of a country, where other opportunities for further education are provided by state authorities. Whether it is the Département de la Formation des Scientifiques et Technique within the Direction générale des pat- rimoines or the Institut national du patrimoine which is a specialized supplemental training institute for cultural heritage until recently reserved only for graduates of the École nationale des chartes. Both institutions are mostly funded by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (Čtvrtník, 2015, p. 392; Čtv- rtník, 2016; Nougaret). In the Czech Republic the organization of various professional formations has not yet received much support either from the superior authority, i.e. from the Department of Archival Administration of the Ministry of the Interior (with the exception of organizing several training courses) or from the Czech Archival Society and individual archives. Therefore, a proposal to establish a separate Archival Institute has emerged recently. The Institute would be similar to the German Archivschule in Marburg or to the French Institut national du patrimoine and it could provide long-term (as well as short-term) profession- al formations. But the idea of its focus are more far-reaching: it could concentrate on research activities as well and on solving some special problems from the area of Archival science, but also from related fields (such as Records management, Information science - information, their administration and processing, and Management of cultural heritage; Čtvrtník, 2015, pp. 393-399). Both in terms of integration into organizational structures (whether within the Ministry of the Interior, which includes state archives in the Czech Republic, or within the Academy of Sciences, where there is rather a trend towards merging institutes, not creating new ones) and the necessary funding the establishment of the Archival Institute does not look very real at the moment. 3 Conclusion The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century brought numerous changes to Archival science. Not only employees of different archives, but also universities, resp. educational institu- tions, which trains these workers, have to cope with them. Experts from various countries agree that archivists will still need „traditional“ knowledge of Auxiliary historical sciences or History of administration in the future, especially since main concepts and principles of archivist’s work must remain in force. But in view of the changed way of recording information, it will be necessary, in addition to focusing on classical sources preserved in the analogue form, to develop a more significant specialization in information scien- ce or create directly „Cyber archival science“. Even if historical knowledge will still be important. The purely technical issues of computer science (i.e. the technical side of archival work) will probably remain the task for specialists, but collaboration between archivists and computer scientists will still be indispen- sable and archivists should obtain at least basic knowledge of computer science or so-called History infor- matics, Digital humanities and Cyber security. Due to the rapid development of information technolo- gies and the change in requirements (not only) for the profession of archivist it is obvious that the knowledge gained at the beginning of archivist’s career is not sufficient for the entire duration of its course. Therefore, besides university education or other special trainings (and self-education) possibilities for further education and the expansion of professional competencies in different areas (not only in Re- cords management, Digitization, Informatics, but also in Law, etc.) must be developed. Various courses or other short-term professional trainings in lifelong learning should represent an appropriate platform for this. The main initiative should be in this case on the side of archives (or archival societies) or central archival authorities. All the more so because they are often immediate drivers of various changes which require the relevant extension of competencies and for which the university teaching, due to the frequen- cy of these changes and the impossibility of rapid change of study programs, does not have the opportu- nity to respond adequately. The existence of special institutions for further education would represent an ideal solution for this situation. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 230 Marie RYANTOVÁ: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections, 225-233 References Archive im digitalen Zeitalter. Überlieferung - Erschließung - Präsentation. 79. Deutscher Archivtag 2009 in Regens- burg. Fulda 2010 (= Tagungsdokumentationen zum Deutschen Archivtag, Band 14). Babička, Vácslav, Kalina, Tomáš (1988, 1989). Historický a provenienční princip a archivnictví. Archivní časopis 38, pp. 137-153; pp. 193-206; Archivní časopis 39, pp. 173-183. Bak, Borbála (2014). Der Unterricht in Historischen Hilfswissenschaften in der Ausbildung an der Loránd-Eötvö- s-Universität (ELTE) Budapest. In: Ryantová, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Me- zinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 74-83. Becker, Irmgard (2014). Die Digitale Herausforderung der Ausbildung an der Archivschule Marburg. In: Ryanto- vá, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Mezinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 216-221. Bischoff, Frank M. (2014). 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Kretzschmar, Robert (2010). Auf dem Weg in das 21. Jahrhundert: Archivische Bewertung, Records manage- ment, Aktenkunde und Archivwissenschaft. Der Archivar 63/2, pp. 144-150. Kretzschmar, Robert (2013a). Quo vadis - Archivwissenschaft? Anmerkungen zu einer stagnierenden Diskuss- sion. Archivalische Zeitschrift 93, pp. 9-32. Kretzschmar, Robert (2013b). Archive als digitale Informationsinfrastrukturen. Stand und Perspektiven. Der Ar- chivar 66/2, pp. 146-153. Kušík, Michal (1968). Archivnictvo v klasifikácii vedy. Slovenská archivistika 3, Nr. 1, pp. 3-21. Madejska, Katarzyna (2014). The Auxiliary Sciences of History in Teaching Archivists - the Polish Perspective. In: Ryantová, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Mezinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 65-73. Marckhgott, Gerhart (2011). Vom Diener zum Dienstleister. Gedanken zu einem neuen Selbstbewusstsein der Archive. In: Aigner, Thomas et al. 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Němečková, Věra (2014). Archivnictví na rozcestí? In: Ryantová, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 232 Marie RYANTOVÁ: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections, 225-233 a perspektivy. Mezinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 117-121. Nougaret, Christine (2007). L’École des chartes forme-t-elle encor des archivistes? La Gazette des archives, n. 208, 2007, pp. 23-29. Poncet, Olivier (2006). Défense et illustration de la diplomatique de l´époque moderne. Archiv für Diplomatik 52, pp. 395-416. Rákoš, Elo (1990). Archívna veda a archívna prax. Slovenská archivistika 25, Nr. 1, pp. 9-22. Ridener, John (2009). From folders to Postmodernism. A concise History of Archival Theory. Duluth. Rumschöttel, Hermann (2000). Die Entwicklung der Archivwissenschaft als wissenschaftliche Disziplin. Archiva- lische Zeitschrift 83, pp. 7-21. Ryantová, Marie (ed., 2014a). Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Mezinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 – supplementum. Ryantová, Marie (2014b). Zaměření výuky archivnictví v Českých Budějovicích. In: Ryantová, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Mezinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 109-116. Schuster, Walter (2010). Archiv und Geschichte. Scrinium 64, pp. 114-119. Schwarz, Karin (2014). Integrativ, kooperativ, interdisziplinär und praxisnah - Archivwissenschaft an der Fachho- chschule Potsdam. In: Ryantová, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Mezinárodní kon- ference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 222-232. Sulitková, Ludmila, Archivnictví a spisová služba. Available at Sulitková, Ludmila (2011). Archivnictví v České republice - nové výhledy. Studia Historica Tyrnaviensia XIII, pp. 252-259. Sulitková, Ludmila (2014). Inovace výuky archivnictví na UJEP v Ústí nad Labem. In: Ryantová, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Mezinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 131-138. Sulitková, Ludmila (2017). Archivistika a role pomocných věd historických - výhledy do 21. století (podněty pro diskusi). Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Z pomocných věd historických - in print. Šamberger, Zdeněk (1971). Od archivní teorie k archivní vědě. Slovenská archivistika 7, pp. 243-275. Verry, Élisabeth (2010-2012). L’Association des archivistes français: un engagement résolu au service de la forma- tion. La Gazette des archives, n. 218, pp. 33-50. Vogeler, Georg (2006). Vom Nutz und Frommen digitaler Urkundeneditionen. Archiv für Diplomatik 52, pp. 449-466. Vogeler, Georg (2009). Digitale Diplomatik. Neue Technologien in der historischen Arbeit mit Urkunden. Köln. Winkelbauer, Thomas (2012). Vom „Institutskurs“ zum Masterstudium „Geschichtsforschung, Historische Hil- fswissenschaften und Archivwissenschaft“ an der Universität Wien: eine Grenzüberschreitung? Scrinium 64, pp. 7-13. Winkelbauer, Thomas (2014). Die Entwicklung der archivwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung im Rahmen der Ausbil- dunglehrgangs am Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (1855-2004) und des Magister- bzw. Master- studiums „Geschichtsforschung, Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivwissenschaft“ (seit 2005 bzw. 2008) an der Universität Wien. In: Ryantová, M. (ed., 2014), Výuka archivnictví - vývoj, úkoly a perspektivy. Mezinárodní konference 14.-16.3.2012 České Budějovice. Archivní časopis 64 - supplementum, pp. 10-20. Wolfshörndl, Vladimír (2013). Synergizmus archívnej vedy a archívnej praxe paralelný so štandardizáciou ako problém. Slovenská archivistika 48, Nr. 1, pp. 105-113. SUMMARY The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century brought numerous changes to Archival science. Not only employees of different archives, but also universities, resp. educational institutions, which trains these workers, have to cope with them. Experts from various countries agree that archivists will still need „traditional“ knowledge of Auxiliary historical sciences or History of administration in the future, especially since main concep- ts and principles of archivist’s work must remain in force. But in view of the changed way of recording informa- 233 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Marie RYANTOVÁ: Training of Archivists in the 21st Century: Some Reflections, 225-233 tion, it will be necessary, in addition to focusing on classical sources preserved in the analogue form, to develop a more significant specialization in information science or create directly „Cyber archival science“. Even if historical knowledge will still be important. The purely technical issues of computer science (i.e. the technical side of archival work) will probably remain the task for specialists, but collaboration between archivists and computer scientists will still be indispensable and archivists should obtain at least basic knowledge of computer science or so-called History informatics, Digital humanities and Cyber security. Due to the rapid development of information techno- logies and the change in requirements (not only) for the profession of archivist it is obvious that the knowledge gained at the beginning of archivist’s career is not sufficient for the entire duration of its course. Therefore, besides university education or other special trainings (and self-education) possibilities for further education and the expansion of professional competencies in different areas (not only in Records management, Digitization, Infor- matics, but also in Law, etc.) must be developed. Various courses or other short-term professional trainings in life- long learning should represent an appropriate platform for this. The main initiative should be in this case on the side of archives (or archival societies) or central archival authorities. All the more so because they are often imme- diate drivers of various changes which require the relevant extension of competencies and for which the university teaching, due to the frequency of these changes and the impossibility of rapid change of study programs, does not have the opportunity to respond adequately. The existence of special institutions for further education would re- present an ideal solution for this situation. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 21.05.2017 Acceptance date: 31.05.2017 235 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Republici Srbiji Jovan P. POPOVIĆ Raniji direktor Arhiva Jugoslavije, stan Beograd, Despota Stefana 34 e-mail: Archival Staff and Education of Archivists with an Emphasis on Planning and Implementation in the Republic of Serbia ABSTRACT At the time of the technical and technological revolution modern archives are asked to respond to a number of professional and specific questions and provide relevant information. Modern technology in the field of communication has brought so much innovation that it becomes an object and a subject of study of archival science in all spheres of its activities (the conten- ts of archival material, external and internal features, types and shapes of substrates, the method of creation, forms of record, languages of letters ...). All of this should be based on scientific methods, because archives are the largest and most complex memory from which man draws a number of insights from vast amounts of information and data. In the Republic of Serbia, there is no completely organized form of education within the regular education. Therefore, regardless of the progress in the sphere of archival education, there are numerous problems with the personnel who need to perform tasks of a scientific natu- re, which are, by their nature: large, complex, responsible, and therefore vulnerable. Without it, there can be no success. The Republic of Serbia is expected to adopt the law governing archival activities soon, as currently applicable provisions of the Law on Cultural Properties of 1994. The author, who studies the legal protection of archival material, considers that by regulations and subordinate legislation, by systematic and substantive laws should be specifically regulate the field of education, using a number of experiences of prestigious countries in Europe, where the main carriers of the lectures should be featured archivists, and thus scientists. Therefore, we suggest that in the context of full-time study at the faculties of philosophy departmen- ts-groups for archivistics is established, and that that is finalized required for postgraduate studies in archival science, as it has been done successfully in the prestigious ALMA MATER Department for Archival and Documentary Studies. Key words: education, high school, college, postgraduate studies, archivists, scientists, types of records, classifica- tion, digitization, laws, normative regulation Personale archivistico e formazione degli archivisti con riguardo alla programmazione ed alla realizzazione nella Repubblica di Serbia SINTESI Al momento della rivoluzione tecnica e tecnologica moderna agli archivi viene richiesto di rispondere a una serie di domande specifiche e professionali e di fornire le informazioni pertinenti. La moderna tecnologia nel campo della comunicazione ha portato così tanta innovazione da divenire oggetto di studio della scienza archivistica in tutti gli ambiti della sua attività (il contenuto del materiale d’archivio, le caratteristiche interne ed esterne, i tipi e le forme di substrati, il metodo di creazione, le forme documentali, le lingue delle lettere...). Tutto questo dovrebbe basarsi su metodi scientifici, perché gli archivi sono la memoria più grande e complessa da cui l’uomo evince un numero di intuizioni da grandi quantità di informazioni e di dati. Nella Repubblica di Serbia non esiste nessuna forma completamente organizzata di formazione all’interno dell’istruzione regolare. Pertanto, indipendentemen- te dal progresso nel settore della formazione archivistica, ci sono numerosi problemi con il personale, che necessita di eseguire compiti di natura scientifica che sono, per loro natura, ampi, complessi, responsabili e quindi vulnerabi- li. Senza di essa, non ci può essere alcun successo. La Repubblica di Serbia dovrebbe adottare a breve una legge che disciplini le attività archivistiche, come le attualmente applicabili disposizioni della legge sulla proprietà culturale del 1994. L’autore, che studia la tutela giuridica del materiale archivistico, ritiene che dalla normativa e dalla legi- slazione secondaria e dalle leggi sostanziali e sistematiche dovrebbe essere specificamente regolato il campo della formazione, utilizzando una serie di esperienze di prestigiosi Paesi europei dove i principali insegnanti dovrebbero essere archivisti e scienziati. Di conseguenza, si suggerisce che nel contesto di studi a tempo pieno presso le facoltà di filosofia, dipartimenti-gruppi di archivistica, sia stabilito e finalizzato uno studio post-lauream in scienza archivi- stica, come è stato fatto con successo presso la prestigiosa ALMA MATER, dipartimento per gli archivi storici e documentali. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 236 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 Parole chiave: formazione: scuola superiore, università, studi avanzati, archivisti, scienziati, tipi di documenti, classificazione, digitalizzazione, leggi, regolamenti normativi Arhivski kadri in njihovo šolanje z ozirom na ureditev in izvedbo izobraževanja v Republiki Srbiji IZVLEČEK V času tehnično-tehnološke revolucije se od sodobnega arhiva zahteva, da odgovori na številna strokovna in kon- kretna vprašanja in poda zahtevam primerne informacije. Sodobna tehnologija na področju komunikacije je prine- sla toliko inovacij, da tudi predmet preučevanja arhivistike postaja poseben objekt v vseh sferah njene dejavnosti (vsebina arhivskega gradiva, zunanje in notranje značilnost, vrste in oblike podloge, način nastanka, oblike zapisa, jeziki pisav...). Vse to mora temeljiti na znanstvenih metodah, ker so arhivi največji in najbolj kompleksen spomin, iz katerega človek črpa mnoga vedenja iz ogromne količine informacij in podatkov. V Republiki Srbiji ne obstaja v celoti organizirana oblika izobraževanja v okviru rednega šolanja. Tako tudi neglede na napredek na področju arhi- vskega izobraževanja obstajajo številni problemi s kadri, ki bi morali opravljati dela znanstvenega karakterja kn so po svoji naravi: obsežna, kompleksna, odgovorna in posledično tudi občutljiva. Brez tega ni uspešnosti. V Repu- bliki Srbiji se pričakuje, da bo v kratkem sprejet zakon, ki bo urejal arhivsko dejavnost, ker se še zmeraj uporabljajo določbe Zakona o kulturnih dobrinah iz leta 1994. Avtor, ki se ukvarja s preučevanjem pravne zaščite arhivskega gradiva, meni, da je potrebno z zakonskimi i podzakonskim predpisi, sistemskimi in materialnimi zakoni posebno urediti področje izobraževanja ob upoštevanju številnih izkušenj prestižnih držav v Evropi, kjer bi glavni nosilci predavanj morali biti prominentni arhivski in s tem tudi znanstveni delavci. Zato predlagamo, da se v okvirju red- nega študija na filozofskih fakultetah ustanovijo katedre – skupine za arhivistiko z obveznim podiplomskih študij- em iz arhivistike, kot je to uspešno urejeno na Alma Mater Europaea, na prestižni Katedri za arhivistiko in doku- mentologijo. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, visoka šola, fakulteta, podpilomski študij, arhivist, znanstvenik, tip arhivskega gra- diva, klasifikacija, digitalizacija, zakonodaja, normativni predpisi Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Republici Srbiji ABSTRAKT U vremenu tehničko tehnološke revolucije od savremenog arhiva se traži da odgovori na mnogobrojna stručna i konkretna pitanja i pruži odgovarajuće informacije. Savremena tehnologija na polju komunikacije donela je toliko inovatorstva da postaje poseban objekt i predmet proučavanja arhivistike u svim sverama njene delatnosti (sadržaj arhivske građe, spoljašnja i unutrašnja obeležja, vrste i oblici podloge, način nastanka, oblici zapisa, jezici pisama....). Sve to treba da počiva na naučnim metodama, jer su arhivi najveća i najkompleksnija memorija iz koje čovek crpi brojna saznanja iz ogromne količine informacija i podataka. U Republici Srbiji ne postoji sasvim organizovani oblik obrazovanja u okviru redovnog školovanja. Samim tim bez obzira na napredak u sveri arhivskog obrazovanja, postoje brojni problemi sa kadrovima koji treba da obavljaju poslove naučnog karaktera, koji su po svojoj prirodi: obimni, složeni, odgovorni pa samim time i osetljivi. Bez toga nema uspešnosti. Uskoro se u Republici Srbiji očekuje usvajanje zakona koji uređuje arhivsku delatnost, jer se još uvek primenjuju odredbe Zakona o kulturnim dobrima iz 1994. godine. Autor koji se bavi proučavanjem pravne zaštite arhivske građe smatra da zakonskim i podzakon- skim propisima, sistemskim i materijalnim zakonima treba posebno urediti oblast obrazovanja koristeći brojna iskustva prestižnih zemalja u Evropi, gde glavni nosioci predavanja treba da budu istaknuti arhivski a time naučni radnici. Stoga predlažemo da se u okviru redovnih studija na filozofskim fakultetima osnuju katedre-grupe za arhi- vistiku, a da se to finalizuje u obavezne poslediplomske studije iz arhivistike kao što je to uspešno urađeno u ALMA MATERU na prestižnoj Katedri za arhivistiku i dokumentalistiku. Ključne reči: obrazovanje, srednje škole, fakulteti, poslediplomske studije, arhivisti, naučni radnici, oblici zapisa, kategorizacija, digitalizacija, zakoni, normativno uređenje 1 Uvod Arhivska građa je svedok istine, a čovek je taj koji je štiti, obrađuje, valorizuje, daje na korišćenje standardizuje, prenosi na razne oblike zapisa, digitalizuje i objavljuje tu građu. Taj čovek po pravilu je arhivista koji radi u institucijama kulture zvanim arhivi, koje osniva, finansira i prati njihov rad država preko svojih izršnih organa. Nauka koja se bavi arhivističkom teorijom i praksom je arhivistika. Arhivi- stika kao zaokružena naučna disciplina ima svoj predmet istraživanja, ozakonjene ciljeve i zadatke, sred- stva i utvrđene metode kojima se ostvaruje. Ona je nauka. 237 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 Arhivi kao skup znanja o prirodi i vrednosti arhivske građe, bile su uvek važne, elitne državne insti- tucije i uvek su bile pod velikim patronatom države. U apsolutističkim i klasnim režimima gde nije bilo demokratizma arhivi su bile institucije sa kojima se moglo raspolagati i manipulisati u neslućenim razmje- rama. Arhivi imaju viševekovni vremenski kontinuitet, koji se može uporediti i na kojoj bi joj mogle po- zavideti i mnogo starije nauke. Arhivisti bi morali znati: kojim metodama i metodologijama je sačuvana ogromna količina arhivske građe iz ranijih vekova, da bi se nešto od toga zadržalo i koristilo i u savreme- nosti. Arhivistika iako je mlada nauka, suočena sa realnom stvarnošću i problemima, učinila je ipak pre- stiž u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka i stvorila fundament za njeno uspešno bitisanje, teoriju, metodo- liogiju i praksu, čime je opravdala svoje mesto i postala osobena nauka egal drugim priznatim društvenim naukama. Zar nije neshvatljivo da se u bibliotekarskoj struci obezbeđuje sticanje naučnih zvanja u redov- nom sistemu obrazovanja, a u arhivističkoj struci ne, iako i jedna i druga struka imaju za osnovne funkci- je i zadatke zaštitu, obradu, publikovanje i stvaranje uslova za korišćenje kulturnih dobara. Kadrovi su temeljno pitanje i osnovni preduslov svakog uspešnog rada a naročito „današnjega“ sa- vremenog arhiva. Naime, za uspešno obavljanje osnovnih funkcija i zadataka arhiva i za njegov ugled u društvu, neophodan je naučni i stručni kadar, čime bi se obezbedio uspešan i kvalitetan rad naročito na naučnoistraživačkim, i drugim savremenim poslovima i da mogu pratiti i primenjivati arhivističke misli u Evropi i svetu (Lekić, 2006, str. 274-277). Obrazovanje počinje osmogodišnjim, pa nastavlja srednjoškolskim usmerenim obrazovanjem (gimnazije i druge srednje škole), višim školama, fakultetima, poslediplomskim studijama koje se u dosta slučajeva finaliziraju magistarskim radovima i doktorskim disertacijama. Svakako tu ne smemo izostaviti: kurseve, tečajeve, specijalizacije. Nakon školovanja odnosno obrazovanja i stečenih iskustava u struci u kojoj rade dobivaju znanja, a kvalitetnim i stručnim radom zvanja i priznanja (savetnik, samostalni savet- nik viši savetnik,..). Time se stiče pouzdan prilagodljiv, efikasan i siguran kvalifikat u struci, što treba da odgovara vremenu i poslu koji se obavlja. 2 Kratak istorijat obrazovanja radnika u arhivskoj delatnosti Osnovno polazište nauke, struke i savremenosti je da se obrazovanje arhivističkih kadrova obezbe- di kroz redovni sistem školovanja i sticanja znanja i naučnih zvanja. Sa sadašnjim arhivističkim zvanjima pošto se nalazimo u prelaznom periodu, moramo gledati kao na neophodna, dok se ne ostvare mogućn- osti za sticanje naučnih zvanja. Na tome treba intenzivno raditi. Stepenast je i širok spektar sistema obrazovanja radnika za rad u arhivskoj delatnosti. On se se rea- lizuje kroz razne obrazovne institucija. Profil kadrova i wihovo osposobljavanje propisuju organi vlasti,a pre svih ministarstva za prosvetu, uz svesrdnu saradnju i kooperativnost sa ministarstvima kulture i mini- starstvom rada koje blagovremno obaveštava nadležne organe i institucije o potrebi školovanja deficitar- nog kadra. Pitanje kadrova u srpskoj arhivskoj mreži i arhivskoj delatnosti bilo je pokrenuto još u prvoj dece- niji posle oslobođenja 1945. godine, obrazovanjem jugoslovenske države. Ostručavanje lica koja dolaze u neposredni kontakt sa pisanom dokumentacijom, bilo da se radi o registraturskom materijalu kao izvoru arhivske građe, u postupku njegovog nastanka i poslovanja registratura, ili o samoj arhivskoj građi pri- likom njene obrade i zaštite u arhivskim ustanovama, bila je neophodnost koju se vrlo brzo očitovala u ratom postradaloj zemlji i pokušajima da se formira i uredi sistem samosvojne, ozbiljne državne struktu- re1. Izvori kazuju da je nedostatak dovoljnog i potrebnog znanja o značaju i vrednosti pisanih istori- jskih izvora, u periodu od 1945. godine, do donošenja prvog saveznog propisa iz oblasti arhivske delatno- sti u mnogome stradalo. Prvi usvojeni zakon nakon Drugog svetskog rata u Federativnoj. narodnoj repu- blici Jugoslaviji je Opšti zakon o državnim arhivama (1950), donet 23. januar 1950. godine. Tim zakonom „stavljen je pod zaštitom sav storijsko-arhivski materijal“ na čitavoj teritoriji FNRJ. Uništavanje ogromne količine arhivalija nastale u prethodnom periodu teško se može nadomestiti. 1. Materijom „istraživanja-obrazovanja arhivističkih kadrova u Republici Srbiji“ bavi se viši arhivista Istorijskog arhiva iz Požarevca Jasmina Živković, čiji je deo rukopisa dostavila autoru ovog rada i učinila ga dostupnim za korišćenje. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 238 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 Do tada nacionalna svest o potrebi čuvanja pisanih tragova bila je više nego skromna, ukoliko se izuzme jedan broj: odredbi, naredbi i uputstva o neophodnosti očuvanja arhivske građe vezanih za narodno-oslo- bodilačku borbu i delatnost Komunističke partije kao ideologa novog poretka i državnog stožera. Parti- jski kadrovi, na svim, pa i najvišim državnim nivoima, u pojedinim slučajevima su prenebregavali potrebu da se ustroji sistem ponašanja činovnika kod pravnih lica, u registraturama, prema dokumentaciji koja nastaje radom tih pravnih lica. Tako je 1948. godine istaknuta potreba da se donese poseban propis o arhivima i registraturama, u kome bi se i pitanje kadrova, ne samo arhivskih, već i registraturskih, adekva- tnije rešilo. Donekle se i uspelo pa je 1948 godine na predlog arhiva održana konferencija na kojoj je jedno od tačaka dnevnog reda bila Obrazovanje arhivskih službenika. Bili smo svedoci i višedecenijskog trenda opadanja kvaliteta stručnog rada u arhivima, na prostori- ma bivse Jugoslavije što je posledica, pored ostalog, i činjenice da su raznorodna zanimanja bila zastuplje- na u arhivskim redovima, od optimalnog profila istoričara, pravnika ili drugog smera društveno-human- ističkih nauka, do biohemičara, elektrotehničara, poljoprivrednih inženjera ili ekonomista što je predstavljalo jedno šarenilo zanimanja koja su se odomaćila u arhivskoj struci kao sasvim podobna. Arhi- vski radnici su bili uporno savesni pa su se na razne načine trudili i ukazivali o potrebi da se arhivska građa svih vremenskih perioda sačuva od propadanja. Brojna prepiska i intervencije arhivskih radnika kod nad- ležnih državnih vlasti, doveli do toga da se ozbiljnije pristupi problemu ne samo zaštiti arhivske građe, već i otvpreno, postavi pitanje obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova. Posle donošenja Opšteg zakona o državnim arhivama i drugih zakonskih i pozakonskih propisa, dolazi do razvoja i unapređenja arhivske delatnosti na čitavom prostoru Federativne narodne Republike Jugoslavije. U tom periodu donet je veći broj stručnih uputstava i preporuka, od kojih je veći broj i danas u primeni u arhivskoj mreži Srbije. Pitanje pripremanja i obučavanja kadrova, specijalizacija i kadrovska politika. bilo je među naja- ktuelnijim. Mogućnost organizovanja sistema školovanja arhivskih radnika u svim republikama i pokraji- nama postalo je aktuelno“. Godine 1952. organizovan je pri Arhivu Srbije Arhivistički tečaj, kada je prva generacija arhivskih službenika imala prilike da se upozna sa osnovnim problemima i radom u arhivskim ustanovama (Žontar, 1969, str. 16–20). Na arhivističkom tečaju su se izučavali arhivistika, istorija, organizacija vlasti i istorija ustanova u Srbiji, ćirilska paleografija sa osnovama staroslovenskog jezika ili latinska paleografija sa osno- vima latinskog jezika, strani savremeni jezik, kancelarijsko poslovanje, arhivsko zakonodavstvo, ustavno uređenje SFRJ, diplomatika ili informatika. Mnogo zahtevniji su bili programi radnika sa visokom stručn- om spremom u odnosu na radnike polaznike tečaja sa srednjom stručnom spremom. Zbog važnosti i postignutih rezultata tečajevi su sve do 1972 godine trajali devet meseci, da bi kasnije njegovo trajanje bilo svedeno na šest. meseci. 3 Obrazovanje arhivskih kadrova u novijem periodu Do nekoliko decenija unazad sticao se utisak da se arhivska delatnost smatra „dobro naučenim za- natom“, za koji nije potrebno nikakvo predznanje iz istorije, prava, ekonomije, sociologije, filologije ili srodnih oblasti. Svakako ima istine u tome da arhivska metodologija zahteva zanatski rad, dobro pozna- vanje postupaka na klasifikaciji i sređivanju arhivske građe. Međutim, složeniji poslovi obrade i izrade naučno-obaveštajnih sredstava zahtevaju poznavanje istorijskih, političkih, društvenih prilika u kojima je nastajala arhivska građa i registraturski materijal, kao i organizacionu strukturu pravnih lica, njihovo po- slovanje, strukturu, kancelarijsko poslovanje. Arhivski stručnjaci su osamdesetih godina isticali da je ne- ophodno utvrditi oblike, načine i sadržaje pripremanja i obuke kadrova sa visokom spremom po svim smerovima rada u arhivima (Ćirović, 1997, str. 37-50)2. U periodu osamdesetih godina prošlog veka najaktualnije pitanje bilo pripremanje i obučavanje kadrova, specijalizacija, i kadrovska politika. Društvo arhivskih radnika Srbije i Zajednica arhiva Srbije 2. Tada je bilo intenzivno interesovanje za sistematiku viševrsne specijalizacije kadrova u oblasti poznavanja drugih jezika, paleografija, obradu arhivskih fondova određenih vrsta i perioda; publikovanje, informatika, mikrofilmovanje, tehnička zaštita građe u širem smislu, razrada sistema seminara, kurseva školsko-specijalističkog tipa u saradnji sa fakulttima i drugim naučnim organizacijama i institucijama, specijalističke studije u inostranstvu, podela rada među arhivima na osnovu specijalizacije kadrova po republikama i pokrajinama na jednistvenim osnovama, utvrđivanje normativa i standarda. Međutim to uglavnom nije sprovedeno. 239 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 uobličili su predlog da se „razmotri mogućnost organizovanja školovanja arhivskih radnika na prostorima Jugoslavije. U jugoslovenskoj i srpskoj arhivističkoj literaturi, veliki broj priloga je ukazivao na svu obziljnost nepostojanja adekvatnog arhivskog obrazovanja u sistemu tadašnjeg školstva. Mali iskorak je učinjen uvođenjem usmerenog obrazovanja u srednje škole, a jedan od stručnih profila koji je srednjoškolcima bio posebno interesantan, bio je profil „arhivsko-muzejski stručni saradnik“. Pokušaj je bio značajan, ali nije zadugo opstao u obrazovnom sistemu3. Taj sistem odomaćeno se zvao „ Šuvarev sistem usmerenog obra- zovanja“4. Bilo je dosta primedbi na postojanje srednje usmerenog obrazovanja, koje bi u arhive pa i reg- istrature tadašnje Srbije dovelo velikim brojem obučenih kadrova, (arhivski pomoćnici-tehničari) do prevage u odnosu na školovane arhiviste koji su bili preko potrebni na visoko odgovornim i stručnim poslovima. Jednostavno visoko stručni kadar je bio konstantno deficitiran5. Otuda se u praksi negativno odrazilo pomenuto opredeljenje da se ostručavanja arhivskih kadrova svodi na -arhivistički tečaj pri Ar- hivu Srbije. Naime, u očekivanju donošenja Predloga zakona o arhivima i arhivskoj službi u Republici Srbiji, koji se nalazi na javnoj raspravi, gde će biti regulisano i osposobljavanjue arhivskih kadrova i dalje je aktu- elno postojanje Tečaja pri Arhivu Srbije, koji traje svega petnaest dana. Skraćeni program tečaja postoji i za polaznike sa srednjom stručnom spremom. Predmeti na Tečaju su: Arhivistika sa kancelarijskim poslo- vanjem i arhivskim zakonodavstvom; Istorija za period od osamnaestog do i sa dvadesetim vekom; Infor- matika; Ustavno uređenje; Starni jezik; Organizacija vlasti i istorijskih ustanova: Ćirilična paleografija sa osnovama staroslovenskog jezika i Paleografija. Skraćivanjem tečaja prestalo da postoji „zlatno vreme ar- hivistike u Jugoslaviji“, kada su ovakvi tečajevi predstavljali ozbiljnu stručnu obuku, gde su se uz na- jstručnije predavače i praktičare odvijala nastava. Nakon odslušanih teoretskih i praktičnih predavanja polaznici polažu stručni ispit. Diplome koje polaznici dobivaju garant su da je konkretni arhivski radnik stekao osnovna znanja iz arhivske delatnosti6. Nakon sveobuhvatne decentalizacije, a time i arhivskog zakonodavstva i samostalnih uređenja ar- hivske delatnosti na nivoima republika sa prostora bivše Socijalističke federativne republike Jugoslavije, arhivska struka u svim republika postala je savremenija, praćenjem i primenom svih oblika njene delatno- sti u zemljama koje su bile daleko prestižnije. U Srbiji i Crnoj Gori kao i kod većine zemalja na Balkanu i Evropi postoje državni i privatni uni- verziteti i fakulteti. Samo u Beogradu ima više univerziteta i na desetine fakulteta: društvenih, tehničkih, prirodno-matematičkih, ekonomskih, medicinskih, stomatoloških, veterinarskih, fizičko-hemijskih, or- ganizacionih, političkih, informacionih, kompjuterskih, ekoloških, medijskih, komunikacionih, menadž- mentskih, diplomatskih i drugih nauka. Svaka od navedenih kao i drugih nauka usaglašava svoje planove rada na osnovama zakonskih i drugih propisa i iskustava. Odmah se postavlja pitanje: šta je sa arhivskim naukama i dali i na kom fakultetu postoji katedra za arhivistiku. Zakon o visokom obrazovanju u Republici Srbiji (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014) predviđa da se delatnost visokog obrazovanja ostvaruje kroz akademske i strukovne studije na osnovu odobrenja odnosno akreditovanih studijskih programa za sticanje visokog obrazovanja. Na akademskim studijama izvode se akademski studijski program, koji osposobljava studente za primenu naučnih, stručnih i umetničkih dostignuća. Na strukovnim studijama izvodi se strukovni studi- jski program, koji osposobljava studente za primenu znanja i veština potrebnih za uključivanje u radni proces. Studije prvog stepena su: Osnovne akademske studije i Osnovne strukovne studije. Studije dru- gog stepena studija su: master akademske studije, master strukovne studije. Specijalističke akademske studije su specijalističke strukovne studije. Studije trećeg stepena su doktorske akademske studije. 3. Nakon usvajanja Zakona о usmerenom srednjoškolskom obrazovanju autor ovog rada imao је оbavezu da tada kao pomoćnik direktora Arhiva Jugoslavije bude par godina honorarni profesor Dvanaeste beogradske gimnazije đacima budućim tehničarima: arhivske, muzeološкe, bibliotekarske, pozorišne, etnološke, glumačke, slikarske struke i drugim zanimanjima. Radilo se o kulturološkom smeru. 4. Stipe Šuvar je u tom periodu bio Savezni ministar prosvete Socijalističke federativne republike Jugoslavije. 5. Konsultovan je rukopis „Obrazovanje kadrova u arhivskoj delatnosti“ istraživača Jasmine Živković, višeg arhiviste Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac. 6. Konsultovan je rukopis „Obrazovanje kadrova u arhivskoj delatnosti“ istraživača Jasmine Živković, višeg arhiviste Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 240 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 Zakon o visokom obrazovanju u Republici Crnoj Gori (2014) propisuje da je „visoko obrazovanje delatnost od javnog interesa te da svaka visokostručna ustanova mora imati sertifikat-akreditacijiu studi- jskog programa“. U istom članu predviđene su i vrste diploma koje se stiču u visoko-stručnim ustanova- ma. To su: diploma primenjenih osnovnih studija; diplome akademskih osnovnih studija; diplome pri- menjenih specijalističkih studija; diplome akademskih specijalističkih studija; diplome primenjenih magistarskih studija; diplome akademskih magistarskih studija. Lica koja imaju akademski naziv mogu da steknu diplomu doktorskih studija odbranom doktorske disertacije. Da i u Crnoj Goiri sistem obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova nije na zadovoljavajući način rešen, Sneža- na Pejović iz Državnog arhiva Crne Kore u Kotoru u časopisu Atlanti broj 26 u referatu pod naslovom „Uloga i dužnost arhivista u lancu društvene odgovornosti za zaštitu tajnosti podataka o ličnosti (2016, str. 123) iznosi: da je Crnoj Gori Državni arhiv je zaobiđen u svim procesima prelaska državne uprave, privrede i čitavog društva na elektronski način poslovanja i arhivisti nisu ni obrazovano ni stručno pri- premljeni ni da vrše nadzor nad elektronskom građom, niti za rukovanje njome Ovdje se vrše tek početni koraci u prebacivanju arhivske građe iz analognog u digitalni prostor i to uglavnom kroz pojedinačne inicijative. Arhivisti gotovo da ne znaju da su novi arhivski izvori i sav dokumentarni materijal koji se kreira na Internetu, kao blogovi Web stanice forumi, javni komentari, elektronska pošta i privatna i javna itd. Zbog svega toga trenutno u Crnoj Gori nije moguće podrobnije govoriti o ulozi i odgovornosti arhi- viste u poštovanju aktuelne zakonske regulativeo zaštiti ličnih podataka ili tajnosti podataka pri prenosu arhivske fgrađe u digitalni prostor, njene digitalne obrade. odnosno u postupku njene obrade“. Iz navede- nog segmenta da se videti da ni u Crnoj Gori arhivski radnici nisu u potrebnoj meri obrazovani za elek- tronski način poslovanja, da bi mogli, stručno i kvalifikovano obavljati poslove koji se od njih traže, u svim sferama arhivske delatnosti“. Kao i u Srbiji i većini drugih republika sa prostora SFRJ, nema obrazovnih ustanova gde bi se arhi- vistika izučavala kao posebna nauka, što bi najviše pripadalo filozofskom fakultetu, gde bi se osnivale-kat- edra za arhivistiku. To je neophodno jer ne postoji ni jedan pravni subjekt, državnog ili privatnog karak- tera koji ne stvara, a time i poseduje arhivsku građu. Samim time arhivisti imaju mnogo poslova i zadataka obaveza iskazanih ne samo u tokovima savremenosti već i u zakonskoj obaveznosti. Prednost i mogućnost saznanja predstavlja veća ponuda različitih studijskih programa koji nisu dostupni u svojoj zemlji. To je dobro jer se pored sticanja diploma studiranja u inostranstvu je prilika za studente da se upoznaju sa dru- gim državama i njenim kulturama iako je proces upisa na fakultete u inostranstvu usloženo. Pored svega moraju imati sertifikat o znanju engleskog jezika ili jezika zemlje gde želi da studira, studentsku vizu, fi- nansiranje i priznate do tada obavljene studije7. Arhivi nisu nikakva enigma, niti su nedokučivi, pa kao takvi omogućavaju građanima pravo na is- torijske vrednosti kroz istinu, pravo na tačnu i verifikovanu informaciju kroz zaštitu korisnika arhivske građe i zagarantovanu zaštitu prava ličnosti i zabranu oticanja nedozvoljenih podataka . Na tim složenim, odgovornim i izuzetno osetljivim poslovima treba da rade školovani, pa i usko specijalizovani radnici8. 4 Časopisi su jedan od izuzetno bitnih oblika osposobljavanja arhivskih ka- drova Časopisi su medij razmene i unapređenja stručnih arhivističkih znanja. Novo vreme i dvadeset prvi 7. Konsultovan rukopis „Obrazovanje kadrova u arhivskoj delatnosti“ istraživača Jasmine Živković, višeg arhiviste Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac. 8. Moramo se podsetiti da smo živeli i radili i živimo i radimo u najvećoj društvenoj i kulturnoj revoluciji i tehničko- tehnološkom unapredovanju, naročito izraženom krajem prošlog i početkom ovog veka, perioda koji je preskočio sve istorijske barijere: rasne, etničke, jezičke , političke, verske i socijalne. Danas arhivska građa postoji u fizičkom i elektronskom obliku zapisa, gde arhivi moraju biti utemeljeni zakonodavstvom, edukaciom i profesionalnošću a arhivska delatnost mora biti izražajna, bez obzira da li se radi o klasičnoj ili elektronskoj građi. Novi pronalasci definisali su moderni sve kroz: kompjuterizaciju, mobilne telefone, mlazne avione, astronautiku, i ne baš za sreću savremeno (nuklearno i drugo) oružje. Tim ljudima koji su izmislili blagodeti ljudskoj vrsti, i olakšali život i dali mnoge udobnosti čovečanstvu , a ujedno uneli strepnju i strah treba odati priznanja, jer je danas skoro nezamislivo bitisanje u svetu bez ove nove savremene elektronske svakodnevice. Zar bi tako lako dolazili do željenih saznanja da nije interneta i drugih savremenih inovatorstva? Upravo zbog toga potrebno se zapitati kakvo je stanje bilo pre par decenija unazad, pa će nam se učiniti da smo živeli u jednom drugom vremenu i izašli iz njega kao da smo ga u snu odživeli. Sve je sada prostorno dostupno, događajno saznajno a vremenski trenutno, ali za običnog mnogoljudnijeg građanina zagonetno. Tu su arhivisti, obrazovani i visokostručno isškolovani arhivisti. Jovan P, Popović: „Značaj klasične arhivske građe za savremeni oblik njene zaštite“, Arhivska praksa broj 17, Tuzla 2014, strana 200-215. 241 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 vek otvaraju nove staranice i postavljaju nova pitanja, oko kojih treba okupiti starije i mlađe generacije pre svih arhiviste, istoričare, pa i drugih zvanja iz društvenih nauka da shvate, produbljuju i snagom zajed- ničkih uverenja ostvaruju saznanja. Po svojoj dinamici izlaženja i brzom reagovanju na zahteve koje po- stavlja teorija i arhivistička praksa, časopisi su najpodesniji medij koji može da udovolji navedenim zahte- vima, pa je zbog toga razumljivo što se u svim zemljama sveta štampaju arhivistički časopisi i to ne samo na državnom već i na regionalnom nivou (Popović, 2000, str. 13-18). Na prostorima bivše SFRJ izlazio je i izlazi veliki broj vrlo uglednih časopisa na državnom ili regio- nalnom nivou9. Časopis Atlanti, međunarodna revija za savremenu arhivsku teoriju i praksu Trst-Mari- bor može poslužiti za primer i prestiž i ubrojiti se među malim brojem tako uglednih časopisa u svetu. Mile Bakić u časopisu Zapisi-Požarevac u svom radu „Nekoliko riječi o izdavačkoj djelatnosti arhiva“ iz- među ostalog kaže: „savremena arhivistika zastupa stanovište da su arhivi naučne ustanove. Po definiciji su takve i trebaju se baviti naučno-istraživačkim radom. Moćni arhivi u svijetu su i moćne naučne ustano- ve u svojim zemljama i nosioci projekata od nacionalnog, pa i svjetskog značaja. Neki od njih su projekte na publikovanju arhivske građe realizovali i u ranijim vekovima od kojih su i danas neki nedostižni i uzor za izdavačku djelatnost odnosno objavljivanje dokumenata mnogim danas poznatim arhivima (Bakič, 2016, str. 45). Stečeno iskustvo stvarano u Pokrajinskom arhivu Maribor „Sodobni arhivi“ koje je osavremenjeno preneto je u savremenom časopisu Atlanti reviji za savremenu arhivističku teoriju i praksu. Oba časopisa osnovani su pod uredničkom palicom uglednog arhivskog radnika Petera Pavela Klasinca. Časopis Atlanti revija za savremenu arhivističku teoriju i praksu, koji izdaje Međunarodni institut arhivskih nauka Trst-Maribor, čiji je podpornik Alma Mater Europea i ima akreditaciju visoko-školske ustanove, je nesumnjivo jedan od najprestižnijih arhivskih časopisa.. On stiže skoro do svih državnih arhiva širom sveta. Skoro tri decenije izlaženja časopisa u kojima su uneti na stotine referata uglednih arhivističkih poslenika sa raznih prostora sveta mora biti jedan od najosnovnijih preduslova za kvalitet sadržaja i odabir tema. On daje velike mogućnosti i prostora obrazovanju arhivskih kadrova.U okviru Alma Mater Europea osnovana je samostalna katedra za arhivistiku i dokumentalistiku, usko povezana sa Međunarodnim institutom arhivskih nauka Trst-Maribor (Toplak, 2015, str. 21). Dovoljna su samo navedena saznanja kao garancija za kvalitet školovanja, sticanja znanja i zvanja, i da nakon uspešnog položenih ispita i odbrane radova dobivaju odgovarajuće diplome, verifikovane kao i sve druge univetrzitetske diplome. To je veliki prestiž i pohvala ljudima koji rade na tim složenim, stručn- im i osetljivim poslovima, isklučivo po studijskim programima dodiplomskih, poslediplomskih, a pre svih magistarskih arhivističkih i dokumentarističkih studija.Posebno mesto u obrazovanju kadrova po usvoje- noj metodologiji je interdiscipinarna Jesenja škola. U uvodnom izlaganju o Međunarodnom institu arhivskih nauka Trst-Maribor 2015 godine Peter Pavel Klasinc govorio je o vrednostima i uspesima Instituta, naglašavajući da na međunarodnim arhi- vskim savetovanjima prisustvuje veliki broj predavača, izvrsnih arhivskih stručnjaka iz Evrope i sveta, koji na njih prenose svoja znanja i iskustva. Time polaznici zahvaljujući interdisciplinarnom programu stiču znanja i primenjuju ih u „svojim arhivima„.I studenti master studija su takođe u obavezi da na međunar- odnim arhivskim savetovanjima u Trstu učestvuju u radu i slušaju predavanja probranih predavača (Kla- sinc, 2015, str, 28). Ovakvi vidovi obuke arhivista mogu se smatrati pedagoški i stručno uspešnim. 5 Školovanja arhiviskih kadrova mora biti normativno regulisano Oduvek je znano da se nijedan oblik društvene delatnosti nije mogao zamisliti bez zakonske regu- lative. I danas u savremenom svetu, bilo koji oblik ili vid društvene delatnosti ne može biti uređen ukoliko to normativno nije regulisano, bilo sistemskim ili materijalnim zakonima (Popović, 2013, str. 181-185). Nažalost na balkanskim prostorima samo sporadično se spominje ili sasvim izostavlja u materijalnim za- 9. Arhiv- časopis Arhiva Jugoslavije; Arhivi, glasilo arhivskega društva in arhivov Slovenije; Arhivski vjesnik, časopis arhiva i arhivskog društva Hrvatske, Makedonski arhivist, časopis arhivskog društva Makedonije; Glasnik časopis udruženja arhivskih radnika Republikr Srpske: Arhivski Zapisi, časopis Državnog arhiva Crne Gore; Glasnik društva i arhiva BiH. Sodobni arhivi Društvo arhivskih radnika i Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor, Praksa, Društvo arhivskih radnika i Arhiv Kantona Tuzla i mnogi drugi. Veliki broj regionalnih časopisa postali su ugledni časopisi (u Republici Srbiji: Novi sad, Užice, Požarevac; Negotin, Kragujevac...). ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 242 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 konima koji uređuju arhivsku delatnost poglavlje mesto i uloga kadrova i njihovo školovanje i osposoblja- vanje10. Neobrazovan, odnosno nestručan kadar u arhivu može se smatrati: elementarnom nepogodom ili tempiranom bombom, jer time arhivska građa može biti nezaštićena, zloupotrebljena, ugrožena ili uništena. Stoga je za svaku državu izuzetno bitno imati zakonsko uređenje ne samo za zaštitu arhivske građe već i za način upravljanja arhivom, izradi naučno informativnih sredstava, metodološkim postupci- ma rada na standardizaciji, valorizaciji, digitalizaciji, korišćenju i objavljivanju arhivske građe, kao i za školovanje i obrazovanje arhivskih kadrova. Time će svi akteri koji učestvuju u postupanju sa arhivskom građom biti osposobljeni da lakše tumače, poštuju i primenjuju odredbe materijalno-pravnih propisa i verifikovano odlučuju opravdavajući funkcije koje „pokrivaju“. Kroz čitav spektar zakonskih i podzakonskih propisa u arhivskom zakonodavstvu u potpunosti treba da bude uređena arhivska delatnost , a posebno školovanje arhivskih kadrtova bez obzira dali se radi o redovnom školovanju, usavršavanju, specijalizacijama, tečajevima i sl.. A kako je arhivsko zakonodavst- vo jedan od osnovnih stubova uspešnog obavljanja arhivske delatnosti, to mora biti usaglašeno ne samo sa sistemskim zakonodavstvom zemlje već i sa zakonima Evropske unije. Neprihvatljivo je, ali je istinito da se u jednom broju država ranijih republika sa prostora bivše So- cijalističke federativne republike Jugoslavije u XXI veku arhivistička struka vraća na stručne ispite i tečajeve umesto da se arhivskim zakonodavstvom stvore uslovi i omogući redovno školovanje kadrova, kroz srednjoškolsko i fakultetsko obrazovanje, da bi tako obučeni bili spremni da odgovore svim izazovi- ma iz delokruga arhivske struke i nauke11. Upravo i zbog toga pravna zaštita je i kvalifikovani arhivski kadar koji se obrazuje kroz obavezno propisani prosvetno kulturni normativizam. Pravna zaštita kroz propisani normativizam u obrazovanju kadrova u savremenim uslovima ogleda se u poznavanju: rapidnog uspona tehničko-tehnološke moderni- zacije i u ispunjavanju primene propisanih odredbi u pogledu zaštite, smeštaja, valorizacije, digitalizaci- je,korišćenja i objavljivanja arhivske građe. Pavna zaštita arhivske građe ogleda se i u pravilnom razume- vanju (tumačenju) i primeni odredbi zakonskih i podzakonskih propisa o arhivskoj delatnosti. To mogu samo da sprovode školovani arhivisti. 6 Školovanje arhivskih kadrova na Beogradskom Filozofskom fakultetu Odeljenju za istorijske nauke i na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu na Katedri za arhivistiku i bibliotekarstvo Na Filozofskom i Flološkom fakultetu u Beogradu izučava se predmet Arhivistika. Prema progra- 10. Osnovni materijalni propis koji uređuje arhivsku delatnost u Republici Srbiji je: Zakon o kulturnim dobrima Srbije, Službeni glasnik Srbije, br 71/94. Međutim, arhivisti moraju konsultovati u mnogim prilikama i druge propise: Zakon o autorskom i srodnim pravima, Službeni list Srbije i Crne Gore br. 61/2004; Zakon o advokaturi, Sl. glasnik RS broj 31/11; Zakon o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja, Sl. glasnik RS. broj 120/04; Zakon o tajnim podacima, Sl. glasnik RS broj 120/2010; Zakon o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti, Službeni glasnik RS broj 97/2008; Zakon o elektronskom potpisu, Službeni gasnik RS broj 135/04; Zakon o posebnim ovlašćenjima radi efikasne zaštite prava intelektualne svojine, Službeni glasnik RS br 46/2006; Zakon o autorskim i srodnim pravima Službeni glasnik RS. broj 99/11 i 119/12; 104/09; Zakon o obligacionim odnosima, Službeni list SFRJ broj 29/78, 39/85, 45/89,57/89 i Sl. List SRJ31/93; Zakon o odbrani RS Službeni glasnik 116/207, 88/2009 i 10/2015 i naravno Zakon o visokom obrazovanju u Republici Srbiji: Službeni glasnikRS broj : 76/2005, 97/2008, 44/2010, 93/2012, 892013, 99/2014 i drugi. Osnovni materijalni propis koji uređuje arhivski djelatnost u Republici Crnoj Gori je Zakon o arhivskoj djelatnosti Službeni list Crne Gore broj 49/2010, ali im moraju uvek biti „pri ruci“: Zakon o slobodnom pristupu informacijama, Službeni list Crne Gore broj 44/12; i 68/12; Zakon o tajnosti podataka Službeni list Crne Gore broj 40/41; Zakon o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti Službeni list Crne Gore broj 44/12; Zakon o visokom obrazovanju Službeni list Crne Gore broj 44/2014; Zakon o obligacionim odnosima, Službeni list Crne Gore broj 47/2008;i drugi. (Jovan P. Popović: Razoj arhivskog zakonodavstva na prostorima bivše SFRJ od 1950-do 2013. godine, Atlanti, Trst-Maribor 2013, strana 181-195). 11. Skoro da je neshvatljivo da je još uvek na snazi sistemski, odnosno osnovni materijalni zakon koji uređuje arhivsku delatnost u Republici Srbije, a to je Zakon o kulturnim dobrima Srbije iz 1994 godine Službeni glasnik Srbije, br 71/94. Iako su ovim zakonom u Srbiji zaštićeni svi oblici-vidovi kulturne delatnosti, i propisane njihove nadležnosti: bibliotekarska, muzejska, pozorišna, arhivska i dr.,(što je to nekada bilo u primeni i u Republici Sloveniji zakonima o kulturnoj dedišćini,) smatra se prevaziđenom i neusklađenim. Stručni tim arhivista pristupio je izradi tog materijalnog propisa koji posebno reguliše zaštitu arhivke građe, pod naslovom Nacrta zakona o arhivskoj građi i arhivskoj službi. Radna verzija Nacrta zakona nalazi u fazi donošenja.Bit će to savremen i moderan evropski materijalni zakon koji će regulisat brojna pitanja i dosadašnje enigme, pa i konačno predvideti i urediti sistem obrazovanja arhivskih kadrova. 243 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 mu rada na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu ne postoji katedra za arhivistiku, već se u okviru Odeljenja za istoriju izučava predmet Arhivistika. Taj predmet se izučava na četvrtoj godini studija, kao izborni predmet. Na master studijama se ne izučava predmet arhivistike, ali se izučava na doktorskim studijama. Master studije nisu organizovane. I na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu arhivistika se izučava na Katedri za bibliotekarstvo i informa- tiku. Predavanja i vežbe na navedenim fakultetima obavljaju se prema usvojenim planovima i programi- ma. Školovanje arhivistike na Osnovnim akademskim studijama na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Na četvrtoj godini studija predviđen je predmet Arhivistika. Njegovi elementi su: teoretska i pra- ktična nastava. Teorijska nastava predviđa teme: Uvod u arhivistiku, Istoriju arhivske delatnosti, Organi- zaciju rada arhiva, Arhivsko zakonodavstvo, Zaštitu arhivske građe i registraturskog materijala van arhiva, Preuzimanje i smeštaj građe, Sređivanje i obrada arhivske građe, Kulturno-prosvetna i informativna dela- tnost arhivskih ustanova, Obrazovanje i stručno usavršavanje arhivskih radnika (polaganje stručnog ispi- ta). Praktična nastava predviđa: Posetu Arhivu Srbije, Arhivu Jugoslavije i Arhiva Srpske akademije nau- ka. Tokom posete kursisti prolaze kroz sva odeljenja sa ciljem što boljeg upoznavanja sa organizacijom rada u arhivima. Tokom posete odeljenjima studenti će imati priliku da neposredno rade sa građom, kako bi mogli primeniti ranije stečena teoretska znanja. Posebno se upoznaju sa kulturno-prosvetnim radom arhiva i programom obrazovanja. Cilj izučavanja predmeta je: metodološka priprema studenata za rad na poslovima zaštite arhivske građe. Studenti se kroz teorijski rad i praksu obučavaju za obavljanje arhivi- stičkih poslova a pre svega: zaštitom arhivske građe van arhiva, sređivanjem i obradom arhivske građe i kulturno-prosvetnom delatnošću. Oblici nastave predviđaju : predavanja, vežbe (diskusija i prezentacija rada), praktični rad u arhivima i induvidualne konsultacije. Predavanja za Osnovne akademske studije na četvrtoj godini studija predviđa sledeće nastavne teme: Uvod u arhivistiku, Istorija arhivske struke, Arhi- vska služba u Srbiji, Zaštita registraturskog materijala i arhivske građe van arhiva, Valorizacija arhivske građe, Kriterijumi valorizacija arhivske građe, Preuzinanje arhivske građe, Sređivanje arhivske građe, Lični i porodični fndovi, Informativna sredstva u arhivskoj delatnosti. Vežbe za Osnovne akademske studije predviđaju sledeće nastavne jedinice: Arhivistika i istoriografija, Počeci arhivske struke u Srbiji, Međun- arodne arhivske institucije, Rad registratura i nadležnost arhiva, Metodologija odabiranja arhivske građe, Kategorizacija arhivske građe, Prijem i smeštaj građe, Sređivanje arhivske građe, Metodološki pristup sređivanja arhivske građe, kao i metodološki pristup sređivanju ličnog fonda, Načelo pristupa celovitosti arhivskog fonda i principa proviniencije i Opšta informativna sredstva. Preduslov za polaganje arhivistike bio bi svi položeni ispiti sa treće godine studija Školovanje arhivistike na doktorskim studijama na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Kurs arhivistike na doktorskim studijama traje petnaest nedelja. Organizovan je po utvrđenom planu koji predviđa razradu na teme: sadržaj predmeta, cilj izučavanja preduslove za polaganje i oblike nastave, kao i sam plan kursa. Oblici nastave predviđaju: Teorijsku nastavu i vežbe. Teorijska nastava po sadržaju predmeta predviđa sledeće teme: Uvod u arhivistiku; Teorijsko-me- todološki pristup istraživanja; Filozofija arhivistike; Istoriju arhivske delatnosti u Evropi; Međunarodne arhivske organizacije; Arhivsko zakonodavstvo; Zaštitu arhivske građe van arhiva (crkvene građe), Sređiv- anje i obrada arhivske građe (izrada naučno informativnih sredstava); Kulturno-prosvetno i informativna delatnost arhivskih ustanova; Publikovanje arhivske građe; Obrazovanje i stručno usavršavanje arhivskih radnika; Polaganje stručnog ispita i sticanje viših zvanja. Praktična nastava predviđa: posetu arhivima (Arhivu Srbije, Arhivu Jugoslavije i Arhiva Srpske akademije nauka), rad sa arhivskom građom i izrada istraživačkog rada. Cilj izučavanja predmeta je da se kroz teorijsko praktičan rad osposobljavaju za istraživanje naj- važnijih pitanja arhivističke teorije i prakse (unapređivanje metodoškog pristupa u oblasti zaštite arhivske građe, izrade stručnih standarda, publikovanje arhivske građe, i arhivske propise).Preduslov za polaganje su položeni ispiti po programu odeljenja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu.Oblici nastave. Nastava obuh- vata:predavanja i vežbe. Predavanja su na sledeće teme: Upoznavanje doktoranata sa programom predavanja i vežbi; Uvod u arhivistiku-predmet proučavanja i metode istraživanja; Arhiv kao samostalna disciplina ili pomoćna ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 244 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 nauka (filozofija ahivistike); Ideologija istraživanja u arhivistici; Istorija arhivske delatnosti u Evropi; Arhivska delatnost u Srbiji (od ideje do ustanove); Zaštita registraturskog materijala i arhivske građe van arhiva; Međunarodne arhivske institucije; Valorizacija arhivske građe; Zbirke arhivskih propisa: Naučno informativna sredstva u arhivskoj delatnosti; Analitički inventar,(izrada analitičkog inventara i regesta); Publikovanje arhivske građe i Arhiv i škola. Vežbe predviđaju sledeće teme: Arhivistika i istoriografija; Arhiv kao obrazovna i kulturna ustano- va; Uloga Društva srbske slovesnosti; Okružni i gradski arhivi u Srbiji; Metodološki pristup izradi liste kategorije registraturskog materijala; Metodološki pristup odabiranju arhivske građe; Metodološki pri- stup sređivanju zbirki; Vodič kroz arhivsku građu arhiva (metodološki pristup izradi); Metodološki pri- stup izrade analitičkog inventara; Metodološki pristup izradi regesta; Prvo istraživačko iskustvo-program saradnje za osnovne i srednje škole; Posete arhivima; Praktičan rad i individualne konsultacije; Priprema- ma za polaganje ispita.Predavači su profesori ili docenti filozofskog fakulteta-istoričari. Školovanje na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu. Na Osnovnim i Master studijama-Katedri za bibliotekarstvo i informatiku po planu i programu iz 2014. godine izučava se kao obavezan predmet Arhivistika. Studenti sa drugih katedri-smerovu na tom fakultetu kao izborni predmet mogu polagati arhivistiku. Na osnovnim studijama-Katedri za bibliotekar- stvo i informatiku arhivistika se izučava na tri semestra i to: na četvrtom semestru pod naslovom Uvod u arhivistiku, i petom i šestom semestru Arhivistika.(I i II). Na diplomskim studijama studenti stiču nova teorijsla, praktična i stručna znanja, čime se dalje osposobljavaju za obavljanje poslova u struci. Nastavnim sadržajem master studija nadograđuju se znanja stečena na osnovnim akademskim stidijama iz bibliotekarsko informativnih i arhivskih oblasti. Studenti pohađaju kurseve kojima specifikuju stečena znanja, a takođe stiču znanja o oblicima istraživačkog rada , koji će primeniti prilikom izrade diplomskog akademskog zvanja. Profesori na predmetu arhivistika su univerzitetski profesori sa tog fakulteta. 7 Razmatranja i predlozi Na osnovu iznetog i iskustvenog može se predložiti: – da arhivisti moraju biti ne samo nosioci posla već i znanja stečena kroz redovno i praktično obrazovanje i specijalizacije, jer je savremeni arhiv mnogo kompleksan i organizovan sistem koji nudi nove izazove i zasniva se na modernim tehnologijama; – da po mišljenju arhivista izučavanje Arhivistike putem obaveznog ili izbornog predmeta na „kursevima“ na Filozofskom i Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu ne zadovoljava profile kadrova koji zahtevaju ustanove koje se bave arhivskom delatnošću. Tečajevi koji traju petnaest dana, kao što je to slučaj sa tečajem pri Arhivu Srbije, takođe ne daju dovoljne preduslove za kvalite- tan rad arhivista; – da pored klasične arhivistike savremeno doba u eri rapidnog uspona elektronike, tehničko-tehn- ološkog razvoja, raznih oblika zapisa, kompjuterizacije, standardizacije, digitalizacije,a time i stručnim ovlavadavanjem elektronskom građom arhivu uslovljavaju izuzetno stručan kadar u arhivskim ustanovama, koji konstantno mora biti edukovan; – da arhivskim zakonodavstvom mora biti uređen sistem redovnog školovanja arhivskih kadro- va, jer tu ne sme biti nikakvih „pogađanja“. Ministarstva prosvete,i univerziteti treba da shvate i udovolje izražene potrebe arhivske struke i nauke, jer adekvatno obrazvanje omogućava suve- reno postupanje sa svim oblicima rada u arhivskoj delatnosti, pa je utoliko značajnije osmisliti i zaživeti sistem visokoškolskog, četvorogodišnjeg strudijskog programa, koji odgovara potre- bama klasične arhivistike, i svim novinama koje savremeno doba u razvoju i oblikovanju infor- macija i dokumentarnog materijala postavlja pred arhiviste i arhivske ustanove; – da postoji opravdanost kontinuiranog edukovanja arhivara u okviru srednjoškolskog obrazo- vanja sa nazivom profila adnimistrativni referenat ili arhivski tehničar jednako potrebnim u arhivima i registraturama; – da je potrebno osnivanje bar na jednom od verifikovanih fakulteta društvenih nauka u Srbiji odeljenje ili katedru za arhivistiku sa posebnim studijskim programom arhivkog kadra, u četv- orogodišnjem trajanju, sa zvanjem diplomiranog arhiviste; – da je logikom stvari i potrebom neophodno razviti sistem poslediplomskih studija, u okviru kojih bi zainteresovnim arhivistima bilo omogućeno usavršavanje do najviših nivoa akademskih 245 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 zvanja, jer je arhivistika ozbiljna naučna discipline, egal drugim disciplinama-katedrama a ne pomoćna istorijska nauka kao što je to bila dosadašnjaa praksa u Srbiji. Naravno, i ne samo u Srbiji.U tom slučaju stručni arhivistički ispit koji se praktikuje u Srbiji, nakon polaganja dobio bi kvalifikaciju državnog ispita za rad u arhivima kao ustanovama zaštite arhivske građe. Ovaj model ostručavanja, naravno uz odgovarajuću temeljnu razradu i planiranje, mogao bi predsta- vljati zaokruženi sistem edukacije u arhivskoj struci koji bi arhivistiku uzdigao na nivo naučne discipline; – da treba prihvatiti i pozdraviti to što je u okviru Alma Mater Europea osnovana samostalna katedra za arhivistiku i dokumentalistiku, usko povezana sa Međunarodnim institutom arhi- vskih nauka Trst-Maribor koja po utvrđenom planu uspešno radi na visoko-stručnom obrazo- vanju arhivskih kadrova.Polaznicima tih master studija arhivistike i dokumentalistike omo- gućeno je usavršavanje do najviših nivoa akademskih zvanja. Studenti tih studija biti će prvi isškolovani diplomci na prostorima bivše SFRJ. Ove studije treba animirati i na širim prostori- ma; – da i primer četvorogodišnjeg obrazovanje arhivskih kadrova Filozofskog fakultetu u Zagrebu, gde postoji poseban diplomski studijski program na Odseku za informacijske i komunikacione nauke, smer Arhivistika, može poslužiti kao iskustvo, jer pruža saznanja o obrazovanju arhivi- sta (ECTS Informacijski paket, 2017). – da blagovremeno i stručno treba na svim nivoima normativno urediti sisteme školovanja i osposobljavanja arhivističkih kadrova. Postupak i put donošenja propisa je složen od inicijati- ve, stručne i javne rasprave, predloga, do usvajanja u skupštini. Iinstitucije i organi vlasti koje treba uključiti u donošenju zakonskih propisa su: arhivske ustanove, univerziteti, ministarstva, vlade i skupštine. Arhivisti koji učestvuju kod izrade nacrta zakona ispred arhivističke struke treba da poseduju: inicijativnost, iskustvenost, dalekosežnost, konsultativnost, kooperativnost, poznavanje domaćih i stranih propisa i način i metodologiju obrazovanja, kod savremenijih država, kao i poznavanje ubrzanog razvoja tehničko-tehnološke modernizacije, iz razloga jer se radi o vrlo zahtevnom obrazovanju. Literatura Bakić, Mile (2016). Nekoliko riječi o izdavačkoj djelatnosti arhiva. Zapisi, časopis Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac, str. 5, 45. Ćirović, Dragan (1997). Srednjoročno i dugoročno samoupravno planiranje u arhivima SFRJ. Prilog izgradnji je- dinstvenog sistema zaštite i korišćenja arhivske građe u SFRJ. Arhivski pregled, časopis Društva arhivskih radnika Srbije, Beograd broj 1., str. 37-50. Klasinc, Peter Pavel (2015). Uvodni govor na Međunarodnom arhivskom savetovanju Trieste-Maribor 2015 go- dine. Atlanti, časopis za savremenu arhivsku teoriju i praksu, No 1, str. 28. Lekić, Bogdan (2006). Arhivistika. Beograd: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika Srbije Beograd. Opšti zakon o državnim arhivama (195O). Službeni list Federativne narodne republike Jugoslavoje broj12/50. Pejović, Snežana (2016). Uloga i dužnost arhivista u lancu društvene odgovornosti za zaštitu tajnosti podataka o ličnosti. Atlanti, časopis za savremenu arhivsku teoriju i praksu, broj 26, number 1, str. 123. Popović, Jovan. P. (2000). Časopisi su medij razmene i unapređenja stručnih arhivističkih znanja . Arhiv, časopis Arhiva Jugoslavije, godina I broj 1, Beograd, str. 13-18. Popović, Jovan. P. (2013). Razvoj arhivskog zakonodavstva na prostorima bivše SFRJ od 1950 do 2013. godine. Atlanti, časopis za savremenu arhivsku teoriju i praksu, Trieste-Maribor, str. 181-195. Toplak, Ludvik (2015). Pozdravna beseda. Atlanti, časopis za savremenu arhivsku teoriju i praksu No.1. Trieste Maribor 2015, str. 21. Zakon o visokom obrazovanju u Crnoj Gori (2014). Službeni list Crne Gore broj 44. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju u Republici Srbiji (2005). Službeni glasnik: br.76/2005, 97/2008, 44/2010, 93/2012, 89/2013, 99/2014, član 25. Živković, Jasmina (neobjavljeno). Obrazovanje kadrova u arhivskoj delatnosti. Istorijski arhiv Požarevac. Žontar, Jože (1969). Stručna sprema i radna mesta u arhivima. Arhivist, časopis Saveza arhivskih radnika Jugosla- vije, broj XIX, Beograd, strana 16-20. ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 246 Jovan P. POPOVIĆ: Arhivski kadrovi i njihovo školovanje sa osvrtom na uređenje i primenu u Re- publici Srbiji, 235-246 SUMMARY Numerous archival functions, sorted by activities they perform, can be divided into three basic groups: administra- tive, scientific and cultural. Administrative functions of the archives would be: professional supervision of registry offices in terms of archiving, keeping, professional maintenance of registration materials, participation in the elimi- nation of worthless registry material, approval of the list of categories with the keeping period, taking over of archi- val material in the archives, the issuing of certificates of data stored in archives, verification of document transcrip- ts are kept in archives for public administration, legal and physical entities, issuing decisions on prohibiting the use of certain archival materials (regardless of whether the prohibition applies to the protection of confidential infor- mation, protection of personal data, in whot state of classification archival material is, respecting the will of the donor and legatee of archival materials, etc.). Scientific functions would primarily be: activities on theoretical and practical work of research and study, using scientific methods; making all forms of finding aids (historical notes, a summary and analytical inventories, regesta, index, etc.); publishing of record and finding aids, exhibitions; lectu- res, training and specialization of staff etc. Cultural functions are expressed in: the preservation of archival mate- rials, professional describing of archival materials, funds and collections; data recording on archival and register materials outside the archives and in the archives; the application of modern forms of management through: stan- dardization, computerization and digitization, providing all forms of protection (technical-technological, biologi- cal, physical and safety); the creation of working conditions and giving information about the content of archival material and possibilities of its use. Through the application of those functions, from witch results are the right of the citizens to the historical value of the truth, the right to accurated and verified information, through the pro- tection of the users of archival material and guaranteed protection of personal rights and the prohibition of unau- thorized data leakage, the role of the archives is huge. Trained, and even highly specialized workers should work in these complex, highly responsible and sensitive jobs. These are primarily trained archivists. A fundamental que- stion for the author and the basic precondition for any successful work of modern archives is a staff. In order to successfully perform the basic functions and tasks of the archives and for his reputation in society, scientific and technical personnel is necessary. The author calls for an adequate solution of personnel issues to ensure the quality and successful work in scientific research and professional activities. This is the starting point at the author’s insi- stence that education of archival staff is ensured in the regular school system and the acquisition of scientific titles. The spectrum of education system in the Republic of Serbia is stair-wide, depending on the complexity and em- ployment orientation activities, implemented through a variety of educational institutions, whose establishment, organization and work plans are approved by the executive authorities - primarily the Ministry of Education, with the help and cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Labour, which timely informs of the deficit of necessary personnel. It starts: primary education, secondary vocational education, colleges, universities, graduate studies, which usually finalize into master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. Certainly, we can not leave out: lectures, courses, training courses, specialization, so they would recieve knowledge, titles and awards (advisor, se- nior advisor...) in the profession in which they work. This provides reliable, flexible, efficient and safe qualifiers in the profession, which should correspond to the time and the work they do. In Serbia, as in most countries in the Balkans and in Europe, there are state and private universities and colleges. Belgrade alone has more universities and faculties: social, technical, natural-mathematical, economic, medical, dental, veterinary, physical-chemical, or- ganizational, political, information, computer, environmental, media, communication, management, diplomatic and other sciences. Each of these and other sciences, harmonize their work plans on the basis of laws and regula- tions, experience and cognizance. Where are the archives and archival science, whether it is a separate science and whether, as such, archival studies at colleges or is their place (as was the practice until recently) in the Department of Historical Sciences faculty? Education and training of archival workers must comply with legal regulations in order to justify work functions they perform, because the archival legislation is one of the most fundamental pillars in performing archival activities. Typology: 1.02 Review Article Submitting date: 14.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 247 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage Liudmila N. VARLAMOVA, Ph.D. associate professor, Vice-Dean of the Records Management and Technotronic Archives Department of the Rus- sian State University for the Humanities e-mail: Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage ABSTRACT The article discusses some aspects of training archivists on the present stage and suggests the ways of its improving according to the current needs. In the modern world there are several types of archives: historical, technotronic, digital, business archives etc. It should be noted that in many countries all these archives are not so clearly structu- red and often have a mixed character. University archivists’ curriculum must include many special subjects which will enable training highly qualified professionals capable to work in all types of archives. However, a limited num- ber of hours in the curriculum makes it practically impossible. Each university must solve this problem indepen- dently with regards to its faculty (staff), technical equipment and market’s demands. An essential aspect of this work might be a differentiation between Bachelor’s and Master’s programs as well as the continuity of the former and the latter. Key words: training, education, archivists, archival studies, educational programs, curricula Aspetti teorici e pratici della formazione degli archivisti sul palcoscenico moderno SINTESI L’articolo parla di alcuni aspetti della formazione degli archivisti che nella fase presente suggerisce i modi del suo miglioramento secondo le esigenze attuali. Nel mondo moderno ci sono diversi tipi di archivi: storici, tecnotronici, digitali, d’impresa, ecc. Si noti che in molti Paesi tutti questi archivi non sono così chiaramente strutturati e hanno spesso un carattere misto. Il curriculum degli archivisti delle università deve includere molte discipline speciali che consentiranno la formazione di professionisti altamente qualificati in grado di lavorare in tutti i tipi di archivi. Tuttavia, il numero limitato di ore nel curriculum rende ciò praticamente impossibile. Ogni università deve risol- vere questo problema in modo indipendente per quanto riguarda la relativa facoltà (il personale), le attrezzature tecniche e le esigenze di mercato. Un aspetto essenziale di questo lavoro potrebbe essere una differenziazione tra i programmi di Bachelor e Master, nonché la loro continuità. Parole chiave: formazione, archivisti, studi archivistici, programmi formativi, curricula Izobraževalni in praktični vidiki sodobnega usposabljanja arhivistov IZVLEČEK Avtorica v članku obravnava nekatere vidike usposabljanja arhivistov in predlaga načine za njegovo izboljšanje v skladu s trenutnimi potrebami. V sodobnem svetu obstaja več vrst arhivov: zgodovinski, tehnološki, digitalni, po- slovni arhivi itd. Potrebno je opozoriti, da v mnogih državah ti arhivi niso tako jasno strukturirani in imajo pogosto mešan karakter. Univerzitetni arhivski kurikulum mora vsebovati mnogo posebnih predmetov, ki bodo omogočili usposabljanje visokokvalificiranih strokovnjakov, ki bodo sposobni delati v vseh vrstah arhivov. Vendar omejeno število ur v kurikulumu to praktično onemogoča. Vsaka univerza mora ta problem rešiti neodvisno glede na svoje fakultete (osebje), tehnično opremo in zahteve trga. Bistveni vidik tega dela je lahko diferenciacija med podi- plomskim in magistrskim programom ter kontinuiteta prvega in drugega. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, usposabljanje, arhivisti, študij arhivistike, izobraževalni programi, kurikulum ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 248 Liudmila N. VARLAMOVA: Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage, 247-251 The introduction of informational technologies into all spheres of life and activities of the State and society has led to quality changes in the objectives of the preservation of documentary heritage and has made the ways of their achievement much more difficult. Well established techniques of disposition, description, registration and accounting of traditional paper documents, as well as of those on magnetic tapes (media) and film carriers (media) are still in demand. However, they cannot be fully applied to dig- ital records. At the same time, there are some aspects of digital records’ preservation which are not stud- ied in full although partly standardized. In fact, on the modern stage there are several types of archives: – traditional (nowadays historical) archives which preserve retrospective information on paper (papyrus, rolls, maps, paper documents etc.); – technotronic archives preserving information on non-paper carries (records on magnetic ta- pes, film carriers (media) etc.); – electronic or digital archives which preserve information on digital carriers (media) (most mo- dern records); – archives of business and public organizations, private archives storing the documents and re- cords on any carriers (media); – departmental archives of State bodies which store their documents and records on selected carriers (media); – archives providing business services in storage and preservation of documents and records on carriers (media) submitted by the client. Russian State archives have a strict specialization according to the type of stored documents and records and to that of their carriers (media). For example: – Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts1 stores papyrus, rolls, maps, old paper documents etc. – Russian State Archive of cinema and audio-photo-records2 stores video- and audiovisual re- cords, documentary films, photos etc. – Russian Archives of the Russian Federation3 store the documents and records on different carriers (media) coming from Federal executive bodies. Even though in many countries this division in conventional and many State archives keep the documents and records on different types of carriers (media), all of them are in different depositories as they need special preservation conditions. Speaking of the latter, it must be noted that this concept has several aspects (access, safety, protection etc.), including the documents’ and records’ guaranty of preser- vation (ensuring the preservation) both content and physical. These practices also include installment temperature, humidity, light, anti-dust and anti-bacterial control etc. It is important to note that not all State archives can really influence the policy of State bodies and even of these archives’ acquisition officers in the questions of records management. That is why different aspects of records’ size and structure, their formats and software (used to create them and having a great impact on their further preservation) are beyond their competences. It is mainly connected with a lack of competence of archives’ staff in using informational technologies in management and archives as well as with non complex regulatory base in this area. All of this eventually results in the situation when State archives have to take into deposit the records which they might not be able to reproduce in the long run. Despite a large number and variety of standards, specifications, requirements and recommenda- tions elaborated worldwide, only a few countries have successfully solved the problem of digital archival storage and preservation. It is to be noted that in those countries the National Archive or a similar body is responsible for the archives and at the same time in charge of State records management. The Russian Federal Archival Agency4 regained their control over State record keeping and docu- mentation support of management in 2016 after more than a 20-year break. This gives grounds for belie- 1.Russian State Archives of Ancient Acts. - 2.Russian State Archives of cinemas and audio-photo-records. - 3.Russian Archives of the Russian Federation. - 4.Russian Federal Archival Agency. - 249 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Liudmila N. VARLAMOVA: Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage, 247-251 ving that in the near future the situation with regulating the creation of electronic records (as a part of digital records used in management) to be stored and preserved in State archives might change for the better. However, nowadays the archives not only preserve documents and records, but they also provide numerous services for their usage and popularization, which is impossible without informational techno- logies. So, the latter are introduced in the work of all types of archives (e.g., traditional, historical) as wi- thout those technologies the archives will not be widely accessible and in high demand. Thus, traditional documents’ (on paper, film, magnetic carriers (media) etc.) digitization is very actual for all kinds of ar- chives, yet the problems of the use and storage of their digital copies have not been solved yet. This work cannot be carried out without qualified staff. The personnel for each type of archives must be specially trained to work with documents and records specific for their archives. Archives of business and public organizations (companies) have always been completed with docu- ments and records on different carriers (media). Centralization management of this process enabled tho- se archives to include all necessary requirements into local regulatory acts referring to records manage- ment on the stage of a record’s creation. This simplified the process of the records’ transfer for storage in the archives of those structures and consequently ensured the preservation, safety, accessibility etc. of the former. The archives of these structures also need professional staff who must be able to work with all types of informational resources on different carriers (media). All the above said gives a general picture of the issues which modern archivists are facing and which are to be taken into account in relevant curricula. However, due to a limited number of respective hours in the curriculum the question arises if it is possible in principle. In my opinion, the task of studying all the aspects of archival storage of such different documents and records on so different carriers (media) within one educational program seems to be hardly achie- vable without a decrease in the quality of professional training. A few approaches might be suggested to solve this problem. The first approach will involve dividing Bachelor’s programs into three basic types depending on the future work in: (1) traditional and historical archives; (2) technotronic archives; (3) digital archives. The set of subjects will be different in all the three educational programs. The first type of educational program will be focused on the studies of sources, national and world history, characteristics of different paper documents and specifics of their storage, preservation, restora- tion and conservation. According to the objectives of this educational program special attention should be paid to traditional professional subjects while applied aspects of informational technologies used in the archives area will be dealt with much less deeply. The second type of educational program should be concentrated on the history of scientific and tech- nical progress, on the records created on non-paper (magnetic, film etc.) carriers (media), on the cha- racteristics of these records, on technical equipment to support and reproduce the latter, on the carriers (media), as well as on the specifics of the preservation, restoration and conservation of both carriers and records. In this educational program the main attention should be given to special historical and profes- sional subjects focused on the types of the information and carriers (media) and to applied modern infor- mational technologies used for creating modern video- and audiovisual records and photos. The third educational program will focus on the history of the automatisation and informatization of the professional spheres (e.g., management), on the variety of modern digital records (managerial, per- sonnel, technical, audiovisual and video records etc.) and on the modern records management systems where the records are created, used and stored until their transfer to the archives and also on informatio- nal technologies which ensure their subsequent preservation, authenticity, reliability and accessibility in digital archival systems. This program should be concentrated on the practices of creation of documents ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 250 Liudmila N. VARLAMOVA: Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage, 247-251 and digital records (or electronic records as a part of digital records) dealing with the modern period of national and world history. A special interest will be given to modern informational technologies and systems used in different professional spheres (e.g., management) and in archives, because these systems must be interoperable. Those Bachelor’s programs must continue in Master’s programs which are also to be differentia- ted. The first two Bachelor’s programs could be completed by Master’s programs in Humanities with emphasis on informational technologies used for digitizing documents on paper and non-paper (e.g., film, magnetic) carriers (media) aiming to create a digital reserve and user funds of the documents and records stored and preserved in archives. The Master’s program following the third type of Bachelor’s program should concentrate on tech- nological aspects, that is on the informational technologies for developing the systems of preservation, protection, safety of digital records stored in those systems. The second approach will consist in elaborating an extensive BA program encompassing studies of all kinds of documents and records on different types of carriers (media), but in bare outlines with the aim to train broad specialists in archival work. In the first two years the students will study more general subjects while in the last two years they will be offered a wide range of special subjects which can help the students to choose their future specialization (oriented on archival market needs). This approach suggests that the chosen specialization should be continued in the Master’s program which will refine and deepen the students’ knowledge in the relative field. In this case the Master’s program will depend on students’ choice of special subjects which was made in the last year of Bachelor’s course. As a rule, students’ prefe- rences are formed in view of the market needs. While the first two approaches depend on the university management, their staff and technical equipment, the third one will be determined by archival market needs. The third approach is based on educational programs which will respond to archival demands and include only special professional subjects. At the same time university archival research centres might provide services to different companies in a wild range of archival questions. These services could be offe- red in different ways (e.g., qualification upgrading or professional retraining courses). This approach is also important because many archivists who graduated several years ago need upgrading their professio- nal level. These Bachelor’s and retraining programs will be developed on and connected with the needs of archives. The diversity of Master’s programs will also depend on the demands of archives which will be the main employers. These can be individual programs adjusted by the university to the customers’ needs and assembled out of professional subjects. Whichever approach the university chooses, its curriculum must include the following groups of subjects: – historical subjects (national history; world history; national and international history of archi- val studies etc.); – traditional professional subjects (archival science: theory and practice; State, municipal and departmental archives; business archives; personnel archives; methods and techniques of phy- sical preservation of archival sources; methods and technologies for using archival informa- tion; methods and techniques of archives’ acquisition; archival risk management etc.); – modern professional subjects (informational technologies for archives: introductory course; formats of records; systems for long-term preservation of archival records; methodology and technologies of digitizing, migration and emulation of records; archival consulting and out- sourcing etc.); – records management subjects (document science; organization and techniques of records ma- nagement; electronic records management systems etc.); – juridical subjects (informational law; archival law; administrative law etc.). The correlation of these subjects will influence the focus of the educational program and as a result, qualification and specialization of university graduates. 251 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n. 2 Liudmila N. VARLAMOVA: Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage, 247-251 As Bachelor’s programs in archival science are proposed by two departments of History and Archi- ves College of the Russian State University for Humanities (the Department of Archives and that of Records Management and Technotronic Archives)5, it is difficult to expect a unified concept of educatio- nal programs’ creation. The educational program of the Department of Archives is traditionally focused on training specialists for State, municipal and departmental archives where documents of the relevant bodies are mainly submitted in paper form. As far as the educational program of the Department of Re- cords Management and Technical Archives is concerned, it trains professionals for audio-video, technical and economic archives which complete their funds mostly with records on special or digital carriers (me- dia). The Russian archival science school has a very long history and rich experience in regulating all aspects of archival practices. These knowledge and experience are reflected in Russian educational archi- val programs. However, the same as other countries, we are on the verge of global changes in the sphere of modern archivists’ training. Dynamic development of informational technologies and digital archival area compels us to reconsider our educational programs and approaches to their creation. SUMMARY In the modern world the introduction of informational technologies has led to qualitative changes in the area of archival sources’ preservation. The techniques and technologies for paper and non-paper documents’ disposition, description, registration and accounting which have stood the test of time cannot be fully applicable to digital re- cords. The aspects of long-term preservation of the latter have been understudied so far, which may present risks of the records’ loss. Yet, digital records are actively created and used in all professional spheres, which means that they will be submitted to the archives in the near future. So, universities should upgrade their curricula in order to train archivists of the future, able to work with new kinds of documents and records as well as to assess the risks of long- term preservation of archival sources in view of their formats and carriers (media). A few approaches to the elabo- ration of new educational programs can be suggested. The first approach consists in developing Bachelor’s pro- grams based on the types of archives and their specifics. The second approach involves elaborating an extensive BA program including studies of all kinds of documents and records on different types of carriers (media), but in bare outlines with the aim to train general archivists. All these programs should continue on the Master’s level where they will make the knowledge previously gained much deeper and more specialized. While the first two approaches depend on the university management, their staff and technical equipment, the third one will be determined by archival market needs. The third approach will involve the professional training according to the programs elabo- rated on the basis of archival market’s needs. At the same time universities archival research centres might provide consulting services on a wide range of archival questions including retraining and upgrading of archival staff. Whi- chever approach the university chooses, its curriculum must include the following groups of subjects: historical, traditional professional, modern professional, records management, juridical etc. The correlation of these subjects will influence the focus of the educational program and as a result, qualification and specialization of the universi- ty graduate. Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Submitting date: 09.04.2017 Acceptance date: 05.05.2017 5.Russian State University for Humanities. - 253 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 about authors / gli autori / o avtorjih Abdulmohsin Said AL HINAI, Education and Qualification: 2000-2005 university of Bradford Business Administration. Work experience: 1985-2009 working in Ministry of Commerce and In- dustry, held serval positions in Human Recourse ,Training and development and administrative, 2009- Till now working in National Records and Archives Authority as Director of Chairman Of- fice then Director General of Records Organization. Additional Skills and achievements: IT Skills Confident in some of Microsoft office packages. Member: Head of personal affairs Committee in NRAA, Head of e-government team in NRAA, Member on internal committee in NRAA, Member in purchasing private documents committee in NRAA. Ph.D. Cleophas AMBIRA, holds a doctorate in information sciences from University of South Africa. He is the founder and current chairperson of the Kenya Association of Records Managers and Archivist (KARMA). He works as a training manager in a leading commercial bank in East Africa and consults on records and archives management. Ph.D. Cristina BIANCHI, Master in History from University of Lausanne, Switzerland (1987), Master in Library and Information Science from UCLA, USA (1992), Worked as an archivist and records manager: • International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, (CH) • World Council of Churches, Geneva (CH) • International Olympic Committee, Lausanne (CH) • Now at the City of Pully (CH) Visiting professor at Haute Ecole de Gestion, Filière Information Documentaire, Geneva, Mem- ber of local AAS, AVA and Forum of Archivists; member of international ARMA, ICA, and repre- sentative of the Association of Swiss Archivists at the Section of Professional Associations of the International Council on Archives (ICA/SPA). Languages: French, English, Spanish and Italian. Ph.D. Yolanda CAGIGAS OCEJO, in History from the University of Navarra, Master in Ar- chival Science by the University of Sevilla, Degree in Contemporary History by the University of Valladolid. Director of the General Archive of the University of Navarra since it was created in 2005. President of the Section of Archives of Architecture at the International Council on Archives (ICA- SAR). Member of the Council of Culture of the Government of Navarra. Ph.D. Flavio CARBONE, born in Naples in 1968, he attended the 197th course “Grifo” of the Military School “Nunziatella” in Naples beginning his military career. After the military academy training he started the professional life as Carabinieri Officer. Laurea in Law and in Political Sci- ences, he is Ph.D. in contemporary history by Rome University “La Sapienza”. He obtained also the diploma v.o. as “Archivista-paleografo” in the Scuola Speciale Archivisti Bibliotecari and then a Ph.D. in archival sciences in the same university. From 2008 he is in charge of the Historical archive of the Carabinieri inside the Historical Office of the Carabinieri General Headquarters. From 2009 he is member of the Committee of Military Archives inside the International Commission of Mili- tary History in which he is secretary general. 254 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Ph.D. Ana-Felicia DIACONU, Alumnus of the Faculty of Archivistics, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy since 1997, she worked as archivist at the National Archives of Romania in 1997- 1998. She obtained master’s degree in the field of intercultural communication at UNESCO De- partment-Chair for intercultural and interreligious studies, University of Bucharest. In 2006, she was awarded PhD in History by the Faculty of History and Philosophy, “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca. Since 1998, he works as assistant professor at the Faculty of Archivistics. Her field of work is archival theory and practice and auxiliary sciences of history. M.Phil. Željka DMITRUS, Master of Education in Latin Language, Roman Literature and Croatian Latinity, born in Slavonski Brod, lives and works in Zagreb. She graduated on Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb in 2014 with the topic Mythological in “De raptu Cerberi” by Jakov Bunić. She is PhD student at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, direction Medi- eval history. She is working in the State Archives in Zagreb since 2014, and her specialty is working on an older archive material. In the Archive, she works at the Department for Protection of Materials outside the Archive. Ph.D. Branka Doknić, scientific adviser in the Archives of Yugoslavia, received the Ph.D, the M.A. degree and her degree from the Faculty of Political Science of the University in Belgrade. She spent all her work career engaged in research of documentary and archival material of socialist Yu- goslavia, first in the institution of Television of Belgrade, and when the Memorial Centre Josip Broz Tito was established, she begins her work in the Archives of Josip Beoz Tito. As these records were transferred to the Archives of Yugoslavia, she continues her work in this institution, in the research- ing the material of the socialist provenience and working on the compilation and publishing of the Guide throughout the funds of the most important institutions of authorities of the socialist period. Doknic is author of four books: (About Utopia, The Cultural Policy of Yugoslavia 1946-1963, The Cultural Policy of Yugoslavia 1945-1952, The Guide throughout the Funds of the Archives of Yugosla- via 1945-2006 – President, Presidency, Parliament and Government). In preparation is the Guide throughout the cultural Institutions of the Yugoslav State. Author of the several dozen articles on the subject of the history of the cultural policy, history of the cultural institutions, the cultural theory. She is a lecturer by invitacion at the Faculty of Political Science of the University in Belgrade. She is an active participant of an important number of scientific conferences and congresses, and present in his interviews in Belgrade’s press. Working in the cultural institutions of national importance, she strives to point to present problems in the work of those institutions, but also to the way of solving them. Dr. Marija GRABNAR, is a senior archivist at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS). Her field of expertise is appraisal and acquisition of public and private archives from the field of health care, culture, science and education. She provides expert help concerning archives and records management, often holding courses on these topics, and is involved in developing the processes and guidelines for e-archiving. She is also the head of the Slovenian inter-archival commission for health and social care related archival activities. 255 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Ph.D. Jozef HANUS, graduated from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Facul- ty of Chemical Technology in 1973. He gained a Ph.D. at the same University in Technology of mac- romolecular substances in 1987. From 1974 until 2008, he worked at the Slovak National Archives as Head of Department of Archives Preservation. Since 2009 till February 2013 he was the Director of the Slovak Archives Administration, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Since 2013 he is a senior consultant at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Tech- nology, Bratislava. He is also external lecturer at the Comenius University, Bratislava, Department of Archival Science and Auxiliary Historical Sciences. Member of several Professional International Bodies and Committees on Preservation, IIAS Trieste - Maribor, ICARUS - International Center for Archival Research, participant at the EU projects “Transition Metals in Paper - MIP”, Papertreat, COST D42 Enviart.; Technical Director, Sanosil SK, s.r.o. ( Ing. Emília HANUSOVÁ, graduated from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Chemistry and Technology of Wood, Pulp and Paper. From 1975 -1992 she worked in the Research Institute of Pulp and Paper in Bratislava as a research worker. Since 1992 she is the Head of Department of Preservation of Documents at the University Library in Bratislava. Ph.D. Mateja JERAJ, born in 1955 in Ljubljana, graduated in 1979 at the Faculty of Arts (His- tory), at the University of Ljubljana, Msc /MA/ ( in 1995 at the same faculty and DrSc / Ph.D/ (history) in 2003 at the same faculty. Employed in the Archive of the Republic of Slovenia as archivist since 1980 (responsible for political organisations). She has taken part in research projects of the Archive of the republic of Slovenia, Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and Institute of contempo- rary History in Ljubljana. She is active in research on history of slovene political organisations after the 2nd World War and on history of women in 20th century. She has taken part in varios national seminars and conferences. M.Sc. Alizata KOUDA was born on 14th of May 1984. She is graduated in law and later studied a Master in Archives management. She has been in charge of the documentation and the media library at the Department of communication in the Office of the Presidency of the republic from December 2013 to February 2015. Her main tasks were collecting, classifying and preserving writ- ten archives of the Department of communication, photo and audio data management within the Presidency. From March 2015 to current, she is appointed Director of archives and documentation of the Ministry of youth, vocational training and insertion. There, she has the duty of the sustainable management and sharing of documents from all the departments of the Ministry. Alizata Kouda has been very active in fellowships programs and associations. She is member of the International Coun- cil of Archives and the International Association of Francophone Archives. She has been elected National President of the Burkinabe Association of the managers of the Documentary Information since January 2016. Mgr. art. Nina LALÍKOVÁ, after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bra- tislava (2001) employed as a restorer of collection items from paper at the Slovak National Museum - Museum of History. In the years 2004-2007 she worked as a custodian of paper objects depository. Since 2005 she is Head of Department of restoration in the museum. She has realized two solo exhi- bitions in the museum, cooperated professionally for over ten exhibitions realized by the museum, publishes in the Proceedings of History. Since 2005, she works closely with the Institute of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology in Bratislava. 256 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Ph.D. Magdalena MAROSZ, graduated in history at Jagiellonian University, specialising in archival theory. After graduating, she started working in the State Archive in Krakow (from 2013 the National Archive in Krakow). Since 2000 a member, delegated by the Head Office of the State Archives, of the International Institute of Archival Science in Triest and Maribor. She has been con- ducting lectures in archival theory and methodology at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow and University of Pedagogy in Krakow. Ph.D. Jelka MELIK, Asist. Prof., graduated in 1975 at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana, MSc/MA/ (archiv. sc.) in 1993 at the Faculty of Arts, at the University of Ljubljana and DrSc/Ph.D/ (history) in 1999 at the same faculty. Employed in the Archive of the Republic of Slo- venia as archivist since 1978 (responsible for jurisdictional archives). She has bcome assistant profes- sor /docent/ in the field of archival science at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in 2001 and involved in the process of education in the field of history of law at the Faculty of Education at the University of Maribor since 2002. She has taken part in research projects of the Archive of the Republic of Slovenia, Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and Institute for Contemporary History in Ljubljana. She is active in the research on history of law and archival science. She has taken part in various national and international seminars and conferences Ph.D. Francesca NEMORE, born in Rome in 1974. She has a degree in sociology from the University La Sapienza in Rome, at the Special School for Archivists and Librarians of the same University he obtained his degree paleographer archivist and a PhD in libraries and documentary sciences. Researcher and archivist freelancer. Adjunt professor at the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archivistici e Librari of the University La Sapienza. She works closely with the chair of general archival and archives history of Professor Giovanni Paoloni at the University La Sapienza of Rome. From 2014 is handling the archive reorganization of Albonetti Achilles at the University Roma Tre. She collaborated with the historical archive of Banca Intesa San Paolo, dealing with the arrangement and enhancement of the IMI archival heritage. Research associate at the Istituto Nazionale per le ap- plicazioni del Calcolo of the CNR under the project “Synthesis and analysis of heterogeneous data for assisted monitoring and conservation of cultural heritage”. Dr. Maryna PALIIENKO, Doctor of Science (History), professor of the Department of Ar- chival Studies and Special Historical Disciplines at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. She was graduated from Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (1990). In 1994 M. Paliienko started working at the Department of Archival Studies of University as an assistant, then docent (1999) and professor (2011). In 2009 she defended doctoral thesis devoted to the archival collections of the Ukrainian emigration in Europe in the 1920s – 1940s. The scope of her research interests deals with Archival Science, Archival Training and Foreign Archival Ucrainica. At Kyiv University prof. M. Paliienko delivers lectures on Archival Science, Foreign Archives and Comparative Archivistics, Electronic Archives and Informational Resources, Foreign Archival Ucrainica. She has three mono- graphs and a wide range of publications dealing with these problems in the Ukrainian historical and archival periodicals (the latest ones devoted to archival systems of Austria and Turkish Republic, comparative analysis of European and American models of Archival Education, and interpretations of archives “images” in modern scientific discourse). 257 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Ph.D. Svetlana PEROVIC IVOVIĆ, conservator counsellor, employed at Archives of Yugo- slavia, Belgrade Serbia. Graduated in Cultural Studies in Cetinje (University of Montenegro) at the Department of conservation and restoration of art objects, paper, textiles, ceramics, metal and stone, 1983 was part of the team of the Republic Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture, who has worked on conservation painted baroque ceiling in Ljubljana In 1983 and in 1984 a study visit to the National Museum in Belgrade ,1985 study visit PRACOWNIA konzerwacii Zabytkowa Odd- zial Sczecinie, Poland.1985 was part of the team of the Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture of the Republic of Serbia on the conservation and restoration of icons of the Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Dubrovnik1988 / 9-1990 / 1991 was at the Postgraduate Studies of the Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade1991/2 four-month study stay in Rome as a scholar of the Italian Government (international student exchange program). She workedin Institute for research and development, Podgorica,Monenegro. From 1993-1995 she worked as a conservator-restorer of archaeological and ethnographic materials in the institution Mu- seums and Galleries of Podgorica (Montenegro).She worked Drvompex Beograd from 1995-1999. Since 1999 she has beeen working at Archives of Yugoslavia. She was head of Department of techni- cal preservation of Archives since 2005 till march 2016.Her present position is conservator advi- sor. Working on a project of Belgrade City Museum „Preservation The Legacy of Đorđe Novaković (1908–1968), a diplomat and a collector„ (7436 objects: banknotes of the Kingdom of Serbia, King- dom of Montenegro, Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the greatest part of European countries dating from the period between the second half of the 19th century and the 1970s.). She has taken a part in various national and international seminars and conferences. Jovan P. POPOVIĆ, studied law at the University of Belgrade. Between 1977 and 200 he held positions of acting director and director of Archives of Yugoslavia. He also held a position of ambas- sador of Federal Rebublic of Yugoslavia. After leaving the Archives of Yugoslavia he has focused on advocacy, journalism and continued with archivistics. He is a member of law society, archivists as well as librarians society, and historical society. He has received several national and foreign awards, decorations and plaquettes. In 2007 he has received three awards: “Atlanti” statuette, awarded by International Institute of Archival Science Trieste – Maribor; Universitas Iuris Naturalis Copaonici award by Kopaonik School of Natural Law and honorary diploma of VNIIDAD for “special contri- bution and scientific credit in the field of archival theory and practice, as well as for active and suc- cessful cooperation with Russian archivists”. In 2009 he received a diploma by International Institute of Archival Science Trieste – Maribor and “Listina” award by Regional Archives Maribor (Pokrajin- ski arhiv Maribor) “for several years of active cooperation in the field of collection and presentation of papers based on archival legislation of various countries”. He has published some 150 papers in Serbian and foreign periodicals, and has also written or co-written 15 scientific publications. Ph.D. Milena REHÁKOVÁ, Associate Professor in the field of Technology of macromolecular substances, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Brati- slava, co-supervisor of 2nd degree engineer study programme “Heritage Materials Conservation”. Fields of research interest: methods of organic materials identification in cultural heritage objects, study of degradation and stabilization of object on paper support, chemistry of colloidal systems and surfaces. Study visit in Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels. She is a Member of the Scientific Council of Institute of Forensic Science of the Police Force. Ph.D. T. Csaba REISZ, (1968) graduated as historian-archivist (1993), modern museologist (1995), lawyer (2006) and lawyer specialist on codification (2010) at the Eötvös Loránd University Budapest (ELTE). In 1998 he has got hold of scientific degree (Candidate of the Historical Scien- ces). He has worked for ELTE as an aspirant (1993-1996), for HAS Institute on History as scienti- fic assistant, later fellow (1996-1997, 2003), for Neumann János Digital Library as deputy director (2001-2002). The most professional experiences - with a small interruption - he has been gathering since 1997 in National Archives of Hungary as senior archivist, head of department (1998-2012), deputy general director (2003-2009), director general (2010-2011). Now as a honorary general di- rector he has returned to the scientific research (cadastral maps, history of the institute, legal issues of archivistik). 258 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Jonathan RHYS-LEWIS, is a preservation and collections management consultant with over 30 years experience. Jonathan is also the Lead Conservation Advisor: Archives & Libraries for the Na- tional Conservation Service. This is a part-time role and requires Jonathan to work closely with NCS members and to assist those who wish to join the NCS Collaborative Storage Scheme, operated in partnership with Restore at the Upper Heyford aerodrome site. He is the chair of the International Council on Archives Expert Group on Archive Buildings & Environments. Jonathan is also co-au- thor of the second edition of the successful book Preserving Archives, published by Facet. Jonathan is an Honorary Lecturer delivering the Curation & Stewardship and Collections Care modules as part of the Diploma/MA in Archive Studies and Records Management at University College Lon- don. His international work has included successful consultancy missions in France, the Netherlan- ds, The Gambia, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Macau, Grenada and Vietnam. Ph.D. Elena ROMANOVA, Deputy director in VNIIDAD (the All-Russian Scientific and Re- search Institute for records and archives management). She graduated from the Institute for history and archives of the Russian State University for the humanities and later defended her PhD thesis titled “Archival science in France: history, theory, methodology (end of the XIX – the XX centu- ries)”. She participated in professional training and educational courses in France (STIA, CISA and an internship in “Ecole des chartes”), Italy/Slovenia (IIAS Autumn Archival School) and in different international and national conferences. She has been employed with VNIIDAD (The All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for records and archives management) since 2002, since 2017 – as deputy director. She is responsible for the scientific activity of the Institute in the field of archives, including development of the theory, terminology and methodology of archives classification, ar- chival description, acquisition policy, preservation and use of archival documents, access to archives, etc. She is also responsible for the international cooperation of VNIIDAD in the area of professional training of archivists and records managers. Ph.D. Marie RYANTOVÁ, Assistant Professor, works since 2005 as associate professor (or sen- ior lecturer) at the University of the South Bohemia, Faculty of Philosophy, since 2006 she is head of the Institute of the Archival Science and the Auxiliary Historical Sciences in this Faculty. Before she worked in the Archives of the National Museum in Prague and she was head of the Department of the Manuscripts and Old Prints in the Library of the National Museum of Prague. She is member of the board of the Czech Archives Society (since 1996) and 2008–2014 she was president of this society, 2004 and 2008–2014 she was member of the Academic Archival Council of the Ministry of the Interior. She is member of the work group (for history) of the Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, member of various editorial and academic councils, acquisition commissions, member of the evaluating board of the Czech Science Foundation. She is also secretary of the Association of the Historians of the Czech Republic and member of the Czech National Committee of Historians. As a historian she concentrates on the auxiliary historical scienc- es, history of the early modern period (above all cultural, religious history), ego-documents, edition of the historical sources, she published some books or editions of historical sources (or participated in some books) and about 130 articles. She attended some scholarships (Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Andrew W. Mellon Stipendium, Herzog-Ernst-Stipendium der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung Gotha, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas Leipzig) and research sojournes in the foreign archives or libraries (Wien, Zittau, London, Stockholm, Riga, Rome, etc.). Prof. Dr. Izet ŠABOTIĆ, born on 03 June 1964 in Berani (Montenegro). Primary and seconda- ry school finished in the place of birth, and the Teacher’s Academy in Skopje, 1985. He graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History and Geography of Tuzla University. Completed his postgraduate Studies (History of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 19th and 20th centuries) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, and his master’s thesis was “Peasant cooperatives in the area of the Tuzla area of 1945 - 1953”. He obtained his PhD on 24 May 2008 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Tuzla, on thesis “Agrarian reform and colonization in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1945 to 1948”. He worked in several primary and secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1985- 1994. Since August 1994 he has been working in the Archives of Tuzla Canton as one of archivists to protect archival materials outside archives, and since the beginning of 2002 until 2014 he was the director of the Archives of Tuzla Canton. Currently he is full time university professor teaching history and archival science in Tuzla and Mostar universities (Bosnia and Herzegovina). 259 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Ph.D. Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST MAS, Studies: Master study for history and German philology at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz; Doctoral program at the Karl-Franzens-Univer- sity of Graz; From 1992 to 1995 Master study at the University of Vienna about archival science with the degree of Master of Advanced Studies. Professional career: From 1991 till 1992 univer- sity assistant at the institute of Austrian history of law at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz; Since August 1992 archivist at the Styrian Provincial Archives; Since 2007 lecturer for archival science at the Institute of Austrian Historical Research at the University of Vienna; Since 2010 lecturer for archival science at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz; Since 2001 member of the Historical Commission of Styria, from 2007 on member of the head of this commission; Member of the Inter- national Institute for Archival Science Triest/Maribor. Publications: Publications concerning social and economic history, Styrian history, contemporary history and archival science, which are listed here: Ph.D. Grazia TATÒ, Former director of Trieste State Archives and Gorizia State Archives and of the School of Archival Sciences, Palaeography, Diplomatica at the State Archive of Trieste; di- rector of the IIAS Autumn Archival School for young archivists from Eastern Europe; Italian Of- ficial Member of the International Institute for Archival science of Trieste and Maribor from 2003.; teacher of Archival Technology, Archival Legislation, Archival Science for Archival Science at the School of Archival Sciences, Palaeography, Diplomatica at the State Archive of Trieste; teacher of Archival Science at the University of Trieste. Author of many archival publications of inventories of archival fonds; organizer of national and international meetings and editor of their catalogues; superintendent for many documentary exhibitions and editor of their proceedings; Presidente of the Deputazione di Storia patria per la Venezia Giulia; president of the Friuli Venezia Giulia branch of ANAI (Italian National Archival Association). Ph.D. Radko TIŇO, Associated Professor, in the field of Technology of macromolecular sub- stances, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He has knowledge of the atmospheric plasma chemistry applied on the surfaces of lignocellulosic materials, and also knowledge of the various effects of the plasma to materials composed of natural polymers. He was coordinating part of Durawood project being run in Slovakia, and was responsible for laboratory testing of atmospheric plasma effects on the wettability and waterproofing of exterior wood. In the project KnihaSK he was member of the team designing prototype robot for mass dea- cidification of old books. Pétria de VAAL-SENEKAL, BA (Hons) Cultural History, is the owner of De Vaal & De Vaal Information Brokers cc, a Records Management and Archiving consulting and training company. She holds a BA (Hons) degree and Higher Education Diploma from the University of Pretoria and a Post Graduate National Higher Diploma in Archival Studies (cum laude) from Technikon SA. Her latest qualification is the National Certificate in Occupationally Directed Education, Training and Development Practices - NQF 6 - Institute for People Development. She has extensive experi- ence (29 years) in the fields of Records Management and Archiving. Being a keen cultural historian, she has a special appreciation and passion for precious archival material, but also remains interested in new developments in technology and how to best apply these in the records management work environment - therefore her knowledge in the electronic aspects of records management. Highlights in Pétria’s career includes: Participating as speaker at conferences in Moscow, China and Italy; At- tending a restoration course in Italy working with parchment books dating back to the fourteen hundreds. Records Management projects (big or small) as well as Archiving projects are high on the list of responsibilities in Pétria’s career. Training in both these fields is her passion. She facilitates in such a manner that delegates always want to come back. They learn while having fun! 260 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Ph.D. Katarína VIZÁROVÁ, Associated Professor, in the field of Technology of macromolecu- lar substances, Head of Department of chemical technology of wood, pulp and paper, Institute of natural and synthetic polymers, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Scientific research and pedagogical field of work: structure and proper- ties of natural polymeric compounds, degradation of paper information carriers and other natural organic materials of cultural heritage, research of new substances and processes for their preservation and conservation. She is co-author of 5 patent-protected solutions in the field of development of modification systems for book and documents conservation. Prof. Dr. Jedert VODOPIVEC TOMAŽIČ, head of the Conservation Department at the Ar- chives of the Republic of Slovenia, obtained her BSc and MSc degree in Chemistry Science and PhD degree in Conservation Science at the University of Ljubljana “ Medieval Binding in Slovenia: Binding, Structures on Stiff-Board Manuscripts”. She joined the Conservation Department of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in 1980 as chemist and book and paper conservator working on archive, library and other graphical materials. Since 1990 is involved in the professional training of conservators, since 1997 as lecturer of preservation and Conservation of written heritage at the University of Ljubljana and since 2014 also at Alma Mater Europeana, ECM Maribor. Author of na- tional and international papers, organiser of conferences, seminars and workshops on conservation of cultural heritage on paper and parchment and collaborating in research projects dealing with con- servation of books and paper. Bibliography available on COBISS Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem in servisi COBISS. M. Phil. Omer ZULIĆ, was born on 18.02.1976. in Tuzla. He attended primary school in the place of residence, and Medical school in Tuzla, 1995. During academic year 1998/1999, he enrolled in undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Tuzla, Department of History-Geography, where he graduated in 2003. Since 2004 he has been employed in the Archives of Tuzla Canton, as archivist for the protection of archival material outside the Archives. In May 2005 he gained profes- sional title - archivist, and in May 2012 higher professional position of senior archivist. Since 2006 he served as the secretary of the Association of archival employees of Tuzla Canton and in 2010 he was appointed as president of this Association. He also worked as an assistant professor at the Facul- ty of Philosophy in Tuzla, Department of History, teaching classes in „Archival practice“ subject. In 2013 he obtained a master’s degree in History. He is a member of Archival association of Federation B&H, member of BAM association and part of the Management board of the Archival Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 2014. he is holding the office of the Director in the Archives of Tuzla Canton. IIAS Descriptors - Descrittori IIAS - Klasifikacija MIAZ 262 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 INGLESE ITALIANO SLOVENO TEDESCO FRANCESE SPAGNOLO 2.1. CLIMATE 2.1 CLIMA 2.1. KLIMA 2.1. KLIMA 2.1. CLIMAT 2.1. CLIMA 2.1.1. general 2.1.1 generalità 2.1.1. splošno 2.1.1. Allgemeines 2.1.1. généralités 2.1.1. general 2.1.2. tropical 2.1.2. tropicale 2.1.2. tropska 2.1.2. Tropisch 2.1.2. tropical 2.1.2. tropical 2.1.3. subtropical 2.1.3. subtropicale 2.1.3. subtropska 2.1.3. Subtropisch 2.1.3. subtropical 2.1.3. subtropical 2.1.4. temperate 2.1.4. temperato 2.1.4. zmerna 2.1.4. Gemässigt 2.1.4. tempéré 2.1.4. templado 2.1.5. arctic 2.1.5. polare 2.1.5. polarna 2.1.5. Arktisch 2.1.5. polaire 2.1.5. frio 2.1.9. other 2.1.9. altro 2.1.9. ostalo 2.1.9. Anderes 2.1.9. autre 2.1.9. otros 2.2. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS 2.2. PROBLEMI AMBIENTALI 2.2. VARSTV0 OKOLJA 2.2. UMGEBUNG UND UMWELTEINFLÜSSE 2.2. PROBLEMES D’ENVIRONNEMENT 2.2. CONDICIONES AMBIENTALES 2.2.1. general 2.2.1. generalità 2.2.1. splošno 2.2.1. Allgemeines 2.2.1. généralités 2.2.1. general 2.2.2. protection against dust pollution 2.2.2. protezione da polvere e inquinamento 2.2.2. zaščita proti onesnaženju s prahom 2.2.2. Luftverschmutzung, Staub 2.2.2. protection contre la poussière et la pollution atmosphérique 2.2.2. proteccion contra la polucion,polvo 2.2.3. protection against micro-organisms, insects, rodents 2.2.3. protezione da insetti, roditori, microrganismi 2.2.3. zaščita pred mikro organizmi, mrčesom in glodalci 2.2.3. Insekten, Nagetiere, Mikroorganismen 2.2.3. protection contre les micro-organismes, les insectes, les rongeurs 2.2.3. proteccion contra insectos, roedores, microorganismos 2.2.4. protection against flooding 2.2.4. protezione dale inondazioni 2.2.4. zaščita pred poplavami 2.2.4. Wasser 2.2.4. protection contre l’inondation 2.2.4. proteccion contra inundaciones 2.2.5. protection against sun, light 2.2.5. protezione dal sole e dalla luce 2.2.5. zaščita pred soncem in svetlobo 2.2.5. Licht 2.2.5. protection contre le soleil et la lumière 2.2.5. proteccion contra le sol, luz 2.2.9. other 2.2.9. altro 2.2.9. ostalo 2.2.9. Anderes 2.2.9. protection contre les autres agents 2.2.9. otros 2.3. GEOLOGY 2.3. GEOLOGIA 2.3. GEOLOGIJA 2.3. GEOLOGISCHE VERHÄLTNISSE 2.3. GEOLOGIE/ETUDE DU SOL 2.3. GEOLOGIA 2.3.1. general 2.3.1. generalità 2.3.1. splošno 2.3.1. Allgemeines 2.3.1. généralités 2.3.1. general 2.3.2. stability, instability 2.3.2. stabilità e instabilità 2.3.2. stabilno 2.3.2. Stabil, instabil 2.3.2. sols stables, instables 2.3.2. estabilidad, inestabilidad 2.3.3.nestabilno 2.3.9. other 2.3.9. altro 2.3.9. ostalo 2.3.9. Anderes 2.3.9. autres 2.3.9. otros 2.4. SITE 2.4. LUOGO 2.4. LOKACIJA 2.4. STANDORT 2.4. site 2.4. SITUACION 2.4.1. general 2.4.1. generalità 2.4.1. splošno 2.4.1. Allgemeines 2.4.1. généralités 2.4.1. general 2.4.2. urban 2.4.2. urbano 2.4.2. mestna 2.4.2. Innenstadt 2.4.2. sites en centreville 2.4.2. urban 2.4.3. suburban 2.4.3. suburbano 2.4.3. primestna 2.4.3. Standard 2.4.3. sites en périphérie urbaine 2.4.3. extrarradio 2.4.4. rural 2.4.4. rurale 2.4.4. podeželska 2.4.4. Land 2.4.4. sites en zone rurale 2.4.4. rural 2.4.9. other 2.4.9. altro 2.4.9. ostalo 2.4.9. Anderes 2.4.9. autres 2.4.9. otros 2.5. TYPE OF BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION 2.5. TIPO DI EDIFICIO E COSTRUZIONE 2.5. ZGRADBE IN KONSTRUKCIJE 2.5. ART DES GEBÄUDES 2.5. TYPES DE BATIMENT ET DE CONSTRUCTION 2.5. TIPO DE EDIFICIO Y CONSTRUCCION 2.5.1. general 2.5.1. generalità 2.5.1. splošno 2.5.1. Allgemeines 2.5.1. généralités 2.5.1. general 2.5.2. purpose built 2.5.2. edificio con destinazione specifica 2.5.2. namenska gradnja 2.5.2. Zweckbau 2.5.2. programme 2.5.2. finalidad del edificio year of original completition anno di prima costruzione letnica izgradnje Jahr der erste Fertigstellung année de livraison du bâtiment year of last addition anno dell’ultima ristrutturazione letnica zadnje dogradnje Jahr des letzten Zubaus année de la dernière extension 2.5.3. adaptation 2.5.3. edificio adattato per riuso 2.5.3. adaptacija 2.5.3. Adaption 2.5.3. restructuration 2.5.3. rehabilitacion year of orig. adaptation anno del primo intervento di riadattamento letnica prvotne adaptacije Jahr der Erstadaption année de la restructuration initiale año de comienzo de la rehabilitacion year of last adaptation anno dell’ultimo intervento di riadattamento letnica zadnje adaptacije Jahr des letzten Umbaus année de la dernière restructuration año de la ultima rehabilitacion 2.5.4. engineering features 2.5.4. caratteristiche architettoniche 2.5.4. gradbene značilnosti 2.5.4 Statik 2.5.4. choix technologiques 2.5.4. caracteristicas arquitectonicas 2.5.5. multi storey 2.5.5. costruzione su molti piani 2.5.5. večnadstopna zgradba 2.5.5. Mehrstöckiges Gebäude 2.5.5. construction a etages 2.5.5. varias plantas 2.5.6. single storey 2.5.6. costruzione su unico piano 2.5.6. enonadstropna zgradba 2.5.6. Flachbau 2.5.6. construction sur un seul niveau 2.5.6. una planta 2.5.7. under ground 2.5.7. costruzione interrata 2.5.7. podzemeljska gradnja 2.5.7. Unterirdischer Bau 2.5.7. construction en sous-sols 2.5.7. sotano 2.5.9. other 2.5.9. altro 2.5.9. ostalo 2.5.9. Anderes 2.5.9. autres 2.5.9. otros 2.6. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MATERIALI EDILIZI 2.6. GRADBENI MATERIALI 2.6. BAUMATERIAL 2.6. MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION 2.6. MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION 2.6.1. general 2.6.1. generalità 2.6.1. splošno 2.6.1. Allgemeines 2.6.1. généralités 2.6.1. general 2.6.2. concrete 2.6.2. cemento 2.6.2. beton 2.6.2. Beton 2.6.2. béton 2.6.2. concreto 2.6.3. bricks 2.6.3. mattoni 2.6.3. opeka 2.6.3. Ziegel 2.6.3. brique 2.6.3. ladrillos 2.6.9. other 2.6.9. altro 2.6.9. ostalo 2.6.9. Anderes 2.6.9. autres 2.6.9. otros 3.1. STORAGE 3.1 DEPOSITI 3.1. HRAMBA 3.1. MAGAZIN 3.1. CONSERVATION 3.1. DEPOSITO 3.1.1. general 3.1.1. generalità 3.1.1. splošno 3.1.1. Allgemeines 3.1.1. généralités 3.1.1. general 3.1.2. archival 3.1.2.archivio storico 3.1.2. klasično arhivsko gradivo 3.1.2. Klassisches Archivgut 3.1.2. archives anciennes 3.1.2. archivistico 3.1.3. modern records 3.1.3.archivio corrente e di deposito 3.1.3. sodobno gradivo 3.1.3. Zwischen/Registraturgut 3.1.3. archives courantes 3.1.3. documentos administrativos 3.1.4. micro forms 3.1.4. microfilm 3.1.4. mikrooblike 3.1.4. Microformen 3.1.4. microformes 3.1.4. microformas 3.1.5. audio - visual 3.1.5.audiovisivi 3.1.5. avdio vizuelne oblike zapisov 3.1.5. Audiovisuelles Material 3.1.5. audiovisuels 3.1.5. avdio-visual 3.1.6. computertapes 3.1.6.supporti informatici 3.1.6. računalniški trakovi 3.1.6. EDV - Material 3.1.6. documents informatiques et autres sur nouveaux supports 3.1.6. cintas magnetica IIAS Descriptors - Descrittori IIAS - Klasifikacija MIAZ 263 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 INGLESE ITALIANO SLOVENO TEDESCO FRANCESE SPAGNOLO 3.1.9. other 3.1.9. altro 3.1.9. ostalo 3.1.9. Anderes 3.1.9. autres 3.1.9. otros 3.2. OFFICE ACCOMODATION 3.2. LOCALI DI SERVIZIO E UFFICI 3.2. DELOVNI PROSTORI 3.2. VERWALTUNG 3.2. LOCAUX DE SERVICE 3.2. DISTRIBUCION DE OFICINAS 3.2.1. general 3.2.1. generalità 3.2.1. splošno 3.2.1. Allgemeines 3.2.1. généralités 3.2.1. general 3.2.2. document reception 3.2.2. ricezione dei documenti 3.2.2. prostor za prevzem gradiva 3.2.2. Anlieferungszone 3.2.2. entrée des documents 3.2.2. recepcion de documentos 3.2.3. fumigation 3.2.3.disinfezione e disinfestazione 3.2.3. razkuževalnica 3.2.3. Desinfektion 3.2.3. désinfection 3.2.3. fumigacion 3.2.4. conservation 3.2.4. restauro 3.2.4. konzervacija 3.2.4. Restaurierung 3.2.4. atelier de restauration 3.2.4. conservacion 3.2.5. reprography 3.2.5. riproduzione 3.2.5. reprogafija 3.2.5. Reprografie 3.2.5. reprographie 3.2.5. reprografia 3.2.6. cataloguing, sorting 3.2.6. riordinamento e inventariazione 3.2.6. katalogiziranje, sortiranje 3.2.6. Erschliessung 3.2.6. salles de tri 3.2.6. catalogacion 3.2.7. administration 3.2.7. ufficio amministrativo 3.2.7. uprava 3.2.7. Allgemeine Verwaltung 3.2.7. locaux administratifs 3.2.7. administracion 3.2.8. staff room 3.2.8. stanze per il personale 3.2.8. delovni prostori 3.2.8. Sozialräume 3.2.8. bureaux du personnel 3.2.8. despachos 3.2.9. other 3.2.9. altro 3.2.9. ostalo 3.2.9. Anderes 3.2.9. autres 3.2.9. otros 3.3. USER FACILITIES 3.3. LOCALI PER IL PUBBLICO 3.3. PROSTORI ZA UPORABNIKE 3.3. ÖFFENTLICHKEITSBE- REICH 3.3. LOCAUX DU PUBLIC 3.3. SERVICIOS DE USURIOS 3.3.1. general 3.3.1. generalità 3.3.1. splošno 3.3.1. Allgemeines 3.3.1. généralités 3.3.1. general 3.3.2. searchroom 3.3.2. sala studio 3.3.2. prostor za iskanje gradiva 3.3.2. Benützerraum 3.3.2. salle de lecture 3.3.2. sala de investigacion 3.3.3. library 3.3.3. biblioteca 3.3.3. knjižnica 3.3.3. Bibliothek 3.3.3. bibliotheque 3.3.3. biblioteca 3.3.4. lecture room 3.3.4. sala studio 3.3.4. čitalnica 3.3.4. Vortragsraum 3.3.4. salle de conférences 3.3.4. sala de lectura 3.3.5. exhibition room 3.3.5. sala mostre 3.3.5. razstavišče/razstavni prostor 3.3.5. Ausstellungsraum 3.3.5. salle d’expositions 3.3.5. sala de exposiciones 3.3.6. specialised facilities 3.3.6. sala studio per attrezzature speciali 3.3.6. specilaizirani prostori 3.3.6. Spezialräume 3.3.6. equipements spéciaux lectures 3.3.6. servicios especializados 3.3.7. common room 3.3.7. sala generale 3.3.7. skupni prostori 3.3.7. Erholungsraum 3.3.7. salles d’accueil, de détente 3.3.7. sala general 3.3.9. other 3.3.9. altro 3.3.9. ostalo 3.3.9. Anderes 3.3.9. autres 3.3.9. otros 3.4. BUILDING RELATED AND SECURITY EQUIPMENT 3.4. EDIFICI E IMPIANTI DI SICUREZZA 3.4. VARNOSTNA OPREMA 3.4. FESTE EINBAUTEN UND SICHERUNGSANLAGEN 3.4. EQUIPEMENTS ET IMMOBILIERS ET DE CONSERVATION 3.4. EDIFICACION Y EQUIPAMIENTO DE SEGURIDAD 3.4.1. general 3.4.1. generalità 3.4.1. splošno 3.4.1. Allgemeines 3.4.1. généralites 3.4.1. general 3.4.2. climatic control 3.4.2. controllo climatico 3.4.2. kontrola mikroklimatskih pogojev 3.4.2. Klimaanlage 3.4.2. contrôle climatique 3.4.2. control ambiental 3.4.3. fire prevention 3.4.3. prevenzione incendi 3.4.3. požarna varnost 3.4.3. Brandschutzeinrichtung 3.4.3. protection, détection et extinction anti-incendie 3.4.3. prevencion, deteccion y extincion de incendios 3.4.4. intruder prevention 3.4.4. antifurto e sntintrusione 3.4.4. preprečevanje vlomov 3.4.4. Einbruchsicherung 3.4.4. protection,détection anti-effraction 3.4.4. prevencion, deteccion de intrusos 3.4.5. transport system 3.4.5. sistemi di trasporto 3.4.5. trasportni sistemi 3.4.5. Transportsysteme 3.4.5. equipements de transport des documents 3.4.5. sistema de transporte 3.4.6. electrical 3.4.6. impianto elettrico 3.4.6. električne naprave 3.4.6. Elektrische Anlagen 3.4.6. installation électrique 3.4.6. electricidad 3.4.7. ADP 3.4.7. elaborazione informatica dati 3.4.7. AOP 3.4.7. EDV 3.4.7. 3.4.7. 3.4.9. other 3.4.9. altro 3.4.9. ostalo 3.4.9. Anderes 3.4.9. autres 3.4.9. otros 3.5. STORAGE EQUIPMENT AND OTHER FURNITURE 3.5. ATTREZZATURE DEL DEPOSITO ED ALTRO 3.5. OPREMA V SKLADIŠČIH 3.5. MAGAZINEIN- RICHTUNG UND ANDERES MOBILIAR 3.5. EQUIPEMENT ET MOBILIER DE CONSERVATION 3.5. EQUIPAIMENTO DEL DEPOSITO 3.5.1. general 3.5.1. generalità 3.5.1. splošno 3.5.1. Allgemeines 3.5.1. généralités 3.5.1. general 3.5.2. static shelving 3.5.2. scaffalatura fissa 3.5.2. nepomične police 3.5.2. Stationäre Regale 3.5.2. rayonnage fixe 3.5.2. estanterias fijas 3.5.3. mobile shelving 3.5.3. scaffalatura mobile 3.5.3. pomične police 3.5.3. Fahrbare Regale 3.5.3. rayonnage mobile 3.5.3. estanterias mouiles 3.5.4. special storage 3.5.4. scaffalatura speciale 3.5.4. posebna hramba 3.5.4. Andere Systeme 3.5.4. meubles de rangement pour supports spéciaux 3.5.4. almacenammiento especial 3.5.5. transport equipment 3.5.5. attrezzature di trasporto 3.5.5. oprema za transport 3.5.5. Transportmittel 3.5.5. matériel pour le transport des documents 3.5.5. equipaimento de transporte 3.5.6. other furniture, equipment 3.5.6. alter attrezzature 3.5.6. drugo pohištvo in oprema 3.5.6. Anderes Mobiliar 3.5.6. autres équipements et mobiliar 3.5.6. otros muebles, equipaimentos 3.5.9. other 3.5.9. altro 3.5.9. ostalo 3.5.9. Anderes 3.5.9. autres 3.5.9. otros 3.6. STORAGE CONTAINERS 3.6. CONDIZIONAMENTO DEI DOCUMENTI 3.6. OPREMA ZA HRAMBO 3.6. ARCHIVGUTBEHÄLTER 3.6. CONDITIONNEMENT DES DOCUMENTS 3.6.UNIDADES DE ALMACENAMIENTO 3.6.1. general 3.6.1. generalità 3.6.1. splošno 3.6.1. Allgemeines 3.6.1. généralités 3.6.1. general 3.6.2. boxes 3.6.2. scatole 3.6.2. škatle 3.6.2. Schachteln 3.6.2. boites de conservation/ cartons 3.6.2. cajas 3.6.3. portfolios 3.6.3. cartelle 3.6.3. folije 3.6.3. Mappen 3.6.3. chemises 3.6.3. carpetas 3.6.9. other 3.6.9. altro 3.6.9. ostalo 3.6.9. Anderes 3.6.9. autres 3.6.9. otros 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY 8. BIBLIOGRAFIA 8. BIBLIOGRAFIJA 8. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 8. BIBLIOGRARPHIE 8. BIBLIOGRAFIA 9. STANDARDS 9. NORME 9. STANDARDI 9. NORMEN 9. NORMES 9. NORMAS 265 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Guidelines for authors for the publication ATLANTI 1. Journal scope and content Atlanti are journal published by the International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor. It has an international editorial board and publishes original research, scientific and professional articles and discussions of archival issues and records management. Atlanti have been published since 1991. It is published once a year in two volumes. The issues are thematic. 2. Published articles are in the official languages of the IIAS English, Italian and Slovenian as a rule, however other languages are accepted with the decision of the editorial board. All articles must have the abstract, summary and key words in English and abstract in national language if text is written in national language of the author. 3. Format and structure of contributions Authors use Times New Roman 12p. The text should not be shorter than 6 pages and not exceed 16 typewritten pages (including tables, pictures and the list of cited sources and references). Information about the author should be stated before the title in full form (name and surname). If there are more authors, they should define the order of their names. Any academic or professional titles, institutional affiliation, address and e-mail address should also be stated. The author should also provide a short biography. The title (subtitle) should be concise and informative. It should specify the content of the article. The title should contain words suitable for indexing and searching. Title and subtitle have to be in the original and English language. The abstract should clearly define the purpose, methodology and approach, major findings and results as well as conclusions of the article and should not exceed 150 words. It should be written in English and in the national language. The author has to define up to 5 key words suitable for indexation. Main text of the article must minimum 6, maximum 16 pages) is followed by the summary in English and reference list. The summary should not exceed 400 words. Summaries of contributions, written in other than English language, must be written on at least 2 pages. Paragraph levels should reflect the organization of the article. Chapters can be divided into subchapters. Numbering should follow SIST ISO 2145 and SIST ISO 690 standards (that is: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc.). 4. Footnotes Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page and numbered with ordinal numbers from the beginning to the end of the article. Footnotes should provide additional text (author’s comments) and not bibliographic references - those can only be referred to. If the footnote refers to the whole sentence or paragraph, it is placed after the punctuation mark. If it refers to the last part of the sentence or only to the last word, it should be placed before the punctuation mark. 5. Figures and tables The article can also include figures (photos, graphics, maps, sketches, diagrams etc.) and tables, which should be numbered. Each figure and table should have a title. Table titles are written above the table (Tab. 1: ….), figure titles below them (Fig. 1: …). If graphics are not the result of author’s work, a source has to be quoted. All graphics have to be referred to in the text (see Fig. 1, see Tab. 1) and suitable for black and white printing. Pictures should be scanned in an appropriate resolution (at least 300dpi), saved in .jpg, .tiff or .png format, submitted as a separate file and appropriately titled. 6. Citation of authors and references Examples: • In-text references include the surname of the author(s) and year separated by a comma: … (Carucci, 2006), Carucci (2006) showed that . . . • For two authors, use an ampersand in brackets or an and in running text: . . . (Šauperl and Semlič Rajh, 2013), Šauperl and Semlič Rajh (2013) reported that . . . • For more than two authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al.: . . . (Carucci et al., 266 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 1980), Carucci et al. (1980) believe that . . . • For sources with the same authors appearing at the beginning of the list and the same year, all authors should be indicated up to and including the first different author: Šauperl, Semlič Rajh, Knez, et al. (2013) . . . Šauperl, Semlič Rajh, Kerec et al. (2013) . . . • If only the editor of the work is known and no person is named as author, the editor(s) should be indicated in the same manner as for indicating the author. • For Internet sources, cite known authors as usual. Cite unknown authors as (Internet 1). • Distinguish references to more than one publication by the same author in the same year a, b, c and so on: . . . (Novak, 2002a, 2002b), Novak (2002a, 2002b) presented . . . • Publications stated as an example are indicated as follows: (see Klasinc, 1999 or Ratti, 2001), ( for an overview, see Johnsonn et al., 2006 and Smith, 2007) • For secondary references, indicated the author(s) and year of the primary source, followed by the author(s) and year of the secondary source: (Line, 1979, cited in Mihalič, 1984) • If the work is still in press, state this in place of the year • Use full names when authors are first mentioned in running text • Quotations should be marked with double quotation marks (“ ”) and page number: “The modern librarians have more competencies” (Leight 1996, pp. 4-5). 7. Reference list. Cited sources should be listed at the end of the text in a separate chapter “Reference list”. This chapter should consist only of sources which are referred to in the text. Titles of monographies should be written in italics as also articles’ titles and year of publishing. All information should be written in original language. Examples: • Archival sources: Document title, fond or collection, container number and Archives name. • Books: Kippendorff, K. (2004). Content analysis: an introduction to its methodology. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Carucci, Paola (2006). L’archivistica tra diplomatica e informatica: inaugurazione del corso biennale, anni accademici 2004-2006. Città del vaticano. • Articles in Journals: Roblek, V. (2009). Primer izpeljave analize besedila v kvalitativni raziskavi. In: Management, letnik 4, št. 1, pp. 53-69. Sendi, R. (1995). Housing reform and housing conflict: The privatisation and denationalisation of public housing in the Republic of Slovenia in practice. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 19(3), pp. 435–446. • Contributions or chapters in books, encyclopaedias, proceedings of conferences, meetings and seminars, and so on: Gregory, I. (2008). Using Geographical Information Systems to Explore Space and Time in the Humanities. In: Greengrass, M., Hughes, L. (eds.), The Virtual Representation of the Past, pp. 135-146. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. Zajšek, Boštjan. (2012). Oblikovanje naslovov popisnih enot glede na mednarodne arhivske standarde. In: Fras I. (ed.), Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, pp. 581-604. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv. • Bachelor’s or master’s dissertation, doctoral thesis, research reports and so on: Semlič Rajh, Zdenka (2006). Access to archival material in libraries and archives. Master’s dissertation. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Arts. • Legal and other documents: Archives Act (2006). Official Gazette of Republic Slovenia, no. 30. ISAD(G): General international standard Archival Description. (2000). 2nd ed. Ottawa: International 267 ATLANTI • 27 • 2017 • n.2 Council on Archives. Available at (accessed on 05.01.2013). • Electronic sources: Stemler, S. (2001). An Overview of Content Analysis. In: Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(17). Available at: (accessed on 05.01.2013). Submission and copyright Manuscripts submitted to the publication should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere at the same time. The author is fully responsible for the content of the article. In compliance with the guidelines, formal academic style and scientific article layout should be used. Authors are asked to submit the entire paper which is expected to be grammatically correct and without spelling or typing errors. Texts which will not comply with the guidelines will be returned with notes on corrections. When published, the author keeps moral copyrights of the article, however, material copyrights are for all times, all cases, unlimited printing and for all media transferred nonexclusively, without time and space limits to the publisher of the review, International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor. The author also signs a Permission for publishing in the publication Atlanti. Articles must be submitted in electronic form via e-mail to the editorial board ( ) together with scanned permissions for publishing, signed by all authors. Peer-Reviewing policy: If the article does not correspond to the publication standards, the editorial board returns it to the author for completion. If the article is not classified as scientific or professional, the editorial board decides on its publishing. If the article is classified as scientific or professional and corresponds to editorial guidelines, it is sent out for the double-blind peer review. Reviewers are chosen by the editorial board. The reviewers consider the following: - Content: general interest, innovation …, - Methodology: suitability of used methods, sampling, hypothesis confirmation or rejection. - Paper structure; - Citations and references: citing consistency, references etc... The reviewer classifies the articles and decides whether the article: a) will be published as submitted, b) needs minor corrections and will be accepted at the editorial board’s discretion, c) major revision of the article and peer re-review is required, or d) is not suitable for publication. According to the reviewers opinion the author corrects or supplements the article. The anonymity of authors and peer reviewers during the review procedure is guaranteed. Articles are published only if they receive a positive review. Final text and publishing preparation: Final text must be sent to the editorial board via e-mail in MS Word format to . The editorial board prepares the text for printing. All texts are proof-read. The editorial board has the right to change the form of the paper, however, bigger changes are discussed with the author.