■8V®»' ik3v edem- Evro- j P^ t#3 .Šistv-' t $»• 'v peno'10 ijot,# ljeI,e il jtf. li) kise ■edit*' llie' j edna seja Federacije JSKJ j ustev v državi Ohio se bo vr- Vea v soboto 7. aprila v Sl$- v pS^em domu na Holmes Ave. jj ®landu, O. Seja se pri-y, točno ob sedmih zvečer. 'Sl zastopniki društev so vab- Uem fi 1 1 > ua se te seie gotovo ude- So. a r * Pa \ ,j y. P f » s I a v o tridesetletnice Jje. lj«tva 'st. 43 JSKJ v East • .v 14 6n*’ se bo v soboto v:»Wla vršila plesna veselica arnkajšni I. O. O. F. dvorani. kgf ne\SJ0Venski dvorani naselbi- i ^ Vall6y’ Pa-’ 86 b° V u*" (]ruv i4- aprila vršila veselica W a' št’ 11(3 JSKJ> s sede' v Delmontu, Pa. * & tro ?Se^etnic° ustanovitve bo j v a lvil° društvo št. 142 JSKJ w"r? i<'i[)fijlaConc^’ Mont., na večer 19. a s primerno zabavo. $ J.«** j ar)1,rih()dn.i<) soboto, to je 7. 1 a> bo v naselbini Strabane, i v^Zorjena šaloigra “Ne-,oZV »vsnd .in kobila” in sicer pod in f0 • V0 (lri,štva št. 149 JSKJ. jj \ lgp bo Ples. in prosta zaba-#ii ija . r°stor prireditve: dvora-|oN | ruštva Postonjska jama. 'oW*! 1’ I* * co K sfn;0ln'adanski koncert s a m o- hi r JIlG iir7 *♦ v • 1 e ven •],’ /waiMe, naj večjega slo-4i]\ eg'a Pevs^efia zbora v Ze-so&w ■jfelS1.' državah, se bo vršil v * C Slovenskega Narod- 'V ' l' C]) ^orna Clair Ave. ‘ \nM %ii?VeIandu> v nedeljo 15. 'o&pt Dol/; koncert se prične o ^ treh (2:80) popoldne. --^1! .* ftffj š(o ■ veselico s šaljivo po-drugo zabavo priredi v ^fio°v aPrila novoustanov-UljŠ« dra^ gensko “Gospodinjsko in ;* Jfl ihn r društvo” v Pittsbur-,k 1 Pa- VA : C^ska društva v Enum-jslO" ^ ^rash., priredijo v sredo ; 'ie0|a zvečer skupno vese-^ Spanish Castle dvorani ^ W6S^0ma Seattle in Taco-(Vll* : '>Ce j(!US^- ^isti dobiček vese-^ W 11 a ni en j en fondu za 1#J tyip 0 n°ve društvene dvo- Dr.)h, * ^ društvo “Soča” iz v Her]VUlga’ ^>a'’ '30 vPrizoril° ''"'•l 6 J° aprila igro “Pri- !| Polnoči” v Slovenskem k„t' !} v Pittsburghu, Pa. A , • *l * ^ j! poslujoča društva ’p' ^ ve\^'Gvelandu, O., priredijo “ $ ! Sce v.r -H- aprila “Acquahi-i' v Slovenskem De- li tU'o ^0rnu na Waterloo Rd. jjilti ;°graniu bodo dobri govoi-,-^eveda raznovrstna za-I dr slovensko poslujo-V^e;«tev v Clevelandu so (l,r^ i| ^ijQ ’’ da v obilem številu po-'l i' in ° ^rireditev naše mla- [1 '■ a&ii',0 s tem vzpodbudijo za |! delo za našo orga- .A |No 'Ju KSKJ, ki je, kot že pS^ I - ® Pove, uradno glasilo 1 S' K- Jednote s seje \hS 40J,olietu’ I!l> ki obhaja A . petnico svoje ustano- I stra, Xa to priliko izšlo na aileh. ' K OV ^inik Slovenske Do-l'; ^lr p fveze v Clevelandu, i>>' te'3enllmoŽ'KogoJ'’ 'e Prete-; resi£niral. Njegovo v’ biv|' Zavfel Mt'- John Gor-Itijjj večletni glavni pred-,, ®njone organizacije. a 'e na 4. strani) Nasiov — Adi1rtj(i NOVA DOBA 6117 St. Cl ................... 26.70 3 ....................... 3.00 4 ....................... 3.30 5 ....................... 3.30 9 ....................... 4.95 II ....................... 5.25 13 ....................... 7.05 15 ....................... 5.40 18 ...................... 12.95 27 ........................ 3.45 28 .................... 1.95 30 ....................... 18.15 32 ..........................60 35 ....................... 8.55 41 ....................... 2.55 42 ....................... 7.75 43 ....................... 4.50 44 ...................... 12.30 45 ...................... 17.25 47 ....................... 3.30 49 ...................... 9.90 52 ..........................60 53 ....................... 8.10 54 ...................... 3.20 55 ....................... 7.50 58 ....................... 6.15 68 ...................... 5.40 69 ....................... 1.05 72 ....................... 1.50 76 ....................... 2.70 82 2.00 83 ....................... 1.65 85 ........................ 4.20 86 ........................ 2.70 89 ........................ 7.35 101 ....................... 1.50 105 ................... , 3.15 108 ....................... 8.55 109 ...................... 2.70 III ........................ 9.90 112 ........................ 3.80 114 ....................... 7.95 118 ....................... 3.00 119 ..........................25 120 ........................ 7.05 lŽt ...........................75 I 123 ...;................ 3.30 I 125 ....................... 2.25 127 ...........................90 128 ........................ 2.25 131 ........................ 1.95 132 ................................... $300.00 134 ..................... 5.70 136 ........................ 3.45 140 ........................ 5.30 147 ........................ 2.70 150 ........................ 3.45 153 ...........................15 156 ........................ 2.10 161 ......................... 45 164 ........................ 1.05 166 ....................... 6.90 168 ........................ 4.35 170 ........................ 2.85 178 ......................... .60 180 .........................1.85 183 ........................ 2.55 184 ...........................60 185 ..........;............ 5.55 186 ....................... 1.35 187 ..................... 2.55 194 ....................... 1.65 195 .......................... 45 197 ..........................15 200 ....................... 11.75 j 209 ....................... 2.70 Za januar 4 ....................... 3.30 25 ...................... 13.35 44 ...................... 12.15 64 ..........................15 66 ...................... 10.74 i 70 ...........:............. 3.90 87 ....................... 4.80 I 92 ......................... 7.50 94 ...................... 14.90 > 107 ........................ 1.35 ) 124 ........................ 2.70 ) 161 ...........................45 I 172 ........................ 3.75 ) 198 ........................ 3.15 ) 199 ........................ 3.60 , ) 205 ...........................65 ■ 218 ....................... 1.65 220 ...........................15 Skupaj-Total ....$448.79 $300.00 50LNIŠKA PODPORA IZPLAČANA FEBRUARJA 1934 ;ICK BENEFIT FAII) DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1934 )r.št. Ime Vsota .odge No. Name Amount Feb. 8 3 Anton Ajstcr....................$ 17.50 !) Frank Klobuchar ................... 21.00 1,6 Joseph Rudar ...................... 35.00 16 John Klucar ........................ 33.00 18 Jacob Oblak ........................ 15.50 18 John Skubic ........................ 32.00 20 Jožefa Ulčar ........................ 18.00 22 Anton Zupančič and Frančiška Zupančič ................ 17.09 25 Frances Fritz ...................... 50.00 25 Matt Kozar ......................... 16.00 25 Antonia Ncingar .................... 35.00 27 Jožefa Lumpert ..................... 37.00 28 Frank Krusich ...................... 17.00 28 Annie Kropušek ..................... 21.00 31 Helena Dobrenich ................... 65.00 31 Helena Dobrenich ................ 17.00 31 Mary Milasinovich ............... 17.00 36 Bertha Birk .................... 30.00 37 Frank Požar ..................... 20.00 39 Matt Kauzlaric ............... \ 17.50 39 Anton Simonovac ................. 19.00 39 Johana Matanic .................. 20.00 39 Frances Brozovich ............... 13.50 39 Mary Simonovac .................. 21.00 39 Frank Mataya..................... 34.00 40 Mihael Kotar .................... 22.50 40 Joseph Kostrevc ................. 35.00 40 Louis Pogaljen .................. 18.00 40 Mrs. John Istinic ............... 43.50 40 Louis Beltz ...................... 8.00 40 Matt Regina ..................... 14.00 42 Frank Golob ..................... 17.50 42 Veronika Jesih ................ 17.00 42 Primož Knafelc .................. 6.00 43 Matilda Devcich ................. 33.00 44 Frank Merkun ................... 8.00 44 Matt Usnik ..............i... 18.00 44 Joseph Križaj ................... 35.00 44 Frank Tonja .................... 31.00 44 Živka Davidovac ................. 23.00 45 John Bačar ...................... 65.00 47 Anton Škrajnar .................. 26.00 47 Karl Petrovčič .................. 38.00 47 Martin Mismas.................... 32.00 50 Louis Durcik .................... 28.00 52 Joe Kastelic .................... 24.00 55 Frank Golcar .................... 20.00 58 Frances Chesarek ................ 27.Q0 64 Matt Ozanich .................... 23.00 76 Louis Fortuna..................... 5.00 76 Mary Koblar ..................... 15.00 76 John Derchar ................... 13.00 78 Jacob Evans ................. 34.00 78 Frank Cerov ................. 36.00 87 Frank Kodelja ............... 7.00 99 Blaš Bogatai................. 45.00 99 William Pintar .................. 14.00 101 Louis Golob ..................... 42.00 103 Rose Ivancich ................... 12.00 103 Polona Cvelbar................... 22.00 103 Agnes Sore ...................... 12.00 103 Frances Stego ................... 18.00 103 Frances Jevnikar ................ 20.00 105 Mark Petrich .................... 35.00 107 Mary E. Zabukovec 13.00 109 Mihael Medved ................... 20.00 114 Frank Virant .................... 34.00 114 Joseph Rus ...................... 35.00 114 Mary Camaish .................... 35.00 114 Edward Marolt .................... 5.00 114 Julia Meden ...................... 9.00 116 Henry J. Remic................... 17.50 116 Jernej Fatur .................... 35.00 120 Mary Lube ....................... 35.00 120 Anna Majerle .................... 14.00 120 Frances Barich................... 10.00 120 Mary Malerich .................. 15.00 120 Frank Zbashnik .................. 32.00 120 Josephine J. Somrock 10.00 122 Frank Felicijan ............. 35.00 123 Louis Hudolin ............... 35.00 123 Mary Turk ................... 14.00 123 Frank Rantasha .............. 2.00 133 Katherine Kobe .............. 30.00 142 Matt Dobrotinich ............ 13.(M) 153 Anna Slivnik ................ 15.00 155 Mary Lapornik ............... 65.00 156 Charles Sega ................ 26.00 161 Anna Supancic ............... 17.00 167 Anton jPernar .l.u.TJ. 21.00 1 <57 Frank Moskon .............. 35.00 167 George Stefanich Sr 18.00 167 Antonia Bernik .............. 10.00 184 Ann Vesel ................... 15.00 184 Rose Chernevetz ............. 34.00 184 Molly Gnidica .............. 12.00 l£!5 Frank Hochevar.............. 8.00 190 Katherine Pluth ............. 33.00 197 Antonia Sušnik .............. 36.00 197 Ann Sušnik .................. 25.00 197 Katherine Staudohar ......... 23.00 202 John Sfeuster ............... 5.00 223 Peter Vuksanovich ........... 35.00 Feb. 16 25 Frances Fritz .............. 14.00 30 Marcus Jotich .............. 46.00 30 Jacob Tobak ................ 8.00 30 Frank Arko ................8.00 33 Frank Rihtarsic ................ 26.00 33 Peter Jeram ..................... 7.50 33 Mary Pugel ..................... 20.00 33 'Mary Ravranek ................. 17.50 33 Arthur Primožič ................ 49.00 36 Mary Krebel .................... 19.00 53 Josephine Simončič ............. 48.00 79 Karl Kostelic ................... 6.50 84 Anna Tomazin ................... 21.00 I 84 Josephine Tomsic ............... 28.00 99 Mary Arh ....................... 37.00 105 Johana Karlin .................. 61.00 107 Louis Zabukovec ................. 8.00 110 Joe Mohar ...................... 48.00 121 Anton Smrdel ................... 35.00 129 Louisa Petrich ................. 11.00 137 Julia M. Glavan................. 15.00 150 Frank Podlogar ................. 16.50 183 Herman Brandstettcr ............ 15.00 183 Anthony Brandstetter ............ 7.00 190 Mary Pavlinac .................. 47.00 200 Steve Lebar ..................... 40.00 200 Elizabeth Mertel ............... 29.00 200 Joseph Flek .................... 65.00 200 Joseph Flek .................... 33.00 200 Anton Tekavec .................. 27.00 200 Agnes Kunstelj ................. 13.00 Feb. 28 1 Joseph Pluth ................... 34.00 1 Joseph Smuk Jr.................. 22.67 1 Steve Smuk ..................... 22.67 1 Joseph Smuk, Guardian of of Annie Smuk, ward 22.66 1 Stanislav Vesel ................ 21.50 1 Frances Gašperlin .............. 21.00 1 Angela Zobetz .................. 24.00 I George Barich .................. 20.50 1 Frank Baltich .................. 28.00 1 Matt Muhvich ................... 27.00 1 Matt Mausar..................... 27.00 1 Rudolph Banovctz .............. 30.(X) 2 Louise Košir ................... 29.00 2 Edward Mistick ................. 65.00 2 Edward Mistick ................. 28.00 2 Agnes Kosmach .................. 29.00 2 John Indihar ................... 25.00 4 Jacob Dermota .................. 34.00 4 Joseph Demsher .................. 9.00 6 Antonia Svet ................... 27.00 6 Rok Dominic .................... 27.00 6 Mike Požega .................... 28.00 6 Agnes Jančar ................... 17.00 6 Frank Justi«.................... 19.00 6 Louis Mihelič .................. 28.00 9 Mike Klobuchar ...'............. 28.00 9 Jacob Kocjan ................... 24.00 9 Joseph Stukel .............. 21.00 j 9 Frank Klobuchar ............' 23.00, 9 Paul Schneller ................. 28.00 9 Kate Grahek ................ 14.00 9 Joseph Supancich Jr 14.00 9 Peter Fink i............... 23.00 9 Michael Medved .............. 34.00 9 Frances Lamuth ,............ 65.00 9 Frances Lamuth .............. 34.00 12 Louis Murovic .............. 30.00 12 Mary Baselj ................ 28.00 13 Frank Gerchman ............. 14.00 15 Joseph Godec ............... 19.00 15 John Jamnik ................ 9.00 15 Joseph Sturle .............. 28.00 15 Louis Russ ................. 32.00 15 Frank Brajda ............... 28.00 15 Mary Jengich ............... 33.00 15 Frank Dejak ................ 65.00 16 Joseph Rudar ............... 12.00 16 John Klucar ................ 75.00 16 John Klucar ................ 28.00 16 Frank Fink ................. 8.00 18 Jacob Oblak ..................... 15.50 18 Blaz Eržen ................. 12.00 18 Johana Mrak .............„........ 9.00 20 Frank Kolar ................ 45.00 21 Anton Marinšek ................. 14.50 21 Amalija Vesel .................. 41.00 21 Johana Lunka ................... 16.00 21 John Janezich .................. 21.00 21 Ivana Zupančič ................. 27.00 21 Louis Zemlak ................... 23.00 26 Rev. John Mertel................ 13.50 26 Mary Mivsek ................... 100.00 26 Mary Mivsek .................... 26.00 29 John Moravec ................... 30.00 29 Frank Dolinar .................. 35.00 29 Joseph Jankelj .................. 50.00 29 Frank Zupanc ................... 31.00 30 John Arko ...................... 22.00 30 John Vidovich .................. 27.00 30 Joseph Tanko .................... 18.00 30 Anton Jerom ................. 24.00 31 Anna Susa ................... 23.00 31 Frank Skrabec ............... 24.00 31 Mary Milasinovich ........... 14.50 31 Magdalena Lindič ............ 49.00 32 Thomas Wieltschnig ......... 21.00 35 Frank Sweltz ................ 14.00 35 Veronica Matičič ............ 15.00 36 Johana Brenčič .............. 50.00 36 Ivana Debevc ................ 39.00 36 John Klajder ................ 28.00 36 Jennie Widmar ............... 12.00 36 Mary Krebel ................. 28.00 36 Mike Milkovich .............. 8.00 36 John Rovanšek ............... 28.(X) 36 Frank Fink .................. 14.00 37 Frank Matte ................ 21.00 37 Marko Merhar ................ 28.00 37 Rose Opic ...................... 38.00 37 Frank Penca ............... 14.00 37 Joseph Ivančič’.............. 41.50 37 Frank Antonia ............... 28.00 37 Stephan Grosvanic ........... 28.00 37 Joseph Gorše ................ 13.00 40 Mihael Kotar ................ 15.00 40 Joseph Kostrevc ............. 22.50 40 Matt Petek .................. 15.00 40 Peter Zupančič............... 33.00 40 Jacob Lazar ................. 44.00 41 John Siskovic !............. 14.00 41 Frank Weeder ............... 3.00 41 John Tušar ................. 28.00 45 Anton Struna i.............. 14.00 45 Mary Mervar ............... 20.00 45 Frank Zunk ,i. ................. 30.00 45 Katherine Lambert .............. 16.00 45 John Bačar ..................... 28.00 45 Jerry Stenfel .................. 14.00 45 Frank Luzar .................... 14.00 49 John Crriich .................. 19.00 49 Charles Luzar .................. 4.00 50 Louis Durcik ................... 21.00 50 Joseph Gačnik ................. 21.00 53 Frank Žagar .................... 18.00 55 Joseph Stibich ................. 15.00 55 Mary Golcar ................... 10.00 57 Mary Slat ...................... 14.00 57 Paul Kosiča „7,.................. 7.00 57 Frank Marot .................. 30.00 57 Anna Supancic................. 20.00 58 Mary Kraintz ................. 50.00 58 Mary Kraintz ................. 19.00 61 Anna Pozek .................. 74.00 61 John Lukanic ................... 15.50 66 Cecilia Jivetz ................. 22.00 66 Valentin Erjavac ............... 28.00 68 Peter Plavetic .................. 2.00 70 Joseph Kotzian .................. 6.00 70 Simon Tadin .................... 18.00 70 Matt Rasp ............'••••• 28.00 71 Charles Krall .................. 29.00 71 Anton Rojc ..................... 14.00 71 Matt Hribar .................... 12.00 71 Charles Jevnikar ............... 13.00 71 Louis Rudman ................... 28.00 71 Stefania Fatur ................. 20.00 71 Joseph Rudman .................. 25.00 Skupaj-Total.................$6,744.50 PODPORA IZPLAČANA IZ SKLADA ONEMOGLIH MESECA FEBRUARJA 1934 DISABILITY BENEFIT PAII) DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1934 Dr. št. Ime Vsota Lodge No. Name Amount Feb. 8 2 Asesmenti za Mary Pechaver ...................$ 16.51 3 Mary Kastigar .................. 10.00 16 John Tegclj ................... 21.00 16 Gregor Hreschak ............... 20.67 18 Mihael Stifas .................. 9.67 18 John Skerl ................. 11-34 22 Maks Smilanic .................. 19.67 22 Frank Kovacic ................. 19.67 25 Frank Koren .................... 11.34 25 Mary Horvat .................... 11.67 31 Helena Horvat .................. 30.00 32 Frank Smith .................... 10.00 39 Matija Majnaric ................ 10.00 39 Franccs Briski ................. 20.33 39 Ivan Turk .......•.......... 39 Filipina Brozovich ......... 11.3o 39 Asesmenti za E- Brlskay 19-68 39 Sophie Briskey.................. 11.34 40 Vincent Scslar ............. 11.o4 40 Jake Winslow ................... 12.00 40. Matt Regina ................ 11.67 42 Asesmenti za l£nac Zabukovec ...................... 18.69 44 Frances Skubclj y:............. 20.00 44 W. A. Morton, Guardian.. 20.00 44 Frank Matko..................... 10.00 47 Andrej Oberstar ................ 20.00 47 Asesmenti za J. Mausar 22.80 50 Frank G. Tassotti............... 20.00 33.67 58 Josephine Brezar .............. 20.00 81 Jacob Bartoncel ............... 11.33 85 Frank Derganc ................. 29.67 92 Mary Šuligoj .................. 11.67 99 Vincent Urbanja ............... 11.33 103 Asesmenti za L. Svetin.... 9.48 105 Anton Crnich .................. 10.00 105 Edward Simonich ............... 20.00 109 Matt Pribanich ................ 10.00 109 Anna Ozanic ................... 10.00 110 Frank Novlan .................. 30.00 122 John Bencik .................... 5.33 142 Karolina Rojch................. 12.33 Feb. 16 9 Antonija K. Kobe........... 20.67 22 Ambroz Grahovac ............ 20.00 30 John Kochevar.................. 20.00 33 Peter Jeram .................... 6.33 33 Gregor Demsar ................. 11.67 33 Gregor Oblak .................. 11.33 33 Frank Mlinar ............... 11.34 79 Karl Kostelic .............. 6.33 84 Joseph Gerl ................ 8.33 84 Mike Kokotovich ............ 20.67 84 Frank Tatar ................... 20.67 114 Anton Bolka ................... 10.00 130 Alojzija Juvan ................ 9.33 154 John Peloza .................... 9.00 200 John Vidmar .................... 11.33 200 Matt Vertnik................... 11.34 212 Joseph Mikula ............... 10.33 Feb. 28 1 Steve Banovetz ............ 10.00 1 Frank Sever ............... 11.00 1 Louis Moravitz ............ 9.66 1 George Butarac ............ 10.00 1 John T6msich .............. 10.34 1 Frank Tomsich ............. 18.67 2 Asesmenti za Mary Perushek ...................... 15.12 6 Alice Novak .................... 9.00 6 Peter Rohotina ................ 10.00 6 Asesmenti za Matt Meden 17.28 9 Steve Lakner .................. 20.67 9 Matt Fabec .................... 21.00 9 Frank Lenarsic ................ 21.00 12 Margaret Haas ................. 11.00 13 Martin Zapkar ................. 10.00 13 Anna Arh ...................... 10.00 15 Jernej Simonich ............... 20.00 15 Asesmenti za B. Meklavc 18.12 18 John Berce .................... 20.00 18 John Skerl ..................... 9.00 20 Joseph Novak, Guardian.. 29.00 21 Andro Modic .................... 9.67 26 Frank Gerlovich ............... 20.00 26 Anton Trescec ................. 13.33 29 Andrew Opeka .................. 15.00 32 Frank Smith ................... 10.00 36 Jennie Strmec ................. 10.00 36 John Britz .................... 20.67 36 John Milavec ................... 9.00 36 Matt Krebelj .................. 10.00 37 Mary Smolic .................... 9.33 37 Anton Vicic.................... 29.67 40 Vincent Seslar ................. 9.00 40 Jake Winslow ................... 9.00 40 Matt Regina .................... 6.33 43 Joseph Lenard ................. 10.00 45 John Hribernik ................ 10.00 45 George Volkar ................. 10.00 45 Amalia Golc ................... 10.00 55 John Švigelj .................. 20.00 57 Paul Kosica ................... 4.67 68 Peter PlavetiC ................ 7.67 69 Anton Knafelc .................. 8.67 70 John Koren...................... 4.67 70 Frank Ferenchak ................ 7.33 71 Anton Lencek .................. 10.00 Skupaj-Total ...............$1,480.31 PREMEMBE V ČLANSTVU ZA MESEC FEBRUAR 1934 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP FOR FEBRUARY, 1934 Odrasli Oddelek—Adult Dept. Novi člani — New Members Društvo št. 1: Josephine Pucel 35714-AA, Robert Nicholas 35715-AA. Društvo št. 2: Edward Dragosh 35716-AA, Mary Melovasich 35717-AA, Tony Schwegel 35718-AA, John Schwe-gel 35719-AA. Društvo št. 11: Frank K a s u n 35720-AA. Društvo št. 29: Frank Pangersic 35721-AA, Pavla Pangersic 35722-AA. Društvo št. 53: Mike Kovac 35723-AA. John Sclnvasnick 35746-B. Društvo št. 61: Leopold B. Pezdirc 35724-AA. Društvo št. 66: Joseph Pluth 35725-AA, George Kern 35726-A A, Joseph Dobranich 35727-AA. Društvo št. 89: Joe Krall 35728-AA. Društvo št. 106: John Semich 35729-AA, Andy Arhar 35730-AA, Evelyn Sluger 35731-AA. Društvo št. Ill: Charles H. Chitwood 35747-B. Društvo št. Al4: Bernard Svetic 35732-AA. Društvo št. 118: Francis Kinkela 35733-AA. Društvo št. 140: Aldo Piacentini i5734-AA, Floyd E. Jett 35735-AA Frank Yahko 35749-C, Domiano Carne-vale 35750-C. Društvo št. 150: Rose Pustoslemsek 35730-AA. Društvo št. 171: Mihael Sedmak 35737-AA. Društvo št. 173: Mary Mrak 35738-AA. Društvo št. 184: Frank Sershen Jr. 35748-B, Pauline Kovach 35751-C. Društvo št. 190: Agnes Patrick 35739-A A. Društvo št. 192: Mike Kochevar 35740-AA, Rose Kochevar .35741-AA. Itruštvo št. 197: George Staudohar 35742-AA, Matt Staudohar 35743-AA. Društvo št. 217: Anton Mulec 35744-AA. Društvo št. 223: Milo Martinovich 35745-AA. 1 remenili zavarovalnino iz načrta “A” v .načrt “AA” Converted Insurance from Plan “A” to Plan “AA” Društvo št. 1: Jacob Varoga 35752. Društvo št. 6: Joseph Svete 35753. Društvo št. II: Stefan Hozian 35754. Društvo št. 25: John Ulasich 35755, Marv Ulasich 35756. Društvo št. 30: John Kochevar 35757, Društvo št. 31: John Stefančič 35758. Društvo št. 33: Ventzel Potochnik 35759. 50 Mary Kelly 34300. „,6 * Društvo št. 94: John Habrle ’ Victor Mežnaršič 32908, Mary L. tisha B-596. , Itpci Društvo št. 103: Mary Nick 23145. n Ir, „ Društvo št. 107: John Mover ptyl 4 Društvo št. 122: Jos. Mlin^ac 18977, John Lisac 35694, Mary o 33959. . her % Društvo št. 132: Louise & d 28184, Frank Recher 28186, Mol)- , cher 28185, John Babic 35308, Fr q Orazem 34888, Mike Lorber 350'u; m ro. Društvo št. 137: Rose Cinjpe«g «3 23518, Mary Hitti 25101, Josepine , ^ zdar 24280, Helen Sustars.ch * j * Mary Starina 25606, Rose Zel s 26094, Anna Zerovnik 26943, r Kromar 34359. g27l, ^86, Društvo št. 144: Mary Chopp ,oV 0ril, Peter Vencelov 33435, Mary Vc 33*34. . ,,,26. Sse Društvo št. 150: Olga Dolinar ^ (irj Društvo št. 152: Teresa Benu® j Aišti Peter Benda 33527. ->0, ^co i Društvo št. 154: Joe Turk Frank Jaklich-35564. ^ -i, 2565®» 1AuSt' Društvo št. 160: John Zadnik- ' g Angela Zadnik 25649, Anton 25360, Jennie Cekada 31593. Društvo št. 171: Alojz Mavser 't!ty ^ Marija Mavser 33449. ,29461 ^oi Društvo št. 173: Frank Kne " Frank Iskra 34398. -789211 Ge Društvo št. 182: Rose Majeska - ^ Katherinč Sneller 34933. „ raga Jrginja Društvo št. 188: Albina 51572, John Palensek 24042. 7insSef .S§,( Društvo št. 196: Edmund J- "l. 32602. o2794. Auš(. Društvo št. 202: Tony Retei ^ ^ Društvo št. 211: Marie Ciesla { Betty Dobroski 32558, Kazimir f Pintar 34407. . 30g9S, \$tv Društvo št. 213: Joe Yakici ^ Rose Yakicic 31683. „ncev'c iSstv Društvo št. 218: Nick ^ r«5, Jq( 32447. . , He,, Prestopili — Transferred1 „ Od št. 114 k št. 2: Frank u ^ 33087. iselac V Od št. 201 k št. 21: Frank n 1 \ B-450. nraZeifl Nv Od št. 2 k št. 85: Agnes U ^ ^ 22231 ■ c KO^5 &>s9: Od št. 104 k št. 94: Thomas ^ 33952. , 1 aVk° >(, Od št. 44 k št. 127: Josep« \ ja( 34234. . ,azbec Sjtv Od št. 186 k št. 132: Daniel J „ 3,^ 28855, John Pertekel 27210, * iry^ ; Pertekel 32555. H 2 Od št. 20 k št. 133: Mary & W i 877°- ,oncicl1 ^ A Od št. 120 k št. 164: Mary Am '«ser ^ 28439, Frances Antoncich 8C18^ .^icl1 I>f Od št. 58 k št. 168: John 'a 32901. NoV»lc j ptv Od št. 1 k št. 184: Victor 28055. LoVfi» §?■ Od št. 64 k št. 225: Mary 1 9854.- Biirl^ kv, • ’'Od št. 58' k ‘št. 225: Josephi w 26284. Kflie11 . j>r i Od št. 30 k št. 225: Rudolph 25345. .. vret>c R Od št. 9 k št. 225: Ignaci) J S, 1 830, Maria Lovretic 8300. Odstopili — Withdraw*19 3518& s,_ Društvo št. 61: John Ja*'*'c«iiiielc‘c Društvo št. 64: Frances jjl§j 33343, Joseph Mihelčič 33344. . ; Umrli — I)ied 21J? it., j Društvo št. 6: Frank Sera21 .,33. I Društvo št. 15: Anna Risk* ,.ggl. . j Društvo št. 20: John Za!I*r ; Društvo št. 26: George Barak | . ' Matt Pecman 22833. Bri’^ llfa Društvo št. 39: Emerick ^ d 1 123860. hert#’ k Društvo št. 45: Tomaž Lam , j Philip Udovich 25972. ... 2K %n Društvo št. 50: Louis Dure1 ! Društvo št. 53: Anton Tree j , . 1 Mary Albreht 10330. aa^-i L Društvo št. 58: Joseph Jerm* ^.ergiC Društvo št. 82: George ,1 . 10966. juvOiK* j , ^ Društvo št. 103: Frances J \ 35298. i <■ I • tfST^ 1; PREMEMBE V ČLA^ 34 „( ■ ZA MESEC FEBRUAR ^ ^ CHANGES IN MEMBERS1111 j t, FEBRUARY, rflf «% Mladinski Oddelek—^ \ Department ^ 3s, Novi člani — New .Mem'* 349 Društvo št. 2: Albert J. Zob.e p. k 3;>1 ’■ Robert Priyatcl 13325, Patnc1* ,332’ 1 tar 13326, Elizabeth R- LeS * < 1 Gladys F. Perko 13328. . st^ „1; !i $ Društvo št. 29: D°r l^aO, ^ c 13329, Frances Pangersic 1 ^ t) i Pangcrsic 13331. tan 1^ Jo Društvo št. 31: John Cvc Antonija Cvetan 13333. . :c iMj, J M , Društvo št. 35: Joseph M«‘iC,Bj^ Jc Društvo št. 44: Frederick >3335. ,ich 1^5 J J r Društvo št. 47: Ella Gregof j) K Društvo št. 53: Anna cift' 5 aJ 13337, Francis Marosek 13»^ ^ J Društvo št. 55: Mary M tich 13339, Frank Stipech ^ ,3#* J Stipech 13341, Albert Stipec «3, c Društvo št. 66: France® * - 13343, Valentine Ambrose 1 g - J ^ Zuro 13345, Phylis Zuro g J. Železnikar 13347, Rich*^ .3349,^51, ' v , kar 13348, Dorothy Yakich h S 1 nard Yakich 13350, John r , ^ j g -Louise Pucel 13352, Mary ,c l^c J, ij Društvo št. 78: VelmaTeM « Alice Tekavc 13355, D°r_ ,33^’fcK ,v 1 13356, Catherine A. Eva^,jp k J' bc„ Škufca .3358, «*»»»$» « k 1.3359, Angela Mohar 1330’ js . ^ Mohar -3361, Joe E. M.| ; jj . Pauline M. Egan 13363, E' 1 & J ^ , 13364, Lilliam Alta Predov|C%. j* J j Društvo št. 106: Virg 33(j7, S!‘# i, ^ - 13306, Anne M. Jeran Jv 1, Semich 13368, Frank Se" ‘ e A- r John Semich -3370, An| yjrgif' c{« 'v e 13371, Joseph Yenko 1337^- $0s» Kosancec 13373, Rose . (Dalje na 3. stran» , A Društvo št. 35: Julius Kotar 35760. Društvo št. 36: Anton Tursic 35761, Mary Tursic 35762, Frank Drobnich 35763. Društvo št. 37: John Zerovnik 35764, Andrej Bajt 35765. Društvo št. 66: Edward Kobe 35766, John Kobe 35767. Društvo št. 76: John Sovine 35768. Društvo št. 124: Martin Derzanich 35769. Društvo št. 133: Julia Malovrh 35770, Angela Maloverh 35771. Društvo št. 154: Anna Schneider 35772. Društvo št. 168: John Nucich 35773. Društvo št. 175: Barbara Pleše 0774. Društvo št. 225: Frank Mršnik 35775. Zopet sprejeti — Reinstated Društvo št. 9: Anna Sheringer 8339, Joseph Scheringer 33623. Društvo št. 15: John Zupančič 34970. Društvo št. 21: Lillian Peterlin 33057. Društvo št. 26: Anton Hrvatin 27484, Elizabeth Hrvatin 27595, Mary C. Dan-cisin 28844, Stephen Kocsis 31152, Steve Senjan 28733, Rev. Joseph Skur 23939, Michael Turk 34485, Mary Flaj -nik 33667, Karol Flajnik 33666. Društvo št. 29: Angela Medved 33671, Mary Chesnik 34990. Društvo št. 31: Dragic Radulovich 28744, Dušan Radulovich 28740, Jeka Radulovich 28743, Joseph Strah 17667. Društvo št. 33: John Kostelic 25153. Društvo št. 37: Frank Hace 25240, Frances Zajec 9438, Juliana Ivančič 14102, Anna Brinovec 9365, Martin Brinovec 5432, Ciril Jevc 16416, Frank Ivančič 11408, Blaz Hace 15945, Frank Ivanc 20428, Frank Kolenc 5990, Jernej Oblak 16772, Ivan Trenta 15818, Peter Srnovrsnik 15975, Mike Ovsek 33757, Anton Brgach 34212, John Judeš 33270, Anton Kovach 33763, Peter Kodrič B 33729, Olga Trenta B-689. Društvo št. 55: Bertha Gallis 34570. Društvo št. 61: Mary Matetich 10711. R Društvo št. 71: Frank Trepal 17811, Antonija Trepal 23174, Anton Bizjak 3 3419, Matt Drašler 985, Matthew Drass-ler 25023, Rok Orbanovic 21109, Joseph Jerman 19486, Blag Godec 33237, 3 Frank Grdodolnik 33941, John Sedaj 34281, Jakob Sedaj 34285. E Društvo št. 75: Tony Killbuchar j 26878. 2 Društvo št. 88: Anton Rauch 20262, Andrea Rauch 27694. 3 Društvo št. 103: Fannie Jarc 20096, Augusta J*rc 24104, Frances Mesec 3 21493, Helen Pernush 34606, Angela Arh 34609, Valerija Fidel 34035. j 2 Društvo št. 104: Anton Semonelich 11 20532, Ivana Schaefer 21214. Društvo št. 109: Mary Jugovich 9853, j S J oso Jugovič 34330. Društvo št. 122: Marko Krešo 24167. i -Društvo št. 126: Peter Zorich 29596. j ■Društvo št. 128: Mary Salgy 31733. ^ Društvo št. 132: Anna Slapko 22159. Društvg št. 133: Johana Grahek 20921. Društvo št. 137: Theresa Simon ‘ 28602. Društvo št. 138: Anna Brahovski £ 30797, Stanley Brahosky 32081, Zofi Brahovska 30798. ‘ Društvo št. 144: Leo Kotzian 25125. Društvo št. 150: Jennie Rupasich f 30637. Društvo št. 163: Frances Stcmbergcr 26674. Društvo št. 171: Paul Kapraly 35330. Društvo št. 173: Angela Martinčič 30813, Rose Grubich 27482, Anthony Štritof 33005, Joseph Martinčič 34400. Društvo št. 180: Lawrence Burgar 29719, Adolphe Brezovar 27217, Frank Budic 24273, Rose Evanc B-132, Frances Mola B-136. Društvo št. 186: Anton M. Škufca • 32600, John Korošec 28610. Društvo št. 190: Margaret Petritz 29300. Društvo št. 200: Frank Palcher j B-217. Društvo št. 201: Frank J. Sabec 35476, Louis Sabec Jr. B-429. Društvo št. 203: Joseph Bargel 30826. Društvo št. 213: Josephine Bevc j 28377. Društvo št. 218: Louis Ampezan j 31787, Aurelio Prest 31958, Tony Deza-r.et 32446, John Moretto 34938. Suspendirani — Suspended Društvo št. 6: Leopold Jezeršek 35147. t Društvo št. 12: Katherine Knaus; 18287, Mary K. Knavs 28418, Rosanna F. Knavs 30390, Frank Ule 21865, Frank Knaus 34967. Društvo št. 15: Nick Yengich 29545. Društvo št. 16: Amelia Ledninski 23852, Barbara Ledinski 34409, Mirko Sečan 34980, Draga Solic B-262. Društvo št. 22: Katarina Kekič 29044, Katarina Kekič 20008, Joseph Kete 31297. Društvo št. 25: Albin Kucler 31982, John Jencc 5457, George Kotze 424, Aldea M. Kotze B-077. Društvo št. 26: Ivan Čelan 30462, Angela Draz 25900, John Klobuchar 30663, Tony Pugel 26798, Henry J. Jevnikar 35475, Joseph Varoga 34772. Društvo št. 29: Angeline Foley 34989. Društvo št. 36: Herman Kolar 28419, John Kolar 30528, Anna Kolar 32572, Jacob Sumrada 31018, Jacob Bevc 34184, Anna Bevc 34793, Toni Zakrajšek 34189, Joseph Kobal B-686. Društvo št. 37: Kate Mihelčič 25365, Karl Jarc 2672, Stevc Lovrin 25707, Mary Milner 24830, Charles Sega 24036, Anton Turk 27706, Vladimir Žagar 17220, John Gorencic 33721, John Kalcic 34207. Društvo št. 57: Mary Drnjevich B-348. Društvo št. 58: Tony Molichnik 32323. Društvo št. 68: Peter Zoretich 34931. Društvo št. 71: John Debeljak 10421, John Rozman 17280, Frank Sercelj 12482, Frank Šircelj 30540, Joseph Te-kaucic 20530. Albin Farenchak 33929, Frank Kastelic 33240, Joseph Rotar 33G34, Martin Šircelj 33944, Joe Ulle 34827. Društvo št. 78: Terezia Blankus ja urada g], tajnika JSRJ I^MEMBE V ČLANSTVU SEcA FEBRUARJA 1934 ^ n^a'1evanja iz 2. strani) IL «no V- Kosancec 13375, Fannie ! cncec 1337e- I 5ruš(y° '2<*: ^gnes Struna 13377. j 0 št. 120: George Romcevich 1113379 St' ^atr‘c‘a -Ioan Spe- '»Anton Andrew Zti-I (sephir, ’^Joseph Anton Zupan 13381, W '%n 13382, Carl William ! ft v 83' 1^84 i)° St' '55: Emil W. Bradley ! t)ru’ž r0Wnie B. Bradley 13385. lijjjg 0 št. 174: Frances Kramar iMtVn %'i . st- 175: Frances Bozicli %e pinnie Bo7-'ch 13388, Jennie l3390Se '33^9> William Edward •CpHšt’ 207: Mary Dugar 13391 1 ni|gar 13382, Liberta Sk n 5ar 13393- " Eh St' 2*®: Tony Ebanez 13394, !j390. ez 13395, Louis Zutrnan i 'Uštv • ]“1)' to °,St' 2'7; Ludvik Strah 13397, jJ1'* 13398. — Reinstated •2,n'1 55: Joseph Retkovich A||, r®e Retkovicli 3298. b!t8inia °p * • Carl Garbigan 7835, vine 11 q Hasle>' 822(5, Russel R. JW. ,3, Norbert Matetich 10691. 'll, ° $t. 109: Frank Jugovich IL. ^3, v° St. 133. Marcella Kraker !,Sštvn >, 1 Ri u John Brahosky \štV(,C’arcl Brahosky 12578. Ci»ist'140: Mafy Cišlar 11052> AiiSlvo - I,051> -Ioe C‘6lar 11053-j *5, jo st- 163: Anton Stemberger .“Ste,*.! Stemberger 808(5, Chris-1 Do ?r^er 8084, Vida Stembergar s r's Stembergar 13016. NvnPendirani — Suspended 1 % s*- 0: Robert G. Lustek 1 . Sstvo s, 1 Pra l '2: Genivieve J. Knavs i % 9?," L Knavs 7563, Helen E. Ntvn « J°hn R Knavs ' 118°. > 1 Si L,4'- 94: Mary Habrle 12227, rf’ Jacoh li6 ,2228’ J°sePh Gostisa C Svo • Gostisa 3382. ‘l ; Uštvn J°hn Malovich 9797. l'nJn }- ’G°: Albert Zadnik 7319, '<• 7 ' 7317, Joseph Zadnik 7318, sinik 73>5- ^ 1 !fi' Alh,St’ Rudolph Chrnalogar \ 4.,®rt Mausar 3368, Freda M. f Pre Helen E. Mauser 6020. j rWsiv0,)’^ v odrasli oddelek ^ I h ^tvo Adult Department ■Sštvo^i'2' Edward Dragosh 8672. SBI tr 61: Leopold B. Pezdirc ^'Kvo«f'89: JosePh Kra11 11873- ® sf- 114: Bernard M. Svetich tt J) Sjit. — Transferred ic ^2. “ k St. 85: Sherly A. Orazem ?■ ' '8fi k št. 132: Edward Jazbec }*•«, }-h 11823 Št’ ,68: Angelina A' J. ^ ^ St. 192; Stefanie Drešar °' N §t t: ?’Janu ^ ^t. 225: Josephine Barlich < ' aarlich 5273, Olga Barlich °’ ] 1 m. I o---------- 1 ^ gl. tajnika JSKJ ----- •t Osojna in obresti na jyl k 'CCtfp . '>ned l. februarjem S^nUarjem 103J>- S‘l °ans an(l interest on iltaf :\r,es fVom February 1 to U . V28. i934. j i $t. [J ^ j 'f^rt F>0so)‘1o Obresti Skupaj X' ',^97 Loan Interest Total %17 * 130.38 $ 7.24 $ 137.62 7^00 I0°-00 4.53 104.53 %9 46.95 1.89 48.84 ?2s2 50.00 1.76 51.76 . ,4 24.84 1.00 25.84 ,158 15-85 .48 16.33 %3 15.00 .45 15.45 ^159 80.48 2.83 83.31 74.71 2.24 76.95 14.54 .66 15.20 27.67 1.54 29.21 ji%6 35.17 1.95 37.12 »i^9S 100.0Q 3.52 103.52 J ^73. 56.17 2.55 58.72 33.45 1.18 34.63 ^73 23.71 1.32 25.03 ? %n 39.75 2.42 42.17 l ?209 83.37 2.93 86.30 V 37 73.12 3.68 76.80 31.68 1.76 33.44 J 1,^2 23.76 1.08 24.84 8.73 .40 9.13 J?»3i 47,00 1.41 48.41 ?^32 31.71 1.44 33.15 1 81.02 , 3.67 84.69 ;\S>2 ®9-63 2.09 71.72 S S2' o2'83 2.18 75.01 !J 36.90 1.86 38.76 69.36 3.85 73.21 36.70 1.29 37.99 1^7 1 °8.58 3.26 111.84 J A 48.25 2.68 50.93 §3 17.18 .95 18.13 S 35^2 46-74 1.40 48.14 2 V9 8'22 2.05 70.27 {SJlO 9.08 .27 9.35 » §4 14.42 .65 15.07 1 C9 t^’36 3-85 73.21 ;! A >0 4.02 104.02 -32 n-n Nv6 35.17 1.77 36.94 S5 4?8 -18 4.26 1 V ■ ti'59 2-09 43'68 ^ 27 3-°' 57-28 7 52.73 2.93 55.66 9-40 us 40.58 oU'9 103 34033 27.19 1.51 28.70 133 35222 7.84 .24 8.08 137 34648 5.11 .23 5.34 143. 34300 61.26 3.08 64.34 14.3 34370 29.11 1.47 30.58 154 33526 39.43 2.37 41.80 158 35231 39.24 1.18 40.42 158 35232 41.18 1.24 42.42 158 35230 19.34 .58 19.92 158 35229 15.98 .48 16.4(5 171 34397 6.23 .31 6.54 171 33447 63.02 3.78 66.80 174 34003 11.71 .65 12.36 200 35109 40.58 1.43 42.01 Skupaj..$2,661.56 $114.36 $2,775.92 Posojila na certifikate načrta “AA” in “C” od 1. februarja do 28. febfuarja 1934. Loans granted to m,embers insured under Plan “AA” and, “C”' from February 1, 1031+ to February 28, 10.34. Dr. št. št. cert. Vsota Lodge No. Cert. No. Amount 6 ................... 35663 $ 94.79 6 .................. 35664 13.55 6 ................... 35662 121.35 9 r.................. 35395 98.30 9 ................... 35394 44.67 20.................... 35667 72.62 20 ................... 35666 12.36 21 .................. 35670 73.12 21 ................... 35668 49.08 21 ................... 35669 ' 40.77 36 ................... 35673 51.00 36 .................. 35674 46.85 50 *.................. 35358 30.00 50 ................... 35359 48.10 61 ................... 35680 75.78 66 ................... 35683 25.77 66 ................... 35682 22.08 76 ................... 35685 14.70 84 ................... 35636 49.37 84 ................... 35687 47.25 85 ................... 35688 21.65 92 ................... 35690 9.01 103 .................. 35691 23.60 128 .................. 35695 15.67 132 .................. 35697 52.73 132 .................. 35696 71.49 140 .................. 35699 28.14 141 .................. 35700 27.27 147 .................. 35702 13.79 154 .................. 35706 6.08 154 .................. 35707 8.40 209 .............:..... 35713 10.93 Skupaj-Total ................$1,320.27 Druga posojila, na certifikate načrta “AA” in “B” od 1. februarja do 28. februarja 103h. Second loan granted, to members insured under Plan "AA” and “B” from February 1 to February 28, 103h. Dr. št. , Št. cert. Vsota Lodge No. Cert. No. Amount 1 ................... 33597 $ 68.00 1 ................... 34447 75.00 1 ................. 34700 17.76 2 ................... 34959 18.12 6 ................... 33252 18.00 6 ................... 34114 17.40 20 ................... .35158 10.86 20 ................... 34983 18.54 21 .................... 35159 29.22 29 .................... 34492 13.26 29 .................... 33669 16*14 29 ................... 33671 9.84 30 ................... 34996 31.86 30 .................... 34495 17.04 30 ................... 34773 23.70 36 ................... 33706 7.20 36 ..............v... 33473 1(5.14 36 ................... 35007 18.96 37 ................... 34209 19.92 37 ................... 33757 15.84 37 .................... 34526 15.84 37 .................... 34542. 5.82 37 ................... 33277 13.74 37 ................... 34531 7.62 37 ................... 34532 19.44 37 ................... 33279 11.70 37 .............r.... 33312 15.78 37 .................... 34212 16.74 40 ................... 33774 18.96 43 ................... 35026 18.30 45 .................... 33382 20.46 45 ................... 33787 17.64 45 ................... 33788 11.04 45 ................... 33323 12.42 47 .................... 33542 17.40 55 ................... 35029 13.26 55 .................... 33810 10.98 58 ................... 33824 18.96 61 ................... 34269 28.20 66 .................... 35186 13.38 71 .................... 34290 13.74 71 ................... 34586 13.50 78 .................... 34305 16.38 84 .................... 33854 20.46 84 .................... 33853 21.60 84 .................... 34837 11.34 103 .................... 34033 16.14 133 ................... 35222 11.58 137 .................... 34648 9.65 '143 ................... 34369 17.76 143 .................... 34370 16.33 154 .................... 33526 16.74 15Š ................... 35231 .17.40 158 .................... 35232 12.36 158 .................... 35230 11.22 158 .................... 35229 10.80 171 ................... 34397 10.14 171 ................... 33447 18.96 174 .................... 34003 11.34 200 .................... 35109 14.34 Razsodbe gl. porotnega odbora JSKJ 72-33 Ponovni priziv Franka Klob-charja, člana društva sv. Martina, št. 105, Butte, Montana, vsled po izvrševalnem odseku njemu odklonjene bolniške podpore od 10. julija do 4. novembra 1933. Vsled poročila, da je član opravljal delo v času, ko je bil na bolniški listi, mu je glavi ,urad odbil za deset dni bolniške podpore v smislu točke 341. Član je naredil priziv na porotni odbor, a ta je potrdil ukrep glavnega urada. Glavni urad je prejel potem še nadaljna poročila, v katerih se je trdilo, da je ta član opravljal delo v času, ko je bil na bolniški listi, najmanj trikrat. Vsled teh poročil mu je glavni odbor odklonil vso zahtevano podporo v smislu že prej omenjene točke. Ta član je naredil ponovni priziv na porotni odbor. Porotnemu odboru je bilo v drugem prizivu predloženo pričevanje le od dveh strani in iz katerega pričevanja je bilo vidno, da je ta član opravljal delo dvakrat v času svoje bolezni. Tretja priča, katera je tudi bila pripravljena poslati potrebno pričevanje in katero naj bi kazalo, da je ta član opravljal delo najmanj trikrat v času svoje bolezni* pa se je med tem preselila in se je ni moglo zaslišati. Ker .ie manjkala ena priča in ni bilo zadostno dokazano, da je član 0-pravljal delo najmanj trikrat v času njegove bolezni je porotni odbor razsodil s tremi glasovi: 1) Članu Franku Klobcharju se naj izplača bolniška podpora do 21. septembra 1933, manj aa deset dni, prvič odbitih po gl. uradu in potrjeno po porotnem odboru, in manj 30 dni za drugi prestopek v smislu točke 341. 2) Na podlagi drugih te zadeve tikajočih se poročil, je porotni odbor razsodil soglasno, da član Fr. Klobchar ni upravičen do podpore za bolezen, ki jo je imel v zgoraj označenem času, od 21. septembra 1933 naprej. En glas je bil, da se mu naj plača podporo od 10. julija do 21. septembra 1933; in en glas, da se naj mu odtrga od zahtevane podpore še za deset dni podpore. Anton Okolish, John Schutte, Valentin Orehek, Rose Svetich, John Zigman, porotniki JSKJ. o------------------------ DOPISI ker se omenjene dvorane ne dobi v najem za soboto zvečer. Torej, rojaki, prijatelji in znanci, posetite to prireditev v kar največjem številu. Sporočim na.j tudi, da na 12. maja letos bodo tukajšne Slovenke priredile veselico na Deep Lake. Kupile so krasna darila, katerih bodo srečneži deležni na dotični veselici. Darila si lahko vsak ogleda pri Mrs. Mary Potočnik v Cumber-landu, Wash. Zabave bo na veselici dovolj za stare in mlade in seveda tudi za osebe srednje starosti; to se pravi, za vse. Vsi rojaki tega okrožja so prijazno vabljeni, da pose-tijo to veselico, in vsak, ki pride, se bo prepričal, da nase slovenske žene iz Kraina in okolice “just can’t be beat.” Pripravljena darila za posetnike so v resnici krasna. Prvo darilo je deset dolarjev reden “quilt,” katerega so izdelale tukajšne Slovenke. Med drugimi darili so električne žarnice, zavese, blazine, garnitura za čaj, garnitura za pivo in mnogo drugih lepih daril. Vsi tukajšni in okoliški Slovenci so prijazno vabljeni, da nas posetijo na gori omenjenih dveh prireditvah. Na veselo svidenje 18. aprila v Spanish Castle in 12. maja na Deep Lake! Mary G. Balint. Kemmerer, Wyo. Članom društva Marija Danica, št. 28 JSKJ naznanjam, da je bilo na zadnji mesečni seji sklenjeno, da kateri član hoče prestopiti od društva št. 27 k društvu 28, mora biti prej pri društveni seji predlagan. Razmotrivali smo tudi o pridobivanju novih članov, da se odzovemo kampanji, ki je razpisana od glavnega odbora. Torej, bratje in sestre, vsi na delo in potrudimo se, da pripelje vsaki vsaj enega kandidata na prihodnjo sejo, ki se bo vršila 15. aprila! Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 28 JSKJ: Frank Krusich, tajnik. krofov. Torej, bratje in sestre, ne pozabite: 7. aprila na Universal, 14. aprila pa na veselico društva št. 116 JSKJ v White Valley! Jurij Previc, preds. društva št. 116 JSKJ. Cleveland, O. Tem potom poživljam zastopnike Federacije JSKJ društev v državi Ohio, da se gotovo udeležijo prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v soboto 7. aprila ob 7. uri zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. v Collinwoodu. Imamo več važnih zadev za rešiti. Obenem bodo prečitani računi zadnje prireditve v Bar-bertonu. Zato je neobhodno potrebno, da so vsi zastopniki navzoči. Vabljeni so tudi v tem mestu in okolici živeči glavni odborniki, da se udeležijo te seje, ako jim je mogoče. Več nas bo zbranih na seji, več koristnega bomo lahko ukrenili. Torej, na svidenje v soboto 7. aprila! — Za Federacijo JSKJ društev v državi Ohio: Anton Vehar, tajnik. Skupaj-Total .,.....$1,061.95 -------O------- POVRŠINA ZEMLJE Celotna površina zmeljske oble se računa na 196,950,000 kvadratnih milj. Od tega je 57,150,-G00 kvadratnih milj suhe zemlje, kar je manj kot ena tretjina celotne površine. Okrog 5,000,000 kvadratnih milj je puščav. Enumclaw, Wash Tem potom želim sporočiti Slovencem in Slovenkam te o-kolice, da bodo tukajšna slovenska društva priredila na 18. aprila veliko plesno ,veselico v Spanish Castle dvorani. Dvorana Spanish Castle je na High-line med mestoma Tacoma in Seattle. Najbližja pot do tja je skozi Kent in gori čez hrib. Čisti dobiček te veselice se bo porabil za gradnjo nove društvene dvorane. Mislim, da je znano vsem rojakom v tej okolici, da je požar popolnoma uničil staro društveno dvorano in treba bo zgraditi novo, kadar bodo sredstva za to. Ta veselica se bo vršila v sredo zvečer (18. aprila) namesto v soboto, White Valley, Pa. Zadnjič sem poročal, da bo društvo št. 116 JSKJ priredilo veselico na 14. aprila, piknik pa na 24. junija, člani in članice našega društva, kakor tudi vsi ostali rojaki in rojakinje tega okrožja so prijazno vabljeni, da se veselice 14. aprila gotovo u-deležijo. Na veselici bo igral Albert Moravec iz Broughtona, tisti* ki igVa vsak ponedeljek ob 2:45 popoldne na pittsburški (WWSW) radio postaji. Že to samo je dovoljno zagotovilo, da bo godba prvovrstna. Naše društvo že dve leti ni priredilo ni-kake veselice, torej je vsekakor dolžnost vseh društvenih članov, da se te prireditve udeležijo, ker bo v korist vsem. Pa tudi vsi drugi rojaki in rojakinje bodo dobrodošli. Zdaj, ko je Amerika zopet mokra, bo na veselici na razpolago dovolj vseh mokrih dobrot, poleg tega pa tudi dovolj okusnega prigrizka. Torej, da se vidimo v Slovenski dvorani v White Valley 14. aprila! Kot sem že zgoraj omenil, bo naše društvo priredilo niknik na dan 24. junija. Na zadnji seji je bilo sklenjeno, da se bo piknik vršil v bližini Delmonta, kakih 15 minut hoda od White Valley. Bolj natančno glede prostora bo pravočasno objavljeno. V koloni '“Vsak po svoje” sem videl, da .je sobrat u-rednik zaznamoval na svoj koledar datum 24. junija, da ne pozabi na omenjeni dan našega piknika in Bele doline. Upamo, da nas na omenjeni dan po-seti, kajti razume se, da bo dobrodošel. Upamo tudi, da bo dobil bolj sladkih črešenj, kot iih je bil deležen lani 4. julija na Presto, Pa. Upam dalje, da se bo Demšarjeva mati iz Presto udeležila našega piknika in da bo prinesla s seboj izgubljeno in zopet srečno najdeno kuhalnico. (Torej se je izgubljena kuhalnica vendar našla! Čast bogovom! Ali ste napravili kakšno “surprise party” v proslavo veselega dogodka? Skoro, da bi se spodobilo'! Op. ured.) Več o pikniku bo še po-ročano. Kot glan Slovenske dvorane na Universalu sem zadnjič tudi omenil, da člani iste priredijo veselico v soboto 7. aprila. Na to prireditev so vabljeni rojaki in rojakinje od blizu in daleč. Na veselici bo igral Pirčev orkester iz Girarda, O., ki je, kot se sliši prvovrsten. Odbor se je izrazil, da na veselici ne bo manjkalo niti mokrih niti drugih dobrot. Skoro gotovo ne bo brez domačih klobas in Leadville, Colo. Vsi člani društva sv. Jurija, št. 111 JSKJ so vabljeni, da se gotovo udeležijo seje v nedeljo 15. aprila, da bomo lažje ukrenili kdaj in na kak način bi bilo bolje proslaviti 22-letnico u-stanovitve našega društva. Dne 12. maja letos bo 22 let, odkar smo ustanovili naše društvo in isto pridružili k J. S. K. Jedno-ti. Pravilno in umestno je, da se na primeren način spomnimo tega jubileja, kajti lep čas je že pretekel od ustanovitve društva in mnogi člani so že prejeli pomoč od društva in Jed-note. Zato še enkrat vabim: v nedeljo 15. aprila na sejo vsi člani, katerim je le količkaj mo- goče! Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 111 JSKJ: Mark Russ, tajnik. no od Jednote za šest mesecev za asesmente, da bi plačali v društveno blagajno tistih 25 centov. Društvo ima izdatke za dvorano, za poštnino itd. Izredni asesment v sklad o-nemoglih je 10 centov, kar vsak ve. Društvo ne more zakla-dati iz blagajne za nikogar, ker v blagajni nič ni. Zalagali smo, dokler smo kaj imeli, zdaj ko je blagajna prazna, pa ne moremo več. Člane, ki pošiljajo denar za asesmente po pošti, opozarjam, da naj za marc in april pošljejo po 10 centov več, ker toliko znaša izredni asesment. Priporočam tudi članom, da skušajo pridobiti kaj novih članov za odrasli ali mladinski oddelek. V zadnjih treh mesecih smo dobili 7 novih članov v mladinski oddelek in dva nova člana za odrasli oddelek. Za take čase kot so sedaj, to še ni preslabo. Ako pojdemo s korajžo naprej, bo morda še kaj nadaljnih uspehov. Bratski pozdrav! Za društvo št. 55 JSKJ: Joseph Prah, tajnik. imamo najrajse jecmenovec iz Milwaukee. Le to je smola, ker tega prešmentanega cven-ka tako primanjkuje. Delavske razmere po tukajšnih pre-mogarskih naselbinah so skrajno slabe; lahko se reče, da so na najboljšem koncu docela zanič. Delo smo menda vse opravili, kolikor ga je bilo, kar ga je pa še ostalo, bodo pa stroji opravili. Kaj hočemo, smo pač ravno v tem času sredi velikih gospodarskih izprememb, katere občuti ves svet. Velike iz-premembe v vsem gospodarskem sistemu že prihajajo in se bodo prav gotovo izvršile, morda že v doglednem času. Tukajšni rojak in sobrat Joe Rolih je dne 20. marca odpotoval v Rochester, Minn., iskat zdravja. Dne 27. marca sem prejel od njega dopisnico, s katero mi poroča, da se bo moral podvreči operaciji 26. marca. Vsi mu želimo, da operacijo dobro prestane in da se kmalu povrne med svoje drage zdrav in vesel. Vsem članom JSKJ, posebno pa članom društva Marija Danica, št. 28 JSKJ kličem: na delo za nove člane odraslega ali mladinskega oddelka. Jednota ram je ob času bolezni ali smrti dobra mati, zato je dolžnost vseh lojalnih članov, da skrbijo za njeno rast in napredek. liani je naša Jednota obhajala 35-letnico svojega obstanka, zato bi bilo tudi za naše društvo lepo, da ji za ta jubilej pokloni nekaj novih članov. Ako se vsi zavzamemo, bomo lahko dosegli znatne uspehe. Torej, bratje in sestre, vsi na delo za nove člane ter za večjo in boljšo J. #S. K. Jednoto. Anton Tratnik, član društva št. 28 JSKJ. Pittsburgh, Pa. Kdo pa je rekel, da se v Pittsburghu žene in dekleta ne zanimajo za napredek? Nekega dne so se skupaj zbrale in jaz sem mislil, da gredo na stavko ali kaj podobnega. Mesto tega pa so sklenile, da ustanovijo Zensko gospodinjsko in dramatično društvo, katerega namen bo delati v korist Slovenskega doma in za napredek naselbine. Kdo ne bi bil ponosen na to! Zdaj za prvič so se odločile, da priredijo* veliko veselico s šaljivo pošto, na katero vabijo vse rojake in rojakinje v Pittsburghu in okolici. Ta veselica se bo vršila na večer 10. aprila. Kdor hoče biti deležen veselega in šaljivega večera, naj n<£ izostane od te prireditve. Igrala bosta dva dobro izkušena muzikanta, učitelja na piano in harmoniko in “Radio Stars of WWSW,” Jack in Bertha, katera igrata skupaj in posamezno. Kuharice so se tudi izrazile, da bodo napele vse strune v svrho najboljše postrežbe. Ko vidim, kaj da vse bo še v Pittsburghu, sem se odločil, da se ne preselim od tu nikamor. In še nekaj. Slišal sem, da na 29. aprila bodo prisegali o polnoči! In veste kdo? Društvo “Soča” iz Canonsburga. Igralci tega izbornega dramskega društva bodo igrali v naši dvorani zanimivo igro “Prisega o polnoči.” Več prihodnjič. Paul Klun. Uniontown, Pa. Tem potom poživljam člane društva sv. Roka, št. 55 JSKJ, da bi bolj redno posečali seje. Posebno jih poživljam da pridejo polnoštevilno na sejo v nedeljo 8. aprila. Imamo več važnih zadev za rešiti. Dalje sem dobil par pisem iz glavnega u-rada, ki se bodo na seji preči-tala. Nadalje sem dobil poziv iz gl. urada, da člani, ki so dobili posojilo meseca marca 1933, morajo plačati obresti. Opominjam tiste, ki imajo posoje- East Helena, Mont. Iz te naselbine že več mesecev ni bilo nobene vesti v glasilu; ne bo torej odveč, če se tem potom malo oglasim. Delavskih razmer ne bom omenjal, ker so slične kot drugod. Na društvenem polju tudi ni upanja do kakega napredka — priseljencev ni, kar pa nas ,>e rojakov tukaj, pa skoro že vsi spadamo k raznim slovenskim organizacijam. Naše društvo sv. Alojzija, št. 43 JSKJ je lansko leto obhajalo 30-letnico svojega obstanka, toda vsled slabih razmer nismo za tisto priliko napravili nobene proslave. Opogumili pa smo se sedaj in sklenili na zadnji seji, da priredimo plesno veselico 14. aprila, ki naj bi nekoliko odgovarjala v to svrho. Veselica se bo vršila v I. O. O. F. dvorani in se bo pričela ob osmih zvečer. Vstopnina za^ moške bo 40 centov, za ženske 15 centov. Svirala bo pristna godba Jos. Langenfusa. Joe bo vse tiste, ki imajo v nogah revmatizem, ozdravil, Vsaj za tisti večer. Kdor bo srečen, bo na veselici lahko dobil za mal denar lepo vrednost. Ako bodo društvene razmere dopuščale, se bo vršila tudi šaljiva pošta. Razume se, da bo tudi za lačne in žejne dobro preskrbljeno. Na prireditev so vabljeni vsi tukajšni rojaki in tudi rojaki iz okoliških naselbin. S tem mislim na Butte in Anacondo, kjer obstojajo društva naše Jednote. Veselilo nas bo, če nas rojaki ob tej priliki posetijo; ob sličnih prireditvah drugih društev bomo skušali uslugo in naklonjenost povrniti. Torej, na svidenje na veselici 14. aprila! Bratski pozdrav! — Za odbor društva št. 43 JSKJ: Frank Smith, tajnik. Diamondville, Wyo. Zopet smo v pomladnem času. Seveda to velja le za druge kraje, kajti pri nas 21. marc še ne pomeni pomladi v naravi. Za našo deželo pelina bi morali pravilno pomlad proklamirati šele meseca junija; pa še takrat nam včasi vetrovni bogovi naše lepe račune prekrižajo. Vreme smo imeli zadnjo zimo še dosti milo in tudi ne preveč snega. Za' poletje pa bo morda vsled tega vode primanjkovalo, ako nam nebo ne pošlje pomladanskega snega, kar za ta kraj ne bi bilo nič izrednega. Prav resničen je tisti pregovor, ki pravi, da še Bog ne more vsem ustreči. Ako je dosti snega in mraza, ni premogarjem in po mestih živečim ljudem po volji, ako pa ni pOzimi dosti snega se pa jezijo tukajšni ovčje-rejci in živinorejci, da bo zanje slaba letina. , Pa kaj nam hoče voda, zdaj ko imamo zopet pivo! Michiganskega jezera ne bomo tako izlepa posušili. V teh krajih Waukegan, III. Pred dobrim mesecem je naša tukaj šna naselbina napravila dokaj čuden ter jako zanimiv izlet. Pod vodstvom tu-kajšnega rojaka, slovenskega pogrebnika Joseph Nemanicha, ter njegovega brata Antona v Jolietu, smo namreč dobili dovoljenje od wardena jolietske kaznilnice, da smemo obiskati to “hišo pokore.” Po vztrajni agitaciji sobrata Nemanicha, nas se je zbralo 44 rojakov v njegovi hiši, ter smo točno ob osmi uri zjutraj odpotovali z avtomobili v prijazno slovensko naselbino Joliet. Ker je nam bil čas odmerjen, nismo mogli posvetiti posebne pozornosti prijaznemu Jolietu, pač pa smo takoj po našem prihodu naj prvo obiskali sobrata Anton Ne-manich-a v njegovem moderno urejenem pogrebniškem zavodu. Takoj nato smo se podali v glavni urad K. S. K. Jednote, ter smo bili od vsega osobja kakor tudi tamkaj zaposlenih glavnih uradnikov nadvse gostoljubno sprejeti. Ker nam je bilo povedano, da moramo biti točno ob deseti uri v prostorih stare kaznilnice, in ker je bila za nas policijska straža zato že pripravljena, se je podala cela karavana naših avtomobilov na omenjeni prostor. Po gotovih formalnostih, katere so prav gotovo v takih krajih potrebne, dobili smo stražo petih mož, z dolgimi o-kovanimi ter zakrivljenimi palicami, da nas popelje po prostorih te hiše, kjer se nahaja čez dva tisoč kriminalcev raznih vrst. Stara kaznilnica v Jolietu je menda stara štiriinosemdeset let, torej prav lahko iz tega sklepamo, koliko gorja ter koliko kesanja se je že storilo v tej nesrečni hiši. Močno oborožena straža nas je peljala po raznih oddelkih, ter nam razkazala razne celice, v katerih ponoči spe takozvani “trustees.” Neko celico mi je pokazal stražnik, kjer je imel jetnik v kletki dva kanarčka. Povedal mi je, da je ta jetnik obsojen v ječo 99 let, ter da mu je war-(Dalje na 8. strani) . .'I V. 't/ 'Jt 'I- - V. / . V i.' i 4 ‘JVo&a Doba” GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE Lastnina Jugoslovanske Katoliške Jednote. IZHAJA VSAKO SREDO Cene oglasov po dogovoru. Naročnina ta člane 7tc letno; za nečlana $1.50; ta inozemstvo $t. OFFICIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION, Inc., Ely, Minn. Owned and Published by the South Slavonic Catholic Union, Inc. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Subscription for members $.72 per year; non-members $1.50 Advertising rates on agreement NOVA DOBA, Naslov za vse, kar se tiče lista: 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. VOL. X. *>>83 NO. 14 VSAK PO SVOJE Brez pretiravanja Najboljše lastnosti postanejo škodljive, če zaidejo v pretiravanje. Pretirana pridnost nas prehitro oslabi duševno in telesno. Pretirana varčnost se rada spremeni v skopost in grabežljivost. Pretirana radodarnost pogosto vodi v ubožnico. Prav je, da imamo sami o sebi dobro mnenje'in da se zavedamo svojih zmožnosti, toda pretiravanje v tem oziru vodi k domišljavosti in ošabnosti. Iz počitka, ki je potreben, nastane v pretiravanju lenoba. Ljubezen do naroda in domovine je lepa reč, toda pretiravanje jo spremeni v šovinizem. Jed, pijača in razvedrilo so najn potrebni, pretiravanje pri tem pa vodi v nezmernost, ki je škodljiva. Oglaševanje je potrebno, toda pretiravanje glede dobrin oglaševanih predmetov odbija misleče občinstvo. Eden glavnih namenov Nove Dobe je propaganda za J. S. K. Jed-noto, toda če bi biHist od začetka do konca napolnjen s samo direktno reklamo za organizacijo, imel bi malo čitateljev. Glavni odbor JSKJ je razpisal kampanjo za pridobivanje novih članov in je za uspešne agitatorje določil lepe nagrade v gotovini. Naša reklama ni kričeča, vendar dovolj jasna in glasna, da lahko doseže razumne in misleče rojake. Našim agitatorjem pri hvali JSKJ ni treba pretiravati. Ako povedo prospektivnim članom, da je naša Jednota finančno na dobrem stališču in da ima dobro upravo, ne bo v tem ni-kakega pretiravanja, kajti to dokazujejo jednotina solventnost, njeni redki izredni asesmenti in večkratno suspendiranje asesinentov v mladinskem oddelku. Ako naši agitatorji povedo prospektivrrim članom, da je naša Jednota strogo nepristranska in nestrankarska ter v resnici le bratska podporna organizacija, v kateri se ne sme protežirati ali žaliti nikogar zaradi verskega alf političnega prepričanja, ne bodo niti najmanj pretiravali; resničnost takih trditev se lahko dokaže iz naših pravil in iz našega glasila. Glede točnosti izplačil in splošnega poslovanja se tudi lahko dokaže, da je naša Jednota med svojimi vrstnicami vedno v prvih vrstah. Dalje je iz naših pravil lahko dokazati, da se naša Jednota glede različnosti zavarovalnin uspešno meri z drugimi podpor nimi organizacijami in zavarovalnimi družbami. Tekom najtemnejših dni depresije je naša Jednota potom načrta “AA” omogočila tisočerim starim članom posojila iz njihove rezerve, da so lahko plačali asesmente in ostali člani organizacije. To je bil čin, na katerega je naša organizacija lahko vedno ponosna. Našim aktivnim članom, ki so se odzvali klicu kampa nje, ni treba pri nabiranju novih članov nič pretiravati glede dobrih svojstev naše Jednote. Samo resnico naj povedo in dobro raztolmačijo, pa bodo gotovo uspešni. DRUŠTVENE IN DRUGE SLOVENSKE VESTI (Nadaljevanje s črve strani) po morju plava in zaman išče suhega prostora, kjer bi smela izkrcati brezdomovinca Insulla. Pravijo, da se z zlatom obloženemu oslu odpro vsaka vrata, toda to pravilo ne velja, če stric Sam vratarja grdo pogleda. Amerika ni preveč rahločutna in malenkostna, toda tisoč-mili jonska polomija gre tudi njej na živce. Torej, fantje, le pametni in skromni bodimo, da se kateri ne bo izpozabil tako daleč, da bi zafrečkal tisoč milijonov dolarjev ljudskega premoženja! * Ledeniki Mount Rainier narodnega parka v državi Washington se baje skrčijo za 44 čevljev vsako leto, in neki znanstvenik prerokuje, da se bodo popolnoma stopili v 5000 letih. Ej, ali je še daleč tista pomlad! * V našem glavnem mestu Washingtonu so razne preiskave spravile na dan mnogo smradu. Ta smrad je menda privabil v posvečene prostore kapitola tudi pravega živega dihurja, ki si je nameraval tam preskrbeti jerperge, kar pa mu je pazljivi policist z dobro namerjenim strelom preprečil. A-fera je povzročila toliko parfu-miranih govoric, da je bil imenovan kongresni odbor z nalogo, da zadevo preišče. Člani odbora so si z robci zatisnili nosove in zadevo temeljito preiskali, nakar so izdali sledeče jedrnato poročilo: “Dihur je izginil, toda njegov spomin je ostal!” * Profesor Hooton, ki se bavi s preiskavami telesnih oblik raznih vretenčarjev, trdi, da dolg gobec kaže na pomanjkanje možgan. Mi nismo znanstveniki, pa se nam je včasi že tudi tako zdelo. * Velika noč nam je prinesla pestrih pirhov, toda ne zaželje-nega zelenja in cvetja. Upajmo, da se naš junak Zeleni Jurij bolje izkaže! A. J. T. ZIMSKE ZGODBE (Nadaljevanje It 1. *tranil kmalu popolnoma pokril. Seveda je bila s tem njegova kari j era zaključena. Nekega dne, ko je temperatura v New Yorku padla na 14 stopinj pod ničlo, so inženirji opazili, da se je George Washington most vzdignil za tri čevlje nad normalo. To se je zgodilo vsled tega, ker so se železne vrvi, ki nosijo most, zaradi mraza skrčile. Nevarnosti ni bilo nikake, ker se je pri gradnji mostu to upoštevalo ter je bilo predvideno, da se most lahko za 12 čevljev vzdigne ali zniža v izpreminjajoči se temperaturi. V Ilaymarket Relief bolnišnici v Bostonu je nekega mrzlega dne dr. Samuel Levy imel opravka s približno 200 ozeb-ljenci. Ko jih je drgnil s snegom in ledom, je sam tako ozebel v prste, da je moral sam pozvati zdravnika na pomoč. V Searsportu, Maine, sta dva ribiča opazila jato morskih to-novk, ki so sedele na neki čeri, katera se je raztezala v morje. Ribičema se je čudno zdelo, zakaj tonovke tako mirno sede, a ko sta prišla bližje, sta videla, da so vse ptice zakovane v palec debelo ledeno skorjo. Na mrzlo skalo so jim nedvomno najprej primrznile noge, nakar jih je pokril led, ki se je delal iz kapljic pršeče morske vode. o------------- MNOGO OCl Morski ježek, ki živi ob otočju Tortuga v Zapadni Indiji, ima malo lupinasto telesce poraščeno s čevelj dolgimi bodicami, in na teh bodicah so oči. Našteli so do 200 teh očes. Morski ježek se torej ne zmeni dosti, če izgubi kakega pol ducata očes. —o- PRIDOBIVAJTE NOVE ČLANE! RAZNO IZ AMERIKE IN INOZEMSTVA Vsak član JSKJ, ki pridobi svojemu krajevnemu društvu novega člana odraslega ali mladinskega oddelka, ne pomaga samo Jednoti k rasti, ampak tudi finančno koristi sebi in društvu, h kateremu spada. Za vsakega novopridobljenega člana mladinskega oddelka j«f predlagatel j deležen 50 centov nagrade. Za novopridobl jene člane odraslega oddelka pa so predlagatelji deležni sledečih nagrad: Za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 250.00 smrtnine, $1.00 nagrade; za člana, ki se zavaruje za S 500.00 smrtnine, $1.50 nagrade; za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,000.00 smrtnine, $3.00 nagrade; za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,500.00 smrtnine, $3.50 nagrade; za člana, ki se zavaruje za $2,000.00 smrtnine, $4.00 nagrade. Vsakega člana J. S. K. Jednote se smatra za organizatorja in vsak član, ki je pridobil kakega novega člana Jednoti, bo deležen nagrade ali nagrad v smislu, kot je gori navedeno. Nagrade se bodo izplačevale po preteku treh mesecev, to je, ko je novopridobljeni član plačal že vsaj tri asesmente Jednoti. Nagrade se bodo nakazovale na društvene blagajnike, z naročilom, da jih oddajo tistim članom, ki so jih zaslužili. Poleg navedenih nagrad za posameznike bodo deležna še posebnih nagrad društva, ki bodo tekom kampanje pridobila pet ali več novih članov. Za pet novih članov odraslega ali mladinskega oddelka bodo dobila društva $2.50 posebne nagrade, za 6 novih članov $3.00, za 10 novih članov $5.00, za 50 novih članov $25.00 itd. Vsak član, ki organizira novo društvo s predpisanim številom novih članov, je deležen poleg že gori navedenih nagrad še posebne nagrade v znesku $10.00 za ustanovitev društva. Jednota povrne društvom tudi stroške zdravniške preiskave za nove člane in sicer do vsote $1.00 za člane odraslega oddelka in do vsote 50 centov za člane mladinskega oddelka. (Nadaljevanje s prve strani) Slovenski dom v Rock Spring-su, Wyo., priredi pomladansko veselico na večer 14. aprila. Na programu bo petje, šaljiva pošta, ples in druga zabava. * Clevelandski dnevnik “The Cleveland Press” je v izdaji z dne 2. aprila priobčil uredniški članek z naslovom: “Welcome, Mr. Adamic.” V tem simpatičnem članku čitamo sledeče: , “Mesto ima v prvi polovici tega tedna za gosta Louisa A-damiča, avtorja knjige “The Native’s Return,” ki se v tem času najbolje prodaja. “Predavanja Mr. Adamiča, kakor njegova naj novejša knjiga, se bodo nanašala na povratek dečka imigranta v staro domovino, ki je mislil, da je izgubil vse vezi z njo. To je predmet, ki je posebno zanimiv v takem kozmopolitanskem mestu kot je to. “Clevelandu je Mr. Adamič dobrodošel ne samo kot mlad mož velike očarljivosti (charm) in briljance, ne samo kot avtor knjige “The Native’s Return,” ampak tudi kot pogumen in odkrit liberalec, ki je napisal knjigo “Dynamite,” važno zgodovino nasilj v delavskem gibanju.” * Pisatelj Louis Adamič je v torek 3. aprila zvečer predaval v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu v Clevelandu, O. V ponedeljek 9. aprila bo predaval v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu v Lorainu, Ohio. * Umrla je v Chisholmu, Milin., Antonija Lavrich, stara 46 let, članica ženskega društva “Danica,” št. 150 JSKJ. Rojena je bila v Retjah pri Loškem Potoku. Zapušča soproga, tri sinove in dve hčeri. V Shenandoah, Pa., je bil ubit v premogovniku John Mesec, star 47 let, član društva št. 99 JSKJ v Moon Runu, Pa. Pokojnik, ki je bil rojen na Stari Vrhniki, je bil samec. V starem kraju zapušča očeta, v Clevelandu, O., pa brata. * V Barbertonu, O., je nagle smrti umrl Joseph Hiti, član društva št. 195 JSKJ, star 38 let. V Ameriko je prišel pred 22 leti iz Velikih Blok na Notranjskem. Sedem let je bil vojak v ameriški armadi. Tragično preminuli pokojnik zapušča v Barbertonu žalujočo soprogo in hčerko ter eno sestro, v starem kraju pa očeta, enega brata, eno sestro in več drugih sorodnikov. Delegati 13. in 14. konvencije JSKJ se nedvomno spominjajo veselega, šaljivega in originalnega delegata Hitija. Ohranjen naj mu bo prijateljski spomin. (Nadaljevanje iz X. strani) državne in mestne blagajne. Dalje se je znatno znižala umrljivost zaradi alkoholizma. Državni zdravstveni odbor v New Yorku poroča, da je bila letos v januarju in februarju umrljivost zaradi alkoholizma najnižja v dvanajstih letih. V decembru lanskega leta je umrlo zaradi alkoholizma v New Yorku 65 oseb, v januarju letos pa le 27 in v februarju 19. To kaže, da ljudje manj pijejo ali pa pijejo boljšo pijačo. V CLEVELANDU, O., se ta teden vrši narodna konvencija komunistične stranke. Pred par leti bi zborovanje take konvencije vzbujalo med mestnim prebivalstvom nervoznost, toda časi so se izpremenili. Časopisje poroča o tej konvenciji kot e drugih konvencijah, ki se od časa do časa vršijo v mestu. Dnevnik “Cleveland Press” hudomušno pripominja, da delegati te komunistične konvencije ne bodoi postopali nič bolj neumno, kot je ohijska delegacija na zadnji demokratski narodni konvenciji, da ta konvencija ne bo nič bolj kričeča kot je bila konvencija Ameriške legije in da ne bo nič bolj viharna kot zborovanje “Hčera ameriške revolucije,” ki je, kot znano zelo konservativna ženska organizacija. Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Ameriki Hly. Minnesota GLAVNI ODBOR a) Izvrševalnl odsek: .. Predsednik: PAUL BARTEL. 225 N. Lewis Ave.. Waukegan, IH-Prvi podpredsednik: MATT ANZELC, Box 12, Aurora, Minn. ,5, Drugi podpredsednik: LOUIS M. KOLAR, 6011 Bonna Ave., CleveJ»‘ • Tajnik: ANTON ZBAŠNIK, Ely, Minn. Pomožni tajnik: LOUIS J. KOMPARE, Ely. Minn. Blagajnik: LOUIS CHAMPA. Ely, Minn. Vrhovni zdravnik: DR. F J. ARCH, 618 Chestnut St.. Pittsburg"-Urednik-upravnik glasila: ANTON J. TERBOVEC, 6117 St. CJ«* Cleveland, O. b) Nadzorni odsek: Predsednik: JOHN KUMŠE, 1735 E. 33rd St.. Lorain. O. 0, 1. nadzornik: JANKO N. ROGELJ, 6207 Schade Ave., Cleveland 2. nadzornik: JOHN BALKOVEC, 5400 Butler St., Pittsburgh. jji, 3. nadzornik: FRANK E. VRANICHAR, 1812 N. Center St., ' 4. nadzornik: JOSEPH MANTEL, Ely. Minn. GLAVNI POROTNI ODBOR: Predsednik: ANTON OKOLISH. 1078 Liberty Ave.. Barberton 1. porotnik: JOHN SCIIUTTE, 4751 Baldwin Ct., Denver, „ 2. porotnik: VALENTIN OREHEK, 70 Union Ave.. Brooklyn. N- 3. porotnica: ROSE SVETICH, Ely. Minn 4. porotnik: JOHN ŽIGMAN. Box 221, Strabane, Pa. Jcdnntino uradno glasilo: NOVA DOBA. 6117 St. Clair Ave.. Cleveland. O. Colo. ZDRUŽEVALNI ODBOR: Tajnik: JANKO N. ROGELJ. 6207 Schade Ave., Cleveland, O. ^ 1. odbornik: FRANK E. VRANICHAR, 1812 N. Center St., J<»)e • 2. odbornik: MATT ANZELC, Box 12. Aurora, Minn. Ill- Pravni svetovalec: WM. B. LAURICH, 1900 W. 22nd Pl., Chicaf-^ Vs« stvari, tikajoč« se uradnih nadev, naj h« pošiljajo na *)Vn*n»j «• "J denarne pošiljatve pa na glavnega blagajnika. Vse pritožb« in Vr*^,iVa ?r< *1 ulovi na predsednika porotnega odbora. Prošnje r.a sprejem novib ta svišanj« zavarovalnin« in bolniška spričevala naj s« pošiljajo na zdravnika. n»* Dopisi, društvena naznanila, oplaši, naročnina nečlanov in ^ ■lovov naj s® pošiljajo na naslov: Nova Doba, 6117 St. Clair Av«., t’1® sk* *** Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Ameriki je najboljša juC°9^0.y*nj|nn^ varovalnica v Zedinjenih državuh in plačuje najliberalnejše podpore 8v0^. . jn Jednota je zustopana ekoro v vsaki večji slovenski naselbini v Amer* ‘ j. ^ n hoče postati njen Član, naj se zglasi pri tajniku lokalnega druatv« yl^el,|' piše na glavni urad. Novo društvo se lahko ustanovi z 8 člani beleg Bpr«ie^, neoziraje se na njih vero, politično pripadnost ali narodnost. Jednota^ ^igd' tudi otroke v starosti od dneva rojstva do 16. leta in ostanejo lahko ftkem oddelku do 18. leta. Pristopnina za oba oddelka je prosti. Premoženj« znaša nad Sl,500,000.00. Odrasli oddelek j« nad 104% solvent«n, mladinski nad 2,0007!»* V JUGOSLAVIJI so bili 28. marca obsojeni na smrt trije Hrvatje, ki so baje nameravali vprizoriti atentat na kralja Aleksandra, ko se je lanskega decembra mudil v Zagrebu. Kakor hitro je bil J-cralj izvedel o nameravanem atentatu in o aretaciji zarotnikov, je nemudoma odpotoval iz Zagreba v Beograd. Na smrt so bili obsojeni: študent Joseph Bergo-vič ter delavca Peter Orel in Anton Podgrelec. POTA KORUZE Domovina koruze je, kot znano, Amerika, in -ie bila mnogim južnim indijanskim rodovom glavna hrana davno pred prihodom Špancev v Novi Svet. Španci so jo zanesli v Evropo, od tam so jo Arabci zanesli v Meko in od tam je prišla na Kitajsko potom Turkestana ali Tibeta. Dr. Walter T. Swingle, vposlen pri zveznem poljedelskem depart mentu, pravi, da je bila na Kitajskem označena koruza kot cesarsko žito pred letom 157?>. Iz tega. izhaja, da so Kitajci prej uživali koruzo kot prvi beli nasel-niki Severne Amerike. RAZUMNE MIIJE ZNAMENITEMU nemškemu znanstveniku dr. Albertu Einsteinu je nemška vlada odvzela državljanstvo zaradi nepatri-otičnih aktivnosti v inpzemstvu. Einstein je sedaj na fakulteti univerze v Prinfcetonu. Kon-gresman Kennedy iz New Jer-seya je v kongresu vložil predlog, da se Einsteinu podeli ameriško državljanstvo s posebnim zakonom. NA EUMUNSKEM so pred par dnevi odkrili zaroto, ki je imela namen strmoglaviti kralja Karola in ustanoviti republiko. - Statutna milja v Zedinjenih državah in v Veliki Biitaniji meri 5,280 čevljev- Navtična ali pomorska milja Zedinjenih držav je 6,080.2 čevlja, navtična milja Velike Britanije meri 6,080 čevljev, fraHc0S^a’ nemška in avstrijska pa 6,076 čevljev. Goo-grafična milja meri 6,087.1 čevlja. MOČAN POTRES so v noči 29. marca čutili v Bukareštu, glavnem mestu Romunije. SAMUEL I N S U L L, ki je pred 18 meseci pobegnil v Evropo in se je ves ta čas izogi bal dolgi roki ameriške justice, je končno le prišel v zanjko. Parnik Maiotis, s katerim je Insull zapustil Grčijo, da si poišče novo bivališče, je pristal v Istanbulu (Carigradu) na Turškem. Turška sodnija je odločila, da se mora Insulla na obtožbo ameriške vlade aretirati in izročiti ameriškim oblastim. Istotako se je izrazil kabinet presednika turške republike. Iz tega izhaja, da bo Insull najbrž v kratkem priveden nazaj v Zedinjene države, da se pred tukajšnjimi oblastmi zagovarja zaradi svojih finančnih akcij in transakcij, ki so upropastile več kot tisoč milijonov dolar jev narodnega premoženja. PROBLEMI PRISELJENCA (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani.) to dni, toda veljavnost se more iz dobrega razloga podaljšati in sicer vsakikrat ne za več kot šest mesecev. Ako hoče ino-zemec zaprositi za podaljšanje p,er mita, naj se poda na ameriški konzulat, da tam podpiše prošnjo, in naj potem prošnjo skupaj s starim permitom pošlje po pošti na Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, Washington, D. C. To pa mora storiti 30 do 60 dni pred rokom, ko zapade stari permit. Prošnji treba priložiti mednarodno nakaznico za tri dolarje. V splošnem se lahko reče, da inozemec, ki ostane v inozemstvu čez rok svojega permita, se ne more več vrniti v Združene države. Ako se ne dovoli podaljšanje in je veljavnost tega permita zapadla, on ne bo pripuš-čen kot izvenkvoten priseljenec, marveč mora zaprositi za redno priseljeniško vizo. Kakor znano, se pa te izdaj ej o dandanes le v izrednih slučajih. Predolgo ostajanje v inozemstvu more tudi pretrgati petletno dobo, predpisano za naturalizacijo. Le ako je inozemec odsoten ne več kot šest mesecev, se smatra v svrho naturalizacije, da je bival stalno in nepretrgoma v Združenih državah. Ako pa je odsoten več kot šest mesecev, se domneva, da je pretrgal svoje bivališče v Zdr. državah. Le ako poda dobre razloge, zakaj je moral ostati v inozemstvu več kot 6 mesecev, se mu lahko dovoli, da gre naprej z naturalizacijo na podlagi svojega prejšnjega prihoda. Ako pa je bil odsoten več kot leto dni, ne velja ni-kako opravičevanje, n j e g o v o prejšnje bivanje v Združenih državah ne šteje več in mora začeti vse znova, kar se tiče prvega in drugega državljanskega papirja. Šele po preteku petih let po zadnjem prihodu bo mogel vložiti prošnjo za državljanstvo. FLIS. ------o------- ODMEVI IZ RODNIH KRAJEV M % It "•tro He tone i°va »tli »CtiV; tivet low old. *nt n, >1 'iiide e ii V V borbah je preživel 1 let. Ko so leta 1840 j0vi>!l ^ padli Vasojevičane, -1 e $ t napravil top iz črešnje^^e sa ter z njim odbil tri f ^ napade. Ravno tako ^ jevnik pa je užival veli ' ^ kot zdravnik. V nilad0^1' ,0lo. vršil neko ranocelnik to ^ potrebno prakso pa s',,e je^Unt-bil na bojiščih, poznal ^ je tudi vse zdravili^' ^ ^ \ j ter je uspešno zdravi ^ soki starosti ljudi iu. ^jltli ^ Mnogo zaslug si je I)rl .j0v:f! ^ jf, di za šole v svoji ožji <-0 ^ " -,,ti v^din Te dni je pričel izhaJ‘^ ^ fiji prvi list z nalog0' wi^ pagira jugoslovansko '^ j/S-, sko zbližanje. List se ^ , n oval “Bolgarsko - J u0 b1'; 4 ski pregled.” Urejal 1* % f( minister Dimo Ka«a’/0 ^ prvi številki bo sode1«/1 V ^ bolgarskih kulturnih ^ P ^ med njimi Vera ^ Bojadžijev in drugi- . —- , M L • Pred nekaj tedni j1 l' ^ SU vem v Južni Srbiji lin' jče':' |4 ^ let stara Jelka Dimitr'^ ^ ki je lani obhajala ^ K' v6' svoje poroke. Njen . j j e star okrog 120 let, še — Nalgusijeizobul^.^, ^ prepeljali v ljubljans' <|i , e nico. Uršič je obupa1 ,k ga, ker je pred časorn f y sestvo nekemU sorodu , prejemal zdaj od P°'se malo užitka. \| PASJA DOM0y^ ^ Jjjj Znanstveniki C prvotna domovina 0‘ , g?'., ^ na zapadnih planja'^ f j L, Amerike. PrehistoiH jjli ^ ki sedanjih psov so -se -jjjoi’1 jf k’ pred približno 38 .nl-v0v' St] Ena vrsta teh c pozneje razvila v V3’e; \ lisice, kajute in ra l,:i' Mtjc veja se je razvila v '^0^/ S medvede. Iz Ameri^ ^ ^ ^ niki psov razširili P1^ od J gove ožine v AziJ° v v Evropo in ^ Ameriki še zdaj živi P mu'1' ki ima skupne k‘l1 1 psov in lisic. O'jjS CESTNO O? Cestno omrežje v ^ ^ i^!| državah, ne vštevši . $^ ^ stih, meri nad tri ^‘jij Od tega je 330,000 nih cest. A E A, Shi; (Nadaljevanje iz 1. strani) Beogradom občina Bežanija na levem bregu Save in 12 okoliških občin na desnem bregu Save in Dunava. S tem je podana osnova za zgraditev občine Veliki Beograd. Smrt najstarejšega črnogorskega bojevnika. V Andrijevici je umrl najstarejši član in bojevnik junaškega črnogorskega plemena Vasojevicev, Jovan Dedovič, ki je bil star že preko 115 let. Pokojni Dedovič, ki je bil po vsej Črni gori znan pod imenom čedo Jovan, se je udeleževal vseh bojev, ki so jih Va-sojevičani vodili proti Turkom. < ki i,o. m #*• .n*' V .n*** • nl’ ,d. »n#1*: kaa * . e)‘f l,dl»- -ek® irk*1 J°v t# Jcor ’’ it ,i je o loffl r JO. , pr*1 a Je.s i-asi # n m ENGLISH SECTION OF V o1t’»c,al 0r9*n of ihe SouthSIavonic Catholic Union. AMPLIFYING THE VOICE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS S"'*.#* every member get a new member issue Arrowheads Enroll I 4 New Members and Support Challenge El > — j, y< Minn.—Mindful of the challenge issued to see which j jj ’^'Conducted lodge would enroll more new members dur-! L0^°Ul Present membership campaign, members of Arrowhead are Putting their shoulders behind the task of enrolling | J »embers. with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to froin & e new members enrolled in the Arrowhead Lodge ^ 15 to March 31, inclusive. r.0n eading the list, we present ^ other than Miss Pauline . ch. a very ardent booster Hftj ,8^Pporter of Arrowhead tjVe'^es in the past, I am posing t she will be more loyal fold s^e ^as joined the (Inducing Mr. Frank Ser-leading drayman. eL 8 repertoire does not in-’ip . a ^us, otherwise he would ra a position to provide J^tation for the Arrow-^°dge athletic teams. Hw We introduce a very n/ ’^nt citizen of Ely and Nit well known in the 4 *Cal World. At present he . Candidate for county comfy,, °ner in the Fourth District, iijj, ^ntleman involved is Mr. ^io C- It would be an ^ to the Ar rowhead Lodge 1)3' 0ne °t its members a N’e'V Cornrriissioner. j *We introduce Ely’s lead-se ^l0l’tician, Mr. Anthony . • (I hope I’m not your ^tim, Tony.) Mr. Sam-dw °0rinected with the Ely (1^are & Furniture Co.', a 'nstitution under the e i°adership of Mr. Louis i)ll> our Supreme Treas- A^her loyal supporter of ’l0'vhead Lodge to join ^ °d recently is Miss Jo-yo rkun. Thanks for cast-^ Ur i°t with the Arrow-i'et j(;0^ana’ ^ou never V* lank Majerle is another '* th, ^at assist in mak-Arrowhead Lodge the e. and best English-con-in the SSCU. t^lis] °duce Mr. Earl Bliven ec*itpr of the Ely ve^ti capabilities in the |S'ng world shall solve *H<}g '^blertis for the Arrow-\ ^ uncanny wit shall j 0 niuke our meetings l^hty11^eresting. We are i^*ad to have you with \ T , >K,ohl» Buccowich, promt's a hant> shall be a val-^ hi!Se^ the Arrowheads .V ^ ever pleasant disposi-to ^ f *-he way, John is go-t the benedicts in the hle'. It: is a good thing las *nsured himself for \ t { benefit. Congratula- W *'i°f is worthy of hon-le c0f. erition. Not only did SloeJlt j°in one of the l\, 'ene fraternal organ-rV0reover, she enrolled iNtr ,ild ren, making it six 1% s,fr0^ the Arrowheads fo one famiiy- rtlembers of tint Ar-k. 0tlSe have enrolled ij Hit, ‘ embers. Of this num-^ile.s ai'e adults and t’ive itiC), i^'^ese new members /'UlS°d our total mem-1^ by t,° ■ I am positive tSh;,],1;5 time the next bul-5 b] e Published we will 0ro new members to šoJ id«#o )iti° itiv d* V bo ■osK 1)0 lei11'’ ev»i V ^ irl* nl^‘ A j & > n’A 1“ fj 0J ■ J od*1. f ol'1 ii)1 c0v Kit e‘i paign. Below is the list of premiums: $1.00 for each new member insured for $250 death benefit; $1.50 for each new member insured for $500 death benefit; $3.00 for each new member insured for $1,000 death benefit; $3.50 for each new member insured for $1,500 death benefit; $4.00 for each new memb-ber insured for $2,000 death benefit; 50 cents for ^ach new member enrolled in the juvenile department. In addition, our Unioii is offering collective prizes to lodges for the total number of new members enrolled. For every new member enrolled the lodge will receive an award of FIFTY CENTS, provided five or more members are secured ruring the campaign. Put your shoulder to the wheel. Get back in harness. See your friends and acquaintances, have them sign an application, and then go with them to the meeting. Be a real brother, or sister, to them all. ACT NOW! DON’T DELAY ! v William J. Kress. introduce. Let’s go, Pathfinders! Louis J. Kompare, Pres., No. 184, S5CLT. Pittsburgher on Parade Pittsburgh, Pa.—Our spring dance, Saturday evening, April 21, in the Slovene Auditorium, promises to be a most spectacular affair, viewing the magnitude of the general preparations put into it. There isn’t a thing that is being overlooked by the committee or by the total membership. The publicity is well taken care of; the entertainment will prove to be the best; the decorations, which lend a real springtime atmosphere, will be gorgeous. The anticipation of the crowd that will present itself is even beyond the fondest hopes of us Pittsburghers. Crowds in every section in the immediate vicinity of Pittsburgh—even though outsiders of the Union, most of them—are all looking with great hope to this springtime festival. The Pittsburgher wishes to enlist you, dear reader, to fit into the scheme of its publicity program by kindly passing on the news. Facts to be remembered : Date: Saturday evening, April 21. Place: Slovene Auditorium. Feature: Moonlight Serenades. Price : Only .35 cents. John J. Furar. To the Members of the SSCU and of Slovenec Lodge, No. 114 In the drive for membership in the SSCU, all members are urged to co-operate and assist in reaching our goal of a bigger and better Union. Each one of you can secure a new member in either the adult or juvenile departments and receive the awards of 50 cents to $4 for each new member enrolled, according to the Amount of death benefit written. These awards are large and enticing for a little effort on your part to earn some spare money. The secretaries, under the present membership drive, do not receive the awards, except if they enroll new members themselves, but these awards are paid to the members who enroll new members. Get a new prospect, or several of them, immediately interested in our SSCU, and have them get an application blank from your secretary this month I or the next! J. J. Boldin, Sec’y, No. 114, SSCU, Ely, Minn. Pathfinders English section in this issue of Nova Doba is extended to three pages, which features the national SSCU campaign for new members. Articles written by members residing in various sections of the country reflect the spirit of our lodges toward the national drive—a spirit to do something for their organization. The response to enroll new members is most encouraging, and must be considered from the point of view that this is the first time the English-speaking members have embarked on a concerted drive to increase the number in their ranks. Pathfinders, No. 222, SSCU, of Gowanda, N. Y., and Arrowhead, No. 184, SSCU, Ely, Minn., are the two English units leading the membership procession at the present time. Pathfinders enrolled 17 NEW MEMBERS and Arrowhead 14 NEW MEMBERS. Which lodge is going to be the next one to show a substantial gain? Triumvirate of SSCU English-conducted lodges of Cleveland will inaugurate the local membership drive by holding an A c q u a i n t a*li c e Night, Wednesday, April 11, in the Slovene Workingmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. An elaborate program has been arranged for -he guests in attendance. Continuation of “Tenth Srother,” by Josip Jurcic, and translated by Joseph L. Mihe-!ic, has been suspended in this issue to give way to the mem-bershipxlrive campaign. It will be resumed next week. -------o—------ Slovenec, No. 114 Ely, Minn.—The next regular meeting of Slovenec Lodge, No. 114, SSCU, will be held Sunday afternoon, April 15, starting at 12 :30 p. m., and all members are invited to attend,. A social hour will follow the meeting, with lunch and beer following. Members, let’s get together for an enjoyable after- Gowanda, N. Y.—Pathfinders, countrymen and friends, lend me your ears, for this is nobody else than little “Mishie” Strauss speaking. Ahem! A glass of water, please, or would it be more appropriate to say beer, wine or a highball? Is everyone coming to the Pathfinders’ Anniversary Dance, April 28? If not, something must be wrong, because it seems that every place I go I hear people mention it. I recall one instance especially: A group of boys and girls, standing on the corner (their usual parking place), were talking. One of them said : “How many of you are going to the Pathfinders’ Anniversary Dance Saturday, April 28?” Of course, everyone said: “Yes.” The girls were talking about their new gowns, and the boys about their new suits and the creases in their long trousers. One girl asked : “Which one of you boys is going to take me to the Pathfinders’ dance?” At this point all the boys asked the girls if they had that night open for the big dance; and, of course, all the girls said, “Yes.” Then the group started to break up. This is only one incident that brings out the anxiety of Gowanda boys and girls for the coming big Pathfinders’ dance. Why not all come to our big dance? Let’s make it the biggest and most successful social of the year. Frances “Mishie” Strauss, No. 222, SSCU. ------o------- Invest Your Money in a Safe and Sound Institution—Our SSCU noon! J. J. Boldin, Sec’y. o— ----------- Good Time Dance A GOOD EGG Carnival Dance Postponed Walsenburg, Colo.—Young American Boosters, No. 21G, j SSCU, have postponed their ! dance from April 14 to April 121. I Bigger and better plans arranged for the Carnival Dance are the reason for postponement. Night Club Syncopators will furnish the music. All neighboring lodges are cordially invited to help make this dance one of the biggest and best carnival dances of the season. Don’t forget, the dance will be held at Walsenburg Pavilion on April 21, beginning at 9 p. m. Mary Dolenc, Sec’y. Lorain, O.—April 14 is the date to set aside for all those who care to dance to a good orchestra. The Girls’ Club of SS. Cyril and Methodius’ Society is holding a Good Time Dance on that date in the Slovene National Home. Admission is only 25 cents. Music will be furnished by Jax Million Airs, of whom all of you have heard. Whether a Lorainite or not, we promise you a marvelous time at the Good Time Dance. Vida A. Kumse. SNAKES Non-poisonous snakes, such as bull snakes, blue racers and garter snakes, have fangs and lean bite. Their bite is not more I dangerous than that of most I j wild animals. In a general way it may be said that there is con-siderable danger in being bit-jten by any animal or reptile. Lorain, O.—The membership drive is now on and it’s up to you as a member of SSCU to boost our Union. Roll up your sleeves, boys and girls, and explain our fine Union to your friends. You know, it has been in existence for 35 years, has been paying death benefits, $ick, accident and disability benefits and is still in existence and progressing more rapidly every day. The credit for this progress goes to the officers whom you have chosen not only in your local lodge but also the supreme office. Do you want to keep up this fine record? Of course, you do. Then go out and get new members who will continue the good progress of our Union, increase its number, its friends, and give to all the full benefits of money put in as a saving. A saving—yes, because you can take out any of three policies at a low rate. A whole life certificate wherein you pay each month until death, then receive either $250, $500, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000, whatever be the amount ot the certificate, a 20-year payment life, wherein you pay only 20 years and receive your insurance at death, or the 20-year endowment, for which you pay 20 years and either receive your money at that time or else leave it in the Union’s hands, drawing interest until death. The last is recommended for the young folks; so tel^ your pal or friend he may never know when an illness, opera- Pathfmders Enroll 1 7 New Members During March Gowanda, N. Y.—The SSCU membership campaign is now in full swing, but its success depends upon your^efforts. It needs your co-operation. Since our editor emphasized the slogan, “Every Member Get a New Member,” have you done your share? You must have at least one friend that is not yet a member. Now is the time to show your loyalty by just giving up a little of your spare time to this membership campaign. * In last week’s Nova Doba we promised to let you know just what the Pathfinders, No. 222. SSCU, are doing to make good their acceptance of the Arrowhead Lodge, No. 184, challenge. Since March 1 the Pathfinders were able to get 17 NEW MEMBERS, namely: Mary Zakaitys, Joseph Zakaitys, Joseph Selan, James Golcar, Lyle Spillman, Edith Spillman, Curtis Brewer, Josephine Klancer, Jack Schy-noski and Ruth Peterson in the adult department, while in the juvenile department we secured Monica Bozich, Josephine Bozich, Agnes Zuzek, Rose Zuzek, Frank Batchen, Richard Batchen and Raymond Andol-sek. Of course, we have not as yet received a report that they have all been accepted by the medical examiner, but we feel confident that they will. The Pathfinders feel proud in getting such a fine group of new members. Besides these the Pathfinders were glad to welcome into the lodge Louis Korbar Jr., Joseph Korbar, Anthony Korbar, Louis Sladich, Joseph Krall and Elizabeth Batchen, who have transferred from Lodge No. 89. This will bring the total membership of the Pathfinders to 85, our previous total being 62. The Arrowhead Lodge from the last report had 83. Therefore, unless the Arrowhead Lodge, too, has been working hard, I believe that we have brought the race up to more even terms. Of course, we shall be interested to know what the Arrowheads have been doing. They intended to make weekly reports on their progress, but so far it seems to be all quiet on the western front or else they art? planning to spring a surprise, too. We, however, know that w-e shall have to keep working diligently to beat them. Pathfinders, be sure to attend the regular meeting on Thursday, April 19, and 1 am sure that we shall have more new members to present at that time. Pathfinders, let me urge you also to renew your efforts in the ticket selling contest in connection with our Third Anniversary Dance on April 28. For that evening we were rather fortunate in securing Stephen Mammalia and his orchestra from Fredonia, N. Y. I am sure that this will be as high classed an orchestra as any that you have ever heard. This orchestra will also play summer engagements in some of the finest dance pavilions of New York, Cleveland and Chicago. Ernest Palcic Jr., Sec’y, No. 222, SSCU. ——-—o-------- BLONDS Chemistri prof: What is the most outstanding contribution that chemistry has given the world ? Milly: Blonds. Gowanda, N. Y. — Before joining the Pathfinder Lodge, No. 222, I could only picture it as an egg with a hard shell. I worked around that egg for a long while, until at last I had it chipped. After it was broken in thoroughly I wasn’t a bit surprised to find it a good egg. I have had the pleasure of meeting a few of Pathfinder membersi before. After joining I discovered that the yolk of the Pathfinder egg consists of its officers: Tony Sternisha, Olga Sternisha, Helena Straus, Louie Andolsek and “Just Ernie,” all of whom were doing their share to make the lodge a success with the co-operation of all members. Of all the lodges of which I was a member I can truthfully say that I like Pathfinders, No. 222, SSCU, the best. Doris E. Tingue. -------o-----;— “I PASS” Anna said she likes to play cards, And even claimed she was above my class; But when Charlie said: “Ann, it’s your bid,” She simply said: “I pass.” Passing seemed to be the game, As far as Ann was concerned; She didn’t try to play Pedro, But yearned only to “Pass.” It takes a mite of thinking just to bid, But it takes a lot more brass To think and waste*five whole minutes, And then say, “I pass.” Ann went home at midnight; Her eyes shone just like glass; And when Walter said: “Hello, Ann,” She simply said: “I pass.” Doris E. Tingue, No. 222, SSCU. -------o------- Getting Even “It’s scandalous to charge us $10 for towing the car only three or four miles,” protested (he motorist’s wife. “Never mind, dear,” replied hubby, “lie’s earning it; I’ve got my brakes on.” tion or accident may be fatal and he must be prepared. He must have a fund set aside to take care of this. Why not let it be the SSCU( fund ? Your father and mother, J uncle, have intrusted their money to this Union, they have received benefits; so can your friends. Tell them about it. jOut, all of you, and see if you .! can’t get at least one new member for your coming meeting. Your effort will be rewarded by a good prize for each new member. Vida A. Kumse, No. 6, SSCU. EVERY MEMBER GET A NEW MEMBER! •Are ^ou "Doing our "Pari in the S'S'CU Rational Campaign Jcor Members WHAT OUR MEMBERS LOCATED IN VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE COUNTRY THINK OF OUR UNION’S DRIVE FOR NEW MEMBERS Minnesota, New York, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois —all are represented in this issue by writers who express the national feeling and reaction toward the mammoth campaign for new members conducted by our South Slavonic Catholic Union. Their motto is: EVERY MEMBER GET A NEW MEMBER. They appeal to the members to take it upon themselves to secure at least one new member. And if each and every member will take it upon himself and herself to secure at least one new member, new enrollments will reach a mark unprecedented in the history of any Slovene fraternal benefit organization. Publicity such as is given through this medium should and will arouse creative efforts on the part of the members. THIS APPEAL IS MADE TO YOU, AS AN INDIVIDUAL. Success of the present venture will depend entirely upon your individual effort. The number of new members credited to your lodge also depends upon you as a member of your local branch. What is your answer to this appeal? -----------o------------ - " ■ . i Appeals to Western Lodges to Respond in Membership Drive Denver, Colo.—Again we are with you, and this time with great news. You have all heard about the great drive for new members being conducted by all SSCU lodges. I must say that we had a very late start, but we sure are going to pick up and, believe me, Colorado Sunshine, No. 201, will not be at the bottom when this campaign closes. For one reason, all members in this or any other lodge cannot, or should not, miss those great awards the Union is giving for new members, not only for adults, but also for juvenile enrollments. Awardsi like that you cannot get anywhere or anytime, and now is the time for all of you SSCU members to get your members, for this great offer will not be a permanent one; don’t delay—act at once. And not only that, tell your new members they can get any kind of insurance in this Union to suit their needs, and this they will get at the most reasonable cost. And they also can get something that they cannot get in any insurance, that is the sick benefit—something that everyone should have. And you get it when you most need it. The same for operation or any injury'you may receive, so all of you members that have any new prospects just tell them what I have mentioned, and you will find no difficulty in getting a new member. If you feel that you cannot give the information required, don’t hesitate to ask your local secretary or someone that is better acquainted with this line of business, and he will be glad to help you. I have seen in a previous issue of our Nova Doba where the Lodge No. 1 of Ely, Minn., was leading for new members and several lodges from Pennsylvania, Illinois, West Virginia, followed by one lodge from the West. That lodge is good old No. 78 | of Salida, Colo. Now, that doesn’t look so good for us western cowboys, so let’s get down to business and put some of these western lodges on top. Let us all start in and every member get a new member, and a juvenile for good measure; start with a smile and keep smiling with Colorado Sunshine, No. 201. Frank J. Smole, Sec’y. --------o------ Jack: What do you think Maud Oldby would like for her birthday? Helen: Not to be reminded of it. Jefferson Collegians Canonsburg, Pa.—On Saturday evening, April 14, a dance will be held at the Palena Hall, East Canonsburg, by the Jeffer-rson Collegians Lodge, No. 205, SSCU. The time of the dance is from 8 to 12. Joe Scarrino and his 11 Royal Venetians are to present the entertainment for the evening. All neighboring lodges are invited to be there, as well as their friends, for everyone will enjoy themselves to the utmost. The committee in charge is working hard to put this affair over with a bang, and with the co-operation of every member the task will not be so hard. I ask one and every member of the Collegians to show more interest toward their own lodge’s doings than what they have shown the past two years or so. I’ve known it to be a fact that every time that our lodge would hold some kind of an affair on the same date that some ether organization was holding in the same neighborhood, majority of the members that rtre out for a good time would patronize the other group instead of their own. Now, I ask you, is that what a good member does? My answer is: No. It’s bad enough when they don’t show up at the meetings, but it’s still worse when they fail to hold up the work that is tackled by the few that are in attendance each month. I am not writing this article to tell you what you should do and what you’re not to do. Don’t get that impression in your mind, for it’s not meant that way. If the members don’t support their own lodge, then who is? To those that were not present at the last meeting, our next meeting date was changed from Sunday, April 1, to Sunday, April 8, due to Easter falling on that date. We meet at the same place and at the same time that we have been doing for the past year. Let’s have a large attendance for a change and help to plan for the coming dance that is to be held a week later. Louis Polaski Jr., Pres., No .205, SSCU. —o------------ No Fool One of the psychology students at an asylum noticed one of the inmates wheeling a wheelbarrow upside down. “That’s not the way to push that thing,” the visitor said. “You’ve got it upside down.” “Oh, have I?” answered the lunatic. “Well, I used to push it the other way and they put bricks in it.” ACTION! Never in the history of our Union has such a responsive spirit manifested itself among the English-speaking members in a national campaign for new members. Publicity is essential in any campaign. And more so in this, our national drive for new members. However, the will to do a thing is insufficient. Action —going out and selling our splendid SSCU to the outsider is necessary. A PROPOSITION Gophers Respond to Gigantic Membership Campaign Kly, Minn.—It is a beautiful, sunny day here in Ely, but the roosters aren’t crowing, as it is just a little too nippy. Little Stan is in a nice, warm place, though, and will do all the crowing himself! “Aintcha glad?” Well, you will be, because Little Stan will let you in on something big! All SSCU lodges are making that big drive for new members. The Gopher Lodge, although it is a subsidiary to Sacred Heart, No. 2, will carry on with the older members and the other lodges in getting as many new members as possible! Here are some ways that we are going to go about it! We are sponsoring a “G” dance at the Washington Auditorium on Saturday, April 27. Naturally, many people who do not belong to any lodge will be present and, naturally, here’s where Little Stan and the fellow Gophers start the action. The conversation will probably run as follows: Just a minute, please! Little Stan sees a beautiful gal,!. I think I’ll ask her for a dance! Later, Little Stan is dancing, and the Conversation follows: Stan: “My, but you’re pretty!” Gal: “Think so?” Stan: “You bet, you’re just the type we need in our Gopher Lodge! Besides, you would have loads of fun at our monthly meetings!” Gal: “But is that all I have at your meetings, just fun?” Stan: “No, you also have the best insurance that money can buy, bar none. You also have your sick benefit and disability insurance all in one and, best of all, you have your say so on anything and everything done by your lodge and the Union! You also make many new fiiends in all parts of the country through our paper, the Nova Doba. That is more than you can get with any other insurance, isn’t it?” Gal: “That does sound keen, Stan (gee, she called me Stan!), I’ll ask dad about it and I’ll let you know tomorrow,!” The music ends and a new member will have joined the Gophers. Now, isn’t that a good way to get new members? But that is just one way! You, no doubt, have many friends who are not members. That’s just where you can enroll more members. Besides, with all those prizes that are Offered, we can make a trip to the world’s fair this comirtg summer! In Ely there is tremendous competition, as the Arrowheads and Rangers, and about five or six other SSCU lodges are in the middle of their annual drive. Competition is keen, and soon you’ll probably hear of most of the Ely population enrolled in the SSCU. So invite your friends to your , East Palestine, O.—There is a proposition proffered to every member of the SSCU. Each member of the organization is asked, to (jet a new mem,hr. If this proposition is carried, out,, the man or woman so doing, performs a three-way service. He or she makes what, may be called a “triple play.” The member helps him or herself financially, the lodge is one unit''stronger, and the man or ivoman, that, is the new-comer, joins an institution that immediately becomes his or her beneficiary. In some localities, the field of eligibles is limited, owing to circumstances, but in many cases eligible candidates for the SSCU are numerous. There must, be a method of attack. Each member must arm his or herself with a definite plan of action with which an attempt shall be made fo acquire new members. This is a mighty sales campaign to be conducted, by the, SSCU, and its success depends on a concerted md definite action. A good idea is to ask oneself Hie questions: Why did I join the SSCU? And, why do I continue lo remain a member? Certainly no man or woman belongs to the organization against his or her wishes. No sir, there are reasons—definite reasons. Perhaps hese same reasons can be successfully applied in the effort to procure a new' member. Joe Golicic, No. il, SSCU. ___o—--------- Come On, Everybody! Conemaugh, Pa.—Come and join this grand campaign! Just think of this when you do: If every member got a new member, how much larger our SSCU would be! This is the best time to convince your neighbors and friends that in joining the SSCU he or she will benefit greatly by it, and that you, too, will benefit by it. Just a glance at the cash awards that are given to each one who brings a new member and you can see how easily you can turn your spare time into money. And you will also be doing something for your lodge. But this might be the best way to tell it: Come on, all of y°u fellows and gals, Go right out and get all of your pals; And you mustn’t forget to remember: When every member gets a new member, For that grand old S. S. C. U^ It means dollars for your lodge and you! Frances Turk, Sec’y, No. 213, SSCU. o------------- FEDERAL PENITENTIARIES There are three, located at Atlanta, Ga.; Ft. Leavenworth, Kas., and McNeil’s Island, Wash. dances, socials> picnics and what have you, and you will find the SSCU membership will have increased to a new high, and our future will be very much brighter! Can you beat it? Pa is after me to help him saw some wood, so Little Stan have to go now, but gaze around, as I 11 probably be back in another part of this paper- Meanwhile let’s all remember our new slogan : “Every Member Get a New Member!” Stanley Pechaver, No. 2, SSCU. MANY ADVANTAGES Our SSCU has much to offer. Death benefits, sick benefits, accident and indemnity benefits, and operation benefits—all are within easy reach of the average pocket-book. Advantages to- members by carrying insurance with ‘our organization are many. Our members reap benefits while still living, as is evidenced by the compensation received in case of sickness —in case of an operation— in case of an accident. Our members may take out the following certificates: Twenty-year endowment, twenty-year payment life and ordinary life. Each carries a reserve and loan value. Bricks Make a Building and Members Our SSCU Salida, Colo.—Hey, there, what’s all the excitement about? Everyone seems to be very active wherever you go. Why, stranger, don’t you know that our big membership campaign is on now? Our South Slavonic Catholic Union is conducting a national drive for new members. Our Union offers insurance to all members of the family. Every member of the family has a reason to take a big interest in the campaign. Lodges, let us all adopt the slogan: “Every Member Get a New Member.” Our SSCU is equal and in some cases better than some of the insurance companies. Every member in the SSCU should get behind this membership drive and push it to a successful goal. A bricklayer slowly lays a brick upon a brick, and when he is finished a beautiful building is the result. The same is true with our organization. With every member in the Union giving a helping hand, by securing on^ member, and the result will be a bigger SSCU. The sooner we enroll more new members the sooner will our Union develop into a larger organization. When a bricklayer completes his work he can say: “I laid the bricks in that strong and beautiful building.” In years to come we, too, can pride on the growth of our SSCU by saying: “I helped build the South Slavonic Catholic Union.” Who knows, but that you and I may enroll one, two, five or even ten members each, if we but try. Moreover, our Union offers cash awards to individuals for enrolling new members for various death benefits, and a bonus to each lodge for group enrollments of 50 cents for each new member, provided five or more are enrolled. Don’t you think this a splendid proposition. Bear in mind that when you secure one or more members you are helping to build our SSCU into a larger and more beautiful structure. So, let’s get started and do our share. Until then, keep smiling with Colorado Sunshine Lodge, and keep boosting with Mt. Shav-ano Lodge for a bigger and better SSCU. Albert Godec, No. 224, SSCU. -o- ----------- Every member get a neiv member. OUR SSCU OFFERS MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO THOSE SEEKING INSURANCE PROTECTION AT NOMINAL COST By Louis J. Kompare, Assistant Supreme Secretary, SSC^, Not surprising, moreover it®------------------------! surprising, moreover is pleasing and convincing to note the momentum gained by the English-speaking members since the inception of the national SSCU campaign for new members. They are not merely enthusiasticy but also productive, as compilation of recent statistics discloses. Some might point that this sudden enthusiasm expressed in the English section of the New Era by the contributors is only a nightmare and that it shall crumble as rapidly as it has risen. The fact is that the younger element has commenced to realize the importance of the vital part they shall be required to take to uphold the stability and progress of our South Slavonic Catholic Union in the near future, and to do this, new and younger blood must be enrolled to assist them in the awaiting task. There is no necessity of high-powered salesmanship in convincing a prospect to become a member of the SSCU. In the 35 years of its existence the SSCU has never failed to pay a just claim. It is in a position to offer the prospect 100 cents worth of protection for every dollar received. It operates on a legal reserve basis, and a member insuring himself under a 20-year pay or 20-year endowment plan is actually opening a savings account. That he is assured of protection 365 days of the year and that at the termination of his certificate he will be entitled to the privileges designated therein, the member persuading the prospect might point out the fact that during the past three or four years of economic distress loans of $82,457,216 have been made to life and mutual insurance companies by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation since its establishment, February, 1932. It is a significant fact that not one fraternal insurance society has received a loan from the R. F. C., yet they are still doing business and the majority of them still over 100 per cent solvent. On the average, a prospect is usually confronted with this question, “How about joining our lodge?” Immediately the prospect takes the offensive and counters with the following, “How much will I get out of it if I join your lodge?” It is true that the SSCU awards for enrollment of new members are more liberal than those of any other similar organization; nevertheless, the member should impress the prospect that he is trying to sell him insurance for which he or his beneficiaries shall be the recipients. Stress the fact that he is not only joining your lodge for the benefit of the social functions promoted by the lodge, but also for the insurance protection of his dependents in the South Slavonic Catholic Union, a fraternal order backed by almost two million dollars in assets. Here are some of the reasons why outsiders should join the SSCU: 1. »The policy never sleeps. It protects you 24 hours each day and 365 days each year. 2. If fate overtakes you, we take care of the loved ones at home. 3. Today you are well and can join—tomorrow may bring m eve Pre Er; lodj % ot t| ‘eint, i you an accident or death. 4. In every man’s heart is a desire to do his full du . Sji0l) your chance is now. ^ u 5. Creed or religion pla^ g ^ a part; you are eligible a« I011 % t you are of the white race. Ls 6. You have tried the > " V now join the best. $ 7. Protect yourself anj ■ ,,r, %a family in one of the best Mnfo nal orders in America, the n ^ f(ls, of which is the South SlaV Catholic Union of America-^ ^ It is surprising to nott ^ ■ the English as well as 1 ^ ^ vene-conducted lodges si u< ^ ^ in small towns of tive ° jn- at](* thousand population al^j1jp creasing their member ^ ^ more rapidly than cated in larger cente‘* t!# S0 larger fields to cont‘e ^ their drives. Are you 3’ fellows from Pittsburgh, jet. o land and Chicago goinS ^te us small country boys oU patb' ber you? At present the r p. finders in Gowanda J % Arrowheads in Ely aie,efof l.80 and neck in a heated iaJ ^j 4r the largest enrollment 0 members. Let us all j°‘n 1 Mil “Every Member Get a r£. % Member” campaign an . . of< rjM Ul sent our fathers with a >, *iv sunshine in their waning J " .. a [id N n- Our Aim—A Large* b, Stronger Union , S 0 bef°tf 'Č Ely, Minn.—We have \ us at this time the s ^ itf ^ Every member get a n£'v $ jg ber. To all of us these si* , if lu • a gii1, should mean a great g ^ 1 ^ each member would s‘e $ . that he got a friend to ■|0^,olilJ Union, bur membership increase rapidly. . ^.0iM ^ ■ Increased membership ^ ^ ^ ^ mean a greater degree ^ ^ operation. Additional c ^ ation would provide a ^ t11 Ij^ foundation for the ^ti0 stand on. With a 1,1 ^ groundwork, the work ^ organization would be. 0^‘ smoother, for obstacles e ^ ^ ^ tered could be mo‘e j ^ eliminated. t>e ^ When difficulties> M % overcome more modera^rS) way will be paved for tM ;r,fio ful working career tt1' ,<4ti0 Union. Hand in hand v' ^ j,^ will come prosperity a ^ Joj piness, and this shouj % goal of all SSCU mem0e ^ - Since we have an c^! \ u us, let’s all get into ^ ^ t 1(i paign with our grea e’ gif* What’s more, RangeLtit'°,|1 we’re in for some con1 #t ■ A proposition was nia efff' V regular meeting to u0y?l V that the group, i. e., t1’ t j/, V girls, getting the larg!ieifl1,rf 1lyC ber of additional ^ pjf;, V would be guests ‘ j L given by the losers- ^ ^ something we can loo ^ooi r of to. We’ve got just ^ chance as have the 'V Let’s begin right no^ of this campaign a succe‘‘ Lots of luck to all! Anna Nosan, No. ^ b j <'» Stuffed Blue C y J “Have you seen tn j , . police of Chicago? j “Gosh, do the gan#5.,” i JgjIJ i ' V ’em as well as shoot ----------- Every member A j member. A ... :Jm % { $ e and, O,-—Judging from. (]jrev'0Us editions of the ! j a> I notice that many of %gCS °* Union have j Parted the campaign ^ ^mbers. [einteG two years very Dili rest has been shown in here |res ?«metnbers due to the .ty— isi0l|011,' ^ow that this de-ly ls gradually dying /51,0; ^ any of the individual rigaS 5sly fre campaigning stren- ke»Ve^ect results in t*ie resti l[4l) ,‘P drive of our Union. ttic^ dividual member and yo'jt ''eng^ are very enthusiastic-•3.1^' Hj|] j eed in procuring mem-00* departments. Cash von'c ' aie a stimulating fac-u j » glo- it bean^ everv local lodge ^ted In, j ac^Ve in this cam-at !t?rvi ^ Us use this motto: ° i ;iember get a new mem- 6V,;p kf4 enbst all potential * \0‘: ^ m n°W’ during this cam-e,vitl> »toaJUf- A large field is , .„te*' 5ti«i members for the Ileve; ng Q acluevements are on to •«* W l)revi°us campaigns tnuri an(1 hy our SSCU. Loy-?$' tjf Maternity played a d On this occasion neclC *" so th°Ut and boost our ref0! riar We may ^ave one f n6" |Hi2a5es!: enrollments of all in^ l iHhi! 1,°ns> certainly we can t'c" oj]vS SUch a feat, if we 1 Prf. ■ qu *|ut all of our efforts raj’01 irtj activeness will be an ye^' fjj„ ^ctor in putting'this 1 0yer in a big way. iill ,f ^ j lot b^^rship campaign V,v empty talk, ff,.s y°Ur willingness by up# H? °Ur Union to your W < an ^e*' lef tjj, this we can mjO$ ^afiat sPirit of genuine .»1. ^ H -°n our Union to w°rk in unison on 3. #;i, Pa)gn. ^o^ ^ticg^ °f co_operation and ; jjj,. ln our Union are \ ltlc*Pal factors which 0fcenefits of our or-^ oT'dea^^’ s^c^’ acci- he ^ >th°l'ation benefits de-Srnall monthly as-V ‘tfj ayable monthly. e C‘j- Sift,?11 °ne of the main it ^ J5 Campaigning. A per-’ ^^S^onnducingthe t* ° -'°'n giye le i-J , Mlli;lct()ry results. Show ‘V N > t« ^Ip this V*J.: %0lle J1Ve by bringing at ^ J C^ti (itTl':)er into the or-ei*1 <\ ! i f ■ ! (t'fy co-operation dSnd -er can our lodge ol' j > V,V. the most from $°Jfri Oh,, ,e must all devote 'i,,1*10fri lrne in this cam- ^ i (/’ Sfl,l o!1 make it a very fill11 °ne. J°hU P i ofi' ' Lunka, Sec’y, 1 . v No. 186, SSCU,. j X 0 is , lernber (Jet a neu < 'VV— 1; t, ^ liti,ays Parents could ? Wn,-bi,'d told me’’ "tlle would add: / Ist°olpigeon.” a Vo— I • niber got c. A Very get A NEW ^bership Campaign SSCU Triumvirate Starts Comments on Acquaint- Campaign Call ance Night Membership Drive Triumvirate of SSCU , Cleveland, 0.—Individual opinions of members of Collin-wood Boosters, No. 188, SSCU, in regards to the. Triumvirate dance are encouraging and in favor of this event. “Let’s all co-operate to pai'-ticipate at the Triumvirate dance which is being held April 11, at 7:30. Don’t be late.”— Alice Struna. “For bigger and better entertainment attend our Triumvirate dance.”—Mrs. Mary Lav-rich. “I’m convinced that it will be the greatest affair that has ever been held by any lodge.” —Anthony Laurich. “I will urge all of my friends to attend this dance.”—Mrs. Alice Laurich. “It is one of the most sensible means of drawing the attention of non-members and making them want to join our Union.”—Tony Bokal. “I’m for it wholeheartedly.” —Victoria Champa. “In my opinion, it is wonderful. This event should have been held a long time ago.”— Mrs. Frances Zagar. “I’m positive that it will go over in a big way.”—Rudy Agnich. “1 have assured all of my friends that this dance will be the most enjoyable one that they have ever attended, and I know that I can stand back of that promise”—Mary Laurich. “My opinion is short and snappy. At the Triumvirate we want to make everyone happy if it is the last thing we do.”— Joe Struna. “It sure is a mighty fine thing, and I hope it turns out to be a huge success.”—Mamie Bokal. “It’s okay with me. In fact, it’s the most wonderful way of spending an enjoyable evening.”—John Kaplan. “I’m certainly in favor of staging this affair.”—John Laurich. “Will I be there? Say, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” —John Rutar. -------o------ Wonder Why? Cleveland, O.—Many of us wonder why the George Washington Lodge, Betsy Ross Lodge and the Collinwood Boosters Lodge joined forces and call themselves the SSCU Triumvirate. We know that one person or group cannot do very much, but we do know that there is strength in numbers. The purpose for joining forces was to bridge the gap between our SSCU members, so that they may get better acquainted with each other: One other big feature of the Triumvirate is the new membership campaign. The Triumvirate’s resolution is to double the membership of the Cleveland English-conducted lodges. The Triumvirate will not work for the individual success of any one person, but it has resolved to work for the benefit of the South Slavonic Catholic Union and the success of our lodges represented in the Triumvirate. The success of the Triumvirate is and will be a greater success for our splendid South Slavonic Catholic Union. The adopted motto or slogan of the Triumvirate is “Service and Co-oueration.” Cleveland, O.—The time is here for good resolves, to think beautiful and healthful thoughts. Smile, and the next fellow you meet will smile with you, and you have almost unconsciously started the South Slavonic Catholic Union’s membership drive with a cheer. The day is here to give our South Slavonic Catholic Union a bigger boost and the SSCU Triumvirate of English-conducted lodges in Cleveland is already on the way to do its part. The Triumvirate loyally resolves to enthusiastically back our Union’s campaign by combining forces to make the membership drive a huge success. The spirit of confidence is evident on every hand and this campaign holds multiplied opportunities for bigger and better business for the SSCU Triumvirate and for our splendid South Slavonic Catholic Union. The campaign call is to every member to become a solicitor for the Union’s advance in efforts that will place around still more homes the strong protective arm of our South Slavonic Catholic Union. The South Slavonic Catholic Union seeks a neighborly crusade, man to man, woman to woman, in a practical demonstration of love for the Union and a concern for the welfare of loved ones in every home. In the name of the South Slavonic Catholic Union, I appeal to the George Washington Lodge and to the Triumvirate members to go out and do their part. Let’s go out and prove that a confident and loyal membership is behind the South Slavonic Catholic Union’s membership drive, and every member get a new member. On your toes,! Show your spirit of confidence by your loyal support. P'rom time to time, the New Era has carried news to you of the SSCU Triumvirate’s progress. The purpose of the Triumvirate is to bring a closer relationship between the SSCU English-conducted lodge members and also answer the South Slavonic Catholic Union’s campaign call of “Every Member Get a New Member.” Wednesday evening, April 11, the SSCU Triumvirate is sponsoring the much talked about Acquaintance Night. A program of speakers and vaudeville has been arranged. Acquaintance Night has its twofold purpose, first to acquaint SSCU members with each other and, secondly, to open a strong and enthusiastic membership drive. We are doing our part, are you? The SSCU Triumvirate is sponsoring its first Acquaintance Night, Wednesday, April 11, at the Slovene Workingmen’s Home, 15333 Waterloo Rd. Program will begin at 7 :30 o’clock, with dancing to follow. Program will be carried on in the upper hall and dancing will take place in the lower hall, with the well-known Kalister Orchestra furnishing the music. Admission is only 10 cents. Two door prizes will be given away. One prize to the men and one prize to women. Elizabeth Stucin, No. 180, SSCU. o--------- A great many people fail because they are so dead sure they are going to. It would be a shame to disappoint them. o------------- Every member get a new number. Cleveland, O. — Final arrangements are nearing completion for the Acquaintance Night, sponsored by the Triumvirate of Cleveland English-conducted lodges. It is to be held on Wednesday, April 11, at the Slovene Workingmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. Acquaintance Night is the first affair held jointly by the three SSCU English-conducted lodges of Cleveland. The results thus far have been very progressively attained. The means of holding this affair jointly is to influence the members in inducing their friends to join our Union in conjunction with the national SSCU campaign. Many special features will be had on this evening. Vaudeville entertainment, prominent speakers and dancing are scheduled on the program. Bro. Garbas, doctor of dentistry, a member of the George Washington Lodge, No. 180, SSCU, will act as master of ceremonies. The Cleveland SSCU Triumvirate extends a cordial invitation to all SSCU members of local and neighboring lodges to attend Acquaintance Night. John P: Lunka, Committee Chairman. -------o---- Memories! Ely, Minn.—Turn back the hours. Time turns back. We come across an old isspe of the Nova Doba. One of the headlines tells us that Lil -and Stan are on the air, then that ,fatal day when our Lil went to “Chi.” Two years passed, by, and again we see the columns of (he Nova Doba bearing the name of Lil and Ann, the Phantom Reporters! Lil is a Gopher still, and Ann? Well, they tell me that if she ever comes to Ely, the Gophers will make her a Gopher! What will she Go— fer? Well, heh, heh, there are many things one can go-fer in Ely! Who says so? Why, Little Stan says so! We also promise to let everyone in on the fun when we Gophers go on our first annual spree on April 28, the day of days! Our “G” banquet takes place then, and after that we all go to the Washington Auditorium, where we will dance to the tunes of Matty Miltich and his Revellers, ^ittle Stan, in speaking for the Gophers, invites all who can possibly attend, to attend on that day. Don’t forget that big day, Saturday, April 28! Little Stan giggled when he read Stan Progar’s poem about that Stan name. When I read it, I asked Mary, my sister, to open the door so that I could throw my chest out, and upon further consideration, I asked my dad to throw out his chest for giving me that handle. T'sk! Heh,! The Gophers will map out their campaign for enrolling new members immediately, and one of the catch lines in our big campaign will be to explain the Gopher, from which we derive our name. The Gopher is a sweet, cute, little animal with small, shifty, smiling eye«. It lives in a home burrowed underneath the earth’s surface, and when we get a member to join we’ll say, “Won’t you come into our parlor?” Not as the spider said to the fly, but as Gopher to Pre-Gopher! Then the initiation is to be a full fledged Gopher! Meanwhile all Gopher members and close friends, keep Thursday, April Betsy Ross History Cleveland, O.—Betsy Ross Lodge, No. 186, SSCU, was organized in September, 1927. The organizers were Brothers Louis Tolar, Frank Kacar and Frank Zorich. Our first meeting was called to order by Bro. Frank Kacar. Bro. Charles F. Kikel gave a short history of the South Slavonic Catholic Union and other points of interest that were for the benefit of a lodge. The first Betsy Ross Lodge officers were: George Kovitch, president; Robert Riddle, secretary, and Louis Florjančič, treasurer. We had 10 charter members and at the present time we have 40 members in good standing. The activities of the lodge were numerous, having taken part in sports, and it is our hope to again return to the sports field. The lodge is quite popular socially, in the sponsoring of dances and many outdoor activities, especially this joint vaudeville and dance'that the SSCU Triumvirate of English-conducted lodges in Cleveland, of which our lodge is a member, is sponsoring on April 11. The name given this vaudeville and dance program is Acquaintance Night. Why, it’s the talk of the town. . According to reports, tickets are selling so fast that both halls have been rented; when you talk about space, you can bet your Sunday boots there’s going to be a crowd. So, folks, come one, come all. More the merrier. We will have many friends attending this gala affair— friends who are not members, plus strangers. To get acquainted is the idea of the Triumvirate and to interest them in joining our ranks. George Kovitch, Pres., No. 186, SSCU. Anna Jakličh, Sec’y,. No. 180, SSCU. Center Ramblers Triumvirate Acquaintance Night Cleveland, O.—The SSCU j Triumvirate Acquaintance Night will open the new membership campaign drive with a . bang. People whom we have never met will attend, presenting to each SSCU member the opportunity of being a solicitor. [* Three lodges, working hand j in hand, are assuring members I and friends of a grand and glorious evening. Think, a ’ vaudeville program and dance for 10 cents. ’ It is not our idea to stick together for just this one time, 5 but it is our hope that we keep working together as one—and to work for the benefit of each lodge and for the betterment e of the South Slavonic Catholic (1 T T Union. p Members, let us get going. Out for the lodge and for the South Slavonic Catholic Union! ^ The Triumvirate is going to carry out our Union’s motto, ’ “One for all, and all for one.” Get busy! Who will be the best e G. W. solicitor? Let’s be on our | way to the Acciuaintance Night ’ and to the opening of the SSCU l” new membership drive, which ' takes place Wednesday eve-e ning, April 11, at 15333 Water-loo Rd., at Slovene Workingmen’s Home. Joseph Jaklich Jr., Pres., s No. 180, SSCU. h o------------ Editorial Center, Pa.—The SSCU Membership Campaign is on! Every member should take an active part in this campaign and get as many new members as possible. The slogan, “Every Member Get a New Member,” is a fine one, and I hope that more of the lodges will adopt it. With working conditions in all parts of the country much better than they were a year or two ago, it should not be such a hard task to get new members for an organization such as our South Slavonic Catholic Union, [with its substantial plans of insurance. Generous prizes are being offered for every new member you get. Of course, we all want this campaign to be a success, and in order to make it a successful one, we must act now. For a bigger .and better SSCU. Ann IVt. Erzen, No. 221, SSCU. -------o------- SOUND Sound travels at different speeds through different mediums. Its speed is also affected by temperature. For instance, sound travels through hot air (100%) at 1,266 feet ^ second, while in zero weather it travels at 1,088 feet a second. o-------------------- Every member get a new member. 12, open for our Gopher meeting! Stanley Pechaver, 1 No. 2, SSCU, Cleveland, O.—“In union there is strength.” “United we stand, divided we fall.” These words were spoken by two prominent statesmen years ago, but still hold true today. This is the first time that the three English-conducted lodges of our SSCU in Cleveland have ever launched such an affair as the Triumvirate Dance. From all aspects it is foretold that it will be a success. We hope that by holding this affair we may promote a closer policy of fra-ternalism between the members of the lodges and also induce others to become staunch supporters of our SSCU. The South Slavonic Catholic Union is more than merely an association that seeks to protect your family in the event of your death. It is an actual living force and it brings many joys and pleasures to those who take part in the meetings and affairs held by the lodges. There is nothing more inspiring than having a good attendance at'the socials and meetings so that others will be encouraged in building their confidence and understanding in our Union. Every man and woman is ambitious to be as good and as great as the man with whom they are associated. So if the lodges stand for truth, for hope and for righteousness, the members of the lodges also stand* for the same. Since the lodges and members are part of the SSCU it should make everyone not a member eager to join our Union. Therefore, the Collinwood Boosters will participate with the best of their ability in building up their local lodge as well as our SSCU. Mary Lavrich, Sec’y. -------o------- TRAINED FLEAS The fleas which are exhibited in flea circuses are fed on human blood, their natural food. o------------- Every member get a new I member. * Collinwood Roosters Cleveland, O.—We are indeed happy to be able to take part in this great affair which is being staged by the members of the SSCU English-conducted lodges in Cleveland; namely, the George Washington, No. 180, the Betsy Ross, No. 186, and the Collinwood Boosters, No. 188. In other words, the Triumvirate of the SSCU. Among the features of the evening will be speakers, dancing and vaudeville, all for the paltry sum of 10 cents. (Brother, can you spare a dime?) There shall be plenty of food for the hungry and plenty of drink for the thirsty. It sure is worth the money you’re putting into it if you’ll only realize what means you shall have of j enjoying yourself, i The committees in charge have been making extensive plans to make this a most successful event, but we must all work together to attain tht,,, heights for which we have, set our goal. It is the duty of each and every member of the lodge to | advertise the Triumvirate dance to their friends and to support I the committees in charge of the j affair, as nothing can be ac-icomplished if it is left to one or i two individuals. The committee is yet completing arrangements so that this Triumvirate dance might be a source of pleasure to all who attend. But don’t depend upon the chosen few to handle the matter from beginning to end. A committee’s work is only to make the necessary arrangements and see that everything runs smoothly; the remaining members of the lodge should carry the burden of the tasks at the time of the •. event. Where the duty of the members is so clear, a person would be considered a drone who would fail to do his share. Therefore, all you members of the Collinwood Boosters, who are not on the committee, make it your duty to assume the; obligations that may be thrust upon you. Come on, you Boosters, remember our old standby : One by one, Side by each, Altogether Three in a reach. As for you non-members, we shall let you be the judge. What do we mean? Just this: We could talk to you until we’re blue in the face about , how truly entertaining this Triumvirate dance is going to be. Everything we would say would be absolutely true, yet you may nevei; give us the opportunity to prove our claim if you do not attend. So, as the rose would say to the geranium, “I’ll be zinnia.” Mary Lavrah, Sec’y. ---------------o------- PRODIGAL RETURNS Cleveland, O.—As you read the New Era today, you will notice that the “Kuharca” of the George Washington Lodge, Sister Anna Jaklich, has again turned to writing a few lines. She is not giving Bro Ernest Palcic any pointers on cooking now, for she has a more important announcement to make. Ernest, please don’t be disappointed, this time Ann wrote on the Acquaintance Night which is being sponsored by the SSCJJ Triumvirate of English-conducted lodges in Cleveland. On the eve of the Acquaintance Night we are also starting our campaign for new members. (Wish us success.) Ernest, the “Kuharca” in extending her invitation did not forget you. She is inviting you, your friends and all our SSCU members. Marie Arko, Treas., No. 180, SSCU. With Acquaintance Night ODMEVI IZ RODINIH • KRAJEV ", j k Nedavno .je dospel v Banjalu- [h ko arabski prvak Emir Sekib g Arslan bej, ki se .je nastanil pri d svojem prijatelju inženirju Sul-^c ku Salihagiču. Emir Arslan bej «; jc dandanes najodličnejši inte- s lektualec med Arabci in obenem 'l( tudi eden od odličnih, širom'd sveta znanih muslimanskih jav- 0 jnih delavcev. Rodom jc iz Siri-. i; je in zastopa sirske Arabce tu- v di pri Društvu narodov v Žene- ž vi, kjer biva že deset let in 0 kjer izdaja tudi arabsko revijo, jp iArslan-bej je Banjaluko obiskal ^ j že leta 1932 in'je ta svoj obisk (opisal tudi v svojem glasilu. iTedaj je obljubil, da bo ob prvi | priložnosti spet obiskal Jugo- s slavijo in muslimanski živelj v g l Bosni, med katerim si je prido- s .bil mnogo prijateljev. V Banja- t j luki bo ostal še nekaj dni, po- 1' tem pa bo obiskal Sarajevo in t še nekatere druge kraje. s Odlični gost je takoj po svo- I jem prihodu obiskal verskega c poglavarja jugoslovanskih mu- I slimanov reis ul ulema Maglaj- v lica in bana vrbaske banovine, t Kakor so to storili muslimani t jv Banjaluki, tako pripravljajo s tudi sarajevski muslimani lep £ sprejem svojemu prijatelju iz < Sirije. , i i S planine Vučjak, ki ima od i volčje nadloge svoje ime, se vsa- 1 ko zimo priplazijo volkovi v bližino človeških naselbin. Ko je i. lani tako nenadoma in zgodaj 1 pritisnila huda zima, so že tri- j krat videli večje volčje trume ce- . io v bližini vasi Otočana. Neke i noči so volkovi naskočili -V treh 1 tropah skupino 7 vaških doma- 1 čij, ki je par st6 metrov daleč od 1 vasi. Prebivalce je iz spanja pre- s budilo tuljenje in besno renčanje volkov ter mukanje živine. Kmet Blaž Kukič je zgrabil za sekiro in tekel iz hiše proti svojemu hlevu; okrog katerega se je že plazilo nekaj volkov. Ko je prvega volka udaril s sekiro, pa sta mu druga dva skočila na hrbet in začela se je obupna borba na življenje in smrt. Enega volka je kmet dobro zadel s prvim zamahom, drugega, ki ga je grizel v vrat in pleča, pa se je_tudi srečno otresel ter zamahnil po njem s sekiro.'Ker so hiteli na pomoč sosedje, so zveri zbežale izpred Kukičeve hiše. Istočasno pa sta dve drugi volčji krdeli mesarili živino v dveh hlevih. Volkovi so raztrgali 7 krav in 4 konje ter ranili enega vola. Kakor so pozneje ugotovili, se je vol pred volčjim napadom umaknil v kot hleva ter potem ko si je zavaroval hrbet volkove napadel z rogovi. Tako je ostal živ. V vsakem krdelu je bilo 5 do 6 sestradanih volkov. Tarzan v planini Vučjak. V Brodu je lani zblaznel 431etni delavec Ferdinand Golik, ki je bil zaposlen v nekem kamnolomu. V napadu besnosti je nevarno poškodoval nekega tovariša, potem pa je utekel v divjo romantično planino Vučjak, H ima svoje ime od volkov, ki se iz planinskih gozdov vsako zi-!mc približavajo naselbinam. Lovci in pastirji so na svojih potih \ planini že večkrat naleteli na popolnoma zaraščenega ;n napol golega človeka, ki je tekal po gozdovih Hribovci so žt dolgo govorili o divjem človeku, ” planini in po hribovskih kočah je vladal pred njim velik strah. Te dni so ga spet srečali neki lovci in orožnikom je naposled uspelo, da so blaznega reveža iztaknili v senu neke planšarske kolibe ter ga odpre-mili v bolnišnico. Orožniki v Leskovcu v Halozah so aretirali kovača Mihaela Mlakarja iz Male Varnice, ki je ponarejal v svoji kovačnici 20-dinarske kovance. Pred nekaj dneVi je zanesel en tak novec v Pintaričevo trgovino, kjer je kupil zanj neke malenkosti. Trgovec Pintarič je šele pozneje Jgotovil, da je spre.,'el falsifi-kat, vendar ni mog ‘1 nikogar osumiti. Čez nekaj dni je Mlakar spet prišel v trgovino ter hotel plačati s falsifikatom, ki ga je trgovec takoj spoznal. Zadevo je ovadil orožnikom, ki so kovača trdo prijeli in je kmalu •■.kesano priznal, da je kovance sam izdeloval. Model za izdelovanje denarja .je imel skrit v neki luknji zidu, kjer so ga orožniki zaplenili ter vse skupaj izročili sodišču. Mož se izgovarja na veliko bedo, v kateri živi. Skrbeti mora za petero otrok, ženo ima v umobolnici in pred leti mu je bilo na dražbi prodano posestvo. Leto 1926 je bilo usodno za starodavno mestece Pec. Tistega leta je namreč v Kugovi nastalo veliko jezero, ki se je potem razlilo na Peč ter povzročilo veliko škodo. Voda je prihrumela tako hitro, da se ljudstvo ni moglo pravočasno rešiti. Bilo je 36 človeških žrtev in voda je ali popolnoma odnesla, ali pa deloma porušila večje število hiš in drugih poslopij. Zato pa je tudi te dni spreletel nepopisen strah vse mestece, ko so pridrveli domov s hribov pastirji, goneč pred seboj svoje črede koza in ovac in kričeč, da je v hribih pred njihovimi očmi nastalo veliko jezero, ki venomer raste in raste in bo še tisto noč poplavilo Peč. Ljudstvo v Peči tisto noč ni zatisnilo oči. Toda zgodilo se vendar ni nič, tako da naposled že skoro nihče več ni hotel verjeti pastirskemu pripovedovanju. Pastirji pa so trdili, da je bil prejšnji dan v planinah zelo lep. Vrhovi planin so bili vsi v snegu in v dolini med gorami se. je čisto jasno videla struga rečice Bistrice. Okoli 11. ure pa se je zaslišalo zamolklo bobnenje. Mislili so, da se je nekje hrib utrgal, toda niso videli nikjer rtič podobnega. Bobnenje pa ni prenehalo, temveč je postajalo vse močneje in je trajalo kake pol ure, potem je pa prenehalo. Ko so tedaj natančneje pogledali tjakaj, odkoder je prihajalo bobnenje, se jim je zabliskala pred očmi vodna površina, ki se je hitro širila in dvigala. Nastalo je med gorama Koprivnikom in Gubav-cem jezerb, ki je raslo od trenutka do'trenutka. Tedaj so-se spomnili strašnega dogo d k a pred sedmimi leti, pa so pohiteli s svojimi čredami v Peč, da obvestijo prebivalstvo o grozni nesreči. Da bi se prepričali, ali je res kaj resnice v pastirskem pripovedovanju ■— ljudstvo .je bilo prepričano; da so pastirji videli najbrž meglo, ki so jo smatrali za jezero — so naslednji dan odrinili v hribe lovci, dobro opremljeni'seveda. Ko so se povzpeli do višine 1650 metrov nad morjem, se je med Koprivnikom in Gubavcem zalesketalo pred njimi veliko jezero, ki zavzema vso razsežno kotlino med obema visokima hriboma. Jezero mora biti, sodeč po višini, do katere se je vzpelo ob hribih, zelo globoko- Kako je nastalo, je seveda zdaj še naj večja zagonetka. So ljudje, ki menijo, da je nastalo po velikem jesenskem deževju. Toda bilo je še večje deževje, pa jezera ni bilo. Drugi mislijo« da je prodrlo na površino podzemsko jezero, in je ta predor spremljalo ono bobnenje, ki so ga slišali pastirji. Vsekakor bo treba, da ta zanimiv naravni pojav preiščejo znanstveniki, kar se *bo pa moglo zgoditi Šele pomladi, ker je sedaj zapadel še nov sneg in je okolica jezera nedostopna. Seveda, ako jezero dotlej ne izgine. Da bi «e rabilo v podnožje gora, s čimer bi bilo mestece Peč zopet v nevarnosti, se menda ni bati. Borec iz bitke *)ri Visu 1866 Na Silvestrovo je bil pokopan \ Poljanah nad Škofjo Loko Ignacij DeiflŠ3r> P® domače Žle Rado Murnik: NA BLEDU 1 ——— .......................... M ■ Soboto popoldne prod Velikim Šmarnom smo izrojili zopet v blejsko okolico. Kakor navadno na naših skupnih izletih, .je tudi danes doktor Jurinac spremljal največ Nado. Fefrl se je držala Balenoviča ko zvest, stanoviten klop. Laskala, milila in sladkala se mu je na vse pretege, ne samo iz čiste ljubezni do njegovega bogastva, ampak tudi zato, ker je imel vedno naj slastnejše bonbončke s sabo. Revež je vdano prenašal njeno ljubeznivost; le voasi je :kr,iva.j zamrmral: “Humbug! Poderoso caballero . . .” Mladi pravnik Bogomil Jereb je romal pod gostoljubnim soln-čnikom gospodične Hilde. Prav nič se ni brigal za kisle poglede gospe Ovnove, ki bi bila rajša videla, da bi hodila Hilda z doktorjem Zalokarjem.' Navihani jurist je — kolikor mogoče za kulisami — prav dobro zabaval svojo dulcinejo; gotovo ji ni razlagal rimskega prava, ker sta se tolko smejala. Sedaj sta bila daleč spredaj, sedaj zadaj; sedaj sta iztikala za lesniki, sedaj občudovala pisano gobo, sedaj zopet trgala pokalice in se pokala z njih zelenosivimi cveti po čelu in po rokah. Svetnik Zlatoust Oven ni bil nikdar daleč od naših dveh nosačev in je večkrat pokusil, č? je pivo še hladno. Jaz sem kajpada najrajši hodil z Olgo, ali Lavra naju ni pustila izlepa samih. Kako mi je bila ta sitna zgaga na potu! Včasi se nam je prištulila še gospa svetnikova, kadar ni racala zadaj z doktorjem Zalokarjem in pazila, da ji gospod soprog ne uide v oazo. Dan je bil veder, tih in vroč. Ko smo zavili sredi hriba mimo studenca z žlebom od smrekovega luba navkreber, si je svetnik slekel suknjo in mi drugi moški za njim. Za grmovjem so zvonili kravji zvonci; v hladni hosti je ukal mlad kravar. Bogomil in Hilda sta poredno pokrikavala proti skalam in se smejala odmevajočim odklikom. “Gospodična Balenovičeva,” se je oglasil šegavi svetnik sladko na vrhu klanca, “ali sem vam danes še tako všeč kakor včeraj?” “Vedno enako, gospod svetnik!” “To me veseli. Ali veste, zakaj sem tako lep? Zato, ker pijem zmeraj mrzlo kavo, kajne, preljuba Genovefa?” Preljuba Genovefa se je kujala. Zato se je veseljak ustavil in počastil čredo krav in ovac na visokem gorskem pašniku s kratkim pa jedrnatim ogovorom: “Slavne krave in ovce! Iskreno vas pozdravljam v imenu vseh vdanih prijateljev drage govedine in ovčje pečenke. O trikrat srečne, čimdalje bolj cen jene živali! Blagor vam, ki kar zastonj prebivate tukaj na slastni planinski paši, v najčistejšem zraku, daleč od sitnih muh, brencljev in komarjev, proste sramotnih spon, vzvišene nad za-nikaniinu vsakdanjostmi babilonske sužnosti! Blagor vam, ki kar zastonj uživate vele krasni razgled ha Karavanke in Julijske Alpe ter na plodovito Radovljiško ravan, kjer rastejo jedovi fgarci pa kaša! Slavni koštruni, slavna govedina! Srečno pre-bavajte, veselo prežvekujte in ohranite me v prijetnem spominu! Na svidenje, častita družba!” Mahal jim je z robcem v slovo in pdčasi cincal dalje. Dospeli smo na prijazen razgledni kraj. Globoko pod nami je v ozki kotlini sevalo Blejsko jezero, lep velikanski smaragd. Ilolm za holmom, gora za goro se je gnetla in vzpenjala, da bi videla čim več njegove lepote. Nad gozdovi se je vznašal tuin-tam zamodrel dim: oglarji so kuhali oglje. V dolini je belela mlada ajda kakor sneg med zeleno turščico, med prosom in deteljo. Visoko v vedrini je plul planinski orel proti poldanski strani, kjer .je iztezala Jelovica, prednja straža čudovitega Krasa, svoje mrakotne proge ob svetli modrini. Na izhodnem nebu je že čakala točna nebeška dekla, bela luna. Zalibog je bilo na tem lepem vrhu polno grdih spominov premalo ozirnih obiskovalcev; oglodane kosti, prazne konservne škatlice, zamaški, pomečkan, masten papir in razbite steklenice sc kvarile prijetni vtis. Jelo je hladno pihati; oblekli smo zopet suknje. “Čudno .je, da je tujec, Anglež, prvi opozoril na lepoto sloven-: kih planin,” ,je dejal Balenovič. “Domačin ne zna prav ceniti svojine,” je odvrnil doktor Zalokar. “Se dandanes je mnogo omikanih Slovencev, ki niso videli iH: Postojnske .jame ne gorenjskega raja. Sicer je pa tudi šele Anglež iztaknil lepoto tirolskih gora. Pred približno petdesetimi leti se ni zmenil živ krst zanje. — Solnčni izhod bi morali videti z gore, zaspanci, kadar vabi zora vedno nove barve iz mraka in kr; žari nad vijoličastimi, rožnatimi, višnjevimi in medložoltimi orjaki razbeljeni Triglav, vse te pralepote kralj v kraljevem škrlatu! Tif je nebeško lepo, kaj takega ne pozabite vse žive dni!” - Prijetno utrujeni smo sedli blizu kupa zloženih drv v tanko gesto planinsko travo pod stoletne smreke, ki so jim segale z mahom otkane veje malone do tal. “Ne spravljajte si zakladov na zemlji, kjer jih konča rja in melj!” je dejal gospod Oven, ko smo jeli malicati. Pridno je se-';al po salamah in prekajenem jeziku. Hilda in jurist sta se zasidrala kar najbolj daleč od gospe svetnice, ki ju je zato gledala dokaj pisano. V duši ji je tlela tiha pa gorka jezica; komaj malo jo je hladila planinska sapica, ki se je žalostno lovila v obširnih rokavih njene višnjeve bluze. Bogomil in Hilda pa sta se neskrbno naslajala z domačo klobaso in zaljubljenimi pogledi. Bila sta prav srečna; smehljala sta se neprenehoma . . . “Kako uživata!” me je opozoril Janko in vzdihnil ironično: “O zlata doba prve ljubezni!” “Oprostite, gospod doktor, kaj ste rekli?” je vprašala z mastnimi usti gospa Ovnova, ki je navzlic svoji jezi naglo 'obirala velik kos mrzlega piščanca. “Milostiva, govoril sem o prvi ljubezni, o sveti ljubezni! Ta nesebična, požrtvovalna ljubezen naklanja srce k vsemu plemenitemu in blagemu. Nikoli, nikoli ne more srce pozabiti zlate prve ljubezni! Kako bi pa tudi mogel kdo pozabiti najlepših ’ čustev svoje najlepše dobe? Duša in roža cveteta le enkrat!” “Ne. nekateri imajo pa kar cel rožni grm,” je pripomnil doktor Jurinac in si zvijal cigareto. (Dalje prihodnjič) bedrov Nace. Mož je v vsej svoji veliki preproščini dočakal prav lepo starost, skoraj. 90 let. Na nekdanjo vojaško službo je bil kaj ponosen in je rad pripovedoval marsikaj o svojem službovanju. Kot trdnjavski topničar se je udeležil bitke iz trdnjave na Visu 1866. Kaj rad je navajal, da so basali v kanone tako težke krogle, da sta vsako morala prenesti dva moža. V spomin na to dobo je hranil do zadnjega svoje vojaške hlače z rdečo porto, kakršne so tedaj nosili trdnjavski topničarji. Živel je skromno od svojega malega posestva, a bil je do zadnjega kljub svoji visoki starosti še tako trden, da je prenašal koše na svoji skromni in brezni zemeljski imovini. Drugače je bil ob posebnih prilikah precej glasan in odrezav. Ely. I . drusN Prihodnja redna seja j i va Slovenec, št. H4 'jJ . | bo vršila v nedeljo |,0 a popoldne. Seja se P11 y5j ^ polu eni (12:30) p°P° a-| člani so vabljeni, da ^ ^ deležijo. Seji bo 8le*» jn; ^ žabna zabava s prig1]1' jji-pivom. Člani in a«fe’LJ N( mo skupaj za Prl-ie 110 dansko razvedrilo! l]4 tajnik društva st. 1 V i 1 sobo ZA POTOVANJE VSTAR,!,vr« 2«; SSi: BREMEN na Brj^vr( j 21. aprila. CHAMPLAIN n= Havre . 25. aprila MANHATTAN na b„u 25. aprila BERENGARIA ff 28. aprila PARIS na Havre 28. aprila REX na 9!"°» CherbofL 'Osi 3. maja AQUITAN1A na^Cl. ^ „ 5. maja 1LE DE FRAN1 9. maja BREMEN na Bre Havre ^ 9. maja WASHINGTON na . t 12. maja BERENGARIA ^nVre J Vlvi 12. ma a CHAMPLAIN »» » “»i 15. maja EUROPA n« B"«" J flv0r. 19. maja PARIS na H ^r^t ,M,r! J 19. maja SATURNIA na Tr» 5, 26. ma ia BERENGARI A na H»vr ] 26. maja 1LE DE FRANCb H>vre |) 2. junijq CHAMPLAIN n» 2. junija VULCANIA na Hqsj], 9. junija PARIS na 1‘\jfc na . p |( » IG. junija ILE DE FRANCE P \ J Pišite po naš 'n ] parnikov in cenik kait ‘ ^ Parnlke- , r„e poš‘likiO»! °' Cene za rler arn 3S (( Za $ 3.00 110 Din Z* 'T1)(.ir, -j« (>■ Za 5.00 200 DinjZa o0 1 M() 10.00 410 DiniZa ,5 ,1 e| 11.90 500 Din ;8.50 J “11 20.00 830 I)m|/.a >l*»r Ho ir Pošiljamo tudi v am^'^za, 'SO g) M Zaradi nestalnosti Mi eInW • fCo dene cene podvržene ^Gtl ali doli. . t Us Notarski Pos Ako rabit’ pooblasti o, p tne javo ali ako imate »a 0jjniite 1 ® c|t starim krajem, se vseicj ^ LEO ZAKRAJ* General Travel ^ Trj .102 E. 72nd St., . j. ' Interesenta opozarjanih K' ^err "ota i eti '% 'apr !veta »ti precej “tough babies,” ter da so v splošnem jetniki z razmerami v tej jetnišnici zadovoljni, vendar ako bi njim odprl vrata, bi takoj vsi ušli, ako-ravno se jih v tej ječi nahaja čez pet tisoč. Ječa je v vseh ozirih moderna ter sanitarna, vendar pa nismo tukaj videli toliko zanimivosti, ker tukaj jetniki ne opravljajo nikakega rokodelstva, prodajajo le dolgčas ter premišljujejo svoje gorje. V počast' in za trud sobratu Nemanichu smo preje omenjeni izletniki priredili zadnjo soboto, 18. marca, domačo zabavo, katere junak dneva je bil sobrat Nemanich sam. Zabava je bila prijetna in neprisiljena, kar' dokazuje, da si .je sobrat pridobil mnogo prijateljev v naši naselbini v kratkem času njegovega bivanja med nami. Paul Bartel. DOPISI (Nadaljevanje s 3. strani) den (jetniški načelnik) dovolil ta privilegij. Torej ta kanarčka se nahajata v dvojni jetnišnici. Dobro pri tem je le to, da se tega ne zavedata, ter delata kratkočasje temu nesrečnežu. Videli smo razne oddelke, kjer ■jetniki izdelujejo preproge, pleteno pohištvo, razne ornamente iz cementa, obleke ter obuvala. Najzanimivejše pri tem pa je bilo to, ko se je naša de-putacija pomikala skozi omenjene prostore, da je vsa produkcija počivala, izvzemši v oddelku za preproge, kjer je jako težko ustaviti obrat brez precejšnih stroškov. Pokazali so nam ledenico, kjer hranijo meso, zelenjavo ter razne potrebščine, katere potrebujejo jetniki ob, svojih “pojedinah.” Med vsem je bil zame najzani-mivejšs takozvani “Solitary Confinement,” kjer so imeli zaprte takozvane “Toughy Gang.” Paznik tiiiih jfe pokazal celico ter nam pojasnil, kako razne kriminalce uče manire v teh mučeniških celicah; tudi nam je pokazal kos suhega kruha ter čašo vode, to je namreč vse, kar tak jetnik dobi za hrano na dan. Ker so bili pazniki mnenja, da smo videli vse glavne reči, so nam pokazali še jedilnico ter cerkev, katera je tudi ob gotovih prilikah gledališče, nakar smo se podali proti izhodu, ker obiskati smo morali popoldne glavno jetnišnico takozvano Stateville ječo. Takoj po izbornem kosilu smo se podali v zanimivi kraj, ki se nahaja kake tri milje v predmestju. V novi jetnišnici nas .je prav gostoljubno sprejel načelnik vseh zaporov v državi Illinois, Mr. Frank D. Whipp. Poklical nas je v svojo pisarno' ter nam v poljudnem tonu pojasnil razmere ter stanje teh nesrečnikov. Povedal nam je, da se v tej jetničnici nahaja ISKOVINE od najmanjše do največje za DRUŠTVA in posameznike izdeluje lično moderna slovenska unijska tiskarna. Ameriška Domovina 61 1 7 ST. C L A 1 R AVE. CLEVELAND,OHIO NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Tužnim in potrtim srcem naznanjamo vsem sorc jattljun in znancem, preljubega cdinca da nam je neizprosna smrt ugr p”: Alberta in co jc dne 14. nngeljske sbore. starosti enega leta in pol P16'1 selil ^ Srčna hvala vs:m, katr-ri ste čuli pri pokojnem in ter nam stali ob strani v vseh potrebah v naših urah Tvoj krasni obraz bo nam vedno v spominu in mili tvoj glas bo vedno pri nas in vedno nam bode težko po milem bratcu in sinu. Rozi škrjanc, mati; Joe škrjanc, oče; Rrzi Škrjanc, sestra. Lorain, Ohio. tol3® jCp 15. marca 1934. Pokojnica je spadala k društvu št. j.cjn>c k društvu št. 217 SNPJ. Obe društvi sta priredil* 1 ,3 joareb. aijuJciniežtJlJ Na tem mestu se obema društvoma iskreno ,zallLio straže pri mrtvaškem odru, za poklon j sne vence in 0 jvirs- . pii pogrebu. Istotako se prisrčno zahvaljujemo družim ^ Jia5i. Kolnik za prečut-3 ure in za vso tolažbo, izraženo nam ^ p o’ p- večji žalosti. Iskrena hvala družini Mrs. Mary Slug®, čutje in zvesto postrežbo. Zahvalimo se dalje druži^ ^ ^ i cancto in družini Frank Mahnich za darovane cvctllrlc Deljy f, nam tolažbo in naklonjenost. Hvala tudi družini darcvani krasni venec. Prisrčna hvala bodi izrečena p o prišli pokojnico kropit, ki so jo spremili na njeni z j,, „ v vsem, ki so nam bili v tolažbo in pomoč v žalostnih ^ P0^-^ Ti pa, draga, nepozabljena nam mati, bodi Ti sla- nU; -,)»• ,,j ameriški zemlji. Ohranili Te bemo v ljubečem sp trpiJ ^ C so zepot ne združimp tam, kjer ni v-nč ločitve, žalosti ^nlc' Žalujoči ostali: Joseph, Henry, Paul, Dominic m. B sinevi; Molly, omožena Šajn in Virginia Jeran, hčeri- Davis, W. Va., meseca marca 1934. Veltf1 Atf s ZA OBISK DOMOVINE ILE DE FRANCE, 5. maia v Havre Karta do Ljubljane $117.54; za tja in nazaj $206.50 BREMEN, 10. maja v Bremen Karta do Ljubljane $122.24; za tja in nazaj $211.50 BERENGARIA, 12. maja v Cherbourg Karta do Ljubljane $119.24; za tja in nazaj $206.50 ILE DE FRANCE, 26. maja v Havre Karta do Ljubljane $117.54; za tja in nazaj $206.50 BERENGARIA, 26. maja v Cherbourg Karta do Ljubljane $119.24; za tja in nazaj $206.50 Denarne pošiljke izvršujemo točno in zanesi iivo no dnevnem kurzu. V JUGOSLAVIJO V ITALIJO * 2.75 100 Din|Za $ 9.25 100 Lir Za 6.Or, 200 I)in Za 17.90 200 Lir 7.85 300 DinlZa 44.00 500 Lir Za 11.95 500 Dinla 87.50 1,000 Lir Za 28.25 1,000 Din|Za 174.00 2,000 Lir KER SE CENE SEDAJ HITRO MENJAJO SO NAVEDENE CENE PODVRŽENE SPREMEMBI GORI ALI DOLI Kadar sto namenjeni v stari kraj ali imate kak opravek s starim krajem — je v Vašem lastnem interesu, da se vedno obrnete na nas za pojasnila in posredovanja: SLOVENIC PUBLISHING CO. (Glas Naroda—Travel Bureau) | 216 West 18 St. New York, N. Y. S. V SPOMIN DRUGE OBLETNICE NEPOZABNEGA SINA & Johna J. Schutte ^ 09 !Ct- ki je preminul dne 10. aprila 1932, star 22 Zopet klije cvetjc d, zopet prišla Je / vse se zopet J® ' ggtn'j le Ti spavaš PoC’ ^r»tl .$• nepozabni sin > jo Žalujoči ostali: John in Jennie Schutte, starši; Jel r.estA. Denver, Colo,, 10. aprila 1934. Sredi solz in bolečin ' tožno-sladek je spomin Tvoje rane še ločitve, tja, odkoder ni vrnitve nepozabni brat in sin!