PROSVETA A V « * e ► » GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE LETO—TEAS XXV. I« ipfmlM B. Lavadate Am Veterani pripravljeni ia dolge okupacije Glavnega mosta na mislijo «e za-pustlti kljub porasu boousne predloge. Ogorčenje nad Hoover jem. Itiomas jih urgiral, naj podprejo vse brezposelne Washington, D. C. — (FP) — Razočarani in ozlovoljeni ao ae veterani bonu«ne armade vrnili v avoje prašno, pusto in nezdravo taborišče, ko je senat porazil njih predlogo za izplačitev "zaostale plače". In namesto da bi se pričeli vračati domov, od koder so prišli ali kamorkoli, so takoj pričeli z delom za daljše obleganje Washingtona. Pričeli so kopati odvodne jarke in zbirati material za kolibe. Prva akcija, ko so se vrnili v taborišče, je prav za prav bila ratifikacija izjave njih poveljnika VVatersa, v kateri je rekel, da bodo veterani ostali v Wash-ingtonu toliko časa, dokler ne dosežejo svojega namena. Isti dan, ko je senat razpravljal o predlogi, sta se zgodils tudi dva incidenta, ki sta veterane nočno razpalila. Prvi je bil ak-policije, ki je dvignila most fko reke Potomac zunaj Wa-lgtona in s tem preprečila prihod nadaljnjih pet tisoč veteranov v kapitol. Nastopiti so morali voditelji ekspedicije, ki so potolažili veterane. Drugi incident je bil, ko je 450 veteranov okupiralo tri prazna vladna poslopja v bližini zakladniškega departmenta. Pomagale niso ne grožnje policijskega načelnika niti plediranje poveljnika Watersa, naj izpraznijo poslopja, ako hočejo dobiti hrano iz taboriščne kuhinje. Ker so ostali glu^/jt odločni. jim je policijski i slal nekaj živil, "dokler ne pri de do daljših razgovorov." Razpoloženje • veteranov je razvidno tudi iz grožnje nekaterih, ki so rekli, da bodo izkopali jarke v parku za Belo hišo in s tem napravili še večje preglavice administraciji. Sklenili so tudi na "mirno okupacijo" UFayette Squara pred Belo hišo. Ako naraste armada veteranov na 200,000, kot pričakujejo voditelji, to ne bo nobena demonstrativna akcija, ampak potreba. Veterani so silno razkačeni nad Hooverjem. Pred kongresno palačo so pred nekaj dnevi prinesli veliko sliko osls z na-pisom "Hoover". 81iko so nameravali obesiti na steno ob vhodu, ampak Jih je policija pregovorila. Sklenili pa so aktivno nastopati proti Hoover ju tekom kampanje. Njih legislatlvni zastopnik Harold Foulkrod iz Balti-more je rekel na shodu vetera-nov pred senstno pslačo, da bo-v ksmpanji imeli 12,000 govornikov proti Hooverju. "Na-na armada in tisti, ki so z nami, reprezentira 12 milijonov glasov, ki bodo prihodnjega novembra nekaj šteli," je rekek Foulkrod. Govor Norman Thomaaa, katerega je poslušalo šest tisoč veteranov, socialističns agitacija in pa stališče Norrisa in U Folleta v senatni zbornici je dokaj spremenilo nazore veteranov. Thomas Je pledlral z veterani, naj podprejo zahtevo za vladno pomoč za vss brezposelne, ker ae problem tiče vseh delavcev. On je izvajal, da veterani niso v bedi valed tega, ker w> veterani, ampak ker ao delavci in brea dela. Slično stališče je v senatu nanašal tudi Norris, ki je naapro-tovsl vojni, bil ps js v pretok-l"stl vedno na strani veteranov. v"terani predstavljajo komaj ena tretjina brezpoeelnoetn« armade In bi ne bilo prsvično I* njim pomagati ostale pa Ignorirati. Dolžnost kongresa je, je rmglašal Norris, ds nudi pomoč vsem, ki so v potrebi, ne- Lawis sklicuje aava rudarsko konfaraaao Povabil je delegate obeh strank v Illinois« in Indlani k sebi v Indianapolis Indianapolia.—John L. Lewis, predsednik rudarake unije U-nited Mine Workers af America, je 20. junija povabil zastopnike rudarjev in lastnikov rovov v državama Illinoisu in Indiani na novo mezdno konferenco, ki se ima vršiti v Indianapollsu. Ako se operatorji odzovejo, se konferenca odpre takoj. L^vis pravi v povabilu, da je potrebno, da imata oba distrikta enako mezdno lestvico, ki se naj uredi na skupni konferenci in on upa na "uspešen izkl" zborovanja. Levvis jadikuje, da je že enajst tednov preteklo med brezuspešnim pogajanjem in v tem času imajo lastniki premoga veliko izgubo, rudarji so pa padli v veliko pomanjkanje. Intervencije državnih oblasti niso dosegle nič. LewiBov načrt je, da se skupna konferenca omeji na dva zastopnika rudarjev in dva operatorja, ki naj določijo vse legalne strani dvodržavne pogube in potem se udeleži večjeatevilo reprezentatov z obeh strani, ki bodo sklenili mezdno pogodbo. West Frankfort, I1L — Tu je bil v nedeljo shod 300 rudarjev iz Illinoisa in Indiane, ki so se izrekli za skupno mezdno P4> godbo in ob*xliU vsak pasku* da bi se jim plača znižala aa M dal*. ' Val Rtvlh baaialb Mnogo Ddavtka liga za * Thomaga Tvorta jo bode progresivni linijski voditelji Mllwaukee. — Kampanjski odbor socialistične stranke pod vodstvom miiwauškega župana Hoana je podvzel akcijo za organiziranje "delavske lige za Thomaaa in Maurerja." Njen namen bo, da se zanese sociallstlč-ns kampanja in platforma v sleherno postojanko organiziranega delavatva. V pripravljalni odbor za formiranje te lige sta se med dr\t-glml unijskimi voditelji priglasila J. J. Handley, tajnik Wia-coneinske delavske federacije, in James D. Grah a m. predsednik Montanske delavske federacije. Na prvem sestanku tega odbora so bili navzoči John Banacho-witz, predsednik pletenlnarjev v Milwaukeeju, Leo Krzycki, organizator tekstilnih in oblačilnih delavcev, J. Piepenhagen, voditelj oblačilnih delavcev, Powers Hapgood, Meta Berger, župan Hoan, Clarence Senlor, tajnik stranke, in J. Friedrieh, delavski urednik Mllwaukee Leadorja. Ckteafo, DL, sreda, 22. luni)« (Jtine 22), 19S2. ; ln sotšw ltOt, Art of Pet t, 1917, aatksrlssš ss J««s 14. lili *ub»cnpliua HM0 Tirrlr 8TEV.—NUMBER 147 Krvavi ko so as koai dvignili proti dl; tO asa* ubi v Valparalsu, Isti. že drugič Ičnl vla- Taiak boj okljsklh radarjav 1 idl H Proti obratovanju premogovni* kov a skebl ss bori vse ljud-atvo. Vlada proti atavkarjem čikašklh vrata zaprlo New York. — Kakor poroča The American Banker, je zadnji teden 21 bank zaprlo vrata v Združenih državah; v teh bankah je bilo skupno čez 60 milijonov dolsrjev vlog. V Chicsgu je propadlo pet bank, Jf juniju je doslej 44 bank zaprto vrsta In skupaj v tem letu 740 z o-krog $383,000,000 vlog. Chicago. — Od zadnjo sobote so sledeče člkaške banke zaprle vrata: North Avenue State Bank, $2,400,000 vlog; Emplre Trust and Savlngs Bank, 8256 N. Crawford ave., $150,000 vlog; Devon Trust * Ssvings Bank, 6868 N. Clark St., $650,-000 vlog; Prudential State Ssvings Bank, 758 W. North Ave., $750,000 vlog; First American National Bank, Berwyn, $600,-000 vlog; Botvman vlile National Bank. 4806 N. Western Ave., $1,700,000 vlog; Rellonce Bank, 1540 W. Madison st., $2.800,000 vlog. Nameščenci člkaške I železnice savrgM redukcijo Chicago. — Nameščenci nad-ulične železnice so v pondeljek že drugič letos odglssovsli proti desetodstotnemu znižanju svoje mezde. Pri drugem gissovsnju je bilo oddanih 1410 glasov zs znižsnje in 1490 protk _ glede, če so bili tekom vojne v srmadi sli v tovarni. Da so ss tega pričeli zavedati tudi veterani, je razvidno Iz go-vora poveljnika Watoraa. v katerem je rekel, da "ml ss moramo boriti za naša zahteve in Intereee ostalih brezposelnih, neglede če so veterani ali ne. katere zastopamo." Odkar je senat porazil bonusno predlogo se je situscljs obrnils še bolj % prilog Umu nszoru. Athena, 0—-r«epoaelne člane v organizaciji, ki ne morajo plačevati aaaaman-ta. Zajednica Ima aiatam nabiranja reaerve in ia aklada raaor-ve ae članom poeojuje u aaaa-ment. Gl. odborniki ao pojaanl-11, da ja veliko števtlo članov že lačrpalo avoje reaerve na ta način in drugi bodo kmalu, nakar zajednica na bo mogla vzdrževati brezposelnih Članov, kar nima skladov v ta namen, Uradnih aseamentov pa adaj na mora nalagati. O tem težkem vprašanju je bila dolga debata, posebnega aaključka pa ni bilo. , Ko ao prišla na vrato točke glede odškodnine in operaoljake podpore, ao to odlošlli, dokler na bo rešen problem bolniškega aklada. Nato ao debatirali o centralizaciji, to je, da aa vaa bolniška podpora plačuje ia oen-tralnega aklada kot Js zdaj aia-tem aajednlee. Nekateri ao hoteli, da aa centralizacija odpravi in da društva aama plačujejo bolniško podporo. Bklenjano Je bilo, da dabato vršf šeat nikev: tri aa cen' tri proti., a^aMpO^'jS^^i imensko glasovanja, rim ja vaak delegat ril eno minutu, To dolgo čaaa in ni bilo končano ob sklepu toga poročila. m -i Poročevalec. Kespsl el Je isiial pMs ivtana. vlada namesto farmarJL Zagrab. Jugoalavlia, lil. Jun. koruse, tobaka In bombaža, ki ao fana Radiča in njavovMi uanaa aronz Ia CMeaga^Naš slikar Gregor Perušek jo prišal ia Cleve-landa in aa mudil mad nami tri ali štiri dni. Imel ja a seboj večjo zbirko svojih najnovejših olik, ki Jo ja privatno raaatavll in aa tudi Iznebll nekaterih. V torek je Perušek a ženo in hčerk« odpeljal v avtu naaaj proti Cle» velandu. h Noe Castla, Pa, Ta ia umrl aa arčno kapjo Anion B-hart, sUr 55 lat Zapušča štiri otroke. la Detrolta. — John Bemlk, član društva št 121 SNPJ, al Ja 17. t m. vzel življenja — po-aledlca dolgotrajne boleani. Star Ja bil 40 let ln doma la Zmlttea pri fikofjt UkJ. Zapušča družino. Ia Clevolanda. — Mlaa Joslo Mllavec je bila aadnja dal sn Bžlrana pri Stadium Opara Co llavčeva, ki Je altlstka, bo pel* vlogo v Wagnerjevl operi "Die Walkuere." — Umrla ja Vara Brmakora, stara tO lat, rojena tu In bolničarka po poklleu. — Dalja Ja umrla Prane* KraJt Fink, roj. Sladlč, stara 61 lat in doma la Trebnjega; tu jo bila 22 let In zapušča pet otrok. počita iee za federala« nameščence D, C. — Nižja kongresna zbornica Je v pondeljek odgiasovsls aa nadaljnjih ato milijonov dolarjev prihran ka v federalni blagajni v prihodnjem fiskalnem letu a dukcijo plaž vsem uradnikom, kongresnikom In senatorjem. Izvzeti ao le predsednik Hoover In člani vrhovnega sodišča, katerim kongres po ustavi ne more znižati plač; storjen Je pa Ml apel na nje, naj al plače sami znižajo. Kongresnikom In senstorjem je bils anižana plača za deset odstotkov In podpredsedniku aa 16 odstotkov. Vsem zveznim u-radnikom, ki imajo nad $10,000 ali vafc letne plače, je — aa 105 , onim pa, ki imajo 000 ali več, aa tO*, ki dote največ ai anMena Oni«, ki 6aa $1200. je določenih vsako »ent labegavanja ln leto en mesec brezplačnih p* stl, ki nima para v današnji do-čitnle, ' bi," Je tekel Hlllqult. Republikanci baokvotlfoll^ pravi MiM---»i ninqan New York. ^ "Izjava političnega bankrota, to je platforma republikanske stranke aa loto IM," je dejal Morris HIUquit, znani socUHatlčnl voditelj, zadnjo soboto. HIIIquit Je poudaril da največji današnji proble ameriškega ljudstva ao Industrijska depresija, brsaoaaalnoat In bsnkroatvo farmarjev, toda republikanska platformo jo lovila to preblami v bomkmptM fraze, ki nič ne pomenijo. "JU-publlksnsks platforma je doku Smrtae obsodba puatarjov ■f v Jugoslaviji Pomoč aNNvM pM Predloga predvideva »višanje cen pridelkom potom kontrole aunanjega trga, subvencije In Iteenatrenja prekupčevalcev. VVaahlagton. — (FP) — Senat je aopet pričel lakatl iahoda aa >ankrotirano farmarje ln gledati aa aradatva, ki naj dvignejo cene farmaklh pridelkov. Pred par dnevi je priš)a na raapravo Howell-McNaryjeva predloga, ki jo aponaorirajo tri najmočnejše farmaka organizacije in katera predvideva tri načine aa doaago namena. Bila pa ja vrnjena od-aeku. Poleg "debenturo" načrta aH vladne anbvenclja, katerega ja Hoover ža enkrat vetlral, vsebuje predloga Še dve alternativi, katofih aa farmaki odbor lahko poalužl aa dvlgnjanje con. Prva Je načrt aa kreiranja fonda v avrho stabilizacije cen. Farmarji bi prlapeval! v poae-ben aklad neko vaoto od vaah pridelkov ali blaga, ki ga požU* po na trg. Fond bi alužll aa vadrževanje cen na neki točki na gleda na oano na aunanjam trgu. Vea farmaki ekaport bi bil pod vladno kontrolo. Ta načrt Je tako avani "equallaatlon fee," "Debenturo" načrt pa določa vladno aubvancljo aa farmako ia-voano trgovino. Edina razlika mad toni In akvallaaeijaktm na* črtom Ja, da atroška aa aUblli-aacijo In vzdrževanja cen noal Dva častnika martborako posadke obaojena na smrt pred vojnim sod iščem. pet drugih po V 8«por. Obletnica Radlčevegs umora Issvala Izgred« aa Hr-vaškem; sna oseba ubita Belgrad, ti. Jun. Vojno ao-d išče je včeraj obeodilo poročnika Atanaakovlča ln poročnika Altalerja na amrt, majorja Djo-kiča na deset let ječe ln štiri druge vojaške Častnike na pet do deset let zapora. Štirje obtoženci ao bU! oproščeni. 8 temi obsodbami je bilo zaključeno prvo dajanje drame, ki ae je aačela 28. maja, ko ao od- % krili tajno komuntatično organizacijo v vojaški poaadkl v Mariboru na Slovenskem. Mnogo o-sob je bilo takrat aretiranih, nekaj jih Je ušlo čaa mojo in dva Čaatnlka ata iavršlla samomor. "Črna roka," tajna vojaška organizacija, ki Ima aa svoj cilj s trmoglav Ij en j o Karadtordžovt-čeve dinastije in uatanovitev republike, ja apet na delu po veej deželi. (Chicago Dally Tribuna Je objavila v torek daljše poročilo auojega poročevalca Wllltama Bhtrerja v Belgradu, ki ga Je poalal po pošti, da "uide oanau-rl." Poročilo aa glaal, da so vse prepovedane politične atrank« v Jugoslaviji ta maaae sklonil« "božja premirje" mad seboj in aa acHlinlle na akupnl fronti proti vladni diktaturi. Politični po-lošaj režima Je tako slab, da ot-lo najkoaaarvailvnajšl ljudje v Hrbijl prorokujejo, da pride ro> publika f enam letu.) ' ll prldslkt l načrt, tako avant "al-predvideva Hm Tretji lotment plan," pa kontrolo nakupa, aa domači trg ln določanja aan vaah farmaklh pridelkov. Ta akema Ja Jako komplicirana. Vaak trgovec a farmskimi pridelki ali prekupčo. valeč bi bil lloanalran ln bi amal kupiti le določano količino aa prodajo na domaČem trgu, farmarji bi pa prodajali po oenah, ki Jih določi »vaan I farmaki odbor. Caae bi aa ne določala laatnovoUno, ampak bi aa baao služIle cene na avetovnem trgu, K tej baanl oanl bi odbor prištel še znsssk uvoan« tarife na pose meano komoditeto. Po tem načrtu bi bila cona pridelkov torej odvlana od avetovnega trga In pa uvoan« earin«. ■Ta načrt J« najbolj pobijal se-nator B talne ia W!aeonai na la raaloga, ker pomeni restrikclje aa mlekarake farmarja v njegovi državi. Rekel Ja, da Je načrt nelavadljlv, krivičen In neustaven, ker aa umažava v pravice privatnega laatnižtva. Vač aa-natorjev aa Je z njim atrlnjalo, ker načrt res pomeni, da bo vaak farmar lahko postavil na trg le neko količino, pa bilo to mleko, pženica aH karkoli. Dvomljivo pa Je, če Je pod sedanjim alsto-mom možno stabillalratl c«n« brez reatrikcij pravic glad« privatne lastnin«. Predloga daje zveznemu farmskemu odboru pravico, da ae lahko poslužl kateregakoli sli pa vssh trak načrtov. B tem bi ae njegova moč izredno povečala. Popolna kontrola farmsks Industrije bi prežiš v njegovo področje posebno, če bi ae poelužll "allotmeat" aH kvotnega načrta. v v %|fradsksm parlamentu 6 bila včeraj oanačena a vsH-ml demonstracijami in lagra-e bolj redno udeležujete društvenih sej, ker tisti, ki ne bodKe na p^je, najbolj kritizirate drultvo in društvene ursdnlke. Sej te udeležuj-to redno ia na seji naj vsak pove «voj. mnenje; ne mislite, da sta samo prt- V ^J£|bala, ds bi smatrali Jeitfjs ia tomorilca. Na sodišču je bilo blrno vse Jugoslovane is v« okellee, | OOltazailO, d* sls Se OČe Jn sfcl da pridejo*Sa ta piknik. Pripravijo- | kar najlepše raeumela ia da bo Vlaga dovolj in prav ta vse, j« izvršilo dejanje res po na-DiyŠtvo 164] tako da >o vsakdo imel dobro sabavo ključ ju. fh raavedrilo. __ | " nista pov flpokaae, ve ■(ViaM, ki pe i velike škode, pač Mllveuke* Wlsu—Vtem tistim čla- pa sta noro društva it. 16, kateri prosijo, I ja j„ v da jedaota plača tanje ases. it skls-da izrednih podpor, se naznanja de- la Izvrstne mtartkarFirnilr Ksfka or- tleče: Prolnje, ki jih dobite prt Viku, ds jih spolnlte, jih morate na-Saj prinesti vssj 6 dni pred društve- je požar uni v katerem bel, v vasi uničil skeden niku JftkuHču tolik čebelnjak, 28 panjev če- * pa ja požar tnika Muhi- no sejo. To pa radi tega, da jih od- fa Domnevajo, da ate bjla oba v odobritev. £lanl In Aantoe, ne pozabite na društveni esesment, ds sm* rs biti plačan do 94. v * F. Perko, tajnik. Ljubljana, 1 junija 1 Jekla rita na Ravneh prenehala z delom Ze od lanskega Jeta ae naše je-klarne borijo za obstoj. Zaradi nazadovanja naročil so jeldarne na Rsvneb ln v jtelici ie lani začele akrČevatf obratovanje, de ne bi bilo potrebno kar na mah odpustiti vseh delavcev, Zniie-vall eo plače delavcem in tudi uradnikom, skrčilf so delovni tje-den na štiri, ravnovesja pa tovarne le niso mog}e vadržati. In tako se je zgodilo 80. maja, česar so se bali vsi delavci V Je-klarni na Ravneh, posebno oni z družino; obrat v jeklarni grofa Thuma na Kavneh je bi} u-stavljen popolnoma. Od 260 delavcev jih bo delalo le n^kaj fesa krog 60, da izvršijo nekaj manjših naročil. Potem pa bodo ostali na cesti tudt oni. Nič boljše ni v Mežici. V svinčenem rudniku so se izvršile že leni velike redukcije, zdaj pa ao uvedli tudi štiridnevni delovni teden, tako 4a se bo plača delavcev znižala na miniipum in bo plača jedva zadostovala xa naj-* skromnejše življenjske ,potrebščine. Zboljšanja položaja ni pričakovati. Žakon o pobijanju dv*«teje i » I r »i , * ^ » . . ■ ' ama Ivana ftlmič, stara 60 let, Ljubljani obrtnik Ivan Penkov, podobar, v Križevcih pri Ljuto-J meru Ana Biavlč, stara «4 let Težka neerečs. — V ljubljan-1 Cikloo v Slavoniji. — V nede i jo 29. maja jp okraj Valpovo doživel strašno elementarno ka-taatrofo. Zvečer je več ur divjala huda nevihta s točo, vmes pa je prišel nad pokrajino močan ciklon, ki je porušil krog 160 ter mnogo tejfco in lale ra nlh. Ciklon je divjal le j?et minut, a je nekatere vasi porušil do kraja. Vihar je ruvfl stare hraate ter jih nosil po zraku kot igrače, močne kmečke hi Že ao v hipu ležale na tleh poru- sko bolničd so pripeljali lz Raz- Jene, toča jedila širni polja, drtega pri Bmartnu na Dolenj-|v Habjanovcih ni os^la nobe- skem posestnika Jostpa Coša iz Sapa, starega 86 let. Čoš je delal v kamnolomu, kjer se je nad njim odtrgala velika tfaat kamenja ter ga zasula. Sodelavci ao ga kmalu rešili, vendar je dobil Coš hude poškodbe po vsem telesu. V ljubljanski bolnteJ ae trudijo, da bf mu rešili življenje. Njegovo stanje je zelo reeno. Prezpoaetaoet v Celju je nekoliko ^popustila, a število brezposelnih je za to majhno mesto vendarle te strahotno visoko. Maja meseca je psdlo število brezposelnih moških od 9t9 na an hiša cela, popolnoma porušenih pa je okrog 80 hfe, nobeden od vaščanov nima več strehe nad seboj. Podobno je v Brod-jancih in Samilovcih. Toda neurje a točo je beanelo iadi nad Baranjov tudi nad tile in Dalmacijo. Ljudatvo v opustoAenih krajih obupuje, in to tem bolj, ker ve, da nI pričakovati pomoči od države, ki nima. uiico poglabljajo.—JLa ni so dokončali gradnjo trimost-ja pri Prešernovem uredili obrežje od G trimostja, letos pa so začeli pd- Wash. - Da pre-vooaš snestne posta-rdeči zasta?i, hO sOciali-sU v tem mestu orptniairali parado, v kateri je korakalo 2500 oseb z rdeč^i zastavicami .v rokah. Policija je aretirala le organ i zitorja stranke John F. McKayja, ki je bil izpuščen pod varščino $50. Parada se je zaključila z ve-ikim shodom, na katerem je govoril tudi predsednik unije brez-poeelnih Dilka. Brezposelni ao v tem meatu efektivno organizirali in postajajo velika politična moč. Akcija preži unijakemu I voditelju lNew York. — Louis Budenz, tajnik Konference za progresivno delavsko akcijo, zahteva, da Theodore M. Brartdle, predsed nik državnega koncila stavbin-•kih unij v New Jerseyju, poda ostavko in preneha z vsemi aktivnostmi v delavskem gibanju * Budenz obtožuje Brandla, da ni zaa^opa) koristi delavcev, ko je L 1928 reprezentiral Iron ligo, delodajalsko organizacijo, kakor tudi delavske unije. Dalje pravi, da je bil član koruptnih organizacij, kot je dokazal nedavni injunkcijski proces, ter da je prejemal velike vsote denarja od teh organizacij. 862, brezposelnih ženak številoUlabljati strugo Ljubljanice pri pa je ostalo neizpreroenjeno, 1«8. | stari cukrarni na Poljana«!. Fo- Skupaj je torej v celjskem mestecu brezposelnih 1006 oseb Mnogi od njih imajo družin^ Smrtna nsarsša kolesarke. — b Nove vgal ae je vozila na svojem kolesu v Maribor v Službo 19 letna Marica Vizovi&ek, globili jo bodo do Udmata, da bo struga globoka do AtSri metre PUMOftftštK NOVICJC Fašistične vojne vaje PROLETAREC js slovensko glasilo soeiallstlčne stranke v Ameriki. Vsak šala-ves la rojak, U a s oda U tem, U ga moral čitatl, ker vam kaša PMATO SLIKO 0OCUUaMA Naročnina znala $8.06 aa leta, fl.TS na pel leta Naelov: PROLETAREC ssse w. astk Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ie naš ranit knjigi Matber. Pe.—Društvo 6UM 8NPJ priredi piknik skupno a bratskim dru štvom 6aa HBZ na 4. julija ns Mstt Grashsjevi farmi. Vsblmo brate Slo-vanee ln Hrvata ter ostale Slovana, da naa poaetito na tem pikniku, da ae vsi skupaj v priredi lepo poaabe-vemo. Avlrali bodo tomburešl ln vlo lin. Ne rašnju bo pečena JagSjetina in dobra plječe Odbor Im prr.Vr^i vae potrebne. Andr tfftšMM, tajnik društva SSs SL Lan is. Me. - Uljudno oposarj/m Člane draštve 107, da veak plača ases-ment do SS. t. mM da ba mani m<>ff >. izpolniti polletni rašua in po« leti aseement ob pravem šaeu ne Sksvnt aeeementa se rt<>l»#itrsM člana v«č Kdor ne mora plačati eaesmento. na ae telesi na draetvonl seji In tam na, členatvo odobri ali savrfte. Uraštvene soje se vršijo vsako prvo nedeljo Meeeeu V prostoru ne SSS I Se. Tih btvd.. prtletok ob S. dopoldne Vpo štovajte! ieba Bertawaš|. tajnik I Celil. Netnesje se, da be drultvo 4SS priradilo piknik dno 10. julije v Plummer park«. TtTT Sente Moniea blvd. S tem epH vabi vse Slsvsase la drage Slovane Is okolice, da pridejo aa to piknik vatffcem številu IJdaiešite silila ga vetlkega plknlkel—Oalje Tržaška 68. legija fašistične • •i ,r i^r i | v | railice je na manevrih. rttOTrt/M^ Urejajo že od srede in se X. Junija pa se je na koJesu n«deIio zakliučile Vna. ska skupščina sprejeU oamitek 11 TS^u!iTT.SHHS L11923 Goliti zaposlenim zakona o pobijanju draginje. 6e bi sprejel zakbn Še senat ln bi ga potem potrdil tudi ltralj — ki gs lahko tudi same bi bil zakon sprsjet. Te dni pa js kbo-rovala beograjska trgovska zbornica, ki je protestirala zoper o-anutek zakona o pobijanju draginje. Oni so pač za draginjo in proflt. In ta protest je imel menda ie uspeh med senatorji. Zakaj zdaj poročajo is Beograda, da senat zakona ne bo eprejel, pač pa bo nekatere določbe omilil ter vrnil skupščini, da ga znova sprejme po daljši ali krajši debati. Beaeda trgovcev je torej naglo salegla. Je, ja ... Smrtna neereča Na cesti med Skofjo Loko In Trato Je prišlo do smrtne nesre-če. Šofer Jakob Plestenjak je vozil v tovornem avtu ljudako-Aolske učenke z Izleta, na stopnicah poleg šoferja pa je stsl Franc Piškur, enako kakor šofer usluftben pri trgovcu Košmanu v škof JI Loki. Ko so Se peljali od škofjeloške postaje proti *JYa-tl, Je hotel med vOšno Piškur skočiti v sadni del tovornega avta, kjer Je bilo še nekaj prostora. Pri tem pa ae Je s hlačami lataknil ob neki kavelj, ki mu ie raztrgal hlače ter ga vrgel naravnoat pred zadnje, dvojno kolo avtomobila. Padel Je pod kolo s glavo naprej, naslednji hip so vae učenke od groze se kričale, a avto Je le storil svojš. ftel Je Piškurju čes glavo, mu stri lobanjo In razmaaarD vao glavo. Poklicana zdravnika H škofje lx>ke sta mu nudila prvo |H>maaerjeva. na Osfrolnem poaeatnlkov sla Anton Breanlk, v Mariboru vdova GJsuovi iz naselbin 86 letnica alovenake godbe Mliatown, Pa. — Tadi letos prffedf alovenaka Moxham godba avojo običajno letno prireditev ali obletno slavje. Letos bo obhajala svojo 20 letnico, in sicer na 4. julija, na katero vabimo vse jugoslovanske rojake in rojakinje iz vse okolice. Ude-eiite se v velikem številu, da tako pomagate godbi. Prireditev bo v Slov. del. domu na Moxha-Mft. Radi slabih razmer bo vstopnina samo 25c. Začetek programa ob 2. popoldne. Na vaporedu so razne zanimive točke. Sode-uje tudi druga godba. 8eveda tx> pripravljenega tudi dovolj prigrizka in pijače. Zato pa vsi na slavnost 20 letnice naše god be dne i. julija! Za slovensko moxhamsko godbo — Mihael Krofina. IZJAVA O KATAKU Miss Elissbetb Mulysr, Browns-rtlle, Pa., piše? «Vale Kahnous tdra-vllo v kapseinlh, je edino, ki Je meni pomagalo u^nMO»QNIČNI PRE HJLAD Y'GLAVI in stanju katora glsvi. Kdorkoli (rp{ vtied take boles-ni, aaj U poskusil to sdrsvife." To je ltvrstn> pomoč ss naduho ln mrt-lico. Utpehl je tagotovijen. Pošljite ilM sa boVso toga sdravila. Poštni ao plačamo mL Pišite na: Rehn Drug Co., E. 42nd k Barvard, Clevelsnd, ohlo^madot.l « ' '' u stopilo Je nevarno notranje »- »^'o^Sbi vavenje in tako Je dekle zvečer1 nliK€ odrwU)e-umrla. Nasmetu vrane uatretO očeta. — Mariborsko sodišče Je te dni obaodllo Jenflja Kerčmarja iz Bela |iii Prekmurju na tri meae-oe zapora, s pogojno na tri leta, ksr je po naključju ustrelil svojega očeta Adama. Zgodilo se je to £6. marca. Tedaj je prihitel obtoženec v Pokovce na oroinl-ško postajo ter javil, da si je njegov oče vse! življenje. Ko eo oroftnlki prišli v Sek>, ao našli očeta Adama pred hišo na klopi sedečega, a mrtvega a veliko rano na tilniku. Orožniki so dvomili, da je Izvršil Adam aamo-mor, Čeprav je tudi pokojnikova žena trdila ieto. dele ko so oroA-nllcl aretirali ženo in sina, eta priznala, da je ustrelil očeta Je-nfl aam, a po nesreči. Hotel je uatrelitl vrano pred hišo, a pu- POTREBUJEM PARTNERJA Sprejmem partnerja moškega ali žensko za skupno pomoč na farmi za delo pri živinoreji in kokošjereji. Oseba ki ima nekaj denarja in jo veaeli tako delo, naj se prijavi osebno ali pismeno na naslov: Frank Drap R. D. 2, Hartwick, N. Y. (Adv.) Dr. John J. Zavertnik _PBTSIClAN n 81J Rt; KO'N orncK hours av i 1724 W. 26th Street Ilte-SsM-Sstt-SsSO Dsilr T«L Cva«r(*r4 tSlI at 1858 W. 22 nd Street 4 stO—tišo p. m. dailjr. tet. CIMI IlM W«dnM(Uy O Kund»y br apoointm>n»< onl> »MSsmi TSLi Ctw((ri M«I If aa Minr—C«B iMkv« HM Ugodne prilike za potovanje v stari kraj. V NAJEM SE ODDA 4 sobno stanovanje, vse ugodnosti, v prijaznem, kraju in v bližini gl. u-rada SNPJ. Vprašajte na 2707 S. Lawndale Ave. (zgoraj) aH pa pokličite Telephone Rockwell 0874—(Adv.) 'i 8TANOVANJE IN HRANO ali pa bres hrane dobijo Slovenci aH Hrvatje v Desrbornu čisto bliso dveh pouličnih ksr ieletnlc—Crosstourn in O s km on t na 6667 Theisess Ave. le samo K) min. do Fordove tovarne. Msrjr Knet, JDearborn, Mkh.—(Adv.) RICHARD J. ZAVERTNIK • LAwraa > MS N. U Sall« M PkonM State 222S-4-6 SMs Officci Agitirsjte zs Prosveto! Nafti rojski nsjrsje potujejo v družbi svojih rojakov. Za sledeče pernlke je ie tedaj priglašenih večje število Slovencev: v .,. ■ M. JUNIJA—brza ' MAURKTANIA. Spremljevalec g. Eke-rovlch, ursdnik Cunard Linije. 24. JUNIJA—moderna lsdija VUL-CANIA na Trst, za ve-' like druŠine, potnik« z obilno nrtljago in au-! tomobinste. * - 9. JULIJA—Veliko. skupno potovanje Ameriških Slovencev na brtoparniku— ILE de FRANCE. Za vta nadaljna pojasnila pišite na: LEO ZAKRAJSEK General Travel Service 1SBS Seoond Ave. New Tork, N. Y. ' Hmm j 4002 W. 26th Street Chicago Offlos Hours: 1 to S P. If. Dailj peslniite Uhko 4a al Miš draUkl N. HHifl f. ZALETEL •jtovensai seaavam P«T*IAN AND StTROMON 4SSS ISnd SMSei, Cleora^ IR. ItM*. »J.. w-l« A » M . M r ■ DOMAČA ZDRAVILA um Ml1«« karVi. k mmT9 Zra ■ domaČi zdravnik math. pezdir Bes m, aty Ban Sta, NRW TORK. K. T. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Žalostnim srčen njsm socodnlkom, znancem hi prljlpijem tSIno vest, da )e kruta amrt pretrgsls nit življenja mojemu nadvse UaMjenemu soprogu LOUIS G. BRADACH Umrl Je dne 14. sprila 1932 v bolnišnici v \VaahinK-ton; Pa., in alcer po operaciji nn želodcu (rupiined ulcer ef Mie «UsBa«h>. IM Je v aajlepil moiki dobi star SS let. Rojen Je bil <7. julija. 189» v Bučni vaei pri Novem Meata, aa Dolenjskem. Rje član draitva it. 138. PJ., L.O.O.M., I.O.O.F. in G.B.U., katerim se nsjis-krenejie zshvaljejem sa podarjene kršene vence in cvetlice, katere eo mu položili na njegovo krato v tadnji bratski pozdrav. Nadalje pajlepia hvala ta tolaibo in ao«n4)e vsOm sh čaei žaleeti in vsem, ki so se udeležili poffrebs. pogreb ae Je vriil dne 17. aprila 1932, it doma popoldne ob polu dveh, ne "Oak Sprin«" pokopališču v Canonaburgu. Pa. Prav lepo ae zahvalim Rev. F. S. Eberle ta njegov lep peotovilni govor. Nsdslje se srčno sakvelim pevskemu druitvu Ilirija is Strshaae, Pa., ko so mu sapeii želoatlnke ob mrtvsikem odru. Srčna hvala tudi članom So-•cllalietičnega kjuba it. 27 is Clevelsnds, Oblo, ki so se udeležili po-trreba la odložili igro za par ur, katero so prlili uprizorit na Strabsne lato nedeljo. I .epa h vela sob. predsed. drnitvs M. 138. John Proffsrje sa toalovilni govor ob odprtem grobu. Nadalje ee prav lepo sshvslim tadi vsem, ki so poalsti krasne vence. Nsdslje se lepo zshvslim mrs. Frank Iiiavec, ar. in mrf. John Renko, mr. in mrs. J. Mrinlk, it Cleve-lands. Oblo, in mr. Joka Puetovrh, mr. In mra. V. Tereb Is Kenmorc. Oblo, mra. Kstby in m las Mary Vehar is Pri pogrebu. Dragi brat, apevai mirno In labks naj TI bo amerISka semfls.—talu|ečl o«tal!: Mar, Rahna. aeetrat Joka Rahne. svak; Frsnk Oaber. brat. la Lina Gaber, svakinja, v llermiafte. Pa. V atsrem kraja pa Žalujoči oče in tri ti Lenka, Ana in Jeee Gaber. Hermiaie. Pa. NEKAJ IZREDNO NOVEGA! Lavrenee Psrlalan Ber- kendy, zelo primarna sleičtee v letni-« čssu ts piknike, trgovine. Itd. Posebno okusno v zmrznjenem atooju. Pliite po vzorec in eeds na debelo, ne edine slovenske izdelovtlre: LAWRBNCR CANDT MFGm 1904 W. 22nd Chicago, IS. ' Telefon: C AN AL U21 SREDA, 22. JUNIJA. 7 -r#4»mu4 rietuf^ Norman Thomaa ja »pet ao-clallatltnl kandidat sa predsed-nlka. Poleg drugih poalov opravlja alnibo direktorja Lige sa Industrijsko demokracijo. 1PM ■t y »ž T 1 SREDA, 22. JUNIJA. THF 3NUGRTBNMBNT m umratA Ml rf mi >■>■*■< hr NmHhi M Ušr+n, Mm (Im cki-*.) la km-* NN M M«. HJI ■ M bta. fUS n Satrt Utrni m CMM#a la Olaava 91M m mU ku, Ti M M i m Mali farmarji Društvene aktivnosti •Federalni biro m ljudsko štetje poroča, ds je fttevilo ameriških fsrm psdlo v desetih letih od 1920 do 1980 zs dvs in pet desetink odstotks; V istem čssu je fsrmsko prebivslatvo psdlo zs tri odstotks in ssdsm desetink, med tem ko je vrednost smeriških fsrm in vseh farmskih pritiklln (poilopja, stroji, živina itd.) padla čez petindvsjset odstotkov sli četrtino. Farmsko prebivalstvo je 1. sprlls 1930 štelo 30,4450,000 oeeb, fsrm so pa našteli 6,388,-649, ki so skupaj obsegale 987 milijonov akrov in njihovs skupna vrednoet se je takrst cenila na 57 milijard in 246 milijonov dolarjev. Lata 1920 so cenili skupno vrednost farm v Zdru-lenfh državah ns 77 milljsrd dolarjev, to js dvajsst milijard več kot deset Ist pozneje. Največ posameznih fsrm obsegs povprečno 20 do 50 akfov zemlje — in število teh fsrm ln farmsrjev je nsjbolj psdlo v zsdnjlh desetih letih. Le število najmsnjših fsrm (manj kakor tri akrs) ln pa število velefarm (5000 akrov In več) je porastlo. •*' Dejstvo teh številk nam dokazuje, da individualni mali in srednji farmarji v Združenih državah stalno propadajo. Vsako desetletje jih jo manj. Ako bi mogli imeti ob koncu tega leta natančne številke e polomu teh farmarjev v sadnjih treh letih, v teku ekonomake krise. ss ne bi prav nič čudili, ako bi Številke pokazale, da je v treh letih propadlo več malih farmarjev kakor v vssh prejšnjih desetih letih. Največ fsrmskih bankrotov v tem času aszna-mujejo južne ln južnozapadne države; to je ta-kosvsni "cotton belt" ali bombažni pas, kjer ja aa tisoče In tisoče malih farmarjev propadlo od leto 1999, ko šo začele padati ceno na nič. A tudi v državah a zmerno klimo, kjer far-marji produelrajo največ žito, sočlvje in zelenjavo ter rede živino sa mleko ln klavnice, ni dosti bolje, dtevilo bankrotov js ogromno. V tisočerih primerih je bila farmarjem laetnina prodana za davke ln v drugih tisočerih primerih so farmarji enostavno ostavili semljo, ko bmo več zmogli niti obresti od dolga. • Is tega jaano sledi, da sa malega in srednjega farmarja ni več bodočnosti v Ameriki. Ti farmarji samo Še životarijo. Večina teh farmarjev ja sadoHLena. Kupili so semljo proti plačevanju na obroke ali s vknjlženim dolgom, ki se obnavlja vsakih pet let Upniki so navadno velike banke v mestih, ki financirajo semljižke družbe sa raspečavanje farmskih posestev in katere ao raspečale največ individualnih malih in srednjih farm v zadnjih tridesetih letih. Bres malega vea srednji In dalj-njl farmski zapad ter severozapad je bil par-celliHn po teh družbah ob financiranju po ve-lebankirjih. Mali In srednji fsrmar obdeluje svojo semljo sam s svojo družino. Delavcev si ne more najeti, ker se mu ne izplačajo; modernih strojev si tudi ne more nsbsvlti, ker so predragi in se ne isplačujejo za manjži kos sveta. Kjerkoli se ti farmarji poslužujejo strojev, jih dobo od sadruge ali pa si jih medsebojno izpoao-jujejo proti odškodnini. Končno pa — naj pridelujejo s stroji ali z roko, rezultat je dandanes eden in isti, ko ni trga za pridelke. Ali se trg povrne? Ds, povrne se — toda nikdar Več tako ugoden, da bi mogel individualni mali farmar tekmovati s farmskimi korporacijaml In ssdrugami. Mali in arednji farmar bo po tej krizi našel svoj trg Isgubljen za vselej — Ih vedno več se Jih bo selilo v industrijska mesta ali pa se bodo združili v zadrugi, da bodo lagUe konkurirali s farmaklmi magnatl. Kakor se je ameriški Individualni obrtnik umaknil pred vellkml Industrjskml korporacjami ln trustl, tako se danes umika individualni ameriški farmar pred velikimi poljedelskimi organizacijami. Bodočnost imajo le farmske korporaclje in sadruge. torporadje so privatni farmski ka-pltalisem, ki uvaja na farme masno produkcijo In mesdno farmsko delavatvo. Zadruga pa je kolektivna organizacija farmarjev, ki združijo evoj kapital In obratujejo zemljo na veliko In s aajbrljšimi Industrijskimi metodami. Ce bi os vss te sadruge svesale s centralami v mestih In prodajale avoje pridelke direktno de lavskim unijam, bi s tem odstranile škodljive posredovslne trgovce In uspeh bi bil velik. Morda Jim pride to na mlael po tej k risi. Nauk ss dslavcs. ki ga lahko izvajajo iz teh tofonaaalj. Je, da Individualno malo In srednje fanaaratvo propada la farme te vrste ne morajo vol nuditi dobičkonoenih Investicij In do-stojas shsšrtsnrs Delavci, ki se hočejo sateči a dobiškoaoano fsrmanje, morajo i sadrušao urgaalsecijo. Piknik društva št. 8 So. Cfcicsgs.—Za piknik, katerega priredi društvo "Delavec" št. 8 SNPJ v nedeljo 26. junija, ima odbor že vse v redu, tako da bo izletnikom v vseh ozirih dobro postreženo—s hladno pijsčo ter izvrstnim prigrizkom. Imeli bomo rszne Igre zs nsšo mladine. Napovedali smo tudi vkfeenje vrvi s čiksškim društvom; nagrada za močne bo štiri litre domače kapljice. Za plesslcn smo tudi ursdili prostor. Izletnikom, ki pridete s poulično karo, je priporočljivo, da se poslužijo "Big 5-108 Ewing" do konca; tam počakajte in trok vas odpelje nsdalje do proetora. Domačim bo trok na razpolago na sledečih prostorih: 106 Greenbajr, Hrvatski dom, 96. cesta ter Commercial ulica—98. cesta ter Ewing ulica, vsako uro od 1. de 5. pop. V slučaju dežja se vrši cela zabava v Hrvatskem domu, 9616 Commercial ave., spodnji prostori. Vstopnina bo prosta v obeh slučajih. Prodajalcem listkov sa zlate cekine priporočam, da povrnejo prodane ter ostale ti-kete zadnji čas do sobote dne 25. Junija. de enkrat apeliramo na cenjeno občinstvo, da se udeleže te redke prilike ter se z nami raz-vesele v lepi senčni šumi na 114 Ave. "D" (isti prostor kot zadnja priredba.) Frank Koolc. došlo vsako sporočilo ter ga bomo hvaležno sprejeli. Društvo je tudi ukrepalo, če bi bilo mogoče dobiti iz Chicaga kakšnega gl. odbornika, toda finance nam tega ne dopuščajo. Nameravali smo povabiti jednoti nega tajnika F. Vidra, pa nam ni mogoče. Zato pa ga prosimo, da bi tudi on prispeval k našemu slavju par besed ter nss tako malo spat navdušil v teh kritičnih časih pismeno. Po programu bo ples in prosta zabava v prosti nsrsvi. Natančni progarm bo objavjlen pozneje, in tudi prispevatšlji bodo v njem navedeni. Tukajšnja društva, posamezne člane in sploh vse rojake in rojakinje se pa prosi, da rezervirajo 10. julija za društvo Spoznanje št. 72 SNPJ. Za to vas prosi odbor. Vse našemu društvu svojo bratsko naklonjenost. Igrala bosta dobro znana rojaka F. Vrtačnik in F. Frlkh. Pripravljalni odbor je prav pridno na delu in bo tudi z jedjo in pijačo dobro preskrbljeno. Na svidenje 26. Junija! J. Vidmar. Vabilo na piknik Chieago, IH.—Društvo št. 86 SNPJ prirfdi piknik dne 26. junija na lepem prostoru v Forest Preserve ob Desplaines reki in Irving Park, kjer je tudi velika plesna dvorana. Igrala bo dobro znana godba izvrstne komade za stare in mlade. Vabljena so vsa čikaška društva ln klubi, da se udeležijo piknika, za kar vam ne bo žal. Vstopnina je prosta. Oddanih bo število nagrad za tekme za mlade in odrasle. Metanje pot-kev in zbijanje kegljev za dari- pismene prispevke za našo slav- tor-to bo za nameček. Atletski nost pošljite ns naslov: Frank Rugel, R. R. 1, bos 103, Pitts-burg, Kana.—Odbor. Piknik društva "Mir" Collinwood, O. — Naznanjam članom (cam) društva 142 SNPJ, da se nsš izlet vrši v nedeljo dne 26. Junija na Pintarjevl far-, mi. Uljudno ste vabljeni vsi, da se ulliiožite. Clm več,nas bo, tem lepše bo. Nekateri člani se Isgovarjajo, češ, ne morem, ker mi finance ne dopuščajo. To rad priznam, pa kljub temu pridite. Saj vae nihče ne bo silil, da morate ha pikniku kaj potrositi. Golavnp je razvedrilo v lepi cvetoči naravi. Torej pridite vsi. Videli boste kako se bo vrtelo kolo ln dobili boste sa 6c polno košaro aadj| ln kave. Društvo bo dalo na razpolago trok, ki bo vozil vsako uro brezplačno izpred Slov. doma na Holmes ave. Pripravljeno bo vse v najlepšem redu — okusni prigrisek, žlshtns dolenjska kapljica (e-e-e pardon, hotel sem reči kraška). Naj bo ta ali ona. samo da bo dobra. Sladoleda sa mladino bo dovolj in pa isvrstns godba sa ples, pod vodstvom našega sobrata Paul Janca, Na avldenje 26, junija na našem društvenem pikniku! Loula Mrmolya, tajnik. 25 letnica društva "Spoznanje" Radley, Kana/w Petindvajseta obletnica društva "Sposna-nje" št. 72 8NPJ se bo vršila v nedeljo dne 10. julija na Ste-fančlčevl farmi s javnim shodom. Nastopili bodo rasni govorniki ln tukajšnje pevsko društvo. Letos bo 25 let, odkar se je ustanovilo to društvo. Ustanovitelji so prišli do sposnsnja, da js najboljše, da se priklopi k Slovenski narodni podporni jednoti. Četudi takrat še bolj šibka, je pa njena svobodomiselna podlaga imela dober vpliv, ln tako eedaj po 25 letih vidimo, da se ustanovitelji tega društva niso motili o njenem napredku. Da pa bo slavje v ta namen bolj popolno, naše društvo prosi bivše Člane, ki so sedaj pri drugih društvih naše jednote širom dežele, naj nam sporoče pismeno svoje spomine na društvo in jednoto* Mnogi sts bili aktivni plr našem društvu In nekateri tudi društv. odborniki. Ker amo vaa cenili, bo odbor vaša pisma prečita! na tem slavju, da bo tako vsaj še enkrat vaša beaeda izražena med skupino kansaških rojakov. Društvo tudi teli. če je kje v Združenih državah prvi predsednik tega društva, in sicer br. Tomaž Konclljo. da bi se oglasil. Drugi so: Gorže, Tomšič, Lekše, Snoj, Spendal, Vovk. H. Rugel itd. Tudi mladi člani, ki ao sedaj v angleško poalujcčlh društvih, so prošeni, da se oglasijo. Oni so Mil naši člani še v mlad. i&delku In njihov glas nas bo raaveeelll. Lahko bi naštel preko tisoč bivših čalnov tega društva. Ako ae bodo spomnili našega društva ob ajegoti 25-letutei, bo to nekaj Izrednega in nam bo dobro- klet društva 294 Milwaukee, Wie. — Milwau- Ški javnosti se naznanja, da priredi društvo "Bratoljub" št. 284 SNPJ svoj običajni letni piknik v nedeljo 26. junija v dobrozna-nem Kozmutovem parku. Priče-tek piknika ob 2. pop. Da bo mogoče vsem rojakom udeležiti se tega izleta, katere k veseli v družbi prijateljev in znancev se pošteno zabavat, bodo člani čakali na goste s svojimi avtomobili na 84. in W. Burn-ham sts., to je, na prostoru do kjer vozi ulična kara, od 1:80 do 4. ure pop. Vstopnina na piknik prosta. Vabijo se vsa podporna kakor tudi kulturna društva iz bližnje in dalj nje okolice, da se udeleže tega piknika ter tako pokažejo klubi mladinskih društev bodo igrali baseball. Kažipot: vzemite Irving Park karo dO konca, potem še bus naprej (kakih 10 minut vožnje) do Desplaines reke. Na južni strani ceste je prostor, kjer se bo videl napis. John Morsi, tajnik. Vabilo na veliki piknik Bon Air, Pa. — Društvo "Napredni ; Slovenci" št. 264 SNPJ bo obhajalo svojo 16 letnico z veliko priredbo in piknikom na 17. jelija. Za zabavo bo baseball-ska igra med kluboma iz naše naeeloine ln eden iz Johnstowna. Na ti priredbi bo tudi oddan ko-štrun. Prosi se sosednja društva, da sodelujejo z nami ln ne prirejajo sličnih priredb na ta dan, pač pa naj se udeleže naše priredbo. Povabljeni so vsi. Vstopnina prosta. \ John F. Korber, tajnik. Federacije S. N. P. J. Piknik psnnsytvansklh federacij Bridfevttle, Pa. — Bilo je že poročano o veliki1 prireditvi trefat največjih federacij, namreč SN PJ, SSPZ in KSKJ. Ves dobiček ImIIIh. po« I ti, r,)* Hrnariv. M. N« mniu4II«, vlili* m« tofcai 90 Hr««t>l**n* Informacij* mi J UGOHLO V KN 8K O AGlfNClJO NTKSLAV a KAVČIČ Mi SI. U«IMH MH. iHnSMto «wk InnlM M4N|M MM* vito. StoM to run. al to *»« ^MRS^gROTA I.KSKO V AR. 607 K. 73rd HI., New Verk. N. Y. Agitirajte ga Proeveto! NAZNANJAMO SILNO CENE (Nadaljevanje a 3. strani.) St. dr. 278 Črtan: A. Rim«, c. 71370. Umrl: M. Popovich, c. 41741. 280 Črtan: Mila Cika, c. 65218. 286 Črtan: Joe Skof, c. 66139. 288 Črtan: Andy Denechak, c. 66224. 291 Črtan zopet »prejet: Feli* Kirk, c. 40299. 2'J5 Črtani: Stanley Lcsjak, c. 86493; Uubin Ahramovitz, c. 24413; Herman C., c. 66623. 296 Črtan zopet »prejet: Anton Te->.ak, c. 61626. Čntan: Louis Bizjak, c. 30370. 297 Umrl: Frank Lesnik, c. 26697. 301 Črtan zopet sprejet: Jacob Zla- dy, c. 74363. Črtan: Tony Via-dich, c. 63989. 305 Č r t a n i : Anton Smodila, c. 12271; S. Salamon, c. 76769. 307 Črtan zopet sprejet: Jofon Schra-Kci, c. 4162. 309 Črtani: D. Bclobrajda, c. 49830; 8. Bucnaric. 310 Čtlan: M. E. Ginger, c. 83738. 312 Črtan zopet »prejet: J. Korošec, c. 40461. Črtan: J. Kernko, c. 0. 40268. 315 Črtani: S. Musolin, c. 77716; M. Munolin, c. 87668; F. Hrvatin, c. 47239; A. Dov*an, c. 81111. 316 Črtan: J. E. Sebat, c. 81782. 317 Črtan: John Nagoda, c. 83077. 3J0 Črtani: Ivana Bitenc, c. 88168; Marjeta Drde, c. 61606. 321 Črtani: C. Gams, c. 74918; J. (»ulja, c. 76602; C. Vrečar, c. 46987. Mr. Kik, c. 86964. 322 Črtan: Emma Koscak, e. 60266. Črtani zopet sprejeti: A. Sebalj, 0. 60798; M. Sebalj, e. 24876. Črtani: Wm. Peneff, c. 6624«; J. Sebalj, c. 74914; J. Sebalj, c. 00010. 321 Črtan: J. Mayer, c. 76909. 326 Črtani zopet »prejeti: Marko Cindric, c. 61612; Fred Spoljark, c. 58400. 337 Črtan: Joe Biltauer,-c. 42498. 339 Umrl: K. Klarich, c. 6899. 344 Črtani zopet »prejeti: A. Bencic, c. 59526; D. Bencic, c. 68817. Črtani: J. Androja, c. 76110; B. Kure, e. 38644; G. Menart, e. 81206; J, Menart, c. 74410; J. Menhardt, c. 29699; M. Men->>ardt, c. 32694; M. Vrabec, c. 00610; M. Znidarsic, c. 44231; F. Znidarsic, c. 62666; A. Rakun, c. 53261; F. Tegel, c. 72963; F. T«-*el, c. 82600; C. Ukrasinovk, c. 53819; F. Modic, c. 62124; V. Valt«, c. 63496; A. Bolf, c. 22699. »16 Črtani: O. Shaffer, e. 66268; P. Shaffer. c. 66394; J. Shaffer, c. 69161; J. Hhaf/er, «. 79968; A. Ska f fer, c. 40241. 3*7 Črtani zopet sprejeti: S. Matko-vic. e. 33143; P. Bučen. c. 60820. Črtani: I. Merkovk, c. 20064; M. Evanovlek, e. 7M97; J. Gra-■k, c. 46247; M. Mlseerteh, «. 76911; M. Podjenoiek, f. 72S7S; A. Tancahelk. c. 69800} f. V»a-nevic, e. 37000; L. Terkelja, t 70S17.. ' 3*6 t*1 rte ni: Mik. Spudk. t. 67110; Ann* flpudk. e. 88787. :*7 <*rUn: M. Sravkk. e. 760S0. 3»0 Črto na: Mary Taeeer, e. 4040« črten 1 A. Cen0oa*y. e. 04471. ^rteai: V. K*w*»nski. e. 01017; M. Kempeaaki. e. 00068; N. Oaeutou, e. 61070. *66 Črtani: A. Galaa. e. 00021; R. Galan, e. 60628; M. Rperfck. c. . 38183. _ ^ TELEFON ROCKWELL 4904 v tiskarsko obrt spadajoča dela te shoda, visltalee, taenlke, knjige, koledarje, letake •takem. elevelkem, če*ke«, aeeUkeai, oaglaAkem jeaflie le dregik VODSTVO T18KAUNK APELIRA NA ČLANSTVO 8.NJU DA TISKOVINE NAROČA V SVOJI TISKARNI Voe pojasnila daje vodstvo tiskarne Cene onerne, »RiJoko delo prvo f »ete S. N. P. J. PR1NTERY 2657-69 8)9* Uwadtk Ar en ne CHICAGO, ILL, TAM SE DOBE NA tEUO TUDI VSA USTMENA POJASNILA « ENGLISH S E C T IO N lApojfl libertjr to «•17 mM] MT Mt«ty, a little PAOI 8IX FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETV AND AMERICAN SLOVENES But One Way to Disarm || STRUGGLERS By Lindf There le but one way to disarm—end Capitalism. That ia tbe on)y way out, tbe only way to avoid ever-recurring periodi df slaughter followed by panica, unemployment, evictions, hunger, rags, miae ry, degradation and dis-honor. There can be no peace on Earth aa long aa Capital lam ia al)owed to operate; for war ia Inherent in Capitalism, It U a system that pita, not only nation agalnat nation, but individual againat individual. It makea our effort to secure food, clothing and ahelter one life-long battle wlth our friende and neighbors, and, by ao doing, atl rs up aU the baeer emotions of mankind. Every-where it eaalU the evll over tho altruistlc Jn-stincta of men. No syatem of soclety the race has ever end u red has ao openly and brazenly appealed to baaer and bawdier paaalons of hu-manity. Worse yet, ita "efficiency" U aU moonshine, ita loud-beralded "managerlal abil-ity" aH bunk, aa wltness the sordid condition of aH lands stili enduring the dictatorship of its "Mi rac le Men." the "Big Business men" and "Great Bankera" of the world. Every-where destitution follows on aH their works and evcrywherc there is war within and wlth-out the nations. There is but one way to disarm—end Capi-talism. That is now the only way left whereby the Undermen of the world ean gain bread, peace, Uberty and security, ali thinga that are worth flghtlng for; for, without them, life is meaningleas. Capitalism muat go if the producing claases, the workers and farmsrs, are not to be soon reduced to tho status of beggara begging tho parasites of the world for a handout, for the "privilege" of continuing a mlaerable and shameless existence. And we Undermen CAN be free, not by any charity of tbe vandal League of Capitalist Nations, but by our own organized Industrlsl and polltical might. The armles of !ndustry and agriculturo can dla-perse the armies of death and Mammon. Let it be done. Let us organlie and BE FREE. —The American Guardian. The Lindbergh Čase The Lindbergh kidnapping čase haa brought some revolting creatures Into the llmelight. One faker ln Vlrglnia perpetrated a hoax that for weekd kept the father of the baby chaaing a wUI o' th' wiap. Gsston B. Means has been found guilty of the larceny of $104,000 from a wealthy woman in a bogus plan to recovor the kidnappod child. A maid In the home of Mrs. Morrow committod sulclde after days of what appears to be brutal grllllng by the New Jersey police. The kidnspping and murder of the child itself was shocklng enough. Ita motive was to ob-ta in a large sum of money. Then the attempt of the Virglnla faker to coih the agony of the parenta into caah was tollowod by the action of the creature, Means, who has served two terma in prison and was a hlgh mogul at Washlng-ton in the dsys of the unspesksble Hard ing regime. The suicido of tho New Jersey maid, evidently to escape the torment of thlck-head police officlals and not because ahe wss guilty, provlded a climax to thia extraordinary caae. A Socialist world of opportunity with ita hlgh standard of culture for ali would provlde no incentives for this hldeoua seriea of events. It Is a revolting spisode bubbllng out of a rot-ting capitalism that reducoa aH of life to a sordid mstter of profitable galns. It bringa home to even the property ollgsrcha the fsct that they aro not safe from the ovil th|nga whlch their regime has hstched. —The New Leader. i Cellinvoed, O.—We feel »orry for aH those that mi«»«d tha Strugglers' Maromoth Outing Ust Sundsy. Ovar flfty Strugglers msde the trip. A grand tirna was had by everyona, be-»um H ves elavan o'clock that pita before tha bos returned hom«. Peggy taok ali honom with Golob. tha Strugglars' new antry as his ntsnagar. Our ovn bird, "Kanary" Koas, walkad off in aating more ssndwickes than sny two members pat together. ■ Tka sama bus and driver will re-turn to tbe Blovene Workingman's Home on' July IS at g a. m. and taka members af Dramatic Club Verovsek to the same plače. If you cara to go, yours truljr; the round trip rata for non-mambars is |1; for member« 60c. Come along and enjoy tha coun-try air and tha vonderful hospitaHtp that wlll be repdered by Verovaek. There wlll be prizas for sU events. Maka reeervatlons today. Aa tkis goas to prlnt one of the Strugglels' mountslneers vili be In the hills spending her summer vaca-tion in Daviš, W. Va. Wa hope she retums this fsll wlth good n«ws as to tke "W. Va. Mountalneers*" prog-raas, provlding tha tovn of Daviš Is stili there. We hope you have a good tlme. Bister Mra mor, and remember, Strugglars alwsy« spresd good cbeer everyvhere. | We atl kaov Sister Psullne Gubane«, vhoae halping hand haa spallad prograss amongat tha4 Strugglers. Her raliabla brothers are also sup-porting and loyal members. But do you know that Sister Gubsnce is ona of tka mainstays in Gubanee'a Dry Goods Store, eo*ner of Eaat 1S8 St. and Waiarloo Kd., where you vili always be served with tha bast of merehsadftse and will recelve sn hon-aat daai? We urga yon sil—aapport those that support Strugglers. Glve Gubsnees.a trlal. They will satisfy you slvaps. Rrother Joka Pretnar, a very actlve Struggler member and wall llked by everpoae ithat knowa hlm, a young maa with a vary hlgh reputatlon, waa freed of * manslaughtar eharga when the countp • grand jury retumed a ver diet of not gullty in favor of this llkaabla«' ehap. Pro. Pretnar vas ehsrged with msnslsughter when en April 22 ha vas going to vork and vas attaeked by a rovdy. Bro. Pretnar defended hlmself with his flsts. Bro. Frank J. Laushe dafended him in court. Wa are glad you were given an honest desL Klertloa of offleera remalns intset. It von't be long when the Quack Corp. Car wiU be sold at publk suetion, as the yesrs of old sge ara slowly taking awsy the pap and prid* that she had back In pr*>war days. Feed coatg are rlsing and wlth our heads bent to esrth we will hsve to put it te rest soon. As tkls goes to press wa Vho were close friends of Bro. Joseph Rosen- berger, will remember the moments we spent together with only a mem-ory to guide as. We, the Strugglers, arlll always mourn hia premature peaaing. Reveliers, frienda and ad-mlrers, we join you vlth daepest sym-pathy in paying tribute to our be-loved frlend and vorker. Attend the reeord-breakIng dance of 1962, sponsored by the E. 8. Federation of Western Pa. on Sat., June 2S, at Slovane Home, Butier St., Pitte-burgh, Pa. Will the Quacks be there? You bet we wjll! Rem«mber, always a good tlme when good people moat. July 4 Is the data when the gang of SNPJ workers under Bro. Joe In-doff wlH "glve awayH their Ford car. Have you bought your tickets y«rt? If not, don't forget the boys. They are wortby of your support. Comrades Thert Cleveland. 0^-Mary Spik never attenda Comredaa' meetings. What s the mattor? We're ali expecting her at our nest meetlng. M las Anne Ersto Is now st her home recuperatlng from an sppendis operation. We ali wish Anics a sp«edy reeovery. Jack Prejsa of the Keystonians U the proud owner of the most beauti-ful garden i« Hermini«, Pa. Heard ali sbeut it, Jaak! Tbe Peterlin Sistors are the proud possessors of th« blue Ford roadster that Is Bhaays saen on St. Clalr. They teli m« tt's tough for the girls to "chlsar S rtde, but lt's a cinch for the fellows to get a ride. Bettor try, boys, but be sure snd furnlsh your own rotler skatas. Heard Anthony Kushlsn is engaged Stalivarts' Sayings Kenoska, WlS.—Our laat meeting wsa weH attended and most interest-ing. We hope the members continue to keep thia interaat and attend tka meetings regularly. AH our meet- music wiU be of the kind and variaty Ing« this summer, beginnlng nest month, will be callad at 7:99 p. m. sharp due to the m'any requasts for an early adjournment. De try to be oa tisia! Tha writar has lesmed that John "Bpeedy" Spiller, president of the St. Louis Spirits, is a delegata to the OFU convantion in Gary, Indisna. Drop around if you ara stili In thesa parts, Speedy; are are snxlo\(s to see your amiling faoa again. Plans are under way for a beseh psrty after our nest meetlng, The anterUlnmant eommlttoe is maklng very elaborate arrangements for the affair. AH members and their friends are sura of heviag a good tlme. 8d don't fall to attend our nest meeting, and brlng that frlend wlth you. Don't forget the u8tslwarts' Old BHBBOVGAN NEWS Sheboygan, Wis.—Atteirtion, Broth^ ers Snd Slsters! Lodge Moderns No 084 SNPJ ara glving a plcnlc Sunday July 8, at the Washington park. W< are working hard to make it a blg suecess. Tbare wiH be racaš, tug-o-war, and other contests for ev«ry body. A prhte worth while trying for will be g+ven to the wh»ners. Some| of the Badgers that w«re here laat year, remember the prises they won There will be outdoor dancing in the afternoon and evening. For minor details resd next week's edltlon of the Prosveta. The Comailttee. Fashionad Plenic" Sunday, June 24! The plače is Stanley's Grove, only a mile south of Kenosha on 22nd ave-nue. Tke games, refreshments and Con- to pleaae everyone.' Admlsslon is only tbc vith whlch you w»H recelve three vafreshment tickets fr««. Dont fsH to attend! A good tirne is promised everyone. Our secretary reports that Rudy Pezdir has 'trsnsferred to the Badgers of Milwaukee. Rudy, as you know, has taken the "rap" just a few weeks ago. The lueky girl is that fair Badgerette, Julla Richter. Come on, you Stalwarts, don't let those Badgers ateaT our members like that L«t's get even by getting one of tnem. A few^Mohawks breezed through town so fast tha other day that thay hSrdlf had tlme to say hello. But they didn't fall, however, to glve the wri'ter a ring. And luckily, they weren't at a pay aUtion, or they Wouldn't have had funds enough to komplete their trip. I, Our meeting falls on July 8, W t^re, wiU be.,p^«aty tirna to ra-rate after your Fourth celebra-, Lei> mak« it 100 p«r cent stane« snd be there at 7:30 p. m. to Miss Ferlan in Collinwood. | gratulations, Tony! Progressive girls are plsnning to make a party fdge meetings. members, so come to the nest meetlng In full numbers. llike If you lack bus-fare or car-fare; ifs fun. Some of us have practlced It for qulte a whlle. if • • • The good old stork ha« been around and left a fine baby boy with Joe and Elaie Culkar, both actlve members of Friendly Clty lodge. Joe announcod i m med i« tel y that little Tommy is to become a Frl«twlly Clty member. Goodl Congratulations! a a a Some say that the English page of the Prosveta ls becomlng over more intere«tlng; others thlnk It could be murh better. I, for one, «an always find enough Intoroatlng reading material In H. be It in the form of lodge news or othenalae. Sueh studlea as -Not Guilty" and MHew the Gode Were M«da" aa well as tha F.dltorlala make tke Eagtleh SeeUoa af the Prosveta ladeed Intorestlng, tnfurmatlve and educatloaal. And tken ve are always aaaloua to see wkat our falth-ful eoIumalsU have to sap. Oeeaaloa al diaauealens on Soelallaai and aoelal problem* are aeeded. for ve do not beleag to the eapteltlng alaa«, bat te th« eapkiitod one i and te W abU to bettor our llving standarde some 4ay | muat. aa aur Edltor veuld aag keep o« leerntag, learnine and leam vhere I stsyed. Well, veli, I thought to myselfj one a. m. and I can't find my lodginga; viah aome pollceman vould come around—but just then I heard some volcea frona a nearby porch and decided to inQulr« as to my vhereabouta, for I really dldn't see m to k no v just vhere I vas. A young man ansvered my inquiry say-Ing: MYou are A. P. K., aren^t you?" and offered to ahov ma the vsy. Well, It vaa one of our many young Mllvaukee folka, Obluok, if I am not mlstahen, and thst just shovs hov veli the Mllvaukee Slovenee ca red for us delegates during our atay In their clty—hoapltable and at your service at any tlme; and ve vont forget that elthert | \ a • a This mornlnf'« headlinee sn-nouneed the renominatlon of Hoover-Curtla toam for prealde«sy oa the re-publlcan tlcket, and snjrvhere through the papers one could find little, ob-re notleee tkat a miner, a vife of some uneaaptoyed nobody, an un-emplojred vorker or somoone oba from th« "lew«rM elass has storved to d«ath ia s«aie old hov«l, jumped from th« bridge, took polaon to and the mlsery of unemployment, «te., •te. No h«adUa«s for eoeh coniftion on««, for th« gveat n«va that va ar« t« hav« smt« ef the mie«ry that la ehoklng th« eoantrp rigkt nov. Will kave It ualeas tke vorktng people be-gin to «00 their thlnklag more vlaely than ia th« i>s«t WHe« I vaa la Milvaskae ve«k* ago, I get loet g*ir«g Kome aftoe 1 had flnlahed mm« nerk la the Seeth Rtde Turn llalt, vher« the JRt eeav«etUn vas Haid. Aad voret ef aU. I fergoi the eumbev «1 Um i^i ii EucUd. O.—Words fall us vhen ve try to teli you about the vonderful Succeas of our 4th «nniveraary. We Progreaaives ver« not surprised to se« th« Marvelous crovd jam our dance hali, ve vere dumfound«d. Come on, gang, nov you see vkat can be done vhen ve aH cooperato. . •>1 i* ■• • e ■ a W« take this opportunity to thank th« Strugglers, Comrades and Boa-eons Of develand, Toreh of Llberty, Sllver Stats and Jolly Jr's. from Pa. Lat's hope that v« may b« able to re-pay aH of you; remember, you can count on* tis. • • • The cdrd game proved to be very Intorestlng and Lady Luck vas vlth us. PalS lnc. von the 00 champlon-ahip by defoating Sls. Kovaeh and Yels, the Bescon "champs." At the next table "Torpedo" Roberta and Via ZfUa von 2 out of 3 games of pinochl«' from Aynlk and Tauch«r, therefore they stili remaln the "champe." Baumblch snd Taucher have chsll«nged "Torpedo" and Vlc te another game, so vateh this eol-umn to see vho«er will benefit by the trip. • • • »ae should ever be thoughtful of u - w;th whom we come fn contact, STltlS to graet «11 with a lile A sinile ha. often eaaed the 0f . weary heart and left the »re« of better thmgs to come." We\hould rf member thia at ali lodge gocial events. ahirk? Are and then you * il . . y°u one 0f thoae that talks about hi« own lod^ atreet corners? Ari* on the :;;;;vu7rsT A,v you just drif^«r T u- re yoU on« of thoae that ends h,a or her little brother and sister to pay the dues? Ar, you one of those that call booster* and WorJ! lodge—Mthe atuek-up ers of the Fraternalism in the ever preaent helu in tim« of troubl® gnd nWMl- ln "ffect it is an application of tha hop»3 >nd dreama of ali the htimani- Urians in bygone centurios. • • ♦ Where do you fit in the Lodge? Aie you one of the.gang that help« gang"?-Well, after ali, if youve a ali over and become a booster, a part of the foundation of y0ur lodge. "The best work i8 done by men who are not afraid of their own ideas. Therefore don't fail to ex-press your opinions and ideas at the lodge or federation meeting. * • * The Torch of Libert« Lodge will sponsor the Seomd Annual Ka*t Meets West Bali on Sept. 10. Now, dont forget to reserve Sept. 10 for tho Torches. Jane Frtde, you aee how important you workera are? And atill you let thuao depend ent upon your toll rule you and ruln your livea. • • • If ever thore waa a time for a change in the sy«u>m, thia ia it. Bank-era get two billion dollara and they are juat a fear. Workera, who are in ihe trn« of millions, get $300,000,000 only. Well, th« bankera eat more and drink more, maybe. At leaat, the workera are urilling and satiafied to go thru ti»e garbpge cans and uae the refuae that haa Wen left by othera. lt'a not fair. No, siri—The worae part of it ia that thinga are stili go-ing bad. VVliat ia our Sociaty going to do if thia continuea? Try to figure that one out. Wauhegan Of the fclfht games played ln th« firat round of the local league, the Snap girla (Uttle Fort Udge) wua('J£ ^th IZ and Mte for th. fluraly rame a long ..... a > . ' T m s A uiau OA AMMIKI mm .!•> Kn« I L>nUA aka June 11. The date of Coverdale, Yourh Valley Knights' and Harmar-ville Ramblers' dances, attended by our Silver Star«. • • • Last Call. Have you made up your mind to attend the W. Pa; E. 8. Ffd. Dance June 25? It's going to be a Krest time and we want the largest representation from our federation tliat can be posaibly procured. You are in for a good time, a time worth mcntioning over and over again. Tho plače is Slovene Home, fi7th and Butler, Pittsburgh. * * • Do vour duty. Yes, you can help ur, out on July 4 by attending the biKfcest celebration ln W. Pa. Tha first picnic and dancc sponsored by the NVestmoreJand Co. Federation. There will be speakers to listen to, mu r h bal I and banebnll gamer. to watch, music to dance to, and refreah- meuts that will fill your hearts' con- ing. tent, or should we say stomach ? You can't mi«« it, beeauae Yukon will live up to it« reputation again. » t * The Calcndar. Latrobe announces their Seeond Annual Kaat Meets West Bali on Sept. 10.—The Hecond annual picnic of the iSilver Star«, Slovene Hali, Yukon, July 31. We take this meana of asking the E. S. lodgea of the W. Pa. Federation to cooperate vvith us and keep theae dutes open. • * • In Memoriam of Joseph RoseS-bt?rger, who pasaed away one year ago this month. We met him at the Clairtoniana' picnic and the follow-ing day he left ua. We had learned to reapect him in our firat meetingr • • • Today*H leason. -Among the early Greeks and Romana mourning was expresBed by abstaining from bath- Herman Preaerea. Integrity Week by Week _"'^U — By F. ChirsKo.—The "Shlo of state," offi-cial transport of the "Highway Sail-crr.," ha« been comrnisaloned by the "povvers that are," tč convey the H. W. S. to the picnic grove on Sun-day, June 20. AH Integrity members aro urged to attend this picnic' sponsored by the "Slovenski Dom" Lodge 8«, SNPJ, at tho Korest Preserves, Irving Park Blvd. and Desplalne« river. Those who not have a means of trans-portation, l>e at i^ouis Kožuh'« home, 1630 N. Clybourn av6., before 12 I>. in., as the H. W. S. ship leaves dock at 12 sharp. Paasage for the round trip is priced nt a very small rati; each pernon will be charg<»d 25e for his passport. Ali H. W. S. members are ordered to be in full uniform, as this is the firat of the offical season'8 gathering. ♦ • • Two intereating bali games will be on ihe program for the picnickers. In tho first game of the afternoon the Integritj- girli will play the strong 43rd Ward Industrial girls' team. Im-rnediately following the girls' game tho Tntegrity boy«' team wlll play the Kl-Rocks in a game that will fea-ture a mound duel betvveen two broth ers. Random bit« front line«, . . in l»all suits . «we||—oh boy! of news from the Girls' team outfitted . and do they look . . . They have a J. M. wonderful chance CAAU title . . . of vvinning At last the real lowdown about Rambling Joe'a visit to Omaha during the last holidays has been di-vulged. It aeema he was officinlly requested to assiat in the balloon races ... for there waa a shortage cf hydrogen or vvhatever kind of gas you use for balloona . . . Wonder how the fishing trip that J. Schvveigor went on, turned out? An extraordinarily good time wa« had by ali that attended the last meeting . . . wh«n, after the meet-infc, we helDed Cookias and Roa« C. celebrate their birthdays. . . No, I won't give their ages, a« I don't re-member fi^om nothing . . . Congratulation« are extended to Sls. Pauline Berger on her achievement. An Europeon trip wa« sponsored by her school baacd on various merita, and Pauline is the girl who won and ls now in Europe. . . "Bum voyage" wishe«. By clever manipulation of the piano key«, along vvith her exquisite per-sonal charm, the "Song of the Nile" girl i« playing her wa« Into the hearts of two Integrity lads. Wonder who will be who? The Trailors and Rambling Jo« will spcnd their Fourth of July in the beautiful hills of Penn. sUte— is the late«t offlcial report from the hetd-quarters of the H. W. 8. Waakegan. III.—Warm weather seems to serve as an lneentlve to ac tivity in Waukegan. At Uttle Forfa last faw meetings more work haa been aceom^lished than seems poa sible. There hav« b««n diacuasions on many topics of intereot Laading among them has b«cn tha coming SNPJ convention. Th« Educational Program Commlttee has offerad ita time to a study of the By-laws for the purpose of bringing to tho for« some laws which seem to caua« com-ment and inconvenience in lodge ac-tivities at the pres«nt time. It would be well for aH members who have been indifferent to attend futur« meetings and prepare for the convention. Asid« from the mor« s«riouii topics —th« girls have offerad to provido boxes(?) for a Box Soclal to be held Julv 16—somewh«ro. The girls hav« ahown a very soclal nature, whlcli the boys should appreelate, and aet accordingly. t • ' ' . "And more funf When Treasure ye seek • Do not be »eek—" Why wait in vain for adventur« to com« around the corner. Meet It at the "Treaaure Hunt," Friday. Jun« 24. Not only the adventuros whlch may bafall you, but the "Traasura" at th« end of the "Hunt" ahould b« an in-ducement to aH our fun loving membera. This party which ia, of coura«, moat unusual, being tb« first of its kind, round about ls craating a great daai of intarsit among th« youi?f men (It may be th« prla«), ls b«lng sponsored by th« SporU Club girls. Tickets at 15c ar« boing »old rapidly. If you haven't on« in advar.c«, th«re arill be a šale of tickets until Frlday, Juae 24. S:30 p. m. It is a party no on« wanta to miss. SUlwartal Your "Daddy" ms v b« hor«! Perhapa a word of «xplanat!on may be ln ordor. Several groupa wlll sUrt from Sloven« Home at R:»0, l«d by one person with dlreetlons of the routo they are te follo\v. (By the way, J. 2. Jr'a. hav« a f«malo com^ petitor for v«ra« wrltlng.) Th« groupa ar« Uad to tli« "Traasure" and th« rast of th« party. judglng by the rumors flying around, ls going to b« the cst's meow. P«Uy. July 6—Snapa va. N. S. SUra—N.|lhpy ^ wiu ^ SNPJ hlstory in the fuiare. Veing that* our meetlnga ar« ehknged from Sunday« to a w««k day, maybe th« girla can plan aom« kind of an «nt«rtalnm«nt for aftar th« meetings. What do you aay, girla? Thia Sat. nit« Pittsbargh will b« our destlnatlon and th« W«sUrn Penna. Fed. dance 1» wh«r« w« will b« found.—Ar« you and you coming T 8, N. C. July •—Snapa vs. Sabinea—Junl-pe.. July 12—Snapa va. Merrhants—N.! S., N. C. July 1* -Snapa va. Otto Palntf— | Jackson. Jaly 28—Snapa ta. Tri Nata~NJ S., N. C. way to attend our dance. I hope ah« ataya for S while. Woll, Kamblera, businsas is bual« n«ss—monk«y buslneaa or oth«rw:a«. It waa ali tranaaet«d st our ragular monthly meetings.' Attend th« meetlng and get In the fun. Wat,»h the Prosveta for the announc«m«nt of tke Take careful Joaeph Langus. Have you forgotten the Treaaur« Hunt whlch ia being held tomorrow nite, Jun« 24? Tlcketa may b« ae-cured from either Anne I*eadlr or Francea Moaec for only 16c whlch ia conaldered a real hargaln for ali the refreshments and ent«rtainm«nt th«r« ia to be had. It r«ally la dlsappointlng lo hav« sueh a amall number of l.ittle Fort membera attend the meetlnga. Re-mrmbtr, there la atill n one dollar FM CHy Joknatown, Pa.—At our last meet-ing, we dUin t have aa good an at* endanoe aa waa vapected. Two naw ibora w«r« proposad and on« transfvr was reeelved. 8low but SUHIC our membsrshlp ia growlng One important itam waa diaeusaed at the meeting, and thst was the fuso-attendance prlae given ava.v afterUj#n uf tK« gdueatlonal Buresu of each me«tin*. 81«. Mary Hodnik was HfUr whleh w« decided to Join th« lucky winn«r last m )nth Thi 1organiaation. dtcided to hold a dance on July 2 vvith goo<-nKthy discuR«ion« st tho Pioneer "•'•eting last Friday. It was well to niany hecome Interes^ed in '"Ur«' »liiinga. Report« on the various activitie« were made and S telegram r""n the Athletlc Bonrd congratulat-the Pioneer« for hsvlng won the fcvenifig American AAA Basketball r |ampionHhlp on March 12, •'»ivcd. waa re- aiifi fill*-, 1 L «'"y after the meeting we held "n "Wieae» Kosat" nnd many re-t« the call. Out in the open "u ted the "wienera" and marsh-and partook of lemonadc grape juice, and after tre were we Hang and danced and had H «T""d time till past mldnlght. • e a K ".v repre«#ntatlve to the Chl-'»Sf" l»istrirt Federation of 8NPJ »'•uld be present at the regular 2"/">tMy meetlng Thuraday, Jaae 22. ' aom«, imiu.^.Ht u,. U, "'»me Important busine«« be. " un in partieular the plenic, »« only a w«ek hence. • « « A' tbe IVderatlen picnle #e expect have two games of Indoor and |"r",u* her contMta. We wlll have to take people to and from ' We will have roairt lamb, and plentr of thlrat qoenck-B'rauae ihe proflta derived from M"-ftlr ahall he uaed fer the ben-! "f »he uoemployed, we erge a s t tendenc«. Tbe ^ U " is no admiaslon te *f» I» Ne. t, cago, thi« coming 8und«y, Jan« 24. We »re planning on a group to go in body. Dortt forget, Pioneer«, the members of Lodjje Delavec came to our last picnic In a body. It Is our duty to make a return visit. 8o, down to South Chicago this Sunday. • ♦ * Dr. J. J. Zavertnik was opersted upon for appendicitls and is recover-ing splendidly at 8t. Antbony's ho«-piUl. Tbe doetor. ha« alway» re«dy to help the Pioneer« ia th«ir undertaking«. Menih. r. should vialt him at hia home at 2225 S. RiJg»-way av«., after thi« week. e « « The republican convention wa« con-cluded laat week. Pres. Hoover was pralsed to the »kles s« a *vlor °r this nation and so tbey want to go Mbeck to pro«p«rity" with H«wv«r, Yes, we'll agree, Hoover raved the bankers, tho«« that haven't Hopprd. and the rallroeds and by doing that he se ved the large Insurance com psnies and th« eleven mllllon work-lea« and their thkty mllllon dej^nd enta. he «aved them fmm eatlng, drink ing and a good mSn» of them from sleeping. e • • What irould the big kua neea do if t hej didnt ha*e tke woriera te 4* •M tbe work for them? An»««r that Why, they wo«ld have to starve. ef coura«. Bankera eoaldnt farm. m»e*. work in fartorlea. or P»anU. 1Wy have never b^ tm*t* * t^,; AU tbey huow iš U eoaat the dojgh tke plenie U tkera ^ Chl- DfHiMlo Ditroll Detroit, Mick.—Tne Young A meri can Boys' baaeball team Is .in the thlck of the running for the eham-plonshlp ln th« Illgh land Park League, On Jun« 11 the V. A's. Won their 3rd stralght league vlctory by the seore of IS to 3 ov«r the Trojan team. Jam Mlhellch and Bllly Trav-nik w«r« th« battery for fh« Y. A'a. Mihelich held the hard hlttlng Trojan« to 8 hita and fann«d 0 men. Th« Y. A'a. ara now tled for 2nd plače, but face 3 of th« harde«t gamea thrh Sund«y, June 20, and the fol-lowlng two Sundays. A complete schedule for the remainder of the seaion wlll ap|>ear tn n«xt Week'a editiea. On July 17 tbe Young American« will hold their annual picnic on Trav-nikar's farm. Many out-of-town vl«-Itors wlH b« on band and a great time i« In »tor« for ali thoae attending. Thi« is the only big affair th« Y. A'«, arill have this aummer and everythlng Is being done to make It a grand suceess. Alao want to let yeu know that this coming Sat. evening, June ZB. thc Svoboda Slnglng Soc. wlll hold their firat Moonllgbt Picnic at Trav-nikar'« Farm at »laven Mile and De-quindrel Three beautiful prise« wlll be raffM off that evening, pienly of SOFT drink« and refre«hment« and notne eatra »nappy musl« by Nogra m k and hU merry eraw. Many of the younger «et arill be there, «o, boy« and girls, com« on o-* and ahear th« older folk« what a Moonllglit picnic resllv I« auppe««d te be. lion't for get, Satutd«y nite, Jun« 21. RIHv Travnik. UMJGR 'SO INVITATION too much of that Ambridga "vino' between game«. After th« gama accommodations for refreehlng ourselve« w«r« pr»-vlded, and alao delielous dlnner« aerved by the J, Rosenliergera Peltsa, Kersana, Smltty and hi« wif« and other«, whom the wrlter rannot at preaent reeell«ct in hI« mlnd. The hospitabl« treatment accorded to u»l ia slnceraly appreciated. W« atarted for home after seereh-ing Ambridg« for a couple at^ay fleaa," and slnglng our farawe!l (not forever) song to Ambrldge. W» arrived home safely, eseept that thU mug loat hi« seottish.hat. i Dont forget nest Satur4fy, Jaae 2», W. Penn. F«der»ti«i's laltlal danee, Butler St., PltUburgh, Pa., In the Slovene hali. The truck accom-modatlng the Cometa wtll Uave from the Mooee hali at 1:110 sharp (D. s. T.) Y.' N. r. AU A mer SNPJ, k aponaerlag b« little «f the verker« wouUln't eraaU It. Ilreeklra. Iran U»cal P • pkntr on June i« at Ar men Userua. better kao«m among tke »!*v«aes ss "Na hribčku pH ravnem Uaarju ||u«k and gemes «IU k« play«d. ra-freshmeiitt of aU klad« »«rv«d. Me fear ef being thiralr> W« vert eeridallf »nvite membera gnd frlMtdo ia «ar vlelnllr to We aaeere yee ali s good time. Se be eere to glv« yeera«lf e treat aat ettend tbe H. Y Ali Američane* pW alt. Take Jemaka traia to QoW« fLmlevsrd, fl^e minute« walk On my wsy home from Mllwaukee, I waa Invitad to stop st Chlesgo st the home of «JHr. snd Mra. Blas Novak, to arhom 1 am verv grateful. VKhlle ln thi« eity I had the pleaaure af aeeing the SNPJ h«adquarters, arhera I met several Supreme board membera and employeee| th« JSF miasion or .on th« hont«ward depar-ture, ure meti Prajas, Prvaeran snd tlielr gang,' Karn«, Jsckovsos, Lip««* kys, Ussors, Kruljsc, Zolets, Wy«ic and our former ally, "WU|le" Radoj-•Ich. « » Kvery addltlonal bit help«, ao ws'r« both atuadlng • th« Weslera l'«as. Ped. Daaee la order to contrlbute our «hsre sa loysl member«. S pse« snd eonditlona do not peimil s prumiae to st|«ttd every affair, but Lsal Wi Parisl Oahmeat, Pa.—The eommlttee for the W«atem Peaa. M. Daaee met ea Sun. snd formulsted flnsl tentattve plana fer the A nt tolpa led Affair oa Sat.. Jaae 21 In the Slove*« Aedl-lerlam, 0Tlk »nd Butler St«., Pltls. hargA, Ps. Kv«rythlngs Is In resdl-n«a« for tli« great multitad« of patrom snd msny s detall wa« over-luk«d for their aocommodetion aad m«rrlm«nt. Tke notabla patrom arere ure eertalnhr will alrlra lo be st sa (thll jMt ,Mi#| i0 #om#| many SNPJ merry msklngs m li poa-•Ibl«. Aaa Rsdejeleh, Msry Peteta. NKW HM A UMM1R NO. A72 Cleveland, 0.~We of thia Lodge _______tiu%mm u,-.,, cm.iS*tend our aympslhy to the Mladlch h«adquartera arhere Mm' f.m||y for the lo«a of their beloved ^^T 2 L.1 father. H. ws« S member of the By Jack Herminie. Pa« - A trio of Key«toa-lam In company of the aame number ef Sllver Stsra Journeved to Osk m on t Sat., Jun« II, te slUnd th« Ramblera' dane« Serih« Rsdojrteh and hla formar lof seeing ali thee« plaee«, and It la «y deslr« te thank htm, the Novak«, the Beralk«, and sil other« who had ma4e my «tay a pleasant one. I had « aronderful time snd tkoee daya arill nev«r be forgotUn. My advlee arhen SNPJ and loved bv ali. May he reat In peaee, «ee>. Daarulevlc. MOONMGHT PICNIC! Detroit, Mlak. —f>o you «nJoy dan«. Ing In tha cool evening bre«set Would you Jlka to urin s priseT If you do, yos vrlil hav« smple oupor-tunlty to do ao on June 21 st Kl»ves Mil« Road snd D«qulndre. We urili "giv« away" s smoklng stand, s blsnket, snd sn electrle clock. ThU flret plenic of the year wlll be gl v«n by the slnglng club Svoboda. Th«y sre trylng to the be«t ef Oeesr, aad h«'ll tske eare of you k remree LaagerkoU •L. ^ mm m a---a SS--- Tki ranfiMtft mwt Fraaeleea, CalM. -Fleaee at-tend eur sest meeting (July 14) In fell foraet Oar Thlrd Aaalveraarr Id drawlng near snd plan« muat be | Folloarlne the dsnee ture populsr ,Mbe aee Chiiago, hunt up'l«f«etlon of «aylng thst evenrona who ' stiended had enJoyed hlmaeift there-for«, lt'« up I« you Voong Amerkaa« and Welv«rlae« te be pree«st st thla gala affair, Jun« Vft, Kleven Mil« Road and, Deijalndre at tke Mig Meealtght plsakrl "Val" Reee. PICNIC NOTM R keaeeka, W!e. An Old Tlm« Pisale arill b# held by the Htalurarl-l^dge SOS, SNPJ, Sunday, Jam 24. at Stsnlef « Oruve, om mile «outh of 7lth straet, on 22nd sve. Arrsnge-ment* hav« been mad« fer seversl kind« of gsm«s for evenron«'« en-ioyment. Admlsalon arill be 2fte and ||#ket eni I Me« heerar te thre« refrtiah-I omiektee. iS eommomeration of our thlrd blrth d»y. Fulkaupport of the member« Muat be bad se^loat fsil te aheur sp. W« sre sil mightir aorrir U se« our former prealdent, Bob Minerieh, re-«%a from the chslr, but «1 nae be'e tleket« st gsle. gpiag d»wn to Lee Angele« le mak« ^ good la a Mg wsy, snd iaeideaullr o mak* tke ireddkig beli« rlag out. can «nly offer him eur eongretu-I^lons sad si tk« ume time teli him tkal ur«'re aerry te Inee him. Good RANMLK.RS UHHIK TI« IJsrmsrrllle, Pa Ssturdsy, Juna II, msrked Ih« esd ef Ihe Ramblera' dance. II turned out to be a «ue-ee««fu| affair flnsncislly and morali*, k|rk, Ml I The Ramblera «spre«« their thsnk« Oar aevlr »IseUd preeldeat, Fraak !tnd good »UI to tbe Silver Star«, Ifctjaaleh, m is aa unusual peaUies. I Reystonlam. Veioniam, llarmarvllle (le ka« «u««eed#d hle predeeeaaor who I (Renlor l^g«), and ali eth«rt »h« m hI« C Frank'«) urerd«, Bob atp« th« Frank wke «m his saur Kreni Isjftaj Ke Bet Oh «eH aritk prise^fcf>l e. muahball l« hla pMdSMim. Ob-^ell-- game« bHi^ees populer lodgo«. ke lUwever, Frank ha« bad pl«aty of •Me. afterr»«oii «nd .vemng dem-.i« aM«r^«ee Ihavla« kOR mmUtf wil\ be feelerad al tke K«r«Umlaae' pre.ideat ef I »tb Annlv«r«sr» clebretlon en kaew tkat ker Jsr, Sept i- TI rherge plan »Sar aloe. Saserv« tkat | urer« preaent Jack wa« out witk bi« , gang ef "Nlgh Ca flaeOe" pel«, snd , tki« time he "dragged" Herman P»e-seren uith him B«y( A dem« 'eroonlng ' Oieving ef tke ledge »lreedy» hI« le«trr Wr Jsr, Sept. I^Tke jj^1 ^^^ jUZ fer grand f^fo1*' W M^our Ust areeb'« editoriai §svs aH sl^Mtaf eoMioe P kli U Pstk _ wllkiR| Uskl The Remblvi, heartlly thsnk Rr« Komata. Preeident ef Msrmsrvllle Senu,. [Mdm, for hla effort« en tki« evening. That «b*«rs tkal tke S«el»r a« mUrs ar« ever atrivtng formard le aiak« tk« l^df« and So«l«ty bigger ■nd better. W« are glad that we rt»II heve the «upport «f Ike eaperl-•aesd tke pioaeer« wke have attend; the raeoptles commltte« urIII aee to It thst «veryon« get« s knock down (not flghta, sn Intreduetlon) snd thst the frlendlle«t aplrlt ever prevali«. Uad t h« way, Bro., te the Mesta ef celekratiem. Dont fsll to sttend the Weelaiere-land Ceunly Fed. Pleale ea Jaljr 4 Is Yukon, Ps. Bhould condltlon« be aeeomodstlng (w«'r« falrly certsln the'), ure'U be at th« G our a sds Hnuaiera* Pleale »a Julv 22 aad 24. Roo»ters, he on the loekeut for ua un the 22. Par sesali t lee i Watehlng the kld ela. and Msry Fotets urrlle for the Pro«v«ts on Ksmbler subjeet«. Trplng to g«t rld nf th« RHver Star« snd Key«tonlsns urhen they started te en)oy themaelve« oa s rečeni vialt. Thsfs sil. I slnt hankerln' fer more trouble, Wm. N, Radojcleh. L-i-N-K-s Springfield, IN. O-r soclal parile« are beeoming more suee«o«ful, urbieh ean be raadil|r und«ratood by ali urhe attende«! our last mevtln* Frlday. June 17. Although not announe«d previoua tu the meeting, our ehalr-man, Rre, Frank Klaaias, planned the entertalnment s« s «urprl«e for theae vrbo attended, urhirh provee bejfoad doubt that hla rommandsble effort s are slursya fer the ledge. After th« meetlng, whieh wea brlef and ronducled urlth diapaleh, ure aH donned our »mil« kita end hoeded •iralght off for the roualry. Bven thr man Is the moon wa« ali amllea m are cetebreted In one of the mesl levely and pleaaant of ayhraa «ell-tud«s, wh«re Ike eeel evening freeh-neaa relleved our mlnd« from tka ho t ai»l«ry llfe of the «lty. Wlth Rro. Rrlnoesr'« eneourage-ment for «lngirg, Sla. Mary Venulea and Thereea Reaek re«p«n4ed, sad nlth a banje aeeompanim«nl, far-nUbed a revehitlen te sil wbo urere preernt le revleur the nitlag. Could It ke poMtble ihst BU. Aaa Renleh it conlemplatlng adkering I« nuptlal rite« thta fsll T Or la It sa Id le rumer? Ann ure aH remomber, w«s ihe originater ef the liaha' eel-uma . . . Rro. Frank Volk haa hecome *utu> s eharieleer »ine« he pur-cba«ed hI« m« "Whlpp^ * Rut aev •rtbele«« Rre. Jansaen la eul4eae Rre. RHneear Re«4aR«t partg «heeld b« jpkTend yew're not by Jea , . . If the people ureeld aalf nitk sa enbtaaed not le ba tbe tki« PR08VET* Complete Text of 1932 National Platform of Socialist Party I j A C kar Prognua for Proaperity, Peare and ladostrial Sccurii? Through Sorialiain SactoNet llatform c«pita!)»t »jrstem. Tkia breakdoara »hr Soc talini part> Hm long predict- ( of a ualfiod bank Ing »y«Um, W« ar« far in« a breakdoara of th« >«ginning arith t h« complete »oveni men tal acqaiaition of the Federal Reaervc Bank* and th« eatrnmon of e('tt * ■ l^l rrtmridinT ■B*".—* • due to adverse weather condltiona. 7. The creation of national, region-al, snd state lsnd utilisstion bosrd^ for the purpo«« of diseovering the best use« of the fsrming lsnd of the country, In vlew of the Joint n««d« of sgrlculture, indu«try, recrestlon, wa-ter aupply, reforeatation, etc., and to preparo t)t« way for agrieultural plnnnlng on a national and, ultimate-ly, on a world acale. Con«t*tutlonsl Chaagea 1. Froportional repreaenutl»»n. 2. L) Irec t eleetion of the Freaidcnt and Vlee Prasidsnt. 8. Th« initistivo and referendum. 4. An smendmont to the conatitu tlon to mske conititutionsl am»nd ment« les« cumberaome. ft. Abolitian of the power of the 8upri»me Court to pa«« upon th« con stltutlonsl!t;/ of legislation cnscted b> Congreaa. 6. The psaaage of th« Kocislist party'n proponed Workers' RighU amendment to tho Conatitution em powering Oongraa« to o«tsbli«h na tional «yatema of unemploym«nt Unemplojrment and Uhor Uglalallon h"Uh »nJ t»ccid«nt ^l^Tn,^ t ' /, , old-age penalona, to sboliah child ls- * I!:1"?1 V'" bor, eatsbliah snd tske over onter- 000,0f0,0» for linmedlsl« relief f of _ --------princa in manufartuie, commerce, thoae In nea<( to aupnlement ataU and triiniiportlttcP( b.nking, public utill- locsl npprnprlationa. tla« and other bu«lnesa and Indufctrlea Ž*!*"? xot 11» be o*.wd and operater! b^ the gov- 000,(KM),000 for puhli« work« snd rošd«, reforeatation, alum rharance and deeent hot&e» f'% the wnrker», by the federal govemment, atato« and eitias. 8. lieglalatlon provid'.ng for tho ac-quirem«nt or lsnd, bu'ldtnga snd e^ jlpt.^nt neceiMisry to' put the un-empioyod to wqrk produclng food, fuel and clothin* snd for the srer tion of hoasea for their ewn u«e and! mnaumption. 4. Tho «ls-hcjr day i.nd the flve-day w««k arithoat a reriurtion of among tha nation« of Um w«rid including; 1. Tb« reduetion of armamaat«, Itading to the goal of total d.aarm-ament by iaternation«! agreement, n poasible, but, if that ia not poaaibl«, by eattiag aa eaampie ourselve«. Sol-diera, »ailors, and workars unem-p!oy«d by reaaon of diaarmament to be abaorbad, wh«re deaired, in a program of public works, to be fina need in part by th« aavings due to diaarmament. The abolition of cona countie«. We entered Bell County quietly. - i ..M,- . , ..There waa not s' sign of tronble. A« fair-ttinded and progreasive citisen« M pa««ed -tha Pineville city to umi«, trith t m a mlghty move- ^ things bagan to bap- ment against the preaent drift into of p«^ Pearl Osborn«'. socisl dlssster and in behalf of sani-| v { ourt to the curb, and the nitions ta forelgn poarers. Committed to this constructive program tho Socialist party calls up oi; the nstioir's arorkers and upon sil ty, justiee, peace snd freedom. Esklmo Pltt One of the kecnest criticiams of capilslism made by Mara and En- chief jumped oul t and demanded to know what are ware doing there. 'We're going to Pineville," Koch replled as spokasman for the group. Chief Of borna told us areVe going right through to 4he Tennessee line snd sfter some diseussion offered to gal« some elgty yesr« ago wsa that I psrmit ua to go Ur Harlan instead. It had "stripped of its halo every oe- We esplalned our peaceful and law-cupation hKherto konored snd looked ful intontions snd our plan to sUy up to wlth rev«rent swe. It ha« tBmporsrily in Pineville, snd it end-convertad the physician, the lawyer, ed up by our parldn« behind kis car the pitat, the poet, the man of sclence, Into it« paid wag« laborers." It ha« left "no other nexu« betareen man and man than gakad self Interest, than csllous cgsh payment." at the curb opposita the eourthouse Came Too Early Then ensued scene s of officlal in-edequscy and lmpotence impoasible tb bclieva. A crowd gatkered about The Unfcted States has carrled tkleh«lck,y- Heri?d°2 J* debssament fnrther than sny othe. ^ans, edHor of the Pineville Sun, eountry. In Kurope some csnons of Cfh'«f ^ other honor survlve as memories of thel dtlsens of Pineville arere dsys when feudsl gontlemcn ruled. In j this country the cspitsllst apirit hsa leading in the 5. A eomprnban«l»« «nd effic ent «y«tem of free public asenciaa. , S. A compulaory «y«tem «f unem« plnyment eompensation aritb adequat* benefit«. based on eantrlbutlons ly tho g«verrment snd by einp!oyers. 7. Old-age peasion for men and aromen slaty years of age snd over. emment, s)uor indu«try under rovcrrmnnt owner«hlp nnd control v.iib the rii;ht r,f locsl optlon for otganlse into unions. K. Health and ma!«rnlty Insurance. | .1. Tbe Immediate repeal of the Ka-V. Impraved afstem« of arorkmen«' | pionng*> and other rs.trsaaive Cimpojication and aetident inauranee legiaUlion, and the rsatoratlon of clvil 10. The abolition of ehild Isbor and politični right* to those unju*tly been unrestrained. Education is mcasured by the amount of arood pulp turned into papar. Sinclalt Uwii did not exaggerste wben he slss portrayed Babbitt estimating public education by the mod«rn plumbing instailed in the schools. Last week art had Its innlngs arhen it desoended to the sidearalka of Naw York. Here artlsts eshiblted their paintlng« by the «lde of the poddlert cslllng hot doga and Erkimo ples. Articta reduced to povi»rty aought a itreet msrkut in compsti tion wlth other cbmmodltle« and wlth tho vlew of eHmlnartlng commia«ion m«n. Some obtalned enougk to pv their room rent; other« packed their stork artthout effeeting a šale. This incident is as strong an ln-didment of capitalism as the hungry chlldren living In cheorless t«ne-ments. The nrtlat Is a bondman of .apitolism th« «ame a« the arorker. A free «orid of Socialiam arill giv« free eoopo to tho genlus of the ar tist and make creatlve arork a Joy, not n metter of selllng wares. —N. L. The dlgnKarle« tjrare determined not to alloar us to remain. They offered to let us speak on the eourthouse steps (arith a vievr, as are then cuspocted and latar lesrnad, of ar-resting us for crimlnsl «yndicslinm, regardless of what we said). We refused. Chief Osborne demanded a peace bon d. We explained sgaln that our lntentk>ns wera peaceable. We were told we arere blocking traffic. We moved around the corner. Mayor taro m i ne rs at a relief kitehen. We arere to sae more of him. With difficulty Dr. Stacy got it aeross to Fleenor that everything aras O. K. and that he aras doing as ordered. At this po i nt, Koch aras shifted back to our car, being plaesdl in the improvised rpmble Beat, and the motoreade proeaeded quickly picking up breakneek speed. Aeross the Harlan County line, Dr. Stacy, having relieved himself of dire and profane threats, relin-quished the arheel to our recent ac-quaintance, Deputy Sheriff Fleenor. Prooedad by a Harlan County car and folloarad by a car from Pineville, are apeeded through Harlan County and up the side of Big Black Moun-tain, higheat peak in Kentucky. Taro thinga of pointed interest oc-cured during our ari Id drive aeross the taro eounties. Firat aras the "distribution" of part of our relief supplies along the public bighway by the drivers. The aeeond aras the dis-apperance of a group of nearspaper-men who had been trailing us from FrankfoK, Ky. We later found out they kad been ordered to stay behind snd not to folloar for half an hour. BzhMtion of Amerieanism Near the top of Big Black Moun-tsin snd arithin 60 feet of the Vir-ginia lines, are sto p ped. The vigi-lsntes oonferred for f fear momenta. Then one aras Stationed at the stat« line to stop ali traffic "even if Hoover oomes along." One aras sta tioned to stop traffic behind us and a third aratehad our car. We arere th«n taken out one at a tirne and arhippad. Koch aras firat They forced him to discard his ooat, chained his arrist and best him aritb a lonfr untrimmed branch of a tree Coy folloared. Then came I, folloared by Grulioar and finklly Greenberg. We arere forced to lie on our stom-aoha and each of us aras flogged with a new limb snd by s different person. Before the violence aras over, membera of tke mob had seised snd arere reading a bundle of our Bills of Rights and our statement of peaceful intontions vvhich are had 'left at the offiee of the Govtrner of Kentucky. Aftor ar« were back.Ih the car, two of the mob bagan to pummel and puneh Koch and Coy. Betareen vici-ous bloars and outJburats of superib profanity, one of them fired ques-tions: "What do you thing of the Amerl can flag?" •^hat . do you thing of God Al-mightf?" i Finally, arith the admor.ishment that "are'll string you if you ever come back," are crossed the ftate line into Virginia. A ChaUenge to Capitalism An hour later the nearspapermen caught up arith us in a little toarn in Virginia. Pictures were taken of the bruises and arelts on Coy's back. Wa drove to Knoxville, Tenn., arher« ar« got in touch arith attorn«ys for th« Amcrican Civll Liberties Union and then procaadod back to Common-weslth College. Our trip had demonstrstod the viciousness arhich the class struggle arill assume as capitalism slowly ex-plres. We focused national attention upon an intolerable stoto of affairs and proved conclusively that civil liberties mean nothing to the «xploitors, to the ruling class and to their misersfole and cowardly tools. We showed that they had something to hide and that their blatant rav-inps <>n patriotism, Bolshevism, Com-munUp and athcism were simply red herrings to confuse the public. We arere not the first to receive auoh treatment and undoubtodly are shall not be the last. These inva-aions are not a challenge to Ken- of scholarship« snd felloarships, hav« been introduced to put the colle«e education arithin the reach of the de-aerving and deairoua študent. The average boy and girl is aell acquaintod with grammar school life and high school life, and the educa-tional advancea made by both. How-ever, the realisation that college life and education are accessibl« to only s few, providea the purpose of this artiele. Four years ago, the arritor aras fortunate enough to be.included as a študent registered at the Missouri School of Mineš of the University of Missouri. Perhaps a summary of the occurrencea since, together arith c«r-tsin impressiona, arill provide an sn-swer to the question: "What's it sli sbout?" First, last, snd slways, are the tra-ditions of tbe schools. Each college snd university haa'its traditions snd customs. Here, st the School of Mineš, for essmple, it is tradition that forces the Freshmsn, or first yesr študent, to arear a 'dinky' green akull cap, and *nobby' green suspend-ers. Perhaps it should be said that tradition is the indirect force aeting upon the Freshmen, since the Sopho-mores, thru the effective sid of their trsditional paddles of arood, are the direct forces arhich produce resulta from the Freshmen. Tradition in-stills the 'bossy' attitude into the Sophomore, or second year študent. Tradition mskea the Juniors, or third year boys, the object of respect, ln-ferior only to the 'lordy' iSeniors, or fourth yesr boys. Trsdition gives the Seniors slone, the privilege of arearing s moustache;—and so on for different schools. College life is, indeed, much more difficult arhere studies are concerned; but this is to be expected. The disciplina^ actions are just as rigorous as Ihose encountored in high echool life, although more freedom is given tl)p študent in the class room. In practically ali colleges, absences arithout very good eacuaes, are severe^ punished. Perhaps the fact that the študent usually goes from one building to another, every hour of the day, ap peals to average high school boy or girl whose lot it is, usually, to sit in one clas« room ali day long. In college, it is necessary to move kround the campus for the different courses, snd doubtleee this bresks up the monotony of school life. Clssses sre conductod for a period of fifty minutes. Ten minutes are alloared betareen clssses. Laboratory courses, designed only for certain technical aubjects, require periods of three hours duration, usually. In labora-tory arork, the aetual experience i« the educational medium, whereas in the ordinary lecture class hour, the-ory is the educational instrument. It will surprise many to know that Sat-urday classea are the rule, and not the exception, in the life of a college študent. Among the activities of the college študent can be named the fraterni-tles, both socisl and honorary, the študent publications, .sthleties, glee clubs and drsmatics, dsnces, card- wr>ur*r^oJ/Ai, jfNK 22. This Ml That from Here and There Detroit.—Wkile attending the con- vention of the SSPZ in PitUburgh, Pa., I met many of the SNPJ mem bers, among them Louis Kosels, who is arell known through the artiele* he writ«s for the English Section of the Prosvets (he is stili looking for thst red-head") and Bro. Kreaa, p resi-dent of the English-Speaking ^NPJ Federation of Penna. The Federation is holding a dance on June 25, and he urges everybody to sttend Also met Frank Miklavic, preaident of the Morning Starš, a very niče chsp; Nick Pavlick, a Revelier, and our well-known Bro. Becek, the erst-whil« contributor to the Proaveta before he went to Notre Dame Univer-sity. Noar that he is on his vacation, he ahould arrite again. I met many Comets and Cavsliers, too many to mention. SSPZ convention had many vital question to thrash out and new ideas, near sick benefit scale, new a»-sessment plan and the arranging of consolidation arith some other fra-ternal organizstion aras adopted. Some of the delegates arere not in favor of consolidating with the SNPJ. Only three delegates arere against consolidation. Consolidation of aH Jugoslsv fraternal organizstiona will come, and must come if are arant to preserve that arhich our fathers Wilt. So let's not wait till it'« too Iste. Jaly 4 the Slovene National Home Society of Detroit will hold ita first annual picnic at Travnikar'a Farm on 11 Mile and Dequindre roada. Three gato prises arill be aararded. Let'» aH go anji bring our friends too. The proceeds of this picnic go toarsrds the benefit of building the Near Dom. Bro. Hometz's orchestra arill play. July 17 the Young Američana are sponaoring a picnic st the same plače. There will be plenty of fun and frolic for aH. Everybody arelcome. To the Young Americans. Please pay your dues on time, before or on the 26th of each month, and there ,won't be sueh a commotion as we had at the last meeting. If you can't pay. dues, go to the regular monthly meeting and report your caee to the lodge, and you'll be advised accord-ingly. Bro. Ruge! quoted right, that I'd have to be a Mellon or sueh, to pay for members who leave their dues lapse too long. Last month 882.07 dues were not paid on time, and because I suspended some of the membera they did not like it. When times were good and I had some mon-ey on hsnd, I arould take a chance on oaying duea for members. By doing so, I also learned a lesson sfter losing 820.00 of my own money. It's time that I quit paying for others. Noar I hope that aH members arill be more prompt than thfv hsve been and ssve themselves from being suspended, snd also helji the lodge to get the dues in to the main offiee on time. Aadrear Grum. SOCIALIST STREET CORNER MEETINGS for-our II. (invernm«at sid to far«»«r* «rd| small ht>!»a-own«r* t« prot«t th«»n againat feraeteeure« and ««)«« f««» noa-paym«nt of taa«*. If, Mtnlmum aag« Uw». •aetal Oar««r»hlp __ 1. #oclalisat'«m of our min«*, e«ta, od and paarer rwourw«i pcbllr utilit!«* deaPng arith Itght and power, trasaportat on and communi-catb n and our baaic »nduatnr« Only aftar th« »oclalisation o( th«re leaoures« »t be po««ibie to hov« plannad prodaction on th« ba»u of tk« fall uss of our (Bsnnsiir and financ«al r«*osw 'or th« eommon good. 2. Tk« opcratloa at tkee« M«' irie« by b»«ida of aitministnitKin oa *>"rh th« aagooamo*, tk« e«aa-»m«r «nd th« toehnkiaa ar« i limlOI •#ntoo; tk« raeagslkian ki «urh ladu try of th« pr nclplt af eoil««tlre hai gai.i i f. Maaktog i S .rieliaaUoa af «w . currmrjr «y«tvi*i aad tk« ctinvictvd under arartlm« !«*•». 4. t4gi»l«tlH«unt of actlvitlea »nfagei ln by them arhich a>« not illegal for eltl-ssas. A. Modifiostlon of the Immtgratton laara to permit the reuniting of fant tile« and i« offer a refuge to tho«« fteoing from politični or reltglnua p«r- aerution. 5. Th« enf« rrement of Cc^katltutlo.) s! fUSi.iaT«e« of •ern »iwle. porttleat si d tegal equaliky for thv Negru. 7. Tli« rn«rtment nnd enforr«ment of .i»«»t ir ant i -lynchtng laam. Internat »oasl Kaiallaa« WhiU> the Soc ta! ta t party b op-| i>om«d to ali war. It b*li«vn« that t bere ran bo n« pt»r«aan«al Oaa«^ ua-tU .Wta!i««a ie «atab!t«he