ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 (Also available at Ordering signed graphs with large index Maurizio Brunetti Dip. di Matematica e Applicazioni, Universitá di Napoli ‘Federico II’, P. le Tecchio 80, I-80125 Naples, Italy Zoran Stanić * Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, Belgrade, Serbia Received 28 October 2021, accepted 5 January 2022, published online 3 August 2022 Abstract The index of a signed graph is the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix. We estab- lish the first few signed graphs ordered decreasingly by the index in classes of connected signed graphs, connected unbalanced signed graphs and complete signed graphs with a fixed number of vertices. Keywords: Adjacency matrix, largest eigenvalue, edge relocation, unbalanced signed graph, com- plete signed graph. Math. Subj. Class. (2020): 05C50, 05C22 1 Introduction A signed graph Ġ is a pair (G, σ), where G = (V,E) is an unsigned graph, called the underlying graph, and σ : E −→ {1,−1} is the sign function or the signature. The number of vertices of Ġ is called the order and denoted by n. The edge set of Ġ is composed of the subset E+ of positive edges and the subset E− of negative edges. We interpret an unsigned graph as a signed graph with the all positive signature, that is the signature which assigns 1 to every edge. The adjacency matrix AĠ of Ġ is obtained from the standard adjacency matrix of its underlying graph by switching the sign of all 1’s which correspond to negative edges. The eigenvalues of Ġ are identified to be the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix; they form *Corresponding author. Research of the second author is partially supported by the Serbian Ministry of Edu- cation, Science and Technological Development via the University of Belgrade. E-mail addresses: (Maurizio Brunetti), (Zoran Stanić) cb This work is licensed under 596 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 the spectrum of Ġ. The largest eigenvalue of Ġ is called the index and denoted by λ1 (or λ1(Ġ)). If S is a set of vertices of Ġ, the switched signed graph ĠS is obtained from Ġ by reversing the signs of the edges in the cut [S, V (Ġ) \ S]. The signed graphs Ġ and ĠS are said to be switching equivalent. The switching equivalence is an equivalence relation that preserves the eigenvalues, and the switching class of Ġ is denoted by [Ġ]. A signed graph is said to be balanced if it switches to the signed graph with all positive signature. Otherwise, it is said to be unbalanced. Equivalently, Ġ is balanced if every cycle contained in Ġ is balanced [15]. Ordering of unsigned graphs by the largest eigenvalue of some associated matrix has received a great deal of attention in literature. Many results can be found in [12]. More re- cently, there has been a growing interest for extremal problems in the framework of signed graphs. For instance, in [9] Koledin and the second author studied connected signed graphs of fixed order, size and number of negative edges that maximize the index. In the wake of that paper, signed graph maximizing the index in suitable subsets of complete signed graphs have been studied in [2]. Let Un (resp. Bn) denote the class of unbalanced uni- cyclic (resp. bicyclic) signed graphs of order n. Akbari et al. [1] determined the signed graphs attaining the extremal indices in Un. Some of the same authors studied in [10] signed graphs achieving the maximum index among signed graphs in Un of fixed girth. The first five largest indices among signed graphs in Bn with n ⩾ 36 are detected by He et al. [8]. Signed graphs in Un and Bn with extremal spectral radius were identified in [4]. Finally, extremal graphs in Un and Bn with respect to the least Laplacian eigenvalue were studied in [5] and [3], respectively. In [6] we determined the unbalanced signed graph with largest index, for every order n. In this paper we continue this research by presenting a general method for ordering the signed graphs with a fixed number of vertices by their index. We demonstrate the method by determining the first few signed graphs ordered by the index in the class of connected signed graphs, or connected unbalanced signed graphs, or complete signed graphs with n vertices. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains a preliminary setting related to the graphical representations of signed graphs in this paper along with terminology, nota- tion, a few known results and the proofs of two preliminary lemmas. The main result that provides the subsequent orderings is formulated in Theorem 3.2 of Section 3. Orderings in the mentioned classes are considered in Sections 3–5. Further computations, including orderings of signed graphs with a comparatively small number of vertices, are given in Section 6. 2 Preparatory We introduce a way of depicting signed graphs that will be used in the subsequent sections. For a signed graph of order n, we draw only the negative edges and the non-edges, along with the assumption that all non-depicted edges are positive. By convention, a negative edge is represented by a full line and a non-edge is represented by a dotted line. Accord- ingly, the complete signed graph with the all positive signature (i.e. the complete unsigned graph) is represented by an empty figure, the complete signed graph with a single negative edge is represented by a negative edge, and so on. The following lemmas are taken from [13, 14]. M. Brunetti and Z. Stanić: Ordering signed graphs with large index 597 Lemma 2.1 ([14]). For a connected signed graph Ġ = (G, σ), we have λ1(Ġ) ≤ λ1(G) with equality if and only if Ġ switches to G. Lemma 2.2 ([13]). For an eigenvalue λ of a signed graph Ġ, there is a switching equiv- alent signed graph for which the λ-eigenspace contains an eigenvector whose non-zero coordinates are of the same sign. For the sake of completeness we say that a signed graph of the previous lemma can be constructed by taking Ġ with AĠx = λx and considering D −1AĠD where D is the diagonal matrix of ±1s whose negative entries correspond to negative coordinates of x. We proceed with some notation. For a signed graph Ġ we denote by R(Ġ) the set of signed graphs obtained by taking a positive edge e of some signed graph of the switching class [Ġ], and then either removing e or reversing its sign. Let S = (Ġ1, Ġ2, . . . , Ġg) be a sequence which consists of the representatives of all switching equivalence classes of connected signed graphs with n vertices such that the representatives are ordered non-increasingly by the index and chosen in such a way that, for 1 ≤ i ≤ g, the λ1-eigenspace of Ġi contains an eigenvector whose non-zero coordinates are positive. (The existence of Ġi is provided by Lemma 2.2.) We now prove the following lemmas. They generalize known results for unsigned graphs that can be found in [12, Lemma 1.28]. Lemma 2.3 (Changing an edge). Let x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)⊺ be an eigenvector associated with the index of a signed graph Ġ and let r, s be fixed vertices of Ġ. (i) If xrxs ≥ 0 and rs is a non-edge (resp. rs is a negative edge), then for a signed graph Ġ′ obtained by inserting a positive edge between r and s (resp. deleting rs or reversing its sign) we have λ1(Ġ′) ≥ λ1(Ġ). If at least one of xr, xs is non-zero, the previous inequality is strict. (ii) If xrxs < 0 and rs is a non-edge (resp. rs is a positive edge), then for a signed graph Ġ′ obtained by inserting a negative edge between r and s (resp. deleting rs or reversing its sign) we have λ1(Ġ′) > λ1(Ġ). Proof. We only demonstrate the proof of (i), as (ii) is proved analogously. If y is an eigenvector associated with λ1(Ġ′), using the Rayleigh principle we get λ1(Ġ ′)− λ1(Ġ) = y⊺AĠ′y − x ⊺AĠx ≥ x ⊺AĠ′x− x ⊺AĠx = x ⊺(AĠ′ −AĠ)x = { 2xrxs if ( rs /∈ E(Ġ) ∧ rs ∈ E+(Ġ′) ) ∨ ( rs ∈ E−(Ġ) ∧ rs /∈ E(Ġ′) ) , 4xrxs if rs ∈ E−(Ġ) ∧ rs ∈ E+(Ġ′). Hence, λ1(Ġ′) ≥ λ1(Ġ). Assume that xr ̸= 0 and, by way of contradiction, that λ1(Ġ′) = λ1(Ġ). In this case, the inequality in the previous chain reduces to equality, which means that x is an eigenvector afforded by λ1(Ġ′). Using the eigenvalue equations at vertex s in Ġ and Ġ′, we get 0 = ( λ1(Ġ ′)− λ1(Ġ) ) xs = ∑ i : is∈E(Ġ′) σĠ′(is)xi − ∑ i : is∈E(Ġ) σĠ(is)xi = αxr, (2.1) 598 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 where α depends on (r, s)-entries in AĠ and AĠ′ , but it is always non-zero; for example, if rs /∈ E(Ġ) ∧ rs ∈ E+(Ġ′) then α = σĠ′(rs) = 1, and similarly for the remaining possibilities listed in the statement formulation. Together with (2.1), this leads to xr = 0, which in turn contradicts the initial assumption and we are done. Let r, s, t, u be fixed vertices of a signed graph. A relocation Rot(r, s, t) (called a rotation) is realised in the adjacency matrix by replacing the entries ars, asr with the entries art, atr, and vice versa. In simple words, this relocation is realised by taking the object (which can be a positive edge, or a negative edge, or a non-edge) located between r and s and the object located between r and t and then inserting the first object between r and t and the second object between r and s. A relocation Shift(r, s, t, u) (called a shifting) is realised in the adjacency matrix by replacing the entries ars, asr with atu, aut, and vice versa. Lemma 2.4 (Rotation and shifting). Let x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)⊺ be an eigenvector asso- ciated with the index of a signed graph Ġ and let r, s, t, u be fixed vertices of Ġ. (i) Let Ġ′ be obtained from Ġ by the relocation Rot(r, s, t). If ( xr ( xs−xt) > 0∨ (xs = xt ∧ xr ̸= 0) ) ∧ ( (rs is a non-edge ∧ rt is a positive edge) ∨ (rs is a negative edge and rt is a positive edge) ∨ (rs is a negative edge and rt is a non-edge) ) then λ1(Ġ ′) > λ1(Ġ). (ii) Let Ġ′ be obtained from Ġ by the relocation Shift(r, s, t, u). If ( xtxu > xrxs ∨ (xtxu = xrxs ∧ at least one of xr, xs, xt, xu is non-zero) ) ∧ ( (rs is a positive edge ∧ tu is a non-edge) ∨ (rs is a positive edge and tu is a negative edge) ∨ (rs is a non-edge and tu is a negative edge) ) then λ1(Ġ′) > λ1(Ġ). Proof. This proof is similar to the proof of the previous lemma. If rs and rt are as in (i), then we compute λ1(Ġ ′)− λ1(Ġ) ≥ x⊺(AĠ′ −AĠ)x = 2αxr(xs − xt), where α = 1 for the first and the third assumption on rs and rt, and α = 2 for the second assumption. Now, for xr(xs − xt) > 0 we get λ1(Ġ′) > λ1(Ġ). For xs = xt we have λ1(Ġ ′) ≥ λ1(Ġ). In case of equality, we have that x is afforded by λ1(Ġ′). Considering the eigenvalue equation at the vertex s in Ġ and Ġ′ , we get xr = 0, which completes (i). If rs and rt are as in (ii), then we compute λ1(Ġ ′)− λ1(Ġ) ≥ x⊺(AĠ′ −AĠ)x = 2α(xtxu − xrxs), with α ∈ {1, 2}, as before. We are done for xtxu > xrxs, while for xtxu = xrxs, using the previous reasoning we get that the equality between the indices necessarily leads to the conclusion that x takes zero at the corresponding four vertices. 3 Ordering signed graphs by the index We start our considerations with an example. Example 3.1. Clearly, there are just 3 connected signed graphs of order 3, up to switching: the positive triangle (with index 2), the 3-vertex path (with index √ 2) and the negative M. Brunetti and Z. Stanić: Ordering signed graphs with large index 599 triangle (with index 1). We know from [11] that there are exactly 12 connected signed graphs of order 4 (again, up to switching). Their indices are computed directly, and the corresponding ordering is given in Figure 1. 2. 2.56161. 3.0000 3. 2.2361 4. 2.1701 7. 1.7321 8. 1.6181 9. 1.5616 10. 1.4812 11. 1.4142 12. 1.00005-6. 2.0000 Figure 1: Connected signed graphs with 4 vertices ordered by the index. Here and in the subsequent graphical representations, signed graphs are depicted according to the conven- tion explained in Section 2. In what follows, we determine the first 5 connected signed graphs with n vertices or- dered by the index, for every n ≥ 5. In other words, we determine the signed graphs Ġ1 − Ġ5 of the sequence S defined in the previous section. First, Ġ1 is the complete signed graph with the all positive signature, which follows from the well-known Perron- Frobenius Theorem and Lemma 2.1. We now prove the following theorem, crucial for our considerations. Theorem 3.2. Let S ′ = (Ġk+1, Ġk+2, . . . , Ġk+ℓ) be a subsequence of S such that λ1(Ġk) > λ1(Ġk+1) = λ1(Ġk+2) = · · · = λ1(Ġk+ℓ) > λ1(Ġk+ℓ+1). (3.1) Then, for every Ġ ∈ S ′, we have Ġ ∈ R(Ḣ) where Ḣ ∈ {Ġ1, Ġ2, . . . , Ġk+ℓ} \ Ġ. In addition: (a) For at least one Ġ ∈ S ′ we have Ḣ ∈ {Ġ1, Ġ2, . . . , Ġk}; (b) If Ḣ /∈ {Ġ1, Ġ2, . . . , Ġk} then a non-negative λ1-eigenvector for Ġ has at least two zero coordinates and the same eigenvector is afforded by λ1(Ḣ). Proof. Assume by way of contradiction that for some Ġ ∈ S ′, Ġ /∈ R(Ḣ), for every Ḣ that belongs to the set given in the statement formulation. Let x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)⊺ be an eigenvector with non-negative coordinates afforded by the index of Ġ. Assume that at least one of xr, xs is non-zero for some vertices r, s of Ġ. If rs is not a positive edge, then Lemma 2.3(i) produces a signed graph Ġ′ that differs from Ġ only in the positive edge rs, along with λ1(Ġ′) > λ1(Ġ). Since Ġ /∈ ⋃k i=1 R(Ġi), we have Ġ′ /∈ ⋃k i=1[Ġi], i.e. there are at least k+1 signed graphs whose index is larger than λ1(Ġ), which contradicts (3.1). Hence, rs is a positive edge. Further, if xr = xs = 0, then reversing the sign of rs, or removing rs, or adding rs do not affect the existence of the corresponding eigenvalue; indeed, it is afforded by the same eigenvector. Thus if for any such r, s there is no positive edge between them, as before we get Ġ′ with λ1(Ġ′) ≥ λ1(Ġ). Since Ġ /∈ ⋃k i=1 R(Ġi), we have λ1(Ġ′) = λ1(Ġ), but then Ġ ∈ ⋃ℓ i=1 R(Ġk+i) which together with the initial assumption leads to Ġ ∈ R(Ġ), i.e. Ġ is isomorphic to the signed graph obtained by inserting a positive edge rs. Replacing Ġ with this signed graph we get that rs is positive. Amalgamating the previous conclusions we get that Ġ is the complete signed graph with the all positive signature, which together with Lemma 2.1 contradicts (3.1) (since we assumed in (3.1) that Ġ is not Ġ1). 600 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 Consider now (a). Take an arbitrary Ġ ∈ S ′. If Ġ ∈ ⋃k i=1 R(Ġi), we are done. Assume that Ġ /∈ ⋃k i=1 R(Ġi). If x is the previously defined eigenvector, then there is a positive edge rs for every pair r, s such that at least one of xr, xs is non-zero, as otherwise by inserting a positive edge between such vertices we get Ġ ∈ ⋃k i=1 R(Ġi). If at most one coordinate of x is zero, then Ġ switches to a complete unsigned graph, which contradicts (3.1). Therefore there exist at least 2 vertices at which x takes zero. In addition, there is a negative edge between at least one such a pair, since otherwise Ġ has the all positive signature and then x has no zero coordinates by the Perron-Frobenius Theorem. If Ġ′ is obtained by switching the sign of such a negative edge, then λ1(Ġ′) = λ1(Ġ), as otherwise we get Ġ ∈ ⋃k i=1 R(Ġi). Moreover, λ1(Ġ′) is afforded by the same eigenvector, so we may repeat the previous consideration with Ġ′ in the role of Ġ. In this way we necessarily arrive at some Ġ ∈ S ′ ∩ (⋃k i=1 R(Ġi) ) since the number of negative edges strictly decreases in passing from Ġ to Ġ′. It remains to consider (b). Let Ġ ∈ R(Ḣ). If at most one coordinate of x is zero, then λ1(Ḣ) > λ1(Ġ) (by Lemma 2.3(i)), which implies Ḣ ∈ {Ġ1, Ġ2, . . . , Ġk}. Further, the assumption that Ġ ∈ R(Ḣ) together with λ1(Ḣ) = λ1(Ġ) leads to the conclusion that xr = xs = 0 for a non-positive (resp. positive) edge rs in Ġ (resp. Ḣ), and thus AḢx = AĠx = λ1(Ḣ)x. Remark 3.3. Theorem 3.2 gives a method for the ordering of signed graphs by the index. Let Ġ1, Ġ2, . . . , Ġk be the first k signed graphs ordered by the index such that all signed graphs (if any) sharing the index with Ġk are listed before it (so, as in the theorem). Then the sequence is extended by the signed graph(s) belonging to ⋃k i=1 R(Ġi). The candidates must be connected and the λ1-eigenspace for each of them must contain an eigenvector with non-negative coordinates. They are compared on the basis of an algebraic computation that relies on Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4. As long as we deal with signed graphs whose λ1- eigenspaces do not contain an eigenvector with at least two zero coordinates, there are no other candidates. In case of such eigenvectors, signed graphs with equal indices sharing the same eigenvector may appear. Remark 3.4. To determine the set R(Ġ) we need to consider the entire switching class of Ġ. For example, if Ġ is the complete signed graph with exactly one negative edge, say e, then the signed graphs obtained from Ġ by removing a positive edge or reversing its sign are the following 4: By making a switch at a vertex incident with e and either removing e or reversing its sign, we get 2 additional members of R(Ġ) that are not switching equivalent to the previous ones. But in both cases the λ1-eigenspace does not contain a non-negative eigenvector (the condition required in Remark 3.3). A method for computing the λ1-eigenvectors is demonstrated in the proof of the forthcoming Lemma 3.5. Now we proceed with the ordering. Lemma 3.5. Ġ2 is . M. Brunetti and Z. Stanić: Ordering signed graphs with large index 601 Proof. There are exactly two candidates for Ġ2: Ḟ obtained by removing an edge of Ġ1 and Ḣ obtained by reversing the sign of an edge of Ġ1. If the vertices joined by the unique negative edge of Ḣ are labelled by 1 and 2, using the eigenvalue equation for λ1(Ḣ) we get λ1a = − a+ (n− 2)b λ1b = 2a+ (n− 3)b which leads to the λ1(Ḣ)-eigenvector b(λ1+1λ1+3 , λ1+1 λ1+3 , 1, 1, . . . , 1)⊺, b ̸= 0. By virtue of Lemma 2.3(i) (applied to Ḣ), we have λ1(Ḟ ) > λ1(Ḣ). Hence Ġ2 ∼= Ḟ . Lemma 3.6. Ġ3 is . Proof. The candidates for Ġ3 are illustrated in Figure 2. They are obtained by considering R(Ġ1)∪R(Ġ2); we also include the transposes of the corresponding positive eigenvectors afforded by the index. b ( (λ1+1)(λ1−2) λ1(λ1+2)−4 , λ21 λ1(λ1+2)−4 , λ21+λ1−2 λ1(λ1+2)−4 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 ) b ( (λ21−1) λ1(λ1+2)−1 , λ1(λ1+1) λ1(λ1+2)−1 , λ1(λ1+1) λ1(λ1+2)−1 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 ) b ( λ1+1 λ1+2 , λ1+1 λ1+2 , λ1+1 λ1+2 , λ1+1 λ1+2 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 )1 2 3 4 Ḣ2 Ḣ4 Ḣ5 b ( λ1+1 λ1+3 , λ1+1 λ1+3 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 ) 1 2 Ḣ1 b ( λ1+1 λ1+3 , λ1+1 λ1+3 , λ1+1 λ1+2 , λ1+1 λ1+2 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 )1 2 3 4 Ḣ3 Figure 2: The candidates for Ġ3. From Lemma 2.3(i), we have λ1(Ḣ1) > max{λ1(Ḣ2), λ1(Ḣ3)}. We further apply Lemma 2.4(i) to Ḣ5 with (r, s, t) = (1, 2, 3) to conclude that λ1(Ḣ4) > λ1(Ḣ5). To show that Ġ3 ∼= Ḣ1 it remains prove that λ1(Ḣ1) > λ1(Ḣ4). The adjacency matrix of Ḣ1 is AḢ1 =  0 −1−1 0 J⊺ J AKn−2  , (where J is the all-1 matrix) which leads to the quotient matrix (i.e. the matrix of row sums in the corresponding blocks of AḢ1 ): QḢ1 = ( −1 n− 2 2 n− 3 ) . We know from [7] that every eigenvalue whose eigenspace does not contain an eigenvector orthogonal to the all-1 vector j belongs to the spectrum of the quotient matrix. In our case, this means that λ1(Ḣ1) is an eigenvalue of QḢ1 , i.e. λ1(Ḣ1) is the largest root of x2 + (4− n)x− 3n+ 7. (3.2) 602 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 In the same way, we get that λ1(Ḣ4) is the largest root of f(x) = x3 − (n− 3)x2 − (2n− 5)x+ n− 3. (3.3) Now, computing the largest root of (3.2) we get λ1(Ḣ1) = n+ √ (n−2)(n+6) 2 −2. Insert- ing it in (3.3), we get f (n+√(n−2)(n+6) 2 −2 ) = √ (n− 2)(n+ 6)−n > 0, which leads to the conclusion that either λ1(Ḣ1) > λ1(Ḣ4) or the two roots of f are larger than λ1(Ḣ1). The latter is not true because f(0) > 0, f(1) < 0 which means that f has a negative root and a root in (0, 1). To avoid repetitive proofs, in the remainder of this section and the next two sections we omit the parts in which we compute the λ1-eigenvectors of potential candidates since these are technical algebraic computations performed in exactly the same way as in the previous proof. Lemma 3.7. Ġ4 is . Proof. The 6 candidates for Ġ4 are (those of Figure 2 that have not passed for Ġ3 are included, of course): We note that there are two additional members of R(Ġ3) mentioned in Remark 3.3, but the non-existence of a required λ1-eigenvector eliminates them. The 3rd and the 5th candidate are eliminated since their indices are dominated by the index of the 1st one, while the 4th and the 6th are eliminated by the 2nd one in the same way – all this by virtue of Lemma 2.3(i). Finally, the fact that the index of the 1st signed graph is larger than that of the 2nd one is established in the proof of Lemma 3.6, and we are done. Lemma 3.8. Ġ5 is . Proof. The candidates for Ġ5 are the 5 signed graphs that are eliminated in the proof of the previous lemma (when we considered Ġ4) and the following 8 signed graphs: Lemma 2.3(i) eliminates all except the 2nd and the 3rd of the previous proof; in Figure 2 they are denoted by Ḣ5 and Ḣ2) and the 1st and the 3rd of the additional candidates (we denote them by Ḟ1 and Ḟ2). By Lemma 2.4, λ1(Ḟ2) dominates λ1(Ḟ1); we already had this in the proof of Lemma 3.6. Thus, it remains to prove that λ1(Ḣ5) > max{λ1(Ḣ2), λ1(Ḟ2)}. As in the proof of Lemma 3.6 we deduce that these indices are the largest roots of characteristic polynomials of the corresponding quotient matrices. These polynomials are: h5(x) = x 2 − (n− 3)x− 2(n+ 3) h2(x) = x 4 − (n− 4)x3 − (3n− 7)x2 + 2(n− 4)x+ 4(n− 3) f2(x) = x 3 − (n− 3)x2 − 2(n− 3)x+ 2(n− 4) M. Brunetti and Z. Stanić: Ordering signed graphs with large index 603 The largest root of h5 is 12 (n − 3 + √ (n− 3)(n+ 5)). Concerning h2 we get h2(−4) = 12(n + 11) > 0, h2(−2) = −4(n − 4) < 0, h2(0) = 4(n − 3) > 0 and h2(n − 2) = −(n − 1)(n − 4)2 < 0, which together with n − 2 < λ1(Ḣ5) leads to the conclusion that at least 3 roots of h2 are less than λ1(Ḣ5). Since h2(λ1(Ḣ5)) = (n − 4)(n − 3 +√ (n− 3)(n+ 5)) > 0, we conclude that the fourth root of h2 is also less than λ1(Ḣ5). Similarly, we have f2(−3) = −n − 26 < 0, f2(0) = 2(n − 4) > 0 and f2(1) = 2−n < 0, which means that that two roots of f2 are less than λ1(Ḣ5), while f2(λ1(Ḣ5)) = 2(n− 4) > 0 confirms the same for the third root, and we are done. Amalgamating the previous results we arrive at the following theorem. Theorem 3.9. The first 5 connected signed graphs with n ≥ 5 vertices ordered by their indices are: Ġ1 Ġ2 Ġ3 Ġ4 Ġ5 4 Unbalanced signed graphs Let now (U̇1, U̇2, . . . , U̇u) be the subsequence of S (defined in Section 2) containing only unbalanced signed graphs. In other words, the previous sequence ignores the balanced ones. In what follows, we determine U̇1 − U̇4 for n ≥ 6. We know from [6] that U̇1 is obtained by reversing the sign of a single edge in the complete graph of order n. Lemma 4.1. U̇2 is . Proof. The candidates for U̇2 are the last 4 signed graphs considered as the candidates in the proof of Lemma 3.7. (As before, it is not complicated to show that these are the only candidates with positive λ1-eigenvectors). The latter two candidates are eliminated by Lemma 2.3(i) – they are dominated by the 1st candidate. Observe that the λ1-eigenvector for the 2nd candidate is given in Figure 2. Using the same vertex labelling and applying the relocation Rot(3, 4, 1) we arrive at the result formulated in this statement. Lemma 4.2. U̇3 is . Proof. The candidates for U̇3 are the following 14 signed graphs: 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 J̇1 J̇2 J̇3 J̇4 604 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 All in the second row are easily eliminated on the basis of Lemma 2.3(i). The two in the third row are eliminated by Lemma 2.4(i). Namely, if we denote the vertices in the rep- resenting path by 1, 2, 3, 4 (in the natural order) and if x2 ≥ x3, then Rot(1, 2, 3) implies that the index of the signed graph under consideration is less than that of J̇3. Otherwise, we can apply Rot(4, 3, 2) with the same result. It remains to consider the indices of J̇1−J̇4. We first show that λ1(J̇2) > max{λ1(J̇3), λ1(J̇4)}. As in the proof of Lemma 3.5 we can show that J̇3 and J̇4 have a positive λ1- eigenvector. (Namely, we compute b ( (λ1+1)(λ1−3) λ1(λ1+2)−5 , (λ21+λ1−2) λ1(λ1+2)−5 , (λ21+λ1−2) λ1(λ1+2)−5 , λ21+1 λ1(λ1+2)−5 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 )⊺ for J̇3 which is positive for every b > 0, as λ1 > 3 when n ≥ 6. Similarly, we get b ( (λ1+1)2 λ1(λ1+4)+1 , λ1(λ1+1)λ1(λ1+4)+1 , λ1(λ1+1) λ1(λ1+4)+1 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 )⊺ for J̇4, which is positive for b > 0, as well.) Set J̇∗ ∈ {J̇3, J̇4}, and let x be a positive eigenvector afforded by λ1(J̇∗). Observe that J̇2 is obtained by inserting a positive edge 12 and a negative edge 13 in J̇∗. Therefore, we have λ1(J̇2)− λ1(J̇∗) ≥ x⊺(AJ̇2 −AJ̇∗)x = 2(x1x2 − x1x3) = 0, where the last equality follows since x2 = x3 (by the symmetry in J̇∗). Hence, λ1(J̇2) ≥ λ1(J̇∗). If λ1(J̇2) = λ1(J̇∗), then x is afforded by λ1(J̇2), but this is impossible since the eigenvalue equation at the vertex 2 cannot hold in J̇2 and J̇∗. Characteristic polynomials of quotient matrices of J̇1 and J̇2 are: j1(x) = x 3 − (n− 6)x2 − (5n− 17)x− 6n+ 20 j2(x) = x 3 − (n− 3)x2 − (2n− 3)x+ 7n− 23 We compute j(x) = j1(x)− j2(x) = 3x2 − (3n− 14)x− 13n+43, with roots: x1, x2 = 1 6 (3n − 14 ± √ 9n(8 + n)− 320). It follows that j1(x) < j2(x) for x ∈ (x1, x2). For the larger root x2 we have j1(x2) = j2(x2) = 127 ( (3n− 16) √ 9n(8 + n)− 320 + 9n2 − 96n+248 ) > 0 where the inequality follows since 9n2 − 96n+248 > 0 for n ≥ 7, while for n = 6 it is confirmed directly. Taking into account that x1 is negative (the easiest way to see this is to compute j(0)), we conclude that λ1(J̇1), λ1(J̇2) ∈ (x1, x2). Together with j1(x) < j2(x) on the same interval, this leads to λ1(J̇1) > λ1(J̇2). Lemma 4.3. U̇4 is . Proof. Besides the 13 signed graphs listed in the previous lemma, we have other 4 candi- dates for U̇4 (that arise from U̇3 but not from U̇1 or U̇2): The former two are eliminated by Lemma 2.3(i), the latter two by Lemma 2.4(i). Therefore, it remains to consider J̇2 − J̇4, but they have been already considered in the proof of the previous lemma, when we proved that λ1(J̇2) > max{λ1(J̇3), λ1(J̇4)}, as desired. The previous results lead to the following theorem. Theorem 4.4. The first 4 connected unbalanced signed graphs with n ≥ 6 vertices ordered by their indices are: M. Brunetti and Z. Stanić: Ordering signed graphs with large index 605 U̇1 U̇2 U̇3 U̇4 5 Complete signed graphs As before, let (Ċ1, Ċ1, . . . , Ċc) be the subsequence of S containing complete signed graphs. Clearly, the complete signed graph with the largest index switches to the one with the all positive signature. The next one contains exactly one negative edge. There are 2 candidates for Ċ3, both with 2 negative edges. By Lemma 2.4(i), Ċ3 is the one in which negative edges are adjacent. In what follows we set n ≥ 10. Lemma 5.1. Ċ4 is . Proof. The candidates are: L̇1 L̇2 L̇3 2 1 3 4 The latter two are eliminated by Lemma 2.4(i). By inserting the largest eigenvalue of the quotient matrix QL̇3 into the characteristic polynomial ℓ2, we get ℓ2 ( 1 2 (n− 6 + √ n(n+ 8)− 32) ) = 2(−n− 4 + √ n(n+ 8)− 32) < 0 as n(n + 8) − 32 < (n − 4)2. The latter inequality implies that the largest root of ℓ2 is larger than the largest eigenvalue of QL̇3 , i.e. λ1(L̇2) > λ1(L̇3). If the vertices of L̇2 are labelled as above then the λ1-eigenvector has the form b = b ( (λ1 + 1)(λ1 − 5) λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 , λ21 + 1 λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 , λ21 + 1 λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 , 1, 1, . . . , 1 )⊺ , for b > 0. Now, L̇1 is obtained by reversing the sign of edges 12, 13 and 23, and thus we have λ1(L̇1)− λ1(L̇2) ≥ b⊺(AL̇1 −AL̇2)b = 4(λ21 + 1)b 2 λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 (2(λ1 + 1)(λ1 − 5) λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 − λ 2 1 + 1 λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 ) = 4(λ21 + 1)b 2 λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 · λ 2 1 − 8λ1 − 9 λ1(λ1 + 2)− 11 > 0 for λ1 > 9. We compute λ1(L̇2) > 9 for n = 11, and then by eigenvalue interlacing we have the same inequality for n ≥ 12. For n = 10, the inequality λ1(L̇1) > λ1(L̇2) is confirmed directly, and we are done. Lemma 5.2. Ċ5 is . 606 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 Proof. Apart from the signed graphs faced in the proof of the previous lemma, there is exactly one additional candidate: it contains exactly 3 non-adjacent negative edges. This candidate is eliminated on the basis of Lemma 2.4(i), while the remaining ones are already considered in the previous proof. In particular, we know that λ1(L̇2) > λ1(L̇3), and the proof is completed. Lemma 5.3. Ċ6 is . Proof. The only critical case is the comparison of the indices of L̇3 and the signed graph, say L̇, containing 4 negative edges that share the same vertex. Computing the λ1-eigenvector for L̇ and following the proof of Lemma 5.1, we get λ1(L̇3) > λ1(L̇) for λ21−12λ1−13 > 0, i.e. for λ1 = λ1(L̇) > 13. This proves this lemma for n ≥ 15 (as there λ1(L̇) > 13). The case 10 ≤ n ≤ 14 is considered directly, and we are done. We arrive at the following result. Theorem 5.4. The first 6 complete signed graphs with n ≥ 10 vertices ordered by their indices are: Ċ1 Ċ2 Ċ3 Ċ4 Ċ5 Ċ6 Remark 5.5. With a slight modification in which a full line represents a positive edge and an unpictured line represents a non-edge, the result of Theorem 5.4 remains valid for the ordering of unsigned graphs by the index of the Seidel matrix. Indeed, the Seidel matrix of an unsigned graph G coincides with the adjacency matrix of the complete signed graph in which negative edges are induced by the edges of G. 6 Further computations We complete the results of Sections 4 and 5 by determining the 6 signed graphs with largest indices for every order that is not covered by Theorem 4.4 and the 7 signed graphs with largest indices for every order that is not covered by Theorem 5.4. There is exactly one connected unbalanced signed graph with 3 vertices (the unbalanced triangle), while the ordering for n ∈ {4, 5} is given in the first part of Figure 3. We note that there are exactly 6 connected unbalanced signed graphs for n = 4, so in this case the given list is complete. There are exactly 3 complete signed graphs with 4 vertices and their ordering does not deviate from the general case considered in Theorem 5.4. For 5 ≤ n ≤ 9 the one with the largest index switches to the signed graph with all positive signature, while the remaining 6 are given in the second part of Figure 3. Again, for n = 5 the list is complete. In this paper our idea was to give a general method for the ordering by the index and to demonstrate its use by determining the lists of the first few signed graphs as reported in the previous sections. Of course, these results can be extended, but the theoretical approach is becoming more complicated as the number of candidates increases and comparison of their indices requires more sophisticated methods. However, it occurs that the list of Theo- rem 3.9 continues with: M. Brunetti and Z. Stanić: Ordering signed graphs with large index 607 Ġ6 Ġ7 Ġ8 n = 4 unbalanced n = 5 unbalanced n = 5 complete n = 6 complete n = 7 complete n = 8 complete n = 9 complete 2. 2.00001. 2.2361 3. 1.5616 4. 1.4812 5. 1.4142 6. 1.0000 2. 3.10281. 3.3723 5. 2.9173 6. 2.77843-4. 3.0000 3. 3.00002. 3.3723 4. 2.5616 5. 2.3723 6. 2.2361 7. 1.0000 3. 4.06422. 4.4641 4. 3.8284 5. 3.6056 6. 3.4940 7. 3.3871 3. 5.15542. 5.5311 6. 4.7720 7. 4.68424-5. 5.0000 3. 6.23612. 6.5826 4. 6.1231 5. 6.0283 6. 5.8990 7. 5.8284 3. 7.30392. 7.6235 4. 7.2170 5. 7.0813 6-7. 7.0000 Figure 3: Orderings of small signed graphs that are uncovered by Theorem 4.4 or Theo- rem 5.4. 608 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.05 / 595–608 We skip the details and note that the proof relies on an intensive algebraic computation that basically does not deviate from those of the previous sections. ORCID iDs Maurizio Brunetti Zoran Stanić References [1] S. Akbari, F. Belardo, F. Heydari, M. Maghasedi and M. 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