2.3 Pregled revije po tipologiji [tevilo ~lankov, ki spadajo v skupino izvirnih znan- stvenih ~lankov se je z leti vi{alo, najve~ jih je bilo v letu 2016, najmanj pa v letu 2007. [tevilo strokovnih ~lan- kov, ki so z letom 2016, po odlo~itvi uredni{tva ukinjeni, je obdr`alo konstantno {tevilko, od 30 do 40 letno. Tabela 2: Pregled prispevkov v letih od 2007 do 2017 po tipologiji Leto Tipologija 1.01 (izvirni znan- stveni ~lanek) 1.02 (pregledni znanstveni ~lanek) 1.04 (strokovni ~lanek) 1.20 (predgovor, spremna beseda) 2007 39 4 1 0 2008 30 6 8 0 2009 38 3 9 0 2010 43 8 7 0 2011 79 4 14 0 2012 81 0 30 3 2013 98 6 30 0 2014 118 2 39 0 2015 114 6 35 0 2016 125 2 30 2 2017 (do {t. 3)* 46 2 10 1 *podatki pridobljeni pred izidom 4. {tevilke 3 DOSTOPNOST REVIJE Revija Materiali in tehnologije je `e v devetdesetih letih prej{njega stoletja, ko se je imenovala {e Kovine zlitine tehnologije, stopila naproti ideji, da bi bila bolj odprta in la`je dostopna {ir{i javnosti. V skladu z `eljami in dejanji uredni{tva in navsezadnje te`njami {ir{e javnosti ter splo{nih trendov tistega ~asa, je v letu 1998 postala dostopna na svetovnem spletu v celotnem bese- dilu in jo je bilo sprva mo~ najti na spletni strani Centralne tehni{ke knji`nice (repozitorij CTK), kasneje pa na spletni strani www.imt.si, kjer je revija dostopna {e danes. Revija (njeni predhodnici @elezarski zbornik in Ko- vine zlitine tehnologije) je bila v Narodni in univerzitetni knji`nici (NUK) vklju~ena v projekt digitalizacije in je danes na voljo v digitalni obliki tako na spletnem portalu pri Digitalni knji`nici Slovenije pri NUK, kot tudi na spletni strani revije MIT. Ob petdeseti obletnici izhajanja revije smo se v uredni{tvu odlo~ili, da na spletni strani revije uredimo celoten arhiv vseh {tevilk revije, tudi {te- vilk njenih predhodnic, ki so doslej manjkale: @elezarski zbornik (ISSN 0372-8633) in Kovine zlitine tehnologije (ISSN 1318-0010). Revijo Materiali in tehnologije je mogo~e prelistati kadarkoli in od koderkoli (~e le imate v bli`ini internet), in sicer od prve {tevilke @elezarskega zbornika iz leta 1967 pa do vseh ~lankov revije MIT do danes. Ve~ino {tevilk revije v tiskani obliki hranimo tudi v knji`nici IMT. Skupno je bilo tako pripravljenih, in v spletni arhiv dodanih, 123 datotek; 102 {tevilki @elezar- skega zbornika in 21 {tevilk revije KZT.6 4 ZAKLJU^EK Za~etki revije in objava ~lankov samo iz podro~ja `elezarstva in metalurgije pred petdesetimi leti, ko je industrija jekla in `elezarstva predstavljala najve~ji dele` tovrstne dejavnosti v gospodarstvu takratne Jugoslavije in kasneje dr`ave Slovenije, so bili med drugim ravno tako podlaga za nadaljnje raziskovanje in uveljavljanje metalurgije kot panoge, ki je do danes po~asi, a vztrajno pre{la v skoraj vse pore industrije in je v dana{njem ~asu razvoja tehnologije na izredno visoki ravni. Danes tako z visoko tehnolo{kimi principi in najnovej{imi tehnolo- gijami na podro~ju tako kovinskih, kot tudi drugih materialov, dosegamo zavidljive rezultate. Napredni ma- teriali, napredne proizvodne tehnologije, nanotehnologije in biotehnologije so klju~na podro~ja, identificirana v strategiji pametne specializacije, ki bodo omogo~ala evropski in slovenski industriji ohraniti mednarodno globalno konkuren~nost in izkoristiti nove trge. Z njimi sta metalurgija in kemijska industrija nelo~ljivo povezani in sta del opredeljenih klju~nih tehnologij. Pri tem razvoj novih materialov in tehnologij pomeni vstop novih, do sedaj neznanih mo`nosti, na tr`i{~e, kjer imajo ra- ziskave, razvoj in inovacije zelo pomembno vlogo.7 Del raziskav in preizkusov, je predstavljen tudi skozi prispev- ke in ~lanke v reviji MIT in tudi v drugih medijih,8 ki s tem {iri nova dognanja, spoznanja in znanja na {ir{i krog raziskovalcev, znanstvenikov in drugo potencialno publi- ko. Revija Materiali in tehnologije je danes sicer pri- znana tudi izven meja Slovenije, vendar pa si v prihodnje {e vedno `elimo, da bi v reviji objavljalo ve~je {tevilo strokovnjakov in raziskovalcev iz Slovenije in evrop- skega prostora. 5 LITERATURA 1 N. Jamar, J. Jamar, Zgodovina znanstvene serijske publikacije Materiali in tehnologije/Materials and Technology = Historical over- view of the scientific journal Materiali in tehnologije/Materials and Technology, Mater. Tehnol., 41 (2007) 1, 13–19 2 http://mit.imt.si/Revija/index-slo.html, 28.7.2017 3 http://mit.imt.si/Revija/information-slo.html, 28.7.2017 4 P. McGuiness, Predgovor urednika=Editor’s preface, Mater. Tehnol., 50 (2016) 5, str. 639–640 5 http://mit.imt.si/Revija/authors-slo.html, 28.07.2017 6 http://mit.imt.si/Revija/archive.html, 29.07.2017 7 https://www.gzs.si/Novice/ArticleId/58642/srip-matpro, 29.7.2017 8 M. Godec, Najve~ji hit je 3D tisk, Glas gospodarstva, Naj materiali, pano`na {tevilka, april (2017), 30–31 E. NARED: POMEMBNA OBLETNICA REVIJE MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE: PETDESET LET IZHAJANJA ... 720 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 717–720 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT 721–727 INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT PREISKAVA MEJ ZRN V ZLITINI 263 PO POSEBNI TOPLOTNI OBDELAVI Ivan Slatkovský, Mária Dománková, Martin Sahul Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Institute of Materials Science, Bottová 25, 917 24, Trnava, Slovak Republic ivan.slatkovsky@stuba.sk Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-06-20; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-01-24 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.115 Alloy 263 is well known for its very good creep resistance and also for its weldability. These kinds of properties are appreciated in the power-plant industry where Alloy 263 is used for shafts in a high-pressure circle. One of the possible ways to improve the properties of superalloys, including Alloy 263, is through the effect of the grain-boundary serration (GBS) which, as research indicates, is associated with the improvement of the creep resistance that can lead to an increased efficiency of coal power plants. Grain-boundary serration was observed in different kinds of superalloys although the formation mechanism of serration has not been clearly explained yet. Some researchers reported that the formation of serration is associated with the change in the character of the precipitates at grain boundaries. This paper deals with an investigation of the grain boundaries in Alloy 263 using two different kinds of heat treatment. To form serrated grain boundaries in Material A (MA), slow controlled cooling from the temperature of solution annealing to 800 °C was carried out. Standard heat treatment of Alloy 263 was performed on material B (MB). Experimental techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including electron diffraction, were used to analyze the microstructure, determine the character of the grain boundaries and identify the secondary particles at the grain boundaries. Keywords: Alloy 263, grain-boundary serration, precipitates Zlitina 263 je znana po zelo dobri odpornosti proti lezenju in tudi po dobri varivosti. Te vrste lastnosti so zelo cenjene v termoelektrarnah, kjer se zlitina 263 uporablja za gredi v visokotla~nem delu turbin. Eden od mo`nih na~inov za izbolj{anje lastnosti superzlitin, vklju~no z zlitino 263, je tvorba (nastanek) nazob~anih kristalnih mej (angl. GBS). Preiskava je pokazala, da je ta fenomen povezan z izbolj{anjem odpornosti proti lezenju, kar lahko vodi k ve~ji u~inkovitosti termoelektrarn na premog. U~inek nazob~anosti mej kristalnih zrn so opazili pri razli~nih vrstah superzlitin, ~eprav mehanizem tvorbe {e ni popolnoma pojasnjen. Nekateri raziskovalci so ugotovili, da je tvorba nazob~anosti povezana s spremembo lastnosti izlo~kov na mejah med zrni. Prispevek se ukvarja s preiskavo mej med kristalnimi zrni v zlitini 263 z dvema razli~nima vrstama toplotne obdelave. Nastanek nazob~anih mej kristalnih zrn materiala A (MA), je bil povzro~en s po~asnim kontroliranim ohlajanjem iz temperature raztopnega `arjenja, ki je bila 800 ° C. Standardna toplotna obdelava se je izvajala za zlitino 263 - material B (MB). Za analizo mikrostrukture so uporabili vrsti~ni elektronski mikroskop (SEM) in presevno elektronsko mikroskopijo (TEM), vklju~no z elektronsko difrakcijo. Na ta na~in so dolo~ili lastnosti mej kristalnih zrn in sekundarnih delcev na mejah zrn. Klju~ne besede: zlitina 263, nazob~anost mej kristalnih zrn, izlo~ki 1 INTRODUCTION It is a well-known fact that a reduction in the CO2 emissions produced by coal power plants is one of the major goals for the countries all over the world. A possible way to reduce the CO2 emissions is to improve thermal efficiencies through super critical and ultra- super critical technologies in power plants, where efficiencies above 40 % could be reached. Hence, to achieve this kind of efficiency, the materials like nickel- based superalloys are considered to be used (Fig- ure 1).1–3 To prolong the life time of parts when the tempera- ture exceeds 700 °C, scientists are looking for new paths of material processing. In the case of heat treatment, one of the possible ways is a modification of grain boun- daries (GBs) when the character of the boundaries changes from straight to zigzag. The phenomenon of grain-boundary serration (GBS) was observed in the nickel-based superalloys and in austenitic stainless steels. The formation of serrations on grain boundaries (GBs) has not been fully described yet. However, it is a known fact that in the case of nickel- based superalloys, the GBS is closely related to the slow controlled cooling from the temperature of the solution annealing. Early studies of serration in the nickel-based alloys were focused on the interaction between the grain boundary and ’ phase.4,5 Until now, researchers have found that the serration is associated not only with the presence of the ’ phase, but also with other precipitates like M23C6 carbide, the  phase or the ’’ phase on the GBs that were observed in different kinds of superalloys. The formation of these secondary particles could be highly related to the serrated grain boundaries and their formation.6–13 Recently, contemporary authors have Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 721 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 669.018:620.1:620.193 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(5)721(2017) found that in some alloys, in the early stages of the formation, GBS occurred in the absence of the adjacent coarse ’ particle or M23C6 carbide.12–14 Furthermore, H. U. Hong et al.15 observed in their research that the serrations on GBs were formed in the material after a long solution annealing (2000 min) without any slow controlled cooling. Also, no secondary particles were observed. As reported by the authors of references,10–13 GBS leads to a morphological change of the carbides on GBs, from granular to planar. A growth of secondary particles on the serrated grain boundaries was observed mostly at a low angle and on special GBs. The authors of referen- ces10,11 reported that the formation of planar M23C6 carbides is orientated in the {111} plane. Also, the orientation relationship between the carbides and the matrix was observed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of special heat treatment on GBs and identify the secondary phases formed at the GBs in Alloy 263. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART In order to investigate GBS, commercially available hot-rolled nickel-based superalloy 263 was used in the study. The chemical composition of the examined alloy is given in Table 1. A two-stage special heat-treatment method was designed to form a GBS in material A, based on the previous studies.6–13 The solution heat treatment followed by slow cooling at a carefully controlled rate (until the aging temperature was reached) was found to be necessary to generate serrated GB structures. Material A was solution annealed at 1150 °C for 80 min and cooled slowly to 800 °C at a cooling rate of 3 °C/min, followed by water quenching. After that, precipitation hardening at 800 °C for 4 h was performed and followed by air cooling. On material B, the standard two-stage heat treatment of Alloy 263 (solution annealing at 1150 °C for 80 min followed by water quenching and precipitation hardening at 800 °C for 4 h, cooled in the air) was applied. For a SEM analysis, the samples were sliced, mecha- nically grinded and polished. The etching solution for the SEM observation was a solution containing 5 g FeCl3, 15 mL HCl, 2 mL HNO3 and 60 mL ethanol used for 10–15 s in order to reveal the GB configuration and carbides. A JEOL 7600 F scanning electron microscope was used for the observation of the GBs. Thin foils were prepared for a detailed grain-boun- dary observation using mechanical grinding to a thick- ness of about 0.1 mm, and then electrolytically etched. Etching was done on TENUPOL 5 in a solution of perchloric acid and methanol (1:9). The temperature during etching was -30 °C and the voltage was 25 V. For the detailed observation, a transmission electron micro- scope, JEOL 200 CX with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV, was used. To identify secondary particles at the GBs, an electron-diffraction analysis was applied. Extraction replicas were prepared in the following route: samples were first prepared using standard metallographic techniques. After that, they were etched with the above-mentioned solution for 15 s. A thin carbon film was sputtered onto the etched surface of the samples. The carbon film (replica) was subsequently electrolytically extracted, using 8 % perchloric acid, at a bias of 10 V. 3 RESULTS Figure 2 shows the microstructure of material A after the special heat treatment. Light microscopy revealed a polyhedral grain, the presence of twins as well as the grain-size heterogeneity in material A. Two types of grain-boundary morphology were observed with light microscopy. Straight boundaries with a percentage share of approximately 38 % of the total of 254 observed grain boundaries were located in the structure of material A. Serrated boundaries, as the second type, covered approximately 39 % of the noticed boundaries. In some cases, the type of boundary could not be determined owing to the state of the boundary. As a reference sample, material B (Figure 3) was processed with the conventional heat treatment. In material B, we also observed the base microstructure I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT 722 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Table 1: Nominal chemical composition of Alloy 263 Chemical-composition limits Weight % Ni Cr Co Mo C Al Ti Al+Ti Mn 263 Bal 19–21 19–21 5.6–6.1 0.04–0.08 0.60 max 1.90–2.40 2.40–2.80 0.60 max Weight % Si Fe Cu B Pb S Ag Bi 263 0.40 max 0.07 max 0.020 max 0.005 max 0.0020 0.007 max 0.005 max 0.0001 max Figure 1: Net efficiency development in the case of hard coal-fired power plants considering different structural alloys3 with polyhedral grains with the heterogeneity of the grain size and twins similar to those in material A. As expected, no serrated boundaries were observed in material B after the conventional heat treatment. The grain-boundary details taken with SEM indicate the presence of precipitates on the serrated and straight grain boundaries in material A as well as in material B (Figures 4 and 5). Results of the EDX analysis taken from material A (Figure 6) reveal the eventual presence of carbon-rich secondary particles, which could possibly indicate the presence of carbides at the grain boundaries. The occurrence of the other elements at the grain boun- daries was not significant. Comparable results were also noticed for material B. To confirm the presence of the secondary particles formed at the boundaries and to identify the chemical nature of these particles, ED and EDX using the TEM were taken for materials A and B, and the results are shown below. The authors of reference16 predicted and identified typical kinds of the secondary particles for this alloy, allowing us to expect mainly the presence of the MC, M6C and M23C6 carbides. Figures 7 to 9 summarize the identified phases on the replicas for material A. Electron diffraction spectra as well as the EDX analysis of the extracted precipitates I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 723 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: SEM, material B: a) straight grain-boundary triple point and b) detail of precipitatesFigure 3: Material B Figure 4: SEM, material A: a) serrated grain-boundary triple point and b) detail of precipitates Figure 2: Material A found that in some alloys, in the early stages of the formation, GBS occurred in the absence of the adjacent coarse ’ particle or M23C6 carbide.12–14 Furthermore, H. U. Hong et al.15 observed in their research that the serrations on GBs were formed in the material after a long solution annealing (2000 min) without any slow controlled cooling. Also, no secondary particles were observed. As reported by the authors of references,10–13 GBS leads to a morphological change of the carbides on GBs, from granular to planar. A growth of secondary particles on the serrated grain boundaries was observed mostly at a low angle and on special GBs. The authors of referen- ces10,11 reported that the formation of planar M23C6 carbides is orientated in the {111} plane. Also, the orientation relationship between the carbides and the matrix was observed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of special heat treatment on GBs and identify the secondary phases formed at the GBs in Alloy 263. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART In order to investigate GBS, commercially available hot-rolled nickel-based superalloy 263 was used in the study. The chemical composition of the examined alloy is given in Table 1. A two-stage special heat-treatment method was designed to form a GBS in material A, based on the previous studies.6–13 The solution heat treatment followed by slow cooling at a carefully controlled rate (until the aging temperature was reached) was found to be necessary to generate serrated GB structures. Material A was solution annealed at 1150 °C for 80 min and cooled slowly to 800 °C at a cooling rate of 3 °C/min, followed by water quenching. After that, precipitation hardening at 800 °C for 4 h was performed and followed by air cooling. On material B, the standard two-stage heat treatment of Alloy 263 (solution annealing at 1150 °C for 80 min followed by water quenching and precipitation hardening at 800 °C for 4 h, cooled in the air) was applied. For a SEM analysis, the samples were sliced, mecha- nically grinded and polished. The etching solution for the SEM observation was a solution containing 5 g FeCl3, 15 mL HCl, 2 mL HNO3 and 60 mL ethanol used for 10–15 s in order to reveal the GB configuration and carbides. A JEOL 7600 F scanning electron microscope was used for the observation of the GBs. Thin foils were prepared for a detailed grain-boun- dary observation using mechanical grinding to a thick- ness of about 0.1 mm, and then electrolytically etched. Etching was done on TENUPOL 5 in a solution of perchloric acid and methanol (1:9). The temperature during etching was -30 °C and the voltage was 25 V. For the detailed observation, a transmission electron micro- scope, JEOL 200 CX with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV, was used. To identify secondary particles at the GBs, an electron-diffraction analysis was applied. Extraction replicas were prepared in the following route: samples were first prepared using standard metallographic techniques. After that, they were etched with the above-mentioned solution for 15 s. A thin carbon film was sputtered onto the etched surface of the samples. The carbon film (replica) was subsequently electrolytically extracted, using 8 % perchloric acid, at a bias of 10 V. 3 RESULTS Figure 2 shows the microstructure of material A after the special heat treatment. Light microscopy revealed a polyhedral grain, the presence of twins as well as the grain-size heterogeneity in material A. Two types of grain-boundary morphology were observed with light microscopy. Straight boundaries with a percentage share of approximately 38 % of the total of 254 observed grain boundaries were located in the structure of material A. Serrated boundaries, as the second type, covered approximately 39 % of the noticed boundaries. In some cases, the type of boundary could not be determined owing to the state of the boundary. As a reference sample, material B (Figure 3) was processed with the conventional heat treatment. In material B, we also observed the base microstructure I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT 722 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Table 1: Nominal chemical composition of Alloy 263 Chemical-composition limits Weight % Ni Cr Co Mo C Al Ti Al+Ti Mn 263 Bal 19–21 19–21 5.6–6.1 0.04–0.08 0.60 max 1.90–2.40 2.40–2.80 0.60 max Weight % Si Fe Cu B Pb S Ag Bi 263 0.40 max 0.07 max 0.020 max 0.005 max 0.0020 0.007 max 0.005 max 0.0001 max Figure 1: Net efficiency development in the case of hard coal-fired power plants considering different structural alloys3 with polyhedral grains with the heterogeneity of the grain size and twins similar to those in material A. As expected, no serrated boundaries were observed in material B after the conventional heat treatment. The grain-boundary details taken with SEM indicate the presence of precipitates on the serrated and straight grain boundaries in material A as well as in material B (Figures 4 and 5). Results of the EDX analysis taken from material A (Figure 6) reveal the eventual presence of carbon-rich secondary particles, which could possibly indicate the presence of carbides at the grain boundaries. The occurrence of the other elements at the grain boun- daries was not significant. Comparable results were also noticed for material B. To confirm the presence of the secondary particles formed at the boundaries and to identify the chemical nature of these particles, ED and EDX using the TEM were taken for materials A and B, and the results are shown below. The authors of reference16 predicted and identified typical kinds of the secondary particles for this alloy, allowing us to expect mainly the presence of the MC, M6C and M23C6 carbides. Figures 7 to 9 summarize the identified phases on the replicas for material A. Electron diffraction spectra as well as the EDX analysis of the extracted precipitates I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 723 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: SEM, material B: a) straight grain-boundary triple point and b) detail of precipitatesFigure 3: Material B Figure 4: SEM, material A: a) serrated grain-boundary triple point and b) detail of precipitates Figure 2: Material A extracted at the grain boundaries confirmed the presence of carbides. The carbides contained minor elements such as Mo, Cr and Ni (Table 2). The M6C ((Co,Ni)3Mo3C) carbide was not confirmed by electron diffraction (confirmed only by the EDX anal- I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT 724 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 8: a) Extracted small particles of irregular shapes at the grain boundary, material B and b) point-diffraction spectra of MC carbide Figure 6: EDX map, carbon-rich grain boundary, material A Figure 9: Typical EDX spectra of precipitates in material A: a) carbide MC and b) carbide M6C Figure 7: a) Detail of a precipitate at the grain boundary, material A and b) point-diffraction spectra of M23C6 carbide ysis); a slight difference between the lattice parameters of the M23C6 and M6C (aM23C6 = 0.1065 nm aM6C = 0.1085 nm) carbides makes the identification difficult. Table 2: Approximate chemical composition of carbides in Material A M23C6 MC M6C Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Mo 28.6 ±6.1 64.7 ±6.3 22.9 ±5.0 Ti 4.6 ±3.6 26.0 ±5.0 3.3 ±1.3 Cr 66.8 ±9.6 8.8 ±4.3 27.5 ±3.6 Ni 46.3 ±6.8 Details of the serrated boundaries and precipitates in Material A, observed with TEM on the foils, can be seen in Figures 10a to 10b. As shown in the figures, the asymmetry of the serration was observed on some parts of the serrated boundaries when the irregularity of the serration exhibited a high difference in  at the observed parts of the boundary (on the edges,  = 800–900 nm; in the middle of the boundary,  = 150–200 nm). On the serrated grain boundary documented in Figure 10b, secondary particles of different sizes were noticed. The shape of the particles copied the serration of the boundary. Using electron diffraction, the particles were identified as the M23C6 carbide and the matrix as the -phase (Figure 11). Electron diffraction also revealed the existence of the orientation relationship between the matrix and carbide: {200} || {200}M23C6. Figure 12a documents a straight grain boundary with discrete secondary particles in material A. Along the full length of the boundary, the particles of triangular or rectangular shapes were observed. As shown in Figure 12b, this kind of particles does not copy the shape of the boundary as in the case of the precipitates at the serrated boundaries. The size of the precipitates was approxi- mately 300 nm. The particles were identified, with elec- tron diffraction (Figure 13), as M23C6 carbide and the matrix as phase . However, in the case of the straight grain boundary, no orientation relationship between the matrix and the precipitate was spotted. The precipitates extracted at the grain boundary in material B as M23C6 carbide were identified on the replicas using electron diffraction, as documented below I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 725 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 12: Detail of straight grain boundary, material A, bright field; b) detail of precipitates at the grain boundary, material A, dark field; reflection (2 -2 4)M23C6 was used for the dark-field display Figure 10: Detail of serrated grain boundary, material A, bright field; b) detail of precipitates at the grain boundary, material A, dark field; reflection (2 0 0) M23C6 was used for the dark-field display Figure 11: Point diffraction spectra – phase  and M23C6 carbide extracted at the grain boundaries confirmed the presence of carbides. The carbides contained minor elements such as Mo, Cr and Ni (Table 2). The M6C ((Co,Ni)3Mo3C) carbide was not confirmed by electron diffraction (confirmed only by the EDX anal- I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT 724 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 8: a) Extracted small particles of irregular shapes at the grain boundary, material B and b) point-diffraction spectra of MC carbide Figure 6: EDX map, carbon-rich grain boundary, material A Figure 9: Typical EDX spectra of precipitates in material A: a) carbide MC and b) carbide M6C Figure 7: a) Detail of a precipitate at the grain boundary, material A and b) point-diffraction spectra of M23C6 carbide ysis); a slight difference between the lattice parameters of the M23C6 and M6C (aM23C6 = 0.1065 nm aM6C = 0.1085 nm) carbides makes the identification difficult. Table 2: Approximate chemical composition of carbides in Material A M23C6 MC M6C Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Mo 28.6 ±6.1 64.7 ±6.3 22.9 ±5.0 Ti 4.6 ±3.6 26.0 ±5.0 3.3 ±1.3 Cr 66.8 ±9.6 8.8 ±4.3 27.5 ±3.6 Ni 46.3 ±6.8 Details of the serrated boundaries and precipitates in Material A, observed with TEM on the foils, can be seen in Figures 10a to 10b. As shown in the figures, the asymmetry of the serration was observed on some parts of the serrated boundaries when the irregularity of the serration exhibited a high difference in  at the observed parts of the boundary (on the edges,  = 800–900 nm; in the middle of the boundary,  = 150–200 nm). On the serrated grain boundary documented in Figure 10b, secondary particles of different sizes were noticed. The shape of the particles copied the serration of the boundary. Using electron diffraction, the particles were identified as the M23C6 carbide and the matrix as the -phase (Figure 11). Electron diffraction also revealed the existence of the orientation relationship between the matrix and carbide: {200} || {200}M23C6. Figure 12a documents a straight grain boundary with discrete secondary particles in material A. Along the full length of the boundary, the particles of triangular or rectangular shapes were observed. As shown in Figure 12b, this kind of particles does not copy the shape of the boundary as in the case of the precipitates at the serrated boundaries. The size of the precipitates was approxi- mately 300 nm. The particles were identified, with elec- tron diffraction (Figure 13), as M23C6 carbide and the matrix as phase . However, in the case of the straight grain boundary, no orientation relationship between the matrix and the precipitate was spotted. The precipitates extracted at the grain boundary in material B as M23C6 carbide were identified on the replicas using electron diffraction, as documented below I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 725 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 12: Detail of straight grain boundary, material A, bright field; b) detail of precipitates at the grain boundary, material A, dark field; reflection (2 -2 4)M23C6 was used for the dark-field display Figure 10: Detail of serrated grain boundary, material A, bright field; b) detail of precipitates at the grain boundary, material A, dark field; reflection (2 0 0) M23C6 was used for the dark-field display Figure 11: Point diffraction spectra – phase  and M23C6 carbide in Figure 14. Other precipitates were not identified, which does not exclude their presence in Material B. From the results of the EDX analysis (Figure 15, Table 3) of the observed precipitates in Material B, the presence of MC and M6C carbides is also possible. Figures 16a to 16b document details of straight boundaries and precipitates at the grain boundary in material B on the foils. It can be noticed that the secondary particles extracted at the grain boundaries have a polyhedral or rectangular shape, and none of the observed particles copies the shape of the boundary. The size of these precipitates is in range of 100–200 nm. I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT 726 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 13: Point diffraction spectra – phase  and M23C6 carbide Figure 16: Detail of straight grain boundary, material B, bright field; b) detail of precipitates at the grain boundary, material B, dark field; reflection (5 -1 -3)M23C6 was used for the dark-field display Figure 14: Extracted small particle of an irregular shape at the grain boundary, material A; b) point diffraction spectra of M23C6 carbide Figure 15: Typical EDX spectra of precipitates in material B: a) M23C6 carbide, b) M6C carbide Table 3: Approximate chemical composition of carbides in material B M23C6 MC M6C Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Mo 27.3 ±6.4 62.9 ±5.6 24.6 ±3.2 Ti 4.3 ±4.9 25.0 ±4.7 4.1 ±1.8 Cr 61.7 ±9.4 10.5 ±3.5 26.0 ±3.1 Ni 42.6 ±5.1 From the diffraction spectra (Figure 17), secondary particles at the grain boundaries were identified as M23C6 carbide. No relationship between the matrix and preci- pitate was observed in all the diffraction spectra in material B. 4 CONCLUSION To study the serration and precipitates at the grain boundaries and identify secondary particles in Alloy 263, both SEM and TEM were used in the research. To form serrated grain boundaries, material A was heat treated under special conditions, based on the studies from the literature. Material A was compared with material B, which underwent the conventional heat treatment based on the material list for Alloy 263. The experimental results can be summarized as follows: • Serrated and straight grain boundaries were observed in material A. Approximately 39 % of the observed boundaries were serrated. In material B, only straight grain boundaries were observed. • In both cases, precipitates at the grain boundaries were identified as carbide M23C6 using electron diffraction. In material A, carbide MC was also ob- served. • The EDX analysis revealed three types of carbides, based on their chemical compositions, in both ma- terials: MC, M6C and M23C6. • Electron diffraction also revealed the orientation relationship between the matrix and the precipitate at the serrated grain boundaries: {200} {200}M23C6. No orientation relationship was observed at the straight grain boundaries. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the financial support of the Slovak Republic Scientific Grant Agency (VEGA) within Grant No. 1/0402/13. 5 REFERENCES 1 P. J. Maziasz, I. G. Wright, J. P. Shingledecker, T. B. Gibbons, R. R. Romanosky, Defining the materials issues and research needs for ultra-supercritical steam turbines, Proc. 4th Inter. Conf. Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, Hilton Head Island, USA, 2005, 602–622 2 R. J. Campbell, Increasing the Efficiency of Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants, https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43343.pdf, 14.06.2017 3 G. Stein-Brzozowska, D. M. Flórez, J. Maier, G. Scheffknecht, Nickel-base superalloys for ultra-supercritical coal-fired power plants: Fireside corrosion. Laboratory studies and power plant expo- sures, Fuel, 108, (2013), 521–533, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2012.11.081 4 A. K. Koul, G. H. Gessinger, On the mechanism of serrated grain boundary formation in Ni-based superalloys, Acta Metallurgica, 31, (1983) 7, 1061–1069, doi:10.1016/0001-6160(83)90202-X 5 H. L. Danflou, M. Marty, A. Walder, Formation of serrated grain boundaries and their effect on the mechanical properties in a P/M nickel base superalloy, Proc. 7th Inter. Symp. on Superalloys, Seven Springs Mountain, USA, 1992, 63–72, doi:10.7449/1992/ Super- alloys_1992_63_72 6 R. J. Mitchell, H. Y. Li, Z. W. Huang, On the formation of serrated grain boundaries and fan type structures in an advanced polycry- stalline nickel-base superalloy, Journal of Materials Processing Tech- nology, 209 (2009) 2, 1011–1017, doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2008. 03.008 7 C. L. Qiu, P. Andrews, On the formation of irregular-shaped gamma prime and serrated grain boundaries in a nickel-based superalloy during continuous cooling, Materials Characterization, 76 (2013), 28–34, doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2012.11.012 8 A. C. Yeh, K. W. Lu, C. M. Kuo, H. Y. Bor, C. N. Wei, Effect of Serrated Grain Boundaries on the Creep Property of Inconel 718 Superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 530 (2011), 525–529, doi:10.1016/j.msea.2011.10.014 9 D. H. Ping, Y. F. Gu, C. Y. Cui, H. Harada, Grain boundary segre- gation in a Ni–Fe-based (Alloy 718) superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 456 (2007) 1–2, 99–102, doi:10.1016/j.msea. 2007.01.090 10 L. Jiang, R. Hu, H. Kou, J. Li, G. Bai, H. Fu, The effect of M23C6 carbides on the formation of grain boundary serrations in a wrought Ni-based superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 536 (2012), 37–44, doi:10.1016/j.msea.2011.11.060 11 Y. S. Lim, D. J. Kim, S. S. Hwang, H. P. Kim, S. W. Kim, M23C6 precipitation behavior and grain boundary serration in Ni-based Alloy 690, Materials Characterization, 96 (2014), 28–39, doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2014.07.008 12 H. U. Hong, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, M. Y. Kim, C. Y. Jo, The effect of grain boundary serration on creep resistance in a wrought nickel-based superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 517 (2009) 1–2, 125–131, doi:10.1016/j.msea.2009.03.071 13 H. U. Hong, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, Y. S. Yoo, C. Y. Jo, On the role of grain boundary serration in simulated weld heat-affected zone liquation of a wrought nickel-based superalloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43 (2012) 1, 173–181, doi:10.1007/ s11661-011-0837-2 14 H. U. Hong, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, Y. S. Yoo, C. Y. Jo, On the Mechanism of Serrated Grain Boundary Formation in Ni-Based Superalloys with Low '? Volume Fraction, Proc. 12th Inter. Symp. on Superalloys, Seven Springs Mountain, USA, 2012, 53–61, doi:10.1002/9781118516430.ch6 15 H. U. Hong, F. H. Latief, T. Blanc, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, C. Y. Jo, J. H. Lee, Influence of chromium content on microstructure and grain boundary serration formation in a ternary Ni-xCr-0.1C model alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 148 (2014) 3, 1194–1201, doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2014.09.047 16 J. C. Zhao, V. Ravikumar, A. M. Beltran, Phase Precipitation and Phase Stability in Nimonic 263, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 32 (2001) 6, 1271–1282, doi:10.1007/s11661- 001-0217-4 I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 17: Point diffraction spectra – phase  and M23C6 carbide in Figure 14. Other precipitates were not identified, which does not exclude their presence in Material B. From the results of the EDX analysis (Figure 15, Table 3) of the observed precipitates in Material B, the presence of MC and M6C carbides is also possible. Figures 16a to 16b document details of straight boundaries and precipitates at the grain boundary in material B on the foils. It can be noticed that the secondary particles extracted at the grain boundaries have a polyhedral or rectangular shape, and none of the observed particles copies the shape of the boundary. The size of these precipitates is in range of 100–200 nm. I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT 726 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 13: Point diffraction spectra – phase  and M23C6 carbide Figure 16: Detail of straight grain boundary, material B, bright field; b) detail of precipitates at the grain boundary, material B, dark field; reflection (5 -1 -3)M23C6 was used for the dark-field display Figure 14: Extracted small particle of an irregular shape at the grain boundary, material A; b) point diffraction spectra of M23C6 carbide Figure 15: Typical EDX spectra of precipitates in material B: a) M23C6 carbide, b) M6C carbide Table 3: Approximate chemical composition of carbides in material B M23C6 MC M6C Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Avr. (w/%)  Mo 27.3 ±6.4 62.9 ±5.6 24.6 ±3.2 Ti 4.3 ±4.9 25.0 ±4.7 4.1 ±1.8 Cr 61.7 ±9.4 10.5 ±3.5 26.0 ±3.1 Ni 42.6 ±5.1 From the diffraction spectra (Figure 17), secondary particles at the grain boundaries were identified as M23C6 carbide. No relationship between the matrix and preci- pitate was observed in all the diffraction spectra in material B. 4 CONCLUSION To study the serration and precipitates at the grain boundaries and identify secondary particles in Alloy 263, both SEM and TEM were used in the research. To form serrated grain boundaries, material A was heat treated under special conditions, based on the studies from the literature. Material A was compared with material B, which underwent the conventional heat treatment based on the material list for Alloy 263. The experimental results can be summarized as follows: • Serrated and straight grain boundaries were observed in material A. Approximately 39 % of the observed boundaries were serrated. In material B, only straight grain boundaries were observed. • In both cases, precipitates at the grain boundaries were identified as carbide M23C6 using electron diffraction. In material A, carbide MC was also ob- served. • The EDX analysis revealed three types of carbides, based on their chemical compositions, in both ma- terials: MC, M6C and M23C6. • Electron diffraction also revealed the orientation relationship between the matrix and the precipitate at the serrated grain boundaries: {200} {200}M23C6. No orientation relationship was observed at the straight grain boundaries. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the financial support of the Slovak Republic Scientific Grant Agency (VEGA) within Grant No. 1/0402/13. 5 REFERENCES 1 P. J. Maziasz, I. G. Wright, J. P. Shingledecker, T. B. Gibbons, R. R. Romanosky, Defining the materials issues and research needs for ultra-supercritical steam turbines, Proc. 4th Inter. Conf. Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, Hilton Head Island, USA, 2005, 602–622 2 R. J. Campbell, Increasing the Efficiency of Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants, https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43343.pdf, 14.06.2017 3 G. Stein-Brzozowska, D. M. Flórez, J. Maier, G. Scheffknecht, Nickel-base superalloys for ultra-supercritical coal-fired power plants: Fireside corrosion. Laboratory studies and power plant expo- sures, Fuel, 108, (2013), 521–533, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2012.11.081 4 A. K. Koul, G. H. Gessinger, On the mechanism of serrated grain boundary formation in Ni-based superalloys, Acta Metallurgica, 31, (1983) 7, 1061–1069, doi:10.1016/0001-6160(83)90202-X 5 H. L. Danflou, M. Marty, A. Walder, Formation of serrated grain boundaries and their effect on the mechanical properties in a P/M nickel base superalloy, Proc. 7th Inter. Symp. on Superalloys, Seven Springs Mountain, USA, 1992, 63–72, doi:10.7449/1992/ Super- alloys_1992_63_72 6 R. J. Mitchell, H. Y. Li, Z. W. Huang, On the formation of serrated grain boundaries and fan type structures in an advanced polycry- stalline nickel-base superalloy, Journal of Materials Processing Tech- nology, 209 (2009) 2, 1011–1017, doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2008. 03.008 7 C. L. Qiu, P. Andrews, On the formation of irregular-shaped gamma prime and serrated grain boundaries in a nickel-based superalloy during continuous cooling, Materials Characterization, 76 (2013), 28–34, doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2012.11.012 8 A. C. Yeh, K. W. Lu, C. M. Kuo, H. Y. Bor, C. N. Wei, Effect of Serrated Grain Boundaries on the Creep Property of Inconel 718 Superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 530 (2011), 525–529, doi:10.1016/j.msea.2011.10.014 9 D. H. Ping, Y. F. Gu, C. Y. Cui, H. Harada, Grain boundary segre- gation in a Ni–Fe-based (Alloy 718) superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 456 (2007) 1–2, 99–102, doi:10.1016/j.msea. 2007.01.090 10 L. Jiang, R. Hu, H. Kou, J. Li, G. Bai, H. Fu, The effect of M23C6 carbides on the formation of grain boundary serrations in a wrought Ni-based superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 536 (2012), 37–44, doi:10.1016/j.msea.2011.11.060 11 Y. S. Lim, D. J. Kim, S. S. Hwang, H. P. Kim, S. W. Kim, M23C6 precipitation behavior and grain boundary serration in Ni-based Alloy 690, Materials Characterization, 96 (2014), 28–39, doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2014.07.008 12 H. U. Hong, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, M. Y. Kim, C. Y. Jo, The effect of grain boundary serration on creep resistance in a wrought nickel-based superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 517 (2009) 1–2, 125–131, doi:10.1016/j.msea.2009.03.071 13 H. U. Hong, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, Y. S. Yoo, C. Y. Jo, On the role of grain boundary serration in simulated weld heat-affected zone liquation of a wrought nickel-based superalloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43 (2012) 1, 173–181, doi:10.1007/ s11661-011-0837-2 14 H. U. Hong, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, Y. S. Yoo, C. Y. Jo, On the Mechanism of Serrated Grain Boundary Formation in Ni-Based Superalloys with Low '? Volume Fraction, Proc. 12th Inter. Symp. on Superalloys, Seven Springs Mountain, USA, 2012, 53–61, doi:10.1002/9781118516430.ch6 15 H. U. Hong, F. H. Latief, T. Blanc, I. S. Kim, B. G. Choi, C. Y. Jo, J. H. Lee, Influence of chromium content on microstructure and grain boundary serration formation in a ternary Ni-xCr-0.1C model alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 148 (2014) 3, 1194–1201, doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2014.09.047 16 J. C. Zhao, V. Ravikumar, A. M. Beltran, Phase Precipitation and Phase Stability in Nimonic 263, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 32 (2001) 6, 1271–1282, doi:10.1007/s11661- 001-0217-4 I. SLATKOVSKÝ et al.: INVESTIGATION OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALLOY 263 AFTER SPECIAL HEAT TREATMENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 721–727 727 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 17: Point diffraction spectra – phase  and M23C6 carbide