Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 79 2022d) indicates that repor ti ng on social impacts will be even more demanding in terms of depth and scope, and will be integrated into the overarching non ‐financial repor ti ng framework (European Com ‐ mission, 2014). This also is proposed by the environ ‐ mental, social, and governance criteria of the so ‐called ESG ini ti a ti ve (European Commission, 2020b). In par ti cular, when organiza ti ons are co ‐ funded by public sources to create social value, in addi ti on to their financial performance, they also need to focus on the measurement of impacts on society (Millar & Hall, 2013). Nonprofit organiza ‐ ti ons, which largely are co ‐financed by public funds, represent a growing sector in developed countries, bringing calls for more legi ti miza ti on and evidence of e ffec ti veness to provide accountability and jus ti fy 1 INTRODUCTION In light of sustainable development, a modern organiza ti on is expected to operate and demon ‐ strate its performance not only in terms of maximiz ‐ ing value for the owner but also in terms of impact on society and the environment (e.g., United Na ‐ ti ons, 2015; European Commission, 2022a). This holds for both companies and nonprofit organiza ‐ ti ons (NPOs). The incen ti ve for measuring and re ‐ por ti ng firms’ social impact comes from the market—from both buyers and peers. Addi ti onally, the regulators in par ti cular economic sectors might prescribe the scope and depth of repor ti ng on social impacts by following the set goals of sustainable de ‐ velopment (European Commission, 2014). The Pro ‐ posal for a CSR Direc ti ve (European Commission, Abstract The purpose of this paper is to help organiza ti ons facing the challenge of measuring the social impact of their ac ti vi ti es. Although examples of environmental e ffects’ analyses abound, this is not the case for the analysis of social impact. To illustrate how organiza ti ons can demonstrate their impact on society, we evaluated the ac ti vi ti es of the Incredible Years (IY) paren ti ng program using the social return on investment (SROI) approach, considering not only the direct impact of the program on children, but a broader range of outcomes for di fferent stakeholders. We show that the mone ti zed impacts of the program are about 10 ti mes higher than the costs of the program. The SROI as an evalua ti on approach is generally applicable to ac ti vi ti es of for ‐profit and nonprofit organiza ti ons, and serves as a reference to demonstrate the value of expected social impact to investors and funders. Therefore, SROI is a valuable tool not only for managers but for policy makers as well. We discuss the steps, data requirement, interpreta ti on of results, and lim ‐ ita ti ons of the social impact analysis. Keywords: social impact, social impact analysis, SROI, ESG, paren ti ng program HOW TO MEASURE OUR IMPACT ON SOCIETY: AN ILLUSTRATION OF SOCIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS Mojca Marc School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia mojca.marc@ef.uni ‐lj.si Nina Ponikvar Associated professor School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia nina.ponikvar@ef.uni ‐lj.si Vol. 11, No. 2, 79 ‐96 doi:10.17708/DRMJ.2022.v11n02a06 Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 80 the funding (Arvidson, Lyon, McKay, & Moro, 2013). Accordingly, managers of nonprofit organiza ti ons also are expected to jus ti fy the spending of public funds for social impact by repor ti ng on their pro ‐ grams’ e fficiency and e ffec ti veness. All this means that social impact analysis will gain importance as a tool to iden ti fy, measure, and evaluate the social de ‐ sirability of ac ti vi ti es. This paper addresses these important and ti mely issues. Although examples of environmental e ffects analyses abound, this is not the case for the analysis of social impact. This corresponds to the de ‐ velopment of the regulatory framework, which cur ‐ rently is more developed for environmental e ffects (European Commission, 2020c). Therefore the pur ‐ pose of this paper is to help organiza ti ons facing the challenge of measuring the social impact of their ac ‐ ti vi ti es by providing an example. We use the case of the Incredible Years (IY) paren ti ng program to illus ‐ trate the steps, data requirements, interpreta ti on of results, and limita ti ons of such analysis. The case was chosen because the program has a range of e ffects, occurring across a longer ti me frame and for mul ti ple stakeholders. This allows us to demonstrate how to capture such features within the social impact analysis. We used the social return on investment (SROI) approach, taking into account not just the program’s direct e ffects on the children but a broader set of outcomes for di fferent stake ‐ holders. Namely, studies show that paren ti ng train ‐ ing programs are an extremely e ffec ti ve way to reduce children’s behavioral problems and improve parent–child rela ti onships (Hutchings et al., 2007), given that parents have a crucial influence on a child’s behavior (Gardner, 1987). Such programs provide be tt er chances to finish schooling and to prosper in life, and be tt er quality of life for parents and siblings as well. Furthermore, these e ffects ex ‐ tend beyond their families to communi ti es and so ‐ ciety in the broadest sense. S ti ll, the target groups of such programs o ft en represent minor segments of the popula ti on, and the posi ti ve direct e ffects are challenging to evaluate, so the economic viability of these programs is o ft en ques ti oned despite the un ‐ doubtedly posi ti ve quality e ffects. Moreover, there is growing pressure on the program ini ti ators to demonstrate empirically the value of the expected social impact created by invested funds. Because the SROI is based on the monetary value of inputs and impacts, managers can use the results of such analyses for this purpose. We define social impact analysis as an umbrella term for the variety of methodological approaches developed in di fferent literature streams. The pro ‐ fessional and academic community recognizes that mere economic indicators of performance, such as costs and profits, do not adequately reflect the broad scope of impacts expected from organiza ti ons and projects aiming to create social value. Many at ‐ tempts have been proposed in economics, account ‐ ing, and the social impact assessment literature (e.g., Burdge, 2003; Freudenburg, 1986; ICPGSIA, 2003; O’Faircheallaigh, 2009) to improve the perfor ‐ mance measurement (and management) in this re ‐ spect. The SROI approach is just one possible method to systema ti cally iden ti fy, measure, and evaluate a broader set of individual and social ef ‐ fects. SROI has been applied across di fferent public health areas, including health promo ti on, mental health, sexual and reproduc ti ve health, child health, nutri ti on, healthcare management, health educa ‐ ti on, and environmental health (see review by Banke ‐Thomas, Madaj, & Van den Broek, 2015). Re ‐ cently, SROI studies also have emerged in the areas of physical ac ti vity and sport (see review by Gos ‐ selin, Boccanfuso, & Laberge, 2020), as well as in so ‐ cial enterprises to measure their social value (Nicholls, 2007). The SROI value is based on the monetary valu ‐ a ti on of inputs and the monetary valua ti on of im ‐ pacts of the analyzed program or ac ti vi ti es. Although measuring such programs’ inputs usually is not problema ti c, measuring the benefits of these programs in a way that allows us to include them in the SROI calcula ti on, namely in money terms, poses a considerable challenge to scholars and prac titi on ‐ ers (Millar & Hall, 2013; Maier, Schober, Simsa, and Millner, 2015; Arvidson et al., 2013). Our study con ‐ tributes to the growing knowledge base in economic evalua ti ons of social impact by addressing some of the challenges of measuring and mone ti zing the ef ‐ fects in economic evalua ti ons. The example we use can be generalized to many similar ac ti vi ti es, par ti c ‐ ularly those aimed at preven ti ng nega ti ve impacts, implemented by di fferent organiza ti ons. Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 81 This paper first presents a literature review of the e ffects of paren ti ng programs and social impact measurement. Then we explain the SROI technique for economic evalua ti on. Next we explain how we iden ti fied and measured the social impact of the IY paren ti ng program carried out in the period 2017– 2019 in Slovenia. The results sec ti on contains the empirical results for the studied case, and the con ‐ clusion wraps up the paper. 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND In this sec ti on, we first review the literature on the e ffects of paren ti ng programs to understand where to look for stakeholders and social impacts. Second, we briefly overview the analy ti cal ap ‐ proaches to measure social impact. 2.1 E ffects of Paren ti ng Programs The literature on the e ffects of interven ti on and preven ti ve health programs, including paren ti ng programs, confirms their short ‐ and long ‐term pos ‐ i ti ve impact on the health and well ‐being of individ ‐ uals and their immediate community (Copeland, Shanahan, Costello, and Angold, 2009; Sco tt , Knapp, Henderson, and Maughan, 2001). Intervening early in childhood is essen ti al for preven ti ng or mi ti ga ti ng later consequences of mental disorders (Pardini and Frick, 2013), such as failure in school, suicidal ten ‐ dencies, crime, teen pregnancy, mental and physical health problems, social isola ti on, and even death. Paren ti ng programs e ffec ti vely reduce children’s be ‐ havioral issues; improve paren ti ng skills; and reduce anxiety, stress, and depression among parents (Hutchings et al., 2007). The IY parenting program for parents of chil ‐ dren aged 3–8 includes preventive interventions in the field of mental health of children. Parents’ participation in such programs statistically signifi ‐ cantly reduces behavioral disorders in children (Menting, de Castro, & Matthys, 2013; O’Neill, McGilloway, Donnelly, Bywater, & Kelly, 2010), thus reducing or preventing the adverse effects of behavioral disorders with early onset on educa ‐ tion, health, addiction, delinquency and crime, teen pregnancy, child neglect, etc. IY improves parenting skills; relationships within the family; the self ‐image of family members; social, emo ‐ tional, and communication skills of children; will ‐ ingness to learn; prevention of serious behavioral disorders; the interaction between children and parents; relationships and connections; parents’ problem ‐solving skills; and children’s social skills and emotional control, school ‐readiness, and readiness for problem ‐solving; and reduces chil ‐ dren’s behavioral and emotional problems (see Menting et al. 2013 for a review of studies). Long ‐term and, to a large extent, measurable program benefits include social savings in the field of various health services (from the treatment of psychiatric disorders to chronic non ‐infec ti ous dis ‐ eases), at all levels of educa ti on, in social services, in the preven ti on of consump ti on of legal and illegal drugs and non ‐chemical addic ti on, and in the field of juvenile delinquency and crime (Men ti ng et al. 2013). The program also contributes to children’s be tt er academic achievement and to a greater level of their economic ac ti vity in adulthood, thus reduc ‐ ing the need for compensa ti on for unemployment and social transfers (Cleary, Fitzgerald, and Nixon, 2004; Colman et al. 2009; Sco tt et al. 2001). 2.2 Social Impact Measurement In this paper, we understand “social impact” as an impact on society. Typically, the intended direct e ffect of an ac ti vity is a posi ti ve impact, so we also call it a “benefit” for society. There are many calls for more examples, especially studies that enable comparison in monetary terms either within or across organiza ti ons. Because the analyses need to include e ffects occurring for a range of stakehold ‐ ers, such calcula ti ons are complex and demand considerable resources. Various approaches to so ‐ cial impact measurement share the aim of measur ‐ ing and evalua ti ng the impacts as consequences of ac ti vi ti es on relevant target groups (stakeholders). We iden ti fied three areas in which methods were developed for capturing the impacts of ac ti vi ti es crea ti ng social instead of purely monetary added value: economics, social accoun ti ng, and social im ‐ pact assessment. In this sec ti on, we briefly summa ‐ rize the main approaches. Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 82 Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis Tradi ti onally, economic evalua ti on methods such as cost ‐e ffec ti veness, cost ‐u ti lity, and cost– benefit analyses (CBA) have been used to assess the value ‐for ‐money of public programs, especially in the health sector. For example, CBA is based on the demand func ti on and evaluates benefits in money terms, either by the willingness ‐to ‐pay or willing ‐ ness ‐to ‐accept approach (Then, Schober, Rauscher, & Kehl, 2017). In the accoun ti ng field, social ac ‐ coun ti ng emerged as a contemporary approach to value and measure social impacts (Richmond, Mook, & Quarter, 2003). This approach focuses on including stakeholder input among data analyzed for the accoun ti ng statements (Richmond et al., 2003) and on providing a common language and metric for comparing heterogeneous social impacts (Mook, 2013). Examples include the Global Impact Inves ti ng Ra ti ngs System (GIIRS, 2008) and the Impact Report ‐ ing and Investment Standards (IRIS, 2009). The social return on investment method devel ‐ oped from tradi ti onal CBA and social accoun ti ng. The SROI approach originated from the social im ‐ pact literature and was introduced in the 1990s by the Roberts Enterprise Development Founda ti on. In addi ti on to some professional analyses, several aca ‐ demic studies produced di fferent advanced analy ti ‐ cal techniques for calcula ti ng the SROI (Adler, 2006; Gair, 2002; Hammi tt & Haninger, 2011). The SROI has been promoted as a more ”holis ti c” approach to demonstra ti ng value for money (Banke ‐Thomas, Madaj, Charles, & van den Broek, 2015). Both the SROI and CBA try to evaluate the ef ‐ fects of an ac ti vity or a program at the societal level. Accordingly, the purpose of undertaking a cost–ben ‐ efit analysis is similar, if not iden ti cal, to that of un ‐ dertaking an analysis of social return on investment (Cordes 2017). Some even define SROI as “a form of adjusted cost ‐benefit analysis that takes into ac ‐ count, more holis ti cally, the various types of im ‐ pact” that programs have (Arvidson et al., 2010). SROI also has been described as an extension of the CBA to incorporate in addi ti on the broader socio ‐ economic and environmental outcomes (Banke ‐ Thomas et al., 2015). At the same ti me, several di fferences have been pointed out by the academic literature (e.g., Arvid ‐ son et al., 2010; Then et al., 2017). First, CBA di ffers from the SROI in the scope of the impacts consid ‐ ered. CBA has a narrower focus on the economic im ‐ pacts with direct and indirect costs, and barely considers social, poli ti cal, and cultural impacts. Com ‐ pared with CBA, SROI analysis uses di fferent termi ‐ nology, focusing on the investment approach, including profit. In addi ti on, there is a very strong ex ‐ plicit emphasis on stakeholders within SROI and the types of involvement they can have. Consulta ti on with stakeholders and their importance is one of the strongest features of conduc ti ng a SROI. It appears within CBA but is given much less emphasis. This characteris ti c of “bo tt om ‐up” SROI (vs. “top ‐down” CBA) has been recognized by health economists (Ed ‐ wards & Lawrence, 2021). SROI can be deployed as a management tool and integrated into organiza ‐ ti onal flows. Furthermore, SROI is presented as one way an organiza ti on may learn and use SROI to direct resources to areas with the most significant impact (Then et al., 2017). CBA is more likely to be con ‐ ducted by external agents who report on the e fficacy of par ti cular proposals or interven ti ons. 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 The Analyzed Program We analyzed the IY paren ti ng program for par ‐ ents of children aged 3–8, which was implemented in Slovenia in the 2017–2019 period. The e ffec ti ve ‐ ness and transferability of the program have been studied for over 40 years in di fferent cultural envi ‐ ronments. The goals, structure, and implementa ti on of the cer ti fied IY program are standardized across countries. The program includes mainly parents of children with behavioral issues who have been re ‐ ferred for or already are receiving treatment. In Slovenia, the IY pilot implementa ti on started in the period 2015–2016 and, similar to other countries, yielded excep ti onal results. Consequently, in 2017, 10 IY centers were set up in five Slovenian regions. In the 2017–2019 period, funds were provided by the Ministry of Health and a consor ti um of partner ins ti tu ti ons with the support of the local community and by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social A ffairs and Equal Opportuni ti es. This study analyzed the costs of the program for the volume planned for 2018 and the benefits arising in a 10 ‐year period a ft er the implementa ti on in 2018. Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 83 3.2 The SROI Analysis The core of the SROI method is the “impact model,” composed of several “impact chains”— one for each of the key stakeholders affected. In every chain, hypothetical relations between in ‐ puts, activities, and outputs are specified (Figure 1). Outputs are determined as directly measurable results of activities leading to the desired out ‐ comes. Outcomes are understood as gross effects, of which only a part is a consequence of the pro ‐ gram and represent the actual impacts (Then et al., 2017). Equivalently, the impact is defined as the difference between outcomes that would occur with and without the program (i.e., a net ef ‐ fect). Impacts for each of the stakeholders typi ‐ cally are determined first in natural units, but they also can be monetized. For economic evaluations, we strive to monetize as many impact chains as possible and sensible. A ft er each impact chain is evaluated in mone ‐ tary terms, the impacts can be summed and com ‐ pared to the inputs’ cost. The comparison usually is expressed as the SROI value, which is a ra ti o of the total impact (sum of all impact chains) to the total input cost (Equa ti on 1). For example, a SROI value of 5 means that each €1 spent in the program cre ‐ ates a value of €5 in social e ffects. (1) These are the five elementary steps in the SROI analysis carried out for our case, the IY paren ti ng program: Step 1. Iden ti fy a broad set of poten ti al stakeholders a ffected posi ti vely or nega ti vely by the program. Special care must be taken to ensure that as many direct and indirect e ffects on individuals, or ‐ ganiza ti ons, and ins ti tu ti ons are iden ti fied, regard ‐ less of how directly they are involved in the program’s ac ti vity. The impacts some ti mes can be unintended or harmful for some stakeholders; such stakeholders must not be neglected in the analysis. The reviewed literature on early childhood interven ‐ ti ons exposes several poten ti al stakeholders. The ex ‐ pected posi ti ve impacts on the health and well ‐being of individuals and their immediate com ‐ munity are most apparent and, consequently, the child, parents, and families represent key stakehold ‐ ers in this analysis. Moreover, the ins ti tu ti ons from health ‐related, educa ti onal, and social sectors also are sources of poten ti al stakeholders. Finally, society also can be considered to be a stakeholder. Step 2. Iden ti fy key stakeholders, typically those for whom the most considerable e ffects are expected. Careful considera ti on must be taken to avoid in ‐ cluding too broad a range of those a ffected by the program, but to include those stakeholders for whom principal e ffects can be expected. In addi ti on to the child and parents, we iden ti fied ins ti tu ti ons from pre ‐school and primary school educa ti on (kindergartens and elementary schools) as key stakeholders. The IY program’s e ffects on secondary and ter ti ary educa ti on are generated over a more extended period and are beyond the ti me horizon of our analysis. For the health sector, we treated in ‐ s ti tu ti ons o ffering primary and secondary treatment of behavioral and emo ti onal problems as crucial Figure 1: Impact model in SROI analysis (one impact chain) Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis 84 stakeholders. We also included society as a key stakeholder because some e ffects on the perceived level of safety and crime rate were expected within the study’s ti me horizon. Step 3. Set up the impact model by specifying (hy ‐ pothe ti cal) impact chains for each stakeholder. The theoretical impact chains for children and parents are well substantiated by the literature (Menting et al., 2013). Hence, we expected that the inputs required by the IY program’s activities will result in measurable outputs leading to the program’s intended outcomes. For the immediate stakeholder group, parents, this means that by par ‐ ticipating in the program’s activities (attended weekly classes and special events are the outputs), they will improve their parenting skills and benefit from having a better family and professional life (outcomes and impacts). The children do not par ‐ ticipate in the weekly sessions; however, they have short ‐term benefits in terms of fewer require ‐ ments for special assistance (hours of health ser ‐ vices, educational services, and social workers’ services are the outputs) as well as a happier and more productive life over the long term (outcomes and impacts). Step 4. Collect empirical data to calculate the cost of inputs and the impact for each chain. Figure 1 shows how the impact was determined by first understanding the program’s outputs and outcomes. Usually, the outputs and outcomes are evaluated first in natural units, and then the impact is determined. A ft erward, the non ‐monetary im ‐ pacts of the program are given a monetary value. Outputs of the IY program are the services directly provided to par ti cipants (parents): class hours, ad ‐ visory sessions, events, or similar directly countable results. The outcomes represent the intended and unintended consequences for the target group a ft er the ac ti vi ti es are carried out. Unintended conse ‐ quences are the posi ti ve or nega ti ve e ffects that are not part of the program’s mission. The outcomes of paren ti ng programs usually are measured with di ‐ agnos ti c ques ti onnaires filled in by par ti cipants be ‐ fore and a ft er implementa ti on. Within the studied IY program, data were recorded only for the immediate stakeholders (chil ‐ dren and parents) based on an ini ti al interview with parents and with diagnos ti c ques ti onnaires such as the Paren ti ng Scale, Eyberg Child Behaviour Inventory (ECBI), the Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMBS), and the Development and Well ‐ Being Assessment (DAWBA) diagnos ti c interview. Un ‐ like certain IY programs (O’Neill et al., 2010), the children’s need for health, social, and educa ti onal services before and a ft er parents’ involvement in the program was not measured [for example, using the Client Socio ‐Demographic and Service Receipt Inven ‐ tory (Chisholm et al., 2000)]. For SROI analysis, data collected with such a ques ti onnaire would be useful. Instead, as a proxy measure of outcomes (and hence, impacts), we used secondary data and interviews with the manager of the largest IY program provider in Slovenia, the head of the Department for Child Psy ‐ chiatry of the Pediatric Clinic in Ljubljana, and the di ‐ rector of the IY programs in Slovenia. Step 5. Calculate the SROI value for the program. A ft er evalua ti ng the costs of inputs and mone ‐ ti zing impacts on the stakeholders, we calculated the SROI index as the ra ti o of the total value of the im ‐ pacts to the value of inputs. In principle, a SROI index higher than 1 indicates a program producing social e ffects greater than its costs. Hence, such a program is not only socially desirable but also economically ra ‐ ti onal for society. However, we must emphasize that the SROI value does not encompass the whole “value” of the program impacts, because many of the impacts are not mone ti zed, yet it is clear that they exist. Hence, the SROI index should serve mainly as a benchmark and star ti ng point for discussion regard ‐ ing how social value services are provided in society. 4 RESULTS 4.1 Steps 1 and 2 The ini ti al steps of SROI require that we first iden ‐ ti fy poten ti al stakeholders a ffected by the program, followed by pinpoin ti ng the key stakeholders. This pro ‐ gram’s target beneficiaries and stakeholders are (1) children and (2) their parents and extended families. We primarily assessed direct benefits for the parents, Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 85 and, similar to other studies in this field (O’Neill, McGil ‐ loway, Donnelly, Bywater, & Kelly, 2013), focused only on the key stakeholders for whom the e ffects of the program are the strongest and evident in the analyzed period, for which data are available. These stakehold ‐ ers are (3) primary and pre ‐school educa ti on organi ‐ za ti ons, (4) healthcare organiza ti ons, and (5) society. Due to non ‐available data, we only qualita ti vely describe the programs’ impacts in the fields of delin ‐ quency, crime, and unemployment for the children of the par ti cipants, as well as the indirect benefits and other external e ffects of the program on third par ti es. Thus, the calcula ti on of impacts included only a part of the program’s actual posi ti ve e ffects, whereas costs of implemen ti ng the program were included in full. Such analysis is prudent and leads to underes ti mated impacts of the program per unit of cost. 4.2 Step 3 Table 1 presents the impact model, composed of seven impact chains. It shows the assumed (hypothe ti ‐ cal) impact chains for seven iden ti fied key stakeholders: children, parents, pre ‐school (kindergartens), elemen ‐ tary schools, healthcare ins ti tu ti ons, social service ins ti ‐ tu ti ons, and, finally, society in its broadest sense. The program’s expected outputs for the children are fore ‐ most be tt er results in school, and lower incidence of conflicts with parents and other family members, friends, and teachers (educators). The expected out ‐ comes are be tt er quality of life, less likelihood for unem ‐ ployment in adulthood, be tt er health, higher educa ti on level, and less neglect and abuse. However, most of these e ffects can be quan ti fied and mone ti zed only a ft er the children become part of the ac ti ve popula ti on, which occurred beyond the ti me horizon of this analysis. Stakeholder Output Outcome/impact Mone ti zed outcome and impact Children Improved results in school, lower incidence of conflicts with family, friends, and teachers Improved quality of life (less unemployment), health, a higher level of educa ti on, less neglect or abuse / Parents/family Lower incidence of conflicts with children, less parent absenteeism Improved quality of life, health Cost of absenteeismData: number of medical treatments, average salary Preschool educa ti on ins ti tu ti ons (kindergartens) Lower incidence of conflicts, fewer hours of APA Improved quality of learning environment Cost of APAData: number of children eligible for APA, cost of issuing APA decisions, hours of assistance provided per week, salary cost of assistants to children Primary educa ti on ins ti tu ti ons (elementary schools) Lower incidence of conflicts, fewer hours of APA Improved quality of learning environment Cost of APAData: number of children eligible for APA, cost of issuing APA decisions, hours of assistance provided per week, salary cost of assistants to children Healthcare ins ti tu ti ons Fewer treatments required Improved availability of service Cost of medical treatmentsData: number of children in treatment for emo ti onal and behavioral problems, es ti mated number of hours of treatment, cost of salaries of medical teams Social work centers Fewer services required Improved availability of service / Society Lower incidence of addic ti on and juvenile delinquency Improved safety level, lower crime rates Cost of trea ti ng addic ti on and juvenile delinquencyData: annual cost of Centers for the Preven ti on and Treatment of Illicit Drug Addic ti on, annual cost of social assistance programs in the field of illicit drugs, annual cost of residen ti al juvenile delinquency treatment ins ti tu ti ons Table 1: Hypothe ti cal impact model comprising seven individual impact chains Note: APA = addi ti onal professional assistance Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis 86 The program’s expected outputs for the parents (par ti cipants in the program) mainly are a lower in ‐ cidence of conflicts with children, and less absen ‐ teeism due to lower needs of the child for the services of the health system and the social service system. There are two primary outcomes for this stakeholder: a be tt er quality of life, and be tt er health. Due to data limita ti ons, we focused only on the savings in the cost of absenteeism to mone ti ze the expected impact. The expected outputs for pre ‐ school and primary educa ti on ins ti tu ti ons are a lower incidence of conflicts and a lower need for ad ‐ di ti onal professional assistance (APA). We did not have data on the incidence of conflicts in schools; hence, we mone ti zed only the la tt er impact by es ti ‐ ma ti ng the savings in the cost of providing APA. The expected output for the healthcare ins ti tu ‐ ti ons and the social service ins ti tu ti ons is a lower number of treatments in the former and less need for services provided by social work centers in the la tt er . The expected outcome in both cases is be tt er availability of service for others. In the analysis, we quan ti fied and mone ti zed only the impact on the health sector ins ti tu ti ons by evalua ti ng the savings in the cost of treatments for children with emo ‐ ti onal and behavioral problems. The expected im ‐ pact on the social service system certainly is not negligible, but due to data unavailability, it was not quan ti fied and mone ti zed. Finally, from society’s perspec ti ve, the expected outputs from this paren ti ng program are a lower in ‐ cidence of addic ti on and juvenile delinquency. The expected outcomes are a greater level of safety and lower crime rates. We quan ti fied and mone ti zed these e ffects by evalua ti ng the savings in the cost of trea ti ng addic ti on as well as savings in the cost of juvenile delinquency residen ti al treatment. 4.3 Step 4 This sec ti on explains the mone ti za ti on of im ‐ pacts from Table 1 in more detail. We primarily as ‐ sessed direct benefits and focused only on the stakeholders for whom the program’s impacts were the strongest and most evident in the analyzed pe ‐ riod, for which data were available. Other impacts of the program were defined in qualita ti ve terms. 4.3.1 Measuring the Cost of Inputs The cost of inputs included in the SROI analysis was es ti mated based on the 2018 IY implementa ‐ ti on costs (€173,551). The funding was provided by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia (95%) and by a group of consor ti um partners (5%) (Mala ulica, 2017). The cost calcula ti ons are based on the pro ‐ jected average of 180 par ti cipants annually (Ander ‐ luh, 2017). The es ti mated program cost per parti cipant (parent) and per child was calculated by assuming that one par ti cipant (parent) had one child, following Kuzma, Mirkovi ć, Sve ti na, and An ‐ derluh (2017). Because most par ti cipants have more than one child, the program’s benefits actually are available to more children. However, because both parents may par ti cipate, fewer children than par ti c ‐ ipants possibly will benefit from the program. In the program’s pilot, the total number of children im ‐ pacted by the program was higher than the number of par ti cipants (343 parents and 438 children) (Kuzma et al., 2017). This indicates that our assump ‐ ti on (one par ti cipant equals one child) likely under ‐ es ti mates the number of children benefi ti ng from the program. Considering the projected par ti cipants’ volume for 2018 leads to a cost per par ti cipant to €964.17 (€173,551/180). This is the first indicator for the as ‐ sessment of the SROI value of the IY paren ti ng pro ‐ gram. The program will have a SROI value higher than 1 if the es ti mated program’s social impacts ex ‐ ceed €964 per par ti cipant. If we apply the ra ti o of parents/children from the pilot implementa ti on of the program, in which the number of children ben ‐ efi ti ng from the program exceeded the number of parti cipants by 28%, the program’s es ti mated an ‐ nual cost per child would be €753. 4.3.2. Measuring the Value of Impacts Regarding the IY paren ti ng program’s impacts, we first established that the program is a novelty in Slovenia, and there are no alterna ti ve programs with comparable e ffects. This means that the en ti re flow of the program’s outcomes is incremental and arises due to the program’s implementa ti on. Hence, the outcomes of the program can be considered Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 87 equal to its impacts (net e ffects). Second, because this is a public preven ti ve health program financed from public sources and is free of charge for par ti c ‐ ipants, it does not have any direct monetary out ‐ come in the market. Thus, the program’s posi ti ve e ffects arise exclusively in non ‐monetary form as in ‐ direct e ffects due to the preven ti on of adverse ef ‐ fects on society. The program’s impacts were assessed within the 10 years for the projected volume of 180 par ti c ‐ ipants in 2018, as specified in the program’s appli ‐ ca ti on documents (Mala ulica, 2017). As men ti oned previously, in terms of program impacts, we primar ‐ ily assessed direct e ffects and focused on the fields in which the program’s impacts were the strongest and were evident in the analyzed period, for which data were available. These fields are primary and pre ‐school educa ti on, healthcare, addic ti on, and ju ‐ venile delinquency. Other impacts of the program, such as e ffects on parents and families; to a limited extent delinquency and crime, higher educa ti on at ‐ tainment, and the likelihood of employment; and external posi ti ve e ffects of the program were de ‐ fined in qualita ti ve terms. The program indirectly leads to children being more successful in the educa ti onal field and a tt ain ‐ ing higher academic levels (Colman et al., 2009; Fer ‐ gusson, Horwood and Ridder, 2005; O’Neill et al., 2010), and to reducing the probability and dura ti on of unemployment. Because these e ffects rarely would occur within the analyzed 10 ‐year period, we did not calculate their monetary value. The impacts for the parents par ti cipa ti ng in the program were evaluated based on the savings in par ‐ ent absenteeism costs (lower loss of income due to accompanying the child to medical treatments). It was assumed that these savings are generated throughout the analyzed 10 ‐year period. These costs are incurred due to the ti me spent on transporta ‐ ti on, wai ti ng, and accompanying the child, and were es ti mated as 2 ti mes specified number of hours of medical treatment per child (2 × 12.75 hours = 25.5 hours; see also the subsequent analysis for stake ‐ holders in healthcare) ti mes the average gross salary per hour in 2018, €11.31 (SURS, 2019). The annual cost of absenteeism per child thus amounted to €288.33, not including transporta ti on costs. The evalua ti on of the IY paren ti ng program (Kuzma et al., 2017) shows that 14% of children from the program were included in medical treatment. Assuming the same share (14%), 25.2 of the 180 children from the program are included in medical treatment and must be accompanied by parents. The total costs of parent absenteeism are €7,266 (€288.33 × 25 children). We considered that the IY paren ti ng program’s e ffect will stand at 50%, which means that children from the program will need 50% fewer hours of medical treat ‐ ment, and hence the savings in this field amount to €3,633 annually (€7,266/2). Therefore the mone ‐ ti zed impact of the IY program for parents is at least €3,633 annually. The program further generates ben ‐ efits for parents by reducing absenteeism and allow ‐ ing them to spend leisure ti me a tt ending to children or helping them with their school work. It also re ‐ duces the possibility of inappropriate ac ti ons, wrong paren ti ng methods (Evans, Davies, Williams, & Hutchings, 2015), child neglect, or even abuse (Sethi et al., 2018). Consequently, it reduces the need for social services and social policy measures. The sav ‐ ings in this area were not quan ti fied and mone ti zed due to lack of available data. For the stakeholders in pre ‐school educa ti on, it was assumed that children whose parents were in ‐ cluded in the IY program in 2018 would require less APA. By Slovenian regula ti on, children have the right to 3 weekly hours of APA (individual supplementary tutoring by trained pedagogical specialists) if they have confirmed emo ti onal and behavioral prob ‐ lems. APA’s cost covers issuing decisions on APA (€210 per child) and implemen ti ng APA (specialists’ work, €1,837 annually per child). APA savings due to lower needs emerge immediately a ft er the im ‐ plementa ti on of the program. According to the head of the Center for Early Interven ti on in Child Mental Health and experience from the program provider Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, we assumed that the e ffect of paren ti ng program stands at 40%, which means that 40% of par ti ci ‐ pants’ children (72 of the 180 children) would not require APA in kindergartens. Annual savings amount to €147,404, which is the program’s impact on pre ‐school educa ti on stakeholders. In addi ti on to APA, in Slovenian primary edu ‐ ca ti on, children with severe emo ti onal and behav ‐ ioral disorders (for example, au ti sm) have the right Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis 88 to personal assistants during school hours. Similar to the case for pre ‐school, children of parents in ‐ cluded in the IY paren ti ng program in 2018 poten ‐ ti ally need fewer hours of APA and fewer personal assistants. We assumed that these savings, on av ‐ erage, start in the third year a ft er the implementa ‐ ti on of the program, when children enter primary school. Three elements of savings were considered: the costs of issuing the decision on APA (€210 per child), the costs of implemen ti ng APA (€2,944 an ‐ nually per child), and the costs of personal assis ‐ tants to children with severe emo ti onal and behavioral disorders (€9,905 annually per child). In line with observed program e ffects in the Celje Pri ‐ mary Healthcare Centre, the IY e ffect on APA needs was evaluated at 20%. This means that 20% of par ‐ ti cipants’ children (36 of the 180 children) will not require APA, which leads to savings of €113,525. The need for personal assistants was es ti mated based on the share of children with an au ti sm spec ‐ trum disorder in the popula ti on of children with special needs. Following the conserva ti sm princi ‐ ple, our calcula ti on considered that 1% (Kuzma et al., 2017) of parents in the program have children with an au ti sm spectrum disorder (1.8 of the 180 children in the program). In reality, this percentage is higher, because the structure of the program does not reflect the popula ti on. We assumed that the need for personal assistants would decrease by 30% (0.54 children) due to the IY program. This means an annual saving of €5,349. The total savings for stakeholders in primary educa ti on a tt ributable to the IY paren ti ng program thus amounts to €118,874. Because we mone ti zed only a part of the e ffects, the program’s full impact is likely to be higher. Impacts for the healthcare stakeholders were assessed based on the avoided costs of health ser ‐ vices (fewer treatments needed at primary and sec ‐ ondary levels). We assumed that these savings are generated throughout the analyzed 10 ‐year period due to fewer healthcare teams’ services required at the primary and secondary level. We considered that the healthcare team at the primary level com ‐ prises one specialist (pediatrician) and one nurse, earning gross monthly salaries of €3,808 and €2,114, respec ti vely (MJU, 2019). Furthermore, con ‐ sidering a 174 ‐hour monthly workload and an equal division of work in the team, the primary healthcare team’s labor cost per hour is €17.02. The secondary ‐ level healthcare team comprises one specialist (pe ‐ dopsychiatrist or psychiatrist) and one nurse. The same salaries were assumed as in the case of the primary healthcare team, but with di fferent work di ‐ vision—90% specialist and 10% nurse—for a team labor cost per hour of €20.91. We assumed that a child with behavioral and emo ti onal disorders needs, on average, three primary ‐level 15 ‐minute appointments, a total of 0.75 hours of treatment at a primary level every year and a cost of €12.76 an ‐ nually. At the secondary level, such children need, on average, 12 1 ‐hour appointments per year, with a cost of €250.96 annually per child. Together with primary healthcare, this amounts to €263.73 annu ‐ ally per child. The secondary level costs also may in ‐ clude the costs for other specialists, such as a clinical psychologist, special educa ti on teacher, and speech and language therapist. However, these costs were not included in the calcula ti on. The evalua ti on study of the IY paren ti ng pro ‐ gram (Kuzma et al., 2017) showed that 14% of chil ‐ dren of the program’s par ti cipants are included in medical treatment. We assumed the same share for the program in 2018 (25.2 of the 180 children). As ‐ suming the aforemen ti oned costs, medical treat ‐ ment for these 25 children amounts to €6,646 annually. We considered that the IY paren ti ng pro ‐ gram’s e ffect will be 50%, which means that the chil ‐ dren from the program will need one ‐half fewer hours of treatment by healthcare teams at the pri ‐ mary and secondary levels. Hence, the mone ti zed impact of the program for stakeholders in health ‐ care is at least €3,323 annually. Compared with ed ‐ uca ti on, the es ti mated savings in healthcare are low, because the Slovenian pediatric mental health sys ‐ tem capaci ti es currently are very limited. At least one ‐third of the children of parents included in the IY paren ti ng program meet the criteria for a clinical behavioral disorder (Kuzma et al., 2017), but only 14% of these children are included in medical treat ‐ ment. If all children who meet the criteria for a clin ‐ ical behavioral disorder were included in medical treatment (60 of the 180 children), the IY paren ti ng program’s posi ti ve e ffect in this field would be sub ‐ stan ti ally higher, amoun ti ng to approximately €7,900 annually. Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 89 For society as the stakeholder, the program’s outcome is a greater safety level and a lower crime rate. We estimated these impacts by monetizing the anticipated savings due to fewer cases of ad ‐ diction and juvenile delinquency requiring institu ‐ tional treatment, due to implementing the IY parenting program. The savings due to reducing addiction include only addiction to illicit drugs and are based on publicly available data on expendi ‐ tures in 2015 (NIJZ, 2016), which amounted to €7,762,541 for 3,719 users, resulting in a cost of treatment of €2,087 per person. We assumed that due to the IY program, 1% of children of the 180 participants in 2018 (1.8 children) will not require treatment due to illicit drug addiction and that these savings occur only in the last year of the an ‐ alyzed 10 ‐year period, leading to a monetized im ‐ pact of €4,052. These savings relate to illicit drugs addiction only, but no other effects, such as reduc ‐ ing alcohol addiction and non ‐chemical addiction, which can be substantial. The literature review showed that parenting programs reduce juvenile delinquency. In this area, we assessed only the savings from the re ‐ duced costs of care in residential treatment insti ‐ tutions, which amount to €31,800 annually (MIZŠ, 2018). Assuming that one child (of the 180 partic ‐ ipants) will not have to be placed in a residential treatment institution due to the parents’ partici ‐ pation in the IY parenting program, annual savings amount to €31,800. The effect of reducing juve ‐ nile delinquency was considered only in the last year of the analyzed period; however, actual sav ‐ ings can occur for several years beyond the ana ‐ lyzed time horizon. Our analysis did not consider the program’s effects on postponing referral to residential treatment institutions to a later year or the effects of shortening the average time spent in a residential treatment institution. The program’s long ‐term impacts lead to lower crime and delinquency rates in adulthood. Impacts of the program thus include savings in court fees and costs of prison sentences. These costs are esti ‐ mated to be exceptionally high (O’Neill et al., 2010). In Slovenia, the daily cost per prisoner in 2017 was €79.51 (Kosma č 2018), which is slightly more than €29,000 per prisoner per year. There ‐ fore, we justifiably can assume that the savings calculated (€31,800) are underestimated and rep ‐ resent the lower limit for the actual monetary value of the program’s impact in this area. Further IY effects arise not only for the ana ‐ lyzed stakeholders but for the society as well. These effects were not included in the calculation of SROI. First, parenting programs also lead to in ‐ direct impacts on the society, such as a greater probability of an individual’s economic indepen ‐ dence, less need for social policy measures, and larger net contribution to the financing of public services (O’Neill et al., 2010). Second, the pro ‐ gram’s long ‐term effects include a higher level of attained education, better physical and mental health of children when they reach adulthood, a greater probability of employment, or shorter un ‐ employment duration. Third, the improved welfare of children and families leads to healthier and more ‐responsible members of society, and, conse ‐ quently, to improved welfare in society. Finally, less juvenile delinquency, addiction, and crime lead to greater safety levels in society. Table 2 presents the mone ti zed impacts for the iden ti fied stakeholders’ groups, as well as the total value of impacts in the analyzed 10 ‐year period. The actual value of impacts is likely to be even higher because we mone ti zed only a part of the iden ti fied e ffects. Impacts over 10 ‐year period per stakeholder (€) Total impact Child Parents Kindergartens Elementary schools Health system Social service Society * 36,329.31 279,687 786,757 33,229.36 * 35,852 1,171,854.72 Table 2: Mone ti zed impacts per stakeholder * 10 ‐year impacts for these stakeholders are described qualita ti vely and were not mone ti zed. Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis 90 4.4 Step 5 Figure 2 shows the impact chain and the results of the SROI calcula ti on. The SROI value for the 2018 IY program is 10.13. This means that every €1 in ‐ vested in the paren ti ng program in 2018 generates posi ti ve e ffects for various stakeholders in the total amount of €10.13 within the following 10 years. The program creates immediate e ffects by re ‐ ducing the need for medical treatment or health services for these children, generated throughout the observed period. Immediately a ft er implement ‐ ing the program, the program’s impact in pre ‐school educa ti on also is evident. When the children of these parents start primary school, the impact is transferred to that level. In the last year, the pro ‐ gram creates savings in the fields of addic ti on and juvenile delinquency. Because only parts of the im ‐ pacts were mone ti zed, and they were analyzed for 10 years only, the actual SROI likely is higher. The summa ti on of impacts across the iden ti fied impact chains for each of the stakeholders amounts to €1,171,855. The program’s average annual impact is €117,185 and the average impact per par ti cipant in the 10 ‐year period amounts to €6,510. As ex ‐ plained previously, our calcula ti ons did not include e ffects of the IY that occur a ft er the observed 10 ‐ year period (for example, impacts in the field of un ‐ employment), or benefits that have been analyzed only qualita ti vely (for example, program benefits for parti cipants’ children). The es ti mated impact in the 10 ‐year period (€1,171,855) is generated as the con ‐ sequence of a single (1 ‐year) implementa ti on of the program in 2018 and thus needs to be compared to the costs of IY implementa ti on in 2018, that is, €173,551. Each repe titi on of the program at the same scale generates impacts as calculated. 4.5 Robustness Check Our calcula ti on of SROI is based on several as ‐ sump ti ons about the outcome parameters. To verify the results’ robustness to the chosen assump ti ons, we used the sensi ti vity analysis presented in Figure 3. The baseline assump ti on on the value of costs was varied by as much as 50% up and down, and the corresponding SROI was calculated. Similarly, the program’s impacts on stakeholders were examined to determine how SROI changes if the program’s ef ‐ fect on each stakeholder group is increased or de ‐ creased by as much as 50%. Regardless of the direc ti on of the change and the type of impact, all recalculated SROIs were greater than 1, which con ‐ firms the robustness of the conclusion that the IY program is socially valuable and economically sound. Figure 2: Impact chain and results of the SROI analysis Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 91 As shown in Figure 3, the SROI index is most sensi ti ve to the assump ti on regarding inputs’ value. Compared with the mone ti za ti on of impacts, this value is rela ti vely more accurate and reliable. Among impacts, the assump ti ons regarding the ef ‐ fects on elementary schools and kindergartens are more cri ti cal than others for the value of SROI. Nev ‐ ertheless, even if individual e ffects are only half as large as assumed in our analysis (with other e ffects unchanged), the SROI value s ti ll is above 5. Finally, we calculated the cri ti cal value of an in ‐ dividual e ffect (with the others remaining un ‐ changed) for which SROI would equal 1. The annual program costs would have to increase by more than 900% (for the volume of 180 par ti cipants) to bring the SROI index value to 1. The calculated cri ti cal values of assump ti ons re ‐ garding the impact on each stakeholder are nega ‐ ti ve. This means that the program has a SROI greater than 1 even if one of the stakeholder impacts does not arise, because the e ffects on other stakeholders are higher than the program costs. The nega ti ve crit ‐ ical values of assump ti ons also mean that the IY par ‐ en ti ng program would have a SROI less than 1 only if it generated damage, i.e., had adverse e ffects on the analyzed stakeholders, which, as we established, certainly is not the case. We further compared each par ti cular stake ‐ holder’s impact and the en ti re costs of the IY pro ‐ gram, and calculated the cri ti cal standalone impact size for each stakeholder . In pre ‐school educa ti on, a 40% e ffect was assumed, whereas to achieve a SROI index higher than 1, at least a 31% e ffect is su fficient (with the e ffect on other stakeholders equal to zero). In the field of primary educa ti on, a 19% e ffect would be su fficient. In other fields, the cri ti cal level of the e ffect, in the absence of all other e ffects, is higher than the value assumed in the analysis, be ‐ cause their impact is rela ti vely small. 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Increasing requirements for disclosure of envi ‐ ronmental, social, and governance informa ti on and policies are promp ti ng companies and nonprofit or ‐ ganiza ti ons to consider the extent to which they are Figure 3: Robustness of the SROI index to changes in the basic scenario assump ti ons about program costs and e ffects on stakeholders Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis 92 prepared to meet these expecta ti ons. Over the last decade, the iden ti fica ti on, measuring, and repor ti ng of environmental impacts has become rela ti vely fa ‐ miliar, and is outlined by several frameworks. In con ‐ trast, guidelines for social and governance pillars, including a methodological framework for measure ‐ ment, largely are yet to be developed. This paper il ‐ lustrates how social impacts can be iden ti fied, measured, and even mone ti zed using the SROI ap ‐ proach. Unlike other economic evalua ti on methods, such as the CBA, the SROI approach focuses on a wider set of a ffected stakeholders. Another dis ti n ‐ guishing characteris ti c is that only the di fference be ‐ tween the e ffects that would have occurred without and with a preven ti ve program is considered to be an impact. We consider both characteris ti cs to be a dis ti nc ti ve advantage of the SROI method as a methodological ground for iden ti fying and measur ‐ ing social impacts. In the previous literature, the dif ‐ ficulty of assigning a financial value to “so ft outcomes” has been iden ti fied as a major problem (e.g., Banke ‐Thomas et al., 2015). In our paper, we highlighted the importance of iden ti fying the relevant stakeholders [and not nec ‐ essarily all of them (e.g., Antonaras et al., 2011; Banke ‐Thomas et al., 2015)] and demonstrated how to address the cri ti cal decisions regarding the selec ‐ ti on and collec ti on of data. Trade ‐o ffs between hav ‐ ing more or having the relevant data are to be expected, and a sensible compromise must be reached to finalize the analysis. Similar to previous SROI studies, we focused only on the impacts on those stakeholders for whom the program’s e ffects are most substan ti al (Antonaras et al., 2011) and for which data were available: children, parents, pre ‐ school and primary educa ti on ins ti tu ti ons, health ‐ care ins ti tu ti ons, and society. The program also has impacts in other areas, which we assessed only qualita ti vely and not monetarily; for example, ef ‐ fects on parents and families, delinquency and crime, unemployment, and chronic physical and mental illness in adulthood. Recent SROI guidance does not recommend comparing SROI metrics across di fferent ac ti vi ti es, whereas the CBA is designed to be comparable in such a way. The emphasis on stakeholder involve ‐ ment leads to diverse sets of indicators, and there ‐ fore to di fficul ti es in comparing like with like. This is the limita ti on of the SROI method, which Maier et al. (2015) referred to as commensura ti on, in which di fferent en titi es are compared according to a com ‐ mon metric. Comparability between social invest ‐ ments is limited. However, in Maier et al.’s opinion, comparability could be increased if calcula ti on pro ‐ cedures such as discount rates, deadweights, and proxies were standardized further, and the same scale or environment could be ensured. Another cri ti cal part of the analysis is the choice of the period analyzed, as noted by Banke ‐Thomas et al. (2015). In this study, we used a 10 ‐year period a ft er the implementa ti on because the most relevant e ffects were expected to occur within this ti me frame. However, a longer or shorter analy ti c horizon might lead to di fferent conclusions. Therefore, as a contribu ti on of our study, we highlight two princi ‐ ples that should be followed when selec ti ng the ti me frame for the analysis: (1) choose the period conserva ti vely, i.e., es ti mate the minimum ti me frame in which most, but not all, e ffects can be ex ‐ pected to occur; and (2) conduct a sensi ti vity anal ‐ ysis, i.e., use calcula ti ons to determine the cri ti cal assump ti ons that considerably a ffect the conclu ‐ sions if the ti me frame is changed to be shorter or longer than the baseline. Related to the preceding points is the decision about how thoroughly the negative vs. positive ef ‐ fects (or costs and benefits) should be included. Namely, implementing measures such as SROI is relatively feasible when information about pro ‐ gram outcomes, cost, and revenue already is being collected by an organization (Cordes, 2017). In many situations, the information about the costs of activities is more familiar, available, and pre ‐ dictable than information about expected bene ‐ fits. Thus, it is advisable that costs (or negative effects) are included fully in the analysis and cau ‐ tion is exerted in terms of expected positive ef ‐ fects. Such a conservative approach leads to an underestimated SROI value and safeguards against enthusiastic or overrated expectations of positive social returns. Of course, such a conservative stance may prevent some socially desirable activ ‐ ities from being implemented; therefore, a bal ‐ ance between both views is needed. The decision about how thoroughly the effects should be in ‐ cluded is illustrated in our example, in which the Dynamic Rela ti onships Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022 93 calculated total impact value comprised only a part of the program’s actual positive effects, whereas program implementation costs were in ‐ cluded in full. Finally, the process and results of the SROI analysis can be exploited beyond the mere (one ‐ time) demonstration or reporting of the organiza ‐ tional aggregate social impact to (potential) investors, funders, or other stakeholders (Flock ‐ hart, 2005). When the impact model is well under ‐ stood, good groundwork has been set up for socially responsible management (Then et al., 2017). Through this analysis, organizations can identify, for example, which activities and issues could be problematic from the ESG perspective, or, conversely, where new opportunities might open up. The information gathered and processed in the SROI analysis also can feed into the organi ‐ zational strategy development process and even ‐ tually also be incorporated into strategy implementation or performance management tools. SROI reduces complexity by condensing the difficult task of communicating value to one fig ‐ ure. This figure can be used as a tool to shape pub ‐ lic opinion about distributive justice or to legitimize NPOs by communicating their impact to audiences who are less receptive to qualitative ev ‐ idence (Maier et al., 2015). Our experience shows that the scope of avail ‐ able data limits the quality of social impact anal ‐ yses. This implies that organizations may need to increase the availability and range of available data to measure the outputs, outcomes, and im ‐ pacts of programs (Meng & Shi, 2017). Therefore, future research in this area could focus on im ‐ proving the availability of external data, such as shared databases of proxy data. However, be ‐ cause there is a significant deficit of existing ex ‐ amples of social impact analysis (benchmarks), many organizations often will discover the type and scope of data they need only ex post—after their first attempt to conduct such an analysis. Therefore, further research in this area could pro ‐ vide valuable examples of the type and range of data needed for SROI analysis in specific contexts. Furthermore, as is evident from our case, a lon ‐ gitudinal approach to data collection may be re ‐ quired to measure accurately the long ‐term effects and monitor the evolution of social im ‐ pacts over time for different stakeholders. Despite the aforementioned limitations, we believe that our study makes an important con ‐ tribution to the literature in this area and pro ‐ vides a practical reference example for practitioners and researchers. The activities of many different organizations can be analyzed in a similar way whenever they are characterized by a broad range of indirect individual and social ef ‐ fects in addition to the intended direct effects for the target population. 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Mojca Marc, Nina Ponikvar: How to Measure Our Impact on Society: An Illustra ti on of Social Impact Analysis EXTENDED SUMMARY/IZVLE ČEK Vse ve čje zahteve glede obvladovanja okoljskih in družbenih dejavnikov ter dejavnikov korporaci ‐ jskega upravljanja (ang. Environmental, Social and Governance; ESG) spodbujajo podjetja in neprofitne organizacije k razmisleku glede njihove pripravljenos ti na izpolnjevanje takšnih pri čakovanj. Spodbude za merjenje in poro čanje o družbenem vplivu podje ti j prihajajo tako s trga, od kupcev kot konkurentov, kot tudi s strani regulatorjev. Namen tega prispevka je pomaga ti organizacijam, ki se soo čajo z izzivom merjenja družbenega u činka svojih dejavnos ti . V članku na primeru ponazorimo, kako je mogo če s pristopom SROI iden ti ficira ti , izmeri ti in denarju izrazi ti družbene u činke. Metoda SROI se osredoto ča na obsežen nabor deležnikov, kot u činek pa šteje samo razlika med u činki, ki bi se pojavili brez anal ‐ izirane ak ti vnos ti in z njo. Za študijo primera uporabljamo program starševstva, katerega cilj je izboljša ti starševske spretnos ti in s tem zmanjša ti čustvene in vedenjske težave otrok. Program vodi neprofitna organizacija, vendar je mogo če na podoben na čin analizira ti tudi dejavnos ti znotraj profitnega sektorja, kadar je zanje poleg predvidenih neposrednih u činkov zna čilen širok spekter posrednih individualnih in družbenih u činkov. V študiji smo ovredno ti li družbene u činke v desetletnem obdobju po izvedbi programa, saj so bili v tem časovnem okviru pri čakovani najpomembnejši u činki. V članku poudarjamo vlogo izbire dolžine obdobja merjenja u činkov ter natan čnos ti vklju čevanja stroškov izvedbe analizirane ak ti vnos ti in njenih u činkov. Pri tem izpostavljamo pomen razpoložljivos ti in obsega u činkov, ki jih za ‐ jamemo s podatki. 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