Theoretical Aspects of the Economic Transition: The Case of Romania Cezar Scarlat Eugen I. Scarlat For Romania, as for all other ex-communist countries from Eastern Eu- rope, the transition from the rigid centrally planned economic system to the free-market economy, fair competition based, was an amazing experience. From the academic standpoint, the economic reform was a huge research opportunity, as well as having extremely important prac- tical consequences. Based on the case of Romania, the authors have developed an original, bi-dimensional matrix model of this transition process (Scarlat Model), emphasizing the typology of four basic eco- nomic systems. Managerial aspects are underlined - both for economic systems and transition process - as well as some stability considera- tions. Two features of the transition strategy are presented: the tran- sition path and duration of the process. Special attention was paid to assessing the moment by when the economic transition ends. Analy- sis of the transition path - based on the theory of deterministic chaos (i. e. short-run predictability) - has led to interesting results: a compre- hensive research on the evolution of the Romanian currency exchange over a period of sixteen years (1990-2005) revealed three intervals in the Romanian recent history of economic transition and confirmed the diagnostic oftransition end. The general model is applied in the case of Romania and some interesting findings are presented, but it is also fully applicable to all Eastern European countries and not only Romania. The eu accessing process is a different type of transition - rigorously planned, regulated and monitored. Key Words: economy model, economic transition, transition path, deterministic chaos, eu accession jel Classification: P2i Introduction In 1989, the seemingly solid system of centrally planned economy col- lapsed. The revolutionary changes that started in Poland demolished the Dr Cezar Scarlat is a Professor in the Management Department, University 'Politehnica' of Bucharest, Romania. Dr Eugen I. Scarlat is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, University 'Politehnica' of Bucharest, Romania. Managing Global Transitions 5 (4): 307-331 whole Soviet-style command economic system of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union itself. Dramatic changes in the economic systems of these countries followed, but the scientists were not prepared for such a moment: there was no valid theory of economic reform to rely on - as there was no such precedent. Within the empty space of the economic theory in this respect, the fall of communism has given way to a variety of strange, archaic, alternate and even 'informal' and 'parallel' forms of management and enterprise - as the entrepreneurial energy existed but it was not properly channelled (Dana and Dana 2003). As Aligica describes (2006), the raise of the new institutionalism is one of the most significant reactions of the economic reform experience. A comprehensive World Bank report (World Bank 2004) evaluates the World Bank assistance in 26 countries in Europe and Central Asia. Af- ter 1989, the transition countries 'have undertaken massive reforms of their economic systems, transforming institutions, processes, attitudes, and fundamental concepts of individual and organisational behaviour'. Considering its complexity, the development of an 'easy-to-understand' but working model of economic transition is a considerable challenge. The economic reforms have had significant impact in all sectors and important research efforts have been made to clarify, explain or solve problems related to the transition processes. Even gender issues were such a subject (Homlong and Springler 2006) - in order to identify the quality and quantity of female labour participation in such processes. Based on the authors' experience and research during more than fif- teen years of transition from a centrally planned economy toward a free- market economic system, an original model of the economic systems and transition was developed. More or less authorised voices speak knowingly about 'privatisation', 'economic reform' or 'transition toward market economy' and - more recently - the European Union. In spite of their actuality, they often gen- erate questions and are even confusing. The proposed model allows for clear definitions, and possible transi- tion strategies are analyzed. The role of government is emphasized, as well as the key-role of the public administration in the process of acces- sion to the European Union. The economic and transition model, which is proposed by the au- thors as a conceptual framework, is bi-dimensional. Types of ownership (state/private) and management (centralized/decentralized) are consid- ered. Consequently, the resulting 'two by two matrix' reveals four types of economic systems - among them the centrally-planned economy and the free-market economic system. The major advantage of this model is its analytical potential. The different transition strategies are presented and the position of a certain economic system, on its path toward the free-market economy, at a certain moment, can be easily identified. The topic of this paper is very actual, extremely important and relevant to the current state of knowledge for - at least - two reasons: • The proposed transition model is both theoretical and practical (ex- planatory) as well as being an investigation tool (Ardelea and Scarlat 1991; Scarlat 1994; 1999; 2001; 2003a; Scarlat and Curaj 2004). • The research conducted in Romania, the analysis of time series of certain macroeconomic indicators (such as the exchange rate) dur- ing the transition period or the transition path, from the standpoint of deterministic chaos (i. e. short-term predictability), has revealed interesting characteristics (Scarlat 2005; Scarlat, Stan, and Cristescu 2007a; 2007b) and was in accordance with the other estimations about the end of transition. Some of the conclusions of the research might be applicable to other tran- sition economies as important decision support tools. Economy Model Using a political economy approach, and based on different criteria (po- litical structures, 'What is a good society?' and the pace of implementing the transition policies), Marangos (2005; 2006) has identified and devel- oped five alternative models of transition: Shock Therapy, the Neoclas- sical Gradualist model, the Post-Keynesian model of transition, the Plu- ralistic Market Socialist, and the Non-Pluralistic Market Socialist model of transition (the Chinese model). These models are associated with al- ternative institutional development processes - i. e. the decision depends on what institutions are considered to be more efficient: institutions pro- duced by state intervention or market-generated. The neoclassical gradu- alist model maximizes the social welfare under the given internal and ex- ternal constraints (Marangos 2006). Unfortunately, this meritorious and complex typology presents definition elements of both economic transi- tion (as shock therapy) and economic system (others), which might be confusing. Definitely, an economic system is described by a certain number of features: more features, more information and - finally - the system is better described. The issue is to investigate the possibility of character- ising (any) economic system by a minimum number of parameters, in order to simplify the analysis as much as possible (but they still describe the system completely). The point is to find the most important features. The basic assumption is that any economic system can be characterised by two major features, considered as determining features: • The type of ownership that could be, basically, state ownership or private ownership (the intermediate or mixed ownership is ac- cepted). • The type of management adopted by businesses/organisations ac- tive within the economic system. We agree to define the management type as centralised if all the vital decisions are made at the macroeconomic level (government), and the decentralised management, where decisions are made at the microeco- nomic (organisation) level (intermediate forms of management are also accepted). The result of these assumptions is the two-dimension (matrix) model presented in figure 1. Validity of the model's assumptions is proved by the fact that all the important types of economic systems are described fairly completely. While the association 'private ownership' & 'decentralised management' is typical of the democratic countries' 'market economy' (quarter i), the association 'state ownership' & 'centralised management' defines 'the command economy' or centrally planned economy of the communist/socialist countries (quarter iii). Analysing the model with combinatorial techniques, two more associations are shown: 'private ownership' & 'centralised management' (quarter ii), defining the econ- omy of monopoly and 'state ownership' & 'decentralised management' (quarter iv), introducing the so-called 'social-market' economy. It is important to avoid the confusion between 'centrally planned economy' and 'planned business activity' - core of the modern free- market economy. Unfortunately, such confusions were frequently pre- sented in Romanian newspapers and mass media, right after 1990. An- other trap to be avoided: the modern free-market economy is not the old 'market' economy dominated by powerful monopolies (economy of monopoly). The free-market economic system is superior to the centrally planned economy for two reasons, at least: motivation (as a result of private own- ership) and flexibility (as a result of decentralized management). & > CL JZ trt OL ^ t le , t« I CD I C Š I O I "o I (D I ^ J .S jg t/i FIGURE isation of the business management (figure 2). The adopted legal acts in Romania (the Reorganisation of the State Owned Enterprises Act, the Corporations Act, the Act of Land) target all the transition aspects men- tioned before. The fundamental problem is choosing and justifying the optimal strat- egy, defined by: • Duration and speed of transition ('shock' or 'gradual' transition). • Transition path (trajectory). • Privatisation techniques - as an essential component of the transi- tion and economic reform. • Transition management and strategy - as a result of all the above. As far as duration/pace of transition is concerned - either 'shock ther- apy' or 'gradual transition' - the champions of each of them might have their arguments. However, ten years of transition offer enough hard evi- dences - as some countries have opted for 'shock' while most of them (as Romania) have decided to follow the 'gradual' path (Giannaros 2000). The proposed model allows for analysing all these aspects. For exam- ple, regarding the transition path, the model's analysis reveals three types of trajectories, at least: 1. Direct transition (quarters Iii —> i); theoretically the most advan- tageous but requires an outstanding managerial effort. 2. Transition through quarter 2 (quarters Iii —> 11 —> i), which is potentially high unemployment generative. Type of business management Centralised--------------► Decentralised II Economy of monopoly I s Free-market economy / / / / / / / / / Economy of command III 'Social-market' economy IV 2 The transition model: From centrally planned economy to the free-market economy Theoretical Aspects of the Economic Transition 315 Economy of monopoly Free-market economy Economy of command 'Social-market' economy Degree of business management decentralisation figure 3 The model of the transition path of the Romanian Economy 3. Transition through quarter iv, threatened by inflation (quarters iii —> iv —> i). It is important to mention that these three types are just basic tra- jectories. Bitzenis (2007) has introduced nine general reform paths of transition. If the economic criterion (inflation avoidance) is overwhelming, vari- ant (2) will be chosen meaning prioritising the privatisation. If the social criterion (lowest possible unemployment) prevails, (3) will be followed and companies will become fully autonomous. From the theoretical, managerial standpoint, transition should be as short and straight as possible. Prolonging the transition through unsta- ble statuses (quarters ii and iv) induces stresses and leads to a drop in economic efficiency, or else a decrease in the speed of the economic re- form process. As mentioned before, the split between private/state or centralized/de- centralized is pretty rigid. The model can be improved, considering both ownership and decentralisation as having continuous variation: owner- ship percentage and degree of decentralisation. The proposed model - slightly modified (figure 3) - allows for investigating the real path fol- lowed by Romania on its way to a free-market economy. The overall survey on the Romanian economy and business environ- ment allows us to conclude that most of the legal framework is in place and the business is very active. According to a detailed survey conducted and published back in 2004: 'Romania does not request a transition pe- riod or impairment of law and states that it will be possible to fully en- force the acquis after the accession' (Fuerea et al. 2004,29). Type of business management Centralised --► Decentralised Economy of monopoly — Anti-trust laws ■ Fair competition laws j Free-market economy t Consumer protection laws ' Property laws . Economy of command 1 'Social-market' economy figure 4 The role of government: The legal environment development and protection role of the government As we have seen, the match between ownership and management in quarter i is only the background for an efficient economic system. For countries in transition - as Romania - the government is less and less an economic actor but a crucial rule maker. After the transition manage- ment role, the government must play another essential role: the guard and the guarantor of the free-market economic system. In order to main- tain the viability of the free-market economy system, its borders should be safely defended by (figure 4): • 'anti-trust' regulations (antimonopoly) in order to discourage the movement back to quarter ii, • laws for property protection and limitation of nationalisation pro- cesses that should not allow access towards quarter iv, as well as measures of stability within the system: • fair competition legislation, and • laws for consumers' protection. To all these, the legal framework for environment protection is a sine- qua-non condition for sustainable development. During its eu accession process, Romania had to pay attention to all these aspects as follows (Fuerea et al. 2004): • Fair competition: 'In this field [...] legislation is harmonized with similar European legislation. There is a high proportion of com- patibility with eu legislation regarding the regulation of corporate agreements, dominant position abuse and the control of economic concentrations.' • Consumer protection: 'In conclusion, the degree of concordance be- tween the Romanian legislation and acquis [...] is estimated to be relatively high since all measures taken by Romania are fully com- patible.' • Environment protection: in this area, Romania still has 'to pro- mote a normative measure to support the local budgets in creat- ing/improving the environment infrastructure.' Justification of those measures lies in the fundamental principles of the free-market economy: open competition, balance between the de- mand and supply, and company autonomy. As far as the private sector is concerned, the government plays an im- portant role, too. The 'privatization' process is only one of the ways to create a significant private sector in the economy: • privatisation of the former state-owned enterprises, • creation of new private firms - small business start-ups, mostly (which started right after December 1989), • restitution of the properties confiscated by the communist regime between 1945 and 1985. This is why the 'creation of the private sector' syntagm - which is strongly recommended to be used - reflects the real-life processes bet- ter than the word 'privatization'. The Romanian government took action in all the above directions. Only the pace was different. As an example, the major steps for prop- erty restitutions are chronologically displayed in table 1. Similar investi- gations can be performed for other means to create the private sector. The Romanian Statistics Authority periodically provides data in this re- spect. It has to be emphasized that the government has to be the referee of the economy game, not a player. But its role and implication are some- times rather difficult to assess, mainly in transition economies. For ex- ample, in Czech Republic, the influence of the government in the econ- omy was higher than what the government officially conceded during the 1990s (Kreuzbergova 2006). So-called 'banking socialism' has meant the indirect control of the recently privatized companies by the government- controlled banks. table 1 Property restitution acts in Romania Act number/year Restitution object 18/1991 82/1992 1/2000 10/2001 247/2005 Land for agriculture (less than 10 ha) Urban pieces of land Forests, land larger than 10 ha Buildings (restrictive) Most of the properties Too much involvement of the government in the economy means less economic freedom. The Heritage Foundation and Dow Jones & Com- pany, Inc. is annually publishing - since 1995 - the world ranking of eco- nomic freedom, according to the 'index of economic freedom', which is based on some tens ofindependent variables, grouped in 10 broad factors of economic freedom, strongly influenced by the government policy. The economic freedom 'encompasses all liberties and rights of pro- duction, distribution, or consumption of goods and services. The highest form of economic freedom provides an absolute right of property owner- ship, fully realized freedoms of movement for labour, capital, and goods, and an absolute absence of coercion or constraint of economic liberty beyond the extent necessary for citizens to protect and maintain liberty itself. In other words, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, and that freedom is both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state' (Beach and Kane 2007, 38). It should be noted that the absence of government coercion or constraint must also include a sense of liberty as distinct from anarchy. The 2007 Index of Economic Freedom ranks Romania on 67th place (compared to 92nd place in 2006) in a global list of 161 countries (Kane, Holmes, and O'Grady 2007). The position corresponds to the consid- erably large group of 'moderately free-countries' - where the majority of former communist countries are ranked. The lower the position, the greater the level of government interference in the economy, and the less economic freedom the respective country enjoys. end of transition The question of'when the transition process ends' (Scarlat 1999) is dou- bly important: not only for the sake of theory, but for practical reasons as well (just think about the status of 'functional market economy' accord- ing to which the candidate countries for eu accession were assessed). On the other hand, Kumar (2006) finds that there is a strong correla- tion between world trade and a well-established market economy such as in the usa, Japan and countries in eu, while there is a small correlation between the world trade and a transitional economy such as Russia. In other words, the 'functional market economies' have better established import and export transactions and, consequently, economic welfare. The Scarlat model is able to offer a reliable answer to the sensitive question of 'when the transition process ends'. In theory, by the time when the private ownership is prevailing and the business management is dominantly decentralized, then the free-market economy system is in place (figure 2). In practice, during the transition process, it is necessary to measure both the private ownership percentage and degree of business management decentralisation (figure 3). When more than 50% in both of them (or a different but higher than 50% privatisation and/or decentral- isation target) is reached, then the process of economic transition towards the free-market economy is considered over. While the percentage of private ownership is relatively easy to calcu- late, based on regular statistics (see, for example, figure 5, which depicts the Romanian case for its privatization target), the degree of business management decentralisation is rather difficult to assess. In any case, a coherent set of criteria for assessing the degree of de- centralisation has to be developed. Such a set of criteria should include vital decisions at the company level - such as decisions on: company mis- sion and strategy, budget, company suppliers and clients, pricing policy, personnel policy (number, structure, salaries, hiring and firing), invest- ments, acquisitions and mergers, insolvency and bankruptcy. Further re- search on this issue is to be completed and eventually published. There are also other standpoints, methods and/or information sources that could be used to assess, conventionally, the point in time when the economic transition gets - conventionally - to its end. The question is, somehow, rhetorical - because . . . the transition never ends: the eco- nomic system - even after reaching the 'free-market economy' quad- rant - is not rigid, it is continuously evolving (within the same quadrant, hopefully). Several approaches mostly used to diagnose and identify that moment when the economic transition is conventionally over are men- tioned below. • The political approach (altough it also considers a complex of ele- ments): the transition is over when the eu sentences it - in Country Report - and considers the economic system as a 'functional mar- ket economy'. For Romania, this happened by the end of 2003: 'Ro- mania can be considered as a functional market economy once the good progress made has continued decisively' (European Commis- sion 2003,7). • The economic approach: the economic transition is over when the country's yearly gdp reaches the pre-transition maximum level. The Romanian economy has reached this value in the years 2002- 2003, according to wb and un estimates, respectively, at mar- ket prices, current prices, in usd (see United Nations Common Database at It is significant that countries, which were forced to follow reform paths in belligerent and/or violent forms, have reported limited economic growth and 'not only lag behind the other transition countries in the region, but also, as of today, have not even reached the levels they had attained in 1989' (Bitzenis 2007). • The management approach: the economic transition is completed at that point in time when the strategic objectives are reached (in terms of gdp, private sector dimension, etc). For example: the pri- vatisation target was achieved by 2003 (figure 5). • The econo-statistics approach: based on time-frequency series anal- ysis, which will be further discussed. As all the above may present cross - influences, a correlated approach is recommended. In the case of Romania, the different approaches con- figure 6 Time evolution ofthe rol/usd exchange rate, at logarithm scale (based on the data published on the National Bank of Romania web site, verge to indicate that economic transition reached its end by 2002-2003. This conclusion will be supported by the conclusions of the next section. Analysis Tools for the Transition Path The transition process was not linear. Besides its trajectory and duration, it is interesting to assess when the transition ends and identify if other elements have occurred on the transition path. There are also more so- phisticated tools to analyze the transition path, behavioural patterns and specific features. For example, from the point of view of the determinis- tic chaos (i. e. short-run predictability), the analysis of time series might lead to interesting results. A time series might be anything between ran- domness and determinism; in turn, the determinism might be chaotic (i. e. sensitive to initial conditions) or classic (non sensitive). The research methodology is based on the analysis of the time series of macroeconomic indicators, by statistical methods; the macroeconomic indicator chosen: the us dollar (usd) exchange rate. The figures were collected based on the daily values reported by the Romanian central bank (Banca Nationala a Romaniei) over a period of sixteen years of Ro- manian recent history: 1990-2005. This period includes the interval used previously for presenting the privatisation process: 1992-2004 (figure 5). A comprehensive research was conducted on the evolution of the Romanian currency exchange rate (rol) with respect to the us dollar (usd). Figure 6 depicts the overall evolution. The logarithm scale was used because of large variations of the indicator (up to 104). The analysis was performed taking into consideration three criteria: • System complexity (this is not necessarily the whole economy, but part of it, as monetary system). • Sensitivity to initial conditions (as a pointer of the predictability). • Persistence of the evolutionary trend (indicating the similitude with the random-walk behaviour, i. e. the lack of deterministic pre- dictability in favour of probabilistic predictability). In the nonlinear dynamics theory, the corresponding quantities for the above mentioned criteria are the correlation dimension, the largest Lyapunov exponent (Bask 1996) and the Hurst coefficient (Tsonnis et al. 2001). The degree of complexity of the underlying system is quantitatively given by the correlation dimension referring to the minimum number of variables that is needed to replicate the dynamic system. The last one is the same with the dimension of the (strange) attractor characterizing whichever one of the topological-equivalent systems (Takens 1981). It is worth noting that the number of variables that replicates the system is fractional, according to the theory of the strange attractors (Kantz and Schreiber 1997). The sensitivity to initial conditions could explain the spreading diver- sity of the present - day economic systems, even if they were starting from quite similar prerequisites. This is a basic feature of the chaotic sys- tems. Hence, one way of revealing the existence of deterministic chaos in a time series is to measure the degree of divergence of nearby orbits in the phase-space. Such divergence 6(t) can be measured by the Lyapunov exponents A, and the presence of at least one positive exponent is taken as indicating to what extent the evolution is predictable over a specific time range (Rosenstein 1993): As far as concerns the persistence of the evolutionary trend, the Hurst exponent is an additional pointer for making the distinction between randomness and causality; besides, its value of 0.5 separates the per- sistent and anti-persistent evolutionary trends (Stanley and Mantegna 2004). It is defined by the time evolution of the root-mean-square fluc- tuation of the averaged displacement over all possible positions to (the bars indicate the average): S(t) = 6(0) • eAt. (1) The values of the Hurst exponent (H) range between 0 and 1. A value of 0.5 indicates a true random walk (a Brownian time series). In a ran- dom walk there is no correlation between any element and a future ele- ment. A Hurst exponent value 0.5 < H < 1 indicates 'persistent behaviour' (e. g. a positive autocorrelation). If there is an increase from time step i - 1 to i, there will probably be an increase from i to i + 1. The same is true for decreases: a decrease tends to follow a decrease. A Hurst exponent value 0 < H < 0.5 indicates a time series with 'anti-persistent behaviour' (or negative autocorrelation): an increase tends to be followed by a de- crease, or conversely, a decrease will be followed by an increase. This be- haviour is sometimes called 'mean reversion'. Some results of the research conducted in Romania are further pre- sented. The analysis of the transition path - using all the above criteria - has revealed three intervals, as follows (figure 7): i. 1990-1997 ii. 1998-2001 iii. 2002-2005. Obviously, the three intervals are splits of the diagram depicted in fig- ure 6. Interval i (1990-1997) is characterized by simple underlying dynam- ics and low fractal dimension, weak sensitivity to initial conditions, and a very aggressive, positive long-run trend. After the social and political events that provoked the fall of the totalitarian regime, the inertia of the total deterministic evolution of the economy of command that had been legally operated until the end of 1989 prolonged the effect for sev- eral more years, when the economy diminished to work as a 'national holding', and both the lack of an adequate institutional feed-back and the social pressure led to political decisions of maintaining the exchange rate at artificial constant values. Thus, the accumulation of the demand pressure upon the slow-developing supply led to an increased import of goods; the insufficient feed-forward of a weak monetary system could not balance the long response time of production, and explosive cor- rections occurred in the form of stepped jumps of the exchange rate rol/usd (see figure 7a). The exchange rate is deterministic and 'very' predictable from the long-run perspective (short-run understood), with a lot of angular points. The main features of this time interval are sum- marized in table 2. Interval ii (1998-2001), as figure 7b shows, is characterized by in- creased correlation dimension, i. e. more complex dynamics, and clear positive values for the largest Lyapunov exponent. All the usual hypothe- ses for chaotic dynamics are fulfilled, and this is the domain with sig- nificant functional changes toward the open market economy. The pos- itive long-run trend continues, but the averaged relative variation per year of the exchange rate is a hundred times lower (72.27% compared to 7264.29% for interval 1). The exchange rate remains predictable both from the short- and long-run perspective (table 2), exhibiting a much smoother curve. The interval Iii (2002-2005) - see figure 7c - is closer to the random walk behaviour, as pointed out by the anti-persistence of the short run trend. It might be a chaotic deterministic, with a higher volatility than the previous one, or stochastic, or mixed; in order to decide in this mat- ter, further analysis is necessary. To simplify, we only mention here that the evolution remains of causal type. For the purpose of this paper, it is important that there are arguments to state that the transition seems to come to its end by the end of 2001 due to at least two reasons: the first is the disappearance of the long-run trend and, consequently, the beginning of the steady state regime, and the second is the complexity of the structure revealed by the fractal dimension of interval Iii. As stated in the literature (Schwartz and Yousefi 2003), a free market economy in a steady state regime contains a strange attractor with a correlation dimen- sion around 4.5, and that is the case for Romania (table 2). The exchange rate predictability is weak, with small deviations from the nearly hori- zontal baseline (excepting a significant fall in March 2005 - see figure 7c). This is the consequence of the new settled macroeconomic equilibriums, very sensitive to the environmental stimuli, but also with high capacity to recover the functional 'working points'. Significantly low predictability is consistent with the long run be- haviour, which in fact has no trend, and the curve approaches a random walk appearance (figure 7c). In a steady-state-running economy, as men- tioned by other authors, a positive real part of the largest Lyapunov coef- ficient seems to be normal. Moreover, the greater the correlation dimen- sion, the more complex the economic system (and the monetary policy of the Central Bank). The Romanian transition trajectory seems to be of the type Iii —> iv —> I. A smaller Lyapunov exponent is consistent with a higher degree of short run predictability in an economic system; for the first period, the exchange rate is predictable from the long run perspective (posi- 5.0 (A) 3.5- 1998 1999 2000 2001 4.6- (C) 4.4 - 2002 2003 2004 2005 figure 7 The dynamics of the three intervals of the transition period (1990-2005) - the evolution of the usd exchange rate against Romanian rol tive trend). The smaller Lyapunov exponent characterizing the period of structural changes indicates smaller sensitivity to the initial condition together with a non-randoml evolution toward a more complex system characterizing the steady-state-regime. Overall, it is important to note that time series analysis indicates the table 2 The three time intervals and their characteristics (based on the evolution of usd exchange rate against Romanian rql) Characteristics Interval i Interval ii Interval iii Time range 1 January 1990- 31 December 1997 1 January 1998- 31 December 2001 1 January 2002- 31 October 2005 Complexity (system dimension) 1.74 3.09 4.45 System sensitivity to initial conditions Weak Strong Strong Trend Persistent Persistent Anti-persistent Type of predictability Long-run, deterministic Long-run, chaotic deterministic Short-run, chaotic deterministic end of 2001 as the end of the transition process - which confirms the previous conclusion (end of transition process in Romania: 2002-2003). Open Closing: eu Accession Process - A Different Type of Transition As the eu accession is a transition process itself, Romania - like other Eastern European countries - has been 'in transition process' twice. Fortunately, the transition to the 'functional' free-market economy is naturally connected to the eu accession process (Scarlat and Richevaux 2006). Several impact studies were conducted in Romania under pais (Pre-Accession Impact Studies): pais i (2001-2002), pais ii (2003- 2004), pais iii (2005-2006). Overall, the pais studies were intended to provide recommendations to the Romanian Government to support negotiations with the European Commission. Under pais i (Scarlat, Popescu, and Warner 2002) primary and sec- ondary research (desk research and formal face-to-face interviews) was conducted. The main objective of the study was to provide an overview of the institutional requirements for implementing the acquis commu- nautaire in Romania and to provide a set of recommendations. Most of the above issues and recommendations were presented to the ria International Conference in Sofia (Scarlat 2003b). As these recom- mendations were acknowledged by the Conference participants coming from ex-communist countries, it means that this set of recommendations are applicable not only to Romania but to most of the ex-communist, eu accession countries. The studies conducted under pais ii (Fuerea et al. 2004) confirmed that Romania - like other eu candidate countries in economic transition - is aiming at a 'mobile target': harmonization of the Romanian legisla- tion with the acquis communautaire is based on two processes (transpo- sition of the Community legislation into the Romanian legislation and rendering compatible the national normative measures which transpose the acquis with the provisions of the Community legislation). The re- search revealed that the concordance degree of the Romanian legislation with the eu legislation (in force in 2002) was approximately 75%. The problem is that the acquis covers more than 90,000 pages (out of which about 20,000 are continuously being amended!) The eu accession process was a different type of transition - not only planned but rigorously regulated and monitored. Following the eu acces- sion, the eu integration process is a different topic, both quantitatively and qualitatively different. Conclusions • The general economy model that was presented ('Scarlat Model') is a useful analysis framework to discuss the transition features - mainly its path but also transition duration, delays, priorities (pri- vatisation vs. decentralisation) - ultimately the transition strategy. • The sophisticated research tools applied for transition path analysis, based on the theory of deterministic chaos, lead to revealing results: in the case of Romania, three neatly distinct intervals were identified and described. 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