IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No 6/2018 URBANiZACiJA GRAČANICE URBANISATION OF GRAČANICA Gračanica, Ljubljana, Kosovska Mitrovica Kosovo 2018 TIP DELAVNICE TYPE OF WORKSHOP urbanistično-arhitektonska delavnica / mednarodna EDiTORiAL ČLANEK ARTiCLE RAZPRAVA DiSCUSSiON RECENZiJA REViEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOp NATEČAJ MENTORJI MENTORS Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Katedra za urbanizem, Univerza v Ljubljani (UL FA) Mentors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alenka Fikfak, Prof. mag. Tadej Glažar, Assist. Prof. Dr. Luka Skansi, Assist. Janez P. Grom, Assist. Vid de Gleria, Assist. Miha Konjar, Urša Kalčič, Tech. Assist. University Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Architecture UKM FTS; Mentors: assoc. prof. dr. Saja Kosanovic, assist. prof. dr. Branislav Folic, assist. Olivera Lekic, assoc. Nenad Nikolic, dr. assist. Nebojša Gadžic ŠTUDENTJE STUDENTS UL Faculty of architecture: Grega Boltič, Peter Grudina, Hajdi Šinkovec, Aleš Švigelj, Marko Lazič, Jana Benedik, Jan Barič, Arta Krasniqi, Djellza Saramati, Andraž Podvez, Tjaša Kogovšek, Katja Frelih, Katarina Kuk, Rok Krznar, Jakob Smrekar, Zala Koleša. UKM Faculty of Technical Sciences: Stefan Antic, Jelena Todorovic, Aleksandar Crnoglavac, Petar Petrovič, Dragana Božovic, Filip Mijanovic, Vildan Bajrami, Jovan Femic, Kristina Kasalovic, Kristina Stoilkovic, Milan Pešic, Mirjana Živic, Petar Nešic, Petar Popovic, Andjelija Kostic, Stefana Bojkovic, Marija Dakic, Stefan Živkovic. PARTNERJI PARTNERS Opcina Gračanica, Srdan Popovic, Župan Dejan Jovanovic, direktor oddelka za urbanizem Turistička organizacija Gračanice, Boban Petrovic SINERGIJA Z DRUGIMI PROJEKTI SYNERGY WITH OTHER PROJECTS Erasmus+ project of the European union Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments - KLABS DATUM IN KRAJ RAZSTAVE DATE OF THE EXHIBITION UL, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Risalnica 21, 6. 6. 2018-24. 6. 2018 Kulturni dom Gračanica, 11. 6. 2018 LIVEABILITY IN URBAN TRANSFORAMTIONS. 13th Tallin Design Festival, v okviru projekta Human cities, 10.-16.9.2018 DONATOR PROJEKTA DONOR OF THE PROJECT The Embassy of Norway, Pristina GRADIVO PRIPRAVIL MATERIALS PREPARED BY Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saja Kosanovic, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alenka Fikfak 109 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No 6/2018 In the light of comprehensive spatial transition, the settlement of Gračani-ca, located only several kilometres away from the city of Priština, is faced with numerous challenges that could together be recognised as a challenge of planned transformation of rural village into the settlement with urban character. In collaboration with the Municipality of Gračanica, the Tourist Organisation of Gračanica, and the Norwegian Embassy in Priština, and in synergy with the Erasmus+ project KLABS of the European Union, the students and the educators from the University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Architecture and the University in Kosovska Mitrovica - Faculty of Technical Sciences were given an opportunity to respond to this challenge, and to organise and participate in a series of events from March to September 2018, including conference, workshop and exhibition. The overall goal of collaborative work, entitled "Urbanisation of Gračanica", was to configure the plan of future development of Gračanica settlement. On the 22nd of March 2018, the conference aiming to define the desired outcomes of urbanisation of Gračanica was organised, and the topics such as spatial, social and economic conditions, architectural and urban design directions, and the methodological formats optimal for the achievement of set objectives, were set forth during the productive dialogue. Following the conference, the representatives from the Municipality of Gračanica - Urbanism Department, the Tourist Organisation of Gračanica, as well as the educators and students from the universities in Ljubljana and Kosovska Mitrovica got involved into a 4-day intensive workshop held in the Cultural Centre in Gračanica. Four main overlapping strategies for "Urbanisation of Gračanica" were defined: ■ to allow SUSTAINABILITY to become a decisive factor, especially considering its ecological dimension, ■ to generate commercial and non-commercial URBANITY in an interactive process, with the protection of street life and the regulation of traffic system, ■ to maintain and simultaneously re-develop the identity of town centre and its ARCHITECTURE, ■ to protect cultural heritage which will become the main motif and regulator of TOURISM development as an input for increased economic development, better environment management and stronger social cohesion. Based on a comprehensive survey previously undertaken among the residents of Gračanica, workshop participants started their collaborative work with the good insight regarding the community needs, problems and expectations. Visit of internationally mixed groups of students to numerous sites in Gračanica, data collection and evaluation, lectures, seminars and debates with educators and hosts, all led to the development of the vision for "Gračanica oasis of peace and beauty". On the 11th of June 2018, the exhibition of students' work was opened at the Cultural Centre in Gračanica. Presented results demonstrated the main proposed directions of further Gračanica development regarding planning and design solutions on urban and architectural levels: ■ preservation of recognised values in traditional built forms, ■ recognition of values intentionally used as main motifs for future Gračanica development, such as contemporary interpretation of traditional residential architecture, and, generally, the lifestyle, ■ introduction of new, urban-like spatial models, such as co-housing that intends to fill vacuums in existing built tissue, or the dispersive hotel, ■ spatial solutions for the accentuation of socio-cultural values, such as the models for the development of micro-farms that combine production with local gastronomic customs, ■ solutions for modern redevelopment of existing public spaces and introduction of contemporary models that enhance pedestrian circulation, such as new pedestrian zone, ■ traffic regulation solutions, ■ development of urban metabolism through concrete solutions for the improvement of services for healthcare, education, or recreation, ■ solutions for the preservation of existing natural heritage, such as the agricultural landscape, which is intended to become a part of new tourist offer, and the improvement of existing environmental conditions, such as through the designed system of a living machine, etc. POVZETEK »Urejanje Gračanice« bo sledilo 4 strategijam, ki se dopolnjujejo: ■ omogočiti TRAJNOSTNOST, da postane odločilen dejavnik, zlasti iz ekološkega vidika, ■ ustvariti komercialno in nekomercialno URBANOSTv interaktivnem procesu z zaščito uličnega življenja preko urejanja prometnega sistema, ■ ohraniti in istočasno ponovno izpostaviti identiteto mestnega središča in njegove arhitekture, ■ zaščititi kulturno dediščino, ki bo postala glavni motiv in regulator razvoja turizma kot prispevka k večjemu gospodarskemu razvoju, boljšemu upravljanju okolja in močnejši socialni koheziji. 109