117 Pollen limitation failing reproductive success in selected animal pollinated trees of tropical moist deciduous forest of north-eastern hill region, India Abstract The aim of this study was to estimate reproductive effort and success in tropical trees and to examine the effect of pollen limitation on reproductive success. Pollen limitation was assessed through pollen supplementation experiment to contrast the open pollination treatment. The taxa selected were Bombax ceiba, Erythrina stricta (ornithophilous trees), Lagerstroemia speciosa, Mesua ferrea and Schima wallichii (entomophilous trees). Index of pollen limitation was highest in Bombax ceiba and Erythrina stricta (both self-incompatible species). The remaining three species were partially self-incompatible with favouring selfing in Lagerstroemia speciosa and Mesua ferrea and supporting outcrossing in Schima wallichii. Therefore, the high index of pollen limitation in Bombax ceiba and Erythrina stricta might be due to the effect of either lacking quality pollen or lacking bird pollinators. All five species produce a large amount of pollen at individual tree level in the order of 108 (Erythrina stricta) to 1010 (Mesua ferrea). Fruit and seed set following pollen supplementation were higher than the open pollination (as control) in all studied species. Pollen limitation in this study is likely associated with the effectiveness of pollinator and their frequency, as all the studied species had produced ample pollen at tree crown level which ultimately leads to pollinator resource limitation in tropical trees. Izvleček V raziskavi smo ocenili razmnoževalni napor (proizvodnja peloda) in uspeh trop- skih dreves in preučili vpliv omejitve peloda na razmnoževalni uspeh. Omejitev peloda smo ugotavljali z odprto oprašitvijo, ki smo jo primerjali s poskusom doda- tnega opraševanja. Izbrali smo vrste Bombax ceiba, Erythrina stricta (ornitofilna dre- vesa), Lagerstroemia speciosa, Mesua ferrea in Schima wallichii (entomofilna drevesa). Indeks omejitve peloda je bil najvišji pri vrstah Bombax ceiba in Erythrina stricta (obe vrsti sta samoneoplodni). Preostale tri vrste so bile delno samoneoplodne; večjo naklonjenost samooploditvi imata vrsti Lagerstroemia speciosa in Mesua ferrea, medtem ko je pri vrsti Schima wallichii spodbujana navzkrižna oploditev. Do vi- sokega indeksa pelodne omejitve pri vrstah Bombax ceiba in Erythrina stricta lahko pride zaradi pomanjkanja kvalitetnega peloda ali odsotnosti opraševalcev. Vseh pet vrst proizvaja velike količine peloda na posameznem drevesu, od 108 (Erythrina stricta) do 1010 (Mesua ferrea). Količina plodov in semen, ki so posledica dodatne- ga peloda, je bila večja kot pri odprti oprašitvi (kontroli) pri vseh vrstah. Pelodna omejitev je bila rezultat omejene količine in kvalitete peloda. Ker so vse preučevane vrste proizvedle dovolj peloda v krošnjah, je verjetno razlog za pelodno omejitev pri tropskih drevesih povezana z uspešnostjo opraševalcev in njihovo pogostostjo. Key words: pollination, pollen limitation, pollen quantity, bird pollination, pollination success. Ključne besede: opraševanje, pelodna omejitev, količina peloda, opraševanje s ptiči, uspeh oprašitve. Corresponding author: Vinod Prasad Khanduri E-mails: khandurivp@yahoo.com Received: 10. 10. 2020 Accepted: 23. 9. 2022 1 Department of Forestry, College of Forestry, VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India Vinod Prasad Khanduri1  DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2022-0014 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 118 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees Introduction Tropical plants have remarkably varied sexual systems, breeding systems, flower morphology, and phenology (Bawa, 1990). Plant reproductive system forms ecosys - tem vitality through regeneration, speciation and ecolo- gy of organisms (Ollerton et al., 2011; Lever et al., 2014). Mating system (selfed, mixed and outcrossed) has been recognized as a best tool to decipher genetic diversity or population genomics of plants (Glemin et al., 2006; Wright et al., 2008; Jadwiszczak, 2017). The population genetic structure of a species is influenced by self-com- patibility, self-incompatibility and inbreeding depression (Charlesworth & Charlesworth, 1987; Holsinger, 2000; Duminil et al., 2007; Portillo Lemus et al., 2022). How - ever, inbreeding depression is the key factor that control evolution of plant breeding system (Hufford & Hamrick 2003; Devaux et al., 2019). Such studies on long lived tree species are lacking (Ferriol et al., 2011; Rodger & Johnson, 2013, Cristóbal-Pérez, 2020; Ahlinder et al., 2021; Khanduri et al., 2022). Tree flowering, pollination and reproductive systems have been recognized as im- portant parts of tree improvement, breeding and man- agement of silvicultural practices (Nikanishi et al., 2015; Khanduri & Sukumaran, 2019). The complete development of floral characters along with the rate of pollen production in tree species is help- ful in understanding the detailed pollination mecha- nism and barriers in pollination biology (Etcheverry et al., 2008; Khanduri et al., 2019). Furthermore, the quantity of pollen production is important to (i) deter- mine the amount of genes a population can spread (Liu et al., 2015), (ii) establish an airborne pollen forecasting (Voukantsis et al., 2010; Csépe, 2020), (iii) assess the relative density of atmospheric pollen grains of every species in a forest ecosystem (Charalampopoulos et al., 2013), (iv) predict production of seeds in a reproductive season (Allison, 1991), (v) determine the availability of pollen for pollinators to achieve pollination success (Mu et al., 2017; Khanduri et al., 2015; Sukumaran et al., 2020), and (vi) assess genetic homogeneity of a popula - tion through ample pollen exchange among individuals (Dufaÿ et al., 2008; Ramos et al., 2016). The pollination mechanism in tree species is highly significant for biological studies in ecology, co-evolution, variation and speciation, classical and applied genetics and plant breeding (Van der Niet et al., 2014). The suc - cess and failure of pollination is a prerequisite in plant breeding and for obtaining better crop yields (Wilcock & Neiland, 2002). Variability in forest tree crops is controlled by the breeding system, of which pollination mechanism forms an integral component (Hilje et al., 2015). Knowledge of the breeding system is also im - portant for managing breeding populations and for de- signing efficient genetic conservation strategies (Rao & Hodgkin, 2002). Ecologically, plant – animal interactions is the most important phenomena without which reproductive success and reproduction cannot be achieved. Similarly without plants, the animals that dependent on flower resources, viz. pollen, nectar and other rewards, may lose their population (Kearns et al., 1998). Therefore, the plant – animal interactions are considered as the most significant classes of ecological interactions (Ollerton, 2017). Animal pollination has been reported to increase fruit and seed set for about 75% of the world’s leading food crops (Klein et al., 2007). Majority of animals have the potential to be successful pollinators when they visit the flowers. However, the effectiveness of pollinators depends on the abundance of animal in a community; the predilection for that animal to contact anthers, bear pollen, and touch stigmas; and whether or not the animal travels to visit other flower of the same species (Rodriguez-Rodriguez et al., 2013). About 94% of tropical plants relay on animal pollination (Ollerton et al., 2011). Tropical forest ecosystem has high species richness which implies that the animal pollinators may be specific for interactions with other taxa resulting to species evolution (Pauw & Stanway, 2015; Moles & Ollerton, 2016). A high number of tropical trees are animal pollinated and majority of them are of insect pollinated particularly bees pollinated (Bawa, 1990). Comparatively a small number of plants are pollinated by birds or mammals (Devy & Davidar, 2003, Fleming & Muchhala, 2008). The shortfall in seed production that plants experience due to inadequate pollen receipt (where pollen is either of inadequate quantity or quality) compared to a situation where ideal pollination has been represented by pollen limitation (reproductive success limited by pollen). Pollen limitation arises if there are not enough visitors, or if there is not sufficient production of pollen, or if there is a lack of conspecifics to mate with. Study of pollen limitation is important to see (i) if there is potential to improve seed production, and (ii) if abundance of pollinators may be low and plant reproduction in the wild may be threatened. Pollen limitation has been examined from various perspectives viz. (i) pollen limitation of female reproduction (Bierzychudek, 1981; Burd, 1994); (ii) ‘pollination crisis’ (Kearns et al., 1998); (iii) the role of pollen limitation in plant populations (Ashman et al., 2004; Knight et al., 2005; 2006); (iv) methodology for pollen limitation (Wesselingh, 2007); (v) pollinator 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 119 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees dependence and self-incompatiblity on pollen limitation (Rodger & Ellis, 2016); and (vi) insufficient delivery of outcross pollen and self-incompatiblity on pollen limitation (Khanduri et al., 2019). Pollen limitation is best assessed by pollen supplemental hand pollination experiments in which fruit and seed set using hand pollination is compared with that of naturally pollinated flowers (Burd, 1994). When reproductive success is significantly high in supplemental pollination as compared to that of open pollination, pollen limitation is confirmed (Chen & Zuo, 2018; Khanduri et al., 2019). Most of the pollen limitation studies are restricted to the herb and shrub species (Ashman et al., 2004; Cosacov et al., 2008; Wolowski et al., 2013; Chen & Zhao, 2017). However, pollen limitation experimentally in tree species is sparse (González-Varo et al., 2009; Van Etten et al., 2015; Khanduri et al., 2019) because the crown height in trees is difficult to approach for conducting the hand pollination experiments. This study aims to 1) estimate the reproductive effort and success of five tropical tree species, 2) examine whether the reproductive success is influenced by pollen limitation, and 3) assess inbreeding depression for each analysed species for which the data was used on the basis of experimental work done by the author (Khanduri, 2016), and the average value calculated for fruit set, seed- set and seed germination was taken. The study species were (i) Bombax ceiba (an economically important on account of the presence of floss surrounding the seeds, which is used for making pillows, cushions, etc.; (Khanduri & Kumar, 2017a), (ii) Erythrina stricta (medicinally useful; Kirthikar & Basu, 1987; Khanduri et al., 2021), (iii) Lagerstroemia speciosa (medicinally important; Khanduri, 2014), (iv) Mesua ferrea (high medicinal potential; Khanduri & Kumar, 2017b) and (v) Schima wallichii (commercial timber tree; Khanduri et al., 2013). The results of the study will be of immense value for understanding the behaviour of pollen grains in nature and, subsequently for various tree improvement and breeding programmes to forest geneticists, silviculturists and evolutionary biologists because of their adaptive and practical significance. The extent of variation in reproductive success on all the analyzed five tropical tree species within individual stand is highly valuable for tree improvement programme and has also the potential to conserve the genetic composition of a species. The results of the study would further be utilized for provenance research and development of seed orchards, seed production areas and genetic testing of the selected species. Materials and methods Study site The study was conducted during the flowering season in the years 2010 and 2011 in a tropical moist deciduous forest of Bethlehem Vengthlang, situated in the district Aizawl of Mizoram State in the north-eastern hill region (NEH) of India. The study area was located at 23º 43’ 47.5” N Latitude and 92º 43’ 53.5” E Longitude at an elevation of 900 m above sea level (asl). Average rainfall in the study area was 1900– 2100 mm and mean an- nual temperature was 19.0º C. There is a dry season of six months, from October to March. The studied tropical forest was mature, mixed, uneven-aged/irregular with the associations of 18 tree species. Species description Five flowering tree species were selected for study, rep- resenting a variety of floral characters, pollination syn- dromes and breeding systems. These included the Bombax ceiba (large-sized flowers, self-incompatible and com- monly accepted as bird pollinated, Khanduri & Kumar 2017a), Erythrina stricta (cross pollinated and character- istically ornithophilous flowers, Etcheverry & Alemán 2005; Khanduri et al., 2021), Lagerstroemia speciosa (rela- tively large-sized flowers and entomophilous tree), Mesua ferrea (medium sized flower and entomophilous tree) and Schima wallichii (relatively smaller size flowers and ento- mophilous tree). Flower, pollen and seed production Flower and pollen production along with ovule number per flower was assessed by choosing ten trees each of five investigated tree species as per the method of Khanduri et al. (2015). The ovule number per tree for each analysed species was calculated by multiplying the ovule number per flower with number of flowers per tree. The num- ber of seeds per fruit was estimated at the time of fruit maturity of each analysed species. The time of fruit ma- turity was different for different species, i.e. 1.5 months for B. ceiba and E. stricta, 6 months for M. ferrea and 9 months for L. speciosa and S. wallichii. Fruit develop- ment was monitored in 15 days interval for B. ceiba and E. stricta and after every one month intervals for remain- ing three species. 50 mature fruits of each species which have been matured through open pollination were har- vested to estimate number of seeds produced per fruit/ pod. Number of seeds per fruit and subsequently for 50 fruits was counted manually and an average value (seeds 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 120 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees per fruit) for each species was calculated. The number of fruits/pods per tree was calculated by multiplying num- ber of fruits per sub-branch (in case of B. ceiba, M. fer- rea and S. wallichii) and per inflorescence (for E. stricta and L. speciosa) by the number of sub-branches /inflores- cences per branch, which was multiplied by the number of fruit bearing branches per tree. Number of seeds per tree was calculated by multiplying the average number of seeds produced per fruit by the number of fruits pro- duced per tree following open pollination. Flower visitation Flowers visitors were recognized by observing 10 individu- als of each of the five tree species, for two-hour periods, at peak stages of flowering. Bird visitors to flowers were identified using 8×40 binoculars at a distance of 8 to 10 meter to avoid disturbance to the visitors, and the number of visits by each species was recorded. Visitation frequency was recorded as visit per small branch for B. ceiba and visit per inflorescence for E. stricta. Photographs of the birds foraging nectar from the flower was also taken. The stand- ard method used by Dawson & Bull (1975) was followed to measure the relative abundance of bird species. The insect visitors to flowers were identified by taking a sample of several inflorescences enveloped in a pillowcase and tapping the branch to dislodge insects. The insects were captured in a collecting jar (Oldroyd, 1958), and killed by inserting cottonwool soaked in ethyl acetate. Later, the specimens were examined and identified upto genus and species level. Sampling was replicated on ten randomly selected individuals of all insect-visited tree species. Pollen supplementation experiment and pollen limitation Pollen supplementation experiment was performed to assess pollen limitation. The selected ten trees of each analysed species were used to carry out the experiment. Pollen from each study species was collected from the neighbouring trees growing at a distance of 50 to 80 m from the experimental trees. Collected pollen grains from different trees of each species were mixed and kept in air-tight vials and stored at 4 o C in the refrigerator prior to use. Flowers of each tree species was emasculated be- fore anthesis and isolated with fine net. Collected pol- len grains were applied to the stigmas of isolated flowers during peak receptivity using brush and isolated again till the completion of flowering in the population. Aceto- carmine test (Zheljazkov et al., 2021) was done to check the viability of pollen grains before application. For open pollination, flowers in different inflorescences and sub- branches were tagged and left to natural pollination by insects and birds. Each pollination treatment (pollen sup- plementation and open pollination) was applied on 20 flowers per individual tree distributed on 4–5 branches in case of B. ceiba, M. ferrea and S. wallichii because of the solitary flowers on the branches. While 10 inflorescences distributed on 5 branches per individual tree for E. stricta and L. speciosa were selected for pollination treatment. A total of 1200 flowers were marked and monitored for fruit set and brood size, 600 and 600 as open pollination and supplemental pollination, respectively for B. ceiba, M. ferrea and S. wallichii. Whereas a total of 400 inflo- rescences, 200 for supplemental pollination and 200 for open pollination for E. stricta and L. speciosa, were se- lected for fruit set. Branches within a tree were pooled for each treatment for data analyses. Percent conversion of flowers to fruits was calculated by dividing the aver- age number of converted fruits produced following open pollination and supplemental pollination by the number of flowers selected/manipulated at the time of pollination per tree for each species. A comparison of fruit set fol- lowing open pollination and supplemented pollination was made and presented in a bar diagram to differentiate between two treatments. The values obtained for fruit set following open polli- nation and supplemented pollination in each species was averaged. First the fruit set was obtained for each indi- vidual tree and then averaged across trees for each species. A factorial analysis of variance was done to test the effects of species, tree individuals, pollen level and interaction of trees and pollen level on fruit set using JMP statistical software pro 14. For each analyzed tree species, fruit set obtained for both treatments were used to calculate a pollen limitation index expressed as: PL = 1 – OP/SP, where OP repre- sents fruit set of open pollination and SP represents the fruit set of supplemental pollination treatments following Larson & Barrett (2000). Fruit set percentage was used to estimate the pollen limitation index which is a widely used measure of fertility for pollen limitation (Larson & Barrett, 2000). Index of pollen limitation varies from zero to one, with zero indicating no pollen limitation and one showing full pollen limitation (e.g., Larson & Barrett, 2000; Tamura & Kudo, 2000; Lázaro & T raveset, 2006). Seed germination Seed germination test of each studied species was done under laboratory conditions. Mature seeds of each species were taken and placed in the Petri-dishes with Whatman blotting paper. Thirty seeds with three replications in the 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 121 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees Petri-dishes were used in each species. The germination tests were conducted under room temperature and the Whatman blotting paper was used as a germination me- dia, which was moistened with the running tap water so that the result of seed germination would be similar to that of the natural conditions. Inbreeding depression The inbreeding depression was calculated by using the formula; δ = 1 – Ws/Wo; Where δ = inbreeding depres- sion, Ws = the result of progeny from self-pollination and Wo = the outcome of progeny from cross-pollination (Lande & Schemske, 1985). A delineation inbreeding depression value of δ = 0.5, signified that the selfing is preferred below the value and beyond which outcrossing is favoured (Lande & Schemske, 1985). Results Flower, pollen and ovule production Among the 5 study species, 3 are deciduous and 2 are evergreen in nature. The deciduous species, viz. Bombax ceiba, and Erythrina stricta blooms when they are devoid of foliage. The flowers of analysed species are large in size, showy with a striking colour, full of nectar (Bombax ceiba, Erythrina stricta), and abundant pollen that can be visible from a long distance to attracts the pollinators, both birds and insects. The flower phenology, morphology, time of the day when anthesis starts, number of anthers and their arrangements in the flower, and secretion of nectar from nectaries is presented in Table 1. There was variation in the amount of pollen production per anther in different species. The maximum number of pollen grains per an- ther was recorded in B. ceiba, followed by M. ferrea and Table 1: Flowering traits of five selected tropical trees. Tabela 1: Značilnosti cvetov petih izbranih tropskih dreves. Study species Flower phenology Flower morphology Number of anthers and their arrangements in the flower Secretion of nectar from nectaries Bombax ceiba Flowering: second week of January to first week of March; Anthesis: 05:00 to 11:00 hr of the day Anther dehiscence: half an hour after anthesis Bisexual, large cup shape flower red to orange colour. Calyx green and leathery, corolla consists of five petals, tubular at the base Infinite; Occurs in five bundles Nectar production starts at anthesis in the morning Erythrina stricta Flowering: second week of February to third week of March. Anthesis: 06:00 to 11:00 hr of the day Anther dehiscence: half an hour after anthesis Bisexual, one well-developed bright red standard petal, two greenish-red keel petals, two poorly developed very light-red wing petals. Keel petals form a carinal-like structure that holds nectar inside. 10; Monadelphous, usually bend up wards facing the standard petal Nectar secretion starts from anthesis on- wards. Lagerstroemia speciosa Flowering: Mid April to mid July Anthesis: 06:00 to 10:00 hr of the day Anther dehiscence: half an hour after anthesis 12–15mm long calyx, funnel- or bell shaped, six-lobed, fleshy, brownish in colour; petals often six, inserted near the mouth of the calyx tube, pink to pinkish white or mauve-purple, clawed, wrinkled. Infinite; arranged in several rows Flowers do not produce nectar. Mesua ferrea Flowering: mid March to first week of May Anthesis: 05:00 to 10:00 hr of the day. Anther dehiscence: one hour after anthesis. White flowers with four large corolla free, fleshy, retuse, and spreading; calyx four green. Infinite; free and connate at the base. Nectar secreted in traces at the beginning of anthesis. Schima wallichii Flowering: Third week of March to first week of May. Anthesis: 06:00 to 10:00 hr of the day Anther dehiscence: one hour after anthesis. Flowers are conspicuous, with five connate white, dialypetalous and actinomorphic corolla Infinite; inserted around the style head Nectar secretion starts at the beginning of anthesis 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 122 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees Table 2: Reproductive effort, pollen limitation and fecundity in five tropical tree species (± SE). Tabela 2: Razmnoževalni napor, pelodna omejitev in plodnost pri petih vrstah tropskih dreves (± SE). Studied variables Bombax ceiba (2011) Erythrina stricta (2011) Lagerstroemia speciosa (2010) Mesua ferrea (2010) Schima wallichii (2011) Pollen grains/ anther 14160±1005 1022±78.64 956±60.62 3564±202.4 1932±110.42 Pollen grains per T ree 1.20±0.11×109 1.26±0.32×108 9.19±1.14×108 6.12±0.20×1010 1.60±0.40×109 Flowers per T ree 1232±132 13426±3416 4542±254 14986±1235 6274±1306 Fruit set (%) open pollination 50.18±5.42 35.46±3.16 74.2±2.64 60.20±2.74 68.84±3.24 Ovule numbers per flower 372±20.60 307.3 08±0.76 5.65 154±10.86 133 1–4 22±1.84 15.4 Ovule numbers per tree 446204±2850 108562 ±1986 698894 ±5786 30250 ±1042 141254 ±2190 Seed numbers per tree (open pollination) 168845±1680 31378± 876 389018 ± 3986 24200 ± 986 55197 ± 1288 Pollen limitation index (fruit set) 0.3088 0.3233 0.0413 0.2850 0.1152 Pollen limitation index (seed set) 0.3833 0.0334 0.1368 0.1342 0.2522 Seed Germination (%) 63±2.46 87±4.56 53±2.56 60±2.16 67±4.42 Inbreeding depression (δ) 1.0 0.82 0.39 0.37 0.52 S. wallichii. The least was estimated in L. speciosa. An an- ther of B. ceiba produces 4 times more pollen than the anther of M. ferrea. The production of pollen grains per tree was maximum for M. ferrea (6.12 ± 0.20 × 10 10 ), followed by S. wallichii (1.60 ± 0.40 × 10 9 ) and B. ceiba (1.20 ± 1.1× 10 9 ). This pattern of variation in different species is due to variation in the production of anthers per flower and flowers per tree. The production of ovule numbers per tree was estimated maximum for L. speciosa, which was 1.5, 5.0, 6.4 and 23.0 times more than the ovule number per tree for B. ceiba, S. wallichii, E. stricta and M. ferrea, respectively (Table 2). Seed germination was recorded between 53 and 87% in the study species. The maximum was recorded for E. stricta and minimum for L. speciosa. The results of inbreeding depression sug- gests that B. ceiba, and E. stricta are outcrossed species whereas L. speciosa and M. ferrea inclining towards selfing. S. wallichii is persuading towards outcrossing (Table 2). Pollen limitation All the studied species have shown that maximum re- productive success is not achievable due to pollen limita- tion. Pollen limitation index was weaker for L. speciosa and S. wallichii (Table 2). The lowest pollen limitation index was recorded for L. speciosa (0.0413). The supple- mentation of pollen grains had significantly augmented the fruit set in all the five tropical tree species (Figure 1). There was a significant effect of pollen addition on fruit set in respect of different studied species (p<0.0054) and among individuals of a species (p<0.0026). The pollina- tion treatments (pollen level) and the interaction of trees and pollination treatments had also shown a significant (p< 0.0001) effect to fruit set (Table 3). Figure 1: The mean fruit set of five tropical tree species under pollen limitation treatments, i.e. open pollination vs supplemental pollina- tion. Vertical bars represent standard error. Slika 1: Povprečna količina plodov za pet dreves tropskega gozda v različnih obravnavah pelodne omejitve, t.j. odprta oprašitev v prim- erjavi z dodatno oprašitvijo. Navpične črte predstavljajo standardno napako. Table 3: ANOVA statistics for the effects of species, trees and pollination treatments on fruit set. Tabela 3: Analiza ANOVA vpliva vrst, dreves in opraševalcev na količino plodov. Response variable Df F P Species 4 24.34 0.0054 T rees 9 18.64 0.0026 Pollen level (Pollination treatments) 1 30.38 0.0001 T rees × Pollen level 9 26.82 0.0001 Df = degrees of freedom, F = F-ratio, p = probability 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 123 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees Flower pollinators Varieties of birds were recorded visiting flowers of B. ceiba and E. stricta (T able 4 and Figure 2). The highest frequen- cy of bird visitation was recorded in the morning hours to both species. Pycnonotus cafer was recorded visiting the flowers of B. ceiba and E. stricta throughout the day ex- cept between 12:00 to 15:00 h. Bimodal pattern of visita- tion to the flowers of B. ceiba was recorded for Dicrurus adsimilis ailbiritus and Turdoides caudata. Similar pattern to the flowers of E. stricta was observed for D. leucophaeus and Zosterops palpebrosus. Fourteen species of birds were observed visiting to the flowers of both tree species. Nine species were common to both Bombax and Erythrina spe- cies. P . cafer and D. macrocercus was the most prevalent flower visiting bird species for B. ceiba (T able 3), which in case of E. stricta was P . cafer and D. leucophaeus ( T able 4). A strong correlation between the visitation rate and abun- dance of each bird species was observed for both tree spe- cies (spearman’s test for correlation: B. ceiba: rs = 0.9; E. stricta: rs = 1.0). D. a. ailbiritus and P . cafer were ob- served showing close contact with the stamen and pistil of the B. ceiba flower while foraging the nectar that has been shown in Figure 2B and 2A, respectively. Similarly, the bird species i.e. P. cafer (Figures 2E), Chloropsis aurifrons (Figures 2G. i) and D. eucophaeus (Figures 2H. ii) were recorded as effective bird pollinators for E. stricta, as all are indicating close contact to the reproductive parts of the flowers of Erythrina while foraging the nectar. Visitation of insects was recorded in all the five studied tree species (Table 4). Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Dip- tera and Coleoptera were the recorded flower-visiting in- sect orders. Highest diversity of insects was observed for S. wallichii, followed by L. speciosa and M. ferrea ( T able 5). Table 4: Bird visitors/pollinators abundance in Bombax ceiba and Erythrina stricta. Tabela 4: Abundanca ptic obiskovalk/opraševalk na vrstah Bombax ceiba in Erythrina stricta. Scientific Name of Bird Bird Visit per branch at different hour Bombax ceiba Bird Visit per branch at different hour Erythrina stricta Hours 06:00–08:00 0800–1000 1000–1200 1500–1700 0600–0800 0800–1000 1000–1200 1500–1700 Pycnonotus cafer 8 12 4 8 6 10 04 5 Pycnonotus melanicterus flaviventris - - 4 2 - 6 7 3 Pycnonotus jocosus - 8 7 5 - - - - Dicrurus adsimilis ailbiritus 18 - - 8 - - - - Dicrurus hottentottus 6 6 - - - - - - Dicrurus macrocercus 9 7 - - - - - - Dicrurus leucophaeus - - - - 8 10 - 8 Dicrurus paradiseus - 12 - - - 8 - - Macronous gularis - 14 - - - 12 - - Stachyridopsis ruficeps 14 - - - - 8 - - Heterophasia gracilis - 6 - - - 4 - - Turdoides caudata 4 - - 3 - - - - Zosterops palpebrosus - - - - 6 - - 4 Falco severus 2 - - - 2 - - - Cuculus micropterus 6 - - - 4 - - - Chloropsis aurifrons - - - - - 4 - - Table 5: Insects visiting the flowers of analyzed tropical forest trees. Tabela 5: Vrste žuželk, ki so obiskovale cvetove preučevanih dreves tropskega gozda. Order Family Scientific Name Visited tree species Hymenoptera Apidae Apis cerena Erythrina stricta, Mesua ferrea Lagerstroemia speciosa, Schima wallichii Apis florea Mesua ferrea, Lagerstroemia speciosa Xylocopa spp Bombax ceiba, Erythrina stricta, Mesua ferrea Lagerstroemia speciosa, Schima wallichii Diptera Calliphoridae Chrysomya megacephala Lagerstroemia speciosa Lepidoptera Lycaenidae Arhopala eumolphus Mesua ferrea, Schima wallichii Lepidoptera Hesperiidae Matapa aria Schima wallichii Lepidoptera Geometridae Cabera pusaria Schima wallichii Lepidoptera Geometridae Dysphania militaris Schima wallichii Lepidoptera Zygaenidae Callamesia midama Schima wallichii Lepidoptera Zygaenidae Eterusia aedea Schima wallichii Lepidoptera Noctuidae Alypia spp Schima wallichii Coleoptera Scarbaeidae Maladera castanea Schima wallichii 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 124 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees Figure 2: A. Redvented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) making contact with the stigma of the Bombax flower during nectar foraging, B. Dicrurus adsimilis albiriltus touching reproductive parts of Bombax flower effectively while taking nectar, C. Black-crested Bulbul (Pycnonotus melanicterus flaviventris) sitting to the Erythrina flower to probe the nectar, D. Ashy Drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus) resting in the Erythrina flower bough; E. Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) showing full contact with the floral reproductive parts of Erythrina; F . Indian white-eye (Zosterops palpebrosa) ready to go to another flower of Erythrina after taking nectar from the sitting flower; G(i). Golden-fronted Leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons) showing valuable contact with essential reproductive parts of the Erythrina flower at the time of foraging nectar; H. (i) Golden-fronted Leafbird taking rest just after probing the nectar and (ii) Ashy Drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus) during foraging of the Erythrina flower. Slika 2: A. Pycnonotus cafer v stiku z brazdo cveta vrste Bombax med hranjenjem z medičino, B. Dicrurus adsimilis albiriltus se dotika reproduktivnih delov cveta vrste Bombax med odvzemom medičine, C. Pycnonotus melanicterus flaviventris sedi na cvetu vrste Erythrina in išče medičino, D. Dicrurus leucophaeus počiva na veji s cvetom vrste Erythrina; E. Pycnonotus cafer v polnem stiku z razmnoževalnimi deli vrste Erythrina; F . Zosterops palpebrosa se pripravlja na let na drug cvet vrste Erythrina po tem, ko je popil medičino; G(i). Chloropsis aurifrons v stiku z razmnoževalnimi deli cveta vrste Erythrina v času pitja medičine; H. (i) Chloropsis aurifrons počiva po pitju medičine in (ii) Dicrurus leucophaeus) med prehranjevanjem na cvetu vrste Erythrina. i i ii 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 125 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees Discussion The amount of pollen produced by a tree is to recompense for low pollination efficiency and warrant fertilisation. Pol- len quantity and quality provide in measuring and forecast- ing several factors, e.g. crop yield in trees (Allison, 1990; Hirayama et al., 2005; Iwaizumi & Takahashi, 2012) and yield in agriculture crops (Westgate et al., 2003), fruit size and production of seeds (Faegri & Iversen, 1989; McK- one, 1990; Baskin & Baskin, 2018), ancient and current vegetation (Moore et al., 1991; Rogers, 1993; Obigba, 2021) and respiratory allergy symptoms from specific taxa to human beings (Filon et al., 2000; Gioulekas et al., 2004; Damialis et al., 2011; Sousa-Silva et al., 2021). In the pre- sent study the amount of pollen produced by individuals of selected five species was considered as pollen quantity which can be consumed by the animals and can be lost to the environment (through abiotic factors). However, while taking the pollen and nectar, the animals carry dislodged pollen on their body to the receptive part of pistil of the other flowers that achieves pollination. Among the five studied tropical tree species, two tree species, viz. B. ceiba and E. stricta, are bird pollinated (Khanduri, 2016). Despite a high production of pollen grains at tree crown level in the order of 10 9 in case of B. ceiba and 10 8 for E. stricta, the index of pollen limitation in both species is highest as compared to other studied three species. This clearly is indicating that the pollination failure in both species is due to unavailability of quality pollen from neighbouring trees in the absence of sufficient pollinator resources (i.e. bird). However, presence of high number of bird pollinators in both tree species indicating that the pollinator resources are sufficient. Nevertheless, the birds were observed foraging several flowers simul- taneously within a tree during their visit which leads to geitonogamy (inter-flower selfing) pollination and both tree species are self-incompatible indicating pollination failure due to pollen quality. The other three species, i.e. S. wallichii, L. speciosa and M. ferrea are insect pollina- tor dependent and partially self-incompatible, which have shown lower pollen limitation. Xylocopa bee was the key pollinator for L. speciosa and M. ferrea due to proper physi- cal fitness of Xylocopa bee to the flowers of both species (Khanduri, 2014; Khanduri & Kumar, 2017b). Xylocopa bee makes frequent visit to the several flowers within a crown of a tree and other trees in a population with a very high foraging speed (Khanduri, 2014; Khanduri & Ku- mar, 2017b), indicating ample pollination success to both tree species ultimately leading to weaker pollen limitation. In Schima wallichii, the important pollinators were Apis cerena, Dysphania militaris and Xylocopa spp. Apis cerena that stay in the single flower for about 3 minutes and feed on pollen grains leading to self-pollination. Honey bees are considered to be the best and efficient pollinators among insects. They have the quality which is commonly known as floral fidelity in which bees visits the flowers of the same crop repeatedly either for pollen or nectar or both till the end of the bloom. In this way, chances of pollination are highly secured. Dysphania militaris and Xylocopa spp make frequent interflower movement within a tree and between trees in a population leading to geito- nogamy and xenogamy pollination in S. wallichii. Pollen limitation using fruit set and seed set in S. wallichii was moderate among the five studied tropical tree species and the mating system of S. wallichii is partially self-incom- patible supporting outcrossing (Khanduri, 2016), indi- cating that the pollination failure is due to quality pollen limitation and limitation of pollinator resources. Pollen limitation has been reported greater for self- incompatible than self-compatible species (Knight et al., 2005; Larson & Barrett, 2000). Self-incompatible species depend on the pollen from neighbouring trees and rely on pollinators visit frequency to effect pollen transfer for pol- lination success whereas, self-compatible or partially self- incompatible species might be capable to produce seeds by receiving mixed pollen loads of self- and cross-pollen (Schoen & Lloyd, 1992). Self-pollen is prohibited from fertilizing ovules in self-incompatible species while self- compatible species may form seeds from self-fertilized ovules, but with lower germination success due to in- breeding depression. Therefore, pollen limitation would be minimal for self fertile species, which however, leads to low pollen-quality limitation and reduced inbreeding de- pression (Duminil et al., 2009). Partially self-incompati- ble species with mixed pollen loads seems to have higher pollen limitation than self compatible species, but lower than the self-incompatible species. The estimated pollen limitation in the present study was found at par to that of the other studies of insect/bird pollinated species. For ex- ample, a study consisting of 21 shrub and herb species of tropical communities at Itatiaia National Park, southeast- ern Brazil revealed pollen limitation in 11 species with the overall pollen limitation index value was 0.39 (Wolowski et al., 2013). The pollen limitation index of 0.335 was reported in Zygophyllum xanthoxylum, a self-compatible species from the Gansu Province of Chiana (Chen & Zhao, 2017). The reported value is slightly higher than the value observed for partially self-incompatible species in the present study. Nevertheless, a high pollen limita- tion index of 0.478 on fruit set basis and 0.575 for seed set data basis was recorded in self pollinated tree species i.e. Sophora microphylla from New Zealand (Van Etten et al., 2015). The index of pollen limitation for seed set is lower than the fruit set for Erythrina stricta, Lagerstroemia 22/1 • 2023, 117–129 126 Khanduri Pollen limitation in tropical trees speciosa and Mesua ferrea whereas the value was higher in case of Bombax ceiba and Schima wallichii. The supplementation of pollen was found to be increas- ing the fruit and seed set significantly in all five studied species. Confirmation from earlier studies implies that supplementation of pollen enhances the fruit/seed set, size and weight of a seed in a flower (Campbell, 1993; Yang et al., 2005; Gómez et al., 2010; Bartoš et al., 2020). Pollen limitation was the resultant of both limited pollen quantity and quality (Colling et al., 2004). The pollen quantity limitation in this study is related with the ef- fectiveness of pollinators and their frequency (Ashman et al., 2004; Chen & Zuo, 2019), as all the studied species had produced ample pollen in order of 10 8 to 10 10 at tree crown level ultimately leading to pollinators limit fecun- dity in tropical trees. However, pollen limitation here may be a matter of quality rather than quantity (Aizen & Harder, 2007; Bona et al., 2022), on the basis that visita- tion rates appear to be high but there is a high proportion of movements between flowers on the same tree, poten- tially leading to geitonogamy. Conclusions Pollen limitation is influenced by pollen quantity and quality, leading to pollinators limit fecundity in selected tropical trees. The self-incompatible species of Bombax ceiba and Erythrina stricta (both bird pollinated) produce low fruit and seed set in open pollination condition there- by proclaimed greater pollen limitation as compared to that of other three species, i.e. S. wallichii, L. speciosa and M. ferrea, which are partially self-incompatible and insect pollinated and have revealed lower pollen limitation. In out-crossed/self-incompatible species pollination success is achieved only when the flowers with receptive stigmas receive pollen from neighbouring trees in the population and is also dependent on visit frequency of pollinators for effective pollen transfer whereas, partially self-incompat- ible or self-compatible species have the chances of secure pollination by accepting mixed pollen (self- and cross- pollen) leading to produce more seeds. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India, New Delhi, vide its project no. 38(1186)/08/EMR-II. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Vinod Prasad Khanduri  https://orcid.org/0000-0002- 3858-7121 References Ahlinder, J., Giles, B. E., & García-Gil, M. R. (2021). Life stage- specific inbreeding depression in long-lived Pinaceae species depends on population connectivity. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1–15. Aizen, M. A., & Harder, L. D. (2007). Expanding the limits of the pollen‐limitation concept: effects of pollen quantity and quality. Ecology, 88(2), 271–281. Allison, T. D. (1990). Pollen production and plant density affect pollination and seed production in Taxus canadensis. Ecology, 71(2), 516–522. Ashman, T. L., Knight, T. M., Steets, J. A., Amarasekare, P ., Burd, M., Campbell, D. R., Dudash, M.R., Johnston, M.O., Mazer, S.J., Mitchell, R. J., Morgan, M. 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