Lst Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Ik* LZSZ-TOZZZ VA NOiLONITHV oiz-i idv oh asnoRinnoo Toei 26LZZO VENVAVHM N\niH American wome Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER vi'ig rn Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 American-Slovenians Vol. 99 _ No. 44 (usPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 ISSN Number 0164-68X 60C A Slovenia Weekend in Stuttgart % Tomaž Celestina Ljubljana, siovenia — °nsidering that there are °.nly million Slovenians lv'ng in Slovenia and an e^en sparser number living a road, it always seems to arnaze me that wherever you y°u manage to run into e O"' Slovenians. And, al-m°st instantaneously, there ls an incredible sense of camaraderie and good-will that , ln<^ unique to the Slove-nian People. During the Columbus ay 'Veekend, I had the opportunity to visit Stuttgart, emiany and stay with the robnič family. The mother, na Drobnič, lived in eveland many years ago ^ mana8ed to maintain ties with friends in eVeland. She eventually ■Poved to Germany where ^ met her husband, An-J- Together, they raised a neve/c 'n Germany> but c torgetting where they old16 ^rom- Their second ^ 6st Son, Peter, whom 1 land tW° ^ears a8° in Cleve-Op ’ 'Vas born and raised in Uermany. t0 ^esP'te having to adjust D ‘V!n8 in Germany, the theirn'^ farnHy beld tight to ^l0Venian heritage, horn SP°lce Slovenian at SC anc* frequently visited en,a throughout the year, in hopes of one day moving there permanently. On Saturday evening, the Drobničs invited me to attend a birthday party of their close friend, Ivan, also a Slovenian Guestarbeiter. The party was held at a Slovenian clubroom much like the Baraga dom on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. The room is modestly decorated with pictures and other Slovenian paraphernalia and holds no more than 50 people. On that evening there were about 30 other guests which nicely filled the sparse room. Throughout the evening, I enthusiastically met Drob-nic’s friends and was interested in learning what circumstances brought them to Germany. But, what I heard most frequently was how much they loved Slovenia and look forward to the day when they will return there. Even their children, who were, born and raised in Germany, shared that dream. I think we can all appreciate and understand the special pride these Slovenians feel for Slovenia, but I think that none of us, first generation American-Slovenians, or our parents, would ever seriously consider moving back to Slovenia having been fully simulated to the American way of life. One striking difference between the Stuttgart Slove- ^asovalci Sings in Collinwood Vin Sl°venia still today, the unmarried young men of the ^atber during the evening in the square to stroll to the heaitS ebSible young women to seek to win the maiden’s s With song, serenading them under their windows. erat. ese serenaders are called - as they have been for gen-K>ns, - “Vasovalci.” sbare fn.several young men gathered in 1990 in Ljubljana to to na 1 e'r l°ve °f Slovenian song, they drew on that tradition seiv 1116 t*le sln8*ng group they formed. They chose for them- 1VTehs the name “Vasovalci.” fr0rri fg®rouP today consists of 11 men whose ages range Va to ^5 years, with most in their 20s. Slove^Va*c' s rePert°ire includes Slovenian folk songs, "poHru'30 rel'8i°us songs and, true to their name, ^n,ce” (serenades). Perf0r 6r tbe direction of Janez Kotar, Vasovalci they have and g throughout Slovenia as well as in Belgium, France NorthC!,niari^' t°ur niarks the group’s first appearance in ^hicag 1T>er'ca- They will sing in Toronto, New York City, in°. Eveland they will sing on Friday, Nov. 14 at 7 voo(j p.16 school auditorium of St. Mary’s church in Collin-ease come. —Slovenski Ameriški Svet nians and Cleveland Slovenians is that the Stuttgart Slovenians feel more like foreigners in Germany, while we feel right at home in the States and share a special pride in being Americans as well. However, Peter, for example, feels more at home in Slovenia and often referred to Slovenia as “doma,” despite having lived all of his life in Germany. I was even surprised to learn that Peter holds a Slovenian passport rather than a German passport and needs a visa to work at his job like his fellow guestarbeiter friends even though he was born in Germany. Throughout the evening, we conversed about life in America and of the Slovenian community that exists in Cleveland. The Stuttgart Slovenians were surprised to learn and were somewhat envious of the large number of institutions, organizations and buildings we have in Cleveland. I even mentioned about our plans to build a Slovenian Cultural Center there (which I hope will one day be built). On Sunday, I took a nine hour train ride from Stuttgart to Ljubljana and along the way I pondered on how we, first generation American-Slovenians, sometimes take our heritage for granted. Clearly, we must make every effort to teach the next generation where our parents came from, and one way to do so is to make the Cultural Center a reality. In the coming years, we will hear more and more about the proposed Cultural Center. I hope each of us will do his or her part to see it built. The Cultural Center will meet the needs of every individual, group, and organization who wish to utilize it, but in order to reap the benefits of it, we must plant the foundation. Once the Cultural Center is built and dedicated, it will certainly be the envy of every Slovenian community throughout the world, and rightly so, it belongs in our community^____________________ Tom Celestina works at the American Embassy in Ljubljana. Look and concentrate on the four dots in the middle of this picture for about 30 seconds. Then close your eyes and tilt your head back, keeping your eyes closed. What do you see? Thanks to Mildred Ringenbach of Mentor, Ohio for submitting this puzzle. New Slovenian Radio Program on WCPN-90.3 FM A new Slovenian radio program will begin broadcasting on Saturday, Nov. IS*!1 at 9 p.m. on WCPN-90.3 FM, Cleveland’s Public Radio station. The program will be hosted by musician Tony Ovsenik, who capably wrote for and served as music director for “Radijska družina” the first months when it took over “Songs and Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia” from the long-time host Mr. Milan Pavlovčič. This program will be of interest to anyone who loves Slovenian music of any kind since it will feature all forms of Slovenian music from Slovenia as well as recordings from this country. The show will also be bilingual, thus enabling a wider audience to appreciate our Slovenian heritage. You will hear Avsenik, Cilka, Alfi, Yankovic and the new sensation, the jazz guitarist Primož Grašič from Slovenia. In short, you will hear from choral groups to big band selections. This will be a community minded program. All announcements about our cultural and non-profit organizations will be welcome, as well as personal congratulatory items, such as birthdays and anniversaries will gladly be accepted and announced on the air. You can call Tony at (440) 944-2538 for all dedications. For enjoyable Saturday evenings at home or in your car, tune in to WCPN-90.3 on your FM dial. You should have no problem picking up the signal, since the station has a whopping 50,000 watt transmitter located in Parma. --Slavko Teskac Hummingbirds get their names from the humming sound made by their wings which move 60 to 70 times a second. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 Jim s Journal By Jim Debevec I shot a deer two years ago but didn’t hang the carcass on the wall for everyone to admire. I shot the deer with my video camera and showed it to my friends. The deer and his mate were eating apples from our tree in the back yard and were only a few feet from our house. In the winter they often come back and paw the snow searching for food. This year they added a young deer to their family. Now you can spot the three of them hopping about in the woods. We love to watch the ljve_ deer family scampering around the woods. Our friends who watch the video are amazed at how beautiful the wild animals are. The National Park Service Tuesday agreed to a one-month delay in its plan to shoot 470 deer at the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. I say, Hooray, let the deer alone. So what if they might eat your vegetables; so what if they nibble on your rutabaga. They were here first. Let’s enjoy what little nature the housebuilders have left us; goodness knows it’s not very much. In order to kill the deer, the authorities are going to close the park at night for four months so no innocent bystander gets hurt. Hey, what about the deer? They’re going to blind them with bright lights, then shoot them from raised platforms. Instead of bumping them off, why don’t the park service people figure out how to feed them? Sound familiar? You betcha. In Ohio we don’t have the rain forests to hide wild animals. Let us live in peace among the very few that are willing to spend the winters here. They have earned our support, not our slaying. A few years ago they used to call the rain forests, jungles. When you said jungle, you thought about lions, tigers, panthers, apes, crocodiles and such. All of sudden someone to be politically correct to a gentler society, decided to call them rain forests. Somehow, it doesn’t sound so menacing. The words “rain forests” bring to mind misty rain falling ever so gently down onto trees covering varmints such as muskrats, squirrels and butterflies. Last summer a college professor was lost for 12 days in a rain forest in Puerto Rico. We didn’t pay too much attention because how lost can you get in a rain forest? But if they had said he was lost in a jungle, everyone would have been running around in circles trying to find the guy. They couldn’t use helicopters to search for him because it’s against the law to fly them over the rain forest. If the environmentalists are so worried about the noise a helicopter may do disturbing the trees what about the damage a 30-30 slug is going to do to a deer’s skull? Get real! * Speaking of animals, Vince Gostilna is always trying to get my goat. But I have a good question for him. What is a 12-letter word that you can type using only your left hand? * Louis Stafford has decided we have suffered enough. He has supplied the answer to his question, “When did time begin?” He writes, “Genesis 1 ” which reads, “In the beginning... ” * To get back to Vince Gostilna’s inquiry, the 12-letter word which can be typed using only the left hand is “stewardesses.” * That reminds me of an airplane story. The pilot opens his door and shouts out to the passengers, “I have some good news and some bad news.” The passengers holler back, “What’s the bad news?” “We’ve ran out of gas.” “What’s the good news?” “For lunch we’re serving three bags of peanuts.” * Whatever happened to all those wonderful meals we were once served on airplane flights? Now, you’re lucky if you get a salty (ham and cheese sandwich). Flying 1,300 miles from Florida to Cleveland, the stewardesses act like they’re doing you a big favor when they inqure, “Peanuts or pretzels?” Time seems to stop and everyone on the plane will stare at you if you ask for two bags of pretzels, even though they are only one-half ounce each, which is nourishment for perhaps an iguana. Although the iguana I know prefers hibiscus. Which further reminds me of the great commercial during the World Series by Burger King. The simplelooking (but wise) airplane passenger pulls out a Whopper (giant hamburger) and soon everybody in the plane is bidding for the tasty sandwich, including a sultry vamp, and the pilot. This is more than just a clever commercial; it is a sagacious statement. Bravo, Burger King! And to think the airline industry has been reduced to being the brunt of ridicule. Shame on them as well as the deer killers. Have you ever spent hours being cramped, annoyed, and uncomfortable as an airline passenger? Have you ever had the guy in front of you flip the switch on his seat and lean all the way back so you can’t move in your seat? You’re reading a book or the stewardesses are handing out the peanuts while you’re forced to stare at the back of the three strands of hair on the head of the jerk whose head is pushed into your chest. How in the name of justice and humanity have we let this happen? Years ago an airplane trip was always fun and exciting. Now it’s often exasperating. Any person who pushes his seat all the way back during meals should automatically be flushed out of the plane and into a box 2 feet square and parachuted into the Puerto Rico r^in forest for 12 days without chance of parole. Better yet; make all airplane seats recline a maximum of 1 inch. Period. And now for some good news. What is Bush Tucker? So far two intelligent persons have answered correctly. On Monday evening, we were graciously invited by the personable, knowledgeable, and efficient Mike Benz and Tony Petkovšek of Kollander World Travel to dinner at Redback Jack’s Restaurant on Rt. 20 in Mentor, Ohio near Route 306. We met and talked with the people who are going to Australia later this month with Cecilia Dolgan - and Matt Grdadolnik (who by the way have recorded a cassette of their delightful vocal and accordion duet music). Anyhow, the answer to the question, “What is Bush Tucker?” is known by youthful restaurant owner Jack Stanovsek who is from Australia, yet of Slovenian background. You might even find some in his restaurant. His Australian brogue is absolutely delightful, and Jack is a skilled chef, cooking d1® food himself, and everyon® agreed, it was delicious. The explanation can als° be found on page 7 of Tauck Tour’s Australia brochure from the years 1996, and ’98. Send in your sola-tion to Jim’s Journal, c/,° American Home, 6117 St Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 4103. One correct ans'v®r will be picked from out 7' pound coffee can m Wednesday, Nov. 12 f noon, and that person ^ receive a year’s extensio1110 their American Home su scription, a gift 'vort11 $30.00. , What is bush tucker' Does anyone else know? Prairie dogs “kiss” bV . __________mat e® other’s face. Wilke Hardware Owned by American Slovenians Paints, Glass, Housewares. Plumbing. Electrical Supplies. Garden Supplies. — Screens and Storms Repaired — 809 E. 222nd St. Euclid, Ohio 44123 7J1-7070 Slovenian Workmen’s Horn® LADIES A UXILIAR Y 15335 Waterloo Road -FRIDAYS ONLY- Fish Fry (Walleye).....................$6.00 Shrimp Dinner (6)......................$6.00 Combos (Fish & Shrimp).................$6.00 Breaded Pork Cutlet....................$6.50 Fish or Shrimp & Pork Cutlet...........$6-25 Goulash & Polenta......................$5.75 Half order Pork Cutlet Dinner (1)......$4-7^ Half order Fish or Shrimp Dinner.......$4.50 Apple or Noodle Strudel................$1 00 Coffee................................... 50 Frozen Unbaked Apple Strudel (strip)...$6.00 Personal Financial Management - All Slovenian Winter 3 Cruise in February Part X____________ By Stane Kuhar In the October 30 edition °f the Ameriška Domovina the final review of college financial aid was presented. The last three articles to appear in the AD will again ociis on the legislatively enacted TaxPayers Relief Act 1997 (TRA97). Most Ganges go into effect Janu-ary 1, 1998. This week’s focus is on an item of interest to many readers: the peculiar phenomenon in capitalism "own as “capital gains.” apital gains may be de-_ lned as the resulting in-rease in value of an item a^m°nly referred to as an oj61' As asset may be or ned individually, jointly, y an organization or 0mpany Assets are ejther ca (h0use’ b">Iding, r’ oat, etc.) or intangible trfi’ C°Py rights to a song, Remark, etc.). the 6 ^i^erence between of t|°r'^'nai purchase price pric 6 a$Set an^ 'ts seiiing as 's "ormal ly considered "ca ^ person,s profit- - or tfie^113* ^i0-” Conversely, if the Se*!'n§ Pfice is less than \\^0ri§inal purchase price a tl Person would then have CcaPital loss.” oiali ^'■a* 8ains are nor" gor^'vided into two cate-°ther • rea* property and oWni lnvestments, such as Capitgf st°cks or bonds. Hor^9. 8ains in the USA are y taxed as part of a person’s income. You would therefore pay taxes on a capital gain based on your tax rate and how the income tax is filed. Capital gains also have a “cap” or maximum rate. It is interesting to note that in the homeland of the ancestors of American Slovenians capital gains for nearly 50 years in the Republic of Slovenia (1945-1990s) was equated with the term “confiscation.” Or in more mild terms, mind over mater. If you did not mind having your property stolen from you then it really did not matter to the new owner. Be that as it may, the maximum tax rate for capital gains prior to TRA97 was 28% if that asset had been held for a period of one or more years. TRA97 did lower the maximum tax rate but under various conditions and calculations. This article will focus on capital gains relative to investments. I would again strongly suggest consulting with a professional such as a CPA or financial planner regarding changes in the tax laws and/or overall personal financial planning. The last significant change in the tax rate structure regarding capital gains occurred in 1981. TRA97 will bring about major changes to capital gains. First, tax years that end after May 6. 1997 will have the maximum capital gains tax rate reduced from 28% to 20%. Second, persons who currently are paying a rate of 15% will have it reduced to 10%. Now comes the tricky part. The lower (capital gains tax) rates apply to “assets” if the assets were held for more than 12 months and apply only from May 7, 1997 to July 29, 1997. After July 29. 1997 you must hold assets for 18 or more months to receive the preferential rates. If held for Less than 18 months but more than 12 months the top rate will still be 28%. In general the bottom line is that for investments to receive the preferred rate of 20% (and in some cases lower) for 1998, 1999 and forward into the 21st century you will have to hold an investment 18 months or more. One item under the category of “investments” that in general will NOT receive this favorable tax rate is the category of “collectibles.” That is, items such as coins, stamps, etc., will still be taxed at the maximum rate of 28%. The third and last impact of capital gains on investments is that effective the year 2000 the 20% rate will drop to 18% for assets acquired AFTER 2000 and held for five or more years. One obvious change due to the reduction of the maximum tax rate for capital gains is the possible change for certain individuals from “income” generated types of investments (bonds, etc.) to growth types of investments (ie., stocks, mutual funds, etc.). The primary reason being a lower overall tax rate. This change in financial planning is important to maximize the overall returns for any person. Next week we will look at the impact of capital gains on the one true investment for most Slovenian-Americans. That is, capital gains on real property (ie., home sales). We’re off again, sailing on the blue Caribbean Seas during the week of February 1st thru Stb. The Slovenian Cultural Center (in Lemont, 111.) is inviting all Slovenians and their families to join us for the 3rd All-Slovenian Cruise on a beautiful luxury liner, the M/S Seaward of the Norwegian Lines, to the picture-perfect islands of Santo Domingo, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, departing and arriving from San Juan. So you see, all the saints will be with us as we luxuriate in the warm climates of the south Caribbean. Special prices have been arranged for our group and anyone who has been on a cruise will attest that the prices are great - on one of the best ships sailing. Besides... the great company of your Slovenian “buddies” - new and old friends - music by a Slovenian band, revues and shows on board, fun programs on board the ship and off on the islands -all this awaits you. So, beat the winter blues and be happy and warm with the Slovenian Cultural Center crowd for a week - from February 1st thru Sth, 1998 on the All-Slovenian Cruise. The time is now. To make your reservations, please call our cruise lady, Rudy Cmekovic at Priority Travel in Chicago: 312 782 7340 and she’ll be glad to give you all information and prices. Don’t wait - do it now. WATJ 1560 AM PRESENTS Weekend Polkas Saturday ^•00 a.m. - 10 a.m. Polkas with Al Markič 10 am -12 Polka Spotlight, I Host Joe Godina ~ * P Anddditi°n’ she’ al°n§ fy and^’ backed5 mor-Nde^ancially. the es-Se fo of the Slovene h eVe|and P i the Aged ir Jrsllip witv,0’ als° ‘n part' 0fayS had an*- Andy’ has a1' assistancr?reSt 'n bein^ v;:> to Sloveni! k,ntainingP°ScSlble’ and i S 6 ^orL ntaCt The Snska 1ed1.closely wit tho AmerifSlJe"?ka Matic n., ‘Uterpe* J,uvenes JS p« ’ as in i b lovene Ci anguage, inus and customs. “Jo’s interest in her heritage goes far beyond the casual, and is reflected in her business life also. In 1954, the Turkmans established “Tivoli’s,” an establishment dealing with Jugoslav imports, particularly those of Slovenia, where once again Jo finds herself serving in the position of unofficial liaison between Slovenia and American Slovenes, through the offering of Slovenian language learners, dictionaries, artifacts and records; and by answering countless queries concerning Slovenia and the Slovene Culture. “Jo is a member of Lodge #5 SNPJ, of the Progressive Women Circle #4, Euclid Pensioners and the American Slovenian National Art Guild. It might be said, however, that Jo’s first love is her work with Zarja, and she takes particular pride in the various skits for programming which she conceived and directed. Her favorite is “Pod zfidano Marelo,” which was performed in Cleveland, Detroit, and Pittsburgh. Popular also were the skits, “Izgubljena Fajfca, Village Fair, Musical Portraits, and many others. “Jo is endowed with boundless energy and a sunny, spirited disposition, which is in evidence whether she is involved with the myriad tasks of directing the Zarja Chorus, or presiding as Judge at the Annual SNPJ Vinska Trgata. “Jo is totally committed to the preservation of the Slovene Culture for future generations of American born Slovenes, and to pride in the heritage of the Slovenes. During the course of her many visits to Slovenia, dating from 1951 to 1976 Jo has viewed that country from a personal standpoint, as in her pilgrimage to the birthplace of her parents, and most particularly from the standpoint of the common heritage of all Slovenes.” On a personal note, I shall always remember that it was Jo and her husband Andy who introduced me and my late husband Frank to the beautiful country of Slovenia on a trip we took together in 1970. It was a trip full of laughter and tears, song and dance as we made our way through Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and back to Slovenia aboard the ship Jadran on the Adriatic Sea. We laughingly reminisced many times over the ensuing years about some of the ridiculous situations we got ourselves into, like getting lost on a moun- tain road under construction after taking a wrong turn, sleeping in the car overnight when we couldn’t find lodgings, and upon awakening, picking berries for our breakfast. An outstanding memory which tugs at my heartstrings now with Jo’s passing is the evening we four spent at an outdoor cafe in Bosnia where our “quartet,” Andy and Frank, bass and tenor, and Jo and I, soprano and alto, broke out in song and had everyone at surrounding tables enthusiastically joining in, as though we were all one. Until we meet again, Jo; thanks for the precious memories. —Jennie Mramor Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 In Loving Memory Of the 16th Anniversary of the Death of our Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Father-in-Law, and Brother Stephen Opalich Feb.22,1911 Nov. 9,1981 He left us his smile and his sweet memory, That the passing of time just endears. He left us his laughter to ring in our hearts, And comfort us thru the years. He left us his faith in the goodness of life And his courage to see it as such And tho we are grieved that he left us, We are grateful he left us so much. Sadly missed by: Alice Opalich - wife George Opalich - son Dorothy Bryan and Patricia Chiappetta -daughters brother Daniel Opalich and Families Cape Coral, Fla., Nov. 6, 1997. Bill Miller talks about ethnic diversity William Miller, award winning columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, will speak on “The History of Cleveland’s Diversity,” on Friday, Nov. 7 at 3 p.m. at the Cuyahoga Community College Western Campus Theatre, Pleasant Valley road, Parma. Miller, an employee of the Plain Dealer for 36 years, has written extensively on world and national events, however he has specialized in the rich cultural heritage of Cleveland. Miller has written many features about Slovenians and promoted their activities. Strudel Sale St. Mary (Collinwood) Slovenian School will sell homemade apple, cherry, and cheese strudels for $6.00 a strip. Strudels may be picked up the weekend of November 22 and 23 - just in time for Thanksgiving. You may order by calling Maria Sedmak at 692-0186. Goulash Dinner 5 A goulash dinner, sponsored by St. Mary (Collinwood) Holy Name Society will be held on Saturday, Nov. 8 in the school cafeteria. Serving begins at 6 Donation is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Polka Benefit A benefit polka bash will be held at the Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80^ Street, Cleveland from 1 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 9^ Many bands will perform. There will be a cash bar, sandwiches, Slovenian sausages, potato-cheese pierogi. Admission is $3.00 or $5.00 a couple. Turkey Dinner There will be a Turkey Dinner served on Friday, Nov. 14 at the Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80^ Street in Cleveland from 5:30 to 8 p.m. A $7.00 donation includes beverage and desert. Reservations are a MUST. Call 341-6136, 662-3339, or 243-9042. LAVRISHA Construction and Repair plus Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings AND... on Sundays Listen to “SLOVENIA” Radio on AM 830 WKTX from 11:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 6507 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland OH 44103 (216) 391-0035 - Fax: 216) 391-7225 Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda^ HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts.. Ohio 44143 No Problems! When Euclid Travel plans your vacation you simply decide what you want **** and Euclid Travel takes care of the details. ‘Adventure T rekking African Safaris Dude Ranches Alaskan trips ‘Sports Golf, tennis Skiing Ballooning Fishing Pampering Honeymoons Cruises Condo Rentals Luxury tours Special Interests—Group tours, Eco-travel EUCLID22078 Lakeshore Blvd. TTZM\\/EI*mmm Call 261-1050 Now! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 « Non-gambling Las Vegas Attractions Goming Events by Patricia Coil Euclid Travel Gambling is not the only attraction in Las Vegas. Visitors who have access to a car can enjoy free factory tours, scenic drives, historic sites, and museums. Factory tours are available in nearby Henderson. Daily from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., visitors can tour Cranberry World West, a division of Ocean Spray, 1301 American Pacific Drive, and sample cranberry juice and new products. Nearby at the Favorite Brands International, 1180 Marshmallow Lane, visitors get a free bag of miniature marshmallows after taking a self-guided tour. The factory is closed on Sundays. Another self-guided tour is available at Ethel M. Chocolates, 2 Cactus Garden Drive. The high point of this tour is selecting a piece of sample chocolate to eat while walking through the nearby 2-acre cactus garden. Ron Lee’s World of Clowns, 330 Carousel Parkway, manufactures clown figurines and has a real clown interact with visitors starting at 10:30 a.m. every day except Sunday, there are self-guided tours of the factory. Visitors can spend an afternoon driving the scenic loop at the Red Rock National Conservation Area, which is a short drive from Las Vegas. The area is filled with colorful sandstone formations, desert flowers, feral horses and burrows, bighorn sheep, and antelope. The Red Rock Visitors Center contains displays explaining the geology, history, archeology, plants, and animal life of the area. It is open 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Along the loop is the 520 acre Spring Mountain Ranch State Park formerly owned by Howard Hughes. There is a parking fee of $5, but the tour of the ranch is free. Another beautiful drive is along the Valley of Fire State Park Roadways located 55 miles from Las Vegas. Visitors can view Indian pe-troglyphs carved by the Anasazi Indians and can watch the movement of the sun affect the red and white sandstone by changing its color and shape. The park also contains the White Domes road where the sandstone starts at ground level and ends up 400 feet high at Cycilia Dome. Toiyabe National forest contains 52 miles of hiking trails, campsites, RV camps, picnic grounds and a ski area. The visitor approaches from the desert and ascends into an area of pinion and juniper pine trees. Mt. Charleston is the highest mountain (11,918 feet) in the Spring Mountain Range and in the summer it is 30 degrees cooler than Las Vegas. The so-called Extraterrestrial Highway (Nevada 375) is near Rachel and Area 51 (top secret section) of Nellis Air Force Base. It is very popular among people looking for UFO’s. Las Vegas has a large variety of museums. -The (Majorie) Barrick Museum of National History charges no admission. It concentrates on the archaeology, anthropology, and natural history of the Mojave Desert and Southwest. Visitors can see live desert reptiles. The Nevada State Museum and Historical Society features history, fossils, animals, and plants of southern Nevada. The Yucca Mountain Science Center is operated by the U.S. Department of Energy and was designed to explain to layman how high-level nuclear waste repositories work. There is a simulated underground waste-deposit site that visitors can tour and some hands-on displays. A video presentation shows how indestructible the nuclear waste caskets are under a variety of conditions including being hit by a train. In addition, there are exhibits of artifacts from local Indian tribes. Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort Historic Park is located in North Las Vegas. The fort was constructed in 1855 as part of the first settlement of Las Vegas and is the oldest building in Nevada. It was built by the Mormons to provide a link between California and Utah. Bonnie Springs Ranch in Old Nevada contains a western town complete with gun-fights, opera house, saloon, and stables. A petting zoo is free to the public as is the train that runs between the town and the parking lot. The Clark County Heritage Museum contains a pueblo, ghost town, historic homes complete with period furniture, 1905 steam engine, mining exhibit, and gambling memorabilia. The museum is open daily from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The Boulder City/Hoover Dam Museum has free movies daily and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It contains artifacts from the construction of the Hoover Dam. At Hoover Dam Visitors Center guided tours of the dam are conducted daily from 8:30 a.m. until 5:40 p.m. The Lake Mead Recreation Area contains 550 miles of shoreline and is a short drive (35 miles) from Las Vegas. Many activities such as hiking, swimming, fishing, camping, and boating are available in this area. Las Vegas and its surrounding areas are filled with a variety of activities. Call Euclid Travel, 261-1050 to make your Las Vegas reservations. Whether you are a gambler or not you won’t have any problem finding something interesting to do on your next perfect vacation. The desert fox’s huge ears help it lose body heat. Aged Home Auxiliary Decorates Cleveland’s Slovenian Home for the Aged Auxiliary will meet at the Neff Road facility on Tuesday, December 2nd at 9 a.m. for the purpose of helping to decorate the Home for Christmas. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. Removal of Christmas decoration will take place on Monday, January 5^. Please attend. We need your help and suggestions. —Genevieve Drobnič Nosan in Hospital Joseph Nosan of Nosan’s Bakery was operated on last Thursday in Cleveland Clinic and is now on the road to recovery. His wife, Olga, reports that although the bakery has been closed, it will be reopened this week with their son doing the baking. Nosan’s Bakery is located on St. Clair at E. 64^ Street in the Slovenian National Home building. Likes paper Thank you for a great paper. —Josephine S. Traina Euclid, Ohio Bike Helmets for Sale Protect yourself and your children. Bike helmets at a cost of $7.00 (a $20.00 value) is being offered by the St. Clair Business Association, 6220 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, tele: 391-7332. This offer is sponsored by Ward 13 Councilman John Skrha. Friday, Nov. 7 Collinwood Slovenian Home presents “A Night at the Races.” Doors open 6:30 p.m. Admission $6 includes sandwich, soft drinks, beer. St. Joseph KSKJ 169 will assist. Horses purchased for $10. Call 944-5083 or 731-1175. Saturday, Nov. 8 Belokranjski Club Dinner-Dance, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Contact Angela Hutar 481-3308 Saturday, Nov. 8 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Holy Name Society sponsors a Goulash Dinner at 6 p.m. in the school hall. Sunday, Nov. 9 Benefit Polka Bash at Slovenian National Home, E. SQth Street, Cleveland from 1 to 6 p.m. Many bands, sandwiches, Slovenian sausages. Admission $3 each, or $5 a couple. Friday, Nov. 14 Turkey Dinner at Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. SOth Street, Cleveland from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Donation is $7.00 which includes beverage and dessert. Reservations a must. Call 341-6136, 662-3339, or 243-9042. Sunday, Nov. 16 Fall concert, Slovenian Junior Chorus, SNPJ Circle 2, at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Program begins at 3:30 p.. under direction of Cecilia Dolgan. Following concert, music for dancing by Joe Novak and Friends. Tickets are $5 in advance from Polka Hall of Fame or at the door. Sunday, Nov. 16 Lemont Slovenian Cultural Center 2nd anniversary celebration with Mass at 11 a.m., in Dom, followed by banquet. Singing by Vasovalci from Slovenia. Banquet tickets $15, children 6 to 16, $8. For table of 10 call 630-243-0670. Wednesday, Nov. 19 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., monthly social. Saturday, Nov. 22 Jadran Singing Society presents “Forget-Me-Not -The Conclusion,” at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. Dinner from 5 - 6:30; program at 7; dancing following with Tony Fortuna Orchestra. Donation $18.00. Tickets call 951-1694 or 481-3187. Sunday, Nov. 23 St. Mary (Collinwood) Church Turkey Festival. Wednesday, Nov. 26 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, Annual Thanksgiving Eve Jam Session Doors open at 7. Admissi°J $2. Music and dancing an lots of fun. Thursday, Nov. 27 Tony Petkovšek s Thanksgiving Day Party, beginning at 4 p.nrat Marriott Hotel 127 Pu^lC Square, Cleveland featuring Frankie Spetich, Stan Mejac’ The Sidemen, Joe Fedor chak, Joey Miskulin, R°Ser Bright, Gary Seibert, D°3 Wojtila bands with all nig jamming with Denny Buc^ Donation $12. Friday, Nov. 28 Cleveland Thanksgiv|njj Friday Polka Party start111 at 4 p.m. at Marriott Hot®’ 127 Public Square featur'^ Frank Stanger, Harry Fa111 Gary Seibert, Joey Toms1® ’ & Lynn Marie Rink, 6 Pecon with Lou Trebaj Roger Bright, Klančnik with all ^ jamming with Denny BuC Donation $12. Saturday, Nov. 29 lOth annul polka e Show, 2 p.m. at Euclid S .j Cultural Centre, 291 £• St., Euclid, Ohio. 1998 - Saturday, Jan. ^ ^ Dinner-Dance sponsor® ^ Slovenska Pristava, G011 Maria Leben 646-0536 Sunday, Feb. Orchestra-Choral sponsored by SNH, St- ^i-Contact Bob HopkinS ( ( 5115 15 Sunday, March Man/Woman of th® 0{ sponsored by Federal ^ Slovenian Homes. Patricia Ipavec-Clark® 1 ( 1 5327 uli Saturday, Mar® *s0te> ’co^{ Dinner-Dance by Primorski Club. 732-7527. 5 Saturday, Sept' Slovenian ^asSnp ai-Bishop Baraga, 6:3 When you need an attorney contact our A^lerican-SIoveni®,, Ronald Zale Co., LPA Attorney at Law Brush Building 26111 Brush Ave., Euclid, OH 44232 216-289-9500 — Fax: 216—289-641*» Call Ron for an appointment ii DEATH NOTICES Mary f. kralic Maiy F. Kralic, 82, of Chardon, Ohio was the wife of Edward; sister of Molly (Archie) Watt, Joseph Whan) and Bernard (Annie) Champa; three nieces and nephews one 8feat-grand-nephew. Mary was fondly known as the “Hat Lady,” because ° the beautiful hats she oved to wear. Mary also did Magnificent arts and crafty She was active in the °venian American Nagnal Art Guild. funeral Mass Monday, "*• 3- 1»7 at 10 a.m. in «f St. Mary, 401 Hftth St, Chardon, Ohio. fR^NCES KOTNIK p ,rances Kotnik (nee of A°ysek)> 80, beloved wife w , olPh; mother of Edin! and Franklin 5e_arene); sister of Jean (dg3.^^ frank J. Petkovšek grandmother of Craig and^’ ^Usan’ Kev*n» Joyce grana Kj'isten; 8reat-^other of Emily. u received friends Zak p^’ Nov- 3’ 1997 at the Cia' Uneral Home, 6016 St. ^Mr Avenue. at 9Ut!eral Tuesday, Nov. 4 ® am. with chapel ’ followed by 10 a.m. Inte *n St. Vitus Church. Cem ,ent ^ All Souls Metery. a^a brancel $ek)( Erancel (nee Glin-dolph. ’ VV*^e °f th® iate Ru-T'enjj ’ ^^her of Monica fiarbar ’ Eionna Littman, Eeterse Grossi, Ann Marie ^Ud°i Susan Brancel, foecea ’ and Margaret ^linsej^ ’ s'ster of Glenn (dec,). and Mary Fink ^:rfand*n°ther of 13; fami,;motherof6- >ds^ Wil1 receive N 3 w®dnesday, Nov. 5 P o . O >3.o --------- uaerai u f '01- at the Zak Ho,ne, 6016 ■,C> A f IVs«i-Ave nue. St. Funeral 6> 1997 with Shy^at9a.m.,fol-t V>tus čl a m' Mass in C^t-nagy ^-,00 Rd. o •«^1'2237 the‘ ^^.Gommunity.’ CHRISTINE GLAVAN Christine Glavan (nee Brezovar), 89, of Cleveland, died on Saturday, November 1, 1997 at the Wickliffe Country Place. She was bom on June 29, 1908 in Cleveland. She was a lifetime resident of E- 60^ Street. She retired from Bowman Products Co. Her husband, Frank, passed away on Oct. 17, 1997. She was the sister of Joseph Kalsic and the following deceased: Julia Glavan, Minnie Kogoy, and Adolph Brezovar; daughter of Estahy and Julia Brezovar (both deceased). Visiting hours were Tuesday, Nov. 4 from 2-4 and 7-9 at Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Home 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland. Funeral Mass Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1997 at 10 a.m. in St. Vitus Church, 6019 Glass Ave., Cleveland. Interment in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. Sell ANDREW KOZJEK Andrew Kozjek, 66, of Harpersfield Township, Ohio since 1956, passed away Sunday morning, November 2 at home. Mr. Kozjek was bom February 1, 1931 in Slovenia to Maria and Andrew Kozjek. He worked as a self-employed carpenter. Mr. Kozjek was a member of Slovenska Pristava for 40 years. He is survived by his wife, Maria Kozjek; two daughters Anna (John) Vidmar of Austinburg, and Bernie Kozjek of Geneva; two sons, Andrew (Diane) Kozjek of Kirtland, and Pete Kozjek of Geneva; five grandchildren: Nicholas, Ashley, Kelsey, Peter, and Kelly. He was brother to Stana Kozjek and Janez Kozjek and Bernard Kozjek of Slovenia. He was preceded in death by his parents. Mass of Christian Burial was at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 5 at the Assumption Church, 594 West Main Street, Geneva, Rev. Paul Tobin officiated. Burial in Harpersfield Cemetery. Friends called Tuesday, Nov. 4 at The Behm Funeral Home, Geneva, Ohio. e Funeral Home Memorial chapel £ located at ^2 St reel Phone 481-3118 own** operated since 1908 FRANK GLAVAN Frank Glavan, 89, of Cleveland, passed away October 17, 1997 at the Wickliffe Country Place. He was retired from Richmond Brothers Co. He was a Corporal in the Army during WWH, serving in Normandy, Ardennes, and Northern France. He was awarded five bronze stars. Frank was bom in Slovenia. His wife, Christine, passed away November 1, 1997. He is survived by nieces and nephews. VERONICA TURK Veronica Turk (nee Pishko), 77, of Euclid, Ohio, died Monday, October 20, 1997 at the Hospice House in Cleveland. She was bom in McKeesport, PA on Dec. 7, 1919. She was a homemaker. She was the wife of Frank; the mother of Maureen Russ, Karen Frost, Frank (dec.) and Donna Petak. MARY PIRSICH Mary Pirsich, 93, was the wife of Matt (deceased); aunt of Milivoj Klobučar and family; friend of Ivica and Ljiljana Udovicic. Friends were received at the Golob Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., Saturday, Nov. 1. Funeral Monday, Nov. 3 at 10 a.m. at St. Paul’s Croatian Church (E. 40th & St. Clair). Interment Calvary Cemetery. In Memory Enclosed is check for $50.00 of which $30.00 is for subscription renewal and $20.00 in memory of my cherished friends, Mary Marinko and Jim Kelly. Love the paper; always read it the same day. -Josephine Sustarsic Cleveland, Ohio In Loving Memory Of the 4th Anniversary of the death of Helen Sqnsky who died Nov. 6,1993 God loved her, too, so He took her home to eternal rest Sadly missed by: Bill Hraster Janice and Keil Conley and her many friends Remembering John Ravnikar, Sr. 7 Mr. John Ravnikar, Sr., was bom August 15, 1912 in Radomlje, Slovenia. He died Oct. 4, 1997 in Huntington, New York. He was buried Oct. 9, 1997 in St. Charles Cemetery, Farmingdale, NY. We came here today to honor my father John Ravnikar, Sr. He was the beloved husband for almost 60 years of Francka Slabič Ravnikar, and father to five children, Frances (now deceased), Maria, Lydia, John and myself (Veronica). He had 11 grandchildren, Stan Jr., Andre, Stephen, Ingrid, Franny, Greg, Meti, David, Chris, Alicia, Vikki and one great-grandchild Cayla Rae. In Slovenia he is the brother to Mici Drolc, the uncle to Urska Pustotnik and numerous other relatives. We all know that it is our destiny to pass on from this life and unite with God in everlasting life and happiness. We accept that this was our beloved Dad’s destiny -his path to freedom from this life’s hardships and its illnesses. His sickness from three terminal cancers he fought with dignity and quiet perseverance. His two closest companions witnessed his dying hours on Saturday, October 4 - my mother and my brother, John. While my mother was tightly holding his hand and a respirator was expanding his lungs, my mother felt that he suddenly felt cold, summoned the nurse when he was pronounced. His passing was quiet like a leaf falling to the ground; this was his typical credo not to create fanfare for himself but to pass softly into the wind. During the 85 years of his life, the road to fulfill his destiny was riddled with hardships and setbacks. Nevertheless, through all of this calamity, he was able to keep together a family that grew in faith, love, and unity. He never bragged, but we all knew that our father had great faith in his God, a profound commitment to his family. He fulfilled the destiny that God had planned John Ravnikar, Sr. Drawing by Miro Zupančič for him as best as he humanly could. His destiny was to be bom in poverty, losing his mother at age three and his father at age 13. With self determination and discipline from this young age as an orphan, he finished high school and was directed by his older brother to choose the trade of a baker. Although an honorable trade, this was never his first love or his natural talent, but was a means of survival. He excelled at his trade, but his first love was reading, especially history and politics. From newspapers and the books he read, and he studied all he could from the politics of the day, he would then love to tell what really happened and who was correct. We all thought he would have made a great politician in another life but on reflection his love of critiquing and his sometime brutal honesty would have made him a better political analyst/editor writer. He also wrote very creatively and poetically; cards for special occasions were carefully selected and with them came an insightful letter. It was intimidating to send back a card especially with only a signature. He was a patient and determined gardener - he took much pride in the plants that grew profusely around his home. During his lengthy absences due to his illness, we noticed how quickly his plants missed him. He loved the outdoors and would always be outside on sunny, "Out family Mas (Been Here to Serve You Since 1903" Cleveland. Ohio 44110 531-6300 tm linUn nlll■l■l m* Dm IimmI Dmmw Preplanned Funeral Arrangements Available ___________* MM— AMMMM TMMfMMt NMIKaul OHM • AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 6, 1997 8 John Ravnik, Sr. (Continued from page 7) warm days reading his newspapers. His destiny was to lose all his material possessions including his house and business during WWII, to bring his wife and children intact and filled with hope into a new land and to start from scratch... yet never giving up hope or his self dignity. My father’s destiny was to marry my mother Frances, after having lost his mother Frances in infancy and then suffering the premature death of his eldest daughter Frances. His destiny was to lose many of his most beloved. It made him realize his .need for survival and the heed to show love and respect to all those around him. We, his family, his friends, sitting here are all beneficiaries of that love - a love he learned to share and talk openly about; it was always ‘I love you’ ... to his grandchild, his son, his nephew. My father’s destiny was to be a quiet man, not a grandiose man. He was a man who suffered greatly through an impoverished childhood, turbulent circumstances during WWII, the difficulty of raising children on a limited salary, the stress of working in a profession that did not serve his ambitions and talents. This was his destiny. The hardships and struggles did make him and us stronger since we did everything together. The strength he built up through all his travails through the years gave him the strength to confront his cancers as did his love for his family. He wanted to win over cancer not for his sake but for the sake of being' there for my mother, the love of his life, he could not win over his cancer but his example of integrity, organization, determination, self sacrifices are the legacies he gave us as a family. Through his great love, he gave our family a peaceful soul and an honorable directive. Goodbye Dad; we will remember and love you always - you did the best you could which is better than any other one of us could do despite cushioned resources. We will take care of your true love, our mother, with love and constant attention. In closing, all of our families came together and helped during this traumatic time. However, I would like to single out my younger brother, John, who is our hero. Through his love, endurance and despite his full time job as a civil engineer, he has taken care of both of our parents supporting them both physically, mentally and monetarily. He has learned from my father to do things quietly, not to draw attention to himself and as long as he is there for his family, his loved ones, and is responsible to his job, he is fulfilling his personal destiny. Thank you dad for all you gave to us. We will always love you. Thank you for picking our mother Frances as your life partner and thank-you for being responsible for formulating our brother John’s character on the proper guidelines. Written with love and affection by his daughter -Dr. Veronica Ravnikar. In Memory Enclosed is a check in the amount of $25.00 donated in memory of Albin Samsa. —Ann Samsa Euclid, Ohio Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold their monthly “Krofe Sale” on Saturday, Nov. 8th beginning at 8 a.m. Also available will be home-made noodles. TONY’S OLD WORLD PLAZA BARBER SHOP HAIRCUTS *5.00 664 E. 185th 531-6517 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. - 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SPECIALIZING IN FIRE DAMAGE REPAIR YANESH CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. William S. (Bill) Yanesh EAST 29013 EUCLID AVENUE WICKLIFFE, OHIO 44092 943-2020 943-2026 WEST 12205 SOBIESKI ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 941-5010 941-3358 Once An Ancient Art—Now Everyone’s Doing It (NAPS)—Today nearly every American does what once was reserved for the royal courts of kings and queens—they are vaccinated to prevent disease. Vaccination, as a way to protect humans from disease, has a long history. However, only in this century has the practice included routine vaccination for everyone. The Chinese of the 6th century are credited with the first attempts to prevent disease this way. But it was a Buddhist nun from the 11th century who first wrote down the steps to take to prevent the dreaded smallpox. She wrote that scabs from a person with a mild case of smallpox would be dried, then ground up like a spice and mixed with a special shrub. Then, with a silver curved tube, the mixture should be blown into the nose. This caused an infection that was usually less severe than if the person had developed the disease naturally. This method allowed them to choose the timing and severity of the disease they acquired, instead of leaving it to fate. In 1796, Edward Jenner was the first to show that a person inoculated and infected with cowpox was protected against smallpox. The procedure, which he called vaccination (“vacca” meaning cow), was the first use of a vaccine in the prevention of disease. At the same time that Jenner was developing vaccination, each year an estimated 400,000 people in Europe died from smallpox and one-third of the survivors were blinded. Through worldwide vaccination, smallpox disease was wiped off the globe by 1977. Zinc And Your Cold (NAPS)—Here are some facts about zinc that will surprise many Americans. Studies confirm that patented zinc formulas alleviate the symptoms and reduce the duration and severity of a cold. Here are some more facts about zinc and its benefits: • In a controlled study it was noted that symptoms of a cold were shorter in the group that took zinc (4.4 days) than in the placebo group (7.6 days). Fewer symptoms and shorter colds are two of the benefits of zinc lozenges that are reported by users and studies. • The zinc group also had fewer days with coughing, headache, nasal congestion, and sore throat. • Zinc lozenges to treat the common cold are now sold nationwide. The patented brand, Fast Dry Zinc, from F&F Foods, Inc., available in a handy roll or convenient package, is reported to work faster and better because it has a zinc acetate formula rather than a zinc gluconate formula. A spokesman for F&F Foods said the lozenges are called “Fast Dry” for good reason—they dry the cold up fast. Vaccines today are given by shot or as a liquid by mouth to be swallowed. Vaccines contain a weak or dead disease germ. The body’s own immune system makes natural antibodies to fight the weak or dead germs in the vaccine. Vaccination gives the body a chance to practice and make protective antibodies before real germs invade. The protective antibodies created by the immune system will stay on guard to safeguard the body from real disease germs. If left totally to chance, a child’s first exposure to a disease may be from a germ too strong for the child’s immune system to fight. Even vaccines made today don’t work for everyone. Some people— and it’s impossible to predict who— will not become immune. These people won’t develop antibodies and may still get the disease. But as more and more in a community are vaccinated, the chance of the nonimmune person being exposed to the disease goes down. Today, in the United States, vaccines protect toddlers against 10 once-common childhood diseases Vaccinations are safer than * and are very good at pro e j( children from these diseases .......—- 7 dn fact, 90 percent of children in . United States are vaccinated most of the recommended va ^ before they are two years o • ^ only are vaccination levels up, ease levels are down. a). The viruses and bacten ^ cause these diseases stil i(dl They have not disappeared use of vaccines protects P60^ from these diseases. Withou irom tnese diseases. ' V mjcs protection of vaccines, epide , these diseases would be expe< The impact of vaccina i the impact ol vaccm- ,e the health of the world’^P® t||i hard to exaggerate. exception of safe drinking nothing—not even antibi° f has had such a major 'JJ’P ati®f nas naa sucn a maju* ■ • saving lives. For more info ^ ^ on vaccinations, contfCni jJ* Centers for Disease Contr .j. Prevention, National zation Information Hotlin® . 232-2522 (English) or 1'8UU 0233 (Spanish). Pumpkin Bread 1/3 cup vegetable oil Vi teaspoon ground cloves 1 cup fresh or canned pumpkin puree 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon Vi cup raisins 2 1/3 cups Bisquick Pinch of ground nutmeg (optional) ■! Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9- by 5-^ pan. In a large bowl, mix with a wooden spoon. m all the ingredients ^ Pour the mixture int° if« prepared pan. Bake for 45 minutes. Test with a ^ if the knife comes out clean, the bread is ready- ^ put back in the oven for another 5-10 minuteS . ;( before removing from the pan. Keep in a plastic a cover dish in a cool location or in the refrigerat°r ^ When you are ready to serve, cut into sliceS’ ^ cut out slices with a pumpkin-shaped cookie cu spread with cream cheese or jam. Serves 12 to 18. Joe Cimperl"’jl Co^J Give your Lasagne a bit of California cool by making it with Monterey Jack cheese. elected to Joe Cimpefl^jy elected to becoifi6 n in Cleveland * fjl* Tuesday’s G6° man tion. He beat newly Pedmdi — SINCE 1961 — WELW • 1330 AM lEist) 1380 AM (Wait) Simulcasting Daily 3:15/Sat. 12-2 (K0LLANDER POLKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) 971 East 185th Street* * Cleveland, Ohio 44119 TONY PETKOVŠEK • CO HOST- JOEY T0MSICK • Featuring - ALICE KUHAR DUKE MARSiC PATTY SLUGA (216) 481-TONY (8669) or HOLLANDER (216) 692-1000 incumbent John C a count of l,?89 1,562. ,ud^ | Ward 13 Slovenian corTin! :r tfei. St. Vitus-St. <2, er je nastala za dlan e 1 a luknja, odlomljen je del ^Pomenika, nekoliko je poško-?.V^na v marmorne plošče ek e^ena ^karPa P°d nosilcem, st Ml0zija pa je razbila tudi ri^ ° na bližnji cerkvi sv. Ma-na črnomaljskem osre-Jetn pokopališču. O škodi d rugih bližnjih spomenikih 01 Podatkov. ^ P0nienik so odkrili lani v ^ e‘jo, 24. novembra, popol-^b njem je maševal arhi-je L°n br- Franc Oražem, ki on poslovil spomenik in tevrav'l simbolični pokop žr-red'| ačrt za spomenik je na-dg/.^Pl- arh. Jure Jaklič, iz-stpc rfa ga Je kamnoseški moj- "Peter Plut. čen v‘r spomenika je pokon-pre V zaieh' jUn'ia 1942 pri Bistri' Pa so jih pri Kanižari- ci pri Črnomlju. Nekaterim Romom se je uspelo rešiti oziroma pobegniti, ko so jih partizani po zajetju v Kanižarici gnali v pet kilometrov oddaljeno Bistrico, kjer so jih pobili. Ti Romi do lani niso imeli spomenika. O žrtvah, med katerimi so bili možje, žene in otroci, je lani ob odkritju spomenika govoril Alojz Verderber. Denar zanj so zbrali večinoma svojci žrtev, nekaj pa sta prispevali tudi Nova slovenska zaveza in občina Črnomelj. Črnomaljci so zaradi nočnega zločina začudeni, saj lani pred postavitvijo spomenika in po njej ni bilo javnih nasprotovanj, kot so se pojavljala ob spomenikih domobrancem in žrtvam revolucionarnega komunističnega nasilja ponekod po državi. V Črnomlju je slišati, da naj bi pod spomenikom eksplodiral dinamit oziroma gospodarsko razstrelivo, kot se uporablja pri miniranju. Ker je blizu hrvaška meja, ni težko dobiti tudi vojaških sredstev. Verjetno pa je (so) moral(i) terorist(i) vsaj malo poznati razmere, saj do pokopališča v Vojni vasi vodi le cesta skozi Vojno vas, kjer so hiše povsem ob cesti, ki so jo lani razširili in jo tako še približali hišam, oziroma naprej proti Dolenji vasi, kjer ponoči ni veliko prometa. Proti Zastavi pa vodi pod hribom Kobila kolovoz. Drugih poti ni. Z vozilom se je torej mogoče pripeljati le po eni cesti, peš pa je seveda mogoče priti z več strani, vendar je pod cesto na južni strani reka Lahinja. Milovan Dimitrič Nedelo, 2. novembra 1997 Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Complete Legal Services ^RK PETR1C ^rtified Master Technician Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair 3343 (216) 942-5130 ° Lakel«nd Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR v*adimir M. Rus Attorney • Odvetnik ^ St. Clair (Sloveni ian National Home) 391-4000 (FX) Homilija na pogrebni maši č.g. Karla Wolbanga Č.g. Ivan Lavrih je v slovenščino prevedel homilijo Fr. Thomasa J. Butlerja CM na pogrebu č.g. Karla Wolbanga, o katerem smo že obširneje poročali. Gdč. Sonja Ferjan je angleški tekst g. Lavrihu posredovala s prošnjo, da ga prevede v slovenščino za objavo v AD. To je g. Lavrih velikodušno storil in celoten prevod sledi. Ur. AD Kako srečni so oni, ki morejo izreči ob svoji smrtni uri Jezusove besede: »Gospod me je poslal pridigat ubogim veselo oznanilo.« Samega sebe smo izročili Gospodu v ta namen in Bog se zanese na nas, da bomo svoje delo izvršili. (Sv. Vincencij) Danes zjutraj, 15. oktobra, smo prišli skupaj kot ena družina, da bi se zahvalili našemu sobratu g. Charlesu Wolban-gu, za njegovo življenje. Vsakemu od vas sobratje povem, da žalujem z vami v tem trenutku, toda istočasno se zahvaljujem Bogu za njegovo življenje, njegovo energijo, njegove talente in ljubezen. Posebej bi tu rad omenil nekatere, ki so bili z g. Wolban-gom zadnje mesece njegovega življenja: Sonja Ferjan. Sonja, Vi ste spremljali g. Karla na vse možne načine. Vaša ljubezen, skrb in vdanost do njega, ne bo od nas, ki smo vas od blizu opazovali, nikdar pozabljena. V Karlu ste mnogo izgubili. Zato mora biti vaša žalost danes še posebno boleča. Kathy Neagle, Vi ste ravno tako sodelovali z g. Karlom, posebno še v farni skupnosti Brezmadežnega Srca Marijinega v Torontu. Bili ste skupaj s Karlom tudi vi tu v Germantown. Obe, vi in Sonja, ste delali z največjo ljubeznijo, da ste spravili skupaj zapuščino g. Karla in jo razposlali na razne kraje sveta. Istočasno pa osebno skrbele za g. Karla. Mislim, da vam je bilo žal samo to, da niste znali slovensko, da bi mu mogli biti še v večjo pomoč. Še enkrat vama izrekam v imenu naše kongre- gacije iskreno sožalje in prisrčno zahvalo za vse delo in našo obljubo, da bodo naše molitve vedno z vami. Rad bi tu omenil njegovo sestro Vido, ki sedaj živi v Sloveniji. Ta še prav posebno žaluje ob smrti svojega brata. Njej in njeni družini obljubljamo naše molitve in našo pomoč. Družina okrevališča sv. Katarine, Lazaristi, Oblati sv. Frančiška Šaleškega, sestra Eleanor Marie, celotno osebje okrevališča in vsem, ki ste spoznali Fr. Wolbanga in živeli z njim te zadnje mesece, povem, da vas spremljajo naše goreče molitve. Posebno pa še pozdravljam zastopnike Katoliške misijonske akcije iz Clevelanda, New Yorka in Bridge-porta. Prisrčna zahvala da ste danes z nami, ko praznujemo to posebno liturgijo za Fr. Wolbanga. Ko sem nekoč prišel na obisk k Fr. Karlu v bolnici, mi je pokazal knjigo, ki jo je čitali in me opozoril na odstavek, ki se glasi: »Praznik Vseh svetnikov je in sem sam doma, ker so nadškofijski uradi danes zaprti. Vreme je veliko bolj mrzlo, kot pred nekaj dnevi, pa vendar še kar v redu za sprehod. Navadno grem ob tem času na sprehod. Vendar danes pa ne bom šel, ker me je vsega prevzela strahovita utrujenost, ki je značilna pri raku trebušne slinovke.« Odstavek so uvodne besede knjige kardinala Bernardina: Dar miru. In Fr. Karl je rekel: »Natančno tako se jaz sedajle počutim.« Fr. Wolbang je bil namreč mož ogromne energije, navdušenja in moči. In ta moč in energija ga je vzdrževa- la pri oznanjevanju evangelija ubogim. Ta energija ga je vzdrževala v njegovem življenju kot lazarista in kot duhovnika. Odstavek, ki ga je Father O’Connor čital v evangeliju, nam odkriva navodilo duhovnega romanja, ki je usposobilo Fr. Wolbanga, da je živel življenje; kot ga je. Navodilo, ki naj bi bilo važno tudi za nas vse, da namreč vemo, kdo smo in zakaj smo. Bratje in sestre, naše življenje se začne in konča z ljubeznijo, brezpogojno ljubeznijo do Boga. Takole je Jezus povedal: »Kot je Oče mene ljubil, tako sem vas jaz ljubil. Živite v moji ljubezni.« Fr. Karel bi nam lahko veliko povedal o ljubezni v svoji družini. Odraščal je v podnožju Alp. In vsa narava je govorila mlademu Karlu o božji ljubezni in o bodočnosti, ki ga čaka. Njegova družina in vsa narava okoli njega ga je vzpodbujala, naj se posveti duhovniškemu poklicu. Njegova vera je bila globoka. Poznal je božjo ljubezen in to znanje je vzbujalo v njem neskončno srečo in veselje. 29. junija 1941, na praznik sv. Petra in Pavla, je bil Karel posvečen v duhovnika. Ker je Karel poznal božjo ljubezen in je živel po njej, je tudi slišal Jezusove besede, ki smo jih slišali danes: »Niti ti mene izbral, ampak jaz sem te izbral, da boš šel ven in obrodil sad in tvoj sad mora obstati.« To so besede, ki jih sliši vsak misijonar. To je glas, ki ga kliče. To je ljubezen, ki usposobi onega, ki je poslan, da ostane zvest in predan misijonskemu delu. In tako, Fr. Karel, ti si ostal zvest v begunskih taboriščih. Zbiral si študente in ohranil njihovo vero močno, sredi vojnih časov. — Ostal je zvest, kljub bolečini, ki sojo občutil, ko si izgubil svoje starše, ki so jih komunisti umorili. — Ostal si zvest, ko te je Bog klical, da si postal misijonar, lazarist, ko si vstopil v novicijat lazaristov v Rimu v letu 1946. — Ostal si zvest, ko si se prostovoljno odločil za misijone na Kitajskem, kjer si tudi naredil redovne zaobljube 1947. leta. — Ostal si zvest v svoji ljubezni do kitajskih ljudi kljub komunistom, ki so obtoževali tvoje delo, in kljub temu, da so te leta 1951 izgnali iz Kitajske. Kako velikodušen si bil v svojem delu, ko si od leta 1972 vsak teden tako energetično pisal v slovenski list Ameriška Domovina o misijonih po vsem svetu. (dalje na str. 16) EVROPA IN SLOVANI (nadaljevanje s str. 10) nespremenljiva. Nacionalna zavest se seveda kaže v drugačnih oblikah, kot se je recimo v polnem razmahu in s čustvenim nabojem kazala v 19. stoletju, ko so se vsi evropski, posebno slovanski narodi, osamosvajali in si ustvarili svojo kulturno identiteto. Danes, zlasti pa jutri, bo zato tudi za Slovane, edina rešitev močan pretok v Evropo, vendar le v ohranitvi lastne samobitnosti. Le tako bo slovanski svet enakopravno in tvorno sodeloval v družbi ostalih narodov stare celine. Naj zaključim to kratko razmišljanje z besedami slovenskega filozofa Franceta Vebra, ki je pisal o narodnem vprašanju in Slovencih - tudi kot malem narodu. Ko pravi, da utegnejo tudi mali narodi »zlasti v pravem kulturnem pomenu besede kar zasenčiti to, kar delajo veliki, pa naj bodo to posamezni ljudje ali že prave narodne skupine... Omenjam samo stare Atence, ki jih je bilo komaj milijon in ki so vendar položili osnovne temelje tudi vsemu nadaljnjemu kulturnemu razvoju Evrope.« Veber še podčrta poslanstvo malega naroda: »Da, veliki duh malega naroda dobi celo značilno prednost pred velikim duhom velikega naroda, ako pomislimo tudi na vse težave in na vse trpljenje, ki je vprav človeku »malega« naroda nekako že naprej določeno...« In prav vloga slovenskega naroda se lahko, poleg one manjših slovanskih narodov, kaže danes v tem duhu tudi pri gradnji nove Evrope. NOVI GLAS, 23.10.1997 P. dr. Vendelin Spendov November - listopad, je poleg odpadanja listja znan tudi po deževju. Pa mrzel je in nas nekako pripravlja na zimo. Morda je pa ta mesec prav zato primeren čas, da se bolje poglabljamo v končne dneve našega življenja in se spominjamo naših rajnih ter molimo zanje. Pri Mariji Pomagaj v Le-montu je že dolgoletna navada, da se vsak dan v skupnih in osebnih molitvah spominjamo vseh, ki so nam priporočeni. Tudi sv. mašo darujemo zanje vsak dan. Za darove za »Novembrske maše in molitve« se iskreno zahvaljujemo. Sicer se pa vseh rajnih dobrotnikov leto in dan spominjamo v molitvi. Rojstni dan v tem mesecu ima p. Martin Stepanich, 15. novembra 1915. Isti dan tudi goduje. Sobratje, ki so umrli meseca novembra: p. Stanislav Drev, 30. novembra 1922; p. Anzelm Murn, 20. novembra 1941; br. Franc Ksaverij Paton, 9. novembra 1952; br. Serafin Vene, 9. novembra 1985; p. Andrej Svete, 7. novembra 1988. Obletnica smrti škofa Rožmana - 16. novembra 1959. Zadnji teden septembra so pričeli graditi nove stopnice pred cerkvijo in samostanom. Lemont, lil. Stare, ki so služile nad 60 let, so dotrajale. Pravtako ceste, dovozna in okoli samostana, kar je v skupnem načrtu samostana in Slovenskega kulturnega centra v Lemontu. Vsem dobrotnikom iskrena zahvala in Bog plačaj! P. Leonard Bogolin, ki je sedaj v Lemontu, je prestal operacijo mrene (cataract) na obeh očesih in se sedaj pohvali, da dobro vidi. Tudi br. Robert Hochevar je bil nekaj dni v bolnišnici. Pravi, da mu je pomagalo. Priporočamo ga v molitev. Vsak mesec objavimo imena rajnih naročnikov, imena, ki nam jih sorodniki ali prijatelji pošljejo. Hvaležni smo za ta obvestila, da jih moremo objaviti in se jih spominjati v molitvi in pri sv. maši. Zato prosimo za sporočilo smrti naročni-ce/narocnika. Bog plačaj! Sv. maša za žive in rajne naročnike Ave Marije bo drugo nedeljo (to nedeljo, 9. nov.) meseca. Tri leta so potekla, odkar je bila ustanovljena slovenska župnija v Lemontu: »Slovenian Catholic Mission-Sloven-sko versko središče«. 12. septembra 1994 sta namreč rajni kardinal Joseph Bernardin in naš višji predstojnik Fr. Blaž Chemazar podpisala pogodbo med chicaško nadškofijo in slovensko frančiškansko ku-stodijo s sedežem v Lemontu. Od maja 1995 je voditelj župnije p. David Srumpf. V poletnih mesecih se v Lemontu zvrstijo romanja, tako skupinska, kakor osebna ali družinska, s septembrom se pa prične sezona duhovnih vaj. Tako je Dom duhovnih vaj-Retreat House skoraj vsak konec tedna zaseden. Veseli smo ljudi, ki se želijo posvetiti in pridejo, da si v treh kratkih dneh naberejo moči za soočenje z vsakdanjimi težavami. Tudi med tednom so razni sestanki verskega značaja. Da gre vse v redu, zvesto skrbi br. Robert Hochevar. Župnik pri Sv. Vidu v Clevelandu, Fr. Jože Božnar, je sedaj sam, brez kaplana. Da bi mu bilo mogoče nekaj dopusta in oddiha, je zaprosil Lemont za pomoč. Tako sta ga p. Ata-nazij in p. Vendelin vsak po dva tedna nadomestovala. Letošnji novomašnik Fr. Gregor Goršič je imel slovesno ponovitev nove maše zadnjo nedeljo v avgustu v Lemontu, 28. septembra pa še pri Sv. Stefanu v Chicagu. V Lemontu je bilo slovesno, ko so rojaki postavili mlaje, cerkve pa gospe lepo okrasile, pričakala ga je mladina v narodnih nošah, na koru je pa praznovanje povzdignilo mogočno petje z »Novomašnik bod’ pozdravljen« in »Marija skoz življenje«. Pred kosilom je bil kratek program otrok in zbora »Slovenska pesem« pod vodstvom Helene Rozman-Willi-ams. Novomašniku, ki je že na župniji v jolietski škofiji, želimo obilo blagoslova pri delu za božje kraljestvo. Fr. Anton Rebol, župnik župnije sv. Lovrenca v Clevelandu, je 31. avgusta 1997 slovesno zaključil celoletno obhajanje 95-letnice obstoja župnije. Sv. Lovrenc je bila druga slovenska župnija v Clevelandu, ustanovljena 11. decembra 1901. Prvi župnik je bil Fr. Frančišek L. Kerže (1875-1955). Sedaj je vprašanje, kaj bo s to župnijo, ker se je okolica bistveno spremenila, rojaki pa so nekateri na božji njivi, drugi so se pa izselili. Na vsak način bi jo radi obdržali, vsaj do stoletnice, leta 2001. Fr. Antonu Rebolu želimo zdravja in veliko potrpežljivosti, kakor ga je imel že do sedaj. Msgr. John Oman, častni kanonik ljubljanske škofije, je bil dolga leta župnik pri Sv. Lovrencu in je tedaj povabil škofa Gregorija Rožmana, da bi se naselil v njihovem župnišču. Škof Rožman je tam živel od leta 1948 do svoje smrti, 16. novembra 1959, od koder so ga na lastno željo pripeljali na naše pokopališče. Msgr. Oman je škofa Rožmana preživel sedem let. Bog ga je poklical k sebi 14. marca 1966. Naj prosita pri Bogu za župnijo sv. Lovrenca in za nas vse. A VE MARIA November 1997 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE: PRIPOROČAJTE NAŠ LIST! V ZELO BLAG SPOMIN UMRLIH V DRUŽINI CVAJNAR Oče ALOJZIJ Mama MARIJA Umrl 7. septembra 1963. Sestra, svakinja, teta ALOJZIJA t* •% v Umrla 3. oktobra 1975. Spominjamo se srečnih dni, ko med nami ste živeli vsi, sedaj vse prazno je pri nas, vaš se več ne sliši glas. Umrla 8. maja 1972. Brat, svak, stric IVAN r jr- M JT l : Umrl 30. maja 1945. Počivajte v miru božjem, kjer ni gorja in ne solza. Pot življenja naj pripelje nas k vam na vrh zvezda. žalujoči: Justina Vombergar in Slavka Jereb — hčerki in sestri; Mirko Vombergar st. in Frank Jereb — zeta in svaka; Lojzka, Irena in Mirko Vombergar ml., Slavica, Bernardka in Margaret Jereb, vnukinji in vnuk; nečakinji in nečak; sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Euclid, Ohio, 6. novembra 1997. Lemontski odmevi LETA PRED MENOJ... (nadaljevanje s str. 10) če rečemo, da je oče Doma matere Romane in ne le dobrotnik, teh je namreč veliko. Prva predvsem pa je Bazili-jeva ljubezen do Slovenije, do vsega domačega, do mame in očeta. Ko je govoril o teh stvareh, so se mu zaiskrile oči. Rad je brskal po starih stvareh in na novo odkrival, kar je bilo trdnega, kar je dišalo po zgodovinskem, kar je bilo resnično našega. (Pred leti sva v Stični skupaj iskala hišo njegovega starega očeta; ni odnehal, dokler nisva prišla na pravo sled.) Dobro se je zavedal, kdo mu je vse to vzel, zato je bil izrazit protikomunist. Ponosen je bil, če so ga kot takega omenjali. Rad je povedal, kako je Adamič še v ameriških letih zagrozil staremu Bernardu: »Pazite se, Stalin ima dolgo roko.« To roko je na različne načine okušal tudi Bazilij. Ce slučajno kdaj komu pridejo pod roke zapisi uslužbencev prejšnjega režima na tem koncu sveta, bo lahko videl, da pater Bazilij zavzema častno mesto med sovražno emigracijo. Z osamosvojitvijo Slovenije mu je domovina odprla svoja vrata in z veseljem se je odpravil tja. V širšem smislu je p. Bazilij govoril o slovenski skupnosti kot o celoti, zavedal pa se je, da so neke umetne pregraje, ki nas delijo na ene in druge. Najprej tega nisem razumel, a se mi je kmalu posvetilo. Pri večerni radijski uri, 7. januarja 1988, se je od skupnosti v Melbournu poslavljal njen zaslužni član. V pogovoru z voditeljico programa je počasi rasla podoba slovenske skupnosti. Govoril je o ohranjevanju slovenstva, o klubih, Vestniku, o radijskih oddajah... Verskih središč ni bilo, ne Misli, ne mladinskih koncertov, ničesar, kar je bilo povezano s Cerkvijo. S posamezniki, ki so vzdrževali tako delitev, se je p. Bazilij večkrat sporekel. Kakšen je bil patrov odnos do posameznika, bi bilo težko povedati na kratko. Bili so eni in drugi, naši in njihovi, ljudje in ženske... Tiste, ki so prihajali v naše središče, je sprejel ob vsakem času, vstajal od mize in odgovarjal na telefonske klice, se včasih ves rdeč v obraz razvnel ob navadnem pogovoru... In midva? Tri leta sem bil pomočnik in štiri leta predstojnik. Bogata doživetja, a velikokrat trda. Vsa leta sva maševala in zmolila večino brevirja skupaj. To nama je bilo v blagoslov in v pomoč pri sprejemanju drug drugega. Le enkrat si pri maši nisva podala rok, 26. marca lansko leto-Večer pred tem smo imeli nekak inkvizicijski zbor, ki se je najprej ustavil pri podajanju rok in nato pri vrlinah, ki naJ jih ima izseljenski duhovnik. Nisem bil po njihovi meri. Naslednji dan je bil dolg. Velikokrat sva se sprla, sovražila nikoli. Naj mašuje vsak zase? Drugo jutro sva si podala roke, a v resnici nikoli več. Kljub vsemu hranim velik0 lepih doživetij, a ni prostora! da bi jih popisal. Le pri moli' tvi bi se ustavil. Molil je hitr°! tako da so se besede tesno d°' tikale druga druge, a z otroško predanostjo. Rožnega venca 01 opuščal; večkrat mu je ostal za zvečer. Pozno v temi je stopa1 po dvorišču ali za cerkvijo h1 spuščal jagode med prsti... Ob večerih, pred razsvetli^ no lurško votlino z jaslicau11’ se mu je večkrat ustavil 2aS-Obsedel je in strmel do B^e hema in čez. Z Abrahamov° vero je verjel v Boga in hudič3’ Deset dni pred smrtjo sva srečala zadnjič. Ponudil niU ■ kavo. Vedel je, da je zadnjič jaz sem mislil, da je zadnj^j »Na svidenje v vicah!« jo ^ navado reči. Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient-compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fracUon of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90’s lifetime limited warranty So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90. and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about- Razne in različne vesti iz Slovenije in Slovenije v svetu Smrtna nesreča alpinista Janeza Jegliča v Himalaji Katmandu, Nepal, 3. nov. -Nepalsko ministrstvo za turi-^em je po tiskovni agenciji Jeters sporočilo, da se je v •ntalaji smrtno ponesrečil I °LVenski alPinist Janez Jeglič. u^en* vrhunski alpinist je ; oktobra izgubil življenje 1P ezanju na zahodni greben ^Ptseja (7855 metrov). Sl sporočilu Planinske zveze oyenjjg je 2apjsano> $ta se nai62 *n Tomaž Humar jgorv6'1. P°vzPela na Nuptse. S0Plez^PkljUb !emU’ da 83 je vjk_ . ec svaril pred hudim SrPJJem> nadaljeval pot po hodn^H ‘n h0td doseči še za' ’"m'»»lmuei„Za''adiSlilb,:ga mu to m uspelo m omahnil ° n' uspel° in Humar Je V prePad- Tomaž Mar; m tretP ^'an odprave an 3n ^°vač nista poškodo- arjan ^ tretp °dprave vana, pa,^k°f blagoslovil orgle apeli Kliničnega centra $ki n^Jv!0 nedeljo je Ijubljan-troPor Sk°^ s^ovenski me-lUasgv*1 dr' Pranc Rode med ga anjem v kapeli Klinične-nje ra blagoslovil tamkajš-2l6 D|xe s štirimi registri in ki j'h ie izdc glara 0sir iz Mariborske v e delavnice. ^nisx i mi registri in Brane ^i- ki jih je izdelal or- ^ delavnice. Bolniška ^ l6 bila ustanovljena klinif ’ kapelo v prvi kleti feta centra pa so uredili Slo le ifacjjjp ~~ Številne kome-VU sPom ln s*0vesnosti ob dne- Jskem l. ..... C”J JV' “a z,, K°nčale s sv. mašo v Prihodnjem spo- refSn°st na Teharjah tll0raeii?'e ~~ Številne kome-Vl1 sPom'ln s*0vesnosti °b dne-^HjskPtv!na na mrtve so se na Hkem --------------------- Nil j0 . Parku na Teharjah - 11 kraišii!,tamkaj®nji župnik -N1*!, kj knlturnim progra-J'!' poleBS° ga Pripravili kraja-žrtev SVojcev tam pokopa-; .PiaSe ^b^ojnega nasilja so n^ki ka ,e ezi*‘ tudi predse-'k in D d‘dat dr. Jože Ber- >Janl ?Sednika SDS in ^ erle. Janša in Lojze Peto^0 občinslfna Celje Je osre' t>iku Dr k° sf°vesnost ob lov 8roblr-raVda ze v ^etr‘ S.o£n!ci ^Icev na Go- Cl0Žilavenka delegac>ja pa i^ru, Dri ence tudi v Starem ^naT zasedanja, ki je po svetu ° čajen. Tako nadškof R0^, prvem plenarnem zasedanj »Prepričan sem, da je naše dno srečanje zelo koristno dno srečanje zeio kui«" potrebno. S prvim poireono. a pivnn f*— zasedanjem smo zelo zado MnVl Hovif 23. oktobra l* BI ški šte jai 8e< po na ka vei F tez sni Pri Me ali VOi roi U, Pn po nj< vo Ve] m< sn ne za mi dij ko MALI ogla^ šk sk m nj m ti j ee m i ki Pl For Rent Vi' Modem 3 rm apt. near ^ , + ic. deposit. No pets. Call tus Church. Heat inc. * ojl evenings. WATJ 1560 AM PRESENTS Weekend Polkas Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 10 a.m. Polkas with Al Markič 10 am -12 Polka Spotlight, Host Joe Godina 12-1 p.m. Mario’s International Music Host Mario Kavcic 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Almar with Guest Musiciu*1 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Polkatime America 4-5 p.m. rebroadcast of a production fro«i^ Radio Ljubljana, Slovenia in native languag Sunday 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. Memory Lane Host Allen James n B0* 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Magic Sound of the Butto Host John Pestotnik 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Reflections of the New Slovenia Hostess Linda Cimperman ^ 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Polka Fun With Al & Host Al Markič & Harry Faint 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Polka Tributes Host Al Markič 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. International Hour Host John Krizancic 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America dti Si, žir trn ttii di Pc Pc t?, I *5 •n Id, bi St rd http://www. Hrvaško-slovenska meja BUENOS AIRES, Ar. - Hrva-f1 Mitični časopis Tjednik v tevilki z dne 18. oktobra obilja prispevek hrvaškega ^Politika Duška Topaloviča P0(i naslovom »Najprej meje Jakopnem, nato na morju,« -aterem analizira hrvaško-slc Vei>ski spor glede meje. ^0 ______________ , oluvenije ze v celoti n !cene> saj Slovenija že i istcjp ju preh0(] na odp pUe Jadrana prek hrvaš . “alijanskih ozemeljs rnHa’ kar ie urejeno z med “an>m pomorskim pravon d0 ne5k0dliivi Mlr„a!i'vanju hrvaski 8 odgovarja na vpra volinZakaj Slovenija ni zave«. a s Pravico do neškod mellEreh0da čez hrvaške o stjujeV0116' Topalovič Pc nekatereoLaPraViCaVkljUČ za s]nv °mejUve, ki so — ^no;rKe strahove-niorebitnih posla razmerah0?110111 P°sh stavljalUihfVaskl orga 1 ‘M sionske ladje K^0grozil° promet iaujv koPer 0lr02il° Promet Zaveznizr° e8 tega ka Ploven 'ka VOjna nota hodni 1J° priPluje le c va§ke 3javi in odobr .Crra Italiie' litih n b m°rebitni skj^čcmjih izvei tifan . ^Oricior hi Y v^uui hi bi Pteje z Ital: Plovbo<< tovala '*n„'°pcil'kc n Us"« en v. :t0 Petrov - enhvk!metr°v> »je. 'Km Pa levi Či snta: . iz,arCl Iz^ Različne vesti iz Slovenije in Slovenije po svetu (nadaljevanje s str. 13) končana obvoznica Ormož, bo vpadnica v Ptuj (Mariborska cesta). Koridor ceste med Ptujem in Ormožem je že izbran, zdaj še natančneje preverjajo prostor. Za avtocesto Slivnica-Pesni-ca bo lokacijski načrt predvidoma sprejet s prihodnjim letom in bodo kmalu zatem začeli pridobivati zemljišča. Prva gradbena dela naj bi stekla konec leta 1998. Na avtocesti čez Trojane (Vransko-Blagovica) prestavljajo plinovod, gradijo priključke na magistralno cesto za gradbiščni promet in izvajajo pripravljalna gradbena dela ob vznožju predorov Ločica in Trojane. Predor V Zideh — skozenj bo peljala avtocesta v Zasavje — gradijo, do polovice so ga že prevrtali. Upajo, da bodo v začetku prihodnjega leta za avtocesto Vransko—Blagovica že lahko objavili razpise za oddajo glavnih gradbenih del na viaduktih, predorih in na sami trasi. Ceste ne bo mogoče narediti pred letom 2002, hitrost gradnje pa bo odvisna od rebalanse. Pridobili pa so že skoraj vsa zemljišča. Odsek avtoceste odprli Maribor — Dne 24. oktobra so slovesno odprli novo, 8,1 km dolgo navezavo Maribora na avtocesto Hoče-Vransko. Razen na 1,4 km nove hitre ceste bo promet od Vranskega do Šentilja tekel po štirih pasovih. Avtocesto so tako podaljšali od Frama do Slivnice za 1,6 km, nadaljuje pa jo hitra cesta do Blagovnega distri- V LJUBEČ SPOMIN NAŠEGA LJUBEGA MOŽA OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA WILLIAM ZIDAR bucijskega centra, ki je skupaj z razcepi in priključnimi rampami dolga 6,5 kilometra. Telefonska pridobitev v Mariboru Maribor — Dne 24. oktobra so v Mariboru vključili v promet novo digitalno avtomatsko telefonsko centralo Tabor. Zmogljivost nove centrale je 15 tisoč priključkov. Nova centrala je stala blizu 560 milijonov tolarjev. Na območju mariborske enote imajo na leto 10 do 11 tisoč novih priključkov, kljub temu pa je še blizu 8000 nerešenih vlog. Potresni sunek na območju Horjula Ljubljana — Seizmografi observatorija na Golovcu so 24. oktobra dopoldne ob 9.36 zaznali zmeren potresni sunek iz oddaljenosti 20 km zahodno od Ljubljane. Epicenter potresa z lokalno magnitudo 2,7 je bil na območju Horjula, čutili pa so ga tudi prebivalci Vrhnike in okoliških krajev. Državna sekretarja na zunanjem ministrstvu postala Petrič in Juri Ljubljana — Za nova državna sekretarja zunanjega ministrstva je vlada 23. oktobra imenovala dosedanja veleposlanika v Washingtonu in Madridu dr. Ernesta Petriča in Franca Jurija. Ernest Petrič, dolgoletni veleposlanik in profesor na ljubljanski fakulteti za družbene vede in z doktoratom pravnih znanosti, naj bi postal »leteči« državni sekretar zunanjega ministrstva, nekakšen vezni člen med Slovenijo in varnostnim svetom med dveletnim stalnim članstvom Slovenije v najvažnejšem organu Združenih narodov. Franco Juri, nekdanji Delov karikaturist in asistent za primerjalno književnost in italijanščino na filozofski fakulteti, pa naj bi prevzel skrb za dvostranske odnose. Suša ogroža oskrbo Z elektriko Ljubljana — Zaradi suše slovenske hidroelektrarne proizvedejo vsak dan manj elektrike. Na dan porabijo v Sloveniji 31990 megavatnih ur (MWh) elektrike. Termoelek- trarne proizvedejo 21.530 MWh, hidroelektrarne pa 4500 MWh toka, kar pomeni, da je treba 6140 MWh uvoziti. Uvoza ni več mogoče povečevati, ker je že dosegel zgornjo tehnično mejo (omejenost tranzitnih poti), pa tudi v sosednjih državah elektrike zaradi suše nimajo odveč. Zato so bili prisiljeni zmanjšati dobave največjim odjemalcem. V omrežje so vključene vse elektrarne, tudi dražji agregati, zato zelo hitro naraščajo tudi stroški oskrbe in so že presegli letošnji načrt. V teh dneh (poročilo je datirano 23. okt., op. ur. AD) se je spet potrdilo, da Slovenija potrebuje nove elektrarne, zlasti plinske, kakršna je načrtovana v Brestanici. Takšne elektrarne je namreč mogoče zelo hitro zgraditi, pa tudi elektriko lahko začnejo dajati v omrežje zelo hitro po vključitvi. NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 9) sestra Glen-a in že pok. Mary Fink. Pogreb bo danes, 6. novembra, v oskrbi Zak zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida dop. ob 9.30 in nato na Kalvarije pokopališče. Andrew Kozjek Dne 2. novembra je na svojem domu v Harpersfieldu, O., umrl 66 let stari Andrew Kozjek, rojen v Sloveniji, mož Nade, roj. Potočnik, oče Anne Vidmar, Bernie Kozjek, An-drewa in Petra, 5-krat stari oče, brat Stane, Janeza in Bernarda (vsi v Slov.), mizar po poklicu, član Slovenske pristave. Pogreb je bil 5. novembra v oskrbi Behm zavoda v Gene-vi, O., s sv. mašo v cerkvi Assumption v Genevi in pokopom na pokopišče Harpers-field. Christine Glavan Dne 1. novembra je v Wick-liffe Country Place umrla 89 let stara Christine Glavan (njen mož Frank je umrl 17. okt. letos), rojena Brezovar v Clevelandu, dolga leta živeča na E. 60 St., sestra Josepha Kalsica ter že pok. Julie Glavan, Minnie Kogoy in Adol-pha Brezovar. Pogreb je bil 5. novembra v oskrbi Grdina-Faulhaber zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Mary F. Kratic Dne 31. oktobra je v Lake-West bolnici umrla 82 let stara ki nas je zapustil 6. novembra 1996 Eno leto je, ko Te med nami ni Lepo počivaj v miru Večna luč Ti naj sveti Ti se pri Bogu veseliš In v srcih naših še živiš V nebesih se spet snidemo Žalujoči ostali: Zena Štefka, roj. Kotar Hčerki Stephani in Maria Zeta Les in Philip Vnuki Peter, Philip, Dylan in Logan Vnukinja Joy ter ostali sorodniki Wickliffe, Ohio, 6. novembra 1997. Progressive Slovene Women of America proudly announces the Fourth Edition of Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes Name.......................................... Address....................................... City/State/Zip................................. Number ordered______($15.00 + $3. S/H each book) (in U.S. Dollars) Make checks payable to “PSWA COOKBOOK” Mail to 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 Mary F. Kralic, rojena Champa v Elyju, Minn., več let živeča v Clevelandu, zadnjih 25 let pa na Chardonu, žena Edwar-da, sestra Molly Watt, Josepha in Bernarda, zelo aktivna članica Slovenian American National Art Guild. Pogreb je bil 3. novembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije na Chardonu. Mary Pirsich Umrla je 93 let stara Mary Pirsich, vdova po Mattu. Pogreb je bil 3. novembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na E. 40 St. s pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Mary Seli Umrla je 82 let stara Mary Sell, rojena Hervatine, vdova po H. Kennethu, starša Frances (r. Pakiž) in Frank Hervatine sta že pok., kot je očim Joseph Mlekush, sestra Franka Hervatine in že pok. Josepha Mlekush, teta. Pogrebni obredi bodo jutri, v petek, pop. ob 3h na pokopališču Kalvarije. Ure kropljenja bodo danes od 5. do 8. zv. v Zele-tovem zavodu na E. 152 St. Josephine M. Vidmar Umrla je Josephine M. Vidmar, rojena Birtic, žena Josepha, mati Josephine Millgate, Mary Jane Baytos in Josepha, 8-krat stara mati, 3-krat prastara mati, že pok. so brat in dve sestri. Pogreb je bil 5. novembra s pokopom na Sunset Memorial pokopališču. KOLEDAR NOVEMBER 16. — Kr. št. 2 SNPJ ima jesenski koncert v SDD na Re-cherjevi ulici v Euclidu. 22. — Pevski zbor Jadran ima jesenski koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Igra Tony Fortuna orkester. DECEMBER 5. — Slovenian American Heritage Foundation priredi tradicionalno srečanje s škofom Pevcem, na Borroemo semenišču v Wickliffu. 7. — Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu prireja miklavževanje v farni dvorani. Pričetek ob 3h pop. 7. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee priredi miklavževanje pri Sv. Janezu Evangelistu v Greenfieldu. 14. — Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza priredi božičnico za mlado članstvo v SND na St. Clairju. 21. — Društvo SPB Cleveland ima božičnico ob 2.30 pop., v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. — 1998 — JANUAR 24. — Slovenska pristava priredi tradicionalno »Pristavsko noč«, v SND na St. Clair Ave. FEBRUAR 15. — Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu postreže s kosilom v avditoriju. Serviranje od 11. dop. do 1.30 pop. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1206. Dan vseh svetnikov in vernih duš dan. Ko smo se spomnili naših dragih, domačih, sorodnikov, prijateljev in znancev, smo se spomnili na dragega misijonarja pok. g. Wolbanga, kateri se že raduje z vsemi drugimi misijonarji in misijonskimi sodelavci in njih dobrotniki. Tako živ ste še med nami. Pred tremi tedni smo vam peli: This day in New Jerusalem. May the angels welcome you to paradise, may the martyrs greet you on your way, may you see the face of the Lord this day, Aleluja, aleluja! Mnogi so Vas prosili, ko boste pri Očetu, spomnite se nas, in obljubili ste! Mi smo že pripravljeni na 21. stoletje (Pripravi! Vladimir Kos, SJ) Oni pomladanski dan me je prijateljska japonska družina povabila, da se udeležim obreda v spomin pred sedmimi leti umrlega družinskega očeta. Odgovoril sem jim, da jih rad pospremim do budističnega templja, da pa kot katoličan in katoliški duhovnik lahko le spoštljivo stojim ali sedmi pri vhodu templja. S tem se popolnoma strinjajo, so mi rekli, in jim bo moja navzočnost v čast in veselje. Potem mi je na telefonu zaupala vdova umrlega, da je bila umirajočega moža - krstila, in sicer tako, kot ji je to bila razložila sestra-katoličanka. Sama sicer da ni kristjana, a mož je hotel umreti-krščen. In še to je dodala, da bi sama ne hodila v tempelj, a vsi njeni sorodniki so budisti in po budističnem prepričanju pričakujejo ponovitev obreda za umrlega prvo leto po smrti, tretje in sedmo leto. In da sorodnikov ne more odtujiti, ker ji tako ljubeznivo pomagajo vsa ta leta po moževi smrti. In tako sem sedel pri vhodu v tempelj in v srcu prosil našega ljubega Gospoda Odrešenika, da pokliče v nebesa gospoda B. M., če še ni tam; če pa je že tam, pa naj bo moja molitev zahvala za ta dar; in da ga prisrčno pozdravljam, tudi v imenu njegove drage žene, ki nima pojma, da lahko pošiljamo pozdrave v večnost. Kljub zgodnji pomladi je bilo v templju skoraj vroče, najbrž tudi zato, ker se je dim kadila neprestano dvigal in s pepelom napolnjene posode in s svojim težkim skoraj opojnim vonjem nasičeval zrak. Zadremal sem. Da ne zaspim in med spanjem ne zdrknem -z ropotom - s stolčka, sem se začel ozirati okoli po templju. Za oltarjem je bil kip ali slika, nisem mogel prav razločiti. Na oltarju je stala iz bambusa stesana visoka, ozka ploščica z imenom umrlega. Bone, odet v vijoličasto haljo, je klečal pred oltarjem, bral molitve v starodavnem jeziku, ki ga najbrž nihče ni prav razumel, in od časa do časa udaril na gong. Leva in desna stran templja je bila natrpana s tablicami z imeni umrlih. Nekatere tablice so bile pozlačene, druge spet iz dragocene snovi, lepo lakirane. Nekatere tablice so vsebovale imena celo med seboj povezanih družin. Tempelj smrti, kjer se zbirajo živi, ker jim srce tako narekuje, da - kljub vsemu - upajo v nadaljevanje življenja onstran groba, čeprav jih njihova vera - budistična ali v tem oziru njej podobna šintoistična - ne more z gotovostjo razsvetliti. Kakšno milost smo katoličani prejeli od Troedinega Boga, da z gotovostjo lahko verujemo ne le v posmrtno življenje, ampak v Nebesa, ki se bodo na koncu zemeljske zgodovine razširila tudi na našo ubogo zemljo in jo korenito spremenila! Kakšno milost smo katoličani prejeli od Troedinega Boga, da lahko z gotovostjo zremo v smrti prehod v boljše, lepše večno življenje! In če nas je strah srečanja s svetim, trikrat svetim Bogom? Evangelist Janez je zapisal v svojem prvem pismu, ki je obenem pismo Sv. Duha: »V ljubezni ni strahu« (Un 4:18). V grškem izvirniku je ta stavek podan v šestih besedah in te besede imajo vsi rokopisi nespremenjene. Ali je mogoče razumeti apostolov navdihnjeni uvid »V ljubezni ni strahu« tako, da nas vodi v vsakdanjem življenju, ki od nas zahteva nenehno sodelovanje? Da! Tako umevani uvid lahko podamo tudi v slovenščini s šestimi besedami: »V ljubezni do Jezusa ni strahu.« Spomnimo se Gospodovih besed: »Ce me ljubite in (ali: tako da) se ravnate po zapovedi, ki vam jo dajem, bom prošil Očeta, da pošlje Drugega za v pomoč - da bo zmeraj z vami, Duh resnice... Z vami bo in v vas bo« (Jn 14: 15-17). »Novo zapoved vam dajem: ljubite drug drugega! Tako kot sem vas jaz ljubil« (Jn 13:34). »Ni večje ljubezni od tiste, ki se žrtvuje za drage.« (Jn 15:13) (dalje prihodnjič) Objemi trpljenje, to je zveličanje Čakam le, kaj si pozabi! na me? Cujem tvoj glas — objemi trpljenje. Podari samega sebe, umirajoči sestri, trpečemu bratu, Življenje nešteto odpovedi, ob njem dozorevaj za Boga. Odpri se božji Ljubezni, Čakam le, kaj si pozabit, da te čakam; Podari prijazno besedo, ljubeč nasmeh, upanja pobi pogled. Čutečo tolažbo, Novega upanja, življenjskega soka in sonca, v trpljenju prekipevajoče sučno srce v razdvojeno dušo, Čakam te, kaj si pozabit na me? NN. Misijonar Ivan Bajec iz Slonokoščene obale je zelo srečen v svojem misijonskem poklicu: »Leta, ki sem jih preživel v Afriki, niso bistveno drugačna od drugih. V šestih letih je nova župnija dobila svojo podobo, v njej skušam organizirati versko življenje. V naši veliki župniji je 92 krščanskih skupnosti, ki jih skušava z misijonarjem Jankom Kosmačem obiskati. Srečanje s katehumeni, delitev za- kramentov, poučevanje, odgovornim spodbudna beseda, to je naše opravilo. Zdi se, da ljudje počasi dojemajo, le počasi začenjajo krščansko življenje. Velik pomen je zanje, da so polagoma začeli razumeti, kako velikega pomena je šola in pouk. Njih bodočnost je odvisna od njih samih. Poleg pastoralnega dela se moramo misijonarji ukvarjati tudi z gradnjo, zidanjem šol in cerkva. V zadnjih dveh letih smo zgradili šolo s sedmimi razredi. Seveda so za sedaj samo še neometani zidovi in streha. V gradnji imamo nekaj cerkva. Sredstev za take podvige vedno zmanjka. Potem čakamo, da zopet kaj dobimo za nabavo materiala. Seveda, dan je vedno prepoln najrazličnejših drobtinic, misijonarju ni nikoli dolgčas. Tako je nekdo zapisal: Tu so lepi kraji, ker je prijetno živeti, če človek odmisli tropsko vročino, komarje in mnoge druge golazni, malarijo in druge zajedalske bolezni. Tudi ljudi s čudovito prefinjenimi obljubami, redkokdaj izpolnjenimi, ne manjka. Pa kaj hočemo, to je življenje misijonarja. Hvala vam, dragi dobrotniki, zavedamo se, da ste vi naši in predvsem božji sodelavci s svojimi molitvami vedno z nami. Hvala Vam, hvala. Molitev nas vse povezuje, osrečuje in Bog je med nami. Hvala Vam.« Dobili smo kratko sporočilo, da je sestra Konradina odšla po večno plačilo k nebeškemu Očetu, 24. maja letos. Bila je v redovni skupnosti sester sv. Križa. Rodila se je 1. 1905 v Selih pri Kamniku. Leta 1933 je odšla v misijone, v Indijo, v Bandri pri Bombayu. Bila je zelo priljubljena. Draga s. Konradina Resnik, spočij se v Gospodu. Naj Ti bo bogat plačnik za Tvoja plemenita dela. V sledečem tednu Vam bomo dali natančno poročilo glede našega nadaljnjega misijonskega dela. To bo po našem skupnem sestanku v Clevelandu z vsemi odborniki ter novim duhovnim voditeljem. Z božjo pomočjo bomo nadaljevali misijonsko delo v spomin na pok. duh. voditelja in ustanovitelja MZA, kajti misijonarji bodo vedno pomoč potrebovali. Srčno in hvaležno vse pozdravljam. Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Road Toronto, Ont. M8W 3V7 Canada Tel. - (416) 255-2519 Visit Our Slovene American Auto Repair Shop! NOTTINGHAM AUTO BODY & FRAME Frame Straightening Collision Repair Painting 19425 SI. Clair Avenue Tel. 481-1337 Michael Bukovec, Owner Homilija za č.g. Karla Wolbanga (nadaljevanje s str. II) Tvoja zvesta ljubezen do misijonov te je prisilila, da si ustanovil organizacijo: Catholic Mission Aid, s katero si gmotno pomagal neštetim slovenskim misijonarjem, kakor tudi domačim poklicem po raznih državah sveta. Bil si zvest naši lazaristovski provinci in si zvesto izpolnil vsako nalogo, ki ti je bila dana. V letu 1951 si postal ameriški državljan in takoj nato si začel nov del svojega življenja, kot učitelj v malem semenišču v Princetonu. 22 bogoslovcev si osebno učil in vzgajal. In jaz sem eden od onih študentov. Resnici na ljubo moram reči, da si me učil mnogo več kot samo francoščino, ves čas si me pripravljal za misijone. Učil si nas, kako naj bomo vdani in zvesti duhovniki in bratje med seboj v misijonih. In tako, dragi Karel, po božji milosti in po tvojem zgledu, sadovi tvojega dela ostajajo in se nadaljujejo. Fr. Karel, tvoja odkritost in ljubezen sta te usposobili, da si postal župnik fare Brezmadežnega Srca Marijinega v Torontu. Novo delo, nov misijon, nova ljubezen. 18 let si kot župnik hranil božje ljudstvo z božjo ljubeznijo, ki je najprej bila dana tebi: 83 let življenja, 56 let mašništva, 51 let lazarist. »Dobro si delal, dobri in zvest služabnik.« Sedaj boste razumeli, dragi bratje in sestre, kako težko je razumeti besedo: »utrujen« v življenju g. Karla. Čeprav je rak zelo na hitro uničil njegovo telo, njegova ljubezen do Jezusa se je pa vedno bolj krepila. Pretekli četrtek sem klečal skupaj s Fr. O’Connorjem ob njegovi postelji, ko mu je Fr. Diring prinesel sv. obhajilo. Helen Johnson je podpirala njegovo glavo in mu dala požirek vode. Karel je pogledal naravnost naprej, proti domu, kateremu se je bližal. Dejansko je veroval, da je že tam. Lazaristi smo se zbrali danes tukajle, da praznujemo življenje Jezusovo, tako lepo upodobljeno v življenju g. Karla, kot vdanega in zvestega misijonarja. Med lazaristi je samo še nekaj živih, ki so skupaj z g. Karlom služili na Kitajskem, in Fr. Charles O’Connor je eden od njih. Taje skoraj vsak dan obiskal g. Karla v bolnici. Brez dvoma sta obujala mnogo spomine in tudi po kitajsko katero rekla. Med njima je vladalo neko duhovno sorodstvo, ki je tako, lepo opisano z besedami nekega drugega kitajskega misijonarja, ki je takole zapisal leta 1942. Čeprav je bil Maryknoll-ski duhovnik, njegove besede veljajo tudi za lazariste. Škof James Walsh jih je napisal. Po kratkem razgovoru z nekim kitajskim fantkom na rižnem polju, pod žgočim kitajskim soncem. Prav nobene lepote ni bilo v tem fantu. Za vedno je bil odločen od svoje družine za trdo delo na polju, brez mož- nosti za kakšno vzgojo, ali M boljše življenje. Bil je >n Je ostal najbolj reven od revni • Škof Walsh je zapisal: »Seveda je poseben razlog za vtis> ki ga je naredil name ta zivl simbol revščine sveta. Mis1)0" nar sem. Kot človek sem P0 slan od Katoliške cerkve, služim prav takim kot on. er kev ima recept za vsako potre bo vseh njenih božjih otro^ Nobenega ne spregleda. r' pravljena je voditi vse one, so nadarjeni. Za one, w polni energije, je dana v možnost za njihov razvoj-one, ki so utrjeni in močni, spet dane možnosti Toda za šibke in P0^-^ za one, ki so zbegani in u ° _ je tudi nekaj. Za vse te je kev prava mati in za te naj kejše svoje otroke je Cet^ rezervirala svoje najgjoM6 . nimanje in najnežnejšo s Ponosen sem, da sern.inlSLj.| nar, s poklicem, ki me je ^ lilo, da pridigujem veselo najbolj ubogim. Kot sončni žarek v bodo J sti kmečki fantiček, k> .J bol tisočih takih kot si h’ pritegnil iz nebes božjega ,( da bi omilil in blagoslovi utrujajoče skrbi in va^n)Coi ne misli. Pogosto pridi k ^ s svojimi umazanimi in nogami in poglej me s svo^£ očmi, ki so brez upa ‘n strahu. Naj nikdar ne P°^sloj^ tvojega pogleda, amP4^ ^, mi vedno ob strani in v moje sanje. Uči me, da5 -jj, ljudje. In večno me sP0fe Rada so čudovito lepi lju ^ ' kor si ti. ^0' j (Tu se konča tekst, k‘ %a, slal č.g. Lavrih. Ur. A jii', Kaj se dogaja v Sloy^0 Z Ameriško D°n[,0Jlpni! VBLAGSPO 11. OBLETNICE gjg NASE LJUBLS# MATERE, STARE IN PRASTARE MA* IVANA ki je umrla 6. nove111 Hvala, naša dobra*L