Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 14/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 3.4.2011 4. POSTNA NEDELJA 4th SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Kdo naj spregleda? Na prvi pogled igra glavno vlogo v današnjem evangeliju sleporojeni, ki mu je Jezus vrnil vid, če pa bolj natančno pogledamo besedilo so v ospredju farizeji. Po njihovem lastnem prepričanju so od vseh Izraelcev samo oni Bogu všeč. Le oni so pravični, le oni so v posesti resnice, zato je Bog samo z njimi in ne more biti z nikomer drugim. Če bo potreboval preroka, si ga bo izbral izmed njih. Zgodilo pa se je drugače. Nekdo, ki ni bil iz njihovih vrst, je sleporojenemu vrnil vid. To je po splošnem prepričanju mogel storiti le od Boga poslani prerok. Pričakovati bi bilo, da bodo ozdravljencu in ozdravitelju čestitali, svoje mišljenje pa spremenili. Tega jim pa njihova zaverovanost vase ni dovolila. Zato je bilo treba čudež ovreči, zdravnika in ozdravljenega pa onemogočiti. Začel''se je mučen postopek. Ko jih je naposled sleporojeni hudomušno vprašal, če želijo postati Jezusovi učenci, so ga ozmerjali in nagnali z besedami: Ves si v grehih pa boš nas učil! A so bili sami v grehih. Največji je bil, da v hoteni zaslepljenosti svoje grešnosti niso hoteli ne spoznati ne priznati. Jezus, ki je sleporojenemu čudežno odprl telesne oči, je želel s tem dejanjem odpreti njihove duhovne oči. Oni pa so jih še bolj zatisnili. Če so farizeji pred resnico zatiskali oči, nam jih je lahko žal. Prav tako nam je lahko žal vseh, ki jih posnemajo. Zakaj bi jih posnemali mi? LUKA DEBEVEC MAYER, basbariton Luka Debevec Mayer je bil rojen slovenskim staršem v Buenos Airesu, v Argentini. Študiral je filozofijo na Argentinski Katoliški Univerzi in solo petje na Umetniški Akademiji Teatra Colon. Na pevskih festivalih in tekmovanjih v Argentini in Italiji je prejel številne prve nagrade. Prejete štipendije so mu omogočale študij solo petja pri svetovno slovitih učiteljih v Parizu (Regin Crespin), v Salzburgu (Marjana Lipovšek, Alfred Burgstaller), ter Argentini (Victor Srugo, Marija Peteln- Kallay) V slovitem Teatru Colon je redni član in poje vloge v operah italijanskih, francoskih, ruskih, nemških in avstrijskih skladateljev. Luka Debevec Mayer nastopa kot solist z vodilnimi simfoničnimi in komornimi orkestri, ter zbori v Argentini, Sloveniji, Franciji, Slovaški, Hrvaški, Urugvaju in Čilu Posebno je znano njegovo petje sakralnih pesmi in z njimi pogosto nastopa v cerkvah kjer ta zvrst glasbe pride posebno do izraza. Argentinsko združenje glasbenih kritikov mu je podelilo nagrado za najboljšega pevca Argentine v sezonah 2004 in 2009. LUKA DEBEVEC MAYER, base -baritone was born to Slovenian parents in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied philosophy at the Argentinean Catholic University and solo voice at the Teatra Colon Academy. At competitions and festivals in Argentina and Italy he received numerous first prizes. Many of student grants made it possible for him to study with world renown teachers in Paris (Regin Crespin), in Salzburg (Marjana Lipovsek, Alfred Burgtaller) and in Argentina (Victor Srugo, Marija Peteln-Kally). He is a regular member of the famous Colon Theatre where he sings in operas by Italian, French, Russian, German and Austrian composers. Luka Debevec Mayer performs as soloist with major symphony orchestras and choirs in Argentina, Slovenia, France, Slovakia, Croatia, Uruguay and Chile. He is especially known for singing of sacral music which he often performs in churches where this type of music is most effective. In 2004 and in 2009 the Argentinean Association of Music Critics awarded him as the best singer in Argentina. Buenos Aires-Teatro Colon APRIL 10th IS A SHARE LENT SUNDAY Building a World of Justice To live in peace is the goal of all people, and building peace is an integral part of the mission of Development and Peace. Bishop Richard Grecco of Charlottetown shared his reflections after a trip to the Middle East with Development and Peace: "The Middle East is the place above all where peace needs to be celebrated, because it is the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and the centre ofthe Muslim faith. Peace in the Middle East would have a global impact" "As I offered Eucharist in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, theforce of the Prayerfor Peace and the Sign of Peace before Holy Communion struck me deeply and emotionally. Development and Peace is about peace-building as much as it is about development, especially in the Middle East." To learn more, request your copy of the 20H Share Lent Magazine or visit us at Fourth Sunday of Lent April 3, 2011 SVETI KRST_ V soboto, 2. aprila 2011, je v naši cerkvi MADISON MARCELLINA KENT prejela zakrament svetega krsta. Matthew in Melissa (roj. Pavlič) se veselita ob rojstvu in krstu drugega otroka. Iskrene čestitke z željo, da bi bila dobra in skrbna starša, ki bosta Madison dala dober zgled krščanskih staršev. CATHOLIC GIRL'S CLUB_ Naša dekleta se zbirajo na srečanju vsak prvi petek v mesecu. Vsakokrat ena od njih vodi sestanek in pripravi program. Že na prejšnjem sestanku so zbirale ideje, kakšen naj bo njihov simbol. Potem ko je vsaka od njih predlagala svojo idejo, so vse to združili in nastal bo lep prepoznaven znak. Zato so že začele z risanjem na večji plakat. Sunday's Readings 4th SUNDAY of LENT First Reading 1 Samuel 16:1. 6-7.10-13 Last but not least, the boy, David, is chosen to be king. God's ways are different from ours. Second Reading Ephesians 5:8-14 Paul reminds the Ephesians how they were once darkness. To be in Christ is to live in the light. Gospel John 9:1-41 The dynamic story of the man born blind, and the wilful blindness of those who think they see. "If this man were not from God, he couldn't do a thing." Illustration Michael is leaving school and life looks very exciting. He has enjoyed six happy years of high school. He is nearly eighteen years of age. He is learning to drive a car. He is beginning to earn some money. Soon he will go to university, where he wants to study Law. Michael has a happy home and loving parents. He likes his home comforts, and he intends to commute to college, at least for the first year, until the pull of university life finally lures him away from home completely. Michael is on the verge of life. During his final days at high school, Michael realised just how much he was going to miss the place. Good friends, good teachers, good times -all these were soon going to be left behind. Ahead of him lay new places, new faces and new challenges. The prospect felt quite daunting at times. It was then, during a farewell Mass in school, that the leavers, Michael included, were given the pre- sent of a book to take with them into the future. It was entitled How to Survive the Rest of your Life. Very appropriate in the circumstances. This book, put together by two priests working in youth ministry, was packaged and presented in a way that appealed to the young people, and full of wisdom, the wisdom of the Gospel. The book was meant as a companion for the journey through life. It was a light to guide on the road. We do not know what lies ahead of us, or what challenges we may meet. But a light to guide us, a companion on life's journey, is precious indeed. Gospel Teaching Today, in the Gospel, a man born blind will be our companion and will help us to see clearly. This poor man has never known what it is to see. His world is darkness. More than that, he is sometimes despised for his condition, as if he himself is to blame, as if his blindness is a punishment from God. But that is not so, and Jesus plainly says so. This man will help us all now to come to see who Jesus really is, while those with sight, the people who think they know everything, will be revealed as unable to see. The Pharisees are religious authorities. They pronounce on everything. All the rights and wrongs of life are defined and encoded by these people. Their word is law, and, just to make things worse, they are sure they have God on their side. Dangerous people! Their occupation also brings them many worldly advantages and comforts, so if anyone appears who seems to "rock the boat", or disturb the peace, they are down on them very quickly. These people quickly interrogate the blind man, who is blind no longer. The healing has disturbed their peace entirely, and the healer appears as a threat to their position and authority. So unable are they to see the simple truth that stares them in the face that they cannot accept the idea that Jesus might be a good man, sent from God. It is not in their script. But the blind man knows and the blind man sees. Application The blind man is now our teacher and our guide. The astonishing healing power of Jesus, he says, proves that he is doing God's will: "Ever since the world began it is unheard of for anyone to open the eyes of a man born blind; if this man were not from God, he couldn't do a thing." Jesus is the man sent from God. He is our companion on the road of life. He is the light by which we see our way through this world. Jesus is also the healer of our inability to see. What form does this lack of perception take in our lives? Is it accidental, like the man born blind? Or is it wilful, like that of the Pharisees? It may come from our native prejudices, or the weakness of selfishness. Or it may be more dangerous than that: it could be from wilful pride, a sense of being superior to other people. But there is darkness in us all, for sure. St Paul's advice today is: "Wake up from your sleep, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Let that brightness be seen in "complete goodness and right living and truth". Let our darkness be dispelled every day by Jesus, the light of the world. PENNY SALE in TOMBOLA Starši otrok slovenske šole in učitelji organizirajo Penny Sale & Tombolo v torek, 5 aprila v zgornji dvorani. Začne se ob 5 popoldne. Žrebanje dobitkov bo ob 7:30 zvečer. Na razpolago bo veliko dobitkov in bogata tombola. Vse vljudno vabimo. Ta akcija je za pridobitev finančnih sredstev za šolsko ekskurzijo v Slovenijo v juliju 2012. PENNY SALE, RAFFLE & 50/50 DRAW The parents and teachers of Slovenian School are organizing a Penny Sale, Raffle & 50/50 Draw to be held on Tuesday, April 5 in St. Gregory's Upper Hall. Doors open at 5 PM. The Raffle and draws begin at 7:15 PM. Lot's of Penny Sale items, Raffle prizes and refreshments will be available. Come, join us! All the proceeds will go towards the 2012 Slovenian School Excursion to Slovenia. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Pevske vaje za zbor bodo v četrtek 7. aprila po večerni maši. Pojemo na cvetno nedeljo, na Veliki četrtek, moški zbor na Veliki petek, Veliko soboto in na Veliko noč. CWL - KŽZ_ Our monthly General Meeting will be held this Wednesday, April 6 following 7pm mass. Our members are encouraged to attend this very important meeting. Unfortunately we are without a new executive council for 2011-12 therefore we will try the election process again Wednesday evening. New members are always welcomed and encouraged to join us! KANADSKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES_ Kanadski slovenski kongres vabi rojake v soboto 9. aprila 2011 ob 7:00 h zvečer na praznovanje 20. obletnice slovenske samostojnosti, Slovenija - kam, ki bo v župnijski dvorani, 739 Brown's Line, Toronto. Pri programu bodo sodelovali: slavnostni govornik: voditelj opozicije v slovenskem parlamentu in bivši ministerski predsednik Janez Janša, bas-baritonist, član opere Colon v Buenos Airesu, Argentina: Luka Debevec Mayer, duet sester: pianistke Nastasije in violinistke Julije Zibrat, ženski pevski zbor Plamen, recitacije Toneta Kačinika, ter folklorni skupini Nagelj in Nageljčki. Vstopnina s prigrizkom je $20, mladina prosto. »BUTARE«_ We are looking for donations of twigs to help make this year's butare. Anyone that might be able to help, please contact: Dave Antolin [905.664.5980]. Butare will be available for purchase on Palm Sunday for $5. BREAKFAST WITH VENEC Folklorna Skupina Venec will be hosting a Breakfast Fundraiser on May 1st between 10:30 - 12:30 in the Church hall. Come and enjoy a hearty breakfast with live music! Adults $10 and children $5. There will be a limited amount of tickets sold for this exciting event. Tickets must be purchased in advance as they will NOT be available at the door. Please help support Venec as we try to promote our Slovenian culture. All proceeds will go towards aquiring new costumes. For tickets and more information please contact Mateja Mihelcic: 905-692-9679 or KOLEDAR ZA APRIL - MAJ 2011_ ❖ 10. april 2011-nedelja: 5. postna - tiha nedelja. Obe maši bosta v angleščini. Maševal bo Fr. Frank Kelly iz Toronta. Ta vikend bom v Winnipegu - pomoč za velikonočno spoved. ❖ 14. -15. april 2011: četrtek in petek - ob 5:30 popoldne začetek DUHOVNE OBNOVE pred Veliko nočjo. Spovedoval bo Fr. Boštjan Lenart, pomagal mu bo g. Toni Burja. ❖ 17. april 2011-CVETNA NEDELJA. Procesijo, če bo primerno vreme, bomo začeli ob 9:15 dopoldne pri kipu Marije pomočnice z blagoslovm zelenja. Pri enajsti maši se zberemo za blagoslov zelenja pred cerkvijo. Maša v Kitchenerju ob 12:00 in v Londonu ob 4:00 popoldne. ❖ 18. april 2011- Veliki ponedeljek - zvečer ob 7:00 je maša v katedrali, pri kateri škof posveti sveta olja. V župniji je maša ob 8:15 zjutraj. ❖ 21. april 2011-VELIKI ČETRTEK - spomin zadnje večerje. Po maši molitev. Poje zbor. ❖ 22. april 2011- VELIKI PETEK - Bogoslužje Velikega petka je ob 3:00 popoldne. Slovensko-angleško. Poje moški zbor. ❖ 23. april 2011- VELIKA SOBOTA - zjutraj ob 9:00 začetek molitve pri božjem grobu. Ob 10h blagoslov v Londonu in ob 12:00 v Kitchenerju. V Hamiltonu so blagoslovi jedil: ob 3h, 4h in 5h. Zvečer ob 8:00 VELIKONOČNA VIGILIJA s procesijo vstalega Kristusa med mašo. ❖ 24. april 2011- VELIKA NOČ - Mašo začnemo z Alelujo pri božjem grobu in procesijo po cerkvi. Nato redna sveta maša. KONZULARNE URE - MAJ 2011_ The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia has notified us that there will be NO consular office hours in Toronto (and subsequently Hamilton) during the month of APRIL. Service hours will resume in May - Wednesday 18th, 2-5pm. , Torotno Brown's Line. DAROVI_ Za blazine na klopeh so darovali: Mlačak Vlago in Mary $50, Janez Selšek $100, Frank in Elizabeth Raduha $100, Martin in Regina Nedelko $100, Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak $100, Terezija Hajdinjak $50, Frank in Elizabeth Gimpelj $100 in $50 za misijone, Martin in Anica Škrban $100, Ignac in Marija Korošec $100, Slavko in Olga Slobodnik $100, Romana Novak $50, N.n. $50, Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš $100, Štefan in Francka Antolin $100, Mirko Zorko $50, Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec $100. Hvala vsem za velikodušnost. GOOD SHEPHERD_ Please help us restock our shelves this Easter! Cereal, Crackers, Dry Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Tuna & Salmon, Instant Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Juice, Macaroni and Cheese Canned Fruit, Canned Pasta, Canned Soup (Vegetable, Chicken, Mushroom, Tomato), Canned Vegetables, Coffee, Regular Tea, Pork and Beans, Baby Formula, Diapers (Size 4, 5, 6, and pull-ups) GARAGE SALE - SLOVENSKA SOLA Slovenska šola bo imela »Garage Sale« v soboto, 28. maja na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate kakšne reči v hiši (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili, vas prosimo, da prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom ob sobotah v maju od 9 am-12:30pm. Hvala za sodelovanje! TIHA NEDELJA_ Za vikend tihe nedelje bo župnik na pastoralni pomoči pred velikonočnimi prazniki v Winnipegu pri slovenski skupnosti. Odhajam v soboto dopoldne in se vračam v ponedeljek popoldne. V soboto zjutraj bo še redna slovenska sveta maša, zvečer in v nedeljo pa me bo nadomeščal pri mašah naš salezijanec fr. Frank Kelly iz Toronta. SHARE LENT NABIRKA_ Share Lent nabirka je 10. aprila. Kot smo letos slišali v postnem pismu hamiltonskega škofa Douglasa, je predlagal, da bi vsak, ki je zaposlen dal na stran za lačne po svetu en dolar na vsak postni dan. Development in Peace, kanadska organizacija, te prispevke nameni za najbolj potrebne in škofje, potem ko so preverili njihovo delo, podpirajo, da gre letošnja nabirka za ta isti namen kot leta poprej. Hvala vsem, ki ste se odločili za to postno akcijo. OD 03. 04. 2011 DO 10. 04. 2011 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 03. April 4. Postna Sikst I., papež-muč. za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Janez Horvat Tone in Marija Bukvič ff Teta Štefka Bohte in bratranec Alojz Anica Vidmar ff Marija in Jožef Zelko, obl. 11:00 a.m. Hčerka Roza Kolenko z družino SPOMLADANSKI BANKET Noon Zgornja dvorana Ponedeljek - Monday ti Jožef in Eufemija Tompa 7:00 p.m. Agata in Alojz Sarjaš 04 apr|l i Štefan Plevel Franc Kapušin z družino . tt Jože in starši Marija in Marko Slobodnik Slavko Slobodnik z družino Izidor, skcerk-uč. tt Marija Šlebič in Marija Zelko Rudi in Marija Horvat Torek - Tuesday t Olga Prša 7:00 p.m. Ignac Prša z družino 05. April t Anton Vengar Peter Novak z družino tt sin Frank in oče Frank Lukšiš Družina Hapke Vincencij Ferer, duf 7. tt Franc in Angela Fujs Pavla in Franc Pelcar Sreda - Wednesday Po namenu 7:00 pm CWL - KZZ 06 aPril ff Družina Fortuna Anica Zižek . f Metod Kuzma Marica in Miha Fabina Irenej, škof-muč. f Karol Pelcar, obl._Franc Pelcar_ ČETRTEK- Thursday tt Jela, Alojz, Tjaša 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič 07. april t Anica K°loša. U1 H/erkac • , , 0 , , , t Tomaž Langenfus, obl. Mama Sonja Janez de la Sate, duh. t Anton Vengar Družina Jerič Petek - Friday 08. April Julija, red. tt t t tt Družina Balažic Bara Strajner Brian Špilak iz družine Sobočan 7:00 p.m. Matila Bratuž Družina Truden Karol Ferko z družino Družina Sobočan Križev pot 6:30 p.m. t Marija Kovač 8:15 a.m. Ivan in Veronika Obal Sobota - Saturday t Stane Napast 5:30 p.m. Ivan in Veronika Obal 09. April t Matija Vlašič Božica Pleša Hugo, škof t Ivan Dobršek Marija Košir t Lojze Selšek Brat Janez Selšek NEDELJA - SUNDAY 10. April 5. Postna - Tiha Ezekiel, prerok za žive in rajne župljane f Stane Napast ff Terezija in Martin Vinčec 9:30 A.M. Žena Fanika Napast z družino 11:00 a.m. Hčerka Olga z družino svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.