ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 14 (2018) 397-413 (Also available at On t-fold covers of coherent configurations Alyssa D. Sankey Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box4400, Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5A3, Canada Received 15 September 2015, accepted 27 June 2017, published online 29 Qctober2017 We introduce the covering configuration induced by a regular weight defined on a coherent configuration. This construction generalizes the well-known equivalence of regular two-graphs and antipodal double covers of complete graphs. It also recovers, as special cases, the rank 6 association schemes connected with regular 3-graphs, and certain extended Q-bipartite doubles of cometric association schemes. We articulate sufficient conditions on the parameters of a coherent configuration for it to arise as a covering configuration. Keywords: Association scheme, coherent configuration, regular weight, double cover, two-graph, t-graph. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C22, 05C50, 05E30 1 Introduction The Seidel matrix of a graph r may be viewed as a weight on the complete graph: edges of r are weighted (-1) and non-edges (+1). If r is strongly regular with n = 2(2k - A - p), it lies in the switching class of a regular two-graph and we call the weight, analogously, regular on Kn. This condition on r is well known, and dates to 1977, in [25]. The same year, the equivalence of regular two-graphs and antipodal double covers of complete graphs was established in [26]. Martin, Muzychuk and Williford ([18]) defined the extended Q-bipartite double of a cometric association scheme, extending the notion of the bipartite double of a distance regular graph. This construction produces, as special cases, the antipodal double covers of complete graphs from the strongly regular graphs affording regular two-graphs. In recent work, Kalmanovich ([16]) has also generalized the regular two-graph result, working from an unpublished draft of D. G. Higman's ([9]) on regular 3-graphs. As defined in [14], a t-graph weights the edges of Kn with elements of the group of roots of unity of E-mail address: (Alyssa D. Sankey) Abstract ©® This work is licensed under 179 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 267-284 order t, Ut. The regularity condition ensures that the matrix of edge weights has a quadratic minimal polynomial. The work of Kalmanovich-Higman establishes the equivalence of regular 3-graphs with cyclic antipodal 3-fold covers of Kn ([6]). Regular 3-graphs are shown to give rise to certain rank 6 association schemes, and the necessary conditions under which a rank 6 scheme arises in this way are given. In this paper there are two main results. First, working with a regular weight with values in Ut, defined on a coherent configuration (CC), we show that there is always a covering configuration; that is, a CC constructed using a t-fold cover in a natural way, to convert the weight into a CC of higher rank (by a factor of t). As special cases, we recover the equivalence between regular two-graphs and antipodal double covers of complete graphs; some extended Q-bipartite doubles of cometric schemes; the rank 6 schemes associated with regular 3-graphs, and an extension of these to regular t-graphs. A CC with a regular weight has two sets of parameters: the structure constants for the weighted adjacency algebra, {pk }, which lie in C or more specifically in the ring of integers with a primitive tth root of unity adjoined, and the non-negative integers {pk (v)} which count certain triangles with a specified weight. They are related by Pj = E vPj(v). veUt The weighted adjacency algebra is in general not a coherent algebra, and may in fact have a coherent closure that is much higher in rank than the original CC. In the regular two-graph case, for instance, it is precisely when the (-1) edges form an SRG that we get a minimal closure: a natural fission of the edge set into (+1) and (-1) edges that yields a (rank 3) association scheme. The covering configuration is the realization of a CC whose structure constants are the Pj (v). Some properties, namely homogeneity and commutativity of a CC carry over to the covering configuration. Symmetry is preserved only if t = 2. Metric and cometric properties are not. The second main result of this paper is the articulation of sufficient conditions for a CC to be the covering configuration of a regular weight. In the final section, we describe a family of regular weights on the Hamming Scheme H(n, 2) with values in U4, due to Ada Chan. These weights all fuse to regular 4-graphs, providing an infinite family that may be of interest as complex Hadamard matrices. These regular weights, and their fusions, admit covering configurations of ranks 4(n + 1) and 8 respectively, on 2n+2 points. 2 Preliminaries In this section, we give the definitions that are essential to what follows. Much more can be found in [17] and in the original developments of the area by Weisfeiler and Lehman in [28] and by D. G. Higman in [11, 12], and [14]. 2.1 Coherent configurations Definition 2.1. Let {Ai}0 ZC3. □ Observe that E := ujis a parabolic in the sense of [10]. Indeed, M0 = Irt implies that R0 is the identity relation of C. Further, E is symmetric, since (x, y) G R for i < t implies that p0, j = 0, so i* is in the same block of Mj as 0. That is, (y, x) G E. Given (x, y) G Rj and (y, z) G Rj with 0 < i, j < t, we see that (x, z) G Rk for some k < t, because k must lie in the same block of Mj as i, since all non-diagonal blocks are zero. Hence, E is a transitive relation. As a parabolic, E induces an equivalence relation on the indices: If there exist x, x', y, y' G X such that (x, x') G E, (y, y') G E, (x,y) G Rj and (x',y') G Rj, then i ~ j. Write [i] for the equivalence class of i. In addition, the parabolic affords a quotient (homogeneous) configuration A := (X, {R[j]}) with an associated partition of the vertex set X into fibres of size t. The fibre containing x is [x] = {y | (x, y) G E}. We will henceforth suppress the bracket notation for fibres, writing x = {xi, x2,... xt}. For j G [0], Lemma 4.4 implies that pkj = 0 for j = 0. But then Rk restricted to x x y has valency at most 1. We conclude that the number of relations occurring between any two fibres is t. We have: For k G I and x G X, |[k]| = |x| = t. Denoting the graph of Rj by rj, we have proved the following: Lemma 4.5. For all j G [0], rj is a t-fold cover of r^. Corollary 4.6. The natural partition of I according to blocks of Mj, for 0 < j < t is the same as that determined by the equivalence classes of the parabolic. That is, [mt] = {mt, mt + 1,. .., mt + t — 1}. Proof. Suppose j G [i] so that there exist xi,x2,yi,y2 G X with (xi,yi) G Rj and (x2,y2) G Rj. Then, by the discussion above, (xi,y3) G Rj for some y3 G y and therefore pjk = 0 for some k < t. But then j = i + k (mod t) by Lemma 4.4. □ Recall that C0jzfc = Rk for k < t, C0jCT has intersection matrix IrZCT, and Cmji = Rmt for 0 < m < r. Fix a fibre a (from here on), and order it so that (aj, aj+i) G , for each i, with addition modulo t. This ensures that the perfect matching induced on a corresponds 189 Ars Math. Contemp. 14 (2018) 267-284 to the permutation (1,2,...,t) on indices, which in turn corresponds to the permutation of U induced by multiplication by Z. For each x G X, (a, x) G R[mt] for some m. Order x so that (aj, Xj) G Cm i. In what follows, we mix the notations regarding indexation of the relations of C. Where two indices are given, we refer to as above; where one index is given we refer to the original numbering of the relations. Lemma 4.7. With notation as above, (x», xi+i) G for all x G X. Proof. For some a, (xj, xj+i) e C0jCT; (a», xj+i) G R; for some l, and (a», xj) G Rmi for some m. Note that l G [m]. Since a», aj+1, and xj+1 form a triangle of type (0Z, ml, l), we see that p0z m1 = 0. Since C is commutative, R; = by Lemma 4.4. Now observe that a», x», and xj+1 form a triangle of type (ml, 0a, mZ), and therefore a = Z. □ Next, following [16] we show that all matchings are cyclic. Lemma 4.8. With notation as above, all matchings between fibres of C are cyclic. Proof. Suppose that (x», yj) G Rk and (x»+1, y;) G Rk. We must show that l = j + 1. The triangle (x», x»+1, yj) has type (1, m, k) for some m, indicating that pkm = 0. As in the previous lemma, this implies that k = m + 1. On the other hand, the triangle (x»+1, y;-1, y;) has type (b, 1, k) for some b, hence k = b +1. But then m = 6, and by Lemma 4.5, y;-1 = yj as desired. □ Corollary 4.9. For all x G X, (x», x.j+k) G Rk, thus Rk induces on each fibre the perfect matching corresponding to the kth power of the cycle (1, 2,..., t). Proof. The result follows by Lemma 4.7 and induction (on k) applied to the triangles (x» —fc^x»^) . □ Lemma 4.10. For x G X, (a^x^) G Rmt+fc for 0 < k < t. Proof. The case k = 0 holds by choice of ordering of x. Induction applied to the triangles (aj, ^^k —^ ) gives the desired result. □ We now define a weight on A by means of . Let x, y G X and suppose (x, y) G Rj. Then Cj,1 provides a cyclic matching between x and y corresponding to, say, a G U. Set w(x, y) := a. Observe that w(a, x) = 1 for all x. The next lemma shows how to determine the weight of an edge in r^] from any edge in r». a» l x»+1 a» l x»+1 Figure 4: Triangles (a», a»+1, x»+1) and (a», x», x»+1). A. D. Sankey: On t-fold covers of coherent configurations 399 Lemma 4.11. If (xi; yj) G Cka, then w(x, y) = aÇj i. Proof. Consider (xi;yj) G CkjCT. Let l be such that (xi;y;) G Ck1 and note that the triangle (xi; y;, yj) has type (kl, 0Zj—ka). By Proposition 4.6, a = Zj-;. This implies that (xj, y;+m) G Cfcjzm. We conclude that the matching between x and y in CkjCT is aa, where a = w(x, y). □ We now prove the second main result which is the extension of [16, Prop. 5.4]. Theorem 4.12. Let C = (X, {Rj}) be a commutative CC of rank rt with the first t intersection matrices given by Mj = Ir Zi + M-(g) Z2 where M +, MZ1 and Z2 are defined as in Section 2. It is natural to ask whether C is the centralizer algebra of this permutation representation. In fact, C is properly contained in this centralizer algebra. It affords a CC with valencies 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 which has a fusion to C. 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