Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... 171–181 DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG UNDER FREEZE-THAW CYCLES TRAJNOST RECIKLIRANEGA BETONA Z LITIJEVO @LINDRO POD OHLAJEV ALNO-SEGREV ALNIMI CIKLI Yongjun Qin * , Jiejing Chen, Ke Liu, Yi Lu College of Architectural Engineering, Xinjiang University,1230 Yanan Road, Urumqi 830000, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2020-07-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2021-12-29 doi:10.17222/mit.2020.126 A water freeze-thaw cycle and sulfate freeze-thaw coupling cycle were explored experimentally to evaluate the durability of re- cycled concrete with lithium slag (LS). The damage-deterioration law was studied from the aspects of mass-change rate, relative dynamic modulus of elasticity, and cube’s compressive strength. Based on the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity, the dam- age-degree equation of the concrete was fitted, and a mechanical-attenuation model related to this parameter and the cube’s compressive strength was established and verified. The damage mechanism under the action of the sulfate freeze-thaw cycle was revealed through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The combination of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) and LS was bene- ficial to the anti-deterioration ability of the concrete. During the cycle experiments, the mass and relative dynamic modulus of elasticity increased initially and then decreased, while the cube’s compressive strength declined continually. The concrete with a 30 % RCA substitution rate and 20 % LS exhibited the optimal comprehensive durability, and specimens with excessive LS showed more susceptibility to sulfate erosion. The residual compressive strength of concrete structures can be evaluated by mea- suring the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity as the two parameters are ideally correlated. Keywords: recycled concrete, lithium slag, freeze-thaw, attenuation model, SEM Avtorji so v preizkusu ugotavljali trajnost recikliranega betona z izbrano vsebnostjo litijeve `lindre med procesom zdru`enega ohlajevalno-ogrevalnega (angl.: freeze-thaw cycle) in sulfatno ohlajevalno-ogrevalnega cikla. Zakone slabenja in po{kodbe betona so {tudirali s stali{~a hitrosti spreminjanja mase, relativnega dinami~nega modula elasti~nosti in kubi~ne tla~ne trdnosti. Na osnovi relativnega dinami~nega modula elasti~nosti so prilagodili ena~bo za posamezne stopnje po{kodb betona. Postavili in verificirali so model mehanskega slabenja betona v povezavi s tem parametrom in kubi~no mehansko trdnostjo. Mehanske po{kodbe pod vplivom sulfatnega ohlajevalno-ogrevalnega cikla so opazovali z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Ugotovili so, da ima kombinacija grobega recikliranega agregata (RCA) in litijeve `lindre (LS), pozitivni u~inek na zmanj{anje slabenja betona. Med eksperimentalnimi cikli sta masa in relativni dinami~ni modul elasti~nosti najprej nara{~ala in nato za~ela padati, medtem ko je kubi~na tla~na trdnost zvezno padala. Beton s 30 % RCA in 20 % LS je imel optimalno trajnost. Preizku{anci s prebitkom LS pa so bili bolj ob~utljivi na sulfatno erozijo. Avtorji ugotavljajo, da se preostala tla~na trdnost betonskih struktur lahko oceni z merjenjem relativnega dinami~nega modula elasti~nosti in da se oba parametra idealno medsebojno ujemata. Klju~ne besede: reciklirani beton, litijeva `lindra, ohlajevalno-segrevalni cikel, vrsti~ni elektronski mikroskop, model slabenja 1 INTRODUCTION Extensive use of concrete materials in the world of architecture necessitates the evaluation of their durability and service life. The damages inflicted to concrete struc- tures as a result of environmental conditions are associ- ated with a variety of complex physiochemical pro- cesses. Engineering often encounters freeze-thaw cycles, carbonation, chloride erosion, sulfate erosion or multiple damages caused by two types of synergistic damage re- actions, of which the mechanism of action is not a sim- ple superposition. 1,2 Buildings in severely cold areas are often damaged by the freeze-thaw cycle, which is gener- ally considered to be caused by the pressure due to wa- ter-freezing expansion of concrete pores as well as seep- age pressure. 3 So far, scholars have conducted numerous researches on the freeze-thaw resistance of various con- cretes and established relevant freeze-thaw damage mod- els. 4–7 In addition to the cold environment, local soils contain abundant sulfate in many parts of the world (e.g., northwest China, the Alps) where concrete engineering is vulnerable to the damage of the coupled freeze-thaw and sulfate corrosion. The coupled degradation mecha- nism of sulfate and freeze-thaw cycle is complex. On the one hand, the freezing of free water during the freeze- thaw cycle can prevent the entry and reaction of sulfate ions with cement hydration products that form ettringite and gypsum, leading to a disintegration of a gelatinized material. On the other hand, the microcracks formed by the freeze-thaw cycle provide channels for the salt-solu- tion entry as well as further corrosion of the concrete in- terior, aggravating the concrete deterioration with the repetition effect. 8 Based on the concept of šdouble waste recycling’, re- cycled concrete with lithium slag (LS) is a new type of environmentally friendly building materials with broad application prospects. Its macroscopic mechanical prop- erties have been developed extensively over the years. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 171 UDK 67.017:502.17:669.015.8:669.884:66.040 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 55(2)171(2021) *Corresponding author's e-mail: 13144180978@163.com (Yongjun Qin) LS, the waste from the large-scale production of lithium salt, is a mineral admixture with a composition similar to fly ash and silica fume. Studies confirmed the pozzolanic activity of LS and its micro-aggregate effect after a treat- ment under certain conditions. 9 With its large production and low costs, LS is considered ideal for recycled con- crete. Moreover, experiments proved that recycled con- crete with an appropriate amount of LS exhibits better physiomechanical properties than ordinary concrete. 10 Generally, the difference between recycled aggregate and natural aggregate is a distinction in durability between recycled concrete and ordinary concrete, and relevant re- search has been carried out continuously in the field. V . Bulatovi} et al. 11 found that the appropriate type of ce- ment could help recycled concrete to exhibit the favor- able resistance to sulfate attacks. B. Lei et al. 12 con- ducted a coupling experiment on recycled concrete during mechanical loading and a freeze-thaw cycle in a salt solution to analyze the influence of a complex envi- ronment on its durability. Mineral admixtures were sug- gested to be used for the improvement of the durability of concrete under certain conditions. Wang et al. experi- mentally found that an addition of 25 % of fly ash and 5–8 % of silica fume can significantly improve the resis- tance of recycled concrete to the freeze-thaw and sulfate attack in a 5 % sodium sulfate solution. 13 W. Tian and F. Gao 14 found that under the coupling action of the freeze-thaw cycle and sodium sulfate solution, the con- crete with 10 % of fly ash outperformed ordinary con- crete in terms of the freeze-thaw resistance ina5%s o - dium sulfate solution. 14 A thorough investigation of the durability of recycled concrete with LS is of a practical significance, promoting its engineering application. In this research, through an indoor accelerated freeze-thaw method, the freeze-thaw cycle and the coupling effect of freeze-thaw and sulfate were tested on recycled concrete with LS. The effects of the cycle time, RCA substitution rate and LS amount on the mass-change rate, relative dynamic modulus of elas- ticity (RDME) and cube’s compressive strength of the concrete were studied, and a mechanical attenuation model related to the RDME and cube’s compressive strength was established. The damage mechanism was further studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This research provides a design basis for the fu- ture engineering construction and life prediction. 2 MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 2.1 Materials Ordinary Portland cement of grade 42.5 was used in this experiment. The LS from the Urumqi lithium-salt plant was put into use after being dried and ground. The density and specific surface area of LS were 2.48 g/cm 3 and 417 m 2 /kg, respectively. Table 1 shows the chemical composition of cement and LS. Fine aggregate is natural medium-coarse sand with a fineness modulus of 3.5, and a polycarboxylic super- plasticizer with a 25 % water-reducing rate was adopted in the experiment. RCA came from the demolition site of abandoned buildings in Urumqi. After having been sec- ondarily crushed by a jaw crusher, the particle size was screened and adjusted to a 5–20 mm continuous grada- tion. The physical-performance indexes of natural coarse aggregate (NCA) and RCA are illustrated in Table 2. 2.2 Specimen preparation A total of 672 specimens were prepared for this ex- periment. The water-cement ratio of the specimens was 0.45 and the design strength of C30 was selected. The mix proportions of the specimens are listed in Table 3 with reference to the Chinese standard DG / TJ 08-2018-2007 and the researches by R. Liang and Li. 15–17 The calculation of additional water was based on the wa- ter-absorption rate of RCA used in the experiment. A total of 96 prismoid specimens with dimensions of (100×100×400) mm were used to measure the mass and transverse fundamental frequency alongside 576 cube specimens with dimensions of 100×100×100 mm used to measure the cube’s compressive strength. The number of the specimens used for the experiment meets the require- ments in accordance with the Chinese standard GB/T50081-2002. 18 Cement, LS, natural sand and natu- ral pebbles were poured sequentially into a HJW60 sin- Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... 172 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 Table 1: The chemical composition of cement and LS /% Materials CaO SiO 2 Al 2O 3 Fe 2O 3 SO 3 MgO Loss R 2OK 2ON a 2O Cement 55.3 25.4 7.1 2.9 2.8 2.3 2.2 0.9 0.7 0.5 LS 22.0 41.7 18.1 1.2 15.1 0.5 0.4 - 0.3 0.1 Note: LS represents lithium slag Table 2: Properties of coarse aggregate Type Bulk density /kg/m³ Apparent density/ kg/m³ Water absorption /% Crush value /% Mud content /% Fine powder con- tent /% NCA 1536 2687 0.52 - 0.2 0.2 RCA 1472 2417 3.46 14 0.4 0.5 Note: NCA represents natural coarse aggregate; RCA represents recycled coarse aggregate gle-shaft mixer to mix them evenly. Afterwards, the pre- viously wetted RCA and water were added to the mixer, and the materials were mixed for 3 min. The formwork was removed after 24 h when the concrete specimens were shaped, and the standard curing was carried out. 2.3 Experimental equipment A concrete fast freeze-thaw experiment machine and DT-W18 dynamic elastic modulus meter from Beijing Digital zhiyilong Instrument Co., Ltd., were employed in this experiment. The principle of the dynamic elastic modulus meter is to induce a mechanical vibration of the specimens. If the external-force frequency is equal to the fundamental frequency of the specimen, resonance is generated and the amplitude reaches its corresponding maximum. In this way, the dynamic elastic modulus could be calculated using the fundamental frequency. The mass of a specimen was measured with a Hengxin ACS series electronic weighing scale; the cube’s com- pressive strength was gathered by a WAW-1000 elec- tric-hydraulic servo universal test machine. 2.4 Experimental procedure Half of the specimens from each mix were immersed in a 5-% Na 2 SO 4 solution and the other half in water for 4 days after the 24-day standard curing. The liquids had to be kept 20 mm above the surface of the specimens. A complete freeze-thaw cycle lasted for about 4 h. Accord- ing to the relevant provisions from the Chinese standard GB/T 50082-2009, the average melting time in a freeze-thaw cycle was about 1 hour and 20 minutes and the central temperature in the conditioning chamber was between 7 °C and 19 °C. 19 The specimens were taken out every 25 cycles in order to dry their surfaces and collect the data about the cube’s compressive strength, mass change, RDME and obtain SEM pictures. The failure of the concrete specimens was identified when the RDME decreased to 60 % or the mass-change rate reached 5 %. 2.5 Data collection In this research, three damage indexes were used: the mass change rate, RDME and cube’s compressive strength used to analyze the durability of recycled con- crete with LS. These indexes can describe the process, from its compactness to looseness, within the concrete structure, representing the overall damage of the speci- mens to some extent. 20 The mass-change rate is calcu- lated as Equation (1): ΔW WW W Ni iN i i = − 0 0 ·100 % (1) Where W Ni is the mass-change rate (%) of a speci- men after n cycles; W 0i (g) is the initial mass; and W Ni (g) is the mass of a specimen after N cycles. The RDME is calculated as follows: E WL F a d =×× − 13 244 10 4 32 4 , (2) p E E i N = d d0 ·100 % (3) where E d (MPa) is the RDME of a specimen; a(mm) is the side length of a square section; L (mm) represents the length; W (kg) is the mass of a specimen; f (Hz) is the fundamental frequency of a specimen in transverse vibration; p i represents the RDME reading; E dN (MPa) represents the dynamic modulus of elasticity after N cy- cles; and E d0 (MPa) stands for the initial dynamic elastic modulus of a specimen. The cube’s compressive strength of specimens was examined under a loading rate of 0.5 MPa/s, and the average value of each group was taken as the final result. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Mass-change rate The mass-change rate of the specimens increased gradually as the number of freeze-thaw cycles rose. The constant tensile and compressive stress inside the con- crete occurred due to the freezing and expansion of free water that resulted in a fatigue failure and specimen mass Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 173 Table 3: Design of mix proportions Code RCA /% LS /% Mix proportion /kg m –3 Water Additional water Cement LS NCA RCA Sand R0L0 0 0 195.00 0.00 433.00 0.00 1221.40 0.00 523.50 R0L20 0 20 195.00 0.00 346.40 86.60 1221.40 0.00 523.50 R30L0 30 0 195.00 7.84 433.00 0 854.98 366.42 523.50 R30L15 30 15 195.00 7.84 368.05 64.95 854.98 366.42 523.50 R30L20 30 20 195.00 7.84 346.40 86.60 854.98 366.42 523.50 R30L25 30 25 195.00 7.84 324.75 108.25 854.98 366.42 523.50 R50L20 50 20 195.00 13.07 346.40 86.60 610.70 610.70 523.50 R70L20 70 20 195.00 18.30 346.40 86.60 366.42 854.98 523.50 Note: R0L0 represents natural concrete; R represents recycled coarse aggregate; L represents lithium slag changes. Unlike the water freeze-thaw cycle (which is an erosion-failure behavior), the curves for the sulfate freeze-thaw cycle (a complex coupling of surface scaling and internal damage) show an obvious mass increase be- fore the 25 th cycle, suggesting that these two cycles have different mechanisms. In the sulfate freeze-thaw cycle, Na 2 SO 4 reacts with cement hydration products to pro- duce expansive substances, including gypsum (CaSO 4 · 2H 2 O) and ettringite (3CaO·Al 2 O 3 ·CaSO 4 ·32H 2 O). 21–23 In the early stages of the sulfate freeze-thaw cycle, the amount of erosion causes a mass decrease, thus account- ing for a negative growth of the mass-change rate. The chemical-reaction formula of the ettringite sulfate ero- sion is as follows: Na 2 SO 4 ·10H 2 O + Ca (OH) 2 CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O + 2NaOH + 8H 2 O 4CaO·Al 2 O 3 ·13H 2 O+3(CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) +14H 2 O 3CaO·Al 2 O 3 ·3CaSO 4 ·32H 2 O+ Ca (OH) 2 In the later period of the cycle experiment, the R0L20 group showed good resistance against the mass change, which proved that the addition of LS moderately im- proved the compactness of concrete, making the concrete cementation system more stable and resistant against the erosion of freeze-thaw. The change rate of mass is far from a simple linear relationship as it includes a combi- nation of relatively stable and rapid changes, as shown in Figure 1. This curve trend is basically consistent with the theory of water segregation and stratification pro- posed by A. R. Collins who suggests that the frost ero- sion of concrete is progressive among the surface lay - ers. 24 Under a continuous experiment, an ice layer gradu- ally forms on the surface of the concrete in contact with water. When the frost-heaving force caused by the freeze-thaw environment exceeds its ultimate tensile ca- pacity, the ice layer falls off, thereby changing the con- crete quality. With the same LS amount, a higher substitution rate for RCA leads to a greater mass change and a faster dete- rioration speed. This is because the water saturation of concrete is one of the most important influential factors when it comes to frost resistance. On the one hand, the initial defects of RCA reduce the compactness and impermeability of concrete, causing more voids and pro- viding the condition for the salt solution and water mole- cules to enter and accumulate in the interior of the con- crete. On the other hand, a large number of interface transition areas of new and old sand slurry further weak- ens the concrete cohesion and the overall expansion re- sistance. The experimental group including RCA is less resistant to the mass change than the R0L0 group, and the R30L20 group is the closest to the mass change of the R0L0 group, with a difference in the mass-change rate of only 7 % and 9 %, respectively, after 100 water freeze-thaw cycles and 100 sulfate freeze-thaw cycles. From another perspective, the difference in the mass change between the water freeze-thaw cycle and sulfate freeze-thaw cycle may be due to the periodic change in the temperature, which leads to a decrease in the solubil- i t yo f5%N a 2 SO 4 , whose solubility in a saturated solu- Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... 174 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 Figure 1: Mass-change rate and cycle experiment: a) R0L0 and specimens with 20 % L, b) R0L0 and specimens with 30 % RCA tion (100 g water) at 20 °C is 20.5 g, while in a saturated solution at 10 °C, it decreases to 9.5 g so that crystal pre- cipitation occurs and fills in the pores and microcracks. The specific reaction equation is as follows: Ca (OH) 2 +N a 2 SO 4 Ca 2+ +S O 4 2– +N a + +O H – Ca (OH) 2 +N a 2 SO 4 +2 H 2 O CaSO 4 ·2 H 2 O + 2NaOH The mass-change rate of the specimens showed an obvious difference between the sulfate freeze-thaw and water freeze-thaw, especially in the later stage of the cy- clic experiment. After 100 cycles, the mass-change rate of almost all the experimental groups exposed to the sul- fate freeze-thaw cycles was higher than for those ex- posed to the water freeze-thaw cycles. Amongst them, R50L20, R70L20 and R30L25 were intensely damaged under the sulfate freeze-thaw experimental conditions so that no effective data could be obtained, indicating a seri- ous deterioration effect of the sulfate corrosion. It is also worth mentioning that after 100 cycles, the mass- change-rate difference for the R0L20 group under water freeze-thaw cycles and sulfate freeze-thaw cycles could be reduced to 6 %, which proves that 20 % of LS could ensure that the specimens exhibited an adequate sulfate resistance to a certain extent. 3.2 Relative dynamic modulus of elasticity (RDME) 3.2.1 Trend analysis The R30L20 group with the slowest RDME decline rate in the first 25 cycles under the two conditions still maintained the maximum value after 125 cycles, which was 11 % and 12 % higher than that of ordinary con- crete, respectively, displaying better durability, as shown in Figure 2. The RDME increases with the addition of pozzolanic LS in an amount below 20 %. The secondary hydration reaction between LS and Ca (OH) 2 , the prod- uct of cement hydration, produces large amounts of densely structured C-S-H and C-A-H cementitious mate- rials, which can obviously change the transverse funda- mental frequency. Simultaneously, the cementitious ma- terials can effectively fill in the pores of concrete, making up for the RCA-caused decline in the concrete permeability and reducing the damage caused by the early freeze-thaw cycle. 25,26 The most serious damage occurred in R30L25 with an accompanied slow hydration rate. In the middle and later periods of the sulfate freeze-thaw cycle, the RDME of R50L20 and R70L20 decreases sharply, falling below the levels of R0L0. The RDME degradation rate of the 70-% RCA is evidently faster than that of ordinary con- crete. According to the classical critical water saturation theory, concrete is easily damaged when the water satu- ration of concrete mortar reaches a certain level. 27 RCA with old mortar induces water absorption by micro- cracks, reaching the critical saturation level, and the in- terface transition zone between old and new mortars can easily produce the osmotic pressure, aggravating the damage to the concrete. However, after the water freeze-thaw cycle, the RDME of R50L20 is higher than Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 175 Figure 2: Relative dynamic modulus of elasticity and the cyclic experiment: a) R0L0 and specimens with 20 % LS, b) R0L0 and specimens with 30 % RCA that of R0L0, which supports the theory proposed by M. Mao et al., 28 according to which the porous and loose microstructure of RCA can play a role in dispersing the condensation-water pressure to a certain extent. There- fore, during a practical application of the recycled con- crete mixed with LS, its proportion issue, in combination with environmental factors, needs to be considered. According to the basic principle of the damage me- chanics of concrete, p i is the freeze-thaw damage vari- able. 20 Damage factor D can be defined as: DN EE E N () = − 0 0 ·100 % (4) where E N is the dynamic elastic modulus after N cycles of the sulfate freeze-thaw; and E 0 is the initial dynamic elastic modulus. The relative damage degree of a con- crete specimen after N freeze-thaw cycles can be de- fined as G i : G DN DN i i = () () 0 (5) where D 0 (N) and D i (n) are the damage factors of the concrete specimen after N cycles of the water freeze-thaw and Na 2 SO 4 freeze-thaw, respectively. G i re- veals the difference between the mechanisms of the wa- ter freeze-thaw cycle and sulfate freeze-thaw cycle. Before the 25 th cycle, the mechanism of water freeze-thaw is almost opposite to that of sulfate freeze- thaw, as shown in Figure 3. After the 50 th cycle, as a re- sult of the salt solution having a lower freezing point than water, the actual freezing duration of the specimens is far shorter than that of the liquid water in the same cy- cle, hence limiting the early sulfuric acid ion erosion ef- fect. 29 Damages made to most of the specimens are quite similar, so the relative damage degrees of most groups are close to 1. As the cycle experiment continues, the rel- ative damage is gradually intensified, indicating that the negative effect of the sulfate erosion is increasingly obvi- ous. 25,30 In the experimental process, the sulfate-enhanced erosion occurred the earliest in the R50L20 group, and the R30L25 group failed the earliest. After 100 cycles, the relative damage degrees of the R30L20 group and R30L0 group were the largest, prov- ing that the positive effect of 20 % of LS on the RDME was gradually offset by the sulfate corrosion. Hence, most of C-S-H and C-A-H were decalcified and decom- posed at this time, and the negative effect of sulfate was dominant. The increase in the relative damage degree in the later stage shows that the damage caused by sulfate freeze-thaw is much faster than that caused by water freeze-thaw. 3.2.2 RDME damage model In accordance with the changing law of the RDME of the recycled concrete with LS under freeze-thaw cycle and the classical freeze-thaw damage model, the follow- ing exponential relationship can be established: 31 Pe N N = (6) where p i is the RDME of the material (%); N is the num- ber of the freeze-thaw cycles; is the material coeffi- cient; and is the attenuation coefficient. The fitted curve and correlation fitting parameters are shown in Table 4. As far as the goodness-of-fit is concerned, the RDME model based on the attenuation coefficient and material coefficient is not as applicable to the sulfate freeze-thaw cycle as to the water freeze-thaw cycle, especially for the group with a high LS amount and high RCA substitution rate. Specifically, the fitting coefficient for R30L25 is only 0.731, and for R70L20, it is only 0.817. In this re- gard, Zhao proposed a more universal quadratic polyno- mial function: 32 PA xB xC N =⋅+⋅+ 2 (7) Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... 176 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 Figure 3: Relative-damage-degree trend: a) R0L0 and specimens with 20 % LS, b) R0L0 and specimens with 30 % RCA where A, B are the coefficients; and C is the intercept. The fitting effect is shown in Table 5. The quadratic function outperforms the exponential function in its description of the damage process for the recycled-concrete mixed with LS under a sulfate attack. The average optimization degree of R 2 is 12.32 % with a maximization of 30.59 %, which is more consistent with the reference requirements of practical engineering. 3.3 Cube’s compressive strength The cube’s compressive strength reflects the overall failure of specimens. 33 Unlike the ascending curves of the mass-change rate and RDME emerging in a sulfate freeze-thaw cycle, the cube’s compressive strength of the specimens decreases throughout the cycle experiment, with a greater decline range in the later cycles, as shown in Figure 4. With the increase in the number of cycles, the change of mortar and the intensification of internal cracks led to a reduction in the concrete stress area and horizontal binding force, causing the surface to peel off with more ease from the whole specimen upon compres- sion. Apparently, the specimens were severely denudated after multiple cycles, resulting in the exposed surface to be uneven. After repeated cycles, at the macro-strength Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 177 Table 4: Correlation fitting parameters (1) Group R0L0 R0L20 R30L0 R30L15 R30L20 R30L25 R50L20 R70L20 100.74 101.66 100.70 101.46 101.47 99.40 100.57 99.69 /10 –3 water –2.36 –2.31 –2.02 –1.93 –1.65 –2.53 –1.77 –2.37 sulfate –2.54 –2.49 –2.58 –2.24 –2.03 –2.07 –2.35 –2.46 R 2 water 0.991 0.978 0.988 0.977 0.978 0.988 0.986 0.996 sulfate 0.864 0.885 0.888 0.902 0.892 0.731 0.843 0.817 Note: a represents the material coefficient; represents the attenuation coefficient; R 2 represents the goodness of fit Table 5: Correlation fitting parameters(2) Group R0L0 R0L20 R30L0 R30L15 R30L20 R30L25 R50L20 R70L20 A/10 –3 –1.60 –1.72 –0.90 –1.05 –1.25 –4.40 –1.42 –1.18 B/10 –3 –76.09 –43.55 –156.43 –101.49 –60.70 –63.87 –118.19 –163.23 C 101.70 100.96 102.34 101.82 101.46 100.77 102.06 102.49 R 2 0.973 0.988 0.952 0.968 0.978 0.955 0.921 0.902 Figure 4: Cube’s compressive strength and cyclic experiment: a) R0L0 and specimens with 20 % LS, b) R0L0 and specimens with 30 % RCA level, the cube’s compressive strength of most recycled concrete with LS was evidently higher than that of ordi- nary concrete. Generally, the specimens with a larger relative strength have a higher relative-strength surplus after the cycle experiments. The anti-sulfate freeze-thaw strength degradation is optimized with the addition of 30 % of RCA, but excessive RCA will enlarge the spalling-transi- tion area inside the specimens where cracks easily widen and propagate. In terms of the failure form, however, bone destruction rarely occurs in the specimens. The use of LS contributes to the alleviation of the deterioration of compressive strength. Secondary hydration reaction plays a positive role in both water freeze-thaw and sul- fate freeze-thaw. 34,35 However, an excessive use of LS, in- stead of cement, is equivalent to an increase in the effec- tive water-cement ratio, resulting in the alteration of the concrete’s internal-water saturation, which is an impor- tant influence factor for the freeze-thaw damage. In the middle and later periods of a cycle experiment, the de- velopment trend of the cube’s compressive strength in each group is similar to that of the RDME. 3.4 Compressive-strength attenuation model The freeze-thaw damage of concrete is evaluated pri- marily with two indexes: the RDME and mass-change rate, which mostly require non-destructive tests. Destruc- tive tests are still needed to understand the whole me- chanical-degradation law of concrete under the action of freeze-thaw. Results show the RDME to be sensitive to the number of freeze-thaw cycles, ultimately defining the freeze-thaw damage of concrete. The deterioration of the cube’s compressive strength with freeze-thaw cycles can be expressed with a function including RDME. The cube’s compressive strength is inversely propor- tional to the number of freeze-thaw cycles, and the curve can be regarded as a continuous differentiable function. 36 If the cube’s compressive strength of a specimen after 0 cycles is f 0 and it is f(N) after N cycles, then the decay rate of the compressive strength afterN+ N cycles is as follows: fN N fN fN N () ( ) () +− = Δ Δ 1 (8) where 1 (< 0) is the constant representing the loss of compressive strength per freeze-thaw cycle. Equation (8) can be transposed as: d d fN N fN () ) = 1 ( (9) After integration: fN f e N () 0 1 = (10) Similarly, the RDME of concrete is inversely propor- tional to the number of freeze-thaw cycles, hence the re- lationship between the two functions can be regarded as a differentiable function. By referring to the above freeze-thaw damage-index model (6), the formula can be transposed as: N P a N = 1 ln (12) Integrating the relationship between the RDME and cube’s compressive strength yields: fN fa P N () 0 1 = (13) Where 1/a = k 1 and 1 / = b i . The relative residual strength of a concrete specimen is: fN f kP i N b () 0 1 = (14) Clearly, the relationship between the relative residual compressive strength and RDME follows a power func- tion. For a given RDME, the cube’s compressive strength and the number of freeze-thaw cycles of the specimens do not strictly obey the inverse proportional function; therefore, k i and b i can be determined according to the above model fitting correction based on the experiment results. The specific values are shown in Table 6. As seen from Table 6, the fitting coefficient R 2 is more than 0.88 for all groups, exceeding 95 % in 62.5 % of the groups under water freeze-thaw and 50 % of the groups under sulfate freeze-thaw, indicating an ideal cor- relation between the performance indexes and verifying the rationality and reliability of the model. Therefore, the residual strength of concrete structures in similar envi- ronments can be estimated with the RDME. 4 MICROSCOPIC-MECHANISM ANALYSIS Based on the above damage-index analysis, three most representative groups, R30L25, R30L20 and R70L20, were selected for a microstructure analysis to further explore the damage mechanism after erosion due to the sulfate freeze-thaw cycles. After 25 cycles, fewer Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... 178 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 Table 6: Fitting-coefficient value Group R0L0 R0L20 R30L0 R30L15 R30L20 R30L25 R50L20 R70L20 Medium water k i 100.94 100.33 98.52 101.97 102.34 91.73 99.06 93.67 b i 0.52 0.50 0.40 0.54 0.53 0.33 0.40 0.28 NaSO 4 k i 118.64 110.06 110.59 110.91 109.61 105.16 106.41 114.58 b i 0.81 0.64 0.73 0.67 0.65 0.38 0.50 0.59 microcracks formed in each group of the concrete speci- mens, and the interiors showed a uniform continuum, as shown in Figures 5a to 7a. A good spatial network structure was formed between hydration products and aggregates with smooth and regular pore walls, suggest- ing the necessity of the internal space within the speci- mens for stress relief due to a volume expansion. SEM images show the microstructure of R30L25 with incomplete hydration to be relatively loose and not as smooth as the other two groups, facilitating the pene- tration of sodium sulfate solution and providing an ex- planation for the largest mass increase of R30L25. 37 Af- ter 75 cycles, the microstructures of the three groups were obviously damaged, especially in R30L25 where abundant corrosion products appeared, as seen on Fig- ures 5b to 7b. An energy spectrum analysis showed that the main elements are Al, Si, Ca and O, confirming that the needle-like corrosion crystals are mainly ettringite. 38 Both R30L20 and R70L20 have a loose and flocculent colloidal structure, while microcracks are densely dis- tributed and mutually crossing, indicating the macro- scopic performance involving an increased mass-change rate, and decreased RDME and cube’s compressive strength. Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 179 Figure 6: SEM pictures of R30L20: a) after 25 cycles, b) after 75 cy- cles, c) after 100 cycles Figure 5: SEM pictures of R30L25: a) after 25 cycles, b) after 75 cy- cles, c) after 100 cycles With further sulfate freeze-thaw corrosion, a mass of corrosive products appeared in all three groups. Expan- sive products (e.g., acicular ettringite and short-column Ca 2 SO 4 ·2H 2 O), gathering in large quantities and occupy- ing the pore space were formed after cement hydration (Figures 5c to 7c extending predominantly beyond the range of the pore interior. 39 Among them, internal corro- sive products evidently occupy a large part of the internal structure of R30L25. Based on the three damage indexes, it is easily proven that R30L25 failed first. Further devel- opment of internal cracks in the other two groups led to a reduction in the cohesion and compactness of the con- crete, leading to a decreased macroscopic performance of the concrete and accelerated inward entrance of the solution. The increase in the SO 4 – concentration indicates augmented quantities of expansible products (e.g., ettringite and flaky gypsum), which accelerated the cor- rosion and fundamentally destroyed the specimens. The deterioration of the internal structure was more intense in R70L20 than in R30L20, which had a lower macroscopic damage index. 5 CONCLUSIONS The survey of recycled concrete with LS investigates different elements of durability under the conditions of water freeze-thaw cycles and sulfate freeze-thaw cycles. In the early stage of cycles, water freeze-thaw and sulfate freeze-thaw have similar effects on the specimens; how- ever, with the increase in the number of cycles, the dam- age of sulfate freeze-thaw was accelerated, showing a more serious deterioration. In the sulfate freeze-thaw, the mass-change rate and RDME increase in the early stage, while the cube’s com- pressive strength is unaffected by certain fine cracks and declines. R30L20 displays the optimal durability, whilst R30L25 exhibits an inadequate antifreeze performance. Additionally, the new mechanical attenuation model, related to the RDME and cube’s compressive strength, was verified with respect to its rationality and reliability. This model can be used to evaluate the residual cube’s compressive strength of the recycled concrete with LS in cold regions. The microstructure analysis illustrates the conditions for an incomplete hydration reaction caused by excessive LS and its impact on the acceleration of the inter- nal-structure deterioration of concrete under external conditions. Acknowledgment This work was fully supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Study on the performance and constitutive relation of recycled concrete with lithium slag as a mineral admixture), China (Project No. 51668061). Y. QIN et al.: DURABILITY PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED CONCRETE WITH LITHIUM SLAG ... 180 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 2, 171–181 Figure 8: Elemental analysis of R30L25 Figure 7: SEM pictures of R70L20: a) after 25 cycles, b) after 75 cy- cles, c) after 100 cycles 6 REFERENCES 1 S. Zhang, B. Zhao, Research on the performance of concrete materi- als under the condition of freeze-thaw cycles, Eur. J. Environ. Civ. En., 17 (2013) 860–871, doi:10.1080/19648189.2013.826601 2 J. 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