SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 2/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 8.1. 2023 GOSPODOVO RAZGLAŠNENJE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Sodelovati pri načrtu vesoljnega odrešenja Razglašenje je za nas, kristjane zelo pomemben praznik. Dogodek, o katerem pripoveduje Matej, zbuja začudenje. Nekaj modrih je prišlo z Vzhoda v Jeruzalem, da bi počastili judovskega kralja, ki se je rodil. So astrologi, ki so videli, da je vzšla njegova zvezda. Zato so se poslušno podali na pot, da bi prišli in ga počastili. Vendar znamenje, ki so ga videli, zvezda, ne pokaže natančno kraja, kjer se je rodil. Zato gredo v Jeruzalem, da bi dobili dodatna pojasnila, ki izhajajo iz Svetega pisma. Modri poizvedujejo, da bi zvedeli, kje bi se moral roditi Mesija. Odgovor jim dajo jeruzalemski veliki duhovniki in pismouki: »V Betlehemu v Judeji, kajti takale je pisano po preroku (Miheju): 'In ti, Betlehem, dežela Judova, nikakor nisi najmanjši med Judovimi voditelji; iz tebe bo namreč prišel vodnik, ki bo pasel moje ljudstvo Izraela'«. S temi pojasnili se modri lahko spet odpravijo na pot. Modri, ki so daleč, se odpravijo na pot in se potrudijo, da se podajo na dolgo potovanje. Nasprotno pa se veliki duhovniki in pismouki, ki imajo v lasti razodetje, sploh ne potrudijo: posredujejo razodetje, ne naredijo pa nobenega koraka, da bi šli počastit Mesija. Še slabše se obnaša Herod. V tistem času je vladal nad celotno Judejo in Galilejo. Tako zelo je navezan na oblast, da da pomoriti svoje tekmece in celo nekatere družinske člane. V rojstvu judovskega kralja vidi samo nevarnost za svojo oblast. Hinavsko reče modrim: »Pojdite in natančno raziščite glede deteta. Ko ga najdete, mi sporočite, da se mu pojdem tudi jaz poklonit!« V resnici ima namen odstraniti tega možnega tekmeca. S pomočjo zvezde modri pridejo v Betlehem; ko stopijo v hišo, vidijo otroka z Marijo, njegovo materjo. Priklonijo se in ga počastijo. Njihovo ravnanje je preroško, saj kaže, da je ta otrok Božji Sin, obenem pa vnaprej naznanja prihod tolikih ljudi iz poganskega sveta. VESTNIK 2023 | Modri se ne zadovoljijo samo z gesto: dodajo še velikodušni dar zlata, kadila in mire. Tem darovom so dali simboličen pomen: kažejo Jezusovo kraljevsko dostojanstvo, njegovo božanstvo in njegovo človeškost, ki je namenjena smrti. Potem se modri po drugi poti vrnejo v svojo deželo, saj so bili v spanju opomnjeni, naj se ne vračajo k Herodu. V prvem berilu se prerok Izaija obrača na Jeruzalem: »Vstani, zasij, kajti prišla je tvoja luč in Gospodovo veličastvo je vzšlo nad teboj.« Luč sveta je sedaj v Betlehemu, blizu Jeruzalema. »Kajti glej, tema pokriva zemljo in megla ljudstva.« Gre za temo zmote, greha. Megla ovija ljudstva, nad Jeruzalemom pa se blesti Gospod. »Narodi bodo prišli k tvoji luči, kralji k siju tvoje zarje.« Izaija ne naznanja samo prihoda nekaterih modrih, ampak prihod mnogih poganov, ki bodo odkrili Kristusovo luč. Srečanje z njim bo popolnoma spremenilo njihovo življenje. Zdi se, da nek prerokov stavek napoveduje prihod modrih: »Množica velblodov te bo zagrnila, dromedarji... Zlata in kadila bodo prinesli.« Ta stavek je navdihnil mnoge umetnike, ki so prihod modrih predstavili z gručo kamel in številnimi dromedarji. Sam dogodek ima dogodek širok pomen in se odpira k vsem narodom, k vsemu človeštvu. Zato Pavel v drugem berilu poudari, da »so namreč pogani sodediči, soudje in soudeleženci obljube v Kristusu Jezusu, in sicer po evangeliju«. Bog je že vse od začetka pokazal, da njegov načrt zadeva vse narode, ko je obljubil Abrahamu: »V tebi bodo blagoslovljeni vsi rodovi zemlje«. A takrat še niso razumeli vsega pomena teh besed. Pavel pa je razumel, da je bil pomen ravno razodetje, ki je posredovano vsem narodom, razodetje, ki vse ljudi uvaja v notranje občestvo z Bogom. In to je nekaj čudovitega, kar mora vzradovati tudi nas. Poklicani smo, da uživamo vse božje obljube: kar se je zdelo pridržano izvoljenemu ljudstvu, je Bog sedaj z neskončno velikodušnostjo priobčil tudi nam. Razglašenje mora biti za nas priložnost za zahvalo in tudi priložnost za misijonarski polet, ker moramo sodelovati pri načrtu vesoljnega odrešenja, ki si ga je zamislil Bog. Nas je Jezusova luč že dosegla, tolikih ljudi pa še ni. Naša naloga je biti pri njih Gospodove priče. - (Prim. Oznanjevalec - A_2007/8, štev. 1) 10 | VESTNIK 2023 EPIPHANY OF THE LORD First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6 The glory of the Lord draws all creation towards him in joy. Response: Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. Second Reading Ephesians 3:2-3. 5-6 The Lord makes God’s covenantal relationship open to all the nations. Gospel Matthew 2:1-12 The magi journey to visit the newborn Christ. “We saw his star as it rose.” Illustration Guidance systems on modern planes are incredibly powerful and extremely complicated. Designed to ensure the safety of passengers, and using information from both satellites in space and sources on the ground, they are able to pinpoint the position of the plane with precise accuracy and avoid other planes or hazards in the vicinity and obstacles on the ground. From holiday flights, through cargo journeys, to aid and rescue missions, our modern world would be very different without them. To a large extent, we depend on such systems to ensure the viability of our modern way of travel. Gospel Teaching The magi were guided on their journey to Bethlehem by a more ancient form of travel guidance: a bright shining star. That journey involved them in leaving the familiarity of their homelands and embarking on a risky, uncertain voyage to an unclear destination. Trusting in the star, and in their own insight whom they should worship. That worship was underpinned by the offering of gifts symbolising his nature as well as the ultimate gift he was to offer – his very life on the cross. But the difficulties of their journey were not over, as they were then warned in a dream that they faced severe danger if they returned by their original route. So they travelled home, not along the roads they had come by, but by another, alternative and probably unfamiliar, way. One can only imagine their arrival back home in their own country, exhausted by their travels, amazed and intrigued by what they had seen, and changed through their experience. It is reasonable to assume that they might have retold their story many times, opening with the words: “Well, once we saw this star…” Application On any journey we need reference points to stay safe or to avoid getting lost. For Christians, guidance is provided not by a star or a satellite but by an individual, Jesus Christ. We are followers of him, his teaching, his example, his inspiration. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we are invited to leave the comfort of our familiar surroundings and travel through a world that can be quite hostile and in which we and instincts, they were invited to take a risk. will find much to concern us, challenge us and sometimes even scare us. However, with our hearts and minds fixed They travelled from town to town, as did the on Jesus – who has been revealed not only to the magi but trading caravans in that part of the world. to us and to all people – we have a sure, safe and certain Some of those routes were familiar, wellmeans of travelling through life. Sharing the gifts he has trodden paths; others were less well known, given us with others, opening the treasures of our faith, poorly signposted or difficult to follow. No doubt, too, they met individuals offering help- hope and love, we can traverse the landscape of life, bringing the light of Christ to others. Wherever life takes us, if ful, and not so helpful, advice on the route they should take; and others fascinated by the we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, we will truly be his disciples, making our way, sometimes by unexpected routes, story and purpose of their journey. The quesback to our heavenly homeland. tions asked of them by King Herod seem at How do we pinpoint our position in life as we seek to first motivated by interest, but we know there witness to Christ? How do we navigate our way along the was an ulterior motive to his enquiring. Fear journey of life trying to avoid obstacles and pitfalls? How and jealousy were at the root of his interrogado we offer the gift of our lives as an encouragement and tion. On reaching their destination it turned out example to others? Today perhaps we can learn from the that they were guided not to a place, but to an magi, continuing our travels with trust in the guiding light of Christ in word and sacrament, and believing that he individual, the newborn infant king, Jesus really is the way, the truth and the life. Christ, who was revealed to them as the one VESTNIK 2023 | 11 Although we hit a few obstacles along the planning path of this event and attendance was a little less than we had hoped for - the evening was a success and a hit for everyone who came. This year, it was clear that those who wanted to celebrate New Year's came to the right place. We had complimentary signature drinks, appetizers, a delicious dinner along with music and a good latenight table. The kitchen was taken care of by Betty Gimpelj and her crew – Majda Lukežič, Natalie Bosiljevac, Sylvia Stankovič and Frankie Gimpelj. Their recipe for deliciousness was sprinkled with a lot of love and care and the desire to create a memorable evening for those enjoying their creations. Of course, service was excellent as well - thank you to Cameron Bellemore, Daniel Škrban, Ava Bosiljevac and Kyle Lukežič. They were enthusiastic and swift ensuring that everyone had enough of everything! We all know that we couldn't have had a New Year celebration without music... Ansambel Šibaj certainly delivered in the area of entertainment. They played a good variety of music, kept the mood going and ensured that the dance floor was always full! As I am sure you can guess, the bar was a big hit as always and definitely the gathering spot for many. Thanks to Joe Pust for tending the bar all night making sure that everyone had enough to drink, and of course Tony Horvat for selling the tickets and making sure that all the right mixes were available for everyone. I think we sometimes forget how much work it is to bring in all the bar stock, sort through the drinks and then to take the inventory at the end of the event and then tidy up the bar area! We never have to ask, we never have to worry, we always know that Tony has it covered. 12 | VESTNIK 2023 Everyone looks forward to winning a prize and to the gals who sold tickets - Sidonia Poppa, Frances Scarcelli, Marianne Škerl and Laura Pinter thank you for that. Set up which includes not only the tables and chairs, but all the decor and the little details is what gives the first impression when guests walk through the doors to our events - this task is what sets the mood for the evening, and I must say that I think we were successful in creating an intimate, twinkly, friendly and welcoming place to celebrate New Years with family and friends. Then of course we have clean-up - we don't usually look forward to this part of the event because it is after all the fun... everything needs to be tidied, washed cleaned up and put away. Well, this task wasn't grueling at all this year. We had many hands to help us make clean-up not only quick and easy, but actually a pretty good time - we shared laughs as well as a few good and perhaps colourful jokes with friends. Thank you to Tony Horvat, Drago Horvat, David Horvat, Cameron and Colby Bellemore, Pete, Linda and Alexandra Novak, Elka Peršin, MaryAnn Demšar and Sidonia Poppa, Stan and Elizabeth Petek for helping with set-up and clean-up. And finally - thank you to Mirko Zorko and Fr. Drago - of course, the photo booth needed special lighting and our new Year's sign needed Photos: Horvat Tony some repair. Who did we turn to for that? Mirko VESTNIK 2023 | 13 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS and Fr. Drago - this duo installed spot lights, hooks and took care of all those details on the spot the minute they saw the need. Fr. Drago always has a vision then he works with Mirko to make it come to life. Thank you both! Finally, I would like to thank all the guests of the evening who bought tickets and came out to our New Year's celebration. Your support is definitely what made the evening a success and what made all the work worth the effort! From interacting and watching the crowd, I am pretty sure it is safe to say that a good time was had by everyone who was there! - We had food, we had drinks, we had music, we had door prizes and over 16 raffle prizes; most importantly, we had family and we had friends to share the night as we said good bye to 2022 and hello to 2023. On behalf of your Parish Council here at St. Gregory the Great and Slovenski Park we wish for everyone to have a happy and prosperous 2023 and look forward to seeing you at our next event! Heidy Novak KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - Jan. 15, 2023 - London - Maša ob 3:00 p.m. v St. John the Divine - Jan. 22, 2022 - Lipa Park - Hunter’s Luncheon/Koline Social READERS - BRALCI BERIL January 8, 2023 Slovenian Mass - Frank Novak English Mass - Marz Ann Demšar GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS Jan. 8 - Sam & Elizabeth Petek Jan. 15 - Mary Miketič & Pamela Gosganch Jan. 22 - Albina & Joe Antolin CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE CERKVE January 14th January 21th January 28th Lojska Novak team Groznik, Erzar, Lukežič Gosgnach team NEDELJSKE KUVERTE - KOLEDARJI V atriju cerkve imate nedeljske kuverte. Poglejte, če je kakšna napaka v naslovih, da jo popravim v računalniku. Na razpolago imate tudi Marijanski koledar - letos so na njem slike iz raznih Marijih mašnih plaščev. - Prav tako imate na razpolago tudi Angleški koledar, ki pa ima več prostora, da se na njem tudi kaj napiše. KŽZ - CWL Naša katoliška ženska zveza želi vsem župljanom srečno in uspešno novo leto. Naslednji sestanek bo 11. januarja po večerni maši. 14 | VESTNIK 2023 Our next CWL meeting is scheduled for January 11th after 7:00 p.m. Mass. We are in search of members who are willing to serve on our executive. Please take this opportunity into consideration for the benefit of our league and parish community. Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 6. januarja 2023: - $145,620. - Obljubili / Pledged - $136,865. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Svete maše - Masses GOSPODOVO RAZGLAŠENJE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 8. JANUAR SEVERIN, OPAT DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane †† Paula in Franc Pelcar † Magda Udovč Bogu v zahvalo † Ivan Doma †† Pok. iz druž. Rožman †† Pok. iz druž Rožič †† Pok. iz druž Mlačak †† Pok. iz druž. Jesih † Ivan Doma † Susan Gentilcore DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - TORKOVI VEČERI Villa Slovenia - Tuesday’s night social gatherings from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. V Villa Slovenia se nadaljujejo »Torkovi večeri« tudi med prazniki. Vabljeni, da pridete skupaj in preživite nekaj uric v dobri družbi prijateljev in znancev. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Bolko Žerdin Simčič Polc Hozjan Luthar Dundek Kobe Žekš Anton Ivan Vinko Ivan Joseph Marija Štefan John Gerda Thu., January 9, 2003 Fri., January 9, 2009 Thu., January 10, 2008 Fri., January 12, 1990 Sun., January 12, 1997 Mon, January 12, 1998 Sat., January 12, 2019 Sun., January 13, 2002 Sun., January 15, 2017 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - - Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z dru. Udovč-Levstek Families N.N Mato in Agnes Sutlič Družina Mlačak Družina Mlačak Družina Mlačak Družina Mlačak 11:00 A.M. Mary Hanc English Choir SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 15 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 9. 1. 2023 - 15. 1. 2023 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 9. JANUAR Za duše v vicah V zahvalo za srečen porok Jezusov krst TOREK - TUESDAY 10. JANUAR 7:00 P.M. Prayer group Dragica Đondraš † Stane Vrstovšek † Kate Hečimović 7:00 P.M. Marija Hočevar Marianne Kutleša SREDA - WEDNESDAY 11. JANUAR † † † † † †† 7:00 P.M. Olga Hanc z družino Marija Korošec Marija Korošec Kathy Prša Sonja Langenfus CWL - KŽZ ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 12. JANUAR † Jože Gačnik Na čast Kristusove krvi 7:00 P.M. Ivka Pašalič Ana Tadić †† Pok. iz družine Karlin † Majda Juriša 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak Slavko Salajko †† † † † †† † † Sheila in Frank Chale Štefan Dundek, obl. Marica Majzelj Ivan Doma Stane in Metod Kuzma Ivan Doma Julijana Gabor, obl. 5:30 P.M. Ana Gergyek Žena Aranka Olga Slobodnik Martin in Dragica Tompa Družina Kuzma Štefan in Terezija Vinčec z druž. Hči Angela Antolin z družino Za žive in rajne župljane †† Gerda (obl.) in Eddie Žekš † Stanko Oberman, obl. Za zdravje † Ivan Doma † Ivan Doma † Ivan Doma † Jože Gačnik † Janko Demšar †† Pokojni Slovenci iz Londona 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - - Zora Hull Stanka Malevič z družino N.N. Michael Scime in družina Štefan in Marija Kranjec (Osha.) Ana Kotnjek in družina Družina 11:00 A.M. Demšar-Scarcelli-Purdon Fam. 3:00 P.M. St. John the Divine Church Gregor Niški, škof Pavlin Oglejski, škof Tatjana, mučenka PETEK - FRIDAY 13. JANUAR Veronika, devica SOBOTA - SATURDAY 14. JANUAR Oton, redovnik Malahija, prerok Feliks, duhovnik 2. NEDELJA MED LETOM 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 15. JANUAR ABSOLOM, ŠKOF 16 | VESTNIK 2023 Ignac Korošec Ignac Korošec Joe Prša Joe Prša Marica Majzelj Pokojni farani