©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, JULY 2000 Vol. 8, No. 1: 43-48 NEW RECORDS FOR THE CADDISFLY FAUNA OF SLOVENIA (INSECTA: TRICHOPTERA) Gorazd URBANIČ1, Ciril KRUŠNIK2 and Mihael J. TOMAN1 ^University of Ljubljana, Biotehnical faculty, Department of Biology, Večna pot 111, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2National Institute of Biology, Večna pot 111, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract - The list of nine new records for Slovenian caddisfly fauna from the valley of the river Sčavnica is given. Adult caddisflies were caught using a sweeping net and a light-trap, whereas larvae were sorted from the benthic samples. Five species were identified in adult and larval stages while four species were identified only in the larval or adult stage. The number of recorded Slovenian Trichoptera species increased up to 216. Key words: Trichoptera, fauna, river Sčavnica, Slovenia Izvleček - NOVI PODATKI O FAVNI MLADOLETNIC V SLOVENIJI (INSECTA: TRICHOPTERA) Devet novih vrst mladoletnic v favni Slovenije je bilo ulovljenih v dolini reke Sčavnice. Odrasle osebke smo lovili z metuljnico in na svetlobno past, medtem ko smo ličinke dobili z vzorčenjem bentonske združbe. Pet vrst smo določili v stadiju imaga in v stadiju ličink, po dve vrsti pa le v stadiju ličink oziroma v stadiju imagov. Število vrst mladoletnic najdenih v Sloveniji je naraslo na 216. Ključne besede: mladoletnice, favna, reka Sčavnica, Slovenija 43 iter www.bioiogftcta enlomologica slovenica, 8 (1), 2000 Introduction The first records of caddisflies in Slovenia were published by Johann Anton Scopoli in "Entomologia Carniolica" (1763). Later faunistic reports of Slovenian caddisfly fauna were mentioned in papers of different authors: Mc Lachlan (1874-80), Klapalek (1900), Radovanovic (1933, 1935, 1953), Malicky (1979, 1990, 1999), Kos (1983,1985), Dmitrovic et al. (1984), Malicky et al. (1986) and Krusnik (1984, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996). Together, 207 caddisfly species were mentioned for Slovenian fauna. Study area The River Scavnica, tributary to the river Mura, is a 50 km long lowland river draining waters from the impermeable marls and sandy clays of the Slovenske Gorice and the Ljutomerske Gorice (Fig 1). The stream originates from small springs on the northern edge of the hills Slovenske Gorice (NE Slovenia), at an altitude of 330 m. A spring basin is located in the forested area, but downstream, the river flows through an agricultural area. In the upper part the river has natural characteristics with a meandering channel pattern, wooded riparian vegetation and is classified as I.-II. class according to the saprobic system. Downstream from the village Spodnja Scavnica the river is regulated with a reservoir at the village Gajsevci. Riparian vegetation is herbal and is regularly cut. Downstream the town Ljutomer severe pollution is present and the river is classified as polysaprobic level (IV quality class) (Pirc-Velkavrh, 1998). Fig. 1: Sketch of the study area. 44 G. Urbanic et al.: New records for the caddisfly fauna of Slovenia Material and Methods Adult caddisflies were collected with a sweeping-net or light-trap. The specimens were preserved in 70% ethanol in the field and identified in the laboratory using a Leica MS5 stereomicroscope (Leica AG, Switzerland). Adult cadclisflies were determined according to Malicky (1983) and Pitsch (1993a). Benthic samples were collected by a Surber sampler. All macroinvertebrates were preserved in 4% formaldehyde solution. Caddisfly larvae were sorted from the samples, identified under a Leica MS5 stereomicroscope (Leica AG, Switzerland), and preserved in 70% ethanol. "Atlas der Ostereichischen Kocherfliegen" (Waringer & Graf, 1997), was used for larval determination. Data on the distribution of listed species in Europe were taken from Botosaneanu & Malicky (1978) and Pitsch (1993b). Results and discussion Studies on caddisfly fauna in the Valley of the River Scavnica recorded nine species new to the fauna of Slovenia. Five species were caught in adult and larval stages. Specimens of Hydroptila lo tens is Mosely, 1930, and Setodes punctatus (Fabricius, 1793) were caught only in the adult stage by a light-trap. This indicates that these species probably do not live in the River Scavnica, but they flew to the light-trap from other water habitats. It is known that adult caddisflies can fly more than 10 km from their emerging place (Malicky, 1987). The species Hydropsyche modesta Navas, 1925, and Ironoquio dubia (Stephens, 1873) were determinated on larval specimens. Larvae of both species, in the final larval instar, are easily recognisable for proper determination (Pitsch, 1993a). Hydroptilidae 1. Orthotrichia angastella (McLachlan 1865) Distribution: widespread in Europe Cezanjevci. WM85, 29.4. 1999, larvae; 28.5. 1999, 1CS, l9, pupae; 25.6. 1999, pupae; 30.7. 1999, 2d, l9 2. Hydroptila lotensis Mosely 1930 Distribution: widespread in Europe Zgornja Scavnica , WM66, 1.7. 1999 (light-trap), id Hydropsychidae 3. Hydropsyche siUcilcii Dohler 1963 Distribution: widespread in Europe Zgornja Scavnica ,WM66, 1.7. 1999 (light-trap),id; Lastomerci , WM76, 15.1. 1999, larvae; 1.3. 1999, larvae; 2.4. 1999, larvae; 29.4. 1999, larvae; 28.5. 1999, larvae and pupae; 12.6. 1999 (light-trap), id; 25.6. 1999, id, larvae; Cezanjevci , WM 85, 2.4. 1999, larvae; 29.4. 1999, larvae, 28.5. 1999, larvae and pupae. 4. Hydropsyche incognita Pitsch 1993 Distribution: widespread in Europe 45 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologteefeaiteuilitomologica sloveilica, 8 (1), 2000 Plitvički potok. WM77, 4.6. 1998 id; Zgornja Ščavnica, WM66, 1.7. 1999 (light-trap), 2d; Cezanjevci. WM 85, 25.6. 1999, larvae. 5. Hydropsyche modestci Navas 1925 Distribution: south-eastern Europe and Pannonian lowland Cezanjevci, WM 85, 28.5. 1999, larvae; 25.6. 1999, larvae. Limnephilidae 6. Ironoquia dubia (Stephens 1873) Distribution: widespread in Europe Lastomerci, WM76, 2.4. 1999, larvae. 7. Potamophylax rotiiiidipennis (Brauer 1834) Distribution: widespread in Europe Zgornja Ščavnica , WM 66, 15. 10. 1998, larvae; 1.12. 1998, larvae; 15.1. 1999, larvae; 1.3. 1999, larvae; 2.4. 1999, larvae; 29.4. 1999, larvae; 25.6. 1999, larvae; 1.7. 1999 (light-trap): 3d,l9; 8.9. 1999 (light-trap), id": Lastomerci, WM 76, 1.12. 1998, larvae; 15.1. 1999, larvae; 1.3. 1999, larvae; 29.4. 1999, larvae; 27.5. 1999, larvae; 25.6.1999, larvae; Cezanjevci, WM85, 2.4. 1999, larvae; 28.5. 1999, larvae. Goeridae 8. Lithax obscurus Hagen (1859) Distribution: central and south-eastern Europe Zgornja Ščavnica. WM66, 15.10. 1998, larvae; 1.12. 1998, larvae; 15.1. 1999, larvae; 1.3. 1999, larvae and pupae, 2.4. 1999, larvae and pupae; 29.4. 1999, 78d,209, pupae, larvae; 17.5. 1999, Id-; 28.5.1999, id; 25.6.1999, larvae. Leptoceridae 9. Setodespunctatus (Fabricius 1793) Distribution: widespread in Europe Zgornja Ščavnica , WM66,1.7. 1999 (light-trap), id The genus Orthotrichici with the species Orthotrichia angustella is the first record in Slovenia. In Hungary it is included in the List of Protected and Threatened Caddisflies (Nogradi and Uherkovich, 1999), while in Austria it has not been found yet (Malicky, 1999). Despite the wide areas of distribution of Hydroptila lotensis, Lithax obscurus and Setodes punctalus in Europe, they were found in Austria only in the area of the Pannonian lowland (Malicky 1999) and the same distribution is expected also for Slovenia. Hydropsyche siltalai and Potamophylax rotundipennis are widely distributed in Austria. Radovanovič (1933) mentioned findings of larvae of Potamophylax rotundipennis in the streams at the hill Rožnik in Ljubljana, however the species of the genus Potamophylax are difficult to identify at the larval stage (Higler and Solem, 1986). The adult specimens of mentioned species have not been found there yet. Hydropsyche incognita has been a new species in the European fauna since 1993 (Pitsch, 1993b). Adult specimens are very similar to the specimens of Hydropsyche pellucidula Curtis, but the larvae of both species can be distinguished. According to the habitat prefer- 46 G. Urbanič et al.: New records for the caddisfly fauna of Slovenia ence in Europe (Pitsch 1993b) H. incognita could be found in streams all over Slovenia. In previous studies H. incognita was overlooked in Slovenia, and was probably mentioned together with specimens of species H. pellacidida. A revision is needed for the appropriate determination of specimens of Hydropsyche pellucidula-group and their distribution in Slovenia. The number of new caddisfly records for Slovenia in the Ščavnica Valley would be higher if the River Ščavnica would not be so severely polluted in its lower part. However, eastern Slovenia is not well investigated and we can expect more new caddisfly records for Slovenian fauna. Acknowledgement We thank A1 Vrezec for his help at catching caddisflies with the light-trap. References Botosaneanu L., Malicky H., 1978: Trichoptera. In: lilies J. (ed.): Limnofauna Europaea, 2. Auflage, Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart New York Sweets & Zeitlinger - Amsterdam, pp. 333-359. Dmitrovič T., Fakin M., Pavšer M., Krušnik C., Kos I., 1984: Entomološke raziskave na mladinskem raziskovalnem taboru Makole 84, Zveza organizacij za tehnično kulturo Slovenije, Ljubljana, 35-47. Higler, L. W. G., Solem, J. O., 1986: Key to the larvae of North-West European Potamophylax Species (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) with Notes on Their Biology. Aquatic insects, 8: 159-169. Klapalek F., 1900: Prispevek ku znalosti Neuropteroid z Krajiny a Korutan. Rozpravy Ceske Akademie Cisare Františka Josefci pro vedy, slovesnost a umeni, 9(2, 14): 1-12. 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