BEAUTIFUL DEBUTANTES OF CHICAGO, ILL BRANCH 2 PRESENTATION MAY 20, 1973 AT THE SWU NATIONAL CONVENTION ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 7-8 JULY-AUGUST, 1973 VOLUME 45 ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 7-8 JULY-AUGUST, 1973 Vol. XLV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULY-AUGUST National Officers: JULY 3 — Anna Trontel, State Pres., Pittsburgh, Pa. JULY 18 — Olga Ancel, Nat’l Auditor, Joliet, III. JULY 28 — Rose Scoff, State Pres. San Francisco, Cal AUG. 5 — Ann Kompare, Nat’t Auditor, So. Chicago, III. AUG. 11 — Ann Lustig, State Pres., So. Chicago, III. AUG. 12 — Mary Bostian, Nat'l Pres., Cleveland, Ohio. Presidents: JULY 4 — Ann Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. JULY 11 — Jo Wilhelm, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. JULY 13 — Anna Richards, Br. 22, Bradley, III. JULY 21 — Pauline Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. JULY 23 — Ann Hočevar, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. JULY 25 — Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. JULY 26 — Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. J"JLY 31 — Katherine Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio. AUG. 7 — Mary Habich, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. AUG. 27 — Mary Jane Dello, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio. AUG. 29 — Rose Racher, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio. Secretaries: JULY 6 — Mary Hadley, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. JULY 10 — Anna Mundi, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social members, $4.00 — za družabne članice $4.00 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mestečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 JULY 23 — Louise Epley, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. JULY 27 — Rose Chiodi, Br. 52, Hibbing, Minn. JULY 30 — Mary Jamsek, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. AUG. 5 — J'ennie Stusek, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. AUG. 13 — Virginia Bendich, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. AUG. 16 — Frances Ulle, Br. 68, Fairport Hbr. Ohio. AUG. 22 — Mary Kernz, Br. 89, Oglesby, III. AUG. 22 — Mildred Poropat, Br. 95, So. Chicago, III. AUG. 26 — Catherine Lastellic, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. MANNY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE WAY! DATES TO REMEMBER... July 15 —ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILL. sponsored by Br. 2, Chicago, III. Sept. 9 —MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Sept. 12 — CARD PARTY, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Sept. 23—45th ANNIVERSARY & WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Oct. 5 —CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Oct. 14 —45th ANNIVERSARY AND OHIO-MICH. STATE CONVENTION, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Oct 18 —CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Oct. 24 — ANNIVERSARY MASS, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio ZARiA IS ON VACATION NEXT MONTH! All reports sent for publication will be held for the Aug. 1st deadline. Sec you in September! EDITOR ON THE COVER. . . Chicago, the site of the 16th National Convention in May was also the scene of the third Slovenian Women's Union Debutante Cotillicn Bal. and the first for Chicago. The beautiful “debs” were pre sented on the arms of their fathers who beamed with pride. Their waltz together was a lovely moment. A special cotillion dance wa; choreographed by Br. 2 members Margie Prah Leff and Corinne Leskevar, chairman of the Ball. The girls’ dance was pleasing to the melody of “Moj Rodni Dom”. On the photos: during the cotillion dance, a graceful dance figure was formed (top right); each “deb” bowed deeply before the assembly (lower left) and all of them posed on the steps of the Bismarck Hotel for the center photo. From top left, Maureen Ann Russell, Debbie Ann Zefran, Jranne Marie Trinko, Kimberly Ann Johnston, Diane leanine Sclrtltz, Paula Clare Gril', Miriam Noelle Leskovar, Mary Ann Theresa Schultz and her third sister, Barbara Jean Schultz. Another Cotillion is planned W Chicago in 1975. DR. GRILL TEASVi CHAMPS IN CHI No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. BOWLING NEWS For the first time in many years, Dr. Grill has emerged the champs of the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league. After suffering through two losses the last night of bowling, they finally won tho last game, to squeak by Marquet'e Super Service by a half game. Final standings for the 1972-1973 season were: Dr. Grill 65 37 Marquette Super Service 64J 371 Zefran Funeral Home 63 39 Wagner’s Bakery 58 42 K. & K. Market 53 49 Reliance Federal 49 53 Lawn Fence Co. 46 56 St. Paul Federal 42J 59J Zarja 37 65 Wagner's Cupcakes 31 71 Handicap winners were: high team series - Dr. Grill, 2859; high team game - Marquette, 983; high individual series - B. Jakubowski, 649; high individual game - A. Persa, 252. Stelle Gorka finished the season with the only 500 series the last night of bowling. She shot 552, which included a 201 game. Stelle once again walked off with top honors for the highest average in the league - 168. Railroad pickups for the night included: B. Kosi, S. Melissa, B. Schacht, 3-10; M. Zefran, 8-10; E. Statkus, 6-7-10. Our bowling meeting was held at Townhall on May 2, where team and individual trophies were awarded to the Dr. Grill team: G. Niedzielko, captain, A. Marrazzo, L. Jones, A. Salvino and M. Stuck. Officers were elected for the 1973-1974 season. They are: Liz Zefran, president; Barbara Zurek, vice president and scribe; Lil Putzell, secretary-treasurer. We wound up the season May 9, with our banquet at the Playboy Towers. It was an interesting and enjoyable evening, complete with a good meal and entertainment by Henry Youngman. The Wagner's Bakery team planned the affair. Well, I guess that winds up the season. See you in September. BARBARA ZUREK CONVENTION MEMORIES LASTING & BEAUTIFUL Our compliments to the Chicago S.W.U. Convention Committee for a superb job, well done. Each and every officer, delegate and guests were very impressed and satisfied on the fine program that was planned for us all. Saturday night at Lemont was beautiful. Dinner served to us by the Sisters of Lemont was delicious. Every one took part in the candlelight procession and Litany at the Marjia Pomagaj Grctto for all deceased members of S.W.U. Dawn choral group also participated by singing after the litany. All were transported by buses to and from Lemont back to hotel Bismark in Chicago. Sunday mort’ing the buses again transported all the delegates and guests to the S.W.U. home office on Cer-mak Road where we all were lined up in the parade which marched to St. Stephen's church. Parade consisted of all Supreme Officers, Delegates, Guests and many Chicago Organizations, men, women and children dressed in their Slovenian costumes and Marie Prisland Cadets from Cleveland, Ohio. Parade was very colorful. Mass at St. Stephen’s church was beautiful. Officiating at Mass were Rev. James Wolf O.F.M. Cap., Vice-Postulater of the cause of Bishop Baraga, Rev. Blaz Chemazar, Very Rev. Cus.os of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers, Rev. Kalist Langerholz, O.F.M. who spoke the sermon, and Rev. Thomas, O.F.M. Pastor of St. Stephen’s Church. St. Stephen's choir under the director of Prof. Alfred Fischinger and Mr. John Arko sang Slovenian Mass. MARIE PRISLAND CADETS, children and adults in Slovenian National Costume and officers of SWU in front ot St. Stephen’s Church, pictured as the procession was departing after the concelebrated Mass on the opening day of the Convention in Chicago. After Mass we were served a delicious brunch which was served gratis by the members of Br. 2 Chicago, III. At this time I wish to Jhank Br. 2 for your kind hospitality. Grand banquet was also enjoyed by all. The beautiful banquet room was packed. Editor Corinne Leskovar made a marvelous mistress of ceremonies. Speakers were short and very impressive. Congratulations to our “Women of the Year” Ann Podgoršek of Duluth, Minn, who was honored at the banquet with a cash award. Dawn Choral group from Cleveland, Ohio under the WOMAN OF THE YEAR, Ann Podgoršek, was specially honored at the Grai:d Convention Banquet by remarks of Nat’l President, Toni Turek and Nat’l Secretary Fanika Humar- Guests enjoyed meeting many honored guests and hearing musical program climaxed by the DAWN Choral singers in a musical tribute to the SWU Founder, Mrs. Prisland. Deb Cotillion followed to the delight and pleasure of all present. direction of Mr. Frank Gorensek and daughter Miss Metka Gorensek, accompanist, rendered many beautiful Slovenian and English songs which they impressed every one present. A group of juniors dressed in Slovenian costumes and their director is our National Secretary, Fanika Humar and they were terrific. A tribute to our Founder Marie Prisfand the Dawn Choral group sang “This is my Love” from the movie Dr. Zlvago and was translated and sung in Slovenian. First Slovenian Cotillion ball held in Chicago under the chairmanship of Corinne Leskcvar and her committee was just beautiful. Nine debs were presented 'jo the pub lie after the banquet. This ccnc^udrd the rccial program for the two days and again a big thank you to the Chicago committee for a job well dene and en oyed by all. The convention meeting opened with prayer, all the committee’s were appointed and each and every one was busy during the three days of the convention. All reports on the convention will be printed in your Zarja-The Dawn. Sincere "Thank You” to the Chicago Committee who put all their effort and work to make the 16th National S.W.U. Convention one that long will be remembered. It was a great pleasure to work with the National Officers during my four terms which was twelve years. We all worked together in harmony and all worked for the betterment of our Slovenian Women’s Union. At this time I also want to '..hank all the State Presidents for their fine work they have dene in their respective States. They also had great responsibilities. During my term in office we lost two faithful officers who were called to their eternal rest, they were first our Supreme Treasurer Josephine Železnikar and next was our Secretary Albina Novak. We were fortunate to have two members in Chicago that filled the two open vacancies and they are Liz Zefran the Treasurer and Fanika Humar, Secretary. To the outgoing National Officers I wish you good health and good luck and to the newly eected Officers I wish you luck and hope you will work together in harmony as we all did. Sincerely, ANTONIA TUREK Convention President MINUTES OF THE 16th NATIONAL TRIENNIAL CONVENTION Of SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION, MAY 20-30, 1973, CHICAGO, ILL. The 16th Tri-ennial Convention of the Slovenian Women's Union of America was opened Monday, May 21, 1973 at nine o'clock by the Dawn Choral Group of Ohio directed by Franček Gorensek with the singing of the National Anthem and Zvezina Himna. Editor Corinne Leskovar then read The Pledge composed and presented by the organization’s foundress Mrs. Marie Prisland. “We, the National Officers and Delegates of the 16th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, h’eld in Chicago May 20-23, 1973, shall freely accept the torch which has been passed on to our organization by our pioneer-founders, and pledge: That we shall replace all hate with tolerance, All rashness with patience, All bigotry with love; That we shall commit ourselves to the implications of brotherhood and sisterhood of man under the fatherhood of God, and thereby spread those ideals for which our Slovenian Pioneers gave their last full measure of devotion.” President Mrs. Antonia Turek officially and graciously called the convention to order. Spiritual director Rev. Claude Okorn asked for God’s blessings and Honorary President Mrs. Prisland extended sincere welcoming greetings, with wishes that the convention be successful. Secretary Mrs. Fanika Humar read the roll of officers. All present except Colorado-Kansas-Missouri state president Anna Pachak and California-Washington-Oregon state president Rose Scoff. The president read the roll of delegates with branch 13 delegate Rose Scoff and branch 19 delegate Catherine Pollack absent. Branch 41 is represented by Ohio State president Mary Bostian. There were 16 national officers and 35 delegates making a total of 51. NATIONAL OFFICERS: Marie Prisland, Founder Honorary President Antonia Turek, President Marie A. Floryan, Vice-president Fanika Humar, Secretary Elizabeth Zefran, Treasurer and Director of Women's Activities Olga Ancel, Investment Secretary Anne Podgoršek, Auditor Anne M. Kompare, Auditor Jennie Feme, Auditor Corinne Leskovar, Editor Rev. Claude Okorn, Spiritual Advisor STATE PRESIDENTS: Pennsylvania-New York: Mary Tomsic Indiana-lllinois: Anna Lustig Minnesota: Barbara Rosandich Ohio-Michigan: Mary Bostian Wisconsin: Rose Kraemer Colorado-Kansas-Missouri: Olga Mesojedec, Candidate DELEGATES: Branch 1 — Margaret Fischer 2 — Mary Muller and Lil Putzell 3 — Frances Simonich 6 — Mary Lauter 10 -—- Sophie Magayna 12 — Frances Plesko 14 — Vera Bajec 16 — Jean Bukvich 17 — Marion M. Marolt 20 — Emma Planinšek and Mildred Pucel 21 — Lois Babnick 23 — Rose Stupnik 24 — Theresa Savnik 25 — Mary Kolegar — Marie Telic 26 — Anna Trontel 32 — Josephine Comenshek 33 — Frances Blatnik 38 — Anna Trdan 39 — Angeline M. Karish 40 — Angeline Kozjan 43 — Mary Tratnik 47 — Jennie Pugely 50 — Anna Hočevar 55 — Mary Macek 56 — Rose Maras 71 — Lucille Smith 73 — Pauline Svette 89 — Josephine Livek 95 — Mildred Poropat 96 — Frances O’Block 103 — Freda Michelitch Secretaries appointed for the convention by president Antonia Turek were Sophie Magayna for the Slovenian and Olga Ancel for the English. Appointed as sentinel was Margaret Fischer. The Convention Committees are as follows: APPEALS: CREDENTIALS: Ann Podgoršek, Chairlady Barb. Rosandich, Chairlady Jennie Feme Lillian Putzell Mary Tomsic Vera Bajec Jean Bukvich NOMINATIONS: Rose Maras Mildred Poropat Mildred Pucel, Chairlady Margaret Fischer BY - LAWS: Mary Kolegar Marie Prisland, Chairlady Anna Trontel Rose Kraemer Anna Trdan Frances Simonich Angela Kozjan Emma Planinšek Josephine Livek Marie Telic CONVENTION CITY: Frances Blatnik Jennie Pugely Rose Kraemer, Chairlady Freda Michelitch Mary Bostian Mary Muller Barbara Rosandich PROMOTIONS: Olga Mesojedec Lucille Smith Ann Hočevar, Chairlady Elizabeth Zefran PUBLICATIONS: Mary Lautar Corinne Leskovar, Chairlady Frances Plesko Sophie Magayna Marion Marolt Theresa Savnik Mildred Pucel Jennie Pugely Mary Tratnik Rose Maras RESOLUTIONS: SECRETARIES: Marie Floryan, Chairlady Fanika Humar, Chairlady Olga Ancel Margaret Fischer Angela Karish Frances Simonich Ann Hočevar Mary Lautar Mildred Poropat Sophie Magayna France« O'Block Vera Bajec SALARIES Marie Floryan Olga Ancel Ann Kompare, Chairlady Theresa Savnik Marie Floryan Josephine Comenshek Barbara Rosandich Anna Trdan Olga Mesojedec Angeline Kozjan Mary Lautar Jennie Pugely Josephine Comenshek Lucille Smith Lucille Smith Pauline Svette YOUTH: Mildred Poropat SPORTS: Elizabeth Zefran, Chairlady Antonia Turek Marion Marolt Rose Kraemer Pauline Svette Rose Stupnik GREETINGS: Olga Ancel, Chairlady Mary Bostian Anna Lustig Josephine Comenshek SCHOLARSHIP - CULINARY: Fanika Humar, Chairlady Ann Kompare Corinne Leskovar, Chairlady Sophie Magayna Vera Bajec j€an Bu,kv.ic,h Lois Babnick Mary Tratnik Anna Tronte| Lucille Smith Mary Macek Pauline Svette Freda Michelitch Credential committee chairlady Barbara Rosandich reported that her committee checked all credentials of delegates and found them to be in order. Motion made, seconded and carried that report be accepted and delegates be seated. Spiritual Director Rev. Claude Okorn extended his greetings to the delegation. He urged that Zveza functions coincide with spiritual functions; that there must be no lack of respect for authority and responsibility; that we must again acquire life’s values that we once had; and lastly, that he was happy to be a part of Zveza's convention once again. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Sincere Greetings and Hearty Welcome to you all! Rev. Spiritual Advisor, national officers and delegates of the Slovenian Women’s Union assembled here at the 16th national convention in your large city of Chicago, Illinois. The Chicago committee has done a marvelous job as most of you present here today had attended the Saturday night in Lemont and Sunday’s Mass at St. Stephens followed by the brunch can testify. I wish to thank all th'j members of branch 2 for their gracious hospitality, which was enjoyed by all. The past three years have gone by very fast. I kept busy disposing of all the books for the SWU. We handled 1500 Mrs. Marie Prisland’s books. Great compliments to her authored “From Slovenia to America” on which many hours were spent. My husband Frank and I wrapped and mailed since 1963 to December 31, 1973, S.W.U. cookbooks. It is fortunate that my husband did all the packing and mailing and I kept charge of all the records and banking which took up a lot of my time. The late Albina Novak edited the first edition in 1951. The last edition was edited by Mrs. Marie Prisland and printed late 1971. Our books have been mailed to Canada, Australia, Slovenia and South America. I still have a few song books on hand. They were printed and compiled by Mrs. Novak. These books have started to sell the past couple years because our younger generation loves the Slovenian songs, but would appreciate the notes with them. Since there is a young interest in Slovenian Songs, 1 suggest we print new ones, for which task I already have a volunteer. I am very happy that my largest project I ever attempted for the Slovenian Women’s Union was the Slovenian Chapel (Marija Pomagaj) in Washington, D.C. We accepted the responsibility to raise the $70,000 and knew tnat all our members and friends would do their part in helping to raise this large amount. Also helping was the KSKJ and the American Mutual Association of Cleveland. Of our members the late Albina Novak raised $8,341.00. Father Krusinski of Forest City with our member Josephine Gostisha helping raised $3,797.00. Other hard members working were Mary Otoničar, Mary Hojutec, Marie Prisland, Anna Pachak and Frances Simonich. My thanks to all our officers and members who so faithfully did their part to help raise the great amount needed. Dedication of the Chapel was held August 15, 1970. Those attending will always remember it as a very beautiful event. The Slovenian Chapel is beautiful and each and every member of our Zveza can be very proud that through the Slovenian Women's Union we made the Marija Pomagaj chapel a reality. I think it would be very nice if every August 15 annual Zveza pilgrimages be made there. The 15th national convention held in Euclid-Cleve-land, Ohio is of the past. I had a very good committee who worked with me to make that convention one that was very enjoyable to all the delegates and visitors. At that convention we had to replace two officers, namely treasurer Josephine Železnikar who was unable to attend because of illnes and was called to eternal rest November 24, 1970; and secretary Albina Novak who attended the convention but because of illness gave up her post and was replaced by Fanika Humar. Mrs. Novak was also called to her eternal rest on April 6, 1971. May the good Lord watch over them. At the opening of the last convention the first Slovenian Cotillion Ball ever held in the United States was sponsored by our organization. In charge of this ball was Frances Sietz of branch No. 50. She did a wonderful job, especially since it was our very first cotillion ball. Eleven beautiful debutantes were presented. The second ball was held the following year with ten debs presented, and co-chairmaned by Jane Novak and Ann Hočevar. Foundress Mrs. Prisland came as a guest with her companion Mrs. Jelenič from Milwaukee, Wis. I do wish that more of our branches would promote and have an interest in these Cotillion Balls as this would help to bring in new members. During the past three years I have attended all of the combined branch meetings and all the State Conventions held here in Cleveland. The last was held at the largest Slovenian National home in Cleveland, Sunday, October 29, 1972. Presided by state president Mary Bos-t!an it was attended by 70 members including five from Detroit and guests from Chicago, including editor Corinne. Pennsylvania state president Mary Tomsic and the incoming president Anna Trontel arrived with a busload from Pittsburgh. At the banquet attended by 400, guest Corinne Leskovar was presented with a beautiful placque in recognition of her 20 years of service as editor. June 27, 1971 I attended the Colorado State Convention held in Denver, Colorado. President Anna Pachak presided at the meeting which was followed by mass offered by Rev. Mihelich who helped the Denver branch with the convention preparations. Under the directorship of Dorothy Zakrasek of Pueblo and Joan Birsa of Denver, Junior members from Pueblo and Denver with a few other members sang at the Mass very beautifully. October 30, 1971 I attended the dinner-danca held by branch No. 103 of Washington, D.C. This beautiful affair was att'ended by congressman John Blatnik and his lovely wife by which action all attending were surprised. The Pennsylvania State Convention was held in Pittsburgh on October 8, 1972. Hostessed by branch 26, Pittsburgh, it was presided by president Mary Tomsic. Her elected successor is Anna Trontel. Sixty-five members attended. I am happy that the Dawn Choral Group was invited to attend and sing in L'emont and at the banquet. I am sure that you all enjoyed them as much as we do in Cleveland. They are marvelous and much thanks is due their director Frank Gorensek who is one of the best. I tried to attend most of the activities held in Cleveland because I wanted to represent the Slovenian Women’s Union. I must mention our branch 50 of Cleveland and its wonderful president who is one of the delegates. Sh'e has very good ideas, a hard worker and the members enjoy working with her. Around 75 members attend the meetings which proves they enjoy attending. A special tribute to our founder Marie Prisland who has performed such a remarkable feat the past forty-seven years in her service to the Slovenian Women's Union. All her writing in the Zarja especially Oh Ta Svet is enjoyed by both men and women. I am amazed how this wonderful person could accomplish all the work she has done 'especially in the writing field. She really is a genius. Let us all rise and show her our love, gratitude and honor to our founder Mrs. Marie Prisland. At this time I wish to compliment our new and efficient secretary Fanika Humar who has done a fine job the past three years. Also great compliments go to our editor Corinne Leskovar for doing a tremendous job on our Zarja. Every month she has some new ideas. I attended all the annual board meetings and found everything in fine order. This concludes my report with wishes that it be harmonious and one of the b'est conventions. Stay well and enjoy yourselves. ANTONIA TUREK REPORT OF THE HONORARY PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Rev. Spiritual Advisor, Supreme Officers and Delegates to the Slovenian Women’s Union of America! It is a great preasur'e and joy to see you gathered here in the great city of Chicago where our organization was born 46 years ago. I sincerely wish that this National Convention we are attending will be inspiring and successful. Time brings changes, and we must also change accordingly if we want to prosper. I hope that all of you will work towards this goal and be conscientious in the many decisions you will have to make for the future progress of our organization. It is because we love Zveza that we are here. Many of you have good ideas how to create the enthusiasm that will make Zveza greater, therefore I sincerely hope that our deliberations will be crowned with success. Our sincere congratulations to Mrs. Anna Podgoršek who in the last membership campaign won the title “Women of the Year”. We are proud of h'er, as she is an untiring campaign worker. My repcrt fcr the past three years will include the statistics of the Scholarship Fund together with a hearty thanks to the oficers and members for their devotion and dedication to Zveza. It is heart warming to read in Zarja of the many activities taking place in the branches. These are of an enormous importance to the progress of the Union and require a great deal of work and personal sacrificies. It was a pleasure to attend the state convention in Wisconsin and to be present at the Cotillion Ball sponsored by the Cleveland branches. The last convention authorized me as the Chairman of the By-Law Committee, to request the Insurance Department of the State of Illinois for permission to hold the next convention in four years instead in three. They replied: ‘‘Section 340, paragraph B requires that the terms Directors and of National Officers cannot exceed three years. Inasmuch as the Director must be elected at the national convention, it would be impossible to have such conventions less frequently than once every 3 years without violating this section of the insurance code.” At the request of the Board of Directors I have edited, revised and enlarged, in 1971, Zveza's cookbook WOMAN’S GLORY THE KITCHEN. The proceeds from the cookbook have been used for many of our charitable and internul projects. From the first issue of the cookbook in 1951, edited by our late and beloved National Secretary, Albina Novak, and up to this date I was able to sell 1,402 cookbooks, fiom these — 900 in Sheboygan alone. The monthly magazine RODNA GRUDA, published in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has dedicated a whole page to our cookbook. Especially noticed was the fact that America's First Ladies recipes were included. Miss Christine Wagner of Washington, D.C., secretary of the National Republican Heritage Groups Council, requested by telephone a Slovenian dinner menu and recipe? for their oncoming cookbook, titled WORLD COOKBOOK. I happly responded since in this way our Slovenian food, especially potica and flancati, will gain world fame. My book FROM SLOVENIA — TO AMERICA is now sold out. The proceeds from these books benefited Zveza’s Scholarship Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turek of Cleveland as well as the secretaries of our branches are thanked for handling and selling the books. I have prepared and sent to the Home Office a number of articles of historical value to Zveza and other Slovenian groups. Included were many books in the hope that our organization will someday establish a small library. Many articles were sent to the Ljubljana University Historical Center which will be incorporated in a future book on Slovenian history. Zveza's BOOK of HONOR (Častna knjiga) is brought up to date. In this book I have recorded every important procedure concerning the organization. The book is kept in the Home Office to serve the National Secretary and other Directors for needed information. The kind comments on my column OH, TA SVET and CAPSULES are very pleasing. Writing is a pleasure if the work is appreciated. I am very grateful for the interest in our scholarship program. The Scholarship Fund -— now in its 25th year — provided a total of $13,050.00 to grant 66 scholarships. Many varied careers were thereby assisted. It is most gratifying to know that these students will remember Zveza for a long time to come. Money spent for education is a rewarding investment. A word of gratitude is due to all who contributed to the building of the Scholarship Fund. Amongst the membership, Mrs., Anna Pachak, State President for Colorado, Missouri and Kansas is the most generous contributor. To date she donated $665.00 into the Fund. Amongst the branches, Joliet takes the top. This branch has contributed $304.00 since the last convention. SCHOLARSHIP FUND REPORT Jan. 1, 1970 to Jan. 1, 1973 Income $ 6,410.49 Disbursements: 13 scholarships, typewriter for secretary, stationary and application forms, accrued interest 2,993.09 Gain in three years ASSESTS Jan. 1, 1970 $ 3,417.40 $10,342.16 ASSESTS Jan. 1, 1973 $13,759.56 Our sincere thanks to Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič, former scholarship recipient, who contributed $1,000.00 and to Mr. Frank Ermenc who donated $500.00. The proceeds from the book FROM SLOVENIA — TO AMERICA was placed into the Fund in the amount of $1,000.00. Many other contributions were received which are greatly appreciated. Handwork sale and cash donations at the last convention amounted to $1,007.00. I have managed the Scholarship Fund since its beginning in 1944. In the future the Scholarship Secretary wiT manage the Fund. Respectfully submitted, Marie Prisland, President Scholarship Committee. VICE - PRESIDENT REPORT Rev. Claude Okorn, Honorary President Marie Prisland, National Officers, delegates, and guests of this 16th National Convention. My warmest greetings and best wishes to each and everyone of you. It is again a pleasure to be with you at this meeting. We look forward to our National Convention as it not only gives us an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and make new friends, but it gives us an opportunity to achieve and promote our best interests for our organization. I was honored and happy to be able to attend the niany events of the Slovenian Women's Union thru the years, namely: the Wisconsin State Day Conventions, the Midwest Bowling Tournaments, and the dedication of the Marija Pomagaj Shrine in Washington, D.C. Congratulations are extended to all of the State Presidents who have been doing a marvelous job. It shows that the members are taking an interest in the progress of their branch. Congratulations to Mrs. Anne Podgoršek, winner of the 1973 “Woman of the Year" membership campaign, and also to the other campaign winners. My best wishes are also extended to the branches and winners of the Past campaigns since the last convention. It took a lot of hard work, effort and co-operation to achieve this goal. May God shower you with his choicest blessings. My efforts in acquiring new members since my last report have been effective and hope to get more in the future. Thank You, Rev. Claude Okorn for your very interesting and inspiring monthly articles. My most sincerest compliments to all the National officers for their fine work performed thru the years. Let us all hope that we as the National Board Committee and all the delegates to this National Convention rnake every effort to have a smooth and efficient convention. We must be sincere in our thinking and look forward to improve our organization. Let us make changes where changes are necessary, as we know these changes are for the betterment of the Slovenian Women’s Union. May God bless you all with good health and happiness. MARIE A. FLORYAN Vice President REPORT OF NATIONAL SECRETARY Esteemed Officers, Delegates and dear guests: With the greatest respect and love and confidence with which you have shown me in these three years, I stand today before you to announce our gain and hardships which we encounter daily for the endurance of Slovenian Women’s Union in America. Heartfelt thanks for the cooperation shown me in this great responsibility as National Secretary of this wonderful organization. Special thanks and obligation miist go to our Honorary President and Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland as she was during this first term, always available for her counsel, criticism and encouragement. Warmest gratitude I also owe to our Editor, Corinne Leskovar for her time and advice and conscientious endeavor for the betterment of our organization. Many, many thanks to all officers, auditors and especially our secretaries of each and every branch for their cooperation in their sisterly duties and responsibilities to help accomplish our goals together. As I find in these three years many trials and re-ponsibilities in performing my duties, I, myself, can’t help but wonder with what courage I encountered my work. The small flame of enthusiasm has grown into a bonfire and the rays from this bonfire has given me much strength for fulfilling my appointment. The wonderful words of Bishop Slomšek come to my mind many times, who said “Kdor hoče druge ogreti, mora sam goreti!” That is why I have confidence in his help, so that these rays and warmth would spread and would be seen and felt even in those branches that seem to have faded into the shadows in these years. Each day I am more convinced that we must not neg'ect our enthusiasm and have the feeling that “whatever will be, wili be’’. Never! How we will make things happen with our ability and God’s help is what really counts. Many questions come to my mind, for instance: Do I want to belong to a strong organization? How can I contribute to this strength? Everyone of us knows that we need more members. What have I done to help increase the membership? We hope that our will will preserve the fruitful future of our organization. To whom wiM we inherit this traditional work? Do our daughters and nieces and grandaughters feel that preservation of this tradition? Do we acquaint them of this what is sacred to us? Are our descendents proud of our parents and grandparents and are not ashamed to speak the mother tongue? As I work on the monthly reports, these thoughts go thru my mind and with a heavy heart, I cancel junior members as they reach their adult years. This is evidence of our insufficient support in this regard. Paying their membership dues didn’t mean anything if we couldn’t inflame them with the same spirit that was present in the organizers of the branches. We are gathered here today and hope that together we can discuss this issue and many others intelligently. We came to the Convention so that we can reach deep into the clear spring water and help our work to flourish. We must show the youngsters why they should love what is dear to us. What can we offer to interest them? The gift of membership and payment of dues evidently does not accomplish much. Where will this path lead us which to me, seems to be a very important chapter? This is why I have presented this subject before any other one as the first on the agenda. How we came about thus far is all known to us, but the question lies in the future of the organization as it is necessary to have constructive planning and cooperation in all phases if we are to succeed. Many of our members have reached their senior years and their contribution is smaller and our treasury should have some funds provided which would cover their insurance. If the flow of these funds becomes smaller, soon the dish will empty itself. What this merns is all clear to us. The answer to this is: We need new strength that will contribute to a worthwhile life and growth of the organization. For the time that I am reporting, we had three campaigns which had given us a total of 1,006 new members. The first Post-Convention Campaign was very successful with a total of 326 members written in. First place was earned by Wisconsin’s State President, Rose Kraemer. Second place was Chicago, Branch No. 2, and third place was Joliet with their conscientious secretary, Olg? Ancel. The most successful campaign was the 45th Anniversary Campaign with a total of 416 new members. The slogan of Mrs. Prisland, “each officer at least one member” was very worthwhile. Branch No., 2 was first to reach its goal and the end result had raised our branch No. 2 to first place. Second place went to Milwaukee, Branch No. 43, a great competitor for first place. Third place was Joliet again who participates in all events. The third campaign this year we slowed down a little, nonethless, gave it an appropriate title "Woman of the Year” which turned in the right direction of Duluth where abides our first auditor, Mrs. Anna Podgoršek. Our warmest congratulations in the name of all our members and I know that there is not a one that would not agree with my opinion. Our organization was invited and presented into the Fraternal Congress of Illinois. This is a step in the right direction. Branch No. 2, Chicago, has done the organization proud when it participated with all neighboring branches in the organizing of a concert in Chicago in February of this year. Publications had been written by those who love us and those who sometimes despise us. At least they wrote. Financial report for my term tells you how we managed. With less income and increased expenses, we managed to save precious funds which were urgently needed. My greatest respect to all of you and your work to help our funds grow and will continue thru the effort of all. All the details such as actuary, bookkeeping, investments, I have handled and these savings will enable us to reach our goals. Many invaluable experiences I have gained in these years. Friendships cannot be measured. All these things I have obtained thru my work and I recommend to you that I should continue the great expectations that my work holds dear as secretary of Slovenian Women’s Union of America. FINANCIAL REPORT FROM JULY 1, 1970 TO DEC. 31, ’72 INCOME: — DOHODKI: As:essment, Class A Assessment, Class B Assessment, Class Junior Socials Miscellaneous ASSESSMENT TOTAL Interest — Obresti Rental Income — Najemnina Proceeds from Cook Books Gain on Bonds Sold Miscellaneous — Razni dohodki State Tay Deposit TOTAL INCOME DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI Death Claims: Class A, 422 members $ 42,200 Class B, 48 members 9,600 Cltss, J’unior 4 members 400 TOTAL BENEFITS PAID ^52,200.00~ Zarja — The Dawn Salaries — plače Administration & Travel Real Estate Tax — Davek od poslopja F.I.C.A. TAX — Socialno zavarov Office Rent — najemnina pisarne Stationary — pisar, potrebščine Postage & Telephone — pošt. in telef. Actuarial Serivces in first half ’70 Fire Ins. — zav. pred požarom Accrued Interest — za obresti Fuel, Elect., Water — Kurj., luč in voda Secretary's awards — nagrade tajn. Bowling — keglanje House Repairs — hišna popravila $123,359.83 77,330.58 5,412.00 2,682.24 1,153.64 2,501.80 167.60 $212,607.69 .00 .00 .00 Convention Drawing books — srečke Miscellaneous — razni stroški Donations — darila cerkvam Campaign awards — nagr. za kamp. Unemployment tax — davek Fidelity Bond — obveznica State Tax Dep. — Državne takse Dept, of Ins. — Zavarov, zavod Cleaning — čiščenje Real Estate Depreciation TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS — skupno stroškov Income from July 1, 1970 to December 31, 1972 Disbursements — stroškov TOTAL GAIN Balance June 30, 1970 Balance, December 31, 1972 $ 49,327.07 32,391.67 19,072.94 1,835.39 1,651.72 2,250.00 1,309.44 1,712.06 500.00 434.00 2,169.38 1,382.55 1,226.60 666.50 706.68 456.00 1,772.65 642.25 364.50 224.66 275.00 89.52 137.00 100.00 500.00 $173,397.58 $212,607.69 173,397.58 $ 39,210.11 $527,922.06 567,132.17 $56,168.08 59,309.80 6,840.20 955.20 86.55 Gain — zvišanje premoženja $ 39,210.11 Respectfully submitted by National Secretary, FANIKA HUMAR NATIONAL TREASURER AND DIRECTOR OF WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES REPORT: Esteemed National officers assembled at this 16th Convention: My wish is that we will have a pleasant meeting and make important decisions for the welfare of our members and progress of our excellent organization. Our national secretary has given us the detailed financial account and I agree with her statement. The campaign is ended. Congratulations to all the diligent workers who enrolled many new members in spite of difficulties such work involves. Congratulations to Ann Podgoršek for becoming the Women of the Year. Although the bowling tournament is a thing of the past we did work during this spring to secure enough teams to go to Sheboygan, Wisconsin for our 37th annual midwest bowling tourney, where a good time was had by all. This year we had 32 teams, 36 sets of doubles and 72 singles, which was one of the largest tourneys held. I havte been active in many projects in our community and at the present time we are collecting Betty Crocker coupons to help get a bus for the retarded. The date has now been extended to December 31, 1973. Anyone interested can mail coupons to me. May this convention in our city most successful! ELIZABETH ZEFRAN FIRST AUDITOR’S REPORT Reverend Father Okorn, National Supreme Officers, delegates and friends. It is a pleasure to be with you all again, to meet with our old and new friends. Since our last convention we have lost through death, two of our Supreme Officers namely, Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary and Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer. Both held very important offices for many years, each worked hard for the success of Slovenian Women’s Union with sincerity and honesty. We miss them wry much, may God rest their souls. We are most fortunate to have such wonderful ne-plrcements. Fanika Humar as Supreme Secretary. Liz Zefran as Supreme Treasurer. Both are dedicated workers and are carrying on with their big task for the benefit of the membership. Zveza Day is held each year, hosted by one of our branches in the state, each one being more successfull than the previous one. Large attendances at the state meetings, followed by beautiful banquets and programs, climax a most satisfying day. In September of 1972, Ely branch hosted the delegation at which time our State President, Barbara Rosandich resigned her office and Angeline Karish was appointed to replace her. We owe Barbara much appreciation for many years of service and regret her retirement. We know Angeline is a wonderful replacement and will too do well in office. We hope and pray our founder Marie Prisland will be able to attend the board meetings for a long time as we need her guidance. Our beloved Zarja must be given a lot of recognition and praise. Corinne Leskovar, editor, does such a splendid job of making our magazine more attractive and with the help of Hermine Dicke, our Pots and Pans editor, the book is well accepted by everyone. I have always worked for the progress of our organization and our branch, signing up new members in most of the membership drives. I will continue to do so, if possible. With the closing of this convention I will resign my national board office of 15 years service. As Auditor, I have enjoyed every minute working with my two colleagues and the Supreme Board. I am sure my successor will do well. Thank you for your generosity and help in office. I also want to thank branch 2 for the wonderful arrangements and for the honor bestowed on me. It shall be in my memory forever. ANN PODGORŠEK AUDITING COMMITTEE REPORT Reverend Father Okorn, Honorary President. Marie Prisland, Supreme Officers, delegates, and guests of this 16th National Convention; My sincerest greetings to each and every one of you. May our convention be most successful and beneficial to the membership in these trying times. As your auditor and with my two collegues Ann Kompare and Jennie Feme, we have in these three years 1970, 1971, and 1972 examined the organization’s books and found all records in perfect order. Specifically we examined the Union's transaction, the editor’s account and the scholarship fund. All income sources were checked as were the disbursements, and vouchers were made out properly and according to procedure. Ledgers and records of our National Secretary Fanik? Humar and National Treasurer Liz Zefran were checked and verified. Each year the Auditing Committee visited the Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company in Chicago, and a thorough check of all bonds and other securities were made. All securities were accounted for according to the Union’s records. Needless to say, the Auditing Committee is extremely appreciative to our Secretary, Fanika Humar, for the excellent condition of our records. We the undersigned members of the Auditing Committee, hereby state that according to our review, the records of the three years of the Slovenian Women's Union, are correct. AUDITING COMMITTEE ANN PODGORŠEK ANN KOMPARE JENNIE FEMC REPORT OF 2nd AUDITOR Rev. Father Okorn, Honorary Pres. Mrs. Prisland, National Officers and delegates: As a member of the auditing comittee of the Slovenian Women’s Union, I extend my sincerest greetings to each and everyone of you. I am happy to be with you at this 16th Tri-ennial National Convention. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the Union as an Auditor the past six years. I am deeply grateful to the delegates of the 14th and 15th conventions who bestowed this honor upon me, and trust the membership has found that I have fulfilled the responsibilities and carried out the duties of this office to their complete satisfaction. Since the last convention and as per our by-laws, the National Board of Directors have met the last week of February of each year at the home office in Chicago, Illinois. At each Board meeting an annual examination and audit of all books and records of the Union was completed, also including a physical inventory of all bonds, stocks and certificates on deposit at the Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company. The audit completed on books and records were of our Nat’l Pres. Mrs.. Antonia Turek, Nat’l Sec'y. Mrs. Fanika Humar, Nat'l Treas. Mrs. Liz Zefran, Manager of Scholarship Fund, Mrs. Marie Prisland and Zarja’s Editor, Mrs Corinne Leskovar. At the conclusion of each Board meeting and audit, I have submitted a detailed report stating that we have found the status of the Slovenian Women’s Union in satisfactory order and a certified report submitted by the Auditing Committee was presented to the Executive Board which have been accepted and published in our minutes annually. At this time, I wish to express my sincere thanks anc appreciation to the National officers, especially Mrs. Fanika Humar, for their cooperation and commendable work at all sessions. At the 15th Tri-ennial convention in Euclid, Ohio, I had the privilege of serving as chairman of the Salary and Per Diem Committee and in the course of the past three years, have attended many functions of our local branches, was present at all annual lllinois-lndiana State Conventions, and attended several special meetings called by our Nat’l Secretary. In addition, attended regular meetings and participated in activities of my branch No. 95, in So. Chicago. In conclusion, may I congratulate all the delegates eiected to this 16th Convention, and through you, extend my sincerest greeting to our entire membership. May the good Lord guide us in our deliberations at mis convention for the betterment and continued progress of our Slovenian Women's Union. Respected submitted by: ANNE M. KOMPARE REPORT OF THIRD AUDITOR Greetings to spiritual advisor Rev. Okorn, honorary president Marie Prisland, president Antonia Turek, national officers and delegates. I was elected auditor at the 16th tri-ennial convention. I enjoyed auditing annually with my two colleagues Anr. Podgoršek and Ann Kompare, and other board members. They received me warmly and put me at ease. Our auditing work wasn’t too hard due to the efficient bookkeeping of secretary Humar. Our investment secretary 0!g2 Ancel is following in the foot steps of honorary president Marie Prisland and is investing money wisely. Editor Corinne Leskovar is doing a marvelous job with each issue of the Dawn. Each year she has to fight inflation with paper and labor costs going up. My husband enjoys Marie Prisland's Oh Ta Svet. Pots and Pans is very interesting. Branch 25 and I extend heartfelt sympathy to auditor Arin Podgoršek in the loss of her dear husband of 47 years. May he rest in peace and the Lord help Ann in her sorrow. Congratulations to Ann Podgoršek in being the Woman of the Year of the Slovenian Women’s Union. With her diligent work and personality she couldn’t miss. We wish her many more years of health and enjoyment with her branch 33 and Zveza. I just can’t help but write a few words about our branch 25 secretary Mary Otoničar. She is such a hard worker enrolling over 1300 members through the years. No one will ever pass her. She attends every funeral and says the rosary for the deceased sister. She also works hard for her church. I don’t know how she will ever be replaced. She was invited to the Convention but couldn’t make it, yet she is with us in spirit. Our combined branch meetings are well attended. Many ideas are discussed for the welfare of our branches. Branch 25 will celebrate its 45th anniversary October 14 with Mass at 11:45 at St. Vitus Church, afterwhich we will hold the Ohio-Michigan State Convention. At 4:00 a delicious dinner will be served. So get together and fill your cars and buses and come to help us celebrate. My sincere wish is that this convention will be a successful one. Respectfully submitted, JENNIE FEMC INVESTMENT SECRETARY Before I begin, I wish to say I’m very happy that my mother, the former National secretary, Josephine Erjavec, is attending this convention as a guest. It’s just wonderful that she was able to join our Joliet delegation, n?mely president Emma Planinšek and my sister Mildred Pucel. A review of our financial statements shows that oui Net Assets, which amount to $567,132.17, have increased $35,674.00 during the three-year period ending December 31, 1972. The primary factor for the increase was the $20,233.35 gain in dividends and interest received, which totaled $89,866.06 for the last three years. During the three year period January 1, 1970 to December 31, 1972, $108,313.74 was invested in U.S. Tieasury Bonds with an average interest rate of 6i%. These bonds replaced matured U.S. Treasury bonds having interest rates of 2i% to 5%. Investments in Public Utilities amounted to $39,830.22 and $62,050.00 in Catholic Bonds. $52,000.00 was withdrawn from Savings and Loan Associations and reinvested at a higher rate yield. Bonds and stocks redeemed or matured realized a gain of $1,444.00. However, all categories did not show gains, as in membership which shows a decrease of 181 adults and 52 juniors. The distribution of Funds by classes also shows that the Class A Fund has decreased. During the 3-year period a total of $51,000.00 was paid out for Class A death claims while only $30,015.00 was apportioned from the assesments received (20 cents of the 45 cents assessment). I recommend that prior to each convention we have an actuary prepare a report showing our solvency and financial status summary. My word was not always final where Zveza money should go. But I feel very strongly that excluding bonds it should be invested in banks and loan associations where our Slovenes, Croatians and other ethnic members have connections. This financial foundation was established by my predecessor Mrs. Marie Prisland with her original wise investments. The convention, I’m sure, realizes this fine financial position does not itself promote membership. At the rate membership decreased i-n the past three years, our financial status will be meaningless. I don’t mean we should "throw it to the winds”, but it should be invested wisely in junior activities and other group action that may be decided upon. My past three years as investment secretary were a schooling in investing. Discussions with our national secretary brought back to me my hard-working days as an assistant to my mother Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, who was the supreme secretary for thirteen years. My own Joliet branch was always an inspiring backer. As investment secretary and junior page contributor my family has always been cooperative, each in turn asking, giving and receiving help. My sincerest hope is that all of us here will act as a family — encouraging and cooperating — using all our patience, tact, diplomacy and Christian charity. OLGA ANCEL Investment Secretary Marie Prisland presented the following report: THREE YEAR STATISTICS Membership: Since last national convention 1009 new members were enrolled. Jan. 1, 1970 we had 8,068 regular members and 2,337 juniors, total 10,405 Jan. 1, 1973 we have 7,895 regular members and 2,253 juniors, total 10,148 Less 257 Mortality: Since last convention 512 members in Class A died, 57in Class B and 4 Juniors. Total 573. Gain: Astests Jan. 1, 1973 $567,132.17 Assests Jan. 1, 1970 $531,458.17 Gain in three years Interest received in three years Standing of Funds: Class A and Class B Funds Junior Department Fund Tctal Assests Jan. 1, 1973 $ 35,674.00 $ 90,956.58 $500,315.17 $ 66,817.00 $567,132.17 Remarks: — As you know Mrs. Fanika Humar is our new national secretary elected at the last convention, now concluding her first term. The former national secretary. Mrs. Albina Novak, has throughly instructed her successor as to the duties and the work in the Home Office enabling Mrs. Humar to become a capable and efficient officer. She also is an ardent campaigner. Since her admission into Zveza she has enrolled 115 new members. We greatly appreciate h'er efforts. A word of gratitude to Father Claude Okorn, our wonderful spiritual leader. His monthly messages, published in two languages in ZARJA, are master-piec’es and are road with deep feeling by all of us. The president thanked Mrs. Prisland for this special compilation. EDITOR'S REPORT Prior to her report Corinne Leskovar spoke of her work as chairman of the convention. The concelebrated — All Slovenian Mass — with those partaking stood for the many causes Slovenes and Zveza stand for. She deeply appreciated everyone’s cooperation in her branch for the successful culmination of the convention plans. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION 16th NATIONAL CONVENTION: EDITOR’S REPORT At this 16th National Convention of S.W.U. we will again signify many facets of the organization. In our effort to determine what the future plans should be we must first look on the past. In tire three years since the last National Meeting in Cleveland in 1970, Zarja underwent many changes with the times, with the different expressions of our members in their varied activities and technically, in the fact that it is now being printed at a new shop with somewhat a new look. With each issue, I try to keep Zarja more interesting and modern-looking. I am most proud, as I have always said, that so many members are interested in reporting with happy and news-worthy events of the branches as the main topic. This is what gives our publication substance. I hope we can work together with fullest cooperation. I have just completed the largest Zarja in history, with 64 pages plus covers in the May, 1973 issue, that combined Convention business, programs, special greetings and other matters tied to this event. Besides, we celebrated our mothers in a special section devoted to the annual Mother of the Year selection from the branches and had a particularly heavy amount of regular material us usual for the month of May. The large issue was made possible as a combination Convention Program Book and regular Zarja by the cooperation of the hostees branch of this Convention, Br. 2, Chicago. They agreed to my suggestion for this and contributed the cost of 29 pages which comprise the entire Convention portion. Therefore, Zarja's cost was shared and it gave us a chance to try again something new to please the members. I hope you will take some extra copies with you to pass out to prospective members. It has been my pleasure to work as your Editor for over 20 years and it is still a challenging and enjoyable work for me. My sincere thanks to the members of Ohio branches for remembering this occasion and presenting me a plaque in its observance last fall. The most important report I have to make is that Zarja’s costs are not expected to rise as far as we can tell as the manager of the Croatian Franciscan Fathers’ F’ress, Fr. Celestin has stated that we should be able to continue at the present rate. As you will remember, we were forced to change printers shortly after the last convention without much expectation or preparation for this move. Now, however, I believe it was for the best as I have a fine working relationship with the staff of the new printing shop and there is no reason to expect a change. Advertisements printed on a reguar basis in Zarja are not being printed free of charge or at a lesser cost than they are charged. With raises in ad rates that went intc effect last July, our monthly advertisements completely paid for themselves in 1972 and will in 1973. Many of our advertisers are with us for many years but still maintain their loyalty and accept raises in cost very graciously. The proposal to increase the amount of advertising to pay for other pages is a good idea and I hope that in the future this also might be implemented in the financial structure. At this time, however, I do feel that we are operating the management and printing of Zarja in the most economical and prudent way. May I repeat my warm wishes to you all and hopes that we can continue working together as well in the future as in the past. I look forward to doing greater things with your cooperation, and the same spirit and energy you have shown in the activities performed as good members of Zveza. Thank you very much. CORINNE LESKOVAR * * # Following the editor’s report, the convention body extended her a standing ovation and vote of thanks for her fine, exceptional convention chairmanship. The morning session adjourned for the noon luncheon during which Zveza movies of the late 30’s and early 40's were shown by Corinne Leskovar. The afternoon session commenced at 1:30 with the reading of greetings by Fanika Humar: Rudy Pucel and Sons, Joliet; Illinois Federation of KSKJ Societies — Rudolph J. Pucel president, Frank Dolence Vice-President, Edward J. Kucic secretary and J'oseph Zorc treasurer; Josephine Gostisha and Mary J. Kameen, Forest City, Pa.; Branch No. 17, West Allis, Wis.; Branch No. 14, Euclid, Ohio; Rose Scoff, State President of California-Oregon, Washington and abstentee delegate; Stanley P. Zupan, Assistant vice-president St. Clair Savings and Loan, Cleveland, Ohio; Mary Otoničar, secretary Branch No. 25 and former auditor; Evelyn L. Tome, Branch No. 2, Chicago; Olga Saye, president branch No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., Josephine Muster, former National Treasurer, Joliet; Branch No. 96, Universal, Pa.; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Koste-lec, Kansas City, Kans.; Mary Stusek, Branch No. 49, Wickliffe, Ohio; Anna Pachak, State President Colorado-Kansas-Missouri; Rev., Joseph Varga, Postulator for the Cause of Bishop Slomšek, Cleveland, Ohio; Mary Lenich, secretary Branch No. 19, Eveleth, Minn., former national auditor and absentee delegate; special congratulations to Woman of the Year Ann Podgoršek from son Bill, son Bob, daughter-in-law- Durie, grandchildren; pals Fran and Liz, brothers and sisters-in-law and Branch No. 33, Duluth, Minn. The report of the Scholarship Committee secretary and Pats & Pans editor, Hermine Dicke, was read by her mom, Mrs. Prisland. To: Officers and delegates to the 16th convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union: From: Hermine Dicke. I regret that I am unable to attend the convention. Our daughter, Kathy, a voice major at the university, had been asked by the director of the Madison Diocesan Choir to join the group during their musical tour of Southern Frances where they will perform in cathedrals and churches. My husband and I were delighted that Kathy asked us to join the group with h'er. We will spend two days in Lourdes where I will remember you in my prayers. With best wishes for a meaningful and successful convention. Cordially, HERMINE DICKE REPORT ON SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM TO THE OFFICERS AND DELEGATES: The Slovenian Women’s Union is to b"1 commended for its scholarship program which recognizes its outstanding young scholars. These scholarship winners have the ability to compete effectively with students in any of the colleges and universities. Their scholastic performance, ideas and accomplishments are revealed and supported through this program giving the organization deeper meaning and purpose. Since several members have inquired about the process for selecting scholarship winners, I would like to report to you the procedure: In January, February and March the secretary of the committee writes an article for Zarja inviting high school graduating students to participate by, first of all, requesting an application form. This states that members are eligible for scholarships who are: 1. Graduating high school seniors. 2. Are members for at least 3 years, and in the case of a male student that his mother is a member for at least three years and in the event of her death that thng. Make someone happy now — today. Does wonders for the spirit. Help....Help if you are behind in your dues, do help our secretary and get them In order. Again do help to get new members. "Take each day and make the most of it, each and every day.” Would also like to wish all the Supreme Officers a happy summer! God Bless and Reward You All. FLORENCE BURGER Reporter No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our last meeting was on May 9th at which time we honored our Mother of the Year, Rose Kragely. A corsage and gift were presented to her from our group. Rose and her daughter, Betty Zallar, served us a nice lunch and a verse was read to her “What is a Mother”, presented by the Recording Secretary Stephanie Polutnik. Congratulations again, Rose. Among us was a long-time member, formerly from, Lorain and now living in Florida, Mrs. Strukly. It was very nice to see her again and we hope to see her again soon. Good wishes and happy birthday to all the ladies celebrating birthdays in May, June, July and August. A special congratulations to all May communicants. Our own two granddaughters, Connie Bucher from North Olmsted and Theresa Varas from Willard, Ohio both received their first Holy Communion. To all the graduates this June, congratulations and good luck in the future. To our nephews, Myron and Glen Uehlein, son of Milo and Albina Uehlein, (our vice-president) and grandma Agnes Jancar (president), congratulations as graduates from Akron University. Again we have lost a long-time member, Mrs. Frances Dougan, age 55. She had been ill for seven years and being cared for by a daughter, Carolyn Pandy and her husband, Ernest. To her and husband and all the families, our sincere sympathy and may she rest in peace. She will be missed by all the members. To our sick members, a speedy recovery and may God bless you all. My husband, Bill and I wish to thank all the family and friends for all the beautiful cards and gifts received on our 35th weddjng anniversary. ■ T } Wishing all our members good health during the summer months, wherever you are traveling and a safe journey. Ladies, please attend our meetings often — it’s nice to see more and you will enjoy our meetings. AGNES BUCHER No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WISC. The May dinner meeting was held at Rebernisek’s Club 36. There were 60 members present. The food was fabulous and prepared by our member Sophie Rifelj, who also does catering at Rebernrek’s. The meeting was short as all the important items for the National Convention were discussed before. Our Mother of the Year, Fany Cerar was the important "lady” for the dinner meeting. She was presented with a corsage; her grandson had the honor of pinning it on her. She also received 2 beautiful mother olaoues donated bv the branch. Mitzi Mohorko and her friend made the plaoue which looked like china, with her name engraved and also "Mother of the Year 1973” and also a picture of a mother on it. It was a masterpiece. The other plaque had a verse saying "God can’t always be everywhere, so he invented Mothers”. Ann Rebernisek also received a Mother's Plaque for all the great favors she has done for our branch and members. Her husband, John, is always on the ball, giving suggestions and soling tickets. We admire and respect these two folks and thank them for all their gracious help thru the years. After the presentation a social time was held for our Mother of the Year and our June, July and August birthday gals. We played "B”, and each member went home with a prize. At the National Convention our branch presented our founder and honorary President Marie Prisland with 46 new juvenile members. Thanks to our president, Mary Tratnik, who did a wonderful job in obtaining and helping me in this venture. Also Rose Zupančič and Caroline Jackows-ki. Members, please bear in mind We are not only a social organization but a growing organization. It’s up to each and every member to keep enrolling new members. We need new and young blood for the future of this great organization. Best wishes and happiness, wishing you cheer, wishing you the best everyday of the year. These are the wishes for our June, July and August celebrants. The June birthdays are Rose Mavko, Darinki Ozbolt, Christine Rebernisek, Paula Behling, Rose Lee Kraemer, Evelyn Schommer, Mary Bruno, Antonia Velkovrh, Fran Zartz, Josephine Strukel, Mary Wichgers, Mary Konowalski, Dolores Talaska, Ann Hren, Ann Schultz, Anne Gog-gins, Amelia Zefran, Florence Gene-reau, Mary Hoffarth and one male, Tod Kouchich. In July, Dolores Walter, Amanda Esperes, Rita Pipla, Karen Giuffre, Ann Konczal, Ann Hiller, Anne Szcz-ney, Marsha Frangesh, Ann Weisel-man and one male member Paul Piacentine. In August, Jeannette Shmanz, Mary Jo Golanski, Marlene Serj, Frances Chapman, Elaine Krek-low, Joyce Zawershnik, Rose Vodnik, Pat Howe, Mary Mernik, Mary Bush-nik, Esther Schmitz, Kate Spende. Donalyn Walsh, graduated from the University 'of Wisconsin with a Master of Science degree in social philsophical foundations of education. Donalyn is the daughter of our president, Mary Tratnik and Albert Tratnik. Mitzi Mohorko’s husband John has been hospitalized and had surgery and is now recuperating up north in their cottage. Mitzi is also a hard worker for our branch and will take charge of the league bowling this fall. Elsie Gallun, (our sausage lady) had eye surgery and also is coming along well. Helen Rudzinski is at St. Luke’s for different xrays and examinations. To all our sick and shut-in members a speedy recovery. You are missed and thought about; all members are wishing you’ll soon be up anrl out. To all our vacationers, may you have a safe and happy journey and especially Mrs. Amalia Fritzel who is planing to visit re'at'ves in Europe. I am unhappy to report that we iost our first juvenile member who passed away recently. She is little Krystyn Konowalski, who was 4 years old and was hospitalized for several months. With sincerest sympathy in your sorrow, to the parents, Mr. & Mrs. Konowalski, grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Siehafer and great grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marolt. Little Krystyn earned her way to heaven with all her suffering. May God bless her. St. John the Evangelist Parish is having their summer festival August 4 and 5th. The:e are loads of booths, and also loads of winners, music, ate. If you haven't purchased your ticket call me, as I have them. The Wisconsin S'ate Convention 45th Anniversary of Branch 17 in West Allis will he held on September 23rd, in West Allis. Tickets are avail-ab'e from yo,fr branch secretaries. Our hostesses are preparing for an outstanding event so let’s have a great attendance. In closinp, have nice fourth of July. ROSE KRAMER Sec. P.S. No meetings in July and August. We’ll resume meetings Sept. 6th at the Lily Club, 7:30 p.m. MOTHER OF THE YEAR RECOGNIZED AT RR. 47 Mrs. Stephanie Stella Mahnic is the chosen Mother of the Year of Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio. She resides at 10305 Reno Ave. in Cleveland and was born Dec.. 24, 1906 at the village of Slivje in Slovenian Primorje region. Her first husband passed on in 1936 and she lest htr second husband in 1950, new widowed 23 years. Mrs. Mahnic is so proud of her only son, Harold S. Rojec who lives in Denver, Colo, with his wife, Hildegarde and their three children, Vickie, Mark and Sherri. Mrs. Mahnic is a member of many organizations and was the recipient of the Woman of the Year award in 1972 from the Slovene Federal Home on Prince Ave. In 1960 she was happy to visit her son and family when they were living in Alaska and she has traveled to Europe a number of times to visit relatives. Not only a very willing worker, she is a good singer and actress in many of the presentations performed at the Slovenian Home thru the years. At branch 47, she is a member of the auditing committee. Her cheerful disposition and friendliness is an asset to Br. 47 — so that just her presence in the group makes you want to "sing and be happy", say the members. God b'ess her and keep her happy for many years to come! REPORTER Hermine Prlsland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 pip and * • * . It’s pickling time! Mrs. Victoria Sup-panchick of Br. No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. and Mrs. Frances Blatnik of Br. No. 33, Duluth, Minnesota have given us their excellent pickle recipes which hopefully you will try and enjoy. Mrs. Mary Starich of Br. No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.; suggests PECAN-PUDDING TORTE for a special dessert. BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES (from Mrs. Frances Blatnik) 4 quarts sliced cucumbers 6 medium white onions, sliced 1 green pepper 1 sweet red pepper 3 cloves of garlic 1/3 cup salt 3 cups distilled vinegar, white 5 cups sugar 14 teaspoon turmeric li teaspoon celery seed 2 tablespoons mustard seed METHOD: Wash cucumbers; slice thin. Add sliced onions, peppers cut in narrow strips and the whole cloves of garlic. Sprinkle salt over layers as you work. Mix in a tray full of ice cubes through the pickles. Put another tray full on top. Let stand three hours; you may need more ice. Drain cucumbers thoroughly. Discard iced salt water. It’s a good idea to divide pickles in two batches — keeps crispness and green color. Combine vinegar, sugar and spices; pour over cucumber slices. Heat just to boiling and that is all the cooking required. Seal and pack in jars. PICKLED BEETS AND MARIE’S SWEET CHUNK PICKLES WITH A DILL FLAVOR (from Mrs. Suppanchick) 4 quarts small beets 3 cups cider vinegar 2 cups water 2J cups sugar 2 teaspoons allspice 1 stick cinnamon i teaspoon whole cloves 1 teaspoon salt Wash and cook beets with about 1 inch root remaining until just tender. Slip off skins. Combine vinegar, water, sugar, spices and salt. Bring to a boil and simmer 15 minutes. Add the cooked beets and simmer 5 minutes longer. Pack the beets into hot sterilized jars. Bring the syrup to a boil, then pour over beets. If additional liquid is needed to cover beets, add hot vinegar. Seal immediately. MARIE’S SWEET CHUNK PICKLES WITH A DILL FLAVOR 1 gallon of medium sized cucumbers 9 cups of water 1 cup salt 1 quart of water 1 quart of vinegar £ teaspoon mustard seed Sprig of dill 1 teaspoon celery seed, if desired 4 cups sugar 2£ cups water 2i cups vinegar Scrub medium sized cucumbers; cut them in one-inch chunk's (do not slice). Measure 9 cups of water and 1 cup salt; cover cucumber chunks with this salt solution and let stand overnight. In the morning drain and take 1 quart of water and 1 quart vinegar letting this come to a boil. Pour it over the cucumbers and let boil until pickles change color. Take pan off the fire and drain. Place the cucumbers in jars and in each jar put i teaspoon mustard seed, a sprig of dill and 1 teaspoon celery seed (if you like). Now make a syrup of 4 cups sugar, 2\ cups water and 2J cup vinegar. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes and pour it boiling hot over the pickles. Seal the jars tightly and let stand at least two weeks. *** Mrs. Mary Starich enjoyed the CREAM SUPREME TORTE published in the March 1973 issue. She used Pineapple Instant Pudding and topped the torte with pineapple fruit. She has an equally delicious recipe in PECAN PUDDING TORTE. PECAN PUDDING TORTE (from Mrs. Starich) Step 1: 1 cup flour £ cup butter or oleo h cup chopped pecans Put all ingredients into a bowl and mix with a pie cutter. Put the dough in the bottom of an ungreased torte pan pressing it out evenly then working it up along the sides. Bake 15 minutes at 375 degrees. Step 2: 1 cup Cool Whip 1 cup powdered sugar 1 8 oz. package cream cheese Beat until fluffy. Then spread over baked and cooled crust. Step 3: 2 packages French Vanilla Instant Pudding (other flavor if desired) 3 cups milk Beat until thick and spread over cheese mixture. Top with Cool Whip and sprinkle with chopped pecans. Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight. • ** PASTIME: According to Prof. Stampfl of business and consumer sciences of the University of Wisconsin and Bess Myerson, national consumer specialist, here's how to cut down on food prices: 1. Cut down on impulse buying by planning purchases carefully and sticking to a shopping list. 2. Shop no oftener than once a week since records show that several trips a week increases the cost an average of 15% since you are tempted more frequently. 3. Let the smartest shopper in the family, "either Mother or Dad” do the shopping and without the children. 4. Resist gourmet food and snacks. 5. Purchase house brands of proven quality. 6. Buy such items as milk, pop, and beer in returnable containers. These are priced lower. 7. Stay away from convenience foods, such as TV dinners, presugared cereal. TV dinners can be made from leftovers, using any trays saved. 8. Buy non-food supplies from stores other than supermarkets, by going to a drugstore for drugs, a clothing store for clothes, a record shop for LPs, and the like, when and where the prices are lower. 9. Study unit pricing, the price of food items per ounce, for the best buys. 10. Shop specials, but keeping in mind it is unwise to shop from one store to another. In addition to your time, it costs at least 10 cents a mile to use the car, too. 11. Check larger supermarkets since the greater the volume of business the greater the break on prices. 12. Buy in bulk whenever possible, stocking up during sales. 13. Watch clerk at check-out counter especially on “sale” items which are not always marked. 14. Eat before you shop. You’re likely to spend more otherwise. Happy canning, pickling, freezing and picnicing. HERMINE 4- Top: Hard-working officers of Br. 56 enjoyed the party, too, namely: Agnes Barkis, Vice-President, Amelia Domen, Recording Secretary, Mary Meadows, Financial Secretary, Catherine Marolt, Treasurer and Rose Maras, Pres. Left: Mother of the Year, Mary Putzel and Br. 56, president, Rose Maras at the Branch’s Mothers Day party. ▼ ▼ T T ▼ T '"f No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our Mother's Day celebration for Mary Petrie was attended and enjoyed by 70 members with applause for a wonderful and generous person whose beauty comes from within her understanding heart. We welcome Ruth Kolenc, a new member. A few bouquets: for the energetic, hardworking, cooperative group under the leadership of Ann Hočevar with whom I serve. We ail try to make each meeting an enjoyable affair plus our business at hand. I thank God for guiding us. First, with many new members — second, for the thoughtful members constantly planning and giving freely their precious time for crocheting, baking, floral arranging and useful assorted gift making each month, gladly and sincerely. Our president, Ann, with her new ideas is trying so hard to please each and everyone. Our vice-president, Jane Novak, quiet but reliable, always thinking and helping our president with an executive ability we need. Our new Secretary-treasurer, Irene Jagodnik, who has done an excellent job in her category. Yours truly, S. Koplan, trying to write to the best of my ability and to inform our other branches of our activities. But, without the members' enthusiastic response and TOni Turek's and Frances Sietz's informative procedures, we would not have this marvelous togetherness. A few names — no offence, if I can’t write them all as it would take a full page of Zarja! Mary Perusek — always willing to help; Jean Tomsic — our Potica Queen and floral arranger; Mary ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Chesnik — serving beautiful gifts; our famous hostesses and sisters, Mary Petrie, chocheting gifts, always giving and earning every honor she receives; Vicki Pianecki, thoughtful, kind, considerate and Ann Kristoff, soprano for the Choral Group and a real helping hand! Thank you to our “three sisters” Mary, Ann and Vicki. Your generous monetary gift given to our branch was beyond our highest expectations and even thank you’s don’t seem sufficient for your charitable contributions! God bless you all three! A reminder that our outdoor picnic is almost here. At Albina Ulle's home at 640 East 250th St., Euclid, Ohio on August 7th, a Tuesday. It’s across from the Christian Science Church. Congratulations to Anne Podgoršek for earning the title, Woman of the Year of S.W.U. We are proud of you. Happy birthday to all in July and August — also, anniversary congratulations to our members. Happy summertime dispersed with exciting vacations in the USA or abroad. May the Lord watch over all of us. SOPHIE KOPLAN ▼ ▼ T^r T T 1 Then our social began and hostessing the evening were sisters. Ann Nel-mark, Patricia Mancuso, Margaret Pogorels and Veronica Krizmanich. They served a delicious lunch. Card games were played and honors were awarded to the following sisters: Bridge, Rose Chiodi, Mary Techar; Smear, Tresa Montcalm; Dorothy Russo, J'ennie Crea, Ann Roberts; “B” Josephine Oswald, Pauline Germe. Door prize was awarded to Patty Jer-kovich. This brought a very delightful evening to a close. We hope and pray that you will all have a very cheerful summer and we will be looking forward to seeing you all when we resume our meeting again the first Wednesday of Sept. We also take time out to offer our deepest sympathy to Sister Julia Mancuso who has lost her dearly beloved Mother. We all now how it feels when one loses a dear one. But we pray that in knowing how we all feel, your loss is shared. Her burdens are lifted and placed at the right hand of God. May her soul and all souls of our faithful departed rest in peace. We sure hope and pray that you all will return safely and we wil meet again. Yours truly. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR Reporter No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. June was the last meeting for the season until our Sept. meeting. The meeting was brief. There were two sick members who were in the Hib-bing G'eenral Hospital, sisters Frances Jerkovich and Mary Lucenti, who we pray will soon be on the road to recovery. And, to all our sick members we wish you God’s speed to a rapid recovery. We concluded our meeting with a prayer by our president, Josephine Oswald. No. 57, NILES, OHIO Our Mother’s day dinner was held at the American Legion Hall. 43 members and guests attended. Our Mother of the Year, Ann Tarr was presented a gift by Frances Yerman, our President. The door prize donated by Mary Moler was won by Rebecca Trotogot. New members pay slight assessment increase as follows: , ' CLASS A: .50 per month ' CLASS B: .80 per month ' JUNIORS: .10 per month SOCIAL MEMBERS: $4.00 per year , There is no raise in assessment for presently enrolled members! Adult Members enrolled in this campaign will pay .5 more ' per month; social members pay $4 per year (.40 remains in ■ . branch treasury and $3.60 is sent to Home Office for Zarja.) ' . Cash Prizes for all Workers in This Campaign! * Ends Dec. 31, 1973! , Let’s increase our ranks! Do your part! Enroll New Members! < ' 4 ill il» «•» »I« ■>» if i^i if i‘ ,ir *ii I' two little ones, Mrs. Putzel was selected for this honor by her sister members who claim it is "much deserved!” (See photos). She receive a gift and ribbon corsage from the branch and other gifts of affection from her family. The program for their Mothers Day tribute was carried on by Mrs. G. Spolarich of Keewatin and her dughter, Bobbi Jo, who played selections in Slovenian and Croatian. President, Rose Maras read the poem, "A Mother is God’s Gift”. Hostesses were Mary Puhek, Theresa Hattam, Rose Vukich, Angela and Dolores Passino, Ann Yeshe, Mary Bissonette, Frances Bozich, Frances Fiori, Ann Homa, Mary Gruden, Mary Meadows, and Mary Massich. After the meeting, the members remembered in prayer the passing of their long time member, Mrs. Mary Satovich. A gift was presented to past president, Ann Satovich and prizes were given to Dorothy Oberstar, jackpot prize and Katie Philipich, door Prize. We meet next in September with hostess: Ann Satovich, Eva Hangmon, Mary Putzel, Catherine Marino and Mary Drobnik. See you then. ROSE MARAS Pres. MOTHER HONORED WITH TOKENS OF LOVE The members of Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn, have a special feeling for their Mothter of the Year, Mary Putzel whom their honored at the May meeting. As the mother of seven children, grandma to 15 and great grandma to Later in the evening games were Played. We welcome our n'ew member Julia Yacob into our club. I hear Louise Matayko is planning a trip to Jugoslavija in the near future. I know you'll have a grand time and a nice trip. We are planning a picnic at Wadell Park for July; I know every °n'e will have a very good time. Hope we have a big turn out. So will see you at the Aug. meeting. Hope every one has a nice vacation. Hoping Mary Stuncher is feeling niuch better; also Barbara Ftere. MARY MOLER Rept. No. 71, STRABANE, PA. Coming back from the Convention leaves me with many wonderful mem-°ries. Everything was very 'enjoyable and the most inspiring was meeting so many sisters from all over the country. I thank the members of my branch for electing me as delegate so that I had the opportunity to meet so many old and new friends in Chicago. When I returned, I found my little grandson ill and in the hospital. He is fine now so we are thankful and happy once again. He is the son of my son, Bill and his wife, Bertha who have 2 boys and 2 girls in their family. We extend our sincere congratulations to Mr., & Mrs. Anthony Bevec on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. She is a dear member. We are sorry to report the loss of two long time members, Mrs. Mary Kirn and Mrs. Mary Chesnic. God bless them and gran them eternal peace., Our sympathy to the families. Once again, my thanks to the committee and hostesses of the 16th National Convention for their excellent work and most successful arrangements. LUCILLE SMITH Secretary No. 72, PULLMAN, ILL. Our last meeting was at Mrs. Arko’s home, and we thank her for her hospitality and the nice afternoon we spent there. Our next meeting will be at the home of Stephy Sheehy, 722 East 158th St., South Holland, on Sunday September 16th. Please mark this date on your calendar and let us have a nice get together. Our three sick membes who were recently hospitalized are now recuperating at home. They are Mrs. Andol-shek, Mrs. Bezlaj and Mrs. Centa. I am sure they would be happy to hear from you. To these sick members, and to all our other ailing members, we always pray for you and hope you will be well soon. Margaret Vrhovnik and I attended some of the affairs and meetings of the Convention, and we want to extend our thanks to the committees for the beautiful job they have done to make this Convention a success. Saturday night i*n Lemont was a night we won’t forget — first the lovely dinner the Nuns prepared for us — then the procession to the Grotto and the singing at the Grotto are memories to cherish always. And of course Sunday’s Mass at St. Stephen’s was most beautiful. At this time we want to thank Branch No. 2 for the wonedrful dinner they treated us to after Mass. The food was so very very delicious, we enjoyed it tremendously, and again we thank you, No. 2. WILMA ZAGAR, Reporter No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, HGTS, O. Our annual combiation Pot Luck Dinner and recognition of Mother of the Year, was as always a huge suc-ces, with Gloria Dusek — Mother of the Year — very thoroughly surprised and shed tears of happiness. She was presented with a lovely orchid corsage and a very beautiful body shirt (sometimes called a body blouse), i'n light blue, one of her favorite colors. Gloria's Mother and sister who were invited but unable to attend, sent a beautiful floral piece which was used as one of our table decorations. As usual the variety of cooked foods and bakery were delicious, and an enjoyable evening was had by all. During our meeting held after our dinner, we were advised by our President, that a committee was working on plans for our annual "Surprise Mystery Trip” usually held the latter part of June, as our branch does not have any meetings during July and August. Plans for a mystery trip last year were curtailed due to the fact that so many of our members were planning early vacations. At our month of June meeting, we were to be advised what date the trip will be held. Since this article won't be published until in the combined July-August edition, We are hoping that some of our inactive members who do attend this affair will remember to get in touch with one of the officers regarding same. Sorry to report that our Secretary, Louise Epley, who was to be our delegate to the National Convention, entered the hospital just one week prior, and after innumerable tests surgery was performed. At this writing, Louise is still in the hospital, but will be returning home shortly. Louise was naturally very disappointed about not being able to attend the convention, but naturally one’s health comes first. Pauline Svette, our alternate delegate attended and will give us a full report at our next meeting. We all wish Louise a speedy recovery. We were very sorry to hear that member Cleo Eble’s Mother passed away recently. Our heartfelt sympathy to you Cleo and the rest of your family due to the loss of your beloved Mother. With the terrific amount of rain we have had the past month or six weeks, this has slowed down our gardeners pretty much, so when the weather becomes more suitable for outside work, don’t try to overdo — as tomorrow is another day. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 77, NORTH SIDE, PITTSBURGH, PA. May 9th was our Anniversary gathering, many came to help us celebrate by playing our favorite game. We had a lovely array of gifts for our winners. Our room at St. Mary’s Lyceum was filled with happy chatter of our "old” friends! Those attending were Mrs. Chrnart, Mrs. Conway, Mrs. Baznik, Mrs. Feme, Mrs. Filak, Mrs. Fortun, Mrs. Gramc, Mrs. Marinzel, Mrs. Pfecjak, Mrs. Srsich, Mrs. Strauss, Mrs. Yardis, Mrs. Zopank and one of our Junior members (and my lovely daughter) Maureen Murphey. The evening came to a great and delicious ending with everyone enjoying coffee and potica. I arrived at our gathering in time to eat because I had three meetings at our parish. I was sorry about missing the fun and games. When I saw all the women who had been at our gathering I was very pleased. All the officers hope to see you again at our October meeting. Hope the summer months are enjoyable ones for each of you. For our ill members, we pray that God will return good health to you. Please remember the reposed souls of deceased members and their families in your prayers. See you all October 10th! BETTY ANN MURPHY President No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. We held our regular meeting with 14 members attending. Four guests also joined us for the social hour that followed our routine business. A decision was made to have a pot luck supper in the fall. We also decided to hold meetings throughout the summer. A prayer was offered for our deceased and sick members. Winning prizes in Cards were Christine Meyer in Bridge and a guest, Mrs. George Gustafson won in Canasta. Another guest, Mrs. Sylvia Rehbein won the Cut prize. Mrs. Edna Gangl and Mrs. Joe Gangl served a delicious dessert lunch. We all hope everyone has a safe and happy and most of all a healthful summer. ANNA MAZAR No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. There’s an aura of pride and informal gaiety when 56 members, eight guests and relatives attended the crowning ceremonies of the Mother of the Year, Helene Golich and our outgoing Mother, Matilda Turica. Yours truly presided and presented Helene with a ceramic plate. Mmes. Virginia Kwiatkowski, Irene Evans, Emma Yergovich and Evelyn Driscoll were in charge of the festivities. Virginia Kwiatkowski's clever flower arrangement of carnations was imaginatively used to decorate the tables, and as each member arrived she was pinned with a carnation by Virginia. All the credit goes to the following ladies who have donated the goodies: Julie Hansen, Mary Malcich, Lou Nosich, Madline Zart, Mayme Holmes, Inez Carney, Francis Radosevich Ann Granich, Ann Nelson, Bernice Morrison, Helen Chorak, Anka Nagoda, Mary Jurko, Rose Kmeta, Ann Pave, Frances Seabloom, Irene Evans, Emma Yergovich, Virginia Kwiatkowski, Helen Price, Helen Hoff, Ann Hlacar, Sophie Barbich, Matilda Turica, Ann Kompare, Helen Golich, Evelyn Driscoll, Mildred Poropat, Barbara and Mary Ann Sambol, Mary Perkovich, (Exchge) Amelia Cuzella, Mary Ann Taporis, Chestra Graezyk, Michaelene Pujdak, Marge Innis, Shirley Duich, and Yours-truly. These are the very same ladies who always just spill over with their generousity, for this I am very grateful. Cash by the following: (2) Ann Ser-tich, Chestra Plebanski, and Matilda Turica, (1) Regina Buchanan and Mary Brozovich. Birthday Greetings to the following celebrating in July: Mary Perkovich (Exchge) Sylvia Werner, Matilda Grepo, Madeline Tivador, Mary Ann Brezene, Anna Longar, Marge Krmpo-tic, Ann Matesevec, (Cal) Mary Pos-sedi, Mary Faron, Rosemarie Grafrath, Milka Miljak, Anna Sabljak, Louise Dichelle, Ann Polancic, and Manda Nosich. August Birthdays: Anna Plesha, Matilda Martin, Rose Dosen, Ann Kompare, Bernice Golden, Anna Kuehl, Rose Ballock, Genevieve Ross, Emma Yergovich, Olga Krmpotic, Eva Mlina-rich, Anna Nagoda, Mildred Poropat, Mary Matijevich, Lucille Nosich, Rose Winters, Evelyn McNulty, Mary Zelenika, and Matilda Stevens. In conclusion: Have a healthy and relaxed summer! See all of you when we resume our meeting, September 5th. God Bless you all! MILDRED JAMES No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Here is a bouquet of roses to all my dear friends who surprised me with a personal shower. It will be a day I shall never forget. Amidst the tears and laughter, I felt as if my hear would burst with happiness. I thank each of you so much. In spite of the rain we had a good attendance and our gracious and lovely hostess, Fulvia served a delicious lunch. Her cheese cake is out of this world. To top if off, yours truly, won both hostess prizes which were lovely china cups and saucers. Our Mother’s Day dinner was very nice and every one enjoyed a night out. Our Mother of the Year, Anne Perhay, looked radiant as did the rest of our girls. Our next meeting will be held in September. More on this later. Please remember our ailing members in your prayers. May you all enjoy a happy and safe summer.. May God watch over each and everyone of you. ANN SENKO MARY PRISLAND OH, TA SVET Šestnajsta redna narodna konvencija Slovenske Ženske Zveze je za nami. Vršila se je v Bismarck hotelu v Chicagu, torej v mestu, kjer je pred 46 leti bila rojena naš£ organizacija. V hotelu je bilo za naše udobje vse lepo urejeno, zakar smo hvaležne konvenčnemu odboru, ki so ga tvorile: Corinne Leskovar, Fanika Humar, Elizabeta Zefran in Mamie Muller. Veliko razmišljanja, dela, potov in napora je bilo treba doprinesti preden se je vse uredilo, šlo pa je kot "po žnorci”. V nedeljo, 20. maja, je bil v hotelu prirejen banket s programom, ki bo vsem nam ostal v prijetnem spominu. Pevski zbor THE DAWN iz Clevelanda, ki sestoji iz 32 Zvezinih članic, je pod vodstvom prof. Gorenšeka dovršeno in čuteče pel priljubljene slovenske pesmi med njimi tisto lepo “Tam na vrtni gredi”. Mladinski zbor, 30 otrok — od 6 do 12 let — ki ga poučuje naša glavna tajnica gospa Fanika Humar, je pel z vso svojo mlado dušo. V srce se nam je vtisnil. Deklamacija gdč. Magdiče Simrajh je bila pomenljiva in prisrčna. Glavni govornik dr. Joseph M. Bernik, podpredsednik in generalni pravni svetovalec velike mednarodne firme Abbott Universal, Ltd., je v vzneše-nili besedah povdarjal vrednoto narodnega dela naše Zveze. V dvorano so prišle debutantke v spremstvu svojih očetov. V krasnih oblekah s slovenskimi šopki v rokah so izvajale lepe vaje dokler se jim niso za ples pridružili njih mladi prijatelji. Na banketu me je čikaška podružnica presenetila z bogatim darilom EN TISOČ DOLARJEV za šolninski sklad. Dvakrat sem denarno nakaznico pogledala, da vidim, če so številke res prave. Tako visoke vsote ni prispevala še nobena podružnica. Temu darilu se je na konvenciji pridružilo še $500.00 od izkupička ročnih del in drugih stvari ter $535.00, darila v denarju od glavnih odbornic in delegatk. Skupno torej $2,035.00. (Podrobno je omenjeno v angleški koloni CAPSULES). Za vse prispevke se toplo zahvaljujemo v imenu naše mladine, ki bo od tega imela koristi. Otvoritev konvencije se je sicer pričela že v nedeljo jutro, z cerkveno slavnostjo v slovenski cerkvi Svetega Štefana v Chicagu, članice so se udeležile v narodnih nošah. Ker žal nisem mogla biti navzoča, upam, da bo katera poročala o tej slavnosti ter o obisku v Lemontu v soboto večer. Konvencija je vse tri dni potekala lepo in mirno. Vs.-jka odbornica in delegatka se je očividno globoko zavedala važnosti svoje naloge. Ker je potek konvencije označen v Zapisniku, ki je priobčen v tej številki ne bom na tem mestu konvenčnih rezultatov ponavljaja, omenim naj le, da Mr. James F. Batnam, nadzornik narodnega muzeja, ki je vpostavljen v poslopju “Boginje Svobode” v nevvjorškem pristanišču, prosi naj bi jim Zveza poslala nekaj zgodovinskega materijala nanašajoč se na slovensko imigracijo v Ameriki, ker tega dosedaj še nimajo, želijo pa v muzeju imeti zastopane vse narodnosti. Gospa Olga Ancel, Zvezina glavna odbornica, ki si z nadzornikom dopisuje odkar je muzej osebno obiskala in ni našla nobene razstave slovenskih stvari, čemur se je čudila, je bila od konvencije pooblaščena, da prične zbirati predmete za ta vsenarodni muzej. Sicer ne potrebujejo zelo veliko, ker je njih prostor omejen, želijo pa imeti slovensko narodno nošo, razne ročne izdelke, zlasti pa dokumente kot potne liste s katerimi so naši ljudje prišli v Ameriko ter listine, ko so postali ameriški državljani. Ce ima kdo kaj takega in želi muzeju oddati naj pošlje na naslov: Mrs. Olga Ancel, 1115 Frederick St. Joliet, III. 60435 Med opoldanskim odmorom nas je Corinne Leskovar, načelnica konvenčnega odbora, zabavala s premikajočimi slikami bivših Zvezinih aktivnosti. Slike so vzbudile prijetne spomine na nedkajne živahne čase. Ob zaključku konvencije je umetnica ga. Ražman — Bucik vsaki odbornici in delegatki poklonila sliko z narodnim motivom, kar je bilo sprejeto z hvaležnostjo. V PODEŽELSKI KLINIKI V SLOVENIJI Dekle iz Gornje vasi telefonira v kliniko: “Prosim, kakšno je stanje tovariša Janeza Graharja iz Spodnje vasi?" Telefonistka: “Na katerem oddelku je?” Dekle: “Saj to bi rada izvedela.” Telefonistka: “Kaj mu pa je?” Dekle: “Z avtom da so se ponesrečili, ožgan da je, pravijo in mene silno skrbi. Njegova bodoča žena bom...” Telefonistka: “Potem je na dermi. Kličite številko 323 — 323.” Dekle kliče. Ko zazvoni trinajstič se oglasi vratar ktin 'ke. Dekle: “Lepo prosim povejte mi v kakem stanju je tovariš Janez Grahar iz Spodnje vasi. Pravijo, da je zelo opečen.” Vratar: "Počakajte malo!” Vratar vpraša strežnico. Strežnica vpraša medicinsko sestro, medicinska sestra vpraša dežurno medicinsko sestro Dežurna medicinska sestra gre iskati dežurnega zdrav-nikor. Dežurni zdravnik je v menzi. (Lunch room). Dežurna sestra pove to medicinski sestri, sestra strežnici, strežnica vratarju, vratar reče dekletu: “še en trenutek, gospa!” nakar telefonira v menzo. V menzi knjigovodkinja prosi strežnico naj pokliče dežurnega zdravnika k telefonu. Dežurnega zdravnika pa ni več v menzi. Odšel je nazaj na svoj oddelek. Vratar to zve in reče dekletu: “še en moment!” Vratar nato reče strežnici, strežnica medicinski sestri, medicinska sestra dežurni sestri, naj dežurna sestra najde dežurnega zdravnika. Dežurni zdravnik začudeno vpraša dežurno sestro: “Janez Grabnar? — Opekline? Takega bolnika nimamo v mojem oddelku.” Uslužbenka išče po zapisniku: “Grabar, Grabar, Gra... ne, takega bolnika res nimamo v seznamu, ki bi bil opečem. Eden pa je, pa se piše Anton Kopriva, ima opekline tretje stopnje ” Vratar dekletu: “Ali se vaš fant mogoče piše Anton Kopriva? Ta je opečen." Dekle: "Ne, ne, piše se Janez Grahar. Križana gora, kaj pa je z njim, povejte mi!" Mimo pride zdravnik iz preizkovalnega oddelka ter sliši pogovor: Zdravnik: "Janez Grahar? Tega imamo z tovariši na preiskovalnem oddelku. Vratar: "Ali je hudo opečen? žena telefonira ” Zdravnik: "Opečen? Ne, nihče ni opečen, samo okajeni so tako, da se obnašajo kot opice. Prometnik pravi, da je njih avto kot harmonika ZAPISNIK 16-te KONVENCIJE SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE V CHICAGU, 20.-23. MAJA, 1973 Konvencija S.Ž.Z. se je pričela dne 21. maja, 1973 v Bismarck hotelu, Chicago, Illinois. Glavna predsednica, Antonia Turek odpre sejo ob 9:0C zjutraj z lepim pozdravom. Pevski zbor The Dawn iz Clevelanda, Ohio, zapoje državno in narodno himno ter pesem naše Zveze. Naša častna preds. Mrs. Marie Prisland pozdravi odbornice in delegatinje in Rev. Klavdij Okorn, O.F.M., duhovni svetolvalec S.Ž.Z. opravi molitev za uspeh kon-venčnih zborovanj. Fanika Humar, glavna tajnica čita imena odbornic. Za zapinsnikarico v slovenščini je sprejela Sophia Ma-gayna, v angleščini pa Olga Ancel. Preds. je imenovala posamezne odbore za razna vprašanja konvencije. Odsotne delegatinje so: Rose Pujz-dar, št. 41 in Catherine Pollack, št. 19. Angeline Kozjan predlaga, da se sprejme imenovani odbor. Predlog podpira Rose Kramer. Za stražarko pri vratih je bila izbrana Margaret Fischer od št. 1., Mary Bostian, drž. preds. za Ohio-Mich. je prečitala pismo od št. 41, katero da preds. na glasovanje in se sprejme. Za pozdravni odbor (greetings committee) je imenovana Mayme Muller, ki odkloni, nato mesto načelnice tega odbora sprejme Corinne Leskovar. Duhovni svetovalec Fr. Okorn želi uspešno zborovanje. Povdari, da čita v Zarji kako gremo naprej in moramo prositi za božji blagoslov za še večje uspehe v bodočnosti. Gl. predsednica Antonia Turek poda poročilo za 3 leta. Posebno poroča o kuharskih knjigah, kotilionskem plesu v Clevelandu in drugih aktivnosti od zadnje konvencije. Marion Marolt, predlaga, da se njeno poročilo sprejme, kar podpira Anna Lustig. Poročilo sprejeto. Tajnica šolninskega sklada, Mrs. Prisland poroča o znesku tega sklada v banki za našo mladino in da smo že podarile 66 šolnin. Poroča tudi o prodaji knjig in posebno je bila vesela, da je podr. št. 2 v Chicagu darovala lepo svoto $1,000.00 za sklad. Posebej se zahvali urednici Corinne Leskovar za odlično delo v Zarji ter za krasno uspeli banket v hotelu, kakor tudi podr. št. 2 za fino postrežbo. Njeno poročilo je bilo sprejeto z odobravanjem, na predlog Rose Maraš [n podpirano od Ann Hočevar. Nato prebere njeno poročilo podpreds. Marie Florian, ki upa, da bo zelo uspešna konvencija. Poročilo sprejeto in podpirano: Mayme Muller — LillianPutztell. Poročilo gl. tajnice Fanike Humar je bilo razdeljeno med delegatinje in smo vse čitale z njo v slovenščini. Na piedlog Jennie Pugtely in podpirano od Josephine Com-mensek, je poročilo sprejeto, kakor brano. Gl. blagajničarka, Elizabeth Zefran poroča o izidu 37 kegljaške turneje za Osrednji Zapad. Frances Blatnik predlaga, da se poročilo sprejme, kar podpira Millie Poropat. Gl. nadzornica, Ann Podgoršek se v svojem poročilu lepo zahvali podr. št. 2 za delo priprav za konvencijo in je zelo hvaležna, da je bila izbrana za "Ženo leta”. Knjige je našla vse v redu. Za naprej se odreče, ponovni izvolitvi. Na predlog Mary Boštjan, je poročilo podpirano od Margaret Fischer in sprejeto. Druga gl. nadz. Ann Kompare se zahvali v svojem poročilu št. 2 v Chicagu. Knjige so vse pregledane in najdene v redu. Poročilo sprejeto na predlog Frances Blatnik in podpirano od Ann Lustig. Poročilo tretje gl. nadzornice Jennie Feme se strinja, da so našle Zvezine knjige vse v odličnem redu. Pozdrav in zahvala št. 2. Sprejeto na predlog Mary Muller in podpirano po Jennie Pugely. Finančna tajnica, Olga Ancel je podala zelo dobro poročilo o denarnem stanju Zveze in o naložbah Zvezi-nega denarja, da dobimo kar največje obresti. Vse smo bile zadovoljne z njenim poročilom, ki je bilo sprejeto na predlog Corinne Leskovar in podpirano od Rose Kramer. Urednica Corinne Leskovar nam je dala tiskano poročilo. Zarja kar lepo napreduje. List je naše veselje in ponos. Zelo smo srečne, da imamo tako inteligentno in sposobno urednico, ki se trudi, da napravi naše mesečno glasilo kar najbolj zanimivo, posebno se trudi, da obdrži slovenski jezik za bodočnost. Poročilo sprejeto na predlog Margaret Fisher in podpirano od Lillian Putzell. Nato se zborovanje prekine za kosilo. Po kosilu smo videle zelo zanimive filme posnete pred 35 leti ko je bila naša Zveza izredno aktivna v paradah. Filmi so iz leta 1937 do 1939. Nato smo se slikale in popoldansko zborovanje odpre preds. ob 1:30 popoldne. Tajnica prebera čestitke in telegrame od podr. št. 20, KSKJ, podr. št. 1, 17, 14, čestitke od brata in sestre Mrs. Podgoršek, sin Bill, Bob in vnuki, Fran in Liz, Rose Skoff, Hon. Ralph Perk, župan mesta Cleveland, Mary Otoničar, župnik slov. fare St. Lawrence, podr. št. 1, Mrs. Lenich iz Eveleth, Minn., podr. št. 20, in 96, Mr. in Mrs. Kcstelec, Mrs. Stusek, Wickliffe, O., in Mrs. Anna Pachek, Pueblo, Colo. Mrs. Prisland čita poročilo tajnice šolninskega sklada, Hermine Dicke. Prosi tudi za razne recepte slovenskih jedil, kakor so: žganci, zelje, rajžove klobase in druge. Poročilo sprejeto: predlagano po Frances Blatnik in podpirano po Margaret Fischer. Poročilo državne preds. za III. - Ind., Ann Lustig je bilo objavljeno v Zarji in je odobreno. Enako poročilo drž. preds. za Ohio-Mich., Mary Boštjan, ki doda nekaj besed z zahvalo podr. št. 2 za izborno pripravljeno konvencijo in program. Poročilo sprejeto na predlog Sophie Magajna in Rose Kramer. Drž. preds. za Penna - N.Y., Mary Tomsic v poročilu tudi naroča pozdrave in zahvalo podr. št., 2 za gostoljubnost. Poročilo sprejeto na predlog A. Lustig in podp. Rose Kraemer. Preds. za Wise., Rose Kramer prebere triletno poročilo kar je sprejeto na predlog Josephine Commenshek in podpirano od Angeline Karish. Mrs. Prisland omenja članstvo zadnjih treh let je nazadovalo. V 4 letih smo izbubile 512 v razredu A in 57 v B Vsaka delegatinja je dobila tiskano finančno poročilo za zadnja tri leta. Poročilo je bilo sprejeto. Poročilo drž. preds. za Minn., Barbare Rosandich je bile objavljeno v Zarji in nima ničesar za dodati. Izreka čestitke novo - izvoljeni drž. preds. Angeline Karish in ji želi mnogo uspehov v bodočem delu. Sprejeto na predlog Anne Trdan in Marion Marolt. Mary Muller sporoča od knjižic glede vodenja sej in pravilnik. Vsaka bo prejela izvod. Preds. naznanja, da vse kar so delegatinje prinesle, je na razstavi v sosedni dvorani. Mrs. Zibert in Mrs. Poppish od št. 2, bodo prodajale. Fanika Humar prebere pismo od podr. št. 41, kjer imajo precej priletnih članic in bi rade videle, da bi konvencija izboljšala smrtnino od $100 na $200. Pismo se odda odboru za pravila v razpravo. Delegatinje se nato udeležijo sej posameznih odborov, ker vsaka je dodeljena vsaj enemu odboru. Ob 4:30 se vrnejo z zahtevo, da nadaljujejo z razpravami in bodo iznesle predloge drugo jutro. Father Okorn vodi molitev s katero se zasedanje zaključi ob 5 uri popoldne. *** Konvencija se nadaljuje drugi dan, to je dne 22. maja, 1973 ob 9:25 zjutraj z molitvijo, katero opravi Fr. Klavdij. Preds. pozdravi vse zbrane in tajnica čita imena odbornic. Prebran je bil zapisnik prvega dneva v slovenščini ter bil z manjšimi spremembami sprejet. Olga Ancel prebere zapisnik v angleščini, ki je sprejet. Načelnica odbora za pozdrave, Corinne Leskovar poda poročilo o poslanih pozdravih in brzojavkah, med drugimi tudi pozdravno pismo slovenskim duhovnikom po Ameriki, mnogim slovenskim županom in drugim odličnim osebnostim. Vse je lepo sprejeto z odobravanjem, na predlog Barbare Rosandich in podpirano po Ann Lustig. Odbor za resolucije še ni pripravljen in bo poročal pozneje. Načelnica odbora za pravila, Mrs. Marie Prisland, povabi Mary Muller, da čita predloge; Ena podr. predlaga, da se spremeni ime naše organizacije in da namesto “Union” se najde druga beseda. Predlog je odklonjen. Čl.14 — imenovanje naj bo od odbora in iz dvorane. C1..28 — napisati: National Officers (glavne odbornice). Ker je to zakon, da imamo 7 direktoric, Mrs. Prisland povdari, da ima urednica tudi glasovalno pravico in da bo postala redna direktorica, ko bo Mrs. Prisland odstopila in tako bo Mrs. Leskovar, stopila na njeno mesto. Č1.35 — se spremeni, mesto “slovenski in hrvatski jezik” se napiše "American”. Čl.49 — Dodatek: Finančna tajnica mora poročati gl. blagajničarki, ali pa predsednici. Čl.50 — šolnina: druga vrstiva — šolnina za fante in dekleta, ki morajo biti včlanjeni vsaj 3 leta. Omejitev ene šolnine na podružnico in ene na družino. Cl.57 — dodati, da podpredsednica se udeleži vseh sej gl. odbora. čl.59 — dodati: “namestnica izvoljena”. Cl.76 D— dodati: da nadzorni odbor dobi sporočilo kam gre denar. Čl.78 C— dodati eno besedo: vse (ali). Čl.82 — napisati besedo, da se bo bralo “youth” ne “junior”. Č1.89 — investicije 2%, a po novem zakonu lahko gre do 33%. C1.101 — $5.00 — to je za nove članice, ki doslej še niso v podr. Čl. 102 — moški sprejeti — ne. Cl. 103 — Social members $4.00. Subscription $3.60. Vsaka podr. sklene svoj račun o tem. 40 cents ostane v domači blagajni. Čl.112 — Predlog, da se asesment poviša za 5 cents za stroške prihodnje konvencije, se odkloni. Za stroške konvencije, se odobri tudi v bodoče prodajanje listkov. Čl.119 — Otroci naj ostanejo do 25 teta starosti. Č.160 — ste vstavi "tajnica bo....” Cl.195 — PRAVILNIK PODPIRAN. (Pravila bodo natiskana). Nato je bila seja prekinjena za kosilo ob 12:15. Predsednica zopet odpre sejo ob 1:30 pop. Tajnica čita telegrame in pozdrave: iz Ljubljane, od št. 43, 20, 41, 6, od gl. tajnika KSKJ, Robert Kosmerl, št. 73, 16 in od John Kodrich, od Dobrodelne Zveze. Corinne Leskovar naznani, da je neimenovana oseba darovala $100 za šolninski sklad, ker se ni mogla udeležiti Cotillion plesa. Daruje v imenu Mimi Leskovar. Po slikanju in po žrebanju smo se zopet zbrale k zasedanju ob 2:45. Dodatno k pravilom je na predlog urednice bilo sklenjeno in odobreno za vse novo pristople članice 5 cents poviška, to je za A 50 cents in za B 80 cents. Glasovalo je 39 za predlog in 12 proti. To stopi v veljavo 1. jul. 1973. Za vse dosedanje članice ostane nespremenjeno. Preds. se zahvali odboru za opravljeno delo. Odobreno na predlog Margaret Fischer in podpirano od Ann Trontel. Sledi poročilo tiskovnega odbora pod načelstvom Corinne Leskovar. Poročilo bere Sophie Magajna in nato urednica povdari, da ne smemo pozabiti na našo slovenščino. Sprejeto na predlog Millie Pucel in podp. po Frances Oblack. Nato se sprejme poročilo šolninskega odbora, ki je bilo podano že prej. Odbor za nagrade in sport, z Ann Hočevar na čelu, predlaga, da se priredi kotilionski ples v več krajih, kjer so slovenske naselbine, podpira se nadalje kegljanje in pojači se članske kampanjo. Predlaga, da se kupi mali spominček vsem, ki delajo v domačih podr. več kot 25 let. Taj. Fanika Humar poroča, da je v počastitev naše ustanoviteljice, Mrs. Prisland kot “Pozdrav mladini” bilo včlenjenih več novih članic: št. 1 — 4 mladih in 1 v odraslem oddelku; št. 12 — 2 mladinska člana; št. 17 — 1 mlad., Rose Kramer, Wis. in Mary Tratnik od št. 43, so pridobile 46 novih mlad. članic. Vse, posebno Mrs. Prisland smo bile vesele. Nato poroča načelnica mladinskih aktivnosti, Olga Ancel. Povdari potrebo, da bi mladina bolj brala Zarjo. Podpirati bi morali tudi sport, kegljanje in piknike. Dalje, da bi pričeli s tekmovanjem s spisi o slovenski preteklosti kulturni in zgodovini ter običajih. Tudi Fr. Okorn to priporoča. Poročilo sprejeto na predlog Liz Zefran in pod. od Corinne Leskovar. Fanika Humar poroča za odbor tajnic, ki priporočajo nove tiskovine. Dalje se priporoča, da bi tajnice dobile mtesto dosedanjih .5 od članice, .20. Mrs. Pugelj predlaga, da se bonus tajnici poviša od .5 na .10 od vsake članice, ki je plačana ob koncu leta. Pri glasovanju večina odobri ta predlog. Mrs. Livek priporoča, da bi starejše članice že pred 75 letom starosti bile proste članarine. Obrazloži se, da to v sedanjih okoliščinah ne bi bilo izvedljivo. Mrs. Prisland svetuje, da bi Zveza dobila stalnega odvetnika in računovodjo, ki bi nam svetovali v raznih zadevah. Predlagano po Roso Kramer in podpirano po Lillian Putzel. Mary Muller predlaga, da se seja zaključi in Fr. Okorn opravi molitev in preds. zaključi zborovanje ob 4:30 pop. + * + TRETJI DAN zasedanja 16-te konvencije SŽZ v Chicagu, se je pričel dne 23. maja ob 9:10 zjutraj v kon- venčni dvorani hotela Bismarck. Po pozdravu predsednice, opravi Fr. Okorn molitev. Prečita se zapisnik prejšnje seje v slovenščini, ki se na predlog Corinne Leskovar s popravki člena 112, sprejme KONVENČNI PRIZOR Ljubki otroci sobotne slovenske šole v Chicagu pod vodstvom ge. Fanike Humar in prof. Alfreda Fišingerja, so navdušili vse goste slavnostnega banketa v Bismarkovem hotelu, s krasnim slovenskim petjem in lepimi narodnimi nošami. Na večernem programu so pele tudi vrle kleveland-čanke zbora The DAWN pod vodtsvom inž. Gorenška. Glavni govornik je bil dr. Jože Bernik, podpreds firme. Abbott Laboratories. Kot krona večera je bil prvi slovenski koto-lionski ples v Chicagu in predstava 9 ljubkih mladih članic. Večer bo ostal gostom v trajno lepem spominu. v celoti. Predlog podira Ann Kompare. Zapisnik v angleščini je tudi sprejet kakor čitan. Odbor za brzojavke in pozdrave, Corinne Leskovar, poroča, da so vsa pisma odposlana. Za mladinski odbor predlaga Olga Ancel povišek božičnega prispevka za mladinske člane od .25 do .50. Ker predlog ni bil podpiran predlaga Millie Pucel, da se plača .30. Rose Kramer podpira predlog. Med rczolucijami je sprejet predlog proti splavu, predlagan od Olga Ancel. Rose Kramer, načelnica odbora za izbor prihodnjega konvenčnega mesta, poroča, da je za leto 1976 izbrano mesto Pittsburgh, Pa. Prevzele sta Mrs. Tomsic in Ann Trontel. Ann Kompare poda poročilo odbora za plače in prevoz. Odobri se $150.00 za duhovnega svetovalca, $100 in $25 mesečno za preds., $50 in $25 za stroške mesečno za častno preds., $50. letno za podpreds.; $700 mesečno za gl. tajnico, urednica dobi $525 plače na mesec in 3 nadzornice $50 letno in dnevnice za seje; blagajničarka $300 letno, direktorica ženskih aktivnosti $50, Regina za pisanje $125 na leto; drž. preds. $75 na lete, pisateljica kolone Pot in Pans $35 na mesec, tajnica šolninskega sklada $25 iz tega sklada. Tajniška moč v gl. uradu $500 na mesec. — Nagrade konvcncijo so: predsednica $100, urednica in načelnica konvenčnega pripravljalnega odbora $350, gl. tajnica $250, blag. $100, Mary Muller $50, zapisnikarice $100 in Mrs. Prisland za delo sprememo pravil $150. Za prevoz dobijo delegatinje .10 na miljo, če pride z lE.stnim autom. Načelnica A. Kompare se zahvali odboru. Njeni predlogi sprejeti na predlog Barbare Rosandich in podp. Mildred Poropat. Mrs. Prisland predlaga, da damo otrokom, ki so tako lepo peli $50 za njihovo slovensko šolo. Mrs. Humar se lepo zahvali. Predlog sprejet Josephine Commenshek in podpiran od Ann Lustig. Po kosilu se seja prične ob 1:30 pop. Vršilo se je tudi žrebanje listkov in Mrs. Prisland oznani, da je skupno prišlo v šolninski sklad $1,880. Sledijo volitve odbore. Načelnica odbora za nominacije, Mildred Pucel, čita listo: Duhovni vodja, Rev. Okorn. Sprejme še za naprej. Za preds. Antonia Turek predlagana od nominacijskega odbora in Mary Boštjan predlagana iz dvorane. Končni izid tajnih volitev je bil: Turek 20, Boštjan 30. Mary Boštjan sprejme. Za podpreds. je predlagana Marie Floryan, ker ni drugega predloga je izvoljena soglasno in sprejme. Gl. tajnica Fanika Humar, izvoljena soglasno, enako blag. Elizabeth Zefran, in 3 predlagane nadzornice: Ann Kompare, načelnica, Olga An-ce! in Barbara Rosandich, članice. (Jennie Feme je odklonila). Za urednico Zarje je ponovno soglasno izvoljena Corine Leskovar. Ze direktorico je ponovno izvoljena Elizabeth Zefran, za mladinske aktivnosti, Olga Ancel. Za državne predsednice so bile izvoljene: Sophie Magajna za Ohio-Mich., Anna Lustig za III.-Ind., Angelina Karrish za Minn., Rose Kramer za Wise., Ann Trontel za N.Y.-Penna., Rose Scoff za Cal., Olga Mesojedec za Colo-Kans.-Mo. — Na-predlog urednice se soglasno izvoli Mary Tomsic in Anna Pachek za častne državne predsednice v zahvalo za njuno zaslužno delo. Hermine Dicke jc izvoljena za tajnico šolninskega sklada. Fr. Okorn zapriseže vse novo-izvoljene uradnice, ki obljubijo zvestobo Zvezi. Nova predsednica, Mary Boštjan se zahvali za izvolitev in obljubi, da se bo potrudila za kar največji napredek organizacije. Fr. Okorn opravi zaključno molitev in preds. Antonia Turek zaključi zborovanje ob 4 uri popldne. ANTONIA TUREK, predsednica SOPHIE MAGAJNA, zapisnikarica V TEKU JE PO-KONVENCNA KAMPANJA ZA NOVE ČLANICE!? Pridružite se vse tej kampanji, ki traja do konca leta dne 31. dec. 1973. Za nove članice je malenkostno zvišanje članarine, toda za vse dosedanje članice ostane nespremenjeno! Za nove članice je članarina v razredu A: 50c. mesečno, v razredu B: 80c. mesečno, za mladinske člane 10c. na mesec in družabne članice $4.00 na leto. VSE NA DELO ZA NAŠO ZVEZO! p. Klaudij Okcrn, ofm: ZAMAN SMO SE TRUDILI O nekem duhovniku pripovedujejo, da je bil dober duhovnik in pravi oče svojim faranom. Ljubil je svoje farane. Zelo se je prizadeval, da bi vsejal dobro seme na to njivo njemu zaupano. Popolnoma se je poglobil v njihovo življenje. Popolnoma se je zrastel z njihovimi radostni, skrbmi in brigami. Nedeljo za nedeljo jim je lomil kruh božje besede. Ski'šal je dvigati duše iz njihprve vsakdanjosti k Bogu. K.akor pa si je prizadeval, vseh slabih vplivov od zunaj ni mogel preprečiti. Zdelo se mu je, da ima vedno manj vpliva. Imel je občutek, da je njegovo delo brezplodno. Zaman se je upiral. Sile, ki so od drugod prodirale, so bile močnejše kot njegova dobra volja. Skozi njegovo srce je šla skeleča bolečina: toliko let je tukaj, toliko žrtev je doprinesel, a vse — zaman. Kako nas to spominja ribjega lova apostolov na Ge-ne2areškem jezeru. Jezus je pravkar končal svoj govor in petem stopil v Petrov čoln ter mu rekel: Odrini na globoko in vrži mreže na lov. Peter je bil odličen in isku-šen ribič. Točno je vedel, da tisti čas, ko mu je Jezus rekel naj vrže mreže za lov ni bil čas za to vendar reče seveda nekoliko užaljeno: “Učenik vso noč smo se trudili pa nismo nič ujeli; toda na tvojo besedo bom vrgel mreže.” In zajeli so obilo rib. Morali so klicati tovariše, da so jim prišli pomagat. Koliko razočaranj in malodušnosti je danes v svetu. Človek vse premalo zaupa v Boga. Vendar vse zavisi od Boga. Vse naše življenje z vsemi njegovimi uspehi in neuspehi. Srečen človek, ki vsako jutro reče Gospodu: V tvojem imenu bom danes začel delati sam nad seboj, čeprav sem tolikrat doživel brodolom življenja. Delal bom za bližnjega. Vsa razočaranja in preiskušnje bom nosil v zaupanju na Boga z vsemi križi in vso človeško slabostjo. Življenje v nas kleše podobo in jo kleše po božji volji. Zato ni nič izgubljenega in nič zaman. DOPISI ŠT. .2, CHICAGO, ILL Pomlad nas poživi in s cvetjem pomladi, poletje nas s soncem pogreje in nam da novih moči, kot priprava na dolgo zimo. Pa kdo more sedaj misliti na zimo? Rajši poglejmo nazaj v zeleno pomlad in našim čitateljem povejmo o našem materinskem večeru in o delu in uspehih konvencije. Tisti četrtek večer pred materinskim dnevom smo se zbrali v cerkvi sv. Štefana k sv. maši in litanijam. Cerkev je bila dobro zasedena, vsa v duhu svežih šmarnic katere smo dobili pri vhodu. Sv. mašo je daroval g. pater Fortunat Zorman, peli so pa vsi navzoči. Po lepi pobožnosti smo se v dvorani pod cerkvijo malo okrepčali in pokramljali. Konvencija je nadvse dobro uspela. Vse je šlo po načrtu; še vreme je bilo naklonjeno. V soboto pred konvencijo je bila kratka komemoracija za naše umrle članice. V Lemontu pred lurško votlino so nas migljajoče svečke spominjale na članice katerih ni več in nas opominjale, da božja roka pretrga nit življenja prav tako hitro, kot veter ugasne svečke. V nedeljo dopoldne smo se zbrali v društvenih prostorih in v sporedu šli v cerkev. Lepo število narodnih noš in bander se je pridružilo delega-tinjam kar je naredilo prav slovesno otvoritev konvencije. V cerkvi je bilo tudi vse praznično. Štirje duhovniki so somaševali in cerkveni zbor je res izbrano pel. Po maši je sledilo dobro kosilo. Zvečer se je vršil slavnostni banket v Bismarck Hotelu. Glavni govornik je bil Dr. Jože Bernik, kateri je ob enem tudi predstavil “debutantes”. Magda Simrayh je čestitala naši ustanoviteljici Mrs. Prisland. Večer je potekal v najlepšem redu, za- kar gre zasluga Corinne, ki je vso stvar zamislila. Poročilo o konvenčnih sestankih je napisano drugje v tej številki. Gotovo je tudi ta del konvencije bil uspešen, ker je bilo do zadnjega vse premišljeno in pripravljeno. Nič ni bilo izpuščenega ali pozabljenega, ker sta Fanika in Corinne pač izvrstni organizatorici in obe neutrudljivo delata. Prav lepa hvala njima in vsem ostalim, ki so na katerikoli način pomagali. Sedaj se pripravljamo na Zvezin Dan, ki bo 15, julija v Lemontu Upam, da se bomo zbrali v velikem številu. Nasvidenje, KRISTA ARKO ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, O. V mesecu maju, smo imele sejo eno nedeljo prej kot po navadi, še precejšnje število se nas je zbralo. Letos pri naši podr. nismo izbrale "zaslužno mater” m tako smo počastile vse članice, ki prihajajo na seje. Mogoče bomo drugo leto imele več članic redno na sejah ter bomo potem lahko izbrale eno, zato vas vse vabim, da pridete. Ko sem prevzela tajniški odbor, se posebno rada spomnim vseh tistih članic, ki so bolane in ki praznujejo rojstne dneve. Dosti izmed vas ne poznam osebno, toda prej ali slej se bomo že kje srečale. Praznovale smo Materinski dan in brala se je sv. maša v St. Mary’s cerkvi na Holmes Ave. za vse naše matere, žive in pokojne. Posebno smo se tudi spomnile naših bolanih sester. Prihodnja dva mesece v juliju in avgustu bodo počitnice in vem, da vas več potuje v staro domovino Slovenijo, zato vsem izletnikom želimo srečno pot tja in nazaj in upamo, da se boste kar dobro imfeli. ŠT. 4, OREGON CITY, ORE. Vsem gl. odbornicam in delega- tinjam se lepo zahvaljujem za karto, katero sem prejela iz konvencije, ki se je vršila v Chicagu, čeprav imam že 86 let za seboj, vendar se že vedno zanimam za napredek meni tako ljube organizacije, SŽZ. - Delegatinjam se želim opravičiti, da nisem se prej oglasila, ker sem žal imela smrt v družini, ko mi je umrla moja ljuba hčerka Agnes, s katero sva živele skupaj 27 let. Pa je že taka božja volja, bila je stara komaj 63 let. Vsem odbornicam in članicam, posebno urednici, pošiljam najlepše pozdrave, MARY POLAJNAR, preds. V našo blagajno so darovale: Mary Penko, Mary Komidar, Helen Može, J'osie Sustarsic, Anna Markovič, Phyllis Attina, Mary Černigoj, Frances Zulich, Joyce Lenasi, Fay Moro, Jennie Glazar, Josephine Barbo, Jennie Batich in Antonia Lukane. Hvala lepa vsem skupaj. Sedaj pa par besed od 16-te konvencije. Najprej se lepo zahvalim Glavnemu odboru in podr. št 2 v Chicagu, ki so nam tako fino postregle. Zahvala urednici Corinne Leskovar, ki nam je povedala kako so vse članice pomagale, da je bilo vse v redu za nas delegatinje. Rev. Father Okorn, ki ima tako dober smisel za šalo (sense of humor), kar je bilo za mene nekaj nepozabnega. Vesela sem bila, da sem spoznala druge gl. uradnice, Mrs. Prisland, Faniko Humar, Elizabeth Zefran, Marie Floryan in nadzornice Ann Kompare, Ann Podgoršek. Jennie Feme in druge iz Clevelanda sem poznala že od prej. “rograrn je šel gladko od začetka do konca. Gotovo boste več o tem brale. Iz Minnesote sem prav lepo spoznala Mrs. Anna Trdan (doma iz Ribnice) dalje Angie Karrish in Rose Maraš. Bi lahko kar naprej pisala. Lepe pozdrave! SOPHIE MAGAYNA ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Prelepi Maj je za nami, kaj ko smo ga največ v dežju preživeli in tako nadaljuje tudi Junij. Naša junijska seja je kar dobro potekla. Veliko članic se je udeležilo. Naša Tajnica nam je poročala potek konvencije. Malo spremembe so naredile. Vse nove članice, ki bodo od zdaj naprej pristopile k društvu, bodo mogle plačati članarino .5 več na mesec. Za tiste, ki so začasne članice pri društvu, bo za njih Zarja stala .35. Tiskovni papir se je veliko podražil. Druga konvencija se bo vršila v Pittsburgu, Pa. Nova glavna predsednica bo sedaj Mrs. Mary Boštjan. Dne 15, julija bomo imele piknik na Šuštarjevi Farmi. To leto bodo šle naše članice v domovino Slovenijo; Mary Iskra in mož, Tili Špehar z družino, Ani Bizja s družino, Mary Gril in njen mož Anton, in Mr. & Mrs. Kalan. Vsem tem želimo srečno pot in srečen povratek. Hudo je zbolela Mrs. Matilda Ru-pret, nahaja se v bolnici na Euclid General Glenville. Molimo zanjo, da bi čimprej ozdravela. Naš rojak Slavko Jerman odhaja nazaj v domovino jutri 7 junija, tukaj je bival tri mesece. Rekej je, da se mu dopade tukaj. Drugih važnih poročil ni zaenkrat. Ta večer so darovale: Ana Marold, Rozi Mavrič, Jenie Langar. Za tem se seja zaključi ob 9 uri. Vsem lepe pozdrave A. ŠUŠTAR ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Zopet je prišel čas poletja in počitnic, zato ne bomo imele sej do 16-tega septembra. Seveda ta seja bo posebno važna, zato opominjam vse članice, da se jo sigurno udeležite. Uredile bomo vse potrebno za banket v proslavo 45 letnice obstoja št. 17. Proslava bo združena z državno konvencijo pri nas, dne 23. septembra. Zelo je važno, da pridete na to sejo, da vse dokončno uredimo kar je potrebno za ta važni dan. Program proslave je začrtan takole: Ob 9 uri dop. bomo imele cafe in rolls; ob 9:30 sejo konvencije, nato bo ob 11:30 sv. maša v cerkvi Marije Pomoč Kristjanov. Ob 12:15 si bomo dušo privezale z glaškom dobrega, ali PRIZNANE NA OHIJSKI DRŽ. KONVENCIJI so bile dolgoletne odbornice št. 25 in zveste Zvezine delavke, MARY OTONIČAR in DOROTHY STERNIŠA. Na istem banketu je v Slov. Narodnem domu dobila priznanje tudi urednica CORINNE LESKOVAR, ob priliki 20 letnice urejevanja Zarje. Mary in Dorothy sta nerazdružljive pri delu za SŽZ in vse dobre stvari. dva, da nam korajžo da, nakar bo ob 12:1 b slavnostni banket, nato kratek program. Vstopnice za banket lahko naročite po telefonu pri Marion Marolt, če kličete 327-3871, ali tajnico Marie Florjan, tel.: 327-1444. Ker imamo omejeno število ticketov na razpolago, zato ne odlašajte. Vse rezervacije morajo biti v naprej. Sporočam žalostno vest, da nas je zapustila članica, Fanny (Medle) Stroj. Bila je vedno korajžna tn Vesela. Podala se je na KSKJ Bowling tournament v Euclid, O., kjer jo je v cerkvi Sv. Kristine med sv. mašo zadela kap in je takoj umrla. Naj ji bo dobri Bog plačnik za vsa dobra dela, ki jih je storila kot dolgoletna članica za našo podružnico. Me jo bomo zelo pogrešale, saj je bila žena dobrega srca in zavedna Slovenka. Naj ji sveti večna luč. Njenemu soprogu pa naše iskreno sožalje. Na bolniški listi imamo: Maude Glojeck ter seveda več naših sosester, katere muči dolga bolezen. želimo vsem ljubega zdravja. Bog naj čuva tudi nad članicami, ki so se podale na obisk stare domovine. želimo jim lepe počitnice med dragimi v Sloveniji in srečen povratek poln najlepših spominov. Tiste, ki potujete z automobili na tej ali oni strani morja, pa priporočam sv. Krištoferju naj varuje nad vami. Toda zapomnite si, da kadar vozite prehitro, on skoči ven iz auta in ni več odgovoi-en za vas. Pozdrav! MARY MURN ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Prišlo je lepo število članic na zadnjo sejo, katera je bila preložena od tretje na četrto nedeljo zaradi konvencije SŽZ. Delegatinja Emma Planinšek je poročala o izvidu konvencije in isto je taj. Olga Ancel in Mili Pu-cel. Bilo je mnogo zanimanja na tej seji in so članice čestitale Olgi Ancel, katera je bila izvoljena za nadzornico in direktorico za mladinski oddelek. Mili Pucel je bila v odboru za volitve, Olga Ancel za resolucije. Namestnice Jo Sumic in J'osephine Erjavec so podale svoje utise. Bilo je lepo v Bismarck hoteru, kjer je bila postrežba prvo vrstna. Na naši seji se je tudi sklenila, da imamo našo 45 letnico v sept. Posebni odbor ima to v rokah. Vas članice pa prosimo, da pomagate pri tej slovesnosti. Kaj več bo še v septembrski številki Zarje. Na seji je bila posebno počaščena kot odbornica leta Jo Sumic, kateri je predsednica pripela šopek in obdarovanje od vseh odbornic in članic je sledilo. Bila je zelo vesela dobiti toliko priznanja. Na seji je bila navzoča tudi njena sestra Ana Savol in pa nečakinja Rosanna, katera je bila deležna podpore od šolninskega sklada. (Opis o njenem delu boste čitali v angleški Koloni). Čestitke našim graduantom in članicam Suzanne Muren, Dianne Hrubos, Joyce Waltzcar (vnukinja pol. Frances Pikush) za njen Amerikani-zem in Science, dalje Marie Ancel hčerka Olge A. za njeno nadarjenost in za članico šolske godbe, za kar je prejela posebno diplomo. Letos je bilo mnogo študentov iz vseh šol, kateri so bili sprejeti na častni red in jim vsem čestitamo in jim želimo mnogo sreče in dobro bodočnost v njih prihodnjih letih. Mnogi so šli na Univerze drugi zopet v College. Naše sožalje Frances Gregorash, ki je nenadoma izgubila sina kontraktor-ja pri zidavi August Sterle, star 47 let. Umrl je nenadoma.. Zapušča več bratov in hčera. Naj mu Bog podeli večni mir. Nasvidenje na seji v septembru. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC | DOPISI za septembersko J j številko Zarje, se sprejema-, jo do 1. avgusta. Zaradi poletnih počitnic je ta ZARJA ! za julij-avgust. Vsem želim I prijetne počitnice! I Urednica J ŠT. 24, LA SALLE, ILLINOIS Drage sestre: na konvenciji v Chicagu v dneh od 20. do 24. maja je bilo res zelo luštno. Odkritosrčno moram pohvaliti lepo izvedbo teh dnevov. Mi iz La Salle bi se najbrže ne mogli udeležiti konvencije, Se se ne bi naša gl. tajnica, Fanika Humar in nag čestiti g župnik. Rev. Michael Železnikar potrudila, da sta našo podružnico zopet poživela. G. Župnik so prav lepo hvalili našo Slovensko Žensko Zvezo in spodbujali k nadaljnjemu delu ter obljubili, da bodo dali nam vste na razpolago kar bomo potrebovali. Sestra F. Humar nas je povabila na sejo dne 18. nov. Prišle smo in se nam je jezik zavezal, toda čez čas se sliši vesel glas "Jaz prevzamem". Tako je šlo naprej, in sicer brez težav, vendar smo skupno vse lepo Izpeljale. Nato smo imele jabolčno potico in kafeta, da je vsega zmanjkalo. Drugič bo vsega dovolj, tudi v blagajni je dovolj. Ena drugi pomagamo. Naše želje so in se bomo potrudile, da pridobimo nove članice in tako izpolnile vrzeli v naših vrstah. Corinne Leskovar je 100 per cent hvale vredna. Bog ji daj zdravja in njeni družini. V juniju smo imete zadnjo sejo Pred počitnicami. Naša prihodnja seja bo v septembru in vas vabim, da pridete v velikem številu in pripeljite s seboj kaj novih članic. Upam, da se bo več članic udeležilo Zvtezinega dneva v Lemontu v nedelio dne 15. julija, škoda, da jaz ne bom z vami, ker bom šla na počitnice z možem Josephom, s katerim bova slavila 38 letnico poroke. Poročena sva bila pri sv. Roku leta 1935. Na svidenje. Zdravi in lepi pozdrav vsem! Vedno Vaša, MARY “MITZI” PILETIČ preds. ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Šestnajsta redna konvencija v Chicagu je za nami. Kar ste naredite v Prid naših podružnic, da bodo še na-Prej lepo delovale v korist naše ženske organizacije, to vemo da vsem se ne more ustreči, pa bodimo kot rečejo Arnerikanski Republikanci in Damo-kratje; sedaj dobre Amerikanke; samo glejmo za naredek naše organizacije, bo lažje napredovala. V slogi je moč! Kakor sem izvedela, da ste izvolile novo predsednice Mrs. Mary Boštjan, sedaj pa ona gledala za napredek naše Zveze. Nova moč, novo delo jo čeka, ker se bo priučila, saj je dobra žena. Mrs. Antoniji Turek, pa prav lepa ^Vala za njeno delo, kot glavna pred- sednica ni samo predsedovala, je tudi dosti kuharskih knjig razpečala, ravno tako Mrs. Marte Prisland "From Slovenija to Amerika”. Najlepše delo sta pa naredila, ker sta z možem Frankom zbirala za Slovensko Kapelo v Washingtonu. Bog in Marija naj vama povrne in še delajta za Zvezo naprej. Pri naši fari Sv. Vida, smo imeli novo sveto mašo, daroval jo je naš faran Rev. Frank J. Godič v nedeljo 10 Junija na Binkoštno nedeljo od 11.45 v cerkvi Sv. Vida. Mati Josephine Godič roj. Cimperman in vsa Cimpermanova družina je pri naši Zvezi tudi v mladinskem oddelku. Naše čestitke staršem in bratu in sestricam in vsej družini. Bog in Marija naj ga blagoslovita na njegovih potih v življenju. Naša podružnica bo praznovala 45 letnico obstoja, in to Oktobra v novi dvorani Sv. Vida s kosilom. Isti dan bomo imeli od ene do treh state konvencijo, in ob 4 popoldan bo kosilo. Že sedaj vas opozarjam vse članice, da se boste gotovo udeležile našega kosila. Drugi mesec bom malo bolje opisala naše delovanje pri naši podružnici. Vsem bolnim ženam želim ljubega zdravja. V ntegovališču imamo Pauline Stampfl, Mrs. Jtennie Strnad, Mary Želko, Josephine Brodnik, Mary Sadar, Johanna Oster. Vsem Želimo ljubega Zdravja. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam. MARY OTONIČAR ŠT. 30, AURORA, ILLINOIS LA GRANGE, ILL. Pozdravljene vse članice, posebno delegatinje zadnje konvencije, ki so mi napravile prav lepo presenečenje. Dobila sem karto na kateri so bile podpisane mnoge delegatinje z lepemi voščili in pozdravi. Ker pa ne vidim več brati, sem prosila gospodinjo, Mrs. Jakobs, da mi je brala imena in se je čudila, da je toliko imen podpisanih. Razložim ji, da je v Chicagu konvencija Slovenske Ženske Zveze in da so me delegatinje počastile s pozdravi in voščili. Omenila je, da je to res lepa gesta, da so ste delegatke Tebe spomnile; res lepo! Dežja je pa kar preveč to sezono. Naš dom lepo napreduje, nas je že okrog 40, ena žena je celo iz Ohio, le nobena Slovenka ali Slovenec ne pride, kar mi da misliti, da je naž slovenski narod še zdrav in da še spoštuje stare ljudi. Še enkrat, pozdravljene delegatke in vse članice, posebno v Aurora in razveselite me še s Vašimi pismi. Naredila steni si majhen vrtec, da sem malo razgibljem na soncu, toda SVETOVNA POPOTNICA, ANNA GODLAR, odlična poročevalka št. 32 iz Euclida, O. pozdravlja vse članice iz daljnih havajskih otokov, kjer tudi v zimskem času bujno cvetejo rože. do sedaj nič ne raste. Lep vrte je moje veselje in potem vkuhavanje, kakor sem delala v Aurora. Zlati časi, ki se ne vrnejo nikdar več, kakor poje tista pesmica, katero smo peli v do movini: Oj blažena leta nedolžnih otrok, Vi imate veselje brez težkih nadlog; kako vas jaz srčno nazaj si želim, ali ve ste minile, zastonj se solzim. Jaz sem imela mnogo nadlog in težav v mojem življenju, pa če bi jih bilo mogoče še enkrat prevzeti in mojo družino skupaj spraviti, pa bi jih iz vsega srca prevzela. To seveda ni mogoče in moje življenje se izteka in ko gledam nazaj v življenje, pa vidim, da mi je res Bog pomagal prenesti vse težave življenja. Pozdravlja, FRANCES KRANTZ The Del Prado—La Grange, III. ŠT, 71, STRABANE, PA. Poročam žalostno novico, bela žte-na se pogostoma oglaša. To leto so umrle že tri članice, Mary Kirn je umrla 7. maja. Mary Chesnik, 24, maja. Naše globoko sožalje obema družinama, vama naj sveti večna luč in v miru počivajta. Obe sta bile članice od začetka naše pod. Šestnajsta redna konvencija, ki se je vršila maja v Chicagu, je lepo in mirno potekla. Sprejetih je bilo več dobrih točk v korist Zveze in pod. Volitve in vsi sklepi so lepo in mirno potekli. Vsem izvoljenim čestitam in želim, da boste vodile S.Ž.Z. v najlepši slogi in prijateljstvu. Lep pozdrav vsem delegantkam in gl. odboru. MARY TOMSIC, preds. Financial Report - Finančno Poročilo, May, 1973 Br. No. Amount: Adults: Jr. R 1 $108.00 181 68 2 265.00 413 199 3 147.90 251 153 4 8.00 11 — a 5 76.30 87 15 a 6 50.60 113 16 7 43.25 85 33 8 14.20 39 — 9 — 20 1 b 10 116.45 278 16 12 66.40 153 61 13 — 106 29 14 144.50 288 34 15 89.80 181 7 16 92.95 150 68 17 84.50 152 99 19 45.75 99 15 20 177.95 355 105 21 130.25 116 49 c 22 — 15 — d 23 100.90 209 39 24 55.60 122 37 25 297.15 559 140 26 55.90 109 28 27 — 37 2 d 28 41.65 70 28 29 9.75 23 4 30 2.40 9 — 31 75.25 78 27 32 83.75 150 64 33 121.70 190 159 34 19.25 36 4 35 29.50 50 32 37 — 18 — b 38 38.19 101 — 39 20.10 42 6 40 56.90 105 2 41 137.30 175 29 c 42 22.55 47 1 43 — 171 122 45 18.80 39 11 46 13.45 31 3 47 55.30 102 37 49 — 28 — d 50 180.25 260 53 52 30.95 51 21 54 53.40 52 37 c 55 30.25 56 18 56 42.50 91 7 57 30.90 56 15 59 — 27 — 61 — 5 — 62 20.50 20 — 63 — 91 28 64 33.10 41 1 65 — 57 21 66 32.70 41 20 67 42.10 71 8 68 38.05 59 25 69 — 69 8 70 27.40 14 3 71 58.15 117 37 72 53.70 99 63 73 7.30 22 — 74 — 26 1 77 20.45 43 28 79 — 35 18 d 80 5.15 9 4 e 81 14.90 30 1 83 7.55 16 — 84 — 43 2 d 85 16.95 37 2 86 20.60 19 — a 88 53.80 52 8 c 89 28.25 65 24 90 16.50 42 8 91 — 42 8 f 92 19.05 27 12 93 19.15 50 3 94 8.50 6 — g 95 115.85 180 24 96 44.40 43 1 c 97 6.25 14 — 99 5.30 14 — 100 31.75 48 15 101 23.80 32 11 102 — 36 2 d 103 15.65 22 14 105 35.30 29 6 c 106 — 23 1 Total: $4,107.84 7,876 2,301 Remarks: Pd. May & June a; Pd. to Dec. b; ; Pd. in April c; April & May d; April e; Pd. in March f; April to Aug. g. Income : in May 1973: Assesment: $4,107.84 Interest: 3,842.49 Rent: 210.00 Books sold: 165.50 Bond sold: 25,000.00 Tax D'eposit: 26.95 $33,352.78 U.S. Treas. Bond and Books asset: 25,165.50 Total new income in May 1973: $ 8,187.28 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI MAY 1973: Claims pd. — Izplačana zavarovanja: Br. 2, Theresa Miketich B $150.00 Br. 21, Anna Pelcic 100.00 Br. 23, Jennie Telich 100.00 Br. 25, Frances Branisel 100.00 Br. 25, Theresa R. Hosta B 150.00 Br. 26, Agnes Klobuchar 100.00 Br. 31, Frances Plfesha 100.00 Br. 31, Mary Velacich 100.00 Br. 32, Mary Mance 100.00 Br. 37, Johanna Železnikar 100.00 Br. 50, Ivana Mandel 100.00 Br. 85, Frances Kopina 100.00 Salaries — plače 1,075.14 Administration 325.00 F.I.C.A. Tax 63.09 Real Estate Tax 412.62 Zarja May Issue 2,538.69 Office Rent 75.00 Electricity 23.47 Postage & Teteph. 174.19 Convention cost 5,875.90 Miscell.- razno 60.28 Accrued Interest 455.80 U.S. Treas. Bond 25,629.38 $38,008.56 New Bond asset: —25,629.38 Total expenses - skupno stroškov: $12,379.18 Balance April 30, 1973 $570,729.40 May Income: 8,187.28 $578,916.68 May Disbursements: 12,379.18 Balance May 31, 1973: $566,537.50 FANIKA HUMAR Secretary Things to do on a Rainy Day Close the windows. Put nails in one jar, the screws in another. Look for loose change under the cushions of the sofa. Become a recluse. Try being more outgoing. Not in the rain, stupid. Put the instant coffee into tea bags. List words beginning with X. Pickup spools of thread with your bare to'es. Terribly good for the feet. Dig up some road maps and see if you can get there from here. Sing a song. Maybe “Rain, Rain Go Away”. Play with your yo-yo. Pray. How far away is thte lighting? (For each mile, 'one second between thunderclap and lightning flash). I« the lightning coming closer? Pray again. Unless you’ve been struck by lightning before. S'end a postcard to a friend who’s traveling. Get out your atlas and locate the following: Christmas Island, Afghanistan, J'ohore, Tanzania, and the Ryukyus. You might also try for Po-p'occatepetl. Make out your shopping list for next Christmas. Get out the family album. Always good for laughts. Maybe some tears. If it doesn’t, write the Atomic Energy Commission and inquire what they’ve done to the rain. Say th!e following: "If to hoot and to toot a Hottentot tot be taught by a Hotttentot tutor, should the tutor get hot if the Hottentot tot hoot and toot at the Hottentot tutor?”. All right then, say, "Six thick thistle sticks.” List the 50 states of the United States and try for the capitals. Think how your faculties would be lost if figures of speech were realized Finger in the dike, foot in the door, eye peeled, ear to th'e ground, shoulder to the wheel, hat in the ring, nose FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” /Til [Jiimniiiiicimiii1 niiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiui [iiimiiiiiiinmimimin ................................................................................................................................... HI BOYS AND GIRLS! As a result of the May convention your Regina as of July 1 also has an official title — Junior Activities director. Bylaw article 82 states that such a director organizes and supervises “drill teams, Christmas parties, Mother’s day program, correspondence in Zarja, etc.” This little sentence involves a great task which one alone cannot accomplish. A task becomes simpler when many hands are involved and from the Junior Activities convention committee comes this suggestion: each branch should have its own junior activity chairman. Said chairman would give of her time and talents to young girls and boys coordinating them in special projects. It is to be understood that the branch officers and members cooperate with her especially in recruiting new members. The convention banquet was dedicated to Youth with the principal speaker Joseph M. Bernik speaking of our youth and the preservation of their national heritages. Preparing for its 200th anniversary is our United States, a country made up of many nationalities. The next three years is a very good time to reedy our communities for this nation's observance with branches’ costumed junior groups performing national dances. This readiness toward our nation's celebration actually would be a readiness for Zveza’« golden anniversary in 1976. Sounds too ideal but then we cou'd be helped by the late Rob'ert F. Kennedy's words: "Some men see things as they are and say, why. I dream things that never were and say, why not.” His wife, Ethel, also expressed this thought: You’re only on this earth to the grindstone. Up to the neck and down at the heel. Count the silent majority. Call up your mother. If you have one, call up your grandmother. Are your car windows closed: If it’s a convertible, is the top up or down? Read the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. Figure out why doornails are supposed to be dead. Or why parents are supposed to be Proud. Go on — walk in the rain. • once. You’ve got to give it all you’ve got. In line with out national heritage idea it would be fun to interview your parents and grandparents or perhaps an old family member or neighbor as to where they came from and their early days in America. Summertime offers extra time for such fun-work, which could be written up in your own special way. No two of our ancestors will have had identical experiences. Write an interesting story about their childhood, trip across the ocean, how they found America, their love affairs, their dreams in a new country or any special, dear event in their lives. So grab some paper and sharpen your pencil and be the family's reporters. You will be responsible for preserving your own ancestors’ memories. And note that all writeups, long or short, will be printed and an award sent to each “reporter". A special appeal to all parents: help your son or daughter reporter. May your summer be blessed and extra special. Your friend, REGINA P.S. My address is 1115 Joliet, III. 60435. Frederick, □ A NURSE TO COLOR □ franc gorje % STUDIA S!.C7EJJICA P.O. 3ox zyz »jr* v n n v f * f - PATRONIZE AD VER TISERS! - IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO: Please fill out this coupon and mail Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, to the Home Illinois 60608: Name Br. no: OLD Address: Zip code NEW Address Zip code BUILD with ST. CLAIR Main office 813 East 185th Street i 11 i ' '* 6235 St. Clair Avenue 6135 Wilson Mills Road 25000 Euclid Avenue 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. 7481 Center Street, Mentor 29001 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst "at St. Clair. . . we care" GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHKBOYGAN. WISCONSIN 53081 RECIPES! TESTED! :> wmm ^ GLOW fytcfmu Send $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wifklifle, Ohio 44002 A. GRDINE & SONS rLK POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. T«l. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZELE FUNERAL HOIVSES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois G0G08 FDfli Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin LISTEN TO CHICAGO'S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HMMIE 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7 6688